The Renaissance

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The Renaissance

The Renaissance came after the Crusades and the Dark Ages of Europe. It was like a period consisting of rediscoveries of much of the culture of the Romans and Greeks (they have copied much of the culture and inventions from ancient Kemet of course). What do I think about Renaissance? I havent really answered that question here. My answer is apparent. I respect the Renaissances emphasis on the development of human creativity and human art in order for humankind to fully express themselves. I believe in religious liberty and freedom of human conscience. Of course, I dont agree with the excesses of the Renaissance like the massive paganism, the infiltration of the Medicis in that era, and the

false philosophy of embracing the will of man over the will of the Most High God. During the Dark Ages, much of Europe had folks who were illiterate. The Crusades came about when the imperialists wanted to get land from the Holy Land. The Byzantine Empire back then was advanced and lasted almost 1,000 years. In 1453 that changed. In those years, Muslim forces took Constantinople to make it Istanbul (among the capital of the Ottoman Empire). A huge mosque is in Istanbul to this day that have existed in the duration of centuries. The Ottoman Empire was a very powerful Empire, which was as strong as Spain in that time. The Ottoman Empire lasted for centuries until the early 1900's. The defeat of Constantinople caused the Orthodox Christians to flee the city. They fled into Italy and carried with them the knowledge from the ancient Greeks and the ancient Romans. Later, these scholars would translate a lot of the Greek/Roman classical works into Italian. Some libraries and centers of learning developed in Northern Italy. The reason was that Northern Italy in that time (in the 1400's-1500's A.D.) had independent city states (these city states claimed to be descendants of the governmental ancient Roman Republics). The Northern Italians didn't want the Austrians to rule over them. So, they have declared their independence in the Alps. Northern Italy in the Renaissance became a huge commerce center as well. The Papal states in central Italy were ruled by the Pope. Sicily and parts of southern Italy was ruled by Spain in that time. The city state of Florence in Northern Italy was a big area trade and commerce in Europe during that time. Constantinople was a city of commerce. The Nobility Medici family ruled a great deal of Florence. The Medici family made a banking or economic powerbase in Italy. The Medici had huge power and the use the florin coin in Florence plus in Northern Italy. Miland and Venice were city states in Italy as well. The large churches, philosophers, etc. were patronized by the Medicis in Italy. Florence is the cultural center of the Renaissance. There was the Academy of the university for young people that gave a free education of Greek philosophy and piad by the Medicis. Petrarch was the father of humanism. He wanted to use the cultural essence of Greek and Roman society to allow the human being to be exalted above nature. In ancient Italian thinking, all men should show all your God-given talents to the highest degree. He wanted man to study man in order to gain knowledge. Petrarch revived the ancient writings of Cicero. He wanted man to be universal by studying the human experience since man is given knowledge to not be ignorant. He was a gifted writer and his cultural movement spread all over Europe. One of the most controversial writers and scholars of the Renaissance was Niccolo Machiavelli of Florence. He was involved in civic humanism and government. Public service was emphasized in Florence. Machiavelli represented the place of Florence (politically) in the region of all city states, etc. The Medics loaned money to all high clergymen. Machiavelli had anti-Medici views. His "The Prince" book dealt with what in his mind about ruling the government and the essence of power. His book described what was happening in Europe and throughout the ages of human history. Machiavelli in the book and other works believed that a human being must take power by force even if you use military means (and you must eliminate your political enemies by any means necessary even deceit). He wanted death to his enemies or rivals. Machiavelli said that it's better to be loved than feared and his philosophies tried to justify a person acting as a tyrant.

The Merovingian dynasty had a big influence in the Renaissance. Rene dAnjou was the Angevin monarch promoted the Hermetic revival in Europe. He convinced Cosimo de Medici to translate many ancient texts such as the Corpus Hermeticum into various European tongues for the first time ever. The Angevins were primarily advocates of the Regia, or Royal Art, of hermeticism; a tradition which according to legend was passed down to man by a race of fallen angels. In his book, The Top Thirteen Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier connected the Medici with other Merovingians as well:

Ren d Anjou, a descendant of the Merovingians persuaded Cosimo de Medici to establish in c. 1444 a non-church library at San Marco where Plato, Pythagorean works, and books on Hermetic Magic were translated. Up until this time, the Catholic church had control of all the libraries. It was from Cosimo de Medicis library that the spark of Greek and Egyptian teachings set off what developed into the Renaissance, which was a revival of humanism and the occult. It appears that during the Middle Ages, witchcraft and the mystery religions had seriously dissolved to the point that these modes of thought had to be relearned from the ancient writings. Interestingly, the Middle Ages when witchcraft and paganism were dissolving have been branded the Dark Ages by the establishment, and inaccurately painted as a time when learning went out. (p.79)
The Medicis acted in a corrupt fashion like a Mafia like group of people. You can't learn completely about the Renaissance without learning about the art in that time period. Art in Europe was very decorative during the Middle Ages. A guild is a group of companies that house people in order for them to learn a trade like art, mechanics, etc. Leonardo da Vinci was a youth in Florence. He was selected at the age of 12 to be a part of the Academy. He was so brilliant in the arts that he created real world paintings in his youth. Real world images require a keen understanding of perspective, depth, and proportion in order to conceive accurate displays of objects. He had numerous plans of bicycles, flying machines, tanks, and other devices. Leonardos ideals were hundreds of years ahead of his time. Leonardo da Vinci was a perfectionist that wanted to deal with a wide range of topics like music, science, art, technology, etc. He failed in his attempt to try to fly from the Earth in order to escape the laws of gravity. He ran away to Milan from Florence since he didnt want to work for the Medicis. Milan was an enemy of Florence during that time period. The Duke of Milan agrees with da Vinci to conduct his artistic endeavors. So, the Duke allows da Vinci to create frescoes and dye paintings that can look better than water color. Rosicrucians claim that da Vinci supported the Rosicrucian movement.

Leonardo da Vinci was a famous observer, scientist, and he was an inventor. He studied science and engineering in an impressive fashion, especially in his day. His studies could fit in 13,000 pages of notes and drawings that fuse art and natural philosophy (or the predecessor of modern science). His journals were mostly created in mirror image cursive. Those notebooks of his researchers were sent to his friends after his death. They are found in the Royal Library at Windsor Castle, the Louvre, the Biblioteca Nacional de Espana, the Victoria and Albert Musuem, the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan, and the British Library in London. Bill Gates owns the Leonardo da Vincis Codex Leciester. Gates shows this work once a year in various cities nationwide.

There are many drawings from Leonardo da Vinci. The one above describes a flying machine that da Vinci drew in ca. 1488. The designs above described the flight of birds in their wing span. Da Vinci falsely assumed that he can allow man to fly by mimicking the flights of birds. He failed at his experiments in flying using wings. During the fifteenth century, the basics of aerodynamics and flight were not totally understood. Hot air balloons came about in France in 1783. The heavier than air planes appear in the late th 1800s and early 20 century. The problem with Leonardo da Vinci was that he needed flight to occur by creating ways to mechanically create lift.

The fresco of the Last Supper was one of his most famous works. The Renaissance obsessed with religious themes in its artwork especially. The image above is the image of the Last Supper. In it, the apostle John had an effeminate look. This is found in his images of John the Baptist too. It has Jesus Christ in the center area with the apostles around him. The apostles look as if each of them possesses an unique personality or qualities about their life. The apostles are away from Jesus making the image of Jesus Christ to appear superhuman. Da Vincis Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings in world history. The real Mona Lisa was a regular woman from Italy. Leonardo da Vinci wanted an image of a woman to exist for Mona Lisa.The Mona Lisa smile is very complex since some interpret the lips as creating a smile. Others believe that lips in the painting outline a frown. The eyes of Mona Lisa look like they look at you. Leonardo da Vincis famous painting of Medici Pope Leo X was created from 1513-1514, which was just before the Protestant Reformation of 1517. The upraised foreigner of John the Baptist exists. One of Leonardo da Vincis protgs was a man named Michelangelo. Michelangelo studied in the field of sculpture. He had a temper and created tons of artwork (some of which were forced and some were not). His father was a stone cutter. He created busts of Roman figures, but mainly used marble to design Greek-like sculpture. Marble is hard to make accurate images since its strong and can be mistake prone. Michelangelos famous sculpture is of course of his work of David. The statue is about 8 feet tall. He made the statue in order to promote the essence of the humanist philosophy. He internally believes that man in full mind, body, and spirit can achieve supernatural deeds. Humanism is the belief that man has the right to fulfill their own destinies via their own human will. He elevated the statues forehead to emphasis intelligence and uses the body to make it more human in appearance. Michelangelo is easily one of the greatest sculptors of all time. Genesis is another famous Michelangelo painting that is found in the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Its found in St. Peters Square. The Medici Pope Leo X supported the endeavor. The Medicis wanted to elevate Michelangelos name and power. Yet, Michelangelo created his works by himself. The Genesis painting dealt with God, Adam, and Eve (in order to express in his mind the unison relationship between God and man). Michelangelos protg was Raphael. Raphael is from Florence and he made portraits in real time. He tried to create the portraits in making them as realistic as possible. The Renaissance has a strong occult connection to it. The Renaissance means rebirth. The Renaissance in many instances tried to merge the classical/hermetic views of the GrecoRoman world and merge with the Romanism that dominated Europe in that era. The Renaissance promoted humanism as opposed to the Middle Age culture. The Renaissance was like the official end of the medieval period inside of the European continent. The metaphysical views from the classical times were known or embraced by Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Marsilio Finco of the Platonic Academy in Florence. That is why Ficino was a scholar, priest, and a magician. Ficino merged Platonic literature and the hermetic arts (of astrology, alchemy, and magic) with religious views to create a pseudo Christian form of Neo-Platonism. Neo Platonism tried to revive the views of Plato and use magic as well. Even Aristotle formed a form of the scientific method that was based upon observation rather than faith. Plato was trying to answer religious or metaphysical

questions. Aristotle's reliance of human achievement influenced the Enlightenment period or the Age of Reason (some wanted Deism). Deism is the belief of one God creating the Universe and then having no interference in it afterward (allowing Nature and man to do what they want basically). The Kabbalah was another intricate part of the Renaissance. by 1493, the works of Pico della Mirandola, the famous student of Marsillo Ficino, founder of the neo-Platonic Academy of Florence, had captivated Pope Sixtus IV who mainstreamed the Cabala as orthodox doctrine.

Even Pope Sixtus IV (who was Pope from 1471-1484) had translated 50 Cabalistic books into Latin. Pico and Reuchlin wanted a Christian version of the Cabala. Renaissance Gnostic, Hermeticist and Cabalist, Pico della Mirandola ". . .conceived of Hermes and Plato as aids to persuading those to religion who would not accept Scripture alone." Pico della Mirandola decided that the three highest SefirothKether, representing the

Supreme Diadem, Hokmah, wisdom, and Binah, understandingcould be equated with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The Kabbalah is an old heresy that believes that an
impersonal deity called Ein Sof created the Universe via its emanations. The first ray of light to them or the Kabbalah is called adam kadmon. To this day, Cabalists, Freemasonry, the Jesuits, and other infiltrators try to go into the Church to make the Church more New Age. James Webb's "The Occult Underground" exposes the truth that occult traditions were common in the Renaissance period. The same Black Nobility and wealthy Medici family funded leading Cabalists like Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, John Reuchlin and Cornelius Agrippa. A huge influence on the occult philosophy of Cornelius Agrippa was the treatise, De Verbo Mirifico by Johann Reuchlin, the greatest German proponent of Hebrew studies of the early 16th Century. Agrippa in turn influenced western magic more than any figure of his age, including his contemporary, Paracelsus. Francesco Giorgi was a famous person in this age as well. 4 Popes were Medicis. Pico wanted to use Hermes and Plato as means to discover religion without Scripture alone. Pope Urban VIII was a firm believer in astrology. One ploy of the so-called "Christian Cabalists" of the Renaissance was to illustrate the Trinitarian Godhead using the five upper sephiroth on the Cabalistic Tree of Life, which forms a pentagram. By inserting the Hebrew letter Shin, which stands for Shekinah, the female Holy Spirit, into the Tetragrammaton (YHVH), they produced YHShVH or Jesus, who they claimed was the "divine androgyne." Thus, they deceptively reasoned, the Cabalistic view of the androgynous Godhead could be used by the Catholic hierarchy to prove the divinity of Jesus Christ to those who would not accept Scripture. Leonardo da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man" is a figure that is a recreation of the Kabbalah tree of life and the Gnostic androgynous godhead figure. The image is found in the opening chapters of the Da Vinci Code. The Virtuvian Man was a drawing made by da Vinci in ca. 1487. The image was surrounding a circle and a square. Da Vinci wanted to define the human body into proportions in a mathematical or geometric fashion. Other artists and organizations have recreated the Vitruvian Man image. The Renaissance spread into Europe with Cabalists like Dr. John Dee.

More information about Renaissance is going to be shown as well. The Renaissance was the period that merged the Mysteries, the Cabala, and other religious traditions into one. The Elizabethan Renaissance was in England. Dr. John Dee and others were in that era. People like Dee believed in Cabalism and a Neo-Platonism that was common in Europe. Dee even quoted from Pico della Mirandola. There was a man named Johann Trithemius. He lived from 1462 to 1516. His surname was originally Heidenberg. It is said that he couldnt be able read until he was 15 years old. Later, he wrote information. He was soon an abbot of a Benedictine monastery in Sponheim. He believed in the hierarchies of angels of the pseudoDionysus (the Areopagite) as many occultists did before him. The Areopagite believes that there are nine hierarchies of angels. Trithemius expanded this system and believed that there are angels ruling the hours of the day and the regions of the world. The most famous work of this German is the Steganographia which has existed as manuscript for many years, but wasnt published until 1606. Followers and Trithemius himself thought that it would be too dangerous to publish and it is a strange work for sure! So, he followed the occult and influenced the times of the Renaissance. He was a lexicographer, historian, cryptographer, and polymath. He studied in the University of Heidelberg. He popularized the usage of cipher. The Cipher Manuscripts used the Trithemius cipher (or a simple substitution crypt that Trithemuis describes in his book called, Polygraphiae). The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn once used the Cipher Manuscripts.

Mathematics and the Renaissance have existed in simplistic and complex terms. Math was used to handle commercial goods, credit, and other forms of bookkeeping that existed in that era of history. There were mathematicians called abacists who wrote texts that dealt wrote with geometry, algebra, and other topics. The Italian abacists used the new Hindu Hindu-Arabic decimal place value system and the algorithms for using it. The Abacists used symbols for unknowns in equations. Antonio e' Mazzinhi (1353-1383), known for his cleverness in solving algebraic problems, we have the example. `` Find two numbers such that multiplying one by the other makes 8 and the sum of their squares is 27." So, there are 2 equations. The solution begins by supposing that the first number is un cosa meno la radice d'alchuna quantit ( a thing minus the root of some quantity) while the second number equals una cosa pi la radice d'alchuna quantit (another thing plus the root of some quantity. The equations look like:

The solution is X=the square root of 43/2 and Y=11/4. The mathematician Maestro Dardi of Pisa =the in a 1344 work extended this list to 198 types of equations of degree up to 4 to involve some radicals as well. He gave an example in how to solve a kind of cubic equation. Lu Pacioli of that Luca time was known math expert as well. He lived from 1445 to 1517. Regiomontanus (1436-1478) dealt with solving triangles, the law of sines, and formulates given in rhetorical form. The law of sines deals with the relationship between sides and angles in a triangle. The law of sines is a formula used in an arbitrary triangle not a right triangle. The formula is the following:

The lower case letters is the side of the triangle and the upper case letter represent the angle of the 3 sides of the Triangle. The French physician Nicholas Chuquet used notations f in equations and developed coefficients.

By grace I understand the favor of God, and also the gifts and working of his Spirit in us; as love, kindness, patience, obedience, mercifulness, despising of worldly things, peace, concord, and such like. For if God be on our side, what matter maketh it who be against us, be they bishops, cardinals, popes, or whatsoever names they will? There is no work better than to please God; to pour water, to wash dishes, to be a cobbler, or an apostle, all are one; to wash dishes and to preach are all one, as touching the deed, to please God. -

William Tyndale

A Martyr for Religious Freedom & the Freedom of the Press: William Tyndale
Romanists are using an old lie in a new time in 2011. The Catholic Church in 2011 made the lie that the Catholic Church made a significant role in the creation of the King James Bible. The lie is found in an USA Today report. The Vatican is using an exhibit called Passages to promote

this in October. They believe that 80% of the words in the 1611 KJV draw from an earlier translation by a Catholic priest. The deal is that this priest was William Tyndale. Tyndale was once an ordained Catholic priest. Yet, later on, Tyndale renounced the Roman Catholic Church. Tyndale was burned in a public spectacle in Vilvoorde, Belgium. Tyndale first printed the English Bible and the first English Bible translated directly from Greek and Hebrew. William Tyndale called the Pope the Antichrist. In The Practice of Prelates, Tyndale likened the pope to an ivy which climbs up a tree and gradually saps the strength of the host and kills it, emphasizing that this is what the pope had done to England and every other nation under the papal thumb. Tyndale called Roman Catholicism "a nest for unclean birds." He violated Rome's law that forbade the translation of the Bible into the common languages of the people without ecclesiastical permission. It's fine to not follow unjust laws. When the Tyndale New Testament was smuggled into England, large quantities of them were confiscated and burned from 1526. The Roman Catholic authorities forbade its distribution. Many people were sent into prison for reading the New Testament in English by 1528. By 1529, Thomas Hitton was the first in a long line of believers who were burned at the stake for having the Tyndale Bible. Other people have been burned for possessing the Wycliffe Bible. Tyndale was arrested for his religious views and for thumbing his nose at Papal laws in May of 1535. William Tyndale was imprisoned for almost a year and a half in a cold, dreary dungeon in the castle of Vilvoorde. He was taken out to the public square, strangled, and his body burned. Roman Catholic authorities also burned John Rogers. Rogers was the translator of the Matthews's Bible. This Bible was in the lineage of the 1611 King James Bible. The Geneva Bible was created in Geneva, Switzerland. It was the most popular English bible before the KJV. The Roman Catholic Queen Mary was using a massive persecution upon Bible Believers. This is why they fled into Geneva for safety. Even the Roman Catholic Church condemned John Wycliffe for heresy for translating the English Bible. He was so hated by the Papacy that they dug up his bones and burned them almost 44 years after his death. So, the Roman Catholic Church had no role in the translation of the real English Bible. They murdered people and the real Bible wasn't created by the Roman Catholic Church anyway.

Jesuits have existed in Poland. The Gospel of God traveled worldwide including Poland before 1,000 A.D. Poland was once called Scythians. The apostle Paul mentioned them call of the time. Its rumored that the Apostle Andrew or the brother of Peter traveled into Russia. Scythia existed in central Europe and in Russia as well. They elected kings and loved warfare. The word Scot derived from Scyth and the Scots have their origin in Scythia. The apostle Paul promoted the unity of the Christian church (even among Scythians) among this verse: Where there is neither Greek nor Jew,

circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all (Colossians 3:11). Later, the Roman Empire fell and invasions came
about. Eastern Europe have had been in Constantinople. Poland united with Lithuania in 1835. There was the Jagiellonian dynasty in that year as well. This king was Grand Duke of Lithuania and became king of Poland by marrying Queen Jadwiga of Poland. The area had a huge Orthodox population. King Wladyslaw II Jagiello converted to the Latin rite to forestall an invasion by Teutonic Knights. The Borgias tried to rule the Polish nation as well. Giovanni Sforza was the first husband of Lucretzia Borgia. Barbara Radziwill was a Lithuanian princess who greatly favored the Reformation. She was hated by her husband's mother, Bona Sforza, and had a timely death just 4 years into her reign. The king's last wife, Catherine of Austria, died in the same year as her husband. The Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth was formed by King Sigismund II on July 1, 1569. The Reformation came and the Jesuits were invited to come into Poland via Stanisalus Hosius (a preseuctor of Reformed Christians). Hosius wanted to stop the Reformation at any cost. Cardinal Hosius was an appointed papal legate in 1566. Reformers were murdered in Oland and then the General Confederation of Warsaw guaranteed religious liberty. This happened as a new document that didnt exist in the future until the Bill of Rights came about in 1791. The Syllabus of Errors condemns religious liberty. King Stefan Batory allowed the Jesuits to reign in Poland. Soon, the Reformation was heavily crushed in Poland when the country

was broken up between Russia, Prussia, and Austria. John Paul II was Polish. It is said according to Malachi Martins the Jesuits book that John Paul II considered ending the Jesuits. Soon, he was shot 3 times at St. Peters Square by the Turkish man Mehmet Ali Agca. This occurred in May 13, 1981. So, Poland is in a key place of history among the Reformers, religion, the Jesuits, and other vital historical topics.
*Some people have legitimately exposed Roman Catholicism as an excuse to promote disinformation and even lies against Christianity. The New Testament called Yeshua the only begotten Son of God as found in John 3:16-18. Yeshua being the Son of God is God manifest in the flesh. The Council of Nicea was indeed Ecumenical and authoritarian since the faux Christian Constantine presided over the Council. The Council existed back in 325 A.D. Also, Jesus Christ is st a historical person. Josephus wrote about the Jesus of Nazareth existing in the 1 century A.D. Some believed that he called Yeshua the Messiah. The Roman historian Tacitus spoke about Jesus of Nazareth. Tons of other historical evidence beyond the 4 Gospels document the historical existence of Yeshua ben Yoseph. The church and modern Christianity existed long before the Council of Nicea. One of the highest persecutions of Christians came under the Roman Emperor Diocletian. This lasted for 10 years, which a fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus Christ was sent to the apostle John as found in Revelation 2:10 (in the verse, a day being a year in the text). Constantine, or the closet sun worshipper, became emperor and said that his version of Christianity is the official region of the Empire. Romanism came from Constantine indeed to promote the false Jesus. Secret Societies are real. The Rothschilds are bankers for a German house. They have united with the Vatican, yet they don't have more total power above the Papacy. The Vatican/Jesuit network existed long before the Rothschilds. The Frankists came from the wicked Jacob Frank. He converted to Roman Catholicism and accepted Frankism (or a libertine moral philosophy). Frankists are made up of Jewish people that allied with the papacy via baptism in numerous cases. The Jesuit General during the time of Weishaupt was Jesuit General Lorenzo Ricci. Weishaupt was Jesuit trained and a Freemason. He created the Bavarian Illuminati to centralize all Freemasonry under the command of the elite. Even Count Mariano Rampolla was an OTO member and he was Cardinal Secretary of State to Pope Leo XIII. The Jesuit General in Rampolla's time was Luis Martin. Freemasonry united with the Jesuits in many th times (except for the Masons schisms in the mid 1700's and the 19 century with Masons Simon rd Bolivar, Benito Juarez, and ex priest Charles Chiniquy resisting the Jesuits). The 33 Degree is the highest degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. There are degrees higher than that in other Masonic orders. Even some British Freemasons from the Windsors are allies of the Papacy. Queen Elizabeth II is a Patroness of Freemasonry and she supports the Pope Benedict XVI.

Walking in the light of truth is more important than huge popularity, materialism, and any evils in the world. I still have faith in one God and hope. My will is not shaken and my faith is like concrete, but stronger. When you accept the equality of the human race, your spiritual walk and thinking totally changes into a more positive direction. What we can do is to inspire others, stand up for whats real, and keep on building up our communities (and not tear down a human being because they look different in any measure. Any human should have the chance to have improvement in their lives). By Timothy

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