Chamber of Hopes For Brain Repair

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Chamber of Hopes for Brain Repair

Hyperbaric oxidative treatments bring new hopes of brain repair from strokes,
traumatic brain injuries and even metabolic disorders.

Reflections on a recent article published in PLoS ONE:

By Efrati et al:

“Hyperbaric Oxygen Induces Late Neuroplasticity in Post Stroke Patients -

Randomized, Prospective Trial”

January 15, 2013

By Eshel Ben-Jacob
January, 27, 2013

Currently, stroke is the leading cause of inability to maintain independent life among
adults in the US. Every year, more than 800,000 people in the US suffer a stroke. With
the aging of the population, the severity of the problem posed by stroke (and brain
injuries mainly due to home accidents) is expected to increase. Experts agree that novel
methods to repair and protect the brain from damage caused by strokes, traumatic injuries
and metabolic disorders (which can lead to dementia and Alzheimer) are needed more
than ever before.

New Hopes
New results by a team headed by Dr. Shai Efrati of Asaf Harofeh Medical Center and Tel
Aviv University suggest that hyperbaric oxidative treatment (HBOT) should be employed
to repair the brain from strokes and traumatic brain injuries (TBI). The results imply that
in the future, the HBOT might also be exploited to protect the brain from dementia and
Alzheimer (for reasons explained further below). The team illustrated and analyzed the
dramatic improvements in brain function and quality of life following two months of
HBOT treatment, in Seventy-four participants, 6-36 months after the stroke, whose
condition was no longer improving prior to the treatment. Yet, the neurological functions
and life quality of almost all the patients (over 95%) were significantly improved after the
HBOT sessions. Analyses of brain imaging (by SPECT scans) showed that the treatment
led to an increase in brain activity in brain locations with neurons that stayed alive but did
not have sufficient energy (blood supply) to function (generate firing of signals).
Granted new freedom
When asked, many of the patients say that the treatment gave them back the freedom they
lost due to the stroke (or TBI). The patients’ relatives say that their loved ones returned to
them. They also mention the new freedom by being relieved from the time and economic
pressure imposed by the need to take continuous care of disabled people. Going from the
patients and the families to the national level, billions of dollars will be saved every year
once HBOT is adopted as routine to treat stroke and TBI patients. Right now, the total
cost of stroke in the US is over $50 Billion per year. The cost of two months HBOT care
per person is only about $5-10K.

The objection by the medical communty

The current study did not discover the fact that HBOT can repair stroke damage. It has
been first discovered almost half a century ago (in the early 60s). The discovery has first
been considered anecdotal but slowly gained an increasing attention. There has been a
“burst” of interest and reports about the beneficial effects of HBOT on stroke and TBI in
the late 90s. However, the results were either ignored or severely questioned by the
medical community. Consequently, the practice of HBOT to treat stroke and TBI has
been shunted primarily to private clinics. While still helping patients who could not find
relief otherwise, it caused many in the medical community to dismiss the use of HBOT
for brain repair and to actively convince patients not to explore this option. I had many
conversations with MDs who shared with me the extent to which they are antagonized by
the idea. Almost all of them were so convinced that there is “no reason” it should work,
that they did not want to waste the time and hear about the results and what is the
underlying brain’s thermodynamics and metabolism management that can explain the

Challenging the paradigm

I explain further below the negative reaction of the medical community. In short, the
main reason I think has to do with the fact that the findings challenge the leading
paradigm as they demonstrate beyond any doubt that neuroplasticity can still be activated
months and years after acute brain injury, thus revealing that many aspects of the brain
remain plastic into adulthood. It is always hard to accept a new paradigm, and even more
so when the paradigm is associated with the brain. Another reason is that it is “too
simple” – there is such a high diversity of strokes and they vary from person to person.
So the idea that this wide spectrum of complex cases can all be greatly improved simply
by putting the patients under high pressure and high oxygen levels seems too much like
“magic” that is hard to accept. This is not the only example of powerful solutions that
have been dismissed for a long time. For example, the metformin that was shown to be
effective for diabetes 2 in the late 50s was approved for use in the US only in 1995, and
within a year it became the most widely used drug for diabetes 2.

Are we at a turning point?

Although the FDA defines compressed oxygen as a drug, the use of HBOT to treat stroke
and TBI patients does not require FDA approval. What hinders the practice is the
negative perception in the medical community at large along with many formal
declarations by various medical organizations that there is no proof that it works.
Hopefully, the new study and consequent studies will change this unfortunate state of
affairs. The fact that most stroke and TBI patients are deprived of the benefits of HBOT
treatment seem to me a major ethical issue that must be discussed and reconsidered by
the medical community as soon as possible.

The new treatment

Intensive therapy and rehabilitation programs for post-stroke patients are considered
essential for maximizing the patients' quality of life. Unfortunately, these programs are
often just partially successful. In the current study, the seventy-four participants spanning
6-36 months post-stroke were divided into two groups: a treatment group that received
HBOT from the beginning of the study, and a cross group that had a control period of two
months with no treatment followed by a two month period of HBOT treatment.
Treatment consisted of 40 two-hour sessions five times weekly in high pressure chambers
containing oxygen-rich air (pressure of 2Atm – the pressure sensed when diving down to
10 meters). The figure shows the combined results in terms of improvements in the
physiological parameters.

Figure1: Changes in the neurological evaluations. Each circle and diamond shows the changes
(statistically normalized) in the NIHSS (NIH stroke scale) and the ADL (activity of daily living) of
the patients over a period of two months. Blue circles correspond to the changes during the two
month control (when no treatment was given). The changes are close to zero (no changes) which
provides confirmation that the patients were at chronic stage. Red circles correspond of the
changed during the two months that these patients were treated. Red diamonds correspond to
changes during two months of treatment of the additional group of patients. We see that the
results for the two independent groups are similar – both indicate significant improvements
(negative changes mean improvement). (Courtesy of Dr. Efrati)

As evident from the graph, the results show dramatic improvement. Yet, the current study
aimed at “proof of concept” that HBOT can benefit stroke patients, so all patients
underwent 40 HBOT sessions. Based on the accumulated clinical experience, more
sessions of HBOT may be needed, at least for some patients, in order to obtain the
maximal improvement effect.
A new paradigm with new hopes
During most of the 20th century, the central paradigm has been that neuroplasticity can
only be activated during childhood and during a limited time window following brain
damage. The dramatic improvements in the stroke patients with chronic late stage brain
damage imply reactivation of neuronal activity in stunned areas (brain regions in which
the activity stopped following the stroke). Stroke damages the blood flow in the brain and
causes various degrees of brain injuries. Most severe is cell death (necrosis). However,
surrounding necrotic tissue, where cells are entirely lost, there are also quiescent regimes
of neurons that are impacted by metabolic dysfunction. They have the energy to stay
alive but not enough for full activity (firing of electric signals). These are the brain
locations that HBOT targets. By increasing the supply of energy (oxygen), it leads to the
formation of new blood vessels and, in parallel, enables the inactive neurons to become
active and form new links with neurons inside and outside the damaged areas. To confirm
the reactivation of the quiescent areas, the researchers evaluated the anatomical features
and functionality of the brain using a combination of CT scans to identify necrotic tissue
and SPECT scans to determine the metabolic activity level of the neurons surrounding
damaged areas. The research was based on the idea that damaged brain areas with non
active but live neuron regions can be activated by providing the cells with high oxygen.
Comparison of SPECT scans before and after treatment revealed increase in neural
activity in the quiet live neurons. Examples of CT and SPECT scans are shown in Figure

Figure 2: SPECT (the colored pictures) and CT (the B&W picture) of a patient suffering from
left hemiparesis due to ischemic stroke that occurred 26 months prior to treatment. The upper
two images show the infracted brain (deep blue color) involving the right antero-postero-lateral
frontal, right superior-parietal and right parieto-occipital regions. Curved sagittal view in CT
(bottom left) shows the anatomical stroke area (V = posterior horn of right ventricle). The peri-
infarct region shows improved perfusion as demonstrated by SPECT image (right upper image).
Quantitation of the cerebral blood flow (CBF) change (before and after treatment) is
demonstrated in the right lower image. (Courtesy of Dr. Efrati)

The brain’s energy management

The brain receives 15% of the cardiac output, 20% of the total body oxygen consumption,
and 25% of the total body glucose utilization. Still, this relatively high energy is only
sufficient to keep five to ten percent of the neurons active at any given time. Fuel sources
are not transferred from the blood directly to the neuron. Other cells that constitute the
majority of the cells in the brain, the glia, are in charge of energy management. Some
special glia cells also regulate the blood flow in the brain, directing it towards areas with
high neuronal activity and away from areas with low activity. The regeneration process
following brain injury, which involves complex tasks such as building new blood vessels
and rebuilding connections between neurons, requires much energy. This is where HBOT
treatment can help. The tenfold increase in oxygen levels during treatment supplies the
needed energy for building new blood vessels, new connections between neurons and
stimulation of inactive neurons for facilitating the healing process. , The idea that HBOT
can help brain repair, though reasonable, has been rejected by the medical community
until now since the brain energy management has additional challenging aspect that has
been largely overlooked. To simplify the explanation, I take a detour from brain function
to sport.
Aerobic and anaerobic exercises
It is widely recognized that sports for good health requires both aerobic exercises – long
and more moderate physical activity - and anaerobic exercises – short time intervals of
intense activity. What lies behind these activity modes is the fact that muscles, as other
cells, can generate energy in two ways: 1. Respiration (also called oxidative respiration),
in which energy is generated from sugars (but also from other fuels such as proteins and
fats) in a complex process somewhat similar to complete combustion, and can be
performed only when oxygen is available. This process is slow but has high efficiency,
and the end products are energy, carbon dioxide and water. 2. Glucose fermentation (also
called anaerobic fermentation), in which glucose is processed without oxygen. This
process is fast but has low efficiency and generates also lactic acid. To provide the fast
energy needed during intense exercise, muscles use anaerobic fermentation. The
“burning” sensation in the muscles following intense exercise results from the lactic acid
byproduct. Lactic acid can be processed by the liver but can also be used as a fuel for
oxidative respiration by the muscles. This is why it is recommended to continue for some
time with mild exercise following intense workout.
Aerobic and anaerobic functions in the brain
The brain’s energy management also involves interplay between oxidative respiration and
anaerobic fermentation. The energy generated by oxidative respiration is sufficient for the
neuron to maintain the basic activity but not while being engaged in dedicated task
performance. Unlike the muscles that rely on anaerobic fermentation for extra energy, the
neurons use respiration for extra energy. However they do so by using more efficient fuel
– lactic acid that is provided to them by the glia. The glia cells use anaerobic
fermentation under normal conditions so they can generate lactic acid to feed the neurons
when needed. Since high concentration of lactic acid can be toxic, the glia cells provide
this fuel to the neurons only when needed and when it can be used. Thus, to maintain the
brain in good health it is important to perform both aerobic and anaerobic brain
Breaking the vicious circles
A vicious feedback loop of energy management occurs at the chronic stage following
brain injury: to save energy, glia avert blood flow from the quiescent brain locations to
the active ones, starving the former of oxygen; to avoid toxicity in the absence of oxygen,
the glia do not feed the neurons in these locations lactic acid, denying them the
alternative energy source. The HBOT breaks this vicious circle: the ten folds higher
oxygen level (achieved during treatment) triggers the glia to provide the neurons with
lactic acid, which enables them to start firing. This ignited activity, in turn, leads to
strengthening the connections between the neurons in the damaged area and building new
connections, and consequently the blood flow in the brain is re-balanced accordingly.
The complexity of the energy management in the brain has begun to be fully appreciated
only recently and there are still many open questions. I assume that this is one of the main
reasons that the value of HBOT in brain repair has been ignored so far. Previous studies,
lacking the recently-acquired insights into brain functioning, were designed in a way that
led to conflicting results. Such an example is the use of HBOT at the early-acute phase
immediately after stroke, when the normal activity of the glia is distorted by stress factors.
Another example, is conduction of HBOT using 2.4Atm. At very high concentrations
oxygen can become toxic. The use of 2.4Atm can trigger toxicity and also impose extra
stress on the glia diverting them from anaerobic fermentation, thus limits their ability to
feed the neurons with lactic acid.
Hopefully, the convincing evidence presented in the current study will change this state
of affairs, which denies millions of stroke and TBI patients the simple therapy that can
give them back their life.
Looking ahead
The new findings have important implications that can be of general relevance and
interest in neurobiology. Although this study focused on stroke patients, the findings bear
the promise that HBOT may serve as a valuable therapeutic practice in other brain
disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer. It is now understood that many brain
disorders are related to impaired energy management in the brain (metabolic disorder),
usually at older age when blood circulation and other body functions becomes less
efficient. Being able to activate neuroplasticity, one can deduce that HBOT might also be
used to reverse early stage of dementia and radically slow down the progress of
Alzheimer. More daring is the idea to go a step further and envision the use of HBOT as
“anti brain-aging” - brain maintenance and improvement at advanced age.

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