Serrapeptase Benefits
Serrapeptase Benefits
Serrapeptase Benefits
Serrapeptase is an enzyme produced by serratia bacteria living on silkworms. With this enzyme
the worms melt a hole out of the cocoon. Unlike other enzymes in the field of biology,
Serrapeptase dissolves ‘dead’ tissue like or e.g. not both silk and apparently also fibrinoid layers
in the arteries which chemically could be compared to silk.
A special problem in today’s civilized society is occluding processes in the carotid arteries of the
neck. Very often we see patients where surgeons were reluctant to operate or to apply drill or
laser technology such occluded carotids. The reason for this is the potential risk that off coming
debris will be pushed into the smaller cerebral vessels.
We have, therefore started to apply Serrapeptase in cases of severe narrowings of the carotid
arteries. Mostly in patients showing severe symptoms due to the narrowing, including
amaurosis fugax (intermittent blindness). The therapeutic results are excellent, certainly
lifesaving. It is, however, mandatory that the therapy be conducted for a very long time. Even
after month 18, after the onset of the therapy, the patients are improving.
I have also found Serrapeptase to be an extraordinary substance for safety removing fibrous
blockages from coronary arteries, particularly the carotid arteries found in the neck, which
supply blood brain. Serrapeptase is a natural enzyme produced by serratia bacteria living in
silkworms. Once the silkworm has completed its transformation into a moth, it uses this
substance to “melt” a hole in its cocoon, so that it can escape.
The astonishing fact is that, unlike other biological enzymes, Serrapeptase affects only non-
living tissue, like the silk cocoon. This is the reason the butterfly is not harmed. For our health
purposes, Serrapeptase dissolves only dead tissues such as the old fibrous layers that clog the
lining of our arteries and dangerously restrict the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain.
Because of this, Serrapeptase is extremely useful in keeping arterial deposits from building up
again after angioplasty (a balloon technique used to clear an artery blockage) or coronary
bypass surgery has been performed.
Very often, surgeons are reluctant or unable to open partially closed carotid arteries using laser
surgery. They fear that resulting debris could be pushed into smaller connecting arteries and
result in a stroke and possibly death. In cases of severe arterial narrowing, I have used
Serrapeptase with excellent, even life-saving results. Many of my patients have shown
significant improved blood flow through their previously constricted arteries, as confirmed by
ultrasound examination. Unfortunately, orthodox cardiologists do not employ this important
method in their practices.
The Health Benefits Of Serrapeptase
What Is Serrapeptase?
Discovered in the early 1970’s, this proteolytic enzyme was isolated from the Serratia species of
bacteria located in the intestines of silkworms. Serrapeptase, also called serratiopeptidase, is
truly a superior enzyme that provides strong anti-inflammatory properties. Today Serrapeptase
is used all over Europe and Asia in clinical settings and is used as a viable alternative to
ibuprofen and NSAIDs. It has the ability to break down non-living tissue in the body.
Serrapeptase is perhaps one of the world’s most exciting enzymes being studied in regard to its
wide variety of clinical applications. Currently, especially in Europe and Asia, it is clinically used
for anti-inflammatory conditions such as atherosclerosis, arthritis, fibrocystic breast disease and
carpal tunnel syndrome. One of the most well-known proponents for this enzyme was the
German physician, Dr. Hans Nieper. He had great success supplementing with serrapeptase for
the reduction of heart disease and arterial blockage in his patients.
o Atherosclerosis: Dr. Nieper found that Serrapeptase could dissolve blood clots and
reduce varicose veins. Other studies from Germany have found that serrapeptase could
effectively remove atherosclerotic plaque without hurting any of the healthy cells along the
arterial wall.
o Pain, Edema and Swelling: Serrapeptase has been approved as a standard remedy in
many European countries for inflammation and swelling. A double-blind German study on the
enzyme found that it could reduce swelling by up 50% in post-operative patients. Patients
taking serrapeptase experienced statistically significant less pain than the control groups and,
by the 10th day of the study, all patients taking the serrapeptase were completely pain free.
o Helps with Cystic Breast Disease: In a double-blind study, Serrapeptase was found to
reduce breast pain, breast swelling and induration in 85.7% of the patients taking the
supplement. This is related to the fact that the enzyme possesses fibrinolytic, proteolytic and
anti-edemic properties.
o Helps Infections in the Ear, Nose and Throat: In one double-blind study, patients with
acute or chronic ear, nose or throat diseases found significant symptom regression with
Serrapeptase. The enzyme is able to reduce the viscosity of mucous, thus facilitating drainage.
o Helps with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Recent studies confirm the use of this anti-
inflammatory enzyme for the reduction of symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome.
o Other Potential Benefits: Serrapeptase is currently being studied and used for a vast
array of applications for human health and disease prevention. This includes therapeutic use for
nerve damage, Multiple Sclerosis, chronic ear infections, hayfever, lung congestion, swollen
glands, laryngitis, rhinitis, chronic pain, arthritis, back and neck pain, diabetes, ulcers,
osteoporosis, prostate problems, rheumatoid arthritis, sports injuries (both prevention and
recovery), post operative scars and lesions, varicose veins, arterial diseases, angina, blood clots,
anti-aging, restoration of healthy fibrin metabolism and reduction in C-Reactive Protein.