The Association Between Motivation Prevention and Acceptance Vaccine Services For Prevention and Control of The COVID-19 On University Students in Thailand

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Volume 7, Issue 1, January – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Association between Motivation Prevention and

Acceptance Vaccine Services for Prevention and
Control of the COVID-19 on University
Students in Thailand
Thanatporn Bantaojai1 Sirichai Junphum2*
Lecturer of Mathematics (English Program), Faculty of Education,
Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University Under the Royal Patronage
Lecturer of Hospital Management Program, Faculty of Public Health,
Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University Under the Royal Patronage

Abstract:- These research tool has linked to the 5-6 days and more than 97% of patients started showing
questionnaire online of during the August 2021 period. The symptom means within 14 days. [2] Currently, the COVID-19
population of 8,567 and a sample of 348 people used a pandemic is severe by greatly expanding the violence against
systematic random sampling method. Data analysis was individuals, groups of people and organizations on many
used by Pearson correlation for productive analysis and to continents in every corner of the world. Especially the
predict the association of motivation prevention used to COVID-19 epidemic in Thailand has infected that more than
stepwise multiple regression statistics. The results showed 1,120,869 cumulative cases, 923,621 (82.40%) cumulative of
that perceived severity, perceived probabilities, self- total recovered and discharged from hospitals, 186,934
efficiency, response efficacy, and cost acceptance have a (17.69%) cumulative of undergoing treatment and 10,314
positive association between motivation prevention and (0.92%) cumulative of deaths. [3] Currently, vaccination is
acceptance vaccine services for prevention and control of gradually being given to the elderly 60 years and over, people
the COVID-19 on university students in Thailand. Of with congenital diseases in the seventh chronic disease [4].
Those have performances identifies of statistically The previous pandemic was within the age range between 18-
significant of association level of.01 (r = 0.593; P-value 59 years and staff and students in universities across the
<0.001, r = 0.609; P-value <0.001, r = 0.726; P-value <0.001, country. Acceptance vaccination service of prevention the
r = 0.653; P-value <0.001, r = 0.541; P-value <0.001) COVID-19 against was may the best way. Those could reduce
respectively. As a result, self-efficiency, acceptance, the spread and reduce the severity of symptoms and reduce the
response efficacy, and cost acceptance were performed at mortality rate. Then, these also were considered one of the
the highest significance level of.01 (R2 = 0.527; P-value performances tools [4, 5]. To prevent and control the pandemic
<0.001, R2 = 0.570;P-value <0.001, R2 = 0.597; P-value on students, helping to protect the medical personnel and
<0.001). However, we flashlight that the three independent front-line volunteers of the COVID-19. Especially, university
variables relied on to predict association of the motivation students, 60 years old and over, persons with congenital
prevention and the acceptance vaccination services of the diseases in 7 chronic disease groups public with the age range
COVID-19 on university students in Thailand was 59.7% between 18-59 years old and staff and students in universities
(R2 = 0.597). across the country safe from the COVID-19 for accepting
vaccination services to prevention and control the COVID-19
Keywords:- Motivation Prevention, COVID-19 Vaccine, into the body. It is the reception of biological substances that
Student. stimulate the body to build immunity by working as a
"sparring partner" for the body to practice natural disease
I. INTRODUCTION prevention mechanisms to be able to recognize and are ready
to fight off germs [6, 7]These have varies acceptance vaccine
The coronavirus disease 2019 also has pandemics that are service more than 60-90%, that recombinant viral vector
still caused by the coronavirus strain without the latest search vaccines, such as adenovirus, can prevent mild patient illness
expected to be an emerging infectious disease. The outbreak from the COVID-19 infection as well as deaths [8-10]. In
began in Wuhan, Hubei Province, People's Republic of China. addition, the properties of each vaccine that are different
Around the end of December 2019, the COVID-19 is mainly management are also differences such as storage temperature,
spread from person to person, spread the germs through the number of needles to be injected (In most cases of 2
droplets, nose or mouth that without expelled the patient injections) are required, or the amount of time between each
coughs or sneezes. These contracted with germs through injection from such information the study team [11, 12].
breathing or by putting your hand to touch the surface with the Therefore, to pay safe attendance by conducting research
nebulizer [1]. The period of infection and symptoms and the studies on incentive factors for disease prevention [13]
incubation period ranged from 1-14 days, with an average of affecting the acceptance of vaccination services for the

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Volume 7, Issue 1, January – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
COVID-19 of university students in Thailand. This research (1.96)2 (0.654)(0.346)
was to identities of the motivation prevention factors for 0.052
preventing the COVID-19 [14]. And plan for vaccination
services and develop vaccination service operations and to be n=
effective and efficient.
n = 347.71 ≈ 348
D. Samplings
 To identifies levels the association between motivation
prevention theory and acceptance vaccination services of  In the pre-study as a blow:
prevention and control the COVID-9 infection among
 Used to the finding the number of sample sizes here to at
university students in Thailand.
least a sample of the study arrangements are sufficient and
 To predicts the association between motivation prevention
reliable educational team. Therefore, the populations and
and acceptance vaccination services of prevention and
sample groups were selected 8,567 people from university
control the COVID-19 on university students in Thailand.
students in Thailand.
 Selected to the populations and groups such as university
students 8,567 people came to calculate of the sampling
interval which used to the formula for calculating of
A. Research Scope
systematic sampling [17]
In this study, the research team applied Roger's 𝑁
motivation prevention [14] to the following areas of study: I=
when I = sampling interval
B. Scope of Contents N = 8,567
-total of population on university students in Thailand of
 Area of studies, population, and time (N)8,567
These research used to university student in Thailand -sample size of (n)348
based on bachelor degree regular program (Monday Friday) 8,567
and special program (Saturday Sunday) every year, all 7 348
faculty (Faculty of science and technology, Faculty of I = 24.6 ≈ 25
education, Faculty of humanities and social sciences, Faculty
of management science Faculty of industrial technology,  Once the sampling interval was calculated equal to 25, the
Faculty of agricultural technology, Faculty of public health) 1 sample was then determined from university students of
college (Innovation college managing director) collection of 8,567 people using a systematic randomization method by
data by used the questionnaire as a Google form via a mobile sorting the list sequence according to the student code of
application or computer, population 8,567 and the survey was each Faculty until everyone is complete by drawing 8,567
period of August 4, 2021. people, after that, put them in a container to find the
random start the first sample of between position 1 and
C. Population And Sample Size position 25 get position 25 once the starting position is
 Target population was selected from the target population obtained. Subsequently, the following samples were
of the research study, namely university students in selected (25, 50, 75,…,In+ 25) until complete for a sample
Thailand total 8,567 peoples[15] of 348 people.
 Sample size set number of samples by selecting from the
target population of the research study with Daniel's  In the study, the research team conducted a Systematic
proportional estimation formula [16] as follows: Random Sampling.

2 .𝑃𝑞 E. Research Tools

n=  Types and characteristics of tools conducting research
studies Use the questionnaire at the research team has
when n = sample size created a tool. The data collection consists of 3 parts as
𝑍𝛼/2 = standard normal distribution value of 95%CI
 The first, personal information includes gender, age,
2 marital status, student type, educational level, year, faculty,
course/field, has been advised by anyone to get vaccinated,
P= proportion estimate (0.654) needs to be vaccinated, currently receiving vaccination
services, yes or no, most were advised by whom to get
q = Allowable error (0.05) vaccinated, and vaccine service was given and if given the
opportunity to choose injections, any brand of the COVID-
19 vaccine will choose which brand to get the question type
was closed-ended, 14 items.

IJISRT22JAN417 365

Volume 7, Issue 1, January – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 The second, there are 5 components of motivation in group provided in the pieces of information according to
preventing disease affecting receiving vaccination services the facts and can cancel the survey at any time. When the
for the COVID-19: perceived severity of the COVID-19, information from the questionnaire via Google form is
perceived risk of disease the COVID-19 infection, self- complete, the research team take data analysis as the next
efficacy against COVID-19infection, acknowledgment of step.
the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine and
acknowledgment of the cost of the COVID-19 vaccine. G. Data Analysis
 Descriptive Statistics personal data perform an analysis of
 The third, there are 5 components to receive vaccination individual data by doing the distribution of frequency, find
services against the COVID-19: the COVID-19 the number and percentage of each answer and income age
vaccination target group survey the COVID-19 variables to find the mean, maximum, minimum, and
vaccination service, surveillance of side effects, the standard deviation (in case of normal distribution data
COVID-19 vaccination service, and vaccination results presents the standard deviation, mean; in case of abnormal
reporting distribution data presents the range and the highest-lowest
 Creating a questionnaire researchers created a
questionnaire based on Rogers' disease prevention  Inferential Statistics
motivation theory, research papers and related research and  Analysed each item by doing a frequency distribution to
used to create questionnaires step-by-step creation let's find the number and percentage of answers. Each item is
start by defining the information and indicators of the classified according to 5 components: perceived severity
variables studied to cover complete according to the of the COVID-19, perceived risk of the COVID-19, self-
content and definitions of terms take the questionnaire efficacy to prevent viral infection the COVID -19, the
prepared. To a specialist to verify accuracy and up to date efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine and the cost acceptance
some information as appropriate as follows: of the COVID-19 vaccine.
 Determine the level of motivation to prevent disease by
 The questionnaire was obtained from 3 experts for index scoring the answers to the questions. Each item according
of objective congruence (IOC). to the specified criteria included the score of each
respondent, classified into 5 components: perceived
 The questionnaire was used to conduct research studies severity of the COVID-19 perceived risk exposure of the
with the sample group which have similar characteristics COVID-19 infection, self-efficacy towards the COVID-19
or consistent (pilot study) of 30 sets of content accuracy prevention, the COVID-19 vaccine efficacy acceptance
and precision (reliability) greater than or equal to .60 or and the COVID-19vaccine cost acceptance: standard
more is acceptable. deviation, mean, percentage of full score, lowest score,
highest score, and then divide the association into 5 level
 The confidences test of reliability was used to the that criteria of [13]
questionnaire has been revised. According to the  Used Pearson statistic (Pearson Product Moment
suggestion of advisors and experts, the experiment was Correlation), also known as "Finding the Pearson's
conducted with a sample group of 30 students from a correlation coefficient" by finding the correlation between
university student in Subhan Buri province. Then used to the parent variable and the dependent variable individually
calculate the confidence of the questionnaire by calculating (Bivariate Analysis), where both variables were measured
Cronbach's alpha value equal to 0.967. at not less than the interval scale or ratio scale) and has a
normal distribution. [19]
 The Likert's scale questionnaire was studied as a guideline  Research team all independent variables to be analysed
for question-and-answer generation and interpretation. were paired with covariate analysis by finding the
[18] relationship between personal characteristics such as sex,
age, marital status, educational level, year, and disease
F. Data Collections prevention motivation factor receiving vaccination
 Data collection was a sample start sending closed-ended services against the COVID-19. An analysis of the
questionnaires through the line group system student and relationship between the two variables. The research team
graduate club of the university by attaching a Google form used independent translators for all variables that want to
link as a representative for submitting a link to answer the be analysed matched with the dependent variable one by
questionnaire. However, Google forms where general one using a two-tailed statistical significance test (Two -
information includes gender, age, educational level, status, Tailed), the statistical significance (P-value) was set at the
year, etc. .05 level, but if the significance level was less than .05, it
 Safeguarding and preventing prejudice in information to indicates that the correlation coefficient between the
respondents the student club and student organization can independent variable and dependent variable for each pair
explain the details of the questionnaire response based on is statistically significant.
university students answering the questionnaire by  Data Analysis for predicting the COVID-19 vaccination
listening to the explanation of the objectives/importance service by personal attribute factors disease prevention
and benefits of providing information. Then proceeded to incentives using stepwise multiple regression analysis
answer the questionnaire via Google from the sample

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Volume 7, Issue 1, January – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Presentation of information regression coefficient by When looking for opportunities for influenza vaccination
setting the statistical significance levels to .05 services found that the risk rate (OR) was 2.486, indicating
that Elderly people with self-efficacy have a higher chance of
IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS protecting themselves from influenza. statistically significant
at the .05 level. And in line with the results of the study of [21]
From the results of the research study on Coronavirus said that factors influencing health promotion behaviors in
infection prevention and control on university students in prevention Coronavirus 2019 (Covid 19) infection among the
Thailand which can discuss the results according to each detail elderly: a case study of the elderly living with nursing student
as follows: Huachiew Chalermprakiet University The self-efficacy factor
(ß=0.313, P-value < 0.001) was statistically significant at the
 Association affect university students of receiving .05 level and consistent with the results of the study [22] said
vaccination services for the COVID-19 infection. the factors related to the decision to vaccinate against influenza
In the elderly with chronic illnesses : a case study in Ubon
From the results of the data analysis, it was found that the Ratchathani province, it was found that the perception of risk
association affecting the university students access to the opportunities and disease severity Adjusted OR=0.43; (95% CI
COVID-19 vaccination service was statistically significant. = 0.220 to 0.840, P-value<0.05) with statistical significance at
The details are as follows: the .05 level, consistent with the results of the study [23] said a
comparison of motivation for vaccination services and
Association of motivation prevention of the COVID- associated factors among physicians, nurses, people in Taiwan:
19was found that the overall picture of motivation factors for Taiwan case study found that perceived severity and perceived
prevention and control of the COVID-19 was moderately cost in response to vaccination services were significantly
associated. Positively, the statistical significance of the .01 higher vaccine. There was a positive correlation with
level was r = 0.624; P-Value < 0.001against the COVID-19 motivation for receiving vaccination services in the public with
vaccination services among students in Thailand. a statistical significance of .05. And in line with the results of
the study by [24] Prophylactic motivation theory for predicting
The association of motivation prevention of the COVID- the intention of receiving the COVID-19 vaccination services
19was found that the students who had perceived the severity in Iran: A case study in Iran found that the perceived severity
of the COVID-19 is moderate the association coefficient was of the COVID-19 (ß= 70, P-value < 0.001) is a key predictor
0.593, meaning that the perceived severity of the COVID-19 of intent to receive vaccine of the COVID-19 )ß =17, P-value
was not related to the vaccination service for the COVID-19 < 0.001) Receive self-efficacy )ß =0.26, P-value < 0.001) and
infection among university students with a moderate perceived response efficiency of the COVID-19 vaccine was
perception of the risk of the COVID-19. The association statistically significant at the .05level. However, if considering
coefficient was 0.609, i.e., perceived risk of the COVID-19 the individual aspects of the motivation factors for preventing
was not related to receiving vaccination services against the the COVID-19 infection, it was found that the self-efficacy has
COVID-19. There was no associated with receiving a high level of relationship Positive way of receiving
vaccination services for the COVID-19 infection. Students vaccination services against the COVID-19 of university
with a high level of self-efficacy against the COVID-19 had a students in Thailand statistically significant at the .01 level. )r
association coefficient of 0.726, i.e., self-efficacy against the = 0.726; P-Value < 0.001)respectively. The cost acceptance
COVID-19 infection is related to receiving vaccination aspect of the COVID-19 vaccine, the perceived severity of the
services against the COVID-19 students with a moderate COVID-19, the COVID-19 risk perception aspect, and the
acceptance of the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine, the efficacy acceptance aspect. The statistical significance of the
association coefficient was 0.653, that is, the acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine was moderately positively associated with
efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine was related to the receipt the student's exposure to the COVID-19 vaccination services
of the COVID-19 vaccination service and university students at the .01 level )r = 0.541; P-Value < 0.001), (r = 0.593; P-
with high acceptance of the cost of the COVID-19 vaccine. value < 0.001), (r = 0.609; P-Value < 0.001) and )r = 0.629; P-
The association coefficient was 0.541, meaning that the cost Value < 0.001) respectively. This is consistent with the study
acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine was associated with the of [21] said that factors influencing health promotion
receipt of the COVID-19 vaccination service, which this study behaviors.
was consistent with the results education of [20]. A study of
motivation factors for disease prevention affecting influenza V. DISCUSSIONS
vaccination services in Saen Suk sub-district elderly Muang
Chon Buri district, Chonburi province found that their ability Conflicts of Interest
to prevent influenza associated with influenza vaccination The author declares have no-conflict of interest with
services only one side where the chi- square is 0.003. journal exists

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Volume 7, Issue 1, January – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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