English File: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
English File: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
English File: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
4 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B ENGLISH FILE 4
5 If you aren’t full, it’s obvious that you ________ Grammar total 20
enough to eat.
won’t have had haven’t had aren’t going to have VOCABULARY
6 If people make sure they eat a good diet, they
________ lots of vitamin pills. 4 Underline the correct word(s).
don’t need aren’t needing will need Example: We bought some ice cream because it was
6 boiling / pouring.
1 In very thick / strong fog, the planes can still land
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of automatically.
the verb in parentheses. 2 This winter the weather has been surprisingly mild /
Example: I won’t start cooking until you arrive (arrive). cool.
1 What’s your cell phone number in case I ________ 3 When the night sky is clear / bright you can see an
(need) to contact you? incredible number of stars here.
2 Jan and Martin will get in touch as soon as they 4 It was so clear / bright on the ski slope it was
________ (hear) any news. difficult to see anything.
3 Bring some work you can do offline in case my 5 It’s difficult to know what the weather will be like –
internet ________ (not work) later. it’s so settled / changeable.
4 Give me a call at 1:00 while you ________ (have) 6 You need a strong / heavy wind if you want to go
your lunch break. sailing.
5 I’ve just got up – I’ll give you a call when I ________ 7 They say it will be wet and chilly / sunny for the
(get) dressed. next week.
6 We ________ (send) you an email after we’ve got, 7
back from our vacation.
7 I won’t be satisfied unless you ________ (give) me an
exchange or a refund.
8 I’m not going to do the work unless she ________
(pay) me well for it.
Vocabulary total 20
1 Listen to five people talking about road safety. 1 Answer your partner’s questions.
Choose from the list (A–F) what each speaker says
Now make questions and ask your partner.
about road safety. Use the letters only once. There
is one extra letter you do not need to use. 1 How worried / people your country / climate
change? Why?
A make sure you are dressed properly for the time of
day 2 What / environmental stories / in news recently?
B get ready in advance for your trip 3 What / favorite type of weather? Why?
C check your engine before a long trip 4 What / the weather / like / your country / winter?
D pay attention to how fast you are traveling 5 you / do any dangerous sports? Why? / Why not?
E take note of what’s happening outside
F forget about using your phone while you are driving 2 Talk about the statement below, saying if you agree
or disagree. Give reasons.
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2: “People do extreme sports because modern life is too
Speaker 3: safe and boring.”
Speaker 4: 3 Listen to your partner talking about the
Speaker 5: environment. Do you agree with him / her?
Speaking total 20
Listening total 10