Microprocessor and Microcontroller (324EE) Sheet 1: Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed
Microprocessor and Microcontroller (324EE) Sheet 1: Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed
Microprocessor and Microcontroller (324EE) Sheet 1: Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed
Sheet 1
1. Number Conversion to different bases
January 22, 2022
Chapter 1
Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed
Microprocessor and Microcontroller (324EE)
Sheet 1
2. What is microprocessor?
3. For adding two 32-bit numbers in 8085 and 8086 takes how many clock
January 22, 2022
Chapter 1
Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed
Microprocessor and Microcontroller (324EE)
Sheet 1
4. Calculate the time required to execute an instruction that add two 32-bit
numbers in 8085, and 8086?
January 22, 2022
Chapter 1
Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed
Microprocessor and Microcontroller (324EE)
Sheet 1
5. If a microprocessor can address 64K of memory then find the length of
program counter?
Chapter 1
Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed
Microprocessor and Microcontroller (324EE)
Sheet 1
8. How microprocessor differentiates the signal is for memory or I/O ?
9. Which pins are required to generate memory read signals
January 22, 2022
Chapter 1
Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed
Microprocessor and Microcontroller (324EE)
Sheet 1
10. For above problem number 9 find the circuitry required to generate memory
read signal?
January 22, 2022
Chapter 1
Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed
Microprocessor and Microcontroller (324EE)
Sheet 1
11. For problem number 10 find the minimum circuitry required to generate
memory read signal?
January 22, 2022
Chapter 1
Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed
Microprocessor and Microcontroller (324EE)
Sheet 1
12. The contents of the following registers are:
CS = 1111H, DS = 3333H, SS = 2526H, IP = 1232H, SP = 1100H, DI =
0020H. Calculate the corresponding physical addresses for the address bytes
in CS, DS and SS.
January 22, 2022
Chapter 1
Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed
Microprocessor and Microcontroller (324EE)
Sheet 1
13. If CS = 24F6H and IP = 634AH. Find
i. Logical address
ii. Offset address
iii. Physical address
iv. Lower Range of Code segment
v. Upper Range of Code segment
Chapter 1
Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed
Microprocessor and Microcontroller (324EE)
Sheet 1
Chapter 1
Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed
Microprocessor and Microcontroller (324EE)
Sheet 1
15. If the contents of AX is 0001 and DX is 2500 IP is 0100 show the contents
of the registers after executing the following instruction: mul DH
16. If the stack pointer is FFEE , contents of instruction pointer register is 0100,
contents of AX register is AABB and contents of BX register is CCDD,
Code segment is 0B8F during the execution of following instruction with
neat diagram show the values of AX,BX,CX,DX,SP and IP registers also
specify the logical address for each instruction. (Assume the processor is
push ax
push bx
push ax
pop cx
pop ax
pop dx
January 22, 2022
Chapter 1
Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed
Microprocessor and Microcontroller (324EE)
Sheet 1
January 22, 2022
Chapter 1
Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed
Microprocessor and Microcontroller (324EE)
Sheet 1
17. In 80x86 Microprocessor the newer debuggers use an abbreviation for the
Name of the Flag which simply shows whether its 0 or 1. List all the text
book notations and debugger abbreviations with corresponding values?
January 22, 2022
Chapter 1
Dr. Salman Arafath Mohammed