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Date: May 2019

Team Leader: Z. TESSEMA, Chief Transport Engineer, RDGE.3

E&S Team Member: E.B. KAHUBIRE, Social Development Officer, RDGE4

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 1
2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION ...................................................................... 1
3. POLICY AND LEGA FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................. 2
4. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................... 3
5. PROJECT ACTIVITIES ..................................................................................................................10
6. STAKEHOLDER AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT ...........................................................11
7. MAJOR BENEFICIAL AND ADVERSE IMPACTS....................................................................11
8. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ....................................................12
9. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................13
10. REFERENCES AND CONTACTS..............................................................................................14

1.1 The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania (GOT) and the Government of the Republic
of Kenya (GOK), with the support of the East Africa Community (EAC), intend to improve the transport
infrastructure in order to support economic development programs within the two countries, deepen
economic co-operation and foster regional integration within the EAC. EAC has received a grant from the
African Development Bank (AfDB) to carry out the Feasibility Studies and Detailed Engineering Design
of the Tanga-Pangani-Saadani-Makurunge Road (179km).

1.2 The proposed Tanga – Pangani – Saadani - Makurunge road forms part of the East African
Community Regional Road Network Programme. In Kenya, the road links with Malindi – Mombasa -
Lunga Lunga Road. This road is the most important link between Tanzania and Kenya, to and from Coastal
areas of Tanzania and Kenya. The road facilitates cross border trade with Kenya (through Horohoro). The
movement of people, goods, including agricultural produce from Tanga and Coast regions will be facilitated
at national and international levels. The project road therefore provides an alternative trunk road between
Dar es Salaam, Tanga and Mombasa facilitating transport and travel along the road impact areas and


2.1 The scope of work involves upgrading the Makurunge-Saadani-Pangani-Tanga road starting
from Makurunge village then to Goma via Saadani, Mkwaja and Pangani to Tanga town to bitumen
standard. The project road is located in Coast and Tanga region. The project has a total length of 178km
starting from Makurunge village and ending at Tanga Municipality. The existing road is built to gravel and
earth standard. The road forms part of the Eastern Corridor that connects Dar-Es-Salaam to Tanga and
Mombasa in Kenya. The present state of the road requires major rehabilitation and frequent maintenance.
The upgrading aims at revamping its versatility so as to contribute more to the socio economic progression
of the Coast and Tanga Regions, and especially Bagamoyo and Pangani Districts.

Figure 1: Map of the Project Area

2.2 Major parts of the existing road are in poor conditions making it impassable during the rainy
seasons. The lack of a bridge at the Wami River Crossing aggravates the problem further. This condition
hinders those leaving along the project road from accessing social services and reliable markets for their
agricultural and fishing products. It also frustrates tourism activities in the Saadani National Park.

2.3 Project Justification: The project scope shall also involve developing the following links
considered to be of economic importance:
• Series of spine roads to the tourist destinations and ports in Pangani including Ushongo beach road,
and link road to the Safari Lodge and Kapumbwi Road;
• Bypass at Tanga to connect the Tanga – Segera and Tanga – HoroHoro roads; and
• Develop two bridges at the Wami and Pagani rivers bncrossing.
• The upgrade of the project road shall revamp the project areas versatility which shall contribute to
the socio-economic progression of the Coast and Tanga Regions, and especially Bagamoyo and Pangani
Districts. The road will also provide an alternative trunk road between Dar es Salaam, Tanga and Mombasa
in neighbouring country of Kenya. This shall ease and enhance communication between Tanzania and
Kenya from Dar es Salaam via the touristic and historical town of Bagamoyo, Pangani, Tanga Mombasa to
• The northern part of the road i.e. Pangani and Saadani via Mkwaja is normally covered in two hours
while using a 4x4 vehicle, and becomes impassable after the rains. The problem is even serious in the
southern part of the same road (a coastal route to Saadani) because of lack of a bridge at Wami River North
of Bagamoyo. This short coming in areas transport infrastructures forces commuters to take a circuitous
route from Dar es Salaam via Chalinze to Bagamoyo then further North which translate to takes 4-5 hours
of additional travel time. The development of the proposed road from Makurunge with the construction of
a bridge at Wami River crossing will attract visitation to the closest wildlife destination to Dar es Salaam
located 130km away which offer combination of beach and wildlife viewing opportunity.
• The improvement of the road is also intended to facilitate economic growth as it will reduce
transportation costs and hence stimulate the movement of agricultural products to markets as well as enable
exploitation of potentials fisheries and, minerals resources and, other social and cultural resources in the
project regions. Specifically the project will improve transportation within Bagamoyo, Pangani, Handeni
and Tanga districts and the respective regions.

2.1. Justification for ESIA: It is a known fact that development of road projects often brings significant
economic and social improvements. However, if these projects are designed and implemented without
adequate integration of social, chemical and bio-physical environmental concerns, they might cause
significant adverse impacts on the local communities, the general public and the natural environment. As a
part of the larger project, the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is used for the purpose
of guiding the incorporation of the various environmental management considerations in the planning and
development process of the project. The implementation of the findings from the ESIA enhances the project
proposal to be implemented in sustainable manner.


Important laws that have relevance to road development in respect of environmental management include;
• Environmental Management Act No. 20 of (2004), Cap. 191.
• The Land Act No. 4 of 1999 and the Village Land Act No. 5 of (1999).
• The Water Resources Management Act No. 11 of 2009.
• Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority Act, 2001.
• The Road Act, 2007 Protected Places and Areas Act (1969).
• Land Use Planning Act (2007).

• Occupation Health Safety (2003).
• Local Government Acts No.7 & 8 of 1982.
• Forest Act, 1957 (Revised in 2002).
• Explosives Act, 56/63.
• Regional and District Act No 9, 1997.
• Mining Act (1998) T.
• The Land Acquisition Act 1967.
• Employment and Labour Relations Act No. 6 of 2004.
• Engineers Registration Act and its Amendments 1997 and 2007.
• The Contractors Registration Act (1997).
• The HIV and AIDS (Prevention and Control) Act of 2008.


4.1. Location: The Tanga - Pangani - Saadani - Makurunge road is located in Coast and Tanga regions.
The project has a total length of 179km including link roads and bypasses, starting from Makurunge village
located in Bagamoyo in the Coastal Region traversing through the Saadani National Park and Zarininge
Forest found along the eastern Coast of Tanzania. The road proceeds further through Pangani and, Muhenza
district and ends at Tanga Municipality in Tanga District in Tanga Region. The main road is majorly located
in Tanga region (more than 100km) and is built to gravel and earth standard and its layout is provided in
Figure 2.1 below. In the Coast region, the road is entirely in Bagamoyo district, while in Tanga the road
passes in Pangani, Muheza and Tanga district. In each side the road passes along various villages and
settlments such as Makurunge, Saadani, Buyuni, Mukocheni, Pangani and Kingombe. The road forms part
of the Eastern Corridor that connects Dar-Es-Salaam to Tanga and Mombasa in Kenya.

4.2. The project area experiences moderate temperatures and rainfall with the average annual
temperatures being 32°C. The warm season normally runs from October to February. There are two major
rainfall seasons namely the long rains which occur between March and May and short rains which occur
between October and December with average annual quantities of 1200mm. However, the average annual
rainfall varies from year to year and between the various ecological zones. Moreover, the coastal nature
which forms the larger part of the Region affects the patterns of temperature and rainfall. The coastal plains
in Tanga, Pangani and Bagamoyo districts, and part of Muheza district experience moderate high annual
rainfall of 800-1,400mm while the dry plains mostly in Handeni and parts of Bagamoyo districts receive
low rainfall ranging from 200 to 600mm annually.

4.3. The core impact zone includes the area immediately bordering the project (local). In the case
of this project, local impacts will include the site of the construction (borrow areas, quarries and the actual
road construction site) and the immediate surrounding areas. The influence impact zone includes the area
beyond 500m –1000m from the road alignment. Based on the environment surrounding the road the
influence impact zone includes areas such as Saadani Park, the Indian Ocean and the forest.

4.4. Main Road from Bagamoyo to Tanga: The main north-south corridor along the Tanzanian coast
from Bagamoyo to Tanga namely the Makurunge-Saadani-Pangani-Tanga road is an existing poor quality
gravel road, which reduces to a track in places. The existing route is currently discontinued at the Pangani
River, where crossing in only made possible by a ferry and at the Wami River, where crossing is currently
provided by a temporary Bailey bridge.

4.4.1. Bagamoyo (Makurunge) to Wami River: The project road starts at Makurunge at the T-junction
with the Bagamoyo - Msata road, which has recently been upgraded to bitumen surfaced standards. From
the junction, the road moves in a northern direction for 32km as an existing gravel road/earth track, up to

the Wami River. This road has a relatively low formation and at places is nearly flush with the surrounding
terrain. The in-situ material consists mainly of expansive clays. The pavement manual requires a minimum
of 1m fill between the pavement and the black cotton soil, which implies that the formation will have to be
raised substantially. A temporary Bailey bridge currently provides limited access across the Wami River
and pedestrians can cross by means of small row boats or canoes. urrently vehicles travelling north from
Bagamoyo, have to cross the Wami River at the existing single lane bridge, about 50km upstream, near
Mandera on the Msata-Segera road.

4.4.2. Wami River to Mkwaja: From the Wami River the existing road passes through the Saadani
National Park up to Mkwaja. For long stretches, the existing road is merely a track. The existing road
roughly moves parallel to the coast line with some section having a corridor of about 1km between it and
the beach such as at Saadani Village. At the time of the study, the road was being improved and culverts
were being installed in the sections within Saadani National Park. The section through Saadani is in the
order of 60km and raises environmental issues. The upgrading improvements that were on-going at the time
of our field investigations will have to be verified during the detail design review, in view of the presence
of clay conditions and drainage structure capacities. Due to the environmental sensitivity of the park, issues
were raised in regards to upgrading the road through Saadani Park and due to these, two additional
alternative routes navigating around the park were investigated. These routes will also require bridging
across the Wami River but will be discussed separately.

4.4.3. Mkwaja to Pangani River Two alternatives have been proposed to go around the Saadani Park
from Kiwangwa to Kwamsisi then re-join the main road at Mkwaja. The road from Mkwaja to Pangani is
a gravel road in good condition. The first 15km of the road forms the eastern boundary of the Saadani Park.
Thereafter, the road traverses through Sisal (Agave sisalana) plantations, up to the Pangani River. The road
ends on the southern embankment of the Pangani river. The Pangani town is situated on the northern bank
of the River. A new ferry is currently in operation at the Pangani River crossing near its mouth with the
Ocean. The feasibility and detail design of a bridge at Pangani is also part of this study. Traffic volumes
are fairly low and no queue was experienced during our field investigations. The pictures below show the
condition of the gravel road and structures between Mkwaja and Pangani.

4.4.4. Pangani to Tanga: The road through Pangani town is surfaced. However, if a bridge is to be
constructed across the Pangani River, careful consideration will have to be given to the route selection
through the town. Our proposed position for such a bridge will incorporate a bypass around the town to
allow for approaches to be constructed. Land availability at the current ferry crossing is not sufficient on
both banks to allow for construction of the bridge approaches. The road section between Pangani and Tanga
is currently a gravel surfaced road with a rough surface that results in poor riding quality. The formation is
good and can be utilised by adding the strength layers on top. A section at Kirare is hilly with significantly
steeper slopes and sharper curves than the rest of the road section. The project road ends at the Mabanda
Pappa roundabout in Tanga. The last 3.2km of the road in Tanga is surfaced. A bypass at Tanga forms part
of this study.

4.4.5. Tanga Bypass: The aim of the Tanga bypass is to connect three major roads namely: Tanga - Horo
Horo road; Tanga - Segera road; and Tanga - Pangani road. An existing ring road exists on the outskirts of
Tanga town, but this road is not suitable for upgrading to a bypass, due to the residential surroundings and
limited road reserve width. The Tanga –Horo Horo road is currently being upgraded to a bitumen surfaced
road by MCA-T. A route for the bypass was identified in the Tanga Master Plan. Only the option as
proposed in the Master Plan was considered and investigated. Under the Tanga – Horo Horo design project,
the link between the Segera and Horo Horo roads, was planned, but not included in the construction
contract. The kilometre distance was adopted from this previous design to limit confusion. The first 2km
from Horo Horo road to Segera road is steep as it climbs up from sea level to 40m above mean sea level,

over a distance of 1.3km and a slope of 7.2%. This is currently a gravel road. At kilometre 1.6, the road
passes a large power substation. The road will have to be realigned at this section so as to eliminate impacts
on the substation land.

4.4.6. A railway line runs parallel to the Segera road. This railway line connects to the Tanga port but
is not operation at the current time. A bridge-over-rail-and-road is foreseen to be incorporated in the
construction of the bypass. After crossing the Segera road, the bypass will pass between the Tanga airport
and the industrial area. There is no existing road on this section of the bypass and will be a new construction.
The bypass will link up with the Pangani road approximately 1.7km from the Mabanda Pappa roundabout,
at the detergent factory. The last kilometre of the bypass is through a build-up area where land could be

4.5. Bypasses in the Project: Only one bypass has been proposed for this project which is the Tanga
bypass. If the bridge at Pangani is implemented, a bypass might be required around Pangani town, to allow
sufficient space for bridge approaches.

4.5.1. Being a coastal road, the main road provides access to a series of coastal resorts in Kenya and
Tanzania. Some of the access roads to these hotels and resorts were identified for inclusion under this
project for upgraded to surfaced standards.

4.5.2. The Mwarongo link road is located approximately 20km south of Tanga and it leads to the Safari
Lodge. It also provides access to Mwarongo village, where salt mining is a major activity. A smaller village
about 1.4km from the main road will also benefit from the improved access. This link road is 4.6km in
length and will terminate at the entrance to Mwarongo village, with a small roundabout.

4.5.3. Ushongo Link Road: Ushongo beach is located between Mkwaja and Pangani at approximately
km 120. There are five resorts along the beach road. Access to this beach is via the Mwera Sisal Estate.
Currently the most frequently used access meanders through the built-up area of the estate, where the
processing takes place. The TANROADS representatives indicated the original alignment of the access
road, which has not been maintained and is now over-grown with grass vegetation. This old alignment is
now proposed for the new access to be constructed. The length of the link road is 6.2km. The existing
structure over the Tungamaa River found on the link road does not meet the required safety standards and
need to be reconstructed as part of this link road.

4.5.4. Kipumbwi Link Road: This link road provides access to Kipumbwi from Kwakibuyu on the main
road. Kwakibuyu village is located between Mkwaja and Pangani at km 104 on the main road. Kipumbwi
is a local fishing port. The link road is currently gravel surfaced, about 4km in length and traverses a fairly
flat terrain. The road will cross the Beji and Manomvi streams and will end at the entrance to the Kipumbwi
village with a small roundabout. The proposal is to upgrade the road to bitumen surfaced standards.

4.6. Bridging Options

4.6.1. Pangani River: Pangani town is situated on the northern bank near the mouth of the Pangani River.
On the southern embankment, a large hill restricts the geometrical alignment of the road on the approach
to the river. The river is currently crossed by means of a ferry. At the ferry crossing the river is about 300m
wide. River traffic appears limited, with a regular ferry during the day and some dows and motorboats
moving out to the sea. Three alternative routes were investigated at the Pangani crossing. The first option
is to improve the existing road alignment slightly and to cross over the river at the current ferry position,
which is the shortest distance. On the northern side, the bridge approach will have to line up with the
existing street approach to the ferry docking position, which comes directly from the town centre. This will
have a major social impact due to the higher traffic volumes, higher speeds and expropriation of historical

buildings to enable construction of the bridge approaches. The second option investigated was a bridge
crossing closer to the sea. This would require a much longer bridge as well as a new road corridor through
old section of Pangani town. This option was not deemed viable due to poor foundation conditions and the
associated cost of the long structure required and not pursued any further. The third option investigated was
to cross the river inland of the ferry with a fairly short structure similar to the first option. This will require
a new road alignment to be constructed that will bypass Pangani town on the western side, with less social
impact on the town, and will divert around the western side of the hill on the southern bank.

4.6.2. Wami River: The Wami river crossing is near Gama in the Kisauke area. The river is meandering
in this area. At the normal crossing point, with normal flow conditions, the river is about 50m to 100m
wide. A ferry did operate in the past at Gama, but was washed away during the 1997/8 El Nino floods.
Currently only pedestrians use with crossing and are ferried across the river with a canoe. Just upstream of
Gama River lays Matipwili, where an existing non-operational railway line crosses the Wami River. This
bridge is still intact, but not accessible to vehicles. This structure could be converted or widened to
accommodate vehicles in a low cost solution. The river embankments at this rail bridge have been protected
to ensure that the river does not meander away from the bridge.

4.7. The Road Reserve: In Tanzania the road reserve width is 60m as per the new Road Act of 2007.
The preliminary drawings show a significant number of buildings encroaching into the road reserve.
TANROADS has started with a nationwide project to identify structures within the road reserves, since the
2007 Act enlarged the ROW from 45m to 60m. The structures located in the addition road reserve width of
7.5 m will be compensated when there is a need to use this additional reserve.

4.8. Project Design: The road will be an international through route between the two countries and
therefore classified as a Trunk Road (Class A). This type of classification leads to design criteria for
mobility such as higher speed, higher level of service and longer trips with less access where low speed is
required for controlled access. With a functional classification of A, the traffic volume is used to determine
the road design class. A DC3 road design class is recommended for an AADT value between 1000 and
4000. This DC3 design class recommends a 3.5m lane with surfaced shoulders.

4.8.1. Typical Cross-Section: The project has a single typical road cross-section. The design Class (DS3)
has specified the road width and carriageway widths. The normal cross-fall of the road will be 2.5% from
the road centre line. The maximum super elevation of 8% has been implemented on the flat and rolling
sections with a 6% maximum on mountainous sections and in villages with 50km/h speed limit. The typical
side slopes and back slopes of the road that has been used are given on the typical drawings. These comply
with the maximum rates as specified in the RGM. In this project there are three variations to the typical
cross-section. At climbing lanes an extra lane of 3.5m width is added and the shoulder is reduced to 1.0m.
In the urban areas such as Pangani and Tanga, walkways for the non-motorised traffic will be provided.
The shoulders widths on these urban sections are reduced to 1.5m and 3.0m wide walkways are added on
both sides. The third variation is where black cotton soils are encountered. The PMM specify flatter side
slopes of 1:6 instead of the typical 1:2 side slope for 1 to 3m fill heights. On fills higher than 6m a bench
of 4m wide was added to limit the extent of the side slope and to improve access for maintenance. A similar
bench was also introduced on 6m or deeper cuttings.

Figure 2: Typical Cross Section

4.8.2. Design Speed: The Design Speed of a road dictates various geometrical design elements. The
recommended design speeds for Design Class 3. Where the road passes through villages the Speed limit
will be 50km/h.

4.8.3. The horizontal alignment contains 25 curves on this section of the road of which 11 curves have a
radius of less than 750m. Five curves have a radius of 600m which is the desirable minimum radius. The
spacing of the curves is sufficient to fit the super elevation run-off lengths.

4.8.4. Vertical Alignment: The terrain is very flat with most of the road longitudinal slope less than 1.0%.
The Wami river flood plain starts at km 26.5 and ends at km 32.9, thus 6.4km in length. Another low area
is from km 20.8 to km 24.4 with the natural ground level below 10m. The road will thus mainly be in raised
to fill conditions due to the flat terrain and the clay soil.

4.8.5. Drainage Structures

Cross Drainage
The drainage requirements across the road have been determined by the hydrological study. The drainage
structure will consist of concrete pipe structures. The pipe drainage structures consist of two sizes namely
900mm diameter and a 1200mm diameter. The two sizes will ease the construction process. The nominal
size of 900mm is currently specified mainly for maintenance and cleaning purposes.
Side drains
Side drains will be constructed in all cuttings and are mainly gravel lined. Concrete lining of the side drains
are expected where the slope is steeper than 6%. Side drains with slopes steeper than 4% will be protected
against erosion with energy dissipaters. The erosion potential of the soil in which the side drain is excavated
will ultimately govern the protection required. Where the side drains cross through side access roads a
900mm diameter concrete pipe needs to be installed.

Subsoil drains
Subsoil drains are normally installed where the ground water could influence the road pavement structure.
During the material investigation ground water was encountered and subsequently provision has been made
to install subsoil drainage in deep cuttings. The extent and final position of the subsoil drains need to be
determined during construction.

4.9. Road Design Furniture: The proposed road signs and road markings are shown on the Plan and
Profile drawings. There is also Schedule Drawings containing the road signs. The proposed sign size as per
Traffic Sign Guide of 2007.

Safety Features at the Park: Due to the fact that part of this road is passing in the periphery of Saadani
National Park, special features will be installed for animal safety. Warning boards, day and night speed
limit signs will be installed in the road. Also proper marking and speed humps will be installed.

Guardrails will be provided on the approaches to all the bridges as well as at all box culverts. Where the fill
is more than 4m, guardrails will also be provided where the side slope is 1:1.5. The guardrails will be the
standard w-shape steel profile on steel post.

Road Edge Markers: The Draft Tanzania Traffic Signs Manual specify that warning signs be placed on
curves with a radii of 600m or smaller. Hazard signs W401orW402 should also be provided at drainage
structures. The Tanzania Traffic Manual is in line with the SADC Manual on the use of road signs. The
Tanzania Geometrical Manual however specifies concrete road edge markers. The Bill of Quantities
includes both concrete markers and road signs and TANROADS should instruct the contractor on the final
markers to be placed.

Kilometer markers: Concrete kilometer markers will be installed at 5km intervals on alternating sides of
the road. The two destinations are Tanga and Bagamoyo. The distance from Bagamoyo to Makurunge is
13km. The project road length to Tanga is 229km, thus the distance Bagamoyo to Tanga will be 241km or
rounded to 240km. The abbreviation on the markers will be TNG for Tanga and BGM for Bagamoyo.

Service ducts: It is proposed that dual 300mm service ducts are installed for future underground services
such as electricity or telecommunication cables. The position of such service ducts is at all type 1 and 2
junctions as well as at villages at 500m intervals.

Utilities: Electrical services are all overhead power-lines. The water services are mainly along the existing
gravel roads from Kwamsisi to Tanga. Water service features were also surveyed at Gama and Matipwili.
Telephone lines were surveyed in Tanga town and at km 171 in Mzambarauni. The existing railway line is
crossed at three places by means of new bridges. The railway line at Matipwili and at Mkalamo is currently
in disuse. The railway line at Tanga next to the Segera road is the third crossing.

Street lighting: Provisional sums for street lighting along the Tanga Bypass and Pangani Bypass was
included in the Bills of Quantities. The successful Contractor must provide the detail design as part of the
installation of the street lighting.

Bus bays will be provided at all villages and towns. The proposed position of the bus bays are provided in
the drawings. These need to be finalized during construction in liaison with the local authorities.

4.10. Construction Materials: The main construction materials for the road include sand, gravel, hard
stones (aggregates), reinforcement iron bars, water and bitumen. Most of the materials shall be obtained
locally (within Tanzania) except bitumen which shall be imported. Material investigations have been made
with the aim of identifying sources for suitable construction materials including borrow pits, sand pits,
construction water sources and quarry sites. The investigations were carried out during the preliminary
design phase.

• Based on field studies several burrow pits were seen especially along the Pangani-Tanga and
Pangani-Mkwaja sections of the road.
• Five quarries were identified in the project area and these include Lugoba, Msata, Kitumbi, Kisasa
and Mkata. The first four are located along the Chalinze-Segera road while the Mkata one is a
potential quarry located in Mkata village along the Mkata-Saadani Road.
• The Lugoba and Msata quarries are operational and are the only sources of granite aggregates which
are used within the Coast region. Records show that the crushed aggregates from these two quarries
comply with the Tanzanian Standard Specification for Road Works (2000).
• The Lugoba quarry is located about 70km from Makurunge and 92km from Saadani. It is the main
quarry in the area with four commercial crushing plants. The site is set on 100 hectare piece of land
and has a depth of 30m and is considered to be ample for supply to the proposed project.
• The Msata quarry is located about 60km from Makurunge and 80km from the Saadani National
Park. This is also an operational quarry with one private crushing plant. It is located in 120 hectares
of land with a depth of 10m and was considered adequate for the development of the proposed
• The Kitumbi quarry is located about 120km from Tanga and 90km from the Saadani National Park.
This is also an existing quarry which was used as the material source during the construction of
Chalinze-Segera Road in the early nineties. The rocky hill occupies 20 hectares of land and has a
depth of 20m. However the use of the quarry is constrained as locals have developed a village
around it thus not found suitable for the project as it shall require resettlement and other
environmental mitigation measures.
• Kisasa hill is located about 106km from Tanga and 100km from the Saadani National Park. This is
a virgin site located in Kisasa village near Kitumbi. The hill occupies about 16 hectares and is
considered adequate for the proposed project.
• Mkata site is located about 106km from Mkwaja village in the Saadani National Park. This rock
hill occupies 5 hectares and is adequate for utilisation and is also considered as adequate for the
project construction.
• Three sand sources were identified at the project area and these included: Bigo Primary School
located in Makurunge at km 0 on the LHS at an offset of 2km; Wami River at km 32 on the LHS
and Mkwaja Village located at km 84+500 on the RHS at an offset of 0.2km
• The Bigo Primary School source is found in Makurunge village at the beginning of the project road.
The source is being used for small-scale construction by the locals. However the area is large but
the grading of the sand varies as shown by its profile some areas have fine and coarse sand while
others shows the sand is dominated with silt thus will require careful selection during utilisation.
• The sand at Wami shall be sourced from the River banks and its deltas located at least 32km from
Makurunge. The sand at this site was seen to be clean with good grading. Apart from its favourable
quality, the site was seen to be located in areas where major drainage works such as the Wami
Bridge shall be developed.
• The sand source at Mkwaja village is located at least 46km from Pangani town. The sandy area
stretches under shrubs other potential sandy site near Mkwaja is Makorora village. The grading of
the sand varies from course to fine.
4.11. Construction Water Sources: The area has four main perennial rivers which shall be used as source
of water for the proposed project and these rivers are; Ruvu located at km 0+000; Wami located at km
32+000; Mafuleta located at km 102; and Kirare located at km 159. Samples of water from the sites were
analysed and the results showed that the water is suitable for construction apart from Mafuleta which had
higher chloride content.

The project shall have four major activities namely pre-construction, construction, operation and
5.1. Mobilization or Pre-Construction Phase: This phase entails mobilization of labour force,
equipment and construction of offices/camps as well as acquisition of various permits as required by the
law. The implementation of the project’s design and construction phase will start with thorough
investigation of the site biological and physical resources in order to develop a baseline data bank that shall
guide in impact monitoring.

5.2. Construction Phase Activities: The overall objective of the road construction works is to:
Improving the structural capacity, drainage and ride ability of the existing road with some improvement
and realignment of the road geometry; and Improve the width to standards acceptable for a trunk road in
Tanzania. The construction phase which shall be undertaken by contractors shall commence after the ESIA
has been approved and the affected people resettled. The project implementation activities undertaken by
the contractor shall be supervised by a contracted resident engineer and monitored by an ESIA expert,
TANROADS and NEMC. The road will be developed to a bitumen surface finish having proper and
adequate drainage structures to ensure passage of traffic throughout the whole year. The road
section is categorised as a national road under the category MOI which is required to have a road
reserve of 60m this is 30m from the either side of the road’s centreline. It is envisage the proposed
road will follow existing road profile in most of the areas apart from sections traversing the Saadani
National Park which shall be realigned to enable reduce impacts of the National Park and its
associated ecosystems this is forests and Ocean.

5.3. Demobilization Phase: Upon completion of the Contracted Work, the contractor shall remove all
of its tools, materials and other articles from the construction area. Should the Contractor fail to take prompt
action to this end, TANROADS at its option and without waiver of such other rights as it may have, upon
sixty- (60) calendar days’ notice, may treat such items as abandoned property. The Contractor shall also
clean areas where he worked, remove foreign materials and debris resulting from the contracted work and
shall maintain the site in a clean, orderly and safe condition. Materials and equipment shall be removed
from the site as soon as they are no longer necessary to minimize the demobilization work after completion
of the project. Before the final inspection, the site shall be cleared of equipment, unused materials and
rubbish so as to present a satisfactory clean and neat appearance. All the campsites will be built as temporary
structures and these will also include the use of movable structures such as movable containers. All the
temporary structures will be demolished after accomplishing the contracted jobs.

5.4. Operation Phase: The actual usage of the roads is expected to commence after the construction
works. The project road is under “trunk road” category and therefore will be directly managed by
TANROADS. During this time, TANROADS will carry out routine maintenance by attending to cracks,
pot holes, clearance of vegetation within the ROW (road reserve area) and monitoring. Other activities
includes Installation of road signs, thermo-plastic road marking, reinforcement and replacement of road
furniture, control of litter accumulation on road sides, awareness rising on proper road use and road
management to the communities, monitoring and evaluation, management to reduce pollutant
concentrations in runoff, disposal of wastes from road maintenance activities, storage and management of
maintenance materials and equipment. The duration of this phase will be twenty (20) years for roads
and fifty (50) years for the bridge.

6.1 Stakeholder’s analysis for the project was undertaken and the key stakeholders identified
included: TANROADS Regional Offices, National Environmental Management Council (NEMC),
Tanzania Nation Park (TANAPA), District Councils, Departmental Heads at Municipal Councils, Local
elders among others. All the key stakeholders were consulted on the proposed project through one to one
interviews and stakeholders forums.

6.2 The following issues were the major raised by stakeholders;

• There is need to choose an alternative route so as to avoid the park and at the same time look for a route
that shall serve the locals found in the villages neighboring the park;
• Increase in traffic will translate to increased road accidents affecting people and wildlife. Possibility of
increased in human activities in the park thus leading to poisoning of animals, poaching and forest fires;
• Contractor should use the existing borrow pits, stone quarries and sand pits in order to minimize the
land degradation at new sites;
• Possible population influx into the project areas as a result of improved services and possible with
spread of communicable diseases (i.e. HIV/AIDS) and competition for the meagre resources;
• Project Affected People (PAPs) should be compensated using current rates and Local leaders at Wards,
street/mtaa level should be involved during the process of compensation; and
• The public should be made aware of the developments planned at their area in advance
• Dust and noise generation during the construction activities should be controlled.


7.1 The development of road infrastructure can cause a wide range of positive and negative impacts on
a number of receptors. The significant environmental and social impacts identified for the proposed
project included:

7.2 Positive Impacts

• Improvement of transportation services;
• Improved community life and services;
• Job creation and improved employment opportunities;
• Reduced production costs of goods and improved market penetration;
• Increased tourism along the coast.

7.3 Negative Impacts

• Loss of natural habitat;
• Destruction of spawning grounds for fish thus affecting the fishing industry;
• Attracting high population around the Park that will conflicts with wild life;
• Attracting poaching and related activities;
• Serving relatively small proportion of population (by routing road through the park;).
• Increased accidents due to over speeding vehicles leading to death and injury of wildlife;
• Safety and health risks;
• Landscape modification;
• Immigration /influx of people from other areas;
• Increased spread of HIV/AIDS and other diseases;
• Land expropriation and relocation/ resettlement; and

• Linear settlement along the road reserve once the road is operational which lead to
several multiplier impacts such as increased accidents, challenges in road maintenance
and expansion, traffic congestions among other impacts.


8.1. The Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) presents the implementation schedule of
the proposed mitigation measures for the project’s identified impacts. The ESMP also includes the
associated costs needed to implement the recommended mitigation measures. The implementation steps
will involve the contractor, the Resident Engineer, Environmentalist, Sociologist, Health and Safety Expert,
Municipal Councils, infrastructure users and the local communities at large.

8.2. Environmental Monitoring: The national EIA guidelines require the developer to prepare and
undertake monitoring plan and regular auditing. Monitoring is needed to check if and to what extent the
impacts are mitigated, benefits enhanced and new problems addressed. Recommendations for monitoring
have been included in the ESMP (Table 9.1). The ESMP also assigns responsibilities for monitoring
activities. The However, the divisional/ward/village environmental committees and district environmental
committee will participate in the long-term daily monitoring of the project road.

8.3. Environmental Audit: Environmental audits determine the long-term effects of adopted mitigation
measures. It is recommended that environmental audits be carried out on the project as part of the ongoing
maintenance programme. The audits will unveil the actual performance of mitigation measures and will
allow effective measures to be included in future projects based on the audit results. As per operative ESIA
documents in Tanzania, environmental audits would be a responsibility of the developer (TANROADS).

8.4. Implementation of the ESMP: TANROADS as the proponent shall be the Implementer of the
ESMP through other organs. The environmental measures incorporated in the detailed engineering design
will be attached to the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall take stock of the contents of the
Environmental Impact Assessment Statement of the Project. An environmental expert should be appointed
to assist the resident engineer, in order to make sure that the environmental measures recommended in this
report are effectively complied with and timely adjusted whenever necessary. The expert will be familiar
with the scientific measurement of environmental impacts and remedies. He/she will work on a part-time
basis and may be selected, by the firm in-charge of supervision works, from the roster of national
environmental experts. He will liaise with the relevant public agencies and will carry out the training
scheme associated to his assignment.

8.5. Training Requirements: The effective implementation of EMP requires that all persons working
for the project are aware of the importance of environmental requirements of the project; their roles and
responsibilities in the implementation of the EMP. They should also be aware of the significant actual or
potential environmental impacts of their work activities; the benefits of improved performance and the
consequence of not complying with environmental requirements.

8.6. Institutional Arrangements and Reporting Procedures: The City and district councils, assisted by
specialists, will be responsible for reviewing civil works contracts in accordance with the ESIA report;
(e.g., Ward Development Committees; monitoring the implementation of the ESMP and the civil works
contracts in collaboration with NEMC and PMO-LGRG; and, preparing annual environmental progress

8.7. The purpose of environmental and social monitoring is to quantitatively measure the environmental
effects of the road project. The environmental monitoring program will operate through the pre-

construction, construction, and operation phases. It will consist of a number of activities, each with a
specific purpose, key indicators, and significance criteria.

8.8. An Environmental/Social Specialist will carry out the monitoring of mitigation measures during
design and construction. He/she will conduct mitigation monitoring as part of the regular works inspections.
The responsibility for mitigation monitoring during the operation phase will lie with the Environmental
Section in TANROADS.

8.9. The TANROADS will provide PMO-LGRG and NEMC with reports on environmental compliance
during implementation as part of their annual progress reports and annual environmental monitoring
reports. Depending on the implementation status of in environmentally sensitive areas, NEMC will perform
annual environmental reviews in which environmental concerns raised by the project will be reviewed
alongside project implementation.

8.10. Environmental cost: The principal environmental cost includes the cost of implementing the
mitigation measures proposed and that of carrying out monitoring of specific environmental parameters.
These costs are indicated in Table below It should be noted that most of the costs for mitigation measures
are already included in the bills of quantities of the overall works. The costs of the environmental supervisor
shall be included in the overall supervision cost of the works.

Cost of mitigation and monitoring throughout the Project Cycle

Budget Item Cost in USD
Preparation activities and Capacity Building 131,000
Mitigation Measures during Construction Phase 213,500
Mitigation Measures during Operation Phase 59,500
Cost of Baseline Studies Pre-Construction Phase 47,200
Costs of Monitoring During Construction Phase 128,000
Costs of Monitoring During Operation Phase 22,000
Total 601,200


9.1. The ESIA study results show that the project is associated with negative environmental and social
impacts despite that, the project has high socio-economic benefits to the people of Tanga City, Bagamoyo,
Pangani, Handeni and Muheza districts and adjoining regions as well. The associated negative impacts, to
a large extent can be minimized through appropriate decision, good engineering design and, envisaged
construction practices and the mitigation measures proposed in this report. The mitigation measures shall
offset some of the inherent adverse impacts especially those linked to land, water and air pollution.
Implementing these mitigation measures would increase environmental soundness of the project.

9.2. Due to anticipated negative impacts of the Makurunge – Saadani – Pangani - Tanga Road on the
park and its associated ecosystems, the several alternative route were evaluated namely option B, C and D
as shown on the map found under Annex 5. After assessment of alternatives, the best alternative was
selected based on the environmental impacts and engineering reason. Three alternative routes were assessed

where by the best alternative was selected. The selected alternative is alternative B and C implemented
together which its route is Makurunge – Mkwaja – Kwamsisi - Pangani – Tanga with a total of 229 km.

9.3. The proposed alternative road will alleviate problems likely to affect the National Park such as
pollution, wildlife poaching and accidents among others. In addition, the alternative route identified traverse
areas with high potential for agricultural production and tourism development. The identified alternative
routes are likely to have sub-spatial contribution towards socio-economic development compared to the
Mkwaja-Saadani road, due to the fact that it shall serve a number of people and enhance the economic
potential of the project area in activities such as small scale-fishing, subsistence farming and livestock
keeping. The alternative routes is expected to provide services to more than 17,278 people living in the area
as compared to Mkwaja-Saadani Route, that will serve a small proportion of the population residing in the

9.4. Road transport reduces absolute poverty by improving economic efficiency, as it decreases costs
and prices and enhances trade and employment opportunities Based on our assessment particularly in
regards to the well-being of the people, it suffice to say that, the alternative route consideration has to be
evaluated in order to minimize negative impact to the national resources and address socio-economic
problems in this area such as serving a big proportion of people within the project area.

9.5. It is, therefore, concluded that, implementation of the proposed project will entail no detrimental
impacts provided that the recommended mitigation measures are adequately and timely put in place. The
identified adverse impacts should be managed through the proposed mitigation measures and
implementation regime laid down in this ESIA. The responsible parties should be committed in
implementing all the recommendations given in the report and further carry out environmental auditing and
monitoring schedules to gauge the effectiveness of the mitigation measures.


10.1. Reference
GOT (2019) Environmental and Social Impact Study for PROPOSED UPGRADING TANGA - PANGANI
10.2. Contacts
For more information, please contact:
1. Z. TESSEMA: [email protected]
2. E.B. KAHUBIRE, Social Development Officer: [email protected]


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