Small Arms Training and Qualification: OPNAVINST 3591.1G 1 Jun 2021
Small Arms Training and Qualification: OPNAVINST 3591.1G 1 Jun 2021
Small Arms Training and Qualification: OPNAVINST 3591.1G 1 Jun 2021
1 Jun 2021
1 Jun 2021
1. Purpose.
b. This instruction is a complete revision and must be reviewed in its entirety. Policy
update includes generalization of service issued pistol and rifle; alignment with updated higher
headquarters policy, procedures and activity names; removal of Military Sealift Command from
policy applicability; and, update to small arms marksmanship instructor training and
qualification requirements.
3. Applicability. This instruction applies to all active and Reserve Navy personnel; all Navy
law enforcement and security personnel (military, civilian and contract personnel) per references
(a) and (b); Naval Special Warfare Command support personnel; and to all personnel whose
duties require them to be armed. It does not apply to Naval Criminal Investigative Service
personnel, Military Sealift Command civil service mariners and contract mariners or to Navy
special warfare SEAL operators or special boat operators.
4. Records Management.
b. For questions concerning the management of records related to this instruction or the
records disposition schedules, please contact the local records manager or the OPNAV Records
Management Program (DNS-16).
5. Review and Effective Date. Per OPNAVINST 5215.17A, Office of the Chief of Naval
Operations, Director, Services and Support (OPNAV N462) will review this instruction annually
around the anniversary of its issuance date to ensure applicability, currency and consistency with
Federal, Department of Defense (DoD), Secretary of the Navy and Navy policy and statutory
authority using OPNAV 5215/40 Review of Instruction. This instruction will be in effect for 10
years, unless revised or cancelled in the interim and will be reissued by the 10-year anniversary
date if it is still required, unless it meets one of the exceptions in OPNAVINST 5215.17A,
paragraph 9. Otherwise, if the instruction is no longer required, it will be processed for
cancellation as soon as the need for cancellation is known following the guidance in OPNAV
Manual 5215.1 of May 2016.
6. Forms.
b. The forms in subparagraphs 6b(1) through 6b(3) may be obtained from Naval Forms
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations
(Fleet Readiness and Logistics)
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1. Policy 1-1
2. Categories 1-1
3. Responsibilities 1-5
1. General 6-1
2. Policy 6-1
3. Qualification Criteria for Pistols 6-1
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Chapter 7: TARGETS
1. General 7-1
2. Policy 7-1
3. Target Sources 7-2
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1. Policy.
c. Enabling procedures permit actions or measures within described parameters. These are
not requirements, but are offered as possible actions or measures to take at the discretion of the
responsible party.
2. Categories. Security of DoD ships, aircraft, facilities, material and safety of personnel
depends, in part, upon small arms proficiency of Navy personnel.
(1) For purposes of this instruction, armed Navy personnel are divided into four
categories, as per subparagraphs 2a(1)(a) through 2a(1)(d).
(a) Category 1. Personnel issued pistols primarily for personal protection. This
category includes most officers, chief petty officers, disbursing officers, couriers and aircrews as
designated by type commanders (TYCOM) who are armed while performing their duties.
Personnel and units in this category are non-security personnel and units whose mission exposes
them to potential hostile fire requiring them to be armed for self-defense. Category 1 personnel
must qualify on the Navy Handgun Qualification Course.
(b) Category 2. Armed watch standers responsible for maintaining security of DoD
assets. This category includes law enforcement, non-expeditionary security forces (to include
contract security forces, rover watches, security reaction force personnel) and others as
designated by TYCOMs. Category 2 personnel must qualify on all courses of fire (COF)
required by this instruction as specified for the weapon(s) they are issued.
(c) Category 3. Personnel issued weapons for combat support and expeditionary
operations. These personnel are attached to or in direct support of, ground combat elements.
This category includes, but is not limited to, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command and Naval
Special Warfare Command.
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(d) Category 4. Personnel issued weapons for special missions. This category
includes, but is not limited to: explosive ordnance disposal teams in support of special
operations forces; convoy support personnel; F-18 aircraft squadrons attached to a Marine wing;
designated marksmen; visit, board, search and seizure personnel; and nuclear weapons security
for shore facilities.
(2) TYCOMs will designate personnel as one of the four categories listed in
subparagraphs 2a(1)(a) through 2a(1)(d).
(3) TYCOMs will develop specific qualification and sustainment training requirements
for personnel designated as category 3 or 4. However, all personnel designated as category 3 or
4 must complete an initial category 2 qualification on all applicable weapons prior to performing
advanced weapons techniques. Upon successful completion of category 2 qualifications,
category 3 and 4 personnel will only be required to maintain qualifications and sustainment
training for TYCOM designated categories 3 and 4 courses of fire.
b. Abilities. Shooters will be required to demonstrate their ability to present the weapon,
engage the target and perform remedial actions before live fire qualification. Chapter 2 provides
specific marksmanship, safety and weapons familiarization training requirements.
c. Qualification Criteria.
(1) All personnel must qualify with live fire annually (every 12 months). Qualifications
expire on the last day of the month in which the individual qualified. For afloat commands
deployed for 90 days or longer, qualification may be extended until 3 months after returning to
homeport when a range is not available.
(2) Weapons qualification criteria are contained in chapter 6. Before each qualification
shoot, all personnel will receive training per chapter 2.
(3) Personnel performing annual qualifications will perform the complete live fire
qualification requirement.
(4) Prior to qualification fire, it is recommended that shooters complete and successfully
pass each course of fire for each weapon, using an approved simulator, where available.
d. Sustainment Training.
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(2) Failure to complete sustainment training disqualifies personnel from carrying the
weapon until a complete requalification is conducted.
(3) Personnel may use simulators in place of live fire sustainment training.
e. Clearing Barrel Procedures. Per reference (c), clearing barrel procedures are mandatory.
f. Armed Watch Standers. All armed watch standers must complete Navy Security Force
Weapons (Navy Education and Training (NAVEDTRA) 43466-D) personal qualification
standards (PQS) and Antiterrorism Common Core (NAVEDTRA 43387-2F) PQS to stand their
assigned watch. The commanding officer (CO) determines those items that must be completed
in the PQS for each qualification. The PQS is available on the My Navy Portal Web site
g. Weapons and Ammunition. Only government owned weapons and ammunition will be
issued and used by Navy organizations conducting qualifications. Range safety officers (RSO)
will ensure weapons and ammunition used in live fire is approved for use. Contractor-provided
equipment and ammunition is acceptable when government-funded contracts for qualifications
are executed. Contracts may include rental of ranges and weapons along with purchase of
ammunition when a command does not hold weapons or have an ordnance inventory system
account; and Navy Personnel Conventional Ammunition and Explosives Handling Qualification
and Certification Program, per OPNAVINST 8023.24C.
(1) During small arms training on the range, the ratio of shooters to line coaches must not
be greater than 6 to 1 for shooters who have previously qualified on the same COF and with the
same type weapon.
(2) For training programs involving new shooters, the ratio must not be greater than 4 to
1 for regular qualification courses.
(3) The ratio for handgun and rifle lowlight courses must not be greater than 2 to 1.
(4) The ratio for the handgun and shotgun practical weapons courses will be 1 to 1.
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(5) The ratio for crew served weapons and M203 grenade launcher courses will be 1 to 1.
j. Mobile Ranges. Ranges of 25 yards or greater are not always available. Mobile ranges
can be used for qualifications and sustainment when the range has been approved as safe for use
by Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFACENGCOM). Appropriately scaled
silhouette targets are to be used, per chapter 7.
k. Other Non-Navy Ranges. Non-Navy ranges may be used to train and qualify Navy
personnel. All applicable Navy policies and regulations must be adhered to, as well as the host
range policies, if more stringent.
(1) Personnel Screening. Any individual failing the command personnel screening, per
reference (d), should not be issued firearms for watch standing and security purposes. The CO
has ultimate and final authority to arm personnel under his or her command. Determination of
which traits and actions are disqualifying is at the discretion of the CO.
(a) Mental Health Concerns. References (e), (f) and (g) provide guidance on mental
health concerns which require healthcare providers’ notification to commanders or prohibit
deployment. Determination of whether an individual should have his or her authorization to
carry a firearm temporarily or permanently revoked will be per references (e), (f) and (g).
(b) Waivers. Requests for a waiver for the removal of authorization to carry a
firearm due to mental disorder must be submitted to the individual’s CO using the process
described in reference (f). The waiver request will be submitted to the individual’s CO through
the servicing military medical unit in the case of a Service member or through the individual's
personnel office in the case of a civilian employee, with medical input provided by the
individual's medical provider. If a Service member is found qualified for retention with no
limitations on assignments or deployments following evaluation of a medical condition by
competent medical and personnel authority of his or her respective Service and if the condition
remains stable, a waiver for that same condition is not required.
1. Requests for waivers due to permanent or long term (36 months or longer)
inability to meet a specific security requirement due to a mental disorder must be forwarded, via
the chain of command, to the Navy Personnel Command Enlisted Distribution Division (PERS-
40) to determine if the individual meets the requirements for a re-designation of rate.
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(3) Convictions for Domestic Violence. Qualifying domestic violence convictions are
described in DD Form 2760 Qualification to Possess Firearms or Ammunition. Screenings must
be conducted annually (every 12 months) utilizing DD Form 2760 and maintained in the
member’s service or training record. Navy personnel have an obligation to inform their
command if they have a qualifying domestic violence conviction at any other time throughout
the year. If any individual has a question as to whether or not he or she has a qualifying
conviction, he or she should consult with personal legal counsel.
m. Civilian Marksmanship Training. Congress has recognized and encouraged small arms
training by United States citizens through the Civilian Marksmanship Program as described in
reference (i). Accordingly, COs are authorized and encouraged to extend privileges of using
ranges under their cognizance to recognized schools, colleges, police organizations, as well as
rifle, pistol, skeet and trap clubs. Civilian use must not interfere with Navy small arms training.
(1) When such use is authorized, the installation commander responsible for the range is
required to have a statement of “No Liability” or “Hold Harmless” prepared by the local legal
office or staff judge advocate and executed with a responsible person of the organization
requesting the range.
(2) Navy weapons or the expenditure of Navy ammunition in support of the civilian
marksmanship training is not authorized. RSOs will ensure civilian guests do not introduce
unauthorized weapons or ammunition to the range.
(3) Support for civilian marksmanship training extends to the military family and support
for their range use is encouraged for recreational fires. Accordingly, COs are authorized and
encouraged to extend privileges of using ranges under their cognizance to DoD dependents and
retirees on a not to interfere scheduling basis.
3. Responsibilities.
(1) Provide policy, procedural guidance and coordinating action for planning and
implementing the Navy's small arms training and qualification program via OPNAV Director,
Shore Readiness (OPNAV (N46)).
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(2) Define small arms training and qualification requirements and establish
corresponding proficiency standards based on current tactics, techniques and procedures via
OPNAV (N46).
(3) Adjudicate waivers and exceptions to this policy via OPNAV (N46).
(4) Procure ammunition and weapons to support the Navy-wide small arms training and
qualification program via OPNAV Surface Warfare Division (OPNAV (N96)).
(5) Ensure that reference (j) includes criteria for awarding marksmanship medals and
ribbons and ensure availability (OPNAV Awards Branch (DNS-35)).
(1) Review and endorse simulators for fleet use as coordinated and assessed by Naval
Warfare Center, Crane Division, Crane, IN. Laser-type simulators must be approved and
certified by the Navy Laser Review Board, per reference (k).
(2) Review and endorse new fleet training initiatives as identified by TYCOMs.
c. Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, Fleet Commanders and Echelon 2 Commands.
(2) Per reference (l), determine and submit annual noncombat expenditure allocation
(NCEA) requirements for small arms ammunition to support small arms training and competitive
match programs under their cognizance.
(4) Provide small arms instructors training guidance with regard to current training
(1) Provide adequate small arms ranges maintenance and small arms ranges management
personnel. Each small arms ranges standard operating procedure will address maintenance and
manning requirements, to include the requirements in subparagraphs 4e(1)(a) though 4e(1)(c).
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(a) Individual commands are responsible to provide their own small arms
marksmanship instruction, RSOs and line coaches.
(b) Individual commands provide their own consumables, such as targets, target
backings, personal protective equipment, flashlights, bullhorns, batteries and weapons cleaning
(c) CNIC provides very limited small arms range capacity to support the firing of
crew served weapons and has no ranges capable of firing the .50 caliber heavy machine gun.
(2) Establish and maintain CNIC funded and operated small arms ranges within the
Range Facility Management Support System. Installations will assist units in scheduling all
requests to maximize utilization of CNIC ranges. Installations will collect and maintain usage
and capabilities data on each CNIC operated range.
f. Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) and Center for Security Forces
(1) Provide subject matter expertise in all small arms training curricula development
efforts. Act as the principal Navy point of contact on all small arms training.
(2) Develop and approve all computer based training and other E-Learning products in
support of small arms training to include shooting fundamentals, line coaching techniques, dry
fire procedures guidelines, use of force and hostile intent determination decision making
(1) Provide planning and design criteria and requirements for small arms ranges.
(2) Provide NAVFACENGCOM record of compliance (certification) for new ranges and
recertification for significant upgrades and modifications to existing ranges that alter ventilation
or down range ballistic components such as trap, baffles, overhead containment and impact
berm. Navy ranges used for qualification and sustainment must have a current
NAVFACENGCOM record of compliance.
(3) The record of compliance (certification) will address the need to recertify the range
within a given time frame if recertification has not occurred as a result of significant upgrades
and modifications.
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h. Commanders or COs.
(1) Implement a training program to ensure that all personnel whose primary or collateral
duties require them to be armed will maintain proficiency to safely handle and effectively use the
weapons assigned.
(2) Ensure that all personnel required to be armed are trained in the safe and effective use
of small arms per this instruction and TYCOM training manuals.
(3) Appoint RSOs, small arms instructors and line coaches, in writing, after reviewing
their qualifications per chapter 3. Line coach designation can be delegated to the command
(4) Ensure arms, ammunition and explosives screening is conducted annually, per
reference (d).
(5) Determine and submit annual NCEA requirements for small arms ammunition.
(7) Approve civilian contractors qualified under this instruction to train and qualify
command personnel.
(8) Commanders are encouraged to support the competitive marksmanship program, per
reference (j).
(9) Per reference (m), small arms training is considered high-risk. Ensure that the
operational risk management process in reference (n) is applied to small arms live fire training
evolutions, to include having effective risk mitigation controls in place for the safe and effective
conduct of training.
i. Personnel Duties. Small arms training and qualification personnel duties and
responsibilities are delineated in chapter 3.
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1. General. Marksmanship fundamentals include the safe, accurate and proficient handling of
small arms weapons. The basic fundamentals exercised through proper instruction, by
instructors and students, help foster a more efficient and safe training environment.
2. Policy. The marksmanship, safety and weapon familiarization training must cover the
requirements in the subparagraphs 2a through 2e topics.
a. Range Safety and Orientation. Instructors must ensure all students understand the range
regulations, particular safety requirements associated with each weapon, emergency action plan
and specific information regarding the range facilities.
b. Knowledge of the Four Universal Safety Rules, Weapons Commands and Weapon
Condition Codes for Each Weapon. See chapter 3.
d. Drawing and Holstering the Pistol (as applicable). See reference (c).
e. Transporting and Presenting the Rifle (as applicable) (see reference (c)). Training must
cover presenting the rifle from the listed transports in subparagraphs 2e(1) through 2e(4).
f. Transporting and Presenting the Shotgun (as applicable) (see reference (c)). Training
must cover presenting the shotgun from the listed transports in subparagraphs 2f(1) through
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(4) Tactical sling (for personnel armed with shotguns with foldable stocks and tactical
h. Marksmanship Fundamentals.
(a) both the Weaver and Isosceles stances are permitted for all COFs (see reference
(m)); and
(b) shooters will practice drawing from the holster and must demonstrate the ability
to safely handle and present the weapon to the instructor before live firing.
(2) For rifle qualification, shooters will practice presenting the rifle from the various
transports listed in subparagraphs 2e and 2f and demonstrate the ability to safely handle and
present the weapon to the instructor before live firing.
j. Assembly and Disassembly. For guidance on the assembly and disassembly, refer to the
applicable maintenance requirement cards or technical or operator manual.
k. The Operation Portion of the Training. This covers function checks, filling and emptying
the magazine, loading and unloading the weapon and firing the weapon (see reference (c)).
l. Malfunctions, Stoppages, Immediate, Remedial Actions. See chapter 4 and reference (c).
m. RSO or Primary Small Arms Instructor. Will ensure all personnel have emptied their
pockets and they are in a sterile environment free of live fire ammunition. Personnel will
practice all of the skills necessary to safely and properly operate the weapon as specified in
chapter 3. Chapter 4 provides specific dry fire procedures and guidelines.
n. Use of Deadly Force. References (o) and (p) govern the use of deadly force and carrying
of firearms by Navy personnel.
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5. Protective Clothing. When chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear protective clothing
is available (e.g., masks and gloves), students should practice remedial actions and dry fire of the
weapon. If simulators are available, commands are encouraged to have personnel practice
simulated firing of weapons while wearing chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear
6. Live Fire Qualification Time Period. The period of time between the marksmanship, safety
and weapons familiarization training and live fire qualification must not exceed 14 days. This
period can be extended to 30 days for Reserve units.
7. Targets. The targets used for the various courses of fire are delineated in chapter 7.
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1. General. Small arms training and qualification encompasses duties and responsibilities of
personnel including, but not limited to, personnel who are trained and qualified as small arms
instructors, RSOs and line coaches.
2. Policy. Small arms instructors must meet the requirements listed in subparagraphs 2a
through 2j.
b. Be personnel who are military rank E-5, Federal employee in the General Schedule (GS)-
5 or Wage Grade (WG)-5 or above or contract instructors who have completed any of the
courses listed in this chapter.
c. Ensure a current copy of this instruction in its entirety and the emergency action plan are
available on site while conducting weapons qualifications.
d. Supervise line coaches and ensure the range training operation complies with established
range safety rules.
e. Be familiar with and follow the mishap investigation and reporting procedures detailed in
references (q) and (r).
f. Train line coaches utilizing the line coach PQS contained in Navy Security Force
Weapons PQS, NAVEDTRA 43466-D.
g. In addition to completing one of the courses listed in subparagraph 2j, personnel must
complete the associated Navy Security Force Weapons PQS, NAVEDTRA 43466-D, for small
arms marksmanship instructor and the weapons they instruct and be currently qualified in each
h. Equivalency for Navy Instructor Training Course training will be governed by NETC
directives. Prior to assuming any weapons instructor duties, small arms instructors assigned to a
formal Navy schoolhouse (e.g., Recruit Training Command) or CENSECFOR must attend and
successfully complete the courses listed in subparagraphs 2h(1) through 2h(3).
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i. Submit "OPNAV 3591/1, Small Arms Qualification Record" and "OPNAV 3591/2,
Machine Gun Performance Record" to their command's administrative division for input to
Service member's service record.
j. The courses listed in subparagraphs 2j(1) through 2j(9) provide training for small arms
and CSWI.
(2) CSWI Course (A-830-2215). Trains personnel to instruct light, medium and heavy
machine guns and M203 grenade launchers; trains personnel to be RSOs for crew-served
weapons; and awards NEC 0814.
(3) Seahawk Weapons and Tactics Instructor Course (S-050-0836). Trains personnel to
instruct helicopter aerial gunners; trains personnel to be RSOs for crew-served weapons; and
awards NEC 8210.
(4) Submarine Forces CSWI Course (A-041-0012). Trains personnel to instruct Mark
(MK)-48 crew-served weapons and trains personnel to be RSOs for MK-48 crew-served
(6) The Marine Corps Marksmanship Instructor (Military Occupational Specialty 0931)
(8) The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Small Arms Instructor Course.
(9) Non-DoD. Any other small arms or CSWI course equivalencies approved by
OPNAV Ashore Readiness Division (OPNAV N46) after CENSECFOR review of the course of
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l. Small arms instructors and CSWIs must qualify semi-annually on the courses of fire and
with the type of weapons they instruct. For deployed commands with SAMIs and CSWIs whose
qualifications will expire during a deployment, qualified status will remain in effect until 3
months after returning to homeport. Instructors who have not conducted small arms training
within the past year must become familiar with the most current information from available
resources (e.g., schools, current small arms instructors, professional resources via My Navy
Portal) before conducting classroom or range training. Instructors that have not delivered
weapons training within the past 12 months must complete the Navy Security Force Weapons
PQS they instruct.
3. RSOs.
a. Are qualified small arms instructors who have completed one of the courses in
subparagraph 1j.
b. Must complete the associated Navy Security Force Weapons PQS, NAVEDTRA 43466-
e. Must not act in the capacity of a line coach while performing the duties of the RSO, but
may call out the course of fire.
f. Will ensure a current copy of this instruction and the emergency action plan in its entirety
are available on site while conducting weapons qualification.
g. Must be familiar with and ensure that the mishap investigation and reporting procedures
are conducted per references (q) and (r).
h. Will ensure that the range regulations, training procedures and guidelines are enforced
during small arms training.
i. Will ensure OPNAV 5512/2 Authorization to Carry Firearms is completed and submitted
to their CO or their designated representative for endorsement. Following endorsement, the RSO
will ensure OPNAV 5512/2 is issued to the Service member. Armories or other weapons issuing
sites, may use a master qualification list to verify the qualification status of assigned personnel.
A separate list, updated weekly, will list those personnel who have had their weapons carry
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authorization removed. Commands can either issue OPNAV 5512/2 forms or use a master
qualification list to track the qualification status of assigned personnel and make this list
available to Navy security force forces they are augmenting.
4. Line Coach.
a. Personnel chosen from the command who have demonstrated proper weapon(s)
knowledge and proficiency; have completed the line coach PQS contained in the Navy Security
Force Weapons PQS; and are qualified in the weapon(s) they coach. Line coach designation can
be delegated by the CO to the RSO of the applicable command.
b. Will ensure compliance with all safety procedures and assist small arms instructors
during pre-fire training and coach individual shooters on the firing line. Coaches are trained to
identify shooter errors and provide the shooter with appropriate corrective actions(s).
c. Line coaches assigned to a formal Navy schoolhouse (e.g., Recruit Training Command,
CENSECFOR) must attend and successfully complete SAMI (A-041-0148) and CSWI (A-830-
2215) (as applicable) and Navy Instructor Training Course or equivalent, before assuming any
weapons instructor duties. Equivalency for Navy Instructor Training Course training will be
governed by NETC directives.
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1. General. Range regulations are developed to ensure the safety of Navy personnel during the
execution of all range operations and to maximize the life-cycle of the range and range
2. Policy. The firing range regulations of this chapter must be enforced during all small arms
training. Ensure that the classroom-training environment contains no live ammunition. Never
mix different types of ammunition when conducting qualifications in this instruction (i.e., live,
dummy, blank or marking cartridges).
3. Universal Safety Rules. The four safety rules in subparagraphs 3a through 3d are the
foundation for responsible weapons handling. These rules must be observed at all times, whether
in training or in combat.
a. Rule 1: Treat every weapon as if it were loaded. This rule is intended to prevent
unintentional injury to personnel or damage to property from careless handling or transferring
possession of a weapon.
b. Rule 2: Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot. This rule
reinforces the importance of muzzle awareness and positive identification of the target.
c. Rule 3: Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until ready to fire. This rule is
intended to minimize the risk of firing the weapon negligently or prematurely. The rule also
reinforces positive identification of the target.
d. Rule 4: Keep weapon on “safe” until you intend to fire. This rule reinforces the use of
the weapon’s safety feature (where applicable), as well as positive identification of the target.
4. Weapons Commands. Weapons commands direct personnel to safely load, unload and
employ small arms. The six commands listed in subparagraphs 4a through 4g will be used in
weapons handling and on the firing range.
a. “Load”. This command is used to take a weapon from condition 4 to condition 3 (see
chapter 6 for the weapon condition codes for each weapon).
b. “Make Ready”. This command is used to take a weapon from condition 3 to condition 1.
c. “Load and Make Ready”. This command is used to take a weapon from condition 4 to
condition 1.
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g. “Show Clear”. This command is used to require a second individual to check the weapon
to verify that no ammunition is present before the weapon is put into condition 4.
5. Range Orientation Brief. Prior to live firing the RSO will give an orientation brief on the
range and discuss the items listed in subparagraphs 5a through 5i.
b. Berms (to include a visual of the right and left lateral limits).
c. Downrange.
e. Ready line.
f. Firing line.
g. Firing points.
h. Tower or point from which the RSO will call the range.
a. RSO Authority. The RSO has final authority to decide, based on safety criteria, if a
shooter will participate in live fire qualification.
(1) Upon receipt of the weapon, the chamber will be checked to ensure it is not loaded.
Before loading, check weapon for cracked or worn parts. Inspect barrel for any damage, foreign
debris or other obstructions. Check for dirt, excess oil, grease or other problems. Check the
magazine spring for tension and the magazine in general for defects.
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(3) Never leave a firearm unattended, even for a brief period of time.
Note: Benching a cleared weapon while personnel move downrange is not considered leaving a
firearm unattended.
(4) Never discharge a firearm when running. Always stop to shoot and only when certain
of the target and path of the projectile. Always be aware of what is behind the target and the
potential impact zone. Category 3 and category 4 courses of fire may require shooting while on
the move.
(5) Never load the firearm with dented magazines, magazines with loose bullets or
otherwise damaged rounds. Only approved ammunition acceptable for use on the range will be
(6) If any unsafe condition is observed, immediately call “cease fire” or repeat the “cease
fire” command if initiated by another shooter. Anyone may call a cease-fire on the range.
(7) Hearing protection is required at all times when firearms are being discharged during
training and qualification. All personnel exposed to gunfire in a training situation or to noise
from large caliber gun or missile firing, under any circumstances, must wear sufficient hearing
protective devices (single protection up to and between 140 decibel (dB) sound pressure level
(SPL) peak and double protection at 165 dB SPL peak and above) to reduce the individual’s
effective exposure level to below 84 dBA or 140 dB SPL. References (s) and (t) pertain.
(8) American National Standards Institute approved glasses are required. The National
Stock Number (NSN) 8415-01-408-2293 meets American National Standards Institute standards.
(9) For ranges and other facilities utilizing marking cartridges or equivalent type
cartridges for force on force training, never fire marking cartridges at another person unless they
are wearing the proper personal protective equipment approved for Navy use.
(10) After completion of live fire training or whenever handling ammunition, shooters
must wash their hands prior to eating, tobacco use or drinking in order to avoid ingestion of lead
or other toxic contaminants.
(1) Pistols must be clear when not in use. The chamber must be empty, the safety must
be engaged (if applicable) and the magazine must be removed. Additionally, benched pistols
must be pointed downrange with the slide locked to the rear and holstered pistols must have the
slide closed with the hammer or striker de-cocked. The weapon must be verified to ensure it is
clear before benching or holstering.
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(2) Do not remove pistols from the holsters until at the firing point facing the target and
only when instructed to do so.
(3) Retention devices, i.e., thumb breaks and locking systems, will be used at all times
during pistol courses of fire.
(4) Pistols are to be carried on and off the range in condition 4 and must be either
holstered or carried via administrative transport.
(1) Rifles must be clear when not in use. The clear condition of a rifle is safety on,
unloaded, bolt open and magazine removed. When carrying the weapon on the range, when
benching it or receiving it from or handing it to another person, ensure the rifle is in a clear
(2) Rifles will be carried on and off the range in a vertical or port arms position and in a
clear condition.
(3) When loading a rifle, keep the weapon horizontal and pointed downrange.
(4) After unloading a rifle, while keeping the muzzle pointed downrange, visually
examine the chamber and the magazine to verify the weapon is clear.
(1) The clear condition of a shotgun is unloaded, action open, weapon on safe. When
carrying the weapon on the range, when benching it or receiving it from or handing it to another
person, make certain the shotgun is in a clear condition.
(2) When loading a shotgun, keep the weapon horizontal and pointed downrange.
(3) Shotguns will be carried on and off the range in the vertical position or port arms
position, unloaded with the breach open.
(4) After unloading a shotgun, while keeping the muzzle pointed downrange, visually
examine the chamber and the magazine to verify the weapon is clear.
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(2) Check ammunition for oil or grease. Oil or grease on cartridges will produce
excessive chamber pressure and can cause personal injury or death.
(3) Before firing, make sure barrel is locked tightly to the receiver. If the barrel is not
locked, threads in receiver could be damaged or cause personal injury. For the heavy barrel
machine gun (M2HB), complete head space and timing.
(4) For the machine gun tripod (M122), when extending and locking tripod legs, be sure
to slide sleeve down to lowest position and latched.
(5) Always cock machine guns with palms up, with the exception of the MK-19 and MK-
48 which must be cocked with palms down.
(6) Ensure that assigned and spare barrels have been head spaced and tagged to their
specific receiver. Rotate usage of barrels on their assigned weapon, typically after 200 rounds
have been fired.
(7) Never interchange barrel assembly or bolt assembly from one machine gun to
another. Doing so may result in injury or death of personnel.
(8) If a runaway gun occurs, always keep machine gun pointed downrange. Never reload
a runaway machine gun until it is repaired. Reference (u) provides specific guidance.
(9) Always use heat resistant mittens on a hot barrel. A hot barrel can cause serious
(10) When removing a stuck unfired cartridge, always stay clear of the muzzle. Do not
allow the round to hit any hard surface or it may discharge. Dispose of live rounds per local
command policy and procedures.
(11) If a hot gun situation is encountered, refer to reference (s) for hot gun misfire
procedures. Look up the specific procedures for the machine gun experiencing the problem.
This publication is required to be present on the range during training.
(12) Always unload the weapon before removing from tripod, disassembling, cleaning,
inspecting, transporting or storing. Always check the chambers and bores after unloading to be
sure the weapon is clear.
(1) “Have you experienced any injury or incapacitating mental effects that could hamper
your ability to safely operate the weapon?”
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(2) “Is there any physical or other reason that could hamper your ability to safely operate
the weapon?”
(3) “Have you consumed drugs, prescription or otherwise, within the last 24 hours that
may impair your ability to safely operate the weapon?”
h. Ready Line.
(1) The ready line is behind and parallel to the firing line. The ready line may or may not
be marked on the firing range. If there is no ready line marked, the RSO will establish a ready
line approximately 10 feet behind the firing line, depending on available space.
(2) Shooters and line coaches will initially be positioned behind the ready line. Shooters
and line coaches will not move forward of the ready line until instructed to do so by the RSO.
(3) All spectators must remain behind the ready line during live fire sequences.
(4) In order for all safety instructions to be clearly heard and understood by all personnel,
shooters will not talk while on the ready line or the firing line.
i. Firing Line.
(1) All live fire will take place at the firing line as designated in the COF.
(2) Weapons will not be handled at the firing line until specific instructions are given by
the RSO to do so.
(3) No one will move downrange (forward of the firing line) unless instructed to do so by
the RSO.
(a) Before any personnel move downrange, all shooters will bench or holster a clear
and safe weapon and all personnel must move to the rear of the ready line. After all personnel
have moved behind the ready line and the RSO has verified the firing line is safe, the RSO may
allow personnel to move downrange.
(b) All personnel returning from downrange will return to the rear of the ready line.
Once all personnel have returned to the ready line, the RSO will declare the firing line hot and
may direct line coaches and shooters to return to their firing positions.
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j. Remedial Actions.
(2) Immediate Action. Prompt action taken by the shooter to clear a stoppage.
Procedures are detailed in reference (c).
(3) Remedial Action. Remedial action is the process of investigating the cause of the
stoppage, clearing the stoppage and returning the weapon to operation. There is no one set of
procedures (i.e., immediate action) that can be performed to clear all or even most stoppages that
can occur. Therefore, the stoppage must be investigated and remedial action must be performed
to clear it.
(4) Audible Pop or Reduced Recoil. A dangerous situation can potentially exist if the
round produces a lower than normal audible pop or lower than normal recoil. This condition can
also be accompanied by smoke escaping from the chamber area. An audible pop occurs when
only a portion of the propellant is ignited and could result in the projectile obstructing the bore.
If this situation occurs, the slide and hammer or bolt is in the forward position. When audible
pop or reduced recoil is experienced, under no circumstances is immediate action performed. If
the chamber is reloaded and the weapon is fired again, serious injury to the shooter or
surrounding personnel can occur. Whenever unsure, always wait a minimum of 3 seconds,
unload and clear the weapon and inspect the bore to ensure it is not obstructed. For the MK19,
always wait a minimum of 10 seconds and for the M203, always wait a minimum of 30 seconds.
While performing immediate action, always keep the muzzle of the weapon pointed directly
(a) All shooters must perform their own immediate or remedial actions unless there is
a possibility of a bore obstruction or unless directed otherwise by the RSO.
(b) For the Navy Handgun Qualification Course, Handgun Lowlight Course and Rifle
Lowlight Course, all remedial actions will be performed after the sequence of fire is complete
unless it cannot be cleared. If that is the case, the shooter will raise the non-firing hand and the
line coach will take over. Rounds resulting from a shooter-induced stoppage are saved rounds
and are lost. Rounds resulting from an ammunition or weapon-induced stoppage are alibi
rounds. Shooters will be afforded the opportunity to fire alibi rounds before the next sequence of
fire begins.
(c) For the Navy Handgun Practical Weapons Course, Shotgun Practical Weapons
Course, Machine Gun Qualification Course Bipod, Machine Gun Qualification Course and
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Tripod, traversing and elevation mechanism, if a stoppage occurs, the shooter must perform his
or her own remedial actions during the course of fire, but under the close supervision of the line
coach. Shooters will be allowed to recover from shooter-induced stoppages during the course of
fire as long as the appropriate remedial action was taken. If the shooter does not finish the
sequence in the allotted time, the RSO will determine the number of saved rounds and alibi
rounds and provide adequate time to fire any remaining alibi rounds.
(d) RSOs are responsible for all aspects of range safety. If the RSO determines a
shooter is incapable of performing remedial actions, that shooter will be referred for remedial
training. Upon completion of the additional training, the RSO may allow the shooter to conduct
live fire during a subsequent firing relay.
(6) Remedial action procedures for each weapon are listed in reference (c).
(7) In the case of an audible pop or reduced recoil incident, the shooter will attempt to
place the weapon on “safe,” remove their finger from inside the trigger guard, raise their non-
firing hand, keep the weapon pointed safely downrange and wait for assistance from the line
coach. The weapon will be unloaded, verified clear, disassembled and inspected for a bore
obstruction. If there is no bore obstruction, the weapon may continue to be used. If a bore
obstruction is present, the weapon will be taken out of service and handled according to the
procedures outlined in reference (c).
k. Range Operations.
(1) All firing sequences and range commands must be given by the RSO or an instructor
under the close supervision of the RSO.
(2) Shooters must listen carefully and follow instructions and commands given by the
(3) If a shooter does not understand any instruction or command given by the RSO, that
student should immediately raise his or her non-firing hand while removing their finger from the
trigger guard and will keep the weapon pointed safely downrange. Ensure safety is on. During
low light operations when a hand signal cannot be seen, the student will loudly shout "training
time out.” The information will be repeated or clarified by a line coach.
(4) The RSO is ultimately in charge of range operations and safety. All decisions by the
RSO are final regarding the removal of trainee(s) from training or qualification if range safety is
l. Range Safety Violations. Shooters must adhere to all RSO commands. Shooters will be
removed from the firing line for any violation listed in subparagraphs 6l(1) through 61(8). RSO
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will determine if the shooter can continue the course of fire sequence or whether he or she should
be removed permanently from the sequence.
(3) Finger inside the trigger guard except when sights and muzzle are on the target.
(7) Firing after the "cease fire" signal has been given.
m. Medical Personnel. During live fire range operations, qualified medical personnel, such
as a hospital corpsman (or other Service equivalent), paramedic, emergency medical technician,
nurse or doctor must be present at the range. Medical personnel must ensure appropriate medical
supplies are present to manage, at a minimum, basic airway, breathing and circulation problems
resulting from traumatic and non-traumatic events. Medical personnel will not participate in the
live fire shoot while they are on medical duty. Medical personnel do not have to be present if
emergency medical services are available on the base or host facility, are able to respond within
10 minutes and there is a regulation or standard operating procedure in place providing for
emergency services and transportation. Prior to all live fire events, the RSO will notify medical
personnel of the event.
n. Emergency Action Plan. Before any live fire operations can take place, an emergency
action plan must be established and coordinated with any host command. This plan must
include, at a minimum:
(2) identification and location of emergency devices, such as first aid kits and other
equipment determined by the location of the firing range;
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(4) muster sites and evacuation routes for non-affected students, line coaches and
(7) dedicated evacuation vehicle on standby and emergency evacuation route, unless the
base or host facility provides emergency transportation services and there is a regulation or
standard operating procedure in place for such services.
(1) A training time out may be called by anyone in any training situation where they are
concerned for their own or another’s safety or they request clarification of procedures or
requirements. A training time out is also an appropriate means for a person to obtain relief if he
or she is experiencing pain, heat stress or other serious physical discomfort. The purpose of the
training time out is to correct the situation of concern, provide clarifying information or remove
the individual from the possible hazardous environment. A training time out may be signaled by
verbally shouting “training time out” or “cease fire,” or by non-verbally raising the non-firing
hand straight up from the shoulder, while keeping the weapon pointed safely downrange. If a
training time out is signaled, all personnel who hear the command will repeat it until the RSO
has acknowledged the command. (Note: In lowlight situations use the verbal commands.) If the
training time out is not acknowledged, the signaler will continue to shout the verbal commands
again until acknowledged. If an adequate number of line coaches are available to allow training
to continue safely, the RSO may elect to have the line coach attempt to relieve and remove the
individual from the possible hazardous environment. However, if this is not practical, training
will be stopped until the situation is corrected.
(2) In those cases where an individual refuses to participate in training after a training
time out instruction has been given, he or she will be removed from the training site and referred
to member’s chain of command. No disciplinary action can result from calling a training time
7. Range Operations. No contents of this instruction will prevent local range regulations or
standard operating procedures from requiring more stringent range safety criteria than contained
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1. General. Training is a process for both mind and body and is the time spent perfecting
elements of a technique. Training can consist of one element of a technique followed by
combining the elements of a technique until the technique can be performed correctly and
smoothly. Initially, rapid completion of techniques is not the goal. As a technique is
repetitiously practiced and improved until it can be performed correctly, the speed with which
the technique is accomplished can be increased.
2. Policy. The ability to perform a psychomotor skill instinctively and reflexively requires
continuous training and repetitions to “program” the skill into the subconscious. As this concept
relates to shooting, the goal is to have armed personnel, trainees and students practice techniques
until they have achieved the goal of being able to perform the same thing, the same way, every
single time without requiring conscious thought. It should be quick, smooth and accurate. Once
this level has been achieved, it is important to continue to practice those skills as often as
possible so that they are not diminished. Small arms skill is perishable and will be lost in a short
amount of time without regular training.
a. The RSO or primary small arms instructor will ensure all trainees have emptied their
pockets to verify that there are no live rounds present on their person. Once the training area has
been established and is deemed safe, dry fire training can be conducted.
b. Dry fire is defined as training in a sterile training environment free of live ammunition,
establishing a shooting stance and squeezing the trigger without actually firing live ammunition.
The benefits of conducting well-coached repetitious dry fire training cannot be overstated. The
shooter will eventually be able to detect fundamental errors through their own dry fire training.
Dry fire must be conducted during training to provide students time to practice marksmanship
skills. Small arms instructors will observe and assess shooters’ conduct of all demonstration
requirements. Since the date of training and the date of live fire are authorized to take place over
a 14-day period, shooters must dry fire the specific COF they are going to conduct on the day of
live fire. Small arms instructors must verify all weapons used for dry fire are clear and safe and
that the designated training area is free of all live ammunition.
c. The seven fundamentals of shooting (grip, stance, sight alignment, sight picture, trigger
control, breathing and follow-through) can all be evaluated and reinforced during dry fire
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(3) Sight Alignment: the relationship between the front and rear sight with respect to the
shooter’s eye. As the sights are a physical reference to the direction a discharged bullet will
travel, proper sight alignment is an important concept to accurate shooting.
(4) Sight Picture: the relationship of the sights to the target and identifies the specific
point on the target to which a shooter aims. It is important to understand that a perfectly still
sight picture is impossible to obtain.
(5) Trigger Control: the deliberate act of pressing the trigger and breaking the shot
without inducing additional movement to the sight picture.
(6) Breathing: can cause additional movement in the sight picture. While it is important
to keep breathing as performance can degrade as the body becomes oxygen deprived, it can be
controlled to minimize the effect on sight picture movement.
(7) Follow Through: maintaining sight alignment until the bullet is discharged and exits
the barrel.
d. Dry fire training is most effective when the repetitions of any particular shooting skill are
performed at least five times dry for every live fire repetition. The more frequently dry fire is
conducted, the more students will become proficient with handling their assigned weapon. The
end result will be students that qualify much quicker during live fire with scores that will
continue to improve with the frequency of training, which further promotes mission
e. Care should be exercised to ensure students are not bored or fatigued with the drills
which may result in loss of attention and become counterproductive.
f. When conducting dry fire training iterations, use the demonstration-performance teaching
method where an instructor demonstrates a technique and then the students perform that
a. Dry fire must be conducted during training to provide students time to practice
marksmanship skills. Small arms instructors will observe and assess shooter conduct of all
demonstration requirements. Since the date of training and the date of live fire are authorized to
take place over a 14-day period, shooters must dry fire the specific COF they are going to
conduct on the day of live fire. Small arms instructors must verify all weapons used for dry fire
are clear and safe and that the designated training area is free of all live ammunition.
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b. Training boundaries must be established. Trainers must point out what direction is
considered downrange in the training environment for the students and for instructor
c. Dummy (inert) ammunition can be used to teach students how to load, unload and clear
stoppages. Inert training rounds must be identifiable as inert and look distinctly different from
live ammunition (no primer, hole drilled through casing, propellant removed, orange, etc.).
Ensure that if inert rounds are approved they are correctly requisitioned through proper channels.
All inert ordnance will be inventoried and accounted for before, during and after the training and
will be properly stored.
d. Dry fire should be conducted in full training gear. If a holster will be used during live
fire to present the pistol and more importantly while on duty, then a holster should be used
during dry fire. It is important to practice with the same equipment to simulate a realistic
environment and to get the shooter used to employing and presenting the weapon system using
the duty gear the personnel will fight in. Sling presentation for rifle and shotgun drills must be
incorporated into the training. The sling can also be used to stabilize the firing platform while
firing a rifle.
e. Use scaled down silhouette targets that represent the targets that will be used during live
fire. This will serve two purposes, listed in subparagraphs 3e(1) and 3e(2).
(1) Training with a scaled down target representation will have a positive psychological
effect when shooters go to the range and fire at a much larger target. Training with a scaled
down target will increase the difficulty and better prepares students for live fire on full size
targets. Additionally, scaled down targets increase the flexibility of dry fire training as shorter
distances can be used when training is conducted away from a live fire range.
(2) When dry firing a weapon, the trigger is squeezed and the hammer goes forward. The
sights should remain still if the proper fundamentals of shooting are applied. Errors in executing
the shooting fundamentals are more readily apparent as movement in the sight picture is more
dramatic on the reduced aiming areas of scaled down targets.
f. Dry fire training can be performed practically anywhere. Examples of suitable locations
include a classroom, a gym set up like a mock range, a grass field or a range prior to live fire.
Scaled target representations can also be placed on walls, room dividers, cardboard, etc.
Establish the training site where a safe and sterile training environment is ensured. Trainings
should be set-up where the environment will be conducive to training (adequate ventilation, out
of extreme elements, such as heat and cold, etc.).
g. Dry fire student-to-instructor ratios are not the same as live fire. However, smaller ratios
will ensure a better training environment. It is imperative that trainers are fully versed on the
fundamentals of shooting, coaching and how to correct shooter fundamental errors.
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h. Peer coaching is another option where students are broken into relays and one student
becomes the shooter, while the other becomes a coach. In this situation both students will learn
from each other. Trainers should ensure they monitor peer coaching closely to ensure
corrections are being made and that both students receive adequate time to dry fire.
i. Trainers must understand the abilities and proficiency level of students. Experience
levels will vary and a trainer should always conduct training from the lowest level. The trainer
will need to break down some of the techniques into steps and slowly work the students up to the
point to where they can perform the entire technique as one step.
j. During dry fire, an instructor will be assigned as the primary instructor who will initiate
range commands with a whistle to signal the start and stop of a simulated shooting sequence.
This enables instructors to focus on ensuring students respond appropriately to the commence
fire and cease-fire signals prior to live fire training.
a. Dry fire training should be relevant to the skills that must be performed in live fire. For
example, if the students will fire the pistol qualification course after dry fire, the dry fire training
should address and reinforce the procedures and skills they must be able to perform to
successfully qualify on the course.
b. If students will be required to shoot from a standardized shooting stance; present the
pistol from the holster; unload and reload; or fire double and single action, then they must have
the opportunity to practice all of those skills in the order listed in subparagraphs 4b(1) through
(1) Stance
(2) Grip
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c. To practice firing single action, the trainer can instruct the student coach to manually
thumb the hammer to the rear after the shooter has squeezed the trigger in the double action
mode and the hammer has fallen. In addition, the student coach can simulate recoil to ensure the
shooter is employing good follow through and focusing on the front sight through the simulated
recoil of the weapon. The student coach can do this by waiting until after the hammer falls and
simply tapping upward under the magazine well to simulate recoil. They can watch the shooter’s
dominant eye to ensure it follows the movement of the front sight through the recoil.
d. Each student should practice each technique five to ten times or until they are
comfortable with the technique. During this initial phase no time limits should be placed on
students as the focus is on the ability of the student to perform the technique properly, smoothly
and repetitiously.
e. Once the students are performing the techniques smoothly and technically correct, start
adding time limits to the drills. The lead instructor should give commands exactly like those that
will be heard on a range and should use an audible system or resource (e.g., whistle) to signal
commence and cease-fire. Examples of drills are included in subparagraphs 4e(1) through 4e(3).
(1) Draw, Sweep Safety, Dry Fire (Holster Drills) One Time (Double Action). Upon the
command to draw the weapon, provide 5 seconds (start slow and, as students progress, reduce
the time limit – never faster than 2.5 seconds for this drill). A good rule of thumb is that it
should take 1 second to draw and line the sights up and 1.25 seconds to squeeze the trigger once
the students have mastered the drill.
(2) Transition to Weak Hand Supported. During this drill, emphasis must be placed on
removing the finger from the trigger during the hand transition. To perform these drills, have the
student draw the pistol, disengage the safety, thumb the hammer to the rear and aim in. On
command, have the students switch from the strong hand supported firing position to the weak
hand supported firing position and dry fire one time (single action). Begin with no time limit,
give 5 seconds and end with 2.5 seconds for this drill.
(3) Unload and Reload. This is one of the lengthier drills as it will take students some
time to master this skill. Have students insert an empty magazine into the pistol, pull the slide to
the rear, disengage the safety and aim in. On command, have the students release the magazine,
insert a new magazine, release the slide and dry fire one time (single action). This skill should
be taught initially with no time limit, in 10 seconds and slowly reducing time to 5 seconds.
f. The techniques listed in subparagraph 4e lay out examples of dry fire training that can be
conducted for the pistol qualification course. Similar procedures can be used for all weapons and
courses. For practical weapons courses, it is a good idea to use some sort of barricade that will
simulate what will be used on the range and help to emphasize the importance of using cover and
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5. Clearing Stoppages.
b. Dry fire using dummy (inert) ammunition is the perfect setting to provide the repetitious
training necessary for the student to learn how to perform remedial action.
c. Small arms instructors can simulate stoppages, such as failure to feed, stovepipe, double
feed and magazine not seated using dry fire drills, where the instructors create a weapon
stoppage using dummy (inert) ammunition and then walk the students through clearing the
stoppages, until they are ready to perform the entire procedure on their own. At this time, the
student observer can assist, create stoppages and allow the students to repetitiously practice
clearing the stoppage and dry fire one time, simulating getting back into the engagement.
6. Safety During Dry Fire Training. Dry fire training provides the opportunity to identify and
correct safety violations before conducting live fire evolutions. Subparagraphs 6a through 6c
contain a list of the most common violations that need to be immediately identified and
a. Trigger Control. Placing finger on trigger too soon or failure to remove the finger from
the trigger guard. Instructors must ensure that students do not place their finger on the trigger
until the sights and muzzle are on target.
b. Weapon Safety. Taking safety off too soon or failure to de-cock and engage the safety.
Instructors must ensure the safety is not swept until the muzzle of the weapon is pointed directly
at the target while going out to the point of aim in preparation to fire.
c. Firing After the Cease-fire Signal. Trigger discipline is of the utmost importance. It not
only signals the end of a sequence, but could signal something unsafe. In addition, in a tactical
situation, personnel must have the discipline to stop trigger squeeze if an innocent bystander
walks into the line of fire or if the situation changes.
a. My Navy Portal, professional resources has numerous folders filled with tools, pictures of
mock ranges and dry fire, reference materials and training methodologies that can be useful.
b. References (c), (n) and (v) through (y) provide useful information and guidance.
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d. CENSECFOR can direct and provide tools, courseware, ideas and direction on effective
dry fire and line coaching techniques.
e. Small arms weapon simulators are available throughout the Navy and are controlled by
individual TYCOMs and other commands both ashore and afloat. The small arms weapon
simulators provide exceptional ability to train new shooters and those requiring remediation in
order to build familiarity, confidence and skill in small arms marksmanship. Small arms weapon
simulators also provide the ability to train on hostile intent determination interactive shooting
and do not shoot-deadly force judgment training.
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1. General. Weapons qualification criteria impart a baseline level of weapons proficiency and
qualification for Navy personnel to train to, with the goal of surpassing or exceeding, those
2. Policy. The chapter provides the minimum small arms qualification criteria for Navy
personnel assigned to perform armed duties.
a. Qualification. All Navy personnel armed with a pistol are required to qualify on the
Navy Handgun Qualification Course. Category 2 personnel are additionally required to qualify
on the handgun practical weapons course (HPWC) and Handgun Lowlight Course annually.
b. Safety. Due to safety concerns, there are no requirements to fire the HPWC or Handgun
Lowlight Course while at sea. For deployed commands, qualification and sustainment may be
extended until 3 months after return to homeport when a range or simulator is not available.
However, COs may conduct these courses of fire underway at their discretion. Ensure the
classroom-training environment contains no live ammunition. Never mix different types of
ammunition when conducting qualifications in this instruction (i.e., live, dummy, blank or
marking cartridges).
c. Training. Before each qualification shoot, all personnel will receive training per chapter
(1) Live Fire. The Navy Handgun Qualification Course for all categories of personnel
respectively, using the sustainment scoring criteria (75 percent hits in scoring area of target
(2) Simulator Fire. Simulated Navy Handgun Qualification Course for all categories of
personnel respectively using the scoring criteria (75 percent hits in the scoring area of the target
silhouette). Additional proficiency training in simulated moving targets, shoot or do not-shoot
drills, simulated combat engagements or marksmanship training aids are also highly encouraged.
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e. Stoppage, Immediate and Remedial Actions. See chapter 5 and references (c) and (u).
f. Ammunition.
(1) Only ammunition issued through the Navy Stock System by the NAVSUP GLS
AMMO will be used. Prior to the use of any type of ammunition, an NCEA must be established
for the requesting unit.
(2) Standard issue 9 millimeter (9mm) ball ammunition will be used for qualification on
the Navy handgun courses of fire. In situations where physical limitations due to range
construction, design or environmental concerns preclude the use of standard ball ammunition,
non-toxic frangible ammunition may be used.
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2. On command of the RSO to fire, the shooter draws and fires two more rounds
in 4 seconds and continues to cover the target. On command of the RSO to de-cock (M9 and
M11) or safe (M18) and holster, the shooter removes finger from the trigger, engages the de-
cocking or safety lever (M9), de-cocking lever (M11) or manual safety lever (M18); covers the
rear of the slide with the firing thumb; and holsters the weapon.
3. On command of the RSO to fire, the shooter draws the weapon, fires two
rounds, immediately releases the empty magazine (dropping to the deck), inserts a magazine of
six rounds, releases the slide forward, fires two more rounds, then covers the target. Time limit
is 10 seconds for this sequence. On command of the RSO to de-cock (M9 and M11) or safe
(M18) and holster, the shooter removes finger from the trigger, engages the de-cocking or safety
lever (M9), de-cocking lever (M11) or manual safety lever (M18); covers the rear of the slide
with the firing thumb and holsters the weapon.
4. On command of the RSO to fire, the shooter draws and fires the four
remaining rounds in 8 seconds. The first two rounds are fired from the strong hand supported
position and the last two rounds are fired from the weak hand supported position (two-handed,
with the strong hand supporting the weak hand). Shooters must keep the weapon pointed
downrange at all times while switching hands. The shooter then covers the target until instructed
by the RSO to remove finger from the trigger, unload and show clear. After the weapon has
been verified clear by the shooter and line coach, the RSO will direct the shooters to release the
slide, verify the weapon safety is on SAFE (M9 and M18) or de-cock (M11); cover the rear of
the slide with the firing thumb; and holder.
(b) Seven-Yard Line. Twelve rounds, standing position, same sequences as the 3-
yard line.
1. On command of the RSO to load and make ready, the shooter inserts a
magazine of 12 rounds into the pistol, makes a condition 1 weapon, covers the rear of the slide
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with the firing thumb and holsters the weapon. On command of the RSO to fire, the shooter
draws the weapon, fires two rounds in 4 seconds and continues to cover the target.
On command of the RSO to de-cock (M9 and M11) or safe (M18) and holster, the shooter
removes finger from the trigger, engages the de-cocking or safety lever (M9), de-cocking lever
(M11) or manual safety lever (M18); covers the rear of the slide with the firing thumb; and
holsters the weapon.
2. On command of the RSO to fire, the shooter draws and fires two more rounds
in 4 seconds and continues to cover the target. On command of the RSO to de-cock (M9 and
M11) or safe (M18) and holster, the shooter removes finger from the trigger; engages the de-
cocking or safety lever (M9), de-cocking lever (M11) or manual safety lever (M18); covers the
rear of the slide with the firing thumb; and holsters the weapon.
3. On command of the RSO to fire, the shooter draws and fires four rounds in 8
seconds and continues to cover the target. On command of the RSO to de-cock (M9 and M11)
or safe (M18) and holster, the shooter removes finger from the trigger, engages the de-cocking or
safety lever (M9), de-cocking lever (M11) or manual safety lever (M18); covers the rear of the
slide with the firing thumb; and holsters the weapon.
4. On command of the RSO to fire, the shooter draws and fires four rounds,
immediately releases the empty magazine, (dropping to the deck), inserts a magazine of 12
rounds, releases the slide forward, fires four more rounds in 20 seconds and continues to cover
the target. On command of the RSO to de-cock (M9 and M11) or safe (M18) and holster, the
shooter removes finger from the trigger, engages the de-cocking / safety lever (M9), de-cocking
lever (M11) or manual safety lever (M18); covers the rear of the slide with the firing thumb; and
holsters the weapon.
5. On command of the RSO to fire, the shooter first assumes a kneeling position
and then draws, fires eight rounds in 20 seconds and continues to cover the target. The shooter
then covers the target until instructed by the RSO to remove finger from the trigger, unload and
show clear. After the weapon has been verified clear by the shooter and line coach, the RSO will
direct the shooters to release the slide, verify the weapon safety is on SAFE (M9 and M18) or de-
cock (M11); cover the rear of the slide with the firing thumb; and holster.
1 Jun 2021
h. Scoring for the Navy Handgun Qualification Course. For scoring, use “K” values on the
B-21 target or the regular printed values on the transition targets two. If the grease mark of the
bullet (not the tear caused by the bullet) is located in the scoring areas of the target or touches the
outside of a higher scoring ring, the higher value will be counted. Marksmanship awards,
qualification and record entries will be based on this criteria:
1 Jun 2021
(1) Description. Most Navy security department firearms training takes place on an
outdoor range, during daylight hours and under optimal weather conditions. Security forces also
operate under less-than-optimal weather conditions and in diminished light or darkness. To
familiarize security personnel with the inherent handicaps of low visibility fire and the necessary
compensations, the Handgun Lowlight Course described in subparagraphs 2a(9)(a) through
2a(9)(e) will be fired annually. This COF is designed to be fired on a regulation range using
vehicle headlights or other improvised lighting, not to exceed that provided by vehicle
headlights, for those sequences where diminished light is required. The amount of light is
comparable to natural light 30 minutes past official sunset. Utilizing personally worn light
darkening equipment (i.e., goggles) does not satisfy the low light visibility requirement and the
use of lowlight goggles to simulate low-light conditions is not authorized.
The same COF may be used for those specially equipped low-light indoor ranges, without
modification. If no 15-yard range is available, a mobile range of 10 yards may be used and the
last sequence is fired at 10 yards instead of 15 yards. The “E” silhouette target is recommended
for this COF, but the B-21 or transition target II may also be used. The course is to be fired until
achieving a qualifying score, not to exceed two consecutive times. Each firing sequence starts
with a loaded weapon held at the alert carry and pointed downrange. Shooters’ time will
commence when the command to fire is given by the RSO. Those personnel who do not qualify
on their second attempt will be carefully evaluated to determine if remedial training will correct
their deficiencies.
(2) Flashlight Technique. The applicable flashlight technique will be used while the
shooter is in the Weaver or Isosceles firing stance. The light should be used judiciously and only
for target identification immediately prior to firing. After firing, the light should be extinguished
immediately. Practice is necessary to coordinate the light and bullet placement.
(3) Special Instructions for the Handgun Lowlight Course. Shooters must be able to
load, unload and clear the weapon by feel during this COF.
(4) Course of Fire. On command of the RSO to load and make ready, the shooters make
a condition 1 weapon. Each firing sequence starts with a loaded weapon held at the alert carry
and pointed downrange. Each firing sequence starts with a condition 1 weapon. The de-cocking,
or safety lever (M9), de-cocking lever (M11) or manual safety lever (M18) will be engaged after
each firing sequence.
(a) Three-Yard Line. Six rounds, two rounds per 3 seconds. This COF is performed
in just enough light to distinguish the target. The de-cocking safety, or lever (M9), de-cocking
lever (M11) or manual safety lever (M18) will be engaged after each firing sequence.
(b) Seven-Yard Line. Six rounds, two rounds per 3 seconds, same sequence as
subparagraph 3i(4(a) using a flashlight versus minimal ambient light. The shooter holds the
flashlight in the weak (non-shooting) hand. On command to fire, the shooter will illuminate the
target while holding the flashlight in the Ayoob position as described in subparagraph 2a(9)(a).
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Upon completion of each sequence of fire, the shooter will immediately turn the flashlight off
and apply the de-cocking, or safety lever (M9), de-cocking lever (M11) or manual safety lever
(c) Fifteen-Yard Line. Six rounds, two rounds per 3 seconds, target illumination by
vehicle headlights or other improvised lighting. The de-cocking, or safety lever (M9), de-
cocking lever (M11) or manual safety lever (M18) will be engaged after each firing sequence.
Upon completion, a cease-fire whistle (or other audible means) is blown. On command, the line
coach verifies a clear weapon. The weapon is then benched or holstered, whichever option is
selected by the RSO.
(5) Scoring for Handgun Lowlight Course. Scoring is completed by counting the number
of hits within the silhouette of the target. A failure to qualify requires remedial dry fire training
with a qualified line coach. Qualification will be based on this criteria:
Possible Score 18
Minimum Qualifying Score 12
j. HPWC.
(1) Purpose. The purpose of the HPWC is to experience and test the ability to effectively
engage targets in less than ideal, static conditions. The RSO should choose an activity relative to
the shooter’s physical condition to elevate the heart rate of the shooter directly prior to
commencing the HPWC. Great care should be taken to not exhaust personnel to the point of
being unsafe during the COF. Running in place for 2 minutes with weapon holstered and
restrained is suggested. The shooter-to-coach ratio is one-to-one. This COF is intended to be
conducted for only one shooter at a time. However, an approved range with two or more
physically separated lanes of fire may accommodate running two or more shooters at the same
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(2) Description. The course consists of 18 rounds fired with the pistol in 3 minutes.
Three targets are used to exercise the shooter’s ability to engage multiple targets. Targets are
numbered one, two and three from left to right. The “E” silhouette target is recommended for
this COF, but the B-21 or transition target II may also be used. For afloat ranges the transition
target I will be used at the 15-yard line for the 25-yard sequence of fire. The shooter will
advance from the ready line, which is behind the 25-yard line (15-yard line for afloat ranges).
The line coach follows the shooter through the different firing stations, staying on the shooter’s
strong side, never moving in front of the muzzle of the weapon and carefully monitoring the
shooter for safety infractions and incorrect procedures. The first round for each sequence will be
fired double action (M9 and M11). Upon completion of firing from each station, the shooter will
continue to keep their finger on the trigger with the safety on FIRE (M9 and M18) and briefly
scan the threat area. The threat area is defined as the multiple target area for the particular
station. Scanning should not exceed past these boundaries due to safety considerations. The
shooter will then de-cock (M9 and M11) or safe (M18) the weapon and move to the next station
with the shooter’s hand on the pistol. Line coaches must ensure that shooters draw their
weapons only when they have completely stopped at the firing position and are facing the
targets. When using indoor or ranges with overhead baffling, it is permissible to have the
shooter move laterally down the normal firing line, engaging targets set at specified distances so
that the shooter remains beneath the overhead baffling. Most ranges accommodate only one
shooter at a time running this course. Any attempt to run multiple shooters at the same time
should be carefully evaluated using operational risk management best practices. The COF is to
be fired until achieving a minimum of 12 hits on at least one COF, not to exceed 2 consecutive
(4) Firing Stations. The SAMI course includes specific explanations of each firing
(a) Station One. Twenty-five yards, two rounds, two targets, “tall barricade,”
standing engage targets 3, 2; for left-handed shooters engage targets 1, 2; 15 yards with transition
target 1 on afloat ranges, shooters engage target 1.
(b) Station Two. Twenty yards, four rounds, three targets, “low barricade,” prone,
engage targets in 3-2-1-1 order (left-handed shooters 1-2-3-3 order).
(c) Station Three. Fifteen yards, four rounds, three targets, “standing window,”
standing, engage targets in 3-2-1-2 order (left-handed shooters 1-2-3-2 order).
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(d) Station Four. Ten yards, four rounds, three targets, “short barricade,” kneeling,
engage targets in 3-2-1-3 order (left-handed shooters 1-2-3-1 order).
(e) Station Five. Seven yards, four rounds, “no barricade,” standing, engage targets
in 3-2-1-1 order (left-handed shooters 1-2-3-3 order).
(a) The shooter is issued a clear weapon with three magazines of six rounds each. On
command of the RSO, to load and make ready, the shooter makes a condition 1 weapon, covers
the rear of the slide with the firing thumb and holsters the weapon. During the COF, the line
coach will accompany the shooter ensuring they never move or place themselves in front of the
muzzle of the weapon. The line coach should be positioned slightly behind and to the strong side
of the shooter in order to watch loading procedures, ensure proper operation of the safety and
ensure muzzle discipline. After physical activity, the 3-minute time limit begins when the
shooter leaves the ready line and advances at a run to station one “tall barricade.” The shooter
fires two rounds at the designated targets. The shooter scans, then engages the de-cocking, or
safety lever (M9), de-cocking lever (M11) or manual safety lever (M18); and holsters the
weapon while maintaining a grip on the weapon and firing thumb covering the rear of the slide.
(b) The shooter advances to station two “low barricade”. The shooter drops to a
kneeling position, draws the weapon, grips the weapon with two hands, covers down while
pointing weapon downrange, bends over and plants forearms on the ground. While maintaining
muzzle awareness, shooter moves legs back and assumes a prone position behind the barricade.
The shooter fires four rounds from the prone position. The shooter then engages the de-cocking,
or safety lever (M9) or manual safety lever (M18), reloads, releases the slide forward, engages
the de-cocking lever (M11), assumes the kneeling position while maintaining muzzle awareness
and holsters the weapon while maintaining a grip on the weapon and firing thumb covering the
rear of the slide. The shooter then stands to advance to station three.
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(c) The shooter advances to station three “standing window barricade.” The shooter
draws and stands back so that the muzzle of the pistol is approximately 1.5 feet from the opening
of the window. The shooter then fires four rounds at the designated targets from the standing
position. The shooter scans, then engages the de-cocking safety, or lever (M9), de-cocking lever
(M11) or manual safety lever (M18); and holsters the weapon while maintaining a grip on the
weapon and firing thumb covering the rear of the slide.
(d) The shooter advances to station four “short barricade”. The shooter establishes a
kneeling position, draws, fires two rounds, removes finger from the trigger, gets behind cover to
reload, returns to strong side kneeling position and fires two more rounds. The shooter scans,
then engages the de-cocking safety, or lever (M9), de-cocking lever (M11) or manual safety
lever (M18); and holsters the weapon while maintaining a grip on the weapon and firing thumb
covering the rear of the slide. The shooter then stands to advance to station five.
(e) The shooter advances to station five “no barricade.” The shooter draws and
engages three targets with four rounds. The shooter then clears the weapon, raises the non-firing
hand and calls “clear.” This stops the clock.
(f) The line coach directs shooter to “show clear.” After the weapon has been
verified clear by the shooter and line coach, the RSO will then direct the shooter to release the
slide, verify the weapon safety is on SAFE (M9 and M18) or de-cock (M11); cover the rear of
the slide with the firing thumb; and holster. The targets are then scored.
(7) Scoring the HPWC. Scoring is completed by counting the number of hits within the
silhouette of the target. A failure to qualify requires remedial dry fire training with a qualified
line coach. Qualification will be based on this criteria:
Possible Score 18
Minimum Qualifying Score 12
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(a) Maximum Round Count Per Target (target 1 – six hits, target 2 – six hits and
target 3 – six hits).
(b) Targets must have a minimum of four hits within the silhouette on all three
(a) Purpose. This course is a compromise between the normal requirements of the
outdoor practical weapons course and the limited distance and overall constraints of the mobile
range. The overall purpose is the same as the practical weapons course for longer ranges to
experience and test the ability to effectively engage targets in less than ideal, static conditions.
The RSO should choose an activity relative to the shooter’s physical condition to elevate the
heart rate of the shooter directly prior to commencing the COF. Great care should be taken to
not exhaust personnel to the point of being unsafe during the COF. Running in place for 2
minutes is suggested. The shooter to coach ratio is one-to-one. This COF is intended to be
conducted for only one shooter at a time.
(b) Description. The Navy Practical Weapons Course - Mobile Ranges are designed
to be fired on a 10-yard mobile range. One transition target one in lane one (left side) and two
“E” silhouette targets, B-21 targets or transition two targets are used in lanes two and three
(center and right side). The COF consists of 18 rounds fired with the pistol in 2 minutes. The
COF is to be fired until achieving a minimum of 12 hits on at least one COF, not to exceed two
consecutive attempts. Upon completion of firing from each station, the shooter will continue to
keep their finger on the trigger with the safety on FIRE (M9 and M18) and briefly scan the threat
area. The threat area is defined as the multiple target area for the particular station. Scanning
should not exceed past these boundaries due to safety considerations. The shooter will then de-
cock (M9 and M11) or safe (M18) the weapon, holster and move to the next station with the
shooter’s hand on the pistol.
1. Station One. Lane one, standing barricade. Transition one target initially at
10 yards.
2. Station Two. Lane two, kneeling barricade over fold-down bench. Transition
II, B-21 or “E” target initially at 10 yards.
3. Station Three. Lane three, no barricade. Transition II, B-21 or “E” target at
10 yards.
1 Jun 2021
1. The shooter is issued a clear weapon with three magazines of six rounds each.
On command of the RSO, the shooter loads and makes ready a condition 1 weapon, covers the
rear of the slide with the firing thumb and holsters the weapon. During the COF, the line coach
will accompany the shooter ensuring to never move or place them in front of the muzzle of the
The line coach should be positioned slightly behind and to the strong side of the shooter in order
to watch loading procedures, ensure proper operation of the safety and ensure muzzle discipline.
After physical activity, the 2 minute time limit begins when the shooter arrives at the firing line
of station one. When in position, with the back of the weak hand against the barricade the
shooter fires four rounds at target 1 (transition target one). The shooter scans, then engages the
de-cocking, or safety lever (M9), de-cocking lever (M11) or manual safety lever (M18) and
holsters the weapon while maintaining a grip on the weapon and firing thumb covering the rear
of the slide.
2. The shooter moves to station two “short barricade.” The shooter then fires
one round at target 2 and one round at target 3. The shooter reloads and fires one round at target
2 and one round at target 3. The shooter scans, then engages the de-cocking safety lever (M9),
de-cocking lever (M11) or manual safety lever (M18) and holsters the weapon while maintaining
a grip on the weapon and thumb covering the rear of the slide. During this sequence of fire, the
RSO, using the trolley control switch, remotely moves target 1 from the 10-yard line to the 7-
yard line.
3. The shooter returns to station one. The shooter then engages target 1 with
four rounds from 7 yards in a “no barricade” position. The shooter then engages the de-cocking,
or safety lever (M9) or manual safety lever (M18), reloads, engages the de-cocking lever (M11)
and holsters the weapon while maintaining a grip on the weapon and thumb covering the rear of
the slide. During this sequence of fire, the RSO, using the target trolley control switch, remotely
moves target 2 from the 10-yard line to the 7-yard line.
4. The shooter moves back to station two “short barricade.” The shooter draws
and fires two rounds at target 2, then two rounds at target 3. The shooter scans, then engages the
de-cocking, or safety lever (M9), de-cocking lever (M11) or manual safety lever (M18) and
holsters the weapon while maintaining a grip on the weapon and thumb covers the rear of the
5. The shooter moves to station three “no barricade,” and fires two rounds at
target 3. The shooter then clears the weapon, raises the non-firing hand and calls clear. This
stops the clock.
6. The line coach directs shooter to “show clear.” After the weapon has been
verified clear by the shooter and line coach, the RSO will then direct the shooters to release the
slide, verify the weapon safety is on SAFE (M9 and M18) or de-cock (M11), cover the rear of
the slide with the firing thumb and holster.
1 Jun 2021
(e) Scoring for HPWC - Mobile Ranges. Scoring is completed by counting the
number of hits within the silhouette of the target. A failure to qualify requires remedial dry fire
training with a qualified line coach. Qualification will be based on this criteria:
Possible Score 18
Minimum Qualifying Score 12
Minimum and Maximum Round Count Per Target
Target 1 6 of 8
Target 2 2 of 4
Target 3 4 of 6
Shooters must complete HPWC within the 3-minute time limit.
a. Qualification Criteria.
(1) All Navy personnel armed with a rifle are required to qualify on the Rifle
Qualification and Rifle Lowlight Courses.
(2) This section specifically addresses the M14 and M16 (series) rifles. Due to safety
concerns, there is no requirement to fire the Rifle Lowlight Course while at sea. However, COs
may conduct this COF underway at their discretion.
(3) Before each qualification shoot, all personnel must receive training per chapter 2.
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(1) Live Fire. The Rifle Qualification Course using the sustainment targets contained in
chapter 7 and using the sustainment scoring criteria (30 hits).
(2) Simulator Fire. Must include simulated Rifle Qualification Course. Additional
training in simulated moving targets, shoot-no-shoot drills, simulated combat engagements or
marksmanship training aids are also highly encouraged.
c. Stoppage, Immediate and Remedial Actions. See chapter 5 and references (c) and (u).
d. Ammunition.
(1) Only ammunition issued through the Navy Stock System by the NAVSUP GLS
AMMO will be used. Prior to the use of any type of ammunition, an NCEA must be established
for the requesting unit.
(2) Standard issue 5.56mm or 7.62mm ball ammunition will be used for the rifle courses
of fire. In situations where physical limitations due to range construction, design or
environmental concerns preclude the use of standard ball ammunition, short-range training or
frangible ammunition may be used.
(1) Description. The Rifle Qualification Course is used for qualification on the M14 and
M16 (series) rifles. This course is designed to be fired on a 200-yard range using the “A” target;
at 25 yards using the rifle “A” target reduced 25 yards; or on a 15-yard afloat range using the
rifle “A” reduced 15 yards. Sustainment training will be performed on 200-yard ranges using the
“A” target (with the 3 ring as the outer scoring ring); at 25 yards using the rifle sustainment
target 25 yards; or at 15 yards using the rifle sustainment target 15 yards. Zeroing the rifle will
be performed in a steady supported position (i.e., prone) using the 25-meter zeroing M16A2
target. If a 200-yard range is used and there is no 25-yard firing line, the “A” target may be used
for zeroing the weapon. The Rifle Qualification Course is fired until achieving a qualifying
score not to exceed two consecutive times. Those personnel who do not qualify on their second
attempt will be carefully evaluated to determine if remedial training will correct their
1 Jun 2021
(a) Zeroing the Weapon. All shooters will adjust their own sights under the close
supervision and assistance of the line coach. With a magazine of three rounds and from the
prone position, the shooter fires three rounds, clears the weapon. If feasible, the shooter and the
line coach go downrange and triangulate the target. At this point, line coaches will assist as
necessary. Upon returning to the rear of the ready line and upon RSO approval, line coaches and
shooters will move forward and make necessary sight adjustments. This procedure is repeated
with a second magazine of three rounds and a final magazine of four rounds for zero
(b) Slow Fire – Prone Position. Shooter begins with a condition 4 weapon. On
command of the RSO to establish a firing position and load, the shooter establishes a prone
position and with a magazine of five rounds, makes a condition 3 weapon. The shooter will be
allowed to rest the rifle on the deck once a prone position is established and will be allowed to
rest the rifle on the deck for the duration of every prone course of fire. On command of the RSO
to make ready and fire, the shooter pulls the charging handle (M16 (series)) or operating rod
handle (M14) and releases to make a condition 1 weapon, places the weapon on “fire” in the
semi-automatic mode and engages the target. Shooters may use the loop sling or hasty sling for
additional muzzle stabilization during this sequence. Shooters will be given sufficient time to
adjust the sling accordingly prior to this firing sequence. Time limit is 5 minutes.
(c) Timed Fire – Standing to Prone Position. The shooter stands at the firing line
with a condition 4 weapon and two magazines of five rounds each. On command of the RSO to
load, the shooter makes a condition 3 weapon and stands with the weapon in the strong side sling
arms position. On command of the RSO establish a firing position, make ready and fire; the
shooter brings the weapon to the ready position and then establishes a prone position.
1 Jun 2021
Once the prone position is established, the shooter pulls the charging handle (M16 (series)) or
operating rod handle (M14) and releases to make a condition 1 weapon and places the weapon on
“fire” in the semi-automatic mode. The shooter then engages the target with five rounds,
conducts a dry reload with the second magazine and engages the target with five more rounds.
Shooters may use the hasty sling for additional muzzle stabilization during this sequence.
Shooters will be given sufficient time to adjust the sling accordingly prior to this firing sequence.
Time limit is 70 seconds.
(d) Slow Fire – Kneeling Position. The shooter stands at the firing line with a
condition 4 weapon and a magazine of five rounds. On command of the RSO to establish a
firing position and load, the shooter establishes a kneeling position and makes a condition 3
weapon. On command of the RSO to make ready and fire, the shooter pulls the charging handle
(M16 (series)) or operating rod handle (M14) and releases to make a condition 1 weapon, places
the weapon on “fire” in the semi-automatic mode and engages the target. Shooters may use the
hasty sling for additional muzzle stabilization during this sequence. Time limit is 5 minutes.
(e) Timed Fire – Standing to Kneeling Position. The shooter stands at the firing line
with a condition 4 weapon and two magazines of five rounds each. On command of the RSO to
load, the shooter makes a condition 3 weapon and stands with the weapon in the strong side sling
arms position. On command of the RSO, establish a firing position, make ready and fire; the
shooter brings the weapon to the ready position and then establishes a kneeling position. Once
the kneeling position is established, the shooter pulls the charging handle (M16 (series)) or
operating rod handle (M14) and releases to make a condition 1 weapon and places the weapon on
“fire” in the semi-automatic mode. The shooter then engages the target with five rounds,
conducts a dry reload with the second magazine and engages the target with five more rounds.
Shooters may use the hasty sling for additional muzzle stabilization during this sequence. Time
limit is 70 seconds.
(f) Slow Fire – Standing Position. The shooter stands at the firing line with a
condition 4 weapon pointed downrange and one magazine of ten rounds. On command of the
RSO to load, make ready and fire, the shooter loads to make a condition 3 weapon, makes ready
to make a condition 1 weapon and fires in semi-automatic mode to engage the target. Shooters
may use the hasty sling for additional muzzle stabilization during this sequence. Time limit is 10
1 Jun 2021
(3) Scoring for the Rifle Qualification Course. For the “A” target, hits on the paper
(within the target border) and outside the “4” ring are three points. If the grease mark of the
bullet (not the tear caused by the bullet) is located in two scoring areas of the target or touches
the outside of a higher scoring ring, the higher value will be counted. Marksmanship awards,
qualification and record entries will be based on this criteria:
(1) Description. The Rifle Lowlight Course is used for lowlight on the M14 and M16
(series) rifles. This course is designed to be fired at 15 yards using the transition target I. The
COF will be fired until achieving a minimum of 14 hits on at least one COF, not to exceed two
consecutive attempts. This COF is designed to be fired on a regulation range using vehicle
headlights or other improvised lighting, not to exceed that provided by vehicle headlights, for
those sequences where diminished light is required. The amount of light is comparable to natural
light 30 minutes past official sunset. Utilizing personally worn artificial light darkening
equipment (e.g., goggles) does not satisfy the low light visibility requirement. The same COF
may be used for those specially equipped low-light indoor ranges, without modification. Twenty
rounds are fired at the appropriate target using the COF in subparagraph 2b(6)(b). Shooters will
start from the interview stance. Shooter’s time will commence when the command to fire is
1 Jun 2021
given by the RSO. Those personnel who do not qualify on their second attempt will be carefully
evaluated to determine if further remedial training will correct their deficiency.
(a) Timed Fire – Prone Position. The shooter establishes a prone position with a
condition 4 weapon and two magazines of five rounds. The shooter will be allowed to rest the
rifle on the deck once a prone position is established and will be allowed to rest the rifle on the
deck for the duration of every prone course of fire. On command of the RSO to load and make
ready, the shooter inserts a magazine of five rounds, pulls the charging handle (M16 (series)) or
operating rod handle (M14) and releases to make a condition 1 weapon. On command of the
RSO to fire, the shooter places the weapon on “fire” in the semi-automatic mode and engages the
target. Time limit is 30 seconds. On command of the RSO to load and make ready, the shooter
replaces the empty magazine with the second magazine of five rounds and releases the bolt
forward, making a condition 1 weapon. On command of the RSO, the shooter engages the
target. Shooters may use the hasty sling for additional muzzle stabilization during this sequence.
Shooters will be given sufficient time to adjust their sling accordingly prior to this firing
sequence. Time limit is 30 seconds.
(b) Timed Fire – Kneeling Position. The shooter establishes a kneeling position with
a condition 4 weapon and two magazines of five rounds. On command of the RSO to load and
make ready, the shooter inserts a magazine of five rounds, pulls the charging handle (M16
(series) or operating rod handle (M14) and releases to make a condition 1 weapon. On command
of the RSO to fire, the shooter places the weapon on “fire” in the semi-automatic mode and
engages the target. Time limit is 30 seconds. On command of the RSO load and make ready, the
shooter replaces the empty magazine with the second magazine of five rounds and releases the
bolt forward, making a condition 1 weapon. On command of the RSO to fire, the shooter
engages the target. Shooters may use the hasty sling for additional muzzle stabilization during
this sequence. Time limit is 30 seconds.
(3) Scoring for the Rifle Lowlight Course. Scoring is performed by counting the number
of hits within the silhouette of the target. A failure to qualify requires remedial dry fire training
with a qualified line coach. Qualification will be based on this criteria:
Possible Score 20
Minimum Qualifying Score 14
1 Jun 2021
a. Qualification Criteria.
(1) All Navy personnel armed with the shotgun are required to qualify on the Shotgun
Practical Weapons Course. Before each qualification shoot, all personnel must receive training
per chapter 2.
d. Ammunition.
(1) Ensure that the classroom-training environment contains no live ammunition. Never
mix different types of ammunition when conducting qualifications in this instruction (i.e., live,
dummy, blank or marking cartridges).
(2) Only ammunition issued through the Navy Stock System by the NAVSUP GLS
AMMO will be used. Prior to the use of any type of ammunition, an NCEA must be established
for the requesting unit.
(3) Standard issue 12-gauge 00 buckshot will be used on the Shotgun Practical Weapons
Course. In situations where environmental concerns preclude the use of standard shotgun shells,
lead-free or non-toxic shells may be used.
1 Jun 2021
(1) Purpose. The purpose of the Shotgun Practical Weapons Course is to experience and
test the ability of the shooter to effectively engage targets in less than ideal, static conditions.
The RSO should choose an activity relative to the shooter’s physical condition to elevate the
heart rate of the shooter directly prior to commencing the Shotgun Practical Weapons Course.
Great care should be taken to not exhaust personnel to the point of being unsafe during the COF.
Running in place with no weapon for 2 minutes is suggested. The shooter to coach ratio is one-
to-one. This COF is intended to be conducted for only one shooter at a time.
(2) Description. The course will consist of 18 rounds fired with the 12-gauge shotgun
using 00 buckshot in 3 minutes. Shooters advance from the ready line, which is behind the 25-
yard line. During the COF, the line coach will accompany the shooter ensuring to never move in
front of the muzzle of the weapon. The line coach should be positioned slightly behind and to
the strong side of the shooter in order to watch loading procedures, ensure proper operation of
the safety and ensure muzzle discipline. The shooter will remove their finger from the trigger
guard and place the weapon on “safe” prior to loading and moving to the next firing station.
Shooters must not move from one position or station to the next with a condition 1 weapon. Line
coaches must ensure that the shooter moves between firing positions with a condition 3 or a clear
weapon only.
(3) Targets. This COF uses three targets. Targets are numbered from left to right 1, 2
and 3, respectively. The “E” silhouette target is recommended for this COF, but the B-21 or
transition target II may also be used.
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(a) Initiate Course of Fire. After physical activity, the shooter is issued a safe and
clear shotgun with 18 rounds of ammunition. Shooter will load as directed. Upon signal from
the RSO, the shooter and line coach advance to station one. The 3-minute time limit commences
when the shooter reaches station 1.
(b) Station One. Combat load five rounds (one round through the ejection port
directly into the chamber, four rounds loaded in magazine tube) standing aimed fire shoulder
position “tall barricade” engage three targets in 3, 2, 1, 3, 2 order (left-handed shooters 1, 2, 3, 1,
2 order). Patrol load four rounds (all rounds in magazine tube, none chambered) prior to moving
and advance to the next position.
(f) Complete Course of Fire. The line coach directs shooter to “show clear.” Once
line has been made safe and verified by the RSO, the shooter will assume a sling arms position
(condition 4 shotgun with action to the rear) as directed. The RSO will then direct shooter and
line coach to move forward to score and replace targets.
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(6) Scoring the Shotgun Practical Weapons Course. Scoring is performed by counting
the number of hits within the silhouette of the target. 18 rounds with 9 pellets per round is a total
of 162 pellets. Scoring a minimum of 30 pellets on each target for “Satisfactory” qualification
with a minimum qualifying score of 90. A failure to qualify requires additional training.
(b) Target types are “E” silhouettes, B-21 or transition target II (about 2 feet apart).
6. Qualification Criteria for Light, Medium and Heavy Machine Guns and Grenade Machine
Gun Performance Evaluation.
a. Weapons. MK46 Mod 0 (series) 5.56mm light machine guns, MK43 (variants), M240
(variants), MK48 7.62mm medium machine guns and M2 .50 caliber heavy machine gun.
(1) All category 2 Navy personnel armed with machine guns must successfully pass the
performance evaluation standard annually per this chapter.
(2) All Navy personnel who employ machine guns with the bipod or in a mounted “free
gun” mode must complete the Light and Medium Machine Gun Performance Evaluation Course,
as well as attend prescribed training.
(3) All Navy personnel that employ machine guns with a tripod and T&E mechanism
may also shoot the Machine Gun Performance Evaluation Course – Tripod and T&E Mechanism
utilizing reference (w) procedures.
c. Training.
(2) Machine Gun Drill Sets. Before each performance evaluation, all personnel must
perform all live fire machine gun drill sets listed in paragraph 2d(4) via live fire or simulator
where available, with the exception of barrel changes.
(3) Sustainment Training. The CSWIs must conduct sustainment training per chapter 3.
The machine gun drill sets may be conducted using live or blank ammunition or, if directed by
their applicable TYCOM, with a simulator.
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(4) Simulator Training. The CSWI is encouraged to use the various simulator systems
available in order to enhance the crew served weapon operators’ level of proficiency. Simulator
training should be used to augment training when live fire training is not feasible. However,
simulator training will not be used to completely replace live fire. The CSWI should consider
using the simulator systems for the types of training listed in subparagraphs 2d(3)(d).
(5) Blank Fire Training. The CSWI is encouraged to use blank fire training as an
augmentation to live fire and simulator training. The CSWI should consider using blank fire and
simulator training for the types of instruction listed in subparagraphs 2d(3)(e).
(6) Distance and Targets. If a 400-meter range is not available with adequate area
targets, the distance may be reduced as long as the target size is reduced to maintain the same
distance to target relationship. The performance evaluation will not be fired on less than a 100-
meter range with a 2-by-2 feet area target due to weapon design. Ensure applicable range
regulations authorize this procedure.
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(8) Weapon Malfunctions. Any rounds not fired due to shooter-induced malfunctions
will not be fired as an alibi.
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(2) Scoring. Scoring is based on the shooter demonstrating the ability to safely
manipulate the weapon, thorough knowledge of condition codes, loading, unloading, reloading
procedures and the ability to effectively engage (hit) the area target utilizing three to five round
bursts. Overall competency of the shooter and effective engagement of the area target will be
determined by the CSWI. The shooter must effectively obtain and maintain a Beaten Zone on
the designated target and meet the minimum time requirements during each phase of the
performance evaluation COF in order to pass the evaluation.
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(a) Using the target specified, each sequence begins with the machine gun on the
bipod or on the mount (without a T&E mechanism) pointed downrange. The shooter must take
charge of the weapon prior to commencing the evolution by verifying the weapon is CLEAR and
placing it in condition 4. At the completion of each phase, the shooter will unload, show clear.
Each “SAT” (satisfactory) or “UNSAT” portion of the course will be determined by the CSWI.
COF consist of phases 1 through 6.
(b) During phase 1, if sight adjustments are to be made, the weapon must be “clear”
and “safe” prior to any adjustments.
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PHASE 4 – Reload
Starting Condition: 4
Ammunition: Two 10-round belts
Target: Specified target
Position: Prone (bipod) or standing (mounted)
Time Limit: The reload must be conducted in less than 15 seconds. The reload time will be
measured from the last round of the first belt to the first round of the second belt.
Command: “With two 10-round belts of ammunition," on command, the shooter will “load,
make ready,” and “fire” on the designated target utilizing multiple three to five round bursts
while maintaining a consistent cone of fire and beaten zone to effectively engage the target.
The shooter will then conduct either a condition 1 or condition 3 reload when the first belt
runs out and then re-engage the target with the second belt. The shooter must “unload, show
clear” at the completion of fire.
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PHASE 5 – Reload
Starting Condition: 3
Ammunition: Two 10-round belts
Target: Specified target
Position: Prone (bipod) or standing (mounted)
Time Limit: The reload must be conducted in less than 15 seconds. The reload time will be
measured from the last round of the first belt to the first round of the second belt.
Command: “With two 10-round belts of ammunition," on command, the shooter will “make
ready” and “fire” on the designated target utilizing multiple three to five round bursts while
maintaining a consistent cone of fire and beaten zone to effectively engage the target. The
shooter will conduct either a condition 1 or condition 3 reload when the first belt runs out and
then re-engage the target with the second belt. The shooter must “unload, show clear” at the
completion of fire.
Shooter must properly conduct a barrel change. Upon completion, weapon will be left in the
“unload, show clear” condition for turnover to the next shooter.
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(2) Scoring. Scoring is based on the shooter demonstrating the ability to safely
manipulate the weapon; thorough knowledge of condition codes, loading, unloading and
reloading procedures; and the ability to effectively engage (hit) the area target utilizing three to
five round bursts. Overall competency of the shooter and effective engagement of target will be
determined by the CSWI. The shooter must obtain and maintain a beaten zone.
(3) Course of Fire. Using the target specified, each sequence begins with the machine
gun on the mount (without T&E device) pointed downrange. The shooter must take charge of
the weapon prior to commencing the evolution by verifying the weapon is “clear” and “safe” and
placing it in condition 4. At the completion of each phase, the shooter will unload, show clear
and safe. Each SAT or UNSAT portion of the course will be determined by the CSWI.
(a) During phase 1, if sight adjustments are to be made, the weapon must be “clear”
and “safe” prior to any adjustments.
(b) All phases of the performance evaluation will be conducted with the M2HB in
automatic fire.
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1 Jun 2021
Command: “With a 20-round belt of ammunition,” on command, the shooter will “load,
make ready” and “fire” on the designated target utilizing multiple three to five round bursts
while maintaining a consistent cone of fire and beaten zone to effectively engage the target.
The shooter must “unload and show clear” at the completion of fire.
PHASE 4 – Reload
Starting Condition: 4
Ammunition: two 10-round belts
Target: Specified target
Position: Sitting (tripod) or standing (mounted)
Time Limit: The reload must be conducted in less than 20 seconds. The reload time will be
measured from the last round of the first belt to the first round of the second belt.
Command: “With two, 10-round belts of ammunition,” on command, the shooter will “load,
make ready” and “fire” on the designated target utilizing multiple three to five round bursts
while maintaining a consistent cone of fire and beaten zone to effectively engage the target.
The shooter will then conduct either a side or top reload when the first belt runs out and then
re-engage the target with the second belt. The shooter must “unload, show clear” and safe at
the completion of fire.
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Command: “With two, 10-round belts of ammunition,” on command, the shooter will “make
ready” and “fire” on the designated target utilizing multiple three to five round bursts while
maintaining a consistent cone of fire and beaten zone to effectively engage the target. The
shooter will conduct either a side or top reload when the first belt runs out and then re-engage
the target with the second belt. The shooter must “unload, show clear” and safe at the
completion of fire.
Shooter must properly conduct a barrel change and then set headspace and verify timing (set
if required). Upon completion, weapon will be left in unload, show clear and safe for
turnover to the next shooter.
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1 Jun 2021
When firing the machine gun performance evaluation – T&E with the M2HB, shooter will also
set headspace and verify timing before firing and again after conducting the barrel change.
(a) Tripod and T&E. One point is given for each hit, not to exceed six in each
scoring space. A bonus of two points is given for each scoring space hit, regardless of the
number of hits within each space. Thus, the shooter may receive a maximum of eight points per
scoring area (six points for six hits plus two bonus points). A failure to qualify requires
additional training.
(3) Course of Fire. Using the target and pasters specified, this COF will be used. Each
sequence begins with the machine gun on the tripod with T&E and pointed downrange. The
shooter must take charge of the weapon prior to commencing the evolution by verifying the
weapon is “clear” and “safe” and placing it in condition 4. At the completion of each phase, the
shooter will “unload, show clear” and safe. All scoring will be determined by the CSWI.
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Starting Condition: 4
Ammunition: 30-round belt
Target: 10m machine gun target, pasters 5 through 6
Position: Prone or sitting with T&E device
Time Limit: No time limit
Command: “With a 30-round belt of ammunition," on command, the shooter will “load,
make ready” and “fire” on the designated pasters. Shooter will fire five bursts of six rounds
each, one burst in each paster. Note: There are three blank pasters between pasters 5 and 6.
Score: One for each hit plus bonus points (see subparagraph 5b)
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No time
1 point
per hit
3 Traversing and 10m 30 4 Sitting- 5 bursts
searching fire tripod; of 6
standing- rounds.
mounted Pasters 5
to 6.
3 minutes
1 point
per hit
4 Traversing and 10m 48 4 Sitting- 8 bursts
searching tripod; of 6
Fire standing- rounds.
mounted Pasters 7
to 8.
3 minutes
1 point
per hit
5 Barrel change N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Exhibit 6-21. Summary Table – Machine Gun Performance Evaluation – Tripod and T&E
(2) The MK19 must not be fired at ranges of less than 310 meters when using high
explosive or high explosive, dual purpose ammunition. If training or practice ammunition is
1 Jun 2021
being used, the range and target combination may be reduced to 200 meters with a 4-by-4 feet
target (no deviation). Ensure applicable range regulations authorize this procedure.
a. Description. Never attempt to fire MK19 munitions from an M79 or M203 grenade
b. Scoring. Scoring is based on the shooter demonstrating the ability to safely manipulate
the weapon; thorough knowledge of condition codes, loading, unloading and reloading
procedures; and the ability to effectively engage (hit) the target utilizing three to five round
bursts. Overall competency of the shooter and effective engagement of target will be determined
by the CSWI. The shooter must effectively engage the target and meet the minimum time
requirements during each phase of the performance evaluation COF in order to pass the
c. Course of Fire. Using the target specified, this COF will be used. The sequence begins
with the machine gun on the mount (without a T&E mechanism) pointed downrange. The
shooter must take charge of the weapon prior to commencing the evolution by verifying the
weapon is “clear” and “safe” and placing it in condition 4. At the completion of the evaluation,
the shooter will unload, show clear and safe. Each SAT or UNSAT portion of the course will be
determined by the CSWI.
(1) Prior to giving the firing commands for phase 1, the CSWI will have the shooter place
their weapon in condition 3.
(2) If ammunition is packaged in more than 32 rounds per can, the course of fire will be
conducted with two full cans.
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Exhibit 6-24. Summary Table – Category 2 Grenade Machine Gun Performance Evaluation
(1) Performance Evaluation Criteria. All category 2 Navy personnel armed with M203
grenade launchers must successfully pass the performance evaluation standard annually. Before
each qualification shoot, all personnel must receive training per chapter 2.
(a) If a 400-meter range is not available with adequate area targets, the distance may
be reduced as long as the target size is reduced to maintain the same distance to target
relationship. The performance evaluation should not be fired on less than 100-meters with a
point target or 125-meters area target.
(b) Shooters who receive an UNSAT on any phase must start the evaluation over.
Shooters who receive a second UNSAT must receive remedial training and then start the
performance evaluation from the beginning on the next training cycle.
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(c) Any rounds not fired due to shooter-induced malfunctions will not be fired as an
(3) Malfunctions, Stoppages, Immediate and Remedial Actions. See chapter 5 and
references (u) and (w).
(b) Scoring. Scoring is based on the shooter demonstrating the ability to safely
manipulate the weapon; thorough knowledge of condition codes; loading, unloading and
reloading procedures; and the ability to effectively engage (hit) the point or area target. Overall
competency of the shooter and effective engagement of target will be determined by the CSWI.
The shooter must effectively engage the target and meet the minimum time requirements during
each phase of the performance evaluation COF in order to pass the evaluation.
1. Using the target specified, this COF will be used. Each sequence begins with
the M203 grenade launcher pointed downrange.
The shooter must take charge of the weapon prior to commencing the evolution by verifying the
weapon is “clear” and “safe” and placing it in condition 4. At the completion of each phase, the
shooter will, “unload, show clear.” Each SAT or UNSAT portion of the course will be
determined by the CSWI.
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PHASE 1 – Zero or Establish Hold Engage Single Target with Quadrant Site
Starting Condition: 4
Ammunition: 2 rounds
Target: Specified target
Position: Standing
Time Limit: 3 minutes
Command: “With 1-round of ammunition,” on command, the shooter will “load, make
ready,” and “fire” on the designated target in order to zero the weapon or establish a proper
hold. The shooter will then conduct a reload and re-engage the target with the second round.
The shooter must “unload, show clear” at the completion of fire.
PHASE 2 – Zero or Establish Hold Engage Single Target with Leaf Site
Starting Condition: 4
Ammunition: Two rounds
Target: Specified target
Position: Standing
Time Limit: 3 minutes
Command: “With 1-round of ammunition,” on command, the shooter will “load, make
ready” and “fire” on the designated target in order to zero the weapon or establish a proper
hold. The shooter will then conduct a reload and re-engage the target with the second round.
The shooter must “unload, show clear” at the completion of fire.
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PHASE 3 – Zero or Establish Hold Engage Single Target with Quadrant Site
Starting Condition: 4
Ammunition: Two rounds
Target: Specified target
Position: Kneeling
Time Limit: 3 minutes
Command: “With 1-round of ammunition,” on command, the shooter will “load, make
ready,” and “fire” on the designated target in order to zero the weapon or establish a proper
hold. The shooter will then conduct a reload and re-engage the target with the second round.
The shooter must “unload, show clear” at the completion of fire.
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1. General. The targets identified in paragraph 2 are to be used for all formal courses of fire.
2. Policy. The targets used for the various courses of fire are per subparagraphs 2a through 2i.
(1) Transtar II
(2) B-21
(2) B-21
(3) Transtar II
(2) B-21
(3) Transtar II
(1) Transtar I
(3) B-21
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(4) Transtar II
(2) B-21
(3) Transtar II
3. Target Sources.
a. The targets in exhibit 7-1 are available through the Navy Supply Systems Command.
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b. The Transtar I and Transtar II targets are available from this source:
c. The B-21 target is available from various commercial sources. The B-21 target used in
Navy pistol qualification courses is the full-sized B-21 target.
d. Exhibits 7-3 to 7-8 are samples of approved targets for required courses of fire.
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2. Policy.
a. The Navy Pistol Marksmanship Ribbon, Navy Sharpshooter Award and Navy Expert
Pistol Medal may only be earned on the Navy Handgun Qualification Course and should be
conducted on a certified gun range.
b. The Navy Rifle Marksmanship Ribbon, Navy Sharpshooter Award and Navy Expert
Rifle Medal may be earned on the Rifle Qualification Course. The Navy Rifle Marksmanship
Ribbon, Navy Sharpshooter Award and Navy Expert Rifle Medal must be earned using a rifle
equipped with iron sights or non-telescopic dot type sights. The use of scoped rifles is
d. Those who qualify as an expert rate a ribbon and medal. The ribbon has a silver "E"
attachment and the medal has no attachments.
e. Those who qualify as a sharpshooter rate a ribbon with a bronze "S" attachment. Those
who qualify as a marksman rate a ribbon with no attachments.
f. OPNAV 3591/1 will be forwarded by the RSO via the chain of command to the CO. The
RSO's endorsement to the CO should indicate the qualification attained for each member in order
to facilitate service record entries and the procurement of expert medals.
g. NSN for the Expert Pistol Medal is 8455-00-577-5877. The NSN for the Expert Rifle
Medal is 8455-00-577-5878. Marksmanship ribbons will be purchased from the military
exchange. Expert medals are issued for the first qualification only; however, COs may issue a
replacement medal without charge if the medal has been lost, destroyed or rendered unfit for
wear on the uniform.
h. Navy active duty and Reserve personnel who qualify on a small arms qualification course
with any other branch of the Military Services (including Coast Guard) may wear the appropriate
Navy ribbon or medal corresponding to that service qualification designation.
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i. Civilian personnel who are required to be armed to perform official duties, are required to
fire the courses of fire contained in this instruction; however, they will not be issued nor are they
authorized to wear Navy marksmanship awards on civilian clothing or any assigned uniform.
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A-1 Appendix A