Cats Claw

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The Longwood Herbal Task Force

( and
The Center for Holistic Pediatric Education and Research

Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa)

Kathi J. Kemper, MD, MPH

The primary traditional uses of cat’s claw in Peru are as an anti-inflammatory,
contraceptive and anti-cancer remedy. The research on cat’s claw in animal and in vitro studies is
very preliminary; there are no controlled trials evaluating its clinical effects in humans. Products
marketed as cat’s claw may include a variety of related and unrelated species with widely
varying amounts of the active alkaloids or may be contaminated with other species. Herbalists
recommend that cat’s claw not be used during pregnancy, lactation or in children less than three
years old, patients undergoing grafts and organ transplants, hemophiliacs, and patients receiving
vaccines, sera, immune globulin, insulin or thymus extracts. Aside from mild nausea, it appears
to have few side effects; there is one case report of acute renal failure in an adult with systemic
lupus erythematosus who took cat’s claw.

Historical and Popular Uses

For over 2000 years, the Ashaninka Peruvian rain forest people have used cat’s claw (U.
tomentosa) as a tonic to ward off disease, a contraceptive and abortifacient, and to treat various
inflammatory diseases including gastric ulcers, diarrhea and GI tumors, gonorrhea, arthritis and
rheumatism, acne, diabetes, diseases of the urinary tract and cancer1,2. Sometimes cat’s claw is
used in combination with other local herbs such as chuchuhuasi bark to treat arthritis. It is
traditionally contraindicated in pregnancy, during lactation and for children less than three years
old. To the Ashaninka, the specific species containing the pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids (U.
tomentosa) has great power which can be recognized only by high-ranking healer-priests3. A
related species (U. guianensis) which contains tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids has been used in
South America as a wound healer, a sedative and to treat intestinal ailments, but is not
considered as strong a medicine as U. tomentosa.

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Nowadays, cat’s claw is used as an immune stimulant and cancer remedy; it is also used
to treat inflammatory conditions, eg. arthritis and atopic disorders; gastritis and other intestinal
disorders; viral infections, including HIV; chemical and environmental sensitivities; chronic
fatigue; fibromyalgia; and prostate problems4. Demand has risen as patients have combined cat’s
claw with AZT as a treatment for HIV disease.
Cat’s claw is included in some herbal combination remedies, e.g. with capsaicin in the
arthritis cream, Nikken Anti-Arthritis. Some Essiac tea mixtures now contain cat’s claw in
addition to the four traditional ingredients (burdock root, sheep sorrel, turkey rhubarb root and
slippery elm bark)5. A European product containing cat’s claw is Krallendorn tea or capsules.

Medicinal species: Uncaria tomentosa; some products may be contaminated with U. guianensis,
which contains different alkaloids. There are 12 other species in Peru that are also called
una de gato. Throughout the world there are 34 species of Uncaria with various
medicinal properties. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the “claws” or “hooks” of
Uncaria are used as a sedative and antispasmodic remedy6. A Chinese herbal compound,
Gou-teng, containing another species, Uncaria rhynchophylla, is used as a sedative,
anticonvulsant and antihypertensive remedy7-9. One of its derivatives,
isorhynchophylline, is a negative chronotrope in animals10. In other Asian cultures,
another Uncaria species, callophylla, is used as an antihypertensive remedy11.
Common names: Cat’s claw, Una De Gato, Garabato, Life-giving vine of Peru, Samento,
Popokainangra, Unganangi. Another plant, Acacia gregii, which grows along the Texas-
Mexico border, may be substituted for South American cat’s claw sold in America; A.
gregii may be poisonous, containing a cyanide-based chemical compound.
Botanical Family: Rubiaceae (madder family)
Plant description: A slow-growing, high-climbing, woody vine that can grow to 100 feet in
length, taking up to 20 years to reach maturity. Roots can be harvested after three to eight
years. Its name is derived from hook-like thorns on the stems that it uses to climb up
trees. The part used medicinally is the inner bark of the roots and stems.

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Where it’s grown: Peruvian rain forest and now other areas in Central and South America. Other
species are indigenous to Asia.

Cat’s Claw: Active Chemical Constituents
• Oxindole alkaloids: isopteropodine, pteropodine, mitraphylline, isomitraphylline, uncarine F,
speciophylline, 3-isoajmalicine, 19-epi-3-isoajmalicine, uncarine B
• Polyhydroxylated triterpenes12

• Plant sterols: beta sitosterol (80%), stigmasterol, campesterol13

• Catechin tannins

• Polyphenols: epicatechin and proanthrocyanidins14

• Quinovic acid glycosides15,16

• Flavonoids17

Biochemical screening has uncovered more than sixty unique oxindole alkaloids18,
which vary markedly among the different Uncaria species19, 20,21,22. The alkaloid content can
vary 10- to 40-fold depending on cultivation techniques and the season when the plant is
harvested21,23. Chinese and German researchers have identified two chemical types of U.
tomentosa, one of which contains immune-stimulating pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids while the
other contains antagonistic tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids that act on the central nervous
system3,24; some appear to have anti-leukemic activity22; some stimulate phagocytosis in
Polyhydyroxylated triterpenes: triterpenoidic saponins have demonstrated anti-tumor
effects in vitro against Ehrlich carcinoma cells26.
Three sterols: beta sitosterol (80%), stigmasterol, and campesterol, have been identified
and proven to be mild inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis in vitro27. They also appear to have
moderate anti-inflammatory properties in Italian studies13.
Tannins are phenolic compounds that typically act as astringents and are found in a
variety of herbal products used for wound healing, drying weeping sores, etc. Plants that contain

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more than 10% tannins have potential adverse effects including upset stomach, renal damage,
hepatic necrosis, and increased risk of esophageal and nasal cancer. Cat’s claw contains very low
levels of tannins that are probably not clinically significant.
Proanthrocyanidins are antioxidant compounds found in a variety of herbal products,
including cat’s claw18.
At least seven quinovic acid glycosides (QAG’s) have been isolated from cat’s claw
bark15. QAG7 functions as an anti-inflammatory compound in animal studies28. Additional
quinovic acid glycosides have been isolated from a related species, Uncaria guiansis29.
Flavonoids are antioxidant compounds found in a variety of herbal products.

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Experimental Studies
Cat’s Claw: Potential Clinical Benefits
1. Cardiovascular: Hypertension, hypercholesterolemia
2. Pulmonary: none
3. Renal and electrolyte balance: Urinary tract inflammation
4. Gastrointestinal/hepatic: none
5. Neuro-psychiatric: none
6. Endocrine: Diabetes
7. Hematologic: none
8. Rheumatologic: Arthritis
9. Reproductive: Contraceptive, abortifacient
10. Immune stimulation/suppression: Immune stimulant, anti-inflammatory
11. Antimicrobial: Antiviral
12. Antineoplastic: Antileukemic, antimutagenic
13. Antioxidant: Antioxidant
14. Skin and mucus membranes: Vulnerary (wound healing)
15. Other/miscellaneous: none

1. Cardiovascular: Hypertension, hypercholesterolemia

a. Hypertension
i. In vitro data: In Chinese studies of isolated rabbit aortas and rat ventricular myocytes,
rhyncholphylline and isorhynchophylline from U. rhynchophylla blocked the voltage-
dependent calcium channel30,31. These compounds are not found in meaningful
quantities in the roots of South American cat’s claw.
ii. Animal data: In rats and rabbits, the alkaloid rhynchophylline from U. rhynchophylla
hooks dilated peripheral blood vessels, inhibited sympathetic nervous system
activities, lowered heart rate and lowered cholesterol32; isorhynchophylline given
intravenously to rats is a negative chronotrope10. The Japanese herbal remedy,
chotoko (dried hooks of Uncaria) is hypotensive33,34. These effects are not noted in
South American U. tomentosa.

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iii. Human data: none
b. Hypercholesterolemia
i. In vitro data: Beta sitosterol mildly inhibits cholesterol synthesis at the level of HMC-
CoA reductase27.
ii. Animal data: none
iii. Human data: none
2. Pulmonary: none
3. Renal and electrolyte balance: Urinary tract inflammation: Traditional use; no data.
4. Gastrointestinal/hepatic: none
5. Neuro-psychiatric: none
6. Endocrine: Diabetes: Traditional use; no data.
7. Hematologic: none
8. Rheumatologic: Arthritis
i. In vitro data: The plant sterols in cat’s claw, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol and
campesterol, had moderate anti-inflammatory properties in Italian studies13.
ii. Animal data: In the rat paw model, cat’s claw glycosides had anti-inflammatory
iii. Human data: Case reports note significantly improved rheumatism. No controlled trials.
Interactions with other medications not tested.
9. Reproductive: Contraception, abortifacient: Traditional use; no data other than case
10. Immune stimulation/suppression: Immune stimulant, anti-inflammatory
a. Immune stimulant
i. In vitro data: Oxindole alkaloids, particularly isopterodine and pterodine, stimulated
phagocytosis in vitro25.
ii. Animal data: Mice given cat’s claw root bark extract had a 30% - 40% increase in
macrophage activity; mice given stalk bark extract had 10% - 20% increase in
iii. Human data: German manufacturers of Krallendorn report that oncology patients
treated with cat’s claw extracts in addition to their standard treatment have more

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vitality and fewer side effects from chemotherapy and radiation. We were unable to
find peer-reviewed data to support these claims.
b. Anti-inflammatory: A popular herbalist recommends cat’s claw as a remedy for gout36.
i. In vitro data: none
ii. Animal data: The quinovic acid glycoside 7 from cat’s claw bark reduced
experimentally induced inflammation in the rat paw model28.
iii. Human data: none
11. Antimicrobial: Antiviral
i. In vitro data: Quinovic acid glycosides had antiviral activity in vitro16,15.
ii. Animal data: none
iii. Human data: In a case series of 14 HIV-positive patients given standardized cat’s claw
root extract, five patients remained symptom-free over six years follow-up; nine
symptomatic patients had reduced symptoms in the first year of treatment and T helper
cell counts increased during the first two years. No controlled or comparison studies have
been reported.
12. Antineoplastic: Antileukemic, antimutagenic
a. Antileukemic
i. In vitro data: The oxindole alkaloids, particularly uncarine F, demonstrated activity
against several lines of leukemic cells. Triterpenoidic saponins from cat’s claw
demonstrated an anti-tumor effect against Ehrlich carcinoma cells26. Uncaria extracts
inhibited proliferation of human tumor cells and induced apoptosis in vitro37.
ii. Animal data: none
iii. Human data: Case series from Peru in the 1970’s suggested encouraging results in
children with leukemia. Case series reported by European manufacturers report
improved symptoms and vitality in a wide spectrum of patients given cat’s claw
(Krallendorn preparation), many of whom were receiving other therapies as well38.
So far, no peer-reviewed controlled trials have been published. There are no data on
drug interactions with standard chemotherapy.

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b. Antimutagenic
i. In vitro data: Cat’s claw extracts had a significant anti-mutagenic effect against
phytomutagenesis induced by psoralens plus UVA in S. typhimurium TA 102. The
urine of a smoker who drank a decoction of cat’s claw bark daily for 15 days
decreased the mutagenicity of S. typhimurium TA98 and TA100 in the standard Ames
ii. Animal data: none
iii. Human data: none
13. Antioxidant: Antioxidant
i. In vitro data: Methanolic extractions of both the root and bark exerted anti-oxidant
effects in vitro40.
ii. Animal data: none
iii. Human data: none
14. Skin and mucus membranes: Vulnerary (wound-healing): no data
15. Other/miscellaneous: none

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Toxicity and Contraindications
All herbal products carry the potential for contamination with other herbal products, pesticides,
herbicides, heavy metals and pharmaceuticals. This is particularly concerning with Asian
Furthermore, allergic reactions can occur to any natural product in sensitive persons.

Potentially toxic compounds in cat’s claw: Tannins, alkaloids

Acute toxicity: Traditional considered an abortifacient.
i. In vitro data: In Chinese hamster ovary cells and Photobacterium phosphoreum, there
was no in vitro toxicity of cat’s claw extracts in the neutral red assay, total protein
content, tetrazolium assay or Microtex test41. In the standard Ames’ test, cat’s claw had
no mutagenic effects39.
ii. Animal data: None
iii. Human data: There is one case report of acute renal failure in a woman with systemic
lupus erythematosus42. Slight diarrhea has been noted within the first ten days of use.
Sedative effects, circulatory complaints and hypotension are possible side effects in cat’s
claw products contaminated with species containing the tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids3.
Chronic toxicity: Unknown
Limitations during other illnesses or in patients with specific organ dysfunction: Typically
contraindicated in patients with autoimmune disorders, multiple sclerosis, or tuberculosis,
and patients undergoing grafts and organ transplants.
Interactions with other herbs or pharmaceuticals: Typically not recommended for those taking
insulin, thymus extracts, vaccines, immune globulin or sera. Preliminary data on
hypotensive effects from some alkaloids and from preparations made from the crude
“hooks” suggest caution when using cat’s claw in combination with antihypertensive
Safety during pregnancy and/or childhood: Traditionally contraindicated during pregnancy,
lactation and in children less than three years old.

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Typical Dosages
Provision of dosage information dose NOT constitute a recommendation or endorsement, but
rather indicates the range of doses commonly used in herbal practice.
Doses are given for single herb use and must be adjusted when using herbs in combinations.
Doses may also vary according to the type and severity of the condition treated and individual
patient conditions.

Adult doses38:
As a tea: 20 – 30 grams finely chopped bark of the root, boiled in one quart of water for
three hours until volume is reduced to about one third. Cooled to room temperature
and sipped TID.
Capsules containing dried bark: 350 – 500 mg QD or BID
Tincture: 1- 2 ml up to twice daily
Availability of standardized preparations: None
Dosages used in herbal combinations: Variable
Pediatric dosages: Unknown

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