HRES1101 Individual Assignment 1

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HRES 1101 – Organizational Behaviour

Individual Assignment 1

“Organizational Behaviour (OB) is the study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations”
(McShane et al 2018 p.2). Before we can understand how people ‘think, feel and do’ in teams and in
organizations, we need to understand how we ‘think, feel and do’ as individuals.

This is a reflective individual, written assessment which will allow you to research models and theories of
individual behavior, personality, and values and reflect on how you think, feel, and provide examples of what
you do.

Assignment Instructions
The assignment should be organized in the following sections:
1. Research I – Refer to textbook resources and briefly describe the MARS Model of Individual Behaviour.
Provide accurate in-text citations and correctly list your sources in the Reference section.
2. Reflect I and describe your Motivation as a student (your direction, intensity, and persistence). Describe
your Abilities and how you might capitalize on these abilities during your OB course. Consider your Role
perception, describe other roles you have and how you might manage these roles during your course of
study. Meanwhile, Situational Factors are beyond your control. The Covid-19 context has determined
many situation factors that have needed to adapt to be successful. Identify the two most dominant
situational factors and describe how you are adapting to the situation.
3. Research II – Refer to textbook resources and briefly describe the Five Factor Model of Personality
(Digman 1990) (Goldberg and Lewis). Provide accurate in-text citation and correctly list the resource in
the Reference section.
4. Reflect II – reflect on each of the Personality Dimensions note in your textbook. For each dimension rate
yourself on a scale of 1 – 5. A score of 1 = ‘not like me’, a score of 5 = ‘like me”. For each dimension state
why you allocated the score of 1 – 5. For each of the five Personality Dimensions explain how each one
may be evident and demonstrated during this course.
5. Reflect III - go to and complete the Big Five Personality
Test and refer to your results. Copy your results table, with an accurate title and reference. Describe the
factor where you scored highest. State how this applies to you and offer an example of your own
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behavior which either reinforces or refutes this result. Describe the factor where you scored lowest. State
how this applies to you, offer an example of your own behavior which either reinforces or refutes this
6. Conclusion - Describe the usefulness of applying the MARS Model of Individual Behaviour and the Five
Factor Model of Personality. Conclude by describing insightful understanding of your own thoughts
feelings or behaviours or conclude by explaining why you think this experience did not offer any insightful
This assignment is out of 71 marks and worth 15% of your final course grade. I will be marking the quality
and professionalism of your writing, the adherence to course material, and the quality of applying course

Formal Paper with a maximum of 2000-words following APA formatting, citations and referencing.
This report should include:
a) Cover sheet – APA formatted with student’s name, title of paper, my name, course #, and WORD COUNT.
(See APA guidelines). WORD COUNT does not include title page or reference page.
b) The introduction should include:
i. A Purpose Statement – you will be graded on how well you support and explain your purpose
statement throughout your paper.
What is a Purpose Statement? A purpose statement announces the purpose, scope, and direction
of the paper. It tells the reader what to expect in a paper and what the specific focus will be.

c) The body of your paper should discuss and address all of the assignment instructions on page 1 of this
document. Use headings for your assignment sections.
d) The paper should conclude with:
i. a paragraph explaining how you demonstrated and supported your purpose statement.
e) A minimum of three (3) resources/sources that support your assignment discussion. Please check with me
if you are uncertain whether your sources are credible.
f) You will receive a mark of zero if your work is copied or plagiarized and further disciplinary action will be
taken in accordance with the Bow Valley College academic honesty policy.
g) All submissions will be run through Turnitin, which is anti-plagiarism software used by Bow Valley College
(once the instructor enables the Turnitin function, all assignments which are submitted through the drop
box will automatically be run through the Turnitin program).
h) Your paper will be marked in accordance with the Rubric attached to this assignment.
i) Submit your assignment in to the Brightspace/D2L drop box provided by the due date. Late assignments
will be docked 10% for every 24 hours late. Late assignments will not be accepted after 3 days and will
receive a mark of zero.

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Formal Paper Format and Style Elements


Your paper must contain headings to organize the different sections of your assignment.

Page Numbers

All pages are to be numbered. The title page is numbered; however, the page number is not visible on the title
page. Your page numbers are to be placed at the top or bottom right-hand corner. You may include “Page” or
“P.” along with the number, if you prefer.

Alignment and Spacing

You are to use left alignment for your assignment, and you are to use 1.5 spacing. There is no indenting within
your assignment. Headings are to be left aligned.

There is one empty line between paragraphs.

Fonts and Font Size

Your report is to be written in Calibri 11-point font. There is only one font used throughout the assignment and
no more than two font sizes within the report. You may choose to use a larger font size for the title page and


Use formal language and the tense appropriate to the section. Your assignment should incorporate a
professional tone and style. Use “it/its” to refer to an organization (not “they/their/them”).

Acronyms and shortened terms are often used in assignments to increase the efficiency of use for the reader.
An acronym or shortened version is introduced at the first instance of the full term within the assignment body,
with the acronym or shortened version in quotation marks within parentheses (e.g., Alberta Animal Rescue
Crew Society (“AARCS”)). After an acronym or shortened version has been introduced, it is used throughout the
remainder of the assignment, without quotation marks and parentheses (e.g., AARCS). The full term is no
longer used in the assignment (i.e., you are not to use the acronym or shortened version and then use the full
term in a subsequent part of the report). Note that when an acronym or shortened version is to be used for an
organization’s name, the full legal name of the organization is to be used at the first instance in the assignment

Acronyms or shortened versions are also used for terms that appear multiple times within an assignment. For
example, if your report includes multiples instances of the term “corporate social responsibility”, you might
choose to introduce the acronym, (“CSR”), at the first instance in the report body and use this at all subsequent
instances in the report.

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HRES 1101 – Organizational Behaviour
Individual Assignment 1

Criteria Outstanding Good Needs Poor

Introduction 8 Points 6 points 4 points 2 points
Excellent overview of You introduced most Your Your
the content of the of the content that you introduction introduction
was missing was weak, you
assignment. Your discussed in the paper
some content. omitted
thoughts flowed in your and explained the
You did not mentioning the
overview, and the content that would be
highlight all relevant content.
reader was able to form covered in the
the major Zero marks if
an outline of the content assignment. headings that
to be there
you will be
covered. You were is no
discussing in
concise in presenting this introduction.
the paper.

Research I 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points

A concise clear A description of the A copy of the Inaccurate
description of the MARS MARS Model of MARS Model of description, or
Model of Individual Individual Behaviour Individual description is
Behaviour omitted
Behaviour which
Reflect I 14 points 10 points 6 points 3 points
MARS insightfully MARS is applied Application of Little or no
applied and deep and some reflection the MARS attempt to
reflection is evident. evident. Dominant Model is apply MARS
Two dominant factors are attempted. Model.
situational factors identified and some Some Situational
are identified and description of identification factors are not
description of adaption is of situational clearly
adaption to the included factors are identified
situation described
demonstrates self
Research II 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points
A concise clear A description of the A copy of the Inaccurate
description of the Five Factor Model Five Factor description, or
Five Factor Model Model description is
which demonstrates omitted

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Reflect II 14 points 10 points 6 points 3 points
All Five Dimensions Dimensions were Dimensions Dimension
were rated with a rated with some were rated was rated
clear explanation for explanation for the without
the scale. An scale selected. An explanation
insightful explanation for and limited
explanation for each each was stated application to
dimension and how with some the OB course
it may be evident in application to the
the OB course OB course

Reflect III 14 points 10 points 6 points 3 points

Evidence that the Evidence that the Some evidence Little evidence
Big Five Test was Big Five Test was the Big Five that the Big
completed and completed with Test was Five Test was
results table results table. The completed, the completed.
displayed clearly. highest and lowest results table is Highest and
The highest and lowest score is identified with either unclear or lowest scores
scored factor is some reference to an incomplete. are evident
described, applied using example. An attempt Highest and
an example to reinforce lowest score are
to reinforce or refute
or refute. identified.
Conclusion 5 points 4 points 2 points 1 point
The usefulness of The usefulness of The usefulness Attempt to
both the MARS and both the MARS of both models conclude
The Big Five is and The Big Five is is not clearly
described clearly. described. A described.
Insightful description description is
is included OR an included OR an
explanation why the explanation why
models did not the models did not
provide provide
understanding understanding

Spelling 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Grammar Spelling is correct. Some sentence Assignment is Numerous
Writing illustrates structure, grammar not clearly errors in
proper use of and spelling need written; spelling,
grammar, paragraphs revision; however, thoughts/ideas grammar and
structure and overall, the writing are difficult to punctuation
sentence structure. is fairly clear. follow. throughout,
Strong writing Sentence which can
throughout. structure needs make
revision. comprehension

5|P a g e
Formatting and 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points
References Formatting guidelines are Most of the formatting Most of the Minimum or no
followed and requirements have been criteria formatting
formatting is followed and identified criteria have
consistent. Title page instructions have within the not been met.
has relevant been met. Minor assignment
information. inconsistencies in instructions
Proper APA formatting have been met.
referencing is may be present. Inconsistencies
illustrated Proper APA are present
(referenced properly, referencing is throughout.
in-text citations, generally Improper APA
reference page demonstrated). formatting.
Organization 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points
and Structure The assignment is the The assignment is the There are Minimum
required length. required length. Some inconsistencies in expectations for
Assignment is well inconsistencies in structure. organization and
organized/structured as structure are evident. Assignment lacks structure have
per assignment Generally, looks professionalism. not been met.
instructions. Assignment professional.
is professional and
illustrated evidence of
pride taken.

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