Tentative Agreement Chicago Transit Authority Amalgamated Locals

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The Chicago Transit Authority and Amalgamated Transit Union Locals 241 and 308 agree that the
provisions of the Wage and Working Conditions Agreement between the Chicago Transit
Authority and Locals 241 and 308 of the Amalgamated Transit Union terminating December 31,
2019, shall be continued in their new Agreement except to effect the modifications and/or additions
set forth herein. The Agreement will be amended in whatever manner necessary to effect the
changes herein.

Existing Tentative Agreements:

The parties’ existing tentative agreements are attached hereto and incorporated herein:

ATU Local 241 Proposal 3(a); ATU Local 308 Proposals 3(b), 13, 14: ATU Joint Proposals 24,
25 (Picking Rights)

CTA Proposal 3; ATU Local 308 Proposal 1(d) (Repayable Uniform Voucher)
ATU Joint Proposal 15 (Local Officers)
ATU Local 308 Proposal (limit on CSA hours)
CTA to provide training to Bus Instructors about AP 1403 - Personal Vehicle Usage.

Tentative Agreements:
Sick Pay

Amend Article 15.13 of the Agreement as follows:

Should any employee. covered by this Agreement, who has been in the regular employ of the
Authority for not less than twelve (12) months, be absent from duty due to sickness or accident
not related to his employment and should any employee who has been in the regular employ of the
Authonty for not less than ninety-one (91) days be absent from duty due to an accident related to
his employment, and provided the employee is under the care of a regularly licenses physician for
such incapacity, the Authority will pay the employee's regular wages on the following basis:
(a) If the employee's absence is due to an accident, the Authority will pay the
employce's regular wages for the first seven (7) days of such incapacity.

(b) If the employee's absence is due to sickness, the Authority will not pay the
employce’s regular wages for the first two (2) working days of such incapacity, but
will pay the employce's regular wages for the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh
working day of such incapacity.

Should any Part-time Bus Operator, CSA or FTTF who hasbeen in the employ of the Authority
for not less than twelye(12)months or any. full-time employee who has been in theemploy of the
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Authority for twelve (12) monthsbuthas

sn om at oe
not been
sien oteed
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wiley.she, comiaves's spender vena fo.she.‘third, fourth fifth workies dav of

auch incapacity,
Verification of iliness by a licensed shall constituteproofof claim. Final verification
sis icc ella s Physician.

The following amendmentsshall be madetoArticle 4.6 Uniformand Work Clothing Allowance:

Theamount of the Uniform Allowance providedfor in 4.6.1.Ashall be increasedto $500
effective January 1, 2023. Allother Work Clothing Allowancesshallbeincreased by$197.50
effective January |, 2023.
Car Repairers and Bus Mechanics
Amend Article 3.3.Dandany otherprovisions ofthe Agreementas necessaryto provide:
Increase the toprate forcar repairersandbusmechanicsto 104% ofthe topoperator rateon July
1, 2022. Increase thetop ratefor car repairersand busmechanicsto 105%of thetopoperator
raic on January |, 2023. Increasethe top rate for car repairersandbus mechanicsto 106% of the
rateonJuly1, 2023.
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The CSA/CSR Agreement shall be modified to include the terms of the parties’ tentative

Paragraphs 12and 13 of theexistingCSA/CSR agreementwill be deletedandreplacedwith the


CSAs will be paid the wage rates set forth below, which arc inclusive of all agreed-upon across-
the-board wage increases,

After 9 After 18 After 24 Wage
Date Entry months months months Progression
1/1/2020 $ 13.63 $ 14.40 $ 15.28 $ 16.21 $ 16.57
1/1/2021 $ 13.77 S 14.54 $ 15.43 $ 16.37 $ 16.74
7/1/2021 $_ 15.00 $15.00 | $ 1559 | $ 1654 | $ 16,90
112022| $ 15.23 $15.23 $ 1582 S$ 16.78 $ 17.16
| | |

7/1/2022 $ 15.45 S 15.45 S 16.06 S$ 17.04 $ 17.41

1/1/2023 |_$ 15.76 S 15.76 S$ 16.38 | $§ 17.38 $ 17.76
7/1/2023 $ 16.12 S 17.00 $ 18.00 | §$ 19,00 $ 19.00

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Exhibit A to Amendment to Paragraph 10 of the CSA/CSR Agreement

CSA Paragraph 10 Work Record Review Criteria

No suspensions
No Corrective Case Interviews
No Safety Violations
No Chargeable Complaints
No Chargeable Accidents
No Chargeable lODs
No more than three (3) sick book entries
No more than one (1) miss

Exhibit Bto A tto Parayraph 10 of the CSR Agreement

Parayraph 10 Hiring Procedures

ATU Local 308 and the CTA agree that the following procedures shall be followed when CTA
fills open Laborer, Material Handler, Rail Janitor, Track Worker, FIT and Car Servicer
positions (Paragraph 10 Positions).

!. From the date of ratification until the following procedures are in place, CTA will contact
CSAs in seniority order to fill open Paragraph 10 positions.

2. CTA shall provide ATU Local 308 with a current CSA seniority list.

3. Within 30 days of ratification, and at the start of every year thereafter, CTA shall issue a
bulletin to all CSAs notifying them of the Paragraph 10 procedure and advising that to be
promoted to a Paragraph 10 position, a CSA must follow the procedures. All CSAs shall
be required to sign indicating that they have received the bulletin.
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4. The bulictin shall state that to be eligible for a Paragraph 10 position, cach CSA must sign
into the applicant tracking system by a specified date, to be agreed upon by Local 308 and
CTA, and complete a form for every Paragraph 10 position desired.

5. The applicant tracking system shall list the qualifications for each Paragraph 10 position
and inquire as to whether the CSA is or is not interested in each position. The applicant
tracking system shall require the CSA to provide their current email address and telephone
number, and shal! advise the CSA that the CSA is responsible for notifying CTA of any
changes in their current emai] address and telephone number. For each position that the
CSA indicates they are interested in, the CSA shall be required to complete the fonn for
the position.

6. No more than 30 days following the deadline date for completion of the CSA’s forms in
the applicant tracking system, CTA shall create Paragraph 10 seniority lists based on the
forms submitted by the CSAs for Laborer, Material Handler, Rail Janitor, Track Worker,
FTTF and Car Servicer positions and shall provide the lists to Local 308.

7, When CTA decides to fill a Paragraph 10 position, CTA shall notify Local 308 of the open
Paragraph 10 positions to be filled, and the number of vacancies in each position CTA
intends to fill. For Car Servicer and TIF positions, CTA shall notify Local 308 of the
total number of positions, and of the number of Car Servicer and FTTF positions being
filled through these procedures. The open Paragraph 10 positions shall be filled with the
senior qualified CSA on the Paragraph 10 list for cach position provided the scnior
qualified CSA does not decline the position. If the senior qualified CSA declines the
position, that individual shall not be eligible for that position for the remainder of the year.

8. CTA shall provide Local 308 with updated Paragraph 10 lists at least twice a year.
9. All notifications to Local 308 required by these procedures shall be provided via email to
the President/Busincss Manager, the First Vice President and the Sccond Vice President
of the Union.
The CSA/CSR Agreement and the Letrer of Understanding regarding FTTFs each shall be
modified as follows:

Eligible CSAs and FTTFs with one (1) or more years of service shall be permitted one
(1) week off per year without pay. Eligible CSAs and FTTFs with two (2) or more
ycars of service shall be permitted two (2) weeks off per year without pay. Eligible
CSAs and FTTFs shall pick their carned, unpaid vacation at the end of the full-time
vacation pick. The Authority will set the vacation week controls.

To receive this benefit, CSAs and FTTFs must have reported to work as assigned at
least one hundred (100) days during the preceding calendar year.

Employees injured on duty will be allowed full credit for days lost in determining ‘the
one hundred (100) day working requirement for vacation cligibility, provided that the

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employee worked during the calendar year. An employee's vacation time shall be used
in calculating the 00-day requirement. For the purpose of determining whether the
100 hundred (100) day work requirement has been met, the Authority will count the
days worked during the calendar year preceding the Vacation Plan Year (VPY).

Health Insurance
Amend the Agreement as necessary to provide:
Effective January 1, 2023, implement a three-year pilot of the CTA’s voluntary wellness program,
currently known as the Motivate Me wellness program. Bargaining unit employees who comply
with the requirements of the Motivate Me wellness program will pay the prior year’s premium rate
(c.g. an employee who complies with the Motivate Mc program im 2023 will pay the health
insurance premium rate for 2022).
Effective January |, 2023, amend Anicle 15.6 as follows:

The Authority will provide a Plan "A" Vision Care Plan. The Vision Care Plan will
provide for the cost of an annual exam, The Authority will pay seventy-five (75)
percent of the employce's premium and the-employee-will-pay-one-hundred+400)
and seventy-five percent (75%) of the applicable dependent premium, if the
employee clects to cnroll his dependents. BffeetiveJanuary——2043—-an-netive
empleyee Covered anddependents shall be entitled to three hundred
dollars ($300.00) for his or her prescription eyeglasses or seventy-five percent
(75%) of cost, whichever is less. The Authority will provide an annual opportunity
for employees to enroll in the Vision Care Plan. Once enrolled, employees must
remain in the Vision Care Plan for the duration of the Agreement.

Effective January |, 2023, bargaining unit enyployces will be eligible to participate voluntarily in
the CTA's healthcare flex-savings programm.

Effective January |, 2023, CSAs will be eligible to enroll in PPO3, including family coverage.
iffective January |, 2023, FTTFs will be eligible for family healthcare coverage.

Effective January 1, 2023, for any maintenance medications, employees may fill their first two
prescriptions at any network pharmacy but then must use CVS or mail service for their third and
subsequent refills to obtain a 90-day supply.
Effective January 1, 2023, modify prescription drug copays to $10 (Generic), $20 (Brand
Formulary), $40 (Brand Non-Formulary).
Retirement Plan
Amend Rule 2! of the Retirement Plan to provide that employecs who were terminated and then
reinstated following the ratification of the Agreement after having received a refund of his or her
contributions may repay to the Fund at one time or installments either the full amount or a portion
of the refund plus interest within 120 months of the date of his or her return to work or at least 60
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daysbefore the commencement of the paymentof anybenefits fromthe plantosaid employee,

whicheveris later.

AmendRule 21 of theRetirement Plan to provide the opportunity, on a one-time basis, to

employeeswhohadbeenterminatedand then reinstated prior to the ratification ofthe Agreement
after having received a refund oftheircontributions to sct up a repaymentplan whereby the
employeewillrepayeitherthefull amountor a portion oftherefundedcontributionsplusinterest
to the Fund atone time orinstallmentsthefull amountor aportionoftherefundedcontributions
plusinterestover a period of 120 monthsoratleast60 daysin advance of theemployee's
anticipatedretirement date. In the eventthat theemployccretires prior to the originally planned
retirement date,the employee will havethe option of paying the remainingamount owed or
electing to receive a pensionwhich actuarially reduced totakeinto accountthe unpaidremaining
and intcrest.

Amend Article 4.5 of the Retirement Plan as follows:

4.5 CTA non-vested/non-bargained for employees may voluntarily opt out of this Plan and/or
in such other plans as the CTA may offer. A
participate non-vesied/non-baryained
for employee
whoinitiallyoptsoutofthis Plan may clectto participateinthisPlan later butmay_do
so onlyone
time and onlyon a prospective basis.
Retirees Rehired as Special Part-Time Operators
The partiesagree to amend Rule 7 ofthe Retirement Plan as necessarytoclarifythatretirees
rehired as Special Part-time Operators ofthe Authority shall not forfeit any monthly retirement
allowance duefor thecalendar month in which such work was performed.
Fitnessfor Duty
Add new Section 15.21 to Agreement:

Effective July 2023, the Authority may require any safety sensitive employce with an entered
servicedateas a safetysensitive employccaftcr January |, 2020 to pass a fitness forduty
examination everythreeyears following the date thecmployeebecomes a safetysensitive
employee. Effective January 1, 2024, the Authority may require any safety sensitive employce
withan enteredservicedate as a safety sensitive employee aflerJanuary 1, 2014 to pass afitness
for dutyexaminationevery threeyears followingthe datetheemployee becomes asafetysensitive
employee. Effective January |, 2025, the Authority may require any safety sensitive employee to
pass afitncss for dutyexaminationevery threeyearsfollowing thedatethe employee becomes a
safety sensitive cmploycc.
Subjectto theimplementationschedulesetforthabove, employeeswill be subject to fitnessfor
duty examination in groups byreverse seniority orderbyclassification,andthe Authorityshall
havethesolediscretionto determine theorderin whichclassificationswill be subjectto fimess

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forduty examination. The Authorityshall provide at least 90 days of notice to employeesof the
will not require employccs to
need to complete a fitness for duty examination. ‘The Authority
obtain atricnnial fitness fordutyexaminationon a scheduleddayoff, butemployees may choose
to have the fitnessfordutyexaminationon a scheduledday offand the Authoritywill compensate
the employee for theactualtimespentobtainingthatcxaminationup to butnotto exceedfour
hours at their regular
rateof pay.
Fitness for duty cxaminationswill be conducted only by an Authority contracted vendor. The
Authoritywill go outtobidfor notless than two vendorsto conductfitnessfor duty examinations
by Certified Medical Examiners as designatedbytheFMCSAasapplicable. The Authority shall
havetheright to determinethecontent such routine fitness for dutyexaminationsbasedonthe
duties and requirements of each safety sensitive position. However, FMCSA medical guidance
(as updated fromtime to time)shallapply
to fitness for duty exams andthe Authority shall
continue to utilize human performance evaluations it determines are appropriate for its safety
For purposes the triennial fitness for duty examination only, in cases where the Authority's
physiciandoesnotfind thattheemployee physically fit
for duty in hisregular jobclassification
and the employee'spersonal physicianisin disagreementonthequestionof theemployee'sfitness
to return to work, the Authority and the Union will choose athird physician to examine the
employecandthethird physician's decisionshall be bindingontheparties.Thecostofthe third
physician will be borne bythe Authority.

Ifan employeeis found unfit for dutyas a result of a fitnessfordutyexamination, the employec
shall betakenoutof serviceand placedintothe sick book. The employee shallbeeligible for
transferto Area605pursuant toArticle 12.21 and Attachment D. An employee found unfit for
duty shall also have therightto seckan accommodation from the AccommodationReview
Commitiee. Ifan employee is required to undergo a sleepstudy solelyduetothe triennial Fitness
for Duty examination, the Authoritywill not removetheemployee fromserviceuntil the sleep
study is complcteprovidedthatthe employce obtains thesleepstudy a reasonableperiod of
At least 6 monthsprior to the rollout ofthe fitness forduty program,andatleastevery 6 months
thereafter, the parties agree to meetand discuss the implementation theprogram and any issues

The provisions ofthis Section apply only toroutine fitness for duty examinations and shall not
limit the Authority's right to conductfitnessforduty examinations ofnew hires,employees who
to safety sensitive positions,
transition from non-safety sensitive positions andemployees whoare
out ofservicefor90 ormoreconsecutive days.Theprovisions of this Section alsoshall notapply
to the Authority's rightto cvaluateemployeeswhoareoutof service for 7 to 89 days.
Part-Time Bus Operators
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l. Article 3.6.11.A shall be modified as follows:

Toaddressthe highrates ofabsentccism which continuctoposedifficulties in staffingand require

greater flexibilityin theuse ofpart-time employees,themaximum number of part-time bus
operatorsshall notexceed twenty-five (25) percent of the number of full-time
a ee ea aha hcee busopcrators. The
eae e

2. Article 3.6.1.K shall be modified as follows:

(1) Part-timeoperatorsandFTTFs who havequalified as opcratorsand who have completed one

(1) year ofcontinuous serviceshallbeofferedindate ofhire orderanyavailable vacant full-time
permanent operator positions. The CTA shall not be obligatedto fill any vacantposition, but if it
docsso, it shall do so in accordancewiththisprovision.Part-timeoperators andFTTFs whohave
qualified as operators and whohavecompleted one (1) year of continuous scrvicewill not be
required to pass a recordreview in ordertobe offered anavailablebargainingunitposition;
however, thecmployce’s workrecordshall follow thecmployceinto thenew position.

SeiLAGtee ee tinee a

3. Article 3.6.1V shall be modified as follows:


A, |,
Asof January 1997, a classification ofspecial part-time operatorshall-be
has been created forthe positions ofbus operator, motorman,conductor,and rapid transitoperator.

B. Subject to the exception.in Section 3.6.1V.C for special part-time.bus

this classificationshall checkafter 1200 hourson Saturday and Sunday andwhen a
Sunday schedule
isin effect.
C. Notwithstandiny
thelimitation_in Section 3.6.1V.B, during anyperiod in
which thecap on part-timebusoperators in Section 3.6,I1.A 1s twelve (12)percent of thenumber
of full-time busoperators, the Authority may_usespecial part-time operatorswithinthebargaining
unit of Local241,who notcheck earlier than1330 hours onFriday and Monday andshall
notcheckearlier than1200 hoursonSaturday.Sunday,and when a Sundayschedule is in effect,
Such special part-timeoperators shallnot beassigned more than 20 hours per week.

. Themaximum numberof special part-timeoperatorswithin thebargaining

unit of Local 24! shall be capped at twelve (12) percentofthe full-time classification and will be
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in addition to the current regular part-time cap ef-twenty-five-(25)-pereent set forth

Section in
DE. The maximum number of special part-time operators within the bargaining
unit of Local 308 shall be capped at twelve (12) percent of the full-time classification and will be
in addition to the current regular part-time cap of twenty (20) percent.

BE. _Prefercntial consideration in hiring will be given to retirees.

FG. Special part-time operators shall receive no benefits.

GH. The hourly rate paid to operators in the special part-time classification shall
be sixty-five (65) percent of the top full-time operator rate.

Attachment N — Bus and Facilities Apprentice Program

Amend Attachment N as follows:

Bus Service Apprentices shall be assigned only General Clean functions and removal of garbage
from buses atterminals,which mayinclude moppingbus floors. Such work shall be under the
supervision of management and the direction of the Garage Cleaner bargaining unit members who
shall be known as Garage Cleancr Leaders. CTA will establish two Garage Cicaner Leader
positions per shift at each bus garage. The Group Cleaner Leaders shall be working Leaders and
shall have the responsibility to direct the Bus Servicer Apprentices in the performance of their
apprentice dutics, Garage Cleaner Leaders shall be paid a stipend of $.50 per hour for each hour
they engage in the direction of the Bus Servicer Apprentices. The provisions of this paragraph
shall also be applicable with regard to the CTA's utilization of employees under the Kidstart
Attachment N Bus and Facilities Apprentice Program, Attachment O Car and Rail Janitor
Service Apprentice Program

Amend paragraph 2 of Attachment N and Attachment O to provide that “The wage rate of all
Apprentices shall be increased to $15.00 per hour effective July 1, 2021 and shall increase
thercafter as required by any applicable minimum wage law.”

Add new Article 13.30 as follows:

The parties recognize that the CTA must respond and adapt to declining ridership, evolving
demographic trends, and the need to address inequity in public transit. One option to address these
challenges is microtransit. Microtransit can be used to provide a first- and last-mile link for
individuals living in areas with limited access to public transit, to increase mobility for the region's

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underserved population, to decrease congestion, or reduce vehicles parked at transit hubs, among
other benefits.

The parties recognizc that a microtransit system may involve issues not currently addressed by the
current CBA and as such may impact the members of the ATU Local 24], It is recognized that any
microtransit system may involve scheduling issues, the creation of new routes, the development
of new job classifications, deployment of smaller vehicles, the assignment of employees, and other
issues affecting terms and conditions of employment. The partics have determined that it is
desirable to eliminate the potential for disputes and grievances by using their best efforts to resolve
all issues of mutual concer regarding any microtransil project, including additions to or
modifications of the CBA to address a microtransil system. The parties agree, therefore, to meet,
bargain or confer as necessary as CTA explores, develops and takes steps to implement
microtransit options and to work cooperatively to achieve an effective implementation of a
microtransit project.

If the CTA decides to implement a microtransit system, the parties will bargain the terms of the
CBA regarding the microtransit system as it applies to bargaining unit employees as well as the
effects of the implementation of the system on bargaining unit employees. While the CTA shall
have the right to implement a microtransit system absent an agreement on the terms of the CBA
as it applies to bargaining unit employees and/or effects on bargaining unit employees, until such
time as the parties reach an agreement on the terms and the effects of thc implementation of a
microtransit system on bargaining unit employees or until an arbitrator issues an award as provided
for below, the rights of the bargaining unit employees under the current CBA will not be affected
and any implementation of a microtransit system will not negatively and involuntarily affect the
wages, seniority, and rights of bargaining unit employees under the CBA.

If the parties are not able

to reach an agreement on the terms of the system as it affects bargaining
unit employees, either party may refer the matter to mediation and/or arbitration as provided in
Section 17,

Layoff Protection Date

Amend Article 12.8: as follows:

During the term of this Agrcement there shall be no layoff of any permanent full timc
bargaining unit employee who on Jenuery+,2040Januar |,
2013 had one (1) or more years of
continuous service.


General Wage Increase — Amend Article 3.3.A. as necessary to provide:

All employees on the payroll as of the date of ratification of a tentative agreement shall receive
the following:

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(1) A one-time payment equal to $% ofthe employee's contractual pay rate forhours worked
between January |, 2020 and December 31, 2020 (upto a maximum of 4,000 hours).

Exceptfor thesccondchanceparticipants covered by Attachments N and O whosepayratesarc

otherwise specified in thistentativeagreement, wageratcsfor all otheremployecs covered by this
Agreement onthepayroll as of the datc of ratification shall be increasedas follows:
(1) Increased by onepercent (1.00%) on January |, 2021.
(2) Increasedbyonepercent (1.00%)on July 2021.
(3) Increasedbyonc andone-half percent (1.50%)on January |, 2022.
(4) Increasedbyoneandonc-halfpercent (1.50%) onJuly 1, 2022.
(5) Increasedbytwopercent(2.0%)on January |, 2023.
(6)Increasedby two and one-quarter percent (2.25%)onJuly 1, 2023.
Thepayratesspecificallysetforth clsewherc in thisTentativeAgreementfor CSAscovered by
Attachment Mare alicady inclusiveoftheseacross-the-board wageincreases.

Term of Agreement
Amend the Agreementas necessary to providethatthe tern ofthisAgreementis January |, 2020
throughDecember 31, 2023.

All Other Proposals

All otherproposalsandcounterproposals
shall bewithdrawn.

TheParties have agreed thatallagreements willbe tentative untilan entireagreementis

finaland approvedbythe ratification proceduresof the Unions andthe Chicago Transit
Board.Ifeither theUnionsorthe ChicagoTransitBoard fail to approveorratify a Tentative
Agreement,thereshallbeno Agreement.



Lecal 241 ATU

Chicago t Authority, Deputy Chief Spokesperson, 308 ATU
General Co Labor and Employment

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ATU LOCAL 308PROPOSALS 3(b), 13, 14

the Agreementtoprovidethat System Laborers,
Rail Instructors, Rail TerminalInstructors,
car repairers A andB,car servicers, and Track Workers shallbe entitled to pick twiceper year.

‘TheParties haveagreed that all agrecmentswillbetentative until am entire agreementisfinn!

and approved
by the ratification Unions
of the Unions and the Chicago TransitBoard. Lfelthor the or theChicago
Transit Boardfallto approveorratify « Teutntive Agreement, there shallbe no Agreement.

Dil He it
A Mil
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ATU LOCAL 308 9.23.21 PROPOSAL 1(d)

Amend Article 3.6.1 to provide:

J. After one (1) year ofcontinuousservice apart-time employeewill be eligibleto receive
an initialuniform or work clothingallowanceequal to thatgiven a full-time ecand
SS Trt ‘co

AllCSRs and CSAswillbe eligiblefora completeuniform allowance,payable in

with Article 4.6.1 oftheCBA. nev A does not have sufficient find

bythe ratification
The Parties have agreedthat all agreesnentswill be tentative until anentire agreementis final and approved
proceduresoftheUnionsandtheChicagoTransitBoard. either theUnions or theChicaga
Transit Board fatl to Agreement, there shall be no Agreement.

oo Spokesperson, Chicago Transit Authority Chief Spokesperson, 1241 ATU

— Authority, Deputy General

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Amend Article 12:

LOCALOFFICERS TheAuthorityagrees thattheofficersof Local241 andLocal 308shallbe

granted leave of absence on organizationbusiness, whenso requested. Itfurtheragreesthatany
member ofLocal 241 or Local 308 who now holdsofficeoris employed there,orshallbeelected
to an officeor employed in Local241 and Local 308, whichrequireshisor herabsencefrom the
Authority's employ,shall, uponretirement-from
leaving saidoffice,be placed inhisor herformer

The Parties
have agreed thatall agreementswillbetentativeuntil an entireagreement is final and approved
ofthe Unionsandthe Chicago Transit Board. If eithertheUnions or the Chicago
by the ratification procedures
Transit Board fail to approve
orratify 2 Tentative Agrcement,thereshall be noAgreement.

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Amend Paragraph 15 of the CSR/CSA Agreement to provide:

15. CSAs will be allowed to pick their schedules up to 32 40 hours per week, and shall be given
at least two (2) days off per week. CSAs shall pick after all CSRs have picked. CSAs shall not be
allowed to work in excess of 32 40 hours per week, unless the workbook and the double-up book
for CSRs has been exhausted;

The Parties have agreed that ali agreements will be tentative until an entire agreement is final and approved
by the ratification procedures of the Unions and the Chicago Transit Board. If either the Unions or the Chicago
Transit Board fail to approve or ratify a Tentative Agreement, there shall be no Agreement.

kesperson, ChicagoTransit Authority Cie e vol ATU

Se Dawn?
Chief Spokesperson, Lotal 308 ATU

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