TTTTTTTT Comparative Study of HR Activities Between KFC and McDonald

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Comparative study of HR activities between KFC and McDonald’s in the UAE


Human resource is the core asset of any organization and its training and development will

mutually benefits to organization and individual to achieve its mutual goals. So every modern

management has to develop the organization through human resource development. Employee

training and development is important subsystem of human resource development. Employee

training and development is important function for human resource management. The objective

of this research paper is to study the theoretical aspects of training and development process as

well as to understand the practical aspects with the help of case study on training process within

McDonalds and KFC. The McDonalds and KFC both are the leading organizations in the fast

food segment. The process of training and Development at McDonalds and KFC has been

studied in the report. Food segment is one of the growing segments in India.

Technology keeps on changing and therefore the investment in training and the training methods

is expected to increase and change at a very rapid rate in this segment to meet the international


As a student of Human Resource management course, you and your team are going to do a

research analysis on the HR department and its function of the chosen organizations in the UAE.

You and your team will investigate and do (primary/ secondary) research (qualitative /

quantitative) to investigate the core human resource management functions of the business of the

organization to develop a deeper understanding of: 1. How to evaluate staff recruitment and

selection process. 2. Discuss the concepts of orientation, training, and compensation. 3. Describe

the importance of performance appraisal process.

Considering all these factors, it was interesting to understand how the leading companies in the

fast food segment views training and how they design their training programs. After studying the

training and development process of KFC and McDonalds, analysis is made on the basis of

certain parameters as to which company’s training and development practices is better than the

other on those same parameters. Also a few recommendations have been made for the other to

become competitive like the first one.


Human resource for any organization in the UAE and elsewhere globally is a fundamental asset

and creative skills, employee benefits for motivation, training and development, and knowledge

shared play an important role. In the modern organizations, the HR functions remain at the core

of strategies aimed at establishing a formidable human resource base in the competitive business

world. Human resource managers monitor the most essential elements of successful and

progressive workforce as a tool for strategic value addition to the business organization. The

main focus of human resource development in an organization is to build a competent,

knowledgeable, motivated and skilled workforce in order for the employees and the organization

to accomplish their objectives in the short and long run. This aspect in organizations globally is

achieved through training and development. Human Resource Management (HRM) in business

organizations is refers to the process of recruiting, employing, onboarding, training, developing,

and compensating employees, and creating appropriate policies concerning them, and as well

formulating strategies for retaining them. The modern business organizations exploit the HRM

for more than just administrative functions to include strategic roles essential for the

organization’s success.
The aim of this paper is to conduct a comparative study of HR department’s activities performed

at McDonald’s and KFC in the UAE. These companies were selected considering their success

in the fast food industry and the availability of secondary information. In order to meet the aim

of the study, an interview is administered among the HR managers at the respective

organizations. The purpose is to get in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the

recruitment and selection procedures and processes, training, compensation, and orientation of

employees at the selected companies. The role of performance appraisal is also explored based

on the findings of the data collected.


McDonald’s is notably one of the most successful multinational fast food restaurant

organizations across the globe established in 1955 in the US. The organization was first founded

in the UAE’s Al Ghurair City on 21 st Dec 1994. Until the end of 2021, McDonald's UAE had

operated over 145 restaurants and employees exceeding 3000 from diverse backgrounds. The

employees are recruited from the divergent backgrounds using robust mechanisms as a

competitive tool. The company is recognized for upholding social responsibility agenda in the

fast food industry in the region.

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)

KFC was founded in 1952 in Louisville, the US, and has now become one of the leading

restaurant organizations in the fast food restaurant. The restaurant brand first came into existence

in the UAE in 1973, and until the end of 2021 operated 151 outlets. There are over 2,500

employees at the KFC in the UAE from diverse backgrounds. The company equally values its

employees as the core assets in the achievement of goals.

The HR Department

The HR department in any organization is mandated to maximize the productivity of employees

and address the various issues that affect them. A competent skilled knowledgeable and

motivated workforce gives the organization a competitive advantage. According to XXX

strategic contingency theory, a workforce becomes an essential component of an organization

because of their unique problems solving skills which others in rival organizations cannot solve.

According to Hickson (1971) who coined the theory, organizations are best defined as a

conglomeration of functions or departments aligned together with the purpose of coping with

uncertainty—this in the case of HR departments is mainly on the development of the human


One of the functions of the HR department is HR planning, which involves evaluation of the

available human resources at the organization to ensure timely acquisition on time. Planning

plays an important role considering that human resource management is one of the core

components of a business entity.

Another important function of the HR department is job description evaluation and design. Prior

to initiation of processes involving recruitment, the HR department identifies the necessary

skills, qualifications, the working relationships, etc., needed for effective working at the position.

Recruitment and selection activities are another important function of the HR department.

Recruitment and selection in many organizations are continuous, and procedures may involve

both internal and external procedures. This role ensures the employees are best fitted for the job,

hence making them not substitutable, giving the company a competitive advantage over rival

Training and development is another core function of the HR department. For the workforce to

remain motivated, skilled, and knowledgeable about their job and services delivery, the HR

department is tasked with the duty of creating programs and mechanisms to enhances the

qualifications of employees, and increase their knowledge and skills. This aspect of the

department plays a major role in achieving the personal and organizational goals.

Compensation and management of performance including appraisal duties also fall on the duties

tasked with the HR department. Offering compensations for employees maintain the good

working relationship with employees and work. The HR department manages the human

resources by appraising their performance and granting compensations where it is due in order to

achieve mutual objectives and creates a competitive human resource base.

HR department at McDonald’s

McDonalds' HR department is working in a separate department and occupies an important

position in almost all the main business of the organization. All managers are responsible for

human resources. Employees are the most important resource for McDonald's, especially to

create a competitive advantage. And function HR Functions of HR in McDonalds which is

policy making, welfare, supportive, bargaining and negotiating and administrative.

McDonald’s human resource strategy emphasizes on employee performance evaluation.

Evaluating employee performance in terms of their ability to meet customer expectations and/or

shape their experience helps to develop change at the appropriate time. This plan guarantees that

the organization does not lose its loyal customers to the competitors. Through remuneration,

reward systems, and promotions, McDonald’s human resource strategy ensures staff retention.

Human Resource Planning

The purpose of human resource planning is to determine whether human resource management

requirements exist in the current and future needs of workers and workers. To achieve

McDonald's service vision, the organization believes to strengthen their team and ensure that the

right people are provided with the right skills and knowledge to complete the right job. And they

will align with the vision of the company which is To become the best quick service restaurant,

they need to ensure they have enough workforce at their restaurant.

Human Resources Functional Job Analysis McDonald's annual job analysis for new employees.

Helping management to better understand job opportunities. McDonald's skills on McDonald's,

knowledge and experience. For example, the franchisee that use the McDonald’s brand name for

operate that need to have knowledge about the standard of do the burger and the ways to serve

the customers as well. And, the process of produce the standard food to customers. And of

course, the franchisor will be provided the proper training for the franchisee as well before they

operate their business.

McDonald’s Recruitment and Selection

For McDonald's, people are its most important asset. This is because customer satisfaction

begins with the attitudes and abilities of employees and effective workers are the best route to

success. McDonald's recruitment process is decentralized. McDonald's employees are employed

independently by each branch. Often employees in McDonald's are hired in the form of badges.

In addition, McDonald's franchise within the scope of the staff transformation is also carried out

to recruit staff. The typical McDonald's restaurant can employ about 60 people, including

management and floor staff. McDonald's Recruitment Method McDonald's follows two basic

hiring options, such as: Internal Recruitment and External Recruitment.

Internal Recruitment

McDonalds uses the following two basic methods to locate work in the job location, and

McDonald's selects candidates from the inside by considering past performance. MCDONALDS

on their website to promote their public work, employees can apply for work, they are also

publicity in the bulletin board restaurant. Let the staff inform and apply from the vacancy.

Follow-up Program For administrative positions, McDonald's follows succession planning

techniques and includes hiring managers or senior staff at the executive level based on their


External recruitment McDonald's often participates in external recruitment, even though they

tend to recruit employees or internal promotion to senior positions. External recruitment

McDonald's recruiting through the Internet is now recruiting through the Internet every day is

becoming very common. McDonald's has its own website, they advertise the work and provide

people through online processes to send their resumes and often recruit staff from advertising.

Advertising is the most commonly used way of hiring. McDonald's is close to newspapers or

magazines that most invite employees to work.

After the final interview, the manager will evaluate the applicant's response. A successful

applicant will show the skills and behavior that have been identified as key positions. Selection

process written process initial interview competency test reference check final interview . The

successful of the applicant will be go through this several steps before becoming the employees

of the McDonalds.
KFC HR functions at

KFC the responsibility of the human resource department, the actual management of human

resources is the responsibility of all the managers in an organization. It is therefore necessary for

all managers to understand and give due importance to the different human resource policies and

activities in the organization.

For the human resources planning of KFC, peoples are most important asset of any organization.

Many organizations are using this phrase important role that employee plays in organization

success. In the organization, the HR manager active in various human resource management

actions, and in big organization that have a HRM department. Human resource management is

the important strategic tool for any organization. For the KFC it use the forecasting demand and

forecasting supply.

While KFC is working in different countries all over the world, he has set up his own

management team based on cultural concepts. International operations must have an organization

that they use to ensure the implementation of human resources in accordance with relevant

market ecosystem requirements to increase operational efficiency.

Human Resource Planning Forecasting demand: In the organization, the impotent factor of human resource planning

is predicting the figure and types of people, compulsory to get collectively decision making aims.

For the reason that it is an open structure that we stay in, a combination of administrative issues,

as well as prepared for action plan, ability, arrangement, and production can force the demand

for employees. For example, process of advanced machinery is commonly accompanied by

fewer requirements for low-skilled workers and extra demand for information lobar force. KFC

have forecast the demand. Forecasting Supply: The organization has forecast its upcoming needs for workers, it then

goes on to the subsequently investigate that is from everywhere can it fulfilled its wants. It

therefore 4 requirements to decide if there are enough figures and types of workers and how

many are qualified for the reasonable position. Supply examination thus, involves arrangement

for procurement: who, from where, how and when of staffing. It scans the inside and outside

surroundings for the best-fit applicant for the positions in enquiry.

Job analysis

In the company the job analysis is the process to assembling the responsibility of each day

situation which is known equally to single employees. KFC will be assign the each employees

task per day. So the HR will plan each of the day work for the each employee.


Key elements are reflected in Human Resource Policies, using the same selection across the

world, providing training to improve efficiency, improve their ability to adapt to the market

culture and deliver quality customer qualifications. To ensure that people are employed in the

right place, the HR department has created a standard of the job description so that it can be

stored in the database.

The HR department is further classified in human resources management, training and

reparations, and compensation. HR operations (HRM Policy of KFC) are job picks and

selections and storage. The Ministry of Education is responsible for teaching new skills to
existing staff. The Department of Repairs and Maintenance maintains a proper record of the

employee regarding the wages of medical equipment, additional benefits. And so on. There are

also members hired and hired in these industries. They believe in teamwork and in the kitchen,

defining the word “Team or Group” as a slogan.

KFC recruitment & selection method

KFC performs both types of recruiting internal and external. Internal recruiting is done for all

levelsof management and external recruitment is rarely done for this level. The restaurant

managers andshift supervisors are never hired externally at the outlets. The employees already

working with thecompany are given training to develop their skills and knowledge needed for

such designations.Only team members and assistant restaurant managers are hired externally to

persuade fresh bloodand talent in the organization.

Internal recruitment is done in two ways:Employee recommendation – Employees are told about

the vacancy so that they can give refer-ence to the management team about the potential

candidate for the vacant designation.Word of mouth – E-mails are circulated throughout the

organisation so that a wide range ofprospective candidates can be reached. Therefore, there is

also a job opportunities page on the com-pany’s website which allows people to send their CVs

directly to the HR department. These re-sumes are stored in the company’s database for future

usage purpose when there is vacancy withinthe organisation.

KFC uses it’s three keytests for the selection of candidates :Team Member Readiness Inventory

– these type of tests are for team members in which attitudeis kept and given priority for

assessing employee’s skills.Hiring Champions Inventory – these kind of tests are designed for
assistant restaurant managersand they are updated on yearly basis to take a note of the changing

requirements of the relevant jobpositions in the organisation.

IQ Test – this test is only held for the staff to be employed at support Centre

Recruitment at Support Center

The recruitment for Support Centre is mostly done internally in which the head of the particular

de-partment who has identified that there is a need of new employee contacts the HR department.

HRdepartment then check their database and suggests candidates who seem to be relevant for the

job.If an employee consists all the required skills and fits the vacant job position, he/she is

suggestedfor that position and after approval and joint agreement of the CEO, departmental head

and HRhead, he/she is given further training and is improved for the relevant designation

If the company thinks that there is a need for external recruitment, then they place an

advertisementin the newspaper or they inform the employees about the job opening and are

encouraged to spreadthe word. After a number of candidates are gathered, HR department

is responsible for initialscreening. A shortlist of the qualified and relevant candidates is

developed and an interview withthem is organised. The primary level interview takes place

between the head of the particular de-partment and the applicants. Afterwards, entry level tests

are conducted to assess the competencelevel and knowledge of the candidates.

Later, a more refined and filtered short list of the candidates is developed and second interview

ofthe candidates is organised with the CEO, HR head and relevant departmental head. Finally, in

theend the qualified candidate is given a job offer and an employment contract is signed by the

candi-date in which all the details and all the terms and conditions of the job are clearly
mentioned. Anorientation is done in the company’s premises so that the new staff member gets

introduced with thecolleagues and important people of the organization

Recruitment process at Business Units

In the business units they perform external recruitment only for front-end employees whereas

back-end employees are recruited internally. The minimum requirement for front-end employees

to be-come eligible for the job is to have basic high school education. Then the resumes of the

applicantsare short-listed and an aptitude test is conducted. The results of the test are given on

the basis ofcolours i.e. red, green or yellow.

Orientation, training, and compensation practices


Training and development

The first phase of the training is a welcome meeting. These specify the company's standards and

expectations. Most of the training is floor-based or "on-the-job" training . McDonald's employees

are trained to meet the high standards of the organization. On-the-job training, sometimes called

direct instruction, is one of the earliest forms of training (observational learning is probably the

earliest). It is a one-on-one training located at the job site, where someone who knows how to do

a task shows another how to perform it. In antiquity, the work performed by most people did not

rely on abstract thinking or academic education. The senior of the McDonalds will directly teach

the junior to make the burger or serve the customers

Classroom Training Levels of Training

As we know classroom training it is formal method which is the lecture teach the students. Is the

practice of training and learning material between an instructor and learners, either individuals or

groups. Instructors can also be referred to as a facilitator, who may be knowledgeable and

experienced in the learning material, but can also be used more for their facilitation skills and

ability to deliver material to learners. For example, the franchisor that it come out the seminar for

the franchisee for them learn somethings new. It could be the new menu, new policy and so on.

McDonald’s Compensation

Vision Supplement - Employees enrolled in McDonald's vision supplementplan, are provided

coverage for eyeglasses and contact lenses, and discountson Lasik laser vision correction

surgery. ♥Dental - Dental plan allows employees to see the dentist of their choice andcovers a

wide range of dental services. ♥Short and long-term disability -. Short term disability provides

benefits if anemployee cannot work for more than 10 consecutive days. Long

termdisability coverage replaces 60% of the employee's monthly base salary whilehe or she is

disabled. ♥Employee and dependent life insurance - McDonald's provides basic lifeinsurance

of two times the employee's base salary at no cost to the employee.In addition, employees

can purchase additional life insurance coverage forthemselves ♥Accidental death and

dismemberment insurance - AD&D coversemployees if they die or are seriously

injured in an accident. McDonald'sprovides AD&D coverage equal to two times the

employee's base salary.

ravel and business travel accident insurance - McDonald's provides travelaccident coverage of

two times an employee's base salary at no cost toemployees for employees traveling

on company business. Depending on theemployee's position, this coverage amount may vary.
Investing in future

Profit Sharing and Savings Pl,. Mc$aveMc$ave is a special money market fund for McDonald's

employees. MCDirect SharesMCDirect Shares is a direct stock purchase plan that lets employees

furtherbuild ownership and reinvest dividends in the company.Credit UnionAll McDonald's

employees can take advantage of a full range of servicesavailable through the

Corporate America Family Credit Unio, financial planning services.


The elements of the training are web based and virtual reality classrooms that are used to develop

champions. After commencing employment team members continue to further their training

through a program called CHAMPS. CHAMPS stand for the six universal areas of customer

expectations: Cleanliness, Hospitality, Accuracy, Maintenance, Product quality, and Speed. The

training is both face to face and web based. The web based program provides consistent and up-

to-date information. The face to face program provides opportunity for crosstraining within the

restaurant so that employees continue to develop new skills. The blended training is estimated to

require 41% less hours per learner than in-restaurant training programs. (Human resources)

Through structured employee training and effective retention strategies the company can deliver

a more consistent customer experience. The training, development, and retention of the right

people are the key ingredients to the secret recipe that result in the long term success of KFC.

For the incentive of KFC the incentive Programmed allows team members and team leaders in

restaurants to share in the success of their restaurant. It is based on actual sales compared with

forecasted sales over a four-week period. In 2013, eligible team members received their personal
bonus in cash, in place of the previous voucher scheme. Restaurants performing well receive a

sum to fund a team event

For the reward system of the KFC it is variety schemes. The program offers all employees

bonuses through a variety of schemes. The employees are rated in two performance measures,

customer satisfaction and operational basics. The bonuses are also based on sales made as a

restaurant and are paid in form of retail vouchers, with some vouchers valued at over $400.00 per

employee each quarter. The bonuses are meant to create energy and encourage employee

engagement with the goals of the restaurant. Managers and senior staffs can also earn cash

bonuses depending on how they score on a balance scorecard. Misty Reich, vice-president HR at

KFC UK and Ireland, says: "the aim is to use the bonuses to create an ownership mentality

among KFC employees" (KFC keeps staff). KFC also considers career progression within the

company to depend on the bonuses offered. By conducting in-depth review of the restaurants'

staffs twice a year, the company can decide which of them has the ability to move forward in the


Benefit from the KFC that we found it is the flexible benefits. They come out one flexible

benefits scheme called Pick & Mix for salaried employees including restaurant and assistant

restaurant managers – around 11% of our employees. This offers a selection of options, so

employees can choose the benefits that suit them from categories including Finance and

Protection, Health and Wellbeing, and Leisure and Lifestyle. The new package also includes a

new discounted shopping website.

Performance appraisal process


Performance appraisal is a method by which the job performance of an employee is documented

and evaluated. McDonald’s conducts performance review semi-annually. Some standards are

made and defined according to which the employees have to perform. Then after Six (6) months

all the employees are evaluated that whatever they come up to standards or not. If an employee

does not perform well then feedback is provided to them so they can improve. There are four

levels to evaluate the performance of employees: outstanding, excellent, good, need


The employees of McDonalds will be evaluated by this method to concern whether they need to

send for training and development. Performances appraisal also can be the tools to evaluate the

training and development outcomes. To appraisal the employees after the training and

development the performances. Whether the employees achieve the expectation of the top


Incentives in McDonald’s are given to employees on the basis of performance. Types of

incentives cash based attendance allowance annual allowance medical allowance leave fair

assistance second non cash based crew of the year crew of the month branch of the year access to

gift certificates free food. The employees of the company can enjoy the foods at the restaurants

that provided by the company.

Reward awards are given based on performance. Salary rose 10%, if the performance is also

considered at any time in the year increased by 20%. The McDonalds will keep increase the

employee’s salary each year.

Benefits McDonald’s benefit program is designed to attract, energize, reward and retain talented

people who will produce superior business results and enhance their leadership position.

MacDonald provided health insurance benefit to its full-time employees. Benefit communication

planning team is designed to include a variety of people from various corporate departments to

ensure adverse representation.


The performance which is measured should be provided to the Chief HR Officer with the answer

of the questions. The HR's contribution in the firms performance is the cumulative effect of the

scorecard's HR deliverable measure should provide that answer. For example the officer will be

given the employees workers score and then accumulate it all elements. And give them the score.

It lets HR professionals effectively manage their strategic responsibilities. The HR Scorecard

clearly gives the full view of the performance to the HR managers and with this they can focus

that how exactly their decision affect to the successful implementation of the firm's strategy.

For the incentive of KFC the incentive Programmed allows team members and team leaders in

restaurants to share in the success of their restaurant. It is based on actual sales compared with

forecasted sales over a four-week period. In 2013, eligible team members received their personal

bonus in cash, in place of the previous voucher scheme. Restaurants performing well receive a

sum to fund a team event.

For the reward system of the KFC it is variety schemes. The program offers all employees

bonuses through a variety of schemes. The employees are rated in two performance measures,

customer satisfaction and operational basics. The bonuses are also based on sales made as a

restaurant and are paid in form of retail vouchers, with some vouchers valued at over $400.00 per
employee each quarter. The bonuses are meant to create energy and encourage employee

engagement with the goals of the restaurant. Managers and senior staffs can also earn cash

bonuses depending on how they score on a balance scorecard. Misty Reich, vice-president HR at

KFC UK and Ireland, says: "the aim is to use the bonuses to create an ownership mentality

among KFC employees" (KFC keeps staff). KFC also considers career progression within the

company to depend on the bonuses offered. By conducting in-depth review of the restaurants'

staffs twice a year, the company can decide which of them has the ability to move forward in the


Benefit from the KFC that we found it is the flexible benefits. They come out one flexible

benefits scheme called Pick & Mix for salaried employees including restaurant and assistant

restaurant managers – around 11% of our employees. This offers a selection of options, so

employees can choose the benefits that suit them from categories including Finance and

Protection, Health and Wellbeing, and Leisure and Lifestyle. The new package also includes a

new discounted shopping website.

Issues in Appraisal


Performance appraisals fall short when managers aren't trained to do them properly, and there are

no specific outcomes that can be tied to measurable results. Poorly Trained Managers

Effective performance appraisal doesn't just happen and organizations shouldn't assume that

managers know how to conduct them effectively, even if they have many years of experience as


Inconsistent Ratings
Inter-rater reliability is generally very low between managers at any organization. What one

manager considers to be "acceptable" performance, another may consider "not meeting

expectations." This can be a challenge for any organization and is made more of a challenge in

situations where the criteria used are subjective and not based on any measurable performance


Lack of Outcome-Based Measures

Performance appraisals that ask managers to rate employees on subjective criteria such as

"customer service skills" or "leadership ability" lack specific outcomes that can be tied to

measurable results.

Not Used for Performance Improvement

The purpose of performance appraisal is not only to provide input to employees about how

they're doing, but also to provide the organization with an indication of areas of employee

strength and opportunities for improvement. Unfortunately, few companies actually aggregate

and use the results of performance appraisal for performance improvement efforts. By analyzing

results and taking advantage of both best practices in areas where employees are performing well

and opportunities for improvement in areas where they're not, organizations can receive

maximum value from their performance appraisal efforts.

Making Performance Appraisals Meaningful

If companies are going to continue to do performance appraisals, they need to set criteria that all

managers can use objectively and that employees know will be used to appraise them.

The information about the training and development practices at McDonalds and KFC was taken

in his form of personal interview with the respective designated person as mentioned in

acknowledgement. Also as the objective of the study is to understand how the frontline

employees at both the organizations view their training and development practices so in order to

understand that questionnaires have been filled by 5 frontline employees from each organization

and the analysis of the same is as under. The training and development practices is being analysis

on 4 parameters which are –

The questions in appendix

The above analysis is done keeping in mind the following parameters  Training methods 

Frequency of training methods  Satisfaction level of employees  Feedback – post training.

On the basis of above parameters and the complete case study and survey of the training and

development practices carried out at each organization I would like to conclude that the training

and development practices practiced at KFC is better than McDonalds.

The following are the reasons for the same –  KFC has a policy of training on everyday basis

which is not the case in McDonalds 

The number of training programs provided by KFC is more than McDonalds. 

The frequency of trainings conducted is daily basis and sometimes monthly also due to the

nature of the training program. 

The employees are more contended with the training facilities and career opportunities provided

at KFC
 The satisfaction level of employees at KFC is very high as compared to McDonalds 

The training programs are structured and fixed in KFC which helps the employee to climb up to

the level of the Restaurant General Manager.


The following suggestions can be useful for McDonalds in order to improve their training and

development practices:

1. Keeping the training programs as a part of everyday working would be the best in order to

improve efficiency

2. Involving employees to give their feedback or any valuable suggestions to improve the

training related matters should be welcomed

3. Having any structured pattern of training and making some of the training courses

compulsory rather than associated courses will prove to give best results.

4. By working on the time limit given to employees to finish the training program needs a careful


5. New training programs can be introduced

6. Also more use of e learning will help to reduce time taken for classroom training and

employees will be more comfortable learning at their own speed.

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