ID 429 Anodot Ultimate Guide To Building A Machine Learning Outlier Detection System Part II

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Part II:
Learning Normal
Time Series Behavior
Outlier detection helps companies determine
when something changes in their normal business
patterns. When done well, it can give a company
the insight it needs to investigate the root cause
Outlier detection is an
of the change, make decisions, and take actions
that can save money (or prevent losing it) and imperative for online
potentially create new business opportunities.
businesses today,
High-velocity online businesses need real-time outlier however building an
detection; waiting for days or weeks after the outlier
occurs is simply too late to have a material impact
effective system in-house
on a fast-paced business. This puts constraints on is a complex task. It is a
the system to learn to identify outliers quickly, even
if there are a million or more relevant metrics and
particular challenge to
the underlying data patterns are complicated .

Automated outlier detection is a technique of

behavior of time series
machine learning, and it is a tremendously complex data in order to identify
endeavor. In this series of white papers, Anodot
aims to help people understand some of the events that differ from
sophisticated decisions behind the algorithms that
comprise an automated outlier detection system
for large scale analytics, especially in the monitoring as outliers.
of time series data. In Part I of this white paper
series, we outlined the various types of machine
learning and the critical design principles of an
outlier detection system. We highly recommend
reading Part I to get the foundational information
necessary to comprehend this document.

In Part II, we will continue the discussion with

information about how systems can learn what
“normal behavior” in time series data looks
like, in order to identify abnormal behavior.
Part III of our white paper series will cover
the processes of identifying and correlating
abnormal behavior. In each of the documents,
we discuss the general technical challenges
and Anodot’s solutions to these challenges.

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2 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
The techniques described within this paper are
well grounded in data science principles and
have been adapted or utilized extensively by the
High velocity online
mathematicians and data scientists at Anodot.
The veracity of these techniques has been proven businesses need real-
in practice across hundreds of millions of metrics
time outlier detection;
from Anodot’s large customer base. A company
that wants to create its own automated outlier waiting for days or weeks
detection system would encounter challenges
like those described within this document.
after the outlier occurs is
simply too late to have a
material impact on a fast-
paced business.

3 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
The general process of any outlier detection method
is to take data, learn what is normal, and then apply a
statistical test to determine whether any data point for
the same time series in the future is normal or abnormal.

Consider the data pattern in Figure 1 below. The shaded

area was produced because of such statistical analysis.
We could, therefore, apply statistical tests such that

abnormal and anything within it is normal.



Model the normal behavior Devise a statistical test to Apply the test for each
of the metric(s) using a determine if samples are sample. Flag as anomaly if it
statistical model. explainded by the model. does not pass the test.

Figure 1. A general scheme for outlier detection.

4 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
The graph below is a normal distribution represented by There are many different distributions that can be
an average standard deviation. Given a large number of assumed on data; however, given a very large dataset,
data points, 99.7% of the data points submitted should there are most likely many different types of behavior in
fall within the average, plus or minus three times the the data. This very fact has been thoroughly researched
standard deviation. This model is illustrated with the for hundreds of years, and even more so in the last 50
formula in Figure 2. years as data science has become important in the
computing world. But the question is, given a huge
Making this assumption means that if the data comes amount of literature, techniques and models to choose
from a known distribution, then 99.7% of the data points from, how can someone choose only one model?
should fall within these bounds. If a data point is outside
these bounds, it can be called an outlier because the The answer is that it is not possible to choose just one.
probability of it happening normally is very small.
At Anodot, we look at a vast number of time series data
This is a very simple model to use and to estimate. It and see a wide variety of data behaviors, many kinds of
is well known and taught in basic statistics classes, patterns, and diverse distributions that are inherent to
requiring only computation of the average and the
standard deviation. However, assuming any type of data all possible metrics. There has to be some way to classify
will behave like the normal distribution is naïve; most each signal to decide which should be modeled with a
data does not behave this way. This model is, therefore, normal distribution, and which should be modeled with
simple to apply, but usually much less accurate than a different type of distribution and technique.
other models.

Figure 2. The mathematical formula for average standard deviation.

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5 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
Choosing just one model does not work, and we
have seen it even within a single company when they
measure many different metrics. Each metric behaves
differently. In Part I of this document series, we used
the example of a person’s vital signs operating as
a complete system. Continuing with that example,
the technique for modeling the normal behavior of
a person’s heart rate may be very different from that
which models his or her temperature reading.

The body’s temperature is a reading that is very close to

a normal distribution. If we were to graph it for a single

distribution very well, but a lot of other vital signs are

not like that at all.

If we look at a person’s heart rate, it changes constantly

throughout the day depending on whether the
person is awake or not, or whether he or she is doing
something strenuous like exercising. It is multimodal
and seasonal— multimodal because the person’s heart
rate changes to different states based on activities, and
seasonal because it is likely to follow the daily human
cycle (sleep/awake). The heart has a different rate while
the person is running compared to when he or she
is relaxing; even while running, the rate changes to
different modes of operation during a steady run or
strenuous sprints.

6 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
In the Anodot system, every dataset that comes in goes are applied on metrics that are not smooth, the result
will either be a lot of false-positives or there will be
many outliers that are not detected (i.e. false-negatives),

signal types, some of which are illustrated in Figure 3.

Not everything is smooth and stationary, and those
For companies that choose to build their own outlier models only work on a fraction of the metrics. Worse,

the complexity comes into play. Most open source

techniques deal with “smooth metrics.” The metrics are
not normal distribution, but they tend to be very regularly Consider the pattern in the signal shown in Figure 4.
sampled and have stationary behavior. They tend to If the smooth techniques are applied on this data, the
have behaviors that don’t change rapidly, and they don’t little spikes that seem completely normal would be
exhibit other behaviors. Applying open source techniques considered anomalous and would generate alerts every
only covers a fraction of what is measured and if they minute. The smooth model would not work here.




Figure 3. A sampling of some of the data models Anodot uses.

Figure 4.

7 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
Knowing what a data pattern looks like in order to apply Let us consider how this affects the company building
an appropriate model is a very complex task. its own detection system. The company’s data scientist
will spend several weeks classifying the data for the
If a company has 10 metrics, it is possible to graph the company’s 1,000 metric measurements and make
data points with a statistician. With only 10 metrics, a determination for a metric model. It could be that
this is feasible to do manually; however, with many a week from now, what the data scientist did in
thousands or millions of metrics, there is no practical classifying the model is irrelevant for some of them—
way to do this manually. The company would have to but it may not be clear for which ones.
design an algorithm that would determine the proper
data model to use for each metric. What is needed, then, is an automated process that
constantly looks at the changing nature of data signals
There is another aspect we have observed quite often and decides what the right model is for the moment. It
with the data we see from our customers: the model is not static.
that is right today, may not be right tomorrow. In
Figure 5, we see how a metric’s behavior can change

We have seen this happen many times, and each time,

it was totally unexpected; the data starts out one way
and then goes into a totally different mode. It may start
kind of smooth and then change to steep peaks and
valleys—and stay there. That pattern becomes the new
normal. It is acceptable to say at the beginning of the
new pattern, that the behavior is anomalous, but if it
persists, we must call it the new normal.

Figure 5. Sudden change in metric behavior.

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8 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
Other important aspects that should be included in
the algorithms and the model is whether the data has
seasonal patterns and what the seasonal periods are. A

seasonal factors (e.g., the quarter of the year, the month,

the hour of the day or the day of the week). Seasonality

period. This is illustrated in Figure 6 below.

We know that many different metrics that are measured

have seasonal patterns, but the pattern might be
unknown. Nevertheless, it is important to take the
seasonal pattern into consideration for the model. Why?
If the model of what is normal knows to account for a
metric’s seasonal pattern, then it is possible to detect the
outliers in samples that vary from the seasonal pattern.
Without considering the seasonal pattern, too many


Figure 6. Illustration of a single seasonal pattern.

9 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
Often we see, not just a single seasonal pattern, but These two patterns are intertwined in a complicated
multiple seasonal patterns and even different types way. There is almost a sine wave for the weekly pattern,
of multiple seasonal patterns, like the two examples and another faster wave for the daily pattern. In signal
shown in Figure 7. processing, this is called amplitude modulation, and it
is normal for this metric. If we do not account for the
Figure 7 shows an example of a real metric with two fact that these patterns co-exist, then we do not know
seasonal patterns working together at the same time. what normal is. If we know how to detect it and take it
In this case, they are weekly and daily seasonal patterns.
The image shows that Fridays and weekends tend to ones shown in orange in Figure 7 above. The values in
be lower, while the other days of the week are higher. orange indicate a drop in activity which may be normal
There is a pattern that repeats itself week after week, so on a weekend but not on a weekday. If we do not know
this is the weekly seasonal pattern. There is also a daily to distinguish between these patterns, we will not
seasonal pattern that illustrates the daytime hours and understand the outlier, so we either miss it or we create
nighttime hours; the pattern tends to be higher during false-positives.
the day and lower during the night.


Figure 7. Illustration of multiple seasonal patterns.

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10 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
Figure 8 below shows an example of another type of
multiple seasonal patterns—one with additive signals.

In the example above, we see a clear daily pattern.

In addition, we see an event that occurs every four
hours which causes a spike that lasts for an hour and
then comes down. The spikes are normal because of
a process or something that happens regularly. The
orange line shows an outlier that would be very hard
to detect if we did not take into account that there is
both the daily pattern and the spikes every four hours.
We call this pattern “additive” because the spikes are
added to what normally happens during the day; the
pattern shows a consistent spike every four hours on
top of the daily pattern.


Figure 8. An Illustration of multiple seasonal patterns with additive signals.

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11 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
PATTERN BE Two problems with
assuming a seasonal
ASSUMED? pattern:
At Anodot, we have observed millions of metrics and
• May require too many
built algorithms that detect the seasonal patterns
– if any – that exist in them. Some of them – in fact, data points to obtain a
most of them – do not have a seasonal pattern. Out
reasonable baseline
of millions of metrics that Anodot has seen, about
14% of them have a season to them, meaning 86% of
• May produce a poor
the metrics have no season at all. Out of the metrics
with a seasonal pattern, we have observed that normal model
70% had a 24-hour pattern to them, and 26% had
weekly patterns. The remainder of the metrics with
a seasonal pattern had other types of patterns—four
hours, six hours, and so on.

If we assume there are no seasonal patterns in any of

the metrics and we apply standard techniques, we
are either going to be very insensitive to outliers or
too sensitive to them, depending on what technique
we use. However, making assumptions about the
existence of a seasonal pattern has its issues as well.

There are two problems with assuming a seasonal

pattern (e.g., daily or weekly). First, it may require too
many data points to obtain a reasonable baseline (in
case there is no seasonal pattern in the metric), or it
would produce a poor normal model all together (if
there is a different seasonal pattern in the metric).
If we assume a weekly seasonal pattern for all our
metrics, it would require many more data points to
converge to a metric baseline. Not only does this take
time, but the process might not converge to the right
distribution if it is a variable metric.

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12 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
Second, if the wrong seasonal pattern is assumed,
the resulting normal model may be completely off.
For example, if the data point is assumed to be a daily
seasonal pattern, but it is actually a 7-hour pattern,
then comparing 8 AM one day to 8 AM another day
is not relevant. We would need to compare 8 AM one

seasons will lead to many false-positives due to the

poor initial baseline.

the season in order for the tool to estimate the

baseline. Of course, this is not scalable for more than
a few dozen metrics. What is needed is a system that
will automatically and accurately detect seasonality (if
it exists). If this capability is not built into the system,
assumptions will have to be made that are going
to cause an issue, either from the statistics side in
needing more data, or from the accuracy side in
identifying outliers.



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Figure 9. Comparing a 7-hour seasonal pattern with an assumed 24-hour seasonal pattern.

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13 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
Now that we have established the importance of Another technique is autocorrelation of signals, also
determining if seasonality is present in the data, we will known as serial correlation or autocorrelogram (ACF),
the correlation of a signal with itself at different
points in time. Informally, it is the similarity between
One method uses Fourier transform of signals, observations as a function of the time lag between
a technique in mathematics that takes a signal,
patterns. Compared to the Fourier transform method, it
frequencies that are local maximums (peaks) in the is more accurate and less sensitive to missing data, but
power of the Fourier transform. Those peaks tend to it is computationally expensive.
occur where there are seasonal patterns. This technique
Anodot developed a proprietary algorithm which we
there are multiple seasonal patterns. Additionally, it is call Vivaldi (patent pending). At a high level, Vivaldi
implements detection using the ACF method, but
weekly, monthly or yearly, and this technique is very overcomes its shortcomings by applying a smart
sensitive to any missing data. Also, issues like aliasing subsampling technique, computing only a small subset
in the Fourier transform can cause multiple peaks to
be present, some of which are not the actual seasonal complexity. In addition, to accurately identify multiple
frequency, but rather artifacts of the Fourier transform seasonal patterns, the method is applied on multiple
been proven to be accurate both theoretically and
empirically, while very fast to compute.



• Challenging to detect low • Computationally expensive • Based on autocorrelation

frequency seasons • More robust with regard to gaps • Uses smart subsampling
• Challenging to discover to reduce computational
multiple seasons complexity
• Sensitive to missing data • Provably accurate

Table 1. Techniques to detect seasonality.

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14 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
Companies that want immediate insight to changes in

outliers in their data. This means that the algorithms

used to detect outliers must have all the properties that
we have discussed above – i.e., detecting seasonality,
automatically determining the proper model, etc. – but
they also must adapt to changing conditions in the
datasets they are processing. Unexpected changes in
the data can be outliers, at least initially, but they can
also be indicative of a change in the data pattern. This
can happen if, for example, e-commerce sales or the
number of visitors to a website suddenly surges due to a
successful marketing campaign.

This underscores the need for online adaptive learning

algorithms which learn the model with every new data
point that comes in. This type of learning algorithm does
not wait to receive a batch of data points to learn from;
rather, it updates what has been learned so far with
every new data point that arrives. These so-called online
learning algorithms do not have to be adaptive, but by
nature they usually are, which means that every new data
point changes what has been learned up to that time.

1. What do we mean by “online” machine learning? This is not a reference to

the Internet or the World Wide Web. Rather, “online” is a data science term that
means the learning algorithm takes every data point, uses each one to update
the model and then does not concern itself with that data point ever again. The
algorithm never looks back at the history of all the data points, but rather goes
through them sequentially.
It is not necessarily real-time because time is not a factor here. In an e-com-
merce example, time can be a factor, but in the general sense of an online learn-
ing algorithm, it just means that if there are 1,000 data points to learn from, the
algorithm goes through them one by one to learn from them, throws them away
and then moves on to the next one. It is more of a sequential learning algorithm.
The word “online” is widely used in the world of data science but it has nothing to
do with the Internet; this is simply the term used in literature. For more informa-
tion, see the Wikipedia entry about online machine learning.

15 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
We can contrast an online learning model to a model There are various examples of online adaptive learning
that uses data in batch mode. For example, a video models that learn the normal behavior of time series
surveillance system that needs to recognize human data that can be found in data science, statistics and
images will learn to recognize faces by starting with a signal processing literature. Among them are Simple
dataset of a million pictures that includes faces and non- Moving Average, Double/Triple Exponential (Holt-
faces. It learns what a face is and what a non-face is in Winters) and Kalman Filters + ARIMA and variations.
batch mode before it starts receiving any real data points.
The following is an example of how a simple moving
In the online learning paradigm, the machine never average is calculated and how it is applied to outlier
iterates over the data. It gets a single data point, learns detection. We want to compute the average over a
what it can from it, and then throws it away. It gets time series, but we do not want the average from the
another data point, learns what it can from it, throws beginning of time until present. Instead, we want the
it away, and so on. The machine never goes back to average during a window of time because we know
previously used data to relearn things; this is similar to we need to be adaptive and things could change over
how our brains learn. When we encounter something, time. In this case, we have a moving average with a
we learn what we can from it and move on, rather than window size of seven days, and we measure the metric
storing it for later use. every day. For example, we look at the stock price at the
end of every trading day. The simple moving average
An online adaptive learning algorithm works by would compute the average of the stock price over the
initializing a model of what is normal. It takes a new last seven days. Then we compare tomorrow’s value to
data point in the next second, minute, hour or whatever
timeframe is appropriate. First, the machine tests if the
current data point is an outlier or not, based on what it outlier and if not, then it is not an outlier. Using a simple
already knows. If it marks the data point as not being moving average is a straightforward way of considering
an outlier, then it updates the current model about whether we have an outlier or not.
what is normal based on that data point. And then it
repeats the process as individual new data points come The other models listed above are (much) more
in sequentially. complex versions of that but, if one can understand a
simple moving average, then the other models can be
The machine never goes back to previously viewed understood as well.
data points to put them into a current context. The
machine cannot say, “Based on what I see now, I know

outlier.” It cannot consider, “Maybe I should have done

something different.” The luxury of going back in time
and reviewing the data points again does not exist,
which is one of the shortcomings of this paradigm. The
advantage of this approach is that it is fast and adaptive;
it can produce a result now and there is no need to wait
to collect a lot of data before results can be produced. In
cases where a rapid analysis is needed, the advantages
of this approach far outweigh its disadvantages.

16 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.

All of these adaptive online algorithms have some If our learning rate is too slow, meaning our moving
notion of learning rate. In the stock price example, we average window is very large, then we would adapt very
looked at the average value over the last seven days slowly to any changes in that stock price. If there are
of the stock price and then compared the next day to big changes in the stock price, then the baseline – the
that value. In this example, the seven-day period is a
parameter known as the “learning rate.” Why not 30 be very large, and we will be very insensitive to changes.
days? Why not 180 days? The shorter we make the
learning rate, the more of an effect each daily data point If we make the rate too fast – i.e., the window is very
has on the moving average. If we make it a moving small – then we will adapt too quickly and we might
average of the last three days, it will learn any changes miss things. We might think that outliers are not
that happen faster. If we make it 365 days, then it will outliers because we are adapting to them too quickly.
learn very slowly because every day will have a very
small effect on that average. These scenarios are depicted in Figure 10 below.




Figure 10. The effect of learning rate on detecting outliers.

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17 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
How do we know what the learning rate should be? Continuing the example of learning the stock price
If we have a small number of time series – 100 or model using the moving average method, if we include
fewer – we could inspect and change the parameters an anomalous data point in the learning process, the
as needed. However, a manual method will not work stock price now becomes anomalous as well. If we use it
when we have a large number of time series, so the the next day to compute the next moving average, then
algorithms need to automatically tune themselves. we completely shift the average toward that outlier. Is
that okay or not okay? Good or bad? What happens in
There are many different metrics and each one has reality is, if we allow it to shift the average or shift the
its own behavior. The rate at which these metrics parameters of the model as usual, then if the outlier
change could be fast or slow depending on what persists beyond that single data point, we will start
they are; there is no one set of parameters that shifting the normal behavior towards that outlier. If the
outlier lasts for a while, then at some point we will say
necessary to provide an accurate baseline for millions this is the new normal, and we might even miss other
of metrics. This is something that is often overlooked outliers that come along later. Or, whenever it goes
by companies building outlier detection systems back to normal, we will say that is an outlier as well.
(incidentally, auto-tuning is built into the Anodot
system). Auto-tuning is not an easy task, but it is an Updating the model with every data point (including
important one for achieving more accurate results. abnormal ones), is one strategy, but it is not a very
good one.
There is another pitfall to be aware of. If we have a

when it behaves normally, what happens when there

is an outlier?

Consider a scenario where we have a data point that is

an outlier. Recall that the three steps of online learning
are to read the sample, update the model using the
data point, and move on to the next data point. What
happens if a data point is an outlier? Do we update the
model with the new data point or not?

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18 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
A better strategy is to adapt the learning rate by
assigning weight to the validity of the data points, with
an outlier carrying a lower weight than a normal value.
This is a tactic that Anodot uses. Whenever Anodot
sees that a data point is an outlier, the system assigns
that value a very low weight when adapting the model

Going back to the moving average example, if we have

a seven-day moving average and we get the next data
point and see it is outside the expected range, we
categorize it as anomalous compared to the previous
average. The Anodot system will use the anomalous
data point to update the moving average; but instead
of using it as is, Anodot gives it a weight as though it is
one of 1,000 data points. That data point will affect the
average, but only in a very small way.

Why not just ignore the outlier in terms of learning and

not include it in the model? Quite often outliers happen
because something really has changed—and it is okay
that it changed. We want to pick up on an outlier when
it changes, but we eventually want to adapt to it and go
back to that new state. A metric could spike and stay
high for a very long time. Perhaps somebody made a

We want to know about it in the beginning, but after a

while we want the system to adapt to that new state. If
we do not let it affect what has been learned, then the
system will never adapt to the new state, and will be
stuck in the previous state.

An example of this would be a company that does

a stock split. All of a sudden, the stock price is cut
in half; instead of it being $100 a share, it suddenly
drops to $50. It will stay around $50 for a while and
the outlier detection system must adapt to that new
state. Identifying that the drop is an outlier is not a bad
thing, especially if we are unaware there was a split,
but eventually we want our normal value to go down to
around that $50 state.

19 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
Another example would be a merger. One company previous normal state, measurements will be off. There
acquires another company, the stock price goes up
or down and it may stay at that new value for a long adaptive we are.
time. The valuation of the company has changed quite
suddenly, and the system eventually needs to adapt to In the Anodot system, when we see outliers, we adapt
that new valuation. the learning rate in the model by giving the anomalous
data points a lower weight. If the outlier persists for a
In the online world, these types of changes happen a long enough time, we begin to apply higher and higher
lot. For example, a company has a Web application and weights until the anomalous data points have a normal
after a large marketing campaign, the number of users weight like any other data point, and then we model to
quickly increases 25 percent. If the campaign was good, that new state. If it goes back to normal, then nothing
the number of users may stay elevated for the long happens; it just goes back to the previous state and
term. When a SaaS company adds a new customer, its everything is okay.
application metrics will jump, and that is normal. They
might want to know about that outlier in the beginning, These two approaches to updating the learning rate are
but then they will want the outlier detection system to shown below. In Figure 11, the model is updated without
learn the new normal. weighting the outliers. In this instance, most of the
outlier is actually missed by the model being created.
These kinds of events happen frequently; we must not
ignore them by not allowing those data points to affect In Figure 12, outliers are weighted differently to
anything from now until eternity. On the other hand, we minimize their impact on normal, unless it becomes
do not want the system to learn too quickly, otherwise apparent that the outliers are the new normal. This
all outliers will be very short, and if it goes back to the method allows for the outlier to be fully captured.

Figure 11. Updating a model using an outlier as a fully-weighted data point.

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Figure 12. Updating a model by assigning a lower weight to outliers.

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20 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
This paper covers online adaptive learning methods
Part I of this
document series. These are the methods that Anodot
has selected for its solution; however, there are other
methods for learning normal behaviors in data patterns.
We summarize them in the table below according to
Part I.


Name Adaptive? Real-time? Scalable? Uni/Multi Variate

Holt-Winters Yes Yes Yes Univariate

ARIMA + Kalman Yes Yes Yes Both

HMM No Yes No Multivariate

GMM No No No Both

DBScan No No No Multivariate

K-Means No No No Multivariate

Table 2. Other Normal Behavioral Learning Methods

21 Ultimate guide to building a machine learning outlier detection system. Part II.
This document outlines a general framework for
learning normal behavior in a time series of data.
This is important because any outlier detection needs
a model of normal behavior to determine whether a
new data point is normal or abnormal.

There are many patterns and distributions that are

inherent to data. An outlier detection system must

For more information,

metrics. It is especially important to consider whether please contact Anodot:
seasonality is present in the data pattern when
selecting a model. North America
Real-time detection of outliers at scale requires online [email protected]
adaptive learning algorithms, and there are various
learning models that can be found in data science, International
statistics and signal processing literature. Anodot has +972-9-7718707
chosen a model that adapts its learning rate to give [email protected]
outliers their due treatment without over-emphasizing
their impact on the model going forward.

In Part III of this series, we will look at the processes of

identifying and correlating abnormal behavior, which
help to distill the list of outliers down to the most

these important processes, a system could identify

too many outliers to investigate in a reasonable
amount of time. Anodot was founded in 2014, and since its launch in
January 2016 has been providing valuable business
insights through outlier detection to its customers

mobile apps, eCommerce and other data-heavy

industries. Over 40% of the company’s customers are
publicly traded companies, including Microsoft, VF
Corp, Waze (a Google company), and many others.
Anodot’s real-time business incident detection uses
patented machine learning algorithms to isolate and
correlate issues across multiple parameters in real
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In Part III of this series, learn more

about correlating abnormal behavior
in time series behavior.
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