Elite Xs 4 Mobility Scooter

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Elite XS

3 & 4 Wheel

Owner’s Manual

30 Iss 4
Elite XS

How to use this manual

We at Sunrise Medical want you to get the best out of your

Sterling Elite XS. This Owner’s Manual will familiarise you with the Scoota
and its features. It contains guidance on everyday usage and general
care in addition to information on the high quality standards which we
adhere to and details about the warranty.

Your Scoota will reach you in excellent condition having been personally
inspected before leaving our premises. By following the guidelines for
maintenance on page 21 your Scoota will maintain its first class condition
and give you years of complete reliability and satisfaction.

26 Iss 4

Introduction page 1

Guarantee page 2

Features page 3

Safety warning and user guidance page 4 - 8

Adjustments to your Scoota page 8

Tiller control functions page 9 - 10

Operating your Scoota page 11 - 13

Guidance for safe operation and use page 14 - 15

Programmable Controller page 16

Batteries and charging page 17 - 20

Routine maintenance page 21

Service history page 22

Iss 4 27
Thank you for choosing a Sunrise Medical Sterling Elite XS.

Before using your Scoota please read this manual carefully. It will provide you with all the
information you will require however, if you have any queries about the use, maintenance or
safety of your Scoota please contact your local Sunrise Medical Service Agent. If you have
any other questions please write to the address below.

This Scoota is designed for comfort, safety and durability and has been exhaustively
researched and tested by our experts.

The Elite XS Scoota is classified as a category C vehicle under the European wheelchair
standard EN 12184.

It is intended for the use of people of all ages who may have difficulty walking distances or
for periods of time. It is ideal for indoor and outdoor use and suitable for users up to 150kg
in weight (330 lbs). Weights can cause performance variation. Maximum user weight tested
using 150kg test dummy.

The scoota is designed to be driven on pavements and roads but should not be driven
through mud, water or snow which is deeper than 50mm.

It has been manufactured to comply with the requirements of the KBOH R06/SBV/SBR
P57, Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC, the radio interference requirements
of EEC Directive 89/336/EEC and the battery charger requirements of EEC
Directive 73/23/EEC and 89/336/EEC. Electro Magnetic fields, such as those
emitted by shop alarms may be disturbed by use of the Scoota. The function of
the scoota as well may be disturbed by Electro Magnetic fields emmitted by shop alarms.

Sunrise Medical is dedicated to providing products of exacting quality which conform fully
and reliably to the requirements of their intended use. We are BS/EN ISO 9001 accredited
which is the internationally recognised standard for quality management systems. This
approval ensures we provide quality in all areas of our business from development through
to final delivery. Should you require any further assistance then please contact your local


International Telephone +44 1384 44 66 88 Fax +44 1384 44 66 99

E-Mail: [email protected]

Iss 4 1
7 The above warranty conditions apply to all ,Scoota
Your guarantee parts, for models purchased at full retail price.
The guarantee form is supplied with this manual, 8 Under normal circumstances, no responsibility will
please fill in the relevant details to register and be accepted where the Scoota has required repair
activate your warranty. or replacement as a direct result of:-
THIS IN NO WAY AFFECTS YOUR STATUTORY (i) The Scoota or part not having been maintained
RIGHTS. in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations, where such exist. Or failing
Warranty conditions to use only the specified original equipment parts.
1 The repair or replacement will be carried out by an (ii) The Scoota or part having been damaged by
authorised Sunrise Medical Dealer/Service Agent. neglect, accident or improper use.
2 To apply the warranty conditions should your (iii) The Scoota or part having been altered from
Scoota require attention under these the manufacturer’s specifications, or repairs
arrangements, notify the designated Sunrise having been attempted prior to the Service
Medical Service Agent immediately giving full Agent being notified.
information about the nature of the difficulty. Please keep a note of your local Service Agent’s
Should you be operating the Scoota away from the address and telephone number in the space
locality of the designated Sunrise Medical Service provided. In the event of a breakdown, contact
Agent work under the “Warranty Conditions” will be them and try to give all relevant details so they can
carried out by any other service agent designated help you quickly.
by the manufacturer.
The Scoota shown and described in this manual may
3 Should any part of the Scoota require repair or not be exactly the same in every detail as your own
replacement as a result of a specific manufacturing model. However, all instructions are still entirely
or material defect within two years from the relevant, irrespective of detail differences.
date on which the possession of the Scoota was
The manufacturer reserves the right to alter without
transferred to the original purchaser, and subject
notice any weights, measurements, or other technical
to it remaining within that ownership, the part or
data shown in this manual. All figures,
parts will be repaired or replaced completely free
measurements, and capacities shown in this manual
of charge if returned to the authorised Service Agent.
are approximate, and do not constitute specifications
Note: This guarantee is not transferable.
Your local service agent:
4 Any repaired or replaced part will benefit from
these arrangements for the balance of the
warranty period applicable to the Scoota.
5 Parts replaced after the original warranty has
expired are covered for a further three months.
6 Items of a consumable nature will not generally
be covered during the normal warranty period
unless such items have clearly suffered undue
wear as a direct result of an original
manufacturing defect. These items include Your local service agent:
amongst others upholstery, tyres, inner tubes,
batteries and other similar parts.

Sunrise Medical Limited

High Street, Wollaston, West Midlands DY8 4PS England
Tel 01384 44 66 88 Fax 01384 44 66 99
E-mail: [email protected]

Please remember to fill in and post the guarantee registration card enclosed with this manual. Sunrise
Medical Limited recommend that you do not undertake maintenance tasks other than those explained in
this manual. Your local authorised Sunrise Medical service agent is fully trained by Sunrise Medical to
carry out detailed maintenance as and when required. Use only genuine Sunrise Medical replacement parts.

2 Iss 4

Seating Tiller Control fascia Control

(Page 8) adjustment Panel Levers
(Page 9) (Pages 9 - 10) (Page 9)

Secondary Braking
System Handbrake
Flip up (Page 13)
(Page 8)

(Page 11)

Tyres Seat Swivel Batteries and Charging Bumper

(Page 7) Lever (Pages 17 - 20)
(Page 8)

Fig. 1

Iss 4 3
Safety warning and user guidance
Getting on your Elite scoota
1. Ensure that the key is turned to the off position.
2. Stand at the side of the scoota.
3. Pull the seat rotate lever upwards and rotate the seat until it faces
you (Photo 1).
4. Make sure that the seat is locked securely into position.
5. Position yourself comfortably in the seat (Photo 2).
6. Pull the seat rotate lever upwards and rotate the seat until facing
forward (Photo 3).
7. Make sure that the seat is locked securely into position.
8. Ensure that your feet are placed firmly on the floorboard of the
scoota (Photo 4).

Getting off your Elite scoota

1. Bring your Elite scoota to a complete stop.
2. Make sure that the key is turned to the off position (Photo 4).
3. Pull the seat rotate lever upwards and rotate the seat until you are
facing the side of the scoota (Photo 5)
4. Make sure that the seat is locked securely into position (Photo 2).
5. Carefully get out of the seat and stand by the side of your scoota
(Photo 6).
6. You may leave the seat in this position or return it to facing forward.

Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3

Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6

4 Iss 4
Safety warning and user guidance
General safety warnings Kerb climbing
Safety is important with any vehicle that is Do not attempt to mount or dismount
power driven. Below are some essential kerbs in excess of 10cm (4").
tips to safeguard your use. These are not Always mount and dismount kerbs
conclusive and should be read in
with caution and directly facing the
conjunction with the sections, which kerb.
explain how to adjust, operate and
maintain your vehicle. Do not attempt to mount or dismount
kerbs in reverse.
Always ensure that your Scoota is switched
off before attempting to mount or dismount. Hill climbing
Do not attempt to operate your Scoota Where possible always travel up
whilst standing next to it. or down hills or ramps directly
facing the slope of the hill.
Always ensure that you are able to
operate all the controls from a seated This Scoota has been tested to
position, that the rear view mirror (if fitted) climb an incline of no more than
is set correctly and that the seat is 50 metres (4 x 10m, then 1 x 10m)
securely locked into place. at 14 degrees (1 in 4) with a
maximum user weight of 113kg
Do not hang anything from your scooter’s
(250 lbs). Do not attempt to climb
handle bars, wig wag levers or rear view
inclines in excess of this. For
mirror (e.g. handbag, shopping bag) as
inclines longer than 50 metres,
this may interfere with the safe operation
you should not climb in excess of
of your scooter and could result in injury
11 degrees (1 in 5) with a max.
to yourself or others.
user weight of 150kg (330 lbs).
Attention: Switch on the scoota lights
Do not traverse across the face of
to make yourself visible when there are
a slope, in excess of 10° (1 in 6).
low levels of light , day or night.
Always reduce your speed to the
Do not operate your Scoota whilst under minimum setting when reversing
the influence of alcohol or drugs. down hills.
Please observe all relevant rules and Do not attempt to drive along with
regulations pertaining to pedestrians at the wheels at different levels, e.g.
all times. along the pavement and road
Turning corners
Always reduce your speed when Please note that lap belts must
turning corners, particularly when only be obtained and fitted by
travelling downhill. Disregard of an authorised Sunrise dealer.
this advice could lead to your
Scoota tipping over.

Iss 4 5
Safety warning and user guidance
Lifting components over 10kg

Please note that these instructions are to be used as a guide only.

1. Lift rotate lever upwards and turn seat 90° clockwise (Photo 7).
2. Stand behind seat (Photo 8).
3. Fold backrest forward and flip up armrests.
4. Place hands on either side of seat base, lift seat vertically keeping back posture
upright. Bend knees if required (Photos 9 & 10).
5. Place seat at desired location keeping back posture upright at all times, bend knees
where required.
1. Remove battery panel (Photo 11) and unstrap and disconnect batteries (Photo 12).
2. Bend knees with battery positioned centrally in front of you (Photo 13).
3. Grab battery handle with both hands.
4. Lift vertically by straightening legs, keeping back posture upright (Photo 14).
5. Place battery at desired location, keeping back posture upright and bending knees
if required.

Photo 7 Photo 8 Photo 9

Photo 10 Photo 11 Photo 12

Photo 13 Photo 14

6 Iss 4
Safety warning and user guidance
Batteries Tyres
Always check the batteries are Do not inflate your Scoota tyres
sufficiently charged before setting using a powered airline.
off. Each tyre pressure should be upto
Always ensure that your batteries 172 Kilopascals (25 P.S.I.).
are in good condition and that no
leakage has occurred. Emergency Braking
Beware, battery fluids are Removal of the ignition key whilst
corrosive and care should be moving will switch off the power
taken at all times to avoid contact causing immediate and full
with it. If it comes into contact with braking. This method of stopping
the skin or clothing, wash is not recommended except in an
immediately with soap and water. emergency.
If it comes into contact with the Caution!
eye, immediately flood the eye Routine use of emergency braking
with running cold water for at least will cause damage to your Scoota.
10 minutes and seek medical
attention. Freewheel mechanism
Keep batteries upright at all times, Caution!
especially when transporting your Transporting the Scoota along a
Scoota. slope in freewheel mode can be
Always follow the procedures dangerous. Take extra care if this
for battery charging set out in is necessary. Always re-enage the
Pages 17 - 20. freewheel device after use.
Always charge your batteries in a Never sit on your Scoota whilst in
room with good ventilation. freewheel since the Scoota will no
longer automatically stop.
Do not charge your batteries in
outdoor conditions.
Do not expose any part of your
charger, battery or Scoota to direct
heat (i.e. Gas fires or naked

Iss 4 7
Safety warning and user guidance
Transportation Use of mobile phones
When transporting the scoota remove Mobile telephones or two way radio
seat and lower tiller (Fig. 2). devices must not be used while
Always stow your Scoota in the operating the vehicle.
luggage compartment of your vehicle. Use of mobile phones or two way
Always ensure your Scoota or Scoota radios can cause excessively strong
parts are securely anchored when electromagnetic fields. This may interfere
being transported. with the vehicle’s electronic systems.

Do not sit on your Scoota whilst it is If mobile phones or mobile radios are
being transported in or on another required to be used, the vehicle must
vehicle. be brought to a halt and the power
turned off before any such device is
Do not attempt to carry passengers on switched on or used.
your Scoota.
Do not attempt to tow another vehicle. If you are in any doubt about your
ability to drive the Scoota due to
any medical condition or
treatment, then consult your

Fig. 2

Seat Adjustment
Flip Up Armrests (Fig 3): By pulling up on the end of either armrest, the armrest will flip
back for easy transfer on and off of your Elite.
Seat Rotate Lever (Fig 4): This is found under the right side of the seat. Pull it up allows
the seat to rotate 360 degree and release to lock in any 45 degree position desired.
Seat Height Adjustment: The seat post is height-adjustable, providing 4 height positions.
Carefully unscrew the bolt and nut, and insert into desirable position and tighten nut
Sliding Mechanism (Fig. 5): This allows forward and backward movement of the seat.
Pull up lever found under the front of the seat and use legs and body to move to the
required position and release lever.

Fig. 4 Fig. 5

Fig. 3 Rotate

8 Iss 4
Tiller control functions
Hand Controls (Fig. 6 to 8) Facia
Remember that your controls are Panel
located on the Tiller (Fig. 6). The
handle bar angle can be adjusted to the
most comfortable position by your local
authorised Sunrise dealer.
Wig-Wag Control (Fig. 7): Located
under the handle bar grips. Your speed
as well as forward and reverse motion Wig-Wag
is controlled here. Control

The right hand or left thumb moves the Tiller Handle

Elite in a forward motion and also Adjustment Bars
controls the rate of speed by the Lever
Fig. 6
amount of the pressure applied.
The left hand or right thumb moves the
Elite in a reverse motion and controls
the rate of the speed by the pressure
The lever will return by itself when
released, and you will stop gently. Braking
is engaged when Wig-Wag is released.
Key Switch (Fig. 8): Located on lower
centre of control panel. Insert the key
vertically and turn 90 degree clockwise.
To turn off scooter, turn key back to Control Fig. 7
vertical position and remove.

Tiller Adjustment
The angle of the tiller can be adjusted Switch
for getting on and off the scooter and
for achieving a comfortable driving

Rotate the lever 90º clockwise, hold

the handlebar and push or pull the
tiller to the required position.
Tiller Adjustment
Fig. 8

Iss 4 9
Tiller control functions
Battery Gauge (Fig. 9): Located on the centre of the control panel. It
indicates the average amount of charge you have in the batteries. Green
indicates fully charged batteries. Yellow indicates caution and approximately
half-charged batteries. Red indicates warning and less than half-charged
batteries. Please be aware that the meter reading will fluctuate when
accelerating from start or travelling uphill, this is normal. The reading is
more accurate when the scoota is operating on flat level ground.
Indicator Switch (Fig. 9): Located on right/left corner of control panel.
Press the left or right switch whenever left or right direction is intended.
Press the switch again, the indicator light will be turned off.
Speed Adjustment Dial (Fig. 9): This allows you to preset your desired top
speed. Turn the dial anti-clockwise to slow for very gentle operation. Turn it
clockwise to increase your speed.
Horn Switch (Fig. 9): Press switch to cause a warning sound.
Headlight Switch (Fig. 9): The scooter comes equipped with a head light
which is activated by a push on/push off switch located near the centre of
the control panel. The face of the switch is lighted in the “on” position. If the
light is advertently left after the use, removal of key will extinguish
Hazard Light Switch (Fig. 9): This switch can be pushed on whenever the
switch is turned on/off.

UK users Note: When driving on the pavement the speed should be set to the half mark

Lights Battery Gauge

Head Lamp Hazard Warning

Panel Light Lights

Indicator Indicator
Panel Lights Panel Lights

On/Off Panel
and Status
Light (See
page 18)

Left Horn
Right Horn
Left Indicator
Right Indicator
Fig. 9

10 Iss 4
Operating your Scoota
Freewheel mechanism On/Off
A freewheel device disengages
the power drive to allow manual
operation (Fig. 10).
The freewheel is selected by
pulling up the lever which is
located at the rear of the scoota.
Once it has been selected a visual
display will appear as shown
(Fig. 11) and it will be
accompanied by a high pitched Fig. 11
sounding of the horn. This is a
safety device to warn you that the Caution!
scoota is in freewheel mode.
It is advisable that during the first
To stop the horn sounding whilst few sessions of operating your
pushing your scoota, switch off the scoota that the area around you
power using the key. is clear of obstacles and
To turn off the freewheel and
engage the motor, simply push the Before operating your Scoota,
lever downwards. ensure the seat height has been
adjusted to your satisfaction, and
Note: Use extreme caution in the the tiller angle has been set for
freewheel mode, especially on optimum safety and comfort.

When first driving the scoota, be

Freewheel lever
sure you and the Elite are on a
level surface. Put the key in its
slot, but leave it turned off. Stand
behind the Elite seat and reach
down to the Seat Lock Lever. It is
located on the right side directly
under the seat (can be configured
on either side of the seat: standard
position is on the right side).

Fig. 10

Iss 4 11
Operating your Scoota
Basic Driving 6. When steering in a tight spot,
1. Make sure you are properly such as entering a doorway or
seated on the Elite and that the when turning around, stop the
Speed Control Dial is turned scoota and then turn the
fully anti-clockwise towards the handlebar to where you want to
tortoise. go, then apply power gently.
This will make the Elite turn
Note: Reverse movement of very sharply. It is also
scooter may not occur when recommended that the pre-set
Speed Control Dial is turned speed is set to a slower setting
fully anti-clockwise. to aid control in tight spots.
2. Insert key into Key Switch and Exercise caution when
turn clockwise to on reversing
(90 degrees).
7. Reversing requires attention.
3. On tiller, use the Wig-Wag as Right thumb or left fingers
described earlier. operation of the Wig-Wag will
You will gently accelerate. reverse the scoota. Always
Release and you will gently steer in the opposite direction
stop. Practice these two basic of the way you want to go. The
functions until you get used to more you use the Wig-Wag
them. Control the faster you will go.
4. Steering the Elite is easy and Reverse speed is 50% slower
logical. Just be sure to than forward speed. If the Elite
remember to get wide does not move in reverse, turn
clearance when turning so that the speed control dial
the rear wheels clear any cloockwise until the scoota
obstacle. moves gently backwards.
5. Shortcutting a pavement
corner can cause the back
wheel to go off the pavement,
causing problems, if the corner
is very rough. Avoid this at all
times by steering an
exaggerated curve around the

12 Iss 4
Operating your Scoota
Braking Emergency Braking
To stop the Scoota simply release In the unlikely event of an
the Wig-Wag control, whilst unwanted movement of the
keeping your hands on the Scoota, using the ESBS
handlebar. Two types of braking handbrake or switching off at the
will automatically operate key will bring the Scoota to a stop.
(a) Automatic regenerative The Emergency Secondary
braking, which slows the Braking System (ESBS) is
Scoota to a standstill and operated by using the handbrake
(b) Automatic braking which will on the tiller (Fig. 12) which will slow
operate a short while after the scoota to a controlled stop.
releasing the control lever and Though very effective,
holds the Scoota in position, emergency braking is extremely
even if you are on a hill. abrupt and must never be used in
This is not instantaneous and normal use.
will engage in approx. 1/2 a Switching off
wheel turn.
The Scoota must always be
switched off at the key.
Note: When the Scoota is not in
use for a long period of time
always disconnect the batteries
unless they are being charged.


Fig. 12

Iss 4 13
Guidance for safe operation and use
Mounting and dismounting kerbs Fig. 13

Your Scoota is capable of

mounting and dismounting kerbs
and obstacles up to 10cm (4").
Remember when climbing kerbs
to drive forwards and face the kerb
at 90°. Stopping about 30 - 60cm
(I - 2 feet) away, select a medium
to high speed setting and drive up Maximum kerb height 10cm (4")
(Scoota shown to illustrate kerb mounting)
without stopping. Leaning
forwards will also help maximise
your stability. (Fig. 13) Fig. 14

Note: Heavier users will require

higher speed settings.
To dismount a kerb, face the kerb
at 90°, but select a low speed
setting. Move forward and slowly
allow your Scoota to drop gently,
front wheel(s) first from the kerb.
The rear stabilising wheels may Maximum slope 10° (1 in 6)
make contact with the kerb when (Scoota shown to illustrate travelling across slopes)
dismounting this is normal.
Use on the pavement
Note: Low speed settings are also
recommended when travelling When using your Scoota on the
down hill, particularly in reverse. pavement always be aware of
pedestrians and situations which
Also, reduce your speed when
might require extra care. For
turning corners. The anti-tip example, young children and pets.
devices fitted with the scoota may Remember, especially when driving
interfere with kerbs when in public places, to drive with caution
mounting and dismounting. and regard for others at all times.
Travelling across slopes When manoeuvring in confined
areas, including shops, ensure the
Care should be taken traversing minimum speed is selected. If you
across a slope. (Fig. 14) leave your Scoota outside a shop
ensure that it does not obstruct
Note: Do not traverse across the pedestrians, and remember to keep
face of a slope in excess of 10° the key with you for security.
(1 in 6). In the UK always set the speed to
Disregard of this advice could half. This is achieved by setting
result in your Scoota tipping. the Speed Knob to position 4.

14 Iss 4
Guidance for safe operation and use
Hill climbing
Your Scoota is designed to travel up
or down most reasonable slopes up
to 14° (1 in 4) (Fig. 15), however
both hill climbing capability and
distance travelled between battery
charges will be adversely affected
by such things as:
1. The weight of the user.
2. Terrain (e.g, grass or gravel).
3. Steepness of hills
4. Level of charge and the age of
the batteries. Maximum slope 1 in 4 (14°)
5. Extremes of temperature. Fig. 15
6. Use and weight of accessories.
Your Scoota may be disassembled
quickly and simply for transportation
by car. Alternatively, if you wish to
use a ramp to load your Scoota into
the back of a car then:
(i) Remove the seat, leaving the
seat stem in position.
(ii) Lower the tiller using the
adjustment lever, to its lowest
Fig. 16
setting. (Fig. 16).
(iii) Select the minimum speed
setting, and using extreme care
stand alongside the Scoota
drive it forward up the ramp,
switch the Scoota off, release
the freewheel lever at the rear
of the Scoota and push the
Scoota fully into the car (Fig. 17).
Important: Remember to re-
engage the drive unit by pushing
the freewheel lever upwards to
stop the Scoota from moving. Freewheel lever
Always secure your Scoota
before transportation. Fig. 17

Iss 4 15
Guidance for safe operation and use
Lap Belt Ramps
Please note that a lap belt is The Elite easily climbs ramps to
available and must be fitted only access or within a building.
by your local authorised Sunrise
dealer. Where ever possible always travel
up or down the ramp directly
The belt is attached to the facing the slope as seen in photos
armrests of the seat. 20 to 22.

Fig. 18 Fig. 20

Fig. 19 Fig. 21

Fig. 22

16 Iss 4
Programmable Controller
In order to keep you safe, under
certain conditions your scoota
may either not let you drive, bring
you to a safe stop, or drive at a
reduced speed or power.

Note: The controller can be

programmed to alter the
maximum speed, rate of
acceleration and deceleration
and the rate of braking. This will
have an effect on driving
performance. This should only
be done by an authorised
Sunrise dealer as it is possible
to program the settings outside
of the safe parameters intended.

If the scooter stops or will not drive

the reason is normally indicated
by a flashing STATUS light on the
dash board.

If your scoota operates, but

seems to lack top speed and
power; this indicates a flat battery
and/or the controller has been
worked so hard it is very hot and
can not supply full power.

This will happen more frequently

and more quickly on hot days, in
hilly environments and with heavy

This action is perfectly normal and

means the controller is working to
keep itself, the motor, the batteries
and you safe.

Iss 4 17
Batteries and charging
General information Maintenance free
Batteries are the power source for This type of battery uses a different
almost all of the modern mobility method of carrying the electrolyte
products available today. The design of which is totally sealed within the
batteries used in mobility products is battery’s outer case. As the name
significantly different from the batteries implies, no maintenance is required
used to start a car for example. Car other than regular charging. As the
batteries are designed to release a large battery case is sealed, you can
amount of power over a short period of safely transport this type of battery
time, whilst mobility batteries (commonly without fear of acid spilling.
called deep cycle batteries) release their Furthermore, they are approved for
power, evenly, over a long period of time. transportation on aircraft.
Therefore, due to the lower production
It is recommended that the batteries
volumes and increased technological
are always stored upright.
requirements, mobility batteries are
Only use dry batteries supplied by
typically more expensive. Commonly
two 12 volt batteries are used together in an authorised Sunrise Dealer.
a mobility product giving a total voltage of Battery care
24 volts. The size of the battery, (e.g. its Below is set out a battery care plan
available power) is expressed in amps
for maintenance free batteries. This
per hour (e.g. 74amp/hr). The higher the
has been agreed between Sunrise
number, the bigger the battery size,
weight and, potentially, the greater the Medical and the battery
distance you can travel. manufacturers to enable you to get
the best out of your batteries. If a
Battery types different care plan is followed, this
Your Scoota should be fitted with a may result in lower than expected
pair of one type of either 56 or upto performance from your mobility
74 Amp maintenance free batteries. vehicle.
Always be careful handling the Note: Do not expose any part
battery if the battery casing is broken, of the battery to direct heat
as corrosive acid may be leaking. and when charging always
The capacity at 5 hrs. discharge time place on a hard surface in a
= 56Ah and 74Ah. room with good ventilation.
ISO 7176-4 requirement 7.11. You should not charge the
Maximum size of batteries is 276mm batteries in outdoor
x 176mm x 220mm. conditions.
The batteries are interchangeable
Do not smoke when in the
and so can be connected to either
vecinity of charging batteries.
Exclude all naked flames
Please do not dispose batteries, from the area.
always recycle.

18 Iss 4
Batteries and charging
Maintenance free battery care 8. As a general rule, maintenance
plan free batteries take longer to
fully charge than lead acid
1. Only use an approved Sunrise
Medical charger compatible with
the vehicle to be charged. Always remember to remove
the plug from your scoota
2. Charge your batteries every
after charging to prevent
night, regardless of the amount
driving away whilst attached.
of use your mobility device has
The scoota can not be
had during the day.
operated when being
3. Do not interrupt the charging charged.
9. The battery terminals need to
4. If your mobility device is not be checked regularly for signs
required for use, it should remain of corrosion. If any corrosion is
connected to the charger until apparent, then clean the
required. This will not damage terminals completely (a wire
the batteries, so long as the brush is ideal) and re-grease
mains socket/plug is left switched the terminals using Vaseline
on. petroleum jelly, not ordinary
Do not turn the mains socket grease. Ensure that the
off with the charger still terminal nuts and bolts, cable
connected to the batteries clips and exposed cable are
will eventually deplete the completely covered with jelly.
battery charge.
5. If you leave your vehicle for an
Take care not to short circuit the
extended period (more than 5
battery terminals. When using
days) first charge your batteries
metal tools, exercise great care.
for 24 hours, then remove
Remove all conductive jewellery
charger lead and disconnect
(e.g. watches, necklaces etc.)
the main battery lead(s).
before handling exposed batteries.
6. Failure to allow for recharge will
damage the batteries and can 10.Following all the nine points
lead to shortened distances above should result in a
and permanent failure. healthier battery, greater range
7. Do not top up the charge of for the vehicle user and a
your batteries during the day. longer life for your batteries.
Wait until the evening for a full
overnight charge.

Iss 4 19
Batteries and charging
The range of your vehicle 5. The ambient temperature is
Most manufacturers of mobility very hot or very cold.
products state the range of their 6. Incorrect tyre pressures in one
vehicles either in the sales or more tyres.
literature or within the Owners 7. Lots of start/stop driving.
8. Also thick pile carpets within
The range stated sometimes the home can affect range.
differs from manufacturer to
manufacturer even though the All this technical information
battery size is the same. Sunrise may seem complicated and a
Medical measure the range of little daunting, but please
their vehicles in a consistent and remember, that the battery sizes
uniform manner, but variances still available on your Sterling Elite
occur due to motor efficiencies XS should give sufficient range
and overall product load weight. to cope with the majority of
customer’s lifestyles.
The range figures are calculated
to I.S.O. Standard 7178, Part 4:
Scoota Energy Consumption
Theoretical Range.
This test is carried out in
controlled conditions with new,
fully charged batteries, on a level
test surface and a user weight of
75kg.The range figures stated
should be seen as a theoretical
maximum and could be reduced if
any single, or combination, of the
following circumstances occur:
1. User weight heavier than 75kg.
2. Batteries whose age and
condition are less than perfect.
3. The terrain is difficult e.g. very
hilly, sloping, muddy ground,
gravel, grass, snow and ice.
4. The vehicle climbs kerbs

20 Iss 4
Batteries and charging
Off Board Battery Charger Always use Sunrise
Your scoota is fitted with an off- recommended batteries from
board charging facility. Please your local authorised dealer.
note that only chargers with a The off-board charger must
capacity of minimum 4 Amp and be kept dry in temperatures
maximum 10 Amp supplied by between -25°C and +40°C and
your local authorised Sunrise not be subjected to
dealer should be used. mechanical damage.

1. Switch your Scoota off. In all cases, the charger must

only be repaired by a Sunrise
2. Uncoil the charger lead authorised dealer.
3. Lift up the charge connector
cover located on the tiller and
connect charger. Fuses
4. Ensure that the charger plug The fuse box has the following
is dry and in intact before standard rated fuses
connecting it to the mains Charger 15Amp
and switching it on.
Aux Power 5 Amp
5. A fuse is located in the fuse
box at the rear of the battery Right Indicator 2 Amp
compartment Left Indicator 2 Amp
Important safety warnings: Lights 2 Amp
Do not expose any part of the
battery to direct heat
(i.e. naked flame, gas fire).
When charging always place
on a hard surface in a room
with good ventilation. You
should not charge your
batteries in outdoor

Iss 4 21
Routine maintenance
The following table gives an indication as to when routine maintenance checks should be made.
There is no service manual available.

Six Monthly
Maintenance, fault finding and servicing should be carried out by



an authorised Sunrise dealer unless otherwise indicated. M AN

The checks below can be carried out by the user TH AL
Battery charge check (Fig. D)
Look at battery charge indicator on tiller before use to ensure batteries are
fully charged.
Inspection of connectors (Fig. C)
Remove rear panel and ensure all connectors are secure.
Wipe over with a damp cloth
Use only a damp soft cloth and mild detergent on panels, tiller and seat.
Check tyre pressure
Please use a footpump with pressure gauge to inflate tyres and/or a tyre
gauge to check pressure. Each tyre should be inflated to 207 kilopacals (30psi).
Long overnight battery charge
Please ensure that the batteries are charged for a minimum of 8 hours.
Check tyres for wear (See Fig. A and Fig. B)
Look at the tyres to ensure that the tread is visible and continuous.
The checks below must be carried out by an authorised Sunrise dealer
Seat swivel, seat slide (where fitted)
Inspection of wiring for chafing and wear
Battery terminals
Clean and protect with petroleum jelly.
Ensure parking brake (where fitted) is correctly adjusted
Check stabiliser wheels for wear
Inspect motor brushes
Full service by dealer

4 Fig. A 7 Fig. B Fig. C Fig. D

Storage Replacing bulbs

When storing your Scoota for long periods (in Caution! Disconnect batteries before changing
excess of one week), charge batteries for 24 hours bulbs.
and then disconnect the batteries to minimise
Indicators 24v 5w
battery discharge. Rear lights 24v 5w
Headlight 24v 18w
Electronic faults
Always replace the bulbs with the correct rating or
Do not attempt to investigate faults in the control
incorrect operation will result.
box, the control pod or charger as the design and
set up of the electronics is of a safety critical Wheels
Spare parts are available from authorised N.B. Wheels should only be removed and refitted by
Sunrise Dealers. a Sunrise dealer, ensure that the nuts are replaced with
Sunrise nuts.

22 Iss 4
Service history
This section is designed to assist you in keeping a record of any service and repairs to your Scoota. Should
you decide to sell or exchange your vehicle in the future, this will prove most helpful to you. Your Service
Agent will also benefit from a documented record and this manual should accompany the Scoota when
service or repair work is carried out. The Service Agent will complete this section and return the manual to you.

Customer Name. Date Scoota purchased

Address Model
Postcode Serial No.
YEAR 1 2 3 4 YEAR 1 2 3 4
Service dates Service dates
Controller Upholstery
On/off switch Seat
Output plug Back
Operation Armrests
Dynamic braking Electrics
Programmable Condition
settings of loom
Batteries Connections
Levels Lights (where
Connections fitted)
Discharge test Test run
Wheels/tyres Forwards
Wear Reverse
Pressure Emergency
Bearings stop
Wheel nuts Left turn
Motors Right turn
Wiring Up/down slope
Noise Over obstacle
Connections Parking brake
Brake (where fitted)
Brushes List items repaired/adjusted
Dealer stamp Dealer stamp

Date: Signed: Date: Signed:

Dealer stamp Dealer stamp

Date: Signed: Date: Signed:

Iss 4 23
24 Iss 4
Iss 4 25
Sunrise Medical Limited
High Street, Wollaston, West Midlands DY8 4PS England
Tel 01384 44 66 88 Fax 01384 44 66 99
E-Mail: [email protected]

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