3 Interview Transcripts From The 5G Crisis Summit

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The document discusses the health effects of EMF radiation and 5G technology. It includes an interview with Dr. Martin Pall who discusses the biological mechanisms by which EMFs can impact health.

Dr. Pall states that the two main pathways are through excessive calcium signaling and increases in nitric oxide and superoxide which form peroxy nitrate and reactive free radicals.

Dr. Pall states that DNA effects are produced through free radical attacks on DNA which can cause single strand breaks, double strand breaks, and oxidized DNA bases.


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from The 5G Crisis Summit!

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The 5G Crisis Summit! video interviews of these
talks below:

Best Protection From EMFs and 5G
from Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD
Click here to watch this interview!

5G: The Agenda for Total Control

from Patrick Wood
Click here to watch this interview!

How Wireless Causes Harm (Part 1)

from Martin Pall, PhD
Click here to watch this interview!

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Best Protection from EMFs

and 5G
Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD

Josh: Joining us on the Summit today is Dr. Klinghardt has received numerous awards in the
Dietrich Klinghardt, the well-known integrative USA.
physician who’s been very outspoken in
pioneering on a number of issues including So, just diving in, you are recognized around the
electromagnetic radiation and its effects and what world for your insights and you’re helping to
we can do to protect ourselves. So, Dr. Klinghardt, bring the conversation forward. Both in terms of
thank you so much for joining us today. awareness, and specifically in solution, and what’s
working. So, just diving in. What have you noticed
Dr. Klinghardt: It’s a joy, Josh, to talk to you. going back to 3G and 4G even in effects on your
patients and within the body of science?
Josh: You too, again. We last chatted, I guess, on
camera a number of years ago on Take Back Your Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah, so I mean the main thing, I
Power. So, thanks for making time to catch up think that sets me aside maybe from some other
with us again. You’re currently in the UK, right? more well-known speakers, is that actually see
patients every day and follow them and their
Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah, just south of London with families for ten years, twenty years. I’ve been
[Nila], who is the co-founder of my work here in in practice now forty-five years. And so, I have
Europe. an overview over longitudinal development of
children, adults, their children. And in conclusion,
Josh: Excellent. So, I’ll share with our audience I can say 3G was an absolute disaster. And it is
your background in brief. And then we will dive very clear from the physics of it that 5G just going
in. So, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is a founder of the to be disaster squared.
Klinghardt Institute and Klinghardt education in
the UK, the American Association of Neuropathy, But here are some of the facts. It’s important
and is lead clinician at the Sophia Health Institute for people to understand that it’s not just the
located in Woodinville, Washington. He’s also amplitude, the strength of the signal, but it’s the
founder and chairman of the Institute for frequency that decides what the biological effects
Neurobiology in Germany. And Dr. Klinghardt are of the radiation that hits us. And so, many of
has written several books, the latest of which is the listeners will know that arrived technology or
on Lyme disease called, The Biological Treatment frequency specific microcurrent, that any of these
of Lyme Disease, currently available in German. technologies you can use for healing. And you can
And I want to read that in English, so keep me use for destruction. And it is very clear that 2.4
posted. In recognition of his pioneering work, Dr. gigahertz was used intentionally for destruction. It

The 5G Crisis Summit


was developed in England to make masses of the And if you ever work in my office, I invite anyone,
population docile. any politician listening to this, to come to my
office and watch a whole day with children with
Josh: With Wi-Fi, 2.4 gigahertz? Autism and adults with Alzheimer’s Disease. And
when you actually see that you can reverse many
Dr. Klinghardt: Used at 2.4 gigahertz to make cases of autism by simply protecting the children
population docile. And also, before it was mass from the exposure to Wi-Fi. You don’t need any
introduced it was known that over two or three scientific study you know to see the results of that.
generations of exposure, it would turn an entire And when you see that you can reverse at least
population infertile. Which are the effects of that, many of the early cases of Alzheimer’s Disease, by
which we are seeing. That was the research that simply protecting the adult from the exposure to
was related to us by Barrie Trower. He was a Wi-Fi. You don’t need a scientific study to tell you
scientist from England who was highly involved in that you’re in the midst of a huge disaster. The
this. And is now trying to warn against the effects same as with women that are infertile. Some of
of this. And I know, you are aware of Barry and his that is reversible by protecting them from Wi-Fi.
So, in short, the 2.4 gigahertz used in 3G and most
But it is very, very, clear as a medical doctor said, of the 3G, was an absolute disaster. That was
“We have a crisis of infertility.” In the time since very well documented in the scientific literature.
Wi-Fi was instituted, the sperm count in men has And we had expected the common sense would
dropped by more than half. And fertility rates prevail that the studies that are out, at least would
have dramatically gone down. There are other have led to other good studies that would have
factors involved here that we know. That there shown that this is unsustainable for the human
are certain aspects of the vaccines which I cannot evolution. And that has not happened.
mention here. And certain environmental toxins
that are in our food that also contribute to that. I want to remind the people that are watching
But Wi-Fi has played a huge role. this, that several years ago was a court case in
Italy. Where a young man died of brain cancer
And so, where I come in and do the whole thing and then his mother sued the company that he
is, in 2005 the Karolinska Institute, Will Johansen, was working for, that had forced him to use the
published a wonderful research paper where he cell phone all day long. And so, the judge in his
looked at the incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease in wisdom, did a very simple thing in Court. He had
populations in Sweden and the exposure to Wi- the side that defended the client make a pile of
Fi. And there was clear, high correlation between all the scientific study studies that showed Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi exposure and the incidence of Alzheimer’s causes brain cancer and is dangerous.
Disease. If you roll it forward, he warned that this
is going to cause a mass disaster come 2019. The And the other side, the industry, making a pile
estimate is that half the population alive today, of papers of the things that show Wi-Fi was safe.
will die with or of Alzheimer’s Disease. That is And it was a much, much, larger pile. And then
entirely driven by Wi-Fi, by the exposure to Wi- the judge, having Italian common sense, said,
Fi. And it’s a disaster waiting to happen. That is “Okay, now, let’s remove all the papers that were
actually is not waiting to happen, it is already sponsored by the Wi-Fi industry.” And that pile
happening. went to zero. And the other pile stayed the same
it was before. And the judge ruled that the Wi-

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Fi industry is at fault. Or that the workplace is from Wi-Fi radiation, especially in their sleeping
at fault for causing brain cancer and that case areas. What else in terms of protective measures
stands. has worked and is working to help their health?

I wished American judges would use the same Dr. Klinghardt: Let me be very clear. So, there are
kind of wisdom. That’s a problem in America, is daytime strategies. There are nighttime strategies.
that the judges are elected officials. They don’t And there is external protection and there is
even have to study law to become a judge. And it’s internal protection. Let me go through that.
a disaster that sometimes people become judges,
that never even graduated from high school. So, So, the nighttime strategy is pretty clear. At
reading or understanding science or scientific nighttime, we request the children have the sleep
study is not part of their armamentarium. So, sanctuary that is like a mosquito net, the silver
America is heading for a big disaster in that way. corded cloth. Now, there are newer materials
that are coming out now that are probably more
Just to maybe say this very clearly, twelve years suited to shield against the 5G. We don’t know
ago we did some measurements for autistic that for sure yet. But the Swiss Shield was a
children. Basically, we had a control group of ten name of the cloth, that the mosquito net was
healthy children and ten autistic kids. We went sewn from. It has to be over the child and under
to their homes with a mother was when she was the child and make a faraday cage. What people
pregnant. And we constructed the same Wi-Fi forgot very often is that the shield needs to be
router, and the same conditions, and measured grounded. There needs to be a wire coming from
at the moms that gave birth to a child that was that conductive cloth running into the Earth. That
later diagnosed with autism. They were exposed was a foul compromise to use the Earth in the
to over twenty fold the amount of Wi-Fi radiation electric outlets. For the worst case, that is the only
than the mothers that gave birth to a child they thing we can do if they live in the seventh floor
gave birth to a normal typical child. More than of a high-rise apartment, we could not request
twenty fold. I tried at the time to get the study that they run a wire from the center of the house
published. I couldn’t find anybody interested. down to the ground. And so, we use the ground in
In fact, I got one threatening letter back until I the outlet. So, that’s number one.
decided to call it that the time wasn’t right for it.
Number two, the Sleep Sanctuary becomes
So, since then, however, I’ve been treating the dangerous if you have strong pulsating electric
autistic children to come to my practice very fields in the room. So, we requested at least
rigorously. That the condition number one, on that room, the fuses that are responsible for the
day one, of the first visit. The parents get the Wi- electric outlets in that room and the electric wiring
Fi talk of how they need to protect the child. And in the walls of the room. They have to be out
they need to get rid of the Wi-Fi router all together for the night. Ideally the whole house. That’s the
in the house. And you just switch off the fuses nighttime strategy that works.
at night. They need to get a sleep sanctuary. You
know, the protective clothing over their bed and Daytime strategy is even that with autistic kids,
the kids need to wear protective clothing. parents have to get a wired connection. The
router has to be off. Has to be on a mode that
Josh: And so, what you’re seeing results Dietrich, doesn’t broadcast. Now, it used to be a simple
in cutting the Wi-Fi and protecting autistic kids thing in the computer where you could switch

The 5G Crisis Summit


off the broadcasting option of the Wi-Fi router. to work, and they need to have lights. And the
Now, the modern routers do no longer have that fridge needs to be on. That has been hugely
option. They are intentionally wired in a way that protective. It’s called the E-Shield cream and
you cannot switch them off. And so, we bag them. lotion.
You know, we have a company, LittleTreeGroup.
com in Seattle, she’s a retired woman. She sews I could go into details, maybe one more detail
these bags out of the Swiss Shield and you can that we found. This is more for adults with electro
single or double bag the Wi-Fi router to make sure hypersensitivity. We have found that if you give
it’s off. astronomically high amount of methylated
folate, that almost everybody within three to four
So, that’s one part. But during the daytime, when months becomes neurotypical in terms of their
the kid runs around. We have two strategies that responses to the Wi-Fi environment, being outside
work wonders. One is to protect the clothing. I in the electronic environment, or being close
know there is a lot of stupid discussion going on. to a cell phone tower. They no longer have the
People have a strong opinion that the clothing is neurological symptoms. But this is like twenty to
dangerous and doesn’t work. And people having fifty milligrams of methylated folate. Which many
to repeat that it does work. Well, I have twenty practitioners are scared of this. The small possible
years of experience that it does work. I don’t give cancer link later in life. But it’s absolutely life-
a hoot about anybody’s opinion. The clothing does saving for a lot of my extremely high percentage
work. Metal deflects Wi-Fi. And basically, we want of patients. So, that’s a little bit on the internal
to turn the children in the knight in shining armor. protection.
Where a lot of the body area that is covered
with deflective cloth, the better the children are Josh: Let me just jump in there quickly. Is there a
doing. That solves the main part of the external specific brand or type of methylated folate, that
protection. you found best?

But the internal protection is first of all, there are Dr. Klinghardt: No, no. It’s now marketed by
several natural products that hugely enhance many vitamin companies. But most of them have
the ability of the body to not absorb the waves. offered point five milligrams or one milligram.
And that is rosemary, propolis from the bees, or There is one company, I forgot what the name
coriander. And so, there is a British company, KI of it is. Metabolic something? They produce at
Science, makes a product called Ray Wave. So, we least a ten and twenty milligram methylated
have all the children on that. And then the more folate, makes it a lot easier. Especially for the
they take, the more stable they are. autistic kids. Now many autistic kids are on the
methylated and there are certain symptoms, I’m
A second company has also developed a skin not going to go into that. And then when you
cream that makes the skin reflective of Wi-Fi. It actually give them high doses of methylation after
contains saffron and several other really precious a few months it flips that they become hyper
herbal ingredients. There is nothing chemical in methylated. And then you need to stop. But you
it. And so, we found when the kids are basically recognize it that the behavior gets better, and
lathered up in the cream in the morning and then better, and better. Even in electric environments,
they go to whatever they go to, special schools and then suddenly it flips as if they are having a
and special kindergartens. Or at home and some flare-up. And then you know that they are now
electric circuits are on because the parents need over methylated, and you have to stop for a few

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months. And it cycles, forth and back between attention deficit. But are being directed at here’s
under and over. a pharmaceutical solution. That sort of makes you
tolerate the environment better.
But I think these are sort of like a big stroke.
But the important thing for me is, that it was Maybe, one more last thing to this. Hope
absolutely stunning and amazing for me. That you’re also observing, since I’ve done this long
it could really say that there are two groups of enough. When a parent is exposed to constant
autistic children. The ones that get dramatically bombardment with electromagnetic radiation. I
better and the ones that don’t. And the ones that will get into that later. But they have increased
are getting dramatically better are the ones that food allergies, they have increased brain fog, and
following my EMR protection to a tee. And the a variety of symptoms that they are not relating
ones that are not getting better are the ones that to the electromagnetic exposure. If these parents
think they are following it. But when I ask them have children, they are already negative response
unrehearsed. “Okay, what is it that you’re actually of the parents, will be quadruple or increased
doing?” I realize, they are making one mistake more in the offspring.
or another. They may have the sleep canopy,
but they are not grounding it. Or they may even And the offspring will be extremely
ground it, but they leave the fuses on for the electrosensitive. And if these children, and I have
electric circuitry in the room. Or they don’t do any some in the third general now have children, their
of the daytime protection. Or they don’t do the children will be autistic. So, there is a cascade of
methylation. worsening from generation to generation. And
we understand now that the Wi-Fi amongst many
So, there is usually something missing. But I think of its other blessings, is that it damages the DNA.
the truth is, you know, we’ve established firmly in And that is what causes problems onto the next
my clinical experience that the exposure to Wi-Fi generation. And it goes up exponentially.
has led to the biggest health crisis of our time.
Destroying the lives of children. And you know, Let’s say in the first generation you have a
when I say autism, yes that’s the extreme. But the hundred genes damaged. In the next generation
less injury is the hyperactivity that attention deficit there will be two thousand. And in the next
in children that is now the new normal. And the generation, it would be all the genes. And we
kids instead of getting the advice to limit the Wi- only have twenty-three thousand. So, it’s not that
Fi exposure and the radio wave exposure. They much.
are put on Adderall, and Ritalin, and all the drugs.
They have come down with the whole list of Josh: Is there a certain threshold which you go
developmental problems that express themselves past? And then you haven’t seen any evidence of
later in life. That means these kids are crippled for repair, possible? The DNA for example, doesn’t
life. Or really are becoming drug dependent for repair? But like it does up to a certain threshold?
the rest of their life. What can you tell us in terms of reversibility or
irreversibility of these types of damage?
Which you may think sometimes maybe an intent
that’s going to work in the whole thing. You know, Dr. Klinghardt: I mean this is from clinical
they lose their freedoms. And their medical observation from people smarter than me. There
independence early on in life. Instead of being is a synergistic effect in history. So, the higher
directed at what’s causing the hyperactivity or the the amount of vaccines that the child has gotten,

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the more electro sensitivity the next generation you need to do there. Basically, using a cellphone
will be. So, let’s say you grow up fairly normally at as little as possible. Like zero, ideally. And not
the normal vaccine program. If you have children letting your kids use it, right? Can you talk a little
that predicts the level of electro hypersensitivity bit about these types of quick things that people
normally. can do? And maybe perhaps add to that list?

We should define that. So, everybody is to the Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah. The cell phone use is very
same degree electrosensitive. No matter what. hard to control in kids. We have a rule here in
You get the same cancer rates, you get the England, in the community that I live in. Where the
same grade of food allergies, of headaches, kids have to be at least fifteen years old before
and all that. Electro hypersensitivity is a smaller they can get a phone. And then the phone use
group amongst us humans that has also allergic has to be limited by the parents. Especially they
phenomena. That means they get muscle are not allowed to use it in the evening because
activation, they get like in addition to the chronic that destroys the melatonin production. And sets
problems, they get acute problems. So, when I up limits to the neurological development of the
refer to electro sensitivity, I refer to what we are brain. The memory, the learning, all that gets
all sensitive to. impaired. So, there are some pretty strict rules.

And there is a number of environmental factors Of course, kids should only be texting. Most will
that we see consistently that makes us more not follow that advice. The limited use of the
sensitive. And so, one of the histories. One is the phone is, of course, up to the parents to establish
presence of mercury, amalgam fillings of metal that kind of relationship with the kids. That they
crowns. The study just came out with children can push that through. It’s very, very difficult now
with orthodontic work, that the Wi-Fi environment to be a parent these days because of that. But
determines how much nickel is released from we do know that the cell phone use of teenagers
the wires that they have in the mouth. And and of children is destroying the humanity of the
that nickel toxicity causes a severe allergic brain. It is limiting the brain development in a way
phenomenon in the system. So, there’s a whole that certain aspects of humanity, like compassion
host of interactions that we all have with the Wi-Fi and considering others, are the first parts of the
environment. That are very well published now. brain that get disabled. And that is a very scary
And they’re all pointing at the facility in the middle development.
of a disaster.
And so, with the YouTube system, this
The wonderful thing is, as you know, the whole loudspeaker system you plug in the headphone,
disaster could be ended with the switch of one but not the usual headphone. But that users get
single switch. Switching it off, we would all be plastic tubes that conduct the sounds in your
protected. ears. That is a very good system when you want
to make a phone call. But kids and teenagers have
Josh: Yeah. Yeah, so switching off your Wi-Fi not taken to that because they have to fiddle with
router or protecting it with one of those groups, it a little bit before they can put it on. So, it has
from Little Tree Group for example. Right? So, failed in our world. The real thing is that people
it can’t remit wireless. It’s using a wired mouse, should keep a wired connection at home. And
wired keyboard. It’s getting the transmitting smart should give the kids their own wire connection
meter off of your house. Opting out or whatever in their own room. Where they can make the

The 5G Crisis Summit


evening, phone calls with their friends and all that. 5G. I never had the opportunity to get clinical
It should not be done on the cell phone. experience in the 4G environment. But I can I
think quite competently talk about 5G.
And then of course the strength of the signal
diminishes with the square of the distance. So, So, first of all, the technology behind it is quite
when people use a loudspeaker, they can’t have complex. And what I said at the beginning, the
the phone a foot or foot and half away from the damaging effect of the cell phone radiation is not
mouth. It’s a huge reduction in damage of course just the amplitude of what you are getting. But it
with that. There are some obvious details that we is also frequency specific, the damage. When I first
require only common sense were people don’t got into the 5G discussion, one expert says, “Well,
really need to have an understanding of physics. it’s 3.4 gigahertz.” I said, “Great, we can handle
that.” And then somebody else say, “No, no. It’s
You have become sort of the world expert on the ten to thirty gigahertz.” And as it turns out, there
smart meters. And we’re very excited about this is actually a wide variety of frequencies used. At
box from England that reduces the signal from the least twenty-two, I think Barry identified. And the
smart meters by wiring it to the electric system one that rolled out already in London is twenty-
in the house. I’m sure you are going to let people eight gigahertz in several sections. And that’s an
know about that development in your own part. enormous increase in frequency.
But we look at it as a very exciting development to
diminish some of the damage that comes in from And in general, the biological effects can be
the outside. predicted to some degree. I know from my
mentors in biophysics and this is really what
Josh: Yeah, we are interviewing Terry Stoughton we’re talking about at the end of the day. It’s all
as part of the Summit. Who has the technology about biophysics. How is this aspect of physics
that gets rid of the dirty power, the dirty electricity interfering with our biology? And we know that
at the root. And there are other technologies the human bio field uses frequencies in the
as well to block the wireless in the process of ranges from ten to thirty gigahertz. That has been
solving this greater problem. And getting these measured and established by clever Russian
things off everyone’s houses. But there are some scientists fifteen years ago, twenty years ago.
encouraging developments in the past year that
even utilities are seeing that there’s no return. As soon as there were instruments that could
There’s no real benefit that even they’re getting measure it. And this is exactly the range now,
from this horrible technology. In light of the risk, where we will broadcast the entire population
and the liability, and the fires, and everything. with man-made frequencies. That are resisent in
the same range with a human body is producing
So, I wanted to just to dive in more about the its own frequencies that are important for the
comparison. What could you tell us about 3G and cell to cell communication. But also, the way our
4G? And now 5G? What is your understanding of organism communicates with its field, with the
the differences in these technologies? plants around us, with other people, with our
pets. And so, the expectation that I have from this
Dr. Klinghardt: So, 4G, I can’t really comment on is that it’s going to be dehumanizing us. It may not
because somehow that development was skipped even have visible, on the surface, clear medical
in England. We still have 3G here. But in London, effects that can be measured. But it will certainly
the roll out in certain sections of London with have huge effects on the more subtle aspects of

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humanity. I’m saying, no question. It’s exactly in if there is evidence of harm, then people can
those frequency ranges were our higher functions sue, and then the technology can be removed or
of consciousness of compassion of love are. lessened. In Europe, it is the other way around.
That the industry should first show that there
I cannot go away from the thought that may be is no harm. And of course, they use to stupid
intentional. That this has been long planned. standards of cell phone radiation heating up the
Because we had other technologies. We had fiber body. So, they use a standard of biological testing
optic systems which were fantastic. And they were that is absolutely inadequate. But there is a little
healthy for us. And there was a decision made bit more protection in Europe.
at some point. You know, kind of go intelligently
here or are we going to go to the total destruction The truth is, with all of us self-appointed experts,
of the human condition. The trouble with 5G is the technology is kept secret so far what actually
that it needs a more dense network of cell phone will be used. And what’s used in one location may
towers because of the nature of it. not be the same as it is used another location.
And basically, it’s a huge experiment rollout.
And the idea is that we’ll also line country roads And probably will be found in some locations,
and more rural areas so that they can be part everybody goes blind. And in another location,
of this beautiful development. Elon Musk, you all the insects die. And in another location, all the
know, is planning on sending twelve hunderd people die. And then maybe one of the frequency
satellites up in the air. I’m invited to actually talk bands doesn’t actually do harm. And then, they
to one of his family members to talk sense into will eventually, hopefully, be crystallized out. And
them. Another problem to that, Musk is not a bad then they won’t be used. But until then, there is
person, but just ignorant or misinformed, like going to be a lot of damage. We know that for
most people are. sure.

I think the main point that people need to know is Josh: I think that what you said, also, about you’re
that none of the frequency ranges that are coming starting to really, you know question the intent
towards us. Have been evaluated for the effects of this technology. Something that would lend
on anything living, you know. The FCC and other support to that, you know idea, that perhaps at
institutions that are controlling this development. a high enough level. Even though not everybody
Frequency bands are sold by the government to perhaps within the industry and government is
the suppliers. And so, the government greedy in on it. Perhaps at a high enough level, this is
as any government in the world is. And hugely being done on purpose to you know, perhaps
money consuming machine. They used to sell off minimize or reduce the population, to strengthen
land when it was available. Now, they are selling the grip of the pharmaceutical industry as you
off frequency bands. And of course, it’s good described earlier with the drugs and how they’re
business. So, there is absolutely no consideration being prescribed. But we know that as early as
given what these frequency bands will do to us the 1970s. Dr. Klinghardt, as you know, most of
humans. our audience knows. But just connecting this dot,
thousands of studies were already published by
So, I’m sure you have other speakers say the same the 1970s on the effects of microwave radiation.
thing. But it is just absolutely appalling because And also, a considerable number of studies on the
in the U.S., we have a special arrangement that effects of millimeter wave radiation.
the industry can do anything they want. And only So, those results were known, right? So, this is

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maybe in some ways, it’s an experiment against list of things that is available. For no reason, there
the Nuremberg Code. You can’t experiment on were no incidents, there were no cases of death
people without their consent. But in other ways, or anything of that. So, I think it shows like the
perhaps, there’s a deeper thing happening here sinister part of that very well. So, yes detoxing
that we really need to, you know, bravely look metals is a huge issue.
We were experimenting with different waters
So, I wanted to just to dive in. A couple more right now. One of the things that we are very
questions about the wireless and the solutions. excited about is a water that will removal all the
And then maybe we’ll finish with some dot aluminum toxins. And aluminum is resonant
connecting information for our audience. Can with Wi-Fi by certain frequencies. And KiScience
you talk about, are there other technologies is actually is a main aluminum researcher in the
that you haven’t mentioned yet? That you really world. And he found a water full of organic silica
recommend for people to protect from wireless compounds, different ones, hundreds of different
and millimeter wave radiation? Like what else compounds that actually very quickly leeched out
works? And is there anything else in addition to aluminum from our system.
the list that you mentioned previously?
And he found that when people drink that water,
Dr. Klinghardt: One of the big successes in our for just six weeks, they become much more stable
practice was to detoxify people for metals. So, in Wi-Fi environments. It is called Acilis water.
all of us have a significant toxic metal burden. That’s basically silica spelled backwards. And now
Lead is in everybody’s bones. Cadmium from I know, KiScience has it available. So, the metal
the car exhaust. Substantial number of people detox, of course, I have been lecturing on heavy
are mercury toxic, you know from eating fish. metal detox for decades. But it has become an
From many, many other sources, even ambient amazingly effective tool and making people stable
air. And the iron content, you know, even in the in the high Wi-Fi environments.
system plays a huge role. Meat eaters have a lot
more iron in their system than others. And it’s I’m sure, when I actually talk with patients, I have
the metals that are mostly resonant with the Wi- a lot more ideas. I’m just blanking out right now
Fi. That means the Wi-Fi would go through us if with what else we’re doing.
it would be just would be water. In fact, over the
duck experiment, that water has been good at Josh: No, you have already provided so much
deflecting Wi-Fi. And so, a big strategy is to detox value here. Just in this string of things that are
people from heavy metals. I think in the context working that people can do. And so, we encourage
it is interesting that with the announcement that everyone just to do your own research on these.
5G is going to be new deal. Pretty much the same And start to engage in these solutions for yourself,
day the FDA in the US stopped the availability of and your kids, and your parents, and the elderly.
DMPS. The main drug that we need to get these
metals out of people. Dr. Klinghardt: Maybe, there is one more thing.
Metals reflect Wi-Fi. And that’s going to be the
On the same day that the FDA stated that 5G is same for the 5G. Whatever higher frequencies are
safe and that we are going to go forward, they used, they are actually going to have to turn up
ruled no more metal detox agent. You know, the the power up quite a lot to penetrate buildings.
main metal detox agent was removed from the So, you have reception on the inside. The original

The 5G Crisis Summit


compromise that I would have swallowed was and the beauty of life with driverless cars. I don’t
that every house gets a little antenna on the think anybody is really asking for that. I don’t think
outside there to conduct the Wi-Fi signal on the beauty generated that far.
inside. And then the Wi-Fi signal on the outside
and the public places available to everybody Josh: Yeah, as part of the Summit, Dr. Timothy
would have been a fraction of what is needed now Shaklee, is interviewed. And I just encourage
to penetrate through concrete buildings and get everyone again to check out that interview. He
to the inside. And so, the idea right now to put kind of destroys the argument, that even if we
the cell phone tower every hundred yards or so, wanted driverless cars. 5G is not needed, number
is ridiculous. And I like to get this off my chest, one. He lays the foundation for even better than
you know, sort of. None of the people that I know, having, you mentioned, the idea of just a small
reasonable people, have ever asked for the need Wi-Fi signal to the house and then the house is
for 5G. You were quite happy with 3G. It was wired. He actually gives examples of cities that
doing everything. We could stream films. And we have wired their local infrastructure. They’ve gone
could do things. not the way of small cells. But they have gone
the way of fiber. They’ve regained control of their
I just had a meeting with one of the high up own communications infrastructure in doing so.
executives of AT&T. And they’re all totally excited And so, he talks about how local governments
about the new possibilities of what 5G can do. and communities can wire to the home and to
The faster networks can do in industrial settings. corporate buildings and companies.
But then when I went down the list and I’m not
going to spill the beans here, because I’m not So, okay five questions left. Not a lot of time left.
allowed to. None of these things are serving So, maybe we will aim for like thirty to second
anybody in a normal state of mind. These are all seconds per question. Are you ready? Are there
special applications. I mean who in the world was any lab tests on patients that you do or have
asking for a driverless car? I mean it, let’s face it, done, that can reveal the degree to which they’ve
you know, so my greatest joy is in the morning to been exposed or protected to or from microwave
get in the car and put the music on, and be in my radiation?
own world there. And having that displaced by
driverless car. And the driverless car is the only Dr. Klinghardt: Absolutely and that may be a
thing that makes the 5G necessary. And also, will shocker to some of the people are listening to
make it necessary that every hundred yards or this. So, the first one is the LDL cholesterol, the
so. There is a cell phone tower that is an emitting oxidized form of LDL cholesterol. Which is going
device. sky high in most people. And so, you got two
choices. You can switch it off or you can take the
So, meaning that there is not going to be cholesterol-lowering drugs that shorten your life
any spaces left for us to be in a Wi-Fi poorer in general. That’s number one.
environment. So, the driverless car basically
destroys the surface of the planet to make it a Number two is insulin resistance. And we have
livable space. And it’s very clear, where there is a now consistently observed that the Hemoglobin
driverless car space. The roads are prepared for A1C and other indicators of insulin resistance are
that. There will not be any bees. There will not matching up proportional to your exposures and
be any insects. And therefore, there will not be come down when you reduce exposures. It’s a
any songbirds. So, you are replacing songbirds really big one.

The 5G Crisis Summit


Maybe a third one and that’s a $2.00 version of it. very strong. And is retroviral and has a number of
When exposed to Wi-Fi, your white blood count other properties against infections and detoxifies.
goes down, you know. So, if your white blood And it’s an ideal tool. And we get it straight from
count is lower than 5,500 which is sort of 5,500 Sardinia. But again, it’s also a KiScience product.
to 6,000 is the normal. If it goes down to 4,000 or It’s a fantastic tool. It has made the treatment
3,500. Yes, it can be an indicator of a chronic viral of Lyme Disease so easy. Maybe in connection
infection, parasites, and all that. But most likely it’s with that, it’s very, very clear that Lyme Disease
an indicator of too high Wi-Fi exposure. without Wi-Fi is easy to treatment. And in a Wi-
Fi environment, good luck. The same in a mold
So, these are the three things that are consistent environment. And if you want to heal mold illness,
now. The other ones are all the hormones, you have to reduce life exposure.
basically in women the progesterone goes way
down with the Wi-Fi exposure. Your thyroid Josh: Yeah, thank you. So, that mold question was
hormones go down. In men, the testosterone and my number three. So, thank you for answering
the thyroid go down. And goes up again when you that. But the Cistus, can you spell that for us? Is it
are sufficiently protecting yourself. C-I-S-T-U-S?

Maybe last one is another cheap test, is the saliva Dr. Klinghardt: Yes.
hormone test. Where you measure the saliva
cortisone test. Where you measure four times a Josh: And what was the second word? Incarnate?
day, you measure your cortisone levels and one
time you measure right before you go to bed. Dr. Klinghardt: I-N-C-A-N-U-S, incanus.
And the other one in the morning. And if it is high
at midnight. So, you go to bed and then you spit Josh: Excellent. Thank you. So, do you want to
in the sink. And if it’s high at midnight, you know briefly say anything else about the wireless and
that your exposure in the home is way too high. mold connection? The science has conclusively
Because that’s indicating sustained stress levels. shown that they work together, right? Like the
more Wi-Fi, the more mold growth.
And so, these are a couple of indicators. I could
make a long longer list of that. But these are the Dr. Klinghardt: We just did an experiment
easy ones to get for everybody. in England, a student of mine. She grows
mushrooms. And she put a growth plate for
Josh: For good, thank you. Question two, Lyme medical mushrooms, you know in a corner in the
Disease, there appears to be a very solid link house. And she saw some growth. And then she
between Lyme and those who experience electro put equivalent culture next to the Wi-Fi router.
sensitivity symptoms, right? You’ve talked about And those mushrooms were like five times bigger
that before. But you’re talking about very specific than the other ones. This is simple. Mushrooms
tea that you’ve found to very good for overcoming and molds are the same species.
Lyme. Tell us about that?
So, I did an experiment with the Swiss researcher
Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah, the plant is called Cistus years ago. Where we could show mold culture
Incanus. It’s from Sardinia. And when you drink to Wi-Fi, it becomes several hundred times more
tea, it has the highest borrelia-cidal properties. virulent, more bioactive. Excreting more biotoxins
It means that it kills borrelia, but it is also very, then it would otherwise if it’s not bombarded

The 5G Crisis Summit


with Wi-Fi. And so, it’s very clear to me that mold Jonah Breeland, and the Japanese’s disaster, that
illness, in its extreme form that now, pretty much the only thing growing in those contaminated
everybody has. The mold sensitivity of people areas are the mushrooms. They are wild and
has in homes, is largely driven by the Wi-Fi huge. And incredible. So, by mushrooms have a
environment. And also, homes that have a little protective mechanism against radiation built in
bit of mold. That were never a problem before themselves, that is conveyed to you when you eat
are now a problem. Because the little bit of mold them.
that’s there is producing hundreds of times more
biotoxins then before. And it becomes a problem But it’s too early. Because it’s certainly not all
now. So, the treatment to clean up a home from mushrooms. It’s certain ones. And we are just now
mold, it’s not enough to exchange the C Drug and exploring that. And there certainly will be some
clean out the bathroom. You have to turn it off, mushroom products, medicinal mushrooms that
you have to turn off the Wi-Fi. will be a huge help. But it’s not going to be all of
Josh: Yeah. Thank you. So, you’ve talked
about mushrooms, there are certain kinds of Josh: Okay. Thank you. So, question four. Now,
mushrooms that can actually help, right? So, this is a big one. And we have to keep the answer
mushrooms aren’t necessarily bad to ingest. Can short, we are almost out of time. You started to
you quickly touch on that? talk about geoengineering or chemtrails. And how
this dot connects. Can you talk about this? And
Dr. Klinghardt: You know, we have been just summarize this quickly? And is there a link
experimenting right now. I didn’t really want that you see between you know that agenda and
to give that away. But we are experimenting the 5G agenda?
right now with a different mushroom extracts
and it looks like the incredible ability to resist Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah, so we’ve had a lot of the
radiation of any sort that mushrooms have in inside information that I can’t really disclose my
general. Some of the mushroom species current sources of that. But just having studied the skies,
can give you, by eating them, can give you that you know, we know that pretty much all over the
type of resistance or that kind of ability to deal western countries, the skies are regularly sprayed
with radiation. So, eating certain mushrooms is with a substance that makes a gray sky. That with
protective against Wi-Fi. the obvious intent to shield us from the sun, to
cool the temperatures below. That is at least on
Josh: That sounds like a paradox though, right? the surface what is there. So, we have pretty good
Because you’re saying like mushrooms and mold evidence. We’ve examined the fallout from that.
grow more when they are outside of your body Of course, what goes up, eventually comes down.
when they are exposed to Wi-Fi. But when you
eat them, you are saying they help. That they are So, we have examined the fallout. It’s not just an
defense. anodized aluminum, but it’s actually microbeads
of plastic that are spiked with aluminum, some
Dr. Klinghardt: We actually thought in the past titanium, some other metals on it. The dramatic
that molds on the walls grow because they are thing happens is we are inhaling it. We get
upset about the Wi-Fi. But it actually is, that they aluminum toxic. We get some microbeads of
can use the radiation for their own growth. So, plastic in us which we get from eating fish anyway.
they are really different elements. We know from But the main effect is the covering of the entire

The 5G Crisis Summit


oceans of the planet. mix that I developed is called Polmerlo, several

herbs that are able to cleave aluminum from the
And prevents the natural evaporation of the brain, and from the lung tissue, and mobilize it.
water. And so, the atmosphere, around the Earth, And the third one is a strange one, is the ionic foot
and just in the last twenty years. Has lost about bath. That’s a fantastic tool. We have a particular
40% of this moisture leading to huge droughts in model that are all a little different. You put your
areas of the planet. So, there is this myth, never feet in for thirty minutes and there’s a coil in there
being told you that the plastic beads on top of the that creates an electromagnetic field. We did
ocean from the plastic bottles that be throw away. urine studies afterwards and found that between
the hour eight after the foot bath that day. That
Well, plastic bottles do not integrate into this people’s aluminum excretion goes up 600 to 900
specific nano plastic particles. That’s from the sky. percent from where it was before. And so, these
So, this program is so obvious, in your face. But it are my three tools and it works fantastic.
is so effectively kept secret. You know where the
people that speak about it are really killed and Josh: Okay, excellent. So, we’re out of time. Just
there’s a lot of fake websites created. You know, closing with one last question here. This is a lot
how insane people out there believe that it’s real. of information. So, valuable. Thank you so much
We just have to look at the sky. for how you frame this, and how you’re bringing
the solutions, and you’re bringing a deep level
But the net effect is, that we all have toxic lungs, of awareness for so many people right now, Dr.
lung cancer is the mostly deadly cancer in women. Klinghardt. Thank you.
More so, than breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
It’s growing in spite of us having stopped smoking. Do you have any perspective or viewpoint on the
And the aluminum travels from there straight to mental perspective or the world view that we can
the central nervous system. And Chris, actually hold, so that we don’t just go into fear and close
just finished a study showing that autistic kids down? But so that we can help this awareness
have an astronomically high level of aluminum in spread and be solutions focused? Secondly,
their brain. So, the consequences of that are very how do you see that going from here? With our
severe. I also mentioned on Alzheimer’s Disease in relationship with technology in the big picture?
the beginning, there is a huge link with aluminum.
Dr. Klinghardt: Of course, I have to be a little
So, it is part of the bigger picture and of course, bit cautious what I say because I have a medical
aluminum in the brain almost makes it a Wi-Fi license to lose. But it looks like now, that the form
antenna. So, it makes it more relevant than it was of government that we have right now. So called
maybe twenty or thirty years ago. So, it looks like democracy. That they’re so vulnerable to the
there is a complex of things that we’re exposed to corporate influences. Our Democratic systems
that all work together in the same way. are failing right now to protect the citizens. And
as you know, from Michael Moore’s work or
Josh: Okay, really quickly. Your top three things so, corporations have only one responsibility
that get aluminum out of the body? Natural and that is to create money for the people that
remedies? have invested in them. And they do not have a
soul. They do not have ethics. They are not life
Dr. Klinghardt: It’s the water that I mentioned, affirmative. And this increasing tendency that the
the Acilis water, is a main one. There is an herbal government has to listen to the big corporations

The 5G Crisis Summit


rather than to its people. phone easily their elected reps. So, how important
is it that people do that process? And educate,
And so as long as the developments are going inform, and hold accountable their elected
in that way, expect for another few years we’re officials with this kind of information?
going to go downhill. But the conditions on the
planet are going to be so unsustainable, that Dr. Klinghardt: I think it’s the only chance we
there’s going to be a shift again. And it’s up to you, have for a better future. I think it’s the most
and me, and you know an increasing number of important step. You and I can educate. But
others, to raise awareness. Because at least in ultimately, it has to be the political action that
the Democratic countries, you need two things to interchange of policies. That is actually needed
govern. You need money to be elected. But you to protect us the citizens from the corporate
need the votes also. damage, you know, that’s done. I know people
high up in AT&T, as I mentioned before. There’s
And we know that there is a huge rise in activity nobody evil there. There’s just people only
in the green parties and recognition of the green have small compartments of knowledge. They
parties. Even though, unfortunately none of the are not aware of the huge damage that they’re
green parties know what the hell they are doing. participating in. There may be a small group of
None of the green parties, or members that I people behind wherever we see that is aware
have interviewed in the last few years, have had of this. And that funnels their intent into these
any understanding of the dangers of the cell technologies. That is something that I don’t know
phone radiation, any understanding of toxins, any for sure. But it looks like it.
understanding of the chemtrail issue. But there’s
an intuition of the followers of the green party Josh: Dr. Klinghardt, thank you so much for your
that know something is really badly going on. We time today. I appreciate it so much. You are just
are here to educate people. So, eventually people giving this value, wisdom, and information to all of
can with the vote change the future. And it will us. I really appreciate it.
happen. But it will be a few more sad years.
Dr. Klinghardt: Thanks Josh, and we connect
Josh: So, Dr. Klinghardt, just in closing here. when I’m back in your neighborhood. Yeah?
Something that we are doing in addition to the
Summit, at the same time, we are realizing a tool Josh: Yeah, sounds good.
on our webpage, for anyone to quickly send an
e-mail to their elected officials. Multiple elected
officials just in a few seconds. They can customize
it. They can e-mail. They can tweet. They can

The 5G Crisis Summit


5G: The Agenda for Total

Patrick Wood

Josh: With us today on the summit is, Patrick they intersect? What’s the purpose here?
Wood. Patrick, thanks so much for joining us Patrick: Right, exactly. Just to lay a little bit
today.  of background. Technocracy originally was
Patrick: You’re welcome, Josh. Good to be here.  conceived at Columbia University in 1932. They
got kicked out, the whole group got kicked out of
Josh: Patrick is a leading and critical expert
Columbia for a couple of reasons. But they started
on sustainable development, green economy,
a commercial operation called Technocracy
UN Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda, and historic
Incorporated, where they had membership,
technocracy. That basically means he’s one of
the best researchers out there that in the past people paid dues, and membership cards. And
decades, has really helped to delve into the it was very popular in America, they had up to
conversation around these topics and around 600,000 card carrying members at one time. It
was a pretty big deal. It pretty much fizzled out in
how the dots connect behind the scenes. He’s
the late 1930s. 
the author of Technocracy Rising, and co-author
of Trilaterals Over Washington, volumes 1 and 2, But it was resuscitated in the late 1960s, early
with the late Anthony C. Sutton. Wood remains a 1970s, with the foundation of the Trilateral
leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, Commission, 1973 in particular, with David
their policies and achievements, and creating Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzeziński. Brzeziński
their self-proclaimed New International Economic had written a book, while he was at Columbia
Order, which is the essence of sustainable University, by the way, called Between Two Ages,
development on a global scale.  America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. That’s
what started the modern iteration of technocracy
So we’re going to be diving into it today. We’re
again. We could call it neo-technocracy. I just
going to be kind of separating out the truth from
choose not to because nobody knows what
the lies and really distilling some dot connecting.
technocracy is anyway. So I don’t have to really
We’re going to get into solutions. We’re going to
make that distinction. 
get into really understanding the bigger picture
here, in terms of technocracy. Technocracy is a But the Trilateral Commission fed the doctrine
word that you’re really helping, Patrick, to bring of technocracy to the United Nations in 1992,
forward into our lexicon; to understand how under the auspices of sustainable development.
technology is intentionally being used to be the We hear this everywhere today, sustainable this,
new control mechanism in our society. So let’s sustainable that; sustainable development. It’s a
dive right in. Tell us about your perspective. What resource based economic system that depends on
is 5G? What is the Internet of Things and how do allocation of resources. Not allocation by a price

The 5G Crisis Summit


based economic system, which we understand considered themselves to be visionaries anyway,

today but direct allocation of resources by because they were with Columbia University after
the “managers” of those resources. And now, all. 
the UN has kind of got this idea of setting up
So that is the background. Technology now has
a global common trust, where resources will
matured greatly since 1973. We have things
be transferred to them. They will manage
today that were barely even conceived of back
the allocation and the licensing and so on of
then. As computers have advanced, as software
resources and you and I will basically be excluded. 
technology has advanced, for instance, we now
The program completely wipes out private have artificial intelligence. This was not really
property, not allowed. The United Nations has a discipline back in 1973 at all. We now have
sworn that they are going to uproot capitalism the ability to transmit data in ways that we
and free enterprise altogether, for the sake of never conceived of, back in 1973, using wireless
replacing it with sustainable development. All technology. This new body, this recent body of
of this is baseline stuff and I cover all that in my technology now, is being used to accomplish the
book, so I’m not going to go into it a lot more; original goals of technocracy. 
but this is kind of the background. In the original
That’s my point in this whole thing. The
Bible, if you will, of technocracy, it was called the
technology has advanced. Some people would
Technocracy Study Course, written by M King.
say, “Well, it’s just people inventing things, after
Hubbert; mostly. That also was the guy that
all,” and that’s probably true in a sense. But as
started peak oil theory, by the way, in 1954. We’ve
soon as it’s invented, the technology gets hijacked
heard a lot about that too. 
by this group of technocrats, if you will, turned
But Hubbert was a co-founder of the Technocracy around, weaponized and used back against the
Incorporated Organization. And in that, they people that it seeks to control.
described the criteria that were necessary for
That’s where we are today. We’re talking about 5G,
technocracy to take root. In that criteria, energy
I’ll just throw this out; 5G is not about cell phones.
management was number one. They wanted to
It’s being sold that way. “Your cell phones are
track every single erg of power that was used
going to be so much faster.” You can get the latest
within the economic system. Secondly, they
and greatest new iPhone, you could pay whatever.
wanted to surveil and monitor everything in
Probably by the time it comes out you’re going to
society, all consumption, all production, of where
pay $2,000 for a smartphone that will do 5G. And
people were, what they were doing, and so on.
you can get your movies downloaded in three
They didn’t have the technology back then but we
seconds, instead of three minutes.” They say,
do today. 
“Wow, what a benefit!”
And I believe they saw the day when technology
It’s not about cell phone speed up. I’ve listened
was coming, if for no other reason that when they
to the speeches of the CEOs of Verizon, T Mobile,
were at Columbia, they were housed together
AT&T, and consistently, you can see them
in the same area, with the early iteration of
salivating. Not over voice communications or
IBM. Which was then making the first Hollerith
human communication on cell phones, but they’re
computer, the tabulator. It was later used in
salivating over the Internet of Things. And this is
Germany and Europe and so on for tracking
what they’re talking incessantly about. That 5G is
statistics and things like concentration camps,
going to light up the Internet of Things that will
and ugly stuff like that. Well, anyway, they were
allow all of the data collection, all of the devices
rubbing shoulders with visionaries, and they
out there that could be connected to the internet,

The 5G Crisis Summit


it’s going to draw all that data back in real time. stream is in the data that these technocrats are
And when I say real time, that’s hard for most able to extract from society. 
people to understand what that means. 
So when you talk about smart city, implementing
The latest wireless technology, 4G, is fast, no all these sensors around. Whether they be light
doubt; but 5G takes it to a completely different poles with microphones and cameras and the 5G
level. Not only are the data transmission speeds transmitters. Whether it be sensors in elevators
higher, much higher but the other factor in and buildings and thermostats and smart meters
internet communications, is called latency. on the sides of homes and businesses and smart
Latency has to do with how long it takes that meters for the water and the gas, all that kind of
first little ping back and forth, to say, “I’m ready stuff.
to send,” and the other one says, “I’m ready to
Autonomous vehicles, by the way, driving around
receive.” And so they have to go back and forth,
in the city and so on; all those things are going to
back and forth all the time. Determining, “Are you
be connected via the Internet of Things. By the
ready to receive it? Are you ready to send it?”
time they’re done implementing 100%, smart city
Now, this sounds like a miniscule thing. Typically, technology in one given area, a computer with
in a home situation where you have a Wi Fi router, sufficient resources will be able to literally model
your latency time can be something like 20 to 30 the city in real time. And to rotate it and look into
milliseconds and we say, “Ooh, that’s really fast,” it in different areas they want to look at. This has
and it is, but it’s not real time. 5G technology has never been possible.
gotten the latency period down to one millisecond
Josh: What are some of the applications of that?
or less.
And before you answer that, I’ll just maybe say
This is incredible, this is absolutely revolutionary. that I have a good friend who has coined this
What this means is, the sensors embedded in a saying, “We scare because we care.” And so we’re
city will be able to send data in real time back to going to go into a little bit of these, you know,
the central computer. Where artificial intelligence potentially scary areas, to really look at, like what
will be waiting to analyze it, to model it; to extract this technology is and or could be used for. So
all of the useful information out of it. This is what that we can deal with this, with what is actually
the biggest carriers are salivating over. They want happening, bring the conversation forward,
that data.  and intentionally change course, collectively.
We used to say in the 70s, Josh, follow the money; Like that’s what we’re talking about here, right?
follow the power. That’s still true to some extent. We’re talking about having a period of time in
Well, of course it is. Money always seems to which we’re coming to terms with this reality.
come into it somewhere. But today, as far as We’re investigating solutions. And we’re getting
technocracy is concerned, here’s how you watch intentional about it. But let’s just go into this,
this; follow the data, follow the power. Go where Patrick. What are some of your deepest concerns?
the data is. Look for the data flow. Look for who’s What are you seeing in terms of application here
receiving... not first collecting, and then look who’s and in the future, with this technology?
receiving the data. Patrick: This whole body of truth we’re talking
And what are they doing to it? All of the people in about here has to do with social control. That’s
the data world today are claiming that data is the what technocracy was about in the first place.
new oil of the 21st century. And they’re absolutely That’s what sustainable development is about
right. The money and the value today, the income today, with Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda
and the New Urban Agenda and so on, from the

The 5G Crisis Summit


United Nations. It’s about social control. This is Josh: Wow. And I remember you writing on things
what the Green New Deal is all about that AOC like pre-crime; like that movie, Minority Report
has introduced into our country, with a firestorm that probably a lot of people are familiar with. Do
I might add. Everybody’s talking about it now. This you want to touch on that and any other specific
is about social control; getting you to do what ways that you’ve been reporting on, on your
they want you to do. It takes away private choice, website, technocracynews? Other specific ways
it takes away citizen choice, it takes away citizen that this technology is sought to be implemented?
concerns completely and says, essentially... this
Patrick: Well, you have it, pre-crime is a pretty
is such an ego trip, “We know what’s best for you.
good example. You have, in our country today, in
You should trust us to make all your decisions for
America today, a rollout of surveillance technology
that’s very similar, if not identical, to what’s being
Your purchasing decisions, your medical used in China. Although American companies now
decisions, your travel decisions, your consumption have the technology and they’re selling it to police
decisions; how many children you have decisions. departments across America. Exactly the same
Everything under the sun is envisioned right concept and functionality of the software used in
now, is on the table for them to exercise social China, to be able to identify people walking down
control over you and I. This is not just by mistake a street, using a public camera. Tracking people
or unintended. This is the way it was from the by name by, you know, a little box or whatever, a
beginning. Now we’re really feeling the bite, Josh, balloon over their head, saying, “There goes Josh
is the problem. del Sol. He’s going down to get a coffee at his
Look at China. China has implemented the social favorite coffee place,” or whatever. 
credit scoring system over there that’s affected This technology in America is being sold to police
every person in their country. All 1.4 billion people departments across the country right now, by
have been enrolled into the social credit system, aggressive, pinstripe suit type, you know, not IBM
with their pictures, with biometric data, with all of salesman but that’s kind of the picture you have
the data. Everything that happens, they know; the when you have professional sales people. They’re
government does. going out to police departments to market this
They’re applying artificial intelligence now to rank surveillance software. Police departments are
and rate and sort all the people in the country. gobbling it up at incredible rates. And a lot of
The outliers that are troublemakers, like you people will say, “This isn’t legal,” or, “It isn’t right,”
and me… the outliers are simply dropped out of or whatever, that, “We don’t want that here.”
the system; they’re excluded. There’s 13 million But police departments come to find out, Josh,
people right now in China on the blacklist that there is no federal regulation, not one single
have been relegated to be second class citizens. federal regulation or law that prevents a local
They can’t travel the way other people do. They police department from implementing this
can’t go to the same schools that other people ubiquitous type of surveillance software. And
want to go to. They can’t live in the same areas implementing any kind of AI software for pre-
that other people want to live in. They can’t buy crime analysis that they can get their hands on. 
the same stuff that other people want to buy. This
It’s just a matter of money. Now, police
is so dystopian. It’s beyond dystopia. This is what’s
departments don’t have a lot of money. So as
coming to America, because this is the heartbeat
the price came down on this software, hardware
of technocracy. This is the heartbeat of social
combination, more and more police departments
said, “We can afford that. Well, we can get rid

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of maybe a half a dozen patrolmen we don’t chaos. It’s the potential for complete and
need anymore, but use their salary to pay for it.” utter dependence on the system and loss of
That’s what they’ve done. So now this is sweeping individual rights and common order. So thank
America. Americans individually, have not caught you for that. Obviously it’s disturbing. So, Patrick,
up mentally with what’s going on in police you’ve also been doing work on exposing smart
enforcement across our country. But when they region initiatives, smart cities, and smart region
use this pre-crime technique to try and predict initiatives. Tell us about that.
where crime is going to happen, when it’s going to
Patrick: Well, okay. First, certainly we have the
happen, and by who it’s going to be perpetrated,
technology. We’ve talked a little bit about some of
this goes into such a dangerous, dangerous
the things that go into smart cities. We’ve missed
a lot of stuff too, it’s a very complex area, and it’s
Because to a technocrat mind, it’s perfectly a big area; but we’ve kind of laid the groundwork.
acceptable to be 90% accurate. If they can get There are some really disturbing technologies
something that’s 90% accurate, well, they’re out there that that these technocrats are trying to
thrilled. “It’s wonderful. We have pre-crime impose upon cities, to implement the data pump,
analysis and we can go out now and do all this to get data out of the cities. The money is in the
stuff.” But here’s what they just ignore; what data, remember. So when you hear these large
about the 10%? What about the 10% that get companies like the AT&Ts of the world, talking
busted for something they had nothing to about getting the smart city technology out to
do with? This is such dangerous, utopian like entire cities, they’re talking about creating a huge
thinking; that Americans haven’t yet got their data pump within that city. 
mind around. “90% is good enough,” that’s not the
Now, there’s a problem in cities. A problem not
way America ever worked. Our legal system, the
to us, we are the city. The problem to them, is
rule of law. Okay, it’s not perfect because maybe
that there’s those pesky city councils out there
people aren’t perfect sometimes, but the rule of
that just continue to ask questions. And they
law applied the same law to everybody uniformly. 
continue to want to know, “Well, how is this going
Not so with pre-crime analysis software or any to really protect our citizens?” And there are
other thing like that, that works on artificial representatives, right? We elect them. We may not
intelligence. It’s not going to apply equally. It’s like some of them. I don’t like all of mine, but still,
been proven to have biases, in other words, the they’re on the front line to protect the people in
bias of the programmer has been seen now to the city and do things for the city, the way the city
be reflected in the software. And 90% accuracy wants them to be done; the people. Technocrats
leaves the other 10% out in the cold to get busted hate... this entire smart city crowd hate city
for any cockeyed thing that somebody comes up councils because there’s so many of them. 
with. And even if they are proven not guilty in the
There’s thousands and thousands of cities across
end, they’ve ruined their life in the meantime, by
the country that are kind of woke, if you will, now.
the mere accusation that they did something.
They’re watching for this kind of stuff. So, instead
Josh: Yeah, I mean, thank you so much for of trying to go directly to the cities to negotiate for
painting that picture because this is obviously smart city technology implementation, in Phoenix,
scary, to move from the rule of law to an AI Arizona, of all places, there’s a pilot program
system making assumptions that affect people’s going on right today that every other community
rights, because that’s what we’re talking about in the country is watching like a hawk. And it’s
here. It’s technocracy. It’s the potential for called Smart Region Initiative. How it started here,

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Arizona State University, which bills themselves wall. But in the case of smart city technology,
as being the most sustainable university in the this little consortium, this little cozy consortium
country, they actually offer up to a PhD degree in of academia, the ASU, along with these other
sustainable development. So they’re really up on nonprofit groups who have all kinds of different
it.  motives for being there in the first place; they
They have risen up, gotten ahold of three other have simply stood up and said, “We know
NGOs in the area. One is a chamber of commerce what’s best for this region.” And they don’t know
like organization. Another is just a new startup, anything about this region, other than most of
kind of a data development management them may live here. They don’t know the 4.2
company. And they’ve all created this consortium million people in this region. And this whole thing,
together, called the Smart Region Initiative. This is the whole program, Josh, is absolutely bogus, as
very similar to the Council of Government concept far as I’m concerned. It should be scrubbed off the
that’s already implemented across the country. face of the map.

So a form of regional government, patently However, because the cities and the Maricopa
unconstitutional, by the way, but it’s out there. Association of Governments are involved in this,
We have locally, councils of governments called all of a sudden, they have this newfound authority
the Maricopa Association of Governments. It in the eyes of people that live here. “Whoa, you
also is concerned with 22 cities and 4.2 million mean the smart region initiative says we need to
people, something like that. And this Smart do it this way, huh?” Yeah, that’s what they said,
Region Initiative is working hand in hand with the “Well, I guess we’d better do it that way then.”
Maricopa Association of Governments to develop They’re not even questioning these decisions that
smart city technology to be implemented across come down. In the meantime, this is an absolute
the region. goldmine for the AT&Ts, the T Mobiles and so
on of the world, the Verizons that are coming in,
Josh: Without the consent or permission or setting up this data pump; because now they can
approval of any city government. That’s the basis get uniform deployment of technology across the
of this FCC law that basically is a power grab, entire region. 
right? I mean, they don’t want to have to ask
permission anywhere. And imagine how much more valuable that is to
them than having 22 individual systems, having
Patrick: You’re absolutely right. So the cities have to be negotiated, implemented, etc. around. Now
contributed no input to this group whatsoever. they get everything in one fell swoop. They get
There’s no elected officials that belong to this it faster because it’s going to be done all at once
particular group. In the case of the Maricopa across the entire region. And meantime, the
Association of Governments, every city is region here in our area, I can tell you, knows
supposed to contribute one council person to nothing about this whatsoever. They’re completely
this larger Regional Council. But that does not oblivious. There’s been no publicity. Maybe just a
give representation to the people in the cities. couple of press releases send out but no publicity
That’s a model of the European Union, for Pete’s whatsoever. 
sake, where each country gets to send one or two
representatives to the EU Congress. They get two And even worse, people from all over our country
minutes to say something, once a year and they are looking at Phoenix as an example, waiting,
complain. saying to themselves, “If they do it, man, we’re
on the bandwagon. We’re right behind them,
So, this form of regional governance is off the we’re going to do it too.” There’s even people in

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Europe that are watching the Phoenix situation carriers. So now, there’s a federal mandate from
right now. They want to do the same thing. Set up the top down to get this 5G stuff implemented.
these smart region initiatives, where they can just And it goes even beyond that because all of the
blanket the whole technology, the whole suite of smart city things we’re talking about, Josh, are part
things across an entire region. And in our case, in of a larger construct called infrastructure. 
Phoenix, they’re going to catch 22 cities and 4.2
Infrastructure. We think of it as, “There’s a pothole
million people; bang, slam dunk. 
in front of my house. I’d like to get it fixed.” Or,
Josh: Wow. So with smart meters, that has gone “There’s a bridge that is unsafe down the road. I’d
forward in the name of climate action. With 5G, like to see that fixed.” That’s not infrastructure to
that is being pushed forward in the name of the technocrat mine. Infrastructure is all of the
convenience or keeping up with the progress of electronic stuff that’s being implemented across
technology or competition with China. And it’s the country, to connect people in cities together.
like a new Cold War, right? That’s been kind of And the data centers together to suck the data.
propped up, perhaps, between US and China. Isn’t This is infrastructure. 
that what Trump is saying why he wants 5G, 6G
Just recently, President Trump emerged from
and any kind of G?
a meeting with Senator Chuck Schumer and
Patrick: Well yeah, any kind of G. President Representative Nancy Pelosi, having concluded a
Trump has said that the United States must deal for infrastructure spending in America. And
win the 5G war. Whenever you have something Schumer came out of the meeting... he’s an arch
complex like this, the way to get it done quickly is enemy of Trump, he hates Trump’s guts, and I
to turn it into a race. I’ve seen this so many times. think probably vice versa... he came out of the
In fact, I used to do this with my two young sons meeting saying, “We had a great meeting with the
when they were young. All you had to do was President. Why, he even suggested more money
suggest, “Let’s have a race. Let’s run,” or whatever. than we suggested for infrastructure, and he
“Oh, yeah.” Well, they want to compete against upped the ante.” And so President Trump put on
each other. That was guaranteed to burn off some the table for infrastructure spending, $2 trillion.
energy, if nothing else.
Josh: Wow.
Anytime, like President Trump says, “We have
Patrick: Huge. Where will this $200 million go?
a race with China. We have to beat China,”
Are they talking about bridges? Are they talking
everybody, all of a sudden, “That’s a challenge.
about potholes? Are they talking about repaving
That’s a challenge.” “Oh, you’re darn right, we
the freeways? No, they’re not. They’re talking
need to beat China.” “Why?” “You know, those
about the infrastructure that we’re talking about
people over there are doing all kinds of things to
here. To blanket our country with smart city
their citizens or whatever. We need to beat them
technology, and everything that goes to shore it
to the punch and do it even worse...” I say this
up, for the largest social engineering project in the
jokingly, “Do it even worse to our people.”
history of the world.
But this is the mentality, I believe, of the Trump
Josh: Wow. I just want to confirm, is that two
administration, saying, “We need to beat China
trillion or 200 million?
in this race.” They’re actually speeding up the
implementation of 5G in our country. We’ve Patrick: Two trillion.
seen them work through the FCC, which you just Josh: Two trillion, right, they’re two vastly different
alluded to, to take away the authority of cities to numbers. I just wanted to clarify that. Wow. I just
charge and do independent negotiations with

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want to kind of put this in context. I’m kind of anything else. Even trees in the forest and the
struggling to do so right now, other than to say farmland growing cauliflower up on the farm.
that this is the biggest thing that’s happening. We’re just resources to be managed. In their
What Patrick is talking about is 5G, and we need mind, we’re no better than a cow or a sheep.
to understand that it’s not just a one dimensional So we’re just there to be managed. Now, when
conversation. Americans or when people concerned about the
So this is going to be something that we health effects of 5G, get all worked up and they
encourage you to do your own research on go to wherever they go to protest... when they’re
and get educated about this aspect; this dot facing a technocrat, in the technocrats mind, “Why
connecting aspect of 5g. I think Patrick perhaps are you talking to me? Why should I care? You
could help people really understand the ‘why’. have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.”
Really understand things in a big picture and “So what’s the problem here? You’re just a
really be able to then reach an even larger resource, don’t you understand? You’re just a
amount of people with this information. So it’s not resource. The health issue, we don’t care about
just about the health. That is a serious concern the health issues. Because you know what, if
that this is going forward with no safety studies. you’ve got 50,000 cattle in a feedlot, you obviously
Would you agree? don’t want to lose the whole herd. That would be
Patrick: I would agree.  dumb. But you know what, cattle die in a feedlot
for all kinds of reasons. They pull up a tractor to
Josh: But there’s a huge other conversation. So put them in the bucket and they haul ‘em off. They
yeah, please continue. Help us to contextualize take them to the sausage grinder or something, I
this and lead us to... you know, eventually we don’t know.” That brings up another bad thought
want to get to what specifically our best steps to about an old movie called [inaudible]. I didn’t
take are. mean it, folks. 
Patrick: Right, let me just add on top of this, the But you see, when you reduce humanity to be
philosophical idea which is prevalent with this just another animal, the mindset that comes out
whole technocrat crowd, going back to the 30s. of that, Josh, is dangerous, and its anti-human, in
Going through the United Nations, we see this my opinion. It’s flat out anti-human. So all of the
everywhere. When we talk about resources. When health concerns, if you’re addressing technocrats,
we talk about resources, we’re thinking about will fall on deaf ears. They won’t have anything to
timber, lumber, oil, food coming off the land, say to you, because they’re going to be looking
things getting mined out of the earth; resources. at you and saying, “You guys are really crazy to
We think of water as a resource. To the technocrat be talking about this to us because there’s just
mind, resources also include you and me. All nothing to be concerned about here. Who are you
humans are simply resources on the table, with anyway? You’re just an animal, like all the other
all these other resources. That need to be worked animals.”
and managed in concert with each other, to save
the planet, so to speak. I say save the planet Josh: Let’s talk about this sort of anti-human type
figuratively. That’s what they say. They’re not mentality. I mean, perhaps in the microcosm,
saving the planet, trust me.  it can be that part that we struggle within. It
could be the dissociative mind or the ego or
But humans are reduced to being simply another whatever, right? But on the on the larger scale, it
resource on the face of the earth, no different seems to be that yes, there is like this, whatever
than the cattle or the sheep, or the goats or any force or source it’s coming from, it is a collective

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unconsciousness that seems to have a death wish, year. Since 1913, the dollar has lost like 99% of
let’s say; or have a death wish, and then project its value. There’s going to come a time when
that on to other people, in the context of control. it’s 100% and money will meet nothing. We’re
So, this is something that, again, another aspect almost at that point right now, by the way. But
of this, I came across, perhaps when reading your when money becomes worthless, and I think they
work about the Club of Rome. When which they saw this even back in ‘73, when money becomes
concluded... basically, they created the context for worthless, what do you do for an encore? Well,
this battle. What did the Club of Rome do or say, if you control and own the resources, it doesn’t
and what’s the takeaway? matter what type of accounting system you put
Patrick: First, I’ll say there was a great overlap on top of it. If you’ve got the resources, and
between the Club of Rome and the Trilateral everybody else wants them, just wait for it to sort
Commission. And we wrote about that in our itself out. And you’re going to own everything
book, Trilaterals Over Washington, back in the again because you’ve got the resources in your
70s. What the Club of Rome did is they threw up pocket. 
a kind of an Al Gore-esque panic attack, sky is This is why the United Nations has been busy
falling. By saying that we have a radical shortage gobbling up heritage zones and stuff around the
of resources in the world. And if we don’t allocate world. This is why, in our country, in America
those resources more wisely, that we’re all now, the US government owns, I think 38% or
basically going to die. And humanity is going to 36% of the landmass of our nation. It’s owned
come to a screeching halt. Well, their book, their by the government. And people go, “What? Our
work, called Limits to Power, was widely, widely government owns that much property?” Yes, they
circulated amongst the global elite especially. I do. “Are they allowed to?” Well, the constitution
doubt many people, even in this audience that doesn’t say they can but they just went and did
we’re addressing right now, probably have ever it. And that’s land that you and I can’t use for
heard of that book before. But it had a huge legitimate economic purposes. 
impact on the global elite. 
And the United Nations has been doing this
And so the Club of Rome prescribed, essentially all around the world. So the global elite now
everything that the United Nations is doing today are in a position to, I think one day, let the
with resource management. A resource based financial system go all together. It won’t matter
economic system; control all the resources. Myself to them anymore because they will have the
and Sutton said this, by the way, even though actual resources behind everything to recreate
we didn’t understand technocracy back in the themselves in any way they want to recreate
early days, as I do now. We said that the goal themselves, when the time comes.
of the global elite was to get their hands on the
Josh: Wow. Some of your work has gotten into
resources directly, not just on the money that
opportunity zones. What is that?
comes out of them, generated from them, but get
their hands on the resources directly. This makes Patrick: Well, this is new. Again, I get shocked...
sense. In a historical sense, this makes very good people say, “How can you get shocked?” I get
sense to them, not to me, but it does to them.  shocked at the stuff I run across; that I never saw
coming. And I think my ear is to the ground on
Because there comes a time when money runs
a lot of stuff but recently I discovered this whole
out of usefulness, there comes a time when
opportunity zone concept. This was created by
money becomes worthless, by definition, because
an act of Congress in December 2017, signed into
they’re chipping away at it a little bit more every
law by President Trump. And it was called the

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Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. In that act was a early on, that said, “This is our opportunity to
provision to create opportunity zones. These are implement smart city technology in that area,” in
supposed to be low income designations within that low income area.
states that will achieve certain tax advantages, if
Well, low income areas have no ability to really
people invest into these opportunity zones.
to fight anything like this because they’re low
They’re self-certifying zones that the governors income and they don’t have the resources. They
of every state were allowed to define. “Well, what don’t have the political infrastructure, probably
do you want your state to be in an opportunity and they simply just don’t have the money.
zone?” So they started drawing the maps, Maybe they don’t have the education. So it’s
whatever, in every state. The President then sign easy to get this implemented. So here’s the big
an executive order one year later, in December question; where did this legislation in 2017 come
2018, that created a national administrative from? Who backed it? And what was it all about?
council, including some cabinet members; that will This organization called the Economic Innovation
shepherd the opportunity zone initiative across Group that was kind of the primary NGO behind
America. So it’s actually been formalized within this legislation, the founder and executive
the government now. It’s a big thing. Today, Josh, chairman is, Sean Parker. 
there are 8,700 opportunity zones created across
Now, for those who don’t recognize Sean Parker’s
America and they’re all focused on investing
name, I’ll just read one line from his bio. He was
money into these areas. 
a co-founder of Napster at age 19, and Plaxo at
Now, here’s the thing about this. If you have an 21. In 2004, he joined with Mark Zuckerberg to
asset that has a very, very low tax base. In other develop the online social network, Facebook. Has
words, you bought maybe for a penny, and now anybody ever heard of Facebook? And served
it’s worth 100 bucks. If you sell that asset, you’re as Facebook’s founding president. And the bio
going to pay through the nose, capital gains taxes. goes on. But you get the point. Here is a guy
Big investors hate that because it just drives who is Mr. Data himself, right? And he’s pushing
their income, and they pay the highest possible this, Now I can tell you what, this is all about
income tax rate on it. And so they want to avoid the data. Remember, I said, “Follow the data;
capital gains taxes anywhere they can. Well, this follow the power,”? This is a data grab of epic
opportunity zone setup allows for somebody to proportions. We’ll see how it plays out.
sell assets like that, reinvest the money into the
Josh: Yeah. Before we get into actions, kind of
opportunity zone, and defer their capital gains
moving towards wrapping up here, Patrick, I
taxes for at least six years. Now, that’s huge. 
wanted just to touch into this. So 5G, linked with
And what we’ve seen in practice so far, is that Internet of Things, linked with AI, linked with
the biggest opportunity here is for public private transhumanism. What’s your take on that?
partnerships to be created, where people can
Patrick: Well, it is and I’ve suggested this quite a
pool their money together in these opportunity
bit. Both transhumanism and technocracy...
zones, invest the money into the city on anything
they want, including light poles, or sensors, or Josh: First, let’s define it. What is transhumanism?
street sensors, or anything else. Invest the money Patrick: Well, transhumanism is the religious
in there and they can reap whatever benefits they proposition that, through the use of advanced
can get out of it; and they defer their taxes for technology, man can escape the human condition.
a long time. Now, what’s happened in practice In layman’s terms that means, can become
so far, is that I found some opportunity zones immortal. They want to escape death, that’s the

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bottom line. This philosophy, and the father of on a limb. They think that they’re going to create
transhumanism, and the father of technocracy are humanity 2.0. Now, humanity 2.0 would be the
the same person. It just so happens, it’s the same perfect type of humanity to live within a purely
person. You can check the books on it, if anybody technocratic society.
doesn’t believe that; you can. His name is Henri
Josh: And when you say ‘they’, like the elite, you’re
de Saint-Simon. He was a French philosopher that
talking about the Trilateral Commission, the Club
lived around 1800. He wrote extensively on both
of Rome, the Bilderberg Group, right?
topics, and he is now considered to be the father
of both.  Patrick: Anybody that adopts that philosophy;
absolutely. I mean, there’s billions of people
He developed the religious concept of scientism.
outside of those elite groups that you could look
That science was the solution to man’s everything.
at and you can see them involved in scientism.
Got a problem? “You know, scientists can come
You could call them a technocrat, you could call
in and save the day, because they’re better than
them a transhuman; they may not have any idea
everyone else. They’re smarter and they can
what the global elite is doing. But the philosophy
predict the future.” Well, we’re not going to go into
has permeated, the religion of it has permeated
scientism right now, but there’s a lot been written
people’s thinking process, and it is a religion.
about scientism. CS Lewis, by the way, wrote a
Scientism is a religion. 
number of papers against scientism, fighting it;
debunking it, if you will. Transhumanism is based Josh: It isn’t just materialism, it’s what can happen,
on the concept of scientism. We can use the the depths of depravity to which the human mind
technology to escape death. That’s the ultimate can go, when it ceases to see the essence, the
problem. value, or the spark of divinity or the soul in other
human beings.
Josh: Merging man and machine.
Patrick: Science becomes a god, bottom line. To a
Patrick: That’s right. And I describe it like this,
scientismist, science is the god. Science can do no
technocracy is to the formation of society
wrong. Science is settled. Science is indisputable.
as transhumanism is to the people who will
Do what science says. Don’t be a denier or you’ll
inhabit society, if that makes sense. Okay, so a
be punished. It’s a religious proposition all the
technocratic society would be most perfectly filled
way down the line. But science is set up as some
by transhumans. The transhuman philosophy
kind of an immutable god that can provide
believes today that by using this advanced
answers for everything man wants to know; all
technology, they will create humanity 2.0. They
truth, it’s found in science. “Just listen to science.
believe through genetic modification especially,
Don’t listen to God. Don’t listen to ethics or moral
that they can hijack literally, the forces of
discussion or whatever. Just listen to science.”
Josh: Wow, well you’ve given us a ton to think
Okay, now evolution is not a Christian biblical
about today, Patrick, and thank you for helping
concept, of course, but to those who come from
to bring light to all of these topics. And really, just
an evolution frame of mind in the first place,
to explain the ‘why’, the bigger picture, the dot
where they believe everything was just incidental
connecting around 5G. I really appreciate that,
and you know, just happened; they believe now
on behalf of the audience. Just as we wrap up
that through science, they can take over the
here, what can you tell us in terms of solutions?
process of evolution and direct future evolution,
From your perspective, where do you see it most
themselves. This is really twisted, I hate to tell
effective for the people to put their energy, if we
you. It really is just wow, these people are out

The 5G Crisis Summit


want a positive future outcome here? and localactivist.org.

Patrick: Absolutely. At this point, the only Josh: Excellent. Patrick, thank you so much. I
possible line of defense that we can put in place absolutely, to the highest level, recommend
is at the local level; the city, and county level. that people check out your book, Technocracy
And I encourage people to get active locally. To Rising. And also your previous work, which was,
get to know their city council people. To run for Trilaterals Over Washington. You just bring such
city council. To run for all kinds of various offices a grounded, research based depth, without
around their city. And intercounty, get on any kind the conspiracy theory, and help us to really
of board you can get on and get your seat at the understand; and there it is. 
table. Somebody, a liberal actually, suggested one
Patrick: And my latest book, by the way,
time to a friend of mine, “If you don’t have a seat
Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order. I’m
at the table, you are what’s for dinner.” Don’t do
not sure you’ve seen this one yet.
that anymore. You can get involved in your local
civic matters and make a huge difference.  Josh: I haven’t seen that one. Thank you for letting
us know about that.
Case in point, of all places, San Francisco;
San Francisco, the bastion of liberalness and Patrick: Absolutely. This is the more current
progressiveness in America. And I was born there, iteration of how... kind of like what we’ve been
I should know, there’s no city in America that’s talking about here, using current examples
more progressive and liberal and off the wall, to demonstrate these initiatives and stuff. On
than San Francisco. Their city council just banned how they’re implementing technocracy. So it’s
facial recognition technology from the city.  worthwhile. I call it connecting the dots.
Josh: Excellent.  Josh: Absolutely, yeah. And just to everyone
watching out there, I just want to... just from
Patrick: They’ve banned it. Okay, don’t tell me
my heart, you heard Patrick’s message just right
that the cities don’t have power; they do. But if
now, about how important it is to educate and
the citizens don’t go and request the local city,
communicate with your local officials right now.
magistrates, and the council members to take a
Not only your local officials, but local community
stand on their behalf on these issues, they won’t
members, and people both online and offline.
do it. You have to go and get involved. That’s
This is off the cuff, I just wanted to... I’m just
one reason, by the way, that I created Citizens
trying to figure out from a business standpoint,
for Free Speech last year, in turn which created
if this is even possible, but I’d want to somehow
localactivist.org, as a social networking platform
encourage you to share this talk and this series
just for local activists to go after issues like this.
with your local governments. That’s one of the
And people are welcome to go there if they want
reasons why we’re putting on this summit. So,
to; localactivist.org and sign up. 
please... We’re going to make it more clear on how
And believe me, if you come in and you’re you can do that. 
disingenuous, and you’re a troll or you’ve got
But if you do purchase this series, at the end of
some other idea that you’re going to crack the
the free period, you have my permission to take
safe, we’ll throw you out faster than a country
that video and put it on a zip drive or upload it
heartbeat. This is a private network for people
privately and send a link to your local elected
like us that are really desiring to get in and set our
officials. Okay, this is really important that we
country back straight again on a local basis. And
understand that this is the type of research right
you can check it out, citizensforfreespeech.org
here, being done by Patrick and others on this

The 5G Crisis Summit


summit, that can change minds and perspectives

of those in positions of power and gatekeepers
in local government. So, while we don’t have
everything defined, we do know that our intention
is to get this out to as many people as possible.
And I, from my heart, want to support that as
being as easy as possible. So, Patrick, thank you
so much for your time today. This has been an
incredible conversation, and we look forward to
keeping in touch with you.
Patrick: Thanks for the opportunity, Josh. I really
appreciate it.

The 5G Crisis Summit


How Wireless Causes

Harm (Part 1)
Martin Pall, PhD

Josh: With us today on the summit is Dr. Martin mechanism by which these effects are produced.
Pall. Martin, thank you so much for being with us. So, Dr. Pall, let’s dive right in. So talking about
these so called government safety standards,
Dr. Pall: My pleasure.
governments and their agencies are telling us that
Josh: This is an interview that I’ve been looking 5G, just like other wireless sources, is going to be
forward to for a long time. I think I contacted you safe because it comes below the threshold; below
around a year ago, and we’ve been trying to set their stated threshold of supposed safety. What
it up. And so now that we’re doing the summit, can you tell us about these government standards
I’m just very pleased to be able to talk with you and why we should or should not look to them as
and to be able to help your vast knowledge and defining what is and isn’t safe?
information get compiled and released to the
people, to the viewers. It’s very important at this Dr. Pall: Well, with any theory, and basically,
time. So I’d like to just read your bio, and then the safety guidelines are a theory that predicts
we’ll dive right in.  what things are safe and what things are not
safe, you need to test the theory to see whether
Dr. Pall: Okay. it makes accurate predictions. And so what I’ve
Josh: So, Martin Pall is a Professor Emeritus done recently is to go through each of eight
of biochemistry in basic medical sciences, at different types of repeated studies, which tell
Washington State University. He earned his PhD us whether the safety guidelines in fact, predict
in biochemical genetics from Caltech, and was biological effects and therefore are safe or not. In
on the faculty of WSU for many years before; every single one of these, these safety guidelines
“retiring” in 2008. But you haven’t really retired, fail and in most cases, fail massively, to make
have you? You just continue to do a lot of work in accurate predictions. And it’s very interesting to
this area. Since then, he has published numerous see the way in which they fail because the way
papers on wireless radiation effects. Dr. Pall’s in which they fail tells you a lot about what the
research has focused most on nine different problems are with the safety guidelines. 
categories of the effects of wireless radiation, So I guess what I’d like to do is to go through
including neurological and neuropsychiatric those eight with you. So we can discuss what’s
effects, cellular and DNA, cell death, endocrine going on and why these safety guidelines really
effects, cancer, cardiac effects, very early onset don’t tell us anything about safety. Okay, so the
Alzheimer’s, and other dementias.  first thing is that there are these different effects
One of the most valuable contributions Dr. that you discussed in your introduction. There are
Pall has made, is describing in detail, the main large numbers of reviews on nine different effects

The 5G Crisis Summit


that have been published, that clearly show that programmed cell death, goes up, following EMF
each of them occur at levels well below safety exposures. Again, all of these well within our
guidelines. And therefore the safety guidelines safety guidelines.
do not predict safety. And by the way, they range
Josh: Just to jump in, you’re talking about peer
from nine to 38 different reviews on each of these
reviewed published science that is vetted and
things. So there’s a lot of evidence on every single
within the scientific community, right?
one of them. 
Dr. Pall: Yes.
So let’s talk about them. First of all, you have
reproductive effects. So, the reproductive effects... Josh: But which the safety standards and the
EMS, well below safety guidelines, have effects governments are not taking into account?
on the structure of the testes, and the structure Dr. Pall: That’s correct. So the apoptosis is
of the ovaries. Both of those have been done very important, both for the reproductive
in animals. They produce a lower sperm count, effects that we already talked about, and
lowered sperm motility; other measures of also neurodegenerative effects and so that’s
lowered sperm quality. So all those things are important. And you also have attacks on the
very important for male fertility. They produce cellular DNA, of three different types. You get
lower number of eggs in females and lowered single stranded breaks, you get double stranded
fertility, in human studies. They produce increases breaks, and you get oxidized bases, they all
in spontaneous abortion, and humans and in produce important mutations that can be involved
animals. They produce lower levels of each of in both cancer causation and in reproductive...
the three kinds of sex hormones; estrogen, producing mutations in young babies that were
progesterone, and testosterone, and lower libido.  just born. So that’s a big issue. 
So everything that you can think of that might And then cancer, which of course is caused to
impact reproduction is being impacted here, some extent by the DNA effects we just talked
and this is extraordinarily serious; at levels well about. There are 38 different reviews arguing
below our safety guidelines. And in many cases, that EMFs, well below our safety guidelines, cause
orders of magnitude below the safety guidelines, cancer. And I think it’s absolutely stunning that
like 1,000 times lower or 100 times lower. So we’re still discussing this issue. The only reason
that’s a big deal. Now, there are all these other we’re discussing it is because the industry puts
things, there are widespread neurological, out so much propaganda, that it’s getting covered
neuropsychiatric effects. And we’ll talk about all the time. But there is extraordinary evidence
those in some detail, I think, in the second that cancer, in fact, is caused by EMF exposures.
interview. And they are already far along in our And that the DNA effects we talked about before
societies. And we’ll talk about that also, in the are an important part of that, but not the only
second interview.  mechanism. There are other things that are going
There are other effects. The mechanism of action on as well. 
goes through excessive intracellular calcium, There are also hormonal effects of various sorts.
which produces everything else, and so that’s one Almost every hormone system or perhaps every
of the things it’s produced. These are intracellular hormone system in the body is impacted. And
calcium levels go up, following EMF exposures. then there are also the cardiac effects, which we
Oxidative stress, and free radical damage goes haven’t said anything about. So the EMFs cause
up following EMF exposures. What’s called immediate tachycardia, rapid heartbeat. They,
apoptosis, sometimes pronounced apoptosis; over longer time periods, produce bradycardia,

The 5G Crisis Summit


slow heartbeat, and they all produce arrhythmias. And by the way, there are a whole series of types
Arrhythmia is associated with bradycardia, of radiation that we are exposed to all the time
and are highly associated with sudden cardiac that have major effects on us. 
death. And we have a big epidemic of increases
So we’re talking about cell phone radiation.
in sudden cardiac death, including among
We’re talking about cordless phone radiation.
apparently healthy athletes, dying in the middle of
We’re talking about cell phone towers, you know,
an athletic competition.
people who live near cell phone towers. We’re
Josh: Yeah, sorry to jump in there, Martin. We saw talking about Wi-Fi. We’re talking about smart
a Canadian longtime career journalist, exposing meters. All of these have major effects on us,
what was happening in, I believe the Simcoe based on all the available evidence we have.
County School District in Ontario, in a talk to, So it’s really outrageous that people don’t have
I think the board there, the school board. And a feeling for what they’re facing. And the main
he was telling how since the Wi-Fi was installed reason is because of all this industry propaganda,
several years ago, in a short period of time, there and the lack of coverage in the media, on all
was two sudden deaths from students and two these things. And again, we’re talking about peer
others, cardiac arrest that were resuscitated. All reviewed studies, in the scientific literature, that
around the time from the Wi-Fi being installed. show all these things. I mean, we’re in a weird
And in many of these districts, and most regions situation. Okay, so let’s go on with regard to the
aren’t correlating that possible link between when eight. That’s just one of the eight that we just
Wi-Fi transmitters and all these Wi-Fi devices go talked about. That 197 bodies of evidence. That’s
live; and effects like that. I mean, so that one thing just one of the eight. Okay, let’s go on to two.
alone is potentially, like, huge, in terms of the
Josh: One of the areas in which...?
risk of what we’re talking about here with 5G and
beyond. Dr. Pall: Areas where you have extensive,
repeated evidence that the safety guidelines do
Dr. Pall: Yah, it is. I mean, there are many, many
not predict biological effects and therefore do not
risks, and we’ll talk about five of them that are, I
predict safety. 
believe, clear, existential threats to our survival.
And I won’t even be talking about the cardiac Josh: Okay, thank you.
effects at that point.  Dr. Pall: Second one, we have 13 different reviews
Josh: We’ll dive into those in the second half, that each show that pulsed EMFs, EMFs that
in part two. If you’re watching this, we’ll go into pulse up and down rapidly, are in most cases
those five specific areas. What we’re going to do much more biologically active. And therefore
now is just more of an overview to expand the much more dangerous than our non-pulsed
science and the mechanism really. So yeah, please EMFs. And part of the reason this is important, is
continue, Martin. that every single wireless communication device
communicates at least in part, via pulsations. So,
Dr. Pall: Okay. So we have all these things. By
these are things we are exposed to all the time.
the way, there’s a total of 197 bodies of evidence,
And even radar has as its own sort of pulsation
each of which shows that one of these things
because it uses something called phase arrays,
is occurring at levels well below our safety
which exposes us to pulsations. 
guidelines. So there should be no question about
any of them. And yet the reason, of course, we’re So, almost everything we’re exposed to is highly
still talking about it is because of all the industry pulsed, and the smarter the device, the more the
propaganda, which has no connection with reality. pulsations. And potentially, and I believe actually,

The 5G Crisis Summit


the more dangerous it is. So we’re going down that stuff. So what happens is that the VGCCs
this road towards smarter and smarter devices, get activated by the EMFs and we know now why
with the whole issue of pulsations being key, and they get activated. And this is very important. The
this is totally ignored. The whole role of pulsation, VGCCs have a structure called a voltage sensor,
totally ignored in the safety guidelines and totally in which the normal physiology, it detects the
ignored by the regulatory agencies. Even though electrical charge across the plasma membrane. 
we’ve known about these things. I mean, the first
So, these are channels in the plasma membrane,
review on pulsations was published back in 1965.
the membrane that surrounds all of our cells.
Believe it or not, and so it’s bizarre where we
And as far as I can tell, they occur in every single
are. Okay, so that’s the second area and it’s very
cell type, not necessarily at the same levels, not
important, and especially important with regard
necessarily the same types; there are actually 10
to 5G, because 5G is terribly highly pulsed.
different types of these things. But they occur
The third area has to do with what the main in all of cells. And when the channels open up,
mechanism is, by which non-thermal effects are they allow large amounts of calcium to flow into
produced. And this is my own work, not based the cell. And most if not all, biological effects are
on my own experimental studies, but based on produced by excessive intracellular calcium. And
studies that were in the literature before I ever intracellular calcium is designated Ca2+i, which
got involved in this. So what we know is that there I think is on some of my figures that you may be
are, I believe, 28 different published studies that showing.
have shown that EMF effects, these non-thermal
Josh: So that’s a huge point right there. In the
effects, can be blocked or greatly lowered by
fact that there was an existing body of science
using calcium channel blockers. 
before, like, you’ve looked at these studies, you’ve
And there are five different classes of these that expanded this awareness about the primacy of
have been used for these studies. And they’re all the role of VGCCs. And you’ve added to this body
thought to be highly specific in what they do. So of knowledge, and you’re bringing it forward;
this argues that those calcium channels, and because for years, that’s been kind of a distracted
they’re called voltage gated calcium channels, question by the industry, is, “What then is the
which are blocked by these drugs, these calcium mechanism?” 
channel blockers; that what the EMFs are doing is
So now you’ve essentially answered that and
activating those voltage gated calcium channels.
there’s others who have different parts of the
Therefore, you can block or greatly lower the
puzzle, such as Paul Héroux, who is part of the
effects by essentially blocking these channels.
summit, and other researchers. But this, I just
Josh: Do you want to dive into that more now? want to focus in on that, for people to realize
And we will be able to show some visuals on the this mechanism, this aspect of the mechanism
screen as you talk about this. But is what you’re and the science of how these molecules work
saying, EMFs disrupt the ability for calcium ions to together, and these VGCCs. That’s absolute prime
go in and out of the cell through the membrane? knowledge and information that everyone needs
Is that correct? to be aware of. Would you agree?
Dr. Pall: No. What the EMFs do is they actually Dr. Pall: Yeah, well obviously I will agree. Of
greatly increase the influx of calcium ions through course, I have a little bias in this but let me
these voltage gated calcium channels. The voltage just say; the first paper that I published on this
gated calcium channels, I abbreviate as VGCC, that I published in 2013, has now been cited
is just so you don’t have to keep repeating all 219 times in the scientific literature, according

The 5G Crisis Summit


to the Google Scholar database. So that’s very Josh: Translation?

important because what it means is, is that this
Dr. Pall: Well, so the dielectric constant of the
has been widely recognized. And this is unusual,
fatty part of the membrane is about 120th of the
usually in science, when you come up with a new
dielectric constant of the aqueous parts of our
paradigm of what’s going on, it takes quite a while
cells and bodies. 
before people accept it. But this is already widely
accepted. That doesn’t mean everybody accepts Josh: What is dielectric? 
it. But it means that there has been a stunning Dr. Pall: Well, it’s a measure of the electrical
amount of acceptance of this view, in a short time properties, basically, of that part on a charger.
period. So that’s important.  The point is that the forces on those charges
Now, there are a couple of other very important are about 120 times stronger, because of the
things here that I want to mention. And one dielectric constant. Okay, so that’s important. The
is that, all the EMFs, all the way down from other thing that’s even more important is that
millimeter waves, through microwaves, through the plasma membrane has a very high electrical
radio frequency, through intermediate frequency, resistance. And for that reason, things are highly
through extremely low frequency from our power amplified. The electrical gradient, highly amplified
wiring, 50 or 60 hertz, depending on what part across the plasma membrane, and that’s about a
of the world you happen to be in; all the way 3,000 fold.
down to static electrical fields, and amazingly, Now, when you put all this together, it turns out
static magnetic fields, they all can work via VGCC there are 20 charges in the voltage sensor and
activation. And this is absolutely stunning because so you’ve got 20 times 120, which is the dielectric
it’s a big surprise.  constant, times 3,000. So if you’re comparing
So then the question is, why is it that the VGCCs the forces on the voltage sensor, with the forces
are so sensitive to low intensity EMFs? And I think on singly electrically charged groups, and the
the reason basically comes out of the structure aqueous parts of our cells and bodies, the force is
of the voltage sensor, the thing that actually about 7.2 million times stronger. That’s absolutely
regulates the opening of the channel. So the stunning. And the safety guidelines are based on
structure has been known for a while, from a heating, on the thermal effects.
number of important scientists who’ve worked Josh: Yeah. The safety guidelines throw out all
on this thing. And what’s true is that the voltage of that science and all of the science period, and
sensor occurs on four different alpha helices that just look at how much something heats up over a
are within the structure of the VGCCs, and that period of time.
occur within the lipid part of the lipid bilayer. So
they’re in the fatty part of the lipid bilayer of the Dr. Pall: Right. So the thermal effects are
plasma membrane.  produced mainly by the forces of these electric
charges on singly electrically charged groups and
That turns out to be very, very important for two the aqueous parts of our cells and bodies. That’s
distinct reasons. And one is that there’s something how it gets produced. So that argues alone that
called Coulomb’s Law, it’s the law of physics; it was our... and we’ll talk about other things that come
first enunciated back in 1784 by August Coulomb, into this... but it argues alone that the safety
a French physicist. And Coulomb’s Law says that guidelines are allowing us to be exposed to levels
the forces on electrically charged groups are that are something like 7.2 million times too
inversely proportional to the dielectric constant of strong. 
the medium in which they occur.

The 5G Crisis Summit


Now, one of the things that we’ll say later is that tells us why these VGCCs are so sensitive. And let
those response curves on this are nonlinear. me just say, there are also other voltage gated
So that doesn’t mean the effects are 7.2 million ion channels that are activated, but the calcium
times higher than they would be at the safety channels seem to be the really important ones,
guidelines, as opposed to at the very low levels probably because calcium itself is so important in
the safety guidelines should be. But still in all, this the cell. So basically, the biology is telling us that
is a huge, huge thing, and it’s really gigantic. the VGCCs are the main mechanism of action of
Josh: Can I just ask about the plasma membrane? the EMFs, and the physics is telling us why. So
I want to understand and kind of visualize this here, the biology and physics are clearly telling us
mechanism, and hopefully some of the slides that the same thing is going on here. So this is a
we can add in, will help. So you mentioned the very, very important finding here.
plasma membrane of the cell. Does that have Josh: You mentioned earlier that there are specific
anything to do with what I think Gerald Pollack medications for reducing the influx of calcium
and Paul Lemay, science and tech writers, ions. Can you say a little bit more about them?
journalists, were talking about like this fourth And are you talking like, are they pharmaceuticals,
phase of water? Do you want to say anything or are they natural? What effects have been
about that or is that going into left field? observed so far?
Dr. Pall: I mean, it doesn’t have a direct Dr. Pall: A lot of these studies have been done
relationship to it. That’s all I can say.  in cell cultures. So, people have been looking at
Josh: So plasma membrane is essentially just the the kinds of things you can look at in cell culture.
cellular membrane that regulates the influx of Which include calcium influx, which include the
calcium ions and other ions. hormone release, for instance, which include
apoptosis, and which include oxidative stress. So a
Dr. Pall: Yes, it regulates the influx and efflux lot of this stuff has been looked at, at the cellular
of all kinds of things into the cells. Yeah, that’s level, which is, of course is what... in general, in
right. So, the plasma membrane is very, very biology, if you’ve got something occurring at the
important. One thing about this is that normally, cellular level, it’s best studied at the cellular level.
under normal conditions, where you’re not trying So this is the best way to study it. So, those things
to regulate anything, the calcium levels inside are all terribly important here. 
cells are about one 10 000th to the calcium levels
outside the cell. And so there’s a big concentration Josh: I just want to dive into that a little bit more.
gradient driving calcium into the cell.  Are there specific medications or remedies
available for reducing the influx of calcium ions?
There are also electrical forces driving calcium
into the cell. So all of this means there’s powerful Dr. Pall: I think there are some things that help
forces driving calcium in. And obviously, the and in fact, for a long time, people have been
fact that the cells keep the calcium levels very saying, “Well, these calcium channel blockers
low, means that that’s a very important thing to don’t really help clinically.” Now there are starting
do. And so what happens when you activate these to be reports where apparently they do. At low
VGCCs when they shouldn’t be activated, and you concentrations, you can actually get something.
keep activating them, you get all kinds of really I don’t know that it’s that clear. The problem, of
stunning effects that occur.  course, is that these VGCCs are important. I mean,
they’re there for important reasons. So you can’t
Now, there’s one other thing I want to mention completely block them. If you do, you’re just
here, and that is that you can see the physics here blocking not only the whole nervous system, but

The 5G Crisis Summit


all kinds of other things like your heart, and so of six minutes or 30 minutes, to predict whether
forth.  there will be biological effects or not. Okay, so six
So, there are limitations to what you can do. I minutes, think about that. 
think there are a number of things that could So if you take, let’s say, a typical nanosecond
be useful, including magnesium, which is pulse, let’s say one that’s 40 nanoseconds long.
probably useful as well. But let me just say, I’m a And you average that intensity over a period of
PhD, not an MD. Nothing I say should be viewed six minutes, you’re averaging the intensity over a
as medical advice. So, should we go on to some period that’s 10 to the 10th times longer; 10 billion
of these others? We’ve gone through three of times longer. Now, obviously, what that does is
these things and each of them shows that the it lowers the average intensity by a factor of 10
safety guidelines don’t predict biological effects billion. So what the safety guidelines do is they
and therefore don’t predict safety. There are predict, “Oh, there shouldn’t be any effects,” but
several others and I want to talk now about a there are. There are effects over and over, and
couple of other types of studies, which involve this over again, and safety guidelines say, “No, there
whole area of pulsation. The reason why I want can’t be any effects.”
to talk about it, you know, pulsation is terribly
Josh: It’s almost insane, when you break it down.
important with regard to understanding 5G. So
The fact that this has been allowed to occur, to
it’s very important to understand these things, to
define our standards of safety for the general
understand 5G.
entire population for so long. I mean, it’s insane.
Okay, so there have been at least 100 different But please continue. 
studies on what are called nanosecond pulse
Dr. Pall: Yeah, I mean, it really is insane. So, what
studies. So nanosecond pulse is defined as a
is the rationale for taking something that will work
pulse that’s between one nanosecond and one
in, let’s say, 40 nanoseconds to produce an effect,
microsecond. So there’s a big range here, but
and averaging it over 10 billion times longer? It
they’re all very short. And what’s true, is we have
makes absolutely no sense to do this. I discussed
a lot of studies that show the nanosecond pulses,
something, which would be a sort of a parallel
and some of these occur in cell culture and
failure in logic, in the document that I wrote up on
some of these occur in whole organism studies;
this. Let’s say you’re concerned about being shot
produce effects, very similar to the effects that are
by a high powered rifle bullet that goes over 2,000
seen from other kinds of EMFs. And that it’s been
feet per second. And that rifle bullet then takes
shown that these effects also go through VGCC
about 50 microseconds to destroy your body. And
you go to a regulatory agency, and you say, “Well,
So, the next two actually are very important, I’m concerned about this,” and they say, “Oh, don’t
with regard to the pulsation issues, and which worry about it. If you average the intensity over 10
are very relevant to 5G. So those are things we billion times longer,” which turns out to be about
need to focus on, to understand 5G. Okay, so the 75 days, “the average intensity is so low. You don’t
first of them has to do with single nanosecond have to worry about it.”
pulses. So these are pulses that last somewhere
Josh: Right.
between one nanosecond and one microseconds.
They go up and down quickly, and they produce Dr. Pall: I mean, that’s exactly the kind of logic
effects. But the safety guidelines... which we really that’s being used here, by the safety guidelines in
haven’t talked about their structure, the safety the regulatory agencies, with regard to EMFs. So it
guidelines use average intensities, over a period is, as you said before, totally insane; and yet, that’s

The 5G Crisis Summit


what we’re doing. So those nanosecond pulses and when that happens, it actually lowers the
are very important because 5G is going to have effect of the first pulse. So you get much less
huge numbers of nanosecond pulses. It’s also true effect than you get with the first pulse alone.
that there are also studies on pairs of nanosecond So this has been called cancellation or partial
pulses; and those are also important, and they’re cancellation. So the second one, if it has opposite
also highly relevant to 5G.  polarity, you get a major lowering in the effect.
So there are studies that have been done where Now, that’s not predicted by the safety guidelines
you have pairs of nanosecond pulses that are either, because the safety guidelines assume that
within a few microseconds of each other. And everything’s additive. 
what you find is, if they have the same polarity, Now, this actually tells you several very important
and we’ll tell you why the polarity is important a things about the EMFs and the safety guidelines.
little bit, they produce super additive effects. So, First of all, the safety guidelines are based on the
the safety guidelines are based on only having assumption that EMFs have scalar properties;
additive effects on anything. So here you have that is they have intensity, but they don’t have any
super additive effects of two nanosecond pulses directionality. And that’s what allows the safety
within a few microseconds of each other.  guidelines to just average these things. They just
You’re going to have billions and billions of these look at average intensities; that’s all they look
pairs of nanosecond pulses in any kind of full- at. But what this clearly shows is that’s not true,
fledged 5G system. So these are highly relevant to and in fact, it’s been known for about 200 years
the kinds of exposures that we’ll have, whenever that EMFs are vectors, not scalars. They have a
5G, if it ever happens, that we get something like directionality, and that the angle at which the
the final system that they want us to get, which magnetic and electrical fields kind of stick out
I certainly hope we never will, it’s going to be from the direction of the vector, can vary. 
absolutely stunning what the biological effects are So you can get different angles, and that’s where
going to be. the polarity comes in. So the polarity is very, very
Josh: So, by super additive, you mean, kind of important here, as you can see, because you have
synergistic on the negative side. Where more than one polarity and a relative polarity. And you get
one adds up to be greater than the sum of its super additive effects, you get the opposite one;
parts. and the second one greatly lowers the effect of
the first one. So there are major issues and all of
Dr. Pall: Much bigger effects than the two that shows that the basic structure of the safety
summed together, yeah. guidelines is completely bogus. They’re assuming
Josh: Okay. And then I also just wanted to say, for that EMFs are scalars, not vectors, and not vectors
our viewing audience, that as part of this summit with polarity; and we know that assumption is
going to make that standards document that you false. 
wrote, we’re going to make that available as part So the physics is false here, again. Okay, we talked
of this summit. So look for that, if you’re watching about the physics of the VGCCs as being very
this, either on this page or look for it in your important and being a very important example
email, but that’s an important document, Martin, where the physics is false, with regard to the
and we want to help to get it out. safety guidelines. Here’s the second one. So the
Dr. Pall: Great, thank you. So there are also people who taught the safety guidelines say, “Oh,
studies that have been done where the second the physics is wonderful.” Well, the physics in fact,
pulse has the opposite polarity of the first pulse; is not wonderful, and it doesn’t work. The physics

The 5G Crisis Summit


they’ve got in the safety guidelines is deeply, that’s very, very important. So, the other one is
deeply flawed. So that’s important.  that there have been a whole series of studies
Okay, now let’s talk about two other things that where specific research groups, using the same
are important here and that is that there are methodologies, have studied different cell types
a whole series, I think there are nine different in culture. So you look at different cell types.
reviews that have been published. Where you And what they find is that the effects produced
have what are called intensity windows. Where are highly dependent on what kind of cell you’re
the intensity of a particular kind of EMF, within a looking at. 
certain range of intensities, not a very tight range, That’s not surprising at all, when you’ve got a
but a fairly tight range of intensities, give you biological target. But that’s not what you expect
maximum effects within that intensity. But when if all you’re looking at is heating, you know, the
you go lower or higher, they drop way down.  thermal effects, and a biological target, which
Josh: Interesting. So it’s not always a higher differs from one cell type to another. At least in
intensity equals a higher effect and a lower terms of how much is there and what kind of
intensity equals a lower effect. There’s something susceptibility they have. So, what that tells you, in
else happening here. fact, is you cannot ignore the biology. That’s clear.
And in fact, every other example that we talked
Dr. Pall: That’s right. That’s right. So what that about also says you cannot ignore the biology;
tells you; that tells you something else that’s because all of these things, where you look at the
very important about the safety guidelines. So biology, you find the safety guidelines don’t work. 
the safety guidelines, as I said before, are based
on everything being additive. You can only have So, the fact that the industry and the regulatory
additive effects if you have linear dose response agencies have been ignoring the biology
curves. throughout this whole thing is just another
outrage in this whole process. So what we have
Josh: What is a linear dose response curve? here is a multi-trillion dollar set of industries, all of
Dr. Pall: It means if you double the intensity, whose claims of safety are based on fraud, really.
you’re going to double the effect. If you go up the Because the safety guidelines are fraudulent, and
intensity tenfold, you’re going to get tenfold the therefore anything based on those are fraudulent. 
effect, and so forth. So it’s directly proportional, The last thing of these eight is that there are also,
the effects are directly proportional to the what are called frequency windows, and these are
intensity. So it makes no sense whatsoever to very specific frequency ranges. So you’re talking
simply add these things, and we already said they about a very, very tight range, where specific
didn’t add them right anyway. But it makes no frequencies give extraordinarily strong effects,
sense to add these things if you have nonlinear even in extremely low intensities. So, intensities
dose response curves, and these dose response many orders of magnitude below what some
curves are not only nonlinear, they’re what’s called nearby frequency would require to see an effect;
non monotone. That is, they don’t always go up you can see extremely large effects. 
with increasing exposure, and they don’t always
go down with decreasing exposure.  And these are thought to be due to resonance
with a target, and I think that’s right. I would
So again, the whole structure of the safety predict the targets are the voltage sensors of
guidelines is bogus. It’s not just that it doesn’t these VGCCs, but we don’t know that; we have
make good predictions, the whole structure of no evidence on that. The interesting thing is, the
it is just ridiculous. Okay, so that’s another thing only place where we do have evidence on what

The 5G Crisis Summit


the target is from these resonance things, are bioinitiative.org, there’s roughly 1,800 studies, I
some studies that were published by Igor Belyaev, believe. As early as 1972, Zora Glaser and the US
on Escherichia coli bacteria. And in that case, the Naval Medical Department, compiled something
direct target is actually the DNA. like 2,300 studies, all showing a biological
Josh: Can you define the direct target? Are you effect. And all these studies are just not taken
talking about the specific target mechanism? into account, as we’ve discussed, by regulatory
agencies. How many studies would you estimate,
Dr. Pall: Well, I mean, so we talked about the fact Martin, are there that show a biological effect
that the voltage sensor is the direct target, but from EMF?
there could be other direct targets. And in this
case, from Belyaev’s study in E-coli, the bacterium, Dr. Pall: At levels well below safety guidelines? 
E-coli, the target of these frequency windows is Josh: Yeah.
the DNA of the cell. And I won’t try to tell you
Dr. Pall: I think there are probably at least 14,000. 
what the evidence for that is, but I think it’s very
compelling evidence. So that’s interesting and Josh: Wow. 
that’s surprising. So it raises another question Dr. Pall: And I can sort of give you a rough idea.
about, is the DNA also a target in the animal and Let me just say, there are also therapeutic effects
plants? And I think there are effects on the DNA in of EMFs, and that’s something I recognized from
animals and plants, but so far, we don’t have any the very first paper that I wrote on it. Which,
evidence that they’re important for anything. So I interestingly, are not recognized by the industry.
don’t know. I don’t know the answer to that. But They’re more concerned about maintaining their
we shouldn’t be too dogmatic about things. That’s propaganda claim that nothing’s going on, than
a possibility that may still be out there.  they are in trying to take credit where they might
Josh: It seems like the insurance companies actually have a little bit of credit. In that there are
know about this, at least to some extent, right? actually therapeutic effects of these EMFs.
Like Lloyds of London doesn’t ensure wireless Josh: Interesting.
products. And I mentioned in a couple of the
other talks, like Swiss Re and some other major Dr. Pall: Yeah. So there’s something like 4,000
insurance companies are identifying the high papers on the therapeutic effects and there are
level of risk of the wireless industry. It seems like at least 10,000 on the pathophysiological effects.
there’s some level of awareness of this behind the And then of course, it’s the pathophysiological
scenes and probably throughout a considerable effects that we’re concerned about. 
amount of industry. But they’re just looking at the Josh: So, diving into 5G, what is it specifically
short term and making as much money as they about 5G, from your perspective, that makes
can, and getting as much control as they can, I it potentially more harmful than 4G and other
would argue. technologies? We know that 5G is a higher
Dr. Pall: Interestingly, the Swiss Re insurance frequency band, or it includes a higher frequency
company put out a press release, expressing a band, and it actually includes low and mid-range
great concern about 5G; specifically about 5G. And as well. And you mentioned the nanopulses. So
that’s, I think, very important. It was in German, maybe talk a little bit about, how is 5G different,
and I actually translated it into English and put an with regards to your concerns?
English version up. Dr. Pall: Well, let me just say, I’m also very
Josh: So, we know of the bio initiative report on concerned about 4G. That’s not a trivial point; but
I think that the thing about 5G is the extraordinary

The 5G Crisis Summit


level of pulsations. So the whole idea behind 5G So how then do you get deep effects? And this is
is to use high frequencies, which allow you then relevant both for microwaves and for millimeter
to have extraordinarily high levels of pulsation, waves. I think the way you get deep effects is
in order to carry extremely large amounts of that while the electrical parts of the EMFs are
information per second, or whatever time period absorbed at some level, but the magnetic parts
you’re interested in. So this, again, emphasizes are extremely highly penetrated. That’s the first
the importance of pulsation in this whole story. thing. But now you say, “Well, okay, but it’s the
And so you’re having extraordinary amounts of electrical parts that interacts with the voltage
pulsation in a 5G system.  sensor. So why should you even think about the
And if we ever get to the point where 5G antennae magnetic parts?” It turns out, and I mentioned this
are interacting with what they call the Internet before, the magnetic fields can activate the VGCCs
of Things, with thousands and thousands of as well. 
devices, the amount of pulsation undoubtedly is And I think the way they work is that, for instance,
going to be absolutely extraordinary. So, this is when you have a magnetic part of 5G radiation,
an absolutely gigantic issue, the pulsation issue. it goes very deeply in the body, when it interacts
And let me just say, some industry sources now with electrically charged groups, this is your
are saying, “Well, we’re really not going to use dissolved ions in the aqueous parts of our
millimeter waves,” so I can’t say about that. They bodies, what does it do? It puts forces on them,
may have found out that millimeter waves are and when you put forces on those, you’re going
way too dangerous, and they’ve decided maybe to regenerate the electrical parts deep within
they’re not going to use them.  our bodies. The same frequency, same kind of
But the millimeter waves are absorbed by pulsation, just much lower intensity. 
materials, building materials, materials of our But when you have the voltage sensor so
bodies; the electrical parts of the millimeter waves exquisitely sensitive to these EMFs, you can get
are absorbed. Now, what that tells you basically, effects very deep in the body. And this is based
is that the electrical parts of the millimeter waves on millimeter waves that are not pulsed, so they
are going to interact with electrically charged don’t have all the problems with pulsation that 5G
groups, including the electrically charged groups does. They can produce effects on the heart, they
in the voltage sensor. So I think what that tells you can produce effects on other internal organs in
is that their ability to activate this target is going the body, many internal organs in rodents. They
to be extraordinary, because of this absorption.  can in humans, produce EEG effects, produce
Now, one of the things that the industry claims changes in the electrical activity of the brain, in
is, “Well, it’s absorbed so much in our body and humans. And so in order to do that, what do they
therefore can’t penetrate, except maybe about have to do? 
a millimeter or so into the body, and therefore They have to penetrate through the hair, through
you don’t need to worry about effects deeper in the skin, through the skull, and through the
the body.” And they’ve made that argument. I’ve meninges that surround all the neural tissue in
made a counter argument, and I can tell you what the brain. And so what that means is, they have
it is, but what’s also true is now we have evidence to go at least 20 times deeper than the industry
from published studies on millimeter waves that claims as possible, in order to do this. And if
in fact, millimeter wave effects go at least 20 they can go that deep, they go any kind of deep,
times deeper than what the industry claims. And I because basically, the magnetic parts could go
suspect it goes much deeper than that.  right through your body. So I think this is another

The 5G Crisis Summit


situation where the industry makes all kinds of aqueous regions in the body. Where basically, this
claims. But if you look at the data, it’s just wrong. conversion from the magnetic to the electrical
Josh: So, Deborah Davis, who is the President part may be very highly efficient. 
and leader of the Environmental Health Trust, So, there are a lot of those, where there are major
in this summit, is going to talk about the effects concerns. For instance, the cardiac effects we
of millimeter wave radiation, according to the talked about before. You’ve got a lot of water in
independent science. We know that the industry the blood and the heart. So there could be very
is not doing any science on 5G. They don’t want to high effects there, and the cardiac effects. There
find out what they probably know that they will, if are effects on the whole vascular system, and
they were to actually do some studies, that’s been there are impacts of microwaves, for instance, on
admitted, as we talked about before. But one the vascular system. So, that’s an issue. Kidneys
of those studies, I think it’s an Israeli study that have a lot of water. We may have huge epidemics
looks at sweat ducts. Have you heard about this of kidney failure. The eyes have the aqueous and
one, Martin? I think it was a study from last year, vitreous humors; we may have gigantic epidemics
the sweat ducts, how they act as Helios antennas of blindness, because of the impact on the eyes. I
of some type, to transmit the energy from the mean, so there are a lot of different things are
millimeter wave pulsations, more deeply into the extraordinarily concerning. 
Let me just say that, I expect that obviously, you’re
Dr. Pall: No, I haven’t heard of it. Let me just say, going to have a lot of effects on the skin, because
in science, you always have to distinguish between there are surface effects, and those surface
the results and the interpretation. So the fact that effects are much, much higher. And among those
you’re seeing these effects, doesn’t necessarily tell things that I think will be occurring as a surface
you that the interpretation that’s been proposed effect, we’ll probably have giant... and I hate to
is the correct interpretation. use that term all the time, but I believe it’s true,
Josh: Well, the bottom line, we know that the giant epidemics of melanomas, because of cancer.
effects happen more deeply into the body, And there is evidence, in fact that melanomas can
with millimeter waves, especially with pulsed be produced by EMFs. And if you have these huge,
millimeter wave radiation, and the science is huge exposures, I think we’re going to have huge,
very clear on that. Alright, so just wrapping up huge epidemics of melanomas. 
this first part, Martin, of this interview, what The other thing is that the blood circulates
are your predictions in terms of what 5G, the towards the surface, so anything that’s in the
implications of 5G, would have on humans and blood can be heavily impacted. And so what
the environment? kind of things are we going to see? Well, the
Dr. Pall: My prediction is that everything that erythrocytes, it turns out, are highly sensitive to
we know that microwaves do, 5G will do vastly the EMFs, surprisingly sensitive to microwave
stronger, because of the incredible pulsation. And frequency EMFs. And you get things like what are
again, we know that the individual nanosecond called Rouleaux figures where the erythrocytes
pulses work by VGCC activation; same sort of stick together into long chains; that kind of
mechanism. And, I think there will be absolutely clogs up the circulation of the blood. 
extraordinary effects, because of the pulsation, You also get changes in the structure, you know,
and also because of the frequency that’s being erythrocytes kind of look like a nice smooth,
used. And I think there may be specific effects that more or less donut shape. And those are really
may be particularly severe, where you have large good for the erythrocytes to go through, in blood

The 5G Crisis Summit


circulation. But when you have EMFs, you get Dr. Pall: I’m skeptical about that. I mean, the
little spiky things coming off of there, which kind reason I’m skeptical about it is from some other
of gum things up. You also get a lot of hemolysis, work that I’ve done in the past, and that has to do
you’ve got a lot of cells that just lyse and release with the fact that chemicals, and I believe EMFs
a lot of hemoglobin into the blood. You can get and other stressors, such as physical trauma, such
anemia from that. So I think there are going to be as infections, etc., etc., can initiate a vicious cycle
massive effects, from that standpoint. mechanism. And once the cycle mechanism gets
I think that there will also be effects on the cells going, it can propagate itself over time. And then
of the immune system, including high levels of it doesn’t make any difference what the initial
allergy, because of the impact on mast cells; and causation was; this thing will go on regardless. 
also high levels of autoimmune diseases. And by So I think that in fact, in things like multiple
the way, there is a report now on autoimmune chemical sensitivity, when people are studying
diseases being elevated from millimeter wave what kind of chemicals they have in their bodies,
exposures; and there’s a whole series of often they’re not high. That’s in part, of course
reports that microwaves elevate autoimmune that people avoid chemical exposures. But it
diseases. The way these elevations work, at doesn’t help them get rid of the disease, it helps
least from the microwave studies, is that you get prevent it from getting worse, which is useful. 
changes in the T cell signaling that controls the
So I think that... let me just say, there are
autoimmune response. And these are our calcium
chemicals.... and this is another thing that I’ve
signaling changes in the T cells that control it.
worked on in the past... that act through increases
So I think we’re going to have huge epidemics of
in the NMDA receptor activities, those also
autoimmune diseases, as a consequence of 5G.
produce increases in intracellular calcium. So the
Josh: And we already are, right? I mean, there’s 1 effects of the chemicals, and the effects of the
in 6 people apparently, in the United States that EMFs can be very similar, because they can both
has an autoimmune condition and it’s all been work often via increases in intracellular calcium.
increasing exponentially, in just this generation, So I think, to my mind, that’s a better perspective
since the proliferation of wireless. to use, to understand the connections between
Dr. Pall: Right. So it’s amazing that we’ve got all the chemicals and the EMFs.
these things going on, and we Josh: Is peroxy nitrate part of the overall
at least we have substantial literature, which says mechanism that involves VGCCs?
EMFs cause autoimmune diseases, and nobody’s Dr. Pall: Yes. There are two main pathways
paying any attention to it. of action by which the EMFs produce
Josh: Yeah. We know the chemicals, I mean, pathophysiological effects. One is through
the various industries that produce chemicals. excessive calcium signaling, and we already
Dr. Tom O’Brien talks about this in the summit, talked about that. The other one is that from
how that contributes, and wireless exposures the increases in intracellular calcium, you get
contribute to an overall toxic load in the body that increases in both nitric oxide and superoxide.
once it’s reached, is when people start exhibiting Those are two free radicals actually that are
symptoms. And everyone has a different level of relatively non-reactive. But when they react with
threshold. Would you agree with that, just that each other, which they do very readily, they form
overall toxic load perspective on it, at what point peroxy nitrate, which is a potent antioxidant. 
people exhibit health problems? Peroxy nitrate is not a free radical, but it breaks

The 5G Crisis Summit


down to form highly reactive free radicals, Josh: Well, Dr. Martin Pall, thank you so much.
including hydroxyl radical, which is probably the This has been a blockbuster talk here, this part
most reactive of all of them. So, you then get free one of two. And just such valuable information
radical effects and in fact, that’s how the DNA that lay people, parents, the industry, and our
effects are produced. The DNA effects that you elected officials need to know; this is the root
get are produced through the free radical attacks fundamental science, showing causation, showing
on the DNA. And those then can produce single how all this is working at the cellular level. I really
strand and double strand breaks in the cellular appreciate your time. 
DNA, and they also produce oxidized bases. And In part two, we’re going to go into the big picture,
those are the three types of things that we see in Dr. Pall’s big picture perspective. We’re going
the DNA effects, they can all be produced in that to go into five main areas. We’re going to dive
way.  deeper into the science of those five main areas
So, the free radicals and oxidative stress are very of symptomatology. We’re going to talk about how
important parts of this whole story. You also we solve this problem and get Dr. Pall’s thoughts
get increased inflammation as a consequence on that. So, Dr. Pall, thank you so much for your
to them. And that goes through increases in a time today. And we’ll look forward to talking with
transcription factor known as NF Kappa b. So we you again in part two. 
know a lot about how these things occur. And Dr. Pall: Great. Thank you.
that’s, I think, very important. I mean, the industry
tries to claim, “We don’t know anything,” and it’s
just complete crap. 

The 5G Crisis Summit

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