Automatic Star Delta

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This Report Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Award of Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Submitted By
ID: 143-33-2159
ID: 143-33-2227

Supervised by
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering



©Daffodil International University
This is to certify that this project and thesis entitled “DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF
AUTOMATIC STAR-DELTA STARTER” is done by the following students under my direct
supervision and this work has been carried out by them in the laboratories of the Department of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering under the Faculty of Engineering of Daffodil International
University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in
Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The presentation of the work was held on December 2018

Signature of the candidates

Name: Mehedi hasan
ID: 143-33-2159

____ ____________________
Name: MD Hasibul Alam
ID: 143-33-2227


Md. Mahmudur Rahman
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Daffodil International University.

©Daffodil International University
Dedicated to

Our Parents

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Letter of Approval ii

Dedication iii

List of Tables viii

List of Figures vii

List of Abbreviations ix

Acknowledgment x

Abstract xi

Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1-3

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Problem Statement 2
1.3 Objectives 2
1.4 Methodology 2
1.5 Thesis Outline 3



2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 Star-Delta connection 4
2.2.1 Star or Y-connected system 6
2.2.2 Delta or Mesh Connected Circuit 6
2.3 Theory of Star Delta Starter Method of Starting of Induction Motor 7
2.4 Working Principle of Induction Motor & Star-Delta Starter 9
2.5 Necessity of star delta starter 10

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3.1 Introduction 16
3.2 Block diagram of star-delta starter 16
3.3 Flowchart 17


4.1 Introduction 18
4.2 Hardware parts 18
4.2.1 Magnetic conductor 18
4.2.2 Overload Relay 19
4.2.3 Timer Relay 20
4.2.4 START and STOP push buttons switch 20
4.2.5 Cable 21
4.2.6 Interlock switches 21
4.3 Circuit diagram 22
4.4 Operating principle 22


5.1 Introduction 25
5.2 Results 25
5.3 Three phase motor rating for star delta starter 25
5.4 Cost sheet 26
5.5 Cost comparison 26

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6.1 Conclusion 27
6.2 Limitations of the Work 27
6.3 Future Scopes 28
References 29
Appendix 30

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Figure # Figure Caption Page #

1.1 Motor starting period Vs. Steady state running period 2

2.1 Star connected system 5
2.2 Delta connected of system 6
2.3 Starting current of motor 9
2.4 Torque vs. speed curve for Delta connection 10
2.5 Current vs. speed curve for Delta connection 11
2.6 Torque vs. speed curve for Star connection 12
2.7 Current vs. speed curve for Star connection 12
2.8 Torque vs. speed curve: Star and Delta connections compared 13
2.9 Current vs. speed curve: Star and Delta connections compared 14
3.1 Block diagram of star-delta starter 16
3.2 Flowchart 17
4.1 Magnetic conductor 19
4.2 Overload relay 20
4.3 Timer & Circuit diagram 21
4.4 Start and stop button push switch 21
4.5 Power circuit diagram of automatic star delta starter 22
4.6 Circuit diagram of open and closed transition starter 24

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Table # Table Caption Page #

2.1 120kW motor's performance values running in delta 10

2.2 120kW motor connected in star 11

2.3 120kw motor performance values: Delta and star connection 13

2.4 Relation between phase and line Currents and Voltage 14

5.1 Three phase motor current rating for star delta 26

5.2 Cost sheet 26

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List of Abbreviations

MC Magnetic Conductor

TR Thermal Relay

HP Horse power

FLC Full load current

DOL Direct Online Starting

V Voltage

I Current

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First of all, we give thanks to Allah. Then we would like to take this opportunity to express our
appreciation and gratitude to our project and thesis supervisor Mr. Mahmudur Rahman,
AssistantProfessorof Department of EEE for being dedicated in supporting, motivating and
guiding us through this project. This project can’t be done without his useful advice and helps.
Also thank you very much for giving us opportunity to choose this project.

To our beloved family, we want to give them our deepest love and gratitude for being very
supportive and also for their inspiration and encouragement during our studies in this University.

©Daffodil International University

The star delta starter of induction motor is designed to reduce high starting current and torque.
The star delta starter is designed by three magneticcontactors, an overload relay, timer relay and
circuit breaker. For Starter, a motor must be connected in delta mode position during a normal
run. When induction motor is start in direct online .The motor winding flow a large amount of
current .The starting high currentcan be reached in 8-10 times of the rated. So there is need to
control high starting current before starting the motorTherefore, in a star connected system line
current is equal to phase current but line voltage is equal to the root three times of phase voltage.
For this reasons at first motor is connected to the star system and it reduce the high starting
current. In delta connection, line voltage is equal to phase voltage and line current is equal to √3
times phase current.In run mode the motor connect in delta system so that the full voltage
applied to the motor. The Starter is made by three magnetic contactors, timer relay, and a thermal
overload relay or circuit breaker.

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1.1 Introduction of Star-Delta Starter:
Induction motor is the most common types of electric motor in industry. This is motor very
simple structure any other moving machine. But the motor is very power full and high efficiency.
The most common feature of the motors are low cost, quick pick up and easy maintenance. If the
induction motor start in DOL method, the motor is started with application of full voltage and the
starting current will be 7-10 times of rated current. So large induction motors do not start DOL
method. Another induction motor start only star system, its gives low torque and if motor start
only delta method, its gives high starting current. So we need a secure protection to avoid such
conditions and protect the motor. For this reason we use automatic star delta starters with help of
magnetic conductor, timer relay and overload protection. This is the best protection against high

1.2 Problem statement:

Three phase induction motor is a self-starting electric machine. The rotating field has to be
produced electromagnetic field and rotor flow the current. If the load increase on the motor,
alarge amount of current flows through the rotor. For this reasons stator can draw heavy current
and coil get heated up. Due to the excessive heat coil winding insulation fail and damage the
motor. At the starting time the slip=1, therefore the rotor resistance become zero (Rs =R2/ (1-s).
To limit this starting current we need a starter of induction motor. The voltage is reduce to one
way, which in turn reduces the torque.

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Figure-1.1: Motor starting period Vs. Steady state running period

1.3 Objective:
1. Designed a star-delta starter.
2. Implemented the design.
3. Performance and cost analysis.
4. Reduce high starting current
5. Provide over-burden and no-voltage assurance

1.3 Methodology:
1. Studied about the star-delta starter
2. Studied about the theory of induction motor
3. Constructed and Performance test of a star-delta starter

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1.5 Thesis outline:
Generally this project report is divided into six chapters, where it consists of;
Chapter- 1: Introduction
Chapter- 2: Literature Review
Chapter- 3: Theoretical Model
Chapter -4: Hardware Description
Chapter -5: Result and Discussions
Chapter -6: Conclusions and recommendation

Chapter-1 is the introduction of the main idea and important of this project. In this chapter, we
first explain the problem of starting of induction motor then describe the existing solution of its.
After that we describe out proposed solution for starting of induction motor. Then describe the
objective and working methodology.
Chapter- 2 is the Literature Review of the project. In this chapter discuses of some related
system and working principle of induction motor & star delta starter.
Chapter- 3 is the Theoretical model of the project where describe the operating principle of the
Chapter -4 is the Hardware description of components where describe the all components that
are used in the project.
Chapter -5 is the Result and Discussion where all the tested result is obtained. In this chapter
also discuss the cost analysis of the project.
Chapter -6 is the Conclusions and recommendation. In this chapter we discuss about the
conclusion, limitation of the project and future work of the project

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2.1 Introduction:
In this chapter, literature review that is to this study that is related to this study case will be
identified and study. Normally, paper are interrelated by means of the subject matter induction
motor starting high current reduce by means of using star-delta starter. When the motor is
started, stator draws high current which is 8-10 times that of the rated current. These papers
research about star delta starter that is purpose to get scientific information, analysis and study
the weakness, concept and method to improve starting period of induction motor through the
development of the project.


2.2.1 Star or Y-connected system:
When three coils or windings, placed 1200 apart, are connected together at a common point as
shown in below figure, they form star or Y-connected circuit. The common point is called the
Neutral or Star point.

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Figure 2.1: Star connected system
When only three main lines are drawn, it is said to be a 3-phase, 3-wire system. Often a neutral
line is also drawn from the neutral point. In this case the system is called a 3-phase, 4 wire
The current flowing through each coil is called phase current and that flowing through main line
is called line current. It can be seen in figure that each phase or coil is connected series with its
respective main line.
Therefore, in a star connected system line current is equal to phase current i.e. the same current
flows through a phase and main line connected series with it.
In a 3-phase, 4- wire system two different values of voltage are available. Each coil is connected
across a main line and the neutral line as shown in figure. Therefore, voltage across a coil or
phase is equal to voltage between a main line and the neutral. This voltage is called phase
voltage. The voltage between any two main lines is called line voltage.
Line voltage, VL= √3VP
The power in a 3-phase, star connected system:
Power per phase = VP IP cosϴ
Hence the total power for all the three phase is given by,
P= 3VPIPcosϴ
= √3VLILcosϴ
Total apparent power of the three phase = 3VPIP
= √3VLIL (VA)

Total reactive power of the three phase = 3VPIPsinϴ

= √3VLILsinϴ (VA) or (VAR)
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2.2.2 Delta or Mesh Connected Circuit:

In delta connection no neutral point is available. With this connection only three-phase, three
wire system is possible.

Figure 2.2: Delta connected of system

In delta or Mesh connection each coil or phase is connected across two main lines. Therefore in
delta connection, line voltage is equal to phase voltage. Two different values of supply voltage
cannot be obtained with this connection. In a delta connected system line current is equal to √3
times phase current.
Line current, IL= √3IP
The power in a 3-phase, star connected system:
Power per phase = VP IP cosϴ
Hence the total power for all the three phase is given by,
P= 3VPIPcosϴ
= √3VLILcosϴ
Total apparent power of the three phase = 3VPIP
= √3VLIL (VA)

Total reactive power of the three phase = 3VPIPsinϴ

= √3VLILsinϴ (VA) or (VAR)

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2.3Theory of Star Delta Starter of Starting of Induction Motor:

• Istyp = startingphase current in star.
• Istyl= starting line current in star
For the star connection, line current = phase current
Therefore, Istyp=Istyl
• V1 = phase voltage
• VL = line voltage
• IstΔl =perline current in delta.
• IstΔp =per phase current in delta.

• Ze10 = equivalent per phase impedance

Istyp = =
Ze10 √3Ze10

IstΔp =

For Delta connection, Line current, IL= √3IP.

IstΔl = √3 IstΔp =
starting line current with star delta starting IstΔp
starting line current with direct switching in delta IstΔl

VL/√3Ze10 1
= … … (1)
√3(VL/√3Ze10) 3

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Star delta starter, the starting current from the main supply is 1/3 in the delta switching.

starting torque with star delta starting (VL/√3)2 1

= = … . .2
𝑠tarting torque with direct switching in delta VL2 3
Star delta starting, the starting torque is reduced to 1/3 of the starting torque in the delta

𝑅2 2
starting torque with star delta starting Istyp 2 × (IflΔp ) 𝑅2
=( ) +( ×
𝑠tarting torque with direct switching in delta 2πns 2πns sfl
Istyp 2
=( ) 𝑥sfl

IflΔp is the full load phase current with the winding in the Delta
Istyp =
IstΔp =
1 1
Istyp = √3 IstΔp AndIstyp2 = 3 IstΔp2

starting torque with star delta starting Istyp 2

=( ) 𝑥sfl
𝑠tarting torque with direct switching in delta IflΔp

1 Istyp 2
= √3 ( I ) 𝑥sfl ….3

Hence, the equation 3 shown above gives the starting torque of an induction motor in the star
delta starting method.

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2.4 Working Principle of Induction Motor & Star-Delta Starter:
The induction motor has two main parts. The input power is given to stator. Three phase
induction motor when connected to the power supply the stator produceRMF. The RMF is the
one which makes the rotor turn. As per law, rotor start rotating in direction and reverse flow the
electric current. So the rotor is like current carrying bars immersed in a magnetic field. This will
induce an electromagnetic force according to Lorentz force law and the rotor will rotate in the
same direction as the RMF. This is how the induction motor works.
Electricity is induced on the rotor bars due to electromagnetic induction rather than direct
connection. Initially the induction motor rotor speed is zero and gradually increase the speed.
This means the rotating magnetic field will cut the rotor bar at very high rate.
As the rotor gain speed the rate of flux cut will decrease. So a high current will be induced on the
bars at the start. As the rotor speed increases the current will lower the normal value. At the start
stator current also must be high since the rotor and stator current are coupled due to transformer
action. Due to this the stator coils will draw a huge amount of current when the motor starts.

Figure 2.3: Starting current of motor

The main purpose of star-delta starter is to reduce the requirement of high starting current.
Normally the starting current of an induction motor is 6 to 7 times of the full load current. This
will produce a large voltage drop in the line and affect other devices when a heavy rating
induction motor starts. As well as for larger motor the starting current may be so high that it may
damage the stator coil or even the power cables. When we apply a three phase voltage across a
star connection each coil will receive a much reduced voltage (VP=VL/√3).
Reduced input voltage means reduced current at the starter coil. So to overcome the high starting
current need to connect of star delta starter.

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2.5 Necessity of star delta starter:
Let’s consider an example: 120kW, 4 Pole, 380 Volt, Delta connected, 3 Phase, 50 Hz. First we
will examine the normal running condition, i.e. when the motor is connected in Delta. The
motor’s performance values are listed in table 2.1. It is crucial that we also examine the torque
vs. speed and current vs. speed curves. These curves are shown in graphs.

Item Load
Full Load Starting Unit
Power 120 101 kW
Voltage 380 380 V
Current 210 1530 A
1.00 7.30 pu
Efficiency 93.9 0.0 %
Power Factor 0.87 0.10
Speed 1491 0 rpm
Torque 769 1038 Nm
1.00 1.35 pu

Table-2.1: 120kW motor's performance values running in delta

Torque vs. Speed Curve
[N 2000


0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500

Speed [rpm]

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Figure-2.4: Torque vs. speed curve for Delta connection

Current vs. Speed Curve



C 1200
nt 800
[A 600


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500

Speed [rpm]

Figure-2.5:Current vs. speed curve for Delta connection

Now let’s have a look what happens when the motor is connected in STAR, i.e. in the starting
condition. The performance values are listed in Table 2. Graphs 3 and 4 again show the torque
vs. speed and current vs. speed curves.

Full Load Starting Unit
Power 120 33 kW

Voltage 380 380 V

212 500 A
1.00 2.36 pu
Efficiency 92.3 0.0 %
Power Factor 0.86 0.10
Speed 1469 0 rpm
780 343 Nm
1.00 0.44 pu
Table 2.2: 120kW motor connected in star
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Torque vs. Speed Curve

[N 600


0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500

Torque: Star

Speed [rpm]

Figure-2.6: Torque vs. speed curve for Star connection

Current vs. Speed Curve


C 500
ur 400
nt 300
[A 200

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500

Current: Star

Speed [rpm]

Figure2-2.7: Current vs. speed curve for Star connection

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To truly grasp the differences between these two starting methods, we will list the values next to
each other in table 2.3, and on graphs 2.5 and 2. 6.


Load Load
Full Load Starting Full Load Starting Unit
Power 120 98 120 33 kW
Voltage 380 380 380 380 V
205 1495 212 500 A
1.00 7.30 1.00 2.36 pu
Efficiency 93.9 0.0 92.3 0.0 %
Power Factor 0.89 0.10 0.86 0.10
Speed 1491 0 1469 0 rpm
769 1038 780 343 Nm
1.00 1.35 1.00 0.44 pu

Table-2.3: 120kW motor performance values: Delta and Star connection comparison

Torque vs. Speed Curve

3500 Torque: Delta
Torque: Star
rq 2500


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500

Speed [rpm]

Figure-2.8-: Torque vs. speed curve: Star and Delta connections compared
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Current vs. Speed Curve

C 1200
nt 800

[A 600


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500

Speed [rpm]

Figure-2.9: Current vs. speed curve: Star and Delta connections compared

The relations for star and delta connections are as listed in Table 2.3:

Star Delta

Voltage V = 3 × V V = V
Line Phase Line Phase

Current I = I I = 3 × I
Line Phase Line Phase

Table 2.4: Relation between phase and line Currents and Voltage

Thus, when the motor is started in the star connection, the phase voltage of the motor is
reduced by a factor of √ 3.

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The reductions in starting current, starting power, and starting torques for a reduced Voltage can
each be calculated by using equation 1 (This ignores other factors like saturation, etc.):

⎡ ⎛Nominal Voltage ⎞ ⎤
Reduction in Value [% ]= ⎢1 − ⎜
⎜ ⎟
⎟ ⎥ × 100
⎢⎣ ⎝Reduced Voltage ⎠ ⎥⎦

Equation 1: Reduction in percentage for reduced Voltage

If we apply this equation for the star delta starting, we see from equation 2 where the 67%
reduction comes from:

⎡ ⎛ VPhase ⎞ ⎤
⎡ ⎛V ⎤
⎡ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎤

Reduction = ⎢1 − ⎜ Line Delta
⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ ×100 = ⎢1 − ⎜⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ×100 = ⎢1 − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ×100 = 66.6666%
⎢⎣ ⎝ VLine Star ⎥⎦ ⎢ × ⎟ ⎥
⎠ ⎣ ⎝
3 V
Phase ⎠ ⎦ ⎢⎣ ⎝ 3 ⎠ ⎥⎦

Equation 2: Reduction due to star delta starting

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Design Methodology
3.1 Introduction:
The automatic star delta starter system is designed and developed by contactor and timer relay.
The induction motor havewide variety characteristics, industrially it plays the premier role. Some
of those are self-starting mechanism, heavy construction, high efficiency, good power factor etc.
Different types of induction motor are available.Squirrel cage induction motors are mostly used
than the other types. Small and medium size induction motors are started directly on line, but
when very large motors are started that way, because of large amount of current flow through the
motor. To reduce the high starting current, large induction motors are started at reduced voltage
and then have full supply voltage reconnected when they reached to near to the rated speed.

3.2 Block diagram of star-delta starter:

Figure 3.1: Block diagram of star-delta starter.

3.3 Flowchart:
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Figure-3.2: Flowchart

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Design and Implementation

4.1 Introduction:
This section illustrates the specific design of each block of the automatic star delta starter
equipment along with the working of each part. Every block consists of several elements
connected within the needed way to give the specified output .The comprehensive circuit
illustration is provided add the end based on which the manufacture was completed .Special care
was taken throughout the connection to avoid short circuit of paths during crossing of paths.

4.2 Our project consists of following hardware parts:

1. Magnetic conductor
2. Overload relay
3. Timer
4. Switch
5. Lamps
6. Board

4.2.1 Magnetic conductor:

There are three assembled contactors used for star delta starter. The ratings of contactors are
about 18A 230 VAC which can work for a motor. The star and delta contactors are interlocked
with a particular fixed time after which star to delta changeover in connection occurs. Below is
the figure of Contactor.

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Figure 4.1: Magnetic conductor

4.2.2 Overload Relay:

Thermal overload relays are protecting devices which protect a motor against overload current
and phase failure. It consists of set of indirectly heated bimetallic strips that deforms whenever
the current exceeds limit. It also protect a motor against excessive heating, over-current, winding
and winding insulation. It is design to stop power if the motor drawn to over current for an
extended period of time. Thermal overload relays contain a normally closed (NC) relay. The
ratings of overload relay are about 32A 3H which can work for a motor.

Figure 4.2: Overload relay

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4.2.3 Timer Relay:
Timer is a control device which control the circuit. It is possible to construct a relay with a built
in time delay device that causes the relay contacts to switch ON or switch OFF after a time
delay. These type of relays are called time delay relays or Timer.

There are two basic types of time delay relay-

1.On delay timer or delay on timer.
2. Off delay timer or delay off timer.
Its rated current is 5A with 230V single phase AC supply 50Hz. The time within which star to
delta changeover is done can be varied from 0 - 30 seconds. Below is the figure of Timer Box.

Figure 4.3: Timer & Its Connection

4.2.4 START and STOP push buttons switch:

These push buttons are based on the working principle of NO - normally open and NC -
normally close type buttons. The START button here used is connected in NO type connection
while for STOP button NC type connection is used. Below is the figure provided of START and
STOP push buttons?

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Figure 4.4: Start and stop button push switch

4.2.5 Cables:
The cables used here are of 2.5m. They can allow passing up to 15-16A of current. The
resistance of 2.5 m according to resistance table provided by standard units is 8.21Ω/Km.

4.2.6 Interlock switches:

Interlock switches are safety switch which connected between star and delta contactor so that one
can’t activate without deactivating other contactor. For any fault if star and delta contactors are
activated at the same time, the motor will be damaged.

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4.3 Circuit diagram:

Figure 4.5: Power circuit diagram of automatic star delta starter

4.4 Operating principle:

The star-delta starter consists three contactor. There are main contractor, star contactor and delta
contactor .The main and delta contactor are active during run mode. Then the winding of motor
flow one-third of or 58% current in the line.
At the starting time, the star contactor is active until the time delay relay auxiliary contactor is
open. The star contactor carries star current and the current is one third of rated current.
In run mode, the main and delta contactor are initially active and after a time, the star contactor is
active until the timer contactor contact is deactivated. When the timer contactor is deactivate, the
star contactor coil is open and at a time the delta contactor coil is active.The star delta
changeover is done by timer relay. The two contactor star and delta are electrically interlock
means one is active without other is deactivate.

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Primary push the start switch and initially energized the main contactor and star contactor and
timer relay contractor coil. When the star contractor coil energized and auxiliary contactor
change its state normally open to close. In consequence of main contractor coil active in moment
of time and its auxiliary contactor change its state normally open to close. Start switch is
momentary push buttons switch. Momentary switch is switch which remains active as long as it
is being compressed. The main contactor auxiliary switch NO is latched to the start switch.
When the star contactor coil is active, motor run in star mode. It is active until timer auxiliary
contractor change its state NC to open. While the timer is running on 5sec or reached the
specified time, its auxiliary contactor change the position NC to open. At the same time the delta
main contactor is active and the motor run in delta mode. Star auxiliary close contactor is
connect to delta main coil and delta auxiliary close contactor is connect to star main coil. This
system is called interlock. This two switches are together called interlock switch. Interlock
switch one cannot active without other deactivate. When star contactor coil active, the delta
contractor coil cannot be active without deactivate the star contactor coil. Similarly when delta
contactor coil active, the star contactor coil cannot be active without deactivate the delta
contactor coil. Stop switch is used for disconnect the circuit, when the motor needed. The
overload relay is safety device which protect the motor against high current, excessive heat,
phase failure, wind and wind insulation fail etc.

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Figure 4.4: Circuit diagram of open and closed transition starter

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The value of any gadget planned must be confirmed after it is utilized and expected outcome is
accomplished. In this chapter a brief description about the result and financial viability has been
discussed. A cost efficient study is essential to demonstrate that the projected system will be
supportive for industry to have a proficient operation and reduced energy consumption.

5.1 Result:
The presented system is planned and configured for practical use. This system is able to reduce
high starting current. In this method at first motor terminal connect star system and we know
start connection system line current is equal to the phase current and for this reason starting time
motor achieve low starting current.After 5 second motor running delta mode operation. Delta
connected system line current is root three times of phase current. So motor get full voltage and
then the motor reaches its rated speed. The motor at starting is reduced to 1/3 as compared to
starting current with the windings connected in delta. Finally motor run without damage. This
method is used worldwide.

5.2 Three phase motor current rating for star delta starter:
Total power of the three phase motor equation is,
P=√3𝑣𝑙 𝑙𝑙 cos∅ Where, 𝑣𝑝ℎ =240V, 𝑣𝑙 =415V

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3ph Motor rating at 400v STAR DELTA
5.5 7.5 9 15.6
7.5 10 12 21
9.3 12.5 14 26
10 13.5 16.3 28
11 15 18 31
15 20 24.5 42

Figure-5.1: Three phase motor current rating for star delta

5.3 Cost sheet:

Name Model Quantity Purchase price
Magnetic Conductor LG 3 1800
Overload Relay LS 1 400
Timer TEE 1 350
Lamp AD16 3 75
Switch LA38 2 90
Board Plastic 1 80
Wire BD 1 150

Figure-5.2: Cost sheet

5.4 Cost comparison:

Star delta starter is very common types of starter and extensively used, compared to other types
of starter. Motor is one of the expensive equipment in the industry. Induction Motor is very
sensitive. In this project we design star delta starter which protect the motor of starting moment.
It is the cheapest and safe way to start the induction motor available to other.

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6.1 Conclusion:
This starting method is used for medium voltage and light starting torque motors. This is one of
the best way to reduce the high starting current. If the large induction motor start in direct online
method, the motor can draw 5-6 times of rated current.The large amount of current can be easily
reduce by the magnetic contactor, relays and the timer circuit.
The starter is designed to provide low voltage start to motors. This is achieved by using star to
delta conversion. Different types of starter are available. Star/Delta starters are most common
and best way to reduced voltage in the 50Hz industrial motor world.
Using the starter easily reduce the high starting current to the motor then after sometime full load
current is applied to the motor. Since in star connected system line current is equal to the phase
current while line voltage is the √3 times the phase voltage. If motor is started as star ,the
voltage is must be reduced.
The interlocking arrangement of all the contactor coils is traditionally wired in 440-volt AC. The
project is designed to provide low voltage start to induction motors. The Star-Delta starter is
generally manufactured from three magnetic contactors, overload relays and timer for operating
a 3-phase motor at 440 v and 50 Hz.

©Daffodil International University
6.2Limitation of the work:
1. Six Terminal Motor Required.
2. The starting torque is low, it’s only 33%.
3. The application with a load torque higher than 50% of the full torque will not be able to
start using the method
4. Break in supply

6.3 Future Scopes:

This is the best method to reduced high starting current and it is the very easy and cheaper than
other device. But it receive large in rush currents during switching operation. Further the project
can be enhanced by using a thyristor in firing angle control principle for soft start of the
induction motor that would overcome all the drawbacks of star delta starter.

©Daffodil International University

2. › Technical Articles

©Daffodil International University

Motor Current Charts

©Daffodil International University
©Daffodil International University

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