Soal Pas 1 2020 B.inggris Kls 3

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Penilaian Akhir Semester I Sekolah Dasar Good morning friends

Tahun Pelajaran 2020 / 2021 My name is kurniawan
I go to school after have breakfast
Nama : ……………………… Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris Iam the student of the third class
Kelas : III ( Tiga ) Hari/Tanggal : ……………… I use tie and hat on Monday
Because I have flag ceremony
Every break time I going to canteen
A cow is a tame animal. We can keep it as a pet. A cow eats grass it I buy snacks in the canteen
can produce milk and meat. We can consume milk and meat from this animal 9. Kurniawan is a …
milk is healthy drink. A cow can help the farmer in the rice field. a. Student
I. Answer the questions bellow! b. Teacher
1. A cow eats? c. Librarian
......................................................... 10. Kurniawan is the student of the … class
2. A cow can help a? a. First
......................................................... b. Second
3. Is a cow tame animal? c. Third
......................................................... 11. Every break time kurniawan goes to the …
4. Can a cow produce milk? a. Laboratory
b. Library
c. Canteen
5. We can consume the milk. Milk means?
12. Kurniawan can … in the canteen.
a. Have lunch
II. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, and d.
b. Buy snacks
(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang a, b, c, dan d).
c. Read books
6. This animal has a long neck. This is…
13. Wulan goes to the … to the read books.
a. Elephant b. zebra c. giraffe
a. Canteen
7. Ari has a pet. It is a ....
b. Classroom
a. Dog c. Cock
c. Library
b. Hen
14. Luna is having dinner. The underlined words mean …
a. Makan malam b. Mengepel lantai c. Makan pagi
8. Stomach – this – my – is .
15. A : How many hands do we have?
a. This is my stomach.
B : we have … hands
b. Stomach this is my.
a. Eight
c. My stomach is this.
b. Nine
c. Two
16. These are home activities, except ...
a. Taking a nap c. Watering the plants III.Fill in the blanks with correct answer.
b. Cleaning the blackboard (Isilah titik-titik dengan jawaban yang benar)
17. The students are in the... they are studying the lesson. 26. Doni is waking up.
a. Yard b. Canteen c. classroom Waking up means ...
27. M _ K _ N G THE _ E D
Complete the missing letters …
18. Reni is buying snack in the… 28. Toni is in the canteen.
a. Canteen He is ....
b. Laboratory 29. Crocodile is a … animal.
c. Library 30. A : How many chin do we have?
19. The student wears a tie on her .... B : We have … chin
a. Head 31. … can produce eggs.
b. Hand 32. You have two cats.
c. Neck Translate to Indonesia …
20. Mr. Gunawan put is hat on his… 33. They are cleaning the classroom.
a. Ears Cleaning the classroom means …
b. Neck 34. Nose – You – one - have.
c. Head The correct sentence is ....
21. A : Are these teeth? 35. The students are … in the classroom
B:… IV. Answer these questions with the correct answer!
a. Yes, these are
b. Yes, are these 36. Mention three (3) parts of body !
c. No, these are not
22. A camel lives in the… ………………………………………………………………………..
a. Park c. jungle 37. Mention three (3) kinds of tame animal and wild animal !
b. Desert
23. It is a wild animal. It has a poisonus (beracun) liquid, it is … ………………………………………………………………………..
38. Mention three (3) kinds of school activity and home activity!
a. Giraffe c. Snack
b. Cheetah ................................................................................................................
24. A cat eats … 39. Arrange these words into good sentence!
a. Grass c. Salted fish Cooking – Bela – the – is – kitchen – in
b. Grains ................................................................................................................
25. Rio is … in his bedroom.
a. Taking a nap c. eating
b. Studying
40. Make a sentence according to the pictures!

a. ………………………………………


b. …………………………………………

KUNCI JAWABAN 38. Kebijakan guru
39. Bela is cooking in the kitchen
1. Grass 40. Kebijakan guru
2. The farmer
3. Yes, it is
4. Yes, he can
5. Susu
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. A
10. C
11. C
12. B
13. C
14. A
15. C
16. B
17. C
18. A
19. C
20. C
21. A
22. B
23. C
24. C
25. A
26. Bangun tidur
27. Making the bed
28. Buy snack
29. Wild
30. One
31. Hen/chicken
32. Kamu punya dua kucing
33. Membersihkan kelas
34. You have one nose
35. Studying
36. Kebijakan guru
37. Kebijakan guru

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