Request For Proposal Topographic/Property Line Surve: Project Description

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Request for Proposal

Topographic/Property Line Survey

We are requesting a proposal for a survey for George’s Island Park, a Westchester County Park,
located at 199 Dutch Street in the Town of Cortlandt, in the portion of which is commonly
known as Montrose. (see Project Location Map below). Proposals should be e-mailed or hand
delivered by 3:00 pm on Friday, August 21, 2015.

Project Description
George’s Island is approximately 218 acres; however, the actual Project Site is approximately 30
acres of the park. The Project Site consists of a combination of open lawn and wooded areas
along the shore of the Hudson River and includes picnic areas, boat launch, maintenance
garage, wetlands, ponds, paths, and parking lots/driveway. This survey will be for the County to
generate construction documents for refurbishment of this recreation area. See Survey Limits
Map for more detailed information.

George’s Island Park


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County Responsibilities

The County will provide the surveyor with access to as built and record drawings for this site as
needed/requested by the surveyor once the contract has been signed. Deeds and property line
maps are the responsibility of the surveyor to collect through the regular means of property

Scope of Work
The surveyor will be required to provide a topographic survey of the Project Site (Basic
Services), a bathometric survey at the boat launch (Additional Services ‘A’) and a property line
survey with metes and bounds (Additional Services ‘B’). The topographic survey shall include
the areas within the survey limit line as defined on the included Survey Limits Plan; wetland
delineation not required. The bathometric survey shall encompass the 500’ x 200’ hatched area
as shown on the enclosed Survey Limits Plan. The property line survey shall encompass the
entire approximately 218 acre park.

The survey shall be prepared by a New York State Licensed Land Surveyor, and shall be
provided in the manner defined under section “Deliverables”. Prevailing wage rates for
Westchester County as established by NYS Dept. of Labor are applicable. The survey shall
include but not be limited to the following requirements:

Basic Services – Topographic Survey

1. Locate all property lines (R.O.W.) within survey limits.

2. Contours at one-foot intervals.
3. Scale at 1” = 20’ - 0” or as otherwise requested or noted.
4. Drainage pipes, drains, invert elevations, manholes, drop inlets, pipe outlets, and
drainage channels.
5. Locate all buildings and structures and identify materials, use, number of stories and
finished floor elevation.
6. Spot elevations at:
a. Corners and entrances to buildings
b. All site features
c. Top and bottom of walls and steps (every 25’)
d. Top & bottom of curb (every 25’)
e. Road centerline and edge (with station points every 50 feet)
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f. Trees over 6” in caliper (indicated by type and caliper) Note that in areas shown
on Survey Limits Plan that only a treeline is necessary, individual trees past the
first line of trees is not necessary. However, where trees are located in open fields
and not delineated as treeline, the surveyor shall not the individual trees.
g. Pedestrian/vehicular drop curbs
7. Utilities (i.e. gas, water, sewer) including all pipe sizes, material, inverts, rim elevations
and valve boxes, including overhead utility wires.
8. Locate and label all waterways within the project limits
9. High tide & low tide elevation (indicate time of year). Show a minimum of next full
contour below low tide line.
10. Rock outcrops and stone walls
11. All guiderails, bollards, fences, gates and inground site furniture.
12. .Wooded areas (label first row of trees at treeline only; see notes on attached plan)
13. Maps to be done in digital form (Civil 3D or higher)
14. Control points used to establish the survey must be included in the digital form of the
drawing. Survey may be aerially photographed for the purpose of establishing the
topography; however, critical spot elevations shall be field verified.
15. Maps should also include base line ties.

Additional Services ‘A’ – Bathometric Survey

Shall include any items required for the topographic survey above, as relevant. Underwater
land contouring shall be provided, including any dredge piles within the limits of the survey,
abandoned and/or existing pilings, and any semi-permanent debris (such as sunken boat docks,
etc). Vegetation, such as eel grass, shall also be identified on the survey.

Additional Services ‘B’

1. Property lines (metes and bounds) and R.O.W. tied into established reference points for
the entire approx. 218 acre park, including adjacent property owners.
2. Easements (permanent or temporary access, emergency, etc.)
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1. Maps showing property line, structures, topographic data, and all of the above, plotted on
24” x 36” paper copies including, north arrow, legend, and scale (both written and
graphic) on a County Title Block and Border, which will be provided to the surveyor at
the time of contract signing. Hard copy to be stamped by licensed Land Surveyor.

2. Digital copy of survey in Civil 3D or higher shall be provided with the survey at 1:1 in
model space. Original spot shots including point, description, and elevation information
shall be included.
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General Requirements
All work included under Basic Services and Additional Services must be completed and a final
product must be received within ninety (90) days from the date of authorization to proceed.
The surveyor will be required to hold his quoted price for ninety (90) days from the deadline for
submitting quotes. NOTE: Surveyor will be required to submit a draft survey for review within
60 days of the commencement of the contract, and shall be responsible for making any revisions
or additions as required.

Appropriate Insurance shall be required.

Proposal Submission
The surveyor shall provide a detailed proposal with a proposed cost, as described below:

 Basic Services: Provide a cost for these services as described above.

 Additional Services: ‘A’ Provide a cost for this service as described above.
 Additional Services ‘B’ Provide a cost for this service as described above
 Grand Total: Provide a grand total, which will be the sum of Basic and Additional
Services ‘A’ and ‘B’.

Provide names and telephone numbers of at least three local municipal work references.

All proposals shall be e-mailed or hand-delivered to the following address:

Suzette B. Lopane, R.L.A.

Landscape Architect
Westchester County Department of Planning
148 Martine Ave., Room 414
White Plains, NY 10601
[email protected]

If you have any questions and need further information or clarification, please contact Suzette
Lopane at Westchester County Planning Department (914) 995-2443.

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