Supply Chain Management Project by Whole Group

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I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would taken

possible without the kind support and help of many
individuals. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all
of them.
I am highly indebted to Mr. Rishi Raj sir and Miss Shreyashi
Pranjal ma’am for their guidance and constant supervision as
well as for providing necessary information regarding the
project and also for their support in completing the project.
His constant guidance and willingness to share his vast
knowledge made us understand this project and its
manifestations in great depths and helped us to complete the
assigned task on time.
I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents and
members of Anand Milk Union Limited [AMUL] for their
kind cooperation and encouragement which help me in
completion of this project.
My thanks and appreciations also to my classmates in
developing the project.

As part of the management diploma circular and in
order to again practical knowledge in the field of
management, we are required to make a project on
‘Supply Chain Management of Anand Mill Union
Limited [AMUL]’
In this project report we have included various
meaning, types, objectives, benefits, process,
components, functions, etc.
Doing this project it helped us to enhance our
knowledge regarding the work into the supply and
we doing undergo many experience related with our
topic concepts.
Through this project we come to know about
importance of team work and role of advection
towards the works.

“A supply chain is a network of supplier, manufacturing,
assembly, distribution and logistics facilities that perform the
functions of procurement of materials, transformation of
these materials into intermediate and finished products, and
the distribution of these products to customers.”

Definition By Different Professors

According to Professor Douglas M Lambert:- “Supply
Chain Management as the integration of business process
from the end user through original supplier who provide
products, services and information that adds value for the
According to Ganeshan & Harrison:-“A supply chain is a
network of facilities and distribution options that perform the
function of procurement of material transformation of these
materials into intermediate and finished products, and the
distribution of these finished products to customers.”

History of Supply Chain

 1960’s:-Inventory Management Focus,
Cost Control
 1970’s:-MRP & OM - Operations Planning
 1980’s:-MRPII, JIT Materials Management,
 1990’s:-SCM, ERP, “Integrated”
Purchasing, Financials, Manufacturing,
Order Entry
 2000’s - Optimized “Value Network” with
Real-Time Decision Support;
Synchronized & Collaborative Extended
Network for SCM.

Types Of Supply Chain

 Raw supply chain.
 Ripe supply chain.
 Internal supply chain.
 Extended supply chain.
 Self monitored Supply Chain.
 Outsourced supply Chain.
Essential Features Of Supply Chain
 Integrated Behavior:-SCM incorporates integrates
integration of stakeholders from supplier to customers.
 Mutually Sharing Information:-For effective SCM
mutually sharing information among channel members is
required, especially for planning and monitoring

 Mutually Sharing Channel Risk and Rewards:-

Effective SCM also requires mutually sharing channel
risks and rewards that yield a competitive advantage.
Risk and reward sharing should happen over the long
term focus and cooperation among the supply chain
 Co-operation:-Co-operation among channel members is
required for effective SCM. Co-operation refers to
similar or complimentary co-ordinate activities
performed by firm in a business relationship to produce
superior mutual outcomes or singular outcomes that are
mutually expected over time.

 Focus on serving customers:-Supply chain succeeds if

all the members of supply chain have the same goal and
the same focus serving customers. Establishing the same
goal and same focus among Supply chain members is a
form of policy integration.

 Integration of Processes:-
The implementation of SCM needs the integration of
processes from sourcing to manufacturing and to
distribution across the supply chain. The integration can
be accomplished through cross functional terms, in plant
supplier personnel and third party service provide.

 Partners to Build and Maintain Long Term

Relationship:-Successful relationships aim to integrates
channel policy to avoid redundancy and overlap while
seeking a level of co- operation that allow participants to
be more effective at lower cost levels. Policy integration
is possible if there are compatible cultures and
management techniques among the chain members.

Stages Of Supply Chain

-It is not compulsory that all the stages
should be present in supply chain
Objectives of Supply Chain
 Service Orientation:-The very basis of supply chains
has been to provide superior customer service. Service is
all about the value that the customer gets, which in turn
depends upon his own perception about what constitutes
 System Orientation:-System orientation is at the
existence of any supply chain. Synergy due to co-
operation and coordination is the main gain of a supply
chain. This entails that while getting optimal results for
the chain as a whole, results for the partners on the chain
may not necessarily be optimal, these could be less than
 Competitiveness and Efficiency:-Supply chain is a
business organization. It provides value to the customers
while being competitive. Competitiveness is essential for
it to healthy sustain itself in order to be able to provide
increasing value to its customer. Efficiency is an
important element of competitiveness.
 Minimizing the time:-Efficient supply chain is an
organization reduces the time required for converting
orders into cash. So there is minimal time lag and
increase in productivity of the organization.
 Minimizing Work in Progress:-Supply chain
minimizes total work in process in supply chain.
 Improving Pipeline Visibility:-Efficient supply chain
improves the visibility of each one of the activities of the
supply chain by each one of the partner.
 Improving visibility Demand:-Efficient supply chain
improves visibility of demand by each one of the
 Improving Quality:-Efficient supply chain management
helps in improving the quality of operation of the
organization.TQM has become a major commitment
throughout all facets of industry. Overall commitment to
TQM is one of the major commitments throughout all
facets of industry.
Graphical Representation Of
Components of Supply Chain

Functions Of Supply Chain

1. Strategic Level:-
 Strategic network optimization, including the number,
location, and size of warehousing, distribution centers,
and facilities.
 Strategic partnerships with suppliers, distributors, and
customers, creating communication channels for critical
information and operational improvements such as cross
docking, direct shipping, and third-party logistics.
 Product life cycle management, so that new and existing
products can be optimally integrated into the supply
chain and capacity management activities.
 Information technology chain operations.
 Where-to-make and make-buy decisions.
 Aligning overall organizational strategy with supply

2. Tactical Level:-
 Sourcing contracts and other purchasing decisions.
 Production decisions, including contracting, scheduling,
and planning process definition.
 Inventory decisions, including quantity, location, and
quality of inventory.
 Transportation strategy, including frequency, routes, and
 Benchmarking of all operations against competitors and
implementation of best practices throughout the
 Milestone payments.
 Focus on customer demand and Habits.
3. Operational level:-
 Daily production and distribution planning, including all
nodes in the supply chain.
 Production scheduling for each manufacturing facility in
the supply chain (minute by minute).
 Demand planning and forecasting, coordinating the
demand forecast of all customers and sharing the
forecast with all suppliers.
 Sourcing planning, including current inventory and
forecast demand, in collaboration with all suppliers.
 Inbound operations, including transportation from
suppliers and receiving inventory.
 Production operations, including the consumption of
materials and flow of finished goods.
 Outbound operations, including all fulfillment activities,
warehousing and transportation to customers.
 Order promising, accounting for all constraints in the
supply chain, including all suppliers, manufacturing
facilities, distribution centers, and other customers.
 From production level to supply level accounting all
transit damage cases & arrange to settlement at customer
level by maintaining company loss through insurance
Factors Influencing Supply Chain

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