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English File: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation

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4  Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   B ENGLISH FILE  4

GRAMMAR 3 Underline the correct verb forms.

1 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s). Example: The students will have finished / have
finished the test in a couple of minutes.
Example: If you like romantic movies, you’ll love this
DVD. 1 Do you think we’ll have solved / ’ll be solving how
will like like liked to make clean energy by 2040?
2 The interview won’t take long – I’m sure I’ll have
1 We’ll take a picnic to the park unless it ________.
finished / be finishing by 4:30.
will rain  ’s raining  will have rained
3 This time on Tuesday, you’re taking / ’ll be taking
2 If you make pizzas, you ________ a very hot oven to
your last exam!
cook them in.
4 I’ll have / ’ll be having my English lesson at 7:30. It
need  ’re needing  ’ve needed
starts at 7:00
3 Unless you ________ too tired, we’ll keep walking
5 I hope your driving test goes well! I’ll be thinking /
until we get to the top of that hill.
’ll have thought of you.
’ve felt  ’re feeling  aren’t feeling
6 I’ll have gone / ’ll be going out more often when
4 If we’re going to that new restaurant tonight, I
we’ve found a new babysitter.
________ anything this afternoon.
’m not eating  won’t have eaten  won’t eat 6

5 If you aren’t full, it’s obvious that you ________ Grammar total 20
enough to eat.
won’t have had  haven’t had  aren’t going to have VOCABULARY
6 If people make sure they eat a good diet, they
________ lots of vitamin pills. 4 Underline the correct word(s).
don’t need  aren’t needing  will need Example: We bought some ice cream because it was
6 boiling / pouring.
1 In very thick / strong fog, the planes can still land
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of automatically.
the verb in parentheses. 2 This winter the weather has been surprisingly mild /
Example: I won’t start cooking until you arrive (arrive). cool.
1 What’s your cell phone number in case I ________ 3 When the night sky is clear / bright you can see an
(need) to contact you? incredible number of stars here.
2 Jan and Martin will get in touch as soon as they 4 It was so clear / bright on the ski slope it was
________ (hear) any news. difficult to see anything.
3 Bring some work you can do offline in case my 5 It’s difficult to know what the weather will be like –
internet ________ (not work) later. it’s so settled / changeable.
4 Give me a call at 1:00 while you ________ (have) 6 You need a strong / heavy wind if you want to go
your lunch break. sailing.
5 I’ve just got up – I’ll give you a call when I ________ 7 They say it will be wet and chilly / sunny for the
(get) dressed. next week.
6 We ________ (send) you an email after we’ve got, 7
back from our vacation.
7 I won’t be satisfied unless you ________ (give) me an
exchange or a refund.
8 I’m not going to do the work unless she ________
(pay) me well for it.

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4  Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   B ENGLISH FILE  4

5 Complete the sentences with one word. PRONUNCIATION

Example: The plane took off exactly on time. 7 Write S if the sounds are the same, and D if they
1 We’re hoping to take ________ in the next Boston are different.
Marathon. Example: drizzle, chilly  S
2 I don’t think I take ________ my father – I’m nothing drizzle, icy  D
like him! 1 icy, mild ____
3 The garden party takes ________ in July every year, 2 flood, thunder ____
in the palace gardens.
3 pouring, drought ____
4 Take ________ of the low prices and buy things in
the January sales. 4 heavy, settled ____
5 If you invest in gold, you’re still taking a ________ 5 below zero, cold ____
because the price could go down. 5

6 Do take into ________ that Billy is only 15 – you

can’t treat him like an adult. 8 Underline the stressed syllable.
7 Take ________ time eating breakfast, there’s no need Example: free|zing
to hurry.
1 ad|van|tage
8 I think I take care ________ myself – I certainly eat
2 bli|zzard
well and exercise a lot.
3 par|ti|ci|pate
4 tor|na|do
6 Underline the odd word out. 5 chan|gea|ble
hailstorm flood drought mild
1 hot scorching boiling freezing Pronunciation total 10
2 settled changeable hail bright
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50
3 flood breeze hurricane tornado
4 damp drizzling bright pouring
5 monsoon shower hurricane blizzard

Vocabulary total 20

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4  Reading and Writing   B ENGLISH FILE  4

READING effects of climate change. Rail Minister Theresa Villiers

explained that although the UK government needs to
Read the article about the effects of climate change in manage money very carefully, it is committed to spending
the UK. Five sentences have been removed. Which considerable sums on transportation through vital projects
sentence (A–F) fits each gap (1–5)? There is one such as the Thameslink upgrade, Crossrail, the proposed
extra sentence you do not need to use. High Speed rail network, and more electrification of the rail

Unexpected challenges The new Blackfriars Railway station in London is being

from environmental fitted with technology including sun pipes, rainwater

harvesting systems, insulation, and solar panels to make it
change less reliant on water and electricity networks. Perhaps this
Climate change is a long-term change in weather patterns station will lead the way for others all over the country to
over periods of time that range from decades to millions of become more environmentally friendly.
years. It is one of the greatest environmental issues of our
time. A The study gives details of what action needs to be taken
The effect of changes in our climate has been a hot topic by the owners of transportation networks, for example.
for many years. (–––– 1 ––––) As weather patterns become B And now government ministers in the UK have warned
more serious, railways, roads, and power and water supplies that the internet could be badly affected due to climate
also need to be protected. change.
Scientists say that higher temperatures and rainstorms C Over the next five years, it intends to spend around
could affect wi-fi communications. In addition, wetter £200 billion on UK transportation and power supplies.
winters and drier summers might lead to subsidence – the D According to Ms. Spelman, they could develop new
sinking of the ground – damaging underground cables. So, technologies to help our current systems better deal
what does that mean for people who need to use these with climate change.
communications? If climate change affects the quality of
E She was sure that it was essential for the work to be
the signal, or there is no signal due to extreme changes in
done immediately.
temperature, people will clearly be disadvantaged. It would
be very serious if communication systems were not F This is why the issue must be dealt with.
working in the height of an emergency. (–––– 2 ––––)
Reading total 10
The Environment Secretary, Caroline Spelman, recently
explained the government’s plans to take action.
(–––– 3 ––––) However, if facilities cannot deal with the
increase in floods and storms likely to accompany rising You have been asked to write a report on how your
temperatures, the money will have been wasted, she town or city is helping the environment for the
warned. Speaking at Blackfriars Railway Station in London, school’s Eco-Club. Write 140–180 words. Include
which a UK rail company says is being redeveloped with the the following information:
long-term effects of climate change in mind, Ms. Spelman • say what your town/city is already doing to help the
said the UK economy would not be able to grow if environment
infrastructure – transportation and communications • make some suggestions for more things your town/city
networks and reliable energy and water supplies – failed. could do
Ms. Spelman explained that our economy is built on this • explain why these things would make a difference
infrastructure. But it could not grow if there are repeated
Writing total 10
power failures, or if goods cannot be transported because
roads are flooded and railways have been damaged, or if
Reading and Writing total 20
heavy rainfall or high temperatures negatively affect wi-fi
signals. She also asked for help from British businesses.
(–––– 4 ––––)
A government report published recently outlines how
planning and design of new systems needs to take into
consideration the effect of climate change, and this is
especially important as many projects will still be there in
50 to 100 years from now. (–––– 5 ––––) It also highlights the
role of the government in protecting the UK from the

American English File 4 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 3

4  Listening and Speaking   B ENGLISH FILE  4

1 Listen to five people talking about road safety. 1 Answer your partner’s questions.
Choose from the list (A–F) what each speaker says
Now make questions and ask your partner.
about road safety. Use the letters only once. There
is one extra letter you do not need to use. 1 How worried / people your country / climate
change? Why?
A make sure you are dressed properly for the time of
day 2 What / environmental stories / in news recently?
B get ready in advance for your trip 3 What / favorite type of weather? Why?
C check your engine before a long trip 4 What / the weather / like / your country / winter?
D pay attention to how fast you are traveling 5 you / do any dangerous sports? Why? / Why not?
E take note of what’s happening outside
F forget about using your phone while you are driving 2 Talk about the statement below, saying if you agree
or disagree. Give reasons.
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2: “People do extreme sports because modern life is too
Speaker 3: safe and boring.”
Speaker 4: 3 Listen to your partner talking about the
Speaker 5: environment. Do you agree with him / her?
Speaking total 20

2 Listen to a radio interviewer talking to a young Listening and Speaking total 30

person who does volunteer work for an
environmental agency.
1 Rick worked for the environmental agency for a full
year / most of the year / half a year.
2 A small group of people on the project worked with
seahorses / fish / beaches.
3 Rick was free for one / two / three days each week.
4 Volunteers often spent their evenings sitting on the
beach / chatting in the kitchen / relaxing in the
equipment room.
5 All volunteers are taught how to dive / how to
recognize plants / how to build.

Listening total 10

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