Leave Management System 2021

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The purpose of Employee Leave Management System is to automate the existing manual system
by the help of computerized equipment’s and full-fledged computer software, fulfilling their
requirements, so that their valuable data/information can be stored for a longer period with easy
accessing and manipulation of the same. The required software and hardware are easily available
and easy to work with. Employee Leave Management System, as described above, can lead to
error free, secure, reliable and fast management system. It can assist the user to concentrate on
their other activities rather to concentrate on the record keeping. Thus it will help organization in
better utilization of resources. The organization can maintain computerized records without
redundant entries. That means that one need not be distracted by information that is not relevant,
while being able to reach the information. The aim is to automate its existing manual system by
the help of computerized equipment’s and full-fledged computer software, fulfilling their
requirements, so that their valuable data/information can be stored for a longer period with easy
accessing and manipulation of the same. Basically, the project describes how to manage for good
performance and better services for the clients.
Table of Contents

Chapter 1..........................................................................................................................................5



Research Objectives.........................................................................................................................6

Research Questions..........................................................................................................................6

Scope of the Study...........................................................................................................................7

Research Methodology....................................................................................................................8

Limitations of the Study..................................................................................................................9

Chapter 2........................................................................................................................................12

Literature Review..........................................................................................................................12




Chapter 3........................................................................................................................................20



Research Design............................................................................................................................21

Proposed Methodology..................................................................................................................21

Population and sampling................................................................................................................24

Research Population......................................................................................................................24

Sampling Design and Sample Size................................................................................................24

Data Collection..............................................................................................................................25

Requirement Analysis....................................................................................................................25
Data Analysis.................................................................................................................................28


Chapter 4........................................................................................................................................34


Experiment results and analysis.....................................................................................................34


Chapter 5........................................................................................................................................38


Chapter 6........................................................................................................................................39



Chapter 1


Introduction of the Project Employee Leave Management System: The "Employee Leave
Management System" has been developed to override the problems prevailing in the practicing
manual system. This software is supported to eliminate and, in some cases, reduce the hardships
faced by this existing system. Moreover, this system is designed for the particular need of the
company to carry out operations in a smooth and effective manner. The application is reduced as
much as possible to avoid errors while entering the data. It also provides error message while
entering invalid data. No formal knowledge is needed for the user to use this system. Thus, by
this all it proves it is user-friendly. Employee Leave Management System, as described above,
can lead to error free, secure, reliable and fast management system. It can assist the user to
concentrate on their other activities rather to concentrate on the record keeping. Thus, it will help
organization in better utilization of resources. Every organization, whether big or small, has
challenges to overcome and managing the information of Leave, Employee, Payroll, Leave Type,
Salary. Every Employee Leave Management System has different Employee needs; therefore,
we design exclusive employee management systems that are adapted to your managerial
requirements. This is designed to assist in strategic planning, and will help you ensure that your
organization is equipped with the right level of information and details for your future goals.
Also, for those busy executive who are always on the go, our systems come with remote access
features, which will allow you to manage your workforce anytime, at all times. These systems
will ultimately allow you to better manage resources.


The leave management system was designed, developed and implemented taking the distinction
of the leave of absence policies, types of leaves and the leave management of Mulamatila
Combined School. The system is exclusively designed and developed for the Mulamatila
Combined School Human Resources Department in general and the employees’ leave records
section in particular. The employee’s leave section is solely responsible for keeping the leave
and related records of employees and keeping track of their information. The leave management
system is designed in such a way that makes it possible to access it through any web browser
program. This serves as the user interface. The web browser supported interface created is
dynamic and as a result backed by a database system that enables users to have the ability to
input, access, manipulate and delete data from the database. The system runs online and all leave
aspects can be managed by employees as long as they have an internet access.

The project “Employee leave management system” seeks to develop a system that will maintain
the day-to-day attendance of staffs. The aim for developing this app is to create a computerized
method of leave management instead of the existing manual paper process which will help to
minimize storage space and keep all saved records in the computer for future use. At the end of
the implementation, the app shall deliver a good functionality providing efficiency and accuracy
over the paper-based system.

Research Objectives

To come up with a system that will simplify the work of giving leave to the employees upon
request by the Provincial Education Officers (P.E.O) or the District Education Board Secretary

Specific objectives

1. For the employees to be able to request for a local Leave and Vacation Leave online
and to immediately known if the date they are requesting may not be available.
2. To be able to forecast availability of human resources such as the teachers and other
staffs or employees of the Mulamatila Combined School at any point in time.
3. To be able to manage queries on leave of employees with lesser time to be spent.

Research Questions

1. What are the benefits of employees to be able to request for a local Leave and
Vacation Leave online and to immediately known if the date they are requesting may
not be available?
2. How will the system be able to forecast availability of human resources such as the
teachers and other staffs or employees of the Mulamatila Combined School at any
point in time?
3. Why should the system manage queries on leave of employees with lesser time to be

Scope of the Study

Scope of the project Employee Leave Management System It may help collecting perfect
management in details. In a very short time, the collection will be obvious, simple and sensible.
It will help a person to know the management of passed year perfectly and vividly. It also helps
in current all works relative to Employee Leave Management System. It will be also reduced the
cost of collecting the management & collection procedure will go on smoothly. Our project aims
at Business process automation, i.e. we have tried to computerize various processes of Employee
Leave Management System.

 In computer system the person has to fill the various forms & number of copies of
the forms can be easily generated at a time.
 In computer system, it is not necessary to create the manifest but we can directly
print it, which saves our time.
 To assist the staff in capturing the effort spent on their respective working areas.
 To utilize resources in an efficient manner by increasing their productivity
through automation.
 The system generates types of information that can be used for various purposes.
 It satisfies the user requirement
 Be easy to understand by the user and operator
 Be easy to operate
 Have a good user interface
 Be expandable
 Delivered on schedule within the budget

The leave management system was designed, developed and implemented taking the distinction
of the leave of absence policies, types of leaves and the leave management. The system is
exclusively designed and developed for Human Resources Department in general and the
employees’ leave records section in particular. The employee’s leave section is solely
responsible for keeping the leave and related records of employees and keeping track of their
information. The leave management system is designed in such a way that makes it possible to
access it through any web browser program. This serves as the user interface. The web browser
supported interface created is dynamic and as a result backed by a database system that enables
users to have the ability to input, access, manipulate and delete data from the database. The
system runs online and all leave aspects can be managed by employees as long as they have an
internet access.

Research Methodology

Model View Controller or MVC as it is popularly called, is a software design pattern for
developing web applications. A Model View Controller pattern is made up of the following three

 Model - The lowest level of the pattern which is responsible for maintaining data.

 View - This is responsible for displaying all or a portion of the data to the user.

 Controller - Software Code that controls the interactions between the Model and View.

MVC is popular as it isolates the application logic from the user interface layer and supports
separation of concerns. Here the Controller receives all requests for the application and then
works with the Model to prepare any data needed by the View. The View then uses the data
prepared by the Controller to generate a final presentable response. The MVC abstraction can be
graphically represented as follows.
MVC (Model View Controller Flow)


Limitations of the Study

The analysis, design, implementation, testing, and building of a software is not an easy task and
it present numerous challenges, along the line of the research work some limitations and
challenges were faced which affects and hinder the development of the system. - Time
constraint, was one of the major challenges faced during the system development period due to
involvement with other academic related works and the allotment time given for the project, the
system didn’t meet up to its full robustness. - The COVID 19 Pandemic, due to restriction of
movement around the country, interaction with the client, getting hold of employee information
from the initial source of this work and also the hardware requirements needed for the work
becomes a challenge. - Leave Management Notification, sending a leave request notification via
email was challenging since google have improved their security and limits the apps that can
access their web server. - Custom report generation, the admin can generate a report containing
all the employee information from his/her personal profile. Sometimes, the admin may be
looking for specific employee in cases where a transfer is to be made, this poses a challenge
because the admin will always have to generate a report of all the information about an
employee, which some those might not be needed.

 Lack of available and/or reliable data 

A lack of data or of reliable data will likely require you to limit the scope of your
analysis, the size of your sample, or it can be a significant obstacle in finding a trend and
a meaningful relationship. You need to not only describe these limitations but to offer
reasons why you believe data is missing or is unreliable. However, don’t just throw up
your hands in frustration; use this as an opportunity to describe the need for future
 Lack of prior research studies on the topic 
Citing prior research studies forms the basis of your literature review and helps lay a
foundation for understanding the research problem you are investigating. Depending on
the currency or scope of your research topic, there may be little, if any, prior research on
your topic. Before assuming this to be true, consult with a librarian! In cases when a
librarian has confirmed that there is a lack of prior research, you may be required to
develop an entirely new research typology
 Self-reported data 
Whether you are relying on pre-existing self-reported data or you are conducting a
qualitative research study and gathering the data yourself, self-reported data is limited by
the fact that it rarely can be independently verified.
 Limited access to data
If your research involved surveying certain people or organizations, you might have
faced the problem of having limited access to these respondents. Due to this limited
access, you might need to redesign or restructure your research in a different way. In this
case, explain the reasons for limited access and be sure that your finding is still reliable
and validate despite this limitation.
 Time constraints
Just as students have deadlines to turn in their class papers, academic researchers also
must meet the deadline for submitting a research manuscript to a journal. Therefore, the
time available to study a research problem and to measure change over time is
constrained by the deadline of your “assignment.” Make sure you choose a research
problem that you will be able to complete well before the assignment’s deadline. If time
constraints negatively impacted your study in any way, acknowledge this impact by
mentioning a need for a future study (e.g., a longitudinal study) to answer this research
 Conflicts arising from cultural bias and other personal issues
Researchers might be biased views due to their cultural backgrounds or perspectives of
certain phenomena, and this can affect a study’s legitimacy. Also, it is possible that
researchers will have biases toward data and results that only support their hypotheses or
arguments. In order to avoid these problems, the author(s) of a study should examine
whether the way the problem was stated and the data-gathering process were carried out
Chapter 2

Literature Review


This chapter briefly describes the literature review relevant to the Leave Management System
(LMS). It provides sufficient background knowledge based on relevant literature reviews of
related works. The chapter reviewed literatures that were relevant to the proposed project and
identifies the gaps in the related systems that could be addressed by the proposed system.
Information management system (IMS) is a system used for managing, maintaining, decision
making and compiling of information in a particular organization (Wilson, 2002). The system
mainly is in form of software application for processing and collecting information required in an
organization to carry out task easily and successfully and used it for their own benefit. IMS was
first introduced by IBM in 1968 to serve as a database and record management system
information [2]. IMS has become the foundation of most organizations for executing prominent
role in sectors like education, businesses, health care centers, government, banking and finance
e.t.c each using the appropriate types of information management system. Modern supermarkets
use inventory management and control system to keep track of incoming stocks, shipments and
record sales. Organizations on the other hand use employee management system to keep track of
every day activity of employees inside the environment which brings us to the main focus of this
paper. Nowadays many organizations are using a manual system especially when dealing with
attendance and leave record which most of the time leads to loss of record. The employee
management system consists of important personal information about employees in an
organization. This Chapter describes and explain on the literature review carried out on the
system and that be used in developing this system, literature review is a body of text that aims to
review the critical point of current knowledge on a particular topic. Therefore, the purpose of the
literature review is to find, read and analyze the body of literature or any works of studies related
to this renting system. Literature review identifies the purpose and structure of the literature
review that supports this research effort. The purpose of the literature review is to identify and
synthesize appropriate references to demonstrate and illustrate the presence of knowledge gaps to
be addressed by this research. These references include journal articles, conference papers,
published reports, and other readily available sources of information, such as selected World
Wide Web pages from the Internet.

Existing System

In this section, It will discuss about the existing system that can access using the paper based
system, There are several examples of examples of existing system and have their own purpose
and function: -

Employee leave management is basic human resource task and one that affects all employees.
Most companies have well defined leave policies that are conveyed to employees and managers
through employee handbooks or human resource policy manuals. Yet the human resource is
saddled with administrative management of leave, updating of leave balances and responding to
queries on balances and entitlements from employees and their managers. Employees too find it
a bother to have to fill paper forms and chase them up with approving managers. A significant
amount of expensive employee, manager and human resource time is wasted in a very basic
process of giving and attaining leave.

Leave offers is a basic human resource process affecting everyone and critical as a basic input to
payroll processing. Human resource faces problems of integrating request inputs from different
employees and manual attendance registers across all business locations. Each month a lot of
human resource time is spent collecting and reconciling attendance data before payroll can be
correctly processed. Integrating leave data is essential but not always easy.

According to Staren (2011) the job of a manager in the workplace is to get things done through
employees. For doing this person in charge should be able to motivate the employees. One of the
most important yet difficult responsibilities of a leader in any organization is motivating staff
(Staren, 2009, pp.74-77). Well-motivated employees can lead to the result of higher productivity;
higher performance and it can also help to improve the work quality and profits across all the
departments. There are many theorists have complied their own conclusions and consequently a
wide variety of motivational theory has been produced. Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory
is one of the content theories of motivation. This theory is used for better understands about the
employees’ working relationship, attitudes, and performance.  
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory attempts to explain the factors that motivate employees
by identifying and satisfying their individual needs, desires and the aims pursued to satisfy those
desires. According to Herzberg, there are two factors that cause motivation and demotivation in
an organization (Halepota, 2009, pp.14-18). He called those factors which enhanced job
satisfaction as the motivators and those factors which caused job dissatisfaction as the hygiene
factors. What makes employees satisfied at work refers to the factors that related to the content
of their jobs. On the other hand, what makes employees unhappy at work is not what they do but
how well or poorly they are treated. These treatment factors are related not to the content of
work, but to the context of the job. These challenges also exist in the current system in that when
an employee is not treated well or motivated, there will probably be a decline in the performance
of the employee leading to low productivity.
Luthans (2008, pp. 262-265) states that ‘good feelings were generally associated with job
experiences and job content’. Potential for achievement, receiving recognition, the work itself,
being giving responsibility, the potential for advancement and the potential for growth are the
factors that found to affect job.

Absentee System (AMS) The definition, causes, effects on productivity, and costs of
absenteeism are quite clear. The challenge is to develop methods that support attendance and
control absenteeism, in such a way as not to create mistrust, costly administrative procedures and
systems avoidance. Traditional methods of absenteeism control exclusively utilizing disciplinary
procedures have proven to be ineffective.

It is almost impossible to create a fair disciplinary procedure, because even well-run disciplinary
systems, which treat similar actions with consistent repercussions, are usually seen as unfair.
This perception is common, because discipline alone neither identifies nor addresses the root
causes of absenteeism. Every employee who takes time off in defiance of company regulations
has reasons, which they believe justifies their actions. Unless a management attendance program
identifies and addresses the causes of employee absenteeism, it will be ineffective and viewed as
unfair. Traditional disciplinary programs alone can, at best, give the illusion of control. It is no
secret that there are ways to beat even the best systems.
The fear of discipline often only increases the desire to avoid management systems
(Keogh ,2006). If absenteeism is to be controlled, the physical and emotional needs of employees
must be addressed. In a 1985 study on "Rates of Absence among Nurses" it was found that 50%
of absenteeism could be controlled through attending to employees‟ physical and emotional

Purpose of Attendance and Management The purpose of attendance management is to develop a

willingness on the part of all employees to attend work regularly and to assist them in motivating
their co-workers to attend work regularly (Pooja Rai ,2007). This can be done through;

a) Addressing the physical and emotional needs of employees

b) Communicating the attendance goals of the organization so employees can understand and
identify with them

c) Dealing with cases of excessive absenteeism effectively and fairly to produce deterrence.

Successful administration of an attendance management program requires managers and

supervisors to be aware of, and to create work environments in which the following can be

a) The greater the extent to which individuals identify with the goals of the organization and care
what happens to it, the greater their motivation to be regular in attendance.

b) The more that people find their jobs meaningful to them, the greater their motivation to be
regular in attendance.

c) As employees‟ workloads increase due to the absence of a co-worker, peer pressure is exerted
on the absent co-worker to attend work on a regular basis.

d) The more people like working for the organization, the higher their motivation to attend
regularly. Recognition of good employee attendance helps improve attendance.

e) Employees will have a lower absence ratio if they feel free to discuss their on-the job
problems with their immediate supervisor.

Related Work
In every company or organization there exists a very large number of employees that are been
managed by the HR department and this activity is carried out using the current system which
can be daunting without a more sophisticated tool to store and retrieve data. The various levels of
sophistication are examined looking at the current HR technology i.e. the Paper-based systems.
A number of related works exist for the application of LMS in different areas and specifically to
the area of organizational attendance and leave monitoring problems.

Employee Information Management System (Kanchev, 2006), presents a report that describes
the development and presentation of an information system for managing the staff data within a
small company or organization. It comprises of functions relating to application programming
and database. The system as such that has been designed is called the Employee Management
System. The designed system will be responsible for keeping records and storing data of the staff
within an organization and generating reports when requested. The choice of the programming
tools is individual and particular.

Computerize EMS (Nucleus, 2008), presented research that creates a computerized EMS, which
can eliminate repetitive work and human data entry mistake. This system increase productivity,
reduced payroll error, and elimination of paper costs, and which can provide all the reports on
demand. In this system, departments have to take attendance manually, only these records have
to be entered into the computerized system. But in this also, the problem of data entry mistake
may possibly still occur.

Wireless Iris Recognition Attendance Management System (Arulogun, 2013), has proposed a
system that lays its focus on wireless iris recognition attendance management system which was
designed and implemented using Daugman’s algorithm (Daugman, 2003). Building the system
requires hardware for executing the iris recognition which may lead to another expenses.
Therefore, a final version of the system was not made.

Attendance System The paper presents an attendance system for staffs which can mark
attendance using Bluetooth. Under the description of this paper, the attendance is being taken
using the staff’s mobile device. Therefore, an application software will be installed in all of the
staff’s mobile device which will enable it to query staff’s mobile device via Bluetooth
connection and through transfer of the staff’s mobile telephone Media Access Control (MAC)
through that the presence of the staffs can be confirmed. The problem of this proposed system is
staff’s phone is required for attendance. In case of staff absent a colleague can mark the
attendance. So presence of student is not necessary only phone should be in coverage area. 2.2.5
Staff Management System (Simaanya, 2014), presented a research which aim is to see how Staff
management can be improved to produce efficiency and flexibility. The methodology used was
incremental method which helped to reduce risk when changing requirements. This research
identified critical system factors that contributed most significantly to organization performance,
also the research present how the system will enable HR professionals to focus on transforming
information into knowledge that can be used by the organization for decision making and
identified strengths and weaknesses in the organization. This research represents a first step in
developing Staff management systems for HR relief.

Employee Database and Payroll Management System (Rozario, 2018), designed an employee
database and payroll management system to make the existing manual system automatic with the
help of computerized equipment and full-edged computer software, fulfilling their requirements,
so that their valuable data and information can be stored for a longer period with easy access and
manipulation of the same. This web application can maintain and view computerized records
without getting redundant entries. The purpose of this document is to describe the functionality
and specifications of the design of a web application for Managing Employees and their payroll.
The expected audiences of this document are the developers and the admin of the web
application. Now with the help of this system the admin has the information on his finger tips
and can easily prepare a good record based on their requirements.

System Scheduling Activities (Pratik, 2019), this study designed system scheduling activities in a
work center. The system shall be responsible for maintaining information about employees, thus
their personal profile. The system shall incorporate leave management all the way from
application to acceptance/rejection of leave requests as well as all employee projects with close
monitoring of the projects from creation to completion and trainings to assist in monitoring
active and inactive employees. Making the existing system fully automatic which will save lots
of human resources work. As the current system is all human resource work is needed to
maintain and keep the record and details of every employee under and organization to keep track
of every employee in staff working in an organization.

Proposed System
The proposed leave management system is a single leave management and attendance system
that temporally keeps leave records of all the employees of the Bible Society of Uganda. The
leave management system will provide a connection between the user and the database hence
enabling quick retrieval of the information without any intervention from the human resource
manager. It will allow employees and their managers to manage their leaves and mark their leave
dates. In addition, it will ensure that employees no longer have to chase their leave requests and
the human resource does not need to follow-up with people to reconcile their absences

a) Benefits to the organization

- On-line attendance logging option as well provision for integration with external leave logging
systems through easy data uploads

- Plan rosters/work shifts

- Organize and monitor leave data and get reports and areas of concern

- Plan for work under absentees

- Reduction in HR intervention

b) Benefits to HR

- Automatically computes and maintains applicable leave balances displayed to the employees at
the time of applying for a leave

- HR can set-up leave rules for automated rule-based work-flows

c) Benefits to Employees and Managers

- Online leave Application and approval

- Allows users to define their own “In my absence” rules for HR processes of their direct reports.

The literature reviewed elaborate a clear and concise overview of the current system briefing us
on how difficult the current paper-based system is, for example the current leave offer is done in
a way that employees have to fill paper forms and chase it around for approval by the human
resource manager. Therefore, the literature reviewed in this chapter shows the brief overview of
the current system and highlighted some of the project related works in correspondence with the
proposed system.

Chapter Three lays its focus on describing the requirement analysis and design, follow by the
methodology used in developing the application program and database. It also discusses the
development tools used and utilized for the project.
Chapter 3


The methodology will be prototype model of system development life cycle which iterative and
will involve the following stages of system analysis, system design,
implementation/development, testing and validation.

In the analysis phase, existing system will be evaluated. Problems with the current system will be
identified. This will be done by interviewing users of the system and consulting with human
resource. The new system requirements are defined. In particular, the deficiencies in the existing
system must be addressed with specific proposals for improvement.

The system development generally consists of two major components which are the system
requirement analysis and system requirement design. The system analysis helps to understand
details of an existing system or an envisioned system and deciding whether the existing system
needs improvement and also deciding if the envisioned system is desirable or not. The system
design is the process of using the fact-finding techniques to build and plan a new system or to
replace an existing system.

This Chapter will present the Requirements Analysis and Design of the proposed system of the
Employee Management System in details. It will also focus on how the new proposed system
will be established and also view the fact-finding techniques used during the system design and
development. The paper will also give us a brief outline of the methodology used during the
system development and add up with alternative methodologies to show adequate understanding
of the approaches carried out. The functional and non-functional requirements of the proposed
system are explained, showing the data modeling of the system using a class diagram which will
be translated into codes and the use cases diagram to list the steps of the system and other
corresponding useful diagrams.

The proposed system will be designed with the help of DFD’s and ERD’s in order to identify the
relationship between the different entities in the system.
The new system will be implemented using tools such as flow charts, data flow diagrams, and
design manipulation languages such as PHP to design the user interface and enable connection to
the database and SQL to design the relational tables in the database.

When the new system is up it will be tested and validated in order to find out whether it is doing
what it was meant for. Maintenance will be kept up rigorously at all times. Users of the system
will be kept up-to-date concerning the latest modifications and procedures.

Research Design

Proposed Methodology

Software development life circle (SDLC) is a framework defining tasks performed at each step in
the software development process. SDLC is a structure followed by a development team within
the software organization and consists of detailed plan describing how to develop, maintain and
replace software. In this project the SDLC chosen is the Incremental development method
because the processes are agile, therefore planning should be incremental to change the process
to reflect changing customer requirement in order to reduce risk of changing requirements. There
is user’s involvement in the project and the project manager is experienced. This approach
interleaves the activities of specification, development, and validation. The system is developed
as a series of versions (increments), with each version adding functionality to the previous
There are several types of SDLC which choose to take up some number of factors based on the
project e.g. Requirement elicitation during the development, complexity of the system, agile
process between the customers and developers, time management. These related models give the
idea on the process that can be used to help user understand how different approaches are carried
out during software development.

They can be seen as process frameworks to create more specific software engineering processes.
Below are few selected models discussed.

The Waterfall Model

The waterfall model is a sequential design model process, often used in dividing software
development processes. It divides them into phases (requirements specification, software design,
implementation, testing etc.) of which each phase must be complete before starting a new phase
with each phase performing a specific role. It was introduced in 1970 by Winston Royce.

The Prototype Model

The prototype model is defined as a software development process in which a prototype is

designed and built several times until an acceptable prototype is achieved and approved. It also
creates a base to produce the final system. It is best used in scenarios where the customer and
developer do not know the necessary requirements needed. It is a repetition of trial, and error
method which take place between the developer and the client.

The Spiral Model

The spiral model consists of the waterfall model and iterative model both combined in which
each phase of the spiral model starts with a design goal and ends with the customer reviewing the
progress of the software development process. The spiral model was first mentioned by Barry
Boehm in his 1986 paper.

Approach to Chosen Methodology/Methods Using the Incremental Model as the SDLC, the
approach to carry out each phase of the chosen methodology is define listing the set of activities
carried out below and stating the chosen method used for each stage.
Population and sampling

Research Population
The target population for the study was all the 120 staff in Mulamatila Combined School. Each
staff will be asked about the process of leave management and the issues faced in this process,
seeing a way to improve and simplify the process.

Sampling Design and Sample Size

A sampling frame is a list of all the elements in the populace of interest (Bland, 2015). The
sampling frame operationally defines the target population from which the sample is drawn and
to which the sample data will be generalized (Levy & Lemeshow, 2008). The sampling frame in
this study was the entire list of 56 staff of Mulamatila Combined School.

A Sample is a subset of the population that is selected for a study (Ghauri, Grønhaug, & Strange,
2020); while sampling is the process of choosing a representative portion of the entire population
for a study in such a way that the individual selected represents the large group from which they
are selected (Scheaffer, l, Ott, & Gerow, 2012). From the target population of 67, the sample size
was computed based on Yamane (1967) sample size formula as shown


n = Sample size

N= Population size

e = the error of Sampling (0.05)

Sample size Formula (Yamane 1967) The formulae was applied in computing the sample size as
follows: -

1+ Ne

1+56 (0.05)2
¿ 58.772 ≈59

The study made use of a stratified random sampling procedure to select respondents. A Simple
random sampling was then used to select a sample from each stratum (size) as recommended by
(Levy & Lemeshow, 2008) and purposive sampling was used to the unit of observation based on
the knowledge of employee handling and management-leave solutions employed by the
organization, and employee decisions as well as human resource practices

Data Collection

Requirements gathering

To determine the user requirements, the technique that will be used is interview where by the
human resource manager will be interviewed in order to understand how the current system
operates. This will also help us to know the current problems associated with the system.

The chosen method is because it will provide first-hand information from the respondent.


This is where the answers to the question of how current works and the problems associated with
it are to be given by the respondents in a written form. This is a convenient method of data
collection because the respondent will be able to express him/herself since there will no fear of
disclosing the identity.

Requirement Analysis

Requirement analysis which is also known as requirement engineering is the process of

determining the belief of a user to carry out the process of creating a new or modified
application. It involves the process of studying all the task conducted to identify the needs of
different stakeholders with their goals and purposes of creating systems and procedures that will
achieve them in an efficient way.
Requirements Specifications

Requirement is a singular documented physical or functional need that a particular design,

product or process aims to satisfy. It is a broad concept that could speak to any necessary
function, attribute, capability and quality of a system for it to have value to customer,
organization and stakeholders. Requirement specification consist of all the necessary
requirement needed to build or develop a project. It describes the software system in details and
capture the goal of the system to be developed and creates a connection between the stakeholders
and users to be part of the development. It consists of Functional and Non-functional

Functional Requirement

Specifications Functional Requirement defines the functions of a system and its corresponding
components. It deals with the services the system should deliver to do user.
Non-Functional Requirement Specifications

Non-functional Requirement defines the requirement that specify criteria that can be used to
judge the operation of a system.
Data Analysis
Use Case

- Administrator

- Staff


- Administrator must be logged into the system

Post condition:
- If the user is successful, the user is logged into the system otherwise the system state is

- If the Admin logged in successful, the admin add, delete and view the login credentials of

the entire users of the system, otherwise the system state is unchanged

- If the Admin logged in successful, the admin will add||delete||update the staff record in the

otherwise, the system state is unchanged

Flow of Events:

Basic Flow

- The system requests that the actor enters his/her username and password.

- The actors enters username and password.

- The system validates the username and password.

- The user is logged into the system

- Admin user click on manage login credentials button.

- System respond with a manage credentials page.

- Admin add or delete or view login credentials

- System save or retrieve from the database

- System pop out successful message

- Admin clicks on Manage staff button.

- System respond with staff page.

- Admin add||delete||update and submit staff record

- System save record to the database

- System pop out successful message

Alternate Flow

- The system requests that the actor enters his/her username and password.

- The system validates the username and password.

- The username or password is invalid; an error message is displayed.

- Admin click on manage login credentials button.

- System respond with a manage credentials page.

- Admin add or delete or view login credentials

- System fail to save or retrieve from the database

- System pop out Error message

- Admin add||delete||update and submit staff record

- System fails to save to the database

- System pop out Error message

Class Diagram
Activity Diagrams
ERD Diagram


This Chapter presents the analysis of the proposed system showing the various technology and
development tools used in creating the system. To ensure the deliverability of the system, UML
specifications are also presented, describing how the system is modelled. Chapter 4 will present
the design features and parts of the system to be developed which involves the actual installation
of the system and how some aspects of the system are put in place which will help to define the
workability of the new system.
Chapter 4

Implementation is a realization of technical specification or algorithm as a program, software
component through computer programming and deployment (Joshua., 2016). This chapter
describes the different phases of the EMS with regards with how the system is developed,
implemented and tested using the suitable tools, programming language and technology. At the
previous chapter, the paper began with the description of requirements analysis and design of the
proposed system in details, and in this chapter the paper shall explore the several aspects of the
joined system that weighs the leave and attendance management combined, outlining the
procedures carried out during the testing procedure and finger print implementation which
refines the function of the system and guide users on how to operate. The following materials
listed below are the hardware and software components used for the implementation of the
system for which this report has been written.

Experiment results and analysis


The system usability that was participated in by the HRDM Officer and the two HR Staff, the
proponent communicated to them the results of the preliminary survey conducted which helped
solicit the problems as experienced by the employees with the present manual system and the
proponent’s desire to provide solutions to the identified problems. The System Usability
Questionnaire that was used was based on Lewis (1995) IBM Computer Usability Satisfaction
Questionnaires: Psychometric Evaluation and Instructions for Use.
The average weighted mean of the usability questionnaire is 6.4 which means - Strongly Agree.
Based on the interpretations (Table 1), this implies that the respondents strongly believe and are
confident that the system is very usable. The respondents also cited the things that they like most
about the system software and it includes the very helpful prompt messages, its fullness with the
necessary details that will guide the users throughout the whole process, its ease of use, its user-
friendliness and most especially its being paperless. The HRDM Officer said that the fast and
accurate preparation of reports can also help them immensely. They also commented that the
system is very good and they like how it makes their tasks easier and how it will increase their
productivity. They also mentioned about how the system could minimize conflicts with
employees since evidence can now be recorded in the system in real time. Web Usability The
Web Usability Survey consisted of questions that rate the website’s aspects in Structure and
Navigation, Labeling, Layout of the Page, Comprehensibility and Ease of Interaction, Control
and Feedback and on General Aspects of the system. A total of 80 faculty, non-academic and
ASP were randomly selected as respondents.

Based on the results (Table 3), the website showed full compliance ((x) = 9.58), in General
Aspects, full compliance ((x) = 9.61) in Structure and Navigation, full compliance ((x) = 9.55) in
Labeling, full compliance ((x) = 9.64) in Layout of the Page, full compliance ((x) = 9.77) in
Comprehensibility and Ease of Interaction and full compliance ((x) = 9.66) in Control and
Feedback. The aggregate mean of 9.64 implies a very high result which means that the
respondents decided that the website is fully compliant in all of the aforesaid aspects. Web
Accessibility The researcher also submitted the completed system which is temporarily hosted at
www.eleavesys.info to (http://wave.webaim.org/) for a free web accessibility evaluation. The
website provides general procedures and tips for evaluation in different situations, from
evaluation during website development to ongoing monitoring of existing sites for free. The tool
examined the syntax and structure of the website and determined if the code follows Web
Accessibility Guidelines. The proposed system’s live site is error-free and successfully passed
the Web Accessibility test.

Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the proposed Human Resource e-Leave
Management System will help make the whole leave management process of Holy Name
University efficient. Users will be able to access the system from anywhere and anytime. This
system will help the HRDM Officer and the management in decision making in case of leave
related affairs. Moreover, it will ensure less paper work supporting the cost-cutting programs of
the university. The Human Resource and Development Management Office (HRDMO) headed
by the HRDM Officer and HR Staff will no longer be burdened by tasks associated with the
implementation of complex leave management policies, including the completion and
submission of leave application forms, verifying the eligibilities of the employees, preparation of
reports, and other record-keeping transactions as these are already translated into automation and
the system communicates to the user in terms of prompting of alert and error messages. The
proposed system offers streamlined operations, fair application of paid leave policies, and the
introduction of statistical reports lacking in the current manual system. It also brings about a
more productive and empowered workforce as the Principal/Dean/Head of Offices are now given
the authority to approve leave applications that makes the entire process swifter and more
Chapter 5

In this paper, the development of an LMS was carried out to reduce the stress of paper-based
method in managing attendance and leave request process with the use of computerized software
and good product design which arrive at archiving most of the user requirements. The project
was implemented using PHP and JavaScript programming language and Microsoft SQL Server
for database and it starts with a login interface which contains staff and admin login. The system
was developed after analyzing and reviewing the current manual system at the fact-finding stage
and a Use Case diagram was used to understand the actors of the system

Based on the conclusions, it is highly recommended that the proposed system should be
integrated into the school. For a successful implementation of the proposed system, the following
recommendations should be well taken: It is highly recommended that the proposed system
should be integrated to the school so that the process of leave management will be automated.
Second, to implement the streamlined processes of the various leave management tasks and
incorporate the new processes such as automatic tracking and management of leave policies in
real time and the generation of up-to-date reports and invaluable summary data to support the
HRDM Officer and the Management in their decision-making activities. Third, there must be an
intensive hands-on training of all the users of the system to ensure that the system’s capabilities
and features will be well-understood and properly utilized. Fourth, a parallel run for the
implementation of the system will be conducted for a semester to ensure that all transactions are
properly managed and are already stable before discarding the old manual ways. An evaluation
of the system must be conducted periodically for further improvement and development. Lastly,
it must be included in the Policy Statement that the Head of Office must see to it that they check
the system or their email accounts from time to time to be able to respond to the leave
applications submitted by their subordinates in a timely manner.
Chapter 6


For the furtherance of this project to ensure the robustness of the system and improve the system
to its full potential and greater height, the following features are recommended for future
expansion in order to fill the rift of the project. For the effective usage of this system and having
a good management of it, it is advisable to provide computer to the vital centers where staffs can
be trained to understand and acquire knowledge on how to use the computer and the new system.
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