DCH 215

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No. of Printed Pages : 06 Roll No. .......................


(Third Semester)

(Main & Re-appear)




Time : 2½ Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Before answering the question-paper candidates

should ensure that they have been supplied to correct
and complete question-paper. No complaint, in this
regard, will be entertained after the examination.

Note : Attempt Four questions in all. All questions

carry equal marks

(2)M-C513 1
1. (a) Discuss the basic principle of microwave
(b) Discuss the Born-Oppenheimer
(c) What type of molecule show vibrational
spectra ? Give two examples each of
infrared active and infrared inactive
(d) Explain, why Butadiene has higher value
of λmax then ethylene.
(e) Electronic absorption bands are generally
broad as compared to infrared. Explain.

2. (a) Discuss how spectral lines gets affected

with the width and intensity of spectral
(b) The rotational spectrum of CO shows a
series of equidistant lines spaced
3.84 cm–1 apart. Calculate the moment
of inertia.

(2)M-C513 2
(c) Use Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law
for relative intensities of rotational
spectrum lines.

3. (a) Show how rotational spectra changes with

the change of atom with its isotope ?

(b) State and explain the rotational spectra

of rigid diatomic molecule.

4. (a) Illustrate the electronic spectra of

diatomic molecule.

(b) Discuss the rotational fine structure of

the electronic band of a molecule.

5. (a) Give notes on the following :

(i) Vibrational course structure

(ii) Dissociation energy.

(b) Define and explain Frank—Condon


(2)M-C513 3
6. (a) What do you mean by molar extinction
coefficient ?
(b) Define bathochromic and hypsochromic
shifts with suitable examples.
(c) Predict the UV maximum for each of the
following substances :





7. (a) State and explain Beer-Lambert's law.

What are its limitations ?
(2)M-C513 4
(b) What are the different electronic
transitions possible in electronic
spectroscopy ?

(c) How steric hindrance affects the UV

spectral absorption ?

8. (a) Discuss basic theory of infrared spectrum.

What are the factors affecting the
absorption frequency ?

(b) Define and explain the following terms

used in IR spectroscopy :

(i) Fundamental and overtones bands

(ii) Streching and bending vibration

(iii) Scissoring and Rocking.

9. (a) How would you distinguish between the

following on the basis of IR :

(i) Benzophenone and benzaldehyde

(ii) Alcohol and Phenol

(2)M-C513 5
(iii) Primary and Secondary amines
(iv) Alkene and Alkyne.
(b) How would you distinguish between Inter
and intramolecular hydrogen bonding on
the basis of IR ?

(2)M-C513 6 40

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