English File: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation

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8  Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   A Pre-intermediate

GRAMMAR 3 Make statements and questions with should and

the words in brackets.
1 Make first conditional sentences.
Example: Do you think I should look for another job?
Example: If we / not leave / now / we / miss / the last bus (I / look for)
If we don’t leave now, we’ll miss the last bus.
1 __________ so fast. The roads are very icy. (you / not
1 If Mark / ring / me / I / tell you drive)
___________________________________________ 2 If he wants to learn Spanish, __________ in Spain.
2 Yasuko / be / upset / if she / not pass / the exam (he / study)
___________________________________________ 3 This computer is old. __________ a new one?
3 If you / catch / the 11.15 train / you / get / to London (we / buy)
at 12.30 4 ___________ to bed late. You’ve got an exam in the
___________________________________________ morning. (you / not go)
4 I / not be able / to go to work / if it / snow 5 __________ nicer to each other. (people / be)
___________________________________________ 6 What __________ about my noisy neighbours?
5 Maggie / arrive / on time / if she / take / a taxi (I / do)
___________________________________________ 6
6 They / not go / to the beach / if it / rain
___________________________________________ Grammar total 20

7 If Chris / miss / the meeting / his boss / be / angry

___________________________________________ VOCABULARY
8 If we / not take / a map / we / get / lost 4 Underline the correct word(s).
Example: Grace looks / looks like her sister! They
8 both have blond hair and blue eyes.
1 Matthew’s wife has done / made a birthday cake for
2 Underline the correct word. him.
Example: Why didn’t you answer my / mine email? 2 Is Fiona going to wear / carry her new dress for the
1 Is this book your / yours or your brother’s?
3 I never borrow / lend money from my friends.
2 This isn’t our camera; it’s their / theirs.
4 Nicole is a famous singer. She wins / earns a lot of
3 Have you seen her / hers new computer? money.
4 Dom and Kate have got a dog. Its / Their name is 5 We knew / met Juan’s wife for the first time
Scooby. yesterday.
5 That pen is my / mine! Give it to me! 6 I hate waiting / hoping for people when they’re late.
6 I don’t know where the teacher is, but that’s his /
hers car. 6

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8  Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   A Pre-intermediate

5 Complete the sentences with an adverb made PRONUNCIATION

from the adjective in brackets.
7 Underline five more words which contain the
Example: Martin sometimes drives dangerously. sound /ʊ/.
computer  should  wood  food
1 Sharon swims very __________. (good) course could hour football
2 I can’t hear you when you speak __________. (quiet) woman trousers put young
3 Andrei dances __________. (beautiful) 5
4 The children smiled __________. (happy)
5 The old man shouted __________ at the cats in his 8 Underline the stressed syllable.
garden. (angry)
Example: re|ceive
6 Why do you always walk so __________? (slow)
1 whis|per
6 2 ad|vice
3 de|ci|sion
6 Complete the sentences with the correct phrase. 4 ea|si|ly
There are three extra phrases.
5 con|di|tio|nal
get a ticket  get better  get divorced  get emails 5
get home  get on well with  get nervous  get up
get presents  get fit get a job  get married Pronunciation total 10

Example: I don’t have any money. I need to get a job. Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

1 I don’t have any problems with my neighbours. I

__________ them.
2 If they leave work now, they’ll __________ by five
3 Do I have to __________ before I get on the bus?
4 Mary and Joe have decided to __________. The
wedding is in June.
5 If we __________ late, we’ll miss the train.
6 I’m not very well at the moment, but I hope I’ll
__________ before my holiday.
7 People often __________ before interviews.
8 He’s doing more exercise because he wants to

Vocabulary total 20

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8  Reading and Writing   A Pre-intermediate

READING 3 She finds it very difficult to _____.

1 Read the article and tick (✓) A, B, or C.

A  watch TV programmes about New Zealand  ■ 
B  talk about what happened  ■ 
C  think about the future  ■
Survivors 4 Klaus and his wife were _____ when the tsunami
This month our travel editor interviewed three people
who survived a natural disaster. Here are their stories.
A  in the water  ■  B running ■ 
C sunbathing ■
Linda Burrows, age 31 5 They could see that something _____ was
‘I got divorced last year and decided to buy a ticket to New happening.
Zealand. It was an impulse, but I just wanted to go for it and A frightening ■  B unusual ■ 
enjoy this once in a lifetime trip. I spent two fantastic weeks C surprising ■
there. At the end of my trip, I was leaving the hotel to go 6 They escaped by going into a building near _____.
back to the airport when the earthquake struck. I was very
A  the houses  ■  B  the hotel  ■ 
frightened and I saw some terrible things. I stayed there for
C  the beach  ■
three more days. The situation was desperate. I realized I
was very lucky to get home safely. If I ever see New Zealand
7 Andy’s brother ______.
on the TV, I immediately have to watch something different. A  flies planes  ■  B  works in the forest  ■ 
I hope things will get better for me in the future.’ C  is a soldier  ■
8 Andy’s brother bought Andy _____.
Klaus Roski, age 21
A  a holiday  ■  B  his flight to Canada  ■ 
‘My wife and I were on our honeymoon in Thailand when the
C  flying lessons  ■
tsunami happened. We were swimming in the sea and then
everyone was running to the beach. We followed them,
9 Andy and his brother first saw the forest fires _____.
because we could see that something strange was A  from the car window  ■  B  on the Internet  ■ 
happening. We climbed some stairs and went into a tall C  on television  ■
building behind the beach. We did the right thing and for 9
some reason we were lucky; other people were not. We’ve
been together for eight years now. If we talk about the 2 Read the article again and answer the questions.
tsunami, it helps us to understand our feelings about it.’
1 How did Linda feel after the disaster struck?
Andy Peters, age 26 ___________________________________________
‘My brother works as a pilot in Canada and earns a lot of 2 What does Linda do if she sees New Zealand on the
money. Last year he sent me a ticket to Vancouver. So I television?
went there to visit him. We were having a great holiday until ___________________________________________
we saw the news on TV one night. There were big forest
3 Why were Klaus and his wife in Thailand?
fires near us and there was a lot of smoke. My brother got a
phone call and went to fly a military plane to put water on
the fires. I was really worried about him, but he arrived back 4 How long have Klaus and his wife been together?
safely. And I got home safely, too.’ ___________________________________________
5 What did Andy’s brother do to help put out the
Example: Linda went to New Zealand after she forest fires?
got ______. ___________________________________________
A ill ■  B divorced ■ ✓   C married ■ 6 How did Andy feel about the situation?
1 The _____ happened when Linda was leaving the ___________________________________________
hotel. 6
A tsunami ■  B cyclone ■  C earthquake ■
2 She stayed in New Zealand for _____. Reading total 15
A  two weeks  ■  B  seventeen days  ■ 
C  four weeks  ■

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8  Reading and Writing   A Pre-intermediate

Write an email to a friend who wants to visit you.
Answer your friend’s questions. (100–150 words)
• When should I come and visit you?
• What will the weather be like then?
• What clothes should I bring?
• How should I get there?
• Is there anything I should do before I come?

Writing total 10

Reading and Writing total 25

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8  Listening and Speaking   A Pre-intermediate

1 Listen to the conversation. Tick (✓) A or B. 1 Ask your partner these questions.
1 It’ll make things better if Pete says nothing. 1 How do you normally get to work / school?
A True ■  B False ■ 2 What do you usually do when you get home from
2 If Pete sends his girlfriend an email, she’ll read it. work / school?
A True ■  B False ■ 3 Do you ever get angry? What about?
3 If Pete leaves the office early, he’ll see her at the bus 4 Have you ever got lost? What happened?
station. 5 How many texts do you get a day? Who are they
A True ■  B False ■ from?

4 If Pete tells her he loves her, she won’t change her Now answer your partner’s questions.
2 Read about Fran’s trip to London and answer your
A True ■  B False ■
partner’s questions.
5 If Pete persuades her to go out to dinner, everything
will be all right.
My trip to London
A True ■  B False ■
Day 1
missed flight to London / came by train
left suitcase on train
2 Listen to five people asking for advice. Choose the flood at hotel / slept on friend’s sofa
best advice for each speaker. Day 2
Speaker 1  ■ heavy rain / boat trip cancelled
Speaker 2  ■ started to feel ill / went to bed early
Speaker 3  ■
Speaker 4  ■ 3 Now make questions and ask your partner about
Speaker 5  ■ Steve’s trip to Edinburgh.
A You should phone your colleagues right now. • How / Steve / get to / Edinburgh?
B You should go to the birthday party. • What happened / his mobile phone?
C You should stop drinking coffee in the evening. • What / Steve / do first?
D You should find someone else. • What / Steve / do / next day?
E You should ask for the money back immediately. • What / do / that night?

5 Speaking total 15

Listening total 10 Listening and Speaking total 25

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