B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

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Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Principles of Fire Support

Introduction The purpose of this instruction is to provide you with a basic

understanding of the different fire support assets (artillery,
mortars, and naval surface fire support) available to support
the Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF), as well as the
capabilities and limitations of these weapons systems.

Importance Fire support as defined in Joint Publication 1-02 is the

application of fires that directly support land, maritime,
amphibious, and special operations forces to engage the
enemy forces, combat formations, and facilities in pursuit of
tactical and operational objectives.

In This Lesson We will discuss the capabilities and limitations of the fire
support assets available to you in the Marine Corps. They
include: 60mm Mortars, 81mm Mortars, 155mm Artillery,
and Naval Surface Fire Support assets.

This lesson covers the following topics:

Topic Page
M224 60mm Mortar 4
M252 81mm Mortar 5
120mm Mortar 6
Mortar Capabilities and Limitations 7
Marine Corps Artillery 8
Artillery Weapons Systems 9
Artillery Organization 11
Mortar / Artillery Ammunition 14
Naval Surface Fire Support 16
Summary 20
References 20
Glossary of Terms and Acronyms 20
Notes 21

2 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Principles of Fire Support (Continued)

Learning Objectives Terminal Learning Objectives

TBS-FSPT-1002 Given a radio, call signs, frequencies,

available supporting arms, equipment, a scheme of
maneuver, and a commander's intent, employ supporting
arms to achieve desired effect(s) on target that support(s)
the ground scheme of maneuver.

Enabling Learning Objectives

TBS-FSPT-1001a Given an evaluation, define fire support

capabilities and limitations, without error.

TBS-FSPT-1002a Given a tactical scenario, commander's

intent, fire support assets, and targets, determine asset to
target match, to economize force, achieve the commander's
intent, and accomplish the mission.

3 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

M224 60mm Mortars

The M224 60mm mortar is a smooth bore, muzzle loaded, high angle of fire weapon
(see diagram below). Three M224 mortars make up a mortar section, which is organic
only to an infantry rifle company. It can be fired from either a drop fire mode
(conventional method) or trigger fire mode (conventional or hand-held method). A
lightweight auxiliary base plate is used when firing the mortar in the hand-held mode. It
can be fired in a direct lay mode or through the use of a fire direction center (FDC).

60mm Mortar Section

Organization Weight
 One section Item Weight in Pounds
Section leader – Sergeant 0341 Tube M225 14.4
 Three squads each with Bipod M170 15.2
One M224 Sight M64 2.5
Three Marines
Base plate M7 14.4
 Squad leader/Gunner –
**Base plate M8 3.6
Corporal 0341
 Assistant gunner – Lance Conventional mode 46.5
Corporal 0341 **Handheld mode 18.0
 Ammunition man – Private First Max Eff Range 3,500m
Class/Private 0341 ECR 30m

4 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

M252 81mm Mortars

The M252 81mm medium extended range mortar (see diagram below) is a crew-served,
smooth bore, muzzle loaded, high angle of fire weapon system. It is designed to be
fired in the indirect fire mode, cannot be fired handheld, and normally utilizes a FDC.
The M252 is highly accurate up to ranges of 4500m to 5700m depending on the
munition. A blast attenuation device (BAD) is attached to the muzzle of the cannon
assembly to reduce the blast effects on the mortar crew. The M252 is ideally suited to
support light infantry forces.

81mm Platoon Organization

Organization Weight
 Platoon HQ Weight in
Platoon commander – First Lieutenant 0302 Item
Platoon Sergeant – Gunnery Sergeant 0848/0369
Ammo technician – Lance Corporal 2311 Tube M252 35
Ammo man/driver – Private First Class 0341
 Two sections (four squads per section)
Section leader – Staff Sergeant 0369 Mount M177 27
Two ammo men – Lance Corporals 0341
Plotter – Sergeant 0341 Base plate
Plotter/recorder – Corporal 0341 M3A1
Recorder/driver – Lance Corporal 0341
Two forward observers – Corporals 0341 Sight M64A1 2.25
 Eight squads each with
One M252 Total weight 89
Six Marines
 Squad Leader – Sergeant 0341
 Gunner – Corporal 0341 Max Range 5,700m
 Assistant gunner – Lance Corporal 0341
 Three ammo men – Privates 0341 ECR 35m

5 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

M327 120mm Mortars (Expeditionary Fire Support System)

M327 mortar is an extended range mortar system operated by Marine Corps Artillery
Units. It can provide all-weather, ground-based, close supporting, accurate, immediately
responsive, and lethal indirect fires in support of the Marine Air-Ground Task Force
(MAGTF). The M327 mortar is capable of successfully engaging a spectrum of potential
point and area targets, including motorized, light armored, and dismounted personnel
targets, command and control systems, and indirect fire systems. M327 mortar fires will
disrupt, degrade, or destroy as much of the threat force capabilities as possible prior to
the initiation of the direct fire engagement and provide accurate, lethal, close-in fires
throughout the duration of the engagement. As a critical element of the ground fires
triad, the M327 mortar will afford the MAGTF commander increased flexibility in tailoring
his fire support systems to support the scheme of maneuver. M327 mortar equipped
units are well suited for missions requiring speed, tactical agility, and vertical

Weight in
Tube M327 295

Undercarriage 734

Base plate 502

Mortar Stool 70

Total weight 1,601

Max Eff Range 7,900m

ECR 45m

6 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Mortar Capabilities and Limitations

Mortar Capabilities
Capability Description
The maximum (30 rds/min) and sustained (20) rds/min for
60mm; 15 rds/min for 81mm) rates of fire allow both mortar
High volume of fire
systems to provide a considerable amount of ammunition in
support of maneuver forces.
Highly responsive The location of the mortar systems closer to the supporting
asset units equates to faster response time.

Both mortar systems are light enough to be hand carried, if

Light, mobile, and
necessary, and can be employed in a variety of positions on
the ground.
Mortars can be positioned on the ground to take advantage of
protection by terrain; for example, behind a hill mass or in a
Fires from and into
dry riverbed. Conversely, mortars’ inherent high angle fire
capability allows them to engage targets located in defilade
The 60mm and 81mm mortar are organic assets within the
CO’s “hip pocket Marine rifle battalion thus increasing their knowledge of the
artillery” maneuver unit’s experience and capabilities due to habitual
working relationships.

Mortar Limitations
Limitation Description
The high angle nature of fire for the mortar contributes to their
longer time of flight for the round to reach the target area.
Long time of flight
This also makes the mortar system more susceptible to
direction-finding radar.
Due to the maximum and sustained rates of fire, mortars
expend more ammunition. A smaller effective casualty radius
requires both systems to use a greater number of rounds to
accomplish the same mission as compared to other fire
support systems.
The shorter range of both mortar systems require the tubes to
move closer to the engagement areas whenever maneuver
units reach beyond the range of their mortars. During their
movement, mortars have a limited capability to employ their
systems to supporting units.

7 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Mortar Capabilities and Limitations (Continued)

Conclusion. The mortars are a crew-served weapon system, which can be found in
Marine infantry companies and battalions, except for the 120mm mortar system that
belongs to the artillery community. It is a muzzle-loaded, smooth-bored, all weather
capable weapon system that Marines can carry and disassemble. In the weapons
platoon of an infantry rifle company are three 60mm mortar systems. In the weapons
company of the infantry battalion are eight 81mm mortar systems. A Light Armored
Reconnaissance (LAR) Battalion also possesses eight 81mm Mortar systems. Mortars
are capable of firing a wide variety of ammunition. Due to their increased
responsiveness and the fact that they belong to the maneuver commander, mortars are
often referred to as the “CO’s hip pocket artillery.

Marine Corps Artillery

Generating combat power in support of maneuver at the decisive time and place
achieves victory on the battlefield.

Mission. The mission of Marine artillery is to:

 Integrate and deliver lethal and non-lethal fires to enable joint and
maneuver commanders to dominate their operational environment across
the spectrum of operations.

Artillery conducts three key tasks to accomplish their mission.

 The primary task: to provide close and continuous fire support to the
maneuver units. Fire support is provided day or night and in all weather

 Artillery gives depth to the battlefield. Weapons with ranges of 20+

kilometers have the ability to:

Attack reserves and assembly areas.

Interdict supply lines.

Disrupt the enemy’s command and control facilities.

 Deliver counter fire within the range of our weapon systems to ensure
freedom of movement for ground forces.

8 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Artillery Weapons Systems

M777A2 155mm Towed Howitzer
Characteristic Data
Weight of weapon 9,840 pounds
18,100 meters
30,100 meters with rocket assisted projectile (RAP)
Maximum rate of fire 5 rounds per minute for 3 minutes
Sustained rate of fire 2 rounds per minute
Ammunition available Standard 155mm ammunition

Characteristic Data
Weight of weapon 32520 pounds
Range 70,000+ meters
Maximum rate of fire N/A
Sustained rate of fire N/A
Ammunition available M31 (GMLRS) & M48 (ATACMS)

9 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Artillery Weapons Systems

HIMARS Ammunition
Shell Description
M31  200 lb HE warhead (PD, Delay, VT fuze capable)
 GPS aided
 Range: 15-84+ km
 Accuracy: 5m from target
M48 ATACMS  500 lb unitary warhead
 Range: 70 – 300 km
 Accuracy: 5m from target

10 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Artillery Organization
The three active duty artillery regiments and one artillery regiment in the reserve
structure are the:

 10th Marines within the 2nd Marine Division.

 11th Marines within the 1st Marine Division.**(1) HIMARS BN
 12th Marines within the 3rd Marine Division.
 14th Marines (the reserve artillery regiment), an element of the 4th Marine
Division (the Reserve Division). **(1) HIMARS BN

The 10th Marine Regiment has two battalions and a headquarters battery and 11th
Marine Regiment has four battalions and a headquarters battery. The 12th Marine
Regiment has one artillery battalion and a headquarters battery.

Artillery Battalion. The battalion, the basic tactical unit for the artillery, contains:
One headquarters battery and three firing batteries (six howitzers in each battery; 18
howitzers in the battalion).

Headquarters Battery. The headquarters battery provides the equipment and

personnel to assist the battalion commander in controlling and supporting the battalion.

Battalion Liaison Section

 The liaison officer (LNO) is an 0802 Lieutenant. The section provides artillery
liaison personnel to operate (with equipment) with the Fire Support Coordination
Center (FSCC) of the supported unit.

 Forward observer (FO) teams. Company fire support teams of the supported
maneuver battalion. Each FO team consists of:
 An FO (0802 lieutenant)
 A scout observer (0861)
 One or two radio operators (0621)

Firing Battery. Three firing batteries in each artillery battalion each

 Is commanded by a Captain (0802).
 Has two platoons organized as follows:
 Has three howitzer sections (with one howitzer in each section).
 Has one FDC that
o Exercises technical and tactical fire control for the battery.
o Communicates with higher headquarters and the supported unit.
 Has a platoon headquarters element which contains these sections
o Communication.
o Motor transport.
o Medical.

11 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Artillery Organization (Continued)

 Firing Team. Regardless of the organization and equipment, the mission of any
indirect fire unit remains the same: “to put steel on target as quickly as possible.”
Accomplishing this goal requires a three-part team (whether the team is artillery,
mortars, naval surface fire support, or any other indirect firing organization):

o The observer —“eyes”

o The FDC — “brain”
o The howitzer section — “muscle”

The Observer — “Eyes.” The FO teams and the liaison section provide the link
between the maneuver unit and the supporting artillery. The FO will locate and
identify targets for the battery or battalion to engage. The liaison officer will
assist the infantry battalion FSC in coordination and planning of artillery support.
The FOs and LNO “see” the battlefield and feed information to the FDC.

The FDC — “Brain.” The FDC is the brain of the battery. The information gained
by the “eyes” is fed here. The fire direction officer (FDO) is responsible for the
FDC. Upon hearing the call for fire, the FDO issues a fire order to the FDC. The
FDC takes the rough information obtained from the “eyes” and calculates firing
data for the howitzer. Data is then sent to the gun line.

The Howitzer section — “Muscle.” The gun line is the muscle. The howitzer
section applies the data to the gun and delivers “steel” to the target. The Section
Chief (0811 Sergeant), responsible for the howitzer section, ensures that the
correct fuze, fuze setting, round, charge, deflection, and quadrant are fired.

Artillery Capabilities and Limitation

The tables below describe the capabilities and limitations of artillery.
Capability Description
Maneuvering fires  Can shift fire from one target to another without displacing
(physically moving)
 This responsiveness allows close integration with
Massing fires  Despite extensive dispersion between batteries and
battalions, different units can simultaneously engage one
target or a group of targets (two or more targets fired
 Whenever possible, artillery battalion will mass its batteries
to have greater effect
18 rounds landing at the same time causes greater damage
and more casualties than 18 rounds landing six at a
time, 20 seconds apart
Surprise fires  Fires delivered without adjustment, thereby allowing for
greater effect
 To be effective, an accurate target location must be given or

12 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Artillery Organization (Continued)

Capability (Cont) Description (Continued)
All weather  Artillery is not limited by visibility or weather conditions
capability  Is an all weather, 24-hour supporting arm
Fires from and into  Artillery can be positioned on the ground to take advantage
defilade of protection provided by terrain, for example
Behind a hill mass
In riverbed
 Conversely, by using high angle fire, artillery is able to
engage targets located in a defilade position
Rapid displacement Artillery is able to move rapidly from one position to another

Limitation Description
Slow emplacements  A battery cannot shoot while displacing unless it conducts a
“hip shoot” (the hasty, unplanned occupation of a firing
 Battery is most vulnerable when on the move
Poor terrain Broken or rough terrain
 Limits mobility
 Slows the displacement of batteries
 May limit dispersion between howitzers
Close combat Battery’s support is degraded when defending its own position.
Air attack  Artillery is extremely vulnerable to air attack while displacing
 Movement or dust clouds are easily detected from the air
Ammunition/logistics Artillery units must have uninterrupted supply of ammunition to
burden provide continuous fire support
 One MTVR, 7-ton truck (with M105 trailer) can carry 120
complete 155mm rounds (projectile, powder, and fuze)
 A battalion can fire the equivalent of one truckload of
ammunition every minute
Inability to support  Artillery will be on ship or en route to the beach during the
the initial phase of initial phase of the amphibious assault
an amphibious  Naval gunfire and air must provide initial support
Communication  To provide support, effective communication must be
 Communication is often the Achilles heel of any operation
due to the
Dispersion between units
Enemy interference
Counter battery If the enemy possesses counter battery radar, they can
radar  Track the projectiles
 Determine their origin
 Return fire

13 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Artillery Organization (Continued)

Conclusion. Marine artillery provides all-weather fire support to maneuver
commanders and is capable of firing in the direct and indirect fire modes. Supporting
units can depend on the M777a2 155mm towed howitzer to provide the added weight to
any operation. The organization of Marine artillery provides the MAGTF commanders
with flexibility. Three firing batteries plus one headquarters battery in the artillery offer
constant support, firing a multitude of ammunition ranging from HE to the Excalibur GPS
aided projectile. The FO (eyes), FDC (brains), and gun line (muscle) all furnish
maneuver units’ lethality up to 30,100 meters.

Mortar / Artillery Ammunition

Projectiles 60mm 81mm 120mm 155mm Effects
HE (High X X X X Filled with Composition B and
Explosive) TNT. Designed to destroy or
inflict casualties on personnel or
light skinned vehicles.
WP (White X X X X Designed for screening,
Phosphorus) obscuring, incendiary (refueling
stations), and signaling/marking.
HE/WP is optimal if there are
vehicles refueling (HE for the
vehicles and WP for the fuel).
RP (Red X Same as WP except it produces
Phosphorus) gray smoke that billows faster
and provides a more
widespread smoke screen.
Illumination X (40 X (60 X (120 X (120 Illuminates battlefield and used
Sec) Sec) Sec) Sec) for signaling/marking.
IR X X X X Illuminates battlefield and seen
Illumination through night vision.
M825 X Provides 5 to 15 minutes of
Smoke (WP) smoke. Uses 116 felt wedges
impregnated with WP for rapid
dissemination. Designed for
screening / obscuring (optimal)
but not for marking.
HE / Rocket X A rocket motor allows the HE
Assisted projectile to carry up to 30,100
Projectile KM.

14 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Mortar / Artillery Ammunition (Continued)

Projectiles 60mm 81mm 120mm 155mm Effects
Improvised X Base ejecting type projectile
Conventional that contains 88 dual purpose
Munition armor defeating and
(ICM) antipersonnel grenades. **ICM
can produce duds. Used against
heavy armored vehicles.
Excalibur X M982, Excalibur is an extended
range, GPS guided artillery

Fuzes 60mm 81mm 120mm 155mm Effects

Point X X X X Functions on impact. HE/Q
Detonating and/or PD is effective against
(PD) or personnel and light skinned
Quick (Q) vehicles.
Delay (D) X X X X Causes the projectile to
detonate .05 secs after impact
(5m-15m). Optimally used with
HE, and HE/D is used mostly
against enemies with overhead
cover. Also used in heavily
wooded areas, and times where
you want to minimize shrapnel
on the battlefield (friendly troops
in the maneuver).
Proximity X X Radio activated and functions
(Prox) / Near when it receives the reflection of
Surface a self-transmitted radio signal.
Burst (NSB) Height of burst 0-3 ft (NSB) or 3-
13 ft (Prox). HE / Prox and/or
NSB is optimal against
personnel in the open without
overhead cover.
Variable X Radio activated and functions
Time (VT) when it receives the reflection of
a self-transmitted radio signal.
VT has a 7m height of burst and
HE/VT is optimal against
personnel in the open w/out
overhead cover.
Time X X Used with WP, Illum, and HE

15 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Naval Surface Fire Support

Three Missions of Naval Surface Fire Support (NSFS). NSFS ships exist to support
the assault of an objective by destroying or neutralizing:

 Shore installations that oppose the approach of ships and aircraft (Normally an
advance force will split from the main amphibious task force (ATF) body to
accomplish tasks in advance of the main force arrival. This advance force
normally will include NSFS ships.)
 Defenses that oppose the:
o Actual landing of the landing force
o And to provide support for the advance of the landing force ashore

Ships Capable of Providing NSFS. A number of types and classes of ships can fire in
support of land operations. Each of these classes of ship will have its own peculiarities
and characteristics based on its:

 Configuration
 Primary mission
 Weapons systems

The types of ships that provide NSFS are

 Destroyers (DD)
 Guided missile destroyers (DDG)
 Guided missile cruisers (CG)

Although there are many classes of ships, there are only a few types of gun mounts and
computer systems, each of which implies certain capabilities.

Guided Missile Cruisers. The Ticonderoga class guided missile cruisers perform
primarily in a battle force role. These ships are

 Multi-mission surface combatants.

 Capable of supporting carrier battle groups, amphibious forces, or operating
 Armed with two 5”/54 gun mounts to support the landing force.

Destroyers. These NSFS platforms are capable of supporting

 Carrier battle groups.

 Surface action groups.
 Amphibious groups.
 Replenishment groups.

The Arleigh Burke class destroyer has one 5”/54 gun mount; the Spruance class has
two 5”/54 gun mounts.

16 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Naval Surface Fire Support (Continued)

MK-45 5”/54. The MK-45 is a 54-caliber, lightweight gun that provides surface
combatants accurate naval gunfire against

 Fast, highly maneuverable surface targets

 Air threats
 Shore targets during amphibious operations

The MK-45 is controlled by the MK 86 gun fire control system that allows the ship to
engage targets while moving. The capabilities of the MK-45 are listed in the table

Capability Measurement
ECR 40 m
Minimum range 910 meters
Maximum range 23,000 meters
Maximum rate of fire 20 rounds/minute
Sustained rate of fire 16 rounds/minute

NSFS Capabilities. To ensure that NSFS ships can provide effective support to a
landing force, a planner must have a good foundation in the characteristics of NSFS.
The capabilities and limitations should be considered both when planning and adjusting
NSFS. These capabilities and limitations are actually a set of related characteristics
that can be liabilities in one situation and enhancements in another.

 Mobility. Ships can maneuver in the water to position themselves to best support
the landing force. Many limitations that will be discussed later can be overcome by
planning to take advantage of the ship’s mobility. Ships are also able to maneuver
to defend themselves against attack.

 Accuracy. The gunfire control systems (GFCS) available can place accurate fires
on a target from a ship underway, allowing the simultaneous engagement of two

 Variety of Ammunition. The types of projectiles and fuzes available are very
similar to those found in the firing battery. The projectiles include
o HE.
o WP.
o Illumination.
 High Initial Velocity. NSFS is particularly suited for destroying hardened and
fortified targets where penetration is necessary before damage can occur. If the
target presents a vertical surface to the gun-target line (GTL), this characteristic is
enhanced. The muzzle velocity of Naval guns firing full charge is 2650 feet per
second (f/s). An M16A2 assault rifle is3250 f/s.
An artillery piece firing an intermediate charge is about 1200 f/s.
The ballistic characteristics of NSFS more closely resemble those of an assault
rifle than a howitzer.

17 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Naval Surface Fire Support (Continued)

NSFS Capabilities. (Continued)

 Narrow, Accurate Deflection Pattern. The high muzzle velocity causes a very
accurate deviation dispersion pattern along the GTL, which allows very close
placement of fires to maneuver units when the GTL parallels their positions.

 High Rate of Fire. The rapid rates of fire for each gun mount are made possible
by power hoisting and loading equipment. When engaging personnel-type
targets, where reaction time degrades ammunition effectiveness (because
personnel seek protection), this high rate of fire is significant for maximizing
effects on target.

NSFS Limitations. Many of the NSFS limitations are simply the same characteristics
that are capabilities, but studied from a different perspective. Careful, detailed planning
can reduce or eliminate the impact of these limitations on combat operations.

 Effects of Hydrography. Shoals, minefields, and reefs limit the maneuverability

of the ship. Shallow waters may force the ship to stand farther from the beach
than would be optimal. The ability to position ships for most effective support is
reduced if the areas in which the ships can maneuver are restricted.

 Fixing Ship’s Position. To provide accurate initial salvos, the ship must
determine its location. Both radar and visual means are used to triangulate the
ship’s position at various times and establish a “track.” If the beach is relatively
featureless, the ship will have difficulty locating itself precisely enough to provide
good fire support. Then AN/UPN-32 and AN/PPN-19 radar beacons can be used
to give the ship a fixed reference point.

 Effects of Weather and Visibility. NSFS must be observed for maximum

effectiveness. If weather conditions are such that
spotters are unable to observe the impact of rounds or the targets, most of the
rounds fired may have no damaging effect on their intended targets. Additionally,
if the ship is relying on visual navigational aids and the weather interferes with
visibility, the ship will encounter difficulty fixing its position. A radar beacon can
be used to provide a reference point to minimize this problem. Ships cannot
provide effective support in excessively stormy weather. Rolls in excess of 15
degrees stress the gun mount stabilizers beyond their design parameters.

 Changing GTL. When the ship is maneuvering, the GTL will slowly change.
This change may become an important consideration when friendly forces begin
to fall along the GTL. A long-range dispersion pattern on the GTL could become
a hazard to troops.

18 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Naval Surface Fire Support (Continued)

NSFS Limitations. Changing GTL (Continued)

During the Okinawa campaign in World War II, the Marines were quite successful in
overcoming this problem with careful planning. NSFS plans were made such that a
series of fire support areas (FSAs) were assigned and placed in an on-call status. As
the troops ashore maneuvered to a position where the GTL endangered the forces, the
ships were ordered to the next assigned FSA, maintaining a parallel GTL-friendly front
line relationship.

 Long Range Pattern. Naval guns produce most of their error as a range
dispersion pattern oriented along the GTL. When firing with full charge on flat
ground, NSFS will be rather difficult to adjust onto point targets because of the
large range dispersion. Firing reduced charge can minimize the range dispersion,
at the cost of some accuracy in deflection. Adjusting with several salvos per
adjustment can assist in the adjustment phase to place a mean point of impact
onto the target.

 Flat Trajectory. While the high velocity is desirable for giving NSFS its
penetrating qualities, the high velocity also creates the flat trajectory that can make
the engagement of some targets in defilade impossible. Unlike artillery, naval guns
cannot “cut” the charge. Only two powder increments are available: full and
reduced charge. When using the reduced charge, the angle of fall is increased,
allowing fires to reach some defilade positions, but the range of the weapon is
greatly decreased.

 Magazine Capacity is Limited. When the ships are shot dry, a re-supply must be
arranged. Careful planning can minimize the impact of ships’ non-availability for
tactical missions.

For example, a general support (GS) ship could be assigned to an interim DS role while
the DS ship is off station. Ships should undergo replenishment before a major attack.
Planners should be aware that a certain percentage of ammunition would be reserved
for defense of the ship.

When compared to artillery, the limitation of ammunition availability is minor. A typical

NSFS ship will carry about 600 5”rounds per mount. If proper planning has been
accomplished, re-supply ships will be available. A support ship can steam out, link up
with the re-supply vessel, re-supply, and be back on station within 4 to 6 hours.

 Communications. Communications is the major limitation of NSFS. Radio is the

only means of communication, and the nets are subject to interference both man-
generated and atmospheric. Without communications, the only NSFS will be of the
preplanned, scheduled variety. Using alternate frequencies or relaying calls for fire
via alternate nets can minimize communication problems.

19 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Naval Surface Fire Support (Continued)

NSFS Limitations. Changing GTL (Continued)

Conclusion. Naval surface fire support provides maneuver commanders a responsive

asset during amphibious landings and continuing operations ashore. The 5”-54 gun
system offers flexibility to commanders by providing fires at ranges up to 23,000 meters
using an assortment of ammunition. Successful integration of naval surface fires with
maneuver units involves planning early and continuously. Maneuver commanders who
employ naval surface fire support provide a unique added dimension to their operations.

The fundamental principles of our combined arms philosophy centers on the massing of
fires, both surface and air, to destroy the enemy’s will and ability to fight.

Reference Number or Reference Title
FMFM 2-7 Fire Support in MAGTF Operations
FMFM 6-18.1 TTPs for the Marine Corps Fire Support System
FMFM 6-9 Marine Artillery Support
FM 7-90 Tactical Employment of Mortars
MCWP 3-16 Fire Support Coordination in the Ground Combat Element
MCWP 3-16.6A Supporting Arms Observer, Spotter and Controller
MCRP 3-16.2 Techniques and Procedures for Fire Support Coordination

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

Term or Acronym Definition or Identification
ADAM Area denial artillery munitions
APAM Antipersonnel, anti-material
ATF Amphibious task force
CEM Combined effects munitions
CG Guided missile cruiser
CLGP (or copperhead) Cannon launched guided projectile
DD Destroyer
DDG Guided missile destroyer
DP Dual purpose
DU Depleted uranium
ECR Effective casualty radius
FASCAM Family of scatterable mines
FDC Fire direction center
FDO Fire direction officer
FO Forward observer
FSA Fire support area
FSC Fire support coordinator
FSCC Fire support coordination center
GCE Ground combat element

20 Basic Officer Course

B2C0289XQ Principles of Fire Support

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms (Continued)

Term or Acronym Definition or Identification
GFCS Gunfire control systems
GP General purpose
GPS Global positioning system
GTL Gun-target line
GS General support
HE High explosive
ICM Improved conventional munitions
INS Inertial navigation system
IR Infrared
LAR Light Armored Reconnaissance
LNO Liaison Officer
MAGTF Marine Air Ground Task Force
NSFS Naval Surface Fire Support
NVG Night vision goggles
RAAMS Remote anti-armor mine system
RAP Rocket-assisted projectile
TTP Tactics, techniques and procedures
VT Variable time
WP White phosphorous


21 Basic Officer Course

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