Ucsp Quiz

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It gives concrete terms how we should behave--what we should do and what we should

not do. norms

Societies that feature an economy based on services and technology, not production.


Which of the following individuals is said to be the founder of Sociology?

Auguste Comte
Anthropology and Sociology are different sciences that deal with human beings and their


Are cultural representations of reality. They give meanings to events and things like
a statue, handshake, college ring, flag etc.


It involves judging other cultures against the standards of your own culture.


This is a struggle between segments of society over valued resources.

Social Conflict

started the domestication and breeding of animals for food.

Pastoral societies

It is intangible but influences our behavior like our language, beliefs, values, rules
of behavior, family patterns and political system.

Non-material culture

Conflict Theory is primarily based on the work of:

Karl Marx
This social science deals with human culture, as well as the physical and social
characteristics that create that culture.


A group of people living together in a particular place or at a particular time and having
many things in common. Community

They are people who have something in common and who believe that what they have
in common is significant. Organization

Which of the following is considered a “taboo”? all of the choices

Social Science attempts to comprehend, explain and predict events in our natural
environment. False

A type of polygamous marriage wherein a husband can take many wives at the same time.

A Joint Stock Company is an economic organization that consists of consumers who

subscribe to its capital, which is divided up into a large number of shares. True

Consanguineous kinship is kinship by blood.

Consanguineal kinship

The actions and behavior of organizations can affect an individual or even affect each
other. True

The economy is an essential institution, which addresses problems regarding the limited
resources of the society.


In Negative reciprocity, a person offers something without the expectaion of

immediate return. True

The basis of every system of authority.


In economics, it is the theory, policy or practice of lessening or reducing inequalities

in income.


Chiefdom has a governing body headed by a chief. True

Humans can be a part of more than one social organization.


Defined by Burges and Lock as a group of persons united by ties of marriage, blood or
adoption consituting a single household interacting with each other in their respective social
role of husband and wife, mother and father, brother and sister creating a common culture.


The smallest type of political organization, it is usually a small group connected by family
ties and is politically independent.


It refers to the popular acceptance of a government, or any system of authority.

A type of polygamous marriage in which a wife can have many husbands.


A type of family that is composed of a nuclear family plus other relatives such as
grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

extended family

According to Weber, it is compulsory political organization with a centralized government

that maintains a monopoly of the legitimate use of force within a certain territory. State

Compadrazgo is an example of kinship by marriage.


The system of acknowledged social parentage, which limits the claim of kinship ties
with another.


The first school in the Philippines which offered a bachelor's degree in sociology

University of Sto. Tomas

Is an activity that is forbidden or sacred based on religious beliefs or morals.

The data analyzed by sociologists are used by government officials and market


According to Robert Merton, the obvious function we openly intend a social system
to perform are

Manifest functions

This is the historical change from tradition - sentiments and beliefs passed from one
generation to aother to rationality - deliberate, matter-of-fact calculation of the cost
effective means to accomplish a task as a dominant mode of human thought.

Rationalization of Society

Is one component that makes our life easier. We can have volume production of goods that

can be used by us

through this component.


From the symbolic interaction perspective, which of the following is a symbol?

All of them are symbols

The change that occurs as a society acquires a new technology

Sociocultural Evolution

During this state, man used simple tools to hunt animals and vegetation.

Paleolithic age

These societies use advanced sources of energy, rather than human and animals, to run
large machinery.

Industrial Societies

A collection of people who happen to be at the same place at the same time but who
have no other connection to one another. Aggregate

Which of the following is true about Serfin M. Macaraig?

He published a book entitled "An Introduction to Sociology" in 1938.

The first Filipino who has acquired a doctorate degree in

Sociology Serfain M. Macaraig
It refers to a form of leadership made legitimate by rationality or legal
legitimacy. Authority

A political organization governed by a governing body led by a chief.

political party

A type of political organization often described as a combination of smaller kin or non-kin

groups which are united by a common culture. Tribe

The concept of right to issue and force a command by means of coercive power.


A system of social organization which is based on real or recognized family ties

. kinship

A descent system that consists of both male and female lines.

Bilineal kinship

Descent that is based on the male line.

Patrilineal kinship

Defined by Burges and Lock as a group of persons united by ties of marriage, blood or
adoption consituting a single household interacting with each other in their respective social
role of husband and wife, mother and father, brother and sister creating a common culture.


A type of marriage in which a person has more than one spouse at a time.


Compadrazgo is an example of kinship by marriage.


Which of the following is a Greek term for "study"?


Sociology focuses on the big picture of human culture.


This refers to an unplanned group

Informal group

People who own and operate factories and other businesses in pursuit of profits.


Members of these societies tend crops with an animal harnessed to a plow.

Agricultural Societies

He described society as beyond individuals’ personal experiences.

Emile Durkheim

The sociologist who focused on class struggles.

Karl Marx

A Latin term which means “companion” or “associate”.


Who is the English sociologist who proposed that there is parallelism between how society
evolves in the same manner as animal species do?

Herbert Spencer

The sociological imagination: helps individuals to understand the true origins and
character of the problems they face.

Which of the following is a Latin term that means "companion" or "associate"?


Which of the following individuals is a sociologist who became notable for focusing on how
industrial revolution changed the thoughts and action of the society and how it brought
about a process known as rationalization?

Max Weber

Refers to individuals who interact with one another and share similar characteristics and
a sense of unity.

Social Group

Refers to the standards by which we assess goodness acceptability, beauty or desirability.


The people who own and operate factories and other businesses in pursuit of
profits. capitalists

people who sell their productive labor for wages


Is everything that is made, learned, or shared by the members of a society,

including values, beliefs, behaviors, and maternal objects.


Social organization is an example of a formal

group False

What is the name of the native German who came up with the idea that
industrialization resulted in the rise of two classes: the owners and the laborers?

Karl Marx
He believed that society has an “objective reality”.

Emile Durkheim

It is the change that occurs as a society acquires new technology.

Socio-cultural evolution

Who proposed the Philosophical position of positivism?

Auguste Comte

A collection of people who happen to be at the same place at the same time but who
have no other connection to one another.


Family is an example of a primary group


Which of the following is true about Serfin M. Macaraig?

He published a book entitled "An Introduction to Sociology" in 1938.

Main characteristic of a group

members interact regularly through communication

In German, it means "intimate communities"

During the stage, man used simple tools to hunt animals.

Hunting and gathering stage

Analysis of data from a specific study is the concern of


Which of these is an example of a secondary group?

circle of friends

TRUE OR FALSE: Communication can only be learned in school


Which of the following are the 2 forms of verbal communication?

Written and oral writeen and spoken langueag

Paralanguage is about how we sound


Emojis are forms of communication


TRUE OR FALSE: Communication competence can be learned quickly


Pitch describes the force of the voice


Writing is a form of verbal communication


This is how language is used


What are the two main channels of communication.

Verbal and non-verbal

Different connotation/meanings

The space between two people can communicate their relationship


2 main channels of communication are verbal and visual


Emotions such as nervousness or sadness can be heard through this paralanguage



Syntax - how words are put together to form sentences


To determine the kinds of communication; and To understand how these kinds are
used to be an effective communicator.

Objectives of this chapter

Lowness or highness of tone of the voice Pitch

Which of the following refers to pauses and stops made between thoughts or

Haptics is the language of time


Proxemics is the study of which of the following?


Communication is ethical


Communication is a two-way process.


How many forms of communication are there?

This form of communication allows you to analyze and reflect

Intrapersonal communication

Business in the west is like hunting while business in the east is like planting rice.
Which non-verbal language is this thinking attributed to?

It is a form of communication which involves utterance of words, sentences and

Verbal Communication

Which of these are the paralanguage elements? vocal quality, pitch, tempo, volume,

Communication is a transactional process True

Porcelain designs is under what kind of non-verbal communication?


What is the most fundamental definition of communication

to send and receive messages using a channe

It is the language of the body.


Intrapersonal communication is about communicating with others


These are communication patterns that are from psychological, social, cultural or
societal patterns or gained knowledge.

field of experience
What are the characteristics of a linear model?

a. unidirectional ,simple, persuasion not mutual understanding, social over

psychological effects

This refers to beliefs, social status, values, and other social factors.

social system

When a message is sent in the form of a video, text, dance, or culture.


This refers to the arrangement of elements in the content of the message.


You are trying to decide if you want to take Medicine or Engineering, what kind of
communication is happening?

Intrapersonal Communication

Dance's Helix Model is an example of


This element can only be seen in the Schramm communication model.

field of experience
Who invented the spiral model of communication?


Communication model where the receiver and sender take turns in conveying their


A problem solving meeting belongs to what form of communication?

group communication

This is an object that has a three-dimensional shape like a wire or cylinder or cone.

This is the entirety of the message this covers from the beginning to the end. Content

Who conceptualized the SMCR model?


This is how you package your message.


An example/s of a linear communication model.

Shannon-Weaver and Berlo's SMCR

Listening to Spotify ads shows what form of communication?


This model states that communicative action will always be an accumulation of past
experiences, events, or behaviors and that communication always move forward.

Which model is also called the convergence model?


When was Schramm’s model developed


Your cousins can have a different culture from you.


Listening and Hearing are the same.

What problem is encountered every time we hear this thought: " Why wear clothes
that show too much skin if you're not interested in attracting men to think of lustful
thoughts about you?!"

Both of the given choices are correct

Roosters crowing at 2 a.m is an extrinsic noise.


Who said that filipinos avoid talking about money?

Vince RApisura

These are communication patterns that are from psychological, social, cultural or
societal patterns or gained knowledge.

factual noise

These are communication patterns that are from psychological, social, cultural or
societal patterns or gained knowledge.

field of experience

Which culture can cancel schedules or appointments due to personal and social

All of the answers correct

Roosters crowing at 2 a.m is an intrinsic noise.

Which model is also called the convergence model?


The anthropologist who gave the definition of religion in the module:


What emerged in our lives that made it possible for us to get to know our fellow men
from a far?


There is no need to understand yourself when listening.


The first step in improving your listening skills is to stop talking.


There are four kinds of noise that affect the communication process. List them down.
feedback, internal noise, semantic noise, factual noise

This element can only be seen in the Schramm communication model.

field of experience
Noise only happens externally.


Which culture is more rigid with time?


You're trying to listen to your teacher but you keep on remembering the fun night you
had with your friends. When the teacher called you to recite and you did not hear
what the question was, what kind of noise was present?

internal noise

Which Mcdonald’s commercial was used as an example in the module?

This noise prevents you from getting the main idea of the verbal message because
you zero in on details rather than put them together to see the whole picture.

semantic noise

Ethnocentrism can also happen when someone from Mindanao is discriminated by

someone rom Luzon.


Why are Chinese kids ahead of Filipinos when it comes to Math?

It is part of their culture

Listening to Spotify ads is an example of which of the following forms of

communication? Mass Communication

Interpersonal communication is about communicating with others True

Which culture can cancel schedules or appointments due to personal and social

High context cultures are more tolerant of being rejected.


In the Philippines, where the majority is brow skinned, fair skin is equated to beauty
and wealth. What kind of intercultural problem is this?


Listening helps in enhancing or improving our relationship with ourselves and

others. True

Low context cultures do not tolerate being rejected True

All wealthy people work blue-collar jobs.


Which culture is more analytical and requires more verbal cues?


Why are Chinese kids ahead of Filipinos when it comes to Math?


It is part of their culture

Hearing is synonymous to listening. False

Culture can only be observed if someone is from another country.


Selective hearing increases our chances of understanding someone.


Noise only happens internally.


This is any kind of stimuli to our senses which affects how messages are conveyed
The anthropologists who gave the definition of religion in the module


It's okay to think about what you want to tell your friend while she's talking to you.

What problem is encountered every time this old adage is relayed to children: " Wag
kang makulit, sige ka, kukunin ka nung bumbay".


Team collaboration inside the classroom is what form of communication?


This refers to beliefs, social status, values, and other social factors.

social system

This section attempts to answer : what materials were used and how they were used.
Materials and Methods

not pass) your exams if you don't start working harder.

Will not pass

Terms used to both sexes granting both status and respect.

Gender-free terms

We use MLA style for arts, literature and the humanities.


He suffered from ________________that he could predict the end of the world.


The method section of the abstract should explain how you went about solving the
problem or exploring the issue you identified as your main objective.


Supports main arguments with contributions from literary authorities and references.
Proofs/ evidences

A condensed information including detail, while not being concerned about length.

I'm meeting my mother at the airport tomorrow.

Scheduled event
In developing the final outline of a research paper, it is important to establish the
significance of your research by,

Narrowing down your topic.

Expressions that should be avoided when writing a scientific report.


you/go) to the party tomorrow night?

Are you going

Avoid usingthe metric system of measurements.


The Home Office interior ministry has made contact with Omar's family and is
assisting them in "travelling" to Britain.

object of the preposition

An intentional or unintentional use of someone else's words and taking them as your
own. Plagiarism

A person with poor listening skills would have exemplary relationships with each
other. False

What are the characteristics of a Linear model of communication?

Both Shannon-Weaver and Berlo's SMCR

Kissing the hands of elders is an example of which non-verbal cue?


Communication will always elicit a response. In what ways can the response come
in? non-verbal and verbal cues

Which of the following models states that communicative action will always be an
accumulation of past experiences, events, or behaviors and that communication
always move forward?


True or False: Communication is progressive. True

Use Berlo's communication model to identify what is being asked: This is the entirety
of the message. This covers from the beginning to the end.


True or False: Communication can only be learned in school. False

True or False: We need to follow rules and values when communicating.

Use Berlo's communication model to identify what is being asked: This is how you
package your message. Treatment

True or False: An example of a linear communication model is the Helical model.


How many principles of communication are there?


It is possible to use haptics in a professional setting.


Use Berlo's communication model to identify what is being asked: This is an object
that has a three-dimensional shape like a wire, cylinder, or cone. No correct answer

True or False: Relationship become more fulfilling because of communication.


True or False: Emojis are forms of communication True

What do you call the communication patterns that are from psychological, social,

societal patterns or gained knowledge?

field of experience

This is how Innuits, Africans, and some Asians see time.


Which of the following is a communication model wherein the receiver and sender

turns in conveying the message?


True or False: In a communicative act, there will always be no effects to the


Any message conveyed will only have one interpretation.


Dance Helix Model is an example of which of the following communication models?


What are the three standards of communication model?

Linear, transactional, interactive

"Strike while the iron is hot" talks about what non-verbal cue?


Who said "The difference between a good word and the right word is the same as the
difference between a lightning bug and lightning"? Mark Twain
Kinesics,proxemics, haptics, chronemics, appearance, artifacts, and paralanguage
are all

elements of which of the following?

non-verbal communication

Who invented the spiral model of communication?


This communication states that setting a common point should be established before

communicating to avoid negative impact.


Use Berlo's communication model to identify what is being asked: When a message
is sent

in the form of a video, text, dance, or culture.


True or False: Oral communication competence means you're good in speaking only.

This is any kind of stimuli to our senses which affects how messages are conveyed.
North Pole, Temperate Zone, summit

Evaluating details to make judgment.

-drawing conclusion

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