2020-TA-d-ALL (Local 308)

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Eric Dixon, President/Business A

L 308
NCE 1902


FACSIMILE (312) 782-6382

Deborah Lane, Secretary Treasure

Katheryn Donald-Shipp, Asst. Secretary Treasurer
Mark Weems, ist. Vice President
Pennie McCoach, 2nd. VicePresidentl
Anita Tanay, General Counse

Tentative Agreementsfor

1/1/2020 — 12/31/2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement

ree me nt eff ec tiv e Ja nu ary 1, 2020, through

be continued in the Ag
December 31, 2023, except for the modifica
tions and/or additions in the
terms of Tentative
Tentative Agreements. The following are the
Agreements affecting Local 308:

2020 Decem 2023r

31,be .
A. Term of Agreement: January 1, —

B. Wages:
1. Pay Bonuses and Across the Board Wage

and only
The following wage increases and bonus payments apply to all
those regular employees represented by ATU Local 308 or Loc
al 241 who
are employed by the CTA on the date of the ratification of the tentative

a. Pay Bonus: 5% of the employee's contractual pay rate for all

hours worked between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 up to
maximum of 4000 hours. For example, an RTO making the top operator
rate of $36.068 per hour and who worked 2500 hours in 2020 will
receive a gross bonus of $4508 for that year.

b. Across the Board Wage Increases:

The RTOtoprateprior to this contract was $36.068. Thatratewillbe
increased as shown below:
Date Zo Rate
1/1/2021 1% $36.429
7/1/2021 1% $36.793
1/1/2022 1.50% $37.345
7/1/2022 1.50% $37.905
1/1/2023 2.00% $38.663
7/1/2023 2.25% $39.533

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2. CSA Wages and Benefits

‘a, Wages. CSAs will receive the full across-the-board wage

increases plus additional increases to bring them to the
shown below. CSA wage rates will increase by July 1, 2023 an
average of 17.4%.

By July 1, 2023, CSA wage rates will be increased to the rates

shown below:

Entry: $16.12
After 9 months: $17.00
After 18 months $18.00
After 24 months $19.00

b. Full-time Career Path. CSAs will be eligible to be promoted to

Laborer, Material Handler, Car Servicer, Rail Janitor, Track
Worker and FTTF jobs based on seniority.

c. Increased Maximum Picking Hours. CSAs will be able to pick

up to 40 hours.

d. Paid Sick Days. Amendment to Article 15.3 to provide a

maximum of six paid sick days per year for CSAs. CSAs who turn
over full-time will continue to be eligible for the six paid sick days
per year for the first year of full-time service.

Picked Time Off. After one year of service, CSAs will be able to
pick one week of unpaid vacation. After two years of service,
CSAs will be able to pick two weeks unpaid vacation. CSAs will
pick their unpaid vacation at the end of the CSR pick.

f Health Insurance. CSAs may participate in PPO 3, including

dependent coverage.

Uniforms: Newly hired CSAs who do not want to pay out of

pocket for the uniform items needed to begin working may choose
to have CTA provide the vendor with a voucher for the uniform
items, provided that the CSA agrees in writing to repay the CTA
through payroll deductions.

3. Maintenance Wage Adjustments

The top rate for Car Repairers will be increased from 103% of the top
rate for RTOs to 104% effective 7/1/22; 105% effectivel/1/2023; and
106% effective 7/1/2023. The base Car Repairer top rate prior to this
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Contract was $37.28. That rate will be increased as shown below,

Including the across-the-board and percentage increases:

1/1/2021 $37.651
7/1/2021 $38.027
1/1/2022 $38.408
7/1/2022 $39.421
1/1/2023 $40.596
7/1/2023 $41.905

The across-the-board wage increases for Car Repairers will be calculated

based on the increased top rates, resulting in an overall wage increase of
the Car Repairer top rate of 12.4% by July 1, 2023.

Cc, Lay-off Protection:

The lay-off protection date in Article 12.8 will be moved up to


D. The Uniform and Work Clothing Allowance

Article 4.61A, Uniform Allowance. The uniform allowance will

be increased by $197.50 to $500, effective January 1, 2023 and all other
Work Clothing Allowances will be increased by $197.50, effective
January 1, 2023.


FTTF Paid Sick Days. Amendment to Article 15.3 to provide a

maximum of six paid sick days per year for CSAs and FTTFs. CSAs
and FTTFs who turn over full-time will continue to be eligible for the
six paid sick days per year for the first year of full-time service.

FTTF Dependent Coverage: FTTFs now eligible for PPO 3

dependent coverage.

F. Insurance:

Wellness Benefit: Effective January 1, 2023, employees will

be eligible to voluntarily participate in a wellness program, Motivate
Me. Participating employees will pay health insurance premiums
at the previous year’s rate for every quarter that the participating
employee complies with the program. For example, an employee
with family coverage who participates in the program for all four
quarters of 2023 will save $130 per quarter, or $520 for the year.
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Article 15.6 Vision Benefit: Effective January 1, 2023, the _A

will pay 75% of the applicable dependent premium for those who e
dependent coverage.

Flex: Pretax dollars to pay for medical costs. Effective January

1, 2013, employees will be eligible to participate on a voluntary basis in
the CTA’s healthcare flex-savings program. An employee who elects to
participate may save pretax dollars to be used for certain medical

Prescription Drugs:

Effective January 1, 2023, employees who have prescriptions for

“maintenance” drugs may fill their first two prescriptions at any
network pharmacy and then must use CVS or a mail order
pharmacy for their third and subsequent refills to obtain a 90-day
supply. If employees use a mail order pharmacy they will receive
a 90 day supply for the cost for 60 days.

Effective January 1, 2023, the drug co-pays under PPO 2 will be

$10.00 for
Generic, $20.00 for Brand Formulary and $40.00 for Non-

G. Added Picking Rights

Rail Instructors, Rail Terminal Instructors, Car Repairers A & B,

Car Servicers and Track Workersshall be entitled to pick twice

H. Retirement Plan
Participants in the Retirement Plan who are discharged after the
date of ratification and withdraw their contributions from the
Retirement Plan and are later reinstated will now have ten years
(120 months) from the date of their reinstatement or at least 60
days before they retire to pay the withdrawn contributions.

Employees previously discharged who withdrew their

contributions and were later reinstated but did not previously repay
the withdrawn contributions will be given a one-time opportunity
to either repay the withdrawn contributions in a lump sum or to set
up a repayment plan whereby they will now have ten years (120
months) from the date of their reinstatement or at least 60 days
before they retire to pay thewithdrawn contributions.
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I. Fitness for Duty Examinations

e-in of
To comply with APTA Standards, there will be a phas
safety sensitive
fitness for duty examinations for employees in
positions with these protections:
The examination will be conducted one of
two vendors.
ina tio ns w ill be by Ce rti fie d M ed ica l Examiners
inations will be no
applying FMSCA medical guidance. Exam
more frequent than every three years.
tio ns w ill be sc he du led in re ve rse se nio rity order by
Employees will be provided 90 days’ no
tice of the
Employees will not be required to take an
examination on a
ed ule d da y off . If the em plo ye e ch oo se s to take the exam
on a scheduled day off, the employee will
be paid foractual
time taking the examination not to exceed four hours
If the employee is found not to be fit for duty by the CTA
examiner, but the employee’s personal physician disagrees,
the dispute will be resolved by a third-party physician chosen
by the Unions and CTA. The employee will not be
responsible for paying for the third physician.
No employee required to undergoa sleep study based on a
fitness for duty examination will be removed from service
prior to completing the sleep study, provided the employee
takes reasonable steps to complete the study.
Implementation schedule for fitness for duty:

. An employee whose entered service date as a safety sensitive

employees is after January 1, 2020, will be subject to
examinations effective July 1, 2023.

Anemployee whose entered service date as a safety sensitive

employee is after January 1, 2014, will be subject to
examination effective July 1, 2024.

Any safety sensitive employee may be subject to examination

effective July 1, 2025, every three years following the date
the employee becomes a safety sensitive employee.

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