BSBLDR413 Project Portfolio Part4

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BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide
First published 2021

RTO Works

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Business Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Business Services
Training Package.
Section 1: Preparing to lead the team 6
Section 2: Sharing information and collaborating 10
Section 3: Supporting performance improvement 13
Section 4: Managing conflict 15
Section 5: Reviewing leadership 17
Student name: YOKO ASAKURA


Date: 26/10/2021

Community/Social group this
assessment is based on:

Documentation reviewed as CASE STUDY



student (e.g. Customer
Services manager):

Team undertaking work task SALES TEAM

(e.g. Customer services

Work task that will be TRAINNG

completed by team:

Job roles that will be

participating in work task
(e.g. sales consultant, Job role 1 SALES ASSISTANT
shipment officer, customer


BSBLDR413 Lead effective workplace relationships 5

Section 1: Preparing to lead the team

1. Define the work task.

Describe the work team that Worlducation is a social start-up that manufactures and distributes
you lead tablet computers to primary school students. It also has a competitive
team creating software, content and activities for use with the tablets
Provide an overview of your
to better engage and educate students.
chosen work team and its
objectives. So far, Worlducation only sells their tablet computers business to
business (B2B) as they realised that their content and hardware
proved most effective when a whole classroom was using it, and a
 the purpose of the team teacher was coordinating the activities. Also, this helped the sales
 the team’s objectives team focus on larger sales, and minimised the potential number of
problems that could arise from individual customers. However, the
 a description of how the long-term plan is to also tackle a business to consumer strategy
team’s purpose relates (B2C).
to the organisation’s
overall strategy.
In your answer, explain why  the purpose of the team
it’s important for workplace
relationships that your team
The team I'm working with is the sales team so its purpose is to
clearly understand its
comply with company requirements and achieve the company
purpose and objectives.
goals working together sharing knowledge and the KPI’s

 the team’s objectives

 Customer-centred practice, with a focus on meeting their total

needs for high-quality technology
 Strengthen the skills of our people, to better support customers
 Drive innovation to better meet customer demands

 a description of how the team’s purpose relates to the

organisation’s overall strategy.

The company is a social startup that distribute tablet computers to

primary school student. So far the company sells their tablet
computers business to business but now for the long term plan
the company wants to do a business to consumer strategy does
it is really important for the sales team to comply with company
requirements and send achieve the company goals montane in
customer centred practise with a focus on meeting the total
needs for high quality technology.

Collecting and analysing  What information did you collect and how did you collect it?

BSBLDR413 Lead effective workplace relationships 6

Identify the information that In my position of workplace relationship manager I meet with all team
you relied on to define the of the company and I talk to them in order to collect information
work task. about their needs, wants and performances.
Include: Sofa the team worked well together even if every now and then there
are complaints about team members and some disputes raised.
 What information did
you collect and how did
you collect it?
 How did you analyse the information (for example, What
 How did you analyse system did you use? How did you ensure that you relied on
the information (for accurate information from a range of sources – internal and
example, What system external? etc)
did you use? How did
you ensure that you
relied on accurate We have analysed the information monitoring the team performances,
information from a listening to the team members, reviewing team members
range of sources – feedback and customer feedback.
internal and external?
 How did the information that you collected inform your
 How did the planning?
information that you
collected inform your
planning? For example: the information collected informed me about my planning because I
o How did it help you received precise feedbacks related to the sales team
to decide how you performances does I have a clear understanding of what needs
would lead your to be done in order to improve their performances and improve
team? their relationship bond among the team members

o How did it help you I have also gone through all company policy and procedure such as
to plan to achieve employee training end development policy and procedure, privacy
the work task? policy and procedure and internal communication policy and
procedure which were given in the case study simulated business
Note: Ensure that you refer
to relevant policies,
procedures and legislation in
your answer.

Attach relevant policies and

procedures, information
samples, links to information
sources and references to
this section of your portfolio.

Planning to share information  the strategies that you will use

with team and stakeholders
Plan how you will share your
Ask strategy I will use training for the team, I feel is really important
ideas and information about
for the team to have a clear understanding Of the importance of
the work task with your team
team relationship end team communication you know that to

BSBLDR413 Lead effective workplace relationships 7

and other internal and achieve the goal planned from the company. it is also important
external stakeholders. for the team members to embrace conflict instead of be scared
of them making conflict a serious risk for the team performances.
 the strategies that you
will use  the information that you will share
 the information that you
will share
I will share with the team all the information needed in order to make
 how those strategies them comfortable working together. I will also share all my
and information will knowledge about team relationship team communication and the
help to promote team importance of each company policy and procedure.
cohesion and develop
positive workplace
relationships  how those strategies and information will help to promote team
cohesion and develop positive workplace relationships
 how your strategies will
meet the diverse needs with my strategies I will build team cohesion and develop positive
of your team and work relationship because I'm going to implement da strategies
stakeholders. with the team. I am going to frequently asked the team feedback
needs and wants.
 how your strategies will meet the diverse needs of your team
 a list of the internal and
and stakeholders.
external stakeholders
who you will include
(and why) My strategies will meet the diverse needs of my team and
 a list of the team stakeholders because I will use a simple training based on the
members who you will team backgrounds needs and want. before I start the training I
include (and why). will explain those needs of training to all team members and I
will discuss with them the perfect way to deliver the training. my
team members come from a diverse background thus I will for
sure use a simple language which will be understandable to

Planning to collaborate with  the diverse requirements of your team (e.g. cultural
your team differences) and the actions that you will take to address them
Plan how you will collaborate
with your team to develop a
Asked previously said my team come from my diverse background so
strategy to complete your
in order for me to positively complete the training achieving the
work task.
team cohesion are I will:
 the diverse
- speak clearly
requirements of your
team (e.g. cultural - understand diversity
differences) and the - include diversity and embrace it
actions that you will
take to address them - Consider different cultural environment

 the social and - explain to the team the importance of diversity

cultural environment - make team members understand each other diversity and
relevant to your accept them
organisation and team

BSBLDR413 Lead effective workplace relationships 8

and how that might
support or hinder the
 the social and cultural environment relevant to your
achievement of your
organisation and team and how that might support or hinder the
work task
achievement of your work task
 the strategies that
you will use to ensure
active collaboration with Core values underpinning our activities are:
all members of your Ethical principles
 the techniques that
you will use to engage Collaboration.
with members of your
team and to build trust
Following the above values of the company I will always support all
 any relationship type of performances and achievement of the task we are going
problems that you to undertake with the team. it is as much important has received
foresee that may positive feedback as well as negative feedback. both of type of
impact achievement of feedback will make team improve their performances. I would
the task and how you prefer to call constructive feedback instead of negative or
plan to address them. positive feedback. collaboration falls under all circumstances so it
How did you use your is really important to not implement a hinder environment but it is
personal and professional really important to promote support in order to achieve the goal
networks to support your of this training
leadership and relationship
building skills?

 the strategies that you will use to ensure active collaboration

with all members of your team

 Model the behavior.

 Review the company's mission and values.
 Set measurable goals.
 Keep groups an appropriate size.
 Define team member roles.
 Promote creativity.
 Assign projects that need critical thinking.
 Organize the process

 the techniques that you will use to engage with members of

your team and to build trust

1. Provide opportunities to build relationships. Trust among team

members is developed over time.
2. Offer networking opportunities for team members to share
their capabilities.
3. Speak the truth.
4. Highlight successes.
5. Encourage and role-model transparency.

BSBLDR413 Lead effective workplace relationships 9

6. Admit when you don't know something.

 any relationship problems that you foresee that may impact

achievement of the task and how you plan to address them.

Complaints and disputes are in our everyday life including in the work
environment it is impossible to avoid them we need to accept
them and we need to fight them in a positive manner. I truly
believe in communication and that is what I'm going to do
whenever I foresee relationship problem that may impact
achievement of the task

Policies and procedures ☐

Links to relevant legislation ☐

Information samples ☐

BSBLDR413 Lead effective workplace relationships 10

Section 2: Sharing information and collaborating

Sharing ideas/information  whether or not the process met the needs of the internal
and external stakeholders as identified in Section 1. Provide
Summarise the outcomes of
reasons for your answer
your information sharing
process. The process meet the needs of the internal and external
stakeholders as the process is willing to build team
Reflect on:
relationship. positive team relationship are more likely willing to
 whether or not the achieve the company goal an expectation and it is in the
process met the needs of interests of internal and external stakeholders that the team will
the internal and external achieve those goals.
stakeholders as identified
in Section 1. Provide
reasons for your answer  how the sharing of information impacted your workplace
relationships in this case (choose one internal stakeholder and
 how the sharing of
one external stakeholder to comment on specifically).
information impacted
your workplace
relationships in this case
the human resources manager was really happy when I have
(choose one internal
explained the training I'm going to undertake with the team in
stakeholder and one
order to build positive relationship and communication among
external stakeholder to
them. it is in his interest to make sure all employees as good
comment on specifically).
relationship among with each other.
 how your sharing of
like for the human resources manager old clients we're happy went I
have assured them that all the sales team was undertaking a
complied with your
training in order to build relationship good communication and
product knowledge so to make the sale experience a real
positive experience for any customer
Attach proof of your
ideas/information sharing (e.g.
information piece, video,
screen recording of virtual  how your sharing of ideas/information complied with your
meeting, email, presentation legislative/organisational requirements
etc) to this section of the
portfolio (if not already viewed
in person by your assessor). I share any kind of ideas and information following internal and
You should also attach links to external communication policy and procedure as well as
relevant legislation and networking policy and procedure of the company as they were
policies/procedures. given in the simulated case scenario.

Collaborating with your team  at least two strategies that you developed in collaboration with
your team to successfully complete the work task
Summarise the outcomes of

BSBLDR413 Lead effective workplace relationships 11

your team meeting. Include:  Communicate What You Want.
 at least two strategies  Organize Individual Tasks.
that you developed in
 Create Transparent Roles.
collaboration with your
team to successfully  Try Team Games.
complete the work task  Hold Team Huddles.
 at least two  Reward Good Behaviour.
communication strategies
that you used to maintain
engagement of the team
in the collaboration
 at least two communication strategies that you used to maintain
engagement of the team in the collaboration process
 at least two examples
of how you adapted your
personal communication  Meet regularly. Hold regular strategy meetings for the entire
style during the meeting team.
 at least two examples  Be inclusive.
of strategies that you
 Be transparent, clear and concise.
used in the meeting to
develop or strengthen a  Show some respect.
workplace relationship
 Online collaboration tools
 at least two examples
of strategies that you
used in the meeting that  at least two examples of how you adapted your personal
facilitated collaboration communication style during the meeting
within the team to
complete the work task
 I recognize the impact of communication on different people.
 at least two things that
you did well when leading  I consider how different perspectives, situations and contexts
collaboration/workplace affect meaning and messaging.
relationships during the  I can anticipate, plan for and deal with ambiguous and
meeting confusing situations.
 at least two  I demonstrate respect for diversity in communication with all
improvements that you people.
would make when
 I select the appropriate communication method for the
person/people I’m communicating with.
relationships next time.
Attach proof of your team
meeting (e.g. video, screen
 at least two examples of strategies that you used in the meeting
recording of virtual meeting,
to develop or strengthen a workplace relationship
audio recording of
teleconference) to this section
of the portfolio (if not already  Schedule time to develop relationships.
viewed in person by your
assessor). You should also  Ask questions and listen.
attach a copy of the strategy  Offer assistance.
which you developed as a

BSBLDR413 Lead effective workplace relationships 12

result of the decisions made in  Know when to ask for assistance.
the team meeting.
 Appreciate each employee's role.
 Keep your commitments.
 Be present.

 at least two examples of strategies that you used in the meeting

that facilitated collaboration within the team to complete the
work task
 Clarify goals, roles and responsibilities.
 Highlight your team members' strengths.
 Emphasize your mission statement.
 Reward collaboration.
 Recognize the power of relationships.
 Cultivate a community spirit.

 at least two things that you did well when leading

collaboration/workplace relationships during the meeting
 communication
 role play
 clear goals set
 positive outcomes

 at least two improvements that you would make when leading

collaboration/workplace relationships next time

 create collaboration willingness

 make staff happy to work in team

Progress report the process that I used to communicate the progress of the work
task to internal and external stakeholders is clear communication
Describe the process that you
and open communication and two way communication.
used to communicate the
progress of the work task to I have paid attention to diversity in terms of social cultural and
internal and external environmental diversity background of each stakeholder both
stakeholders. internal and external
Reflect on how the process with internal stakeholders I scheduled a meeting as previously said
that you selected: and outlined.
 supported effective with external stakeholders I have sent email and report to update
workplace relationships

BSBLDR413 Lead effective workplace relationships 13

 met the needs of the them on the result of the team performances
individual stakeholders
(social, cultural
environment, etc)


Proof of team meeting ☒

Links to relevant legislation ☒

Relevant policies/procedures ☒

Work task completion strategy ☒

Progress report ☒

BSBLDR413 Lead effective workplace relationships 14

Section 3: Supporting performance improvement

Preparing to support  the signals that helped you identify that there was room for
performance improvement improvement in performance
Summarise the processes that
you followed when preparing
the signal that helped me to identify that there was room for
to support a colleague to
improvement in performances was the willingness of the team
improve their performance.
to participate proactively to each meeting, the complaints and
Include: issues where relevant I will have a each team member clearly
explained the difficulties faced so far and there there was room
 the signals that helped
for me to work in terms of performances improvement
you identify that there
was room for
improvement in
 the areas of performance that required improvement
 the areas of
performance that communication
required improvement time management
 the performance team work
improvements methods
that you selected and
 the sources of  the performance improvements methods that you selected and
information that you why
relied on to inform your
 Set the Right Expectations.
decisions (don’t forget to
include consultation  Set Milestones and Goals.
 Organize, Plan and Prioritize.
 the relevant
 Avoid Distractions.
legislation, policies and
procedures that you  Do one thing at a Time.
relied on and how you
 Don't leave things Unfinished.
applied them.
 Communicate Effectively.
Attach links to relevant
legislation, policies and I have chosen the above performances invents the mass groups as
procedures to this section of the area of performance that required improvement has
the portfolio. mentioned above where communication time management and
teamwork so I believe that setting the right expectation
milestone goals organising and planning as well as prioritizing
the task avoiding distraction and doing one thing at the time
along with the fact to do not leave things unfinished for me
were the pillars in order for my team to improve their
in order to do old above the most important thing was to

BSBLRD413 Lead effective workplace relationships 15

communicate effectively with the team

 the sources of information that you relied on to inform your

decisions (don’t forget to include consultation processes)

information that I relied on where based on sales figure and

business needs an expectation the consultation process used
as previously mentioned was open communication during
meeting and above all daily communication among team

 the relevant legislation, policies and procedures that you relied

on and how you applied them.
- Privacy
- Anti-discrimination
- Communication
- Employee training and development

Supporting performance  an analysis of the techniques that you used to engage and
improvement motivate your colleague
Summarise the outcomes of  Ask for employee input. Regularly survey employees for their
your performance satisfaction.
improvement meeting.
 Offer personal enrichment programs.
 Validate good work.
 an analysis of the
 Set intermittent goals.
techniques that you used
to engage and motivate  Celebrate milestones and achievements.
your colleague  Radiate positivity.
 an analysis of the  Create a mentorship program.
issues that were
hindering the person’s  Create a comfortable and inspiring workspace.
performance and how
you addressed these
 the methods that you
used to manage the  an analysis of the issues that were hindering the person’s
person’s performance performance and how you addressed these
and how they complied The issues that were in during the team performances were mainly
with the legislation and caused by lack of communication lack of management and lack
policies and procedures of time management as well as the team did not know about
identified in the first part exact goal and expectation of the company I have adjust these
of this section issues as mentioned above with communication clearly setting
Reflect on: the goals celebrating milestone and achievement providing a
path for the team to follow everyday
 two things that went

BSBLRD413 Lead effective workplace relationships 16

well in the meeting in
relation to leading
 the methods that you used to manage the person’s
effective workplace
performance and how they complied with the legislation and
policies and procedures identified in the first part of this section
 two things that you
would do differently next
time. The methods that I used to manage persons performances work
based on open communication and two way communication
Attach proof of performance
listening each other and most of all the team needs and want
improvement meeting (e.g.
video, screen recording/audio the legislation and policy and procedure identified that we need to
recording of virtual meeting) to comply with our privacy under discrimination communication and
this section of the portfolio (if employee training and development and I make sure that each of
not already viewed in person the team members was aware about those policy and procedure
by your assessor). and the importance to comply with them in order to achieve planned

Reflect on:
 two things that went well in the meeting in relation to leading
effective workplace relationships

two things that went well at the meeting were communication and
team collaboration
 two things that you would do differently next time

two things that I would have done differently next time are role play
among team members and training on diversity


Proof of performance improvement meeting (if relevant) ☒

Policies and procedures ☒

BSBLRD413 Lead effective workplace relationships 17

Section 4: Managing conflict

Preparing to manage conflict  the signals that helped you identify that there was conflict
Summarise the processes
that you followed when
difficulty to achieve company goals
preparing to manage conflict
lack of communication
delay in delivering task
 the signals that
helped you identify that numbers of complain about team members
there was conflict
 the conflict  the conflict management methods that you selected and why
management methods
that you selected and
why Collaboration This is a win/win situation. It is the most effective but
 the sources of most difficult way of managing differences. It requires trust and
information that you commitment on all sides to reach a resolution by getting to the
relied on to inform your heart of the problem. All parties need to be willing to empathise
decisions (don’t forget and try to understand each other’s situation. Collaboration is most
to include consultation appropriate: When all parties are willing to investigate alternative
processes) solutions together that they may not necessarily have thought of
on their own. When trying to get to the source of problems that
 the relevant have continued for a long time. When upholding objectives that
legislation, policies and cannot be compromised on any side while still preserving the
procedures that you relationship. When parties from different backgrounds and
relied on and how you experiences are involved
applied them.
I have chosen collaboration as conflict management method because I
Attach links to relevant needed to create a team environment and each team member
legislation, policies and needed to start work closely to others in order to achieve
procedures to this section of company goals
the portfolio.

 the sources of information that you relied on to inform your

decisions (don’t forget to include consultation processes)

the sources of information that I relied on are sales figure team

member feedback which are included in the consultation process
 the relevant legislation, policies and procedures that you relied
on and how you applied them.

- Privacy
- Anti-discrimination

BSBLRD413 Lead effective workplace relationships 18

Employee training and development

I have applied them as per company requirements so I have not

changed the procedure outlined in the company files

Managing conflict  an analysis of the techniques that you used to lead improved
workplace relationships and reduce conflict
Summarise the outcomes of
your conflict management  Talk with the other person.
 Focus on behavior and events, not on personalities.
 Listen carefully.
 an analysis of the
 Identify points of agreement and disagreement.
techniques that you
used to lead improved  Prioritize the areas of conflict.
workplace relationships  Develop a plan to work on each conflict.
and reduce conflict
 Follow through on your plan.
 an analysis of the
issues that had led to  Build on your success
the conflict
 the methods that you
used to manage the
conflict and how they  an analysis of the issues that had led to the conflict
complied with the as previously said the conflict raised within the team is based on lack
legislation and policies of communication lack of time management and a lack of company
and procedures needs knowledge all this put together has driven team members In a
identified in the first part situation of chaos Not knowing how to overcome all that they started to
of this section blame on each other creating and leading to conflict
Reflect on:
 two things that went  the methods that you used to manage the conflict and how they
well in the meeting in complied with the legislation and policies and procedures
relation to leading identified in the first part of this section
effective workplace
ask previously mentioned method that I used to manage the conflict is
 two things that you
open communication and clear understanding of company goals
would do differently
and means as well are clear understanding of the team needs
next time.
training them on communication and diversity knowledge all the
Attach proof of conflict policy and procedure as well as the legislation comply with my
management meeting/s (e.g. methods as my methods are based on them
video, screen
recording/audio recording of
virtual meeting) to this Reflect on:
section of the portfolio (if not
 two things that went well in the meeting in relation to leading
already viewed in person by
effective workplace relationships
your assessor).

BSBLRD413 Lead effective workplace relationships 19

team members were happy to work together
team members are not scared to say and talk to each other
 two things that you would do differently next time.
I would organise more role play
I would provide more resources


Policies and procedures ☒

Proof of conflict management meeting/s (if relevant) ☒

Conflict management strategy (if relevant) ☒

BSBLRD413 Lead effective workplace relationships 20

Section 5: Reviewing leadership

Seeking and analysing

Summarise the processes
that you undertook to seek
and analyse feedback on  the processes that you used to seek feedback
your relationship
The process that I used to seek for feedback from the team members
Include: are open question during meeting and a questionnaire
 the processes that  the reasons that you sought feedback
you used to seek
 the reasons that you the reason that I chose to see for feedback is because I am a manager
sought feedback as a manager I am a person another person I can make mistake
and as I learn person I have one brain and one method and one
 a list of the people strategy instead the team is formed by few people which have one
who you sought brain each one method each and one strategy each so it is really
feedback from and the important for me to understand if my method and my strategy
reasons why you worked with them and it is really important for me to see what are
selected those people they suggestion for me to improve in the future
 a summary of the
feedback you received
 a list of the people who you sought feedback from and the
 an analysis of the reasons why you selected those people
feedback and the
actions that you will
take to implement it. the people I asked for feedback are all team members and the HR
Identify: manager I have selected those people be cause they are firstly
related to the project
 at least two areas for
future improvement in
the area of leading  a summary of the feedback you received
relationships. Describe
how you apply this the feedback I received where absolutely positive all team members
information to your completely switched their opinion about themselves and now they
practice. are happy to work together and communicate with each other as
well as to communicate with management
Attach copies of written
feedback that you received, at the same time the HR management is happy with the outcome of
as well as copies of relevant the training and the meeting
policies and procedures. You
should also attach
information about any  an analysis of the feedback and the actions that you will take
training opportunities to implement it.
considering the feedback are positive I will continue with the same

BSBLRD413 Lead effective workplace relationships 21

strategy in order to provide continuous improvement for team
 at least two areas for future improvement in the area of leading
workplace relationships. Describe how you apply this information
to your practice.
two areas of improvement are
training on diversity
capability of delegate to other team members
I will apply this information to my practise always using communication
and always including the team members prior the implementation
in order to make them feel considered by management


Written feedback ☒

Policies and procedures ☒

On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your

overall customer satisfaction?
1 = Totally Disagree to 10 =
Strongly Agree
Your responses will help us provide the best service possible.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Q1: How are you happy with my training? X

Q2: how are you happy with our services? X

Q3: how likely would you recommend our company to families and X

Q4: how is our customer service? X

Q5: is our product knowledge up to your requirements and needs? X

Q6: how is our responsiveness? X

BSBLRD413 Lead effective workplace relationships 22

Q7: how is our customer care? X

Q8: how is our web site? X

Q9: How is my communication style? X

Q10: how is the result of the training? X


Further feedback/suggestions:

STAFF name: NOEMI Date: 28/10/2021

Contact No. 0422526366 Contact email: Noemi78@

On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your

overall customer satisfaction?
1 = Totally Disagree to 10 =
Strongly Agree
Your responses will help us provide the best service possible.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Q1: How are you happy with my training? x

Q2: how are you happy with our services? x

Q3: how likely would you recommend our company to families and x

Q4: how is our customer service? x

Q5: is our product knowledge up to your requirements and needs? x

Q6: how is our responsiveness? x

BSBLRD413 Lead effective workplace relationships 23

Q7: how is our customer care? x

Q8: how is our web site? x

Q9: How is my communication style? x

Q10: how is the result of the training? x


Further feedback/suggestions:

STAFF name: SARAH Date: 27/10/2021

Contact No. 0477858599 Contact email: [email protected]

On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your

overall customer satisfaction?
1 = Totally Disagree to 10 =
Strongly Agree
Your responses will help us provide the best service possible.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Q1: How are you happy with my training? x

Q2: how are you happy with our services? x

Q3: how likely would you recommend our company to families and x

Q4: how is our customer service? x

Q5: is our product knowledge up to your requirements and needs? x

Q6: how is our responsiveness? x

BSBLRD413 Lead effective workplace relationships 24

Q7: how is our customer care? x

Q8: how is our web site? x

Q9: How is my communication style? x

Q10: how is the result of the training? x


Further feedback/suggestions:

STAFF name: JOHN Date: 27/10/2021

Contact No. 0411252569 Contact email: [email protected]

On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your

overall customer satisfaction?
1 = Totally Disagree to 10 =
Strongly Agree
Your responses will help us provide the best service possible.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Q1: How are you happy with my training? x

Q2: how are you happy with our services? x

Q3: how likely would you recommend our company to families and x

Q4: how is our customer service? x

Q5: is our product knowledge up to your requirements and needs? x


BSBLRD413 Lead effective workplace relationships 25

Q6: how is our responsiveness? x

Q7: how is our customer care? x


Q8: how is our web site? x


Q9: How is my communication style? x


Q10: how is the result of the training? x


Further feedback/suggestions:

STAFF name: SONIA Date: 28/10/2021

Contact No. 0422565636 Contact email: [email protected]

BSBLRD413 Lead effective workplace relationships 26

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