SHOP THEORY-Drilling Processes

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Producing holes in workpieces made of various

metals such as steel, brass, and aluminum can in

some instances be a simple operation. However,
considerable skill and knowledge is required in
machine shops that do precision work. A large
number of different drilling machines and cutting
tools have been designed to produce accurate holes

chapter in all kinds of materials quickly and economically.

The setup and operation of all types of drilling
machines is but one of the many duties of the com-
petent machinist, toolmaker, or diemaker. Many
manufacturing plants have drilling machine de-
partments in which skilled operators specialize
only in this type of work.
A skilled drilling-machine or drill-press operator
should be able to set up and operate the various
types and sizes of drilling machines according to
blueprint and routing instructions. This includes
(1) selecting and setting up the required cutting

drills and tools, (2) making all necessary adjustments, (3)

setting workpieces in simple and complex drill
jigs, (4) clamping workpieces in vises or to the

drilling machine table, (5) using tapping attachments,

(6) checking the work with precision measuring

processes and gaging tools, (7) keeping the workplace clean

and orderly, and (8) being responsible for the quality
and quantity of work produced.



The more common types are called sensitive

(or upright or vertical), heavy-duty, gang, radial,
multiple-drill-head, and tape-controlled drilling

1. What is a sensitive drilling machine?

A sensitive drilling machine, or drill press (Fig. 7-1 ),
is a belt-driven general-purpose tool used to pro-
dL,ce a range of small-size holes. These drill presses
are made in pedestal (or floor) models, bench
models, and multiple spindle units. Figure 7-2
shows a bench model and its principal parts. These
machines do not have an automatic-feed mechanism,
so the cutting tools must be fed by hand, using the
hand-feed lever. The range of spindle speecis varies
according to the speed of the motor, the size ratio
of the pulleys, and the number of steps on the
pulleys. 143

V-BELT--........_ -DRIVEN


fig. 7-2. Dench model sensitive drill press. (Cin-
cinnati lathe & loo! Co.)

which means that the drill will pull itself suddenly

fig. 7-1. Principal parts of a sensitive drill press. into the work or the work will be suddenly pulled
(Buffalo forge Co.) upward-and damage the hole, break the drill,
or injure the operator.

2. What skills are necessary to operate a sensitive 3. What is a standard upright drilling machine?
drill press correctly? A standard upright drilling machine is a larger and
A skilled operator is one who has developed a heavier machine than a sensitive drill press (Fig.
"sense of feel" when feeding a drill into the work- 7-3). It is a general-purpose machine used for all
piece. He can feel the cutting action of the drill or types of drilling, reaming, countersinking, counter-
other cutting tool such as a counterbore or counter- boring, tapping, and lapping. It can machine large
sink and knows just how much pressure to apply holes. The spindle-drive unit· usually consists of a
to keep the tools cutting properly. This sense of feel variable-speed transmission. The drill head cdn be
is important because too heavy a feed may break raised or lowered on a machined column and
the drill or damage the workpiece. Too little feed clamped in positior:. The work table, which may
may result in chatter, too much heat, dulling of the be square, rectangular, or round, is raised or lowered
cutting tools, and rapid wear of the drill margins, by means of an elevating screw. Larger machines
which ruins the drill. Another important skill is usually have T-slotted tables so that large work-
the ability to sense that the drill is beginning to pieces can be clamped directly to the table usir.g
break through the work. The skilled operator will T bolts and strap clamps. Small workpieces are
reduce his pressure on the down-feed as the drill held in a vise.
begins to break through, thus permitti11g the drill
to cut its way freely and smoothly through the hole. 4. Describe a heavy-duty drilling machine.
144 Unless this is done, the drill is apt to grab or dig, A heavy-duty drilling machine is a larger, heav:er




Fig. 7-3. Upright drill press. LOWER TABLE"

machine than the sensitive or the standard upright Fig. 7-4. Principal parts of a heavy-duty drilling
drill press. It has a gear-train drive and power machine. (Cincinnati Bickfof'd Tool Co.)
feeds. It is a powerful machine for drilling, tapping,
and machining large holes. The gear drive permits
a wide range of spindle speeds, which vary from fig. 7-5. Gang drilling machine.
60 to 1,000 revolutions per minute. The slower
speeds and resultant increase in power are necessary
for large-diameter cutting tools. Figure 7-4 gives
the names of the principal parts of this machine.
The spindle end has a large Morse taper bore, which
receives taper-shank cutting tools or drill chucks
equipped with Morse taper arbors. The spindle
can be reversed so that holes can be threaded
with taps.

5. What is a gang drilling machine?

The multiple-spindle, or gang, drilling machine
consists of a large base supporting a long table.
The back of the base is designed so that several
spindles may be mounted on it, as in Fig. 7-5. Each
spindle is driven by its individual direct-connected
motor. The table has a groove around the outside
for the return of the cutting lubricant and may have T
slots on its surface for ease in clamping work to
the table. It is adjusted for height by means of a 145
crank, which actuates screws through worms and or tapping many holes at one time in a specific
gears fitted with ball bearings. unit of work such as an automobile engine block.
This type of machine is generally preferred when There may be two or more drill heads on one
the work is to be moved from spindle to spindle machine, each with many spindles. This is neces-
for successive operations. sary when holes are drilled from more than one
direction-for example, on the top, side, and
· 6. What is a multiple-drill-head drilling machine? end of a piece of work. Production units of this type
The multiple-drill-head machine (Fig. 7-6) should are seldom used in a toolroom that usually does
not be confused with the multiple-spindle machine. highly skilled custom work. Figure 7-7 shows
The multiple-drill-head machine may have any a multiple-drjll~head set up for a job.
number of spindles from 4 to 48, or more, all
driven from the one spindle drive gear in one head. 7. What is a radial drilling machine?
Multiple heads are specially designed for mass- The radial drill (Fig. 7-;8) is a precision machine
production operations such as drilling, reaming, that is designed so that the entire mechanism may
be adjusted to bring the spindle into the required
position over the work, which is fastened securely
to the stationary base. The large arm of the machine
is raised or lowered by a motor-driven mechanism,
which operates on a long, stationary, elevating

fig. 7-6. Multiple drilWlead «frilling machine. lCin-

146 dnnati Bickford Tool Co.) 'Fig. 7-7. A multiple drill-head setup and work to
be drilled. (Ettco Tool Co.)
Fig. 7-9. A numerically controlled turret drilling
machine. (Brown & Sharpe Mfg. P~,>
\ \

punched controls the motors that drive the table feed

screws and position the workpiece for the machining
operations. The tape also controls the IT1ovement for
feeding the drill spindle the required distance into
the workpiece, withdrawing it, and turning the
coolant on and off at the desired time, plus other
movements needed to produce a machined work-
ig. 7-8. Radial drilling machine. (Fosdick Machine piece.

crew. The arm is automatically clamped on WORK-HOLDING ATTACHMENTS

1e vertical column when the elevating mechanism AND ACCESSORIES
; stopped. The head, which contains the spindle
nd power-feeding mechanism, can be moved Before accurate work can be produced, it is neces-
,ack and forth on the arm and clamped in place. sary to set up the work correctly. This requires
·he arm may be rotated around the column and the use of certain attachments and accessories
:lamped securely in the required location; such as a drill vise, parallel bars, a drill jig, and
This type of drilling machine is generally used step blocks; or fasteners such as clamps and T bolts,
or work that is too large or too heavy to be placed washers, and nuts.
,n a vertical-spindle machine, but especially for
obs where accuracy of a high degree is required. 9. What is a drill vise?
t has a capacity for drilling or tapping holes up to A drill vise (Fig. 7-10) is a work-holding tool in
Y2 in. in diameter in steel, and up to 2 in. in which the workpiece may be seated square and
liameter in cast iron, within very close limits. parallel and held securely while the drilling and
other operations "are performed. Figure 7-11 shows
8. What is a tape-controlled drilling machine? a safety-type vise. Because it can be turned over on
\ tape-controlled drilling machine (Fig. 7-9) is a three sides, several holes can be drilled without
1umerically controlled machine tool, which auto- removing the work.
natically performs most of the operations a skilled
)perator would do manually. The workpiece is 10. What is a drill jig?
:lamped into position on a fixture mounted on the A drill jig (Fig. 7-12) is a work-holding tool, which
able. Tape on which instructions have been locates the workpiece in proper position and holds 147
Fig. 7-10. A p;din drill vise. (Armstrong Bros. Tool

Fig. 7-11. A safety-type drill vise can hold work in

several positions. (American Machine & Foundry

Fig. 7-12. A drill jig holds the work and accurately

locates the drill for drilling large quantities of iden-
tical parts.

Fig. 7-13. Parallel bars. (L S. Starrett Co.)

it securely. The drill and other cutting tools at.:

guided by hardened steel drill bushings so that the
holes drilled in all of the parts are in the same exact
location. Drill jigs_ are production tools used in the
• mass production of parts.

11. What are parallel bars and for what purpose

are they used?
Parallel bars (Fig. 7-13) are hardened, accurately
ground steel bars of various thicknesses, widths,
and lengths, which are used to raise the work-
piece and seat it square and parallel with the base
of a vise as shown in Fig. 7-14. The workpiece
should be tapped with a soft hammer to seat it firmly
'i 48 on the parallels. Fig. 7-14. Workpiece seated on parallel bars.
12. Name the common kinds of accessories used for
clamJing workpieces on a T-slotted table.
The ,:ommonly used accessories for clamping work
on a T-slotted table are T bolts, studs and T nuts;
step blocks, parallel bars, and a variety of clamps, F
as shown in Fig. 7-15.

J [_____]

0 K

Fig. 7-15. Work-holding accessories. (A) T bolt.

(B) T nut. (C) Strap clamp. (0) Adjustable strap
clamp. (E) Goose-neck clamp. (F) U clamp. (G) Fin-
ger damp. (H) Double-finger clamp. (I) Universal
· damp. (J) Stud for l nut. (K) Step block. (J. H.
Williams Co.) 149
13. Explain the procedure for clamping a flat work- it can be held in a portable or a stationary drilling
piece directly to the table of a drill press. machine. The grooves, usually called flutes, may be
The workpiece should be free of burrs, laid out, cut into the steel cylinder, or the flutes may be
and center punched. Select the T bolts, nuts, formed by twisting a flat piece of steel into a cylin-
washers, parallel bars, and step blocks necessary drical shape. Drills of this kind are referred to as
for the job. Be sure the workpiece, table, and ··twist drills.
accessories are clean. Locate the parallels and work-
piece in the approximate position on the table. 14. Define thi:F operation of drilling.
Place the T bofts in the T slots, making sure they fit Drilling is the operation of producing a hole -in
freely. Place the clamps over the T bolts and then solid material. by means of a cutting tool called a
assemble the washers and nuts. These should also drill (Fig. 7-18). Twist drills and flat drills are
fit freely and not be forced. Arrange the step blocks commonly used for producing holes. Other methods
to support the ends of the clamps so that the clamps include casting, punching (or piercing), and boring.
are approximately level and square with the work.
Good clamping technique requires that the T bolts
be as close to the workpiece as possible. Make the
final adjustment to align the center-punch mark with
the drill by lowering the drill to touch the punch Fig. 7-17. A straight-shank twist driH. (Whitman &
mark, watching carefully to ensure that the drill Barnes.)
is not forced to one .side or the other. When the
alignment is correct, tighten the nuts carefully to
avoid moving the work. Figure 7-16 shows a typical
setup of this job.
Fig. 7-18. Drilling produces a hole in solid material.


Fig. 7-16. Typical setup when clamping work on a

drill press table.

15. Name and describe several types of drills

CUTTING TOOLS AND METHODS used in drilling machines.
OF HOLDING Commonly used drills are twist drills, flat drills,
oil-hole drifls, and straight-fluted drills. Twist drills
The most common cutting tool for making holes is made with straight or taper shanks.are widely ysed
the drill. It consists of a cylindrical piece of steel for general-purpose work. The flutes are made with
with spiral grooves (Fig. 7-17). One end of the different helix angles for special-purpose work
150 cylinder is pointed; the other end is shaped so that such as drilling soft metals and deep holes. A flat
dnli (Fig. 7-19) is preferred for drilling bra~s because
it wi:I not dig in or feed itself into the material.
Another reason for its use is that, whereas hard spots
in steel will cause an ordinary .drill to slide off
center, flat drills are not affected in this manner. Fig. 7-22. A 'step, or. multidiameter, drill and the
Also, flat drills make fine chips instead of long hole it pr~uces. (Cleveland Twist Drill Co.)
coils. An oil-hole drill (Fig. 7-20) is one which has
holes through the body of the drill from the shank to Fig. 7-23. Types of holes made with step drills:
the point. This permits oil to flow down to lubricate (A) drill, chamfer, and bore; (B) drill and multiple
and cool the point of the drill. Oil-hole drills are counterbore; (C) drill and countersink; (D) drill,
generally used for deep-hole drilling A straight- counterbore, and chamfer; (E) drill multiple
fluted drill (Fig. 7-21) is used for drilling brass and diameters; (F) radius drill and counterbore. (Cleve,.
soft and thin sheet materials. Having no rake angle land Twist Drill Co.)
like the helix-fluted drills, these drills do not grab

or di1• in.


Fig. 7-19. Flat driil. (Whitman & Barnes.}

Yes. Square, hexagonal, pentagonal, and octagonal
holes-called angular holes-can · be drilled in
a drill press, engine lathe, turret lathe, and milling

18. Explain the method and principle of drilling

angular holes by rotary motion.
In· 1914, Henry J. Watts invented and developed the
fig. 7-20. Oil hole drills. (Whitman & Bar_n~.) Watts method of drilling angular holes. This method
is based on the fact that a circle may be made by
connecting a series of very small straight lines, or
chords, making 360° to complete the circle. Figure
7-24 shows the various positions of the cutting lips
on the square drill as it rotates in a guide plate. Note
".!_g. 7-~1! Straight-fluted drill. (Cleveland Twist that its lips will not follow a circle but a series of
Drill Co.) minute curves.whose chords are parallel to the sides
being drilled.
16. What is a step drill and for what purpose is it
r. ! ,ep drill (Fig. 7-22) is a twist dri,11 with two or more
diameters for drilling ho:es in solid material or for
finishing cast or pierced holes. It is more widely
used in mass producing holes with two or more
cliameters that must be. concentric, and for com-
bining operations such as drilling and reaming,
countersinking, chamfering, and counterboring.
Figure 7-23 shows types of ·holes produced by
step drills.

17. ,:an holes other than round holes be drilled · Fig. 7-24. End view of drill for making square
bi r,1tary motion? holes. (Watts Bros. Tool Works.) 151
19. Describe the tools necessary for drilling angular
The basic tools used for drilling anguiar holes
consist of the Watts full-floating chuck, which is
patented (Fig. 7-25), angular drills (Fig. 7-26),
guide plates (Fig. 7-27), and slip bushings (Fig.
The Watts full-floating chuck takes up the driv-
ing and floating motion, which permits the drill to
operate as freely as a standard twist drill. Guide
plates are necessary for each different size and type
of angular drill because they control the path of the
drill when it starts into the metal. The guide plate
must be clamped directly onto the workpiece.
The stepped guide plate can be used in a drill jig.
Watts angular drills for square holes have three
flutes and cutting lips, whereas the drill for producing DRILL FOR DRILL FOR
a hexagonal hole has five flutes and cutting lips. Sizes SQUARE HEXAGONAL
of angular drills vary by sixteenths of an inch, from
V4 to 2 in. All of the cutting is done on the end of Fig. 7-26. Watts drills for drilling square and hexa-
the drill. gonal holes. (Watts Bros. Tool Works.)
To obtain good results, angular drills require equal
cutting surfaces on all sides. The float of the chuck
Fig. 7-27. Guide plates for square and hexagonal
must be central with the angular hole so that the
drills. (Watts Bros. Tool Works.)
drill can float freely into the various corners. The
lead hole also must be in the center of the angular
hole to ensure equal cutting surfaces for the angular
Slip bushings are fitted into the guide plates so as
to eliminate the need for laying out the lead liole and
save time when setting up the tools. The use of slip






Fig. 7-25. A Watts full-floating chuck. (Watts Bros. Fig. 7-28. Slip bushings for square and hexagonal
152 Tool Works.) drills. (Watts Bros. Tool Works.)
,ushings insures that the lead hole is automatically ground away or relieved just back of the cutting. lip
)Cated in the center of the drill press spindle and of the drill.
1at the float of the chuck will be equally distributed.
25. What is the margin of a drill?
0. Name the principal parts of a standard twist The margin is the narrow strip shown ii) Fig. 7-30.
lri/J. It is the full diameter of the drill and extends the
he names of the principal parts of a standard twist · entire length of the flute. Its surface is part of a
'rill are given in Fig. 7-29. The body is the cutting cylinder, which is interrupted by the flutes and by
nit, and the shank is the part held in the drilling what is known as body clearance. The diameter of
1achine ~or driving or rotating the drill. the margin at the shank end of the drill is 0.0005
to 0.002 in. smaller than the diameter at the point.
1. Describe the point of a drill. This allows the drill to revol~e without binding when
he point of the drill should __l)ot be confused drilling deep holes.
1ith the dead center. The point is the entire cone-
naped surface at the cutting end of the drill (Fig. 26. What is the body clearance of a drill?
-30). The portion of the drill body from the margin in
Fig. 7-30 is smaller in diameter than the margin.
2. What is the dead center of a drill? This reduction in size, called body clearance, re-
he dead center is the sharp edge at the extreme tip duces the friction between the drill and the walls
nd of the drill (see Fig. 7-30). Formed by the of the hole being drilled; the margin ensures that
1tersection of the cone-shaped surfaces of the point, the hole will be of accurate size.
1e dead center should always be in the exact
enter of the axis of the drill.

3. What is the cutting lip of a drill?

ne cutting lip of a drill (see Fig. 7-.ffi} is the part
f the point that actually cuts away the material
hen a hole is drilled. It is ordinarily as sharp as the
:lge of a knife. There is a cutting lip for each flute DEAD CENTER
f the drill. CUTTING LIPS

4. . what is the lip clearance of a drill? Fig. 7-30. The point of a twist drill. (Morse Twist
ne lip clearance is the surface of the point that is Drill & Machine Co.)


AXIS FLUTE LENGTH _ ____J:.__~....i



g. 7-29. Principal parts of a twist drill. (Morse Twist Drill & Machine Co.) · 153
27. What is the web of a drill?
The web is the metal column, which runs the entire
length of the drill between the flutes (Fig. 7-31). It
is the supporting sectio!) of the drill-the drill's
backbone, in fact. The web gradually increases in
thickness toward the shank (Fig. 7-32). This thicken-
ing gives additional rigidity to the drill.

28. What is the rake ~ngle of a drill?

The rake angle is the angle of the flute in relation to
the work (Fig. 7-33). For ordinary drilling, the rake
angle established by the manufacturer of the drill
is correct and should remain untouched. If the angle
is 90° or more, it will not give a good cutting
edge. If the angle is ground too small, however, the Fig. 7-33. Rake angle of drill. (Cleveland Twist
cutting edge becomes so thin that it breaks down Drill Co.)
under the strain of the work.
The rake arigle also partially governs the tight-
Fig. 7-34. Type of chip formed by a correctly
ness with which the chips curl and hence the
ground drill.· (Cleveland Twist Drill Co.)
amount of space they occupy. Other conditions
being the same, a very large rake angle r,1akes d
tightly rolled chip, whereas a rather small rake
angle makes a chip tend to curl into a more loosely
rolled helix. Figure 7-34 shows how chips will be
removed from the job by a correctly ground drill.

Fig. 7-31. Dark center section indicates the web

of the drill. (Cleveland Twist Drill Co.)

Fig. 7-32. Drill section at the left shows web thick- 29. What is the tang of a drill?
ness near point of drill; section at right shows web
A tang is found only on tapered-shank tools (Fig.
thickness near shank end of drill. (Cleveland Twist
7-29). It is designed to fit into a !'lot in the socket or
Drill Co.)
spindle of a machine. It may bear a portion of the
driving strain, but its principal use is to make it easy
to remove the drill from the spindle socket with the
aid of a drill drift (Fig. 7-35). A safety drill drift,
which is used without a hammer, is shown in Fig.

30. What are the four most common shrnks

used on drills?
The four most common shanks (Fig. 7..:..37) ar, tbe 0

bit shank, the straight shank, the tapered shank,

154 and the ratchet shank.
33. What should be done to ensure perfect con-
tact between the spindle socket and the drill shank?
Before inserting a drill into a socket, wipe the
shank to make certain that it is smooth and free
fig. 7-35. Drill drift. (Armstrong Bros. Tool Co.) from grit. Also, inspect the inside of the socket to
he sure that it too is in good condition.
fig. 7-36. Safety drill drift. (Armstrong Bros. Tool
34. Do all tapered-shank drills have shanks of the
same size?
No. When a small tapered-shank drill must be used
in a machine with a large socket, a sleeve is used
(Fig. 7-38). Sleeves are made in several combina-
tions of internal and external sizes.

35. Explain how a tapered-shank drill is removed

from the spindle of a drill press.
To remove a tapered-shank drill, place the drift
in the slot of the spindle, as in Fig. 7-39; the sloping
edge of the drift must match the slope on the end

rig. 7-38. Sleeve for tapered shanks.


Fig. 7-37. Common drill shanks. (A) Bit shank.

(B) Straight shank. (C) Tapered shank. (D) Ratchet
shank. (Cleveland Twist Drill Co.)

31. Why is the tapered shank used on drills?

The tapered shank on a drill enables it to be quickly
and accurately inserted into the spindle of a machine
without using screws or clamps.

32. What prevents a tapered-shank drill from

falling out of the spindle?
.The hole in the spindle and the tapered shank
match each other. When the drill is thrust into the
spindle, drill and spindle become wedged togeth::r.
When drilling, the pressure of the work against the fig. 7-39. Removing a drill from the drill press
drill increases the wedgelike action. spindle. (Armstrong Bros. Tool Co.) 155
of the ta,pg' of the dri 11. A light I,am mer tap on the
wide end of the drift is usually sufficient to loosen
the shank from the spindle. Avoid having the drill
drop onto the machine table because this may dull
the point of the drill or damage the table. Also, if it
is necessary to tighten a shank in a spindle, use a
mallet of rawhide or some equally soft material to
tap the point of the drill upward.

36. How are straight-shank drills held in a drill

Straight-shank drills are held in a drill press by
a chuck. The jaws of the chuck are tightened around
the drill by means of a key or wrench. Two varieties
of drill chucks are shown in Fig. 7-40 and Fig.
7-41. Straight-shank drills are also used on most
portable · drilling machines-for example, the
electric drill (Fig. 7-42) and the hand drill (Fig.
7-,43). Fig. 7-41 . Keyless-type drill chuck permits drill without stopping ,machine. (American
Machine & Foundry Co.)

Fig. 7.,-42. Portable electric drill. (Black & Decker

Mfg. Co.)

fig. 7-40. Jacobs key-type drill chuck. (Jacobs

Mfg. Co.)

37. At what angle should the cutting edge be

ground in relation to the axis of a drill?
The best angle to grind a drill for wo~k on steel or
cast iron (Fig. 7-44) is 59° (included angle equals
118 °). However, for other materials, angle. size
should be changed. A cutting angle up to 70° .
is· best for extremely hard metals, whereas the
angle may be as small as 40° for a soft material
like fiber. It is customary to use. a drill-grinding
156 gage (Fig. 7-45) to test the size of the angle. fig. 7-43. Hand drill. (Stanley Tools.)
Fig. 7-46. lip clearance angle of a drill. (Cleveland
Twist Drill Co.)

Fig. 7-47. View showing proper lip clearance as

Fig. 7-44. Normal cutting angle of a drill. (Cleve- indicated by space between A and 8. (Cleveland
land Twist Drill Co.) Twist Drill Co.)

Fig. 7-45. A drill-point gage used for checking -··-A

a 59° cutting edge angle. -·-B

note: A drill made of high-speed steel should be

ground on a dry grinding wheel of medium grain
and soft grade. It should not be immersed in water
after grinding because this may cause the drill
point to crack.

38. What is the approximate angle to grind the

lip clearance of a drill?
The heel (the surface of the point back of the
cutting lip) should be ground away from the cutting
lip at an angle of 8° to 12°, as shown in Figs. 7-46
and 7-47.

39. What is liable to happen if the clearance

angle is· not correct?
If there is little or no clearance, as in Fig. 7-48,
the cutting edge is lost. When pressur~ is applied,
the drill will not cut, sometime? cracking the drill,
as in Fig. 7-49. If the clearance angle is too large,
the corners of the cutting edges may break away for Fig. 7-48. View of drill with no lip clearance.
lack of support, as in Fig. 7-50. (Cleveland Twist OrillCo.) 157
41. If a drill is ground with its tip on center, bui
with the cutting edges at different angles, how will
it affect the drilling operation?
The drill will bind on one side of the hole, as in
Fig. 7-52. Only one lip or cutting edge will do the
work, resulting in rapid wear on that edge, and the
hole will be larger than the drill.

42. Explain ·what is meant by thinning the point of

a drill.
The thickness of the web is increased as the flute
approaches the shank. After many sharpenings of the
drill, the thicker part of the web thus exposed causes
a corresponding increase in the width of the dead
center, making penetration into the work more diffi-
fig. 7-49. Drill cracked due
to insufficient lip clearance.
(Cleveland Twist Drill Co.)


fig. 7-51. Drill lips of unequal length make hole

oversize. (Cleveland Twist Drill Co.)

fig. 7-53. Corners broken because of too much lip

clearance. (Cleveland Twist Drill Co.)

40. will be the result if the angles of the

cutting edges of a drill are equal but the lips are of
unequal lengths?
Both the poir.t .::.'1c' ~he lip will be off center (Fig.
7-51), which will cause the hole to be larger than
the drill. The effects of this condition are the same as
those obtained if a wheel axle is placed at any point
other than the exact center of the wheel. Also
it will place a strain on the drill press, the spindle
will tend to weave and wobble, the drill will wear
away rapidly, and, with continued use, the machine
will eventually break down because of the strains Fig. 7-52. Drill with cutting edges ground at dif-
158 on the spindle bearings and other parts. ferent angles. (Cleveland Twist Drill Co.)
cult. This condition may be remedied by thinning the
point, as in Fig. 7...:53_ The use of a convex grinding
whee• (Fig. 7-54) is the most common method of
thinning the point of a drill.

43. What are some of the indications of a dull

.A dull drill is indicated if: (a) it penetrates the work
very slowly or not at all, (b) it becomes very hot;
(c) it makes a squealing noise, or (d} the finished hole
has a rough surface.

Fig. 7-55. Sharpening a drill on an off-hand tool

fig. 7-53. Drill with thinned grinder
point. (Cleveland Twist Drill
ward, the natural movement of the wrist provides
rotation needed for the clearance back ofthe cutting
edge. Practice will develop the ability to grind
equal cutting edges and angles.

45. Are the points of twist drills ground the same

for all materials? ·
No. The included angle of the drill points, as well
as the lip-relief angle, should vary according to the
characteristics of the workpiece. Also, when
a twist drill is used to drill brass and certain other
Fig. 7-54. Thinning the soft· metals, the rake angle must be reduced (see
point of a drill, using a Fig. 7-56E). This prevents the drill's hogging or
convex grinding wheel. digging into the metal. When purchased, twist drills
(Cleveland Twist Drill are usually ground to an included angle of 118°. This
Co.) angle is satisfactory for drilling mild steel and for
a general class of work. Figure 7-56 shows drill
44. When learning to sharpen a drill by hand, what points and lip-relief angles for various materials.
are some important points to keep in mind?
Sharpening drills by hand on the off-hand grinding 46. Name the different series of standard drill sizes.
machine is a common operation in many shops Four series of standard drill sizes are in common
(Fig. 7-55). The following suggestions should be use-(a) the fractional series, (b) the wire gage
helpful. Rest the forefinger of one hand on the tool (or number) series, (c) the letter series, and (d) the
rest. Place the cutting-edge end of the drill between metric series.
thumb and forefinger, which acts as a pivot. Hold
the shank with the other hand. Position the drill 47. Explain the fractional series of drill sizes.
hr the point angle desired. Be sure the cutting-edge The fractional ~eries consists of straight shank
lip is c:traight across the face of the grinding wheel. drills in short and long lengths and tapered-shank
Do not raise the shank end above the cutting drills. Short-length fractional drills increase in
edge while grinding. As the shank is moved down- diameter by 1164 in. from 1/6,1 to 11/i6 in. Long-length .1 59








flg: 7-56. Recommended drill points

for various materials. (Morse Twist
160 Drill & Machine Co.) H, CHISEL POINT
fractional drills increase in diameter by 1/64 in. from The diameter sizes in the. metric series are given in
1/a to 2 in. The shank size is the same diameter as millimeters (mm); they range from 0.35 mm, or
the drill size. Taper shank drills have a standard 0.0138 in. in the decimal system, to 25.0 mm, or
Morse taper shank, and the sizes increase by 1/64 in. 0.9843 in. (see Fig. 7-58). These sizes are probably
from 1/s to 3 1h in. in diameter. The size of the Morse the most commonly used, although metric size drills
taper shanks varies from a No. 1 for the smaller are made in sizes to 50 mm (1.9686 in.). See
drill sizes to a No. 6 for the larger size drills .. Chapter 6, "M~tric Measurement."

48. Fxplain the wire gage or number series. 51. How are drill diameters measured or gaged?
The wire gage or number series (Fig. 7-57), consists To determine the correct diameter, a micrometer
of drills numbered from 1 to 80. The No. 1 drill is shou!d be used to measure across the margins of the
the largest, with a 0.228-in. diameter, and the No. drill. A drill size gage (Fig. 7-59) may also be used.
80 is the smallest, with a 0.0135-in. diameter. Such gages are made for fractional-size drills up to
There is no uniform variation in the drill diameters Vi in., for number drills (Fig. 7-60), and for letter-
from number to number. To find the decimal size drills (Fig. 7-61).
equivalent of a number drill, consult a drill size
chart or handbook. 52. How should a job be laid out for drilling?
The laying out of the holes to be drilled is done
from a sketch or blueprint. The surface of the
material to be drilled is first coated with layout
dye. The center lines of the holes are then scribed
on the surface according to the dimensions.specified
on the blueprint. The intersection of the lines is
marked with a prick punch. To help the machinist
see that the hole is being drilled on center, a circle
the same size as the hole is scribed with dividers
(Fig. 7-62). The circle itself is then identified
by making small indentations on it with a prick
punch at short intervals (Fig. 7-63).

53. Describe briefly the general procedure for

drilling a large-size hole in a workpiece.
The hole location should be carefully laid out and
center punched. A center-punch mark should be
much deeper than a prick-punch mark because this
helps the drill start in the correct location. Next, it is
Fig. 7-57. A typical set of wire gage, or number, considered good practice to use a combined drill
drills from No. 1 to 60. and countersink to center drill the hole first. Because
this drill is short and rigid it will not be likely to
49. Explain the letter series of drill sizes. walk off the punch mark as a twist drill will often do.
The letter ~eties consists of drill sizes from "A," Then select a small twist drill slightly larger in
the smallest; with a 0.234-in. diameter, to "Z," diameter tran the web thickness of the large drill
the largest; 'with a 0.413-in. diameter. Diameter sizes and drill tpe small hole, called a pilot hole, into or
are made ;in thousandths of an inch. The only drill through the workpiece. The large drill will then
in this series that coincides with a size in the follow the pilot hole, be easier to feed, and produce
fractional series is the "E" drill, which has a 0.250-in. a more accurate hole in the correct location.
diameter. To find the decimal equivalent, consult
a drill size chart or handbook (Fig. 7-58). 54. Explain how a drill may be drawn back on
center after it has moved away from center at the
50. Explain briefly the metric series of drill sizes. beginning of the drilling operation. 161
Fig. 7-58. Decimal equivalents of drill sizes. (Ace Drill Corp.)
Drill Decimal Drill Decimal Drill Decimal Drill Decimal Drill Decimal
Designation Equivalents Designation Equivalents Designation Equivalents Designation Equivalents Designation Eqyivalents

No. 80 .0135 No. 49 .0730 4,10 mm .1614 6.80mm .2677 27/64 .4219
.35mm .0138 1.90mm .0748 4:20mm .1654 6.90mm .2717 11.00mm .4331
No. 79 .0145 No.48 .0760 No.19 .1660 I .2720 7/16 .4375
1/64 .0156 1.95mm .0768 4,25mm .1673 7.00mm .2756 11.50mm .4528
.40mm .0158 5/64 .0781 4.30mm .1693 I .2770 29/64 .4531
No. 78 .0160 No.47 .0785 No.18 .1695 7,10mm .2795 15/32 .4688
.45mm ,0177 2.00mm .0787 11/64 .1719 K .2810 12.00mm .4724
No. 77 ,0180 2.05mm ,0807 No.17 .1730 9/32 .2812 31/64 .4844
.50mm .0197 No.46 .0810 4,40mm ,1732 7.20mm ,2835 12.50mm .4921
No. 76 .0200 No.45 .0820 No.16 ,1770 7.25mm .2854 1/2 .5000
No. 75 .0210 2.10mm .0827 4.50mm .1772 7.30mm .2874 13.0mm .5118
.55mm ,0217 2.15mm ,0846 No.15 .1800 l .2900 33/64 .5156
No. 74 ,0225 No. 44 ,0860 4.60mrr. .1811 7.40mm .2913 17/32 .5312
.60mm ,0236 2.20mm .0866 No, 14 .1820 M .2950 13.5mm .5315
2.25mm .0886 No.13 .1850 7.50mm .2953 35/64 .5469
No. 73 ,:0240 No.43 .0890 4.70mm .1850 19/64 .2969 14.0mm .5512
No. 72 \0250 2.30mm ,0906 4,75mm .1870 7.60mm .2992 9/16 .5625
.65mm ,,0256 2.35mm ,0925 3/16 .1875 N .3020 14.5mm .5709
No. 71 .0260 No. 42 ,0935 4,80mm .1890 7.70mm .3031 37/64 .5761
70mm .0276 3/32 .0938 No.12 .18)0 7.75mm .3051 15.0mm .590&
No. 70 .0280 2.40mm .0945 No.11 .1910 7.80mm .3071 19/32 .5938
No. 69 .0292 No. 41 .0960 4.90mm .1929 7.90mm ,3110 39/64 .6094
.75mm .0295 2.45mm .0965 No.10 .1935 5/16 .3125 15.5mm .6102
No. 68 ,0310 No.40 ,0980 No.9 .191.iO 8.00mm .3150 5/8 .6250
1/32 .0312 2.50mm ,0984 5,00mm .1968 0 .3160 16.0mm .6299
,80mm .OJ15 No. 39 ,0995 No.a .1990 8.10mm .3189 41/64 .6406
No.67 ,0320 No. 38 .1015 5.10mm ,2008 8,20mm .3228 16.5mm .6496
No.66 ,0330 2.60mm .1024 No. 7 .2010 p .3230 21/32 .6562
.85mm ,0335 No. 37 .1040 13/64 ,2031 6.25mm .3248 17.0mm .6693
No. 65 ,0350 2.70mm .1063 No.6 .2040 8.30mm .3268 43/64 .6719
.90mm ,0354 No. 36 .1065 5,20mm ,2047 21/64 ,3281 11/16 .6875
No."64 .0360 2.75mm .1063 No.5 ,2055 8.40mm .3307 17.5mm .6890
No.63 .0370 7/64 .1094 5.25mm .2067 Q .3320 45/64 .7031
.95mm .0374 No.JS .1100 5.30mm .2087 6.50mm .3346 18.0mm .7087
No. 62 .0380 2.80mm ,1102 No.4 .2090 8.60mm .3386 23/32 .7188
No. 61 .0390
1.00mm .0394 No. 34 .1110 5,40mm .2126 R .•3390 16.Smm .7283
No.60 ,0400 No. 33 .1130 No. 3 .2130 8.70mm .3425 47/64 .7344
No. 59 .0410 2.90mm .1142 5.50mm .2165 11/32 .3438 19.0mm .7480
1.05mm .0413 No. 32 ,1160 7/32 .2188 8.75mm .3445 3/4 .7500
No. 58 .0420 3.00mm .1181 5,60mm ,2205 8.80mm .3465 49/64 .7656
No.57 .0430 No.31 .1200 No.2 .2210 s .3480 19.5mm .7677
1.10mm ,0433 3.10mm .1220 5.70mm .2244 8.90mm .3504 25/32 .7182
1.1smm .0453 1/8 ,1250 5,75mm ,2264 9.00mm .3543 20.0mm .7874
No.56 .0465 3.20mm ,1260 No.1 .2280 T ,3580 51/64 .7969
3/64 ,0469 3.25mm .1280 5,80mm .2283 9.10mm ,3583 20.5mm .6071
1.20mm .0472 No.JO .1285 5.90mm .2323 23/64 .3594 13/16 .8125
1.25mm .0492 3.30mm .1299 A ,2340 9.20mm .3622 21.0mm .8268
1.30mm .0512 3.40mm ,1339 15/64 ,2344 9,25mm .3642 53/64 .8281
No.55 .0520 No. 29 ,1360 6,00mm .2362 9.30mm .3661 27/32 .8438
1.35mm .0531 3.50mm .1378 B .2380 u ,3680 21.5mm .8465
No.54 .0550 No. 28 .1405 6.10mm .2402 9.40mm ,3701 55/64 .8594
1.40mm ,0551 9/64 .1406 C .2420 9.50mm .3740 22.0mm .6661
1,45mm .0571 3.60mm .1417 6,20mm ,2441 3/8 .3750 7/8 .8750
1.50mm .0591 No, 27 .1440 D .2460 V .3770 22.5mm .8658
3.70mm ,1457 6,25mm .2461 9.60mm .3780 57/64 .8906
No. 53 .0595 No. 26 .1470 6.30mm .2480 9.70mm ,3819 23.0mm .9055
1.55mm .0610 3,75mm .1476 1/4 .2500 9.75mm .3639 29/32 .9062
1/16 .0625 No. 25 .1495 E .2500 9.80mm .3858 59/64 .9219
1.60mm ,0630 3.80mm .1496 6,40mm .2520 w .3860 23.5mm .9252
No. 52 .0635 No. 24 .1520 6.50mm ,2559 9.90mm .3898 15/16 .9375
1.65mm ,0650 3.90mm .1535 ,2570 25/64 .3906 24.0mm .9449
1.70mm .0669 No. 23 .1540 6.60mm .2598 10.00mm .3937 61/64 .9531
No. 51 .0670 5/32 .1562 G ,2610 X ,3970 24.5mm .9646
1.75mm .0689 No. 22 .1570 6.70mm .2638 y .4040 31/32 .9688
No.SO .0700 4.00mm .1575 17/64 .2656 13/32 .4062 25.0mm .9843
1.80mm .0709 No. 21 .1590 6,75mm .2657 z .4130 63/64 .964·1
1.85mm .0728 No. 20 .1610 H ,2660 10.50mm .4134 1 1.0000
Fig. 7-61. letter-size. drill
gage. (L S. Starrett Co.)

Fig. 7-59. Jobber's drill

gage. (L S. Starrett Co.)
Fig. 7-62. laying out holes
for drilling. (L S. Starrett

Fig. 7-60. Drill and wire

gage for number-size drills.
(l. S. Starrett Co.)

Fig. 'J-o3. Steps in laying out holes for drillingv 163

As a drill begins to cut, it forms a conical hole.
If the hole is concentric with the layout, the drill
has been started properly. However, a drill may
start off center, as in Fig. 7-64A. This may be due
to improper center punching, careless starting of the
drill, improper grinding of the drill point, hard
spots in the metal or starting a drill without first
center drilling and drilling a pilot hole. A B C
To correct this condition, use a chisel ground
with a roµnd nose (Fig. 7-640), and cut a groove
on the side of the hole toward which the center is
to be drawn, as in Fig. 7-648. The amount that the
center has been moved may be judged by comparing
c_, -=--=-===------D
the edge of the hole with the circular layout line.
it may be necessary to move the center several times
before the edge of the hole and the layout line are
concentrk:, as ii:i Fig. 7-64C. This correction must D
be made before the drill reaches its full diameter.
fig. 7-64. Method of drawing a hole back to the
55. Why is a cutting coolant or oil used on the true center by chipping a groove on one side.
Cutting coolants and oils are used to carry heat away
from the drill point, preventing it from overheating.
This permits higher cutting speeds and longer drill
life. Practically all metals require the use of coolants
or oil when being drilled. Cast iron may be drilled
without using coolant because it contains a large
Fig. 7-65. Recommended cutting compounds for
percentage of graphite, which is a form of lubricant.
commonly used metals.

56. What kinds of cutting coolants, oils, or com-

material recommended cutting compound
pounds are used for drilling various metals?
The proper cutting coolant, oil, or compound must Aluminum Kerosene, Kerosene and lard Oil,
be used because it affects the cutting action and pro- Soluble Oil
luces better results. Figure 7-65 lists some of the Brass Dry, Soluble Oil, Kerosene and
more commonly used metals and the recommended Lard Oil
cutting compounds. Soft Bronze Soluble Oil, lard Oil, Mineral Oil,
57. What operations other than hole-drilling are Cast Iron (Soft) Dry, Soluble Oil
commonly performed on drilling machihes?
Soft Steel Soluble Oil, Mineral Lard Oil,
Countersinking, reaming, counterboring, spot facing,
Sulfurized Oil, lard Oil
tapping, and lapping.
Malleable Iron Dry, Soda Water
58. Describe the operation of countersinking. Cast Iron (Hard) Dry, Soluble Oil
Countersinking is the operation of producing an Tool Steel Soluble Oil, Mineral Lard Oil,
angular surface at the end of a hole. A cutting tool Sulfurized Oil
called a countersink is used (Fig. 7-66). Counter- Steel Forgings Soluble Oil, Sulfurizf'd Oil,
sinks are made in many diameter sizes and several Mineral Lard Oil
angles. The angle size depends upon the reason for Monel Metal Lard Oil, Soluble Oil
countersinking. Flat head screws require a counter-
Stainless Steel Sulfur and lard Oil, Soluble Oil
164 sink with an 82° included angle, whereas a center
Fig. 7-67. Comi>in...~ drill and countersink. (Whit-
man & Barnes.)

Fig. 7-68. A reamer and

reamed ho!e.

Fig. 7-66. Countersink and countersunk hole.

(Cleveland Twist Drill Co.)

hole must be 60°. Various types of rivet heads have

included angles of from 90° to 145 °.

59. What is a combined drill and countersink and Reamers commonly used in drilling machines are
for what. purpose is it used? (a) fluted chucking reamers, (b) rose chucking
A combined drill and countersink (Fig. 7-67), more reamers, (c) shell reamers, (d) chucking expansion
commonly referred to in the shop as a center drill, reamers, (e) Jobber's reamers, and (f) taper-pin
is used to produce both a short drilled hole and a chucking reamers. The rose and expansion types
countersunk hole in one operation. The angle on have straight flutes, whereas the other types are
these drills is always a 60° included angle. It is made with straight or spiral flutes, as shown in
used largely for drilling center holes in work to be Fig. 7-69.
turned between centers in the lathe and for starting A fluted chucking reamer (Fig. 7-70) is used to
holes in the correct location on a drilling machine. finish holes accurately and smoothly. This is a pre-
cision reamer designed to remove from 0.005 to
60. Describe the operation of reaming. 0.010 in. of material. Each tooth is ground with a
Reaming (Fig. 7-68) is the operation of finishing a clearan~e angle back of the cutting edge for the full
drilled hole. A finished hole has the specified diam- length of the land. The ends of each tooth are cham-
eter size, is perfectly round, the diameter is the same fered slightly for end cutting.
size from end to end, and it has a smoothly finished A rose reamer (Fig. 7-71) is designed to cut on the
surface. A drilled hole is seldom accurate enough in ends of the teeth only. It has no clearance or cutting
size or sufficiently smooth to be called a precision edges on the periphery. The flutes provide a means
hole. When greater accuracy is required, the hole for chips to escape and for coolant to reach the end
must be drilled undersize by a certain amount and cutting edges. The diameter near the shank end is
finished by reaming. slightly smaller than at the front to provide clearance.
This,reamer is considered a roughing reamer; it will
61. Name and describe several types of standard remove a considerable amount of material but will
reamers used in drilling machines. not produce a smooth, accurate hole. 165

....., , ......


fig. 7-69. Types of machine reamer flutes. (Morse Twist Drill & Machine Co.)

Fig. 7-70. Fluted chucking reamer. (Cleveland Twist

Drill Co.)

Fig. 7-71. Rose reamer. (Whitman & Barnes.)

A shell reamer (Fig. 7-72A), often called a hollow
reamer, is actually a reamer without a shank. A
slightly tapered hole through the center permits the
reamer to be held on a separate shank or arbor (Fig. Fig. 7-72. (A) Shell reamer. (B) Shell reamer shank,
7-72B) that has driving lugs. Several sizes of reamers (Union Twist Drill Co.)
may be used with one shank. Shell reamers are made
with either the fluted teeth having clearance or the
rose type, which cuts on the end only. A chucking
expansion reamer (Fig. 7-73) is slotted, and has an
adjusting screw for expanding the diameter. When
the reamer becomes worn and undersize, it can be Fig. 7-73. Chucking expansion reamer. (Morse
expanded and reground to size many times. This Twist Drill & Machine Co.)
reamer machines holes accurately and smoothly tc,
close tolerances.
A taper-pin chucking reamer (Fig. 7-74) is used
to machine holes that are rather small in diameter
but deep, such as parts to be held together by a taper
pin. It has a taper of v.i in. per foot. The short lead of Fig. 7-74. Taper-pin chucking reamer. (Whitman
the flutes produces a smooth, accurate hole for seat- & Barnes.)
ing of the taper pin.
A jobber's reamer (Fig. 7-75) is a taper-shank
machine reamer having flutes about the same length Fig. 7-75. Jobber's reamer. (Whitman & Barnes.)
as a hand reamer; it is used as a precision finishing
166 reamer.
62. Describe the operation of counterboring.
Counterboring is the operation of boring a second
hole, larger in diameter than the first, but concentric
with it (Fig. 7-76). When this operation is done on
a drilling machine, a tool known as a counterbore
is used (fig. 7-77 A). The small diameter on the end
of the tool, known as a pilot (Fig. 7-778), keeps the
counterbore concentric with the original hole. Pilots
are interchangeable with others of different sizes to
fit various sizes of holes.

63. What is the operation of spot-facing?

Spot-facing (Fig. 7-78), is the operation of machining
a flat, circular surface around a hole to provide a seat
for a bolt head, nut, or washer. It is usually performed Fig. 1-78. Spot-facing tool.
on castings. A counterbore may be used for spot-
facing. The surface machined should be square with
64. Describe the operation of tapping on a drill
·the hole.
Holes that are to be tapped (threaded) are first drilled
to a specified size (Fig. 7-79). In order to tap holes
on a standard drilling machine, a tapping attachment
must be used. An example of such an attachment is
shown in Fig. 7-80. This attachment is held in th~
spindle of the drill press by a tapered arbor, which
also drives the friction-type mechanism. The tap-
holding chuck accurately centers the tap on th.e
round part of the shank, and floating jaws hold the
tap on its square end in a firm, rigid grip, which
prevents the tap from pulling out of the chuck when

reversing. The driving mechanism is constructed to
revolve the tap clockwise (into the work) when the
feed handle of the drill press is moved downward.
When the handle is moved upward, the tap is
re,ersed to remove it from the hole. I~ is possible,
Fig. 7-76. Counterbore and counterbored hole. with practice, to control the forward and reverse
movements of the tap by skillfully manipulating the
feed handle. A tapping attachment is a time~saving
device when a large number of identical holes are
to be tapped.

65. Describe t/:le operation of lapping.

lapping is a method of removing very small amounts
of material by means of an abrasive. The abrasive
material is kept in contact with the sides of a hole
that is to be lapped by the use of a lapping tool. There
are many kinds of lapping tools. The copper-head
B laps in Fig. 7-81 are typical examples. In operation,
Fig. 7-77. (A) Counterbore. (B) Interchangeable the lap should just fit the hole. As the lap revolves
type of pilot for counterbore. (Cleveland Twist Drill in the hole, it should be constantly moved up and
Co.) . down so that the hole will be perfectly cylindrical. 167
Fig. 7-79. Tapping produces
threads in a hole.

Fig. 7-81. Copper-head lapping tools. (Beyar-

Schultz Corp.)
Fig. 7-80. Tapping attachment
for drill press. (Ettco Tool Co.) 66. What is meant by the cutting speed of a drill?
The cutting speed of a drill, often called peripheral
~peed, is the speed of the circumference. It may be
explained as the distance that a drill would roll if
placed on its side and rolled for one minute at a
given rpm. The cutting speed is expressed in feet per
minute (fpm) and does not mean rpm.

67. Explain how to calculate the cutting speed for a

l/2-in. drill that revolves at 600 rpm.
A %-in. drill operating at 600 rpm would have a
cutting speed expressed in feet per minute. The
circumference in feet equals the diameter (l/i in.)
multiplied by 'TT (3.1416, or 22h) and divided by 12.
Multiply this result by the rpm (600), or

Cutting Speed =21 X 722 X 12
X 600 = 78 fpm.

Cutting-speed calculations as a rule need not be

precise and the above method may be shortened as

Dividing 3.1416 by 12 equals approximately }

Thus the cutting speed could be figured by multi-

plying 1A by the drill diameter by the rpm, or stated
as a formula.

Lapping is a slow, tedious job. Usually only a few Cutting Speed= { x drill diameter x rpm.
thousandths of an inch are removed by this method.
It is a common practice to lap small holes-those In this problem, using the simpler formula, the cut-
less than% in. in diameter-after the material has ting speed would be calculated as follows:
been hardened. Before hardening, small holes that
are to be lapped are reamed with a lapping reamer. Cutting Speed ={ X; X600 = 75 fpm
Lappingreamers are one or two thousandths of-an
168 inch smaller than ~tandard-sized reamers. The difference i$ so small as to be negligible.
68. When the cutting speed is known, how can you mended when drills made of high-speed steel are
calculate the rpm? used. For drills made of carbon tool steel, the cutting
When the cutting speed is known, the rpm may be speeds should be about one-half less.
calculated by using either of two formulas:
Aluminum 200-300 fpm
Cutting speed x 4 Brass-soft 200-300 fpm
Drill diameter Cast iron - soft 100- 15 0 fpm
Copper 200fpm
_ Cutting speed
rpm - 1/4 X Drill diameter Machine steel 80-100 fpm
Mone! metal 40-60 fpm
Stainless steel 30-50 fpm
Applying the formula to the problem in Question 67,
Tool steel alloys 50-60 fpm
the rpm would be
75 X 4 300 70. If a toolmaker wanted to drill a Yi-in. hole in -a
- - - = - . = 600 rpm
Yi Y2 piece of machine steel at the recommended speed of
80 fpm, at what speed in rpm should he operate
thedri/1 press?
69. What cutting speeds are recommended for While the answer may be calculated mathematically,
drilling some of the more commonly used metals? it is more practical to use a cutting-speed table
The following average cutting speeds are recom- similar to Fig. 7-82. By locating the diameter of the

fig. 7-82. Cutting speeds for high-speed steelfraction-size drills. (Cleveland Twist Drill Co.)

diameter cutting speed in feet per minute

(in.) 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150

spindle speed in revolutions per minute

1'16 1,833 2,445 3,056 3,667 4,278 4,889 5,550 6,111 6,722 7,334 7,945 8,556 9,167
1/1 917 1,222 1,528 1,833 2,139 2,445 2,750 3,056 3,361 3,667 3,973 4,278 4,584
3/t6 611 815 1,019 1,222 1,426 1,630 1,933 2,037 2,241 2,445 2,648 2,852 3,056
114 458 611 764 917 1,070 1,222 1,375 1,528 1,681 1,833 1,986 2,139 2,292
S/16 367 489 611 733 856 978 1,100 1,222 1,345 1,467 1,589 1,711 1,833
1/s 306 407 509 611 713 815 917 1,019 1,120 1,222 1,324 1,426 1,528
7/16 262 349 437 524 611 698 786 873 960 1,048 1,135 1,222 1,310
1f2 229 306 382 458 535 611 688 764 840 917 993 1,070 1,146
5/s 183 244 306 367 428 489 550 611 672 733 794 856 917
3/4 153 203 255 306 357 407 548 509 560 611 662 713 764
1/a 131 175 218 262 306 349 393 436 480 524 568 611 655
1 115 153 191 229 267 306 344 382 420 458 497 535 573
1 /e
1 102 136 170 204 238 272 306 340 373 407 411 475 509
1 1/4 92 122 153 183 214 244 275 306 336 367 397 428 458
13/a 83 111 139 167 194 222 250 278 306 333 361 389 417
11h 76 102 127 153 178 204 229 255 280 306 331 357 382
1 5/s 70 94 117 141 165 188 212 235 259 282 306 329 353
13/4 65 87 109 131 153 175 196 218 240 262 28·4 306 327
1 7/a 61 81 102 122 143 163 183 204 244 244 265 285 306
2 57 76 95 115 134 153 172 191 210 229 248 267 287
21/4 51 68 85 102 119 136 153 170 187 204 221 238 255
21/2 46 61 76 92 107 122 137 153 168 183 199 214 229
23/.. 42 56 69 iJ3 97 111 125 139 153 167 181 194 208
3 38 51 'fj4 .76 89 102 115 127 140 153 166 178 191
drill on the left side of Fig. 7-82 and then reading
toward the right, we find that the spindle speed of
the drilling machine should be 611 rpm for a cutting
speed of 80 fpm.

71. What will happen to a drill if the operating

speed is too fast?
If a drill is operated at too fast a speed, the drill will
become overheated and the temper will be drawn
from the steel. This will cause the outer corners of
the drill to wear away quickly (Fig. 7-83).

72. What is meant by the feed of a drill?

The feed of a drill is the distance that the drill enters
the work on each revolution of the drill, measured in
decimal fractions of an inch. For example, a drill
operated at 600 rpm with a feed of 0.005 in. would
make a hole 3 in. deep in 1 minute. This is deter- Fig. 7-83. Corners of drill are damaged when speed
mined by multiplying the feed of one revolution by is too great. (Cleveland Twist Drill Co.)
the number of revolutions made in ohe minute:
0.005 X 600 = 3:00 in.


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