Frontiers in Polymer Chemistry (Chemical Reviews v.101, N.12, S

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Volume 101, Number 12 December 2001

Introduction: Frontiers in Polymer Chemistry

The word polymer was introduced by Berzelius in mers by nitroxide-mediated living radical polymeri-
1833. About 100 years later, during the classic period zation. The contribution by Kamigaito, Ando, and
of polymer science, Wallace Carothers reviewed the Sawamoto provides an extensive review of metal-cat-
entire field of polymer chemistry including that of alyzed living radical polymerization. Today, the most
biological polymers and of polymer physics in a single versatile method for the synthesis of polymers with
article in Chemical Reviews (Carothers, W. H. Po- complex architecture is based on living anionic po-
lymerization. Chem. Rev. 1931, 8, 353). Today, the lymerization. A very comprehensive review on this
field of synthetic and biological polymers is impacting topic is presented by Hadjichristidis, Pitsikalis, Pis-
extensively various areas of chemistry, biochemistry, pas, and Iatrou.
molecular biology, nanotechnology, electronics, medi- Synthetic methods that are borrowing the tools of
cine, life sciences, materials, etc., and is reviewed in biology are being actively developed for the synthesis
almost every individual and thematic issue of Chemi- of nonbiological and biological macromolecules. En-
cal Reviews. The present thematic issue is focused zymatic polymerization is one of the most recent
only on a very selected series of subjects in an entries to this field and is reviewed by Kobayashi,
attempt to avoid overlap with very recent thematic Uyama, and Kimura.
issues such as “Nanostructures” (Vol. 99, No. 7, 1999), Iterative synthesis is the only synthetic method
“Frontiers in Metal-Catalyzed Polymerization” (Vol. available for the preparation of biological (peptides,
100, No. 4, 2000), “Chemical Sensors” (Vol. 100, No. nucleic acids, and polysaccharides) and nonbiological
7), and “Protein Design” (Vol. 101, No. 10, 2001). oligomers with well-defined sequences and molecular
Living polymerizations and iterative synthesis are weight free of chain length distribution. One of the
the two most advanced synthetic methods in the field most powerful illustrations of the utility of this
of polymer synthesis. Anionic, cationic, and meta- synthetic strategy is in the preparation of dendrim-
thesis living polymerizations are already well-estab- ers. They represent a class of synthetic macromol-
lished methods for the synthesis of well-defined and ecules that have impacted dramatically the field of
monodisperse polymers that have a narrow molecular organic and polymer chemistry in the past decade.
weight distribution and complex topology and archi- A contribution by Grayson and Fréchet details the
tecture. Their mechanisms have been relatively well convergent iterative synthesis and the applications
elucidated both in the case of ring opening and of of dendrons and dendrimers. Another relevant ex-
vinyl polymerization reactions and therefore will not ample, the preparation of rod-coil block copolymers,
be reviewed in this thematic issue. However, living relies on a combination of iterative synthesis and
radical polymerization and other methods to produce living polymerizations. The self-assembly of supramo-
well-defined polymers by radical reactions are cur- lecular structures from rod-coil block copolymers is
rently being developed and are investigated exten- analyzed by Lee, Cho, and Zin.
sively in many laboratories, in spite of the fact that Folding and chirality (including its transfer and
this is a topic of old concern (Otsu, T. Iniferter Con- amplification) are two of the most important events
cept and Living Radical Polymerization. J. Polym. that determine the correlation between the primary
Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2000, 38, 2121). This is- structure of biological macromolecules and their
sue begins with an article by Fischer, who discusses tertiary and quaternary structures that ultimately
the concept of the persistent radical effect and ex- are responsible for their functions and properties.
plains the mechanism via which this concept provides Biological macromolecules know how to fold in very
access both to selective radical organic reactions and specific secondary structures that determine their
to various methods used to accomplish living radical 3-dimensional architecture and their large diversity
polymerization. Gridnev and Ittel follow with an of functions. While the understanding of folding
analysis of the catalytic chain transfer in free-radical processes in biological macromolecules is still incom-
polymerization and its application to the design of plete, it is believed that its complete elucidation relies
various classes of well-defined polymers. Hawker, on the ability to produce synthetic nonbiological
Bosman, and Harth review the synthesis of new poly- macromolecules that will exhibit the same mecha-
10.1021/cr000885x CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 12/12/2001
3580 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Editorial

nism of folding, formation of 3-dimensional structure, ture and dynamics of molecular, macromolecular, and
functions, and properties at the level of sophistication supramolecular systems. Finally, Ungar and Zeng
displayed by the natural compounds. Hill, Mio, discuss the use of linear, branched, and cyclic model
Prince, Hughes, and Moore provide a very compre- compounds prepared mostly by iterative methods in
hensive review that discusses for the first time all the elucidation of the polymer crystallization mech-
classes of biological and nonbiological foldamers. On anism by using the most advanced X-ray diffraction
related topics, Nakano and Okamoto detail the methods.
synthesis and properties of helical polymers. This Although I completely agree with the following
theme is further developed by Cornelissen, Rowan, statement made by one of the pioneers of the field of
Nolte, and Sommerdijk in their analysis of chiral polymer science: “...there is no substitute for reading
architectures from macromolecular building blocks. every reference, cited-second-hand citations are in-
Both in biological and nonbiological macromol- credibly unreliable...” (Morawetz, H. Polymers. The
ecules the intramolecular folding process is deter- Origins and Growth of a Science; Wiley: New York,
mined by a combination of primary structure and 1985), I hope that our readers will find that the out-
noncovalent directional and nondirectional interac- standing work done by the authors mentioned above
tions. Most recently, combinations of various nonco- will provide an excellent and state of the art report
valent interactions were also used to self-assem- for the Frontiers in Polymer Chemistry at the begin-
ble supramolecular polymers in which the repeat ning of the 21st century. The field of polymer chem-
units are interconnected via noncovalent rather than istry was born at the interface between many disci-
covalent bonds. The field of supramolecular poly- plines and today is more interdisciplinary than ever.
mers is reviewed by Brunsveld, Folmer, Meijer, and Finally, I express my great appreciation for the
Sijbesma. cooperation on this thematic issue to all contributing
Progress in the field of chemical and biological authors and reviewers and to the Editorial Office of
sciences is continually impacted by the development Chemical Reviews.
of novel methods of structural analysis. Sheiko and
Möller review a field that started to develop only in
the past several years, i.e., visualization of biological Virgil Percec
and synthetic macromolecules including individual Roy & Diana Laboratories,
macromolecules and their motion on surfaces with Department of Chemistry,
the aid of scanning force microscopy (SFM). Brown University of Pennsylvania,
and Spiess analyze the most recent advances in solid- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6323
state NMR methods for the elucidation of the struc- CR000885X
Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, 4013−4038 4013

Synthetic Helical Polymers: Conformation and Function

Tamaki Nakano† and Yoshio Okamoto*,‡
Graduate School of Materials Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Takayama-cho 8916-5, Ikoma, Nara 630-0101, Japan,
and Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan

Received February 5, 2001

Contents from their precisely ordered stereostructures.1 In

such systems, the helix is often found among the most
I. Introduction 4013 fundamental structures of the polymer chain and
II. Helical Polymers 4015 plays important roles in realizing biological activities.
A. Polyolefins 4015 On the other hand, the helix also attracts the
B. Polymethacrylate and Related Polymers 4016 particular interest of synthetic polymer scientists,
1. Poly(triphenylmethyl methacrylate) 4016 because broad applications and characteristic fea-
2. Poly(triphenylmethyl methacrylate) 4017 tures are expected for synthetic helical polymers. The
Analogues: Anionic Polymerization potential applications include molecular recognition
3. Poly(triphenylmethyl methacrylate) 4018 (separation, catalysis, sensory functions), a molecular
Analogues: Free-Radical Polymerization scaffold function for controlled special alignment of
4. Polymers of Other Acrylic Monomers 4022 functional groups or chromophores, and ordered
C. Miscellaneous Vinyl Polymers 4023 molecular alignment in the solid phase such as that
D. Polyaldehydes 4023 in liquid crystalline materials.
1. Polychloral and Related Polymers 4023 The history of helical macromolecules is traced
2. Other Polyaldehydes 4024 back to the finding of the conformation for some
E. Polyisocyanides 4024 natural polymers. The progress in this field is sum-
1. Polymers of Monoisocyanides 4024 marized in Chart 1 with selected topics. The helical
2. Polymers of Diisocyanides 4025 structure of R-amylose was proposed by Hanes in
F. Polyisocyanates and Related Polymers 4025 19372a and was extended by Freudenberg.2b Pauling
proposed the R-helical structure for natural polypep-
1. Polyisocyanates 4025
tides,3 and then Watson and Crick found the double-
2. Polycarbodiimides 4027 helical structure for DNA4 in the early 1950s. These
G. Polyacetylene Derivatives and Related 4027 two findings were major breakthroughs in the field
of molecular biology. Regarding the helix of polypep-
1. Polyacetylene Derivatives 4027 tides, in 1956, Doty demonstrated helix formation for
2. Polyphosphazene 4029 poly(γ-benzyl-L-glutamate) arising from the polym-
H. Poly(aryleneethynylene)s 4029 erization of the N-carboxyanhydride of the corre-
I. Polyarylenes 4030 sponding R-amino acid, where a random-coil confor-
J. Si-Containing Polymers 4031 mation changes into an R-helix as the chain grows.5
1. Polysilanes 4031 As a family of amino acid polymers, the conformation
2. Polysiloxane 4032 of poly(β-amino acid)s was investigated.6-8 Although
K. Other Types of Polymers 4032 β-structures were proposed for poly[(S)-β-amino-
1. Miscellaneous Examples 4032 butyric acid] by Schmidt in 19706a and by Goodman
2. Mimics and Analogues of Biopolymers 4033 in 19746b and for poly(R-isobutyl L-aspartate) by Yuki
III. Helical Polymeric Complexes and Aggregates 4033 in 1978,7 experimental results suggesting a helical
conformation for poly(R-isobutyl L-aspartate) were
A. Helicates 4033
obtained by Subirana in 1984.8 Later, in 1996,
B. Helical Aggregates 4033 Seebach9 and Gellman10 independently proved that
IV. Summary and Outlook 4034 β-peptide oligomers take a helical conformation that
V. Acknowledgments 4034 is different from the R-helical structure of the R-pep-
VI. References 4034 tide polymers. In 1955, Natta found that stereoreg-
ular isotactic polypropylene has a helical structure
I. Introduction in the solid state.11 This was the beginning of the field
of synthetic helical macromolecules, leading to the
The high functionalities of naturally occurring
wide variety of helical polymers available today.
macromolecules such as proteins and genes arise
A helical structure for vinyl polymers with an
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone: +81-52- excess helicity in solution was realized for isotactic
789-4600. Fax: +81-52-789-3188. E-mail: okamoto@apchem. poly(3-methyl-1-pentene) by Pino in 1960.12 Although
† NAIST. the chiral side groups affect the helical conformation
‡ Nagoya University. in the polyolefin, the single-handed helix of poly-
10.1021/cr0000978 CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 11/27/2001
4014 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Nakano and Okamoto

Chart 1. Historical Aspect of Helical Polymers

Tamaki Nakano was born in Shizuoka, Japan, on Aug 24, 1962. He

received his B.S. degree in 1986, M.S. degree in 1988, and Ph.D. degree
in 1991 from Osaka University. At Osaka University, he worked with
Professors Yoshio Okamoto and Koichi Hatada on helix-sense-selective
polymerization of bulky methacrylates. He joined the faculty at Nagoya
University as Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Chemistry,
Graduate School of Engineering, in 1990 and was promoted to Associate addition, the polymer exhibits high chiral recognition
Professor in 1998. At Nagoya University, he worked on the asymmetric and has been successfully commercialized, clearly
polymerization systems and also on the stereoregulation of free-radical demonstrating the practical use of synthetic helical
polymerization of vinyl monomers with Professor Yoshio Okamoto. He structures.14-16
was a visiting scientist with Professor Dotsevi Y. Sogah at Cornell The helical conformation of polyisocyanides having
University (1993−1994), where he studied group-transfer polymerization
(GTP) of methacrylates and synthesis of novel peptide-based polymers. bulky side-chain groups was first postulated by
In 1999, he moved to NAIST as Associate Professor. His current research Millich17 in 1969 and confirmed by Drenth and Nolte
interest is in the areas of chiral polymers, stereocontrol of polymerization, in 1974.18 This aspect was later studied by Green,19
and photophysics of polymers. A research topic of his group on the Hoffman,20 and Salvadori.21 Goodman synthesized
synthesis and photophysics of π-stacked polymers has been a Precursory helical polyisocyanates having chiral side groups in
Research for Embryonic Science and Technology (PRESTO) project 1970.22 Green further studied the helix of polyiso-
(2000−2003) supported by Japan Science and Technology Corp. (JST).
He lives with his wife and daughter in the city of Nara. cyanates with chirality only by virtue of a deuterium
substitution and in other ways introduced extreme
amplification of chirality that can be associated with
helical structures in 1988.23
The helical conformation of polyacetylene deriva-
tives bearing chiral side chains was first pointed out
by Ciardelli in 197424 and later extended and more
clearly demonstrated by Grubbs in 199125 and by
Yashima and Okamoto in 1994.26a For poly(phenyl-
acetylene) derivatives bearing no chiral side groups,
Yashima and Okamoto showed that a helical confor-
mation can be induced by interaction with added
chiral small molecules.26b Apart from optical activity,
a helical conformation of cis-cisoidal poly(phenyl-
acetylene) in the solid state was pointed out by
Simionescu and Percec.27
The helical structure of polychloral was proposed
Yoshio Okamoto was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1941. He received his by Vogl in 198028 and was demonstrated by Ute,
bachelor (1964), master (1966), and doctorate (1969) degrees from Osaka
University, Faculty of Science. He joined Osaka University, Faculty of
Hatada, and Vogl via a detailed conformational
Engineering Science, as an assistant in 1969, and spent two years (1970− analysis of chloral oligomers.29 As an example of a
1972) at the University of Michigan as a postdoctoral fellow with Professor helical polymer with an inorganic backbone, poly-
C. G. Overberger. In 1983, he was promoted to Associate Professor, silanes bearing a chiral side chain were synthesized
and in 1990 moved to Nagoya University as a professor. His research and their conformational aspects were studied. A
interest includes stereocontrol in polymerization, asymmetric polymerization, helical conformation with an excess screw sense for
optically active polymers, and enantiomer separation by HPLC. He received this class of polymers in solution was found in 1994
the Award of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan, in 1982, the Chemical
Society of Japan Award for Technical Development in 1991, the Award independently by Fujiki30a and by Möller.30b Maty-
of The Chemical Society of Japan (1999), and the Chirality Medal (2001), jaszewski had pointed out such a conformation for
among others. chiral polysilanes in the solid state in 1992.30c
In addition to these examples, and as notable
(triphenylmethyl methacrylate) synthesized by Oka- progress in this field, helical conformations were
moto and Yuki in 1979 did not require chiral side found for “helicates (helical complexes of oligomeric
chains.13 This was the first vinyl polymer prepared ligands and metals)” by Lehn in 1987,31 oligoarylenes
from an achiral (prochiral) monomer having a single- by Lehn in 1995,32 and oligo(aryleneethynylene)s by
handed helical structure stable even in solution. In Moore in 1997,33 although these helices may be
Synthetic Helical Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4015

regarded as only oligomers by synthetic polymer (3) viscosity or light scattering data giving informa-
scientists. tion on the shape and size of an entire molecule, (4)
A helix is a chiral structure; that is, right- and left- chiroptical properties [optical activity, circular dichro-
handed helices are nonidentical mirror images. Hence, ism (CD)] when the helix has an excess screw sense,
if one of the two helices is selectively synthesized or (5) X-ray diffraction data for fiber samples of poly-
induced for a polymer, the polymer may be optically mers, (6) microscopic observation, or (7) single-crystal
active even if it contains no configurationally chiral X-ray analysis.
group in the side chain or the main chain. Although the last method generally gives the surest
There are basically two types of helical structures. information on molecular conformation, it has limita-
One is a rigid helix having a stable existence at room tions in that it is only applicable to oligomers and
temperature, while the other is a dynamic helix in polymers uniform in terms of molecular weight
which helix reversals can readily move along a including proteins but not to polydisperse real poly-
polymer chain at room temperature. The average mers and that it reveals only the structure in the
length of a one-handed helical sequence can be very solid state. In most cases, one or more of these
long for some polymers. In the former case, one may methods (1-7) have been chosen to support the
expect to obtain an optically active polymer with an presence of helical structures. Hence, the structural
excess of a screw sense through the polymerization proof in the studies reviewed in this paper may not
process using a chiral initiator or catalyst. This kind be necessarily perfect in establishing helical struc-
of polymerization is interesting and important in the tures. In the following sections, the topics are clas-
field of polymer synthesis and has been called helix- sified in terms of the chemical structure of the
sense-selective polymerization. The first helix-sense- polymers.
selective polymerization was achieved from the mono-
mer triphenylmethyl methacrylate, leading to a II. Helical Polymers
nearly 100% one-handed helical polymer during
polymerization with a chiral anionic initiator.13 A. Polyolefins
We published a review paper in this journal The isotactic polyolefins prepared using a Ziegler-
entitled “Asymmetric Polymerization” in 1994 which Natta catalyst form a helical conformation in the
encompassed this aspect of helical polymer synthesis solid state (crystalline regions).11,38,42 This helical
in addition to the other types of polymerization in structure persists in solution, but because of fast
which chirality is introduced during the polymeriza- conformational dynamics, only short segments of the
tion process.34 There have been several other review helix exist among disordered conformations. When
papers on asymmetric polymerization and chiral an isotactic polyolefin is prepared from an optically
polymers.35-40 On the other hand, if the energy active monomer having a chiral side group, the
barrier is low enough to allow rapid helix inversion polymer shows the characteristic chiroptical proper-
at room temperature, one cannot expect to obtain a ties which can be ascribed to a helical conformation
stable one-handed helical polymer but may expect to with an excess helicity.12,43-46 The chiroptical proper-
induce a prevailing helical sense with a small amount ties arise in this case predominantly from the helical
of chiral residue or stimulant. The existence of this conformation of the backbone.
type of polymer was most clearly demonstrated with Because polyolefins do not absorb light in the
poly(alkyl isocyanate)s.23,41 accessible UV range, CD spectroscopy, which is a
In the present paper, in addition to the helical powerful tool for studying the chiral structure of
polymers with a screw-sense excess, those in a polymers, could not be used for these vinyl-derived
completely racemic form will also be discussed. polymers. Hence, the chiral structures were eluci-
Following up on the types of polymers discussed in dated in terms of optical rotatory dispersion. For
our last review, newer publications that appeared example, isotactic poly[(S)-3-methyl-1-pentene] (1)
since 1994 will be mainly reviewed here. Moreover,
in addition to the “classical” helical polymers consist-
ing of monomeric units connected to each other
through covalent bonds, polymeric aggregates having
a helical form in which their constituent units
interact through weaker forces have been reported
lately. This type of aggregate will also be covered.
Furthermore, although a helical conformation stable shows a larger specific rotation than the correspond-
in solution was the theme of our last review, some ing monomer.12,43-46 The optical activity of the poly-
newer polymers and aggregates whose helical struc- mer increased with its decreasing solubility and
tures were proposed in the solid phase (liquid crys- increasing melting point, which are related to the
tals, suspensions) are also included this time. isotacticity of the polymer, but decreased as the
The method and accuracy of proving the presence temperature of the measurement increased (Table
of a helical structure varies depending on the type 1).44 This relation between isotacticity and optical
of study and the structure of the polymer. Structural rotation means that the helical conformation may
questions can be addressed by (1) various methods become imperfect when configurational disorders
based on computer calculations or observations of take place in the main chain. In addition, in the
molecular models, (2) achiral spectroscopic evidence conformation of the polyolefin, right- and left-handed
(NMR spectra, absorption spectra, X-ray diffraction), helical segments are considered to be separated
4016 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Nakano and Okamoto

Table 1. Physical Properties of Poly[(S)-3-methyl-1-pentene] Fractions Having Different Steroregularitiesn

sample A,i sample B,l
catalyst Al(i-C4H9)3/TiCl4 catalyst Al(i-C4H9)3/TiCl3
[η]25Da,b [η]b mp ∆[η]Da/ [η]25Dc,h [η]b mp ∆[η]Dc/
fraction % (deg) (dL/g) (°C) ∆T % (deg) (dL/g) (°C) ∆T
acetone-soluble 6.3 +29.4 d nd -0.08 2.4 +75.8 nd nd nd
acetone-insoluble, diethyl ether-soluble 2.6 +96.4 0.08 65-75e -0.23 4.8 +127 0.13 93-96f nd
diethyl ether-insoluble, benzene-soluble 0.9 +120 0.10 135-140e -0.26 1.5 +146 0.13 187-193f -0.31
isooctane-insoluble, benzene-soluble 0.4 +158 0.11 175-180e -0.34 0.5 +157 nd 200-210e -0.39
benzene-insoluble, decalin-soluble 2.0 +161m 0.50 228-232e -0.36 1.7 +158m 0.60 200-210e -0.40
residue 87.8 nd nd 271-273g nd 89.1 nd nd 265-275e nd
a In tetralin solution. b Determined in tetralin at 120 °C. c In toluene solution. d Molecular weight determined by cryoscopy in

benzene 1200 ( 100. e Determined by a Kofler melting point apparatus. f Determined by the X-ray method. g Determined by the
capillary method. h Referred to one monomeric unit. i Monomer optical purity 91%. l Monomer optical purity 89%. m (10%.
Reprinted with permission from ref 44. Copyright 1963 Wiley-VCH.

tene], which are separated from the main chain by

three covalent bonds, may be too far from the main
chain to affect the helical conformation.
Helical conformations were also proposed for the
isotactic copolymer derived from (R)-3,7-dimethyl-1-
octene and styrene.48,49 The copolymer showed in-
tense CD bands based on the styrene units incorpo-
rated into the polymer chain. The CD intensity was
much larger than that of a model compound of an
adduct of the chiral olefin and styrene. The helical
structure of polyolefins has also been supported by
force field calculations.50 The relationship of these
considerations to isotactic vinyl polymers and more
recent studies have recently been reviewed.41

B. Polymethacrylate and Related Polymers

Figure 1. Relation between molecular rotation in a
hydrocarbon solvent (referred to the monomeric unit) of the 1. Poly(triphenylmethyl methacrylate)
unfractionated methanol-insoluble 4 (I), 2 (II), and 3 (III)
samples and the optical purity of the monomers used for Vinyl polymers with a stable helical conformation
polymerization. (Reprinted with permission from ref 47. are obtained from methacrylates with a bulky side
Copyright 1967 Wiley.) group by isotactic specific anionic or radical polym-
erization.13,34 This type of polymer was first synthe-
dynamically by helical reversals. This model is sized by asymmetric anionic polymerization (helix-
consistent with the temperature dependence of the sense-selective polymerization) of triphenylmethyl
optical activity of the polymer in which an increase methacrylate (TrMA, 5) using a complex of n-BuLi
in temperature increased the population of the helical with (-)-sparteine (Sp, 6).13 Although, as discussed
In these isotactic polymers, the optical purity of the
monomer affected the optical activity via the rela-
tionship to the excess helical sense of the polymer
(Figure 1).47 In the case of isotactic poly[(S)-4-methyl-
1-hexene] (2) and poly[(R)-3,7-dimethyl-1-octene] (3),
an increase in the optical purity of the monomers
resulted in an increase in the optical activity of the
polymers in a nonlinear fashion: the optical activity
of the polymers leveled off when the optical purity in the preceding section, a chiral side group was
of the monomer reached ca. 80%. In contrast, in the necessary in realizing a helical conformation with an
case of isotactic poly[(S)-5-methyl-1-heptene] (4), the excess helical sense in solution for stereoregular
polyolefins, helical poly(TrMA) is prepared from the
achiral (prochiral) vinyl monomer. The poly(TrMA)
possesses a nearly completely isotactic configuration
and a single-handed helical conformation of the main
chain, which is stabilized by steric repulsion of the
bulky side groups, and shows high optical activity
based on the conformation.13,51-53 The helical confor-
mation is lost when the triphenylmethyl group is
removed from the polymer chain. Thus, the PMMA
relation was linear. These findings imply that the derived from the poly(TrMA) shows only a small
side-chain chiral centers of poly[(S)-5-methyl-1-hep- optical activity based on the configurational chirality
Synthetic Helical Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4017

because the coordination of the ligand is inhibited

by the coordination of the solvent in THF, removing
the chiral ligand from the chain end and therefore
reducing its influence. The initiator control gives
Figure 2. Helix-sense-selective anionic polymerization of relatively low selectivity independent of the solvent
TrMA: ligand (A) and initiator (B) control. polarity.
Table 2. Optical Activity of Poly(TrMA) in the In the asymmetric polymerization of TrMA using
Polymerization at -78 °Ca a complex of an organolithium and a chiral ligand,
[R]D the chiral ligand controls the main-chain configura-
control method initiator solvent yield (%) (deg) tion in addition to the conformation. (-)-Sp, (+)-PMP,
ligand control FlLi-(-)-Sp toluene 99 +383
and (+)-DDB convert TrMA into the (+)-polymers
ligand control FlLi-(+)-DDB toulene 100 +344 having the same helical sense; however, the one
ligand control FlLi-(+)-PMP toulene 100 +334 synthesized using Sp has an ---RRR--- configuration,
ligand control n-BuLi-(-)-Sp THF 100 +7 while those prepared using the other two ligands
initiator control LiAn toulene 73 -70 have an ---SSS--- configuration.52
initiator control LiAn THF 93 -82
Helical block copolymers of TrMA with other
a Conditions: [monomer]/[intiator] ) 20. Data cited from refs
monomers have been prepared, and their properties
13 and 52. have been studied.55-57
Poly(TrMA) exhibits chiral recognition ability to-
of the stereogenic centers in the vicinity of the chain ward various types of racemic compounds when used
terminals.53 as a chiral stationary phase for high-performance
The helical-sense excess in polymethacrylates is liquid chromatography (HPLC).14-16
estimated, in principle, by comparing their optical Helical poly(TrMA) and its analogues can be used
activity and CD band intensity with those of the as chiral template molecules in molecular-imprint
corresponding single-handed helical specimen having synthesis of a chiral cross-linked gel.58 The chirality
the same side group. A polymer is expected to have of the helical polymer may be transferred to the cross-
a single-handed helical structure if it has a com- linked material.
pletely isotactic configuration, except for minor con-
figurational errors in the vicinity of the chain termi- 2. Poly(triphenylmethyl methacrylate) Analogues: Anionic
nals, and has no clear dependence of optical activity Polymerization
on molecular weight. In the case of poly(TrMA), a
nearly completely isotactic sample which is a mixture Since the finding of the helix-sense-selective po-
of right- and left-handed helices was resolved into lymerization of TrMA, various other bulky monomers
several fractions showing different specific rotations have been designed to find parallels to this behavior.
with different helical-sense excesses by chiral chro- The examples that appeared after our last review34
matography.54 The polymer contained in the fraction are discussed in this section.
showing the highest optical activity obtained through Some monomers having a pyridyl group in the side
resolution was taken as a single-handed one. chain including diphenyl-3-pyridylmethyl methacry-
Asymmetric anionic polymerization is carried out late (D3PyMA, 11),59 phenylbis(2-pyridyl)methyl meth-
using a complex of an organolithium with a chiral acrylate (PB2PyMA, 12),60 1-(2-pyridyl)dibenzosub-
ligand or using a chiral organolithium (Figure 2).13,51,52 eryl methacrylate (2PyDBSMA, 13),61 and 1-(3-
The helix-sense selection takes place on the basis of pyridyl)dibenzosuberyl methacrylate (3PyDBSMA,
the chirality of the ligand or the initiator. The chiral 14)62 were prepared and polymerized. These mono-
ligand is assumed to coordinate to the countercation
(Li+) at the living growing end and to create a chiral
reaction environment (path A), while the chiral
initiator will affect the initial stages of helix forma-
tion (path B). Table 2 shows the results of polymer-
ization using the complexes of 9-fluorenyllithium
(FlLi, 7) or n-BuLi with (-)-Sp, (+)- and (-)-2,3-
dimethoxy-1,4-bis(dimethylamino)butane (DDB, 8),
and (+)-(1-pyrrolidinylmethyl)pyrrolidine (PMP, 9) as
chiral ligands and lithium (R)-N-(1-phenylethyl)-
anilide (LiAn, 10), a chiral initiator, to compare the
effectiveness of the two methods. Ligand control has
been shown to lead to a higher helix-sense excess,
i.e., higher optical activity of the product, in the
polymerization in toluene than in THF. This is
4018 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Nakano and Okamoto

Table 3. Methanolysis of Bulky Methacrylatesa

monomer kb (h-1) half-life (min) monomer kb (h-1) half-life (min)
TrMA 2.86 14.5 PB2PyMA 1.24 × 10-5 335 × 104
D2PyMA 0.0256 1620 2PyDBSMA 0.0165 2520
D3PyMA 0.0291 1439 3PyDBSMA 0.0444 936
Measured by monitoring the monomer decompostion (methanolysis) in a CDCl3/CD3OD (1/1) mixture at 35 °C by means of 1H
NMR spectroscopy. Data cited from refs 60 and 61. b Pseudo-first-order rate constant.

mers were designed so that their ester linkage is helical conformation, with the polymer still exhibiting
more durable toward methanolysis than that of poly- optical activity in the salt form. Poly(3PyDBSMA)
(TrMA). This design had been introduced for diphen- also formed a salt with n-butyl iodide.
yl-2-pyridylmethyl methacrylate (D2PyMA, 15).63-65
The durability of the ester linkage is an important 3. Poly(triphenylmethyl methacrylate) Analogues:
feature of the helical polymethacrylates when they Free-Radical Polymerization
are used as chiral packing materials for HPLC. Poly- As discussed so far in this section, the helical
(TrMA) is known to slowly decompose and lose its polymethacrylates are synthesized predominantly
helical structure by reaction with methanol, which using anionic polymerization techniques. However,
is a good solvent for a chiral separation experi- recently, more versatile, inexpensive, and experi-
ment.14-16 The methanolysis rates of these monomers mentally simple free-radical polymerization has been
are shown in Table 3 with the data for TrMA. The proved to be an alternative, effective way to prepare
results indicate that the pyridyl-group-containing helical polymethacrylates from some monomers. Al-
monomers are more durable than TrMA, suggesting though the stereochemical control of radical polym-
that the monomers will afford helical polymers more erization is generally more difficult compared with
resistant to methanolysis than poly(TrMA). that in other types of polymerization,69 an efficient
Stereoregulation in the anionic polymerization of method would make it possible to synthesize helical,
D3PyMA and PB2PyMA using organolithium-chiral optically active polymers having functional side
ligand complexes was more difficult than that of chains by direct radical polymerization without using
TrMA reasonably because the coordination of the protective groups. In the radical polymerization of
pyridyl group to Li+ cation competes with the effec- bulky methacrylates, helix-sense selection is gov-
tive complexation of a chiral ligand to Li+ cation. Sp erned by the chirality of a monomer itself or an
and DDB that are effective in controlling the TrMA additive.
polymerization13,52 resulted in rather low specific Although most of the bulky methacrylates de-
rotation values, and only PMP led to the polymers scribed so far give isotactic polymers by radical
showing a relatively high optical activity [poly- polymerization as well as by anionic polymerization
(D3PyMA),59 [R]365 +708°; poly(PB2PyMA),60 [R]365 at low temperatures, the isotactic specificity of the
+1355°]. However, in contrast, the polymerization of radical polymerization is generally lower than that
2PyDBSMA61 and 3PyDBSMA62 was much more in the anionic polymerization.70 However, 1-phen-
readily controlled using Sp, DDB, and PMP as yldibenzosuberyl methacrylate (PDBSMA, 16)71-73
ligands. The bulky and rigid fused ring systems in
these monomers may prevent the side-chain-Li+
The polymers obtained from D3PyMA and
P2BPyMA have a less stable helix than that of poly-
(TrMA).59,60 Their helical conformation undergoes
helix-helix transition, leading to a decrease in the
screw-sense excess as observed for the single-handed
helical poly(D2PyMA).66
Helical copolymers of some of the monomers dis- and its derivatives, 2PyDBSMA61 and 3PyDBSMA,62
cussed in this section with TrMA have been synthe- afford nearly completely isotactic polymers by radical
sized.67 polymerization regardless of the reaction conditions.
The optically active polymers obtained from A possible polymer structure of isotactic poly(PDB-
D3PyMA, PB2PyMA, 2PyDBSMA, and 3PyDBSMA SMA) is shown in Figure 3 in which the polymer has
show chiral recognition ability toward some racemic an approximately 7/2-helical conformation. The high
compounds in chiral HPLC or chiral adsorption isotactic specificity implies that the obtained polymer
experiments, though the ability was generally lower is an equimolar mixture of completely right- and left-
than that of poly(TrMA).16,59-62 handed helical molecules, suggesting that introduc-
Quaternary salt formation with alkyl iodides was tion of a nonracemic chiral influence to the polym-
studied using the optically active poly(D3PyMA) and erization reaction could result in the production of a
poly(3PyDBSMA).68 The polymers were found to form single-handed helical, optically active polymer with
a quaternary salt by reaction with CH3I in CHCl3. an almost complete isotactic structure.
Upon salt formation, poly(D3PyMA) lost its helical This concept was realized in the radical polymer-
conformation and optical activity probably due to ization of PDBSMA using optically active initiators
electrostatic repulsion between the charged side DMP (17) and CMBP (18), chain-transfer agents
groups, whereas poly(3PyDBSMA) maintained the NMT (19) and MT (20), and solvents including
Synthetic Helical Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4019

Table 4. Radical Polymerization of PDBSMAa

chain-transfer agent THF-soluble partb

initiator or solvent [M]o (M) [I]o (M) yieldc (%) yield (%) [R]365d (deg) DP
(-)-DMP none 0.16 0.16 75 3 +40 44
(i-PrOCOO)2 (+)-NMT (0.032 M) 0.16 0.003 71 5 -140 42
(i-PrOCOO)2 (-)-menthol (4.6 M)/toluene 0.05 0.0017 45 1 +180 50
Data cited from ref 72. Polymerization in toluene at 40 or 50 °C. b Washed with a benzene/hexane (1/1) mixture. c Hexane-
insoluble products. d In THF.

Figure 4. Helix-sense-selective radical polymerization

using optically active thiol as a chain-transfer agent or

took place at the step of the termination reaction,

that is, primary radical termination in the polymer-
ization using DMP and hydrogen abstraction from
the thiol by a growing radical in the polymerization
using NMT or MT (Figure 4). The highest specific
rotation of the poly(PDBSMA) prepared using (+)-
NMT was [R]365 -750° after SEC fractionation. This
specific rotation corresponds to a ratio of enantio-
meric helices of 3/7 as estimated by comparison with
the optical activity of the anionically synthesized,
single-handed helical poly(PDBSMA) ([R]365 +1780°).
The polymerization in a mixture of toluene and
menthol was also effective in synthesizing optically
Figure 3. A possible 7/2 helix of isotactic poly(PDBSMA). active poly(PDBSMA)s. The mechanism of helix-
sense selection in this case seemed to be the same
menthol (Table 4).72,73 The reaction using DMP as as that for the polymerization using the thiols.
chiral initiator gave an optically active polymer Helix-sense-selective radical polymerization of PDB-
SMA was also performed using a chiral Co(II) com-
plex, Co(II)-L1 (21).74 Complex Co(II)-L1 can pos-
sibly interact with the growing radical in the

polymerization system because Co(II)-L1 is a d7

whose chirality appeared to be based on excess single- species. Regarding the interaction of a Co(II) species
handed helicity, while CMBP failed in the helix-sense with a growing radical, several examples of catalytic
selection. Helix-sense selection was also possible by chain transfer in methacrylate polymerization by the
polymerization in the presence of the chiral thiols use of Co(II) have been published.75,76 The polymer-
NMT and MT. The optical activity of the products ization was carried out in the presence of Co(II)-L1
obtained using the chiral initiator or the chiral chain- in a CHCl3/pyridine mixture at 60 °C. Although the
transfer agents depended on the molecular weight polymer yield and the molecular weight of the
as revealed by an SEC experiment with simultaneous products became lower by the effect of Co(II)-L1, the
UV (concentration) and polarimetric (optical activity) polymerization led to optically active polymers whose
detections. For example, the polymer prepared with specific rotation was [R]365 +160° to +550° depending
(+)-NMT (Table 4, third row) consisted of levorota- on the reaction conditions (Table 5). The CD spec-
tory fractions of higher molecular weight and dex- trum of the polymer showing [R]365 +550° had a
trorotatory fractions of lower molecular weight. These pattern very similar to that of the spectrum of a
results strongly suggest that helix-sense selection single-handed helical polymer synthesized by anionic
4020 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Nakano and Okamoto

Table 5. Free-Radical Polymerization of PDBSMA

with AIBN in the Presence of Co(II)-L1 in a
Chloroform/Pyridine Mixture at 60 °C for 24 ha
THF-soluble part
[CO(II)-L1]o [pyridine]o yieldb yield [R]365d
(M) (M) (%) (%) DPc Mw/Mnc (deg)
0 0 74e 4 22 1.24
0 0.51 86f 3 19 1.27 +270
0.011 0.54 59 2 19 1.20 +550
0.039 0.50 39g 3 19h 1.18 +160
0.057 0.54 16 4 19 1.19
Data cited from ref 74. Conditions: monomer 0.5 g, Figure 5. Helix-sense-selective radical polymerization
[monomer]o ) 0.44-0.45 M, [AIBN]o ) 0.029-0.031 M. b MeOH- using an optically active Co(II) complex.
insoluble part of the products. c Determined by GPC of poly(P-
DBSMA). d Estimated on the basis of GPC curves obtained by tactic polymers by radical polymerization as well as
UV and polarimetric detections (see the text). e DP ) 155 (Mw/ anionic polymerization.79,80 This means that a fused
Mn ) 3.72) as determined by GPC of PMMA. f DP ) 170 (Mw/
Mn ) 2.78) as determined by GPC of PMMA. g DP ) 78 (Mw/
ring system may be important in realizing a high
Mn ) 1.60) as determined by GPC of PMMA. h DP ) 20 (Mw/ stereospecifity in radical polymerization, though it
Mn ) 1.14) as determined by GPC of PMMA. should be noted that PFMA (25) leads to a relatively

polymerization, indicating that the chiroptical prop-

erties of the radically obtained polymer arise from
an excess of one helical sense. The SEC separation
of the polymer revealed that the higher-molecular-
weight fractions had higher optical activity. SEC
fractionation of the high-molecular-weight part of the
THF-soluble product gave ca. 8 wt % polymer: this
fraction was found to have a completely single-
handed helical structure (total yield 0.24%). Thus, low isotactic specificity by radical and anionic po-
the Co(II)-L1-mediated method was demonstrated to lymerization.53 DMPAMA results in mm selectivity
be effective for helix-sense selection though the yield of >99%, whereas DBPAMA affords polymers with
of the single-handed helical polymer was low. slightly lower mm contents (mm 91-99%). An im-
Through a search for a better Co(II) complex, portant result was that the isotactic poly(DBPAMA)s
Co(II)-L2 (22)77 was recently found to be more with relatively high DPs (up to 974) obtained by the
effective than Co(II)-L1 in the PDBSMA polymeri- radical polymerization were completely soluble in
zation.78 The polymerization in the presence of THF and chloroform, suggesting that the two butyl
Co(II)-L2 afforded a polymer showing [R]365 +1379° groups per unit prevent aggregation of the helical
before GPC separation in a higher yield compared molecules. This is interesting because helical poly-
with the reaction using Co(II)-L1. methacrylates with high DPs generally have a
tendency to form aggregates and become quite
insoluble.13,52,65,72 The good solubility of the poly-
(DBPAMA)s would make it possible to clarify the
solution properties of the high-molecular-weight,
helical vinyl polymers.
The two monomers gave nearly completely isotac-
tic, single-handed helical polymers by the anionic
The mechanism of the helix-sense selection most polymerization using the complex of N,N′-diphenyl-
probably involves the interaction of the Co(II) species ethylenediamine monolithium amide (DPEDA-Li)
with the growing polymer radical. It is assumed that with DDB or PMP.79,80 The single-handed helical
the polymerization of PDBSMA proceeds only through polymers showed much lower optical activity [poly-
the right- and left-handed helical radicals and that (DMPAMA), [R]365 +125°; poly(DBPAMA), [R]365
the two chiral radicals have different interactions +183°] than the single-handed helical poly(TrMA)
with the chiral Co(II) species or different constants ([R]365 ≈ +1500°). The relatively low specific rotation
of binding with the chiral Co(II) species (Figure 5), values for a single-handed helix suggest that the
leading to a difference in the apparent propagation reported high optical activity of poly(TrMA) and its
rate of the two radicals, giving different molecular analogues is partly based on the single-handed
weights of the products derived therefrom. The propeller conformation14,15,81,82 of the triarylmethyl
dependence of optical activity on the degree of po- group in the side chain in addition to the helical
lymerization (DP) is indicative of a mechanism in arrangement of the entire polymer chain. Such a
which both helical senses are formed at a low DP of propeller conformation would be difficult for poly-
the growing species and one of the two has stronger (DMPAMA) and poly(DBPAMA) because the an-
interaction with the chiral Co(II) species, resulting thracene moiety in the side chain should have a
in a lower apparent propagation rate. planar structure.
In addition to PDBSMA, two novel monomers, Helix-sense selection was also realized during the
DMPAMA (23) and DBPAMA (24), give highly iso- radical polymerization of DBPAMA at 0 °C using
Synthetic Helical Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4021

optically active NMT as the chain-transfer agent.79,80

Optically active poly(DBPAMA) [[R]365 +74° using
(+)-NMT; [R]365 -53° using (-)-NMT] was obtained.
The specific rotation values suggest that the helical
sense excess (ee) may be ca. 30-40%. In contrast to
the asymmetric radical polymerization of PDBSMA,
the optically active product was completely soluble
in this case.
A chiral PDBSMA derivative, IDPDMA (26), was
designed to form a single-handed helical polymer
through radical polymerization due to the effect of
the chirality in the side chain.83 The anionic polym-

Figure 6. Relation between the optical activity of poly-

(PPyoTMA) obtained by radical polymerization and the
optical purity of the monomeric units. (Reprinted with
permission from ref 87. Copyright 1996 American Chemical
although the isotactic specificity in the radical po-
erization of (+)-IDPDMA with 100% ee ([R]365 +548°) lymerization was moderate (mm 72-75%) [polymer-
was performed using achiral DPEDA-Li in THF, ization in toluene at 40 °C using (i-PrOCOO)2].87 The
resulting in an optically active polymer whose specific polymer obtained from optically pure (+)-PPyoTMA
rotation ([R]365 +1540°) was comparable to those of ([R]365 +190°) showed a large levorotation ([R]365
other single-handed helical polymethacrylates. Hence, -617°), suggesting that the polymer has a helical
the chiral side chain can induce an excess helicity in conformation with an excess helical sense. The
the anionic polymerization. The radical polymeriza- anionic polymerization of the same monomer using
tion of (+)-IDPDMA led to polymers with an almost n-BuLi at -78 °C produces a polymer with an mm
completely isotactic structure regardless of the ee of content of 98% and a higher specific rotation ([R]365
the monomers. The polymer obtained by the radical -1280°), which is comparable to the rotation values
polymerization of the (+)-IDPDMA with 100% ee for the single-handed helical poly(TrMA). The radi-
showed a CD spectrum with the features of both that cally obtained polymer may have a shorter single-
of (+)-IDPDMA and that of the highly optically active handed helical sequence based on the lower isotac-
poly[(+)-IDPDMA] obtained by the anionic polymer- ticity of the main chain.
ization. This suggests that the radically obtained In the polymerization of the (-)-monomers with
poly[(+)-IDPDMA] has a prevailing helicity, though various ee’s, enantiomer selection was observed
the helical sense in excess appeared to be lower than though the selectivity was lower compared with that
that of the anionically obtained polymer. In the of the polymerization of IDPDMA.83,87 In this experi-
radical polymerization of IDPDMA having various ment, a nonlinear relation was observed between the
ee’s, the ee of the monomeric units of the polymer ee of the monomer in the feed and the optical activity
was always higher than that of the starting mono- of the obtained polymer (Figure 6). This indicates
mer, indicating the enantiomer in excess was pref- that the optical activity of the polymer is not based
erentially incorporated into the polymer chain (enan- only on the side chain chirality. Furthermore, the
tiomer-selective polymerization). The enantiomer chirality of a one-handed helical part induced by a
selection may be governed by the excess helicity of successive sequence of the (-)-monomeric units (mon-
the growing radical. The growing species consisting omeric units derived from a (-)-monomer) can over-
of an excess enantiomeric component of monomeric come the opposite chiral induction by the sporadic
units probably takes a helical conformation with an (+)-monomeric units. In other words, once a one-
excess helical sense which can choose one enantiomer handed helical radical comes under the influence of
of IDPDMA over the other. the (-)-monomeric units, an entering (+)-monomer
Phenyl-2-pyridyl-o-tolylmethyl methacrylate (PPyo- becomes a part of the one-handed helix whose direc-
TMA, 27) having a chiral ester group is known to lead tion may be unfavorable to the chiral nature of the
to highly enantiomer-selective and helix-sense-selec- (+)-monomer.
tive polymerization by anionic catalysis.84-86 The The stereochemistry of 2F4F2PyMA (28) polymer-
selection was also found in the radical polymerization ization was also investigated.88,89 The optically pure
of optically active PPyoTMA having various ee’s,
4022 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Nakano and Okamoto

(+)-2F4F2PyMA ([R]365 +28°) afforded polymers with group, is an example. The helical conformation was
a relatively low mm content and a low optical activity first found in the solid state by the X-ray analysis of
either by the anionic polymerization with DPEDA- oriented fiber samples. The conformation was them
Li in THF at -78 °C (mm/mr/rr ) 70/30/∼0, [R]365 confirmed visually by scanning force micrography. In
-82°) or by the radical polymerization in toluene contrast to the polymethacrylates discussed in the
using (i-PrOCOO)2 at 40 °C (mm/mr/rr ) 54/27/19, preceding section, the polymers are likely to form a
[R]365 -2°).89 The monomer design of 2F4F2PyMA helical conformation regardless of the main chain
was not as effective as that of PPyoTMA in control- configuration. A similar conformational control has
ling the polymerization stereochemistry. been realized also with polystyrene derivatives hav-
(1-Methylpiperidin-4-yl)diphenylmethyl methacry- ing a dendritic side group.
late (MP4DMA, 29) has been revealed to afford Helix-sense-selective anionic polymerization of acry-
highly isotactic, helical polymers by radical polym- lates TrA (32) and PDBSA (33)97,98 and acrylamides
including the series of N,N-diphenylacrylamides99-104
(34) have been investigated using (+)-PMP, (-)-Sp,

erization (mm 94-97%).90 This is in contrast to the

moderate mm specificity in the radical polymeriza-
tion of cyclohexyldiphenylmethyl methacrylate.91
MP4DMA was polymerized using a free-radical ini-
tiator in the presence of (-)-menthol to afford an
optically active polymer with an excess helical sense.
Because the N-substituent of the monomer can be
replaced with other functional groups, the design of
MP4DMA may be extended to the synthesis of a and (+)-DDB as chiral ligands. The stereocontrol in
variety of helical polymers having functional groups the polymerization of the acrylates and acrylamides
attached to the side chain. was more difficult compared with that in the meth-
Free-radical and anionic polymerizations of TAD- acrylate polymerization. The specific rotations ([R]25365)
DOL-MA (30) proceed exclusively via a cyclization of poly(TrA) and poly(PDBSA) obtained by the asym-
mechanism, and the obtained polymer seems to have metric polymerization were much smaller than those
a helical conformation with an excess helicity.92-94 of the corresponding polymethacrylates prepared
The main chain structure of poly(TADDOL-MA) under similar conditions and were up to +102°
with cyclized units (poly-30) is different from that of (ligand PMP, diad isotacticity 70%) and -94° (ligand
all other polymethacrylates discussed here. Similar DDB, diad isotacticity 61%), respectively. The iso-
monomers have been synthesized and polymerized.95 tactic part of the polymers is considered to have a
helical conformation with an excess helicity. For the
polymerization of the bulky acrylamides, (-)-Sp has
been mainly used as the chiral ligand. Sp was also a
better ligand compared with DDB and PMP in the
polymerization of 34d. The highest isotacticity (mm
87%) and optical activity ([R]25365 -657°) in the
asymmetric polymerization of acrylamides were
achieved in the polymerization of 34h using the (-)-
Sp-FlLi complex as an initiator at -98 °C.102 The
4. Polymers of Other Acrylic Monomers stereostructure of poly-34h depended on the molec-
ular weight, and the high-molecular-weight fractions
There is a class of helical polymethacrylates whose separated by GPC fractionation exhibited large levoro-
conformation is induced by the assembly of their side tation, [R]25365 -1122° (mm 94%), which is compa-
groups.96 The polymer 31, having a dendritic side rable to the optical activity of the single-handed
helical polymethacrylates.102
Helix-sense-selective polymerization has also been
attempted for several bulky monomers including an
acrylonitrile derivative105 and R-substituted acry-
lates.106,107 Triphenylmethyl crotonate (TrC, 35) af-
fords optically active, helical polymers by the polym-
erization using DDB-FlLi and PMP-FlLi com-
plexes.108,109 The polymers possess a nearly com-
pletely threo-diisotactic structure. Although the poly-
mers indicate relatively small specific rotation ([R]D
+5.6° and +7.4° for the samples with DP ) 15 and
Synthetic Helical Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4023

36, respectively), the optical activity is considered to is reasonably due to a conformational transition
be based on an excess helicity because the rotation allowed only in solution.
was lost when the polymers were converted to the An optically active polystyrene derivative, 40 ([R]25365
methyl esters. -224° to -283°), was prepared by anionic and radical
catalyses.113 The one synthesized through the anionic
polymerization of the corresponding styrene deriva-
tive using BuLi in toluene seemed to have a high
stereoregularity and showed an intense CD spectrum
whose pattern was different from those of the mono-
mer and a model compound of monomeric unit 41.
In contrast, polymer 42 and a model compound, 43,

N-1-Naphthylmaleimide (NMI, 36) affords an opti-

cally active polymer ([R]435 +152° to 296°) by polym-
erization using an Et2Zn-Bnbox complex.110 The
obtained polymer resolves 1,1′-bi-2-naphthol when
used as an HPLC packing material. Although the
tacticity of the polymer is not clear, the polymer may
have a helical conformation with an excess screw
sense in this case.

for the polymer indicated very similar CD spectra.

These results suggest that polymer 40 may have a
C. Miscellaneous Vinyl Polymers regular conformation, probably a helix, while the
chiroptical properties of polymer 42 are mainly due
The anionic polymerization of optically active (+)- to the chiral side-chain group. Together with the
or (-)-m-tolyl vinyl sulfoxide ([R]D +486°, -486°) results on 40, a substituent at the 2-position of the
using BuLi or BuLi-(-)-Sp leads to an optically aromatic ring may be important in realizing a helical
active polymer, 37 [[R]D +274° to +311° (from (+)- conformation for polystyrene derivatives and related
monomer); [R]D -272° to -310° (from (-)-monomer)]. polymers.
Oxidation of 37 afforded polymer 38 with an achiral
D. Polyaldehydes
1. Polychloral and Related Polymers
Asymmetric anionic polymerization can convert
trichloroacetaldehyde (chloral) to a one-handed heli-
cal, isotactic polymer (44) having a 4/1-helical con-
formation with high optical activity ([R]D +4000° in
film).28,114-118 Anionic initiators such as 45,115 46,115
side group that was still optically active [[R]D +19° and 47117 and Li salts of optically active carboxylic
to +42° starting from the (+)-monomer, -16° to acids or alcohols are used for the polymerization.
∠41°starting from the (-)-monomer]. Polymer 38 Although the polymers are insoluble in solvents and
may have a helical conformation with a prevailing their conformation in solution cannot be directly
helicity of the main chain.111
Optically active poly(3-methyl-4-vinylpyridine)
([R]-4589 +14.2°) (39) has been prepared by anionic
polymerization of the corresponding monomer using
the (-)-DDB-DPEDA-Li complex in toluene at -78

°C.112 The optical activity has been ascribed to a

helical conformation, although the tacticity of the
polymer is not yet clear. The optical activity was lost
in solution at -4 °C within 30 min of dissolution. This
4024 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Nakano and Okamoto

elucidated, a helical structure has been verified by The polymer 53, bearing a chiral side group, showed
NMR and crystallographic analyses of the uni- much larger optical activity ([R]D -81° to -94°) than
form oligomers separated by chromatographic tech- a model compound of the monomeric unit.125a,b
niques.29,118 A helical conformation has also been
proposed for poly(trifluoroacetaldehyde) (48) and E. Polyisocyanides
poly(tribromoacetaldehyde) (49).119,120
Optically active 44 partially resolves trans-stilbene 1. Polymers of Monoisocyanides
oxide121 and separates several aromatic compounds122 Polyisocyanides having a 4/1-helical conformation
when used as an HPLC stationary phase. 44 also (54) are obtained by the polymerization of chiral
partially resolves isotactic polymers of (R)-(+)- and isocyanide monomers.17,126 An optically active poly-
(S)-(-)-R-methylbenzyl methacrylate.123 isocyanide having a chirality due to the helicity was
first obtained by chromatographic resolution of poly-
2. Other Polyaldehydes (tert-butyl isocyanide) (poly-55) using optically active
Optically active poly(3-phenylpropanal) ([R]25365 poly[(S)-sec-butyl isocyanide] as a stationary phase,
-33° to -56°) (50) is obtained by the anionic polym- and the polymer showing positive rotation was found
erization of 3-phenylpropanal (51) using the com- to possess an M-helical conformation on the basis of
plexes of Sp with ethylmagnesium bromide (EtMgBr) CD spectral analysis.127,128 Details of the helical
structure of polyisocyanides have been discussed on
the basis of theoretical and experimental analyses.19-21
Optically active polymers having an excess helicity
can be prepared by the polymerization of bulky
isocyanides using chiral catalysts. Catalysts effective
for helix-sense-selective polymerization include Ni-
and n-octylmagnesium bromide (OctMgBr).124 The (CNR)4(ClO4)/optically active amine systems,128 the
optical activity may be based on a predominant Ni(II) complexes 56-58,129 and the dinuclear complex
single-handed helical conformation. Reaction of the containing Pd and Pt which has a single-handed
initiator with 51 gives an ester (52) and the (3- oligomeric isocyanide chain (59).130 By the polymer-
phenylpropoxy)magnesium bromide-Sp complex ization of 55 using Ni(CN-But)4(ClO4)/(R)-(+)-C6H5-
through the Tishchenko reaction (Figure 7). The CH(CH3)NH2, an M-helical polymer with an ee of
62% can be synthesized,128 and complex 58 converts
55 to a levorotatory polymer with 69% ee.129 The
complex 59 is obtained by oligomerization of m-(l)-
menthoxycarbonylphenyl isocyanide with Pt-Pd di-

Figure 7. Polymerization of 51 using an Sp-Grignard

reagent complex.

complex initiates the polymerization of 51, and the

termination reaction takes place through the Tish-
chenko reaction, resulting in the polymer structure
The major diastereomer of dimer 50 (n ) 2)
(diastereomeric stereostructure not identified) pre-
pared by oligomerization using Sp as a chiral ligand
was found to be rich in the (+)-isomer with 70% ee.
This suggests that oligomer anions with a certain
configuration, for instance, (S,S) or (R,R), may propa-
gate preferentially to the polymers.
An optically active aldehyde is also considered to
afford a polymer having a helical conformation.125
Synthetic Helical Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4025

nuclear complex 60. 59 can smoothly polymerize

bulky monomers 61 and 62 in a helix-sense-selective
manner. For example, the polymerization of 62 with
59 (n ) 10, Mn ) 3720, [R]D +22°) affords a polymer
with Mw ) 13.5 × 103 and [R]D +126°.130 An excess
helicity is also induced in the copolymerization of
achiral 63 or 64 with optically active 65 using
complex 60. A nonlinear relationship exists between
optical rotation and the content of the chiral mono-
mer: the optical activity of a copolymer containing
70% chiral monomeric unit is almost the same as the
optical activity of the homopolymer of the chiral
monomer.131,132 The effect of the ee of the monomer depended on the polymerization procedure. The
on the optical activity of the monomer in the homo- polymer obtained by direct polymerization with 69
polymerization of 65 using 60 has been studied; a had a much lower helix-sense excess compared with
nonlinear effect was also found in this case.132,133 the polymer prepared using a pentamer synthesized
A helical polyisocyanide bearing a porphyrin resi- using 69 and purified into a single-handed helical
due in the side chain has been prepared.134 The form which led to a single-handed helical structure
special alignment of the porphyrin chromophores was of the obtained polymer. In contrast to 69, 70 without
controlled using the helical main chain as established purification of the intermediate oligomeric species
by an absorption spectrum. In addition, helical poly- yields poly-68 with high helix-sense selectivity (79%).
isocyanides having a saccharide residue in the side The helix-sense selectivity in the polymerization of
chain have been designed, and the molecular recog- 68 using 71 as the initiator was estimated to be over
nition of the polymers by lectin was investigated.135,136 95%.143,144 Block copolymerization of different diiso-
Furthermore, block copolymers of styrene with iso- cyanide monomers was carried out, and helical tri-
cyanides having L-alanine-L-alanine and L-alanine- block copolymers were synthesized.145
L-histidine side chains have been synthesized; the
copolymers consist of a flexible polystyrene chain and F. Polyisocyanates and Related Polymers
a rigid, helical, and charged isocyanide chain.137 The 1. Polyisocyanates
copolymers were found to form rodlike aggregates
having a nanometer-scale helical shape. Polyisocyanates are obtained by anionic polymer-
Optically active poly-55 shows chiral recognition ization using initiators such as NaCN and organo-
ability toward several racemates including Co- lithiums and have the structure of 1-nylon (72).146,147
(acac)3.138 Polymerization of hexyl isocyanate with a half-
metallocene complex (73) leads to a living polymer,148
2. Polymers of Diisocyanides
1,2-Diisocyanobenzene derivatives yield helical
polymers via a cyclopolymerization mechanism by the
polymerization with Pd and Ni complexes. Optically
active polymers were initially obtained by the method
illustrated in Figure 8.139-143 Monomer 66 was re-
and this catalyst can be applied to the polymerization
acted with an optically active Pd complex to form
of functionalized monomers.149 Polyisocyanates pos-
diastereomeric pentamers 67, which were separated
sess a dynamic helical conformation in which right-
into (+)- and (-)-forms by HPLC. The polymerization
handed helical and left-handed helical parts coexist
of 68 using the separated 69 led to a one-handed
in the chain and are separated by helix-reversal
helical polymer.139 The polymerization of 68 using the
points.23,41,146,147 Hence, if a polymer is made from an
initiators having chiral binaphthyl groups, 69-71,
achiral monomer using an achiral initiator, the
also produced optically active polymers.142 The helix-
polymer is optically inactive; i.e., the amounts of
sense selectivity in the polymerization using 69
right- and left-handed helices are equal, although the
energy barrier for the movement of the helix rever-
sals depends on the kind of side chain.150,151 Optically
active polyisocyanates having an excess helicity are
obtained by (1) polymerization of achiral isocyanates
using optically active anionic initiators, (2) polymer-
ization of optically active monomers, and (3) the
interaction of a polymer chain with an optically active
The polymerization of butyl isocyanate and other
achiral monomers (74) using optically active anionic
initiators 75-81 affords optically active poly-
mers.152-156 The poly-74a (Mn ) 9000) obtained using
75 exhibits [R]435 +416°. The optical activity of the
Figure 8. Helix-sense-selective polymerization of 1,2- polymers arises from the helical part extending from
diisocyanobezene derivatives. the chain terminal bearing the chiral group originat-
4026 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Nakano and Okamoto

Table 6. Specific Rotation of Copolymers of 84 and

[85] [84] [R]-20D [R]+20D
(%)b (%)b (deg) (deg)
100 0 0 0
99.5 0.5 -140 -66
97.7 2.3 -379 -231
85 15 -532 -480
0 100 -514 -500
Measured in CHCl3 (c ) 0.5 mg mL-1). Reprinted with
permission from ref 41. Copyright 1999 Wiley-VCH. b Mole

and -D ([R]D < 1°), gives a polymer showing [R]D

-367° by anionic polymerization with NaCN.23,157 The
preferential helical sense is sensitive to the side-chain
structure; 82 and 83 with the same absolute config-
uration and very similar structures result in an
opposite helical sense of the polymers.161 A screw-
sense excess is also realized in copolymers of chiral
and achiral monomers. Only a small amount of chiral
84 randomly incorporated into a polymer chain
consisting mainly of achiral monomeric units based
on 85 effectively induces a helical-sense excess (“ser-
ing from the initiator to a certain length (persistence
length) that has a single-screw sense due to the
influence of the terminal chiral group. The relation
between the DP and optical activity was investigated
for the oligomers obtained from 74b and 74c using
75 as initiator (Figure 9). For this purpose, the
oligomers in the DP range of 1-20 were isolated
using supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC). In
the figure, the optical activity of oligo-74b and oligo-
74c increased with an increase in DP in the range of
DP < 13 and DP < 15, respectively. This is probably geants and soldiers” effect) (Table 6). The data shown
because, in this DP range, the oligomers have no in Table 6 indicate that only 0.5% 84 units can induce
helix-reversal point and the helical structure becomes an excess helical sense and that 15% 84 units induces
stiffer as the DP increases. In the higher DP range, the excess helicity essentially the same as that of the
the optical activity of the oligomers gradually de- homopolymer of 84. Using structurally different
creased due to the generation of helix-reversal points, enantiomers along one chain gives rise to an unusual
indicating that the reversal points start to be gener- relationship of optical activity and temperature in the
ated at the DPs mentioned above for the two oligo- polyisocyanates.164 Optically active block copolymers
mers.155 have been created using the living polymerization
A helix-sense excess can also be realized based on catalyst 73 mentioned earlier.165
the effects of a chiral side chain.22,23,41,157-166 For Optically active aromatic isocyanates have been
example, optically active monomer (R)-82, whose synthesized and polymerized.152-156,166-169 Poly-(S)-
chirality is based only on the difference between -H 86 prepared by the polymerization using the lithium
amide of piperidine showed a very large levorotation
([R]365 -1969° to -2014°) which was only slightly
affected by temperature.167 This is in contrast to the
fact that the optical activity of polyisocyanates with
chiral side chains is often greatly dependent on
temperature and may suggest that the poly-(S)-86
has a perfectly single-handed helical conformation.
The polymer showed chiral discrimination ability
toward 1,1′-bi-2-naphthol and mandelic acid.167 In the
copolymers of 87 with 74b, the predominant helicity
was reversed depending on the ratio of the mono-
meric units.169 The polymer having 10% chiral 87

Figure 9. Specific rotation of oligomers of 74b (upper) and

74c (lower). Reprinted with permission from ref 155.
Copyright 1998 The Society of Polymer Science, Japan.
Synthetic Helical Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4027

units showed [R]25365 +733°, while the one having 2. Polycarbodiimides

80% 87 units showed [R]25365 -1278°.
Carbodiimide 91 gives helical polymer 92 through
The helical sense of polyisocyanates 88 and 89 can
living polymerization with titanium and copper cata-
be controlled in terms of photoinduced isomerization
lysts.173,174 The conformation of a polycarbodiimide
of the side chain chromophores.165,170 For 88, pho-
has been studied by means of NMR.175 An optically
active carbodiimide, (R)-93 ([R]365 +7.6°), gives poly-
mer 94 by the polymerization using a titanium

toirradiation causes the cis-trans isomerization of

the azo moiety, which induces a change in the helix
population of the main chain.165 In the case of 89
having a chiral bicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3-one group in the
side chain, photoirradiation results in rotation around catalyst.176 The polymer showed optical activity es-
the styryl double bond in the side chain. When (+)- sentially identical to that of the monomer; however,
or (-)-circularly-polarized light is used for irradia- on heating, the polymer indicated mutarotation and
tion, the chirality of the bicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3-one is the specific rotation reached a plateau value of [R]365
controlled, leading to a change in the predominant -157.5° probably based on the excess helical sense
helicity.170 of the main chain. The mutarotation has been
An excess helicity is induced by the effect of a chiral ascribed to a conformational transition from a kineti-
solvent or additive.41,161,171,172 In the case of poly(hexyl cally controlled one to a thermodynamically con-
isocyanate), a CD spectrum based on an excess trolled one. An excess single-handed helical confor-
helicity was observed in chiral chloroalkane solvents mation can be induced for poly(di-n-hexylcarbodiimide)
(Figure 10), and the sign and intensity of the CD (95) by protonating the polymer with (R)- or (S)-
camphorsulfonic acid (96) (Figure 11).176

Figure 11. Induction of an excess helix sense for carbo-

diimide polymer by complexation with camphorsulfonic
Figure 10. CD spectra of poly(n-hexylisocyanate) (poly-
85) dissolved in optically active solvents at 20 °C. Ultra-
violet spectrum (bottom) shown only for (R)-2-chlorobutane
G. Polyacetylene Derivatives and Related
(polymer concentration 1.9 mg/mL). (Reprinted with per- Polymers
mission from ref 171. Copyright 1993 American Chemical
Society.) 1. Polyacetylene Derivatives
Optically active polyacetylene derivatives 97 were
absorptions changed depending on the kind of sol- synthesized through ring-opening polymerization of
vent.171 A minute difference in the solvation energy the corresponding cyclooctatetraene derivatives.25 A
for right- and left-handed helical parts is considered twisted conformation of the main chain was proposed
to cause the screw-sense excess. The addition of chiral on the basis of CD and UV absorptions. Various
amino alcohols and amines to polymer 90 having a optically active polyacetylenes have also been pre-
carboxylic acid residue induced an excess screw sense pared from chiral monomers.24,25,26a,177-183 The ex-
probably through an acid-base interaction.172 amples include a phenylacetylene derivative (98),26a
alkylacetylenes 99,24 propionic esters such as 100,177,178
a Si-containing monomer (101),179 and disubstituted
monomers such as 102.180 Poly-(R)-98 synthesized
using a [RhCl(norbornadiene)]2 catalyst shows in-
tense CD bands in the UV-vis region, probably based
on a predominant helical sense of the main chain.26a
This polymer effectively resolves several racemic
4028 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Nakano and Okamoto

compounds including Tröger’s base, trans-stilbene

oxide, and methyl phenyl sulfoxide when coated on
silica gel and used as chiral packing material for
HPLC.181 More examples of chiral recognition by
optically active poly(phenylacetylene) derivatives are
known.182 Chiral recognition by a membrane pre-
pared from optically active poly-103 has been re-
Figure 13. Helix formation of poly(phenylacetylene)
derivatives through the interaction with added chiral

Poly(phenylacetylene) derivatives 104-106 bearing

achiral functional side groups have been synthesized.
The polymers possess a stereoregular cis-transoidal Figure 14. Concept of memory of macromolecular helicity.
structure. Excess single-handed helicity of the main (Reprinted with permission from Nature (http://www.
chain can be induced for the polymers by the interac-, ref 186. Copyright 1999 Macmillan Maga-
tion with chiral molecules.26b,184-188 For example, 104 zines.)
shows intense CD bands in the presence of optically
active amines and amino alcohols including 107 length range. These results indicate that 104 origi-
nally having a rather irregular twist of the adjacent
double bonds around a single bond may be trans-
formed into the helical conformation with an excess
screw sense by the interaction with the chiral amines
(Figure 13). Helicity induction was also found for the
Na salt of 104 by the interaction of a natural amino
acid including L- and D-methionine.185
(Figure 12).26b,184 In Figure 12, mirror images of CD The concept of “memory of macromolecular helicity”
spectra were obtained in the presence of the (R)- and has been introduced for 104 (Figure 14).186 As dis-
(S)-amine. The CD absorptions are not based on the cussed above, a right- or left-handed helical confor-
chiral amine but on the excess helicity of the main mation is induced for 104 with the interaction with
chain of 104 as clearly understood from the wave- chiral additives. For this system, it was found that
the helical conformation is not lost even after the
chiral additives are replaced with achiral additives.
In the case shown in Figure 14, chiral 107 is replaced
with achiral 2-aminoethanol. Hence, the helicity is
memorized. The effectiveness of the memory depends
sensitively on the structure of the achiral additive
replacing the chiral additive. It should be noted that
the memorized helical-sense excess increased on
storage with achiral 2-aminoethanol complexed to
In the case of 105, carbohydrates and steroids
induced the helicity.187 A reverse combination of acid
Figure 12. CD spectra of 104 in the presence of (R)-107
(a) and (S)-107 (b) and absorption spectrum (c) in the
and base compared to the helix induction using 104
presence of (R)-107 in DMSO (the molar ratio of 107 to was achieved using 106, whose interaction with
104 is 50). (Reprinted with permission from ref 26b. various chiral carboxylic acids led to an excess screw
Copyright 1995 American Chemical Society.) sense of the main chain.188,189
Synthetic Helical Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4029

Polymer 108 having a chiral side chain possesses (folding of the molecule) causes the hypochromicity
a helical conformation with a predominant helicity in acetonitrile. The absorption spectral pattern also
due to the effect of the side groups. The predominant differs depending on the solvent. Intermolecular
helicity was reversed by the interaction with (R)- interaction was ruled out by the spectral studies at
various concentrations, and the helical structure was
supported by the 1H NMR measurement, which
showed a remarkable upfield shift of the aromatic
protons, an indication of overlap of the phenylene
Oligomers 112195 and 113196 having chiral groups
in the main or side chain have an excess helicity. A
112 analogue having a flexible chiral group in place
of the binaphthyl group has also been reported.197
mandelic acid (helix-helix transition), while (S)- Although the exact values of the helical-sense excess
mandelic acid only slightly affected the conformation are not known, the chiral oligomers show the char-
of the polymer. The diastereomeric acid-base inter- acteristic CD bands in acetonitrile, which are not
action causes the conformational transition.190 Com- seen in chloroform.
plexes of 108 with R2Zn effectively catalyze the
asymmetric alkylation of benzaldehyde.191
The poly(phenylacetylene) derivatives discussed
here are considered to be molecular probes for chiral-
ity detection of various chiral molecules.
As another example of a helical polyacetylene, the
single-handed helical polyacetylene fibril, whose
structure was studied by SEM, was prepared by the
polymerization of acetylene within a chiral nematic
liquid crystalline phase.192
2. Polyphosphazene
Helicity induction was also realized for polyphos-
phazene derivative 109 using (R)-1-phenethylamine
(110) as the chiral additive.193

In the case of oligomer 114, Ag+ ions are taken into

the interior part of the helix and stabilize the helical
H. Poly(aryleneethynylene)s
Oligo(m-phenyleneethynylene)s 111 have been
shown to adopt a helical conformation in acetonitrile,
although they do not in chloroform.33,194 The helix

Chiral monoterpenes including (+)-β-pinene (116)

can induce an excess helicity to achiral 115. The
chiral terpene forms a complex preferentially with
formation is thought to be a result of the solvatopho- right- or left-handed helical 115, which exists in a
bic effect: the oligomers fold into a compact, helical dynamic racemic form. This can be regarded as chiral
structure in a poorer solvent such as acetonitrile. The recognition by the helical oligo(phenyleneethyn-
conformation was proposed on the basis of the hy- ylene).199
pochromic effect. In acetonitrile and chloroform, the
oligomers show a different dependence of the molar
extinction coefficient () on the DP. In the range of
DP ) 2-8,  values in acetonitrile are close to those
in chloroform in which the -DP plot is linear.
However, in the DP range larger than 8, the slope of
the -DP plot in acetonitrile becomes smaller than
that in chloroform, indicating that the overlap of Poly(p-phenyleneethynylene) (DP ≈ 500) (117)
phenylene groups driven by the helix formation having two chiral side chains per p-phenylene unit
4030 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Nakano and Okamoto

has been synthesized by alkyne metathesis of the

corresponding monomer having two acetylene moi-
eties.200 The polymer forms aggregates in a poor
solvent such as decanol and shows a characteristic
bisignate CD spectrum, which is not seen in a
solution of chloroform, a good solvent. The contribu-
tion of a chiral conformation including the helix of Figure 15. Synthesis of a Schiff-base-type helical polymer.
the aggregate to the CD absorptions has been pro-
posed. twisted 2,2′-bipyridine moiety. Shorter oligomeric
Several poly(aryleneethynylene)s having chiral bi- chains were also shown to adopt a helical conforma-
naphthylene moieties in the main chain have been tion.204 Several oligomers with structures similar to
prepared.40,201,202 A propeller-like conformation has those discussed here form polymeric aggregates as
been proposed for 118 as one of the possible struc- described later. A helical structure has also been
tures.201 proposed for poly(m-phenylene) on the basis of X-ray
diffraction data.205
The reaction of optically active, helicene derivative
121 first with o-phenylenediamine and then with
Ni(OAc)2 led to a helical polymer (Mn ≈ 7000) (122)
having a unique ladder-type structure with Schiff
base moieties immersed in the main chain (Figure
15).206 The polymer showed red-shifted absorptions
with respect to nickel salophene, the parent com-
pound for the polymer, supporting the formation of
a long conjugation system. Intense CD bands were
reported for the polymer.
I. Polyarylenes A polyarylene, 123, containing a chiral binaphthyl
Conformations of oligo(pyridine-alt-pyrimidine)s group has been synthesized via the Suzuki coupling
119 have been studied. On the basis of NMR analysis reaction.207 The polymer may have a helical structure
and the fluorescence spectrum in solution, the oligo- segmented by a phenylene group. Another optically
mers were found to take a helical conformation.203 active polyarylene has been synthesized and its
The conformation was characterized by distinct chemi- conformation has been considered.208
cal shifts (upfield shift), NOE effects, and excimer
emission arising from the overlap of aromatic groups.
The helical structure was confirmed for 120 in the

Binaphthyl-based polyarylene 124 bearing the Ru-

Binaph sites has been synthesized. This polymer has
solid state by X-ray single-crystal analysis.32 By a structural similarity to poly(aryleneethynylene) 118
variable-temperature NMR analyses of 119 (n ) 5, discussed above and therefore may have a similar
8, 12), the oligomers were found to be in an equilib- propeller-like conformation. 124 complexed with Et2Z
rium of the right- and left-handed helical conforma- catalyzes a tandem asymmetric reaction involving
tions in solution and the barrier for helix reversal Et2N addition and hydrogenation that converts p-
was revealed to be independent of the chain length. acetylbenzaldehyde into chiral 1-(1-hydroxypropyl)-
This suggests that the helix reversal may take place 4-(1-hydroxyethyl)benzene.209 Polyarylene 125 bear-
not through a helix-to-random-to-helix transition ing a binaphthol unit was also prepared as a polymer
including an unwrapping process of the entire chain ligand. 125 catalyzed the asymmetric reaction of
(a global wrap-unwrap process) but through a step- aldehydes with Et2N. Related binaphthyl-based poly-
wise folding mechanism where the transition state arylenes have been reported.210 Some more examples
is common to 119 with different chain lengths. In the using similar polymers are known.211,212
proposed transition state, the right- and left-handed A helical structure has been proposed for an oligo-
helical parts are connected through a perpendicularly (β-pyrrole) on the basis of NMR data and conforma-
Synthetic Helical Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4031

tional calculation.213 The NMR analysis of a trimer isocyanates, which has been interpreted by the
having a chiral group at the chain terminal suggested sergeants and soldiers theory.41
that two diastereomeric conformers existed, which A regioregular polymer, 129, having chiral mono-
may be right- and left-handed helical ones. meric units has been synthesized. This polymer does
not show CD absorption in chloroform, a good solvent.

However, on addition of Cu(OTf)2 to the solution, the

resulting suspension showed strong CD bands.219
Because no gelling effect was observed and the
absorption position did not change on addition of
Cu(OTf)2, the CD bands which appeared due to the
effect of Cu2+ are not based on the π-stacked ag-
gregate suggested for 126-128 but on a helical
conformation of a single molecule induced by the
Polythiophenes 126 and 127 having chiral side complexation with Cu2+.
groups have been synthesized, and their conforma-
tion has been studied by means of CD absorption and J. Si-Containing Polymers
fluorescent spectra.214,215 For example, polymer 126
1. Polysilanes
Polysilanes adopt a helical conformation. This class
of polymers has the Si σ conjugating backbone, which
allows the conformational study by means of photo-
physical analysis of the polymers.30,220-226 Two poly-
silanes, 130 and 131, were synthesized by the Na-

shows a characteristic CD spectrum in a methanol/

chloroform mixture, a poor solvent, while no CD
absorption is seen in chloroform, a good solvent. In
a poor solvent, the polymer forms an aggregate
(microcrystalline) in which the polymer chains are
stacked on top of each other to have a single-handed
helical conformation. The conformation has been
reported to be as rigid as that in the solid phase mediated condensation reaction of the corresponding
(crystalline phase). In a good solvent, such an ag- chiral dichlorosilanes in the presence of 15-crown-5.
gregate does not form. In addition, the dominant 130 consists of right- and left-handed helical parts
helicity for 126 depends on the solvent. The chirop- coexisting in one polymer chain, while 131 is a single-
tical properties of 126 also depended on the ee of the handed helix.30a,221 130 showed a positive and a
monomeric units, and the dependence was nonlinear. negative peak in the CD spectra corresponding to
This effect may be based on a cooperative effect of P-helical and M-helical segments, respectively (the
the chiral side chain and may be explained by the P- and M-notations do not mean the absolute con-
“majority rules” concept originally introduced for formation), a rather broad absorption band, and a
polyisocyanates.41 fluorescent peak whose half-peak width was close to
For polymer 127 with two chiral side chains per that of the negative peak in the CD spectrum. In
monomeric unit, a right-handed helical order of the addition, the fluorescent anisotropy depended greatly
aggregates has been proposed by interpreting their on the wavelength. These features support the belief
CD spectra on the basis of the exciton theory and that a polymer chain of 130 has energetically differ-
model studies.216,217 ent P- and M-helical parts. In contrast, 131 exhibited
For the mixed aggregates of 126 and 128, the CD a narrow absorption peak, a CD peak whose spectral
intensity showed a nonlinear relation with the con- profiles match, and a fluorescent peak which is an
tent of 128.218 This behavior has a similarity to the mirror image of the absorption peak. A slight depen-
optical activity of a copolymer of chiral and achiral dence of the fluorescent anisotropy on the wavelength
indicates the presence of an ordered, single-handed
helical conformation of 131 with a homogeneous
photophysical profile along the chain. Although the
tacticity of these polymers is not known, the molec-
ular mechanics calculation on iso- and syndiotactic
4032 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Nakano and Okamoto

models indicated that either configuration can yield acid yields an optically active polyaniline derivative.
a similar helical structure. The polymer shows intense CD bands as a film
In addition to the polymers described above, the deposited on an electrode.233 The polymer is soluble
polysilanes having aromatic side groups222,225 and the in NMP, CHCl3, DMF, DMSO, and MeOH, and the
copolymers of a chiral monomer and an achiral polymer also showed a CD absorption in solution
monomer224-228 have been shown to adopt a helical probably based on a chiral main chain conformation
conformation. A water-soluble, helical polysilane such as a helix. A film made by spin-coating a
having an ammonium moiety has also been pre- mixture of polyaniline with camphorsulfonic acid also
pared.229 showed strong CD absorptions that may be based on
Furthermore, a helix-helix transition was found a helical conformation of the main chain.233c The
for polysilane 132 and some copolymers having a 3,7- electopolymerization method has been applied to the
dimethyloctyl group as a chiral group.230 In the synthesis of an optically active polypyrrole which may
stereomutation of 132 in an isooctane solution, the have a helical conformation.234
ratio of right- and left-handed helices depends on A polyaniline film prepared by doping an emeral-
temperature and is 1/1 at -20 °C. dine base with optically active CSA showed a CD
spectrum. Even after dedoping, the film exhibited CD
bands which were different in pattern from those of
the original dedoped film, suggesting that a chiral
conformation such as a helix remains in the polymer
chain. The dedoped film exhibited chiral recognition
ability toward phenylalanine.235
By anionic polymerization using t-BuOK, an opti-
cally active, binaphthyl-based carbonate monomer
(135) gives polymer poly-135, which has a single-
handed 41-helical conformation.236 An analogous poly-
mer has been synthesized from a biphenyl-based
An excess helicity was induced not only by the monomer, 136.237,238
chirality of the side chain but also by the terminal
group. 133 shows the CD absorptions based on an
excess helicity at 85K in an isopentane/methylcyclo-
hexane matrix.231

Polycondensation of a corresponding tetraol com-

pound derived from D-mannitol with a bisboric acid
2. Polysiloxane compound produces polymer 137.239 The Mw of the
Polysiloxane 134 having chiral phthalocyanine
moieties as repeating constituents takes a helical
conformation in a chloroform solution.232 The helical
structure was indicated to be stable at up to 120 °C
in a dodecane solution. On the basis of the CD
spectra, the helix was found to be left-handed.

polymer was estimated to be 14000 by a light scat-

tering method. The CD spectrum of the polymer had
a pattern clearly different from that of the model
compound for the monomeric unit and was indicative
of a single-handed helical structure. The conforma-
tion was supported by MO calculation.
A poly(7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene) derivative
(polymerization using RuCl3), 138, and a poly(N-
phenylmaleimide) derivative (radical polymerization)
bearing phenyl groups having long alkyl chains form
a hexagonal columnar liquid crystalline phase.240 The
K. Other Types of Polymers polymers are proposed to take a helical conformation
that may be stabilized by the intra- and intermo-
1. Miscellaneous Examples lecular interaction of the side chains.
The electropolymerization of o-methoxyaniline in There are some examples of polyamides, poly-
the presence of (+)-(1S)- or (-)-(1R)-camphorsulfonic (arylene ether)s,241 polyimides,242,243 and poly-
Synthetic Helical Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4033

amides244,245 having 1,1′-binaphthylene-2,2′-diyl or

biphenylene units that introduce chiral twists in the
polymer chain. The chiral groups are expected to
make the entire chain take a helical conformation.
Earlier studies based on similar molecular designs
are referenced in ref 243.

oligonucleotides 146 and their analogues form DNA-

or RNA-like double-helical strands.265
Support for a helical structure of polyketones arose
from chiroptical studies as a function of temperature
in the glassy state.246
2. Mimics and Analogues of Biopolymers
β-Peptides form well-defined, stable secondary
structures including a helical structure as well as
R-peptides.7-10,247 A helical structure was proved for
β-peptide 139 in solution by NMR studies.9,248-251 The III. Helical Polymeric Complexes and Aggregates
fact that 139 consisting of only six monomeric units
has a stable helical conformation is interesting A. Helicates
because a longer monomeric sequence (10-15-mer)
There is a class of metallic complexes called
is generally needed for R-peptides except for those
helicates.31,266-271 Such complexes typically consist of
containing proline or a 2-amino-2-methylpropanoic
two or three oligomeric chains containing bipyridine
acid residue. A similar helical structure has been
moieties and transition metals. The oligomeric chains
found for β-peptide 140 in the solid state and in
form a double- or triple-helical complex with the
metallic species inside the complex coordinated by
the pyridyl moieties. Intensive studies have been
preformed in this area, and there are comprehensive
reviews covering various aspects.31,266-270 As an in-
teresting example, the helicates with a generic
structure, 147, have been synthesized: the helicates
have nucleoside residues in the positions of R and
may be regarded as an artificial system mimicking
the double-helical structure of DNA.271

solution.10,252,253 These two β-peptides form a 3/1-

helix, while an R-helix for R-peptides is a 3.6/1-helix.
A series of 140 analogues having different cyclic
structures in the main chain have been synthesized;
the helical pitch depends on the ring structures.253,254
Helical conformations have also been found or
postulated for peptide analogues including γ-pep-
tides,255 an octameric 5-(aminomethyl)tetrahydro-
furan-2-carboxylate (141),256 a vinylogous peptide,257
vinylogous sulfonamidopeptides,258 peptides of R-ami-
noxy acids (142),259 and polypeptoids (N-substituted
B. Helical Aggregates
glycine oligomers) 143.260 The oligoanthranilamide Polymeric aggregates having a helical structure are
144 was found to have a helical conformation in the known though they are not in the category of con-
solid state by X-ray analysis.261,262 144 also takes a ventional polymers. Hexahelicenequinone 148 (ee
helical conformation in solution as proved by NMR 98-99.5%) and its analogues cause aggregation in a
analysis. An analogous oligomer has been studied.263 concentrated solution in n-dodecane and show in-
Gene analogues have been synthesized, and their tense CD absorptions.272-274 The aggregate formation
conformational aspects have been studied.264 Peptide was studied by NMR, UV-vis spectra, light scatter-
nucleic acid (PNA) 145 and pentopyranosyl-(2′f4′) ing, and viscosity. A polymeric columnar aggregate
4034 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Nakano and Okamoto

(149) in which the molecules are stacked along their helical chirality within the aggregate. Moreover, an
helix axes has been proposed. aggregate consisting of 8% chiral 152a and 92%
achiral 152b also showed CD absorptions whose
intensity was comparable with that of the spectrum
of the 152a aggregate. This means that a small
amount of 152a incorporated into an aggregate
consisting mostly of 152b can induce an excess
helicity in the aggregate.

IV. Summary and Outlook

A wide spectrum of synthetic polymers, polymeric
A chiral crown ether compound based on phthalo- complexes, and aggregates that have or may have a
cyanine (150) forms a linear polymeric aggregate helical conformation were reviewed. The synthetic
(151) in which the π-electron systems are stacked on method varies from the addition polymerization
top of each other in a mixture of chloroform and methods for the vinyl and related polymers to the
simple mixing methods for the aggregates. Some of
the polymers exhibited functions based on the helical
structure such as chiral recognition and asymmetric
Since our last review was published in 1994, a large
volume of research work has been published in this
field, and the structural variation of helical polymers
has been significantly broadened. The relatively new
examples include polyacetylene derivatives, poly-
(aryleneethynylene)s, polyarylenes, silane-containing
polymers, polycarbonates, biopolymer-mimicking oli-
gomers, and some aggregates and complexes. Apart
from the structural variation, notable progress lies
in the introduction of the concept of dynamic helices
through the studies on the polyacetylene derivatives,
methanol.275 The addition of excess K+ ion to the which are not helical themselves but become helical
aggregate destroys the helical structure; the com- on the basis of relatively weak interaction with chiral
plexation between the crown ether moiety and K+ additives. This finding implies that basically any
weakens the interaction between the chromophores. flexible polymer such as PMMA or polystyrene may
Similar helical aggregates have been constructed take a dynamic helical conformation in solution if an
for oligo(pyridine-pyrimidine)s and a oligo(pyridine- adequate additive is chosen, though the configura-
pyridazine) in a solution of chloroform, dichloro- tional control of the polymer chain may be prereq-
methane, or pyridine.276,277 The helical structure was uisite.
elucidated by NMR spectroscopy, vapor pressure Knowing that the field of synthetic chemistry is
osmometry, and freeze-fracture electron micrography always expanding and that so many new variations
and was supported by molecular modeling. of chemical reactions are being made possible using
Compounds 152a,b having a planar structure new catalyses, newer helical polymers may be intro-
stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonds form duced by incorporating the advanced synthetic tech-
rodlike aggregates in which 152a or 152b molecules niques into polymer synthesis in the future.280 In
are densely stacked.278,279 The aggregate of 152a in addition, by taking full advantage of the structural
water showed a CD spectrum which suggested a variation of helical polymers so far realized and the
sophisticated functions of natural macromolecules
with a helical conformation, the spectrum of their
applications will also be broadened.

V. Acknowledgments
We are grateful to Ms. Kiyoko Ueda (Nagoya
University) and Mr. Toru Yade (NAIST) for their
assistance in preparing the manuscript.

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Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, 3869−3892 3869

Supramolecular Structures from Rod−Coil Block Copolymers

Myongsoo Lee,*,† Byoung-Ki Cho,† and Wang-Cheol Zin‡
Department of Chemistry, Yonsei University, Shinchon 134, Seoul 120-749, Korea, and Department of Materials Science and Engineering and
Polymer Research Institute, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang 790-784, Korea
Received February 22, 2001

Contents in chain rigidity of stiff rodlike and flexible coillike

block is expected to greatly affect the details of
I. Introduction 3869 molecular packing and thus the nature of thermo-
II. Rod−Coil Block Copolymer Theories 3869 dynamically stable supramolecular structures. This
III. Rod−Coil Copolymers Based on Helical Rods 3872 rod-coil molecular architecture imparts microphase
IV. Rod−Coil Copolymers Based on Mesogenic 3875 separation of the rod and coil blocks into ordered
Rods periodic structures even at very low molecular weights
A. Bulk-State Supramolecular Structures 3875 relative to flexible block copolymers due to the high
B. Supramolecular Structures from Binary 3882 stiffness difference between the blocks. As a conse-
Mixtures quence, the rod-coil copolymer forms supramolecular
V. Rod−Coil Copolymers Based on Conjugated 3884 structures with dimensions as small as few nano-
Rods meters, which are not common in microphase-
VI. Conclusions 3890 separated flexible block copolymers.16 The supramo-
VII. Acknowledgments 3891 lecular structures of rod-coil polymers arise from a
VIII. References 3891 combination of organizing forces including the mu-
tual repulsion of the dissimilar blocks and the pack-
I. Introduction ing constraints imposed by the connectivity of each
block, and the tendency of the rod block to form
One of the fascinating subjects in areas such as orientational order. Apart from the wide range of
materials science, nanochemistry, and biomimetic different supramolecular structures in nanoscale
chemistry is concerned with the creation of supramo- dimensions, another unique characteristic is that rod
lecular architectures with well-defined shapes and segments can endow various functionalities such as
functions. Self-assembly of molecules through non- photophysical and electrochemical properties to the
covalent forces including hydrophobic and hydrophilic supramolecular materials.
effects, electrostatic interactions, hydrogen bonding, Many of the syntheses of rod-coil diblock and
microphase segregation, and shape effects has the triblock copolymers as well as their interesting su-
great potential for creating such supramolecular pramolecular structures and the intriguing properties
structures.1-5 An example is provided by rodlike of rod-coil copolymers are discussed in excellent
macromolecules whose solutions and melts exhibit books and reviews that have been published by
liquid crystalline phases such as nematic and/or several experts in the field.16-19 Here, we do not want
layered smectic structures with the molecules ar- to present a complete overview on reported rod-coil
ranged with their long axes nearly parallel to each copolymers. Instead, we have highlighted the most
other.6,7 The main factor governing the geometry of recently synthesized rod-coil copolymers and their
the supramolecular structures in the liquid crystal- supramolecular structures.
line phase is the anisotropic aggregation of the
molecules. In contrast, coil-coil diblock molecules II. Rod−Coil Block Copolymer Theories
consisting of different immiscible segments exhibit In A-B diblock copolymers with well-defined mo-
a wide range of microphase-separated supramolecu- lecular architectures, microphase separation occurs,
lar structures with curved interfaces in addition to and microdomains rich in monomer A and in mono-
layered structures.8-11 This phase behavior is mainly mer B are formed. When microphase separation
due to the mutual repulsion of the dissimilar blocks occurs, the microdomains are not dispersed randomly
and the packing constraints imposed by the con- but form a rather regular arrangement giving rise
nectivity of each block. to a periodic structure. The geometry of the micro-
The covalent linkage of these different classes of domain is largely dictated by the relative volume
molecules to a single linear polymer chain (rod-coil fraction of the A block to that of the B block.8-11,20-23
copolymer) can produce a novel class of self-as- Conformational asymmetry between A and B blocks
sembling materials since the molecules share certain also plays a significant role in determining the
general characteristics of diblock molecules and rod- geometry of the lattice. Several theoretical attempts
like liquid crystalline molecules.12-15 The difference have been made to deal with this conformational
asymmetry and study its effects on the microphase-
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. FAX: 82-2-364- separated morphologies.24-27 Increasing the chain
7050. E-mail: [email protected].
† Yonsei University. stiffness of a polymer chain eventually results in a
‡ Pohang University of Science and Technology. rodlike block that can be characterized by a persis-
10.1021/cr0001131 CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 11/20/2001
3870 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Lee et al.

Myongsoo Lee, born in 1960, received a bachelor degree in Chemistry Wang-Cheol Zin received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Cincinnati
from Chungnam National University, Korea, in 1982 and his Ph.D. degree in 1983 and did postdoctoral work at Stanford University before joining
in Macromolecular Science from Case Western Reserve University, the Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology as a senior
Cleveland, in 1992. In the same year, he became a postdoctoral fellow researcher. He is Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the
at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. In 1993, he was a senior Pohang University of Science and Technology since 1986. His research
research scientist at Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology focuses on the self-organization of rod-coil block molecules and phase
where he worked in the field of π-conjugated systems. In 1994, he joined relationship in block copolymers and polymer blends.
the Faculty of Chemistry at Yonsei University, Korea, where he is presently
Associate Professor of Chemistry. His current research interests include function of the volume fraction of one component f
synthetic self-organizing macromolecules, controlled supramolecular and the product χN, where χ is the Flory-Huggins
architectures, and organic nanostructured materials. interaction parameter and N is the degree of polym-
erization.33 A predicted stable microstructure in-
cludes lamellae, hexagonally packed cylinders, body-
centered cubic spheres, close-packed spheres, and
bicontinuous cubic network phases with Ia3d sym-
metry (Figure 1).

Byoung-Ki Cho was born in Daejeon, Korea, in 1971 and studied Chemistry
at Yonsei University, Korea. After receiving his B.S. degree in 1996, he
joined the research group of Professor Myongsoo Lee, Yonsei University,
where he received his Ph.D. degree in 2001. His graduate research
focused on supramolecular organization based on organic rod building
blocks. During his graduate study, he received research excellence award Figure 1. Phase diagram for a structurally symmetric
in Yonsei University and graduate fellowship granted by Seo-Am coil-coil block copolymer (Lam ) lamellae, Hex ) hexago-
Foundation. Dr. Cho is currently a postdoctoral associate at Cornell nally packed cylinders, QIa3h d ) bicontinuous cubic with
University, Ithaca. h d symmetry, QIm3h m ) body-centered cubic, CPS ) close
packed sphere).
tent length and whose end to end distance scales Including both rod and block characters, Semenov
linearly with the number of monomer units. and Vasilenco (SV) have initiated a theoretical study
Rod-coil block copolymers have both rigid rod and on the phase behavior of rod-coil block copolymers.12
block copolymer characteristics. The formation of In their study, SV only considered the nematic phase
liquid crystalline nematic phase is characteristic of and smectic A lamellar phases where rods remain
rigid rod, and the formation of various nanosized perpendicular to the lamellae. The smectic phase has
structures is a block copolymer characteristic. A either a monolayer or bilayer structure. In the
theory for the nematic ordering of rigid rods in a following study, Semenov included the smectic C
solution has been initiated by Onsager and Flory,28,29 phases, where the rods are tilted by an angle theta
and the fundamentals of liquid crystals have been to the lamellar normal.13,14 The model also included
reviewed in books.30,31 The theoretical study of coil- a weak phase in which lamellar sheets containing the
coil block copolymer was initiated by Meier,32 and the rigid rod were partly filled by flexible coil. For free
various geometries of microdomains and micro phase energy calculations, SV introduced four main terms:
transitions are now fully understood. A phase dia- ideal gas entropy of mixing, steric interaction among
gram for a structurally symmetric coil-coil block rods, coil stretching, and unfavorable rod-coil inter-
copolymer has been theoretically predicted as a actions. The ideal gas entropy of the mixing term is
Supramolecular Structures from Rod−Coil Block Copolymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3871

associated with the spatial placement of the junction minimize free energy. The main disadvantage of
point of rod-coil molecules. To find the steric inter- forming the hockey puck relative to lamellae is the
action energy term of the rods SV used the lattice creation of an extra surface, for which they pay a
packing model (Flory lattice approach). Coil stretch- surface energy penalty. WF, following the SV ap-
ing arises from the constraint of the density unifor- proach, included the hockey puck micelle phase in
mity, and it restricts the number of possible confor- the phase diagram by comparing the free energy of
mations of flexible coil in the structured system. The micelle to that of the lamellar structures (Figure 3).
Flory-Huggins interaction parameter measures un-
favorable rod-coil interaction energy. The schematic
phase diagram calculated shows various phases as
a function of the volume fraction of the flexible
component f, the product χN and the ratio ν of the
characteristic coil to rod dimensions. In rod-coil
block copolymers, the shape of the phase diagram is
affected by the ratio ν. It was also shown that the
nematic-smectic transition is a first-order transition,
while the smectic A-smectic C transition is a continu-
ous second-order transition.
Williams and Fredrickson proposed the hockey
puck micelle (one of the nonlamellar structure) where
the rods are packed axially to form finite-sized
cylindrical disk covered by coils (Figure 2).15 They Figure 3. Phase diagram including the hockey puck and
lamellae phases. The phases are (I) bilayer lamellae, (II)
monolayer lamellae, (III) bilayer hockey pucks, (IV) mono-
layer hockey pucks, and (V) incomplete monolayer lamellae.
Log(ν3χ) is plotted against λ. λ ) φ/(1 - φ) where φ is the
volume fraction of the coil. ν ) κ/λ and κ ) Na2/L2 where
the coil part is assumed to consist of N segments with a
mean-square separation between adjacent segments of 6a2,
and L is the rod length. χ is the Flory-Huggins interaction

Müller and Schick (MS) studied the phase behavior

of rod-coil molecules by applying the numerical self-
consistent field theory within the weak segregation
limit.34 In the strong segregation limit at high
incompatibilities, MS used a brush-like approxima-
tion to determine the phase boundaries. Their most
Figure 2. Schematic representation of a monolayer puck. interesting finding was that in stable morphologies
the coils are on the convex side of the rod-coil
predicted that the hockey puck structure should be interface. This result emphasizes the importance of
stable at large coil fractions (f > 0.9). The main the conformational entropy of the flexible component,
advantage of micelle formation relative to lamellae which is increased when the coil occupies the larger
is the reduction of the stretching penalty of coils; space on the convex side of the interface. They also
because in a rod-coil block copolymer the coils are found that the extreme structural asymmetry in rod-
permanently attached to the rods, complete separa- coil blocks has a pronounced influence on the phase
tion is never possible, and there is always some diagram. The wide region encompassing cylinder
interface between the two. In general, the sharper phase was also predicted in the phase diagram of a
the interface, the more the coils have to stretch and rod-coil block copolymer in the weak segregation
the greater the stretching free energy. At high χ limit. Matsen and Barrett also applied the self-
values, the system can be modeled as a set of chains consistent field techniques to the SV model for
grafted to a wall. In the lamellae structure, the highly lamellar structures.35 Their theory predicts a nematic
grafted chains pay a large stretching penalty. This phase composed by the mixing of rods and coils when
penalty is governed by how rapidly the volume away χN < 5. By increasing χN, the various lamellar
from the interface increases. In a micellar puck, the phases appear as a stable phase.
rods are assumed to be well aligned to get rid of the Scaling approaches have been used to theoretically
strong steric problems, and the chains are assumed predict the structures of rod-coil block molecules in
to form a hemispherical shell at a radius of R from a selective solvent.36-38 Halperin investigated the
the disk with a constant surface density on this shell. transition between smectic A and smectic C by
The coils are strongly stretched inside the hemi- comparing interfacial and coil deformation free en-
sphere. The model assumed that coils travel in ergy. Since the tilt increases the surface area per coil,
straight line trajectories, consistent with constant tilting is favored when the stretching penalty of the
density constraints. After the chains have passed this coil is dominant. At high f, the suggested shape of
hemisphere, they are assumed to have radial trajec- the stable micelle was similar to hockey puck struc-
tories as if they emanated from the center of the ture presented by WF. In addition, Raphael and de
puck. This model has only one free parameter R to Gennes suggested “needles” and “fence” morphologies
3872 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Lee et al.

Scheme 1

of coil-rod-coil triblock copolymers in a selective Very recently, low molecular weight block copoly-
solvent of low molecular weight. mers consisting of poly(γ-benzyl-L-glutamate) with
degrees of polymerization of 10 or 20 and polystyrene
III. Rod−Coil Copolymers Based on Helical Rods with degree of polymerization of 10 were synthesized
by Klok, Lecommandoux, and a co-worker (Scheme
Polymers with a stiff helical rodlike structure have 1).44 The coil block was synthesized by conventional
many advantages over other synthetic polymers living anionic polymerization initiated by sec-butyl-
because they possess stable secondary structures due lithium followed by end capping with 1-(3-chloropro-
to cooperative intermolecular interactions. An ex- pyl)-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-aza-2,5-disilacyclopen-
ample of polymers with helical conformation is tane. Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis produced a primary
polypeptides in which the two major structures amine functionalized oligostyrene with a degree of
include R-helices and β-sheets. The R-helical second- polymerization of 10. The resulting primary amine
ary structure enforces a rodlike structure, in which functionalized polystyrene was then used as a mac-
the polypeptide main chain is coiled and forms the roinitiator for the polymerization of γ-benzyl-L-
inner part of the rod.18 This rodlike feature is glutamate N-carboxyanhydride to produce the
responsible for the formation of the thermotropic and polypeptide block. The length of the polypeptide
lyotropic liquid crystalline phases. Polypeptide mol- segment was controlled by the molar ratio of the
ecules with R-helical conformation in the solution are N-carboxyanhydride monomer to the primary amine
arranged with their long axes parallel to each other
macroinitiator. In this way, two different rod-coil
to give rise to a nematic liquid crystalline phase.
copolymers consisting of polystyrene with the degree
However, even long chain polypeptides can exhibit a
of polymerization of 10 and polypeptide containing
layered supramolecular structure, when they have
either 10 or 20 γ-benzyl-L-glutamate repeating units
a well-defined chain length. For example, the mono-
were prepared.
disperse poly(R,L-glutamic acid) prepared by the
bacterial synthetic method assembles into smectic Both the rod-coil polymers were observed to
ordering on length scales of tens of nanometers.39,40 exhibit thermotropic liquid-crystalline phases with
Incorporation of an elongated coillike block to this assembled structures that differ from the lamellar
helical rod system in a single molecular architecture structures. Incorporation of a polypeptide segment
may be an attractive way of creating new supramo- into a polystyrene segment was observed to induce a
lecular structures due to its ability to segregate significant stabilization of the R-helical secondary
incompatible segment of individual molecules. The structure as confirmed by FT-IR spectra. However,
resulting rod-coil copolymers based on a polypeptide small-angle X-ray diffraction patterns indicated that
segment may also serve as models providing insight R-helical polypeptides do not seem to assemble into
into the ordering of complicated biological systems. hexagonal packing for the rod-coil copolymer with
High molecular weight rod-coil block copolymers 10 γ-benzyl-L-glutamate repeating units. The amor-
consisting of a polypeptide connected to either a phous character of the polystyrene coil is thought to
polystyrene or a polybutadiene were thoroughly frustrate a regular packing of the R-helical fraction
studied by Gallot et al.18,41-43 These rod-coil copoly- of the short polypeptide segments. Increasing the
mers were observed to self-assemble into lamellar length of the polypeptide segment to a DP of 20 gives
structures with a uniform thickness even though the rise to a strong increase in the fraction of diblock
polypeptide blocks are not monodisperse. Further- copolymers with R-helical polypeptide segment. By
more, one of these studies that involved hydrophobic- studying this block copolymer with small-angle X-ray
hydrophilic polypeptide rod-coil copolymers with coil analysis, a 2-D hexagonal columnar supramolecular
volume fractions ranging between approximately 25 structure was observed with a hexagonal packing of
and 45% showed that the rods are tilted 15-70° in the polypeptide segments adopting an 18/5 R-helical
the lamellae and that the tilt angle increased with conformation with a lattice constant of 16 Å. The
water content.43 In all these studies, the polypeptide authors proposed a packing model for the formation
segments in these block copolymers have an R-helix of the “double-hexagonal” organization (Figure 4). In
conformation. this model, the rod-coil copolymers are assembled
Supramolecular Structures from Rod−Coil Block Copolymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3873

croscopy of bulk and thin film samples cast from

toluene solutions showed the existence of a zigzag
morphology with high degree of smectic-like long-
range order. The average domain spacings of the
poly(hexyl isocyanate) block are approximately 180
nm and of the polystyrene block approximately 25
nm. Wide-angle electron diffraction pattern showed
that the rod domains are highly crystalline with an
orientational order. In addition, electron diffraction
patterns that showed the orientation of the rod blocks
with respect to the zigzags confirmed that the rods
are tilted with respect to the interface separating the
rod and coil domains. On the basis of these data, the
authors proposed a packing model either as an
interdigitated model or as a bilayer model (Figure
5). Of the two proposed models for zigzag morphology,

Figure 4. Packing model for the formation of “double-

hexagonal” organization. (Reprinted with permission from
ref 44. Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society).

in a hexagonal fashion into infinitely long columns,

with the polypeptide segments oriented perpendicu-
larly to the director of the columns. The subsequent
supramolecular columns are packed in a superlattice
with hexagonal periodicity parallel to the R-helical
polypeptide segments with a lattice constant of 43
In contrast to polypeptides that have many possible
conformations, poly(hexyl isocynate) is known to have
a stiff rodlike helical conformation in the solid state
and in a wide range of solvents, which is responsible
for the formation of a nematic liquid crystalline
phase.45-47 The inherent chain stiffness of this poly-
mer is primarily determined by chemical structure
rather than by intramolecular hydrogen bonding.
This results in a greater stability in the stiff rodlike
characteristics in the solution as compared to polypep-
tides. The lyotropic liquid crystalline behavior in a
number of different solvents was extensively studied
by Aharoni et al.48-50 In contrast to homopolymers,
interesting new supramolecular structures can be
expected if a flexible block is connected to the rigid
polyisocyanate block (rod-coil copolymers) because
Figure 5. Schematic representation of (a) interdigitated
the molecule imparts both microphase separation model and (b) bilayer model in the zigzag morphology.
characteristics of the blocks and a tendency of rod
segments to form anisotropic order.
the interdigitated model was suggested to be more
Ober and Thomas et al. reported on rod-coil
consistent with domain spacing predictions based on
diblock copolymers consisting of poly(hexyl isocyan-
molecular weight data.
ate) as the rod block and polystyrene as the coil block
(Scheme 2).51-53 The polymers (2) were synthesized With additional research into the influence of the
rod volume fraction on the phase behavior, the
Scheme 2 authors studied the rod-coil copolymers with varying
compositions of rod blocks.52 Transmission electron
microscopy revealed phase-separated morphologies
with rod-rich regions and coil-rich regions in which
rod segments are organized into tilted layers analo-
gous to those observed in smectic phases. In these
layers, the polymer backbone axis is tilted at an angle
by sequential living anionic polymerization initiated relative to the layer normal. It was suggested that
by n-butyllithium. A block copolymer consisting of the tilting of rod segments might produce a greater
poly(hexyl isocynate) with DP of 900 and polystyrene volume for coil segments to explore conformational
with DP of 300 displays liquid crystalline behavior space. This would be particularly important as the
in concentrated solutions, suggestive of an anisotropic molar mass of the coil segment increases due to the
order of rod segments.51 Transmission electron mi- proportional increase in the average equilibrium
3874 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Lee et al.

domains, a bilayer and an interdigitated model were

suggested to be most consistent for the polymers with
frod ) 0.96 and frod ) 0.98. A series of morphologies
including zigzag lamellar to arrowhead microdomain
structures observed by transmission electron micros-
copy is shown in Figure 6 and the structural packing
model is shown in Figure 7. A preliminary morphol-

Figure 6. TEM images for (a) zigzag lamellar morphology

of rod-coil copolymer with frod ) 0.90 and (b) arrowhead
morphology of rod-coil copolymer with frod ) 0.98. (Re-
printed with permission from ref 52. Copyright 1996
American Association for the Advancement of Science).

cross section with respect to the degree of polymer-

ization. A rod-coil copolymer with a rod volume
fraction frod ) 0.42 organizes into a wavy lamellar
morphology, in which the rod blocks are tilted with
respect to the lamellar normal by approximately 60°.
Small-angle electron diffraction patterns revealed
that the rod domains are crystalline and that the
local orientation of the stiff rod blocks extends up to
1 µm.
Rod-coil copolymers with rod volume fractions frod
) 0.73 and frod ) 0.90 were observed to form a zigzag
morphology consisting of alternating rod and coil
layers arranged in a zigzag fashion. The rod axis is
tilted with respect to the layer normal by approxi-
mately 45°, and the rod blocks are crystalline as
confirmed by the small-angle electron diffraction. The
formation of two distinct sets of lamellar with equal
that opposite orientations from the local rod directors
was suggested to be a consequence of the nucleation Figure 7. Structural packing models for (a) wavy lamellar,
(b) bilayer arrowhead, and (c) interdigitated arrowhead
of the smectic C phase in a thin film. The rod-coil morphologies in rod-coil copolymers 2. (Reprinted with
copolymers with a short polystyrene coil and a very permission from ref 52. Copyright 1996 American Associa-
long rod block (frod ) 0.96 and frod ) 0.98) form an tion for the Advancement of Science).
interesting different morphology as evidenced by
transmission electron microscopy. The authors de- ogy diagram for this rod-coil system was suggested
scribed this morphology as the arrowhead morphol- as shown in Figure 8, based on these experimental
ogy because tilted layers in a chevron pattern are results.53 As solvent is evaporated, the rod-coil solu-
spaced by arrowhead shaped domains of polystyrene tions are predicted to form a homogeneous lyotropic
which alternatively flip by 180°. Presumably, the nematic liquid crystal phase prior to microphase
alternating direction of the arrowheads reflects the separation which supports rod-coil theories.12,36-38
deformation experienced by polystyrene coils as the Further evaporation of solvent causes microphase
layer normal in adjacent layers alternate between 45° separation into various lamellar structures depend-
and -45°. In terms of rod packing with the rod ing on the rod volume fraction of the molecule.
Supramolecular Structures from Rod−Coil Block Copolymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3875

IV. Rod−Coil Copolymers Based on Mesogenic

A. Bulk-State Supramolecular Structures
It is well-known that classical rodlike mesogenic
molecules arrange themselves with their long axes
parallel to each other to give rise to nematic and/or
layered smectic types of supramolecular structures.6,7
Because of the preferred parallel arrangement of the
rigid, rodlike units, the formation of curved interfaces
is strongly hindered in the mesogenic rods. On the
contrary, rod-coil block systems based on mesogenic
rods can provide a variety of supramolecular struc-
tures due to the effect of microphase separation and
Figure 8. Morphology diagram for rod-coil diblock co- the molecular anisometry of rod block. Even though
polymers (2).
the molecular weight is very small, microphase
Scheme 3 separated structures can form due to large chemical
differences between each block. In addition to various
layered structures as described in Ober’s rod-coil
copolymers,51,52 the stiff rod blocks might assemble
into finite nanostructures at higher coil volume
fractions as predicted by rod-coil theories.15,36-38
Stupp et al. reported on rod-coil copolymers con-
sisting of an elongated mesogenic rod and a mono-
disperse polyisoprene (Scheme 4).55-57 The living
Recently, Pearce et al. reported on rod-coil copoly- polyisoprene was converted to a carboxylic acid group
mers consisting of poly(hexyl isocyanate) as the rod with CO2, and the rod having a well-defined structure
block and poly(ethylene oxide) as the coil block with a fully extended rod length of 6 nm was
(Scheme 3).54 The copolymers (3) were obtained by synthesized by conventional synthetic methods. The
coordination polymerization of n-hexyl isocyanate final rod-coil polymers (4) with the rod volume
initiated by TiCl3 end functionalized poly(ethylene fractions range from 0.19 to 0.36 were prepared by
oxide). A block copolymer with poly(ethylene oxide) esterification of an acid functionalized polyisoprene
with 12 repeating units and poly(hexyl isocyanate) and a hydroxy functionalized rod block in the pres-
with 50 repeating units exhibits lyotropic liquid ence of diisopropylcarbodiimide (DIPC).
crystalline phases in concentrated toluene solution These rod-coil copolymers organize into ordered
(above 20 wt %) as determined by optical polarized structures that differ in terms of varying the rod
microscopy. When the block copolymer film was cast volume fraction as monitored by transmission elec-
from the dilute toluene solution, a nematic-like tron microscopy and electron tomography. The rod-
domain texture was observed. However, when cast coil copolymer with rod volume fraction frod ) 0.36
from a mixture of toluene and pentafluorophenol, forms alternating rod- and coil-rich strips 6-7 and
where the poly(hexyl isocyanate) block is converted 5-6 nm wide, respectively. Electron tomography
from rod to coil configuration, the liquid crystalline revealed that the copolymers self-assemble into lay-
phase behavior disappears. The tendency of the rod ered 2-D superlattices and ordered 3-D morphology.
segments to be arranged into anisotropic order along Slices orthogonal to the plane of the film showed that
their axes seems to play an important role in liquid the rod-domains are not lamellae but discrete chan-
crystalline behavior of the polymer. nel-like long objects, 6-7 nm in diameter. In strip

Scheme 4
3876 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Lee et al.

The rod-coil copolymer with frod ) 0.25 forms a

hexagonal superlattice of rod aggregates measuring
approximately 7 nm in diameter and a domain
spacing of 15 nm as evidenced by transmission
electron micrograph. By studying the films by elec-
tron tomography, the authors observed that each
layer contains a hexagonal superlattice. Slices or-
thogonal to the film plane showed that the rod
aggregates are discrete objects with roughly the same
dimensions in all directions as schematically il-
lustrated in Figure 9b. The rod-coil copolymer with
frod ) 0.19 does not show phase separated morphology
in the as-cast state. Interestingly, annealing the film
near 100 °C produced a hexagonal superlattice with
long-range order comparable to frod ) 0.25. These
works clearly show that the supramolecular structure
formed by self-assembly of rod segments can be
controlled by simple variation of rod to coil volume
The authors also synthesized triblock rod-coil
copolymers containing oligostyrene-block-oligoiso-
prene as the coil block and three biphenyl units
connected by ester linkages as the rod block (Scheme
5).58,59 Carboxylic acid functionalized coil block was
prepared by anionic sequential living polymerization
of styrene and then isoprene, followed by end capping
with CO2. The resulting coil block was then connected
to a rigid block made up of two biphenyl units
through a ester bond, followed by deprotection at the
phenolic terminus. The final rod-coil copolymers
were synthesized by following the same sequence of
Figure 9. Schematic diagrams of (a) strip morphology of reactions, i.e., esterification and then subsequent
rod-coil copolymer with frod ) 0.36 and (b) hexagonal
superlattice of rod-coil copolymer with frod ) 0.25. (Re- deprotection of a protecting silyl group.
printed with permission from ref 57. Copyright 1997 The rod-coil copolymer containing a (styrene)9-
American Chemical Society). (isoprene)9 block oligomer (5) as coil segment was
observed to self-assemble into uniform narrow-sized
morphology, layers are correlated such that each aggregates and to subsequently organize into a
strip resides over a coil region of the adjacent layer superlattice with periodicities of 70 and 66 Å as
and that the direction of its long axis remains evidenced by transmission electron microscopy (Fig-
constant through the layers as illustrated in Figure ure 10a) and small-angle electron diffraction.58 The
9a. The rod segments are thought to assemble into wide-angle electron diffraction pattern revealed an
interdigitated bilayer or monolayer. a*b* reciprocal lattice plane, suggesting that the rod

Scheme 5
Supramolecular Structures from Rod−Coil Block Copolymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3877

Chart 1

play important roles in the formation of the unusual

mushroom-shaped aggregate. This leads to the asym-
metrical packing of the nanostructures that form
micrometer-sized platelike objects exhibiting tape-
like characteristics with nonadhesive-hydrophobic
and hydrophilic-sticky oppsite surfaces.
Molecular object polymers have distinct and per-
manent shapes similar to proteins with a well-defined
folded shape. Stupp et al. presented an elegant
approach to produce well-defined macromolecular
objects converting supramolecular clusters by polym-
erization of cross-linkable group within a discrete
supramolecular unit.60 The rod-coil triblock molecule
(6) synthesized by the authors is composed of a block
of oligostyrene, a block of polymerizable oligobuta-
diene, and a rodlike block containing CF3 end group
which has a large dipole moment (Chart 1).
Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the
triblock molecules self-assemble into a solid-state
structure consisting of aggregates ∼2 nm in diameter.
The thickness of layers revealed by small-angle X-ray
scattering appears to be 8 nm. The rod axes in the
cluster were observed to be normal to the layers and
be perpendicular to the plane of the TEM micro-
graphs as confirmed by wide-angle electron diffrac-
tion patterns. On the basis of these data, the rod-
coil triblock molecules were suggested to pack into
the mushroom-shaped nanostructure with a height
of 8 nm and a diameter of 2 nm. Each supramolecular
nanostructure was estimated to contain approxi-
mately 23 molecules. Most important, this nano-
structure was proposed to impart the spatial isolation
of cross-linkable oligobutadiene blocks required to
form a well-defined object. Therefore, polymerization
Figure 10. (a) TEM image (Reprinted with permission might be confined to the volume of the supramolecu-
from ref 59. Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society) lar cluster. Thermal polymerization of rod-coil tri-
and (b) schematic packing structure of rod-coil copolymer block molecules in liquid crystalline state produced
(5) (Reprinted with permission from ref 58. Copyright 1997 high molar-mass products with a very narrow poly-
American Association for the Advancement of Science). dispersity within a range from 1.15 to 1.25 and
segments are aligned axially with their preferred molecular weight of approximately 70 000 as con-
direction with respect to the plane normal of the layer firmed by GPC (Figure 11). The macromolecular
with long-range order. Transmission electron micros- objects obtained reveal an anisotropic shape (2 by 8
copy of the microtomed sections revealed a layered nm) similar to that of supramolecular clusters, as
structure with characteristic periods of the 70 Å determined by electron microscopy and small-angle
layers consisting of one dark and one light band with X-ray scattering. Polarized optical microscopy showed
thicknesses of 30 and 40 Å, respectively. On the basis that polymerization of the triblock molecules into
of these experimental data together with molecular macromolecular objects results in a strong stabiliza-
modeling calculations, the authors proposed that tion of the ordered structure that remains up to a
these rod-coil copolymers self-assemble into fasci- chemical decomposition temperature of 430 °C. This
nating mushroom-shaped supramolecular structures result is interesting because the self-assembly process
containing 100 rod-coil molecules with a molar mass provides a direct pathway to prepare well-defined
about 200 kD, which assemble in a “cap to stem” molecular nano-objects with distinct and permanent
arrangement (Figure 10b). Spontaneous polar orga- shape through polymerization within supramolecular
nization in this system was reported and was pre- structures.
sumably due to the nature of the supramolecular A strategy to manipulate the nanostructure as-
units of molecule preformed in solution. Both mi- sembled by rod building blocks may be accessible by
crophase separation between the two coil blocks and attaching a bulky dendritic wedge to a rod end. As
the crystallization of the rod segments are likely to the cross-sectional area of rod segment increases
3878 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Lee et al.

Chart 2

structure. When cast from a 0.004 wt % solution of

the CH2Cl2 solution onto a carbon support film, one-
dimensional objects with a uniform width of 10 nm
were observed by the transmission electron micros-
copy (TEM), in which the objects build networks that
cause the dilute CH2Cl2 solution (as low as 0.2 wt %)
to undergo gelation (Figure 12a). Atomic force mi-
croscopy (AFM) revealed their thickness of 2 nm,
indicative of a ribbonlike shape. The crystal structure
of the model compound made up of a dendron
identical to that presented in 7 but covalently at-
tached to only one biphenyl revealed 8 hydrogen
bonds that connect the tetramers along the axis of
the ribbon. The thickness of the tetrameric cycles was
measured to be 2 nm, which is in good agreement
with the thickness of the nanoribbons as determined
Figure 11. GPC traces of rod-coil triblock molecule (6) by AFM. On the basis of these results as well as the
and macromolecular object. (Reprinted with permission crystal structure of the model compound, the su-
from ref 60. Copyright 1999 American Association for the
Advancement of Science). pramolecular structure was proposed to be a ribbon-
like structure with a width of 10 nm and a thickness
while maintaining anisotropic order of rod segments, of 2 nm (Figure 12b). π-π stacking interactions
greater steric repulsion between rod segments could between aromatic segments and directional hydrogen
possibly frustrate the formation of two-dimensional bonding seem to play important roles in the forma-
assemblies. An interesting example of dendron rod- tion of this well-defined novel nanostructure.
coil molecules synthesized recently by Stupp and co- Lee et al. also reported on small rod-coil systems
workers is depicted in Chart 2.61 with a mesogenic rod segment. Their molecules are
In contrast to previously described structurally based on flexible poly(ethylene oxide) or poly(propy-
simple rod-coil molecules, these dendron rod-coil lene oxide) as a coil block.62,63 The rod-coil molecule
molecules (7) form well-defined ribbonlike 1-D nano- based on poly(ethylene oxide) coil (8) exhibits a

Figure 12. (a) TEM image of nanoribbons formed in dichloromethane. (b) Schematic representation of supramolecular
nanoribbon by self-assembly of dendron rod-coil molecules. (Reprinted with permission from ref 61. Copyright 2001
American Chemical Society).
Supramolecular Structures from Rod−Coil Block Copolymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3879

smectic A phase, whereas the latter molecule (9)

shows a hexagonal columnar structure.63 This large
structural variation between the molecularly similar
systems should be caused by the larger spatial
requirement of the bulkier poly(propylene oxide) coil
in comparison with the poly(ethylene oxide).
In a more systematic work on the influence of the
coil length on phase behavior, the authors studied
rod-coil molecules (10) with poly(propylene oxide)
having different degrees of polymerization but the
identical rod segment (Chart 3).64,65 A dramatic
Chart 3

Figure 13. Schematic representation of supramolecular

structures of rod-coil molecules 10. (a) Smectic A, (b)
bicontinuous cubic, and (c) hexagonal columnar phases.
(Reprinted with permission from ref 64. Copyright 1998
American Chemical Society).

structural change in the melt state of this rod-coil PPO repeating units self-assemble into a supramo-
system was observed with variation in the coil length lecular honeycomb-like layered structure, in which
as determined by a combination of techniques con- perforations are filled by coil segments. When cast
sisting of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), from dilute CHCl3 solution onto a carbon support
optical polarized microscopy, and X-ray scattering. film, honeycomb-like supramolecular structure was
Rod-coil molecules with 7 and 8 propylene oxide observed, as revealed by transmission electron mi-
units exhibit layered smectic C and smectic A phases, croscopy (TEM), in which coil perforations are packed
while rod-coil molecules with 10 to 15 repeating on a hexagonal symmetry with distances between
units exhibit an optically isotropic cubic phase. This perforations of approximately 10 nm (Figure 14a).
structure was identified by the X-ray scattering Electron diffraction patterns revealed very well-
method to be a bicontinuous cubic phase with Ia3d oriented, single crystal-like reflections associated
symmetry. Further increasing the coil length induces with the a*b* reciprocal plane of a rectangular lattice,
a hexagonal columnar mesophase as in the case of indicating that the rod segments are aligned axially
the molecules with 15 to 20 repeating units (Figure with their preferred direction with respect to the
13). Organization of the rod-coil molecules into a plane normal of the layer. Small-angle X-ray diffrac-
cross sectional slice of a cylinder for cubic and tion pattern showed a number of sharp reflections
columnar phases is thought to give rise to a aromatic that are indexed as a 3-dimensional hexagonal
core with approximately square cross section taking structure (Figure 14b). On the basis of these results
into account the calculation based on the lattice as well as density measurements, the supramolecular
parameters and densities. The sizes and periods of structure was proposed to be a honeycomb-like
these supramolecular structures are typically in a crystalline layer of the rod segments with in-plane
range of less than 10 nm. hexagonal packing of coil perforation as illustrated
Supramolecular structures of rod-coil diblock mol- in Figure 15. The consequent layers were suggested
ecules consisting of more elongated rod segment and to be stacked in ABAB arrangement to generate
PPO coil segment (11) were also investigated by the 3-dimensional order. The diameters of perforation
authors (Chart 3).66 In these rod-coil molecules, the sizes were estimated to be approximately 6.5 nm as
rod segment consists of two biphenyl and a phenyl confirmed by TEM, SAXS, and density measure-
group connected through ester linkages. Thus, the ments. These dimensions are comparable to those to
tendency of this system to self-organize into layered Bacillaceae in which pores with regular size are
structures at a given rod volume fraction was ex- organized predominantly into a hexagonal lattice.
pected to be stronger than that of the rod-coil system Thus, this system might provide access to an excel-
containing only two biphenyl units as the rod block. lent model for exploring biological processes in su-
These rod-coil molecules with 22 (11a) and 34 (11b) pramolecular materials.
3880 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Lee et al.

Chart 4

mesophase which, in turn, undergoes transformation

into discrete spherical micellar structure with a lack
of symmetry (Figure 16). Small-angle X-ray diffrac-
tion in the optically isotropic state revealed a strong
primary peak together with a broad peak of weak
intensity at about 1.8 relative to the primary peak
position, indicating that the spatial distribution of
centers of the spherical micelles has only liquidlike
short range order, most probably due to random
thermal motion of spherical micelles. From the
observed primary peak of X-ray diffraction, the
diameter (d) of spheres was estimated to be ap-
proximately 13 nm. It is likely that hydrophobic force
plays an important role in the self-assembly of the
molecules into discrete nanostructures.
Figure 14. (a) TEM image and (b) small-angle X-ray In a separated work, the authors reported on
diffraction pattern of rod-coil molecule 11b. (Reprinted supramolecular structural behavior of symmetric
with permission from ref 65. Copyright 2001 American coil-rod-coil molecules (13) consisting of three bi-
Chemical Society). phenyl units with ether linkages as the rod segment
Lee et al. also reported the assembling behavior of and poly(propylene oxide) with different degrees of
coil-rod-coil ABC triblock molecules where the rod polymerization (Chart 4).68 Molecules with a certain
block is connected as the middle block, consisting of length of coil (DP of PPO ) 9 to 22) assemble into
poly(ethylene oxide) with different degrees of polym- discrete supramolecular aggregates that spontane-
erization, two biphenyl unit as rod and docosyl coil ously organize into a novel 3-D tetragonal phase with
(Chart 4).67 All of the coil-rod-coil ABC triblock a body-centered symmetry in the solid and melt
molecules (12) exhibit three different crystalline states as determined by small-angle X-ray scattering
melting transitions associated with poly(ethylene (Figure 17).
oxide), docosyl, and rod blocks, respectively, as de- On the basis of X-ray data and density measure-
termined by DSC, indicative of phase separation ments, the authors proposed that the inner core of
among blocks. the supramolecular aggregate is constituted by the
Interestingly, molecules with 22 to 34 ethylene discrete rod bundle with a cylindrical shape with 5
oxide repeating units exhibit a hexagonal columnar nm in diameter and 3 nm in length that is encapsu-

Figure 15. Schematic diagram for the honeycomb-like layer formed by the rod segments of rod-coil molecule 11b.
(Reprinted with permission from ref 65. Copyright 2001 American Chemical Society).
Supramolecular Structures from Rod−Coil Block Copolymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3881

Chart 5

quently organize into a 3-D body-centered tetragonal

symmetry. The oblate shape of supramolecular ag-
gregates is believed to be responsible for the forma-
Figure 16. Schematic representation for the organization
of the hexagonal columnar and spherical micellar phases tion of unusual 3-D tetragonal phase. The authors
of rod-coil molecules 12a-c. (Reprinted with permission suggested that this unique phase behavior is mostly
from ref 66. Copyright 1998 American Chemical Society). originated from the anisotropic aggregation of rod
segments with their long axes within microphase
separated aromatic domains. Consequently, rod
bundles with a puck-like cylindrical shape would give
rise to oblate micelles that can pack more densely
into an optically anisotropic 3-dimensional tetragonal
lattice, rather than an optically isotropic cubic lattice.
The rod-coil approach as a means to manipulate
supramolecular structure as a function of rod volume
fraction was reported to be extended to main chain
multiblock copolymer systems.69 In contrast to this,
another strategy to manipulate the supramolecular
structure at constant rod-to-coil volume ratio can also
be accessible by varying the number of grafting sites
per rod which might be closely related to the grafting
density at the interface separating rod and coil
segments.70 For this reason, Lee et al. synthesized
(rod-coil)1 (14), (rod-coil)2 (15), and (rod-coil)3 (16)
with rod-coil repeating units consisting of three
biphenyl units connected by methylene ether linkages
as the rod block and poly(propylene oxide) with DP
of 13 as the coil block (Chart 5).
All of the oligomers are self-organized into ordered
supramolecular structures that differ significantly on
Figure 17. Small-angle X-ray scattering pattern of rod- variation of the number of repeating units as con-
coil molecule 13c. (Reprinted with permission from ref 67.
Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society).
firmed by X-ray scattering. The (rod-coil)1 shows a
lamellar crystalline and a bicontinuous cubic liquid
lated with phase-separated poly(propylene oxide) crystalline structures. In contrast, the (rod-coil)2
coils, which gives rise to the formation of nonspheri- shows a 2-D rectangular crystalline and a tetragonal
cal oblate aggregate as illustrated schematically in columnar liquid crystalline structure, while the (rod-
Figure 18. The supramolecular rod bundles subse- coil)3 displays a hexagonal columnar structure in both

Figure 18. Schematic diagram of self-assembly of 13c into a supramolecular bundle and the subsequent formation of the
body-centered tetragonal lattice. (Reprinted with permission from ref 67. Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society).
3882 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Lee et al.

Figure 20. Schematic representation of the molecular

arrangement of rod-coil units in (a) (rod-coil)1 and (b)
rod-coil multiblock copolymer. (Reprinted with permission
from ref 70. Copyright 2001 American Chemical Society).

Chart 6
Figure 19. Schematic representation for the formation of
(a) lamellar of the (rod-coil)1, (b) 2-D rectangular of the
(rod-coil)2, and (c) hexagonal columnar of the (rod-coil)3.
(Reprinted with permission from ref 70. Copyright 2001
American Chemical Society).

their solid and melt states (Figure 19). These results

represent that self-assembled solid state structure,
from 1-D lamellar, 2-D rectangular to 2-D hexagonal
lattices are formed by rod-coil structures that differ
only in the number of repeating units. This interest-
ing variation of self-assembled structures, at an
identical rod to coil volume ratio, was explained by
are possible through complexation with lithium ion
considering the density of grafting sites at the
(Chart 6).76-79
interface separated by rod and coil segments as
First of all, the authors investigated the influence
shown in Figure 20.
of complexation with LiCF3SO3 on the phase behavior
of rod-coil diblock molecule containing poly(ethylene
B. Supramolecular Structures from Binary oxide) with DP of 12 as the coil block (8).77 The
Mixtures complexes with 0.0-0.15 mol of LiCF3SO3/ethylene
Rod-coil copolymers are a type of amphiphile that oxide unit ([Li+]/[EO]) were observed to exhibit only
can self-assemble into a variety of ordered nanostruc- a smectic A mesophase, while the complex with [Li+]/
tures in a selective solvent.36,37,71 In solvents that [EO] ) 0.20 shows an optical isotropic cubic phase
selectively dissolve only coil blocks, rod-coil copoly- in addition to a high-temperature smectic A phase.
mers can form well-defined nanostructures with rod The complex with [Li+]/[EO] ) 0.25 exhibits only a
domain consisting of the insoluble block. This results bicontinuous cubic phase, and the smectic A phase
in an increase of the relative volume fraction of the is suppressed for this complex. On melting of com-
coil segments relative to the rod segments, which plexes with [Li+]/[EO] ) 0.30 and 0.35, a cubic phase
gives rise to various supramolecular structures. is also formed; however, further heating gives rise
Particularly, poly(alkylene oxide) as the coil block of to a 2-D hexagonal columnar mesophase as evidenced
rod-coil molecule has additional advantages due to by X-ray scattering. Complexes with [Li+]/[EO] )
complexation capability with alkali metal cation, 0.40-0.70 exhibit only a columnar phase. As shown
which can provide an application potential for solid in the binary phase diagram of Figure 21, the
polyelectrolytes and induce various supramolecular supramolecular structure in the melt state of the
structures.72-75 rod-coil molecule changes successively from smectic
Lee et al. showed that control of the supramolecu- A through bicontinuous cubic to hexagonal columnar
lar structure in rod-coil molecular systems contain- structures as the salt concentration increases.
ing either poly(ethylene oxide) (8) or poly(propylene Complexation of rod-coil molecules with LiCF3SO3
oxide) (17) coils and induction of ordered structures also induces an ordered supramolecular structure.78
Supramolecular Structures from Rod−Coil Block Copolymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3883

to rod-coil complexes with LiCF3SO3,77 the acryl

amide solution of a rod-coil molecule (18) was
reported to show a phase transition from layered
smectic to columnar phase with a bicontinuous cubic
phase as the intermediate regime with increasing
acryl amide content (Figure 23).80 More importantly,

Figure 21. Phase diagram of the complexes of 8 with

lithium triflate (g ) glassy, k ) crystalline, sA ) smectic
A, cub ) cubic, col ) columnar, i ) isotropic).

The coil-rod-coil triblock molecule (17) based on

poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) coil segment was ob-
served to show only an isotropic liquid upon melting.
In contrast, the addition of greater than 0.10 mol of
lithium salt/propylene oxide (PO) unit induces the
formation of a liquid crystalline order (Figure 22).
Figure 23. Phase diagram of 18 with acryl amide (k )
crystalline, s ) smectic, cub ) bicontinuous cubic, col )
hexagonal columnar, i ) isotropic).

this organized polymerizable solution can be used for

construction of ordered aromatic-aliphatic nanocom-
posite materials. Thermal polymerization of the
hexagonally ordered solution containing acryl amide
and 0.5 mol % of 2,2′-azobisisobutylronitrile with
respect to acryl amide at 130 °C for 24 h was observed
to produce a hexagonally ordered nanocomposite
material with a primary spacing of 4.8 nm as
monitored by FT-IR and small-angle X-ray scattering.
As illustrated in Figure 24, the acryl amide would
be selectively dissolved by hydrophilic PEO coil
Figure 22. Phase diagram of the complexes of 17 with
lithium triflate (k ) crystalline, sA ) smectic A, col )
hexagonal columnar, i ) isotropic).

The complex with [Li+]/[PO] ) 0.10 exhibits a crys-

talline melting transition followed by a smectic A
mesophase. By increasing the salt concentration as
in the case of complexes with [Li+]/[PO] ) 0.15 ∼
0.30, the smectic A phase is suppressed; instead, they
exhibit a hexagonal columnar mesophase as evi-
denced by X-ray scattering. The induction of ordered
structure in the melt state of the rod-coil molecule
by complexation is most probably due to enhanced
microphase separation between hydrophobic blocks
and poly(propylene oxide) block caused by transfor-
mation from a dipolar medium to an ionic medium
in poly(propylene oxide) coil.
Rod-coil molecular architecture containing poly-
(ethylene oxide) endows an amphiphilic character as
discussed earlier, and thus hydrophilic solvents such
as acryl amide would be selectively dissolved in the
microphase-separated coil domains, which gives rise Figure 24. Schematic diagram for the induction of a
to a variety of supramolecular structures. Polymer- hexagonal columnar structure by addition of acryl amide
ization of acryl amide solution in ordered state can and subsequent formation of ordered nanocomposite through
give rise to ordered nanocomposite materials. Similar polymerization.
3884 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Lee et al.

domains in a lamellar structure, creating a spontane- Scheme 6

ous interfacial curvature between the rod and PEO/
acryl amide which induces a hexagonal columnar
structure. Upon polymerization, the system retains
the hexagonally ordered nanostructure consisting of
aromatic rod domains in a poly(acryl amide)/PEO
matrix to construct ordered aromatic-aliphatic nano-
Kato et al. reported on rod-coil-rod molecules
consisting of rigid mesogenic cores and flexible poly-
(ethylene oxide) coils.81 The small triblock molecule
(19) (Chart 6) was observed to exhibit smectic A
liquid crystalline phase as determined by a combina-
tion of optical polarized microscopy and differential
scanning calorimetry. The incorporation of LiCF3SO3
into the rod-coil-rod molecules shows significant
mesophase stabilization. X-ray diffraction patterns
revealed that complexation of 19 ([Li+]/[EO] ) 0.05)
drastically reduces the layer spacing from 44 to 23
Å. This decrease is thought to be due to the interac-
tion of the lithium salt with the ether oxygen which
results in a more coiled conformation of the poly-
(ethylene oxide) coil. Ion conductivities were also
measured for complexes forming homeotropically block when the solution was cooled from 110 °C to
aligned molecular orientation of the smectic phase. room temperature as determined by a combination
Interestingly, the highest conductivity was observed of static and dynamic laser light scattering studies.
for the direction parallel to the layer (Figure 25). Interestingly, the average number of chains as-
sembled in each nanostructure increases with the
copolymer concentration in a selective solvent, dif-
ferent from the self-assembly of conventional diblock
copolymers, whereas the size of the core remains a
constant, very close to the contour length of the
mesogen-jacketed rod block, but the shell becomes
thicker (Figure 26). This observation may indicate

Figure 25. Schematic representation of Li+ ion conduction

for the complex of 19 with [Li+]/[EO] ) 0.05 in smectic A Figure 26. Schematic representation of a core-shell
phase. nanostructure formed by a self-assembly of 20 in a selective
However, the conductivities decrease in the polydo-
main sample which disturbs the arrangement of ion that the attraction between the insoluble rigid-like
paths. These results suggest that the self-organized mesogen-jacked polymer blocks lead to their insertion
rod-coil salt complexes can provide access to a novel into the core, while the repulsion between the soluble
strategy to construct ordered nanocomposite materi- coillike polystyrene blocks forces them to stretch at
als exhibiting low dimensional ionic conductivity. the interface.
Wu et al. reported on a rod-coil diblock copolymers
based on mesogen-jacketed liquid crystalline polymer V. Rod−Coil Copolymers Based on Conjugated
as the rod block and polystyrene as the coil block
(Scheme 6).82 Styrene was polymerized by TEMPO
mediated radical polymerization, followed by sequen- As a result of great interest in the optically and
tial polymerization of 2,5-bis[4-methoxyphenyl]oxy- electronically active properties of highly conjugated
carbonylstyrene (MPCS) to produce the rod-coil and stiff rodlike molecules, a variety of oligomers and
diblock copolymer (20) containing 520 styrene and polymers have been synthesized to establish the
119 MPCS repeating units. The rod-coil copolymer molecular structure and property relationship.83,84 In
was observed to self-assemble into a core-shell addition to molecular structure, supramolecular struc-
nanostructure in a selective solvent for polystyrene ture was reported to have a dramatic effect on the
Supramolecular Structures from Rod−Coil Block Copolymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3885

physical properties of conjugated rodlike molecules.85,86

Thus, manipulation of supramolecular structure in
conjugated rods is of paramount importance to achiev-
ing efficient optophysical properties in solid-state
molecular materials. One way to manipulate the
supramolecular structure might be incorporation of
the conjugated rod into a rod-coil molecular archi-
tecture which would allow formation of well-defined
one-, two-, or three-dimensional conjugated domains
in nanoscale dimensions. In this section, we will
discuss on the studies of rod-coil systems based on
well-defined conjugated rods. Synthetic strategies
toward rod-coil copolymers involve either polymer-
ization using a macroinitiator or grafting of two
preformed conjugated blocks.
A monofuctionized segment may be used as mac-
roinitiator to prepare rod-coil polymeric architecture
as described Francois et al. (Scheme 7).87-93 The

Scheme 7

authors prepared polystyrene macroinitiator by living

anionic polymerization. After sequential polymeri-
zation of styrene and then cyclohexadiene, a poly-
styrene-block-poly(cyclohexa-1,3-diene) was obtained
and subsequently aromatized with p-chloranil to
yield the corresponding oligo(p-phenylene) grafted to
a polystyrene chain. Although the aromatization was
not complete, the authors discovered special non-
equilibrium honeycomb morphologies in which mono-
dispersed pores arrange in a hexagonal array by
evaporating the solvent from CS2 solution in moist
air (Figure 27). This novel morphology was proposed
to be due to micelle formation. Interestingly, the
presence of defects in the oligo(p-phenylene) sequence Figure 27. (a) Schematic representation for the cross
does not have a significant effect on honeycomb section, (b) SEM image, and (c) AFM image of a honeycomb
morphology. The authors also reported on the syn- structure with a regular micropore in rod-coil copolymer
thesis of polystyrene-polythiophene block and graft 21. (Reprinted with permission from Nature
copolymers.94-97 These polymers incorporate the (, ref 93. Copyright 1994 Macmillan
unique properties of polythiophene with processabil- Magazines Ltd.).
ity. The reported block copolymers showed nearly the this rod-coil copolymer revealed the influence of the
same spectral characteristics as pure polythiophene, coil blocks on the optoelectronic properties of the rod
and the authors proved that their block copolymers segments. The coupling reaction of preformed rod and
are still soluble after doping. coil blocks was also used to prepare a rod-coil block
Rod-coil molecules containing structurally perfect copolymer. Müllen et al. prepared perfectly end-
conjugated rods were synthesized by using R-(phen- fuctionalized oligo(2,5-diheptyl-p-phenylenes) (Scheme
yl)-ω-(hydroxymethyl phenyl)-poly(fluoren-2,7-ylene) 9).99 Further reaction of the end functionalized rod
as macroinitiator (Scheme 8).98 Anionic polymeriza- with either polystyrene or poly(ethylene oxide) yielded
tion of ethylene oxide by using the macroinitiator corresponding luminescent rod-coil block copolymers
produced a corresponding rod-coil block copolymer (23 and 24, respectively). Rod-coil copolymers con-
(22). The absorption and emission measurements of sisting of poly(p-phenyleneethynylene) as the rod
3886 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Lee et al.

Scheme 8

Scheme 9

Figure 28. (a) Schematic molecular arrangement of three

head-to-tail PPE-block-PDMS. (b) Schematic representa-
tion of the ribbonlike supramolecular structure formed by

by an R-terthiophene unit, followed by a coupling

reaction to yield a well-defined rod-coil triblock
copolymer (27). Scanning force microscopy (SFM)
block and poly(ethylene oxide) as the coil block (25) revealed the formation of nonspherical micelles with
were also synthesized by coupling reaction of mono- axes of about 10 and 14 nm, corresponding to an
functionalized rod to poly(ethylene oxide) (Chart 7).100 aggregate of about 60 rod-coil molecules, consistent
More recently, the synthesis of triblock poly(isoprene- with the results determined from GPC (Figure 29).
block-p-phenyleneethynylene-block-isoprene) (26) was The optical properties were shown to be consistent
reported by Godt et al. by using hydroxy functional- with those of corresponding unsubstituted oligoth-
ized polyisoprene (Chart 7).101 iophenes.
Lazzaroni et al. showed that rod-coil copolymers Yu et al. reported on the synthesis of rod-coil block
containing poly(p-phenylene) or poly(p-phenylene- copolymers containing oligo(phenylene vinylene)s
ethynylene) as the rod segments have a strong coupled to either polyisoprene (28) or poly(ethylene
tendency to spontaneously assemble into stable rib- glycol) (29) (Chart 8).105,106 The first one was obtained
bonlike fibrillar morphology when coated on mica by reaction of a living anionic polyisoprene derivative
substrate as evidenced by AFM images.102 The rib- with oligo(phenylene vinylene)s containing an alde-
bonlike supramolecular structure was proposed that hyde group.105 Four copolymers that have the same
in the first observed layer, the conjugated segments oligo(phenylene vinylene) block with different poly-
are packed according to a head-to-tail arrangement isoprene volume fractions were synthesized. TEM
with their conjugated system parallel to each other and small-angle X-ray scattering revealed alternating
surrounded by coil segments (Figure 28). A similar strips of rod-rich and coil-rich and coil-rich domains,
ribbonlike morphology was also observed from rod- and the domain sizes of the strips suggested that the
coil copolymers consisting of poly(p-phenylene) as the supramolecular structures could be bilayer lamellar
rod block and poly(methyl methacrylate) as the coil structure (Figure 30). On the other hand, it could be
block.103 observed that as the conjugation length increases, the
Hempenius et al. reported on a polystyrene- processability of the molecule decreases dramatically,
oligothiophene-polystyrene triblock rod-coil copoly- thus limiting the length of the conjugated segment
mer (Scheme 10).104 The authors employed a poly- to be used in the coupling reaction. To solve the
styrene with a phenolic terminus that was modified solubility problem, the authors modified the synthetic

Chart 7
Supramolecular Structures from Rod−Coil Block Copolymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3887

Scheme 10

Figure 30. Proposed model for the bilayer structure of


Figure 29. SFM image of nonspherical micelles formed quently coupled with oligo(phenylene vinylene) con-
by rod-coil triblock copolymer 27. (Reprinted with permis- taining a vinyl end functional group to yield final
sion from ref 104. Copyright 1998 American Chemical rod-coil copolymers (29) with larger conjugated block
Society). (Chart 8). These rod-coil copolymers were observed
Chart 8 to have remarkable self-assembling properties, and
long cylindrical micelles are formed. TEM and AFM
studies showed that the core of the micelles formed
by 29 with n ) 45 and m ) 6 has a diameter of about
8-10 nm and is composed of a conjugated block
surrounded by a poly(ethylene oxide) coil block
(Figure 31).
Jenekhe et al. reported on the self-assembling
behavior of rod-coil diblock copolymers consisting of
poly(phenylquinoline) as the rod block and polysty-
rene as the coil block (Scheme 11).107,108 The rod-
coil copolymers (30) were prepared by condensation
reaction of ketone methylene-terminated polystyrene
and 5-acetyl-2-aminobenzophenone in the presence
of diphenyl phosphate. The degree of polymerization
of the conjugated rod block in the rod-coil copolymers
was controlled by the stoichiometric method. These
strategy by first coupling with poly(ethylene oxide) block copolymers were found to self-assemble into
coil block with a oligo(phenylene vinylene) followed fascinating supramolecular structures, although the
by coupling of the functionalized rod-coil copoly- rod block might not be monodisperse. For example,
mer.106 The resulting block copolymer was subse- a rod-coil copolymer consisting of poly(phenylquino-
3888 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Lee et al.

Figure 31. TEM image of long cylindrical micelles formed

by 29 with n ) 45 and m ) 6. (Reprinted with permis-
sion from ref 106. Copyright 2000 American Chemical

Scheme 11

line) with a degree of polymerization of 50 of poly-

styrene with degree of polymerization of 300 was
observed to aggregate in the form of hollow spheres,
lamellar, hollow cylinders, and vesicles in a selective
solvent for the rod segment. The observed shape of
supramolecular structures was dependent on the type
of solvent mixture and drying rate. Photolumines-
cence emission and excitation studies showed that
the photophysical properties strongly depend on the
supramolecular structure of π-conjugated rod seg- Figure 32. (a) Schematic representation of hierarchical
self-organization of 30 into ordered microporous structure.
ments. Interestingly, their rod-coil systems proved (b) Fluorescence photomicrograph of solution-cast micellar
to be possible for encapsulating fullerenes into the film of 30 with m ) 10 and n ) 300. (Reprinted with
spherical cavities. As compared to conventional sol- permission from ref 109. Copyright 1999 American As-
vent for C60, such as dichloromethane or toluene, the sociation for the Advancement of Science).
solubility is enhanced by up to 300 times when the
molecules are encapsulated into micelles. In a further The authors also reported on the supramolecular
study, the authors observed that these rod-coil self-assembly from rod-coil-rod triblock copolymers
copolymers in a selective solvent for the coil segment prepared by copolymerization of 5-acetyl-2-aminob-
self-assemble into hollow spherical micelles with ezophenone with diacetyl functionalized polystyrene
diameters of a few micrometers, which subsequently with low polydispersity (Scheme 12).110 In contrast
self-organize into a 2-dimensional hexagonal super- to the rod-coil diblock copolymers which exhibit
lattice (Figure 32).109 Solution-cast micellar films multiple morphologies, the triblock copolymers were
were found to consist of multilayers of hexagonally found to spontaneously form only microcapsules or
ordered arrays of spherical holes whose diameter, spherical vesicles in solution as evidenced by optical
periodicity, and wall thickness depend on copolymer polarized, fluorescence optical, and scanning electron
molecular weight and block composition. microscopies (Figure 33).
Supramolecular Structures from Rod−Coil Block Copolymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3889

In addition, they have incorporated these supramo-

lecular materials into triphenylamine moieties that
are of interest as hole transport layers in light
emitting devices.114 As shown in Scheme 13, living
anionic polymerization of triphenylamine derivative
followed by quenching with ethylene oxide afforded
a hydroxy functionalized triphenylamine oligomer.
The subsequent polymerization of this oligomer with
ethylene oxide produced the diblock copolymer. Reac-
tion of the resulting hydroxy terminated polymer
with difunctionalized oligo(phenylene vinylene) pro-
duced a triblock copolymer endowed with an alde-
hyde functionality, which was further reacted with
another oligo(phenylene vinylene) derivative with a
Wittig-Horner reaction. Deprotection of the tert-
butyl dimethylsilyl group yielded a triblock rod-coil
copolymer containing a terminal hydroxy polar group
Figure 33. SEM image of microcapsules formed by 31 (33). TEM revealed that these block molecules self-
with n ) 250. (Reprinted with permission from ref 110. assemble into discrete nanostructures and electron
Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society). diffraction indicated that this material contains
crystalline domains with rod segments oriented
Scheme 12
perpendicular to the plane of the film, being both
ethylene oxide segments and TPA segments con-
tained in amorphous matrix. The emission spectra
of 33 using 302 nm as the excitation wavelength
showed substantial emission from conjugated rod
segments and additional optical studies suggested
that energy transfer occurs between the coillike
triphenylamine and rodlike conjugated segments of
these molecules.
Hadziioannou et al. reported on the synthesis of a
donor-acceptor, rod-coil diblock copolymer with the
objective of enhancing the photovoltaic efficiency of
the poly(phenylenevinylene)-C60 system by incorpora-
tion of both components in a rod-coil molecular
architecture that is self-assembling through mi-
crophase separation (Scheme 14).115 These rod-coil
copolymers were obtained by using an end-function-
As previously described, Stupp et al. reported on alized rigid-rod block of poly(2,5-dioctyloxy-1,4-phe-
supramolecular materials formed by molecules with nylene vinylene) as a macroinitiator for the nitroxide-
triblock architecture that self-organize into discrete mediated controlled radical polymerization of a flexible
mushroom-shaped nanostructures.58-60 To introduce poly(styrene-stat-chloromethylstyrene) block. The chlo-
optical functionalities, they synthesized rod-coil romethyl group in the polystyrene block was subse-
triblock molecules containing oligo(phenylene vi- quently transformed into C60 onto the flexible poly-
nylene) (32) by reaction of functionalized rod-coil styrene segment through atom transfer radical
triblock molecules with hydroxy functionalized oligo- addition to yield the final rod-coil polymer (34) based
(phenylene vinylene) building blocks (Chart 9).111,112 on poly(phenylene vinylene) and C60. Photolumines-
The cyano-substituted phenylene vinylene building cence decay studies indicated that the luminescence
block imparts fluorescence properties to these mol- from conjugated poly(phenylene vinylene) is quenched
ecules and increases drastically their dipole moment. vigorously, suggesting efficient electron transfer as
The nanostructured materials obtained contain thou- the donor-acceptor interface occurs. Films obtained
sands of molecular layers organized with polar order- through a coating process form CS2 solution exhibit
ing and give rise to strong photoluminescence. The micrometer-scale, honeycomb-like aggregation struc-
authors also showed that supramolecular films com- ture (Figure 34). The porous character of the rod-
posed of these dipolar rod-coil molecules self- coil materials was reported to be used as a template
organize into polar macroscopic materials showing for the formation of a two-dimensional hexagonal
piezoelectric activity.113 array of functional dots.116,117

Chart 9
3890 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Lee et al.

Scheme 13

Scheme 14

Figure 34. Optical transmission micrograph of honeycomb

structures formed by 34. (Reprinted with permission from
ref 115. Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society).

tion of shape complimentarity and microphase sepa-

ration of rod and coil segments as an organizing force.
The supramolecular structures assembled by rod
VI. Conclusions segments in rod-coil systems include sheets, cylin-
There is no doubt that manipulation of supramo- ders, finite nanostructures, and even perforated
lecular architectures of rodlike polymers and their sheets that organize into 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D super-
low molar mass homologues is of critical importance lattices, respectively. It should be noted that self-
to achieving desired functions and properties in assembly can be used to prepare well-defined mac-
molecular materials. The incorporation of different romolecular nano-objects that are not possible to
rodlike segments such as helical rods, low molar mass prepare by conventional synthetic methodologies,
mesogenic rods and conjugated rods as a part of the when the rod-coil copolymers self-assemble into
main chain in rod-coil molecular architecture has discrete supramolecular structures.
already proven to be an effective way to manipulate Another remarkable feature of rod-coil copolymers
supramolecular structures in nanoscale dimensions. is their amphiphilic characteristics that show the
Depending on the relative volume fraction of rigid tendency of their lipophilic and lipophobic parts to
and flexible segments, and the chemical structure of segregate in space into distinct microdomains. De-
these segments, rod-coil copolymers and their low pending on the solvent content and polarity, rod-
molar mass homologues self-assemble into a variety coil copolymers self-assemble into a wide variety of
of supramolecular structures through the combina- different supramolecular structures. Because of the
Supramolecular Structures from Rod−Coil Block Copolymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3891

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Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers: from Synthesis to Applications

Scott M. Grayson and Jean M. J. Fréchet*
Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-1460

Received March 5, 2001

Contents C. Applications of Peripheral Modification 3850

V. Modification of Repeat Unit 3854
I. Introduction 3819
A. Incorporating Monomer with Functionality. 3854
A. Structure 3820
B. Postsynthetic Modification of Repeat Unit 3855
B. Applications 3821 Functionality
C. Synthetic Approaches 3821 VI. Dendritic Copolymers 3855
1. Divergent Approach 3821 A. Layered Copolymers 3856
2. Convergent Approach 3822 B. Segmented Copolymers 3857
D. Features of the Convergent Synthesis 3823 C. Tailored Copolymers 3858
1. Structural Purity 3823 VII. Conclusion 3860
2. Synthetic Versatility 3823 VIII. Acknowledgments 3861
II. Convergent Synthesis of Dendrons and 3824 IX. Glossary 3861
X. References 3862
A. Single-Stage Convergent Syntheses 3824
1. Poly(aryl ether) Dendrimers 3824
2. Poly(aryl alkyne) Dendrimers 3826
I. Introduction
3. Poly(phenylene) Dendrimers 3827
4. Poly(alkyl ester) Dendrimers 3827 Dendrimers represent a key stage in the ongoing
5. Poly(aryl alkene) Dendrimers 3828 evolution of macromolecular chemistry. From the
6. Poly(alkyl ether) Dendrimers 3828 origins of polymer chemistry until 20 years ago, a
7. Other Convergent Dendrimer Syntheses 3829 major focus had been the synthesis and characteriza-
B. Accelerated Approaches 3829 tion of linear polymers. Although the molecular
interactions and the many conformations of linear
1. Multigenerational Coupling: Hypercores, 3830
Hypermonomers, and Double Exponential polymers involve three dimensions, their covalent
Growth assembly is strictly a one-dimensional process. Half
2. Orthogonal Syntheses 3832 a century ago, in theoretical studies, Flory was
among the first to examine the potential role of
III. Modification of the Focal Functionality 3835
branched units in macromolecular architectures,1,2
A. Traditional Covalently Bound Cores 3835 but it was not until the mid-1980s that methods for
1. Environmentally Responsive Cores: 3837 the orderly preparation of these polymers had been
Dendritic Probes sufficiently developed to enable their practical study.
2. Chiral Cores 3838 In 1978, Vögtle developed an iterative cascade method
3. Host−Guest Core Binding Sites 3839 for the synthesis of low molecular weight branched
4. Core Catalytic Sites 3840 amines.3 Using chemistry and conditions less prone
5. Photochemically Responsive Cores 3841 to cyclization side-reactions and therefore more suit-
6. Fluorescent Cores 3842 able for repetitive growth, Tomalia et al. disclosed
7. Redox-Active Cores 3842 the synthesis and characterization of the first family
8. Other Core Functionalities 3843 of dendrimers in 1984-1985.4,5 The synthesis was
B. Linear−Dendritic Copolymers 3843 initiated by Michael addition of a “core” molecule of
C. Dendronized Linear Polymers 3844 ammonia to three molecules of methyl acrylate,
followed by exhaustive amidation of the triester
1. Macromonomer Approach 3844
adduct using a large excess of ethylenediamine, a
2. “Coupling to” Approach 3846 process that generates a molecule with six terminal
D. Self-Assembly of Dendritic Cores 3847 amine groups. Iterative growth is then continued
E. Surface-Bound Dendrons 3848 using alternating Michael addition and amidation
IV. Modification of the Periphery 3849 steps with the appropriate excess of reagents. Opti-
A. Introduction of End Groups Prior to Dendritic 3849 mization of this procedure enabled the synthesis of
Growth globular poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers on
B. Introduction of End Groups after Completion 3849 a commercial scale with molecular weights well above
of Dendritic Growth 25 000. Shortly thereafter, in 1985, Newkome re-
ported preliminary results toward another family of
* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. trisbranched polyamide dendrimers,6 and in 1993,
10.1021/cr990116h CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 11/20/2001
3820 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

Scott M. Grayson (left) was born in 1974 in St. Louis, Missouri. He studied
at Tulane University in New Orleans and graduated summa cum laude
with a BS in Chemistry in 1996. After completing his M.Phil. in
Archaeological Chemistry at the University of Bradford (Bradford, U.K.),
under the guidance of Prof. Carl Heron, he returned to the US to pursue
doctoral studies in chemistry. He is presently researching the applications
of dendritic architectures with Professor Jean M. J. Fréchet at the University
of California, Berkeley.

Jean M. J. Fréchet (right) obtained his first degree at the Institut de Chimie
et Physique Industrielles (now CPE) in Lyon, France, and Ph.D. degrees
at SUNY−CESF and Syracuse University. Following academic appoint-
ments at the University of Ottawa (1973−1986) and Cornell University
(1987−1996), he joined the department of chemistry at the University of
California, Berkeley. Fréchet is a member of the National Academy of
Science, the National Academy of Engineering, and the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences. His research is concerned with functional polymers
from their design and synthesis to their applications.

improvements on Vögtle’s original synthesis were

disclosed by Meijer and Mülhaupt that enabled the
production of poly(propylene imine) (PPI) dendrim-
ers.7,8 In 1989-1990, Hawker and Fréchet introduced
the convergent growth approach to dendrimers,9,10
the second general route to dendritic structures, and
the primary subject of this review. Since these
Figure 1.
seminal reports, thousands of papers have been
written about the synthesis, properties, and applica-
tions of dendrimers, and a diverse range of complex At least three characteristic features of dendrimers
macromolecules have been assembled, capitalizing on are in sharp contrast to those of traditional linear
the unique architecture of dendritic molecules and polymers.
the properties they confer.11-28 (i) A dendrimer can be isolated as an essentially
monodisperse single compound, unlike most linear
polymers whose synthesis affords a range of molec-
A. Structure ular species differing in molecular weight (MW). Size
monodispersity results from a well-designed iterative
There are two basic types of polymers that consist synthesis that allows reactions to be driven to
entirely of branched repeat units: dendrimers and completion, side-reactions to be avoided, and in some
hyperbranched polymers. Hyperbranched polymers cases, the dendritic products to be purified at inter-
are usually the product of a noniterative polymeri- mediate steps during their growth.
zation procedure29-31 and therefore exhibit an ir- (ii) As their molecular weight increases, the prop-
regular architecture (Figure 1a) with incompletely erties of dendrimers (e.g., solubility, chemical reac-
reacted branch points throughout the structure.17,32,33 tivity, glass transition temperature) are dominated
Dendrimers, on the other hand, are highly ordered, by the nature of the end groups. Unlike linear
regularly branched, globular macromolecules pre- polymers that contain only two end groups, the
pared by a stepwise iterative approach. Their struc- number of dendrimer end groups increases exponen-
ture is divided into three distinct architectural tially with generation, and therefore the end-groups
regions: (i) a core or focal moiety, (ii) layers of frequently become the primary interface between the
branched repeat units emanating from this core, and dendrimer and its environment.
(iii) end groups on the outer layer of repeat units (iii) In contrast to linear polymer growth that,
(Figure 1b). Dendrimers are differentiated from hy- theoretically, can continue ad infinitum barring
perbranched polymers by their structural perfection, solubility issues, dendritic growth is mathematically
leading to an exact number of concentric layers of limited. During growth of a dendrimer, the number
branching points, or generations. of monomer units increases exponentially with gen-
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3821

eration, while the volume available to the dendrimer

only grows proportionally to the cube of its radius.
As a result of this physical limitation, dendritic
molecules develop a more globular conformation as
generation increases. At a certain generation a steric
limit to regular growth, known as the De Gennes
dense packing34 is reached. Growth may be continued
beyond de Gennes dense packing but this leads to
irregular dendrimers incorporating structural flaws.

B. Applications
Because of their well-defined, unique macromo-
lecular structure, dendrimers are attractive scaffolds
for a variety of high-end applications. Their highly
branched, globular architecture gives rise to a num-
ber of interesting properties that contrast those of
linear polymers of analogous molecular weight.35-39
When compared to linear analogues, dendrimers
demonstrate significantly increased solubility35,36 that
can be readily tuned by derivatizing the periphery,40
and they also exhibit very low intrinsic viscosities.11,37
Unlike linear polymers, properly designed high gen-
eration dendrimers exhibit a distinct “interior” that
is sterically encapsulated within the dendrimer,
enabling applications as unimolecular container mol-
ecules.41 For example, Meijer et al. have described
an elegant “dendritic box” that can encapsulate
various small organic molecules and control their
release by modifying the steric crowding of the
dendritic periphery.42 Synthetic approaches have
been developed that allow the functionalization of
both the interior and exterior of these versatile
macromolecules enabling them to operate as transi-
tion state catalysts with high turnover.43 The encap-
sulation of function28 provided by dendrimers has
been utilized in a variety of light-harvesting,44 emis-
sion,44 and amplification45 functions. Among many
other applications under consideration, the use of
dendrimers as components in drug or gene delivery
is the object of numerous current studies.46-54

C. Synthetic Approaches
Two complementary general approaches, the di-
vergent and the convergent, have been used for the
synthesis of dendrimers.15,17

1. Divergent Approach
The divergent approach, arising from the seminal
work of Tomalia and Newkome, as well as the
branched model work of Vögtle, initiates growth at
what will become the core of the dendrimer and
continues outward by the repetition of coupling and
activation steps (Figure 2). Reaction of the peripheral Figure 2.
functionalities of the core with the complementary
reactive group of the monomer introduces a new
latent branch point at each coupling site and results venting uncontrolled hyperbranched polymerization.
in an increase in the number of peripheral function- After driving the first coupling reaction to completion,
alities (Figure 2: coupling step). The peripheral these latent functionalities can be activated to afford
functionalities on each monomer are designed to be a new layer of peripheral groups capable of coupling
inert to focal monomer functionality, thereby pre- to additional monomer (Figure 2: activation step).
3822 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

The activation of the peripheral group may involve

its conversion to a reactive functionality, its couping
with a second molecule, or the removal of a protecting
group. Repetition of the coupling and activation steps
leads to an exponential increase in the number of
reactions at the periphery; therefore, a large excess
of reagents is required to drive both reactions to
completion. Because of the difference in molecular
weight, it may be possible to separate the macromol-
ecule from the excess reagents by a simple distilla-
tion, precipitation, or ultrafiltration.
Given an appropriate choice of coupling and activa-
tion steps, reagents, and reaction conditions, the
divergent approach is ideally suited for the large-
scale preparation of dendrimers as the quantity of
dendrimer sample essentially doubles with each
generation increment. However, because the number
of coupling reactions increases exponentially with
each generation, the likelihood of incomplete func-
tionalization or side reaction increases exponentially
as well. Although removal of the monomer may be
straightforward, any flawed molecules resulting from
cyclizations or incomplete reactions cannot easily be
removed because of their structural similarity to the
intended product. In addition, if the activating agent
itself is capable of initiating new growth, rigorous
measures must be taken to ensure its complete
removal in order to prevent the growth of smaller
dendritic impurities. Because of this and the onset
of De Gennes dense packing, high generation den-
drimers produced using the divergent method, though
quite monodisperse when compared to the narrowest
polydispersity linear polymers, still contain an ap-
preciable number of structural flaws. Of the many
divergent syntheses studied to date, a few appear to
be particularly noteworthy. These include Dow’s
PAMAM5,55 and DSM’s poly(propylene imine)8,56 den-
drimers, Newkome’s arborols,6,57-61 and Majoral’s
phosphorus-based dendrimers.62-64

2. Convergent Approach
The convergent method, first reported by Hawker
and Fréchet in 1989-1990,9,10,65 initiates growth from
what will eventually become the exterior of the
molecule (Figure 3), and progresses inward by cou-
pling end groups to each branch of the monomer
(Figure 3: coupling step). After completion of the
coupling, the single functional group located at the
focal point of the wedge-shaped dendritic fragment,
or dendron, can be activated (Figure 3: activation
step). Coupling of this activated dendron to each of Figure 3.
the complementary functionalities on an additional
monomer unit affords a higher generation dendron.
After sufficient repetition of this process, these den- decreases exponentially as the generation number
drons can be attached to a polyfunctional core increases. Since coupling yields are not quantitative
through their focal point to form a globular multi- and purification results in some losses, the mass of
dendron dendrimer. Although again an iterative the sample decreases with each additional genera-
synthesis, the convergent route strongly contrasts its tion. In addition, because the coupling reaction occurs
divergent counterpart since it involves only a small at the focal point of the growing dendron, the
number of reactions per molecule during the coupling preparation of very large dendrimers (typically above
and activation steps. the sixth generation) is complicated by steric inhibi-
Although the molecular weight of the dendron is tion, resulting in decreased yields.
effectively doubled at each coupling step, the contri- As mentioned earlier, each activation and coupling
bution of the monomer to the mass of the product step in the convergent synthesis requires only a very
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3823

small number of transformations per molecule. As a

result, the reactions can be driven to completion with
only a slight excess of reagent, in contrast to the
massive excess of reagent required for the divergent
synthesis of high generation dendrimers. Product
purification after the coupling step is also facilitated
by the very small number of components in the
reaction mixture. The dissimilarity between these
components enables the effective use of chromato-
graphic purification, ensuring that convergent den-
drons are probably the purest synthetic macromol-
ecules prepared to date.
This review will focus on the development of the
convergent approach to dendrimers since its concep-
tion over a decade ago. In addition to discussing a
number of noteworthy convergent syntheses, it will
also cover their chemical modification for incorpora-
tion of function. The divergent approach, which has
provided numerous valuable contributions to the field
of functional macromolecules, is beyond the scope of
this review and has been covered elsewhere.20,22,24,26,28

D. Features of the Convergent Synthesis

The convergent synthesis with its stepwise as-
sembly of building blocks can be described as the
“organic chemist’s approach” to dendrimers. It pro-
vides greater structural control than the divergent Figure 4.
approach due to its relatively low number of coupling
reactions at each growth step, allowing access to during synthesis, the divergently prepared samples
dendritic products of unmatched purity and func- are generally mixtures of several closely related
tional versatility. The ability to precisely place func- compounds with an extremely low overall polydisper-
tional groups throughout the structure, to selectively sity,67-69 whereas the convergently prepared materi-
modify the focal point or the chain ends, and to als, with appropriate chromatographic purification,
prepare well-defined unsymmetrical dendrimers are can be isolated essentially as a single molecular
among the most attractive features of the convergent species of precise molecular weight and structure.70,71
synthesis. Yet because it is less readily scaled up than
the divergent synthesis, its commercialization is 2. Synthetic Versatility
presently limited to one family of polyether dendrons
by Tokyo Kasei Co., Ltd. in Japan.10 The convergent approach has seen extensive use
in the construction of functional macromolecules
1. Structural Purity because of its ability to modify dendrons at both the
focal point and the chain ends. This modularity is
A convenient way to examine sample purity in- especially helpful in design optimization because the
volves the use of matrix-assisted laser desorption same dendritic structure can be modified, after the
ionization time-of-flight mass spectroscopy (MALDI- dendron synthesis, to vary the number and chemistry
TOF MS). Figure 4 shows the mass spectrum of a of functional moieties in the resultant dendrimer.72
convergently synthesized fifth generation aliphatic In addition, structural variations involving the
polyether dendron. In the mass spectrum, only one attachment of chemically different dendrons to a
peak is observed, corresponding to the mass of the single monomer unit are possible. For example, it is
dendron plus a silver cation. The mass spectrum of possible to carry out a coupling reaction involving
a purchased sample of divergently prepared fourth only one of the active functionalities of the monomer
generation poly(propylene imine) dendrimer, also (Figure 5). The remaining site may then be coupled
displayed in Figure 4, exhibits a measurable amount with an alternative dendron, affording a dendritic
of defective molecules as the sample could not be “copolymer.” Appropriate variations of the chemistry
purified by chromatography. Detailed mass spectral and sequencing of such unsymmetrical growth en-
studies by Meijer and co-workers have identified a ables accurate control over the exact number and
number of recurring flaws within the PPI dendrimer placement of different peripheral groups, as well as
synthesis including cyclizations and incomplete cou- different monomer units, throughout the dendritic
plings. From mass spectral analysis, they approxi- structure. We first demonstrated this capability in
mate the purity of a fourth generation PPI dendrimer 1990 with the preparation of unsymmetrically end-
to be only 41%.66 Although the structural purity functionalized dendrimers and in 1991 with new
obtained from the two approaches varies signifi- types of dendritic copolymers that are not readily
cantly, depending on the specific conditions employed obtainable by other approaches.73,74
3824 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

Scheme 1

Figure 5.

II. Convergent Synthesis of Dendrons and

In the past decade, a variety of convergent synthe-
ses have been developed, incorporating a wide range
of functionalities. While many are imaginative, only
a few have proven sufficiently versatile and efficient
to see consistent use since they were first reported.
By far the most widely used convergent syntheses
are the poly(aryl ether), developed by Fréchet and
co-workers, and the poly(aryl alkyne) developed by
Moore and co-workers. Other noteworthy syntheses
include those of the poly(phenylene), the poly(alkyl mer 1. The two phenolic groups of this monomer were
ester), the poly(aryl alkene), and the poly(alkyl ether) coupled to the benzylic bromide 2, in the presence of
dendrimers. All of these syntheses will be described potassium carbonate and 18-crown-6, producing the
in more detail below. two new ether linkages of the second generation
benzylic alcohol 3. The focal benzylic alcohol func-
A. Single-Stage Convergent Syntheses tionality was then activated for the next coupling step
by reaction with carbon tetrabromide and triphenyl
An effective convergent synthesis requires a mono- phospine affording brominated dendron 4. The cou-
mer that can undergo the activation and coupling pling step was then repeated using 2 equiv of
steps in high yield and whose products can be readily activated dendron 4 and 1 equiv of the monomer,
isolated from excess starting material and byprod- yielding the third generation benzylic alcohol, 5.
ucts. In addition, the coupling step must be very effi- Subsequent repetitions of the Williamson coupling
cient to enable complete reaction even when involving and bromination steps enabled the production of the
sterically demanding high generation dendrons. sixth generation dendrons 11 and 12. This effective
synthesis was designed to incorporate the efficient
1. Poly(aryl ether) Dendrimers Williamson coupling reaction between a highly nu-
Developed by Hawker and Fréchet in 1989-1990, cleophilic phenolate, and a highly activated benzylic
the poly(benzyl ether) synthesis10,65,75 makes use of bromide, ensuring exceptional yields during all the
3,5-dihydroxybenzyl alcohol (Scheme 1) as the mono- generation growth steps. The benzylic substrate also
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3825

prevented elimination side reactions that frequently relatively readily accessed and exhibit the chemical
accompany nucleophilic displacements. Similarly, stability associated with ether linkages.
optimization of the activation step from a benzylic The versatility of this Williamson type convergent
alcohol to the benzylic bromide ensured that this dendritic synthesis can be witnessed by the number
reaction could be achieved with consistently high of variations (Figure 6) reported on the original
yields. These considerations mandated our initial
choice of monomer 1 in order to provide excellent
yields and regioselectivity during its activation and
coupling reactions.
A clear limitation of the convergent growth is
observed when pursuing the synthesis at very high
generation number, as steric constraints begin to
hinder the coupling step. For example, in the poly-
(benzyl ether) synthesis depicted in Scheme 1, the
yields obtained during the coupling reactions for the
first four generations are consistently near 90%, but
drop to 85% at the fifth generation coupling step and
to 78% at the sixth. All of the dendrons from genera-
tion one through six can also be effectively coupled
to a tris(phenolic) core 13 to form tridendron den-
drimers 14-20, though an analogous steric effect
causes a slight reduction in yields for the larger
dendrimers (Scheme 2).
Scheme 2

Figure 6.

repeat unit 21. Tyler et al. reported the use of

“reversed” monomer 22, where the building block
instead consists of two benylic alcohols as the latent
electrophiles, and one nucleophilic phenol.76,77 Both
the Fréchet-type dendrons and these “reversed” den-
drons have proven to be of particular interest in light
amplification45 and light-harvesting systems,78-81
because of their complementary behavior in energy
transfer through their molecular frameworks. A
number of structural variations have been reported
on the original 3,5-branching geometry of repeat unit
21, including 2,5-substitution,45 23, 3,4-substitu-
tion,82-85 24, and the “backfolded” system86 which
incorporates monomer 25. As was the case with the
“reversed” dendrons these structural variations lead
to significant changes in properties of the resultant
dendrons.45,82,86 In addition, a range of different
The poly(benzyl ether) dendrimer synthesis is one leaving groups (chloride, tosylate, and mesylate, as
of only a few convergent syntheses that can produce well as bromide) and masked focal functionalities
dendrons and dendrimers in reasonable yields up to (aldehyde and ester, as well as benzyl alcohol) has
the sixth generation. These dendrons, now frequently enabled further flexibility in the synthesis.
referred to as “Fréchet-type” dendrons, have been The poly(aryl ether) system can also be easily
utilized by a number of groups because they are adapted to incorporate spacer groups. Wooley et al.
3826 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

first reported the use of the 4,4-bis(4′-hydroxyphe- Scheme 3

nyl)pentanol monomer 26 with identical Williamson
coupling and bromination activation procedures, as
a more extended, flexible repeat unit designed to
reduce problematic steric interaction during the
synthesis of large poly(aryl ether) dendrimers.87 This
goal was realized, as the new dendrons, in conjunc-
tion with the traditional poly(benzyl ether) dendrons,
led to the first reported convergent synthesis of a
seventh generation dendrimer. Chow et al. later
reported the synthesis of similar poly(aryl ether)
dendrons utilizing a 3-(3,5-dihydroxyphenoxy)pro-
panol as a more extended repeat unit,88-90 27. Be-
cause both of these poly(aryl ether) dendritic struc-
tures lack the benzylic ether functionality of the
original synthesis, their stability to redox and acidic
conditions is believed to be improved. For this reason,
the Gorman and Chow groups have used these
elongated dendritic structures extensively for the
encapsulation of redox-active cores.91-95
To investigate the effect of chirality in dendrimers,
a number of groups have incorporated chiral spacers
into the poly(aryl ether) repeat unit. Chow et al.96-100
modified their dihydroxyphenoxypropanol repeat unit
27 to include the acetonide protected diol spacers:
(2R,3R)- or (2S,3S)-threitol, 28 and 29. McGrath and
co-workers incorporated similar chiral protected diols
30-33 into their studies,101-105 whereas Seebach and
co-workers106-109 investigated the di- and tribranched
chiral monomers 34-36.
To expedite the synthesis of densely packed den-
drons, Percec and co-workers110 have utilized the
triply branched monomer 37, methyl 3,4,5-trihydroxy-
benzoate.84,85,111-113 The materials were synthesized
by coupling the phenolic groups of the monomer to 3
equiv of a benzylic chloride, followed by transforma-
tion of the focal ester functionality to a chloromethyl
group, via LiAlH4 reduction and SOCl2 chlorination.
This procedure could be repeated up to the fourth

2. Poly(aryl alkyne) Dendrimers

Moore and co-workers have used aryl alkyne, or
“phenylacetylene,” building blocks to explore a vari-
ety of well-defined macromolecular architectures
ranging from linear oligomers and complex macro-
cycles, to dendritic compounds.114 Because of their
poor intrinsic solubility, the poly(phenylacetylene)
dendrons required solubilizing end groups. The 4-tert-
butylphenyl peripheral units initially incorporated
proved useful as solubilizing groups only to the third
generation dendron; however, their replacement with
the 3,5-di-tert-butylphenyl peripheral groups pro-
vided sufficient solubility to access fourth generation
dendrons.115 Initial modifications to enable the syn-
thesis of larger dendrimers included the use of
elongated monomer units designed to counteract
steric hindrance.116
More recently, the synthesis has been optimized,
to eliminate the necessity of extended monomer units
by simply reversing the functionalities on the mono-
mer while using a dialkyltriazene precursor for the
focal iodo functionality.117 The dendritic compounds
(Scheme 3) were synthesized using the diethynyl
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3827

monomer 38 with a triazene protecting group. The Scheme 5

terminal alkyne functionalities of the monomer are
capable of two efficient palladium-catalyzed cross-
couplings with the first generation aryl halide den-
dron 41, producing the second generation dendron
42. The nearly quantitative halogenation of the
triazene group produces an aryl halide, 43, activated
toward further coupling with the monomer.117 In
addition to improving the yields significantly, this
reversed approach enabled the synthesis of fifth
generation dendrons, and allowed these compounds
to be synthesized via a solid supported technique.117
The notable features of these phenylacetylene den-
dritic structures are the rigid repeat units that lead
to shape persistent dendrimers,118 and the conjugated
segments within the structure, which impart inter-
esting photophysical properties.119-131

3. Poly(phenylene) Dendrimers
Two other convergent syntheses including that of
a family poly(1,3,5-phenylene) dendrimers132,133 were
reported by Miller and Neenan shortly after that of
the poly(benzyl ether) dendrimer.10 Preparation of
these polyphenylenes (Scheme 4) and their fluori-

Scheme 4

mer 62, to yield the corresponding dione 63. The

Knoevenagel condensation of dione 63 and 1,3-
diphenylacetone, 64, then afforded the substituted
cyclopentadienone 65. This synthesis is of particular
interest because it illustrates a potential steric
complication involved in some convergent syntheses.
Dendritic growth is not practical beyond the second
generation, because the enormous steric interactions
between the two poly(phenylene) wedges of 66 pre-
vent them from adopting the conformation required
for the subsequent Knoevenagel condensation. In
contrast, the divergent synthesis using a Diels-Alder
cycloaddition and a less conformationally demanding
TMS deprotection step could be driven effectively to
the fourth generation.
nated analogues involved the Suzuki coupling of aryl
boronic acids 46 or 47 with monomer 48, 3,5-dibromo- 4. Poly(alkyl ester) Dendrimers
1-(trimethylsilyl)benzene. Conversion of the trimeth-
ylsilyl (TMS) protecting group of products 49 and 50 One of the more efficient convergent dendrimer
to the boronic acid functionality in 51 and 52 enabled syntheses was reported by Hult and co-workers
further coupling to the monomer. This procedure (Scheme 6) utilizing a repeat unit based on 2,2-bis-
enabled the preparation of dendrons up to the third (hydroxymethyl)propanoic acid.136 The two alcohol
generation 57-60. The rigid repeat units of these moieties of the benzyl 2,2-bis(hydroxymethyl)pro-
molecules lead to dendritic structures with well- panoate monomer, 67, could be coupled efficiently
defined shapes and diameters. with an activated acid chloride end-group, 68. Fol-
Recently, Müllen et al. have reported a convergent lowing removal of the focal benzyl ester by hydro-
approach134 to poly(phenylene) dendrimers (Scheme genolysis, the carboxylic acid could be transformed
5) similar to the divergent [4 + 2] cycloaddition route to the corresponding acid chloride 70, in nearly
they had previously developed.135 The process was quantitative yields using oxalyl chloride. The coupling-
initiated by a Diels-Alder reaction between tetra- deprotection procedure was then repeated to the
substituted cyclopentadienone 61 and dialkynyl mono- fourth generation dendron 73. Although these poly-
3828 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

Scheme 6 Scheme 7

esters do not exhibit the chemical stability of other

dendritic macromolecules based on ether or hydro-
carbon linkages, the dendrons show rather high
stability to acidic conditions because their ester
functionalities are shielded from nucleophilic attack followed by a Wittig reaction with methyltriph-
by the neighboring quaternary carbon. Recently, Ihre enylphosphonium iodide to produce the activated
et al. reported a remarkably efficient137 and versa- dendritic styrene 84. With this procedure, dendritic
tile138 divergent synthesis of analogous dendrimers. materials could be prepared up to the third genera-
tion 86. Halim et al. have studied the photophysical
5. Poly(aryl alkene) Dendrimers properties of these materials, in particular their
application toward light-emitting diode devices.145-148
The Meier and Burn groups both developed a
convergent approach to conjugated poly(aryl alkene) 6. Poly(alkyl ether) Dendrimers
dendrimers using coupling chemistry similar to the
orthogonal synthesis first reported by Deb et al.139 An aliphatic analogue of the poly(benzyl ether)
Meier and co-workers reported the synthesis of these dendrimer was recently developed by Fréchet and co-
compounds140-142 using the Horner-Wadsworth- workers (Scheme 9). Based on monomer 87, 3-chloro-
Emmons coupling of aldehyde 74 with the bis- 2-chloromethyl-propene, the synthesis was initiated
(phosphite) monomer 75, (Scheme 7). The dimethoxy- by coupling the end groups to the monomer using the
acetal focal point of product 76 could be readily Williamson ether coupling of a bis-protected triol, 88,
hydrolyzed to regenerate the active aldehyde 77. or 89, with the allylic chloride functionalities of the
However, the synthesis suffered from low yields and monomer.149,150 The double bond of the monomer
prohibitively long reaction times above the fourth serves three distinct functions: (i) it activates the
generation 80. Burn and co-workers143,144 reported the allylic halide moieties for Williamson coupling, (ii)
synthesis of an identical dendritic framework (Scheme it prevents elimination side reactions, and (iii) it
8), via the Heck coupling of a derivatized styrene 81 serves as a latent hydroxyl group for growth of the
with the monomer 3,5-dibromobenzaldehyde, 82, next generation. The double bond of the resulting
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3829

Scheme 8 Scheme 9

7. Other Convergent Dendrimer Syntheses

A wide variety of other convergent syntheses
have been developed for the preparation of den-
product 90 or 91 was converted to the corresponding
dritic poly(amides),132,153-160 poly(esters),161,162 poly-
primary alcohol 92 or 93 via hydroboration/oxidation,
(urethanes),163,164 poly(carbonates),165 poly(aryl
thereby enabling further coupling. This procedure
ethers),166-169 poly(arylamines),170-173 poly(aryl ke-
could be repeated in high yields (85% or greater for
tones),174 poly(aryl alkynes),175 poly(aryl methanes),176
88 and 69% or greater for 89) through fifth genera-
poly(arylammonium) salts,177 poly (thioureas),178 poly-
tion dendrons 102-105. Although the more demand-
(ether imides),179 poly(keto ethers),180-182 poly(amine
ing purification of these compounds will likely pre-
ethers),183 poly(amino esters),184 poly(amide
vent them from supplanting the poly(benzyl ether)
ethers),185-189 poly(pyridyl amides),190 poly(uracils),191
family for many applications, they offer a signifi-
poly(triazenes),192,193 poly(saccharides),194 poly(glyco-
cantly more rugged backbone allowing a wider range
peptides),195 and poly(nucleic acids).196 In addition,
of chemical modification. For example, the peripheral
chiral dendrimers197,198 including amide,199-201
ketal and benzyl ether protecting groups can be
ether,96-108 and ester202 linkages, and organometallic
quantitatively removed by acid-catalyzed hydrolysis
dendrimers,203-207 including silicon,208 germanium,209
or palladium-catalyzed hydrogenolysis exposing mul-
palladium,210 and platinum211-214 containing repeat
tiple peripheral hydroxyl groups capable of further
units have been reported. Syntheses that incorporate
modification by alkylation or esterification.40 The
specific functional moieties within the monomer will
poly(alkyl ether) dendrons were selected as solubi-
be addressed in section 6.
lizing scaffolds for otherwise intractable oligothio-
phenes because they did not interfere with the
N-bromosuccinimide bromination of the pendant B. Accelerated Approaches
oligothiophene or subsequent Stille couplings.151,152
In addition, these compounds exhibit a significantly In response to the often tedious and purification
more polar backbone, similar to poly(ethylene glycol), intensive iterative dendrimer syntheses, many re-
which may prove useful in macromolecular catalysts searchers have sought accelerated approaches that
or biomedical applications. combine the convergent and divergent strategies.
3830 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

These procedures generally maintain the versatility The “hypermonomer” approach, applies the concept
and product monodispersity offered by the traditional of multistage growth to the monomer itself. Instead
convergent method, but reduce the number of linear of assembling dendrons one generation at a time,
synthetic steps required to access larger dendritic hypermonomers contain two or more layers of branch-
materials. ing units, enabling the addition of multiple genera-
tions during each coupling step. Although the cou-
pling and activation steps may involve reactions
1. Multigenerational Coupling: Hypercores, identical to those used with traditional monomers,
Hypermonomers, and Double Exponential Growth
the number of individual coupling reactions per
Fréchet and co-workers developed the “hypercore” growth step increases exponentially with the genera-
approach in order to improve the yields of sterically tion of the hypermonomer, requiring the use of very
inhibited high-generation coupling reactions. The efficient coupling chemistry.
goal of this approach is to couple convergently Wooley et al. first demonstrated this approach
synthesized dendrons to the periphery of a dendritic (Scheme 11) by utilizing a second generation hyper-
core that already contained layers of branching units. monomer, 109, consisting of two layers of branch
Using the standard convergent approach, first, sec- points.216 The carboxylic acid terminated hypermono-
ond, and third generation dendrimers were con- mer allowed the facile synthesis of the fifth genera-
structed with 4,4-bis(4′-hydroxyphenyl)pentanol as tion dendron 112 from the first generation benzyl
the flexible repeat unit.87 The benzyl ether periphery bromide 2 in just three reaction steps. L’abbé and
of these dendrimers could be removed via hydro- co-workers 217,218 later introduced silyl-protected sec-
genolysis (Scheme 10) to expose 6, 12, or 24 phenolic ond and third generation hypermonomers 113 and
114, to enable the accelerated synthesis of the poly-
Scheme 10
(benzyl ether) dendrons initially reported by Hawker
and Fréchet (Scheme 12). tert-Butyldiphenylsilyl
protecting groups were selected for the periphery
because they could withstand the conditions required
for hypermonomer synthesis, yet could be readily
cleaved with fluoride ions. The deprotection step is
followed by an immediate in situ coupling to dendritic
benzylic bromides to produce dendrons up to the fifth
generation in greater than 80% yield.
The final development in multigeneration growth
was proposed by Moore and co-workers in 1995 and
takes direct advantage of both divergent and conver-
gent techniques.219 Dubbed “double exponential den-
drimer growth”, this procedure requires a monomer
with orthogonally masked focal and peripheral func-
tionalities. The first generation dendron can be modi-
fied either at the focal point, to obtain the activated
dendron, or at the periphery, to yield the first gen-
eration monomer. Coupling of the monomer and acti-
vated dendron yields a second generation dendron,
which may likewise be activated at either the focal
point or the periphery. Coupling of the resultant acti-
vated second generation dendrons to the second gen-
eration hypermonomer affords a fourth generation
dendron. Each successive repetition of these three
groups. In a second stage of growth the dendritic steps (dendron activation, monomer activation, and
polyols were utilized as multigenerational “hyper- coupling) leads to a doubling of the generation
cores” capable of coupling with the benzylic bromide number.
functionalities of Fréchet-type dendrons. As a result, To demonstrate this approach (Scheme 13), Moore
coupling of the third generation hypercore 107 with and co-workers selected compound 115, containing
24 fourth generation dendritic bromides 8 afforded the orthogonal focal triazene protecting group and
the seventh generation dendrimers 108 in a 61% two TMS-protected alkynes, to initiate their synthe-
yield. This so-called “double stage convergent” ap- sis. Conversion of its focal point to an iodo functional-
proach not only provides access to dendrimers with ity afforded the activated first generation dendron
chemically differentiated internal and external repeat 116, while removal of the TMS protecting groups
units, but it also provides a more rapid and less yielded the activated first generation monomer 117.
demanding route to very large dendritic molecules. Coupling of monomer 116 with 2 equiv of dendron
This approach has also been employed by Neenan 117 yielded the second generation dendron 118.
and Miller, to enable the synthesis of a third genera- Subsequent halogenation of its focal point or depro-
tion poly(phenylene) dendrimer,133 and by Xu et al. tection of its periphery yielded 119 and 120 respec-
in the synthesis of a fourth generation phenylacety- tively, the two reactants necessary to produce the
lene dendrimer.215 fourth generation dendron 121. Attempts to continue
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3831

Scheme 11

Scheme 12 et al. recently utilized this approach to synthesize a

closely related poly(phenylacetylene) structure.220
Ihre et al. utilized the double exponential growth
approach (Scheme 14) to develop an efficient synthe-
sis of aliphatic polyester dendrimers.221 Similar to
Moore’s approach, the synthesis utilized orthogonal
protecting groups for the focal and peripheral func-
tionalities of the growing dendron. The 2,2-bis-
(hydroxymethyl)propanoic acid starting material was
protected either with a cyclic acetonide group to mask
the hydroxyl groups of 124, or with a benzyl ester at
its focal point, 125. The two complementary dendrons
124 and 125 were coupled efficiently using DCC and
catalytic amounts of DPTS to afford the second
generation dendron 126. The peripheral ketal of 126
could be hydrolyzed using an acidic polymer resin,
to afford the second generation hypermonomer 127.
Alternatively, catalytic hydrogenolysis of dendron
126 produced the activated carboxylic acid dendron
128. Finally, DCC coupling of 127 and 128 produced
the fourth generation dendron 129, in 91% yield.
These accelerated growth procedures have been
used by a number of groups to synthesize dendritic
poly(amides),222-224 poly(esters),225 poly(ether ure-
thanes),226 and chiral poly(ethers).227 The orthogonal-
ity of the focal and peripheral protecting groups
required for double exponential growth also enables
the synthesis to the eighth generation dendron facile modification at either the periphery or focal
proved problematic, however, as all 16 simultaneous point. Although this approach is one of the most rapid
couplings of 122 to 123 could not be completed.219 Chi methods yet reported for the synthesis of well-
3832 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

Scheme 13 Scheme 14

a result of this synthetic design, each reaction in the

synthesis adds a single generation to the dendron.
Spindler and Fréchet228 reported the first orthogo-
nal synthesis (Scheme 15) using the alternating

Scheme 15

defined, large dendrimers, the number of coupling

reactions required during each growth step increases
exponentially each time the iteration is repeated,
requiring high-yielding coupling chemistry. In this
way, double exponential growth incorporates the
advantages, and the disadvantages of both the con-
vergent and divergent approaches.

2. Orthogonal Syntheses
The other accelerated approach for dendrimer syn-
thesis, the orthogonal approach, involves convergent
growth with two different monomers. The monomers, monomers 3,5-diisocyanatobenzyl chloride, 131, and
an AB2 and a CD2 must be carefully selected such 3,5-dihydroxybenzyl alcohol, 1. Although this ap-
that the focal functionalities of each individual mono- proach enabled a one-pot, two-step synthesis of the
mer will only react with the periphery of the other third generation poly(ether carbamate) dendron 133,
monomer (B couples only with C and D only with A) difficulties in purification prohibited further growth.
thus removing the need for activation reactions. As Zimmerman and co-workers were the first to report
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3833

Scheme 16 utilizing the same two orthogonal coupling reactions.

Although the yields for the higher generation reac-
tions were reduced to less than 50%, a sixth genera-
tion dendrimer could be accessed in three synthetic
steps with only two purifications.
Yu and co-workers demonstrated the first orthogo-
nal synthesis of chemically homogeneous dendrons
(Scheme 17) with identical chemical connectivities,

Scheme 17

the orthogonal synthesis of high generation dendrim-

ers,229 producing dendrimers with alternating benzyl
ester and alkynyl linkages (Scheme 16). The synthe-
sis utilized the Mitsunobu esterification of the car-
boxylic acid end groups of monomer 134, followed by
the Sonogashira coupling of the resultant aryl idodide
135, with the terminal alkyne units of a second
monomer, 136. The focal alcohol functionality of 137
is appropriately functionalized to continue iterative
couplings to the diacid monomer 134 and the dialky-
nyl monomer 136 yielding the fourth generation
dendrimer 139. Both coupling reactions afforded
product in nearly 80% yield, through the fourth alkenyl linkages, between each generation.139 Com-
generation, demonstrating the efficiency of this route bining the coupling strategies from the two previ-
to high generation dendrons. To further accelerate ously discussed convergent approaches140-144 their
the synthesis, the authors also investigated the use clever synthesis utilized a repetition of the Horner-
of the AB4 hypermonomers 140 and 141 (Figure 7), Wadsworth-Emmons and the Heck coupling reac-
tions. Monomers 142 and 143 could be used to access
the fourth generation poly(aryl alkene) dendron 148
in an overall 15% yield in just four steps. Kakimoto
and co-workers224 also developed an orthogonal syn-
thesis to poly(aryl amide) dendrimers (Scheme 18).
Condensation of the monomer 3,5-diaminobromoben-
zene, 149, and the carboxylic acid 150 yielded the
dendritic bromide 151. Dendron 151 could then be
activated by a palladium-catalyzed insertion of car-
bon monoxide, enabling reaction with the second
monomer, 152, to yield a dendritic carboxylic acid,
153. All of the poly(aryl amide) dendrons exhibited
Figure 7. solubility in THF and dimethylacetamide (DMAc),
3834 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

Scheme 18 The only chemically homogeneous orthogonal syn-

thesis capable of efficiently producing high genera-
tion dendrimers (Scheme 19) was reported by Free-

Scheme 19

man and Fréchet.230 Two complementary monomers

155 and 157 are used for this synthesis. Introducing
benzyl ester end groups onto monomer 155 via
nucleophilic displacement is followed by a DCC
coupling with the second monomer to afford the
second generation dendron 158. The reactive benzylic
chloride focal point of 158 allows its direct coupling
with monomer 155, and the process can be continued
up to the fourth generation dendron 160. The mono-
mer sequence can also be readily reversed, by start-
ing with the DCC coupling of benzyl alcohol to 157,
followed by the nucleophilic displacement reaction
with monomer 155. Both approaches afforded iso-
lated yields of above 80% per coupling reaction
through the fourth generation. The attachment of
dendron 159 to the tricarboxylate core 161 produced
the third generation dendrimer 162, further demon-
strating the high efficiency of the DCC-mediated
but isolation of the third and fourth generation Although the orthogonal approach allows the rapid
dendrons 153 and 154 required the use of preparative synthesis of dendrimers, and reduces the number of
GPC. purification steps, few syntheses of this type have
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3835

been reported because of the complex synthetic Scheme 20

parameters. In addition to requiring highly efficient
coupling reactions, orthogonal syntheses require two
pairs of coupling functionalities that are strictly
orthogonal. This orthogonality also places a greater
limitation on which functionalities may be incorpo-
rated into the dendritic structure without interfering
with the synthesis.

III. Modification of the Focal Functionality

The inward growth employed by the convergent
synthesis is ideally suited for the attachment of
diverse core moieties. In the divergent method, since
the core is used to initiate dendritic growth, it must
be stable to the subsequent activation and coupling
conditions. The convergent synthesis, on the other
hand, installs the core in the final step, enabling the
incorporation of functionalities that may not with-
stand the conditions required for dendrimer growth.
As a result, the convergent synthesis has been
exploited for the construction of a wide variety
functional dendrimers.

A. Traditional Covalently Bound Cores

For the purpose of this article, a traditional co-
valently bound core will be defined as a low molecular
weight molecule with one or more functionalities
capable of covalently coupling to the focal point of a
dendron. This distinction is made to differentiate
these cores from polymeric or self-assembled cores.
The first dendrimer cores reported were simple di-
or trifunctional molecules capable of coupling with
dendrons utilizing identical chemistry as that re-
peated during dendron growth. For example, the
earliest dendrimer cores (Scheme 2) include the
trisphenolic core, 13, reported by Hawker and Fré-
chet,10 and the 1,3,5-triiodobenzene core reported by
Moore and co-workers.231
Since then, a variety of methods for core attach- Wooley et al.234 reported the first dendrimer-
ment have been explored. Hecht and Fréchet232 fullerene hybrid, 165 (Scheme 21), via the alkylation
utilized the cobalt-catalyzed [2 + 2 + 2] cyclotrim- of a prederivatized fullerene diphenol, 166, with the
erization (Scheme 20) of dendritically substituted dendritic bromide 6. Because of purification problems
alkynes 163 to produce a hexasubstituted benzene related to impure fullerene starting material, Hawker
core dendrimer, 164. Although the steric demand of et al. later investigated the direct cycloaddition235 of
higher generation substrates slowed the cyclization a fourth generation azide-functionalized Fréchet-type
reaction, this approach successfully yielded highly dendron, 167, with C60. This dendritic fullerene, 168,
functionalized, compact cores through the third gen- could be easily isolated by flash chromatography and
eration. A similar cyclization approach has been showed a significant increase in solubility over the
reported by Van Wuytswinkel et al. utilizing the 1,3- parent fullerene. Avent et al. reported a similar
dipolar cycloaddition reaction between a poly-azide cycloaddition of poly(phenylacetylene) dendrons bear-
core and dendritically di-substituted acetylene dicar- ing a focal tosylhydrazone functionality.236
boxylates.233 Because of steric constraints, the reac- More recently Hirsch and co-workers have pursued
tion yields were significantly reduced with larger the controlled attachment of multiple dendrons to C60
dendrons, preventing the preparation of the third cores (Scheme 22) via the cyclopropanation of bis-
generation dendrimer. dendritic malonates.237-239 The versatility of the
Within the past decade, a significant focus of cyclopropanation coupling approach has been utilized
dendrimer research has been the incorporation of by others to attach complex multifunctional den-
“functional” core molecules that, by their very nature, drons.240 Cyclopropanation could be achieved with
contribute clearly to the properties of the dendrimers. less than a 2-fold excess of the bis-dendritic mal-
A number of groups have investigated the feasibility onates per coupling site, enabling the attachment of
of coupling dendrons to a buckminsterfullerene core. six-third generation dendrons in 28% yield, or eight
3836 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

Scheme 21 Scheme 22

macrocycles could be observed between the different

bipyridinium sites. Because the dendrons imparted
enhanced solubility in organic solvents, the rate of
shuttling as a function of solvent polarity could be
determined and exhibited a dramatic increase in
more polar solvents. Dendrimers have also been
reported that incorporate a pseudo-rotaxane linkage
between each of the dendrons and the core.242 Gibson
and co-workers assembled these pseudorotaxanes by
threading Fréchet-type dendrons with a crown ether
focal point onto a tris-ammonium salt core. Because
these pseudorotaxanes lack one blocking group along
the linear portion, the threading and dethreading
equilibrium is subject to environmental conditions.
Porphyrins72,143,146,164,243-259 and the closely related
phthalocyanines260-267 have been utilized extensively
as dendrimer cores because of their interesting
electrical, optical, and catalytic properties. Inoue and
co-workers reported the first convergent synthesis of
a porphyrin-core dendrimer248 by attaching poly(aryl
ether) dendrons onto the preformed porphyrin 172.
Fréchet and co-workers later compared the utility of
this approach to the Lindsey condensation (Scheme
23) of dendritic aldehyde 173 and pyrrole.243 The two
second generation dendrons in a 73% yield.237 At- methods offered complementary routes toward the
tachment of additional dendrons to the fullerene core synthesis of porphyrin-core dendrimer 174, as the
appeared to be sterically disfavored, 239 as attempts Lindsey condensation is acid catalyzed, while the
to synthesize a fullerene with 12 first generation Williamson route required prolonged reactions under
dendrons only proceeded in a 5.4% yield, 170, and basic conditions. Though the “Lindsey products” were
the analogous second generation molecule could not easier to purify, the Williamson coupling appeared
be synthesized.238 to be more suitable for the synthesis of larger
Dendrons have also been used as the capping dendrimers, since this approach was less sensitive
moieties for rotaxane cores (Figure 8). Amabilino et to steric constraints. Similar complementary ap-
al. reported the Williamson coupling of the third proaches have been reported for the synthesis of
generation Fréchet-type dendrons 6 to cap polyether dendritic phthalocyanines.265,268 The attachment of
macrocycles threaded around linear bipyridinium dendrons to the porphyrin and phthalocyanine cores
oligomers.241 When the linear component consisted enabled modification of their solubility,245,246,265,266
of multiple viologen units, 171, shuttling of the improvement of their processibility,260,263,264 and steric
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3837

Figure 8.

encapsulation of their reactive sites.253,254,259,263 A vents, the solvatochromic shift in the absorption
substantial contribution to the field of dendritic spectra appeared to change drastically between the
porphyrins and phthalocyanines has also been made third and fourth generations, confirming that only
by the groups of Diederich269-272 and Koboyashi268,273 large dendrimers are capable of efficiently shielding
using the divergent approach. their core from the exterior environment. Devadoss
In the following section, a variety of convergently et al. reported a similar shift in the fluorescence
prepared dendrimers will be discussed in the general spectra between the fourth and fifth generations,
context of their applications. Given the focus of this utilizing the characteristic charge transfer in poly-
review, such a classification is quite appropriate since (phenylacetylene) dendrimers having a 2,5-dimethox-
it is the application that dictates the design of the yphenylethyne focal point.275 In other studies, tryp-
dendrimer and hence its synthesis. tophan cores were used to evaluate the nature of
hydrogen bonding within the interior of the den-
1. Environmentally Responsive Cores: Dendritic Probes drimer,276 rubicene cores were incorporated to deter-
Because high generation dendrimers can sterically mine the hydrodynamic volume of dendrimers in
encapsulate the core from the external environment, different solvents,277 and paramagnetic,278 or isotope
the interior is expected to exhibit a unique microen- labeled279 cores were utilized in conjunction with
vironment. The ability to tune this environment may nuclear magnetic resonance to probe dendritic con-
eventually provide a synthetic mimic of enzymatic formation.
catalysis or biological binding events, but initial Vögtle and co-workers have also explored the steric
investigations have focused on the incorporation of demands and flexibility of the Fréchet-type dendrons
responsive core moieties designed to help elucidate by comparing the rate of rotaxane dethreading
the complex nature of the dendritic molecules them- between the dendritic stoppers and traditional rigid
selves. For example, Hawker et al. coupled the anion stoppers.280 The dendritic rotaxanes were prepared
of 4-(N-methylamino)-1-nitrobenzene to Fréchet-type by Williamson ether coupling reaction between a
dendritic bromides (Figure 9) yielding 175, a solva- bulky alkoxide and a dendritic bromide. Dethreading
tochromic probe to elucidate the internal polarity of rates and computer modeling suggested that the
the dendrimer.274 When measured in nonpolar sol- steric requirements of the second generation dendron
3838 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

Scheme 23

Figure 9.

between the naphthyl units caused by steric repul-

sion between the dendrons. The attachment of two
Fréchet-type dendrons in the 6 and 6′ positions285 or
four Moore-type dendrons to the 4, 4′, 6, and 6′
positions appeared to have a less drastic effect on the
dihedral angle.286 With the rigid spirobifluorene287
core, less succeptible to sterically induced rotation,
it was found that dendritic substitution had little
effect on the optical rotation of these chiral molecules.

exceeded those of a trityl group, whereas the third

generation appeared to be larger than the tert-butyl
trityl group.

2. Chiral Cores
Figure 10.
The structural purity of convergent dendrimers has
provided a unique opportunity to study chirality in The inclusion of Fréchet-type dendrons around
synthetic macromolecules.197,198,281 A wide variety of stereogenic cores such as (3R,4S,5R)-3,5-dihydroxy-
poly(aryl ether) dendrimers have been prepared with 4-hydroxymethyl-2,2-dimethylhexane,288,289 (1R,2S)-
chiral cores, using the Williamson ether coupling 2-amino-1-phenyl-1,3-propanediol,290 2,5-anhydro-D-
reaction. The effect of dendritic substitution on the mannitol,291 and TADDOL292 produced the opposite
chiral properties of a core molecule depend primarily effect. As the generation number of the attached
on the origin of its chirality. Dendritic analogues of dendrons increased, the molar optical rotation of
the axially chiral molecule binaphthol 176 were these materials generally decreased. This trend is
prepared by the Williamson ether coupling of Fré- believed to result from perturbation of the chiral
chet-type dendritic bromides to the phenols of 1,1′- conformation by the bulky dendrons.86
bi-2-naphthol (Figure 10). Increasing the size of Meijer and co-workers have prepared an interest-
dendritic substituents produces an increasingly nega- ing set of molecules with chirality that originates
tive value for the molar optical rotation.282-284 Cir- from dendrons of different generation radiating from
cular dichroism has determined that this effect an otherwise achiral pentaerythritol core.293-295 Un-
results from an expansion of the dihedral angle fortunately, attempts to resolve the racemic products
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3839

host and a benzamidinium guest molecule are de-

pendent upon both the size of the guest and the steric
congestion of the host.300 The macromolecular hosts
were prepared by attaching the first through fourth
generation dendrons of both the poly(phenylacety-
lene) and the poly(benzyl ether) families to a naph-
thyridine core via a Sonogashira coupling. In addi-
tion, two different benzamidinium guests were
investigated, a smaller one with a 3,5-tert-butylphe-
nyl substituent and a larger one with a first genera-
tion poly(phenylacetylene) dendron attached. The
difference in binding free energy values between the
smaller guest and the eight different dendritic hosts
was sufficiently small to conclude that the steric bulk
of the dendrimer, up to the fourth generation, does
not seriously impede access of small guests to the
binding site. In contrast, the larger benzamidinium
guest exhibited an appreciable drop in binding free
energy when interacting with the largest naphthy-
ridine dendrimers.
The groups of Aida and Suslick have reported
similar results with dendrimers having zinc porphy-
rin cores. Using computer modeling,250 Aida deter-
mined that the porphyrin core of the dendrimers was
accessible for the first three generations, partly
accessible at the fourth and fully hindered at the
Figure 11. fifth. Experimental measurements of the binding
between dendritic zinc porphyrins and dendritic
were unsuccessful, and the chirotopic properties of imidazoles confirmed the theoretical predictions,
the materials could not be studied. However, the exhibiting a significant decrease in relative binding
same group later reported the successful preparation constants at the fifth generation.250 Suslick observed
(Figure 11) of the optically pure (R) and (S) enanti- similar results with aryl ester and aryl amide zinc
omers 177a and 177b, by Williamson coupling of porphyrin-core dendrimers, but noticed enhanced
Fréchet-type dendrons to a chiral glycerol derivative binding selectivities toward less hindered amines
using a series of protection and deprotection steps.296 when incorporating backfolding benzyl ester dendritic
These compounds were found to be “cryptochiral,” wedges.251
having no measurable chiral properties, presumably Through fluorescence studies, Kaifer and co-work-
because of the flexibility of the molecule and the ers documented a drastic decrease in binding ef-
electronic similarity of the three poly(benzyl ether) ficiency between cyclodextrins and dansyl modified
dendritic substituents. When “backfolding” dendritic dendrons as the dendrimer size increases.301 Yet,
wedges were introduced in the preparation of 178a surprisingly, quantification of the binding efficiency
and 178b, the more rigid structure did exhibit optical with significantly larger anti-dansyl antibodies ex-
activity.86 hibited a less substantial decrease in binding stability
between the first and third generations.
3. Host−Guest Core Binding Sites Diederich and co-workers have systematically in-
The nature of dendritic architecture with its lack vestigated the effect of dendritic size on the stereo-
of congestion near the core and increased crowding selective binding (Figure 12) between 9,9′-spirobi[9H-
near the chain-ends makes dendrimers attractive fluorene] chiral cores and glucosides.287,302 The
candidates for guest encapsulation. The coordination dendrimers 179 were synthesized by reaction be-
of fullerenes to Fréchet-type dendritic hosts has been tween the focal carboxylic acid functionality of the
achieved using cores consisting of an iridium com- dendrons and glycine spacers attached to the sipro-
plex,297 cyclotriveratrylene,298 and a porphyrin.249 The bifluorene core. As the generation number of the
iridium-containing macromolecule was prepared by dendritic host is increased from zero to two, the
reacting two diphenyl phosphine derivatized den- enantioselectivity of the macromolecular host ap-
drons with an iridium core. In all of these studies, peared to be reduced while the diastereoselectivity
the association constants appear to be higher for the was increased. A more recent study by Diederich and
larger dendrimers, presumably because the π-π co-workers using Fréchet-type dendrons and deriva-
interactions between the dendrons and the bound tives of binaphthol as binding sites yielded less
fullerene slow the disassociation process. Shinkai and striking results.303 This inconsistency is believed to
co-workers have provided support for this hypothesis result from the perturbation of the binding site by
by observing that Fréchet-type dendrimers can, by dendritic substitution. This result highlights the fact
themselves, act as fullerene hosts.249,299 that although the steric bulk of the dendritic struc-
Zimmerman et al. have reported evidence that the ture may not inhibit substrate access, it may ad-
binding constants between a dendritic naphthyridine versely affect binding in other ways.
3840 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

Figure 13.

tioselectivity as the generation number of the den-

drimer increased (Figure 13). These dendrimers were
prepared by the Williamson ether coupling between
the four phenolic groups of a TADDOL derivative and
Fréchet-type dendritic bromides. During the nucleo-
philic addition of ethyl zinc to benzaldehyde, Seebach
and co-workers showed a only a slight decrease from
99% stereoselectivity with the unsubstituted tita-
Figure 12. nium taddolate ligand, to 94.5% with the fourth
generation dendrimer 180. Similar results were
Although the steric bulk of larger dendritic systems observed when using a binaphthol core.285 Dendritic
has been shown to suppress host-guest binding, the size did, however, exhibit a profound effect on the
studies above suggest that smaller molecules can rate of the reaction. For both of the dendrimer-
easily permeate into moderately sized dendritic catalyzed chiral reactions, as well as achiral Diels-
structuresstypically up to the fourth generations Alder310 and Henry reactions,306 rates of conversion
and interact with the core moiety. This result pro- fell sharply by the third or fourth generation, sug-
vides encouraging evidence for substrate accessibility gesting that the dendritic bulk was preventing sub-
in appropriately designed dendrimers with catalytic strate access to the active site.
cores. Bhyrappa et al. have investigated the effect of
dendritic substitution on the regioselectivity afforded
by a porphyrin core during the epoxidation of sub-
4. Core Catalytic Sites
stituted alkenes.253,254 The attachment of first and
Convergent dendrimers, with their versatile three- second generation poly(aryl ester) dendrons to a
dimensional scaffold, may be tailored to mimic, manganese porphyrin core (Figure 14) through a
perhaps crudely, some elements of enzymatic struc- DCC-mediated esterification yielded 181. The den-
tures. Numerous catalytic moieties, including man- dritic substitution blocked the catalytic site from the
ganese porphyrins,253,254 bis(oxazoline) copper com- top and bottom faces, thereby improving the oxidative
plexes,304,305 tertiary amines,306 binaphthol titanium stability of the catalysts and increasing catalyst
complexes,285,307 titanium taddolates,292,308 thiazolio- lifetime. The reaction of the dendritic catalyst with
cyclophanes,309 and fullerene-bound bisoxazoline cop- unconjugated dienes, consisting of one more and one
per complexes,310 have been incorporated at the core less hindered double bond, revealed that the second
of dendritic molecules to determine the effect of generation dendritic catalyst was significantly more
dendritic encapsulation on their catalytic activity. regioselective than the parent porphyrin (2-fold for
Not unexpectedly, a chiral TADDOL dendritic reaction II and nearly 4-fold for reaction III). How-
catalyst292 demonstrated a slight reduction in enan- ever, the regioselectivities were not as high as those
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3841

Figure 14.

reported for the bis(pocket porphyrin)311,312 (5,10,15,-

20-tetrakis(2′,4′,6′-triphenylphenylporphyrin)) that,
according to computer modeling, exhibits an opening
above and below the face of the porphyrin.
Because the increasing steric environment of high
generation dendrimer reduces substrate accessibility,
the larger dendritic system must be designed to
address mass transport problems. In addition to
providing some sterically induced regioselectivity, the
dendritic scaffold appears capable of maintaining the
stereoselectivity of analogous nondendritic systems.
Currently, the most significant advantages of incor-
porating catalytic sites into dendritic structure are
the ability to tune their solubility and facilitate
catalyst recycling via precipitation or ultrafiltration.
Figure 15.
5. Photochemically Responsive Cores
isomer 182 to the cis isomer 183. It is interesting to
Molecules that can respond to external stimuli are note that the activation energy for this transforma-
of particular interest for macromolecular devices, and tion is only marginally affected when the size of the
may potentially serve as molecular switches. A dendron substitutents is increased from the first to
number of groups have examined the incorporation the fourth generation.317 In addition, Jiang and Aida
of photochemically responsive cores into dendritic noted that IR irradiation could accelerate the conver-
structures. Azobenzene moieties, which are capable sion back to the trans conformation for sufficiently
of undergoing a photochemical cis-trans isomeriza- larger dendrimers. In detailed studies, they deduced
tion, were first incorporated into the core of poly(aryl that this process resulted from the absorption of
ether) dendrimers (Figure 15) via a Williamson ether multiple IR photons (1597 cm-1) by the aromatic
coupling by Aida and co-workers313-315 and shortly rings of the dendritic framework, and subsequent
thereafter, by Junge and McGrath.316 UV irradiation transfer of the absorbed energy to the azobenzene
of the samples converted the more stable trans core.313
3842 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

In addition, Junge and McGrath have designed a attachment of dendrons to oligothiophenes152,321-324

trifunctional core moiety in which each dendron is improved the solubility of the oliothiophenes in
attached via an azo linker, enabling three such organic solvents, whereas the placement of appropri-
isomerizations per macromolecule.318 The physical ate dendritic substituents on porphyrin chromophores
properties of these dendrimers can be noticeably yielded water solubility dyes.245,246,266 In addition, the
modified by this isomerization, and have been docu- attachment of dendrons to chromophore cores can
mented by a change of polarity during thin-layer improve the processibility of the core151 for incorpora-
chromatography and a change in hydrodynamic tion in monolayers325 and films.326 However, by far
volume as measured by size exclusion chromatogra- the most useful advantage to dendritic chromophores
phy.319 McGrath also reported a photodegradable is the site isolation28 provided by large dendritic
dendrimer, 184, containing o-nitrobenzyl ester link- substituents. With sufficiently large dendritic shield-
ages (Scheme 24) that could be quantitatively cleaved ing, intermolecular quenching between the encapsu-
by irradiation to strip the dendrons 185 from their lated dyes can be significantly decreased leading to
core.320 an enhanced luminescence efficiency,45,250,327,328 and
in some instances, the penetration of small molecule
Scheme 24 quenchers, such as triplet oxygen, can be reduced.329
However, even in the case of fourth generation
porphyrin core dendrimers, steric shielding may not
be sufficient to prevent the penetration of small
quenchers, such as vitamin K3. At least two groups
have reported that the porphyrin at the core of a
fourth generation poly(aryl ether) dendrimer was
more efficiently quenched than the first generation
analogue because the quencher was not only suf-
ficiently small to penetrate the steric shielding, but
also had a greater affinity for the dendritic structure
than for the surrounding solvent.248,252
Dendrimers have also been used as scaffold for
light-harvesting and light-emitting diode devices by
controlling the spatial interaction between focal and
peripheral functionalities, these will be discussed in
detail in a later section.

7. Redox-Active Cores
As with chromophores, the steric encapsulation of
a dendrimer core can be utilized to prevent intermo-
lecular interactions between redox active sites. A
number of different redox active core moieties have
been investigated, including, iron-sulfide clus-
ters,93,94 bis(terpyridine)iron(II) complexes,92 tris-
(bipyridine)ruthenium(II) complexes,330 zinc porphy-
rins,252 oligothienylenevinylenes,331 fullerenes,236,332
ferrocenes,333-336 oligothiophenes,322 oligonaphtha-
lenes,337 and 4,4′-bipyridinium.338
Following the early cyclic voltammetry (CV) studies
by Fréchet and co-workers with dendrimer-encap-
sulated fullerenes235 168 and Chow et al. with den-
dritic bis(terpyridine)iron(II) complexes 186 (Figure
16),92 a number of groups have reported the insulat-
ing effect of dendritic structures on redox active
sites.93,236,252,322,330-333,339 Gorman et al. were the first
to report the dendritic encapsulation (Figure 17) of
inorganic clusters 187. These molecules were syn-
Photoresponsive dendrimers are of interest because thesized by a ligand exchange reaction where al-
the properties of these materials can be readily kanethiols on a (Fe4S4(S-t-Bu)4)2- cluster were re-
modified by an external stimulus. These initial stud- placed by dendritic aromatic thiols.93 As demonstrated
ies have verified that the inclusion of photoactive with other encapsulated redox sites, the irrevers-
moieties into dendritic systems does not adversely ibility of electron transfer increases with dendrimer
affect their photochemical response and can enable size because the active core moiety becomes more
changes in the overall macromolecular structure. insulated from the electrodes and other redox sites.
Comparison of the CV data of the poly(phenylacety-
6. Fluorescent Cores lene) and the poly(benzyl ether) dendrimers sug-
Dendrimers have also been attached to fluorescent gested that more rigid poly(phenylacetylene) struc-
cores in order to modify the properties of the dye. The ture led to more efficient redox site encapsula-
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3843

Figure 16. Figure 18.

electron transfer.335 They coupled a chlorocarbonyl-

ferrocene core to first, second, or third generation
amine functionalized convergently prepared Newkome-
type dendrons,333 and studied their conductivity on
cystamine derivatized gold electrodes. At low pH, the
peripheral carboxylic acid units of 188 were proto-
nated, enabling the ferrocene units to freely interact
with the electrodes, but at neutral pH, the carboxy-
lates of 189 would bind to the ammonium surface of
the electrode, insulating the ferrocene unit (Figure

8. Other Core Functionalities

Other functional core moieties include: stable
TEMPO-based radicals for controlled radical polym-
erization,342 crown ethers,343,344 hexacyclenes,170 poly-
(quarternary ammonium) cations,345 ethylene thio-
lates,346,347 calixarenes,348-352 cyclodextrins,178 inorganic
clusters,93-95,340,353,354 dichalcogenides,355 and silses-

B. Linear−Dendritic Copolymers
Figure 17.
Because linear and dendritic polymers have very
tion.340 Noteworthy redox active dendrimers prepared different physical properties and intermolecular in-
via the divergent approach have been reported by teractions, copolymers of these two macromolecular
Diederich269-272 and Newkome.341 architectures are expected to exhibit interesting
Kaifer and co-workers designed an interesting behavior. Gitsov et al. first synthesized these poly-
molecular device that exhibits a pH dependency on meric hybrids by reacting one or both hydroxyl
3844 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

Figure 19.

termini of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) chains with with two poly(benzyl ether) benzyl bromides,365 by
dendritic bromides.357,358 Subsequent studies of PEG atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of sty-
with one and two terminal dendrons, as well as a four rene initatied by a dendritic benzyl bromide,366,367 by
armed-star PEG with four dendritic end groups, a nitroxide mediated “living” radical polymeriza-
190,359,360 revealed that these materials change con- tion,367,368 and by ring opening polymerization of
formation depending on their interactions with sol- lactones with a dendritic alcohol.369,370
vent (Figure 19). 1H NMR verified that in nonpolar
solvents the linear PEG chains collapse, enabling the C. Dendronized Linear Polymers
nonpolar dendritic blocks to shield them from ener-
getically unfavorable interactions with solvent. In Dendronized, or dendritic-grafted linear polymers,
polar solvents, the system minimizes its free energy are linear polymers that bear pendant dendrons
by “inverting” so that the collapsed nonpolar den- along the repeat units. Although there have been a
drons are shielded from solvent allowing the sur- few reports of divergently prepared dendronized
rounding PEG chains to form the interface between materials,138,371,372 the majority of the research in this
the molecule and the solvent.359,361,362 In addition, field has focused on the convergent approach. Re-
these amphiphilic materials exhibited the ability to cently, the convergent synthesis of these materials
solubilize polyaromatic compounds, including fuller- has been optimized, and their preparation has been
enes, without a critical micelle concentration (CMC).363 reviewed extensively elsewhere.373-375 The salient
Amphiphilic linear-dendritic block copolymers can examples are, however, briefly mentioned below.
also be utilized to modify surface properties. When
1. Macromonomer Approach
used with a cellulose substrate or even a more hydro-
phobic poly(ethylene terephthalate) film, the PEG- The “macromonomer approach” refers to the po-
poly(benzyl ether) dendron copolymers self-assemble lymerization of a monomer that is functionalized with
at the surface, increasing its hydrophilicity.364 a dendron. The first attempts to make these com-
Linear-dendritic copolymers have also been syn- pounds via the convergent approach were reported
thesized by capping a “living” polystyrene dianion by Hawker and Fréchet and utilized a fourth genera-
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3845

tion poly(benzyl ether) dendron having a styrene376

or methacrylate362 focal point functionality. Attempts
to homopolymerize these materials led to the forma-
tion of oligomers in very low yields,362 but these
dendrons could be successfully copolymerized with
In the last six years, a number of groups, most
notably those of Schlüter and Percec, have developed
the synthesis of dendritic grafted materials by utiliz-
ing a wide variety of polymerization techniques
including: radical polymerization of methacryl-
ates,84,377-382 Suzuki polycondensation,383-385 rhodium-
catalyzed insertion,386 ring-opening metathesis,387-389
polyurethane condensation,390,391 Heck coupling,392
oxidative Hay coupling,393 polyamide condensa-
tion,394,395 polyimide condensation,395 palladium-
catalyzed polycondensation of poly(aryl alkynes),328
Stille coupling of poly(thiophene),152 and radical
polymerization of styrenes.396-398
Because the steric bulk of the monomer shields the
reactive functionality, higher generation macromono-
mers tend to produce materials with a low degree of
polymerization, and only moderately controlled poly-
dispersity. Examples with average degrees of polym-
erization above 100 repeat units usually involve
small first or second generation dendrons.112,386,399,400
Recently fourth generation dendrons have been in-
corporated into dendronized linear polymers, such as Figure 20.
192, using a Suzuki polycondensation of macromono-
mer 191, (Scheme 25), but with average degrees of Investigation with scanning force microscopy
polymerization near 10 and an average PDI of about (SFM)385 and small angle neutron scattering (SANS)397
2.401,402 reveal that dendronized linear polymers exhibit a
cylindrical conformation with a well-defined diam-
Scheme 25 eter, close to the predictions of molecular dynamics
studies.403 Schlüter’s polymers exhibit a unique de-
gree of structural control: as the degree of polymer-
ization increases, the conformation of the polymers
changes from a spherical to a tubular shape.403
Percec and co-workers developed a unique ap-
proach toward dendronized polymers,343,404 making
use of the tendencies of tapered dendrons with
lipophilic chain ends 193 to self-assemble into co-
lumnar aggregates 194. By incorporating styrene or
methacrylate functionalities at the focal point (Figure
20), these dendritic macromonomers could be polym-
erized405 after forming tubular aggregates.84,112,406-408
Because of the proximity of the reactive monomer
units in the shaft of the columnar aggregate, this
approach exhibited an enhanced rate of polymeriza-
tion.407 During subsequent SFM studies, it was
determined that as the size of the dendritic side chain
increases, the steric bulk forces the molecule to adopt
a more extended, rigidity conformation.408,409
Dendronized amphiphilic polymers have been syn-
thesized with lengthwise segregation of the hydro-
phobic and hydrophilic domains (Figure 21). Bo et
al. prepared these materials by polymerization of
monomers that carried two domains of contrasting
polarity,410,411 affording polymers, such as 196, ca-
pable of forming monolayers at the air/water inter-
In addition, luminescent linear backbones have
been encapsulated in dendritic shells through this
technique,152,328 while the increased solubility im-
3846 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

Scheme 26

titative coverage was obtained using the first and

second generation Fréchet-type dendrons, while the
more sterically demanding third generation dendron
still achieved an impressive 70% coverage. A more
efficient procedure (Scheme 26) involving the cou-
pling of a third generation isocyanate functionalized
dendron, 197, with the pendant hydroxyl groups of
the poly(p-phenylene) polymer 198, led to a very high
92% coverage.384
Figure 21.
Hawker et al. recently reported the synthesis of a
low polydispersity, partly dendronized polymer that
parted by the dendrons has enabled the synthesis of carried a statistical distribution of dendrons on one-
elongated polymer chains.152 Sato et al. reported poly- fifth of the repeat units.414 A random copolymer
(phenylene ethynylene) cores encapsulated with containing 80% styrene and 20% of a styrenic mono-
Fréchet-type dendrons that exhibited enhanced lu- mer (N-oxysuccinimide 4-vinylbenzoate) bearing the
minescence from both dendritic antenna effects and activated ester was produced with polydispersities
reduced intermolecular quenching through steric below 1.2 using the living free radical approach.
encapsulation.328 Bao et al. also demonstrated that Because of the relatively large statistical spacing
the encapsulation of poly(phenylenevinylene) cores between the activated esters, amine functionalized
with tris-branched poly(aryl ether) dendrons prevents Fréchet-type dendrons could be coupled with a high
the type of intermolecular π-π stacking that fre- degree of incorporation. For the first three genera-
quently occurs with smaller side chains.392 tions, the coupling reaction appeared to be quantita-
2. “Coupling to” Approach tive, but in the fourth and fifth generation materials,
a small percentage of the activated ester remained
An alternative approach developed by Schlüter and unreacted.414
co-workers involves the attachment of convergently The two convergent approaches toward dendronized
prepared dendrons onto a preformed, functional polymers offer complementary control over structural
linear polymer. This was first attempted by the parameters. The macromonomer route ensures well-
Williamson ether couplings between dendritic bro- defined connectivity between the dendron and the
mides and pendant hydroxyl groups on poly([1.1.1]- polymer, but affords polymers with broad dispersity
propellane)412 and poly(p-phenylene).413 Nearly quan- and generally low degrees of polymerization. In the
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3847

“coupling to” approach, on the other hand, the initial dendron attached. Dynamic light scattering data
linear polymer may be prepared with a well-defined suggested that the sterically bulky high generation
length and polydispersity, but the attachment of Fréchet-type dendrons produced small aggregates,
dendrons is prone to incomplete reaction. while the smaller dendrons led to larger aggre-
D. Self-Assembly of Dendritic Cores Columnar aggregation was investigated by Aida
and co-workers, who attached Fréchet-type dendrons
Self-assembled macromolecular structures are of
to a tert-butoxycarbonyl-(L)-tyrosinyl-(L)-alanine focal
particular interest because of their ability to reorga-
group.423 In moderately nonpolar organic solvents,
nize in response to changes in their environment
hydrogen-bonding interactions between the peptide
(concentration, solvent, pH, etc.)415,416 Zimmerman
segments led to the formation of a gel for dendrons
and co-workers417,418 first demonstrated the hydrogen-
of the second and third generations. Cross-polarized
bond mediated self-assembly of dendritic cores (Fig-
microscopy and scanning electron microscopy re-
ure 22) in 1996. The rigid bis(isophthalic acid)
vealed the presence of fibril bundles, on the order of
1 µm. Such ordering was not seen in the parent
peptide or the first generation dendron. The gel could
be rapidly dissolved by addition of a small percentage
of DMSO into the solvent.
Dendritic self-assembly has also been reported in
a number of inorganic systems.45,92,327,329,353,424-426
Seminal studies in this area were carried out by
Balzani and co-workers utilizing the self-assembly
of polypyridine-type ligands around transition
metals.427-430 These materials are considered beyond
the scope of this review, as their preparation does
not follow a strictly convergent methodology. How-
ever, more recently, convergent self-assembly utiliz-
ing polypyridine ligands around a transition metal
core has been reported by the Chow,92 Balzani, De
Cola, and Vögtle groups.329 Plevoets et al. designed
a dendrimer consisting of three Fréchet-type den-
drons bearing focal bipyridine units arranged around
a ruthenium core.329,330 In aerated solution the ru-
thenium core with higher generation dendrons ex-
hibited longer luminescence lifetime because the
dendritic wedges protected the core from dioxygen
quenching. The self-assembly of Fréchet-type den-
drons bearing a focal carboxylate group (Figure 23)
around a series of lanthanide metals, 202-204, was

Figure 22.

component 200 was designed to form a hexameric

aggregate 201. A number of Fréchet-type dendrons
of different generations were attached to 200 to
elucidate the aggregation behavior of the resulting
compounds. Size exclusion chromatography studies
revealed that the nature of aggregation was very
dependent upon the size of the pendant dendrons,
as the second through fourth generation compounds,
200b-d, formed strongly associated hexamers, re-
gardless of concentration, whereas the aggregation
behavior of the first generation dendrimer, 190a,
appeared very sensitive to concentration. This ap-
proach has since been used to assemble dendritic
hexamers,419 trimers, and dimers420 of hydrogen-
bonded donor and acceptor moieties.
Shinkai and co-workers reported a spherical self-
assembled system based upon a focal maltonolactone
moiety.421 The strong hydrogen bonding between focal
saccharide moieties led to aggregation when placed
in nonpolar solvents. Unlike previous examples, the
number of dendrons aggregating was not due to a
predesigned core geometry or charge ratio and there-
fore was primarily influenced by the size of the Figure 23.
3848 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

reported by Kawa and Fréchet.45,327 The product Scheme 27

exhibited a generation dependent increase in lumi-
nescence, suggesting the larger dendrimers can more
effectively isolate their lanthanide cores from each
other, reducing the rate of self-quenching.45 Enomoto
et al. noted a similar dendritic stabilizing effect with
bis(µ-oxo-bridged)copper complexes.353 Triazacyclo-
nonanes with Fréchet-type dendron substituents
were first metalated with copper and then oxygen-
ated to form dimers. The half-lives of these com-
pounds toward oxidative degradation were increased
from 24 s for the second generation dendrimer to
nearly an hour for the third.
The ability to construct and optimize self-as-
sembled structures requires versatile substrates such
as dendrons whose steric bulk, polarity and shape
can be easily modified. Unfortunately relatively few
systems are capable of producing large self-assembled
structures with sufficient cohesive strength to with-
stand significant environmental changes.

E. Surface-Bound Dendrons
The control of surface chemistry has become in-
creasingly important as numerous device and mate-
rial properties are controlled by surfaces and inter-
faces. For example, surface patterning is the founda-
tion of lithography, and its implications in fields such
as microlelectronics or microfluidics are profound.
The synthetic and functional versatility of den-
drimers as well as their defined shape has made
them attractive molecules for surface modification.431
Gorman and co-workers first reported the attachment
of dendrons to a solid surface. Using dendrons with
a focal thiol substituent91 they were able to assemble
monolayers of first, second, or third generation den-
drons on a gold surface.432 Zhang and co-workers
prepared similar monolayers of thiol substituted
dendrons adsorbed onto silver and gold films and
studied the modified surfaces in detail with scanning
tunneling microscopy.433,434 Light-harvesting den-
dritic antennas can also be self-assembled onto the
surface of silicon wafers providing a synthetically less
demanding approach toward constructing chro-
mophore arrays for energy transfer applications.435
Recently, Tully et al. demonstrated that dendrons
could be applied onto surfaces as single, uniform
layers with potential for high-resolution nanolithog-
raphy through molecular level addressing. Both
covalent and ionic (Scheme 27) approaches were
investigated for the attachment of poly(aryl ether)
dendrons onto the surface of a silicon wafer. The
covalent dendritic monolayers were attached via a
silyl chloride functionalized linker, 205, capable of
reacting with the surface silanol groups of the
wafer.436 Ionically bound monolayers could also be
prepared by treating an aminopropyl functionalized
silicon surface with a dendron bearing a single
carboxylic acid functionality at its focal point, 207,
while stronger surface attachment was achieved
using dendrons bearing multiple carboxylate func- homogeneous thin dendrimer monolayer remaining
tionalities.437 Both the covalently and the ionically in unpatterned areas of the wafer surface proved
bound dendritic monolayers could be patterned using resistant to etching with aqueous HF, which removed
scanning probe lithographic techniques, affording the oxidized pattern and etched a positive tone trench
raised SiO2 features in the patterned areas. The into the underlying silicon. At present, this approach
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3849

to nanolithography is not limited by the properties containing vinyl groups,308,452 organoruthenium moi-
of the dendritic materials but rather by the imaging eties,453-455 ferrocenyl groups,456 TADDOL catalytic
tools available. Both the size of the tip, which far sites,457 concave pyridine units,458,459 liquid crystalline
exceeds that of a dendrimer, and the very low end groups,240 and chromophores.44,79-81,329,460,461 Simi-
throughput of the single-tip scanning probe instru- lar approaches have been employed to incorporate tri-
ment prevent this approach from realizing its ulti- arylamine,120 oligo(ethylene glycol),462,463 tetrathiaful-
mate single-molecule addressing potential. valene (TTF),464-466 saccharide,467-469 fullerene,426,470,471
and ferrocene169,472 moieties onto the periphery of
other dendritic backbones.
IV. Modification of the Periphery
Modification of the dendritic periphery is of par- B. Introduction of End Groups after Completion
ticular interest because this portion of the dendrimer of Dendritic Growth
acts as the primary interface with the external
environment. As might be expected, the functional- In the post modification route, the peripheral
ities at the periphery dominate the solubility proper- functionality is masked or remains unreactive during
ties of the molecule as the generation of the den- convergent growth, to be modified in a subsequent
drimer increases.35,40 Although both NMR438 and reaction. This approach allows the eventual incorpo-
molecular dynamic439 studies have suggested that the ration of end groups that may be incompatible with
end groups of some dendritic systems are capable of the generation growth steps. However, these trans-
“backfolding” toward the core, other studies clearly formations suffer from the same complications as the
indicate that backfolding is not predominant in many divergent synthesis; in the case of larger dendrimers,
dendritic systems.13,440 Being related to free-energy the multiplicity of end group transformations re-
that controls interactions between chain-ends, repeat quires the careful optimization of synthetic and
unit, and general environment (solvent), backfolding purification techniques.
can be controlled by changing the design of the Numerous examples of postsynthetic modifications
dendrimer.13,440 In fact, in a systematic comparison at the dendritic periphery have been explored. In
between analogous linear, hyperbranched, and den- early work, Hawker et al. investigated the hydro-
dritic polymers, Wooley et al. demonstrated that the genolysis and subsequent modification of benzyl-
chain ends of the poly(aryl ester) dendrimers were protected poly(aryl ester) dendrimers473 and later the
sufficiently accessible to be quantitatively modified, saponification of Fréchet-type dendrimers with p-
unlike the analogous functionalities of linear or methyl benzoate end groups to afford an anionic
hyperbranched structures.35 carboxylated periphery.41 The isophthalate ester end
There are two possible approaches toward incor- groups proved to be especially versatile (Scheme 28)
poration of functionality at the periphery: the at-
tachment of the desired end group before initiating Scheme 28
the dendritic synthesis, or modification of the exist-
ing peripheral groups after completion of the syn-

A. Introduction of End Groups Prior to Dendritic

Because the convergent route begins with the
attachment of the end groups to the monomer, initial
incorporation of a functional end group involves only
a few coupling reactions that can be easily driven to
completion. However, these peripheral moieties must
possess the appropriate stability and solubility to
permit dendritic growth through the repetition of
coupling and activation steps without side reaction
or degradation of the end groups.
The first examples of convergent end group modi-
fication were carried out by initiating the poly-
(benzyl ether) synthesis with para-substituted benzyl
bromide end groups.73,74 A wide range of functional
end groups proved compatible with the halogena-
tion and Williamson coupling conditions required
during iterative dendritic growth, including cy- during the post modification of poly(benzyl ether)
ano,73,74,441,442 bromo,74,443,444 alkyl ester,41,442,445,446 dendrimer 209. Hydrolysis of the esters of 209
alkyl ether,43,110,447,448 perfluoro alkyl ether,110,448-450 afforded poly-acid 210,446 while reduction produced
and oligo(ethylene glycol) ether.46,451 These simple the polyol 213.366 In addition, the isophthalate ester
variations enabled the solubility of the resulting 209 could undergo transesterification or amidation
dendrimers to be readily tuned. Fréchet-type den- reactions to yield 211 and 212.446 The efficiency of
drons have also been synthesized with end groups the transesterification reaction enabled the divergent
3850 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

Scheme 29 Scheme 30

peripheral amine groups with chloroacetic anhydride

and then coupling them to the desired sialic acid
derivative.222 Ihre et al. also demonstrated the facile
peripheral functionalization (Scheme 30) of poly(alkyl
ester) dendrimers prepared by both the double ex-
growth of an additional generation, 214, by the ponential growth and the single-stage convergent
attachment of first generation benzylic alcohols 130 procedures. The poly-hydroxyl dendrimer 219 could
to the periphery. be accessed by the hydrolysis of the acetonide pro-
Groenendaal et al. have investigated the efficiency tecting groups and esterified by reaction with the
of palladium-catalyzed coupling reactions (Scheme appropriate acid chloride221 to afford a dendrimer
29) involving Fréchet-type dendrons with p-bro- with octanoate, palmitoate, 220, benzoate, 221, or
mobenzylic end groups, 215.444 The yields for the even liquid crystalline peripheral units.474 Hedrick
Suzuki coupling of a phenyl group, 216, and the Stille and co-workers have also explored the assembly of
coupling of thienyl, 217, and pyridinyl groups, 218, star-polymer structures that incorporate both linear
remained consistently near 90% per coupling reac- and dendritic polyester units into the polymeric
tion. However, the multiplicity of end groups on the architecture. Their investigation included the use of
third generation dendron reduced the overall yield the hydroxyl-terminated dendrimers as initiators475-477
to below 50% demonstrating the importance of using for lactide, 222, and caprolactone, 223, ring opening
highly efficient transformations during modification polymerizations and the synthesis of dendrimers with
of the periphery. The poly(alkyl ether) dendrons a tertiary alkylbromide periphery for ATRP of meth-
reported by Grayson et al. could withstand a wide acrylate monomers,478 as well as the incorporation
range of postsynthetic modification because of their of linear poly(ester) chains between dendritic branch
chemically rugged backbone.40 Quantitative hydro- points.479,480 A similar approach was used by Hecht
genolysis of the benzyl ether end groups of 98 or et al. to grow poly(caprolactone) from the multiple
hydrolysis of the ketal end groups of 99 yielded a sites of a porphyrin core to insulate it from neighbor-
poly-hydroxylated periphery that could be efficiently ing species.481,482
modified through a variety of high-yielding esterifi-
cation or etherification reactions. C. Applications of Peripheral Modification
Because the double exponential growth approach
requires orthogonal focal and peripheral functional- The simplest application of peripheral alteration
ities, it is inherently suited for peripheral modifica- is the modification of a dendrimer’s solubility. For
tion. Zanini and Roy reported the peripheral glyco- example, a number of groups have reported the use
lation of poly(alkyl amide) dendrons by treating the of terminal groups such as carboxylates41,265 or oligo-
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3851

Scheme 31

ethylene glycol chains261,262,303,334,483 to impart water ment.46 Kono et al. studied the concepts of covalent
solubility on the corresponding dendrimers. Hawker drug loading and targeting by attaching folate or
et al. demonstrated the first convergent synthesis of methotrexate residues to Fréchet-type dendrons via
dendritic unimolecular micelles,41 using molecules diacylhydrazine linkages.484 The water solubility of
with a spherical amphiphilic architecture (Scheme these materials could be improved by attachment of
31) analogous to that reported by Newkome in a poly(ethylene glycol) chain to the focal point of the
divergent systems.57 Saponification of ester-termi- dendron.
nated Fréchet-type dendrimer 224, afforded a den- The ability to drastically alter dendritic solubility
drimer with a polycarboxylate periphery and pH- by modification of the end groups also makes con-
dependent solubility.41 The polycarboxylate 225 vergent dendrons attractive materials for nanolithog-
also exhibited micellelike solubilization of polycyclic raphy. As photolithographic resolution approaches
aromatic hosts (e.g., pyrene). These structures have the size regime of linear polymers, the compact,
been dubbed “unimolecular micelles” because, unlike “pixellike,” globular conformation of the dendrimer
traditional micelles, their covalently bound structure is expected to provide better resolution than longer
is not subject to disaggregation below a certain linear polymer chains. Tully et al. have reported the
concentration threshold. Piotti et al. later utilized preparation of tert-butyloxycarbonyloxy (t-BOC) pro-
these micellar properties to design efficient macro- tected dendrimers 228, spun cast onto silicon wafers
molecular nanoreactors 226 and 227 (Scheme 32), for use as dendritic photoresists (Scheme 33).485
that used the polarity difference between the den- Imaging was achieved by activation of a photoacid
drimers’ interior and exterior to drive the reactants generator where the polymeric film was exposed to
toward the internal catalytic sites while simulta- e-beam lithography, leading to removal of the t-BOC
neously expelling the products to prevent catalyst protecting groups and producing the base-soluble
inhibition.43 poly-phenol dendrimer 229. Developing with aqueous
Because convergent dendrons exhibit a multiplicity base removed the exposed regions of the resist, while
of peripheral groups together with a single reactive development with organic solvents remove the un-
focal point, providing for easy orthogonal function- exposed polymer, enabling access to complementary
alization and control of solubility, they represent an images with feature sizes well below 100 nm.
ideal scaffold for drug delivery applications.53 Fréchet Dendrimers can also serve as a scaffold for energy
and co-workers recently investigated the incorpora- transfer between chromophores,44 a useful step to-
tion of drug moieties by both encapsulation and ward the goal of efficient light-harvesting and arti-
covalent attachment. Liu et al. designed a water- ficial photosynthesis. Although a number of studies
soluble “unimolecular micelle” consisting of a den- have demonstrated the ability of dendritic repeat
dritic polyether structure fitted with peripheral units to act as an antenna,119,257,428,429,486,487 funneling
oligo(ethylene glycol) chains. The macromolecule energy toward the core, attachment of dye groups to
could encapsulate 11 wt % of the model drug in- the periphery of an “insulating” dendritic structure
domethacin and exhibited a slow sustained release (Figure 24) has enabled Fréchet and co-workers to
of this drug when placed in an aqueous environ- carry out a more systematic study of the energy
3852 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

Scheme 32

transfer in these dendritic systems.80,488,489 The well- and oligothiophenes have been investigated,81 verify-
defined dendrimer architecture enables a multiplicity ing the generality of this approach. In addition,
of donating chromophores at the periphery and an Chrisstoffels et al. have investigated the energy
acceptor chromophore at the focal point to be fixed transfer between dye-labeled dendrons assembled
within the distance range required for efficient För- onto a silicon substrate, and verified that the energy
ster energy transfer. In addition, the irradiation of transfer and amplification phenomena could also be
multiple donating chromophores around a single observed within monolayers.435 Pioneering work by
acceptor amplifies the emission of the focal acceptor Moore and co-workers on a different approach utiliz-
due to the highly efficient energy transfer that occurs ing a layered convergent structure119,486 rather than
within these molecules.488 A variety of systems with end-functionalized dendrons is discussed in a later
different chromophores, including coumarin dyes 230 section.
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3853

Scheme 33

Figure 25.

Dendritic LEDs (light-emitting diodes) can also be

prepared by attaching hole transporting triaryl-
amines to the periphery of dendrimers bearing
fluorescent cores.120,145-147,461 Moore and co-workers120

Figure 24.
first reported the design and synthesis of a dendritic
LED (Figure 25) in 1996. The incorporation of tri-
arylamine groups on the periphery 231 improved the
hole injection process, lowering the onset voltage
required to operate the devices. In separate work,
Freeman et al. showed that if the dendrimers are
designed to provide sufficient site isolation of their
core, intermolecular energy transfer is inhibited
enabling simultaneous emission from different core
chromophores.461,490 As a result, the color of emission
from the device may be tuned by simply adjusting
the ratio between different “site-isolated” dendritic
Figure 26.
The nature of dendritic self-assembly processes, also be tuned by modification of the periphery. After
and therefore the resulting overall architecture, can investigating the tubular self-assembly of first gen-
3854 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

eration dendrons bearing lipophilic chains at the

periphery,343,404,491 Percec and co-workers systemati-
cally studied the effect of generation number on the
self-assembly of dendrons.82,83,85,110-113,492,493 X-ray
diffraction of a representative system111 (Figure 26)
showed that the first and second generation dendrons
exhibited disklike shapes 232 that self-assembled
into cylindrical columns 233 while the third genera-
tion dendrons resembled a fragment of a sphere, 234,
and formed spherical aggregates 235, within a cubic
The periphery of convergently synthesized den-
drimers has also been modified to allow the assembly
of monolayers,494 to support dendritic catalysts,495 to
Figure 27.
control the intermolecular assembly of porphyrin
dendrimers,246 to probe the effect of photoisomeriza-
tion,319 and to enable cross-linking of the periphery 236, that incorporate hydrogen bond donor and
followed by removal of the core.496 These studies in acceptor moieties within the repeat units (Figure 27)
peripheral modification highlight the versatility of to rigidify dendritic structure.190,517 1H NMR and IR
the convergent synthesis. In particular, the ability characterization suggest that each of the expected
to selectively modify the periphery and focal func- hydrogen bonding interactions occurs in solution,
tionalities of a dendron enables the design of complex affording a more conformationally rigid structure
macromolecules that involve the interaction between than the analogous Fréchet-type dendron. Pursuing
multiple functional components. the goal of controlled encapsulation and release of
guest molecules, Tominaga et al. reported the syn-
thesis of a dendron, 237, with cross-linkable (Figure
V. Modification of Repeat Unit 28) uracil repeat units.518 Upon irradiation at 280 nm,

The convergent approach also permits the incor-

poration of functional repeat units. Because the
repeat units comprise the majority of the dendritic
structure, they represent an ideal location for mul-
tiple functional moieties. In addition to the numerous
examples of conjugated dendrimers previously dis-
cussed,115,116,119-122,124-130,132-134,140-148,497 the conver-
gent approach has been demonstrated as a viable
route toward the preparation of dendrimers with a
range of repeat units including: fullerene,498,499
quaternary ammonium salt,177 pyridine,382,500-502
TTF,503-506 triarylamine,171-173,507,508 carbazole,509,510
azobenzene,351,511-513 liquid crystalline,514-516 and chiral
repeat units.96-108,199,202

A. Incorporating Monomer with Functionality

Because of the sheer multiplicity of repeat units,
the incorporation of functional moieties into the
monomer can have a profound effect on macromo-
lecular properties. For example, Nagasaki et al.
reported the synthesis of photoresponsive dendrimers Figure 28.
containing an azobenzene functionality in each repeat
unit.351 Exposure to UV light induced an isomeriza- the conformation could be “locked” through the
tion of the azobenzene units, leading to a significant incorporation of intramolecular cross-linking. The
molecular contraction observed by both dynamic light cyclization reaction could be readily reversed by
scattering and size exclusion chromatography.350 In irradiation at 240 nm reverting back to an “open”
the poly(TTF) dendrimers reported by Christensen dendritic configuration. Recently, Thayumanavan
et al., each of the 21 TTF units is capable of two and co-workers have synthesized dendrons based on
single electron oxidations. All of the repeat units in an amphiphilic analogue of the Fréchet-type repeat
the second generation dendrimer can be oxidized unit that are expected to undergo drastic conforma-
concurrently, affording a macromolecule exhibiting tional transformations in response to changes in
a 42+ oxidation state.506 solvent polarity.519
Modification of the repeat units can also provide Dendrimers containing chiral repeat units have
conformational control in dendritic structures. Huang also been investigated in the context of chiral recog-
et al. reported the synthesis of a family of dendrons, nition. While the coupling reaction between a tri-
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3855

functional chiral core and a dendron composed en-

tirely of S repeat units, 35, could be driven to
completion, the coupling with the corresponding R
enantiomer, 36, could not proceed past the second

B. Postsynthetic Modification of Repeat Unit

Postsynthetic transformations of dendritic repeat
units have been largely ignored until recently. In
early work, Lochmann et al. had investigated the
deprotonation, metalation, and functionalization of
generation four Fréchet-type dendrons with super-
bases. The majority of the benzylic sites, as well as
some aromatic sites, could be deprotonated and up
to 34 atoms of potassium introduced without degra-
dation of the dendrimer framework. Subsequent
quenching and modification was carried out using
D2O, carbon dioxide, or octadecylbromide.520 At about
the same time, Rajca et al. synthesized a dendritic
polyradical by lithium metalation and iodine oxida-
tion of a triarylmethyl alcohol repeat unit.176 Matsuda
et al. also reported the synthesis of a dendritic
polycarbene from a poly(aryl ketone).174 The ketone
repeat unit was converted to the corresponding
hydrazone, oxidized to the poly-azo compound, and
then photolyzed to produce a polycarbene dendrimer.
Although the later two dendrimers were prepared to
study their magnetic properties, both proved to be
unstable, likely due to flexibility in their structure
that enabled cross-linking.
Recently Piotti et al. reported the modification of
repeat units as a means of tuning the interior polarity
of a dendrimer catalyst (Scheme 32). The relatively
polar dendritic interior of 226 helped to catalyze the
formation of the ionic intermediate in a unimolecular
elimination reaction. (reaction IV) The product out-
flow is driven by a “free energy pump,” resulting from
the inverse micellar character of the dendrimer. Due
to solvation effects, the relatively polar halide sub-
strate is driven toward the dendritic interior from the
nonpolar solvent pool, while the alkene product is
readily expelled, giving rise to high turnover. If the
ester group on the 4-position of each Fréchet-type
repeat units of dendrimer 226 is reduced43 to the
alcohol 227, the increased internal polarity leads to
an increase in both conversion and turnover for the
corresponding elimination reaction.
Since this study, the addition of repeat units
capable of a postsynthetic transformation have been
investigated. Bo et al. investigated the incorporation
of an aryl bromide functionality on the Fréchet-type
repeat unit, which could be modified by a Suzuki
cross-coupling with an aryl boronic acid.521 Freeman
et al. explored the attachment of an allyl ether
functionality on the same repeat unit,522 while Schultz
et al. incorporated an aromatic spacer with two allyl Figure 29.
groups to enable internal cross-linking via olefin
enables the synthesis of well-defined dendritic co-
VI. Dendritic Copolymers polymers. The wide range of possible dendritic co-
polymers can be divided into three basic structural
One of the primary advantages of the convergent categories (Figure 29): layered, segmented, and
synthesis is its unparalleled synthetic control that tailored copolymers.443
3856 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

A. Layered Copolymers
Layered copolymers contain two or more types of
repeat units that are segregated in a layerwise
fashion in the final dendritic product (Figure 29a).
Since both the divergent and convergent syntheses
progress by the stepwise addition of layers, both
procedures can theroretically access these hybrid
structures. However, with the notable exception of
Balzani and co-workers, who have divergently pre-
pared dendrimers containing concentric layers of
transition metals connected through multidentate
oligopyridine ligands,427,430 and preliminary studies
by Dvornic et al., 524 layer copolymers have been
predominantly investigated through the convergent
growth approach. The first synthesis of a layered
dendritic copolymer (Scheme 34) was reported by

Scheme 34

Figure 30.

activation conditions required during the dendritic

growth of the inner repeat units.
The most noteworthy application of layered den-
drimers to date has been their use in light-harvesting
devices (Figure 30). Moore and co-workers reported
an interesting gradient effect when using a poly-
(phenylacetylene) dendrimer, 242, with repeat unit
conjugation length that increases with generation
from the periphery to the core.119,486 As a result, the
HOMO-LUMO gaps of the conjugated repeat units
decrease from the exterior to the interior, causing a
directional energy flow toward the core. A similar
approach has been used by Morikawa et al. in the
synthesis of graded poly(ether ketone) dendrons,181
Hawker and Fréchet525 via convergent attachment of and van Manen et al. in the synthesis of layered
preformed poly(benzyl ether) dendrons 4 to a poly- metallodendrimers210
(benzyl ester) monomer, 238. Continuation of the Dendritic layer copolymers have also been prepared
poly(benzyl ester) synthesis followed by coupling to via the hypercore approach,87 and by divergent
a triphenolic core afforded the layered dendrimer growth from the periphery of convergently prepared
241. The primary synthetic requirement for the two dendrimers,446 or dendronized polymers.398 This lay-
different monomers is that the outermost dendritic ered dendritic architecture has been used by a
layers must be chemically inert to the coupling and number of groups to probe the nature of chirality.
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3857

Mak and Chow99,100,526 and Murer et al.107 investi- Scheme 35

gated the chiroptical properties of dendrimers con-
sisting of alternating layers of chiral repeat units,
whereas McGrath and co-workers examined a series
of dendrons that contained a single chiral genera-
tional shell within an otherwise achiral fourth gen-
eration dendron.527

B. Segmented Copolymers
Segmented copolymers are hybrids in which con-
trasting repeat units are segregated into wedge-
shaped regions (Figure 29b). The convergent ap-
proach is ideally suited to create these structures
because each growth reaction may be stopped after
the first of two possible coupling reactions by using
an excess of monomer. After isolating the singly
coupled product, the remaining active functionality
of the monomer may be coupled to a dendron with a
chemically different backbone (Figure 5). This hybrid
coupling strategy produces a dendron composed of
two contrasting wedges. Because growth in the
divergent synthesis proceeds outward from the core,
it is difficult to control the multiple reactions of the
surface groups with enough precision to access these
architectures. Only through the application of pro-
tecting group chemistry have representative mol-
ecules of this type been accessed via the divergent
methodology, but these approaches are not generally
The first report of such architectures by Hawker
and Fréchet, was again based on the poly(benzyl
ether) and poly(benzyl ester) repeat units as con-
trasting dendritic components525 (Scheme 35). The
second generation Fréchet-type dendritic bromide 4
reacted with an excess of the poly(benzyl ester)
monomer 238 to afford the singly coupled product
243. The remaining phenol of 243 was coupled by a
DCC-mediated esterification to the second generation
poly(benzyl ester) carboxylic acid 244, yielding the
unsymmetrical hybrid dendron 245. After activation
of the focal point, three of these dendrons could be
coupled to a trisphenolic core to yield dendrimer 247
with three pairs of hybrid ester-ether dendritic
wedges. An analogous approach was utilized by Chow
and co-workers during the preparation of dendritic
copolymers with alternating D and L chiral seg-
ments.99,100,526 Although the structures of the seg-
mented block copolymers are often represented in two
dimensions, implying Cn symmetry, the flexibility
within the repeat units enables considerable confor-
mational variations.
The synthesis of surface copolymers entails the
same methodology as the segment copolymers, except
the two contrasting dendrons differ only in the groups.441 Dendrimers were also synthesized that
identity of their end groups.443 This technique was contained benzyl ether end groups in one hemisphere
developed to access hemispherically segregated sur- and methyl esters in the other. Saponification of the
face copolymers. Wooley et al. described the prepara- esters produced the dendritic amphiphile 249 that
tion of dendrimers in which one of the hemispheres demonstrated micellar properties (Scheme 36). Be-
contained p-cyanophenyl electron-withdrawing groups, cause of the well-segregated polar and nonpolar
and the other traditional 3,5-bis(benzyloxy)phenyl regions within the dendrimer, these structures are
electron-donating groups. The resulting dendrimer believed to orient themselves at the interface between
was shown to have a strong dipole due to its globular hydrophilic and hydrophobic solvents.41 Pesak and
shape and the structural segregation of different end Moore used a similar approach to investigate the
3858 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

Scheme 36

aggregation behavior of poly(phenylacetylene) den- by palladium-catalyzed hydrogenation, 258, or the

drimers with a periphery made of lipophilic tert-butyl four cyclic ketals by acid-catalyzed hydrolysis, 259
end groups, and blocks of 4, 8, 16, or 32 carboxylic (Scheme 38). The periphery of these molecules could
acid groups,531 and Bryce et al. used this approach be selectively functionalized to replace the eight
to control the number of π-donor and π-acceptor ketal-protected alcohols with oligoethylene glycol
groups on the periphery of polyester dendrimers.465 chains and the eight benzyl ethers with benzoate
The chemically robust backbone of the poly(alkyl esters.40
ether) dendrons enabled a unique opportunity to
demonstrate the orthogonal functionalization of sur- C. Tailored Copolymers
face copolymers.40 The benzyl and ketal protected
dendrons reported by Grayson et al. were incorpo- Tailored copolymers can only be accessed by the
rated into two different copolymer architectures: a convergent approach and utilize the hybrid coupling
block and an alternating surface copolymer. The strategy during a series of coupling steps to control
block copolymer (Scheme 37a) was synthesized by the exact number and placement of functional moi-
coupling a single allylic functionality of monomer 87 eties within the dendritic structure (Figure 29c).
with the third generation ketal protected dendritic Control over the peripheral functionalities is best
alcohol 97. After isolation of 250, displacement of the exemplified by the synthesis of the fourth generation
remaining allylic chloride by the third generation Fréchet-type dendron 260, bearing a single p-cyano-
benzyl-protected dendron 96 afforded 251. The fourth benzyl group at the periphery73 (Figure 31). This
generation alternating copolymer (Scheme 37b) was architecture is achieved (Scheme 39) by coupling one
prepared by using an identical hybrid coupling of the two phenolic groups of the monomer with
strategy to produce the second generation hybrid benzyl bromide by using an excess of monomer 1.
dendron 253 and then by repeating the activation After isolating 261, the remaining phenolic group can
and coupling steps until the fourth generation, 257. be coupled with the p-cyanobenzyl bromide, yielding
Both copolymer structures exhibited a quantitative, the hybrid dendron 262. Activation of the focal
selective deprotection of either the eight benzyl ethers functionality affords 263, which can be coupled with
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3859

Scheme 37 Scheme 38

unit within the interior of the dendrimer. Schlüter

elegantly demonstrated this concept by preparing a
third generation Fréchet-type dendrimer bearing a
single p-bromo functionalized monomer unit at the
first, second, or third generation branching points521
(Scheme 40). These dendrons could then be incorpo-
rated into a dendrimer with two unfunctionalized

dendron 264 to produce the second generation den-

dron 265, with a single peripheral nitrile group.
Repetition of this process affords the fourth genera-
tion dendron 260, bearing a single cyano substituent
on its periphery. Though tedious, this procedure
enables the synthesis of dendrons bearing any num-
ber of modified peripheral groups.
This technique can also be used to control the
placement of a specific functionality on any repeat Figure 31.
3860 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

Scheme 39 structural variations that can be implemented during

their preparation, dendrimers are especially attrac-
tive to the materials chemist.
The convergent approach to dendrimer growth
takes its place alongside the now well-established
divergent synthesis providing an alternative ap-
proach from which the synthetic chemist can choose
in order to construct a particular target molecule.
Because of its modular design, great flexibility, and
compatibility with the standard purification proce-
dures of organic chemistry, the convergent approach
offers a number of unique opportunities for the
precise construction of nanoscale structures. Al-
though high yield reactions always afford best re-
sults, the convergent synthesis is more tolerant of
reactions that proceed in somewhat lower that ideal
yields as only a few simultaneous reactions are
required for growth of the convergent dendron and
therefore a pure product can still be isolated and
purified. This is clearly not the case with a divergent
synthesis for which structural flaws resulting from
lower yield reactions would quickly overwhelm the
entire process and lead to a reaction mixture in which
the desired product, if at all present, is only a minor
component. Despite such realities, the fact remains
that, in many instances, the presence of impurities
that are structurally closely related to the desired
product does not detract from the usefulness of
dendrimers. Therefore the significance of the con-
vergent approach will mirror its synthetic and func-
tional versatility and not just its ability to afford
some of the purest synthetic macromolecules known
today. The presence of orthogonal functionalities at
the focal point and the periphery of a dendron
remains a very attractive feature for the molecule
builder trying to assemble complex functional struc-
tures from a limited set of building blocks. There is
third generation dendrons. The single aryl bromide
no doubt that when issues of product availabilitys
functionality of each dendrimer can be modified by
as translated into kilograms of materialssare taken
a Suzuki cross-coupling reaction. The palladium-
into consideration, the divergent route will nearly
catalyzed coupling of tert-butylphenylboronic acid
always be superior to the convergent approach. When
afforded the derivatized dendrimers in 88, 95, and
97% isolated yields for the dendrimers incorporating issues such as functional control, structural precision,
267, 269, and 273, respectively. building block versatility, the ability to perform
custom encapsulation, and the like come to the fore,
the convergent dendrimers will nearly always have
an edge. Clearly, the synthetic requirements of the
VII. Conclusion convergent method are such that all but the smaller
Many synthetic chemists appreciate the beauty of dendrons can only be used for high added value
natural product synthesis where practical skill and applications or fundamental studies. With the con-
creativity are cleverly combined to mimic nature’s vergent tool at their disposal, synthetic chemist can
feats. The authors and many practitioners in the fashion large molecular assemblies that are structur-
emerging field of nanotechnology derive much scien- ally perfect and therefore provide ideal tools for
tific fulfillment from designing targets such as mo- fundamental studies. In many cases, when the ulti-
lecular devices that are not specified by nature but mate properties of a molecule or material are known
for which function is the objective. Unlike natural or when the mechanism of a phenomenon has been
product synthesis for which a very specific molecular elucidated, it is possible to simplify the structure of
target is provided by nature, the “materials” chemist the molecule or material. In such instances the
makes use of elements of biomimetics, macroscopic convergently built molecules may well serve the role
analogies, and intuition to define the target. When of model compounds or prototype leading to less
nanometer scale assemblies are the target, this leads perfect and simplified structures that perhaps per-
to unusual building blocks that today include ele- form a lesser function but benefit from increased
ments such as fullerenes, clusters, nanocrystals, accessibility.
nanotubes, molecular wires, cage compounds, den- In the age of nanotechnology, few nanoscale build-
drons, dendrimers, etc. As a result of the countless ing blocks have the structural and functional versa-
Convergent Dendrons and Dendrimers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3861

Scheme 40

tility exhibited by convergent dendrons. There is little IX. Glossary

doubt that these versatile building blocks that can
ATRP atom transfer radical polymerization
be used to prepare not only highly symmetrical, but
9-BBN 9-borabicyclo[3.3.1]nonanone
also anisotropic structures will continue to stimulate CMC critical micelle concentration
our creativity leading us to fundamental discoveries CV cyclic voltammetry
while seeding very real applications. For example, it DBOP (2,3-dihydro-2-thioxo-3-benzoxazolyl)phos-
may be expected that dendrimers will be used in a phonic acid diphenyl ester
variety of energy harvesting and conversion func- DBU diazabicyclo[5.4.0]-7-undecene
tions, as nanoreactors or catalytic enzyme mimics, DCC N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide
as highly targeted drugs capable of penetrating a DDQ 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone
variety of biological barriers, as carriers of genetic DEAD diethyl azodicarboxylate
material, as shape-persistent or functional compo- DIPEA N,N-diisopropylethylamine
DMAc dimethyl acetamide
nents for nanoscale electronics or microfluidics, as
DPTS 4-(dimethylamino)pyridinium p-toluene-
memory, storage, encoding, or logic devices, etc. sulfonate
DSM Dutch State Mines
VIII. Acknowledgments GPC gel permeation chromotography
Financial support of our work on convergent den- LED light-emitting diode
drimers by the National Science Foundation (DMR MALDI-TOF matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization
MS time-of-flight mass spectrometry
#9816166) and the US Department of Energy (Basic
MW molecular weight
Energy Sciences, Polymer Program of the Center for NMP N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone
Advanced Materials, Lawrence Berkeley National PAMAM poly(amidoamine)
Laboratory) is gratefully acknowledged. The authors PEG poly(ethylene glycol)
also thank Dr. Stefan Hecht and Prof. Alex Adronov PPI poly(propyleneimine)
for invaluable discussions. SFM scanning force microscopy
3862 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Grayson and Fréchet

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Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, 3661−3688 3661

New Polymer Synthesis by Nitroxide Mediated Living Radical Polymerizations

Craig J. Hawker,* Anton W. Bosman, and Eva Harth
IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, California 95120-6099

Received April 9, 2001

I. Introduction 3661
A. Background 3661
B. Scope of Review 3662
II. Historical Perspective 3662
III. Nitroxide-Mediated Living Free Radical 3663
A. Bimolecular Process 3664
B. Unimolecular Initiators 3664
IV. Nitroxides Development 3665
V. Approaches to Alkoxyamines 3667
VI. Mechanistic and Kinetic Features 3669
A. Nitroxide Exchange 3669
B. Additives 3671 Tonny Bosman (left) was born in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, in 1970
C. Chain End Degradation 3671 and studied chemistry at the University of Nijmegen. His undergraduate
research (1994) was done in the group of Roeland Nolte concerning chiral
D. Elucidation of Living Nature 3672 mesogenic phthalocyanines after which he undertook his Ph.D. with Bert
E. Emulsion and Related Processes 3673 Meijer at Eindhoven University of Technology (1999) in the area of dendritic
VII. Toward New Materials 3673 molecules and functional materials. He is currently undertaking postdoctoral
A. Molecular Weight Control 3673 research at the IBM Almaden Research Center with Jean Fréchet and
Craig Hawker on combinatorial/high-throughput chemistry and its applica-
B. Telechelic Polymers 3673 tion to developing new methods in living free radical procedures.
C. Block Copolymers 3674 Eva Harth (center) was born in Cologne, Germany and studied chemistry
D. Random Copolymers 3678 at the University of Bonn and the University of Zurich, Switzerland under
VIII. Complex Macromolecular Architectures 3680 the supervision of Prof. A. Vasella, ETH Zurich, where she worked on
A. Star and Graft Polymers 3680 the synthesis and application of glycosylidene fullerenes derivatives. In
1994 she joined the group of Prof. K. Muellen at the MPI for Polymer
B. Hyperbranched and Dendritic Structures 3681 Research in Mainz, obtaining her Ph.D. in 1998 for work in the area of
IX. Surface-Initiated Polymerizations 3683 fullerene adducts and polymers. She is currently undertaking postdoctoral
X. Outlook 3685 research at the IBM Almaden Research Center focusing on the
development of new living free polymerization techniques and novel
XI. Acknowledgments 3686 approaches to nanoscopic materials.
XII. Note Added after ASAP 3686 Craig Hawker (right) was born in Toowoomba, Australia, in 1964. He
XIII. References 3686 received a B.Sc. degree in chemistry from the University of Queensland
in 1984 and a Ph.D. degree in bio-organic chemistry from the University
of Cambridge in 1988 under the supervision of Prof. Sir Alan Battersby.
I. Introduction Jumping into the world of polymer chemistry, he undertook a postdoctoral
fellowship with Prof. Jean Fréchet at Cornell University from 1988 to 1990
A. Background and then returned to the University of Queensland as a Queen Elizabeth
II Fellow from 1991 to 1993. He is currently a Research Staff Member at
At first glance, radical polymerization may be the IBM Almaden Research Center and an investigator in the NSF Center
considered a mature technology with millions of tons for Polymer Interfaces and Macromolecular Assemblies and was recently
of vinyl based homo- and copolymers being produced awarded the 2001 Carl S. Marvel Award in Creative Polymer Science.
annually. This perception of maturity is based on the His research has focused on the interface between organic and polymer
chemistry with emphasis on the design, synthesis, and application of
fact that free radical polymerization is so widely used unusual macromolecular structures in microelectronics and nanotechnology.
industrially and in research laboratories for the
synthesis of a wide variety of polymeric materials. It is therefore surprising that the study of radical
This widespread adoption is due to its versatility, polymerization has witnessed a renaissance in terms
synthetic ease, and compatibility with a wide variety of both synthetic possibilities and mechanistic un-
of functional groups, coupled with its tolerance to derstanding in recent years. One of the driving forces
water and protic media. These features make possible for this renaissance has been the growing demand
the development of emulsion and suspension tech- for functionalized, well-defined materials as building
niques, which greatly simplifies the experimental set blocks in nanotechnology applications. In the prepa-
up and has led to wide commercial adoption. ration of well-defined macromolecules, traditional
10.1021/cr990119u CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 10/25/2001
3662 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hawker et al.

free radical procedures have a significant drawback, of “iniferters” (initiator-transfer agent-terminator)

which is related to the reactivity of the propagating was introduced by Otsu in 1982 which is arguably
free radical chain end and its propensity to undergo the first attempt to develop a true LFRP technique.10
a variety of different termination reactions. The In this case, disulfides, 1, including diaryl and
materials obtained are therefore polydisperse with dithiuram disulfides, were proposed as photochemical
very limited control over macromolecular weight and initiators where cleavage can occur at the C-S bond
architecture.1 Until recently, ionic polymerizations to give a carbon-based propagating radical, 2, and
(anionic or cationic) were the only “living” techniques the mediating thio radical 3 (Scheme 1). While the
available that efficiently controlled the structure and
architecture of vinyl polymers. Although these tech- Scheme 1
niques ensure low polydispersity materials, con-
trolled molecular weight and defined chain ends, they
are not useful for the polymerization and copolym-
erization of a wide range of functionalized vinylic
monomers. This limitation is due to the incompat-
ibility of the growing polymer chain end (anion or
cation) with numerous functional groups and certain
monomer families.2 In addition, these polymerization
techniques require stringent reaction conditions in-
cluding the use of ultrapure reagents and the total
exclusion of water and oxygen. The necessity to
overcome all these limitations emboldened synthetic
polymer chemists to develop new concepts, which
would permit the development of a free-radical po-
lymerization procedure possessing the characteristics
of a living process. This field has witnessed explosive
growth in recent years and a number of specialized
reviews have been published in this general area.3-6

B. Scope of Review
This review covers the scientific literature from
1980 to the present concerning nitroxide-mediated
living free radical polymerization. Strategies for
controlling polymeric structure and macromolecular
architecture will be discussed in detail with special
emphasis placed on the synthesis of functionalized propagating radical 2 can undergo monomer addition
polymers. Other important synthetic considerations followed by recombination with a primary sulfur
such as the design of nitroxides with improved radical, 3, to give a dormant species, 4, it may also
performance and the development of new synthetic undergo chain transfer to the initiator itself. As
approaches to alkoxyamine initiators will be exam- opposed to conventional free-radical polymerization,
ined in an effort to provide a basis for future develop- which results in chain termination, even at low
ment in the field. While mechanistic and kinetic conversion, this technique provides rudimentary
details of the polymerization process will be exam- characteristics of typical living systems, such as a
ined, for a more detailed treatment the reader is linear increase in molecular weight with conversion.
directed to the review article by Fischer in this issue.7 In addition, the monofunctional, or R,ω-bifunctional
Similarly, the relationship between nitroxide-medi- chains, can be considered as telechelic polymers,
ated and other living free radical techniques, such giving the possibility to prepare block copolymers.
as atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and Nevertheless, other features of a true living system
radical addition, fragmentation and transfer (RAFT) such as accurately controlled molecular weights and
will be discussed and examples given for each of these low polydispersities could not be obtained since a thio
novel techniques; however, for an in depth analysis, radical, 3, can also initiate polymerization. As will
the reader is directed to the review by Sawamoto in be discussed below, one of the primary requirements
this thematic issue.8 for a mediating radical is that it undergoes reversible
termination of the propagating chain end without
II. Historical Perspective acting as an initiator. Subsequently, a wide range of
stabilized radicals has been examined as mediating
The first detailed attempt to use initiators that radicals for the development of a living free radical
control radical polymerization of styrene and methyl system.11-13 As with the preliminary iniferter work
methacrylate was reported by Werrington and To- of Otsu, they suffer from incomplete control over both
bolsky in 1955.9 However, the specific dithiuram the initiation and reversible termination steps and
disulfides that were employed lead to high transfer lead to poorly controlled polymerizations; however,
constants, which resulted in retardation of the po- their structures do point to interesting features that
lymerization. This promising concept was subse- may be relevant in the future development of this
quently overlooked for close to 30 years until the use technology (Figure 1). Delocalized systems, the pres-
Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3663

Figure 1.

ence of heteroatoms and in many examples, steric the desired initiating species and growth should occur
hindrance all play key roles in determining the in a living fashion, allowing a high degree of control
success of the mediating radical. Of particular note over the entire polymerization process with well-
to the nitroxide work described below, is the ability defined polymers being obtained.
of radicals such as the verdazyl and borinate deriva- The identity of the mediating radical, R•, is critical
tives to control the polymerization of methacrylates. to the success of living free radical procedures and a
The tendency of the radical species in these examples variety of different persistent, or stabilized radicals
to abstract R-hydrogens is obviously decreased for have been employed. These range from (arylazo)oxy,14
methacrylate polymerizations when compared to substituted triphenyls,15 verdazyl,16 triazolinyl,17 ni-
nitroxides and an understanding of the difference troxides,18 etc. with the most widely studied and
between these systems may permit the design of certainly most successful class of compounds being
improved nitroxides for methacrylate polymerization. the nitroxides and their associated alkylated deriva-
tives, alkoxyamines. Interestingly, the development
III. Nitroxide-Mediated Living Free Radical of nitroxides as mediators for radical polymerization
Polymerizations stems from pioneering work into the nature of
standard free radical initiation mechanisms and the
The pioneering iniferter work provided the basis desire to efficiently trap carbon-centered free radi-
for the development of LFRP and it is interesting to cals. Solomon, Rizzardo, and Moad were able to
note the similarity between the iniferter mechanism demonstrate that at the low temperatures typically
outlined in Scheme 1 and the general outline of a associated with standard free radical polymeriza-
successful living free radical mechanism (Scheme tions, 40-60 °C, nitroxides such as 2,2,6,6-tetram-
2). In this general mechanism, the reversible termi- ethylpiperidinyloxy (TEMPO), 5, reacted at near
diffusion controlled rates with carbon-centered free
Scheme 2 radicals, 6, generated from the addition of initiating
radicals, 7, to vinyl monomers.19 The resulting
alkoxyamine derivatives, 8, were essentially stable
at these temperatures and did not participate in the
reaction further, thus acting as radical traps (Scheme

Scheme 3

nation of the growing polymeric chain is the key step

for reducing the overall concentration of the propa-
gating radical chain end. In the absence of other
reactions leading to initiation of new polymer chains
(i.e., no reaction of the mediating radical with the
vinylic monomer), the concentration of reactive chain The same workers then applied a similar concept,
ends is extremely low, minimizing irreversible ter- albeit at increased temperatures (80-100 °C) to the
mination reactions, such as combination or dispro- synthesis of low molecular weight polymers and
portionation. All chains would be initiated only from oligomers, primarily with acrylates and hindered
3664 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hawker et al.

nitroxides.20 While the polymerization of acrylates Scheme 5

cannot be considered living at these low tempera-
tures, this seminal piece of work did provide the
foundation for many of the ensuing studies in the
whole field of living free radical polymerization.

A. Bimolecular Process
The second seminal contribution which demon-
strated to a wide audience that living free radical
polymerizations are a viable synthetic methodology
was a report from the group of Georges at XEROX
describing the preparation of low polydispersity
polystyrene.21 The key feature of this work was the
preparation of high molecular weight, low polydis-
persity materials. By increasing the temperature to
130 °C and conducting the polymerizations in bulk,
a system comprising benzoyl peroxide, 9, and a stable
nitroxide, TEMPO (5), in a molar ratio of 1.3:1, gave
polystyrene derivatives, 10, by a living process in
which the molecular weight increased in a linear
fashion with conversion (Scheme 4). Even more

Scheme 4 polymerization process, and subsequent studies have

confirmed and reinforced these original observations,
it must be emphasized that these are not true living
systems.22-26 While the concentration and reactivity
of radicals at the propagating chain end have been
significantly reduced, it is still not negligible and
therefore termination reactions can still occur. By the
strictest definition, nitroxide-mediated and in fact all
versions of LFRP are not living polymerizations;
however, the best systems do display all of the
characteristics of a living system and so the term,
living will be used throughout this chapter. For an
excellent discussion of the many varied opinions on
the correct terminology for living free radical poly-
merizations the reader is directed to a special, “living
or controlled” thematic issue of J. Polym. Sci.27

B.Unimolecular Initiators
While successful, the poorly defined nature and
unknown concentration of the initiating species in the
bimolecular process prompted the development of a
single molecule initiating system which would permit
control over molecular weight, architecture, etc.
Borrowing the concept of well-defined initiators from
living anionic and cationic procedures, unimolecular
initiators for nitroxide-mediated living free radical
polymerizations have been developed.28,29 The struc-
ture of these initiators was based on the alkoxyamine
startling were the polydispersity values for 10 (PDI functionality that is present at the chain end of the
) 1.2-1.3), which were significantly lower than the growing polymer during its dormant phase. The C-O
theoretical lower limit for a free radical process of bond of the small molecule alkoxyamine derivative
1.5 and the typical values of ca. 2.0 for free radical 11 is therefore expected to be thermolytically un-
systems. At these elevated temperatures the C-ON stable and decompose on heating to give an initiating
bond becomes unstable, releasing the nitroxide which radical, i.e., the R-methylbenzyl radical 12 as well
can now act as a polymerization mediator, not as an as the mediating nitroxide radical 5 in the correct
inhibitor as they are low temperatures, hence their 1:1 stoichiometry (Scheme 5). Following initiation the
use by Solomon to trap polymerization intermediates. polymerization would proceed as described previous
While this original work by the XEROX group for the bimolecular case to give the polystyrene
displays many of the fundamental aspects of a living derivative 13.
Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3665

Scheme 6

IV. Nitroxides Development

While the above strategies proved that the concept Figure 2.
of a living free radical procedure was a viable process
there were a large number of problems with the use additives such as camphorsulfonic acid35 or acetic
of TEMPO, as the mediating radical.29 In addition, anhydride,36 however, the improvements were not
the available synthetic methods for the preparation significant enough to make nitroxide-mediated po-
of alkoxyamines were poor and not amenable to the lymerizations a viable competitor to other living
preparation of functionalized initiators in high yield.30 techniques.
These included the necessity to use high polymeri- The most significant breakthrough in the design
zation temperature (125-145 °C), long reaction times of improved nitroxides was the use of alicyclic ni-
(24-72 h) and an incompatibility with many impor- troxides, which bear no structural resemblance to
tant monomer families. While it was shown that TEMPO. In fact, their most striking difference was
random copolymers of styrene and either butyl acry- the presence of a hydrogen atom on one of the
late or methyl methacrylate could be readily prepared R-carbons, in contrast to the two quaternary R-car-
with TEMPO,31 at high incorporations of the comono- bons present in TEMPO and all the nitroxides
mer (ca. 50%+) the copolymerization and homo- discussed above. Interestingly this feature is tradi-
polymerization of (meth)acrylates are no longer liv- tionally associated with unstable nitroxide deriva-
ing. Before becoming a routine synthetic procedure tives and may have some bearing on the success of
for the preparation of well-defined polymers, these these compounds. The best examples of these new
issues needed to be addressed. materials are the phosphonate derivative, 16, intro-
duced by Gnanou and Tordo37 and the family of
To overcome these deficiencies it was apparent arenes, 17, introduced by Hawker (Figure 2).38 These
that changes in the structure of the nitroxide were nitroxides have subsequently been shown to be vastly
needed. Unlike the initiating radical, which is in- superior to the original TEMPO derivatives, delegat-
volved only at the beginning of the polymerization, ing the latter to a niche role for select styrenic
the mediating radical is involved in numerous re- polymerizations. The use of nitroxides such as 16 and
versible termination and activation steps and so 17 now permits the polymerization of a wide variety
changes in its structure would be expected to have a of monomer families. Acrylates, acrylamides, 1,3-
substantial effect on the polymerization. Initial ef- dienes and acrylonitrile based monomers can now be
forts to develop new mediating nitroxides relied on polymerized with accurate control of molecular weights
TEMPO based derivatives. The XEROX group were and polydispersities as low as 1.05.39 The versatile
able to polymerize acrylates at elevated temperatures nature of these initiators can also be used to control
(145-155 °C) in the presence of 4-oxo-TEMPO, 14, the formation of random and block copolymers from
as the mediating nitroxide, and while this is a a wide selection of monomer units containing reactive
significant improvement when compared to TEMPO, functional groups, such as amino, carboxylic acid,
polydispersities were still between 1.40 and 1.67 and glycidyl. The universal nature of these initiators
the living nature of the polymerization was question- overcomes many of the limitations typically associ-
able.32 Similarly, Matyjaszewski observed that the ated with nitroxide-mediated systems and leads to a
rate of polymerization of styrene could be signifi- level of versatility approaching atom transfer radical
cantly enhanced by the use of a TEMPO derivative, polymerization (ATRP) and radical addition frag-
15, substituted in the 4-position with a phosphonic mentation and transfer (RAFT) based systems.40-42
acid group (Figure 2). Presumably the ability to form The applicability of these systems to other monomers
an intramolecular H-bond in 15 leads to a change families will be described and demonstrated in the
in mediating ability.33 This prompted the investiga- following sections on block copolymers and macro-
tion of a wide range of other TEMPO-like structures, molecular architectures. A list of nitroxides that have
such as di-tert-butyl nitroxides, and in the use of been employed as mediators in living free radical
additives.34 All of these approaches lead to an in- polymerizations are included in Table 1 with ac-
crease in the rate of polymerization, especially for companying references.43-76
3666 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hawker et al.

Table 1. Structure of Nitroxides Employed in Living Free Radical Polymerizations

Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3667

Scheme 7 which complicated purification (Scheme 6).28 In an

effort to both improve the yield of the desired
alkoxyamine and simplify purification, a variety of
other strategies for generation of the radical inter-
mediate have been studied. Howell has taken advan-
tage of the low reactivity of nitroxides with oxygen-
based radicals to prepare benzylic alkoxyamines, 11,
by hydrogen abstraction from ethyl benzene, 19,
followed by nitroxide trapping (Scheme 7).80,81 Gen-
eration of the intermediate radical has also been
accomplished photochemically using a di-tert-butyl
peroxide reaction system and irradiation with 300 nm
light. In this case, the mild nature of the reaction
V. Approaches to Alkoxyamines conditions allows the yields to be increased to over
90% and more importantly permits thermally un-
The development of stable, readily functionalized
stable alkoxyamines such as the R,R-dimethyl-
initiators, which mimic the growing chain end for
substituted derivative 20 to be isolated. Under tra-
living free radical systems, is one of the significant
ditional thermal conditions, 20 would decompose on
achievements and advantages of LFRP. Not only does
formation due to the inherent instability of the
it allow the greatest degree of control over the final
polymeric structure, but also the ready functional- quaternary C-ON bond.82
ization permits the development of new areas of Alternative approaches have also been recently
research in polymer science and nanotechnology. In developed which rely on the controlled generation of
the case of nitroxide-mediated systems, the dormant carbon-centered radicals followed by trapping of the
chain end is an alkylated nitroxide derivative, also radical-like intermediates. Jahn83 has employed single
termed an alkoxyamine. Unfortunately, as a class of electron transfer in the highly efficient generation of
compounds, alkoxyamines are poorly studied and the radicals from ester enolates, 21, by treatment of
initial exploitation of their potential was limited by lithium salts with ferrocenium ions, 22, at -78 °C.
the lack of versatile and efficient synthetic procedures These radicals are then trapped by nitroxides to
for their preparation.77-79 provide functionalized alkoxyamines, 23, in moderate
The growing importance of alkoxyamines for LFRP to high yields. Reduction with LiAlH4 gives the
has motivated organic chemists to pursue new and hydroxy derivative 24 in good yield with no attack
more versatile synthetic approaches for their prepa- at the alkoxyamine group, demonstrating the stabil-
ration. Initially the majority of synthetic approaches ity of alkoxyamines to a variety of reaction conditions
to alkoxyamines relied on the generation of carbon- (Scheme 8). Similarly, Braslau has employed Cu2+-
centered radicals followed by the trapping of these promoted single electron-transfer reactions with eno-
radicals by a nitroxide derivative. Initial examples late anions to provide carbon-centered free radicals
include the reaction of benzoyl peroxide with an which can be trapped by nitroxides at low tempera-
excess of styrene to give a benzylic radical followed tures.84 Matyjaszewski has applied techniques from
by trapping of the radical intermediate with TEMPO atom transfer radical procedures to develop a facile,
to give the benzoyl peroxide adduct, 18. Problems low-temperature approach to alkoxyamines involving
with this synthesis include the relative poor yield the treatment of suitable ATRP-based initiators, 25,
(30-40% yield) and the wide range of byproducts, with copper complexes in the presence of a nitroxide,
Scheme 8
3668 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hawker et al.

Scheme 9 cially useful for multifunctional alkoxyamines such

as 30, whose synthesis from the corresponding dirad-
ical by trapping strategies is not practical (Scheme
Scheme 11

the resulting alkoxyamine 26 being obtained in very

high yields (Scheme 9).85 The use of lead oxide for
the oxidation of alkyl hydrazides has also been shown
to be an efficient method for the synthesis of alkoxy-
amines and if chiral nitroxyl radicals are employed
a degree of stereochemical control can be obtained.86
Finally in a novel application of single electron-
transfer chemistry, Priddy87 has employed oxoam-
inium salts to add across the double bond of styrenic
derivatives leading to functionalized alkoxyamine
initiators. In the proposed mechanism, the oxoam- In an interesting application of classical organic
inium salt 27 undergoes a disproportionation reaction chemistry, Bergbreiter employed a Meisenheimer
with associated electron transfer to give the corre- rearrangement of allyl N-oxides as a route to
sponding nitroxide, TEMPO, and a chlorine radical. alkoxyamines.89 As shown in Scheme 12, 2,2,6,6-
The chlorine radical then adds across the styrenic Scheme 12
double bond to give the carbon center radical 28
which is then efficiently trapped by TEMPO to give
the chloromethyl-substituted alkoxyamine 29 (Scheme
10). The advantage of this strategy is the facile
Scheme 10

tetramethylpiperidine is initially alkylated with allyl

bromide to give the tertiary amine, 31, which can be
oxidized at low temperatures with m-chloroperben-
zoic acid. The resulting N-oxide 32 is not isolated but
allowed to undergo rearrangement on warming to
give the allyl-TEMPO derivative 33 in moderate
yield (Scheme 12). An attractive feature of this
synthetic approach to alkoxyamines is the ready
preparation of the alkoxyamine 29, which can be availability and low cost of starting materials which
subsequently transformed into a myriad of function- is in contrast to the high cost of many nitroxides. In
alized initiators. addition, the controlled nature of polymerizations
Alternate strategies to the trapping of carbon- initiated with 33 demonstrates that an R-methylben-
centered radicals has been developed by a variety of zyl group is not necessary for efficient initiation in
groups in an effort to extend the range of function- these systems and a simple allyl group can be used
alities that can be incorporated into the alkoxyamine in its place without any detrimental performance.
structure. Taking advantage of the rich oxidation The use of transition metal complexes for the
chemistry of nitroxides, Catala88 has demonstrated synthesis of alkoxyamines has also been exploited by
that oxidation to the hydroxyamine followed by Dao.90 In this case, Jacobsen’s reagent, manganese-
proton abstraction with sodium hydride gives the (III) salen, 34, is employed to promote the addition
anion which can nucleophilically displace alkyl ha- of nitroxides across the double bond of olefinic
lides to give the desired alkoxyamine. This is espe- derivatives, specifically activated double bonds such
Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3669

as styrenics, leading to alkoxyamines suitable for use produce very few unwanted side products, which
as initiators in living free radical procedures. While greatly facilitates isolation and purification.
the mechanism for the Jacobsen epoxidation of olefins
is still controversial, a substantial body of evidence VI. Mechanistic and Kinetic Features
has been accumulated that supports direct attack of
the olefin at the oxomanganese center to generate a A. Nitroxide Exchange
radical intermediate followed by collapse to give the
desired epoxide.91 It is anticipated that a similar The key kinetic feature of nitroxide-mediated living
mechanism is involved during the synthesis of free radical polymerization is the operation of a
alkoxyamines with evidence suggesting that an in- special kinetic phenomenon, termed the persistent
termediate organomanganese derivative, 35, is in- radical effect. Fischer has developed the equations
volved, which on reduction with sodium borohydride for the polymerization rates and for the polydisper-
gives the alkoxyamine 36 (Scheme 13). The advan- sities of the resulting polymers that have been shown
to effectively model LFRP.92,93 In the initial stages
Scheme 13 of the polymerization, a small fraction of the initiat-
ing radicals 37 formed from decomposition of the
unimolecular initiator 38 undergo radical-radical
coupling. This leads to a terminated small molecule
or oligomer, 39, and the resulting elimination of two
initiating radicals. At this early stage of the polym-
erization, this is a facile reaction since the diffusing
radicals are sterically not congested and the reaction
medium is not viscous. However, by its nature, the
mediating radical, or persistent radical, 40 does not
undergo coupling and so a small increase in the
overall concentration of 40 relative to the propagat-
ing/initiating radical 37 occurs. This increased level
of 40 is self-limiting since a higher concentration
leads to more efficient formation of the dormant chain
end 41 and a decrease in the amount of radical-
radical coupling (Scheme 14). This interplay between

Scheme 14

termination and mediation leads to a small amount

of excess mediating free radical, giving rise to the
persistent radical effect (PRE) and to eventual control
over the polymerization process.
The nature of the equilibrium between the dormant
system 41 and the pair of radicals 37 and 40 has been
probed and exploited by a number of groups. The
exact nature of the radical pair, caged pair of radicals,
or freely diffusing radicals was probed by a series of
crossover experiments.94 This is an important syn-
thetic issue: the nitroxide counter-radicals are as-
tages of these methods are that a variety of functional sociated with the same polymeric chain end during
groups can be readily introduced, large excesses of the course of the polymerization, or do they diffuse
reagents are not required to trap the extremely freely to the reaction medium, which affects the
reactive free radical intermediates and near stoichio- ability to insert functional groups at the chain ends.
metric amounts of the alkene and nitroxide are In these experiments, the potential diffusion of the
required. Finally, the reactions are high yielding and mediating radical from the propagating chain end
3670 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hawker et al.

Scheme 15 bond of 42 and 43 will lead to four radical species.

Each of the radicals produced are chemically different
and comprise a pair of initiating, or propagating
radicals, 44 and 45, and a pair of structurally similar
mediating nitroxide radicals are produced, TEMPO,
46, and 4-hydroxy-TEMPO, 47. If no escape of the
mediating nitroxide radical from propagating chain
end occurs, only two polystyrene derivatives will
therefore be formed, 48 and 49. In contrast, if radical
crossover does occur and the mediating nitroxide
radicals are free to diffuse to the polymerization
medium, four polystyrenes having different substitu-
tion patterns, 48-51, will be obtained. Significantly,
the experimental result from these crossover experi-
ments revealed a statistical mixture of all four
products, even at low conversions (ca. 5%), implying
freely diffusing radicals (Scheme 15).
Moreover, this crossover or exchange of mediating
radical can be exploited as a synthetic tool to intro-
duce functional groups at the polymer chain end/s.
Turro95 has elegantly taken advantage of this feature
of nitroxide-mediated living free radical procedures
to develop a strategy for the facile preparation of
chain end functionalized macromolecules. In this
approach a precursor polymer, 52, is prepared from
a standard unfunctionalized initiator, such as 42,
purified, and then redissolved in a high boiling point
solvent such as chlorobenzene and heated at 125 °C
in the presence of a large excess of functionalized
nitroxide, 54. At this temperature the equilibrium
between 53 and the two radicals is established and
was probed by the use of two structurally similar since the released nitroxide, 46, is free to diffuse into
alkoxyamines, which differ in the presence or absence the solution, exchange with the functionalized ni-
of functional groups. One derivative is unfunction- troxide, 54, can occur leading to the desired chain
alized, 42, while the other alkoxyamine, 43, contains end functionalized macromolecule, 55 (Scheme 16).
two hydroxy groups, one attached to the TEMPO unit This strategy presents a number of advantages,
while the second is located at the beta-carbon atom reactive functional groups can be introduced under
of the ethylbenzene unit. If a 1:1 mixture of 42 and mild conditions, from the same precursor polymer a
43 is used to initiate the “living” free radical polym- variety of differently tagged macromolecules can be
erization of styrene, homolysis of the carbon-oxygen prepared, and the same strategy can be applied to
Scheme 16
Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3671

macromolecules of different architectures. It should C. Chain End Degradation

however, be noted that the primary driving force for
this functional interconversion is statistics and so Another side reaction in nitroxide-mediated living
under normal laboratory conditions with nitroxide free radical polymerization that affects the kinetics
excesses of 10-20 equiv complete exchange of the and structural integrity of the products is decomposi-
chain end does not occur. tion of the alkoxyamine chain ends. One potential
pathway that has been studied in detail is the facile
B. Additives reduction of the mediating nitroxide radical to give
the corresponding hydroxyamine 56 by H-transfer.
From the above discussion it is obvious that the As illustrated in Scheme 17 for polystyrene, this
persistent radical effect relies on a subtle interplay results in a dead polymer chain, 57, containing an
between the mediating nitroxide radicals and propa- unsaturated chain end. Hydroxylamine 56 can then
gating radical chain ends. The rate of polymerization be involved in H-transfer back to a growing radical
and extent of termination reactions such as radical chain end to regenerate the nitroxide while at the
coupling can however, be manipulated by changing same time leading to a second H-terminated dead
the balance between all of these competing reactions polymer chain, 58. These termination reactions de-
and kinetic equations which are present during the crease the living character of the polymerization and
persistent radical effect. This has been accomplished if they are significant enough will alter the overall
by a number of groups in different ways. One of the kinetics and lead to a nonlinear system. To under-
most well-studied strategies is to continuously add stand the system in more detail, Priddy has inves-
initiator or have a very slowly decomposing initiator tigated the decomposition of alkoxyamine initiators
also present in the polymerization mixture.96 This in a variety of solvents.101 The results clearly show
continuously supplies initiating radicals to the sys- that alkoxyamines undergo significant decomposition
tem and results in the reaction continuously trying at the temperatures normally associated with living
to obtain a steady state, persistent radical effect free radical polymerization. In 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene,
situation. The stationary concentration of the nitrox- ca. 50% decomposition has occurred after 2 h leading
ide is therefore reduced and correspondingly, the rate to H-abstraction and the identification of styrene as
of deactivation is decreased. This should lead to an a major decomposition product (cf. Scheme 17). The
increase in the rate of polymerization with a con- authors conclude that significant decomposition of
comitant increase in the polydispersity of the poly- the alkoxyamine chain ends should occur during
mers obtained. Indeed this has been shown to be the polymerization due to the competitive rates of po-
case in a number of studies. The addition of either lymerization and decomposition. However, significant
dicumyl peroxide and tert-butyl hydroperoxide has decomposition is not observed experimentally and
been shown to lead to rate enhancements of up to may be due to the absence of monomer in the model
300% with only moderate increases in polydispersity. studies coupled with the decreased rate of H-abstrac-
In a related study, continuous slow addition of a tion from a polymer chain end compared to a small
standard low-temperature free radical initiator, AIBN, molecule. While reduced, this reaction is not com-
was also shown to give similar results.97 These pletely absent from nitroxide-mediated polymeriza-
findings are important from a commercial viewpoint tions and simulations and theoretical treatments
since they may allow the long reactions times and have shown that its effect on the polymerization
high temperatures normally associated with nitrox- kinetics is slight but does result in an increase in
ide-mediated polymerizations, especially those in- molecular weights distribution.102 This also explains
volving TEMPO, to be alleviated without compro- the lower polydispersities observed for the second-
mising the gross characteristics of the product. generation nitroxides 17 (ca. 1.05-1.10) compared to
These experiments are also relevant to the polym- TEMPO (1.15-1.25) for polystyrene polymerizations.
erization of styrenic derivatives. As discussed above, The shorter reaction times and lower temperatures
styrenics were the first and still arguably the easiest associated with 17 leads to a decreased amount of
monomer family to polymerize under living condi- alkoxyamine decomposition and associated broaden-
tions using nitroxides. One of the primary reasons ing of the molecular weight distribution. This feature
for the facile polymerization of styrenics is thermal also explains the observed difference in the polym-
polymerization. Unlike acrylates and other vinyl erization of styrenics and methacrylates under ni-
monomers, which do not readily undergo self-initia- troxide-mediated conditions. Styrenics are able to
tion to generate radicals, it has been shown that undergo living polymerization under the influence
thermal self-initiation of styrene provides a low of minor amounts of thermal initiation/hydrogen
concentration of propagating radicals.98,99 This is transfer reactions and the effect of these side reac-
sufficient for obtaining a rate enhancement similar tions on the “livingness” of the system and the
to the addition of excess initiator and allows a structure of the final products is not significant and
reasonable rate of polymerization under the persis- cannot be detected in most cases. In contrast, for
tent radical effect. Another consequence of autopo- methacrylates there is no thermal initiation and the
lymerization is that the rate of polymerization of contribution from hydrogen transfer is significantly
styrene in the presence of nitroxides is independent greater. The majority of chains therefore undergo
of the concentration of the alkoxyamine and remark- termination reactions and effectively “die” leading to
ably close to the rate of thermal polymerization under an uncontrolled, nonliving system. This has been
the same conditions.100 observed experimentally with significant amounts of
3672 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hawker et al.

Scheme 17

alkene-terminated polymer chains detected by MAL-

DI mass spectrometry as well as NMR and UV-vis

D. Elucidation of Living Nature

For monomer families other than methacrylates,
the low occurrence of these side reactions and the
essentially living nature of these polymerizations can
be demonstrated by a variety of different techniques.
A preliminary guide to the “livingness” can be
obtained by examining the relationship between the
evolution of molecular weight and conversion. As
shown in Figure 3, the polymerization of n-butyl
acrylate (250 equiv) in the presence of 59 (X ) Y )
H) (1.0 equiv) and 17 (0.05 equiv) at 123 °C for 16 h
results in a linear relationship.38 This demonstrates Figure 3. Evolution of molecular weight, Mn, with percent
conversion for the polymerization of n-butyl acrylate (250
that all of the chains are initiated at the same time equiv) in the presence of 42 (X, Y ) H) (1.0 equiv) and 17
and grow at approximately the same rate. Following (0.05 equiv) at 123 °C for 16 h.
this initial screening, the efficiency of initiation and
the degree of control during the polymerization can for the polymerization of styrene and 59 (X ) Y )
be accurately gauged by determining the correlation H) at 123 °C for 8 h with no degassing or purification
between the experimental molecular weight and the is a straight line. This suggests that initiating
theoretical molecular weight. As for all living poly- efficiencies are 95% or greater (Figure 4). The ability
merizations, the theoretical molecular weight is to obtain polydispersities of between 1.10 and 1.20
determined by the molar ratio of monomer to initia- for these polymerization is further support for a
tor, taking into account the conversion of the polym- controlled/living process. Figure 4 also demonstrates
erization. For an initiation efficiency of 100%, the a critically important feature of nitroxide-mediated
relationship between experimental molecular weight living free radical polymerizations that is also true
and theoretical molecular weight should be a straight for ATRP and RAFT, no purification of monomers or
line with a slope of 1.0. Indeed, evolution of experi- rigorous polymerization conditions are required to
mental molecular weight, Mn, with theoretical MW obtain very well-defined polymers, thereby opening
Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3673

operate at lower temperatures (<100 °C), may al-

leviate many of these difficulties and permit a viable
emulsion process to be developed.

VII. Toward New Materials

It is obvious from the above discussion that under
the correct conditions and with the appropriate
mediating nitroxide free radical, living polymeriza-
tion conditions can be achieved. On the basis of this
realization, numerous groups have demonstrated
that the degree of structural control normally associ-
ated with more traditional living processes, such as
anionic procedures, can be equally applied to nitrox-
ide-mediated living free radical polymerizations.
Figure 4. Evolution of experimental molecular weight, Mn,
and polydispersity with theoretical MW for the polymeri- A. Molecular Weight Control
zation of styrene and 42 at 123 °C for 8 h with no degassing
or purification. The initial work of Hawker28 on the use of alkoxy-
amines as unimolecular initiators demonstrated that
these synthetic techniques up to a much wider range the molecular weight of polystyrene could be ac-
of researchers. curately controlled up to Mn values of ca. 75 000 using
As will be discussed below, the final piece of the assumption that one molecule of the TEMPO-
evidence that is needed to conclusively prove the based alkoxyamine 11 initiates the growth of one
living nature of a nitroxide-mediated process is to use polymer chain and the length, or degree of polymer-
the alkoxyamine chain end to prepare a block copoly- ization, of that chain is governed by the molar ratio
mer. Again if the polymerization is living, efficient of styrene to 11. Subsequent work by others, espe-
reinitiation of the second block should be observed cially with the second-generation alkoxyamines, such
to give a block copolymer with no homopolymer as 59, have conclusively proved this ability and,
contamination (care should be taken in analyzing especially in the case of 59, the upper molecular
homopolymer content by GPC, especially using RI weight limit (Mn) for controlled molecular weights has
detection). While this is a desired goal, it should be been increased to between 150 000 and 200 000.38 For
realized that the efficiency of reinitiation for the typical monomers and polymerization conditions,
second block is monomer dependent and in select values of ca. 200 000 may represent an upper limit
circumstances inefficient reinitiation may be obtained for nitroxide-mediated, ATRP, and RAFT-based liv-
even though ca. 100% of the starting blocks contain ing free radical systems. At higher molecular weights
an alkoxyamine chain end. This feature will be the small amount of extraneous radicals and termi-
further discussed in the following section on struc- nating species quickly become significant when com-
tural control. pared to the low concentration of initiating and
propagating radicals present in the system. This
E. Emulsion and Related Processes leads to a loss of control and an increasingly nonliv-
ing process.
Until recently, living radical polymerizations have
been predominantly studied in homogeneous sys-
tems, i.e., bulk or solution polymerizations. While
B. Telechelic Polymers
simplified systems, they are less attractive to indus- The ability to control molecular weights provides
try, which prefers to employ aqueous dispersed media good evidence that the basic reaction scheme for
and emulsion procedures in particular. A consider- alkoxyamine initiated polymerizations does operate.
able amount of effort has therefore been directed to By analogy, it should therefore be possible to prepare
the development of nitroxide-mediated polymeriza- telechelic polymers in a fashion similar to living
tions under heterogeneous conditions such as sus- anionic procedures. However, a major difference is
pension, dispersion, seeded emulsion, batch emulsion, that elaborate schemes for the efficient transforma-
and miniemulsion.105-108 The difficulty with many of tion of the anionic chain ends to the desired func-
these studies is that TEMPO or similar derivatives tionality does not need to be developed since living
were employed as the mediating radical. This neces- free radical procedures can tolerate a wide variety
sitated the use of temperatures greater than the of functional groups. The ability exists to prepare
boiling point of water and so high-pressure reaction functionalized alkoxyamines such as 59, in which
setups were required and stabilization of the latex/ functional groups can be placed at either the initiat-
emulsion particles at these elevated temperatures ing chain end, Y, or the nitroxide-mediating chain
was problematic. Even with these difficulties a basic end, X (Scheme 18). The range of functional groups
understanding of the process is starting to emerge. that have been introduced into telechelic polymers
The choice of the nitroxide is critical and the compat- such as 60 is wide and include many useful reactive
ibility of the nitroxide with water and the partition groups, e.g., CO2H, NH2, etc. A recent study has
coefficients between the various phases are all critical shown that at molecular weights of up to 50 000-
factors.109 Recent work by Charleux110 has also shown 75 000 the level of incorporation is very high, i.e.,
that the choice of second-generation nitroxides, which greater than 95%.73,111 This high level of incorpora-
3674 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hawker et al.

Scheme 18

Scheme 19

tion is a direct result of having the functional groups groups allows block copolymers to be prepared in at
built into the initiator, coupled with the necessity for least four different ways. As shown in Scheme 19,
no functional group transformations at the chain vinyl block copolymers can be prepared in a tradi-
ends. It should also be realized that functional group tional sequential fashion by the polymerization of one
interconversions are possible based at the propagat- monomer followed by a second monomer (reaction 1).
ing chain end on alkoxyamine chemistry and a Alternatively, a functionalized alkoxyamine can be
number of groups have exploited this in the design used to terminate polymerization of an initial mono-
of telechelic systems.112-115 mer under conditions other than living free radical.
The alkoxyamine-terminated macromolecule can then
C. Block Copolymers be used as a macroinitiator to prepare block copoly-
One of the primary driving forces behind the mers. The interesting feature of this process is that
interest that living radical procedures have received it permits the facile introduction of a functional group
in recent years is the ability to prepare block copoly- or chromophore at the junction point between the two
mers. Not only may existing block copolymers be blocks (reaction 2). In reaction 3, a dual, or double-
prepared more efficiently and in some case with a headed, initiator is prepared which has both an
greater degree of control, but also novel block copoly- alkoxyamine initiating fragment and an initiating
mers, which were not accessible using existing tech- group for a different polymerization contained in the
niques, may also be prepared. The synthetic versa- same molecule. Depending on the compatibility of the
tility associated with alkoxyamine initiators and the initiating groups, the polymerization processes and
ability to introduce a wide variety of functional the desired structure of the block copolymer, the
Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3675

order of polymerization can be varied to give the decreased, leading to reduced radical coupling and a
desired block copolymer. Finally, a preexisting tele- more controlled polymerization.
chelic polymer can be mono- or difunctionalized with The second strategy for nonvinylic block copolymer
the appropriate alkoxyamine to give a macroinitiator formation involves the combination of living free
from which a vinyl block can be grown under living radical techniques with other polymerization pro-
radical conditions. While not an extensive list of all cesses either to form linear block copolymers or graft
possible procedures, the multitude of synthetic strat- systems. All of these processes take advantage of the
egies that have currently been explored for nitroxide- compatibility and stability of alkoxyamines and their
mediated living radical procedures does give an associated nitroxide-mediated polymerization proce-
indication of the extreme versatility in block copoly- dures with a wide range of reaction conditions. For
mer formation which is possible using this novel example, this permits the alkoxyamine initiating
technique. To give a greater insight into the myriad group to be copolymerized into a poly(olefin) back-
possibilities, a list of linear block copolymers that bone under metallocene conditions169 or into a vinyl
have been prepared using nitroxide-mediated pro- backbone under anionic170 or normal free radical
cesses is detailed in Table 2 and a number of actual conditions.171 The latter is an interesting application
examples discussed below.116-172 of the specificity of nitroxide-mediated living free
As discussed above, one synthetic strategy relies radical polymerizations. Since the cleavage of the
on the coupling of a functionalized alkoxyamine with C-ON bond is thermally activated, reactions at lower
a telechelic or mono-functional nonvinylic polymer to temperatures (ca. <80 °C) can be performed without
give a macroinitiator. This macroinitiator can then any initiation occurring from the alkoxyamine group/
be used in standard living free radical procedures. s. Therefore normal free radical polymerizations,
Such an approach is best illustrated by the prepara- ATRP, and RAFT procedures can be performed in the
tion of poly(ethylene glycol)-based block copoly- presence of alkoxyamines. Subsequent activation of
mers129,136,150,167 by initial reaction of a mono-hydroxy the alkoxyamine permits the facile synthesis of graft
terminated poly(ethylene glycol) with sodium hydride and block copolymers.
followed by the chloromethyl-substituted alkoxyamine The synthetic versatility associated with combining
36. The PEG-based macroinitiator (PDI ) 1.05-1.10) different polymerization techniques can also be dem-
61 can then be used to polymerize a variety of vinyl onstrated by the preparation of poly(caprolactone)-
monomers, such as styrene, to give amphiphilic block b-(styrene) copolymers by a combination of living ring
copolymers, 62, which have accurately controlled opening polymerization with nitroxide-mediated free
molecular weights and very low polydispersities, radical procedures using a hydroxy-substituted alkoxy-
1.05-1.10 (Scheme 20).167 The extremely low poly- amine as a dual, or double-headed, initiator, 63.173
The primary alcohol is used as the initiating group
Scheme 20 for the ring opening polymerization of caprolactone
to give the alkoxyamine-terminated macroinitiator
64, which can then be used to initiate the living
polymerization of styrene to afford the well-defined
block copolymer 65. Alternatively, the alkoxyamine
group of 63 can be used to initiate the polymerization
of styrene, and in turn, the hydroxy-terminated
polystyrene 66 allows the ring opening polymeriza-
tion to be initiated from the hydroxy group to give
the analogous block copolymer 65 (Scheme 21). The
significant feature of this approach is that either
sequence of living polymerizations gives the same
polymeric structure, the ultimate choice being dic-
tated primarily by the block copolymer composition.
In a similar vein, Sogah has combined living free
radical polymerization with the cationic ring opening
of oxazolines, and anionic ring opening into the same
multifunctional initiator. This trifunctional system
has been shown to be highly effective leading to well-
defined block copolymers and can even be combined
into a one-pot, one-step block copolymerization by
simultaneous free radical and either cationic ring
opening or anionic ring opening procedures.174
The advantages of living free radical polymeriza-
tions are not restricted to the synthesis of block
copolymers, which contain a nonvinylic block/s, i.e.,
dispersities may be due to the use of a macroinitiator caprolactone. The compatibility with functional groups
in contrast to typical small molecule initiators. In the and the inherent radical nature of the process also
latter case, mobility and reactivity of the initiating permits significant progress to be made in the
radicals is high leading to radical-radical coupling. synthesis of block copolymers based solely on vinyl
For the macroinitiator, diffusion and reactivity is monomers. While a number of these structures can
3676 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hawker et al.

Table 2. Structure of Monomer Employed in the Synthesis of Block Copolymers by Nitroxide Mediated Living
Free Radical Procedures
Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3677

Scheme 21 acterized and stored before proceeding to the second

block. This is totally unlike anionic procedures and
is extremely useful from a synthetic viewpoint. In
many respects, it is actually fortuitous since the
conversions obtained in living free radical procedures
do not typically reach 100%; therefore, the in situ
approach actually affords an impure second block,
which is contaminated with the first monomer.
One drawback that nitroxide-mediated polymeriza-
tions have in common with anionic procedures is that
they both suffer from a monomer sequence issue
when preparing specific block copolymers. The classic
example for living free radical systems is the prepa-
ration of styrene-acrylate block copolymers. If a
starting polystyrene macroinitiator, 67, is used to
polymerize n-butyl acrylate to give the block copoly-
mer 68, a significant amount of a low molecular
weight shoulder is observed.38 The exact nature of
this shoulder, whether it is unreacted, or terminated
starting polystyrene block is unknown. Attempts to
overcome this unexpected lack of reactivity by the
addition of solvent, etc., have been unsuccessful and
are related to the relative rates of polymerization and
initiation for styrene and acrylates. The initiating
ability of the starting polystyrene block is however,
not an issue since it can be used to initiate the
polymerization of isoprene extremely efficiently lead-
be obtained from other living processes, such as ing to well-defined block copolymers, 69, with no
anionic procedures, in many cases they can be homopolymer or lower molecular weight contamina-
prepared more readily by living free radical tech- tion (Scheme 22).
niques and the special attributes of living free radical
Scheme 22
chemistry do allow a range of new materials to be
prepared. For example, Bignozzi and Ober have
reported the synthesis of a series of side chain LC-
coil diblock copolymers by living free radical polym-
erization. Interestingly these materials were shown
to possess a smectic mesophase and a lamellar
microstructure by X-ray diffraction.168
While the block copolymers available from “living”
free radical procedures may not be as well defined
as the best examples available from anionic tech-
niques, they have the advantage of greater avail-
ability and a significantly enhanced tolerance of
functional groups. Technological applications that
have been examined for these block copolymer in-
clude dispersants for pigments,175 precursors to shell
cross-linked nanoparticles for drug delivery,176,177
supports for combinatorial chemistry,178 and resist
materials for photolithography.179
The advent of second-generation alkoxyamines,
which are suitable for the polymerization of a range
of monomer families, has significantly enlarged the
range of block copolymers that can be prepared using
nitroxide-mediated processes. For example, block
copolymers such as poly(styrene-b-isoprene), poly-
(tert-butyl acrylate-b-N,N-dimethylacrylamide), etc.
can be readily obtained by polymerization of the first The reverse strategy, polymerization of the acrylate
monomer to give the starting block, which is either block followed by styrene, has been successful and
isolated or used in situ.38 The second monomer is has allowed the preparation of well-defined block
then added, with or without the presence of a solvent copolymers with levels of control comparable to ATRP
to aid solubility, and on heating the second block is procedures. In this strategy, an alkoxyamine func-
grown. One of the interesting features of preparing tionalized poly(n-butyl acrylate) block, 70, is initially
block copolymers by nitroxide-mediated, ATRP, or grown and then used to polymerize styrene at 123
RAFT procedures is that initial block can be char- °C under argon for 8 h. This results in 92% conver-
3678 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hawker et al.

sion to give the block copolymer 71, analysis of which D. Random Copolymers
revealed the expected increase in molecular weight,
while the polydispersity remained very low (PD. ) One of the major advantages of living radical
1.06-1.19) and there were no detectable amount of procedures compared to living anionic or cationic
unreacted starting poly(acrylate) block (Scheme 23). polymerizations is the ability to prepare well-defined
random copolymers. In traditional anionic or cationic
Scheme 23 procedures, there are numerous problems which
normally preclude the successful synthesis of random
copolymers. For example, reactivity ratios can be
extremely large in anionic systems, and so true
random copolymerizations do not occur and blocky
structures are obtained. Alternatively, the polymer-
ization conditions for one monomer or functional
group are not compatible with the second monomer
and an uncontrolled polymerization is obtained. This
lack of synthetic versatility has prompted numerous
groups to examine the synthesis of well-defined
random copolymers via living radical techniques.
While early work with TEMPO did demonstrate that
random copolymers can be prepared under nitroxide-
mediated conditions the inability to control the
homopolymerization of monomers other than styrene
limited the range of monomer units and possible
The radical nature of nitroxide-mediated processes random copolymer structures.31,174,180 With the advent
also allows novel types of block copolymers to be of second-generation nitroxides, such as 17, the realm
prepared in which copolymers, not homopolymer, are of well-defined random copolymers have been dra-
employed as one of the blocks. One of the simplest matically opened. For example, while the homopo-
examples incorporate random copolymers124 and the lymerization of methacrylates does not give controlled
novelty of these structures is based on the inability polymers, random copolymers of methacrylates with
to prepare random copolymers by living anionic or up to 90 mol % of methacylate incorporation can be
cationic procedures. This is in direct contrast to the prepared in a living fashion.38 The actual rationale
facile synthesis of well-defined random copolymers for this stark contrast is not known at the moment
by nitroxide-mediated systems. While similar in and deserves further study since it may provide
concept, random block copolymers are more like insights into controlling H-abstraction and in turn
traditional block copolymers than random copolymers methacrylate polymerization in these systems. The
in that there are two discrete blocks, the main ultimate aim of these studies would be to develop a
difference being one or more of these blocks is living polymerization of methacrylates that leads to
composed of a random copolymer segment. For ex- well-defined materials, one of the major challenges
ample, homopolystyrene starting blocks can be used in this general area.
to initiate the copolymerization of styrene and 4-vi- The finding that the reactivity ratios for monomers
nylpyridine to give a block copolymer consisting of a under living free radical conditions are essentially
polystyrene block and a random copolymer of styrene the same as under normal free radical conditions is
and 4-vinylpyridine as the second block.166 also fundamentally important. As a consequence of
this, random copolymers prepared by living free
The potential for these materials can be better radical processes are different on a molecular level
appreciated if the synthesis and application of the to those prepared by normal free radical methods,
functionalized block copolymer 72 is considered. An even though they may appear the same on the
initial random copolymer of methyl acrylate and macroscopic level (Scheme 25). In the case of tradi-
glycidyl methacrylate, 73, is prepared by nitroxide- tional free radical polymerization, continuous initia-
mediated living free radical polymerization and then tion leads to chains initiating and terminating at
used to initiate the polymerization of isoprene leading different stages of the polymerization. Therefore,
to the random block copolymer 72 (Scheme 24). The chains that are initiated and terminated at low
design of these macromolecules incorporates a ran- conversion experience a different monomer feed
dom block which is not only miscible with thermoset- ratio compared to chains initiated later in the po-
ting epoxies, but also can undergo reaction leading lymerization. The polymerization product is therefore
to covalent linking between the copolymer micro- a complex mixture of random copolymers with dif-
structure and the cross-linked epoxy resin. The ferent monomer compositions and different molecular
polyisoprene block is immiscible and so drives the weights. For living radical systems, all chains are
formation of a nanoscopic phase separated structure initiated at the same time and grow at approximately
and leads to modification of the physical and me- the same rate, as a consequence all of the growing
chanical properties of the thermosetting epoxy. The chains experience the same change in monomer
facile synthesis of 72, which combines reactive epoxy concentrations. As a result the random copolymers
functionalities with both a block and random copoly- have approximately the same composition coupled
mer structure, demonstrates the far reaching poten- with a low dispersity of molecular weights. This is
tial of living radical procedures. depicted graphically in Scheme 25; however, it should
Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3679

Scheme 24

also be pointed out that while the graphical repre-

Scheme 25
sentation suggests that all the chains are the same
length, this is not the case especially for the tradition
free radical case where polydispersities of 2.0 are
typically obtained (cf. 1.1 for nitroxide systems). The
structural variation between chains is therefore
further exacerbated in traditional systems.
An excellent example of using reactivity ratios and
the synthetic versatility of nitroxide systems to
prepare unusual block copolymers is the copolymer-
ization of styrene/maleic anhydride mixtures.181 When
an excess of styrene is used, the copolymerization
leads to preferential and finally total consumption
of maleic anhydride at conversions of styrene signifi-
3680 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hawker et al.

cantly less than 100%. As a result, the growing Scheme 26

polymer chains experience an initial monomer feed
of styrene and maleic anhydride which gradually
changes during the course of the polymerization to a
monomer feed of neat styrene. This has been experi-
mentally demonstrated, and as can be seen in Figure
5, after 1.5 h, no detectable amounts of maleic

Figure 5. Evolution of conversion with time for the

polymerization of a 9:1 mixture of styrene and maleic occurrence of side reactions such as radical-radical
anhydride mediated by 42 and 0.05 equiv of 17 at 123 °C. chain coupling. While the use of polyfunctional initia-
tors under normal free radical conditions gives cross-
anhydride could be observed in the polymerization linked networks due to radical coupling reactions,
of a 9:1 mixture of styrene and maleic anhydride. under living radical conditions a polyfunctional ini-
Significantly, the conversion of styrene at this stage tiator may be expected to lead to the desired graft,
was only ca. 25-30% and the random copolymer of or star polymer with little, or no, unwanted coupling
styrene and maleic anhydride 74 that is formed in products, provided the number of grafts/arms is not
situ now experiences a monomer feed that is neat too high (less than 10-20). When compared to ATRP,
this is one area is which nitroxides systems do suffer
styrene. Further polymerization now involves growth
from a drawback. The actual concentration of radicals
of a homopolystyrene block. This results in the
is dictated by the nitroxide systems and cannot be
formation of a functionalized block copolymer, 75,
readily controlled by external means. This is in direct
in a single step, consisting of an initial ca. 1:3 contrast to ATRP where the radical concentration can
copolymer of maleic anhydride and styrene, respec- be varied by the level of catalyst added.
tively, followed by a block of polystyrene which is
This principal was first tested by the synthesis and
roughly twice the molecular weight of the initial
polymerization of the trifunctional unimolecular ini-
anhydride functionalized block (Scheme 26). These
tiator 76.184 Interestingly, no detectable amounts of
materials can be considered to be a limiting example
cross-linked or insoluble material was observed, and
of gradient copolymers and by carefully choosing degradation of the 3-arm polystyrene star 77 by
reactivity ratios, structures intermediate between hydrolysis of the ester links was found to give the
statistically random copolymers and one-step block individual polystyrene arms 78 (Scheme 27). Analysis
copolymers can be prepared by living free radical of 78 revealed a molecular weight comparable to that
techniques.182 Other examples include the con- expected from the initiator-to-monomer ratio and a
trolled polymerization of termonomer mixtures of narrow polydispersity (ca. 1.10-1.15). These results
styrene, maleimides, n-butyl methacrylate, though in demonstrate that each of the initiating units in the
this example the polydispersity is moderate (i.e. 1.5- tris-alkoxyamine is “active” and the individual poly-
1.6) due to the use of TEMPO as the mediating styrene arms grow at approximately the same rate
radical.183 with little or no cross-linking due to radical coupling
VIII. Complex Macromolecular Architectures Subsequently, this concept has been extended to
more highly functionalized star-initiators as well as
A. Star and Graft Polymers polymeric initiators for the synthesis of graft struc-
tures. It should however, be appreciated that the
The reduced concentration of radical centers at the polymerization process is still radical in nature and
chain ends of living radical polymerizations opens up while radical-radical coupling reactions are de-
a number of possibilities in the synthesis of complex creased they are not eliminated and so as the number
macromolecular architectures due to the very low of initiating sites per molecule increase, the prob-
Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3681

Scheme 27

ability of coupling also increases. For example, a (Scheme 29).187a One interesting facet of this polym-
mixture of styrene and p-chloromethylstyrene can be erization is that the hyperbranched polystyrene
polymerized under “living” free radical conditions to derivatives contain numerous initiating centers. These
give a well-defined linear copolymer, 79, with con- numerous initiating centers have been used to form
trolled molecular weight and low polydispersity (ca. a unique class of star macromolecules in which the
1.10-1.25). Reaction of 79 with the sodium salt of central core is a highly functionalized hyperbranched
the hydroxy functionalized unimolecular initiator polymer. Subsequently, Fréchet187b and Matyjasze-
then gives the desired polymeric initiator 80 which wski188 have applied a similar technique to the
is a precursor to a variety of graft copolymers, 81.185 preparation of hyperbranched polystyrene derivatives
At average grafting densities of greater than six by the homopolymerization of p-chloromethylstyrene
initiating sites per backbone, chain-chain coupling using ATRP conditions, though the actual structure
becomes apparent by GPC, and at densities greater of the materials obtained seems to be variable.189
than 15, it is a major process (Scheme 28). The synthesis of these highly branched star poly-
mers has recently attracted much interest and a
B. Hyperbranched and Dendritic Structures variety of simplified approaches have been reported.
As demonstrated by Fréchet186 in the development While Yang190 has discussed the use of mediating
of self-condensing polymerizations, the ability to form nitroxides, which contain a polymerizable double
reactive unimolecular initiators, such as 82, opens bond and therefore lead to branch points, the major-
up a number of avenues to unusual macromolecular ity of work has centered on the coupling, or knitting
architectures that are either difficult, or impossible, together, of preformed linear chains by reaction with
to prepare using traditional free radical chemistry cross-linkable monomers, a technique which has been
or living anionic procedures. In the case of the extensively used in anionic and cationic procedures.
styrenic derivative 82, a propagating center and an One of the attractive features of this approach, which
initiating center are combined in the same molecule is unique to living radical systems, is that the start-
to effectively create a self-condensing monomer, ing linear chains, 85, can be isolated, characterized
which is similar to AB2 monomers used for the and stored before subsequent coupling. Additionally,
preparation of hyperbranched and dendritic macro- a variety of different chains in terms of molecular
molecules by condensation chemistry. Homopolym- weight, composition, etc. can be copolymerized to-
erization of 82 under “living” free radical conditions gether to give heterogeneous star-block copoly-
was shown to lead to initial formation of dimers, mers.191,192 The basic strategy is outlined in Scheme
trimers, etc. and eventually hyperbranched macro- 30, and involves the preparation of alkoxyamine
molecules, 83, with the kinetics of growth resembling terminated linear chains 84 and subsequent coupling
a step-growth polymerization even though the po- of these dormant chains with cross-linking agents
lymerization occurs by a free radical mechanism such as divinylbenzene or a bis(maleimide) deriva-
3682 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hawker et al.

Scheme 28

Scheme 29 Scheme 30

tive. Since the only requirement is an alkoxyamine

chain end, the range of starting linear polymers is proaches, the dendrimer can be attached to either the
immense and is not restricted to vinyl polymers or initiating fragment of the alkoxyamine or the medi-
homopolymers. Microgels have also been extensively ating nitroxide and the dendritic initiator used to
studied by Solomon using living free radical proce- initiate the growth of linear vinyl blocks under
dures and their structure has been shown to be controlled conditions. As demonstrated in the work
subtlely different to that obtained using traditional of Fréchet and Hawker,195 these monodisperse den-
free radical procedures.193 dritic initiators are perfectly suited for the prepara-
Unique dendritic-linear block copolymers have tion of well-defined block copolymers, for example
also been prepared by the coupling of functionalized coupling of the dendrimer 86, which contains a single
initiators with dendritic macromolecules prepared by bromomethyl group at its focal point with the hy-
the convergent growth approach.194 In these ap- droxy functionalized unimolecular initiators gives the
Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3683

dendritic initiator 87. Hybrid dendritic-linear block be different to the more traditional small molecule
copolymers, 88, with well-controlled molecular weights nitroxides.
and low polydispersities are then obtained by the This building block, or modular approach to the
reaction of 87 with a variety of styrenic monomers synthesis of complex macromolecular architectures
or comonomer mixtures under living free radical can be taken a step further in the rapid synthesis of
polymerization conditions (Scheme 31).161,195,196 Simi- combburst, or dendritic graft copolymers by a tandem
“living” free radical approach.185,199,200 The underlying
Scheme 31
strategy in this novel approach to highly branched
linear polymers is that each layer, or generation, of
linear polymers is prepared by “living” free radical
procedures and the initiating groups are either
present during the polymerization or introduced in
a post-polymerization functionalization step. In this
way very large, highly branched combburst copoly-
mers can be prepared in a limited number of steps
using mild reaction conditions. As shown in Scheme
32 the initial linear backbone 89 is prepared by
nitroxide-mediated “living” free radical polymeriza-
tion of a mixture of styrene and p-chloromethyl
styrene. At this stage the polymerization mechanism
can be switched from nitroxide mediated to atom
transfer “living” free radical conditions to give graft
copolymers or TEMPO based initiating groups can
be introduced by reaction of the numerous chlorom-
ethyl groups with the sodium salt of 63 to give the
polymeric initiator 91. A second layer, or generation,
of reactive chloromethyl groups can be introduced on
the grafted arms 92 by a second copolymerization of
styrene and p-chloromethylstyrene. This functional-
ized graft copolymer can again be used as a complex
polymeric initiator for ATRP polymerization that
introduces a third layer of linear polymer chains, 93.
In analogy with the divergent growth approach to
dendritic macromolecules, this stepwise functional-
ization/growth strategy can be continued to give
larger and larger combburst macromolecules and the
mild reaction conditions permit a wide variety of
monomer units and functional groups to be used.
The versatility associated with nitroxide-mediated
polymerizations, in terms of both monomer choice
and initiator structure, also permits a wide variety
of other complex macromolecular structures to be
prepared. Sherrington201 and Fukuda202 have exam-
ined the preparation of branched and cross-linked
structures by nitroxide-mediated processes, signifi-
cantly the living nature of the polymerization permits
subtlety different structures to be obtained when
lar structures can also be prepared using ATRP compared to traditional free radical processes. In
chemistry and in this case the initiating group is addition, a versatile approach to cyclic polymers has
simply a focal point chloromethyl, or bromomethyl been developed by Hemery203 that relies on the
functionality.197 While the majority of examples synthesis of nonsymmetrical telechelic macromol-
involve the dendrimer being attached to the initiator, ecules followed by cyclization of the mutually reactive
there is a single instance where it is attached to the chain ends. In a similar approach, Chaumont has
mediating radical. Interestingly, in the case198 where prepared well-defined polymer networks by the cross-
the dendritic block is attached to the nitroxide, the linking of telechelic macromolecules prepared by
molecular weights and polydispersities for the block nitroxide-mediated processes with bifunctional small
copolymers are not as well controlled as in the case molecules.204
where the dendrimer is attached to the initiating
fragment. This difference may be due to the increased
steric bulk of the dendritic nitroxide which would be
IX. Surface-Initiated Polymerizations
expected to decrease its mobility and hence ability The stability of alkoxyamine initiators is not only
to control the polymerization. While a detailed study a major synthetic advantage when compared to more
has not been performed this result may have impor- traditional living polymerization procedures but it
tant implications especially for complex, functional- also permits opportunities in the area of surface
ized nitroxides whose diffusion characteristics may modification. In analogy with the work that has
3684 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hawker et al.

Scheme 32

subsequently been done in the area of ATRP, func- of nanotechnology. Two examples that capture this
tionalized alkoxyamines were the first example of promise are the preparation of functionalized macro-
living radical initiators, prepared and attached to a porous monoliths for advanced chromatographic sepa-
variety of surfaces and subsequently used to grow rations and the design of “Rasta-resins”. The latter
covalently attached polymer chains. The living nature are especially interesting as ultrahigh capacity sup-
of the polymerization provides an unprecedented ports for combinatorial chemistry which not only
ability to control the structure, density, functionality, utilize the increased functionality or amplification
etc. of the surface attached polymer chains and has afforded by the surface-initiated polymerization con-
rapidly become an area of significant importance and cept (one initiating site leads to numerous reactive
growth.205 Numerous studies have appeared demon- functional groups) but takes advantage of the more
strating the ability to control the degree of polymer- “solution-like” environment of the functional groups
ization or thickness of the grafted polymer chains, attached to the solvated polymer chains when com-
achieve low polydispersities and prepare block co- pared to functionalities at a solid-liquid interface or
polymers. The covalent nature of the surface attach- in a cross-linked resin.208,209 Similar strategies can
ment also allows either the living free radical initia- be performed on alternate particulate substrates such
tors themselves to be patterned or the resulting as silica205 or carbon black210 or via ATRP tech-
polymer brushes to be patterned (Figure 6).206,207 This niques.211
allows the surface chemistry and topology of the The potential for surface-initiated polymerizations
polymer brush to be controlled and this ability to using nitroxide-mediated living free radical proce-
control the placement and structure of vinyl polymer dures is perhaps best illustrated by the direct syn-
chains is an indication of the tremendous potential thesis of dispersed nanocomposities by Sogah and
that both nitroxide-mediated and atom transfer living Giannelis.212 In this approach the synthetic versatil-
free radical polymerizations show in the general area ity of the alkoxyamine group is again exploited to
Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3685

Figure 6. Interaction of a water droplet with 200 micron features of a patterned polymer brush prepared by surface-
initiated polymerization. The unusual wetting profile is due to preferential interaction of the water droplet with the poly-
(acrylic acid) brush domains (light) and complete non-wetting of the hydrophobic poly(tert-butyl acrylate) domains (dark).

prepare the quaternary amine salt 94 which due to to be developed in order to make block copolymer
its chemistry can intercalate readily into the inter- formation a routine procedure for the nonexpert. If
gallery spaces of a silicate or inorganic matrix. These these challenges can be overcome the industrial
“anchored” alkoxyamine groups can now be used to appeal of nitroxide-mediated living free radical pro-
initiate the polymerization of a vinyl monomer such cedures will increase significantly, while also provid-
as styrene leading to a dispersed silicate nanocom- ing an extremely powerful synthetic technique for the
posite. The advantages of this novel approach are synthesis of vinyl based polymers.
that the intercalation of small initiating species such The power of living free radical procedures as
as 94 is orders of magnitude faster than for similar synthetic tools in polymer science can be better
chain end functionalized polystyrene derivatives. In appreciated by considering the potential advantages
addition, critical polymer characteristics such as when compared to traditional techniques such as
molecular weight and polydispersity are controlled anionic polymerization. The ability to accommodate
while block or random copolymer formation is pos- functional groups and diverse families of monomers
sible (Scheme 33). permit block, random, and gradient copolymers to be
prepared without complicated, multistep reaction
X. Outlook schemes. Complex macromolecular architectures can
Even though the first reports of a successful living also be prepared, however, the low occurrence of
radical process leading to high molecular weight radical-radical coupling reactions does place restric-
(>30 000), low polydispersity (1.1-1.2) materials tions on the number of propagating arms per mac-
were published in 1993 the impact on the field of romolecule. The radical nature of the polymerization
polymer chemistry has been immense, opening up process does limit the ability to control the stereo-
possibilities in both polymer synthesis and polymer chemistry; no evidence has been currently presented
physics that until recently were either prohibitively to indicate that living free radical processes can lead
difficult or impossible. The development of nitroxide- to tacticity control. Presumably the generation of a
mediated living free radical polymerizations as an planar radical at the propagating chain end during
important synthetic tool has been extremely rapid each monomer addition step is the key step in this
and poses exciting possibilities for the future. How- loss of stereochemical control.
ever, there are a number of issues that must be Another significant advantage of living free radical
addressed to enable the continued evolution of this procedures is the stability of the initiating species.
new technique. A greater understanding of the In the case of nitroxide-mediated processes, the above
relationship between nitroxide/alkoxyamine struc- discussion clearly demonstrates that a variety of
ture and polymerization efficiency needs to be devel- chemical transformations can be performed with no
oped. Specifically, mediating nitroxides or strategies deleterious effect on the initiating ability of the
must be developed which allow the polymerizations alkoxyamine initiator. Not only does this significantly
to be conducted at lower temperatures (ca. 60-80 °C) improve the ability to prepare chain end labeled
in shorter time periods (2-5 h) and with higher macromolecules but also permits initiating fragments
conversions (ca. 99%+). It is also highly desirable to to be introduced at various surfaces, interfaces, chain
further increase the range of monomers that can be ends of dendrimers, along the backbone of a linear
polymerized under living conditions, prime candi- polymer chain, etc. As more and more effort is
dates are methacrylates and vinyl acetate based devoted to controlling structure and function on the
monomers. Finally a complete understanding of block nanometer scale, the role of well-defined polymeric
copolymer formation, reinitiation efficiency, etc. needs materials with controlled size, dispersity and func-
3686 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hawker et al.

Scheme 33 XII. Note Added after ASAP

References to the paper by Chiefari and Rizzardo
have been removed.

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A Field Guide to Foldamers

David J. Hill,† Matthew J. Mio,‡ Ryan B. Prince,§ Thomas S. Hughes,† and Jeffrey S. Moore*,†

Roger Adams Laboratory, Departments of Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering, The Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and
Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana−Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801; Department of Chemistry, Macalester College, 1600 Grand Avenue,
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105; and 3M Adhesive Technology Center, 3M Center, 201-3N-04, St. Paul, Minnesota 55144

Received September 5, 2001

Contents 2. Pyridine−Pyrimidines with Hydrazal 3945

I. IntroductionsDefinition, Scope, and Relevance 3894 3. Pyridine−Pyridazines 3946
II. Generating FoldamerssDesign, Synthesis, 3897
Purification, and Characterization C. Backbones Utilizing Solvophobic Interactions 3947
A. Foldamer Design 3897 1. Qualification 3947
1. The General Folding Problem 3897 2. Guanidines 3947
2. Foldamers: Secondary Structure 3902 3. Aedamers 3947
3. Tyligomers: Secondary and Tertiary 3904 4. Cyclophanes 3949
Structure 5. Side Chain−Backbone Interactions 3949
4. Designing Folding Molecules: Toward 3907 D. Backbones Utilizing Hydrogen-Bonding 3961
Tyligomers Interactions
B. Foldamer Synthesis and PurificationsThe 3909 1. Aromatic Amide Backbones 3961
Chemistry of Oligomers 2. Receptor Motif Backbones 3962
C. Foldamer CharacterizationsExperimental and 3910 E. Backbones Utilizing Metal Coordination 3963
Instrumental Methods 1. Overview 3963
III. Foldamer Research 3910 2. Metal-Binding Backbones 3964
A. Overview 3910 3. Anionic-Binding BackbonessHexapyrrins 3966
B. Motivation 3910 VI. Nucleotidomimetic Foldamers 3967
C. Methods 3910 A. Overview 3967
D. General Scope 3912 B. Isomeric Oligonucleotides 3968
IV. Peptidomimetic Foldamers 3912 1. Iso-RNA and Iso-DNA 3968
A. The R-Peptide Family 3913 2. R-DNA, alt-DNA, and L-DNA 3969
1. Peptoids 3913 C. Carbohydrate Modifications 3969
2. N,N-Linked Oligoureas 3914 1. Backbones with C1′-Base Connectivities 3969
3. Oligopyrrolinones 3915 2. Backbones with C2′-Base Connectivities 3973
4. Oxazolidin-2-ones 3916 3. Torsionally Restricted Oligonucleotides 3975
5. Azatides and Azapeptides 3916 4. Torsionally Flexible Oligonucleotides 3977
B. The β-Peptide Family 3917 D. Modifications of the Nucleotide Linkage 3977
1. β-Peptide Foldamers 3917 1. PNAs 3978
2. R-Aminoxy Acids 3937 2. NDPs 3980
3. Sulfur-Containing β-Peptide Analogues 3937 3. Fused Sugar−Base Backbones 3980
4. Hydrazino Peptides 3938 4. Cationic Linkages 3980
C. The γ-Peptide Family 3938 E. Alternative Nucleobases 3981
1. γ-Peptide Foldamers 3938 VII. Multistranded Abiotic Foldamers 3982
2. Other Members of the γ-Peptide Family 3941 A. Hydrogen-Bonding-Stabilized Foldamer 3982
D. The δ-Peptide Family 3941 Multiplexes
1. Alkene-Based δ-Amino Acids 3941 B. Duplexes Stabilized by Hydrogen-Bonding 3986
2. Carbopeptoids 3941 and Aromatic−Aromatic Interactions
V. Single-Stranded Abiotic Foldamers 3944 1. Zipper Duplexes 3986
A. Overview 3944 2. Pyridylamide Oligomers 3986
B. Backbones Utilizing Bipyridine Segments 3944 C. Helicates: Metal-Coordinating Foldamer 3988
1. Pyridine−Pyrimidines 3944 Duplexes
1. Oligopyridines 3988
2. Linked Oligopyridines 3990
† University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
‡ Macalester College.
3. Pyridine Analogues 3994
§ 3M and Company. 4. Catecholates 3995
10.1021/cr990120t CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 12/12/2001
3894 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

D. Multistranded Receptors 3995

E. Foldamer−Oligomer Interactions 3997
1. Minor Groove Binding Oligomers 3998
2. Peptide−Oligomer Complexes 3999
VIII. Conclusion 4000
IX. Acknowledgments 4000
X. References 4000

Ryan B. Prince was born in Robbinsdale, MN, in 1972. He graduated

from Southeast Missouri State University in 1995 with his B.S. degree in
Chemistry, where he worked for Professor Jin K. Gong on the synthesis
and characterization of transition-metal complexes that bind and activate
carbon dioxide. He then went to the University of Illinois and worked with
Professor Jeffrey S. Moore on the synthesis and study of oligo(m-
phenylene ethynylene) foldamers. He completed his Ph.D. degree in
Organic Chemistry in 2000 and is currently a senior research chemist at
3M Company in St. Paul, MN.
David J. Hill (second from left) was born in Monterey, CA, in 1973. He
attended Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, CA, where he that there are only three major biopolymer backbones
worked with Professor Victor L. Heasley on the halogenation of unsaturated
carbonyl compounds. After receiving his B.A. degree in Chemistry in 1997, (proteins, ribonucleic acids, and polysaccharides),
he began his graduate career at the University of Illinois with Professor nature vividly teaches that copolymer sequence is a
Jeffrey S. Moore. Currently he is in his fifth year investigating solvent powerful way to meet diverse chemical challenges.
effects on the helix−coil transition in oligo(m-phenylene ethynylene) It is logical then to ask are biomacromolecule building
foldamers. blocks are matchless in their suitability for life?
Matthew J. Mio (left) was born in Michigan in 1974. He attended the Systematic studies on alternative monomers closely
University of Detroit Mercy, where he worked with Professor Kevin. D. related to those found in nature have provided clues
Belfield (now at the University of Central Florida) on the synthesis of about the fitness of R-amino acids, ribofuranosyl
nonlinear optical chromophores for use in polymeric systems. He graduated (5′f3′) nucleic acids, and phosphodiester linkages.
with his B.S. degree in Chemistry in 1997. Later that year, he began his Yet “why nature is such, and not otherwise”1 is a
graduate career at the University of Illinois at Urbana−Champaign with
Professor Jeffrey S. Moore. There, Matt studied the synthesis and solution/ question that continues to be asked. Looking beyond
solid-state properties of oligo(m-phenylene ethynylene) foldamers and the biopolymers and their related derivatives how-
graduated with his Ph.D. degree in 2001. He then went to the Chemistry ever, it is possible to imagine that other chain
Department at Macalester College (St. Paul, MN) as a Mellon Postdoctoral molecules are capable of similar functions. This
Fellow to study the synthesis of novel CpCo−cyclobutadienyl-bridged prediction has only recently begun to be tested,
cyclophanes with Professor Ronald G. Brisbois. raising questions of great fundamental interest. On
Thomas S. Hughes (right) is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the research a more practical level, the discovery of new functional
group of Professor Jeff Moore at the University of Illinois. He was born polymers clearly has widespread potential for both
in 1970 in Philadelphia, PA, and received his B.S. degree from Temple chemistry and biology.
University in 1991. In 1999 he received his Ph.D. degree from Cornell Most of the interesting functions carried out by
University, where he worked in the laboratories of Professor Barry
Carpenter. He is currently studying the association kinetics of the binding biomacromolecules, such as molecular recognition,
of a helical oligomer to a rodlike guest. He is also investigating the information storage, and catalysis, involve stable,
thermodynamics of oligo(phenylene ethynylene) folding using molecular compact solution structures that approach confor-
mechanics. mational uniqueness. These high molecular weight
Jeffrey S. Moore (second from right) was born in Illinois in 1962. After macromolecules might be described as glassy-like,
receiving his B.S. degree in Chemistry from the University of Illinois in nanometer-sized particles2 that are suspended in
1984, he completed his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineer- solution and consist of one to, at most, a few chains.
ing, also at the University of Illinois, with Samuel Stupp (1989). He then The spatial position of most of the backbone atoms
went to the California Institute of Technology as an NSF postdoctoral is fixed, except for minor fluctuations about their
fellow to study with Robert Grubbs. In 1990 he joined the chemistry faculty equilibrium coordinates. There is also a congruency
at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He returned to the University
of Illinois in 1993, where he is currently a Professor of Chemistry and between particles having identical or even similar
Materials Science and Engineering. In 1995 he became a part-time faculty sequences. The surface of these particles includes
member of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, three-dimensional, molecular-sized crevices lined
where he now serves as co-chairman of the Molecular and Electronic with information-rich surfaces, and it is from here
Nanostructures Main Research Theme. that affinity, specificity, and catalytic activity spring
forth. Reasoning by analogy, the quest for function
I. IntroductionsDefinition, Scope, and Relevance in synthetic chains should thus be closely tied to the
The breadth of structure and function displayed by invention of new polymer molecules that acquire
the molecules of biology is remarkable. Considering ordered solution structures.
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3895

Figure 1. Illustrations depicting the different types of foldamer secondary structures.

Thus, the motivation for developing new chain in solution, the structures of which are stabi-
molecules that adopt ordered solution conformations lized by a collection of noncovalent interactions
can be stated as an attempt to gain deeper insight between nonadjacent monomer units. There
into the fitness of nature’s biomacromolecules and to are two major classes of foldamers: single-
identify new polymers that perform functions that stranded foldamers that only fold (peptidomi-
are, at least in part, outside of those seen in nature. metics and their abiotic analogues) and mul-
Toward these goals, chemists have endeavored to tiple-stranded foldamers that both associate
intentionally generate unnatural oligomeric se- and fold (nucleotidomimetics and their abiotic
quences that take on well-defined conformations in analogues). Before discussing this definition in
solution. This subject has come to be known as the detail, let us briefly reconsider high molecular weight
field of foldamers.3 This review covers the literature biomacromolecules. We imagine that a foldamer will
relevant to foldamers, as specified below, through not be a very good mimic of a biomacromolecule. In
July 2001. Progress to date has been encouraging, other words, there is something beyond foldamers.
and the field is developing rapidly as demonstrated This “something” is perhaps a high molecular weight
by the various architectures that have been gener- polymer that consists of a collection of foldamers, just
ated, schematically represented in Figure 1. Yet, as proteins can be viewed as a collection of secondary
today we are still far from producing high molecular structures. To clearly distinguish a foldamer, as
weight polymers that mimic the sophistication of defined above, from this higher molecular weight
biomacromolecules, either in form or function. “something”, we suggest the term tyligomer. Tyligo-
A foldamer has previously been defined as “any mer is derived from tyligos, meaning “to fold”, and
polymer with a strong tendency to adopt a specific, meros, meaning “part” (i.e., a structure consisting of
compact conformation”.4 Upon inspection of the folded parts). Thus, foldamer relates to an element
literature, we thought this definition was in need of of secondary structure, in the same way that tyligo-
clarification. First, the “foldamers” described in the mer relates to a tertiary or quaternary conformation.
literature are not polymers; they are oligomers. Let us now examine our definition in detail, since
Second, the word “compact” is ambiguous and in- this has been used to limit the scope of this review.
vokes high molecular weight globular proteins, unlike First, a foldamer is a chain molecule, meaning that
the smaller segments of secondary structure typical there will almost certainly be a regularly repeating
of this area. Third, a crucial aspect of chain confor- motif within the backbone. Second, foldamers are of
mation is its dynamic character, which in the case oligomeric (not polymeric) size, consistent with the
of foldamers is manifested in the context of folding recent literature. Third, the verb in our definition is
and unfolding. Specifically, the “folding reaction” is “to fold”, which conveys the dynamic character of
the process that transforms the conformationally conformation, i.e., the folding reaction. Oligomers
disordered oligomer into a conformationally ordered where no folding reaction can occur, such as heli-
state, which corresponds to a small set of nearly cenes,5,6 cannot be considered foldamers (Figure 2a).
congruent conformations. The folding reaction also assumes that the associa-
Our definition of a foldamer is any oligomer tion of multiple foldamer strands involves a similar
that folds into a conformationally ordered state type of entropy loss as folding. Fourth, when folded,
3896 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

setting the chain’s conformation. In other words,

conformational order is stabilized by a collection of
interactions acting within or between chains, remi-
niscent of some supramolecular assemblies.16
One additional point of distinction between intrin-
sically preset conformations and those derived pri-
marily from the noncovalent interactions described
above centers on environmental responsiveness. Given
the weak nature of noncovalent forces, solvent can
modulate their strength in a very significant way. It
Figure 2. Oligomers not classified as foldamers: (a) is thus possible to go from a state in which monomers
helicenes,5,6 (b) polyoxapolyspiroalkanones,12 (c) oligo(naph- repel one another to one in which the monomer
thalene)s,14 and (d) “gelander” molecules.13
interactions are attractive simply by changing the
temperature, pH, or quality of the solvent. In con-
the chain molecules populate a small set of nearly
trast, the torsional potential energy surface is virtu-
superimposable conformations, meaning that in the
ally independent of extrinsic variables and therefore
folded form all molecules can be described by a
is an invariant force to a chain’s structure and
unique set of atomic coordinates (or at most a few
dynamics. Consequently, the contribution of a mono-
different sets). Fifth, the folded form is of interest in
mer’s local potential energy surface to an oligomer’s
solution, implying that the solvent is both a funda-
conformation can be calculated by statistical me-
mental part of the folded state and that the dynamic
chanical methods such as the rotational isomeric
character of the liquid environment will result in
state model.11 Because conformational ordering in
fluctuations about the chain’s equilibrium set of
foldamers depends on interactions whose strength
atomic coordinates. Sixth, the chain’s conformation
varies with the environment, these chains can un-
is defined by noncovalent interactions between non-
adjacent monomer units. This point requires special dergo abrupt order-disorder transitionssthe folding
clarification. Many synthetic oligomers adopt stable, reaction. Oligomers that have intrinsically stable
extended helical conformations in solution. Examples conformations will be less likely to exhibit this
include poly(isocyanate)s,7 poly(proline)s,8 poly(alde- cooperative behavior. This is more than an academic
hyde)s,9 poly[(triarylmethyl) methacrylates],10 and distinction, since there are many potential functions
some oligo(saccharide)s.11 However, in these cases, of foldamers that may depend on the reversibility of
the chain’s conformation is determined by the repeat the folding reaction.
unit’s torsional potential energy surface. To distin- Hopefully, this discussion has helped to shape the
guish a foldamer from a chain that adopts a regular reader’s view of the term foldamer and accordingly
conformation based on the repeat unit’s torsional serves to define the scope and relevancy of this
potential energy surface, we specify that the defining review. We note that as chemists have begun to
noncovalent interactions must be between atoms that tackle the challenging problem of conformational
are not contained within adjacent repeat units. By control in flexible organic molecules, it is becoming
insisting on the role of these interactions in our fashionable to abuse terms that incorporate the root
definition, we are simply being consistent with the “fold” (e.g., “folding molecule”, “self-folding”, “folded”).
notion that foldamers are the synthetic analogues of In this review we restrict our coverage to chain
secondary structure elements, as secondary structure molecules (i.e., structures that have a repetitive
fits this description. Oligomers where conformations structure) that have been experimentally demon-
are “predetermined” such as polyoxapolyspiroalka- strated to exhibit a high degree of conformational
nones,12 “gelander” molecules,13 and oligonaphtha- order in solution, predominantly derived from non-
lenes14 will not be considered as foldamers (Figure covalent, intra- and interchain segmental inter-
2b-d). actions. The emphasis will be on unnatural back-
The accumulation of noncovalent interactions that bones, although biological oligomers will be discussed
dictate conformation has no direct counterpart in as prototypical examples of foldamers.17 (For ex-
small molecule chemistry. These interactions arise ample, we have discerned that bilirubins are an
from the simple reason that the chain segments are excellent model of nature’s minimal foldamer. Al-
either all connected by covalent bonds or form though the conformation of these molecules has been
through interstrand complementarity, both of which studied since the late 1980s,18,19 investigations into
give rise to a high probability for various monomer bilirubins’ solution conformation continue to the
pairs to encounter one another. Although the strength present day.20-24) This review is constrained to the
of the interaction between monomer pairs is gener- size regime of oligomers, since there are as yet no
ally weak, the number of possible interactions is high high polymer tyligomers. We do not cover small
and is, presumably, chain-length dependent. A con- molecule fragments that are described in the litera-
sequence of these collective interactions is that oli- ture as “folded”,25 although in some cases26 extension
gomers are apt to undergo cooperative conformational of these structures to chain molecules may be obvi-
transitions.15 Thus, although an ordered solution ous. We do not review here polymers that are a
conformation is a necessary criterion of what consti- mixture of chemical structures or are conformation-
tutes a foldamer, it is not sufficient. In addition, ally incongruent, even if they are referred to in the
noncovalent interactions between nonadjacent mono- literature as being “folded.”27-29 By analogy to its
mer units, on some level, play a deciding role in well-established usage in protein chemistry,30 we
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3897

suggest that descriptions involving the verb “fold” present in the folded state or not. There are, however,
should be reserved for conformationally defined chain several issues unique to tyligomers which mirror the
molecules and not be used for polymeric mixtures. more complex issues of the long-standing protein
For example, a compact polymeric micelle certainly folding problem34 and which will be treated below.
exists in multiple lowest energy conformations but Since a goal of the field is to endow synthetic
should not be considered to adopt folded conforma- foldamers, and eventually tyligomers, with the struc-
tions. tural (and functional) specificity reminiscent of fold-
Overall, it is the purpose of this article to present ing biopolymers, the theoretical models that describe
a thorough review of foldamer research contained these phenomena should be considered.
within our definition. A survey of what is involved To rationally design a foldamer, it will be necessary
in the generation of foldamers is in order first, to understand the properties of known foldamers,
followed by a discussion of specific contributions to which are those secondary-structure domains of
the field of foldamers. sequence-specific biopolymers that have been meta-
bolically synthesized by living organisms, i.e., pro-
II. Generating FoldamerssDesign, Synthesis, teins, nucleic acids, and oligosaccharides. Each of
Purification, and Characterization these biopolymers derives its function from a confor-
mationally well-defined folded state, which for pro-
The foundation for foldamer research was laid in teins is usually called the “native state”.30 The
the early 20th century, during the rise of modern process of going from a large ensemble of extended
synthetic polymer chemistry,31 molecular biology, and conformations to this folded state is called the folding
more recently through supramolecular chemistry.16 reaction,35 and elucidating the general mechanism of
Upon examination of these disciplines, it becomes this reaction involves the identification of the critical
clear why and how modern foldamer research has thermodynamic and kinetic parameters. It will then
evolved into a stimulating scientific field. It is hoped be instructive to relate these parameters to the
that the lessons learned in the roots of the foldamer properties of unnatural synthetic oligomers that can
field can be brought to bear upon the problems of be adjusted by the synthetic chemist.
designing, creating, and evaluating foldamers and, Three issues shared with the field of protein folding
eventually, biomimetic tyligomers. Before reviewing must be dealt with to make the design of foldamers
the current state of the field of foldamers, a summary possible: foldability, structure prediction (reverse
of various aspects impacting foldamer design will be engineering), and designability (forward engineer-
presented. ing). The first of these refers to an individual chain’s
ability to fold to a unique structure or a set of closely
A. Foldamer Design related structures; a chain that does so efficiently is
Since the initial use of the term “foldamer” in said to have a high foldability. The second issue deals
1996,32 the field has witnessed several design ap- with the ab initio determination of the folded state
proaches. We begin by clarifying the context in which structure given the primary sequence structure. The
we use the word “design”. Our use of this word will third issue, designability, refers to the number of
be in the same sense as “building a house”schoosing these chains that will fold to a particular structure
raw materials, mapping out the blueprint for the of interest; a folded structure that can be formed by
structure, constructing the necessary subunits into many different, highly foldable sequences is said to
the final framework, and performing interior decora- have a high designability. By the very nature of their
tion. Gellman’s daunting steps4 to generate useful length, short oligomeric chains participate in rela-
foldamers echoes this analogy: determining novel tively short-range intrachain contacts and as a result
backbones that can fold, developing efficient synthetic usually form structurally simple folded states that
methods and integrating chemical function. Of course, are straightforward to design. Longer chains are
it is presumptuous for the authors to profess knowl- capable of folding into structures with very long-
edge of how published foldamers were initially con- range interactions, making design more difficult
ceived. Rather, we intend to detail the logical thought because of the large number of potential contacts. The
processes that must necessarily be considered in the foldability of tyligomers has been treated analytically
generation of a successful foldamer.33 and by simulations of simple models. Although some
progress has been made, the best methods for ab
The broad philosophical foundations of foldamer
initio determination of a long sequence’s folded
design draw on concepts developed over the past
structure have been worked out in essentially taxo-
decades in the fields of polymer physics, condensed
nomic ways for the most well-studied biopolymer,
matter physics, and, in particular, biophysics. It is
proteins.36,37 Designability has been investigated but
evident that oligomeric foldamers are not large or
only for very simple systems. The fundamental idea
complex enough to form anything other than simple,
that emerges from these models is that some struc-
secondary structures such as helices or sheets. A
tures are much more designable than others.
clear logical next step in the field would be to design
larger, more complex chain molecules capable of 1. The General Folding Problem
folding into truly tertiary structures or structures
having long-range intrachain energetic interactions.4 Consider an oligomer or polymer chain consisting
The designs of both simple and complex systems of N monomer units, each having ω torsionally
share many features, and much of the discussion accessible conformations. The parameter ω is de-
below will be general whether tertiary structure is pendent on the rigidity of the chain backbone and is
3898 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

equivalent to the number of minima on a Ramachan- contacts or unfavorable chain-solvent forces. For
dran-like surface for the backbone repeat unit. This oligomers containing residues that are poorly sol-
chain has ωN accessible conformations, neglecting vated, collapse to a set of compact conformations can
those conformations that are inaccessible as a con- occur before the folded state is populated. In a
sequence of the chain folding back upon itself in a protein, the minimization of the solvophobic force
sterically prohibitive manner (the so-called excluded- between apolar residues and polar solvent, namely,
volume conformers). This simple calculation gives an water, lowers the free energy of the protein-solvent
overestimation of the total number of conformations system and is the primary driving force for col-
but does accurately reflect the magnitude of the lapse.40,41 This collapse minimizes the unfavorable
number of states. For polypeptides, ω has been solvation interactions and maximizes whatever fa-
determined to be between 2 and 3.38 The exponential vorable intrachain interactions exist, typically involv-
ωN rapidly becomes very large with increasing chain ing electrostatic and van der Waals forces. There is
length, to the point of being unimaginably large for usually a gain in entropy for the solvent, since a
a chain that would be capable of performing any sort higher degree of solvent ordering around the chain
of chemically or biologically significant function. As segment is required to solvate solvophobic segments
mentioned previously (Figure 2), oligomers may than would be required to solvate solvophilic seg-
appear to be folded but in fact lack a folding reaction ments. The solvophobic collapse is then caused by a
because ω is roughly equal to 1. Such oligomers have free energy gradientshaving both entropic and en-
very few minima on their overall potential energy thalpic originsstoward states whose structures have
surface, since ωN is very small for all values of N. a minimum of solvophobic segment-solvent contacts.
For an oligomer to populate a small subset of the In the absence of any bias toward an energetically
ωN conformations, this folded state, F, must have an preferred folded state, this collapse will result in a
energy that is much lower than the unfolded state, random ensemble of compact conformations. For a
U. This must be the case if the lowest energy chain that is able to fold reliably to a single folded
conformations are able to dominate the equilibrium state, the mechanism of folding is essentially a
mixture of conformers. The thermodynamics of the question of how the system loses entropy en route to
folding reaction are controlled by two main factors. the folded state. Two mechanisms of efficient overall
The unfolded state must lose the conformational entropy loss can be imagined. Initial collapse to the
entropy present in its much larger conformational ensemble of compact conformations could be followed
by a search through that ensemble to find the folded
ensemble in order to realize the enthalpic gain
state or the collapse could take place concurrently
present in the folded state. Multistranded systems
with the formation of folded structure. Both types of
are more complex since they must also lose some
behavior are observed for real biopolymers,42 and a
translational and rotational entropy upon association
general picture of oligomer folding must take both
as well as chain conformational entropy. Yet, their
scenarios into account.
thermodynamics are similar. The thermodynamic
properties observed in biological folding reactions can Especially for long chains capable of tertiary struc-
be reproduced by a simple model having a single ture formation, it should also be noted that not every
folded structure separated from U by an energy gap, sequence that has a nondegenerate global minimum
illustrated in more detail below. To reach its lowest spontaneously folds to a unique state. A parallel can
energy state, an oligomer will have to maximize its be drawn between the folding process and the con-
favorable energetic interactions and minimize those densation of individual molecules during crystalliza-
that are unfavorable, including both intrachain and tion or the condensation of atoms to form clusters.
chain-solvent interactions. The existence of an op- Just as there are some solid materials that crystallize
timized set of unfavorable and favorable contacts in quite efficiently, there are those that do not relax to
the folded state has been called the “minimally their global thermodynamic minimum but form
frustrated” state.39 glasses instead.43,44 These glasses are formed when
the entropy loss occurs faster than the loss of energy
Noncovalent interactions involve much weaker and or equivalently when the barriers to interconversion
reversible interactions than covalent linkages, which between different conformations begin to dominate
allows for the exploration of many chain conforma- the kinetics of relaxation. Likewise, well-designed
tions during the folding reaction. The net strength tyligomers efficiently find their folded state, while
of the nonadjacent contacts that determine the most random sequences do not fold to a unique
thermodynamics of folding are essentially the differ- structure but rather merely collapse to a ‘molten
ences between the strengths of the chain-chain and globule’ state or a unimolecular glass.
the solvent-chain interactions. Undoubtedly, if sol- What then is required of a chain to fold reliably?
vent-chain contacts are stronger than chain-chain Does the chain have a minimum energy state that is
contacts, the molecule will not fold; such is the case much lower in energy than the rest of the unfolded
in denaturing solvents. A subtle balance then exists conformations U? If so, is this folded state thermo-
in solvent-foldamer interactions; the solvent must dynamically accessible from U at temperatures and
solvate the molecule without competing for nonad- other conditions that allow characterization and
jacent contacts while providing the chain with an perhaps function? For longer chains capable of many
environment in which to undergo the folding reaction. more contacts and potentially tertiary structure, is
The formation of unique, folded structures requires this transition kinetically accessible? Beyond predict-
the presence of favorable nonadjacent chain-chain ing the existence of a folding reaction, what do the
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3899

key features of the folding reaction. A favorable

interaction of magnitude  exists between neighbor-
ing nonbonded H monomers. The exact nature of this
interaction need not be defined to demonstrate the
concepts involved. There are four possible conforma-
tions, one of which has energy  lower than the other
three (Figure 3). The three unfolded conformations
make up the unfolded ensemble, and the single
collapsed structure is the folded state. Note that there
are fewer than ωN (34) conformations for this system.
This number is not reduced by excluded volume
effects but by symmetry and the fact that only
nonterminal monomer units have ω available con-
formations. Much of the thermodynamics of simple
foldamers can be predicted by this model.
b. Thermodynamics of Folding. The size of the
unfolded ensemble and the large number of potential
folding pathways connecting this ensemble to the
Figure 3. 2-D lattice tetramer toy model. Black circles
represent solvophobic repeat units (H) and open circles
folded state suggest a statistical approach to the
polar repeat units (P). The sigmoidal plot shows the fraction problem of folding. The thermodynamics of the
of folded molecules as a function of temperature. folding reaction can be examined using statistical
mechanics. This requires evaluating the partition
folded structures look like? Prediction of structure function Z, which is given by eq 1 where n(E) is the
from sequence and postdiction of sequence from number of states that have an energy of E, and kT
structure are currently difficult for much studied refers to the product of Boltzmann’s constant and the
polypeptides, let alone for any arbitrary monomer temperature. The partition function is the Boltz-
type that may be of interest to the foldamer chemist. mann-weighted sum of all the states, which for the
Insight into these questions has been provided by TTM is given by the last term of eq 1.
simplified folding models.
a. Lattice Models of Folding. Minimalist models Z ) ∑e-Ei/kT ) ∑n(E)e-E/kT ) 3 + e-/kT (1)
of biopolymers have been used for many years to i
analyze the general mechanism of folding and have
proved fruitful toward understanding the folding The fractions of the population in the unfolded and
mechanisms of proteins. These models provide com- folded states at equilibrium for the TTM are given
putational accessibility, facile visualization, and easy by eq 2, and the free energy of folding is given by eq
conceptualization of the folding reactions known for 3 (the last term is specific to the TTM).
proteins. Since the models do not rely on any proper-
ties specific to polypeptides, they are useful to chem- e-/kT 3
ists designing nonbiological folding systems. Go and P(F) ) P(U) ) (2)
3 + e-/kT 3 + e-/kT
co-workers45 developed a widely used model that

( )
consists of a chain of different residue types that are P(F)
constrained to the points of a lattice. Nonadjacent ∆Gfolding ) -kT ln Keq ) -kT ln )
interactions are accounted for by assigning energies P(U)
to neighboring lattice points occupied by residues  + kT ln 3 (3)
that are not adjacent in the sequence.
Varying degrees of heterogeneity can be modeled Alternatively, the free energy of folding can be
by including any number of residue types and as- derived by considering the ∆H and ∆S of the reaction.
signing energy values to the different pairs of neigh- The enthalpy change is clearly . The loss of entropy
boring nonbonded residues. In the simplest version can be calculated by taking the sum of the loss of
of the model (the so-called HP model) a two-letter entropy of each chain segment. As each segment has
alphabet is employed, where H represents a solvo- ω conformations available, the sum of the entropy
phobic monomer and P represents a polar, or solvo- lost over the whole N-long chain is approximately -k
philic, residue. The choice of a two-letter code reflects ln(ωN) or -kN ln ω. At constant pressure and volume,
and models the importance of the solvophobic col- it then follows that the free energy change is given
lapse of proteins as a key step in the folding process. by eq 4.
Lattices with 2-D square, 3-D cubic, and even 2-D ∆G ) ∆H - T∆S
hexagonal geometries have been employed by differ-
ent groups; some of this work will be described in ∆G )  + kTN ln ω (4)
later sections. An excellent review of these models
by Chan and Dill46 describes the picture they have It should be noted that this formulation has been
provided of biopolymer folding. used to experimentally estimate the entropy lost per
Consider the tetramer toy model (TTM),46 which chain segment and thus the average number of
is a 2-D square lattice chain consisting of two types conformations available to each residue. Eq 4
of monomers, H and P (Figure 3). This is perhaps suggests that there exists a folding temperature at
the simplest model that still captures many of the which the population is evenly divided between
3900 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

model system here, forming the last contact is easier

than forming the first. For simplicity throughout the
rest of the review, “nonadjacent interacting sites” will
be referred to as simply “nonadjacent repeat units”,
since for many foldamers each repeat unit has the
potential to form a favorable chain-chain interaction.
The simple TTM model captures some of the
essential features of the folding reaction and a key
requirement of the folding system, namely, the large
energy gap between the folded and unfolded states.
Notice that the larger (and more negative) the value
of , the more negative the free energy of folding will
be. More detailed studies of a 27-mer on a 3-D lattice
led Sali et al.48 to propose that this energy gap was
the definitive parameter for determining foldability.
Again, further considerations of the kinetics involved
in tyligomer folding suggest that this parameter is
necessary but not sufficient to determine general
This is clearly only a gross view of the folding
reaction, which despite its complexity is just the
process of going from a large number of relatively
high-energy conformers to a very small number of
low-energy conformers. This model assumes that
each state has equal accessibility from every other,
Figure 4. Origin of cooperativity. (A) Formation of a
“trivial sheet”, and (B) formation of a “trivial helix.” implying that the kinetic barriers between each of
Enthalpy change is shown above each reaction arrow and the states are equal. Further consideration of the
entropy change below. Trivial sheets do not require nucle- kinetics of this model is described below and obviates
ation. the need for a more complex description.
Given the requirement of a large energy gap, it
unfolded and folded states or at which ∆G ) 0, called then becomes important to determine the structure
the folding (or melting) temperature (eq 5). of the global minimum energy conformation and if
- its energy is sufficiently lower than the unfolded
Tfold ) (5) ensemble to be highly populated under some set of
kN ln ω environmental conditions. The design of any foldamer
Thus, the TTM free energy of folding becomes will have to begin with the answer to these questions,
negative at a temperature where kT ln 3, the entropy which may be provided by intuition or by various
of the chain lost during folding, equals the enthalpic computational techniques that can determine the
gain of folding, the energy gap between the folded global minimum energy structure efficiently.
state and all other states. A plot of the fraction of c. Folding Reaction Free Energy Surfaces.
the population that is in the unfolded state as a The folding reaction, in which the members of the
function of temperature shows a sigmoidal curve that unfolded ensemble converge to the folded state
is indicative of the cooperative nature of this transi- ensemble, is difficult to describe in the detail usually
tion (Figure 3). Although the very term indicates the afforded to small molecule reactions. The reactant,
cooperation of two or more interactions, the transition product, and transition structures in small molecule
of this small single-interaction system is cooperative reactions are often unique, structurally defined points
in the sense that the system has a tendency to be in a space defined by the 3n - 6 degrees of molecular
either completely unfolded or completely folded. Such freedom, where n is the number of atoms in the
transitions are observed for biopolymers, especially system. Because of the relatively small number of
small, rapidly folding globular proteins.47 relevant structural parameters usually involved for
Cooperativity cannot be achieved for systems that small molecules, the potential energy can be repre-
fold exclusively from noncovalent interactions be- sented as a function of those parameterssa potential
tween repeat units held adjacent by covalent bonds energy surface (PES). Given a complete description
or more specifically interacting sites held adjacent of the potential energy surface along the degrees of
by covalent bonds. Such chains fold to “trivial sheets”. freedom relevant to the reaction, the kinetics and
Conformations that result exclusively from adjacent thermodynamics of the reaction, and indeed its
interacting sites such as that schematically depicted mechanism, are described by the set of trajectories
in Figure 4A will not exhibit cooperative folding. As along that surface connecting the reactant and
the trivial sheet folds, the ∆H and ∆S of each contact product. The average path of these trajectories then
formation is the same. In other words, making the suggests a reaction progress variable known as the
last contact is no easier than making the first. The reaction coordinate.
situation for nonadjacent interacting sites is different Such an analysis is impractical, indeed impossible,
(Figure 4B). Folded states stabilized by nonadjacent for the folding reaction because many more degrees
interacting sites can exhibit cooperativity. For the of freedom are involved and because the folding
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3901

can become large enough such that examination of

the kinetics across this surface is required.
Each accessible conformation lies at the bottom of
local vibrational and torsional energy wells, and their
energies will also be dependent on nonadjacent inter-
actions such as electrostatic and van der Waals forces
between nonneighboring chain segments and side
chains. These nonadjacent interactions can be both
energetically favorable and unfavorable. The folded
state of a well-designed foldamer minimizes the
unfavorable interactions and maximizes the favor-
able ones. Because small changes in local structural
Figure 5. Free energy surfaces or “landscapes”. (a) The parameters, such as rotation around a bond, can
“golf-course” energy landscape, (b) the smooth funnel, and bring previously separated parts of the molecule
(c-e) rugged surfaces where c has no energy gap and e has together, thereby introducing many new contact
a large energy gap. energies, the FES can be very rugged. This is not
usually the case for small homooligomeric systems
reaction generally involves reactants, transition states, because of the relatively small number (compared to
and products that are not single, well-defined struc- a biopolymer) of random intrachain interactions that
tures. It is therefore much more difficult to define a generate the ruggedness. These systems have FESs
reaction coordinate in terms of the internal coordi- such as that in Figure 5b, a smooth funnel. Longer
nates of the chain. The situation is also more complex chains, however, are capable of great ruggedness.
because a very large number of trajectories connect Figure 5c depicts a completely rugged landscape with
the many members of the unfolded ensemble with no single conformation dominating the thermal equi-
the folded state, often through an ensemble of transi- librium mixture. Such rugged surfaces are typical of
tion structures. Because of these extra degrees of random heteropolymers, and an extremely poorly
freedom in the reactant and transition-state en- designed polypeptide would be expected to exhibit
sembles, consideration must be given to the system’s such an FES. Figure 5d shows a very rugged funnel,
entropy, which is comparatively unimportant or while Figure 5e depicts a classical rugged funnel
easily deconvoluted in small molecule reactions. In typical of good folders having tertiary structure, such
addition, the role of the solvent is often significant as globular proteins. Those systems having FESs
in determining the energy of any given conformation; such as Figure 5d might be expected to fold but more
the exact structure of the solvent shell constitutes slowly than those having funnels such as Figure 5e
another large number of degrees of freedom, or since the greater depth of nonnative wells slows
structural variations, that must be taken into ac- eventual escape to the folded state.
count. d. Kinetics of Folding. While the thermodynam-
For these reasons, the folding reaction is often ics of some simple proteins and secondary structure
described with a free energy surface (FES), or land- domains are well modeled by the simple picture
scape. The FES is analogous to the PES drawn for described above, the folding kinetics of chains can be
small molecule reactions but includes a summation more complex. The simple golf-course model (Figure
over the extra degrees of freedom, including those of 5a) grossly overestimates the amount of time neces-
the solvent, as a function of the internal coordinates sary to reach the folded state, and this overestimation
of the oligomer. The effect of this summation at each is often referred to as Levinthal’s paradox.49 For
point on the surface is the inclusion of the entropy example, a protein containing 100 residues, each able
at that point; the more degrees of freedom at that to access only two local minima on the Ramachan-
point, the larger the number of states at that point dran plot, has 2100 conformations. If it only took a
picosecond to interconvert between conformers, it
and the larger the entropy. Usually, the enthalpy and
would take 1011 years to randomly search through
the entropy are evaluated over one or more progress
all 2100 conformations before the system arrived at
variables, which are usually measures of structural
the folded state. This argument has been called a
similarity to the folded state, such as the degree of
paradox because a concrete mathematical analysis
collapse or the fraction of interresidue ‘contacts’ that
gives an obviously erroneous result; the majority of
are present in the folded structure. Since FESs globular proteins that exhibit simple two-state be-
incorporate entropy, their shapes are very tempera- havior fold on the timescale of a second or less.47
ture dependent, unlike their PES counterparts. However, the initial assumption that all 2100 con-
Some examples of representative FESs are shown formers are equally thermally weighted is unfounded,
in Figure 5, including that for the lattice model despite the fitness of the model in describing the
(Figure 5a) examined above. This particular surface, thermodynamics of folding. To accurately model the
consisting of a single, low-energy conformer distinct kinetics then, the loss of entropy that accompanies
from the ensemble of nearly isoenergetic unfolded folding must be dealt with. Clearly, the FES of a
conformers is often referred to as the ‘golf-course’ foldamer cannot be described by a golf-course land-
landscape. If a more realistic description is used in scape if it is to fold reliably in a way that reproduces
which the unfolded conformers start taking on dif- observation. It also suggests that more is required
ferent energies, barriers between different minima than simply the existence of a large energy gap for
3902 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

the folded structure if the system is to fold on a the energy gap is already enhanced by the high
reasonable time scale. symmetry of secondary structures. For instance,
It is conceivable that the unreasonably long search helices offer a minimally frustrated way of packing
time predicted by Levinthal could be reduced by side chains to avoid unfavorable van der Waals forces
decreasing the number of conformations involved in while maximizing some favorable intrachain con-
the random search. Discarding the conformations tacts, often hydrogen bonds. Small helices and sheets
whose chains fold back on themselves and are are thus well-designed folders, because of the smooth-
therefore sterically disallowed reduces the number ness of the FES and their energy gaps. Their thermo-
of conformers from 1060 to 1043 for a 2-D square lattice dynamics are very similar to those for the golf-course
100-mer,50,51 a number that still requires an unreal- model, as reflected in the similarity in the overall
istic amount of search time.52 topology of the two funnels.
If, however, the number of compact structures 2. Foldamers: Secondary Structure
(those present after a solvophobic collapse) is con- Since many of the foldamers described in this
sidered, the size of the search drops further to 1017 review have helical folded structures, the FES as well
conformers,53 a much smaller number but one that as the thermodynamics and kinetics of folding to a
is still too large for a truly random search to approxi- helical geometry will be considered in some detail.
mate real folding times. While the collapsed ensemble It should be noted that sheets, having regions of
is still too large, it should be noted that the process segments of the same dihedral angles, are themselves
of collapse reduces both the entropy and enthalpy of helices or bundles of two or more interacting helices.
the system. This suggests a possible solution to As a result, the mechanism of sheet folding is related
Levinthal’s paradox. Certain FESs can be described to that for helices. It involves potential cooperativity
as funnels in which the energy generally decreases in two dimensions, both along the strand and be-
as the structure more closely resembles that of the tween strands.55,56 As it is slightly more complicated,
folded state. Just as importantly, this lowering of the it will not be treated in detail.
energy is accompanied by a concurrent loss of en- a. Folding of Helices: Thermodynamics of the
tropy. That is, the width of the funnel narrows and Helix-Coil Model. Since the FES that describes
the energy goes down as the folded state is ap- helix folding, the smooth funnel, is topographically
proached. Tyligomers must have FESs that are similar to that of the golf-course landscape, it rep-
funnel-like, such that the overall free energy gradient resents a cooperative transition. There exists one
favors movement of the system toward the folded transition between the higher energy unfolded state
state from any starting geometry or point of the and the lower energy folded state. The statistical
multidimensional FES. thermodynamics of the helix-coil transition were
e. The Funnel Picture. For those systems with first described by Zimm and Bragg57 as a one-
FESs resembling that in Figure 5c, that is, rugged dimensional problem. Cooperative phase transitions
surfaces with many deep minima and no single can be described in terms of a nucleation/propagation
dominant folded state, any cooling will simply result model,58 a description of which follows.
in relaxation to the nearest well. If the temperature Consider an oligomer that forms a helix with Ni
becomes low enough, the interconversion between segments per turn, again with ω conformations
these traps, or other deep minima structurally dis- available to each chain segment. If the favorable
tinct from the folded state, will become very slow, intrachain contacts each contribute an energy  to
even if one state is lower in energy than all the rest. the system (usually called H because a hydrogen
Such conditions would lead to the observation of non- bond is often responsible), the change in entropy and
Arrhenius kinetics, as is observed for some polypep- energy for each step of helix formation can be
tides.54 When this interconversion is slowed to the considered. Since each conformational choice along
point that it is effectively nonexistent, a glass transi- the chainshelical or nonhelicalsis dependent only
tion has taken place. At this point, it becomes very on the immediately previous step, the problem is
unlikely that the folding reaction, or indeed any essentially one-dimensional. That is, the free energy
further progress toward a global minimum structure, change of a residue as it progresses from a random-
will proceed any further. Most folding biopolymers coil geometry to that of the helix is dependent only
lie between the two extremes of the flat, rugged on the state of its neighbors. Figure 6 shows ∆H (∆E)
landscape and the smooth funnel, thereby exhibiting and ∆S for the coil-to-helix change for a segment
a range of thermodynamic and kinetic behaviors. adjacent to a helical segment and to a coil segment.
For systems with smooth funnel FESs such as that Each situation involves the loss of kB ln(ω) confor-
in Figure 5b, a cooling of the system will lead mational entropy. Only when Ni + 1 adjacent helix
smoothly and rapidly to a relaxation to the bottom segments are formed does the system gain the 
of the funnel. Such is the case for reliably folding interaction energy. Thus, for the first Ni coil-to-helix
helical oligomers. Again, small oligomers are more steps, there is a total loss of entropy of NikB ln(ω)
likely to have smooth funnels because shorter chains but no gain in energy; this is called the nucleation of
have fewer nonadjacent interactions that can con- helix formation. Once this helix nucleation has oc-
tribute to ruggedness. The FES of an oligomer can curred, each subsequent conversion of a segment
be considered as a small section of a polymer’s FES from coil to helix geometry, i.e., propagation, involves
that immediately surrounds the folded state. Thus, the loss of kB ln(ω) entropy and a gain of energy .
the only ruggedness present in the oligomer FES will The free energy change in going from a random coil
be that present near the folded state. Additionally, to a helix where n is the number of segments in the
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3903

Figure 6. Helix-coil transition. (top) The initiation and propagation steps and their attendant changes in enthalpy and
entropy. (lower left) The free energy of folding as a function of chain length, and (lower right) the sharpness of the transition
as a function of chain length.

helix minus the number required to form the first structure of the segments, but since it is a free energy
turn is given by eq 6 and is plotted in the lower left it may also be changed by the environmental factors
of Figure 5. over which the free energy is evaluated. For instance,
if the interaction arises from a solvophobic force, it
∆Gn ) ∆Gnuc + n(∆Gprop) ) can be made stronger by making the solvent more
NikT ln ω + n(kT ln ω - ) (6) polar. Likewise, a hydrogen bond interaction can be
made stronger by making the solvent less polar or
weaker by adding competitive, protic solvents. Chang-
There is a free energy cost upon folding until the ing the net strength of the intrachain interactions
chain reaches a length at which the enthalpic gain shifts the folding temperature; this is the principal
of the intrachain interactions outweighs the entropic underlying solvent denaturation experiments. Rather
cost of constraining the chain in the folded conforma- than changing the temperature while keeping 
tion. It can then be seen that a cooperative transition constant, the reverse may be done in order to see the
takes place when the change in free energy between transition.
helix and coil states becomes negative at the folding
temperature, Tf (eq 7). The sharpness of this transi- Foldamers that adopt helical conformations are
tion is dependent on the number of residues required reliable folders because they lie on a smooth funnel
for initiation, as can be seen from eq 2 and is shown FES. The folding to these highly symmetrical struc-
in the lower right of Figure 6. tures can be described by the two parameters  and
ω, both of which can be controlled by the foldamer
n chemist in the design of the oligomer.
Tf ) (7) b. Folding of Helices: Kinetics. Since helices
(Ni + n)k ln ω
have experimentally been shown to fold on a time
scale in the milliseconds to microseconds,59,60 there
These quantities are often cast in the form of an
do not seem to be serious kinetic issues that must be
equilibrium constant, with σ and s representing the
considered in their design. This is consistent with a
equilibrium constants for the nucleation and propa-
smooth-funnel FES, with little ruggedness to slow the
gation steps, respectively (eq 8)
progress of the system down the funnel to the folded
state. There is some evidence that the little rugged-
Keq ) e-∆G/kT ) e-Nilnω(e/kT e-lnω)n ) σsn (8) ness present does lead to the presence of folding
intermediates for some helices,61,62 and in some cases
where σ ) ω-Ni and s ) e/kTω-1. the pathways between these intermediates can be
Zimm and Bragg showed that the fraction of enumerated,63 but in general the folding should be
segments in a helical conformation exhibits a sharp rapid enough that (a) changes in the design will make
cooperative transition as s is increased, which is only small differences in the absolute folding rates
equivalent to increasing the interaction energy  or and (b) small helices with a thermodynamic propen-
decreasing the temperature. The interaction energy sity to fold will do so rapidly enough to demonstrate
is designed into the system based on the chemical ideal foldamer properties.
3904 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

of some conformations as in Figure 7. The use of a

three-letter code provides an even greater energy
difference; the more information-rich the sequence,
the more information-rich the FES.
While proteins are able to form very specific
structures and perform very specific functions by
employing 20 different types of monomers, or a 20-
letter code, it is of great interest whether such a large
number, and indeed such a large and complex set of
sequences, is necessary for such specificity. Since the
design and perhaps even synthesis of a foldamer with
specific structure and function will be simpler with
a smaller set of structural units, it would be advan-
tageous to determine how small a set of these
monomers can give rise to specificity of structure and,
ideally, function.
Screening of combinatorial libraries of simplified
proteins has recently revealed that as few as five
amino acids can be necessary to generate a specific
structure.64 These same experiments suggested that
when only three different residues are included,
reliable folders are not made. The folding funnel can
be used to interpret these results, as demonstrated
in Figure 7.65 Assuming a model in which interactions
between similar residues are more stabilizing than
Figure 7. Effect of heterogeneity on energy gap. Homo- those between different residues, it can easily be seen
polymers have degenerate folded structures, but increased how a folded state with a large energy gap can be
heterogeneity leads to a larger energy gap between the designed.
lowest energy structure and the rest. (Adapted from ref
65.) Simulations on a 2-D square lattice with a two-
letter alphabet have been performed to determine
3. Tyligomers: Secondary and Tertiary Structure what fraction of possible sequences have a unique
ground state and how this fraction changes as a
This review covers the topic of foldamers, those function of the number of residue types along the
oligomers that can fold, but since it is a natural goal chain. Chan and Dill66 enumerated all of the confor-
of this field to be able to design and construct larger, mations of each possible HP heteropolymer of length
more complicated molecules capable of folding to a less than 18, while Thirumalai and Camacho53 did
greater variety of more complex structures, the issues the same for N < 23. They reported that the average
of design of these tyligomers should be considered. number of lowest energy conformations for a chain
Many of the aspects of folding are the same as those of length N converged to approximately 13 as N
described above, but there are additional design increased. They also reported that the average num-
issues that arise for tyligomers. Because such mol- ber of lowest energy structures had a minimum when
ecules have many more possible nonadjacent contacts the fraction of nonpolar monomers in the chain was
and exponentially more conformations available, the around 0.6, which is approximately the same ratio
FES can become much more rugged. There is also as that found in proteins.67 Chan and Dill earlier
the need to construct heteropolymers of specific reported similar results and further calculated the
sequence to break the symmetry of the homopolymer. percentage of sequences with unique ground states
a. Homopolymers vs Heteropolymers: Widen- to be between 2.1% and 2.6% for sequences with N
ing the Energy Gap. The high symmetry of helices ) 12 to N ) 17. While they were not able to
is responsible for making them the lowest energy extrapolate this percentage to longer chains, they did
structures available to many of the short foldamers estimate that the fraction of 100-mer sequences with
discussed below. Their existence belies the fact that a ground-state degeneracy of 5 or less to be on the
homopolymers do not, in general, have unique low- order of 10-3 to 10-5. Both of these studies suggest
energy folded states. This can be illustrated with a that even a very simple set of monomers may have a
2-D square lattice model in Figure 7. All of the very good chance of exhibiting protein-like behavior
compact homooligomers have the same energy. One by virtue of having a nativelike unique ground state.
way to reduce this degeneracy, and the way that has Chan and Dill also evaluated the percentage of
been employed by nature in the case of proteins, is residues that existed in a secondary structure, either
to use several different residues in the chain. These helix-like, sheet-like, or turn-like. They found that
different residues can have different interaction an average of ca. 40% of all monomers were part of
energies with each other and thus reduce the sym- a secondary structure over all conformations, a
metry of the FES. For instance, using two different number that is in good agreement with the experi-
monomers in the oligomer, both of which interact mental observation that random heteropolypeptides
with alike monomers much more strongly than with exhibit 46% helicity, as measured by circular dichro-
dissimilar monomers, will lower the relative energy ism.68 This percentage increased to over 60% for
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3905

Figure 9. REM analysis of the rugged funnel. Free energy

diagrams can be generated by examining the density of
states at every level of the funnel.

Figure 8. Energy spectra (density of states) for several in Figure 8 are taken into account, it is possible to
3-D 27-mer HP heteropolymers and the fraction of MC runs imagine a system that becomes trapped in a non-
which resulted in folding. Larger energy gaps lead to native state, below the glass transition temperature,
greater foldability. (Adapted from ref 48.) even if the folded state lies far below the trap. The
kinetics and thermodynamics of rugged folding fun-
compact homopolymer conformations69 and suggests nels have been analyzed by Wolynes and co-workers73
that the formation of highly symmetric secondary using a random energy model (REM) developed by
structures is not sequence-specific nor only a property Derrida.74 The large number of states and pathways
of reliable folders. The existence of these locally between the states complicates a complete, explicit
organized low-energy structures suggests a self- analysis of the free energy surface but is well-suited
similarity of the FES that enhances its funnel-like to a statistical description.
shape even if helices or sheets that are not present The key assumption of the generalized random
in the folded state are formed during folding. energy model is that the energies of any two confor-
Similar studies were performed on 3-D 27-mer HP mations are independent of each other. This leads to
heteropolymers,48 but because of the much larger a distribution of states that can be described as a
number of possible conformations, the sequence space Gaussian function. This approximation can be made
was sampled randomly. The likelihood of folding for less stringent by assuming that there will be some
several randomly generated sequences was evaluated correlation of energies, which will be dependent on
by measuring the number of random Monte Carlo the proximity of the two conformations to the folded
steps required for the sequence to find the folded structure. This similarity measure, called Q, is a
state.70-72 Figure 8 represents the energy spectra of function of certain internal geometrical coordinates
several of these sequences and the folding efficiency, of the foldamer that describe the folded state, such
which was measured as the fraction of MC runs that as those between nonbonded residues that become
led to folding. Each individual line represents an proximate after folding. The rugged funnel, shown
individual conformation and its height the energy of in Figure 5e, is intermediate between the completely
that structure. Degeneracy of conformations is rep- rugged surface, shown in Figure 5c, and the smooth
resented by the dense packing of states, which appear funnel, shown in Figure 5b. The parameter Q on the
as regions of solid continuum. It can be seen that rugged funnel roughly indicates the energy of a
although each of the sequences had a nondegenerate conformation arising from the smooth funnel com-
ground state, only those with a large energy gap were ponent. The closer Q is to 1, the more the conforma-
reliable folders. Again, this indicates that a large tion resembles the folded state and the lower the
energy gap, which will be referred to below as δEs, energy will be in general. Within each strata of Q on
between the native state and the rest of the non- the funnel, however, the energy level distribution will
native states is at least necessary if a chain is to fold. be given by a Gaussian function, in that it represents
b. The REM Analysis of the Rugged Funnel. the smooth funnel component of the FES (Figure 9).
It has been noted that the stability gap alone does This density of states, or the probability that a given
not indicate whether a polymer will fold. If the state will have a structure parameter Q and an
barriers to interconversion between the states shown energy E, is given by eq 9. Here E(Q) is the average
3906 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

energy of all structures having a structure parameter

of Q. ∆E2(Q) corresponds to the width of the Gaussian
distribution for all of the structures at Q; this value
is a measure of the roughness of a section of the FES
that contains all of the structures at Q.

P(Q,E) )
exp -{ [E - E(Q)]2
2∆E2(Q) } (9)

To describe the thermodynamics, the free energy

can be evaluated. Assuming that the folding reaction
is taking place at constant temperature and pressure,
the free energy is given by eq 10, where Emp is the
thermally most probable energy and S the entropy.

F(Q) ) Emp(Q) - TS(Emp,Q) (10)

The entropy can be calculated by taking the

logarithm of the amplitude of the density of states
(the height of the Gaussian distribution). The energy
can then be evaluated by determining the value at
which the density of states function reaches its Figure 10. Folding funnel.
maximum value.
Substitution and simplification gives the following into a nonnative state before it can reach the global
expression for the free energy of the system as a minimum. While Tg is the primary kinetic parameter
function of Q in terms of the average energy along of this analysis, Tf, or the folding temperature, is the
the funnel (equivalent to its slope) and the rugged- primary thermodynamic one and has the same
ness or width of the Gaussian probability distribu- meaning and derivation as that discussed previously.
tions at each strata of the funnel (eq 11). The It can be shown that Tf ≈ δEs/So, which describes the
derivation of this result is depicted graphically in slope of the folding funnel in terms of the energy gap
Figure 9. between the folded and unfolded populations, δEs. As
would be expected, the larger the energy gap, the
∆E2(Q) higher the folding temperature will be.
F(Q) ) E(Q) - - TSo(Q) (11) These parameters can be illustrated on a more
2kT detailed schematic of the folding funnel (Figure 10).
A significant feature of this model is that it predicts The height of the funnel FES corresponds not only
a glass transition, that is, a point below which the to the energy but also approximately to Q, the folding
entropy of the system goes to zero. The entropic part reaction coordinate. These are Enat (the energy of the
of the free energy expressed in eq 11 is clearly given folded state) and 1 at the bottom of the funnel,
by the last two terms divided by the temperature (eq respectively. The width of the funnel is approximately
12). the entropy or the density of states at that level of
the funnel. As the system progresses down the
∆E2(Q) funnel, it has the possibility of passing through a
S(Q) ) So(Q) - (12) collapsed state, a transition state, and a glass transi-
2kT2 tion. The degree of ruggedness also changes as the
system progresses down the funnel.
The temperature at which the entropy becomes It has been shown by Wolynes and co-workers75,76
zero and therefore at which no other structures are that maximizing the ratio of Tf to Tg produces the
kinetically accessible is then given by eq 13 and is most reliable folders, and this ratio is related to the
called the glass transition temperature. ratio of the energy gap to the ruggedness (eq 14).

Tf δEs 2k
Tg(Q) ) (13) ≈ (14)
2kSo(Q) Tg ∆E So

Below this temperature, the system becomes It should be noted that reducing the ruggedness
trapped as the barriers to interconversion between measure (∆E)2 to zero gives the same result as that
states become thermodynamically insurmountable. obtained for the smooth funnel that models the
The larger the roughness of the surface, represented folding of a helix. The possibility of another transi-
by the width of the Gaussian that describes the tion, the glass transition, reveals the complexity
energy distribution function, the higher this Tg possible in the tyligomer folding mechanism. Tyligo-
occurs. Thus, the roughness of the surface can be mers with particularly smooth FESs may never
identified as another parameter that determines the encounter this second-order phase transition and
foldability of a chain because it is this roughness that exhibit simple and cooperative Arrhenius kinetics. As
determines how likely the chain is to become frozen the ruggedness is increased, the likelihood of encoun-
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3907

analysis. The readers are directed to excellent re-

views39,80 of the folding funnel for further details.

4. Designing Folding Molecules: Toward Tyligomers

a. Designing Foldamers: Helices and Sheets.
The design of helical oligomers, then, is a fairly
simple task, compared to the design of tertiary folds.
Of course, any design must take into account the
synthetic feasibility of the chain, and this is ad-
dressed in the next section. Since helices appear to
fold on a very small time scale along a smooth funnel,
an oligomer that folds to a helix or a small sheet
(usually called a turn) must meet only thermo-
dynamic criteria, namely, the δEs, and So parameters
discussed in the rugged funnel analysis above. Since
the funnel is indeed smooth, we can consider the
ruggedness ∆E for oligomeric systems to be negli-
The simpler of these parameters is the conforma-
Figure 11. Phase diagram of foldamers. The ruggedness
of the FES is ∆E. Small, two-state foldamers exhibit only
tional entropy, So, which is a function of the chain
a single cooperative transition (A). Tyligomers, both longer length and conformational entropy of each chain
and having more rugged FESs, undergo a preliminary segment. The chain length may be tuned by the
collapse transition which then folds to the folded state (B). synthetic chemist, either by the traditional methods
Increasing the ruggedness further leads to a glass transi- available for polymerizations or by the synthesis of
tion (C) where subsequent formation of the folded state may discrete oligomer lengths. As discussed above, the
be extremely slow. conformational entropy of the chain segments can be
tering a second transition and complex dynamics determined by a simple Ramachandran-like analysis
increases. This is illustrated in the folding “phase of the segment’s potential energy surface. A greater
diagram” (Figure 11), which has been generated by number of conformations available to each segment
enumeration of a 2-D lattice model77 and corroborated will tend to reduce the foldability simply by increas-
by other theoretical and experimental results. Along ing the conformational phase space through which
the x-axis is the ruggedness, and the y-axis repre- the ‘search’ for the folded state takes place. In other
sents the temperature. The smoothest funnels will words, increasing ω increases the entropy that must
undergo collapse and folded structure formation at be lost to achieve folding, thereby lowering the folding
the same time in a very cooperative process (pathway temperature. Of course, lowering ω too far can result
A), which is reminiscent of a two-state cooperative in raising the folding temperature to the point that
system. As the (∆E)2 increases, a transition to the the unfolded state will never be observed at relevant
collapsed state may be observed (pathway B), fol- temperatures. This is problematic for foldamers
lowed by folding to the folded state. This collapse whose function depends on the reversibility of folding.
transition has been observed in homo-78 and hetero- Chemically, of course, the segments must be joined
polymer79 lattice simulations. In both studies, the in such a way that a helix or a turn is at least a
collapse transition was sometimes accompanied by plausible sterically allowed structure among many
folding fully to the folded state, especially when the nonordered conformations. Simple chemists’ intuition
intrachain contact energies were large. Of course, or molecular modeling should be adequate to deter-
increasing these energies raises the folding temper- mine this criterion. Second, the turns of the helix or
ature and in effect decreases the relative ruggedness. the strand-to-strand contact must be stabilized by
When the ruggedness is increased still further, the some interaction that is long range or not on adjacent
possibility of a glass transition (pathway C) exists. monomer units. Several analyses have indicated that
A ratio of Tf/Tg of greater than 1 is required for a the energy gap δEs must be maximized for a reliable
polymer to be a reliable foldamer, and this analysis folder, but how is this related to the actual physical
provides some parameters that must be considered parameters of oligomers? Larger intrachain inter-
in the molecular design. Just as lattice simulations action energies and greater heterogeneity of residues
and simpler thermodynamic models suggested, maxi- (and thus interaction energies) tend to maximize the
mizing the energy gap produces a more reliable energy gap, as does the minimization of geometrical
folder. Minimizing the ruggedness to avoid the slow- frustrations arising from sterically unfavorable back-
ing of interconversion of conformers on the way down bone or side-chain interactions in the folded state.
the funnel also gives a better folder. The last param- (Adjacent contacts may result in noncooperativity.)
eter, So, is related only to the number of possible The orientation and strength of these interactions is
conformations available to the system. It is shown the key factor that will stabilize the folded state. The
that the smaller this number, the better the folder strength of the interactions may be difficult to predict
will be. Thus, the conformational flexibility of each since they will be dependent on extrinsic factors such
residue must be taken into account when designing as the solvent and may be enhanced or diminished
a tyligomer and is possibly the most easily controlled by nonspecific, nondirectional forces in the molecule,
of the parameters generated by the REM funnel such as the solvophobic force. It could be considered
3908 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

that the stronger these interactions are, the “better”

the foldamer would be. However, this may not be the
case; one must always consider the strength of all of
the interactions in the folded state relative to the
entropy of the chain that is lost upon folding. Again,
interactions that are too strong will lead to a struc-
ture that will never unfold. It should be noted that
stronger interactions may be required for the folding
of multistranded systems to overcome the greater
entropy loss that must occur from bringing two
noncovalently connected pieces of the foldamer to-
Ideally, to be able to observe a folding reaction, the
entropy must be balanced with the enthalpy of the Figure 12. Non-Arrhenius folding kinetics. The folding
intrachain interactions over some reasonable tem- time as a function of the intrachain interaction energy or
perature range that allows observation, characteriza- equivalently temperature.
tion, and utilization of the two states.
ies94 indicate that longer range interactions speed up
b. Toward Designing Tyligomers. The analysis the folding reaction as well as make it more coopera-
of the rugged funnel landscape indicates the proper- tive.95
ties the FES of a chain should have in order to be a The heterogeneity of the chain can be controlled
reliable folder. Rational design of a foldable tyligo- completely by discrete synthesis, and the strength of
mer, then, depends on being able to control not only the intrachain interactions can be controlled by the
the thermodynamic parameters discussed above, δEs, choice of chemical moieties present in each monomer.
and So, but also the kinetic parameter, ∆E, or FES It should be noted that increasing the strength of the
ruggedness. interactions that hold the compact folded state to-
It has been noted that while in general homopoly- gether is equivalent to raising the folding tempera-
mers do not exhibit unique ground-state structures, ture or lowering the ambient temperature. All of
many of the homopolymers described in this review these serve to increase the thermodynamic likelihood
do exhibit structurally unique folded states reminis- of folding. However, it should also be noted that
cent of small proteins or at least of highly sym- increasing the interaction magnitudes too much could
metrical secondary substructures of protein seg- lead to a decrease in the folding rate, even for
ments. The apparent contradiction results from the homooligomers. This leads to a consideration of the
symmetry of the folded conformations of these rela- ruggedness parameter, ∆E.2
tively short homopolymers and of the smoothness of Ruggedness is a property of the FES that should
their funnels. Just as atomic clusters exhibit magic be minimized in a reliably folding tyligomer. If the
numbers,81 that is, structures of certain sizes which favorable interaction energies that keep the chain in
possess a high symmetry exhibit larger than expected a compact conformation become too large, then in-
stabilities, so too do proteins. It has been found that terconversion among these compact states will be-
certain numbers of residues82 and secondary struc- come too slow. Deep energy wells will have large
tures83 occur more frequently than others in the set barriers to interconversion. In fact, the incorporation
of known proteins. There is no reason to suppose that of secondary structures that are too strongly stabi-
the high symmetry of helices should not also reduce lized may increase the ruggedness and slow the
the degeneracy of homopolymers as well.84-86 This folding rather than facilitate it.
does point to the need for further heterogeneity in Thus, increasing the magnitude of this intrachain
future tyligomers if less symmetric folded structures interaction energy will potentially increase the
are to be realized. It also suggests that the inclusion energy gap by deepening the funnel, but it can also
of these symmetric domains in a complex tyligomer increase the ruggedness. A plot of the folding rate
may result in a smoother, steeper funnel.87 Nature versus the interaction energy, or equivalently the
has made full use of these symmetric domains in temperature, has a shape such as that in Figure 12.
biopolymers, not only as structural motifs, but also This non-Arrhenius dependence of the rate on the
as easily foldable, funneled domains in the overall temperature has been observed in experimental
folding funnel.88,89 While such secondary domains measurements of the folding rate96 as well as several
may not be necessary to ensure a foldable oligomer, lattice simulations,97-99 where the rate measured by
they may provide a simplifying shortcut from the the number of MC steps before the simulation arrives
design perspective. Lattice model tertiary structures at the folded state. The reason for this behavior is
containing high helical content have been shown to that at temperatures higher than ideal or interaction
be highly foldable.90 Indeed, the de novo protein energies lower than ideal, folding is not favored
designs to date rely heavily on the presence of enthalpically, whereas at temperatures lower than
secondary structures.91 Lattice model studies have or interaction energies higher than ideal, folding is
shown that strong short-range chain-chain inter- slow because of slow passage over the barriers
actions provide a large energy gap with cooperativ- between local minima.
ity.92,93 On the other hand, tyligomer designers must c. Predicting Foldability. It is relatively straight-
also take care to include a sufficient number of longer forward to determine if a certain tyligomer sequence
range chain-chain interactions. Lattice model stud- will indeed possess a unique folded state that is
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3909

kinetically accessible from the unfolded ensemble. simulations have demonstrated that not all struc-
The rigorous approach is to simulate the folding tures are equally designable. An exhaustive enu-
funnel, which involves determining the energy gap meration of all of the possible 3 × 3 3-D lattice two-
and the ruggedness. Finding the magnitude of the letter alphabet structures and sequences was per-
energy gap requires the identification of the global formed.102 All of the sequences that had a high
minimum, the folded structure, which has been foldability were considered, and it was found that
proven in information theory to be an NP-hard there were some structures to which many sequences
problem. That is, there does not exist an algorithm folded and some structures to which no sequences
with a difficulty and average time of completion that folded. Earlier studies of 2-D lattices revealed the
scales polynomially with the size of the problem. same result.103 These structures that kept turning
Thus, essentially the only way to ensure location of up were considered to have a high “designability”. If
the global minimum is to exhaustively search all of one were to try to design a sequence that would fold
phase space, a prohibitively long procedure for the to such a structure, one’s chances of success would
reasons that Levinthal illustrated. However, algo- be relatively high. Additionally, such structures are
rithms have been developed that stand a very good more stable to mutations of the sequence and can be
chance of locating the global minimum, often taking considered more evolutionarily robust.
advantage of the properties of funnels just as real Since there are some structures that are easier to
biopolymers do. Once the global minimum has been design than others, their nature and structural
found as a likely candidate for the folded structure, properties should be considered. These highly design-
the gap can be measured by comparing its energy to able 3-D lattice structures have high symmetry and
the energies of the next lowest lying states. While often have high proportions of secondary structure-
the presence of a sizable gap does not guarantee like motifs.104,105 Thus, there seems to be a correlation
folding behavior, it does favor it, and the presence of between those structures that are highly designable
degenerate states that are not similar in structure and the highly foldable sequences that fold into them.
would be sufficient to screen out a polymer sequence These design principals must be tested for the
as a folding candidate. backbones and structural motifs that are described
The characteristics of the funnel can also be below. We must first learn to design synthetic fol-
measured, and given a knowledge of the ruggedness damers that will simply fold before we can learn to
and slope as a function of Q, the free energy can be design tyligomers that are endowed with the same
determined for each strata of the funnel by the specific functionality found among the biopolymers.
equations given above.100,101 This can be accomplished
by sampling the FES using Monte Carlo algorithms B. Foldamer Synthesis and PurificationsThe
or by sampling during molecular dynamics simula- Chemistry of Oligomers
tions. Once enough structures are sampled for each
As discussed in the Introduction, one goal is the
strata of the funnel, a plot of the free energy as a
generation of high molecular weight tyligomers with
function of Q can be made, which is very reminiscent
discrete chain lengths and primary sequences. Yet,
of a potential energy diagram of the type used to
chemists’ inability to prepare high molecular weight
picture the mechanisms of small molecule reactions.
substances in pure, monodisperse form precludes
Tf and Tg can also be determined from this simulation
data and the likelihood of folding evaluated. their current study. Thus, the field is currently
restricted to the size regime of oligomers. Even here
d. Designing Tyligomeric Folded Structures. the synthetic challenges are significant. It has been
It may be enough to simply show that a single stated, “despite much methodological progress, the
structure can be obtained; if the goal is simply to synthesis and purification of monodisperse oligomers
design a chain that folds, this is sufficient. However, often remains quite tedious.”106 Three approaches to
designing tyligomers that are capable of carrying out heteromeric chain molecules have been developed:
certain functions such as binding or catalysis will step-by-step, iterative, and polymeric growth. Step-
involve the much more complicated task of designing by-step growth is the extension of a chain one
heteropolymers that fold to specific folded structures. monomer at a time and allows for high sequence
Forward engineering is much easier if one knows the control at the cost of slow chain growth. Iterative
rules of design, which can be learned from extensive approaches permit more rapid chain lengthening,
reverse engineering. There has been some progress especially through split pool divergent/convergent
made on the reverse engineering of proteins, that is, methods, while imposing some limits on sequence
the ab initio prediction of protein structure given the control.107 For instance, an orthogonally diprotected
amino acid sequence. Unfortunately, most of this dimer, A-B, can be coupled to a tetramer, A-B-A-
progress has been specific to the polypeptide chemical B, doubling chain length but limiting sequence vari-
system and, as such, is parametrized for these ability. Solid-phase methodologies in foldamer syn-
particular biopolymers. Some theoretical work on this thesis have utilized both step-by-step and iterative
problem has been done, as well as lattice simulations, growth.107-111 The third approach, polymeric growth,
but there are few results that can guide the foldamer provides rapid but statistical chain lengthening to a
designer at present. heteropolymeric mixture with minimal control over
The forward engineering problem may be even length or sequence and, therefore, has been avoided
more difficult for real systems, but there has been for the generation of foldamers. Though modifications
some illuminating work done using lattice models of polymeric growth methodologies to narrow chain-
that helps to identify the challenges involved. Lattice length distribution have been proposed, a reliable
3910 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

approach to generation of heteromeric tyligomers categories: peptidomimetics, single-stranded abiotics,

remains unidentified. Furthermore, while methodolo- nucleotidomimetics, and multistranded abiotics. In
gies for the separation and purification of polymers general, single-stranded abiotics are unnatural back-
exist, strategies for isolating one component from a bones that mimic secondary structures, such as
high molecular weight heteropolymeric mixture are helices and sheets, while multistranded abiotics
lacking and may limit this approach toward the commonly emulate double- and triple-helical confor-
generation of sequence-specific chains. mations seen in oligomeric nucleic acids. When
examining those systems that fit within our defini-
C. Foldamer CharacterizationsExperimental and tion of a foldamer, a subtle disparity in motivation
Instrumental Methods and method for mimicking biomacromolecules is
uncovered. This disparity has dictated the inclusion
Foldamer characterization is approached in two and exclusion of specific examples of foldamers in
stages: determining the properties of covalent syn- past reviews, with the single-stranded abiotics being
thesis (structure and purity) and conformational predominantly identified as foldamers. Therefore, a
analysis of the folded state. Although established short discussion of these distinctions is helpful to
methods for organic synthesis, such as NMR, HPLC, understand our delineation of the literature.
and mass spectrometry, are employed in foldamer
research routinely, various techniques must be drawn B. Motivation
upon in order to infer the state of aggregation and
the solution conformation of a chain molecule. This The motivation for foldamer research will function
first aspect mostly involves using conventional meth- as our first classification for this article. Specifically,
ods of organic and polymer analysis while the second we wish to call attention to the difference between
is much more difficult, since most new foldamer “foldamer research” (the purposeful development of
backbones do not have established spectroscopic chain molecules that exhibit ordered conformations
signatures of secondary structure. Table 1 shows in solution predominantly determined by noncovalent
representative examples of common approaches to interactions within or between nonadjacent monomer
foldamer characterization. In addition, there are units) and “research on molecules that are foldamers”
three powerful approaches to ascertain the stabilizing (the study of such molecules predominantly for their
forces responsible for the folded state: variation in functional attributes). A myriad of functions have
oligomer length, stoichiometry (and concentration), been sought in the study of foldamers, from informa-
and environmental conditions. Through the use of tion storage and antibiotic properties to gene therapy
chain-length studies, information about the critical and materials applications. However, no matter what
chain length in cooperative folding and the Zimm- the final aim, there exists a clear disproportionality
Bragg equilibriums, σ and s, can be determined.112 between the basic research of designing, synthesiz-
Concentration effects are known to impact foldamer ing, and characterizing the secondary structures of
architectures113 and require scrutiny when attempt- unnatural oligomers and the targeted research of
ing to characterize the folding transition of a par- generating such molecules purely for their functional
ticular foldamer. In a single-stranded chain, the properties. More for historical than conceptual rea-
folding process is driven by intramolecular associa- sons, these motivations led to our first division of the
tion and, therefore, concentration must be kept low literature into single- and multistranded foldamers,
enough to avoid aggregation, which can disrupt the where single-stranded systems have predominantly
ability of the oligomer to fold into the most thermo- been identified in the literature as foldamers.
dynamically stable conformation. In multistranded
foldamers, both concentration and stoichiometry C. Methods
must be controlled since subtle changes in either can
promote the formation of deleterious assemblies. Additionally, these two research motivations can
Additionally, titrations of multicomponent systems be further categorized as being a part of either “top-
allow for the determination of the stoichiometric down” or “bottom-up” foldamer design methods.
ratios of the assembly. Elucidation of specific inter- Considerable progress has been made in the modifi-
actions by investigating solvent, temperature, and cations of biological systems whose design is prima-
pressure effects can reveal driving forces present in rily based on a top-down approach, where logical
the folding reaction. extensions of either peptidic or nucleic backbones to
enhance, elucidate, or mimic their structure and
III. Foldamer Research properties have led to related families of backbones,
referred to here as peptidomimetics and nucleotido-
A. Overview mimetics. Alternatively, supramolecular chemists
have been interested in mimicking biological struc-
As implied in the Introduction, both proteins and tures and properties from a bottom-up design, where
(deoxy)ribonucleic acids can be viewed as ideal analogous architectures to biomacromolecules are
tyligomerssthat is, the archetypal biological ex- obtained by backbones that bear little resemblance
amples of discrete, high molecular weight macromol- to natural chains. Both design methods aim to
ecules of mixed sequences with compact solution develop unique structures that exhibit similarity to
conformations assembled from many subunits of the components and the mechanisms of biochemical
secondary structure. In our assessment of the litera- systems. Overall, we have chosen to arrange our
ture, we have organized foldamer systems into four specific examples not by application, but by the
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3911

Table 1. Foldamer-Specific Characterization Techniques, Possible Secondary Structure Data Thereof, General
References Regarding Their Usage, and a Representative Reference, Structure, and Type of Foldamer from Each
3912 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 13. Structural lineage of peptidomimetic backbones.

structure of the backbone repeat unit, thereby casting IV. Peptidomimetic Foldamers
a reasonably wide net of coverage. For these reasons,
we partitioned the literature into peptidomimetics, The field of peptidomimetics aims at mimicking
nucleotidomimetics, and abiotic variations of each. peptide structure through substances having con-
trolled spatial disposition of functional groups. Pep-
D. General Scope tidomimetics have general features analogous to their
parent structure, polypeptides, such as amphiphilic-
Our foremost criterion for inclusion of specific ity. They have been developed, to a large extent, for
examples from foldamer research in this section is the purpose of replacing peptide substrates of en-
as follows: was conformational analysis performed zymes or peptide ligands of protein receptors.128-133
on the molecules in question through studies on Peptidomimetic strategies include the modification
discrete oligomers? We chose “interesting examples” of amino acid side chains, the introduction of con-
from the literature to demonstrate the basic charac- straints to fix the location of different parts of the
ter of foldamer research and have been as exhaustive molecule,134 the development of templates that induce
as possible within this definition of the field. Ad- or stabilize secondary structures of short chains,135,136
the creation of scaffolds that direct side-chain ele-
ditionally, we limited our treatment of more extensive
ments to specific locations, and the modification of
areas to suit the length of this review. While many
the peptide backbone. Of these strategies, systematic
of the following might technically fit our definition
backbone modificationssstructural alterations of the
of foldamers, they will not be covered here: oligo(R- repeat unitsare most relevant to the field of foldam-
amino acid)s, oligo(deoxy)ribonucleotides, simple ers. Backbone modifications may involve isosteric or
ligand-metal complexes, non-oligomeric synthetic isoelectronic exchange of units or the introduction of
receptors,114-119 non-oligomeric chemosensors,120-123 additional fragments. Efficient monomer prepara-
transition-metal-assembled three-dimensional cyclic tions and repetitive synthetic methods for oligomer
nanostructures124 and two-dimensional grids,125 hy- constructions have recently been developed for many
drogen-bonded networks and tapes,118 supramolecu- biologically inspired, unnatural chain molecules.137
lar polymers,33,126 dendrimers,127 and oligomers To summarize progress to date on these systems and
mentioned in the Introduction. We will also not be structurally organize them, a family tree of peptido-
inspecting the abundance of molecules that adopt mimetic backbones is shown in Figure 13, organized
helical conformations only in the solid state, as this from left-to-right by the number of atoms separating
defies our definition of having discrete solution peptide (or peptide-like) units and top-to-bottom by
structure. the functional group classes.
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3913

Although these peptidomimetic oligomers lack ster-

eochemistry in the backbone, their side chains are
spaced apart by a distance similar to that of the
natural backbone. The absence of amide hydrogens
precludes the possibility of intramolecular CO‚‚‚H-N
H-bonds. Moreover, low energy conformations for
tertiary amides include both cis and trans states
about the peptide bond (cis amide refers to geom-
etries where the main-chain CR atoms are cis to one
another). Calculations on dipeptoids138,139 reveal sig-
nificant twisting about the peptide bond owing to
steric interactions that involve the nitrogen substit-
uents. These steric interactions limit the set of
energetically accessible conformations about the other
two backbone torsions. The lack of H-bond con-
straints and the presence of both cis and trans
peptide bonds are reasons to expect the conforma-
tional diversity of peptoids to be greater than R-pep-
tides. However, peptoid sequences as short as five
residues adopt stable helical secondary structures in
a variety of solvents, and the unfolding process is
both reversible and cooperative.140
Calculations predicted that peptoids bearing side
chains with stereocenters adjacent to the main-chain
nitrogen have a limited number of energetically
accessible conformations.141 On the basis of this
prediction, longer oligomers were postulated to adopt
a helical conformation with cis amide bonds, similar
to the polyproline type I helix. To test this idea, a
series of peptoid sequences were prepared from
monomers bearing chiral, nonracemic side chains
(Figure 14).140 The shape of the CD band changed
from the monomer up to the pentamer, beyond which
the CD band shape remained constant with increas-
ing chain length, resembling the R-helical conforma-
tion of the R-peptide backbone. Moreover, beyond the
pentamer, the intensity of the CD signal, on a per-
residue basis, did not increase.140,142
A pentamer sequence that exhibited good disper-
sion and sharp 1H NMR signals was used in a
Figure 14. General peptoid backbone, representative detailed conformational study.143 On the basis of ROE
chiral side chains, and a peptoid pentamer that adopts a cross-peak data obtained in methanol, all of the
helical secondary structure. amide bonds of the major species were of cis geom-
etry. Although multiple species in slow exchange
Our focus here is on peptidomimetic oligomers were apparent from the NMR spectra, the major
whose secondary structure has been well character- species was determined to be a regular helix with
ized. For some of these backbones, monomers and three residues per turn and a pitch of ca. 6 Å, in good
sequences giving rise to helical, extended (i.e., agreement with molecular modeling predictions. The
“strand”), and turn conformations have been identi- minor species were postulated as resulting from slow
fied. These will be discussed in greatest detail. Other exchange of cis and trans isomers.
systems included in this section are considered either
as potential foldamers or systems that have been The conformation of the major species identified
discussed within the context of foldamer research but by 1H NMR was presumed to give rise to the observed
for which only limited information about their sec- CD signal. To verify this, the conformational transi-
ondary structures is presently available. In these tion was studied by CD as a function of both pH and
cases we will restrict our discussion to brief sum- temperature for peptoids bearing ionizable carboxylic
maries. acid side chains.140 Over the pH range of 7-3, the
CD signal intensity of a 30-mer changed very little.
At pH 2, the CD signal was greatly diminished and
A. The r-Peptide Family interpreted to signify complete unfolding. At pH 4.1,
1. Peptoids this oligomer exhibits a complete, reversible loss of
the helix-like CD signal over a 40 °C temperature
Poly-N-substituted glycines or “peptoids”138 belong range. Although it is not clear what causes helix
to the R-amino acid lineage, differing from their destabilization at low pH, the behavior was charac-
genitor in that the pendant groups are attached to terized as highly cooperative as compared to R-pep-
the amide nitrogen rather than CR (Figure 14). tides of similar length.
3914 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Recent studies by Barron et al. helped refine details

on the sequence144 and chain-length142 requirements
for stable peptoid helices. A systematic study using
a series of discrete homooligomers of (R)-N-(1-phen-
ylethyl)glycine ranging from 3 to 20 residues in
length showed that there is a length-dependent shift
in the relative population of cis-amide helices. The
spectrum of the nonamer is unlike any of the other
members in the series, suggesting that this sequence
adopts a different conformation. However, the un-
usual behavior of this particular chain length is
presently unexplained. When the oligomer length
exceeds 12 residues, a helix with cis amide bonds
becomes the most favored conformation by a signifi-
cant degree, and no changes are noted in the CD of
longer chains up to the 20-mer. In an effort to better
understand factors that contribute to helix stability,
a series of 30 heterooligomers was prepared and their
solution conformation studied by CD and NMR.144 On
the basis of these results, it was concluded that a
stable helix results from (1) a monomer composition
in which at least 50% side chains bear N-R-stereo-
centers and aromatic substituents, (2) placement of
one or more R-chiral substituents on the carboxy-
terminus to prevent helix fraying, and (3) a sequence
that maximizes the number of aromatic-aromatic
interactions along the direction of the helix axis.
While these factors contribute significantly to the
stability of short peptoid helices, they are less im-
portant for peptoids containing more than 12-15
monomers, as the chain length itself contributes
significantly to helix stability.
Protease enzymes do not degrade N-substituted Figure 15. N,N-Linked oligoureas. X-ray crystal structure
glycine oligomers.145 This observation together with of a triurea derivative.153
the fact that peptoids are readily synthesized146 by
standard solid-phase methods and the fact that many
display good solubility in water make them prime S(n) stands for “self” and denotes an intramolecular
candidates for pharmaceutical and agrochemical hydrogen bond involving n atoms; C(n) stands for
research. Peptoid analogues of peptide ligands were “chain” and denotes a repetitive motif whose repeat
identified in the initial studies supporting the feasi- unit contains n atoms). Detailed infrared and 1H
bility of this idea.138 More recently, cationic peptoid NMR studies have indicated that the dimer and
sequences were shown to be efficient reagents for trimer are fully hydrogen bonded in CHCl3 solu-
gene delivery.147 A combinatorial approach that tion.152,153 The 1H NMR chemical shifts of the NH
varied chain length, frequency of cationic side chain, groups did not vary with concentration over the range
hydrophobicity, and shape of side chain produced a from 1 to 10 mM, suggestive of intramolecular
small subset of sequences that were active at con- H-bonding.
densing DNA and offering nuclease protection. One
member of the peptoid library, a 36-mer, was found The crystal structure of a triurea derivative re-
to have good transfection activity for many cell lines, vealed a conformation in which S(9) H-bonds orient
apparently as the result of a spherical nanostructure the side-chain residues in roughly parallel directions,
complex that it formed with DNA. thus resembling peptide β-turns (Figure 15).153 Thus,
as originally envisioned,148,152 these peptidomimetics
2. N,N-Linked Oligoureas are well-suited as molecular scaffolds to template
multistrand artificial β-sheets.154-157 It should be
In 1992, Nowick and co-workers began a program noted that if only simple urea pendant groups were
of study on acyclic oligomers whose conformations are
attached to the oligomeric backbone, the nonadja-
stabilized by intramolecular H-bonds. As part of this
cency criterion would place these structures outside
effort, they investigated the solution and solid-state
structures of a family of N,N-linked oligoureas having of our foldamer definition. Given the collection of
the repeat unit [-N(CONHR)-(CH2)m-]n;148 the m ) H-bonding interactions that comes with pendant
2 member of this family belongs to the R-peptide β-strands, the conformation of these more complex
family of peptidomimetics (Figure 15). This particular N,N-linked oligoureas are stabilized by long-range
chain molecule has interesting conformational char- noncovalent interactions, and therefore, they likely
acteristics in solution, in part owing to the S(9) possess cooperativity and other characteristics ex-
H-bond between side chains of adjacent units. pected of foldamers. We return to some of these
(Throughout this review we use Etter’s graph set aspects in the section of this review on multistranded
convention to describe H-bond interactions:149-151 abiotic foldamers.
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3915

Figure 16. Oligo(pyrrolinone) backbones linked through the 2,5- and 3,5-positions. The correlation between the 3,5-
linked pyrrolin-4-ones and R-peptide β-strands. The S(6) hydrogen-bonding interaction is indicated in red. N-Methylated
3,5-linked pyrrolin-4-one sequence 1 adopts a helical conformation in the solid state and in solution.

3. Oligopyrrolinones group is spaced every three atoms with an orientation

similar to that of carbonyl groups in β-pleated
Oligopyrrolinones (Figure 16) are best classified as
strands,161 while the nitrogen is displaced with
members of the R-peptide backbone, even though
their vinylogous amide bond is not a part of the respect to its usual location in the R-peptidic back-
primary chain. With the initial intention of creating bone. Incorporation of the nitrogen atom as a vinyl-
a non-peptide β-strand mimic,158 Smith and Hirsch- ogous amide into the pyrrolinone ring provides
mann originally conceived two backbone types (Fig- rigidity and constrains the ψ and ω angles of the
ure 16).159 The first is based on 3,5-linked pyrrolin- corresponding R-peptide chain. An S(6) intramolecu-
4-ones having an all carbon primary backbone in lar hydrogen bond between the CdO‚‚‚H-N groups
which the nitrogen is displaced relative to the R-pep- of adjacent residues helps to constrain the φ dihedral
tide chain. The second is based on 2,5-linked pyrrolin- and ensure an extended conformation. By the non-
4-ones in which the primary backbone contains a adjacency criterion in our definition, this example is
nitrogen atom and the carbonyl is considered dis- technically not a foldamer; it is simply an oligomer
placed relative to the R-peptide chain. Thus far, only whose conformation is fixed by intramolecular non-
the nitrogen-displaced backbone has been reported, covalent interactions. In other words, the chain’s
although the other scaffolds still appear to be under conformation can probably be described as a collec-
consideration.160 tion of independent units rather than as a cooperative
Peptidomimetics based on 3,5-linked, 5-substituted group. Nonetheless, the oligomer is interesting be-
pyrrolin-4-ones have many structural features com- cause side chains added to the ring’s 5-position are
mon to R-peptide chains (Figure 16). The carbonyl oriented similarly to those of an R-peptide chain that
3916 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

adopts an extended β-strand conformation. A draw-

back to this design, however, is the difficulty of
monomer and oligomer syntheses, which has been
improved with a more general synthetic scheme,
allowing the incorporation of functionalized side
Molecular modeling and X-ray crystallographic
studies159 showed that side chains in the 5-position
take on the alternating above-plane, below-plane
orientations as found in β-pleated sheets. The pyr-
rolinone NH protons were observed to form hydrogen
bonds both intramolecularly to stabilize the β-strand
and intermolecularly to produce sheets. These ob-
servations suggest that the disposition of vinylogous
amide carbonyls retain H-bond acceptor character-
istics and closely correspond to the R-peptide chain. Figure 17. Oligomeric oxazolidin-2-ones synthesized and
Furthermore, the pyrrolinone NH groups, while studied as possible foldamers.167
vinylogously displaced from the backbone, engage in
H-bonding, presumably owing to their comparable
basicity (pKa ca. 2-3)163 with amide NH groups (pKa
ca. 0-1).164 Parallel and antiparallel strand orienta-
tions were observed in the solid state, depending on
the presence or absence of protecting groups on the
terminal nitrogen.
The oligopyrrolinone scaffold has been used as a
protease inhibitor and a ligand for hormone and other
protein receptors. The main idea is that these se-
quences can adopt bioactive conformations of endog-
enous peptide ligands while exhibiting good phar-
macokinetic properties. This strategy was used to
design pyrrolinone-based inhibitors of renin161 and
HIV-1165 proteases that are known to bind their Figure 18. Comparison of the R-peptide, azapeptide, and
substrates in an extended β-strand conformation. azatide peptidomimetic backbones.
Similarly, this strategy was used166 to design a
bispyrrolinone-peptide hybrid ligand that binds class 4. Oxazolidin-2-ones
II MHC receptors, where the antigenic peptide ligands
adopt extended, polyproline type II conformations Oligomers based on oxazolidin-2-ones (Figure 17)
with twisted backbones projecting side chains every belong to the R-peptide genre and recently have been
120°. The crystal structure of this complex shows that discussed in the context of foldamers.167 This back-
the bispyrrolinone unit adopts a polyproline type II- bone can be considered as a pseudoproline structure.
like conformation with the side chains projecting into On the basis of 1H NMR chemical shift data, shifts,
the same places as the peptide side chains they and AM1 calculations, the bisoxazolidinone 2 was
replace. Moreover, the bispyrrolinone backbone forms believed to adopt a conformation in which the two
H-bond contacts with the receptor in much the same rings are approximately orthogonal to one another.
way as the natural ligand. A trimer and tetramer exhibited similar 1H NMR
N-Methylated bispyrrolinones adopt a twisted di- behavior that led the authors to conclude that both
hedral about φ which opens the way to helical oligomers fold into ordered structures. However,
conformations in longer oligomers.160 This idea was given the lack of supporting evidence and the appar-
supported by crystallographic observations that re- ent noninvolvement of conformationally stabilizing
vealed an extended helical array in the solid state, intrastrand noncovalent interactions, we hesitate to
based on intermolecular hydrogen bonding from O(1) categorize these oligomers as foldamers at present.
of one molecule to the hydrogen on N(2) of a second.
This led to the design of 3,5-linked pyrrolinone
5. Azatides and Azapeptides
sequence 1 in which an alkynyl tether was used to Azatides and azapeptides are R-peptide relatives
join a pair of bispyrrolinone units (Figure 16), de- in which one or more of the R-carbons have been
signed from the geometry of the solid-state helical replaced by a trivalent nitrogen atom (Figure 18).
array. The crystal structure of this tetrapyrrolinone While azapeptides (R-peptides in which only a portion
shows a twisted conformation that resembles a short of the CR atoms are substituted with nitrogen) have
helical stretch, stabilized by an S(14) intramolecular long been known,168 only recently have all-aza chains,
H-bond. In chloroform solution, 1H NMR and IR data or what has been termed azatides,169 been synthe-
indicate that this H-bond is maintained, suggesting sized.170 The conformational properties of these oli-
that a similar conformation exists in solution and the gomers have not yet been thoroughly explored,
solid state. These results show that the pyrrolin-4- although they have interesting characteristics, which
one unit is a versatile building block that may be makes them appropriate for discussion here. Until
used to generate both extended and helical secondary more definitive studies are completed, we consider
structures.160 them as potential foldamers.
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3917

High-level ab initio calculations show that diacyl-

hydrazines are intrinsically nonplanar with respect
to the CO-N-N-CO torsion, and the corresponding
rotational barriers are high.171 The global minimum
finds the nitrogen lone pairs approximately perpen-
dicular to one another. Thus, their conformational
properties are essentially determined by the confor-
mation of their hydrazine and urea constituents. As
a result of restricted rotation about the N-N bond,
azapeptides cannot adopt extended conformations.
This is likely the reason that they are resistant172 to
chymotrypsin-like proteases, which bind their sub-
strates in extended forms.
X-ray data on azapeptides confirm their tendency
to adopt turn conformations.170,173 For a variety of
proteinogenic side chains, the most stable conforma-
tion is nearly identical to the calculated one. Al-
though no azapeptides foldamers are presently known,
they have been suggested as being strong inducers
of secondary structure.174 However, as their confor-
mation is dominated by the intrinsic torsional char-
acteristics of the hydrazine and urea constituents, it
is unclear what role intrastrand noncovalent interac- Figure 19. Labeling of atoms and dihedral angles in the
tions will play in determining chain conformation. R-peptide backbone according to the 1969 IUPAC-IUB
Consequently, the suitability of this unit as an ideal Commission on Biocehmical Nomenclature899 and the
building block for foldamer research is called into analogous scheme for β-peptides. In the text that follows,
question. More work is needed to determine the the abbreviated nomenclature introduced by Seebach is
aptness of this subunit. adopted,228 referring to β-amino acids as homologues of the
natural R-amino acids bearing the same side chain by
adding the letter “H” preceding the three-letter code of the
B. The β-Peptide Family natural amino acid. Thus, β2-HXaa and β3-HXaa are used
to designate a homologue of the R-amino acid Xaa with the
1. β-Peptide Foldamers “natural” side chains in the 2- or 3-position, respectively.
a. Introduction and General Considerations.
Considerable effort has been invested into studies on Over the next decade, however, further work on
β-peptide backbones, a sensible starting point for poly(β-amino acids) continued to reveal evidence for
foldamer research given the close relationship to the ordered conformations in solution and the solid state.
ubiquitous R-peptide175-178 chain. On the basis of the In 1972, on the basis of chiroptical data, viscosity,
known high flexibility of glycine-rich peptides, one and NMR spectroscopy, Yuki et al. asserted that the
might expect β-peptides to possess greater confor- poly-β-peptide poly-β-(R-isobutyl-L-aspartate) [i.e.,
mational flexibility and, therefore, to be entropically poly(S-βAspOiBu)] adopts a helical conformation in
disfavored from acquiring ordered solution conforma- solution and exhibits a helix-coil transition analo-
tions (Figure 19).179,180 In contrast to this intuitive gous to poly-R-(γ-benzyl-L-glutamate).195 However, on
view, certain substitution patterns in the β-amino the basis of X-ray diffraction and polarized IR spec-
acid family181,182 impart a strong bias to the torsional troscopy of the stretched film, these authors reinter-
potential energy surface, enabling the formation of preted the conformation as a type of β-sheet struc-
a rich variety of regular conformations.183-186 ture.196 In solution, they proposed that the ordered
b. β-Peptide Homopolymers. For more than 40 state consisted of intramolecularly H-bonded β-sheets.
years, systematic studies on β-amino acid homopoly- Systematic studies with discrete β-peptide oligo-
mers in solution and the solid state have been mers197 determined the critical chain length for the
conducted, revealing their potential to adopt well- putative β-sheet formation to be eight units.198 In due
defined conformational states (Figure 20).187-190 The course, however, the conformational structure of this
first suggestion that poly(β-amino acids) take on polymer was once again reinterpreted as helical both
helical conformations in solution appears to have in the solid state and in solution.199 The uncertainty
been put forth in 1965 by Kovacs et al.188 based on in being able to definitively establish the solution
studies with poly(β-L-aspartic acid) [poly(βAsp)]. They conformation of poly(β-amino acids) is characteristic
proposed a 14-helix consisting of 3.4 residues per turn of the field in decades past and illustrates the
with H-bonding between each CdO and the third difficulties of determining the solution conformation
N-H group toward the N-terminus (i.e., a repetitive of chain molecules.
S(14) motif). Subsequent investigations191,192 raised It is interesting to note that as early as 1968,
doubts about this initial claim since it was found that Bestian189 and Schmidt190 showed that the substitu-
poly(βAsp) is synthesized as a mixture of R- and tion pattern at the R- and β-carbons can dramatically
β-linkages. These and studies with other poly(β- influence the properties of the resulting polymers
amino acids) suggested that β-peptides adopted dis- (Figure 20). Even though Bestian’s studies were
ordered solution conformations179,193 or extended conducted on polymers derived from racemic β-lac-
β-sheet structures189,194 rather than helical conforma- tams, the observations foreshadowed many of the
tions. findings made recently.200,201 For example, the threo-
3918 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 20. Examples of β-amino acid homopolymers from racemic lactams and the conformational preferences as
rationalized in 1968 by Bestian.189

Figure 21. Possible intramolecular H-bond arrangements in β-peptides.

disubstituted monomer produced a highly stable, on sample preparation, two types of helical structures
insoluble backbone, while the corresponding erythro- were found in the solid state. Fibers pulled from a
disubstituted monomer resulted in a polymer that concentrated solution of chloroform showed hexago-
was much more soluble and had lower thermal nal packing, while chloroform solutions precipitated
decomposition. This was explained189 by the prefer- with ethanol produced a tetragonal crystal habit.
ence for antiperiplanar (ap) torsion angles with the Systematic consideration of the possible helical con-
threo isomer and hence extended chains in this case, formations (Figure 21) led to four models. The tet-
while the erythro isomer was more prone to adopt ragonal crystal was initially thought to consist of a
synclinal (sc) torsion angles. Although detailed struc- right-handed helix in which 4 residues are present
tural studies were not performed, powder X-ray in one turn and hydrogen bonding involves a 20-
diffraction and IR spectroscopic studies supported membered ring. On the other hand, the hexagonal
these assertions. Solubility was a serious problem crystal was initially thought to consist of a left-
that hampered these early investigations. handed helix in which 13 residues are present in 4
In 1984, Fernández-Santı́n et al. reported199 that turns and H-bonding occurs through a 16-membered
poly(S-βAspOiBu), the poly-β-peptide first described ring. Helical conformations were also believed to be
by Yuki,195 does indeed exist in helical conformations stable in helicogenic solvents. Solvent denaturation
when fibers are spun or films are cast from chloro- experiments followed by 1H NMR and solution vis-
form solutions. This work claimed to be the first cosity showed evidence202 of a helix-coil transition
report of helical conformations in a polyamide back- similar to that seen in helical poly(γ-benzyl-L-
bone other than chains of R-amino acids. Depending glutamate).203 However, experimental evidence204 and
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3919

molecular modeling studies205-207 now strongly sup- resembles aspects of protein secondary structure, but
port a right-handed 14-helix (similar to that origi- overall it is quite unpredictable.213
nally proposed by Applequist188) in the hexagonal Although many fewer cyclic β-peptides have been
crystal and a right-handed 18-helix in the tetragonal crystallographically examined in comparison to R-pep-
crystal. Predictions based on matching calculated and tides, a similar conclusion can be made: many of the
observed CD spectra, however, while qualitatively
observed conformations hint at features found in
consistent with helical conformations, are unable to
distinguish between the possible helical conforma- β-peptide oligomers and polymers. For example,
tions.208 systematic studies on cyclic oligomers that incorpo-
rated β-amino acids have revealed that these units
Studies with other poly(β-L-aspartate)s demon- readily adopt turned motifs.214-218 Using molecular
strate that these polymers not only adopt conforma- models, Pavone et al. hypothesized214 that cyclic
tional patterns that are similar to poly(R-amino peptide oligomers containing the β-HGly dipeptide
acids), but that they exhibit greater conformational sequence are able to adopt conformations that permit
versatility. The range of conformations now include
transannular H-bonds between the amide groups of
extended chain structures, arranged as antiparallel
the β-HGly residue. To test this idea and its general-
packings that come about by stretching poly(R-
ity, a variety of cyclic peptides were synthesized and
methyl-β-L-aspartate) films in boiling water.209 In
their crystal structures obtained. Indeed, many turn
solution, the helix-coil conformational transition is
types were observed depending on the number of
a phenomenon common to the whole family of poly-
β-peptide residues, their placement in the sequence,
(R-alkyl-β-L-aspartates).210 The ordered conformation
is responsive to environmental factors such as tem- and the total number of residues in the cyclic
perature and solvent in much the same way as for structure. As a representative example, the structure
poly(R-peptides). of the S(13)S(10)219 containing cyclo-(L-Pro-L-Pro-L-
Phe-β-HGly-β-HGly) is shown in Figure 22.215 A
Methods for the facile preparation of high molec- transannular H-bond between the carbonyl of the
ular weight poly(β-homopeptides) are not common β-HGly and the N-H of Phe is clearly evident.
and limited to specific cases such as poly(R-alkyl-β- Starting from the H-bond donor and tracing through
aspartates). By analogy to the preparation of poly- the β-HGly dipeptide segment to the H-bond acceptor
(R-homopeptides) by ring opening polymerization of (i.e., the thick bonds in Figure 22), it can be seen that
R-amino acid-N-carboxyanhydrides, Cheng and 13 atoms are involved in the H-bond circuit. The
Deming recently attempted to polymerize β-amino
second hydrogen bond circuit involves 10 atoms
acid-N-carboxyanhydrides using either NaOtBu or a
tracing from donor to acceptor through the L-Pro-L-
nickel amido amidate complex as the initiator.211 The
Pro segment. It can be seen from Figure 14 that the
molecular weights achieved were generally low
CR-Cβ bonds of both β-HGly units adopt a gauche
(8 e degree of polymerization e 20) due to precipita-
(i.e., sc) dihedral angle to form corners of the covalent
tion of these poorly soluble macromolecules. The
ring and to orient the H-bond donor and acceptor for
benzyl carbamate-protected oligo(β-homolysine)
adopted a helical conformation in hexafluoro-2-pro- transannular interaction. An example of a crystal-
panol (HFIP). In direct analogy to poly(R-homo- lographically characterized macrocycle that incorpo-
lysine),212 the deprotected oligo(β-homolysine) exists rates a β3-substituted residue is also shown in Figure
in a disordered conformation at low pH due to 22.220 The interesting features of this pentapeptide
electrostatic repulsion. As the pH was raised from are the S(12)S(10) transannular H-bond interaction,
10 to 11.2, a strong Cotton effect was observed, the cis amide conformation, and the sc torsion about
suggesting a transition to a helical conformation. This the CR-Cβ bond (Figure 22). A similar dihedral
transition was shown to be reversible. A similar pH- arrangement is found in many of the β3-peptide
induced transition was found for oligo(β-homo- oligomers as noted below.
glutamate) in aqueous solution. These examples show Seebach and co-workers studied macrocycles com-
that polymerizations can be used as a rapid screening posed entirely of β-amino acid residues.221,222 Three
method to bypass the slow and tedious step-by-step different stereoisomeric tetracycles of β-HAla were
preparation of oligomers. synthesized by cyclization of their pentafluorophenyl
c. β-Peptide Oligomers. Systematic studies on esters. The ease with which β-cyclopeptides were
cyclic oligomers and small β-peptides have provided formed relative to R-cyclopeptides of similar size was
valuable insight into the conformational preferences noted as a tendency for the β-peptide backbone to
of their long-chain linear counterparts. This approach favorably adopt turn structures.221,223 Poor solubility
has been extensively used to study conformations in and high melting points characterized the physical
R-peptides,213 where a wide variety of folded forms properties of these compounds. Their solid-state
has been observed. The geometric constraints in structures, as shown in Figure 23, were determined
cyclic structures greatly reduce the conformational by refinement of powder X-ray data.222 It can be seen
degrees of freedom, thus making it possible to observe that the CdO and N-H bonds are approximately
turns and noncovalent interactions that may other- oriented in a direction perpendicular to the average
wise not be present in small linear analogues. The macrocyclic plane (Figure 23). This in turn leads to
shapes of R-peptides have been described as sinusoi- tubular stacks held strongly together by inter-
dal, saddle, elongated loop, disk, pleated sheet, and molecular C(4) H-bond chains. These H-bond ar-
helical. The general conclusion from crystallographic rangements qualitatively resemble the intramolecu-
studies with small R-peptides is that the folding lar H-bonding motifs in helical β-peptide oligomers.
3920 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 22. Crystal structures of cyclo(L-Pro-L-Pro-L-Phe-β-HGly-β-HGly)215 showing H-bond patterns and another
cyclopentapeptide.220 The β-peptide segments involved in S(13)S(10) and S(12)S(10) transannular H-bonds are rendered
as thick cylinders. Newman projections about the CR-Cβ bonds of the β-amino acid residues show a sc conformational

Figure 23. Chemical and crystal structures of three different stereoisomeric tetracycles of β-HAla.222

While the studies of Pavone and others with cyclic contribute to a next-nearest-neighbor S(11) H-bond-
peptide oligomers showed that next-nearest-neighbor ing motif (Figure 24).
amides can engage in H-bonding interactions, the It is interesting to consider whether intramolecular
contribution of cyclic constraints raises the question H-bonding interactions or the dihedral preferences
of whether such interactions could readily occur in of the β-peptides dictate the conformations of these
acyclic systems. In 1992, the crystal structure of the short β-peptides. Although this is difficult to decon-
linear tripeptide t-Boc-Aib-Aib-β-HGly-NHMe (where volute from X-ray structures, the importance of
Aib is R-aminoisobutyric acid) was reported, showing torsional bias can be inferred from the crystal struc-
that intramolecular H-bonding interactions form ture of the β-tripeptide t-Boc-β3-HVal-β3-HAla-β3-
even in short chains void of macrocyclic constraints.224 HLeuOMe reported by Seebach in 1996 (Figure
The sc dihedral about the CR-Cβ bond together with 25).223 No intramolecular H-bonds were observed in
the sharp bend at the Aib CR carbon form corners that 3; yet, it is apparent that one of the β-peptide
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3921

with bulky substituents, have a torsional potential

energy surface that can easily accommodate turned
conformations. On the basis of quantum mechanical
calculations, Wu and Wang argued that an internal
electrostatic interaction causes this sc CR-Cβ dihedral
Dado and Gellman addressed the possibility of
nearest-neighbor interactions between amides in β-
and γ-peptides.225 Nearest-neighbor interactions,
should they be common, could dominate the potential
energy surface and work against the formation of
long-range conformational order in β-peptides. To
address this issue, the folding behavior of β-alanine
and γ-amino butyric acid derivatives 4-9 were
studied in solution by IR spectroscopy in methylene
chloride (Figure 26). These studies concluded that
nearest-neighbor H-bond formation in β-peptides is
not a favorable process. The absence of intramolecu-
lar H-bond formation in 4 and 6 indicates that
neither the six- nor the eight-membered cyclic H-
bond is favorable. However, tertiary amide 5 did
adopt an intramolecular H-bonded conformation.
This observation with 5 is believed to result from at
least two effects: first, an A1,3-like interaction be-
tween nitrogen substituents and, second, the stronger
Figure 24. Crystal structure of the linear tripeptide t-Boc- H-bond acceptor ability of tertiary amides over
Aib-Aib-β-HGly-NHMe (where Aib is R-aminoisobutyric secondary amides. The important conclusion from
acid).224 The S(11) H-bond segment is rendered in thick
cylinders. The sc dihedral angle about the CR-Cβ bond of Gellman’s study was the recognition that since H-
the β-peptide residue is also indicated. bonds between nearest-neighbor amides are not
favorable in β-peptides, this backbone could likely be
residues makes a tight turn due to a sc CR-Cβ an unnatural amide-based polymer that is able to
torsion. It is noteworthy that the sc dihedral angle adopt compact and specific folding patterns. γ-Pep-
is located in the residue bearing the largest substitu- tides 7-9, on the other hand, which were also
ent, possibly hinting that β-peptides, especially those studied, were suggested to be less suitable since they

Figure 25. Crystal structure of the β-tripeptide t-Boc-β3-HVal-β3-HAla-β3-HLeuOMe (3) reported by Seebach223 showing
an intrinsic preference for a turned conformation. Two of the β-peptide residues are rendered as thick cylinders. The
Newman protections about the CR-Cβ bonds for these residues are shown, indicating the apparent preference of the β3-
substituted residue bearing the bulky substituents to adopt a sc conformation while the residue with the smaller methyl
substituents takes on an ap conformation.
3922 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 26. Nearest-neighbor H-bonds observed in β-peptides synthesized from 1-(aminomethyl)cyclopropanecarboxylic

acids.226 This S(8) pattern is an example of residue-induced turn formation, resulting from the dihedral and bond angle
constraints introduced into the β2,2-backbone by the cyclopropyl substituents. The crystal structures show a dipeptide and
tripeptide in which the S(8) H-bond segments are rendered in thick cylinders. For the dipeptide, Newman projections are
shown looking down the CR-Cβ bond and the C(O)-CR bond.

were conducive to nearest-neighbor hydrogen bond- structures in protic solvents.227 Given the seemingly
ing. It should be noted that following Gellman’s greater flexibility of β-peptides, one might expect that
studies, the special case of β-peptides synthesized even longer stretches of β-peptide oligomers would
from 1-(aminomethyl)cyclopropanecarboxylic acids be required before stable helices form. However, this
was reported in which nearest-neighbor H-bonding turns out not to be the case. As hinted from the
interactions are observed.226 Hyperconjugation be- observations highlighted above, short β-peptide back-
tween the cyclopropane σ orbitals and the π* orbital bones are poised to adopt ordered conformations. In
of the CdO bond impart preference for the bisected 1996, two groups independently reached this conclu-
or s-cis conformation. This together with bond angle sion: short β-peptide oligomers form surprisingly
deformations caused by the cyclopropyl substituent stable helices in solution and the solid state.32,223
provide sufficient backbone constraints to induce Seebach221,228,229 approached the problem from the
nearest-neighbor S(8) H-bonding, as seen in the context of amide analogues of oligo-(R)-3-hydroxybu-
crystal structures of the β-peptide dimer and trimer tanoates (i.e., oligo-HBs) to address the question of
(Figure 26). whether replacing the oxygen in the HB backbone
d. Helical Secondary Structures in Oligo- with the N-H hydrogen bond donor would stabilize
meric β-Peptides. i. Background and General Con- helical conformations analogous to those observed for
siderations. At least 15 R-amino acid residues are oligo-HBs.230,231 Gellman4 studied hydrogen bonding
required for formation of stable R-helix secondary in model amides and on the basis of their previous
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3923

Figure 27. Side and top views of ca. one turn of the 14-helix extracted from the crystal structure of Gellman’s trans-
ACHC hexamer.239 A single S(14) H-bond circuit in the peptide backbone has been rendered as thick cylinders. Additionally,
one residue has been rendered as a space-filling model to provide a frame of reference between the two views and to more
clearly show the spatial relationship between cyclohexyl groups.

results predicted225 that β-peptide oligomers could ized sequences were also investigated.234 It is increas-
adopt long-range conformational order. ingly clear that functionalization with polar append-
Prompted by questions that arose from structural ages can have a dramatic impact on the secondary
modification of oligo-HBs,221,229 Seebach’s group in- structure.235 Extension to γ-peptides (see below),236,237
vestigated homologues of natural L-amino acids, which were shown to adopt a stable right-handed
beginning with a hexapeptide H-(β3-HVal-β3-HAla- helix, gave the surprising result that of the three
β3-HLeu)2-OH. The above-mentioned hexamer is backbones, the R-peptides are the least prone to adopt
considered as a β3-peptide since all of the side chains stable secondary structures.
are in the 3-position. The particular sequence se- Gellman’s approach focused on conformationally
lected is reminiscent of the arrangements observed rigidified residues that limited the degrees of freedom
in the dimer-forming leucine zipper region of DNA about the CR-Cβ bond, with the intention of observ-
binding proteins,232 and the fragment Val-Ala-Leu ing ordered conformations from the fewest possible
has previously been used as a building block to study residues. They approached the design of helical
the influence of R,R-disubstituted amino acids on oligomeric β-peptides with the aid of systematic
peptide conformation.233 The apolar side chains af- molecular modeling studies.32 The candidates were
forded β-peptide sequences that were soluble in selected from β-amino acids in which the backbone
organic solvents. In subsequent studies, functional- carbons were embedded into carbocycles containing
3924 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 28. Circular dichroism spectra of four different β-peptide sequences in methanol: black,241 blue,239 green,273 and

three, four, five, or six atoms. Both cis and trans ring possible 14-membered ring H-bonds were present in
stereochemistries were considered, and for the cis- the solid state.32,239 In solution, the β-peptides were
containing peptides, both orientations of the ring with established to be monomeric under the conditions
respect to the helix were examined. Helical confor- used for NMR and CD studies.240 Amide proton NH/
mations were modeled for each of these 12 different ND exchange experiments suggested that in metha-
sequences using the six smallest H-bonded cyclic nol the hexamer adopts a very stable intramolecu-
patterns: the 12-, 16-, and 20-helix corresponding to larly hydrogen-bonded conformation, presumably the
H-bonds from carbonyls to N-H groups in the C- 14-helix. A solution structure for the trans-ACHC
terminal direction and the 10-, 14-, and 18-helices hexamer based on NMR-derived constraints was
corresponding to H-bonds from carbonyls to N-H in hampered by severe overlap of signals in the CRH and
the N-terminal direction (Figure 21). Molecular me- CβH regions in this case.240 The CD spectrum in
chanics studies of the resulting 72 structures led to methanol shows a single peak above 200 nm with a
the conclusion that the 14-helical form of trans-2- maximum at 217 nm (Figure 28). The intensity at
aminocyclohexanecarboxylic acid (trans-ACHC) would the maximum increased as the chain lengthened,
be the most stable among these hypothetical helices. presumably the result of a growing population of the
These studies also predicted that trans-2-amino- 14-helical state.239 This behavior was suggested to be
cyclopentanecarboxylic acid (trans-ACPC) would adopt an indication that the 14-helix formation involves a
the 12-helix,238 a surprising result in that there had cooperative process (see below).
been no example of this conformation in the β-peptide As predicted computationally, the trans-ACPC oli-
field. As mentioned below, both of these structure gomers revealed a different type of helical conforma-
types were observed as predicted. tion in both solution and the solid state. Crystal
The helical conformations of Gellman’s oligomers structures of the trans-ACPC hexamer and octamer
were firmly established by a battery of experimental displayed the 12-helical conformation (Figure 29).238,241
techniques. The crystal structure of the trans-ACHC The spectral data of the ACPC oligomers in solution
hexamer (Figure 27) revealed that all four of the are consistent with the crystallographic observations.
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3925

Figure 29. Side and top views of ca. one turn of the 12-helix extracted from the crystal structure of Gellman’s trans-
ACPC hexamer.241 A single S(12) H-bond circuit in the peptide backbone has been rendered as thick cylinders. Additionally,
a residue has been rendered as a space-filling model to provide a frame of reference between the two views and to more
clearly show the spatial relationship between cyclopentyl groups.
Circular dichroism spectra of the ACPC oligomer the 12-helical conformation.242 In pyridine-d5, the
series in CH3OH vary significantly with chain length. ACPC hexamer and octamer displayed sufficient 1H
While the trimer and tetramer show no maxima NMR dispersion to afford solution structures calcu-
above 200 nm, the CD pattern of the pentamer and lated from NMR-derived distance constraints.240 The
hexamer begin to converge and the magnitude of the NMR-determined conformations of these oligomers
Cotton effect increases as the chain lengthens. This were similar to the conformations found from crystal-
behavior is interpreted as an increasing population lography. Correlations established by NOE data were
of the 12-helical conformation with increasing chain observed for all CβH(i)-NH(i+2) proton pairs along
length, reflecting cooperativity in the 12-helix forma- the backbone as expected for a fully formed 12-helix.
tion. The CD spectrum of the ACPC hexamer is However, the data suggested the lack of a high degree
clearly distinct from the 14-helical β-peptides (Figure of conformational order in the chain ends, indicative
28), displaying a maximum around 207 nm and a of fraying.
minimum at 222 nm. The observed CD spectrum The switch in H-bonded patterns for the ACHC and
agrees well with theoretical spectral predictions for ACPC β-peptides teaches that foldamer conforma-
3926 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 30. Data from the crystal structure of the ACPC hexamer show that the five internal torsions within each of the
six cyclopentyl residues are superimposed on the cyclopentyl pseudorotation circuit as revealed in a correlation plot of φi
vs φ3.

tions can be controlled by small residue changes, a variable, taking on a range of values from 7.3° to
concept not common to R-peptides. It is interesting 41.2°. Traversing along the helical backbone from one
to understand what specific residue-based changes ring to the next, no obvious pattern in dihedral values
bring about this conformational switch. The internal emerges, which is somewhat surprising given the
ring torsion across the CR-Cβ bond in the ACHC regular backbone conformation. In addition to the
hexamer varies little among the six residues, span- noted variability in φ1, the ring substituents deviate
ning the range from -55.0° to -58.8°. In contrast to significantly from the nearly ideal gauche conforma-
cyclohexyl rings, five-membered carbocyclics are tion of ACHC. The greater flexibility about φ1 and
considerably more flexible. The coupling of small the deviation from gauche geometry are apparently
bond angle deformations to internal rotational angles the major factors responsible for the tighter 12-helix
gives rise to an equipotential energy surface known in ACPC oligomers.
as the pseudorotation circuit.243,244 The five internal Recently, β-peptide oligomers from cis-substituted
dihedral angles, φi, are highly correlated to one oxetane rings have been synthesized and studied.247
another because of geometric restrictions from ring Molecular modeling and NMR NOE data in CDCl3
constraints. This correlation is apparent in a plot of and C6D6 on the hexamer have identified a helical
φi vs any one of the internal angles (e.g., φ3), whereby secondary structure stabilized by four S(10) H-
elliptical paths of the pseudorotation circuit connect bonding interactions. Although S(10)-stabilized turns
equipotential points between torsional extremes of are known in β-peptides,248,249 this is the first example
(42° (Figure 30).245,246 From the crystal structure of of the repetition of this pattern to generate a 10-helix.
ACPC hexamer, the five internal torsions within each Thus, while the cyclopentane and cyclohexane β-ami-
of the six cyclopentyl residues are superimposed on no acid oligomers adopt the 12- and 14-helix, respec-
the cyclopentyl pseudorotation circuit in Figure 30. tively, and S(8) interactions produce a ribbon struc-
It can be seen that nearly all of the ring dihedrals ture in cyclopropane-based β-peptides,226 the cis-
conform very well to the cyclopentane pseudorotation oxetanes take on the intermediate S(10) H-bond ring
circuit. Only rings 3 and 6 show minor deviations size, giving a consistent trend. These latest results
from the expected correlations, suggesting either a build on the general theme, previously mentioned,
slight deformation away from ideality or possibly that foldamer conformations are sensitive to small
limitations in the X-ray refinement of these two rings. residue changes. Finally, it should be mentioned that
In great contrast to the ACHC case, the CR-Cβ furanose250 and pyranose251 carbopeptoids having a
torsional angles (φ1) in ACPC are significantly more β-amino acid repeating unit are under development,
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3927

but thus far, no information is available on the

secondary structures of these presumably water-
soluble backbones.
The 14-helix conformation of the β-peptide oligo-
mers prepared by the Seebach group was also rigor-
ously established in solution and the solid state. The
first clues about solution structure for these β-pep-
tides were revealed by the dramatic changes in CD
spectra that accompanied an increase in chain length.
The β-dipeptide and β-tripeptide showed CD traces
that resembled that of the unstructured R-hexapep-
tide Val-Ala-Leu-Val-Ala-Leu-OMe in MeOH. In con-
trast to the CD spectrum of the unstructured
R-hexapeptide, the corresponding β-hexapeptide ex- Figure 31. Examples of β-peptides that exhibit strong
hibited a strong, broad minimum at 216 nm, a zero Cotton effects but whose structures are presumably in-
crossover at 207 nm, and a maximum at 198 nm compatible with 14-helix conformation.
(Figure 28).223 The spectrum of the β-hexapeptide was
of ordered structures does not depend on chain
independent of concentration and, with the exception
length. An even greater mystery with regard to the
of sulfuric acid, independent of solvent. As noted
CD spectra has emerged recently following studies
above, the crystal structure of Boc-β-tripeptide 3
of β-peptides that are presumably (vide infra) unable
shows a turn-like conformation as a consequence of
to adopt the 14-helix conformation (Figure 31).254
adopting a sc dihedral angle about one of the CR-Cβ
Surprisingly, these oligomers still exhibited strong
bonds (Figure 25). This turn was envisioned as the
Cotton effects with CD spectra matching that of the
starting point of a helix that could arise in longer
14-helix. A compilation of CD data for a large number
sequences. 1H NMR data was used to study the of β-peptides showed little variation despite putative
solution structure of the β-hexapeptide in pyridine- differences in their secondary structures.254 The
d5 (a NMR structure in MeOH was later elucidated authors concluded that an interpretation of the CD
to corroborate the pyridine-d5 NMR solution struc- spectra will have to wait until NMR solution struc-
ture and CD data).252 An analysis of coupling con- tures become available. They went on to claim that
stants revealed hindered rotation around the CR-Cβ at the present stage of knowledge, there is little
bond on the NMR time scale, while prevalent NOE’s structural information in CD spectra and CD is not
were observed between NHi-CβHi+2 and NHi-CβHi+3. a conclusive tool for determining β-peptide structures.
The corresponding distance and bond angle restraints ii. Systematic Backbone and Sequence Variations
from coupling constants were used to compute a set in β-Peptides. Systematic backbone and sequence
of solution structures. The spiraling conformation of modification constitutes a powerful approach to learn
this β-hexapeptide is a 14-helix, similar to that about the fundamental interactions that contribute
identified for trans-ACHC. This finding was rather to the stability of secondary structure. For example,
surprising given the short, hexameric chain length disulfide linkages have proven to be a valuable tool
and the intuition that β-peptide backbones without in the study of R-peptides by introducing conforma-
rigidification are more flexible than R-peptides, which tional restrictions in order to verify the spatial
are typically unstructured if they possess less than relationships of side-chain positions. Jacobi et al.
15-20 residues. applied this technique to β-peptides to demonstrate
The CD data of Seebach’s β-peptides differ some- the relationship of side chains in sequences prone to
what from the 14-helix ACHC hexamer of Gellman adopt the 14-helix conformation (Figure 32).255 For
(Figure 28). Although 1H NMR data establish that the 14-helix, a disulfide bridge is possible between
the 14-helix conformation is adopted by H-(β3-HVal- lateral positions i and i+3 but not between i and i+4.
β3-HAla-β3-HLeu)2-OH, the differences at lower In the former case, disulfide formation will prevent
wavelengths are not easily explained. Gellman in- the helix from unwinding, while in the latter case,
terpreted this to mean that the Seebach β-peptides macrocycle formation can only occur if the helix
and the trans-ACHC oligomers equilibrate between unwinds. Air oxidation of β3-peptides with cysteine
the 14-helix and other conformations in solution.239 (CH2SH) and homocysteine (CH2CH2SH) side chains
The recorded CD may thus reflect averages of the gave the corresponding disulfide-containing macro-
various conformations, and therefore, the observed cycles. Macrocycles from the i and i+3 positioned
variations could indicate different populations of the cysteine residues give CD spectra characteristic of
14-helix by these two classes of β-peptides. Longer the 14-helix in MeOH and H2O. The 1H NMR solution
β3-peptides, up to 15-mer, exhibited a very similar structure of this macrocycle has been determined to
CD pattern, although the signal intensity increased be that of the expected helical conformation.256 The
significantly.253 It can be assumed, based on the corresponding macrocycles that result from linking
magnitude of the Cotton effect, that longer chains the i and i+3 homocysteine units give weaker CD
contribute to greater conformational stability by spectra in MeOH, while in H2O, all evidence of helical
increasing the set of ordered conformations relative secondary structure was absent. As expected, macro-
to the ensemble of disordered conformations. How- cycles from the joining of i and i+4 cysteine or
ever, the consistent CD pattern suggests that the homocysteine units gave CD spectra that do not
distribution of conformations among those in the set match the 14-helix.
3928 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 32. β-Peptides with β-HCys residues to demonstrate the side-chain relationship in sequences prone to adopt the
14-helix conformation through disulfide formation.

Figure 33. Backbones of monothio-, dithio-, and trithio-β-hexapeptides.

Thioamide replacement (i.e., thionation) introduces

the CdS function as an isosteric substitution for Cd
O, perturbing H-bond donor and acceptor tendencies,
and altering the geometry through a longer CdS
bond length and a higher torsional barrier in the Figure 34. Structure of the β-tripeptide from β-HPro.
thioamide bond. Systematic studies on β-thiopep-
tides, while interesting, have yet to shed much light forces dominate secondary structure formation, one
on the role of H-bonding or backbone rigidity on might expect that H-bond interactions could be
secondary structure stability in β-peptides.257 Mono- eliminated without significant consequence. Surely
thio-, dithio-, and trithio-β-hexapeptides were pre- in a solvent like MeOH, there is only a small energy
pared and studied (Figure 33). The solubility of the difference between an intramolecular H-bond and a
hexapeptides in organic solvents increased dramati- MeOH-amide H-bond. The fact that oligomers and
cally with the introduction of each CdS group. The polymers of proline259 as well as peptoids140 adopt
CD spectra of these derivatives were difficult to discrete secondary structures is clear evidence that
interpret, but they suggest the presence of more than H-bonds are not essential to ordered solution confor-
one secondary structure under various conditions. mations of amide backbones.258 In 1999, Gellman260
The β-trithiohexapeptide exhibited a pronounced and Seebach261 both reported non-hydrogen-bonded
exciton splitting of the πfπ*CdS band, and the 1H secondary structure formation in β-peptides by pre-
NMR solution structure in MeOH revealed the 14- paring and studying analogues of proline (Figure 34).
helix to be the dominant conformation. Complex mixtures of cis and trans amide rotamers
Although H-bonding interactions are typically in- were detected by 1H NMR spectroscopy,261 and this
voked as a major contribution to secondary structure complexity has hampered conformational studies in
formation in β-peptides, the extent to which these solution. Nonetheless, CD spectra of these oligomers
interactions contribute to conformational stability is display intense and distinct patterns. Systematic
unclear.258 Should the monomer’s torsional potential studies of CD spectra as a function of chain length
energy surface be sufficiently biased or solvophobic provided clues that these oligoproline analogues
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3929

Table 2. Single Residue Mutants Used To Probe the Structure of β-Peptides252

adopt regular secondary structure in MeOH and that secondary structure. Specifically, a sequence contain-
the extent of secondary structure formation is maxi- ing the 3-aminopropanoyl unit (β-HGly, i.e., loss of
mal once four residues are in place.260 On the basis single methyl side chain) gave a CD spectrum that
of the β-tripeptide crystal structure, 1H NMR cou- became highly dependent on solvent. In MeOH the
pling constants, and assumptions based on confor- CD spectrum of the β-HGly mutant was character-
mational analysis, Seebach proposed a 103 right- istic of the 14-helix, while in 1:1 MeOH:H2O an
handed helix for the (S)-β3-homoproline chain. This entirely different and yet uncharacterized pattern
extended conformation is a further example that emerged. These results pointed to a strongly biased
illustrates how the preferred backbone conformation torsional potential energy surface for β-peptides
around the central CR-Cβ bond dominates the sec- bearing side chains in the 2 or 3 position.252 This is
ondary structure of β-peptides. consistent with the subsequent observation that the
Seebach’s helical molecular model led his group to helix to random conformation transition in β-peptides
test how variations in backbone constitution and is a noncooperative process.234
stereochemical modifications stabilized or destabi- A series of mutants having stereochemical varia-
lized the secondary structure.252 Incorporation of a tions in the central β-amino acid position revealed
single amino acid residue into the center of the additional information (Table 3). According to See-
original β3-hexapeptide HVal-HAla-HLeu-HVal-HAla- bach’s original model,223 the short pitch of the β-pep-
HLeu-OMe sequence generated a series of single tide helix and the equatorial orientation of the side
point mutations (Table 2). As predicted by Seebach’s chains with respect to the helical axis both place
model,223 many relatively minor structural changes limits on substitution patterns that can sustain the
to the central residue were incompatible with the 14- helical secondary structure (Figure 35). Thus, lateral
helix, resulting in sequences that did not show the non-H-substituents in the 2- and 3-positions on the
characteristic CD pattern of the 14-helix. These 3-amino acid residues of the helix were predicted not
included N-methylation (i.e., an N-Me β-amino acid), to interfere with the secondary structure, while axial
replacement of NH by O (i.e., a β-depsipeptide), and ones were expected to disrupt the helix. This is borne
removal of the CH2 group (an R-amino acid). These out by the data in Table 3.252 Incorporating a single
observations suggested that proper dihedral angles, mismatched residue in the central position of the
H-bonding, and a periodic backbone are necessary in β-heptadepsipeptide caused the CD pattern to disap-
order to maintain conformational integrity. The pear, while detailed NMR and CD data confirm the
absence of side-chain substituents on the central helical structure in mutants that have lateral sub-
β-amino acid residue also destabilized the helical stituents. The geminal dimethyl mutant is also
3930 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Table 3. Single Residue Mutants Used To Probe How Substituents on the β-Peptide Effect the 14-Helix

of the Cotton effect was relatively weak and strongly

dependent on solvent and temperature, suggesting
a less stable secondary structure for the β2 vs β3
sequence. This notion is consistent with calculations
of the conformational potential energy surface of
β-peptides.185 These calculations show that β-substi-
tution is more efficient than R-substitution in reduc-
ing the flexibility of the β-peptide backbone.
The strong CD signal from the stereochemical
mutant carrying substituents in both the 2- and
3-positions (Table 3) suggested that this stereochem-
istry should favor the 14-helix. Indeed, a hexameric
sequence made entirely from like-β2,3 residues (Table
4) exhibited the characteristic CD pattern of the 14-
helix, although the spectra recorded were not inde-
pendent of concentration, suggestive of an aggrega-
tion phenomenon.249 Interestingly, the 1H NMR
Figure 35. Side view of the β-peptide 14-helix with 5 Å solution structure and NH proton exchange studies
pitch. The black circles correspond to unspecified side on this sequence revealed that the peptide backbone
is sterically protected by the many hydrophobic
consistent with this prediction since one of the methyl substituents, possibly to such a degree that crowding
groups would be in the axial position. Here, the destabilizes the helix and causes it to unwind.
behavior is in contrast to R,R-disubstituted R-amino The simple “at-a-glance” predictive correlation that
acids that are known to stabilize helical structures. emerges from Tables 3 and 4 is as follows: with the
Results based on NMR and CD data fully confirmed peptide backbone drawn in the plane of paper,
the predictions. substituents in the same “half space” (i.e., like-
Noticeably absent from Table 3 are β-peptides from configuration) are all matched to the same helical
β-amino acids with side chains only in the 2-position handedness. This correlation can be rationalized by
(β2-amino acids). The isomeric β-peptide carrying the analyzing the basic conformers in β-amino ac-
same side chains in the R- rather than β- position ids.183,184,263,264 Such an analysis reveals a strongly
was predicted to also give the 14-helix secondary preferred backbone torsion around the CR-Cβ bond,
structure, but for the particular stereochemistry, driven in part by the tendency to minimize repulsive
shown in Table 4, the handedness was expected to vicinal interactions (Figure 36)249 and possibly by
be opposite of the previously studied β3-peptide. CD internal electrostatic considerations.184 The sc con-
measurements on various β2 peptide oligomers sup- formation, favored for monosubstituted β2- or β3-
ported this prediction.253,262 Curiously, the magnitude residues (especially if the substituents are bulky)263
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3931

Table 4. β-Peptide Amino Acid Sequences Probing the Effects of Stereochemistry and Substitution of the 14-Helix

a Reference 223. b Reference 262. c Reference 249. d Reference 201.

Figure 36. sc and ap conformations about the CR-Cβ bond of β-amino acid residues. Schematic depiction of the electrostatic
considerations that favor the sp conformation.

and like-β2,3 disubstituted residues, promotes helical repeat units, the critical nucleus size generally cor-
or turn conformations. The ap conformation, favored responds to a chain length of at least one turn.
for unlike-β2,3 disubstituted residues, promotes an Experimental observations268,269 on helix-forming
extended, strand-like structure (vide infra). Gemi- R-peptides are in good agreement with theory, al-
nally disubstituted residues have no preferred con- though a deeper understanding of the specific inter-
formation about the CR-Cβ bond, although axial actions responsible for this cooperativity is still
positions in a helical conformation would destabilize developing.258,270,271
a 14-helix (Figure 35). For β-peptide secondary structures, cooperative
iii. Cooperativity. Cooperative conformational order formation has been investigated in various ways. One
results from multiple noncovalent interactions be- test of cooperativity involves examining the onset of
tween nonadjacent chain segments. A critical chain conformational order as a function of chain length.
length and sigmoidal transitions are the hallmarks The earliest study of this sort for discrete β-peptide
of cooperative ordering mechanisms. In the specific oligomer appears to date back to 1979 on poly(S-
case of helical conformations, this behavior can be βAspOiBu).198 However, at that time the structure
understood265-267 as resulting from a minimum num- of the ordered conformation was not understood.
ber of residues required to nucleate stable helix Clues about cooperativity in forming the 14-helix
propagation. Since the propagating helix is stabilized with β-peptides can be found from CD studies. Figure
by noncovalent interactions between nonadjacent 37 shows a plot of CD intensity (normalized per
3932 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

temperature-dependent CD and 1H NMR studies

reveal that the dominant contribution to helix stabil-
ity in these β-peptides is related to the preferred
conformation about the CR-Cβ bond.274 The intensity
of CD signals and 1H NMR chemical shifts changed
linearly with temperature over the range from 100
K up to 393 K. This temperature spans the theoreti-
cally predicted melting temperature of ca. 340 K.275
A cooperative melting transition in which the whole
structure is lost all at once would be expected to show
a sigmoidal rather than linear temperature depen-
dence. Thus, rather than displaying all-or-none be-
havior characteristic of two-state phenomena, the 14-
helix gradually populates nonhelical conformations
as the temperature is raised. If the predominant
stabilizing force were a collection of long-range,
noncovalent interactions (e.g., hydrophobic inter-
actions or H-bonds between nonadjacent segments),
cooperative behavior would be expected. In contrast,
conformational changes that result from a redistribu-
tion of the populations of localized torsional states
will gradually become depleted in the helical confor-
mation. Such a process cannot be considered coopera-
tive. This noncooperative behavior is consistent with
the lack of observed melting in β-peptides.274 On the
basis of these results, it seems that the β-peptide
derives its helix-inducing propensity from its tor-
sional potential energy surface.185
Figure 37. Intensity of the CD maximum in the vicinity iv. Heterosequences. Heterosequences incorporating
of 215 nm normalized per backbone amide bond as a both β2 and β3 amino acids were also synthesized and
function of the chain length. All of the spectra were taken
in methanol. The sequence and concentration of the
with appropriate matching of stereochemistry (i.e.,
individual points are listed in the table. The signs of the like-configuration) were expected to exhibit the 14-
CD signals were chosen such that all sequences have the helix. However, their behavior was found to be
same stereochemical configuration in the β3-position. surprising (Table 5).249 The CD spectra of many co-
amide) vs the number of residues for Gellman’s and oligomer sequences did not show the usual 215/200-
Seebach’s 14-helix forming β-peptides. In the Gell- nm CD pattern in MeOH, but rather a CD spectrum
man series,239 a significant CD intensity is already with an intense single peak at ca. 205 nm was
present in the dimer, even though such a chain is observed (Figure 28). Complicating matters further,
too short to from a complete turn. The steady rise in this behavior depended somewhat on the terminal
CD intensity from dimer to hexamer suggests a protecting groups.249 With N-Boc and benzyl ester
continuous growth in 14-helix population, which protecting groups intact, the unusual CD pattern was
presumably in the long chain limit will reach an generally observed, while deprotection mostly gave
asymptotic value. On the basis of this behavior, the CD spectra characteristic of the 14-helix. The ex-
backbone appears to be highly preorganized for the treme intensity of the CD signal for the protected
helical conformation and is reminiscent of helically forms together with the very long half-lives of the
templated polypeptides.272 Although the steady rise NH/ND exchange rates suggested a new ordered
of CD intensity was claimed by Gellman to be conformation. This was confirmed by detailed 1H
evidence that formation of the 14-helix involves a NMR solution-structure analyses which revealed a
cooperative process,239 the dihedral angles of these novel irregular helix consisting of three H-bonded
β-peptides are highly constrained, possibly precluding turns: a central 10-membered ring and two 12-
this backbone from exhibiting cooperative conforma- membered H-bonded rings (designated 12/10-helix).
tional transitions. Molecular dynamics studies have simulated revers-
In comparison to Gellman’s conformationally con- ible folding into this unique conformation.276
strained β-peptides, the Seebach β3-peptides display Direct structural evidence for the 10-membered
chain-length dependence223,253,273 more typical of R-pep- H-bonded ring was found in the crystal structure of
tides (Figure 37). The dimer and trimer show weak a geminally disubstituted tripeptide.277 The N-ter-
Cotton effects, uncharacteristic of the 14-helix. Be- minal carboxy group and the amide NH of the second
yond the trimer, a rapid rise in CD intensity is amino acid H-bond form a tight turn. This ring is
observed, and a plateau is reached for chains of quite similar to the central 10-membered H-bonded
sufficient length. Thus, a threshold chain length ring of the 12/10-helix. Interestingly, even tighter
seems necessary to initiate conformational order and turns could be generated in sequences derived from
an asymptotic limit appears to exist. Although the 1-(aminomethyl)cyclopropanecarboxylic acid.226 As
behavior of Seebach’s β-peptides shown in Figure 37 mentioned above (Figure 26), the conformational
appears characteristic of cooperative helix formation, constraints in this β-amino acid induce the S(8)
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3933

Table 5. Role of Sequence Variation and End Groups on the Solution Conformation of β-Peptides

a On the basis of CD spectra in MeOH. b Trifluoroacetate salt. c Also based on NMR structure determination.

H-bonding pattern between next neighbors. This is contributed to the discovery of stable secondary
an example of residue-controlled or substituent- structures from β-peptides in aqueous solution. Some
induced turn formation, and it illustrates how the of the oligomers examined for this purpose can be
monomer’s torsional potential energy surface can be found in Figure 38. To enhance water solubility,
biased to regulate backbone conformation. β-peptides containing polar serine and lysine side
The 12/10 secondary structure was rationalized on chains were synthesized and studied.253,280 While in
the basis of solvophobic interactions.249 Whereas the MeOH these oligomers exhibited the CD profile
14-helix conformation of the β2-alternating-β3 se- typical of the 14-helix, in aqueous solution fewer of
quence does not provide close interactions between the oligomers studied maintained this pattern. Those
side chains in successive turns, in the 12/10-helix that did exhibit spectral characteristics of the 14-
they are directly atop one another. Solvophobic helix in water did so with much reduced intensity.
interactions with the terminal protecting groups Moreover, in both organic as well as aqueous sol-
explained why the protected forms were more prone vents, the presence of a large number of neighboring
to adopt the 12/10-helix. In the unprotected form, the cationic side chains destabilizes the secondary struc-
dipole moment of the 14-helix may add stability ture, consistent with the well-known behavior of poly-
through charge-pole interactions.234,249 An alterna- (R-homolysine).212 It was concluded that oligomers
tive rationalization is one that illustrates negative with neutral serine-derived side chains have a smaller
design principles. Whereas many patterns of alkyl helix-disrupting effect in water than the charged
substitution disrupt the 14-helix, they only cause lysine derivatives. However, β-peptides that are
mild destabilization of the 12/10-helix pattern.185 hydroxylated in the R-position appear to be void of
Thus, it is possible to destabilize (i.e., design away) helical secondary structure.235
the 14-helix in favor of the 12/10-helix. Regardless To reduce the disruptive consequences of several
of interpretation, in 1997, when Seebach’s group charged groups, β-peptide sequences having just one
communicated their initial findings on the β2-,β3-co- polar side chain (either homoglutamate or homo-
oligomers, it became apparent from this work 248 and lysine) were studied by Gung and Zou (Figure 38).281
the related studies by Gellman238 that the β-peptides However, these heptamers were poorly soluble in
are likely to have a high degree of variability in water. Heptamers bearing two β-HGlu or one β-HGlu
secondary structure type. and a C-terminal aspartate (D-Asp) were synthesized
v. Water-Soluble β-Peptide Foldamers. Following next and found to be soluble in water up to concen-
earlier observations,278,279 Seebach’s initial paper on trations from ca. 5 to more than 15 mM (without
β-peptide oligomers showed that this backbone is significant aggregation). However, in going from
remarkably resistant to proteolytic digestion and, MeOH to H2O, the helical content decreased as
hence, potentially useful as a candidate for new judged by CD, and no NOE cross-peaks characteristic
drugs.223 Consequently, there has been considerable of the 14-helix were observed in water. It is interest-
activity on the development of β-peptides that are ing to note however, that the peptide sequence with
both highly water soluble and conformationally struc- the D-Asp C-terminus gave considerably greater CD
tured in aqueous solution. Several groups have intensity at 216 nm than the sequence differing by
3934 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 38. Water-soluble β-peptide oligomers.

only two CH2 units, suggesting that D-Asp may of the 14-helix. The intensity at 215 nm decreased
provide some type of stabilizing C-capping inter- by ca. 20% upon replacement of two cyclohexyl
action. residues for acyclic residues. 1H NMR studies on this
Gellman showed that by limiting backbone flex- oligomer in water provided NOE data to corroborate
ibility it is possible to overcome the poor stability of the postulated 14-helix. However, with each succes-
the 14-helix in aqueous media.282 His group per- sive replacement of a cyclic for an acyclic unit, a
formed systematic studies on oligomers having vary- further decrease in CD intensity was observed,
ing proportions of rigidifying cyclohexyl and acyclic suggesting diminished stability of the 14-helix in H2O
β-amino acid residues (Figure 38). To promote water with increasing acyclic content. Similarly, Gellman
solubility and reduce aggregation tendencies, an and co-workers showed that β-peptides containing
additional amino group was added to the cyclohexane four to eight pyrrolidine-based residues (APC) pro-
ring of trans-2-aminocyclohexanecarboxylic acid vide water-soluble oligomers that acquire the 12-helix
(R,R,R-2,5-diaminocyclohexanecarboxylic acid, conformation in aqueous solution as determined by
DCHC).283 In aqueous solution, all of the DCHC- CD and 1H NMR (Figure 38).284 A recently reported
containing hexameric oligomers displayed a broad CD modification of this backbone involves N-sulfonyla-
spectrum with a maximum at 215 nm, characteristic tion (S-APC) that enables the modular introduction
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3935

Figure 39. β-Peptide oligomers studied for their biological activity.

of a wide range of side chains onto the APC unit.285 two cysteine side chains and incorporated these into
Despite the change in the geometry of the five- β-hexa- and β-heptapeptides (Figure 38). Ionic side
membered ring upon sulfonylation, the 12-helix chains were excluded on the basis of their tendency
persists, although somewhat more tightly wound. to destabilize the 14-helix conformation. Deprotection
Seebach further pursued the design of water- of the thiol groups resulted in cyclic disulfide forma-
soluble helical β-peptides based on sequences having tion in the case of cysteine-containing sequences. To
minimal conformational constraints.286 Following on study the CD contribution of the disulfide chromo-
their observation that like-2,3-disubstituted β-amino phore, the carbocyclic analogue was also prepared.
acids increase the stability of the 14-helix conforma- All of these sequences including the hexapeptide
tion, they prepared monomers carrying two serine or showed a CD spectrum in H2O characteristic of the
3936 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 40. Crystal structures of β-peptides sequences with antiparallel and parallel β-sheetlike structures.201 The backbone
is rendered in thick cylinders. Newman projections show representative CR-Cβ dihedral angles in the ap conformation.

14-helix. Whereas the hexapeptide without confor- markedly on the concentration of added electrolyte.
mational restriction gave no NOE cross-peaks indi- A plot of CD intensity versus the square root of NaCl
cating little helical content in water, the heptapep- molality is approximately sigmoidal, with a midpoint
tide containing the cyclic disulfide showed NOEs near 0.4 M (according to Debye-Hückel theory, the
characteristic of the 14-helix. The low intensity of energy of electrostatic interactions between ions
these cross-peaks suggested that only partially heli- scales as the square root of [NaCl]).
cal conformations, or a mixture of helical and non- vi. Biological Activity of β-Peptide Foldamers. The
helical chains, exist for this sequence under these availability of conformationally structured, water-
conditions. soluble β-peptide sequences, together with their
The successful development of water-soluble β-pep- known stability and resistance to enzymatic degrada-
tides having helical conformations from sequences tion,289,290 has led to some early observations regard-
that do not contain any constrained monomers was ing the biological activity of this oligomer class.
achieved using salt-bridge stabilization strategies Seebach and co-workers designed cyclic β-peptides
(Figure 38). This approach was realized indepen- containing only four residues that bind to the soma-
dently by Seebach287 and DeGrado.288 Both of these tostatin receptor with micromolar affinity (Figure
studies showed, by NMR and CD methods, that 39).291 Hexa-, hepta-, and nonameric β-peptides car-
electrostatic interactions between the side chains of rying one to seven water-solubilizing groups have
acyclic β-amino acids produce a well-defined 14-helix also been shown to be inhibitors of small intestinal
in aqueous media. Since charged groups resulted cholesterol and fat adsorption.292 A correlation was
from deprotonated acidic and protonated basic resi- found between the ability of β-peptides to form an
dues, the stability of the helical conformation was amphipathic 14-helix in MeOH and their inhibitory
expected to be pH dependent. Indeed, the CD inten- effect. DeGrado293,294 and Gellman295 used similar
sity was shown to reach a maximum at an interme- designs in mimicking natural membrane-active pep-
diate value of pH in which the salt bridge would exist. tide toxins and antibiotics. A strong correlation exists
DeGrado showed that the CD intensity depends among the sequences studied between the helical
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3937

content and antibacterial activity. To be therapeuti-

cally useful as antibiotics, they must function in the
presence of human cells. Interestingly, favorable
selectivities have been noted. These studies are
clearly in their infancy but point to the likelihood that
the β-peptide scaffolding holds much promise as a
candidate for the molecular design of bioactive agents.
e. Strands and Turns: Artificial Sheets from
β-Peptide Foldamers. There is currently consider-
able activity in the design and study of peptide
sequences that serve as models of β-sheet secondary
structures.136,156,296 Understanding how the substitu-
ent stereochemistry of β-amino acids influences back-
bone conformation has guided the design of β-peptide
sequences with parallel and antiparallel β-sheetlike
structures (Figure 40).201 The unlike-β2,3 residues
were predicted to adopt an extended conformation,
and indeed, this has now been observed in several
cases (Table 4). Although early studies on poly(β-
peptides) suggested β-sheet formation from unlike-
β2,3 residues,189 the first oligomeric example of a
β-strand from β-peptides appeared from Gellman’s
lab.200 The crystal structure displays the expected
antiparallel sheet formation including a β-turn-like
conformation stabilized by a 10-membered-ring hy-
drogen bond. This particular turn unit was based on
earlier studies from Gellman’s lab on the develop-
ment of minimal hairpin structures in which it was
found that the L-proline-glycolic acid segment func- Figure 41. Representative examples of R-aminoxy peptide
tioned effectively.297 In contrast to the unlike-β2,3 oligomers.
disubstituted residues, Gellman showed that residues reasoned that the unusual torsional characteristics
bearing only a single substituent did not lead to a of the N-O bond in hydroxylamine resulting from
well-ordered solution conformation.200 lone-pair electron repulsion would help rigidify the
Whereas Gellman’s original artificial β-sheet se- β-peptide backbone. IR and 1H NMR spectroscopic
quence utilized R-amino acids to fix the turn confor- studies on a series of model compounds showed that
mation, he later developed a β-peptide reverse turn an S(8) hydrogen bond is favorable, giving rise to a
that promotes hairpin formation.298 The design was conformation analogous to the γ-turn motif found in
based on nipecotic acid residues but required a proteins. In particular, the O-C bond of N-oxy
heterochiral dipeptide sequence to stabilize antipar- amides strongly prefers out-of-plane orientations, and
allel sheet structures.299,300 Seebach showed in 1999 the barrier for rotation about the N-O bond is
that sequences consisting entirely of β-amino acids calculated to be about 7 kcal‚mol-1. The S(8) hydro-
could be designed to achieve both turn and strand gen bond between Val-CdO‚‚‚H-N-Ala was evi-
components.201 To enforce an antiparallel pleated dent in tripeptide 10 (Figure 41), leading to the
sheet arrangement, a turn segment was added be- suggestion that the “N-O turn” can be used as a
tween a pair of unlike-β2,3 residues. The turn design novel type of backbone fold.
was based on the sequence that promoted the 12/10- Peptides of R-aminoxy acids, i.e., oxa-peptides, are
helix. The introduction of the turn motif resulted in analogues of β-peptides, with CR replaced by O.
significantly enhanced solubility. 1H NMR structure Extension of the model studies to higher oligomers
determination in methanol-d4 showed that this β-pep- from chiral R-aminoxy acid peptides resulted in a
tide adopts both a hairpin arrangement and the helical conformation owing to consecutive, right-
expected antiparallel β-sheet. When no turn segment handed N-O turns and S(8) hydrogen bonds (Figure
was present, the crystal structure of a tripeptide 41).304 This conformation was supported by a combi-
consisting of unlike-β2,3 residues showed 14-mem- nation of X-ray crystallography, NMR, CD, and
bered H-bonded rings in parallel pleated sheets computer simulation. Computer simulations pre-
(Figure 40). It can be seen that all of the carbonyl dicted a conformation in which each turn consisted
groups are aligned, leading to a polar sheet. Solubility of 1.8 units.305 The helical structure was observed in
decreased with increasing chain length. Other ex- oligomers as short as the trimer and was independent
amples of reverse turns301 and β-strands302 from of side chains.
β-amino acids have appeared recently.
3. Sulfur-Containing β-Peptide Analogues
2. R-Aminoxy Acids
Several sulfur-containing β-peptide analogues have
Another member of the β-peptide family is the been generated (Figure 42). Oligomers in which the
R-aminoxy acid repeat, first discussed in the context peptide bond has been replaced by the sulfonamide
of peptidomimetics by Yang et al.303 These authors (i.e., β-sulfonopeptides),306-309 sulfinamide (i.e., β-sulfi-
3938 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

carbamate or amide carbonyl oxygen atoms serve as

the H-bond acceptor, owing to the very poor hydrogen-
bond acceptor ability of the sulfonamide group.313 It
is unclear if these H-bonding interactions will be
important in oligomers where the terminal groups
play a minor role. To begin to address this issue,
Gellman recently evaluated the possibility of two-
point hydrogen bonding between a secondary sulfon-
amide and an R-amino acid residue.314 Evidence for
intramolecular N-H‚‚‚OdS and N-H‚‚‚OdC inter-
actions in chloroform was found from IR and 1H NMR
studies in a molecule containing a sulfonamide linked
to a valine by a turn-forming segment.
Very little information is available on the solution
conformations of sulfinamide or sulfoximine peptides.
These examples clearly show how synthesis can far
outpace structural studies in foldamer research,
Figure 42. Structural comparison of sulfur-containing stemming from the difficulties of characterizing solu-
β-peptide analogues: oligomers in which the peptide bond tion conformations for each new backbone type.
has been replaced by sulfonamide (i.e., β-sulfonopep-
tides),306 sulfinamide (i.e., β-sulfinopeptides),307 or sulfox- 4. Hydrazino Peptides
imine310 functional groups. Replacing the Cβ atom in β-amino acid residues of
β-peptides with nitrogen leads to hydrazino pep-
nopeptides),307 or sulfoximine310 moiety have been tides.315 As a result of this substitution, another
synthesized and are presently under consideration H-bond donor and H-bond acceptor are contained
as possible foldamers. Replacement of the peptide within the backbone. Consequently, there is a fairly
bond with a secondary sulfonamide has two impor- significant increase in the number of possible second-
tant conformational consequences.311,312 First, the ary structures that could be adopted by this repeat
barrier to rotation about the S-N bond is much lower unit including H-bonded rings containing either odd
than that of the peptide C-N bond. Second, the most or even numbers of atoms (Figure 43). Several helical
favored dihedral angle defined by H-N-SdO is and turn motifs were calculated to be stable,315 some
approximately 0° rather than 180° for the H-N-Cd of which were analogous to their β-peptide counter-
O unit. parts, but there is as of yet no experimental data to
At this time, relatively little solution characteriza- support these predictions.
tion work has been performed to show that these
oligomers adopt regular secondary structures. Evi- C. The γ-Peptide Family
dence for S(12) hydrogen bonding in dipeptides of
unsubstituted306 or chiral, β-substituted308,313 β-sul- 1. γ-Peptide Foldamers
fonamides has been found by IR and 1H NMR Like β-peptides, homopolymers of γ-peptides had
spectroscopies. However, in each case, terminal unit long been known316-319 prior to the search for second-

Figure 43. Hydrazino peptide backbones and a diagram showing the many possible intrastrand H-bond interactions in
this backbone.
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3939

ary structures by systematic studies on discrete have been investigated in solution and the solid state.
oligomers. However, unlike the poly-β-peptides for In chloroform, IR and 1H NMR studies reveal that
which helical structures have been clearly estab- the intramolecular H-bond preference is for S(14)
lished,199,202 firm conclusions about the conforma- rings involving the terminal carbamate CdO accep-
tional preferences of homopolymers of γ-peptides tor. This produces a turn-like motif that is also found
appear not to have been resolved. From the results in the crystal structures. However, in the solid state
of ORD measurements, Rydon suggested a helical a fairly long intramolecular S(12) H-bond interaction
structure for the neutral form of poly-γ-D-glutamic is formed by utilizing one of the SdO acceptors. Here
acid.318 Two left-handed helical models were pro- the carbamate carbonyl is tied up in a much shorter
posed, both of which invoked three repeats per turn. intermolecular H-bond interaction. Although a com-
The models differed as to whether S(17) or S(19) pact intramolecular H-bond fold is present in solu-
hydrogen-bonded interactions were involved.318 Ka- tion, the lack of involvement of the SdO bond in all
jtár and Bruckner synthesized oligo-γ-L-glutamic of the oligomers studied calls into question the
acids from dimer to heptamer and showed that the potential of this backbone to form long-range second-
ORD signal increases linearly with the chain length, ary structures.
suggesting that the polymer takes on a random In 1998, two reports appeared simultaneously
conformation.316 However, there appears to be no showing that in contrast to this expectation, γ-pep-
resolution to the question of whether these polymers tide sequences form remarkably stable helical con-
are helical or conformationally random.192,320 formations in solution.236,237 The Seebach group de-
The added torsional degrees of freedom in γ-amino scribed a γ4-hexapeptide analogue of the sequence
acids321,322 might be expected to promote conforma- H(-Val-Ala-Leu)2-OH with L-configuration. Al-
tionally disordered chains. Yet, just as for β-peptides, though the CD spectra did not reveal patterns
this intuitive view does not hold for the γ-peptides characteristic of secondary structure, conformational
either. As stated by Seebach et al., “the surprising analysis by NMR in either pyridine or methanol
difference between the natural R-, and the analogous revealed a right-handed helix with S(14) H-bonds
β- and γ-peptides is that the helix stability increases from the CdO of residue i to the H-N of residue i+3
upon homologation of the residues.”237 and ca. 2.6 residues per turn. Molecular models of
The first report demonstrating that chain mol- this conformation suggested that the side chains are
ecules based on γ-amino acids form regular secondary oriented approximately perpendicular to the helical
structure appeared in 1992.323 This work targeted the axis, the H-bonds lie along the helix axis with the
discovery of new classes of protein-like substances dipole moment oriented from the N- to C-terminus,
with alternative backbones. These oligomers were and the CR-Cβ and Cβ-Cγ bonds adopt (+)-sc con-
considered to be vinylogous polypeptides since an (E)- formations for this right-handed helix.
ethenyl unit was inserted into each repeat unit to Hanessian studied the solution structure of tetra-,
rigidify the backbone. To restrict rotation about the hexa-, and octa-γ-peptide analogues of the sequence
Cβ-Cγ bond and extend the backbone into sheetlike (-Ala-Val-).236 All three of these γ4-peptides derived
conformations, an R-methyl substituent was initially from L-amino acids adopted stable right-handed
examined. For this particular substitution pattern, helical conformations in solution. The helical param-
allylic A1,3 strain was expected to drive the γ-hydro- eters were identical to those found by the Seebach
gen to lie in the plane of the enamide. This confor- group: 2.6 residues per turn stabilized by S(14)
mational preference was borne out in a dipeptide H-bonds. Temperature-dependent chemical shifts
which crystallized into a two-stranded antiparallel suggested that these intrastrand interactions are
sheet; however, longer oligomers failed to form higher strong. As also noted by Seebach, CD did not reveal
order sheetlike structures. Removal of the R-methyl a pattern diagnostic of secondary structure. The
substituent led to vinylogous peptides that organized obvious but important lesson from these reports is
into long stacks of parallel sheets as revealed by that CD cannot be used alone as a means of screening
X-ray crystallography. To favor antiparallel align- for secondary structure.
ment, a Pro-Gly dipeptide turn was inserted between
Figure 44 compares the 14-helix of the β- and
a pair of vinylogous amino acids. 1H NMR data
γ-peptides.325 It is interesting that both backbones
supported the existence of an intramolecular H-bond
between the N-H and OdC on the two ends, sug- prefer H-bond patterns involving 14 atom rings.
gesting the preference of this secondary structure in Obviously these patterns originate differently for the
solution. A peptide sequence which consisted of a two constitutions. In the case of β-peptides, the S-
vinylogous amino acid, the Pro-Gly turn, and a γ2,3- (14) H-bond results from the N-H of residue i-2
amino acid exhibited a helical conformation that being donated to the carbonyl of residue i. In the case
contained 10- and 12-membered H-bond rings. of the γ-peptides, the N-H of residue i is donated to
Two years later, a family of sulfur-containing the carbonyl of residue i+3. As a result, with L-amino
γ-peptide mimics was reported.306,324 This backbone acids there is a reversal of helix sense, the β-peptide
is linked by the sulfonamide group as a replacement adopting an M-helix and the γ-peptide adopting the
for the peptide bond. Being derived from γ-amino- P-helix (as do R-peptides). The direction of the dipole
R,β-unsaturated sulfonic acids, these oligomers have moment is reversed too. Thus, for the β-peptide, the
come to be known as vinylogous sulfonamidopeptides, dipole is oriented from the C-terminus to the N-
closely related to the vinylogous peptides described terminus, while for the γ-peptide, it runs from the
above. Protein-like side chains added to the γ-carbon N-terminus to the C-terminus (as with R-peptides).
gave chiral monomers. The folding patterns of short Many substituent patterns and stereoisomers are
oligomers ranging from the dimer to the tetramer possible for γ-amino acids, but as of yet, these have
3940 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 44. Comparison of helical conformations of β- and γ-peptides.

Figure 46. γ-Peptides based on tertiary amides.

of a γ2,3,4-peptide sequence.327 An X-ray crystal of a

tetrapeptide having this substitution revealed a 14-
helix conformation with 2.6 repeat units per turn. A
Figure 45. Retroanalysis of γ-peptide helices’ twist sense. 1
H NMR solution structure in methanol produced a
structure nearly superimposed on that obtained by
not been fully characterized. However, Hanessian’s crystallographic analysis. The CD spectrum of this
initial report236 included data on γ2,4-disubstituted trisubstituted γ-peptide in methanol shows a maxi-
residues. Their observations clearly showed that the mum Cotton effect at 212 nm and zero-point crossing
addition of an R-substitutent can either stabilize or at ca. 196 nm.325 Other substitution patterns of the
destablize the helical structure, depending on the γ-peptides have not yet been reported in detail, but
relative stereochemistry. Whereas addition of an preliminary indications suggest that peptide se-
R-methyl group of unlike-configuration stabilized the quences derived from γ2- and γ3-amino acids do not
helical conformation, addition of an R-methyl group adopt a preferred secondary structure.325 However,
having like-configuration resulted in the loss of helix γ4-peptides bearing R- or β-hydroxy groups have been
formation. They later showed with a different se- synthesized, and although the structures are still
quence that the γ2,4-substitution pattern with L- being investigated, CD spectra suggest that these
stereochemistry leads to a reverse turn conformation, backbones are structured in solution.325
stabilized by an S(14) H-bond.326 γ-Peptides that are based on tertiary amides and
The Seebach group also investigated substituent thus incapable of adopting conformations stabilized
effects. On the basis of their helical model, they by H-bonding interactions have recently been pre-
reasoned that substituents in positions 2 and 4 can pared (Figure 46).328 These oligomers are derived
occupy either lateral or axial orientations (Figure from conformationally rigidified amino acids referred
45).325 Axial non-H atoms are projected nearly para- to as BTAa’s (bicycles from tartaric acid). As with
llel to the helix axis and severely impinge on the peptoids,140 oligomers and polymers of proline,259 and
space of the adjacent turn, resulting in helix desta- β-peptides based on tertiary amides,260,261 complex
bilization. Lateral non-H atoms lie approximately mixtures of cis and trans amide rotamers were
perpendicular to the helix axis and do not experience detected by 1H NMR spectroscopy and thus hampered
unfavorable interactions. On position 3, both sub- solution structure studies. Nonetheless, CD spectra
stituents are tilted with respect to the helix axis and of these oligomers display intense and distinct pat-
thus oriented in such a way that neither stereochem- terns. On the basis of these data, it was suggested
istry is predicted to interfere with helix formation. that poly-BTAa’s could form secondary structure in
These predictions are consistent with Hanessian’s solution, although at this time there is no indication
observations and are further supported by the study of the preferred backbone conformation.
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3941

D. The δ-Peptide Family

1. Alkene-Based δ-Amino Acids
Members of the δ-peptide family are isosteric
replacements of dipeptide units. As such, this is the
first member of the peptidomimetics lineage in which
a single unit represents two or more R-peptide
repeats. The β-turn is a common structural feature
of proteins associated with the dipeptide fragment.
Thus, it is not surprising that much activity in the
δ-peptide family has been aimed at creating β-turn
Figure 47. Collection of backbones that can be considered mimics. A long-standing approach has involved δ-ami-
γ-peptide analogues. no acids in which the “missing” amide bond is
replaced by a trans-carbon-carbon double bond.339-344
These studies tend to involve the incorporation of a
2. Other Members of the γ-Peptide Family single D-amino acid into a longer R-peptide sequence.
Given our focus on peptidomimetic oligomers, the
Several groups are examining other peptidomi- discussion that follows will be on chain sequences
metic backbones, many of which can be classified in based on δ-amino acid repeating units, rather than
the γ-peptide family (Figure 47). Examples include on β-turn mimetics. Thus far, the chemical literature
oligoureas,329-334 oligocarbamates,330,335,336 and phos- has mostly involved carbopeptoid backbones.
phodiesters.337 Although at this time the conforma-
tional structure of most of these are unknown, it is 2. Carbopeptoids
apparent334,338 that they are being considered as The idea of using carbohydrate amino acids for
foldamer candidates. both345 glyco-346-349 and peptidomimetics350-352 has

Figure 48. Structures and subunit shapes of sugar amino acids.

Figure 49. Structures and proposed H-bonding patterns of the 316 and 422 helix for sialooligomers.
3942 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 50. Representation of the solution-phase second-

ary structure for furanose-based carbopeptoids and a
comparison between the R-peptide subunit and the fura-
nose-based subunit as a dipeptide isostere.

gained interest recently. The conformational char-

acteristics of carbohydrate residues incorporated into
peptide chains were initially exploited for the rational
design of a β-turn mimetic, at which time it was
recognized that properly linked sugar amino acids
could serve as a dipeptide replacement (Figure 48).350
Carbopeptoids,348 homooligomers of sugar amino
acids, have been prepared from both furanose353 and
pyranose354 residues. Additionally, cyclic homooligo-
mers of sugar amino acids have also recently ap-
a. Pyranose-Based Carbopeptoid Foldamers.
Motivated by the fact that O-glycoside oligomers of
sialic acid are helical in solution, Gervay and co-
workers reported in 1998 that (1f5) amide-linked
sialooligomers longer than the trimer form ordered
secondary structures in water (Figure 49).356 A
combination of NMR-determined NH/ND exchange
rates (in D2O/DMSO) and circular dichroism studies
Figure 51. Stereochemical and substituent variations for
(in H2O) on a series of discrete oligomers showed that furanose-based carbopeptoids.
a critical length was necessary before evidence of
conformational order emerged. However, the confor- carbopeptoids.358 Their initial finding was based on
mational features apparently varied with chain length. a β-D-arabino-furanose scaffold, δ-peptides in which
Thus, while the tetramer, pentamer, and hexamer each repeat unit can be considered as a dipeptide
showed slow exchange of their internal amide protons isostere. On the basis of 1H NMR NOE data and
characteristic of strong intramolecular H-bonds, the molecular modeling, a repeating β-turn-type second-
heptamer strangely exchanged its protons quickly, ary structure was established for the tetramer in
suggesting the lack of an ordered structure. The CDCl3 (Figure 50). This structure appears to be
octamer behaved like the pentamer and hexamer. stabilized by S(10) intramolecular H-bonds between
Changes in peak-to-trough intensities as a function repeat unit i and i-2.
of chain length were used to further support the Subsequent reports by Fleet and co-workers showed
presence of ordered secondary structure in solu- that the occurrence and specific type of secondary
tion.357 In combination with molecular modeling, the structure in these furanose-based carbopeptoid fol-
hypothesis is that for the shorter oligomers S(16) damers was strongly dependent on both the backbone
H-bonding interactions stabilize a helix involving stereochemistry and the stereochemistry of the ring
three residues per turn while for the octamer S(22) substituents (Figure 51).359-361 Various cis-linked
hydrogen bonding stabilizes a helix involving four furanoses mostly exhibit the repeating β-turn-like
residues per turn. conformation mentioned above.360,361 However, one of
b. Furanose-Based Carbopeptoid Foldamers. the cis-linked stereoisomers displayed no indication
Shortly after Gervay’s report on secondary structure of secondary structure.359 This surprising result was
in sialooligomers, Fleet and co-workers announced rationalized in that one methyl group in the isopro-
the observation of secondary structure in furanose pylidene unit of the fused ring is positioned in a way
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3943

Figure 52. Representative structures of oligotetrahydrofuran amino acid sequences.

that sterically interferes with H-bond formation. In tionship exists between adjacent units. Simple mod-
contrast to the β-turns found for the cis-linked eling suggests a helical structure, stabilized by
furanoses, trans-linked furanose oligomers give a intrastrand N-Hi‚‚‚OdCi-3 H-bonds. The conforma-
much different secondary structure. In initial reports tional preference appeared stronger for octamer than
that only studied chain lengths up to the tetramer, the tetramer since the tetramer has only one stabiliz-
however, it appeared that no stable secondary struc- ing H-bond. A related octamer in which the protect-
tures in the trans isomer could be observed.362 1H ing groups were removed was studied and found to
NMR was used to study the solution conformation give a strong Cotton effect at 216 nm in methanol
of a trans-linked octamer. At this chain length, it was and TFE.363
apparent that a new secondary structure had emerged. Fleet’s carbopeptoids are closely related to the oligo
In contrast to the backbones derived from cis-isomers, tetrahydrofuran amino acid sequence used in the
long-range NOEs between sugar ring protons were gramicidin-like peptide developed and studied by
observed. A repeating pattern of NOEs was detected Koert and co-workers.364 These oligo-THF peptides
along the backbone, indicating that a regular rela- (Figure 52) were inserted into synthetic lipid bilayer
3944 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

membranes, and single channel conductance measure-

ments were rationalized by assuming that the oligo-
mers adopt a helical conformation consistent with a
cationic channel. Koert’s most recent molecular de-
sign evolved from his previous studies365,366 with 2,5-
trans-linked THFs as polyether helices. One of his
oligomers contained up to 27 furanyl rings and used
stereogenic centers bearing methyl groups adjacent
to the carbonyl and amino groups to stabilize the
helical structure in the region of the peptide bond.
The helical conformation was supported on the basis
of NMR NOE data and conductance studies of planar
lipid bilayers. Figure 53. Cisoid-transoid equilibrium of 2,2′-bipyridine
and the structure of oligomer series 11 (n ) 2, 5, 8, 9, 12).
V. Single-Stranded Abiotic Foldamers
structures.377-380 This system is based on the prefer-
A. Overview ence of 2,2′-bipyridine to adopt a transoid conforma-
The peptidomimetic foldamers previously described tion in solution (Figure 53). The cisoid (nonplanar)
utilized a top-down design approach; that is, the form of bipyridine has been calculated to be 5.7
research involves systematic structural variations of kcal‚mol-1 less stable than the planar transoid
parent chain molecules known to undergo folding conformation. Several other factors are also impor-
reactions. In this section, we describe efforts toward tant for the proper design of a well-defined secondary
foldamers best classified as employing bottom-up structure. They include the correct sequence of
design approaches, involving the identification of heterocyclic aromatic rings, the proper linking of the
novel, abiotic backbones that can fold into secondary rings at the appropriate positions, and the preference
structures akin to those found in proteins (helices and for the transoid conformation of the bond which links
sheets). These foldamers often take advantage of the aromatic rings. These features were combined in
rigidity inherent in aromatic units, torsional flex- the synthesis and study of several different oligomer
ibility of the linkers, and various noncovalent inter- lengths 11 (n ) 2, 5, 8, 9, 12) (Figure 53). The
actions to adopt their discrete folded conforma- alternating pyridine and pyrimidine rings are con-
tions.367 Since this search has been attempted through nected at the meta-position, which provides the
a variety of designs, these systems have yet to proper orientation for the rings to stack into a helical
demonstrate the maturity seen with the peptidomi- conformation. The helical conformation results from
metics, although a few backbones show great promise the steric repulsion between the CH groups and the
and will be described in detail. electrostatic interaction stemming from nitrogen
While several polymeric systems incorporating atoms on adjacent repeat units.
aromatics into the backbone have been shown to The sequence-specific, polyheterocyclic oligomers
adopt helical conformations, many of these systems incorporated solubilizing thiopropyl side chains at the
will not be described here (although some have C-4 position of the pyridine ring.379,380 The charac-
previously been included in the literature as foldam- terization of the helical conformation of the oligomers
ers367). In the case of poly(aryl carbonate)s and poly- in solution was achieved by a variety of techniques
(β-pyrrole)s, solution-phase helical conformations are including UV-Vis, fluorescence, and NMR spectros-
favorable by atropisomeric bond torsions.368,369 Simi- copy. The shortest oligomer 11 (n ) 2) gave no
lar bond torsions preset the helical structures of poly- indication of a helical conformation regardless of the
(o-phenylene)s in the solid state.370,371 In contrast, technique that was employed. Despite the presence
poly(m-phenylene)s and poly(ether ketone) PK99, of overlapping, terminal pyridine ring, the absence
while their conformations are not specified by bond of a helical conformation was attributed to the
torsion, do not appear to adopt helical structures in greater mobility since it can only form one turn. The
solution.372,373 Additionally, a poly(m-phenylene ethy- longer oligomers (n ) 5, 8, 9, 12) were found to adopt
nylene) has been shown to exhibit a reversible
stable, helical conformations in solution (Figure 54).
hydrogel state in water,374 and sexithiophenes with
Fluorescence spectroscopy showed that 11 (n ) 5, 8,
chiral side chains organize into supramolecular ag-
9, 12) in chloroform exhibited an excimer-like emis-
gregates,375,376 but these two examples do not meet
sion attributed to intramolecular excited state pyri-
the essential criterion of having discrete chain lengths.
dine dimers. NMR spectroscopy showed that in each
In general, we have chosen to restrict our treatment
case only one folded conformation was observed,
of single-stranded foldamers with abiotic backbones
according to the definition outlined in the introduc- indicating the high specificity of the spontaneous
tion of this article, partitioned by primary folding helical generation. The assignments of the aromatic
force and oligomer backbone. signals were made by a combination of COSY and
ROESY NMR. In all cases, strong NOE interactions
B. Backbones Utilizing Bipyridine Segments between the expected protons of different aromatic
rings were observed in the ROESY NMR. Additional
1. Pyridine−Pyrimidines support was offered by a comparison of the chemical
Polyheterocyclic strands have been used in the shifts of the aromatic protons, which showed progres-
spontaneous generation of well-defined secondary sive upfield shifts with increasing oligomer length,
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3945

Figure 54. Drawing of the proposed helical conformation of oligomer 11 (n ) 8), where R ) Sn-Pr. Side (bottom left) and
top (bottom right) view of the space-filling model of the crystal structure of pyridine-pyrimidine oligomer 11 (n ) 8) in a
helical conformation.

consistent with an increasing number of stacked The helical conformation of these oligomers was
aromatic rings. characterized in the solid state by using X-ray
The creation of a chiral, helical structure from crystallography. Shorter oligomer 11 (n ) 5) was
polyheterocyclic strands resulted in a racemic mix- found to pack in a centrosymmetric cell that con-
ture of M and P forms. By using variable temperature tained an enantiomeric pair of oligomers.378 In addi-
NMR and the diastereotopic R-thiomethylene pro- tion, the helices were found to stack on top of one
tons, it was possible to determine the barrier to the another creating long channels in the void space of
the helix interior. The octamer of 11 was also
helical inversion process. A value of k ) 85 s-1 at 251
determined to pack in a helical confirmation in the
K and a free energy of activation of ∆Gq ) 12.3
solid-state (Figure 54).379 In this case, a unit cell was
kcal‚mol-1 was determined for shorter oligomer 11
found to contain two molecules of only one twist
(n ) 8).377 In an analogous fashion, these values were sense, thereby creating a chiral channel from an
determined for two of the longer oligomers 11 (n ) achiral molecule. Spontaneous chiral resolution oc-
5) (k ) 85 s-1 at 250 K and ∆Gq ) 12.4 kcal‚mol-1) curs concomitantly with crystallization. In both cases
and 11 (n ) 12) (k ) 86 s-1 and ∆Gq ) 13.6 a helical pitch of 3.75 Å was determined along with
kcal‚mol-1).379 The comparable activation free ener- an internal void space from ∼2.5 to 3 Å. The high
gies led to the proposal that the racemic helical degree of solid-state organization led the authors to
conformation interconverted via a stepwise folding propose that these systems may have interesting
mechanism (Figure 55).379 Interestingly, while this electronic features, when compared to linear molec-
interconversion is certainly dynamic, there is no ular wires.
evidence to indicate that these oligomers undergo the
folding reaction (i.e., that they can unfold). The 2. Pyridine−Pyrimidines with Hydrazal Linkers
racemization between the M and P helical conforma- The previous design method has been shown to be
tions was proposed to go through an intermediate, highly effective for obtaining well-defined conforma-
partially unfolded conformation (Figure 55, interme- tions in solution. However, the synthesis of the
diate B). Furthermore, no spectroscopic evidence was oligomers described above was challenging. In an
offered to show that the oligomers exist in completely attempt to overcome this limitation, Lehn et al.
unfolded conformations. described the synthesis and study of oligomers that
3946 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 55. Stepwise mechanism for the helicity inversion of 11 (n ) 5).

aromatic resonances on the terminal pyridine rings.

From these data, it was concluded that the shorter
oligomer 12 (n ) 1) adopts a helical conformation of
1.5 turns and the longer oligomer 12 (n ) 3) adopts
a helical conformation containing 2.5 turns. The
helical structure of 12 (n ) 1) was confirmed by X-ray
crystallography. The solid-state packing results in an
internal cavity of 5.05 Å with the expected aromatic
stacking distances of 3.46 Å. These results show that
hydrazal condensation is a useful approach for creat-
ing longer helical strands and that a pyrimidine-
hydrazone subunit is comparable to a pyridine-
pyrimidine fragment in polyheterocyclic strands.

3. Pyridine−Pyridazines
Alternative attempts at creating well-defined heli-
cal conformations from polyheterocyclic strands have
Figure 56. The transoid-transoid to transoid-cisoid
equilibrium and structure of pyridine-pyrimidine oligo- recently been reported by Lehn et al.382 The same
mers with hydrazal linkers 12 (n ) 1, 3). design criteria as that used for the previously studied
systems was used except that an isomeric pyridine-
are more amenable to stepwise synthesis while still pyridazine repeat unit was employed (Figure 57). The
taking advantage of selective torsions around adja- synthesis of oligomer 13 was accomplished by using
cent pyridine-pyrimidine bonds.381 The system is a similar procedure to the pyridine-pyrimidine het-
still based on the preference of 2,2′-bipyridine to eronuclear strands.378 It was proposed that 13 would
adopt a transoid conformation in solution (Figure 53). yield a hexagonal, helical structure with 12 rings per
However, the middle portion of the oligomer back- turn and a central cavity of ∼25 Å (determined by
bone contains a hydrazal group, which replaces the molecular modeling). The helical conformation of 13
pyridine fragment of the previously studied oligo- in solution was characterized by large upfield shifts
mers. When R-substituted N-heterocycles are used, of the proton resonances for the terminal pyridine
the transoid-transoid conformation (Figure 56) is rings. The chemical shifts of all aromatic resonances
preferred over others (transoid-cisoid shown for were found to be highly concentration dependent,
comparison) for several reasons. These include the suggesting that a large amount of intermolecular
minimization of secondary steric and electronic in- aggregation was occurring at increased concentra-
teractions, the increased amount of aromatic stacking tions. Vapor-pressure osmometry measurements
that occurs when the imine is in the transoid- showed an apparent molecular weight approximately
transoid conformation, and the conformational rigid- twice that of the oligomer, indicating a high amount
ity and planarity through conjugation. The synthesis of self-aggregation. Solutions of 13 in dichloromethane
of the desired oligomers 12 (n ) 1, 3) (Figure 56) and pyridine resulted in gel formation with micro-
remained somewhat difficult but was simplified by structures that consisted of helical substructures as
having the hydrazal condensation as the final step. evidenced by electron microscopy (Figure 58). It was
The helical conformation was characterized by determined that the fibers had an approximate
NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. Both diameter of 80 Å, most likely being composed of two
oligomers displayed 1H NMR consistent with a helical or three bundles of helical stacks. Due to the large
conformation as evidenced by the upfield shift of the size of the cavity, it was proposed that the system
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3947

mer units in their folded states. In these cases, the

chain conformations might better be described as a
collection of independent units rather than as a
cooperative group. Therefore, by the nonadjacency
criterion in our definition, we cannot strictly classify
the following charged, aedamer, and cyclophane
backbones as foldamers. At the same time, the water
solubility, intercalating properties, and novel scaf-
folding of these oligomers, respectively, provide in-
sight toward the future development of analogous
backbones as foldamers.

2. Guanidines
Oligo(guanidinium) strands form a stacked ar-
rangement by using a combination of aromatic stack-
ing interactions and the preferred conformation of a
charged backbone.383-387 These systems are based on
the conformational preference of a charged N,N′-
diphenylguanidine group in solution (Figure 59).383
Figure 57. Drawing of the proposed helical conformation By using a combination of 1H NMR spectroscopy and
of oligomer 13, where R ) Sn-Pr. X-ray crystallography, it was determined in a N,N′-
diphenyl-N,N′-dimethylguanidine model system that
the cisoid-cisoid conformation is predominant over
the alternative conformations in water and other
polar, aprotic solvents. The guanidium moiety was
incorporated into water-soluble, longer length oligo-
mers (14-17) containing three and five aromatic
rings linked at both the meta- and para-positions.
The conformation of the oligomers in solution was
characterized by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crys-
tallography. All four oligomers were found to adopt
a helical conformation in both solution and the solid-
state (Figure 59). X-ray crystallography showed that
the dihedral angle between face-to-face phenyl rings
was ca. 30° for the meta-substituted oligomers (14
and 15) and slightly smaller for the para-substituted
oligomers (16 and 17). These findings were somewhat
surprising since the parallel structure had been
calculated to be less favorable than other conforma-
Figure 58. Freeze-fracture electron micrograph of com-
pound 13 in (a) dichloromethane and (b) pyridine showing
tions. The meta-substituted oligomers pack in a chiral
fiber network formation with helical textures.382 Scale bar conformation in the solid state with both enantio-
represents 100 nm. (Reprinted with permission from ref meric forms present in a 1:1 ratio. NMR spectroscopy
382. Copyright 2000 Wiley-VCH.) showed that the oligomers exist predominantly as
layered structures in both organic solvents and water
self-organized into extended molecular channels with as evidenced by the upfield shifting of the aromatic
a fairly large opening of ∼8 Å, potentially useful as protons inside the layers when compared to the
functional polymeric materials for ion-active devices terminal phenyl rings. These NOE measurements
requiring internal functionalization with metal co- confirmed the existence of stacked, parallel layers.
ordinating groups. These oligomers and others in One possible application of this system is as a
their class have yet to show tolerance for groups polyintercalator targeting the minor groove of DNA.386
present on the inside of the helical cavity. The lack
of evidence for an unfolded state makes it unclear 3. Aedamers
whether these oligomers exhibit a folding reaction Another system composed primarily of aromatic
which may be important when dynamic cavity as- rings was reported by Iverson and Lokey.388 These
sembly/disassembly is desired. structures take advantage of the stacking propensi-
ties of the aromatic electron donor-acceptor interac-
C. Backbones Utilizing Solvophobic Interactions tions (aedamers) of covalently linked subunits. For
the electron-deficient aromatic rings, 1,4,5,8-naph-
1. Qualification thalenetetracarboxylic diimide rings were employed
The preceding section of abiotic, single-stranded and 1,5-dialkoxynaphthalene rings were used for the
oligomers employed aromatic stacking to stabilize the electron-acceptor rings. Crystal structures of model
folded conformation. The following backbones utilize compounds were used to help determine the location
solvophobic interactions, and in some of these cases, for linking the aromatic rings with the correct length
these stacking contacts occur between adjacent mono- of the tethering unit389 between the rings. A series
3948 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 59. Transoid-transoid, transoid-cisoid, and cisoid-cisoid equilibrium and structure of aromatic oligo-

of oligomers (18-20) was synthesized by solid-phase 19 (n ) 1, 2, 3, 4) was synthesized and studied. These
methods using L-aspartic acid as the linker, which oligomers are comparable to the initially reported
helped promote solubility in water and minimized system388 except for the linkages between the aro-
intermolecular aggregation (Figure 60). matic rings and the presence of only electron-accept-
In these initial studies, absorption and NMR ing aromatic rings. In these compounds, a lysine
spectroscopy studies were used to probe the confor- linkage was employed which helped to improve the
mation of the oligomers in water. The shorter oligo- electrostatic interactions with DNA. A variety of
mer 18 (n ) 1) was found to have to have absorption techniques showed that the oligomers are inter-
maxima identical to a solution of the model com- calated into the major groove of DNA (based on steric
pounds, indicating the lack of a folded conformation preferences) in a cooperative fashion. While these
of the aromatic rings. Solutions of the longer oligo- results do not necessarily involve the study of fol-
mers 18 (n ) 2, 3) showed an 18 nm red shift damers, they demonstrate that the conformation of
suggesting that at least two aromatic rings were these oligomers in solution can be used to design a
stacked. NMR studies confirmed the formation of a better system for application toward more natural,
collapsed conformation as evidenced by diastereotopic biological systems.
methylene hydrogens, presumably resulting from Aedamers have also been shown to have potential
restricted rotation on the NMR time scale, along with applications in the area of molecular sensors.391
the observation of NOE signals between hydrogens Aedamer 20 was synthesized in the hope of mimick-
on adjacent aromatic rings indicating a stacked ing the leucine zipper motif found in peptide systems.
conformation. These results showed that oligomers This was attempted by creating an oligomer that
of sufficient length adopt pleated structures in solu- would have one side lined by a hydrophobic unit
tion (Figure 61) and supported the idea that donor- (leucine) and the other side by a hydrophilic unit
acceptor interactions alone can be used to create well- (aspartic acid). Instead of adopting the desired leu-
defined conformations in an aqueous environment. cine zipper, it was determined by UV-Vis, NMR, and
One potential application of the aedamer systems dynamic light scattering that 20 intramolecularly
is in the area of polyintercalating molecules for folds in solution and undergoes an increase in
DNA.390 For these studies, a new series of oligomers intermolecular aggregation. Furthermore, it was
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3949

Figure 60. Structures of various aedamers.

indicating when a threshold temperature has been


4. Cyclophanes
Differently substituted N-benzyl phenylpyridinium
cyclophanes have been used as models to probe the
solvent effects of face-to-face aromatic stacking
(Figure 63).392-395 A variety of R groups, both electron-
donating and -withdrawing, were explored to mea-
sure the aromatic-aromatic stacking interactions.
Recently, longer chains with up to five aromatic rings
suggest collapsed conformations in aqueous solution,
with open conformations in chloroform.396
Investigations into the construction of larger
cyclophanes397-403 proceeded through the generation
of linear oligomers of tetrasubstituted aryl moieties
linked through tosylated aminomethyl groups.
Through iterative synthesis, chain lengths up to the
Figure 61. General schematic representation of a second- nonamer401 were obtained and crystal structures for
ary structural element based on donor-acceptor interac- pentamer 21 revealed stacked, molecular ribbons
tions. (Figure 63). Although detailed spectroscopic studies
and folding transitions through either solvent or
found that upon heating above 80 °C, 1.5 mM thermal denaturation were not demonstrated, these
aqueous solutions of 20 undergo an irreversible structures have similar conformations to previously
conformational change (Figure 62). At room temper- described aedamers. In chloroform, 1H NMR showed
atures, solutions of 20 are red wine colored. Upon that the S-shaped folded conformation is the preor-
heating, the aedamers begin to unfold and expose the ganized structure before cyclization to the macro-
hydrophobic backbones to solution leading to an cycles.398,399 Extensions of this backbone have in-
uncolored, presumably tangled aggregate. It was cludedtheincorporationofp-phenylrings,403 pyridines,401
further found that the transition was induced by the and biphenyl groups,402 as well as the use of thioether
addition of preformed aggregate to solutions of oli- linkages.397,403
gomer 20. This behavior was compared by the
authors to the behavior of triple-helix collagen. It was 5. Side Chain−Backbone Interactions
proposed that the color change (red wine to colorless) a. Oligo(thiophene)s. Recently, oligothiophenes
could therefore be used as a temperature sensor with chiral p-phenyl-oxazoline side chains were
3950 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 62. Proposed scheme for the conversion of amphiphilic aedamer 20 to a tangled aggregate state upon heating.
(Adapted from ref 391.)

Figure 63. Cyclophanes discussed in the text. (top) Substituted N-benzyl phenylpyridinium bromides. (bottom) Part of
the crystal structure of the [3.3]meta-cyclophane pentamer 21.399 Side chains have been omitted for clarity.

induced CD was independent of the poor solvent

used, and the UV and CD showed clear isobestic and
isodichroic points, respectively. Both the UV red
shifting and the CD signal intensity increased as a
function of time, indicating a time dependency for the
folding reaction. Although the exact architectural
nature of this chain-length-dependent conformational
change was not determined, these results are analo-
gous to solvophobic effects seen in the following oligo-
Figure 64. Oligo(thiophene)s bearing chiral p-phenyl- (m-phenylene ethynylene)s.
oxazoline side chains. b. Oligo(m-phenylene ethynylene)s in Solu-
generated by Stille couplings through an iterative tion. A large amount of research has been focused
divergent/convergent approach (Figure 64).404 Though on controlling the secondary structure of nonbiologi-
a nonlinear increase in absorptivity was observed in cal oligomers through the use of solvophobic interac-
chloroform with increasing chain length, no induced tions. Moore and co-workers synthesized and studied
CD was detected. When the octamer was examined oligomer systems (22 and 23) that use nondirectional
in mixtures of chloroform and methanol or acetoni- interactions and local constraints in a covalent
trile, UV red shifts and induced CD signals were seen backbone to undergo a folding reaction into a helical
with increasing amounts of poor solvent; these shifts conformation (Figure 65).405 In these systems, the
were not present with the tetramer or hexamer. The helical preference is controlled by several different
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3951

The modular nature of phenylene ethynylene oligo-

mers allowed for the synthesis of monodisperse chain
lengths and the ability to modify both the pendant
groups and backbone in a precise fashion. The
syntheses of the oligomers are typically performed
using a divergent/convergent growth strategy.112,406
The syntheses of the various oligomer series are very
similar, differing only by the choice of starting
monomer units.
Several different techniques have been used to
Figure 65. Chemical structures of oligo(m-phenylene
study the solvophobically driven folding reaction of
ethynylene)s. m-phenylene ethynylene oligomers. In the initial
studies on oligomer series 22, a combination of UV-
Vis and 1H NMR spectroscopy was utilized (Figure
67).406 Experiments were performed at a concentra-
tion where intermolecular interactions are minimized
(<10 µM). The lack of aggregation was determined
by a combination of vapor-pressure osmometry and
dilution experiments. From these studies, it was
found that only oligomers with n > 8 repeat units
were capable of folding into a helical conformation.
In a good solvent,407 such as chloroform, all oligomers
are present in a random conformation since the
solvent is able to solvate both the polar side chains
and nonpolar backbone. This was confirmed by UV-
Vis studies, which indicated a linear dependence of
molar absorptivity on oligomer length. 1H NMR
showed little change in the average chemical shift of
aromatic resonances indicating no aromatic-aro-
Figure 66. Space-filling model showing the proposed matic stacking, present in the folded helical confor-
folding reaction for a m-phenylene ethynylene oligomer 23 mation. However, in a poor solvent such as acetoni-
(n ) 18). Side chains have been omitted for clarity. trile, it was observed that oligomers greater than
factors. These include the meta-connectivity of repeat eight units in length exhibit a change in molar
units, which allows the oligomer to fold back upon absorptivity per repeat unit and an upfield shift of
itself, and the use of polar side chains and a nonpolar the aromatic resonances. The changes in the UV-
backbone. It was postulated that when oligomers of Vis spectra were attributed to the increased concen-
sufficient length are dissolved into a polar solvent, a tration of a cisoid geometry of contiguous aromatic
helical conformation would result since this confor- rings typical of the helical confirmation (Figure 68).
mation maximizes the favorable interactions between The changes in the 1H NMR spectra for the longer
the polar solvent and polar side chain, maximizes oligomer lengths were attributed to the presence of
aromatic-aromatic stacking interactions, and mini- aromatic stacking. In these studies it was also shown
mizes the unfavorable contacts between the hydro- that the conformational transition could be controlled
carbon backbone and the polar solvent (Figure 66). by solvent quality and temperature.

Figure 67. (a) Molar extinction coefficient  (303 nm) versus oligomer length n for oligomer series 22 in chloroform (black,
squares) and acetonitrile (red and blue, circles). The lines are linear fits to the data; for acetonitrile, the fits are for n )
2-8 (red) and n ) 10-18 (blue). (b) The average chemical shift δA versus chain length n for oligomer series 22 in chloroform
(CDCl3, squares) and acetonitrile (CD3CN, circles). The curves are drawn only as guides to the eye. All the spectra in
chloroform and those of n ) 4, 6, 8 in acetonitrile did not change upon dilution; the spectra of n ) 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 in
acetonitrile were measured at ca. 10 µM.
3952 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 68. Transoid-cisoid equilibrium of oligo(m-phenylene ethynylene)s.

Figure 69. Plot of normalized fluorescence intensity for

23 (n ) 8) through 23 (n ) 18) vs the volume percent Figure 71. Emission spectra of 23 (n ) 12) (open dia-
chloroform in acetonitrile. All spectra were normalized to monds) excited in the broad absorption band peaked at
a constant optical density of 0.1 at 288 nm. 270-300 nm area diagnostic of its helical content (λex )
288 nm, 0.5 µM 23 [n ) 12] in 50:50 v/v THF/methanol.)
The folded peak at 400 nm decreases at higher T. A
spectral/lattice model prediction (solid line) describes the
folding transition and equilibrium constant near-quanti-
tatively. Insets show representative unfolded and folded
conformations (side chains omitted for clarity).410

attributed to the presence of aromatic stacking. This

coincided with the chain length (i.e., 10-mer) at which
upfield shifting and UV hypochromism was noted in
previous studies.406 It is evident from Figure 70 that
a linear relationship exists between oligomer length
and conformational stability. An important conclu-
sion is that the stability of the conformationally
ordered state was linearly dependent on chain length.
This behavior had previously been predicted on the
basis of a molecular modeling study.406 Solvent
denaturation studies suggested that each additional
Figure 70. Plot of ∆G(CH3CN) vs oligomer length for 23 monomer contributed roughly 0.7 kcal‚mol-1 of sta-
(n ) 12) through 23 (n ) 18). The linear equation used to bility to the folded conformation at 23 °C in acetoni-
fit the data is given by ∆G(CH3CN) ) 5.1-0.68n trile. Linear extrapolation yielded a free energy value
(kcal‚mol-1). near zero for the octamer, consistent with the absence
Fluorescence spectroscopy also proved to be a of folding seen in Figure 69. The observation that
valuable tool in characterizing the folding reaction each monomer contributes the same increment of
of m-phenylene ethynylene oligomers.112 In these stability to the ordered conformation suggested a
studies, oligomer series 23 was used since the hy- regularly repeating conformational structure, such
drogen end group does not quench fluorescence as a helix.
emission. By monitoring the fluorescence signal408 as The conformational transition of 23 (n ) 12) was
a function of volume percent chloroform (solvophilic) further quantified by monitoring the fluorescence
in acetonitrile (solvophobic) (Figure 69), it was pos- signal using laser T-jump relaxation measurements
sible to estimate the stability of the folded conforma- (Figure 71).410 These experiments showed that the
tion in pure acetonitrile, ∆G(CH3CN) (Figure 70).409 oligomer folded to a compact structure on a submi-
For oligomers greater than eight units in length in crosecond time scale, which is comparable to short
CH3CN, a decrease in the 350 nm fluorescence band helical peptides. However, it was determined that the
and the onset of an excimer-like emission band was folding reaction undergoes a transition to nonexpo-
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3953

stereochemical information in reasonably close prox-

imity to the aromatic backbone. The chiral unit was
derived from L-ethyl lactate, which is readily avail-
able in high enantiomeric purity, using standard
Figure 72. Equilibrium of P and M helices for oligo(m- synthetic transformations.411 It was found that, within
phenylene ethynylene)s. experimental error, the conformational transitions of
chiral oligomers 24 displayed the same chain-length
nential kinetics at low temperatures. The fluores- and solvent dependence as their achiral counterparts
cence experiments clearly show that solvophobic (23) as determined by UV-vis and fluorescence
interactions can be used to collapse the oligomers to spectroscopy (Figure 74). Therefore, the introduction
a stable, helical conformation in solution and that
of a methyl group in the side chain did not destabilize
this transition occurs in a cooperative fashion.
the helical state. In chloroform, chiral oligomers 24
Several design approaches have been used to
control the twist sense bias of m-phenylene ethy- showed no optical activity in the backbone chromo-
nylene oligomers (Figure 72).411-413 One approach phore (250-400 nm), regardless of chain length and
involved adding a small, chiral perturbation to the temperature studied. This is not surprising since in
oligomer side chain that resulted in a twist sense chloroform the oligomers are expected to be in a
preference, without disrupting the conformation sta- random conformation; hence, there is little possibility
bility.411 For these studies, a series of m-phenylene for transferring chiral information from the side
ethynylene oligomers with chiral side chains (24) was chains to the backbone. In CH3CN, the ellipticity was
generated (Figure 73). This series was analogous to found to be chain-length dependent and was zero only
the previously reported achiral series 23, except for for oligomers not long enough to adopt a helical
the introduction of a methyl group at the second conformation (n < 10). These results showed that the
carbon of each of the side chains. This placed the transfer of chiral information from the side chains

Figure 73. Structures of various oligo(m-phenylene ethynylene)s used to bias the twist sense of the helical conformation.
3954 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 74. Plots of UV-Vis (top), fluorescence (middle), and circular dichroism spectra (bottom) of oligomers 24 (n ) 6)
through 24 (n ) 18) in chloroform (left) and acetonitrile (right).

to the main chain could only occur once order is tional uniqueness of the backbone. At high chloro-
present in the backbone. form compositions (but still helical as judged by UV)
By monitoring the CD signal as a function of there are possibly a large number of energetically
volume percent chloroform in acetonitrile, it was only similar, helical-like backbone conformations that
at high acetonitrile compositions that a Cotton effect interconvert rapidly. Here, the analogy can also be
was observed (Figure 75). On the basis of this made to the compact, denatured state of proteins.416
observation it is plausible that ordering of the sol- Regardless of which of these explanations is correct,
vated side chains, a process that lags behind helix the transfer of chirality appeared to be a highly
formation, is the mechanism by which chirality is cooperative process that required a progression of
transferred to the backbone. This is analogous to the conformational order beyond the initially formed
molten globular state of proteins, a state in which helical state. These results showed that the side
the peptide backbone possesses a nativelike confor- chains played more than just a solubilizing role in
mation while having disordered side chains.414,415 An these conformationally ordered oligomers.
alternative way to explain the observed transition All members of oligomer series 24 were fully
behavior is to consider the dynamics and conforma- substituted with chiral side chains, not allowing the
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3955

the normalized Cotton effect versus percentage of

chiral side chains seems to be independent of chain
A CD analysis in aqueous acetonitrile examined
the self-assembly of oligomer series 24 into helical
columns.418 The shorter oligomers (24, n ) 8, 10, 12)
showed an increase in the stability of the helical
conformation with increasing water content. The
longer oligomers (24, n ) 14, 16, 18), which have a
stable helical conformation in pure acetonitrile, were
found to aggregate into multimolecular architectures
upon introduction of water. By using the strong
intermolecular interactions that exist in aqueous
acetonitrile solvent, the intermolecular transfer of
chirality was examined for chiral 24 (n ) 18) and
achiral 23 (n )18) octadecamers. In 100% acetoni-
Figure 75. Plot of circular dichroism (gabs at 316 nm, right) trile, the CD signal was found to be linearly depend-
for 24 (n ) 10) through 24 (n ) 18) vs the volume percent
chloroform in acetonitrile. ent on the mole percent of chiral octadecamer (Figure
77, top left). These results indicate that if inter-
molecular aggregation is occurring, there is no trans-
fer of chirality. More importantly, they show that the
CD signals observed in 100% acetonitrile can be
attributed to a purely intramolecular effect. Exami-
nation of solutions in increasing amounts of water
showed a positive deviation from linearity; that is,
the magnitude of the CD signal was larger than
expected for an ideal mixture (Figure 77). Addition-
ally, the observation that the maximum CD signal
of certain mixtures of chiral and achiral oligomers
was greater than that of the purely chiral octa-
decamer suggests that more efficient packing is
present between achiral molecules than the chiral
molecules, since in the former no branching methyl
group is present. The transfer of chirality to achiral
oligomers appears to be dependent on the presence
and intermolecular aggregation of a helical confor-
Figure 76. Plot of normalized gabs/gmax at 315 nm vs mation observed for the longer octadecamers. The
percent of chiral side chains for the mixed tetradecamers stacking is promoted by the highly polar aqueous
(23 (n ) 14), 25a, 25b, and 24 (n ) 14)), hexadecamers environment, and efficient intermolecular stacking
(23 (n ) 16), 25c, and 24 (n ) 16)), and octadecamers (23 allows for the chirality to be transferred to the achiral
(n ) 18), 25d and 24 (n ) 18)) in acetonitrile at 20 °C. The
dotted lines are meant to guide the eye but do not indicate
that an asymptotic value is reached. An alternative approach to controlling the twist
sense bias involved the use of chiral units in the
cooperativity to be determined. To investigate coop- oligomer backbone (Figure 73).412,413 It was deter-
erativity in the folding reaction, oligomers with mined that a binaphthol unit in the backbone pro-
varying numbers of chiral side chains (25a-d in vided a high amount of diastereomeric excess of one
Figure 73) were synthesized and studied.417 By anal- twist sense over the other.412 Circular dichroism
ogy to the fully chiral (24) and achiral (23) oligomers, spectra of 26 (n ) 2, 4, 6, 12) in chloroform were
the mixed side-chain oligomers existed in a random independent of chain length, while in acetonitrile a
conformational state in chloroform and formed a large Cotton effect was observed (Figure 78). The
helical conformation in acetonitrile as determined presence of an isodichroic point at 302 nm indicated
with UV-Vis spectroscopy. Circular dichroism mea- similar structures of 26 (n ) 2, 4, 6, 12), and the
surements were performed in order to determine the opposite sign of the signal arising from (S)-26 (n )
extent of cooperative interactions among the side 6) confirmed that the induction of chirality in the
chains. Shown in Figure 76 is a plot of the normalized backbone was from the binaphthol segment. Fur-
Cotton effect (gabs/gmax) vs percent chiral side chains. thermore, a continual increase in ∆ as the length of
It can be seen that regardless of overall oligomer the chain increased indicated that the chiral environ-
length, a positive nonlinear dependence of the optical ment persisted along the entire chain length. How-
activity on the percentage of chiral side chain was ever, by comparing results on these oligomers to a
observed. This positive nonlinear effect strongly system containing the binaphthol segment at the
supports the cooperative nature of the folding reac- chain terminus (27), it was determined that the
tion. The results further indicate that the twist sense binaphthol in the center causes 3-5 kcal‚mol-1
bias is equally strong for every oligomer length, as destabilization of the folded, helical conformation.
3956 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 77. Plot of ∆314 vs mole % chiral octadecamer 24 (n ) 18) for solutions of varying amounts chiral and achiral 23
(n ) 18) octadecamers in different concentrations of water/acetonitrile (v/v). All spectra were recorded in solutions with a
total oligomer concentration of 3.3 µM. The dotted lines are the expected signals that should arise upon dilution of a
sample only containing only chiral octadecamer. The solid line is the least-squares linear fit of the chiral octadecamer
dilution data (top left, correlation coefficient ) 0.998).

Figure 78. CD spectra of 26 (n ) 2, 4, 6, 12) in Figure 79. CD spectra of 28 (R ) H, CMe2, SiMe3) in

acetonitrile. All samples were prepared with OD ca. 1.0 acetonitrile.
(2-11 µM in oligomer), and spectra were recorded at room
temperature (23 °C).
the helical cavity and help in templating helical
Moore and co-workers have also shown that it is
In another system containing a chiral unit in the
possible to control the folding reaction in a nonpolar
backbone, (+)-tartaric acid was used to tether two
solvent.419 For these studies, a series of m-phenylene
chains.413 It was found that the choice of protecting ethynylene oligomers containing nonpolar, (S)-3,7-
group on the tartaric acid played an extremely dimethyl-1-octanoxy side chains was synthesized and
significant role on the magnitude of the twist sense studied (29) (Figure 80). In these oligomers, the
bias 28 (R ) H, CMe2, SiMe3). The use of a trimethyl- addition of apolar side chains rendered the aromatic
silyl ether protecting groups resulted in helices with backbone polar with respect to the side chains. The
a very large twist sense bias (Figure 79). Surpris- ability to induce conformational order in such an
ingly, the use of an isopropylidene ketal group or no oligomer was intriguing since both the side chain and
protecting group was ineffective at helical discrimi- backbone are hydrocarbon segments. Structural am-
nation and may have possibly inhibited helix forma- phiphilicity in this system is obviously less pro-
tion. At the present time, the exact conformational nounced, and the promotion of helical order in a
role of the chiral tether has not been established. lipophilic solvent would bode well for the possibility
Initial molecular modeling experiments indicate that of forming helical channels in bilayer membranes.
the trimethylsilyl protecting groups may bind within UV-Vis and CD measurements indicated that the
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3957

tive and again required a progression of conforma-

tional order beyond the initially formed helical state.
It was also noted that for the apolar oligomers 29,
the Cotton effect disappeared at much smaller vol-
ume percent chloroform than for the polar, chiral
oligomers 24. This was most likely due to the greater
rate at which solvent polarity changes upon addition
Figure 80. Structure of oligo(m-phenylene ethynylene)s of chloroform to heptane, in contrast to the smaller
29 with chiral, apolar side chains. change upon addition of chloroform to acetonitrile.
It was also shown that the strong twist sense bias
was extremely time dependent and could partially
be attributed to intermolecular aggregation. These
results indicate that nonpolar, solvophobic interac-
tions can be used for controlling the ordering of
nonbiological oligomers.
The helical conformation of m-phenylene ethy-
nylene oligomers has a tubular cavity, which poten-
tially provides a novel receptor site for catalytic
systems. The ordered solution conformation was
shown to afford a high-affinity binding site for small
molecule guests.420 This was first demonstrated by
the diastereoselective complexation of chiral mono-
terpenes with three different dodecamer length oli-
gomers in polar solvents (Figure 82). The only
difference among these oligomers was the addition
Figure 81. Plots of ∆ vs λ for 29 (n ) 10) through 29 (n of methyl groups, which are placed into the tubular
) 18) in heptane at 20 °C (right). Note the presence of an cavity upon helical formation, reducing the space
isodichroic point at 292 nm.
available for guest binding. Induced circular dichro-
oligomers adopted a random conformation in chloro- ism (CD) spectroscopy was used for probing the
form as evidenced by a linear dependence of molar interaction of small chiral molecules with the achiral
absorbtivity on chain length and a lack of Cotton oligomers. In the absence of a chiral guest, oligomer
effect in the backbone chromophore. In apolar sol- 30 exhibited no CD signal as expected for an achiral
vents, such as heptane, oligomers of sufficient length molecule. However, the addition of enantiomerically
(n > 10) were found to adopt a helical conformation pure (-)-R-pinene to a solution of 30 in 40% H2O/
with a large twist sense bias (Figure 81). In a fashion acetonitrile induced a strong Cotton effect in the
similar to the chiral polar oligomers 24, the onset of wavelength range where the oligomer absorbs. The
the twist sense bias occurred abruptly at a solvent stoichiometry of the complex was strictly 1:1 as
composition that was well beyond the conformational determined by the linearity of Benesi-Hildebrand
transition as monitored by UV spectroscopy. Al- and slope of Hill plots, and the binding affinity
though the underlying phenomena responsible for constant was found to be ca. 6800 M-1. Molecular
this behavior are not well understood, it was appar- models (Figure 83) revealed that the size and shape
ent that the transfer of chirality was highly coopera- of R-pinene is complementary to the internal space

Figure 82. Chemical structures of m-phenylene ethynylene oligomeric hosts 30-32 used in binding small molecule guests
(R ) -CO2(CH2CH2O)3CH3).
3958 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 83. Space-filling model of the 1:1 minimum energy complex of 30 and (-)-R-pinene determined by a Monte Carlo
search in which the position and orientation of R -pinene within the helix cavity was varied. Top and side views are shown.

Figure 84. Structures of various terpenes used in the

binding study.
Table 6. Association of Oligomer 23 (n ) 12) with
Various Monoterpenesa
guest K11 (M-1) -∆G° (kcal‚mol-1) ∆∞ (M-1‚cm-1)b
33 6830 5.2 325
34 6000d 5.1 15 Figure 85. Plot of fractional saturation of the CD signal
35 4450c 5.0 93 against (-)-R-pinene concentration for the oligomers: 30
36 2970c 4.7 265 ([); 31 (b); 32 (9). The CD signal at saturation, ∆∞, was
37 3920c 4.9 124 obtained from nonlinear least-squares fitting of ∆ vs (-)-
38 1790c 4.4 77 R-pinene concentration using a 1:1 binding model. The lines
a All measurements were recorded in a mixed solvent of 40% are the nonlinear fits of the data to the 1:1 binding model.
water in acetonitrile (by volume) at 295 K. Abbreviations: K11, Error bars are based on the signal-to-noise ratio of the CD
association constant; M, molarity; -∆G°, free energy of spectra. All measurement were recorded in a mixed solvent
complex formation; ∆∞, saturation value of the CD signal from of 40 volume percent water in acetonitrile (by volume) at
nonlinear fitting of titration data to a 1:1 binding model. [13 295 K. [oligomer] ) 4.2 µM.
(n )12)] ) 4.2 µM. b CD signal at saturation determined from
nonlinear least-squares fitting. c Determined from nonlinear -∆G° ) 2.1 kcal‚mol-1), respectively. These results
least-squares fitting to a 1:1 binding model. d Calculated by indicated that filling the cavity with methyl groups
competition experiments with guest 33.
reduced the space for binding. This study shows that
conformationally ordered oligomers could serve as a
of the hydrophobic cavity of the putative helix and platform for the construction of synthetic receptors.
interestingly that the molecular volume of R-pinene The demonstration that a binding site could be
is roughly 55% of the helix cavity volume, consistent created from a folded chain parallels concepts in
with the criterion suggested by Rebek for molecular biopolymer recognition and suggests a new avenue
encapsulation.421 It was also determined that dodeca- for supramolecular catalysis. The synthetic modular-
mer 30 forms 1:1 complexes with a variety of mono- ity of sequence-specific oligomers naturally suggests
terpenes 33-38 (Figure 84; Table 6). The binding was the use of combinatorial methods in refining the
also found to be a solvophobically driven process, and active sites. Molecular adaptation, where binding
by extrapolating to pure water, an association con- strength is mediated by conformational changes, is
stant of 60 000 M-1 was estimated. easily imagined from this study.
By performing experiments on modified oligomers As an extension of the concept of molecular adap-
(31 and 32), it was confirmed that binding was tion, the internal cavity of an oligo(m-phenylene
occurring on the interior of the cavity (Figure 85). ethynylene) helix was also anticipated to be comple-
Each oligomeric host formed a 1:1 complex with (+)- mentary in shape to rodlike chain molecules of
R-pinene, but the association constant dropped by 1 appropriate diameter.422 Molecular interactions of
and 2 orders of magnitude for 31 (K11 ) 280 M-1 and this type, while quite unlike those typical of bio-
-∆G° ) 3.3 kcal‚mol-1) and 32 (K11 ) 40 M-1 and macromolecules, were sought to reveal oligomeric
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3959

Figure 86. (a) Schematic diagram illustrating the binding of a rodlike guest to helical oligomers of differing lengths. The
cavity height is determined by the oligomer length. (b) Solvent-exposed surface of the oligomer cavity (s) and the rodlike
guest (- - -) in a complexed state as a function of cavity height. The total amount of solvent-exposed surface (s) shows a
minimum that predicts a cavity length with the highest affinity for the rodlike guest. (c) Minimized structure of 23 (n )
18) with 39 determined by a Monte Carlo docking algorithm.

Figure 87. Structures of a rodlike guest and two series

of m-phenylene ethynylene oligomers.
modularity, both in terms of the helical scaffold and
the ligand. Association is based on shape recognition
arising from the morphological features of interacting
molecular surfaces. These concepts led to the devel-
opment of rod-shaped chiral guest 39 whose shape
is matched to the cylindrical cavity of oligomer series
23 (Figure 86a). The binding affinity of these com-
plexes was postulated to depend on the relative Figure 88. Plot of log K11 versus oligomer length n. The
length of the oligomer to its guest, assuming the free binding affinity of 39 reaches a maximum value with 23
energy of binding depends on the area of contact (n ) 20 and 22). All measurements were recorded in a
mixed solvent of 40% H2O in CH3CN (by volume) at 294 (
between the interacting molecular surfaces (Figure 1 K. [39] ) 4.2 µM.
86b). Considering the diameter of the cylindrical
hydrophobic cavity in helical oligomer series 23, cis- rather than associating by intercalation. The stoi-
(2S,5S)-2, 5-dimethyl-N,N′-diphenylpiperazine 39 was chiometry of the complex of 39 with 23 was deter-
examined as the guest molecule (Figure 87). Com- mined to be 1:1 by the linearity of Benesi-Hilde-
pound 39 has a chiral, rodlike structure, and its size brand plots. The association constant (K11), calculated
and shape are complementary to the cavities of by a nonlinear least-squares fitting method, was
helical 23, as deduced from molecular modeling found to be 5600 ( 190 M-1 for the 12-mer of 23. This
studies (Figure 86c). value is again similar to that of the complex of (-)-
The binding affinities of 39 with members of R-pinene and 12-mer of 23.420 However, a significant
oligomer series 23 (n ) 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24) dependence of the binding affinities of 39 on the
were determined using CD measurements. Induced length of the oligomers was observed (Figure 86). In
CD spectra resulting from the interaction of 39 with each case, the stoichiometry of the complex was 1:1.
oligomer series 23 were obtained by subtracting the The affinity of 39 with the 20-mer and 22-mer of 23
CD spectrum of 39 from that of the host-guest was found to be ca. 30 times larger than that of 10-
complex in 40% aqueous acetonitrile. The shape of mer. Interestingly, the K11 value of the 24-mer is
the induced CD spectra is nearly identical to that smaller than that of the 20-mer and 22-mer by an
obtained when using (-)-R-pinene as the guest experimentally significant and reproducible margin.
molecule.420 CD spectra recorded over a range of The reduction in affinity could be due to destabiliza-
guest concentrations showed saturation behavior tion involving a cavity-volume/guest-volume mis-
with an isodichroic point, which is expected for a match (Figure 86b).
single stoichiometry relationship between 39 and its These results continue to support the hypothesis
oligomeric host. To verify that binding takes place that all members of oligomer series 23 exist in
within the helical cavity, solutions of endo-methyl- solution in conformationally well-ordered states with
substituted dodecamer 32 with guest 39 as a control chiral cylindrical cavities capable of binding chiral
were studied. No induced Cotton effect was observed rodlike guest molecules such as 39. Co-modularity
in this case. These results indicate that compound of host-guest oligomeric pairs such as the system
39 binds to the internal cavity of these oligomers, described here raises a number of engaging possibili-
3960 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 89. Schematic diagram illustrating the aggregation behavior of m-phenylene ethynylene oligomers over a range
of concentrations. In dilute solution, the oligomers can exist in a random or helical conformation. At increased concentrations
they associate intermolecularly, possibly in an extended lamellar-type fashion or as tubular and hexagonal helical stacks.

ties. It has been presumed that longer rodlike guest

molecules will exhibit a maximum affinity to even
longer oligomers. For example, the rod lengths of 39
can be easily varied by repeating the aryl-piperazine
unit and may possibly be applied to the selective
ligation of oligomer fragments to template the growth
of chains of a specific length.
c. Oligo(m-phenylene ethynylene)s in the Solid
State. The solid-state organization of m-phenylene
ethynylene oligomers has also been investigated.423-426
For these studies two different oligomer series were
examined (23 and 40). Two possible packing models
were postulated for the solid-state organization of the
oligomers (Figure 89). One possibility is that the
oligomers could self-organize into a tubular meso-
phase.427,428 One the other hand, a lamellar organiza-
tion consisting of extended ribbonlike chains could
achieve many of the same local aromatic-aromatic
interactions without the costly free volume of the Figure 90. Plot of long-spacings versus oligomer length
for two oligo(m-phenylene ethynylene) series as observed
tubular phase. The solid-state conformation was in SAXD measurements. Series 23 (prepared from the melt)
found to be highly dependent on the subtle chemical packs in a lamellar arrangement (9, top), and thus, the
structure of the backbone. long-spacings depend linearly on chain length. In contrast,
Oligomer series 23, which contains a hydrogen- series 40 (prepared from solvent evaporation) exhibits long-
spacings that are independent of chain length (n g 10),
substituted backbone, was found to exhibit a lamellar suggesting the possibility of helical columns (b, bottom).
organization in the solid state. Optical microscopy
and differential scanning calorimetry showed that Oligomer series 40, which contains a methyl-
oligomers (n > 8) adopt liquid crystalline phases and substituted backbone, was suprisingly found to adopt
that they each have a similar mode of solid-state a tubular organization in the solid state. Because the
organization. By performing X-ray measurements on melting point of these oligomers exceeds the decom-
samples slowly cooled from the melt423 or evaporated position point, a new X-ray sample preparation was
from solution,425 it was possible to determine that the required. Oligomers were dissolved in a solvent
long-spacing, due to periodic order in the solid state, (typically CH2Cl2), drawn into a capillary, and left
was directionally proportional to oligomer length to solidify as evaporation took place. X-ray Bragg
(Figure 90). It was also determined that these vis- spacings were independent of chain length, and each
coelastic samples could be mechanically aligned by oligomer exhibited a long spacing of 25-26 Å (Figure
spreading or rolling the material on flat substrates. 90). The small-angle X-ray reflections were indexed
This produced macroscopic orientation in the longi- to a hexagonal lattice indicating that the oligomers
tudinal direction. It was proposed that the lamellar were packing in a tubular arrangement. In addition,
organization was thermodynamically favored, pre- it was determined that the oligomers spontaneously
sumably due to the minimization of free channel void acquired a radial macroscopic orientation upon evapo-
space that would be present in a tubular structure. ration. These results suggested that the oligomers
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3961

These subunits were combined in the synthesis of

several compounds of varying oligomer length (43,
44, 45 R ) Me, n-Hex).
The helical conformation was characterized by
NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. In
chloroform, where H-bonding should be strong, oli-
gomers 43 and 44 exhibited a large downfield shift
for the pyridinecarboxamide protons while the ter-
minal NH protons and many of the aromatic protons
exhibited a strong upfield shift. These results are
Figure 91. Alternating pyrazine and acylated 1,4-phe- indicative of aromatic stacking and H-bonding. The
nylenediamine copolymer that adopts a planarized shape. solid-state structure of 43 shows a distinct helical
conformation with an aromatic stacking distance of
that adopt hexagonally packed nanotubes tend to 3.69 Å. The increased bulk of the N-oxide unit in 44
form stable helical conformations in solution (the resulted in a wider separation of the terminal anthra-
folded state of oligomer series 40 is more stable than nilamide rings. This resulted in an increased pitch
23 in solution).429 In the case of 40, the helical of the helical conformation as evidenced by an
stabilization is attributed to the fact that the intro- increased aromatic stacking distance in the X-ray
duction of methyl groups minimized the costly free structure and less significant upfield shifting of the
space present in series 23. The tubular structure of resonances of the terminal aromatic protons.
this system and others377-380,382 could have possible Intramolecular H-bonding was also used in the
applications as an organic host solid or be used as a creation of systems 45 (R ) Me, n-Hex) with an
template for nano-organization. extended secondary structure. X-ray crystallography
on the less soluble analogue 45 (R ) Me) revealed
D. Backbones Utilizing Hydrogen-Bonding two polymorphs. One contained the desired helical
Interactions conformation with the expected aromatic stacking
distances and two complete turns of the oligomeric
1. Aromatic Amide Backbones backbone. In the solid state, a racemic mixture of
Hydrogen bonding is important for creating and right- and left-handed helical conformations is present.
stabilizing highly ordered conformations in naturally Surprisingly, another polymorph contained a left-
occurring systems such as R-amino acid peptides and handed helix for the first portion of the oligomer that
nucleic acids. Recently, H-bonding interactions have reversed to a right-handed helical conformation at
been used in combination with the aromatic-aro- the phenylenediamine unit in the center of the
matic stacking interactions of aromatic rings in strand. The solution conformation showed the ex-
oligomer systems. A common motif of this research pected downfield shifting of H-bonded amide protons
is the use of aryl amides. It should be mentioned that and upfield shifting of aromatic resonances due to
most of these oligomers make use of interactions aromatic stacking. However, the lack of any NOE
between adjacent monomer units only in their H- signals prevented the complete characterization of
bonding interactions. Whether these chain conforma- the solution conformation. Therefore, it was not
tions behave cooperatively or as a collection of possible to determine if alternative structures ex-
independent units requires experimental verification. isted. Nonetheless, these results demonstrate that
Nonetheless, the backbones discussed below are the combination of aromatic stacking interactions
worthy of note in that they each utilize the same and intramolecular H-bonding can be used for the
repeat unit to achieve various structural ends. generation of secondary structures in solution. Given
Oligo(acylated 2,2′-bipyridine-3,3′-diamine)s and the combination of adjacent and nonadjacent nonco-
oligo(2,5-bis[2-aminophenyl]pyrazine)s have shown valent interactions that contribute to conformational
enhanced planarization and conjugation through stability, these oligomers do qualify as foldamers.
intramolecular hydrogen bonding (Figure 91).430-432 Additionally, predisposed intramolecular H-bond-
Dendritic analogues of these oligomers have also been ing has been used for the helical formation of oligo-
reported.433-438 (amide)s (Figure 93).445-447 Using a structure akin to
Hamilton and co-workers reported the generation one published by Nowick,154,155 these systems involve
of a helical conformation based on an oligoanthra- meta-connected diaryl amide oligomers (46) and the
nilamides (Figure 92).439-441 The system is based on presence of a three-center intramolecular H-bond,
the intramolecular H-bonding of two subunits, one which leads to a rigidification of the backbone. Ab
being an anthranilamide 41 and the other a 2,6- initio molecular calculations show a strong preference
pyridinedicarboxamide 42. (Dendritic analogues uti- (>11 kcal‚mol-1) for the three-center H-bond over
lizing anthraniliamide and pyridinedicarboxamide possible alternative conformations. These units were
subunits have been reported to display solvent-, incorporated into oligomer 47 containing six aromatic
temperature-, and generation-dependent conforma- rings. Upon placing the oligomers in a chloroform
tions in solution.442-444) It was proposed that a helical solution, an almost complete circle was formed, which
conformation would result from intramolecular H- represents the first turn of a helical conformation.
1H NMR NOESY experiments revealed the expected
bonding, the preference of secondary benzamides to
adopt a trans conformation in solution, and aromatic- 10 cross-peaks between the amide protons and the
aromatic stacking between the aromatic subunits. protons of the alkoxy R-methylene and methoxy
3962 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 92. Anthranilamide motifs and derivative oligomers.

been synthesized, so it is therefore not known if

longer strands would result in a helical conformation.
However, if this does occur, it would create a large
internal cavity that could possibly be used for the
binding of small molecules.

2. Receptor Motif Backbones

a. Diaminopyridine Backbones Templated by
Cyanurate. Molecular recognition mediated by H-
bonding between a host diaminopyridine and a guest
cyanurate unit (48) has also been used for the
generation of well-defined foldamers (Figure 94).448
An oligomer strand 49 containing four diaminopyri-
dine subunits was synthesized and studied. It was
proposed that the interaction of oligomer 49 with 2
equiv of a monosubstituted cyanurate 50 would result
in helical conformation 52 (through conformation 51)
stabilized by H-bonding and aromatic stacking in-
teractions. 1H NMR spectroscopy was used to char-
acterize the interaction of oligomeric host 49 with
cyanurate guest 50. In chloroform and polar, hydro-
gen bond-competing solvents such as methanol, the
spectrum of 49 is broad and poorly resolved, indicat-
ing a variety of nonspecific intermolecular inter-
actions. Upon the addition of 2 equiv of cyanurate
guest 50, a sharpening of the signals is observed
along with the downfield shift of the amide hydrogens
resonances. These results indicated the formation of
Figure 93. Chemical structure of an oligo(amide) motif a well-defined, H-bonding complex whose 2:1 stoi-
and a crescent oligo(amide). chiometry was confirmed by a Job’s plot analy-
sis.449,450 The binding was determined to be a coop-
groups, supporting the formation of a curved confor- erative process where the binding constant of the
mation. On the basis of molecular modeling, this second guest was twice that of the first guest. This
conformation has a ∼10 Å hydrophobic cavity. At the could be attributed to the preorganization of the
present time, no oligomers longer than six units have strand for the binding of the second guest molecule
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3963

Figure 94. Motifs, oligomers, and helical structure of cyanurate-binding oligo(diaminopyridine)s.448

upon binding of the first molecule. An examination packs in 2D sheets. Job’s method confirmed the 1:1
of concentrated solutions in hydrocarbon solvents by stoichiometry of the complex in solution.449,450 Pen-
optical and electron microscopy revealed the presence tamer 53, which can bind 2 equiv of isophthalic acid
of entangled fibers. This behavior was attributed to in solution (stoichiometry determined by Job’s
the intermolecular aggregation of the helical confor- method449,450), was also examined by X-ray structural
mation 52, similar to previously described systems.382 studies. Eight H-bonds were revealed corresponding
These results show that the proper use of intermo- to the planar configuration of the complex (Figure
lecular interactions between a host and guest mol- 95). Overall, these results show that the binding of
ecule can template helical conformations and higher a guest can modulate the conformation of its respec-
ordered structures in solution. tive host and that extending the host backbone can
b. Phenylene-Pyridine-Pyrimidine Ethynyl- result in multisite foldamer receptors.452
ene Backbones Templated by Isophthalic Acid.
Moore and co-workers reported a phenylene ethynyl- E. Backbones Utilizing Metal Coordination
ene-based isophthalic acid receptor that can be
extended to a dual-site complex.451 While this system 1. Overview
does not utilize aromatic stacking to adopt a planar Up to this point in the review, foldamer structures
conformation, it does employ the rigidity of a phenyl- primarily stabilized by hydrogen bonding and aro-
acetylene backbone to properly bind its guest via matic-aromatic stacking have been considered. At
H-bonding. Cocrystallization of the precursor trimer the same time, a significant amount of work has been
and isophthalic acid gives single crystals of a complex conducted on chains that fold upon binding ionic
suitable for X-ray structure determination. The re- species, especially coordination of metal ions, termed
sulting complex clearly displays four H-bonds and helicates.453 The folding reaction of these backbones
3964 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 95. Crystal structure of a trimeric receptor with two molecules of bound isophthalic acid.

bilinones, a recent solvent study demonstrated that

solvents of lower polarizability were more efficient
at this helical induction since intramolecular van der
Waals contacts responsible for the diastereomeric
discrimination are more favorable in these sol-
vents.459 Although these tetrameric chains adopt
folded conformations, it is difficult to envision a
homomorphic extension of the chain to longer lengths
with retention of these foldamer characteristics.
Figure 96. Helical zinc-bilinone complex. Because of this, discussions of bilinones as foldamers
does not seem promising and will not be considered
is coupled to the assembly-disassembly process of further.
metal coordination. We are unaware of any reference b. Oligopyridines. Although a variety of hetero-
to helicate structures as foldamers in the literature, nuclear ligands employing pyridines, imines, and
although they fulfill the foldamer criteria outlined other Lewis basic functionalities have been incorpo-
in this review. Herein, we only consider examples rated into single-stranded helicates, we will focus
that are chain molecules (at least two repeat units here primarily on oligopyridines since they are the
in the backbone) with the stipulation that they must most common metal-coordinating ligands and have
demonstrate an ability to be extended to longer chain been incorporated into many complex structures.456
lengths. Furthermore, we will not consider infinite Oligopyridines are a family of chain molecules that
helical complexes since they are by their nature have been thoroughly studied for their ability to bind
polymeric. Thus, the purpose of this section is not a variety of metal ions in different stoichiometries
an exhaustive review of the helicate literature454-457 and with predictable geometries due to their substi-
but an exploration of chain molecules that fold tution patterns along the aromatic rings. As the
through metal coordination. oligomer length increases, cisoid and transoid con-
2. Metal-Binding Backbones formational states are possible at each interannular
torsion along the chain. Quaterpyridines (qtpy) exist
a. Zinc Bilinones. Acyclic porphyrin derivatives as all-transoid conformations in the solid-state, with
known as bilinones incorporate functionalized pyr- interannular twisting observed in solution,463 while
roles into a tetrameric backbone such that binding adopting all-cisoid planar conformations when com-
of Zn(II) induces single-stranded helical conforma- plexed (Figure 97) to a variety of transition-metal
tions (Figure 96). Studies aimed at shifting the helical ions (examples include Co(II),464 Co(III),465 Cu(II),464
twist sense have involved covalent attachment of Ni(II),463 Pd(II),466 Cr(III),467 and Y(III)).468 Qtpy
chiral moieties to the chain terminus458,459 or as oligomers are the longest chains of this family that
tethers460 in addition to binding of chiral guests such consistently adopt planar conformations within a
as amino acids.461,462 Using chiral end group modified single-stranded complex. Longer oligopyridine chains,
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3965

Figure 97. All-transoid solution conformation of qtpy, and the all-cisoid coordinated form.

Figure 98. Two different single-stranded qpy helicates in two different Re oxidation states. Crystal structures are shown
for each.

Figure 99. Solution equilibrium of a dinuclear qpy Zn(II) helicate containing a bridging hydroxide.

however, adopt helical conformations upon metal In the Re(I) helicate, the dinuclear coordination mode
coordination and demonstrate various folded archi- in the S-shaped conformation is adopted in order to
tectures, although becoming increasingly insoluble alleviate steric hindrance in alternative complex-
with longer lengths. Recent approaches that incor- ations (as well as to accommodate the geometric
porate 4-tert-butyl phenyl469 and n-propylthio side preferences of the CO ligands) with the dihedral
chains470 greatly aid in solublizing these oligomers. angles between the central ring and the bipy frag-
The ability of metal ions to optimize their coordi- ments opening up to 110° and 112°. 1H NMR con-
nation sphere while minimizing their geometric firmed that the solid-state conformations of both
constraints results in the ability to selectively coor- complexes were retained in solution. Similarly, a
dinate to preferred segments within a chain molecule. single-stranded 6,6′′′′-dimethyl-qpy chain binds two
This is a powerful supramolecular construct for
Zn(II) ions (bridged by a hydroxyl group) and two
foldamers whose level of architectural control has not
acetate species. In the solid state, bipy and tpy
been fully exploited. For instance, with Re(III),
quinquepyridine (qpy) (n ) 5) adopts a mononuclear, oligomer segments bind separately in order to ideally
all-cisoid helical complex (also observed in a [Ag(qpy)]- match steric constraints and satisfy the coordination
[PF6] complex471) (Figure 98). With Re(I), one of two spheres of the Zn(II) ions (Figure 99).473 In solution,
isolated crystals was determined to be the dinuclear the central pyridine coordinates to either of the Zn(II)
helicate where the metal ions partition the oligomer ions in a dynamic equilibrium as evidenced by 1H
into two bipy segments, leaving the central pyridine NMR. With sexipyridines (spy), Eu(III) forms a
uncoordinated.472 With Re(III), the helical conforma- monohelical, 10-coordinate complex through torsional
tion occurs by interannular twists in the backbone adjustments in the backbone to minimize chain end
to assuage steric interactions between the termini. interactions,474 while with Pd(II), spy coordinates to
3966 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 100. Structures of cyano-substituted oligo(m-phenylene ethynylene)s and a space-filling model of 54 coordinated
to two Ag+ ions. Side chains have been omitted for clarity.

two metal ions through two tpy fragments in the

c. Oligo(m-phenylene ethynylene)s. A modifi-
cation of the tubular cavity of oligo(m-phenylene
ethynylene)s led to the first example of a nonbiologi-
cal oligomer whose secondary structure could be
controlled by both nonspecific (solvophobic) and
specific (metal-coordination) interactions.476 These
features were present in dodecamer 54, consisting of
12 nonpolar phenylacetylene backbone units, each Figure 101. Structure of a hexapyrrin bound to two
attached to a polar triethyleneglycol monomethyl chloride anions.
ether side chain (Figure 100). Six metal-coordinating
cyano groups are located on every other aromatic conformational changes were a direct result of the
ring, between the acetylenic linkages. In the helical interactions between the silver ions and the cyano
conformation, this sequence places the six cyano groups. By performing experiments on a modified
groups into the interior of the tubular cavity creating oligomer (55), it was also possible to determine that
two approximately trigonal planar coordination sites. solvophobic interactions were playing an important
Molecular models revealed that each nitrogen atom role in the formation and stability of the metal-
lies about 2.1 Å from the helical axis, a distance induced helical formation. The studies showed that
consistent with that needed for metal-nitrile ligation oligomer series 22 could be modified to tightly and
(Figure 100). Both UV-vis and 1H NMR measure- selectively bind metal ions within the internal cavity
ments showed that a helical conformation could be of a helical structure. Furthermore, the strength of
produced by the use of solvophobic interactions alone, metal ion binding appeared to be derived from a
indicating that the cyano groups on the interior of combination of solvophobic interactions that favored
the helical cavity did not inhibit the formation of the helical structure along with the more usual
helical structures. All metal-binding experiments metal-ligand interactions.
were performed in tetrahydrofuran since this solvent
does not solvophobically induce helical conformations. 3. Anionic-Binding BackbonessHexapyrrins
Silver triflate (AgO3SCF3) was used as the metal Compared to their cation-binding analogues, anion-
source, since it favors a trigonal planar coordination binding foldamers are far less common, purportedly
environment. By using a combination of UV-Vis, 1H due to the lack of discrete denticity in anion coordi-
NMR, electrospray MS, and isothermal titrational nation chemistry. However, 5,15,25-tris-nor-hexapy-
microcalorimetry, it was determined that dodecamer rrins, similar in structure to the bilinones, display a
54 cooperatively bound two moles of AgO3SCF3 discrete “S”-shaped conformation in solution and in
resulting in a stable, folded conformation. Control the solid state (Figure 101).477 Bilin-derived and
experiments on oligomers that did not contain cyano respective linear tetrapyrrolic analogues have long
groups (oligomer series 23) clearly indicated that the been studied as supramolecular building blocks due
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3967

to their role as precursors in the generation of natural In general, DNA strands adopt unique conforma-
products such as macrocyclic porphryins. Sessler and tions upon association through interstrand contacts.
co-workers synthesized fully conjugated hexapyrrin On the other hand, not only does RNA form duplex
with four n-propyl side chains. Crystallization of the structures, but also single chains also commonly fold
dihydrochloric acid salt of this foldamer showed the through intrastrand interactions into complex sec-
chain to lie in a completely planar conformation, ondary structures such as hairpins and loops.487 Prior
where one chloride ion rests in each of the two clefts to duplex formation, single-stranded oligonucleotides
generated in the “S” shape. This configuration allows show significant conformational preorganization. This
each of the anions to engage in three hydrogen bonds, preorganization is a result of phosphates in the
where one is ionic in character. The dihydrochloric backbone linearly extending the oligonucleotide chain
acid salt was the only analogue generated that through electrostatic repulsion (similar to polyanionic
packed in this way. Data gained from NOE spectros- polymer backbones31) and base-stacking interactions
copy confirmed that the prevalent solution-phase that align the backbone into an expanded state.488
conformation was also planar. Yet, the presence of Upon duplex formation, realignment of the oligo-
an overlapped helix could not be ruled out given that nucleotide backbone proceeds at an entropic cost in
no new cross-peaks could be observed by this method order to maximize the enthalpic gain from intra- and
for such a conformation. interstrand base interactions within the double helix,
thus refining the overall conformation through base
VI. Nucleotidomimetic Foldamers pairing. The recognition selectivity is primarily a
function of the interstrand base-pairing interactions
A. Overview shown in Figure 102. Exhaustive conformational
Although the oligomer systems described thus far analysis of the furanose ring in oligonucleotide
have involved only single chain folding reactions, the backbones has revealed several preferred puckered
field of foldamers is not limited to this definition. In states due to the flexibility of the five-membered ring;
fact, the scope of foldamers extends to multistrand these ring conformations are seen in DNA and RNA
assemblies where oligomer chains associate and fold sequences (Figure 103).487,489 In double-stranded (ds)
through noncovalent intermolecular interactions be- complexes, RNA backbones primarily adopt the 3′-
tween strands. Within this field, nucleotidomimetics endo A-type conformation whereas DNA (d) back-
aim at improving the understanding of natural bones adopt both the A- and 2′-endo B-type confor-
oligonucleotides,478 seeking insight on the origins of mations (Figure 104). These conformations influence
life,479-481 and on the development of antisense the tilting of the nucleobases; the B-type conforma-
(targeting mRNA) and antigene (targeting the major tion orients the bases perpendicular to the helical
groove of double-stranded DNA) agents.482-486 These axis, while the bases of the A-type conformation are
approaches involve correlating structural modifica- inclined ca. 14-20° to the axis.490 The resulting
tion of the backbone and the nucleobases with con- duplex architectures are stabilized through Watson-
formational changes in the chain and the stability of Crick (WC) base-pairing and have information-rich
the generated duplexes. Conformational changes are surfaces both in the major groove, where oligonucle-
measured directly by NMR and other structurally otides can bind through Hoogsteen (H) pairing to
determinant techniques or indirectly by thermal form triple-helical assemblies, and the minor groove,
denaturation using classic UV melting curves. which contains sites for small molecule interac-
To our knowledge, the literature has not completely tions.487
connected these structures with foldamers since the
The successful design of an oligonucleotide folda-
motivation for research in this area derives primarily
mer will be evaluated in two ways: first, the ability
from generating stable supramolecular complexes.
Because of this, studies of nucleotidomimetic foldam- of the foldamer to adopt backbone conformations that
ers can best be summarized as “research on foldam- promote base interactions, both pairing and stacking,
ers” where the folding reaction is implied but not the by their intra- or intermolecular stability and, second,
central focus as it has been with peptidomimetic and the demonstration of attributes such as cooperativity
single-stranded abiotic foldamers. From the perspec- and base selectivity that provide insight into the
tive of the foldamer field, nucleotidomimetics aim to folding reaction. This survey will primarily focus on
ascertain the interdependence between sugar-back- backbone modifications of the carbohydrate, linkage,
bone conformations and the strength of interstrand and nucleobases (for reviews, see refs 486 and 491),
interactions. That is, given the variety of sequence- and to a lesser extent foldamers that bind in the
dependent pairing motifs and complex-induced con- minor groove of oligonucleotide duplexes. On the
formations possible in natural oligonucleotides, it is whole, nucleotidomimetic foldamers are robust. This
of interest to determine how variation of the back- behavior is perhaps a fundamental property of re-
bone affects the mode and selectivity of strand peating, polyelectrolyte chain molecules. They can
association. Examples described herein can afford an tolerate a variety of modifications within the back-
expanded conceptualization for the construction of bone while retaining their duplex stability primarily
novel foldamer complexes while at the same time due to a well balanced set of supramolecular inter-
approach the field from the point of view of chain actions that, most importantly, includes electrostatic
folding and association. Just as with peptidomimetic repulsion. It is worth mentioning that thermal de-
foldamers, nucleotidomimietics are approached naturation data provided in this discussion is system
through a top-down design, and therefore, the success specific, and therefore, comparisons can only be made
of structural modification is often ascertained by to isostructural systems studied under identical
direct comparison to their biological counterparts. conditions.
3968 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 102. Common nucleotide base-pairing motifs and acronyms used throughout this section.

Figure 103. Average torsional angles (in degrees) for the

furanose ring in several oligonucleotides from crystal
Figure 105. Natural and isomeric furanosyl backbones.
Bold indicates backbone bonds.

demonstrated to be involved in information trans-

fer,492 these isomeric forms of natural RNA and DNA
were clear starting points for investigations into
alternative backbones (Figure 105). Detailed research
on 5′f2′ isomeric RNA and DNA (iso-RNA and iso-
DNA) duplex formation was reported in three papers
in 1992.493-495 NMR studies on self-complementary
Figure 104. Puckered ring conformations found in the iso-RNA-495 and iso-DNA-CGGCGCCG496 indicated
backbones of RNA (A only) and DNA (A and B) duplexes. antiparallel strand orientation within the WC right-
handed duplex analogous to the natural duplexes. UV
B. Isomeric Oligonucleotides melting studies were conducted on these duplexes
where Tm values indicate the temperature at 50%
1. Iso-RNA and Iso-DNA duplex dissociation. The complementary duplex iso-
The most straightforward modifications of natural DNA-A12/iso-DNA-U12 was shown to be less stable
oligonucleotide backbones are constitutional changes (∆Tm ) 18 °C) than the corresponding natural DNA
involving the 5′f3′ phosphodiester linkage. Since duplex, while the self-complementary iso-DNA-(AU)6
5′f2′ oligonucleotides are biologically known but not had a higher denaturation temperature (∆Tm ) 9.4
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3969

5′f5′ linkages (alt-DNA), induced less stable hybrid

duplexes with both β-d-A28 and poly r-A than either
homomeric R- or β-T28 strands.512 Through the alter-
nating connectivities in R,β-strands, bases are equi-
distantly aligned since the “flipping” of the nucleotide
by the alternating linkages is corrected by the con-
figuration at the base-sugar position. Alternating
3′f3′/5′f5′ linkages in β-T28 produced a more sig-
nificant degree of destabilization than R,β-T28 due to
the nonequidistant base arrangement. R,β-DNAs
incorporating canonical bases (A, T, C, and G) showed
backbone-dependent duplex stabilities and mismatch
discrimination with natural DNA and RNA
strands.513,514 In general, alt-DNA has a higher af-
Figure 106. R-, alt-, and β-DNA backbones. finity for DNA strands than RNA, adopting B- and
A-type conformations, respectively. Although these
results are promising for R-DNA as a nucleotidomi-
°C) but was less cooperative than d-(AT)6.494 Iso-DNA-
metic, some inconsistencies in thermal transitions do
G/C duplexes have one-half the thermodynamic
exist in that both increased515 and decreased516
stability as DNA497 and have been characterized by
stabilities are observed, suggesting that certain
ESI-MS.498 With heteromeric 16-mers (containing one
sequences can lead to conflicting theories about the
or two 5′f2′ iso-DNA A/T monomers within the 5′f3′
overall stability induction of the R-backbone. These
backbone), self-complementary strands associate with
irregularities in stability trends were also observed
significantly lower stability than their DNA coun-
in L-DNA A-strands, the enantiomeric form of the
terparts.493 Furthermore, iso-RNA-C/U oligomers
natural DNA, where triplexes with poly(U) were
formed a duplex with its RNA G/A complement but
stable517 while L-DNAs with mixed bases did not bind
not with DNA499 as was found for iso-DNA/RNA
to either RNA or DNA.518 Other isomeric forms of
duplexes.500,501 The order of thermal stability of homo-
DNA that have been studied include xylose-DNA,519
and heterostranded duplexes for iso-RNA was deter-
where homostranded duplexes show higher thermal
mined to be as follows: RNA:RNA > DNA:DNA ∼
stabilities through multistate transitions, and ara-
RNA:DNA > RNA:iso-RNA > iso-RNA:iso-RNA .
binose-DNA,520 forming stable duplexes with arabi-
DNA:iso-RNA indicating lower association efficiency
nose-A oligomers and poly-U and -T.
for isomeric oligonucleotides.502,503 A mixture of iso-
DNA-A16 and iso-DNA-T16, which was not able to
form complementary duplexes,493 associated into C. Carbohydrate Modifications
triplexes with reduced thermodynamic stability ver- Modifications of the sugar backbone primarily aim
sus 5′f3′ triplex structures,504 while iso-RNA-A7/T7 at answering a specific question: why nature chose
and -A10/T10 formed both duplexes and triplexes ribofuranosyl nucleotides rather than some other
depending on the oligomer ratio and salt concentra- backbone as the molecular basis for the genetic
tion.505 Iso-RNA segments linked to DNA hairpins are system of life?1,479-481,521,522 The work of Eschenmoser
capable of templating the oligomerization of 2-Me- in this area has focused on the search for a chemical
ImpG (a mononucleotide successfully coupled with etiology of oligonucleotides, approached in a similar
DNA templates506) although with lower activity than vein as peptidomimetic foldamer research, that is, the
RNA segments.507 The research on iso-oligonucle- systematic modification of the backbone to determine
otides highlights the important principle in this field relationships between structure and stability. Struc-
that even subtle backbone modifications can have tural modifications that explore various (CH2O)n
pronounced effects on interstrand association, reflect- aldose-based (n ) 4, 5, or 6) backbones are depicted
ing the subtle balance of noncovalent forces at play in Figure 107.522 Although strides to investigate the
in oligonucleotide complexes. constitutional isomers of the furanose nucleotides
have been made, the question of how this sugar arose
2. R-DNA, alt-DNA, and L-DNA as the “backbone of life” remains a mystery. Due to
Another isomeric modification of deoxyribonucleo- the extensive work conducted on pyranosyl-RNAs (p-
tides involved the change in the anomeric configu- RNAs), they will be explored here in detail as the
ration from the natural β-position to an R-linkage (R- closest examples to date of foldamer research on
DNA) (Figure 106). NMR studies of R-hexamers nucleotidomimetics.
duplexed with the natural β-DNA complements es-
tablished C3′-endo and C2′-endo furanose conforma-
1. Backbones with C1′-Base Connectivities
tions for R-T and R-C nucleotides, respectively.508 a. The Tetrofuranosyl Family. Through the
Additionally, R-DNA strands showed enhanced base removal of the C5 in the ribopentanosyl backbone,
stacking,509 WC antiparallel orientations in ds-R- (3′f2′)-R-threofuranosyl oligonucleotides (TNA) (Fig-
DNA,509 and parallel orientations in R,β-DNA hybrid ure 107) were investigated to determine if furanosyl
duplexes in B-type conformations510 with higher backbones with a “five-bonds-per-backbone” motif (as
binding to RNA than DNA.511 Initial studies on R,β- opposed to six in natural systems) could participate
T28, a heteromeric sequence of alternating R- and in self- and cross-duplexing with RNA and DNA.523
β-deoxynucleotides connected through 3′f3′ and In TNAs, WC base-pairing between antiparallel
3970 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 107. Alternative oligonucleotide backbones investigated with aldohexoses (CH2O)n (n ) 4, 5, or 6). Bold indicates
backbone bonds.

strands is the preferred interaction within the du-

plex. TNA duplexes show stabilities that are compa-
rable to RNA and DNA duplexes (of the same
sequence), are capable of forming hairpins, and form
stable cross-paired systems with complementary
natural backbones. In particular, much more stable
hexadecamer duplexes are formed when the natural
backbone is an all-pyramidine (T) sequence and the
TNA is an all-purine (A) sequence, with a Tm decrease
of 48 °C for RNA and 32 °C for DNA observed when
the base complementarity is switched. By comparing
these constitutional analogues to natural oligonucle-
otides, promising backbones such as TNAs have Figure 108. Idealized conformation of a p-RNA duplex
provided chemical clues about the fitness of DNA and (second strand backbone omitted for clarity).
RNA for information storage and transfer.524
b. The Pentopyranosyl Family. i. p-RNAs. One
of the most thoroughly investigated alternative nu-
cleotide backbones is the 4′f2′ ribopyranosyl isomer
of RNA (p-RNA) with the phosphodiester linkage
extending from the C4′ to the C2′ positions of the
hexose (Figure 107). The idealized oligomer confor-
mation reveals an overall linear extension of the
chain such that stabilization of the ladder-like duplex
formation should occur by WC pairing between an- Figure 109. Six dihedral angles of the p-RNA backbone
tiparallel strands with further stabilization provided predicted for a linear conformation (actual values deter-
by interstrand base stacking (as opposed to the mined by NMR and molecular dynamics techniques for the
intrastrand stacking known in natural backbones). left-handed helix).
Through a variety of 1D- and 2D-NMR methods in backbone were resolved to β ) +145 ( 6° and  )
D2O, a self-pairing p-CGAATTCG duplex was deter- -85 ( 5°, deviating significantly from the idealized
mined to exist as a quasi-linear conformation with a angles of β ) 180° and  ) -60° (Figure 109). The
weak left-handed helical twist in solution,525 which dihedrals γ and δ were estimated to be close to the
was not predicted from initial modeling (Figure 108). predicted value of 180°, resulting in an adjustment
Specifically, two dihedral angles of the ribopyranosyl (calculated from simulations) of R from 60° to ca. 70°
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3971

and ζ from 180° to -170° to preserve the proper chair Duplexes of p-RNA having strands of opposite
conformation of the ring for pairing interactions chirality form through alternative base-pairing modes
(confirmed from UV melting curves of duplexes). This such as reverse Watson-Crick (RWC) pairing.532 The
is believed to be a result of minimized steric inter- noncanonical bases, isoguanine (isoG) and 5-methyl-
actions between the phosphate linkage, the equato- isocytosine (5-Me-isoC), that have the potential to
rial hydrogens on ribopyranose (distances increase participate in RWC pairing with homo-G and -C
about 1 Å), and increased interstrand stacking through strands were incorporated into L- and D-p-RNA
decreased base distances (from over 4 to ca. 3.5 Å). strands. Both homochiral (D/D) and heterochiral (L/
These results suggest that the backbone realignment D) duplexes of homomeric strands were compared, in
is a consequence of the intermolecular association. terms of melting curves, to determine the degree of
Observed χ values ranged from -120° to -135° specificity dictated by the backbone stereochemistry.
within the sequence, while the terminal G residue Strands of D-p-isoGn and D-p-Cn (n ) 6 and 8) did not
had a much lower χ value indicating higher confor- show any self-pairing or duplex formation under the
mational lability at this position. Proton exchange given conditions, while duplex formation was ac-
experiments and molecular-dynamics simulations complished using the L-p-isoGn with D-p-Cn (n ) 6
supported WC pairing throughout the duplex and a and 8). The isoG bases promote RWC pairing with C
rapid opening and closing of the terminal base pairs. in this duplex, allowing for proper co-linear orienta-
Interstrand NOEs confirmed an antiparallel orienta- tion of the strands. Other p-RNA mixtures were
tion resulting in the inclination of the base pair from shown to form L/D but not D/D duplexes most likely
the backbone by an angle of 35° and 45°, suggesting through the RWC pairing mode, though pairing
that interstrand base interactions should be favorable assignments in the case of D- and L-p-isoGn remain
for purine-purine and purine-pyramidine stacking uncertain since mixing curves showed aggregate
but not between two pyramidines. In addition, an formation. The p-RNA chains of opposite chirality
inter-pyranose distance between 3.6 and 4.0 Å was pair inefficiently as evidenced by the lower melting
calculated, producing a translational step of 6.5-6.9 temperatures of duplexes formed from mixing homo-
Å along the backbone and a pitch of ca. 110 Å, chiral D-p-RNAs with complementary L-p-RNAs. This
incorporating 18-19 monomers per turn. enantioselectivity, as well as the observed pairing
Through oligomerization of β-D-ribopyranosyl phos- selectivity (WC only), is believed to be due to the more
phoramidite derivatives526,527 by automated synthesis conformationally restrained p-RNA backbone. It has
and purification by HPLC, adenine (A) and uracil (U) only four flexible bonds (as opposed to six in DNA)
containing p-RNA octamers were initially synthe- due to the three large substituents occupying equa-
sized and characterized to ascertain the stability of torial positions. Furthermore, the more constrained
the duplexes formed.528 Although self-pairing A8 phosphodiester linkages connect to secondary carbons
duplexes have formed in other alternative oligonucle- on the ring, whereas DNA linkages attach to a
otides,529 p-A8 remains as a single strand under these primary carbon (5′) allowing for greater flexibility.
conditions, indicating that alternative pairing inter- Finally, the alignment of the nucleobases as a
actions are disfavored due to the topological backbone consequence of the backbone conformation promotes
constraints in this pairing mode, thus enhancing the antiparallel interstrand interactions through WC
oligomer’s pairing selectivity. The WC paired duplex base-pairing only, since H and reverse-Hoogsteen
formed from a 1:1 mixture of p-A8 and p-U8 revealed (RH) pairing disfavor the preferred co-linear chain
concentration-dependent and reversible UV melting orientation. This study demonstrates the ability of
curves, temperature-dependent CD spectra, and com- p-RNAs to form duplexes with the same or opposite
position-dependent UV absorptions with a minimum sense of chirality backbones, depending on the spe-
at a 1:1 stoichiometry. The self-complementary octa- cific nucleobases used.
mers, p-A4U4, p-U4A4, p-(AU)4, and p-(UA)4, show In order to mimic RNA architectures and their
duplex formation by self-pairing in an antiparallel conformational diversity, a necessary secondary struc-
orientation.530 Additionally, the higher melting tem- ture is the hairpin turn, a sequence-dependent
perature of the p-A4U4 duplex in comparison to the structure promoted by intramolecular base pairing
natural RNA oligomer indicates an increased stabil- over interstrand interactions. Investigations of hair-
ity through stronger base-pairing interactions. This pin formation in a series of self-complementary
is attributed to the smaller entropic cost of organiza- p-RNA base sequences studied at low concentrations
tion necessary to form the p-RNA duplex since the (3 µM) with a central p-T2 segment resulted only in
quasi-linear rigid chain is preorganized for the proper duplex formation while with three T bases competi-
WC pairing orientation. Other nucleobases incorpo- tive duplex formation was observed in melting curves
rated into p-RNAs for duplex formation studies at higher concentrations.533 Only at the critical length
include guanine (G), cytosine (C), isoguanine (isoG), of four T bases did the oligonucleotide show a similar
2,6-diaminopurine (Dp), and thymine (T).531 In a Tm at both concentrations, indicating a stabilized
chain-length study, UV and CD spectra confirmed hairpin. Furthermore, hairpin p-RNAs synthesized
that p-Gn (n ) 6, 8, and 10) exist as single strands with a noncomplementary base (A or C) at either the
at ambient temperature (as do the p-isoG8 and p-Dp8 2′- or 4′-end supported the expectation, from modeling
strands). In equimolar mixtures of oligo-p-Gn and of p-RNA duplexes,525 that a dangling base at the 2′-
oligo-p-isoGn (n ) 6 and 8), duplex formation proceeds end would stabilize the structure through interstrand
through purine-purine WC pairing showing higher stacking of the two terminal bases with purine-
thermal stability than DNA sequence analogues. purine contacts leading to greater stability than
3972 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Table 7. UV Melting Curves for Four Pyranosyl Oligonucleotides

sequence Tm [°C]a ∆G°298 (kcal‚mol-1)

(4′f2′) pr pl px pa RNA pr pl px pa RNA
A8 + T8 40.0 47.0 35.4 71.1 16.3b 10.5 -12.3 -8.2 -15.7 -7.3
A12 + T12 c 60.8 68.0 63.0 95.0 34.9b -15.4 -19.8 -17.0 -66.3
A4T4 27.0 38.2 16.3 61.2 11b -7.3 -9.4 -6.1 -13.5 -5.6
T4A4 40.0 47.0 40.3 69.4 10.8b -9.8 -11.4 -8.7 -14.5 -5.2
(AT)4 38.0 38.3 28.6 60.0 -9.2 -9.5 -6.2
(TA)4 40.0 37.9 33.8 60.8 -9.3 -9.4 -7.6
0.15 MNaCl. b 1.0 M NaCl. c Data from ref 535.

pyramidine-purine stacking. Only dangling bases at

the 2′-end led to an increased stability of the p-RNA
pairing complex.
ii. R-Lyxo, β-Xylo, and R-Arabinopyranosyls. From
the findings on p-RNAs, the question arises, can the
properties of p-RNAs be extended to the constitu-
tional isomers of (4′f2′) ribopyranosyl: R-lyxo, β-x-
ylo, and R-arabino? A recent study investigated the
duplex stability of foldamers with these alternative
backbones for comparison to the D-β-ribopyranosyl
oligonucleotides.534 Table 7 shows Tm and ∆G values
for the complementary and self-complementary AT
sequences. Although the β-xylo duplexes are some-
what weaker than D-β-ribo complex, the D-R-arabino-
pyranosyl duplex has a much higher stability than Figure 110. Six hexose dihedral angles of the homo-DNA
RNAs or p-RNAs. The stability of the arabinopyrano- backbone and the base-hexose torsion as predicted for a
syls is a consequence of the increased steric con- linear conformation (actual values determined by NMR and
straint induced by the equatorial 3′-hydroxyl in molecular dynamics techniques). For models A and B,
concurrence with the highly constrained pyranose values indicate the lower and upper limits of the dihedral
angles observed.
chair from the 4′-axial phosophodiester linkage.
Though these backbones show higher stabilities due and the diaxial phosphodiester orientation of the
to stronger base pairing, the tolerance for mis- backbone. These results, as well as the observations
matches is evident from self-pairing of the A8 and T8 with TNAs, suggested that six torsions per repeat
single strands of the R-lyxo (A and T) and the unit are not necessary to form stable complexes with
R-arabino-T8 backbones. Furthermore, by mixing natural complements, further revealing the tolerance
complementary strands of the four different pyrano- for structural variation in these polyelectrolyte back-
syl backbones, duplexes formed with comparable bones.
stabilities to homobackbone duplexes, indicating the c. The Hexopyranosyl Family. i. Homo-DNAs.
ability of all four members to adopt similar WC quasi- Further studies aimed at exploring alternative back-
linear conformations as seen in p-RNAs.535 A thor- bones focused on the introduction of a methylene unit
ough chain-length and sequence investigation on the between the C1′- and C2′-positions of furanosyl units
(4′f2′)-R-L-lyxopyranosyl backbone has recently been of oligonucleotides to generate hexopyranosyl back-
reported exploring the self-pairing, complementary bones (homo-DNA). Investigations include compara-
pairing, and hairpin formation in this system.536 tive conformational analysis between natural oligo-
These results show that with the natural RNA nucleotides and homo-DNA (dd),538,539 synthesis and
backbone, maximization of base-pairing strength is characterization of these oligonucleotides,526 the con-
not realized. In addition, the ability of the pyranosyl formational characterization of a homo-DNA duplex
family to form stronger duplexes through enhanced in solution,540 and the self-pairing and complemen-
base pairing comes at the cost of lower base-matching tary pairing in the duplex formation.529,530,541 Homo-
fidelity. DNA maintains the six-bonds-per-repeat-unit motif
Extension of the studies on the pyranosyl family of natural systems, having the same configurational
involved modification of the phosphodiester linkage orientation of the phosphodiester linkage as in DNA.
from (4′f2′) to (4′f3′) in the R-ribo and R-lyxo Idealized models predicted similar conformations to
backbones leading to a shortened backbone involving those seen in p-RNAs, where a linear extension of
only five instead of the usual six torsions.537 Although the chain would result in WC pairing of bases in an
the (4′f3′) R-ribopyranosyl backbones showed no antiparallel fashion with bases adopting anti confor-
duplex formation with self-complementary strands, mations.538 Dihedral angles for homo-DNA were
the corresponding R-lyxopyranosyl duplexes showed determined through 1D- and 2D-NMR techniques
slightly weaker stabilities from their (4′f2′) counter- and molecular dynamics simulations to ascertain the
parts. Additionally, this system had the capacity to solution structure of a self-complementary dd-A5T5
form intersystem duplexes and triplexes with a duplex (Figure 110).540 The two quasi-linear backbone
complementary strand of either RNA or DNA, be- conformations, A and B, are in dynamic equilibrium
lieved to be due to the smaller backbone inclination related by two 120° rotations with all three constitu-
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3973

Figure 111. Two idealized conformations of the homo-DNA backbone. Conversion from A to B occurs through a 120°
rotation about R and γ of the phosphodiester linkage.

Figure 112. Structures of isonucleotides.

ents of the hexose chair conformation in equatorial (2′-eq, 3′-eq) (Figure 107).521 The presence of these
positions (Figure 111). A much looser orientation of hydroxyls causes intrastrand steric repulsion in the
base pairs was observed through a range of adopted duplex conformation that disrupts WC base pairing,
χ torsions in addition to extensive fluctuations in encourages purine-purine RH self-pairing in allo
base-pair distances, deviation from coplanarity, and and altro backbones, and leads to sequence-depend-
a base-stacking distance of ca. 4.5 Å. ent and lower Tm values than for RNA. For the self-
In general, homo-DNA duplexes demonstrate a complementary sequence CGCGAARRCGCG (R ) U
pairing priority of G-C > A-A ∼ G-G > A-T where in allo and altro backbones, T in DNA and homo-
G-C and A-T pair through the WC motif while RH DNA), no duplex formation was observed for allo and
pairing occurs in A-A and G-G dd-sequences.529 altro backbones at room temperature (though Tm
Through a chain-length study on dd-An (n ) 3-6), values increased at lower pH) in great contrast to
self-paired duplexes showed increasing UV melting both DNA and homo-DNA. The inclusion of hydroxyls
temperatures with increasing chain length (for n ) in the hexopyranosyl backbones must induce the
3, no Tm; n ) 4, Tm < 12 °C; n ) 5, Tm ) 32 °C; n ) backbone to adopt conformations that disfavor the
6, Tm ) 43 °C) and increasing concentrations (from folded state necessary for ideal base pairing in the
4.9 to 92 µM, ∆Tm ) 15 °C), sigmoidal hypochromicity duplex.
curves (dependent on [NaCl]; where [NaCl] ) 15 mM Other variants of hexoses include 2,4- and 3,4-
to 1.5 M, ∆Tm ) 9 °C), and temperature-dependent dideoxyhexopyranosyl backbones542,543 and have simi-
CD spectra. Self-complementary dd-(AT)n (n ) 3-6) lar connectivities to iso-DNAs but incorporate meth-
duplexes showed high stability with melting curves ylene groups into the ring between the C1-C2 and
ca. 30-40 °C higher than in the corresponding DNA C2-C3 connections. With one to four multiple-T
duplexes. Though the self-paired duplex (dd-A6)2 substitutions of either modified monomer into DNA
persisted when mixed with the complementary dd- 13-mers, the 3,4-backbone destabilized the duplex
T6, the self-pairing dd-G6 could be disrupted with dd- with complementary d-A13 to a higher extent than
C6 to form the heterostranded complex. Further the 2,4-modification, although these heteromeric
investigations into the pairing properties of dd-purine duplexes retain cooperative transitions. The effect on
sequences revealed WC pairing between dd-(G)n/dd- the duplex with the 3,4-connectivity is similar to the
(isoG)n and dd-(Dp)n/dd-(xanthines)n (X) while dd- results obtained with homo-DNA. Homomeric 2,4-T13
(isoG)n and dd-(Dp)n oligomers self-pair through RH oligomers were unable to form duplexes with the
motifs.541 Overall, sequence discrimination is lower complementary DNA.
in homo-DNA than DNA due to the linear orientation
of the strands, inefficient base-stacking, and the 2. Backbones with C2′-Base Connectivities
conformational rigidity of the hexose ring which leads a. Isonucleosides. Another modification of deoxy-
to a preorganization of the single strand and de- nucleotides involved the repositioning of the base-
creases the conformational entropic cost of duplex sugar connection from the C1- to the C2-position to
formation. afford 1,4-anhydro-2-deoxy-D- and -L-arabinitol,544
ii. Other Hexoses. In homo-DNA as in DNA, hy- dubbed isonucleosides (Figure 112). In 14-mer strands
droxyl groups are not present as they are in RNA with homo-T bases, D-arabinitol formed slightly less
and the pyranosyl backbones described thus far. stable duplexes with d-A14 (∆Tm ) -5.9 °C) than with
Further investigations into hexopyranosyl (6′f4′) d-T14, while L-arabinitol was unable to complex with
backbones incorporated 2′- and 3′-hydroxyl groups in this complement.545 Addition of a methylhydroxyl
β-allo (2′-eq, 3′-ax), β-altro (2′-ax, 3′-ax), and β-gluco moiety to the C1′-position of the D-arabinitol gener-
3974 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 113. HNA, ANA, and MNA backbones.

ates the D-mannitol monomer, and 14-mers of both
D-546 and L-mannitol545 complexed with d-A14 showed
that the methylhydroxyl promotes stability by ∆Tm
) +1.2 °C. Figure 114. CNA and CeNA backbones with puckered
b. HNAs. Analogous to investigations into homo- states of CeNAs.
DNA, synthetic insertion of an additional methylene
group between the O4′ and C1′ positions of a furanose underlying the complexity of parameters responsible
generates 1,5-anhydro-D-arabino-hexitol nucleic acids for the stability of nucleic acids structures.
(HNA),547,548 maintaining the natural conformations c. ANAs. Following the successful design of HNAs,
of the phosphodiester linkage, the axial orientation a structural analogue incorporating a C3′-(S)-hy-
of C1′-base configuration for intramolecular base- droxyl was synthesized557 and has been called ANA
stacking with natural systems, and promoting the 3′- (for 1,5-anhydro-D-altritol nucleic acids) (Figure 113).
endo, A-type sugar conformation (Figure 113). Initial Similar to HNAs, ANAs form A-type WC duplexes
studies on A and T HNA (h-) 13-mers showed stronger with RNA than DNA, but with higher
aqueous solubility, self-pairing in the T strand,549 thermal stabilities for homo- and heterostranded
stronger WC-paired duplexes than the corresponding duplexes such that the hybrid stability order is ANA:
DNA duplex (∆Tm ) +42.3 °C), and sequence- RNA > HNA:RNA > ANA:DNA > HNA:DNA >
dependent stabilities in HNA:DNA duplexes (d-A13: DNA:RNA.558 ANA strands discriminate mismatches
h-T13 ∆Tm ) +11.4 °C and h-A13:d-T13 ∆Tm ) -13.0 to the same degree as DNA and HNA, favoring
°C).549-551 Nucleobases successfully incorporated into antiparallel over parallel orientations. The ANA 3′-
HNAs include A, T, C, G, U, D, and Me-C, retaining OH stabilizes hybrid complexes primarily through
WC pairing with corresponding complements.552 Four improved solvation by increasing the polarity of the
different solutions of salts and buffers were explored solvent-accessible surface of the minor groove, as
in order to optimize duplexing and eliminate self- confirmed by molecular dynamics simulations.555
pairing (as indicated by a linear vs sigmoidal increase d. MNAs. Another member of this series involves
in absorption with increasing concentration). Further- inversion of the C3′-OH configuration from (S) in
more, through a series of HNA mixed sequences ANAs to (R) in 1,5-anhydro-D-mannitol nucleic acids
complexed with RNA and DNA complements, the (MNAs)559 (Figure 113). Although NMR studies
higher stability of HNA:RNA over HNA:DNA was showed that the MNA monomers preferred the axial
demonstrated, as well as a mismatch discrimination base orientation, two AG mixed hexamers did not
in HNA:DNA dodecamer duplexes. ∆Tm changed form duplexes with complementary RNA or DNA at
from -9.0 to -20.3 °C for a single mismatch, indicat- low salt concentrations and formed weak duplexes
ing a strong sensitivity in base selectivity. CD studies with HNA. At 1 M NaCl, weak hybridization was
revealed that the HNA:RNA and RNA:RNA duplex observed with RNA. Melting curves of these com-
have very similar spectra, supporting A-type HNA plexes were very broad indicating multiple transi-
conformations. Furthermore, NMR studies of an tions over this temperature range. Molecular mod-
HNA:RNA duplex revealed the HNA strand to have eling revealed a more conformationally restrained
similar conformations as RNA but with a more rigid backbone, through formation of an intramolecular
backbone.553 HNAs containing pyrimidine bases form hydrogen bond between the 3′-OH and the 6′-O of the
less stable duplexes than those with purines, and phosphate linkage. This interaction thermodynami-
duplex stability in this system follows the stability cally disfavors complexation with RNA.555 Hence,
order of HNA:RNA > RNA:RNA > DNA:RNA. Mo- even in cases of subtle structural modification, the
lecular dynamics simulations revealed that solvation oligonucleotide backbones can become “too preorga-
of the minor groove is a critical factor to the higher nized”, illustrating the critical balance between rigid-
stability of the HNA:RNA complex over HNA:DNA ity and flexibility in foldamers.
since the presence of the additional hydrophobic e. CNAs. With the successful design of HNAs,
methylene is compensated for by the hydrophilic 2′- structural analogues were pursued to determine if
OH of RNA.554,555 An HNA-GCGCTTTTGCGC strand hybridization was still operative if the conformation-
can form a self-complementary duplex where the T ally determinant O of the hexose was replaced by a
segments form T-T wobble (W) motifs through this methylene, resulting in a more flexible carbocyclic
pairing mismatch.556 Finally, gel electrophoresis stud- ring (Figure 114). These carbohexanyl nucleic acids
ies showed that HNA strands are able to displace an (CNAs) prefer equatorial base orientations as mono-
RNA strand of similar length from its homostranded mers and therefore were speculated to form quasi-
duplex. Overall, the HNA nucleotidomimetic dem- linear chain conformations akin to homo-DNA.560
onstrates the ability of foldamers analgous to natural However, CNA oligomers of D-configuration form
systems to mimic and even enhance their pairing and stable WC antiparallel complexes with both RNA and
selectivity properties through subtle modifications, DNA, while corresponding L-CNA strands do not.561
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3975

Figure 115. Representative examples of modifications to the sugar backbone.

It is believed that the CNA backbone undergoes a

chair inversion to adopt axial base orientations
within the duplex to promote base pairing. Homo-
chiral CNA complexes (D/D or L/L) of A13 or T13 are
more stable than ds-DNA but show multiple transi-
tions in the melting curve, while heterochiral CNA
duplexes (D/L) are much less stable with mixed AT
sequences forming only as homochiral complexes. No
self-pairing of CNA strands was observed. This study
demonstrates that conformational intuition of mono-
mer structures does not easily translate to backbone
conformations that favor duplex formation. Thus,
CNAs are examples of nucleotidomimetics where a Figure 116. Representative structures of bicyclonucle-
unique backbone conformation is only adopted through otides.
the optimization of nonadjacent contacts.
f. CeNAs. The carbocyclic cyclohexene nucleotides 3. Torsionally Restricted Oligonucleotides
(CeNAs) extend CNA research by introducing a 5′-6′ The incorporation of hexoses into oligonucleotides
alkene within the analogous ring, thereby increasing led to, in certain cases, increased duplex stability
the flexibility of the backbone such that the energy through preorganization from the more conforma-
difference between chair conformations is approxi- tionally restricted six-membered rings versus natural
mately 0.4 kcal‚mol-1 (Figure 114).562 When one to ribose backbones with flexible torsions. This ap-
three CeNA-A monomers were incorporated into proach has been taken a step further through the use
either an RNA or DNA strand and complexed with of constrained backbones in which bridging linkages
complementary DNA or RNA, respectively, the ther- of fused-pyranosyl nucleotides limit the conforma-
mal stability of the DNA:RNA hybrid was increased tional flexibility of the ring.573 This preorganization
up to 5.2 °C with CeNA-DNA and decreased -1.5 of the strand then minimizes the entropic cost of
°C with CeNA-RNA.563 NMR studies showed that organization in duplex formation, and the success of
the incorporated CeNAs had little effect on the global such an approach is often measured by melting
structure of the DNA backbone. Although CeNA-A13 temperatures of the heterostranded duplex incorpo-
associate with complementary DNA and RNA oligo- rating the natural, complementary oligonucleotide.
mers with comparable and higher stabilities than Although a variety of fused-oligonucleotides have
DNA, triplex formation was also observed. On the been investigated, two backbones will be discussed
basis of CD studies, CeNAs adopt the half-chair here, dubbed bicyclic-oligonucleotides and locked
conformation in the A-type RNA and the inverted nucleic acids (LNAs), as representative examples of
half-chair in the B-type DNA.564 this class of modified ribopyranosyls.
g. Other Ring Systems. The discovery of the a. Bicyclic-Oligonucleotides. Bicyclodeoxynucle-
antibiotic oxetanocin A,565 an isomer of deoxyadenos- otides (bicyclo-DNA or bcd) involve an ethylene
ine isolated from Bacillus megaterium and containing bridge between the C3′ and C5′ positions, which
an oxetanose instead of a furanose ring, led to the constrains the furanose ring into the C2′-endo con-
incorporation of moiety 56 and a second isomer, formation seen in B-type DNA duplexes through the
involving a C2′-base connectivity 57, into self- rotational restriction of the γ and δ torsions (Figure
complementary DNA dodecamers. Resulting com- 116).574 Adenine decamers of β-bicyclo-DNA form
plexes showed slightly lower Tm values (Figure stronger duplexes with RNA and DNA, while bcd-
115).566 Extension of this structure to carbocyclic T10 pairs more weakly with comparable base-pairing
oxetanocin strands led only to triplex formation with selectivity, shows increased triplex stability (also
RNA hybridization that was stronger than DNA.567,568 demonstrated with bcd-G6),575 and exhibits a higher
Similarly, 3,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)cyclobutyl A and T sensitivity to salt concentration.576,577 Through se-
oligomers generated homostranded complexes as well quential synthesis of various oligomers containing
as heterostranded complexes with DNA.569,570 Al- the canonical bases and by determining their pairing
though these nucleic acid variants have not been fully properties with complementary bcd, RNA and DNA
explored as oligomers (a large body of work exists on strands, bicyclo-DNA pairs preferably form through
the properties of similar nuclosides571,572), they dem- H over WC motifs and, as a consequence, form
onstrate the tolerance of RNA/DNA pairing motifs parallel (H mode) and antiparallel (RH mode) orien-
toward a variety of structurally related backbones. tations due to the torsion angle γ (set to +100°
3976 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 117. Structures of tricyclo- and bicyclo[3.2.1]-DNA.

relative to DNA).578,579 In the WC mode, bicyclo-DNA

prefers antiparallel orientations as in DNA. The
stability of bcd duplexes is dependent on the number Figure 118. Four of the eight stereoisomers of locked
of G-C pairs since A-T pairs appeared to be ener- nucleic acids (LNAs).
getically impartial. Furthermore, the rigid bicyclic
backbone decreases the entropic cost of intermolecu- in the base-backbone linkage can be compensated
lar association while destabilizing the duplex by by more rigid backbones, even modifications far
lowering the enthalpic contribution of complexation. removed than in ribose backbones.
Unexpectedly, hairpin structures were reported579 b. LNAs. The pentofuranose backbone can also be
from bcd-CGCGAATTCGCG, a potentially self-comple- restricted to the 3′-endo conformation by installing
mentary sequence. The -AATT- segment forms the a 2′-O,4′-C-methylene bridge587,588 to generate a class
hairpin turn, since the A-T pairing does not con- of structures known as locked nucleic acids (LNAs)
tribute enthalpically and duplex formation comes at (Figure 118).573,589 When incorporating various nucleo-
an entropic cost. Overall, the bridging moiety in bases (A, C, G, T, 5-Me-C, and U) into oligonucleo-
bicyclo-DNA imparts a number of organizational tides or as homoligomeric sequences, LNAs signifi-
changes in complex formation, both inter- and in- cantly increase Tm values of heterostranded duplexes
tramolecularly, through constraints in the furanose with RNA (4-8 °C) and DNA (3-5 °C) comple-
ring that differ considerably from both homo-DNA ments588,590,591 without disrupting backbone confor-
and p-RNA backbones. mations.592 Improved sequence selectivity, aqueous
Extensions on the bicyclo-DNA theme have been solubility, formation of duplexes only (no triplexes),
pursued to explore how similar structural modifica- preorganization of neighboring natural nucleotides,
tions with constrained-ribose backbones affect base- and high binding affinities are traits demonstrated
pairing modes and strand orientations. Switching of by this system. Stopped-flow kinetics of LNAs re-
the base-furanose bond from the β- to the R-position vealed that LNA-DNA duplex formation involves a
(R-bicyclo-DNA) causes a rearrangement of the pair- rate-determining association with a subsequent rapid
ing properties relative to β-bicyclo-DNA such that sealing step and that the higher duplex stability with
parallel hybrid duplexes are favored in AT sequences LNAs results from a slower dissociation of the
with comparable stabilities to RNA and DNA.575 duplexes.593 From the LNA skeleton, eight stereo-
Reversal of the 5′-OH from (R) to (S), named 5′-epi- isomers incorporating T594-596 and A597 have been
bicyclo-DNA,580,581 eliminates pairing altogether in a generated where β-D/L-ribo-, R-D/L-ribo-, and β-D/L-
decamer T block with complementary RNA, DNA, or xylo-LNAs show increased duplex stability with RNA,
bicyclo-DNA. Tricyclo-DNAs extend these examples while no association was observed for R-D/L-xylo-
of covalently constrained rings by incorporating a LNAs and RNA.594-597 Homooligomeric LNAs, through
cyclopropyl ring into the 5′/6′-positions of the car- WC antiparallel duplexes with RNA and DNA, adopt
bocyclic ring in bicyclo-DNAs (Figure 117).582-584 In the A-type furanose conformation and induce flank-
duplex studies with itself and DNA, tricyclo-DNA ing of natural nucleotides into similar conformations,
showed enhanced stabilities with the homostranded thereby arranging the strand for more efficient base
tricyclo-DNA duplexes having ∆Tm as high as 48 °C interactions as evidenced by NMR598,599 (and consis-
over the natural DNA duplex. Again, H and RH tent with an X-ray analysis600). Furthermore, removal
pairing are preferred as in bicyclo-DNA. They have of the nucleobase in an incorporated LNA monomer
also been shown to stabilize hairpin loops and form within a DNA strand causes duplex destabilization,
triplexes with DNA duplexes. Finally, moieties in- confirming that preorganization alone cannot pro-
ducing torsional constraints far removed from the mote stability but instead induces favorable align-
bases have been demonstrated with bicyclo[3.2.1]- ment for base stacking.601,602 These results indicate
DNA in which the base linkage is extended by an LNAs as promising antisense agents in therapeutic
oxygen tether (Figure 117).585,586 Pyrimidine-based applications.603
bicyclo[3.2.1]-DNAs are capable of forming WC an- Bridged nucleic acids, or 2,4′-BNAs, are structur-
tiparallel duplexes of A-type conformations with ally the same as D-LNA, but research on BNAs has
complementary DNA. They have slightly lower Tm focused on triplex formation with ds-DNA.587,588 As
values, indicating that increased degrees of freedom observed with D-LNA, 2′-4′-BNA-C and -T incorpo-
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3977

Figure 119. Structures of base-sugar extended oligo(nucleotide)s.

rated in DNA strands promote hybridization of BNA-

modified-DNA from 1 to 5 °C and DNA-RNA from
4-6 °C.604 Single 2′,4′-BNA substitution into DNA
strands showed enhanced triplex stabilization and
sequence selectivity of ds-DNA at neutral pH. BNA-T
Figure 120. Structure of nucleotides incorporating a
incorporation enhances the triplex Tm by 10 °C over glycerol unit in place of the sugar.
DNA-T, while BNA-C increases triplex Tm by 7 °C
over DNA-C.605 Although these data demonstrate
incorporating phosphodiester linkages and nucleo-
2′,4′-BNA monomers to be potent triplex stabilizers
bases were explored to determine whether increased
through H pairing, homo-BNA strands were not able
flexibility promotes duplex formation.617 Glycerol-
to form triplexes with ds-DNA presumably due to
nucleotides are an isosteric form of the ribose back-
their rigidity.606 Additionally, a 2′,4′-BNA incorporat-
bone with the C2 removed leading to a more flexible
ing an oxazole nucleobase recognized a C-G pair
branched chain (Figure 120). One to two glycerol-
better than d-T, as evidenced by a triplex Tm increase
nucleotides were incorporated into central positions
of 3 °C.607 Studies on an isomeric modification of BNA
in DNA strands and complexed to complementary all-
involving bridge attachment from the O3 to C4 (3′,4′-
ribose DNA strands. Overall, the melting tempera-
BNAs), thereby connecting through 2′,5′-link-
tures of the resulting duplexes were lowered 9-15
ages,608,609 demonstrated that 3′,4′-BNA enhanced
°C per glycerolnucleotide due to the increased en-
binding selectivity for RNA over DNA in duplex
tropic cost of backbone organization for ideal com-
formation610 with more stable modified-DNA:RNA
plexation. This was further confirmed by the absence
duplexes than analogous iso-RNA duplexes.499,502
of duplex formation (<0 °C) when an 11-mer glycer-
4. Torsionally Flexible Oligonucleotides olnuclotide with 5′-d-C and 3′-d-G was mixed with a
complementary d-CA11G strand (the natural duplex
a. Base-Sugar Extensions. An approach to has a Tm of 55 °C). This system demonstrates that,
increase the affinity of alt-DNA for RNA involved the even with the six bond repeat unit, glycerolnucle-
extension of the base-sugar connection through the otides eliminate the torsional constraints present in
insertion of methylene611,612 58 and ethylene613 59 natural oligonucleotides that preorganize the strand
groups into both R- and β-deoxynucleotides (Figure for ideal association (as seen in another acyclic
119). Modeling studies suggested improved base system, 1,2-seco-DNA618). Similar investigations into
alignment with A-type backbones using these nucleo- acyclic nucleotides incorporated into natural back-
tides since additional conformers are accessible. bones619-622 showed, in general, somewhat lower
Single-point 3′f5′ substitutions of β-58 with the melting temperatures for the resulting duplexes
canonical bases into DNA strands destabilized a DNA relative to natural systems as well as sequence-
duplex by 9-10 °C,612,614 indicating unfavorable steric dependent heterostranded duplex formation from
interactions, while homooligomers of β-58 were un- fully acyclic oligomers with their natural comple-
able to form duplexes with DNA complements. Of the ments.
modifications investigated, only the 3′f3′ incorpora-
tion of R-58-T into a DNA strand improved affinity D. Modifications of the Nucleotide Linkage
for the complementary RNA strand over DNA.614 In
a similar approach with a carbocyclic ring, single The earliest approach to enhancing oligonucleotide
substitutions of inverse nucleotides, with ethylene duplex stability involved the modification of the
base-sugar connectivities, in d-A13 or d-T13 resulted phosphodiester linkage, being synthetically accessible
in a decreased duplex Tm of 4.3 and 11 °C, respec- and presumed to have minimal deleterious impacts
tively.615 Finally, 4-hydroxy-N-acetylprolinol nucle- on the puckering states of the furanose ring since
otides incorporate amide base-backbone connectiv- they are the most remote functionalities from base
ities and T 13-mers duplex with complementary RNA interactions. By maintaining the same number of
with comparable stability to the natural system.616 torsions found with phosphodiesters, backbones with
b. Acyclic Backbones. Thus far, the nucleotido- alternative linkages can explore conformational im-
mimetics described have focused on modifications of pacts and duplex stability of these structural changes.
the sugar backbone to investigate intermolecular Even subtle modifications, such as an OfS conver-
association through covalent constraint of torsions. sion in phosphorothioates, have been thoroughly
In another approach, acyclic glycerol derivatives explored since their complexation with complemen-
3978 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 122. Structure of peptide nucleic acids (PNAs)

labeled with dihedral angles.
Figure 121. Representative modifications of the phos-
phate linkage. remains solvent exposed.657 The solvent-accessible
tary oligonucleotides623-625 and with natural systems surface area of the N5′ was estimated to be 10 times
has initiated their use as antisense agents.626-628 less than the N3′, sufficiently disabling duplex for-
Other linkages that have been used toward these mation altogether.
ends include methylphosphonates,629,630 amides,631-633 In an attempt to promote duplex stability through
sulfonates,634 sulfonamides,635 methyl sulfides,636 meth- the elimination of interstrand electrostatic repulsion,
yl sulfoxides,636 phosphorodithioates,637 acetals,638 the neutral, isosteric, and isoelectronic dimethyl
formacetals,639,640 and thioacetals.641,642 Though nu- sulfone linkage658,659 was investigated in RNA back-
merous alternative linkages have been investigated bones. The crystal structure of a GC duplex suggested
to enhance oligonucleotide duplex stability,643 a sur- similar conformations to a WC antiparallel ds-
vey of variants with more foldamer-like research RNA,660 whereas a UC dimer formed non-WC parallel
approaches will be discussed herein. duplexes in d-chloroform by NMR.661 Self-comple-
Considerable progress has been accomplished with mentary (for antiparallel orientations) dimethyl sul-
oligonucleotides where linkages are N3′fP5′ phos- fone linked oligonucleotides showed stronger uni-
phoramidates (np-DNA) through substitution of the molecular self-pairing than duplexation with RNA or
deoxyribonucleotide O3′ to N3′ (Figure 121).644,645 DNA complements.659 Furthermore, each oligosulfone
Initial studies found that this modest modification has its unique set of properties (solubility, foldability,
enhanced WC duplex stability of a mixed C/T/A np- reactivity), which strongly depend on sequence, vary-
DNA 11-mer with complementary DNA by ∆Tm ) ing widely and unpredictably. Chimeric oligomers
+11.7 °C and to a much greater extent with RNA incorporating one sulfone linkage induced significant
(∆Tm ) +22.9 °C).644 In addition, self-complementary decreases in duplex strength when functionalized in
np-DNAs showed duplex thermal stabilities much the middle of DNA strands.636 In summary, these
higher than ds-DNA or ds-RNA (∆Tm ) +26.0 and nonpolyelectrolyte chains behave more like proteins
+17.6 °C, respectively).646 Phosporamidate oligomers than nucleic acids659 in that proteins have variable
also show good water solubility, mismatch discrimi- structure types whereas nucleic acids generally have
nation, and enhanced duplex stabilities that were, one universal structure type. Polyanion (repeating
by and large, found to be base and sequence inde- charge) seems to be the key to nucleic acid recogni-
pendent. CD and NMR experiments of duplexes from tion, by modulating the strength of the interaction
self-complementary np-DNA strands showed uniform through electrostatic repulsion. These studies high-
C3′-endo, A-type backbone conformations,647,648 while light the importance of ionic functionalities in DNA
crystal structures revealed that the hydration of the backbones to maintain extended, noncollapsed struc-
minor groove stabilizes this conformation.649 Dista- tures.
mycin, a ds-DNA minor groove binder, was unable
to bind with double-stranded np-DNA, supporting the 1. PNAs
A-type backbone conformations within the duplex.646 Peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) and structural ana-
Triplex formation644,646 of 11-mers to a ds-DNA 23- logues are the most thoroughly investigated nucle-
mer was much more stable for np-DNA (Tm ) 45 °C) otidomimetic systems studied to date with a number
than isosequential RNA (Tm ) 26 °C) or DNA (Tm < of reviews recently appearing on the subject.662-666
10 °C).650 Similar results have been obtained with np- PNAs are neutral, δ-peptide backbones with nucleo-
RNAs.651,652 Finally, recent experiments demon- base extensions from a methylenecarbonyl linker at
strated np-DNAs’ ability to act as sequence-specific the β-position (Figure 122). Although progress to date
antisense agents through inhibition of protein on PNAs has been very promising, the poor water
expression653-655 as well as affinity to major groove solubility of these oligomers remains a considerable
binding R-helical peptides to the same degree as limitation.
RNAs.656 Interestingly, when the N substitution was Through the successful incorporation of canonical
made at the O5′ rather than the O3′, 5′-np-DNA bases to the PNA backbone,667-669 PNA oligomers
strands were unable to form duplexes with comple- were capable of forming WC duplexes with both DNA
mentary DNA (conversion to the N-methyl amidate and RNA in antiparallel and parallel orientations
also disrupted complexation).646 Molecular dynamics (with the antiparallel orientation defined as the
simulations showed that although the single-stranded amino terminus of PNA and the 3′-end of the oligo-
3′- and 5′-amidate-modified DNA strands are sol- nucleotide at the same end). The antiparallel PNA:
vated to the same degree, the N5′ groups are buried DNA and PNA:RNA duplexes have Tms +13.4 and
in the A-type 5′-np-DNA:RNA duplex while the N3′ +21.1 °C, respectively, higher than the parallel form.
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3979

Formation proceeds through strand displacement in

the oligonucleotide duplex. Kinetic CD studies re-
vealed that PNA complexes form through a rapid
base-pairing step, followed by a slow reorganization
in the backbone in order to adopt the most thermo-
dynamically stable helical conformation.670 Further-
more, ds-PNA duplexes showed increased thermal
stabilities670 with the duplex stability following the Figure 123. Representative examples of PNA structural
order PNA:PNA > PNA:RNA > PNA:DNA > DNA: modifications.
DNA.668,671 This enhanced stability arises from hy-
drophobic effects and the absence of interstrand The potential for PNAs to act as transcription
electrostatic repulsion, evidenced by the similarity inhibitors has been demonstrated through investiga-
tions into effective DNA strand displacement (form-
of PNA:DNA and ds-DNA Tm values in solutions of
ing D-loops in PNA-DNA duplexes,686,687 PD-loops
high ionic strength, where polyanionic backbones are
with bis-PNAs688 in (PNA)2DNA triplexes,689 and
screened by counterions.671,672 Chain-length studies
other architectures690,691 including double duplex
on 44 PNA-DNA duplexes revealed an average base-
strand invasion692) such that both DNA strands form
pair binding contribution of 1.6 kcal‚mol-1 in lengths duplexes with the pseudocomplementary PNAs. Tri-
from 6- to 20-mers.673 Elucidation of binding sequence- plex PNAs663,664 have elucidated a right-handed PNA-
specificity in single-mismatched 9- and 12-mer strands PNA-DNA668,689,693-696 where a third PNA H-pairs
in PNA-DNA duplexes primarily revealed destabi- to the WC PNA strand,695 while a chain-length study
lization dependent on the particular base-pair mis- showed a Tm stabilization of 10 °C per monomer
match, its location on the PNA or DNA strand, and unit668 as well as a PNA-PNA-PNA triplex.690
its nearest-neighbor environment.673 Single-stranded Along with inhibitory binding, PNAs can partici-
PNAs terminated with L-lysine (which can induce a pate in fundamental genetic processes. PNAs facili-
helical twist sense of the strand) showed minimal CD tate the oligomerization of complementary RNA and
intensities indicating the lack of preorganized, helical vice versa, demonstrating a pathway for information
base stacking670 while, within ds-PNA, the CD signal transfer along with providing possible insight into the
was very intense and resembled ds-DNA. origin of the RNA world.697,698 Furthermore, PNAs
A crystal structure of a PNA-PNA duplex revealed can act as primers for DNA polymerases.699 Finally,
a widened P-helix relative to DNA-DNA and a large promising antisense and antigene properties700 as
pitch of approximately 18 base pairs, resulting in a well as key issues such as improved solubility,
deep major groove and a shallow minor one.674 stability at physiological conditions, nuclease resis-
Additionally, the polyamide backbone demonstrates tance, and improving cellular uptake of PNA-conju-
“constrained flexibility” in solution such that the PNA gates are being pursued in efforts to treat disease
strand accommodates the complexed conformation with PNAs through inhibition of gene expression.685,701
more easily than ribose backbones through greater Since a variety of PNA-like oligomers have been
torsional relaxation. In fact, NMR studies revealed synthesized for nucleotide recognition, representative
multiple resonances for the uncomplexed PNA back- examples of strand modification, both backbone and
bone, indicating random-coil conformations,675 which base linking, are worth mentioning in terms of
converge to a singular resonance in an A-type PNA- folding properties (Figure 123). Cyclohexyl-derived
RNA helix676 and a PNA-DNA helix.677,678 Although PNAs with a more rigid backbone formed stable
duplexes with (S,S) configurations, while duplexes
molecular modeling suggested that intrastrand R-he-
incorporating the (R,R) isomers resulted in decreased
lical-type H-bonding in the PNA backbone would
stabilities in the right-handed duplex.702 Bis-PNAs
result in higher conformational order,679-681 NMR
rapidly form triplex structures due to reduced en-
studies revealed that this stabilization was not tropic costs by converting triplex formation into a
observable in these systems, although this is under bimolecular process.703,704 PNA chimeras665 have been
debate.682 Though PNA folding proceeds via inter- synthesized to form PNA hybrids with DNA685 and
molecular complexation, these chain molecules adopt enhance binding affinities and sequence selection.
unique conformations through intrastrand cis-trans- They also form complexes with peptides705 to form
amide isomerization and interstrand noncovalent conjugates that retain the biological functions of both.
complementary base pairing, even showing the ca- A different peptide-PNA conjugate, dubbed R-helical
pacity to form hairpins.683 Though the A-type PNA: PNAs (RPNAs), incorporates three amino acids into
RNA duplex shows conformational similarity to ds- the monomeric backbone unit. RPNAs demonstrate
RNA, recent molecular dynamics simulations revealed stronger binding to DNA strands (in an all-or-none-
that PNA:DNA duplexes have conformational char- type complexation) compared to traditional PNAs,
acteristics of both the A- and B-type as well as a and they have greater water solubility.706 A repre-
much more flexible PNA backbone than natural sentative PNA-PNA duplex and a PNA2-DNA tri-
oligonucleotides, while retaining torsional prefer- plex are shown in Figure 124. To summarize, the
ences.684 Crucial to the proper directional sequence PNA family of nucleotidomimetic foldamers are novel
selectivity, mixed backbone PNA/DNA chimeras com- backbones that successfully complex to oligonucle-
plexed to both RNA and DNA formed exclusively otides even though they are neutral and acyclic.
antiparallel duplexes over the parallel orienta- Clearly, the structural rules for ideal complexation
tion.665,685 of oligonucleotides and neutral, acyclic nucleotido-
3980 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 124. Crystal structure of a peptide nucleic acid duplex (left).901 For clarity, one strand is colored yellow and the
other uses conventional atom colors: PNA2-DNA triplex (right).710 Four chains are shown. The DNA chains are colored
yellow and blue. The DNA sequence is 5′-(GAAGAAGAG)-3′. The PNA chains are colored red and green. The PNA sequence
is H2N-(CTCTTCTTC-His-Gly-Ser-Ser-Gly-His-CTTCTTCTC)-CO2H.

Figure 126. Fused sugar-backbone structures.

nucleobase would provide conformational accessibil-

ity to intermolecular complexation. Through the
Figure 125. NDPs and their torsion angles.
convergent Sonogashira coupling of an iodo-nucleo-
base to an acetylenic linker, dimers and tetramers
mimetic chains molecules have yet to be fully deter- of A and U fused bases were generated to explore
mined. these chain molecules (Figure 126).709-712 UV studies
on these single strands did not show any evidence of
2. NDPs base interactions, indicating that intrastrand base
stacking had been disrupted through this backbone
Nucleo-δ-peptides (NDP) incorporate cycohexyls modification. In a related system, phosphodiester-
linked by carbamoylmethyl groups such that the fused A and U bases were single-site incorporated
oligomer is preorganized into an ideal linear confor- into 14-mer DNA strands and led to duplex formation
mation analogous to p-RNAs.707,708 NDPs map onto destabilized by an amount on the order of only one
R-peptide backbones with three predefined torsions mismatch pair.713,714 These examples clearly demon-
(γ, δ, and ζ) due to the conformation restriction of strate that the double-helix architecture has a strong
the cyclohexyl moieties. NMR studies on an NDP- preference for comblike structures where the back-
AATAT sequence revealed an antiparallel WC self- bone adopts conformations that project nucleobases
paired duplex stabilized by interstrand base stacking. in orthogonal orientations to the helical axis.
Torsional angles of the backbone are shown in Figure
125, where the dangling A-ends further stabilize the 4. Cationic Linkages
duplex. The global conformation was further refined Oligonucleotide complex stability has also been
using molecular dynamics and determined to be a enhanced with cationic deoxynucleic and ribonucleic
right-handed double helix with a twist of ca. 10 ( 2° guanidine backbones (DNG and RNG) (Figure 127),
and a unit height of 7.5 ( 0.1 Å. which are electrostatically attracted to the anionic
phosphodiester backbone of natural chains within a
3. Fused Sugar−Base Backbones complex (substituted guanidinium linkages have also
A recent series of investigations was undertaken been investigated715). Through both solution-716-718
to determine if a fusion between the sugar and the and solid-phase synthesis,719-722 pentameric DNG T
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3981

Figure 128. Hydrophobic nucleotide bases.

oligonucleotide complexes. This field has recently

been reviewed.739
Figure 127. Cationic backbone modifications DNG and
The role of face-to-face aromatic interactions within
duplex DNA and RNA is less evident than base
pairing since H-bonding in duplexes can be rational-
strands were generated and formed very stable ized through predictable acceptor-donor motifs while
duplexes and triplexes with poly(rA) and duplexes the nature and rules of aromatic stacking are less
with poly(dA), remaining intact even near boiling understood. Aromatic-aromatic interactions have
temperatures, while the DNG2:poly(dA) triplex has been attributed to electrostatics, hydrophobicity, and
a Tm of 85 °C. DNG-T5 did not bind to poly-(dG), -(dC), dispersion forces. To elucidate the factors in nucleo-
and -(dT), showing sequence discrimination.718,723 base stacking, the use of nucleotides with alternative
With DNA oligomers, single-point C mismatches nucleobases740 at the 5′-termini of DNA strands
lower duplex Tm DNG-T by 4-5 °C at terminal and (dangling ends) to study duplex stabilization was
15 °C at internal sites.721 A thermodynamic and undertaken. Initial studies revealed the overall order
kinetic study of DNG complexation with DNA strands of stacking ability to be pyrene > methylindole >
containing G mismatches showed that the electro- phenanthroline ∼ naphthalene g difluorotoluene >
static attraction between the strands overrides base- A > benzene > T, where less polar aromatics of
pairing selectivity in certain cases.724,725 Decreased similar size stack stronger than more polar ones.741
duplex stability is observed at higher ionic strength Further investigations with the canonical bases
since the interstrand electrostatic attraction is di- showed the stacking ability to be A > G g T ∼ C.742
minished as a consequence of screening. The major Overall, the best correlation between stacking ability
groove width of the DNG:RNA A-type duplex in- and various properties of the nucleobases was found
creases while the minor groove width tightens rela- with the surface area of the aromatic moiety; bases
tive to ds-RNA due to the electrostatic contraction with small overlap, such as pyrrole, stack with the
of the complex as revealed by molecular modeling723 weakest strength and pyrene stacks the strongest.
and dynamics simulations.726 Similar results were Thus, solvophobic effects were concluded to be the
demonstrated in RNG backbones.727-729 Hybrid DNG- most significant force in the base stacking interac-
PNA strands,730,731 as well as chimeric DNG-methyl- tions of this series.
urea oligonucleotides,732 allow for attenuation of the Although the common base-pairing motifs formed
degree of positive charge embedded in these neutral through H-bonding interactions in duplexes are well
backbones, enhancement of water solubility of neu- understood, it is unknown whether oligonucleotide
tral backbones, and minimization of deleterious ef- complexation can proceed through non-H-bonded
fects of electrostatic attraction. To increase the pairing. Considerable work has been conducted on
hydrophobicity of cationic oligonucleotides, S-meth- alternative H-bonded pairings through isomeric forms
ylthiourea backbones (DNmt) were generated by of nucleobases, such as iso-C and iso-G,743-746 as well
solution-733,734 and solid-phase synthesis.735 DNmt as isomorphous nucleobases,747-750 aimed at the
backbones function similarly to DNG with weaker expansion of the genetic alphabet751 through enzy-
complex stabilities observed.736-738 Overall, these matic incorporation. A problem with alternative
cationic backbones show remarkable stability with acceptor-donor systems is the susceptibility of the
their complementary natural oligonucleotides through nucleobases to undergo deleterious tautomeric isomer-
utilization of electrostatic attraction as a supra- ization.745,752,753 To elucidate the necessity of H-
molecular construct, thereby incorporating another bonded pairing in duplex stabilization, single-site
stabilizing noncovalent interaction. substitution in ds-DNA 12-mers with the “comple-
mentary” pair of pyrene and hydrogen (an abasic site)
E. Alternative Nucleobases nucleotides destabilized the duplex to a smaller
extent than expected (∆Tm ) 1.6-2.2 °C relative to
The use of nonbiological nucleobases to enhance an A-T pair) while pyrene oppositely paired to
oligonucleotide duplex stability is widespread, and canonical bases reduced the stability to a greater
an exhaustive exploration of this field is beyond the extent (∆Tm ) 2.3-4.6 °C).754 Surprisingly, a pyrene-
scope of this review. At the same time, recent studies pyrene pair generates a duplex with comparable
exist that go beyond this goal with the aim of stability to the unmodified natural duplex. Another
understanding the function of base interactions in non-H-bonded pairing motif, 4-methylbenzimidazole:
duplex stability and the impact of unusual nucleo- 2,4-difluorotoluene,755 destabilized the ds-DNA (∆Tm
bases on both conformation and assembly. Herein, ) 12.1 °C relative to a central T-A pair) but retained
we focus on a few of these examples as representa- the B-type conformation of the backbone according
tives of the field and to highlight how modifications to NMR and molecular dynamics simulations756
at nucleobase sites that are “remote” from the (Figure 128). Destabilization in this system is pri-
backbone can have profound architectural effects on marily due to cost of solvation of these more hydro-
3982 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 129. Examples of alternative nucleobases.

phobic bases.739 In similar studies, various aromatic

nucleobases have been incorporated into DNA strands
for duplex stability as a segue to alternative nucleo-
base pairing motifs that may be incorporated into
DNA strands by polymerases. Of the variety of non-
H-bonding aromatic nucleobases investigated,739 prom-
ising results for unnatural DNA pairing modes in
Figure 130. Metal-binding nucelobases.
terms of duplex stability, mismatch discrimination,
and incorporation during template-directed poly-
merase syntheses757-759 (see Kool760 for a recent addition of 1.0 equiv of Cu2+, the Tm of the duplex
review) include 7-propynyl isocarbostyril:7-propynyl increased from 56.6 to 64 °C and showed a more
isocarbostyril,751 7AI:ICS,761 PP:MICS,762 PIM:PIM,763 cooperative melting transition. Dimeric oligoligan-
and 3MN:3MN764 (Figure 129). Recently, the 7AI:7AI dosides have been generated with Cu2+ and Ag+.768
self-pair was not only efficiently incorporated into a Significantly, these metal-coordinating nucleotides
growing DNA strand, but also allowed primer exten- have two potential structural advantages over heli-
sion using mammalian polymerase β, which was not cates. First, the ligands are remote from the backbone
seen using the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli whereas in helicates the metal-coordinating portions
polymerase I.765 These nonbiological base-pairing are part of the backbone. Second, the phosphodiester
motifs demonstrate the acceptance of the oligonucleo- linkages can stabilize the cationic metal center,
tide duplex architecture for non-H-bonding inter- decreasing any deleterious effects counterions may
actions, stressing the importance of base stacking for have in helicates. A recent study has shown that bipy
stability and the potential dispensability of H-bond- ligands can also stabilize DNA duplexes through
ing interactions at select sites. interstrand base stacking in the absence of metal
Although it is clear that cationic, inorganic species ions.769 Efforts toward developing other metal-bind-
(such as Mg2+) are essential to the structures and ing nucleosides include phenylenediamine:Pd(II),770
stability of the oligonucleotide backbone,487 metal- catechol-borates,771 and 2-aminophenols.772 Overall,
ligand coordination in oligonucleotides has gained these systems show great promise for the develop-
increasing attention. Recent studies have utilized the ment of novel nucleotidomimetics incorporating metal
coordination strength of transition metals to incor- coordination as a supramolecular construct in the
porate alternative nucleobases into DNA strands as design of foldamer structures.
an unconventional interstrand base-pairing motif.
After single-site incorporation of pyridine and 2,6-
pyridinedicarboxylic methyldiester nucleotides into
VII. Multistranded Abiotic Foldamers
complementary DNA 15-mers followed by hydrolysis Just as single-stranded abiotic foldamers mimic the
of the methyldiesters, equimolar mixtures of the two secondary structures of proteins through a bottom-
strands showed no duplex formation and remained up approach, multistranded abiotic foldamers mimic
dissociated even at low temperatures (14 °C) (Figure DNA architectures through the assembly and folding
130).766 Upon addition of Cu2+ (1, 2, and 5 equiv),
of two or more chains through nonadjacent contacts.
duplex formation not only proceeds but comparable
thermal stabilities were obtained to the natural ds- The following is a survey of the backbones, some very
DNA (∆Tm ) 2.6, 1.7, and 1.1 °C lower relative to an similar to previously described chains in the single-
A-T pair, respectively). A variety of other transition stranded abiotic section, that utilize various non-
metals were tested (Ce3+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+, covalent interactions in adopting their unique con-
Zn2+, Pd2+, and Pt2+) but did not lead to duplex formations.
stabilization. Ligand-nucleobase mismatch discrimi-
nation was demonstrated with canonical bases where A. Hydrogen-Bonding-Stabilized Foldamer
duplexes with mispairs were typically destabilized Multiplexes
by g10 °C. In a related system, 2,2′-bipyridines were
attached through a C1′-methylene to the furanose Foldamer multiplexes118 incorporating H-bonding
ring (dubbed ligandosides) and incorporated at single motifs have been investigated to generate novel
sites into self-complementary DNA 11-mers.767 Upon structures that associate through similar motifs as
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3983

Figure 131. β-Strands and β-sheets incorporating the artificial amino acid Hao.
peptide β-sheet formation and nucleotide base pairing dimerization depends on the association strength of
as seen in DNA. The majority of these systems the sequence-selective algorithm.
establish a sequence of H-bond donors (D) and Nowick and co-workers described β-strands and an
acceptors (A) through heterocyclic amide- or urea- artificial β-sheet that form strong, H-bonded dimers
linked monomers. Through both theoretical774,775 and in CDCl3.157,773 To prevent indefinite association
experimental776 work, determination of association typical of β-strands, the unnatural amino acid “Hao”
constants for triply hydrogen-bonded complementary was designed to allow H-bonding on only one edge of
complexes were shown to be highly dependent on the a β-strand mimic (Figure 131).155,157 Hao is an amimo
D/A sequence, with the strongest complexation oc- acid based upon hydrazine, 5-amino-2-methoxyben-
curring between all-D and all-A strands, while mixed zoic acid, and oxalic acid constituents. This peptido-
or alternating D/A sequences showed weaker associa- mimetic building block maps onto a tripeptide seg-
tions due to repulsive secondary electrostatic inter- ment and hence can be considered as an η-peptide.
1H NMR chemical shift data, NOE studies, and
actions. Higher levels of complexity can be achieved
in moieties capable of D/A tautomerization and intra- dilution experiments indicated that the peptide de-
molecular H-bonding in addition to intermolecular rivative 60 strongly dimerized in pure CDCl3 with
association.777,778 Through these motifs, differentia- an association constant of ca. 106 M-1. As expected,
tion between competitive self- versus complementary the association constant was considerably lower upon
3984 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 132. Oligo(arylamide)s complexed through self-complementary ADAD and AADD duplexes and a complementary
addition of 10% MeOH. An artificial sheet was speculated to be a result of decreasing intermolecular
constructed in which the Hao unit was attached to stacking interactions. Self-association of both 63 and
one end of Nowick’s previously described molecular 64 could produce dimers stabilized by four H-bonding
scaffold while to the other end an R-tripeptide was interactions. The self-complexation association con-
connected. This structure resulted in an artificial stant for 64 was determined to be approximately
β-sheet that dimerized in solution via the H-bond 4 × 104 M-1 compared to the lower limit 63:64
donors and acceptors on the top edge.773 association constant of 9 × 107 M-1. Recent studies
Arylamide oligomers with various D/A sequences showed that mismatches in the AD sequence lead to
have been recently investigated by Gong et al.445,446 a conformational rearrangement of the backbone
Quadruply H-bonded complexes, 61:61 and 62:62, driven by steric interactions that resulted in >40
with D/A sequences DADA and DDAA, respectively, times lower duplex stability as evidenced by isother-
were shown by 1H NMR and X-ray studies to dimer- mal titration calorimetry.779
ize through self-complementarity from two dimeric A system capable of two-state conformational
strands (Figure 132). The association constant of switching has been produced from two complemen-
62:62 was determined to be marginally more stable tary naphthyridinyl urea oligomers (Figure 133).780
than 61:61 (6 × 104 M-1 vs 4 × 104 M-1) even though Both linear molecules 65 and 66 form associated
more favorable electrostatic interactions exist with structures through intramolecular H-bonding by
62. Although some torsional flexibility exists in both rotation about the arylamide bonds. In frame-shifted
foldamers, these H-bonded duplexes form readily (relative to 66) monoaromatic 65, the folded confor-
through both intra- and intermolecular H-bonds to mation is observed to intermolecularly associate to
adopt planar, β-sheetlike structures. Extension of produce oligomeric species (of unknown n) through
these preliminary studies to trimeric oligomer lengths noncooperative association at all concentrations. At
enabled the formation of self-complementary planar low concentrations, the bent form of 66 associates to
duplexes stabilized by six H-bonding interactions.446 form dimer 67, while at higher concentrations the
The two symmetric heterotrimers, 63 and 64, have extended conformation of 66 dimerizes to 68. Upon
two and four intramolecular H-bonding interactions mixing of 66 and 65, a complementary complex 69
and D/A sequences of DADDAD and ADAADA, self-assembles with the extended, planar conforma-
respectively. Preorganization through intramolecular tions of both molecules at all concentrations. This
H-bonding interactions predispose these oligomers to occurs since the association constant for the forma-
planar, extended conformations, exposing sequence tion of 69 is greater than either of the duplexing
sites for intermolecular association. NOESY experi- modes.
ments under complexing conditions (i.e., CDCl3) Bis-2-ureido-4[1H]-pyrimidinones are capable of
confirmed the close interstrand proximity of the self-associating into a duplex structure stabilized by
methylene groups. Slight downfield shifting of a NH eight H-bonding interactions with 70 that are adap-
signal in 64 upon dilution (100 to 10 µm) was tive through a keto-enol tautomerization (Figure
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3985

Figure 133. Intra- and intermolecular pairing modes for DDAADD and AADDAA strands.

134).781 In 70, two D/A sequences, the keto DDAA and stacking and intermolecular H-bonding where crys-
the enol ADAD, are possible through proton transfer tals obtained from DMF revealed two possible syn
and a switch in the intramolecular H-bonding by a coplanar orientations in the solid-state while crystals
N-C rotation in the urea moiety. X-ray analysis of grown from CHCl3 showed anti or helical orienta-
crystals revealed pyrimidinone aromatic-aromatic tions. NOE and 2D-ROESY experiments revealed
3986 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

oligomeric strands (Figure 136).783-788 The system is

based on intramolecular H-bonding between an amide
carbonyl group and an amide nitrogen. In addition,
two aromatic edge to face interactions between an
isophthalic acid moiety and a 1,1-bis(4-amino-3,5-di-
methylphenyl)cyclohexane group are also important
for stabilization. The dimer conformation 72 resulting
from the intermolecular H-bonding of two strands of
71 was confirmed by 1H NMR spectroscopy, which
revealed a downfield shift of all amide protons and
an upfield shift of the aromatic protons on the
isophthaloyl group. These results indicate the pres-
ence of H-bonding and aromatic-aromatic stacking
The symmetry of the initial complexes 72 pre-
vented a definitive confirmation of the structure. To
overcome this difficulty, different yet complementary
systems were developed (Figure 137). Monomers 73
and 74 are self-complementary and form stable
homodimers in solution as homocomplexes as deter-
mined by 1H NMR spectroscopy. However, it was
Figure 134. Keto-enol tautomerism in an A/D strand. found that the heterocomplex 75 was an order of
magnitude more stable than either of the self-
cooperative formation and equilibration between the complementary strands. NOE experiments revealed
two conformations as well as slow conversion to a several interstrand interactions and indicated contact
third isomer, identified as a keto-enol asymmetric along the entire length of the complex. Experiments
duplex with one interstrand pyrimidinone complex were performed to help probe the possibility of
and one enolized pyrimidinol pair. At equilibrium, cooperative binding in the recognition process.784 The
the syn/anti ratio to keto-enol duplexes exist in an association constants of several heterocomplexes of
approximately 3:1 ratio. increasing length were determined by 1H NMR
Recently, an oligomer backbone incorporating spectroscopy, showing that as the length of the
aminotriazene repeat units tethered together by oligomers increased, the stability of the correspond-
methylene groups effectively forms hydrogen-bonded ing complexes increased in a nonlinear fashion
duplexes.782 Complexation of the dimeric strands is indicative of a cooperative binding process. Addition-
much stronger in the amine-linked backbone (X ) ally, significant intermolecular interaction was ob-
NH) where intrastrand H-bonding preorganizes the served along the entire length of the chain.
dimer for duplexation, whereas the ether-linked
backbone (X ) O) shows significantly lower associa- 2. Pyridylamide Oligomers
tion constants (Figure 135). 452
Intramolecular H-bonding has been used to create
B. Duplexes Stabilized by Hydrogen-Bonding and a system that can adopt a single- or double-stranded
Aromatic−Aromatic Interactions helical conformation in solution.113,789,790 The system
is based on 2′-pyridyl-2-pyridinecarboxamide units
1. Zipper Duplexes which are predisposed to form intramolecular H-
Hydrogen bonding and aromatic aromatic-aro- bonds (Figure 138). H-bonding present in oligomeric
matic stacking interactions have also been used in strands 76-78 is expected to generate a helical
the intermolecular organization of complementary conformation. Dilute solutions of 76 in CDCl3 (0.5

Figure 135. Methylene-bridged triazene dimers and their hydrogen-bonding duplexation.

A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3987

Figure 136. Self-complementary oligomer in a zipper structure. Dotted lines indicate edge-face aromatic-aromatic

Figure 137. Complementary oligomers in zipper structures.

mM) indicate the presence of a single species as shifting of several of the aromatic signals and an
evidenced by a single set of sharp 1H NMR signals. X-ray crystal structure from DMSO/CH3CN showed
Aromatic stacking as demonstrated by the upfield the expected helical conformation.
3988 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 138. Series of oligo(pyridylamide)s capable of forming single- and double-stranded helices.

Concentration of samples of 76 in chloroform

resulted in the generation of a second set of signals
proposed to be a double-helical conformation.790 An
exchange rate between monomer and dimer species
was determined to be 8.7 s-1 at 25 °C, and an
association constant (Kdim) was measured by NMR
spectroscopy to be 25-30 M-1. A crystal structure of
less soluble analogue 78 from nitrobenzene/heptane
confirmed a double-helical conformation with an
average aromatic-aromatic stacking distance of 3.5
Å. From the X-ray crystal structure, it was concluded
that the aromatic stacking between individual strands
was responsible for stabilizing the dimer formation
since most of the H-bonds were within the same
strand and primarily stabilized the helical conforma-
tion of the individual chains. This is in contrast to
ds-DNA, where aromatic stacking is responsible for
intramolecular stabilization and H-bonding is re-
sponsible for intrastrand organization. This system
was studied in various chlorohydrocarbon solvents,
but no correlation existed between solvent polarity
Figure 139. Formation of di- and trinuclear double-
and double-helical stability. It was determined that stranded helicates from a substituted sexipyridine ligand
the deleterious presence of water in these solvents through supramolecular and electrochemical pathways.
competed with intermolecular H-bonding causing
destabilization of the complex. The dimerization stranded complexation is also possible with quin-
constant was determined to be 6.5 × 104 M-1. quepyridines (qpy) when complexed to Pd(II), whereas
Molecular dynamics simulations revealed a possible the shorter qpty associates with two Pd(II) ions in
folding pathway that involved rearrangment of a planar, single-stranded conformations.466 Crystal struc-
loose complex into the double-stranded conformation tures of sexipyridine complexes revealed a binuclear
as well as the stability of the duplex on the time span double-helix with Cd(II)466 but a trinuclear double
of the simulation. helicate with Cu(II).466,475
A systematic chain-length study of oligopyridines
was undertaken using tpy,794 qtpy,795 qpy,795,796 sexi-
C. Helicates: Metal-Coordinating Foldamer pyridines (spy),796 septipyridines (septipy),470 and
Duplexes oligomers up to the decipyridine (n ) 10). Alkanethiol
1. Oligopyridines side chains on oligomers promote solubility of the
longer chains.797 Investigations on spy strands and
As mentioned earlier in this review, oligopyridines their di- and trinuclear helical complexes were in-
have been thoroughly investigated for their ability vestigated with the goal of forming different metal
to adopt helical conformations upon metal coordina- coordination spheres both synthetically and electro-
tion (for reviews on this field, see refs 456, 457, 791, chemically (Figure 139). Both the Cu(I) and Cu(II)
and 792). Thus far, only single-stranded helices from helicates were synthesized discretely and converted
oligopyridines have been described. Yet, the same from one to another by CV as evidenced by spectro-
oligomers may adopt double-stranded helical confor- electrochemical analysis.796 In these longer oligo-
mations depending on the coordination metal ion pyridines, double-helical conformations are a result
employed. Although quaterpyridine (qtpy) oligomers of the system maximizing coordination bonds and
adopt single-stranded helical conformations with a aromatic-aromatic stacking while minimizing the
variety of metal ions, they complex with Cu(I) and number of components in the assembly. When septipy
Ag(I) in double-helical conformations.793 Double- oligomers are complexed to either Co(II) or Cu(II),
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3989

Figure 140. M and P helical conformations of double helicates from a dimer with a chiral ligand.

Figure 141. Head-to-head and head-to-tail conformations of double helicates from substituted qtpy ligands.

octahedral coordinations incorporate only six of the (1R,1R)-(+)-R-pinene-terminated strand was also
seven pyridines in the backbone, leading to strand synthesized and proved to form the M helicate after
slipping in solution.470 To design out this molecular crystallization. The origin of selectivity arose from
motion, 1,3-phenylene monomers incapable of coor- interactions of the pinene end groups with the
dinating to the metal ions have been used to replace pyridine ligands in the backbone. Additionally, the
the central positions in qpy,798 spy,799 and septipy800 Cu(I) helicates from this ligand formed in solution
strands, thereby dividing the chain into localized with 98.7% de, and after crystallization, again only
coordinating segments. Alkynyl linkages have also the P helix was isolated. Qpty strands with thioethyl
been incorporated into oligopyridine backbones pro- side chains and a methyl end group at the 4′-position
moting helicate formation by maintaining the rigidity were reacted with Cu(I) to produce a 3:2 mixture of
of the backbone while decreasing interstrand steric the head-to-head (HH) and head-to-tail (HT) configu-
interactions.801,802 rations, as evidenced by 1H NMR (Figure 141).806
Helicate duplexes incorporating symmetric oligo- Variation of the side chain and the end group by
mers do not possess strand directionality, unlike systematically incorporating bulkier groups at these
(3′f5′) oligonucleotide duplexes. To enhance archi- positions revealed no increased selectivity when
tectural control of these assemblies, the covalent groups such as ethyl or tert-butyl were employed as
attachment of chiral end groups, either through the the end group while the thioethyl side chain re-
incorporation of fused moieties or attachment through mained.807,808 In the absence of a side chain, the tert-
single bonds to terminal chain ends, has been ex- butyl-terminated quaterpyridine helicate formed the
plored. Qpty strands incorporating fused chiral (1S)- parallel HH configuration exclusively. All other cases
(-)-R-pinene end groups formed M and P helical resulted in a mixture of HH and HT with the HH
complexes with Ag(I) (Figure 140). 803-805 Diastereo- configuration preferred. It was speculated that this
meric excess in these complexes can shed light on the preference was dependent on the electronic character
effect of interstrand steric interactions on the ther- of the side chain and the resulting helical pitch due
modynamics of helicate formation. It was found in to steric interactions between intrastrand substitu-
CH3CN that a 0.024:1.0 ratio (95.3% de) of complexes tions at either the side chain or end group. Constable
formed. Upon crystallization, only the major isomer and co-workers809-811 utilized a terpyridine ligand
was isolated which was identified as the P helix. The coupled to (1S)-(-)-borneol at one terminus to impart
3990 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 142. Solvent effects on the formation of helicate structures from a terpy strand. Head-to-tail double-stranded
helicates obtained from borneol-terminated terpy ligands.

Figure 143. Formation of double-stranded helicates from bipyridine oligomers.

asymmetry in the helicate complex (Figure 142).809 oligopyridine-based chains that can adopt ideal, less
Since this strand lacks a C2-symmetric axis, four constrained coordination geometries within helicate
possible helicate isomers may be realized. Molecular assemblies. One of the most thoroughly investigated
modeling studies revealed that the HH isomers are systems involves the incorporation of methyl(methoxy)
much higher in energy due to steric repulsion of the ether linkages between bipy or terpy segments.
borneol units. Reaction of the ligands with [Cu- Initial chain-length studies showed these modified
(MeCN)4][PF6] formed a 6.5:1 ratio of two unidenti- oligomers of varying length (n ) 3-5) form homo-
fied components in CH3CN by 1H NMR, presumably stranded helicates with Cu(I)812 (Figure 143) and
the two diastereomers of the HT configurations. Ag(I)813 in CH3CN.814 To investigate self-recognition
Crystallization of this mixture produced only the selectivity, a mixture of 2 equiv of the dimer, 1 equiv
major isomer, which was shown to be the (S)(S)-(M)- of the tetramer, and 3 equiv of Cu(I) produced only
HT by X-ray analysis. It is unclear why the M helix the homostranded complexes, demonstrating the
was favored over the P helix. With Ag(I), the equi- preference for homostranded complexation.815 Further-
librium between the mononuclear complex and the more, a mixture of all four oligomers, upon addition
dinuclear helicate could be shifted by the choice of of Cu(I), also formed only the homostranded double-
solvent.810 Acetonitrile solutions favored the mono- helical structures after reaching equilibrium. Given
nuclear complex through competitive solvent coordi- the lack of heterostranded complexes, this system
nation, while less coordinating solvents such as demonstrates length dependence and multinuclearity
methanol and nitromethane favored the helical du- matching in the self-recognition process. This ex-
plex, as confirmed by both 1H NMR and CD. ample further reveals the sensitivity of the associa-
tion to alignment mismatches. Self-organization in
2. Linked Oligopyridines the assembly of these strands has been shown to be
cooperative.816,817 The attachment of thymine-
a. Ether-Linked Oligopyridines. The incorpora- nucleoside side chains to these oligopyridine strands
tion of flexible linkages within the backbone provides produced a double helicate with nucleosides extend-
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3991

Figure 144. Heterostranded heterotopic double-stranded helicates from tpy-bipy-tpy and bipy-tpy-bipy trimers.

Figure 145. Heteronuclear double-stranded helicates from trimers incorporating bipy and tpy ligands.

ing out from the ionic interior,818,819 an architecture systematic look at bipy/phen mixed trimers involved
similar to one once proposed as the structure of the synthesis of bipy3, bipy-phen-bipy, phen-bipy-
DNA.820 phen, and phen3 trimers complexed with Cu(I) and
A variety of heteromeric oligopyridine-based strands Ag(I) (Figure 147).823 The homooligomeric phen se-
have been synthesized and complexed into helicates quence formed a double-stranded helicate with Cu(I),
to assess the impact of non-bipy ligands on self- although a mixture of helicate complexes resulted
assembly. Two trimeric oligomer strands incorporat- upon addition of Ag(I). An excess of Ag(I) shifted the
ing a bipy-tpy-bipy and a tpy-bipy-tpy oligomer equilibrium toward the double-helical complex com-
were generated and complexed with pentacoordinate- pletely. The heterotopic strand of phen-bipy-phen
preferring Cu(II) ions (Figure 144).821 Only the formed double-stranded helicates with both Cu(I) and
heterotopic, heterostranded helicate was obtained Ag(I), indicating that the central unit in the ligand
after crystallization. These structures are reminis- may influence the stability of the helicate through
cent of DNA base matching in that the two separate steric interactions.
strands encoded with complementary ligands form To probe heterostranded helicate formation, mix-
into a single complex through segment matching. tures of these four ligands under helicate-forming
Upon addition of 2 equiv of Cu(I) and 1 equiv of conditions were tested (Figure 148). It was found that
Fe(II), both bipy-tpy-bipy and bipy-bipy-tpy oligo- whether the ligands were mixed prior to ion addition
mers formed homostranded, heteronuclear helicates or helicate solutions were mixed together, the hetero-
(Figure 145). Phen segments, having similar struc- stranded helicates were thermodynamically favored
ture and denticity to bipys but lacking torsional providing statistical (1:2:1) helicate distributions.
flexibility, have also been incorporated into these Further investigation into the role of the central unit
oligomers, and double-stranded helicates were formed in double-stranded helicates from trimers allowed
from Cu(I), Ag(I), and Zn(II) (Figure 146).822 A more determination of binding affinity by cyclic voltam-
3992 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 148. Four trimers consisting of bipy-L-bipy


Figure 146. Homotopic helicates from a bipy-phen-bipy

trimer. The crystal structure of the Cu(I) complex is

Figure 149. P double-stranded helicate from a bipy trimer

incorporating stereogenic centers within the linkers.

bithiophene unit. Self-recognition in these ligands

was demonstrated by mixing the bipy with either
bithiophene- or phen-containing oligomers, where
only the homostranded helicates were obtained.
However, a mixture of the phen- and the bipy-
containing oligomers produced homo- and heteros-
tranded helicates in a statistical 1:2:1 distribution.
These results suggest that the Cu(I) ion preferentially
binds to two weaker chain segments (bithio) rather
than one strong and one weak one. From these
investigations, sequence matching in heterotopic
helicate formation emerges as an approach to encod-
ing helicates with structural information in recogni-
tion processes.
The linked oligopyridine-based foldamers described
thus far lack any asymmetric functionalities able to
Figure 147. Four trimers consisting of bipy and phen shift the P and M helical equilibrium. The first report
segments. attempting to bias the twist sense of a helicate
metry for a series of four different ligands.824 It was involved chiral ether linkages to a bipy3 strand
found that the central phenanthroline unit in a (Figure 149).825 When these oligomers were com-
trimeric ligand binds to Cu(I) 10 times more strongly plexed with 3 equiv of either Cu(I) or Ag(I), only the
than a bipy unit and 106 times more strongly than a P helicate was obtained. In this conformation, the
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3993

Figure 150. Bipy trimers tethered by chiral bridges.

Figure 151. Homo- and heterostranded helicates from two different bipy strands.

methyl groups extend outward to minimize steric into two discrete homostranded helicates: a double-
repulsions. Rigid, chiral bridges such as spirobisin- stranded, tetrahedral Cu(I) complex with the ether-
danol or dimethylbiphenic acid, tethering two bipy3 linked strand and a triple-stranded, octahedral Ni(II)
oligomers, can effectively bias the twist sense of a complex incorporating the alkyl-linked strand. No
Cu(I) helicate by dictating the absolute configuration heterostranded species were observed by 1H NMR or
of the strands through more rigid constraints (Figure ESI-MS. Here, the end groups of the strands, as well
150).826,827 as the nature and length of the linker group between
b. Alkyl-Linked Oligopyridines. With the suc- the ligands endow the oligomer with structural
cess of the ether-linked bipy helicates, other linkages information that directs the self-assembly process.
involving ethyl- and ethylene-linked bipy trimers The power of self-recognition processes in the forma-
were explored.828 Oligomers incorporating the alkene tion of highly organized structures is clear in this
spacer did not produce a discrete double-stranded case: 11 chemical components of four types (two
helicate with Cu(I) as evidenced by 1H NMR, due to organic oligomers and two transition-metal ions)
the lack of flexibility in the backbone. On the other combine to form two discrete supramolecular species.
hand, the ethyl-linked strands were effectively in- At the same time, the ether-linked bipy3 and the
corporated into the complex. An imine linker has also ethyl-linked tpy3 oligomers formed a heterostranded
been utilized to form double-stranded helicates with
helicate which was able to form through complex-
Cu(I) and Ag(I).829 When the alkyl- and ether-linked
ation with Cu(II) (Figure 153).832 Although the Cu-
oligomers were mixed under helicate-forming condi-
(II) ion prefers a pentacoordinate geometry, trigonal
tions to test for recognition, a mixture of homo- and
bipyramidal and square pyramidal coordination are
heterostranded complexes was formed in a ratio of
both possible. In this case, the central copper coor-
2:2:1 (Figure 151). At equilibrium, the homostranded
dination adopted a trigonal bipyramidal geometry
helicate is favored over the heterostranded helicate,
deviating from the statistical distribution, presum- while the terminal ends of the strands coordinate to
ably due to the electrostatic attraction between the the terminal copper through square pyramidal ori-
oxygen and Cu(I) ions and the lower flexibility of the entations as evidenced by X-ray analysis. This occurs
ethyl linker. Furthermore, ethyl-linked bipy3 strands since the steric demands at the termini are not as
formed triple-helical complexes with Ni(II),830 while stringent as the central segments.
ethyl-linked tpy3 complexed with Fe(II) produced When the ethyl-linked bipy3 oligomer was com-
double-stranded helicates,831 where both complexes bined with an equimolar quantity of FeCl2 in ethyl-
formed through octahedral coordination geometries. ene glycol at 170 °C, a pentameric circular helicate
To test the self- vs nonself-recognition selectivity was exclusively produced (Figure 154).833 This com-
between the ether and alkyl bipy strands, Cu(I) and plex is believed to form from templation by the Cl-
Ni(II) where added to a mixture of these two oligo- counterion. Further investigations into this system
mers (Figure 152).815 These trimers self-assembled with a variety of counterions revealed a second
3994 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 152. Formation of only homostranded helicates from a mixture of two different bipyridine trimers. Crystal structure
of the Ni(II) triple-stranded helicate with the alkyl-linked trimers is shown.878
circular helicate, the hexameric complex, in which the accelerated the dissociation of the metal complexes.
counterion is believed to also bind in the central In this case, a 2:1 ratio of the circular vs the linear
cavity.834,835 When a hexanuclear circular helicate Ni(II) species was obtained after a period of 4 days,
prepared using FeSO4 was heated in the presence of at which point strand decomposition became a factor.
Cl-, 1H NMR and ES-MS analysis revealed the shift Hence, the additional flexibility of the alkyl linkage
to the pentameric circular helicate exclusively. This within the backbone provides the torsional freedom
indicates that the Cl- ion can selectively template in the chain necessary to adopt a variety of confor-
the pentameric assembly from the equilibrating mations within the various helicate complexes.
mixture of complexes. Investigations into the mech-
anism of this circular helicate formation revealed 3. Pyridine Analogues
that the kinetic product of this reaction is the linear A variety of helicates incorporating pyridine-based
triple-stranded helicate, which over the course of 24 analogues have been described in the literature
h reassembles into the thermodynamic product, the including methylene-linked benzimidazoles837 and
pentameric circular helicate.836 Similar results were their derivatives,838-840 bis(phenyloxazolinyl)pyri-
obtained with the use of NiCl2 under conditions that dines,841,842 bis(pinene-bpy) ligands,843 and bis-imino-
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3995

Figure 153. Formation of heterostranded helicates from a bipy trimer and terpy trimer.

quinolines.844,845 While these ligands effectively form mismatching could only be compensated by higher
helicates with a variety of metal ions, we do not order strand incorporation. Variable temperature 1H
consider them as foldamers since it is difficult to NMR studies revealed a dynamic rearrangement
envision how their chain lengths may be easily involving a twist sense reversal within these triple
extended, a similar criteria that was used for ruling helicates wherein one or more strands pass through
out many of the receptor systems. Since they do not a meso state in which the strands adopt a parallel,
satisfy our criteria for foldamers, we will not discuss fully extended conformation.851,852 Related dimeric
them further (some of these systems have been catecholamides form triple-helical complexes with
discussed in recent reviews457). However, dipyrro- either Ti(III) or Ga(III). Yet, upon the addition of
methene oligomers, structurally isomorphous to the Me4N+, these complexes are intercoverted to a tetra-
phytochromobilins,846 have been recently shown to hedral cluster in order to provide the necessary cavity
form double-stranded helicates with Zn(II) and Co(II), space to accommodate the cationic guest (Figure
where a hexameric strand complexes to Zn(II) in a 157).853,854
3:2 ratio (Figure 155).847 The oligomers have also Self-recognition processes have also been demon-
been extended to incorporate alkyl spacers of varying strated to coincide with template-driven helicate
length.848,849 formation.855 Dimeric catechol-derived strands, previ-
ously shown to bind Li+ 856,857 or Na+ 858 within triple-
4. Catecholates stranded helicates, were synthesized with methylene
Catecholates also have the ability to form helicates and ethylene spacers, and the mixtures were coor-
when complexed to gallium and titanium metal dinated to “Ti(IV)” in the presence of different
ions.455,457 Investigations into the effect of spacer carbonate bases to form triple-stranded helicates.
length (and the distance between the metal ions) on When the helicate was prepared using Na2CO3, only
self-recognition were conducted with catecholamide the homostranded species were observed. Upon ad-
ligands.850 Ditopic ligands with three different aro- dition of Li2CO3, both homostranded species were
matic spacers were synthesized and complexed with observed along with a heterostranded species (2
Ga(III) to form triple-helical structures (Figure 156). methylene + 1 ethylene strand). When K2CO3 was
A 1:1:1 mixture of the three ligands with Ga(III) used, the ethylene strands formed dinuclear helicates
provided only the homostranded helicates as evi- while the methylene bridged ligands formed indis-
denced by 1H NMR and ESI-MS. The authors argue tinguishable higher oligomeric species. Interestingly,
that the self-recognition process is a combination of when 1:1 mixtures of the bases were utilized, only
effects whereby the helicate structure is favored over the homostranded helicates formed. It is worth
polymeric structures due to an entropic driving force mentioning that a nonaromatic backbone has also
disfavoring the polymeric structure, the rigid spacers been incorporated into a double-stranded helicate.859
disfavoring heterostranded helicate formation, and
the presence of an energetic drive to fully saturate D. Multistranded Receptors
the coordination sphere of Ga(III). In this mixture, Foldamer duplex receptors that assemble through
the lack of flexibility in the spacer promotes forma- multimodal interactions have been developed in order
tion of only the homostranded helicates, since spatial to generate supramolecular host assemblies for
3996 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 154. Penta- and hexameric cyclic helicates formed through host-guest templation. The crystal structure of the
pentameric complex is shown.

Figure 155. Dipyrromethene double helicates.

molecular recognition of small organic guests.114,860 two oligomer chains, a metal ion, and an organic
This has been accomplished through the use of guest. In this way, the metal-coordinating segments
heterotopic strands with metal-coordinating ligands are conformationally restricted in the complex while
and D/A segments such that self-assembly occurs the D/A segments have the torsional flexibility to
through multiple, noncovalent interactions between potentially accommodate structurally diverse guests.
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3997

Figure 156. Homostranded helicates from catecholate strands with three different spacers.

Figure 157. Formation of a triple-stranded helicate and a tetrahedral cluster from catecholate dimers.
These architectures are more commonly referred to 84, or 85, no shift in the equilibrium was observed
as artificial receptors while at the same time fitting though shifts in the NMR indicated H-bonding inter-
under the categorization of foldamer duplexes since actions between 80 and the guests. However, with
they adopt their unique conformations through these the addition of 86, the proportions of the free ligands
noncovalent interactions and form similar architec- were shifted to 48% of 80 and 52% of 81 through
tures as described in the previous two sections on simultaneous H-bonding between two strands and
multistranded abiotic foldamers. this bridging guest. When similar Pd(II) complexes
In a series of experiments aimed at guest-induced formed with 80 and 81 (where R ) H) in 5% DMSO
equilibrium shifting of metal-coordinated assemblies, in CHCl3, a square-planar coordination geometry
bis(carboxamidobipyridine) ligands with tBu 80 (R ) arranges the strands in a coplanar orientation,
Me or H) and with DAD H-bonding caproylpyridyl thereby suggesting a planar, rigid guest could pos-
81 (R ) Me or H) peripheral groups were complexed sibly shift the equilibrium toward the host-guest
with Cu(I) and Pd(II) ions to form double-stranded, assembly. Binding of the guest shows the ability of
tetracoordinate complexes (Figure 158).861 Through each guest to enhance the formation of complexes,
the addition of complementary (ADA) guests with as indicated by the proportions of ligands involved
varying degrees of flexibility (82-86) in the presence in complexes determined by 1H NMR. Guest 82 is
of 80 and 81 (both R ) Me), a shift in the equilibrium capable of concurrently H-bonding to each strand and
from the 80:80 to the 81:81 complex was promoted stabilizing the 81:81:Pd(II) complex (even enhancing
through H-bonding in the guest assembly. Guests 82 the shift at lower temperatures).
and 84 are rigid, while 83, 85, and 86 have various
numbers of single bonds, which increases their E. Foldamer−Oligomer Interactions
torsional flexibility. With 0.5 equiv of Cu(I), 80 As the final section of this review, we wish to
(1 equiv) and 81 (1 equiv) formed distorted tetra- present more advanced examples of foldamer archi-
hedral complexes in chloroform, and by 1H NMR, the tectures that lay the foundation for the development
degree of uncomplexed ligand was determined to be of backbones capable of homo- or heterostranded
27% of 80 and 73% of 81. Upon addition of 82, 83, foldamer-foldamer interactions seen with natural
3998 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

Figure 158. Multistranded receptor formation through H-bonding and metal coordination.

systems (i.e., protein-protein or protein-DNA in- guanidinium and formyl termini that shows prefer-
teractions). This requires two structurally different ential binding to AT-rich sequences in 1:1 and 2:1
backbones to associate through recognition processes stoichiometries with ds-DNA (in antiparallel orienta-
embedded in the surfaces of their folded conforma- tions) (Figure 159). NMR studies have determined
tions. To date, natural systems that adopt secondary that in a distamycin-A:d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 com-
structures and template the association and folding plex, two of the pyrroles (Py) remain planar while
of small oligomers (or segments of homomorphous the third ring rotates to conform to the minor groove
backbones) have only been accomplished. These are twist.870 The first chain-length studies (n ) 1-6) on
best described as foldamer-oligomer interactions and modified distamycins effectively demonstrated the
provide insight into this next step within the fol- ability to extend the minor groove sequence recogni-
damer field. tion of small oligomeric molecules.871,872 Through
1. Minor Groove Binding Oligomers incorporation of imidazoles (Im)873 and hydroxypyr-
roles (Hp)874 into lexitropsin oligomers, pairing rules
Major groove binding of oligonucleotide variants for minor groove binding have been ascertained: Py/
through triplex formation has been discussed in Im targets C-G, Py/Hp targets A-T, Hp/Py targets
terms of stability and sequence selectivity. The T-A, and Im/Py targets G-C.875 Since lexitropsin
folding reaction considered here is one in which backbones cannot effectively coil around oligonucleo-
complexation induces conformational order in an tide duplexes at chain lengths higher than five,
unstructured oligomer. Yet, no nonnucleotidomimetic incorporated β-alanine units add flexibility to the
foldamers have been demonstrated to target the oligomer and also enhance sequence recognition.876
major groove,862 suggesting the potential of this Linking of lexitropsin oligomers by γ-butyric acid
unexplored area. However, the minor groove of DNA
tethers allow the 2:1 binding mode to become a
duplexes offers crucial sites for noncovalent supra-
unimolecular process, thereby enhancing affinity by
molecular recognition, as demonstrated by recent
ca. 100.877 A single substitution of imidazole for
X-ray crystal structures of DNA polymerase:ds-
DNA complexes.863-865 Although studies aimed at pyrrole in a lexitropsin hairpin structure showed a
elucidating protein-oligonucleotide interactions are decrease in affinity of 2 orders of magnitude, demon-
currentlybeinginvestigatedwithnucleotidomimetics,866-868 strating the efficient mismatch discrimination in
we limit our discussion here to members of the these oligomers.878 This field has expanded exponen-
lexitropsin and duocarmycin antibiotics, which have tially, primarily due to the work of the Dervan group,
shown considerable progress in adapting these sys- since the development of solid-phase synthetic meth-
tems for more complex sequence recognition. odologies.879 Since this field has been thoroughly
a. Lexitropsins. The lexitropsin class of natural reviewed elsewhere,875,880-883 here we only mention
oligo(N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide)s, isolated from the lexitropsins to draw their connection to the field
streptomyces strains,869 binds in the minor groove of of foldamers; that is, they adopt their unique confor-
duplexed DNA through a combination of van der mations by undergoing a folding reaction through
Waals’ contacts, H-bonding, hydrophobic, and electro- complexation with the ds-DNA minor groove. Hence,
static interactions. Distamycin-A is a crescent- conformational stability is derived by intermolecular
shaped, amide-linked N-methylpyrrole oligomers with noncovalent interactions.
A Field Guide to Foldamers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3999

Figure 159. Chemical structure of distamycin-A and an oligomeric analogue.875

five base-pair spanning trimer, effectively combining

favorable kinetic and thermodynamic properties. This
complex is stabilized through hydrophobic and van
der Waals interactions, allowing deep penetration
into the narrow groove of an AT-rich sequence.
Figure 160. Series of homooligomeric (+)-CC-1065 ana- A thorough examination of numerous structural
logues used to probe the minor groove binding of duocar- studies aimed at probing the relationship between
mycin. (+)-CC-1065 minor groove binding and catalytic
adenine alkylation revealed a binding-induced con-
b. Duocarmycins. (+)-CC-1065, isolated from formational change that effectively activates the
Streptomyces zelensis,884,885 and the related duocar- ligand for nucleophilic attack.895 In order for the
mycins are a thoroughly investigated class of potent ligand to bind deep in the AT-rich minor groove to
antitumor antibiotics.886-889 Their cytotoxic activity maximize hydrophobic and van der Waals inter-
occurs from an alkylation of adenine via an adenine- actions, the ligand is forced to adopt to the intrinsic
N3 ring-opening SN2 attack on the cyclopropapyrro- helical twist of ds-DNA. This is possible only through
loindole (DSA) when bound in the AT-rich nucleotide a torsional rotation between the nitrogen and the
stretches of the B-DNA minor groove.886,887,889 These carbonyl of the amide, which subsequently destabi-
agents are concave, relatively planar molecules890 lizes the ligand ground state by diminishing the
capable of penetrating the deep and narrow minor vinylogous amide conjugation. Thus, through the
groove of an AT-rich complex for alkylation by noncovalent interactions that promote this unique,
adopting a conformation that extends along the 5′f3′ folded conformation of (+)-CC-1065 within the com-
DNA backbone.891,892 Duocarmycin analogues aimed plex, the reactivity of the ligand is enhanced.
at elucidating the structural origin of the sequence-
selectivity and noncovalent binding focused on the 2. Peptide−Oligomer Complexes
generation of homooligomers (n ) 1-5) to mimic the In biological systems, protein-ligand interactions
properties of (+)-CC-1065 (Figure 160).893,894 Thermal are crucial to molecular recognition and are domi-
incubation and denaturation studies of an oligomer nated by noncovalent interactions and conforma-
series with poly(dA):poly(dT) under approximate tional matching. Chain molecules capable of inter-
physiological conditions revealed increased binding acting with peptides or proteins have targeted their
affinity at higher chain lengths, though the kinetic macromolecular surfaces for binding, since active
accessibility decreased with increasing length due to sites of receptors are typically shallow and therefore
the higher entropic costs of organizing longer chains. the extension to longer chains is not possible. Ad-
Initial complexation of the tetramer with ds-DNA ditionally, these exterior surfaces do not typically
associated through a dimeric segment, followed by a have repeating functionalities of the same type such
much slower rearrangement to the fully complexed that a chain could make regular noncovalent contacts
conformation, consistent with high-energy rotional over a long range. These systems have similarity to
barriers predicted by molecular modeling. The most DNA minor groove binding oligomers where the
optimal agent for minor groove complexation was the folding of an oligomer is templated by the folded
4000 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hill et al.

the secondary structure types schematically repre-

sented in Figure 1. When one looks deeper into the
chemical details making up these secondary struc-
tures, what emerges to date is that only a relatively
small number of “good folders” have as of yet been
identified. Clearly, there is a long road to travel
before “masterpiece sequences” of tyligomers are
routinely produced. Yet, even with the limited ex-
amples of good folders that are known, one can also
conclude that nature is now not alone; at least in
terms of structure, we can now point to synthetic
chains that begin to approach the order seen in
nature’s conformationally structured molecules.
When contemplating new foldamers, it will be
instructive to remember the qualities that are com-
mon to the good folders. One aspect is the proper
balance of flexibility and rigidity within the back-
bone, defined by the number of torsional degrees of
freedom per repeat unit and the torsional potential
energy surfaces. Another aspect is the type, strength,
location, and number of attractive and repulsive
noncovalent interactions that stabilize the desired
conformation while destabilizing the energetically
accessible but unwanted conformations. In short, the
crux of foldamer design and the accompanying folding
reaction hinges on the tradeoff between entropy and
Hydrogen bonds and metal coordination bonds
Figure 161. Tetraguanidinium chain bound to aspartate have been the mainstay of the supramolecular
side chains of an R-helical peptide. Charges have been chemist when it comes to the intentional manipula-
omitted for clarity.
tion of noncovalent interactions. However, nature’s
examples teach us the power of using weak, non-
conformation of a completely different backbone. This directional interactions to stabilize the folded state
type of complex hints at foldamer-foldamer inter- and deepen the folding funnel. Thus, van der Waals
actions that have yet to be demonstrated with two and solvophobic interactions are crucial to foldamer
different backbones. design, although they have been scarcely utilized in
Cationic guanidinium oligomers capable of forming synthetic systems. In the simplest sense, such input
duplexes with peptides containing carboxylate side is realized by incorporating amphiphilic character
chains have been developed to interact with the into the chain.
R-helical surface through electrostatic and hydrogen- The long-term futuresfunction through tyligomerss
bonding interactions.896-898 When dimeric or tetra- is easy to envision, but plotting a course of action is
meric guanidinium oligomers were mixed with a fraught with difficulty. While oligomeric-sized mol-
hexadecameric peptide containing aspartate and ecules are relatively easy to generate, the preparation
asparagine side chains in every third position in 10% of high molecular weight heteropolymers of a specific
H2O in MeOH, an increase in the CD intensity sequence represents one of today’s greatest unsolved
associated with increased R-helicity was observed. synthetic challenges. Until this barrier can be over-
NMR experiments confirmed interstrand interactions come, there are certainly valuable properties to be
as well as the induced R-helical conformation of the found and fundamental discoveries to be made in
peptide (Figure 161).896 Further studies revealed that the foldamers themselves. At least for today, the
the tetraguanidinium oligomer interacts specifically oligomersthe chemist’s middle childscomes to the
with the anionic carboxylates extending from the fore.
helical peptide.897 Increased length of the peptidic
side chains from aspartates to glutamates led to IX. Acknowledgments
lower binding strengths, indicating the importance
of a more rigid surface for proper alignment within The authors thank members of the Moore group
the guanidinium-peptide complex.898 for suggestions and comments as well as J. Gray, D.
Loudermilk, and N. Nathan and for their artistic
contributions. Work from the authors’ laboratory was
VIII. Conclusion supported by grants from the National Science
This review has surveyed the field of foldamerss Foundation (NSF CHE 00-91931) and the Depart-
the study of conformational control in synthetic chain ment of Energy (DEFG02-91ER45439).
molecules. The products of this field are new oligo-
meric backbones that adopt a particular type of X. References
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Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, 3793−3818 3793

Enzymatic Polymerization
Shiro Kobayashi,* Hiroshi Uyama, and Shunsaku Kimura
Department of Materials Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan

Received February 8, 2001

Contents high enantio-, regio-, and chemoselectivities as well

as regulation of stereochemistry providing develop-
I. Introduction 3793 ment of new reactions to functional compounds for
II. Oxidoreductases 3794 pharmaceuticals and agrichemicals; (iii) nontoxic
A. Peroxidases 3794 natural catalyst with “green” appeal in commercial
1. Oxidative Polymerization of Phenol 3794 benefit and ecological requirement.
Derivatives All naturally occurring polymers are produced in
2. Oxidative Polymerization of Aniline 3798 vivo by enzymatic catalysis. Recently, in vitro syn-
Derivatives thesis of polymers through enzymatic catalysis (“en-
3. Polymerization of Vinyl Monomers 3798 zymatic polymerization”) has been extensively de-
B. Laccases 3799 veloped.2 Enzyme catalysis has provided a new
C. Other Oxidoreductases 3800 synthetic strategy for useful polymers, most of which
III. Transferases 3800 are otherwise very difficult to produce by conven-
A. Glycosyltransferases 3800 tional chemical catalysts. In vitro enzymatic synthe-
1. Phosphorylases 3800 ses of polymers via nonbiosynthetic pathways, there-
2. Glycosyl Transferases 3801 fore, are recognized as a new area of precision
B. Acyltransferases 3802 polymer syntheses.
IV. Hydrolases 3802 Furthermore, the enzymatic polymerizations may
A. Glycosidases 3802 greatly contribute to global sustainability without
1. Natural Glycosidases 3803 depletion of important resources by using nonpetro-
chemical renewable resources as starting substrates
2. Mutated Glycosidases 3805
of functional polymeric materials. In the enzymatic
B. Lipases 3806 polymerizations, the product polymers can be ob-
1. Ring-Opening Polymerization of Cyclic 3807 tained under mild reaction conditions without using
Monomers toxic reagents. Therefore, the enzymatic polymeri-
2. Polymerization of Diacid Derivatives and 3810 zation can be regarded as an environmentally friendly
Glycols synthetic process of polymeric materials, providing
3. Polycondensation of Oxyacid Derivatives 3812 a good example to achieve “green polymer chemis-
4. Polymer Modification 3813 try”.3
C. Proteases 3813 The present article overviews recent advances in
D. Other Hydrolases 3814 enzymatic polymerizations. We define enzymatic
VI. Conclusion 3814 polymerization as chemical polymer synthesis in vitro
VII. Acknowledgments 3814 (in test tubes) via nonbiosynthetic (nonmetabolic)
VIII. References 3814 pathways catalyzed by an isolated enzyme. Accord-
ingly, polymer syntheses by employing a living
system like fermentation and E. coli using processes
I. Introduction are not included.
There has been an exponential increase in interest More than 100 years ago (1894), Emil Fischer
in the area of in vitro enzyme-catalyzed organic proposed a “Key and Lock” theory as to the specific
reactions, since many families of enzymes can be substrate selectivity by the enzyme, which is pres-
utilized for transformation of not only their natural ently understood as molecular recognition of the
substrates but a wide range of unnatural compounds, substrate by the enzyme through supramolecular
yielding a variety of useful materials.1 Employing interactions. If the enzymatic reaction takes place in
enzymes in organic synthesis has several advantages vivo, it is always involved to recognize the substrate
as follows: (i) catalysis under mild reaction condi- by the enzyme. This is also true for enzymatic
tions with regard to temperature, pressure, and pH, reactions in vitro. However, readers will see in this
which often lead to remarkable energy efficiency; (ii) article that the substrate-enzyme relationship is not
as strict as the key-lock relationship, but enzymes
are dynamic and sometimes very generous in recog-
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone:
+81-75-753-5608. Fax: +81-75-753-4911. E-mail: kobayasi@ nizing even unnatural substrates in vitro. This situ- ation allows enzymes to catalyze the synthesis of not
10.1021/cr990121l CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 11/07/2001
3794 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kobayashi et al.

Shiro Kobayashi was born in Himeji, Japan, in 1941. He received his Shunsaku Kimura was born in Kyoto, Japan in 1954. He received his
B.S. (1964), M.S. (1966, Professor J. Furukawa), and Ph.D. (1969, B.S. (1976), M.S. (1978), and Ph.D. (1982, Professor Y. Imanishi) degrees
Professor T. Saegusa) degrees from Kyoto University. He spent his from Kyoto University. He joined the Department of Polymer Chemistry,
postdoctoral period (1969−1971, Professor G. A. Olah) at Case Western Kyoto University, as Research Associate (1981), Lecturer (1992), and
Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. In 1972, he joined the Department of Associate Professor (1993). He moved to the Department of Materials
Synthetic Chemistry, Kyoto University, as Research Associate. In 1986, Chemistry, Kyoto University (1996), and in 1999 he was appointed Full
he was appointed Full Professor at the Department of Applied Chemistry, Professor. He spent his postdoctoral career (1982−1984, 1986, Professor
Tohoku University. He moved to the Department of Materials Chemistry, R. Schwyzer) at ETH-Zurich, Switzerland. He received the Award of the
Kyoto University, in 1997. He has received several awards, such as the Society of Polymer Science, Japan, in 1999. He currently serves as
Chemical Society of Japan Award for Young Chemists (1976), the Award Associate Editor for Polymer Journal. His main interests are polymer
of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan (1987), the Distinguished supramolecular chemistry, peptide engineering, and optoelectronics
Invention Award (1993), the Cellulose Society of Japan Award (1996), devices.
the Humboldt Research Award, Germany (1999), the Award of the
Chemical Society of Japan (2001), and the Award of the “Hattori-Hokokai” respective enzymes are given in Table 1. Here,
Foundation, Japan (2001). He has been a foreign member of the enzymatic polymerizations are described according
Northrhine Westfalian Academy of Science, Germany, since 1999. He to the nature of catalyst enzymes.
currently serves as Regional Editor and/or (Executive) Advisory Board
Member for 14 international journals including Macromolecules and Table 1. Classification of Enzymes and in Vitro
Biomacromolecules. His main interests are enzymatic catalysis in polymer Production of Typical Polymers Catalyzed by
synthesis, bio- and biorelated polymers, new polymerizations and reaction Respective Enzymes
mechanisms, and functional and high-performance polymer materials.
enzymes typical polymers
oxidoreductases polyphenols, polyanilines, vinyl polymers
transferases polysaccharides, cyclic
oligosaccharides, polyesters
hydrolases polysaccharides, polyesters,
polycarbonates, poly(amino acid)s

II. Oxidoreductases
In living cells, various oxidoreductases play an
important role in maintaining the metabolism of
living systems. Most of oxidoreductases contain low-
valent metals as the catalytic center. In vitro enzy-
matic oxidoreductions have afforded functional or-
Hiroshi Uyama was born in Kobe, Japan, in 1962. He received his B.S. ganic materials.1 Recently, some oxidoreductases
(1985) and M.S. (1987) degrees from Kyoto University. In 1988, he joined
the Department of Applied Chemistry, Tohoku University, as Research
such as peroxidase, laccase, and bilirubin oxidase
Associate. He obtained Ph.D. degree under the direction of Professor have received much attention as catalyst for the
Shiro Kobayashi in 1991. He moved to the Department of Materials oxidative polymerizations of phenol and aniline de-
Chemistry, Kyoto University, in 1997. In 2000, he was appointed Associate rivatives to produce novel polyaromatics.
Professor of the same department. He was honored as the recipient of
the Award of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan, for the Outstanding A. Peroxidases
Paper published in the Polymer Journal in 1995 and the Chemical Society
of Japan Award for Young Chemists in 1997. 1. Oxidative Polymerization of Phenol Derivatives
only some natural polymers but also a variety of Peroxidase catalysis is an oxidation of a donor to
unnatural polymers. Thus, the target macromol- an oxidized donor by the action of hydrogen peroxide,
ecules for the enzymatic polymerization have been liberating two water molecules. Horseradish peroxi-
polysaccharides, polyesters, polycarbonates, poly- dase (HRP) is a single-chain β-type hemoprotein that
(amino acid)s, polyaromatics, vinyl polymers, etc. All catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide at
the enzymes are generally classified into six groups, the expense of aromatic proton donors. HRP is a Fe-
and typical polymers produced with catalysis by containing porphyrin-type structure and is well-
Enzymatic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3795

Scheme 1 forded the DMF-soluble polymer with a number-

average molecular weight (Mn) of 2100-6000 in good
yields.6 Furthermore, the unit ratio (regioselectivity)
could be controlled by changing the solvent composi-
tion to give a polymer with the phenylene unit
ranging from 32% to 66%. Molecular weight control
of the polyphenol was achieved by the copolymeri-
zation with 2,4-dimethylphenol.7
The polymerization behaviors and properties of the
polyphenols depend on the monomer structure, sol-
vent composition, and enzyme origin. In the HRP-
catalyzed polymerization of p-n-alkylphenols in aque-
ous 1,4-dioxane, the polymer yield increased as the
chain length of the alkyl group increased from 1 to
5.8 The molecular weight was on the order of several
thousands. HRP catalyzed the oxidative polymeriza-
tion of all cresol isomers,9 whereas among o-, m-, and
p-isopropylphenol isomers, only p-isopropylphenol
was polymerized by HRP catalysis. Poly(p-alkylphe-
nol)s obtained in the aqueous 1,4-dioxane often
showed low solubility toward organic solvents; how-
ever, soluble oligomers with molecular weight less
than 1000 were formed from p-ethylphenol in aque-
ous DMF.10
As for m-alkyl-substituted phenols, soluble polyphe-
Scheme 2 nols were obtained by HRP or SBP catalyst in
aqueous methanol.11 Enzymatically synthesized poly-
(m-cresol) had a glass transition temperature (Tg)
higher than 200 °C. The enzyme origin strongly
influenced the polymer yield; HRP readily polymer-
ized the monomer having a small substituent, whereas
in the case of large substituent monomers, the higher
known to catalyze coupling of a number of phenol and
yield was achieved by using SBP as catalyst.
aniline derivatives using hydrogen peroxide as oxi-
dant. The catalytic cycle of HRP for a phenol sub- Phenol-formaldehyde resins using prepolymers
strate is shown in Scheme 1. The peroxidase- such as novolaks and resols are widely used in
catalyzed oxidation proceeds fast in aqueous solutions, industrial fields. These resins show excellent tough-
giving rise to the formation of oligomeric compounds. ness and temperature-resistant properties.12 How-
The resulting oligomers often show low solubility ever, the toxic nature of formaldehyde causes prob-
toward the solvent, thereby preventing the further lems in their manufacture and practical use. There-
formation of higher molecular weight polymer. fore, the enzymatic processes are highly expected as
In a mixture of water and water-miscible solvents an alternative for preparation of phenol polymers
such as acetone, 1,4-dioxane, and methanol, peroxi- without using formaldehyde. Advantages for enzy-
dase could act as catalyst for oxidative polymerization matic synthesis of useful polyphenols are sum-
of various phenol derivatives, yielding a new class of marized as follows:13 (i) the polymerization of phenols
polyaromatics.4 The polymerization proceeds at room proceeds under mild reaction conditions without use
temperature, and during the polymerization, pow- of toxic reagents (environmentally benign process);
dery polymers are often precipitated, which are (ii) phenol monomers having various substituents are
readily collected after the polymerization. polymerized to give a new class of functional pol-
Phenol, the simplest and most important phenolic yaromatics; (iii) the structure and solubility of the
compound in industrial fields, is a multifunctional polymer can be controlled by changing the reaction
monomer for oxidative polymerization, and hence, conditions; (iv) the procedures of the polymerization
conventional polymerization catalysts afford an in- as well as the polymer isolation are very facile.
soluble product with uncontrolled structure. On the Numerical and Monte Carlo simulations of the
other hand, the peroxidase catalysis induced the peroxidase-catalyzed polymerization of phenols were
polymerization in aqueous organic solvent to give a demonstrated.14 The monomer reactivity, molecular
powdery polymer consisting of phenylene and ox- weight, and index were simulated for precise control
yphenylene units showing relatively high thermal of the polymerization of bisphenol A. In aqueous 1,4-
stability (Scheme 2).5,6 In the HRP and soybean dioxane, aggregates from p-phenylphenol were de-
peroxidase (SBP)-catalyzed polymerization in the tected by difference UV absorption spectroscopy.15
aqueous 1,4-dioxane, the resulting polymer showed Such aggregate formation might elucidate the specific
low solubility; the polymer was partly soluble in N,N- solvent effects in the enzymatic polymerization of
dimethylformamide (DMF) and dimethyl sulfoxide phenols.
and insoluble in other common organic solvents.5 On The mechanistic study of the HRP-catalyzed oxida-
the other hand, the aqueous methanol solvent af- tive polymerization was performed by using in situ
3796 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kobayashi et al.

NMR spectroscopy.16 In the polymerization of 8-hy- Scheme 3

droxyquinoline-5-sulfonate, the 2-, 4-, and 7-positions
were involved in the oxidative coupling with the order
of preference being 7 g 2 > 4. The polymerizability
of phenols via HRP catalysis was evaluated by the
initial reaction rate.17 Phenols with electron-donating
groups were consumed much faster than those with
electron-withdrawing groups. The reaction rate of
para- or meta-substituted phenols was larger than Poly(oxy-2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene)(poly(phen-
that of ortho-substituted ones. ylene oxide), PPO) is widely used as a high-perfor-
A bienzymatic system was developed as catalyst mance engineering plastic, since the polymer has
for the oxidative polymerization of phenols.18 The excellent chemical and physical properties, e.g., a
HRP-catalyzed polymerization of phenol in the pres- high Tg (ca. 210 °C) and mechanical toughness. PPO
ence of glucose oxidase and glucose gave the polymer was first prepared from 2,6-dimethylphenol monomer
in a moderate yield, in which hydrogen peroxide was using a copper/amine catalyst system.25 The HRP-
formed in situ by the oxidative reaction of glucose catalyzed polymerization of 2,6-dimethylphenol gave
catalyzed by glucose oxidase. the polymer consisting of exclusively oxy-1,4-phe-
The morphology of the enzymatically synthesized nylene units.26
polyphenols was controlled under the selected reac- Another PPO derivative was enzymatically ob-
tion conditions. HRP-catalyzed dispersion polymer- tained from syringic acid (Scheme 3).27 Both HRP and
ization of phenol in a mixture of 1,4-dioxane and SBP were active for the polymerization involving
phosphate buffer using poly(vinyl methyl ether) as elimination of carbon dioxide and hydrogen from the
stabilizer produced monodisperse polyphenol par- monomer to give the polymer with a molecular
ticles in the submicrometer range.19 m-Cresol and weight up to 1.3 × 104. 4-Hydroxy-3,5-dimethylben-
p-phenylphenol were also converted to the polyphenol zoic acid was also polymerized to give PPO; on the
particles by the dispersion polymerization. The par- other hand, the polymerization of nonsubstituted
ticle size could be controlled by the stabilizer con- 4-hydroxybenzoic acid did not occur under similar
centration and solvent composition. Thermal treat- reaction conditions. NMR and MALDI-TOF mass
ment of these particles afforded uniform carbon analyses showed that the polymer consisted of ex-
particles. clusively 1,4-oxyphenylene units and possessed a
The enzymatic synthesis of polyphenols was carried phenolic hydroxy group at one terminal end and a
out not only in the monophasic solvents but in benzoic acid group at the other. As one possible
interfacial systems such as micelles, reverse micelles, application, the polymer from syringic acid was
and biphasic and Langmuir trough systems. p- converted to a new PPO derivative, poly(oxy-2,6-
Phenylphenol was polymerized in an aqueous sur- dihydroxy-1,4-phenylene), by demethylation with an
factant solution to give the polymer with a narrower excess of boron tribromide in dichloromethane.28 The
molecular weight distribution in comparison with extent of the demethylation was 93%. By utilizing
that obtained in the aqueous 1,4-dioxane.20 two different terminal functional groups of the poly-
Reverse micellar systems were used for the polym- mer, the multiblock copolymer of PPO and aromatic
erization of phenol derivatives. HRP-catalyzed po- polyester was synthesized by the polycondensation
lymerization of p-ethylphenol in the ternary system of bisphenol A, isophthalic acid, and the polymer in
composed of a bis(2-ethylhexyl) sodium sulfosuccinate the presence of triphenylphosphine/hexachloroethane
(AOT)-water-isooctane system produced spherical (coupling agent).29
polyphenol particles having 0.1-2 µm diameters Formation of R-hydroxy-ω-hydroxyoligo(oxy-1,4-
quantitatively.21 Similar particles were obtained by phenylene)s was observed in the HRP-catalyzed
pouring the solution of enzymatically prepared oxidative polymerization of 4,4′-oxybisphenol in aque-
polyphenol into a nonsolvent containing AOT.22 ous methanol.30 During the reaction, the redistribu-
The enzymatic polymerization proceeded even in tion and/or rearrangement of the quinone-ketal
a biphasic system consisting of two mutually im- intermediate take place, involving the elimination of
miscible phases (isooctane and water).23 In the po- hydroquinone to give oligo(oxy-1,4-phenylene)s.
lymerization of p-alkylphenols in this system, the Fluorescent naphthol-based polymers were pre-
molecular weight increased as a function of the pared by HRP-catalyzed polymerization of 2-naphthol
carbon number of the alkyl group. in AOT/isooctane reverse micelles to give the polymer
Polyphenol thin films were obtained using Lang- microspheres.31 The precipitated polymer was soluble
muir-Blodgett technique.21b,24 A monomeric mono- in a range of polar and nonpolar organic solvents and
layer was formed from p-tetradecyloxyphenol and possessed quinonoid structure. The reverse micellar
phenol at the air-water interface in a Langmuir system induced the peroxidase-catalyzed copolymer-
trough, which was polymerized by HRP catalyst in ization of p-hydroxythiophenol and p-ethylphenol,
the subphase. The polymerized film could be depos- yielding the thiol-containing polyphenol particles.32
ited on silicon wafer with a transfer ratio of 100% The attachment of CdS to the particles gave the
for the Y-type film with a thickness of 27.8 Å. CdS-polymer nanocomposite showing fluorescence
Peroxidase-catalyzed polymerization of phenols has characteristics.
provided a new methodology for functional polymeric Cross-linkable polyphenols have been enzymati-
materials. cally synthesized. A thermally curable polyphenol
Enzymatic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3797

Scheme 4 Scheme 5

cobalt naphthenate gave the cross-linked film with

a high gloss surface. The hydrogenated cardanol
derivative was also oxidatively polymerized by HRP.39
Photo-cross-linkable oligophenols were synthesized
by the HRP-catalyzed polymerization of cinnamoyl-
hydroquinone-ester and cinnamoyl-4-hydroxyanilide
in an aqueous 1,4-dioxane.40 UV irradiation of the
oligomer films induced the cross-linking by the
photochemical [2+2]-cycloaddition of the cinnamoyl
A natural phenol, 4-hydroxyphenyl β-D-glucopyra-
noside (arbutin), was subjected to regioselective
was synthesized by peroxidase-catalyzed polymeri- oxidative polymerization using peroxidase catalyst in
zation of bisphenol A.33 The polymer was cross-linked a buffer solution, yielding the water-soluble polymer
at 150-200 °C, and the curing improved the thermal consisting of a 2,6-phenylene unit (Scheme 5).41
stability of the polymer. The reaction with epoxy Acidic deglycosylation of the resulting polymer af-
resin produced the insoluble network polymer. In the forded soluble poly(hydroquinone), which may be an
HRP-catalyzed polymerization of 4,4′-biphenol, the ortho-ortho coupling structure. The resulting poly-
polymer showing high thermal stability was ob- mer was applied as a glucose sensor by utilizing its
tained.34 good redox properties.42 Chemoenzymatic synthesis
A chemoselective polymerization of a phenol de- of another poly(hydroquinone) was reported; SBP-
rivative having a methacryloyl group was achieved catalyzed polymerization of 4-hydroxyphenyl ben-
through HRP catalysis.35 During the polymerization, zoate followed by alkaline hydrolysis gave the poly-
the methacryloyl group was not involved to give the mer whose structure was different from that of
polymer having the methacryloyl group in the side arbutin.43
chain (Scheme 4). The resulting polymer was readily A thymidine-containing polyphenol was synthe-
subjected to thermal and photochemical curings. sized by SBP-catalyzed oxidative polymerization of
HRP-catalyzed polymerizations of hydrophobic thymidine 5′-p-hydroxyphenylacetate.44 Amphiphilic
monomers, N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)maleimide, 4′-hydroxy- esters of tyrosine were polymerized in a micellar
methacrylanilide, and N-methacryloyl-11-aminoun- solution to give the polymer showing surface activity
decanoyl-4-hydroxyanilide, proceeded even in water at the air-water interface.45 Polymerization monitor-
in the presence of 2,6-di-O-methylated β-cyclodex- ing using a quartz crystal microbalance was reported.
trin.36 Formation of water-soluble complexes consist- Peroxidase catalyzed the oxidative polymerization
ing of the hydrophobic monomers as guest molecules of fluorinated phenols to give fluorine-containing
and the cyclodextrin derivative as host was detected. polymers.46 During the polymerization, elimination
The polymerizable moieties in the polymer were not of fluorine atom partly took place to give the polymer
reacted during the polymerization. with a complicated structure. Antioxidant effects of
m-Ethynylphenol was chemoselectively polymer- the enzymatically synthesized polyphenols were evalu-
ized to give the polyphenol having the acetylenic ated.47 The autoxidation of tetralin was significantly
group.37 For reference, the copper/amine catalyst suppressed in the presence of the polyphenols.
system induced the selective oxidative coupling of the Enzymatically synthesized polyphenol derivatives
acetylene group of the monomer to yield the dimer. are expected to have great potential for electronic
Thermal treatment of the resulting polymer produced applications. The surface resistivity of poly(p-phe-
a carbonized polymer in a much higher yield than nylphenol) doped with nitrosylhexafluorophosphate
enzymatically synthesized poly(m-cresol). was around 105 Ω.4a The iodine-labeled poly(catechol)
Cardanol, the main component obtained by thermal showed low electrical conductivity in the range from
treatment of cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL), is a 10-6 to 10-9 S/cm.48 The iodine-doped thin film of
phenol derivative having the meta substituent of a poly(phenol-co-tetradecyloxyphenol) showed a con-
C15 unsaturated hydrocarbon chain with one to three ductivity of 10-2 S/cm, which was much larger than
double bonds as the major component. The SBP- that obtained in aqueous 1,4-dioxane.24a The third-
catalyzed polymerization of cardanol in aqueous order optical nonlinearity (χ3) of this film was 10-9
acetone produced the oily soluble polymer with Mn esu. An order of magnitude increase in the third-
of several thousands.38 The carbon-carbon unsatur- order nonlinear optical properties was observed in
ated group in the side chain of cardanol did not comparison with that prepared in the aqueous or-
change during the polymerization. The curing by ganic solution.
3798 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kobayashi et al.

A novel photoactive azopolymer, poly(4-phenyl- Model complexes of peroxidase were used as cata-
azophenol), was synthesized using HRP catalyst. The lysts for the oxidative polymerization of phenols.
polymer exhibited reversible trans to cis photoi- Hematin, a hydroxyferriprotoporphyrin, catalyzed
somerization of the azobenzene group with a long the polymerization of p-ethylphenol in an aqueous
relaxation time.49 Hydroquinone mono-oligo(ethylene DMF.63 Iron-N,N′-ethylenebis(salicylideneamine)
glycol) ether was polymerized by HRP in aqueous 1,4- (Fe-salen) showed high catalytic activity for oxida-
dioxane. The film prepared from a mixture of the tive polymerization of various phenols.64 The first
lithiated polyphenol and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) synthesis of crystalline fluorinated PPO was achieved
showed high ionic conductivities (4 × 10-5 S/cm).50 by the Fe-salen-catalyzed polymerization of 2,6-
Phenolic copolymers containing fluorophores (fluo- difluorophenol. Cardanol was polymerized by Fe-
roscein and calcein) were synthesized using SBP salen to give a cross-linkable polyphenol in high
catalyst and used as an array-based metal-ion sen- yields.
sor.51 Selectivity and sensitivity of metal sensing were
controlled by changing the polymer components. A 2. Oxidative Polymerization of Aniline Derivatives
combinatorial approach for screening of specific metal Aniline and its derivatives were oxidatively polym-
ions was examined. erized by peroxidase catalyst. HRP catalyzed the
In vitro synthesis of lignin, a typical phenolic polymerization of aniline in aqueous organic solvents
biopolymer, has been attempted by the HRP-cata- to produce the polymer with a complicated structure
lyzed terpolymerization of p-coumaryl alcohol, co- in low yields.65 The resulting polymer showed good
niferyl alcohol, and sinapyl alcohol (14:80:6 mol %) third-order nonlinear optical properties.66
in extremely dilute aqueous solutions at pH 5.5.52 The addition of templates enabled the enzymatic
Dialysis membrane method was applied to the po- production of conducting polymers with well-defined
lymerization of coniferyl and sinapyl alcohols, yield- structure.67 In using sulfonated polystyrene (SPS) as
ing insoluble polymeric materials.53 Coniferyl alcohol a template, the resulting polymer was soluble in
was polymerized by HRP in an aqueous acetone to water and the conductivity reached 5 × 10-3 S/cm
give the insoluble polymer.54 In the presence of a without doping. Besides SPS, a strong acid surfactant
small amount of lignin component, the molecular (sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid) or poly(vi-
weight distribution became much broader than that nylphosphonic acid) provided a suitable local tem-
in the absence of lignin.55 HRP catalyzed the polym- plate environment leading to the formation of con-
erization of soluble oligomeric lignin fragments to ducting polyaniline.
yield insoluble polymeric precipitates.56 HRP-catalyzed polymerization of o-phenylenedi-
Peroxidase-catalyzed grafting of polyphenols on amine in an aqueous 1,4-dioxane gave a soluble
lignin was performed by HRP-catalyzed polymeriza- polymer with a molecular weight of 2 × 104.68 NMR
tion of p-cresol with lignin in the aqueous 1,4-dioxane analysis showed the formation of the polymer con-
or reverse micellar system.57 Phenol moiety in lignin sisting of an iminophenylene unit. From p- and
was reacted with p-cresol to produce a lignin-phenol m-isomers, the polymer with well-defined structure
copolymer with a branched and/or cross-linked struc- was not obtained.69 HRP-catalyzed polymerization of
ture. The product was highly insoluble in common 4,4′-diaminoazobenzene gave a new photodynamic
organic solvents. polyaniline derivative containing an azo group.70
Various aniline derivatives, p-aminobenzoic acid,71
The peroxidase-catalyzed reaction of low-molecular
p-aminophenylmethylcarbitol,72 2,5-diaminobenzene-
weight coal (molecular weight ≈ 4 × 103) was
sulfonate,73 and p-aminochalcones,74 were polymer-
performed in a mixture of DMF and buffer.58 The
ized by peroxidase catalyst. Monolayer of aniline/p-
resulting product was partly soluble in DMF, and the
hexadecylaniline prepared by LB technique at the
DMF-soluble part had a larger molecular weight than
air-water interface was polymerized through HRP
that of the starting substrate.
catalysis to give polymeric monolayer.24
Peroxidase catalysis also induced the depolymer- A new class of polyaromatics was synthesized by
ization of enzymatically obtained polyphenols.59 For- peroxidase-catalyzed oxidative copolymerization of
mation of HRP compound III intermediate may be phenol derivatives with anilines. In the case of a
related to the onset of the depolymerization. Fur- combination of phenol and o-pheneylenediamine, FT-
thermore, the polyphenols were reported to be sub- IR analysis showed the formation of the correspond-
jected to biodegradation, although the degradation ing copolymer.75
proceeded slowly.60
HRP was used as catalyst for cross-linking of 3. Polymerization of Vinyl Monomers
peptides (soy proteins and wheat gliadin).61 Tyrosine Some oxidoreductases have been reported to induce
residues of the proteins were subjected to the enzy- polymerization of vinyl monomers. A novel initiating
matic oxidative coupling, yielding a network of pep- system for vinyl polymerization, HRP/hydrogen per-
tide chains. The treatment increased the tensile oxide/β-diketones such as acetylacetone, was dem-
strength of the materials. onstrated in which the catalytic action of HRP
Lignin-degradating manganese(II) peroxidase was generates carbon radical, a real initiating species,
used as catalyst for the oxidative polymerization of from hydrogen peroxide and β-diketone through an
various phenol derivatives such as guaiacol, o-cresol, oxidoreductive pathway (Scheme 6).76 Hydrophobic
and 2,6-dimethoxyphenol in the aqueous organic monomers, styrene77 and methyl methacrylate
solvents.62 (MMA),78 were also polymerized by this initiating
Enzymatic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3799

Scheme 6

Scheme 7
system in a mixture of water and tetrahydrofuran.
The polymer from MMA had syndiotactic diad frac-
tions ranging from 0.82 to 0.87.78 Manganese peroxi-
dase catalyzed the acrylamide polymerization in the
presence of acetylacetone.79

B. Laccases
Laccases having a Cu active site catalyze the
oxidative coupling of phenols. Laccases derived from catechol ring proceeded using PCL catalyst to give
Pycnoporus coccineus (PCL) and Myceliophthore were the cross-linked film showing excellent dynamic
active for the polymerization of syringic acid to give viscoelasticity.84
PPO with a molecular weight up to 1.8 × 104 (Scheme A novel system of enzymatic polymerization, i.e.,
2).27,80 Enzymatic synthesis of PPO was also achieved a laccase-catalyzed cross-linking reaction of new
from 2,6-dimethylphenol using PCL catalyst.26 The urushiol analogues for the preparation of “artificial
polymerization of 1-naphthol using laccase from urushi”, was demonstrated (Scheme 7).85 Single-step
Trametes versicolor (TVL) proceeded in aqueous synthesis of the urushiol analogues having ester
acetone to give the polymer with a molecular weight group was achieved by using lipase as catalyst. These
of several thousands.81 compounds were cured in the presence of laccase
Coniferyl alcohol was polymerized by laccase cata- catalyst under mild reaction conditions without use
lyst. The polymerization behavior depended on the of organic solvents to produce the cross-linked poly-
origin of the enzyme. PCL and laccase from Coriolus meric film. Properties of the film are comparable to
versicolar showed high catalytic activity to give the those of natural urushi with a high gloss surface and
dehydrogenative insoluble polymer, whereas very low dynamic viscoelasticity (Figure 1).
catalytic activity was observed in laccase from Rhus Laccase catalyzed the polymerization of acrylamide
vernicifera Stokes.54 The increase of the molecular in water.86 The high molecular weight polymer was
weight was observed in the treatment of soluble
lignin using TVL catalyst.82
Urushi is a Japanese traditional coating showing
excellent toughness and brilliance for a long period.
The main important components of urushi are “uru-
shiols”, whose structure is a catechol derivative
directly linked to unsaturated hydrocarbon chains
consisting of a mixture of monoenes, dienes, and
trienes at the 3- or 4-position of catechol.83 Film-
forming of urushiols proceeds under air at room
temperature without organic solvents; hence, urushi
seems to be very desirable for coating materials from
an environmental standpoint. In vitro enzymatic
hardening reaction of catechol derivatives bearing an Figure 1. Dynamic viscoelasticity of artificial urushi from
unsaturated alkenyl group at the 4-position of the urushiol analogue having a linolenic acid group.
3800 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kobayashi et al.

obtained using PCL catalyst at 50-80 °C. The Scheme 8

polymerization in the presence of acetylacetone pro-
ceeded at room temperature. A combination of laccase
and organic peroxide initiated the polymerization of
acrylamide in the presence of lignin, yielding lignin-

C. Other Oxidoreductases
Bilirubin oxidase (BOD), a copper-containing oxi-
doreductase, catalyzes the oxidative polymerization
of aniline and 1,5-dihydroxynaphthalene. The polym-
erization of aniline in a buffer solution in the pres-
ence of BOD-adsorbed solid matrix gave the poly-
aniline film containing the active enzyme.88 The film
was electrochemically reversible in its redox proper-
ties in acidic aqueous solution. In the BOD-catalyzed
polymerization of 1,5-dihydroxynaphthalene in aque-
ous organic solvents, the insoluble polymer was
formed.89 The polymer films exhibited a wide band
from 300 to 470 nm in their UV spectrum, indicating
the formation of a long π-conjugated structure. The
polymer treated with HClO4 showed an electrocon-
ductivity of 10-3 S/cm.
Tyrosinase (polyphenol oxidase, a copper-contain-
ing monooxygenation enzyme) was used as catalyst
for the modification of natural polymers. Phenol
moiety-incorporated chitosan derivatives were sub- formation of cross-linked product was observed in the
jected to tyrosinase-catalyzed cross-linking, yielding polymerization of acrylamide in the presence of
stable and self-sustaining gels.90 Tyrosinase also bisacrylamide catalyzed by xanthine oxidase, chloro-
catalyzed the hybrid production between the modified peroxidase, and alcohol oxidase.99
chitosan and proteins.
The enzymatic treatment of chitosan in the pres- III. Transferases
ence of tyrosinase and phenol derivatives produced
new materials based on chitosan.91 During the reac- Transferases are enzymes transferring a group
tion, unstable o-quinones were formed, followed by from one compound (generally regarded as donor) to
the reaction with the amino group of chitosan to give another compound (generally regarded as acceptor).
the modified chitosan. The tyrosinase-catalyzed modi- For example, a glycosyl group as donor is transferred
fication of chitosan with phenols dramatically altered to an alcohol as acceptor to form a glycosidic bond
rheological and surface properties of chitosan. The and an acyl group as donor to an alcohol as acceptor
modification with chlorogenic acid onto chitosan giving rise to an ester bond. Several transferases such
conferred the water solubility of chitosan under basic as phosphorylases and synthases have been found to
conditions.92 A new water-resistant adhesive was be effective for catalyzing in vitro synthesis of
developed by the tyrosinase-catalyzed reaction of 3,4- polysaccharides and polyesters. It is to be noted,
dihydroxyphenethylamine and chitosan.93 Poly(4- however, that some of the in vitro reactions below,
hydroxystyrene) was modified with aniline by using such as cellulose, chitin, hyaluronic acid, and poly-
tyrosinase catalyst.94 The incorporated ratio of aniline ester syntheses, catalyzed by the respective syn-
into the polymer was very low (1.3%). thases are occurring in a manner similar to biosyn-
Tyrosinase catalyzed the oxidative coupling of thetic pathways in vivo. Such reactions are then not
soluble lignin fragments to give the insoluble poly- in the category of enzymatic polymerization in a strict
mer.56 Tyrosinase model complexes catalyzed the sense of its definition but are probably instructive to
regioselective oxidative polymerization of phenols, readers.
leading to the formation of aromatic polyethers with
well-defined structure.95-97 The reaction at the un- A. Glycosyltransferases
substituted ortho positions did not take place, in
sharp contrast to the polymerization by a Cu-amine 1. Phosphorylases
catalyst system.25 From 4-phenoxyphenol95 and 2,5- A phosphorylase catalyzes in vitro production of
dimethylphenol,96 crystalline PPO derivatives were amylose (poly-R(1f4)-D-glucopyranose) and its de-
formed (Scheme 8). The polymer from the latter rivatives. Amylose was synthesized from D-glucosyl
monomer possessed a melting point higher than 300 phosphate as a substrate monomer and malto-oligo-
°C, a class of super engineering plastics.96 A “radical- mers with a minimum length of four glucosyl resi-
controlled” reaction mechanism is proposed for the dues as a primer by using potato phosphorylase
high regioselectivity. (Scheme 9).100 The reaction proceeded analogously to
Glucose oxidase initiated the vinyl polymerization a living polymerization to form amyloses having
in the presence of Fe2+ and dissolved oxygen.98 The relatively uniform chain lengths. Branched polymers
Enzymatic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3801

Scheme 9 Scheme 10

of star and comb shapes carrying amylose chains of

uniform length were also obtained by using potato
phosphorylase.101 Poly(dimethylsiloxane-graft-R(1f4)-
glucopyranose) was synthesized from D-glucosyl phos-
phate and a polyinitiator based on polysiloxane with
statistically distributed maltoheptaonamide and mal-
toheptaoside by using potato phosphorylase.102 Simi-
larly, this method was extended widely to prepare
styryl-type amylose macromonomer,103 amylose-graft- The molecular mechanism of the substrate recogni-
poly(L-glutamic acid),104 amylose-block-polystyrene,105 tion and phosphorolysis of phosphorylase was pre-
amylose-block-poly(ethylene oxide),106 and amylose- sented.111 The ternary complex of malto-oligosaccha-
containing silica gel.107 ride phosphorylase, 4-S-R-D-glucopyranosyl-4-thio-
The synthesis of 2-deoxyamylose derivatives by maltotetraose, and phosphate shows that the phos-
enzymatic chain elongation of glycogen was reported; phate group attacked the glycosidic linkage and
only an average of up to 1.5 units of 3- and 4-deoxy- promoted the phosphorolysis.
glucosyl phosphate were transferred by phosphory-
lase.108 On the other hand, an average of 20 units of 2. Glycosyl Transferases
2-deoxyglucosyl units were connected to maltotet- Biosynthetic mechanisms of cellulose and chitin in
raose by using potato phosphorylase.109 One day living cells have been extensively studied; cellulose
incubation of D-glucal and the tetrasaccharide with and chitin were also formed in vitro from the acti-
phosphorylase and 0.1 equiv of inorganic phosphate vated monomers, uridine diphosphate glucose (UDP-
yielded a precipitate of corresponding polysaccharide. Glc) and UDP-N-acetyl-glucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc),
The tetrasaccharide is the shortest length as a primer catalyzed by cellulose and chitin synthases, respec-
required for the phosphorylase reaction. The polysac- tively.112 Glycosyltransferases of the Leloir pathway
charide became insoluble at a chain length of about use individual sugar nucleotides as donors, which are
20 and was then released from the enzymatic glyco- activated as glycosyl esters of nucleoside mono- or
sylation process. diphosphates.113 Scission of the phosphoester bond
The phosphorolytic synthesis of cello-oligosaccha- between uridine diphosphate (UDP) and the monosac-
rides by cello-oligosaccharide phosphorylase was car- charide will supply the free energy that drives
ried out by using various cellobiosyl residues as glycosidic linkage formation. A single displacement
glycosyl acceptors and R-D-glucopyranosyl phosphate mechanism with inversion of configuration to yield
as glycosyl donor.110 The crystalline precipitate was β-1,4-linkages has been proposed, where the nucleo-
obtained, which showed the diffraction diagrams of philic C4-OH at the nonreducing chain end attacks
low molecular weight cellulose II. NMR measurement the R-C1-position of UDP-Glc. The reducing chain
revealed that an average degree of polymerization of end points away from the catalytic enzyme (Scheme
the cello-oligosaccharides was about 8. Cello-oligosac- 10). On the other hand, glycogen synthase forms
charides beyond this chain length become insoluble R-linked products from R-linked donor substrates
in water. Subsequent chain elongation in the phos- with retention of anomeric carbon configuration at
phorolytic synthesis may be possible as long as the the reaction center.114 The “retaining” mechanism is
product is soluble. The product is therefore consid- most likely due to the formation of a glycosyl enzyme
ered to dissociate completely from the enzyme after intermediate in the enzymatic process.
each addition of a glucose unit. Various cello-oli- Even though the relatively high cost of the glycosyl
gosaccharide derivatives substituted at their reduc- donors and limited enzyme availability are draw-
ing end were also obtained by the phosphorolytic backs of using glycosyl transferases to saccharide
synthesis in the presence of various primers. synthesis, the modern recombinant DNA technology
In all cases using phosphorylase as catalyst, it is enables the increasing availability of glycosyl trans-
required to employ a large excess amount of a ferases. Furthermore, the method appears to be
substrate monomer (glycosyl donor) for a primer in effective even for a large-scale stereocontrolled oli-
order to shift the reaction equilibrium to the polymer gosaccharide synthesis when it is combined with in
formation. situ regeneration of sugar nucleotides.115 This strat-
3802 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kobayashi et al.

Scheme 11 Scheme 12

egy also avoids the problem of product inhibition by

released nucleoside mono- or diphosphates. Sugar
nucleotides are regenerated via sugar nucleotide
pyrophosphorylases or sugar nucleotide synthases
with a catalytic amount of nucleoside mono- or
diphosphate and a stoichiometric amount of the
donor monosaccharide. For example, hyaluronic acid polymers was found to be inversely proportional to
with a molecular weight of about 5.5 × 105 has been the molar ratio of monomer-to-enzyme, and the
synthesized from UDP-GlcNAc and UDP-glucronic obtained polymer had a narrow molecular weight
acid (UDP-GlcA) using hyaluronic acid synthase distribution, suggesting that the polymerization pro-
coupled with regeneration of the sugar nucleotides ceeds in a living fashion. Random copolymers were
(90% yield, Scheme 11).116 For this enzymatic prepa- obtained from the mixture of the two CoA esters in
ration of hyaluronic acid, seven kinds of enzymes, the presence of the polymerase, whereas the sequen-
hyaluronic acid synthase, UDP-Glc dehydrogenase, tial copolymerization produced the block copolymers.
UDP-Glc pyrophosphorylase, UDP-GlcNAc pyrophos- In the combination of recombinant PHA synthase
phorylase, pyruvate kinase, lactate dehyrogenase, from Chromatium vinosum with propionyl-CoA trans-
and inorganic pyrophosphatase, were used together ferase of Clostridium propionicum, a two-enzyme in
in a polymerization solution. vitro PHB biosynthesis system from (R)-hydroxybu-
Chitin oligosaccharides were obtained by a bacte- tyric acid was demonstrated.119 This system required
rial chitin oligosaccharide synthase (NodC) using only catalytic amounts of expensive CoA, and hence,
UDP-GlcNAc as a donor. Elongation of the growing PHA could be readily produced in a semipreparative
chitin oligosaccharide chain by NodC proceeds by the scale.
addition of monosaccharides to C4-OH of the non-
reducing terminal GlcNAc residue. Chitin oligosac- IV. Hydrolases
charide synthesis by NodC is considered to occur by
a processive mechanism because chitin oligosaccha- It is generally accepted that an enzymatic reaction
rides ranging from chitobiose to chitotetraose could is virtually reversible, and hence, the equilibrium can
not act as efficient primers for NodC. Therefore, be controlled by appropriately selecting the reaction
successive addition of saccharide units to a growing conditions. On the basis of this view, many hydro-
chain only proceeds while the product chain remains lases, which are enzymes catalyzing a bond-cleavage
in contact with the enzyme.117 reaction by hydrolysis, have been employed as cata-
lysts for the reverse reaction of hydrolysis, leading
B. Acyltransferases to polymer production by a bond-forming reaction.
Poly(β-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) is accumulated
within the cells of a wide variety of bacteria as an
A. Glycosidases
intracellular energy and carbon storage material. Glycosidases are hydrolysis enzymes to cleave the
Poly(hydroxyalkanoate)s (PHA)s are commercially glycosidic linkage of glycan chains with water. Their
produced as biodegradable plastics. In the biosyn- catalytic center is normally surrounded by donor and
thetic pathways of PHA, the last step is the chain acceptor sites where the reducing and nonreducing
growth polymerization of hydroxyalkanoate CoA sites, respectively, of glycan chains are involved in
esters catalyzed by PHA polymerase (synthase). In both reactions of the hydrolysis (bond-cleavage) and
the present review, we classified PHA polymerases the reverse reaction (bond-forming) (Scheme 12). Two
into transferases by taking them as a family of major types of glycosidases are known; exo-glycosi-
acyltransferases. PHA polymerase from Ralstonia dases cleaving external glycosidic linkages of polysac-
eutropha polymerized the CoA monomers of (R)- charide chains to liberate mono, di-, or oligo-saccha-
hydroxyalkanoate in vitro to give the high molecular rides from the nonreducing terminal and endo-
weight homopolymers and copolymers with well- glycosidases randomly cleaving internal glycosidic
defined structure.118 The molecular weight of the linkages of the chains.
Enzymatic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3803

Scheme 13 high salt aqueous solution to be selectively precipi-

tated out.122
Cellulase was found to be effective in the synthesis
of artificial cellulose in a single-step reaction by
polycondensation of β-D-cellobiosyl fluoride (Scheme
13).123 The polymerization is a repetition of the
transglycosylation reaction, which became predomi-
nant over the hydrolysis reaction when the enzymatic
polycondensation was carried out in a mixed solvent
of acetonitrile/acetate buffer (5:1, pH 5). This syn-
thesis is therefore kinetically controlled as well as
equilibrium controlled. The β configuration of the C1
fluorine atom is necessary to form a reactive inter-
1. Natural Glycosidases mediate leading to a β(1f4) product via a “double
displacement mechanism”.124 Thus, this method pro-
Glycosidase-catalyzed in vitro polymerizations en- vided the first successful in vitro synthesis of cel-
abled the synthesis of not only various natural lulose, the most abundant biomacromolecules on the
polysaccharides, but also some unnatural polysac- earth, the synthesis of which had been unsolved for
charides, when the substrate monomer is appropri- one-half a century.123
ately designed in combination with a selected en-
zyme. Artificial cellulose showed the cellulose II allo-
a. Synthesis of Natural Polysaccharides. There morph, a thermodynamically more stable form with
are two main approaches for glycosidase-catalyzed an antiparallel structure, by X-ray diffraction study,
synthesis of glycosidic-linked compounds: direct when a crude celluase was employed for the enzy-
reversal of hydrolysis (equilibrium-controlled syn- matic polymerization.123 The other allomorph cel-
thesis) and promoted formation of a glycosyl enzyme lulose I is a thermodynamically metastable form with
intermediate (kinetically controlled synthesis).120 The a parallel structure, which living cells normally
former synthesis uses a high concentration of mono- produce, but was believed impossible to be realized
or oligo-saccharide as a donor, addition of organic in vitro. Interestingly, however, the in vitro synthesis
cosolvents, and elevated reaction temperatures to of cellulose I was successfully achieved by using a
achieve significant transformation. On the other purified cellulase.125 The molecular packing of glucan
hand, the latter synthesis needs activated starting chains in a crystal is affected by the purity of the
substrates such as glycosyl fluorides or aryl glyco- enzyme as well as the enzymatic polymerization
sides as donors. The whole point of the formation of conditions. A novel concept “choroselectivity” was
a glycosidic linkage by glycosidases is a rapid forma- therefore proposed, which is concerned with the
tion of an activated glycosyl enzyme intermediate and intermolecular relationship in packing of polymers
its rapid reaction with the glycosyl acceptor, which having directionality in their chains.126
should be much easier than with water. Furthermore, the enzymatic polymerization pro-
A typical example of the equilibrium-controlled vided a novel three-dimensional spherulite composed
synthesis is the preparation of hexa-N-acetylchito- of artificial cellulose II (Figure 2).127 The spherulites
hexaose and hepta-N-acetylchitoheptaose from di-N- consisted of single crystals with the glucan chains
acetylchitobiose under the conditions of high sub- oriented perpendicular to the crystalline plane, which
strate concentration (10 wt %), high ionic strength is entirely different from those obtained from bacte-
(30 wt % ammonium sulfate), and high temperature rial cellulose.128
at 70 °C by using egg yolk lysozyme (exo-glycosi- Xylan was prepared by enzymatic polycondensation
dase).121 These products are practically insoluble in similar to the case of artificial cellulose.129 β-Xylo-

Figure 2. SEM observations of a plate of artificial cellulose spherulites.

3804 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kobayashi et al.

Scheme 14 formation of R(1f4)-glycosidic linkages is explained

by a mechanism involving “double displacement” of
the C1 carbon configuration of the monomer.
Chitin is the most abundant biomacromolecule in
the animal field, which is found normally in inver-
tebrates as a structural component. This important
polysaccharide was synthesized for the first time by
the enzymatic polymerization using chitinase and a
chitobiose oxazoline derivative (Scheme 14).131 The
latter activated monomer has a distorted structure
with an R configuration at C1, which resembles a
transition-state structure of substrate chitin at the
active site during a hydrolysis process (Scheme
15).3b,131,132 The ring-opening polyaddition of the
chitobiose oxazoline derivative was exclusively pro-
biosyl fluoride was used as a substrate monomer for moted by chitinase at pH 10.6, where the hydrolytic
crude cellulase containing xylanase in a mixed sol- activity of chitinase was very much lowered.
vent of acetonitrile and acetate buffer. The reaction Upon enzymatic polymerization to produce the
should proceed through the formation of a glycosyl- artificial chitin, spherulites of 20-50 µm in diameter
enzyme intermediate or a glycosyl oxocarbenium ion were also obtained (Figure 3).133 Platelike single
intermediate at an active site of the enzyme, followed crystals were gradually shaped into ribbons, followed
by the attack of the 4-hydroxy group of an acceptor by formation of bundlelike assemblies to grow into
molecule. spherulites in the polymerization solution.
Maltooligosaccharides (artificial amyloses) were Hyaluronidase is one of the glycosidases catalyzing
prepared by polycondensation of R-D-maltosyl fluoride hydrolysis of glycosidic linkages of hyaluronic acid
using R-amylase as the catalyst in a mixed solvent (HA). It is known that the enzyme also catalyzes the
of methanol-phosphate buffer (pH 7).130 The yielded transglycosylation reaction. By utilizing both cataly-
maltooligosaccharides contained a mixture from tri- sis functions, reaction between HA (molecular weight
ose to heptaose. The formation of the odd-numbered ≈ 8 × 105) as a donor and HA hexasaccharide having
maltooligosaccharides may be due to enzymatic hy- glucuronic acid at the nonreducing terminal as an
drolysis of the products during the reaction. The acceptor took place to reconstruct oligomers (up to

Scheme 15
Enzymatic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3805

Scheme 17

Scheme 18

Figure 3. Electron micrograph of artificial chitin spheru-

lite by SEM.

Scheme 16

unnatural hybrid polysaccharides. β-Xylopyranosyl-

glucopyranosyl fluoride was used as a substrate
monomer of xylanase, giving rise to a cellulose-xylan
hybrid polymer (Scheme 18).138
Thiooligosaccharides can be inhibitors of cellulases
and are useful for elucidation of the molecular
mechanism of the cellulolytic actions. Hemithiocello-
oligosaccharides from tetraose to tetradecaose were
synthesized by a cellulase mixture using 4-thio-β-
cellobiosyl fluoride as an activated donor in a buffer/
acetonitrile solvent system.139
22mers) of HA. During the reaction, a disaccharide
unit was released via hydrolysis from the HA and 2. Mutated Glycosidases
transferred to the nonreducing terminal of the ac- Novel catalysts by mutating glycosidases to abolish
ceptor.134 glycosyl hydrolase activity toward unactivated gly-
A new enzymatic polymerization has been found cosides were developed.140 The active site of a gly-
to produce artificial HA via ring-opening addition cosidase is typically equipped with two residues
polymerization catalyzed by hyaluronidase (Scheme having a carboxylate side chain to facilitate glycosidic
16).135 The oxazoline part of the starting substrate linkage hydrolysis. Conversion of one of the carboxy-
monomer is a latent N-acetyl group of an N-acetyl- lates to an alanine should make the mutant inactive
glucosamine unit which acts as a donor, adding to toward O-glycosidic linkages due to the lack of a key
4-OH of glucuronic acid at the acceptor site. This catalytic residue. However, the active site may retain
polymerization gave HA having a perfect structure the correct steric environment for the formation of a
containing GlcNAcβ(1f4)GlcUAβ(1f3) linkages with reactive glycosyl donor (Scheme 19). Therefore, this
a molecular weight around 20 000. mutated glycosidase may catalyze the ligation of an
b. Synthesis of Unnatural Polysaccharides. activated R-glycosyl derivative, bound at the active
Unnatural polysaccharides were also obtained by the site in place of the normal glycosyl-enzyme inter-
enzymatic polymerization. 6-O-Methyl-β-cellobiosyl mediate, to a suitable acceptor sugar bound in the
fluoride was used as a substrate of cellulase, giving aglycon pocket but does not hydrolyze them.140,141
rise to an alternatingly 6-O-methylated cellulose Indeed, the mutated β-glycosidase where Glu358 was
derivative (Scheme 17).136,137 Another cellobiose de- replaced with Ala formed a tetrasaccharide from 2
rivative, 6′-O-methyl-β-cellobiosyl fluoride, gave only equiv of R-glucosyl fluoride and p-nitrophenyl cello-
a mixture of low molecular weight oligomers.137 The bioside in a 64% yield.140 This mutant was, therefore,
difference of reactivity between the two monomers named as “glycosynthase”.
may be explained by easier acceptance of the 6-O- This methodology was applied to the retaining
methyl glucose unit as the nonreducing terminal at cellulase endoglucanase I (Cel7B).142 The catalytic
the acceptor site. nucleophile Glu197 was replaced with Ala to abolish
The enzymatic polymerization method was ex- the hydrolytic activity. The mutated endoglucanase
tended to use disaccharide monomers composed of catalyzed highly efficient synthesis of β(1f4)-oligo-
different kinds of monosaccharide units to obtain and polysaccharides in combination with R-glycobio-
3806 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kobayashi et al.

Scheme 19

syl fluorides including 6-substituted derivatives as was notably more effective than hydrolysis activity.145
activated donors. The acceptor subsite of the mutant All these instances show the possibility that gly-
of Cel7B accommodated various mono- and disaccha- cosidases can be converted to glycosynthase by single
rides. Notably, the polymerization occurred in a substitution at the active site, which suppresses the
phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). hydrolysis activity of glycosidases. At the same time,
T4 lysozyme belongs to family 19 chitinases, which however, the nucleophilic attack of aglycon at the
show inversion of the anomeric configuration accord- acceptor site to the anomer carbon should be signifi-
ing to the single displacement hydrolysis mecha- cantly promoted in these mutants. This molecular
nism.143 Thr26 is located at the R side of the substrate mechanism remains to be solved.
and functions as a general acid in cooperation with
carboxylic acid nearby. The substitution of Thr26 B. Lipases
with His converted the lysozyme from an inverting
to a retaining enzyme.144 This altering can be ex- Lipase is an enzyme which catalyzes the hydrolysis
plained by the nucleophilic property of His to yield a of fatty acid esters normally in an aqueous environ-
glycosyl enzyme intermediate. Upon point mutation, ment in living systems. On the other hand, some
the mutant showed transglycosylation activity, which lipases are stable in organic solvents and can be used
Enzymatic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3807

Scheme 20 Scheme 21

The resulting products contained a significant amount

of cyclic oligo(β-hydroxybutyrate)s, which were formed
by the lipase-catalyzed intramolecular cyclization of
An enantioselective polymerization of four-mem-
as catalyst for esterifications and transesterifica- bered lactones was demonstrated. Racemic R-methyl-
tions.146 This specific catalysis enabled production of β-propiolactone was stereoselectively polymerized by
useful polyesters and polycarbonates by various Pseudomonas cepacia lipase (lipase PC) to give an
polymerization modes.147 Typical reaction types of optically active (S)-enriched polyester with enantio-
lipase-catalyzed polymerization leading to polyesters meric excess (ee) of 50%.154 From racemic β-BL, (R)-
are summarized in Scheme 20. enriched PHB with 20-37% ee was formed by using
thermophilic lipase as catalyst.155
1. Ring-Opening Polymerization of Cyclic Monomers The chemoenzymatic synthesis of biodegradable
The first report on an enzymatic ring-opening poly(malic acid) was achieved by the lipase-catalyzed
polymerization appeared in 1993;148a,149 -caprolac- polymerization of benzyl β-malolactonate, followed by
tone (-CL, seven-membered lactone) was polymer- the debenzylation.156 The molecular weight of poly-
ized using lipase as catalyst. Thereafter, various (benzyl β-malolactonate) increased by the copolym-
cyclic compounds were subjected to ring-opening erization with a small amount of β-PL using lipase
polymerization mainly by lipase catalyst. Figure 4 CR catalyst.
summarizes cyclic monomers polymerized by en- Five-membered unsubstituted lactone, γ-butyro-
zymes. Among them, the lipase-catalyzed polymeri- lactone (γ-BL), is not polymerized by conventional
zation of lactones has been most extensively inves- chemical catalysts. However, oligomer formation
tigated. from γ-BL was observed by using PPL or Pseudomo-
So far, nonsubstituted lactones with a ring size nas sp. lipase as catalyst.152a,157 δ-Valerolactone (δ-
from 4 to 17 were polymerized by lipase catalyst to VL, six-membered) was polymerized by various li-
give the corresponding polyesters (Scheme 21). Can- pases of different origin to give the polymer with Mn
dida rugosa lipase (lipase CR) catalyzed the polym- of several thousands.148 Another six-membered lac-
erization of β-propiolactone (β-PL, four-membered) to tone, 1,4-dioxan-2-one, was polymerized by Candida
give a polymer with high molecular weight (weight- antarctica lipase (lipase CA) to give the polymer with
average molecular weight (Mw) > 5 × 104).150 The Mw higher than 4 × 104.158 The resulting polymer is
polymerization of β-PL by Pseudomonas family li- expected as a metal-free polymeric material for
pases produced a mixture of linear and cyclic oligo- medical applications.
mers with a molecular weight of several hundreds.151 As for the enzymatic ring-opening polymerization
PHB was enzymatically synthesized from β-buty- of -CL, various commercially available lipases have
rolactone (β-BL).152 Even at a high temperature (100 been tested as a catalyst. Several crude lipases (PPL,
°C), porcine pancreas lipase (PPL) and lipase CR lipases CR, PC, and Pseudomonas fluorescens lipase
acted as catalyst to give PHB with Mw up to 7300. (lipase PF)) induced the polymerization; however, a

Figure 4. Cyclic monomers polymerized by lipases.

3808 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kobayashi et al.

relatively large amount of catalyst (often more than Scheme 22

40 wt % for -CL) was required for the efficient
production of the polymer.148,159 On the other hand,
lipase CA showed high catalytic activity toward the
-CL polymerization; a very small amount of lipase
CA (less than 1 wt % for -CL) was enough to induce
the polymerization.160 The polymer structure de-
pended on the reaction conditions; the polymerization
in bulk produced the linear polymer, whereas the
main product obtained in organic solvents was of
cyclic structure.161
In the case of polymerization in organic solvents,
the solvent hydrophobicity greatly affected the po-
lymerization behaviors. In the lipase CA-catalyzed
as catalyst for the polymerization of PDL.170 The
polymerization, the efficient production of the poly-
reaction rate and molecular weight of the resulting
mer was achieved in solvents having log P (P )
polymer using surfactant-coated lipase PC were
partition coefficient of a given solvent between 1-oc-
larger than those by native lipase, suggesting im-
tanol and water) values from 1.9 to 4.5, whereas
provement of the catalytic activity by the surfactant
solvents with log P from -1.1 to 0.5 showed the low
coating of lipase.
propagation rate.162 Among the solvents examined,
It is well-known that the catalytic site of lipase is
toluene was the best to produce high molecular
a serine residue and that lipase-catalyzed reactions
weight poly(-CL) efficiently. Variation in the ratio
proceed via an acyl-enzyme intermediate. The en-
of toluene to -CL in the reaction at 70 °C showed
zymatic polymerization of lactones is explained by
that the monomer conversion and polymer molecular
considering the following reactions as the principal
weight were the largest with a ratio of about 2:1.
reaction course (Scheme 22).167a,171 The key step is
Furthermore, lipase CA could be reused for the
the reaction of lactone with lipase involving the ring-
polymerization. In the range of five cycles, the
opening of the lactone to give an acyl-enzyme
catalytic activity hardly changed.148b
intermediate (“enzyme-activated monomer”, EM).
R-Methyl-substituted medium-size lactones, R-meth- The initiation is a nucleophilic attack of water, which
yl-δ-valerolactone (six-membered) and R-methyl-- is contained partly in the enzyme, onto the acyl
caprolactone (seven-membered), were polymerized by carbon of the intermediate to produce ω-hydroxycar-
lipase CA in bulk to give the corresponding polyesters boxylic acid (n ) 1), the shortest propagating species.
with Mn of several thousands.163 Lipase PC induced In the propagation stage, the intermediate is nucleo-
the enantioselective polymerization of 3-methyl-4- philically attacked by the terminal hydroxyl group
oxa-6-hexanolide (seven-membered); the apparent of a propagating polymer to produce a one-unit-more
initial rate of the (S)-isomer was seven times larger elongated polymer chain. This is an “activated mono-
than that of the antipode.164 mer mechanism” in contrast to an “active chain-end
Lipase-catalyzed ring-opening polymerization of mechanism”, the widely known polymerization mech-
nine-membered lactone, 8-octanolide (OL), has been anism for vinyl monomers.
reported.165 Lipases CA and PC showed the high In cyclic compounds, reactivity is generally de-
catalytic activity for the polymerization. Racemic pendent upon their ring size; the ring strain of small
fluorinated lactones with a ring size from 10 to 14 and moderate ring size compounds is larger than that
were enantioselectively polymerized by lipase CA of macrocyclic ones, and hence, they show higher
catalyst to give optically active polyesters.166 ring-opening reactivity. Table 2 summarizes dipole
Enzymatic polymerization of macrolides has been moment values and reactivities of lactones with
extensively studied.167 So far, four unsubstituted different ring size. The dipole moment values of the
macrolides, 11-undecanolide (12-membered, UDL), monomers can be taken as an indication of their ring
12-dodecanolide (13-membered, DDL), 15-pentade- strain. The values of the macrolides are lower than
canolide (16-membered, PDL), and 16-hexadecanolide that of -CL and close to that of an acyclic fatty acid
(17-membered, HDL), were reported to be polymer- ester (butyl caproate). The rate constants of the
ized by various lipases of different origin. For the macrolides in alkaline hydrolysis and anionic polym-
polymerization of DDL, the activity order of the erization are much smaller than those of -CL. These
catalyst was lipase PC > lipase PF > lipase CC > data imply that the macrolides have much lower ring
PPL. High molecular weight polymer with Mn higher strain and, hence, show less anionic reactivity and
than 8 × 104 was synthesized from PDL using lipase polymerizability than -CL.
CA catalyst in toluene. These macrolides were also On the other hand, the macrolides showed unusual
polymerized even in an aqueous medium.168 reactivity toward enzymatic catalysis. Lipase PF-
Immobilized lipase showing high catalytic activity catalyzed polymerization of the macrolides proceeded
toward the macrolide polymerization was demon- much faster than that of -CL. In the evaluation of
strated.169 The immobilization of lipase PF on Celite the enzymatic polymerizability of lactones by Michae-
greatly improved the rate of the DDL polymerization. lis-Menten kinetics, linearity in the Hanes-Woolf
Catalytic activity was further enhanced by the ad- plot was observed for all monomers, indicating that
dition of a sugar or poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) during the polymerization followed Michaelis-Menten ki-
immobilization. A surfactant-coated enzyme was used netics.172 The Vmax(lactone) and Vmax(lactone)/Km(lactone) val-
Enzymatic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3809

Table 2. Dipole Moments and Reactivities of Unsubstituted Lactones

rate constant Michaelis-Menten kineticsc
a b
dipole moment alkaline hydrolysis propagation Km(lactone) Vmax(lactone) Vmax(lactone)/Km(lactone)
lactone (Cm) (x104, L‚mol-1‚s-1) (103, s-1) (mol‚L-1) (x102, mol‚L-1‚h-1) (x102, h-1)
δ-VL 4.22 55 000
-CL 4.45 2550 120 0.61 0.66 1.1
UDL 1.86 3.3 2.2 0.58 0.78 1.4
DDL 1.86 6.0 15 1.1 2.3 2.1
PDL 1.86 6.5 0.80 6.5 8.1
HDL 0.63 7.2 11
butyl caproate 1.75 8.4
Alkaline: NaOH. Measured in 1,4-dioxane/water (60/40 vol %) at 0 °C. b Measured using NaOMe initiator (0.06 mol amount)
in THF at 0 °C. c Kinetics of the polymerization was carried out using lipase PF (200 mg) as catalyst in the presence of 1-octanol
(0.03 mol‚L-1) in diisopropyl ether (10 mL) at 60 °C.

Scheme 23 Scheme 24

copolymerization of δ-caprolactone (six-membered)

ues increased with the ring size of lactone, whereas with DDL produced the optically active polyester
the Km(lactone) values scarcely changed. These data with ee of 76%.
imply that the enzymatic polymerizability increased Lipase catalysis provided new methodologies for
as a function of the ring size, and the large enzymatic single-step functionalization of polymer terminal. As
polymerizability is governed mainly by the reaction shown in Scheme 22, an alcohol acted as an initiating
rate (Vmax) but not to the binding abilities, i.e., the species in the ring-opening polymerization of lactones
reaction process of the lipase-lactone complex to the by lipase CA catalyst to introduce the alcohol moiety
acyl-enzyme intermediate is the key step of the at the polymer terminal (“initiator method”).177 In the
polymerization.171 polymerization of DDL employing 2-hydroxyethyl
The kinetics of the -CL bulk polymerization by methacrylate as initiator under appropriate reaction
lipase CA showed linear relationships between the conditions, the methacryloyl group was quantita-
monomer conversion and Mn of the polymer; however, tively introduced at the polymer terminal, yielding
the total number of polymer chains was not constant the methacryl-type polyester macromonomer. This
during the polymerization.173 The monomer consump- methodology was expanded to synthesis of ω-alkenyl-
tion apparently followed a first-order rate law. and alkynyl-type macromonomers by using 5-hexen-
The lipase-catalyzed copolymerization of lactones 1-ol and 5-hexyn-1-ol as initiator.
often afforded random copolyesters, despite the dif- Polyesters bearing a sugar moiety at the polymer
ferent enzymatic polymerizability of lactones in some terminal were synthesized by lipase CA-catalyzed
cases.165,167g,174 So far, the random copolymers were polymerization of -CL in the presence of alkyl
enzymatically obtained from combinations of δ-VL- glucopyranosides (Scheme 24).178 In the initiation
-CL, -CL-OL, -CL-PDL, and OL-DDL. The forma- step, the regioselective acylation at the 6-position of
tion of the random copolymers suggests that the the glucopyranoside took place. Polysaccharides also
intermolecular transesterifications of the polyesters initiated the lipase-catalyzed polymerization of -CL.179
frequently took place during the copolymerization. By The enzymatic graft polymerization of -CL on hy-
utilizing this specific lipase catalysis, random ester droxyethyl cellulose produced cellulose-graft-poly(-
copolymers were synthesized by the lipase-catalyzed CL) with the degree of substitution from 0.10 to 0.32.
polymerization of macrolides in the presence of poly- A poly(-CL)-monosubstituted first-generation den-
(-CL).175 drimer was synthesized by using lipase CA, in which
In the lipase-catalyzed polymerization of racemic the initiator was selectively monoacylated at the
β-BL, the enantioselectivity was low. The enantiose- initial stage.180
lectivity greatly improved by the copolymerization Polyester macromonomers and telechelics were
with -CL or DDL using lipase CA catalyst, yielding synthesized by the lipase-catalyzed polymerization
the optically active polyester with ee up to 69% of DDL using vinyl esters as terminator (“terminator
(Scheme 23).176 It is to be noted that in the case of method”).181 In using vinyl methacrylate and lipase
lipase CA catalyst, the (S)-isomer was preferentially PF as terminator and catalyst, respectively, the
reacted to give the (S)-enriched optically active quantitative introduction of methacryloyl group at
copolymer. The lipase CA-catalyzed enantioselective the polymer terminal was achieved to give the
3810 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kobayashi et al.

Scheme 25 Besides cyclic esters and carbonates, six-membered

cyclic depsipeptides and a five-membered cyclic phos-
phate were subjected to lipase-catalyzed ring-opening
polymerizations, yielding poly(ester amide)s190 and
polyphosphate,191 respectively. High temperatures
(100-130 °C) were required for the polymerization
of the former monomers.
2. Polymerization of Diacid Derivatives and Glycols
So far, biotransformations of various combinations
of dicarboxylic acid derivatives and glycols to bio-
degradable polyesters have been reported. Dicar-
boxylic acids as well as its derivatives, activated and
nonactivated esters, cyclic acid anhydride, and poly-
anhydrides, were found to be employed as useful
monomers for the enzymatic synthesis of polyesters
under mild reaction conditions.
Many dicarboxylic acids and their alkyl esters are
commercially available; however, they often showed
low reactivity toward lipase catalyst. Thus, develop-
methacryl-type macromonomer (Scheme 25). By ad- ment of the reaction apparatus and reaction condi-
dition of divinyl sebacate, the telechelic polyester tions has been made for efficient production of higher
having a carboxylic acid group at both ends was molecular weight polyesters. In the polycondensation
obtained. of adipic acid and 1,4-butanediol, a horizontal two-
Lipase-catalyzed ring-opening polymerization of chamber reactor was employed to remove the leaving
cyclic diesters was investigated. Lactide was polym- water molecules with use of molecular sieves.192 A
erized using lipase PC as catalyst at high tempera- low-dispersity polyester with a degree of polymeri-
tures (80-130 °C) to produce poly(lactic acid) with zation (DP) of ∼20 was obtained by the two-stage
Mw higher than 1 × 104.182 D,L-Lactide enzymatically polymerization using Mucor miehei lipase (lipase
gave a polymer with a higher molecular weight than MM).
the D,D- and L,L-isomers. Enzymatic synthesis of aliphatic polyesters from
Lipases CA, PC, and PF catalyzed the polymeri- diacids and glycols in a solvent-free system was
zation of ethylene dodecanoate and ethylene tri- carried out.193 Lipase CA catalyzed the polymeriza-
decanoate to give the corresponding polyesters.183 The tion under mild reaction conditions to give the
polymerization behaviors depended on the lipase polymer with Mn of several thousands, despite the
origin; in using lipase PC catalyst, these bislactones heterogeneous mixture of the monomers and catalyst.
polymerized faster than -CL and DDL, whereas the The polymerization behaviors strongly depended on
reactivity of these cyclic diesters was in the middle the chain length of both monomers. A small amount
of -CL and DDL in using lipase CA. of adjuvant was effective for the polymer production
when both monomers were solid at the reaction
Lipase catalyzed the ring-opening polymerization temperature. A scale-up experiment produced the
of cyclic carbonates. Trimethylene carbonate (six- polyester from adipic acid and 1,6-hexanediol in a
membered, TMC) was polymerized by lipases CA, PC, more than 200 kg yield. This solvent-free system
PF, and PPL to produce the corresponding polycar- claimed a large potential as an environmentally
bonate without involving elimination of carbon di- friendly synthetic process of polymeric materials
oxide. High molecular weight poly(TMC) (Mw >1 × owing to the mild reaction conditions and no use of
105) was obtained by using a small amount of PPL organic solvents and toxic catalysts.
catalyst (0.1 or 0.25 wt % for TMC) at 100 °C.184 A dehydration reaction is generally realized in
Lipase CA induced the polymerization under milder nonaqueous media. Since a product water of the
reaction conditions.185 The sugar-terminal poly(TMC) dehydration is in equilibrium with starting materials,
was synthesized by the lipase CA-catalyzed polym- a solvent water disfavors the dehydration to proceed
erization in the presence of methyl glucopyranoside.178a in an aqueous medium due to the “law of mass
Chemoenzymatic synthesis of a water-soluble poly- action”. However, dehydration polycondensation of
carbonate having pendent carboxyl groups on the dicarboxylic acids and glycols proceeded even in
polymer main chain was achieved by lipase-catalyzed water by using lipase catalyst.194 Various lipases such
polymerization of 5-methyl-5-benzyloxycarbonyl-1,3- as lipases CA, CC, and MM catalyzed the polymer-
dioxan-2-one (MBC), followed by debenzylation.186 ization of sebacic acid and 1,8-octanediol. In the
The copolymerization of MBC with TMC using lipase polymerization of R,ω-dicarboxylic acids and glycols,
PF catalyst produced the random copolycarbonate.187 the chain length of the monomers strongly affected
Cyclic dicarbonates, cyclobis(hexamethylene car- the polymer yield and molecular weight; the polymers
bonate) and cyclobis(diethylene glycol carbonate), from 1,12-docecanedioic acid and 1,10-decanediol
were polymerized by lipase CA.188 The random ester- were obtained in good yields, whereas no polymer
carbonate copolymers were enzymatically obtained formation was observed in using 1,6-hexanediol.
from DDL-cyclobis(diethylene glycol carbonate) and The polymerization using dialkyl esters also pro-
lactides-TMC.189 duced the polyesters with relatively low molecular
Enzymatic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3811

weight. Lipase CA- or MM-catalyzed polycondensa- acid and diethyl adipate did not afford the polymeric
tion of dimethyl succinate and 1,6-hexanediol in materials, indicating the high polymerizability of bis-
toluene quickly attained the equilibrium (the conver- (enol ester) toward lipase catalyst. In the enzymatic
sion of methyl ester moiety was ca. 50%); however, polymerization of divinyl adipate or divinyl sebacate
Mn of the product was very low (ca. 300).195 The with R,ω-glycols with different chain lengths, lipases
equilibrium was shifted by elimination of methanol CA, MM, PC, and PF showed high catalytic activity
with nitrogen bubbling, leading to an increase of toward the polymerization.200 A combination of divi-
conversion (>99%) and of the polymer molecular nyl adipate, 1,4-butanediol, and lipase PC afforded
weight (Mn ≈ 3 × 103). Formation of cyclic oligomers the polymer with Mn ≈ 2 × 104. The yield of the
with DP from 2 to 20 as byproduct was observed, and polymer from divinyl sebacate was higher than that
their yield depended on the monomer structure and from divinyl adipate, whereas the opposite tendency
concentration and reaction temperature. The ring- was observed in the polymer molecular weight. The
chain equilibrium was observed, and the molar polyester formation was observed in various organic
distribution of the cyclic species obeys the Jacobson- solvents, and among them, diisopropyl ether gave the
Stockmayer equation. best results. The polymerization also proceeded in
The molecular weight greatly increased when a bulk by using lipase CA as catalyst.
vacuum was used in the polymerization using diacids In the case of polyester synthesis from divinyl
or dialkyl esters as monomer; removal of the formed esters, hydrolysis of the vinyl end group partly took
water or alcohols resulted in a shift of the equilibrium place, resulting in the limitation of the polymer
toward the product polymer. In the lipase MM- growth.201 A mathematical model showing the kinet-
catalyzed polymerization of sebacic acid or its ethyl ics of the polymerization predicts the product com-
ester with 1,4-butanediol in hydrophobic solvents of position. On the basis of these data, a batch-stirred
high boiling points such as diphenyl ether and reactor was designed to minimize temperature and
veratrole under vacuum, Mw of the product polymer mass-transfer effects.202 The efficient enzymatic pro-
reached higher than 4 × 104, although a long reaction duction of polyesters was achieved using this reactor;
time (>1 week) was required.196 poly(1,4-butylene adipate) with Mn ≈ 2 × 104 was
In lipase-catalyzed esterifications and transesteri- synthesized in 1 h at 60 °C.
fications, esters of halogenated alcohols, typically Ester copolymers were synthesized by lipase-
2-chloroethanol, 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol, and 2,2,2- catalyzed copolymerization of lactones, divinyl esters,
trichloroethanol, have been used often, owing to an and glycols.203 Lipases CA and PC showed high
increase of the electrophilicity (reactivity) of the acyl catalytic activity for this copolymerization, yielding
carbonyl and avoiding significant alcoholysis of the ester copolymers with Mn higher than 1 × 104. 13C
products by decreasing the nucleophilicity of the NMR analysis showed that the resulting product was
leaving alcohols. The enzymatic synthesis of bio- not a mixture of homopolymers but a copolymer
degradable polyesters from the activated diesters was derived from the monomers, indicating that two
achieved under mild reaction conditions.197 The po- different modes of polymerization, ring-opening po-
lymerization of bis(2,2,2-trichloroethyl) glutarate and lymerization and polycondensation, simultaneously
1,4-butanediol at room temperature in diethyl ether take place through enzyme catalysis in one pot to
gave the polyesters with Mn ≈ 8 × 103. The polym- produce ester copolymers.
erization of bis(2,2,2-trichloroethyl) adipate and 1,4- Another approach based on the irreversible process
butanediol using PPL catalyst proceeded in a super- was performed by using bis(2,3-butanedione mon-
critical fluoroform solvent to give the polymer with oxime) alkanedioates as diester substrate.204 Lipase
Mw of several thousands.198 By changing the pressure, MM efficiently produced the polymer with Mn up to
the low-dispersity polymer fractions were separated. 7.0 × 103.
Vacuum technique was applied to shift the equi- Cyclic anhydrides and polyanhydrides were used
librium forward by removal of the activated alcohol as starting substrate for enzymatic production of
formed.196,199 In the enzymatic polycondensation of polyesters. A new type of enzymatic polymerization
bis(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) sebacate and aliphatic diols, involving lipase-catalyzed ring-opening poly(addi-
lipases CR, MM, PC, and PPL produced the polymer tion-condensation) of cyclic acid anhydride with
with Mw of more than 1 × 104 and lipase MM showed glycols was demonstrated.205 The polymerization of
the highest catalytic activity. In the PPL-catalyzed succinic anhydride with 1,8-octanediol using lipase
reaction of bis(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) glutarate with 1,4- PF catalyst proceeded at room temperature to give
butanediol in veratrole or 1,3-dimethoxybenzene, the the polyester. The enzymatic reaction of poly(azelaic
periodic vacuum method increased the molecular anhydride) and glycols using lipase CA catalyst also
weight (Mw ≈ 4 × 104). produced the polyesters in which glycols are appar-
Enol esters have been shown to be good acylating ently inserted into poly(azelaic anhydride).206
reagents in lipase-catalyzed reactions, since the leav- Polymerization of oxiranes with succinic anhydride
ing unsaturated alcohol irreversibly tautomerizes to proceeded in the presence of PPL catalyst.207 Under
an aldehyde or a ketone, leading to the desired appropriate conditions, Mw reached 1 × 104. During
product in high yields (see also Scheme 25). Thus, the polymerization, the enzymatically formed acid
the enzymatic polymerization using divinyl adipate group from the anhydride may open the oxirane ring
and 1,4-butanediol was first demonstrated in 1994;200a to give a glycol, which is then reacted with the
the reaction proceeded in the presence of lipase PF anhydride or acid by lipase catalysis, yielding poly-
at 45 °C. Under similar reaction conditions, adipic esters.
3812 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kobayashi et al.

Scheme 26 by the lipase CA-catalyzed polymerization of divinyl

sebacate and glycerol in the presence of unsaturated
higher fatty acids.216 The polyester was subjected to
hardening by cobalt naphthenate catalyst or thermal
treatment, yielding cross-linked transparent film.
All-trans unsaturated ester oligomers have been
synthesized by lipase-catalyzed polymerization of
diesters of fumaric acid and 1,4-butanediol.217 No
isomerization of the double bond was observed, as
opposed to the extensive isomerization found during
Aromatic polyesters were enzymatically synthe- chemical polycondensations. Crystallinity was found
sized under mild reaction conditions. Divinyl esters in the enzymatically formed unsaturated oligoesters
of isophthalic acid, terephthalic acid, and p-phen- prepared in acetonitrile, whereas industrial unsatur-
ylene diacetic acid were polymerized with glycols by ated polyesters are amorphous.
lipase CA catalyst to give polyesters containing an The lipase CA-catalyzed polymerization of dimethyl
aromatic moiety in the main chain.208 In the lipase- maleate and 1,6-hexanediol proceeded using lipase
catalyzed polymerization of dimethyl isophthalate CA catalyst in toluene to produce a mixture of linear
and 1,6-hexanediol in toluene with nitrogen bubbling, and cyclic polymers exhibiting exclusively cis struc-
a mixture of linear and cyclic polymers was formed.209 ture.218 The cyclics were semicrystalline, whereas the
High molecular weight aromatic polyester (Mw ≈ 5.5 linear polymer was amorphous. In the copolymeri-
× 104) was synthesized by the lipase CA-catalyzed zation of dimethyl maleate and dimethyl fumarate
polymerization of isophthalic acid and 1,6-hexanediol with 1,6-hexanediol by lipase CA catalyst, the content
under vacuum.210 Enzymatic polymerization of divi- of the cyclization was found to mainly depend on the
nyl esters and aromatic diols also afforded the configuration and concentration of the monomers.219
aromatic polyesters.211 Chemoenzymatic synthesis of alkyds (oil-based
Functional polyesters have been synthesized by polyester resins) was reported.220 PPL-catalyzed trans-
utilizing characteristic catalysis of lipase. An optically esterification of triglycerides with an excess of 1,4-
pure polyester was synthesized by PPL-catalyzed cyclohexanedimethanol mainly produced 2-monoglyc-
enantioselective polymerization of bis(2,2,2-trichlo- erides, followed by thermal polymerization with
roethyl) trans-3,4-epoxyadipate with 1,4-butanediol phthalic anhydride to give the alkyd resins with a
in diethyl ether (Scheme 26).212 The molar ratio of molecular weight of several thousands. Reaction of
the diester to the diol was adjusted to 2:1 to produce the enzymatically obtained alcoholysis product with
the (-)-polymer with an enantiomeric purity of toluene diisocyanate produced the alkyd-urethanes.
>96%. From end group analysis, the molecular
Fluorinated polyesters were synthesized by the
weight was calculated to be 5.3 × 103.
enzymatic polymerization of divinyl adipate with
Lipase-catalyzed regioselective polymerization of
fluorinated diols.221 Using 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6-octafluo-
divinyl esters and polyols to the soluble polymers
rooctan-1,8-diol as glycol monomer in the lipase CA-
with relatively high molecular weight was achieved.
catalyzed polymerization in bulk produced the poly-
In the lipase CA-catalyzed polymerization of divinyl
mer with the highest molecular weight (Mn ≈ 5 ×
sebacate and glycerol at 60 °C, 1,3-diglyceride was
the main unit of the formed polymer and a small
amount of the branching unit (triglyceride) was Polycarbonate synthesis by lipase-catalyzed poly-
contained.213 The regioselectivity of the acylation condensation was demonstrated. Activated dicarbon-
between primary and secondary hydroxy groups was ate, 1,3-propanediol divinyl dicarbonate, was used as
74:26. Under the selected reaction conditions, the the monomer for enzymatic synthesis of polycarbon-
regioselectivity was perfectly controlled to give a ates.222 Lipase CA-catalyzed polymerization with R,ω-
linear polymer consisting exclusively of a 1,3- alkylene glycols produced the polycarbonates with Mw
glyceride unit. The lipase CA-catalyzed polymeriza- up to 8.5 × 103. Aromatic polycarbonates with DP
tion of divinyl esters and sorbitol regioselectively larger than 20 were enzymatically obtained from the
proceeded to produce the sugar-containing polyester activated dicarbonate and xylylene glycols in bulk.211
with the 1,6-diacylated unit of sorbitol.214 Mannitol Higher molecular weight polycarbonate was enzy-
and meso-erythritol were also regioselectively polym- matically synthesized from diethyl carbonate.223 The
erized with divinyl sebacate. lipase CA-catalyzed bulk reaction of an excess of
Two-step enzymatic synthesis of polyesters con- diethyl carbonate with 1,3-propanediol or 1,4-butane-
taining a sugar moiety in the main chain was diol under ambient pressure gave oligomeric products
demonstrated.215 Sugar diesters were synthesized by followed by polymerization under vacuum to give
lipase CA-catalyzed esterification of sucrose or tre- aliphatic polycarbonates with Mw higher than 4 ×
halose with divinyl adipate in acetone, in which the 104.
6- and 6′-positions of the starting sugar were regio-
3. Polycondensation of Oxyacid Derivatives
selectively acylated. The same enzyme catalyzed the
subsequent polycondensation of the isolated diesters Enzymatic polymerizations of oxyacid derivatives
with glycols to give the sugar-containing polyesters have been reported; however, in most cases, only low
with Mw up to 2.2 × 104. molecular weight polyesters (molecular weight less
A new class of cross-linkable polyesters having an or about 1 × 103) were formed.147 In the PPL-
unsaturated group in the side chain was synthesized catalyzed polymerization of 12-hydroxydodecanoic
Enzymatic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3813

acid at 75 °C for 56 h, Mn reached 2.9 × 103.224 Scheme 27

Loading a large amount of lipase increased the
molecular weight.225 Use of 10 weight fold lipase CR
for 10-hydroxydecanoic or 11-hydroxyundecanoic acid
afforded the polyester of relatively high molecular
weight (Mw up to 2.2 × 104) in the presence of
activated molecular sieves. (S)-isomer of the ester was enantioselectively intro-
PPL catalyzed the polymerization of methyl esters duced at the PEG terminal (ee g 89%).233
of 5-hydroxypentanoic and 6-hydroxyhexanoic ac- Ester copolymers were synthesized by the lipase-
ids.149 In the polymerization of the latter in hexane catalyzed intermolecular transesterification between
at 69 °C for more than 50 days, the polymer with DP two different polyesters, poly(-CL) and poly-
up to 100 was formed. Relationships between solvent (PDL).175,234 Under selected conditions, lipase could
type and polymerization behaviors were systemati- act as a hydrolytic degradation catalyst of poly-
cally investigated; hydrophobic solvents such as esters.235 A low concentration of poly(-CL) with a
hydrocarbons and diisopropyl ether were suitable for molecular weight ≈ 4 × 104 in toluene was readily
the enzymatic production of high molecular weight subjected to the degradation in the presence of lipase
polymer. Pseudomonas sp. lipase catalyzed the po- CA catalyst to give oligomers with molecular weights
lymerization of ethyl esters of 3- and 4-hydroxybu- less than 500. The degradation behavior catalyzed
tyric acids, 5- and 6-hydroxyhexanoic acids, 5-hy- by lipase was quite different than an acid-catalyzed
droxydodecanoic acid, and 15-hydroxypentadecanoic degradation of random bond cleavage of polymer.
acid.157 Oxyacid vinyl esters were demonstrated as After the removal of the solvent from the reaction
new monomers for polyester production under mild mixture, the residual oligomer was polymerized in
reaction conditions, yielding the corresponding poly- the presence of the same catalyst of lipase. These
esters with Mn of several thousands.27b data provide a basic concept that the degradation-
Enzymatic regioselective polymerization of cholic polymerization could be controlled by presence or
acid was reported. A hydroxy group at the 3-position absence of the solvent, providing a new methodology
was regioselectively acylated by lipase CA catalyst of plastics recycling (Scheme 27). Cyclic dicaprolac-
to give the oligoester with molecular weight less than tone was selectively formed from a very dilute solu-
1 × 103.226 tion of poly(-CL).
Optically active polyesters were enzymatically Lipase is known as a catalyst for epoxidation with
obtained from oxyacid derivatives. In the lipase CR- peroxides. Polybutadiene was subjected to lipase CA-
catalyzed polymerization of racemic 10-hydroxyun- catalyzed oxidation of polybutadiene using hydrogen
decanoic acid, the resulting oligomer was enriched peroxide as the oxidizing agent in the presence of
in the (S)-enantiomer to a level of 60% ee and the acetic acid under mild reaction conditions.236 The
residual monomer was recovered with a 33% ee epoxide rings formed were opened and esterified.
favoring the antipode.227 Lipase CA catalyzed the
polymerization of lactic acid to give the corresponding C. Proteases
oligomer with DP up to 9, in which the R-enantiomer As seen for the hydrolysis enzyme, proteases
possessed higher enzymatic reactivity.228 Optically catalyze not only hydrolysis of peptide bonds but also
active oligomers (DP < 6) were also synthesized from peptide bond formation. The reaction of amino acid
racemic -substituted--hydroxy esters using PPL esters in the presence of some proteases produces
catalyst.229 The enantioselectivity increased as a water-insoluble products. Ester hydrochlorides of
function of bulkiness of the monomer substituent. methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, and tyrosine
The enzymatic copolymerization of the racemic oxy- were polymerized by papain catalyst to give poly-
acid esters with methyl 6-hydroxyhexanoate pro- (amino acid)s with DP less than 10.237 In using
duced the optically active polyesters with a molecular racemic substrates, only L-isomers were stereoselec-
weight higher than 1 × 103. tively polymerized. Papain and R-chymotrypsin in-
In the polymerization of 12-hydroxydodecanoic acid duced the polymerization of diethyl L-glutamate
in the presence of 11-methacryloylaminoundecanoic hydrochloride to give the polymer consisting exclu-
acid using lipases CA or CR as catalyst, the meth- sively of R-peptide linkage.238 Diethyl L-aspartate was
acrylamide group was quantitatively introduced at polymerized by alkanophilic protease from Strepto-
the polymer terminal, yielding a polyester mac- myces sp. to give the polymer with a mixed structure
romonomer.230 of R- and β-peptide linkages.239
4. Polymer Modification Protease mutants were prepared, which showed
higher catalytic activity for the enzymatic polymer-
Lipase catalysts have been used for functionaliza- ization of amino acid esters in an aqueous DMF
tion of polymers. A terminal hydroxy group of poly- solution. The molecular weight greatly increased by
(-CL) was reacted with carboxylic acids using lipase using a subtilisin mutant (subtilisin 8350) derived
CA catalyst to give end-functionalized polyesters.231 from BPN′ (subtilisin from Bacillus amyloliquefa-
Lipase MM catalyzed the regioselective transesteri- ciens) via six site-specific mutants (Met 50 Phe, Gly
fication of the terminal ester group of oligo(methyl 169 Ala, Asn 76 Asp, Gln 206 Cys, Tyr 217 Lys, and
methacrylate) with allyl alcohol.232 In the PPL- Asp 218 Ser) in the polymerization of L-methionine
catalyzed reaction of racemic 2,2,2-trichloroethyl 3,4- methyl ester in the aqueous DMF.240 Another mutant
epoxybutanoate with hydroxy-terminated PEG, the (subtilisin 8397), which is the same as 8350 without
3814 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kobayashi et al.

Scheme 28 of functional polymers and structurally complicated

polymers, syntheses of which are very difficult to be
achieved via conventional chemical routes. Such
typical examples may be artificial cellulose, chitin,
hyaluronic acid, urushi, etc.
Recently, genetic engineering has been signifi-
cantly developed to produce tailor-made mutant
enzymes (artificial enzymes). Accumulated knowl-
edge of research on catalytic antibodies is also
informative for developing new enzyme catalysts.3b
Thus, these biocatalysts showing high catalytic activ-
ity, reaction selectivity, or stability in organic sol-
vents can eventually be designed and prepared on
changing Tyr 217, induced the polymerization of the basis of relationships between the structure and
single amino acid, dipeptide, and tripeptide methyl function of enzymes. These developments will broaden
esters.241 the scope of precision enzymatic syntheses of numer-
A different type of peptide hydrolase, dipeptide ous kinds of polymers. In addition, the enzymatic
transferase, catalyzed the oligomerization of dipep- processes for production of useful polymeric materials
tide amides. In the case of glycyl-L-tyrosinamide, the are environmentally highly benign, since in most
corresponding oligomer with DP up to 8 was formed.242 cases biodegradable products are obtained from
Some proteases show an esterase activity, espe- nontoxic substrates and catalysts under mild reaction
cially in their catalytic activity for regioselective conditions. Therefore, in the future, enzymatic poly-
acylation of sugars. Protease-catalyzed synthesis of merizations are expected to provide essential tech-
polyester containing a sugar group in the backbone nology in chemical industry.
has been achieved.243 Polycondensation of sucrose
with bis(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl)adipate using an alkaline VII. Acknowledgments
protease from Bacillus sp. as catalyst proceeded
regioselectively to give an oligoester having ester The authors express their thanks for support from
linkages at the 6- and 1′-positions on the sucrose various funds, in particular, a Grant-in-Aid for
(Scheme 28). The regioselective catalysis of protease Specially Promoted Research from the Ministry of
was applied for the modification of polysaccharides.244 Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan
Protease (subtilisin Carlsberg) solubilized in isooc- (08102002), and NEDO for the project on the preci-
tane catalyzed the acylation of amylose film with sion polymerizations.
vinyl caprate only at the 6-position of amylose.
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The Persistent Radical Effect: A Principle for Selective Radical Reactions and
Living Radical Polymerizations
Hanns Fischer*
Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut, Universität Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland

Received March 23, 2001

I. Introduction 3581
II. Early References and Basic Kinetics 3583
A. Non-Polymeric Systems 3583
1. Leading Observations 3583
2. Theoretical Description 3584
3. Experimental Verifications 3586
B. Polymer Systems 3587
1. Leading Observations 3587
2. Theoretical Description 3589
3. Experimental Verifications 3592
III. Reactions Exhibiting the Persistent Radical Effect 3594
A. Uncatalyzed and Photochemical Organic and 3594
Metal−Organic Reactions Hanns Fischer, born 1935, started his carreer at the Technical University
1. Photochemical Reactions Involving NO 3594 Darmstadt, Germany, and obtained his Ph. D. (1963) and Habilitation
2. Thermal Reactions Involving Persistent 3594 (1966) working at the Deutsches Kunststoff-Institut mostly on polymer-
and Semipersistent Organic Radicals related transient carbon-centered free radicals with ESR, NMR and CIDNP.
After leading a physicochemically oriented division of this Institute, a period
3. Reactions Involving the Reversible 3596 at Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, and lecturing in Darmstadt, he
Cleavage of Weak Metal−Carbon Bonds became Associate (1969) and then full Professor (1971) for Physical
B. Catalyzed Organic Reactions 3596 Chemistry at the University of Zürich, Switzerland. There, he continued
1. Catalyzed Kharasch Additions and 3596 his work on transient organic free radicals, their structure, reaction
Related Reactions mechanisms, and reaction kinetics in liquid solutions employing ESR,
2. Photocatalysis 3597 CIDNP, optical spectroscopy, and muon spin rotation. He has authored
about 240 original publications, several reviews, and two books and edits
C. Reactions in Polymer Systems 3597 a large series of tables on radical properties and kinetics in Landolt-
1. Nitroxide-Mediated Systems 3597 Börnstein. Honors include the Centenary Medal and Lectureship of the
2. Mediation by Other Persistent Radicals 3599 Chemical Society London and the Silver Medal of the International EPR
Society. He retires in 2001 but intends further research on the topic of
3. Organo−Cobalt Complex Mediated 3600 this review.
4. Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization 3600 covered that lead to a highly dominant and unusually
IV. Theoretical Methods and Special Cases of Living 3601 selective formation of the cross-reaction products of
Radical Polymerizations these radicals. The usual transient radical self-
A. The Basic Reaction Mechanism 3601 terminations are virtually absent, although chain
B. Initial Excess of Persistent Species in Living 3603 processes are not involved. This remarkable phenom-
Radical Polymerizations enon was seldom explained, although it has a quite
C. Decay or Removal of Persistent Species in 3605 simple basis.
Living Radical Polymerizations Consider the mechanism of Scheme 1, where
D. Instantaneous Radical Formation 3606 transient R• and persistent radicals Y• are formed
V. Concluding Remarks 3607 simultaneously with equal rates from the same or
different precursors (1, 2). Then, from the usual
VI. Acknowledgment 3607
radical-radical reactions (3, 4) one obtains R-Y as
VII. References and Notes 3608 highly dominant product.
Scheme 1
I. Introduction
From time to time reactions involving both tran-
sient and persistent radical intermediates were dis-

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone: +41 1

635 4421. Fax: +41 1 635 6856. E-mail: [email protected].

10.1021/cr990124y CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 11/07/2001
3582 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Fischer

Offhand, one may be surprised. Intuitively, one However, one may reason now that one will not
could expect equal concentrations of R•and Y•, be- find a marked lifetime prolongation if the equilibrium
cause the radicals are formed with equal rates, and constant is above a critical limit. Actually, a too small
therefore, the products R-Y and R-R should be rate constant of the back-reaction must lead to a fast
formed in the statistical ratio of 2:1. However, this and complete conversion of R-Y to the final products
is not the case, except during a very short initial R-R and Y•. Also, the self-termination of the tran-
period. The simple cause is that the transient radicals sient radicals never ceases completely. Therefore, a
R• disappear by their self-termination (4) and by the true stationary state does not exist, and for the given
cross-reaction, whereas by definition the persistent reaction mechanism, the radical concentrations will
radicals Y• do not self-terminate but disappear only always depend on time. Moreover, the apparent
by the cross-reaction.1 Hence, every self-termination equilibrium and the lifetime prolongation of R-Y are
event of R• (3) causes a buildup of excess Y•, and this only of transient nature, because at sufficiently long
buildup continues as the time goes on. The perma- times one must always find only self-termination
nently increasing concentration of Y• accelerates the products and persistent radicals.
cross-reaction at the expense of the self-termination A technically important situation arises when the
(4). This reaction never stops completely but attains transformation of R• to R′• occurs by addition to a
lower and lower levels. Hence, R-Y becomes the suitable monomer, M; the resulting product R′-Y )
main product. In fact, a dynamic equilibrium is R-M-Y itself undergoes the fragmentation (5),
reached where the rate of the cross-reaction matches R-M• undergoes further monomer addition, and the
that of the radical generation (1, 2). This leads to the process continues. This mechanism is displayed in
following general conclusions: Scheme 3, where n g 0 denotes the number of
(1) If the transient and persistent radicals are monomer units that are contained in the radical and
formed with equal rates, one always expects the product species.
highly dominant formation of their cross-reaction
products, be it R-Y formed by the combination (3), Scheme 3
products such as R(-H) and Y-H arising from a
disproportionation, or ions such as R+ and Y- result-
ing from a charge-transfer between R• and Y•.
(2) If the transient radicals R• transform rapidly
into other transient radicals R′•, for example by
fragmentation, rearrangement, addition to an unsat-
urated molecule, atom or group transfer, or by any
other reaction, then the cross-reaction products be- Carbon-centered radicals derived from the low
tween R′• and Y• become dominant. The transforma- molecular compounds R-Y and from the longer chain
tion of Y• to another persistent Y′• leads to the molecules Rn-Y have similar structures and reac-
selective formation of R-Y′. tivities, and therefore,
(3) During the reactions, the concentration of the (6) one expects a polymerization without termina-
persistent species Y• increases to a much higher level tion,2 which is characterized by a transient equilib-
than the concentrations of the transient radicals R• rium between the dormant polymer Rn-Y and the
or R′•. radicals.
Yet, these statements leave open questions. How (7) The dormant polymer is living in the sense that
persistent must Y• be to cause this effect, and are it grows until the monomer is depleted, and that it
equal formation rates really necessary? We answer can grow on after additional monomer feed as in an
them later and first consider Scheme 2. ionic living polymerization.3 The final degree of
polymerization is determined by the initial concen-
Scheme 2 trations of the monomer and of the radical precursor
R0-Y, and the formation of block copolymers is
(8) One further obtains a controlled growth of the
polymer if the characteristic time for the reversible
dissociation is sufficiently short in comparison with
monomer conversion, that is, if all chains start to
The two radicals are now produced by the revers- grow practically together.2
ible dissociation of a common precursor R-Y but However, one may again suspect that this will hold
undergo the same reactions as in Scheme 1, other- only under favorable kinetic circumstances.
wise. Now, the above argumentation suggests: So far, we have introduced the concept of what is
(4) The lifetime of the radical precursor R-Y is now called the “persistent radical effect” without
markedly prolonged because it is permanently re- giving specific examples or theoretical proof for its
generated, and the dynamic equilibrium between the existence. Further, we have indicated that there may
radical generation and the cross-reaction acts like the be stringent conditions for its occurrence in real
chemical equilibrium of the reversible decay. chemistry. This review further elucidates the phe-
(5) A rapid transformation of R• into R′• leads again nomenon, but it is restricted to the most important
mainly to R′-Y, if the formation of this product is aspects and to illustrative chemical systems. The
irreversible, and a transformation of Y• to another next section shows how the main ideas have been
persistent Y′• leads again to R-Y′. developed over the years in order to explain specific
The Persistent Radical Effect Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3583

observations, and it reveals the fundamental kinetic Thus, “penta-p-biphenylethane gave only two percent
conditions for basic reaction schemes. Then, we list of s-tetra-p-biphenylethane after being heated for two
a larger variety of examples from organic,4 metal- hours in o-dichlorobenzene at 100 °C, the original
organic, and polymer chemistry and close with an compound being recovered in 87% yield.” However,
outline of an appropriate theoretical analysis and its the solutions developed the characteristic color of
application to further cases of practical interest. triarylmethyl radicals, and this agreed with the much
Today, the subject is far from being mature. There faster conversion under oxygen. The authors con-
are probably many more experimental manifestations cluded that in the absence of oxygen, “the dissociation
of the effect than we are aware of, and there may be of pentaarylethanes is a reversible reaction in which
more kinetic peculiarities and variants. This is the the position of the equilibrium is practically entirely
reason we neither present a completely comprehen- in favor of the pentaarylethane”. They also knew that
sive description of all pertinent experimental findings diarylmethyl radicals but not triarylmethyl radicals
nor a complete theory. Moreover, the particular dimerize irreversibly under their experimental condi-
subfield of living radical polymerizations involving tions and, hence, that in these systems diarylmethyl
the effect has become of practical importance. Hence, radicals are transient and triarylmethyl radicals are
in the past few years, a large number of publications persistent species. Obviously, the cross-coupling be-
and patents have been published on this topic. These tween these is strongly favored.
are covered in more detail in other parts of this issue, To explain these observations the authors wrote
and here, we discuss only those aspects that are “Now, the irreversible formation of an extremely
important for the operation of the persistent radical small amount of s-tetraethylethane (by coupling,
effect in living polymerizations. Scheme 4) results in a corresponding increase in the
equilibrium concentration of triarylmethyl radicals;
II. Early References and Basic Kinetics as a result the concentration of diarylmethyl radicals
is reduced to such an extent that their association is
A. Non-Polymeric Systems practically stopped.” Moreover, “The formation of
every molecule of s-tetraarylethane decreases the
1. Leading Observations rate of formation of the next molecule.” They also
To our knowledge, Bachmann et al.5 were the first clearly noticed the unusual character of the apparent
who stated the correct reason for the unusual prefer- dissociation equilibrium because “the concentration
ence for unsymmetrical coupling reactions in systems of triarylmethyl radicals is always much greater than
involving persistent and transient radicals as early the concentration of diarylmethyl radicals,” and “this
as 1936. They had prepared phenyl- and p-biphenyl precluded measurements of the extent of the equi-
carrying pentaarylethanes and studied their stability. librium from the color”, that is, the triarylmethyl
In oxygenated o-dichlorobenzene solutions containing concentration. Finally, they noted that “it should be
pyrogallol as hydrogen donor, all compounds decom- borne in mind, however, that a pentaarylethane
posed quantitatively at 100 °C within a few minutes solution is an unstable system which in infinite time
to triarylmethyl and diarylmethyl hydroperoxides. would disproportionate completely into hexaaryle-
Various experiments ensured that the primary dis- thane (“triarylmethyl radicals” would be more ap-
sociations to triarylmethyl and diarylmethyl radicals propriate) and s-tetraarylethane.” These are the
were followed by very fast additions of these radicals features of a persistent radical effect following Scheme
to oxygen and by the consecutive very fast hydrogen 2.
abstractions of the resulting peroxyradicals from The second thoughtful description was given by
pyrogallol (Scheme 4). Hence, the rates of conversion Perkins.6 He explained the unusual product distribu-
were equal to the rates of dissociation of the pen- tions of phenylations of aromatic compounds when
taarylethanes. phenylazotriphenylmethane is used as thermal phen-
Surprisingly at first, the pentaarylethanes were yl radical generator. Scheme 5 provides an example.
much more stable under oxygen-free conditions. It had been found7 that benzene solutions yield 1,4-
dihydro-4-triphenylmethylbiphenyls as major prod-
Scheme 4 ucts besides biphenyl and triphenylmethane, and “a
particular feature of this scheme is the absence of
dimerization and disproportionation of the interme-

Scheme 5
3584 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Fischer

diate phenylcyclohexydienyl radical as both of these Scheme 7

processes are known to occur in other systems.”
Perkins cited more so far unexplained examples for
the observation of simple product mixtures in reac-
tions where triphenylmethyl radicals from phenyl-
azotriphenylmethane were involved8 and Bach-
mann’s work.5 Realizing the kinetics expected for
Scheme 1, he wrote “The exceptional stability of
triphenylmethyl radicals is probably responsible....
This is because any trace occurrence of radical-
destroying processes which do not involve triphenyl-
methyl radicals must give rise to a high concentration
of this stable species. The relatively high concentra-
tion of triphenylmethyl radicals can subsequently
scavenge other radicals which are formed (with the
seemed worthwhile to investigate whether the ex-
exception of the very short-lived phenyl radical).
treme selectivity as, for example, reported by Huber
Under stationary state-conditions triphenylmethyl
et al.10 can be rationalized quantitatively. To be more
radicals are being formed at the same rate as that
general, the reactions of Scheme 8 were used in our
at which they are being converted into products.
first theoretical analysis. It allowed for unequal rates
Hence, the relatively high concentration is main-
of generation of the persistent and the transient
tained, and the scavenging effect continues through-
radicals and for the self-terminations of both radi-
out the reaction.” Thus, Perkins perceived the dy-
cals.12 We outline the major results here because they
namic equilibrium as expected for Scheme 1. He also
reveal the inner working of the mechanism but now
considered a variety of other manifestations for what
use a simpler formalism.
he called “stable radical effects”.9
Not being aware of the earlier work, the present
author first noticed the phenomenon in 1981. Geiger Scheme 8
and Huber10 had photolyzed dimethylnitrosamine in
the gas phase at 1 Torr and under 100 Torr N2 buffer.
This compound fragments from the first excited
singlet state into dimethylaminyl radicals and ni-
trous oxide NO with unity quantum yield, but neither
photoproducts nor a decrease of the initial compound
pressure were observed. Even after 20 h photolysis
the back-reaction was complete to more than 99.9%
(Scheme 6). This seemed quite puzzling because
sterically unhindered aminyl radicals are transient
and readily self-terminate by coupling and dispro-
The radical concentrations are abbreviated as [R]
Scheme 6 and [Y], and the notations of Scheme 8 are used for
the rates of radical generation (r) and for the rate
constants (k) of the bimolecular radical reactions.13
The radical concentrations obey the rate equations
A few years later the author noticed a report by
Kraeutler that stated that methylcobalamine is d[R]/dt ) rR - kc[R][Y] - ktR[R]2 (10)
stable under photolysis in aqueous solution in the
absence of radical scavengers, but that the presence and
of CO in moderate concentration (0.03 M) leads to
acetylcobalamine in high yield.11 The explanation
(Scheme 7) was again unusual in view of the known d[Y]/dt ) rY - kc[R][Y] - ktY[Y]2 (11)
propensity of methyl and acetyl radicals for rapid
coupling reactions. For the initial conditions [R]0 ) [Y]0 ) 0, both radical
A discussion of these results led in 1985 to another concentrations increase at first linearly in time, [R]
independent formulation of the correct interpretation ) rRt, [Y] ) rYt, but at later times the behavior
by Ingold. Nitrous oxide and the demethylated co- diverges. If all rate parameters are different from
balamine are persistent and will increase in concen- zero, a stationary state is found12 where d[R]/dt )
tration because the transient radicals self-terminate, d[Y]/dt ) 0. From this relation, the conditions on rR
and the excess persistent species will then scavenge and rY emerge for which the selectivity for the
the transient ones. formation of the cross-reaction product Pc is a maxi-
mum. This selectivity may be defined by the ratio of
2. Theoretical Description the rate of the cross-reaction to the sum of the rates
Although the qualitative explanations by Bach- of product formation by the self-terminations, that
mann,5 Perkins,6 and Ingold are very reasonable, it is, by
The Persistent Radical Effect Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3585

kc[R][Y] 2(kc/ktR)[Y]/[R]
s) )
ktR[R]2/2 + ktY[Y]2/2 1 + (ktY/ktR)([Y]/[R])2
Differentiation with respect to the auxiliary variable
[Y]/[R] yields the maximum of s for [Y]/[R] ) (ktR/
ktY)1/2. Use of this relation and eqs 10 and 11 for the
stationary state and subtraction of the resulting
equations 13 and 14 yields rR ) rY:

d[R]/dt ) 0 ) rR - kc(ktR/ktY)1/2[R]2 - ktR[R]2 (13)

Figure 1. Computed time dependencies of the concentra-
tion of the transient (R•) and the persistent radicals (Y•)
d[Y]/dt ) 0 ) rY - kc(ktR/ktY)1/2[R]2 - ktR[R]2 (14) for [Y]0 ) [R]0 ) 0, a common radical generation rate r )
10-6 M s-1, ktR ) kc ) 109 M-1 s-1, and different ratios ktY/
Hence, the maximum selectivity does occur in fact ktR in a log-log representation. The log-log representation
for equal formation rates of the two radicals, as was enhances the visualization of the different time regimes.
implied in the discussions of Schemes 1 to 3 and as
is valid for the mechanisms of Schemes 4-7. Re- representation.12 Such log-log representations are
stricting the further discussion to the case rR ) rY ) unusual, but they are needed here and in the follow-
r at the moment and using [Y]/[R] ) (ktR/ktY)1/2 and ing because they allow one to clearly visualize the
eq 12 provide different time regimes. The interpretation of the time
evolution is straightforward. For all ratios of the self-
kc termination constants, both radical concentrations
smax ) (15) first increase linearly with time, [R] ) [Y] ) rt. When
(ktRktY)1/2 the rate of the terminations become approximately
equal to the rate of radical generation, [R] attains a
Now, if Y• were as transient as R•, one would have maximum, in times of milliseconds to seconds for
approximately ktR ) kc ) ktY, which gives smax ) 1. usual rate constants. Thereafter, the concentration
This leads to the statistical product distribution [PR]: of the transient radical decreases, and the excess of
[Pc]:[PY] ) 1:2:1. However, for a persistent Y• with a the persistent species builds up. For nonzero self-
small self-termination constant ktY , kc ≈ ktR one termination of the persistent radical, both radical
obtains smax . 1.14 For instance, if the rate constant concentrations reach stationary states. For ktY ) 0,
for the self-termination of Y• were ktY ) 103 M-1 s-1 however, [R] continues to decrease and [Y] continues
and the other rate constants diffusion controlled, kc to increase. After the maximum of [R], log [R] and
) ktR ≈ 109 M-1 s-1 in nonviscous liquids, the log [Y] depend linearly on time. They show slopes of
selectivity would become smax ≈ 1000, and this means different signs but equal magnitude. For ktY ) 0, this
99.9% cross-reaction. Hence, the selectivity increases holds forever, and it is observed also for a nonzero
with decreasing self-termination rate constant of the ktY before the stationary states are reached. The
persistent species; however, this species need not be magnitudes are smaller than 1, that is, in this regime
infinitely long-lived. Further, one notes that [Y]/[R] the time dependencies of both radical concentrations
) (ktR/ktY)1/2 implies [Y] . [R] for ktR . ktY, that is, are weak. Empirically, the slopes give [Y] ∼ t1/3 and
the large excess of the persistent radical. Moreover, [R] ∼ t-1/3, and such time dependencies are very
for ktY , kc ≈ ktR the self-termination terms on the unusual in chemical kinetics. Furthermore, one finds
right-hand sides of eqs 13 and 14 are much smaller empirically that the concentrations obey the dynamic
than the cross-reaction term. This proves the exist- equilibrium eq 16.
ence of a dynamic equilibrium A rigorous derivation of the unusual time depend-
encies and of eq 16 for ktY ) 0 was first found for the
kc[R][Y] ) r (16) reversible radical generation of Scheme 2 with the
restriction ktR ) kc,15 which was removed subse-
for which the rate of radical generation is nearly
quently.16,17 The mathematical method will be out-
completely balanced by the rate of the cross-reaction.
lined in section IV. For the mechanism of Scheme 8,
Our treatment explained the experimental results
with equal radical formation rates and ktY ) 0, it
of Huber et al.10 and Kraeutler11 quantitatively.12
provides for the radical concentrations at sufficiently
However, it is not strictly applicable when Y• does
long times18
not self-terminate at all because [Y]/[R] and s diverge
to infinity for ktY f 0. Actually, in this case and for
[R] ) (r/3kcktR)1/3 t-1/3 and
equal rates of radical generation, eqs 10 and 11 have
no stationary state solution except for infinite time, [Y] ) (3ktRr2/kc2)1/3t1/3 (17)
where [Y] goes to infinity and [R] becomes zero.
Figure 1 shows computed time evolutions of the They fulfill the dynamic equilibrium relation (16).
radical concentrations for [Y]0 ) [R]0 ) 0, a common For the reversible radical generation of Scheme 2
radical generation rate r ) 10-6 M s-1, ktR ) kc ) 109 and ktY ) 0, the unusual time dependencies [Y] ∼
M-1 s-1, and different ratios ktY/ktR in a log-log t1/3 and [R] ∼ t-1/3 and the large excess of [Y] over [R]
3586 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Fischer

are also valid. In eqs 17, r must be replaced by kd[I]0 Scheme 9

where kd is the rate constant of the dissociation of
the radical precursor R-Y, and [I]0 is its initial
concentration so that15-17

[R] ) (K[I]0/3ktR)1/3 t-1/3 and

[Y] ) (3K2ktR[I]02)1/3t1/3 (18)

where K ) kd/kc. Equation 16 now reads

kc[R][Y] ) kd[I]0 (19) Scheme 10

This is the equilibrium relation for the reversible

dissociation with the actual time-dependent concen-
tration of the precursor replaced by its initial value.19
However, the stoichiometry of the reactions of Scheme
2 requires that the concentration of the persistent
radical cannot exceed the initial precursor concentra- tions, the persistent 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenoxyl radi-
tion. This limits the kinetic parameters for which eqs cal (ktY ≈ 0) was generated by hydrogen abstraction
18 and 19 are valid to from the phenol by photolytically produced tert-
butoxy radicals, and the rate of generation of tert-
K , kc[I]0/ktR, K , [I]0, and kd e ktR[I]0 (20) butyl was varied by changing the ketone concentra-
tion. ESR spectra taken during continuous reaction
The first of these conditions is the strongest. They revealed a dramatic decrease of the tert-butyl con-
also provide an upper time limit for the operation of centration to unobservably low levels when its rate
the persistent radical effect,17 but such an upper limit of formation became equal to or lower than that of
does not exist for the case of continuous radical the persistent species. This is well-described by the
generation. appropriate analytic equations. Moreover, time-
As anticipated in the Introduction, for a system resolving experiments on the two-radical system
following Scheme 2, the equilibrium constant of the showed that the transient radical concentration
precursor dissociation must not be larger than an decayed completely to zero when the radical genera-
upper limiting value. If this holds, one obtains a tion was interrupted. On the other hand, a marked
lifetime of the precursor R-Y that exceeds the residue of 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenoxyl radicals was
natural lifetime (kd)-1 by the factor of kc[I]0/ktRK, and leftover even when the transient species was pro-
this may amount to many orders of magnitude.15-17 duced in excess, and we will comment on the kinetics
An insertion of realistic rate parameters shows that in section IV. Use of the semipersistent 2,6-di-tert-
the second and the third of the conditions (11) are butyl-4-methylphenoxyl radical (ktY ≈ 10-8 M-1 s-1
not critical. For instance, the rate constant kd for the at room temperature) showed less dramatic effects
dissociation of R-Y will normally not exceed kd ) 1 of the relative rate of radical generation but also
s-1, because the compound will otherwise be very supported the theoretical expectations.
unstable, even at low temperatures. Experimental A second, and more chemical, verification is due
rate constants for the reaction of transient with to Finke et al.,21 who also invented the descriptive
persistent radicals are normally larger than 106 M-1 phrase “persistent radical effect” and gave a proto-
s-1. Hence, a realistic upper limit of the equilibrium type example to the extreme. The thermal reversible
constant is K ) 10-6 M. Self-termination constants 1,3-benzyl migration in a coenzyme B12 model com-
of transient radicals are normally diffusion-con- plex leads to the equilibrium of Scheme 9. Earlier
trolled, that is, 1010 > ktR > 108 M-1 s-1, and finally, work had shown that the reaction involves freely
practical aspects set the lower limit of the precursor diffusing benzyl and persistent cobalt macrocycle
concentration to [I]0 ) 10-3 M. Hence, the second and radicals, but the expected self-termination product
the third of the conditions (11) read K < 10-6 M , bibenzyl of benzyl was missing. Extending the detec-
[I]0 and kd/ktR < 10-8 M , [I]0 and are always well tion limits, the authors found traces of bibenzyl and
obeyed. For these numbers, one has kc[I]0/ktR ) 10-7 deduced a selectivity for the formation of the cross-
M. Obviously, the first condition is not met for the products to the self-termination products of 100 000:
extreme parameters chosen here, but it will be 1 or 99.999%. Kinetic modeling further showed that
fulfilled for a lower equilibrium constant, a larger over a time of 1000 years only 0.18% of bibenzyl
initiator concentration, and a larger cross-coupling would be formed, and this stresses the long-time
constant. duration of the phenomenon.
More recently, the unusual time-dependence of the
3. Experimental Verifications radical concentrations (9) was also observed di-
The early theoretical conclusions on chemical sys- rectly.22 Like many other N-alkoxyamines (trialkyl-
tems following Scheme 812 prompted a first experi- hydroxylamines), 2-phenyl-2-(2′,2′,6′,6′-tetrameth-
mental verification.20 Transient tert-butyl radicals ylpiperidine-1′-oxyl)propane (cumyl-TEMPO) (Scheme
were generated by photolysis of di-tert-butyl ketone 10) cleaves thermally reversibly into a persistent
in n-heptane. Simultaneously and in the same solu- nitroxide radical (TEMPO) and a transient carbon-
The Persistent Radical Effect Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3587

Scheme 11

and related persistent radicals. However, he did not

mention the excess of the persistent over the tran-
sient species or give a reason for the propensity of
the cross-reaction. At first, he employed phenylazo-
Figure 2. Time dependence of the TEMPO concentration triphenylmethane as initiator to polymerize methyl
during thermolysis of cumyl-TEMPO in tert-butylbenzene methacrylate at 60 °C. Indeed, the molecular weight
for different initial cumyl-TEMPO concentrations at 83 °C.
The solid lines confirm the t1/3-dependence (eq 18). increased linearly with the conversion, as is expected
for a controlled process.2 Livingness was demon-
centered radical (cumyl). The time evolution of the strated by the observation “when the polymer was
nitroxide concentration is easily followed by ESR heated at 80 °C in the presence of the monomer,
spectroscopy, and the result is shown in Figure 2. The polymerization was induced and the molecular weight
of the polymer increased markedly” and “These
solid lines correspond to the expected t1/3-dependence
findings strongly suggest that the monomer mol-
(eq 18) with the parameter combination (3ktRK2[I]02)1/3
ecules were inserted into the carbon-triphenyl-
evaluated at the beginning of the curves. Slight
methyl bond, as the result of a radical dissociation.”
deviations at long times are due to a concurring
Otsu also found that in the absence of monomer the
disproportionation between TEMPO and cumyl, which
polymer was stable in benzene at 80 °C, although
leads to the hydroxylamine and R-methylstyrene in
there must be dissociation, and this is a clear sign
about a 1% yield.
for the lifetime prolongation. In further work, Otsu24
Variations of the initial alkoxyamine concentration and Braun et al.25 used initiators dissociating into
[I]0 and independently measured rate constants kd, two semipersistent radicals that both can initiate and
kc, and ktR nicely confirmed that the system fulfills also tend to cross-terminate. Features of living and
the conditions (20) and reproduced the value of the controlled polymerizations were again achieved, but
parameter combination taken from the experimental the conversions and the molecular weights of the
data. The same was found for other alkoxyamines.16,23 resulting polymers were rather low.
However, it must be mentioned that the observation Two further elements of Otsu’s early work are also
of such kinetics requires precautions with respect to noteworthy, because they are related to more recent
the purity of chemicals, solvents, and containers. This (and more successful) developments: First, he used
is necessary because even very minor side reactions the reversible halogen atom exchange between low
may strongly interfere with the many cycles of valent metal compounds, in particular Ni(0), and
dissociation and recoupling that are necessary to organic halides as initiating and regulating system.26
provide a clear kinetic manifestation of the effect. The polymers obtained from heterogeneous mixtures
were partly living and controlled, and this work
B. Polymer Systems anticipates the mechanism now called “atom transfer
radical polymerization”. Second, he showed24 that the
1. Leading Observations polymerization of methyl methacrylate with phen-
ylazotriphenylmethane is unusually slow but that it
The development of living and controlled radical is markedly accelerated by the addition of a conven-
polymerizations has been stimulated considerably by tional initiator without loss of polymer livingness.
early work of Otsu dating back about 20 years ago.24 In 1985, Rizzardo et al.27 filed a patent for the use
His concepts center around the reversible reaction of alkoxyamines (Scheme 12) as regulating initiators
of a suitably end-capped polymer chain providing a for the living radical polymerization and block co-
chain radical that can add to monomer and a persis- polymerization of vinyl monomers. R is a group that
tent species. In 1982 he noted “in order to find a upon dissociation (Scheme 10) forms a radical that
system of living radical polymerization in homoge- adds to the monomer. The mechanism was disclosed
neous solution, one must try to form propagating shortly thereafter and involves the reversible dis-
polymer chain ends which may dissociate into a sociations shown in Scheme 11, with the nitroxide
polymer with a radical chain end and small radicals radical taking the role of X.28 In a later simulation,
which must be stable enough not to initiate a new the group also revealed the reason for the remarkable
polymer chain.” He also presented the formal Scheme absence of the usual terminations and rediscovered
11 and mentioned the possibility of a stepwise growth the principles of the persistent radical effect:29 “As
that would lead to molecular weight control. chains undergo termination transient radicals are
Otsu knew of the tendency of stable radicals to removed from the system and the concentration of
undergo primary radical cross-termination and was persistent species builds”. Further, the authors noted
aware of some of the earlier work on triphenylmethyl correctly that, in contrast to normal radical polymer-
3588 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Fischer

Scheme 12 Scheme 13

Scheme 14

izations with essentially constant radical concentra- nitroxide-mediated processes are unconveniently
tions, no steady-state approximation is possible. small, even at temperatures as high as 130 °C, and
Whereas the patent stressed the controlled forma- this is so because the persistent radical effect leads
tion of oligomers and low molecular weight polymers, to very low transient radical concentrations.
Georges et al. showed in 1993 that moderate molec- Using di-tert-butylnitroxide (DBNO)-based initia-
ular weight (50 000 au) polystyrenes with low poly- tors (1 in Scheme 12), Catala et al.34 observed that
dispersity indices (1.20) can be obtained by nitroxide- the polymerization rate of styrene is independent of
mediated polymerizations at around 120 °C.30 Instead the initiator alkoxyamine concentration. This is
of using alkoxyamines as initiators, they employed unusual in radical polymerizations, and Matyjasze-
a 1.2:1 ratio of the nitroxide radical TEMPO (Scheme wski et al.35a first pointed out in this case that the
10, and 3 in Scheme 12) and dibenzoyl peroxide in styrene polymerization rate is governed by the au-
styrene and preheated the reaction mixture to 95 °C toinitiation of the monomer that creates additional
for a short time. Under these conditions, benzoyloxy propagating species. These authors also published
radicals first add to styrene. The coupling of the illuminating simulations on the nitroxide-mediated
adduct radicals with TEMPO provides unimeric process.35b The autoinitiation of styrene then may
alkoxyamines that initiate the polymerization at the have led to the renewed idea36 to add a slowly
higher temperature. As expected for a stepwise decomposing conventional initiator to the systems.
growth, the degree of polymerization increases fairly This had already been realized by Otsu.24 Sparingly
linearly with conversion. It was also noticed that a applied, it accelerates the polymerizations apprecia-
larger initial excess of the persistent species de- bly without deteriorating the livingness and the
creased the polydispersity at the expense of a slower control to untolerable extents.36
polymerization rate. Later work showed, among other The facile and reversible dissociation of cobalt-
results, that the concentration of the persistent carbon bonds to give a persistent cobalt-derived and
nitroxide increases during the polymerization, be- a transient alkyl radical was discussed already in
cause of the ongoing termination, that the rate of connection with Schemes 7 and 9. In 1994, it was first
polymerization can be increased considerably by a utilized by Wayland et al.37 in living and controlled
slow removal of the excess nitroxide, that these polymerizations of methyl acrylate. Using (tetramesi-
controlled polymerizations display no gel effect, and tylporphyronato)cobalt neopentyl and variants thereof
that they can be extended to aqueous-phase poly- in benzene solution at 60 °C provided only oligomers
merizations and also to the formation of polystyrene- for small ratios of monomer to complex, but for ratios
polybutadiene, -polyisoprene and -polyacrylate block of 2500:1, polymers with Mn ) 150 000 and about
copolymers.31 70% conversion were achieved. The molecular weight
The technical potential of the work of Rizzardo et increased linearly with conversion, and the polydis-
al.27-29 and Georges et al.30,31 stimulated further persity index was as low as 1.1-1.3. Livingness of
research along similar lines by many other groups. the polymer, that is, the fidelity of the porphyrina-
We mention here only a few principally important tocobalt end group of the polymer chains, was dem-
and early results. By an elegant crossover experiment onstrated by the formation of block copolymers of
using model polystyrene alkoxyamine derivatives, methyl and butyl acrylate. Wayland knew of the
Hawker et al.32 demonstrated the occurrence of the earlier publications on the persistent radical effect12,21
reversible cleavage. The prolongation of the alkoxy- and interpreted his findings in terms of Scheme 3.
amine lifetime during the reactions became evident The addition of polyhaloalkanes and related halo-
from the apparent decay times reported for 1-phen- genated compounds to alkenes can occur via a clas-
yl-1-(2′,2′,6′,6′-tetramethylpiperidine-1′-oxyl)ethane sical radical chain process (Scheme 13), which is often
(phenethyl-TEMPO) by Priddy et al.33a of about 150 called the Kharasch reaction.38 In 1961, Minisci et
min in trichlorobenzene at 140 °C and by Hawker et al.39 and Asscher and Vofsi40 discovered that this
al.33b of about 5 min in styrene at 123 °C. In the latter reaction is catalyzed by transition metal ions in their
case, the addition of the 1-phenethyl radical to lower valent state such as Cu+ and Fe2+, and they
styrene prevents the regeneration of the parent formulated the mechanism in Scheme 14. The ca-
compound, of course. Further, it was often noticed talysis of the additions by simple metal salts or
that the polymerization rates obtained in many complexes such as Cu(I)-2,2′-bipyridyl41a and ruthe-
The Persistent Radical Effect Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3589

nium(II) tris(triphenylphosphine) (RuCl2(PPh3)3)41b ATRP, the dormant chains carry halogen atoms as
found many organic synthetic applications. It was end groups. Alone and freed from the catalyst they
often stated that the intermediacy of freely diffusing will not initiate new polymerizations, but they revive
carbon-centered radicals is unlikely in these pro- upon addition of the same or another catalyst.
cesses, because the normal termination products are Therefore, in a looser sense we will consider these
absent. However, the transition metal ions and their processes also as “living” polymerizations. By “con-
complexes are persistent, and Scheme 14 involves the trolled” we mean a polymerization for which the
simultaneous formation of a persistent species and number-average degree of polymerization (XN) and,
a transient radical. Hence, the operation of the hence, the number-average molecular weight of the
persistent radical effect is a much more likely cause polymer increase linearly with monomer conversion
for the virtual absence of the self-termination reac- and for which XN ideally reaches the ratio of the
tions. initial monomer and initiator concentrations at full
Monoadditions are usually carried out with about monomer conversion. These are the characteristics
1:1 ratios of the organic halide and the alkene and of a polymerization without termination.2 If, in ad-
very small catalyst concentrations. When lower halide/ dition, all chains start in a time period that is short
alkene ratios are used, telomer formation is impor- compared to the overall conversion time, that is,
tant. Hence, for small halide concentrations, high practically at the same time, one obtains a narrow
polymers may be obtained, and this is supported by Poisson chain length distribution. Then, the polydis-
Otsu’s experiments26 with Ni(0) powders. persity index develops as PDI ) MW/MN ) XW/XN )
The first real success along these lines was achieved 1 + 1/XN and decreases with increasing conversion
in 1995 by Sawamoto et al.,42 Matyjaszewski et al.,43 to values close to one.2
and Percec et al.44 The first group used RuCl2(PPh3)3 “Livingness” and “control” go parallel in many ionic
as catalyst and CCl4 as initiating halide in a 1:2 ratio, processes, but this need not always be so. Actually,
added methylaluminum bis(2,6-di-tert-butylphen- in the radical polymerizations, the dissociation of the
oxide) to activate the initiator C-Cl bonds, and dormant chains or the activating halogen transfer
employed methyl methacrylate as monomer solvent. may be so slow that considerable conversion occurs
Nearly 90% conversion was achieved at 60 °C in before these reactions have occurred at least once.
about 4 h.42 Matyjaszewski employed Cu(I)Cl-2,2′- Then, one expects the formation of a polymer with a
dipyridyl (1:3) as catalyst and 1-chloro-1-phenyl- large “living” fraction but little “control”. On the other
ethane (1) as initiator and found 90% conversion of hand, if the time for appreciable monomer conversion
styrene in about 3 h at 130 °C.43 The polymerization overlaps with the final reaction stage where the
of styrene was also addressed by Percec et al.,44 who termination processes dominate, one may find prod-
used the same catalyst as Matyjaszewski but diverse ucts with a large degree of “control” but little “liv-
aromatic sulfonyl chlorides as initiators. All authors ingness”.
amply demonstrated the livingness of the resulting The theoretical exploration of living radical poly-
polymers and the controlled nature of the process merizations has been approached by numerical simu-
with molecular weights increasing with conversion lations of conversion rates and molecular weight
and low polydispersities. In comparison to Otsu’s distributions. Several methods have been devel-
earlier attempt,26 their success is presumably due to oped.15,17,29,35,46,47 Such simulations provide consider-
the more homogeneous reaction conditions following able insight into the inner working of the mecha-
from the use of metal complexes. Since the addition nisms and can reproduce the experimental findings.
of haloalkanes to alkenes involves atom transfer Yet, they are not of general value, because they hold
steps, Matyjaszewski termed the new method “atom only for the specific kinetic parameters employed in
transfer radical polymerization” (ATRP).43 In terms the individual cases. For the analysis of polymeriza-
of polymerization rates and generality, ATRP ap- tion data, analytical equations are more helpful, and
pears to be the most versatile variant of living radical their derivations also reveal the fundamental kinetic
polymerizations based on the persistent radical effect aspects. Such derivations address the time depen-
today. dence of the radical concentrations, of the monomer
conversions, and of the evolution of the molecular
2. Theoretical Description weight distributions, and they have mainly been
Before entering the kinetic treatment of living worked out by Fukuda et al. and by our group.
radical polymerizations based on the persistent radi- Before giving some results, it must be stressed that
cal effect, it is necessary to define the terms “living” all equations have been derived and will be valid only
and “controlled” radical polymerization as used in for ideal cases, especially only for chain length
this review, because a unified terminology has not independent rate constants and in the absence of any
yet evolved and conflicting views have been ex- reactions besides those considered explicitly. Further,
pressed.45 In the sense of Szwarc,3 we call a polymer they imply mathematical approximations. Both re-
“living” that, after formation and isolation, can grow strictions can lead to deviations of the experimental
upon further monomer feed and that can be used to data from the theoretical results. Yet, such deviations
build block copolymers. The dormant chains formed do not disprove the equations, unless it is demon-
in nitroxide and cobalt-complex-mediated polymer- strated that the preconditions of the derivations are
izations carry end groups that provide transient strictly fulfilled by the chemical systems under study.
radicals upon dissociation to which monomer can add. In our work,15-17 we have mainly concentrated on
Hence, these processes are properly “living”. In polymerizations that follow Schemes 3 and 11. Dis-
3590 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Fischer

proportionation was assumed as a general mecha-

nism for the irreversible termination. The latter
restriction is not serious, because termination by
coupling would simply double the molecular weight
of the dead polymer fraction, which should anyway
be small.
Since the rate constants, including those of the
primary radicals, shall not depend on chain length,
the total radical concentrations obey eqs 18, and the
equilibrium relation (19) is established if the condi-
tions (20) are fulfilled. The only additional equation
is the rate equation for the conversion of the mono-
mer M
Figure 3. Polymerization index ln([M]0/[M]) vs time
d[M] during a polymerization in the equilibrium regime for kp
) -kp[R][M] (21) ) 5000 M-1 s-1, kt ) 108 M-1 s-1, kd ) 0.0045 s-1, kc )
2.2‚107 M-1 s-1, [M]0 ) 10 M, and [I]0 ) 0.02, 0.04, 0.06,
and it does not change the evolution of the concen- 0.08, and 0.1 M as obtained by numerical integrations and
trations of R• and Y•. It is easy to show that there eq 22 (circles).
will be very little conversion before the equilibrium
regime is established.17 To obtain the conversion in
this regime, one inserts eq 18 for [R] into eq 21 and
integrates to

( )
K[I]0 1/3
[M] ) [M]0e-3/2kp t2/3 or

( )
[M]0 1/3
3 K[I]0
ln ) kp t2/3 (22)
[M] 2 3kt

(The index R of ktR is dropped here and in the

following because ktY is always assumed to be zero).
For a conventional polymerization with a constant
rate of initiation rI and constant radical concentration Figure 4. Evolution of the total number-average degree
[R]s ) (rI/kt)1/2, one has the relation2 of polymerization XN and the polydispersity index with
conversion during a polymerization in the equilibrium
[M]0 regime for kp ) 5000 M-1 s-1, kt ) 108 M-1 s-1, kd ) 0.0045
[M] ) [M]0e-kp[R]st or ln ) kp[R]st (23) s-1, kc ) 2.2‚107 M-1 s-1, [M]0 ) 10 M, and [I]0 ) 0.1 M as
[M] obtained by numerical integrations and eqs 24 and 25
The difference between eqs 22 and 23 is due to the
time dependence of [R] in eq 18. conversion, and the last term in eq 25 with the error
Polymerization in the equilibrium regime does function (erf) reflects the residual influence of the
provide the control of the molecular weight and a terminations. At short times one has
narrow molecular weight distribution. The integra-
1 8
tion of the kinetic equations for the moments of the PDI0 ) 1 + + (26)
distribution (see section IV) leads to equations for the XN 3kdt
number-average degree of polymerization (XN) and
the polydispersity index PDI ) MW/MN ) XW/XN. and at infinite time the PDI becomes

( )
πkp3[I]0 1/2
[M]0 - [M] [I]0
XN ) (24) PDI∞ ) 1 + + (27)
[I]0(1 - e-kdt) [M]0 kdkckt

For properly chosen rate parameters it attains values

-kdt 1 [M]02
PDI ) 1 - e + + (1 - e-kdt) × close to one. Figures 3 and 4 display the behavior of
XN ([M] - [M])2 the polymerization index (XN) and PDI as computed

( ) [ ( ) ]
and as predicted by eqs 22, 24, and 25.
πkp3[I]0 1/2
K[I]0 1/6
The livingness of the polymer is also easily calcu-
erf (3kp)1/2 t1/3 (25)
kdkckt 3kt lated because the number of dead chains is practi-
cally equal to the number of the released persistent
If the dissociation of the initiator occurs well before species, which is known from eq 18. Further, the
the conversion (kdt . 1), all chains start to grow analytical solutions provide conditions for the rate
practically together at zero time. Then eq 24 provides constants that should allow a successful living and
the desired linear increase of MN with the conversion controlled polymerization.17 First, we may want the
and the control by the initial initiator concentration. concentration fraction of the dead polymer products
The PDI decreases with increasing XN, time, and [P]/[I]0 at the large monomer conversion of 90% to
The Persistent Radical Effect Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3591

chains. Along a line from point A to point B, K is

constant, but kd and the product kdkc decrease. Hence,
one obtains in the same time as for case A a polymer
with the same small dead fraction, but it shows much
less control. On the other hand, along the line from
point A to point C, K and kd increase but the product
kdkc stays constant. Now, one expects a polymer that
is hardly living but shows control for large conver-
sion.17 Livingness and control do not necessarily
imply each other, and discussions of the detailed
behavior were given.17 Diagrams such as that given
in Figure 5 should be very useful for predictions or
analyses of experimental results. However, it must
be stressed that the construction based on eqs 28-
Figure 5. Graphical representation of the kinetic condi- 30 holds only for ideal cases of a spontaneous evolu-
tions for the existence of the quasiequilibrium (QE, eq 20),
a small fraction φ < 5% of unreactive polymer, a small tion of the persistent radical effect without any initial
residual polydispersity δ < 0.2, and a time T < 20 000 s excess of the persistent species and without any
(5.55 h) for 90% conversion. kt ) 108 M-1 s-1, kp ) 5000 additional radical generation, and these are seldom
M-1 s-1, and [I]0 ) 0.1 M. The region where all conditions found in practice.
are obeyed is emphasized by a heavy frame. It should be Fukuda et al.36b,48,49 covered a situation that is more
noticed that the diagram holds only for the absence of often encountered in practical polymerizations than
initial persistent species and radical generation only from
the regulator I0 ) R0 - Y. the previous scenario. There, transient radicals are
generated not only by the dissociation of Rn-Y but
be below an allowed upper limit φ. From eqs 18 and also with an additional rate r. These additional
22 this requires radicals are provided by a deliberately added con-
ventional initiator, by impurity derived radical sources
kd kp[I]0 such as peroxides, or by the autoinitiation of the
K) e φ2 (28) monomer. Now, the kinetic equations for the radical
kc 2 ln(10)kt
concentrations read
Second, the residual polydispersity index PDI - 1 -1/ d[R]/dt ) r + kd([I]0 - [Y]) - kc[R][Y] - kt[R]2
XN should be smaller than an upper limiting value
δ, and hence, from eq 26 (31)
πkp3[I]0 1
kdkc g (29) d[Y]/dt ) kd([I]0 - [Y]) - kc[R][Y] (32)
kt δ2
With the ad hoc assumption of the dynamic equi-
Third, the time needed for 90% conversion should not
librium (19) and d[R]/dt , d[Y]/dt, these equations
exceed a time T, which is dictated by technical
were solved analytically for constant r.36b,48,49 If r is
limitations such as working hours. Equation 22
sufficiently small, the radical concentrations are
shows this to be the case if
given by eq 18 and the monomer consumption is
given by eq 22, as if r were zero. For larger r, the
kd (2 ln(10))3kt radical concentrations reach the stationary state
K) g (30)
kc 9k 3[I] T2
() ()
p 0 kt 1/2
r 1/2
[R]s ) and [Y]s ) K[I]0 (33)
Obviously, large equilibrium constants yield short kt r
conversion times at the expense of larger dead
polymer fractions. This need not conflict with the If most of the conversion occurs in this state, the
desired control, however, since the molecular weight polymerization index becomes
and the polydispersity index do not directly depend

on K but on kd (24) and on the product kdkc (27). [M]0 r 1/2
ln ) kp t (34)
The optimum values of kd and kc depend on the [M] kt
propagation constant (kp), the termination constant
(kt), and the attempted degree of polymerization as for a conventional polymerization with a constant
through [I]0. For a given set of these latter param- initiation rate (23). This is so because the additional
eters one finds a range for kd and kc in which a living radical generation stops the permanent decrease of
and controlled polymerization should be observed. the transient radical concentration that occurs in its
This is illustrated by the diagram shown in Figure absence (eq 18) and keeps the radical concentration
5, which was constructed with the aid of eqs 28-30. constant at a higher level. Therefore, in comparison
Here, point A corresponds to the rate constants to the absence of any additional initiation, the
leading to Figure 4, that is, to a process yielding 90% conversion rate is markedly enhanced.
conversion in 5.55 h for a monomer with kp ) 5000 Recently, we explored the effects of the additional
M-1 s-1, an average degree of polymerization XN ) initiation in detail, and found that the conditions (20)
100, a polydispersity index of 1.2, and 5% dead for the existence of the equilibrium (19) must again
3592 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Fischer

1 2
PDI0 ) 1 + + (38)
XN kdt
The different numerical factors (eqs 26 and 28) are
due to the different time dependencies of the radical
concentrations. Equation 38 has also been derived by
Fukuda et al.36b by a purely probabilistic method, and
it is generally valid for a constant concentration of
growing chains.
Theoretical work has also been devoted to examine
the influence of reactions that interrupt the often
repeated cycles of radical formation (activation) and
Figure 6. ln([M]0/[M]) versus time for a polymerization cross-termination to dormant species (deactivation).
with additional initiation and different ratios r/kd[I]0. Solid For the nitroxide- and the cobalt-mediated systems,
lines are from numerical calculations and circles from the such reactions are the formation of R(-H) and YH
analytical equations. Parameters: kd ) 3 × 10-3 s-1, kc ) by a usual radical disproportionation, which competes
5 × 107 M-1 s-1, kt ) 108 M-1 s-1, kp ) 2000 M-1 s-1, [I]0
) 0.1 M, [M]0 ) 10 M. with the coupling of R• and Y• or by a direct
fragmentation of R-Y to the hydroxylamine or a
be fulfilled.50 Equations 33 are valid if [R]s ) xr/kt hydridocobalt complex and the alkene.22,33a,35,47,51-57
. K, that is, the equilibrium constant must be rather Even rather small fractions of these processes limit
small, because the radical concentrations should the maximum conversion and stop the polymerization
normally not exceed 10-8 M. Further, a good control prematurely in nearly indistinguishable ways, be-
and the livingness of the resulting polymer require cause they lead to an exponential decay of the
that the rate of the cross-reaction to dormant chains dormant species. Before the end of conversion this
largely exceeds that of the self-termination to dead does not affect the linear dependence of XN on
products. This provides r , kd[I]0, which means that conversion and causes only minor increases of the
the rate of the additional initiation must be small polydispersity.57 To some extent the deteriorating
compared to the cleavage rate of the dormant species. effect of these reactions can be compensated by the
In practice, a ratio r/kd[I]0 ) 0.01 yields an about 10- rate enhancement through an additional initiation.50
fold rate enhancement under retention of most of the Another aspect49 is the initial presence of persistent
livingness and control, but larger initiation rates species in nonzero concentrations [Y]0, and it will be
should not be used if the polymer should be living at discussed more closely in section IV. In the absence
high conversion. of any additional initiation, the excess [Y]0 at first
Figure 6 shows calculated polymerization rates ln- levels the transient radical concentration to an equi-
([M]0/[M]) for various ratios r/kd[I]0. Even for very librium value [R]s ) K[I]0/[Y]0. This is smaller than
small ratios of r and kd[I]0, rather large rate enhance- that found without the initial excess and lowers both
ments are obtained. Moreover, the time dependence the initial conversion rate and the initially large PDI.
of ln([M]0/[M]) becomes linear. Since some additional Further, it provides a linear time dependence of ln-
initiation by impurities or autoinitiation may always ([M]0/[M]), which is directly proportional to the equi-
occur, the nonlinear behavior for the ideal case of librium constant. Later in the reaction course, [Y]
Figure 3 may be difficult to observe in actual poly- may exceed [Y]0 because of the self-termination, then
merizations, unless kd[I]0 is sufficiently large. [R] is given by eq 18. If there is additional radical
The expressions for the evolution of the degree of generation, the first stages will eventually be re-
polymerization and the polydispersity index for po- placed by a second stationary state that was de-
lymerizations in the stationary state of constant scribed above. Further effects are expected from a
radical concentrations are50 decay or an artificial removal of the persistent species
that increases the concentration of the transient
[M]0 - [M] radicals and the polymerization rate (see section IV).
Xn ) (35) Radical transfer reactions to polymer, monomer, or
[I]0(1 - e-kdt) + rt initiator have not yet been incorporated in the

( )
analytical treatments.
kp 2-C 1 ATRP utilizes a bimolecular radical formation
PDI ) (1 - e-kdt + rt/[I]0) 1 + [R] + reaction (Scheme 14). Apart from this, the rate
kd s C XN
(36) equations are similar to those holding for the uni-
molecular cases, and therefore, the theory should be
Here, C is the fractional monomer conversion. If one similar. It is not yet far developed, but for equal
has kdt . 1 and rt , [I]0 at the time of observation, initial concentrations of catalyst and initiating halide,
eq 36 reduces to the equations given above should also hold for ATRP
with kd[I]0 replaced by ka[Cat]0[RHal]0.16
1 kp 2-C
PDI ) 1 + + [R]s (37) 3. Experimental Verifications
XN kd C
Stringent quantitative verifications of the analyti-
and for small conversions, C ≈ kp[R]st , 1, one cal equations should confirm the reaction orders with
The Persistent Radical Effect Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3593

respect to time and the initial concentrations, and

they should even start from the a priori knowledge
of the rate constants entering the formulas. Such
verifications are emerging now. Thus, several groups
measured the expected rather large concentrations
of the persistent species [Y] both during nitroxide-
mediated polymerizations and ATRP.31,49,58,59 Very
often, the observed time dependencies of ln([M]0/[M])
were not curved as in Figure 3 but linear or ap-
proximately linear. This points to constant transient
radical concentrations that are expected for an extra
radical generation, an initial excess of the persistent
species, or its decay. The slopes provide [R]s via eq
34. With [R]s, [Y], and the initial concentrations, the
Figure 7. Time evolution of the persistent radical con-
equilibrium constants of the reversible radical forma- centration during a polymerization of 0.76 M styrene in
tion can then be extracted from the data. tert-butylbenzene at 130 °C initiated by the alkoxyamine
Fukuda et al.49 introduced a chromatographic 6 of Scheme 30 for different alkoxyamine concentrations.
method for the direct determination of rate constants The solid lines confirm eq 18.
for the radical generation step (activation). For
several cases these agree with corresponding values
deduced from the time dependence of the polydisper-
sity index (eq 38), and this is also strong support for
the underlying theoretical principles. When K is
known, the rate constant for radical formation (ac-
tivation) provides also the rate constant for the cross-
reaction (deactivation). All data established for ni-
troxide-mediated polymerizations so far49,59,60,61 are
not much different from rate constants for analogous
reactions involving small carbon-centered radicals
that have been obtained by spectroscopic tech-
niques.62,63 The technique has also been applied to
ATRP systems.64
As indicated earlier, the unusual time dependen- Figure 8. Time evolution of the polymerization index ln-
cies and reaction orders expected in the absence of ([M]0/[M]) during a polymerization of 0.76 M styrene in tert-
butylbenzene at 130 °C initiated by the alkoxyamine 6 of
additional radical generation or of an initial excess Scheme 30 for different alkoxyamine concentrations. The
of the persistent species are difficult to observe unless solid lines confirm eq 22.
special precautions are taken. Moreover, a decrease
of the self-termination rate constant kt with increas- parameters from the same polymerization, and this
ing chain length and conversion diminishes the is possible by simultaneous measurements of the
negative curvature of ln([M]0/[M]) (eq 22),17 and may time dependence of the persistent radical concentra-
lead to a more linear appearance. This was demon- tion and of the conversion and the combination of eqs
strated first by Matyjaszewski.46 To avoid such 18 and 22.59 This was recently achieved on the same
interferences, experiments designed to prove the sample by combining an ESR spectrometer with a
unusual polymerization kinetics must be based on dilatometer and using another new alkoxyamine for
systems that exhibit large radical generation (activa- the polymerization of styrene. In pure monomer, the
tion) rates, and the conversions should be kept autopolymerization still provided a constant nitroxide
modest. The cleavage rate constants of di-tert-bu- level and a linear time dependence of ln([M]0/[M]).
tylnitroxide (DBNO, 1 in Scheme 12) based alkoxy- However, with styrene diluted by an inert solvent
amines are known to be rather large. In fact, using and for conversions below 50%, the results of Figures
a sugar-carrying styrene that does not readily un- 7 and 8 were obtained, and they conform to eqs 18
dergo autoinitiation and a benzoyloxy-styryl-DBNO and 22. Moreover, the resulting polymers were living
initiator, Fukuda et al. found that the polymerization (>90%) and had low polydispersities (1.15-1.30).23
index increases with time as t2/3 and depends on the Before closing this section, it must be mentioned
third root of the initiator concentration.19 This is as that processes involving the persistent radical effect
expected from eq 22. Other nitroxides that provide are not the only way to obtain living and controlled
large cleavage rate constants are becoming available polymerizations. Any reaction scheme that provides
now (see below), and with a corresponding alkoxy- an equilibrium between the dormant polymer chains
amine, Lacroix-Desmazes et al. also obtained a clear and the transient propagating radicals suffices, if the
verification of the theoretical predictions.60,65 For equilibrium highly favors the dormant chains and is
ATRP, an example was given by Klumpermann et established rapidly and the rate of external radical
al.66 generation is small. For such other living radical
These measurements provide the equilibrium con- polymerizations, the RAFT process of Rizzardo et al.67
stant K of the reversible dissociation, if kt is known. and the moderation by degenerative iodine atom
Of course, it would be interesting to obtain both transfer68 are illuminating examples.
3594 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Fischer

III. Reactions Exhibiting the Persistent Radical although these products have occasionally been ob-
Effect served. The photooximation of alkanes with NOCl
follows essentially the same course and has industrial
A. Uncatalyzed and Photochemical Organic and importance (Scheme 16).
Metal−Organic Reactions Scheme 16
The persistent radical effect must always play a
role when transient and persistent radicals are
formed with equal or nearly equal rates. It leads to
the formation of the mutual reaction products in high
yields and to the virtual absence of the self-termina-
tion reactions. In the few examples given earlier, the
persistent species were radicals and transition metal
complexes, but other reaction partners such as mo-
lecular ions and even normal molecules may take
their place. Furthermore, the phenomenon can also
work with other transient species, such as carbenes,
nitrenes, and molecules in electronically excited 2. Thermal Reactions Involving Persistent and
states. A literature search would probably reveal a Semipersistent Organic Radicals
large variety of diverse reactions that exhibit the
effect to some degree, although this went unnoticed, Scheme 17 displays several radicals with lifetimes
so far. Here, we restrict the survey to evident cases. exceeding about 1 h in oxygen-free liquid solutions
A few of the reactions have even been designed to and at ambient temperature. Many of them have
exploit the persistent radical effect in synthesis. been isolated in pure form.71 Their stability has
electronic and steric reasons. It is favored by the
1. Photochemical Reactions Involving NO absence of β-hydrogen atoms, which would facilitate
disproportionation. As shown before, the persistent
There are a variety of photochemical reactions radical effect can also be observed for radicals that
involving free nitrous oxide (NO) as persistent radi- are not extremely persistent. Therefore, it is impor-
cal. Often there is an initial fragmentation, as tant to notice that the lifetimes of all types of radicals
presented in Scheme 6 for N,N-dimethyl-N-nitro- can be adjusted by proper substitution. 1 Comprehen-
samine. One example is the Barton reaction of nitrite sive compilations of the magnetic properties72 and of
esters (Scheme 15). It allows the functionalization of the reactivities73 of radicals are available in the
methyl groups in steroids and utilizes an intermedi- Landolt-Boernstein series. They reveal that a large
ate 1,5-hydrogen atom migration, which converts the variety of radicals are persistent enough for eventual
initially formed oxygen-centered radical to a carbon- synthetic applications using the effect.
centered species.69 The selecting influence of triphenylmethyl radicals
Similar reactions occur with N-nitrosoamines R2- on product distributions has already been discussed
NNO and N-nitrosoamides RCO(R′)NNO.70 Apart in earlier sections, and additional examples are found
from the intramolecular hydrogen atom transfer,
diverse intramolecular radical additions (cyclizations) Scheme 17
and other rearrangements have also been used to
obtain cross-reaction products between NO and the
radicals resulting from the transformation of the
primarily formed R• to another radical R′•.69,70 Giving
evidence for the persistent radical effect, the yields
of the desired products are large and those of the self-
termination of the transient intermediates are low,

Scheme 15
The Persistent Radical Effect Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3595

Scheme 18 Scheme 20

Scheme 19

in Perkin’s discussion of aromatic substitutions.9

Minisci et al.74 and Ingold et al.75 found that mixed
peroxide products dominate in reactions where tert-
butylperoxy and phenoxyl or carbon-centered radicals
are formed simultaneously, and the findings were
rationalized in terms of the reactions shown for one Scheme 21
example in Scheme 18.
In this case, the tert-butylperoxy radicals are the
more persistent species. The authors also confirmed
that the highest yield of the cross-reaction product
is obtained when the cross-reacting radicals are Scheme 22
formed with equal rates. Schiesser et al.76 introduced
phenyl telluroformates as precursors of alkyl radicals
(Scheme 19). In the absence of trapping agents, the
parent molecules appeared stable, that is, the cross-
reaction between the oxyacyl and the tellurium-
centered radical is even faster than the decarboxy-
lation of the oxyacyl species, which normally takes
only nano- to microseconds. Obviously, the tellurium-
centered radical must be rather persistent and builds radicals are formed by photochemical means simul-
up in large concentrations. taneously, and they noticed the virtual absence of the
Other reactions that are very likely subject to the coupling products of diphenylmethyl. There are a
persistent radical effect are molecular rearrange- multitude of photochemical reactions involving single-
ments such as the Meisenheimer, amineimide, Wit- electron transfer to dicyanoanthracene, dicyano-
tig, Stevens, and sulfenate rearrangements of Scheme naphthalene, and related sensitizers that yield per-
20, for which evidence for radical intermediates has sistent anions and transient radicals simultaneously.
been accumulated.77 They often lead to selective product formation and
The formation of pinacols, typical radical rear- may well involve the effect.80 Scheme 22 presents an
rangements, and the direct observation of ketyl example.80a
radicals by ESR spectroscopy strongly indicate that The first directed application of the phenomenon
Grignard reactions of aryl ketones follow at least in toward high-yielding organic synthesis is due to
part a single electron-transfer pathway involving Studer.4,81 He employed the reversible dissociation
transient alkyl and persistent arylketyl radicals of alkoxyamines for the generation of cyclized deriva-
(Scheme 21). Walling78 analyzed the known product tives to avoid the usual use of tin-organic compounds
distributions by a kinetic treatment with the ketyl in radical cyclizations. One example is shown in
species as being persistent. Most of the experimental Scheme 23.
findings were explained in terms of usual bulk radical The straightforward mechanism starts with the
reactions with reasonable rate constants. The opera- cleavage of the parent alkoxyamine to the nitroxide
tion of the effect should cause rather large concentra- and to the 1-phenylhexen-5-yl radical. This radical
tions of the ketyl radical species, and these are in undergoes intramolecular 1,5- and 1,6-cyclizations in
fact observed. usual ratios and couples with the nitroxide to the
Sawaki et al.79 recognized that the persistent rearranged species. In a large series of experiments,
radical effect properly explains the dominant forma- Studer81 made good use of the rate enhancement of
tion of diphenylmethyl anions when persistent dicy- the alkoxyamine cleavage by substituents stabilizing
anoanthracene anions and transient diphenylmethyl the resulting carbon-centered radicals, by polar sol-
3596 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Fischer

Scheme 23 Scheme 26

vents, and by solvents and substituents that undergo

hydrogen bonding to the nitroxide group as well as
by agents that decrease the retardation by slowly
removing the excess nitroxide concentration. Cross- radical pair that undergoes cage return and separa-
over experiments demonstrated the absence of cage tion to scavengeable free radicals and forms alkenes
reactions, and several new alkoxyamines were de- by disproportionation. The recombination of the
veloped that undergo a particularly facile cleav- radicals from the bulk is close to diffusion-controlled
age.81,82 It is also noteworthy that Studer often and does not seem to be accompanied by dispropor-
observed considerable amounts of alkenes besides the tionation. In usual free radical reactions, dispropor-
desired products. This points to the direct elimination tionation-to-combination ratios in bulk and cage are
of alkenes from the alkoxyamines, which competes often equal. Therefore, the marked difference ob-
with their cleavage into radicals. served here for the postulated cage return and the
bulk process is against the former reaction. In our
3. Reactions Involving the Reversible Cleavage of Weak opinion it is more compatible with an alkene forma-
Metal−Carbon Bonds tion by direct elimination from the initial complex.
In connection with the work of Kraeutler,11 Finke However, this was regarded to be unlikely,85 and
et al.,21 and Wayland et al.37 on reactions involving unusual coordination effects may be involved.
the homolysis of carbon-cobalt bonds, the operation Halpern noticed the relevance of the reactions of
of the persistent radical effect has already been Scheme 25 in biological coenzyme B12-mediated rear-
addressed. There is considerable literature on the rangements, and the use of vitamin B12-promoted
synthetic applications of this photochemically and radical reactions in organic synthesis was pioneered
thermally facile process, and we refer to reviews.83 by Scheffold.86 The latter reactions are often carried
Scheme 24 displays an example designed by Giese out in electrochemically driven catalytic cycles where
et al.84 The glycosyl-cobalt complex dissociates and the operation of the persistent radical effect is not
the glycosyl radical adds to styrene. This adduct evident.
couples to the cobalt(II) species. The coupling product Most of the synthetic literature concerns the uti-
is not isolated and forms mainly the alkene by a lization of the weak cobalt-alkyl bonds. However, the
formal “dehydrocobaltation”. The alkane probably reversible cleavage into transient radicals and a
stems from a heterolytic cleavage to a radical anion metal complex residue is also known for many other
and a cobalt(III) complex, followed by protonation or complexes, for example, those of Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe,
a direct protonation of the coupling product because Ni, Cu, Zn, Zr, Mo, Ru, Rh, W, U, Pb or the
this pathway dominates for electron deficient sub- lanthanides Sm, Ir, Sc, Hf, Th, etc.83c,85,87 Some of
strates. them are of synthetic use, and many metal species
Considerable insight into the thermodynamics, may be persistent. Hence, the persistent radical effect
kinetics, and mechanisms associated with the revers- should be operating. Van Koten88 has presented a
ible cleavage of weak metal-carbon, metal-hydro- clear-cut example (Scheme 26). Et2Zn reacts with di-
gen, and metal-metal bonds is due to Halpern.85 tert-butyl-glyoxaldiimine to a complex that rear-
Scheme 25 shows the major reactions in liquids. The ranges in nearly quantitative yield by a 1,2-ethyl
thermal cleavage is believed to produce a caged migration from Zn to nitrogen. The organozinc radical
is persistent and forms a weakly CC-bonded dimer.
Scheme 24 The reaction works at low temperatures, with di-
versely substituted diimines and R-imino ketones,
and with AlEt3 as inorganic precursor and has been
used in synthetic applications.

B. Catalyzed Organic Reactions

1. Catalyzed Kharasch Additions and Related Reactions
The discovery of Minisci et al.,39 Asscher and
Scheme 25 Vofsi,40 and others41 of the transition metal catalyzed
addition of haloalkanes to alkenes by a redox chain
process (Scheme 14) has found vast synthetic appli-
cations.83c,89 A recent summary has been given by van
Koten et al.90 Virtually any olefin can serve as the
source of reactive unsaturation, and a variety of
polyhalogenated compounds such as alkyl halides,
The Persistent Radical Effect Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3597

Scheme 27 ligands also provide the solubility of the complexes

and exert additional steric effects. Moreover, the
activation of the halide substrate plays an important
role. We refer to a collection of relevant references.90
2. Photocatalysis
Photochemical reactions of polyoxymetalate anions,
such as tetrakis(tetra-n-butylammonium)decatung-
Scheme 28 state (C4H9N)4W10O324-, have been used for the
catalytic ethylation, vinylation, carbonylation, and
hydroperoxidation of alkanes in liquid solution.93 The
simplest mechanism of Scheme 29 involves the
reversible formation of a paramagnetic decatungstate
species and a transient radical. As proven by optical
and EPR spectroscopy, the decatungstate intermedi-
ate is persistent.94 Moreover, during continuous pho-
toreactions in the presence of a large variety of
differently substituted alkanes, the concentration of
the decatungstate intermediate exceeded the concen-
trations of the transient radicals by factors of 100-
5000. In pulsed radical generations, the transient
species decayed completely after the pulse, whereas
residual reduced decatungstate remained. This is
experimental proof for the persistent radical effect
perfluoroalkyl iodides, or alkylsulfonyl chlorides can in these systems and allowed the determination of
be added across the double bond. The list of the reaction rate constants.94
catalytic promotors is extensive. It includes powdered
transition metals; their inorganic oxides or halides Scheme 29
with the metal in a lower valent state; mono-, di- and
trinuclear transition metal complexes with various
organic ligands; and metal phosphine compounds
such as RuCl2(PPH3)3. Telomerization is normally
avoided by using large ratios of the halogenated
compounds to the olefin but has also found synthetic
interest.89b More recently, the reaction has been used
to obtain radical cyclization products in excellent
yields,91 as for example outlined in Scheme 27.91b C. Reactions in Polymer Systems
Because of the excellent yields, the intermediacy
of freely diffusing carbon-centered radicals in these For more complete and practically oriented surveys
reactions has often been doubted. However, the of living radical polymerizations, we refer to other
identical product distributions of the same cycliza- reviews in this issue95 and cover in the following
tions carried out by transition metal catalysis and section only some kinetic and mechanistic aspects
by conventional radical reactions point to the op- that are relevant for quantitative treatments.
posite.91b Even stronger experimental evidence for
normal uncomplexed free radical intermediates has 1. Nitroxide-Mediated Systems
recently been given by Matyjaszewski et al.92 This The rate constants of the cleavage of the dormant
group studied three reactions of methyl 2-bromopro- chains into radicals (activation) and of the reverse
pionate with copper(I) chloride complexed by 4,4′-di- coupling (deactivation) influence the degree of liv-
(5-nonyl)-2,2′-bipyridine (dNbpy) under identical con- ingness and control of the resulting polymer and the
ditions. These were (Scheme 28) the racemization of monomer conversion rate. To obtain living and well-
an optically active propionate, the exchange of Br by controlled radical polymerizations, these rate con-
Cl, and the trapping of the radical intermediate by stants must favorably interrelate with the propaga-
excess TEMPO. Both the rates and yields of all three tion constants kp and the termination constants kt of
reactions were identical. This is only expected if free a particular monomer system at a given temperature,
1-carboxymethyl-substituted ethyl radicals are the as well as with the applied initiator (regulator)
common intermediates, and the rates reflect the rate concentration [I]0 and the rate r of an additional
of radical formation. The observations rule out major radical generation. For systems involving the revers-
contributions by reactions in the metal coordination ible bond cleavage, we have denoted the activation
sphere. In all catalyzed reactions, large concentra- and deactivation parameters by kd and kc (Scheme
tions of the persistent metal complexes in the higher 8), and their ratio kd/kc ) K is the equilibrium
valent state should be reached, and these were in fact constant. The knowledge of these quantities and of
also observed occasionally.58,90 the factors controlling them allows the preassessment
Generally, the reaction rates increase strongly with of successful processes.
the decreasing oxidation potential of the complex, and The alkoxyamines presented in Scheme 12 were
these can be tuned by appropriate ligands. These used as regulating initiators early on,27 and Scheme
3598 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Fischer

Scheme 30 As mentioned before, the equilibrium constant K

can be determined from polymerization data. For
polymeric alkoxyamines (macroinitiators) kd has
mostly been determined with Fukuda’s chromato-
graphic method49 or from the early time evolution of
the polydispersity (eqs 18 or 22). From K and kd one
obtains kc. The decay constant kd can also be obtained
from the exponential growth of the persistent radical
concentration during the cleavage of alkoxyamines
30 lists a few advanced species.60,96-98 Alkoxyamines
under conditions where the transient radicals are
are usually prepared by the coupling of suitable
completely scavenged, preferrably by the irreversible
carbon-centered radicals with the corresponding
nitroxides60,97,99-101 but can be formed also in situ reaction with another persistent radical. This tech-
during polymerizations by the Meisenheimer rear- nique has been widely applied to low molecular
rangement of N-oxides102 (Scheme 20), by sequential weight alkoxyamines.22,62,104-107 The rate constants
radical additions to nitroso compounds and ni- of the coupling kc of nitroxides with small carbon-
trones,103 by the coupling of nitroxides with radicals centered radicals are usually measured by laser flash
originating directly from conventional initiators, or photolysis.63,108,109
from the addition of primary initiator radicals to the Table 1 displays rate data for alkoxyamine-termi-
monomers.30,31 Further, polymeric alkoxyamines have nated polymers and low molecular model compounds
been used as initiators.49 Since the free nitroxide and shows some important trends. At about the same
radicals act as persistent regulating species, it is temperature, the dissociation rate constants kd of
often believed that they should be fairly stable under alkoxyamines (Schemes 12 and 30) with the same
polymerization conditions, typically up to tempera- leaving radical (polystyryl, 1-phenylethyl) increase
tures of 130-140 °C. However, this need not be so in the order 3 (TEMPO) < 6 < 8 (DEPN) < 1 (DBNO)
(see section IV). Except for compounds 1, 8, and 9, by a factor of about 30. Acrylate radicals dissociate
the nitroxides indicated in Schemes 12 and 30 are markedly slower than styryl radicals from 1 (DBNO),
very stable. Di-tert-butyl nitroxide 1 slowly decom- but there is no appreciable difference for 8 (DEPN).
poses to tert-butyl radicals and nitrosobutane. The The dependence of kd on the nitroxide structure has
nitroxides derived from 8 and 9 presumably undergo been addressed by Moad et al.104 They found the
disproportionation, but the reaction is slow because order five membered ring < six membered ring <
of steric constraints.62 open chain nitroxides and pointed out additional
TEMPO, p-substituted TEMPO based alkoxyamines steric (compare 3 and 6) and polar effects.
3, and compounds such as 4, 5, and 7 have been The activation energies of the cleavage are close
applied successfully for polymerizations of styrene, to the bond dissociation energies and can be reliably
substituted styrenes, and 4-vinylpyridine, and some calculated with advanced quantum chemical meth-
copolymerizations and block copolymerizations were ods.110 For a large series of low molecular alkoxy-
reported. However, living and controlled radical amines with different leaving radicals, they decrease
polymerization of other monomers, especially acry- linearly with increasing stability of the leaving
lates, require the use of the more recently developed radical, that is, the R-H bond dissociation en-
structures 6, 8, or 9. These also yield well-controlled ergy.62,106 Thus, kd increases in the series acrylate <
and living block copolymers, but methacrylates have styryl < methacrylate and within one type of radical
so far resisted all efforts to obtain large conversions. from primary to secondary and tertiary species. The
Undoubtedly, many failures are due to unfavorable frequency factors are in the rather narrow range from
rate constants or side reactions. 3 × 1013 s-1 to 2 × 1015 s-1, and for a larger series of

Table 1. Rate and Equilibrium Constants for the Reversible Dissociation of Polymeric Alkoxyamines and Low
Molecular Model Compounds, Frequency Factors, and Activation Energies of Dissociations
Schemes 12, 30 T/°C kd/s-1 Ad/s-1 Ea,d/kJ mol-1 kc/M-1 s-1 K/M ref
3-(TEMPO)-polystyryl 125 0.0016 3× 1013 124 7.6 × 107 2.1 × 10-11 48, 49
125 0.00052 ≈1 × 108 ≈1 × 10-11 31
120 ≈0.001 35
3-1-phenylethyl 120 0.00052 2.5 × 1014 133 2.5 × 108 2.1 × 10-12 62, 63
120 0.00045 5 × 1013 128 105
1-(DBNO)-polystyryl 120 0.042 3.8 × 1014 120 48, 49
1-phenylethyl 120 0.014 2.2 × 1014 122 62
1-poly-tert-butylacrylate 120 0.001 48, 49
1-1-tert-butoxycarbonylethyl 120 0.0011 1.2 × 1014 128 62
6-polystyryl 130 ≈0.0032 ≈6 × 106 5.2 × 10-10 23
6-1-phenylethyl 120 0.0027 1 × 108 2.7 × 10-11 62, 63
8-(DEPN)-polystyryl 125 0.0034 1 × 1014 121 5.7 × 105 1.9 × 10-8 65
120 0.011 2 × 1015 130 6 × 10-9 59
120 48, 49
8-1-phenylethyl 120 0.0055 1.9 × 1014 125 4.6 × 106 1.2 × 10-9 62, 63
8-poly-n-butylacrylate 120 0.0071 1.7 × 1015 130 4.2 × 107 1.7 × 10-10 59
8-1-tert-butoxycarbonylethyl 120 0.003 3.5 × 1014 128 62
The Persistent Radical Effect Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3599

model compounds, a clustering around 2 × 1014 s-1 CH(CH3)CO2CH3. It is ascribed to the concerted
was observed. These frequency factors are remark- alkene elimination, which is also known for TEMPO-
ably small since for molecular dissociations into fairly alkyl compounds.81,112 However, for TEMPO-
large groups values much larger than 1015 s-1 are CH(CO2CH3)CH2C(CH3)2C6H5, the fraction of the side
usual.111 Obviously, nearly the whole bond dissocia- reaction is again low (fD ≈ 1%), so TEMPO-
tion energy is needed to reach the transition state of CH(CH3)CO2CH3 is not a good model for TEMPO-
the cleavage while little entropy is gained. Further, terminated acrylates. Nevertheless, one may specu-
we note that the cleavage is favored by polar solvents, late that side reactions contribute to the difficulties
external and internal hydrogen bonding, strong steric encountered with TEMPO-mediated acrylate poly-
congestion around the NO group, increasing CNC merizations, because they are virtually absent for
bond angles, and electron-donating groups on the DEPN (8) based systems.112 Similarly, the nitroxide
nitroxide moiety.82,104 9 exhibits a much better end group fidelity than
The rate constants for the coupling of carbon- TEMPO in styrene and acrylate polymerizations.114
centered radicals with nitroxides (Table 1) range from The irreversible decay of the dormant alkoxamine
6 × 105 M-1 s-1 to about 108 M-1 s-1, and they vary chains stops the monomer conversion rather abruptly
more than the cleavage rate constants. Many studies at the time t ) 1/fDkd. For methyl methacrylate
on small radicals have shown that the rate constants polymerizations this stop has been observed, and it
are generally lower than diffusion controlled values has been demonstrated that it is caused by a consid-
and depend very little on temperature.63,108,109 In erable fraction of cross-disproportionation between
some cases even negative activation energies have the nitroxide and the propagating radicals.51,97,112
been found, whereas the rate constants with small Unfortunately, the factors governing disproportion-
positive activation energies often revealed unusually ation-to-combination ratios in radical-radical reac-
small frequency factors. This is rationalized by a tions are not well understood up to now, but stereo-
nearly barrierless cross-coupling reaction, where the electronic effects are certainly very important.112
location of the transition state is governed by entropy. Hence, one cannot yet predict a nitroxide structure
Support for this explanation is the anticorrelation of that will allow living methacrylate polymerizations
the cleavage of alkoxyamines and the coupling rate up to large conversions.
constants for systems with the same basic structures Recently, it has been found that the elimination of
but different substitutions.63 the hydroxylamine from a nitroxide-capped polymer
occurs particularly facilely upon the controlled
In total, alkoxyamine systems with large cleavage monoaddition of maleic anhydride and maleimide
(activation) rate constants tend to show small cou- derivatives under the creation of a very useful
pling (deactivation) rate constants. This provides functional end group, that is, the often detrimental
large equilibrium constants that increase the conver- side reactions can also be put to good use.115
sion rates. It must not deteriorate the control since A complete mechanism of the nitroxide-mediated
this depends on kd and the product kdkc. In compari- polymerizations must also take further reactions into
son, the more recently introduced nitroxides 6, 8, and account. For the case of TEMPO + styrene, Scaiano
9 provide larger equilibrium constants than e.g. 3 et al. showed that the nitroxide radical can add
(TEMPO). For acrylate-derived radicals, the equilib- directly to the monomer.116 It can also abstract a
rium constants are usually smaller than for styryl hydrogen atom from the Mayo dimer117 and possibly
type radicals, and this may, at least in part, explain from the polystyryl chains.116 In addition, hydroxyl-
the failure of TEMPO-regulated acrylate polymeriza- amines can act as hydrogen donors for the propagat-
tions. However, judging from model studies,62,63 this ing radicals and retard the polymerization.118 Quan-
reason does not apply for methacrylates. titative assessments of the importance of these
Reactions that convert the alkoxyamines to hy- reactions are still missing, but the practical experi-
droxylamines and alkenes can strongly limit the ence with living radical polymerizations points against
monomer conversion. These are either usual radical strong deteriorating influences.
disproportionations between the nitroxide and the
propagating radicals or concerted alkoxyamine de- 2. Mediation by Other Persistent Radicals
cays. Both pathways lead to an exponential decrease Most of the living radical polymerizations using
of the concentration of the dormant chains with rate organic radicals as regulating persistent species
constant kdec ) fDkd, where fD is the fraction of the involved nitroxides. Exceptions are triphenylmethyl
side reaction concurring with radical coupling of and other carbon-centered radicals in the early work
alkoxyamine decay.57 kdec can be measured from the of Otsu and Braun.24,25 More recently, Chung showed
decay of the dormant alkoxyamine chains under that borinate radicals 10 formed by the thermal
nonscavenging conditions, and its relation with kd cleavage of in situ generated alkyl boryl peroxides
provides fD. From data of Fukuda et al. one can (Scheme 31) can be employed to control methacrylate
deduce fD ) 0.4% for a TEMPO-polystyryl compound
and fD ) 1.1% for a di-tert-butylnitroxide-poly-tert- Scheme 31
butylacrylate macroinitiator both at 120 °C.53,55 Simi-
lar small values of fD hold for TEMPO-cumyl (Scheme
10),22 TEMPO-1-phenylethyl,112 and a better mimetic
compound for TEMPO-polystyryl.113 In these cases,
fD probably represents the usual radical dispropor-
tionation. A much larger fD ≈ 25% holds for TEMPO-
3600 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Fischer

Scheme 32 dissociation energy of 100 kJ mol-1 for (TMP)Co-

poly(methyl acrylate). In comparison with the data
given for higher temperatures in Table 1, the equi-
librium constants are considerably larger than for the
alkoxyamines. The coupling reaction between cobalt
complexes and carbon-centered radicals is often dif-
fusion controlled,85 and hence, the bond dissociation
energy of 100 kJ mol-1 should be close to the cleavage
activation energy. For alkoxyamines, the activation
energies are larger. Obviously, the cobalt-complex-
mediated acrylate polymerization is favored by the
weak metal-alkyl bond, and the dissociation con-
stants kd of the complexes must be on the order of
10-2-1 s-1. The frequent “dehydrocobaltation” to a
hydridocobalt complex and an olefin85 seems to be of
minor importance for acrylates, but it may have
precluded other cobalt-complex-mediated polymeriza-

4. Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization

polymerizations partially.119 Müllen et al.120 intro-
duced the triazolinyl radicals 11 and 12 (Scheme 32) In comparison to the nitroxide- and cobalt-medi-
for the regulation of styrene, acrylate, methacrylate, ated processes, atom transfer radical polymerizations
and vinyl acetate polymerizations and demonstrated are mechanistically more complex. Thus, the catalyst
the formation of block copolymers. At least for reactivity depends on the ligand, the counterion, the
moderate conversions, they reported more success transition metal itself, and the initiating organic
than obtained with the structurally related verdazyl halide. Moreover, it is possible that more than one
radicals and with TEMPO.121 It was also demon- unique catalytic species is involved, and structural
strated that the triazoninyl radicals couple reversibly investigations are still scarce.123 So far, copper-based
to the propagating radicals, as is known for nitrox- systems seem to be the most efficient124 when com-
ides. pared to other transition metals such as iron,125
Radical 12 is rather stable under polymerization nickel,126 ruthenium,42 rhodium,127 or palladium.128
conditions, but radical 11 decays into a triazole and The counterions are often chloride and bromide, and
the phenyl radical, which initiates new chains. bromide normally yields higher rates. As initiators
Hence, the rate of polymerization is higher with 11 one uses compounds that structurally resemble the
than with 12, because the decay prevents retarding chain ends of the dormant chains, that is, for ex-
of the buildup of large persistent radical concentra- ample, R-bromoisobutyrates [(CH3)2CBrCO2Me] for
tions such as an additional radical generation. This methacrylates, R-bromopropionates (CH3CHBrCO2-
effect of the radical decay is equivalent to the rate Me) for acrylates, and 1-bromoethylbenzene [C6H5-
enhancement by partial removal of nitroxides by CH(CH3)Br] for styrene, but aromatic sulfonyl chlo-
appropriate additives, which was first applied by rides are also quite versatile.44,129 A large variety of
Georges et al.31 Interestingly, at 95 °C and in toluene complexing ligands has been applied,130-136 and
solution, the lifetime of 11 is only about 15 min, Scheme 33 lists a few bi-, tri- and tetradentate
whereas a reasonable control was found in polymer- nitrogen-based systems for the complexation of cop-
izations of styrene that lasted many hours at 120- per ions. In general, the activity decreases in the
140 °C.120 Obviously, the radical moiety 11 is stable order of the ligands alkylamine ≈ pyridine > alkyl
while it is coupled to the polymer chain. However,
the different time scales raise the question of the Scheme 33
upper limit of the conversion rate of the persistent
radical to a transient one that can be tolerated in
living radical polymerization processes (see section
3. Organo−Cobalt Complex Mediated Systems
A kinetic study of living radical polymerizations of
acrylates initiated by the (tetramesitylporphyronato)-
cobalt(III) organo complexes (TMP)Co-CH(CH3)CO2-
Me and (Br8TMP)Co-CH(CH3)CO2Me has been re-
ported by Wayland et al.122 They applied an initial
excess of the free cobalt complex and obtained the
equilibrium constant for the reversible dissociation
of the complex-poly(methyl acrylate) bond as K )
4.2 × 10-10 M for (TMP)Co and K ) 1.3 × 10-8 M for
(Br8TMP)Co from the rate of monomer consumption
at 50 °C. The temperature dependence led to a bond
The Persistent Radical Effect Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3601

imine . aryl imine > arylamine,134 and tris(2- general and can be applied to many cases. We start
(dimethylamino)ethyl)amine seems to be one of the with the minimum mechanism given in Scheme 3
most efficient ligands.124 and the assumptions stated earlier. The concentra-
Atom transfer polymerizations are often subject to tions of the radicals R•and Y• obey
problems arising from solubility, the initial presence
of metal ions in the higher oxidation state, multiple d[R]/dt ) kd[I] - kc[R][Y] - kt[R]2 (39)
complex equilibria, and a variety of side effects.137-139
Quite often, diverse broken reaction orders are d[Y]/dt ) kd[I] - kc[R][Y] (40)
observed with respect to catalyst and initiator, and
they are difficult to analyze.140 Nevertheless, with the By stoichiometry, they are related by [I]0 - [I] ) [Y]
methods outlined above for nitroxides, some quanti- ) [R] + [P]. Hence, [I] can be expressed by [Y], and
tative data for the reversible radical formation steps the concentration [P] of the termination products is
were obtained. practically equal to the concentration of the persis-
Table 2 shows results for polymeric and low mo- tent species [Y].
lecular model systems. If one takes the second-order According to the rate equations (39 and 40), both
radical formation into account and assumes 0.1 M radical concentrations increase at first linearly with
concentrations of initiator and catalyst, the atom time as [R] ) [Y] ) kd[I]0t, and they attend a
transfer favors the radical formation (activation) stationary state only at infinite time, where [Y]∞ )
more than the alkoxyamine dissociation. On the other [P]∞ ) [I]0 and [R]∞ ) 0, that is, when the initiator is
hand, the cross-reaction rate constants kc and kdeact fully converted to persistent radicals and unreactive
show similar orders of magnitude for both types of products. To find the intermediate behavior and the
reactions. This explains the generally shorter reac- dynamic equilibrium, we cast the rate equations into
tion times for the metal-catalyzed systems. In model simpler forms by using reduced variables and pa-
studies Matyjaszewski et al.134 found that the rate rameters
constant kact for radical formation from Cu(I) com-
plexes and organobromides increases with decreasing [R] [Y] kc[I]0 kt[I]0
reduction potential of the complex and can be tuned F) η) τ ) kdt a ) b)
[I]0 [I]0 kd kd
by the choice of the ligand. This is also known in
organic synthesis (see above) and it points to an
activation-controlled forward reaction. The authors and the definition x̆ ) dx/dτ. This yields
also noticed an anticorrelation between kdeact and kact,
that is, larger rate constants for the radical formation F̆ ) 1 - η - aFη - bF2 (42)
parallel the smaller rate constants for the reverse
reaction. The same holds for the nitroxide-based η̆ ) 1 - η - aFη (43)
systems, and it may indicate an entropy-controlled
deactivation. If this is generally true, one expects only Obviously, the kinetics are determined by two pa-
weak or even negative temperature dependencies of rameters, a and b, only. It is thus sufficient to solve
kdeact. the differential equations in terms of a and b and
then go back to the real concentrations and times via
IV. Theoretical Methods and Special Cases of the relations 41.
The parameters a and b depend on [I]0, and the
Living Radical Polymerizations rate constants and their magnitudes can be esti-
mated. In polymerizations, one often aims at average
A. The Basic Reaction Mechanism degrees of polymerization of 100-1000 for an initial
In this section we summarize a method for the monomer concentration of about 10 M (bulk). Hence,
quantitative treatment of living radical polymeriza- one uses [I]0 ) 10-2-10-1 M. For small radicals R•
tions involving the persistent radical effect. It is quite and low viscosities, the termination constant is

Table 2. Rate and Equilibrium Constants for the Reversible Bromine Atom Transfer Reaction of Polymeric and
Low Molecular Model Compounds with Cu-Complexes. For Ligand Structures, See Scheme 33
initiator or dormant chain catalyst T/°C kact/M-1 s-1 kdeact/M-1 s-1 K ref
poly(methyl methacrylate)-Br CuBr/(4,4-di-n-heptyl-2,2-bipyridine)2 100 7 × 10-7 124
ethylisobutyrate-Br CuBr/TERPY 35 1.5 132
CuBr/BPOA 35 0.3 132
CuBr/DPIP 35 0.1 132
polystyryl-Br CuBr/(4,4-di-n-heptyl-2,2-bipyridine)2 110 0.45 1.1 × 107 3.9 × 10-8 64, 131
90 2 × 10-8 64, 131
1-bromoethylbenzene CuBr/TERPY 35 0.42 4.1 ×105 a 132
CuBr/BPOA 35 0.066 3.3 × 106 a 132
CuBr/DPIP 35 0.014 3.1 × 106 a 132
poly(methyl acrylate)-Br CuBr/(4,4-di-n-heptyl-2,2-bipyridine)2 90 1.2 × 10-9 131
methyl proprionate-Br CuBr/(4,4-di-n-heptyl-2,2-bipyridine)2 60 0.065 92
CuBr/TERPY 35 0.41 132
CuBr/BPOA 35 0.014 132
CuBr/DPIP 35 0.011 132
a 75 °C.
3602 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Fischer

usually kt ≈ 109 M-1 s-1, and it reduces to 107-108 increase along the first diagonal, the trajectory bends
M-1 s-1 for long chains. For the special case of up and crosses the isocline η2 vertically. Thereafter,
alkoxyamines, the cross-coupling rate constants are F decreases and η continues to increase. The trajec-
in the range kc ) 105-108 M-1 s-1, and kd ranges from tory cannot cross η2 a second time, since it must do
10-5 to 1 s-1 for reaction temperatures around 120 so vertically in the direction of increasing η. It cannot
°C (Table 1). This places a between 103 and 1014 and cross the isocline η1 either, since it must do so
b between 105 and 1014. Hence, a and b are always horizontally in the direction of decreasing F. There-
large compared to 1, and one also expects a2/b . 1 fore, after the first crossing, the trajectory is confined
for most individual cases. to the region between the two isoclines. This region
The system of nonlinear differential equations 42 is very narrow for the chosen parameters. Staying
and 43 has no closed solution. Our analysis starts between the isoclines, the trajectory finally ap-
from an investigation of the possible trajectories of proaches the final point. The maximum of F is on
the point (F(τ),η(τ)) in the two-dimensional phase isocline η2. Therefore, F is limited to values below F
plane spanned by the variables F and η. These are ) 1/xb.
limited by stoichiometry to values between 0 and 1. In the log-log representation of the phase diagram,
Moreover, from eqs 42 and 43 one has the dynamic equilibrium relation 19 (kc[R][Y] )
kd[I]0) or aFη ) 1 appears as a straight line with slope
η̆ ) F̆ + bF2 (44) -1. It starts at (F, η) ) (1/a, 1), and it is practically
identical to η1 for F > 1/a. The trajectory must closely
For the given initial conditions this implies that η g follow η1, and hence, there is a time range where the
F for all times. Hence, all trajectories are in the plane equilibrium relation is certainly valid. With increas-
(0,1) × (0,1), start at the origin (0,0) along the first ing 1/a, the equilibrium line shifts to the right. It will
diagonal and then deviate positively therefrom. Set- not be reached at all when 1/a becomes close to b-1/2.
ting η̆ ) 0 and F̆ ) 0 in eqs 42 and 43 yields the Consequently, one condition for the existence of the
singular point (0,1) at infinite time. equilibrium is a2/b . 1. Further, because F < 1, one
In the intermediate time regime, the evolution of has b g 1, and this implies the third condition a . 1
the trajectories follows from the behavior of isoclines, by combination with the first. With the definitions
where the time derivatives of the dynamic variables 41, this yields eqs 20.
are individually zero, namely isocline η1(F), where F̆ In the transition region between the initial and the
) 0, and isocline η2(F), where η̆ ) 0. From eqs 42 and equilibrium regime, the details of the time evolutions
43 these are are complicated.17 However, for the equilibrium
regime where aFη ) 1, the integration of eq 44 leads
1 1 - bF2 to eqs 18.17 These solutions are obeyed until η
η1(F) ) and η2(F) ) (45)
1 + aF 1 + aF approaches 1 and F approaches 1/a, and this happens
at the approximate time t ) [I]0/3K2kt. For nitroxide-
The isoclines divide the phase plane into regions based systems with a large equilibrium constant, K
of different signs of the time dependencies of F and ) 10-8 M (Table 1), a rather small initiator concen-
η, as is indicated in Figure 9 in a log-log representa- tration, [I]0 ) 10-2 M and kt ) 108 M-1 s-1, the
tion. Consequently, any trajectory can cross the equilibrium, and that is also the persistent radical
isocline η1 only horizontally and in the direction of effect, lasts for about 90 h, and it is entered at rather
decreasing F, and it can cross the isocline η2 only short times of at most seconds.17
vertically in the direction of increasing η. Further, Polymerizations are studied typically in time ranges
η2 crosses the line η ) 0 at the maximum F ) 1/xb, between 100 s and 30 h, that is, in the equilibrium
and both isoclines approach the final point (0,1) with regime. Therefore, for polymerizing systems, one can
the same slope. use eq 20, insert it into the rate equation of the
Figure 9 also shows a computed trajectory for the monomer consumption (21), integrate, and obtain eq
parameters (a, b) ) (108, 108). After the initial 22. The further derivation of the control involves the
calculation of the moments mk of the chain length
distribution and of their time dependencies.

mk ) ∑ nk([In] + [Pn] + [Rn]) k ) 0, 1, 2

The exclusion of n ) 0 in the summation ensures that

only monomer-containing species are counted, be-
cause we start from a monomer-free initiator. If a
monomer-containing initiator would be used, the
zeroth moment m0 would be equal to [I]0, because of
the stoichiometry relations. Hence, one has in our
Figure 9. Trajectory of the point (F,η), that is, the reduced
concentrations of the radicals R• and Y•, and the isoclines m0 ) [I]0 - ([I0] + [P0] + [R0]) (46)
F̆ ) 0 (dashed) and η̆ ) 0 (dotted) in the phase plane and
in a log-log representation. Parameters (a, b) ) (108, 108). where [I0], [P0], and [R0] are the concentrations of the
The Persistent Radical Effect Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3603

initiator, the transient radicals, and the products that fraction but little “control”.17 The latter situation
do not contain monomer units. It seems reasonable corresponds to parameters close to point B in Figure
to assume and is borne out by numerical calculations 5 and has been observed for monomers with large
that [I0] decays exponentially because R0• immedi- propagation constants kp. A counterstrategy is to add
ately adds to the monomer. For the same reason, [R0] some persistent species before the reactions, and
and [P0] are small compared to [I0]. Thus, one has this has been used both in nitroxide-mediated
systems59,65,96,141-143 and in ATRP.130 Actually, and
especially in ATRP, traces of persistent species may
[I0] ) [I]0e-kdt and m0 ) [I]0(1 - e-kdt) (47) always be present as impurities. The initial excess
[Y]0 first levels the transient radical concentration
to the equilibrium value130 [R]s ) K[I]0/[Y]0, and this
For the moments m1 and m2, we derived the kinetic is smaller than the radical concentration without the
equations16 initial excess of the persistent species. Therefore, the
conversion rate it lowered, and one obtains a linear
time dependence of ln([M]0/[M]).
dm1 d[M]
)- (48) In a closer examination,50 we cover only radical
dt dt formation (activation) by bond cleavage and cases for
which the conditions (20) for the dynamical equilib-
dm2 d[M] rium are fulfilled. The initial presence of the persis-
)- + 2kp[M]m1(R) (49)
dt dt tent species leads to the stoichiometry relations [I]0
- [I] ) [Y] - [Y]0 ) [R] + [P]. A comparison with the
earlier relations [I]0 - [I] ) [Y] ) [R] + [P] suggests
where m1(R) ) ∑∞n)1 n[Rn]. By integration of eq 48 a new time-dependent variable, namely, the persis-
and use of eq 47, one obtains the number-average tent radical concentration that arises only from the
degree of polymerization XN ) m1/m0 (24). To calcu- initiator, [Y] - [Y]0. Consequently, the appropriate
late m2 and the polydispersity index PDI ) m0m2/ new reduced variable η̃ is now defined by η̃ ) ([Y] -
m12, one also needs m1(R). It enters the kinetic [Y]0)/[I]0, and one has η ) η̃ + η0.
equation for the first moment of I.16 The kinetic equations become

dm1(I) F̆ ) 1 - η̃ - aF(η̃ + η0) - bF2 (53)

) kc[Y]m1(R) - kdm1(I) (50)
dt η̃˘ ) 1 - η̃ - aF(η̃ + η0) (54)

and can again be analyzed with the aid of the phase

In a controlled process most of the monomer will diagram. The isoclines η̃1(F), where η̃˘ ) 0, and η̃2(F),
be incorporated into the dormant chains. This allows where F̆ ) 0, are
one to approximate m1(I) ) m1 ) [M]0 - [M].
Insertion into eq 50, solving for m1(R), and use of the 1 - aFη0 1 + aFη0 - bF2
equilibrium relation (19) cast eq 49 into the form η̃1(F) ) and η̃2(F) )
1 + aF 1 + aF
m̆2 ) - [Ṁ] - 2[Ṁ]([M]0 - [M])/[I]0 +
Figure 10 shows these isoclines in a log-log
2kp2[M]2[R]2/kd[I]0 (51) representation for different excess concentrations η0
and for parameters fulfilling the usual equilibrium
Integration with the aid of eqs 18 and 22 yields m2
and then the polydispersity index (25).
The phase space analysis visualizes the behavior
of the radical concentrations and leads rather directly
to the conditions for equilibria, but these can also be
derived by other means.15,17 It has also been applied
to explore the effects of an additional radical genera-
tion50 and of a direct or indirect decay of the dormant
chains.57 Examples are discussed below.50

B. Initial Excess of Persistent Species in Living

Radical Polymerizations
In controlled polymerizations the time needed for Figure 10. Trajectories of the point (F,η̃), that is, the
reduced concentrations of the radicals R• and Y•, and the
radical formation by bond cleavage of the dormant isoclines F̆ ) 0 (dashed) and η̃˘ ) 0 (dotted) in the phase
chains or by the activating atom transfer must be plane and in a log-log representation for different initial
much smaller than the total conversion time. Oth- concentrations η0 of the persistent species. Parameters (a,
erwise, one obtains a polymer with a large “living” b) ) (109, 1010).
3604 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Fischer

condition a2/b . 1. The isoclines intersect the F-axis 10. It is entered at the time t0 ) 1/kc[Y]0, where [R]
at obeys [R] ) kd[I]0t0 ) K[I]0/[Y]0, and this is in the
millisecond region. After the long time t1 ) [Y]03/3K2-
F1 ) 1/aη0 and [I]02kt, eqs 19 hold, then [R] decreases proportionally
to t-1/3. While [R] is constant, [Y] - [Y]0 takes the
F2 ) (aη0/2b)(x1 + 4b/(aη0)2 - 1) (56) same value as [R] at first, then it increases linearly
with time. Finally, for t . t1, [Y] - [Y]0 increases
and these intersections nearly coincide if η0 . xb/a. proportionally to t1/3.
For the present parameters this holds for η0 . 10-4, Analytical solutions that cover both the intermedi-
and is fulfilled for η0 ) 10-2, as seen in Figure 10. ate and the final time regimes are also available.
The isoclines are also again superimposed in a region Equation 44 is independent of the initial conditions
where they satisfy the equilibrium relation aη̃F ) 1. and can be integrated using the combined equilibri-
Figure 10 also displays trajectories. As before, they um relation a(η̃ + η0)F ) 1. As for η0 ) 0,16 this yields
start along the first diagonal, cross isocline η̃2, and an implicit equation for the time dependence of η,
remain confined to the region between η̃2 and η̃1, which leads to the approximate solution
thereafter. For the small η0 ) 10-6, the first stage of
the time evolution is directly followed by the equi- [Y] ) (3ktK2[I]02(t - t0) + [Y]03)1/3 + K[I]0/[Y]0
librium regime aη̃F ) 1, that is, the trajectory is not (57)
at all influenced by the initial presence of the
persistent species. For η0 ) 10-2, there is an inter- Apart from the small last term, it has been given
mediate region where F is constant. Here, one has earlier by Fukuda et al.49
aη0F ) 1, and aη̃F ) 1 is reached only later. In this With [R] given by [R]s ) K[I]0/[Y]0 before the time
case, and more generally for η0 . xb/a, the two t1 and by eq 18 thereafter, the rate equation for the
regimes can be combined to a(η̃ + η0)F ) 1, that is, monomer consumption (21) integrates to
the usual equilibrium relation 19.
It is important to notice that for a sufficiently large [M]0 [I]0
ln ) kpK t for t < t1 (58a)
excess of the persistent species η0 . xb/a, the [M] [Y]0
intermediate region where F is constant and one has
aη0F ) 1 does exist even if the dynamic equilibrium and to

( )
19 does not hold in the absence of the excess [Y]0.
[M]0 [I]0 1/3
Hence, in such unfavorable cases, one can drive the 3 K[I]0
system to equilibrium by a deliberate addition of the ln ) kpK t1 + k p (t2/3 - t12/3)
[M] [Y]0 2 3kt
persistent radical and, consequently, to control.
for t > t1 (58b)
Figure 11 shows the radical concentrations [R] and
[Y] - [Y]0 versus time in a log-log representation
These relations reveal that the additional persis-
for the same parameters a and b as used for Figure
tent species has no influence on the conversion rate
10 and, specifically, for kd ) 10-3 s-1, kc ) 107 M-1
if [Y]0 < (3K[I]0kt/kp)1/2, whereas 90% conversion
s-1, kt ) 108 M-1 s-1, and [I]0 ) 0.1 M. A too small
occurs before t1 if [Y]0 > (3 ln(10)K[I]0kt/kp)1/2. For a
initial excess [Y]0 ) 10-7 M has no effect on the time
monomer with a large propagation constant of kp )
evolution (compare Figure 1 for ktY ) 0). For the
20 000 M-1 s-1, and kd ) 10-3 s-1, kc ) 107 M-1 s-1,
larger [Y]0 ) 10-3 M, the short time increase of [Y]
kt ) 108 M-1 s-1, and [I]0 ) 0.1 M, the first condition
- [Y]0 and [R] (Figure 10) is followed by a regime
holds for [Y]0/[I]0 < 0.004, that is, 0.4% initial
where [R] is constant at [R] ) K[I]0/[Y]0. This corre-
persistent species, and the second for [Y]0/[I]0 > 0.006,
sponds to the vertical part of the trajectory in Figure
or 0.6%. Since one often applies persistent radical
concentrations that are a few percent of the initiator
concentration,59,65,96,130,141-143 the second situation is
met in practice. Then, eq 58a holds, that is, the
polymerization index increases linearly with time and
depends on the equilibrium constant. Of course, the
conversion is retarded. From the previous equations
one obtains the ratio between the times for 90%
monomer conversion and the ratio of the unreactive
products with and without the initial excess of the
persistent species as

) [Y]0(kp/2 ln(10)K[I]0kt)1/2 )
t90([Y]0 ) 0) 2
Figure 11. Time dependence of the reduced radical 3 [P]90([Y]0 ) 0)
concentrations in a log-log representation for different (59)
4 [P]90([Y]0)
reduced excess concentrations η0 of the persistent species.
Parameters a and b as used for Figure 10, and specifically
kd ) 10-3 s-1, kc ) 107 M-1 s-1, kt ) 108 M-1 s-1, and [I]0 ) For the parameters used above, this yields an about
0.1 M. Circles are added according to the analytical 50-fold reduction of the unreactive products for 1%
equations. excess of the persistent species at the expense of an
The Persistent Radical Effect Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3605

transient radical that starts a new chain. Hence, the

rate increase will cause some loss of control. Here,
we explore the effect of the conversion by a first-order

Y• f X + R• (61)
with rate constant kY.
Initially, only the initiator I shall be present. This
leads to the stoichiometry relations [I]0 - [I] ) [Y] +
[X] ) [R] + [P] - [X]. Obviously, one needs to consider
now three time-dependent variables, and the rate
equations are
Figure 12. Average degrees of polymerization XN and d[R]/dt )
polydispersity indices as functions of conversion for a fast
propagating monomer in the absence and in the presence kd([I]0 - [Y] - [X]) - kc[R][Y] + kY[Y] - kt[R]2
of an initial reduced excess concentration η0 of the persis-
tent species. Parameters as used for Figure 11, and kp ) d[Y]/dt ) kd([I]0 - [Y] - [X]) - kY[Y] - kc[R][Y]
20000 M-1 s-1, [M]0 ) 10 M. Circles are added according
to the analytical equations.
d[X]/dt ) kY[Y]
increase of the conversion time by a factor of 30. In
ATRP systems, the effects are less drastic.66 Using the reduced variables (41) and, in addition, ξ
In the derivation of the moments one has now to ) [X]/[I]0 and d ) kY/kd yields
consider the reformation of the initiator I0 by coupling
of R0 with the excess Y•, which competes with the F̆ ) 1 - η - ξ - aFη + dη - bF2 (62a)
addition of R0• to the monomer. This leads to a η̆ ) 1 - η - ξ - aFη - dη (62b)
reduction of the effective decay rate constant of I0 by
the probability factor β ) kp[M]0/(kp[M]0 + kc[Y]0), so ξ̇ ) dη (62c)
that the zeroth moment is now given by m0 ) [I]0(1
- e-βkdt). The other equations for the moments are In the three-dimensional phase space (F,η,ξ) the
not changed by the presence of [Y]0. Therefore, XN is isoclines η1(F) and η2(F) are now surfaces that inter-
given by eq 24 with kd replaced by βkd. sect at
In most cases, the excess [Y]0 leads to a constant
radical concentration [R]s ) K[I]0/[Y]0 during the 2dη ) bF2 (63)
polymerization. Insertion into eq 51, integration, and
use of the definition provide the polydispersity index Figure 13 displays these isoclines for ξ ) 0 and for
the parameters kd ) kY ) 3 × 10-3 s-1, kc ) 5‚107

( )
kp[I]0 2 - C M-1 s-1, kt ) 108 M-1 s-1, and [I]0 ) 0.1 M, which
PDI ) (1 - e-βkdt) 1 + + (60) obey the conditions 20. It also shows the projection
kc[Y]0 C X N of a trajectory onto the plane (F,η,0). As before, after
crossing η2, the trajectory is confined to the space
For small conversions but sufficiently long times, this between the isoclines. At first, it behaves like the
reduces to eq 38. trajectory in Figure 9. ξ is very small in this regime
Figure 12 shows the beneficial effects of 5% excess and can be obtained by integrating eq 62c with η
persistent species on the control of the chain length
distribution for a rather fast living polymerization
that shows little control without the excess, because
the parameters are close to point B in Figure 5. Of
course, the much better control is obtained at the
expense of a strong retardation of the monomer
conversion that amounts to a factor of 150. For fast
polymerizations and parameters close to point C in
Figure 5, one expects control but little livingness for
large conversions, and in this case the improvement
requires quite large initial nitroxide concentrations.50

C. Decay or Removal of Persistent Species in

Living Radical Polymerizations
A strategy to shorten conversion times in slow Figure 13. The isoclines F̆ ) 0 (dashed) and η̆ ) 0 (dotted)
living radical polymerizations is the reduction of the in the phase plane (F,η,0) and a log-log representation,
and the trajectory of the point (F,η,ξ), that is, the reduced
retarding growth of the persistent radical concentra- concentrations of the radicals R• and Y• and the fragment
tion by their removal through additives or a built-in X, projected onto the plane (F,η,0). Parameters: kd ) kY )
instability.31,118 It is likely that both procedures 3 × 10-3 s-1, kc ) 5 × 107 M-1 s-1, kt ) 108 M-1 s-1, and
involve the conversion of the persistent species to a [I]0 ) 0.1 M.
3606 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Fischer

given by eq 18. Then, the trajectory reaches the

intersection (63), and the equilibrium equation
changes to
aFη ) 1 - ξ (64)
In this regime, eqs 63 and 64 can be combined to
express η by ξ only, and integration of eq 62c yields,
with the proper resubstitutions,

[X] ) [I]0(1 + (t/t1 - 1)3)

t1 ) 3(2[I]0/K2ktkY2)1/3 is the time where [X] becomes

equal to [I]0 and the reactions stop. Knowing [X], one
finds the radical concentrations Figure 15. Average degrees of polymerization XN and

( )
polydispersity indices as functions of conversion in the
2kYK[I]0 1/3 absence and in the presence of a decay of the persistent
[R] ) (1 - t/t1) and species. Parameters as used for Figure 11, and kp ) 5000
kt M-1 s-1, [M]0 ) 10 M.

sion times in slow living radical polymerizations by
[Y] ) (1 - t/t1)2 (65) the removal of these species through additives or a
built-in instability.31,118
Figure 14 shows the concentrations of all species
in a log-log-representation as functions of time for D. Instantaneous Radical Formation
the parameters given above. As qualitatively ex- In all examples discussed so far, the transient and
pected, the decay of Y• leads to an intermediate the persistent species were continuously generated.
stationary state of the radical concentrations. This Now, we consider the behavior when both radicals
state is entered at the time t0 ) 1/6kY, and for kY ) are initially present and then react without further
3 × 10-3 s-1, this is at t0 ) 56 s. It breaks down at generation by the cross-reaction of R• with Y• and by
the much larger time t1 ≈ 1.2 × 107 s ) 3300 h. This the self-terminations. This initial situation may be
may seem surprising, because the natural lifetime created by a pulse photolysis of suitable precursor
of Y• is only 1/kY ) 330 s. The explanation is that molecules. The first theoretical treatment was given
the unstable persistent species is present in this form by O’Shaughnessy et al.,144 and the resulting equa-
only for a small fraction of time and stays essentially tions were later used to determine cross-reaction
incorporated in the dormant chains where it does not constants in the photocatalysis reaction of polyoxo-
decay. This time fraction is approximately equal to tungstates (Scheme 29).94
[Y]/[I]0 ) 0.1% for the region where [Y] is constant In the simplest case, the self-termination of the
(Figure 14). persistent species is absent, and the rate equations
Figure 15 displays the average degrees of polym- are
erization and polydispersities expected without and
with the decay of the persistent radical and for the d[R]/dt ) - kc[R][Y] - kt[R]2 (66)
parameters given above. The control remains satis-
factory, even for the large decay constant kY. On the d[Y]/dt ) - kc[R][Y] (67)
other hand, the time for 90% conversion is reduced
by a factor of about 6. The fraction of unreactive
with the initial concentrations [R]0 and [Y]0. Accord-
products increases by a factor of 5 but remains small
ing to eq 66, the transient species always reach [R]∞
(4%). This confirms the strategy to shorten conver-
) 0 at infinite time. Insertion into eq 67 does not
provide a value for [Y]∞. However, one can guess that
the self-termination of R• may lead to leftover Y• and
that this will depend on the initial concentrations and
the rate constants.
To solve the problem, one combines eqs 66 and 67

d[R] kt [R]
)1+ (68)
d[Y] kc [Y]

and introduces the auxiliary variable [Z] ) [R]/[Y].

Differentiation of [Z] with respect to [Y] leads to an
equation that is easily integrated. Use of the ab-
breviations F ) [R]/[R]0, η ) [Y]/[Y]0, R ) kt/kc, and r
Figure 14. Radical and product concentrations versus
time in a log-log representation in the absence and in the
) [R]0/[Y]0 yields
presence of a decay of the persistent species. Parameters
as used for Figure 13. F ) (r(R - 1))-1{(1 + r(R - 1))ηR-1 - 1}‚η (69)
The Persistent Radical Effect Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3607

nent self-termination products of the transient radi-

cals are virtually absent. This is not because the self-
termination reaction does not take place at all. Quite
on the contrary, this reaction combined with the
reluctance of persistent species to undergo any self-
termination causes a buildup of a considerable excess
of the persistent over the transient species, and this
excess then steers the reaction system toward the
cross-reaction channel. Hence, the system orders
itself in time, and the self-termination reaction of the
transient radicals is important but it causes its own
This is the basic principle of the persistent radical
Figure 16. Trajectories of the reduced radical concentra- effect. As shown in this review, there are many
tions F ) [R]/[R]0 and η ) [Y]/[Y]0 in the phase plane for variants, because there are additional reversible and
pulsed radical formation and the parameters kc ) 5 × 108 irreversible reactions of the transient radicals, but
M-1 s-1, kt ) 0.5kc (R ) 0.5) and (A) r-1 ) 2(1 - R), (B) r-1 these do not alter the essentials. Although it is quite
) a - 1, and (C) r-1 ) (1 - R)/10. natural, the principle seems somehow paradoxical,
and it is not easily accepted on first sight. It took a
For infinite time, where F ) 0, eq 69 provides two
long time from its first formulation in 19365 and
solutions for η∞. The first is
several reinventions6,12 until it is now clearly recog-
1 nized that it operates in rather diverse branches of
η∞ ) (70a) chemistry. This review is a first attempt to cover all
(1 + r(R - 1))1/(R-1) major aspects and to illustrate them with examples
and it is valid for R g 1, that is, kt g kc for all values from different fields.
of r ) [R]0/[Y]0. For kt e kc, it holds if r-1 ) [Y]0/[R]0 Quite obviously, the often surprisingly high selec-
g 1 - kt/kc. The second solution is tivity of the cross-reaction product formation must
appeal to synthetic chemists. Whereas most of the
η∞ ) 0 (70b) examples known today were found accidentally with-
out prior knowledge of the underlying principle,
and this is obeyed for kt e kc if r-1 ) [Y]0/[R]0 < 1 - useful and directed new syntheses based on a better
kt/kc. Hence, for rate constants leading to the solution understanding are now emerging.4,81 Since there are
(65a), one obtains the surprising result of leftover Y•, many types of persistent radicals and other inter-
even if very little of this species is produced.144 In mediates that can take their role, one may envisage
the special case kt ) kc, the final fraction of Y• is η∞ a multitude of new developments.
) e-[R]0/[Y]0. Moreover, one can show that the curvature In polymer chemistry, the persistent radical effect
of η(F), that is, of the trajectory in phase space, is can provide living and controlled radical polymeriza-
negative when eq 70a is reached and positive when tions as a way to create new materials with very
there is no leftover. Figure 16 provides an example promising properties. First products seem to appear
for the time dependencies of the reduced concentra- at the horizon. Here again, several rediscoveries were
tions. needed until the basics became clear.19,29,35 At present,
Equation 70a has been used to extract the ratio of the fundamental and applied research is so active
rate constants from the final fraction of Y• in the that it becomes difficult to follow, but fortunately,
reactions of Scheme 29.94 The cross-reaction rate this field is also covered in two other reviews of this
constant was found to be considerably smaller than issue.
diffusion-controlled values, and it is similar to the The nonlinear and coupled kinetic equations as-
rate constants for the coupling of transient radicals sociated with the phenomenon lead to very surprising
with nitroxides (Table 1) or the deactivation step in and not easily foreseeable rate laws. Their derivation
ATRP (Table 2). requires mathematical tools that go beyond the usual
O’Shaughnessy et al.144 have also considered a slow methods of reaction kinetics, and we expect that the
self-termination of the persistent radicals. The re- further exploration of reaction variants will reveal
sults are similar to those given above, except for a additional fascinating kinetic aspects.
slow decay of Y•, which sets in when the concentra- Finally, in the past decades of radical chemistry
tion given by eq 70a is approximately reached. The the once active research on the possible types,
authors termed the phenomenon of leftover Y• a properties, and structures of persistent radicals and
kinetic isolation of persistent radicals and suggested related species was considered boring and unreward-
applications in diverse polymer-polymer reactions. ing. Undoubtedly, the new possibilities offered by the
persistent radical effect will lead to the rejuvenation
V. Concluding Remarks of such research.
Whenever in a chemical system transient and
persistent radicals are formed with equal or similar
VI. Acknowledgment
rates, be it from the same or different precursors, I thank my co-workers G. Ananchenko, T. Kothe,
their cross-reaction products are produced with a S. Marque, R. Martschke, D. Rueegge, J. Sobek, and
surprisingly high selectivity, and the otherwise promi- M. Souaille for their most important contributions;
3608 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Fischer

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Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, 4071−4097 4071

Supramolecular Polymers
L. Brunsveld, B. J. B. Folmer, E. W. Meijer,* and R. P. Sijbesma
Laboratory of Macromolecular and Organic Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Received April 23, 2001

Contents materials properties of, e.g., nylons, are mainly the

result of cooperative hydrogen bonding. More re-
I. Introduction 4071 cently, many exciting examples of programmed struc-
II. The Term Supramolecular Polymers 4071 ture formation of polymeric architectures based on
III. General Aspects of Supramolecular Polymers 4073 the combination of a variety of secondary supramo-
IV. Supramolecular Polymers Based on Hydrogen 4073 lecular interactions have been disclosed.
Bonding When the covalent bonds that hold together the
A. Strength of Hydrogen Bonds 4073 monomeric units in a macromolecule are replaced by
B. Hydrogen Bonding Enforced by Liquid 4075 highly directional noncovalent interactions (Figure
Crystallinity 1), supramolecular polymers are obtained. In recent
C. Hydrogen Bonding Enforced by Phase 4076 years, a large number of concepts have been disclosed
Separation that make use of these noncovalent interactions.
D. Strong Dimerization of Multiple 4077 Although most of the structures disclosed keep their
Hydrogen-Bonding Units polymeric properties in solution, it was only after the
E. Ureidopyrimidinone-Based Polymers 4079 careful design of multiple-hydrogen-bonded supramo-
V. Supramolecular Polymers Based on Discotic 4081 lecular polymers that systems were obtained that
Molecules show true polymer materials properties, both in
A. Arene−Arene Interactions 4082 solution and in the solid state. Polymers based on
1. Triphenylenes 4082 this concept hold promise as a unique class of novel
2. Phthalocyanines and Porphyrins 4083 materials because they combine many of the attrac-
3. Helicenes 4084 tive features of conventional polymers with properties
4. m-Phenylene Ethynylene Oligomers 4084 that result from the reversibility of the bonds be-
tween monomeric units. Architectural and dynamic
5. Other Systems 4085
parameters that determine polymer properties, such
6. Chromonics 4086 as degree of polymerization, lifetime of the chain, and
B. Hydrogen Bonding 4086 its conformation, are a function of the strength of the
C. Arene−Arene Interactions and Hydrogen 4087 noncovalent interaction, which can reversibly be
Bonding adjusted. This results in materials that are able to
1. Guanine and Pterine Derivatives 4087 respond to external stimuli in a way that is not
2. Hydrogen-Bonded Pairs 4089 possible for traditional macromolecules. These as-
3. Complexation of Tetrazoles with 1,3,5-Tris 4089 pects of supramolecular polymers have led to a recent
(4,5-dihydroimidazol-2-yl)benzene surge in attention for this promising class of com-
4. C3-Symmetrical Discotic Molecules 4090 pounds1-3 and have stimulated us to bring together
VI. Supramolecular Coordination Polymers and 4091 materials science and supramolecular chemistry.4 On
Miscellaneous Systems the other hand, it is obvious that a large number of
VII. Conclusions and Outlook 4094 important properties of polymers require the covalent
VIII. Acknowledgments 4094 and irreversible bonding of the repeating units in the
IX. References and Notes 4094 main chain. For applications in which all of these
properties are important, supramolecular polymers
are not the perfect choice. However, the opportunity
I. Introduction to combine macromolecules and concepts derived
from supramolecular polymers also has an enormous
With the introduction of supramolecular polymers, potential to alter the properties of polymers in a
which are polymers based on monomeric units held controlled way.
together with directional and reversible secondary
interactions, the playground for polymer scientists
has broadened and is not restricted to macromolecu-
II. The Term Supramolecular Polymers
lar species, in which the repetition of monomeric Interest in supramolecular polymers has been
units is mainly governed by covalent bonding. The stimulated to a great extent by the impressive
importance of supramolecular interactions within progress made in supramolecular chemistry in
polymer science is beyond discussion and dates back general,5-8 and in the field of synthetic self-as-
to the first synthesis of synthetic polymers; the sembling molecules in particular. The field in which
10.1021/cr990125q CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 11/27/2001
4072 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brunsveld et al.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of a covalent polymer

(a); and a supramolecular polymer (b).

named ”foldamers”)10 into well-defined conforma-

tions. These examples of using secondary interactions
in and between synthetic macromolecules typify the
potential of a supramolecular approach to highly
organized, functional materials.
Partly influenced by our own research interests,
the focus in this review is on the role of specific,
Luc Brunsveld (second from right) received his Ph.D. in Supramolecular noncovalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding,
Chemistry at the Eindhoven University of Technology in 2001 with metal coordination, and π-π (or arene-arene) inter-
professor E. W. Meijer. The Ph.D. research was focused on supramolecular
architectures in water and a small part of that has been performed in the
actions to form so-called supramolecular polymers.
group of professor J. S. Moore at the University of Illinois, Urbanas The high directionality of these interactions inher-
Champaign. He did his undergraduate research in the group of professor ently stresses the one-dimensional nature of these
E. W. Meijer on supramolecular hydrogen-bonded polymers. His research polymers. It is instructive to notice that from this
interests are in the field of supramolecular architectures and chirality. point of view, supramolecular polymers and crystal-
Currently he is working as a postdoctoral fellow in the group of professor line compounds are at opposite ends of the spectrum
Waldmann at the MPI in Dortmund, Germany. of molecular materials. In molecular crystals, it is
Brigitte J. B. Folmer (right) received her B.A. degree in chemistry from difficult to define a dominant direction of the interac-
the University of Nijmegen in 1996, where she did her graduation work tions - crystals are fundamentally 3-dimensional -
on host−guest chemistry in the group of professor R. J. M. Nolte. In and even when interactions are stronger in one
2000 she received her Ph.D. degree from the University of Technology direction than in others, all specific aggregation is
in Eindhoven with professor E. W. Meijer. Her thesis was focused on the
properties of supramolecular polymers based on hydrogen bonding. lost when these materials are heated or dissolved.
Currently she is working at Organon N. V. (AkzoNobel) in Oss, The Supramolecular polymers, on the other hand, are
Netherlands. Her research interests include organic synthesis and 1-dimensional in nature, and in melts or (dilute)
supramolecular chemistry and particularly the role of noncovalent solutions of these materials distinguishable polymeric
interactions in receptor−ligand complexes and supramolecular materials. entities continue to exist. A fascinating intermediate
E. W. “Bert” Meijer (second from left) is professor of Macromolecular and class of materials consists of compounds that form
Organic Chemistry at the Eindhoven University of Technology, The polymers in the liquid crystalline state. Here, coop-
Netherlands. He received his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry at the University erativity between a relatively weak secondary inter-
of Groningen in 1982 with professor Hans Wynberg. He was research action and excluded volume interactions (which are
scientist in the area of optoelectronic materials at Philips Research entropic in nature) leads to a significant degree of
Laboratories from 1982 to 1989 and group leader of new polymeric
materials at DSM Research from 1989 to 1992. Since 1992 he has been polymerization.11 However, in the isotropic melt or
a full professor in Eindhoven, and since 1995 he is also adjunct professor in solution, most of the polymeric properties are lost.
at the University of Nijmegen. His research interests are in dendrimers, Because hydrogen-bonded liquid crystals have played
supramolecular systems, and organic materials for electronics. For an important role in developing the concept of su-
correspondence, he can be reached by e-mail at E. W. [email protected] pramolecular polymers, they will be covered in some
or by fax at 31-40-2451036. For further information consult the detail in this review. Polymers that are held together website of the laboratory of Macromolecular and
Organic Chemistry. by topological constraints, such as polycatenanes and
polyrotaxanes, will not be treated in this review.12
Rint P. Sijbesma (left) did his graduate research with professor Roeland Taking everything into account, we like to propose
Nolte at the University of Nijmegen; the focus was on synthetic receptor
molecules. From 1992 to 1993 he worked as a postdoctoral research
the following definition for supramolecular poly-
assistant with professor Fred Wudl (University of California, Santa Barbara) mers: Supramolecular polymers are defined as poly-
on the synthesis of water-soluble C60-derivatives. In 1993 he took his meric arrays of monomeric units that are brought
present position as assistant professor in the laboratories of professor E. together by reversible and highly directional second-
W. Meijer, where he is working in the field of supramolecular polymer ary interactions, resulting in polymeric properties in
chemistry. dilute and concentrated solutions, as well as in the
bulk. The monomeric units of the supramolecular
supramolecular chemistry and polymer science meet polymers themselves do not possess a repetition of
has developed into a vast area of research, ranging chemical fragments. The directionality and strength
from the study of interacting biomacromolecules, of the supramolecular bonding are important features
such as DNA and proteins, to the self-assembly of of systems that can be regarded as polymers and that
large synthetic molecules into well-defined architec- behave according to well-established theories of poly-
tures. Examples of the latter include the formation mer physics. In the past the term “living polymers”
of PMMA stereocomplexes, highly organized block- has been used for this type of polymers. However, to
copolymer architectures, and self-assembled polymer exclude confusion with the important field of living
architectures inspired by the structure of tobacco polymerizations, we prefer to use the term supramo-
mosaic virus (TMV).9 Noncovalent interactions have lecular polymers. With this definition, the term
also been employed to fold macromolecules (aptly supramolecular polymer is rather restricted and not
Supramolecular Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4073

mers, with interesting architectural properties but

without significant materials properties in the bulk.
In a third approach, supramolecular polymers are
based on the reversibility of metal-coordination bond-
ing. These polymers are the closest analogues to
conventional macromolecules, because most of the
polymers disclosed make use of strong bonding,16 in
which the reversibility can be tuned by chemical
means only. However, appropriate choice of the metal
ion can give rise to bonding that resembles that of
the other two approaches. The DP of the polymers
in the case of the coordination polymers is similar to
that of the condensation polymers, and achieving
exact stoichiometry is of distinct importance here.
Figure 2. Theoretical relationship between the association True supramolecular polymers are reversible ag-
constant Ka and DP, using a simple isodesmic association gregates that can break and recombine on experi-
function, or “multistage open association” model.
mental time scales. It is this feature that has been
investigated in detail by Cates in a physical model,
used for telechelic macromolecules reversibly bound
predicting stress relaxation and other viscoelastic
together by specific supramolecular interactions.
properties of entangled “living polymers” as a func-
However, modified telechelics are included in this
tion of the interaction strength of the monomer end
review because many issues in the field are important
groups.17-19 Although this model was made for cy-
for associating telechelics as well.
lindrical micelles, it is shown by the work on ure-
idopyrimidone-based supramolecular polymers that
III. General Aspects of Supramolecular Polymers the model also describes in detail the viscosity
It is useful to review some of the general aspects behavior of reversible supramolecular polymers. Many
of the supramolecular approach, taking into account of the materials properties of supramolecular poly-
the limitations of our definition of supramolecular mers are those well-known for traditional polymers,
polymers. Using a directional complementary couple although the reversibility will lead to an unconven-
(A-B) or a self-complementary unit (A-A), it is tional temperature dependence of the materials’
possible to form all known structures of polymers, properties.
including linear homo- and copolymers, cross-linked
networks, and even (hyper)branched structures in the IV. Supramolecular Polymers Based on Hydrogen
case of complementary couples.13 In supramolecular Bonding
polymers, which are formed by the reversible as-
sociation of bifunctional monomers, the average Although hydrogen bonds between neutral organic
degree of polymerization (DP) is determined by the molecules are not among the strongest noncovalent
strength of the end group interaction.14 The degree interactions, they hold a prominent place in su-
of polymerization is obviously dependent on the pramolecular chemistry because of their directional-
concentration of the solution and the association ity and versatility.20-22 The relationship between the
constant, and a theoretical relationship is given in degree of polymerization and the strength of the
Figure 2. noncovalent interaction between monomers in a
To obtain polymers with a high molecular weight, supramolecular polymer (see Figure 2) implies that
a high association constant between the repeating cooperativity is required to obtain significant degrees
units is a prerequisite. In analogy with covalent of polymerization. Hence, either multiple-hydrogen
condensation polymers, the chain length of supramo- bonds must be used or hydrogen bonds should be
lecular polymers can be tuned by the addition of supported by additional forces, like excluded volume
monofunctional “chain stoppers”.15 This also implies interactions. Examples of both approaches to hydro-
that impurities will have a strong influence on the gen-bonded supramolecular polymers will be dis-
maximal DP, because it is easy to have a small cussed.23
fraction of monofunctional impurity in the synthesis
of the bifunctional monomer. Hence, as in traditional A. Strength of Hydrogen Bonds
polymer synthesis, the purification of the monomers
is extremely important to obtain high molecular Combining several hydrogen bonds in a functional
weights. unit is a valuable tool for increasing the strength of
In another approach, supramolecular polymers can this interaction, and employing a particular arrange-
be formed by planar structures that have the pos- ment of the hydrogen bonding sites enhances its
sibility to assemble on both sides of the plane. Here, specificity. The strength of single hydrogen bonds
one structural element is responsible for the forma- basically depends on the nature of donor and accep-
tion of the polymer, and chain stoppers are difficult tor, although it is influenced to a large extent by the
to design. Hence, the DP is completely governed by solvent. Association strength between multiple hy-
the association constant and the concentration. As a drogen-bonding units obviously depends on the same
result of the structural motive, these supramolecular factors, as well as on the number of hydrogen bonds.
polymers are rather stiff and resemble rodlike poly- It has also been shown that the particular arrange-
4074 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brunsveld et al.

Figure 3. Stability of complexes with different hydrogen-bonding motifs.

ment of neighboring donor and acceptor sites is an bonding units based on 2-ureido-4[1H]-pyrimidinones
additional factor which significantly affects the (DDAA), which dimerize in chloroform with an as-
strength of the complexation. This phenomenon was sociation constant of Kdim ) 6 × 107 M-1.30,31 The
first recognized for the association of linear arrays supramolecular polymers that were developed using
of 3 hydrogen-bonding sites (Figure 3); whereas these hydrogen-bonding units will be discussed in
complexes between the common ADA-DAD (1-2) detail below. Zimmermann and co-workers have
motif exhibit an association constant of around 102 reported a very stable self-complementary quadruple
M-1 in chloroform, this value is around 104 M-1 in hydrogen-bonding unit (7), depicted in Figure 4, in
complexes with a DAA-DDA (3-4) motif, while AAA which all tautomers can dimerize via quadruple
and DDD arrays (5-6) exhibit association constants hydrogen bonds.
exceeding 105 M-1. Detailed calculations by Jorgen- There is ample opportunity for developing new
son24,25 showed that this effect is due to differences multiple hydrogen-bonding units for use in supramo-
in secondary interactions between these motifs. In lecular polymers with novel, attractive features, such
the complexes, diagonally opposed sites repel each as ease of synthesis, insensitivity to tautomeriza-
other electrostatically when they are of the same kind tion,28 and stronger association by using arrays of 6
(both donor or both acceptor), whereas disparate sites bonds32 or 8 hydrogen bonds.33 The use of heteroaro-
attract each other. In the DDD-AAA motif the matic compounds as multiple hydrogen-bonding units
number of attractive secondary interactions is maxi- for self-assembly has recently been reviewed.34
mized, and in the ADA-DAD motif the number of Application of hydrogen-bonding units as associat-
repulsive interactions is at its largest. ing end-groups in difunctional or multifunctional
Very stable complexes can be obtained when qua- molecules results in the formation of supramolecular
druple hydrogen-bonding units are employed.26-30 polymers with varying degrees of polymerization
Aspects of multiple hydrogen-bonding units that are (DP). The early examples of hydrogen-bonded su-
of special importance with respect to application in pramolecular polymers rely on units, which associate
supramolecular polymers are the self-complementa- using single, double, or triple hydrogen bonds that
rity of DADA and DDAA arrays and the possibility all have association constants below 103 M-1. In
of tautomerism. The latter may lead to loss of isotropic solution, the DP of these polymers is ex-
complexation when complementarity is lost, or when pected to be low. In the liquid crystalline state,
a DDAA array tautomerizes to a DADA array with however, the interactions are stabilized by excluded
a higher number of repulsive secondary interactions. volume interactions, and the DP is much higher.
We have reported on self-complementary quadruple Examples of linear supramolecular polymers based
H-bonding units based on mono-ureido derivatives on weak hydrogen-bonding interactions assisted by
of diamino-triazines29 (DADA-array) with a dimer- liquid crystallinity or phase separation will be treated
ization constant of Kdim ) 2 × 104 M-1 and hydrogen- below, followed by a discussion of supramolecular
Supramolecular Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4075

Figure 4. Hydrogen-bonding unit 7 that dimerizes via quadruple hydrogen bonding without regard to tautomeric form.

polymers based on strong hydrogen-bond interactions bonded groups via an imide group. Because of the
that persist in the isotropic state (melt or solution). increased molecular rigidity, the system is not ther-
motropic liquid crystalline, but a lyotropic liquid
B. Hydrogen Bonding Enforced by Liquid crystalline phase is observed in apolar solvents, that
Crystallinity is birefringent and highly viscous.
A number of supramolecular liquid crystalline
The first hydrogen-bonded supramolecular poly- polymers based on a single hydrogen bond have been
mers all showed liquid crystallinity, although the reported. Incorporation of single hydrogen-bonding
separate components making up these polymers units is synthetically more straightforward than
displayed a narrow liquid crystalline regime or no those with triple hydrogen bonds, and, particularly,
liquid crystallinity at all. The liquid crystalline phase the single hydrogen bond between a pyridyl unit and
in the supramolecular polymer is stabilized by the carboxylic acids has been utilized frequently in su-
increased aspect ratio of aggregates compared to the pramolecular liquid crystalline polymers (LCP’s).46-50
constituent molecules. There is a strong cooperativity The complexation between a pyridyl unit and a
between association and the induction of the liquid carboxylic acid is stronger than carboxylic acid
crystalline phase, because anisotropy in the liquid dimerization; a Ka value of approximately 500 M-1
crystal strongly enhances the degree of polymeriza- was estimated for the pyridyl/carboxylic acid com-
tion of the hydrogen-bonded molecules.35 Liquid plex.47 Kato and Fréchet have described a variety of
crystalline supramolecular polymers are unique in self-assembled side-chain liquid crystalline polymers
the respect that they combine the potential to exhibit (SLCPs), with various backbones.48,49 Polyacrylates
the electrooptical properties associated with low- and polysiloxanes functionalized with pendant ben-
molar-mass liquid crystals with the benefit of the zoic acids display stabile mesophases upon self-
good mechanical properties of conventional poly- assembly with stilbazoles. The reverse principle has
mers.36 Odijk,37,38 van der Schoot,39 and Ciferri40 been employed for the formation of supramolecular
developed a theoretical basis for the relation between liquid crystalline polyurethanes.50 Furthermore, the
chain growth and orientation in supramolecular stability of the induced mesophase has been enlarged
liquid crystals. by employing the double hydrogen bond between
The group of Lehn is recognized to be the first to benzoic acids in the polymer main-chain and 2-(acyl-
develop a supramolecular main-chain polymer. By amino)pyridines.51,52
triple hydrogen bonding between difunctional diami- Utilization of the single hydrogen bond between
nopyridines (8) and difunctional uracil (9) derivatives pyridine and benzoic acids in SLCP’s has been a
(Figure 5) supramolecular polymer chains were formed source of inspiration for other groups in the develop-
(10).41,42 The 1:1 mixture of 8 and 9 exhibits liquid ment of main-chain supramolecular polymers based
crystallinity over a broad temperature window, on diacids and dipyridines.53-56 Supramolecular rod-
whereas, in contrast, the pure compounds are solids coil polymers have been developed by assembly of
which melt in an isotropic liquid without displaying 4,4′-bipyridines and telechelic polypropylene oxide
a liquid crystalline phase. Because of the chirality of with benzoic acid end-groups, which show highly
the tartaric acid spacer used, the fibers observed by ordered liquid crystalline phases.57 The use of tartaric
electron microscopy showed biased helicity.43 Lehn acid derivatives in combination with bipyridine units
and co-workers expanded the scope of supramolecular resulted in the formation of hydrogen-bonded, chiral
polymers by the development of rigid rod polymers main-chain LCP’s, as has been shown by circular
(11, Figure 5).44,45 In these polymers, a rigid 9,10- dichroism measurements, optical microscopy, and
dialkoxyanthracene core connects the hydrogen- X-ray data.58,59
4076 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brunsveld et al.

Figure 5. Liquid crystalline supramolecular polymers developed by Lehn, based on triple hydrogen bonds: from chiral,
tartaric acid based monomers (10) and from rigid monomers (11).

A columnar mesophase has been used by the group Hydrogen bonding between pyridine units in a
of Percec for the creation of hydrogen-bonded su- tetrafunctional compound (12) and benzoic acid units
pramolecular polymers.60,61 The phase separation of in difunctional compounds (13, Figure 6), resulted in
the apolar side groups of substituted benzamides the formation of reversible ladder-like polymers (14)
with the core of the molecule accounts for the self- or networks (15). These materials are liquid crystal-
assembly into a cylindrical structure in which hy- line, and the large drop in material properties above
drogen bonding acting along the columnar axis occurs the isotropisation temperature demonstrates that,
and stabilizes the column. also here, the interplay between association and
Next to side-chain LCPs and main-chain LCPs, liquid crystallinity is instrumental in the process of
supramolecular networks were obtained by complex- polymerization.63 DSC studies on these networks
ation of bipyridines with polyacrylates containing reveal a memory effect, resulting in a consistent
decrease of crystallinity as the time the material is
pendant benzoic acid groups. In a related approach,
in the isotropic state increases.64
Kato and Fréchet have studied supramolecular net-
works based on low-molecular-weight components, in C. Hydrogen Bonding Enforced by Phase
which a trifunctional benzoic acid derivative was Separation
combined with a difunctional pyridine derivative.62
The methodology of increasing the strength of a
The hierarchy of the LC-phase that was formed
relatively weak hydrogen-bond interaction by (crys-
turned out to be dependent on the flexibility of the
talline) domain formation is frequently encountered
trifunctional compound used. in chain extension of conventional polymers, and is
Although chain extension based on single hydrogen in principle analogous to the enforcement of associa-
bonding is observed, supramolecular materials based tion in the liquid crystalline phase. Lillya et al. has
on this interaction, in most aspects, resemble small shown that by end-capping of poly-THF with benzoic
molecules more than they resemble polymers. Only acid functionalities, the material properties improve
the triple hydrogen-bonded supramolecular polymers significantly due to the formation of large crystalline
reported by Lehn show some typical polymer proper- domains of the hydrogen-bonded units.65 Further-
ties, such as the ability to draw fibers from the melt. more, end capping of poly(dimethylsiloxane)s with
By using multifunctional low-molecular-weight build- benzoic acid groups has been reported to result in a
ing blocks, Griffin was able to obtain materials that change in polymer properties upon functionalization.
exhibited polymer-like properties.63 However, the change in properties seems to be less
Supramolecular Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4077

Figure 6. Formation of a linear ladder-type supramolecular polymer (14) or a hydrogen-bonded network (15) based on
the single hydrogen bond between a pyridine unit and a benzoic acid unit.

Figure 7. Formation of a supramolecular network by hydrogen bonding between phenylurazole units and subsequent
formation of ordered clusters.

remarkable than the results obtained with poly- ses,75-81 dielectric spectroscopy82,83, deuteron-NMR,84
THF.66 On the basis of detailed FTIR spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy85-87 were used to analyze the
and viscosimetry studies, a quantitative model for the properties of these materials.
chain length and weight distribution of the function- Although the strength of association between units,
alized polysiloxane in solution was described by which assemble by only a single or double hydrogen
Bouteiller et al.67 These associative polymers with bond, is low, chain extension by these synthetically
hydrogen-bonded groups, either telechelic or in the accessible units is a versatile tool for gaining a
side-chains, are of considerable interest for numerous significant improvement in material properties. A
applications, such as rheology modifiers, adhesives, modest degree of polymerization in combination with
adsorbents, coatings, surfactants, and stabilizers, physical interchain interactions by means of domain
because of the reversibility of interactions in the formation results in high-molecular-weight assem-
chain and between chains.68 Particularly, Stadler blies with improved material properties. Without
made an impressive contribution to this field by domain formation, or when low-molecular-weight
studying the properties of polybutadienes function- building blocks are used, a very high degree of
alized with hydrogen-bonded phenylurazole units (16, polymerization, and consequently a high association
Figure 7).69-87 constant, is required, as will be discussed in the
Because of their reversible chain extension and the following section.
subsequent formation of small crystalline domains,
the functionalized polymers exhibit properties typical D. Strong Dimerization of Multiple
for thermoplastic elastomers. At low temperatures Hydrogen-Bonding Units
the hydrogen-bond interaction contributes to the
properties comparable to covalent interactions, where- The number of supramolecular polymers based on
as at high temperatures these interactions disappear very strong multiple hydrogen-bonded units is rela-
and the materials exhibit flow behavior typical for a tively small because of the increased synthetic efforts
low-molecular-weight polymer. DSC,72,73 light and required for the synthesis of the monomers. Intrigu-
X-ray scattering,71,74 dynamical mechanical analy- ing architectures such as nanotubes88 are obtained
4078 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brunsveld et al.

Figure 8. Formation of nanotubes based on hydrogen bonding between cyclic peptides.

Figure 9. Nanorods based on the cyclic hydrogen-bonding motif of cyanuric acid and melamine in bifunctional calixarene
derivatives 18 and 19. (Reprinted with permission from ref 106. Copyright 1999 American Chemical Society.)

when bifunctional compounds with cyclic arrays of of an azobenzene unit, resulted in a system that can
hydrogen-bonding sites are used. Ghadiri has studied be switched between intramolecular dimerization and
nanotubes that self-assemble from cyclic peptides linear polymer formation by UV light.98,99 The cyclic
(17). These tubes can be considered reversible poly- peptides were shown to self-assemble in membranes
mers because of their multiple-hydrogen bonding. On to form trans-membrane ion channels,100 whose ori-
the basis of earlier work by De Santis89 and Toma- entation in the membrane has been studied in detail
sic,90 cyclic peptides were designed, composed of an with different IR techniques.101 The nanotubes have
even number of alternating d- and l-amino acids, been used in size-selective ion-sensing on self-as-
which assemble into extended linear stacks through sembled monolayers.102 Tubular assemblies based on
hydrogen bonding between the flat ring-shaped pep- hydrogen bonding between cyclic β-peptides, have
tides (Figure 8).91-102 been reported by Seebach,103 and by Ghadiri who
These nanotubes were found to be very robust and showed that these related structures also self-as-
turned out to be stable to a wide range of pH and semble to form membrane-spanning ion channels.104
solvents, as well as to physical stress.94 From variable Stable peptide nanotubes have been obtained by
temperature studies in chloroform, Ghadiri and co- using the hydrogen-bond formation between urea
workers concluded that the dimeric form was favored groups in cysteine based macrocycles.105
over the monomer by 23 kJ mol-1, and they postu- The groups of Reinhoudt106 and of Whitesides107
lated that this gain in stabilization energy would be have reported independently on the formation of
additive as the number of assembled rings in- supramolecular “nanorods” based on the well-known
creased.95 The association constant is dependent on cyanuric acid-melamine motif. These hydrogen-
the peptide residue used and is around 2500 M-1. By bonded polymeric rods are composed of parallel
selective backbone N-methylation the self-assembly cyanuric acid-melamine rosettes (Figure 9).
of the peptides is limited to the formation of Both groups employed the same rationale: the self-
dimers.96,97 Subsequently linking of two of the N- assembly of dimelamine derivative with a dicyanu-
methylated peptides by a short spacer results again rate derivative in which the spatial distance between
in the formation of linear reversible polymers, this the two cyanurate units is different from the distance
time with the direction of chain growth perpendicular between the two melamine units. It was anticipated
to the direction of hydrogen bonding. A clever com- that this mismatch prevented the formation of a
bination of this approach with the photoisomerization closed disklike assembly and induced the formation
Supramolecular Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4079

Figure 10. Bifunctional calixarene derivative 20 and a cartoon-like representation of its polymerization induced by small

Figure 11. Polymeric assembly of a bifunctional ureidopirimidinone derivative.

of polymeric entities. A 1:1 mixture of dimelamine long alkyl chains, chloroform solutions develop liquid
(18) and dicyanurate (19) resulted in a viscous crystallinity.112
solution, indicating that high-molecular-weight ag- Although these supramolecular polymers possess
gregates were formed. The nature of the aggregates intriguing new properties, synthetic barriers hamper
was further investigated by NMR spectroscopy, gel extensive study of the mechanical properties of these
permeation chromatography (GPC), and transmission materials. The supramolecular polymers discussed
electron microscopy (TEM). above are the products of multistep synthesis, and it
The group of Rebek Jr. has developed an ingenious is a daunting task to prepare sufficient amounts of
way to form supramolecular polymers by utilizing the material for evaluations such as melt-rheological
hydrogen bonding between urea functionalized calix- experiments and tensile testing. The development of
arenes (Figure 10).108-112 These calixarenes had been the ureidopirimidinone functionality, a synthetic very
shown to form very stable dimeric capsules which accessible quadruple hydrogen-bonding unit with a
bind a solvent molecule inside their cavity. Associa- very high association constant, has helped enor-
tion of bifunctional molecules consisting of two co- mously to open the way to complete exploration of
valently connected calixarene moieties (20) results all aspects of supramolecular polymers.
in the formation of “polycaps”. The association be-
tween the monomers is based upon hydrogen bonding E. Ureidopyrimidinone-Based Polymers
in cooperation with complexation of a small guest;
the polymerization of the assembly is driven by The ureidopyrimidinone unit can be made in a one-
encapsulation of small guests such as benzene. Solu- step procedure from commercially available com-
tions of these molecules in o-dichlorobenzene show pounds,29,31 and it dimerizes with an association
polymer-like rheological behavior, with a strong constant of 6 × 107 M-1 in CDCl3. Difunctional
concentration-dependent viscosity.111 The physical compounds (21), possessing two of these ureidopy-
integrity of the noncovalent assemblies under shear rimidinone units, form very stable and long polymer
was demonstrated by the observation of strong chains in solution as well as in the bulk (Figure
normal forces in rheometry experiments. The “poly- 11).113,114
caps” can be drawn into fibers with a tensile strength Dissolving a small amount of this low-molecular-
in the order of 108 Pa.109 Networks from tetrafunc- weight compound (21) in chloroform results in a
tional molecules in solution display a stronger elastic solution with a high viscosity. It can be calculated
component in their rheological behavior, and they that polymers with chain lengths of the order of 106
have complicated time dependent properties such as Da can be formed when highly purified monomers
shear thickening. When the “polycaps” are fitted with are used. The presence of monofunctional impurities
4080 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brunsveld et al.

Figure 12. Light-induced depolymerization of UPy-based supramolecular polymers. Concept (a); and compounds used

is expected to lead to a dramatic reduction in DP, or solutions of conventional polymers. Similar to the
because they will act as “chain stoppers”. In fact, behavior in the melt, solution viscosities of UPy-
deliberate addition of small amounts of monofunc- based supramolecular polymers are also strongly
tional compounds (22) results in a sharp drop in temperature-dependent. Recently a very surprising
viscosity, proving the reversibility and unidirection- inversion of the normal temperature-dependence of
ality of association. The reversibility of the linkages the solution viscosity was observed in solutions of
between the building blocks is instrumental in the preorganized difunctional compounds (24), which
development of materials that change their proper- form a mixture of linear polymer chains and cyclic
ties in response to environmental changes, so-called dimers (Figure 13).116 The thermodynamic param-
‘smart materials’. Application of a light-sensitive eters of this equilibrium are such that polymerization
monofunctional compound (23) yielded a material is favored at higher temperatures. As a result, the
from which the degree of polymerization in solution viscosity of a 145 mM chloroform solution of the
could be tuned by UV irradiation (Figure 12).115 compound was observed to increase by a factor of 3.9
Although the supramolecular polymers based on when the temperature was increased from 255 to 323
bifunctional ureidopyrimidinone derivatives in many K. Entropy-driven polymerizations are rare, and the
ways behave like conventional polymers, the strong unexpected effect in this system is the first time it
temperature dependence of their mechanical proper- was observed in a reversible synthetic system.
ties really sets them apart from macromolecular The quadruple hydrogen-bonded unit has been
polymers. At room temperature, the supramolecular further employed in the chain extension of telechelic
polymers show polymer-like viscoelastic behavior in polysiloxanes,117 poly(ethylene/butylenes), polyethers,
bulk and solution, whereas at elevated temperatures polyesters, and polycarbonates.118 In these com-
liquid-like properties are observed. These changes are pounds, the material properties were shown to im-
due to a 3-fold effect of temperature on the reversible prove dramatically upon functionalization, and ma-
polymer chain. Because of the temperature depen- terials were obtained that combine many of the
dence of the Ka value of UPy association, the average mechanical properties of conventional macromol-
DP of the chains is drastically reduced at elevated ecules with the low melt viscosity of organic com-
temperatures. Simultaneously, faster dynamics of the pounds. This strategy can be seen as closing the gap
scission-recombination process leads to faster stress between polymers and oligomers by taking the best
relaxation in an entangled system. These two effects of both worlds. Especially in the field of conjugated
occur in addition to the temperature-dependent stress polymers for plastic electronic devices, expectations
relaxation processes that are also operative in melts for future applications of this strategy are high.119
Supramolecular Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4081

Figure 13. Entropy-driven ring-opening polymerization of the cyclic dimer of 24.

Figure 14. Self-assembly of discotic molecules with the different aggregates given as a function of concentration.

Very recently, Coates et al. used a vinyl-substituted flexible side-chains. The core generally consists of a
Upy-unit to be part of an olefin polymerization using planar aromatic system, whereas the side-chains are
the Brookhart catalyst. With small amounts of Upy- usually flexible alkyl chains.122 This anisotropy gen-
units incorporated, the polyolefins showed thermo- erates thermotropic liquid crystalline mesophases, as
plastic elastomeric properties.120 was first discovered in 1977. The structural proper-
The reversibility of supramolecular polymers adds ties make discotic molecules highly suitable for the
new aspects to many of the principles that are known formation of supramolecular polymers in solution.
from condensation polymerizations. A mixture of The strong π-π (or arene-arene) interactions of their
different supramolecular monomers, for example, will cores make discotics prone to aggregate in either
yield copolymers, but it is extremely simple to adjust polar or apolar solvents, forming rodlike or wormlike
the copolymer composition instantaneously by adding polymers. Because of the polarizability and good
an additional monomer. Moreover, the use of mono- intermolecular contact of the planar aromatic system
mers with a functionality of three or more, will give attractive intermolecular stacking interactions occur.
rise to a network formation. However, in contrast to In polar or in very apolar solvents the π-π stacking
condensation networks, the “self-healing” supramo- may be strengthened significantly by solvophobic
lecular network can reassemble to form the thermo- interactions. In this section we will use the general
dynamically most favorable state, thus forming denser term arene-arene interactions, but it should be noted
networks.121 that solvophobic effects are generally stronger than
Although the “virtual” molecular weight and life- π-π stacking.
time of supramolecular polymers and networks based Actually, discotic liquid crystals are the only type
on strong hydrogen-bonding functionalities is ex- of liquid crystals able to form linear architectures,
tremely high, low creep resistance is an intrinsic i.e., supramolecular polymers, in dilute solution by
property of these materials that may limit future means of these stacking interactions. Other types of
applications. Strong interchain interactions, espe- liquid crystals have ordering interactions of the same
cially in crystalline domains, may be employed to order of magnitude in at least two dimensions. This
tackle this problem and may lead to thermoplastic
gives rise to gels at appreciable concentration, i.e.,
elastomers with enhanced processability. With the
uncontrolled growth of the aggregates, whereas at
facile synthetic accessibility of these self-complemen-
lower concentrations the intermolecular interactions
tary Upy-units at hand it is expected that many novel
are generally too weak to generate polymeric archi-
materials properties can be obtained, and multiple
hydrogen bonding between repeating units offers an
ideal motive for supramolecular polymers, both in In discotics, the interdisk stacking interaction is
solution and in the solid state. several orders of magnitude stronger than the inter-
columnar interactions, because of the phase separa-
V. Supramolecular Polymers Based on Discotic tion induced by the side-chains whose van der Waals
interactions are much weaker. Generally, long poly-
Molecules mers are obtained via discotics that have strong and
Discotic molecules are ditopic structures with a specific intermolecular interactions, either via a large
disc-shaped core and a periphery of a number of aromatic core or via additional specific intermolecular
4082 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brunsveld et al.

interactions such as hydrogen bonding. Moreover, the triphenylene 25d resulted in a broadening of the
combination of two or more interactions accounts for UV-Vis spectrum and an increase of the absor-
the formation of highly ordered columns. Only at bance.127
higher concentrations, the intercolumnar interactions Ringsdorf and co-workers have shown that triphen-
become prominent, and superstructure formation or ylenes can form alternating donor-acceptor su-
gelation occurs followed by the liquid crystalline pramolecular polymers in solution by doping them
phase in the bulk. An illustrative picture displaying with equimolar amounts of electron acceptors.128,129
the self-assembly of discotic molecules into supramo- Supramolecular polymers formed in this manner
lecular polymers is given in Figure 14. allow for electron transfer perpendicular to the
In this section we will discuss those discotic mol- molecular planes upon excitation of the chromophores,
ecules that have been shown to form supramolecular i.e., unidirectional charge-transport through the col-
polymers. For information concerning discotic liquid umn.130 The formation of these donor-acceptor pairs
crystals in general, their synthesis, behavior, and is favored in apolar solvents. In more polar solvents
applications the reader is referred to review the the triphenylenes alone do not polymerize and con-
literature.122 The mechanical properties of the su- sequently donor-acceptor polymers with low DP are
pramolecular polymers from discotic liquid crystalline formed.
molecules are not particularly interesting and have
not been studied in detail, therefore, these properties The “loose” way of stacking of the triphenylenes
will not be covered here. It should be noted, however, was shown by the absence of a Cotton effect in
that because of the strong intermolecular interac- circular dichroism (CD) experiments for chiral tri-
tions, the thermotropic mesophases of discotics gen- phenylene 25e in heptane.131 Even though this chiral
erally show much better mechanical properties than molecule does form a supramolecular polymer, the
those of calamitics, illustrating the beneficial proper- side-chain chirality is not expressed in the column:
ties of strong unidirectional interactions. Because the a phenomenon typical for molecules arranged in an
specific interactions between the disks in the rigid- unordered assembly. Mixing of achiral alkoxytriph-
rod supramolecular polymers often gives rise to well- enylene 25d with a bulky chiral electron acceptor
defined architectures, we will discuss the architec- derived from (-)-menthol 3,5-dinitrobenzoate (26) did
tures of these supramolecular polymers in more introduce supramolecular chirality in the columns.127
detail. The sterically demanding “bulky” menthol group
intercalates in the alkyl side-chains of the triph-
This section is divided into three parts. The first
enylene and induces a noncooperative helical twist
part, section A, deals with rodlike polymers formed
by the arene-arene interactions. In the second part into the columns (Figure 15), resulting in an induced
(B) discotics will be discussed for which unidirectional CD effect in the chromophore of the triphenylene.
hydrogen bonding is the driving force for supramo- Triphenylenes provided with nonionic di(ethylene
lecular polymerization. Finally, section C will deal oxide) side-chains (25f)132-134 or with ionic alkyl
with supramolecular polymers formed by a combina- chains (25g)135 form supramolecular polymers in
tion of arene-arene interactions and hydrogen bond- water.136 The arene-arene interactions of the aro-
ing. matic cores allow for the formation of columnar
“micelles”. At low concentrations the columns are
A. Arene−Arene Interactions relatively short, and the solutions are isotropic. At
higher concentrations the longer columns interact
1. Triphenylenes and lyotropic mesophases are formed.133 Computer
simulations showed that in the isotropic solution the
Alkoxy substituted triphenylenes (25a-e) were
polymerization of the discotics is driven by solute-
among the first discotic molecules shown to be liquid
solute attraction and follows the theory of isodesmic
crystalline.123,124 A large variety of different triphen-
linear aggregation; the association constants for
ylenes has been synthesized and their thermotropic
dimerization, trimerization, and etc., are equal and
mesomorphism has been studied in great detail.122
the DP of the column thus can easily be tuned by
The aromatic core of triphenylenes is relatively small;
nevertheless, polymerization of triphenylenes (25a- concentration and temperature.137,138 At higher con-
c) does occur in deuterated hexadecane as shown centrations the sizes of the columns are influenced
with small angle neutron scattering (SANS).125 At low by their neighbors, the columns align, and the DP
concentrations the DP is small, but at higher con- rises rapidly.
centrations (10-3 M) rodlike polymers are observed. Fluorescence studies have shown that the radiative
The intercore distance was determined to be ∼6 Å, a lifetime of 25f increases upon increasing DP, sug-
value significantly larger than the stacking distance gesting that the mobile excitons move through the
of ∼3.5 Å in the liquid crystalline state. This result supramolecular polymers and relax at their ends.139
indicates that the molecules are loosely stacked, most Insertion of electron acceptors between the triphen-
probably due to the absence of specific intermolecular ylenes accounts for the formation of longer polymers
interactions. Furthermore, the triphenylenes are and increases the order within the column. An X-ray
highly mobile and undergo both lateral and rotational diffraction ring with a diffraction spacing of 3.5 Å
translation, similar to that in the liquid crystalline indicates a short intermolecular distance, a feature
state.126 The supramolecular polymerization of tri- not present for undoped samples.140 A chiral electron
phenylenes was also visualized using optical tech- acceptor resulted in the formation of a cholesteric
niques. Increase of the concentration of a solution of mesophase.
Supramolecular Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4083

Figure 15. (a) Apolar (25a-e) and polar (25f-g) triphenylenes and electron acceptor (-)-menthol 3,5-dinitrobenzoate
(26). (b) Helical columns based on the donor-acceptor system as studied by Schuster.

Figure 16. Extended-core phthalocyanine discotics 27-29.

2. Phthalocyanines and Porphyrins cyanines, and only in phase-separated systems such

as gels, or in the solid, are long supramolecular
With respect to triphenylenes, phthalocyanines
polymers formed.157
have a significantly larger core, in principle generat-
ing stronger intermolecular arene-arene interac- Interestingly, it has been possible to obtain helical
tions.141 Moreover, their optical and electrical prop- phthalocyanine polymers. By locking of the position
erties can be easily tuned by incorporation of a metal of phthalocyanines, rotation is prevented. Am-
in the core. The aggregation of nonliquid crystalline phiphilic, chiral metallophthalocyanine 27b dissolves
phthalocyanines in both water142,143 and in organic molecularly in DMSO, but addition of water results
solvents144,145 has been studied intensively in the in the formation of a helical dimer.158 In the twisted
past; and more recently the formation of Langmuir- helical stacks, rotation is no longer possible because
Blodgett146,147 films and the aggregation of liquid of intermolecular hydrogen bonding. At higher con-
crystalline compounds also have been investi- centrations polymeric fibrous assemblies are formed.
gated.148-150 In contrast to the isodesmic aggregation For apolar analogues in apolar solvents similar chiral
of triphenylenes, phthalocyanines show a nonisodes- dimers and higher aggregates have been obtained.159
mic behavior as they preferably dimerize and do not By providing the phthalocyanine with a periphery of
form oligomers until much higher concentrations.151-156 crown ethers160,161 and chiral alkoxy side-chains
Experiments on Langmuir-Blodgett films of phtha- (28a), self-assembly in helical aggregates occurs, as
locyanine 27a have indicated that large columnar was deduced from the emergence of a Cotton effect
aggregates are present (Figure 16), but that they and large helices observed with electron microscopy
consist of repeating oligomers built up from two to at higher concentrations.162 The side-chains induce
six molecules.151 Apparently, dimerization signifi- a twist in the aggregate because of steric interactions
cantly lowers the intermolecular affinity of phthalo- since the aggregates formed by their achiral coun-
4084 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brunsveld et al.

Figure 17. Liquid crystalline disc-shaped helicene 30 and its mode of association into helical columns. (Reprinted with
permission from ref 189. Copyright 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
terparts are not helical.163 The helicity of this ag- their rigid cores renders these columns helical (Fig-
gregate could be “turned off” by the addition of ure 17).172 The high DP at high concentrations in
potassium salt, overruling the twist imposed by the dodecane results in an increase of the viscosity and
chiral side-chains, with the ion-dipole coordination an increase of the Cotton effect as observed with CD
of potassium ions to two crown ether rings of two spectroscopy. The helical supramolecular polymer
different phthalocyanines. The unwinding of the gives rise to a stronger expression of chirality,
helical aggregate results in a nonassociating achiral because the intrinsic shape of the helicenes generates
dimer. In contrast, the supramolecular chirality of a tight “intertwined” fit. More detailed measurements
covalent polymer 28b remains present upon the have been performed on columns formed by a non-
addition of potassium ions, illustrating the ease of liquid crystalline helicene.173-175 These supramolecu-
tuning the properties of supramolecular polymers via lar polymers have been proven to be extremely
external stimuli.164 promising systems for second-order nonlinear optics.
Providing phthalocyanines with chiral bulky heli- They form highly organized Langmuir-Blodgett
cenes at the periphery (29) also results in helical films in which the chiral polymeric organization
aggregates.165 Aggregation in chloroform occurs upon makes the second-order NLO susceptibility approxi-
addition of ethanol as was observed with UV-Vis mately 30 times larger for the nonracemic material
spectroscopy, while CD spectroscopy revealed the than for the racemic material with the same chemical
helical nature of the columnar aggregates. Calcula- structure.176
tions have indicated that two phthalocyanines need
to be rotated to allow a favorable intermolecular 4. m-Phenylene Ethynylene Oligomers
distance of 3.4 Å, because of the bulky helicenes. As Whereas helicene 30 studied by Katz172 is helical
such, phthalocyanines provided with racemic heli- under all conditions, the m-phenylene ethynylene
cenes cannot stack in such a defined manner, because oligomers studied by Moore are flexible and can
of the steric hindrance of the racemic side groups. reversibly fold into helices. Depending on the sub-
Aggregation of a smaller analogue of 29, a triphen- stitution pattern, the oligomers fold either into
ylene-based porphyrazine, has been shown to occur lamellae (31a)177 or into column-forming helices
as well.166 (31b)178 in the liquid crystalline state (Figure 18). In
Polymerization of phthalocyanines in water occurs solution the oligomers can be directed to fold from a
for derivatives substituted with oligo(ethylene oxide) random coil into a helix.179,180 Increasing the polarity
side-chains (27c).167,168 In the lyotropic mesophases by addition of water (a nonsolvent for the backbone)
in water supramolecular polymers are present, and results in the polymerization of the helices in helical
a comparative aggregation study between tetraphen- columns.181 The polymerization of the oligomers is a
ylporphyrins and phthalocyanines proved the polym- cooperative process: a chiral oligomer 31c creates a
erization of the phthalocyanines to be stronger.168 The homochiral platform for an achiral oligomer 31a to
strong arene-arene interactions and the flatness of stack and thus amplifies its chirality to the achiral
the aromatic core in the phthalocyanines causes them oligomer. Also, apolar m-phenylene ethynylene oli-
to aggregate more strongly, also mediated by the gomers 31d fold into helices.182 Because of the
additional hydrophobic effect. strongly favored arene-arene interactions in apolar
Porphyrins are close analogues to the phthalocya- solvents, the helical folding coincides with stabilizing
nines, and ionic porphyrins can be considered to fall stacking of the oligomers into helical columnar
into the class of the chromonics (vide infra), however, polymers, giving a strong and time-dependent en-
nonionic porphyrins also have been shown to ag- hancement of the Cotton effect.
gregate.168 Also, porphyrins are mainly forming dimers Cyclic m-phenylene ethynylene oligomers 32 adopt
in solution,169,170 although aggregation into larger a completely flat conformation (Figure 19) and form
aggregates such as fibers has been shown.171 Within highly stable thermotropic mesophases due to strong
the aggregates the molecules are rotating freely, but π-π stacking of the cores.183 These arene-arene
use of additional interactions such as intermolecular interactions also induce polymerization in solution.184
hydrogen bonding hinders the rotation and generates The DP depends heavily on the nature of the sub-
chiral aggregates.171 stituents on the macrocycle.185 Planarity is a strict
requirement for polymerization as the DP is strongly
3. Helicenes suppressed for nonplanar macrocycle 33.186 Butadiyne
Nonracemic helicene 30 has been shown to form bridged macrocycles with benzenes (34) or with
supramolecular polymers, and the helical shape of pyridines (35), the larger analogues of the m-phen-
Supramolecular Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4085

Figure 18. m-Phenylene ethynylene oligomers as studied by Moore (a), that fold from a random coil in good solvents into
helices and columns in poor solvents and into lamellae or hexagonally packed columns in the solid state (b). (Reprinted
with permission from ref 178. Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society.)

Figure 19. Extended-core m-phenylene ethynylene cycles 32-35.

Figure 20. Pyridine-pyridazine oligomer 36 studied by Lehn and its proposed mode of aggregation into columns and
superstructures. (Reprinted with permission from ref 190. Copyright 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)

ylene ethynylene macrocycles, have been shown to also subsequently self-assemble to form fibers at
form columnar polymers as well.187,188 higher concentrations.191 The controlled use of exter-
nal stimuli and programmed intermolecular interac-
5. Other Systems tions illustrates the power to generate and direct
Folding into helices189 and subsequent polymeri- supramolecular polymers.
zation of the helices into columns and larger archi- Ringsdorf showed a nice example of confinement
tectures (Figure 20) is observed for pyridine- of supramolecular polymers.192 In cyclohexane, hexa-
pyridazine oligomers (36).190 Similar to the m-phen- cinnamoyl azacrown 37 self-assembles to form su-
ylene ethynylene oligomers 31, these flexible oligo- pramolecular columnar polymers. The periphery of
mers adopt a helical conformation because of pro- photopolymerizable groups forms cross-links via pho-
grammed intramolecular interactions. At higher tocycloaddition and allows the pre-assembled su-
concentration the polymers self-assemble to give pramolecular polymer to be transferred into a rodlike
helical fibers, which were visualized with electron covalent polymer (Figure 21). Performing the reaction
microscopy. Upon binding of cyanuric acid, oligo- on molecularly dissolved molecules gives rise to a
isophthalamides fold to a helical disk, and these disks randomly cross-linked polymer with a lower DP.
4086 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brunsveld et al.

Figure 21. Hexa-cinnamoyl azacrown with polymerizable side-chains 37 as studied by Ringsdorf, and the photopolym-
erization into covalent columns in solution.

Figure 22. Examples of drug and dye molecules forming chromonic mesophases in water.

As early as 1986, the aggregation in solution of an induce a strong increase in the viscosity of the
alkyl modified 2,6,2′,6′-tetraphenyl-[4,4′]-bipyran- solution, and the dynamic properties of these ag-
ylidene was shown, and the self-assembly was related gregates leads to rheological behavior typical for
to its thermotropic mesomorphism.193 The addition entanglement networks.199 The observations have
of the more polar solvent methanol to methylene indicated that chromonics are suited as simple model
chloride induces aggregation into J aggregates. As systems for a broader and deeper insight into the
the nonliquid crystalline compound without the side- principles of flow.
chains does not aggregate, it might be concluded that
the self-assembly is, in this case, not dominated by B. Hydrogen Bonding
the aggregation of the aromatic core. Self-assembly
via aggregation of the side-chains occurs, which is Section V-A has dealt with the formation of
fundamentally different from the previously dis- supramolecular polymers by nonspecific arene-arene
cussed polymers, and generally leads to 3-dimension- stacking, which generally results in irregular or
al growth. “loose” stacking. The use of additional steric interac-
tions in these structures allowed for a control over
A variety of smaller discotic molecules have been
supramolecular order or helicity. In this section we
shown to form lyotropic mesophases in either alkane
will discuss columnar supramolecular polymers formed
solvents or water. These discotics range from alkyl-
by the more specific intermolecular hydrogen bonds.
oxydibenzopyrenes194 and hexaesters of hexahydroxy-
benzene and -cyclohexane195 to metallo-discogens.196 The main body of work on columnar hydrogen-
bonded architectures has been performed on 1,3,5-
6. Chromonics benzene triamides (41), which are C3-symmetric
molecules consisting of a single benzene ring and 3
Discotic molecules provided with oligo(ethylene side-chains connected via amide bonds.200,201 The
oxide) side-chains form supramolecular polymers in molecules arrange themselves in columns via 3-fold
water. If the discotics are provided with ionic groups intermolecular hydrogen bonding as proven by X-ray
the compounds are known as chromonics (for ex- diffraction202 and infrared spectroscopy. The weak
amples see 38-40, Figure 22).197,198 Even though arene-arene interactions of the single central ben-
chromonics are crystalline and do not form supramo- zene group are subordinate to the strong 3-fold
lecular polymers in the solid state, we mention them hydrogen bonding. For packing reasons, the inter-
briefly here because of their practical importance and molecular hydrogen bonds rotate out of the plane,
widespread occurrence. A large body of work, dating thus inducing helicity in the columns. Achiral com-
back to the early part of the 20th century, has been pounds 41a-d form an equimolar mixture of left- and
performed on these compounds, and the reader is right-handed helical columns, but the homochiral
referred to review articles for detailed informa- side-chains of chiral discotic compound 41e introduce
tion.197,198 The most common chromonics are drugs an energy difference between left and right-handed
and dyes, which explains the early recognition of columns and bias the helicity.203 Figure 23 shows the
their aggregation. Their self-assembly in water makes formation of the helical columnar polymers by the
them a highly important type of lyotropic liquid polymerization of 41d in a cartoon-like presenta-
crystal, as it influences their performance. The tion.202
molecules first self-assemble, isodesmic, into su- The helical rigid-rod polymers have a high DP even
pramolecular rodlike polymers, followed by the for- in very dilute solution (10-6 M in hexane), due to
mation of lyotropic mesophases. The rodlike polymers their large association constant (5‚108 L/mol). When
Supramolecular Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4087

Figure 23. (a) 1,3,5-Benzene trisamides that form columns in apolar solvents via 3-fold intermolecular hydrogen bonding;
(b) solid state arrangement of the helical columns; (c) graphical representation of the helical hydrogen-bonded columns.
(Reprinted with permission from ref 202. Copyright 1999 Royal Society of Chemistry.)

Figure 24. Small discotics that form columnar polymers via intermolecular hydrogen bonding.

chiral (41e) and achiral (41c) molecules are blended C. Arene−Arene Interactions and Hydrogen
mixed columns are formed, and, surprisingly, only Bonding
one chiral disk (on average) on every 200 achiral
Although hydrogen bonds can be employed for the
disks is enough to bias the helicity of a complete
creation of highly ordered columns (section V-B),
columnar polymer for one helicity. These results are
their use is highly limited to apolar solvents. In
analogous to those obtained in chiral polymers with
contrast, arene-arene interactions allow for supra-
covalent bonds in the main chain204 and are explained
molecular polymer formation in a large variety of
by a strong intracolumnar cooperative effect via
solvents, but without positional control (section V-A).
directional hydrogen bonding in polymers with a very
Thus, the combination of arene-arene interactions
high DP. At higher concentrations, the long columns
and hydrogen-bonding should allow for formation of
gelate the solvent via lateral intercolumnar interac-
highly ordered supramolecular polymers with high
tions,200,201 reminiscent of the behavior of rigid-rod
DP in solvents as desired. In this section we discuss
covalent polymers such as polyaramides and poly(γ-
such supramolecular polymers. Hydrogen bonding
has been utilized both for the formation of the discotic
Cis-1,3,5-cyclohexanetricarboxamides (42) are an- entity itself and as a tool to control the order within
other example of discotic molecules assembling in the columns. Furthermore, the occurrence of hydro-
columns via intermolecular hydrogen bonding (Figure gen bonds allows for a controlled hierarchical growth
24).206 Because of the cis arrangement of the amides, of the well-defined columns, and subtle tuning of the
all three can participate in the uni-directional hy- interactions can be achieved by selection of solvent
drogen bonding. Depending on the type of solvent, type.
the compound either gelates the solvent or forms a
transparent viscoelastic fluid. No mention is made 1. Guanine and Pterine Derivatives
of the presence of helicity in the columnar aggregates The most impressive work on self-assembling chiral
or at a microscopic level, in contrast to the trans-1,2- discotics has been performed on guanine- and pter-
diaminocyclohexane derived gelators (43), which form ine-related molecules by Gottarelli, Spada, and co-
chiral supercoiled structures observable with electron workers.210 These molecules organize in lamellae in
microscopy.207 the solid state,211,212 but form disc-shaped tetramers
Aggregation via hydrogen bonding and formation in solution via intermolecular hydrogen bonding. The
of columns and lyotropic liquid crystals and gels has subsequent stacking of the disks into helical columns
also been described for benzenehexamine derivatives has been most elaborately studied. The system is of
44208 that assemble via 6-fold intermolecular hydro- interest because of its strong similarities to DNA and
gen bonding, and for tris(stearoylamino)triphenyl- other biopolymers.213,214
amine 45209 that assembles via 3-fold intermolecular Oligomeric deoxyguanosines 46 all assemble into
hydrogen bonding. columns in water.215 Using SANS, the average length
4088 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brunsveld et al.

Figure 25. (a) Deoxyguanosine oligomers 46 and folic acid 47 and their mode of self-assembly in tetramers; (b) mode of
aggregation of eight d(GpGpApGpG) molecules. First, self-assembly in “barrels” occurs, followed by stacking of these “barrels”
in columns. (Reprinted with permission from ref 222. Copyright 1995 Royal Society of Chemistry.)

of the columns (DP) of freshly prepared samples was intensity of the Cotton effect was followed as a
determined to be around 6 nm at a concentration of function of temperature, indicating the amount of
1% in D2O.210 Increase of the temperature resulted chirality present in the columns. In water a single
in loss of the cylindrical aggregates. When the sodium melting transition was detected, whereas in the
salt is used, subsequent cooling does not result in the presence of salt two melting transitions were visible,
re-formation of the cylindrical polymers. In contrast, indicating hierarchical assembly.221
use of the potassium salt does allow for reversible Gottarelli, Davis, and co-workers have prepared
self-assembly. The addition of extra potassium salt apolar guanosine derivatives 48a and b for study in
even increases the DP; it binds to the inner carbonyls organic solvents. In dilute solution in the presence
of the G-tetramer and stabilizes the tetramer.216 of potassium ions, disc-shaped structures are
The formation of lyotropic liquid crystalline mes- formed.222 In chloroform compound 48b is molecu-
ophases by a deoxyguanosine derivative in water was larly dissolved, but upon contact of the organic layer
reported in 1988,217 after which this behavior was with an aqueous layer containing potassium salts,
found for other monomers and oligomers of deoxy- 48b extracts the potassium into the organic layer.
guanosine phosphate.218 The microscopic textures An octameric potassium complex is formed, consist-
observed show the presence of cholesteric and hex- ing of two stacked G-quartets between which a
agonal phases at lower and higher concentrations, potassium ion is sandwiched via interactions with the
respectively. The polymeric columns are formed in a carbonyls of the guanosines (Figure 26).223,224 Upon
hierarchical manner: first a well-defined “barrel” is the addition of more salt the octamers polymerize
formed by the assembly of four oligodeoxyguanosine into a columnar architecture. In this polymer potas-
oligomers, and then these “barrels” stack on top of sium ions and G-quartets alternate in the stacking.225
one another to give the columns (Figure 25 b).210,215 The Cotton effect observed for the polymer indicates
This stepwise self-assembly process was elucidated a helical columnar nature. Apart from the formation
using CD experiments, which revealed two melting of octamers, the formation of decamers has also been
transitions. Furthermore, it was shown that forma- observed.226
tion of the liquid crystalline phase depends on the Compound 48b was shown to display enantiose-
amount of electrostatic repulsive interactions from lectivity in the extraction of chiral potassium salts
the phosphate groups and the hydrophilic/hydropho- from water into the organic phase.227 The supramo-
bic balance. lecular polymer possesses a homochiral helical ar-
Not only guanosine, but also pterine derivatives, chitecture onto which one of the anionic enantiomers
give rise to supramolecular polymers in water.219 preferentially binds. Intriguingly, for some of the
Similar to the guanosines, folic acid 47 assembles in anions the octamer and polymer show opposite
disc-shaped tetramers in water. Addition of sodium selectivity, illustrating the difference in supramo-
or potassium salts aids the tetramerization and lecular chirality of the two. Furthermore, the polymer
induces the aggregation into columns.220 At the is capable of inducing a Cotton effect in the achiral
relatively high concentration of 4%, w/w, these col- potassium N-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)glycinate. The use of
umns have an average DP of 9 disks. Melting these polymers as artificial ion channels is currently
experiments performed in water and upon the addi- under investigation, as the apolar side-chains would
tion of salt showed very interesting results. The allow incorporation into a membrane.224,228 Also,
Supramolecular Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4089

in chloroform similar to the bifunctional ureidopy-

rimidinones 21 discussed in section IV-E.113 The disks
are in an alternating array of disks and spacers, and
they stack in apolar solvents forming a columnar
polymer. The columns are helical, in contrast to those
formed by monofunctional molecules 49 (Figure 27).
The presence of a covalent linkage between consecu-
tive layers of the column prevents rotation of the
disks. A comparison might be made here to the
function of the sugar-phosphate backbone in DNA.
The intrinsic helicity of the columns formed by
bifunctional 50 allows chiral side-chains to control
for a preferred handedness (50b). The supramolecu-
lar polymeric backbone also accounts for a higher DP
with respect to monofunctional 49, as could be
observed with SANS and an increased thermostabil-
ity of the lyotropic mesophase in dodecane. The
induction of chirality in the helical columns of 50b
by the chiral side is a cooperative process via the
backbone: the helicity of a racemic mixture of helical
columns of achiral 50a is biased when end-capped
with monofunctional chiral 49b.
Figure 26. (a) Apolar modified deoxyguanosines, soluble Helical columns of bifunctional ureidotriazines
in organic solvents; (b) self-assembly of apolar deoxygua- could also be created in water.230 In water the
nosines in octamers and polymers upon the addition of
potassium ions. (Reprinted with permission from ref 225. aromatic cores of compound 52 stack and create a
Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) hydrophobic environment that favors the formation
of intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The chiral side-
these helical columns are ideal supramolecular poly- chains can express their chirality within the colum-
meric architectures for the creation of functional nar polymer because of the backbone-generated
arrays. By providing the guanosines with apolar helicity. In contrast, for monofunctional 51 water
porphyrins, self-assembly into columns with a pe- interferes with the hydrogen bonding and 51 does not
riphery of porphyrins was achieved in chloroform by dimerize nor polymerize until it reaches highly
the addition of potassium salt.229 The formation of elevated concentrations. The bifunctional nature of
such functional polymers using external stimuli offers 52 allows for a high local concentration of stacking
a unique approach for the creation of bio-inspired units. A comparison might be made here to the
self-assembled polymers. individual DNA bases that also do not dimerize and
stack in water, unless they are connected to a
2. Hydrogen-Bonded Pairs polymer backbone.
Similar to the guanosine and pterine derivatives,
intermolecular hydrogen bonding generates discotics 3. Complexation of Tetrazoles with 1,3,5-Tris
based on molecules 49. Two molecules 49 dimerize
via quadruple intermolecular hydrogen bonding re- Another example of supramolecular columnar poly-
sulting in an extended-core discotic liquid crystal that mers formed by the combined use of hydrogen bond-
stacks in apolar solvents and forms columnar su- ing and arene-arene interactions are the complexes
pramolecular polymers.230 Within these columns the of tetrazoles and 1,3,5-tris(4,5-dihydroimidazol-2-yl)-
discotics are rotating freely. When two hydrogen- benzene (53, Figure 28).231 Four molecules self-
bonding units are connected via a short spacer, a assemble to give a supramolecular disc-shaped mol-
bifunctional molecule is generated (50), capable of ecule, which subsequently polymerizes into columns
forming hydrogen-bonded, supramolecular polymers when in nonpolar solvents. Upon formation of a

Figure 27. (a) Monofunctional ureidotriazines 49 and 51 and the mode of association of 49 via quadruple hydrogen bonding
in a disk and stacking of the disks in columns lacking positional order; (b) bifunctional ureidotriazines 50 and 52 and the
helical columns formed by these molecules in which the disks are positionally ordered.
4090 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brunsveld et al.

Figure 28. Extended -core discotic 53 built up via intermolecular hydrogen bonding.

Figure 29. (a) C3-symmetrical disc-shaped molecules 54 and 55 with achiral and chiral side-chains; (b) a cartoon
representation of the propeller-like conformation attained by the C3-symmetrical molecular; and (c) formation of helical
columns by the propellers. (Reprinted with permission from ref 237. Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society.)

columnar aggregate of the chiral disks 53a, the enough to obtain helical polymers of one helicity
chirality of the side-chains induces a bias in the exclusively. This experiment shows that there is a
helicity of the supramolecular assembly. “Sergeant high energetic penalty for helix reversal within the
and soldiers” measurements204 were performed and polymer. Lateral interactions between the supramo-
showed that there is no amplification of chirality from lecular polymers arise at higher concentrations and
53a to 53b; the induction of helicity in columns of result in the formation of a lyotropic liquid crystalline
53 is a noncooperative process. gel.234 Because of the chiral propeller-like conforma-
tion of the molecules, the columns have a dipole
4. C3-Symmetrical Discotic Molecules moment along their axes, which allows alignment
Molecules that have the best potential for a high and switching of the columns in the gel by an electric
degree of polymerization and for the creation of a field.
well-defined architecture in all solvent types need to Polar, water-soluble analogues 55 of these C3-
have a large aromatic core, as well as structuring symmetrical molecules have also been studied, and
intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions. Disc- they have been shown to form helical columns in a
shaped molecules 54 and 55 feature these require- variety of polar solvents.235,236 A stepwise association
ments. Discotic molecules 54232 form polymeric struc- process is observed when alcohol solutions of 55 are
tures with a rigid-rod character and large DP in very cooled. The molecules first polymerize into achiral
dilute solution (10-6 M in hexane), due to their large columns with a small DP governed by their generic
(108 L/mol) association constant.233 The aggregation arene-arene interactions. Subsequently, these achiral
of the disks is a cooperative process; the molecules columns become helical via a phase transition (Figure
attain a chiral, propeller-like conformation (Figure 30) and a strong growth spurt of the DP occurs,
29) and the conformation of subsequent monomers rendering a DP > 1000.237 During this transition,
is biased toward a propeller with the same handed- specific intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interac-
ness. The optimized stacking interactions result in tions occur that order the molecules in a helical
a helical column. The chirality placed in the side- fashion in addition to the arene-arene stacking. In
chains of 54b accounts for the formation of homo- water, the helicity of the columns is similarly lost at
chiral columns via the transfer of the side-chain higher temperatures, but polymerization is main-
chirality into the supramolecular helical polymer. tained. Because of the increased strength of the
Using “sergeant and soldiers” experiments204 for arene-arene interactions and lower critical solution
mixtures of 54a and 54b, the presence of only one temperature (LCST) of the side-chains in water at
disk with chiral side-chains per 80 achiral disks is higher temperature, long columns remain even at 90
Supramolecular Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4091

Figure 31. Peptide-based ligand 56 which forms revers-

ible coordination polymers with Ag(I).

basis of a combination of vapor pressure osmometry

and conductivity measurements in methanol, the
Figure 30. Average number of molecules 55, 〈N〉, partici-
pating in one column in n-butanol at three different average DP at 0.14 M concentration was estimated
concentrations is given as a function of temperature. to be approximately 11. The reversibility of associa-
Arrows mark the transition from achiral to helical ag- tion was evident from the concentration dependence
gregates. of the DP; at low concentrations only a monomeric
complex was observed. Coordination complexes of Cu-
°C as proven by SANS. This stepwise growth of the (I) and Ag(I) with phenanthrolin ligands 57 have
columns shows great similarity to the self-assembly been used to prepare the first constitutionally well-
of the tobacco mosaic virus without the ribonucleic defined coordination polymers from kinetically labile
acid strand and will undoubtedly aid in the under- complexes in 1996.252 It was demonstrated that high-
standing of biopolymer self-assembly.238 molecular-mass polymers can be obtained from rigid
In n-butanol the average distance between helix bis(phenanthrolinyl)ligand and Cu(I), if the solvent
reversals in columns containing both 55a and 55b used cannot act as a competitive ligand for the metal
was found to exceed 400 molecules via “sergeant and (Figure 32).
soldiers”204 experiments. The high persistence length The authors showed that ligand exchange takes
of the helicity results in strong (400-fold) amplifica- place instantaneously in a mixture of Cu(I) and Ag-
tion of chirality. In water, the helix inversions were (I) model complexes in coordinating solvents such as
found to occur after, on the average, every 12 disks, acetonitrile, whereas in 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane no
indicating that the helical order within the columns evidence of ligand exchange was observed after
is highly solvent-dependent.236 In water, the solvent several hours. The strategy to obtain the polymer was
interferes with interactions accounting for helical based on using the latter solvent, in which ligand
order at all temperatures, resulting in a lower energy exchange is slowed as much as possible. Upon titrat-
barrier for helix inversions. ing a solution of the monomer with [Cu(MeCN)4]PF6,
1H NMR spectra showed that end groups were
VI. Supramolecular Coordination Polymers and present when less than 1 equiv copper salt had been
Miscellaneous Systems added, and that at a 1:1 stoichiometry, only broad
Metal coordination has been used to prepare a wide polymer resonances remained.253 The resulting solu-
range of supramolecular complexes with geometries tions displayed high viscosities, indicating high mo-
varying in complexity from simple cyclic dimers to lecular masses. Upon further addition of metal salt,
catenanes, helicates, and cages with intricate geom- the viscosity decreased again. From this experiment,
etries.239 In view of the apparent ease of construction it can be concluded that exchange between free and
of these well-defined assemblies, the number of coordinated Cu(I) ions continues to occur, even in a
1-dimensional coordination polymers that has been noncoordinating solvent. When the polymer was
characterized in solution is surprisingly small. There precipitated and redissolved, no signs of degradation
is extensive literature about coordination polymers of the polymer were observed.
in the solid state; this is outside the scope of the A different approach to coordination polymers has
present review because these polymers do not exist been taken by Terech and co-workers, who studied
outside the confinement of their crystal lattice. Most the aggregation of a Cu(II) tetraoctanoate (58, Figure
soluble coordination polymers, be they linear240-248 33). Using neutron scattering, it was shown that in
or hyperbranched,249,250 are held together by kineti- apolar solvents the complex molecules assemble in a
cally stable metal-ligand interactions and do not linear fashion to form threads with a cross section
show the dynamic reversibility that is observed in containing approximately 1 binuclear copper com-
true supramolecular polymers. Kinetically labile plex.254 Studies in Decalin255 have shown that under
coordination complexes of metal ions such as Cu(I) certain conditions, the rheological behavior of this
and Ag(I) are required to form such aggregates. The system can be described by the theory of living
first report of dynamic oligomers using these metals polymers that has been developed by Cates and co-
dates from 1992,251 and it describes stereoregular workers.256,257 It was suggested that, below a given
coordination polymers using peptide-based polyden- transition temperature, physical junctions between
tate ligand 56 containing thienyl, imidazolyl, and chains act both as chain extenders and as efficient
thioether donor sites (Figure 31). physical cross-links, resulting in rheological behavior
The solid-state structure of the complex with silver that matches Cates’ predictions of reversible poly-
triflate was determined with X-ray diffraction. On the mers in the semidilute (entangled) regime. Above
4092 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brunsveld et al.

Figure 32. Bifunctional metal complexating 57 and its mode of polymerization upon addition of Cu+.

mixing 59 and 60 as calibration, the authors calcu-

lated that the aggregates in a 7 mM solution of 59
have an average molecular mass of 136 kDa, corre-
sponding to a DP of about 100. These experiments
nicely demonstrate the balance between kinetic
stability (required for successful separation by SEC)
and the reversibility needed for tuning the DP with
monofunctional molecules.
Usually, ion-dipole interactions are insufficiently
directional for the formation of linear supramolecular
polymers because the functional groups providing the
interaction tend to form clusters in such a system.
Recently, Gibson and co-workers have shown that the
combination of crown ethers and secondary am-
Figure 33. Mode of aggregation of Cu(II) tetraoctanoate monium ions can successfully be employed for this
58 into linear polymers. (Reprinted with permission from purpose.259 They designed a system based on Stod-
ref 254. Copyright 1992 American Chemical Society.) dart’s finding that 24-dibenzocrown-8 and dibenzyl-
ammonium hexafluorophosphate associate strongly
Ttrans, these physical junctions melt, and the rela- (Ka ) 2.7 × 104 in CDCl3).260 Association of bifunc-
tively short chains are no longer entangled. tional molecules 61 and 62 was investigated by
Hunter and co-workers recently reported soluble, Gibson, and was shown to lead to chain extended
high-molecular-weight coordination polymers based aggregates (Figure 35), as was evident from the
on porphyrins.258 A porphyrin was provided with two strong concentration dependence of the viscosity of
pendant pyridine groups and a cobalt atom (which 1:1 solutions of these compounds in CHCl3/acetone.
has six coordination sites) in the center. The bifunc- On the basis of end group analysis by NMR, the
tional molecule 59 was anticipated to form coordina- molecular weight of the aggregates was estimated to
tion polymers in the fashion depicted in Figure 34. be 22 kDa for a 2 M solution, whereas at low
It was shown by 1H NMR diffusion studies that concentrations the spectrum was dominated by sig-
polymeric aggregates were indeed obtained, and nals of a cyclic dimer. Flexible films and fibers were
aggregation was confirmed by size exclusion chro- obtained from concentrated equimolar solutions of 61
matography, which showed that 59 forms aggregates and 62, from which it was inferred that entangled
which are significantly larger than those of 60, which linear aggregates are present in the solid material.
cannot associate beyond the dimeric state. Moreover, The same interaction between secondary ammonium
the size of the aggregate was shown to be dependent groups and crown ether moieties has been used in
on the concentration of the solution. SEC was also dendritic self-assembly.261
used to show that the size of the aggregates could be Li and McGown used the well-studied inclusion
tuned by addition of increasing amounts of mono- behavior of cyclodextrins to obtain nanotube ag-
functional compound, incidentally demonstrating the gregates of cyclodextrins (63) and diphenylhexatriene
reversibility of the aggregation process. Using the (64) (DPH).262 These reversible, polymer-like ag-
oligomer peaks in SEC that were observed upon gregates can be formed because two phenyl “head-
Supramolecular Polymers Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4093

Figure 34. Formation of coordination polymers from porphyrin 59 and two chain stoppers 60.

Figure 35. Polymerization via interactions between bifunctional ammonium compounds and bifunctional crown ether

Figure 36. Supramolecular polymer consisting of β-cyclodextrin 63 and DPH 64.

groups” of DPH fit into the cavity of β-cyclodextrin, gregates on graphite confirmed their nanotube ar-
and the cavity of γ-cyclodextrin can accommodate chitecture.
three phenyl groups. Binding of the phenyl groups The specific inclusion of adamantyl groups in
of one DPH molecule in two different cyclodextrin β-cyclodextrin in aqueous environments has been
cavities (Figure 36), results in polymeric aggregates used as binding interaction between adamantyl end-
with an estimated length of 20 β-cyclodextrins, or capped poly(ethylene oxide)263,264 or polyester and a
20-35 γ-cyclodextrins, based on light scattering cyclodextrin polymer. Even though the formation of
results. Scanning tunneling microscopy of the ag- linear chain extended structures was not specifically
4094 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brunsveld et al.

Figure 37. Supramolecular polymer materials created with the ureidopyrimidone unit. (Reprinted with permission from
ref 118. Copyright 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)

studied - polyfunctionality of the cyclodextrin poly- such as low strength of the supramolecular gels and
mer gives rise to network architectures - the highly their phase transitions, gives them a low added-value
defined 1:1 stoichiometry of the interaction and its with respect to covalent polymers as construction
reversibility make this an interesting system. Inter- materials. However, their strong π-π interactions
action between the two polymers has been demon- within a column lead to high electronic mobilities, a
strated through dynamic light scattering and viscos- property that is essential in the development of
ity measurements. The limiting value of the relaxation plastic transitors and photovoltaics.265,266 Coordina-
time in light scattering measurements (230 ms) was tion polymers and a number of other approaches
suggested to be related to the lifetime of the inclusion show the versatility of the supramolecular polymer
of adamantyl groups in the cyclodextrin cavity. approach.
Finally, an important conclusion that arises after
VII. Conclusions and Outlook discussing the literature on supramolecular polymers
relates to the fact that these polymers are also
Roughly fifteen years after the first experiments interesting systems to be used by polymer theorists
toward supramolecular polymers (monomeric units to verify a number of polymer theories. The thermo-
held together by specific directional secondary inter- dynamic nature of the supramolecular polymers
actions), it can be concluded that a new research area enables the study of these systems without the
is added to the field of polymer science. The progress kinetic constraints that are normally involved in the
in supramolecular chemistry has paved the way to study of macromolecules. The future, however, will
assembling small molecules into polymer arrays: show the scope and limitations of this new field of
structures that possess many of the well-known supramolecular polymers. We foresee a bright future,
properties of “traditional” macromolecules. Because and it is now clear that the status of supramolecular
of the reversibility in the bonding, these supramo- polymers has grown from scientific curiosities into
lecular polymers are under thermodynamic equilib- systems with technological relevance.
rium, and their properties can be adjusted by exter-
nal stimuli. In this review we have analyzed three
different classes of supramolecular polymers, in VIII. Acknowledgments
which hydrogen-bonded systems have been shown to We acknowledge the many contributions of and
be technologically relevant, having surpassed the discussions with our colleagues Jef Vekemans, Anja
state of being merely scientific curiosities. A large Palmans, Felix Beijer, Ronald Lange, and Ky Hirsch-
variety of applications is foreseen to be feasible, berg. The research presented has been supported by
especially as this approach can also be used for the the Eindhoven University of Technology, DSM Re-
modification of telechelic oligomers or to modify search, and The Netherlands Organization for Chemi-
existing polymers. But also, the possibility to tune cal Research (CW), with financial aid from The
the properties by simple copolymer formation due to Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
just mixing monomers seems very attractive, whereas (NWO), the National Research School Combination
hybrids between blocks of macromolecules and su- Catalysis (NSRC-C), and the Dutch Polymer Insti-
pramolecular polymers are easy to prepare. There- tute.
fore, novel thermoplastic elastomers, superglues,
hotmelts, and tunable polymeric materials are within IX. References
reach (Figure 37).
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Chiral Architectures from Macromolecular Building Blocks

Jeroen J. L. M. Cornelissen,† Alan E. Rowan,† Roeland J. M. Nolte,†,‡ and Nico A. J. M. Sommerdijk*,‡
Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, and Laboratory of Macromolecular and Organic Chemistry,
Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Received March 1, 2001

Contents hydrogen-bonding capacity, steric demands, electro-

static properties, hydrophilic or hydrophobic charac-
I. Introduction 4039 ter, or metal ion binding capability. Supramolecular
II. Chiral Architectures from Low-Molecular-Weight 4039 chemistry since its early days has been inspired by
Compounds biological assembly methods and has already deliv-
III. Chiral Macromolecules: Secondary Structure 4045 ered a large number of architectures of macro-
A. Helical Polymers Having Low Helix Inversion 4046 molecular size based on these secondary interac-
Barriers tions.1,2
B. Helical Polymers Having High Helix Inversion 4053 In our view, the same principles, when applied to
Barriers polymer chemistry, allow the construction of large
IV. Chiral Macromolecular Architectures: Tertiary 4062 and complex, but precise, macromolecular architec-
Structure tures. In this review, focus will be on chiral polymers
V. Conclusions and Outlook 4066 with a defined secondary structure in solution (sec-
VI. Acknowledgments 4066 tion III) and on chiral macromolecular architectures
VII. References 4066 arising from the aggregation of polymers (section
IV).3 Some examples from supramolecular chemistry
relevant to the design of chiral self-organizing poly-
I. Introduction mers will be given in the following section. In this
section we will also discuss the different approaches
In the course of evolution, Nature has developed a for the construction of chiral oligomeric structures
multitude of biomacromolecules tailored to deal with (foldamers).4
complicated tasks such as information storage, sup-
port of tissue, transport, and the performance of
localized chemical transformations. Although large II. Chiral Architectures from
numbers of researchers in the fields of chemistry and Low-Molecular-Weight Compounds
physics have been, and still are, pursuing the same 1. Supramolecular Chirality. By building-in
goals using synthetic systems, nucleic acids and structural information, researchers have designed
proteins still outclass man-made materials. This has and synthesized self-assembling low-molecular-weight
made an increasing number of scientists over the past surfactants preprogrammed to form chiral super-
decades turn their eye to Nature to design and structures such as “cigars”, twisted ribbons, helices,
synthesize increasingly precise nanoscopic and even tubes, braids, boomerangs, and superhelices in aque-
mesoscopic structures using polymeric materials. ous media.5-11 Comparable structures were generated
For the structuring of matter, Nature uses the self- by aggregation of other low-molecular-weight com-
assembly of both low- and high-molecular-weight pounds in organic solvents.12,13 The sensitivity to
compounds as a tool. Many biological architectures, molecular geometry is highlighted by dramatic dif-
the dimensions of which may range over several ferences in the aggregation behavior of two regio-
orders of magnitude, for their robustness rely on two isomeric phospholipid analogues, 1 and 2, both hav-
structural components: the R-helix and β-sheet struc- ing the (R) configuration (Figure 1). Phospholipid 1
tures of peptides. It is the secondary structure of forms platelike aggregates, whereas 2, which has a
these two components which, in a delicate interplay more linear shape, is able to pack in such a way that
among steric, hydrophobic, electrostatic, and hydrogen- its molecular chirality is expressed on the supra-
bonding interactions, gives rise to the tertiary struc- molecular level, leading to the formation of helices,
ture of Nature’s main building blocks, the proteins. all with a diameter of 22 nm and a regular pitch of
To achieve the high levels of organization, informa- 92 nm.
tion must be built into the smallest building blocks, One other important principle to be learned from
i.e., the amino acids. Indeed these building units do Nature is that when the structural dimensions of the
contain this information in the form of chirality, architectures enter the multi-micrometer domain,
different levels of organization are involved, e.g., as
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone: +31 40 in collagen, which consists of polypeptide strands that
247 5870. Fax: +31 40245 1036. E-mail: [email protected].
† University of Nijmegen. are organized in triple helices (tropocollagen) that
‡ Eindhoven University of Technology. assemble to form fibrils and ultimately generate the
10.1021/cr990126i CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 11/27/2001
4040 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Cornelissen et al.

Jeroen J. L. M. Cornelissen started to study chemistry in 1992 at the Roeland J. M. Nolte received his Ph.D. in physical organic chemistry from
University of Nijmegen, from which he graduated in 1996 after working the University of Utrecht (1973), where he stayed and became Assistant
on conducting polymers (in the group of E. W. Meijer, Eindhoven University Professor and then Associate Professor. In 1981, he was a visiting scientist
of Technology) and substrate-selective catalysis (in the group of Roeland at UCLA in the group of Donald J. Cram. In 1987, he moved to the
J. M. Nolte). In the latter group, he subsequently performed his Ph.D. University of Nijmegen and became Professor of Organic Chemistry, and
research on chiral architectures from polymers and block copolymers of since 1994 he has also been Professor of Supramolecular Chemistry at
isocyanopeptides. Since June 2001 he has been working as a postdoctoral the Eindhoven University of Technology. His principal research interest
fellow at the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, CA. is supramolecular chemistry, focusing on the design of catalysts and
polymeric materials.

Alan E. Rowan completed his Ph.D. in physical organic chemistry in 1991

at the University of Liverpool, England. After a period of postdoctoral Nico A. J. M. Sommerdijk obtained his Ph.D. (Cum Laude) in 1995 at the
research at the University of Otago, New Zealand, he returned to Europe University of Nijmegen for his study of the synthesis and aggregation
and became Assistant Professor at the University of Nijmegen in 1996. behavior of chiral surfactant molecules. After this, he did postdoctoral
His scientific interests are in the design and construction of supramolecular work with John D. Wright at the University of Kent (U.K.) on sol−gel-
assemblages possessing catalytic and electronic properties. based sensor materials and with Brigid R. Heywood at Keele University
(U.K.) on the influence of self-assembling surfactants on the crystallization
collagen fibers.14 Several accounts of similar hierar- of inorganic materials. In 1997, he returned to Nijmegen to work on
supramolecular assemblies of surfactants and polymeric materials. After
chical order have also been reported for aggregates this, he moved to the Eindhoven University of Technology in 1999, where
of synthetic low-molecular-weight compounds.15 The he became Assistant Professor of Biomimetic Materials Chemistry. His
possibility to organize matter by hierarchical self- key research interests are the fabrication of organic−inorganic composite
assembly is exemplified by the aggregation behavior materials and the construction of polymer−enzyme hybrid systems using
of the imidazole-modified amphiphilic gluconamide the tools from supramolecular and macromolecular chemistry.
3 in an aqueous medium in the presence of copper(II)
ions (Figure 2).13a The molecules of 3 form 4:1 of DNA is such a process that is influenced by small
complexes with Cu2+ which subsequently organize changes in the local ionic strength which can cause
into double-layered sheets. These sheets roll-up into the reversal of the helical twist in the DNA coils.16
left-handed helical tubes, which cluster to form fibrils Similar phenomena have been reported for surfactant
with a thickness of 150 nm. These fibrils further aggregates,17 first exemplified by the self-assembly
organize to form the supermolecular braids as is behavior of compound 2, which organizes into left-
shown in Figure 2. handed helices that may either cluster to form ropes
Another important lesson from Nature teaches us with the same handedness or aggregate to form right-
that the way chirality is expressed depends not only handed superhelices with widths of 350 nm, a pitch
on the chiral information encoded in the molecules, of 250 nm, and lengths exceeding 10 µm (Figure 1).3e
or on the level of organization. It may also be These examples demonstrate how low-molecular-
triggered or altered by changes in the local environ- weight chemistry may be a guideline on how to use
ment of the aggregate, such as polarity, the presence chirality as a tool in the construction of highly
of specific ions, pH, or temperature. The supercoiling ordered polymeric materials since it will give a bias
Chiral Architectures from Macromolecular Building Blocks Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4041

Figure 1. Top: Structures and CPK models of regioisomeric phospholipid analogues. Bottom: (a, b) TEM micrographs of
aggregates of 2. (a) Right-handed helices. (b) Superhelices formed by further assembly of the helices shown in (a). Inset:
freeze-fractured replica of the superhelix. (c) Schematic representation of the superhelical winding.

as to how building blocks at the monomeric level will in the backbones of the resulting cylindrical polymer
be built into the polymer chains. Together with other architectures above a critical degree of polymeriza-
molecular information embedded in the monomers, tion (>20 for styrene, >15 for methacrylate).22,23
it will dictate how polymer chains will fold and, The double helix of DNA exemplifies Nature’s
ultimately, interact with neighboring chains to form ability to construct complex chiral structures in an
well-defined polymeric architectures. aqueous medium by making use of both hydrogen-
The aggregation of small chiral molecules can be bonding and hydrophobic interactions. Inspired by
used not only as a guideline for the construction of this phenomenon, Sijbesma and Meijer used dimeric
chiral polymer structures; the following examples building blocks equipped with 4-fold hydrogen-bond-
show that it may also be directly applied to generate ing units to obtain true polymeric structures in
polymer architectures, e.g., by serving as a template solution based on supramolecular interactions. By the
for the organization of macromolecules into larger interplay between the stacking of the aromatic
structures, to organize amphiphilic monomers, or hydrogen-bonding units and the incorporated enan-
even to form polymeric strands based on strong tiomerially pure solubilizing side chains, they were
supramolecular interactions. able to generate helical self-assembled polymeric
Lipid molecules with specific ligands or binding architectures in organic solvents as well as in aque-
sites for selected protein templates have been dem- ous media (Figure 3b,c).24
onstrated to direct the organization of these proteins 2. Foldamers: Oligomers with a Preferred
into tubular structures with an outer shell consisting Helical Conformation. With the design of polymers
of a crystalline layer of biomacromolecules packed in with well-defined secondary and tertiary structures
a perfect helical arrangement.18 Helical polymer as the ultimate goal, researchers have taken up the
architectures can also be obtained from chiral lipids task of identifying and synthesizing new structural
and surfactants carrying polymerizable groups which elements that contain the information required for
can be fixed by photopolymerization as has been the programmed folding of molecular chains. This has
reviewed by O’Brian et al.19 Already in 1985, Yager, led to the development of a class of compounds
Schoen, and co-workers reported on polymerized lipid generally referred to as “foldamers” and defined by
tubes comprising helically folded bilayer sheets.20 Gellman as polymers “with a strong tendency to
More recently Percec et al. demonstrated the control adopt a specific compact conformation”.25 Essential
over the backbone conformation of different polymers in the design of foldamers is the identification of new
through the programmed self-assembly of monomers backbones with well-defined structural preferences,
(Figure 3a).21 The polymerization of styrenes and and foldamers are thus further defined as oligomers
methacrylates equipped with tapered gallic acid- of modest length that in solution display such a
derived monodendrons induces a helical conformation specific conformational preference. As the two most
4042 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Cornelissen et al.

Figure 2. Hierarchical organization in the aggregation of an amphiphilic imidazole-containing gluconamide in the presence
of copper(II) ions.

common structural elements found in Nature are (amino acid)s probably are the most simple example
helices and β-sheets, the realization of their synthetic of how structural information in the polymer back-
equivalents has been adopted as a research target bone can dictate the folding of the molecules in a
by a large number of scientists.26 In this review, we predefined manner. Some of these polymers, e.g.,
will limit ourselves to examples in which the research poly(benzyl glutamate), have now been sythesized in
has concentrated on systems with homogeneity in the a true polymer approach by the ring-opening reaction
backbone since a polymer approach may be applied of N-carboxyanhydride monomers (see also section
to these materials and we will not go into the fields III.A).27 The preference of these poly(R-amino acid)s
of polypeptide synthesis and peptidomimetics. Poly- 4 (Chart 1) for the R-helix and the 3/10-helical
Chiral Architectures from Macromolecular Building Blocks Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4043

Seebach and co-workers have developed hetero-

hexa-β-peptides, e.g., 8 (Chart 1), which form helical
structures in water as well as in organic solvents.32
They demonstrated that the conformational restric-
tions in the backbone imposed by the use of cyclic
monomers were not a prerequisite for the formation
of these helical structures. Gellman’s group later
showed, however, that the incorporation of cyclic
β-amino acids in the sequence does have a positive
effect on the stabilization of the helix.33 Exploring the
possibilities of these types of monomers, Seebach and
co-workers demonstrated that also β-sheets and turns
can be realized,34 and that the 14-helix can also be
attained through the use of γ-amino acids.35
Other foldamers that have been reported are the
vinylogous amino acids 9,36 the β-sulfonopeptides
10,37 and the vinylogous sulfonopeptides 11 (Chart
1).38 Related to this work are also the investigations
carried out on peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) which
have recently been reviewed by Nielsen.39 PNAs are
a new class of flexible oligomeric DNA analogues in
which the base pairs are carried by a peptide back-
bone. When this backbone consists of cyclohexyl-
derived amino acids, the molecules adopt a more rigid
conformation and are able to also form a double-
helical structure.40
Hamilton and co-workers have prepared oligomers
from anthranillic acid and pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic
acid moieties which use hydrogen bonds between
nearest-neighbor groups to rigidify their structure
Figure 3. (a) Formation of helical macromolecular struc- and maintain a helical conformation.41 Lehn’s group
tures through the polymerization of preorganized mono- has published a similar approach using oligoiso-
mers bearing tapered side groups. (b) Structure of dimeric phthalamides which can fold into helical aggregates
hydrogen-bonding units able to form helical self-assembled through the formation of hydrogen bonds. In this
polymers in organic (R1) or aqueous (R2) solution. (c) work, cyanuric acid is used as a template around
Schematic representation of a right-hand helical self-
assembled polymer. which the oligomer folds into a helix, forming hydro-
gen bonds to the guest molecule.42 The helices ag-
structure has been extrapolated to the design of other gregate, thereby generating fibers, which in turn
helical structures based on oligomers of β-peptides cluster to form bundles of lengths up to several
5. The groups of Gellman and Seebach have pro- micrometers. A templating agent is not required for
vided methodologies and guidelines for the construc- the folding of oligo(pyridinecarboxamide)s 12 (Chart
tion of defined helical architectures from these com- 2). These molecules fold by the formation of intra-
pounds. molecular hydrogen bonds into double helices that
Gellman’s efforts have concentrated on conforma- reversibly dissociate into single-helical strands upon
tionally rigidified monomers, aiming at the realiza- heating.43
tion of helical structures with long-term stability.28 Rather than relying on hydrogen bonding to achieve
Molecular modeling calculations predicted that oli- the appropriate folding of oligomeric compounds,
gomers of trans-2-aminocyclohexanecarboxylic acid Lokey and Iverson used attractive aromatic electron
(6) and of trans-2-aminocylcopentanecarboxylic acid donor-acceptor (AEDA) interactions between di-
(7) (Chart 1) have particular preferences for the alkoxynaphthalene and naphthalenetetracarboxylic
formation of a 14-helix and a 12-helix, respectively. diimide. Oligomers 13 (Chart 2) containing these
The crystal structure of oligomers 6 (based on the groups were termed “aedamers” and were shown to
former monomer) indeed revealed a perfect 14-helix, give pleated structures in solution, yielding a distinct
but although strong indications for the presence of a “plum color” due to broad charge-transfer absorption
similar structure in solution were obtained, no de- bands in the visible region.44 By using different amino
finitive solution data have been presented yet.29 For acids as the linkers between the donor and acceptor
a hexamer (7a) and an octamer (7b) of the cyclopen- units, solubility could be tuned; Nguyen and Iverson
tane-derived β-peptide, the solution structure was used hydrophilic and hydrophobic residues, alternat-
determined using NMR. This supported the existence ingly, as linkers between the aromatic units, yielding
of the 12-helix structure which was also found in the amphiphilic stacks which aggregated in aqueous
solid state.30 More recently also X-ray data on the media.45
packing of these helices in the solid state have The folding of oligo(m-phenyleneethynylene)s (Fig-
become available, which may help to design tertiary ure 4) into helical stacks driven by solvophobic effects
structures based on these foldamers.31 was reported by Moore and co-workers.46 These
4044 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Cornelissen et al.

Chart 1

Chart 2
Chiral Architectures from Macromolecular Building Blocks Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4045

Figure 4. (a) Synthesis of oligo(m-phenyleneethynylene)s containing a chiral binaphthyl group. (b) Structure of oligo-
(m-phenyleneethynylene)s with optically active ethylene oxide side chains. (c) Same as (b) but with cyano groups that
allow the binding of metal ions.

molecules exhibit a large degree of conformational themselves into a long tubular structure with an in-
flexibility due to the fact that rotation is possible ternal diameter of 8 Å. These fibers display a helical
around the ethynylene linkers, which allows switch- twist and stretch out over several micrometers.53
ing between the transoid and cisoid states, the latter
of which leads to a helical conformation. The aromatic III. Chiral Macromolecules: Secondary Structure
backbone bears pendant oligo(ethylene oxide) chains
to ensure solubility in a large variety of solvents, and A chiral organization within a macromolecule in
oligomers consisting of up to 18 repeat units were most cases is present as a helical conformation of the
prepared. To obtain a helical bias, initially binaphthyl polymeric backbone. In the 1950s, it was first recog-
groups were incorporated into the backbone of the nized that the polymerization of substituted olefins
oligomers;47 later chiral side chains were used.48 By could lead to the formation of macromolecules with
equipping every second phenylene group with a cyano a helical conformation.54 Experimental evidence for
group on the free meta position, silver ions could be the existence of such a structure in solution was first
bound into the interior of these foldamers, which reported in 1960 by Pino and Lorenzi55 and later also
aided the stability of the helices49 (Figure 4). by others.56,57 The properties of these helical macro-
Metal ion complexation has been used to direct the molecules are highly dependent on the helix inversion
helical folding of many oligomeric compounds. The barrier. The screw sense of one particular strand is
resulting complexes are known as helicates and have stable at room temperature when this helical inver-
been reviewed by Williams,50 and by Piguet et al.51 sion barrier is high (g∼85 kJ‚mol-1), whereas the two
The group of Lehn has demonstrated how by screw senses may be in equilibrium when the inver-
careful design oligomeric strands 14 (Chart 2) of sion barrier is lower.58 In the case of nonchiral side
alternating pyridine and pyrimidine can fold into chains, the left- and right-handed helices are enan-
helical structures using the geometry of the mol- tiomers, having equal free energies. When the poly-
ecules, without the further need of specific directing mer contains chiral side chains, the helices are
forces or agents.52 In their design, they used the fact diastereomers and consequently have different free
that when these aromatic building blocks are linked energies (Figure 5). Polymers with low helix inversion
at the appropriate positions the preference for a barriers have dynamic properties which can be used
transoid conformation automatically leads to a helical to build chiral architectures that respond to interac-
structure. When pyridazines 15 (Chart 2) are used tions with small molecules, light, or subtle changes
instead of pyrimidine groups, the helices organize in monomer composition or temperature as will be
4046 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Cornelissen et al.

Figure 7. Introduction of optical activity in polyisocyan-

ates by H/D substitution.

latter are less well defined than the former. When

an achiral monomer is polymerized, left- and right-
handed helices are formed, which are distributed
throughout the polymer chains and are dynamically
interconverting. Empirical force field studies on poly-
(alkyl isocyanates) predict a barrier of 52 kJ‚mol-1
for the cis-trans isomerization of the conjugated,
partial double bonds in the polymer backbones, which
agrees closely with the observed experimental data.62
The helical sense of the polymer can be controlled
Figure 5. (a) Energy relationships between helical poly- by a variety of means, such as inclusion of a chiral
mers from achiral monomers. (b) Relational diagram monomer, the use of a chiral solvent, or the use of a
between helical polymers from chiral monomers. (Modified chiral initiator for the polymerization. The group of
from ref 58.)
Green has elegantly demonstrated that the helical
discussed in the following section. When the helix sense of poly(alkyl isocyanate)s is extremely sensitive
inversion barrier of the polymer is high, the helical to even slight chiral biases in the monomer. They
conformation is formed under kinetic conditions. This showed that substitution of a proton for a deuterium
implies that upon incorporation into the growing (Figure 7) is sufficient to induce a preferential helical
chain each monomer contributes to the helix, and is sense in the resulting polymers.60,63 It is remarkable
sterically locked into its conformation. These types that this substitution induces such an effect, espe-
of polymers will be discussed in part B of this section. cially since in hexane at 25 °C this isotopic effect
would favor a P-helix over the M-helix by only 3.1
A. Helical Polymers Having Low Helix Inversion J‚mol-1, implying that the P-helix would exist in
Barriers excess of the M-helix by only 0.12%. However, for a
long polymer chain (n ) 2000), this minute excess is
1. Polyisocyanates. Polyisocyanates (Nylon 1) are amplified by a cooperative mechanism to give a ratio
stiff helical polymers, which have been extensively of 67:33 (P-helix:M-helix). The same research group
investigated in the last 20 years in particular due to further highlighted the cooperative nature within the
the pioneering work of Goodman and Chen59 and polymeric helices by investigating the helical prefer-
more recently the elegant studies of Green.60 Their ence of copolymers of chiral and achiral polyisocyan-
stiffness is a result of the partial double-bond char- ates. They discovered that the presence of even a
acter of the backbone amide bonds. The polymer minor amount of chiral monomer induced a helical
backbone is helical due to steric constraints, which preference upon polymerization of the achiral mono-
prevent the amide bonds from being planar whether mer. Somewhat surprisingly it was also discovered
they are in a cis or trans conformation (Figure 6). that a polyisocyanate constructed from a random
copolymerization of monomers containing nearly
equal numbers of mirror image units exhibits the
same CD spectrum as a polyisocyanate obtained from
the homopolymerization of the enantiopure mono-
mers (Figure 8). The ability of the majority unit to
impose itself upon the minority (majority rules
concept) becomes more prominent as the helical
reversal becomes more difficult to attain.
Figure 6. Structure of poly(n-hexyl isocyanate) and a
generalized polyisocyanate structure indicating the steric The observed cooperativity arises from infrequent
restrictions in these polymers. helical reversals, which separate long blocks of op-
posing helical senses, forcing many units of the chain
The helical nature of these polymers was confirmed to take the same helical sense. In this way, the chiral
by analysis of the X-ray crystal structure of poly(butyl bias of each unit of the chain is amplified. In the case
isocyanate) in the late 1960s, which revealed a 3/8- of the helical preference induced by the isotope effect,
helix, in which the monomeric units are translated the helix reversal was found to cost 6.3 kJ‚mol-1 and
along the helical axis by 1.94 Å per monomer and to occur on average only once in every 762 units. This
rotated by 135° per monomer.61 This helical confor- long persistence length, which in turn is the result
mation is also adopted in solution for both poly(alkyl of the infrequent helical reversals, accounts for the
isocyanates) and poly(aryl isocyanates) although the chiral amplification in these polymer systems. More
Chiral Architectures from Macromolecular Building Blocks Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4047

Chart 3

cosolvent, which can be quantitatively interpreted as

reflecting the composition of the solvent mixture in
contact with the helical backbone of the polymer.68
Poly(aryl isocyanate)s possessing a phenyl group
directly connected to the polymer main chain have
until recently been considered to adopt a random-
coil conformation in solution due to the lack of
stiffness of the polymer main chain.69 The group of
Okamoto, however, has demonstrated that when an
optically active anionic initiator is used in the poly-
merization reaction, chiral polymers are obtained,
which have a one-handed helical structure dictated
by the initiator. The polymer main chains are stiff
enough to maintain this helical conformation in
solution.70 The same group more recently reported
that chiral aromatic isocyanates can be polymerized
to give well-defined polymers with a helical prefer-
ence. (S)-16 (Chart 3) showed a very large negative
optical rotation, [R]25365 -1969°, which was found to
be temperature independent, implying that (S)-16
Figure 8. Majority rules effect in polyisocyanates: (left) (Chart 3) adopts a perfect helical conformation in
CD spectra of homo- and copolymers; (right) structure and solution even at room temperature. Polymerization
compostion of the polymers. (Reprinted with permission of achiral monomers in the presence of chiral mono-
from ref 60. Copyright 1995 American Association for the mers gave helices that exhibited cooperative effects
Advancement of Science.) similar to the ones seen for their alkyl equivalents.71
Optically active (S)-17 (Chart 3) was found to display
recently the mixed copolymer experiments have been an unusual conformational change accompanied by
extended to include a diluting achiral component. inversion of the helical structure when the temper-
The highly disproportionate relationship which arises ature was changed. At -45 °C in THF, 17 possessed
from the majority rule effect, as was demonstrated a predominantly one-handed helical conformation
for the mixed (R)- and (S)-copolymers,64 was found with a helical sense opposite to that at 25 °C.72
to be unaffected by the overwhelming presence of Switching the helical sense of polyisocyanates is a
achiral units randomly distributed along the chain.65 research topic that is receiving increasing attention.
Experimental results were fitted to a one-dimen- This is due to the result of the extreme sensitivity of
sional random-field Ising model, which showed that the helices to slight chiral influences arising from the
the dilution of the chiral units with achiral units large cooperativity present in these polymers. In
increases the helical domain size in a manner that 1996, the group of Zentel polymerized optically active
compensates for the dilution. isocyanates containing azo chromophores to give
The sensitivity of the helical preference of polyiso- polymers with a preferred helical twist and photo-
cyanates to small chiral influences is also observed switchable functions.73 Their preliminary studies
in chiral solvents. Poly(n-hexyl isocyanate) was found revealed that upon photoswitching the chromophore
experimentally to have a persistence length of 20- from the trans to the cis state, the percentage of
40 nm depending on the solvent in which the meas- right-handed (P) helical segments increases and the
urements were carried out.66 It was hypothesized that observed CD effect for the polymer reverses. Films
in more polar solvents a local interaction of the consisting of a copolymer of photochromic isocyanate
solvent would give rise to larger torsional oscillations and n-hexyl isocyanate (18) (Chart 4) embedded in
around the backbone bonds. It was indeed observed poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) exhibited stable
that dissolution of poly(n-hexyl isocyanate) in non- photochromic switching, whereas upon irradiation
racemic chiral solvents, e.g., (S)-1-chloro-2-methyl- the preferential helical sense of the polymer was
butane, changed the persistence length and in addi- reversed. Upon thermal relaxation of the chro-
tion also resulted in an excess of one helical sense.67 mophore, the photoinduced helical preference was
The chiral bias favoring one helical sense by itself is retained. The inclusion of the polymer within the
miniscule, but due to the cooperativity, a chiral PMMA matrix increases the barrier to helix reversal,
preference is observed. More recently it was noted thereby fixing the polymer.74 In a similar approach,
that the circular dichroism of these polymers de- the group of Green demonstrated that achiral poly-
creases upon the addition of an achiral or racemic mers containing racemic photoresolvable ketones (19)
4048 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Cornelissen et al.

Chart 4

Figure 10. Possible configurations of polyacetylene.

Chart 5

can be switched from one helical preference to

another upon photoexcitation of the chromophore
(Figure 9).75 A small enantiomeric excess produced
by irradiation, even diluted by a large proportion of
achiral pendants, is capable of enforcing an excess
of one helical sense in the polymer. An elegant
approach to the manipulation of the helical sense of
polyisocyanates is the polymers synthesized by Green,
which possess two different nonracemic chiral mol-
ecules that are in competition with each other to
control the polymer sense.76 The competition leads
to thermal switching of the helical sense at a com-
pensation point that depends continuously and pre-
dictably on the composition of the polymers.
Stiff, rodlike polymers are known to aggregate to
form lyotropic nematic liquid crystals77 and to self-
assemble to form gels.78 The helical nature of the
polyisocyanates is transferred into the properties of
the aggregates. When the polymer contains mono-
mers bearing chiral side groups, the liquid crystalline
superstructure is no longer nematic but cholesteric.
This switching of the liquid crystalline phase can also
be attained by doping with small chiral molecules, 2. Chiral π-Conjugated Polymers. Polyacety-
mimicking the chiral solvation effect seen for the lenes can exist in four different conformations: the
polymers in solution.67 The number of helical rever- cis-cisoid, cis-transoid, trans-cisoid, and trans-tran-
sals per polymer changes upon aggregation to a gel. soid conformations (Figure 10).79 Although this type
Molecular modeling predicts that at the reversal of conjugated polymer has interesting electronic
point the polymer has a kink of 150°. It was observed properties (e.g., trans-polyacetylene has a low-energy
by recording optical activity that a reduction in the π-π* electronic absorption of 1.8 eV80) and substi-
number of helical reversals (and hence an increase tuted trans-polyacetylenes have been investigated
in persistence length) in the polymer chains occurs extensively, studies on substituted polyacetylenes
due to close parallel packing of the polymer rods. with a predominantly cis configuration are limited.
A helical geometry was proposed for the cis-cisoid and
cis-transoid polyacetylenes on the basis of the find-
ings of Simonescu et al., who for the first time
prepared and identified all four stereoisomers of poly-
(phenylacetylene).81 This structure was later con-
firmed for other polyacetylenes using experimental
and computational methods.79,82 Characteristic for
these helices is the very short persistence length of
the helical domain, exemplified by the high popula-
tion of helix reversal points present along the poly-
meric backbone of poly(phenylacetylene).83 Already
in 1967 Ciardelli and co-workers synthesized the first
chiral polyacetylene by polymerizing (S)-4-methyl-1-
hexyne.84 Polyacetylenes equipped with chiral ap-
pendages may be prepared by ring-opening metath-
esis polymerization,85 but the most widely applied
route is the addition polymerization using [Rh-
(nbd)Cl]2 (nbd ) norbadiene) complex as a catalyst,
leading to highly regioregular cis-transoidal poly-
Figure 9. Switching of photosensitve polyisocyanates
between two helical preferences by irradiation with circu- With the aim of preparing membranes for optical
larly polarized light (CPL). (Reprinted with permission resolution, acetylene polymers 20 (Chart 5) were
from ref 75. Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society.) synthesized for which, on the basis of the high optical
Chiral Architectures from Macromolecular Building Blocks Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4049

activity, a helical conformation was proposed.88 The Scheme 1. (Left) Synthesis of Polyaniline by
optical rotation and ellipticity of the related polymer Electropolymerization in the Presence of an
21 (Chart 5) prepared using the [Rh(nbd)Cl]2 cata- Optically Active Acid and (Right) Structure of
lyst were much higher than those prepared by a Oxazoline-Containing Polythiophene 29
MoOCl4-Bu4Sn catalyst, which produces a much
more irregular macromolecular chain.89 In a more
extended investigation, a similar comparison was
made for a variety of poly(propiolic ester)s with other
chiral substituents.90 It was concluded that the
appearance of intense CD effects, originating from a
helical backbone conformation, corresponded with a
large band gap energy (ca. 3.2 eV). Furthermore, the
introduction of bulky substituents into the polymers
was found to enhance the persistence length of the
single-handed helix, leading to an increase in the Many papers have appeared on the synthesis and
magnitude of the Cotton effects and optical rotations. characterization of other chiral-conjugated polymers
Conformational studies in solution were undertaken for possible applications in, among others, membrane
to elucidate the helical structure of poly(propiolic resolution of racemates,105 enantioselective HPLC,106
ester)s.91 The chiroptical properties of copolymers of and asymmetric catalysis.107 Remarkably, only for a
21 and 22 (Chart 5) were found to be strongly related relatively small number of these chiral π-conjugated
to the enantiomeric excess of the monomer of 21, polymers, which have been reviewed by Pu,108 the
which suggested that these polymers had a long strong optical activity in the π-π* transition is
helical persistence length. In contrast, the copolymer ascribed to the presence of a secondary structure, i.e.,
of 23 and 24 had random-coil character when the (R)- to a helical conformation of the polymer backbone in
24 (Chart 5) content was 60%. solution. Most of them only display helicity in an
aggregated form. In fact, apart from the polyacety-
A number of optically inactive polyacetylenes were lenes, the aforementioned foldamers, and “binaph-
prepared by Yashima and others to study the induc- thyl-based polymers” (see section B), only a few
tion of helicity upon their complexation of an optically examples of conjugated polymers with a helical main
active compound in organic solvents, in thin films, chain exist. Main chain helicity has been reported
and in water.92 In the case of aliphatic polyacetylene for one substituted poly(phenylenevinylene),109 for an
derivatives, a helical conformation was only induced oligo(β-pyrole),110 for a cyclophane analogue of poly-
in 25 (Chart 5) when this polymer was complexed (p-phenylene), and for polyanilines.111,112
with mandelic acid.93 Poly(arylacetylene)s substituted A special feature of the polyanilines (28) is the fact
with optically active pendant groups adopt a helical that they are prepared by electrochemical polymer-
backbone conformation.94-96 Using optically inactive ization in the presence of a chiral dopant (Scheme
poly[(4-carboxyphenyl)acetylene] (26) (Chart 5), a CD 1). Polymers prepared in the presence of enantio-
spectrum could be induced upon complexation of meric counterions give rise to CD spectra with
chiral amines97 and amino alcohols in DMSO solu- completely different signs. These signals are lost
tions and in films.98 Interestingly, the sign and shape completely upon deprotonation of the polymer. This
of the induced CD effect was found to depend on the suggests that the helicity is maintained by hydrogen-
stereochemistry, bulkiness, degree of substitution bonding and/or electrostatic interactions with the
(primary, secondary, or tertiary), and absolute con- counterions.
figuration of the amines. Nonlinear correlations were Another very interesting class of chiral conjugated
found between the enantiomeric purity of the com- polymers, which has been explored by Swager and
plexing agents and the observed ellipticity, and co-workers,113 comprises macromolecules in which the
between the concentration of the chiral amines and monomeric units are equipped with receptor groups.
the amount of helicity induced in the macromol- Binding of analyte molecules leads to changes in the
ecules. Poly[(4-dihydroxyborophenyl)acetylene]99 and folding of the polymers and consequently to changes
poly(arylacetylene)s bearing an amine group100 have in their electrooptical properties, allowing them to
been used in the chirality assignment of carbohy- act as effective sensors for a variety of different
drates and steroids, and carboxylic acids, respec- analytes. Surprisingly, only one example has been
tively. Polymer 27 (Chart 5) in DMSO solution exists reported in which the binding of the guest leads to a
as a right-handed helix, but it reverses handedness change in the helical conformation of the reporter
upon the addition of mandelic acid.101 For 26, the polymer. The regioregular polythiophene 29 (see also
induced helicity can be “memorized” when the opti- section IV) bearing chiral oxazoline-derived side
cally active amine is replaced by various achiral groups only gives rise to a CD effect in poor solvents
amines. Although this helicity is self-repairing, small such as alcohols. However, exposure to copper(II) ions
structural changes in the achiral component strongly in a good solvent such as chloroform gives rise to a
influence the efficiency of helix retention.102 Further- strong Cotton effect in the CD spectrum of the
more, helical polyacetylenes with pendant lactose polymer which was attributed to the induction of a
side groups have been applied for the molecular helical conformation in the polythiophene back-
recognition of lectin,103 and derivatives bearing (R)- bone.114
(1-phenylethyl)carbamoyl groups have been used as 3. Polysilanes. Polysilanes are linear polymers of
a chiral stationary phase for HPLC.104 silicon in which the σ-electrons in the polymer
4050 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Cornelissen et al.

Scheme 2. Wurtz Coupling of Enantiopure Dichlorosilanes and the Structure of the Resulting Chiral

backbone are delocalized. This σ-conjugation gives uents, a preference for a dihedral angle of 150° was
rise to electronic properties that allow for possible found which corresponds to a 7/3-helix, a structure
applications as electroluminescent, nonlinear optical, which is remarkably similar to the one proposed for
lithographic, and semiconductor materials.115 Since the solid-state structure of poly(di-n-butylsilane) and
polysilanes are electroactive main chain polymers, poly(di-n-pentylsilane).118-120 By the introduction of
the properties of these macromolecules are strongly enantiopure substituents in the dialkyldichlorosilane
related to the substituents on silicon. Not only the monomers, polysilanes can be prepared displaying a
direct electronic effects of substitution but also its preferred handedness of the helical backbone (Scheme
indirect effect on the conformation of the polymer 2).121,123-127 This backbone chirality can also be
backbone, along which conjugation occurs, affects the induced by using terminal chiral substituents as was
optoelectronic properties of these polymers.116 demonstrated for oligosilanes with isopropyl side
The parent polysilane chain is extremely flexible, groups.122 In a detailed study by Fujiki, it was
and for tetrasilane, the energy barriers between the demonstrated that the optoelectronic properties of
gauche-gauche and gauche-anti rotation were cal- such helical polymers are directly related to their
culated to be only 6.3 ( 0.8 and 2.9 + 0.4 kJ·mol-1, conformational properties, since the folding of the all-
respectively.117 For permethylated silanes, still no silicon backbone affects the effective conjugation
distinct conformational preferences could be deter- length.123 Fujiki synthesized a large number of chiral
mined; however, for the more bulky n-hexyl substit- polysilanes using the Würtz synthesis (Scheme 2) and
Chiral Architectures from Macromolecular Building Blocks Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4051

as may be expected upon aggregation of the polymer

Fujiki further showed that poly[methyl(2-methyl-
butyl)silane] chains in solution consist of diastero-
meric segments with opposite handedness.127 A spe-
cial feature of this polymer was that the M-helical
segments were more tightly wound than the P-helical
ones. Consequently, the absorption and CD bands of
the former were blue shifted with respect to those of
the latter ones. This allowed the screw-sense-selec-
tive photolytic cleavage of the M-helical segments in
CCl4, leaving only the P-helices which became sub-
Figure 11. Screw-sense-selective photolytic cleavage of stituted with terminal chloride atoms (Figure 11).
the M-helical segments in poly[methyl(2-methylbutyl)- Recondensation of these segments using a Würtz-
silane] and subsequent Würtz coupling of P-helical seg- type coupling with sodium in toluene resulted in
ments. (Reprinted with permission from ref 127. Copyright single-handed P-helical polymers.
1994 American Chemical Society.)
Reversible control over the helix sense in poly-
found that the lowest excitonic Si(σ)-Si(σ*) absorp- silanes was achieved in the case of poly(diaryl-
tion band and the bandwidth at half-height of a large silanes)128 as well as in (co)polymers of ((S)-3,7-
number of fractionated chiral polysilanes have a dimethyloctyl)(3-methylbutyl)silane,129 which both
logarithmic relation with the viscosity index of these showed helix reversal upon heating. For the latter
polymers, which relates to their helical segment polymer (Figure 12a), it was calculated that the
length. Poly[alkyl(2-methylbutyl)silane]s have a heli- potential curve has a double-well (“W”) shape (Figure
cal-rod structure and can be regarded as a model for 12b) with a slight preference for the M-helix over the
a 5 Å wide quantum wire.124 For poly[n-decyl((S)-2- P-helix. CD spectroscopy indeed revealed that above
methylbutyl)silane], the rigidity was even high enough the transition temperature the ordered (low-entropy)
that the polymer chain could be visualized by AFM.125 M-helical conformation becomes less stable than the
It was demonstrated by Fujiki and co-workers that entropically more favored P-helical state (Figure
the properties of such polymers can be regulated by 12c,d).
varying the temperature and the solvent.126 For poly- The optically inactive poly(methylphenylsilane)
[((S)-2-methylbutyl)(6,9,12-trioxytetradecyl)silane], the (PMPS) was considered for many years to exist in
predominantly left-handed (M) helical segments were an all-trans conformation. However, although calcu-
found to tighten and increase in length upon cooling, lations had indicated that PMPS could possibly exist
and also an increase in the number of helix inversions as a loosely wound 157-helix,130 it was only very
was found. Upon addition of a poor solvent, the recently that is was experimentally demonstrated
number of kinks in the polymer backbone increased that this polymer indeed adopts a helical backbone

Figure 12. (a) Structure of poly[((S)-3,7-dimethyloctyl)(3-methylbutyl)silane]. (b) Energy diagram showing the double-
well shape. (c) CD and UV spectra of both screw senses. (d) Schematic representation of the two helical forms. (Reprinted
with permission from ref 129. Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society.)
4052 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Cornelissen et al.

Figure 13. (a) CD and UV/vis spectra of optically active doped poly(methylphenylsilane). (b) Calculated energy diagram
of this polymer. (Reprinted with permission from ref 131b. Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society.)

Scheme 3. Polymerization of Amino Acid Chart 6

N-Carboxyanhydrides Resulting in Poly(amino

30 catalyst, control over the molecular weight was

achieved in the polymerization of Glu-NCA.138 Later
the procedure was improved by using catalyst 31,139
and it was found that next to nickel also cobalt and
conformation (with an equal distribution of left- and iron initiators could be employed.27 Using this ap-
right-handed helical conformations).131 In these ex- proach, it was possible to prepare di-or triblock
periments, which showed similar results for poly(n- copolymers by subsequent polymerization of different
hexyl-m-tolylsilane), the PMPS was doped with a NCAs. This allows the synthesis of polymers consist-
chiral monomer [((S)-2-methylbutyl)phenylsilane]. ing of R-helical or random-coil blocks, as well as
The resulting (atactic) copolymers showed a coopera- polymers with differently charged regions. This
tive preferential helical ordering, giving rise to a method clearly is suited to provide control over the
distinct CD effect (Figure 13a). Molecular modeling parameters that are important for the organization
indeed indicated the preference of both syndiotactic of these macromolecules into more highly organized
and isotactic polymers for a helical structure with (tertiary) structures.27
torsion angles that deviate approximately 25° from Nakahari and co-workers prepared polymethacryl-
the all-trans conformation (Figure 13b).132 The helical amides 32-34 (Chart 6) to study the effect of intra-
order in PMPS can be expressed on a supramolecular molecular hydrogen bonding between the amide
level in helical aggregates of PMPS-co-poly(ethylene functionalities in the side chains on the conformation
oxide) block copolymer as will be discussed in section of the polymers. Without stabilizing effects (e.g.,
IV.133 without sterically demanding substituents), these
4. Miscellaneous. The combined set of secondary types of polymers had very low helix inversion
interactions, ultimately resulting in the well-defined barriers and no organized secondary (helical) mac-
folding of peptides, can be divided into separate romolecular structure could be observed at room
contributions as was concluded from a detailed study temperature. From 1H NMR and IR studies, it was
on poly(amino acid)s. Polymers can be prepared from concluded that the amount of hydrogen bonding was
amino acids with an inherent propensity for adopting substantially higher for isotactic 32 and 33 than for
a given secondary structure (e.g., helices, sheets, the atactic derivatives of these polymers, although a
turns), using chemical (opposite to biological) syn- monomolecular reference compound showed inter-
thesis, which also allows the incorporation of D-amino molecular hydrogen bonds in the same solvent even
acids as well as artificial amino acids.134,135 Poly- at lower concentrations.140 More detailed studies on
(amino acid)s have been prepared in the past from optically active polymers 33 and 34 led to the
the corresponding N-carboxyanhydrides (NCAs) us- conclusion that more stable intramolecular hydrogen
ing amines or transition metals as initiators (Scheme bonds are formed in the former polymer than in the
3). This procedure, for example, was used for growing latter. It was proposed that these polymers have at
polymers from a surface.136,137 It results, however, in least a partial helical secondary structure since they
polymers with ill-defined lengths. A major advance- maintain their structure in dioxane, a hydrogen-
ment in controlling the degree of polymerization was bond-accepting solvent. The organization in these
achieved by Deming. Using a Ni(II) based on ligand macromolecules was disrupted by the addition of
Chiral Architectures from Macromolecular Building Blocks Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4053

Scheme 4. Synthesis of Polyguanidines via the suggest that a helical conformation can also be
Polymerization of Carbodiimines induced in this polyphosphazene.
Isotactic vinyl polymers often possess a helical
conformation in the solid state; however, without
bulky substituents present (vide infra) in solution at
room temperature, helix-helix reversal takes place
fast and no optical activity is observed. Ortiz and
Kahn reported a borderline case in which a non-
bonded interaction between the monomers leads to
the formation of isotactic 39 (Chart 7) by anionic
polymerzation at -78 °C. Optically active polymers
can be isolated, but in solution the proposed one-
handed helicity is lost in less than 1 h.148 An intrigu-
TFA.141 Remarkably, the hydrogen bonds in 33 and ing class of polymers formed by polycondensation of
34 are weaker in thin films than in solution, although diboronic acid and chiral tetraalcohols has been
XRD measurements pointed to a hexagonal arrange- studied by Mikami and Shinkai and is exemplified
ment of the macromolecules, suggesting that also in by polymer 40 (Chart 7). In this D-mannitol-based
this case they possess a rodlike structure.142 polymer, the noncovalent intramolecular interaction
between the amines and the boron atoms imposed a
An interesting class of rigid helical polymers is sp3-hybridization on boron, which, according to cal-
obtained by the polymerization of carbodiimides culations, results in a helical conformation of the
(Scheme 4). These polymers, referred to as poly- macromolecule.149
guanidines, can be prepared by using titanium(IV)
complexes143 and both copper(I) and copper(II) amid- B. Helical Polymers Having High Helix Inversion
inate complexes144 as catalysts. The chiroptical prop-
erties of polyguanidines have been investigated using
35 and 36 as examples, the former, in contrast to the 1. Sterically Restricted Poly(methacrylate
latter, being optically active. Surprisingly, the optical ester)s. It was recognized by Okamoto and co-
rotation of 35 directly after polymerization was workers150 that the anionic polymerization of tri-
comparable to that of the monomer, but changed sign phenylmethyl methacrylate (TrMA, 41) (Chart 8) at
and increased significantly upon annealing at el- low temperature in the presence of an optically active
evated temperatures. It was found that a kinetically initiator results in the formation of an isotactic,
controlled structure is formed during polymerization, optically active polymer. The helical conformation of
which changes to the thermodynamically controlled the backbone in these macromolecules is the result
helical one upon annealing (for this process Ea ) 26.8 of steric interactions between the bulky trityl groups,
( 1.3 kJ‚mol-1). This process was catalyzed by acid, as was shown by the loss of optical activity upon their
and addition of optically active camphorsulfonic acid conversion to methyl ester groups. This class of bulky
to 37 (Chart 7) resulted in an excess of one helical
sense from an initially racemic mixture of macro- Chart 8
molecular helices.145
Studies performed by Carriedo et al. indicated that
the spirocyclic phosphazene polymer 37 can adopt a
helical conformation in solution.146 Yashima et al.
subsequently investigated the chiroptical response of
38 (Chart 7) upon complexation with (R)-R-phenyl-
ethylamine in DMSO.147 The resulting optical rota-
tion and its response to changes in temperature

Chart 7
4054 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Cornelissen et al.

Table 1. Asymmetric Polymerization of TrMA with (-)-Sp, (+)-DDB, and (+)-PMP-FiLi Complexes in Toluene at
-78 °Ca
B/Hb-insoluble part
time yield c
yield [R]25Dd [θ] × 10
e -4
[θ]e × 10-5 tacticityg
initiator (h) (%) (%) (deg) (235 nm) (210 nm) DPf Mw/Mnf (%), mm
(i)-Sp-FiLi 24 99 82 +383 +9.42 +2.32 60 1.31 >99h
(+)-DDB-FiLi 24 100 93 +344 +8.45 +1.86 47 1.10 >99h
(+)-PMP-FiLi 3 100 94 +334 +7.78 +1.76 39 1.12 >99h
Reprinted with permission from ref 153. Copyright 1992 American Chemical Society. Conditions: TrMA, 1.0 g; toluene, 20
mL; [TrMA]/[Li] ) 20. b A mixture of benzene and hexane (1:2, v/v). c CH3OH ) insoluble part. d c ) 0.5 (tetrahydrofuran). e The
CD spectrum was measured in tetrahydrofuran at ca. 25 °C. Units: cm2 dmol-1. f Determined by GPC of poly(MMA) derived from
poly(TrMA). g Determined by 1H NMR of poly(MMA) derived from poly(TrMA). h The signals due to the racemo sequence were
found only in the termination end.

Scheme 5. Synthesis of Polyaldehydes

poly(methacrylate ester)s has been extensively ex-
plored and reviewed by Okamoto and his group,151,152
and only a brief outline is given here.
Different chiral auxiliary ligands (Chart 8) can be
used in the polymerization of 41 with organolithium
compounds, resulting in polymers with high optical
activities and an almost perfect isotactic configura-
tion of the polymer backbone.153 Some of the results
of this asymmetric polymerization reaction are sum-
marized in Table 1. It appears that the optical
activity of the resulting macromolecules increases
with the length of the polymer chain and that apart
from the highly optically active polymer also a small
amount of oligomers with low optical activity is of the neighboring monomers, leading to a helical
formed. On the basis of these observations, it has organization in the polymer chain. This arrangement
been assumed that growing chains with a specific was shown to be different in gel-assembled stacks of
favorable stereoconfiguration propagate relatively the corresponding metal-free crown ether phthalo-
fast, while others having the other, unfavorable cyanines and is possibly imposed by the fixed inter-
stereochemistry do not grow beyond the oligomer monomer distances. These helices do not show any
stage. This kinetic control over the helicity has been sign of helix reversal up to temperatures of 120 °C
confirmed by helix-induced asymmetric polymeriza- as was concluded from VT NMR experiments.
tion experiments.154 Using the aforementioned ap- 3. Polyaldehydes. Polyaldehydes are character-
proach, a helical TrMA prepolymer was synthesized, ized by an oxymethylene repeat unit (Scheme 5), and
the living chain end of which could be used to depending on the substituents present on the carbon
subsequently polymerize bulky methacrylate esters atoms, a helical conformation can be present. Re-
in an asymmetric manner. search activities related to these compounds have
Screening of an impressive series of polymers recently been reviewed by Vogl.157-159 The all-gauche
derived from different bulky methacrylate esters, e.g., and hence helical organization of oligoformaldehyde
42 (Chart 8), and using a variety of chiral ligands 47 in the solid state was demonstrated by a single-
has revealed the scope of the process of forming crystal X-ray study.160 Polymerization of higher al-
helical poly(methacrylate ester)s and their applicabil- dehydes generally takes place in the gel phase, a
ity in, for example, the separation of chiral com- condition which appears to contribute significantly
pounds.151 These polymers were prepared not only to the stereoregularity of the resulting polymers. The
by anionic polymerization, but also by cationic, free- most intensively studied polyaldehyde is poly(tri-
radical, and Ziegler-Natta techniques. Recently, chloroacetaldehyde) (polychloral, 45). Isotactic poly-
Nakano and Okamoto reported the use of a co- chloral is prepared by anionic polymerization and is
balt(II)-salophen complex (43) in the polymerization insoluble in organic solvents. By using optically active
of methacrylate ester 41.155 The free-radical poly- lithium alkoxides as initiators, polymers are obtained
merization in the presence of this optically active which display high optical activities in films. For
metal complex resulted in the formation of an almost polychloral, a 4/1-helical conformation with a helical
completely isotactic polymer with an excess of one pitch of 0.51 nm was found using X-ray diffraction
helical sense. analysis. Due to the insolublitity of these materials,
2. Phthalocyaninatopolysiloxane. Engelkamp no conformational studies have been performed in
et al. have demonstrated that dihydroxyphthalo- solution; however, molecular mechanics calculations
cyanatosilicon modified with eight (S)-citronellol side and NMR spectroscopic and crystallographic studies
groups can be polymerized using procedures devel- indicated similar helical characteristics for well-
oped for the related n-alkyl derivatives.156 The result- defined oligomers. Although pentamer 48 is sym-
ing material had an estimated degree of polymeri- metric, nonequivalent signals were found for all
zation of 27 and was found to be strongly CD active. protons in the solution NMR spectra at 30 °C and
The CD effects were attributed to a rotational offset attributed to a helical conformation. From VT NMR
Chiral Architectures from Macromolecular Building Blocks Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4055

Chart 9

experiments, the activation energy (Ea) and the rate tion of the catalytic center, and also allows interaction
of transition from one helical conformation to the of substituents on the conjugated segments with the
other one were determined to be 68.6 kJ‚mol-1 and metal. These modifications allow tuning of the cata-
3.9 s-1 at 20 °C, respectively.161 lytic properties and have led to the finding of good
4. Binaphthyl-Based Polymers. Molecules that chemical yields and excellent enantioselectivities in,
derive their chirality from their molecular geometry, e.g., the asymmetric reduction of aldehydes and the
e.g., helicenes, can be used to construct architectures epoxidation of R,β-unsaturated ketones. By synthe-
in which the chirality of the individual molecules is sizing copolymers containing alternating BINOL and
amplified and perpetuates over long distances (see BINAP groups, a mixed Ru(III)-Zn(II) catalyst was
also section II).162 Katz et al. have prepared oligomers prepared (51). This catalyst was able to perform an
with more than one helical turn based on bissalicyl- asymmetric tandem reaction involving a diethylzinc
aldimine.163 The helical conformation of these mol- addition to acetylbenzaldehyde and the subsequent
ecules has a marked effect on their optical properties; catalytic hydrogenation of the product to form the
i.e., very intense absorption bands and CD effects corresponding diol in chemical yields larger than 99%
were observed compared to those of the low-molec- and with diastereoselectivities of 75-87%.
ular-weight parent compounds. Extending this con- On the basis of the same principles, Pu et al. have
cept further, higher-molecular-weight materials have synthesized a chiral dendritic compond (52) (Chart
been obtained via the linking of conjugated segments 10) which shows fluorescence quenching upon bind-
with optically active 1,1′-binaphthyl groups as was ing of amino alcohols. An enantioselective response
reported and recently reviewed by Pu.108 Pu et al. was observed on addition of a number of amino
have used binaphthyl linkers to connect a large alcohols; the most significant effect was obtained with
variety of conjugated molecules such as arylene- phenylalaninol.165
ethynylenes, phenylenevinylenes, polythiophenes, 5. Polyisocyanides. Polymers of isocyanides have
oligophenylenes, and oligoethynylenes (e.g., 49) (Chart the exceptional feature that every carbon atom in the
9). In the cases where the linkers contain phenyl main chain is provided with a substituent (Scheme
groups, meta as well as para substitution has been 6). It was already proposed by Millich166 that these
used. In the former case, this leads to the introduc- macromolecules would have a helical conformation
tion of an extra turn in the polymer backbone, as the result of a restricted rotation around the single
whereas, in the latter case, the turns are exclusively bonds constituting the polymeric backbone. Until
due to the binaphthyl groups. The resulting materials Nolte’s report on the applicability of Ni(II) as a
have a rigid helical comformation and can be applied catalyst for the polymerization of isocyanides, routes
to anchor catalytic complexes based on Al(III) and toward polyisocyanides were limited.167 This transi-
Zn(II) via the hydroxy groups on their naphthyl tion-metal catalyst allowed the polymerization of the
units.164 The twist in the backbone of the polymer sterically demanding poly(tert-butyl isocyanide) (53),
molecules can be tuned by connecting the conjugated which subsequently could be resolved by chromatog-
segments either via the 3,3′-positions or via the 6,6′- raphy into the left- and the right-handed helical
positions (50) (Chart 9). Connection at the 3,3′- forms using poly[(S)-sec-butyl isocyanide] as the
positions provides better control over the conforma- stationary phase.168 These experiments confirmed the
4056 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Cornelissen et al.

Chart 10 the initiation step of the polymerization reaction. Via

coordination to the nickel (step a), this nucleophile
migrates to the isocyanide and a carbene-like inter-
mediate is observed (step b). In the presence of a
chiral bias (introduced in the monomer or in the
nucleophile), there is a preference for reacting with
specifically one of the two neighboring isocyanide
monomers on the nickel. After this step, the free
coordination position is occupied by an isocyanide
from solution (step c), the reaction sequence contin-
ues in the direction of the initial step (i.e., one
particular helical sense is formed), and each rotation
around the nickel adds one turn to the helix (step
d). In the absence of a chiral bias, there is an equal
probability of attack of the carbene-like carbon atom
on both neighboring ligands, leading to a racemic
mixture of helical polymers. The easy formation of
the tightly coiled helix is explained by the pre-
organizing effect of the nickel center: only a slight
rearrangement of bonds is required to form the
polymer molecule.
The merry-go-round mechanism of isocyanide
polymerization can be used to explain and predict a
number of the properties of polyisocyanides.169 How-
ever, work by Deming and Novak indicated that some
aspects of the mechanism are more complex and
involve the reduction of Ni(II) to Ni(I) during the
polymerization reaction. Using ESR, cyclic voltam-
metry, and magnetic susceptibility measurements, it
was shown that when an excess (10 equiv) of tert-
Scheme 6. Nickel(II)-Catalyzed Polymerization of butyl isocyanide is added to NiCl2, the isocyanide acts
Isocyanides as a reductant and an inactive nickel(I) catalyst is
formed. Under atmospheric conditions, this reduced
catalyst is reoxidized by oxygen to the more active
nickel(II) species. The optimum oxygen concentration
appears to be at 1 atm of air. At high oxygen contents,
no polymerization occurs; instead, the nickel cata-
lyzes the oxidation of the isocyanide to the isocyan-
ate.170 Taking into account these observations, Dem-
ing and Novak investigated the electron-deficient η3-
allylnickel trifluoroacetate (58) as a polymerization
catalyst. They found it to be a highly active system
(Table 2) which, in a noncoordinating solvent, dis-
played living chain growth behavior.171
Detailed kinetic and mechanistic investigations
have been carried out by Deming and Novak employ-
structural proposition of Millich and provided the ing this type of Ni catalyst. In toluene, a linear
first example of an optically active polymer solely relation was found between the monomer conversion
based on the stable helical conformation of the and the degree of polymerization as well as between
backbone.168 the catalyst-to-monomer ratio and the molecular
The nickel(II)-catalyzed polymerization of iso- weight, for a system consisting of 58 and R-methyl-
cyanides proceeds relatively fast, a remarkable ob- benzyl isocyanide (for racemic as well as for pure
servation given the steric crowding that is introduced enantiomers).171 It also appeared possible to copoly-
upon formation of the polymer chain. The driving merize a second isocyanide monomer (e.g., 53) after
force for the reaction is the conversion of a formally complete consumption of the first one. Different
divalent carbon in the monomer into a tetravalent kinetic behavior was observed under a N2 atmo-
carbon in the polymer, yielding a heat of polymeri- sphere compared to an O2-rich environment.
zation of 81.4 kJ‚mol-1.169 For this polymerization Under N2, the polymerizaton was found to be first
reaction, a merry-go-round mechanism has been order in monomer, obeying the rate expression vp )
proposed. Upon mixing of the isocyanides with the kobsd[catalyst][monomer], with kobsd(298 K) ) 3.7(1)
Ni(II) catalyst, a square-planar complex is formed × 10-2 L‚mol-1‚s-1. Under O2, the rate was found to
(Scheme 7), which in some occasions can be isolated be zero order in monomer (vp ) kobsd[catalyst], with
when bulky isocyanides are used. Subsequent attack kobs(298 K) ) 5.1(1) × 10-2 s-1).172 Although these rate
by a nucleophile on one of the isocyanide ligands is constants are comparable, in such cases, a zero-order
Chiral Architectures from Macromolecular Building Blocks Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4057

Scheme 7. Merry-go-Round Mechanism in Ni(II)-Catalyzed Isocyanide Polymerization

Table 2. Molecular Weight Characteristics of Selected According to this theoretical analysis, polymer 54,
Polymersa which only is moderately sterically restricted, may
yield adopt two helical structures with different dihedral
monomer catalyst conditions (%) Mn Mw/Mn angles.
tert-C4H9NC 58 N2, neat 100 2200 1.03 Huige and Hezemans179,180 have performed exten-
C6H5CH(CH3)NC NiCl2 N2, H2O 75 13220 1.45 sive molecular mechanics calculations using the
C6H5CH(CH3)NC NiCl2 air, H2O 100 7420 1.64 consistent force-field method on various oligo- and
C6H5CH(CH3)NC 58 N2, toluene 100 24000 1.15
polyisocyanides. The hexadecamer of tert-butyl iso-
a Reprinted with permission from ref 171. Copyright 1992
cyanide was calculated to have a helical middle
American Chemical Society. section and disordered ends. The dihedral angle
NdCsCdN in the middle section was found to be
reaction will appear faster than a first-order reaction, 78.6°, and the number of repeat units per helical turn
due to the lack of rate dependence on monomer was 3.75. The latter number is in agreement with
concentration. The differences in transition state circular dichroism calculations using Tinoco’s exciton
were examined by determination of thermodynamic theory (3.6-4.6) and De Voe’s polarizability theory
activation parameters by performing an Eyring analy- (3.81). The molecular mechanics calculations further
sis of the rate constants.173 More kinetic data have predicted that the less bulky polymers 56 and 57
been reported by Deming and Novak investigating form helical polymers as well, whereas a disordered
substituent effects on the monomer174 and by Hong structure was calculated for poly(methyl isocyanide)
and Fox using functional isocyanides.175 An in-depth (55).
discussion of the mechanistic parameters based on Clericuzio et al. recently published ab initio and
these results is beyond the scope of this review, and molecular mechanics studies on octameric oligoiso-
for this we refer to the work cited.176 cyanides. These calculations, in contrast to the
The conformation of polyisocyanides has been the aforementioned ones, showed the so-called syndio
subject of several computational studies. Using the conformation to be the minimum-energy geometry
extended Hückel theory, Kollmar and Hoffmann although the 4/1 conformation was recognized as a
showed that repulsion between the lone pairs of the local minimum (Figure 14).181 The obtained set of
imino groups in a polyisocyanide chain favors a data was used to tentatively explain some of the
departure from a planar structure.177 Similar repul- features in the UV/vis, CD, and 13C NMR spectra of
sive effects are known to be operative in polyketones compounds prepared by Salvadori’s182 and Green’s
as was reported by Cui and Kertesz, who found a new groups.183 Regarding properties such as optical ab-
type of helical Peierls-like distortion for polyketone sorptions at long wavelengths, low intensity of the
and polyisocyanide. They suggested that as a result CD bands, and the chemical shift dispersion of
of the existence of partially filled crossing bands a backbone carbon atom resonances, the calculations
helical structure is formed.178 Calculations by Koll- were found to fit the experimental results. Neverthe-
mar and Hoffman on the series of polymers 53-55 less, the outcome of the calculations is the thermo-
indicated that steric effects are more important than dynamic minimum conformation of the polymer
electronic effects in determining the polymer struc- backbone, whereas the polymerization is kinetically
ture. For the hypothetical polymer 55, a broad range controlled, possibly leading to a different conforma-
of helical conformations was predicted, in contrast tion. However, if the helix inversion barrier is not
to 53 for which the authors proposed a rigid 4/1-helix. too high, the 4/1-helix imposed during the polymer-
4058 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Cornelissen et al.

Chart 11

Figure 14. Models of the (a) syndio conformation and (b)

4/1-helical conformation of poly(isopropyl isocyanide) (56).
(Reprinted with permission from ref 181. Copyright 1997
American Chemical Society.)

ization reaction may unfold to give the proposed

syndio conformation.
In-depth studies of the absolute conformations of third approach is the selective restraining of the
polyisocyanides are limited. Green and co-workers growth of one particular helix by addition of a
found,183 using 13C NMR and light scattering experi- sterically encumbered optically active comonomer to
ments, a limited persistence length (∼3 nm) for an achiral one. Polymerization of a fast propagating
polyisocyanides without bulky substituents. By means isocyanide of the latter type (e.g., phenyl isocyanide,
of NMR techniques, Spencer et al.184,185 studied 4-methoxyphenyl isocyanide) in the presence of the
oligoimine compounds 59-61 as model compounds slowly polymerizing (S)-isocyanoisovaleric acid leads
for polymer 62 (Chart 11). In particular for the to the formation of P-helical high-molecular-weight
triimine 61, the conformational analysis is in line homopolymers of the former isocyanide and M-helical
with the model of Clericuzio et al.181 (vide infra). In copolymers with a substantially lower degree of
the case of polymer 62, a combination of GPC, light polymerization. Upon copolymerization, the bulky
scattering, and X-ray diffraction showed that the chiral monomer prefers to be included into M-type
native polyisocyanide has rigid-rod character, but helices and slows their propagation, while the P-
slowly precipitates from solution as a random coil. helices continue to grow fast and consequently con-
Using UV/vis spectroscopy, the Arrhenius activation sume the majority of the achiral monomer.193
energies for this rod-to-coil transition were deter- An alternative to the nickel-catalyzed synthesis of
mined in different solvents; Ea(CCl4) ) 44 kJ‚mol-1, polyisocyanides has been developed by Takahashi
Ea(THF) ) 51 kJ‚mol-1, and Ea(CH2Cl2) ) 70 and co-workers.194 They found that the dinuclear
kJ‚mol-1.186 These data indeed suggest that the helix palladium-platinum µ-ethynediyl complex 63195 is
inversion barrier for 62 is not sufficiently high to active in the polymerization of aryl isocyanides
have a stable helical conformation at room temper- (Scheme 8),196 but not with alkyl isocyanides. The
ature, but that as a result of the merry-go-round isocyanides exclusively insert into the Pd-C bond,
mechanism initially the 4/1-helix is formed as the but not into the Pt-C bond.197 The importance of the
kinetic product. Helical poly(tert-butyl isocyanide) Pt-C bond, however, is highlighted by the fact that
(53), obtained by chiral resolution,168 retains its only one isocyanide monomer is inserted into complex
optical activity even at elevated temperatures.187 This 64 although a 100-fold excess was used. The living
enabled the use of this polyisocyanide as a chiral nature of the catalyst was shown by the formation
absorbent in liquid column chromatography although of block copolymers, which was possible since the
a different procedure was used for preparing it in the active Pd end groups remained connected to the
optically active form.188 polymer when all monomers were consumed. Using
Several procedures have been established in the this feature, it proved to be possible to polymerize
past for the helix-sense-selective polymerization of an achiral isocyanide with an oligomer prepared from
isocyanides.169 For the introduction of a chiral bias, an optically active isocyanide.198 This procedure,
required for the discrimination of the otherwise however, was only applicable for initiating complexes
enantiomeric helical senses, three distinct approaches in which the oligomer exceeds a critical degree of
can be applied. One is the use of a chiral monomer, polymerization, and the optical activity is only re-
which makes the left- and right-handed helices tained in the case of sterically demanding achiral
diastereotopic, and as a result one of the two will be isocyanides. Initiators may carry multiple palladium-
energetically favorable (Figure 5). A second approach platinum µ-ethynediyl units as was demonstrated by
involves the use of a chiral catalyst or a chiral preparation of polyisocyanides from 65.199 A detailed
initiator, in which case during the initiation of the study on the helix-sense-selective polymerization
polymerization there will be a preference for the using chiral oligomer complexes derived from iso-
formation of one particular helical sense that will be cyanides 66 and 67 gave some interesting results.200
retained upon propagation due to the helix inversion First, the optical activity of the polymers, expressed
barrier. The former approach has been employed in in their optical rotation and CD effects, drastically
numerous cases (vide infra); the accounts of the use increased in going from the meta-substituted aryl
of optically active Ni catalysts are limited.189-192 The isocyanides 66 to the para-substituted ones 67.
Chiral Architectures from Macromolecular Building Blocks Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4059

Scheme 8. Polymerization of Isocyanides by a Chart 12

Dinuclear Palladium-Platinum µ-Ethynediyl

Table 3. Selected Infrared and 1H NMR Data of

Isocyanopeptides and their Polymers207
isocyanopeptide peptide polymer
νNHa νNHa δNHb νNHa νNHa δNHb
(KBr) (CDCl3) (CDCl3) (KBr) (CDCl3) (CDCl3)
71a 3279 3430c 6.91 3276 3265 9.18c
71c 3304 3416 6.97 3280 3252 9.42
72 3315 3420d 7.04 3300 3290 9.50
3285 6.38 3267 3260 7.81
a In cm-1. b In ppm. c Split signals; average values are given.
d In a non-hydrogen-bonded state, only one signal is observed
for both N-H vibrations. All measurements were performed
at room temperature.

Second, the rate constants for propagation were structure of the monomer of 71a served as a reference
virtually identical no matter whether the monomer point (Table 3).
that was incorporated had the same or the opposite The hydrogen bonds are formed between the amide
chirality as the one constituting the initiating oligo- carbonyl groups in side chains n and the amide NH
mer. This suggests thermodynamic rather than ki- groups in side chains n + 4 (Figure 15). In the case
netic control over the helical sense, which contradicts of the tripeptide-derived polyisocyanide 72, a similar
the high helix inversion barrier previously proposed β-sheet-like hydrogen-bonding arrangement was
for helical polyisocyanides. However, the observation found. This chiral architecture, based on secondary
of a nonlinear relation between the optical purity of interactions, represents a mimic of the naturally
the isocyanide and the induced helical sense in the occurring β-helices, which are recently discovered
polymer201 (majority rules concept) confirms this sug- structural motifs in proteins.208 The additional in-
gestion. These observations indicate that factors teractions between the side chains stabilize the
other than steric interactions may be operative dur- helical conformation of these polymers, leading to an
ing the synthesis of these particular polyisocyanides. enhanced rigidity. This rigidity was reflected, for
Nonsteric helix-stabilizing effects have recently
been reported for peptide-derived polyisocyanides.
Polymers built from di- and tripeptide-based iso-
cyanides containing different functional groups have
been synthesized as protease mimics (Chart 12; 68-
70).202-204 More recently compounds 71 and 72 (Chart
12) were synthesized to investigate the effect of this
hydrogen bonding between side chains on the con-
formational properties of the polymer backbone.205-207
IR and 1H NMR studies in which the amide NH
characteristic bands and signals of the monomer were
compared with those of the polymer showed the
involvement of the side-chain amide groups in well-
defined arrays of hydrogen bonds along the polymeric Figure 15. Schematic representation of the hydrogen-
backbone. In these studies the single-crystal X-ray bonding array in peptide-derived polyisocyanide 71b.
4060 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Cornelissen et al.

Chart 13

example, in the well-defined hexagonal organization glycoproteins. Hong and Fox175 synthesized block
of the molecules in the solid state as well as in the copolymer 74 (Chart 13) with a rigid backbone to
formation of a lyotropic liquid crystalline phase in spatially organize chromophores and quencher groups
concentrated CHCl3 solution. Similar to the unfolding to study directional electron transfer and energy
of proteins, the disruption of the hydrogen bonds in migration.211 Excimer formation, which is a complica-
the polymers proceeds in a cooperative fashion as tion observed in flexible polymeric systems, is de-
could be monitored by CD spectroscopy.202 Although pressed, and long-living charge-separated states are
not recognized at that time, some of the intriguing observed. Both features are in line with the rigid
physical properties of polyisocyanides 68-70 synthe- character of the polymer, despite the absence of
sized in the early 1980s, e.g., pKa values which limiting steric interactions close to the backbone
strongly deviate from those of amino acids and very imine groups. Extensive nonlinear optical studies
intense Cotton effects, can now be explained by the have been performed by Persoons and co-work-
presence of an intramolecular chain of hydrogen ers212,213 on 75 (Chart 13) and related compounds.214-216
bonds between the peptide side groups. Second-harmonic light was generated by Langmuir-
Hasegawa et al. reported on glycosylated poly- Blodgett films of these polyisocyanides but not by
(phenyl isocyanide)s primarily to study the recogni- spin-coated or -cast films. This NLO activity probably
tion of lectins by these polymers,209 as well as the results from a side-chain orientation realized at the
adsorption and self-organizing properties of these air-water interface. In solution the orientational
polymers (in particular 73) (Chart 13) on a hydro- correlation between the side-chain chromophores led
philic surface.210 Molecular dynamics calculations to unexpectedly high first hyperpolarizabilities (ex-
indicated that also in this case additional stabiliza- ceeding 5000 × 10-30 eu). The breaking of centro-
tion of the helical backbone by hydrogen bonding symmetry, which is required for a second-order
between side-chain residues takes place. Due to the nonlinear response, could be attributed to the con-
high saccharide density along the rigid polyiso- sistent angle of ∼60° these chromophores make with
cyanide backbone, the binding affinity of lectins was the axis of the helical backbone, rather than to the
approximately 100 times lower than for flexible helical organization itself.
Chiral Architectures from Macromolecular Building Blocks Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4061

Chart 14 Scheme 9. Palladium(II)-Catalyzed

Polymerization of 1,2-Diisocyanoarenes to

by homopolymers of these isocyanides. Using this

procedure, it is possible to create diastereomeric
Recently, isocyanides containing a porphyrin group helices that include monomeric building blocks of
have been polymerized using the palladium-plati- identical absolute configuration but have opposite
num µ-ethynediyl catalyst discussed above (e.g., 76) helical secondary structures.
(Chart 13).217 Longer polymers (DP > 30) show a The palladium-catalyzed polymerization of 1,2-
distinct splitting of the Soret band, indicating stack- diisocyanoarenes has been reported to result in the
ing of the porphyrins connected to the helical back- formation of a different type of helical polyisocyanide
bone. Other investigations toward polyisocyanides (Scheme 9), referred to as a poly(2,3-quinoxaline).228
with potential applications as functional devices or Using Pd complexes 83 with chiral phosphine ligands
specialty materials comprise the polymers 77 and 78 (e.g., bis((S)-2-methylbutyl)phenylphosphine) as cata-
(Chart 13), designed as macromolecular ferromag- lysts in the polymerization of 1,2-diisocyano-3,6-di-
nets; however, no paramagnetic bulk behavior was p-tolylbenzene did not lead to polymers with a large
found.218-220 excess of one handedness, but it was possible to
Galin and co-workers have synthesized the zwit- separate the optically pure pentamers 84. Because
terionic polymers 79 and 80 (Chart 13) as potential these oligomers still contained the Pd(II) center, it
lyotropic liquid crystals and as complexing agents for was possible to subsequently use these compounds
alkali-metal salts.221 Although only local ordering as initiators for the helix-sense-selective polymeri-
phenomena were found, the persistence length of the zation of other 1,2-diisocyanoarenes.229 The chiral
polyisocyanides was increased by a factor of 2, selectivity is caused by the helical oligomer and not
compared to poly(dizwitterionic methacrylate)s. The by the phosphine substituent as was demonstrated
same group also prepared the “superhairy” polymer by ligand exchange experiments.230 When a chiral Pd
81 (Chart 13), which behaved as a cationic poly- catalyst was derived from an optically active bi-
amphiphile.222 Further applications for these poly- naphthyl compound, the X-ray structure of a stable
mers, e.g., as lyotropic or thermotropic polymeric and rigid helical structure of the growing oligo-
materials, may be foreseen. (quinoxalinyl)palladium(II) complex could be solved.231
Polyisocyanides with cholesterol-containing pen- The helical conformation of poly(2,3-quinoxaline)s
dant groups have been reported to display thermo- was confirmed through empirical calculations. Two
tropic liquid crystalline properties.223 minimal energy conformations were determined,
It was demonstrated that a stereocenter positioned from which the theoretical CD spectra based on the
far away from the reactive isocyanide group as in exicton theory were calculated. It was found that the
monomer 82b (Chart 14) can still induce chirality in experimental CD spectrum for (+)-poly(2,3-quinoxa-
the main chain of polyisocyanides, resulting in the line) was in agreement with the spectrum calculated
formation of an excess of one particular helix.224-226 for a right-handed helix with a dihedral angle
Kinetic control over the helix sense in the polymer- between the planes of adjacent quinoxalines of 135°.232
ization of 82b was confirmed by the noncooperative Homopolymers and block copolymers of poly(2,3-
transfer of chirality from the monomer to the mac- quinoxaline)s containing functional side chains (85)
romolecule; e.g., a linear relation was found between have been prepared employing the Pd(II)-catalyzed
the ee present in the isocyanide and the optical helix-sense-selective polymerization.233-235 Recently
activity in the polymers formed.227 The kinetic inhibi- is was reported that side chains can be modified
tion of the growth of one particular handedness using without the quenching of the living site of the
(S)-2-isocyanovaleric acid184 (vide supra) is used to polymer.236,237 The helical induction by the 1,1′-
force 82b and 82c into a macromolecular helicity binaphth-2-ylpalladium(II) complexes has been in-
with a screw sense opposite that of the one preferred vestigated in detail, mainly using NMR techniques.
4062 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Cornelissen et al.

It was found that the choice of substituents on the

binaphthyl groups strongly affected the diastereo-
meric formation of oligomeric intermediates, the
screw sense of which was maintained in the further
helix-sense-selective propagation steps.238

IV. Chiral Macromolecular Architectures: Tertiary

The interaction between chiral molecules may lead
to superb properties and well-defined function as is
exemplified in Nature by the high tensile strength
in the R-helical coiled-coil superstructure in myosin
and the storage of genetic information in the double
helix of DNA. The design and synthesis of chiral
superstructures in synthetic macromolecular systems
is currently being studied by various groups. In the
generation of such tertiary structures, i.e., structures
with order beyond the constituting elements, two
distinct categories may be distinguished, which will Figure 17. (a) Structures of optically active poly(ethylene
be discussed in the following sections: (1) the self- oxide) derivatives. (b) ORD spectra of 88 in THF upon
increasing the water content. (Reprinted with permission
assembly of chiral polymers that do not have a from ref 253. Copyright 1997 American Chemical Society.)
secondary structure in solution, leading to the forma-
tion of aggregates with induced chirality, and (2) the
self-assembly of helical macromolecules in solution, Meijer and co-workers251 have reported the ag-
leading to chiral hierarchical structures. The discus- gregation of ribbon-type amphiphilic polymers, based
sion will be limited to macromolecular assemblages on chiral, substituted poly(ethylene oxide)s (PEOs),
in solution; thin films and bulk materials formed by as synthetic analogues of coiled-coil-forming peptides
these polymers will only be mentioned as examples (Figure 17). Polymers 86-88 were prepared by ring-
to illustrate interesting phenomena. opening polymerization of 2-oxo(crown ether) mono-
1. Chiral Architectures from Nonhelical Poly- mers or by polycondensation of the corresponding
mers. Association of stereoregular polymers belongs ω-hydroxycarboxylic acids.252 The amphiphilic nature
to this category since for a number of these so-called of these poly(ethylene oxide)s modified with hydro-
stereo complexes a helical superstructure is found.239 phobic side chains was confirmed by fluorescence
The formation of such macromolecular complexes can studies, giving critical aggregation constants (cac’s)
be achieved using different secondary interactions of covering a wide range (from 0.002 mg·mL-1 for 86 to
varying strength,245 although van der Waals forces 0.15 mg·mL-1 for 88), depending on the size and
are the most frequently observed. In particular, the repetition frequency of the hydrophobic segments in
complexation between isotactic (it-PMMA) and syn- the polymer chain. The conformation of these macro-
diotactic (st-PMMA) PMMA has been investigated in molecules in solutions comprising different water:
great detail.240 Despite the intense efforts of several THF ratios was studied using ORD spectroscopy.253
research groups in this area,241,242 the exact mecha- Increasing the water content led to a less negative
nism of stereo complex formation is still under optical rotation, and in the case of 88, an inversion
debate.243 The same type of stereo complex is formed of the optical rotation was observed (Figure 17b). On
independent of the method of preparation and the the basis of reference studies in which KSCN was
initial it/st ratio.244 This complex comprises a double-
complexed with similar ethylene oxide derivatives,
stranded 9/1-helix with an asymmetric unit consist-
the authors concluded that helical superstructures
ing of one it-PMMA unit and two st-PMMA units
were formed from 86-88 upon increasing the water
(Figure 16).245,246
content.251 TEM studies revealed the formation of
large well-defined aggregates; however, details of the
hierarchical order in the aggregates could not be
In section III.A, it was already discussed that there
is a considerable interest in polymers having a
Figure 16. Schematic representation of the stereo complex
π-conjugated backbone, and a number of applications
of it-PMMA (black ribbon) surrounded by st-PMMA. have been recognized for these materials.254 Interest-
ing, especially with respect to interchain interactions,
Another type of stereo complex, i.e., a tightly are the reports on chiral conjugated polymers which
wound 3/1-helix, is formed when polymers of L-lactic display only optical activity in the π-π* transition
acid (PLLA) and D-lactic acid (PDLA) are mixed in of the conjugated backbone when they are aggre-
the blend.247,248 Also in solution aggregation of block gated, i.e., in poor solvents and in thin films. The
copolymers containing PLA segments has been interaction between different polymer chains in the
found;249,250 however, no studies toward the morphol- aggregates (microcrystallites) leads to the splitting
ogy of the aggregates have been conducted. of the excited state, i.e., exciton coupling. Introducing
Chiral Architectures from Macromolecular Building Blocks Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4063

dissymmetry into this interchain organization, by Chart 15

optically active auxiliaries, allows the study of these
interactions by chiroptical techniques. These ag-
gregation-induced chiroptical effects have been most
extensively studied for polythiophenes bearing enan-
tiomerically pure chiral pendant groups as will be
discussed below. Aggregation-induced CD effects
have also been reported for chiral polydiacetylenes,255
poly(p-phenylenevinylene),256 poly(p-phenylene)s,257
polypyrroles,258 poly(p-phenyleneethynylene)s,259 poly-
(3,3′-dialkylterthiophene),260 poly[(dialkylthiothien-
ylene)vinylene],261 poly[(2′,3′-dialkylthioterthienyl-
ene)vinylene],261 and poly(thienylenevinylene).262 For
all these polymers, the chiroptical properties are
associated with exciton coupling between different
conjugated chromophores and are attributed to the
result of a helical packing of the polymer chains in
aggregated phases. In this review, we will discuss
only the organization and chiroptical properties of
these polymers in aggregates since these may be
considered as the tertiary structure of these materials
as imposed by chirality, steric interactions, and
solvophobic effects.
Polythiophenes are an important class of chemi-
cally and thermally stable conducting polymers.
Unsubstituted polythiophene is an intractable mate-
rial; however, many processable, both mono- and
disubstituted, polythiophenes have become avail-
able.263 Monosubstitution leads to asymmetry in the
monomer, and consequently may lead to the forma-
tion of regioirregular materials featuring head-tail,
tail-tail, or head-head linkages. Since 1992, how-
ever, procedures have been known for the prepara-
tion of poly(3-substituted thiophenes) containing
head-tail couplings, exclusively.264 With these better number of atoms in the spacer of polymers 93 (Chart
defined polymers, the construction of chiral archi- 15), as was reported by Ramos et al.271 Stereomuta-
tectures became feasible, and in the initial publica- tion of the aggregated phase of chiral substituted
tions on regioirregular polythiophenes substituted polythiophenes, i.e., inversion of the chirality as
with enantiomerically pure chiral pendant groups, judged from the sign of the CD effect, has been
strong bisignate CD effects265 and high specific optical observed upon altering the solvent conditions.272,273
rotations265,266 were reported.267 Bouman and others Another investigation showing the sensitivity and
showed by studying the solvatochromic and thermo- complexity of the ordering and conformational phe-
chromic behavior of regioregular 89 and regiorandom nomena in π-conjugated polymer chains has been
90 (Chart 15) that these polymers only displayed conducted by Langeveld-Vos et al.274 They reported
optical activity in the π-π* transition when ag- that the “majority rules” principle applies for a
gregated as microcrystallites in solution or thin copolymer of thiophenes equipped with (R) and (S)
films.268 The formation of ordered crystalline domains chiral side chains, and the “sergeants and soldiers”
in the aggregated phases results in an intermolecular rule for aggregates consisting of chiral and achiral
chiral orientation of the rigid polymer chains. The substituted polythiophene chains. The latter example
enhanced crystallinity of regioregular polythiophene can be regarded as an interchain effect; intrachain
derivative 89 results in significantly larger chir- cooperativity has been reported for a chiral poly(p-
optical effects, when compared to those of regio- phenylene).275 Only a small percentage of the sub-
random polymer 90; e.g., [R]513 ) 140000° for 89, and stituents in the polymer were chiral, but significant
[R]513 ) 5000° for 90. These observations are in optical activity was observed in the aggregated state
agreement with the assumption that the induced of the macromolecule.
optical activity in the π-π* transition has an inter- For all these polymers, the chiroptical properties
molecular origin. are associated with exciton coupling phenomena
A cholesteric organization of the rigid oligothio- between different conjugated chromophores and are
phene chains in the aggregates has been proposed thought to result from a helical packing of the
for 91 and 92 (Chart 15) on the basis of theoretical polymer chains in aggregated phases. Effects similar
and experimental work, which is in line with the to those resulting from the intermolecular packing
observed bisignate CD spectra.269,270 In aggregated of polymeric chains have been found in connection
phases, the sign of the induced optical activity in the with the intramolecular chain folding of oligo(phen-
π-π* transition alternates with the parity of the ylacetylene)s (see section III).46
4064 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Cornelissen et al.

Chart 16 Chart 17

with the experimentally determined handedness; a

In a paper on the chiroptical properties of optically direct explanation for this discrepancy was not given.
active poly[3,4-bis((S)-2-methylbutoxy)thiophene] (94) An astonishing helical architecture was prepared
(Chart 15), it was demonstrated for the first time that recently by Akagi et al.284 They polymerized acetylene
the photoluminescence of chiral polythiophene is in a chiral nematic reaction field. To this end, the
circularly polarized when the polymer chains are Ziegler-Natta catalyst Ti(O-n-Bu)4-Et3Al was dis-
aggregated in solution.276 The degree of crystallinity solved in the stable chiral nematic mesophase ob-
was high inside the aggregates as was evidenced by tained by mixing 5-14 wt % (R)- or (S)-98 (Chart 17)
the occurrence of vibronic bands in both the UV/vis with a known nematic liquid crystal, and this me-
and CD spectra.277 The observed circular polarization dium was subsequently used for the preparation of
of the luminescence when the polymers are ag- polyacetylene films. It was found that polymers
gregated proves that the chiral packing of the chains prepared in the (R) chiral nematic liquid crystals had
is not destroyed upon photoexcitation and only a counterclockwise (M) helical fibrillar morphologies
small structural reorganization takes place in the and those prepared in the (S) phase clockwise (P)
excited state, consistent with the observed small morphologies (Figure 18). CD spectra of these films
Stokes shift. By applying this phenomenon to light- showed a postive Cotton effect for the M-helical fibrils
emitting diode technology, circularly polarized elec- and a negative Cotton effect for the P-type ones, in
troluminescence was obtained from a film prepared the π-π* transition region of the polyacetylene chain.
by spin coating of 95 (Chart 15).278 Since the helical pitch of a chiral nematic phase can
2. Hierarchical Structures from Helical Poly- be controlled by the optical purity or the type of chiral
mers. The formation of a nematic liquid crystalline dopant, and the liquid crystalline phase templates
phase, characterized by orientational but not posi- the helicity, it was also possible to produce fibrils
tional molecular order, is often observed for stiff with a different helical pitch. An interesting hier-
helical macromolecules in solution.279 Parameters archical transfer of chirality was observed in this
important in describing these structures are the case, i.e., going from the chiral twist in 98 to the
pitch, the radius, and the handedness of the helices. helical polymer and ultimately to the spiral morphol-
In a liquid crystalline state, the aggregation of the ogy in the microscopic regime.
helices is in some cases accompanied by the formation
of a cholesteric phase. The rodlike molecules in this
case are no longer oriented parallel, but are twisted
with respect to their nearest neigbors. Among others,
poly[(R)-2,6-dimethylheptyl isocyanate] (96),280,60 poly-
(γ-benzyl R,L-glutamate) (PBLG, 97),281,282 and schizo-
philan283 (a triple-helical polysacharide rod) were
found to display cholesteric liquid crystalline meso-
phases in concentrated solutions (Chart 16). The
major models discribing the transfer of the helical
chirality to the cholesteric phase are the straight-
rod280 and the threaded EFJC77a models. Both models
approach the macromolecular helix as a screw-
threaded cylinder, which implies that the aggregation
of two such helices is mainly dependent on the ratio
pitch/diameter. The models predict that at a critical
value inversion of the helicity of the resulting super-
helix will take place.
The straight-rod model predicts a right-handed
cholesteric helix for 96 and a left-handed one for
PBLG and schizophylan, which is in agreement with
experimental results.280 In the threaded EFJC model,
the flexibility of the macromolecular helix can be
freely chosen. The handedness of the cholesteric
phase is based on entropic “hard core” repulsion
Figure 18. Scanning electron micrograph of a left-handed
phenomena between the helices and an enthalpic helical morphology formed by polyacetylene polymerized
chiral dispersion force. Right-handed mesophases in a chiral nematic reaction field. (Reprinted with permis-
were predicted for solutions of 96, 97, and schizo- sion from ref 284. Copyright 1998 American Association
phylan. However, only for 96 this was in agreement for the Advancement of Science.)
Chiral Architectures from Macromolecular Building Blocks Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4065

Figure 19. Proposed organization in bilayers formed by

a gramicidin A-poly(ethylene oxide) hybrid. (Reprinted
with permission from ref 285. Copyright 1999 American
Chemical Society.)

Chart 18

Figure 20. Transmission electron micrographs of the (a)

right-handed and (b) left-handed helical superstructures
obtained from assembled polystyrene-polyisocyanopeptide
block copolymers 99 and 102, respectively.

Chart 19

Hybridization of gramicidin A, a hydrophobic 15-

mer peptide, with a hydrophilic PEO chain resulted
in the formation of an amphiphilic compound as was
reported by Kimura et al.285 Upon dispersion in
water, these hybrid polymers, in which the degree
of polymerization of the PEO segment was 13, gave
vesicles with an average diameter of 85 nm. An
illustration of the proposed organization of the mol- be tuned by varying the anion: the flexibility was
ecules in the vesicle bilayer is given in Figure 19. found to increase on going from a mono- to a di- and
Inclusion experiments confirmed the vesicular nature then to a tricarboxylate (i.e., from acetate to tartrate
of the aggregates, while CD measurements supported to citrate) counterion. Further reduction of the helical
the presence of the proposed antiparallel double- polyisocyanide part (99 and 102) resulted in the
stranded helix conformation. formation of bilayer-type structures. In addition to
The formation of dissymmetric, helical superstruc- collapsed vesicles and bilayer fragments, helical
tures from polymeric building blocks was first re- superstructures were observed: for 99, a left-handed
ported by Cornelissen et al.286 An amine-end-capped helix was found, whereas 102 gave a right-handed
polystyrene was used as the initiator for the poly- one (Figure 20). Remarkably, in both cases, the
merization of dipeptide-derived isocyanides (see also handedness of the superhelices had been reversed
section III.B) which resulted in a series of am- with respect to that of the polyisocyanide helices in
phiphilic block copolymers (99-104) (Chart 18), the constituting block copolymers.
consisting of a hydrophobic polystyrene segment and Although the precise mechanism of formation of
a rigid hydrophilic helical polyisocyanide block. CD these superstructures is still unclear, a hierarchical
data revealed that the helical screw pitch was right- organization is evident, since transfer of chirality
handed in the case of 99-101, and left-handed in the takes place from the amino acid in the monomer to
case of 102-104. The effect of a changing ratio the secondary helical structure of the polyisocyanide
between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic blocks on blocks and, ultimately upon assembly, to the helical
the aggregate morphology in an aqueous environ- superstructure.
ment with optimized pH (pH 5.6) was investigated The chiral structures discussed above are formed
by TEM. For 101 and 104, no distinct morphologies by relatively well-defined macromolecules. Interest-
were obtained, whereas for both 100 and 103 the ingly, superhelical structures can also be obtained
generation of micellar fibers was observed. Interest- from rather polydisperse multiblock copolymers, viz.,
ingly, the flexibility of the fibers formed by 103 could of PEO and PMPS (105; PDI ) 1.6) (Chart 19). In a
4066 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Cornelissen et al.

Figure 21. Transmission electron micrographs showing the formation of (a) vesicles, (b, c), micellar fibers, and (d)
superhelices from a PEO-PMPS block copolymer (105).

preliminary communication, the formation of vesicles been addressed include the conformational dynamics
was reported in pure water (Figure 21a).287 In a later of the helicity and their effect on the (photo)physical
paper,133 it was described that the aggregation be- properties of the polymers, the induction of helicity
havior of this amphiphilic polymer can be tuned by in the polymer chain, the influence of kinetics on the
dispersing it in water-THF mixtures of varying macromolecular secondary structure, and the use of
composition. Below water concentrations of 40% (v/ multiple interactions in the hierarchical organization
v) no aggregates were found. Electron microscopy of macromolecules to well-defined supramolecular
demonstrated the presence of micellar rods in mix- assemblies.
tures containing 40-80% (v/v) water (Figure 21b,c). It is evident that mastering the organization of
In solvent mixtures containing more than 80% water, macromolecules is essential for the generation of
helices (Figure 21d)133 with both left- and right- materials with sophisticated properties. Since poly-
handed screw pitch were observed. Given the multi- mers with a permanent and precisely defined helical
block nature of the polymer and the polydispersity structure allow the generation of well-defined chiral
of the PMPS blocks, it is unlikely that the helical superstructures, it is our contention that this class
superstructures arise from preferential aggregation of macromolecules provides the route toward a better
of PMPS segments with identical screw senses. A understanding of the principles underlying the gen-
cooperative process was assumed to occur in which eration of functional polymeric materials with ter-
the handedness of the initial PMPS segment(s) tiary structure from synthetic building blocks with
determine(s) the handedness of the subsequent PMPS a known secondary structure. In the future, these
segments assembling in the same aggregate, such principles may be extrapolated to understand and
that a chiral architecture is formed by hierarchical ultimately predict also the assembly processes taking
assembly of these dynamic helical macromolecules. place between macromolecules with a more dynamic
backbone conformation, ultimately allowing their
V. Conclusions and Outlook application for the construction of advanced poly-
meric materials and devices.
On the way from molecular to macromolecular and
supramolecular chemistry, researchers have realized VI. Acknowledgments
increasingly complex functional materials; however,
We thank The Netherlands Organization for Sci-
these still lag behind compared to highly sophisti-
entific Research (NWO) for financial support of
cated macroscopic architectures with precise and
predefined structure that are encountered in biologi-
cal systems. In this review, we have summarized the
first steps chemists have taken toward the construc- VII. References
tion of macromolecular architectures with defined (1) Rowan, A. E.; Nolte, R. J. M. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 1998, 37,
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Inc.: Stamford, CT; Vol. 6, pp 41-156.
been prepared. Issues important for the programmed (3) As chiral dendrimers do not possess a secondary or tertiary
organization of synthetic macromolecules that have structure, they will not be included in this review. For an
Chiral Architectures from Macromolecular Building Blocks Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4067

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Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, 4099−4123 4099

Visualization of MacromoleculessA First Step to Manipulation and Controlled

Sergei S. Sheiko* and Martin Möller*
Laboratory of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry, University of Ulm, D-89069 Ulm, Germany

Received July 12, 2001

Contents polymers.27-31 Polymerization of substituted mono-

mers as well as graft polymerization from a linear
1. Introduction 4099 chain can yield cylindrically shaped macromolecules
2. Structure of Individual Molecules at Interfaces 4100 such as “hairy rods”,32,33 wormlike brushes,34-40 and
2.1. Conformation of 2D Confined 4100 monodendron-jacketed chains.41-46 The advancement
Macromolecules in the control of the primary molecular structure and
2.2. Structural Effects by Specific Interactions with 4103 the manipulation techniques of the molecular con-
the Substrate formation of such hyperbranched molecules make
2.3. Metastable Tertiary Structures by Local 4107 them intriguing building units for nanoscopic devices,
Contraction and Twisting biochemical sensors, molecular containers, templates
2.4. Microscopic Structure of Adsorbed 4108 for nanolithography, energy transfer funnels, and
Macromolecules polyfunctional initiators and catalysts.47-63
3. Manipulated Conformational Transitions of 4113 Shape control and the development of shape-
Adsorbed Macromolecules responsive molecules relies also on the availability
4. Motility of Molecules 4115 of analytical tools that provide spatial resolution
4.1. Dragged Motion of λ-DNA 4117 down to subnanometer scale, strong contrast with
4.2. Brownian Motion of Adsorbed λ-Phage DNA 4117 respect to the chemical composition and physical
4.3. Stimulated Motion of Monodendron-Jacketed 4117 properties, sensitivity to molecular forces in the pN
Polymers range, and in-situ monitoring of molecular motion
5. Synopsis 4120 and conformation with a time resolution down to and
6. Acknowledgment 4121 even below milliseconds.
7. References 4121 Molecular probes, such as optical or magnetic
tweezers,64-71 micropipets,72 and microfibers,73,74 have
been developed to manipulate single molecules and
1. Introduction to measure their response to mechanical actions such
as stretching, torsion, and compression. A force
The size and complexity of the structure of mac- resolution down to 0.1 pN enabled quantitative
romolecules allows the combination of different, in measurement of the molecular forces and provided
some cases even antagonistic, properties, e.g., in novel information on the basic principles of folding,
solubility, in flexibility, or electronic properties. The motion, and interactions of individual molecules.
control of the connectivity of the molecular subunits Complementary to the local mechanical probes, ac-
can be used to transform short-range interactions tions of external fields were monitored on individual
into complex long-range structural organization. The polymer molecules.75-77
examples of biomacromolecules demonstrate how Scanning probe microscopy, SPM, enables both
single polymer molecules and their ensembles can visualization of single molecules78-84 and probing of
serve as functional nanoobjects. While functional their properties.85-94 In contrast to scanning tunnel-
properties such as catalytic activity, directed motion, ing microscopy (STM) that is limited to imaging of
and the energy transport are well established in the conductive materials,95 scanning force microscopy
case of biomolecules,1-7 our ability to develop syn- (SFM) became a versatile method for characterization
thetic molecular devices is in its infancy. Significant of the microstructure of polymeric materials at the
efforts are directed toward shape control and directed nanometer scale.96 In addition to the topological
motion.8-14 resolution, SFM can distinguish surface areas dif-
A major basis for the advancement in macro- fering in local mechanical properties and composition,
molecular functionality is our improving ability to respectively.101-103 Mechanical properties, such as
control the macromolecular and supramolecular struc- viscoelasticity, friction, and adhesion, as well as long-
tures in great detail. Dense and cascade-type branch- range electrostatic and steric forces can be character-
ing provided access to three-dimensional molecules, ized on the scale of a few nanometers.104-109
which do not interpenetrate but interact via their SFM does not require any sample treatment like
surfaces. Recent synthetic developments include etching and metal sputtering but can visualize the
microgels,15-17 dendrimers,18-26 and arborescent graft native structure of the sample.97-100 SFM is, however,
10.1021/cr990129v CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 12/12/2001
4100 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Sheiko and Möller

Biological macromolecules such as DNA represent

prominent examples for SFM studies on single
molecules.79,110-118 Different techniques and deposi-
tion protocols have been reported to attach DNA
molecules to a solid substrate and thus enable their
imaging under water as well as in air. Strong
electrostatic binding to the surface allowed DNA
molecules to be scanned for long periods of time
without damage and displacement. Imaging pos-
sibilities have been enhanced significantly with the
introduction of the intermittent contact modes, since
lateral forces were removed and perpendicular forces
were reduced considerably due to higher sensitivity
of the amplitude to the force variations.108,109,119-121
At present, the local sensitivity of intermittent
Sergei S. Sheiko was born in Moscow, Russia, in 1963. He received his contact SFM to surface interactions and mechanical
B.A. degree in Physics from the Moscow Physico-Technical Institute in
1986 and his Ph.D. degree in Physical Sciences with Eduard Oleynik
properties, in combination with a sharp tip, controlled
from the Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences humidity, and strong attachment to the substrate,
in 1990. From 1991 to 2000, he was working with Martin Möller at the enables stable and reliable imaging of the micro-
University of Twente, Netherlands, and later at the University of Ulm, structure and the chemical composition of single
Germany. In 2001, he completed his Habilitation in Macromolecular molecules with a resolution down to 1 nm. Here, SFM
Chemistry and joined the Department of Chemistry of the University of is complementary to fluorescent microscopy, which
North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His main research interests include wetting allows observation of single biomolecules that are
and ordering phenomena in thin polymer films and functional properties
of individual macromolecules. labeled with a fluorophore in a bulk solution but with
a resolution larger than 100 nm.123-130
Recently, single chains of synthetic polymers have
been visualized and examined regarding their con-
formation.79-81,131-133 Mostly these were molecules
with a well defined rather invariant shape like
fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and some polymer
molecules. In this review we will focus on less rigid
or even soft hyperbranched polymer molecules (Fig-
ure 1): (i) their visualization followed by analysis of
the conformation and motion and (ii) probing of their
properties such as specific interactions and mechan-
ical properties. For comparison, some relevant ex-
amples from biomacromolecules are discussed.

2. Structure of Individual Molecules at Interfaces

Martin Möller studied chemistry at the University of Hamburg and Freiburg
and then completed his Ph.D. degree at the Institute of Macromolecular 2.1. Conformation of 2D Confined
Chemistry under the direction of Hans-Joachim Cantow on the micro- Macromolecules
structure of amorphous and semicrystalline polymers. He then worked
with Robert Lenz at the University of Massachusetts on ionic block- So far, high-resolution microscopy can depict the
copolymers. In 1982 he returned to Freiburg, where he studied the structure contour of a macromolecule but does not resolve the
and dynamics of crystalline and columnar flexible polymers by high- individual atoms of a macromolecule. The informa-
resolution-solid-state NMR techniques. In 1989 he moved to the University tion on the molecular structure obtainable from such
of Twente in the Netherlands, where he became professor of macro- an image includes the contour length, the curvature,
molecular materials and polymer technology. Then in 1993 he joined the and the end-to-end distance. This enables quantita-
University of Ulm as Professor of organic and macromolecular chemistry.
His current interests regard the synthesis and structure−property relation-
tive analysis both of the local properties (chain
ships in branched and hyperbranched polymers, blockcopolymers, surface configuration and flexibility) and of the overall
modification, self-organization of polymers in the bulk and in thin films, conformation (excluded volume effects and random-
and the formation of functional nanostructures. walk statistics). For polymer chains with a rodlike
backbone or polymer molecules whose secondary
structure is straightened by hydrogen bonds between
a contact method, and therefore, deformation of the constituting monomers, e.g., DNA and proteins,
molecules due to contact with the probe is inevitable. the observed length L is directly related to its degree
Imaging of molecular details requires a sufficient of polymerization, N, or its molecular mass M by the
fixation of the molecules so they do not get moved length per monomer unit lm ) L/N, and the linear
during scanning. Thus, SFM can provide a superior density λ ) M/L, respectively.
resolution and visualization of the molecular shape Figure 2 shows an SFM image of poly(isocyano-L-
in the range below 100 nm at ambient conditions, Alanine L-Alanine-OMe) (L,L-PIAA), that adopts a
however, with the handicap that the molecules are rigid-rod-like helix conformation stabilized by β-sheet-
constrained to a 2D conformation by the necessary like hydrogen bonding between the alanine side
fixation on the support. chains.131 Comparison of the number-average molec-
Visualization of Macromolecules Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4101

Figure 1. Hyperbranched molecular architectures.

Figure 2. Height image of L,L-PIAA molecules on mica as measured by tapping mode SFM. The histogram shows
distribution of the apparent lengths of the adsorbed molecules.

ular weight Mn ) 150 kg/mol (Mw/Mn ) 1.4) and the

observed length of the molecules yields a length per
monomer unit of lm ∼ 0.1 nm, which is consistent
with the helical structure.
The local curvature, F, and the end-to-end distance,
〈R02〉, of disordered macromolecules reflect the chain
flexibility and the long-range interactions, which on
the other hand control macroscopic properties such
as the viscosity of a polymer solution and melts. The
description of the corresponding interdependences is
usually done by means of scaling relations, the
analysis of a polymer property as a power of polymer Figure 3. Molecular parameters which became accessible
length, i.e., Property ∼ NR.134 Figure 3 depicts a upon visualization of single molecules, i.e., contour length
schematic drawing of a wormlike molecule confined L, the end-to-end distance 〈R20〉, and the local curvature F
) dΘ/dl.
to a flat surface. The molecular flexibility, i.e.,
resistance to in-plane bending, can be characterized
by the persistence length.135 In an unperturbed state,
the persistence length of a 2D-confined polymer chain gives the average cosine angle between the tangents
should be 2 times longer than in a 3D system, i.e., in along the brush molecule separated by distance l. The
bulk or solution at the Θ temperature.135-137 characteristic length lp corresponds to the persistence
Experimentally, one can use two complementary length. Since the method evaluates the local curva-
ways to evaluate the persistence length from the ture, it can be applied to molecules of either length.
images of the chains. The bond-correlation function The second method is based on the Kratky-Porod
formula,138 which depicts the dependence between the
〈cos(Θ)〉 ) e-l/lp (1) end-to-end distance 〈R20〉, the contour length L, and
4102 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Sheiko and Möller

Figure 4. (a) SF micrograph of DNA molecules deposited on mica from a physiological solution. (b) Mean-square end-
to-end distance, 〈R2〉, as a function of the DNA contour length measured in different buffer solutions. The continuous line
represents the 〈R2〉 evaluated from eq 2 for a DNA persistent length of 53 nm.79

the persistent length as ) x4D/π xt, where ns is the surface concentration of

the adsorbed molecules and n0 the concentration of

[ lp
〈R20〉 ) 2lpL 1 - (1 - e-L/lp)
L ] (2)
the molecules in solution.
At low concentrations from 0.5 to 2 nM, the
molecules are adsorbed onto mica as single species
The Kratky-Porod formula may be not applicable as shown in Figure 4a. Figure 4b shows a plot of
for long molecules with L . lp, for which excluded 〈R20〉 as a function of the contour length L. Both
volume interactions should be taken into account. parameters were measured directly from the SFM
Intramolecular excluded volume effects result from micrographs. Assuming that the molecular conforma-
repulsion between segments within the same mol- tion was not perturbed by excluded volume interac-
ecule, which can cause an increase of the end-to-end tions between molecular segments as well as by
distance. These effects are particularly strong for 2D interactions between the segments and the substrate,
systems, which demonstrate an increased density of Rivetti et al. used the Kratky-Porod formula to
segments and do not permit the chain crossings. Both determine a persistence length of 53 nm.79 The data
methods require complete visualization of a statisti- were in good agreement with those obtained by
cal ensemble of single molecules in order to determine electron microscopy and gel electrophoresis.139 For
the length L, the angle Θ, and the end-to-end the molecules adsorbed on mica, the crossover of the
distance 〈R20〉. In addition, they assume the observa- perturbed and unperturbed regimes was found at
tion of molecules in their natural state, in which contour lengths of about 1000 nm (ca. 20 times the
molecules are not constrained and freely fluctuate persistence length). Therefore, evaluation by the
around their equilibrium conformation. Kratky-Porod formula (eq 2) is limited to
The concurrent effects of adsorption, solvent evapo- DNA molecules whose length is shorter than 1000
ration, and capillary forces can, however, lead to nm.
kinetically trapped conformations (see below). The The effect of excluded volume repulsion on the
question arises whether and under what conditions molecular conformation was investigated for long
an equilibrium 2D conformation can be achieved. DNA molecules in an aqueous environment by fluo-
Optimum conditions were reported for DNA mol- rescence optical microscopy. Figure 5a shows fluo-
ecules deposited on mica.78 In water, mica is nega- rescence images of λ-phage DNA fragments bound to
tively charged; and therefore, mica repels negatively a glass-supported cationic lipid membrane in 10 mM
charged DNA molecules. When divalent cations, such HEPES buffer. Since the observed molecules were
as Mg2+, Mn2+, Co2+, and Ca2+, are adsorbed, the much longer than the persistence length, the ex-
surface charge is inverted. Thus, DNA adhesion can cluded volume effects resulted in the coil expansion.
be promoted if deposition is done from a buffer Figure 5b depicts the log-log representation of the
solution containing divalent cations.108 Because the radius of gyration as a function of the number of base
divalent cations and thus the adhesion sites can pairs for a set of molecules that consist of 880, 6141,
diffuse along the surface, the deposition process was 14 953, and 26 528 base pairs.140 The scaling expo-
assumed to allow equilibration rather than being nent for the 2D-confined molecules was found to be
dominated by kinetic trapping effects. A typical ν ) 0.79 ( 0.04. This experimental value is in good
example is a 0.5 nM DNA solution in a pH 7.4 buffer agreement with the theoretical prediction ν ) 3/4 for
with NaCl (10 mM) and MgCl2 (2 mM). In this case, self-avoiding statistical chains in two dimensions141
the adsorption of DNA molecules from solution is and consistent with a persistence length lp of 50 nm.
controlled by diffusion. A diffusion coefficient of D ) For individual DNA molecules in solution, the scaling
5.5 × 10-8 cm2/s was found using the formula ns/n0 exponent was determined to ν ) 3/5.142
Visualization of Macromolecules Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4103

Figure 5. Static scaling analysis of single DNA molecules. (a) Fluorescence micrograph of λ-phage DNA cut by the
restriction enzyme BbrPI. (b) The log-log plot of the averaged radius of gyration of DNA fragments as a function of fragment
length in number of base pairs N(bp). The straight line fits the scaling Rg ∝ Nv, with ν ) 0.79 ( 0.04.140

Figure 6. (a) STM image of C36H74 alkane on graphite.143 (b) Head-to-tail-coupled poly(3-dodecylthiophene) in the HOPG/
liquid (1,2,4-trichlorobenzene) interface 20 × 20 nm.145

2.2. Structural Effects by Specific Interactions Figure 6b shows the ordering of polythiophene mol-
with the Substrate ecules with alkyl side chains along the crystal-
lographic axes of the graphite.145 Formation of highly
Absence of surface interactions that effect the ordered monolayers follows from the epitaxial-like
conformation of the macromolecules is, however, not orientation of the hydrocarbon chains with respect
the rule. Below we will discuss examples of how the to the graphite lattice.
molecular conformation can be effected by specific
interaction with the substrate. Obviously, one cannot Also, relatively long polymer molecules can be
regard the apparent persistence length of the ad- extended and aligned by specific adsorption of the
sorbed molecules as a characteristic value for the side groups with the substrate. Detailed studies of
chain flexibility. the molecular conformation affected by adsorption on
Spectacular pictures of adsorbed chain molecules a solid substrate have been possible with so-called
have been obtained for n-alkanes on graphite where monodendron-jacketed polymers.41,146-148 Scheme 1
the carbon chains were oriented according to the depicts two examples of monodendron-jacketed mac-
3-fold symmetry of the graphite (Figure 6a). The romolecules: 14-ABG-PS carries three monoalkoxy-
orientation of the main chain has been explained by benzyl ether groups per monomer unit, whereas the
the close matching between the repeat length le ) stronger branched 3,4,5-t-3,4,5-PS monomer is sub-
2.54 Å of a -(CH2-CH2)- sequence in all-trans stituted by three trisalkoxybenzyl ether groups and
planar zigzag conformation and the crystallographic has a 2 times larger molecular mass.149
spacing a ) 2.46 Å of the graphite surface.143,144 Figure 7 shows an SF micrograph of 14-ABG-PS
Also, interactions of the side chains with the on graphite together with a cartoon of the molecular
substrate can cause alignment of adsorbed molecules. structure.147 The macromolecules are arranged in
4104 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Sheiko and Möller

Figure 7. SFM micrograph of 14-ABG-PS molecules on HOPG prepared by spin casting of a solution in cyclopentane
(c ) 0.1 mg/mL). Individual molecules aligned parallel to the substrate and bent at characteristic angles of 60° and 120°
to follow the 6-fold symmetry of graphite.147

Scheme 1

straight segments with bends of a characteristic move the molecules or molecular parts along the
angle of 60° and 120°. Also, in this case the ordering substrate and to cause aggregation of individual
of the macromolecules is explained by an epitaxial molecules into monolayers.
adsorption of the alkyl tails of the monodendron side Another example for wormlike synthetic macro-
groups on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite, HOPG. molecules is depicted in Figure 10. The SFM images
Specific interaction of the side chains with the show poly(methyl methacrylate) brush molecules that
substrate has been verified by STM studies on adsorbed as extended threats on a flat mica surface.
monolayers of the monodendrons.148 The backbone consists of methacrylate units, each of
It has also been possible to observe how the chains which is grafted by a methyl methacrylate side
adsorb originally in a coiled conformation and how chain.151 The molecular properties are summarized
they expand subsequently to the ordered pattern. in Table 1.
Figure 8 shows a series of SFM images of a polyox- Neglecting the interaction with the substrate, the
norbornene substituted by the same dendron groups overall conformation of the brush molecule is con-
as in the case of 14-ABG-PS after different times for trolled by the repulsion and excluded volume of the
adsorption.148 Besides the increase in surface cover- densely grafted side chains. Thus, the spatial demand
age, one observes the relaxation within minutes. of the side chains results in bending rigidity and
On mica, the 14-ABG-PS polymer did not show any prevents the collapse of a brush molecule to a dense
particular order (Figure 9). Only a short-range ori- globule. Yet, in contrast to DNA, where the segmen-
entational order of densely packed cylinders was tal conformation, i.e., the rotational angles of the
observed. bonds in the backbone, is fixed to a large extent, the
The dense arrangement of the chains points to the brush molecules possess a flexible backbone. Thus,
action of other forces that can control the molecular the brush acquires rigidity on the length scale of it’s
conformation of adsorbed macromolecules in addition thickness or larger, but the conformation within short
to the interaction with the substrate. Capillary forces segments of the backbone can be disordered similar
and dewetting during evaporation of the solvent can to that in a coil molecule. The monodendron-jacketed
cause condensation and dense packing of the mol- polymers depicted in Figures 7-9 can be regarded
ecules in monolayer patches,147,148,150 For large mol- as an intermediate case, where the rigidity of the
ecules with a diameter of ca. 5 nm, capillary forces backbone conformation is caused not only by the
are in the range of a few nN, which is sufficient to bulkiness but also by self-assembly of the side chains
Visualization of Macromolecules Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4105

Figure 8. (a-c) A series of SFM micrographs was measured after adsorption of polyoxanorbornene DP100 from THF
solution with concentration 0.001 mg/mL on mica during different times. The adsorption time is indicated by arrows in d,
representing dependence of the coverage on the time for different polyoxanorbornenes (9) DP 100, (b) DP 200, (2) DP
Table 1. Molecular Characterization of the PMMA Brushes Depicted in Figure 5151
length of side chainsa total molecular weightb contour length (SFM)c Lw/Ln length/monomer (SFM)
2410 g/mol 1.08 × 107 g/mol 367 nm 1.3 0.07 ( 0.1 nm
MALDI-TOF. b Small angle light scattering. c Lw ) (∑niLi2)/(∑niLi).

pared to the maximum contour length given for an

all-trans planar zigzag conformation (2/1 helix).
A reduced length per monomer unit, i.e., of the
effective grafting distance h, has been demonstrated
for the PMMA brush molecules depicted in Figure
10. Comparison of the degree of polymerization of the
PMMA brushes with their length determined by a
detailed evaluation of a set of SFM images yielded a
length per monomer unit of h ) 0.07 ( 0.01 nm. The
value is 3 times shorter than the monomer length in
a completely stretched backbone (hall-trans ) 0.25 nm).
Evaluation of the cross section of the brush mol-
ecules in Figure 10 (including correction for tip
indentation152 convolution of the surface profile with
the shape of the tip apex and comparison with
Figure 9. SFM micrographs of 14-ABG-PS molecules on electron microscopy images) demonstrated that the
mica deposited from a CHCl3 solution (c ) 0.1 mg/mL). molecules adopt a hemicircular cross section of 11 (
Molecules are densely packed because of the action of 1 nm width and a height of 4.2 ( 0.5 nm. These
capillary forces during evaporation of the solvent.147 values are consistent with h ) 0.07 ( 0.01 nm for
the length per repeat unit of the backbone, i.e., with
the molecular weight of the side chains and the bulk
with their π-stacking of the aromatic units. Yet, also density of PMMA, a length of 0.07 nm corresponds
in this case, the self-assembly to column structures to a cylinder with a cross section of 45 nm2, compa-
does not prevent some randomness in the rotational rable to the cross section of 38 nm of a hemicircular
isomeric states.146,149 Because of this flexibility of the profile with 11 nm width and 4.2 nm height.
main chain, the brush and also mondendron-jacketed Light scattering studies allowed a complementary
molecules can experience an axial contraction com- characterization of the size and conformation of the
4106 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Sheiko and Möller

Figure 10. (a) Molecular brushes with poly(methyl methacrylate) side chains were adsorbed on mica and annealed above
the glass transition temperature T ) 105 °C for 24 h. (b) The undulated structures in higher magnification images
demonstrate the tendency of the brush molecules to contraction via the buckling mechanism. The height of the molecules
was determined to be 2 nm and the width 16 ( 2 nm.
PMMA brush molecules in THF solution.151 Also, in free energy of excluded volume interaction.156-159
this case, the monomer length h ) 0.081 ( 0.008 nm
indicated an axial contraction compared to the fully F(R,h) R2
stretched all-trans conformation. The coincidence of ) + |τ|2Rh - |τ|2N (3)
the experimentally determined values for h in dilute
solution and for the dry adsorbed molecules might
be regarded as an indication that the axial contrac- Here N is the number of monomer units in the side
tion of a densely grafted brush molecule does not chains and R is their end-to-end distance. In a
depend strongly on the quality of the solvent. It must, uniformly collapsed brush below the Θ point, the
however, be noted that adsorption of the side chains, binary interactions are attractive and the polymers
i.e., their confinement to a 2D conformation, can density ∝ |τ|. The thickness of the collapsed brush
cause significant stretching compared to the uncon- scales as R ∝ (N/h|τ|)1/2. The axial tension is given
fined brush (see below). Thus, an axial contraction by
caused by decreasing solvent quality or in a dry brush
might well be compensated by stretching due to dF/kBT
partial adsorption of the side chains. That this is in f/kBT ) - = (|τ|h2)-1 - |τ|3/2(N/h)1/2 (4)
fact the case is indicated by the remarkable buckling
of the brush conformation observed in Figure 10b. The degree of stretching of the side chains and the
Buckling can be explained by a transformation where extensional force on the backbone decreases with
the molecules first contract as the solvent evaporates decreasing grafting density and decreasing solvent
and then expand axially as the side chains start to qualityτ (i.e., increasing |τ|).
adsorb tightly. Buckling is typical for confined aniso- If the backbone is not stiff but flexible, an eventu-
tropic systems when the strain cannot be released ally resulting negative axial tension can be partly
completely, such as thin films, microtubuli, and released by contraction, i.e., variation of the effective
nanotubes.153-155 grafting density h. Moreover, under the condition of
The driving force for the axial contraction was a fixed monomer density N/(R2h) = |τ|, minimization
elucidated by O. Borisov by scaling analysis of a of the total elastic free energy of the collapsed brush
linear brush molecule.156 Because of the dense sub- has been shown to result to156
stitution, the side chains get stretched. Stretching of
the side chains with respect to the Gaussian dimen-
h(τ) = h(τΘ(|τ|/|τΘ|)-1/3
sion leads to conformational entropy loss. Thus, if the
grafting density h-1 is fixed, the cylindrical brush
experiences an extensional axial force of entropic R(τ) = R(τΘ(|τ|/|τΘ|)-1/3 (5)
origin. In a bad solvent or in air when the brush is
collapsed, a negative contribution to the axial force with τΘ corresponding to the onset of the side chain
has to be taken into account due to the excess collapse.
interfacial energy of the brush. The interfacial energy The detailed analysis156 demonstrated that the
per unit area is proportional to τ2, where τ describes onset of the side chain collapse is shifted toward the
the quality of the solvent given by the relative range of poorer solvent conditions compared to that
deviation from the Θ point, τ ) (T - Θ)/Θ. The free in an individual chain of length N. Both the side
energy per side chain, F, in a collapsed brush chains and the backbone remain extended at τ e τΘ
comprises the elastic penalty for extension of a side with respect to the Gaussian dimensions for densely
chain, the excess free energy of the interface, and the grafted brushes, and the length of a dense brush is
Visualization of Macromolecules Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4107

Figure 11. (a) SFM micrograph of single 14-ABG-PS molecules on HOPG, and (b) suggested conformation of monodendron-
jacketed linear chains.146
Table 2. Molecular Dimensions and Length Per almost complete stretching of the backbone with
Monomer Unit of 14-ABG-PS, 3,4,5-t-3,4-PS, and lSFM) 2.3 Å.
3,4,5-t-3,4,5-PS from SFM Micrographs and SEC and
SLS Data146,147 Clearly, also the monodendron-jacketed polysty-
renes are contracted in length compared to the full
contour length. For 14-ABG-PS it must be noted,
14-ABG-PS 3,4,5-t-3,4-PS 3,4,5-t-3,4,5-PS however, that the coincidence of the length per
M,a g/mol 1194 1612 2140 monomer unit in the adsorbed and the hexagonal
Mw,c 106 g/mol 1.1 1.2 2.0 columnar mesophase has to be considered to occur
Mw/Mn 2.6 2.6 2.2 by chance. As discussed for Figure 7, the molecular
a,c Å 52.1 41.4 47.7
lXDR,d Å 0.8 1.8 2.0
conformation of 14-ABG-PS is significantly affected
lSFM,e Å 1.2 1.9 2.3 by the interaction with the substrate.146-148 Certainly
a Molecular weight of the monomer unit. b Molecular weight
such an interaction with the substrate will be a factor
of the polymers determined by size exclusion chromatography
that changes the segmental conformation and does
in tetrahydrofuran using a light scattering detector. c Column not only align the molecular segments in a straight
diameter determined by X-ray diffraction measurement in the line. In this case, the length per monomer unit results
columnar mesophase. d X-ray spacing along the column axis from the interplay between the interfacial and in-
per repeat unit of the main chain as determined for the tramolecular interactions. Constraint of the tightly
columnar mesophase in bulk. e Length of the cylindrical
molecules per repeat unit of the main chain determined from adsorbed side chains to the surface plane causes
the SFM micrographs as lSFM ) M‚Ln/Mn. extension of the backbone, while aggregation of
desorbed side chains favors contraction.
predicted to depend only weakly on the solvent 2.3. Metastable Tertiary Structures by Local
conditions within the regime of a poor solvent.
Contraction and Twisting
Also, in the case of the monodendron-jacketed
macromolecules, the chain length-per-repeat unit lSFM It is obvious that the conformation of adsorbed
) Ln/DPn could be evaluated from the molecular molecules can be far from equilibrium if the adsorp-
length in comparison with the independently deter- tion process has been fast and irreversible. In this
mined degree of polymerization DPn. Figure 11 case, the molecules do not have time to sample the
depicts an SFM image of single 14-ABG-PS molecules whole assembly of thermodynamic states and get
deposited on the surface of highly oriented pyrolytic trapped kinetically at the contact sites. Yet, there are
graphite.146,147 The 5 nm thick molecular threads are distinct kinetic pathways that give rise to the forma-
aligned parallel to the substrate plane. Table 2 tion of peculiar tertiary structures in connection with
summarizes the molecular dimensions and the values the axial contraction and local twisting. An example
of the length per monomer unit, lSFM, for three discussed above is the buckling of the PMMA brushes
monodendron-jacketed polystyrenes with three, six, in Figure 10. Another example is demonstrated in
and nine terminal alkyl chains per dendron, respec- Figure 12. Here 14-ABG-PS molecules are depicted
tively. that were deposited by fast spin coating on mica.147
The value of lSFM ) 1.2 Å for 14-ABG-PS is in good The molecules were adsorbed randomly without
agreement with the stacking period in the columnar interfacial ordering effects, and quick evaporation of
hexagonal mesophase that was obtained from the the solvent caused underwinding or overwinding of
macroscopic density and the X-ray periodicity of the the molecules, i.e., significant torsional strain is
columnar packing. This value is almost 2 times less evidenced by the observation of supercoils, so-called
than the length l0 ) 2.5 Å expected for a fully plectonemes (from the Greek meaning “braided
extended main chain in an all-trans planar zigzag string”).161
conformation. In contrast, 3,4,5-t-3,4,5-PS with the The drawing of a monodendron-jacketed chain in
sterically more demanding side groups demonstrated Figure 11 indicates that axial contraction is enabled
4108 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Sheiko and Möller

Figure 12. SFM micrographs of (a) 14-ABG-PS on mica147 and (b) twisted ribbon structure of polypeptide β-sheets.164
The plectoneme conformation is caused by the backward folding of the torsionally stressed molecules. Insert in a depicts
a plectoneme supercoil.

by local winding up of the backbone. Regular helix pares the lengths of pnBuA brushes with different
formation is highly unlikely because of the atactic numbers of nongrafted MMA monomers. One can see
stereostructure and was also not observed in the that less densely grafted brushes undergo stronger
mesophase state.160 However, axial contraction must axial contraction of the main chain. When the aver-
clearly be linked to local twisting. Thus, the observed age length of the MMA sequences became larger than
supercoiling is a way of releasing torsional stress.162,163 four monomeric units, the observed length per mono-
To the best of our knowledge, the supercoil formation mer unit decreased significantly. This value is re-
of the monodendron-jacketed polystyrene is one of the markably similar to the length lk ∼ 12 Å of the
first observations of a defined tertiary structure in statistical (Kuhn) segment of PMMA.
synthetic polymers. While in biomolecules the ter- In addition to the visualization of the molecular
tiary structures are typically stabilized by specific contour, topographic and phase contrast SFM en-
interactions between side groups, the supercoil of the abled clear resolution of the fine molecular structure.
monodendron-jacketed polymers is metastable. Even- Figure 14 shows SFM micrographs of single brush
tually, annealing offered a path for the stress relax- molecules, where one can easily distinguish both the
ation and led to vanishing of the supercoil conforma- backbone and the tightly adsorbed side chains. For
tion.147 Figure 12b shows a similar conformation example, white contours in the height micrograph
observed for a polypeptide.164 (Figure 14b) correspond to the backbone wrapped by
nonadsorbed side chains, while the grayish areas
2.4. Microscopic Structure of Adsorbed between the white threads demonstrate the hairy
Macromolecules structure of the adsorbed segments of the side chains.
How adsorption of the side chains to a flat sub- The molecules in Figure 14a,b differ in the degree of
strate effects the backbone conformation has been polymerization of the side chains as DPn ) 52 ( 10
observed in further microscopic detail for brush and DPn )10 ( 2, respectively. This difference was
molecules with a methacrylate backbone and poly- readily detected by SFM. The brushes in Figure 14a
(n-butyl acrylate) side chains. These poly(n-butyl show a thicker corona of side chains around the
acrylate) brushes were prepared by living radical backbone compared to the brush in Figure 14b.
grafting from a multifunctional macromolecular ini- The distance between the backbones in densely
tiator.38 The synthetic approach allowed observation packed monolayers, like the one shown in Figure 14b,
of the same batch of molecules without (macroinitia- increases linearly with the number-average degree
tor) and with poly(n-butyl acrylate) side chains of polymerization of the side chains, D ∼ DPn. The
(brush). distance is, however, significantly larger than the
After adsorption on mica, the SFM length of the number-average length of a fully extended side chain,
brush molecules corresponded to an almost fully l0 ) DPn × 2.5 Å. These observations suggest that
extended backbone approaching the trans zigzag the absolute distance between adsorbed brushes is
conformation (Figure 13b). In contrast, the apparent not determined by the number-average length of the
length of the macroinitiator, which was scanned by side chains but it is controlled by a small fraction of
SFM prior to grafting, was 2 times shorter than the longer side chains.
contour length of the main chain (Figure 13a). Extension and stiffening of the backbone because
The extension of brush molecules is caused by of the tight adsorption of the side chains are con-
excluded volume repulsion of the 2D-adsorbed side nected with a significant loss of entropy. A certain
chains. Therefore, the length of adsorbed brushes decrease in the entropy by bending of the backbone
should also depend on the grafting density. Copoly- without changing the degree of adsorption of the side
mer brushes with a random sequence of methyl chains can, however, be enabled by an uneven
methacrylate and poly(n-butyl acrylate)-substituted distribution of the side chains between the two sides
methacrylate units were prepared with different of the backbone. On the concave side of the bend, the
compositions, i.e., grafting densities. Table 3 com- space available per side chain is increased compared
Visualization of Macromolecules Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4109

Figure 13. (Top) Preparation of PBA brushes by grafting from the macroinitiator using ATRP.38 (Bottom) Single molecules
of the macroinitiator (a) and PBA brushes (b) adsorbed on mica were visualized by tapping-mode SFM. Clearly, the grafting
of long side chains led to almost full extension of the backbone approaching the contour length L ) N‚l0, where l0 ) 0.25
nm is the monomer length of a hydrocarbon chain in the all-trans conformation.
Table 3. Axial Contraction of pnBuA brushes as a Function of the Grafting Density
polymer MMA, % DPn, side chains DPn, backbone Ln, nm lm ) Ln/DPn, nm
homopolymer 0 35 567 123 0.22 ( 0.2
copolymer 1 35 58 477 120 0.25 ( 0.2
copolymer 2 56 42 637 127 0.2 ( 0.2
copolymer 3 77 32 710 116 0.16 ( 0.2

to the straight conformation. Thus, for these chains favored could be obtained in the case of the brushes
and the backbone, bending yields an increased con- with poly(n-butylacrylate), PBA, side chains. The low
figurational entropy. glass transition temperature of PBA (Tg ) -54 °C)
Computer simulations demonstrated that such an favors fast equilibration upon thermal annealing. The
uneven distribution of the side chains leads to bend- sample in Figure 17a was prepared by spreading a
ing.165 Scaling analysis showed that the uneven side dilute solution of the PBA brush molecules in CHCl3
chain distribution and bending is favorable in par- on water (Langmuir trough). The surface pressure
ticular for long side chains and lower grafting densi- was increased to obtain a condensed film that was
ties (Figure 15). In the case of an isolated single then transferred onto a mica substrate. Similar to
chain, bending can furthermore reduce the line Figure 13, the backbones were predominantly ex-
tension, in the optimum case by formation of a spiral tended. This indicates a rather even distribution of
structure.166,167 the side chains to the one and the other side as it
Indeed, bending and even spiral conformations might be expected for fast adsorption at the substrate
were observed for PMMA brush molecules that were surface. When the film on mica was, however, an-
deposited from a solution in THF.165,167 This is shown nealed for 48 h at 120 °C, considerable coiling of the
by the SFM micrograph in Figure 16. Nevertheless, molecules occurred as shown in Figure 17b.
the situation in Figure 16 is a snapshot of a situation Summarizing the evidence from Figures 13-15 and
that emerged upon evaporation of the solvent and 17, it results that the backbone conformation of the
does not represent an equilibrium conformation. brush molecule is strongly effected by the adsorption
Clear experimental evidence that the coiling of and side distribution of the grafts. The most impor-
brushes on solid substrates is thermodynamically tant contribution is the repulsion between the ad-
4110 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Sheiko and Möller

Figure 14. Molecular brushes with poly(n-butyl acrylate) side chains of different degrees of polymerization: (a) n ) 52
and (b) n ) 10.

Figure 15. Calculation of the free energy of a brush molecule with asymmetrically distributed side chains as a function
of the bending curvature (DPside chains ) 100, ∆1 ) 4, ∆2 ) 8, one side chain per two backbone units).

Figure 16. (a) SFM micrograph of PMMA brushes lying flat on the mica surface. The arrows show one of the typically
observed conformationss2D helices of tightly winded cylindrical brushes. (b) Zoomed image of molecule 3 in part a. (c)
Typical snapshot of the simulated 2d bottle-brush structure consisting of the 128-segment main chain and the 4-segment
side chains grafted at σ ) 1 and φ ) 0.1.

sorbed side chains that leads to the extension of the the persistence length must depend on the grafting
whole brush molecule. Hence, the conformation and density and the fractions of the adsorbed and de-
Visualization of Macromolecules Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4111

Figure 17. SF micrograph of a condensed film of poly(n-butylacrylate) brushes, DP side chain ) 60: (a) transferred from
water onto mica and (b) after annealing at 120 °C for 48 h.

Figure 18. (Left) SFM images of poly(n-butylacrylate) brushes with varying degree of polymerization, n, of the poly(n-
butylacrylate) side chains on mica (spin cast samples). (Right) Persistence length of a molecular brush as a function of the
side chain length n. The continuous line describes the power function lp∝ n2.7 and the points experimental values from

sorbed side chains. While tightly adsorbed side chains dependence of lp on the length of the side chains can
favor extension of the backbone, desorbed side chains be described by a power function nR with R varying
favor the coiling process. between 2 and 3 (see Figure 18, right).
The dependence of the persistence length lp on the The theoretical analysis has been verified experi-
fraction of the adsorbed side chains Θ has been mentally. The SFM images in Figure 18 depict the
derived from scaling analysis168 contour of four poly(n-butylacrylate) brushes differing
in the degree of polymerization of the poly(n-butyl-

(φx) n + (1 -x φ) n
5 3 3 acrylate) side chains. All four molecules were pre-
lp = (6)
pared by grafting from the same macroinitiator
sample. Clearly, the extension and straightening of
where x ) L/(a‚N) denotes the degree of longitudinal the molecules improved with the side chain length.
contraction which denotes the effective grafting The diagram in Figure 18 (right) gives a fit of the nR
density. dependency to experimental values. The resulting
The degree of contraction was evaluated by mini- exponent R ) 2.7 ( 0.2 is indicative of a relatively
mization of the free energy of the adsorbed brush. large fraction of adsorbed side chains as expected for
Three contributions were considered: the elastic strong interaction between the polar acrylates and
energy of the main and side chains, the interfacial the polar mica surface.
energy, and the mixing entropy between adsorbed Because the adsorption of the side chains is such
and desorbed chains.168 The persistence length varies a strong factor in controlling the macromolecular
with the side chain length with a cubic power conformation, not only the length of side chains but
dependence lp = n3 in the strong adsorption regime also their composition is of great importance. This
(φ, x ≈1) and with a square dependence lp = n2in the can be demonstrated by comparing the structures for
weak adsorption regime (φ ≈ 0, x = n-1/3). The the brush molecules with poly(n-butylacrylate) side
4112 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Sheiko and Möller

Table 4. Molecular Characterization of Brush Molecules with Poly(styrene)-block-poly(n-butylacrylate) Side

Chains Prepared by ATRP169
polymer Mw/106 a Mw/Mn DPbackbb DPcore/DPshellc lmd
pBPEM 0.14 1.16 514
pBPEM-g-pnBuA 1.18 1.22 514 15 0.22 ( 0.01
pBPEM-g-(pnBuA-b-pS) 1.85 1.24 514 15/9 0.20 ( 0.01
pBPEM-g-(pS-b-pnBuA) 2.49 1.26 514 27/9 0.16
a THF, MALLS-detector. b Degree of polymerization of the backbone. c Degree of polymerization of the side chain blocks.
Monomer length was calculated as lm ) Ln/DPn, where DPn ) 514 is the number-average degree of polymerization of the main

Figure 19. AFM micrographs of four different polymers adsorbed on mica: (a) single molecules of macroinitiator pBPEM,
(b) monolayer of homopolymer pBPEM-graft-pnBuA brush, (c) monolayer of pBPEM-graft-(pnBuA-block-pS) brush, and
(d) single molecules of pBPEM-graft-(pS-block-pnBuA) brush.169

chains and poly(styrene)-block-poly(n-butylacrylate) brush with an inner pnBuA and an outer polystyrene
side chains, respectively. While the n-butylacrylate block (pBPEM-g-(pnBuA-b-PS)), and (iv) the inverse
units interact strongly with a polar substrate like structure with an inner polystyrene and an outer
mica, there is a much weaker adsorption of the pnBuA block (pBPEM-g-(pS-b-pnBuA)) have been
styrene units and correspondingly of a polystyrene prepared. Because all molecules have been prepared
brush.169 Diblock side chains offer the possibility to from the same macroinitiator, they have the same
distinguish between adsorption effects of the inner length, DPbackbone ) 514. Due to the consequential
polymer segment, adjacent to the backbone, and the addition of the blocks, the side chains vary in length.
outer side chain tail. Figure 19 shows SFM images of the four polymers
Brushes with diblock side chains have been pre- that have been deposited by spin casting from THF
pared by the same concept as illustrated in Figure solution on freshly cleaved mica. In each case, single
13. In this case either a polystyrene block or a poly- molecules are resolved lying flat on the substrate.
(n-butylacrylate) block was grafted first by atom One clearly recognizes distinct differences in the 2D
transfer polymerization, ATRP, on a poly(2-bro- conformation, which can be attributed to the different
mopropanoyl ethyl methacrylate), pBPEM, on which adsorption behavior of the side chains. The images
in a second step the other monomer was polymerized allowed one to measure the length of the macro-
as the second block.169 Table 4 summarizes the molecules and to evaluate the contraction of the
molecular structure of the corresponding polymers, backbone relative to the contour length of the fully
i.e., (i) the macroinitiator or mere backbone molecule extended main chain.
(pPBEM) from which (ii) a brush with pnBuA ho- The length of the brush molecules per monomer
mopolymer side chains (pBPEM-g-pnBuA), (iii) a unit of the backbone, lm, was evaluated from the
Visualization of Macromolecules Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4113

Figure 20. SFM micrographs of single molecules of pBPEM-graft-(pnBuA-block-pS) brushes. The cross sectional profiles
(c and d) were drawn perpendicular and parallel to the molecular contour along the dotted lines in a and b, respectively.
The scheme explains the necklace morphology upon looking at the molecule from the edge (e) and from the side (f).

images and compared to lmax ) 0.25 nm for all-trans driving force might be found in entropically favorable
conformation of an aliphatic chain (Table 4). For the coiling and in reduced unfavorable contacts between
pnBuA brush, the length lm ) 0.22 nm indicates the pS and pnBuA blocks as well as between pS and
almost complete stretching of the backbone as shown air. While the PS segments form clusters, the pnBuA
before (Figure 14, Table 3). The pnBuA-b-pS brushes chain fragments remain tightly adsorbed on the
with a pnBuA core and a pS shell demonstrated substrate. This interpretation is consistent with the
similar extension to lm ) 0.20 nm. In contrast, a intermolecular distances D measured in Figure 20b,c.
significantly shorter monomer length lm ) 0.16 nm,
was determined for the inverted structure, i.e., pS- 3. Manipulated Conformational Transitions of
b-pnBuA with a pS core and a pnBuA shell. The axial Adsorbed Macromolecules
contraction is consistent with the more globular Conformational transitions and the corresponding
conformation of the coiled up molecule morphology stimuli response of macromolecules provide funda-
of the brush molecules in Figure 19d compared to mental means for the molecular assembly and func-
those in Figure 19b,c. As might be expected, the tion of biological systems.1-7 Establishing a likewise
stretching and straightening of the brush molecules control factor in the field of synthetic macromolecules
are predominantly controlled by the adsorption of the is recognized as a major challenge in nanotechnology.
side chain segments near the backbone. According to theoretical considerations, the transi-
The extended block-copolymer brush in Figure 19c tion between the state of an expanded coil and a
exhibited well defined periodic undulations in thick- compact globule can be discrete, depending on the
ness. This is seen in further detail in the enlarged nature of the interaction and the chain flexibility.170
images in Figure 20a,b. A thin corona of the tightly Equilibrium coexistence of two conformations of
adsorbed chain segments is depicted surrounding the single macromolecules as an unambiguous criterion
undulated backbone of the single molecule of pnBuA- for a first-order transition171-174 has been clearly
b-pS in Figure 20a. The cross-sectional profiles in observed only in the case of relatively large DNA
Figure 20d,c were recorded along the molecular molecules.174 However, the peculiar branching topol-
backbone and perpendicular to it, respectively. After ogy in dendrimers, block-copolymer micelles, and
correction for the radius (R ∼ 8 nm), the diameter of cylindrical brushes provides a unique means to
the globuli forming the necklace-like string and their introduce the competitive interactions necessary for
separation was determined from the image to be d a conformational transition.168,175-177 In the following
) 5 ( 1 nm and δ ) 15 ( 2 nm, respectively. it will be shown that coexistence between an ex-
A tentative interpretation of the undulations is tended and a globular conformation can occur in the
presented in Figure 20e,f: In contrast to the pnBA case of poly(n-butyl acrylate) brush molecules168 and
chains that adsorb flatly, the pS tails in the block- be visualized in detailed resolution on a significantly
copolymer brushes tend to aggregate to clusters. The smaller length scale than possible in the case of DNA.
4114 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Sheiko and Möller

Figure 21. Conformations of cylindrical brushes upon adsorption on a surface: (a) extended chain, (b) globule.
Table 5. Molecular Characterization of the PBPEM
Macroinitiators and the Corresponding PBA Brushes
by Multiangle Laser Light Scattering Size Exclusion
Chromatography (MALLS-SEC) and Static Light
Scattering (SLS)168
macroinitiator brush
polymer Mw g/mol Mw/Mn Nb Mw,c g/mol Mw/Mnd nLSe
A 2.2 × 105 1.3 641 4.6 × 106 1.1 46
B 1.6 × 105 1.3 453 1.6 × 106 1.2 20
C 1.8 × 105 1.4 490 1.4 × 106 1.3 15
a By MALLS-SEC using dn/dc)0.084 (error bar 5%). b Num-

ber-average degree of polymerization calculated as N ) Mn/

M0, where M0 ) 265 g/mol - molecular weight of the monomer
unit of pBPEM. c By SLS using the refractive-index increment
dn/dc ) 0.068. d Polydispersity from MALLS-SEC. e The num-
ber-average degree of polymerization of the side chains was
determined as nLS)(Mn - M0)/m, where m ) 128 g/mol - Figure 22. Langmuir isotherm for the compression of a
molecular weight of BA and Mn ) number-average molecular monolayer of poly(n-butyl acrylate) brush molecules with
weight of the PBA brush measured by MALLS-SEC and SLS. the degree of polymerization of the side chains n ) 46.168

As discussed above, the conformation of molecular determined by size exclusion chromatography and
brushes at an interface is determined by the interac- light scattering in dilute solution.
tion of the side chains with the substrate and entropic Owing to the amphiphilic nature of n-butyl acrylate
flexibility of both the side chain and the flexible groups, the pnBA brushes spread on a water surface.
backbone. The stretched backbone conformation of Figure 22 shows a π-A isotherm (surface pressure
pnBA brushes depicted in Figures 13, 14, 17, and 18 versus monolayer area per BA residue) for polymer
is enabled by a large number of energetically favor- A with the longest side chains. Corresponding to the
able surface contacts. One can envision a transition low glass transition temperature, Tg ) -54 °C,
to a globular conformation if the interaction strength compression of the PBA brushes was fully reversible
is reduced and coiling becomes entropically favored as expected for equilibrium spreading. The pressure
at the expense of the surface contacts. Since the onset occurred at about 35 Å2 and rose until a critical
energy and the entropy contribution vary differently area of 22 Å2, at which the pressure leveled off at
with respect to contact area and interaction strength, 19.5 mN/m. The plateau between 22 and 13 Å2 was
the brushes can undergo a transition at a critical followed by a second plateau with a distinct increase
interaction strength at which the free energies of the in pressure from 19.5 to 21 mN/m. The linear
stretched and collapsed state become equal. Such a extrapolation of the isotherm to zero pressure gave
transition may occur upon changing thermodynamic the area a0 ) 28 ( 1 Å2, which is consistent with the
variables, e.g. solvent quality and temperature, or monomer area of 29.3 Å2 measured for linear PBA.
under the effect of an external field. Thus, instead The values indicate that practically all BA monomer
of variation of the interfacial energies, the number units are in contact with the water surface, whereby
of surface contacts available per molecule or side the butyl tails are oriented toward air perpendicular
chain can be altered by reducing or expanding the to the surface. The plateau between 22 and 13 Å2 is
surface area per molecule as done experimentally on remarkable and indicates a structural transition
a Langmuir trough. In this case the free energies of within the monofilm.
the extended and collapsed state become equal at a The molecular structures at the different stages of
critical surface pressure, at which point the brushes compression were visualized by SFM on samples that
can undergo a transition. The concept is schemati- were transferred onto a mica substrate while the
cally depicted in Figure 21 and has been realized in pressure was kept constant. Figure 23 shows such a
experiment with pnBA brush molecules.168 series of SFM micrographs obtained at different
Table 5 lists the molecular structure parameters compression.
of three different pnBA brush molecules basically In each micrograph, the brush molecules were
differing in the length of the side chains, which were clearly resolved individually. At areas above 22 Å2
Visualization of Macromolecules Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4115

Figure 23. SFM micrographs of monolayers of pnBA brushes (sample A in Table 5) transferred on mica at different
degrees of compression: (a) 30 Å2, (b) 23 Å2, (c) 21 Å2, (d) 17 Å2, (e) 13 Å2, (f) 30 Å2 (after expansion).168

the molecular cylinders retained their stretched chains. Since the free energies of these two confor-
conformation but became packed increasingly dense. mations depend in an opposite way on the interaction
The wormlike entities in Figure 23a, b mark the strength, the variation of either the area available
contour of the backbone and represent the extended per molecule A or the spreading parameter S ) γ1 -
brush molecules as depicted in Figure 21a. The space γ12 - γ2 can cause a discontinuous first-order transi-
between is occupied by the fraction of the side chains tion from one state to the other. The results of the
which are tightly adsorbed. The fundamental collapse evaluation are summarized in Figure 24, where the
of the wormlike structure predicted above was ob- fraction of adsorbed side chain units is plotted
served in the transition zone between 22 and 13 Å2. against the surface pressure and the critical surface
The SFM images in Figure 23c-e demonstrate that pressure Sc is plotted against the inverse length of
the molecules became more flexible and coiled, while the side chains 1/n.
at the same time a significant decrease in length is Switching between two distinct conformations has
observed. The round spots in Figure 23c-e are been observed also for spherical branched particles
assigned to single molecules which collapsed to a such as block copolymer micelles. Block copolymers
pancake-like or nearly globular structure as il- of poly(styrene) and poly(N-alkyl-4-vinylpyridinium
lustrated in Figure 21b. As the number of chains in iodide) were aggregated to micelles with a polysty-
Figure 23a and number of globuli in Figure 23e was rene core and a poly(N-alkylpyridinium iodide) co-
fairly equal, it was concluded that the molecular rona. These micelles could be spread on water from
collapse is accompanied by desorption of the side a solution in CHCl3 and compressed to a monofilm170
chains from the water surface and is occurring in first (Figure 25b). Due to the amphiphilicity of the N-
as an intramolecular collapse and only in a later alkylpyridinium iodides, the poly(pyridinium iodide)
stage by intermolecular aggregation as the collapsed block gets adsorbed in a 2D conformation with the
molecules get piled up. n-alkyl groups pointing to the air. Upon lateral
The observed conformational transition was ana- compression of the condensed monofilm of surface
lyzed theoretically assuming partial desorption of the micelles, also in this case, a distinct phase transition
side chains under compression, i.e., upon variation was observed upon lateral compression as the corona
of the spreading parameter.168 The total free energy chains got desorbed from the water/air interface
F ) F2D 3D
el + Fel + Fs + Fmix (Fel ) elastic contribution
(Figure 25a). The transition was particularly pro-
to the free energy, Fs ) surface energy of the brush, nounced in the case of longer chains, i.e., n-octyl
Fmix ) mixing entropy of the side chains) was pyridinium groups. The cooperative desorption/col-
minimized with respect to two independent vari- lapse is consistent with recent X-ray reflectivity
ables: the fraction of adsorbed 2D chains, φa, and the data.178
relative contour length of the brush, L/aN. Above a
critical length of the side chains, the free energy has 4. Motility of Molecules
two minima, i.e., (i) the extended brush with a large
fraction of adsorbed side chains and (ii) the collapsed So far we have encountered two particular features
globuli with a smaller fraction of adsorbed side of the conformation of brush molecules adsorbed on
4116 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Sheiko and Möller

Figure 24. Phase transition from the extended coil to a globule state as found by scaling analysis. The transition is
caused by lowering the surface pressure below a certain critical value Sc at which the fraction of adsorbed monomers
φa ) N2D/N undergoes discrete changes (a). Hereby, the Sc depends critically on the side chain length (b).168

Figure 25. Surface pressure-area/molecule isotherms of Langmuir films (a) of (PS)260(RPVP+I-)240, where the P4VP
block was quaternized with different n-alkyliodides R ) C1, C4, C6, C10. Metal-shadowed TEM micrographs (b) of the LB
films of P(S260-b-VP71/C10I) deposited on a carbon-coated surface at 2 mN/m from a pure water surface.178
a flat surface. These are (i) the observation that the lecular motility and the development of molecular
brush gets stretched as the side chains get confined motors. Complex protein molecules such as kinesin,
to a 2D layer upon adsorption and (ii) the observation myosin, and dynein are examples of molecular motors
that the 2D brush winds up if the side chains get from biology. These molecules can undergo directed
distributed unevenly between the two faces of the movement along cytoskeletal filaments based on
backbone. Both effects provide an intriguing access coordinated conformational changes which lead to
to stimulated molecular action. For example, if we periodic adsorption and detachment of molecular
assume a tightly adsorbed brush molecule with two fragments on the filament surface.179-183 The move-
different side chains whose mutual interaction pa- ment occurs via a sequence of elementary steps which
rameter can be switched from attractive to repulsive are driven by ATP hydrolysis,184 but the steps can
by an external field, such a molecule can undergo a take place stochastically and some of them are
stimulated transition from an extended (even distri- directed backward.185 Respectively, two models have
bution of side chains) to a curled conformation been proposed to explain the motion of motor pro-
(uneven distribution of the side chains). Yet, we teins: single-step directed motion and the biased
cannot propose a realistic concept for such a system. Brownian ratchet model.184,185 In the latter case an
However, a molecular rod-coil actuator appears to anisotropic ratchet potential is turned off and on.
be much more feasible based on the experiments This way the Brownian motion of a particle can be
summarized in Figures 21-25. Besides the variation transformed into a directed motion.186
of the surface pressure used in the experiment in
Figure 22, stimulated adsorption/desorption of a In the following we want to discuss, first, experi-
brush molecule can, in principle, be achieved by a ments on the motility of brush molecules based on
number of means, e.g., photoisomerization of suitable stimulated desorption/adsorption. The stimulation is
groups in the side chains, by mechanical interaction effected by the tip of a scanning force microscope as
with the tip of a scanning probe microscope, or by the molecules are probed. Essential questions are
changes of the temperature. The latter means have whether this can cause mobility different from Brown-
the advantage that isolated molecules can be ad- ian motion but also different from dragging of the
dressed also in contrast to the isothermal compres- molecules. For comparison, we summarize results on
sion of a monofilm. the dragged motion of a λ-phage DNA through an
Ultimately, a stimulated molecular action like the entangled solution and the Brownian motion of DNA
stretch-coiling transition can form a basis for mo- molecules adsorbed on a fluid lipid membrane.
Visualization of Macromolecules Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4117

Figure 26. (a) Tiled series of images showing tube deformation and stress recovery in a concentrated polymer solution.
The times for images are 0, 0.3, 1.6, 2.3, 3.0 s. (b) Comparison of the relaxation of a 17 mm molecule linearly stretched to
full extension at 80 mm/s in (O) concentrated polymer solution and in (b) pure solvent.65

4.1. Dragged Motion of λ-DNA One can also analyze the rotational relaxation of
the adsorbed molecules.140 Figure 27a shows a time
Recent developments of optical trapping and fluo- sequence of a single molecule with an overlay of the
rescent labeling techniques allowed detection and unit vector u(t) defined as the direction of the longer
probing of single molecules.65,142 To test the dragged principal axis of the gyration tensor. An instanta-
motion and relaxation of a single macromolecule, the neous polymer configuration may be described by an
end of a fluorescently labeled λ-phage DNA was ellipse, and therefore, the simplest conformational
chemically linked to a latex bead and dragged by change is the rotational motion of an ellipse. The time
means of optical tweezers through an entangled correlation function of u(t) decays exponentially
solution of nonlabeled molecules at velocities from 5 where τr denotes the rotational relaxation time,
to 100 µm/s. As the test chain was pulled or relaxed 〈u(t)u(0)〉 ∝ exp(-t/τr).
through the concentrated polymer solution, it closely As shown in Figure 27c, the rotational relaxation
followed the path of the bead (Figure 26a). The time varies as a power of length, τr ∝ Nµ with µ )
motion through the entanglement network was shown 2.6 ( 0.4. The experimental result is in remarkable
to be much different from the motion in a viscous agreement with the scaling behavior of the rotational
Newtonian fluid, where the chain moved in a direc- relaxation τr ∝ N1+2ν with µtheory ) 2.5, which follows
tion perpendicular to its contour. As the bead was from the Rouse model and the Flory exponent v )
rapidly moved away from the loop, tension in the 3/4.189
chain increased and the loop was pulled tight. When
the bead stopped, the loop recovered to the original
4.3. Stimulated Motion of Monodendron-Jacketed
4.2. Brownian Motion of Adsorbed λ-Phage DNA The observation that a macromolecular brush gets
As discussed before for the example in Figure 5, stretched as the side chains get adsorbed on a flat
DNA chains are confined to two dimensions but are surface provides a means to stimulate molecular
free to diffuse laterally if they get adsorbed to a fluid motility by desorption of the brush molecule or a
lipid membrane. The microscopy experiments of the segment of it. If the molecule is in a subsequent
fluorescence-labeled molecules also allowed direct period allowed to relax to the adsorbed stretched
analysis of the chain dynamics, self-diffusion of the state it will eventually do a step forward. This is
molecules, and conformational relaxation as a func- depicted schematically in Figure 28 as a sort of a
tion of the chain length.140 With the exception of a creep motion. Here, the desorbed state might be
number of molecules that showed anomalous diffu- characterized as an excited state whose formation
sion attributed to surface defects, the overall motion requires input of energy. In the case that the struc-
was described by the mean-square displacement ture of the surface and of the molecule favor relax-
linear in time: 〈|Rcm(t) - Rcm(0)|2〉 ) 4Dt. The diffu- ation into a distinct direction, i.e., in the case of an
sion coefficient Dcm (center of mass) decreases in- asymmetric potential, the motion of the molecule can
versely proportional to the length of the polymer as be become directed.
predicted for the dynamical scaling of the Rouse The examples shown in Figures 7, 8, and 11 of the
model, DRouse ∼ N-1, in the absence of hydrodynamic monodendron-jacketed polymers adsorbed on HOPG
interaction.187,188 Fitting of the experimental data demonstrated that these macromolecules orient along
yielded Dcm ∼ N0.95(0.06 (Figure 27b). Hence, the 2D the main axes of graphite. Thus, relaxation by
diffusion is substantially different from DNA three- adsorption according to the scheme in Figure 28 will
dimensional self-diffusion in bulk, where long-ranged be directed along these axes, either forward or
hydrodynamic interaction plays a dominant role.142,189 backward. In particular, if the desorption effects only
4118 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Sheiko and Möller

Figure 27. Dynamical scaling of DNA confined to the surface of a supported lipid membrane. (a) Time sequence (∆t ) 30
s) of a DNA molecule diffusing on a cationic lipid membrane. The image on the right depicts an overlay of 16 images: time
average yields a smeared fluorescence distribution. (b) Scaling behavior of the self-diffusion coefficient of the center of
mass D with the number of base pairs. (c) Scaling behavior of the rotational relaxation time τr with the number of base

Figure 28. Creep motion by contraction upon desorption Figure 29. Chemical structure and phase transitions of
and subsequent stretching upon adsorption of an abstract 12-ABG-4EO-PMA.
molecular object.
a segment of the molecule as depicted in Figure 28, crystal phase to a hexagonal columnar state φh has
it will keep some memory of its original orientation been found at 42 °C. Axial extension by ca. 7% has
toward the substrate and eventually follow this line. been found by X-ray upon transition from the crys-
The examples of the pnBA brushes in Figures 14 and talline to the hexagonal phase.160
23 have demonstrated that the transition between Similar to the other monodendron-jacketed poly-
the stretched and the coiled conformation is particu- mers discussed above, also 12-ABG-4EO-PMA or-
larly pronounced for comb or brush molecules with ders along the main axes of HOPG upon adsorption.
long side chains that adsorb tightly. Combination of Figure 30 shows on the right side a scanning force
both structural features might, thus, be expected to micrograph with a number of single molecules that
allow a creeping step in a preferred direction. have been deposited from dilute solution on HOPG.
Figure 29 depicts the molecular structure of a A scanning force microscope equipped with a tem-
polymethacrylate where each monomer unit has been perature cell enabled in-situ monitoring of the motion
substituted by a tris(p-undecyloxybenzyloxo)benzoate of the single molecules and small molecular clusters
unit via a tetraethylenglycol spacer. From the mol- at elevated temperature.190 The diagram on the left
ecules, which we have been able to study so far, this side of Figure 30 depicts the traces of the molecules
is the structure that suits the model best. For the that were recorded by imaging the sample within
bulk structure a transition from a low-temperature intervals of 4 h 20 min over a period of 12 h at 35
Visualization of Macromolecules Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4119

Figure 30. Random walk of single molecules as observed in situ by tapping-mode SFM at 35 °C.

Figure 31. Persistent motion of a small cluster of five 14ABG-4EO-PMA molecules along the terrace of HOPG at 40 °C.
The width of each image corresponds to 486 nm.

°C. The motion patterns are consistent with a random ecules: (i) The diffusion becomes faster upon raising
walk, i.e., a mean square displacement linear in time, the temperature; (ii) smaller molecules or clusters of
〈∆R2〉 ) 4Dt. Evaluation of the time dependencies a few molecules exhibit a higher mobility then larger
yielded diffusion coefficients for each molecule, e.g., ones, (iii) within certain time intervals the molecules
for the five molecules/clusters marked by the num- appear to be tight to yet unknown obstacles on the
bers in Figure 30, the following diffusion coefficients substrate, so that they can only sway around, (iv)
were obtained: D(1) ) 0.01 nm2/s; D(2) ) 0.09 nm2/ some molecules move along a distinct line that is
s; D(3) ) 1.7 nm2/s; D(4) ) 0.04 nm2/s; D(5) ) 0.06 probably a defect in the surface structure of HOPG,
nm2/s. Within the accuracy of the evaluation proce- e.g., a grain boundary, (v) molecules can show an
dure ((0.02 nm2/s) the following trends could be de- increased mobility characterized by a diffusion coef-
duced from the observation of more than 100 mol- ficient that is 10-20 times larger than the average
4120 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Sheiko and Möller

Figure 32. Time variation of (a) the displacement and (b) cluster size during its motion on HOPG at 46 °C. The in-situ-
measured SFM micrographs depict momentary shape and inner structure of the cluster including packing of the molecules
at different intervals after the motion starteds8, 16, and 28 min.

value (see 3 in Figure 30). The two latter observations ordered to a less-ordered structure and vice versa.
can be seen as an indication that the motion can be Systematic variation of the tapping parameters have
guided by the substrate and eventually switch for demonstrated further that the well-ordered structure
some time to a higher “gear”. This, however, will formed after relaxation can be disordered by the
require a mechanism other than Brownian motion. interaction with the probing tip. This occurs without
That the motion can, indeed, change significantly direct displacement of the cluster of molecules. A
was observed for larger clusters of a number of quantitative and more detailed study of this phe-
molecules at further elevated temperature. Figure 31 nomenon is still in progress.
shows a series of six micrographs captured during a
time period of 1 h at a temperature of 46 °C. One 5. Synopsis
can clearly see that a small cluster consisting of ca.
five molecules moves steadily along the terrace of the The examples discussed above demonstrate that
HOPG substrate. The motion started at 46 °C and the complex architecture of hyperbranched and brush-
continued for 60 min until the cluster got trapped in like macromolecules can lead to properties and
the gusset formed by two terraces on the HOPG characteristics in the molecular conformation that
surface. are not known for linear macromolecules. Competing
Besides the remarkable directionality of the mo- effects at different length scales result in very
tion, the images demonstrate also a periodic variation peculiar ordering and transformations. The not yet
of the cluster from an elongated to a circular shape. proven model of a molecular motion demonstrates
The diagrams in Figure 32 depict the time depen- how the interplay of the different interactions and
dence of the displacement and the cluster size. Until elastic forces might be exploited for creating a mo-
the cluster was finally trapped, the speed remained lecular walker. While on one hand the adsorption of
fairly constant, as can be seen from the constant slope the molecules on a flat surface is necessary to
in Figure 32a. The oscillatory variation of the cluster perform SFM studies on macromolecules with mo-
area and shape is shown in the graph in Figure 32b. lecular resolution, the surface interaction also causes,
The motion can be explained according to the on the other hand, a perturbation that can be
coarse model depicted in Figure 28. Although the manipulated in very specific ways. Here we proposed
actual cause of the motility remains unknown, local that the localized interaction of the probing tip of a
perturbations of the molecular structure are believed scanning probe microscope can be exploited to stimu-
to be caused by the mechanical contact with the late macromolecules to move according to their
scanning tip.190 Clearly, the SFM images shown in particular relaxation modes. Other means to apply
Figure 32 demonstrate an alternation form a more- an external field can be considered such as photo-
Visualization of Macromolecules Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4121

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Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, 4157−4188 4157

Learning Polymer Crystallization with the Aid of Linear, Branched and Cyclic
Model Compounds
Goran Ungar*,†,‡ and Xiang-bing Zeng†
Department of Engineering Materials, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3JD, U.K., and Venture Business Laboratory, University of Hiroshima,
Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan

Received July 30, 2001

I. Introduction 4157
II. Lamellar Structure and Chain Conformation 4158
A. Early Studies 4158
B. Integer Folded (IF) Forms 4159
C. Noninteger Folded (NIF) Form 4160
D. Fold- and End-Surface 4163
E. Chain Tilt 4166
F. Cyclic Oligomers 4168
G. Oligomers with Specific Endgroups 4169
H. Monodisperse Block Copolymers 4170
I. Branched Oligomers 4171
J. Binary Mixtures 4173
III. Crystallization Process and Morphology 4175 Goran Ungar obtained his first degree and masters degree from the
A. Stepwise Growth Rate vs Temperature 4175 University of Zagreb, Croatia. In 1979, he obtained his Ph.D. from
Gradient University of Bristol, England. His thesis was on radiation effects in
polymers, under the supervision of Professor Keller. After spending several
B. Crystallization Rate Minima and Negative 4175 years at Ru]er Bošković Institute in Zagreb and at University of Bristol,
Order Kinetics he moved in 1989 to University of Sheffield where he now holds the post
C. Crystallization and Morphology 4178 of Reader in the Department of Engineering Materials. His research
D. Lamellar Thickening 4181 interests are crystalline polymers, structure, and physical properties of
E. Implications for Polymer Crystallization 4182 liquid crystal polymers, liquid crystals, and supramolecular assemblies.
IV. Conclusions 4185
V. List of Symbols and Abbreviations 4186
VI. Acknowledgments 4186
VII. References 4186

I. Introduction
It is now universally accepted that polymers with
reasonably flexible chains crystallize as thin lamellae
with chain folding (see schematic drawing in Figure
1). A crystalline lamella is the basic morphological
unit which, in the case of melt-crystallized polymers,
is the building block of larger structures such as
spherulites, row-structures, transcrystalline layers, Xiangbing Zeng was born in 1971, P. R. China. He graduated in 1992
etc. The reason that polymer crystals are thin is from the University of Science and Technology of China. He received his
entirely kinetic; a thin crystal grows faster than a M. S. degree in condensed matter physics in 1995 at the Institute of
thick one, as the addition of short straight stretches Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his Ph.D. degree in
2001 at the University of Sheffield. He studied lamellar structures in pure
of flexible chains presents a lower entropic barrier and mixed long chain n-alkanes and derivatives under the supervision of
than the addition of long extended chains. Folding Dr. G. Ungar. He is working as a Research Assistant in the Department
is a necessary accompaniment to lamellar morphol- of Engineering Materials, University of Sheffield. His main research interests
are polymer crystal structure, scattering methods, polymer crystallization
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone: (44) 114 and polymer physics.
222 5457. Fax: (44) 114 222 5943. E-mails: [email protected].
† Department of Engineering Materials. ogy. Thus, it is kinetics driven, unlike the folding in
‡ Venture Business Laboratory. proteins, which is thought to be thermodynamically
10.1021/cr990130u CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 11/20/2001
4158 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Ungar and Zeng

far, this has been achieved with alkanes, alkane-

oxyethylene block copolymers, nylon oligomers, and
a few sequential oligopeptides. This review will
concentrate on studies of monodisperse systems
where such exist. Research on narrow molecular
weight fractions of polymers will also be covered
where data on monodisperse analogues are scarce or
absent, notably poly(ethylene oxide). Studies of the
crystalline or semicrystalline state of large cyclic
Figure 1. Schematic drawing of a chain-folded polymer oligomers, long-chain branched model compounds,
crystal. and end-group modified chains are reviewed in ad-
dition to those on simple linear chains. Crystallizable
di- and tri-block copolymers are covered only par-
stable. The order in the schematic structure of the tially, to the extent that they impinge on other topics
lamella in Figure 1 is certainly idealized, but the in this article and bear on the general subject of
exact nature of the fold surface is still unresolved and polymer crystallization. The article covers a consider-
is a topic of continuing controversy, as are some able time span in view of the fact that no review of
fundamental aspects of the theory of polymer crystal- this kind has been presented in the past. The
lization. There are a number of reviews and books exception is an early review by Keller in proceedings
on the subject.1,2,3,4 of a conference which, to the authors’ knowledge,
Polydispersity has been a greater hindrance to have never been published.7
fundamental studies on crystallization and crystal
morphology than in most other areas of polymer
science. The reason is that, while most polymer
II. Lamellar Structure and Chain Conformation
properties depend on some power of chain length L, A. Early Studies
in folded-chain crystals of fold length l it is the length
L - ml remaining after m folds that matters in Crystalline n-alkanes have been studied for many
crystallization. If all chains were the same length, years as model chain molecules, and their crystal
nearly 100% crystallinity could be achieved by l structure,8,9,10 crystal growth and morphology,11 melt-
adjusting to l ) L/m, with m being an integer; thus, ing temperature,12,13 chain mobility,14 conformational
all chains could end exactly at the crystal surface. defects,15,16 self-diffusion,17,18 and other properties
However, if a chain is several units shorter than the were extrapolated to represent the crystalline phase
others, the final incomplete traverse through the of polyethylene. An early comprehensive review of
crystal layer may leave too large a void; thus, the structural and thermodynamic data was presented
length L - ml would remain uncrystallized. Polydis- by Broadhurst.19 The extrapolation is valid as the
persity, which would normally be considered low, orthorhombic subcell of most crystalline n-alkanes is
may still mean large nonuniformity in L - ml. This, the same as the unit cell of polyethylene. The simi-
in turn, causes the loss of a preferred l-value, larity extends even to the mesomorphic hexagonal
reduction in crystallinity, masking of the crystal high-pressure phase of polyethylene,20 which has its
surface for surface analysis, etc. Furthermore, partial counterpart in the rotator phase in alkanes with up
fractionation that occurs on crystallization of poly- to 40 carbons.21,22 Already in 1952, crystals of n-
disperse material makes it difficult to obtain ac- alkanes as long as a hundred C atoms were studied.11
curately such essential information as crystal growth However, the chain length of the alkanes available
rate dependence on supercooling and thus find deci- until 1985 remained insufficient for chain-folding,
sive experimental evidence to distinguish between which limited their usefulness as model polymers.
competing crystallization theories. One can approxi- The first oligomers prepared systematically with
mate monodisperse polymers by using narrow mo- increasing molecular weight that crossed the bound-
lecular weight fractions. However, the way to achieve ary between extended- and folded-chain crystalliza-
truly monodisperse material is to use classical meth- tion were aliphatic oligoamides23,24 and oligoure-
ods of synthetic chemistry rather than polymeriza- thanes.25 Both had large monomer repeat units and
tion. In the case of polypeptides, it is also possible to could therefore be obtained with comparatively high
resort to biosynthesis using genetically modified homologue purity (e.g., 95%). Their lamellar periodic-
bacteria. Monodisperse oligomers with a few tens of ity l, as measured by small-angle X-ray scattering
chain atoms have been synthesized chemically and (SAXS), was proportional to the average length of
studied for many years, most notably n-alkanes, the extended chains. However, above a certain molecular
oligomers of polyethylene (see Sections II.A and II.J), weight, l remained constant, which was attributed
and more recently short oligomers of a number of to the onset of chain folding. This is illustrated in
aromatic polymers.5,6 Single-crystal X-ray structures Figure 2. The folding was clearly of the noninteger
of such oligomers have, e.g., helped in structure type (see Section II.C) and the model of molecules
determination of their polymer analogues, since following each other as in Figure 37 has been pro-
polymer single crystals are in general far too small posed. Similar behavior was also found in a series of
for such analysis. polydisperse low molecular weight poly(ethylene
To be of maximum benefit in studies of crystalliza- oxides) (PEO) samples,26 in contrast to the observa-
tion and morphology, monodisperse compounds with tions on sharp fractions of this polymer, described
chains long enough to fold must be synthesized. Thus next.
Learning Polymer Crystallization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4159

Figure 4. Integer folded (IF) forms observed in long

n-alkanes C102H206 through C390H782. For a given alkane
more folds per molecule are obtained with increasing
supercooling ∆T (after ref 40).
Figure 2. SAXS long period vs number of monomer units
n in oligourethane HO(CH2)2O(CH2)2[OCONH(CH2)6NH-
COO(CH2)2O(CH2)2]nOH (after ref 25). B. Integer Folded (IF) Forms
The first monodisperse oligomers showing chain
folding were long normal alkanes synthesized in 1985
independently by Bidd and Whiting30 and by Lee and
Wegner.31 Whiting et al. used Wittig coupling in a
sequence of chain-doubling steps. Since at each step
the product and reactants had a molecular weight
ratio of 2:1, it was possible to separate them cleanly
and avoid homologue impurities. The method has
subsequently been perfected and extended to long
alkane derivatives.32
Crystallization experiments on long alkanes have
been performed both from solution and from melt.
Figure 3. Model proposed to explain the constant lSAXS Many orders of small-angle X-ray diffraction were
value for oligourethanes with DP > 4 (after ref 7). present due to the high regularity of lamellar stack-
ing. This allowed accurate measurement of lamellar
As PEO oligomers could be obtained with narrow spacing. At the same time the length of straight chain
molecular weight distribution, their solid state and segments was determined by low-frequency Raman
crystallization kinetics have been studied extensively spectroscopy using the longitudinal acoustic mode
since early on. Skoulios and co-workers27 found that (LAM). While alkane n-C102H206 could only be ob-
by crystallizing a fraction with Mn ) 24 000 at tained in extended-chain form, n-C150H302 could also
decreasing crystallization temperatures Tc, the SAXS be crystallized with chains folded in two (F2, once-
lamellar periodicity l assumed discrete values corre- folded) from solution or by quenching from melt. With
sponding closely to integer fractions of the average increasing chain length, the maximum number of
chain length L, i.e., l ) L, L/2, L/3, or L/4. Such folds per chain increased, and the longest alkane,
behavior indicates that the preferred crystallization C390H782, could be obtained with m ) 4 folds, i.e., with
modes were those which place the chain ends at the chains folded in five (l ) L/5).33 The different chain
surface of the crystalline lamellae. This is in contrast conformations achieved by crystallizing Whiting’s
to the situation in polydisperse polymers where l alkanes are shown in Figure 4.
decreases continuously with decreasing Tc, l being In mature crystals the strong preference for integer
proportional to 1/∆T, where ∆T ) Tm - Tc, is the folding (IF) was indeed confirmed. In solution-grown
supercooling and Tm the melting point. crystals the relationship l ) L/(m + 1), with m an
Many of the important findings from the now integer, was strictly observed for l measured by both
classic series of studies by Kovacs and co-workers on SAXS and LAM. The agreement for lSAXS was to 0.1
narrow PEO fractions have been summarized in refs nm. For melt-crystallized alkanes, lSAXS had to be
28 and 29. Molecular weight fractions were crystal- corrected for the 35° chain tilt with respect to the
lized from the melt in a wide range of supercooling layer normal (see Section II.E). These results on
∆T. Single crystals, large by polymer standards, were alkanes have shown that the preference for integer
grown from the melt at low and moderate ∆T, and folding is inherent in monodisperse oligomers and is
revealing experiments were carried out by optical not due to the specific nature of the end-groups as
microscopy. They confirmed the quantization of lamel- might have been argued in the case of PEO. In fact
lar thickness, a phenomenon which received further it was found subsequently that fractions of methoxy-
support from the observation that melting temper- terminated PEO also exhibit a preference for integer
atures also varied in discrete steps. An opinion has folding.34
existed at the time that integer folding in PEO The fact that the length of a straight chain segment
fractions may be due to the specific nature of the OH traversing the crystal (stem length, ls) is known
end groups and their hydrogen-bonding tendency. We precisely in IF of a monodisperse oligomer has been
shall return to specific aspects of these studies in used for the calibration of analytical techniques such
subsequent sections. as Raman LAM spectroscopy and for determining
4160 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Ungar and Zeng

fundamental polymer parameters such as equilibri- librium melting temperature of an ideal polymer
um melting point and ultimate elastic modulus of a crystal, though fundamentally important in crystal-
polymer. lization, cannot be determined directly. Instead, it is
Raman spectra of certain crystalline polymers and often obtained by extrapolation to infinite chain
their oligomers show a series of identifiable LAM length of melting points of a series of extended-chain
bands in the low-frequency region, corresponding to oligomers. Early extrapolations were based on the
symmetrical longitudinal backbone vibration modes. presumption that both the enthalpy and entropy of
In the simplest approach, the stem is considered as fusion were linear in the number of repeat units n
a continuous elastic rod, the frequency of the vibra- per chain.48,19 However, in their analysis of melting
tion being35 points of alkanes C11H23 to C100H202, Flory and Vrij12
suggested that a nonlinear term R lnn be included
j E 1/2
νj ) ()
2ls F
(1) in the entropy of fusion to account for the “unpairing”
of chain ends upon melting of the crystal. Their
extrapolation leads to a 4 K increase in the equilib-
where E is Young’s modulus of the chain, F the rium melting point of polyethylene (from 414.5 to
density, and j the vibration order (only odd orders 418.5 K), but the quality of fit was hardly improved
are Raman active). The fact that LAM frequency is compared with previous equations19 as pointed out
inversely proportional to the straight stem length ls by Wunderlich.13 The validity of the term R lnn is
makes this a valuable technique for studying polymer supported by studies on PEO fractions,49 while
morphology. Extended chain monodisperse oligomers evidence for it is not clear in long-chain ketones.50
are ideal for testing eq 1,36-38 and finding the value The melting points of long alkanes with 150 < n <
of E, since ls ) L. Although eq 1 has been commonly 390 were found to be consistently lower than pre-
used in the past, weak interlamellar forces result in dicted by Flory’s theory.31,33 This has been discussed
an upward shift of ν. Thus according to Strobl et al.,39 in terms of the premelting effect.51 Assuming a
who studied alkanes CnH2n+2 with 33 e n e 94, constant entropy change due to premelting, Carlier
et al. found a linear relationship between the melting
2236j 2.2 points Tm of oligomers and the value (lnn + C)/n
νj ) + (2)
n - 1.6 j where C is a constant.52 These authors have carried
out extrapolations for polyethylene (11 < n < 390),
The associated elastic modulus of polyethylene is E poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (5 < n < 24), poly(methyl-
) 290 GPa. However, the critical test of eq 2 is in eneoxide) (4 < n < 22), poly(ethylene oxide), poly-
the ls f ∞ region. The results for long extended-chain (etheretherketones) (PEEK, 1 < n < 4), and poly-
alkanes up to C294H590 were at variance with eq 2 and (phenylene sulfide) (PPS, 1 < n < 7). Studies of
obeyed the simple ν1 f ∝ 1/n law, with ν f 0 as ls f melting points of folded-chain PEO fractions have
∞ and with E ) 350 GPa.40,41 Recent experiments shown that, for a given fold length l, the melting point
point to end-surface disorder as a possible cause of increases with increasing total chain length L, i.e.,
the discrepancy. In the longest pure alkanes, very with increasing number of folds per chain.53 End- and
slow crystallization from the melt is needed in order fold-surface free energies for PEO were derived.
to create a highly ordered end-surface; this was found These parameters were also derived for polyethyl-
to result in higher ν than the more rapid crystalliza- ene,54,55 using melting point data for different IF
tion.42 Furthermore, alkane mixtures give lower ν forms of n-alkanes.33 Melting points of monodisperse
than pure alkanes. The above discrepancy is thus linear and cyclic oligo(oxyethylenes) were found to
possibly due to the lack of surface order in the longest be in general agreement with the Flory-Vrij expres-
alkanes used in previous studies. That surface dis- sion, provided “segment” and “repeat unit” were
order has a noticeable effect is also borne by the appropriately defined.126
observation by Khoury et al.43 that the LAM fre-
quency of n-C36H74 and n-C94H190 is affected by end C. Noninteger Folded (NIF) Form
group packing; the effect was attributed to differences
in methyl end group interaction. While mature alkane crystals show a strong ten-
While the interlamellar forces in n-alkanes are dency for integer folding, when melt crystallization
weak and their contribution to the LAM frequencies was monitored in real time by SAXS using synchro-
is small, in systems with strongly interacting chain tron radiation, it was found that below the extended-
ends the effect can be very pronounced.44 For ex- chain growth temperature region the initial lamellar
ample, while in n-alkanes, the ratio ν3/ν1 is around periodicity l was a noninteger fraction of L, even after
2.8, quite close to 3 as expected from eq 1, ν3/ν1 is correcting for tilt.56 It corresponded to a fold length
only 2.1-2.3 for monodisperse oligo(oxyethylenes) between L and L/2 and was dependent on crystal-
and PEO fractions.45,46 In PEO fractions, this effect lization temperature Tc and time. These “noninteger
makes it difficult to distinguish between LAM-3 of folded” (NIF) lamellae subsequently transformed
the extended chain conformation and LAM-1 of the isothermally by thickening to extended-chain or, at
once folded chain, and peak assignment must be lower Tc, by “thinning” to once-folded (F2) chain
made with caution. The helical conformation of PEO lamellae with hairpin chain conformation. In Figure
accounts for its low elastic modulus (25 GPa), as 5a the real-time SAXS recording of isothermal crys-
obtained from LAM frequencies.47 tallization of C246H494 shows the rapid emergence of
Linear oligomers have been used extensively in the NIF marked by the strong first-order peak. This is
determination of polymer melting points. The equi- followed by its demise and concurrent replacement
Learning Polymer Crystallization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4161

Figure 6. Schematic representation of molecular deposi-

tion on the crystal growth face (a, d), the NIF form (b, e),
and the F2 form (c, f) for a linear alkane (a-c) and the
branched alkane C96H193CH(CH3)C94H189 (d-f). (From 59
with permission of American Chemical Society).

“correctly” and crystallize fully with a fold in the

middle. Otherwise the overcrowding at the crystal-
amorphous interface, caused by the doubling in cross-
section of chains emanating from the crystal,60 would
build up unsustainably. It is because of this over-
crowding effect that lamellar crystals of flexible
polymers cannot grow laterally without chain folding.
More information on the surface overcrowding effect
is provided by studies of alkane mixtures (see Section
The growth of semicrystalline NIF in preference
to that of the highly crystalline F2 form is a typical
example of crystallization kinetics controlling poly-
Figure 5. Time evolution of SAXS during isothermal mer morphology. The best known example is, of
crystallization of (a) n-alkane C246H494 at Tc ) 111 °C and course, the very fact that thin folded-chain crystals
(b) branched alkane C96H193CH(CH3)C94H189 at Tc ) 110 form in preference to the more stable extended-chain
°C from the melt. Abscissa scale is marked in q (in Å-1) crystals.
and d ) 2π/q (in Å). In panel a, the spectra were recorded It is interesting to compare crystallization of a
sporadically after the first 5 min. Time t is counted from
the moment of reaching Tc. In panel b, time frames of 12 linear alkane with one having a methyl branch in
s begin from the start of cooling and Tc is reached in frame the middle, C96H193CH(CH3)C94H189. There is a strong
4. In panel a, the first-order NIF peak is initially by far tendency for methyl branches to be rejected to the
the strongest, while in panel b, centered at 170 Å, it is weak lamellar surface and C96H193CH(CH3)C94H189 persis-
and short-lived (from 59 with permission of American tently gives F2 crystals (for more on branched oligo-
Chemical Society). mers see Section II.I). Figure 5b shows the evolution
of SAXS during isothermal crystallization of the
by the once-folded form. Subsequently, NIF and its branched alkane. The appearance of the small NIF
transformation to IF forms were also found in PEO diffraction peak at l ) 170 Å is succeeded im-
fractions.57,58 mediately by the emergence of the comparatively
The nature of the NIF form, at least in alkanes, strong 104 Å peak and its higher orders attributed
has only been understood after electron density to the once-folded form. The rapid NIF f F2 trans-
profiles normal to the lamellae had been recon- formation can be explained by the fact that here the
structed using SAXS intensities of a number of only successful deposition mode of the first stem (first
diffraction orders.59 It turns out that NIF is up to one- half) of the molecule is one which places the branch
third amorphous, with some chains integrally folded at one lamellar basal surface and the chain end at
in two and others not folded at all but traversing the the other (see Figure 6d). This leaves the molecule
crystalline layer only once (see Figure 6b). These with an uncrystallized cilium at one end only, its
latter chains are only half-crystalline, with their length being precisely half the chain. Such a cilium
protruding ends, or cilia, forming the amorphous is ideally suited to complete a second traverse of the
layer. From the crystalline layer thickness lc, deter- crystal. Thus, although some cilia remain uncrystal-
mined from the electron density profile, and from lLAM lized during primary formation of the lamellae, giving
) L/2, determined from time-resolved Raman spec- rise to the NIF form (Figure 6e), when they subse-
troscopy,61 it was established that the chains are quently enter the crystal, it is relatively easy for the
tilted at 35° to the normal in the crystalline layers. F2 conformation to be achieved (Figure 6f). In
Compared to the integer F2 form, NIF allows contrast, for a linear alkane in the NIF form, a half-
crystals to grow faster since not all chains need crystallized molecule generally has a cilium at each
attach “correctly”, i.e., with their ends flush with the end; neither of them is long enough to complete a
crystal surface (Figure 6a). However, if the lamella second traverse without rearrangements involving
is to grow, nearly half the chains do need to be placed the whole molecule. In the sequence melt f NIF f
4162 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Ungar and Zeng

Figure 7. Schematic representation of the transformation

from (a) NIF (four layers shown) to (c) mixed folded-
extended (FE) forms (two triple layers shown) in long-chain
n-alkanes with around 200 C atoms. The intermediate
stage in panel b should not be taken literally, as the cilia
are likely to crystallize simultaneously with their coales-
cence in the middle layer (from ref 61, by permission of
Elsevier Science Publishers).

F2, the melt f NIF step is fast but the NIF f F2

step (“lamellar thinning”) is slow in linear alkanes.
The reverse is true for the branched alkane.
As described, the process of “lamellar thinning”,
after NIF formation, consists for most alkanes of the
uncrystallized cilia finding their way into the crystal
layer (Figure 6, panels b, c, e, f); the overall long Figure 8. SAXS curves recorded during isothermal crys-
tallization of PEO fraction Mn ) 3000 at 43 °C. The initial
period l is reduced gradually while the crystalline NIF peak (first order) at tc ) 2 min gives way to extended
thickness lc remains constant. Recently, however, and F2 peaks at approximately 5 × 10-3 and 10 × 10-3
another more efficient mechanism of NIF transfor- Å-1, respectively (from ref 58 by permission of John Wiley
mation has been discovered for n-alkanes in the & Sons).
length range of 200 carbons.61 Instead of folding back
into the crystal, the half-crystallized NIF chains
translate cooperatively down and up in alternative
layers. All cilia emanating from two adjacent crystal
layers thus converge in the space between them (see
Figure 7b) and crystallize. This results in a triple-
layer crystalline superlattice in which once-folded
and extended chains are mixed in the outer two
sublayers, while the middle layer contains only
interdigitated portions of unfolded chains (Figure 7c). Figure 9. DSC crystallization exotherm for PEO fraction
The “mixed integer” character of this form has been Mn ) 3000 at 43 °C. Compare with Figure 8 (from ref 58
confirmed by Raman LAM spectroscopy. Similar by permission of John Wiley & Sons).
examples of cooperative lamellar transformations and
complex superlattice formation have recently been where ∆η is the crystalline-amorphous electron den-
found in Y-shaped branched alkanes and long alkane sity difference. Figure 8 shows a series of SAXS
mixtures (see Sections II.I and II.J). traces recorded during isothermal crystallization of
Even though the NIF form in PEO fractions a Mn ) 3000 fraction of PEO at 43 °C, while Figure
behaves in a similar way to that in long alkanes, it 9 shows the corresponding DSC exotherm. The
is not clear at this stage if it has the same structure. overall SAXS intensity does not appear to change
The fact that the oligomers are not monodisperse is much from the first frame (2 min), dominated by the
partly responsible for this uncertainty. While NIF NIF peak, through to the end of the experiment when
density profiles have not been reported for PEO, only the extended and the F2 forms are left. However,
published time-resolved SAXS curves can provide a at t ) 2 min crystallization had only just started
qualitative clue. Whereas the model of NIF in Figure (Figure 9), while it is complete at t ) 15 min. This
7 gives rise to high SAXS intensity which diminishes indicates that the initial NIF form scatters consider-
with the decrease in the amorphous fraction la/l, there ably more strongly than the IF forms, which would
would be no significant change in intensity upon the support the two-phase NIF model in Figure 6 and
NIF f IF conversion in the case of the model in Figure 7. A hybrid model of NIF in PEO has been
Figure 3. This can be seen from the simple general suggested in the drawing in Figure 10.63 This modi-
expression for the total small-angle scattering inten- fies the model in Figure 3, having chains trail each
sity Q for a two-phase lamellar system:62 other through the crystal layer of noninteger thick-

( )
ness, with added loops rather than cilia forming the
la la noncrystalline phase responsible for high SAXS
Q) 1 - (∆η)2 (3)
l l intensity. Electron density reconstruction may help
Learning Polymer Crystallization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4163

Figure 10. A proposed model of the structure of NIF form

in PEO fractions. The black dots represent OH groups
(after ref 63).

Figure 11. Schematic models of E + F2 crystals of PEO

fractions: (a) with internal, (b) with external H-bonds. The Figure 12. (F-E) Characteristic FTIR spectrum of {110}
models were proposed on the basis of LAM spectra. Model chain folds in solution-grown single crystals of n-alkane
b was preferred (from ref 38 by permission of American C198H398 (spectrum of extended-chain crystals subtracted
Chemical Society). from that of once-folded crystals); (PESC) solution-grown
single crystals of polyethylene; (bulk PE): melt-crystallized
linear polyethylene. All bands are CH2 wagging defect
resolve this structure by establishing the crystalline modes except the CH3 band at 1378 cm-1. Spectra recorded
thickness lc. at 110 K (from ref 68 by permission of Elsevier Science
The model of NIF in Figure 6 and Figure 7, as well
as that in Figure 10, also appears to be consistent
with the “self-decoration” effect observed in PEO D. Fold- and End-Surface
fractions,28,64 whereby growing chain-folded crystals
become decorated by dense overgrowth on their fold The nature of the fold surface of polymer crystals
surface after quenching. Surface nucleation by cilia, has been a controversial issue for several decades.
i.e., NIF, is most likely to be responsible, since Models have ranged from the highly ordered, with
extended-chain crystals show no such decoration (see tight adjacently re-entrant folds (idealized in Figure
Figure 39 and Figure 46). 1),2 to the random re-entry “switchboard” model with
loose loops.66 One of the reasons for the controversy
Raman LAM studies on PEO fractions crystallizing is the lack of a suitable conformation-sensitive sur-
below the F2 melting point consistently show a NIF face technique. However, perhaps a more important
band with frequency intermediate between those of reason is the fact that even in solution-grown single
extended and once-folded chains.38,57 This contra- crystals an amorphous layer of cilia and probably
venes both the LAM and electron density evidence adsorbed chains covers the fold surface.67 Monodis-
for the alkanes according to which the length of the perse long alkane crystals grown from solution in an
straight stem in NIF is always half the chain length. integer folded form have the advantage of not con-
It was found that the noninteger LAM band in PEO taining cilia and thus having the fold surface uncov-
transforms with time into F2 and E bands, but no ered. This was taken advantage of in recording the
amount of annealing could remove the F2 band IR spectrum of chain folds in crystals of alkane
completely.57 The origin of the discrepancy between n-C198H398.68 It was ascertained first by electron
the observations on NIF forms in alkanes and PEO microscopy of surface-decorated69 crystals used that
is unclear and the structure of NIF in PEO fractions the folds were predominantly in the {110} planes.
remains essentially unresolved. It ought to be men- The spectrum of extended-chain crystals was sub-
tioned that LAM in PEO is much more sensitive to tracted in order to obtain the spectrum of pure folds.
end-effects (end-group type, see Section II.G, inter- In the methylene wagging range, sensitive to con-
lamellar interaction) and intracrystalline packing as formational defects, the fold spectrum at room tem-
compared to alkanes.44,65 perature was almost indistinguishable from that of
The persistence of the F2 LAM band on annealing, amorphous polyethylene, indicating that a range of
without the presence of a SAXS or a DSC melting fold conformations were present. However, at low
peak corresponding to F2 lamellae, has led Kim and temperature, the fold spectrum differed considerably
Krimm38 to propose a tentative model of once-folded from that of bulk polyethylene (see Figure 12). It was
chains embedded into an extended-chain lamella (see dominated by bands at 1368 and 1345 cm-1, the
Figure 11b). A similar structure, proposed in a former being due to gtg defects and the latter ap-
preceding study36 (Figure 11a) was dismissed on pearing to be specific to regular {110} folds. Signifi-
grounds that it would transform easily to the ex- cantly, the prominent gg band at 1352 cm-1 almost
tended chain form. vanished at low temperature. The 1345 cm-1 band
4164 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Ungar and Zeng

Table 1. Parameters of Inter-crystalline Layer for Extended (E) and Once-Folded (F2) Chain Long Alkanes
Derived from SAXS
integral width of
electron deficiency width of interlayer from interlayer (la)
temp per unit area of κ assuming noncrystalline (from Fourier
sample form (°C) interlayer, κ (electron Å-2)a density ) 0.85 g cm-3 (Å)a synthesis) (Å)
C194H390 or C198H398
melt-crystallized E rt 0.66 13 15b
120 26b
solution-cryst F2 rt 0.40 8 17c
melt-crystallized E rt 0.66 13 26b
122 32b
F2 rt 0.73 14.5 18c
linear polyethylene
melt-crystallized rt 2.4 48
a Using absolute intensity SAXS data.76 b From ref 75. c From ref 77.

also appears as a shoulder in the low-temperature

spectrum of polyethylene single crystals, but not in
that of bulk polyethylene. A band at 1345 cm-1 has
been suggested to represent tight folds by previous
studies of polyethylene using curve deconvolution.70,71
The observed high conformational uniformity, i.e.,
“tight” folds, could not have been attained at low-
temperature had the folds not been connecting ad-
jacent stems in the first instance. A switchboard-type
fold surface would not have produced the spectrum
at the bottom of Figure 12, but rather one like that
at the top of the figure.
A band of moderate intensity has been observed
at 1080 cm-1 in the Raman spectrum of once-folded
solution-crystallized n-alkane C168H338.72 This spec-
tral region is associated with C-C stretching vibra-
tions of methylene sequences containing gauche
bonds. Extended-chain shorter alkanes (n-C48H98,
n-C72H146) did not show this band. The 1080 cm-1
band is also observed in semicrystalline polyethyl- Figure 13. A once-folded conformation of nylon 6 nonamer
ene.73 Low-temperature spectra were not reported. with an amide fold (a) and of decamer with an alkane fold
Information on the density profile across the in- (b). (After ref 80).
tercrystalline chain-fold or chain-end layer can be
obtained from SAXS intensities.74,75 Table 1 gives
experimental data describing the state of the lamellar tion. Nylon 6 oligomers were found capable of forming
surface layer in E and F2 forms of two long al- alkane folds or amide folds, although it was thought
kanes.75,76,77 The electron density profile normal to previously that amide folds could only be found in
the layer surface is proportional to the mass density nylon 483 and nylon 4,6.84 Symmetrical once-folded
profile in the case of alkanes. This has a minimum conformations of 9-mer and 10-mer, consistent with
as one crosses the inter-crystalline gap. The integral the measured SAXS long spacings, have different fold
of that minimum (κ) and its integral width (la) are types (Figure 13). The crystal subcell is that of nylon
listed. As can be seen, solution-grown crystals have 6 R-structure with hydrogen-bonded sheets. On the
the smallest inter-crystalline gap (κ), although it is basis of molecular mechanics calculation aided by
spread over a width of 17 Å (la), hence the gap is simulation, it was concluded that the folds were in
shallow. Melt-crystallized alkanes have a similar la, the plane of the sheets. In 12-amide and 16-amide
but the gap is deeper. The gaps for E and F2 forms nylon 6,6, only once-folded crystals have been ob-
are similar, but the relative contribution of the tained.85 Temperature-induced structural changes in
interlayer is of course twice as large in the F2 form. crystals of monodisperse nylon 6 and nylon 6,6, such
In comparison, κ for polydisperse polyethylene is as unfolding, intersheet shear, and orthorhombic-
much greater. pseudohexagonal transition, have also been studied.85
As mentioned earlier, in addition to n-alkanes, pure Several monodisperse model proteins with repeat-
monodisperse nylon 678 and nylon 6,679 oligomers ing sequences of amino acids have been biosynthe-
have also been successfully synthesized with suf- sized by the recombinant DNA technique and have
ficient length to form chain-folded crystals. Once- had their structure studied.86 Multigram quantities
folded chain crystals of nylon 6 nonamer and decam- were produced in pilot fermentators. Thus, poly(L-
er,80,81 and twice-folded crystals of nylon 6 17-mer82 alanylglycine), poly(AG), with alternating alanyl and
have been obtained from solution and studied by glicyl units, was prepared with two different chain
means of X-ray and electron microscopy and diffrac- lengths: (AG)64 and (AG)240.87 Structural studies were
Learning Polymer Crystallization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4165

Figure 15. Temperature dependence of relative intensities

of the first order (001) small-angle X-ray diffraction for
n-alkanes C36H74, C44H90, C94H190, and linear polyethylene
(from ref 93 by permission of National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology).

crystals was present here too. The measured fold

length of 32 Å was found to be commensurate with
Figure 14. (a) Top view of a single antiparallel β-sheet of the length of the chemical repeat of eight amino
biosynthesized monodisperse poly(alanylglycine). Fold length acids. The fold occurred at the glutamic acid position,
is commensurate with the octapeptide periodicity. Vertical
dotted lines indicate H-bonds. (b) Arrangement of β-sheets so that the layers had carboxylic groups on their
into 3-D crystal. Sheets lie horizontally. Energy-minimized surface.91a A similar structure was also found in a
model refined using X-ray data (from ref 87, by permission related polypeptide which had the alternative tri-
of the American Chemical Society). (alanylglycil) segments reversed, i.e., [(AG)3EG-
(GA)3EG]10.91b In both cases, the X-ray data were
carried out on pressed partially oriented crystal mats. compatible with molecular models containing the so-
The structure was found to be similar, but not called γ-fold. A γ-fold encompasses two planar amide
identical to that found previously in oriented films groups, whereas a β-fold contains only one amide
of synthetic poly(AG) and fibers of corresponding silk group. Most globular proteins contain γ-folds. Since
fibroin.88,89 The structure was that of antiparallel γ-folds are found in both poly[(AG)3EG] and poly-
β-sheets, i.e., layers of internally hydrogen-bonded [(AG)3EG(GA)3EG], it was concluded that interaction
chains in the 21 zigzag conformation, with adjacent between sheets is not the primary factor determining
chains oriented in opposite directions. In silk II, the fold type.
extended antiparallel chains form stacked strands of Returning to long n-alkanes, it was found that
β-sheets. In biosynthesized (AG)64, the chains are when the once-folded crystalline C198H398 is heated
folded. The antiparallel arrangement is compatible from 110 K to room temperature, the IR spectrum of
with adjacently re-entrant chain folding. In poly(AG) chain folds changes from that in Figure 12 (bottom)
a fold occurs after every 8 amino acids, as determined to one that is not very different from that of amor-
from the observed X-ray spacing of 32 Å. The 32-Å- phous polyethylene.68 This indicates reversible con-
wide β-sheets were stacked to form a 3-D crystal, as formational disordering with increasing temperature.
suggested in the computer model in Figure 14. Note While remaining adjacently re-entrant, the loops
that the individual β-sheets are polar as the methyl become looser. Reversible thermal disordering of the
groups not involved in the folds are all either above fold-surface in long alkanes is particularly pro-
or below the plane of the sheet. nounced close to the melting point.40,92
The following polypeptides of the type [(AG)xEG]n A similar reversible thermal disordering of the
(E ) glutamic acid) have also been prepared by surface layer has also been observed in extended-
biosynthesis: x ) 3, n ) 36; x ) 4, n ) 28; x ) 5, n chain alkanes, starting from the early work on
) 20; and x ) 6, n ) 14.86b,90 Structural studies were n-C94H190,93 where the effect has been compared to
carried out on [(AG)3EG]36. The basic pattern of the premelting phenomenon in polymers.94 This is
antiparallel β-sheets of folded chains forming 3-D illustrated in Figure 15 where the temperature-
4166 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Ungar and Zeng

Table 2. Relative Intensities of the “Crystalline”

Signal in the Magic-Angle Spinning 13C NMR Spectra
of Alkane n-C168H338 (ref 95)
T (°C) internal CH2 R-CH2 CH3
27 0.96 ( 0.05 0.87 ( 0.05 0.79 ( 0.1
87 0.92 ( 0.05 0.63 ( 0.1 0.42 ( 0.1

Figure 16. Model used to calculate equilibrium surface

disorder in once-folded chain crystals of n-alkanes. Left:
complete order. F ) density (after ref 40).

induced increase in SAXS intensity for extended-

chain alkanes and polyethylene are compared. The
close relationship between the “noncrystalline frac-
tion” la/l and SAXS intensity is evident from eq 3.
While in relative terms the intensity increase for
polyethylene is the smallest, in absolute terms it is
in fact the largest. Table 1 shows the increase in the
interlayer widths between room temperature and
close to the melting point for extended-chain C194H390
and C246H494.
Solid-state 13C NMR experiments on extended-
chain n-C168H338 have shown the strong reversible Figure 17. Molecular free energies (a) and internal
thermal disordering of chain ends very clearly.95 The energies (b) vs surface roughness parameter δ at different
methyl and R-methylene signals are clearly distin- temperatures for once-folded alkane crystal, using the
model in Figure 16. Circles mark the free energy minima.
guished from those of inner methylenes; the respec- The dashed line shows the temperature dependence of
tive “crystalline” (all-trans) signals are at 16.1, 25.7, equilibrium energy (after ref 40).
and 33.6 ppm, while their “amorphous” (conforma-
tionally averaged) counterparts are at 15.5, 24.2, and
31.5 ppm. The relative intensities of the “crystalline” temperature. The corresponding energies are shown
component are shown in Table 2 for 27 and 87 °C. in Figure 17b, the dashed curve delineating the
temperature dependence of the equilibrium state
The problem of smooth vs rough surface in a crystal
energy. The premelting, or surface roughening, is
of once-folded alkane has been treated quantita-
evident. The dashed curve in Figure 17b should be
tively.40 The method is similar and somewhat simpler
compared to the temperature dependence of SAXS
for extended chains. The calculation was based on
intensity (Figure 15 and ref 92) and of enthalpy (see
the model in Figure 16. In the figure on the left, l is
Figure 5a in ref 92).
exactly equal to L/2. This allows only two configura-
More about the fold surface can be learned from
tions of the molecule: hairpin up and hairpin down
studies of cyclic compounds (see Section II.F).
(only one is shown in Figure 16). However, if the
surface is allowed to be rough, many more configura-
tions become available, as shown on the right. A self-
E. Chain Tilt
consistent mean field approach was adopted where Closely associated with lamellar surface disorder
the interaction potential profile ψ was iteratively is the phenomenon of chain tilt. In many crystalline
matched against the density profile F. ψ takes the polymers, chains are often tilted relative to the layer
form of the error function whose width is defined by normal. In polyethylene, this leads, e.g., to the
the standard deviation δ (step function with δ ) 0 in “hollow pyramid” shape of solution-grown single
the extreme case on the left). Protruding ends were crystals.1 Further, chain tilt is believed to be respon-
allowed rotational isomeric freedom while the folds sible for lamellar twist in melt-crystallized spheru-
were kept tight in this simple model. Standard lites.96,97 The development of tilt is associated with
thermodynamic parameters for polyethylene were crystallization or annealing at high temperatures.
used and the resulting free energies vs δ are plotted Thus, e.g., perpendicular-chain lamellar morphology
in Figure 17a. Smooth surface (δ ) 0) is favored only in rolled polyethylene transforms into “parquet-floor”
below ca. 200 K, the minimum in free energy moving morphology on annealing.98 Crystal lamellae with
to larger δ (increased roughness) with increasing tilted chains are obtained at high Tc from the
Learning Polymer Crystallization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4167

melt.99,100 In solution-grown crystals of long alkanes,

whether folded or extended, the chains are perpen-
dicular, while in those grown from melt, chains are
tilted.33,93 As in polyethylene, the difference has been
associated with Tc being lower in the former case. In
polyethylene and long alkanes the tilt is usually 35
degrees, which means that the basal plane is {201}
instead of {001} as in the case of perpendicular
chains. The {201} tilt arises when each consecutive
chain along the a-axis is shifted by one lattice period
in the chain direction. Such tilt allows chain ends and
folds an increased surface area, by a factor of 1/(cos
35°), while maintaining the crystallographic packing
of the rest of the chain intact.101
In apparent agreement with the behavior of poly-
ethylene, shorter n-alkanes crystallize with perpen-
dicular chains as long as Tc is below ca. 60-70 °C.8
This is true for odd-numbered alkanes; even-num-
bered ones display a more complex behavior due to
molecular symmetry.19 At higher temperatures in
alkanes such as C33H68, a {h01} tilted form is brought
about through one or several discrete transitions.10
In this case, tilt is associated with equilibrium
surface disorder, and the absence of tilt with high
end-group order. When perpendicular-chain solution-
crystallized n-alkanes with more than ca. 50 carbons
are heated, chain tilt is introduced gradually. Up to
C94H190 crystals melt before a tilt of 35° is reached,93,102 Figure 18. (a) CH2 and (b) CD2 deformation bands in the
whereas for alkanes C198H398 and longer, the 35° tilt IR spectrum of extended-chain solution-grown crystals of
angle is attained, remaining constant until the melt- end-labeled n-alkane C12D25C192H384C12D25. The sample
was annealed at the temperatures indicated (in °C) and
ing point.103 The change is mostly irreversible, i.e., the spectra recorded at 110 K (from ref 103).
the tilt remains on cooling, which is also often the
case with shorter alkanes.
While the lack of tilt in alkanes such as C33H68 is
identified with high surface order, in polyethylene,
it was attributed to a rough disordered surface.97,104
Experiments with a recently synthesized105 end-
deuterated long alkane, C12D25C192H384C12D25, have
provided direct proof that the latter is indeed the case
for long chains.103 As expected, solution-grown ex-
tended-chain crystals have perpendicular chains
which gradually tilt to 35° with increasing temper-
ature, as determined by SAXS. However, parallel IR Figure 19. Schematic representation of deuterium end-
spectroscopy experiments reveal that, instead of labeled chains in a crystal as-grown from solution (a) and
increasing in disorder, the crystal surface becomes after annealing (b). The end-group disorder in panel a
causes the reduction in CD band splitting in Figure 18b
more ordered at higher temperatures. At all times, (from ref 103).
crystal interior is more ordered than the surface, but
internal order improves only marginally on anneal- translational disorder with randomly staggered chain
ing. The above assertions are evident from the ends (see Figure 19a). With increasing temperature
temperature dependence of CH2 and CD2 bending and mobility, this frozen-in disorder is reduced as
modes, shown respectively in panels a and b of Figure uniform stagger with chain tilt replaces the random
18. In ordered orthorhombic crystals of pure H or D stagger (Figure 19b). Further support is provided by
species, these bands are well-resolved doublets due recent experiments which show that, where it was
to crystal field (Davydov) splitting. The reduced CD2 possible to melt-crystallize extended-chain long al-
splitting indicates positional or orientational disorder kanes at a high supercooling, perpendicular chains
of the deuterated surface layer. Since isolated or were obtained; these would tilt on subsequent an-
amorphous chains show no splitting, the singlet nealing.106 In light of the above evidence, the model
component around 1089 cm-1 in the unannealed (25 of “buried folds”, i.e., randomly staggered folds, which
°C) sample is attributed to excursions of the C12D25 has been invoked in the past as a possible solution
group outside the crystal or inside the hydrogenous to the surface overcrowding problem,107 merits at-
layer. With increasing temperature, these excursions tention in the case of crystals grown from melt or
disappear (Figure 18b). solution at low temperatures. The experiments on
The above evidence suggests that low-temperature C12D25C192H384C12D25 show that, once annealed, the
solution crystallization produces a high degree of crystals retain tilted chains, with subsequent heating
4168 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Ungar and Zeng

Figure 20. (a) Structure of the chain fold in crystalline

monoclinic cycloalkane c-(CH2)34, representative of the
{100} fold in polyethylene (after ref 109); (b) calculated
minimum energy conformation of a {110} chain fold in
orthorhombic polyethylene (after ref 116).

and cooling causing only reversible changes in sur-

face disorder, in agreement with the ideas discussed
in the preceding section. Figure 21. (a) Packing of collapsed rings into crystalline
The observation that in polyethylene crystals lat- layers; (b) Side and top view of two proposed possible
eral faces with perpendicular chains grow faster than conformations of the folded large cyclic PEO Mn ) 10 000
those with tilted chains96,97 is in agreement with the (schematic, from ref 122 by permission of American Chemi-
above link between orthogonality and high kinetically cal Society).
induced surface disorder. A parallel situation exists
in shorter even-numbered n-alkanes with 28 or more
i.e., connecting adjacent stems along the crystal-
carbons, where a form with perpendicular chains and
lographic b-axis. Such folds are expected primarily
comparatively rough surface results from rapid melt
in melt-grown polyethylene crystals, where {100}
crystallization, despite the stable structure having
growth face is dominant, but not in the rhombic
smooth {011} tilted basal planes.19 Thus, the only
solution-grown crystals where {110} folds prevail.113
case where orthogonality is due to a highly ordered
In the orthorhombic form, the zigzag planes of the
surface appears to be that of odd-numbered shorter
two cycloalkane stems are nearly perpendicular to
each other, rather than parallel, and the folds in
A new crystal structure with tilted chains has orthorhombic cycloalkanes may therefore be repre-
recently been found in pentamer of nylon-6 and sentative of {110} folds in polyethylene (Figure 20b).
nylon-8, termed λ-phase.108 Molecules are in the all-
trans conformation and hydrogen bond to antiparallel Using atomic force microscopy (AFM), lamellar
neighbors to form the usual nylon 6 hydrogen-bonded surface of normal and cyclic alkanes C33H68, C36H74,
sheets. However, in this structure, the sheets stack (CH2)48, and (CH2)72 was examined to atomic scale.114
with progressive c-axis shear, and consequently, the In the cycloalkanes, the observed images are consis-
molecular layer thickness is noticeably reduced. tent with adjacent re-entry {100} folds in a mono-
clinic crystal structure.
F. Cyclic Oligomers Room-temperature IR spectra of monoclinic cy-
cloalkanes (CH2)n with 30 < n < 96 show three bands
Large cyclic alkanes crystallize as collapsed rings whose intensity increases as 1/n, associating them
consisting of two straight stems linked by two in some ways with the fold.115 These are the 1344
folds,109-111 (cf. Figure 21a). For this reason they have cm-1 CH wagging band, already discussed in Section
been studied as model folded polyethylene chains. II.D, as well as bands at 1442 and 700 cm-1, presum-
Cycloalkanes up to (CH2)96 were synthesized by Schill ably CH bending and CH rocking. In melt-crystal-
et al.112 and up to c-(CH2)288 by Lee and Wegner.31 It lized c-(CH2)72 and c-(CH2)96, which contain an ortho-
has been reported that cycloalkanes up to c-(CH2)48 rhombic fraction, bands at 1368 cm-1 and around
are monoclinic, while c-(CH2)72 and c-(CH2)96 show a 1300 cm-1 are also seen, which signifies the presence
mixture of monoclinic and orthorhombic modifica- of gtg defects; the gg band at 1352 cm-1 is also
tions, depending on crystallization conditions.72,111 present. These results can be rationalized by consid-
The large ring c-(CH2)144 was always orthorhombic, ering the minimum energy tight fold models: a ggtgg
irrespective of crystallization conditions.72 Ortho- conformation for a {100} fold (monoclinic cycloal-
rhombic refers here to the subcell, involving only four kanes) and possibly a gtggg*g* for a {110} fold
CH2 groups; this cell is the same as that in long linear [orthorhombic cycloalkanes (see Figure 20b)].116 The
alkanes and polyethylene. observed spectra could be understood assuming (a)
In monoclinic cycloalkanes, unlike in the ortho- that the 1342-1344 cm-1 band represents strained
rhombic ones, the zigzag planes of the two stems are gg sequences [monoclinic cycloalkanes and once-
parallel to each other (see Figure 20a). The folds in folded orthorhombic n-alkanes at low-temperatures
monoclinic cycloalkanes may therefore be represen- (see Section II.D)], and (b) that the 1352 cm-1 band
tative of polyethylene folds lying in the {100} plane, represents relaxed gg sequences (orthorhombic once-
Learning Polymer Crystallization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4169

folded n-alkanes and cycloalkanes at room temper- Small ring oligomers of several other polymers
ature). Low-temperature spectra of cycloalkanes have have been synthesized, and their crystal structures
not been reported. The calculated energy of a model determined. Thus, relevant to the industrially im-
{110} fold (20.4 kJ/mol) is somewhat higher than that portant cyclic impurities in poly(ethylene terephtha-
of a {100} fold (16.3 kJ/mol).115 This is consistent with late) (PET), the structures of the low-temperature129
the smaller rings being monoclinic and larger rings and the high-temperature130 modifications of cyclic
orthorhombic. It would appear that stem packing PET trimer have been determined. The structure of
favors the orthorhombic form while folds favor the cyclic dimer of poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT)
monoclinic form. has also been determined131 in order to help under-
A detailed solid-state 13C NMR study on c-(CH2)12, stand a mechanically induced polymorphic transition
c-(CH2)24, and c-(CH2)36 has been carried out resulting in the parent polymer. Limited crystallization work
in the assignment of chemical shifts for a number of has been done on the otherwise extensively studied
rotational isomeric sequences in alkanes.117 Chemical cyclic oligosiloxanes;132 the object was “cold crystal-
shifts for carbons at the center of sequences gtgg, gttg, lization” near the glass transition temperature.
ggtt, tggt, gttt, and tttt were identified. The assign- Cyclic main-chain liquid crystal oligomers have
ments were based on low temperature spectra, since been shown to display a number of crystalline poly-
at higher temperatures the cycloalkanes investigated morphs in addition to smectic and nematic phases.133
transform into highly conformationally disordered These collapsed rings have rigid mesogens in their
crystals with a pseudohexagonal structure.118,119 In “stems” while folds form selectively in the flexible
terms of enthalpy and entropy, as well as number of spacer. Significant difference between even and odd-
nonplanar conformers, this “mesophase” is closer to membered rings are seen, particularly where the
the melt than to the ordered crystal. It has therefore flexible spacer is short.
been compared to the high-pressure hexagonal meso-
phase in polyethylene, rather than to the “rotator” G. Oligomers with Specific Endgroups
phase in linear alkanes with n e 40.120
Prior to the synthesis of long n-alkanes in 1985,
Even in the largest cyclic alkane synthesized, the narrowest molecular weight distribution achieved
c-(CH2)288, only the “extended” ring conformation has in paraffinoid chain systems in the 100-400 C-atom
been observed, i.e., the two stems constituting the range was R,ω-dicarboxylic acids produced by selec-
collapsed ring did not fold further.31 tive oxidation of solution-grown polyethylene single
Cyclic PEO has been prepared in two ways: (a) crystals. Nitric acid or ozone treatments134 were
with narrow PEO fractions as starting material, applied to remove the fold layer, and the length of
using ring closure Williamson reaction121,122 and (b) the remaining alkanoic diacid was determined by the
as monodisperse rings, effectively large unsubstituted thickness of the original crystalline layer; this, in
crown ethers.123-126 The largest monodisperse ring turn, could be controlled by the choice of crystalliza-
prepared and used in crystallization studies was c-E27 tion or annealing temperature. The carboxylic end
(E ) CH2CH2O), or 81-crown-27. In the latter case, groups have also been reduced, resulting first in R,ω-
the two stems of the collapsed ring were found to dibromoalkanes and, finally, alkanes. While crystal-
have the same helical tgt conformation and the same lization studies on alkanes thus produced have not
monoclinic subcell as linear PEO chains.125 In con- been reported, both the long diacids and dibromides
trast, smaller rings show a different crystal struc- showed only continuous change of long spacing with
ture.124 The boundary was found to lie between c-E16 crystallization temperature.134
and c-E18.126 The melting points of the ring com- Most linear oligomers can be regarded as having
pounds were significantly higher than those of their “special” end-groups, and as stated at the beginning,
linear analogues, an effect attributed to a decreased one of the reasons for synthesising long alkanes was
melting entropy. the similarity of end groups with the bulk of the
Rings prepared from commercial PEO fractions had chain. In a number of studies of PEO fractions, which
Mn up to 10000 (equivalent to c-E227).122 SAXS and are normally OH-terminated, methoxy-terminated
Raman LAM measurements showed that for Mn ) equivalents (MPEO) were also examined for com-
6000 such cyclic polymers crystallize as collapsed parison. Thus, it was found that crystallization is
rings forming layers, as in the case of the large crown more rapid in MPEO compared to that in PEO and
ethers and cycloalkanes (see Figure 21a). However, that the same is true for subsequent transformation
the cyclic polymer of Mn ) 10 000 crystallized in a of NIF into IF forms.34 OH groups show a degree of
folded conformation when cooled from its melt at hydrogen bonding, as evidenced by IR spectroscopy.
moderate rates. That is to say, each stem of the The self-diffusion coefficient of MPEO in the melt was
collapsed ring was folded again in two (see Figure found by spin-echo NMR measurements to be higher,
21b). When the Mn ) 10 000 sample was crystallized by a factor of 1.17, than that of PEO, although the
slowly at a high temperature, the conformation of the activation energies were the same.
extended collapsed ring (Figure 21a) was obtained. There has been some evidence from TEM135 and
A Raman study has shown that LAM-1 frequencies Raman45 that hydroxy-terminated PEO fractions
of cyclic PEOs in the range 1000 < Mn < 3000 are form double-layer crystals, but doubts have been
only 1.8 times higher than those of their linear expressed subsequently.38 End-group interaction in
counterparts.127 This is in contrast with cycloalkanes, low-molecular weight PEO fractions certainly has a
where the LAM-1 frequency of c-(CH2)n is nearly pronounced effect on LAM frequency. The following
exactly twice that of linear CnH2n+2.128 two linear relationships were found between the
4170 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Ungar and Zeng

Figure 22. Schematic representation of the vibrational

displacement describing the first (a) and the second (b)
LAM modes for a molecular dimer in R-methyl,ω-hydroxy-
[oligo(oxyethylenes)]. Longitudinal displacement is pre-
sented as transverse (from ref 47 by permission of Ameri-
can Chemical Society).

frequency of LAM-1 mode (in cm-1) and reciprocal Figure 23. SAXS traces (Lorentz corrected intensities vs
q) of n-C191H385COOH recorded during cooling an already
chain length (in Å):38 partially crystallized sample at 0.3 °C/min from 132 to 112
°C. Bragg spacings corresponding to the observed peak
PEO: ν1 ) 1161.1 L-1 positions, recording temperatures and diffraction orders of
the bilayer phase are marked (from ref 137 by permission
of American Chemical Society).
MPEO: ν1 ) 1094.7 L-1

The case for double layer formation in PEO-type

oligomers has been made in a series of monodisperse
R-methyl-ω-hydroxy[oligo(oxyethylenes)], or C1EpOH,
where p is the number of oxyethylene units.47 The
authors have applied the dynamic model by Minoni
and Zerbi44 to describe the two strongest LAM peaks
observed in Raman spectra. These correspond to
what can be described as first and second modes of a
dimer (see Figure 22).
When a series of OH-terminated monodisperse
oligo(oxyethylenes) and PEO fractions were com- Figure 24. Schematic sketches of the double layer (a) and
monolayer (b) structure of n-C191H385COOH. Circles rep-
pared, it was found that in the former case H-bonding resent carboxylic groups. Electron density profiles, E(x),
has a considerably stronger effect in increasing the are shown schematically on the right (from ref 137 by
LAM-1 frequency relative to methoxy terminated permission of American Chemical Society).
chains.121 This stronger H-bonding was attributed to
the regularity of the end-surface in monodisperse
compounds. between the melting points of extended and once-
Short-chain fatty acids are well-known to crystal- folded alkane C390H782 (see Table 3).
lize as double layers due to dimerization by hydrogen A comparative study has been performed on PEO
bonding.136 Recently, however, bilayer crystallization fractions with molecular weights 3000 and 7100
has been demonstrated in a very long-chain n- having the following end-groups: hydroxy (HPEO),
alkanoic acid, C191H393COOH.137 Figure 23 shows a methoxy (MPEO), t-butoxy (TPEO), and phenoxy
series of SAXS curves recorded during slow cooling (PPEO).139 Initial NIF long period lSAXS obeyed the
of the acid from the melt. The traces in the front c/(∆T) dependence, with the constant c decreasing in
represent the bilayer phase crystallized at the high- the series MPEO, HPEO, TPEO, PPEO. A similar
est temperature. Odd diffraction orders of the 410 Å descending series MPEO, TPEO, HPEO, PPEO was
periodicity are dominant, which is compatible with found in NMR diffusion coefficients. The diffferences
the electron density profile in Figure 24a, with are generally more pronounced for the 3000 fraction.
carboxylic layer maxima and methyl layer minima. The NIF f IF transformation was also found to be
Below 129 °C, crystallization switches to producing retarded in the less mobile oligomers. Since the bulky
205-Å-thick monolayers, as indicated by the apparent end-groups tended to promote NIF rather than
intensification of even-order reflections. In the mono- disfavor it, the results seem to support a model of
layer form, carboxylic groups are evenly distributed NIF in which chain ends remain outside the crystal
between either surface of the crystal layer (see Figure layer.
24b). IR spectra show that most carboxylic groups
are H-bonded both below and above the melting H. Monodisperse Block Copolymers
point.138 C191H393COOH dimers thus act as supramo-
lecular chains of twice their molecular length. Crys- Although many block copolymers have a narrow
tallized in bilayers and monolayers, they can be molecular weight distribution, they will not be re-
considered, respectively, as extended and once-folded viewed here as they present a broad subject of their
supramolecules. The two corresponding melting points own. Short uniform di-block chain compounds have
differ by 2 °C, compared to a difference of 3 °C been prepared and extensively studied in cases such
Learning Polymer Crystallization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4171

Table 3. Comparison of Melting Points of the Two Lamellar Forms of n-Alkanoic Acid C191H393COOH with Those
of Integer Forms of Alkanes C194H390 and C390H782 (ref 138)
compd form Tm (°C) form Tm (°C)
C194H390 extended 126.2 ( 0.3
C191H393COOH monolayer 130.0 ( 0.5 bilayer 131.9 ( 0.3
C390H782 once-folded 129.0 ( 0.3 extended 132.0 ( 0.3

as alkyl-perfluoroalkyl diblocks140,141 and alkyl-oligo- I. Branched Oligomers

(oxyethylene) and similar nonionic surfactants. The
current review is limited to long, truly monodisperse Cheng and co-workers have studied 2-, 3-, and
di-block and tri-block chain molecules. By doubling 4-arm branched oligomer fractions where the PEO
and tripling monodisperse ethylene glycol oligomers, arms are connected via a benzene ring. Symmetrical
such as pentadeca(ethylene glycol), Booth and co- two-arm PEO oligomers were prepared by coupling
workers prepared several series of CnEpCn triblock two chains of a PEO fraction with 1,4-benzene
copolymers, where Ep denotes p-mer of ethylene oxide dicarbonyl dichloride.146 In the material with the
and Cn a normal alkyl end-group CnH2n+1. For p e arm’s molecular weight Mna ) 2200, NIF crystals
25, the E segment was crystalline (helical conforma- form initially, followed by apparent thinning during
tion) and extended, with the alkyl chain ends either subsequent annealing. The lamellar spacing of NIF
amorphous (small n) or in a disordered crystalline is longer than the extended chain length of one arm
state similar to the rotator phase (intermediate n). but shorter than that of the two-arm PEO. The long
For n > 26 and at lower temperatures, the structure spacing of the final crystal, as well as its melting
is dictated by the alkyls forming ordered crystalline point, are similar to those of linear PEO with the
layers. Here the E blocks are noncrystalline although length of a single arm. Similar but more complex
behavior was observed in the two-arm PEO with Mna
in the predominantly planar zigzag conformation
) 5500, where individual arms have the ability to
which better matches the cross-sectional area of the
alkyl groups. From SAXS measurements it was
concluded that for smaller p the E blocks are es- Three two-arm PEOs with the same arm length
sentially extended, but for p ) 15 and 25 they are (Mna ) 2200) but coupled via different substitutions
once-folded. Only for p g 45142 can both blocks be (1,2-, 1,3-, and 1,4-) of the benzene rings were further
nearly completely crystalline. Extended, once-folded studied.147,148 The broad melting peak for samples
and noninteger forms are observed; the NIF converts crystallized at low supercoolings was regarded as
to one of the IF forms at a higher temperature composed of two overlapping components, and so was
through melting and recrystallization. the first-order SAXS peak. It was postulated that the
SAXS peak with shorter spacing corresponded to the
Monodisperse diblock oligo(ethylene oxide) mono- extended chain conformation of the two-arm PEO,
n-alkyl ethers have also been prepared and stud- whereby one layer of benzene rings exists between
ied.143 Oligomers with hydroxy-ended E-blocks formed two neighboring lamellae, while once-folded two-arm
bilayer crystals (cf. Section II.G and Figure 22), and PEOs would have two phenylene layers lying be-
the methoxy-ended oligomers formed monolayer crys- tween neighboring PEO lamellae and thus have a
tals. The helical oxyethylene blocks were perpendicu- longer spacing. It was found further that by changing
lar to the layer plane, while the alkyl blocks were the coupling angle of the arms, i.e., changing from
generally tilted at 30° to the layer normal. Monodis- 1,4- (180°) to 1,2-substitution (60°), the extended
perse triblock oligomers with a central methylene conformation became increasingly difficult to achieve.
block and outer oxyethylene blocks were also studied In the case of three- and four-arm PEOs, it was
subsequently144 and both fully crystalline and partly found that at low supercoolings the initial NIF
crystalline structures were found, with chains in lamellae undergo continuous thinning.149 However,
wholly trans-planar and mixed trans-planar/helical the final system has a 10-15% lower crystallinity
conformations. (after weight correction for the coupling agent)
An AFM study was carried out on thin crystalline compared to that of the equivalent linear PEO,
films of a diblock and a triblock poly(oxyethylene)/ suggesting that uncrystallized PEO arms exist be-
poly(oxybutylene) (E/B) copolymer deposited on sili- tween the crystalline layers. At high supercoolings,
con.145 At room-temperature E blocks are crystalline the long period remained constant. On subsequent
and B blocks are amorphous. The crystal thickness heating the crystallinity decreases by about 10%
determined from AFM was compared to the bulk (partial melting) and only increased slightly (by
layer spacing determined by SAXS. It was shown 1-2%) upon prolonged annealing. The underlying
that E41B22E41 largely crystallizes in a monolayer mechanism remains unclear.
form with unfolded E blocks at the substrate and Melt- or solution-crystallization of alkanes C96H193-
folded B blocks at the polymer-air interface and CH(CH3)C94H189 and C96H193CH(C4H9)C94H18,which
with the E blocks tilted at an angle of ca. 40° to the contain a short branch in the center of an otherwise
substrate normal. Multiple layers with a common linear chain, always produced the once-folded (F2)
step height were observed for the diblock E27B6 conformation (see Figure 6f). In melt-crystallization,
crystallites, which were largely comprised of un- this is formed via a very short-lived NIF intermediary
folded chains, also with E block tilted at an angle of stage, see Figure 5b and Figure 6e. As described in
ca. 40°. Section II.C, the rapid NIF f F2 transition is
4172 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Ungar and Zeng

Figure 26. Schematic drawing of lamellar structures in

Y-shaped alkane C120H241CH(C61H123)C119H239 (a); (b) high-
temperature semicrystalline form; (c) low temperature
double layer crystalline form; (d) the hypothetical energy
favored but kinetically unattainable structure (from ref

Figure 25. Schematic drawing of different lamellar amorphous layer (Figure 25b). At low Tc, another
structures observed in asymmetric methyl-branched alkane semicrystalline form is obtained. Here lc is smaller
C191H383CH(CH3)C99H199 (a); (b) semicrystalline form ob- and is determined by the length of the shorter arm.
tained at high Tc; (c) double layer crystalline form obtained As shown in Figure 25d, the extended shorter arm
from panel b on cooling; (d) semicrystalline form obtained and part of the longer arm may contribute to the
at low Tc; (e) triple layer crystalline form obtained from crystalline layer, with the remainder of the long arm
panel d on cooling. Chain tilt is neglected in this and Figure
26, for simplicity (from ref 151). staying in the amorphous layer.
When either of the semicrystalline forms of the
asymmetric alkane are cooled, they transform to a
believed to be due to the initial preference for double-layer and a triple-layer crystalline structure,
“correct” chain attachment dictated by the exclusion respectively. These 1-d superlattices are described as
of the branch to the lamellar surface. ABAB... and ABAABA... stacks of crystalline layers
The above butyl-branched alkane was studied by as depicted in Figure 25, panels c and e. Note that
solid-state 13C NMR, alongside its linear analogue the structure in Figure 25e is related to the mixed
C198H398, to establish the solid-state diffusion coef- integer “folded-extended” structure in some pure
ficient.150 Both alkanes were in the once-folded form. n-alkanes (Figure 7c) and in binary mixtures of long
The progressive saturation experiments have shown n-alkanes (Section II.J, Figure 30b).
that the longitudinal relaxation of magnetization is Y-shaped alkane C120H241CH(C61H123)C119H239, which
consistent with a solid state chain diffusion process. has two long and one shorter arm (Figure 26a), has
Reptation and one-dimensional diffusion models were also been prepared105 and investigated.151 A semi-
demonstrated to satisfactorily represent the data. crystalline structure was found in the high-temper-
The addition of the branch to the alkane chain was ature region, with the crystalline layer thickness
shown to result in a decrease in the diffusion coef- being determined by the length of the long arms.
ficient, which ranged from 0.0918 nm2 s-1 for the From the thickness of the amorphous layer la it was
linear chain to 0.016 nm2 s-1 for the branched chain. concluded that some molecules have both their long
These diffusion coefficients are consistent with those arms crystallized, but others have only one crystal-
of polyethylene. lized, the other two remaining in the amorphous
Asymmetrically methyl-branched alkane C191H383- layer (see Figure 26b). A double layer crystalline
CH(CH3)C99H199 (Figure 25a), synthesized recently,105 superstructure is formed in a transition on subse-
has been studied by real-time SAXS.151 The com- quent cooling, with one layer containing only long
pound can be crystallized in two different semicrys- arms of the molecules and the other layer containing
talline forms, depending on crystallization temper- both extended short arms and folded long arms (see
ature Tc. Electron density reconstruction has shown Figure 26c).
that in each case the structure consists of alternating From the observations on branched PEO and
crystalline and amorphous layers with respective alkanes more general conclusions can be drawn about
thicknesses lc and la (lc + la ) l). In the first form, the overcrowding problem at the crystalline-amor-
obtainable only at high Tc, the longer arm of the phous interface in polymers and about the mecha-
alkane crystallizes as extended chain, while the nism of chain deposition during crystal growth. Thus,
shorter arm remains as a cilium, contributing to the e.g., although for the Y-shaped alkane the energeti-
Learning Polymer Crystallization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4173

Figure 28. Proposed structural model of the C30H62-

C36H74 binary mixture. The C30H62 and C36H74 species are
separated in individual layers, which stack randomly (after
ref 163).

copy.16,164,165 Alkane mixtures have also helped un-

Figure 27. Binary phase diagram of the n-alkane system derstand the nature of the rotator phase,21,160,166 as
C23H48-C25H52. Phases denoted with capital letters R, O, well as chain defects and molecular motion in gen-
and M refer, respectively, to rotator, orthorhombic and eral.167 Phase change induced by mixing has been
monoclinic (from ref 157 by permission of Materials Re- utilized in monitoring interdiffusion after crystals of
search Society).
different alkanes are put in mechanical contact.17,18,168
cally most stable state is that in Figure 26d, this state Beside true solid solutions in which disparate
has proven to be kinetically unattainable. Further, molecules are intimately mixed, various modulated
by measuring the thickness of the amorphous layer lamellar structures were observed in mixtures C30H62
la as a function of time and Tc one can obtain detailed + C36H74,169 C30H62 + C40H82,170 and C28H58 + C36H74.171
experimental information on the number of chains The structural models proposed were mostly based
crossing the crystal-amorphous boundary, giving on random or nonrandom stacking of lamellae which
valuable insight into the equilibrium and kinetic were essentially composed of pure components163
overcrowding effects, fold adjacency etc. (Figure 28). Recent structural studies have been
extended to multicomponent mixtures.172
J. Binary Mixtures Crystallization theory and equilibrium thermody-
A number of early studies have focused on phase namics of mixed alkanes have been discussed by
diagrams of various binary n-alkane systems.152-154 Lauritzen, Passaglia, and DiMarzio173 (LPD) and
General conditions for solid solution were set out by Asbach and Kilian.174 In the LPD theory, the excess
Kitaigorodskii155 in terms of molecular size and end-surface energy comes from exposed side surface
symmetry. The maximum allowed difference in the due to nonuniformity in chain length. In contrast,
number of C atoms has been stated empirically as156 Asbach et al. treat the enthalpy of mixing in more
general terms. LPD theory has been applied to
nlong ) 1.224nshort - 0.411 (4) melting and the solid-state transition of binary
mixtures of n-alkanes.175
Binary phase diagrams of these shorter n-alkanes In contrast to the shorter alkanes, long n-alkanes
have turned out recently to be rather complex and were recently found to form solid solutions in a wide
subtle, even if the chain length difference is minimal range of compositions, even if the chain lengths of
and even in the case of two odd alkanes, where the components differed by more than 100 C-atoms.
previously it was thought that miscibility is complete. Binary mixtures of long alkanes with the chain
Figure 27 illustrates this on the example of C23H48- length ratio between 1.3 and 2 have been found to
C25H52.157 In the case of even alkanes, although the form predominantly two mixed phases, a high-tem-
stable phases of the individual even component may perature and a low-temperature one, separated by a
be triclinic or monoclinic, the most prevalent crystal reversible transition.176 Figure 29 shows SAXS traces
structures of the mixture is orthorhombic at low of the high-temperature form of four 1:1 w:w mix-
temperatures and rotator (usually pseudohexagonal) tures of C162H326 with a longer alkane of increasing
at higher temperatures.158-163 The orientationally length, including pure C162H326. The inset shows the
disordered rotator phase allows improved miscibility corresponding best-fit electron density profiles per-
close to the melting point, but with increasing chain pendicular to the lamellae. The central high-density
length it is destabilized; it has not been seen to play crystalline layer retains the same thickness lc for all
a role in mixtures of long alkanes. mixtures; however, the thickness of the low-density
Because the length difference of the two miscible amorphous layer la increases in proportion with the
components is small, the disorder is considered surplus length of the longer alkane. Accordingly, the
mainly in terms of site occupancies close to the structural model in Figure 30a was proposed: while
lamellar surface.159,163 Thus, alkane solid solutions the shorter alkane is fully crystalline and confined
provide good models of surface disorder, which has to the crystal layer, the longer alkane chains traverse
been studied by infrared and Raman spectros- the crystal layer and the surplus length, the cilia,
4174 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Ungar and Zeng

Figure 29. Small-angle diffractograms of C162H326 and of

the high-temperature phase of 1:1 w:w binary mixtures of Figure 31. Equilibrium phase diagram of the C162H326-
C162H326 with, from top to bottom, C194H390, C210H422, C246H494 binary system. xs ) molar fraction of C162H326, Ext.
C246H494, and C258H518. The inset shows the corresponding C246 ) extended-chain C246H494, SCF ) semicrystalline
best-fitting electron density model profiles (from ref 176 form (from ref 177a with permission of the American
with permission of the American Physical Society). Chemical Society).

that crystal perfection of the middle layer is poor. The

transition between the SCF and the triple-layer
superlattice is thought to occur through a cooperative
process with pairs of SCF layers acting in tandem.
The equilibrium phase diagram of the C162H326-
C246H494 binary system (high-temperature range) is
shown in Figure 31. The most important feature is
the phase boundary of the semicrystalline phase. At
temperatures below the triple point the single phase
SCF was found to be stable in the range 0.56 ( 0.04
< xs < 1, where xs is the molar fraction of the shorter
alkane C162H326. The reason that a SCF phase with
Figure 30. Schematic structures of (a) the high-temper- xs < 0.56 is unstable is believed to be due to steric
ature semicrystalline phase, and (b) the low-temperature overcrowding at the crystalline-amorphous inter-
triple-layer superlattice in binary long alkanes. Model face. In the case of polyethylene it has been recog-
electron density profiles are shown on the right, with
density increasing from left to right (from ref 176 with nized that the cross-section area required by an
permission of the American Physical Society). amorphous chain is at least twice that required by a
straight crystalline chain.178-180 In polymers, the
overcrowding problem is resolved partly by chain tilt
form the amorphous layer. This “semicrystalline (see Section II.E), but for the greater part by adja-
form” (SCF) is related to the NIF form in pure cently re-entrant chain-folding. In the case of a mixed
alkanes (Section II.C), where the role of the shorter alkanes with high xs, the overcrowding problem is
alkane is taken by folded chains. In contrast to the resolved by the shorter chains ending at the crystal
NIF form, the SCF in binary alkanes is the thermo- surface. However, for xs < 0.56 the problem becomes
dynamically stable form within a given range of insoluble and the excess longer component phase
temperatures and compositions.176,177 SCF is also separates. Since the chains in SCF are tilted by 35°,
related to the high-temperature forms of branched it follows that the effective cross-section area of a
long alkanes (Figure 25b,d and Figure 26b), some of chain crossing the crystalline-amorphous interface
which are also stable. increases by a factor of (0.44 cos 35°)-1 ) 2.8.
Below the phase transition temperature, the SAXS Studying shorter n-alkanes, Bonsor and Bloor175
pattern of the binary mixtures becomes complex, but have suggested the possibility of two short chains
curve resolution and Fourier synthesis revealed a substituting for one longer chain in a solid solution
superlattice structure based on a triple-layer repeat of molecules with a length ratio 1:2. Their experi-
unit as shown in Figure 30b.176 The two outer layers mental results on the binary system C19H40-C44H90
le contain extended chains of the shorter alkane (e.g., were inconclusive. In contrast, in binary long n-
C162H326) as well as the major portion of the longer alkanes such as C122H246-C246H494, crystalline solid
chain molecules (e.g., C246H494). The middle layer lm solutions were indeed shown to form readily; how-
contains only the surplus length of the longer mol- ever, in this case the long chains (C246H494) are either
ecules protruding from the two end-layers. All three folded or extended, while the short chains are ex-
layers are crystalline, although there is evidence from tended.181 The resulting structure is a triple-layer
WAXS, calorimetry and Raman LAM spectroscopy superlattice, similar to that in Figure 7c, and the
Learning Polymer Crystallization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4175

Figure 33. Chain deposition on the side surface of a

polymer crystal. σ and σe are side-surface and end (fold-)-
surface free energies, b is the width of the chain (after ref

Figure 32. Temperature dependence of growth rate GH for the creation of the two new surfaces either side
of {010} faces of single crystals and GR of spherulites for of the single-stem nucleus; here b is the chain width
five low molecular weight fractions and a polymer of PEO and σ the side surface free energy. For polymer
(from ref 28 by permission of John Wiley & Sons.). crystals of fixed fold length l, the slope dG/d(∆T)
should be constant within the limited temperature
thickness of the basic layer unit is determined by the interval that is accessible for studying.184 Indeed,
length of the shorter C122H246 chain.61 when plotted on a linear scale, the growth rates G
vs ∆T dependence in Figure 32 does not deviate much
III. Crystallization Process and Morphology from linearity for a given m.185 However, linear G vs
∆T is also consistent with the alternative polymer
A. Stepwise Growth Rate vs Temperature crystallization theory, the so-called “roughness-pin-
Gradient ning theory” of Sadler.185,186 According to this theory,
the difference between nucleation and growth of
Studies on PEO fractions in the molecular weight molecular layers on the growth face is negligible and
range between 1500 and 12 000 have shown28 that the growth surface is rough rather than smooth (see
the slope of the increasing crystal growth rate with Section III.E).
supercooling dG/d(∆T) increases sharply at a series On closer scrutiny the crystal growth data for PEO
of specific crystallization temperatures Tcm (m ) 1, fractions deviated somewhat from those expected
2, 3, ...). These mark the transitions between the from secondary nucleation theory; there were depar-
growth of crystals with m-1 and m folds per chain. tures from linearity of G vs ∆T near the Tcm transi-
Figure 32 shows the temperature dependence of the tion temperatures,185-188 and the value of σ derived
growth rate from the melt normal to the {010} lateral from the kinetics was unrealistically low.187
face for five low molecular weight fractions and a
polymer (note the log rate scale). The breaks in the B. Crystallization Rate Minima and Negative
slope at Tcm are particularly pronounced in low Order Kinetics
molecular weight fractions and are completely lost
in the polymer. The existence of such sharp increases Crystallization rate experiments on monodisperse
in dG/d(∆T) is, at least qualitatively, entirely predict- n-alkanes have shown a rather different picture. Not
able by the secondary nucleation theory once quan- only is there a sharp increase in dG/d(∆T) at the
tization of lamellar thickness is accepted.18 The transition between extended and once-folded (or NIF)
supercoolings at which growth transitions occur, crystallization mode (Tm)1c ) but the dG/d(∆T) gradi-
relative to the melting point of extended chains, are ent actually becomes negative as Tm)1c is approached
given by from above.18 This was found to occur both in crystal-
lization from melt189 and from solution,190 and it
2σe(∞)Tm applies both to crystal growth and primary nucle-
∆Tcm )
∆hf (mm+ 1)/[(m L+ 1) - δ] (5) ation.191 Figure 34 shows the way G passes through
a maximum and reaches a sharp minimum at the
Here σe(∞) is the fold-surface free energy for L ) ∞, transition from extended to once-folded chain crystal
and ∆hf is heat of fusion. δ is a small constant, growth of C198H398 from solution for two different
reflecting the fact that some finite supercooling is concentrations.192 The rate minimum at Tm)1 c has
required for crystal growth (see Section III.E). Equa- been observed in a number of alkanes from C162H326
tion 5 can be used for the determination of accurate to C294H590.193-196 In alkane C294H590, where crystal-
σe(∞) for the parent polymer. lization rate from solution is sufficiently low for
According to the secondary nucleation theory, Tm)2
c to be accessible, a crystallization rate mini-
polymer crystals grow by deposition of layers of stems mum has been observed between the once-folded and
on the side surface of the lamella183 (see Figure 33). twice-folded growth intervals.197 A weak minimum
Each new layer needs to be nucleated (“secondary” at Tm)1
c has also been reported in melt-crystalliza-
or surface nucleation), after which it spreads com- tion of a methyl-terminated PEO fraction.198
paratively rapidly. The main barrier to secondary The negative dG/d(∆T) observed in alkanes has
nucleation is the excess side surface free energy 2blσ been attributed to an effect termed “self-poisoning”.189
4176 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Ungar and Zeng

Figure 35. The model of elementary steps as used in the

rate equation and Monte Carlo simulation treatments that
reproduced the self-poisoning minimum. A cross-section
(row of stems) normal to the growth face is shown. There
are three elementary steps differing in their barrier and
Figure 34. Initial crystal growth rate (Gb along [010]) vs driving force: attachment (rate A) and detachment (rate
crystallization temperature from 1.1 wt % (9, 0) and 4.2 B) of segments equal to half the chain length, and partial
wt % solutions (2, 4) of C198H398 in 1-phenyldecane. (9, 2) detachment of an extended chain (rate C). The key self-
extended chain, (0, 4) once-folded chain crystals. TEd and poisoning condition is that attachment of the second half
TFd are the dissolution temperatures of extended-chain of an extended chain is allowed only if m ) 1, i.e., an
and once-folded-chain crystals. The retardation in growth extended chain cannot deposit onto a folded chain (from
around TdF is caused by “self-poisoning” (from ref 192 by ref 200 by permission of the American Institute of Physics).
permission of American Physical Society).

This proposed mechanism recognizes the fact, high-

lighted by the roughness-pinning crystallization theory
of Sadler, that chains wrongly attached to the crystal
surface may hinder further growth. This blocking, or
“pinning”, may be overlooked in polymers, but in
monodisperse oligomers, it becomes very pronounced
as, e.g., the folded-chain melting point TFm is ap-
proached from above. Although only extended-chain
depositions are stable, close to TFm, the lifetime of
folded-chain depositions becomes significant. As ex-
tended chains cannot grow on a folded-chain sub-
strate,28 growth is temporarily blocked until the
folded-chain overgrowth detaches. At TFm itself the
detachment rate of folded chains drops to the level
of the attachment rate and the entire surface is Figure 36. Initial crystal growth rate Ga (along [100]) and
blocked for extended chains. Gb (along [010]) of C198H398 vs solution concentration at 98.0
The growth rate minima cannot be explained by °C. (9, 2) Extended chain, (0, 4) once-folded chain crystals.
the secondary nucleation theory in its present form Note the negative dG/dc gradient for 1% < c < 3% (from
ref 192 by permission of American Physical Society).
because the competing attachments to the growth
face are ignored and the deposition of a whole stem
is treated as a single event.199 However, the minimum actually decreases with increasing concentration c.192
in G is well reproduced, at least qualitatively, with For n-C198H398, this range is from 1 to 3% (see Figure
even the simplest departure from the classical ap- 36). The two-segment-stem rate equation model of ref
proach, i.e., by splitting the stem, or the alkane chain, 200 has been adapted to include solution concentra-
into two segments and allowing the second segment tion, and again, both the G vs c and G vs T minima
the choice of aligning coaxially with the first segment were reproduced well (see Figure 37, panels a and
(extended chain) or alongside it (folded chain) (see b). The calculated temperature dependence of G
Figure 35).200 The forbidden step is attachment of an (Figure 37b) should be compared with the experi-
extended chain onto a folded chain. A Monte Carlo mental data in Figure 34. The unusual retardation
simulation study, where these same selection rules in crystal growth with increasing concentration in
were applied, has also reproduced the kinetics of the Figure 37a should be compared with Figure 36. This
self-poisoning minimum and has provided some ad- effect can be explained as follows. For c < 3%, the
ditional insight into the crystal shape.200 attachment rate A is lower than the folded-chain
Another manifestation of the self-poisoning effect detachment rate BF, so only extended chains can
is the anomalous negative order kinetics of crystal- grow. However, as c ) 3% is approached, A becomes
lization from solution. In long alkanes, there is a comparable to BF and an increasing fraction of the
supersaturation range in which crystal growth rate growth face equal to A/BF is covered by folded chains
Learning Polymer Crystallization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4177

Figure 38. Crystal growth rate Gb vs temperature for a

75:25 w:w mixture of C162H326 and C98H198. The “poisoning”
minimum at the melting point of C98H198 (116 °C) is seen.
The steep increase in G below 112.5 °C (out of scale) is due
to the transition to once-folded C162H326 growth (from ref

visualized, respectively, as horizontal and vertical

cuts through the phase diagram.
If the initial solution concentration c is higher than
that corresponding to the maximum in G, then G will
initially increase during the crystal growth as c
decreases. This auto-accelerated crystallization gives
rise to a further phenomenon, described as “dilution
wave”.192 Thus, e.g., crystallization from an initially
4.2% phenyldecane solution of C198H398 at Tc ) 97.4
°C results in folded-chain crystals which soon cease
to grow as the metastable equilibrium is reached
between folded-chain crystals and the pseudo-satu-
rated solution (lower liquidus in Figure 37c). As both
nucleation and growth of extended-chain crystals are
highly suppressed under these conditions, no visible
change occurs for some considerable time, after which
Figure 37. (a) Crystal growth rate G of n-C198H398
calculated as a function of concentration at Tc ) 98.0 °C, rather suddenly the folded-chain crystals are re-
cf. Figure 36. (b) G calculated as a function of Tc for c ) placed by needle-shaped extended-chain crystals. The
1.1% (dashed) and c ) 4.2% (full), cf. Figure 34 (c). Binary transformation sweeps through the suspension. As
phase diagram C198H398 - phenyldecane. Equilibrium the first extended-chain crystal forms successfully,
liquidus curve TEd (c) for extended chain crystals and non- it depletes the surrounding solution and thus triggers
equilibrium curve TFd (c) for once-folded chain crystals the growth of other extended-chain crystals in the
were calculated, matched to the experimental dissolution vicinity. A “dilution wave” is thus generated easing
temperatures (9, 2) using three fitting parameters. Ex- the inhibitory effect of high concentration on extended-
perimental TEd (c) and TFd (c) values were determined in situ chain growth. The reaction diffusion equation de-
at near zero heating rate (from ref 192 by permission of scribing the dilution wave has been found201 to
American Physical Society).
coincide with that used in genetics to describe the
spread of an advantageous gene.202 The wave spread-
at any time. Hence the extended-chain crystal growth ing rate is determined by the polymer diffusion
rate is constant and the crystal growth rate GE.
Recently, a new type of growth rate minimum has
GE ) (1 - A/BF)(A - BE) (6) been induced above Tm)1 c in melt-crystallization of
several n-alkanes by the admixture of a shorter
and as c f 3% and A f B F, so G E f 0. alkane with the melting point between those of the
Figure 37c shows the alkane-solvent phase dia- extended and once-folded-chain crystals of the host.203
gram calculated by equating A ) B E (top curve: Figure 38 illustrates this on the example of a 75:25
equilibrium liquidus) and A ) B F (bottom curve: w:w mixture of C162H326 and C98H198. A relatively
metastable liquidus). Imagining that crystal growth small but reproducible minimum is observed at 116
rate G is plotted on the z-axis, and bearing in mind °C, in the middle of the extended-chain growth range
that on either of the liquidus lines G is zero, the c of C162H326; this temperature coincides with the
and T dependencies of G in Figure 37a and b can be melting point of C98H198. Here the retardation and
4178 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Ungar and Zeng

the negative dG/d(∆T) slope above 116 °C are not due

to “self-poisoning” but rather to “poisoning” by the
C98H198 chain attachments which are nearly stable
and are thus blocking the growth face of the host
crystals. Below the temperature of the minimum
there is no drastic increase in dG/d(∆T) since (a)
C98H198 cannot grow rapidly as a minority component
and (b) the growth is retarded by folded-chain
C162H326 depositions due to the vicinity of Tm)1 c .
Indeed, below Tm)1
c ) 112.5 °C, there is a very steep
increase in G as chain-folded crystallization of C162H326
takes over, incorporating the guest C98H198 chains in
a semicrystalline NIF-type structure described in
Section II.C.
Lower crystal growth rates in alkane C162H326 were
also reported when a fraction of a shorter (C122H246)
or a longer alkane (C246H494) was added.204 The
addition of C122H246 had a somewhat larger retarding

C. Crystallization and Morphology

The shapes of melt-grown single crystals of narrow
PEO fractions have been studied in great detail by
Kovacs and co-workers.28,29,64 Particular attention
was paid to the narrow temperature range of the
extended to folded-chain growth transition. Careful
investigation revealed that there are in fact three
close transition temperatures, one for each of the
three {hk0} growth face types. These differences,
combined with the thickening process, resulted in
“pathological” crystals, to be discussed briefly in the
next section. A more general observation is that more
or less faceted crystals grow at most temperatures,
except just above the transition temperature range
c , where crystals are rounded and sometimes
indeed circular. This has been confirmed by subse-
quent studies, as illustrated in Figure 39.198
The discovery of rounded polymer crystal edges99,205
has motivated Sadler to propose the rough-surface
theory of crystal growth.186 However, it was shown
subsequently206-208 that the curvature of {100} faces Figure 39. Optical micrographs of PEO single crystals
in polyethylene can be explained quantitatively by (fraction Mn ) 3000) grown from the melt as a function of
applying Frank’s model of initiation and movement crystallization temperature (°C). The extended-folded
of steps.209 Curvature occurs when the average step chain growth transition Tm)1
c is between 51.2 and 50.2 °C
(adapted from ref 198).
propagation distance is no larger than several stem
widths, which places this type of crystal growth at
the borderline between nucleated and rough-surface Whereas melt-grown single crystals of PEO frac-
type. Thus, the increase in curvature of PEO crystal tions become rounded near the extended- to folded-
faces immediately above Tm)1 c (Figure 39) means a chain growth transition, crystals of long alkanes show
reduction in the ratio v/i, where i is the initiation rate a whole range of morphologies within the tempera-
and v the propagation rate of new layers of stems. A ture interval of extended-chain growth, both from
connection has been made between the rounding of melt and from solution.191,192,211 Figure 41 shows how
PEO crystals and a conspicuous downward deviation the crystal habit in solution-grown C198H398 changes
from linearity of measured G vs ∆T just above with decreasing Tc from perfect rhombic lozenges
c .185 In the past, the effect had been attributed with {110} lateral facets (a), through nearly hexago-
to impurities,188 but, subsequently, it was suggested nal “truncated lozenges” ({110} and {100} faces) (b),
to have been caused by self-poisoning.210 Since G ) through leaf-shaped (“lenticular”) crystals with curved
b x2iv, the retardation in G combined with the {100} faces (c, d), finally ending with needlelike
reduction in v/i was taken to mean that the propaga- crystals bounded by practically straight {100} faces
tion rate of new surface layers v is more obstructed just above the growth rate minimum (e). On lowering
than their nucleation i. The blocking of nichés Tc, further chain-folded crystallization takes over and
retarding v and leading to a rounded face is sche- the habit reverts to that of truncated lozenges (f). At
matically drawn in Figure 40. still lower Tc (not shown), the shape changes to
Learning Polymer Crystallization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4179

Figure 40. Schematic representation of a growth face of

an extended-chain crystal with step propagation hindered
Figure 42. Initiation rate i (empty symbols) and propaga-
by transient folded-chain depositions (from ref 210, by
tion rate v (full symbols) of new steps on the {100} growth
permission of Kluwer Academic Publishers).
face of n-C246H494 crystals in 5% octacosane solution as a
function of crystallization temperature. (9, 0) Extended
chain, (2, 4) once-folded chain (from ref 214).

toward elongated lenticular crystals which grow at

the highest Tc from either solution or from melt.207,212
The morphological changes described and exempli-
fied in Figure 41 are determined, essentially, by the
temperature dependence of only two parameters: (a)
the ratio of growth rates normal to {110} and {100}
faces, G110/G100 and (b) the ratio v/i for {100} growth.
Thus rhombic lozenges bounded by {110} lateral
faces will be seen for any G110/G100 e cos(φ/2), where
φ/2 ) tan-1(a/b) and a,b are unit cell parameters. As
Tc is reduced and the growth minimum is ap-
proached, G110/G100 increases beyond the value of cos-
(φ/2), and the lozenges become truncated by {100}
faces. The temperature dependencies of G100 and G110
are different, and for all alkanes, the growth normal
to {100} faces is more retarded by self-poisoning than
the growth normal to {110} faces. This applies both
to solution211 and to melt crystallization.203 On the
other hand, the curvature of the {100} faces is
determined by the ratio of step propagation and step
initiation rates v/i on these faces.
The profiles of the curved “{100}” faces in solution-
and melt-crystallized alkanes were fitted to those
calculated according to Mansfield,206 taking account
of the centered rectangular lattice representative of
Figure 41. Series of in situ optical micrographs (interfer- polyethylene and alkanes.213 As an example, i and v
ence contrast) of n-C198H398 lamellar single crystals grown
from octacosane (initially 2%) at the temperatures indi- values thus obtained are plotted against Tc for
cated. (a-e) extended chain, (f) once-folded chain. Bar C246H494 (5% in octacosane) in Figure 42.214 While
length represents 10 µm (from ref 214). both the nucleation rate and propagation rate of steps
on {100} faces pass through a maximum and a
minimum as a function of Tc, and then increase
lenticular and the cycle is repeated. The remarkable steeply in the chain-folded temperature region, there
feature is that the Tc dependence of crystal habit is a significant difference in the shape of the two
within one such cycle is the exact reversal of that in graphs near the growth rate minimum. In this and
solution-crystallized polyethylene. In polyethylene other examples of solution crystallization, initiation
rhombic {110}, lozenges grow at low Tc and with (i) is considerably more suppressed by self-poisoning
increasing temperature the habit changing gradually than propagation (v), and the slope di/d(∆T) turns
4180 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Ungar and Zeng

negative further away from the minimum, (i.e., at a

higher temperature) than the corresponding slope dv/
d(∆T). At the minimum, the {100} faces are straight
(see needlelike crystals in Figure 41e), this time not
because layer completion is uninhibited, but rather
because i is extremely low.
Comparing the morphological changes in melt-
grown crystals of PEO fractions (see above, Figure
39 and Figure 40) and solution-grown crystals of long
alkanes, we find that v is more affected by self- Figure 43. A possible instantaneous configuration of a
poisoning in PEO while i is more affected in the row of stems perpendicular to the crystal surface schemati-
alkanes. Furthermore, the case of melt-crystallization cally illustrating self-poisoning in a polydisperse polymer.
of n-alkanes is closer to that of solution-crystallized The same picture could apply to a layer of stems depositing
alkanes.203 The difference between PEO and alkanes onto the crystal surface and parallel to it; in that case it
is not yet understood. would illustrate the retarding effect on layer spreading rate
v (see also Section III.E).
The cause of the changes in crystal habit with
changing Tc in polyethylene, or in any other polymer
for that matter, is unknown. These changes have a
profound effect on morphology of industrial polymers.
Thus, in melt-solidified polyethylene crystals grow
along the crystallographic b-axis with lenticular
morphology similar to that formed from polyethylene
solutions at the highest Tc 99,100 or from long alkanes
at the lowest Tc within the extended-chain regime
(Figure 41, panels d and e). Hoffman and Miller215
proposed that the retardation in v, leading to curved
crystal edges, comes from lattice strain imposed by
the bulky chain folds in the depositing chains; this Figure 44. (Left) An “a-axis lenticular” crystals of C162H326
in 1-phenyldecane grown from an initially 1.0% solution
results in strain surface energy σs which acts by at 99.5 °C. Interference optical micrograph. Bar length 10
slowing down the substrate completion process. To µm. (Right) Schematic outline of the crystal, indicating the
be consistent with the observed morphology in poly- four {110} sectors (from ref 211 with permission of the
ethylene, σs would have to be higher on {100} faces American Chemical Society).
than on {110} faces. However, it is difficult to see
how this argument would apply to crystallization of
extended-chain n-alkanes with no chain folds. 41a), those grown under similar conditions from
Since the morphological trend with increasing Tc 1-phenyldecane have an unusual habit shown in
in polyethylene is the exact opposite of that observed Figure 44.211 This habit has not been seen in poly-
in alkanes, and since the latter seems to be clearly ethylene and it has been termed “a-axis lenticular”
associated with self-poisoning, it is tempting to because, unlike the more common lenticular (lens-
interpret the changes in polyethylene as being due like) polyethylene crystals, its long axis is parallel
to an increasing effect of self-poisoning with increas- to the crystal a-axis. In fact, the habit can be best
ing Tc. Self-poisoning in polydisperse polymers, if described as being bounded by curved {110} faces.
present, would be difficult to detect from crystalliza- The interesting feature is the asymmetry of the
tion kinetics, since lamellar thickness l changes curvature; while the faces are curved at the obtuse
continuously with Tc, and thus, no rate minima can apex, they are straight at the acute apex. This has
be expected. However, self-poisoning is envisaged to been attributed to the propagation rates of steps on
affect crystal growth in the following manner. At any the {110} face being different in the two directions;
Tc, there is a minimum fold length lmin below which the rate vs, directed toward the acute apex, is higher
attachments are more likely to melt than be built into than the rate vb directed toward the obtuse apex.
the crystal. However, chain segments which are only Similar asymmetry may be expected in other poly-
slightly shorter than lmin will have a reasonably long mers where the growth face lacks a bisecting mirror
lifetime as well as a higher attachment rate because plane normal to the lamella.
of the lower barrier E* ) 2blσ. This would cause self- Crystallization of alkanes from dilute solutions
poisoning at any Tc. A snapshot of a cut normal to (typically 0.01% or less) in good solvents such as
the surface of a growing crystal might thus look as toluene results invariably in faceted crystals, as
in Figure 43. This situation corresponds to the shown already very early on C94H190216 and subse-
“kinetic roughness” in the roughness-pinning model quently on longer alkanes.68
of Sadler186 (see Section III.E). The reason for self- Morphology of long alkanes is also being studied
poisoning in polyethylene being more pronounced at in order to evaluate the role of cilia in lamellar splay,
higher Tc, as suggested by morphology, is one of a a key factor in the formation of polymer spheru-
number of open questions. lites.204,217 The hypothesis is that cilia exert an
While extended-chain crystals of C162H326 and entropic repulsive force when crystalline lamellae
C198H398 grown from octacosane at the smallest approach each other closely. Earlier results seemed
supercooling are faceted rhombic lozenges (see Figure to have indicated that in long alkanes spherulites are
Learning Polymer Crystallization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4181

Figure 46. Crystals of PEO fraction Mn ) 6000 grown

from the melt at temperatures indicated, and then quenched
to achieve surface decoration by small spherulites. The
black undecorated areas are extended chain (from ref 28
by permission of John Wiley & Sons).

is attributed to permanent cilia existing in the

Figure 45. Optical micrographs, between crossed polar-
izers, of alkane C162H326 to which 10 wt % was added of (a) semicrystalline form (SCF) of the C162H326-C246H494
C122H246, and (b) C246H494. Tc ) 120 °C. The mixture with blend.
the longer-chain guest molecules (b) shows a texture
resembling that of polymer spherulites (from ref 204 by D. Lamellar Thickening
permission of American Chemical Society).
Since the thin lamellar crystals of polymers are
metastable and owe their shape to criteria of kinetics
indeed formed in the folded-chain crystallization rather than equilibrium thermodynamics, at elevated
region, but not in the extended-chain region. This temperatures aided by increased mobility, they often
would lend support to the cilia hypothesis, in view thicken. The thickening is normally continuous and
of the NIF structure. Subsequent work has shown, logarithmic in time.218 However, already the earliest
however, that even extended-chain lamellae splay SAXS studies of PEO fractions have shown lamellar
and diverge, and the angle of divergence increases thickness to increases in a stepwise manner.219 Each
with increasing degree of supercooling. The idea of step corresponded to one integer folded (IF) form. The
transient ciliation has therefore been suggested; the quantized nature of lamellar thickening has proven
initial crystalline stem length would thus depend on highly advantageous in visualizing the thickening
supercooling even within the extended-chain growth process using different microscopy techniques. Below
regime, the cilium length increasing with increasing are three examples illustrating the use of optical,
supercooling. It must be recognized, however, that electron, and atomic force microscopy.
the transient cilia would have to be confined to a Figure 46 shows four crystals of PEO fraction Mn
narrow growth front of the lamellae, since otherwise, ) 9000 grown from the melt at the temperatures
without chain-folding, the overcrowding effect would indicated.28 As in Figure 39, the crystals were “self-
prevent further growth (see Sections II.C and II.J). decorated” by quenching. Crystallization temperature
Supporting evidence for cilia being responsible for of 58.50 °C is in the region of once-folded-chain
lamellar divergence and the consequent tendency for growth, but the other three temperatures are in the
spherulite formation comes from the morphology of transition region between folded and extended chain
alkane mixtures.204 In Figure 45, optical textures are growth. The folded-chain crystals were grown from
shown of two mixtures with C162H326 the majority a small extended-chain seed. As the octagonal and
component. The sample in Figure 45a has 10 wt % hexagonal folded-chain crystals in the top row of
C122H246 added, while the sample in Figure 45b has Figure 46 were growing, the central extended-chain
the same amount of added C246H494. The morphology portion was spreading radially at a slower rate,
in Figure 45b has recognizable features of polymer maintaining a circular envelope. Here thickening also
spherulites, while that in Figure 45a has not. This involves incorporation of new molecules from the
4182 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Ungar and Zeng

also ceased when the (110) slip plane reached the

overlying second layer nearby. Thus, the portion of
the folded-chain layer marked with an arrow could
not easily be pulled in by thickening.
Isothermal thickening from F4 to F3 and F3 to F2-
folded forms of C294H590 crystals in toluene solution
shows a rather different pattern.221 Transformation
from chains folded in three to chains folded in two
(F3 f F2) destroys any recognizable crystal shape
and results in an irregular crystal habit with narrow
(20-30 nm) strips of thickened material. Transport
of mass required for solid-state thickening is clearly
more impeded than in the case of F2 f E transfor-
mation in C198H398. The F4 f F3 conversion in
C294H590 crystals did not proceed at all by solid state
Figure 47. Lozenge-shaped crystals of once-folded alkane
C198H398 grown from a 0.02% solution in toluene and diffusion, judging by the resulting “picture-frame” F3
partially thickened isothermally during annealing at Tc ) crystals. This latter morphology implies that “thick-
73 °C for t ) 5 h. Marker ) 1 micron (from ref 220b by ening” occurs through dissolution of the F4 crystal
permission of John Wiley & Sons). interior and simultaneous F3 precipitation at crystal
edges. It should be noted that in polyethylene,
thickening does not normally take place at Tc in
surrounding melt. At Tc ) 59.39 °C, the black solution crystallization; if temperature is raised
extended-chain portion is rhombus-shaped and di- subsequently to about Tc + 10 °C, picture-frame
rected along the a-axis. At this temperature, the crystals may appear.222
folded-chain growth in the [100] direction is already
slower than the extended-chain growth, hence an If single layer polymer crystals are deposited on a
extended-chain tip progresses ahead of the folded- substrate and annealed, thickening is accompanied
chain layer. At 59.41 °C, the folded-chain rate in the by the creation of holes, as pulling in of material from
[140] direction also drops below the extended-chain the side to feed the thickened regions is severely
rate, hence the four additional arms to the extended- restricted.223 However, holes can develop on anneal-
chain star in the pathological crystal in Figure 46d. ing even in multilayer crystals.223 Such “Swiss
Thickening of once-folded and twice-folded n-al- cheese” morphology has also been observed using
kane crystals in solution has been studied by DSC AFM of annealed once-folded solution-grown crystals
and transmission electron microscopy.220,221 Figure 47 of C162H326 deposited on mica.224 The thickening
shows a group of initially lozenge-shaped once-folded- process could in this case also be studied in real time.
chain crystals of C198H398 (cf. Figure 41a) partially Figure 48 shows two out of a series of AFM height-
thickened isothermally at Tc while freely suspended contrast images taken at different annealing times.
in solution.220b Thickening was found to invariably A thickened extended-chain strip is seen to develop
start at an apex followed by rapid spreading of a strip and propagate along the edge of the crystal.
along the sector boundary, i.e., either along the [100] Thickening is facilitated considerably when crystal
or the [010] direction. At the end of the process a lamellae are stacked on top of one another, reducing
network of crosshatched extended-chain strips is all the need for large scale transport of matter. Figure
that remains. Figure 47 contains a number of details 49 shows the changing SAXS curve during continu-
illustrative of the progress of thickening. The ex- ous heating of a mat of stacked solution-grown
tended-chain strip, which traverses the crystal, wid- crystals of alkane n-C390H782 with the chains initially
ens with time, consuming the adjacent folded-chain folded in five (F5).225 The first and second-order SAXS
layer (see, e.g., areas marked A and B). It has been peaks are seen to move to lower angles in a stepwise
proposed that material is transported to the thick- fashion, the crystals passing through integer forms
ened strip by slippage along the {110} lattice planes. F5 f F4 f F3 f F2.
Such slippage leaves behind smooth {110} lamellar
edges, as in crystal A. Surface decoration has indeed E. Implications for Polymer Crystallization Theory
shown that the fold regularity becomes severely
disrupted in those areas that had undergone slip- To discuss the implications of the observed crystal
page. growth behavior of model chains, certain issues in
The slippage within a crystal can be seriously polymer crystallization theory need summarizing.
impeded either by multilayer crystals or where a The secondary nucleation theory has been the domi-
portion of the unthickened crystal is bounded on two nant theory for several decades and has undergone
or more sides by thickened strips. An example of how numerous modifications since its original establish-
an overlaying layer inhibits slippage is provided by ment by Frank and Tosi226 and Lauritzen and Hoff-
the crystal marked C in Figure 47. Here it is the left- man (LH).227 As mentioned in Section III.A, it as-
hand side which had mainly been consumed in the sumes that the lateral growth of a crystal lamella of
widening of the extended-chain strip. It seems that thickness l proceeds by deposition of layer upon layer
the slippage of the right-hand side of the crystal had of stems (straight chain segments) of length l, each
been prevented by the complex overgrowth on that layer being nucleated by the deposition of the first
side. In fact, the slippage of the left-hand half had stem (see Figure 33). Deposition of the first stem
Learning Polymer Crystallization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4183

Figure 50. Free energy of a new layer of stems on the

lateral growth face of a polymer crystal as a function of
stem length l and the number of stems in the layer, j.
Calculated according to the Lauritzen-Hoffman theory,
with ψ ) 1. (a) ∆T ) 11 °C, (b) ∆T ) 80 °C. Standard data
for polyethylene were used. Case a predicts l ) lmin + δl
with a small δl, while (b) predicts l f ∞.

the “apportioning factor” determining what fraction

of the crystallization energy had been released at the
peak of the barrier during the attachment of a
stem.183 Deposition of subsequent stems (“substrate
completion”) is then fast, since the barrier for each
new stem is only 2abσe - ψabl∆φ (σe is the end-
surface energy). According to this surface-energy-
based theory, the barrier for deposition of the first
stem is highest of all due to the large surface area
bl. Provided l is larger than the minimum thickness
Figure 48. Two out of a sequence of height AFM images lmin of crystals stable at a given Tc, attachment of each
of a crystal of n-C162H326, initially once-folded, recorded
during annealing at 100 °C. The extended-chain form subsequent stem reduces the free energy of the new
propagates along the edge of the crystal (from ref 224 by layer. This is illustrated in Figure 50a, where the free
permission of Elsevier Science). energy is shown as a function of l and j, j being the
number of stems in the layer. For simplicity, Figure
50 shows the situation for ψ ) 1; for 0 < ψ < 1, there
would be an additional maximum between each j and
The elementary steps in the LH theory are the
deposition of the first stem (rate constant A0), deposi-
tion of subsequent stems (A), and removal of a stem
(B). The individual rate constants are of the form β
exp[-(barrier)/kT], where β contains the viscosity
factor etc. Hence,

A0 ) β exp[-(2blσ - ψabl∆φ)/kT] (7a)

A ) β exp[-(2abσe - ψabl∆φ)/kT] (7b)

Figure 49. Series of SAXS intensity functions recorded
during heating of solution-crystallized n-C390H782 at 2 deg B ) β exp[-(1 - ψ)abl∆φ/kT] (7c)
C/min. The integer forms that the crystals pass through
are marked by the corresponding symbols of their molec- The whole process is treated as a series of consecu-
ular conformation (from ref 225). tive reactions and the steady-state solution gives the
net flux Sl for a given crystal thickness l as
raises the net free energy by 2blσ - ψabl∆φ, where
σ is the side-surface free energy, ∆φ the bulk free
energy of crystallization per unit volume, and ψ is
Sl ) N0 A0 1 -( A ) (8)
4184 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Ungar and Zeng

less probable and thus slower than forming a shorter

stem, irrespective of ∆T. Point did not, however,
extend this treatment to the deposition of subsequent
stems, i.e., layer completion was handled as attach-
ment of complete stems.
The most radical departure from LH theory was
that by Sadler,185,186,199 whose theory was intended
to describe crystallization at higher temperatures,
where lateral crystal faces are above their roughen-
ing transition temperature TR. High equilibrium
roughness removes the necessity of surface nucle-
ation as there is no surplus free energy associated
Figure 51. A series of fluctuations at the crystal growth with a step. The model is fine grain, and each stem
face. The squares represent crystallized chain segments. is made up of individual segments. In a simple cubic
(a) Steps allowed in the Frank-Tosi model,226 (b and c) some crystal, the roughening transition on a {100} surface
other possible steps (after ref 4).
should occur at kT/ ≈ 0.6,4 where  is the pairwise
nearest neighbor attraction energy. If whole stems
N0 is the total number of stems. Substituting eq 7 are treated as nondivisible units on a polymer crystal
into eq 8, we get surface, then  is so large that the surface at equi-
librium is always smooth and flat. However, a simple
Sl ) βN0{exp[(-2blσ + ψabl∆φ)/kT]}{1 - estimate shows that, if polyethylene stems were
exp[(-abl∆φ + 2abσe)/kT]} (9) broken down into segments of no more than six CH2
units, the surface would be thermodynamically rough.
This crude estimate does not take account of con-
The second factor in eq 9 (“driving force factor”)
nectivity between segments, and there are numerous
increases with increasing l, and for l > lmin ) 2σe/
problems in estimating TR of such complex systems
(∆φ), it is positive. At small and moderate ∆T, the
as polymer crystals. However, Sadler argued that the
first factor (“barrier factor”) decreases with increasing
fact that the {100} faces in polyethylene become
l. Hence S(l) has a maximum. The l-value of the
curved at high temperatures indicates the roughen-
maximum, as well as the average value of l, is
ing transition. In contrast, {110} faces with some-
somewhat larger than lmin. Thus,
what denser packing of surface chains and hence a
〈l〉 ) lmin + δl (9) higher  would have a higher TR, hence the {110}
faces remain faceted.
The secondary nucleation theory is “coarse grain” and To solve the problem analytically, Sadler studied
makes a serious simplification by treating the stem a simplified model containing a row of stems, i.e., a
deposition as a single event. The most conspicuous cut through the crystal normal to the side surface.
consequence of this in the application to polymers is Monte Carlo simulation was also done in parallel,
the erroneous prediction of δl increasing and diverg- Surface configurations were allowed to evolve natu-
ing at large ∆T, the so-called δl catastrophe.183 The rally and beyond those in Figure 51b and c. On
increase in l would happen because the large increase average there were multiple temporary attachments
in crystallization free energy ∆φ ≈ ∆T∆sf (sf ) of stems with l < lmin, the outermost stems having
entropy of fusion) would cause the energy barrier to the smallest l. The theory could explain most obser-
decrease rather than increase with l, as illustrated vations in polymer crystallization, such as the tem-
in Figure 50b. Setting ψ < 1 would reduce but not perature dependencies of crystal growth rate and
eliminate the problem; it would in fact only shift the lamellar thickness. The model, like that of Point,
δl upturn to lower temperatures. avoids the δl catastrophe. Sadler’s model is often
Frank and Tosi226 considered the sequential depo- referred to as the “roughness-pinning” model. Rough-
sition of stem segments, allowing forward and back- ness refers to equilibrium and kinetic surface rough-
ward fluctuations, but did not allow folding back until ness, resulting from splitting stems into segments
the stem reached lmin, see Figure 51a. Thus, their and negating the need for nucleation. “Pinning” refers
approach does not eliminate the δl catastrophe. to the adopted rule that a “buried” segment cannot
However, Point228 did consider the multitude of move unless the stems that cover it detach. Thus, a
pathways in the deposition of the first (nucleus) stem stem is immobilized, or pinned down, even if covered
of a new layer. The stem was allowed to fold after by only temporary unstable attachments with l < lmin.
each deposited segment (see Figure 51, panels b and The free energy barrier for crystal growth is thus
c). The elementary steps in the deposition of the stem entropic rather than enthalpic, but in contrast to the
were addition and removal of segments, with rate model by Point, a significant contribution comes from
constants A and B, and the net forward rate of “pinning”.229
folding, Cl. The solution of the steady-state equation Most experimental observations on polymer crys-
gave then the value of 〈l〉, which was somewhat larger tallization can be interpreted reasonably well by a
than lmin. This removed the δl catastrophe as it number of crystallization theories, some of which
changed the nature of the free energy barrier from differ fundamentally in their starting premises. Apart
energetic to probabilistic (entropic). Forming a long from the δl catastrophe, the experimental ∆T de-
extended stem in a flexible polymer will always be pendencies of crystal thickness and growth rate can
Learning Polymer Crystallization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4185

be explained by most theories. Thus, e.g., the free Several significant developments in polymer crys-
energy barrier is roughly linear in l in both LH theory tallization theory have been made more recently, e.g.,
()2lbσ), as well as in the fine-grain theories of Point the two-dimensional nucleation and sliding diffusion
and Sadler (-sT ) kT ln(w)-1, where w = pn, p being theory of Hikosaka,231 the two-stage crystallization
the number of conformers per segments and n the model by Strobl,232 and a number of simulation
number of segments in a stem; hence -sT ∝ n ∝ l). studies have been carried out and are in progress.
Experimental results on monodisperse model poly- Past and future experiments on model compounds
mers therefore provide much needed further tests for will undoubtedly benefit these developments.
the theories. The self-poisoning minimum in particu-
lar can be regarded as one of the key probes, IV. Conclusions
alongside the δl catastrophe and the curved crystal
faces. As it happens, in the course of their rate Research on model compounds and sharp oligomer
equation analysis Sadler and Gilmer included in their fractions has already had a profound effect on our
investigation a model with certain energetically understanding of polymer crystallization and mor-
preferred stem lengths and indeed observed minima phology. The availability of monodisperse polymers
in growth rate vs ∆T.199 Since no such effect had been removes the dependence of this field of science on
observed at the time, the work remained unpublished essentially impure multicomponent experimental
until the experimental results on alkane C246H494 systems. It also helps close the gap between polymer
became available.189 The subsequent theoretical and science and mainstream chemistry and physics.
simulation analysis of the ∆T 200 and concentration192 The list of achievements made possible with the
dependencies of alkane growth rate was based on aid of model compounds includes (1) discovery of
Sadler’s model. In our opinion, only fine grain theo- integer folding, stepwise lamellar thickening, crystal
ries can describe the minimum. An attempt to growth rate transitions, separation of the effects of
interpret it in terms of the coarse-grain LH theory230 temperature and crystal thickness in crystallization
had to resort to highly unusual Arrhenius-type terms kinetics; (2) visualization and elucidation of the
and could be disputed on other grounds.210 The topology of lamellar thickening, taking advantage of
chances are that Point’s model might also predict the the enhanced quantized thickness contrast; (3) ob-
minimum if applied to monodisperse chains; up to servation and structural characterization of transient
now, this has not been tested. However, it is almost noninteger folding and of the subsequent transfor-
certain that neither the roughness-pinning theory nor mations, new insights into primary chain deposition,
Point’s model would predict crystal shapes correctly, ciliation, and subsequent rearrangements, of rel-
the former because it fails to distinguish between evance to secondary crystallization in polymers; (4)
nucleation and growth. On the other hand, Point’s new 1-D superlattices in mixed long chains, unex-
original fine-grain treatment would not be able to pected stability of semicrystalline structures, and
explain the minimum in v, such as that in Figure 42, experimental determination of the extent of over-
because it only applies to nucleation and not to crowding at the crystal-amorphous surface; (5) the
growth of new layers. role of cilia in pure and binary systems, the effect on
As mentioned in Section III.C, the fact that the lamellar branching and spherulite growth; (6) the
temperature dependence of crystal habits in polyeth- discovery of self-poisoning and its unusual conse-
ylene is an almost exact reversal of that in alkanes quences for crystallization kinetics, the resolution of
approaching the rate minimum is an indication that the effect on the deposition of the first and subse-
self-poisoning is present in crystallization of the quent stems, discovery of poisoning by shorter chains,
polymer and that it is more pronounced at higher the likely effect of self-poisoning on crystallization
temperatures. Figure 43 tentatively describes the row and morphology of polymers; (7) elucidation of the
of stems normal to a self-poisoned surface in a nature of the fold surface and end surface, determi-
polymer crystal. The situation is the same as that nation of the spectral bands due to folds (IR, Raman,
envisaged by Sadler. However, Figure 43 could NMR), and new insights into chain tilt and surface
equally apply to a layer of stems parallel to the disorder; (8) improved understanding of the effect of
surface, in which case it would describe retardation chain length and lamellar thickness on melting point
in v, a case not considered by Sadler. Paradoxically, and Raman LAM frequency, derivation of improved
it is the exact shape of rounded crystals of alkanes values for equilibrium melting point and Young’s
and polyethylene that point indirectly to poisoning modulus of polymer chains; (9) better understanding
of polymer crystal faces and the similarity with of end-group effects and bilayer formation; and (10)
Sadler’s model. However, we now know that this of the effect of specific chemical defects and short and
model was conceived by mistakenly associating the long branches on the crystallization process and the
rounding with nonnucleated growth. At this juncture, resulting structure.
it would appear that a synthesis of Sadler’s model There is ample scope for future research. For
and the nucleation theory could come close to ex- example, new monodisperse oligomers are currently
plaining most experimental observations in polymers being contemplated, notably aromatic and model
as well as in monodisperse model compounds. A biopolymers. Deuterium-labeled long alkanes are
similar outcome may potentially be expected from being studied by neutron scattering and NMR. Fold
Point’s theory, extended to include fine-grain treat- surfaces of IF crystals, devoid of amorphous over-
ment of layer completion. layer, may be amenable to studies by different
4186 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Ungar and Zeng

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1995. CR990130U
Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, 4125−4155 4125

Advanced Solid-State NMR Methods for the Elucidation of Structure and

Dynamics of Molecular, Macromolecular, and Supramolecular Systems
Steven P. Brown† and Hans Wolfgang Spiess*
Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung, Postfach 3148, D-55021 Mainz, Germany

Received February 5, 2001

Contents this respect are noncovalent interactions,1 e.g., hy-

drogen bonding and aromatic π-π interactions. For
I. Introduction 4125 example, Sijbesma et al have shown that linear
II. Improving the Resolution in 1H Solid-State NMR 4127 polymers and reversible networks are formed from
A. Magic-Angle Spinning 4128 the self-assembly of monomers incorporating two and
B. Homonuclear 1H Decoupling Methods 4129 three 2-ureido-4-pyrimidone units, respectively, on
III. Homonuclear 2D Double-Quantum NMR 4132 account of the propensity of these units to dimerize
Spectroscopy strongly in a self-complementary array of four co-
A. The Excitation of Homonuclear DQC 4132 operative hydrogen bonds.2 However, such specific
B. Rotor-Synchronized 2D DQ MAS Spectra 4133 interactions are not a prerequisite for a well-
C. 1H-1H DQ MAS Spinning-Sideband Patterns 4134 controlled self-assembly: e.g., as demonstrated by
IV. Heteronuclear 2D NMR Methods 4137 Percec and co-workers, the self-assembly in the bulk
A. Heteronuclear Correlation Spectroscopy 4137 of dendritic building blocks into spherical, cylindrical,
B. The Quantitative Determination of 4139 and other supramolecular architectures occurs as a
Heteronuclear Dipolar Couplings consequence of both shape complementarity and the
V. Structural Determination by Solid-State NMR 4140 demixing of aliphatic and aromatic segments.3,4
Despite the presence of considerable order on
VI. Hydrogen-Bonded Systems 4140
different length scales, single crystals suitable for
A. Rotor-Synchronized 1H DQ MAS NMR 4141 diffraction studies, and hence full crystal structures,
are not available for such self-assembled supra-
B. 1H DQ MAS NMR Spinning-Sideband 4142 molecular structures. If the mechanisms governing
self-assembly are to be better understood, analytical
VII. Aromatic π−π Interactions and Ring-Current 4144 methods capable of probing the structure and dy-
namics of these partially ordered systems are es-
A. Aggregation Shifts 4145 sential. In recent years, the field of solid-state NMR
B. Hexabenzocoronone Derivatives 4145 has enjoyed rapid technological and methodological
C. A Molecular Tweezer Host−Guest Complex 4147 development, and we will show, in this review, that
VIII. The Investigation of Dynamic Processes 4149 advanced solid-state NMR methods are well placed
A. A Molecular Tweezer Host−Guest Complex 4149 to meet the challenges provided by modern polymer
B. The Making and Breaking of Hydrogen 4149 chemistry. In particular, much insight can be achieved
Bonds in a HBC Derivative for small amounts (10-20 mg) of as-synthesized
C. The Order Parameter in Columnar Discotic 4151 samples.
Mesophases The great utility of NMR lies in its unique selectiv-
IX. Conclusions 4153 ity, which is due to the differentiation of chemically
X. Acknowledgment 4154 distinct sites on the basis of the chemical shift.
XI. References 4154 Indeed, solution-state NMR spectroscopy has devel-
oped into an indispensable method for characterizing
organic molecules:5,6 currently, one can even deter-
I. Introduction mine the complete three-dimensional structure of
proteins of molecular masses approaching 50 kD.7 In
In polymer science today, much interest is focused the solid state, however, the fast isotropic molecular
on the controlled design of well-ordered super- tumbling that leads to the observation of inherently
structures based on the self-assembly of carefully high-resolution solution-state spectra is absent, and
chosen building blocks. Of particular importance in anisotropic interactions, e.g., the chemical shift an-
isotropy (CSA), and the dipolar and quadrupolar
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: 00 49 couplings, lead to a broadening of the resonances.8-10
6131 379120; Fax: 00 49 6131 379320; Email: spiess@ These anisotropic interactions, on one hand, have the significant disadvantage of hindering the resolution
† Present Address: Laboratoire de Stéréochimie et des Interactions
Moléculaires, UMR-5532 CNRS/ENS, Ecole Normale Supérieure of distinct sites but, on the other hand, contain
de Lyon, 69364 Lyon, France. valuable structural and dynamic information.
10.1021/cr990132e CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 10/26/2001
4126 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brown and Spiess

tigation of slower motions (up to 1 s).9 The dipolar

coupling between two nuclei has an inverse cubed
dependence on the internuclear separation, and,
thus, solid-state NMR experiments which provide
access to this interaction can be used to determine
specific distance constraints. Indeed, the last 10 years
have seen much interest focused on solid-state NMR
experiments applicable to samples incorporating spin
I ) 1/2 isotopic labels, usually 13C or 15N, such that
only particular dipolar-coupled spin pairs are pres-
ent.11,12 In particular, the rotational-echo double-
resonance (REDOR)13-15 technique has become very
popular for determining distances between two het-
eronuclei, while other methods further allow the
determination of torsional angles.16,17 Although all
Steven P. Brown was born in Coventry, England in 1972. He obtained a these methods provide much valuable information,
B. A. in Chemistry from Oxford University, England, in 1994. At Oxford, the synthetically demanding requirement for specific
first as a Part II undergraduate student and subsequently for his D. Phil,
which he received in 1997, he carried out research in the laboratory of isotopic labeling is restrictive. Indeed, the purpose
Dr. S. Wimperis into NMR of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei, in particular of this review is to demonstrate that much informa-
the solid-state multiple-quantum (MQ) magic-angle spinning (MAS) tion can be obtained for as-synthesized samples, i.e.,
experiment. From 1998 until 2000, he carried out postdoctoral research without resorting to isotopic labeling.
at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany.
Working in the group of Professor H. W. Spiess, he applied solid-state
One of the most important recent advances in solid-
NMR methods, in particular, the combination of very-fast MAS with 1H state NMR has been the development of magic-angle
double-quantum (DQ) spectroscopy, to the investigation of structural and spinning (MAS) probes capable of supporting ever
dynamic questions in supramolecular systems. He is currently a Marie greater rotation frequencies, νR.18 Today, a νR of 25-
Curie Fellow in the group of Professor L. Emsley at the Ecole Normale 30 kHz is routinely achievable, with an νR of 50 kHz
Supérieure, Lyon, France. even having been reported.19 A particularly promising
application for this new technology is 1H solid-state
NMR, where the line narrowing won by very-fast
MAS alone is sufficient to allow some 1H resonances
due to particular chemically distinct protons to be
resolved in 1H MAS NMR spectra of small to mod-
erately sized organic solids.20-30
The importance of solution-state NMR today owes
much to the extension of the experiment to a second
(and higher) dimension.5 Multidimensional NMR
spectroscopy is also of much significance in solid-state
NMR: in particular, since spectral resolution is
always a pertinent problem, an important motivation
for performing a multidimensional experiment is the
resulting increase in resolution. Indeed, a number of
groups have recently developed new approaches for
Hans Wolfgang Spiess received his Ph.D. in physical chemistry at the obtaining high-resolution two-dimensional (2D) 1H-
University of Frankfurt, Germany, with H. Hartmann in 1968. After a two 13C correlation experiments.31-33 Such experiments
year’s postdoctoral stay at Florida State University with R. K. Sheline, he allow the better resolution and assignment of the 1H
returned to Germany and joined the staff of the Max-Planck-Institute,
Department of Molecular Physics at Heidelberg, under the direction of K. resonances, by taking advantage of, first, the much
H. Hausser. In 1975, he changed to the Chemistry Department of the greater resolution in the 13C dimension on account
University at Mainz, where he became a Professor in 1978. After of the larger chemical shift range and inherently
professorships at the Universities of Münster (1981−82) and Bayreuth narrower line widths, and, second, the relative in-
(1983−84), he was appointed as a director at the newly founded Max- sensitivity of 13C chemical shifts (as compared to the
Planck-Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz. His main research interests case of 1H chemical shifts) to through-space influ-
are development of solid-state NMR and pulsed ESR techniques for the
study of structure and dynamics of synthetic polymers and supramolecular
systems. Multidimensional NMR experiments also provide
additional information that is unavailable from one-
One way by means of which the structural and dimensional (1D) spectra even in the limit of high-
dynamic information inherent to the anisotropic resolution. For example, 2D 2H exchange experi-
interactions can be probed in a site-selective fashion ments, which identify a particular change in molecular
involves the investigation of samples where specific orientation between two evolution periods, have
isotopic labels, e.g., 2H, 13C, 15N, are introduced. 2H already been mentioned above.9 For dipolar-coupled
is a spin I ) 1 nucleus, and the quadrupolar interac- nuclei, the combination of fast MAS with 2D multiple-
tion dominates 2H NMR. By an analysis of one- quantum (MQ) spectroscopy achieves high resolution,
dimensional line shapes, fast dynamic processes (10-4 while allowing the structural and dynamic informa-
to 10-7 s) can be quantitatively probed, while two- tion inherent to the dipolar couplings to be accessed.
dimensional exchange experiments allow the inves- Specifically, using the homonuclear 1H-1H double-
NMR for Elucidation of Structure and Dynamics Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4127

quantum (DQ) MAS experiment,34 it has recently As has been stressed above, an important aspect of
been demonstrated that the semiquantitative infor- this review is to highlight the importance of 1H solid-
mation about specific proton-proton proximities state NMRsthis is reflected in the chosen applica-
yielded by rotor-synchronized 2D spectra allows the tions, which illustrate the valuable structural infor-
differentiation between distinct hydrogen-bonding mation gained on account of the marked sensitivity
structures21 as well as the identification of particular of the 1H chemical shift to hydrogen-bonding and
aromatic π-π packing arrangements.22,24 Moreover, aromatic π-π effects. In addition, the ability to probe
it has further been shown that an analysis of rotor- dynamic events, such as the making and breaking
encoded 1H DQ MAS spinning-sideband patterns35,36 of hydrogen bonds as well as guest mobility in a
enables the quantitative determination of the inter- supramolecular complex, is demonstrated.
nuclear distance for a well-isolated pair of aromatic
protons in a hexabenzocoronene derivative in the II. Improving the Resolution in 1H Solid-State
solid phase as well as the order parameter of the NMR
liquid-crystalline (LC) phase.22 In addition, attention
has focused on the development of methods suitable Table 1 lists the NMR-active nuclei (i.e., those with
for the measurements of heteronuclear dipolar cou- I > 0) of most relevance for organic solids, together
plings between protons and other spin I ) 1/2 nuclei
(i.e., 1H-13C and 1H-15N).37-40 Table 1. Properties of the NMR-Active Nuclei of Most
Relevance for Organic Solids
As indicated by the opening paragraphs, the em-
nucleus I γ/107 rad T-1 s-1 natural abundance/%
phasis of this review is on advanced solid-state NMR
experiments suitable for providing insight into the 1/2 26.8 99.99
1 4.1 0.02
mechanisms of self-assembly which are of much 13C
1/2 6.7 1.10
relevance in modern polymer science. As such, we 14N 1 1.9 99.63
restrict our attention to the spin I ) 1/2 nuclei found 15
N 1/2 -2.7 0.37
in organic solids, in particular, 1H and 13C, and focus 17O 5/2 -3.6 0.04
on recently developed, i.e., within the last 10 years, 1/2 25.2 100.00
solid-state NMR methods that probe the structural
1/2 -5.3 4.67
1/2 10.8 100.00
and dynamic information inherent to the dipolar
coupling. Importantly, we will show that 1H NMR of
rigid solids is now feasible. with their nuclear spin quantum numbers, their
We note that the considerable progress made in magnetogyric ratios (γ), and natural abundances.46
solid-state NMR of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei, The low natural abundance of the nuclei 2H, 13C, 15N
e.g., 23Na, 27Al, and 17O, as a consequence of the explains why selective isotopic labeling is successful
introduction of the MQMAS experiment by Frydman in these cases. Moreover, the central importance of
and Harwood in 1995,41 falls outside the scope of this protons in solution-state NMR is evident from Table
review. In addition, it is to be remembered that the 1: a near 100% natural abundance is combined with
NMR experiments we describe are equally applicable the highest magnetogyric ratio (and hence best
to biological molecules; indeed, much of the recent sensitivity) of all naturally occurring nuclei. It is,
development of solid-state NMR methodology, e.g., however, exactly this combination that makes solid-
the experiments for determining torsional angles,16,17 state 1H NMR problematic.
has been stimulated by the considerable interest in The dipolar coupling constant, D, defining the
biological systems. Reviewing the biological applica- dipolar coupling between two nuclei is given by
tions is, however, not an aim of this review, although
a few relevant examples will be mentioned. To (µ0/4π)pγIγS
D) (1)
further specify the scope of this article, as far as the r3
probing of dynamics is concerned, we will only
consider methods suitable for probing fast processes. where r denotes the internuclear separation. The
Thus, recently developed methods, such as one- dependence of D on the product of the magnetogyric
dimensional exchange spectroscopy by sideband al- ratios of the two nuclei means that the dipolar
ternation (ODESSA),42 time-reverse ODESSA,43 and coupling constant for two 1H nuclei is a factor of
centerband-only detection of exchange (CODEX),44,45 approximately 16 times larger than that for a pair
which are capable of probing slower dynamics (time of 13C nuclei at the same separation. As an example,
scales ranging from milliseconds to seconds), will not the 1H-1H D in a CH2 group (assuming r ) 0.18 nm)
be discussed. is 20 kHz, which is about twice the typically encoun-
To give an outline of the structure of the review, tered chemical shift range (15 ppm) at today’s largest
the main body is divided into two parts: first (in solid-state NMR magnets (corresponding to 1H Lar-
sections II-IV), the NMR experiments will be intro- mor frequencies of 700-800 MHz), and is much
duced, and, second (in sections V-VIII), specific larger than the through-bond J couplings which
applications will be described, which illustrate what characterize solution-state spectra.
structural and dynamic insight can be provided. A major difference between the through-space
These specific applications can be considered to be dipolar and through-bond J couplings is that the
case studies, which illustrate how a particular system former is an anisotropic rather than an isotropic
can be approached experimentally, with the meth- interaction. This means that the dipolar coupling
odology being extendable to other organic systems. between a pair of nuclei depends on the orientation
4128 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brown and Spiess

Figure 2. Simulated spectra showing the effect of MAS

Figure 1. A comparison of the static solid-state and on the anisotropic line shape due to a CSA interaction. In
solution-state 1H NMR spectra of a typical organic com- (a), the sample is static, while the spectra (b) to (d)
pound. correspond to an increase in the MAS frequency, νR.

of the internuclear vector with respect to the direction as the other anisotropic interactions. To achieve high
of the static magnetic field, B0. Specifically, the resolution, the solid-state NMR spectroscopist would
dipolar coupling is proportional to (3 cos2θ - 1), like to mimic this averaging process. First, we note
where θ is the angle between the internuclear vector that anisotropic interactions such as the dipolar
and the B0 direction. For a powdered sample, there coupling between a pair of nuclei, the CSA, and the
is a uniform distribution of orientations, and thus the first-order quadrupolar interaction all have an ori-
NMR spectrum consists of a superposition of many entation dependence that can be represented by a
lines, corresponding to the different dipolar couplingss second-rank tensor.8-10 For such interactions, rather
such a powder spectrum is referred to as being than requiring an isotropic motion, a physical rota-
anisotropically broadened.8-10 tion of the sample around an axis inclined at an angle
In organic solids, protons are ubiquitous, and an of arctan(x2) ) 54.7°, the so-called magic angle, to
extensive network of dipolar-coupled protons existss the external magnetic field suffices.49,50 That this is
in so-called spin-counting experiments, clusters of so can be understood by considering that sample
over 100 dipolar-coupled protons can be identified.47,48 rotation around a single axis leads to the components
As shown in Figure 1, the static 1H NMR spectrum perpendicular to the rotation axis being zero on
of a typical organic solid is simply a broad featureless average, and only the component parallel to the
hump. The striking difference to the corresponding rotation axis remains nonzero on average. Thus, in
1H solution-state NMR spectrum is evident. It should
a powdered sample, for any orientation of, e.g., the
be stressed that the problem in the former case is internuclear vector for a pair of dipolar-coupled spins,
not a lack of information, but rather there is es- rotation around an axis yields an “average orienta-
sentially an overload, such that the net effect is the tion” parallel to the axis of rotation. Under MAS, this
virtual loss of all information. The challenge facing parallel component has an anisotropic frequency
the solid-state NMR spectroscopist is then how can equal to zero for all cases, and the anisotropic
experiments be designed that combine high-resolu- broadening is averaged to zero for all crystallite
tion, i.e., a recovery of the chemical shift resolution, orientations.
with the preservation of the valuable information A familiar example of the application of MAS is 13C
inherent to the anisotropic interactions, i.e., for 1H NMR, where the combination of 1H-13C cross-polar-
NMR, the structural and dynamic information inher- ization (CP)51,52 with MAS, CP MAS NMR53, is
ent to the dipolar coupling. routinely used to investigate a wide range of systems.
Under the application of high-power proton decou-
A. Magic-Angle Spinning pling, the dominant anisotropic broadening is the
CSA; in this case, as illustrated by the simulated
On account of its angular dependence, molecular spectra in Figure 2, the static line shape breaks up
motion leads to an averaging of the dipolar coupling; into a centerband and spinning sidebands, whose line
as will be shown later, determining the reduction in widths are narrow and independent of νR. A full
the dipolar coupling allows the identification of mathematical treatment of MAS and anisotropic
particular dynamic processes. The extreme case is interactions can be found in, e.g., refs 8, 9, 54, and
found in solution, where fast isotropic tumbling of 55.
the molecules leads to the averaging to zero of the The effect of MAS on a dipolar-coupled multiproton
line broadening due to the dipolar couplings as well network is quite different. Figure 3 shows the effect
NMR for Elucidation of Structure and Dynamics Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4129

sample, can be spun to a νR of up to 35 kHz. We note

that rotors with even smaller diameters, and thus
smaller sample volumes, have been produced, which
allow an even faster νR (up to 50 kHz).19
The enhanced line narrowing achieved by a νR of
30+ kHz, as compared to that obtained at a νR of 15
kHz (the maximum achievable with a conventional
4 mm MAS rotor), is evident in Figure 3. This line-
narrowing effect, upon increasing νR, of MAS on the
H NMR spectrum of a dipolar-coupled proton net-
work can be understood as being due to an increase
in the spin-pair character of the interaction (the
homonuclear dipolar coupling between an isolated
pair of nuclei is refocusable, as in the case of the
CSA).56 As a concluding remark, we note that very-
fast MAS has also been applied by Scheler to 19F
NMR of fluoropolymers such as PTFE; in this case,
as well as achieving a line narrowing due to the
reduction in the residual dipolar broadening, an
additional advantage is the spectral simplification
achieved by the reduction in the number of spinning
sidebands (19F CSAs are much bigger than 1H CSAs).57

B. Homonuclear 1H Decoupling Methods

As will be shown later, the resolution provided by
the combination of very-fast MAS (νR g 30 kHz) and
high magnetic fields (1H Larmor frequency g 500
MHz) is sufficient to allow specific proton-proton
proximities to be identified on the basis of the
observation of particular peaks in 1H 2D DQ MAS
spectra. The line narrowing achieved by MAS alone
at a νR equal to 35 kHz is, however, still far from the
limiting case, where all residual dipolar broadening
has been removed.
Figure 3. The effect of increasing the MAS frequency, νR, Brute-force fast MAS is not the only means by
on the centerband of a 1H MAS spectrum of a typical which line narrowing can be achieved in 1H solid-
organic compound. (Reproduced with permission from ref
21. Copyright 1998 American Chemical Society.) state NMR. A particularly ingenious alternative
approach, first presented over 30 years ago, involves
of increasing νR upon the centerband in the 1H MAS the removal of the dipolar broadening by specific
NMR spectrum of a typical organic solid. It is multiple-pulse techniques, where radio frequency (rf)
apparent that the line width is not independent of pulses achieve rotations in spin space.58,59 By com-
νR, with a line narrowing being observed upon bining these multiple-pulse experiments with MASs
increasing νRsalthough, even at 35 kHz, the line combined rotation and multiple-pulse spectroscopy
widths are much larger than those observed in 13C (CRAMPS)60-62swell-resolved 1H spectra have been
MAS spectra. The difference between the two cases obtained.63 The very time-consuming nature of the
is explained in a classic paper by Maricq and Waugh: necessary setup for the CRAMPS experiment has,
54 The CSA is an example of an interaction where however, discouraged the widespread take-up of the
the anisotropic broadening is refocused at the end of approach. Nevertheless, recently, Hohwy et al have
each rotor period, τR, i.e., the corresponding Hamil- shown that 1H CSAs can be fully determined by a
tonian commutes with itself at all times. By com- CRAMPS approach employing MSHOT-3 homo-
parison, when there are three or more dipolar- nuclear multiple-pulse decoupling.64
coupled protons, the perturbing influence of the other An important consideration in a CRAMPS experi-
dipolar-coupled protons upon a particular dipolar- ment is the interference between the two averaging
coupled pair means that the dipolar Hamiltonian no processes, i.e., does the physical rotation of the
longer commutes with itself at all times, and the sample by MAS impair the performance of the
evolution under the dipolar coupling of a particular multiple-pulse sequence, the latter having originally
pair is no longer refocused at the end of each τR. been designed for static samples. Indeed, a low νR,
By decreasing the rotor diameter, MAS probes i.e., less than 3 kHz, is used in a conventional
capable of supporting a much faster νR have become CRAMPS experiment, such that, to a first approxi-
available; e.g., 1997 saw the delivery of the first mation, the sample can be considered to be static
commercial probes designed for rotors with an outer during each cycle of the multiple-pulse sequence. In
and inner diameter of 2.5 and 1.2 mm, respectively. this so-called “quasi-static” limit, the multiple-pulse
Such a rotor, which, when full, contains 10 mg of sequence can be considered to take care of the
4130 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brown and Spiess

homogeneous dipolar broadening, with MAS being sample volume is restricted by the application of a
required to deal with the CSA. static magnetic field gradient and a selective pulse.75
Recently, Hafner and Spiess have shown that In the first applications of the FSLG technique,
CRAMPS experiments employing a basic multiple- homonuclear 1H decoupling was employed to remove
pulse sequence (WHH-4 or variants thereof)58 at a the perturbing effects of the dipolar-coupled proton
moderately fast νR (10-15 kHz) can deliver a line network such that, for example, the spinning-side-
narrowing corresponding to that achievable by the band patterns in a 13C MAS spectrum directly reflect
conventional CRAMPS approach, with a particular the heteronuclear 13C-1H dipolar couplings.71,72 In
advantage being that the method is comparatively addition, Levitt et al. presented a modified FSLG
insensitive to experimental imperfections.65-67 As sequence, which, by the incorporation of acquisition
reflected in the naming of this approach as multiple- windows, allowed the direct recording of high-resolu-
pulse assisted MAS, such experiments represent a tion 1H spectra.73 Of more importance, however, has
shift in philosophy in that both MAS and the multiple- been the subsequent incorporation of the method into
pulse sequence “attack” the dipolar broadening; the a number of experiments that achieve high-resolution
latter can be considered to “clean up” the residual in an indirect 1H dimension, i.e., in cases where the
dipolar broadening, which remains as a consequence FSLG irradiation does not need to be combined with
of the insufficiency of the used νR. direct acquisition (in this respect, the FSLG method
can be termed a windowless decoupling method). For
The success of the multiple-pulse assisted MAS example, FSLG decoupling is an integral part of the
approach requires some thought concerning the 1H-13C correlation experiments presented by de Groot
synchronization of the duration of each cycle of the and co-workers31 and Emsley and co-workers,32 which
multiple-pulse sequence, τC, with the rotor period: will be described later.
For the CH3 group in L-alanine, the smallest line Recently, Vega and co-workers have presented a
width (full-width at half-maximum height, fwhmh) phase-modulated Lee-Goldburg experiment (PMLG)
of about 250 Hz (for comparison, the fwhmh under experiment, in which only the phase of a series of
MAS at 35 kHz is 750 Hz)20 is obtained for a plateau adjacent pulses is changed, i.e., ω1 remains con-
of τC/τR values between 0.2 and 0.3.68 It has been stant.76,77 In an ingenious reinterpretation of the LG
shown that, using zero-order average Hamiltonian concept, the zero-order term in the average Hamil-
theory,59,69 favorable synchronization conditions can tonian can be shown to vanish when the modulation
be identified by a straightforward graphical ap- of the pulse phase described by
proach.67 The quasi-static regime is not a prerequisite
for the success of multiple-pulse assisted MAS; for φ(t) ) ωPMLGt (2)
example, a marked line narrowing has been observed
for a benzoxazine dimer using WHH-4 at 35 kHz, satisfies the condition:
where τC/τR equals 1.5.21 It is to be noted that a
homonuclear decoupling method does not only re- |ωPMLG| ) ω1/x2. (3)
move the dipolar broadening, it also scales the
isotropic chemical shift scale; all fwhmh’s quoted here An LG irradiation unit has a duration corresponding
are those measured in a “corrected” spectrum where to a 2π rotation of the proton magnetization about
the normal ppm values of the different resonances the effective field, i.e.,
have been restored.
τLG ) x(2/3)(2π/ω1). (4)
An alternative means by which homonuclear 1H
decoupling can be achieved is the Lee-Goldburg Thus, the angle through which the rf precesses in
experiment, in which the offset of the 1H rf irradia- each LG unit is given by
tion is set equal to ω1/x2, where ω1 is the inherent
nutation frequency of the pulse (|ω1| ) |γ B1|, where RLG ) |ωPMLG|τLG ) 207.8° (5)
B1 is the rf field strength), such that, in the vector
model picture of NMR, the spins rotate around an If the sign of ωPMLG is negated between alternate LG
effective field tilted away from the static magnetic units, the symmetrization required to ensure the
field direction by the magic angle.70 In this way, the removal of odd-order terms in the dipolar average
zero-order average dipolar Hamiltonian vanishes. Hamiltonian is achieved. To demonstrate the feasi-
The decoupling performance is significantly enhanced bility of the PMLG sequence, Vinogradov et al
in the frequency-switched Lee-Goldburg (FSLG) ex- employed a 2D experiment in which a high-resolution
periment, which involves breaking up the continuous 1H dimension, incorporating PMLG decoupling, is

rf irradiation into a series of 2π rotations of the correlated with 1H acquisition, with only moderate
proton magnetization about the effective field, with MAS (10-15 kHz) providing line narrowing in the
a switch between the two LG conditions (ω1/x2 direct dimension. The resulting resolution obtained
accompanied by a simultaneous shift in the phase by for a sample of malonic acid is illustrated in Figure
π at the end of each segment.71-73 The better perfor- 4.76
mance of the FSLG method is a consequence of the Using Lee-Goldburg based decoupling methods, a
setting to zero of all odd-order terms in the dipolar fwhmh of 150-170 Hz has been reported for the
average Hamiltonian on account of the introduced aliphatic 1H resonances in L-alanine78sthis is dem-
symmetry. The FSLG method has been found to onstrated in part c of Figure 5, where, for comparison,
function well for a νR between 10 and 16 kHz,74 with the (a) static and (b) MAS (νR ) 30 kHz) spectra are
a further marked improvement being possible if the also shown. The spectrum in Figure 5c was recorded
NMR for Elucidation of Structure and Dynamics Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4131

Figure 4. (a) A 1H 2D PMLG spectrum of malonic acid

((COOH)2CH2). The high-resolution (F1) projection is shown Figure 6. Pulse sequences and coherence transfer path-
in (b), with the achieved line widths (fwhmh in ppm) being way diagrams for (a) a 2D CRAMPS experiment incorpo-
indicated. (Reproduced with permission from Figures 3a rating a z-filter to ensure that pure absorption-mode line
and 4a of ref 76. Copyright 1999 Elsevier.) shapes are obtained and (b) a 2D constant-time CRAMPS
experiment. The relative performance of the two experi-
ments with respect to yielding high-resolution 1H NMR
spectra in the indirect (F1) dimension is illustrated by
Figure 5c,d and is discussed in the text. (Adapted with
permission from Figure 2 of ref 78. Copyright 2001
American Chemical Society.)

ure 6a, the incorporation of a z-filter81 (the final two

π/2 pulses) ensures that pure absorption-mode line
shapes are obtained.5,80 Lesage et al. have further
shown that the frontiers of high-resolution 1H solid-
state NMR can be pushed back yet further: using
the constant-time (CT) CRAMPS experiment shown
in Figure 6b, a fwhmh as low as 60 Hz can be
obtained for the aliphatic resonances in L-alanine; the
achieved line-narrowing, as demonstrated in Figure
5d, is striking.78 The success of this constant-time
approach is based on the fact that the evolution of
the proton magnetization in t1 is only modulated by
antisymmetric interactions, i.e., those interactions
that change sign under a π rotation in spin space and
are hence refocusable by a 180° pulse. The resolution
enhancement over the experiment in Figure 6a is
hence achieved by removing the broadening due to
the symmetric interactions (those which are invari-
ant to a π rotation); the symmetric interactions
instead lead to an attenuation of the signal intensity
by a factor of exp{-iTH(s)}.
To conclude this section, it is evident that much
Figure 5. 1H (500 MHz) NMR spectra of natural abun- progress has recently been made with respect to
dance powdered L-alanine, recorded with (a and b) a one- obtaining high-resolution 1H solid-state NMR spec-
pulse experiment for (a) a static sample and (b) under MAS tra. Indeed, the field is an area of ongoing active
at a νR ) 30 kHz, (c) the 2D FSLG (νR ) 12.5 kHz) research, e.g., Sakellariou et al. have recently em-
experiment in Figure 6a, and (d) the CT-CRAMPS (νR ) ployed a computer optimization approach to develop
12.5 kHz) experiment in Figure 6b using FSLG decoupling.
(Reproduced with permission from ref 78. Copyright 2001 a new homonuclear decoupling sequence, termed
American Chemical Society.) DUMBO-1,82 and it is to be expected that further
advances will be made in the coming years. Concern-
using a modified version of the 2D method proposed ing polymer chemistry, the point is not far from being
by Vinogradov et al.76; as shown in the pulse sequence reached where the routinely achievable resolution in
and coherence transfer pathway diagram79,80 in Fig- 1H solid-state NMR is limited not by residual dipolar
4132 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brown and Spiess

broadening but rather by the inherent range of signal is amplitude modulated in t1.5,80 Sign discrimi-
chemical shifts associated with a sample, which is nation can be restored in the F1 dimension by the
not perfectly crystalline. TPPI87 or States-TPPI88 method, which for the evolu-
tion of DQC in t1, in both cases, involves incrementing
the phases of all excitation pulses by 45° after
III. Homonuclear 2D Double-Quantum NMR recording each t1 point.
The previous section has been devoted to methods A. The Excitation of Homonuclear DQC
that seek to achieve line narrowing in solid-state 1H
NMR by reducing the homogeneous broadening due In the solid state, the first 1H MQ experiments
to the extended homonuclear proton-proton dipolar were performed on static samples by Baum et al.;47,48
coupling network. Such line narrowing is obviously as mentioned above, these elegant experiments allow
essential to allow the resolution of distinct reso- the determination of the size of spin clusters by
nances. However, this is achieved at the expense of monitoring the time development of MQC, with
the loss of the valuable structural and dynamic average Hamiltonian theory having been used to
information inherent to the dipolar coupling. A specially design the excitation and reconversion
method is, therefore, required which, in addition to sequences. In contrast to the homonuclear decoupling
achieving high resolution, allows the accessing of the methods discussed in the previous section where it
information inherent to the dipolar coupling. One was necessary to ensure that the dipolar terms in the
such method is two-dimensional 1H-1H DQ MAS average Hamiltonian vanish, in this case the aim is
spectroscopy,34,83 with the key to the DQ approach the generation of a DQ Hamiltonian, HXX - HYY. In
lying in the fact that the creation of a DQ coherence a MQ experiment, it is not enough to simply excite
(DQC) relies on the existence of a dipolar coupling the MQC, attention must be paid to the careful
between two protons. reconversion of the MQC back to the initial state,
In solution-state NMR, many important experi- usually longitudinal magnetization, from which di-
ments incorporate the creation and evolution of MQ rectly observable transverse magnetization can be
coherence (MQC).5,6,84-86 Since MQC cannot be di- created by a single 90° rf pulse. For the spin-counting
rectly detected, experiments that follow the evolution experiments due to Baum et al.,47,48 a reconversion
of a MQC are inherently at least two-dimensional. sequence which is the apparent time reversal of that
This is the case with 1H-1H DQ MAS spectroscopy. used for excitation was employed, such that the
Figure 7 shows a corresponding pulse sequence and destructive interference of the many MQCs is pre-
coherence transfer pathway diagram: first, a DQC vented.
is excited, which subsequently evolves during an For the excitation of DQC under MAS, the interfer-
incremented time period t1; the DQC is then con- ence with the sample rotation must be considered,
verted into observable single-quantum (SQ) coher- as was the case for the CRAMPS experiment dis-
ence (SQC), which is detected in the acquisition cussed in the previous section. In particular, if a
period, t2. To select the desired coherence transfer sequence designed for a static MQ experiment is used
pathways, e.g., only DQC during t1, a phase cycling without modification, the excitation (and reconver-
scheme is employed.79,80 Pure absorption-mode two- sion) time is limited to τR/2, since the rotor modula-
dimensional line shapes are ensured by the selection tion causes the action of the pulse sequence in the
of symmetric pathways such that the time-domain second half of the rotor period to be the time reversal
of that which occurred in the first half of the rotor
period. Starting with the suggestion of Meier and
Earl,89,90 who simply proposed the phase switching
of the static sequences used by Baum et al.,47,48 every
half rotor period to prevent the process of self-time-
reversal, many different approaches have been pre-
sented that allow excitation (and reconversion) times
of one or more rotor periods. Such pulse sequences
that counteract the effect of MAS are referred to as
recoupling methods,11,12 examples that have been
used in homonuclear DQ MAS NMR spectroscopy
include BABA,91 C7,92 DRAMA,93 DRAWS,94 and
HORROR.95 We note that Levitt and co-workers have
recently introduced a very helpful classification
Figure 7. Pulse sequence and coherence transfer pathway
system, based on symmetry principles, which covers
diagram for a 1H DQ MAS experiment using the BABA such sequences.96,97
recoupling sequence for the excitation and reconversion of Much of the considerable effort that has been
DQCs. The rectangular blocks represent pulses of flip angle devoted to the optimization of recoupling sequences
90°, with the choice of the phases being described in, e.g., for the excitation and reconversion of homonuclear
ref 25. If the t1 increment is set equal to a rotor period, a
rotor-synchronized two-dimensional spectrum is obtained,
DQC has been motivated by the desire to probe weak
while reducing t1, and hence increasing the DQ spectral dipolar couplings, e.g., between two specific 13C
width, leads to the observation of a DQ MAS spinning- labels. For 1H DQ MAS NMR of rigid solids, where
sideband pattern. the dipolar couplings under consideration are usually
NMR for Elucidation of Structure and Dynamics Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4133

quite large, the demands imposed on the recoupling spin pair, it can be shown that the efficiency of DQC
sequence are less severe. Moreover, to enable a νR of excitation is directly proportional to the dipolar
30+ kHz to be used to obtain a sufficient line coupling constant, D.83,99 (In this respect, a short
narrowing, it is important that the method is robust. recoupling time, τrcpl, corresponds to the case where
In this respect, in our laboratory, we find that the sin(Dτrcpl) ) Dτrcpl). Since the reconversion to SQC
BABA sequence, although it does not deliver the efficiency has the same dependence, the integrated
maximum amount of DQC, is a good candidate. As intensity of the DQ peaks due to a given DQC, in this
shown in Figure 7, BABA, which derives its name limiting case, is proportional to D2. The inverse cubed
from the presence of back-to-back pulses, consists of dependence of D on the internuclear distance, r,
segments of duration half a rotor period, where an between the two nuclei means that the DQ peak
evolution period is bracketed by two 90° pulses, with intensity is inversely proportional to r6. Therefore,
the phases of the pulses in adjacent segments being by a simple inspection of which peaks are present in
shifted by 90°. This shifting of the phases achieves a a rotor-synchronized 1H DQ MAS spectrum, and,
negation of the spin-part of the DQ Hamiltonian, often more importantly, which are absent, much
which exactly compensates the negation of the spatial insight is obtained into proton-proton proximities.
part caused by MAS. Modified two- and four-τR For example, in Figure 8a, only two of the six possible
versions of the BABA sequence have also been types of DQ peaks (see Figure 8b) are observed, which
presented, which provide compensation with respect is consistent with the structural arrangement shown
to offset and pulse imperfections.98 A fuller account in Figure 8c. (As discussed in section VIIB, in this
of the operation of BABA and other recoupling particular case, the inequivalence of the aromatic
sequences is found in, e.g., refs 67 and 83. protons A, B, and C is a consequence of intermolecu-
lar ring current effects.) The reliability of such a
B. Rotor-Synchronized 2D DQ MAS Spectra semiquantitative approach has been clearly demon-
strated for cases where an X-ray single-crystal struc-
The two-dimensional DQ MAS experiment can be ture is available to corroborate the proton-proton
performed in two distinct ways. We consider first proximity information provided by 1H DQ MAS
spectra recorded in a rotor-synchronized fashion in spectra.21,24,29 It should be noted that an advantage
t1, i.e., the t1 increment is set equal to one rotor of the DQ approach over a spin diffusion experi-
period, τR. In this way, all spinning sidebands in F1 ment9,100 in which a mixing time is inserted between
can be considered to fold back onto the centerband two SQ evolution periods is that an auto (i.e., AA)
position. The appearance of a rotor-synchronized 2D peak is only observed if there is a close proximity of
1 two protons; in the spin diffusion experiment, strong
H DQ MAS spectrum is illustrated in Figure 8. Since
the DQ frequency corresponding to a given DQC is auto peaks are seen for all resonances regardless of
simply the sum of the two SQ frequencies, DQCs whether there is a close proximity.
between like (AA) and unlike (AB) spins can, in Later in this review, examples will be presented
general, be distinguished in that, in the former case, where rotor-synchronized 1H DQ MAS spectra pro-
a single peak at (2νA, νA) is observed, while, in the vide both structural and dynamic insight. The method
latter case, two peaks at (νA + νB, νA) and (νA + νB, is, however, not restricted to 1H NMR, for example,
31P-31P DQ MAS spectra of inorganic phosphates and
νB) are observed. [The notation (ν1, ν2) refers to a DQ
peak centered at ν1 and ν2 in the F1 and F2 dimen- glasses have also been presented.101-105 In addition,
sions, respectively.] Nielsen et al. have presented a 13C-13C DQ MAS
To a first approximation, which is fully valid in the experiment,106 using which C-C connectivities of the
limit of short recoupling times and for an isolated alkyl backbone can be established, thus, allowing the

Figure 8. (a) A representative rotor-synchronized 1H DQ MAS spectrum. (b) A schematic representation showing the
positions of the six possible DQ peaks; the observed AB and CC peaks (filled circles) imply the proton-proton proximities
indicated in (c). As discussed in section VIIB, in this particular case, the inequivalence of the aromatic protons A, B, and
C is a consequence of intermolecular ring current effects. (Reproduced with permission from ref 24. Copyright 2000 Elsevier.)
4134 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brown and Spiess

assignment of the 13C resonances.87,96 In ref 107,

Hong refers to the technique as the INADEQUATE
experiment, which reflects the fact that the original
solution-state INADEQUATE experiment due to Bax
et al. creates DQC between two J-coupled nuclei.108
However, an important difference between the dipolar-
mediated solid-state DQ MAS experiment and the
INADEQUATE experiment is that, in the latter, the
use of isotropic J couplings for the creation of DQC
means that auto peaks between spins with the same
chemical shift are not observed. With regard to the
information provided about through-space proximi-
ties, the DQ MAS experiment is, in fact, more similar
to the solution-state NOESY experiment, the latter
being heavily exploited in the structural elucidation
of biopolymers.109 Indeed, it is important to add that
Emsley and co-workers have recently shown that the
INADEQUATE experiment can be applied under
MAS to rigid solids, with the resulting 2D spectrum
identifying J-coupled, and hence only through-bond,
Finally, we note that Schmidt-Rohr and co-workers
have elegantly demonstrated that 2D 13C-13C DQ
spectra recorded for static samples can identify the
chain conformation statistics for 13C-labeled polymer
samples.112 Remembering that the frequency of a Figure 9. Simulated homonuclear DQ MAS spinning-
sideband patterns generated in the time domain using eq
given 13C resonance depends on the orientation of the 6, with the powder average being performed numerically,
CSA tensor, the method relies on the fact that the for different values of the product of D and τrcpl.
adoption of a particular torsional angle along the
chain results in DQ peaks for only specific pairs of mechanism has subsequently been termed reconver-
13C frequencies. In particular, it was shown that
sion rotor encoding (RRE).113
trans and gauche conformations lead to very different For an isolated spin pair and using NτR of the
2D DQ powder spectra, and it was thus possible to BABA recoupling method for both the excitation and
quantitatively determine the conformation statistics reconversion of DQCs, the DQ time-domain signal is
for a sample of amorphous poly(ethylene terephtha- given by:99
late) (PET).
s(t1, t2 ) 0) )
C. 1H-1H DQ MAS Spinning-Sideband Patterns 〈sin[3/(πx2)D sin(2β) cos(γ + 2πνRt1) NτR] ×
Rotor-synchronized 1H DQ MAS spectra can only sin[3/(πx2)D sin(2β) cos(γ)NτR]〉 (6)
deliver information about relative proton-proton
proximities (except for cases where the DQ peak(s) where β and γ are Euler angles relating the principal
due to a known internal or external standard are well axes system of the dipolar-coupling tensor to the
resolved).83 The DQ MAS experiment (see Figure 7) rotor-fixed reference frame; the 〈 〉 brackets denote a
can, however, be performed in an alternative fash- powder average. Simulated DQ MAS spinning-side-
ion: if the t1 increment is reduced, which corresponds band patterns generated in the time domain using
to an increase in the DQ spectral width, a DQ MAS eq 6, with the powder average being performed
spinning-sideband pattern is observed35,36 (provided numerically, for different values of the product of D
that a recoupling sequence which has an amplitude and τrcpl are shown in Figure 9. A particularly striking
dependence on the rotor phase, e.g., BABA91 or feature is that only odd-order spinning sidebands are
DRAMA93, is used). observed; there is no intensity at the centerband and
The origin of such patterns is of interest, since for even-order sideband positions. In addition, the ob-
an isolated spin pair there is no anisotropic evolution served patterns are very sensitive to the product of
of the DQCs during t1 (the neglecting of the 1H CSA D and τrcpl, with an increase in this product leading
implicit to this statement will be discussed later). to the appearance of higher-order spinning sidebands.
Thus, DQ spinning sidebands cannot arise by the Importantly, since τrcpl is known, the absolute value
normal single-quantum mechanism, whereby the of D can be extracted to a high degree of accuracy by
observed sideband pattern can be considered to map an analysis of DQ MAS spinning-sideband patterns;
out the anisotropy of the spin interaction which is in this way, as will be illustrated later, proton-
active during the evolution period. Instead, it has proton distances as well as dynamic processes can
been shown that the origin of such spinning side- be quantitatively determined.
bands lies in the t1-dependent change in the Hamil- In organic solids, protons rarely exist as well-
tonian active during the reconversion period relative isolated spin pairs. An important question that must
to that active during the excitation of DQC.35,36 This then be asked is, what is the effect upon the observed
NMR for Elucidation of Structure and Dynamics Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4135
1H DQ MAS spinning-sideband patterns of dipolar system. Comparing the isolated spin-pair analytical
couplings to protons external to the spin pair under spectra (Figure 10d,e) to the two sideband patterns
consideration. To answer this question, consider a in Figure 10c, it is apparent that, while the patterns
model isosceles triangle three-spin system, where the for the DQC with the weaker dipolar coupling con-
distances between spins A & B, A & C, and B & C stant are quite different, i.e., the third-order side-
are 0.198, 0.238, and 0.238 nm, respectively, corre- bands are much higher for the three-spin system, the
sponding to (D/2π)s of 15.5, 8.9, and 8.9 kHz. Spins pattern for the dominant coupling in the three-spin
A and B, which participate in the strongest dipolar system is only slightly different from that for the
coupling, are on resonance, while spin C is 4 kHz off isolated spin pair. It is also important to note that
resonance, such that the sideband patterns due to the odd-order sideband pattern is virtually un-
the distinct DQCs can be resolved. Using these changed on doubling the MAS frequency from 30 to
parameters, three-spin explicit density matrix simu- 60 kHz; the only change is the loss of the slight
lations were performed, further assuming that all asymmetry in the first-order sidebands due to the
radio frequency pulses are infinitely short. perturbing coupling in Figure 10c. Therefore, a MAS
In Figure 10 a-c, 1H DQ MAS spinning-sideband frequency of 30 kHz suffices, as far as the determi-
patterns for uncompensated BABA recoupling se- nation of the limiting 1H DQ MAS sideband pattern
quences of duration one, two, and four rotor periods is concerned; a higher MAS frequency, though, would
at MAS frequencies of 15, 30, and 60 kHz in panels lead to better resolution, provided that the line
a, b, and c, respectively, are presented. The side- broadening is due to residual dipolar couplings rather
band patterns are detected at spin B; in this way, than an inherent distribution of chemical shifts.
for each sideband order, the left- and right-hand To repeat the main conclusion, which can be
peaks correspond to DQCs between spins B & C and reached from a consideration of the simulated DQ
A & B, respectively. The same line broadening (2 MAS spinning-sideband patterns in Figure 10, it is
kHz) was applied in each case, and the narrowing of possible, for a multispin system, to determine the
the lines is a consequence of the fact that the dominant DIS, and hence the shortest proton-proton
displayed spectral width (in kHz) doubles on going distance, to a high degree of accuracy, while the
from (a) to (b), and from (b) to (c). Some phase uncertainty associated with the determination of the
distortions are observed for the sidebands due to the weaker perturbing dipolar couplings is much greater.
BC DQC on account of the off-resonance exci- This observation is in agreement with the findings
tation. For comparison, Figure 10d,e presents spectra of Hodgkinson and Emsley, who concluded that the
generated for a BABA recoupling sequence of dura- measurements of medium- to long-range C-C dis-
tion two rotor periods at a MAS frequency of 30 kHz tances in fully labeled 13C systems, i.e., the determi-
using the analytical time-domain formula for an nation of a small perturbing D in the presence of a
isolated spin pair in eq 6, with (D/2π)s of (d) 8.9 and dominant D between two directly bonded 13C nuclei,
(e) 15.5 kHz, i.e., corresponding to the perturbing using homonuclear recoupling methods is prone to
(BC) and dominant (AB) couplings in the model large errors.114 However, unlike this 13C case, where
system. the C-C bond distance is usually not of interest, the
For the three-spin simulation at a MAS frequency determination of the closest proton-proton distance
of 15 kHz (Figure 10a), significant intensity at the is often of much importance; an example concerning
centerband and even-order spinning-sideband posi- a complex hydrogen-bonded arrangement will be
tions is observed. The presence of these peaks arises described later.
from the evolution during t1 of a DQC, due to a In the above discussion, the CSA has been ne-
particular two spins, under dipolar couplings to other glected. However, at a 1H Larmor frequency of 700
spins; this mechanism, by means of which spinning MHz, the CSA anisotropy parameter for hydrogen-
sidebands are, in fact, most commonly generated, bonded protons is nonnegligible, being approximately
may be termed evolution rotor modulation.113 On 10 kHz. Indeed, Tekeley et al. have shown that the
increasing the MAS frequency from 15 to 30 to 60 CSA is responsible for distortions in the 1H (300.1
kHz, the intensity of the centerband and even-order MHz) DQ MAS spinning-sideband spectra obtained
spinning-sideband peaks is observed to decrease. for barium chlorate monohydrate, BaClO3‚H2O, with
During t1, no recoupling pulse sequence is applied, an excitation time of τR/2.115 However, these distor-
and the averaging of the dipolar couplings to zero tions manifest themselves mostly only in terms of a
becomes ever more efficient upon increasing the MAS marked asymmetry of the lower-order sideband
frequency, such that there is a virtual absence of intensities, with the ratios of the average sideband
centerband and even-order sideband intensity in intensities (e.g., first:third) being virtually un-
Figure 10c. changed. Furthermore, De Paul et al. have shown
During the excitation and reconversion of DQCs, that including the CSA has only a minor effect on
the BABA recoupling sequence is applied, which acts sideband patterns simulated for related rotor-
against the averaging to zero of the dipolar couplings encoded longitudinal magnetization (RELM) experi-
by MAS. Since the origin of the RRE mechanism is ments, which also use BABA recoupling.116 Thus,
the t1-dependent change in the Hamiltonian active unless a very high degree of accuracy is required, the
during the DQ reconversion period relative to the CSA can be safely neglected in an analysis of 1H DQ
excitation period,113 it is to be expected that the MAS spinning-sideband patterns. However, for cases
observed odd-order sideband pattern is dependent on where the CSA is significantly bigger than the dipolar
the perturbing dipolar couplings in a multispin coupling, the situation is very different, e.g., as shown
4136 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brown and Spiess

Figure 10. (a-c) Simulated 1H DQ MAS spinning-sideband patterns for an isosceles triangle arrangement of three spins,
where the (D/2π)s for spins A & B, A & C, and B & C are 15.5, 8.9, and 8.9 kHz (corresponding to distances of 0.198, 0.238,
and 0.238 nm), respectively. Spins A & B are on resonance, while spin C is 4 kHz off resonance. The sideband patterns are
detected at spin B; in this way, for each sideband order, the left- and right-hand peaks correspond to DQCs between spins
B & C and A & B, respectively. Numerical density matrix simulations, assuming infinitely short radio frequency pulses,
were performed for uncompensated BABA recoupling sequences of duration one, two, and four rotor periods at MAS
frequencies of 15, 30, and 60 kHz in (a), (b), and (c), respectively. (d) and (e) Spectra generated using the analytical time-
domain formula for an isolated spin pair, eq 6, with (D/2π)s of (d) 8.9 and (e) 15.5 kHz, for a BABA recoupling sequence
of duration two rotor periods at a MAS frequency of 30 kHz. The same Gaussian line-broadening was applied for all spectra.
(Reproduced with permission from ref 30. Copyright 2001 American Chemical Society.)

by De Paul et al., 31P DQ MAS spinning-sideband Gregory et al. were able to determine the relative
patterns are dominated by the CSA, such that it is orientation of 13C CSA tensors from an analysis of
13C DQ MAS spinning-sideband patterns obtained
not possible to extract information about phosphorus-
phosphorus proximities.116 In addition, we note that using the DRAWS recoupling method.117
NMR for Elucidation of Structure and Dynamics Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4137

IV. Heteronuclear 2D NMR Methods

A. Heteronuclear Correlation Spectroscopy
When analyzing a new sample, after obtaining a
rotor-synchronized 1H DQ MAS spectrum, which
typically only takes 1 h to record on account of the
excellent sensitivity of 1H NMR, one of the most
important next steps is to acquire a 1H-13C hetero-
nuclear correlation (HETCOR) spectrum. Such ex-
periments allow the better resolution and assignment
of the 1H resonances, by taking advantage of, first,
the much greater resolution in the 13C dimension on
account of the larger chemical shift range and inher-
ently narrower line widths, and, second, the com-
parative insensitivity of 13C chemical shifts to through- Figure 11. Pulse sequence and coherence transfer path-
space influences. The enhanced sensitivity does come way diagram for the FSLG-decoupled CP HETCOR experi-
ment, as presented in ref 31.
at a price, namely, the poorer sensitivity of 13C NMR,
especially at natural abundance. Nevertheless, three
different methods have recently been presented, with
which 1H-13C HETCOR spectra can be obtained in
typically 8-12 h with 10-20 mg of sample at natural
It should be emphasized that solid-state HETCOR
spectroscopy is not new: as early as 1982, Caravatti
et al. presented an experiment that employed a
multiple-pulse sequence at a low νR (as in the
conventional CRAMPS approach) to achieve homo-
nuclear decoupling in t1.118,119 The use of this ap-
proach to obtain HETCOR spectra of range of organic
solids including isotactic polypropylene and lignite,120
as well as to investigate hydrogen bonding in amino
acids and peptides121 has been described. Moreover, Figure 12. Pulse sequence and coherence transfer path-
the CP-WISE (wide-line separation) technique which way diagram for the MAS-J-HMQC experiment, as pre-
uses the 13C resolution to distinguish different mo- sented in refs 32 and 124.
bilities as identified by the 1H line width has gained
popularity in polymer science.9,122 In addition, cor-
relation experiments are, of course, not restricted to
only 13C and 1H; for example, Mirau et al have used
1H-29Si correlation experiments, namely, both an

experiment incorporating 1H homonuclear decoupling

and a WISE experiment, to study the structure and
dynamics of polymers and the water interface in
porous glass composites.123 We note that it is not our
intention to give a full account of the development
of solid-state HETCOR spectroscopy in this review.
Indeed, our focus is on the recently developed meth-
ods, which employ fast or very-fast MAS. In this way,
problems with 13C CSAs, which scale linearly with
the magnetic field strength, are much reduced.
The pulse sequences and coherence transfer path- Figure 13. Pulse sequence and coherence transfer path-
way diagram for the REPT-HSQC heteronuclear (1H-13C)
way diagrams for the 1H-13C HETCOR experiments experiment, which is suitable for recording HETCOR
due to van Rossum et al. (FSLG-decoupled CP spectra. Dark- and light-shaded rectangular blocks repre-
correlation),31 Lesage et al. (MAS-J-HMQC),32,124 and sent rf pulses of flip angle 90° and 180°, respectively. For
Saalwächter et al. (REPT-HSQC)33,125 are shown in more details, see ref 125.
Figures 11, 12, and 13, respectively. The methods
differ, first, in the means by which coherence transfer isotropic through-bond J coupling. Moreover, while
is achieved. The first and last approaches both make the methods in Figures 11 and 12 use a homonuclear
use of the heteronuclear dipolar couplings, although dipolar coupling scheme, namely, FSLG, at a moder-
the use of REDOR recoupling13-15 allows a more ate νR, to achieve narrow 1H line widths, the method
controlled transfersthe method is termed recoupled due to Saalwächter et al. simply makes use of brute-
polarization transfer (REPT)sin the latter case as force very-fast MAS. As noted in section IIB, a
compared to the ramped CP126 step employed by Van homonuclear decoupling method causes a scaling of
Rossum et al. By comparison, the method in Figure the isotropic chemical shift scale, which must be
12 developed by Emsley and co-workers utilizes the corrected for. For FSLG decoupling, the theoretical
4138 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brown and Spiess

Figure 14. A comparison of three HETCOR spectra of naturally abundant L-tyrosine‚HCl recorded under as far as possible
equivalent conditions using (a) the FSLG-decoupled CP (Figure 11), (b) the MAS-J-HMQC (Figure 12), and (c) the REPT-
HSQC (Figure 13) experiments. Above each spectrum, the 13C skyline projection as well as the Fourier transformation of
the first slice (t1 ) 0) of the 2D data set is shown, while below each spectrum the 1H skyline projections are shown. The
spectra were recorded at a 1H Larmor frequency of 500 MHz; the improvement in resolution at a Larmor frequency of 700
MHz for the REPT-HSQC experiment is shown as a dashed line. (Reproduced with permission from ref 125. Copyright
2001 Academic Press.)

scaling factor is 1/x3 ) 0.58, although, experimen- 13) experiments are presented in Figure 14panels a,
tally the precise scaling factor must be calibrated. b, and c, respectively. The 1H line widths (fwhmh)
The experiments also differ with respect to the type for the FSLG-decoupled spectra are approximately
of coherence that evolves during t1: in Figure 11, 1 ppm as compared to over 3 ppm for the REPT-
normal 1H transverse magnetization is present, while HSQC experiment (this does reduce to about 2 ppm
in the other two cases, heteronuclear spin modes are at a 1H Larmor frequency of 700 MHz). Moreover,
created, namely, heteronuclear MQC and hetero- Lesage and Emsley have recently shown that a
nuclear SQC for the techniques in Figures 12 and fwhmh of only 150 Hz (0.3 ppm) can be obtained in
13, respectively. The analogy to the well-known a HETCOR spectrum of a sample of L-alanine re-
solution-state heteronuclear single-quantum correla- corded at a 1H Larmor frequency of 500 MHz using
tion (HSQC)127 and heteronuclear multiple-quantum a MAS-J-HSQC experiment.131 In this respect, the
correlation (HMQC)128 experiments (dilute-spin, e.g., experiments with homonuclear 1H decoupling are
13C, detected) is to be noted. We will return to the superior. However, in using only very-fast MAS, it
differences between the heteronuclear spin modes has been argued that the REPT-HSQC experiment
later. In all experiments, TPPM 1H decoupling129 is is more robust.
applied during 13C acquisition; the better perfor- The principal motivation in recording a 1H-13C
mance of TPPM over conventional continuous wave HETCOR experiment is the determination and iden-
decoupling under fast MAS has been explained tification of the 1H chemical shifts of the protons
recently in terms of the requirement to reintroduce bound to particular carbons. For the relatively small
the homonuclear 1H dipolar network to suppress the organic molecules of relevance in modern polymer
broadening due to the cross term between the het- chemistry, most of the 13C chemical shifts can usually
eronuclear dipolar coupling and the 1H CSA.97,130 be assigned by reference to the solution-state spec-
1H-13C HETCOR spectra obtained for a sample of trum. (This is, of course, to be contrasted with the
L-tyrosine‚HCl at a 1H Larmor frequency of 500 MHz larger systems of importance in biology. A discussion
using the FSLG-decoupled CP (Figure 11), the MAS- of the various assignment approaches available for
J-HMQC (Figure 12), and the REPT-HSQC (Figure such systems, e.g., the 13C-13C correlation experi-
NMR for Elucidation of Structure and Dynamics Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4139

ments discussed at the end of section IIIB, is beyond have shown that fast MAS alone at a νR of at least
the scope of this review.) For correlation methods 12 kHz provides sufficient proton dipolar decoupling
based on the dipolar coupling, it is necessary to such that relatively reliable 1H-13C dipolar couplings
ensure that the observed peaks are then not due to can be extracted. Very-fast MAS should be avoided
close through-space proximities. In this respect, the since the higher-order spinning sidebands become too
REPT method is better than CP, although it is to be weak to allow a reliable fitting.39
noted that van Rossum et al. have recently presented Alternatively, in a modification of the original SLF
a HETCOR experiment employing LG-CP (see dis- method, Hohwy et al. have presented a sophisticated
cussion in the following subsection).40 This problem experiment in which a pulse sequence is applied
is obviously avoided by utilizing through-bond J during t1 which actively recouples the weak hetero-
couplings. It could be expected that the necessity for nuclear dipolar coupling while decoupling the homo-
relatively long excitation periods on account of the nuclear 1H-1H dipolar coupling.38 Instead of giving a
small size of the J couplings would cause significant spinning-sideband pattern, a powder line shape is
sensitivity losses. However, for the examples pre- obtained in the indirect dimension. It is shown that
sented, the observed signal-to-noise is impressive; for this experimental approach allows the accurate de-
example, the successful recording of a 1H-15N MAS- termination of both N-H distances as well as the
J-HMQC spectrum with 15N at natural abundance H-N-H bond angle in a NH2 group. Another state-
has even been presented.124 Finally, we note that the of-the-art method that has recently been proposed
existence of methods based on both dipolar and J involves performing CP from 1H to 13C with the rf
couplings opens up the possibility for distinguishing pulse on the 1H channel fulfilling the Lee-Goldburg
through-bond connectivities and through-space prox- condition discussed earlier.40 The suppression of the
imities on a medium- to long-range, such that insight homonuclear 1H dipolar couplings means that a LG-
into intermolecular packing arrangements is pro- CP signal builds up in an oscillatory manner, reflect-
vided. In this way, the two approaches are compli- ing coherent heteronuclear transfer. The Fourier
mentary in a similar way to the case of the COSY transformation of such build-up curves yields powder
and NOESY5,6 solution-state NMR experiments. spectra with marked singularities from the separa-
tion of which the heteronuclear dipolar coupling can
B. The Quantitative Determination of be determined.
Heteronuclear Dipolar Couplings In direct analogy to the homonuclear DQ MAS
experiment, if the t1 increment in the REPT pulse
A major advantage of solid-state NMR is that sequences is not set equal to τR, a spinning-sideband
localized molecular motions can be quantitatively pattern rotor-encoded by the heteronuclear dipolar
probed by the measurement of site-specific anisotro- coupling is obtained.33,37,125 In Figures 13 and 16, two
pic NMR coupling parameters.9,132 In particular, the alternative implementations of the REPT experiment
determination of the 1H-13C dipolar coupling for are presented, which can be seen to differ as to where,
directly bonded C-H pairs can provide much insight with respect to t1, the second and third 90° pulses
into, e.g., aromatic ring flips. The development of are applied. In both cases, the evolution of transverse
very-fast MAS and new homonuclear 1H decoupling 1H magnetization, -I , under the heteronuclear di-
methods has led to a recent resurgence of interest in polar coupling gives at the end of the first REDOR
methods seeking to probe dynamics by the determi- recoupling period a heteronuclear SQC, 2IxSz. In the
nation of heteronuclear one-bond dipolar couplings. REPT-HSQC experiment in Figure 13, there are no
Figure 15 presents the pulse sequence for a general pulses before the start of the t1 period; as illustrated
separated local field (SLF) experiment.133-136 The in the previous subsection, this variant is suitable
basic principle of the SLF technique is that a spin- for a HETCOR experiment, since only 1H transverse
ning-sideband pattern, from which the heteronuclear magnetization evolves during t1.
dipolar coupling can be extracted, is obtained in the
indirect dimension for each resolved resonance in the
direct dimension, i.e., the dipolar interaction is
separated from the chemical shift interaction. In the
original SLF papers, a homonuclear decoupling
method is applied in t1, but recently McElheny et al.

Figure 16. Pulse sequence and coherence transfer path-

way diagram for the REPT-HDOR heteronuclear (1H-13C)
experiment, which is suitable for recording rotor-encoded
spinning-sideband patterns. Dark- and light-shaded rec-
Figure 15. Pulse sequence for a conventional separated tangular blocks represent rf pulses of flip angle 90° and
local field (SLF) heteronuclear experiment. 180°, respectively. For more details, see ref 125.
4140 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brown and Spiess

In Figure 16, a 1H 90° pulse is applied before t1 to sections are all designed for application to powdered
give a state of heteronuclear dipolar order, 2IzSz, samples, i.e., there is no requirement for a single
which does not evolve under either the 1H or 13C crystal. The ability of solid-state NMR to provide
chemical shift during t1. This experiment is suitable structural information about partially ordered samples
for recording rotor-encoded spinning-sideband pat- will be demonstrated in this section. In this respect,
terns without any distortions from chemical shift we note that the analysis of solid-state NMR spectra
evolution. It is referred to as REPT-HDOR (hetero- obtained for samples where it was not possible to
nuclear dipolar order rotor encoding). In most cases, prepare a single crystal suitable for X-ray diffraction
the loss of chemical shift information in the 1H is greatly aided by the existence of X-ray or neutron
dimension is not a problem. An advantage of the single-crystal structures of related systems.
REPT-HDOR approach is that it is only necessary Solid-state NMR is also not redundant for the case
to record the t1 signal for one τR; the acquired signal where it is possible to prepare a single-crystal suit-
can then be catenated and multiplied by a weighting able for an X-ray analysis, since structure determi-
function to introduce an artificial line broadening nation by single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods,
before Fourier transformation. The heteronuclear being based on the diffraction of X-rays by electrons,
REPT spinning-sideband patterns for a heteronuclear is not well suited to the localization of lighter atoms.
spin pair are identical to those shown in Figure 9 for This is of particular relevance with regard to the
DQ MAS of a homonuclear spin pair except for a localization of hydrogen-bonded protons, in which
factor of 1.5 which reflects the difference in the case a neutron diffraction study is to be preferred.138
homonuclear and heteronuclear dipolar Hamilto- It should be noted, though, that neutron diffraction
nians. is not the perfect solution: as well as the requirement
If a 13C 90° pulse is applied before t1 a hetero- for both larger crystals and very expensive facilities,
nuclear MQC, 2IxSx, is obtained. Indeed, this REPT- the investigation of protons is complicated by their
HMQC experiment is described in the original pa- large incoherent cross section, such that deuteration,
per.33 The disadvantage in this case is that, to record which may cause a change in the hydrogen-bonding
a HETCOR experiment, a 180° pulse must be applied arrangement, is often required. Thus, solid-state
in the center of t1 to refocus the 13C chemical shift NMR methods that can provide interproton and
evolution. Note the presence of such a pulse in the proton-heteroatom distance constraints, by means
MAS-J-HMQC experiment in Figure 12. The inclu- of which the localization of the important protons in
sion of this 180° pulse leads to a timing problem;125 the single-crystal structure can be refined, are of
however, Lesage and Emsley have recently shown much value.
that the insertion of a 180° pulse in the center of t1 In addition, solid-state NMR is well-suited to an
leads to a better resolution in a HSQC experiment investigation of polymorphism. In this respect, it is
on account of the refocusing of the heteronuclear J to be remembered that, when selecting single crystals
and residual dipolar couplings.131 Finally, it should suitable for a diffraction study, it could happen that
be mentioned that a related set of experiments, minor crystalline forms, which may less readily form
termed dipolar heteronuclear multiple-spin correla- single crystals, are missed. For example, using a
tion (DIP-HMSC), have recently be described, which modified version139,140 of the magic-angle turning
also incorporate REDOR recoupling but begin with (MAT)141 experiment, which allows the separation of
13C transverse magnetization created by a CP step.137 13C CSA tensor spinning-sideband patterns, Harper

and Grant were able to assign the observed 13C

V. Structural Determination by Solid-State NMR resonances to different polymorphic forms of the
terpene verbenol.142 In this case, single crystals
In polymer science, an understanding of the rela- suitable for an X-ray diffraction analysis could only
tionship between microscopic structure and macro- be obtained for the major crystalline form.
scopic properties is essential for an intelligent design To summarize: solid-state NMR should not be
of new improved materials. In this section, we considered as a replacement for the established
present some case studies that illustrate the role scattering methods. Instead, the two methods should
which solid-state NMR can play with regard to the be thought of as being complementary, since they
determination of the microscopic structure. It is first have much to offer each other.
necessary to consider how solid-state NMR relates
to other methods for structural determination, in
particular the established scattering methods. For
VI. Hydrogen-Bonded Systems
solids, for which a single crystal of suitable size can To investigate hydrogen bonding by solid-state
be obtained, the ability of X-ray or neutron diffraction NMR, the obvious nuclei to investigate are either 1H
methods to determine the complete three-dimen- or 2H. Considering 1H NMR, the components of the
sional structure with atomic resolution cannot be 1H CSA tensors of the hydrogen bonded protons in a

matched. number of compounds, in particular carboxylic acids,

The proven power of the single-crystal diffraction have been determined for static single crystals using
techniques does not, however, make solid-state NMR multiple-pulse dipolar decoupling methods. For a
irrelevant. In materials science, most samples do not general hydrogen bond O-H‚‚‚O, a clear correlation
possess long-range translational order, and it is not between the 1H isotropic chemical shift and the
possible to prepare single crystals. Such samples are, hydrogen-bond strength as given by the O‚‚‚H and
however, usually well-ordered on a local scale. The O‚‚‚O distances determined by single-crystal diffrac-
solid-state NMR methods introduced in the previous tion studies has been established.143-145 These studies
NMR for Elucidation of Structure and Dynamics Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4141

also established a corresponding correlation with the

H quadrupolar coupling constant, as determined
from the powder line shapes obtained for deuterated
samples. In this section, we show that the advanced
H solid-state NMR methods available today yield
much structural information about complex hydrogen-
bonding arrangements, without requiring either a
single crystal or isotopic labeling. In particular, the
shifting of hydrogen-bonded resonances well away
from the aliphatic peaks means that solid-state 1H
NMR methods are ideally suited to the investigation
of what is often the most interesting part of the

A. Rotor-Synchronized 1H DQ MAS NMR

As a first example, we show how rotor-synchro-
nized 1H DQ MAS spectra can distinguish between
the solid-state hydrogen-bonded structures adopted
by two different alkyl-substituted benzoxazine dimers
[N,N-bis(3,5-dimethyl-2-hydroxybenzyl) “R” amine,
where “R” ) methyl or ethyl], 1, in the solid state.21

Figure 17. (a) The 1H (500.1 MHz) MAS (νR ) 35 kHz)

spectra of the methyl (solid line) and ethyl (dashed line)
benzoxazine dimers, 1. (b, c) The low-field regions of rotor-
synchronized 1H DQ MAS spectra of (b) the methyl and (c)
the ethyl dimers. (d, e) Schematic representations of the
These dimers are of interest because they serve as proposed arrangement of (d) the methyl dimers into pairs,
model compounds for a new class of phenolic materi- and (e) the ethyl dimers into a chainlike structure. (Adapted
with permission from Figures 1, 5, 6, 8, and 9 of ref 21,
als, the polybenzoxazines, whose synthesis and char- Copyright 1998 American Chemical Society.)
acterization has been described by Ishida and co-
workers.146-149 These polybenzoxazine resins were to protons to the extent that would be necessary to
found to have a number of unusual, but commercially explain a 2 ppm low-field shift of the most low-field
favorable, properties, in particular a near-zero shrink- resonance. Instead, lengthening the N-alkyl chain
age or volumetric expansion upon curing (polymeri- seems to induce a more profound change in the
zation) as well as low water absorption. In addition, arrangement of the hydrogen bonds.
the resins have high glass-transition temperatures Figure 17b,c shows the low-field regions of rotor-
even though they have been shown to have low cross- synchronized 1H 2D DQ MAS NMR spectra recorded
link densities. Explanations for these properties have for the methyl and ethyl dimers, respectively. The
been hypothesised in terms of favorable hydrogen- labels A & B, C, and D refer to the SQ resonances of
bonding interactions.150 the hydrogen-bonded, aromatic, and aliphatic pro-
In Figure 17a, the 1D 1H (500.1 MHz) MAS (νR ) tons, respectively. For the methyl dimer, an X-ray
35 kHz) spectra of the methyl (solid line) and ethyl single-crystal structure exists,151 which indicates that
(dashed line) dimers are superimposed. Note that the the dimers form themselves into pairs. This X-ray
spectra demonstrating the resolution enhancement study was, however, not able to locate the positions
effect of increasing the νR in Figure 3 were for this of the vital hydrogen-bonded protons. Figure 17d
ethyl benzoxazine dimer. Of most importance are the presents a schematic representation of a pair of
clear differences between the two spectra in the low- methyl dimers linked by an extended hydrogen-
field region, which corresponds to the hydrogen- bonded arrangement, the latter having been proposed
bonded protons. For the ethyl dimer, in addition to on the basis of molecular modeling results.
the peaks due to the aliphatic and aromatic protons, The validity of the structural model in Figure 17d
two resonances at 13.2 and 8.2 ppm can be identified. is proven by the 1H DQ MAS spectrum in Figure 17b.
By comparison, for the methyl dimer, a single peak First, the observation of two hydrogen-bonded reso-
at 11.2 ppm, together with a shoulder at 7.2 ppm (this nances is explained: A and B correspond to the
peak is better resolved in the 1H 2D DQ MAS O-H‚‚‚N and O-H‚‚‚O protons, respectively (this
spectrum - see below), is observed. The change of a assignment is on the basis of CRAMPS spectra and
single substituent from methyl to ethyl would not be also results subsequently obtained for a 15N labeled
expected to change the affinity of the amine nitrogen sample). Remembering that a DQ peak is only
4142 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brown and Spiess

observed if the two protons have a close through-

space proximity, the observation of a strong AB cross-
peak and the absence of an AA auto peak is consist-
ent with the extended hydrogen-bonded arrangement
in Figure 17d. The presence of a strong CC auto peak
is interesting: for an isolated pair of dimers, there
are no two nearby aromatic protons that are close
enough to explain this observation; rather, the crystal
structure indicates a close approach of aromatic
protons belonging to different pairs of dimers.
Although the 1H DQ MAS spectrum of the ethyl
dimer in Figure 17c is similar to that of the methyl
dimer in Figure 17b, for example, a clear AB cross-
peak between the O-H‚‚‚N and O-H‚‚‚O protons can
be identified, so providing evidence for the same type
of extended N‚‚‚H-O‚‚‚H-O hydrogen-bonded link
in both samples, there exist some profound differ-
ences. The most striking differences between the
methyl- and ethyl-dimer spectra are, while for the
methyl dimer, there is a strong aromatic auto peak
(CC) and only weak intensity corresponding to a DQC
between a O-H‚‚‚N and an aromatic proton (AC), the
situation is reversed for the ethyl dimer. As discussed
above, the strong aromatic auto peak in the methyl Figure 18. (a) A 2D 1H (500.1 MHz) DQ MAS spectrum
dimer is due to the close proximity of two aromatic of an all-silica ZSM-12 zeolite. The spectrum on top is the
protons of two different hydrogen-bonded dimer 1H MAS spectrum. (b) The 1H DQ MAS spinning-sideband

pairs, and the clear difference in the ethyl spectrum pattern for the SQ resonance at 10 ppm, corresponding to
therefore indicates an alternative packing arrange- the hydrogen-bonded protons. (Reproduced with permission
ment. from Figures 4 and 5 of ref 153. Copyright 2000 American
Chemical Society.)
A consideration of the basic structure of the benz-
oxazine dimer reveals that the observation of both
forward interpretation of spectra that typically re-
the strong AC peak and the absence of the CC peak
quire less than 1 h of measuring time. The recording
for the ethyl dimer can be explained if one of the
of 1H DQ MAS spinning sideband patterns usually
aromatic rings is flipped such that instead of pairs
requires a significantly longer measuring time (8-
of hydrogen-bonded dimers there exist hydrogen-
12 h). However, as illustrated by the following
bonded chains as shown in Figure 17e. In addition,
examples, the extra investment is often rewarded by
this alternative packing arrangement gives rise to a
additional important structural information.
close proximity of the O-H‚‚‚O proton and the
N-ethyl chain. The resulting cross-peak between the As noted above, the presence of centerband and
O-H‚‚‚O proton and the ethyl-chain CH2 protons even-order sideband intensity in a 1H DQ MAS
(BD) is, indeed, clearly seen in the DQ MAS spectrum spectrum arises from the evolution during t1 of a
of the ethyl dimer (Figure 17c). DQC, due to a particular two spins, under dipolar
couplings to other spins. In an elegant use of this
A further example of the utility of rotor-synchro-
phenomenon, Shantz et al have shown how the
nized 1H DQ MAS NMR spectra is the investigation
observation of an intense centerband in the 1H DQ
of the change in the quadruple hydrogen-bonding
MAS spinning-sideband pattern for the SQ resonance
arrangement formed by dimers of 2-ureido-4-pyrimi-
at 10 ppmssee Figure 18 sproves that at least three
done units upon a keto to enol tautomerism. 83,152 The
silanol protons are engaged in hydrogen bonding
ability of monomers incorporating two and three of
within the defect sites in an all-silica ZSM-12 zeo-
these units to self-assemble into linear polymers and
reversible networks, respectively, was noted in the
Introduction.2 In an additional related example fo- The simulated spinning-sideband patterns for a
cusing on ionic intermolecular interactions, Rod- model three-spin system presented in Figure 10
riguez et al. have presented 2D rotor-synchronized demonstrated that at a very-fast νR, i.e., 30+ kHz,
H DQ MAS spectra that prove the intimate contact the evolution during t1 of a DQC under perturbing
of the two polymers, poly(sulfonated styrene) (PSS) dipolar couplings to other spins is suppressed, such
and poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDAD- that the intensity of the centerband and even-order
MAC), in both a polyelectrolyte complex and thin self- sidebands is usually weak. In addition, Figure 10
assembled PSS/PDADMAC multilayers on silica col- showed that the effect of a perturbing dipolar cou-
loids.26 pling on the odd-order spinning-sideband pattern
generated by the RRE mechanism for the DQC
corresponding to the dominant D is small, such that
B. 1H DQ MAS NMR Spinning-Sideband Patterns it is possible, for a multispin system, to determine
The rotor-synchronized 1H DQ MAS experiment the dominant D, and hence the shortest proton-
can be considered to be a workhorse method; valuable proton distance, to a high degree of accuracy. As an
semiquantitative insight is provided by the straight- explicit example of this, consider the hydrogen-
NMR for Elucidation of Structure and Dynamics Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4143

bonded arrangement in bilirubin IXR (henceforth

referred to simply as bilirubin), 2.30

Bilirubin is an unsymmetrically substituted tetra-

pyrrole dicarboxylic acid, which is found in the body
as a product of the metabolism of hemoglobin from
red blood cells.154 Bilirubin itself is intrinsically
unexcretable, and its removal from the body requires
it first to be conjugated enzymatically with glucuronic
acid in the liver. An insufficient elimination of the
yellow-orange pigment, bilirubin, results in hyper-
bilirubinemia, which manifests itself as jaundice;
such a condition is usually associated with a patho-
logic liver disease, e.g., hepatitis, or an insufficiency
of the bilirubin glucuronyl transferase enzyme, the
latter being commonly the case in newly born in-
On account of its medical importance, much effort Figure 20. (a) 1H (700.1 MHz) MAS (νR ) 30 kHz) NMR
has been devoted to the investigation of the structure spectrum of bilirubin, 2. (b) The part corresponding to the
of bilirubin. X-ray single-crystal studies have dem- hydrogen-bonded resonances of a rotor-synchronized 1H DQ
onstrated that bilirubin crystallizes in the solid-state MAS NMR spectrum, together with skyline SQ and DQ
with the ridge-tile-shaped conformation illustrated projections, of bilirubin, 2. (Reproduced with permission
from ref 30. Copyright 2001 American Chemical Society.)
in Figure 19: the two halves of the molecule can be
considered to be planar tiles, aligned at an angle of
approximately 100° with respect to each other.156,157 As stated above, the exact localization of protons
The crystal structure indicates that the carboxylic by X-ray scattering is very difficult. Indeed, in the
acid group of one dipyrrinone unit adopts an ideal first X-ray single-crystal study,156 the positions of the
geometry for intramolecular hydrogen bonding with vital hydrogen-bonded protons were very poorly
the lactam and pyrrole moieties of the other di- defined. Furthermore, although Le Bas et al. went
pyrrinone unit. The involvement of the carboxylic to considerable trouble to obtain a single crystal of
acid groups in strong intramolecular hydrogen bond- suitable quality to allow the location of the hydrogen-
ing renders bilirubin effectively insoluble in aqueous bonded protons, they were still forced to artificially
solution. calculate the position of one of the three hydrogen-
bonded protons in each half of the bilirubin mol-
ecule.157 There is, therefore, likely to be a significant
uncertainty in the proton-proton distances derived
from the X-ray structure.
Figure 20a presents the 1D 1H MAS spectrum of
bilirubin, recorded at a 1H Larmor frequency of 700.1
MHz and a MAS frequency of 30 kHz. Three low-
field resonances can clearly be resolved. In Figure
20b, the part of a 2D rotor-synchronized 1H DQ MAS
spectrum corresponding to these hydrogen-bonded
resonances is shown. Only the proton corresponding
to the middle hydrogen-bonded peak at 10.8 ppm can
then be seen to be in close proximity to both the other
two hydrogen-bonded protons. By reference to the
intramolecular hydrogen-bonded arrangement known
from the single-crystal X-ray investigation (see Fig-
Figure 19. The structure adopted by bilirubin, 2, in the
solid state, as determined by an X-ray single-crystal
ure 19), the peak at 10.8 ppm can then be assigned
diffraction study.157 The intramolecular hydrogen-bonding to the lactam NH proton. The solid-state 1H chemical
arrangement is indicated. (Reproduced with permission shifts are very similar to the solution-state values
from ref 30. Copyright 2001 American Chemical Society.) obtained using chloroform as a solvent, where there
4144 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brown and Spiess

Figure 21. (a, c) 1H (700.1 MHz) DQ MAS NMR spinning-sideband patterns obtained for the NH1 hydrogen-bonded
resonances of bilirubin, 2, (see Figure 20b) at a MAS frequency of 30 kHz. BABA recoupling sequences of duration (a) two
or (c) three τR were used for the excitation and reconversion of DQCs. The corresponding best-fit simulated three-spin 1H
DQ MAS spinning-sideband patterns are presented in (b) and (d). (Reproduced with permission from ref 30. Copyright
2001 American Chemical Society.)

is strong evidence that the intramolecular hydrogen- extracted by solid-state NMR to those determined by
bonding arrangement shown in Figure 19 persists. neutron diffraction studies.136,158 The corresponding
On this basis and considering the intensities of the best-fit simulated three-spin spinning-sideband pat-
respective DQ peaks, the SQ resonances at 9.1 and terns are shown in Figure 21b,d. The analysis also
13.9 ppm can be assigned to the pyrrole NH and yields a distance between the lactam NH and car-
carboxylic acid OH protons, respectively. boxylic acid OH protons of 0.230 ( 0.008 nm (corre-
In Figure 21 a and c, 1H (700.1 MHz) DQ MAS sponding to a perturbing D of 9.9 ( 1.0 kHz) and an
spinning-sideband patterns obtained for the lactam H-H-H angle of 122 ( 4°snote that the precision
(at 10.8 ppm) NH resonances of bilirubin, with τrcpl of these values is less than for the case of the shortest
equal to (a) two and (c) three rotor periods at a νR ) proton-proton distance.
30 kHz are shown. In the rotor-synchronized 1H DQ
MAS spectrum in Figure 20b, in addition to the VII. Aromatic π−π Interactions and Ring-Current
intense NH-NH DQ peaks, weaker DQ peaks due Effects
to DQCs involving the OH and aliphatic protons are
observed. An inspection of the spectra in Figure 21 In addition to hydrogen-bonding effects, the 1H
reveals the existence of spinning sidebands due to chemical shift is very sensitive to the ring currents
all these different DQCs; note that the DQ peak for associated with aromatic moieties.159 In comparison
the NH-NH pair is at the second-to-left position. to the solution state, where isotropic molecular
In ref 30, a protocol is presented whereby the tumbling means that such effects are only seen for
dominant D, and hence the shortest proton-proton unusual intramolecular geometries,160 in the solid
distance, can be determined by finding the best fit state, the protons are exposed to the ring currents
simulated three-spin spectra on the basis of a com- due to other nearby through-space aromatic moieties,
parison of the extracted integrated experimental be they intra- or intermolecular. However, it is only
sideband intensities with those in the simulated with the renewed interest in methods offering high
spectra. In this way, the distance between the lactam resolution 1H solid-state spectra that the widespread
and pyrrole NH protons in bilirubin is determined importance of ring current effects in the solid-state
to be 0.186 ( 0.002 nm (corresponding to a dominant is being appreciated. It should be noted that ring
D of 18.5 ( 0.5 kHz), proving an exceptionally close current effects are not restricted to 1H NMRsit will
approach of two protons being noncovalently bonded be shown below that shifts of the order of 1 ppm are
to the same atom. The accuracy is better than what also observed in the 13C dimension. However, the
can be reliably expected from a standard X-ray effects are much more pronounced in 1H NMR on
structural analysis. We note that, at this degree of account of the small chemical shift range and the
accuracy, the different effects of vibrational averaging usual location of the protons in “exposed” parts of the
should be considered, when comparing distances molecule.
NMR for Elucidation of Structure and Dynamics Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4145

Figure 22. A representation of the aggregation shifts, i.e., the difference between the chemical shift in the aggregate
(i.e., the solid state) and in the monomer (i.e., in solution), as determined for the 1H and 13C nuclei in a uniformly 13C
enriched bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) c in intact chlorosomes of Chlorobium tepidum, using 2D 1H-13C and 3D 1H-13C-13C
dipolar correlation spectroscopy at a magnetic field of 14.1 T. Circles correspond to upfield changes upon aggregation with
the size of the circle indicating the magnitude of the change. The different representations in I and II correspond to the
experimental observation of two separate components. (Reproduced with permission from ref 162. Copyright 2001 American
Chemical Society.)

A. Aggregation Shifts hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (henceforth referred to

as HBC-C12), 3.22 Note that, in the following, spectra
Probably the first clear example of the importance
of ring current effects in 1H solid-state NMR was
presented by van Rossum et al.,161 who were able to
determine and assign the 1H and 13C chemical shifts
in a uniformly 13C enriched bacteriochlorophyll (BChl)
c in intact chlorosomes of Chlorobium tepidum, using
2D 1H-13C and 3D 1H-13C-13C dipolar correlation
spectroscopy at a magnetic field of 14.1 T. As shown
in Figure 22, what the authors refer to as “aggrega-
tion shifts”, which are defined as the difference
between the chemical shift in the aggregate (i.e., the
solid state) and in the monomer (i.e., in solution), are
observed for particular 1H and 13C nuclei. Note that
in Figure 22, circles correspond to upfield changes
upon aggregation with the size of the circle indicating
the magnitude of the change. Making the assumption
that these aggregation shifts are predominantly due
are presented for a sample in which the R-carbons of
to the ring currents arising from the aromatic moi-
the alkyl side chains were deuterated (87%), this
eties of nearby through-space molecules, the authors
sample having been synthesized to carry out 2H
proposed a stacking arrangement that ensures over-
NMR. Figure 23a presents 1H (500.1 MHz) MAS
lap between only those aromatic moieties where the
spectra of the solid phase of 3, recorded at a νR of 35
aggregation shifts are observed. Moreover, by com-
kHz. The 6-fold symmetry of the individual molecules
bining the information provided by the NMR spectra
means that only one distinct aromatic proton reso-
with the results of modeling studies and electron
nance is expected, as is indeed found to be the case
microscopy, it was possible to propose a novel 3D
in the solution-state spectrum (not shown). However,
suprastructure, namely, a bilayer tube, for the chlo-
in Figure 23a, three aromatic resonances are clearly
rosome antenna, which is of much interest on account
of its role as a supramolecular light harvesting
In principle, the observed 1H MAS spectrum in Fig-
ure 23a can be ascribed to two different scenarios:
either there exist three different types of HBC
B. Hexabenzocoronone Derivatives crystallographic environment, where the 6-fold sym-
A striking example of the importance of ring- metry of each individual molecule is maintained, with
current effects in solid-state 1H NMR is provided by the three environments then becoming equivalent in
the polycyclic aromatic molecule,163 hexa-n-dodecyl- the LC phase, or there is a reduction of the 6-fold
4146 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brown and Spiess

Figure 23. (a) 1H (500.1 MHz) MAS (νR ) 35 kHz)

spectrum and (b) rotor-synchronized 1H DQ MAS NMR Figure 24. A representation of the proposed stacking of
spectrum, together with skyline SQ and DQ projections, the aromatic cores in HBC-C12, based on the structure of
of HBC-C12, 3. (Reproduced with permission from ref 22. unsubstituted HBC, which is known, from a X-ray single-
Copyright 1999 American Chemical Society.) crystal study,164 to crystallize in the so-called herringbone
pattern. Three HBC-C12 molecules are shown; the mol-
symmetry of each molecule due to the packing ecules above and below the central HBC-C12 molecule are
indicated by dashed and dotted lines, respectively. (Repro-
arrangement in the crystal, leading to inequivalent duced with permission from ref 22. Copyright 1999 Ameri-
aromatic proton sites within each HBC disk. These can Chemical Society.)
scenarios can be distinguished by DQ MAS NMR.
Information about the relative proximities of the nar packing of the aromatic cores as in unsubstituted
three resolved aromatic protons is provided by the HBC, with the presence of the long alkyl chains now
rotor-synchronized 1H DQ MAS 2D spectrum of meaning that the individual columns of aromatic
R-deuterated HBC-C12 in Figure 23b. Here, we focus cores are much more separated from each other.
on the peaks in the bottom left-hand corner of the Figure 24 shows qualitatively how such a stacking
spectrum, due to DQCs involving only aromatic of the HBC cores leads to three different aromatic
protonssthis spectral region is actually that which proton environments. Three aromatic cores are shown;
was shown in Figure 8a. As is evident from the the molecules above and below the central aromatic
molecular structure of HBC-C12, the 12 aromatic core are indicated by dashed and dotted lines, re-
protons are grouped in pairs of “bay protons” with a spectively, with the aromatic protons of the central
H-H distance of approximately 0.20 nm, while the layer highlighted.
closest distance to another aromatic proton is 0.41 The interplanar distance in unsubstituted HBC is
nm. Therefore, the aromatic region of the DQ MAS 0.342 nm,164 and thus the aromatic protons of one
spectrum will be dominated, for the short excitation layer will experience the ring currents of the ex-
period used here, by the dipole-dipole couplings tended π-electron systems of adjacent layers. In
within the three pairs. In Figure 23b, it is apparent HBC-C12, three different aromatic proton environ-
that the extension to a second frequency dimension ments can thus be identified with respect to the
has yielded a significant resolution improvement over degree to which the proton experiences the ring
the one-dimensional spectrum (Figure 23a), and current of the adjacent layers. The unshaded circles
three separate resonances can be clearly distin- represent protons that lie neither above nor below
guished. Strong CC auto and AB cross-peaks are the π orbitals of an adjacent layer, and therefore
observed, which imply the presence of only two types correspond to the least shielded resonance (highest
of pairs of aromatic protons, HA-HB and HC-HC, in a ppm). Fully shaded and hatched circles then repre-
ratio, as determined from the peak intensities, of 2:1. sent protons that lie over or below an inner and outer
For unsubstituted HBC, an X-ray single-crystal part, respectively, of an adjacent ring system; the
study164 showed that the molecules pack in the so- fully shaded protons would be expected to be the most
called herringbone pattern, which optimizes the π-π shielded. Assigning the unshaded, hatched, and fully
interactions between adjacent disks. In ref 22, it was shaded protons to the A, B, and C resonances in
hypothesized that HBC-C12 adopts the same colum- Figure 23b, respectively, the observed presence of
NMR for Elucidation of Structure and Dynamics Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4147

only AB and CC pairs in the ratio 2:1, with the C

resonance having the smallest chemical shift value
(most shielded), is then explained. Thus, it is the
second of the two scenarios, i.e., the reduction of the
6-fold to a 2-fold symmetry for each individual
molecule, identified above which is borne out by
The advances in computing power as well as the
development of methodology means that the use of
quantum chemical calculations of NMR parameters
in the interpretation of experimental results is
becoming ever more popular.165-167 As an example of
the utility of such a combined experimental and
theoretical approach, it has recently been shown that
the ab initio calculation of 1H chemical shifts for
model HBC oligomers allows the quantitative assign-
ment of the experimental observation of three aro-
matic resonances in HBC-C12 (see Figure 23) to a
specific packing arrangement, with the qualitative
hypothesis of the adoption of the structure of unsub-
stituted HBC (see Figure 24) being proved.168 More-
over, these calculations showed that the ring currents
effects are quite long-range, with an aromatic ring
still exerting an influence at a distance of 0.7 nm,
i.e., the next nearest HBC neighbor must be consid-
ered. We note that the further use of rotor-synchro-
nized 1H DQ MAS spectroscopy and ab initio quan-
tum chemical calculations to investigate two other
HBC derivatives is described in refs 24 and 169.

C. A Molecular Tweezer Host−Guest Complex

As the final example in this section, we show how
Figure 25. (a) Rotor-synchronized 1H(700.1 MHz) DQ
an investigation of the changes in 1H chemical shifts MAS NMR spectrum, together with skyline projections, of
caused by aromatic ring currents provides insight 4@5. (b) The aromatic region of a 1H-13C REPT-HSQC NMR
into the nature of the supramolecular host-guest correlation spectrum, together with sum projections, of
complex, [email protected] The receptor 4 belongs to a family 4@5. Both spectra were recorded under MAS at 30 kHz.
The recoupling time equalled one rotor period, such that
predominantly only one-bond correlations are selected. The
notations 4ar and 4al refer to host aromatic and alkyl
protons, respectively, while 5a and 5b refer to the two
distinct guest aromatic protons. (Reproduced with permis-
sion from ref 29. Copyright 2001 Wiley.)

relative to that observed for 5 alone. A solid-state

investigation has the advantage that the guest
remains complexed on the time scale of the NMR
experiment, and thus the structure and dynamics of
the host-guest complex can be probed directly. It
should be noted that an X-ray single-crystal structure
is available for 4@5;171 therefore, this study offers the
opportunity to check the reliability of the described
of molecules termed molecular tweezers due to their approach and to demonstrate that additional comple-
concave-convex topology and propensity to selec- mentary insight can be provided.
tively form complexes with electron-deficient aro- Figure 25a presents a rotor-synchronized 1H (700
matic and aliphatic compounds as well as organic MHz) DQ MAS NMR spectrum of 4@5. The assign-
cations.170,171 This and other molecular tweezer host- ment of the resolved 1H DQ peaks is aided by
guest complexes have been studied by 1H solution- reference to Figure 25b, where the aromatic region
state NMR, exploiting the large upfield shifts of the of a 1H-13C heteronuclear correlation spectrum of
substrate resonances upon complexation caused by 4@5, recorded with the REPT-HSQC experiment
host aromatic ring currents. For the specific complex shown in Figure 13, is presented. A short excitation
studied here between the naphthalene-spaced twee- time was used such that predominantly only one-
zer 4 and 1,4-dicyanobenzene 5, complex formation bond C-H correlations are observed. In solution, the
and dissociation in CDCl3 at room temperature is fast aromatic CH resonances of 4 and 5 are found between
with respect to the NMR time scale, as evidenced by 116.5 and 124.1 and at 131.0 ppm, respectively. The
a single guest 1H resonance shifted by 4.35 ppm relative insensitivity of 13C chemical shifts to ring
4148 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brown and Spiess

Figure 26. The solid-state packing arrangement of 4@5, as determined by an X-ray single-crystal investigation.171 Large
white, large black, and small white circles represent nitrogen, carbon, and hydrogen atoms, respectively. In (b), (c) and
(d), views through the naphthalene, inner benzene and outer benzene rings, respectively, are shown. The distance from
Hb to the center of the inner benzene ring is 260 pm (view (c)) as opposed to 404 pm to the middle of the naphthalene unit
(view (b)) and 314 pm to the center of the outer benzene ring (view (d)). Specific carbon and hydrogen atoms are labeled
according to the above chemical structure. (The notation xa refers to the quaternary carbon between carbons x and x+1.)
(Reproduced with permission from ref 29. Copyright 2001 Wiley.)

current effects then allows the clear assignment of Table 2. Comparison of the 1H Chemical Shifts (in
the two separate peaks at 13C chemical shifts of 129.6 ppm) for 4@5 Determined by NMR Experiments and
ab Initio Calculations29
and 128.7 ppm in Figure 25b to the guest CHs
(labeled 5a and 5b), with the corresponding 1H solution-state solid-state ab initio ab initio
NMR NMR (monomer) (dimer)
chemical shifts being 5.6 and 2.0 ppm, respectively.
The pair of cross-peaks at a DQ frequency of 7.6 Ha (guest) 3.5 5.6 5.5 5.2
ppm in Figure 25a can thus be identified as being Hb (guest) 3.5 2.0 2.5 2.1
H2,3,14,15 6.4 4.9 6.6 5.5-5.6
due to two neighboring guest CH protons. It is further other arom 7.0-7.2 7.1-7.2 7.2-8.0 6.9-7.7
interesting to note that two distinct host aromatic Hbridgehead 4.1 3.8a 3.9-4.2 3.3-4.0
1H resonances can be resolved in both the 1H DQ
H25,28b 2.4 2.0-3.8a 2.2 2.1
MAS and 1H-13C REPT-HSQC spectra: the 13C peak H26,27b 2.5 0.6-2.3a 2.0-2.1 0.4-1.0
at 124.4 ppm (4ar(1)) can be assigned to the meta a
These 1H chemical shifts were determined from the alkyl
pair of carbons of the outer benzene ring (2, 3, 14, region of the 1H-13C correlation spectrum (not shown). b Note
and 15), with the corresponding 1H chemical shift that the two protons in each CH2 group are inequivalent.
being 4.9 ppm (4arII). From Figure 25b, the other
aromatic protons have, within the experimental the two guest aromatic protons experience the ring
resolution, the same chemical shift of 7.1 ppm (4arI). currents due to the host to different degrees. More-
In this way, the observation of diagonal 1H DQ peaks over, from Figure 26a, the end pair of aromatic
at 13.8 and 10.0 ppm, as well as shoulders corre- protons can be seen to be directed into the ring
sponding to DQ cross-peaks at 12.0 ppm can be current due to the naphthalene unit of the next host,
explained. explaining the 4arII resonance.
The observed experimental features can be quali- As was the case with the HBC-C12 example
tatively understood by reference to the structure of discussed above, ab initio quantum chemical calcula-
4@5, which is known from an X-ray single-crystal tions were carried out, thus providing a fully quan-
analysis.171 In Figure 26a, the side-by-side arrange- titative interpretation of the experimental results.
ment of two 4@5 complexes is displayed, while Table 2 presents the experimental solution- and solid-
Figures 26b, 26c, and 26d show views through the state 1H chemical shifts obtained by quantum chemi-
different host aromatic moieties. It is apparent that cal calculations (for details, see ref 29) for a single
NMR for Elucidation of Structure and Dynamics Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4149

4@5 complex and a pair of 4@5 complexes in the

arrangement shown in Figure 26a (denoted as mono-
mer and dimer, respectively). The good agreement
between the monomer calculation and the experi-
mental solid-state guest 1H chemical shifts reveals
that these values are largely determined by intra-
complex effects. In contrast, the marked difference
between the solid- and solution-state 1H chemical
shifts of the end pair of host aromatic protons
(H2,3,14,15) can only be explained by considering a
By calculating the 1H chemical shifts of the guest
protons due to the three host aromatic moieties,
namely, the central naphthalene unit (Figure 26b),
and the inner (Figure 26c) and outer benzene ring
(Figure 26d), the quantum chemical calculations were
further able to elucidate the role of the different
chemical units. First, it was found that the guest 1H
chemical shifts derived by summing the changes due
to the separate aromatic moieties are in good agree-
ment with the values calculated for the whole system.
It can thus be concluded that the only influence of
the linking units is to determine the positioning of
the host aromatic moieties. Second, the difference
between the guest 1H chemical shifts is mainly due
to the arrangement of the guest with respect to the
inner benzene ring (Figure 26c).

VIII. The Investigation of Dynamic Processes

Figure 27. The effect of temperature, T, on slices at a DQ
A unique strength of solid-state NMR is its ability frequency of 7.6 ppm taken from 1H (700.1 MHz) DQ MAS
to probe molecular dynamics with site selectivity.9,132 NMR spectra of 4@5. At the bottom, the dynamic processes
In this section, we present some specific examples consistent with the observed NMR results are shown. The
that illustrate the considerable insight into dynamic two processes, (A) and (B), cannot be distinguished by
processes provided by advanced solid-state NMR current NMR experiments. (Reproduced with permission
experiments applicable to as-synthesized samples, from ref 29. Copyright 2001 Wiley.)
i.e., without the requirement for isotopic labeling. host alkyl protonssthe fast exchange peak would be
These examples focus on well-defined processes that expected to appear at exactly this position. It was
are fast as compared to the time scale of the 1H DQ noted, though, that no peak was observed in a slice
MAS experiment, this being on the order of 10-6 to corresponding to the guest 13C CH resonance in a 1H-
10-4 s. In addition, it should be noted that the 13C correlation spectrum recorded at 410 K (spectrum
extraction of dipolar couplings by following the build- not shown). Thus, it can be concluded that, at this
up of DQC in a 1H DQ MAS experiment has been temperature, the exchange process is in the inter-
shown to provide insight into the complex dynamic mediate regime, i.e., coalescence. From the difference
processes in polymer melts,172 block copolymers,173 in the chemical shifts of the guest protons Ha and
and elastomers.174 Hb (∆δ ) 3.8 ppm), the rate constant for the exchange
process at 410 K can be estimated to be 5600 s-1,
A. A Molecular Tweezer Host−Guest Complex corresponding to a Gibbs free enthalpy of activation,
∆G‡, of 72 kJ mol-1.176
Figure 27 presents slices at a DQ frequency of 7.6
ppm taken from 1H DQ MAS spectra of 4@5 (dis-
cussed in section VII C) recorded at different tem-
B. The Making and Breaking of Hydrogen Bonds
peratures.29 It is to be noted that the heating due to
in a HBC Derivative
friction at a very-fast νR is significant, and in the The established importance of hydrogen bonds in
examples presented in this section, the correction biological systems as well as the recognized potential
term relative to the bearing gas temperature was for their incorporation into synthetic systems lies in
calibrated using the 119Sn resonance of Sm2Sn2O7 as the relative ease with which they can be broken and
a chemical shift thermometer.175 The peaks due to then reformed. It is thus essential that methods exist
the guest protons, Ha (5.6 ppm) and Hb (2.0 ppm), by which hydrogen bond dynamics can be investi-
disappear upon heating, indicating dynamic proc- gated. Using 2H solid-state NMR, hydrogen exchange
esses, (see Figure 27) where the two types of guest by proton tunneling between the two tautomeric
protons are exchanged by either (A) a 180° flip about forms of a carboxylic acid dimer has been probed,177
the long axis of the guest, or (B) a rotation between while intramolecular hydrogen-bond exchange dy-
two equivalent sites in the complex. A quantitative namics have been extensively investigated by Lim-
analysis is hampered by the peak at 3.9 ppm due to bach and co-workers using 15N solid-state NMR, e.g.,
4150 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brown and Spiess

in N,N-bisarylformamidines178 or a phenylenedi-
amine.179 In this subsection, we will show that the
resolution routinely achievable in 1H solid-state NMR
methods allows the making and breaking of hydrogen
bonds to be directly probed.
Consider the hexabenzocoronene (HBC) derivative,
2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17-hexa[10-carboxydecyl]hexa-peri-
hexabenzocoronene, 6, (henceforth referred to as

HBC-C10COOH), where all six alkyl chains have

been capped by a carboxylic acid group.25 In the solid
Figure 29. The effect of temperature on (a) 1H (500.1
phase at T ) 320 K, the presence of hydrogen-bonded MHz) MAS (νR ) 30 kHz) and (b) 1H DQF MAS NMR
COOH dimers is demonstrated by the observation of spectra of as-synthesized HBC-C10COOH, 6. (Reproduced
an auto COOH peak in the 1H DQ MAS NMR two- with permission from ref 25. Copyright 2000 The PCCP
dimensional spectrum; see Figure 28. Considering the Owner Societies.)
COOH peak in the one-dimensional 1H MAS spectra, provided that the 1H chemical shifts of the hydrogen-
as shown in Figure 29a, both a shift to high field of bonded and free states are known. Only the COOH
the peak position as well as an initial increase protons in hydrogen-bonded dimers can give rise to
followed by a subsequent decrease in the line width a COOH auto peak in the 1H DQ MAS spectrum
are observed upon heating. These effects are repre- (Figure 28), and thus the chemical shift of the
sented graphically in Figure 30a,b. These observa- hydrogen-bonded protons can be determined to be
tions are interpreted in terms of a chemical exchange 12.1 ppm. The chemical shift of the free COOH
process involving the making and breaking of hydro- protons cannot be so easily identified; however, the
gen bonds, with the coalescence point corresponding initially observed chemical shift of 9.0 ppm for the
to T ) 362 K. COOH protons on heating into the LC phase is
The equilibrium constant at a given temperature strikingly low, and it is thus assumed that the
can be calculated from the observed chemical shift chemical shift of the free state can be assigned to this
value. A thermodynamic analysis yields for the
opening of the hydrogen-bonded dimers: ∆H ) 45 (
4 kJ mol-1 and ∆S ) 113 ( 11 J K-1 mol-1.
In 1H DQ-filtered (DQF) MAS spectra of HBC-
C10COOH (see Figure 29b), the intensity of the
COOH peak is observed, upon heating, to reduce
faster than expected from thermodynamic factors
alone, and above T ) 380 K, no signal is detected,
see Figure 30c, where the experimentally observed
DQ signal intensities for the COOH protons, relative
to the intensity of the T ) 324 K spectrum, are shown
as crosses, while circles represent the expected
reduction, again relative to the T ) 324 K case, due
solely to the combined temperature dependence of the
equilibrium constant and the bulk magnetization. At
T ) 381 K, where the COOH peak intensity disap-
pears below the noise level in Figure 29b, the number
Figure 28. Rotor-synchronized 1H (500.1 MHz) DQ MAS of hydrogen-bonded and free COOH protons are
(νR ) 30 kHz) NMR spectrum, together with skyline SQ
and DQ projections, of the room-temperature phase of as-
known, on the basis of the thermodynamic analysis
synthesized HBC-C10COOH, 6. (Reproduced with permis- described above, to be in the ratio ∼3:2; thus, the loss
sion from ref 25. Copyright 2000 The PCCP Owner of signal cannot be due to the absence of pairs of
Societies.) COOH protons in close proximity.
NMR for Elucidation of Structure and Dynamics Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4151

aromatic mesogen, which have a number of favorable

properties as compared to the more established
triphenylenes; for example, the mesophases are
stable over a very wide temperature range180 and
exhibit an exceptionally high one-dimensional charge
carrier mobility.181 In this section, we will show that
the recording of homo- and heteronuclear MQ spin-
ning-sideband patterns allows the order parameter
of the LC phases to be quantitatively determined.
Figure 31 presents experimental 1H DQ MAS
spinning sideband patterns for the aromatic protons
in (a) the crystalline and (b) the LC phases of
R-deuterated HBC-C12.22 The MAS frequency was 35
and 10 kHz in (a) and (b), respectively, with two rotor
periods being used for excitation/reconversion in both
cases, such that τrcpl equals 57 and 200 µs in the two
cases. The dotted lines represent best fit spectra
simulated using the analytical time-domain expres-
sion for an isolated spin pair in eq 6. As noted in
section VIIB, the aromatic protons exist as well
isolated pairs of bay protons, and, thus, an analysis
based on the spin-pair approximation is appropriate
here. As is evident from the insets on the right of
Figure 31, the DQ MAS spinning sideband patterns
are very sensitive to the product of the D and τrcpl.
The best-fit spectra for the solid and LC phases then
correspond to D/(2π)s equal to 15.0 ( 0.9 and 6.0 (
0.5 kHz, respectively.
Comparing the evaluated D values for the crystal-
line and LC phases, a reduction of D by a factor of
0.40 ( 0.04 is observed, corresponding to an order
Figure 30. The effect of temperature on (a) the observed parameter182 of 0.80 ( 0.08. In the LC phase, fast
chemical shift and (b) the line width (fwhmh) in 1H MAS axial rotation of the molecule about an axis perpen-
spectra (Figure 28a), and (c) the intensity in 1H DQF MAS dicular to the ring (passing through the center of
spectra (Figure 28b) of the COOH resonance for a sample
of as-synthesized HBC-C10COOH, 6. In (c), in addition to
symmetry) is expected.182 For a molecule undergoing
the crosses, which represent the experimental DQF inten- such a motion, the dipolar coupling constant is
sities, the intensities that are expected on account of solely reduced by a factor of 1/2(1 - 3cos2θ), where θ is the
the combined temperature dependence of the equilibrium angle between the principal axes system (here the
constant and the NMR bulk magnetization are shown as internuclear vector) and the molecular rotation axis.183
circles. Both the experimental and thermodynamically (Note that this dynamic averaging term is not
expected intensities are normalized relative to the T ) 324 included in the earlier definition of D in eq 1.) Thus,
K case. In all plots, best-fit lines are included as a guide
for the eye. (Reproduced with permission from ref 25. for the case where the internuclear vector is perpen-
Copyright 2000 The PCCP Owner Societies.) dicular to the rotation axis (θ ) 90°), a reduction by
a factor of 0.5 is expected. The value of 0.40 can be
To observe a signal in a DQF experiment, the explained by postulating the presence of out-of-plane
hydrogen-bonded form must exist for the duration of motion in addition to the axial rotation. The ability
the DQ filter part of the NMR experiment, i.e., 133 to probe such motion is of much importance, since it
µs for the spectra in Figure 29b. It is then apparent is likely to impair efficient charge carrier mobility.
that the fall off in the DQ intensity with increasing
As a complementary alternative to using the change
temperature can be explained by a decrease in the
in a H-H dipolar coupling to probe a dynamic
proportion of hydrogen-bonded dimers having life-
process, methods that determine heteronuclear 1H-
times over 133 µs, until at T ) 381 K, the concentra- 13C dipolar couplings offer much promise. Figure 32
tion is less than that required to observe an NMR
presents, on the left-hand side, 1H-13C spinning-
signal. In this way, an analysis of the DQF data
sideband patterns obtained at the aromatic C-H 13C
yields the temperature dependence of the dimer
resonance for the solid and LC phases of HBC-C12,
lifetimes, and hence the kinetics of the exchange
using the REPT-HMQC experiment discussed in
process could be determined: the activation energy
section IVB.37 In addition, the dotted lines represent
and Arrhenius parameter equal 89 ( 10 kJ mol-1 and
simulated spectra, obtained using the best-fit D for
4.2 × 1016 s-1, respectively.
the CH groups, namely, 20.9 ( 0.5 and 8.2 ( 0.9 kHz
for the solid and LC phases, respectively. The order
C. The Order Parameter in Columnar Discotic parameter is hence determined to be 0.78 ( 0.09.
Mesophases This value, thus, agrees with that determined from
The HBC derivatives introduced in the previous the analysis of 1H DQ MAS spinning-sideband pat-
sections represent a relatively new family of discotic terns discussed above. In addition, these values are
4152 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brown and Spiess

Figure 31. Extracted columns from 1H (500.1 MHz) DQ MAS spectra of HBC-C12, 3, showing the DQ spinning sideband
patterns for (a) the aromatic protons at 8.3 ppm in the solid phase (T ) 333 K), and (b) the aromatic protons at 6.2 ppm
in the LC phase (T ) 386 K). In each case, best-fit spectra, generated according to the spin-pair expression in eq 6, are
shown (shifted to the left to allow a better comparison) as dotted lines. A spinning frequency, νR, equal to 35 and 10 kHz
was used for the solid and LC phases, respectively, with the two rotor-period compensated BABA recoupling sequence
being used for the excitation and reconversion of DQCs in both cases. In (a), additional peaks corresponding to DQCs
between aromatic and residual undeuterated R-carbon protons are marked by *. The insets to the right of the experimental
spectra show the sensitivity of the spinning-sideband patterns to the product Dτrcpl. (Reproduced with permission from ref
22. Copyright 1999 American Chemical Society.)

Figure 32. 1H-13C heteronuclear MQ MAS spinning-

sideband patterns, obtained at a νR ) 25 kHz, using the 32, the corresponding 13C resonances are well re-
REPT-HMQC experiment. The patterns correspond to the solved. It is thus possible to use the heteronuclear
sum projections over the 13C resonance due to the aromatic approach to probe separately the dynamics of the core
core CH in the 2D spectra of HBC-C12, 3, and HBC-PhC12, and the outer phenyl rings. For example, the right-
7. The spectra for the room temperature (solid) and high- hand-side of Figure 32 presents 1H-13C spinning-
temperature LC phases were recorded at 35 and 120 °C,
respectively. The dotted traces represent simulated spectra, sideband patterns obtained at the core aromatic CH
13C resonance for the solid and LC phases of HBC-
obtained by taking into account the best-fit Ds for the CH
groups. At the top, 13C CP-MAS (νR ) 15 kHz) spectra are PhC12, using the REPT-HMQC experiment.
presented, with the signal positions of the aromatic CH A comparison of the spinning-sideband patterns
resonances being identified. (Reproduced with permission obtained for the LC phases of HBC-C12 and HBC-
from ref 37. Copyright 1999 Wiley.) PhC12 reveals that the third-order spinning sidebands
are significantly higher in the latter case; they are
in agreement with a value of 0.84 obtained from an of the same height as the first-order spinning side-
analysis of 2H 1D NMR line shapes.180 bands for HBC-PhC12. Since the same experimental
An advantage of the heteronuclear 1H-13C approach conditions were used in both cases, this result im-
is that it benefits from the better resolution in a 13C mediately indicates a larger dipolar coupling and,
SQ dimension. An example of this is provided by the hence, a larger order parameter for HBC-PhC12.
hexa(para-n-dodecylphenyl)-substituted HBC (hence- Indeed, the order parameter is determined to be 0.93
forth referred to as HBC-PhC12), 7.37 In this case, ( 0.09, indicating less out-of-plane mesogen mobility.
1H solid-state NMR is unable to distinguish the core It is interesting that this NMR result is correlated
and exo-phenyl protons. By comparison, as shown in with an improved intra- and intercolumnar packing
the 13C CP MAS spectrum at the top right of Figure as evidenced by powder X-ray diffraction patterns.37
NMR for Elucidation of Structure and Dynamics Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 4153

Finally, we note that an analysis of 1H-13C spinning- As stated in section V, solid-state NMR should not
sideband patterns obtained using the REPT-HDOR be considered as a replacement for the established
experiment (see Figure 16) has also been used to diffraction methods. Instead, the two methods should
provide evidence of restricted dynamics in a shape- be thought of as being complementary, since they
persistent polyphenylene dendrimer.184 have much to offer each other. For example, as
discussed in section VIIB, the existence of a single-
IX. Conclusions crystal X-ray structure for unsubstituted HBC al-
lowed a qualitative interpretation of the observed 1H
In this review, we have demonstrated that the DQ MAS spectrum of HBC-C12, where it was not
advanced solid-state NMR methods existing today possible to obtain a single-crystal suitable for an
are well placed to provide answers to the structural X-ray analysis. The symbiosis between 1H solid-state
and dynamic questions of relevance in modern poly- NMR and X-ray single-crystal methods was further
mer chemistry. In particular, the further develop- well illustrated by the case of bilirubin in section VIB,
ment of high-resolution 1H solid-state NMR methods where an X-ray single-crystal structure exists. On
has opened up the possibility of routinely directly one hand, the reliable establishing of the heteroatom
probing hydrogen-bonding and aromatic π-π inter- positions facilitated the assignment of the observed
actions. It is to be emphasized that only 10-20 mg peaks in the 1H DQ MAS spectrum. On the other
of a powdered as-synthesized sample is required, i.e., hand, it was shown that an analysis of 1H DQ MAS
there is no need for synthetically demanding selective spinning-sideband patterns allowed the determina-
isotopic labeling or a single crystal. Moreover, the tion of the distance between two hydrogen-bonded
potential applications of solid-state NMR are not protons to a precision of ( 0.002 nm; since structure
restricted to the many examples given in the previous determination by single-crystal X-ray diffraction
sections: in our laboratory, for example, preliminary methods, being based on the diffraction of X-rays by
results have been obtained that provide insight into electrons, is not well suited to the localization of
proton conduction in imidazole-based materials as lighter atoms, the ability of solid-state NMR to
well as the local order and dynamics in the cylindrical provide distance constraints, which can be used in
macromolecules synthesized by Percec and co-work- the optimization of a crystal structure, in particular,
ers, which were mentioned in the introduction. the very relevant hydrogen-bonded part, is of much
Solid-state NMR spectroscopy should certainly not importance.
be used in isolation. For example, when a new sample In section VII, the value of a combined experimen-
is to be investigated, we insist, in our laboratory, on tal and theoretical approach, incorporating the ab
receiving assigned 1H and 13C solution-state NMR initio calculation of 1H chemical shifts, was illus-
spectra (except, of course, for cases where the sample trated. First, in section VIIB, it was stated that the
is insoluble). An example of the importance of this is calculation of 1H chemical shifts for model HBC
provided by the 1H-13C correlation spectrum of the oligomers allowed the quantitative assignment of the
host-guest complex in Figure 25b, where the assign- experimental observation of three aromatic reso-
ment of the guest resonances is based on the known nances in HBC-C12 to a specific packing arrange-
solution-state 13C chemical shifts and the compara- ment. Moreover, in section VIIC, the ability to
tive insensitivity of 13C chemical shifts to through- identify the importance of intra- and intercomplex
space aromatic ring currents. interactions as well as the role of the separate
In addition, if dynamic processes are to be inves- aromatic moieties was discussed. The advances in
tigated, it is very useful if differential scanning computing power as well as the development of
calorometry (DSC) curves can be first obtained, so methodology means that the use of quantum chemi-
that the temperatures at which phase transitions cal calculations of NMR parameters in the interpre-
occur are known in advance. Moreover, when carry- tation of experimental results will become ever more
ing out variable temperature studies of organic solid, popular.
it is important to be aware of the fact that the It should not be forgotten that the development of
observed behavior, in terms of, e.g., phase transition advanced solid-state NMR methodology is an area of
temperatures and NMR spectra, can differ signifi- ongoing active research. For example, as evidenced
cantly depending on whether the solid phase formed by section II, various groups are pursuing the goal
from solution or from a LC phase or melt. It is, of reducing the 1H solid-state NMR line width ever
therefore, necessary to see both the first and subse- further. Moreover, the utility of the 1H DQ MAS
quent DSC heating curves; a clear example of this method would be much enhanced if homonuclear
phenomenon is described in ref 25. Furthermore, we decoupling methods, which, as illustrated by Figure
note that, in our experience, different batches of a 5, yield a striking improvement in the 1H line width
material, synthesized by the same procedure, can as compared to very-fast MAS, could be incorporated
give slightly different solid state 1H NMR spectra, in a robust and artifact-free manner. It is to be hoped
even though the purity of the material as determined that the problems of significant spectral artifacts
by standard methods, e.g., solution-state NMR, is encountered in an earlier attempt to combine 1H DQ
judged to be the same. This is particularly the case MAS spectroscopy with the multiple-pulse assisted
for hydrogen-bonded systems, and thus it seems that MAS approach20 can be overcome. To conclude, it is
solid-state NMR is able to distinguish subtly different envisaged that solid-state NMR can become as highly
packing arrangements, suggesting potential quality- valuable to the chemist as solution-state NMR is
control applications. today.
4154 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Brown and Spiess

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Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, 3689−3745 3689

Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization

Masami Kamigaito, Tsuyoshi Ando, and Mitsuo Sawamoto*
Department of Polymer Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan

Received July 14, 2001

Contents F. Mechanisms 3712

1. Radical Scavengers 3712
I. Introduction 3689
2. Stereochemical Structures 3712
A. Background: Precision and Living 3689
Polymerization 3. Copolymerizations 3712
B. Living Radical Polymerization 3691 4. EPR 3713
C. Overview of Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical 3692 5. NMR 3713
Polymerization 6. MS 3713
II. Design of the Initiating Systems 3693 7. CV 3714
A. Transition-Metal Catalysts 3693 8. Kinetics 3714
1. Ruthenium 3693 9. Other Mechanistic Analyses 3714
2. Iron 3695 III. Precision Polymer Synthesis 3715
3. Copper 3695 A. Pendant-Functionalized Polymers 3715
4. Nickel 3698 B. End-Functionalized Polymers 3716
5. Palladium 3699 1. R-End-Functionalized Polymers 3716
6. Rhodium 3699 2. ω-End-Functionalized Polymers 3719
7. Rhenium 3699 C. Block Copolymers 3721
8. Molybdenum 3700 1. Block Copolymers via Sequential 3721
9. Immobilized Catalysts 3700 Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical
B. Initiators 3700
2. Block Copolymers via Combination of 3724
1. Haloalkanes 3701 Other (Living) Polymerizations
2. Allyl Halides 3702 D. Random Copolymers 3728
3. (Haloalkyl)benzenes 3702 E. Alternating Copolymers 3730
4. Haloketones 3702 F. Gradient Copolymers 3730
5. Haloesters 3703 G. Telechelic and Star Polymers 3730
6. Haloamides 3703 1. Telechelic Polymers with Bifunctional 3730
7. Halonitriles 3704 Initiators
8. Sulfonyl Halides 3704 2. Star Polymers with Multifunctional 3732
9. Conventional Radical Initiators 3704 Initiators
C. Monomers 3705 3. Star Polymers by Linking Reaction 3734
1. Methacrylates 3705 H. Comb and Graft Copolymers 3734
2. Acrylates 3706 1. Comb Polymers 3734
3. Styrenes 3706 2. Graft Polymers 3735
4. Vinylpyridines 3707 I. Hyperbranched Polymers 3737
5. Acrylonitrile 3707 J. Polymer Brushes 3737
6. Acrylamides 3707 1. Silicon Wafer 3738
7. Other Monomers 3707 2. Gold 3738
D. Additives 3708 3. Silica Particle and Bead 3739
E. Solvents 3709 4. Silica Gel and Silica Capillary 3739
1. Aprotic Polar Solvents 3709 5. Polymer Latex 3739
2. Protic Polar Solvents 3710 IV. Conclusions 3739
3. Water 3710 V. References 3739
4. Suspension, Dispersion, and Emulsion 3710
Polymerizations in Water (Heterogeneous I. Introduction
5. Other Special Solvents 3711 A. Background: Precision and Living
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone:
+81-75-753-5603. Fax: +81-75-753-5623. E-mail: sawamoto@ Rivaling polyolefin production, radical polymeri- zation is most widely employed in industrial- and
10.1021/cr9901182 CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 12/12/2001
3690 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

Masami Kamigaito was born in 1965 in Nagoya, Japan. He received his Mitsuo Sawamoto, born in Kyoto, Japan (1951), received his B.S. (1974),
B.S. and M.S. degrees and Ph.D. degree in polymer chemistry from Kyoto M.S. (1976), and Ph.D. (1979) degrees in polymer chemistry from Kyoto
University in 1993 under the direction of Professor Toshinobu Higashimura. University under the direction of Toshinobu Higashimura. After postdoctoral
After postdoctoral research with Professor Mitsuo Sawamoto, he joined research with Joseph P. Kennedy at the Institute of Polymer Science,
the faculty at Kyoto University in 1995, where he is now Associate The University of Akron, Akron, OH (1980−81), he joined the faculty of
Professor of Polymer Chemistry. In 1997−1998, he was a visiting scientist the Department of Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University, in 1981 as a
under Professor Robert M. Waymouth at Stanford University. He is the research instructor. He was promoted to Lecturer (1991), to Associate
recipient of the 1999 Award for the Encouragement of Research in Polymer Professor (1993), and to Professor (1994), his current position, of the
Science of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan, and the 2001 Arthur same department. Sawamoto also serves as one of the three Editors of
K. Doolittle Award of the ACS PMSE Division. His research interests the Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry (1995−
include metal catalysis for precision polymer synthesis, particularly living present) and as an Editorial Advisory Board member of Macromolecular
cationic and radical polymerization. Chemistry and Physics, the Journal of Macromolecular Science, Chemistry,
and e-Polymers, and is the recipient of the 1991 Award of the Society of
Polymer Science, Japan, the 1998 Divisional Award of the Chemical
Society of Japan, the 2001 Aggarval Lectureship in Polymer Science,
Cornell University, and the 2001 Arthur K. Doolittle Award of the ACS
PMSE Division. With more than 250 articles and reviews, his research
interest covers living radical and cationic polymerizations, precision polymer
synthesis, and the chemistry of radical and carbocationic reaction

Scheme 1. Elementary Reactions for Conventional

Radical Polymerization

Tsuyoshi Ando received his bachelor degree in 1995, master degree in

1997, and Ph.D. degree in 2000 from Kyoto University. His doctoral study
was on the development of transition-metal-catalyzed living radical
polymerization systems under the direction of Professor Mitsuo Sawamoto,
where he received a Research Fellowship for Young Scientists of the
Japan Society for the Promotion of Scientists (1998−2000). He joined
the Kyoto University faculty, Department of Polymer Chemistry, Faculty
of Engineering, as a research instructor in 2000. His research activity is
focused on controlled reactions, including precision polymerization,
One of the most effective methods for precision
catalyzed by metal compounds. polymer synthesis is “living” polymerization, the first
example of which was discovered in the anionic
polymerization of styrene with sodium naphthalenide
laboratory-scale processes for polymer synthesis, in 1956.2 Living polymerization is free from side
because of its tolerance to protic compounds such as reactions such as termination and chain transfer and
water, a high reaction rate, a polymerization tem- can thus generate polymers of well-defined architec-
perature usually higher than ambient, and other tures and molecular weights, i.e., one polymer chain
advantages.1 Unlike ionic reaction intermediates, per molecule of initiator. When the initiation is faster
however, the growing radical species therein usually than, or at least comparable in rate to, propagation,
suffers from bimolecular termination reactions such the obtained polymers have narrow molecular weight
as radical recombination and disproportionation distributions (MWDs) where the ratio of weight-
(Scheme 1). Radical polymerization had thus been average to number-average molecular weight (Mw/
considered unsuitable for precision polymer synthe- Mn) is around 1.1. In general, however, living anionic
sis, in contrast to the ionic counterparts where the polymerization was limited to nonpolar hydrocarbon
growing species are inherently repulsive to each monomers such as styrenes and 1,3-dienes at first,
other. but has now been developed to polar monomers such
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3691

as (meth)acrylates and other functional derivatives.3-6 (eq 6) have most extensively been studied, probably
Similar proliferation has recently occurred in other due to the high controllability, the wide applicability,
polymerizations, including cationic,7-9 coordination,10 and the relatively easy access to the catalysts and
ring-opening,11 and ring-opening metathesis,12 for other components to be employed.
which precise reaction control had been considered
difficult for some time. In this regard, living radical
polymerization has been among the most challenging
frontiers in precision polymer synthesis and polymer

B. Living Radical Polymerization

Given this rapid progress in precision polymeriza-
tion, living radical polymerization had been one of
the most difficult subjects. The difficulty primarily
stems from the inherent and “built-in” bimolecular
termination of the growing radicals, and the prevail-
ing consensus was (or still is) that it might not be
suppressed, though not impossible. Starting with the
pioneering works by Otsu et al. in the 1980s,13,14
however, the number of studies on living radical
polymerizations started to mushroom, especially in
the 1990s. There are now numerous systems and pro-
posed methodologies for controlling radical polymer-
izations, even in comparison to some of the “classical”
anionic living polymerizations. Typical examples of
these systems are summarized in eqs 1-9.
At first glance, the examples vary clearly in mech-
anism or in chemicals to be employed, but impor-
tantly, the concept or the strategy for controlling
radical polymerization appears to be common, namely,
to lower the (instantaneous) concentration of a grow-
ing radical species by introducing a covalent dormant
species that exists predominantly over, and in fast
equilibrium with, the growth-active radical species.
Such a dynamic and rapid equilibrium not only
minimizes the extent or probability of the radical
bimolecular termination but also gives an equal
opportunity of propagation to all polymer (or dor-
mant) terminals via the frequent interconversion
between the active and the dormant species. These
features thus lead to nearly uniform chain length
(molecular weight) determined by the molar ratio of
monomers to the dormant species (or the initiator).
Another factor for consideration is the so-called
“persistent radical”,15 a relatively stable radical that
does not react with its own kind but does combine
with the growing end. Its importance has been
pointed out to be necessary for the control, as
reviewed by Fischer in this issue. This review primarily covers the metal-catalyzed
The covalent bonds for dormant species include living radical polymerizations. As will be discussed,
C-C (eq 1),16,17 C-S (eqs 2 and 9),13,14,18 C-Se (eq their advantages include dual control of the growing
3),19 C-O (eqs 4 and 5),20-25 C-halogen (eqs 6 and end by the terminal halogen and the metal complex,
8),26-28 and C-metal (eq 7),29 all of which can relatively low temperatures needed (60-100 °C), and
reversibly and homolytically be activated into the commercially available compounds used; among oth-
growing radical species by physical stimuli such as ers, the nitroxide-mediated living radical polymeri-
heat or light or by chemical stimuli such as a metal zation is reviewed in this issue by Hawker. Another
catalyst or another radical species. Although the metal-mediated living radical polymerization is based
controllability, applicability, and reaction conditions on carbon-metal bonds such as carbon-cobalt (eq
depend on which systems are employed, a wide 7)29 and others, which fall outside the scope of this
variety of vinyl monomers such as styrenes, meth- review, because the metals therein do not serve as
acrylates, acrylates, dienes, and vinyl acetate can be the catalysts. Some reviews on this topic are avail-
polymerized in a controlled fashion with the use of able,30,31 and it is closely related to catalytic chain
these or similar systems. Among these, nitroxide- transfer32 reviewed by Gridnev and Ittel in a separate
mediated (eq 4)20-24 and metal-catalyzed27,28 systems paper herein.
3692 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

C. Overview of Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical The metal-catalyzed living radical polymerization

Polymerization thus proceeds (or at least is mostly considered to
proceed) via reversible activation of carbon-halogen
Metal-catalyzed living radical polymerization can terminals by the metal complex, where the metal
be traced back to metal-catalyzed radical addition center undergoes redox reactions via interaction with
reactions to alkenes, sometimes collectively called the halogens at the polymer terminal, as shown in
Kharasch or atom-transfer radical addition (ATRA) Scheme 3. The reaction is usually initiated by the
reactions in organic chemistry (Scheme 2).33 Thus, a
Scheme 3. Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical
Scheme 2. Metal-Catalyzed Radical Addition Polymerization
Reaction (Kharasch Addition Reaction)

radical species generated from an organic halide (R-

X, X ) halogen) or a related compound in the
presence of a metal catalyst attacks an unsaturated
compound (e.g., CH2dCHR′) to form an adduct (R-
CH2-CHR′-X) with a carbon-halogen bond. The
metal catalyst thus undergoes a reversible one- activation (homolytic cleavage) of the carbon-halo-
electron redox reaction via abstraction of the halogen gen bond in an appropriate organic halide (R-X) via
from the reactant R-X, followed by a one-electron one-electron oxidation of the metal center (MnXnLm)
reduction, i.e., release of the halogen now attached to form an initiating radical species (R•) and an
to the oxidized metal back to the resulting radical oxidized metal compound (Mn+1Xn+1Lm). The R• reacts
species (R•). The reaction therefore proceeds catalyti- with the halogen on the oxidized metal to regenerate
cally and in a chain reaction mechanism, with a high R-X or adds to the monomer to generate a radial
chemo- and regioselectivity, to give the adduct in a species [R-CH2-C(R1)(R2)•]. It is sooner or later
high and often quantitative yield, in sharp contrast transformed into the adduct [R-CH2-C(R1)(R2)-X]
to other addition reactions via radical intermediates. of R-X and the monomer via abstraction of a halogen
This is due to the controlled formation of the radical atom from Mn+1Xn+1Lm. The carbon-halogen bond of
intermediates via metal catalysis, although it is not the adduct is subsequently activated by the metal
clear whether free radicals, metal-complexed radi- complex, similarly to R-X, to result in a similar
cals, or organometallic intermediates are involved. carbon-halogen bond at the polymer terminal via a
In any case, these features would lead to the follow- repetitive set of the reactions. The key factors for
ing hypothesis: i.e., if the carbon-halogen bond in these reactions are the low concentration of the
the adduct is successively activated by the metal radical intermediates at a given time and their fast
complex, a controlled radical polymerization will but reversible transformation into the dormant spe-
similarly proceed via the metal-assisted repetitive cies before undergoing successive addition to mono-
activation and formation of the carbon-halogen bond mers.
(dormant species) at the polymer chain end. In this reaction, one polymer chain forms per
This idea was indeed realized around 1994, which molecule of the organic halide (initiator), while the
is when we reported the first example, i.e., the living metal complex serves as a catalyst or as an activator,
polymerization of methyl methacrylate catalyzed by which catalytically activates, or homolytically cleaves,
a ruthenium(II) complex coupled with carbon tetra- the carbon-halogen terminal. Therefore, the initiat-
chloride as the initiator.27 Shortly after this, an ing systems for the metal-catalyzed living radical
independent report was published for a similar polymerization consist of an initiator and a metal
system with styrene and a copper catalyst, which was catalyst. The effective metal complexes include vari-
coined atom-transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) ous late transition metals such as ruthenium, copper,
after the predecessor in organic chemistry.28 In these iron, nickel, etc., while the initiators are haloesters,
examples, however reminiscent to classical free radi- (haloalkyl)benzenes, sulfonyl halides, etc. (see below).
cal polymerizations they might be, the number- They can control the polymerizations of various
average molecular weights of the polymers increase monomers including methacrylates, acrylates, sty-
in direct proportion to monomer conversion and agree renes, etc., most of which are radically polymerizable
well with the calculated values assuming that one conjugated monomers. More detailed discussion will
molecule of the halide initiator generates one polymer be found in the following sections of this paper for
chain. The molecular weight distributions (MWDs) the scope and criteria of these components (initiators,
are as narrow as with the polydispersity (Mw/Mn) metal catalysts, monomers, etc.).
below or close to 1.1, comparable to those in living The metal-catalyzed living or controlled radical
anionic polymerizations. polymerizations can apparently be distinguished
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3693

from the conventional radical polymerization that a dormant carbon-halogen bond at a polymer ter-
involves a metal-assisted formation of the initiating minal via a one-electron redox reaction of the metal
radical species via irreversible redox processes, al- center. In this process, the metal center attacks the
though the initiating system for the latter also halogen at the chain end and is oxidized via a single
consists of two components, a metal complex and an electron transfer followed by halogen abstraction,
organic halide.34,35 In these examples, except for a thus generating a growing radical species. Sooner or
few,36,37 the control of molecular weights and MWDs later, the oxidized metal center donates the halogen
is generally difficult. The use of effective telomers can therein back to the radical growing species, along
also make the control of molecular weights better in with reduction of the metal center, before or after the
low molecular weight regions. However, the control- propagation reaction between the radical and mono-
lability is much better for the recently developed mer. The lower oxidation state of the metal center
systems with reversible activation. A few reviews [e.g., Ru(II)] should be more stable than its higher
dealing with comparison between the new and the counterpart [e.g., Ru(III)] so as to establish an
old metal-catalyzed systems are also available.30,38 extremely low concentration of the radical species as
This review covers mainly the scientific literature well as a fast reversible reaction with the halogen.
that has appeared in relevant journals until early This set of reactions, i.e., the activation/cleavage
2001 concerning the metal-catalyzed (or atom- of a carbon-halogen bond, the formation of a radical
transfer) living radical polymerization. The word species, the repetitive addition (propagation) of the
“living” employed here simply refers to polymeriza- radical species to the monomer, and the regeneration
tions that provide control over the molecular weights, of the carbon-halogen bond, are called the Kharasch
the molecular weight distributions, and the chain end or ATRA reactions. There are various metal com-
reactivity as do other living polymerizations. Its plexes active for these reactions, as have been utilized
definition and use criteria, along with the word in organic synthesis. Indeed, some of the metal
“controlled”, are still under discussion and have complexes active for living radical polymerization
recently been discussed elsewhere.39 Thus, the dis- were originally developed for the small-molecule
cussion on the difference between these words is not reactions, but along with the recent advances in
to be treated here. polymerization, new and more active complexes have
The review roughly consists of two parts, the scope emerged, too. Although there are still no consistent
and design of initiating systems followed by precision rules for designing catalysts, there have been several
polymer synthesis. The former will treat the scope papers dealing with the relationships between the
of metal catalysts, initiators, and monomers along metal center, catalyst structure, or ligand and their
with polymerization mechanisms. The latter will catalytic activities.53,54 In general, it is suggested that
focus on the precision synthesis of various polymers the catalytic activity increases with increasing elec-
with controlled structures and interesting properties tron density of the metal center or with decreasing
or functions, such as block, end-functionalized, star, redox potential of the complex, because, upon the
and other architecturally well-defined polymers. Other onset of radical generation, the catalyst should give
reviews are also available, comprehensive,31,40-44 and one electron to the halide terminal. The following
relatively short,45-52 dealing with the recent develop- sections will focus on the transition-metal catalysts
ments of the field. employed for living radical polymerization.
1. Ruthenium
II. Design of the Initiating Systems This group 8 transition metal was one of the first
whose complexes [RuCl2(PPh3)3 etc., Ph ) C6H5] were
The initiating systems for the metal-catalyzed demonstrated to induce living radical polymeriza-
living radical polymerizations consist of a metal tion.27 Among the various oxidation states of ruthe-
complex (or catalyst) and an initiator; the former nium complexes (-2 to +6), the divalent form with
allows the generation of radical species from the phosphine ligands has effectively been employed for
latter or the dormant polymer terminal. The choice the metal-catalyzed living radical polymerization as
of the metals and the initiators according to the well as Kharasch addition reactions (Figure 1). The
monomer structures is crucial for controlling radical dichloride RuCl2(PPh3)3 (Ru-1) was the first complex
polymerizations. The rate and control of the polym- employed for the metal-catalyzed living radical po-
erization can also be increased by the addition of lymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) in con-
other compounds or by changing solvents. This first junction with CCl4 as an initiator in the presence of
part will deal with the design of the initiating a metal alkoxide such as MeAl(ODBP)2 (ODBP ) 2,6-
systems from the viewpoint of various components, di-tert-butylphenoxy) as an additive.27 In toluene at
i.e., metal complex catalysts, initiators, monomers, 60 °C, the polymerization proceeded homogeneously
additives, and solvents, as well as the relevant to give polymers with molecular weights that were
reaction mechanisms. controlled by the feed ratio of monomer to initiator
and relatively narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.3). The
A. Transition-Metal Catalysts radical nature of the polymerization was suggested
by inhibition of the polymerization on addition of a
One of the most important components in the radical scavenger or inhibitor such as galvinoxyl and
metal-catalyzed living radical polymerization is the 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy (TEMPO).27,55 The
transition-metal complex. As a catalyst, the complex tacticity of the polymers was similar to that prepared
induces reversible activation (homolytic cleavage) of in conventional radical systems.27
3694 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

Figure 1. Ruthenium catalysts.

The ruthenium-catalyzed polymerization was fur- borate-based complex (Ru-8), isoelectronic to 18-
ther improved by using CHCl2COPh and Al(O-i-Pr)3 electron half-metallocene-type complexes, also in-
in place of CCl4 and MeAl(ODBP)2, respectively, duced living radical polymerization of MMA either
resulting in very narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1) of with or without additives, where the rates and
poly(MMA).56 This complex can also be applicable for molecular weights were not changed on addition of
styrene polymerization in conjunction with an iodo Al(O-i-Pr)3.53
initiator to give relatively narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ A series of p-cymene-based ruthenium dichloride
1.2).57 A similar PPh3-based ruthenium(II) hydride complexes (Ru-9) with various phosphines and re-
(Ru-2) is more active than the chloride Ru-1, thus lated two-electron-donor ligands was synthesized and
inducing faster polymerizations.58 The hydride com- used for the radical polymerizations of several mono-
plex is still active at 30 °C to give polymers with mers as well as Kharasch addition reactions.63,64
narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.2). A ruthenium complex Controlled polymerizations were achieved with basic
with an ionic phosphine ligand (Ru-3), which is and bulky phosphine or arsenic ligands (L ) PCy3,
soluble in water or methanol, catalyzes homogeneous P(i-Pr)3, P(c-C5H9)3, PPhCy2, AsCy3, PCy2CH2CH2-
living radical polymerization of 2-hydroxyethyl meth- CH2C6H5). Among them, the tricyclohexylphosphine
acrylate (HEMA) in methanol;59 no protection of the complex (L ) PCy3) is most active and efficient in
hydroxyl group is required for HEMA. giving well-controlled molecular weights and narrow
Among a series of the 18-electron half-metallocene- MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.1) for methacrylates.63 In con-
type ruthenium complexes (Ru-4, Ru-5, and Ru-6), trast, less basic or less bulky phosphine-, pyridine-,
the indenyl derivative Ru-5 led to the fastest living isocyanide-, and antimony-based ligands led to less
radical polymerization of MMA.60 In this case, addi- efficient and/or less controlled polymerizations. Simi-
tives such as aluminum alkoxides are not necessary lar complexes carrying benzene (Ru-10) or tetralin
for controlled polymerization. However, addition of (Ru-11) can also be employed; the activity decreased
an amine such as n-Bu2NH dramatically increased in the order p-cymene > benzene > tetralin.65
the rate to complete the polymerization in 5 h at 100 A complex with a bridged ligand with arene and
°C without broadening the MWDs.61 phosphine can be obtained via release of the p-
Though less active, the Cp* complex Ru-6 is a cymene ligand from Ru-9 (L ) PCy2CH2CH2CH2C6H5)
versatile catalyst, which enables living radical poly- on heating to 120 °C, but it was significantly less
merizations of three different types of monomers, i.e., active than the precursor Ru-9 (L ) PCy2CH2CH2-
MMA, styrene, and methyl acrylate (MA), in conjunc- CH2C6H5), which induces efficient living radical po-
tion with a chloride initiator and Al(O-i-Pr)3. The lymerization.65 The activation process of these arene-
initiating system with Ru-6 gives controlled molec- based 18-electron complexes is thus release of arene
ular weights and narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2) ligands, which results in active and coordinatedly
for all the monomers in toluene at 80 °C without unsaturated 12-electron complexes.
changing the initiator and reaction conditions ac- A series of so-called Grubbs ruthenium-carbene
cording to the monomers.62 The catalytic activity of complexes (Ru-12) can mediate living radical polym-
these half-metallocene-type complexes increased in erization of MMA and styrene to afford controlled
the order Ru-4 < Ru-5 < Ru-6; namely, the lower the polymers with narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.2).63,66 The
redox potential of the complex, the faster the polym- polymerization apparently proceeds via a radical
erization.53 Another half-metallocene-type ruthenium mechanism, as suggested by the inhibition with
complex with 16-electrons (Ru-7) is more active than galvinoxyl. For example, a novel ruthenium-carbene
Ru-6, because the former has a vacant site that can complex (Ru-13) carries a bromoisobutyrate group
interact with a halogen at the polymer terminal and can thus not only initiate but also catalyze living
without release of phosphine ligand.62 A trispyrazolyl radical polymerization of MMA without an initiator.67
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3695

conjunction with a bromide initiator to result in

narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.3).71 Addition of
FeCl3 slowed the polymerization but narrowed the
MWDs further (Mw/Mn ) 1.1).
The use of Cp or Cp*-based ligands is also benefi-
cial for the iron-based systems in controlling radical
polymerization. For instance, FeCpI(CO)2 (Fe-3, X )
I) induced a living radical polymerization of styrene
in conjunction with an iodide initiator [(CH3)2C-
(CO2C2H5)I] in the presence of Ti(O-i-Pr)4 to give very
narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1) and controlled molec-
ular weights.72 The rate was increased with the use
of the corresponding bromide, while the MWD was
narrowed by replacement of Cp with Cp*.73 A faster
and controlled polymerization was possible with
dinuclear Fe(I) complexes (Fe-5 and Fe-6) in the
absence of metal alkoxides.
Mixtures of iron(II) halides (FeBr2 and FeCl2) and
ligands were also employed for living radical polym-
Figure 2. Iron catalysts.
erization. Similar controlled radical polymerizations
of MMA and styrene were achieved with FeBr2 and
nitrogen- and phosphine-based ligands such as
The complex is also active in ring-opening metathesis
n-Bu3N, n-Bu3P, and 4,4′-bis(5-nonyl)-2,2′-bipyri-
polymerization of 1,5-cyclooctadiene (COD), where
dine.74 Halide anions derived from ammonium or
the ruthenium-carbene bond is now the initiating
phosphonium salts [n-Bu4NX (X ) Cl, Br, I) and
point. Therefore, a mixture of MMA and COD un-
n-Bu4PBr] were also available as ligands for FeBr2
dergoes a dual or tandem living polymerization of
to mediate controlled polymerizations of styrene,
both monomers to generate block copolymers of COD
MMA, and MA, although the systems were hetero-
and MMA, which can be converted into ethylene-
geneous.75 In search of less toxic ligands, dicarboxylic
block-MMA copolymers on subsequent hydrogena-
acids [NH(CO2H)2, C6H4-1,3-(CO2H)2, and HO2CCH2-
tion, also catalyzed by the complex.
CH2CO2H]76-79 and acetic acid78 were used for FeCl2,
Ruthenium-carborane 14-electron complexes were
and the resulting complexes induced controlled po-
investigated as catalysts for the radical reactions, and
lymerizations of MMA and styrene to give relatively
among them, a hydride complex (Ru-14) proved
broad MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.3-1.8).
effective in giving narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.2) and
Fe(III) species can also be employed in a so-called
controlled molecular weights without additives in the
reverse or alternative atom-transfer radical polym-
MMA polymerizations.68 A binuclear azo-bridged
erization (section II.B.9). A mixture of FeCl3 and PPh3
complex with nitrogen ligands (Ru-15) can be em-
can mediate a controlled polymerization of MMA in
ployed for MMA polymerization with CCl4 as an
the presence of AIBN to give similarly narrow MWDs
initiator to give polymers with relatively narrow
(Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.3).80 An ammonium halide such as
MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.4-1.6).69
n-Bu4NBr can be employed in place of PPh3 as a
2. Iron ligand for FeBr3 in the AIBN-initiated radical po-
As with ruthenium, iron belongs to the group 8
series of elements and can similarly take various 3. Copper
oxidation states (-2 to +4), among which Fe(II), Fe- Copper catalysts have been extensively employed
(I), and Fe(0) species have been reported to be active for the metal-catalyzed living or controlled radical
in Kharasch addition reactions.33 For metal-catalyzed polymerizations. Most of the polymerizations are
living radical polymerizations, several Fe(II) and Fe- conducted by a mixture of copper(I) bromide or
(I) complexes have thus far been employed and chloride and a nitrogen-based ligand (Figure 3), and
proved more active than the Ru(II) counterparts in in select examples by isolated complexes (Figure 4).
most cases (Figure 2). The iron-based systems are A wide variety of nitrogen ligands have been searched
attractive due to the low price and the nontoxic and employed (Figure 3), and they can be classified
nature of iron. into bidentate (L-1 to L-17, e.g., bipyridines, pyri-
FeCl2(PPh3)2 (Fe-1) was first employed for the dinimines, diamines), tridentate (L-18 to L-26), quad-
metal-catalyzed living radical polymerization of MMA ridentate (L-27 to L-33), and formaly hexadentate
in conjunction with a chloride or a bromide initiator, (L-34). An overview of some of these ligands has been
and the rate of the polymerization is faster than with described in recent papers.54,81 The following gives
RuCl2(PPh3)3.70 The polymerization with Fe-1 cata- specific examples of these ligands, though no system-
lyst was best controlled when coupled with CH3C- atic relationship has been established between their
(CO2C2H5)2Br as an initiator without additives in activity or utility and structures. However, quite
toluene at 80 °C (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.3). A similar fast recent papers deal with the relationships between the
living polymerization of styrene and MMA can be structure and the activity for several ligands.82,83
achieved with an iron complex and a higher electron- The Cu(I)-based initiating system was first re-
donating ligand such as imidazolydene (Fe-2) in ported for styrene polymerization by Wang and
3696 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

Figure 3. Ligands for copper catalysts.

Matyjaszewski and has subsequently been applied the CuBr/L-1 system by adding 10% DMF, while the
to a wide range of monomers. The first system MWDs were relatively broad (Mw/Mn ) 1.4-1.8).88
consists of CuCl and 2,2′-bipyridine (L-1) ligand, A difficulty in isolation and clarification of the
coupled with 1-phenylethyl chloride as an initiator.28 active Cu(I)-bipyridine complexes was overcome
Though a heterogeneous system, the polymers had with the use of a silyl-containing bipyridyl ligand (L-
controlled Mn, in direct proportion to monomer con- 6), which generates an ionic complex (Cu-1) on
version up to 100000 amu, and narrow MWDs (Mw/ mixing with an equimolar amount of CuBr.89,90 The
Mn < 1.5). The Cu(I)/L-1 system also proved effective complex as well as an equimolar mixture of CuBr and
for other monomers such as MA. The use of CuBr L-6 showed levels of control similar those with L-3
and a bromide initiator narrows the MWDs of poly- and CuBr. An active Cu(I) species with bipyridine-
styrene and poly(MA) (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.1), while broader type ligands presumably has a tetrahedral 18-
MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.4) were obtained for poly(MMA).84 electron species, as suggested for the similar com-
In an effort to solubilize the catalyst, long-chain plexes isolated after the polymerization of MA with
alkyl groups on the 4,4′-positions of bipyridine were L-4.91,92
introduced. Typical ligands in this line include L-2, A Cu(II) complex with a bipyridine-type ligand (Cu-
L-3, and L-4. Homogeneous polymerizations have 4) is effective in the controlled polymerization of
been achieved with L-385 and L-486 independently and styrene and acrylates in the presence of Al(O-i-Pr)3,
almost simultaneously by two research groups. The which most probably serves as a reducing agent of
polymerizations proceeded faster than the heteroge- Cu(II) into Cu(I).93,94 A fluoroalkyl-substituted bipy-
neous ones to give polystyrene of very narrow MWDs ridine ligand (L-7) was also employed in supercritical
(Mw/Mn ) 1.05). A longer alkyl chain substituent (L- carbon dioxide for the polymerization of fluorinated
5) is similarly efficient.87 Alternatively, homogeneous acrylates and methacrylates.95 Similar pyridine-
polymerization of styrene can be achieved even with based bidentate ligands, 1,10-phenanthroline and its
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3697

Possible control of stereochemistry was investi-

gated with the use of chiral Schiff bases L-11 (R )
Ph, Cy) as ligands or their recrystallized catalyst
Cu-3 in the polymerizations of MMA with a bromide
initiator in xylene at 90 °C.103 Unfortunately, the
tacticity of the polymers is not different from that in
conventional polymerizations, while control of mo-
lecular weights was achieved.
Styrene polymerization was investigated with some
pyridinimine ligands. Homogeneous living polymer-
izations can be achieved with L-9 (R ) n-Oct) in
xylene104 and with L-12 in the bulk,105 both with a
bromide initiator and CuBr, where the former gave
narrower MWDs than the latter (Mw/Mn ) 1.2 and
1.5-1.8, respectively). L-9 (R ) n-Oct) is also ap-
plicable for MA polymerization to give relatively
narrow MWDs.81
Catalyst removal is efficient with the use of a
polyethylene-segmented pyridinimine ligand (L-13)
in the polymerization of MMA with CuBr.106 A
similar ligand, 2-(2′-pyridyl)-4,5-dihydroxyloxazole
(L-14), is employed for CuCl-mediated polymeriza-
tions of methacrylates.107
Diamine compounds such as L-15 coordinate to
copper species, but their use for MA, MMA, and
Figure 4. Isolated copper catalysts. styrene results in slower polymerizations and broader
MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.3-2.5) than those with bipyri-
derivatives (L-8, R ) H, Ph), were also used for dine-based bidentate ligands.81,108 An increase of the
CuCl,96,97 CuBr,98 and Cu(0)99 in controlled polymer- number of amine linkages and bulkier substituents
izations of styrene and MMA. A homogeneous po- further broadened the MWDs.81 Sparteine (L-16), a
lymerization of styrene proceeds with the diphenyl- bicyclic diamine, was found to be an efficient ligand
substituted ligand (L-8, R ) Ph) with CuCl in 1,2- for homogeneous living radical polymerization of
dimethoxybenzene to afford better controlled polymers styrene and MMA with CuBr and CuCl, respectively,
than L-4 does under the same conditions.96 A pre- to give better-controlled polymers (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-
formed and isolated complex (Cu-2) induced a similar 1.3).109 A diamine with an ether moiety (L-17) was
controlled polymerization of styrene although the also employed in a CuCl-based system.110
mixture was heterogeneous with the unsubstituted Tridentate nitrogen ligands form 1:1 uncharged
phenanthroline.98 complexes with copper, in contrast to bidentate
A series of Schiff-base or pyridinimine-type biden- ligands that form tetrahedral ionic complexes.81 Well-
tate ligands (L-9) has been efficiently used for the controlled polymers of styrene and MA are obtained
homogeneous living radical polymerization of meth- with a substituted terpyridine (L-18), whereas the
acrylates (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2) with CuBr and a bro- unsubstituted derivative induced a heterogeneous
mide initiator in nonpolar solvents such as toluene and uncontrolled polymerization.111 A similar con-
and p-xylene.100-102 These ligands can therefore trolled polymerization of styrene was reported for a
clearly differ from bipyridines, which need some substituted terpyridine-based complex of Cu(II) (Cu-
special solvent such as ethers for controlling poly- 5) coupled with Al(O-i-Pr)3.112 A tridentate ligand
merizations of methacrylates (section II.E.1). How- with two pyridines and one amine (L-19) gave narrow
ever, an active Cu(I) species has a similar tetrahedral MWDs for styrene, MA, and MMA (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-
structure, as suggested by an isolated Cu(I) complex 1.4), although the Mn values for PMMA were slightly
with tetrafluoroborate anion.101 The solubility de- higher than the calculated values.113 Another triden-
pends on the alkyl substituents (R), and homogeneity tate ligand (L-20) with two pyridines and one imine
can be achieved with alkyl chains longer than n-Bu was effective for styrene and MA.81 A ligand (L-21)
at 90 °C. The rate increases on going from R ) Et to with one pyridine moiety gave narrow MWDs of
R ) n-Pr; however, no increase was observed with styrene.81 Diiminopyridine L-22 can be employed for
longer alkyl chains. Slower and less controlled poly- controlled radical polymerizations of MMA (Mw/Mn
merizations occurred when branching was introduced < 1.3), while diaminopyridine L-23 is effective for MA
into the R-position of the side chain (L-10).102 A and styrene (Mw/Mn < 1.3).114
similar ligand, diazabutadiene or diimine, which has A substituted linear triamine (L-24) is effective for
no pyridine moiety, does not induce controlled po- three types of monomers, styrene, MA, and MMA, to
lymerization most probably due to the high stability give relatively narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.4),
of Cu(I) complexes with regard to oxidation.102 The where the polymerizations of styrene and MA are
catalysts prepared in situ by the addition of ligands faster than those with L-1.108 A cyclic triamine (L-
L-9 to CuBr prior to the polymerizations are similarly 25) with ethylene linkers is similarly effective.81 A
effective.101 perfluoroalkyl-substituted triamine (L-26) is useful
3698 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

40 times greater than that with CuBr, to give

controlled molecular weights but broader MWDs (Mw/
Mn ) 1.4-1.6).123 Copper(I) carboxylates such as Cu-
(OAc) and Cu(2-thiophenecarboxylate) with L-4 also
led to faster polymerizations of styrene but broader
MWDs.124 Addition of copper(I) or copper(II) halide
was effective in improving the controllability for Mn
and MWDs without deceleration. With a sulfonyl
chloride as initiator, CuSCN leads to a polymeriza-
tion of MMA faster than copper halides do; however,
the less active C-SCN terminal accumulates via a
Figure 5. Copper catalysts. ligand exchange reaction.125
Dicopper chalcogens induced controlled polymer-
in living radical polymerization of MMA under fluo-
izations of MMA and n-butyl methacrylate (nBMA),
rous biphasic conditions, where the reaction mixtures
where the rate increased in the order Cu2O < Cu2S
were homogeneous under the reaction conditions but
< Cu2Se < (CuCl <) Cu2Te, in the presence of L-1 or
were heterogeneous under the workup conditions.115
L-4 with a sulfonyl chloride initiator. The poly-
The obtained polymers had narrow MWDs, and the
mers had controlled molecular weights and MWDs
catalysts can be reused at least twice without a
(Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2) at high conversions (>80%).126,127
significant loss of activity.
There was an induction period, which decreased in
Ligands with four nitrogen-based coordinating sites the order Cu2O > Cu2S > Cu2Se > Cu2Te. These
were also studied by several researchers. A series of copper salts are converted presumably into reactive
ligands with two pyridine and two amine parts (L- and soluble CuCl complexes via the reaction with the
27 and L-28) were employed for MMA in conjunction chlorine in the initiator during the induction period,
with CuBr and a bromide initiator to lead to con- although the mechanism has not been established
trolled polymerization (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.4) in the yet. Organocopper species such as CuSPh are also
presence of Cu(0).116 Slower polymerizations occurred effective in the controlled polymerizations of MMA
with fluorinated derivatives. Some isolated Cu(II) in the presence of L-1 and a sulfonyl chloride, where
complexes (Cu-6) were effective in the presence of Cu- the rate increased in the order CuCtCPh < CuSPh
(0), similar to the Cu(I) catalysts preformed in situ. < (CuCl <) CuSBu.128 Similar ligand exchange reac-
No changes in tacticity were observed even with the tions occur with these systems to form CuCl and
use of chiral ligands (L-28). A linear quadridentate result in low initiation efficiency especially at the
amine (L-29) was effective similarly to a tridentate high concentrations of organocoppers employed.
amine (L-24) to induce fast controlled polymeriza-
tions of styrene, MA, and MMA.108 A cyclic quadri- Metallic copper, Cu(0), can also be employed for
dentate amine (L-30) afforded broad MWDs but controlled radical polymerization in the absence or
induced fast and quantitative polymerizations of presence of copper(II) or copper(I) halides.126,129 Cu-
N,N-dimethylacrylamide.117 Controlled polymeriza- (0) is most probably converted in situ into an active
tions of styrene and acrylates are achieved with Cu(I) species via abstraction of halogen from the
tripodal ligands such as L-31113 and L-32,118,119 where initiator and the polymer terminal or from added
very fast living polymerizations of acrylates pro- copper(II) or copper(I) halides. The use of Cu(0) as
ceeded to reach 80% conversion within 3 h even at an accelerator or reducing agent of Cu(II) species will
22 °C with L-32. A tripodal ligand with ester sub- be discussed later (section II.D).
stituents (L-33) was effectively employed for 2-(dim- Cu(II) species such as CuS and CuSe can induce
ethylamino)ethyl methacrylate.120 A multidentate controlled polymerizations, the rate of which is
ligand with six possible coordination sites (L-34) was decreased when compared with their Cu(I) counter-
reported for MMA in THF or in γ-butyrolactone.121 parts (Cu2S and Cu2Se).127 These Cu(II) species are
Copper(I) salts other than bromides and chlorides presumably converted into copper(I) halides via a
were also employed as catalysts coupled with nitrogen- ligand exchange reaction with the initiator or poly-
based ligands (Figure 5). These salts seem to acceler- mer chain end similarly to Cu2S and Cu2Se. Copper-
ate polymerization due to the formation of unbridged (II) halides such as CuCl2 and CuBr2 per se are not
monomeric and highly active Cu(I) species, whereas active but can be converted into active copper(I)
copper(I) halides generally form bridged dimeric halides by combination with a conventional radical
complexes in organic solution. However, in most initiator such as AIBN.130,131 This system is some-
cases, broadening of the MWDs originates from the times called a reverse or alternative atom-transfer
rate of polymerization being faster than generation radical polymerization, which will also be discussed
of dormant species (deactivation of the radical spe- later (section II.B.9).
cies), as well as irreversible termination via transfer
of halogens from a polymer terminal to the complex, 4. Nickel
i.e., the formation of copper halides. Copper(I) triflate
[Cu(OTf), Tf ) CF3SO2], generated from Cu(OTf)2 and Among the various oxidation states of nickel (0-
Cu(0) in situ, induced faster polymerizations of MA IV), Ni(II) and Ni(0) are the most stable. There have
and styrene in the presence of L-24.122 A much faster been only a limited number of examples of nickel-
polymerization of MA was attained with CuPF6/L-4, catalyzed Kharasch addition reactions, in contrast to
where the apparent polymerization rate constant is those of ruthenium, iron, and copper, probably be-
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3699

is inferior. Mechanistically, the role of the zerovalent

complex apparently needs further clarification.
5. Palladium
Palladium belongs to the group 10 elements, and
as with nickel, it forms stable Pd(0) and Pd(II)
complexes. The use of such complexes (Pd-1 and Pd-
2) has been reported for the polymerization of MMA
with CCl4 initiator in toluene at 70 °C.137 The activity
is moderate (conversion 70-80% in 24 h), similar to
that of the nickel complexes. The Mn increased in
direct proportion to monomer conversion, while the
MWD was broader (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.8). In contrast,
polymerizations of styrene and acrylates were not
controlled with Pd catalysts.
6. Rhodium
Figure 6. Other metal catalysts. Among possible oxidation states of rhodium rang-
ing from +4 to -3, the most common are +1 and +3.
cause nickel easily undergoes oxidative addition and One of the most famous Rh(I) complexes(Rh-1), the
reductive elimination, which accompanies a two- so-called Wilkinson catalyst, widely used for hydro-
valence change in its oxidation state rather than the genation, was investigated for living radical polym-
one-electron redox cycle as required in the radical erization by several researchers. The chloride com-
addition processes. However, several Ni(II) and Ni- plex Rh-1 (X ) Cl) was first examined for styrene in
(0) complexes with selected ligands can act as ef- the bulk at 130 °C coupled with sulfonyl chloride as
ficient catalysts for living radical polymerizations via an initiator.86 The obtained polymers had broader
a one-electron redox cycle, especially when coupled MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.7) than those with the ruthenium
with bromide initiators (Figure 6). The activity of or copper catalysts. In contrast, it induced faster
nickel complexes thus far developed is relatively mild polymerizations of MMA in the presence of CCl4 or
in contrast to that of more active Ru(II) and Cu(I) CHCl2COPh in THF or in a mixture of THF and
complexes. water at 60 °C, where conversion reached 90% in 4
A Ni(II) complex with a bis-ortho-chelating nitro- h in the latter medium to give PMMA with a slight
gen ligand (Ni-1) was successfully employed for the reduction in the MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.3-1.7).138 The
living radical polymerization of methacrylates with effects of galvinoxyl and the tacticity of PMMA are
CCl4 or (CH3)2C(CO2C2H5)Br as an initiator.132 The again in agreement with the radical nature of the
polymerization proceeded homogeneously and reached polymerization. A bromide complex (Rh-1, X ) Br)
80% conversion in about 1 day at 80 °C to give in conjunction with a bromide initiator afforded
polymers with narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2), PMMA with narrower MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.3).139
although the initiation efficiency was lower (Ieff ) In another example, the novel Rh(I) complex Rh-2
0.8). The radical nature of the polymerizations was was employed with CCl4 for MMA and styrene bulk
suggested by the effects of radical inhibitors such as polymerizations at 60 °C, which reached 90% conver-
galvinoxyl and also by the tacticity of the polymers. sion in 14 h.140 The MWD of PMMA was narrower
A phosphine-based nickel(II) bromide complex (Ni- than that of polystyrene (Mw/Mn ) 1.43 vs 2.08),
2) also induces living radical polymerization of MMA while the initiation efficiency was very low in both
specifically when coupled with a bromide initiator in cases.
the presence of Al(O-i-Pr)3 as an additive in toluene
at 60 and 80 °C.133 The reaction rates and the effects
7. Rhenium
of radical inhibitors are similar to those with Ni-1, Rhenium belongs to the group 7 elements, which,
whereas chloride initiators are not effective in reac- in general, display the characteristics of early and
tion control. Additives are not necessary when the late transition metals. It can take a wide range of
polymerization is carried out in the bulk or at high oxidation states and give stable high-valent com-
concentrations of monomer, either methacrylate or plexes as do group 8-10 metals. A rhenium(V) iodide
n-butyl acrylate (nBA).134 An alkylphosphine complex complex (Re-1) induced efficient living radical poly-
(Ni-3) is thermally more stable and can be employed merizations of styrene coupled with an iodide initia-
for MMA, MA, and nBA in a wide range of temper- tor and Al(O-i-Pr)3 over a wide range of temperatures
atures (60-120 °C) without additives.135 A fast po- between 30 and 100 °C.141 Conversion reached 90%
lymerization proceeds at 120 °C to reach 90% con- within 6 h at 100 °C, and its catalytic activity for
version in 2.5 h. A zerovalent nickel complex (Ni-4) styrene is higher than that of Ru-1. The MWDs
is another class of catalyst for living radical polym- became narrower with decreasing temperature (Mw/
erization of MMA in conjunction with a bromide Mn ) 1.2-1.5). The radical nature of the polymeri-
initiator and Al(O-i-Pr)3 to afford polymers with zation was suggested by inhibition of the polymeri-
narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.2-1.4) and controlled zation by TEMPO. However, the terminal iodide
molecular weights.136 The Ni(0) activity is similar to group was not converted into the nitroxyl group, most
that of Ni(II) complexes whereas the controllability probably due to a low concentration of radical species
3700 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

as well as deactivation of the Re(V) complex via (Merrifield resin) such as SL-2 and SL-3 also resulted
interaction with TEMPO. The system can equally be in uncontrolled polymerizations of acrylates, meth-
employed for acrylate polymerizations, although the acrylates, and styrene. A better control can be
MWDs are broader (Mw/Mn ) 1.6-1.8).142 achieved with the use of SL-4 for a mixture of CuBr2
There is also a report on the use of a Re(I) complex and CuBr in the polymerization of MA, where the
(Re-2) in 1,2-dichloroethane at 50 °C, where the molecular weights became closer to the calculated
increase of molecular weights with conversion was values, and the MWDs became narrower (Mw/Mn )
observed in the MMA polymerization.143 Due to the 1.6-2.0).145 The residual copper in the reaction
absence of initiator, the solvent presumably serves mixture was estimated about 3% of the initial amount,
as a supplier of the initiating radical species. The which indicates that the metal was effectively bound
radical nature of the polymerization was suggested to the resin.
from the copolymerization behavior of MMA and The use of another supported ligand such as SL-5
styrene. on silica gels and polystyrene resins induced con-
trolled radical polymerization of MMA, resulting in
8. Molybdenum narrower MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.5-1.6), although the
A group 6 metal complex can be a candidate as a molecular weights were higher than the calculated
catalyst for radical polymerization because of its values.146,147 Block copolymerization and the reuse of
variable oxidation states, despite its sensitivity to air the catalysts have also been achieved. Physically
and protic compounds. A lithium molybdate(V) com- adsorbed catalysts obtained by mixing silica gels or
plex (Mo-1) can polymerize styrene in conjunction amino-functionalized silica gels with CuBr in the
with benzyl chloride in toluene at 80 °C to yield presence of free ligands gave narrower MWDs (Mw/
polystyrene with relatively broad MWDs (Mw/Mn ) Mn ) 1.3-1.4) but resulted in coloring of the solution
1.5-1.7).144 The initiation efficiency was low (∼10%), due to free copper complexes.
and decomposition of the complex was observed. A ruthenium complex (Ru-1) can also be supported
on a silica gel such as SL-6.148 The ruthenium-
9. Immobilized Catalysts catalyzed MMA polymerization gave controlled mo-
lecular weights, closer to the calculated values, and
Immobilized catalysts have been studied in metal-
narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.5-1.7). Block copolymer-
catalyzed living radical polymerization for, in part,
ization as well as the reuse of the catalysts is
easy removal of the catalysts from the products. In
possible. The polymerization was faster in the pres-
most examples, the catalytic metal centers are at-
ence of SL-6 than in the absence, most probably due
tached to solid supports, such as silica gel and
to the effects of amines as additives as will be
polystyrene beads, via spacers and/or coordinating
discussed below (section II.D). The residual ruthe-
ligands (Figure 7). The central metals thus far
nium in the reaction mixture was estimated to be
employed include copper and ruthenium.
about 10% of the initial feed.
A similar, physically bound CuBr catalyst on a
silica gel support (L-29) was also employed for MMA
polymerization.149 The polymers had narrow MWDs
(Mw/Mn ≈ 1.3), but the molecular weights were higher
than the calculated values. The recycled catalysts
have a lower activity but lead to better control of
molecular weights; i.e., the Mn agreed well with the
calculated values, and the MWDs were narrower (Mw/
Mn ≈ 1.2). The physically supported catalysts were
further employed for the synthesis of end-function-
alized polymers.150 When physically supported silica
gel catalysts are packed into a continuous column
reactor, a controlled polymerization is possible.151
In contrast, unsupported catalysts can be removed
by precipitation of polymers,152 passing through an
alumina column,152 or using an absorbant,27 but
complete removal is difficult. The use of ion-exchange
resins was investigated and seems more practical.153
Figure 7. Ligands for immobilized catalysts.
Another efficient method for catalyst removal is to
use special ligands or catalysts such as L-26115 and
Several silica-based materials such as silica gels, Ru-3,59 which can be removed with the use of fluoro
silica powder, and fumed silica (Aerosil) were em- solvents and water, respectively. Ionic liquid can also
ployed as supports for CuBr by modification of their be employed for catalyst removal (section II.E.5).
surface as in SL-1.145 Thus, for instance, bulk polym-
erization of styrene was investigated but resulted in
polymers of uncontrolled molecular weights and
B. Initiators
broad MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 2-10) due to the slow The role of the initiator in metal-catalyzed living
deactivation or initiation of the growing radical radical polymerization is to form an initiating radical
species relative to propagation. Organic polymer- species via homolytic cleavage of its labile bond such
supported ligands on a cross-linked polystyrene as C-halogen by the metal catalysts. In most cases,
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3701

Figure 8. Organic halide initiators.

the dissociated halogen or its equivalent is subse- monomers and metal complexes. There have been
quently reattached to the propagating radical chain some papers discussing various halide initiators in
end to give a dormant species. The initiator is thus the metal-catalyzed living polymerization.154,155
chosen so that the initiation occurs fast and is
quantitative, with the dormant polymer chain end 1. Haloalkanes
being stable during the polymerization. This means Carbon tetrachloride (I-1) was the first initiator
that the initiator should be carefully selected in employed for the metal-catalyzed living radical po-
accordance with the structure and reactivity of the lymerization of MMA in conjunction with Ru-1.27 The
monomers and metal complexes. Mn values increase with conversion and are controlled
Most of the initiators thus far successfully em- by the molar ratio of monomer to initiator. They
ployed are organic halides with a potentially active agree with the calculated values assuming that one
carbon-halogen bond, which can easily generate a molecule of CCl4 generates one living polymer chain,
radical species through electronic and steric effects but become smaller at the later stages of the poly-
of their substituents (Figure 8). These organic halides merizations. Despite CCl4 being a chain-transfer
therefore possess surplus halogens or conjugated agent or a telomer in free radical polymerization, no
substituents such as allyl, aryl, carbonyl, and cyano evidence is found to suggest such reactivity in the
groups for stabilization of the generated radical metal-mediated processes; the initiator is quantita-
species by the inductive and/or resonance effects. tively consumed during the early stages. A similar
However, in some cases, an extensive stabilization result was also obtained in the Cu(I)-catalyzed MMA
of the initiating radical may disturb its addition to polymerizations.156,157
the monomer and thus result in slow initiation, which Another possible problem is that such polyhalogen
causes uncontrolled molecular weights and/or broad compounds may act as multifunctional initiators to
MWDs. An organic halide, the structure of which is give telechelic or star polymers. The initiating moiety
similar to that of the dormant chain end of the thus involved midchain (---CCl2---) may also induce
polymer, is preferentially used so that the activity side reactions, and in fact the lower Mn at the latter
of the carbon-halogen bond in the initiator is similar stages of the polymerizations of MMA is due to the
to that of the dormant polymer terminal. generation of new polymer chains via chain trans-
Halogens (X) in the initiators (R-X) include chlo- fer.156 CCl4 can be also employed for other metal
rine, bromine, and iodine, where the reactivity of the complexes such as Fe,70 Ni,132 Pd,137 and Rh138,140 as
C-X bond increases in the order Cl < Br < I, but well as other monomers such as styrene84 to give
the stability of the C-X bond decreases vice versa. well-controlled molecular weights and relatively nar-
Chlorides and bromides have thus been widely row MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.3).
employed. A series of 1,1,1-trichloroalkanes (I-2 to I-6) were
The following summarizes various initiators in examined as initiators for the Cu(I)-catalyzed poly-
terms of their structures, focusing on available merizations of styrene,158 MMA,156 and MA.156 These
3702 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

polychloroalkanes are efficient initiators to give larly suited for controlling polymerizations of sty-
controlled molecular weights and narrow MWDs (Mw/ renes. The first example of the controlled radical
Mn ) 1.1-1.7; narrowness depending on the initia- polymerization of styrene indeed involves I-13 (X )
tors and monomers), with most of them serving as Cl) and CuCl/L-1, where the Mn increased in direct
bifunctional initiators. In contrast, CHCl3 (I-2) is not proportion to monomer conversion and agreed well
a good initiator in the Ru-1-based system probably with the calculated values in a molecular weight
due to the low activity or the high redox potential of range from 4000 to 100000.28 The relatively broad
the ruthenium complex relative to the copper cata- MWDs with the chloride I-13 (X ) Cl) are improved
lyst.154 1,1-Dichloroalkanes such as CH2Cl2 and CH3- by using the bromide counterpart I-13 (X ) Br) for
CCl2CH3 and monochloroalkanes such as C4H9Cl are CuBr/L-4 (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.5 vs 1.1).84,85
totally inactive with Cu(I) and Ru(II) complexes.84,154,156 The activity of the carbon-halogen bonds of I-13
A haloalkane with mixed halogens (I-7) led to living (X ) Cl, Br) as well as I-12 (X ) Br) in the Cu(I)/L-3
polymerization of methacrylates, acrylates, and acryl- system was examined by monitoring the capping of
amides when coupled with ruthenium and nickel the generated radical species by TEMPO in toluene-
complexes.133,135,159,160 The weak C-Br bond is pref- d8.163 The activation energy of the C-X bonds de-
erentially activated, while multifunctional initiation creased in the order I-13 (X ) Cl) > I-12 (X ) Br) >
is possible. However, CCl3Br is the initiator of choice I-13 (X ) Br), which would reflect the rate of
if obtaining narrow MWDs is desired without paying initiation and thereby the MWDs of the produced
attention to monomer structures. polymers. The bromo initiator I-13 (X ) Br) can be
The use of perfluoroalkyl iodides I-8 and I-9 and also employed with iron complexes such as Fe-271 and
iodoform (I-10) was also studied in the Ru(II)- and a mixture of FeBr2 and a nitrogen- or phosphine-
Cu(I)-based systems for styrene and MA.57,142 Fine based ligand74 to give polystyrene with narrow MWDs
control of molecular weights and MWDs was attained (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2). The chloride I-13 (X ) Cl) and
for the former monomer, although an iodine-transfer the bromide I-13 (X ) Br) are not suited for the
mechanism could not be totally ruled out. styrene polymerization with ruthenium (Ru-1), giving
broader MWDs [Mw/Mn > 2 (X ) Cl), ≈ 1.9 (X ) Br)]
2. Allyl Halides while the molecular weights were controlled with the
Allyl radical is relatively stable due to the conjuga- latter.57 However, the iodide I-13 (X ) I) gives
tion of a vinyl group with the carbon-centered radical. controlled molecular weights and narrower MWDs
Allyl chloride and bromide (I-11, X ) Cl, Br) were (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.5) in conjunction with Ru-1. The use of
thus employed as initiators for controlled radical an iodide complex such as Re-1 is preferred with such
polymerization of styrene in conjunction with CuCl/ an iodide initiator to avoid halogen-exchange reac-
L-1 and CuBr/L-1, respectively.161 The molecular tions, and polystyrenes with narrower MWDs (Mw/
weights agreed well with the calculated values as- Mn ≈ 1.2) are produced.141
suming the formation of one living polymer chain per Radical species can be generated more easily from
initiator and increased in direct proportion to mono- benzhydryl chloride (I-14), carrying two phenyl groups.
mer conversion. The MWDs were narrower with This compound induced the radical polymerization
bromide than with chloride (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.2 vs 1.3). of MMA catalyzed by CuCl/L-4 to give narrow MWDs
(Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2),164 although it should be added
3. (Haloalkyl)benzenes slowly into the mixture to suppress bimolecular
A series of (haloalkyl)benzenes (I-12 to I-15) were termination of the initiating radical spceis.155 Intro-
extensively examined and proved effective specifically duction of an additional chlorine at the R-position,
for polymerizations of styrene and its derivatives, due as in I-15, is effective in narrowing MWDs in the Cu-
to the benzyl radical being similar to the growing (I)-catalyzed polymerization of styrene and MMA.165
radical chain ends therein. Among them, benzyl It serves as a bifunctional initiator for the former and
chloride (I-12, X ) Cl), which forms a primary a monofunctional initiator for the latter.
radical, has the strongest carbon-halogen bond, but
4. Haloketones
induces the controlled radical polymerization of
styrene with CuCl/L-1 in the bulk at 130 °C.84 The As described above, radical formation is favored by
MWD is slightly broader than that obtained with introducing an electron-withdrawing and conjugating
CCl4 under similar conditions, due to the slow initia- substituent in the R-position relative to the C-halo-
tion (Mw/Mn ) 1.45 vs 1.30). A similar slow initiation gen bonds. A series of haloketones (I-16 to I-18)
was observed for benzyl bromide (I-12, X ) Br) in proved effective especially in Ru(II)- and Ni(II)-
the polymerization of styrene with CuBr/L-4, while mediated living radical polymerizations of MMA. The
the MWDs were quite narrow (Mw/Mn ) 1.2).162 This PMMA obtained with trichloro- (I-16) and dichlo-
initiator can also be employed with the CuCl/L-4 pair roketones (I-17) in the presence of Ru-1 had con-
for MMA to give relatively narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ trolled Mn in direct proportion to monomer conver-
1.3); note that this system involves halogen exchange sion, in good agreement with the calculated values,
between the initiator/dormant end and the metal and narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2).56 A similar
catalyst (section II.F.5). living polymerization is possible with more active
1-Phenylethyl halides (I-13, X ) Cl, Br, I), adducts Ru(II) complexes such as Ru-258 and Ru-5.60 The
of styrene and the corresponding hydrogen halide, controllability of polymerizations with I-17 is supe-
can be considered as a unimer of the dormant C-X rior to that with CCl4 when coupled with Ru-1, while
terminal of polystyrene, and thus they are particu- it serves as a bifunctional initiator.154 A monofunc-
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3703

tional bromoketone (I-18) is specifically effective in copper,84,100 and nickel132-136 complexes to give well-
nickel-catalyzed living radical polymerizations of controlled molecular weights and narrow MWDs (Mw/
MMA.132,135,136 However, haloketones are generally Mn ) 1.1-1.5). Similarly, I-24 (X ) Br) is suitable
too reactive for the copper-catalyzed homogeneous for styrene and acrylates with ruthenium,60 iron,73
systems and result in uncontrolled polymerizations copper,84 and nickel catalysts.135 An iodoester (I-24,
probably due to the reduction of the electrophilic X ) I) was specifically employed with iodo complexes
radical species into anions by the highly active Cu(I) of Re and Fe to initiate living radical polymerization
catalysts.155 of styrenes and acrylates, where it performs as a
better initiator than other iodides such as I-13 (X )
5. Haloesters I) and I-21 (X ) I).72,73,141,142,169 In contrast, the
Relative to haloketones, haloesters have been suc- chloride versions such as (CH3)2C(CO2CH3)Cl are
cessfully employed with a wider range of metal poor initiators for MMA, although they can be
complexes, including Ru, Fe, Cu, Ni, etc. A less regarded as a unimer of PMMA with a C-Cl dormant
electron-withdrawing ester group can moderately terminal.170 The problem with the chloride initiators
activate the carbon-halogen bond and does not make can be overcome with a dimer type of initiator, i.e.,
the resulting radical too electrophilic. This type of MMA dimers capped with chlorine (I-25, X ) Cl),
initiator can be more versatile for various monomers which achieves fast initiation catalyzed by Ru-1 to
including styrenes, methacrylates, acrylates, etc. by give well-controlled molecular weights and narrower
careful design of their structures. Some specific MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.3). This is most probably due to
examples follow. electronic and/or steric effects. The former is related
to the electron-deficient R-carbon atom, which is
Trichloroacetate I-19 and dichloroacetate I-20 can
suggested by the lower-field 13C NMR chemical shifts
be employed for the Ru-1-mediated living radical
relative to that in the unimer I-24, while the latter
polymerization of MMA to give narrow MWDs (Mw/
factor is related to the so-called back strain effect,
Mn ≈ 1.2), where the latter seems to be monofunc-
which makes the dissociation of the C-Cl bond easier
during the rehybrdization of the R-carbon from sp3
A series of R-halopropionates (I-21 and I-22, X ) to sp2, thus relieving steric hindrance. When coupled
Cl, Br), model compounds of the dormant polymer with Ru-6, the dimer initiator is highly versatile and
terminal of acrylates, are suitable for not only acry- can be employed for not only MMA but also styrene
lates but also styrenes and acrylamides. Ethyl 2-chlo- and MA to give narrow MWDs under the same
ropropionate (I-21, X ) Cl) was employed for the conditions (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2) as describe above.62 A
controlled radical polymerizations of MA and styrene similarly higher reactivity of the dimer-type com-
catalyzed by CuCl/L-1 to afford relatively narrow pound was observed for the bromide version I-25 (X
MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.5).84 A better controlled polym- ) Br), which can be employed for MMA with Ru-1170
erization of MA is achieved with the bromides I-21 and Ni-3.60,135
and I-22 (X ) Br) in conjunction with CuBr/L-1 to
The malonate-type initiator I-26 can generate a
give narrower MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.2).84 A similar
stabilized initiating radical rapidly and can be em-
result was obtained with the combination of I-23 and
ployed for the living radical polymerization of MMA
CuBr/L-1 for the polymerization of styrene.166 A
with Ru-1154 and Fe-170 to afford narrow MWDs (Mw/
nickel-based system with Ni-2 and I-21 (X ) Br) gave
Mn ≈ 1.2) but slightly higher Mn values than the
another controlled polymerization of nBA.134 The
calculated values. Control of molecular weights for
iodide compound I-21 (X ) I) is specifically effective
PMMA is achieved with the I-26/CuBr/L-4 system,
in conjunction with an iodide complex such as Re-1
while no polymerizations occurred with CH(CO2-
to induce controlled polymerization of styrene.141
R-Halopropionates are generally less suitable for
MMA polymerization due to the low reactivity of their A compound such as I-27, which possesses one
C-X bonds compared with that of the dormant ester and one phenyl group adjacent to the chlorine
methacrylate terminal, due to the difference in the atom, induces controlled polymerization of both MMA
reactivity of secondary and tertiary halides.154 How- and styrene in the presence of CuBr/L-1.171 The
ever, the use of a halogen-exchange method for I-21 initiation occurs faster than with I-21 (X ) Cl) and
(X ) Br) and CuCl/L-1 improves MMA polymeriza- CH2ClCO2C2H5, both of which have no phenyl sub-
tion to give controlled molecular weights and narrow stituent. A bromide (I-28) with a similar structure
MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.2-1.4), where a less reactive proved effective in the CuBr/L-24-mediated polym-
chlorine-capped dormant species is generated after erization of MMA.149
the initiation.167 Controlled polymerization of N,N-
dimethylacrylamide has been achieved with I-22 (X
6. Haloamides
) Cl) in conjunction with CuCl in toluene at 20 °C.168 Bromides with N,N-alkylamide groups (I-29 and
2-Bromoisobutyrate I-24 (X ) Br), a unimer model I-30) can be good initiators for acrylamides. They
of poly(methacrylate) with a dormant C-Br terminal, were employed for the Ru-catalyzed polymerization
is more versatile for various monomers such as of N,N-dimethylacrylamide (DMAA) to give con-
methacrylates, acrylates, and styrenes; various metal trolled molecular weights and broad MWDs (Mw/Mn
complexes including Ru, Fe, Cu, and Ni can be ≈ 1.6).160 In contrast, the chloride version CH3CH-
employed in this case. Living or controlled radical (CONMe2)Cl failed to give controlled molecular
polymerization of MMA was successfully done with weights,160 and similar halides without alkyl substit-
I-24 (X ) Br) coupled with ruthenium,56 iron,70,71 uents on the amide nitrogens, such as CH3CH-
3704 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

(CONH2)X (X ) Cl, Br), do not lead to controlled observed when compared with that of bromoisobu-
polymerization of DMAA.172 tyrate [I-24 (X ) Br)]/CuBr/L-9 in p-xylene.179
Perfluoroalkanesulfonyl halides I-35 and I-36 in-
7. Halonitriles duced controlled polymerization of styrene and MMA
Halonitriles I-31 (X ) Cl, Br), unimer models of in the presence of copper catalysts, although the
halogen-capped dormant poly(acrylonitrile), are spe- initiation efficiency is lower.177 With the alkanesulfo-
cifically employed for the polymerization of acrylo- nyl halides I-35 and I-36, decomposition by loss of
nitrile with copper halides. Controlled molecular SO2 from the initial sulfonyl radical occurs to give a
weights and narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.4) are perfluoroalkyl radical, which then adds to the mono-
achieved.173,174 The strong electron-withdrawing cy- mer to initiate the polymerization.
ano group facilitates the formation of the initiating The use of arenesulfonyl halides was also investi-
radical, and may thus be employed for other mono- gated for the ruthenium-catalyzed polymerization of
mers such as MMA with Fe catalysts74 and styrene MMA.180 Living polymers are indeed attained, where
with CuCl/L-1.84 the R-end group (Fn ≈ 1.0) and the MWDs are
controlled (Mw/Mn ) 1.2-1.5), whereas the Mn values
8. Sulfonyl Halides were higher than the calculated values due to low
Sulfonyl halides, particularly arenesulfonyl ha- initiation efficiency (Ieff ≈ 0.4).
lides, can afford radical species much faster than
carbon halides by the assistance of a metal complex 9. Conventional Radical Initiators
and efficiently add to olefins with little dimerization Another route to the metal-catalyzed living or
of sulfonyl radicals in comparison to carbon-centered controlled radical polymerization is through initia-
radicals. Another feature of the compounds is that tion by a conventional radical initiator (A-A) such
there is little effect of the substituents on the rate of as AIBN in conjunction with a metal complex
addition to an olefin. These properties make sulfonyl [Mn+1Xn+1Lm] at a higher oxidation state, for example,
halides an efficient and “universal” series of initiators CuCl2/L-1 (Scheme 4). This system is sometimes
for the metal-catalyzed living radical polymerizations
of various monomers including methacrylates, acry- Scheme 4. Reverse-Type Metal-Catalyzed Living
lates, and styrenes (Figure 9).152,175-177 Radical Polymerization

Figure 9. Sulfonyl halide initiators.

Arenesulfonyl halides I-32 were first employed for

the CuCl/L-1-catalyzed polymerization of styrene in
the bulk at 130 °C to give polymers with controlled
molecular weights and relatively narrow MWDs (Mw/
Mn ) 1.4-1.8).152 No significant effects were observed
with different ring substituents. called a “reverse (or alternative)” atom-transfer radi-
The polymers possess one sulfonyl group per chain, cal polymerization.80,130 The difference between the
which can be utilized as end-functional polymers as normal route with R-X/MnXnLm and the reverse
discussed later (section III.B.1). Narrower MWDs route lies in the initiation mechanism. The latter is
(Mw/Mn ) 1.2-1.4) were obtained in MMA polymer- initiated by the formation of radical species A• via
ization with I-32 as well as I-33 and I-34 in conjunc- homolytic cleavage, while the former by the formation
tion with CuCl/L-1 in p-xylene at 90 °C.175 In a of radical species from R-X assisted by MnXnLm. The
homogeneous system with CuCl/L-4, I-32 can afford radical species thus generated (A•) gives an adduct
narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.3) for styrene, MMA, (A-X) by abstraction of halogen from Mn+1Xn+1Lm,
and nBA.176 The fast addition of the sulfonyl radical leaving a metal complex at a lower oxidation state
to these monomers was evidenced by 1H NMR [MnXnLm]. Alternatively, A• adds to the monomer to
analysis of the reactions, where the apparent rate form an initiating radical species [A-CH2-C(R1)-
constants of initiation are 4 (for styrene and MMA), (R2)•] or a propagating species, which is also con-
3 (nBA), and 2 (MA) orders of magnitude higher than verted into a similar covalent species with a C-X
those of propagation. A similar controlled and homo- bond accompanying reduction of Mn+1Xn+1Lm. After
geneous polymerization of MMA with I-32 (X ) CH3)/ formation of the dormant C-X species and the metal
CuBr/L-4 was reported in diphenyl ether at 90 °C.178 catalyst at a lower oxidation state, the polymerization
A better control of molecular weights and MWDs with proceeds similarly to the normal-type metal-catalyzed
I-32 (X ) CH3)/CuBr/L-9 in diphenyl ether was also processes already discussed. Figure 10 summarizes
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3705

narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.2-1.4) and controlled Mn

values, which agreed well with the calculated values
assuming the formation of one polymer chain per
BPO molecule.186 The polymerizations of styrene and
MMA with BPO can be controlled with copper(I)
There were also several reports on the use of other
radical generators such as I-43188,189 and I-44190-192
in conjunction with FeCl3/PPh3 or with CuCl2/L-1 for
MMA and styrene. Polymers obtained with I-43 have
a methyl group at the R-end because a hydrogen
radical is the initiator. Low temperatures are enough
for I-44 (75 °C for R ) H, 85 °C for R ) CH3) to afford
PMMA with narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.2-1.3),
although the Mn values were lower than the calcu-
lated values.
In situ heating of a mixture of I-45 and FeCl3 with
PPh3 results in the formation of dithiocarbamate-
iron complexes that decompose into Et2NC(S)S-Cl
and FeCl2/PPh3, and finally initiates the polymeri-
zation via activation of the S-Cl bond by FeCl2.193
Figure 10. Conventional radical initiators employed for The bulk MMA polymerization at 100 °C reaches 80%
metal-catalyzed polymerizations. in 8 min to give controlled molecular weights and
narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.1). A similar polymeriza-
the initiators thus far employed in such reverse-type tion of MMA can also be done with an iron(III)
polymerizations. complex system (I-46/FeCl3/PPh3).194 Air could be a
This type of polymerizations was first reported for radical source for methacrylate polymerization with
the bulk polymerization of styrene with AIBN (I-37)/ CuCl2/L-29 and results in polymers with high mo-
CuCl2/L-1 at 130 °C.130 The Mn increased in direct lecular weights up to 700000 and narrow MWDs (Mw/
proportion to monomer conversion and agreed well Mn ≈ 1.1).195
with the calculated values assuming that one AIBN In addition to the wide variety and number of
molecule forms two polymer chains. The MWDs were initiators shown in Figures 8-10, various “function-
narrow (Mw/Mn ) 1.3-1.6). However, the heteroge- alized” initiators have been designed and examined,
neous system with L-1 is not applicable for other as will be separately treated later (cf. Figure 13).
monomers such as methacrylates and acrylates. This
can be overcome with the use of the homogeneous C. Monomers
CuBr2/L-4 system for MA and MMA polymeriza-
tion131 or by lowering the initiation temperature to The rapid progress and proliferation of metal-
65-70 °C followed by polymerization at 100 °C for catalyzed living radical polymerization has allowed
MA even in the heterogeneous system.181 a variety of vinyl monomers to be polymerized into
Iron(III) chloride (FeCl3) with PPh3 ligands can be well-defined polymers of controlled molecular weights
similarly employed with AIBN for MMA80 and sty- and narrow MWDs. Most of them are conjugated
rene,182 while the AIBN/FeBr3/n-Bu4PBr system is monomers such as methacrylates, acrylates, styrenes,
effective in MMA and MA polymerization.75 acrylonitrile, acrylamides, etc., except dienes, which
possess not only alkyl substituents but also aprotic
An azo compound with an imidazoline group (I-38) and protic functional groups. This fact attests to the
is applicable to MMA coupled with FeCl3 and PPh3.183 versatility and flexibility of metal catalysis for preci-
Water-soluble azo compounds such as I-39 and I-40 sion polymerization.
with CuBr2 and L-4 induced emulsion living radical
However, less conjugated monomers such as vinyl
polymerization of nBMA (Mw/Mn ) 1.2-1.6), though
acetate, vinyl chloride, and ethylene are still difficult
the initiation efficiency is rather low.184 A similar
to polymerize in a controlled way by metal-catalyzed
emulsion polymerization was conducted with I-41.184
polymerizations. This is most probably due to the
A conventional peroxide initiator such as BPO (I- difficulty in activation of their less reactive carbon-
42) does not work in a manner similar to that of azo halogen bonds. The following sections will discuss
initiators in the homogeneous system for styrene with these aspects from the viewpoint of the monomers
CuBr2 and L-4.185 In this polymerization, the Cu(I) listed in Figure 11. Functional monomers will be
species is generated via reduction of Cu(II) species discussed later in another section, Precision Polymer
by a styryl radical and further acts as an accelerator Synthesis.
in the decomposition of BPO. It then reacts with the
remaining BPO to form the benzoyloxy radical and
inactive copper(II) benzoate salts again. Thus, no
1. Methacrylates
polymerization occurs. However, the use of a hetero- Living radical polymerization of methacrylates has
geneous system and low-temperature initiation at 70 been achieved by the use of various complexes
°C followed by the polymerization at 110 °C in fact including ruthenium, iron, copper, nickel, palladium,
induces styrene polymerization. The polymers had and rhodium. Among them, the most precisely con-
3706 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

Figure 11. Monomers.

trolled polymerizations (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2) were 2. Acrylates

reported with the R-Cl/Ru,56 R-Br/Ni,133 R-Br/ Acrylates generate highly reactive radical species
Cu,100 and RSO2Cl/Cu176 systems, where R-X means but give less reactive carbon-halogen bonds than
an initiator with a particular halogen (X). The those of methacrylates. These differences from the
carbon-halogen bonds derived from methacrylates methacrylate counterparts thus call for active cata-
are highly reactive, in contrast to those from other lysts with lower redox potentials. Copper-based sys-
monomers due to the two substituents, methyl and tems have most extensively been studied and are best
ester groups, which stabilize the relevant radical suited in controlling the MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-
species. This may in turn require relatively mild 1.2)84,85,176 of poly(acrylate)s, but ruthenium,62 iron,201
metal complexes such as ruthenium and nickel, nickel,134,135 and rhenium142 catalysts are often effec-
whereas some special issues, such as use of polar tive too. In the Cu(I) catalysis, chloride and bromide
solvents84 or a halogen-exchange reaction,196 should initiators may be coupled with CuBr and CuCl in
be considered for the copper/bipyridine-based sys- conjunction with various nitrogen-based ligands. For
tems. example, CuBr with I-31 (X ) Br) and L-3 afforded
Recommended initiators for methacrylate polymer- poly(MA) with very narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1) in
izations are I-24 (X ) Br) and I-25 (X ) Cl), both of the bulk at 110 °C.85 In contrast, bromide and iodide
which are unimer and dimer models of poly(methacry- initiators are preferably used with other metals such
late) dormant terminals, respectively. For example, as Ru(II)62 to increase the reactivity of the dormant
PMMA with precisely controlled molecular weights, C-X bonds. Among the most suitable initiators are
very narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1), and nearly perfect unimer models of poly(acrylate)s such as I-21.
end-capping with halogen was obtained with the I-25 Similarly to methacrylates, various alkyl groups
(X ) Cl)/Ru-5/Al(O-i-Pr)3 initiating system.60,197 Al- are available as substituents including methyl (M-
ternatively, arenesulfonyl chlorides can lead to well- 13),62,84,85,135,142,176,201 ethyl (M-14),94 n-butyl (M-
controlled poly(methacrylate)s with narrow MWDs 15),84,134,142,176,201 tert-butyl (M-16),201-203 isobornyl (M-
(Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2) in combination with copper cata- 17),204 and 2-phenylethyl (M-18).195
The alkyl substituents of methacrylates are varied 3. Styrenes
as methyl (M-1),27,84,100,132,133,176 ethyl (M-2),102,198 iso- A large number of styrenic monomers have been
propyl (M-3),199 n-butyl (M-4),102,132,176,198 isobutyl (M- investigated in metal-catalyzed radical polymeriza-
5),102 sec-butyl (M-6),102 tert-butyl (M-7),63,102 isobornyl tions. Polymerization of styrene (M-19) can be con-
(M-8),63 2-phenylethyl (M-9),195 benzyl (M-10),199 and trolled with copper,28,84,85,152,176 ruthenium,57,60,62,66,86,205
4-nitrophenyl (M-11)166 methacrylates were also po- iron,71-75 rhodium,86,140 rhenium,141 and molybdenum
lymerized in a controlled way, and the polymer from catalysts.144 The polymerizations have actively been
M-11 can be converted easily into poly(methacrylic studied with the copper-based systems, among which
acid) via deprotection of the nitrophenyl group. precisely controlled molecular weights and very nar-
Sodium methacrylate (M-12), an ionic monomer, can row MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1) were obtained in a homo-
be polymerized directly into poly(methacrylic acid) geneous system consisting of I-13 (X ) Br), CuBr,
sodium salt with controlled molecular weights and and L-3 in the bulk at 130 °C.85 Similar well-
narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.2-1.3) with a water- controlled polymerizations are feasible with several
soluble bromide initiator and CuBr/L-1 in water ruthenium (Ru-5)60 and iron (Fe-2,72 Fe-3,73 and Fe-
under alkaline conditions (pH 8-9) at 90 °C, al- 471) complexes in conjunction with a bromide or iodide
though the polymerization stopped around 70- initiator. Even a chloride initiator (I-25, X ) Cl) can
80%.200 afford narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1) when coupled
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3707

with the Ru(II)-Cp* complex (Ru-6) in the presence copper-based system, consisting of I-31 (X ) Cl, Br),
of Al(O-i-Pr)3 in toluene at 80 °C.62 CuX (X ) Cl, Br), and L-1 in ethylene carbonate at
A series of substituted styrenes (M-19 to M-27) 45-65 °C.173,174 The Mn is controlled up to 30000,
were polymerized with the I-13 (X ) Br)/CuBr/L-1 keeping relatively narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn < 1.5). The
system in diphenyl ether at 110 °C to give controlled end-group analysis showed some loss of the terminal
Mn that increased in direct proportion to monomer halogen most probably due to the reduction of the
conversion.206 The polymerization rate was faster growing radical by CuX to form the corresponding
with more electron-withdrawing substituents due to polymer anion that subsequently deactivates quickly.
the increase of monomer reactivity and the carbon-
halogen bond in the dormant species. The MWDs of 6. Acrylamides
the polymers with electron-donating substituents (M- Polymerizations of acrylamides were investigated
24 and M-25) were relatively broad (Mw/Mn ) 1.4- with several systems based on copper and ruthenium.
1.7). Introduction of a strongly electron-donating The system with Ru-1 and a bromide initiator such
substituent such as a methoxy group gave only as I-29 in the presence of Al(O-i-Pr)3 induced quan-
oligomers, probably because of the formation of titative polymerizations of M-36 in toluene at 60-
cationic propagating species via the heterolysis of the 80 °C to give polymers of controlled molecular
dormant C-Br. weights and relatively broad MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.6).160
Though not in the late-transition-metal family, a In contrast, molecular weight control is difficult with
rhenium complex is applicable for both electron- a chloride initiator. The copper-based systems are
donating (M-24) and -withdrawing (M-22) groups to applicable, but the polymerization strongly depends
give well-controlled molecular weights and narrow on the initiators, copper halides, ligands, tempera-
MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.2-1.3).169 Living radical polym- tures, and solvents. Namely, in some cases the
erization of 4-acetoxystyrene (M-28) was reported polymerizations were not quantitative due to side
with the use of a copper-207 or iron-based169 system. reactions such as cyclization and loss of terminal
The acetoxy groups in the polymers can be removed halogens.117,168,172 Among them, I-22 (X ) Cl)/CuCl/
after the polymerization to form poly(p-vinylphenol) L-32 induced the best controlled polymerization in
with controlled molecular weights.208 Copolymeriza- toluene at 20 °C to give narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn )
tions of M-29 or M-30 with styrene were studied with 1.1-1.2), though limited to 80% conversion.168 Simi-
the copper-based systems to give well-controlled lar controlled polymerizations were also feasible for
copolymers.209 Rhenium (Re-1) and iron (Fe-5) com- M-37 and M-38 with the same initiating system.168
plexes induced polymerization of M-30 in conjunction Unsubstituted acrylamide (M-39) was polymerized
with I-24 (X ) I) to give controlled molecular weights with CuCl/L-1 in conjunction with benzyl chloride
but relatively broader MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.8) due to I-12 (X ) Cl) or with a surface-confined initiator in
side reaction of its benzyl group.169 Controlled po- DMF at 130 °C.216-218 The polymers obtained with
lymerization of a silyl-substituted styrene (M-31) was I-12 were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorp-
also achievable.210 4-(Chloromethyl)styrene (M-32), tion-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry
which has a reactive C-Cl bond in the unit, is (MALDI-TOF-MS), which showed monomodal MWDs,
polymerized with the copper-based systems to pro- but there was no detailed analysis of the polymer.
duce a hyperbranched or linear polymer depending The polymer obtained by the surface initiation had
on the conditions.211-213 This will be discussed later narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.3).
in Precision Polymer Synthesis (section III.I).
7. Other Monomers
4. Vinylpyridines
Via metal catalysis, cyclic monomers such as N-
Metal-catalyzed living radical polymerizations of substituted maleimides M-40, M-41, and M-42 do not
vinylpyridines were investigated with the copper- homopolymerize but can copolymerize with vinyl
based systems. One of the difficulties in the polym- monomers, among which alternating copolymers can
erization is a decrease of catalytic activity imposed be obtained with styrene via a radical mechanism.
by the coordination of the monomers by the metal The I-13 (X ) Br)/CuBr/L-1 system induced alternat-
complex. Controlled radical polymerization of 4-vi- ing copolymerizations with styrene to give controlled
nylpyridine (M-33) was achieved by an initiating molecular weights and narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-
system consisting of a strong binding ligand such as 1.4) in the bulk or anisole at 80-110 °C.219-222
L-32 and a chloride-based system [I-13 (X ) Cl)/ A bicyclic monomer containing a maleate ester unit
CuCl] in 2-propanol at 40 °C.214 The Mn increased in (M-43) undergoes a very slow 2,6-addition polymer-
direct proportion to monomer conversion, and the ization with I-12 (X ) Cl)/CuCl/L-1 in the bulk at
MWDs were narrow (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2). In contrast, 130 °C to afford narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.2) (11%
2-vinylpyridine (M-34) can be polymerized in a conversion in 2 weeks).223 Enchainment of this mono-
controlled way with chlorine-capped polystyrene as mer to the chlorine-terminated polystyrene increases
an initiator and the CuCl/L-1 pair in p-xylene at 140 the decomposition temperature of the polymer.
°C.215 Block copolymers with narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn Ring-opening living radical polymerization was also
) 1.1-1.2) were obtained therein. reported for M-44, where the I-23/CuBr/L-1 system
gave polymers with controlled molecular weights and
5. Acrylonitrile
narrow MWDs in the bulk at 120 °C.224 However,
A good control of molecular weights and MWDs unlike in conventional radical polymerization, the
was accomplished for this monomer (M-35) with a content of the ring-opened units is not 100% but
3708 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

varies from 38% to 67% depending on the conditions. MMA, and EA were possible with an organic bromide
Cationic polymerizations concurrently occur, which and CuBr2 in the presence of Al(O-i-Pr)3.93,94
can be suppressed by the addition of pyridine. The addition of aluminum compounds was initially
As pointed out, living radical polymerization of less intended to increase the monomer reactivity via
conjugated monomers such as vinyl acetate has not coordination to its carbonyl group or to increase the
been achieved yet. However, irreversible activation reactivity of the terminal group via the coordination
of the carbon-halogen bond in CCl4 with Fe(OAc)2/ of the terminal carbonyl group.27 However, this
L-24 generates trichloromethyl radical to induce possibility proved less probable, because strong Lewis
radical polymerization of vinyl acetate via the radical acids such as SnCl4 were not effective in a similar
telomerization mechanism.225 The molecular weights acceleration.227 There was no increase in the halogen-
can be controlled by the molar ratio of monomer to exchange rate in the model reaction between I-24 (X
CCl4 although the MWDs were broad in the usual ) Br) and Ru-1 on addition of Al(O-i-Pr)3, while
radical telomerization (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.8). under similar conditions the polymerization rate was
Polymerization of ethylene is one of the most clearly increased relative to that of the additive-free
important unsolved problems in metal-catalyzed liv- system.170 Possible interactions between the added
ing radical polymerization. This is due to the dif- Al(O-i-Pr)3 and monomer, terminal group, and ru-
ficulty of the activation of the primary carbon- thenium complex were investigated with the use of
halogen bond. The unpolymerizable nature of ethylene kinetics, NMR, and cyclic voltamometry.227 These
can be utilized for the end-functionalization of studies suggest that the added metal compounds
PMMA with a terminal CH2CH2Br group (section most probably interact with the metal catalysts in
III.B.2).226 their higher oxidation states, or increase the concen-
trations of radical species out of the coordination
spheres, resulting in smooth redox reactions. Further
D. Additives studies are required to clarify these interesting
Metal-catalyzed living or controlled radical poly- features of metal-mediated radical processes.
merizations can generally be achieved with initiating Zerovalent metals such as Cu(0) and Fe(0) can
systems consisting of an organic halide as an initiator effectively reduce CuBr2 and FeBr3 into active CuBr
and a metal complex as a catalyst or an activator as and FeBr2, respectively, to dramatically increase the
described above. However, these polymerizations are polymerization rate.129 For example, addition of Cu-
slow in most cases due to low concentration of the (0) to the polymerization mixture of MA with I-22 (X
radical species, as required by the general principle, ) Br)/CuBr/L-4 in the bulk at 90 °C increased the
the dormant-active species equilibria, for living radi- rate by about 10 times; i.e., the reaction reached 97%
cal polymerization (see the Introduction). conversion in 570 min without additives, whereas
A promising solution for this inherent problem is 96% in 55 min in the presence of Cu(0). This is
the use of additives. Some additives are needed for attributed to the removal of a small amount of Cu-
acceleration and/or better control of the polymeriza- (II) species generated via irreversible termination of
tions. These additives most probably can effectively the growing or the initiating radical species. A similar
reduce the metal species in higher oxidation states fast polymerization is possible with CuBr2 in the
or form more efficient catalysts via coordination. presence of Cu(0). This allows the controlled radical
Metal alkoxides such as Al(O-i-Pr)3 are employed polymerization even in the presence of oxygen or
for the ruthenium-, iron-, nickel-, rhenium-, and without purification of the monomer, where Cu(0)
copper-catalyzed polymerizations and are effective in and Fe(0) can reduce the generated Cu(II) and Fe-
increasing the polymerization rate as well as nar- (III) species into active Cu(I) and Fe(II), respec-
rowing the MWDs of the produced polymers. In fact, tively.230 The I-13 (X ) Br)/CuBr2/Cu(0)/L-4 system
the use of such additives can be found in the first induced a fast polymerization of unpurified styrene
examples of metal-catalyzed living radical polymer- at 110 °C to reach 90% conversion within 2 h.
ization. Thus, for the mild catalyst Ru-1, MeAl- Controlled molecular weights and narrow MWDs are
(ODBP)2 was added to achieve a faster and quanti- available even when the polymerization is performed
tative polymerization of MMA with CCl4 in toluene in ampules sealed in air. However, no polymerization
at 60 °C.27 A trialkoxide [Al(O-i-Pr)3] is less active occurred open to air.
as an additive but more effective in controlling the Phenols usually serve as radical inhibitors in
molecular weights and MWDs than MeAl(ODBP)2.56,198 conventional radical polymerization but can enhance
Other metal alkoxides such as Ti(O-i-Pr)4 and Sn(O- the polymerizations of MMA with I-21 (X ) Br)/CuBr/
i-Pr)4 induce faster polymerizations of MMA with L-9 (R ) n-Pen).231 For example, on addition of 10
Ru-1 than Al(O-i-Pr)3, while the controllability is equiv of 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol with respect
lower.227 Aluminum acetylacetonate [Al(acac)3] is an to initiator ([I-21]:[CuBr]:[L-9]:[phenol] ) 1:3:1:10),
alternative mild additive that does not induce an the conversion increased from 55% to 75% in 4 h in
ester-exchange reaction between the ester group and xylene at 90 °C without any changes in the MWDs.
the monomer or monomer units in the polymer chain, Similar effects were observed for 4-methoxyphenol,
which might occur with aluminum alkoxides.228 These phenol, and 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol.231-233 No inhibi-
metal alkoxides are also effective for other complexes tion but enhancement of the polymerization by the
such as Fe-3,72 Ni-2,133 Re-1,141 and CuBr/L-1.229 Al- addition of phenols may suggest that the growing
(O-i-Pr)3 can even make the Cu(II) species active, species is different from that in conventional radical
where the controlled polymerizations of styrene, polymerization. However, phenols do not act as
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3709

inhibitors even for some conventional free radical the catalysts but also acceleration and better control
(meth)acrylate polymerizations as suggested else- of the polymerization. Due to the radical nature of
where.155 An explanation is that the added phenols the polymerizations, even protic solvents such as
substitute nitrogen-based ligands on copper catalysts alcohol and water can be employed. Some of these
to increase the catalytic activity, which is suggested solvents, e.g., toluene, are known as chain-transfer
by the isolation of methanol-coordinated catalysts234 agents, but the effects of potential chain-transfer
and NMR analysis of the mixture of catalysts and agents have not yet been examined well in metal-
phenols.233 catalyzed living radical polymerizations.
Benzoic acid also increases the polymerization rate
with copper catalysts, most probably via displace- 1. Aprotic Polar Solvents
ment of the nitrogen ligand and creation of a coor- Aprotic polar solvents thus far employed in metal-
dination site on the metal.235 Similarly, carboxylate catalyzed polymerizations include dimethoxybenzene
salts such as sodium benzoate and acetate have (DMB), diphenyl ether (DPE), ethylene carbonate,
remarkable effects on rate enhancement.107 Addition acetonitrile, N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), and
of sodium benzoate, 4 equiv with respect to CuCl, to acetone, among others. Most of them are employed
I-32 (Y ) OCH3)/CuCl/L-1 enhances the polymeriza- for copper catalysts because of their low solubility.
tion rate of nBMA 2.4 times in diphenyl ether at 120 For well-solubilized Ru(II), Ni(II), and Fe(II) com-
°C, where the reaction reaches 90% conversion in 1 plexes with phosphine or other ligands, such an
h. The MWDs were still narrow. A similar rate additional precaution is not necessary, and toluene
enhancement was observed with a mixture of para- or other relatively nonpolar solvents have mostly
substituted benzoic acids and metal carbonates M2- been used.
CO3 (M ) Cs, K, Na, Li). These are due to in situ
formation of cuprous carboxylate that has higher Unsubstituted 2,2′-bipyridine (L-1) cannot com-
activity as described above (section II.A.3). pletely solubilize copper halide in the bulk or non-
The ruthenium-catalyzed living radical polymer- polar solvents, and thus the polymerization systems
izations provide good cases for considerable accelera- are heterogeneous as described above. Various sol-
tion by the addition of alkylamines.61,236 For example, vents were thus investigated in the polymerization
on addition of n-butylamines to the polymerization of nBA with I-22 (X ) Br)/CuBr/L-1, and ethylene
of MMA with I-25 (X ) Cl)/Ru-1 in toluene at 80 °C, carbonate proved effective in fast and homogeneous
the rate was increased dramatically. Time for 75% living polymerizations.239 Relative to the heteroge-
conversion: 269 h (no additive) > 29 h [Al(Oi-Pr)3] neous systems, these reactions give polymers of
> 17 h (n-Bu3N) > 9 h (n-Bu2NH) > 4 h (n-BuNH2). narrower MWDs. This is due to the increased solubil-
n-Bu3N and n-Bu2NH gave narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ity of the copper complex and/or to the change in the
) 1.2) and controlled molecular weights, similarly to structure of the copper species (known to form a
Al(O-i-Pr)3, but broad MWDs were obtained with dimeric species in organic media) into a monomeric
n-BuNH2 (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.8). These added amines most form. Similar effects were observed for DMF and
probably coordinate to the ruthenium complex to acetone in tert-butyl acrylate (tBA) polymerizations
produce more active complexes, as suggested by NMR with I-22 (X ) Br)/CuBr/L-24.202 Styrene polymeri-
analysis of amine/Ru(II) catalyst mixtures. An in- zation with I-13 (X ) Cl)/CuCl/L-1 at 130 °C became
creased catalytic activity was also observed on addi- homogeneous in the presence of a limited amount of
tion of silica gel supported amine ligands.148 DMF (∼10% v/v) to give polymers with well-con-
trolled molecular weight up to 40000.88 Copper-based
In the heterogeneous systems based on Cu2O/L-1
systems with bipyridines, such as R-Cl/CuCl/L-4, are
and Cu(0)/L-1, phase-transfer catalysts such as C(CH2-
not suited for controlling methacrylate polymeriza-
OCOPh)4 and poly(ethylene glycol) can increase the
tion in the bulk or in nonpolar solvents, but are
rate and control the polymerization more precisely.107
effective in DPE solvent, where monomeric copper
Rate enhancement can also be achieved by irradia- species may form.107,126,164,178,240 Acetonitrile is another
tion of visible light.237 The polymerization of MMA choice of solvent in some Cu-catalyzed polymeriza-
with I-17/CuCl/L-1 in toluene at 80 °C in the dark tions.93,112,167,241
ceased around 40% conversion, but under irradiation
of visible light, the polymerization became quantita- In the homogeneous MMA polymerization with
tive. This is due to a photochemical effect on the I-32 (Y ) CH3)/CuBr/L-9 (R ) n-Pen), the rate
inner-sphere complex between the catalyst and the increased in the order xylene < DMB < DPE,179
dormant alkyl chloride. probably due to the differences in the dielectric
constant and coordination ability of the solvents.
With the homogeneous Ru-1 catalyst, the polymeri-
E. Solvents zation of MMA was faster in a polar solvent such as
Metal-catalyzed living radical polymerizations may CH2Cl2 than in toluene.159 A more detailed analysis
be carried out either in solution or in the bulk. on solvent effects was carried out by end-capping a
Importantly, unlike conventional free radical polym- polymer radical with hydroxyl-TEMPO, where the
erization, the Trommsdrof or gel effect is absent in radical intermediate was generated from bromide
these living processes in the bulk.238 For the solution macroinitiators via CuBr/L-4 catalyst.242 A polar
processes, nonpolar or less polar solvents are em- solvent such as butyl acetate increases the radical-
ployed, such as toluene, xylene, and benzene. Polar generation rate from poly(acrylate)s but not from
solvents are sometimes employed for not only solu- polystyrene. On the other hand, no rate increase was
bilizing the monomers, the produced polymers, and found for both macroinitiators in DMF, which is
3710 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

considered not only a polar solvent but also a the polymerization was heterogeneous due to the
coordinating ligand. hydrophobicity of the initiator.248

2. Protic Polar Solvents 4. Suspension, Dispersion, and Emulsion Polymerizations

in Water (Heterogeneous System)
Protic polar solvents such as alcohols are necessary
In industrial processes, radical polymerization is
to solubilize polar functional monomers and their
usually performed under heterogeneous conditions
polymers. Due to the robust nature of several cata-
such as suspension, dispersion, or emulsion. The
lysts to hydroxyl groups, alcohols can be employed
metal-catalyzed radical polymerization also proceeds
in the metal-catalyzed living or controlled radical
under such aqueous/organic biphasic conditions but
often suffers from difficulties in controlling the mo-
Ruthenium complexes such as Ru-1 are stable in
lecular weights and MWDs of the products and in
alcohol and can induce living radical polymerization
keeping particles or latexes from coagulation. The
of MMA in toluene/methanol mixtures or in metha-
former problem stems from the partioning of the
nol, isobutanol, and tert-amyl alcohol to give polymers
metal species into the aqueous phase while the
with controlled molecular weights and narrow MWDs
growing polymer terminal exists in the organic phase.
(Mw/Mn ≈ 1.2).55,159 The polymerization proceeds
The latter is caused by some undesirable interactions
faster in methanol than in toluene.
among metal catalysts, ligands, and additives such
Methanol is a good solvent for HEMA and its as dispersants or surfactants. However, these prob-
polymer, and thus can be employed for its homoge- lems can be overcome by careful choices of initiators,
neous living radical polymerization with Ru-3, which catalysts, dispersants or surfactants, temperatures,
is also highly soluble in methanol.59 Copper-based and concentrations according to the monomers as
systems also give homogeneous living radical poly- summarized in a review for the copper-catalyzed
merizations of HEMA in a mixture of methyl ethyl systems.249
ketone and 1-propanol,243 of acrylamides in metha- Another problem involves the classification of these
nol,117,172 and of 4-vinylpyridine (M-33) in 2-pro- metal-based heterogeneous systems into suspension,
panol.214 dispersion, and emulsion polymerizations similarly
3. Water to conventional systems. This is due to not only a lack
of detailed analysis of reaction mechanisms and
In homogeneous free radical polymerization, water particle sizes but also fundamental differences in
is often employed as solvent for water-soluble mono- several aspects such as the locus of initiation and the
mers and polymers with more polar functional sub- molecular weight of polymers in comparison with the
stituents such as hydroxyl, amino, oxyethylene, conventional counterparts. The terms suspension and
ammonium, and carboxylate groups, along with emulsion will be used in the following sections for
emulsion, suspension, and dispersion processes. This simple classification but are not based on the strict
is also the case for metal-catalyzed living radical definition for conventional free radical systems.
polymerization. Various metal complexes of Ru, Fe, Cu, Ni, and Pd
2-Hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA) can be polymerized are active in the radical polymerizations of hydro-
homogeneously in water at 90 °C with the I-22 (X ) phobic methacrylates, acrylates, and styrenes under
Br)/CuBr/L-1 initiating system to give polymers with aqueous heterogeneous conditions to yield polymers
relatively narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.34), although with controlled molecular weights and relatively
the polymerization was slower, and the MWDs were narrow MWDs. Importantly, a variety of these orga-
broader than in the bulk (Mw/Mn < 1.2).244 A similar nometallic catalysts are tolerant to water, despite the
controlled polymerization of an amino-functionalized fact that many similar complexes often lose their
methacrylate 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate catalytic activity in the presence of water or even
was achieved with the same initiating system in moisture.
water.245 Monomethoxy-capped oligo(ethylene oxide) A ruthenium-based system with Ru-1 and organic
methacrylate, a highly hydrophilic monomer, can be halides (initiators) induces living radical polymeri-
polymerized very fast with I-21 (X ) Br)/CuCl/L-1 zation of MMA in mixtures of toluene and water,
in water at 20 °C.246 The polymerization reached 90% where the Mn increased in direct proportion to
within 30 min to give narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn < 1.2). monomer conversion up to 105, and the MWDs were
The fast reaction is attributed to the formation of as narrow as those obtained in toluene (Mw/Mn ≈
mononuclear copper(I) species. 1.2).55,159 The polymerization proceeded in a suspen-
Water is the solvent of choice for ionic monomers sion system under vigorous stirring irrespective of
such as sodium methacrylate, where a direct radical the absence of suspension stabilizers (dispersants).
polymerization (i.e., with the nonprotected form of The controlled polymerization can also be achieved
the monomer) is carried out with the copper-based even in the absence of toluene (i.e., bulk monomer
systems in aqueous media (pH 8-9) at 90 °C to afford containing a catalyst system is dispersed in water),
controlled molecular weights and narrow MWDs.200 though the MWDs became broader (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.4) due
Another ionic monomer, sodium 4-vinylbenzoate, is to the low solubility of the complex in the monomer
polymerized very fast in aqueous media (pH 11) at and/or the high viscosity of the organic particles. A
20 °C.247 An ammonium salt monomer, [2-(methacryl- rate increase was observed by the addition of water
oxy)ethyl]trimethylammonium chloride (FM-6; Fig- to the ruthenium-based system in organic media, and
ure 12), was polymerized in water with CuBr/L-1 in similarly, faster living polymerizations proceed in
conjunction with a surface-confined initiator, while these dispersed systems with Ru catalysts.
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3711

A similar effect of water was observed in the iron- nm even without sonication.184,255 There were no
catalyzed polymerization of styrene.76,250 An iron effects of the size and number of particles on the
complex is less stable in water than ruthenium and polymerization rate.252 It is suggested that the nucle-
thus considered difficult to use as an active catalyst ation mechanism in the reverse atom-transfer emul-
in such an aqueous suspension system. For example, sion radical polymerization is different from that in
FeBr2(PPh3)2 (Fe-1, X ) Br; Figure 2) rapidly decom- the conventional processes, because of the lack of
poses upon exposure to water. However, a Cp-based formation of high molecular weight polymers during
iron complex (Fe-3; Figure 2) proved effective in the early stages.255
living radical suspension polymerizations of acrylates Another aqueous heterogeneous polymerization
and styrene to give narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1- was recently reported for the precipitation polymer-
1.2).250 These polymerizations are also clearly faster ization of MMA and styrene complexed with methy-
than those in organic media under otherwise similar lated β-cyclodextrin.256 The polymerization was car-
conditions. ried out in water with I-21 (X ) Br)/CuBr/L-4 to give
Nickel (Ni-1) and palladium (Pd-2) complexes were polymers with controlled molecular weights and
employed for suspension polymerization of MMA in relatively narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.3-1.8). Ini-
the presence of a small amount (1-5 wt %) of tially, the reaction mixture was homogeneous with
sorbitane monooleate poly(ethylene glycol) (20) (Tween the hydrophilic cyclodextrin-complexed MMA, but
80) as a surfactant.132,137 The obtained polymer had sooner or later it became heterogeneous due to the
controlled molecular weights and moderate MWDs formation of water-insoluble polymers.
(Mw/Mn ) 1.4-1.7) similarly to those obtained in
toluene, although there was no detailed analysis on 5. Other Special Solvents
the size of the particles. Apart from water, supercritical carbon dioxide
Detailed studies were performed on the copper- (scCO2) is an environmentally friendly solvent and
catalyzed suspension or emulsion polymerizations.249 currently attracts much attention as a medium for
Living or controlled emulsion radical polymerization organic reactions and polymerizations. The solvent
of nBMA can be achieved in the presence of nonionic was also employed for the copper-catalyzed radical
poly(oxyethylene)-based surfactants such as Brij 97, polymerizations of fluorinated (meth)acrylates with
Brij 98, and Tween 20 with the I-21 (X ) Br)/CuBr/ the I-22 (X ) Br)/CuCl initiating system in the
L-3 or L-4 system.249,251,252 The Mn increased in direct presence of Cu(0) and bipyridine-based ligands such
proportion to monomer conversion up to 5 × 104 (Mw/ as L-1, L-4, and L-7.95 A fluorinated ligand (L-7)
Mn ) 1.1-1.2). The particle sizes are around 1000- induced a homogeneous polymerization without any
4000 nm, suggesting a suspension, but can be re- visible precipitation to give polymers with controlled
duced to about 300 nm with the use of hexadecane molecular weights. This system is equally applicable
as a cosurfactant along with ultrasonication.249,252 for random and block copolymerizations between the
Surfactants largely affect the polymerizations. fluorinated monomers and MMA. Dispersion polym-
Anionic surfactants such as sodium dodecyl sulfate erization of MMA was also conducted in scCO2 with
adversely affect the control of molecular weights and poly(perfluorinated acrylate)s as dispersants to form
MWDs, whereas poly(ethylene glycol) facilitates mo- PMMA with controlled molecular weights and rela-
lecular weight control but leads to coagulation.251 tively narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.4).
Water-soluble or more hydrophilic ligands such as The use of fluorous solvents or ligands leads to so-
L-1, L-24, L-32, and L-9 (R ) CH2CH2CHPh2) are called fluorous biphasic conditions, where at an
detrimental to the control of molecular weights due ambient temperature two phases separate, the phases
to unfavorable partioning of the Cu(II) species into becoming miscible at a higher temperature. This
water.249,251,253 Other monomers such as MMA, nBA, permits the homogeneous polymerization at high
and styrene can also be polymerized with the copper- temperatures, and the facile separation of products
based systems in emulsion to give polymers with from the catalysts under ambient conditions. A
controlled molecular weights and MWDs.249,251,253 fluorous biphasic system consisting of I-24 (X ) Br),
Random and block copolymerizations of these CuBr, and L-26 was employed for polymerizations
monomers were also investigated with ruthenium, of MMA in an equivolume mixture of (perfluorometh-
iron, and copper catalysts and gave successful results yl)cyclohexane and toluene.115 The polymerization
depending on the conditions.110,250,254 proceeded most likely in a homogeneous phase to give
The so-called reverse atom-transfer radical po- polymers with controlled molecular weights and
lymerization is feasible in aqueous emulsion too. narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.2-1.3). They are easily
This system enables the formation of initiating isolated from the organic phase as a colorless glassy
radical species in the water phase with the use of solid with a minimum contamination of copper. It is
water-soluble initiators such as I-39, I-40, and I-41 also reported that the catalysts, largely remaining
as in conventional emulsion radical polymeriza- in the fluorous phase, can be recycled for second and
tion.184,249,252,255 The copper-catalyzed emulsion radical third polymerizations without loss of catalytic activ-
polymerization of nBMA afforded polymers with ity.
narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.4), but the Mn values Another special class of solvent, ionic liquids such
were much higher than the calculated values due to as 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexaflurorophos-
the termination between the initiating radicals in the phate, was used for the polymerization of MMA with
aqueous phase.184,255 The emulsions are relatively I-24 (X ) Br)/CuBr/L-9 (R ) n-Pr), which proceeded
stable and their particle sizes are around 100-300 even at 30 °C, reached 90% conversion within 5 h,
3712 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

and gave polymers with narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) However, TEMPO may also deactivate the metal
1.3-1.4).257 The products are easily removed by complexes to form inactive metal species in higher
washing with toluene, while the catalyst is highly oxidation states instead of giving the C-TEMPO
soluble in the ionic liquid and can be reused. terminal.141 A similar inhibition by these compounds
was also observed for living anionic polymerizations
F. Mechanisms and group-transfer polymerizations of MMA, both of
which proceed via an anionic mechanism.263 Alter-
The metal-catalyzed living polymerizations most
natively, some of the phenols, which are scavengers
probably proceed via a carbon-centered radical spe-
in conventional radical polymerizations of styrene,
cies reversibly generated from a carbon-halogen
can increase the polymerization rate as mentioned
terminal (dormant species) and a metal catalyst. The
above (section II.D).231 Though these inhibition effects
radical nature of the polymerizations has been sug-
cannot completely prove radical-growth mechanisms
gested by several facts and observations, some of
for the metal-catalyzed living polymerizations, they
which were already discussed above. This part deals
are at least consistent with the proposed pathways.
with the analysis of the polymerizations based on
various methods and apparatuses for mechanistic 2. Stereochemical Structures
investigation. Short overviews on the mechanistic
studies are also available.258-262 The stereochemistry of polymers, in general, pro-
vides useful information about the polymerization
1. Radical Scavengers mechanism by which they are formed. More specif-
One of the most useful methods to determine a ically in the metal-catalyzed living radical polymer-
polymerization mechanism is to examine the effects ization, it has been anticipated that the proposed
of additives or potential terminating agents (scaven- mechanism via metal-assisted reversible radical gen-
gers or quenchers). Since the beginning of develop- eration (cf. Scheme 3) might induce different and/or
ment of metal-catalyzed living radical polymeriza- better stereochemical control than in the classical
tion, therefore, terminating experiments have been radical counterpart, in which the growing end is a
carried out extensively, and they were particularly really “free” radical. The anticipation originates from
important at that time, because combinations of the fact that the oxidized metal catalyst, with the
haloalkanes and transition-metal catalysts do not halogen from the dormant species, might reside in
automatically warrant radical-growth mechanisms. close vicinity to the resulting radical end, inducing a
As potential terminators, two classes of compounds situation reminiscent of ion pair growing species in
have primarily been employed: protic compounds ionic polymerizations where the counterions exert a
such as water and alcohols, and radical scavengers strong influence on the stereochemistry of propaga-
such as galvinoxyl, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl tion.
(DPPH), and TEMPO. Namely, there are well-known Surprisingly or not, the tacticity of PMMA ob-
terminators for anionic and radical growing species, tained with various metals including Ru,27,56,58,63
respectively, and their use was based on the fact that Cu,28,84,97,100,102,103,116,232,263 Fe,70,80 Ni,132,133 Pd,137 and
the monomers employed in the early-phase develop- Rh138 was almost the same (almost atactic, slightly
ment were primarily MMA and styrene, which po- syndiotactic) as the tacticity of those obtained with
lymerize by both mechanisms. conventional radical initiators such as AIBN under
It was soon realized that almost all of the metal- similar conditions. The triad ratio of rr:mr:mm as
catalyzed living processes are not quenched by the determined by 13C NMR is usually 58:38:4 and does
protic compounds but clearly by the radical scaven- not change even with the use of chiral and/or bulky
gers, and this phenomenon was the case for such ligands.103,116 These results may exclude a coordina-
metal catalysts as ruthenium,29,55,56,58,63,66 copper,28 tion mechanism and suggest a radical nature. How-
nickel,132,133,135 rhodium,138 and rhenium.141 The carbon- ever, the stereochemical structure alone is not strong
centered radical most probably reacts with these evidence for the radical polymerization because, for
scavengers (Y) to produce a dead polymer chain end example, group-transfer polymerization, basically via
with inactive covalent C-Y or C-H bond or unsatur- an anionic mechanism, results in a stereo structure
ated carbon-carbon double bond. of PMMA similar to those for free radical processes.263
The first set of quenching experiments has been
3. Copolymerizations
reported for the Ru-mediated polymerization of
MMA,27,55 and the Kyoto group observed the reaction Monomer reactivity ratios in copolymerization and
is immune to methanol and alcohol but is quantita- copolymer structures can also give insight into the
tively terminated with galvinoxyl, DPPH, and TEMPO mechanism of the polymerizations. As observed with
added in 5-10-fold molar excess over the initiator. ruthenium205 and copper,264,265 MMA-styrene and
End-group analysis on the quenched products re- related copolymerizations turned out to be “living” if
vealed that the terminating moieties are not attached initiated with the metal catalysts effective for the
to the growing end; rather exo-olefins result via corresponding homopolymerizations. Besides these
hydrogen abstraction from the MMA’s R-methyl synthetic aspects to be covered later in this review
group. (section III.D), the results also give some insight into
On the other hand, the formation of C-Y bonds the reaction mechanisms. With a ruthenium catalyst
was observed in the copper-catalyzed model reactions (Ru-1), MMA and styrene were copolymerized at
between the isolated polymers or model compounds varying monomer feed ratios.205 The products were
such as I-13 and TEMPO or hydroxy-TEMPO.163,242 true copolymers, as evidenced by single MWD profiles
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3713

by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and a set of the halogens at a dormant polymer terminal ex-
heteroenchainment NMR signals, among others. The change with those in a metal catalyst.154,155,170,196,272,273
MWDs were fairly narrow, clearly narrower than According to the proposed homolytic cleavage mech-
those from the corresponding AIBN-initiated samples, anism (Scheme 3), the halogen-exchange reaction
and the Mn was directly proportional to the total proceeds via abstraction of (one of) the terminal
weight (overall conversion) of the consumed mono- halogens by the metal catalyst followed by return of
mers. All these findings demonstrate that the copoly- one of the halogens on the metal species onto the
mers are living. growing radical center; thus, the process presumably
Equally important, the two comonomers were po- occurs via a radical intermediate.
lymerized in parallel, with MMA consumption slightly In a typical example, the MMA dimers I-25 were
faster, and the copolymer composition curve shows employed as authentic terminal models for PMMA.170
a shallow S-shaped profile, similar but not identical NMR readily distinguishes chlorine replacement at
to those for the textbook examples of free radical the bromine ends in I-25. Taking this advantage, the
MMA/styrene copolymerization. Thus, once again, Kyoto group examined the halogen-exchange reac-
the observation is consistent with some radical tions by treating I-25 (X ) Br) and Ru-1 in NMR
growth in the metal catalysis, and their difference sample tubes, mimicking the radical-generation pro-
from a conventional radical copolymerization is not cess of their Ru(II)-mediated living polymerizations.
deniable but not conclusive. Almost immediately after mixing the two components
Kinetic analyses were done for several copper- followed by heating to the polymerization tempera-
catalyzed copolymerizations of MMA/nBMA,263 nBA/ ture, the chloride version of I-25 (X ) Cl) was clearly
styrene,264,266 and nBA/MMA.267 All these studies detected by NMR, and it increasingly predominated,
show that there were no significant differences in demonstrating that the bromine end is rapidly re-
reactivity ratio as well as in monomer sequence placed (exchanged) by the chlorine in the metal
between the copper-catalyzed and conventional radi- catalyst.
cal polymerizations. Only a difference was observed Another interesting aspect of the model reactions
in the copolymerizations between MMA and ω-meth- has been reported for copper-mediated processes.273
acryloyl-PMMA macromonomers where the reactivity Thus, optically active methyl 2-bromopropionate was
of the latter is higher in the metal-catalyzed poly- mixed with a CuCl catalyst, and the reaction was
merizations.267 However, this can be ascribed not to followed by NMR and polarimetry. The latter analy-
the different nature of the propagating species but sis showed, as in solvolysis, that the model quickly
to the difference in the time scale of monomer undergoes racemization; i.e., the halogen on the
addition or other factors. Simulation has also been chiral carbon dissociates and recouples.
applied for the copolymerization study.268 The degrees of the exchange reactions depend on
several factors, the central metals, the ligands, the
4. EPR structures of the terminal groups, and the reaction
One of the most effective and direct ways to prove conditions. The absence of carbon-metal species,
a radical mechanism is to detect the radical inter- which would form via oxidative addition of the metal
mediate by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), complexes into the carbon-halogen bonds, also ex-
but this approach has not been fruitful yet for the cludes the coordination mechanism.
detection due to the low concentrations of the radical 6. MS
species or other factors. The polymers and their terminal groups (R and ω)
EPR was indeed applied to the copper-catalyzed in metal-mediated living radical polymerizations
radical polymerization of styrene, MA, and have been analyzed by modern mass spectrometry,
MMA.162,269-271 Invariably, it was difficult to detect particularly MALDI-TOF-MS,100,125,173,174,197,239,244,274-277
any radical growing species because of the low time-of-flight static secondary ion mass spectrometry
concentrations of the radical species, but just specif- (TOF-SSIMS),278,279 and electrospray ionization mass
ically for copper, the accumulated paramagnetic Cu- spectrometry (ESIMS).172,277,280 All these analyses
(II) species was generated via radical termination. support the existence of fairly stable carbon-halogen
This indicates that 3-6% of the initially added Cu- terminals.
(I) catalyst is converted into the Cu(II) counterpart The MALDI-TOF-MS spectra of the obtained poly-
during the polymerization (especially its initial stage). mers basically show only one series of peaks sepa-
5. NMR rated exactly by the mass of each monomer. The
observed mass of each peak agrees well with the
In the mechanistic study of metal-catalyzed living theoretical one, which possesses one initiator frag-
polymerization, this method has thus far been uti- ment at the R-end and one halogen terminal group
lized primarily for analysis of model reactions to at the ω-end in each polymer chain (with a single
uncover the interaction between a metal catalyst and degree of polymerization) (Scheme 3). The observed
a carbon-halogen dormant end.170,176 Typical models isotopic distribution was in excellent agreement with
for the dormant end include R-haloesters, such as the simulated profile based on the neutral abundance
alkyl haloisobutyrate and MMA dimer halides I-25 of 2H, 13C, etc.197 In some cases, laser irradiation of
(Figure 8) (for methacrylate), alkyl 2-halopropionate the samples leads to partial or complete loss of the
(for acrylate), and R-phenylethyl halide (for styrene). terminal halogens during the analysis depending
NMR analysis of model reactions for the polymer- on the polymer structures and analytical condi-
izations and polymer terminal groups revealed that tions.197,239,244,276 In other cases, MS analysis in turn
3714 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

reveals that some polymers suffer from halogen loss the radical species is thus estimated to be very low,
during polymerizations.172,174,275 between 10-8 and 10-7 mol/L, which may minimize
bimolecular termination.
7. CV The kinetic parameter for the radical dissociation
The correlation between the physical parameters of a carbon-halogen terminal was obtained with the
of the catalysts and their catalytic activity will clarify use of an isolated polystyrene with a terminal C-Br
polymerization mechanisms. The redox potential of bond in the presence of a copper catalyst and a
the metal complexes is certainly among these pa- conventional radical initiator with a long half-
rameters, because metal-assisted living radical po- life.282,283 The result was compared with that of low
lymerization is triggered by oxidation of the metal molecular weight compounds of similar carbon-
complex; i.e., a single electron is transferred from the halogen bonds.163 The second-order rate constant of
metal to a dormant carbon-halogen terminal. The the model compound I-13 (X ) Br), an effective
redox potential was thus measured for ruthenium,53,227 initiator for styrene, is comparable to that of the
iron,73 and copper54 complexes by cyclic voltammetry polymer terminal. Alternatively, rate constants can
(CV). These studies basically indicate that a complex be obtained by using a combination of nitroxide-
with a lower redox potential induces a faster revers- exchange reactions and HPLC analysis.242
ible cleavage (activation) of a carbon-halogen ter- Computer simulations were also done for these
minal and, in turn, generates more radical species. polymerizations although the details are omitted in
For example, among half-metallocene-ruthenium this review.284-287
complexes (Ru-4, -5, and -6 in Figure 1) the redox
potential decreases in the order Ru-4 > Ru-5 > Ru- 9. Other Mechanistic Analyses
6, and the halogen exchange rate follows the same While the radical nature of the metal-catalyzed
order (Ru-6 gives the fastest).53 polymerizations seems to be generally accepted, there
However, there is no definite correlation between still remains a question whether the propagating
the polymerization rate and the redox potential, radical species therein is the same in nature as the
partly because a higher concentration of the radical “free radicals” in the conventional systems. The
species may lead to a higher probability of bimolecu- metal-assisted radical formation most probably pro-
lar termination and a higher concentration of per- ceeds through an inner-sphere electron transfer from
sistent radical species.54,261 Another possibility of side the metal to the carbon-halogen terminal as re-
reaction is due to the reduction of the radical into ported in Kharasch addition reactions.288,289 The
an anion with metal complexes with extremely low resulting radical species may temporarily be confined
redox potential. An appropriate range for the redox in the coordination sphere of the complex in a higher
potential of the metal catalysts was suggested be- oxidation state. The confined situation or environ-
tween -0.3 and +0.6 V (versus NHE) for living ment might exert some effects on the polymerization
radical polymerization.54 such as suppression of bimolecular termination.
Although this possibility was suggested for some
8. Kinetics systems around the time when the metal-catalyzed
Kinetic analysis of metal-catalyzed radical polym- systems were discovered,27,100,132 there is still no
erization was extensively performed for homogeneous strong supporting evidence.290 In this aspect, the lack
copper-based systems.123,164,176,281 Almost invariably, of stereoregulation (see above) is particularly frus-
the polymerization follows a first-order kinetics with trating.
respect to the monomer, initiator, and copper(I) If similar radical species are involved in both living
halide as expected from the proposed mechanism; i.e., and conventional polymerizations, it follows that the
the reaction between the monomer and the radical metal-assisted growing species may suffer from side
species, which is generated via the Cu(I)-catalyzed reactions prone to free radical systems, however well
activation of the carbon-halogen terminal, originated suppressed in the living systems. This then deter-
from the initiator. Addition of Cu(II) species retards mines the lifetime of the growing end as well as the
the polymerization by shifting the equilibrium be- maximum molecular weights to be achieved therein.
tween the covalent and radical species. However, the The highest molecular weights are still below 106
polymerization kinetics were not simple inverse first with all the reported living systems.
order with respect to the initial copper(II) halide Side reactions such as termination and transfer
concentration due to the persistent radical effect, were investigated in the polymerizations of sty-
which resulted in an increase in Cu(II) concentration rene,291 acrylates,292 and methacrylates.293 The oc-
during the initial stages of the polymerization.123,164,281 currence of thermally initiated radical polymeriza-
This also indicates the presence of irreversible bimo- tions was observed in the copper-catalyzed styrene
lecular termination reactions, prone to the radical polymerization, while the resulting polymer chain
polymerizations. The equilibrium constants for the can be converted into the dormant polymer terminal
activation/radical dissociation process are calculated via abstraction of halogens from the persistent metal
on the assumption that the absolute propagation rate radical in higher oxidation states.294
constant in the metal-catalyzed polymerization is the The effects of chain-transfer agents such as oc-
same as that in the conventional free radical pro- tanethiol on copper-catalyzed polymerizations are
cesses, and the values vary with the monomers from similar to those on conventional radical polymeriza-
10-9 to 10-7 and increase in the order acrylates < tions.295 These may also mean little difference among
styrene < methacrylates.123,176 The concentration of the growing species generated from the carbon-halo-
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3715

Figure 12. Functional monomers.

gen terminals and in conventional radical systems. as we have already seen in this review, this advan-
Another interesting observation is that a simul- tage is apparently passed on to the metal-catalyzed
taneous metal-catalyzed and nitroxide-mediated liv- living polymerizations. This in turn leads to direct
ing radical polymerization of styrene is possible via polymerization of functionalized monomers and the
fast scrambling of terminal halogen and TEMPO synthesis of pendant functionalized polymers of well-
groups to form a single type of polymer chains.296 defined structure and molecular weights without
These suggest, in part, that a key to metal- tedious protection and deprotection processes. These
catalyzed radical polymerizations might be the per- functional groups include not only hydroxyl, amino,
sistent radical effect,15,297,298 as pointed out for ni- and amido groups but also ionic and other special
troxide-mediated systems. More detailed mechanistic groups, which are, in most cases, introduced directly
studies are required. into methacrylates, acrylates, and styrenes as sub-
stituents. Figure 12 is a nearly complete inventory
III. Precision Polymer Synthesis of functionalized monomers for which metal-mediated
One of the most distinguishable characteristics of living radical polymerizations have been reported.
the metal-catalyzed living radical polymerization is A hydroxyl-functional monomer, HEMA (FM-1),
that it affords polymers with controlled molecular can be polymerized in a controlled way with several
weights and narrow MWDs from a wide variety of transition-metal complexes including ruthenium,59
monomers under mild conditions even in the presence copper,241,243 and nickel311 in the bulk and in alcohols.
of a protic compound such as water. This permits the In view of the relatively broad MWDs of the products
synthesis of a vast number of polymers with con- (Mw/Mn ) 1.3-1.8), further optimization of the reac-
trolled structures such as end-functionalized poly- tion conditions is needed, although the catalyst and
mers, block copolymers, star polymers, etc., where the growing terminal keep the activity during the
they are widely varied in comparison with those polymerizations. Better-controlled polymerizations of
obtained by other living polymerizations. This is a protected form of HEMA with a trimethylsilyl
primarily due to the tolerance to various functional group (FM-2) were also conducted with ruthenium,
groups and the polymerizability/controllability of copper, and nickel.243,312 2-Hydroxylethyl acrylate
various vinyl monomers as mentioned above. (FM-3), an acrylate with a hydroxyl group, can be
This section is thus directed to precision polymer polymerized with the I-22 (X ) Br)/CuBr/L-1 system
synthesis with the use of metal-catalyzed living in the bulk and in water to give narrow MWDs (Mw/
radical polymerizations. In this synthetic aspect, Mn ) 1.2-1.3) where the polymerization is faster and
numerous reviews are available already. 219,265,299-310 better controlled in the bulk.244 Its protected version
(FM-4) was polymerized with I-22 (X ) Br)/CuBr/
A. Pendant-Functionalized Polymers L-24 in the bulk to give similarly narrow MWDs (Mw/
Radical polymerization, in general, is more tolerant Mn ≈ 1.2).313 Soluble in organic media, these silyloxy-
of polar functionality than its ionic counterpart, and protected monomers (FM-2 and FM-4) can be effec-
3716 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

tively employed for block or random copolymerizations Polymers containing sugar moieties, so-called gly-
with aliphatic methacrylates.243,312,313 copolymers, have been attracting attention as bio-
Amino- and amido-functionalized monomers can compatible materials. Some of them have been ob-
also be polymerized directly with metal catalysts. tained by the polymerization of FM-21321 and FM-
Living radical polymerization of 2-(dimethylamino)- 22322 with CuBr-based initiating systems. Their block
ethyl methacrylate (FM-5) was achieved with I-31 (X copolymerizations with styrene are also feasible as
) Br)/CuBr/L-29 in dichlorobenzene at 50 °C.314 Its described below (section III.C.1).
ammonium salt (FM-6) was polymerized from the Metal-catalyzed living radical polymerization can
surface of a cross-linked polystyrene latex with CuBr/ be further extended to multifunctional nucleoside-
L-1 in water at 80 °C to generate hydrophilic shells, containing monomers. Examples are silyl-protected
although there were no data for polymer molecular monomers with uridine (FM-23) or adenosine (FM-
weight.248 As described above (section II.C.6), (meth)- 24) groups, both of which can be polymerized with a
acrylamides with at least their amido protons un- combination of a bromide initiator, CuBr, and L-9 (R
protected (FM-7, FM-8, and FM-9) can be polymer- ) n-Pen) or L-32 homogeneously in toluene (Mw/Mn
ized with copper-based systems,117,168,217,218 but a ) 1.1-1.4).323
further optimization seems to be necessary. Side-chain liquid-crystalline polymers with con-
Ionic monomers carrying a carboxylate salt, such trolled molecular weights have been obtained by the
as FM-10200 and FM-11,247 can be polymerized with polymerization of FM-25 with I-22 (X ) Br)/CuBr/
a water-soluble bromide initiator in conjunction with L-3 in the bulk at 100 °C, to examine the thermo-
CuBr and L-1 in aqueous media to give moderately tropic transition as a function of the MWD.324 Second-
controlled molecular weights and MWDs (Mw/Mn ) order nonlinear optical materials with branched
1.2-1.3). The reaction media should be kept under structure were prepared by the copper-catalyzed
alkaline conditions (pH 8-11) to avoid loss of the radical polymerization of FM-26 and FM-27 using
catalytic activity; seemingly free acid functions in the hyperbranched poly[4-(chloromethyl)styrene] as a
monomers and/or polymers are detrimental. multifunctional initiator.325
A methacrylic monomer with polyhedral oligomeric
Perfluoroalkyl (meth)acrylates FM-12 and FM-15
silsesquioxanes (FM-28) as a pendant group can be
have been polymerized homogeneously in scCO2 with
polymerized with I-24 (X ) Br)/CuBr/L-32 in toluene
copper catalysts/fluorinated ligand systems, but the
(Mw/Mn ) 1.14).326 Block and star copolymers of this
MWDs of the products are not reported due to the
partially inorganic monomer with MA and nBA are
lack of appropriate analytical methods.95 Other flu-
expected to function as new hybrid materials.
orinated monomers (FM-13 and FM-14) were used
for block copolymerization with styrene and acrylates
with CuBr/L-1 in the bulk under heterogeneous B. End-Functionalized Polymers
conditions.315 As in other living polymerizations, metal-catalyzed
Epoxy and lactone groups seem to remain intact living radical processes can be employed for the
under the conditions for metal-catalyzed living radi- synthesis of end-functionalized polymers. To this end,
cal polymerization. Therefore, glycidyl acrylate (FM- there are two general methods, i.e., a functional init-
16) can be exclusively polymerized via the vinyl iator method and an end-capping method, and both
moiety with I-22 (X ) Br)/CuBr/L-4 in the bulk at are indeed applicable therein. In the former, living
90 °C to high conversion (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.2).316 Statistical radical polymerization is initiated with a function-
copolymers of styrene and FM-17, an epoxy-function- alized organic halide initiator coupled with a metal
alized styrene, with controlled molecular weights catalyst to form polymers with an R-end (head)
were obtained with a CuBr-based system at 100 °C, functionality. In the latter, a metal-catalyzed living
whereas a similar reaction with TEMPO gave prod- radical polymerization is terminated with a function-
ucts of bimodal MWDs that might come from the high alized quencher that in turn introduces an ω-end
reaction temperature (124 °C).317 An acrylate with (tail) functionality. An alternative method for ω-end
-caprolactone can be polymerized with I-21 (X ) Br)/ functionalization is to transform a stable carbon-
Ni-2 in the bulk at 90 °C to result in polymers with halogen ω-terminal via polymer reactions. Examples
controlled molecular weights (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.3).318 of these approaches will be discussed below.
Methacrylates with pendant oxyethylene units
(FM-19) were polymerized in a controlled way with
1. R-End-Functionalized Polymers
metal catalysts in the bulk or in water. The catalytic Taking advantage of the tolerance of living radical
systems include a bromide initiator coupled with Ni-2 polymerization for functional groups, a variety of
for n ) 2 (bulk, 80 °C)319 and CuCl for n ) 7-8.246,320 functionalized initiators have been designed. A gen-
The latter polymerization proceeded very fast in eral way is to attach a functional group to a halogen
aqueous media at 20 °C to reach 95% conversion in compound such as a haloester, (haloalkyl)benzene,
30 min and gave very narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1- haloalkane, or sulfonyl halide. Most of the functional
1.3). The fast reaction is attributed to the formation groups therein are insulated from the initiation
of a highly active, monomeric copper species com- moiety via a spacer to avoid possible side reactions,
plexed by the oxyethylene units. A statistical copo- as shown in Figure 13, where entries are grouped in
lymerization of FM-19 (n ) 7-8) and FM-20, a terms of the intended R-functionalities.
methacrylate with a oligo(propylene oxide) pendant For instance, hydroxyl-functionalized initiators
group, led to hydrophilic/hydrophobic copolymers (FI-1 to FI-6) were employed for living radical po-
with narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.2).320 lymerization of MMA,134,139,156,157,274,327 MA,280 nBA,134
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3717

Figure 13. Organic halide functional initiators.

tBA,328 styrene,280,329 and sodium methacrylate.200 has been employed for MMA/CuBr/L-1.327 Simpler
Note that for these no protection of the protic function initiators such as FI-5134,139 and FI-6156,157 are com-
is required, in sharp contrast to similar initiators for mercially available and applied to MMA, nBA, and
ionic living polymerizations. Initiator FI-1 generates styrene with CuBr/L-1 or L-4 as well as Ni-2,
an HEMA radical and thus is applied to MMA with although the plural carbon-halogen bonds therein
CuBr/L-9 (R ) n-Pr) in xylene at 90 °C; near complete might cause multiple initiations.
attachment of the R-end function has been shown by Carboxyl groups were also introduced at the R-end
MALDI-TOF-MS.274 This initiator can also be em- of poly(methacrylate)s134,235,320 and polystyrene330,331
ployed for sodium methacrylate200 and tBA.328 An by using unprotected and protected initiators. 2-Bro-
acrylate version FI-2 is for MA with CuBr/L-4, but moisobutyric acid (FI-7) was employed for MMA
the initiation efficiency for styrene is reported to be coupled with CuBr/L-9 (R ) n-Pen)235 and with Ni-
lower (Ieff ≈ 0.7) due to side reactions upon initia- 2134 to give narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.3) but Mn
tion.280 In contrast, a nearly quantitative initiation values higher than the calculated values. This un-
was achieved with FI-3 in the styrene polymerization protected initiator, on the other hand, has poor
with CuBr/L-1.329 A chloride FI-4 is another interest- efficiency (Ieff ) 0.10) for styrene, probably because
ing initiator that can generate a radical doubly of the intramolecular cyclization into a γ-butyrolac-
stabilized by a carbonyl and a phenyl substituent and tone after addition of one styrene unit.330 Protection
3718 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

of the acid function by trimethylsilyl (FI-8), tert- ciency.120,150 Vinyl ether derivatives FI-37 and FI-38
butyldimethylsilyl (FI-9), or tert-butyl (FI-10) groups can initiate living polymerizations of styrene, meth-
leads to improved initiation efficiencies (ca. 0.6, 0.8, acrylates, and acrylates with copper catalysts from
and 1.0, respectively). Benzoic acid initiators with a their halogen moiety, though carefully selected reac-
well-separated halogen (FI-11 and FI-12) afforded tion conditions are required.150,336 Thus, the vinyl
well-defined polystyrenes with narrow MWDs at ether double bonds are susceptible to radical addition
relatively high initiation efficiencies (Ieff ≈ 0.7); thus, at higher conversions to result in bimodal MWDs and
rigid aromatic spacers may help.330 Similar results termination. Interestingly, vinyl acetate groups can
were obtained with protected initiators such as FI- be introduced at the R-end of polystyrenes and poly-
13 and FI-14.331 Salt-type initiators FI-15 and FI-16 (methacrylate)s by using FI-39337 and FI-40,246,247,320
are specifically employed for the aqueous-phase po- because they only poorly copolymerize with styrene
lymerization of hydrophilic monomers such as FM- and methacrylates even under radical conditions.
19 (Figure 12).320 Macromonomers for ring-opening polymerizations
Nitrogen-containing groups such as amine, aniline, can be obtained from FI-41328 and FI-42312 for tBA
amide, pyrrole, and pyridine are also available for and MMA.
the functional initiator method. A bromoester with An azo bromoester bifunctional compound FI-43
a dimethylamino group (FI-17) was used in aqueous induces a living polymerization of nBA with a highly
media for oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate (FM- active catalytic system (CuBr/L-32) at 30 °C from the
19) (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.4).246,320 Poly(tBA)328 and polysty- latter function alone.338 The low temperature allows
rene331 with terminal amide functions were prepared the azo group to elude concurrent thermal dissocia-
with FI-18 and FI-19, respectively. The pyrrole- tion (<0.5%). The obtained polymers of narrow
containing initiator FI-20 induced living radical MWDs were employed for block copolymerization
polymerization of methacrylates, acrylates, and sty- with vinyl acetate at 90 °C.
rene with Ni-2 or CuBr/L-1, giving macromonomers End-functionalized polymers with relatively long
for electrochemical polymerization.319 The 2,2′-bipy- hydrophilic segments can be prepared from an
ridine unit in FI-21 and FI-22 is to attach binding initiator (FI-44) with oligo(oxyethylene glycol)
sites onto polystyrene332 and poly(MMA),333 respec- units.200,246,247,320 Initiators FI-45 to FI-50 are for
tively, for macroligand chelation with Ru and other other functionalities of special interest. For example,
metal cations. A series of 4-substituted-phenyl 2-bro- the pyrenyl group in FI-45 can become a tag for
moisobutylates (FI-23) with amino, nitro, and alde- distinguishing the end-functionalized polymers from
hyde groups, etc. were successfully employed for nonfunctionalized byproducts and was used in simul-
MMA with CuBr/L-9 (R ) n-Oct) (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2; taneous metal-catalyzed and nitroxide-mediated liv-
Ieff ) 0.8-1.0).199 ing radical polymerizations of styrene.296 Biologically
Thiols also provide good binding points toward a related functions such as oligosaccharide,339 choles-
metal surface such as gold for the synthesis of terol,340,341 and nucleosides323 are incorporated in FI-
polymer brushes, etc. A protected initiator (FI-24) 46 to FI-49 for CuBr/L-9 (R ) n-Pen or n-Oct),
gave thiol-functionalized PMMA with Ni-2 as a whereas FI-50 (with CuBr/L-1) is to introduce a C60
catalyst.334 The thiophene-capped PMMA from FI- or fullerene terminal.342
25 can be employed as a macromonomer for electro- In addition to the carbon-centered radical initia-
chemical copolymerization with pyrrole,335 as with tors, arenesulfonyl halides are simple and efficient
those from FI-20 (see above). functionalized initiators by introducing a variety of
A series of poly(chloroalkyl ester)s (FI-26 to FI-28) functional termini; conjugation between the aryl and
can be employed for styrene polymerization with the sulfonyl groups is absent (FI-51 to FI-58; Figure
CuCl/L-1 to give polymers with ester groups at the 14).175 Typically, a series of monosubstituted deriva-
R-end.158 Benzyl bromides FI-29317 and FI-30328 are tives (FI-51) are commercially available and afford
another possibility for R-end functionalization. hydroxyl, carboxyl, nitro, and halo groups in living
Multiple halogen compounds FI-31158 and FI-32328
seem interesting to attest the chemoselectivity of
transition-metal catalysis, and the CF3- and the
aromatic bromide therein, respectively, remain intact
during the living polymerizations to afford R-end
functions, though their utility might be limited.
End-functionalized polymers with polymerizable
groups such as double bonds and heterocycles of
course provide macromonomers; allyl, vinyl ester,
vinyl ether, lactone, and epoxy are examples of such
a category whose R-ends are not susceptible or have
little susceptibility to metal-catalyzed radical polym-
erization. As discussed above, for example, allyl
chloride and bromide (FI-33 and FI-34) are effective
initiators to be used for styrene with CuCl and CuBr
catalysts,161 while allyl compounds with remote halo-
gens such as FI-35 and FI-36 allow the polymeriza- Figure 14. Sulfonyl halide and conventional radical
tion of methacrylates with high initiation effi- functional initiators.
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3719

radical polymerization of styrene, MMA, and nBMA

with the copper152,175 or ruthenium180 catalysts (end
functionality Fn ≈ 1.0). Other sulfonyl chlorides (FI-
52 to FI-58) are similarly applicable.126,175,343
An alternative and perhaps simpler way to syn-
thesize R-end-functionalized polymers is to use a
functional azo initiator (FI-59) in the presence of
transition metals in a higher oxidation state such as
FeCl3 with PPh3 as a ligand.80 This method is a
variant of the reverse atom-transfer polymerization
and gives polystyrenecarboxylic acid with narrow
MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.14).

2. ω-End-Functionalized Polymers
In contrast to the frequent use of the initiator
method and the wide variety of available functional
initiators, the end-capping method is not as fre-
quently employed, primarily because of the difficulty
in selective and quantitative quenching radical po-
lymerization, particularly in the metal-catalyzed
living systems involving dormant halogen species.
This stems from several factors: the extremely low
concentration of the radical species relative to the
dormant species, the highly stable dormant carbon-
halogen bond, and the limited availability, thus far,
of suitable quenchers that can add to the growing
carbon radical without deteriorating the metal com-
plex catalyst. However, with the use of selected
compounds, the halogen terminal can be converted
into functional groups via metal-catalyzed radical
reactions or other reactions.
Metal-catalyzed end-capping via a radical mecha-
nism can be carried out either by in situ quenching
of the polymerization or by the reaction of isolated
halogen-capped polymers. Mostly the same quencher
may be used for both methods. Despite the less
frequent applications, however, a wide variety of
quenching end-capping agents have been reported
(EC-1 to EC-15) (Figure 15). Most of these compounds
have a vinyl group that can add to a polymer
terminal under metal-catalyzed conditions to form
much less reactive carbon-halogen bonds or unsat-
urated groups via release of low molecular weight
halogen compounds.
The first of these are silyl enol ethers EC-1 with a
phenyl group or R-(silyloxy)styrenes. They can ef-
fectively quench the ruthenium-catalyzed living radi-
cal polymerization of MMA to give the ω-end-
functionalized PMMA with a ketone group with high
end functionality (Fn ≈ 1.0).293,344 The method is also
useful to attach an aromatic ω-end group not only
for end-functionalization (via the substituent on the
ring) but also for end-group analysis (via the aromatic
protons). The quenching reaction is considered to Figure 15. End functionalization of carbon-halogen
proceed via addition of the growing radical to the terminals.
vinyl group of EC-1 to generate another radical
terminal that is stabilized by the R-phenyl group, In contrast, silyl enol ethers with an R-alkyl group
followed by elimination of the trimethylsilyl group (R-silyloxy vinyl ethers) proved less efficient, indicat-
with the chlorine at the polymer terminal (or on the ing the stability of the resultant silyloxyl radicals is
metal center) due to their high affinity toward among the critical factors in designing good quench-
halogens (Scheme 5). The quenching is quantitative ers of this class. These are due to the degree of the
and selective, and proceeds faster with an electron- affinity of the PMMA radical toward the vinyl groups
donating substituent (X; OCH3 > H > F > Cl) on the in the quenchers. This silyl enol ether capping is
phenyl group of EC-1 and at its higher concentration. applicable for copper-catalyzed polymerizations [with
3720 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

Scheme 5. Quenching of Metal-Catalyzed Living styrene and poly(nBA), which have no R-methyl
Radical Polymerization with Silyl Enol Ethers substituent, can be displaced into the carbon-
TEMPO terminal via the copper-catalyzed reaction
with EC-6.242
Allyl compounds (CH2dCH-CH2R) without good
radical leaving groups react with the growing radical
in the metal-catalyzed polymerizations to result in
an inactive carbon-halogen terminal (---CH2-CHX-
CH2R). Thus, the reaction is, formally, an addition
of alkyl halide (the halogen-capped growing end)
across an olefin. For example, copper-catalyzed radi-
cal polymerizations of MA280 and MMA327 were
quenched with allyl alcohol (EC-7) to generate a
EC-1 (X ) OSiMe3)], in the reported examples, β-bromo alcohol terminal. A similar reaction was
carried out on isolated PMMA. The quenching has reported with EC-8327 and EC-9.346 Ethylene (EC-10)
been carried out, not in situ, but on isolated PMMA cannot polymerize with the metal-based radical
samples.226 The trimethylsilyloxy group at the 4-posi- systems but can react with the terminal carbon of
tion can be also converted into the phenol function. isolated halogen-capped PMMA in the presence of
An interesting application of the silyl enolate CuBr and L-9 (R ) n-Oct) to yield a primary bromide
capping reaction has been developed by Percec, who end quantitatively.226 Similarly, a single unit of
coined the capping agents “TERMINI” (irreversible maleic anhydride (EC-11) can be introduced to poly-
terminatior multifunctional initiator).345 This refers styrene and PMMA.226,348 Even one unit of divinyl-
to a “protected functional compound able to quanti- benzene (EC-12) can be attached quantitatively at a
tatively terminate a living polymerization and, after low temperature (25 °C), where the homopolymer-
deprotection, to quantitatively reinitiate the same or izations are suppressed.226 However, the end-capping
a different living polymerization in more than one yield with benzyl acrylate (EC-13), a more reactive
direction”. Typical TERMINI agents are designed to monomer, cannot exceed 62%.226 An interesting ap-
possess one silyl enolate function for quenching (as plication of these one-step olefin additions is found
in Scheme 5) and two or more protected sulfonyl with EC-14 to attach a C60 end (35% yield).349
chlorides for subsequent multiple initiation of metal- Almost all metal-catalyzed living polymerizations
catalyzed living radical polymerization. Obviously give polymers capped with halogens that are stable
from this design the TERMINI method is applicable after the usual workup. These terminal halogens
for the efficient and well-defined synthesis of den- would be undesirable, because they may lower the
drimers and their libraries, along with other poly- polymer’s thermal stability. Dehalogenation by tribu-
mers of complex and multibranched architectures. tyltin hydride (EC-15) is of importance in this respect
The silyl enolate quenching process (Scheme 5) is, and effectively works for the bromide terminals in
in principle, similar to addition fragmentation reac- polystyrene, PMMA, and poly(MA) in the presence
tions as well as the more recent reversible addition of copper catalysts.277
fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT; see also eq 9),18 An alternative method for ω-end functionalization
in that all three involve an initial addition of the is to transform the terminal halide by ionic reactions.
growing radical across a reactive vinyl group that Thus, nucleophilic substitution was examined with
carries both a radical-stabilizing group (a phenyl and compounds EC-16 to EC-23. For example, an amino
an ester) and a good (radical) leaving group. The alcohol (EC-16) in DMSO at room temperature gives
difference among them is whether the released radi- polystyrene with hydroxyl groups.280,350 However, an
cal via fragmentation is capable of reinitiating radical amino alcohol with a longer spacer (EC-17) should
polymerization (e.g., capable in RAFT, incapable in be employed for poly(MA) to avoid multiple alcohol
the silyl enolate capping). functionalities.280
Allyltri-n-butylstannane (EC-2) similarly termi- Transformation into azide groups was achieved for
nates the copper-catalyzed polymerization of MA to polystyrene, poly(MA), and poly(nBA) with the use
give allyl-functionalized polymers via elimination of of sodium azide (EC-18)351-353 or trimethylsilyl azide
the stannyl group accompanying the bromine origi- (EC-19)161,351,354 in the presence of tetrabutylammo-
nated from the dormant polymer terminal.346 Allyl nium fluoride. The azide groups can be further
ω-end PMMA was obtained also by the copper- converted into amino (-NH2) groups by treatment
catalyzed reaction between allyl bromide (EC-3) and with PPh3/H2O351 or LiAlH4.354 The reaction between
the isolated bromine-capped PMMA, although the the azide end group in polystyrene and C60 was also
functionalization was 57%.226 Another allyl derivative examined.353
(EC-4) similarly leads to methacrylate-based macro- Nucleophilic substitution with the phenolate anion
monomers quantitatively in the presence of Cu(0).347 derived from EC-20 and K2CO3 induced 30% substi-
The same poly(methacrylate)-based macromono- tution, along with elimination of hydrogen bro-
mer can be obtained via the TEMPO (EC-5)-promoted mide.331 Phosphonium groups can be introduced at
elimination of hydrogen and bromine from the iso- the polystyrene and poly(MA) terminal via reaction
lated bromine-ended PMMA in the presence of CuBr/ with EC-21,355 and methyl groups with Me3Al (EC-
L-9 (R ) n-Pr), though the functionality was 78%.226 22).356 An allyl terminal is obtained also via an ionic
In contrast, the carbon-bromine bond in the poly- pathway, where the polystyryl carbocation generated
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3721

Figure 16. Block copolymers between the same family of monomers.

from the chlorine terminal polystyrene in the pres- Block copolymers between alkyl or related meth-
ence of TiCl4 reacts with allyltrimethylsilane (EC- acrylates (B-1,132,198,357 B-2,198 and B-3115,146,148) were
23).356 The allyl terminal was further transformed prepared via the ruthenium-, copper-, and nickel-
into epoxy and alcohol. catalyzed living radical polymerizations. These block
copolymers can be synthesized both via sequential
C. Block Copolymers living radical polymerizations and via the living
radical polymerization initiated from isolated poly-
One of the most important applications of living
mers. For example, the ruthenium-catalyzed sequen-
polymerization is obviously block copolymerization.
tial living radical polymerization of MMA followed
Block copolymers are usually obtained via sequential
by nBMA affords AB block copolymers B-1 with
living polymerization of a monomer followed by
narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.2), which can be extended
another. This is also true for the metal-catalyzed
further into ABA block copolymers B-2 with similarly
living radical polymerization, which permits synthe-
narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.2).198 Star block copoly-
sis of a wide variety of block copolymers and appar-
mers with B-1 as arm chains were similarly synthe-
ently is more versatile than other living polymeriza-
sized but with multifunctional initiators.357
tions. Another way is the use of isolated halogen-
capped polymers as macroinitiators, taking advantage Block copolymers between alkyl acrylates such as
of the stability of the dormant carbon-halogen B-4,358 B-5,202,203 and B-6,203 on the other hand, have
terminal even toward air and moisture. The proce- been synthesized by the macroinitiator methods
dure for the former method is apparently simpler mostly with copper catalysts. Star block copolymers
than the latter because the reaction can be done in with a soft poly(MA) core and a hard poly(isobornyl
one pot. However, the problem therein is contamina- acrylate) shell were synthesized by using multifunc-
tion of the first monomer’s unit(s) in the second tional initiators.358 Poly(tBA) segments in B-5 and
segments, because the second monomer is often B-6 can be converted into hydrophilic poly(acrylic
added before the complete consumption of the first acid).203 Block copolymers between p-methylstyrene
monomer to avoid side reactions at high conversion. and styrene (B-7) were also prepared by the rhenium-
The synthetic strategy for a wider variety of block catalyzed living radical polymerization in conjunction
copolymers is to combine the metal-catalyzed living with an alkyl iodide initiator.169
radical and other living polymerizations. This can be Block Copolymers between Different Fami-
accomplished by the introduction of a potentially lies of Monomers. Block copolymers among differ-
active carbon-halogen bond into the polymers ob- ent families of monomers (e.g., methacrylate/acrylate)
tained commercially or by some living processes. can be efficiently prepared by metal-catalyzed radical
This section discusses the block copolymer synthe- polymerizations (Figure 17). Though widely feasible,
ses by these two approaches, and Figures 16-25 give the synthesis often calls for specific care, and in
comprehensive lists of reported block copolymers. particular the initiating systems including terminal
halogens, metals, and ligands should be carefully
1. Block Copolymers via Sequential Metal-Catalyzed selected so that they are effective for both monomers
Living Radical Polymerization in different families. For the macroinitiator method,
A wide variety of block copolymers can be obtained in contrast, the catalysts for the first and the second
by the metal-catalyzed living radical polymerizations, polymerizations should not be necessarily the same.
which are now applicable to numerous monomers. Most of the block copolymers consisting of meth-
Most of them are block copolymers prepared from acrylates and acrylates (B-8 to B-12) have been
methacrylates, acrylates, and styrenes; combinations prepared via macroinitiator methods. AB- and BA-
are therefore within the same family or between type block copolymers of MMA and MA (B-876,135,359
different families. and B-9359) were prepared with nickel, copper, and
Block Copolymers between the Same Family iron catalysts. Due to the higher activity of the
of Monomers. Block copolymers derived from the carbon-halogen terminals in poly(methacrylate)s
same family of monomers (Figure 16) are obtained than in poly(acrylate)s, block copolymerization from
relatively easily, because the two monomers can PMMA is successfully performed via both sequential
normally be polymerized with common initiating and macroinitiator methods, where the controllability
systems and under similar reaction conditions. seems better in the copper-based system. Similar
3722 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

Figure 17. Block copolymers between different families of monomers.

results were also obtained for B-10.135,138,359 In con- ments caused by the lower activity of the C-Br ter-
trast, for BA-type block copolymers from MA, halogen- minal of poly(nBA).363 The use of halogen-exchange
exchange reactions from C-Br into C-Cl terminals methods with the copper-based systems can narrow
(see above) should be employed so that the initiation the MWDs of the ABA block copolymers.359,360,364
from the less active dormant terminal of acrylates The MMA/styrene block copolymers of both AB and
can be quantitative and faster.359 This method gave BA types (B-13 and B-14) were synthesized with
B-9 with fairly narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.15) with- copper and iron catalysts, although the MWDs were
out contamination of homopoly(MA). A similar block slightly broader (Mw/Mn ) 1.4-1.5) than those of the
copolymer with nBA and MMA (B-11) can be pre- other block copolymers.76,94,241,365
pared by the same method.360 A wider range of acrylate/styrene block copolymers
ABA-type block copolymers B-12 with a hard have been prepared by copper catalysts, partially
PMMA as the outer segment (A) and a soft poly(nBA) because the homopolymerizations of both monomers
as the inner segment (B) are expected as all-acrylic can be controlled with common initiating systems.
thermoplastic elastomers. Examples of B-12 have Both AB- (B-15 to B-17)202,230,254,366,367 and BA-type
been prepared with copper and nickel catalysts via (B-18 to B-21)28,112,169,230,366,368,369 block copolymers
bifunctional initiation.359-364 Unfortunately, the co- were obtained from macroinitiators prepared by the
polymers by R-Br/Ni-2 via the macroinitiator method copper-based systems. The block copolymerizations
were reported to be inferior as thermoplastic elas- can also be conducted under air230 and under emul-
tomers to those by living anionic polymerizations. A sion conditions with water.254 Combination of the Re-
possible reason is the presence of short PMMA seg- and Ru-mediated living radical polymerizations in
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3723

Figure 18. Block copolymers with functional segments.

the macroinitiator method is effective for the syn- Block Copolymers with Functional Segments.
thesis of B-18.169 Various block copolymers with functional groups can
A series of ABA- and BAB-type triblock copolymers be prepared by direct block copolymerization of
(B-22 to B-24) were obtained by two-step block functional monomers or by sequential polymeriza-
copolymerization with bifunctional initiators202 or by tions of their protected forms, followed by deprotec-
three-step block copolymerization with monofunc- tion (Figure 18).
tional initiators.202,366,368 ABC-type block copolymers Block copolymers with hydroxyl segments were
B-25203 and B-26202 consisting of styrene, MA, and prepared by various ways: An example utilizes the
tBA can be obtained by the latter method; the tBA copper-catalyzed sequential copolymerizations of nBA
segment may be hydrolyzed to give amphiphilic and 2-[(trimethylsilyl)oxy]ethyl acrylate by the mac-
triblock copolymers. roinitiator method into B-31 to B-33. The copolymers
Acrylamide-based block copolymers B-27370 and were then hydrolyzed into amphiphilic forms by de-
B-28117 were prepared by the ruthenium- and copper- protection of the silyl groups.313 A direct chain-exten-
based systems, respectively. The vinylpyridine (B- sion reaction of polystyrene and PMMA with HEMA
29)214,371 segment can be introduced into the block also afforded similar block copolymers with hydroxyl
copolymers with MMA. The polystyrene-based block segments (B-34 and B-35).241,243 In block polymer
copolymers B-30 with short segments of a bicyclic B-36, a hydroxy-functionalized acrylamide provides
monomer had a higher decomposition temperature a hydrophilic segment.117 Block copolymers of styrene
than the homopolystyrene with C-Br terminals.223 and p-acetoxystyrene (B-37 to B-39), prepared by iron
3724 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

and copper catalysts, were precursors of amphiphilic

block copolymers with hydroxy groups.169,208,372
Carboxyl groups may be introduced into block
copolymers via direct polymerizations of free-acid
monomers or protection-deprotection procedures.
Block copolymers of styrene and nitrophenyl meth-
acrylate (B-40) are used for the latter method, where
the activated ester pendant is effectively converted
into methacrylic acid or acrylamide under mild
conditions.166 A homogeneous aqueous system with
copper catalysts gives block copolymers with benzoate
groups (B-41) via sequential block copolymerization
of the two water-soluble monomers.247
Block copolymers with pendant amino groups can
be obtained by the block copolymerization of (meth)-
acrylates and 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate
catalyzed by copper to afford B-42 to B-45.243,373
Perfluoroalkyl groups are also introduced into block
copolymers with methacrylates, acrylates, and sty-
rene (B-46 to B-53), which can be synthesized in
scCO2 or in the bulk.95,315 Amphiphilic block copoly-
mers based on glycopolymer segments (B-54 and
B-55) are synthesized by copper-catalyzed polymer-
izations.321,322 Comonomers with a polyhedral oligo-
meric silsesquioxane unit afforded hybrid polymers
between organic and inorganic components (B-56 and Figure 19. Block copolymers prepared via living anionic
B-57).326 polymerization.

2. Block Copolymers via Combination of Other (Living) utilized for isoprene as in B-64.374 Such macroinitia-
Polymerizations tors induced living radical polymerization of meth-
acrylates, acrylates, and styrene in the presence of
Block copolymers can be prepared by combination the copper catalysts to give block copolymers with
of metal-catalyzed living radical polymerization and narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2). The use of ethyl-
other polymerizations. Namely, polymers with car- ene oxide for quenching the living anionic polymer-
bon-halogen terminals may be synthesized by some ization of styrene followed by treatment with SOCl2
living polymerization, and the product is further used resulted in a carbon-chlorine terminal for a subse-
to initiate living radical polymerization in the pres- quent polymerization of 2-vinylpyridine (B-61).215
ence of transition-metal catalysts. Therefore, this A transformation method can introduce some func-
method is essentially a variant of the macroinit- tional groups at the junction as in B-63, which bear
iator method discussed above. Such carbon-halogen a fluorescent dye between the polyisoprene and
terminals can be obtained by transformation of the polystyrene segments.375 The preparation is based on
polymer terminal with some reagents or by use of quenching the living anionic polymerization of iso-
halogenated initiators for the first-step living polym- prene with 1-(9-phenanthryl)-1-phenylethylene fol-
erization. In some cases, there is no need for the lowed by addition of excess R,R′-dibromo-p-xylene,
transformation since the first-step polymerization which affords a C-Br terminal effective for the
also proceeds via similar carbon-halogen chain ends copper-catalyzed radical polymerization of styrene.
as in living cationic polymerization (see below). Cationic Vinyl Polymerization. Living cationic
Reviews on block copolymer synthesis based on mech- polymerizations, in general, are based on the revers-
anism transformation are available elsewhere.301,302 ible activation and heterolytic dissociation of carbon-
Another method is based on initiation of other halogen terminals by a Lewis acid.7-9 Despite the
polymerizations from the polymers prepared by living difference in the activation processes, some of the
radical polymerization as macroinitiators. The fol- carbon-halogen bonds obtained in living cationic
lowing sections give specific examples. polymerization can be used as an initiating site for
Anionic Vinyl Polymerization. The carbanionic metal-catalyzed living radical polymerization without
terminals in living anionic polymerization can be any modification. Figure 20 shows block copolymers
transformed into carbon-halogen bonds suited for obtained in this way.
radical generation. The backbones utilized thus far The polystyrene obtained by living cationic polym-
for this approach include polystyrene (B-58 to erization with R-Cl/Lewis acid possesses a carbon-
B-62)215,374 and polyisoprene (B-63 and B-64),374,375 chlorine terminal that is subsequently used for the
although the former segment can also be prepared living radical polymerizations of acrylates and meth-
by the living radical polymerization (Figure 19). acrylates to give block copolymers such as B-65 to
For B-58 to B-60 and B-62, the polystyryllithium B-67.376-378
terminal was converted into a bromide by the reac- Chlorine-capped polyisobutylene, prepared via cat-
tion with styrene oxide followed by treatment with ionic polymerization, was also used as a macroini-
2-bromoisobutyryl bromide.374 The same method is tiator for the copper-catalyzed radical polymeriza-
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3725

Figure 20. Block copolymers prepared via living cationic polymerization.

tions of acrylates, methacrylates, and styrenes as in

B-68 to B-73.204,379-381 The C-Cl terminal of the
polyisobutylene cannot initiate the living radical
polymerization due to its lower activity for redox
reactions, but it can be modified into an active form
by inserting several units of styrene. Polymers B-68
to B-72 were prepared in this way from bifunctional
initiators.204,380 Another method is based on trans-
formation of the chloride terminal into hydroxyl
functions followed by esterification with 2-bromopro-
pionyl379 and 2-bromoisobutyryl halides381 as em-
ployed in the preparation of B-68 and B-73, respec-
Radical Vinyl Polymerization. Conventional
radical polymerization and telomerization can also
be beneficial for block copolymer synthesis, because
in some cases they polymerize monomers inactive for
metal catalysts, although side reactions often render
the block copolymers in low yield and with ill control
of molecular weights. However, a combination with
conventional radical polymerizations affords novel
block copolymers in higher yields than before (Figure
Halogen compounds such as chloroform and carbon
tetrachloride are well-known telomers in conven-
tional radical polymerizations. They give oligomers Figure 21. Block copolymers prepared via conventional
or polymers with a CCl3 terminal, which can act as radical polymerization.
an initiating group for metal-catalyzed radical po-
lymerization. This method was employed for vinyl the two polymerizations can be reversed, where
acetate to prepare AB block copolymers with styrene conventional radical polymerization is initiated by
(B-74)338,382 or with nBA (B-75).330,338 The block the azo macroinitiators prepared by a metal-cata-
copolymers based on vinylidene fluoride (B-76 to lyzed radical polymerization.338
B-80) were similarly prepared with CHCl3,157,383 Ionic Ring-Opening Polymerization. Living
perfluoroalkyl iodides,384 and bromides385 as telomers ionic ring-opening polymerization of cyclic ethers,
followed by the copper-catalyzed radical polymeriza- esters, and siloxanes gives polymers with controlled
tions. molecular weights and defined terminal structures
Another route to block copolymers in conjunction and is thus applied to the synthesis of block copoly-
with conventional radical systems is to use azo mers coupled with the metal-catalyzed living radical
initiators bearing reactive carbon-halogen bonds polymerizations (Figure 22).
such as (chloromethyl)benzyl, 2-bromoisobutyroyl, Transformation of cationic ring-opening polymer-
and trichloromethyl groups.338,386 This method can ization of THF into the copper-catalyzed radical
afford diblock (B-74 and B-75) and triblock (B-81) polymerizations of styrene, acrylates, and methacry-
copolymers, depending on the mode of termination lates leads to various block copolymers (B-82 to
reactions in the conventional radical polymerizations B-88).387,388 Diblock (B-82 to B-84) and ABC-type
with the azo compounds. In these cases, the order of triblock (B-85) copolymers were prepared via the
3726 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

Figure 22. Block copolymers prepared via ionic ring-opening polymerization.

copper-catalyzed radical polymerizations from poly- B-90 and B-91, respectively.390 Another route coupled
(THF) macroinitiators obtained with 2-bromopropio- with cationic ring-opening polymerizations is ac-
nyl bromide and silver triflate.387 complished for polymer B-92 with the use of a
The ABA-type block copolymers B-86 to B-88 were hydroxyl-functionalized initiator with a C-Br ter-
synthesized via termination of telechelic living poly- minal, where the OH group initiates the cationic
(THF) with sodium 2-bromoisopropionate followed by polymerizations of 1,3-dioxepane in the presence of
the copper-catalyzed radical polymerizations.387 A triflic acid.329 Poly(ethylene oxide)-based block co-
similar method has also been utilized for the syn- polymers B-93 are obtained by living anionic polym-
thesis of 4-arm star block polymers (arm B-82), where erization of ethylene oxide and the subsequent trans-
the transformation is done with β-bromoacyl chloride formation of the hydroxyl terminal into a reactive
and the hydroxyl terminal of poly(THF).388 The BAB- C-Br terminal with 2-bromopropionyl bromide, fol-
type block copolymers where polystyrene is the lowed by the copper-catalyzed radical polymerization
midsegment were prepared by copper-catalyzed radi- of styrene.391
cal polymerization of styrene from bifunctional initia- Living ring-opening polymerization of -caprolac-
tors, followed by the transformation of the halogen tone with aluminum alkoxide or alkylaluminum can
terminal into a cationic species with silver perchlo- be combined with nickel-catalyzed living radical po-
rate; the resulting cation was for living cationic lymerization for the synthesis of linear and dendri-
polymerization of THF.389 A similar transformation mer-like star block copolymers B-94 to B-98.139,392-394
with Ph2I+PF6- was carried out for halogen-capped Such block copolymers were first synthesized via
polystyrene and poly(p-methoxystyrene), and the living radical polymerization with CBr3CH2OH, where
resultant cationic species subsequently initiated cat- the C-Br bond is a radical initiating site and the
ionic polymerization of cyclohexene oxide to produce hydroxyl group is for the subsequent ring-opening
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3727

siloxane) or block copolymers of styrene and dimeth-

ylsiloxane are converted into the C-Br terminal by
hydrosilylation of 3-butenyl 2-bromoisobutyrate.395
Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization.
When coupled with living radical systems, living ring-
opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) also
permits the synthesis of other types of block copoly-
mers (Figure 23) such as B-102 to B-108.67,396,397 A
molybdenum carbene or ROMP intermediate is con-
verted into a benzyl bromide-type terminal by quench-
ing the ROMP with p-(bromomethyl)benzaldehyde by
a retro-Wittig reaction.396 The macroinitiator thus
obtained induced living radical polymerizations of
styrene and MA with copper catalysts to afford B-102
to B-105.
Poly(1,4-butadiene) segments prepared by the ru-
thenium-mediated ROMP of 1,5-cyclooctadiene can
be incorporated into the ABA-type block copolymers
with styrene (B-106) and MMA (B-107).397 The
synthetic method is based on the copper-catalyzed
radical polymerizations of styrene and MMA from the
telechelic poly(butadiene) obtained by a bifunctional
chain-transfer agent such as bis(allyl chloride) or bis-
(2-bromopropionate) during the ROMP process. A
Figure 23. Block copolymers prepared via ring-opening
more direct route to similar block copolymers is based
metathesis polymerization. on the use of a ruthenium carbene complex with a
C-Br bond such as Ru-13 as described above.67 The
polymerization. The reverse order of the two pro- complex induced simultaneous or tandem block co-
cesses is also possible.139 More interestingly, the two polymerizations of MMA and 1,5-cyclooctadiene to
living polymerizations can be performed simulta- give B-108, which can be hydrogenated into B-109,
neously; namely, MMA and -caprolactone undergo in one pot, catalyzed by the ruthenium residue from
parallel growth initiated by the CBr3CH2OH/Ni-2/Al- Ru-13.
(O-i-Pr)3 system.392 The aluminum compound might Condensation Polymerization. Condensation
have a dual function, one as a catalyst for anionic polymerization generally affords telechelic polymers
ring-opening polymerization and the other as an with functional terminals, which thus can be trans-
additive for Ni-2 to facilitate the living radical formed into reactive carbon-halogen bonds for the
process.133 metal-catalyzed radical polymerizations (Figure 24).
Poly(dimethylsiloxane) segments can also be in- Polysulfones obtained from bisphenol A and bis(4-
troduced into the block copolymers as in B-99 to fluorophenyl) sulfone were converted into telechelic
B-101, where the silane terminal of poly(dimethyl- macroinitiators by the reaction with 2-bromopropio-

Figure 24. Block copolymers prepared via condensation polymerization.

3728 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

Figure 25. Block copolymers prepared from commercially available polymers.

nyl bromide. The telechelic bisbromide was subse- tween a telechelic polystyrene with terminal maleic
quently employed for the copper-catalyzed block anhydride units and a commercially available poly-
polymerization of styrene or nBA to give B-110 and (ethylene glycol methyl ether) gave B-128.348
B-111, respectively.398 A polysilylene-based block Polysiloxane-based ABA-type block copolymers
copolymer (B-112) was synthesized similarly from a B-129 can be prepared from commercially available
telechelic polysilane macroinitiator with benzyl chlo- poly(dimethylsiloxane) as a stating material followed
ride terminals.399 Another block copolymer (B-113) by functionalization and the subsequent copper-
consisting of a fluorene unit in the midsegment was catalyzed radical polymerization of styrene.409
obtained by two-step polymerizations, the Ni(0)-
mediated condensation polymerization of 2,7-dibromo- D. Random Copolymers
9,9-dihexylfluorene and the Ni(II)-mediated living A distinctive advantage of radical polymerization
radical polymerization of MMA after the transforma- is that a variety of monomer pairs can readily be co-
tion of the telechelic terminals.400 polymerized into true random/statistical copolymers.
Polystyrene B-114401 and poly(acrylate) B-115402 A mixture of two monomers that can be homopo-
are connected to a dendrimer at its focal core. These lymerized by a metal catalyst can be copolymerized
are prepared with dendrimer-type macroinitiators as in conventional radical systems. In fact, various
with a benzyl bromide at the focal point, from which pairs of methacrylates, acrylates, and styrenes have
are initiated the copper-catalyzed living radical po- been copolymerized by the metal catalysts in random
lymerizations of styrene and acrylates, respectively. or statistical fashion, and the copolymerizations
For B-114, various functional groups (R) were intro- appear to also have the characteristics of a living
duced into the periphery. process. The monomer reactivity ratio and sequence
Commercially Available Polymers. Modifica- distributions of the comonomer units, as discussed
tion of terminal groups for block copolymer synthesis already, seem very similar to those in the conven-
can be applied to commercially available end-func- tional free radical systems, although the detailed
tionalized polymers although most of them are pro- analysis should be awaited as described above. Apart
duced by living anionic polymerization. Thus, some from the mechanistic study (section II.F.3), the metal-
of the block copolymers shown in Figure 25 were catalyzed systems afford random or statistical co-
already described above. polymers of controlled molecular weights and sharp
Hydroxyl-capped poly(ethylene-co-butylene), a so- MWDs, where, because of the living nature, there are
called Kraton, was converted into a macroinitiator almost no differences in composition distribution in
via esterification with 2-bromopropionyl chloride, and each copolymer chain in a single sample, in sharp
then employed for the block copolymerizations of contrast to conventional random copolymers, in which
styrene and p-acetoxystyrene (B-116 and B-117).403 there is a considerable compositional distribution
A similar method is utilized for B-118 to B-121 where from chain to chain. Figure 26 shows the random
the esterification is with 2-bromoisobutyroyl bro- copolymers thus prepared by the metal-catalyzed
mide.341 A commercially available polybutadiene is living radical polymerizations.
also employed for B-122 via a similar transformation There are several examples of random copolymers
into the chloroacetyl group.404 of methacrylates (R-1 to R-3). MMA/nBMA copolym-
Poly(oxyethylene) units can be introduced by using erization was carried out with a copper catalyst, but
commercially available poly(ethylene oxide)s and the products were of low molecular weight because
poly(ethylene glycol)s via esterification of the termi- this study was directed to mechanistic studies.263
nal hydroxyl groups with appropriate acyl halides. Random copolymers of MMA and nBMA (R-1) were
Various AB- (B-123 and B-124) and ABA-type (B- also obtained in emulsion (Mw/Mn ) 1.2-1.3).254 Two
125 and B-126) block copolymers were thus pre- monomers were consumed almost simultaneously to
pared,171,327,405-408 along with a poly(propylene oxide)- give a random or statistical distribution of repeat
based version (B-127).404 The polymer coupling be- units along the chains. Copolymerization of MMA
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3729

Figure 26. Random copolymers.

and HEMA was investigated by ruthenium and Metal-catalyzed radical polymerization enables the
rhodium catalysts to give random copolymers R-2 controlled random copolymerization of the monomers
which possess hydroxyl functions randomly distrib- that belong to different families such as methacry-
uted along the chains.59,138 Random copolymers be- lates, acrylates, and styrenes, in contrast to the fact
tween hydrophilic and hydrophobic segments (R-3) that the living anionic counterparts give their block
were also synthesized by the copper catalysts in copolymers in most cases. However, some of the
water.320 metal-catalyzed systems may suffer from slight broad-
Random copolymers between acrylates (R-4 and ening of the MWDs due to the difference in the cross-
R-5) were prepared by the copper and nickel cata- propagation processes and in reactivity of the dor-
lysts. The former one has random distribution of the mant carbon-halogen terminals depending on which
hydroxyl groups along with the chains similarly to monomer pair is employed. Another problem is that,
R-2 and shows different behavior in water in com- at least thus far, the available metal catalysts are
parison to the block copolymers.313 In copolymer R-5, more or less “monomer-specific” and few of them are
the -caprolactone units are distributed randomly universally applicable to different families of mono-
and can function as linking agents in the subsequent mers such as methacrylates and styrenes.
copolymerizations with -caprolactone.318 Copolymerizations of an equimolar mixture of
For styrene-based random copolymers, functional MMA and MA (R-10) or nBA (R-11) with the nickel
groups can be introduced into the polymer chains via catalysts led to simultaneous consumption of the two
copolymerization with functional styrene derivatives, monomers and gave their random copolymers with
because the electronic effects of the substituents are controlled molecular weights and relatively narrow
small in the metal-catalyzed polymerizations in MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.5).135 The copper-catalyzed sys-
comparison to the ionic counterparts. Random co- tems also induced controlled random copolymeriza-
polymer R-6 is of this category, synthesized from tions of MMA and nBA in organic solvents and in
styrene and p-acetoxystyrene.372 It can be trans- emulsion (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.2).254,267 However, methacrylate/
formed into styrene/p-vinylphenol copolymers by acrylate copolymerization may result in gradient
hydrolysis.380 The benzyl acetate and the benzyl ether structures rather than random structures (section
groups randomly distributed in R-7 and R-8 were III.F).
transformed into benzyl bromide, which can initiate The styrene-based random copolymers R-12 and
the controlled radical polymerizations of styrene in R-13 were prepared by ruthenium and copper cata-
the presence of copper catalysts to give graft copoly- lysts, respectively. For the former copolymer (R-12),
mers.209 Epoxy groups can be introduced, as in R-9, the copolymerizations were investigated with various
by the copper-catalyzed copolymerizations without compositions of the two monomers, which revealed
loss of epoxy functions, while the nitroxide-mediated that the composition curve is similar to that of
systems suffer from side reactions due to the high- conventional radical copolymerizations.205 The latter
temperature reaction.317 copolymers (R-13) obtained with R-Br/CuBr have
3730 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2) because the sys- G. Telechelic and Star Polymers
tems are effective in controlling homopolymerizations
of both styrene and nBA.264 The R-Cl/CuCl system Telechelic and star polymers can be obtained by a
also gave R-13 although the MWDs became slightly so-called multifunctional initiator method where
broader (Mw/Mn ) 1.3-1.4).366 metal-catalyzed living radical polymerizations are
Other methacrylate-based copolymers are also pos- initiated from halogen compounds with plural reac-
sible with acrylamide (R-14)370 and maleimide (R- tive carbon-halogen bonds. This method can give
15),410 which can be prepared by ruthenium and multiarmed or star polymers with a predetermined
copper catalysts, respectively. Both copolymers have number of arms that corresponds to the number of
amide groups randomly distributed in the PMMA the carbon-halogen bonds in the initiator. Numerous
chains. polyhalogen compounds are accessible and synthe-
sized from various polyfunctional compounds as
E. Alternating Copolymers summarized in Figures 27 and 28, where the arm
numbers may be varied between 2 and 12.
Alternating copolymers can be obtained from the Another route to synthesizing star polymers by
monomers that cannot homopolymerize alone but can living polymerization involves the use of multifunc-
copolymerize in conjunction with the appropriate tional end-capping agents, but this method is not
monomers. As described above, N-substituted male- suited for metal-catalyzed radical polymerizations, at
imides copolymerize with styrene in this fashion in least so far, due to the lack of universal and conve-
the presence of copper catalysts to give alterna- nient terminating agents, as described above (section
ting copolymers with controlled molecular weights III.B.2).
(Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2). The substituents in the male- The third method is based on a polymer-linking
imides include 2-acetoxylethyl, phenyl, and cyclo- reaction where the liner polymers are obtained by
hexyl groups.219-222 the living radical polymerization with divinyl com-
pounds. This can afford star polymers with a rela-
F. Gradient Copolymers tively large number of arms, up to several hundred
Another type of copolymer with controlled composi- per molecule, while the number of arms by definition
tion or sequence distribution is a gradient copolymer, involves a statistical distribution in a single sample.
in which the repeat-unit composition (sequence)
changes along a backbone; i.e., “A” units are pre- 1. Telechelic Polymers with Bifunctional Initiators
dominant, for example, near the R-end, and their Halogen compounds with two reactive carbon-
abundance continuously decreases, while “B” units halogen bonds can be bifunctional initiators for
increasingly predominate near the ω-end. Such poly- metal-catalyzed living radical polymerizations to give
mers can be prepared by metal-catalyzed radical telechelic polymers. The effective bifunctional initia-
polymerization; two methods are known so far: One tors include MI-1 to MI-26 with various spacers
method is based on the automatic formation of a between the initiating sites.
gradient composition due to an inherent monomer R,R′-Dichloro-p-xylene (MI-1, X ) Cl) is a bifunc-
reactivity difference, and the other is based on tional initiator for the copper-catalyzed living radical
continuous addition of a second monomer at a con- polymerization of styrene to give telechelic polymers
trolled rate into a polymerizing solution of the first with controlled molecular weights and narrow MWDs
monomer. The former is exemplified in the copoly- (Mw/Mn ) 1.45).84 The bromide version of MI-1 (X )
mers obtained of MMA and nBA.411 Although they Br) is more versatile and gives telechelic polymers
are considered random copolymers, detailed analysis of stryene,84,315,348 MA,84,315 nBA,315 and p-acetoxysty-
indicates that there is a gradient structure therein. rene207 with narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.3). The
The latter method was applied for pairs of styrene/ telechelics are further employed as macroinitiators
nBA and styrene/acrylonitrile. The physical proper- for ABA-type block copolymers. The copper-catalyzed
ties of the copolymers were studied in comparison to radical polymerization of MMA with MI-2 gave
those of other copolymers. polymers with narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.2) but in
Another copolymer with compositional change along low initiation efficiency (Ieff ) 0.13).412 The obtained
the chains is an ABC-type block/random copolymer PMMA possesses one anthracene unit in the middle
that consists of three segments, each of which is a of the polymer backbone. R,R-Dichlorotoluene (MI-
copolymer of the two monomers with a different 3) serves as a bifunctional initiator for the copper-
composition. A mixture of styrene/MMA (3:1 molar catalyzed radical polymerization of styrene, while it
ratio) was polymerized with the ruthenium-based works as a monofunctional version for MMA polym-
systems, and two portions of MMA were sequentially erization due to the low reactivity of the second C-Cl
added at varying styrene conversions.205 The styrene/ bond after the initiation.165A haloketone, dichloroac-
MMA sequential compositions from the R- to the etophenone (MI-4), induces living radical polymeri-
ω-end in the final products with relatively narrow zation of MMA in the presence of ruthenium catalysts
MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.5) are about (3:1)-(1:1)-(1:4). to give polymers with extremely narrow MWDs (Mw/
These interesting experiments show not only that the Mn ≈ 1.1).56 As it turned out, both of the carbon-
Ru-catalyzed MMA/styrene copolymerization is in chlorine bonds in the initiator initiate living polym-
fact living irrespective of the initial monomer com- erization.154
position, but also that the reaction might lead to new Ester-type bifunctional initiators can readily be
copolymers differing from statistical or gradient prepared by a reaction of dialcohols or diphenols with
derivatives. β-haloacyl halides. For example, bis(dichloroacetate)s
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3731

Figure 27. Bifunctional initiators.

such as MI-5 and MI-6 serve as a bifunctional Telechelic PMMA can be obtained from MI-13 with
initiator for MMA in the presence of Ru-1 and Al- Ni-2 as a catalyst.414 Anthrathene-labeled polysty-
(acac)3 to give telechelic PMMA with controlled rene can be synthesized with the copper-catalyzed
molecular weights and narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.3- polymerizations initiated with MI-14; the aromatic
1.4). In contrast to dichloroacetophenone (see above), tag or probe is located near the midpoint of a polymer
one dichloroacetate unit serves as a monofunctional chain.415 Dibromoacetates MI-15 and MI-16 are com-
initiator in the ruthenium catalysis (Ru-1).228 An- mercially available and effective for methacrylates,
other chloride-type bifunctional initiator (MI-7) af- acrylates, and styrene with nickel and copper cata-
fords telechelic polystyrene in the presence of copper lysts.134,256,360-362 The resultant telechelic polymers
catalysts.171 Bromoesters MI-8 and MI-9 derived from have been subsequently employed for the synthesis
ethylene glycol were employed for acrylate and of various ABA triblock copolymers.
styrene with copper catalysts.313,326,358,359,368,389,413 These Functional groups can also be introduced in the
telechelic polymers can further be employed as spacer units. Bifunctional initiators with bipyridine
bifunctional macroinitiators for ABA block copoly- units such as MI-17 and MI-18 induced the living
mers.313,326,359,368,389 The obtained telechelic polysty- radical polymerizations of styrene and MMA, respec-
renes can produce polymer network gels by a copper- tively, with copper catalysts to give polymers that
mediated linking reaction with divinylbenzene.413 A carry a coordination site at the middle of the
series of bromoesters (MI-10 to MI-12), derived from chain.87,333 These polymers can be connected together
diphenols and 2-bromoisobutyroyl bromide, are ef- into star polymers with a ruthenium cation at the
fective in the copper-mediated living radical poly- core, where the arm numbers are varied among three,
merizations of various acrylates and styrene (Mw/Mn four, five, and six in combination with the polymers
≈ 1.1).263 A chloroester (MI-10, X ) Cl) gave similar obtained from the monofunctional initiator with a
polymers with slightly broader MWDs (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.2). bipyridine unit (FI-21 and FI-22; Figure 13).416 A
3732 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

modified method for the coupling reaction with the (MI-38) from the same tetraol can be employed for
metal center can also afford heteroarm star polymers methacrylates and styrene polymerization.343
consisting of polystyrene and PMMA chains.417 The Another tetrafunctional ester (MI-36) is the small-
bifunctional initiator complexed with ruthenium est number of a series of dendrimer-type initiators
prior to the polymerization (MI-19) is also effective such as MI-46 and MI-53 for 6- and 12-arm star
in the copper-catalyzed polymerization.87,333 polymers, respectively.414,419,420 These initiators in-
Bifunctional initiators with oligophenylenes as a duce the living radical polymerizations of MMA with
rigid spacer unit (MI-20 and MI-21) generate rigid/ Ni-2 to give the corresponding multiarmed polymers
flexible triblock copolymers of styrene.418 with controlled molecular weights although the arm
Disulfonyl halides such as MI-22 to MI-26 are number with MI-53 is slightly lower than 12 due to
effective bifunctional initiators for various monomers incomplete initiation from all the carbon-bromine
including methacrylates, acrylates, and styrenes, bonds.
because the sulfonyl halide part, as pointed out for A series of calixarene-core-type initiators (MI-40,
their monofunctional versions, can induce fast initia- MI-47, and MI-51) were prepared and employed for
tion without a bimolecular termination reaction the radical polymerizations of MMA, styrene, and
between the sulfonyl radicals.240,343 tBA. Ruthenium catalysts357 were first employed, and
copper catalysts are equally effective.421,422 PMMA
2. Star Polymers with Multifunctional Initiators obtained with the dichloroacetate version of MI-40
Halogen compounds with more than two reactive had narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2) and controlled
carbon-halogen bonds afford star polymers, the arm numbers of arms, which were ascertained by the
number of which is defined by the number of the scission of arms from the cores after the polymeriza-
initiating sites, whereas the arm length therein is tions.357
determined simply from the initial molar ratio of The star polymers obtained with the bromoester-
monomer to initiator. The multifunctional initiator type calixarene-based initiators were analyzed by
method gave various star polymers with 3 (MI-27 to SEC equipped with a multiangle laser light scatter-
MI-33), 4 (MI-34 to MI-42), 5 (MI-43), 6 (MI-44 to ing (MALLS) detector. The arm numbers were well
MI-50), 8 (MI-51 and MI-52), and 12 arms (MI-53 controlled (close to the initiator’s functionality),
and MI-54). although the octafunctional initiator MI-51 induced
A benzyl bromide-type initiator (MI-27) was uti- star-star coupling in the styrene-polymerization at
lized for the copper-catalyzed synthesis of 3-armed conversions higher than 20%.421 A similar series of
poly(acrylate)s with mesogen units as side-chain tetra-, hexa-, and octafunctionalized initiators with
groups.324 The effect of molecular architecture on the calixarene cores were synthesized for sulfonyl chlo-
thermotropic behavior was compared with the cor- ride versions (MI-41, MI-48, and MI-52) and em-
responding linear polymers in both living and con- ployed for copper-catalyzed MMA polymerizations.343
ventional polymerizations. Carbosilane-based dendritic bromoesters MI-39
Haloester-type trifunctional initiators are obtained and MI-54 are also effective as multifunctional
from triols by a method similar to those for bifunc- initiators for 4- and 12-arm star PMMA with narrow
tional haloesters. 3-arm star polymers of MMA are MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.1-1.2).423 However, star-star
obtained with dichloroacetates MI-28 and MI-29, for coupling was observed with the use of MI-54.
which Ru-1 and Al(acac)3 are employed.228 The poly- A pentafunctionalized initiator can be obtained
mers have controlled molecular weights and narrow from esterification of β-D-glucose, and star PMMA
MWDs. Similarly, MI-30 and MI-31 with copper with 5 arms are obtained.340 Inorganic cores, other
catalysts gave 3-arm star polymers of styrene, acry- than silicon, can also be employed such as the
lates, and methacrylates; suitable copper catalysts cyclotriphosphazene (MI-44 and MI-45), which gives
vary with each monomer.199,326,358,368 The obtained 6-arm polymers from styrene, acrylates, and meth-
star polymers can be further transformed into star acrylates.303,358 Tetra- (MI-42)87,332 and hexafunction-
block copolymers comprised of hydrophilic/hydropho- alized initiators (MI-4987,332 and MI-50424) with a
bic368 or organic/inorganic326 segments by block co- ruthenium center can be also employed for the radical
polymerizations of other monomers. polymerizations of styrene and MMA in the presence
Trisulfonyl chlorides MI-32 and MI-33 are also of appropriate catalysts such as copper, ruthenium,
efficient in the copper-catalyzed radical polymeriza- and nickel.
tion of methacrylates and styrene (Mw/Mn ) 1.1- Other multifunctional initiators include star poly-
1.4).343 The polystyrene arms can be cleaved from the mers prepared from initiators via living radical or
core with a base, giving polymers (arms) whose other living polymerizations. In particular, all of the
molecular weights are about 1/3 of the original. star polymers via metal-catalyzed living polymeri-
Tetra(bromomethyl)benzene (MI-34) was employed zation, by definition, carry a halogen initiating site
for alternating radical copolymerization of styrene at the end of each arm, and thus they are potentially
and N-cyclohexylmaleimide to give controlled molec- all initiators. Thus, star-block copolymers with three
ular weights and narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.2- polyisobutylene-block-PMMA arms and four poly-
1.4).221 Another benzyl halide initiator (MI-37) with (THF)-block-polystyrene or poly(THF)-block-polysty-
a cyclosiloxane core induced styrene polymerization rene-block-PMMA were synthesized via combination
(Mw/Mn ) 1.16).358 An ester-type initiator (MI-35) is of living cationic and copper-catalyzed living radical
effective in the copper-catalyzed radical polymeriza- polymerizations.381,388 Anionically synthesized star
tion of nBA.358 A tetrafunctional sulfonyl chloride polymers of -caprolactone and ethylene oxide have
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3733

Figure 28. Multifunctional initiators.

3734 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

hydroxy groups at their terminal, which can be L-24 as a ligand, up to 85-90% yield. The linking
transformed into C-Br bonds. The functionality of reaction of a poly(tBA) with a bromide terminal was
C-Br bonds to be introduced thereby can be either also possible with divinylbenzene, whereas the other
mono-, bi-, or tetrafunctional, and thus one can two divinyl compounds led to side reactions.328 The
increase the initiating sites on the transformation. yield of star polymers can be increased up to 95%
With the use of this method, the arm numbers of with the use of additives. The R-end-functionalized
PMMA chains can be increased up to 24 arms.393 This linear polymers afford surface-functionalized star
method can also afford miktoarmed PEO-block- polymers with various functional groups such as
(polystyrene)2 and (polystyrene)2-block-PEO-block- alcohols, amines, epoxides, and nitriles.
(polystyrene)2 H-type copolymers.391
H. Comb and Graft Copolymers
3. Star Polymers by Linking Reaction
Comb and graft copolymers were also prepared by
As in known in anionic and other living polymer- metal-catalyzed living radical polymerizations. There
izations, star polymers with a large number of arms are two methods available for the synthesis, one of
(>10) can be prepared conveniently by a linking which is via the metal-catalyzed radical polymeriza-
reaction of linear polymers with divinyl compounds. tion of macromonomers in the absence or the pres-
Similar to the synthesis of block copolymers (section ence of comonomers (“grafting through” method), and
III.C.1), there are two ways for the synthesis by the other is via graft polymerization from the reactive
metal-catalyzed radical polymerizations, where the carbon-halogen bonds attached to the main chains
linking reaction is done via sequential addition of the (“grafting from” method). In contrast to ionic living
divinyl compounds into the polymerization mixture polymerizations, there have been no reports on the
after the almost completion of the vinyl monomers, use of “grafting onto” method, partly due to the lack
or via isolation of halogen-capped monofunctional of efficient ω-end capping agents as described above
linear polymers followed by linking reaction in the (section III.B.2).
presence of the metal catalysts and the divinyl
compounds. The former method may involve incor- 1. Comb Polymers
poration of the first vinyl monomer units (remaining Comb or densely grafted polymers are defined as
at the first stage) in the cores while the latter is free polymers that have at least one polymeric chains per
from such contamination though more cumbersome monomer unit of the main chain, and Figure 29
than the first. Also, the former one can be carried shows examples obtained by metal-catalyzed living
out in a one-pot reactor. radical polymerization. Comb polymers possess physi-
The sequential-addition method was systematically cal properties similar to those of star polymers in
employed for the ruthenium-catalyzed living radical solution.
polymerization of MMA followed by in situ linking
reaction with various dimethacrylates and related
bifunctional monomers.425 The yields of star polymers
depend on several factors such as halogens at the
polymer terminal and the spacer-unit structure
(length and rigidity) in the linking agents, where
chloride terminals and a soft aliphatic or a rigid long
aromatic spacer are favorable. The best yield reached
93%. The arm number of the star-polymers was also
determined form the molecular weights measured by
static light scattering or by SEC coupled with MALLS.
In an example, about 20 arms of PMMA chains were
linked together into one star polymer. Divinyl com-
pounds with amide and alcohol groups form core-
functionalized star polymers with 20-640 PMMA
arms in the ruthenium-catalyzed living radical po-
lymerization of MMA.426 In particular, bisacrylamides
are good linking agents, and they give interesting
star polymers in the core of which a large number of Figure 29. Comb polymers.
amide functions are embedded.
The copper-based system gave star polymers con- Combination of a living ionic polymerization and
sisting of polystyrene and poly(tBA) arms by the a metal-catalyzed radical polymerization also leads
linking reaction of isolated linear polymers.328,427 The to comb polymers, where both the molecular weights
linking reaction of Br-terminated polystyrenes was of the arm and main-chain polymers are well con-
examined with three divinyl compounds, divinylben- trolled. PMMA with poly(vinyl ether) arm polymers
zene, 1,4-butanediol diacrylate, and ethylene glycol of controlled molecular weights (C-1) were prepared
dimethacrylate with CuBr/L-1 catalyst.427 The first by the copper-catalyzed radical polymerization of
agent gave soluble star polymers, while the acrylate methacrylate-capped macromonomers carrying a poly-
and methacrylate versions resulted in insoluble gels, (isobutyl vinyl ether), which were obtained by living
attributed to star-star coupling. The formation of star cationic polymerization with a methacryloxy-capped
polymers with divinylbenzene can be accelerated with end-functionalized initiator.428 Comb polymers with
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3735

poly(oxyethylene glycol) with varying molecular Another dual living polymerization of MMA and
weights between 400 and 2000 were also obtained -caprolactone in the presence of HEMA gave graft
by the copper-catalyzed radical polymerizations of the copolymers with poly(-caprolactone) as branches (G-
corresponding macromonomers.319,320,429 However, this 5) because the hydroxyl group in HEMA serves as
method is not always suitable for high molecular an initiating site for -caprolactone.392 A similar graft
weight macromonomers because the polymerization structure is obtained in graft polymerization of
suffers from incomplete conversion and limits the ethylene oxide from the hydroxyl group.393
degree of polymerization of the main-chain units. The metal-catalyzed copolymerization from carbon-
Another method is based on the metal-catalyzed halogen bonds in the main chain can be employed
polymerization from carbon-halogen bonds in the widely for graft polymer synthesis. A combination of
main-chain units, which was applied for the synthesis nitroxide-mediated and copper-catalyzed living radi-
of C-3 and C-4.430 For C-3, the main chain polymers cal polymerizations, for example, gives graft copoly-
with controlled molecular weights were prepared via mers G-6, where the main chain is prepared by the
the copper-catalyzed radical polymerization of tri- former.432 The chlorobenzyl unit in the copolymer is
methylsilyl-protected HEMA followed by the trans- not active during the polymerization but, upon copper
formation of the silyloxyl group into 2-bromoisobu- catalysis, it can initiate living radical polymerizations
tyrate. The pendant C-Br bonds were subsequently of styrene and methacrylates.
activated by the copper catalysts to polymerize A similar well-defined graft copolymer consisting
styrene and nBA. A more direct way is employed for of polystyrene main chain and branches (G-7) can be
C-4; i.e., via conventional radical polymerization of prepared simply via repetition of copper-catalyzed
2-[(2-bromopropinonyl)oxy]ethyl acrylate followed by living radical polymerizations.209 Thus, the synthesis
the copper-catalyzed graft polymerization of styrene starts with the copolymerization of styrene and
and nBA from the C-Br substituent. p-(acetoxymethyl)styrene or p-(methoxymethyl)sty-
2. Graft Polymers rene, followed by bromination of the substituent into
the benzyl bromide moiety, which then initiates the
Various graft copolymers were synthesized by
copper-catalyzed radical polymerization of styrene to
metal-catalyzed radical polymerizations, as detailed
give graft polymers with 8-14 branches.
in Figure 30. Most of them were from random
copolymerization of a macromonomer with a low A combination of metallocene-catalyzed syndiospe-
molecular weight comonomer. cific styrene polymerization and the metal-catalyzed
In a study, copper-catalyzed radical copolymeriza- radical polymerization affords various graft copoly-
tion of nBA and methacryloxy-capped poly(MMA) mers consisting of syndiotactic polystyrene main
was compared with conventional radical copolymer- chains (G-8).433 The reactive C-Br bonds (7-22%
ization.267,431 The graft copolymers G-1 obtained with content) were generated by bromination of the poly-
copper catalysts are more homogeneous in terms of styrene main chain with N-bromosuccimide in the
MWD (Mw/Mn ≈ 1.6 vs 3) and the number of side presence of AIBN.
chains. This is attributed to diffusion control being Another graft copolymer with polystyrene seg-
less important in the metal-catalyzed radical polym- ments in main chain is derived from the triblock
erization, where the growing radical species is rapidly copolymers of polyisobutylene and poly(p-methylsty-
converted into the dormant covalent species. rene) prepared by living cationic copolymerizations
There are several examples of graft copolymers (G-9).434 The grafting point was generated by the
obtained from macromonomer prepared by the metal- bromination of the p-methyl groups into benzyl
catalyzed polymerizations. Conventional radical co- bromide, which are then employed for the copper-
polymerization of N-vinylpyrrolidione and vinyl catalyzed polymerization of styrene and p-acetoxy-
acetate-capped polystyrene synthesized with copper styrene. A similar graft copolymer (G-10) can be
catalysts gave graft copolymers G-2, which formed obtained from a commercially available polymer
hydrogels in water.337 Electrochemical copolymeri- (EXXPRO) consisting of isobutylene, p-methylsty-
zation of pyrrole and thiophene-capped poly(MMA) rene, and p-(bromomethyl)styrene units.265,435 The
affords G-3.335 mechanical properties of the graft copolymers were
A graft copolymer consisting of poly(-caprolactone) also investigated. Another commercial product, poly-
as main chain and PMMA as branches was also (styrene-block-ethylene-co-propylene) (Kraton 147)
synthesized by ring-opening copolymerization of -ca- with 29.0 wt % styrene units, is also used as a
prolactone and -caprolactone-capped PMMA mac- backbone.436 About 6.4 mol % chloromethylated sty-
romonomer; the macromonomer was prepared by a rene units are first introduced by chloromethylation,
nickel catalyst.312 The obtained graft copolymers have which then initiates graft polymerization of ethyl
relatively narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn ) 1.3-1.4) because methacrylate to give the products G-11.
both the polymerizations are living. There are two A polyolefin-based graft copolymer such as G-12
other ways for the preparation; one is graft polym- is prepared from a commercially available EPDM
erization of MMA from the C-Br moiety in the rubber (Vistollon 2727).437 The allyl group is partially
pendant groups of poly(-caprolactone), and the other converted into allyl bromide moiety, and living radi-
is simultaneous or dual living polymerization of cal polymerization of MMA initiated therefrom with
MMA and -caprolactone in the presence of a func- copper catalysts. Graft copolymers of polyethylene (G-
tionalized -caprolactone with C-Br bond (FI-41). 13) were synthesized from commercially available
Both the methods afford similar products with nar- poly(ethylene-co-glycidyl methacrylate) as a starting
row MWDs. material, the epoxy groups of which were esterified
3736 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

Figure 30. Graft polymers.

with chloroacetic acid and 2-bromopropionic acid into Graft polymers with a poly(vinyl chloride) backbone
the reactive carbon-halogen bonds.438 The function- and various branches (G-14) were obtained from the
alized polymers then initiate the copper-catalyzed copolymer of vinyl chloride and 1 mol % vinyl
radical polymerizations of styrene and MMA to afford chloroacetate.439 Glass transition temperature (Tg) of
arm polymers with controlled lengths. the copolymer with nBA decreases with increasing
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3737

content of nBA. A more direct and simple way for where addition of CuBr2 is needed to decrease the
poly(vinyl chloride)-based graft copolymers is to use concentrations of the radical species generated from
the allyl chloride and tertiary chloride units as the monomers.443 Under appropriate conditions, nearly
structural defects in the base polymers for the ideal self-condensing vinyl polymerizations proceed.
initiating moiety in the metal-catalyzed living radical The obtained polymer was a viscous solid with a
polymerization.440 This method can afford various subambient Tg (-11 °C). Detailed kinetic and mecha-
graft copolymers G-15, which was characterized by nistic studies were carried out to determine the
SEC, NMR, DSC, and film preparation. difference in reactivity among the C-Br bonds in
Hybrid graft copolymers having silicon-based poly- terminals and side chains.212,444,445 Similar meth-
mer backbones were also prepared by the metal- (acrylic) hyperbranched polymers were prepared from
mediated radical polymerizations of styrene. The H-3 and H-5 while the products with H-4 were most
phenyl groups of poly[(methylphenyl)silylene] were likely linear polymers. 446
bromomethylated and then employed as the grafting The self-condensing copper-catalyzed polymeriza-
points of polystyrene (G-16).294,441 Polysiloxane can tion of macromonomer of poly(tBA) with a reactive
be employed also as a backbone (G-17) by introduc- C-Br bond (H-6) affords hyperbranched or highly
tion of benzyl chloride units into the pendant vinyl- branched poly(tBA).447 Copolymerization of H-1 and
functionalized poly(dimethylsiloxane).409 N-cyclohexylmaleimide induced alternating and self-
condensing vinyl polymerization.448 The residual
I. Hyperbranched Polymers C-Cl bond was further employed for the copper-
In vinyl polymerization, hyperbranched polymers catalyzed radical homopolymerization of styrene to
can be obtained from the monomers that have an give star polymers with hyperbranched structures.
initiating group along with a vinyl group (Figure 31). Hyperbranched polymers of H-1 further serve as a
complex multifunctionalized macroinitiator for the
copper-catalyzed polymerization of a functional mono-
mer with polar chromophores to yield possible second-
order nonlinear optical materials.325
The graft copolymers with poly(H-1) arms have
multiple carbon-halogen bonds that can initiate
copper-catalyzed radical polymerization to give highly
branched dendrigraft polymers.432 The products with
styrene or nBMA had relatively narrow MWDs
because each chain was prepared by living polymer-
A combination of other polymerization pathways
also results in some hyperbranched structures. Mul-
tifunctional hydroxyl groups in polyglycerol with
hyperbranched structure, prepared by anionic po-
lymerization of glycidol, were esterified with 2-bro-
moisobutyroyl bromide and then employed as a
hyperbranched multifunctional macroinitiator for the
Figure 31. Monomers for hyperbranched polymers. copper-catalyzed radical polymerization of MA to give
products with 45-55 poly(MA) arms.449
The self-condensing vinyl polymerization, which was Another method for hyperbranched polymers is
initially developed for living cationic polymeriza- based on a simultaneous or dual living polymeriza-
tion,442 is also applicable for metal-catalyzed living tion such as metal-catalyzed radical and ring-opening
radical polymerizations. ionic polymerizations.311 In this method, copolymer-
For example, p-(chloromethyl)styrene (H-1) was izations of HEMA and H-7 are carried out in the
employed for copper-catalyzed self-condensing vinyl presence of Ni-2 and Sn(Oct)2, where the C-Br bond
polymerizations.211 The hyperbranched structure was in H-7 serves as an initiating point for the nickel-
supported by the fact that the molecular weight catalyzed radical polymerization of HEMA and the
measured by SEC was lower than those by viscosity OH group in HEMA for the tin-catalyzed ring-
and light scattering. The average number of branches opening polymerization of H-7. The products had
per polymer chain was estimated to be 25. In con- hyperbranched structures, similarly to those obtained
trast, another paper reported that the reaction condi- in self-condensing vinyl polymerizations. Addition of
tions should be changed for the synthesis of hyper- MMA and/or -caprolactone into the system gave
branched structure.213 A high catalyst-to-monomer looser hyperbranched structures.
ratio around 0.1-0.3 should be employed to minimize
the formation of linear polymers due to the difference
in reactivity between the primary and the secondary
J. Polymer Brushes
benzylic halide sites. The residual carbon-halogen Polymer brushes can be obtained by metal-medi-
bonds were transformed into functional groups such ated living radical polymerization from the initiator
as cyano, ester, thioether, and imide to generate moiety confined to the surface of a substrate via
multifunctionalized hyperbranched polymers. spacers. The surface-initiated living polymerization
Acrylic hyperbranched polymers are obtained by can control the thickness and the density of brushes;
the copper-catalyzed radical polymerizations of H-2, the former is regulated by brush’s chain length and
3738 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Kamigaito et al.

those of the polymer brushes prepared by the adsorp-

tion of block copolymers on surface.451,452 Glycopoly-
mer and block copolymers of MMA and 4-vinylpyri-
dine were grown from the surface by the same
technique.371,453 A similar PMMA layer was also
obtained in the nickel-catalyzed surface-initiated
polymerization from S-2 in the presence of ethyl
2-bromoisobutyrate as a free initiator, where the
thickness increased up to 50 nm.454
Such a controlled radical polymerization can be
performed even in the absence of free initiators,
where larger amounts of Cu(II) species are added in
the system.369 The polystyrene layer obtained from
S-3 in the presence of 5 mol % Cu(II) relative to Cu-
(I) increased up to 20 nm in thickness, in direct
proportion to the Mn of the polymers prepared in the
other experiments with ethyl 2-bromopropionate but
without surface-confined initiator under similar con-
ditions. For MA, the layer thickness increases up to
60 nm. Block copolymer layers were also prepared
by block copolymerization of MA or tBA from the
polystyrene. Modification of the hydrophilicity of a
surface layer was achieved by the hydrolysis of the
poly(styrene-block-tBA) to poly(styrene-block-acrylic
acid) and confirmed by a decrease in water contact
angle from 86° to 18°.
Block copolymer surface was also prepared by the
copper-catalyzed radical polymerization of MMA from
a surface-confined macroinitiator of polystyrene (S-
4) obtained by living cationic polymerization although
the blocking efficiency was unknown.378 The block
copolymerization increased the film thickness by 9
Figure 32. Initiating moiety for polymer brushes. nm and changed the water contact angles. Other
monomers such as MA and 2-(N,N-dimethylamino)-
the latter by the density of the attached initiator. The ethyl methacrylate were also polymerized from S-4.377
substrate for these polymer brushes include silicon The changes in contact angles were observed by
wafer, silica bead, silica nanoparticle, porous silica treatment of the surface with several solvents and
gel, silica capillary, polymer latex, and gold, and the air.
attachment of polymer brushes alter the chemical An azo-type initiator (S-5) can also be attached to
properties of their surface for various applications. the silicon wafer and induces the controlled radical
Figure 32 summarizes the initiating moiety employed polymerization of styrene in the presence of CuBr2.365
for such surface modification. The block copolymerization of MMA from the surface-
1. Silicon Wafer confined polystyrene macroinitiator was also con-
The control of the molecular weights, MWDs, and
surface density of graft chains was achieved by the 2. Gold
copper-catalyzed radical polymerization of MMA from Polymer brushes can be grown from gold surface
sulfonyl chloride initiators attached to silicon wafer in a similarly controlled manner by the metal-
(S-1) by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique.450 The catalyzed surface-initiated radical polymerization.
surface-initiated polymerization is better controlled The attachment of the initiator moiety can be at-
on addition of free or unconfined initiators such as tained via the thiol group as in S-6455 and S-7.456
p-toluenesulfonyl chloride, because uncontrolled mo- Several monomers such as tBA, MMA, isobornyl
lecular weights and broad MWDs were obtained in methacrylate, 2-(N,N-dimethylamino)ethyl methacry-
the absence. This may be attributed to a low concen- late, and HEMA were polymerized from S-6 with
tration of Cu(II) species, which convert the radical copper catalysts to form layers ranging from 5 to 48
species into the dormant, originating from the low nm with varying contact angles depending on the
concentration of the initiator moiety confined on the polymers. The brushes of PMMA grow from the
surface. The thickness of the polymer layer increased surface with a high graft density as indicated by the
up to 70 nm in direct proportion to the molecular low value of the area per PMMA chain (200 Å2/chain).
weights of free polymers produced in solution, al- However, a grafting efficiency is estimated around
though the molecular weights of the graft polymers 10% from the surface confined initiators. The initiator
were unknown. The graft density can be varied in a can be attached also on the patterned area by
wide range between 0.07 and 0.7 chains/nm2 by microprinting method. The hydrophobic polymers as
photodecomposing the surface-fixed initiator, where brushes are resistant to etchants, which permits the
the highest value is at least 10 times larger than selective etching of gold surface.
Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3739

Another example is the copper-catalyzed surface- the polymerizations, bromide-type initiator frag-
initiated radical polymerization of MMA from S-7 at ments S-10 and S-11 were attached to the surface
room temperature without addition of free initiator. and initiated the homopolymerization or copolymer-
The molecular weights and MWDs of the polymers izations. A higher loading of the polymers was
were directly measured after removing the brushes observed with S-11 than S-10.
from the surface. For example, the surface with 40
nm thickness had Mn of 68900 and MWDs of 1.45. A 5. Polymer Latex
high graft density (180 Å2/chain) and decreased Organic compounds such as polystyrene latexes
surface roughens (0.54 nm) were observed. This were also used as substrates for the surface-initiated
method is free from solution and thermal polymer- radical polymerizaiton.248 Reactive C-Br bonds (S-
izations due to the absence of free initiators and a 12) were introduced at the surface via radical emul-
low polymerization temperature, which permits a sion copolymerization of styrene and 2-(2-bromopro-
simple washing step without Soxhlet extraction. pionyloxy) ethyl methacrylate in the presence of
divinylbenzene under selected conditions. The surface-
3. Silica Particle and Bead initiated polymerization of hydrophilic monomers
Surface-initiated living radical polymerization is such as FM-3 and FM-6 resulted in hydrophilic shell
also applied for spherical surfaces such as silica and hydrophobic core latexes.
nanoparticles and beads.
Spherical silica nanoparticles, with an average IV. Conclusions
diameter of 70 nm, modified with the initiator moiety
(S-8) were employed for the copper-mediated radical This paper has provided, we believe, a comprehen-
polymerization of styrene.457 The diameter of the sive, up-to-date, critical, and objective review on the
particles and the molecular weights of the obtained discovery and the subsequent fast development of
polymers increased with conversion. For example, the living radical polymerizations catalyzed by transi-
average diameter of the particles obtained at 58.8% tion-metal complexes in the period from 1994 to early
monomer conversion was increased to 188 nm, where 2001. These metal-catalyzed living radical polymer-
the Mn and MWDs of the arm polymers were 26500 izations have rapidly been developing since their
and 1.33, respectively. Given a narrow size distribu- discovery in 1994, and the scope of applicable mono-
tion (<10%), the nanoparticles within the film do- mers, metal catalysts, and initiators has been ex-
mains were observed to pack into hexagonal arrays. panding. Their advantages include versatility toward
A smaller silica nanoparticle with 14 nm was em- a variety of monomers, feasibility in a wide range of
ployed also for the copper-catalyzed radical polym- reaction conditions, and relatively easy access to the
erization of styrene initiated with S-9.458 materials. This permits many researchers to use the
systems for the precision synthesis of various poly-
Silica microspheres (∼3 µm) with initiating moiety
mers with controlled architectures.
(S-8) induced the copper-catalyzed radical polymer-
ization of benzyl methacrylate to form polymer layers As in many other fields of science, however, these
on the surface.459 The thickness of polymer shell can extensive developments have also elicited a number
be increased to 550-600 nm, where the Mn and of interesting and challenging problems that are still
MWDs of the arm polymers were 26500 and 1.26, waiting for solutions and answers. These may include
respectively. Removal of the core silica by chemical the kinetics and mechanism of the polymerizations,
etching gave uniform hollow polymer microspheres. the nature of the true growing intermediates that are
considered to associate with the metal catalyst (e.g.,
4. Silica Gel and Silica Capillary are they really radicals identical or similar to those
in classical “free” radical polymerizations?), the guid-
Organic polymer layer on the surface of silica gels ing principles for designing metal catalysts, and the
or porous silica can modify the surface to increase “novel” polymers that can be synthesized by the
the resistance of the silica surface to basic com- metal-based systems but cannot be by other (living)
pounds. radical polymerizations. In addition to these prob-
The first example of the surface-initiated metal- lems, future research efforts will therefore be directed
catalyzed radical polymerization was reported for toward the development of more efficient and versa-
acrylamide from the initiator moiety S-8 attached to tile catalyst systems for various monomers including
porous silica gels.216 A silica gel with an average pore nonconjugated vinyl monomers, as well as the syn-
size of 860 Å gave polyacrylamide with film thickness thesis of specific polymers with special architectures
of 100 Å after the polymerization, where polymer and the application to industry processes.
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Catalytic Chain Transfer in Free-Radical Polymerizations

Alexei A. Gridnev*
DuPont Performance Coatings, 2401 Grays Ferry Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19146

Steven D. Ittel*
DuPont Central Research and Development, Experimental Station, Wilmington, Delaware 19880-0328

Received February 12, 2001

Contents 1. General Features of Catalytic Chain Transfer

1. General Features of Catalytic Chain Transfer 3611 1.1. Free-Radical Polymerization

1.1. Free-Radical Polymerization 3611 While free-radical chain reactions were known
1.2. Catalytic Chain Transfer 3612 shortly after the turn of the 20th century, it was not
2. Catalysts 3617 until the mid-1930s that free-radical polymerization
2.1. Catalyst Screening 3617 was recognized. Today, free-radical polymerization
finds application in the synthesis of many important
2.2. Cobalt Catalyst Activities 3618
classes of polymers including those based upon meth-
2.3. Non-Cobalt CCT Catalysts 3623 acrylates, styrene, chloroprene, acrylonitrile, ethyl-
3. Mechanism 3623 ene, and the many copolymers of these vinyl mono-
3.1. Reaction Schemes 3623 mers. Many good reviews and books on this subject
3.2. Hydrogen Atom Abstraction and Catalyst 3625 are available.1,2
Structure Free-radical polymerizations are subject to the
3.3. Hydrogen Atom Addition 3626 many complications one might expect of radical
3.4. Alternative Mechanisms for Olefin Reactions 3628 chemistry, but the simple underlying mechanism is
with CoIII−H composed of three primary processessinitiation,
3.5. Living Radical Polymerizations 3630 propagation, and termination. Generally, the initia-
3.6. Catalytic Inhibition of Polymerization 3632 tion takes place by cleavage of an azo or peroxide
3.7. Catalyst Poisons and Other Adverse 3633 compound (the “initiator”) to yield the “primary
Reactions radical”. In this paper, the chemistry will be limited
4. Monomers for CCT 3636 to azo initiators because peroxides interfere with
4.1. Methacrylates 3636 subsequent chemistry (see section 3.7). The propaga-
4.1.1. Di- and Trimethacrylates 3636 tion or growth reaction occurs when monomers add
4.1.2. Emulsion Polymerization 3637 to the primary radical or to the radical at the end of
the growing polymer chain. Termination occurs pri-
4.2. Methacrylonitrile 3638
marily by the bimolecular reaction of two growing
4.3. R-Methyl Styrene 3638 polymer radicals. The two primary mechanisms
4.4. Styrene 3638 observed are radical-radical combination and dis-
4.5. Acrylates 3639 proportionation in which one radical abstracts a
4.6. Acrylonitrile 3640 hydrogen atom from another radical resulting in one
4.7. Dienes 3641 saturated chain end and one olefinic chain end. In
4.8. Macromonomer Reinitiation and 3641 addition to these primary reactions, there are a
Nonpolymerizable Monomers variety of other reactions that occur. There may be
4.9. Isomerizational CCT 3642 very low levels of chain transfer to monomer, a
4.10. Copolymerizations 3643 reaction that leads to termination of one chain with
5. Applications of CCT Products 3645 simultaneous initiation of another new chain so that
5.1. Reduction of MW 3646 there is no change in the number of radical species
5.2. Macromonomers for Graft Copolymers 3648 present.
The propagation reaction in free-radical polymer-
5.3. RAFT 3648
izations is rapid.1 One important feature of the
5.4. Copolymerization (Graft-Copolymers) 3649 polymerization is that high molecular weight polymer
5.5. Hyperbranched and Cross-Linked Materials 3649 is formed even at very low levels of monomer conver-
6. Conclusions 3649 sion. Thus, each propagating radical or its progeny
7. Glossary 3650 lives for well under a minute. To control molecular
8. References 3650 weights in these polymerizations, the use of chain
10.1021/cr9901236 CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 11/15/2001
3612 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

initiating radical and each polymer chain would be

terminated stoichiometrically by one thiol. This ap-
proach is acceptable for moderate molecular weights
but becomes problematic for the synthesis of very low
molecular weight species.
In general, radical reactions are not selective. The
polymerizations allow only a limited degree of control.
For instance, tacticity of the polymerization may be
controlled by the addition of Lewis acids.6 The
reactivity ratios of monomers and rates of polymer-
ization can also be controlled by the addition of Lewis

1.2. Catalytic Chain Transfer

Alexei Gridnev graduated with his Masters degree from Moscow University In 1975, Boris Smirnov and Alexander Marchenko
of Fine Chemical Technology, Russia, in 1979 with majors in synthesis discovered a method in which they could control the
and technology of biologically active compounds. The same year he was
employed by the Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian molecular weight in a methacrylate polymerization
Academy of Sciences, where he studied catalysis of chain transfer to by introducing catalysts that could greatly enhance
monomer. In 1984 he received his Doctorate degree in Polymer Science. the process of chain transfer to monomer.10 They
In 1986 Dr. Gridnev was transferred to the Institute of Physico-Technical found that substituted cobalt porphyrins, 1, or ben-
Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences as a senior research zoporphyrins, 2, provided dramatic reductions in the
chemist to work on several projects including the synthesis of model molecular weight of the methacrylate polymers dur-
compounds for biochemical research. In 1992 he moved to the University
of Pennsylvania in the laboratory of Professor Brad Wayland, where he
ing radical polymerization with little to no reduction
continued the study of hydrogen transfer in reactions of free radicals with in overall yield of polymer.11-15
cobalt chelates as a senior research associate. In 1994 he began work
for E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co., first in CR&D in Wilmington, DE,
and later at Marshall Laboratory in Philadelphia, PA. Alexei Gridnev is
the author of more than 50 articles and patents, predominantly in the
area of catalysis of free-radical processes.

Steve Ittel was born in Hamilton, OH (1946), and received his B.S. degree
in Chemistry from Miami University in 1968. After two years of studying
photochemical smog in the greater New York City area for the USPHS,
he attended Northwestern University, where he received his Ph.D. degree
in Inorganic Chemistry in 1974 with Jim Ibers. Joining DuPont’s Central
Research, he was involved in the elucidation of fluxional processes in
five- and seven-coordinate inorganic complexes. After work on C−H
activation, diamagnetic and paramagnetic agostic M−H−C interactions,
and cyclohexane oxidation, he moved to research management. Never
straying far from the scientific edge, he has been involved in small molecule The catalytic chain-transfer (CCT) process displays
catalysis including hydrocarbon oxidation, fluoro-organometallic chemistry, all of the features characteristic of typical, uncata-
and olefin hydrocyanation. The molecules started getting larger as his lyzed chain transfer other than taking place at a rate
interests turned toward elastomeric polypropylene, catalytic chain transfer competitive with chain propagation. Thus, the rate
in free-free-radical radical polymerizations, and most recently ethylene
polymerization with polar comonomers. He has over 100 publications and
of polymerization at low conversions is independent
patents and a book to his credit. Another interest, having both technical of the concentration of the cobalt porphyrin (Figure
and aesthetic aspects, is the nurture and styling of a collection of about 1) while the molecular weight, Mh n, decreases linearly
100 bonsai. by over 2 orders of magnitude with increasing
concentration of cobalt catalyst (Figure 2). As ex-
terminators is often employed.3 Thus, compounds pected for a typical polymerization, the rate of
such as thiols will react with a growing polymer polymerization increases linearly with the square
chain to yield a thiol-terminated species.4,5 In this root of the concentration of the azo initiator and no
instance, there would be only one polymer chain per polymerization occurs in the absence of the initiator.
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3613

Figure 3. Dependence of reciprocal time of the maximum

Figure 1. Temporal dependence of the rate of polymeri- polymerization rate on the concentration of catalyst for CoII-
zation of bulk MMA under CCT conditions. mesoporphyrin-II (1), CoIII(pyridine)bis(dimethylglyox-
imato) iodide (2), and CoIItetra-tert-butylbenzoporphyrin

character of the process of molecular weight reduc-

NMR analysis of the resulting oligomers,19-22 sup-
ported by IR spectroscopy23 and labeling experi-
ments,19 indicated that the product of methyl meth-
acrylate polymerizations is 3.

Figure 2. Dependence of (DPn)-1 on the concentration of


Free-radical polymerizations of bulk monomers are The same species has been observed in the spon-
subject to the gel effect or Trommsdorff effect.16 taneous polymerization of MMA, but its yield is
Figure 1 also indicates that CCT suppresses the gel limited to at most 50% because it arises from dispro-
effect. Because the resulting product is lower in portionation of two radical chains.24 In low productiv-
molecular weight, the viscosity of the polymerizing ity polymerizations, some product derived from the
medium is not as high at a given degree of conver- initiating radical could be observed, but in high
sion. Thus, the observed sharp maxima in the rates conversion polymerizations, it appeared that virtually
of polymerization at time τ can be used as a quanti- all of the product molecules were initiated with a
tative measure of the chain-transfer constant of hydrogen atom and terminated with an olefinic end
CCT.17 At 60 °C in a bulk polymerization of MMA group. This polymeric product can be formed in the
initiated with 0.04 mol/L AIBN, the following empiri- presence of cobalt porphyrin only by hydrogen trans-
cal equation relates the chain-transfer constant of fer from the R-methyl group of methacrylate end unit
CCT, kC, to the concentration of cobalt catalyst, LCo, of the propagating radical to monomer. The turn-over
in mol/L and the time of maximum polymerization number of this reaction was calculated to be at least
rate, τ, in minutes18 106, while selectivity is virtually quantitative.2,25,26
It is the quantitative nature of the double bond
400 formation that makes this new product useful in a
) 3.6 - lg(kC[LCo]) (1) number of applications. It is interesting that the
isomeric compound, 4, is not observed in the reaction
The linearity of this relationship is demonstrated in mixture even though it is more stable thermodynami-
Figure 3. Any deviation from linearity from eq 1 cally.27
indicates complications in the course of the polym-
erization. The complications are typically catalyst
poisoning or polymerization retardation (see section
The cobalt porphyrin, PorCo, was recovered from
the product by flash chromatography and reused
several times without any detectable change in
molecular structure, clearly indicating the catalytic
3614 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

The kinetic preference for 3 could be attributed to species into focus. For example, the lower solvent
steric screening of the internal methylene protons content required to meet low VOC constraints for
near the tertiary carbon center through their interac- paints34 brings renewed interest in low-viscosity
tion with the large planar porphyrin molecule. oligomers that can be cured during or shortly after
Styrene lacks a methyl group on the propagating application.35,36 Highly structured pigment dispers-
radical, so chain termination must lead to a different ants for paints and other applications are often based
type of product. A thorough analysis has led to the upon block copolymers37 accessible through mac-
conclusion that the product is terminated exclusively romonomers, and ink-jet printers require sophisti-
by a trans substituted olefinic group.28 For example, cated polymer formulations to achieve the very
the trimer is 5. rigorous set of demands placed upon those systems.38
The Mayo equation is often used to determine
chain-transfer constants.39 Cs is determined from
measurements of DPn over a range of [S]/[M] with
the provison that DPn0 remains constant throughout
the range evaluated.40,41 A plot of 1/DPn versus
[S]/[M] yields a straight line with a slope of Cs and
intercept of DPn0. Catalytic chain transfer obeys the
Mayo equation well for DPn of 20 and higher. When
DPn is less than 20, there is an apparent deviation
from linearity for DPn versus the concentration of the
One of the most striking features of CCT is the cobalt catalyst. This phenomenon was observed for
exceptionally fast rate at which it takes place. The methacrylate.14 It appears that at low molecular
molecular weight of a polymer can be reduced from weights or high catalyst concentrations, the catalyst
tens of thousands to several hundred utilizing con- is loosing activity (Figure 4).
centrations of cobalt catalyst as low as 100-300 ppm
or ∼10-3 mol/L. The efficiency of catalysis can be
measured as the ratio between the chain-transfer
coefficients of the catalyzed reaction versus the
noncatalyzed reaction. The chain-transfer constant
to monomer, CM, in MMA polymerization is believed
to be approximately 2 × 10-5.29 The chain-transfer
constant to catalyst, CC, is as high as 103 for porphy-
rins and 104 for cobaloximes. Hence, improved ef-
ficiency of the catalyzed relative to the uncatalyzed
reaction, CC/CM, is 104/10-5 or 109. This value for the
catalyst efficiency is comparable to many enzymati-
cally catalyzed reactions whose efficiencies are in the
range of 109-1011.18 The rate of hydrogen atom
transfer for cobaloximes, the most active class of CCT
catalysts to date, is so high that it is considered to
be controlled by diffusion.5,30-32 Indeed, kC in this case Figure 4. Dependence of the average chain-transfer
is comparable to the termination rate constant.33 constant on the number-average degree of polymerization.
The very high rates of catalytic chain transfer Data are taken from ref 14.
finally made it practical to prepare low molecular
weight oligomers by free-radical polymerization. The This unusual behavior was detected for measure-
chemistry of low molecular weight oligomers was ments of polydispersity as well. While polydispersity
relatively unexplored for several reasons. Previous is close to 2 for DPn > 20 as expected for free-radical
routes to oligomers involved complicated and un- polymerizations in which there is a high level of chain
pleasant chemistry or were very expensive. Thiol transfer,40,42 the polydispersity index decreases to
chain termination required high levels of chain- values approaching 1.1-1.2 for DPn < 10. To explain
transfer agents, leaving high levels of toxic or mal- this unusual behavior for CC, low MMA oligomers
odorous residues. It is also possible to obtain low were separated into fractions by HPLC43 and CC was
molecular weight species by utilizing high levels of calculated for each individual radical, CC(n). The
initiator, but in addition to being expensive, high resulting dependence of CC(n) on DP is shown in
levels of azo initiators can lead to toxic cross-coupling Figure 5.
products. Living polymerizations required high levels CC(n) stays unchanged for DP values down to 6, and
of initiator or catalysts because each initiator leads then it starts to diminish rapidly. CC by definition is
to only one macromonomer, making them com- an “average” term, and as a result, it does not change
mercially unattractive when low molecular weights as rapidly with decreasing degree of polymerization
are required. A further reason was that the main as does CC(n). Having determined CC(n) for each “n”,
objective of polymer science had generally been the one can now plot the calculated dependence of CC
synthesis of high molecular and even ultrahigh against DPn. The calculated dependence does not
molecular weight species, primarily to improve me- correlate well with the earlier results.14 In fact,
chanical properties. Recent changes in industrial evidence that indicates that CC decreases with in-
requirements have brought lower molecular weight creasing chain length has been reported.44,45 A viable
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3615

sis. Failure to consider the change in physical prop-

erties of low oligomers may result in substantial
differences between the calculated and observed
dependence of CC on DPn. Molecular weights for
higher polymers may be transformed via the known
Mark-Houwink-Sakurada (MHS) constants for poly-
(methyl acrylate).50 The MHS constants should be
used only for a specified molecular weight range
because at low molecular weights the MHS constants
are a function of chain length.51 A similar effect has
been quantified in styrene oligomers, and the effect
is detectable out to hexamers.28
The terminal double bond becomes an issue in the
thermodynamic calculation of conversion as well.
Polymerization of olefinic molecules can generally be
described as the conversion of double bonds into two
single bonds. While not an issue for high polymers,
Figure 5. Dependence of CC(n) on DP. any double bonds remaining in the final product
explanation for the ambiguity at these low molecular decrease the thermodynamic parameters associated
weights was not recognized until later.46,47 with this process. Thus, the heat of polymerization
As mentioned above, free-radical oligomerizations in the CCT process decreases according to eq 252
of acrylates to DP of less than 10 were little explored
at the time that CCT was discovered. Methods of ∆Hn DPn - 1
) (2)
polymer characterization developed for high molec- ∆H∞ DPn
ular weight polymers begin to fail at these low
oligomers, though new methods are being devel- where ∆Hn is the heat of polymerization when the
oped.48,49 End groups are generally not important in degree of polymerization equals n and ∆H∞ is the
the chromatography of high polymers. With the heat of polymerization for high polymer. For DPn >
decrease of molecular weights down to several hun-
8, the resulting error would be less than 10%, but
dred, the physical effects of end groups become more
with MW reduction below this number, the effect of
important. They can change fundamental parameters
the chain end becomes more pronounced. Other
such as refractive indexes and UV absorptions.
parameters, like the volume reduction during polym-
Because UV absorption and refractive index, primary
erization, should follow the same pattern. The reduc-
tools for detection in chromatographic techniques,
tion in the heat of polymerization could be one of the
were dependent on DPn, quantification of analyses
reasons for the reported12 minor (<20%) reduction of
was made more difficult.46,47 Figure 6 shows that
initial catalyst activity when concentrations of active
catalysts are greater than 0.005 mol/L. Another
reason for reduction of catalyst activity at the begin-
ning of polymerization is the formation of LCo-Rn
(section 3.2).
A full understanding of polymerizations resulting
in DPn < 8 requires additional theoretical consider-
ation and reevaluation of many of the well-known
and widely used equations and relationships. The
Mayo equation (eq 3) provides a good example of a
relationship established for high polymer that fails
when extended to oligomers.

1 1 kC[LCo]
) + (3)
DPn DPn0 kP[M]
Figure 6. Dependence of the extinction coefficient and
relative index of refraction of low MMA oligomers on the
degree of polymerization. M is monomer, and DPn and DPn0 are the number-
average degree of polymerization corresponding to
these parameters for MMA dimers differ from those those obtained with and without chain-transfer agent.
of high polymer by over 50% with smaller differences In an extreme, at elevated levels of an active catalyst
for higher oligomers. For example, if a solvent with (for example kC ) 107 L/mol‚s and [LCo] ) 0.01 mol),
a refractive index close to that of MMA dimer is used the calculated DPn can be less than 1, clearly an
in the analysis, errors can be substantial. In an impossible situation. Hence, the Mayo equation in its
extreme example, the use of toluene for the analysis standard form is not applicable for many cases of
would give inverse peaks for all of the low oligomers CCT when low oligomers are being prepared. Rede-
while high polymer would give a positive peak. Some termination of the dependence of the number-average
moderate oligomers would be invisible to the analy- degree of polymerization on the concentrations of
3616 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

monomer and CCT catalyst concentration in the lyst.61 Discussion of the absolute propagation rate
short-chain approximation gives eq 452 constants of small radicals is not related directly to
the purpose of this review, but there are two points
1 1 kC[LCo] worth making.
) + (4)
DPn - 2 DPn0 kP[M] First, the chain-transfer coefficient, kC, is almost
independent of radical lengths despite the array of
For high polymer, eq 4 is indistinguishable from eq claims in the literature.44-47 Thus, kC of the meso-
3. For the case of intensive CCT, when the MW of tetraphenyl derivative of Co-porphyrin with the
the resulting product is low, eq 4 can be reduced to dimeric MMA radical is 2.8 × 106 L/mol‚s versus 2.4
eq 5 × 106 L/mol‚s for high polymer. As a result, CC
decreases with DPn because CC ) kC/kP. The reason
kP[M] that kC is independent of the size of the radical is
DPn ) 2 + (5) not clear. CCT seems to be diffusion controlled, and
kC[LCo] the large size and required orientation of the por-
There also arises an interesting semantic issue. phyrin molecule may be controlling. It cannot be
Equation 5 indicates that product lower than the excluded that the rate of CCT is determined by the
dimer cannot be obtained by CCT. Clearly, the actual rate of formation of intermediate species such as a
degree of polymerization is quantized in units of one caged radical pair. In the latter case with low
and DP1 is called “starting material”. Nonetheless, molecular weight species, one might observe length
at high levels of an active catalyst, starting monomer dependence of the kC for highly active CCT catalyst,
is frequently converted to radical and then back to like cobaloximes.
“monomeric product” before addition of a second The second significant point is that propagation in
monomer can occur. At DPn < 12-15, deviation from the presence of the cobalt catalyst occurs by a free-
the linear dependence of DPn on the concentration radical mechanism, not by a coordination polymeri-
of catalytic chain-transfer agent are observed as zation mechanism described by eqs 7-9 as suggested
expected.14 At the same time, the polydispersity (if in some publications.2,62-64
this is a meaningful term) narrows and becomes
dependent upon DPn according to eq 6 LCo - Rn + M f LCo - Rn+1 (7)

DPw 3 2 LCo - Rn f LCoH + Pn) (8)

)2- + (6)
DPn DPn (DP )2
LCoH + M f LCo - R1 (9)
This expression also differs from the text book
definition. Hence, the observed narrowing of poly- The main evidence is that the values of kC for the
dispersity and reduction of observed catalytic activity small radicals obtained with the CCT-based method
in CCT under high concentrations of an active are very close to those obtained by other methods.55,65
catalyst has, at least in part, kinetic origins. This is not to say that formation of a Co-C bond does
To understand the distribution of products in the not occur; it is simply not an important step on the
low-MW region, it is important to realize that for low catalytic cycle.66 It does, however, remove catalyst
molecular weight polymeric radicals, the many dif- from the catalytic cycle.
ferent chain-transfer constants may depend on DPn. To conclude the introduction, all of the phenomena
The length dependence of chain-transfer constants of CCT are fully explained by normal free-radical
for short radicals can be significant. Thus, kP of the polymerization once a short-chain approximation has
dimeric radicals of MMA and MAN are about 20 been applied. Experimental data indicates that the
times higher than those of high polymeric radicals, short-chain approximation becomes important for
but the difference diminishes rapidly with growth of DPn < 15 and DP < 6. Equations 4-6 were obtained
the radical. Pulsed-laser methods have been utilized with the simplifying assumptions that chain-transfer
extensively for the determination of free-radical constants do not depend on the degree of polymeri-
polymerization kinetics and have been the subject of zation, though this is known to be incorrect. None-
a review.50 The technique allows the investigation of theless, they provide a closer description of reality
chain length dependence not only for chain propaga- than do the descriptions formulated for high polymer.
tion but also for chain termination.53-56 Care must The exact dependence of DPn and DPw requires
be taken in doing the experiments and utilizing the knowledge of all rate constants for each radical.
results.57 Other techniques involving nitroxides58 and Theoretical investigations have been used to model
computational chemistry59 have been suggested. None- coenzyme B12. While important conclusions may be
theless, the pulsed laser technique remains the drawn, the work has not been extended with CCT in
IUPAC-recommended approach.60 mind. Due to computational limitations, the initial
The difference in propagation rate constants of the work was limited to the triaminomethylcobaltIII-
low molecular weight species was also demonstrated amide system.67 Force fields specifically designed to
using a technique based upon CCT. At high rates of do molecular mechanical calculations on cobalamins68
CCT, only small radicals are present in the system. and cobaloximes69 are relevant for conformational
This makes it possible to measure the rates of studies but cannot elucidate the mechanisms of
propagation and chain transfer separately by gradual cobaloxime reactions because they do not account for
changes in the concentration of chain-transfer cata- electronic effects. Computational investigation of
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3617

Table 1. Effect of Substituents on MMA CCT Activity Table 2. Influence of Cobaloximes 6 Substituents on
for Cobaloximes 6a, 7b and 8 CCT Activity in Styrenea77
compound X1 X2 A or E E (base) CC ref compound X1 X2 A E (base) CC
6a Me Me Me H2O <50 77 6a Me Me Me H2O <4
6b -(CH2)4- Et H2O <50 77 6d Me Me NO2 Py <4
6c Me Me CN Py <50 77 6e Ph Ph CN Py <4
6d Me Me NO2 Py <50 77 6g Me Me Cl Py 450
6e Ph Ph CN Py <50 77 6n -(CH2)4- Cl Py 300
6f Ph Ph Et H2O <50 77 6q Ph Ph Cl Py 350
6g Me Me Cl Py 5 000 77 6r Ph Ph Cl P(Ph)3 500
6h Me Me I Py 1 000 77 a
6i Me Me CNS Py 4 000 77 Bulk styrene, 60 °C.
6j Me Me sec-Bu H2O 13 000 77
6k Ph Ph CNS Py 25 000 77
6l Me COOEt Cl Py 12 000 77 ing science and art. Choosing the optimal testing
6m Me COMe Cl Py 25 000 77 conditions is crucial for getting reliable results. Side
6n -(CH2)4- Cl Py 4 000 77 reactions can both mask and mimic CCT so that
6o R-furyl R-furyl Cl Py 100 000 77 considerable judgment is required. The results of
6p Ph Ph Cl H2O 25 000 77 polymerization in the presence of cobalt chelates
6q Ph Ph Cl Py 30 000 77
6r Ph Ph Cl P(Ph)3 100 000 77 depend on temperature, solvent, pH, the sterics and
6s Me Me Py Py 2 100 78 electronics of the chelating ligand, the presence of
6se Me Me Py Py 700 79 additional ligands, and the monomer chosen. Minute
6t Me Me NEt3 NEt3 1 600 78 concentrations of impurities, particularly oxygen,75,76
6u Me Me PPh3 PPh3 4 100 78 in the reaction media or even in the tested complex
6u Me Me PPh3 PPh3 20 000 44
7a Cl 11 000 77
may corrupt the results. The issue of polymerization
7b ClO4 <50 77 conditions will be discussed later in section 3.7 and
7c NO3 <50 77 to a lesser extent in other sections. Redox or other
8ac Me Me 11 000 77 reactions in the polymerization media, changes in the
8bd Ph Ph 66 000 77 rate constants due to presence of solvents, and other
a Run in bulk MMA at 60 °C. b Measured in MMA:methanol phenomena can lead to reduction of MW in the
) 7:3 v/v at 60 °C. c MMA:methanol ) 7:3 v/v. d MMA: absence of CCT. One generally expects a profound
methanol ) 7:3 v/v + 1% Py. e MMA:methanol ) 1:1 v/v. effect, so when CC < 50, the presence of CCT can be
questionable. This is not to say that cobalt chelates
relative bond-breaking energetics requires quantum with CC < 50 are not CCT catalysts, but confirmation
mechanics, and until recently, few calculations have requires additional investigation.
been attempted because of their large size. Semiem- Unless otherwise mentioned in the text, all scout-
pirical models have been important in the discussion ing for CCT reported here was carried out at 60 °C
of the balance between steric and electronic effects in MMA or in a methanol solution of MMA if LCo
in B12 reactions,70 but they are not effective for the was not directly soluble in monomer. AIBN was used
determination of equilibrium structures. DFT calcu- as the azo initiator because peroxides often decom-
lations are expected to provide higher accuracy. pose or poison the cobalt complexes.
Calculation of nuclear quadrapole couplings of simple The best known CCT catalysts are cobaloximes
coenzyme B12 models without a planar framework having the general structures 6, 7, 8, and 9.77-81 Data
proved to be reasonable.71 The B3LYP method has on their catalytic activities in MMA and styrene
been used to evaluate the equilibrium structures of polymerizations are presented in Tables 1 and 2,
corrin models with different axial alkyl groups.72 The respectively.
equilibrium structures of methyl B12 and adenosyl B12
have a different electronic structure for the two Co-C
bonds. The HOMO energy is higher in AdoB12 than
in MeB12, favoring homolytic cleavage because of the
5′-deoxyadenosyl group that induces more electron
density on cobalt. This may explain part of the
homolysis heterolysis dichotomy. Comparison of the
computational geometries with experimental re-
sults73 suggests two very different reaction coordi-
nates for the two coenzymes related to competitive
heterolysis or homolysis of the two respective Co-C
bonds.74 Unfortunately, these studies invoke chemical
and structural differences that are not available to
the catalysts in CCT.

2. Catalysts
2.1. Catalyst Screening
Testing new compounds for catalytic chain-transfer
activity in free-radical polymerizations is an interest-
3618 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

As a result of the ready availability of required tant on a commercial scale that the compounds can
starting material and smooth, well-developed syn- be stored and handled by chemical operators without
theses,82 the cobaloximes 6-8 served as convenient special precautions.97-100
models for understanding how axial ligands and It is difficult to compare the activities of the
substituents on the macrocyclic ligand affected the H-bridged cobaltII oximes with their BF2-bridged
catalytic behavior of these CoII species.83 There are counterparts because of their increased sensitivity to
some advantages to using the CoIII-alkyl versions of
oxygen. The in situ preparation of cobaltII oximes in
these catalysts.84 The macrocyclic ligand in co-
radical polymerization of MMA has been described.79
baloximes is an almost perfectly planar structure
Making such cobaloximes in situ requires methanol,
carrying a formal double negative charge. The hy-
drogen bonding between the two monoanionic cova- pyridine, or other solvents to dissolve the starting
lent halves of the equatorial ligand is sufficient to materials, and as a result, the concentrations of the
confer considerable structural rigidity and chemical monomers are 70% or less in the final solution. In
stability.85-88 The complexes are able to withstand one example, the data indicate CC ≈ 700 for Py-
strong acids89,90 and even Grignard reagents.91 In (dmgH)2CoII,79 which is substantially less than that
deuterium oxide solutions, replacement of the bridg- of the cobaltIII oximes shown in Table 1. A second
ing hydrogen atom with deuterium is slow even in approach for in situ synthesis is to use starting
the presence of bases or acids.92,93 This stability materials such as cobalt 2-ethylhexanoate that are
allows the catalysts to be employed in aqueous soluble in MMA, thereby making additional solvent
systems as well as organic media.94 unnecessary.101
The axial ligands can be divided into two groups. Traditional methods of handling air-sensitive ma-
Group A comprises monoanionic ligands that result terials102 are generally appropriate for making co-
in an oxidation state of three in cobalt. These may baltII dioximes because cobaloximes of the type
be the anions resulting from acido ligand (for instance E(dmgH)2CoII tend to dimerize and precipitate from
chloride) or may be alkyls. The hydride ligand would methanol solutions. Thus, (PPh3)(dmgH)2CoII-CoII-
also fall into this category and plays an important (dmgH)2(PPh3) was synthesized and tested in bulk
role in the catalytic chemistry, but in general, they MMA to give a relatively unusual result. The cata-
have not been observed directly. Electron-donating lytic activity of such LCo depends on the concentra-
ligands, E, are neutral, Lewis base ligands which are tion and ranges from CC ) 800 to CC ) 20 000.44 The
coordinatively bound and are not involved in the reasons for such a distribution of CC values will be
oxidation state of the cobalt. From a practical point detailed later. At this point it is sufficient to indicate
of view, E ligands, particularly water, are often that the catalytic activities of cobaloximes 6-8
present in the catalysts employed for CCT, but they depend very much on axial ligands of the A type and
are often unspecified. much less on substituents in the equatorial ligand
and ligand of the E type. The latter two may change
2.2. Cobalt Catalyst Activities the chain-transfer constant 2- to 4-fold, while ligands
of the A type may reduce CC by orders of magnitude.
As shown in the Table 1, the activities of co-
The A ligands giving the highest activities are
baloximes 6 can vary by more than 3 orders of
halides, especially chloride. E type ligands tend to
magnitude.77-81,95,96 Ligands of class A showed no
increase CC with increasing ligand strength as one
catalytic activity when A ) primarily alkyl, CN, or
NO2 (entries 6a through 6f). When A is halogen, may see in Table 1 (phosphines > py > H2O).78 The
pseudohalogen, or secondary alkyl (entries 6g-6k), same results were observed in porphyrins, although
the resulting cobaloximes are potent chain-transfer the effect is smaller than in cobaloximes perhaps due
catalysts. Variation of substituents on the dioximate to a larger “electron pool”.
moieties (entries 6L-6o) changes the CCT chain- When cobaloximes, 9, with a BF2-bridging
transfer constants severalfold. The presence of ligands ligand,103,104 were first reported as CCT catalysts,105,106
of the E type (entries 6p-6r) also cause variations they quickly became the CCT catalysts of
of severalfold, and it seems at first glance that CC choice.44,107-117 They are often introduced into the
increases with the strength of their ligand field. reaction mixture as either CoII or CoIII-alkyl species.
For charged cobaloximes such as 7, the choice of It is presumed that the CoIII-alkyl species are
the A ligand is crucial (Table 1). Differences in this quickly and quantitatively reduced to CoII in situ.77,118
catalytic activities of these cobaloximes with chloride Data on their activity are reported in Table 3.
and other acido ligands range over 3 orders of Substituents in the cobaloximes 9 have a slight effect
magnitude. CobaltIII oximes 8 with no A ligands are on the catalytic activity but more surprising is the
among the most active. These observations are dependence of CC on solvents employed for the
consistent for both MMA and styrene as monomer polymerizations (see Tables 2 and 3). In one case the
(Table 2). dependence of CC on solvent was traced to impurities,
Cobaloximes with structure 9 have a BF2 bridge presumably acids, in butanone.115 Freshly distilled
rather than the more usual hydrogen atom bridge butanone does not reduce the CCT chain-transfer
between the two dioxime moieties. Such a modifica- constant. In another case CC was found to be depend-
tion leads to better stability of the cobaltII oximes ent upon impurities in the initiator.76 Regardless of
toward oxidation by oxygen by air. While of little the origin of the solvent effect, the existence of such
consequence in an academic laboratory, it is impor- an effect makes it difficult to extrapolate observations
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3619

Table 3. Catalytic Activity of Cobaloximes, 9,a in MMA CCT105,112,115-120

entry X X THF butanone methanol toluene bulk
9a Me Me 27 000 11 000-20000 41 000
9b 2-C4H3O 7 200
9c C6H5 C6H5 20 500 23 000 18 000-20 000
9d -(CH2)4- 14 000
9e 4-MeC6H4 4-MeC6H4 25 000
9f 4-EtC6H4 4-EtC6H4 27 000
9g 4-iPrC6H4 4-iPrC6H4 25 000
9h 4-tBuC6H4 4-tBuC6H4 21 000
9i 4-BrC6H4 4-BrC6H4 15 000 4 500
9j 4-MeOC6H4 4-MeOC6H4 15 000 7 000
9k 4-NO2C6H4 4-NO2C6H4 5 000 5 000
9L 4-BrC6H4 4-SO3NaC6H4 7 300
9m 3-MeC6H4 3-MeC6H4 28 000
9n 2-MeC6H4 2-MeC6H4 16 000
Monomer is MMA, 60 °C.

made in solution polymerizations in the presence of polymerization,115 a value 20-30 less than CC in
9 or the subset of complexes polymerization of methacrylates. This is similar to
that observed for cobaloximes, 6 (Table 1), and for
cobalt porphyrins, although in the last case the
kinetic picture is more complex. Interestingly, the
rate of CCT in styrene polymerization has been
shown to be light dependent.125 The rate was found
to be less that 100 in the dark but increases to a
maximum value of CC ) 5000 under UV irradiation.
The value of CC was also found to be dependent upon
the initiator concentration, decreasing with higher
initiator levels. Apparently, UV irradiation homo-
lyzes the CoIII-C bond formed by addition of styrene
to emulsion or suspension polymerizations reported radical to the CoII.
in Table 3.119
In cobaloximes 6-8 it could be concluded that Viscosity of the medium can also play a role in the
electron-withdrawing groups (EWG) increase CC. kinetics due to the importance of diffusion in the
Compare, for example, entries 6g, 6L-o, 8a, and 8b observed rate constants. In the bulk radical polym-
in Table 1. Table 3 does not afford the same conclu- erization of 2-phenoxyethyl methacrylate, thiol chain-
sion. transfer reagents operate at rates close to those
For cobaloxime 9a, chain-transfer constants ob- observed for MMA while the rate of CCT catalyzed
tained using the new CLD techniques of rate constant by 9a is an order of magnitude slower (2 × 103 at 60
calculations40,122 were CC ) 25 000 for MMA and CC °C) than that of MMA.5 The thiol reactions involve a
) 660 for styrene polymerization at 60 °C.123,124 In chemically controlled hydrogen transfer event,
other cobaloximes, a reverse trend was observed, with whereas the reaction of methacrylate radicals with
electron-donating substituents (entries 9e-h in Table cobalt are diffusion controlled. The higher bulk
3) increasing activity while EWG (entries 9i-L in viscosity of the 2-phenoxyethyl methacrylate has a
Table 3) led to a decrease relative to hydrogen (9c, significant influence on the transfer rate.
Table 3). The data of Table 3 can be explained by the The chain-transfer reaction is essentially un-
presence of the strong EWG, BF2, in cobaloximes 9.97 changed in going from bulk polymerization to toluene
The electron-withdrawing group reduces electron solution.30 In the low-viscosity medium, supercritical
density on cobalt to the extent that the lone electron CO2, chain transfer was found to be significantly
on CoII behaves less like a free radical. Electron- enhanced by an order of magnitude (108 L mol-1 s-1)
donating substituents in the equatorial ligands of 9 compared with toluene or bulk MMA as a medium.
help to restore the free-radical properties of the cobalt Again, the results are consistent with a diffusion-
atom, while additional EWG in the equatorial ligand controlled rate-determining step.30 However, another
exacerbate the electron density problem on cobalt. report indicates no enhancement of chain transfer in
This explanation leads to the conclusion that some supercritical CO2.126 This discrepancy may be the
value of electron density on the cobalt atom is result of the necessity of using different catalysts in
required for optimal hydrogen atom abstraction dur- the two media.
ing CCT. While on the subject of polymerization media, there
The effect of solvents on the properties of BF2- is also a report of CCT in ionic liquids.127 1-Butyl-3-
bridged cobaloximes in methacrylate CCT carries methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate is a room-
over to polymerization of styrene. Thus, for co- temperature ionic liquid. Although such liquids have
baloximes 9 in the polymerization of styrene, CC ) been found to be excellent solvents for a number of
500 in butanone120 while CC ) 1400 in bulk.115 chemical transformations, there are few reports of
Cobaloxime 9c showed CC ) 700 in bulk styrene polymerizations.128 Nonetheless, CoII-mediated cata-
3620 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

Table 4. Values of CC in MMA Polymerizations for a Variety of Cobalt Complexesa

Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3621

Table 4. (Continued)

a In many instances, there were unspecified axial ligands present. B Cobalamin substituents not shown. c Catalytic inhibition

in L/mol‚sec. d Irradiated with sunlamp. Temperature is unknown. e In MMA/DMF ) 9:1 at 60 °C. f LRP initiators.

lytic chain transfer has been observed in the radical ditional experiments to confirm that the reduction
polymerization of MMA. in molecular weight is actually due to CCT rather
Polymerization of MMA both thermally and pho- than other reactions including noncatalytic chain
tochemically in the ordered media, cholesteryl oleyl transfer. As a reasonable indication of the accuracy
carbonate and cholesteryl 2-ethylhexyl carbonate, of the chain-transfer constant measurements, the CC
were studied in the presence and absence of cobalt of compound 30 (salcomine) was found to range from
tetraphenylporphyrin. The percentage conversion <50 to 150.
and molecular weight were lowered in the presence It is clear that a core of four nitrogen atoms in the
of CoTPP for thermal polymerizations. In photopo- coordination center is crucial for active CCT. Re-
lymerizations, the percentage conversion was high placement of two nitrogen atoms with oxygen (23-
and the molecular weights were low.129 26, 29-31) or sulfur (28) essentially shuts down the
In the photodecomposition of polystyrene-bound ability of LCo to abstract hydrogen from free radicals.
cobaloximes, the polymer chain decreases the mobil- Compound 28 is particularly interesting because of
ity of bis(dimethylglyoximato)pyridinecobalt(L) and the similarity of molecular structure of this chelate
increases the probability of recombination of L and to cobalt phthalocyanines, which are known to be
a radical fixed on the polymer chain. Retardation of good CCT catalysts.
the dissociation resulted in a larger equilibrium The influence of axial ligands on cobalt dimethylg-
constant for the polymeric system than that for the lyoxime complexes holds for these other ligands.
analogous monomeric system.130 Axial ligands that preclude CCT by cobaloximes (e.g.,
Table 4 presents CC for a variety of catalysts other CN) also interfere with the ability of cobalamin 10
than cobaloximes that have been tested in MMA to react with radicals. When hydroxyl is the A ligand
radical polymerizations.101,109,131-136 In addition, the on cobalamin (11), it does not interfere with hydrogen
following values have been reported: MMA, CC ) transfer. Halogen, pseudohalogen, and carboxylic
from 3 × 105 to 2.4 × 105 (from 40 to 70 °C, 9a);31 acids are “good” ligands. Somewhat surprisingly, in
and CC ) 1.9 × 104, kCo ) 1.6 × 106 M-1 s-1 (60 °C, 34, NO3- is also “good” for CCT while in cobaloximes
9c).5 Where data at several temperatures are avail- such ligands resulted in the absence of catalytic
able, CC is relatively independent of temperature activity.
because kP and kCo change at approximately the same The presence of four nitrogen atoms coordinated
rate. in the equatorial plane in LCo does not guarantee
It is clear that cobalt catalysts 10-44 are much noticeable catalytic properties. It would be of interest
less active than cobaloximes, generally by 2 orders to determine the factors that control activity. One
of magnitude. It is concluded that the hydrogen explanation suggests that only low-spin LCo can be
transfer reaction is not diffusion controlled in their CCT catalysts.109 Thorough investigation indicated,
case. This difference in reactivity also suggests that however, that this could be a necessary but is not a
some of the trends found for cobaloximes may not sufficient condition. For example, CCT catalysts such
work for other cobalt chelates. Unfortunately, there as cobaltII oximes bearing either H or BF2 bridges
have been few studies to this end. Most of the values have the same magnetic moment, µ ) 1.8-2.1, as
of CC in Table 4 were calculated having only one or noncatalysts 16, 19, 20, and 23.140,141 An empirical
two points on the Mayo dependence. For cases when observation ascribes catalytic properties to all LCo
CC < 50, it is usually necessary to carry out ad- that have four nitrogen atoms coordinated in the
3622 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

equatorial coordination plane which are incorporated Scheme 1. Atomic Planes of 15 from
into an extended system of conjugated π-bonds. The Crystallographic Data, Showing the
equatorial plane may be either open C-shaped or Four-Membered r-Plane, the Aromatic
closed O-shaped. Planarity of the macrocycle is Six-Membered β-Planes, and the Five-Membered
important.131,132 Cobalamin 10 represents such a
structure. It has four nitrogen atoms in an O-shaped
π-conjugated system.
The active LCo complexes indicated above can be
used to test this theory. Porphyrins and phthalocya-
nines have an O-shaped system which has a more
extended π-system than that in cobalamins, but it
does not provide a substantial increase in reactivity.
It should be noted that the hydrogen bonds of the
cobaloxime catalysts are essentially as effective as In radically polymerized MMA, LCo 16 does not
π-bonds in continuing the effects of delocalization catalyze hydrogen transfer to monomer but instead
around the macrocyclic ring. This effect has been catalyzes a termination reaction. This conclusion was
noted elsewhere.142 Catalyst 11 comprises an O- reached by comparison of DPn versus the decrease
shaped π-system. Replacement of one π-bond with a in rate of polymerization. As mentioned in the
σ-bond in the analogue 13 significantly affects the Introduction, CCT catalysts do not change the rate
catalytic properties since both complexes retain their of polymerization. In the case of 16, the rate of
O-shape with π-conjugation. Additional replacement polymerization and DPn decrease linearly with con-
of π-bonds with σ-bonds leads to a complete loss of centration of 16 with a stoichiometric coefficient of
catalytic properties as chelates 13, 20, or 21 indicate. inhibition >4. The steric encumbrance of chelate 15
Chelate 22, cannot be a CCT catalyst because of the represents an intermediate case between 14 and 16
absence of interaction between the two π-systems. since it has only two methyl groups instead of four
Chelate 34 is an exception; its molecular structure in 16. Since these methyl groups may twist, only one
is similar to 21 and 13, but it catalyzes chain transfer benzene ring twists slightly from the γ-planes, and
with a measurable rate. A possible explanation of this complex 16 generally retains the C-shape of the
phenomenon will be provided in section 3.7. π-conjugation. As a result, 16 shows the properties
of a CCT catalyst but its CC is lower than that of 14
As with cobaloximes, substituents on the equatorial or 34.
ligand have only a moderate effect on the value of Complexes 35-39 also support this conclusion.
CC for the complexes in Table 3. The same is true for Catalyst 35 has a planar, C-shaped system of π-con-
substituents on cobalt porphyrins, 1 and 45-51 jugation. The three-carbon bridges between the NH
(Table 4). For tetrakis(pentafluoroethylphenyl)- and other coordinated nitrogens provide adequate
porphyrin-CoII the substituent effect is not clear. The flexibility in coordination so that the entire equatorial
fluorinated porphyrin works moderately for the po- ligand is planar. Chelates based on [14]-annulenes
lymerization of MMA in supercritical CO2 with chain- are known to exist as strictly planar structures, while
transfer constant CC ) 550 at 60 °C.126 Unfortu- bigger/longer ligands, like chelate 39, can exist in
nately, no data on the chain-transfer constant in bulk different conformations. Chelates 37 and 38 are not
polymerization are available, so that it is not clear effective catalysts for CTC due to the shortening of
whether this reduced value of CC is the result of the bridge between the two nitrogen atoms from
solvent or the presence of a strong EWG such as three carbon atoms to two. The two neighboring five-
pentafluorophenyl in the porphyrin macrocycle. Simi- membered rings do not support a planar structure,
lar experiments with 9c (Table 2) led to CC ) 378 000, so that the cobalt and the coordinated nitrogen atoms
which is 20 times higher than in bulk MMA or in in these chelates cannot form a perfect plane. A
organic solvents.30 We may conclude at this point that planer molecule cannot be formed at all in the case
additional experiments are required with different of 37 with only 12 atoms in the macrocyclic ligand.
catalysts to allow us to make reliable conclusions. The observed structures of 37, 38, and 39 are
Complexes 13-15 provide interesting additional reflected in their chain-transfer constants: catalytic
information on the influence of substituents. Cata- activity decreases with increasing nonplanarity of the
lytic activity gradually decreases with increasing structure in the series 35 > 39 > 38 . 37.
steric interference between the protons of the methyl Additional understanding of the role of π-conjuga-
groups and the benzylic ring. This steric interference tion is provided by cobaloximes 6-8 and other CCT
is so high that complex 16 is substantially twisted catalysts with hydrogen bonds which complete the
so that the macrocycle is not planer but rather is macrocycle (i.e., 32 and 33). The common feature
“saddle-shaped”. According to the crystal structure, shared by a π-bond and these hydrogen-bonded
cobalt and the four nitrogen atoms are laying in an systems is their ability to delocalize their electron
approximate plane (R), while the aromatic rings (β) density.131,132 Resonance isomers with different bond-
are above the coordination plane, and the wings γ ing of the H or BF2 bridges to the oxygen atoms allow
are twisted below this plane (Scheme 1). The dihedral the electrons to delocalize around the equatorial
angle between the planes β and γ is 43°.147,148 As a plane as shown in Scheme 2.
result of the substantial nonplanarity of the molecule, A necessity for a delocalized ring current in CCT
chelate 16 behaves differently from its planar catalysts explains the requirement that the equato-
analogues.149-152 rial ligand be flat. Chelate 17 would have been a good
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3623

Scheme 2. Delocalized Nature of Cobaloximes

Table 6. Chain-Transfer Activity of Organometallic

test of this conclusion. It has a 16-member macrocycle Catalysts in MMA Polymerizations
that is antiaromatic, and as a result, the equatorial
macrocycle is slightly twisted. Hence, it cannot [(C5H5)Cr(CO)3]2 [(C5Ph5)Cr(CO)3]2
60, 100153 61, 1000154
provide ring effective delocalization unless doubly 160(Sty)
charged to fit the (4n + 2) Huckel requirement. (C5H5)Cr(CO)3(C5H5)Mo(CO)3 [(C5H5)Cr(CO)2(PPh3)]2
Unfortunately, 17 was tested as the perchlorate salt 62, 162153 63, 60153
[(C5H5)Mo(CO)3]2 [(C5H5)W(CO)3]2
which makes the results ambiguous. 64, 2153 65, 1153
A phenomenological approach does not explain how [(C5H5)Fe(CO)2]2 [(C5Me5)Fe(CO)2]2
the structural features of the CCT catalysts affect the 66, 0.5153 67, 9153
catalytic process. It is obvious that redox properties [(C5H5)Ru(CO)2]2 [(C5Me5)Os(CO)2]2
68, <1153 69, <1153
are involved here. A systematic study of redox
potentials and CCT is reflected in Table 5. The higher
in radical polymerizations.18 It would be expected
Table 5. MMA CCT Chain-Transfer Constants, CC, and that many metal complexes could be catalysts if they
Selected Polarographic Half-Wave Potentials for the are radical-like and have an easily accessible one-
Reduction of CoII to CoI,a E1/2, for Cobalt electron oxidation. The additional requirement is that
Porphyrins143 they be kinetically labile, because the free-radical
entry ligand on CoII E1/2 (V) CC ref polymerization sequence is so rapid that a kinetically
48 tetra(o-bromophenyl)porphyrin 1300 139 inert complex might catalyze one or fewer transfers
1 tetramethyl hematoporphyrin IX -1.06 2400 143 over the lifetime of a single polymerization chain
49 mesoporphyrin IX dimethyl ester -0.98 1800 143 reaction. Experience with non-cobalt systems is
50 tetrakis(p-methoxyphenyl)porphine -0.91 1500 143
51 tetramethyl coproporphyrin IX -0.90 1500 143 relatively limited. The effects of a series of organo-
52 tetraphenylporphine -0.82 1400 143 metallic complexes were explored in radical polymer-
53 etioporphyrin -0.79 1100 143 izations, and the data is presented in Table 6.153-155
54 protoporphyrin IX dimethyl ester -0.71 1000 143
2 tetra(tert-butylbenzo)porphyrin -0.70 900 143 Most of the MMA polymerizations were carried out
55 tetra(pentafluorophenyl)porphine 550 126 in refluxing butanone (80 °C).
56 tetra-tert-butyltetraazaporphine 2500 144 Among complexes 60-69 only the chromium com-
57 tetramesitylporphyrin 1500 145
58 tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin ∼1000 146 plexes, 60-63, showed a significant ability to reduce
59 tetra(2,4,6-trimethyl-3,5- ∼5000 146 MW. The catalytic process relies upon the dissocia-
disulfonatophenyl)porphyrin tion of the dimeric precursors to paramagnetic mon-
a See also, refs 13, 15, and 17. omeric organometallic radicals, and the sterically
hindered complex, [(pentaphenylcyclopentadienyl)
Cr(CO)3]2, 61, a derivative of 60, was more active (CC
) 1000 at 100 °C for MMA) than its unsubstituted
analogue. The greater steric bulk of the phenyl-
substituted 61 increases the dissociation, thereby
making the active paramagnetic components more
available for the catalytic process.156 Pentacyanoco-
baltate, [(CN)5Co]K3, 70, has very little activity in
the reduction of MW, with CC ≈ 6.157

the reduction potential for LCo2+ to LCo+, the higher 3. Mechanism

the catalyst activity. While the trend is reasonable,
it is important to note the higher values for CC for 3.1. Reaction Schemes
the same LCo in this reference. Thus, tetra-tert- Three possible reaction mechanisms for CCT have
butylbenzoporphyrin-Co, 2, has CC ) 900 in Table been proposed. The first two involve metal activation
5 while in another reference CC ) 300.15 Tetraphe- of a substrate to attack by another reactive species,
nylporphyrin-Co, 52, has CC ) 1400 in Table 5 while while the third involves sequential reaction of two
CC ) 4000 elsewhere.12 different species with the metal center. The first was
based upon formation of an intermediate complex of
2.3. Non-Cobalt CCT Catalysts the cobalt catalyst with the propagating radical11,14
CCT is not limited to macrocyclic complexes of kk
cobaltII. Nonetheless, early experiments with por- Rn + LCo 98 [LCo‚‚‚Rn] (10)
phyrin complexes of Fe, Ni, V, Sn, Cu, Zn, Mg, Cr,
Pd, Pt, and Mn demonstrated no activity.13,25 Like- kr
wise, dioximates of Ni and Cu were found to be inert [LCo‚‚‚Rn] + M 98 LCo + R1 + Pn) (11)
3624 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

Rn and R1 correspond to the polymeric and mono- is the bimolecular disproportionation reaction, eq
meric radicals respectively, M is monomer, LCo is a 16.173-178
cobaltII chelate, [LCo‚‚‚Rn] is an intermediate com-
plex, and Pn) is oligomer or polymer with a terminal 2LCoH f 2LCoII + H2 (16)
double bond. Although eq 10 has been observed on
numerous occasions, catalyst regeneration (eq 11) is
more problematic. It is unlikely that a monomer like The chain-transfer constant of about 105 L/mol s172,175
methacrylate would abstract a hydrogen atom from makes it difficult to study the properties of (DH)2CoH.
a coordinated metal alkyl. It would be expected that Equation 16 is reversible, and under basic conditions
hydrogen atom abstraction could be from the R-posi- the equilibrium is shifted to the left. LCoH complexes
tion, but rearrangement to a coordinated olefin that are weakly acidic and are dissociated easily according
could be dissociated is possible.158 This mechanism, to eq 17.
deemed to be unlikely, has been explicitly tested and
found lacking.124 LCoH + Base f LCoI- + H+‚Base (17)
A second proposed mechanism of the CCT was
based upon a Michaelis-Menton-type mechanism.12 Equations 16 and 17 are known not only for co-
This mechanism is typical of enzymatic catalysis,159 baloximes, but also for other cobalt chelates as well.
and the rates of CCT have been compared to those Thus, the addition of bases stabilizes LCoH in its
of enzymes. It requires the formation of a complex anionic form, slowing the disproportionation reaction
between the catalyst and the monomer (eq 12). The in eq 16. The anion which is formally LCoI- behaves
propagating radical then reacts with the complex (eq as a supernucleophile in SN2 reactions, reacting with
13) to transfer a hydrogen atom to the monomer. a wide variety of substrates such as acetylenes,
olefins, alkyl chlorides, or alkyl bromides.181,182 The
LCo + M 98 [LCoM] (12) high reactivity of the LCoI- complex together with
eq 16 at times makes it difficult to distinguish
ktr whether LCoH or LCoI is the species responsible for
[LCoM] + Rn 98 LCo + R1 + Pn) (13) a particular reaction. In many cases both LCoI and
LCoH are present in the reaction media simulta-
There is little support for the mechanism expressed neously.
by eqs 12 and 13. MMA is able to form a π-complex
Very stable CoI chelate complexes are obtained
with cobalt porphyrins,160 but the chain-transfer
from phthalocyanine ligands (for example, 44 and
constant for its formation (1.8 L/mol s) is not high
and is much smaller than the observed CCT chain-
transfer constants. If the mechanism of eqs 12 and
13 is correct, then reduced concentrations of mono-
mer should disfavor formation of LCoM, resulting in
a decrease in the rate of CCT. The chain-transfer
constant of the chain transfer is independent of the
concentration of monomer.14,52 The mechanism ex-
pressed by eqs 12 and 13 will not be considered
A third reaction scheme (eq 14 and 15) encom-
passes what is the currently accepted mechanism.
This scheme was suggested simultaneously with eqs
10 and 12 and calls for the formation of the cobalt
hydride, LCoH, as an intermediate species.161,162
Rn + LCo 98 Pn) + LCoH (14)
LCoH + M 98 LCo + R1 (15)

Since no change in the spectrum of PorCoII was

observed during the catalysis, it was assumed that
the concentration of PorCoH was very low due to its
high reactivity. Cobalt phthalocyanines, PhtCo, can be readily
Hydrides of cobalt chelates are well documented reduced either with hydrazine,183 with sodium boro-
in inorganic chemistry,89,163 and cobaloximes received hydride,184 or electrochemically.185,186 In the latter
particular attention in the 1960-70s because their case, PhtCo can undergo five sequential reductions
chemical behavior was somewhat similar to that to the pentaanion. All of the negatively charged
of vitamin B12.85,86,164-171 Although the hydrides of species have distinct visible spectra. The visible
cobaloximes are very reactive, two instances in spectrum of PhtCoI is independent of counterion or
which (DH)2CoH was isolated have been reported.88,172 solvent. When radical polymerization of methacrylate
It is believed that in the absence of radicals or mono- is conducted in the presence of amides such as
mer, the main mode of decomposition of (DH)2CoH dimethylformamide, hexamethylphosphorus tria-
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3625

The reduction can be performed electrochemically,162,189

by treatment of PorCoII with sodium amalgam at
room temperature,190,191 or with borohydride192-194 at
elevated temperatures.195 In each case, the PorCoI is
labile and tends to decompose back to PorCoII and
related products when the reducing agent is removed.
Cobaloxime complexes of cobalt, (DMG)CoII) 72,
give CoI-cobaloximes (DMG)CoI in the presence of
amides by reaction with tertiary free radicals. This

Figure 7. Visible spectra of cobalt phthalocyanine under

CCT conditions in HMPA demonstrating the reduction to
CoI.187 A and B are before and after polymerization.
makes them similar to phthalocyanines in initial
mide, or tetramethylurea, the starting PhtCoII is reactivity, but the resulting (DMG)CoI decomposes
converted into PhtCoI.187 It is presumed that the slowly with irreversible changes in the equatorial
tertiary radical reacts with the phthalocyanine to ligand. The rate of DMGCoI decomposition depends
yield the CoIII hydride which then dissociates in the on both the equatorial and the axial ligands and
presence of base to give CoI-.188 DMSO also promotes ranges from 2 to 0.06% min-1.187 Among the decom-
dissociation but is less effective than amides. Since position products is 3-amino-2-oximinobutane by
the visible spectra are independent of the method of autoreduction of the dimethylglyoxime ligand.175-177
reduction, UV-vis spectroscopy is an easy and a Autohydrogenation is very slow in the presence of
reliable method to monitor reduction of cobalt ph- substrates such as olefin or alkyl halides, indicating
thalocyanine. The three isosbestic points (see Figure that the autohydrogenation is bimolecular as in
7) indicate that no side reactions occur during the Scheme 3.
reduction of cobalt phthalocyanine with tertiary
If a radical polymerization is conducted in bulk
3.2. Hydrogen Atom Abstraction and Catalyst
methacrylate in the absence of a base, PhtCoI is not
formed in detectable quantities. The methacrylate is The process of hydrogen abstraction (eq 14) by LCo
not responsible for converting PhtCoII into PhtCoI. from a propagating radical is usually the rate-
An azo initiator causes reduction even if the meth- determining step in CCT. It occurs at diffusion-
acrylate is replaced with ethyl acetate. Hence, it is controlled or close to diffusion-controlled rates indi-
the tertiary radicals which convert PhtCoII into cating that the activation energy for the process must
PhtCoI. be extremely low. The activation energy of eq 14
In the case of porphyrins, reduction of CoII to CoI depends on the catalyst structure and resulting
is more difficult. No conditions under which tertiary electronics. For systems such as the less active PorCo
free radicals would reduce PorCoII into PorCoI at with MMA,196 a significant isotope effect kH/kD of
spectroscopically detectable levels were identified. about 3.5 was observed.197 This value of the kH/kD
Scheme 3. Autohydrogenation of the Dimethylglyoxime Ligand
3626 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

effect is similar to the range (1.9-3.3) of kinetic its.161 The failure to observe LCoH called into ques-
isotope effects observed for hydrogen atom abstrac- tion its role as an intermediate species in CCT.
tion from a variety of substrates by different metallo- The addition of LCoH to olefinic double bonds is
radicals.198-201 It seems reasonable to conclude that well documented in the chemistry of cobaloximes.
hydrogen atom abstraction in CCT occurs by the Because LCoH has the ability to dissociate to H+ and
three-centered intermediate illustrated in eq 18 LCoI-, both the hydride and CoI- form of the cobalt
chelate must be considered in any system where
LCo + Rn f [LCo‚‚‚H-Rn] f LCoH + Pn) (18) LCoH can be obtained.
The anionic chelates LCoI are highly reactive
The kinetic isotope effect would be expected to be nucleophiles, in some cases called supernucleophiles
smaller or zero if the rate-limiting step involved a for their reactivity.214 They readily replace halogen
concerted β-hydride elimination.202 atoms in alkylhalides,214,215 transalkylate phos-
Another reaction of radicals with CoII chelates phates,216 add to aldehydes,217 and add to double
known to occur at diffusion rates is recombination bonds.218 The fragmentation of haloalkylurethanes in
(eq 19). the presence of LCoI was proposed to go through
π-olefinic intermediates, but radical chemistry is
k19 more likely.219 The large body of CoI-chelate chem-
LCo + Rn 98 [LCo-Rn] (19) istry has been reviewed elsewhere, and we refer the
reader to available surveys.43,163,220-225
In the case of vitamin B12, eq 19 is well investigated For the purposes of this review, it is important to
and its rate constant k19 ) 4 × 109 L/mol‚s for recognize the dual nature of cobalt macrocycle com-
primary radicals.203 Comparison of this value with plexes. Both species, LCoIIIH and LCoI, can add to
the rate constant for methyl radical dimerization of double and triple bonds forming alkyl and alkenyl
∼1010 L/mol‚s191 indicates that eq 19 proceeds at cobalt chelates but the products are different. The
diffusion-controlled rates. Newer approaches may CoIII hydride reaction occurs in a Markovnikov ad-
provide greater accuracy in the measurement of rates dition while LCoI provide anti-Markovnikov products.
of recombination of free radicals, providing a better It is believed that eqs 21 and 22 explain the differ-
understanding of hydrogen atom abstraction (eq ence.
The ratio between the rates of parallel eqs 18 and
19 is an issue of practical importance. Cobalt chelates
may be good capping agents in living radical polym-
erization, LRP.206,207 This requires that eq 19 be
reversible and the forward and backward (eq 20)
rates be approximately equal.

[LCo-Rn] f LCo + Rn (20)

These conditions have been met in a number of Substituents X and Y are electron-withdrawing
systems yielding living radical polymerizations at groups. For olefins with strong EWG like CN, the
moderate temperatures.207-213 For successful LRP, eq formation of π-complexes (73) was observed.226
18 should not occur at all and eq 19 is required. For
the CCT technologies of this review, the rate of eq
18 should be more than competitive with eq 19,
though a low equilibrium level of formation of LCo-R
is not detrimental. In addition to choice of proper
temperature, solvent, and monomer, the molecular
structure of LCo has proven to be the most important
factor in achieving effective LRP or CCT. Those LCo
Strong bases (pKa > 11) also convert alkyl co-
that are not effective for CCT should be screened for
baloximes and alkyl cobalamins into π-complexes
LRP, though there are many means by which both
such as 73. This is usually followed by further
reactions can fail.
decomposition to olefins and alkanes. The stability
of complexes such as 73 depends very much upon X
3.3. Hydrogen Atom Addition and the nature of the axial ligand in the cobalt
Hydrogen atom transfer from the hydride form of chelate.98,218,227-230 Strong nucleophiles such as RS-
the catalyst to monomer (eq 15) is relatively unex- or CN- can cause decomposition of LCo-R as well.98,231
plored in comparison with the initial reaction in the Under the normal conditions of radical polymeriza-
catalytic cycle, hydrogen atom abstraction from the tion, Markovnikov organocobaloxime should form
growing radical. This is despite the fact that the two whenever the hydride, LCoH, appears in the polym-
reactions are essentially the microscopic reverse, erization mixture. If 1,2-vinylidene monomers are
because the substituents on the organic fragment are being polymerized, then thermally unstable tert-
relatively removed from the metal center. Early alkyl-cobaloximes are obtained. These species are
investigations of CCT were frustrated by the fact that expected to undergo homolytic Co-C cleavage to yield
concentrations of LCoH were below detection lim- tertiary radicals.
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3627

An alternative mechanism calls for hydrogen atom escaped the cage to propagate polymerization in
transfer by the reverse of eq 14 with no organome- solution. The suggestion was confirmed by employing
tallic intermediates. Attempts to distinguish between perhydro azo initiator and MMA-d8. The unsaturated
these two possible pathways of hydrogen addition molecule 2,5-dihydrofuran was added to trap the
employed deuterium labeling. Stereoselectivity in the intermediate. As expected, the isolated tetrahydro-
addition of LCoH to double and triple bonds was furanyl cobalt complex was deuterated in the cis-
observed. Early work indicated Co-D cis addition to vinyl position. Unexpectedly, MMA-d8 was discovered
olefins and acetylenes.232 Later experiments showed to be a highly efficient deuterium donor. A 2-fold
excess of MMA relative to LCo was enough to convert
LCoH into a LCoD before reaction with dihydrofuran.
Using these methods, the results shown in Figure 8

a maximum of ∼70% cis addition.233 Cis addition falls

to ∼60% when octaethylpoprphyrin-CoD reacts with
It is important to carefully control reaction condi-
tions during experiments with LCoH and LCoD,
particularly the availability of exchangeable hydro-
gen atoms. LCoD can be prepared using NaBD4.
Borohydrides are known to change the acidity of the
reaction medium during the course of the reduction
reaction, and this can have a direct affect on the Figure 8. Hydrogen/deuterium dependence at the β-car-
outcome of the reaction. An alternative approach to bon atom of (TAP)Co-(3-tetrahydrofuranyl) on the con-
Co-D complexes is through the decomposition of centration of MMA-d8 relative to cobalt.197
deuterated alkylcobaloximes. D/H exchange with
CH3OD is negligible, but the synthesis of the deu- were obtained. Thus, to obtain LCoD, the azo initiator
terated organometallic precursor is itself a problem. appropriate for the desired temperature is combined
Steady-state, free-radical methods of LCoD genera- with a small portion of MMA-d8.
tion were developed.197 The methods are versatile and Stereoselectivity of the addition of LCoD to olefins
work for LCo like cobalt porphyrins that are not is very dependent upon the temperature. The most
readily reduced by borohydrides. The use of tribu- probable reason for diminished selectivity is the
tyltin hydride has also been reported.235 The initial thermal lability of the Co-C bond at temperatures
approach employed AIBN-d12. Using this deuterated above 50 °C for all olefins studied to date. In the case
radical source, cis addition of the resulting LCoD was of maleic anhydride, the initial product is LCo-
demonstrated to be the predominant mode of reaction succinylanhydride. Under more forcing conditions in
for maleic anhydride and other cyclic olefins such as the presence of excess AIBN, formation of a new
cyclohexene and 2,5-dihydrofuran. Selectivity de- organometallic species, LCo-succinylanhydride-
pended upon temperature, and this important feature C(CN)(CH3)2 was detected. Formation of the new
will be discussed below. Unfortunately, AIBN has a adduct almost certainly resulted from Co-C bond
limited thermal operating window of 50-70 °C. cleavage, and this same cleavage would lead to
Lower or higher temperatures would require the stereochemical inversion. At temperatures less than
nontrivial synthesis of different deuterated azo ini- 50 °C, additions are somewhat more stereoselective.
tiators. To circumvent this problem, a second steady- Nonetheless, maleic anhydride was the only olefin
state free-radical approach was developed. to give quantitative cis addition at lower tempera-
When perdeutero-MMA was copolymerized with tures. Other olefins displayed some trans addition
perhydro-MMA in the presence of AIBN and a CCT even at these temperatures. Thermal isomerization
catalyst under conditions that favor formation of results in loss of selectivity at longer reaction times,
MMA-dimer, it was observed that the product had but even the product initially formed displays some
undergone hydrogen/deuterium scrambling. Unre- trans isomer, and thermal instability of the Co-C
acted monomers in the reaction mixture were also bond cannot explain this observation. There must be
scrambled. some inherent lack of selectivity.
In contrast to olefins, the addition of acetylenes to
LCoD shows clear trans addition as in eq 26.

It was clear that rapid hydrogen/deuterium ex- The reaction proceeds well even in the presence of a
change was occurring in a radical cage236 involving 100-fold excess of MMA-d8 to generate the label. The
LCoH/LCoD and MMA before the monomeric radical addition of the cobalt deuteride to 1-hexyne or
3628 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

5-hexynenitrile displays Markovnikov regioselectivity nated vinyl would be expected to be higher for
and trans (anti) stereoselectivity. The high conversion sterically hindered porphyrins that favor homolytic
of the CoII to vinyl cobaltIII porphyrins allowed dissociation, but this does not fit the observations.
labeling using AIBN-d12 as a source of (TAP)CoD. An alternative unimolecular mechanism would in-
Unexpectedly, the incorporation of deuterium into the volve a concerted 1,3-hydrogen shift, but it is difficult
axial vinyl substituent on cobalt was dependent upon to explain why a relatively remote terminal group of
the concentration of the acetylene, with only 40 the axial ligand would have an effect on the rate of
atom-% trans-vinylic deuterium addition at 0.04 M isomerization as observed. The decrease in the rate
1-hexyne increasing systematically to 90 atom-% at of isomerization for a coordinating nitrile substituent
1 M. The deuterium content of the product increased versus a noncoordinating methyl substituent is ex-
during the course of a reaction at fixed acetylene plained by a bimolecular catalyzed reaction as in eq
concentration with no deuterium incorporation at the 30.
cis-vinylic site occurring during these experiments.
The unaccounted deuterium was lost to an unknown
side reaction. The presence of a large excess of
exchangeable MMA-d8 overcame the unknown reac-
tion and provided a high level of deuterium incorpo-
ration in the trans-vinyl position. In some cases,
isomerization (eq 27) of the initial product was

The source of trans stereoselectivity for Co-H

addition reactions to acetylenes while olefins are The reactive, unsaturated site of an incoming
generally cis is unclear. Cis237 and trans238 additions porphyrin molecule would be filled by the nitrile
of acetylenes are known in platinum chemistry, and substituent preventing interaction with the R- or
radical intermediates are thought to play a role in β-sites of the vinylcobalt porphyrin molecule. The
some insertions.239 Cis additions indicate concerted methyl group would have no such interaction, allow-
insertion reactions, while trans additions are indica- ing the porphyrin to approach in an active state. Such
tive of radical pathways. Sterically demanding acety- a CoII-catalyzed isomerization of an allylcobaltIII is
lenes can lead to a reversal of regio- and stereochem- precedent by cobaloxime chemistry.242 Kinetic inves-
istry.208 tigation of the isomerization indicates that the rate
Species such as 74 and 75 could be intermediates of isomerization of the primary acetylene adduct to
in the trans addition of cobalt hydride to acetylene. the secondary product early in the reaction is several
times the rate late in the reaction when CoII would
be depleted, supporting the intermediacy of a species
such as 74.

3.4. Alternative Mechanisms for Olefin Reactions

with CoIII−H
Bridged species such as 76 are well documented The chemistry of vitamin B12-catalyzed rearrange-
in rhodium porphyrin chemistry.240,241 An acetylene ments has been a subject of intensive investigation.243
bonded to one metal-centered radical is presumed to Although there is much to support the free-radical
be trapped by addition of a second metal-centered nature of such rearrangements, there is a growing
radical. Lower bond dissociation energies of cobalt body of evidence which favors nonradical mechanisms
relative to rhodium would disfavor species such as under at least some conditions.244-246 Polar effects are
76 and facilitate the reaction with metal-hydride known to play an important role in the addition of
intermediates to form a trans product. free radicals to double bonds.247 Radicals can form
Involvement of a second porphyrin in the reaction relatively stable adducts with a variety of salts,248
of CoH with acetylenes was inferred from the inverse phosphines,249 and conjugated double bonds.250 Ad-
relationship between the rate of eq 29 and the steric ditionally, radical species can undergo one-electron
bulk of the porphyrin molecule.5b oxidation/reduction when reacted with metals or
olefins,251 and these one-electron transfers can be
quite reversible.252 For these reasons, radical, ionic,
or electron-transfer mechanisms cannot be ruled out.
A given metal complex may be able to convert radical
species into ionic intermediates and back. Because
Unimolecular isomerization could occur by a Co-C of this complication, the origin of some selectivities
bond cleavage to yield radical intermediates that may be based on the limiting step of a multistep
isomerize. The rate of isomerization of the coordi- process.
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3629

Experiments with model compounds demonstrated hydride and its isomeric form in which the hydrogen
the exceptional importance of the π-system in mol- atom is located on one of the ligand nitrogen atoms.257
ecules involved in chain-transfer catalysts. Cobalt Hydrides of cobalt chelates are known to be less
chelates without planar, extended conjugated π-sys- stable than those of rhodium, so it is likely that a
tems are not active in chain-transfer catalysis.132 One hydrogen atom would undergo migration from cobalt
possible explanation of this could be the necessity of to ligand at rates faster than those in rhodium
hydrogen atom migration from cobalt to ligand dur- phthalocyanine. Mechanisms based upon these in-
ing the catalysis. Disruption of the conjugation by the termediates or transition states are plausible alter-
hydrogen atom migration should be less in an ex- natives to the caged radical pair, though the inter-
tended π-system. mediates would have to be very short-lived because
Concerted insertion of an olefin into a CoH bond the rates of the catalytic chain transfer are so high.
or its microscopic reverse, β-hydride elimination, Rapid, reversible migration of the hydrogen atom
involves the intermediate species 77. between cobalt and ligand could be responsible for
the poor stereoselectivity of cobalt hydride addition
to the double bond of cyclopentene at low tempera-
tures when thermal isomerization of the Co-C ad-
duct is known to be negligible.208 If a Co-H transfer
is not stereoselective and a ligand hydrogen atom
transfer is stereoselectively cis, then the overall
stereoselectivity of cyclopentene addition to LCoIIIH
would reflect the ratio between the concentrations
the isomers, CoH, and LH.
An important feature of the LH form of the hydride
is that it contains a CoIII bearing a very open
The availability of only one coordination site due to coordination site for reaction with nucleophiles.
the large rigid equatorial ligand of the cobalt por- There are several publications on the unusual reac-
phyrin macrocycle would appear to make such an tion of “naked” cobaltIII in porphyrins with acetylenes
intermediate unlikely. Viewed as a transition state and olefins.256h-j,258 This could also explain the trans
with a large component of C-H bond formation, the addition of the hydrides to acetylenes. A charge-
Co-C bond formation would occur later in the transfer intermediate in the reaction of the LH
process. In the extreme of complete C-H bond isomer with an acetylene or alkene could explain the
formation prior to Co-C formation, the intermediate difference in behavior of substituted versus unsub-
is indistinguishable from a radical mechanism. stituted olefins. If the above explanation is correct,
The cobalt-hydride intermediate has not been then it would require essential equality between the
isolated and is virtually undetected. Cobalt hydride energies of the Co-H and L-H complexes. Param-
reaction with an olefin by first migrating the hydro- eters such as solvent properties could shift the
gen atom from cobalt to a porphyrin nitrogen atom equilibrium concentrations of the two isomers of the
(78) or carbon atom (79) is precedented by the hydrides, leading to apparently different results in
isomerization of a benzylcobalt chelate. In that case, the same reaction and explain poor reproducibility
the benzyl migrates reversibly from the cobalt to the in stereoselectivities.232,233
carbon atom of the equatorial ligand.253 The role of protic intermediates was recognized in
the very earliest work on hydridocobaltIII chelate
reactions.259 In basic solutions, H/D exchange was
relatively fast, while neutral or acidic conditions
reduced the rate significantly.230,260 The chemistry is
associated with hydridocobaltIII and the deprotonated
anionic complex which is formally cobaltI. Under
basic conditions, the regiochemistry is reversed with
acrylonitrile giving the primary alkyl, CoIIICH2CH2-
Caution is required in extrapolating the conclu-
It is also reported that alkyl groups in N-substi- sions from one particular set of reactants and condi-
tuted Ni and Pd corroles can migrate from pyrrolic tions to other closely related systems. The chimeric
nitrogen to the β-carbon atom of the pyrrolic ring.254 nature of CoH, reacting as a free-radical or an ionic
The intermediate is also precedented by complexes species, can depend both on the nature of the equato-
bearing partially hydrogenated cobaloxime ligands rial ligand and on the trans substituents, particularly
produced by exposure of the complexes to molecular if migration of the hydrogen atom over the surface
hydrogen.177 Migration of organic substituent from of the equatorial ligand plays a role in the insertion
metal to nitrogen and addition of acetylenic substrate reaction. In this case, the structure of the equatorial
to both metal and macroligand have been reported ligand rather than the redox potential of the metal
in several dozen publications.255,256 Support for a center may control the course of the reaction.
possible role for hydrogen atom migration from the The addition of double bonds to hydridocobaltIII
metal atom to a macrocyclic ligand is provided by the chelates is clearly dependent on the structure of
coexistence of a normal rhodium phthalocyanine organic substrate. Generally, electron-withdrawing
3630 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

substituents promote cis addition while electron- Table 7. CCT in Polymerizationa of Bulk Styrene
donating substituents lead to loss of selectivity in the Catalyzed by Porphyrins 80144
reaction. It is likely that olefins and acetylenes react substituent, phenyl-Z bond length
with CoH by different mechanisms and parallel entry Z CC (nm)
reactions may occur.261 80a (50)b H 2150 0.108
80b OMe 1530 0.135
3.5. Living Radical Polymerizations 80c Me 1000 0.152
80d Cl 610 0.170
The phenomenon of living polymerization is ob- 80e Br 550 0.185
served whenever propagation and reversible termi- a
Bulk MMA, 60 °C. b 4-Anisyl.
nation are significantly faster than any process for
irreversible termination. The primary route of ter- example. The difference between 16, where π-delo-
mination in free-radical polymerizations is bimolecu- calization was interrupted, and ortho-substituted
lar in nature. If the persistent radical effect can be phenyls in the macrocycle is that they force the
employed to reduce the instantaneous concentration phenyl to be perpendicular to the macrocycle plane,
of active radicals in solution at a given time, then positioning the ortho-substituents directly above or
bimolecular termination can be greatly reduced. This below the plane of the macrocycle. This creates a
is done by establishing an equilibrium between active steric obstruction to the propagating radical as reac-
and dormant radicals. The resulting polymerization tion with the cobalt center takes place.
is living in that Mn increases in direct proportion to Porphyrin molecules provide a good example of this
the conversion of monomer. The molecular weight effect.144 In Table 7, a clear connection between the
distribution in resulting living radical polymerization size of the ortho substituents and the chain-transfer
(LRP) is narrow, and it is possible to prepare a constant, CC, is observed. The electronic effects of the
number of desirable polymer architectures such as substituents are less important because methyl and
block copolymers and end-functional polymers. chloro have similar CC but significantly different
Under certain conditions, some poor CCT catalysts electronic effects. According to X-ray data, porphyrins
are potentially good candidates for living radical such as 80 are so restricted in rotation of the phenyl
polymerizations, LRP, if the factor limiting the CCT rings that four atropo-isomers can be easily separated
is formation of a stable metal alkyl species, LCoIII- by preparative chromatography.
R, which removes active cobaltII from the reac-
tion.262-264 This stable species is not an intermediate
in the CCT reaction but rather represents a side
reaction.123 This has been observed for a variety of
olefins, actually allowing isolation of the CoIII-
alkyls262 and determination of the Co-C bond
strengths and kinetics of Co-C bond homolysis of
several of these species.265-269 The strong ring cur-
rents of porphyrins and phthalocyanines270 make the
use of NMR spectroscopy particularly advantageous.
In many cases involving catalysts 48-59, retardation
of polymerization was observed, thereby complicating
the overall mechanistic picture. Retardation has also
been reported for porphyrin complexes of metals
other than cobalt, with the retardation increasing in The substituents, Z, can be located both below and
the order Zn ≈ Ni < Pd < Cu ≈ Mn ≈ Cr.17 This above the plane. Both sides of the porphyrin plane
retardation indicates that these porphyrin complexes are equivalent, so the purely statistical ratio between
may participate in other reactions with the propagat- concentrations of the atropo-isomers (above the plane/
ing radical including LRP since retardation is an below the plane)s(0/4):(1/3):(2/2)sis 1:4:3. About 12%
inherent feature of LRP,271 but additional experi- of all the porphyrin molecules will have one com-
ments are required to discover the origin of the pletely unsubstituted side (the other side being
retardation. This effect may sometimes be referred tetrasubstituted) having the same steric exposure as
to as the “persistent radical effect”.272-276 an unsubstituted porphyrin. Experimentally, the
In selected cases, it is possible to convert effective methoxy-substituted porphyrin displayed 8% of the
CCT catalysts to species suitable for LRP by incor- (0/4) atropo-isomer, which is very close to the ex-
porating special substituents into the design of the pected value based upon populations of active species
equatorial ligand. Above, we demonstrated that sub- alone.277 Hence, it would be expected that at most
stituents usually have little effect on CCT chain- 10% of the ortho-substituted phenyl porphyrins 80
transfer constants. These limited effects are generally could provide full activity regardless of the size of the
deemed to be electronic in nature. There are several Z-substituents. The concentration of atropo-isomers
special instances of ortho-substituted phenyl substit- (1/3) and (2/2) are approximately equal, so if the (2/
uents having a substantial influence on CC. Ortho- 2) isomer completely blocks radical approach, then
substitution on phenyls can play a significant role CC should be about one-half of that of the unsubsti-
by preventing the phenyl rings from being coplanar tuted porphyrins. From Table 7, one may conclude
with the macrocycle through steric interactions such that having one methyl or one methoxy group is not
as those discussed above with chelate 16 as an enough to block the cobalt reaction with the propa-
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3631

gating radical while one bromo substituent is. Even

taking tetrakis(p-methoxyphenyl)porphyrin-Co (CC
) 2200144) as an electronically corrected, ortho-
unsubstituted reference catalyst, one may draw the
same conclusion.
The cobalt complex of tetrakis(mesityl)porphyrin,
57, is one of the most commonly utilized sterically
hindered porphyrins because there are no atropo
issues, with each side of the macrocycle having four

Porphyrin 83 is substantially twisted due to unfa-

vorable steric interactions between bromine atoms
and the hydrogen atoms of the phenyl substit-
uents.281-283 Like complex 16, 83 is saddle-shaped.
The nonplanarity of the LCo structure reduces the
In the polymerization of MMA, 57 is one-half as hydrogen atom abstraction capability of 83, making
effective as its unsubstituted analogue, tetraphenyl it very good for capping propagating radicals without
porphyrin cobalt, with their respective CC being 1500 side reactions.
and 4000.145 In contrast, 57 was found to be com- Chelate 84 exemplifies another approach in the
pletely inactive in styrene polymerizations, with CC construction of cobalt chelates suitable for LRP.
< 1, while 80c, a mono-ortho-unsubstituted analogue,
has CC ) 1000 (Table 7). This is an unusual result
because the polystyrenic radical is a secondary radi-
cal while the polyMMA radical is tertiary and more
sterically hindered. The ortho-methyl substituents in
57 create a fence around cobalt so that the cobalt
atom is sitting at the bottom of a pocket. It is difficult
to explain how a tertiary polyMMA radical reacts
with such a deeply hidden cobalt while the polysty-
renic radical cannot. The nature of the resulting
product suggests the answer. The secondary styrenic
radical is too bulky to insert its β-hydrogen atom into The replacement of one or more of the equatorial
the pocket of 81.145 In contrast, free radicals having chelating nitrogen atoms with atoms of other ele-
a β-methyl group, like the PMMA propagating radi- ments reduces the π-conjugation to the extent that
cal, can extend the methyl group into the “pocket” of CCT does not occur. The attempted use of 84 for LRP
porphyrin 77, allowing hydrogen atom transfer to led to side reactions, but it is not obvious that the
cobalt as shown in 82. side reaction was hydrogen transfer.284
One additional example of LRP in the presence of
LCo will be discussed below (see section 4.5 on
The photochemistry of cobalt-carbon bonds is well
established285-288 and can be utilized to initiate a
living radical polymerization in systems where the
monomer leads to stable CoIII alkyl species.289,290
Photolysis of the Co-C bond liberates an active
radical species which adds monomer before being
retrapped by the cobalt center. Another photon is
required after each trapping event. Useful end group
functionality (-OH, -COOH, -COOR, -halogen, or
Careful tuning of steric and electronic effects can -CN) is introduced through the choice of starting
lead to the elimination of CCT, allowing living radical cobalt complex. The molecular weight of the polymer
polymerization to dominate.207,278 Acrylates can be increased with conversion, and products with narrow
polymerized by the LRP mechanism using 57 as a molecular weight distributions were obtained as
capping agent, and there is no hydrogen atom ab- expected for a living system. Polymers with block,
straction leading to catalytic chain transfer. Another star, and radical-block architectures are possible.
reported successful cobalt porphyrin as a capping Similar results can be obtained with rhodiumIII-alkyl
agent for LRP in polymerization of acrylates is when porphyrin complexes. It is possible to start with RhII
the octabromotetraphenylporphyrin Co derivative, and obtain an alkyl-bridged rhodium dimer when
83, is employed; the temperature for active LRP is employing acrylates. When the sterics are undemand-
reduced from 80 to 30 °C.279,280 ing, the bridge consists of two carbon atoms, but
3632 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

when steric demands are increased, a four-carbon

bridge is obtained through head-to-head dimerization
of the acrylate.291
Photochemical reactivation of methacrylate oligo-
mers has been observed.292 For instance, MMA dimer
was metalated with a cobaloxime. The preformed
methylene-bound product was photolyzed in the
presence of styrene yielding 85 rather than the
expected 86. The poor yield of 85 is not unexpected,
considering the high reactivity of the methylene-
based radical species that would be generated.

Figure 9. Dependence of CI on added triethylamine.

zation), less expensive noncatalytic inhibitors worked

well. As a result, the phenomenon of CI did not
attract much attention.
Subsequently, CI was observed in polymerization
of MMA with high concentrations of cobaloximes,77,293
phthalocyanines,14,136,294,295 and porphyrins.295 CI is
It would be expected that the highly reactive meth- observed only when the cobaloxime was in the 2+
ylene-radical intermediate would react quickly with oxidation state and can catalyze chain transfer.296
any available styrene. Thus, CI is a phenomenon that is closely connected
In concluding this section, the criteria described to CCT. The first explanation involved a “hydride”
above for the identification of good CCT catalysts are (as in eq 31), where Pn is a polymer obtained from
also useful in the identification of good capping the propagating radical which has been terminated
agents for LRP. The extended, planar, π-conjugated by hydrogen atom donation by CoIII-H.161
system of good CCT agents should be reduced for
good LRP agents. Substitution of two of the four LCo - H + Rn f LCo + Pn (31)
nitrogen atoms in the equatorial chelate in good CCT
catalysts leads to good LRP catalysts. Of course, in
The second explanation of CI was that the polymer-
the search for good LRP capping agents, it is impor-
ization rate constants are dependent upon the radical
tant that the properties of the metalloradical be
DP for DP < 8, so that retardation occurs due to the
tuned to the properties of the propagating radical.
higher value of kt for small radicals.44 As indicated
More reactive propagating radicals should be paired
above, the propagation rate constants actually in-
with less stabilized metalloradicals, i.e., in going from
crease at lower molecular weights. There are two
methacrylates to acrylates, the LRP end-capping
additional reasons to believe that kt cannot be
metalloradical should have fewer nitrogen atoms in
responsible for the CI.
the coordination plane and a less extended π-system.
First, low oligomers of the same DP can be obtained
with different catalysts, but the observed decrease
3.6. Catalytic Inhibition of Polymerization in the rate of polymerization is different. For co-
Catalytic inhibition, CI, of polymerization was baloximes the decrease is substantial, while cobalt
discovered almost simultaneously with CCT.13 In porphyrins do not reduce the rate of polymerization13
searching for the best CCT catalyst, the solubility of except in the very initial stages when some adduct
the catalyst is one of the important issues. Cobalt between the propagating radical and cobalt porphyrin
chelates with large planar ligands are poorly soluble forms.52 Retardation should be independent of the
in the desired monomers and common organic sol- type of the catalyst if it were dependent upon kt.
vents such as acetone and dichloroethane. The solu- Second, for cobalt phthalocyanines, CCT and CI are
bility can be improved by incorporating more sub- dependent upon the addition of quinoline.136,294 Ad-
stituents into the equatorial ligands of the complexes, dition of low concentrations (0.1-0.001 M) of quino-
but this approach requires substantial synthetic line reduces the rate of CCT by cobalt phthalocya-
effort. The easier approach is to use amides and nines. Higher concentrations of quinoline increased
DMSO as solvents because these solvents will dis- CI and slowed CCT, converting CCT catalysts into
solve most of the complexes both as their electroneu- CI catalysts. These observations were interpreted in
tral forms and as salts. favor of eq 31.
The testing of cobalt phthalocyanine in radical In copolymerization of acrylonitrile and styrene,
polymerization was first conducted in quinoline solu- 1-5% of added nitrogen base may promote MW
tion because it was known to be inert for radical reduction.297 Several bases including pyridine, tri-
polymerization. Surprisingly, instead of CCT, cata- ethylamine, and DABCO convert CCT catalysts into
lytic inhibition was observed.14 Inhibition is generally CI catalysts in the polymerization of MMA,298 sug-
considered to be an undesirable event in polymeri- gesting that the bases are proton acceptors convert-
zation. In those few cases when inhibition of polym- ing LCo-H or LCo-Rn into a π-complex of LCoI with
erization is required (for instance, monomer stabili- monomer. Figure 9 shows the dependence of the
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3633

Scheme 4. Effect of Base in Catalytic Termination

These hydroxylamines terminate propagating radi-

cals by eq 34.

T-H + •Rn f T• + Pn (34)

The reaction rate constants can be 15-35 L/mol‚s

depending upon the molecular structure of the ni-
troxide. The combination of eqs 32 and 34 constitutes
a catalytic cycle of CI by hydrogen atom transfer.

3.7. Catalyst Poisons and Other Adverse

inhibition on added triethylamine in an MMA po- Reactions
lymerization at 60 °C with tetra(anisyl)porphyrin (2
An understanding of side reactions is an important
× 10-4 M).139 Interestingly, the noncoordinating
part of any commercial process. The level of under-
molecule DABCO behaves the same as triethylamine, standing is an indicator of the maturity of the
indicating that coordination as a ligand is not im- process. In the first excitement of a new discovery,
portant. The resulting complex may trap the next side reactions are far from the researcher’s mind, but
radical by converting it into an anion, as in Scheme practical implementation of a technology generally
4. Triphenylphosphine behaves similarly to the uncovers everything that can go wrong. Transition-
amines. At amounts equimolar to the cobalt, it may metal complexes involved in free-radical polymeri-
increase the rate of CCT, while higher concentrations zation may be attacked by the highly reactive free
decrease CCT by facilitating CI.78,298 Whether phos- radicals. Free radicals can add to double bonds of
phines are basic enough to participate in Scheme 4 porphyrins.301 Metal-free porphyrins readily react
remains an open question. with secondary propagating radicals (Scheme 5)
In addition to cobalt complexes, other compounds such as those of acrylates yielding the chlorin, 89.
are potentially able to catalyze the termination of Further addition yields the bacteriochlorin structure,
growing radical chains. As a result of their free- 90.
radical nature, nitroxides (T•) and other capping The rates of radical addition to the double bonds
agents in LRP are potentially able to abstract hy- decrease from 87 to 90, allowing the process to be
drogen atoms from propagating radicals through eq observed stepwise. Under extreme conditions, it is
32 possible to obtain species where the cyclic π-conjuga-
tion is completely destroyed in some final uncharac-
terized product 91.
T• + •Rn f T-H + Pn) (32) In Scheme 5, the radicals derived from acrylates
and vinylpyrrolidone (VP) give products that are
The ability of nitroxides to abstract hydrogen atoms spectroscopically similar. VP is the more interesting
from various organic substrates has been known monomer because it provides a polymer with solubil-
since the initial discovery of nitroxides.299 Since the ity different from that of the porphyrin. Porphyrins
coupling eq 33 is much faster reaction than eq 32, are generally insoluble in water and methanol, but
eq 32 may seem to be of little consequence under the after “copolymerization” with VP, they become soluble
conditions of LRP. in water and most organic solvents. The high conver-
sion polymerization of VP with porphyrin results in
T• + •Rn f T-Tn (33) a cross-linked material from which porphyrin does
not leach into solution, indicating that the macrocy-
clic radical 88 actually propagates polymerization
Nonetheless, the probability of termination eq 32 may rather than trapping the excess of propagating
be important in two circumstances. First, during radicals.302
LRP, the probability of eq 32 increases with each Metalloporphyrins behave differently, and the mech-
forward and reverse reaction, eq 33, leading to anism is dependent upon the nature of the metal.301
the accumulation of polymer with unsaturated In addition to the formation of M-C adducts, there
ends with time. Second, low MW free radicals may are other unspecified reactions with metallopor-
be more prone to eq 32 than higher MW radicals phyrins which have not been characterized spectro-
because of the dependence of reactivity on molecular scopically. It is presumed that Scheme 5 may be
weight. Nitroxide may react with the propagating included in the processes that affect CCT in the case
radicals of styrene by eq 32 at significant rates.300 of vinylic monomers that yield a secondary propagat-
Thus, at 90 °C, k32/k33 ) 0.1-0.3. As a result of ing radical.
hydrogen atom transfer, hydroxylamines, T-H, are In the chemistry of cobaloximes, the addition of
formed. radicals to the double bonds of the equatorial ligand
3634 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

Scheme 5. Radical Attack on Tetraphenylporphyrin

was reported.253 The benzyl radical is involved in an Table 8. MMA Chain-Transfer Constantsa of Reaction
equilibrium between cobalt and carbon-centered ad- 37 for Different Cobaloximes296
ducts. catalyst substituents axial ligands K E (M-1 s-1)
Oxygen may substantially reduce the catalytic 6h CH3 CH3 I Py 120
activity of porphyrin CCT catalyst.75 First, the peroxo 6g CH3 CH3 Cl Py 200
radical, RnO2• forms as in eq 32. 6i CH3 CH3 CNS Py 200
6n -(CH2)4- Cl Py 280
6p Ph Ph Cl H2O 520
O2 + •Rn f •O2Rn (35) 6q Ph Ph Cl Py 700
6r Ph Ph Cl P(Ph)3 2800
6o R-furyl R-furyl Cl Py 1200
The peroxo radical then oxidizes the cobalt porphyrin 6m CH3 COCH3 Cl Py 800
with the formation of several products with a rate 6l CH3 COOC2H5 Cl Py 1300
constant of 7000 M-1 s -1, typical for peroxo radicals a
Bulk MMA, 60 °C, [AIBN] ) 0.04 M.
in their reaction with cobaltII complexes. In addition
to the alkylperoxoCoIII-porphyrin, 92, in eq 36, there
is concomitant formation of a Por′Co species in which CoIII-cobaloxime (eq 37), a carbon-centered free
the porphyrin ligand has been modified. radical is required for reduction.187

RnO2• + PorCoII f PorCoIII-O2Rn + Por′Co (36) LCoIII-A + •Rn f LCoII + products (37)

Reaction of the porphyrin ligand leads to degradation The reduction can be effected by either MMA-
of the Soret band and reduction of ring current in propagating radicals or other tertiary radicals such
NMR spectra after prolonged polymerization in the as those provided by the decomposition of azo initia-
presence of air.75 The concentration of Por′Co species tors. The reduction in eq 34 is autoaccelerated,
increases with time during a polymerization, possibly indicating involvement of LCoH, most likely through
because of multiple reactions of peroxo radicals with eq 38.304
the porphyrin macrocycle. LCoH + LCo-A f 2LCo + HA (38)
The BF2-bridged cobaloximes probably behave simi-
larly to cobalt porphyrins, but detailed studies are Unaccelerated rate constants of the reduction in eq
not available. The H-bridged cobaloximes are more 37 are several orders of magnitude less than kCo (see
reactive toward oxidation than cobalt porphyrins or Table 8).
phthalocyanines; their CoII complexes are oxidized The CoII complexes obtained by eq 38 may interact
immediately by dioxygen upon contact. The increased with other products of the reaction such as HCl.
oxygen stability of CoIII BF2-bridged complexes ex- While cobalt porphyrins are generally unaffected by
plains why they are preferred for industrial applica- counterions and byproducts, cobaloximes show com-
tions. The alkyl-CoIII-cobaloximes, where the alkyl plicated patterns of reactivity. When CoIII-Cl co-
radical is more stable than methyl, decompose at baloxime catalysts are re-isolated after catalysis,
elevated temperatures to yield the active CoII deriva- stoichiometric chloride is obtained despite the conclu-
tives. Studies indicate that the oxidized CoIII species sion that the catalysts had passed through a CoII,
are reduced by propagating PMMA radicals.77,188,303,304 halide-free state. For CoIII-Cl cobaloxime catalysts,
When the monoanionic ligand, A, is halogen in a there is an induction period defined stoichiometrically
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3635

by when one free radical per one catalyst molecule

has been consumed. After the induction period, kCo
was found to depend on the halide (as A ligand).
Thus, cobaloxime 6g (A ) Cl) is 5 times more active
than cobaloxime 6h (A ) I) in Table 1. Also, co-
baloxime 6g (A ) Cl) is less active than the self-
activating catalyst with A ) sec-Bu (cobaloxime 6j).
These observations can be explained by invoking
partial hydrolysis of the equatorial ligand through
Scheme 6.
Scheme 6. Partial Hydrolysis of Cobaloxime

Figure 10. Dependence of the number-average degree of

polymerization on the ratio of BPO to cobaloxime 6q.296

through CoIII reduction to CoII, eq 37. The simulti-

neity of eqs 39 and 37 leads to a steady-state
concentration of active CoII species that provide MW
control by CCT. Cumyl hydroperoxide behaves simi-
Addition of H+ to any oxygen atom in the ligand larly to BPO in polymerization of methacrylates.
interrupts the electronic ring current in cobaloxime, Hence, in contrast to porphyrins, cobaloximes are
leading to lower effectiveness of the of newly formed poisoned reversibly by peroxides. In styrene polym-
cobalt chelate 93 to catalyze hydrogen transfer. A erization, poisoning of the cobaloxime CCT agent is
portion of the unreduced starting chelate can also be irreversible. Presumably, the presence of benzylic
affected by the released hydrochloric acid to produce radicals during the BPO reaction leads to destruction
94 and/or 95 (Scheme 7). of the equatorial ligand, through the possible inter-
Addition of amides and alcohols at very low levels mediacy of CoIV species.307,308
(3-5%) substantially increases the overall rate of Acidic hydrolysis of CCT catalysts is described as
reduction (eq 37).296 This may be attributed to the a possible problem. Few actual measurements of the
formation of CoI species, where LCoI is the real catalyst hydrolysis have been made. Addition of only
reducing agent rather than LCoH in autocatalysis eq 1% of acetic acid in MMA leads to a rate of co-
38. The small amounts of amides and alcohols do not baloxime deactivation of about 1.2% min-1 at 60 °C.296
change the CCT chain-transfer constant after the The stability of the BF2-bridged cobaloxime is be-
induction period. lieved to be higher.119,338,342 The complex (dmgBF2)2-
Cobaloximes are subject to poisoning by oxygen and CoII decays at room temperature at a rate of about
peroxides much in the same manner as cobalt por- 0.6% min-1 at pH ) 1 but is “practically stable” at
phyrins. Low levels of benzoyl peroxide (BPO), cumyl neutral pH.309,310 It should be noted, however, that
hydroperoxide, or oxygen that are comparable with these measurements were made in a benign solvent
the concentration of the cobaloximes rapidly interfere rather than in an active polymerization system
with CCT. The degree of polymerization increases involving free radicals.
linearly with the BPO/LCo ratio but does not depend Benzylcobaloximes decompose in strong acids, like
on the absolute concentration of either reagent over 5% w/w sulfuric acid in water, at very low rates, ca.
a wide range of concentrations (Figure 10).296 0.002 mol/L min at 25 °C.201 The secondary alkylco-
Kinetic analysis indicates that in the reaction of baloxime, phenylethyl, is found to decompose only
cobaloxime with BPO, the free radical forms by the slightly faster under the same conditions, ca. 0.006
mechanism of eq 36. The interaction of peroxides with mol/L min. Although it is difficult to compare water
cobalt species has been studied extensively.296,305,306 and MMA solutions, the higher rate of cobaloxime
decomposition in the presence of acetic acid is prob-
LCoII + Bz2O2 f LCoIII + BzO• (39) ably related to the instability of the hydrido co-
baloxime and CoII species versus the alkylcobaloxime.
The rate constant of oxidation eq 39 is 14 M-1 s-1. Basic conditions not only convert CCT catalysts to
Equation 39 leads to further radical consumption CI catalysts (see section 3.6) but also promote cata-
Scheme 7. Halide Involvement in Cobaloxime Hydrolysis
3636 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

lyst decomposition. Cobalt porphyrins and cobalt a variety of monomer for which chain-transfer con-
phthalocyanines are much more stable under basic stants are available or could be calculated. In keeping
pH and in the presence of free radicals than co- with patent strategies, many additional monomers
baloximes. Thus, the CoI phthalocyanine that forms are mentioned in patents but are not exemplified.
by reduction by free radicals in amides is very stable, Nonetheless, the monomers that have been studied311
being stored in a sealed glass ampule for 1 year range from simple alkyl methacrylates to highly
without any change of its characteristic blue-green reactive species such as glycidyl methacrylates, 2-iso-
color. The more rapid decomposition of dioximates of cyanatoethyl methacrylates, or methacrylic acid80
CoI is on a time frame comparable with polymeriza- and to biologically derived materials such as 2-meth-
tions (0.06-2% min-1).188 acryloxyethyl phosphoryl choline, glycerol monom-
In conclusion, there are a variety of processes that ethyl methacrylate, or 3-O-methacryloyl-1,2:5,6-di-
can affect CCT by increasing or, more often, reducing O-isopropylidene-D-glucofuranose.312
the rate of the chain transfer by affecting the catalyst. Several CCT catalysts are soluble in MMA but
Some of them are more pronounced at the beginning insoluble in the resulting polymer.318 Interestingly,
of polymerization, while others are become more when these CCT catalysts are added to frontal
significant at the end. The most common is the polymerizations, they are carried in the polymeriza-
reversible or irreversible poisoning of CCT catalysts tion front, decreasing the molecular weight through-
by peroxides because it is difficult to reduce the out the resulting polymer.
concentration of peroxides in the monomer to com- In addition to standard methacrylates, it has been
monly used levels of catalyst (100 ppm or less). This possible to extend CCT to carbohydrate-based sys-
is why erratic results on catalytic activity of cobalt tems.319
chelates in CCT are not uncommon. Employment of
low-conversion reactions (like 2-4%) makes testing 4.1.1. Di- and Trimethacrylates
results especially vulnerable. These side reaction can Dimethacrylate monomers and polymethacrylate
often be recognized by deviation from linearity of eq monomers must be discussed separately from other
1, but such careful investigation is not the norm. methacrylates because of their ability to cross-link
under normal free-radical polymerization conditions.
4. Monomers for CCT Even at very low conversion, less than 1%, they
produce completely cross-linked polymers that cannot
4.1. Methacrylates be solvent-swollen and are insoluble. CCT agents
reduce molecular weight and thereby move the ge-
Methacrylates are the monomers most commonly lation point to a much higher degree of conversion,
utilized in CCT, and MMA seems to be the monomer though CCT cannot prevent gelation completely.320
against which all comparisons are made. It was Hyperbranched polymers were synthesized by di-
discussed extensively in the section on catalysts. In rect free-radical polymerization of ethylene glycol
addition to the methyl ester, many other methacry- dimethacrylate monomer in the presence of a CCT
late esters are mention in the literature. Table 9 lists catalyst. The free-radical homopolymerization of di-
vinyl monomers is thought to selectively yield trimer
Table 9. CCT Chain-Transfer Constantsa for Different 96,321,322 though previous work on oligomer distribu-
Methacrylates5,126,313-317 tions would indicate that this is unlikely.
ester group CC catalyst ref
PhOC2H4- 2000 9c 5
(MeO)3SiC3H6- 27000 ( 1200 9a 313
[Me3SiO]3SiC3H6- 7500 ( 1400 9a 313
lauryl 20000 ( 1400 9a 313
3-(N-triazolyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl- 4000 ( 200 9a 313
Me2NC2H4- 4400 ( 600 9ab 314
(N-phthalimidoyl)C2H4- 500 9ac 315
methyl 1300 52d 126
methyl 34000 9c 316
ethyl 26000 9c 316
butyl 16000 9c 316
methyl 2400 1 317
butyl 670 1 317 Polymerization of the trimers then leads to cascade
hexyl 430 1 317 branching, ultimately yielding soluble hyperbranched
heptyl 250 1 317
octyl 250 1 317 polymers instead of the insoluble networks obtained
nonyl 150 1 317 in the absence of the CCT catalyst. Terminating
decyl 110 1 317 polymerization at moderate conversion provides highly
hexadecyl 130 1 317 reactive hyperbranched methacrylate. As mentioned
hydroxyethyl 1120 9ae 312
glycerol monomethyl 958 9ae 312 above, there is some similarity between living radical
methacrylic acid 1058 9ae 312 polymerization and polymerizations carried out with
a Polymerization conducted at 60 °C in neat monomer unless high levels of CCT catalyst. Both processes preclude
otherwise indicated. b 70 °C in neat monomer. Catalytic ter- rapid chain growth by periodically interrupting chain
mination is observed. c Chain-transfer constant calculated on growth. As a result, molecular weight tracks mono-
the basis of the article data. 80 °C; 30% in toluene. Catalytic mer conversion to a greater extent than it would in
termination is observed. d 50% monomer in supercritical CO2. the absence of CCT. The oligomerization results in
e In water.
polymers with very low intrinsic viscosity.323-325 The
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3637

Scheme 8. Oligomerization of Ethylene Glycol Diethacrylate

molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity of the hy- This product is then further grafted with glycidyl
perbranched polymers indicated that the average methacrylate.
molecular weight ranged from a few thousand to
more than 40 000. The reaction provides an alterna- 4.1.2. Emulsion Polymerization
tive to the complex, multistep, routes to dendritic and The kinetics of solution polymerizations involving
starlike polymers. The superior physicochemical and CCT are not substantially different from bulk poly-
molecular properties of star and dendrimer poly- merizations. An initial report that toluene as a
mers326 are believed to justify their very complex solvent led to reduced catalysis rate336 seems to be
technology, but the cascading polymerization pro- unfounded.124
vides polymers that meet the requirements for many Emulsion polymerization is an attractive route for
commercial applications where such perfection is not making polymer compositions without solvent or with
required.36,327-329 minimal amount of organic solvent.32,94,337-340 CCT in
In a similar report utilizing triethylene glycol emulsion polymerization may provide narrower poly-
dimethacrylate, the polymer was described as a dispersity relative to noncatalytic chain-transfer
linear polyester.330 Again, this description is probably agents.339
incomplete, though it is possible at high catalyst Starved-feed emulsion polymerization can be con-
loadings to prepare methacrylic dimers. Under ideal ducted without emulsifiers if suitable comonomers
conditions, this would lead to the linear, unsaturated and procedures are utilized.341 Polymerization of a
polymer 97. water-soluble methacrylate like HEMA in the pres-
ence of a CCT agent is carried out initially. The
resulting HEMA oligomer is further copolymerized
with hydrophobic monomers so that the resulting
diblock copolymer serves as a surfactant (see, for
instance, sections 5.3 and 5.4). During the cross-
linking process, all of this surfactant is incorporated
into the polymer backbone and is thus immobilized,
This was a single example with minimal charac- overcoming the problem of residual surfactant in the
terization. A more direct approach to the polyester final product.
involves transesterification of the dimer with neo- In contrast to solution polymerization, emulsion
pentyl glycol to oligomers and chain extension with polymerization is more complex.119 Monomer feeding
diacids and glycols.331 These species are effective can be crucial in obtaining the desired molecular
pigment binders in paints. weight.342 The partitioning coefficient of the CCT
agent between phases is another key factor.343,344 The
Oligomerization of ethyleneglycol diethacrylate, solubility of the cobaloxime catalysts can be regulated
EGEtA, provided polyester by radical polymerization by the size of substituents on the equatorial ligand.
according to Scheme 8.332 Bis(dimethylglyoximato)- The distribution coefficient for water/MMA drops
CoIII(benzil)(Py) as a CCT catalyst reduced the mo- sharply from 0.4 to 0.05 when the substituents in the
lecular weight of the resulting polymer. No rate equatorial ligand change from methyl to ethyl in 9.
constants were determined. The authors surprisingly Further increase of the substituent alkyl group does
observed that the yield of the oligomer increases with not change this ratio substantially.120
the concentration of the CCT catalyst. A similar Generally, efficiency of CCT catalysis drops in
dependence was found in AMS oligomerization and emulsion polymerization. The following values of
was attributed to minimization of bimolecular ter- CCT chain-transfer constants may be compared with
mination by rapid capture of the dimer radicals by solution and bulk polymerization: CCMMA ) 1100 M-1
CCT catalysts.333 Related branched macromonomers s-1, CCEMA ) 640 M-1 s-1, CCn-BMA ) 520 M-1 s-1,
were also prepared by copolymerization of methyl CC2-EHMA ) 400 M-1 s-1 (75 °C, water, 9a).342 In
methacrylate with 1,6-hexanediol dimethacrylate in miniemulsion polymerization, the choice of catalyst
the presence of R-methylstyrene dimer as a molecular depends on the choice of initiator (see Table 10).345
weight control (see section 5.1).334 Azo initiators provide good catalyst activity in both
Branched polymers can also be obtained by copo- solution and miniemulsion polymerizations, while the
lymerization of MMA with dimethacrylates based peroxide initiator K2S2O8 substantially decreases the
upon the condensation product of hexamethylenedi- efficiency of molecular weight reduction by 9a. The
isocyanate with two hydroxyethyl methacrylates.335 results in Table 10 may be explained by the ability
3638 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

Table 10. Comparison of Miniemulsion (65 °C) and transfer constant CAMSd of 0.29 at 110 °C.353 Although
Bulk (60 °C) Polymerization345 AMSd has been known to be a good molecular weight
CC control agent for decades, commercially feasible
initiator catalyst miniemulsion bulk methods for its manufacture have become available
only recently. Most are based upon cationic polym-
AIBN 9a 21 000 24 000
AIBN 9c 11 000 14 000 erization. The major objective is to avoid internal
K2S2O8 9 830 Freidel-Crafts substitution to give the indane prod-
K2S2O8 9c 12 000 uct a in Scheme 9. This reaction is the major reason
cationic polymerization is not used for commercial
of potassium dipersulfate to oxidize the CCT catalyst polymerization of styrene or its derivatives.
when it is in the water phase. Since the 9c catalyst To minimize the indane, 99, formation, dimeriza-
is less soluble in water than 9a catalyst, it is less tion was conducted in two-phase systems containing
susceptible to oxidation poisoning. In the case of 9c, toluenesulfonic acid,354 sulfuric acid,355,356 electro-
the peroxy radicals react with monomer rather than philic transition-metal complexes,357 the polymeric
with the catalyst. More details on oxidative catalyst solid-state acid Nafion,358,359 metal oxide solid-state
poisoning were given in section 3.7. catalysts such as tungstophosphoric acid,360 various
zeolites,361,362 mixed oxides,363 and montmorillonite
4.2. Methacrylonitrile clay in the presence of organic solvents.364,365 The
major limitation of the cationic approach, however,
Methacrylonitrile is a slow polymerizing monomer is the unavoidable formation of internal isomer 100.
under conditions of CCT, and it yields oligomer with Since isomer 100 is inert in radical polymerization,
a double-bond end group similar to methacrylates (eq the lower the content of isomer 100, the higher
40). The resulting oligomeric products have a stron- activity of the 98 mixture. Even in the very best
ger tendency to copolymerize with additional mono- cases, its presence is never less than 5-15%.
mer and thus be incorporated into subsequent poly-
CCT also can be employed to synthesize 98.366
mer chains than do MMA oligomers.139
Temperatures over 150 °C facilitate the process. A
process yielding undetectable levels (probably, <0.2%)
of isomer 99 in the final AMSd, 98, provides a high-
quality process for AMS dimerization.367 Apparently,
the “ceiling temperature” of the dimer of AMS is
This tendency is presumably the result of the much higher than that of AMS polymer. The mono-
smaller size of the nitrile group relative to the ester meric radical obtained in reaction with LCoH is
group, so that reaction of LCoH with MAN oligomer capable of adding one or two monomeric units but
is more competitive with that of the monomer. The then sterics reduce the value of the propagation rate
chain-transfer constant CC is not known for the constant, thereby preventing further radical growth.
polymeric MAN radical, but for the MAN dimer The decrease in propagation rate constant improves
radical, the rate coefficient for CCT kC is 8 × 105 M-1 the efficiency of any chain-terminating reactions. As
s-1 (at 60 °C with TAPCoII).346 emphasized earlier,61 low MW polymer chemistry is
significantly different from that of high polymer.
4.3. r-Methyl Styrene Many concepts and equations well established for
conventional polymer science may encounter serious
A major limitation of R-methylstyrene in free- limitations when used to describe oligomers with
radical polymerizations is its very low ceiling tem- DP < 6.
perature of 61 °C.347 As a result, AMS is utilized
commercially only in radical copolymerization. None- 4.4. Styrene
theless, it is among the most active CCT monomers
with CC ) 9 × 105 at 50 °C for 9a as CCT catalyst.348 While there is a considerable body of research on
This value is relatively unchanged at 40 °C. This high CCT polymerizations of styrene itself, there are no
value reflects the low kP ) 1.7 M-1 s-1 so that kC ) reports of CCT in polymerizations of substituted
5 × 105 M-1 s-1. styrenes. In the case of styrene as well as in the case
AMS dimer, AMSd (98), is useful as a radical of other vinylic monomers bearing no methyl group
addition-fragmentation-chain-transfer radical adjacent to the propagating radical, CCT always
(RAFT) agent,349-352 which is covered later. In the provides oligomers with an exclusively trans config-
polymerization of styrene, AMSd is as active as uration of the double bond.28,368 Because there is no
methacrylate trimers and tetramers with a chain- abstractable methyl hydrogen atom, the only site for
Scheme 9. Cationic Oligomerization of r-Methylstyrene
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3639

hydrogen atom abstraction is the methylene group 4.5. Acrylates

(eq 41). In proton NMR spectra, the vinylic protons
of the styrene end group appear as a singlet due to a Catalytic chain transfer in acrylate polymerizations
strong AB-type interaction. However, this singlet can is problematic due to the propensity of acrylates to
be observed as two peaks at 6.40 and 6.43 ppm by form stable Co-C bonds between the CCT agent and
high-field NMR. the propagating radical of both the monomer and its
oligomers.268,269,373 It has even been possible to ob-
serve a growing polymer chain terminated with a
Co-C bond directly by MALDI.374 This bond is
stronger than that in the case of styrene. These
complications have a direct impact on the use of CCT
The chain-transfer constants for styrene polymer- in acrylic polymerizations.
ization with porphyrinic CCT catalysts are given in Starting with a CoII CCT catalyst, the initial
Table 4. In addition, the following values can be radicals formed will react with the CoII forming CoIII-
found in the literature: kC ) 1.4 × 105 M-1 s-1 (40- R, thereby effectively removing much of the CoII from
70 °C, 9a),314 and kCC ) 6.4 × 104 M-1 s-1, CS ) 400 the reaction mixture. This reaction was originally
(40 °C, 9c).40 The low CS in styrene systems can be described as “reversible inhibition”.375 This has the
partly attributed to the formation of Co-C bonds, effect of trapping all of the initiating radicals and
reducing the concentration of active CoII catalyst. The causing an induction period in the polymerization
experimental observation that the molecular weight until the CoII is essentially consumed. Once a sto-
distribution of the polymer formed in CCT remains ichiometric number of initiating radicals have been
constant with conversion is not explained.369 produced, polymerization starts but the product is
Styrene is capable of forming moderately stable relatively high in molecular weight. The catalyst
Co-C bonds.370 The formation and decomposition of appears to be relatively ineffective because the
adducts between the CCT catalysts and the propa- concentration of CoII is low. Nonetheless, there is a
gating radicals results in “reversible inhibition”.123,271 finite equilibrium concentration of CoII that is low
In this case, an induction period is observed at the relative to the quantity of catalyst charged but still
beginning of polymerization. This induction period high relative to the concentration of propagating
is characterized by the steady growth of the rate of radicals. There is also a slow reversible reaction of
polymerization similar to the classic kinetics of a CoIII-R liberating radicals to reinitiate polymeriza-
polymerization inhibited by a weak inhibitor. De- tion.376-378 Similar phenomena have been observed
pending upon conditions, the time required to reach with other reversible capping agents for the propa-
steady-state polymerization kinetics (eq 42) may gating radical chains.379,380 The suggestion to change
require tens of minutes. the term “reversible inhibition” to “deactivation”381
is not an improvement because in addition to revers-
LCo + Rn h LCo-Rn (42) ible inhibition there are other reactions that can
deactivate capping agents in living radical polymer-
This period of time may be comparable with the izations.
experimental frequency of sampling the reaction
The accepted approach to overcoming this limita-
mixture, thereby confusing the reduction of molecular
tion is to increase the temperature of the pro-
weight attributable to formation and dissociation of
cess.382,383 This observation is additional evidence that
the corresponding organometallic species with the
the intermediate state in CCT, hydrogen atom ab-
reduction of molecular weight due to CCT.371 More-
straction from the propagating radical (eq 43), in-
over, continuous decomposition of the CCT catalyst
volves a caged radical pair rather than an adduct of
during polymerization has been observed.372 As a
the propagating radical with the cobalt chelate.
result, some values of the apparent chain-transfer
constants of CCT for styrene and other vinylic
monomers would be time dependent. Molecular weight
distributions at moderate and high conversions can
be bimodal.123 These styrene polymerizations are in
contrast to MMA polymerization at high conversion
that follow kinetic model predictions with only a
slight accumulation of lower MW products due to
reduction of monomer concentration toward the end
of polymerization.118 Consistent with the formation
of an equilibrium concentration of CoIII-alkyl, CC was
found to be less that 100 in the dark but increases A characteristic feature of acrylate polymerization
to a maximum value of 5000 under UV irradiation. is the reaction of “radical back-biting”.384-387 Due to
Previous work has demonstrated the photolysis of the the high activity of the acrylic propagating radical
Co-R bond.285-288 The value of CC was also found to and the presence of substantial numbers of tertiary
be dependent upon the initiator concentration, de- hydrogen atoms in the polyacrylate backbone, a
creasing with higher initiator levels.125 Both of these propagating radical can abstract a hydrogen atom
observations are consistent with the formation of a from itself or from another polyacrylate molecule.
large equilibrium concentration of CoIII-R that can According to the proposed mechanism shown in
be converted back to CoII photochemically. Scheme 10, the newly formed radical may undergo
3640 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

Scheme 10. Back-Biting in Growing Acrylate of a CCT catalyst.389 The Markovnikov hydrogen
Chains atom addition normally observed in CCT requires
that one methyl group should start each polymer
molecule and each should be terminated by one
vinylic end. In the case of acrylamide, the theoretical
number of vinylic hydrogen atoms was observed but
expected resonances attributable to CH3-CH at the
head of the chain were absent.
It cannot be excluded that the back-biting depicted
in Scheme 10 could be responsible for the observed
absence of methyl proton.389 Scheme 10 would leave
most of the dead polymer molecules without methyl
end groups. The chemical shifts of the vinylic protons
in the resulting oligo-acrylamides are at 5.75 and 6.25
ppm, which is similar to the methacrylate end group
of polyBA which has been terminated by back-biting.
In oligo-acrylates produced by CCT, the vinylic
protons have resonances at 6.8 and 5.85 ppm.383 The
mechanism of Scheme 11 in acrylate polymerization
requires additional study.
There is a cationic analogue of Scheme 11 when
N-vinyl carbazole polymerization was induced by
poly(vinyl chloride)-bound dimethylglyoxime com-
plexes of CoII, NiII, and even CuII (Scheme 12).390
fragmentation. The net result of the back-biting is
the formation of oligomer with a terminal double Scheme 12. Cationic Route to Macromonomers
bond of a “methacrylate moiety” with vinylic proton
resonances at 6.2 and 5.5 ppm.383 When the polym-
erization of acrylic acid is conducted at temperatures
above 225 °C, the resulting oligomers have a DP
below 50.388 The products are useful as detergent
additives and for subsequent polymerization.
Originally the reaction in Scheme 10 was discov-
ered at temperatures approaching 240 °C,388 which
are close to the ceiling temperature of acrylates. More
recently it was demonstrated that this process is
relatively independent of temperature and can be
observed as low as 90 °C. Thus, the polymerization
of acrylates in the presence of CCT may result in a
mixture of vinyl-terminated products.
Another “side reaction” in the polymerization of
acrylates could be the anti-Markovnikov addition of The polymerization shown in Scheme 12 was ob-
Co-H to the olefinic double bond. This reaction served at room temperature and explains the sto-
shown in Scheme 11 was suggested to explain the ichiometric formation of vinylidene end groups. This
absence of any methyl group in the polymer backbone reaction seems to be a cationic polymerization rather
of acrylamide radically polymerized in the presence than an example of CCT.
Finally, Scheme 10 is a good example that interest-
Scheme 11. Proposed Mechanism to Explain ing chemistry remains to be found even in well-
Poly(acrylamide) Structure studied polymerization systems. In addition to acry-
lates, substantial back-biting occurs even in radically
polymerized styrene.383 Despite the long-standing
utilization of acrylates in radical polymerization, the
reaction shown in Scheme 10 was overlooked.

4.6. Acrylonitrile
Investigation of CCT homopolymerization of acry-
lonitrile is difficult as a result of the insolubility of
polyAN even at low molecular weight. Copolymeri-
zation with styrene was reported.297,371 Addition of
minor quantities of amines (about 3%) was shown to
have a positive synergetic effect on CCT at 60 °C (bis-
(diphenylglyoximatoCoII(Py)Cl, AIBN). The role of
amines is possibly to labilize the Co-C bond with
formation of a π-complex instead.
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3641

4.7. Dienes that of chloroprene by a factor of 2 or more, which

could be attributed to higher steric constraint around
Polymerizations involving CCT of this interesting the radical center created by the two chlorine sub-
class of monomers has been described in only one stituents. The paucity of information on propagation
reference.391 The polymerization of dienes in the rate constants of diene monomers in free-radical
presence of CCT catalysts provides oligomers, 101, polymerization limits further physical studies in this
with a terminal pair of conjugated double bonds, area. The only other reported value of kP for isoprene
101d. is 2 orders of magnitude smaller.396
The reactivity of conjugated double bonds is sig-
nificantly different from that of isolated double bonds
in the polymer backbone of polydienes. This differ-
ence can be used for selective chemical modification
of the dienes with reactions such as the Diels-Alder
reaction. With maleic anhydride as an enophile,
selective addition to the terminal pair of conjugated
Diene monomers can be considered to be difunc- double bonds in a chloroprene oligomer is complete
tional monomers. In addition to “normal” 1,4-polym- in a few hours to give 102.391
erization that produces polymer with 2,3-vinyledene
double bonds 101a, 1,2-polymerization leads to pen-
dant vinyl groups 101b and 101c as well.392 (For
simplicity, not all possible isomers are being consid-
ered.) These pendant vinyl groups are able to propa-
gate in further radical polymerization, thereby com-
plicating the polymerization, but they also provide
functionality for further chemical cross-linking in the
final product. In this respect polymerization of diene According to MALDI-TOF, only one MAn molecule
monomers is somewhat similar to polymerization of per one chloroprene oligomer is added.
dimethacrylates described above, but there are two
important differences. First, the groups 101c and 4.8. Macromonomer Reinitiation and
especially 101b are much less reactive in radical Nonpolymerizable Monomers
polymerization than the double bonds in methacry-
lates. Second, the number of pendant vinyl groups It had been demonstrated that MMA macromono-
101b and 101c per chain in polydienes is substan- mers do not copolymerize with methacrylates under
tially less than the number of pendant groups in normal polymerization conditions, and it had also
dimethacrylates. In polychloroprene, for example, the been stated that they do not copolymerize under CCT
combined vinyl groups account for about 10% of all conditions.110 While this is true, experiments involv-
double bonds.393 ing cobalt-catalyzed deuterium exchange between
CCT suppresses the gel effect in radical polymer- MMA dimer and MMA-d8 made it clear that the
ization of chloroprene. The polydispersity stays low, Co-H or Co-D was adding to the double bond of the
<2, up to 80% conversion. Then, because of cross- dimer to give radical, suggesting that the dimer was
linking through pendant vinyl group, both the poly- being converted to dimer radical. Distilled MMA
dispersity and the molecular weight start to grow dimer was exposed to butyl methacrylate under
exponentially. Table 11 summarizes the use of CCT normal CCT polymerization conditions. It was ob-
served that in addition to the expected BMA oligo-
Table 11. CCT in Radical Polymerization of Different
mers and starting MMA dimer, there were species
Diene Monomers391 involving MMA dimer coupled with BMA as in eq
isoprene chloroprene 2,3-dichlorobutadiene
CC a 190 30 <14
kC (M-1s-1) 75 000 50 000 N/A
kP (M-1s-1) ∼400b 1700c N/A
a Solution polymerization of 67% v/v diene in 1,2-dichloro-

ethane, 70 °C, (dmgBF2)2CoII(MeOH)2, [AIBN] ) 8 g/L, 30%

conversion. b Estimate from ref 394. c From ref 395.

in polymerization of several commercially significant

The presence of electron-withdrawing substituents
such as halogen on dienes substantially increases
their propagation rate constants and reduces termi- It was already known that MMA dimer was not
nation rate constants. As shown in Table 11, kCo does incorporated into BMA polymer under normal free-
not increase from isoprene to chloroprene so that CC radical conditions, though it would act as a chain-
decreases. The trend continues for 2,3-dichloroduta- transfer agent (see RAFT, section 5.3). It is thus
diene. Although the propagation rate constant for 1,2- possible to reinitiate seemingly dead polymer chains
dichlorobutadiene is not known, its CC is less than by addition of a hydrogen atom.
3642 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

This reinitiation is of commercial interest in a added under starved-feed conditions. Such an ap-
number of circumstances. In preparation of low proach would minimize the percentage of chains
oligomers by CCT, large quantities of dimer are initiated with the conventional monomer.
formed, but dimer is often less attractive than the An attempt to polymerize 2-methyl-2-butenenitrile,
other oligomers for reasons of activity and volatility. MBN, by first isomerizing to methylenebuteronitrile
Dimer could be distilled out of the higher oligomers (eq 46) led to isomerization instead (eq 47).
and combined with additional monomer in the oli-
gomerization process to be converted to higher mo-
lecular weight species. An extruder-based process for
synthesis of lower macromonomers would involve
recycle of monomer.107 In addition, it is possible to
react the dimers or oligomers of one monomer with
a second monomer, thereby forming block copoly-
mers. The resulting polymers would be a complex
mixture with homopolymer of the new monomers, but Heating an E/Z ) 1:2 mixture of MBN isomers in
there are some applications where this would not be the presence of AIBN and a cobalt catalyst results
a complication. in the reverse composition of E and Z isomers, 2:1,
in 2 h.
Extension of macromonomer reinitiation led to
copolymerizations with “nonpolymerizable mono-
mers”.399-401 Methacrylate oligomers cannot be ho-
mopolymerized due to the steric bulk of the substit-
uents at what would be the radical center. Thus, they
are subject only to reinitiation under CCT conditions. Without cobalt chelate and azo initiator there was
There are many other olefinically unsaturated species no change. Oligomerization (eq 48) also occurs, but
which do not undergo homopolymerization or copo- the rate is several orders of magnitude slower.
lymerization with normal free-radical monomers.402
These can by represented by the tetrasubstituted
olefin in eq 45, though more often the desired olefin
is 1,2-disubstituted.

For reasons not understood, heating the isomer

mixture with basic alumina causes the reverse
transformation, restoring the original 1:2 ratio be-
tween MBN isomers. Formation of radical species
For instance, 2-pentenenitrile with MMA gave 103 from MBN was confirmed by observation of copoly-
and dimethyl maleate gave 104, but both contained mer with MMA when minor quantities of MMA were
MMA homooligomers. added into a reaction mixture of MBN, cobalt por-
phyrin, and AIBN.139 Therefore, we may draw the
conclusion that H-abstraction from the methyl group
from the propagating radical of methacrylates is
governed by bulk substituents in the propagating
radical and the large planar structure of CCT cata-

4.9. Isomerizational CCT

Vitamin B12 is known for its ability to catalyze
molecular rearrangements. A variety of cobalt che-
lates are logical models for vitamin B12, and their
stoichiometric and catalytic activities in a variety of
reactions,403 particularly olefin isomerizations, were
studied intensively.404-411 Noncatalytic isomerization
Other examples of nonpolymerizable monomers reactions based upon the synthesis of alkylcobalt
included 2-cyano-2-butene, crotonaldehyde, ethyl cro- chelates as model intermediates were favored. A
tonate, and cyclopentene-1-one. The reactions are variety of catalytic oxidations of substrates such as
most productive if carried out with very high con- hydroquinone, azo compounds, phosphines, and ole-
centrations of the nonpolymerizable monomer rela- fins were also investigated.412-415 Copolymerization
tive to the conventional monomer. Where possible, of R-methylstyrene and other monomers with oxygen
the nonpolymerizable monomer is the solvent for the in the presence of CoTPP led to alternating poly-
reaction and the conventional monomer would be peroxides.416-418 Cobaloximes were found to catalyze
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3643

the alkylation of alkenes and aldehydes by orga-

nozinc compounds.419,420 Catalytic hydrogenation of
olefinic double bonds is a well-known reaction.180,421-423
It is therefore interesting that within the limits of
detection (<1%), hydrogenation of double bonds was
never observed in CCT.
Polymerization of monomers containing R-hy-
droxymethyl groups results in oligomers terminated
with an aldehyde group.424-427 For instance, eq 49
shows the reaction for conversion of ethyl R-hy-
droxymethylacrylate, EHMA, to 105. Usually, monomers without methyl groups in the
position R to the double bond are several times less
active that those with an R-methyl group. For in-
stance, the polymerization of EHMA above is a good
example. MBL was expected to be active in CCT, but
the activity observed was unexpected. Its CC was 8
× 104, while CC for MMA is 4 × 104. The keto-enol
tautomerization (eq 53) is responsible for the high
CCT rates because the product of the tautomerism
Apparently, the cobalt catalyst abstracts a hydro-
is further stabilized by aromaticity.
gen atom from the R-methylene group. The resulting
enol is stabilized by isomerization to an aldehyde and
formation of a quasi-aromatic ring through a hydro-
gen bond (eq 50).

Such tautomerism is not possible in MBL monomer

but becomes possible after hydrogen atom abstraction
by CCT. The enol form (108) of the lactone (108) is a
substituted hydroxyfuran.
The ratio between enol and aldehyde isomers is Isomerizational CCT is an additional tool to pro-
about 1.4. The chain-transfer constant in eq 49 (CC duce end groups with chemical functionality different
) 700) is an order of magnitude less than that of from that of normal CCT. Both EHMA and MBL
MMA. One may conclude that this value reflects provide end groups that are quite reactive toward
steric obstruction of the methylene group by the OH electrophiles. For successful application in iCCT, the
group and that there is no significant enthalpy gain monomers should allow a significant thermodynamic
in the enol structure shown in eq 50 relative to a driving force by addition of a free radical followed by
PMMA terminal double bond. hydrogen atom abstraction and isomerization.
The reaction is even more efficient for 2-phenylallyl
alcohol (eq 51) and particularly its copolymers, yield- 4.10. Copolymerizations
ing the oligomer with a terminal aldehyde, 106. A combination of variables controls the outcome of
the copolymerization of two or more unsaturated
monomers by CCT free-radical polymerization.382 Of
course, all of the features that control the outcome
of a normal free-radical polymerization come into
effect.40,426,429 These include the molar ratio of mono-
mers, their relative reactivity ratios and their normal
chain-transfer constants, the polymerization temper-
ature, and the conversion. In the presence of a CCT
To ensure uniform end-group functionality, careful catalyst, the important variables also include their
selection of the comonomers is necessary, but the relative CCT chain-transfer constants and the con-
approach is described. centration of the Co chain-transfer agent. The com-
Attempts to use other hydroxymethyl monomers bination of all of these features controls the molecular
such as allyl alcohol, 2-methylallyl alcohol, and weight of the polymer and the nature of the vinyl end
2-chloroallyl alcohol for isomerizational copolymer- group. In addition, they can also control the degree
izations with methyl acrylate gave mixed results due of branching of the product.
to the poor copolymerization rate constants of these In a typical copolymerization involving monomers
olefins and the ability of acrylic radicals to abstract that are considered to be good for CCT311 in combina-
hydrogen atoms from allyl alcohols. tion with those that are less effective,430 it is typical
Another example of iCCT comes from polymeriza- that the chain-transfer constant of a given catalyst
tion of R-methylenebutyrolactone (MBL).428 CCT from diminishes.135 It is also observed that there is a period
the radical derived from this monomer leads to the of inhibition of polymerization which is dependent
unsaturated lactone shown in eq 52. upon the concentration of catalyst and the ratio and
3644 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

Table 12. Copolymerization Chain-Transfer CCT monomers. Monomers that form secondary
Constants, CC, for Selected Catalysts radicals or do not possess methyl substituents are
composition catalyst generally considered to be poor CCT monomers.430
MMA BA St 39b 39c 5s These include MA, styrene, acrylonitrile, and vinyl
acetate. Copolymerization of the good CCT monomers
10 0 0 1200 3500 630
9 1 0 1000 560 184 with poor CCT monomers in the presence of a CCT
8 1 1 700 500 200 catalyst leads initially to oligomers terminated after
5 5 0 440 130 31 the incorporation of a good CCT monomer. Thus, in
Calculated from ref 135.
general, the mixed oligomers will contain a terminal
methylene unit. For example, copolymerization of
methyl acrylate with R-methylstyrene mixture in the
nature of monomers.431 The catalysts in Table 12 presence of a CCT catalyst leads initially to oligomers
were prepared in situ rather than under optimized with a terminal double bond.374 As shown in Scheme
conditions, making the results a questionable com- 13, the most frequent product will be oligomers of
bination of solubilities, formation rate constants, and
chain-transfer constants. Nonetheless, the effects in Scheme 13. Illustrative Products in Methyl
copolymerizations presented in Table 12 are typical. Acrylate Copolymerization with r-Methylstyrene:
Addition of butyl acrylate or styrene lowers the E ) CO2Me
effective CC, and the reduction can be significant.
In a copolymerization of styrene and methyl meth-
acrylate under CCT conditions, the fraction of un-
saturated styrene end groups is proportional to the
fraction of styrene in the monomer feed.368 Due to
the stability of styrene radicals, the relative fraction
of propagating styrene radicals is large over the
whole range of monomer feed compositions.432,433 This
feature complicates the determination of radical
reactivity ratios but may be compensated for by
measuring the average transfer rate coefficient as a
function of monomer feed composition.
Measurement of reactivity ratios under normal
free-radical and CCT polymerization conditions in-
dicates that CCT is a modified free-radical polymer-
ization as expected.434 The reactivity ratios for MMA
and butyl methacrylate were used as a mechanistic
probe. Reactivity ratios were 1.04 and 0.81 for
classical anionic polymerization, 1.10 and 0.72 for
alkyllithium/trialkylaluminum initiated polymeriza- methyl acrylate terminated with an R-methylstyrene
tion, 1.76 and 0.67 for group transfer polymerization, moiety, 109. The methyl acrylate radical is highly
0.98 and 1.26 for atom transfer radical polymeriza- reactive but spends much of its time coordinated to
tion, 0.75 and 0.98 for CCT, and 0.93 and 1.22 for the cobalt catalyst.
classical free-radical polymerization. These ratios Insertion of a single AMS leads to a relatively
suggest that ATRP and CCT proceed via radical stable radical with an appreciable lifetime. Because
propagation. AMS is an effective CCT monomer, generating a
The composition of CCT copolymerization products growing radical with an available methyl C-H bond,
has been explored in a more complete manner utiliz- CCT occurs with high probability, producing struc-
ing matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time- ture 109 that has a terminal double bond that is
of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry.435 The reactive toward poor CCT monomers. The unsatur-
bivariate distributions of monomer composition and ated species, 109, is a copolymerizable monomer that
chain length were determined for a series of copoly- can be incorporated into an additional growing
mers of MMA and butyl methacrylate (BMA) pro- polymer chain forming a branch point. Incorporation
duced by CCT. The relationship between the distri- of 109 again leads to a relatively stable radical
butions of copolymers and the kinetics of the copoly- species, but unlike AMS incorporation, it does not
merization reactions was derived using the terminal provide a readily accessible methyl at the radical
copolymerization model.436,437 The reactivity ratios, center, so continued propagation is the most likely
CCT coefficients, and initiator selectivities were rMMA outcome. Early in the polymerization this is an
) 1.09 and rBMA ) 0.77, CCMMA ) 17 900 and CCBMA unlikely event, but as the other monomers are
) 6150, and SMMA ) 0.535, respectively. The reactiv- depleted, the relative molar concentration of 109
ity ratios for these polymerizations by 1H NMR (rMMA increases, leading ultimately to a substantial portion
) 0.75 and rBMA ) 0.98) were in general agreement. of branched product, 110. At high conversion, the
Monomers that form tertiary radicals bearing concentrations of AMS, MA, 109, and 110 become
methyl substituents are generally considered to be similar and a complicated dendritic structure emerges.
good CCT monomers. These include MMA, AMS, and The ultimate product has been described by structure
methacrylonitrile.311 In addition, dienes can be good 111, where the R1 and R2 substituents are typically
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3645

carboalkoxy, phenyl, or cyano and where Z is typi- polymerization while the concentration of terminally
cally methyl. unsaturated macromonomers is steadily increasing.
These varying concentrations favor the formation of
highly branched polymer at high conversion.
The product may be of more complex structure if
more than two monomers are utilized. For example,
if nonhomopolymerizable monomers as described
above402 are included at the beginning of the polym-
erization, the final product would have them on the
periphery of the branched structure. Feeding the
polymerization with different monomers would pro-
vide additional flexibility to this “arms-first” ap-
proach of making hyperbranched polymers.
Batch polymerizations of styrene, MMA, and 2-hy-
droxyethyl methacrylate carried out in the presence
of either dodecanethiol or 9c indicate that the overall
In addition, Z can be described by 112. When Z is
rates of polymerization do not differ significantly in
methyl, structure 111 would be a simple random
the two systems.438 The molecular weight distribution
copolymer of the poor monomer bearing only R1,
of the polymer formed in the presence of the thiol
terminated by the good comonomer bearing a methyl
becomes increasingly broad, whereas the 9c-medi-
and R2. Interestingly, Z can be a single branch 112
ated polymerization produces a relatively uniform
when it contains only methyl as Z, but 112 can also
product during the course of the reaction. The
contain additional branches again defined by 112,
polymer product formed with 9c was found to be
building into a highly branched system.
slightly less stable thermally than the product formed
The entire process relies upon elevated tempera-
by the thiol, presumably a result of the unsaturated
tures to destabilize any CoIII-alkyls and high catalyst
end groups.
concentrations such that ample CoII is available. This
To prepare water-soluble polymers employing CCT,
also leads to relatively low molecular weights for the
it is necessary to modify the polymerization condi-
initial products. It also helps that the susceptibilities
tions.312,439 Use of a standard batch reaction leads to
of the two monomers to CCT are significantly differ-
hydrolysis of catalyst, changing the catalyst level over
ent and that the concentration of the good CCT
the course of the polymerization, yielding a mixture
monomer is high. Unbranched structures are favored
of products and poor control of the reaction. A feed
by low conversion, while high conversion favors
or starved-feed process that adds catalyst over the
reinsertion and high branching. The low molecular
course of the reaction maintains a constant catalyst
weight and resulting higher concentration of oligo-
level and high conversion. The approach can be
mers favors reincorporation and branching.
applied to a range of monomers such as methacrylic
Scheme 13 may be generalized by describing A-type
acid, 2-aminoethyl methacrylate hydrochloride, 2-hy-
monomers311 and B-type monomers.430 A-type mono-
droxyethyl methacrylate, 2-methacryloxyethyl phos-
mers provide chain termination and branching. The
phoryl choline, glycerol monomethyl methacrylate,
A monomers would stay mostly in the branching
and 3-O-methacryloyl-1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-D-
point. Because B-type monomers are not nearly as
effective for CCT, they are generally not the ultimate
group in resulting macromonomers. Nonetheless,
they are capable of copolymerizing both with the A 5. Applications of CCT Products
monomers and with the olefinically terminated mac- In general, the products of CCT are utilized in
romonomers. Thus, they incorporate oligomers and further chemistry, but there are some applications
monomers into higher polymer. In Scheme 13 one can where they are employed directly. For instance, CCT
understand how the structure of the final product catalysts may be used directly in the preparation of
depends on the relative concentration of oligomers, emulsions for electrophotographic toners.340 The re-
A monomers, B monomers, and cobalt catalyst. In sulting emulsions are more stable than those ob-
Table 13, the results of butyl acrylate copolymeriza- tained with thiol chain-transfer reagents. They may
be combined directly with suspensions of black or
Table 13. Batch Polymerization of BA:MMA (4 v/v
mixture at 90 °C)a colored pigments and precipitated to yield toners of
narrow particle size. Apparently there may be occa-
time (h) 1.5 3 7 22
sions where highly bimodal molecular weight distri-
percent conversion 12 24 55 93 butions are desired for toner applications, and then
Mn 540 640 890 2300 the CCT catalyst is added partway through the
PDI 2.08 2.08 7 2.8
polymerization.440,441 Alternatively, the CCT catalysts
a A 50% solution in 1,2-dichloroethane, [VAZO-88] ) 2 g/L;
may be employed directly in the casting composition
[cobaloxime 8] ) 0.25 g/L. for thermoformable sheet compositions, lowering
viscosities and improving toughness of the final sheet
tion with 20% MMA are presented. goods.442
Because MMA is incorporated into polymer chains For some application sensitive to color, it may be
more rapidly, the concentration of MMA decreases necessary to decolorize some macromonomers. The
steadily relative to BA during the course of the process used is dependent on the properties of the
3646 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

macromonomer and the catalyst used in its prepara- for dimer, 0.19 for trimer, 0.31 for tetramer, and 0.21
tion.443,444 While most polymerizations are carried out for mixed higher oligomers with an average DP of
in batch reactions or starved-feed reactions, continu- 24. The transfer constants demonstrated only a small
ous reactors can also be employed.445 temperature dependence and no variation with con-
Ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymers are important version. There was no discernible retardation in the
oxygen barrier resins for the food packaging industry, rate of polymerization. A reduced yield of polymer
and aesthetics of the packaging films are important. was observed. In bulk polymerizations with conver-
The role of R-methylstyrene dimer added to ethyl- sions greater than 10%, the reduced yield was at-
ene-vinyl acetate copolymers after polymerization tributed to the absence of the gel (Trommsdorff)
but before saponification is difficult to understand. effect. The results are interpreted in terms of the
Nonetheless, the resulting polymers have the advan- addition-fragmentation mechanism for chain trans-
tages of good melt extrusion stability and drawdown fer shown in Scheme 14.457
resistance resulting in films without streaking.446 In
addition, they have good interlayer adhesiveness and Scheme 14. Mechanism of
gas barrier properties. Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer

5.1. Reduction of MW
Federal requirements to produce increasingly lower
VOC paints34 have been a significant driver of CCT
technology.447 Telechelic polymers and other func-
tional systems are used as low-viscosity reactive
cross-linkers,35 and pigment dispersants.37
A good example of cross-linking utilizing low mo-
lecular weight oligomers involves poly(ortho esters)
and isocyanates.448 Oligomers of hydroxyethyl meth-
acrylate provide multiple hydroxyl groups for reac-
tion of trimethyl orthoformate and hexamethylene
diisocyanate trimer, in the presence of a sulfonate
catalyst, to give a product with flowability for ap-
plication but which cures to give good weatherability
and adhesion. Similar systems are useful for the
electrodeposited underlayer used for corrosion resis-
tance in automotive finishes.449
The MMA dimer, 113, readily prepared by CCT, is Thermal degradation of the oligomers as a model
not homopolymerizable; this is attributed to the steric for the transfer process indicates that the process is
constraints imposed by the steric bulk appended to homolytic bond cleavage and not a retro-ene reac-
the R-position.450 Interestingly, the isomeric olefin tion.458
114 can be polymerized to low molecular weight,451 MMA oligomers are effective chain-transfer agents
and the less hindered species 115 is readily polym- in a variety of copolymerizations.337,459-461 If the
erized to higher molecular weight,452 though in both dimer of hydroxyethyl methacrylate is employed as
cases fragmentation chain transfer is observed. In a chain-transfer agent in MMA polymerization, the
copolymerization with MMA, 114 acts as a chain- resulting product is an R,ω-telechelic polymer.462 It
transfer agent. was noted that the chain-transfer constant was
dependent upon the concentration of the dimer.
Emulsion copolymerization of MMA oligomer which
was essentially trimer with butyl methacrylate,
2-ethylhexyl methacrylate, hydroxyethyl methacry-
late, methacrylamide, and methacrylic acid gave a
All three species are copolymerizable with styrene. latex with average particle diameter of over 100 nm
The three species were prepared in interesting solid- and a molecular weight reduced significantly from
state dimerizations involving their salts and mixed that which would have been obtained without the
salts.453-455 trimer.337 The dimer of methacrylic acid is useful for
Attempted copolymerizations of MMA oligomers control of molecular weight in emulsion polymeriza-
with MMA were relatively unsuccessful. Rather, the tions.463
MMA oligomers served as chain-transfer agents. The Other dimers that have been employed are those
chain-transfer activities of a series of MMA oligomers of methacrylic acid and its anhydride,464 ethyl meth-
were evaluated in MMA polymerizations over the acrylate, methacrylonitrile, and R-methylstyrene.465,466
temperature range 45-100 °C.456 The transfer con- The cross dimers of these monomers with each other
stants were determined by analysis of the chain as well as with MMA were also found to be effective,
length distributions of the resulting polymers as a with those species containing R-methylstyrene being
function of macromonomer concentration. The MMA particularly effective.
dimer was substantially less effective as a chain- The dimer of R-methylstyrene is useful in control-
transfer agent than the MMA trimer or the higher ling molecular weight in polystyrene manufac-
macromonomers. At 60 °C, the constants were 0.013 ture.467,468 The control of molecular weight with
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3647

malodorous sulfur compounds is particularly impor- tions. Polymers for automotive finishes typically
tant in room-temperature-curable hand lay-up mold- contain methyl methacrylate, butyl methacrylate,
ing and spray-up molding applications.469 In dental and glycidyl methacrylate. Incorporation of AMS
adhesives which are cured by UV irradiation, the dimer into one of these polymerizations yields poly-
presence of R-methylstyrene dimer controls harden- mers of the proper molecular weight which are free
ing time and the heat of polymerization.470 from the odor problems associated with thiol chain-
Polymers incorporating AMS dimer are utilized in transfer agents.483,484 Formulation into a powder
a number of aspects of paper making. It is desirable coating gave a product with little yellowing.
to maintain as much of the fiber from the paper pulp Formulation of poly(vinyl chloride) into sheet goods
as possible in the paper rather than in the waste- is often beset with color problems. The kneading
water. These polymers must demonstrate thickening process takes place in the presence of dibutyltin
at low shear ratio and good flowability at high shear maleate to initiate cross-linking reactions. The pres-
ratio. A copolymer of Et acrylate, methacrylic acid, ence of AMS dimer in the kneading process leads to
and poly(ethylene glycol) acrylate palmityl ether less yellowing and better thermal stability for the
prepared utilizing AMS dimer in a chain-transfer PVC sheet.485
polymerization performed well as a fiber retention
agent.471 To enhance the surfactant properties of AMS dimer was used to prepare a macromonomer
these polymers, other useful monomers include sul- of 2-ethylhexyl methacrylate. Copolymerization of the
fonates of vinyl-terminated polyalkyleneglycols and resulting macromonomer with butyl acrylate and
vinyl-terminated alkylpolyalkylene glycols. Surface acrylic acid gave a polymer backbone with Tg less
properties of the paper are particularly important in than 10 °C that is useful in adhesive applications.486
printing, and the molecular weight of latex polymers The adhesive is better than the same composition
containing acrylamide, acrylic acid, acrylonitrile, made without the intermediacy of the macromono-
butadiene, itaconic acid, MMA, and styrene are mer.
controlled with AMS dimer.472 Control of molecular weight and branching can also
After the paper making process is complete, latexes be an issue in the preparation of ABS (acrylonitrile,
that are useful as binders for the application of clays butadiene, styrene) rubbers. AMSd is employed to
or CaCO3 to paper for printing paper may be pre- lower molecular weight, and the functional end
pared using the dimer of AMS. In a typical formula- groups may be reincorporated into the polymer to
tion, styrene, butadiene, Me methacrylate, and acry- yield branching.487
lonitrile were emulsion polymerized in the presence In the copolymerization of difunctional acrylics to
of AMS dimer to obtain a copolymer latex.473 Surpris- prepare cross-linked amorphous glasses for lenses,
ingly, the AMS dimer was used in combination with it is useful to control molecular weight utilizing the
tert-dodecylmercaptan, so there may have been some AMS dimer. For instance, copolymerization of diallyl
residual odor. Unsaturated carboxylic acids, such as isophthalate, dibutyl maleate, and diethyleneglycol
acrylic acid, or sulfonic acids, such as 2-ethylsulfonyl bis(allyl carbonate) in the presence of AMSd in a
acrylate, or unsaturated amides, such as acrylamide, mold gave a lens showing good refractive index,
are also useful, providing the polarity necessary in transparency, and impact resistance.488 Similar re-
these applications.474 sults are obtained for metal-containing optical coat-
The dimer of AMS is used in the preparation of ings based upon neodymium in di(2-methacryloyl-
waterborne coatings.475 When used to control molec- oxyethyl)phosphate, mono(2-methacryloyloxyethyl)-
ular weight in copolymerizations of diacetone acry- phosphate, methacrylic acid, and phenoxyethyl acry-
lamide, acrylic acid, MMA, MA, and BA with a Na late. The resulting antiglare coatings are very mois-
vinylsulfonate copolymer ammonia salt, the resulting ture resistant.489
waterborne coating shows good gloss and excellent
The compound 3,9-divinyl-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro-
resistance against water, salt-spray, and blistering.
[5.5]undecane together with a peroxide is utilized in
Similar systems are utilized for can coatings.476 When
the polymers are going to be used in food applica- the cross-linking or curing of polyethylene for wire
tions, it is particularly important that they be low and cable applications. Addition of 2,4-diphenyl-4-
odor. Therefore, it is useful to replace mercaptans methyl-1-pentene (AMSd) inhibits scorch or prema-
with AMS dimer.477 ture cross-linking of the polymer, presumably through
interception of the radicals.490
Polymerization of N,N-dimethylaminopropylacry-
lamide with AMS dimer gave a polymer useful in the Apparently, AMSd is also useful in the reduction
preparation dispersant polymers for black pigmented of the molecular weight of waste polymer.491 Heating
inks for ink-jet applications.478-481 In one, the polym- polystyrene foam pieces recycled from food packaging
erization was initiated with 2,2′-azobis(2-methylpro- materials at 160 °C for 1 h in the presence of AMSd
pioamidine) dihydrochloride in a water-2-propanol reduced the Mn from approximately 70 000 to 10 000.
mixture, and it is likely that the spent catalyst was The mode of action is unknown, but it is presumed
extracted into the aqueous phase.478 The inks dem- that AMS radicals are generated and abstract hy-
onstrate good storage stability. Imide and urea func- drogen atoms from the polystyrene backbone, result-
tionalities are also incorporated into polymers for ing in chain cleavage.
dispersants utilizing CCT technology.482 In a more esoteric application, the dimers are
Powder coatings are an important step toward the useful in the study of free-radical chemistry through
lowering of volatile emissions from painting opera- trapping experiments.351,352
3648 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

5.2. Macromonomers for Graft Copolymers ing multiblock copolymers can be neutralized to form
ionomeric networks.
In some instances, the macromonomers synthe- Graft acrylic polyols for two-component polyure-
sized by CCT can be copolymerized with acrylics to thane coatings can be prepared by free-radical copo-
form comb copolymers. While β-scission predominates lymerization of MMA, BMA, BA, acrylic acid, HEMA,
in copolymerizations with methacrylates, acrylates and PMMA macromonomers.505 The polymers offer
and styrene give both incorporation to yield comb an advantage over conventional resins with respect
copolymers and β-scission.492 Products of this type to the application/appearance of coatings as well as
have been thoroughly characterized by a variety of the final film properties. Some of these advantages
spectroscopic techniques. When high levels of CCT were higher solids and a better control of the coating
macromonomers are employed, it is possible to go rheology, an increase in the cross-linking reactivity
beyond the comb structure and obtain more highly of the polyols with polyisocyanate, and improvement
branched polymers.493 in film toughness. The change in the morphological
In a more specific example, macromonomer com- structure of the films under tensile stress was of
posed of n-butyl methacrylate and methacrylic acid particular interest.
prepared by CCT was copolymerized with n-butyl
In an alternative approach, chloride-containing
acrylate containing a small portion of methyl meth-
polymers such as styrene-co-chloromethylstyrene
acrylate.341 Comparison to the equivalent copolymer
were grafted with MMA by initiating from the chloro
made with a macromonomer prepared with a thiol
groups with chlorocobaloxime.506,507 Similar reaction
chain-transfer agent demonstrated that the CCT
had been noted under photochemical conditions, but
macromonomer formed a copolymer while the thiol
the reactions can also be run thermally. The mech-
macromonomer did not. When these compositions
anism is unclear, but improved polymerization in the
were cured using trifunctional isocyanates, they were
presence of zinc as a reducing agent suggests that
useful as both clear and pigmented automotive
CoI may have been involved. Polymerization was also
initiated from halide donors such as chloroform or
Dispersions of organic or inorganic particles that trichloroethane without the reducing agent.
are insoluble in the liquid vehicle are stabilized by
polymeric dispersants. These dispersants are usually
structured polymeric systems (random, block, or
5.3. RAFT
graft) having at least one segment that is soluble in RAFT (reversible addition-fragmentation transfer)
the vehicle and at least one segment that is insoluble polymerization is gaining popularity as an alternative
in the vehicle and having an affinity for the particle. to living polymerizations for the synthesis of narrow
They have improved stability when the insoluble molecular weight or structured polymers.508-514 Early
segment contains cross-linkable groups. One or both work in the area demonstrated that the methacrylate
segments can be prepared by CCT.494-495 oligomers synthesized by CCT can be employed in
Core-shell microgels can be prepared utilizing the RAFT process,512,515 as can dimers of R-methyl-
CCT macromonomers496 and self-stabilized cross- styrene prepared cationically.350 Today, RAFT tech-
linked latexes.497-501 nology is dominated by the use of thiocarbonylthio
Methyl methacrylate macromonomers were copo- compounds and the term RAFT has come to imply
lymerized to provide a hydrophobic graft on an the use of these compounds. The RAFT process, very
otherwise hydrophilic polymer.502,503 Such systems similar to that shown in Scheme 14, involves a series
are useful in the preparation of soft contact lenses. of reversible addition-fragmentation steps.508,509 Ad-
Hydrophobic methyl methacrylate macromonomers dition of a propagating radical to an MMA oligomer
were synthesized by CCT and subsequently copoly- gives an adduct radical which can fragment to form
merized with any of the hydrophilic monomers N,N- terminated polymeric chain and a new radical. The
dimethylacrylamide, 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate, or N-vi- reaction of the new radical with a monomer (M)
nyl-2-pyrrolidone by γ-radiation to yield xerogels. The results in a new propagating radical. Subsequent
copolymerization was confirmed by NMR analyses addition-fragmentation steps allow a dynamic equi-
and by subsequent aqueous extraction of the result- librium to be established between the active propa-
ant copolymers. On swelling in deionized water, gating radicals and dormant polymer such that there
hydrogels were formed that had significantly higher is an equal probability of growth for all chains,
Young’s moduli than hydrogels based on random resulting in an apparent living polymerization and
copolymers of equivalent composition a narrow molecular weight distribution.
Polar polyacrylamide with well-defined nonpolar CCT of benzyl methacrylate leads to a mixture of
polystyrene grafts (PAM-g-PSt) was synthesized via poly(benzyl methacrylate) macromonomers from which
macromonomer technique.504 The resulting am- the dimer macromonomer could be isolated.516 When
phiphilic polymers exhibit good emulsifying proper- the benzyl dimer is used as a RAFT chain-transfer
ties. Interestingly, when PAM-g-PSt was blended agent, PMMA with R- and ω-terminal benzyl meth-
with PMAA grafted with PMMA, an intermolecular acrylate units is obtained. Catalytic hydrogenation
complex membrane was formed. The permeability of of the R,ω-benzyl terminal methyl methacrylate
the membrane is controlled reversibly by changing polymer results in the evolution of toluene and
the pH value, making it a chemical valve. formation of R,ω-dicarboxyl functional telechelic
Oligomers of acrylic acid having a DP below 50 are PMMA.
useful as detergent additives and boosters.388 When When it is important that surfactants utilized in
employed in subsequent polymerizations, the result- free-radical emulsion polymerization not be free to
Catalytic Chain Transfer Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3649

migrate through the polymer in the final application,

it is possible to incorporate species such as 116 into
the polymerization through RAFT.517

An MMA dimer obtained by CCT was hydrolyzed and

then re-esterified with 1,10-decanediol. The resulting
diester was allowed to react with chlorosulfonic acid
to produce the methacrylate dimer surfactant, 2,4-
bis(sodium 10-sulfate decanoxycarbonyl)-4-methyl-
pent-1-ene. At the beginning of a polymerization, the
molecule acts as a surfactant and subsequent incor-
poration of the dimer in the polymerization yields a
surfactant-functionalized polymer. Thus, additional
surfactants are not required.

5.4. Copolymerization (Graft-Copolymers)

Branched acrylic polymers based upon the copo- Figure 11. Polymer structures available through CCT.
lymerization of acrylates and related monomers with
methacrylate macromonomers are particularly useful is largely olefinic in nature but can also be aromatic
in waterborne coatings. A macromonomer based upon or aldehydic through isomerizational CCT (section
isobutyl methacrylate, 2-ethylhexyl methacrylate, 4.9). In what would appear to be a homeopathic
and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate was copolymerized application, the products of CCT themselves, free of
with butyl acrylate, 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate, meth- cobalt CCT catalyst, can be used to control molecular
acrylic acid, methyl methacrylate, and styrene.518 weight through RAFT (section 5.1).
After neutralization with dimethylethanolamine or If functionalized macromonomers are utilized in
inorganic bases, the polymer could be cross-linked RAFT with nonfunctionalized monomers, the result-
with melamine resin on a metal surface. These ing polymers may be telechelic in other polymeriza-
systems may be used for either pigmented layers or tions (section 5.3).
clear coats. It is interesting that the bulk of products prepared
by CCT go into applications where aesthetics are
5.5. Hyperbranched and Cross-Linked Materials important. The most widely practiced application for
Much of the material in this section was already CCT polymers is in automotive and other higher
covered under polymerizations of di- and triacrylates technology finishes. In these applications, polyfunc-
in section 4.1.1. tional polymers are cross-linked to provide tough,
Copolymerization of di- and trimethacrylates with impermeable finishes with good aesthetics (section
functionalized monomers, like glycidyl methacrylate, 4.1). Copolymerization of the olefinically unsaturated
leads to low-viscosity oligomers capable of nonradical macromonomers with smaller monomers such as
cross-linking. This process promises substantial value acrylates leads to graft copolymers (section 5.4). If
for industrial applications. Star polymers useful in the large macromonomers are copolymerized with a
coatings were prepared by copolymerizing methacry- minimal amount of comonomer, the resulting poly-
late macromonomers with diacrylates.519 For in- mer is more like a star, but incorporation of mac-
stance, a star polymer was synthesized by copolym- romonomers into macromonomers leads to branched
erization of a 2-ethylhexyl methacrylate/isobutyl and hyperbranched systems (sections 4.10 and 5.5).
methacrylate/hydroxyethyl methacrylate macromono- CCT polymers find utility in paper and printing
mer with butanediol diacrylate. technologies only in the higher end applicationss
making paper where high quality is demanded or
making inks and pigments for high-quality printing.
6. Conclusions Only complexes having an unpaired electron can
Catalytic chain transfer is a versatile tool that operate as CCT catalysts with the low activation
complements other means of polymerization. It al- energies or high rates required for this process
lows the synthesis of the large variety of structured because only they have essentially zero activation
polymers shown in Figure 11. The primary outlet for energies for reactions with the growing radical
CCT is to control molecular weight in free-radical chains.
polymerizations without the use of stoichiometric The abstraction of a hydrogen atom from a growing
chain terminators (sections 1-3). All of the products radical chain by a paramagnetic metal center is
can be considered to be monofunctional in that they analogous to the disproportionation reaction between
are all terminated by unsaturation. The unsaturation two radical chains in a normal free-radical polymer-
3650 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Gridnev and Ittel

Scheme 15. Chemical Reactions of Cobalt MA methyl acrylate

Chelates under Conditions of Free-Radical LRP living radical polymerization
Polymerization MAN methacrylonitrile
MAn maleic anhydride
MBL R-methylenebutyrolactone
Me methyl
MMA methyl methacrylate
Por porphyrin
Pht phthalocyanine
Py pyridine
R radical
R1 primary radical, obtained by addition of hydro-
gen to a monomer
Rn polymeric radical with degree of polymerization
of n
RAFT reversible addition-fragmentation transfer
St styrene
VP vinyl pyrrolidone
W rate of polymerization
ization. The major difference is that the metal centers
do not interact with each other, so concentrations 8. References
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Polymers with Complex Architecture by Living Anionic Polymerization

Nikos Hadjichristidis,* Marinos Pitsikalis, Stergios Pispas, and Hermis Iatrou
Department of Chemistry, University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis Zografou, 15771 Athens, Greece

Received January 31, 2001

Contents weight and compositional polydispersity. Later star

homopolymers and block copolymers, the simplest
I. Introduction 3747 complex architectures, were prepared. Polymer physi-
II. Star Polymers 3747 cal chemists and physicists started studying the
A. General Methods for the Synthesis of Star 3747 solution3 and the bulk properties of these materials.4
Polymers The results obtained forced the polymer theoreticians
1. Multifunctional Initiators. 3749 either to refine existing theories5 or to create new
2. Multifunctional Linking Agents 3751 ones.6 Over the past few years, polymeric materials
3. Use of Difunctional Monomers 3754 having more complex architectures have been syn-
B. Star−Block Copolymers 3754 thesized. The methods leading to the following com-
C. Functionalized Stars 3755 plex architectures will be presented in this review:
1. Functionalized Initiators 3755 (1) star polymers and mainly asymmetric and mik-
2. Functionalized Terminating Agents 3756 toarm stars; (2) comb and R,ω-branched polymers; (3)
D. Asymmetric Stars 3757 cyclic polymers and combinations of cyclic polymers
with linear chains; and (4) hyperbranched polymers.
1. Molecular Weight Asymmetry 3757
Emphasis has been placed on chemistry leading to
2. Functional Group Asymmetry 3760 well-defined and well-characterized polymeric mate-
3. Topological Asymmetry 3761 rials. Complex architectures obtained by combination
E. Miktoarm Star Polymers 3761 of anionic polymerization with other polymerization
1. Chlorosilane Method 3761 methods are not the subject of this review.
2. Divinylbenzene Method 3766
3. Diphenylethylene Derivative Method 3766 II. Star Polymers
4. Synthesis of Miktoarm Stars by Other 3770
Methods Star polymers are branched polymers consisting of
III. Comb-Shaped Polymers 3771 several linear chains linked to a central core. The
synthesis of star polymers has been the subject of
A. “Grafting Onto” 3771
numerous studies since the discovery of living anionic
B. “Grafting From” 3773 polymerization.7-10
C. “Grafting Through” 3774
IV. Block−Graft Copolymers 3775 A. General Methods for the Synthesis of Star
V. R,ω-Branched Architectures 3776 Polymers
VI. Cyclic Polymers 3778
A. Cyclic Homopolymers from Precursors with 3780 Three general synthetic methods have been devel-
Homodifunctional Groups oped, as outlined in Scheme 1:
1. Cyclic Homopolymers 3780
Scheme 1
2. Cyclic Block Copolymers 3782
3. Tadpole and Bicyclic Polymers 3784
B. Cyclic Homopolymers from Precursors with 3786
Heterodifunctional Groups
C. Catenanes 3786
VII. Hyperbranched Architectures 3787
VIII. Concluding Remarks 3790
IX. List of Symbols and Abbreviations 3790
X. References 3790

I. Introduction
Immediately after the discovery of the living char-
acter1 of anionic polymerization,2 polymer chemists
started synthesizing well-defined linear homopoly-
mers and diblock copolymers with low molecular
10.1021/cr9901337 CCC: $36.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 11/21/2001
3748 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

Marinos Pitsikalis received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of Hermis Iatrou received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of Athens,
Athens, Greece in 1989 and 1994, respectively. His postdoctoral research Greece, in 1989 and 1993, respectively. He did postdoctoral research at
was done at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, with Prof. J. W. the Institute of Material Science in the Center of Nuclear Science in Juelich,
Mays (1995−1996). Since 1998, he has been a Lecturer at the Industrial Germany, with Prof. Dr. Dieter Richter (1994−1995), and University of
Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Athens. Alabama at Birmingham, with Prof. Jimmy Mays (August 1997−February
He has been a Visiting Scientist at the University of Milano, Italy (March 1998). He has been a Research Associate at the University of Athens
1991); University of Alabama at Birmingham (September−October 1993); since 1998. He has published 30 papers in refereed scientific journals
Max Plank Institute for Polymer Science, Germany (August 1994); National and made 27 announcements at international scientific conferences.
Institute for Standards and Technology (December 1995); and IBM
Almaden Research Center (February 1995). He has published 35 papers
in refereed scientific journals and made 30 announcements at international
scientific conferences.

Nikos Hadjichristidis received his B.Sc. from the University of Athens,

Greece, in 1966, his Ph.D. from the University of Liège, Belgium, in 1971,
and his D.Sc. from the University of Athens, Greece in 1978. He did
postdoctoral research at the University of Liège with Professor V. Desreux
Stergios Pispas received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of Athens, (1971−1972) and National Research Council of Canada with Dr. J. Roovers
Greece, in 1989 and 1994, respectively. He did postdoctoral research at (1972−1973). His career at the University of Athens has included being
the University of Alabama at Birmingham, with Prof. J. W. Mays (1994− Lecturer (1973), Assistant Professor (1982), Associate Professor (1985),
1995). He has been a Research Associate at the University of Athens Full Professor (1988), Director of Industrial Chemistry Laboratory (since
since 1997 and a Visiting Researcher at the National Hellenic Research 1994), and Chairman of the Chemistry Department (1991−1995 and since
Foundation of Greece since 2001. He has enjoyed being a Visiting Scientist 1999). His travels include the following:Visiting Scientist, University of Liège
at the following facilities: Foundation for Research and Technology, Greece (Summers 1974, 1975); Visiting Research Officer, NRC of Canada
(November 1990); University of Alabama at Birmingham (August− (Summer 1976); Visiting Scientist, University of Akron, at Dr. L. Fetters’
September 1992 and September−October 1993); Max Plank Institute for Laboratory (Summers 1977 through 1982); Distinguished Visiting Scientist,
Polymer Science, Germany (February 1994); University of Massachusetts NRC of Canada (1983); Visiting Professor, Exxon Research and
at Amherst (July−September 1995); IBM Almaden Research Center Engineering Co., NJ (since 1984, every year for 1−2 months). His further
(October 1995); Foundation for Research and Technology, Greece (July accomplishments include being President of the European Polymer
1998); and Institut de Chimie des Surfaces et Interfaces-CNRS, France Federation (1995−1996), a member of the National Advisory Research
(November 2000). In 1995, he received the American Institute of Chemists Council (since 1994), President of the State Highest Chemical Board (since
Foundation Award for Distinguished Postdoctoral Research. He has 1995), and Director of the Institute of “Organic and Pharmaceutical
published 48 papers in refereed scientific journals and made 33 Chemistry” of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (2000−2001).
announcements at international scientific conferences. He has received the Academy of Athens Award for Chemistry (1989),
the Empirikion Award for Sciences (1994), and the Greek Chemists
Use of Multifunctional Initiators. In this Association Award (2000). He has published more than 220 papers in
method, multifunctional organometallic compounds refereed scientific journals.
that are capable of simultaneously initiating the
polymerization of several branches are used in order equally reactive and have the same rate of initiation.
to form a star polymer. There are several require- Furthermore, the initiation rate must be higher than
ments that a multifunctional initiator has to fulfill the propagation rate. Only a few multifunctional
in order to produce star polymers with uniform arms, initiators satisfy these requirements, and conse-
low molecular weight distribution, and controllable quently, this method is not very successful. Compli-
molecular weights. All the initiation sites must be cations often arise from the insolubility of these
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3749

initiators, due to the strong aggregation effects. The high dilution to obtain a stable microgel suspension.
steric hindrance effects, caused by the high segment These microgels, which were covered by living anionic
density, causes excluded volume effects. sites, were subsequently used as multifunctional
Use of Multifunctional Linking Agents. This initiators to polymerize styrene, isoprene, or buta-
method involves the synthesis of living macroanionic diene. A slight variation was adopted by Funke.17,18
chains and their subsequent reaction with a multi- The polymerization of DVB was initiated by living
functional electrophile, which acts as the linking poly(tert-butylstyryl)lithium chains having low mo-
agent. It is the most efficient way to synthesize well- lecular weights in order to avoid the solubility
defined star polymers, because there can be absolute problems arising from the strong association of the
control in all the synthetic steps. The functionality carbon-lithium functions in the nonpolar solvent.
of the linking agent determines the number of the Rempp et al. synthesized poly(tert-butyl acrylate)16
branches of the star polymer, provided that the (PtBuA) and poly(ethylene oxide)19 (PEO) stars, ac-
linking reaction is quantitative. The living arms can cording to Scheme 2.
be isolated and characterized independently along
with the final star product. Consequently, the func- Scheme 2
tionality of the star can be measured directly and
with accuracy. Disadvantages of the method can be
considered the sometimes long time required for the
linking reaction and the need to perform fractionation
in order to obtain the pure star polymer, since in
almost all cases a small excess of the living arm is
used in order to ensure complete linking.
Use of Difunctional Monomers. In this method
a living polymer precursor is used as initiator for the
polymerization of a small amount of a suitable
difunctional monomer, such as divinylbenzene (DVB)
or ethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (EGDM).3,11,12 Mi-
crogel nodules of tightly cross-linked polymer are
formed upon the polymerization. These nodules serve
as the branch point from which the arms emanate. The synthesis of the PtBuA stars was performed
The functionality of the stars prepared by this in the polar solvent tetrahydrofuran (THF) to mini-
method can be determined by molecular weight mize the strong association effects, using naphtha-
measurements on the arms and the star product, but lene lithium to polymerize the DVB. DVB polymer-
it is very difficult to predict and control the number ization was initiated by electron-transfer instead of
of arms. The number of branches incorporated in the by addition. The polymerization of the tBuA was
star structure is influenced by many parameters. The carried out at -55 °C in the presence of LiCl and
most important is the molar ratio of the difunctional after the active centers have been reacted with a
monomer over the living polymer. The functionality suitable amount of 1,1-diphenylethylene (DPE) to
of the star increases by increasing this ratio. Other reduce their nucleophilicity. It was found that the
parameters that influence the number of branches mole ratio [DVB]:[Li+] should vary between 1.5 and
are the chemical nature (polystyrene, polydiene etc.), 2.5 to obtain a stable microgel suspension. The
the concentration and the molecular weight of the molecular weight of the branch cannot be measured
living polymer chain, the temperature and the time directly but can be calculated from the ratio of the
of the reaction, the rate of stirring, the composition monomer consumed during the polymerization over
of the isomers in the case of DVB (ratio of m, o, and the total Li concentration. The products were char-
p isomers), etc. Another disadvantage of this proce- acterized by size exclusion chromatography (SEC)
dure is that the final products are characterized by and light scattering (LS). The results showed the
a distribution in the number of the arms incorporated existence of broad molecular weight distributions and
into the star structure. Consequently, the number of even multimodal peaks. The formation of a rather
the arms determined experimentally by molecular small amount of aggregates was obtained in most
weight measurements is an average value. It is cases. It was removed by filtration or centrifugation.
obvious that although this method is technologically The molecular characteristics of the final products
very important and can be applied on an industrial and the calculated molecular weight of the branches
scale, it is less suitable for the preparation of well- revealed the existence of large numbers of arms,
defined stars. ranging from 22 to 1300.
Recent advances in all three methodologies devel- For the synthesis of the PEO stars, potassium
oped for the synthesis of star polymers will be naphthalene was used to generate the multifunc-
presented in the following sections. tional initiator. The molar ratio [DVB]:[K+] was less
than 3 in all cases. The functionalities of the stars,
1. Multifunctional Initiators. as determined by LS measurements, were also rather
The use of DVB as a multifunctional initiator was large, ranging from 5 to 219.
initially demonstrated by Burchard et al.13,14 and was Alternatively, PEO stars were synthesized using
later developed by Rempp and his collaborators.15,16 cumylpotassium to polymerize DVB and thus prepare
DVB was polymerized by butyllithium in benzene at the polyfunctional initiator.20 The products exhibited
3750 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

Scheme 3 ethylene oxide was initiated by these active sites. The

final products had narrow molecular weight distribu-
tions and were characterized by SEC, viscometry,
NMR spectroscopy, static light scattering (SLS), and
dynamic light scattering (DLS). The results of these
methods confirmed the preparation of well-defined
star polymers. The tedious preparation of the den-
drimer core molecules is the only drawback of this
Hyperbranched polyglycerol and polyglycerol modi-
fied with short poly(propylene oxide) chains, acti-
vated with diphenylmethylpotassium (DPMP), were
employed as multifunctional initiators for the syn-
thesis of PEO stars,24 as depicted in Scheme 4.
Hyperbranched polyglycerol was found to be an
unsuitable initiator due to the strong association
effects caused by its highly polar groups. The incor-
poration of the poly(propylene oxide) chains (degree
of polymerization, 23-52) was crucial for the syn-
thesis of the PEO stars. These products were char-
acterized by SEC coupled to a multiangle laser light
scattering detector, as well as by NMR spectroscopy
and differential scanning calorimetry. Moderate to
large molecular weight distributions were obtained
ranging from 1.4 up to 2.2. The functionalities of
these stars were calculated to vary between 26 and
A novel hydrocarbon-soluble trifunctional initiator
was proposed by Quirk et al.25 It was prepared by
the reaction of 3 mol of sec-butyllithium (s-BuLi) with
1,3,5-tris(1-phenylethenyl)benzene (tri-DPE), as pre-
sented in Scheme 5. This initiator was found to be
efficient for the polymerization of styrene only when
THF was also added in the reaction mixture ([THF]:
[s-BuLi] ) 20). The polymerization reaction was
monitored by UV-vis spectroscopy. The limitations
a large distribution of functionalities and molecular of the method include the extreme care that should
weights. be exersized over the stoichiometry of the reaction
The polyfunctional initiator method provides the between s-BuLi and tri-DPE and the fact that a
possibility to prepare end-functionalized stars by minimum arm molecular weight around 6 × 103 is
deactivating the living branches by suitable electro- required for a successful synthesis. For arm molec-
philic terminating agents. Polystyrene (PS) and PEO ular weights lower than this limit, incomplete initia-
stars having end hydroxyl groups were prepared by tion was observed. If these requirements are fulfilled,
this method.15,19 well-defined three-arm polystyrene stars can be
Another approach was proposed by Lutz et al.21,22 prepared.
m-Diisopropenylbenzene (DIB) was polymerized an- The same initiator was also used to produce a
ionically under such conditions that the second three-arm PBd star.26 Complete monomer consump-
double bond remained unaffected. Linear polymers tion was observed, but SEC analysis showed a
having molecular weights between 3000 and 10 000 bimodal distribution. This behavior was attributed
and pendent double bonds were prepared. The re- to the strong association effects of the trifunctional
maining double bonds were reacted with cumyl- initiator in a nonpolar solvent. The problem was
potassium to create active sites along the PDIB chain. overcome when s-BuOLi was added in the reaction
The polymerization of ethylene oxide was initiated mixture in a ratio [s-BuLi]:[s-BuOLi] ) 2. s-BuOLi
from these active sites to produce PEO stars. was shown to be capable of disrupting the initiator
PEO stars having 4, 8, and 16 arms were prepared association without affecting appreciably the micro-
using hydroxy-functionalized carbosilane dendrimers structure of the PBd chains. Therefore, a well-defined
of several generations.23 The dendrimers were pre- star polymer with low molecular weight distribution
pared starting with tetravinylsilane and using two was obtained.
reactions, the hydrosilylation of the vinylsilane groups Polylithiated carbosilane dendrimers were also
with dichloromethylsilane and the nucleophilic re- employed as multifunctional initiators for the poly-
placement of silicon chloride by vinylmagnesium merization of styrene, ethylene oxide, and hexa-
bromide, as shown in Scheme 3. The end groups were methylcyclotrisiloxane (D3),27 according to Scheme
converted to hydroxy groups and were activated 6. The dendrimers had 16 or 32 allyl groups at their
using potassium naphthalene. The polymerization of periphery. A hydrosilylation route was performed to
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3751

Scheme 4

Scheme 5 for the polymerization of St, EO, and D3 under

suitable conditions. SEC analysis showed the exist-
ence of monomodal peaks. However, molecular char-
acterization data were not provided in this study and
the number of branches for these stars was not
determined, thus leaving uncertain the formation of
the desired structures.

2. Multifunctional Linking Agents

The most general and useful method for the
synthesis of star polymers by anionic polymerization
is the linking reaction of the living polymers with a
suitable electrophilic reagent. Several linking agents
have been used for the synthesis of star polymers.7
react half of these terminal allyl groups with di- The most important of those are the chlorosilanes28
decylmethylsilane. The remaining allyl groups were and the chloromethyl or bromomethyl benzene de-
lithiated by the addition of s-BuLi, to produce the rivatives.29,30
multifunctional initiators. These initiators carrying The linking reactions of living polymers with the
theoretically 8 or 16 carbanionic sites were soluble chlorosilanes proceed without any side reactions.
in hydrocarbon solvents and were subsequently used However, the efficiency of the linking reaction de-
3752 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

Scheme 6

pends on the steric requirements of the linking agent theoretical value were obtained in all cases. However,
and the living macromolecular chain end. The linking extended periods of time were needed for complete
efficiency can be improved by separating the Si-Cl linking reactions, and fractionation was required to
groups by spacers, such as methylene groups, and/ eliminate excess arm (purposely added) and low
or by end-capping the living chains with a few units molecular weight impurities.
of butadiene in order to reduce the steric hindrance The validity of the chlorosilane linking agents for
and facilitate the linking reaction. Under these the synthesis of star polymers was reevaluated
conditions, well-defined stars have been prepared recently using NMR41 and matrix-assisted laser
with functionalities ranging from 3 up to 18.31-37 desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrom-
Recent advances in the synthesis of pure carbosilane etry (MALDI-TOF MS)42 techniques. Polyisoprene
dendrimers led to the preparation of linking agents (PI) and polybutadiene (PBd) stars having low arm
with functionalities as high as 128.38 These dendrim- molecular weights (M ∼ 103) and functionalities
ers were successfully used for the synthesis of PBd ranging between 3 and 64 were prepared. It was
stars having 32, 64, and 128 branches.39,40 The observed that for stars having 16 or less arms, the
products were characterized by SEC, membrane structural quality with respect to the polydispersity
osmometry (MO), vapor pressure osmometry (VPO), and the functionality agrees very well with the
and LS, and their dilute solution properties were theoretical values. For stars having theoretically 32
extensively studied in the framework of several and 64 arms, the average functionalities of the
theoretical models. Low molecular weight distribu- chlorosilane linking agent was found to be 31 and
tion polymers having functionalities close to the 60, respectively, whereas the number of arms of the
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3753

stars were 29 and 54, respectively. Both the linking Scheme 8

agents and the star products had narrow molecular
weight distributions. These results clearly demon-
strate the steric requirements of this linking reaction.
This method was extended to the synthesis of PBd
stars having more than 200 arms.43 Low molecular
weight linear and star poly(1,2-butadiene) with 18
arms was extensively hydrosilylated with methyldi-
chlorosilane and used as linking agents to prepare
multiarm PBd stars, as shown in Scheme 7. The

Scheme 7

1,3,5-Tris(1-phenylethenyl)benzene was used by

Quirk and Tsai as a linking agent for the synthesis
of a three-arm PS star,25 as shown in Scheme 9. SEC,
MO, and LS results showed that a well-defined star
was prepared by this procedure. Despite the fact that
the arm molecular weight used was rather low (Mn
) 8.5 × 103), it can be concluded that there is no
steric limitation for the synthesis of three-arm PS
synthesis is similar to the one used for the prepara- stars using this coupling agent. Previous efforts to
tion of graft polymers, but the low backbone molec- use methyltrichlorosilane as a linking agent for the
ular weight makes them behave as starlike struc- synthesis of three-arm PS stars were not successful,
tures. Star polymers having 270 and 200 arms were due to incomplete coupling (steric hindrance ef-
finally prepared from the linear and the 18-arm star fects).28
poly(1,2-butadiene), respectively. These products are
characterized by a distribution in the number of Scheme 9
arms, due to the lack of absolute control over the
hydrosilylation reaction. However, this arm number
distribution was rather low, as was found by SEC-
LALLS measurements.
Another important class of linking agents are the
chloromethyl and bromomethyl benzene deriva-
tives.29,30 The major drawbacks are that the use of
these compounds is accompanied by side reactions
such as lithium-halogen exchange, and linking
agents with functionalities only up to 6 have been
used.7 Nevertheless, these compounds are valuable
for the synthesis of poly(meth)acrylates and poly(2-
vinylpyridine) (P2VP) stars, since they can be used
efficiently at -78 °C, where the polymerization of
these polar monomers takes place. The chlorosilanes
cannot be used because the linking reaction either Soon after the discovery of fullerenes, efforts were
does not proceed at these low temperatures or leads made to use C60 as a coupling agent for the prepara-
to unstable products. tion of star polymers. Samulski et al.46 reported the
Hogen-Esch and Toreki reported the synthesis of reaction of living polystyryllithium with C60, and later
three-arm P2VP stars using 1,3,5-tri(chloromethyl)- Ederle and Mathis extended this work, providing
benzene.44 Only SEC and viscometry data were mechanistic aspects on this reaction in different
provided in this study. Mays et al. extended this work solvents.47 In the nonpolar solvent toluene, it was
with the synthesis of four-arm stars having poly(tert- found that by using an excess of living PSLi chains
butyl methacrylate) (PtBuMA), poly(methyl meth- over the C60 a six-arm star can be prepared by
acrylate) (PMMA), and P2VP branches45 (Scheme 8). addition of the carbanions onto the double bonds of
1,2,4,5-Tetra(bromomethyl)benzene was used as the the fullerene (Scheme 10). A similar behavior was
linking agent. Combined characterization results by observed when living polyisoprenyllithium was used
SEC and MO revealed the formation of well-defined for the coupling reaction. However, when the living
star polymers. The use of bromo derivatives and the PS chains were end-capped with one unit of DPE,
low temperatures under which the linking was only the three-arm star was produced, showing that
conducted prevented the formation of byproducts. the functionality of the product can be adjusted by
3754 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

Scheme 10 polymers. However, when EGDM was replaced by the

butane-1,4-diol dimethacrylate, a PMMA star was
obtained having 50-120 arms.

B. Star−Block Copolymers
changing the steric hindrance of the living chain end. Star-block copolymers are star polymers in which
The functionality could be also controlled by the each arm is a diblock (or a triblock) copolymer. They
stoichiometry of the reaction between the living can be prepared by all the methods reported earlier.
polymers and the C60. However, it was impossible to The best way involves the linking reaction of a living
selectively incorporate one or two chains per C60 diblock copolymer, prepared by sequential anionic
molecule. polymerization of the two monomers, with a suitable
In polar solvents, such as THF a different situation linking agent. Using this method and chlorosilane
was observed. During the reaction of a living poly- linking agents, Fetters and collaborators synthesized
styrylpotassium with C60 in THF, a two-electron star-block copolymers (PS-b-PI)n, where n ) 4, 8, 12,
transfer was initially observed followed by the addi- 18.53,54 An example is given in Scheme 12. Well-
tion of four chains, according to Scheme 11. When defined structures of low polydispersities were ob-
the living PS chain was end-capped with 2-vinyl- tained.
pyridyl or 1,1-diphenylethyl groups, the number of Scheme 12
the linked chains was reduced to 3 and 0, respec-
tively, showing that both the reactivity and the
bulkiness of the end group play an important role in
this reaction.
Scheme 11
Using the same method Storey et al. prepared ionic
star-block copolymers.55,56 Styrene was oligomerized
followed by the polymerization of butadiene. The
living diblock copolymer was subsequently linked
with methyltrichlorosilane to provide a three-arm
star-block copolymer of styrene and butadiene.
Hydrogenation of the diene blocks and sulfonation
of the styrene blocks produced the desired ionic star-
3. Use of Difunctional Monomers block structure having ionic outer blocks and hydro-
phobic inner blocks, as depicted in Scheme 13.
Several star polymers have been prepared by
reacting living polymers with DVB. The method has Scheme 13
been applied in the past for the synthesis of PS48,49
and polydiene50 stars. Rather narrow molecular
weight distribution PS stars were obtained when the
[DVB]:[PSLi] ratio was varied from 5.5 to 30 and the
corresponding functionality was between 13 and 39.
Similar behavior was obtained for polydiene stars
when the [DVB]:[PDLi] ratio was from 5 to 6.5 and
the functionality of the star was varied between 9
and 13. In other cases, broad distributions were
observed, caused by the large distribution of the
functionalities of the stars prepared by this method.
More recently, PMMA stars were prepared by C60 was also employed for the synthesis of star-
reacting living PMMA chains with ethylene glycol block copolymers.47 Living PS-b-P2VP diblocks, hav-
dimethacrylate (EGDM).51 The polymers were char- ing short P2VP chains, were prepared by sequential
acterized by SEC, LS, and viscometry. It was found anionic polymerization in THF. These living diblocks
that well-defined polymers can be prepared when the were reacted with a suspension of C60 in THF, leading
arm molecular weight was rather high (e.g. Mw ) to the formation of a three-arm star-block copolymer
40 000). It seems that this high molecular weight is (Scheme 14). The corresponding reaction with the
necessary to prevent intercore and gelation reactions living PS homopolymer results in the formation of a
from taking place. four-arm star. The lower reactivity of the 2VP anion
EGDM was also reacted with isotactic living PMMA seems responsible for this behavior. The SEC analy-
chains obtained using tert-butylmagnesium bromide sis showed that the product had a broad molecular
as initiator in the presence of 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]- weight distribution, indicating that a mixture of stars
undec-7-ene.52 A star polymer with a number of arms with different functionalities was obtained.
estimated between 20 and 30 was synthesized. SEC DVB was used to prepare a multifunctional initia-
connected with LS and viscometry detectors was used tor from which the polymerization of styrene was
to characterize the sample. Similar reaction using initiated, followed by the polymerization of ethylene
syndiotactic living PMMA chains, obtained with the oxide. Quite broad polydispersities were reported for
initiator system t-BuLi/R3Al, failed to give star these star-block copolymers, due to the random
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3755

Scheme 14 methods developed for the introduction of end-

functional groups, anionic polymerization has been
found to be a most valuable tool, since it proceeds
without chain termination or chain transfer reac-
tions.66 There are two primary approaches to incor-
porate functional end groups:
Use of Functionalized Initiators.67 This method
can be described by the following reactions:
F-RLi + monomer f F-R-PLi 98 F-R-PH
where F is the functional group and P the polymer
chain. This procedure ensures complete functional-
ization, provided that the functional initiator pro-
duces narrow molecular weight distribution polymers
with predictable molecular weights. The functional
group should have low Lewis base character in order
distribution of core sizes and functionalities.57 Lithium
to maintain a low vinyl content in the polydiene.
naphthalene in the presence of lithium chloride was
Another important parameter is that the function-
employed to form the multifunctional DVB cores.
alized initiator should be soluble in hydrocarbon
These cores initiated the polymerization of styrene
solvents, in order to produce polydienes with low
at -40 °C to produce the living PS stars. The living
vinyl contents.
arms were end-capped with DPE to reduce their
Use of Functionalized Terminating Agents.66,68
nucleophilicity and then were used to initiate the
The living polymer is terminated with a functional-
polymerization of tBuA at -55 °C. Finally, methanol
ized electrophilic reagent, according to the reaction:
was added to deactivate the living diblock branches.16
The functionality of the stars was reported to range PLi + F-B f P-F + LiB
from 190 to 320. The molecular weight distributions
were broad and sometimes multimodal. (PS-b-P2VP)n Care should be taken in the choice of the suitable
star block copolymers, having P2VP interior blocks, terminating agent, since this reaction can be subject
were also prepared by the same method.58 to several side reactions, leading to incomplete func-
Living PS-b-PI diblock anions were reacted with a tionalization.
small amount of DVB in benzene to form star-block The synthesis of functional polymers is not always
copolymers59 (Scheme 15). The molar ratio of DVB a straightforward procedure, because of the competi-
tion or antagonism of functional groups with the
Scheme 15
active living ends. Therefore, several protective groups
have been used to mask reactive functionality.68
These methods have also been employed for the
synthesis of functionalized star polymers. Recent
applications will be presented in the following sec-
to diblock anions ranged from 3.6 to 15.4, resulting
in star functionalities ranging from 15.6 to 91.5. 1. Functionalized Initiators
Narrow molecular weight distributions were obtained
except in one case, where the distribution was The polymerization of a monomer with a function-
bimodal. alized initiator followed by the reaction of the living
Star-block copolymers were also prepared by chains with a suitable linking agent results in the
Teyssié et al.60 from the reaction of living diblock formation of well-defined star polymers. Fetters et
copolymers with EGDM. (PS-b-PtBuA)n and (PMMA- al.69 prepared 3- and 12-arm star polyisoprenes (3N-
b-PtBuA)n were synthesized by this method. The PI and 12N-PI), end-functionalized with dimethyl-
polydispersity of the stars was rather narrow but amine end groups, by reacting living PI chains, pro-
slightly increased compared to the parent diblocks, duced with 3-dimethylaminopropyllithium (DMAPLi)
meaning that a distribution of functionalities existed and the appropriate chlorosilane linking agent. The
in the final products. Only SEC was used to charac- same initiator was later employed for the synthesis
terize the polymers. of three-arm PBd stars (3N-PBd)70 according to
Scheme 16. The initiator is soluble in benzene and
C. Functionalized Stars Scheme 16
The introduction of functional groups at the end(s)
or along the polymer chain can produce new materi-
als that can be used as models to study and manipu-
late fundamental phenomena in polymer science,
such as association, adsorption, chain dynamics, and
block copolymer morphology.61-65 The synthesis of
end-functionalized polymers remains a challenging
problem in polymer chemistry. Among the different
3756 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

produces polydienes with low vinyl contents. It is also Scheme 19

an efficient initiator for the polymerization of dienes,
meaning that the rate of initiation is faster than the
rate of propagation and the initiator is totally con-
sumed during the initiation step.71 Polydienes with
predictable molecular weights and narrow molecular
weight distributions were prepared using this initia-
tor. SEC, MO, and LS results showed that well-
defined structures were obtained. The dimethylamine
end groups were later transformed to sulfobetaine
groups by reaction with 1,3-cyclopropane sultone
(Scheme 17).
Scheme 17

Multifunctional DVB initiators were used to poly-

merize styrene, and the living arms were subse-
quently reacted with ethylene oxide to produce PS
chains with terminal hydroxyl groups.57
The trifunctional initiator produced by the reaction
of 3 mol of s-BuLi with 1,3,5-tris(1-phenylethenyl)-
benzene was also employed for the synthesis of an
DMAPLi was also used by Burchard to synthesize end- functionalized polystyrene star.25 After the
three-arm PS stars (3N-PS) having dimethylamine polymerization was completed, the living star poly-
end groups.72 In this case 1,3,5-triallyloxy-2,4,6- mer was carboxylated by the introduction of gaseous
triazine was the linking agent, as shown in Scheme carbon dioxide (Scheme 19). End-group titration
18. indicated that the star had 2.8 functional groups per
molecule. However, SEC analysis revealed the exist-
Scheme 18 ence of an appreciable amount of side high molecular
weight products. The situation was not improved,
even after end-capping the living branches with DPE
units prior to the carboxylation reaction. It was
shown that it is more successful to perform the
carboxylation reaction with the freeze-dried living
polymer solution. In this case the amount of byprod-
ucts was lower than 2%.
Three-arm PEO stars having terminal C60 groups74
were prepared by the procedure given in Scheme 20.
Scheme 20

An acetal-protected lithium initiator was used to

polymerize styrene followed by linking with 1,3,5-
triallyloxy-2,4,6-triazine to produce three-arm star
polystyrenes.73 The protective acetal group was cleaved
by weak acidic treatment in THF to give star poly-
mers with terminal OH groups. These functional
groups were coupled with toluene-2,4-diisocyanate to
give randomly cross-linked products. Unfortunately,
few characterization data were provided in this
2. Functionalized Terminating Agents
This functionalization method can be applied for
the synthesis of star polymers only when a multi-
functional initiator is used. The living branches
emanate from the core and therefore can be subjected
to several terminating reactions with suitable elec-
trophilic reagents.
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3757

1,1,1-Tris(hydroxymethyl)propane treated with di- developed by Hadjichristidis, Mays, and collabor-

phenylmethyl potassium (DPMP) was employed as ators.88-91 Chlorosilanes are used as linking agents
a trifunctional initiator to produce a living three-arm for the stepwise replacement of the chlorine atoms
PEO star. The living arms were reacted with 4-nitro- by the polymer chains. This procedure can be achieved
benzenesulfonyl chloride to transform the alkoxides taking into account the different reactivity of the
to nosylate functionalities. The success of this pro- living polymer ends toward the Si-Cl bond, as this
cedure was evaluated by IR and NMR spectroscopies. is determined by the steric hindrance effects, the
The nosylated (Ns) PEO star was subjected to an charge localization on the terminal carbon atom,7 and
azidation reaction using tetrabutylammonium fluo- the excluded volume of the living chain that is
ride and trimethylsilyl azide. The triazide PEO was affected by the reaction solvent. The reactivity of the
then allowed to react with C60 to produce the final living chain end decreases by charge delocalization
functionalized star. IR, NMR, and SEC analysis and by increasing the steric hindrance. The latter can
revealed the formation of well-defined functionalized be affected by both structures, that of the living chain
stars. end and the chlorosilane linking agent. The steric
hindrance concerning the living end increases in the
D. Asymmetric Stars order BdLi < IsLi < SLi < DPELi. The closer the
Si-Cl groups in the linking agent, the more sterically
Asymmetric stars are a special class of stars that
hindered is the reaction with the living chains. For
is characterized by an asymmetry factor compared
example, overall SiCl4 is less reactive than Cl2Si-
to the classical symmetric structures described previ-
CH2-CH2-SiCl2. The reactivity is also influenced by
ously. The following parameters have been consid-
other parameters such as the molecular weight of the
ered as asymmetry factors:
living chain, the polarity of the solvent, where the
Molecular Weight Asymmetry. All the arms of
reaction takes place, and the temperature. When all
the star are identical in chemical nature, but they
these factors are optimized, well-defined products are
have different molecular weights.
produced. However, the disadvantage of this method
Functional Group Asymmetry. The arms are of
is that it is time-consuming and requires elaborate
the same chemical nature and have the same molec-
high-vacuum techniques to be performed.
ular weight, but they have different end groups.
The method was first applied to the synthesis of
Topological Asymmetry. The arms of the star
asymmetric PS stars having two arms of equal
are block copolymers that may have the same mo-
molecular weights (PSB) and a third one (PSA) having
lecular weight and composition but differ with respect
molecular weight either half or twice that of the
to the polymeric block that is covalently attached to
identical arms.75 The procedure, given in Scheme 22,
the core of the star.
These structures are schematically shown in Scheme Scheme 22
21. The synthesis of asymmetric stars can be ac-
complished by the same general methods reported for
the symmetric stars but in such way that a controlled
incorporation of the arms, differing in molecular
weight, end functional groups, or topology is achieved.
Efficient methods for the synthesis of asymmetric
star polymers were developed only recently.
Scheme 21 involves the reaction of the living arm PSALi with a
10-fold excess of methyltrichlorosilane for the prepa-
ration of the methyldichlorosilane end-capped PSA.
This is the crucial step of the synthesis, keeping in
mind that there is a possibility to form the coupled
byproduct, i.e., the two-arm star with only one
remaining Si-Cl group. This is avoided by using a
large excess of the linking agent, adding the linking
agent solution to a dilute living polymer solution
under vigorous stirring and performing the linking
reaction at low temperatures (5 °C). Under these
conditions, no coupled byproduct is observed.
After freeze-drying the end-capped PSA branch, the
excess silane was removed under high vacuum by
heating the resulting porous material at 50 °C for at
least 3 days. After the silane was removed the end-
capped polymer was dissolved in benzene, which was
introduced directly by distillation from the vacuum
The two remaining Si-Cl bonds of the methyldi-
chlorosilane end-capped PSA arm were then reacted
1. Molecular Weight Asymmetry with a small excess of living PSBLi chains. The PSBLi
i. Chlorosilane Method. The chlorosilane method chains were end-capped with a few units of butadiene
was initially reported by Fetters75 and was later to facilitate the completion of the linking reaction.
3758 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

The excess of the PSB arm was removed by fraction- possibility of preparing end-functionalized asym-
ation. Detailed characterization results by SEC, MO, metric stars after reaction of the growing living
and LS revealed that well-defined structures were branches A′ with suitable electrophilic compounds.
obtained. Using this method asymmetric stars of the type
The method was also applied in the synthesis of (PSA)n(PSB)n were prepared.77 Living PS chains were
asymmetric PBd75 and PI76 stars. When the molec- obtained by s-BuLi initiation and reacted with a
ular weight of the PI chain that was reacted with the small amount of DVB to give a living star polymer.
excess silane was less than 5.5 × 103, the formation The anionic sites of the star core were subsequently
of the coupled byproduct could not be avoided, due used to initiate the polymerization of a new quantity
to the low steric hindrance of the living PI chain end. of styrene. This initiation step was accelerated by the
The byproduct was removed by fractionation. The addition of a small quantity of THF. It was revealed
stars were characterized by SEC, MO, and LS, by SEC analysis that high molecular weight species
showing that the desired structures having low were also present, probably due to the formation of
polydispersities were efficiently prepared. linked stars. These structures can be obtained when
ii. Divinylbenzene Method. As already dis- living anionic branches of one star react with the
cussed, when appropriate living polymer chains react residual double bonds of the DVB-linked core of
with a small amount of DVB, a star polymer is another star.
formed consisting of a highly cross-linked polydi- iii. Diphenylethylene Derivative Method. The
vinylbenzene core from which the arms emanate. method is based on the use of 1,1-diphenylethylene
This is actually a living star since the core carries derivatives that are nonhomopolymerizable mono-
anionic centers. The number of these active sites is mers. Rich chemistry was developed, leading to the
theoretically equal to the number of the arms of the formation of several types of asymmetric stars. Quirk
star. Subsequent addition of a new monomer results reacted living PS chains with either 1,3-bis(1-phenyl-
in the growth of new arms from the core and ethenyl)benzene, (MDDPE) or 1,4-bis(1-phenyleth-
therefore the formation of an asymmetric star of the enyl)benzene (PDDPE), according to Scheme 24.
type AnA′n can be achieved, if the molecular weight
Scheme 24
of the original chains is different than that obtained
by the chains formed in the second step. This general
procedure is depicted in Scheme 23.

Scheme 23

The drawbacks associated with this method have

been already mentioned. Probably the most impor-
tant is the architectural limitation, i.e., only asym-
metric stars of the type AnA′n can be prepared by this
method. However, even these structures are not
unambiguously characterized. A fraction of the living
arms A is not incorporated in the star structure, It was shown that 2 mol of the living polymer
probably due to steric hindrance effects. These living reacts rapidly with the DPE derivatives to form the
chains may act as initiators for the polymerization dilithium adduct in hydrocarbon solvents, whereas
of the monomer that is added for the preparation of in THF monoaddition is reported.7,26,78-80 This reac-
the asymmetric star. Another problem is that the tion was monitored by UV-visible spectroscopy. The
active sites of the living An star are not equally analysis revealed that the stoichiometric addition of
accessible to the newly added A′ monomers, due to PSLi was quantitative. However, PDDPE exhibited
steric hindrance effects. Furthermore, the rate of less tendency to form the diadduct both in polar and
initiation is not the same for these active sites. For nonpolar solvents. This behavior can be attributed
all these reasons, it is obvious that the final products to the better delocalization of the negative charge in
are structurally ill-defined with a rather great dis- the para than in the meta isomer. Mainly, low
persity of the n values and are characterized by broad molecular weight polystyrenes have been used for
molecular weight distributions. Nevertheless, this these studies.
method is technically important, since it can be Taking into account the above observation, a three-
applied on an industrial scale and also provides the arm asymmetric PS star was successfully prepared81
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3759

Scheme 25 Scheme 27

(Scheme 25). The monoadduct product was reacted

with a second polystyryllithium chain, having differ-
ent molecular weight, to form the coupled product.
The efficiency of this coupling reaction depends on
the control of the stoichiometry between the reac-
tants. Under optimum conditions the efficiency of the
coupling reaction can be higher than 96%. Finally,
the addition of styrene leads to the formation of the
product. The polymerization took place in the pres-
ence of THF to accelerate the crossover reaction. The
SEC analysis showed the existence of a small quan-
tity of the monoadduct product and the second arm
of the PS homopolymer, due to incomplete linking
reactions. The weak points of the method are the
great care that should be exercised over the stoichi-
ometry of the reactions and the inability to isolate
and consequently characterize the third arm. How-
ever, the method is valuable, since it provides the More recently Hirao developed a general method
possibility to functionalize the third arm by reaction employing DPE derivatives carrying protected chlo-
with a suitable electrophilic agent. romethyl groups.82-86 PS asymmetric stars of the
types AA′2, AA′2A′′2, AA′3, AA′4, AA′A′′2, and AA′4A′′4
Scheme 26
were prepared by this method. The whole procedure
is based on the reaction sequence shown in Scheme
26. Living PS was reacted with 1,1-bis(3-methoxy-
methylphenyl)ethylene followed by transformation of
the methoxymethyl groups to chloromethyl groups
using BCl3 in CH2Cl2 at 0 °C for 10-30 min. Prior to
the reaction with the BCl3, the living end-function-
alized PS is able to react with other compounds such
as 1-(4′-bromobutyl)-4-methoxymethylbenzene as
shown in Scheme 26. Despite the difficult multistep
procedure of this method, it was shown that polysty-
renes with predictable molecular weights, narrow
molecular weight distributions, and almost nearly
quantitative degrees of functionalization can be
synthesized. Small amounts (<5%) of coupled PS
byproducts can be produced during the transforma-
tion reaction, due to a Friedel-Crafts side reaction
among the polymer chains.
More complicated in-chain functionalized struc-
tures with two or four chloromethyl groups were
prepared according to Scheme 27.82 The living end-
functionalized PS with two methoxymethyl groups
was reacted with a 10-fold excess of 1,4-dibromo-
butane to introduce a bromobutyl end group. The
terminal bromobutyl group was subsequently coupled
with living PS to afford a linear PS chain having two
in-chain methoxymethylphenyl groups. These groups
3760 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

Scheme 28 Scheme 29

followed by the coupling with chloromethyl groups.

Characteristic examples for the synthesis of AA′2A′′2
and AA′4A′′4 asymmetric star polymers are given in
Schemes 28 and 29, respectively. Well-defined star
polymers with rather low molecular weight branches
were obtained with this method.
2. Functional Group Asymmetry
Several methods can be potentially used for the
were transformed to chloromethyl groups. Alterna-
synthesis of functionalized symmetric stars. The
tively, the terminal bromobutyl group can be reacted
chlorosilane method has been applied for the syn-
with another living end-functionalized PS with two
thesis of three-arm PBd stars carrying one or two
methoxymethyl moieties, resulting in the synthesis
end-functional groups,70 as shown in Scheme 30. The
of a linear PS chain having anywhere across the
dimethylamino end groups were later transformed
chain four functional chloromethyl groups, after
to sulfozwitterions by reaction with 1,3-propane
performing the transformation reaction. If the four
functions are required at the middle of the polymer
chain, it is easier to couple a small excess of the living Scheme 30
end-functionalized PS having two methoxymethyl
moieties with 1,3-dibromobutane. Unreacted polymer
from the coupling reactions was removed by HPLC
These functionalized PS derivatives were used for
the synthesis of complicated asymmetric star struc-
tures of the general type AA′2, AA′3, AA′4, AA′A′′2,
A2A′2, and AA′A′′4, where all the arms are polysty-
renes having different molecular weights. The cou-
pling reactions with living PS chains were not always
complete, resulting in the formation of considerable The synthesis of three-arm stars with one end-
amounts (up to 10%) of stars with lower functional- standing dimethylamine group is given in Scheme 31.
ities. It was reported that side reactions such as Li- The functional initiator dimethylaminopropyllithium
Cl exchange and single-electron transfer reactions (DMAPLi) is used to polymerize butadiene. The living
take place to a certain extent. The formation of the end-functionalized polymer is then reacted with a
byproducts was suppressed by end-capping the living large excess of methyltrichlorosilane ([Si-Cl]:[C-Li]
PSLi chains with DPE. No steric hindrance problems ) 100) to produce the methyldichlorosilane end-
were reported for these linking reactions. However, capped amine-functionalized PBd. The excess silane
only low molecular weight arms were used for the was removed on the vacuum line by continuous
synthesis of these asymmetric stars. It remains a pumping for a few days, after the polymer was
question whether the use of high molecular weight redissolved in benzene. Purified benzene was then
arms will lead to the same success. introduced to dissolve the silane-capped arm. Finally,
DPE-functionalized macromonomers were also used a slight excess of PBd living chains prepared by the
for linking reactions with living polymeric anions, nonfunctionalized initiator s-BuLi were reacted with
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3761

Scheme 31 drawn from the reactor during the synthesis. The

bulkiness of the living styryllithium chain end slows
the incorporation of a third arm considerably. Only
a minor quantity (∼1%) of trimer was evidenced by
SEC. The difunctional linking agent thus prepared
was then reacted with a small excess of the living
diblock copolymer (II) to produce the desired product.
These living diblocks were end-capped with three or
four units of butadiene to facilitate the linking
reaction. Detailed characterization results by SEC,
MO, LS, differential refractometry, and NMR spec-
troscopy revealed the formation of well-defined prod-

E. Miktoarm Star Polymers

The term miktoarm (from the greek word µικτόσ,
meaning mixed), or heteroarm star polymers, refers
the macromolecular linking agent, giving the func- to stars consisting of chemically different arms. In
tionalized PBd star with one dimethylamine end the past decade considerable effort has been made
group. toward the synthesis of miktoarm stars, when it was
A similar procedure was followed for the synthesis realized that these structures exhibit very interesting
of three-arm stars carrying two functional groups. properties.88-90 The synthesis of the miktoarm star
The only difference is that the nonfunctionalized arm polymers can be accomplished by methods similar to
was prepared first and reacted with the excess those reported for the synthesis of asymmetric stars.
methyltrichlorosilane followed, after the removal of The chlorosilane, DVB, and DPE derivative methods
the excess silane, with the addition of a small excess have been successfully employed in this case. Fur-
of the living functionalized arms. When the molecular thermore, several other individual methods have
weight of the living PBd arm was lower than 10 000, appeared in the literature. The most common ex-
a considerable amount (10%) of coupling was ob- amples of miktoarm stars are the A2B, A3B, A2B2,
served during the reaction with the methyltri- AnBn (n > 2) and ABC types. Other less common
chlorosilane, due to the low steric hindrance of the structures, like the ABCD, AB5, and AB2C2 are now
living chain end. This amount was drastically sup- also available.
pressed when the arm was end-capped with a unit
of DPE in the presence of THF to accelerate the 1. Chlorosilane Method
crossover reaction. Well-defined products were ob- i. A2B Miktoarm Star Copolymers. A near
tained, as was evidenced by SEC, MO, and LS data. monodisperse miktoarm star copolymer of the A2B
type was first reported by Mays,91 A being PI and B
3. Topological Asymmetry PS. The synthetic method adopted was similar to the
A new star-block copolymer architecture, the one applied by Fetters for the synthesis of the
inverse star-block copolymer, was recently re- asymmetric PS and PBd stars. The living PS chains
ported.87 These polymers are stars having four poly- were reacted with an excess of methyltrichlorosilane
(styrene-b-isoprene) copolymers as arms. Two of to produce the monosubstituted macromolecular link-
these arms are connected to the star center by the ing agent. The steric hindrance of the living polysty-
polystyrene block, whereas the other two are con- ryllithium and the excess of the silane led to the
nected through the polyisoprene block. The synthetic absence of any coupled byproduct. The excess silane
procedure is given in Scheme 32. The living diblocks was removed and then a slight excess of the living
(I) were prepared by anionic polymerization and PI chains was added to produce the miktoarm star
sequential addition of monomers. A small quantity PS(PI)2. Excess PI was then removed by fraction-
of THF was used to accelerate the initiation of the ation. The reaction sequence, given in Scheme 33 was
polymerization of styrene. The living diblock copoly- monitored by SEC, and the molecular characteriza-
mer (I) was slowly added to a solution of SiCl4. The tion of the arms and the final product was performed
reaction was monitored by SEC on samples with- by MO.
This method was later extended by Iatrou and
Scheme 32 Hadjichristidis92 to the synthesis of the A2B stars,
where A and B were all possible combinations of PS,
PI, and PBd. In this case a more sophisticated high-
Scheme 33
3762 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

vacuum technique was employed to ensure the for- the polymers were hydrogenated, transforming the
mation of products that are characterized by high PI branches to poly(ethylene-alt-propylene) and the
degrees of chemical and compositional homogeneity. d-PBd to partially deuterated polyethylene.
This was tested using several techniques such as Miktoarm stars of the general type B(A-b-B)2,
SEC, MO, LS, differential refractometry, and NMR where A is PI and B is PS, were prepared,96 according
spectroscopy. to Scheme 36. The living PI arm was reacted with
In a more recent study, a series of (d-PS)(PI)2 stars,
where d-PS is deuterated PS, was prepared by the Scheme 36
same technique.93 No difference was obseved by using
the deuterated arm compared to the PS(PI)2 stars.
A similar study concerning the synthesis of (d-PBd)-
(PBd)2 stars containing a deuterated PBd arm was
also reported.94 Both kinds of arms have almost the
same molecular weight, and consequently, the only
difference was that one of them was labeled with
Miktoarm stars of the type (d-PBd)(PI)2 and PI(d-
PBd)2 were synthesized according to the reaction
Schemes 34 and 35, respectively.95 A different ap- an excess of the linking agent to give the dichloro
end-capped macromolecular linking agent followed,
Scheme 34
after the removal of the excess silane, by the addition
of the living diblock copolymer PS-b-PILi. The char-
acterization data showed that polymers of high
chemical and compositional homogeneity were formed.
Very recently the development of the controlled
anionic polymerization of hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane
(D3) led to the synthesis of a PDMS(PS)2 miktoarm
star,97 according to Scheme 37. A benzene:THF (50:
50 v/v) solution of the living PDMS arm was added
proach was adopted for the synthesis of the (d-PBd)- Scheme 37
(PI)2 star. Instead of incorporating the different arm
first (d-PBd in this case), the two living PI chains
were reacted with methyltrichlorosilane in a stoichio-
metric ratio of 2:1. To avoid the formation of the
three-arm PI star, the living PI chains were end-
capped with a few units of styrene to increase the
steric hindrance of the living end. In the case of the
PI(d-PBd)2 star, the more common procedure was
adopted. The living PI arm was reacted first with the
linking agent. Due to the low molecular weight of the
PI chain and the reduced steric hindrance of its living
end, the polymer was end-capped with one unit of
DPE. This method proved to be efficient to avoid the
formation of coupled byproducts. Well-defined stars
were obtained in both cases, as revealed by extensive
molecular characterization results. In the final step
Scheme 35
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3763

slowly into a large excess of methyltrichlorosilane, deuterated [(d-PBd)(PBd)3].94 The product was stud-
leading to the formation of the monoadduct product. ied by SEC, MO, and LS.
The macromolecular linking reagent thus formed was As in the case of the B(A-b-B)2 stars, the B(A-b-
then reacted with living PS chains that were previ- B)3 structures were also prepared, A being PI and B
ously end-capped with D3. This capping reaction was being PS.96 SiCl4 was the linking agent in that case,
necessary to avoid the backbiting side reactions of and well-defined polymers were also obtained.
the very reactive PSLi anion to the PDMS arm and A different strategy was applied by Tsiang for the
to facilitate the linking. THF was also added to synthesis of (A-b-B)B3 stars, where A is PS and B is
accelerate the linking reaction. PBd.100 The living chains B were reacted with the
A different approach was adopted by Eisenberg et SiCl4 in a molar ratio 3:1, followed by the addition of
al.98 for the synthesis of P2VP(PS)2 miktoarm stars, the living A-b-B chains. However, the control of the
where P2VP is poly(2-vinylpyridine). Methyldichloro- first step was rather limited, since not only the
silane (CH3SiCl2H) was used as linking agent to desired B3SiCl but also the byproducts B2SiCl4 and
produce the two-arm PS star. Living P2VP was B4Si were formed. This behavior was observed due
reacted with allyl bromide to give an end-function- to the absence of steric hindrance of the living PBd
alized polymer carrying a terminal vinyl group. In chain end. It is obvious that this method is very
the last step a hydrosilylation reaction of the Si-H demanding regarding the stoichiometric control of the
group of the two-arm star with the end-double bond reagents. It seems more appropriate in this case to
of the P2VP chain produced the desired structure incorporate the living A-b-B arm first and then to add
(Scheme 38). Rather high molecular weight distribu- the other three arms.
iii. AnB (n > 3) Miktoarm Star Copolymers.
Scheme 38 The synthesis of PSPI5 miktoarm stars101 was ac-
complished by the reaction sequence outlined in
Scheme 40. Living PS was reacted with the hexafunc-
Scheme 40

tions (Mw/Mn ) 1.33-1.50) were obtained, probably

due to incomplete hydrosilylation reaction. High
molecular weight P2VP, end-capped with vinyl groups
(macromonomer), were used to avoid the steric tional chlorosilane 1,2-bis(trichlorosilyl)ethane in a
hindrance effects and facilitate the hydrosilylation ratio [C-Li]:[Si-Cl] ) 1:6. Dropwise addition of the
reaction. Consequently, the method suffers limita- living polymer solution into the vigorously stirred
tions and cannot be used in general for the synthesis solution of the linking agent was performed to link
of miktoarm stars. only one PS arm per chlorosilane molecule. However,
ii. A3B Miktoarm Star Copolymers. The method even with these precautions the local excesses of the
employed for the synthesis of the A2B miktoarm stars living polymer could not be completely avoided,
can be expanded to the synthesis of A3B structures leading to the formation of the coupled byproduct
using silicon tetrachloride (SiCl4) instead of methyl- (∼10% by SEC analysis). The macromolecular penta-
trichlorosilane as the linking agent. Living PS chains chlorosilane linking agent was then reacted with a
were reacted with an excess of SiCl4 to produce the small excess of the living PI chains to produce the
trichlorosilane end-capped PS. After evaporation of final structure. Careful fractionation was performed
the excess silane, the macromolecular linking agent to remove the excess PI and the (PS)2(PI)4 byproduct
was added to a solution containing a small excess of formed during the synthesis. The stoichiometric
living PI chains to give the desired PSPI3 star.99 The reaction between the living PS chains and the linking
reaction sequence, shown in Scheme 39, was moni- agent was chosen instead of an excess of the silane,
tored by SEC. Well-defined polymers with narrow since this high molecular weight chlorosilane is not
molecular weight distribution were obtained. volatile (mp ∼26 °C) and its excess can only be
removed by fractional precipitation, a process that
Scheme 39 is difficult to perform under vacuum. Despite these
difficulties, narrow molecular weight distribution
products characterized by compositional and chemi-
cal homogeneity were obtained.
More complicated structures of the general type
ABn, called umbrella copolymers, were synthesized
The same procedure was recently applied for the by Roovers et al.102,103 using the procedure shown in
synthesis of four-arm PBd stars, where all the arms Scheme 41. This name was given due to the relatively
had the same molecular weight but one of them was high molecular weight of the A compared to the B
3764 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

Scheme 41 linking agent PSSiCl3 by a slow stoichiometric addi-

tion, called titration, to produce the dimer, PS2SiCl2.
This step was the most crucial of the synthesis and
was monitored by SEC on samples withdrawn from
the reactor. Finally, a small excess of living PBd
chains was introduced to give the desired PS2PBd2
product. This method provides the best control over
the steps of linking the various arms, but it is time-
consuming and extreme care should be exercised,
especially in the titration step.
PS2PI2 stars were prepared by Young et al.105 using
a different approach, shown in Scheme 43. Living PS

Scheme 43

chains were reacted with SiCl4 in a molar ratio 2:1

for the formation of the two-arm product. The forma-
tion of the three-arm product is avoided by the
increased steric hindrance of the living PS chain end.
Subsequent addition of the living PI chains resulted
in the formation of the desired miktoarm star. The
control over the addition of the first two arms is not
as absolute as in the previous method, but the
arms. Butadiene was oligomerized in the presence procedure is faster and may lead to the formation of
of dipiperidinoethane, followed by the polymerization well-defined products.
of styrene. A block copolymer having a PS block and The synthesis of the (PI)2(PBd)2 stars106 was ac-
a short 1,2-PBd tail was thus prepared. The side complished using the two different approaches pre-
double bonds of the 1,2-PBd units were hydrosilyl- sented above. The difficulty in this case is that both
ated using HSi(CH3)2Cl or HSi(CH3)Cl2 in the pres- living PI and PBd chain ends are not sterically
ence of a suitable platinum catalyst. Subsequent hindered, making the control of the incorporation of
addition of living 1,4-PBdLi or P2VPK chains led to the first two arms more ambiquous. The problem was
the formation of the umbrella stars. It is obvious that resolved by extending the living PI chains with a few
the number of the B branches is actually an average units of styrene and then incorporating the PI chains
value and cannot be predicted by this method, since in two consecutive steps (reaction with excess silane
there is no absolute control over the hydrosilylation and then titration) and finally linking the two living
reaction and the short 1,2 PBd ends have a wider PBd chains. A small quantity of THF was added to
molecular weight distribution. However, this proce- accelerate the capping reaction with styrene and
dure offers the possibility to prepare complicated ensure that all the PI chains are end-capped with
structures having interesting properties. styrene units. According to the second approach, the
iv. AnBn (n g 2) Miktoarm Star Copolymers. reactivity of the living PI chain ends was reduced by
The most common type of polymers in this category performing the linking stoichiometric reaction with
is the A2B2 type of miktoarm star copolymers. The the silane at -40 °C for 3 days, followed by the
synthesis of the PS2PBd2 stars was accomplished by addition of the living PBd arms at room temperature.
Iatrou and Hadjichristidis104 using the reaction se- Both approaches produced well-defined structures,
quence outlined in Scheme 42. The living PS chains as was evidenced by the extensive molecular weight
reacted with a large excess of SiCl4, which is the characterization of the arms, the intermediate, and
linking agent to produce the trichlorosilane end- the final products.
capped PS. The excess silane was evaporated on the (PI)2(dPBd)2 stars were also prepared by the method
vacuum line as described earlier. The second living developed by Iatrou and Hadjichristidis,95 using
PS arm was incorporated to the macromolecular deuterated butadiene. The final products were then
hydrogenated, the PI arms being transformed to poly-
Scheme 42 (ethylene-alt-propylene) and the dPBd arms to par-
tially deuterated polyethylene.
The synthesis of the PS8PI8 miktoarm stars, also
called Vergina star copolymers, was also reported.107
A silane carrying eight Si-Cl2 groups [Si[CH2CH2-
Si(CH3)(CH2CH2Si(CH3)Cl2)2]4] was used in this case
as linking agent. The living PS chains were reacted
with the linking agent in a molar ratio 8:1 for the
synthesis of the eight-arm intermediate. The steric
hindrance of the living PS chain ends prevents the
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3765

incorporation of more than one arm per SiCl2 group, Scheme 45

even if a 5% excess of PSLi is used. The characteriza-
tion data of the purified PS8(Si-Cl)8 intermediate
showed that the number of the PS arms was very
close to the theoretical number. Subsequent addition
of the living PI chains led to the formation of the
PS8PI8 miktoarm star.
v. ABC Miktoarm Star Terpolymers. The syn-
thesis of the (PS)(PI)(PBd) star terpolymer was
accomplished by a method similar to the one devel-
oped for the synthesis of the PS2PI2 stars. Living PI
chains reacted with a large excess of methyltri-
chlorosilane to produce the dichlorosilane end-capped
polyisoprene. After the evaporation of the excess
silane, the living PS arm was incorporated by a slow
stoichiometric addition (titration). Samples were
taken during the addition and were analyzed by SEC
to monitor the progress of the reaction and determine
the end point of the titration. When the formation of
the intermediate product (PS)(PI)Si(CH3)Cl was com-
pleted, a small excess of the living PBd chains was
added to give the final product.108 The reaction
sequence is outlined in Scheme 44.
Scheme 44

The order of linking of the various arms to the was deuterated polystyrene (dPS). The higher mo-
linking agent is crucial for the success of the synthe- lecular weight PI branch was introduced first, fol-
sis. The less sterically hindered chain end, namely lowed by the slow stoichiometric addition (titration)
the PBdLi, has to be incorporated last, whereas the of the living dPS chains. The lower molecular weight
most sterically hindered, namely the PSLi, at the PI branch was incorporated at the end of the proce-
titration step. Extensive characterization data for the dure.
arms, the intermediate, and the final product con- A different approach was employed for the syn-
firmed that the ABC star was characterized by high thesis of (PI)(PS)(PMMA) miktoarm star terpoly-
structural and compositional homogeneity. mers,111,112 as outlined in Scheme 45. It is well-known
The same methodology was adopted for the syn- that the reaction between living PMMA chains with
thesis of the (PS)(PI)(P2VP) miktoarm star terpoly- Si-Cl bonds fails to give the linked product. There-
mer.109 The monofunctional linking agent (PI)(PS)- fore, after the monofunctional macromolecular link-
Si(CH3)Cl was synthesized in benzene solution. ing agent (PI)(PS)Si(CH3)Cl was formed, it was
Benzene was then evaporated and the linking agent reacted with a dilute solution containing a stoichio-
was dissolved in THF, followed by the addition of the metric amount of a difunctional initiator, synthesized
living P2VPLi chains, prepared in THF at -78 °C. by the reaction between DPE and Li. According to
The linking was conducted at -78 °C to avoid side this procedure, one of the active centers of the
reactions with the living P2VP chains. Well-defined difunctional initiator was linked to the remaining Si-
stars were prepared as shown by the extensive Cl bond, whereas the other one was used to initiate
molecular weight characterization data given in this the polymerization of MMA, resulting in the forma-
study. tion of the desired product. It is obvious that the
A (PI)(PS)(PDMS) miktoarm star terpolymer was PMMA branches cannot be isolated and character-
synthesized by the same method.97 The (PI)(PS)Si- ized independently. This method is very demanding,
(CH3)Cl macromolecular linking agent was prepared and extreme care has to be taken for the control of
as previously mentioned, followed by the addition of the different reaction steps. It was found that during
the living PDMSLi chains to give the desired product. the synthesis of the difunctional initiator a large
Also in this case a well-defined polymer with narrow amount of the monofunctional byproduct (as high as
molecular weight distribution was obtained. ∼30%) was also obtained. This byproduct does not
The same route was adopted for the synthesis of interfere with the synthesis of the ABC star, since it
asymmetric AA′B star polymers.110 The two A arms reacts with the macromolecular linking agent (PI)-
were PIs having different molecular weights, and B (PS)Si(CH3)Cl to give the terminated PS-b-PI diblock,
3766 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

which can be removed by fractionation. Nevertheless, rene was initiated with s-BuLi, except in the case of
it reduces the yield of the desired product and makes the PSnPEOn stars, where cumyl potassium was used.
the control of its composition more difficult. Despite After the formation of the living PS star the SEC
these difficulties, well-defined structures were ob- analysis showed that a considerable part (as high as
tained. 15%) of the PS chains was not incorporated in the
vi. ABCD Miktoarm Star Quaterpolymers. star structure, mainly due to accidental deactivation.
Only one example of the synthesis of ABCD mikto- When the second monomer was a (meth)acrylate, the
arm star quaterpolymers is reported in the litera- active sites were first capped with one unit of DPE
ture.104 It consists of four different arms, PS, PI, PBd, to reduce their nucleophilicity. The final stars usually
and poly(4-methylstyrene) (P4MeS). A step by step had n values between 4 and 20.
incorporation of the branches was adopted in this An important feature of this method is that the
case, as shown in Scheme 46. The synthetic proce- second-generation branches growing from the living
core are living and therefore are susceptible to end-
Scheme 46
functionalization reactions or can be potentially used
to initiate the polymerization of another monomer,
leading to the formation of a An(B-b-C)n structure.
All the drawbacks of the method reported earlier in
the discussion concerning the asymmetric stars and
the use of DVB as a multifunctional initiator apply
in this case as well. The poor control over the
structural parameters (n values, composition, molec-
ular weights of the B chains), the inability to inde-
pendently characterize the B arms, and the existence
of a distribution in the number of arms within the
same sample indicate that the products have rather
dure involved two titration steps. Therefore, the order poor molecular and compositional homogeneity.
of linking of the different branches plays an essential 3. Diphenylethylene Derivative Method
role in controlling the reaction sequence. PS was
chosen to react first with an excess of SiCl4, followed The DPE derivative methods are based on the
after the evaporation of the excess silane by the slow procedures developed by Quirk and Hirao, as was
stoichiometric addition of the living P4MeS chains previously reported in the case of the asymmetric
in order to form the difunctional linking agent (PS)- stars. The first procedure relies on the use of either
(P4MeS)SiCl2. A second titration step was then 1,3-bis(1-phenylethenyl)benzene (MDDPE) or 1,4-bis-
performed with the addition of the living PI chains (1-phenylethenyl)benzene (PDDPE), whereas the sec-
to form the monofunctional linking agent (PS)- ond relies on the formation of macromonomers car-
(P4MeS)(PI)SiCl. The fourth arm, namely PBdLi, was rying DPE end groups with methoxymethyl moieties
added in the last step to give the desired product. that can be transformed to chloromethyl groups.
Complete linking was observed in all the reaction Other specific methods have also been developed
steps by SEC. Combined characterization results utilizing DPE derivatives for the synthesis of mik-
from several methods revealed that a well-defined toarm stars. The discussion given in the case of the
star was produced. asymmetric stars concerning the advantages and
limitations of the methods apply here as well. The
2. Divinylbenzene Method recent achievements using this methodology will be
The DVB method can be applied for the synthesis presented in the following paragraphs.
of miktoarm stars of the type AnBn in a similar i. A2B Miktoarm Star Copolymers. A2B mikto-
manner as in the case of the asymmetric AnA′n stars. arm stars, where A is PS and B is PI or PtBuMA,
It is a three-step procedure starting from the syn- were synthesized by Hirao et al.116,117 according to
thesis of the living chains A. These living chains the reaction in Scheme 47. Living PS chains were
initiate the polymerization of a small quantity of reacted with a 1.2-fold excess of 1,1-[bis(3-methoxy-
DVB, leading to the formation of a living star polymer methylphenyl)]ethylene in THF at -78 °C for 1 h.
carrying within its core a number of active sites equal Only the monoadduct product was obtained under
to the number of arms that have contributed to its these conditions. The end-methoxymethyl groups
formation. During the third step, these active sites were then transformed to chloromethyl moieties by
are used to polymerize the monomer B, thus produc- reaction with BCl3 in CH2Cl2 at 0 °C for 2 h. NMR
ing the miktoarm star AnBn. studies showed that this transformation reaction goes
This method for the synthesis of miktoarm stars to completion. The macromolecular linking agent was
was first reported by Funke17,18 and then extended then carefully purified by repeated precipitation and
and improved by Rempp et al.10 In all cases published freeze-drying from benzene solution and then reacted
in the literature, the A arms are PS chains, whereas with living PILi or PtBuMALi chains to give the
a variety of B chains has been used such as desired products. A small amount (5%) of the dimeric
PtBuMA, PtBuA, PEO, P2VP, and PEMA58,113-115. product was observed by SEC analysis. It was
Special care was given to the synthesis of amphiphilic proposed that this byproduct is obtained by the Li-
stars carrying both hydrophobic and either cationic Cl exchange and/or electron transfer reactions. SEC
or anionic branches. The polymerization of the sty- and NMR methods have been only used for the
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3767

Scheme 47 Scheme 48

a way that the rate constants of the two active

centers should be similar. Only in this way is the
formation of uniform chains obtained. This result can
only be achieved when a polar compound is added
prior to the crossover reaction. It was found that
among the different polar additives s-BuOLi does not
appreciably affect the polydiene’s microstructure. The
growing B arms cannot be isolated and characterized
independently. Miktoarm stars PS2PI2 and PS2PBd2
were prepared by this method.80,118 An advantage of
this procedure is that the growing B chains are living,
thus leaving the opportunity to introduce end-
functional groups by reaction with a suitable elec-
trophile or to continue the polymerization with the
addition of another monomer. Taking advantage of
this fact, the synthesis of the miktoarm star PS2(PS-
b-PBd)2 was reported.119
A similar method was employed for the synthesis
of PI2PMMA2 miktoarm stars,120 shown in Scheme
49. 1,1-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis[4-(1-phenylethenyl)ben-
zene] (EPEB) was used as the linking agent in this
case. A solution of EPEB was slowly added to the
solution of the living PI chains, leading to the
molecular characterization of these structures. Low formation of the coupled product. LiCl was then
molecular weight arms were employed to facilitate added and the polymerization of MMA was initiated
the NMR analysis. at -78 °C to give the desired product. Unreacted PI
ii. A2B2 Miktoarm Star Copolymers. The use of chains formed by accidental deactivation during the
MDDPE for the synthesis of A2B2 type of miktoarm coupling reaction were removed by fractionation.
stars has been extensively investigated.26 The method Molecular characterization data showed that well-
involves the reaction of the living A arms with defined stars were prepared by this method.
MDDPE in a molar ratio 2:1, leading to the formation
of the living dianionic coupled product. The active Scheme 49
sites are subsequently used as initiator of another
monomer to give the A2B2 structure, as shown in
Scheme 48.
The coupling reaction of the living A chains can be
monitored by UV-vis spectroscopy and SEC. This
step can be very efficient, although careful control
over the stoichiometry is needed. The efficiency of the
coupling reaction is reduced on increasing the mo-
lecular weight of the arm. Only living PS chains have
been successfully used for this coupling reaction. It
was found that the poly(dienyl)lithium compounds
are not reactive enough and the presence of Lewis
bases is required in order to accelerate the coupling
reaction. However, in this case the subsequent ad-
dition of another diene for further polymerization
leads to polydienes exhibiting high vinyl contents.
The crossover reaction used to initiate the poly-
merization of the B monomers has to proceed in such
3768 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

Scheme 50 and (PS)(PBd)(P2VP)123 stars (Scheme 51). Living PS

chains were reacted with 1-(4-bromomethylphenyl)-
1-phenylethylene to produce DPE end-functionalized
PS. The living PS chains were first end-capped with
a DPE unit to reduce their reactivity and increase
the steric hindrance of the living chain end. Under
these conditions, the addition of the PSLi chains to
the DPE derivative and the halogen-lithium ex-
change reactions are minimized. The functionaliza-
tion of the PS was reported to be quantitative, as
judged by UV spectroscopic analysis. The next step
involved the linking of living PBdLi chains, prepared
in THF at -10 °C, to the double bond of the end-
reactive PS. A living diblock copolymer was thus
prepared. The active site was finally used to poly-
merize MMA or 2VP to produce the miktoarm star
terpolymer. A multipeak product, especially in the
case of the (PS)(PBd)(PMMA) star, was revealed by
SEC analysis. The pure product was obtained after
iii. ABC Miktoarm Star Terpolymers. Several fractionation.
approaches have been developed for the synthesis of Dumas et al.124,125 have developed a procedure for
ABC miktoarm star terpolymers. A (PS)(PDMS)- the synthesis of ABC miktoarm star terpolymers
(PtBuMA) star was prepared121 according to the containing amphiphilic branches. Styrene was poly-
method shown in Scheme 50. The lithium salt of the merized in THF at -78 °C using cumylpotassium as
p-(dimethylhydroxy)silyl-R-phenylstyrene was pre- initiator. The living chains were then reacted with
pared and consequently used as initiator for the 1-[4-(2-tert-butyldimethylsiloxy)ethyl]phenyl-1-phen-
polymerization of hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D3). ylethylene, as illustrated in Scheme 52. The living
Living PS chains were then reacted with the double center was then used to initiate the polymerization
bond of the end-reactive PDMS, leading to the
formation of the living coupled product. The active Scheme 52
sites were used for the polymerization of tBuMA for
the synthesis of the final star.
The molecular weight distribution of the original
PDMS was rather broad (Mw/Mn ) 1.3-1.4). There-
fore, fractionation was performed in order to reduce
the polydispersity of the product before conducting
the subsequent steps of the synthesis. Despite the
fact that the living PS chains were reported to attack
the PDMS chains, no side reactions were detected in
this study.
A similar synthetic route was adopted by Stadler
et al. for the synthesis of the (PS)(PBd)(PMMA)122

Scheme 51
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3769

of ethylene oxide. After removal of the protecting Scheme 54

group with tetrabutylammonium fluoride, the corre-
sponding alcoholate was formed in the presence of
diphenylmethylsodium and used for the polymeriza-
tion of -caprolactone (-CL). Rather broad molecular
weight distributions were obtained (Mw/Mn ) 1.2-
1.4). Only SEC and NMR analysis have been re-
The alcoholate was alternatively reacted with tin
octoate to initiate the polymerization of L-lactide (LL)
and produce (PS)(PEO)(PLL) star terpolymer. In
another application of the method, the 1,1-diphenyl-
alkylpotassium intermediate (I) was used to initiate
the polymerization of MMA at -78 °C. After de-
protecting and activating the hydroxyl group, the
polymerization of ethylene oxide was initiated, lead-
ing to the formation of the (PS)(PMMA)(PEO) star
terpolymer. If -CL is polymerized instead of EO,
then (PS)(PMMA)(P-CL) stars are produced. Limited
characterization data were given for these stars. In
all cases two of the arms grow from the star center
and thus cannot be isolated and characterized. How-
ever, interesting amphiphilic structures were ob-
tained. Scheme 55

The potassium salt of 1-(4-hydroxylpropylphenyl)-

1-phenylethylene was used to initiate the polymeri-
zation of ethylene oxide, leading to the formation of
a PEO chain having an end-DPE group.26 The mac-
romonomer was then quantitatively reacted with
PSLi to form the living diblock copolymer. The active
site was used to polymerize tBuMA after the tem-
perature was reduced to 5 °C (Scheme 53). Only SEC
and NMR spectroscopy were employed for the char-
acterization of the star structure. This technique has
not been used for the synthesis of stars having high
molecular weights, raising questions about the ef-
ficiency of the method in this case.

Scheme 53

iv. More Complex Architectures. A new meth-

odology that permits the synthesis of a variety of
miktoarm stars was developed by Hirao as described
in the case of the asymmetric stars. In a series of
papers the synthesis of the following structures has
been reported: AB3, AB4, A2B4, A2B12, ABC2, ABC4,
AB2C2, and A2B2C2, where A is PS, B is PI, and C is
poly(R-methyl styrene) (PRMeS).82-86,116,117 Charac-
teristic examples are given in Schemes 54 and 55. It
3770 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

was shown that this methodology is very powerful product was isolated by silica gel thin-layer chroma-
with respect to the variety of structures that can be tography. The epoxide group was then hydrolyzed
obtained, and it offers the possibility to prepare even under acidic conditions to give the ω-dihydroxyl-
more complex products. However, this multistep functionalized PS. The pure product was obtained by
procedure is time-consuming and extra care is needed silica gel chromatography. The hydroxyl groups were
to avoid the presence of side reactions. The formation reacted with cesium metal in THF at room temper-
of byproducts was minimized by the choice of reaction ature for 5 h to give the cesium alkoxides, which were
conditions, leading to the formation of well-defined subsequently used as initiators for the polymerization
products. The exclusive use of low molecular weight of propylene oxide. The crude product contained 36
arms poses questions about the efficiency of the wt % of the desired PS(PPO)2 star and 64 wt % of
method when higher molecular weight arms, having PPO homopolymer, as a result of chain transfer to
more sterically hindered chain ends, are used. the PPO monomer. The homopolymer was removed
by fractionation in a methanol/water mixture. Only
4. Synthesis of Miktoarm Stars by Other Methods SEC and 1H NMR analysis were given, making it
difficult to prove that the final product contains two
Several other specific methods have been reported equal PPO arms.
in the literature for the synthesis of miktoarm stars. Star polymers carrying one poly(2-vinylnaphtha-
Usually they do not have general applicability, but lene) (PVN) and several PS arms were prepared by
most of them lead to products that cannot easily be Takano et al.127 according to Scheme 57. (4-Vinyl-
obtained by the more general methods described
earlier. Therefore, these techniques are valuable tools Scheme 57
in polymer synthesis.
A miktoarm star copolymer carrying one PS arm
and two poly(propylene oxide) arms126 was prepared
by the method given in Scheme 56. Living PS chains
were end-capped with one unit of DPE, to reduce the
reactivity of the chain end, followed by the addition
of epichlorohydrin to produce the epoxide function-
alized polymer. It was shown by SEC analysis and
chemical titration that the epoxide content of the
final product was 95 wt %. The desired functionalized

Scheme 56

phenyl)dimethylvinylsilane (VS) was oligomerized

using cumyl potassium as initiator, followed by the
polymerization of vinylnaphthalene. The vinylsilyl
double bonds of the monomer remained unaffected
during the polymerization of VS. This was accom-
plished by carrying out the reaction in THF and using
short polymerization times. These double bonds were
subsequently used as linking agents with living PSLi
chains. The characterization results showed that on
average 13 PS arms were incorporated into the star
structure. This method does not provide the best
control over the number of PS arms since, probably
for steric hindrance reasons, only one out of 3.6
silylvinyl groups was used for the PS arms.
A macromonomer technique was employed by
Ishizu and Kuwahara to prepare miktoarm star
copolymers of the (PS)n(PI)m type.128 PS and PI
macromonomers were prepared by coupling the living
chains with p-chloromethylstyrene. The PS and PI
macromonomers (vinyl end-capped chains) were co-
polymerized anionically in benzene using n-BuLi as
initiator. The products are comb-shaped copolymers,
but they behave as miktoarm stars of the type AnBm.
The reaction sequence is given in Scheme 58.
Miktoarm stars containing PS and PMMA branches
were synthesized using C60 as the linking agent.129
Living PSLi chains were added to C60 to form the
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3771

Scheme 58 A. “Grafting Onto”

In the “grafting onto” method the backbone and the
arms are prepared separately by a living polymeri-
zation mechanism. The backbone bears functional
groups distributed along the chain that can react
with the living branches. Upon mixing the backbone
and the branches in the desired proportion and under
the appropriate experimental conditions, a coupling
reaction takes place resulting in the final comb-
shaped polymers.
By the use of an anionic polymerization mecha-
nism, the molecular weight, molecular weight poly-
dispersity, and the chemical composition of the
backbone and branches can be controlled. Addition-
ally, both backbone and branches can be isolated and
characterized separately. The average number of
branches can be controlled primarily by the number
of the functional groups (branching sites) present in
the backbone and sometimes by the ratio of the
functional groups to the active chain end concentra-
tion of the branches used in the coupling reaction.
living star with six arms. Subsequent addition of
The branching sites can be introduced onto the
MMA resulted in the grow of PMMA branches. The
backbone either by postpolymerization reactions or
sample was characterized only by SEC. The chro-
by copolymerization of the main backbone mono-
matogram was bimodal, indicating that a mixture
mer(s) with a suitable comonomer, with the desired
of products was obtained. Judging from the SEC
functional group (unprotected or in a protected form
data, it was concluded that six PS and at least two
if this functional group interferes with the polymer-
PMMA branches were incorporated in the star struc-
ization reaction). Branches of comb-shaped polymers
ture. It is obvious that this method does not pro-
are commonly prepared by anionic polymerization,
duce well-defined polymers, and more efforts are
and backbones with electrophilic functionalities such
needed to understand the linking chemistry of living
as anhydrides, esters, pyridine, or benzylic halide
carbanionic species with C60.
groups are employed.88 The actual average number
A similar synthetic route was adopted for the
of branches in the final copolymer can be found by
synthesis of (PS)6(PI) miktoarm stars, also reported
the determination of the overall molecular weight of
as palm tree structures.130 The living star carrying
the copolymer and the known molecular weights of
six PS branches was formed by the reaction of living
the backbone and the branches.
PS chains with C60. Isoprene was subsequently
A representative example is the preparation of
added. It was claimed that only one PI arm can grow
poly(butadiene-g-styrene) graft copolymers131 (Scheme
from the core, although six C-Li species are avail-
able. A considerable increase in the molecular weight Scheme 59
distribution was observed during the formation of the
PS6 star (Mw/Mn ) 1.07-1.14 compared to values of
1.04 for the PS arm) and the miktoarm star (Mw/Mn
) 1.2-1.3). Slow initiation was blamed for the broad
molecular weight distribution of the final structure.
However, the existence of a mixture of stars contain-
ing more than one PI arm cannot be ruled out.

III. Comb-Shaped Polymers

Graft polymers consist of a main polymer chain,
the backbone, with one or more side chains attached
to it through covalent bonds, the branches. Graft
copolymers are comb-shaped polymers where the
chemical nature of the backbone and the branches
differs. The chemical nature and composition of the
backbone and the branches differ in most cases.
Branches are usually distributed randomly along the
backbone, although recently advances in synthetic
methods allowed the preparation of better defined
Randomly branched comb-shaped polymers can be
prepared by three general synthetic methods: the
“grafting onto”, the “grafting from”, and the “grafting
through” or macromonomer method.88
3772 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

59). The PBd backbones were synthesized by anionic PS, PS-g-PI, and PS-g-PMMA comb-shaped polymers
polymerization in benzene, resulting in PBds with with well-defined molecular characteristics (Scheme
high 1,4-addition (1,2-addition was lower than 10%). 61). The PS-g-PMMA graft copolymers were found
Postpolymerization catalytic hydrosilylation using to decompose in proton-containing media, while they
(CH3)2SiHCl was used for introduction of chlorosilane were stable in organic solvents.
groups, preferentially at the 1,2-double bonds. Fi- Anionically prepared and subsequently hydro-
nally, a linking reaction between living polystyrene silylated PBds were also used for the formation of
anions and the Si-Cl groups of the PBd backbone PBd-g-poly(sodium methacrylate) graft copolymers.134
gave poly(Bd-g-S) graft copolymers with randomly The precursors were PBd-g-poly(tert-butyl meth-
placed single PS branches. When HSiCl2CH3 was acrylate) graft copolymers. These were prepared by
used in the hydrosilylation step, difunctional branch- reaction of the hydrosilylated PBd backbone with
ing sites were introduced in the backbone. Subse- living PtBuMA anions end capped with tert-butyl
quent reaction with excess PSLi afforded graft co- 4-vinylbenzoate. This modification of the living end
polymers with randomly distributed double PS proved to be necessary, since in this way the expected
branches (PBd-g-PS2). Characterization of the final C-silylation stable product is obtained instead of the
products showed that they possessed a high degree O-silylated one, when uncapped living PtBuMA is
of molecular weight and compositional homogeneity. used. Hydrolysis of the graft copolymers followed by
By the same synthetic scheme, PBd comb polymers neutralization with sodium hydroxide yielded the
were prepared, and after catalytic hydrogenation, amphiphilic analogues.
well-defined graft polyethylenes were obtained132 Ruckenstein and Zhang presented the synthesis of
(Scheme 60). amphiphilic graft copolymers with poly(methacrylic
acid) hydrophilic backbones and hydrophobic PS side
Scheme 60 chains.135 The precursors of the backbones were
random copolymers of 1-(ethoxy)ethyl methacrylate
(EEMA) and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) prepared
by anionic copolymerization of the two monomers.
These copolymers had narrow molecular weight and
composition polydispersities as well as predetermined
molecular weights and compositions. The amount of
GMA in the copolymers determines the number of
grafting sites in the backbone, and it was kept low
Ruckenstein and Zhang reported that the anionic
in all cases. In the next step a predetermined amount
copolymerization of 4-(vinylphenyl)-1-butene with
of a solution of living PSLi was added to the solution
styrene in toluene/THF at -40 °C gives well-defined
of the living backbone, resulting in a rapid reaction
polymers,133 since under these experimental condi-
between PSLi active chain ends and the epoxy groups
tions the vinylic double bond is selectively polymer-
of GMA in the backbone. Unreacted epoxy groups
ized. The copolymers were subjected to hydrosilyl-
were neutralized by 1,1-diphenylhexyllithium. The
ation for the introduction of Si-Cl groups at the
final graft copolymers had relatively narrow molec-
olefinic double bonds. These groups were used as
grafting sites for the linking of PSLi, PILi, and
Scheme 62
PMMALi living chains in order to synthesize PS-g-

Scheme 61
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3773

ular weight distributions. The EEMA units were then pared by reaction of poly(m-bromomethylstyrene)
subjected to hydrolysis, and the desired amphiphilic with PSLi end-capped with DPE.
comblike copolymers were obtained (Scheme 62). It Partially chloromethylated or bromomethylated
is characteristic that no excess of PSLi was used in anionically prepared polystyrenes have been used for
this work, introducing another way of controlling the the preparation of several graft copolymers contain-
number of grafted chains per backbone through ing PS backbones and PI,43 P2VP,45,139 P4VP,140
control of the stoichiometry between potential graft- PtBuMA,45 and PEO141,142 branches. Some of these
ing sites and number of living side chains. copolymers are precursors for amphiphilic graft
Using the same methodology, PMMA-g-PS and copolymers (Scheme 64).
poly(allyl methacrylate)-g-Ps graft copolymers were Scheme 64
prepared.136 In all cases GMA was anionically co-
polymerized with the appropriate methacrylic mono-
mer in order to produce the backbone of the graft. In
the case of poly(allyl methacrylate)-g-PS, the allylic
groups of allyl methacrylate were converted to hy-
droxyl groups by hydroboration-oxidation reaction,
giving amphiphilic graft copolymers with hydrophilic
backbones and hydrophobic branches. Reaction of
GMA homopolymers with a PSLi, PILi, and PSLi/
PILi mixture resulted in the formation of PGMA-g-
PS, PGMA-g-PI, and PGMA-g-(PS,PI) graft copoly-
Hirao and Ryu synthesized PS graft copolymers
with one side chain in almost every monomeric
unit.138 They used anionically synthesized poly (m-
(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)oxystyrene)s as precursors
for the preparation of m-halomethylstyrenes by reac- Watanabe et al. reported the synthesis of P2VP-
tion with BCl3, (CH3)SiCl/LiBr, and (CH3)SiCl/NaI g-PS and P2VP-g-PI copolymers.143 The P2VPs used
for the introduction of Cl, Br, and I, respectively. The as the backbones were prepared by anionic poly-
transformation reactions were quantitative. The halo- merization. After thorough purification for complete
methylstyrenes, having well-defined molecular weights removal of terminating impurities, these homopoly-
and low molecular weight polydispersities, were mers were directly reacted with living PILi and PILi
subsequently used as backbones for the preparation to give the desired graft copolymers (Scheme 65). The
of comb-shaped polymers. Reaction of the highly final products had narrow molecular weight distribu-
reactive benzyl halides with living PSLi chains in tions. No grafting was observed when the side chains
THF gave the aforementioned PS combs (Scheme 63). were end-capped with DPE.
The final products, isolated after fractionation, were
similar in respect to their molecular characteristics Scheme 65
with the polymer obtained when living PSLi was
coupled with poly(m-chloromethylstyrene) at -78 °C
or diphenylethylene-capped PSLi at -40 °C. Reaction
times were shorter in the former case, due to the
higher reactivity of PSLi. PS combs were also pre-

Scheme 63
B. “Grafting From”
In the “grafting from” method, after the prepara-
tion of the backbone, active sites are produced along
the main chain that are able to initiate the poly-
merization of the second monomer(s). Polymerization
of the second monomer results in the formation of
branches and the final graft copolymer. The number
of branches can be controlled by the number of active
sites generated along the backbone, assuming that
each one of them initiates the formation of one
branch. Obviously, the isolation and characterization
of each part of the graft copolymer in this case is
almost always impossible. Knowledge of precursor
molecular characteristics is limited to the backbone.
Isolation of the branches can be achieved only in
some cases and usually involves selective chemical
decomposition of the backbone, e.g., ozonolysis of
polydiene backbone in poly(diene-g-styrene) graft
copolymers.133 Following this methodology, several
3774 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

graft copolymers were synthesized by the use of mers are oligomeric or polymeric chains that have a
anionic polymerization. polymerizable end group. In this case, the macro-
Anionic active sites can be generated by metalation monomer comprises the branch of the copolymer and
of allylic, benzylic, or aromatic C-H bonds, present the backbone is formed in situ. The number of
in the backbone, by organometallic compounds, such branches per backbone can be generally controlled
as s-BuLi, in the presence of strong chelating agents by the ratio of the molar concentrations of the
that facilitate the reaction. The metalation of poly- macromonomer and the comonomer. Several other
dienes with s-BuLi in the presence of N,N,N′,N′- factors have to be considered. Among them the most
tetramethylethylenediamine (TMEDA) presents a important one is the copolymerization behavior of the
representative example.144-146 macromonomer and the comonomer forming the
Metalation of PI and PBd by this procedure and backbone. Depending on the reactivity ratios, r1 and
subsequent polymerization of styrene led to the r2, of the reacting species, different degree of ran-
formation of PI-g-PS and PBd-g-PS copolymers with domness can be achieved, with respect to the place-
well-defined molecular characteristics144-148 (Scheme ment of the branches. Since macromonomer and
66). comonomer incorporation in the graft copolymer can
vary in the course of the copolymerization reaction
Scheme 66 due to changes in the concentration of the two
compounds in the mixture, different kinds of graft
copolymers are formed as a function of time. Phase
separation can also occur in these systems, due to
the formation of the copolymers, leading to increased
compositional and molecular weight heterogeneity of
the final product.
PS macromonomer formation by anionic polymer-
ization has been described in several cases.150-153 In
one of them styrene was polymerized by s-BuLi, and
In another approach, PMMA-g-poly(β-butyrolac- once the monomer has been consumed completely, a
tone) copolymers were synthesized using the “graft- slight excess of ethylene oxide was added.150 The
ing from” technique.149 Anionically polymerized PMMA oxirane end-capped living polymer is then reacted
was treated with the 18-crown-6 complex of potas- with methacryloyl chloride to give a PS macromono-
sium hydroxide in toluene, resulting in an macro- mer with a methacrylate type polymerizable end unit.
molecular initiator (Scheme 67). The average number If the oxirane end-capped living polymer is reacted
with benzyl bromide (or chloride), PS macromonomer
Scheme 67 with a styrenic polymerizable end unit is produced.
Alternatively, living PS was end-capped with 1,1-
diphenylethylene and then reacted with vinyl benzyl
bromide (chloride). In a similar way, living PMMALi
anions can be end-capped with methacryloyl chloride
or vinyl benzyl bromide (chloride) by direct reaction.
These macromonomers were used, after complete
removal of protonic impurities, in subsequent anionic
copolymerization with MMA or styrene to give the
corresponding PMMA-g-PMMA, PMMA-g-PS, and
PS-g-PS comb-shaped polymers (Scheme 68). Direct
polymerization of the macromonomers results in the
formation of polymacromonomers, i.e., graft copoly-
mers with a side chain on every backbone mono-
of grafting sites per macroinitiator was determined mer.154
by reaction of the modified PMMA with benzyl Graft copolymers of St and Is, with trifunctional
bromide and subsequent characterization of the or tetrafunctional branching points, situated equi-
copolymer. The carboxylate active groups formed
were used as initiating sites for the anionic poly- Scheme 68
merization of β-butyrolactone in THF at room tem-
perature. The grafting process was followed by 1H
NMR and the final copolymers, obtained after ter-
mination with methyl iodide, were characterized by
SEC, VPO, and NMR. The grafting efficiency was
determined to be high and the density of the grafting
sites could be controlled easily.

C. “Grafting Through”
In the grafting through method, preformed macro-
monomers are copolymerized with another monomer
in order to produce the graft copolymer. Macromono-
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3775

Scheme 69 Scheme 70

distantly on the backbone, were synthesized by a

combination of living anionic and condensation poly-
merization methodologies155 (Scheme 69). In the case
of graft copolymers with the trifunctional branching
points, a living PSLi was reacted with excess MeSiCl3 PBLi, and PSPILi living chains were linked (Scheme
to give a macromolecule with two terminal SiCl 70). The use of MeSiHCl2 instead of Me2SiHCl in the
bonds. This was reacted, after removal of excess hydrosilylation step produced difunctional branching
silane, with a difunctional PI produced by the di- sites along the PB part of the backbone, leading to
functional initiator derived from MDDPE and s-BuLi, the formation of block-graft copolymers with two
following a polycondensation reaction scheme, giving chains grafted on each branching point.
a well-defined graft copolymer with PI backbone and Se et al. presented the synthesis of poly[(VS-g-I)-
PS branches. In this way, the length of the branches b-S] block-graft copolymers.157 The backbone, a
and the distance between them on the backbone could diblock copolymer of 4-(vinyldimethylsilyl)styrene
be controlled. Some control over the average number (VS) and styrene, was prepared first by anionic
of branches could also be exersized by the molar ratio polymerization. The VS monomer was polymerized
of the difunctional macromonomers. In the case of selectively through the styryl double bond at low
the grafts with tetrafunctional branching points, the
PS branch was reacted with SiCl4 in a controllable Scheme 71
way to give (PS)2SiCl2 (Scheme 69). The first branch
was introduced by reaction with excess SiCl4, which
was subsequently removed, and the second PS was
introduced via a titration procedure in order to avoid
substitution of the third Cl. The macromolecular
linking agent was reacted with a predetermined
amount of a difunctional PI to give the desired graft
copolymer. In both cases, crude reaction products had
relatively wide molecular weight distributions as a
result of the condensation mechanism of the second
synthetic step, but after fractionation, narrow mo-
lecular weight distribution products were obtained.

IV. Block−Graft Copolymers

Block-graft copolymers, having a PS-PB diblock
as a backbone and PS, PI, PB and PS-b-PI branches,
were prepared by anionic polymerization and hydro-
silylation reactions.156 The diblock copolymer back-
bone was prepared by sequential addition of styrene
and butadiene. The polymerization of butadiene took
place in the presence of dipiperidinoethane, resulting
in high 1,2-content. The backbone was then subjected
to hydrosilylation in order to incorporate the desired
amount of SiCl groups on the PB block. These groups
were then used as branching sites, where PSLi, PILi,
3776 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

Scheme 72

temperature in THF using cumylcesium as initiator Ruckenstein et al. reported the preparation of
followed by the addition of styrene. Living PILi was PMMA-b-(PGMA-g-PS) and PMMA-b-(PGMA-g-PI)
then allowed to react with the vinylsilyl groups of block-graft copolymers, where PGMA is poly(glycidyl
the VS block, giving the final graft copolymer (Scheme methacrylate).137 The PMMA-b-PGMA diblock was
71). Detailed characterization of the polymers ob- obtained first by anionic polymerization through
tained by SEC, osmometry, and ultracentrifugation sequential addition of monomers. Then living PSLi
techniques proved their high molecular weight and and PILi chains were linked to the diblock backbone
compositional homogeneity, as well as their desired by reaction with the glycidyl groups of the GMA
architecture. block. Molecular characterization of the final prod-
ucts confirmed the intended architecture and rela-
The synthesis of block-graft copolymer containing
tively narrow molecular weight distributions.
styrene, hydroxystyrene, and ethylene oxide of the
types PS-b-(PHS-g-PEO) and PS-b-(PHS-g-PEO)-b-
PS, where PHS is poly(p-hydroxystyrene), has been V. r,ω-Branched Architectures
reported.158 The ABA triblock copolymer comprising
the backbone was synthesized by a three-step se- By the use of anionic polymerization and controlled
quential addition of monomers i.e., styrene and p-tert- chlorosilane chemistry, the exact placement of the
butoxystyrene (the precursor to hydroxystyrene). The side chains along the backbone is possible. Using this
PBS blocks were converted to poly(p-hydroxystyrene), combination, H- and super-H-shaped copolymers
by reaction with hydrogen bromide. The OH groups were synthesized. In the case of H-shaped copoly-
thus formed were transformed to potassium alkoxide mers,159 living PSLi and MeSiCl3 were reacted in a
groups by reaction with cumyl potassium or 1,1- ratio SiCl:Li ) 3:2.1. Due to the sterically hindered
diphenylethylene potassium. The resulting macro- PSLi anion, only two Cl atoms were substituted,
molecular initiators were used for the polymerization resulting in a PS dimer having an active Si-Cl bond
of EO, forming the branches of the block-graft-block at the center. The macromolecular linking agent was
copolymers (Scheme 72). Molecular characterization reacted with a difunctional PI chain (the connector),
of the products by SEC and osmometry indicated that synthesized using the difunctional initiator derived
they possessed narrow molecular weight distributions from MDDPE and s-BuLi in benzene solution and in
and predictable molecular weights and compositions. the presence of lithium-tert-butoxide, giving the
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3777

Scheme 73 Scheme 76

H-copolymer as shown in Scheme 73. This synthetic

scheme is an extension of the one used for the
preparation of H-shaped polystyrene homopoly-
For the synthesis of the (PI)3PS(PI)3 super-H
copolymers,161 a difunctional PS chain, derived from
the polymerization of isoprene in THF using sodium
naphthalene as initiator, was reacted with a large
excess of SiCl4, giving a PS chain with three Si-Cl
active bonds at each end. After elimination of excess
SiCl4 and the addition of excess PILi living arms, the
(PI)3PS(PI)3 super-H shaped copolymer was isolated
(Scheme 74). Using the same synthetic strategy,
(PS-PI)3PS(PI-PS)3 block copolymers were also
synthesized.162 Pom-pom or dumbbell copolymers with a high
functionality of the end-grafted chains were synthe-
Scheme 74 sized by first preparing a PBd-1,2-PS-Pbd-1,2 tri-
block copolymer having short PBd blocks by anionic
polymerization, using naphthalene potassium as
difunctional initiator.164 The pendant double bonds
in the PBd blocks were subjected to hydroboration-
oxidation, producing OH groups. These groups were
(PI)5PS(PI)5 copolymers (pom-pom shaped) were transformed to alkoxides, by reaction with cumyl-
synthesized in a way similar to the preparation of potassium in the presence of cryptant(kryptofix-
H-shaped copolymers101 (Scheme 75). A hexafunc- [2.2.2]). In this way, precipitation of the polyfunc-
tional silane was reacted with PILi in a ratio SiCl:Li tional initiator was avoided. The alkoxide groups
) 6:5, giving the five-arm star having a SiCl group were subsequently used as initiating sites for the
at the central point. These functional stars were polymerization of ethylene oxide. The dumbbell-
reacted in a second step with a difunctional PS, shaped (PEO)nPS(PEO)n copolymer was prepared in
giving the desired pom-pom copolymers. this way (Scheme 77). Characterization of the ob-
tained polymers indicated a low degree of molecular
Scheme 75 weight and compositional heterogeneity.
Dumbbell copolymers were also synthesized by
Frechet et al.165 A difunctional PS living chain,
prepared in THF using potassium naphthalenide as
initiator, was end-capped with DPE and subse-
quently reacted with a fourth-generation dendrimer
(PS)nPS(PS)n homopolymers were prepared by a having a bromomethyl group at its converging point
synthetic scheme involving anionic polymerization of (Scheme 78).
styrene followed by addition of 4-(chlorodimethyl- π-Shaped graft copolymers, i.e., graft copolymers
silyl)styrene (CDMSS) in the first step.163 By control- with a PI backbone and two identical PS branches,
ling the amount of CDMSS added to the solution of were synthesized by anionic polymerization.159 PILi
the living PS relative to the amount of the initial was reacted with excess MeSiCl3 in order to produce
chain ends, the extent of coupling (number of arms, the macromolecular linking agent PISiCl2. PSLi was
n) can be controlled. The star PS thus formed slowly added to PISiCl2 in order to replace the second
contains one living chain end that can be used for Cl atom. The course of the reaction was followed by
the polymerization of additional styrene in the second SEC. The junction point functionalized (PS)(PI)SiCl
step. Coupling of the living stars with (CH3)2SiCl2 in diblock was subsequently reacted with a difunctional
the third step results in the formation of (PS)nPS- living PI in a 2.1:1 ratio to give the π-shaped
(PS)n pom-pom polymers (Scheme 76). Due to the copolymer after fractionation (Scheme 79). In this
statistical nature of the first step, there is a distribu- case the length of the PS branches of the connecting
tion in the number of arms connected to the ends of part of the backbone, the length of the two backbone
the main PS chain. parts between the branching points, and the ends of
3778 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

Scheme 77

Scheme 78 Scheme 79

the main chain could be controlled, leading to a well-

defined graft architecture.
double bond. The active site is used for the formation
Exact graft copolymers166 with a PI backbone and of the last part of the molecule by polymerization of
two PS branches, where the position of the branching Is. Despite the numerous reaction steps and the
points along the backbone and the length of each demanding purification of the intermediate products,
branch could be controlled exactly, were synthesized the method allows control over almost all molecular
using anionic polymerization methodology and non- characteristics of the final graft copolymer and can
polymerizable DPE derivatives for branching point be extended to the preparation of grafts with a higher
formation (Scheme 80). Living PILi is produced and number of branches.
reacted with PDDPE in the presence of a small
amount of THF. By taking advantage of the differ-
ences in the reactivity of the two double bonds and VI. Cyclic Polymers
the appropriate stoichiometry, monitored by titration,
only one chain is introduced on PDDPE. The product The first attempts to synthesize cyclic polymers
is isolated and purified. Then it is reacted with living involved a ring-open chain equilibrium based on
PSLi in order to introduce the second part of the backbiting reactions of poly(dimethylsiloxanes).167
molecule. After complete reaction, the living centers However, this method was limited to low molecular
on PDDPE are used to polymerize Is in the presence weight and polydisperse cyclic polymers and was
of THF. The resulting ABB′ star has an anionic active characterized by the inability to isolate the corre-
center on the end of the B′ branch, which can react sponding linear precursor in order to prove the cyclic
with PDDPE again, giving a star-shaped, double- structure by comparing the properties. Now a days
bond-functionalized polymer. After isolation and living polymerization processes leading to narrow
thorough purification of the intermediate, another PS molecular weight distribution polymers are generally
branch is introduced by reaction with the remaining preferred. The linear precursor of the cyclic polymer
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3779

Scheme 80

has either two identical or two different functional

groups capable of reacting with each other. In the
first case, an R,ω-homodifunctional macromolecule
was synthesized first, followed by the reaction with
an appropriate difunctional linking agent. In the
second case, an R,ω-heterodifunctional macromol-
ecule was prepared by using functional protected
initiator and by neutralizing the living anion with
the appropriate linking agent containing another These reactions lead to undesirable, high molecular
protected group. The cyclic structure is formed by the weight polycondensates, which are either linear or
coupling reaction of the two reactive groups. cyclic and should be removed from the low molecular
The first case is shown below schematically: weight desirable cyclic product.
In the second case, the cyclization requires an
activation step:

Besides the intramolecular reaction, several inter-

molecular reactions can occur:
3780 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

This synthetic approach presents several advan- Scheme 81

tages, such as an exact stoichiometry of addition of
the two reagents is not required, since the two
reactive groups are in the same molecule and only a
catalytic amount of the activator K is needed. In both
cases, the possibility of intramolecular versus inter-
molecular reaction depends on their effective con-
centration. The probability of intramolecular reac-
tion, i.e., of finding the ω-end of a chain within a
small reaction volume ve close to the R-end is given

Pi ) (3/2π)3/2ve/〈r2〉3/2

where 〈r2〉 is the mean square end-to-end distance of

the chain in the reaction medium. The probability of
the intermolecular reaction, i.e., of finding the chain
end of another molecule is given by

Pe ) (NAc/M)ve
light scattering, and this was attributed to the lower
where NA is Avogadro’s number, c the concentration hydrodynamic volume that is expected for a cyclic
of the polymer, and M the molecular weight. The polymer when compared to the corresponding linear
concentration at which the intra- and intermolecular material.
reaction are equally likely is given by Roovers et al.169 synthesized cyclic PS under high-
vacuum conditions by using naphthalene sodium as
cequal ) [(3/2π)/〈r2〉]3/2M/NA a difunctional initiator. The polymerization solvent
was a mixture of THF:benzene in a ratio of 1:1 (v/v).
This equation shows that (a) the more dilute the The linking agent was dichlorodimethylsilane, and
polymer solution, the more probable the cyclization the linking reaction was performed in cyclohexane
over the polycondensation is, and (b) at the same at room temperature, which is close to θ conditions
molecular weight, double the concentration (higher for PS (Scheme 82). Although the procedure has been
yield) can be used for heterodifunctional than for questioned by some authors due to the higher pos-
homodifunctional polymers. The practical strategies sibility of forming permanent “knots”, no clear evi-
used for the preparation of cyclic copolymers will be dence of this conjecture has been forthcoming. Roovers
presented below. synthesized a series of cyclic PSs having molecular
weights (2.0-55) × 104 g/mol. The separation of the
A. Cyclic Homopolymers from Precursors with Scheme 82
Homodifunctional Groups
Many different linking agents and functional groups
have been proposed for the synthesis of cyclic poly-
mers using homodifunctional groups. However, the
general strategy followed by most authors is similar
and can be outlined as follows:
(a) preparation of a monodisperse R,ω-homodifunc-
tional living polymer,
(b) reaction of the living polymer with a homodi-
functional linking agent,
and (c) fractionation for purification of the cyclic
In all cases a high dilution of the linking reaction
was used in order to increase the yield of cyclization.
1. Cyclic Homopolymers
Hild et al.168 prepared ring polystyrenes under
argon atmosphere by reacting R,ω-dipotassium poly-
styrene, synthesized by potassium naphthalenide,
with dibromo-p-xylene in a mixture of THF:benzene
or cyclohexene in a ratio 1:1 (v/v) (Scheme 81). The
addition of the reagents was made by using two
dropping funnels. After fractional precipitation, the
yield of the synthetic procedure was between 30%
and 46%. The apparent molecular weight obtained
by SEC was about 20% lower than that obtained by
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3781

Scheme 83 Scheme 85

tecture and not according to their hydrodynamic

volume, and verified the low degree of contamina-
Hogen-Esch et al.172 synthesized R,ω-dilithium
cyclic from the linear precursor was achived by poly(2-vinylpyridine) by anionic polymerization of
ultracentrifugation. The g′ ) [η]r/[η]l values, where 2-vinylpyridine with 1,4-dilithio-1,1,4,4-tetraphenyl-
[η]r and [η]l are the intrinsic viscosities of the cyclic butane, in THF at -78 °C under inert atmosphere.
and the corresponding linear polymer, respectively, The cyclization reaction was performed in high dilu-
varied from 0.58 to 0.68, which is in good agreement tion by adding 1,4-bis(bromomethyl)benzene (Scheme
with the theoretically and experimentally reported 83). The main indication for the formation of the
values. cyclic polymers was the significant difference in the
A few years later, by using the same experimental Tg value between the cyclic and the linear precursor.
procedures, the same scientists prepared cyclic poly- A few years later the synthesis of cyclic polyiso-
butadienes170 (Scheme 82). THF was the polymeri- prenes with high 1,4-content was presented by Madani
zation solvent, which results in a 60% 1,2-content. et al.173 They used hexane as polymerization solvent
From the g′ values was concluded that some of the at -40 °C, and a difunctional initiator formed by the
cyclic polybutadienes (PBd) were contamined by their reaction of 1,2-bis(4-isopropenylphenyl)ethane with
linear precursors. A high-resolution column set was 2 mol of t-BuLi. This initiator was soluble in organic
used in order to separate the linear from the cyclic solvents. The linking agent was a nonconjugated
polymer. In this work the characterization analysis diene, 1,2-bis(isopropenyl-4-phenyl)ethane. The cy-
was the most comprehensive presented so far. Re- clization was performed in the presence of 15% THF
cently, these cyclic PSs were analyzed by high- at -50 °C (Scheme 84). Under the same conditions
pressure liquid chromatography under critical con- they tried to synthesize bicyclic and tadpole mol-
ditions, which is a method that can separate linear ecules. They found a high yield of cyclization by using
and cyclic macromolecules according to their archi- only SEC analysis. The high yield was attributed to
Scheme 84
3782 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

Scheme 86 Scheme 88

the association of the lithium carbanions under the

cyclization conditions that favors the intramolecular
be efficient for the verification of the cyclic structure.
An additional verification was the determination of
Leppoittevin et al.174 synthesized ring-shaped poly-
the g′ ratio value, which was found to be equal to
styrenes by using 1,3-bis(1-phenylethylenyl)benzene
(MDDPE) activated by of s-BuLi. The polymerization
solvent was benzene, and a trace of THF was used 2. Cyclic Block Copolymers
in order to accelerate the initiation reaction. The
polymerization and cyclization reactions were per- Cyclic block copolymers with blocks that micro-
formed in a drybox. MDDPE was used as the linking phase separate in bulk are expected to form only
agent for the cyclization reaction (Scheme 85). The loops at both sides of the interface, while their linear
cyclic polymers were deactivated with methanol. The triblock analogues are able to form loops and bridges.
macrocyclic products were separated from the linear This significant difference is expected to give very
precursors and polycondensates by preparative high interesting morphological properties to the cyclic
performance liquid chromatography at the exclu- copolymers.
sion-adsorption transition point. Further informa- The first well-defined cyclic block copolymers of
tion on the purity of the cyclic polymers was obtained poly(dimethylsiloxane) and PS were made by Yin et
by MALDI-TOF MS. The above techniques seem to
Scheme 89
Scheme 87
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3783

Scheme 90

al.175,176 Styrene was polymerized by lithium naph- under high dilution conditions (Scheme 86). The
thalenide initiator at -78 °C in THF, followed by the purity of the cyclic copolymers was investigated by
polymerization of hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D3). 1H NMR, 29Si NMR, and FTIR. The lack of SiOH or

The resulting R,ω-living triblock PDMS-PS-PDMS SiCl groups in the final copolymers was a direct
was cyclized with dichlorodimethylsilane at 5-10 °C indication of the high purity of the cyclics. However,
due to the backbiting reaction of the living PDMS
Scheme 91 under the conditions used for the cyclization reaction,
the quality of the cyclics is questionable. In the same

Scheme 92
3784 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

study the synthesis of a linear CBABC and the Scheme 93

corresponding cyclic ABCB is described, where A is
PS, B is 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-2,5-disila-1-oxacyclopen-
tane, and C is PDMS.
Ma et al.177 synthesized R,ω-dilithium poly(styrene-
b-butadiene-b-styrene)s (PS-b-PBd-b-PS) by using
1,3-bis(1-phenylethylenyl)benzene activated with 2
mol of s-BuLi as initiator for the sequential poly-
merization of butadiene and styrene in the presence
of s-BuOLi in benzene. The cyclization reaction was
performed under high dilution in cyclohexane with
either dichlorodimethylsilane or MDPPE (Scheme
87). The cyclic copolymer was isolated by fractional
precipitation. The only indication of the formation of
this architecture was the lower intrinsic viscosity.
Ishizu et al.178,179 synthesized poly(I-b-S-b-I) triblock
copolymer by the sequential polymerization of sty-
rene and isoprene, using lithium naphthalenide as
initiator in a mixture of THF:benzene equal to 8:2
(v/v) at -78 °C. The R,ω-living triblock was reacted
first with 1,1-diphenylethylene followed by a reaction
with a large excess of 1,3-dibromopropane. The
cyclization reaction was performed by reacting the Scheme 94
R,ω-dibromofunctional triblock copolymer with 1,6-
diaminohexane (Scheme 88) in a mixture of dimeth-
ylformamide (DMF)/1,1,2-trichloroethylene/water (in-
terfacial condensation). The cyclics were characterized
only by SEC. The morphology study has shown that
the cyclic copolymers exhibited smaller domain spac-
ings compared to the corresponding linear copoly-
Yu et al.180 have synthesized cyclic diblock copoly-
mers of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide. They
polymerized sequentially propylene oxide and ethyl-
ene oxide by using the difunctional initiator (I) shown
in Scheme 89. The cyclization reaction of the R,ω-
hydroxyl-ended diblock macromolecules was carried
out under Williamson conditions. A solution of the
triblock precursor in a mixture of dichloromethane
and hexane 65:35 (v/v) was added to a stirred
suspension of powdered KOH (85% w/v) in the same
dichloromethane/hexane mixture (Scheme 89). After
separation and evaporation of the organic phase, the
cyclic diblocks were isolated by fractional precipita-
tion. The dilute solution properties of the cyclics and ide was used to initiate the polymerization of ethyl-
the corresponding linear triblock and diblock copoly- ene oxide. Finally, the potassium alkoxide group was
mers with the same composition and total molecular reacted with p-chloromethyl styrene to anchor a
weight were compared. By examining the micellar styrenyl group at the ω-end of the copolymer chains
behavior in water they found that the aggregation (Scheme 90b). The cyclization procedure was per-
numbers were on the order NT < NC < ND, where formed under high dilution conditions.
NT, NC, and ND, are the aggregation numbers of the
triblocks, cyclic, and diblocks, respectively. 3. Tadpole and Bicyclic Polymers
Recently, the group of Deffieux181 presented the
synthesis and solution properties of macrocyclic poly- Tadpole polymers are polymers consisting of one
(styrene-b-ethylene oxide). The synthetic route in- cyclic chain and one or more linear chains. Quirk and
volved the preparation of a linear R-diethylacetal-ω- Ma182 prepared a tadpole copolymer consisting of a
styrenyl poly(styrene-b-ethylene oxide) precursor and cyclic PBd and two linear PS chains. First they
cyclization by cationic activation with SnCl4 catalyst. reacted PDPPE with two monofunctional living PS
The R-diethylacetal-ω-styrenyl poly(styrene-b-ethyl- chains. The resulting difunctional PS was used to
ene oxide) precursor was synthesized by using R-di- initiate the polymerization of butadiene. The living
ethylacetalpropyllithium as initiator of styrene. The PBd chains were then cyclized with dichlorodimeth-
functional living PS was end-capped with ethylene ylsilane in benzene as shown in Scheme 91. The
oxide, and the resulted ω-hydroxyl group was reacted separation of the tadpole copolymer from the poly-
with diphenylmethylpotassium. The potassium alkox- condensates was achieved by fractional precipitation.
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3785

Scheme 95

The smaller the ring fraction in the copolymer, the tion reaction was performed in a 0.5% solution of
more difficult the separation. Insufficient character- linear precursor by using 1,2-bis(methyldichlorosilyl)-
ization results were given. ethane (Scheme 92). Although the final product was
Antonietti et al.183 synthesized bicyclic PS homo- proved to have double the molecular weight, suf-
polymers. They prepared difunctional PS initiated by ficient characterization results to prove the architec-
sodium naphthalene in THF at -40 °C. The cycliza- tures claimed were not presented.
3786 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

Along the same lines, Mandani et al.173 reacted a Scheme 96

difunctional polyisoprene with silicon tetrachloride,
to prepare bicyclic polyisoprenes. The only indication
for the formation of the bicyclic homopolymer was the
lower hydrodynamic volume obtained by SEC. How-
ever, the final polymer was not isolated for further

B. Cyclic Homopolymers from Precursors with

Heterodifunctional Groups
Deffieux was one of the first to use precursors with
R,ω-heterodifunctional reactive groups. With his col-
laborators184 he synthesized R-acetal-functionalized
linear PS by using 3-lithiopropionaldehyde diethyl-
acetal as initiator. After polymerization, the living
anion was reacted first with 1,1-diphenylethylene
and then with p-chloromethylstyrene. The acetal
group of the initiator was converted into the R-iodo
ether group with trimethylsilyliodide. The cyclization
was performed as shown in Scheme 93. The yield was
between 80% and 85%. The molecular weight range
of the cyclics prepared was between 2000 and 6700.
The presence of 10% linear precursor in the final
product was detected by NMR spectroscopy. More
recently, Pasch et al.185 analyzed the cyclic PS with
liquid chromatography under critical conditions.
They found that the higher the molecular weight of
the polymer, the higher the contamination with
linear precursor. The cyclic structure was also con- and therefore are not covalently but only topologically
firmed by MALDI-TOF MS experiments. linked. The ring molecules are allowed to rotate
Kubo et al.186 prepared cyclic PS from R-carboxyl- independently of each other.
ω-amino bifunctional linear PS. The linear precursor Unsal et al.188,189 synthesized a catenane consisting
was synthesized by using 3-lithiopropionaldehyde of two interpenetrating rings. They used a cyclic
diethylacetal as the carboxyl-protected functional oligomer of polyethylene that contains one 4-hy-
initiator and 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-(3-bromopropyl)- droxybenzoate group that carries tolane units in the
1-aza-2,5-disila-cyclopentane (Scheme 94 (I)) as the 3- and 5-positions (Scheme 95). The polyethylene
amino-protected terminating agent of the living chains are connected with this group through ether
anions. The preparation of the linear polymer for the bonds. The linear precursor of the next cycle that will
cyclization involved five steps in order to deprotect be connected to the first was a similar molecule
the reactive groups and four purifications on silica containing the latter group and polyethylene oligo-
gel to give the R-carboxyl-ω-amino bifunctional linear mers prepared by anionic polymerization and hydro-
PS. The cyclization was performed under high dilu- genation, and in the chain ends were acetylene units
tion conditions by intramolecular amidation with an (2a, Scheme 95). The cyclic compound was trans-
overall yield of 30-35% (Scheme 94). More recently, formed into the chloroformate 1b by reaction with
another approach for the preparation of R-carboxyl- triphosgene in the presence of triethylamine. The
ω-amino bifunctional linear PS was presented by cycle precursor was deprotonated with sodium hy-
Kubo et al.187 1-(3-Lithiopropyl)-4-methyl-2,6,7-tri- dride and reacted with 1b to form 3a, which was
oxabicyclo[2.2.2.]octane was used as initiator (Scheme purified by column chromatography and desilylated
94 (II)) and 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-(3-bromopropyl)-1- to give product 3b, followed by cyclization by oxida-
aza-2,5-disilacyclopentane (I) for neutralization of the tive acetylene dimerization under high dilution con-
living ends. The former is a carboxyl-protected initia- ditions. Treatment of 4 with n-Bu4NF in THF gave
tor, while the latter is an amino-protected linking the catenane 6. The SEC analysis showed that low
agent. After deprotection of the functional groups, the molecular weight products that were identical to the
cyclization was performed under the same conditions cyclic compound 1a were also formed. From this it
presented above. The molecular weight of the samples was concluded that on cyclization of 3b, the dumb-
prepared was between 1700 and 2700. The overall bell-shaped carbonate 5 was formed in addition to
yield of their approach was 81%. The authors per- the intended catenane precursor 4. The intermediate
formed NMR spectroscopy and MALDI-TOF analysis products were characterized by NMR spectroscopy.
of the cyclics in order to determine their purity. The catenanes were characterized only by SEC and
NMR spectroscopy.
C. Catenanes Gan et al.190 synthesized catenated copolymers
containing one cyclic PS and one cyclic poly(2-vinyl-
Catenanes consist of two or more chemically inde- pyridine) (P2VP). The preparation involved the cy-
pendent cyclic molecules that penetrate each other clization of a difunctional P2VP polymeric chain in
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3787

Scheme 97

the presence of cyclic PS. The polymerization of techniques for synthesizing polymers with well-
2-vinylpyridine was performed in THF by using defined molecular characteristics and the more dif-
lithium naphthalenide as initiator. The cyclization ficult to characterize them. Many synthetic ap-
reaction was performed at room temperature at proaches have been presented for the preparation of
relatively high concentration of cyclic PS in order to hyperbranched polymers, mainly by polycondensa-
increase the possibility of the formation of catenanes tion reactions.191,192 In most cases the resulting
(Scheme 96). The catenanes were isolated from the polymers exhibited high molecular and compositional
side products and cyclic PS homopolymer by treating polydispersity, and their molecular architectures
the crude product with cyclohexane, which is a poor could not be exactly defined. Even so, their properties
solvent for P2VP, and methanol, which is poor solvent were very interesting, and therefore these polymers
for PS. Indications for the formation of the catenanes can be used in many technological applications. Here
were obtained only by NMR spectroscopy. several synthetic approaches to the synthesis of
hyperbranched polymers by anionic polymerization
VII. Hyperbranched Architectures will be presented.
Branched polymers have physical properties dis- Gauthier et al.193 prepared highly branched ar-
tinct from their linear analogues, both in solution and borescent graft copolymers of PS and poly(ethylene
in the melt. However, the more complicated the oxide). Their synthetic approach involved the reaction
structure, the more difficult the development of of living PS end-capped with DPE with chlorometh-
3788 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

Scheme 98 ylated linear polystyrene. The produced graft polymer

was further chloromethylated and was reacted with
living PS end-capped with DPE that contains a
hydroxyl-protected group. The hydroxyl groups of the
resulting graft polymer were deprotected and titrated
by potassium naphthalenide in order to transform the
hydroxyl to -O(-)K(+) groups. These anions are ca-
pable of polymerizing ethylene oxide. The resulted
copolymer exhibits a PS core and long arms (shell)
of poly(ethylene oxide). The hyperbranched materials
were isolated by fractional precipitation. The com-
position analysis of the copolymers were performed
by FTIR and NMR spectroscopies. SEC was used for
the evaluation of the polydispersities of the final
products. Dynamic light scattering experiments of the
intermediate PS core and the final copolymer were
performed in order to demonstrate the incorporation
of the poly(ethylene oxide) chains. Roovers et al.102,103
prepared umbrella star copolymers of PS and PBd
or P2VP. The structure of these copolymers can be
described as a multiarm star in which each arm,
instead of a free end, connects to another star
molecule. The core of the umbrella polymers was PS
chains, while the shell was either PBd or P2VP. The
synthesis of these copolymers involved the prepara-
tion of 1,2-PBd-b-PS polymeric chains in which the
Scheme 99
Complex Polymers by Living Anionic Polymerization Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 3789

Scheme 100

1,2-PBd block is short, followed by coupling with an mediate polymers was performed by SEC and static
appropriate chlorosilane linking agent, depending on light scattering. It was found that an average number
the desired number of arms. After isolation of the star of 29 arms of poly(R-methylstyrene) was attached to
by fractional precipitation, the double bonds of the each initial poly(4-methylstyrene) block. The intrinsic
1,2-PBd were hydrosilylated in order to incorporate viscosity of the hyperbranched copolymers was meas-
-Si(CH3)Cl2 or -Si(CH3)Cl, followed by reaction with ured, and the g′ values were calculated.
living PBd or P2VP chains (Scheme 98). Recently Hasan et al.195 synthesized hyperbranched
Ishizu et al.194 synthesized hyperbranched macro- copolymers by using a dendritic type initiator. Low
molecules that resemble dendrimers. The synthetic molecular weight living PS chains were reacted with
approach involved the preparation of poly(4-methyl- a mixture of vinylbenzyl chloride or 4-(chlorodimeth-
styrene-b-PS-b-poly(4-methylstyrene) triblock copoly- ylsilyl)styrene and styrene in a molar ratio 1:10. The
mer by using naphthalene lithium as difunctional living ends of polystyrene chains can polymerize the
initiator. The 4-methyl groups of the terminal blocks styrene monomer and at the same time can react
were metalated with s-BuLi/tetramethylethylenedi- with the -SiCl or -CH2Cl group of the or 4-(chloro-
amine (TMEDA) complex in a molar ratio of 1:2. After dimethylsilyl)styrene or vinylbenzyl chloride, as shown
removal of the excess s-BuLi by repeated precipita- in Scheme 100. A dendritic type initiator is obtained
tion of the living polymer and transfer of supernatant for polymerization of either styrene or isoprene. The
solution to another flask under high vacuum condi- weak point of this approach is that the positions of
tions, the polymer was dissolved in THF and was the grafting points of the macromolecular initiator
used as the initiator of R-methylstyrene at -78 °C. are randomly distributed along the PS chains. More-
After the polymerization of R-methylstyrene, a small over, the number of the linear PS or PI chains cannot
amount of 4-methylstyrene was added. The procedure be controlled. The molecular weight of the resulting
of metalation of the R-methyl groups and polymeri- polymer was characterized by SEC coupled with
zation of R-methylstyrene can be repeated many multiangle laser light scattering. In the case of the
times to form a dendritic type hyperbranched poly- copolymers, the composition was determined by 1H
mer (Scheme 99). The characterization of the inter- NMR.
3790 Chemical Reviews, 2001, Vol. 101, No. 12 Hadjichristidis et al.

VIII. Concluding Remarks MO membrane osmometry

Mw weight-average molecular weight
Anionic polymerization has proven to be a very Mw/Mn molecular weight distribution
powerful tool for the synthesis of well-defined mac- NA Avogadro’s number
romolecules with complex architectures. Although, NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
until now, only a relatively limited number of such Ns nosyl group
structures with two or thee different components P-CL poly(-caprolactone)
P2VP poly(2-vinylpyridine)
(star block, miktoarm star, graft, R,ω-branched,
P2VPK poly(2-vinylpyridinyl) potassium
cyclic, hyperbranched, etc. (co)polymers) have been P4MeS poly(4-methylstyrene)
synthesized, the potential of anionic polymerization P4VP poly(4-vinylpyridine)
is unlimited. Fantasy, nature, and other disciplines PBd polybutadiene
(i.e., polymer physics, materials science, molecular PBdLi polybutadienyllithium
biology) will direct polymer chemists to novel struc- PBS poly(p-tert-butoxystyrene)
tures, which will help polymer science to achieve its PDDPE 1,4-bis(1-phenylethenyl)benzene
ultimate goal: to design and synthesize polymeric PDMS poly(dimethylsiloxane)
materials with predetermined properties. PDMSLi poly(dimethylsiloxanyl) lithium
Pe probability of intermolecular reaction of
Furthermore, anionic polymerization will lead to R,ω-difunctional chains leading to the
well-defined multicomponent multiblock copolymers. formation of polycondensates
A plethora of novel multiphase morphologies will be PEMA poly(ethyl methacrylate)
hopefully discovered. The potentialitiy of these multi- PEO poly(ethylene oxide)
component multiblock copolymers to be used as PHS poly(p-hydroxystyrene)
multifunctional smart materials is enormous. PI polyisoprene
Finally, combination of anionic with other poly- Pi probability of intramolecular reaction of an
merization methods (cationic, living radical, ROMP, R,ω-difunctional chain leading to the
metallocenes, etc.) will open new horizons for the formation of a cyclic polymer
PILi polyisoprenyllithium
synthesis of more complex and more fascinating PMMA poly(methyl methacrylate)
macromolecular structures. PMMALi poly(methyl methacrylyl) lithium
In the years to come there will be a new thrust in PPO poly(propylene oxide)
polymer synthesis like the one in the early 1960s, PS polystyrene
on the condition that characterization techniques for PS-b-PILi polystyrene-block-polyisoprenyllithium
complex architectures will be also advanced. PSLi polystyryllithium
PtBuA poly(tert-butyl acrylate)
PtBuMA poly(tert-butyl methacrylate)
IX. List of Symbols and Abbreviations PtBuMALi poly(tert-butyl methacrylyl) lithium
[η]l intrinsic viscosity of a linear polymer PVN poly(2-vinylnaphthalene)
[η]r intrinsic viscosity of a ring polymer r1, r2 copolymerization reactivity ratios
〈r2〉 mean square end-to-end distance s-BuLi sec-butyllithium
c polymer concentration s-BuOLi lithium sec-butoxide
CDMSS 4-(chlorodimethylsilyl)styrene SEC size exclusion chromatography
cequal polymer concentration at which intra- and SLS static light scattering
intermolecular reactions of R,ω-difunc- St styrene
tional polymers are equally likely t-BuLi tert-butyllithium
D3 hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane THF tetrahydrofuran
DIB m-diisopropenylbenzene TMEDA N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylethylenediamine
DLS dynamic light scattering tri-DPE 1,3,5-tris(1-phenylethenyl)benzene
DMAPLi 3-dimethylaminopropyllithium ve reaction volume of an end-functionalized
DMF dimethylformamide group
d-PBd deuterated polybutadiene VPO vapor pressure osmometry
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