He Imes Eader: Public Won't Have Long To Wait

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The Times Leader
WILKES-BARRE, PA timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 50¢

Public won’t have long to wait Retrial in

Piazza: Poll results expected by 10:30 p.m. Common Pleas judicial candidates and11contenders

from ’83
for the new county council that will implement the
switch to home rule.
By JENNIFER LEARN-ANDES INSIDE: Mailings for eight county council candidates A multitude of municipal and school races are also
[email protected] focus of complaint, page 3A. on the ballot.

starts up
The winners of Luzerne County’s primary election Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. FOR up-to-
contestsshouldbeknownby10:30tonight,saidcoun- Rain is predicted, but Piazza doesn’t put much the-minute
ty Election Bureau Director Leonard Piazza. only permitted to vote on a tax-increase referendum stock in the weather as a deterrent. results of
He expects a turnout typical of a municipal pri- question if they reside in the Hazleton Area School “Peopledootherthingswhenitrains.Votingcanbe major pri-
mary: 27 to 33 percent. District. one of those and should be one of those,” Piazza mary races,
A total 188,044 county residents are registered to The county’s 61,515 Republicans and109,581Dem- visit time- Proceedings begin 11 years
vote, though Independent and third-party voters are ocrats will each get to nominate six county Court of See VOTING, Page 12A sleader.com
after Pa. court overturned
conviction of James Strong.
Natural gas extraction industry blasts notion that it’s responsible for river’s problems
[email protected]
years after the state Supreme
Court overturned the first-degree
homicide conviction of James
Lincoln Strong, his retrial began
Monday before a Luzerne County
After wit-
nesses are
called to testify
and arguments
are made by
and Strong’s
lawyers about
the 1983 slay- Strong
ing of John
Henry Strock, the case might
come down to a T-shirt that says,
“I got juiced in Florida.”
Assistant District Attorney Mi-
chael Melnick said during his
opening statement that the T-
shirt, which Strong, 59, was
wearing when he was arrested in
upstate New York, tested positive
for gun shot residue.
“It lit up like a Christmas tree
when (forensic scientists) put it
in a machine they use to test for
gun shot residue,” Melnick told
But defense attorney Brian
CLARK VAN ORDEN/THE TIMES LEADER Corcoran told jurors that Strong
The Susquehanna River, seen from the roof of the Luzerne County Courthouse, winds its way past the Market Street Bridge through the Wilkes-Barre area. had taken the T-shirt off when he
hitched a ride on the back of a

Group: Susquehanna is ‘most endangered’

motorcycle. Corcoran suggested
someone else had worn the shirt,
adding that Strong never met or
hitched a ride from Strock.
Melnick, and assistant district
attorneys James McMonagle and
By MARK GUYDISH were recently praised in an independent threat of natural gas extraction. Last year, Rivers touts as a success for its endan- Maureen Collins, are expected to
[email protected] study, drinking water has never been im- the Delaware River ranked number one gered rivers lists. The raw sewage prob- call about 40 witnesses, most
Most endangered river, or most over- pacted by the process, and the industry for the same reason. lem has proven thornier, as it involves the from outside the area, to testify.
hyped danger? has voluntarily tightened controls and It’s also the second time the Susquehan- antiquated design of underground pipe- Corcoran, and co-defense law-
For the second time in six years, the disclosed chemicals used. na made number one. It hit that position lines that guide water to treatment plants yers Shelley Centini and William
Washington, D.C.-based conservation American Rivers will officially unveil in 2005 due to the amount of raw sewage but dump overflow during heavy rains in- Watt, have not decided if Strong
group American Rivers today put the Sus- the 26th annual “America’s Most Endan- finding its way into the river, threats of to the river. will testify in his own defense.
quehanna at the top of its annual “Endan- gered Rivers” list this morning with the funding cuts for clean-up efforts, and the But in 2005 there was little argument Strong was originally convict-
gered Rivers” list, citing rapidly growing Susquehanna at the top, contending nat- controversial proposal to install an inflat- about the risk of sewage. Even dam propo- ed of first-degree murder and sen-
and “poorly regulated” natural gas drill- ural gas extraction threatens drinking wa- able dam in Wyoming Valley. nents acknowledged the seasonal dam tenced to death in 1984. The ap-
ing using hydraulic fracturing, or “frack- ter used by 6 million people along the 444- The dam proposal – championed by for- would have backed up such effluence. pellate court overturned the con-
ing.” mile waterway. mer U.S. Rep. Paul Kanjorski of Nanti- Kanjorski once argued building the viction in November 2000, when
Nonsense, an industry spokesman It is the second year in a row a river was coke – withered, and the funding cuts nev-
countered. Regulations in Pennsylvania put at the top of the list because of the er materialized, something American See RIVER, Page 12A See RETRIAL , Page 12A

Love of business trumps run for The Donald U.S. hits debt ceiling, has
Saying bid for presidency can’t be done much as I’d like to,” Trump said.
half-heartedly, he ends flirtation, adding His office released a formal statement just
until Aug. 2 to raise limit
as he was taking the stage. In it, a confident By KEVIN G. HALL tion on Mon-
he could’ve been nominee, beat Obama. Trump said he felt he could win the Repub- McClatchy Newspapers day began
lican primary and beat President Barack WASHINGTON — Treasury temporarily
Obama in the general election but had come Secretary Timothy Geithner in- halting pay-
By DAVID BAUDER and BETH FOUHY to realize a presidential campaign could not formed Congress on Monday ments to the
Associated Press be run half-heartedly. that the United States has reac- retirement
NEW YORK — After months of flirting “Ultimately, business is my greatest pas- hed its legal debt limit, setting and federal
with politics, Donald Trump said Monday he sion and I am not ready to leave the private off a ticking time bomb that Geithner pension ac-
won’t run for president, choosing to stick sector,” Trump said. could explode in less than three counts of fed-
with hosting "The Celebrity Apprentice" Several Republicans are seeking the nomi- months if lawmakers can’t eral workers and started bor-
over a bid for the Republican nomination. nation in a race that lacks a clear front-run- bridge differences and allow rowing from those funds, to be
The reality TV star and real estate mogul ner. Among the top hopefuls are former Mas- more government borrowing. restored later.
made his announcement at a Manhattan ho- sachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former House AP PHOTO In hitting the $14.3 trillion Geithner sent a letter to Sen-
tel as NBC, which airs his show, rolled out its Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Minneso- Donald Trump said that he won’t run for debt ceiling — the limit on how ate Majority Leader Harry Reid,
fall lineup. president, choosing to stick with hosting much the government can bor-
“I will not be running for president as See TRUMP, Page 12A "The Celebrity Apprentice." row — the Obama administra- See DEBT LIMIT, Page 12A

Liftoff Editorials 11A Weather 10B Movies 8C

Nation & World
begins last flight.
Birthdays 5C
Obituaries 7A, 8A, 9A Stocks 9B Television 8C D CLASSIFIED
Story, 5A 6 09815 10011

PAGE 2A TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 ➛ timesleader.com THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

With costs cut, L-L board holds tax steady DETAILS

The proposed $25 million budget balanced. the state Department of Educa- W H AT ’ S N E X T McGovern also said the dis- MIDDAY DRAWING
The proposed $25 million tion in districts spanning more trict had a $200,000 surplus on its
spending plan passes by a The next School Board meeting DAILY NUMBER – 8-8-7
spending plan sets the millage than one county. delinquent taxes and a one
narrow split decision. rate at 8.7062 in Harveys Lake “The beginning millage rate
will be at 7 p.m. June 20 in the
month return on the district BIG 4 – 5-1-4-1
junior/senior high school library.
borough and Jackson, Lake, Leh- could vary slightly from your health trust money, both of QUINTO - 4-9-9-2-6
man and Ross townships in Lu- ending due to the rebalancing,” which weren’t factors in the pre- TREASURE HUNT
By SARAH HITE zerne County and 56.4218 in Nox- he said. liminary budget proposed in Feb- 08-15-16-24-26
[email protected] en Township in Wyoming Coun- This does not translate to any ceive a pay freeze, and other ruary. That initial budget propos-
LEHMAN TWP. – In a 5-4 vote, ty. change to financial increases for funding resources, such as feder- al would have raised taxes by
the Lake-Lehman School Board A mill is $1 for every $1,000 in taxpayers. Superintendent al stimulus funds and ACCESS more than 4 percent in Luzerne DAILY NUMBER - 0-0-0
voted not to raise taxes in the pro- assessed property value. James McGovern said a majority funds, will be utilized in other County and more than 1 percent BIG 4 - 0-1-1-1
posed budget for the 2011-12 These rates differ slightly from of board members looked at dif- ways without affecting existing in Wyoming County. QUINTO - 7-5-9-8-7
school year. last year’s figures. The millage ferent ways of balancing the bud- programs. In addition, he said Salko said it would be “irre- CASH 5
Board members Andrew Salko, rate for the 2010-11 school year get. providing in-house services for sponsible” for the district to 07-12-14-40-42
Walter Glogowski, David Pau- was 8.6906 in Luzerne County He said the curtailment of sev- special education and transporta- make any more cuts in its budget
lauskas and Kevin Carey voted and 58.1316 in Wyoming County. eral programs approved at last tion have also saved the district and programs.
against the measure at Monday Business Manager Thomas Mel- month’s board meeting eliminat- dollars. “Given the current financial 01-06-16-19-21-47
night’s meeting, while Mark Kor- one said this can be attributed to ed some teaching positions, “We looked at the increasing situation, I know people are in a
noski, Lorraine Farrell, Bo Krell- a rebalancing of market values to which helped to lower expendi- gas prices and everything else, tough spot,” he said. “I’m con- HARRISBURG (AP) — Tues-
er, Moderno Rossi and Harold create uniformity within the dis- tures. and thought this could ease some cerned with the situation at Lake- day’s “Pennsylvania Cash 5”
Cornell voted for keeping the trict. This is required annually by Administration will also re- pain,” he said. Lehman.” jackpot will be worth at least
$525,000 because no player
matched the five winning

Harveys Lake citizens PATRIOTIC SALUTE TO TEEN FUNDRAISER numbers drawn in Monday’s
Lottery officials said 72
players matched four num-

press drilling oversight

bers and won $346.50 each;
3,219 players matched three
numbers and won $13 each;
and 42,461 players matched
two numbers and won $1
Subcommittee formed in April W H A T ’ S N E X T each
to review information, tighten The next borough meeting is Thursday’s “Pennsylvania
scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on June Match 6 Lotto” jackpot will
rules will not meet until June. 21, in the municipal building. be worth at least $1.57 mil-
lion because no player holds
a ticket with one row that
By EILEEN GODIN year, when the council voted matches all six winning
Times Leader Correspondent down an ordinance written by the numbers drawn in Monday’s
HARVEYS LAKE – Two resi- Community Environment Legal game
dents expressed concern Mon- Defense Fund.
day night that the borough was She said Maryland and West
not moving fast enough to ensure Virginia are looking at filing law-
public safety and environmental suits against gas companies up-
well-being in con- stream in Pennsylvania.
nection with the “More and more accidents
gas drilling indus- have occurred,” she said. “The OBITUARIES
try. evidence is overwhelming.”
Last month, bor- Boice and Culver agreed that Bender, Christine
ough council once pipeline work is finished Bilek, Josephine
formed a subcom- and the gas is flowing, the speed CLARK VAN ORDEN/THE TIMES LEADER
Case, Almon
mittee to review in- with which the gas companies enna Neubauer, a Crestwood High School senior, was presented Monday with a flag
formation and will converge upon municipal- Catnes, Shirley
from U.S. Reps. Lou Barletta, left, and Tom Marino. Neubauer was honored for her
tighten regulations related to ities will be staggering. Duda, Paul
efforts in raising more than $6,200 to send about 85 area veterans to the nation’s cap-
drilling. But it still has not met. In other business, council ap-
ital last month to visit the World War II, Korean and Vietnam memorials. The flag was
Dugan, Sharon
Resident Michelle Boice said proved a motion to advertise a Faulent, Adella
she was curious as to when the map designed to go with the flown over the Capitol on the day of the veterans’ trip, April 4. Marino also held a town
committee will meet, who is on it Megan’s Law Ordinance. The hall in LaPlume and announced a grant for the Lackawanna River Heritage Trail. For the Love, Stella
and whether residents can at- map will designate the distance stories, see pages 6A and 9A. Lutz, Robert
tend. convicted sex-offenders must Jakoboski, Robert
Council member Larry Radal stay away from parks, schools, Johns, John
said the subcommittee has mem- playgrounds, bus stops and other Johnson, Donna
bers from the borough’s Environ-
mental Advisory Council, as well
gathering places for children.
Also, Kopko reminded resi-
POLICE BLOTTER again because Ratchford was
back on the scene, but he was
Police said Ratchford had previ-
ously been served with a letter Kachmar, Lucille
not there when they arrived from the Pittston Housing Author- Markosky, Roman
as Jack Varaly, a borough plan- dents the annual electronic recy-
KINGSTON – Kingston and a second search was ity advising him to stay off author-
ning consultant, and some coun- cling collection will be 9 a.m. to 3
police are investigating an unproductive, the complaint ity property, including the Winter
Paliscak, Thomas
cil members. Radal said he is also p.m. June 11 at the Hanover Area
armed robbery of the Sunoco states. Street property. They noted he Roberts, Margaret
trying to include some outside re- Junior/Senior High School in Schmidt, John
sources, such as environmental Hanover Township. service station on Market Fuller then told police had been arrested on assault and
engineers. Accepted will be televisions, Street over the weekend. Ratchford was on the phone criminal trespass charges in the Slapinski, James Rev.
Because of scheduling con- computers, CD players, hard Police said two men en- and put the call on the speak- past. Smith, Darl
flicts, the committee’s first meet- drives, tape players, transparen- tered the store at about 10:33 er. Police heard Ratchford The complaint does not detail Soboski, Nellie
ing is tentatively scheduled for cy makers, typewriters, word p.m. and demanded money allegedly threaten to beat and Ratchford’s arrest, but an official
from the clerk while armed squeeze Fuller’s neck “so at county prison confirmed that
Squarok, Joseph
the beginning of June, Radal said. processors, camcorders, laptops,
pagers, remote controls, scan- with a semi-automatic hand- tight your head will turn blue he was imprisoned there on Mon- Turak, Helen
That didn’t sit well with resi-
dent Carol Culver. “Maybe you ners, monitors, keyboards, mice, gun. The suspects fled the and pop” before he hung up. day night for lack of $5,000 bail. Turner, Donald
have the wrong people if they modems, FAX machines, print- store on foot with an un- A minute later, he allegedly His preliminary hearing is set for 1 Williams, Alice
cannot make this a priority,” she ers, radios, stereos, speakers, tel- determined amount of cash. called back and asked if police p.m. on May 25 before District Wilk, Francis
said. ephones, telephone equipment, Police said the suspects’ were there. Told that they Judge Fred Pierantoni.
last known direction of travel were and advised by an officer Page 7A, 8A, 9A
Council chairman Francis Kop- microwaves, answering ma-
ko said the committee meetings chines and cell phones. was westbound towards Rut- to turn himself in, Ratchford FOSTER TWP. – Zaine Mitch-
are not open to the public, but the The following items are not ac- ter Avenue. The suspects allegedly said he would fight ell, 30, of Freeland, was charged
minutes will be made available. cepted: air conditioners, humidi- should be considered armed with and kill all responding with simple assault and harass-
He said the goal of the subcom- fiers, dehumidifiers, window and dangerous. Anyone with officers before he was arrest- ment after he allegedly assaulted WHO TO CONTACT
mittee is to research new regula- fans, satellite dishes, refrigera- any information is asked to ed, according to the com- a 20-year-old female on North
tions on the gas drilling industry tors, small electric tools, blen- contact 911 and/or the King- plaint. Buck Mountain Road at about Missed Paper........................829-5000
Obituaries ..............................829-7224
for possible implementation. ders, coffee makers, toaster ov- ston Municipal Police Depart- After another phone call 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, state police
Advertising ..............................829-7101
Boice told the council many ens, toasters, hair dryers, irons, ment at 288-3674. from Ratchford, police ad- in Hazleton said. Classified Ads ........................829-7130
more negative things have hap- curling irons, drills and electric The two men are described vised Fuller to stay elsewhere Mitchell was jailed at county Newsroom..............................829-7242
pened since the beginning of the toothbrushes. as being 6 feet tall, both wear- overnight, the complaint prison for lack of $3,000 bail,
Vice President/Executive Editor
ing blue jeans, hooded sweat- states. police said. Joe Butkiewicz...............................970-7249
shirts, black bandanas and Asst. Managing Editor

Changes at charter discussed

black gloves with white dots. Anne Woelfel ..................................970-7232

PITTSTON – James Ratch-

BUILDING TRUST Editorial Page Editor
Mark Jones ....................................970-7305
ford, 25, of 878 Suscon Road, The Times Leader strives to would have replied had he re-
Features Editor
By JANINE UNGVARSKY from the school districts whose Pittston Township, was ar- correct errors, clarify stories ceived the form. Sandra Snyder ...............................970-7383
Times Leader Correspondent students attend the school is still rested and charged with crim- and update them promptly. Director, Interactive and New Media
Corrections will appear in this THE LEAGUE OF Women Vot-
BEAR CREEK TWP. -- Bear up in the air, as are title program inal attempt to commit bur- ers Guide published Monday in Nick DeLorenzo ..............................970-7152
Creek Community Charter funds that pay for several staff glary, criminal trespass, stalk- spot. If you have information to Photo Editor
help us correct an inaccuracy or The Times Leader omitted the
School students and parents members. ing and making terroristic name of Luzerne County Coun-
Clark Van Orden..............................970-7175

alike are happy with the planned In other business, the board re- threats after a string of in- cover an issue more thoroughly,
call the newsroom at 829-7242. cil Republican candidate Edward Community News.........................970-7245
changes to the schedule and cur- viewed and approved a new stu- cidents on Winter Street, city Warkevicz of Lehman Township. E-MAIL
riculum for next year’s fifth- dent handbook that included police said. A member of The Times Leader News tips: [email protected]
through eighth-graders, the changes to the cyber-bullying According to the criminal marketing staff inadvertently Community News: [email protected]
school’s principal reported Mon- policy and the honor roll. The complaint: THE POLITICAL PARTY was removed the information when
day. bullying policy now addresses Police said they were dis- incorrectly listed for Lawrence assembling the page. The in-
Margaret Foster told the cyber attacks on teachers and patched to 119 Winter St. at J. Karnes of Nanticoke, a candi- formation is:
school’s board of trustees she has staff, while membership in the 6:50 p.m. Sunday for a report date in the magisterial district
judge race in 11-3-02 district, in a Edward Warkevicz
met with students and parents in honor roll will now be based on of Rathchford trying to enter Lehman Twp.
separate meetings to lay out the an overall average of grades in all the residence. Police said Sunday story on Page 12B.
Karnes, a Democratic, also was Age: 63 +(ISSN No. 0896-4084)
changes, which include 70-min- subjects instead of the current Crystal Fuller told them she Education: Attended Nevada USPS 499-710
ute class periods to allow for system, which requires students was at the American Legion not included in the election
preview listing on Page 10B. Southern & Plattsburg State;
more in-depth instruction, as to have B averages in all subjects. when Ratchford arrived there PHD in Common Sense Issue No. 2011-137
well as new elective courses. The board also announced drunk and began arguing with LUZERNE COUNTY COUNCIL Occupation: Independent Insur-
“We’ve gotten an overwhelm- that its next regularly scheduled her. She left and went home Democratic candidate Wayne ance Agent [email protected] [email protected]
ingly positive response,” Foster meeting will be June 2 at 6 p.m. and Ratchford came to the Wolfe is listed as “No reply Statement: I will do whatever is Jim McCabe – 829-5000
said, adding that scheduling of in the newly remodeled commu- back door yelling and scream- received” in the League of in the best interest of the coun- [email protected]
Published daily by:
individual students’ classes is un- nity center in the former St. ing for her to let him in. Women Voters Guide published ty taxpayers. In 2004 our coun-
derway and progressing nicely. Christopher’s Church at 2000 Police said she called 911 Monday. The league mailed a ty entered into the Common- Wilkes-Barre Publishing Company
15 N. Main St.
The board also reviewed the Bear Creek Boulevard. and Ratchford then tried to questionnaire to the candidate wealth’s Early Intervention Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
2011-12 draft budget. The prelim- Besides the school board enter through the front door using the street address Wolfe Program for local governments. Periodicals postage paid at
inary spending plan of more than meeting, the building is sched- and then a window. supplied to the Luzerne County Our county government never Wilkes-Barre, PA and additional mailing offices

$4.6 million includes a12 percent uled to host the school’s Junior Ratchford left before police Bureau of Elections. The mailing implemented any recommenda- Postmaster: Send address changes
to Times Leader, 15 N. Main St.,
increase in Blue Cross/Blue National Honor Society induc- arrived and a search for him was returned to the league as tions. Look at county history Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
undeliverable. On Monday, since. My pledge is to the tax-
Shield costs, they were told, and tion ceremony, a school dance was unproductive. About 10 Delivery Monday–Sunday $3.50 per week
Wolfe said he normally gets his payers of Luzerne County. Cut Mailed Subscriptions Monday–Sunday
the amount the school will re- and a volunteer recognition minutes later, police were $4.35 per week in PA
mail at a post office box and he waste, not services.
ceive in tuition reimbursements event. dispatched to the address $4.75 per week outside PA

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 3A

Mailing promoting 8 to be probed

Santorum visiting W-B

F ormer Republican U.S. Sen. Rick
Santorum will visit the Penn-
sylvanians for Human Life Wyoming
Effort backing several Democrats for for Better Government group. “It is going campaign finance violation.
Valley Chapter in
“It is going to be pursued aggressive- makes it clear that a County council candidate Jane Walsh-
County Council is ‘serious violation,’ to be pur- Wilkes-Barre today.
ly,” Piazza said. “It’s a very serious cam- statement is required Waitkus, who is part of the Working
county election chief says. Santorum will visit
paign finance violation, as far as I’m con- sued ag- on all advertisements, Families slate, said she received the
with volunteers of
cerned.” including direct mail- mailing at home and supported the filing
Piazza said he will investigate and for- gressive- ings. of a complaint because her group has
the Pro-Life Center
at 3:45 p.m. to
By JENNIFER LEARN-ANDES ward the complaint to the county Dis- ly.” He said he was par- carefully followed all campaign laws and
discuss ways to
[email protected] trict Attorney’s Office and state Attorney ticularly upset that the believes other candidates should do the
Leonard Piazza encourage the ex-
A union-endorsed slate of 11 Demo- General’s Office. Federal investigators handout card con- same.
Election bureau pansion of the “na-
cratic Luzerne County Council candi- may also be involved because the cam- director tained an altered im- “The people of Luzerne County de- Santorum
tion’s culture of
dates has lodged an official complaint paign material was mailed, he said. He age of the ballot. It said serve better than a shady ‘business-as-
with the county election bureau over a said he cannot estimate the penalties be- it was the official Dem- usual’ approach to politics that has
Santorum will also be available to
mailing promoting eight other Demo- cause multiple violations may be in- ocratic ballot but avoided responsibility in the past and
answer questions about the 2012
cratic candidates. volved. showed only the names of the eight can- disrespected voters,” she said in a re-
presidential race. The Wyoming
County Election Bureau Director Leo- He said he wouldn’t believe that it was didates, he said. lease. “This complaint is not about per-
Valley Chapter Pro-Life Center is
nard Piazza said the mailing did not a printer’s error because three parts of “At least one person was confused, sonalities but about the process itself.”
located at 31 Hanover St., Wilkes-
state who was sending and funding the the mailing – an envelope, letter and thinking that this was something we put According to Walsh-Waitkus, the eight
communication as required by law. He handout card – contained no statement out, and it’s not,” Piazza said. candidates listed in the letter were: John
said he received “far too many com- of who sent and funded the material. Piazza said the illegal campaign cards Adonizio, Michelle Bednar, Stanley WILKES-BARRE
plaints” about the mailing, not just from Ignorance of the law is not an excuse, may not be passed out at the polls today,
the union-endorsed Working Families he said, because the county’s manual on and doing so would constitute a further See MAILING, Page 10A
Forum addresses shale
A community forum on May 25 at

Ex-cop files
Wilkes University will consider
whether a consensus can be reached
on Marcellus Shale development
and, if so, what factors and criteria

second suit
would be needed, along with scien-
tific and engineering data and stud-
ies. Audience members
can ask questions.
Proponents state

vs. officials
Marcellus Shale devel-
opment will provide a
much-needed source of
domestic energy for
decades to come and
Ex-Kingston cop Griffin: Prosecution will offer jobs to thousands of Penn-
sylvanians. They argue that devel-
was malicious. Suit in ’08 dismissed. opment must and should proceed.
Opponents state drilling and hy-
By TERRIE MORGAN-BESECKER draulic fracturing will cause irrepara-
[email protected] ble harm to drinking water supplies,
SCRANTON – A former Kingston po- damage forests and stress municipal-
lice detective who was acquitted of ities in the drilling region. They
charges of impersonating a police officer argue that development should be
has filed a federal lawsuit against several halted until more is known.
law enforcement and municipal officials, Sponsored by the university alum-
alleging he was maliciously prosecuted. ni association and the Institute for
Daniel Griffin of Energy and Environmental Research
Swoyersville says of Northeastern Pennsylvania, the
Kingston’s administra- CLARK VAN ORDEN/THE TIMES LEADER free event will be at 6 p.m. in the
tor, Paul Keating, con- State police searched Orval’s Towing Service in Hunlock Township in an investigation of stolen vehicles. Dorothy Dickson Darte Center for
spired with Police the Performing Arts and is open to

Towing site yields stolen cars

Chief Keith Keiper and the public. Advance registration is
several other people to encouraged. Pre-register at http://
file false charges community.wilkes.edu/marcellus11.
Griffin against him. Panelists include professors, regu-
The action was tak- lators and activists.
en, Griffin alleges, to retaliate against
him because he been an outspoken ad- The state police search was part of auto theft victims visited the towing and Timms contacted state police, who ar- WILKES-BARRE
vocate for the police union and had sup-
ported a political candidate who had op-
a regional investigation. salvage operator and found his vehicle
rived and discovered in plain view two
other vehicles that had been reported sto- King’s College honored
posed Mayor Jim Haggerty in his 2006 According to the affidavit: len. Police then obtained a search war- The Corporation for National and
election bid for the state Senate. By TERRIE MORGAN-BESECKER State police at the Wyoming and Dun- rant. Community Service has named
Haggerty on Monday denied the alle- [email protected] more barracks and the Hanover Town- Timms’ truck and five other vehicles King’s College to the President’s
gations and blasted Griffin, saying his HUNLOCK TWP. – State police inves- ship Police Department began investigat- were seized from the business, according Higher Education Community Ser-
credibility is shot by virtue of his arrest tigating the theft of 10 cars and trucks ing the thefts in January after the owner to the search warrant. vice Honor Roll for the fifth consec-
in 2007 on forgery and theft charges. that were left on area roadways after they of a 1996 Lumina that became disabled The business is owned by George Or- utive year based on exemplary ser-
“People need to know about Dan Grif- became disabled discovered several of along Interstate 81 near exit 170 reported val, 61, according to the affidavit. vice efforts during the 2009-10 aca-
fin is he is not some aggrieved ex-em- the vehicles on the property of a local returning to retrieve the vehicle, only to No charges had been filed against Or- demic year.
ployee. He is a guy who is a twice-con- towing operator, according to a search find it was missing. val or anyone else as of Monday evening. King’s is the only Wyoming Valley
victed criminal,” Haggerty said. warrant. During the next two months, police re- A man who identified himself as Ge- institution of higher learning to be
The suit, filed by attorney Don Bailey The search, conducted on May 12 at ceived reports of nine more disabled vehi- orge Orval hung up on a reporter who named to the honor roll each year
of Harrisburg, is the latest in a series of Orval’s Towing Service on Garden Drive, cles that were missing. In each case the phoned the business Monday before any since its 2006 launch, according to a
legal actions Griffin has taken against was part of an ongoing investigation into owners had contacted local police depart- questions could be asked. press release.
the municipality since he was fired in the theft of vehicles in various areas of Lu- ments and learned the vehicles had not Hanover Township Police Chief Al “Of all the things accomplished
December 2007 after being charged with zerne and Lackawanna counties over the been removed under police authority. Walker said the investigation into the during the 12 years that I’ve served
theft and forgery relating to reimburse- past five months. On May 12, one of the victims, David theft is continuing. He declined to com- King’s as its president, I’m most
ment he sought from the police depart- The search warrant affidavit, prepared Timms, visited Orval’s Towing Service ment further. proud about the degree to which the
ment for the purchase of a gun. by Trooper John McGeary of the depart- and found his 2001Ford F-150, which was college community has dedicated
Griffin was convicted in September ment’s auto theft division, says the search stolen from state Route 29 in Plymouth Terrie Morgan-Besecker, a Times Leader itself in service to
2008 of altering a receipt to show he paid of Orval’s was prompted after one of the Township the day before. staff writer, may be reached at 570-829-7179. people in need
$300 more for the weapon than the ac- locally, nationally
tual purchase price. He was acquitted of and international-

Crash fatalities ID’d as Stillwater man, woman

charges that he had forged a former po- ly,” said the Rev.
lice chief’s signature on a form to obtain Thomas O’Hara,
reimbursement for the weapon. president. “During
In 2008, Griffin filed a federal lawsuit the 2009-2010 aca-
against Kingston relating to the 2007 ar- Times Leader Staff demic year, King’s O’Hara
rest. That suit, which also alleged retal- FAIRMOUNT TWP. – Two people students combined
iation, was dismissed this February by a who died in a two-vehicle crash Sunday for more than 182,847 service hours,
federal judge, who ruled Griffin had not night on Route 118 in Fairmont Town- the equivalent of almost 21 years.”
presented sufficient evidence to support ship near Ricketts Glen State Park were The Community Service Honor
his allegations. identified Monday. Roll is the highest federal recog-
The latest lawsuit stems from Griffin’s According to state police at Shick- nition a school can achieve for com-
May 13, 2009, arrest by Wilkes-Barre po- shinny, Tina Christ, 26, and Joseph E. mitment to service-learning and civic
lice based on a warrant issued by the Reabuck, 28, both of Stillwater, were engagement.
Fleetwood Police Department in Berks killed when a 2001 Volkswagen Jetta, More than 90 percent of King’s
County. Police said Griffin falsely identi- operated by Christ, was traveling west students participated in service ef-
fied himself as a police officer to a Fleet- and failed to negotiate a left curve. forts last year and the average stu-
wood officer who stopped him for speed- The vehicle traveled off the roadway, dent dedicated more than 75 hours
ing on May 7, 2009. then returned to the roadway and cross- to their efforts.
Griffin was taken into custody by ed into the eastbound lane into the path
Wilkes-Barre police as he exited an un- of a 1999 Chevrolet Trailblazer, operat- SCRANTON
employment compensation hearing in ed by Sheri Strachen, 43, of Sweet Val-
Wilkes-Barre. He was also charged with ley, state police said. Probe into prostitution
carrying a firearm without a license after Strachen and her passenger, Robert
U.S. Attorney Peter J. Smith has
a gun was found inside his vehicle, which Strachen, 35, also of Sweet Valley, were
announced a press conference will be
he had driven to the hearing. flown to Geisinger Medical Center in
held today to provide information
A Berks County judge acquitted Grif- Danville. BILL TARUTIS/FOR THE TIMES LEADER
regarding an ongoing investigation
fin of the impersonation charges after a The fatal crash occurred around 7:30 Medical personnel from the Geisinger Life Flight respond after a fatal crash
into prostitution and money launder-
trial in March 2010. He was tried sepa- p.m., and Christ and Reabuck were pro- Sunday in Fairmount Township.
rately on the gun charge in Luzerne nounced dead at the scene by Luzerne
The press conference will be held
County Court and was found guilty by County Coroner John Corcoran at ap- scene were Fairmount Township Fire/ tain Medic Unit.
at 2 p.m. at the federal courthouse.
Judge Hugh Mundy. proximately 9:30 p.m. EMS, Sweet Valley Fire/EMS, North The roadway had been shut down for
Smith did not provide any additional
State Trooper Joseph Pericci is the in- Valley Fire/EMS, Benton Fire/EMS, several hours after the crash and was re-
See LAWSUIT , Page 10A vestigating officer. Assisting at the Berwick Medic Unit and Back Moun- opened shortly after 11 p.m.

PAGE 4A TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 ➛ N E W S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Imprisoned crime boss found guilty of New York gangland hit

By TOM HAYS his meticulously groomed hair, Frank said in his closing argu- duction into the family. ciano took credit for the murder Nicholas Garaufis asked the Jus-
Associated Press sharp suits and hot temper. ment. On tape, Basciano confided to protect the real killer — a tice Department to reconsider
NEW YORK — A tough-talking Jurors heard one recording of Prosecutors alleged that Bas- that he gave the order to whack friend in the Bonannos who acted bringing a death penalty case —
New York City mobster who’s al- Basciano boasting, “I’m a hoo- ciano — while seizing control of Pizzolo, explaining, “He’s a dan- without proper permission — which at the time had already cost
ready serving a life sentence for dlum, I’m a tough guy. Whatever the Bonannos as acting boss in gerous kid that doesn’t ... listen.” “from the wrath of Joseph Massi- taxpayers more than $3 million —
attempted murder was convicted happens, happens. Let’s go.” 2004 after Massino was jailed — Another turncoat mobster tes- no.” His lawyer described Massi- against a defendant who was al-
Monday in a death penalty case The tape was evidence that the orchestrated the killing of mob as- tified that the killing was meant to no and other turncoats who testi- ready serving life without parole
accusing him of ordering a gan- 51-year-old defendant is “a cold- sociate Randolph Pizzolo. The send the message that Basciano fied for the government as deceit- for a 2007 conviction. But prose-
gland killing to blooded remorseless killer,” As- slaying was payback for a drunken “doesn’t play around.” ful opportunists. cutors decided to press ahead
cement his rise sistant U.S. Attorney Stephen tirade by Pizzolo demanding in- The defense claimed that Bas- Last year, U.S. District Judge anyway.
to power in the
Bonanno orga-
nized crime
A Brooklyn
jury had delib-
Basciano erated over the
course of four
days before finding Vincent “Vin-
ny Gorgeous” Basciano guilty of
murder, racketeering, conspiracy
and other charges.
The federal trial of the one-time
owner of the Hello Gorgeous
beauty salon featured testimony
by former Bonanno boss Joseph
Massino, the highest-ranking
member of the city’s five Italian
organized crime families to break
their sacred vow of silence and
testify against one of their own.
Massino, 68, began talking
with investigators after his 2004
conviction for orchestrating a
quarter-century’s worth of mur-
der, racketeering and other
crimes as he rose through the
ranks of the Bonannos. The
bloodshed included the shotgun
slayings of three rival captains
and the execution of a mobster
who vouched for FBI undercover
agent Donnie Brasco in the 1980s.
Brasco’s story became a movie
starring Johnny Depp and Al Paci-
While imprisoned together in
2005, the former Bonanno boss
agreed to wear a wire and betray
Basciano, a gangster known for

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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ N A T I O N & W O R L D TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 5A

I N B R I E F “It is in the DNA of our great country to reach for the stars and explore.
We must not stop.” -- Mark Kelly, Shuttle commander


Preparing for battle re-enactment

Henry Davies, 5, of Chester, Md., looks
at his brother, James Davies, 18, as the
Confederate re-enactors line up for
inspection Sunday before the Battle of
New Market in New Market, Va.


Four GIs killed in blast The space shuttle Endeavour lifts off Monday from Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla. It’s the next-to-last flight for the shuttle fleet.

Giffords watches shuttle’s liftoff

F our American soldiers serving with
NATO forces in Afghanistan died
Monday in an explosion in the coun-
try’s south, NATO and a defense de-
partment official said, bringing home
the human cost of the U.S.-led push
into Taliban strongholds.
The official said they were hit by an
improvised explosive device. He spoke Husband Mark Kelly is Endeavour’s him. old day care owner got goosebumps credible ship.”
on condition of anonymity because NASA is winding down its 30-year-old watching the liftoff with thousands “It is in the DNA of our great country
relatives of those killed were still being skipper. Craft is on its final mission.
shuttle program before embarking on along Highway 1 in Titusville. to reach for the stars and explore. We
notified. The latest deaths make a total something new. The liftoff generated Launch manager Mike Moses must not stop,” he said.
of 16 NATO service members killed so By MARCIA DUNN the kind of excitement seldom seen on apologized for the fleeting Remarkably, Giffords made a return
far this month, and 167 so far this year. AP Aerospace Writer Florida’s Space Coast on such a grand glimpse. “The view wasn’t visit to see Kelly off. She is still under-
The news came as the second-rank- CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Endeav- scale — despite a delay of more than the best,” he said. going rehabilitation in a Houston hospi-
ing U.S. general in Afghanistan said our blasted off on NASA’s next-to-last two weeks from the original Just before launching, Kel- tal to recover from a gunshot wound to
Monday it was too early to tell if the shuttle flight, thundering through launch date because of an electri- ly thanked all the who put the head in an assassination attempt lit-
killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin clouds into orbit Monday morning as cal problem. hands “on this in- tle more than four months ago. She has
Laden in Pakistan will have an impact the mission commander’s wounded Monday’s countdown weakness on her right side, and difficul-
on the Afghan war effort. wife, Gabrielle Giffords, watched along was close to perfect, ty speaking.
with an exhilarated crowd estimated in and the shuttle quickly The Arizona congresswoman, sitting
the hundreds of thousands. disappeared into in a wheelchair, watched the launch in
Kerry helps smooth ties “Good stuff, good stuff,” Giffords was
quoted as saying by her chief of staff as
thin, low clouds.
“That was four
private with her mother and the other
astronauts’ wives and children atop the
Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., and top Endeavour took flight for the final time. seconds of cool,” STS-134 Launch Control Center.
Pakistani officials on Monday agreed Husband Mark Kelly, the shuttle’s skip- said Manny Kario- commander Mark There were hugs all around after the
the U.S. and Islamabad would work per, had red tulips presented to her af- takis, who was vis- Kelly waves before shuttle rocketed away, said the con-
together against “high-value targets,” a terward. She wore his wedding ring on a iting from Mon- boarding Endeavour gresswoman’s chief of staff, Pia Caru-
move to ease intensely strained U.S.- silver chain while he carried hers with treal. The 50-year- for its last flight. sone.
Pakistan relations following Osama bin
Laden’s killing by U.S. commandos.

IMF chief to remain jailed in NYC Obama visits

Kerry, chairman of the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee, delivered a
stern message to Islamabad that Wash-
ington would not tolerate Pakistan
providing sanctuary to al-Qaida and
allied militant groups that target West-
ern interests. Pakistani officials were
Dominique Strauss-Kahn Strauss-Kahn might appeal
the bail denial.
victims as
river rolls on
furious about not being informed of the charged with trying to
Strauss-Kahn is accused of
May 2 mission at the bin Laden com- rape a maid at a hotel. attacking a maid who had
pound, which U.S. officials said was
gone in to clean his pen-
necessary to maintain secrecy.
thouse suite Saturday after-
In a joint statement, the two sides
announced they had agreed to work
By JENNIFER PELTZ noon at a luxury hotel near Mississippi flooding expected to
Associated Press Times Square. He is charged
together “in any future actions against cost billions of dollars.
high-value targets in Pakistan.” NEW YORK — Haggard with attempted rape, sex
and unshaven after a week- abuse, a criminal sex act, un-
TRIPOLI, LIBYA end in jail, the chief of the In- lawful imprisonment and for- By TINA SUSMAN
ternational Monetary Fund cible touching. The most se- and MICHAEL MUSKAL
Gadhafi warrant sought was denied release on bail
Monday on charges of trying
rious charge carries five to 25
years in prison.
Los Angeles Times
NEW ORLEANS — President Ba-
The International Criminal Court’s to rape a hotel maid as allega- Strauss-Kahn, who has rack Obama met with victims of the
chief prosecutor sought arrest warrants tions of other, similar attacks headed the international flooding that rocked Memphis, Tenn.,
Monday for Libyan leader Moammar by Dominique Strauss-Kahn lending agency since 2007, as officials in Louisiana continued to
Gadhafi, his son and the country’s began to spill out. was in New York on personal fight the river waters raging farther
intelligence chief for authorizing the In France, a lawyer for a AP PHOTO business and was paying his south.
killing of civilians in a crackdown on novelist said the writer is own way, so he cannot claim Memphis came within inches of set-
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the International Mone-
anti-government rebels.
likely to file a criminal com- tary Fund, waits to be arraigned Monday in Manhattan. diplomatic immunity, the ting a new flood record when the Mis-
Gadhafi’s government denied the
plaint accusing Strauss-Kahn IMF said. He could seek that sissippi River crested last week. The
of sexually assaulting her with the European debt cri- judge. The 62-year-old, sil- protection only if he were damage in Memphis is expected to be in
The international warrants could
nine years ago. A French law- sis, and upended French ver-haired Strauss-Kahn said conducting official business, the hundreds of millions of dollars.
further isolate Gadhafi and his inner
maker accused him of attack- presidential politics. Strauss- nothing as a lawyer pro- spokesman William Murray “We’re there for you, and we’re grate-
circle and potentially complicate the
options for a negotiated settlement. ing other maids in previous Kahn, a member of France’s fessed his innocence and said. ful for your resilience,” the White House
But they also could harden Gadhafi’s stays at the same luxury ho- Socialist party, was widely strove in vain to get him re- The French newspaper Le quoted the president as telling a group
resolve to stand and fight. tel. And in New York, prose- considered the strongest po- leased on bail. Monde, citing people close of people with whom he met for about
Because the United Nations Security cutors said they are working tential challenger next year The judge ruled against to Strauss-Kahn, said he had 35 minutes.
Council ordered the ICC investigation, to verify reports of at least to President Nicolas Sarkozy. him after prosecutors reserved the $3,000-a-night Obama met with the group at the
U.N. member states would be obliged one other case. Making his first appear- warned that the wealthy suite at the Sofitel hotel for Cook Convention Center in Memphis.
to arrest him if he ventured into their Strauss-Kahn’s weekend ance on the sex charges, a banker might flee to France. one night for a quick trip to He also gave the commencement
territory. arrest rocked the financial grim-looking Strauss-Kahn Defense attorney Benja- have lunch with his daughter, speech at Booker T. Washington High
Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo world as the IMF grapples stood slumped before a min Brafman told reporters who is studying in New York. School, which won a White House con-
said he was seeking warrants against test to earn the president’s appearance.
Gadhafi, his son, Seif al-Islam Gadhafi, The Mississippi River crested at near-

Attorney: Imam will fight terror charges

and intelligence chief Abdullah al- ly 48 feet last week in Memphis.
Sanoussi for ordering, planning and The damage to homes, businesses
participating in illegal attacks. and crops is expected to be in the bil-
lions of dollars.
CHICAGO The Army Corps of Engineers has
By CURT ANDERSON allegedly worked to funnel at least taken steps to ease the pain of the flood-
Emanuel becomes mayor AP Legal Affairs Writer $50,000 to the Pakistani Taliban, which ing, which has been like a slow-moving
After he took the oath of office Mon- MIAMI — An elderly Muslim cleric violently opposes Pakistan’s govern- train, winding its way through the
day to become Chicago’s 46th mayor, charged with supporting Pakistani ter- ment and the U.S., prosecutors said. South. The corps blew up a levee in Mis-
Rahm Emanuel laid out the challenges rorists will plead not guilty and should The younger Khan, also an imam at a souri to protect Cairo, Ill., and opened
ahead: improving schools, ending gun not be prejudged simply because of the mosque in suburban Margate, was giv- spillways downriver to try to relieve the
violence and downsizing a city govern- seriousness of the case, his defense at- en a week to hire a lawyer after a judge pressure of the waters on levees.
ment taxpayers can no longer afford. torney said Monday. decided he didn’t qualify for a public At least nine gates at the Morganza
And he asked Chicagoans, the City “We only have the government’s defender. A hearing was set for May 23 Spillway, about 40 miles north of Baton
Council and the business community side. He intends to challenge it,” said on whether either man will be released Rouge, were open as of Monday morn-
to help him. Khurrum Wahid, attorney for 76-year- on bail. The U.S. wants them kept in ing, and the number is expected to grow
“Our problems are large, but so is old Hafiz Muhammad Sher Ali Khan. custody until trial because they are a to 12.
our capacity to solve them — only if all “I’d ask the public to keep an open danger to the community and a flight AP PHOTO The flooding in mainly rural Cajun
those who profess a love for this City of mind. I have no question that through risk, prosecutor John Shipley said. Hafiz Muhammed Sher Ali Khan, 76, country was designed to protect Baton
Big Shoulders are willing to bear the this process we’re going to vindicate Another son, 37-year-old Irfan Khan, right, and one of his sons, 24-year-old Rouge and New Orleans from even
responsibility for keeping it strong,” Mr. Khan.” was arrested in Los Angeles and was Izhar Khan, left, are shown in this worse damage as the river crest worked
Emanuel told a crowd. Khan, imam at the Miami Mosque, scheduled to appear in court there later courtroom drawing. its way south.
In his speech, former White House and his son Izhar Khan, 24, appeared in Monday. He will eventually be trans- The efforts seem to be having some
Chief of Staff Emanuel paid tribute to federal court for the first time since ferred to Miami to stand trial. The Each of the four terrorism support effect, officials said. The Mississippi is
outgoing Mayor Richard Daley but also their arrests on charges of conspiracy three other people indicted in the case, charges against the suspects carries a cresting about 2.5 feet down from earli-
reiterated campaign themes about and providing material support to ter- including two other Khan relatives, are maximum 15-year prison sentence, ac- er projections in both New Orleans and
difficult decisions that loom. rorists. They are among six people who believed to be in Pakistan. cording to prosecutors. Baton Rouge.

PAGE 6A TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 ➛ N E W S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Tech center
OKs contracts Dr. David Kistler
for workers
Times Leader Correspondent
PLAINS TWP. -- Summer staff-
will be honored
ing and preparations filled the Unselfish devotion to children BIOGRAPHY
agenda for Monday’s meeting of
and their educations brings Age: 87
the Wilkes-Barre Career & Techni- Hometown: Wilkes-Barre
cal Center joint operating commit- the Bevevino Award. Education: A graduate of Meyers
tee. High School,
The committee approved sum- Colgate Uni-
versity and
mer contracts for shop and practi- By STEVE MOCARSKY
cal nursing instructors, as well as [email protected] Medical College
other positions. WILKES-BARE – The Luzerne (now called
Graphic arts instructor Joseph Foundation will honor a local Drexel).
icon in the health field on Board director-
Ladd, electrical instructor David ships: Wilkes-
Namey and Eugene Marley, ware- JASON RIEDMILLER/FOR THE TIMES LEADER Wednesday, but not for his contri- Barre Board of
housing deliveries, were each ap- U.S. Rep. Tom Marino, Lackawanna Heritage Valley Authority Executive Director Natalie Gelb butions to medicine. Education,
proved for summer contracts at Solfanelli and Lackawanna County Commissioner Corey O’Brien study a Heritage Trail map. Dr. David W. Kistler will re- Wilkes-Barre Area Vocational-Tech-
$28 per hour, not to exceed 300 ceive the Mary Bevevino Com- nical School, Wilkes-Barre Board of

A big step for the Heritage Trail

hours. Practical nursing instructor munity Service Award at the Health and the Pennsylvania Acade-
foundation’s annual meeting and my of Family Physicians.
Julie Ross was also approved for a Honors/Awards: Family Physician of
community celebration at Genet-
maximum of 160 hours at $28 per the Year in 1999, Geisinger Medical
ti Hotel & Conference Center. Group Kistler Clinic in Wilkes-Barre,
hour to assist with preparation for “Dr. David Kistler is legendary Kistler Learning Center at Geisinger
the 2011-12 National League for in the Wyoming Valley and in Wyoming Valley Medical Center in
Nursing re-accreditation. Congressman Marino joins in Sewer Authority. When com- BIKE TOUR SET
Northeastern Pennsylvania for Plains Township, Kistler Family
Approval was also given for the pleted, it will create a contin- the quality of care he has provid- Medicine Residency at Geisinger and
celebration of a grant for a The Lackawanna Heritage Valley
David W. Kistler Elementary School
organization of a week-long sum- uous eight-mile stretch of trail Authority will host its Heritage ed to people during his long and
mer workshop for principals, coun- vital expansion. in the county, according to Explorer Bike Tour and Festival illustrious medical career over 53 in Wilkes-Barre.
selors and teachers at a total cost LHVA Executive Director Na- on Saturday, June 18, beginning years,” said Charles Barber, presi-
for salaries and supplies not to ex- talie Gelb Solfanelli. at 8 a.m. at Mellow Park in Peck- dent and CEO of the foundation.
ceed $10,000, and for 40 summer By CHRISTOPHER J. HUGHES The grant is one of three that ville. The family-friendly event, “But what might not be fully fund.
hours for Capstone Coordinator [email protected] LHVA received for this portion which benefits the Lackawanna understood by many people is his Student applications are eval-
River Heritage Trail, offers five-, passion and dedication for build-
Sean Moran to supervise students ARCHBALD – When he’s at of the trail. Others include a uated by the principal and facul-
11-, 22- and 44-mile courses and a
at job sites, if needed. home in Lycoming Township, $300,000 Appalachia Regional Tot Tour for young riders. Regis-
ing a foundation for quality edu- ty, and the winners are chosen
Other staffing approvals includ- U.S. Rep. Tom Marino said he Commission grant, and finan- tration is $30 for adults and $45 cation,” Barber said. “based on their scholarship, char-
ed: the reappointment of special- often enjoys a bike ride with his cial support from PennDOT to- for a family of six. Visit www.her- Ever since the David W. Kistler acter and citizenship – what did
education aides Ruth Pieczynski, family. tals $632,832, according to itageexplorer.org for details. Elementary School, just a few they do for their community and
blocks from his South Wilkes- their school,” Kistler said.
Richard Wolensky and Geraldine “There’s nothing we enjoy documents provided by LHVA.
Barre home, was named in his The students must continue to
Yenchak for 2011-12 at a rate of $12 better than, in Lycoming Coun- The funding from the De- have progressive park systems.
honor in 1974, Kistler “has been do well in high school to receive
per hour and 10 sick days; reap- ty, getting on our bike path. It’s partment of Transportation It’s a key component in our there as often as he could be,” the award, he said.
pointment of Arlene Hooper- at the top of the dike, and you was one of 94 approved in 39 long-term economic develop- supporting the school and its stu- “The feedback we get is that
Walsh as hall monitor for the 2011- can see all over the city and get states from hundreds of appli- ment,” Lackawanna County dents in whatever way he could, they appreciate the help. Even
12 school year at $12 per hour plus a beautiful view of the river,” cations. Two other projects Commissioner Corey O’Brien Barber said. those who don’t win the award
benefits, effective Aug. 30; added Marino said of the 60-mile, were approved in Pennsylva- said. “We hope to have a com- In 1998, Kistler established the try for it and do better in school
Jane Eileen Nicholson to the ap- round-trip ride. nia. mercial district along the Lack- Dr. David W. Kistler Scholarship than they would have otherwise.
proved substitute list. Due to a grant formally an- Solfanelli said the freshman awanna River. That’s what this Fund of the Luzerne Foundation. Students will tell me that they’re
In other business, the commit- nounced Monday, Marino may congressman immediately de- trail provides. Barber said the “modest gifts going to try to win the award. It’s
tee: have similar opportunities on a veloped an interest in the local “This is not merely a bike in the thousands of dollars” very rewarding to hear that sort
•Renewed the service contract return visit to the Lackawanna heritage-themed work being path. It’s a pathway to our fu- awarded to each students are not of thing,” Kistler said. “Medicine
with IntegriTec Inc, Pittston, to County portion of his congres- completed. ture.” paid until the students graduate was my vocation. Education is
provide water treatment service at sional district. “He’s been very engaged in And it’s one the congressman from high school. “It helps kids my avocation.”
an annual cost of $1,650. Marino, R-Lycoming Town- learning about what we do and hopes to return to. fulfill their dreams of going to Since 2000, the foundation has
•Extended the electricity sup- ship, joined representatives of about the trail, and he immedi- “I’m a biker. My kids and I, college, and it has helped magnif- honored county residents who
ply program through the Pennsyl- the Lackawanna Heritage Val- ately joined a bipartisan caucus we’re biking all the time. … icently,” Barber said. have made significant, positive
Kistler, 87, said he began look- impacts on the area.
vania Energy Consortium for a 29 ley Authority along Gilmartin of congressmen who have parts When we travel, we want to go
ing for a way “to give something Kistler said news that he will
month term starting in January Street in Archbald on Monday of heritage areas in their dis- somewhere where we can walk
back” when the school was receive the Bevevino award is
2012 and ending June 2014. afternoon to announce an trict,” she said of Marino. among nature, get on our bicy- named after him and started giv- humbling.
•Approved payment of $82.50 $831,825 Federal Highway Ad- Completed portions of the cles and ride in a safe commu- ing gifts such as film projectors, “I was surprised, but I was very
to John G. Dean, Esq., for general ministration Grant awarded for trail are used daily by residents nity with nice restaurants and “anything to help make students’ pleased and gratified because it
and business services pertaining to the Lackawanna River Heri- of the Mid Valley, Solfanelli good people. That’s what we lives a little more enriching.” comes from an organization that
the Right to Know Act. tage Trail. said. have here in Archbald,” he said. Then, shortly after the Luzerne does so much good. The motto of
•Approved the purchase of 25 The grant adds a one-mile But the path does more than “This is a quintessential ex- Foundation came into existence, the foundation is ‘Here for good,’
digital photography textbooks section of the Powdermill Rail- add a scenic route as an amen- ample of what our tax dollars he sought the foundation’s assist- and indeed they are,” Kistler
from Cengage at $45 each for a to- Trail from Gilmartin Street to ity to the Casey Byway. are doing. I look forward to en- ance to start up the scholarship said.
tal cost of $1,125. the Lackawanna River Basin “Progressive communities joying the trail myself.”

CODE CITATIONS no rental license and no rental

inspection; owner, Ron Nat, 17
• 26 Park Ave.; no rental
738 Crown St., Brooklyn,
N.Y.; result: Notice of Vio-
Cops: Woman’s death may be a homicide
Lowry Ave., Wharton, N.J.; inspection and no rental license; lation. The Associated Press unresponsive and was taken to
WILKES-BARRE – The City result: $1,500 fine. owner, Joe and Sandra Tirpak, • 323 Weston Lane; unsafe MILFORD — State police in Bon Secours Hospital in Port
of Wilkes-Barre Code Enforce- • 314 Barney St., Apt. 1 and 2; 21 Freeman St., Wilkes-Barre; structure, owner, David Ge- Pike County said the death of a Jervis, N.Y., where she was pro-
ment Office released the list of no rental license and no rental result: $1,000 fine. latko, 15 Cedar Road, Plains woman during the weekend is nounced dead.
code citations issued during inspection; owner, Ron Nat, 17 DISTRICT C Township; result, Notice of being treated as a homicide. A 34-year-old man found un-
April. To report any Code Vio- Lowry Ave., Wharton, N.J.; • 112-114 S. Meade St.; unsafe Violation. State police said they were responsive in the home was al-
lations, please contact 208-4139. result, $1,500 fine. structure; owner, Curt Schwarz- DISTRICT E called to a home in Dingman so taken to the hospital, but of-
DISTRICT A • 22 Stanley St.; no rental walder, 112 S. Meade St., Wilkes- • 829 N. Pennsylvania Township’s Hillside Terrace at ficials said they couldn’t pro-
• 543 S. Main St., unsafe license, no rental inspection and Barre; result, Notice of Violation Ave.; unsafe structure; owner: 2:45 a.m. Saturday about a pos- vide information about his con-
structure; owners, Edward and no property manager; owner, • 174 S. Grant St.; no rental Walter Savage, 833 N. Penn- sible domestic dispute. dition.
Janice Horn, 177 Matson Ave.; Wojcieck and Jolanta Lampar- license, no rental inspection, sylvania Ave., Wilkes-Barre; Holly Kruger, 32, was found
result, Notice of Violation. ski, 14 Creek Ct., Easton; result, and no property manager; own- result, Notice of Violation.
• 545 S. Main St.; unsafe $4,000 fine. er, Griselda Urena, 52 Stone- • 77 Courtright Ave.; no ROOF SPECIALISTYEAR ROUND
structure; owner, Judy Rosen- • 15 Smith St.; unsafe struc- heights Drive, Waterford, Conn.; rental inspection and no ARMANDO Mister “V” Construction
Specializing in all types of Roofs,
grant, 545 S. Main St.; result:
Notice of Violation.
ture; owner, Edmund Markow-
ski, ETUX, 15 Smith St., Wilkes-
result: $1,500 fine.
rental license; owner, Harold
Condry, 77 Courtright Ave.,
CONSTRUCTION Siding, Chimneys and Roof Repairs
• 296-298 Barney St.; no Barre; result: unfit for human • 106-108 Railroad St.; unsafe Wilkes-Barre; result, $1,000 √ Roofing Licensed & Insured • 29 Years Exp.
rental license or no rental in- habitation. structure; owner, Rohan Harry, fine.
spections; owner, Ron Nat, 17 √ Siding
Lowry Ave., Wharton, N.J.;
result: $1,500 fine.
PLUSH $589
Kielbassi & Meat Market Kielbassi & Meat Market CARPET
Based On
40 Sq. Yds.
• 306 Barney St., Apt. 1 and
2; no rental license and no rent- a name you can trust OPEN YEAR ROUND OPEN YEAR ROUND √ Additions
al inspection; owner, Ron Nat, 991-0750 GROUND CHUCK FETCH’S FAMOUS Call (570) 436-1500
COLE SLAW $2.49 lb. (570) 751-6085
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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ N E W S TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 7A

Robert Jakoboski Donald ‘Nick’ Turner Rev. James Slapinski

May 12, 2011 May 16, 2011 May 14, 2011

R obert P. Jakoboski, 37, of Laurel

Street, Plains Township, passed
away Thursday, May 12, 2011, at
D onald “Nick” Turner, 71, of
Chestnut Street, Glen Lyon,
passed away Monday morning, May
nald Turner and his wife, Kathleen,
both of Nanticoke; daughters Ann T he Rev. James H. Slapinski, 82,
of Mountain Top, was called
home by his Lord Saturday, May 14,
Marie Gregory and her husband,
Wilkes-Barre General Hospital sur- 16, 2011, at Hospice Community James, Glen Lyon, and Debbie Hu- 2011, at the Mountaintop Senior
rounded by his loving family. Care Inpatient Unit, Geisinger dack and her husband, Danny, Care and Rehabilitation Center.
Born in Wilkes-Barre, he is a son of South Wilkes-Barre, surrounded by Wilkes-Barre; son-in-law Tom Bralc- Born in Wilkes-Barre, he was a
Robert B. and Mary Drahus Jakobos- his loving family. zyk, Glen Lyon; grandchildren, son of the late Joseph and Myrtle
ki, Plains Township. Nick was born on October 5, Grace Turner, Jacob Turner, Rachel (Stucker) Slapinski.
Growing up, Rob was a fun-loving 1939. He was a son of the late Do- Schrader, James Gregory, Thomas A graduate of the former Fair-
kid, who loved his family and friends. nald and Beatrice (Howard) Turner. Bralczyk, Wendy Bralczyk, Daniel view High School, he married Jose-
He had a kind heart and enjoyed help- He attended Newport Township Hudack, Kristen Hudack, Kandice phine Elick Slapinski in 1948.
ing others. Robert always saw the Schools, and was employed by the Bross, Kyle Avery, and Jaquelyn Av- He was the father of a 2-year-old
good in people and had a kind word Pennsylvania Department of Trans- ery; several great-grandchildren; son when he felt a call to the minis-
about everyone. Even in the end he portation. brothers Frank Turner, Glen Lyon, try.
helped others by being an organ do- Nick was very active in the politi- and Ralph Turner, New Jersey; sis- He then furthered his education
cal field. He was a Newport Town- ters, Betty Bogdan and Mary at Lycoming College and Lancaster
nor. It’s nice knowing a part of Rob
ship Democratic Committee man Schwartz of Glen Lyon; Ruth Soley,
will still be in this world. Theological Seminary.
for many years. He was also a mem- Larksville; and Daisy Gregory, Con-
He was preceded in death by his friend, Brandi Lenzi.
ber of the Italian American Sporting Rev. Slapinski served his first years.
necticut, as well as numerous nieces He followed the Phillies baseball
grandparents, Harry and Mary Skiro We would like to thank the nurses Club in Glen Lyon. charge as student pastor in Clear-
and nephews.
Drahus, and Alex and Frances Salek and doctors of WBGH CCU, for their He was an avid Philadelphia Phil- Funeral services for Nick will be field County. Returning to this area, team’s successes, even on the day of
Jakoboski. great care and compassion. lies and Eagles fan. held at 11 a.m. Thursday from the he then served the Skinners Eddy his death, when they lost.
Robert is survived by his parents, A Memorial Service will be held Nick will be sadly missed by his Methodist charge. Moving to the A humorist all his life, he mas-
George A. Strish Inc. Funeral Home,
Robert and Mary, whom he loved at 6 p.m. Thursday at the Yeosock Fu- family and friends. He was a true 211 West Main Street, Glen Lyon, Lancaster area, he served the Glen queraded as George W. Bush to
deeply; children, “his three greatest neral Home, 40 South Main Street, friend to all. with Pastor Carol Coleman officiat- Moore parish. Successive pasto- medical personnel when asked his
joys in life,” Kaitlyn, Robert and Bran- Plains Township, with the Rev. John He was preceded in death by his ing. Interment will be held in St. rates were in Huntingdon and Mif- name.
don; sister and brother-in-law, Kelly Victoria of St Nicholas Church offi- wife, the former Louise Mayewski; Adalbert’s Cemetery, Glen Lyon. flin counties. In addition to his parents, Rev.
and Roger Norton; aunt, Pat; uncles, ciating. Family and Friends may call daughter Kathy Bralczyk; and Family and friends may call from 5 He then accepted a position with Slapinski was preceded in death by
Allen, and Thomas; niece, Ashley, from 5 to 6 p.m. Thursday. brother John Turner. to 8 p.m. Wednesday evening and the Boy Scouts of America as a dis- his sister, Dorothy Kramer; and an
“his sunshine”; nephew, Tommy; In lieu of flowers, memorial dona- Surviving are his sons, Gerald from10 a.m. until the time of service trict executive in Gettysburg, where infant granddaughter, Keisha.
cousins, Faith, and Eric; and his girl- tions may be made to the family. Turner and his wife, Joni, and Do- at 11 a.m. on Thursday. he instituted the Gettysburg Heri- Surviving in addition to his wife
tage Trail Award in conjunction “Jo” are his son, Alan J., and wife,
with the National Park Service. As a Linda, Saltsburg, Pa.; daughters,
Scouting professional, he also Holly, Lutherville, Md., twin daugh-
Donna Elizabeth Johnson John Schmidt served the National Capital Area ters, Amy Ulrich, and husband Ri-
chard, Clearwater, Fla., and Jamie
Council in northern Virginia, the
May 16, 2011 Collins, and husband, James, No-
May 14, 2011 Shenandoah Area Council in Win-
kesville, Va.; as well as five grand-
chester, Va., and the former Forest children, and nine great-grandchil-
Donna Eliza-
beth Johnson, 67,
Order of the Eastern Star, Chapter
396, Dallas.
ohn R. Schmidt, 76, of Hanover
Township, passed away Monday
May 16, 2011, following a
wife, the former Madelene Bryce,
with whom he would have celebrat-
Lakes Council, Scranton.
Returning to the ministry, he
A celebration of his life will be
ed 55 years of marriage on June 8, served the Forest City, Pa., United held at the Christ United Methodist
beloved wife, de- The family would like to thank the courageous battle with brain cancer. 2011; children, Mary Schmidt and Methodist charge. He then went to Church at 11 a.m. Wednesday with
voted mother, many friends and family who have Born November 15, 1934, in George Schmidt, Wilkes-Barre; Ro- New York State, where he served the Rev. James A. Baker officiating.
and grandmoth- been so supportive during her two- Wilkes-Barre, he was a son of the nald Schmidt, Nanticoke; Tracy the Plymouth United Methodist Interment will follow in the Albert
er, went to be year battle with melanoma. late George and Ann Rejunis Schmidt, and Madelene Schmidt of charge. After retirement, he served Cemetery. Friends may call from 6
with her Lord and Donna was very loved and passed Schmidt. Hanover Township; 12 grandchil- the Luzerne United Methodist to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the McCune
Savior on Satur- away with her family by her side. John was a graduate of Saint Mi- dren; 14 great-grandchildren; broth- Church, and the Nuangola Chapel Funeral Home, 80 South Mountain
day, May 14, 2011. She was preceded in death by her chael’s School for Boys, Hoban until ill health forced him to again Boulevard, Mountain Top, and
She was born in Kingston, on June er Michael Schmidt, Wilkes-Barre;
father, William Meyers; and grand- Heights. retire.
16, 1943. Donna married the love of and sister Miriam Schmidt, Tunk- again from 10 a.m. until the time of
daughter Sarah Rebecca Geer. An Army veteran, he served with An avid fisherman, he spent the service Wednesday.
her life, Vance, in 1963. the 69th Infantry Division during hannock, Pa.; as well as nieces and
Donna is survived by her loving many days on Pennsylvania’s trout
After having four beautiful daugh- nephews. In lieu of flowers, memorial con-
husband of 48 years, Vance; mother, the Korean Conflict. streams, and the Susquehanna Riv- tributions may be made to the
ters, they moved to Texas in 1978, Claire Meyers; sister, Joan Meyers; John was a general foreman at the His family will celebrate
John’s life privately at his re- er, as well as Canada’s lakes. As a Christ United Methodist Church,
where they now call home. daughters, Sheila Geer and husband Bechtel Power Plant for 40 years. He hunter, his prowess as an archer net- 175 S. Main Rd., Mountain Top, PA
Donna lived a full life that was de- Jack; Susan Walker and husband Joe; was a member of Laborers Local quest.
John’s family extends special ted him success in his younger 18707.
voted to raising children and spend- Julanne Kuras and husband David; 130, formerly local 215.
ing quality time with family and and Patricia Monge and husband His passions included the New thanks to Dr. Janusz Wolanin, who
grandchildren. Keith; grandchildren, Tiffany and York Yankees, New York Giants, the took wonderful care of him, and the
She was an active member of the Heather Foy, Stacy Geer, Sarah and late Dale Earnhardt Sr., and Frank ICU nurses at Wilkes-Barre General
Sinatra. As John always said, “I did Hospital, for their professional and
First United Methodist Church of
Keller and the Wesley Sunday School
Emily Walker; as well as a large ex-
tended family and many friends. it my way.” compassionate care. Joseph Squarok
Class for over 30 years. She had previ- A Memorial service will be held John was preceded in death by Arrangements are by McLaugh-
ously worked as church secretary for at 11 a.m. Friday at the First United his son, John Jr.; sister Nancy lin’s. May 13, 2011
eight years. Methodist Church of Keller, 1025 Schmidt Barnes and brother Ge- Permanent messages and memo-
Donna was also a member of the Johnson Road, Keller, Texas. orge.
He will be missed by his loving
ries can be shared with John’s family
at www.celebratehislife.com. JFriday,
oseph Squarok, 92, of Robert
Street, Sheatown, passed away
May 13, 2011, in the Hospice
Joseph was preceded in death by
his wife, Wilma, New Mexico;
brother, Michael, Washington, D.C.;
Community Care Unit at Geisinger sister Mary Ace, Scranton; and sis-
John Francis Johns Paul Duda South Wilkes-Barre.
Born on November 30, 1918, in
ters, Leona, and Stacia, both of
whom passed away at an early age.
Dundee, he was a son of the late Surviving are sons, Danny and
May 14, 2011 May 13, 2011 John and Fanny Anthony Squarok. Stanley, both of Albuquerque, N.M.;
Joseph attended the Hanover daughter, Mrs. Don (Debbie) Fe-
Javidohn Francis Johns, of Boca Raton,
Fla., businessman, investor, and
golfer passed away in Wilkes-
Country Club, Irem Temple Country
Club, and Coral Ridge Club, Fort Lau- P aul R. Duda, 80, of Dallas,
passed away Friday, May 13,
2011, at The Meadows Nursing
Paul was a member of Gate of
Township schools.
Mr. Squarok joined the service at
an early age and served in the U.S.
dric, Roswell, N.M.; sisters Anna
Sulick, Kingston; Marge Kalinow-
derdale, Fla. Heaven Church, Dallas. ski, Nanticoke; Sue Young, Shea-
Barre, Saturday, May 14, 2011, of John was also a member of The Center, Dallas. He will be remembered as a loving Air Force for 21 years.
He was then employed by Stan- town; brothers John, Massachu-
heart failure. Westmoreland Club. He was a former Paul was born in Kingston and caring brother, brother-in-law, setts; Stanley, Walter and Bernard,
Born in Pittsburgh on May 12, Township, a son of the late John uncle, great-uncle, great-great-uncle dard Coach Company for 20 years
board member of AAA, and an advi- until his retirement. all at home; as well as numerous
1921, he was a son of the late Joseph and Susan Stanislav Duda and was and friend. nieces and nephews.
sory board member of PNC Bank. Joseph was a member of Holy
and Selma George John of Wilkes- a graduate of Dallas Borough High Funeral will be held at 9 a.m. Funeral services will be held
He was preceded in death by his Trinity Church, of St. Faustina’s Par-
Barre. School. Thursday from the Richard H. Dis- at 9 a.m. Wednesday from the
wife of 52 years, the former Jean He had worked as a retail man- ish, The American Legion Post 350,
A graduate of GAR High School, que Funeral Home, 672 Memorial Stanley S. Stegura Funeral Home
Stookey; and his son, John David. ager for Raves Garden Center, and the Eagles Nest 834, all in Nan-
he was in the U.S. Air Force during Highway, Dallas, with a Mass of ticoke. Inc., 164 South Hanover Street,
John is survived by his daughter, Chinchilla, until his retirement.
World War II. After his discharge he Christian Burial at 9:30 a.m. from He was an avid poker player, Nanticoke, with a Mass of Christian
joined the family business, Joseph Margaret Culbertson; son-in-law, Paul was preceded in death by Gate of Heaven Church, Dallas. Inter- which he enjoyed with his friends. Burial at 9:30 a.m. in the secondary
John & Co. John; three grandchildren, Will, Evan brothers John, Victor, Leo, Frank, ment will be in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Joseph was also a faithful Bingo fan site of St. Faustina’s Parish, former-
He went on to found, with his and Meg; brothers, Tom and Gerald; Jacob, and Peter Duda; sisters ly St. Mary of Czestochowa Church,
Carverton. Friends may call from 6 to at the Warrior Run Fire Hall.
brothers, Society Mills Inc., a manu- and sisters, Terry (Clemente) and Frances Howatch, Irene Dula, and Hanover Street, Nanticoke. Friends
8 p.m. Wednesday evening. He will be missed by Shawn and
facturer of ladies’ sportswear, with of- Clare (Shiner). Anna Debransky. In lieu of flowers, it is Paul’s re- Donna, Joe and Judy, and Rose, who may call from 5 to 8 p.m. today. Pri-
fices in Wilkes-Barre and New York Funeral Services will be held He is survived by a sister, Marie quest that memorial donations be always helped at the Bingo. He will vate services will be held in the fam-
City. at 10 a.m. Thursday from the Steele, Dallas; brother Andrew Du- made to Gate of Heaven Church, c/o be missed by all of his friends at the ily plot at Holy Trinity Cemetery,
John served as president of Society Earl W. Lohman Funeral Home Inc., da, Maryland; sisters-in-law, Helen 40 Machell Ave., Dallas. hall. Newport Township.
Mills until 1992, traveling extensive- 14 West Green Street, Nanticoke. Duda, Hanover, Jean Duda, Dallas;
ly around the world for the company. Friends may call from 5 to 7 p.m. as well as numerous nieces, neph-
After retirement he went on to a Wednesday evening. ews, great-nieces, great-nephews,
life as golfer and investor. In lieu of flowers, memorial dona- great-great-nieces, and great-great-
He was a member of Saucon Valley tions may be made to the Sisters of
Country Club, Wyoming Valley Mercy, Lake Street, Dallas, PA 18612. More Obituaries, Page 8A, 9A

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PAGE 8A TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 ➛ O B I T U A R I E S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com


McAdoo, died Friday, May 13,
Thomas Paliscak Lucille Kachmar Stella
2011, in Mountain City Nursing May 15, 2011 May 14, 2011 Szmurkowski
Home. She was the wife of Jacob
Bender. Born in Edwardsville, Love
Christine was a daughter of Walter
and Hedwig Bobeck. She was a
T homas Paliscak, 81, of Larks-
ville, passed into the hands of
the Lord on Sunday, May 15, 2011.
L ucille T. Kachmar, of Division
Street, Kingston, passed away
Saturday, May 14, 2011, in Geisinger
graduate of Wyoming Valley West May 15, 2011
Born November 17, 1929, in Brad- Wyoming Valley Medical Center,
High School, and Luzerne County Plains Township. Stella Szmur-
dock, Pa., he was a son of the late
Community College Nursing Born and raised in Larksville, she kowski Love, 85,
Michael and Helen Blasko Paliscak.
School. In addition to her hus- was a daughter of Frank and Victo- of Laceyville, Pa.,
Thomas resided in Larksville,
band, she is survived by son, Ste- ria Chikey. passed away at
ven Bender; daughter, Jesse Ben- and was a graduate of Larksville
Lucille was a graduate of the for- the Highlands
der; brother, Walter Bobeck; sis- High School, class of 1947. He was a mer Larksville High School, and at-
graduate of King’s College and Care Center in
ters, Elizabeth Savukinas and Pa- tended Luzerne County Communi- LaPorte, Pa.,
tricia Cordisco; and grandson, Wilkes College, where he received ty College, Nanticoke.
his master’s degree in education. He early Sunday
Anthony Vincent. In 1950 she moved to Kingston, morning, May 15,
Services will be at noon also attended Kensington Universi- and resided on Division Street.
ty in California. 2011, where she
Wednesday in the Edward J. Kuhn Prior to her retirement she was
He was a member of All Saints employed in the cosmetics depart- had been a resident for the last three
Funeral Home Inc., 739 Penn Ave- months.
nue, West Reading, Pa. A viewing Parish of Plymouth. ment of the Bon-Ton department
Prior to his retirement, he was a store located at the Wyoming Valley Stella was born in Scranton on Ja-
will be from 11:30 a.m. to noon in gram at W.S.A.V.T.S. for two years, Eleanor Ondash. nuary 21, 1926, a daughter of the late
the funeral home. Burial will be in First Sergeant (E-8), serving with Mall, Wilkes-Barre Township.
the U.S. Army, from 1947 until 1968. and as a vice president of the Teach- Mrs. Kachmar was a member of In addition to her husband Lu- John and Sophie Chomentowski
Forest Hills Memorial Park. On- cille is survived by sons, Carl E., and
He served during the Korean and ers Association for two years. St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Szmurkowski. Spending most of her
line condolences may be recorded his wife, Molly; Richard J. and his
Vietnam wars. His assignments in- He was a member of the Ameri- Church, Chestnut Avenue, King- earlier life in the Meshoppen area,
at www.kuhnfuneralhome.com. wife, Patti, both of Kingston; grand-
can Legion, Larskville, Post 655, the ston. she was a graduate of Meshoppen
ALMON G. CASE, 90, of Brea, cluded 15 years of service in Germa- children, P.J., Michael, Ricky, Chris,
P.S.E.A., the N.E.A,. and the Nation- Lucille was always willing to vol- High School, class of 1944.
Calif., formerly of West Wyoming, ny; the Philippines; Okinawa, Ja- and Megan; as well as nieces and ne-
al Association for Uniformed Ser- unteer whenever the cause arose. For 40 years Stella was a devoted
died Saturday, May 7, 2011, at his pan; South Vietnam; and six years of Among the organizations she donat- phews.
vices. and loving wife of Levi D. Love, who
home. Born in West Wyoming, he service in the United States. ed her time and efforts included the Funeral services for Lucille will
Throughout his life, he greatly passed away on April 18, 1987.
was a son of the late Gerald and While in the military, he was an Rosary Society of St. Mary’s Byzan- be held at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday
enjoyed traveling, and especially During that time she was very ac-
May Crosby Case. Almon and his instructor for the Army Security tine Catholic Church, Catholic from the Hugh P. Boyle & Son Fu- tive being a farmer’s wife taking care
loved hunting, fishing and bowling.
wife, Lois Spiegel Case, would Agency (Intelligence) at Fort De- In addition to his parents, Tho- Daughters, Interfaith Friends, neral Home Inc., 416 Wyoming Ave- of her family and home, along with
have been married 62 years on vens, Mass. American Cancer Society, F.M. Kir- nue, Kingston, followed by an Office
May 21, 2011. Almon was preceded mas was preceded in death by broth- doing a lot of the farm work right
During his many years of service, by Center for the Performing Arts, of Christian Burial with Divine Lit-
in death by his sister, Geraldine; ers Michael and John Palischak, and alongside her husband.
he was the recipient of numerous the Food Pantry at the Commission urgy at 10 a.m. in St. Mary’s Byzan-
and brothers, Robert, and William. sister Helen Noble. tine Catholic Church with Pastor Growing up in the Catholic faith,
military decorations, including; the Surviving are brothers and sisters of Economic Opportunity, Montes- Stella was very devoted and active in
Surviving, in addition to his wife, Bronze Star Medal, the Army Com- sori School of Wyoming Valley, Mykhaylo Prodanets as the cele-
are daughters, Sally, Brea, Calif. George Paliscak, Sun Valley, Nev.; brant. Interment with Rite of Com- the St. Joachim’s Roman Catholic
mendation Medal with Two Oak King’s College Reginas Society, and
and Deborah, Chino Hills, Calif.; Paul Paliscak and wife Arlene, the Wyoming Valley Health Care mittal will be in St. Mary’s Byzan- Church, and she was a member of its
Leaf Clusters, the National Defense Washington, N.J.; Anthony Palis- Altar and Rosary Society. She was al-
sons, Ronald, New York City, and System. tine Catholic “Pokrova” Cemetery,
Robert, Ft. Kent, Maine; as well as Service Medal with One Oak Leaf chak and wife Elaine, Plymouth so a member of the South Auburn
Cluster, the Vietnam Service Medal Lucille and her husband, Emil, Pringle. Friends may call from 5 to 8
eight grandchildren, and 11 great- Township; Theresa Stewart, Tren- celebrated 61 years of marriage on p.m. this evening. The Panachida Grange 1188.
grandchildren. with Three Bronze Stars, the Repub- ton, N.J.; Frank Palischak, Larks- Throughout the years, she was al-
June 25, 2010. Service will be conducted at 7 p.m.
A memorial service was held lic of Vietnam Campaign Medal ville; Joseph Palischak and wife, Al- Memorial donations may be ways involved in activities with her
She was preceded in death by
May 10, 2011, at the Brea Baptist with Device, the Republic of Viet- ice, Larksville; as well as numerous brothers, Raymond and Ted Chikey; made to St. Mary’s Byzantine Ca- children, grandchildren, and her ex-
Church, Brea. Interment will be nam Gallantry Cross with Palm nieces, nephews, great-nieces, and sisters, Loretta Rosengrant, Bessy tholic Church, 321 Chestnut Ave., tended families of her brothers and
held at the National Cemetery, Unit Citation Badge, Good Conduct great-nephews. Wojanarski, Gertrude Ryneski, and Kingston, PA 18704. sisters.
Riverside, Calif., on June 17. Me- Medal with Silver Clasp/Loop, Ger- Family and friends are In addition to her husband and her
morial donations can be made, in man Occupation Medal, the Presi- asked to meet for a Mass of parents, Stella was preceded in death
his name, to the Brea Baptist dential Unit Citation Ribbon, the Christian Burial at10 a.m. Thursday by three brothers, Edward Smurkow-
Church, 217 E. Birch St., Brea, CA Army of Occupation Medal (Ger- morning at All Saints Parish, 66 Wil- ski, Joseph Smurkoski, and Stanley
92821. man) and the Meritorious Unit Cita-
HELEN I. TURAK, 89, of Larks- tion Ribbon.
low Street, Plymouth. Following
Mass, Military Service and inter- Alice Williams Szmurkowski; and four sisters, Ade-
line Marotta, Jean Gutkowski, Gene-
ville, died Sunday, May 15, 2011. Thomas began his teaching ca- ment will be held in St. Mary’s Na- vieve Burke, and Stephanie Szmur-
reer after graduation from King’s tivity Cemetery, Plymouth Town-
May 15, 2011 kowski.
She was preceded in death by par-
ents, Phillip and Isabell Kelly Yeag- College. He taught English at the ship. Family and friends may call Stella is survived by her children,
er; husband, Michael; son Michael;
granddaughter Tammy Keris;
West Side Area Vocational Techni-
cal School, Pringle, prior to his re-
from 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday evening
at the S.J. Grontkowski Funeral A lice M. Williams, 83, of Harveys
Lake, passed away Sunday, May
15, 2011, at the Meadows Nursing
Jeanne and Jack Sible, Laceyville,
and Judy and Tom Keeney, Meshop-
tirement in 1973. Home, 530 West Main Street, Ply- pen, Pa.; four grandchildren, Lee and
brothers, William, Thomas, Phil- Center, Dallas.
In addition to teaching English, mouth. Donna Keeney, Mt. Airy, Md.; Ryan
lip, and Joseph Yeager; sisters, Ma- Mrs. Williams was born January
he served as an advisor to the school In lieu of flowers, contributions if and Khesly Keeney, Springville, Pa.;
ry Bethel, Ann Sepela, and Flo- newspaper Titan Times, and as a co- 4, 1928, in Wilkes-Barre, and was a Jack Sible, Laceyville, Pa..; and Me-
desired may be made to the St. Vin-
rence Berti. Helen is survived by class advisor to the Class of 1980 for cent de Paul Soup Kitchen, Wilkes- daughter of the late John and Kathe- lissa and Kirk Strope, Meshoppen,
children Joseph, and Betty Turak, three years. Barre, or Ballet Northeast, King- rine O’Brien Dobinick. Pa.; as well as two great-grand-
Larksville; Mary Ann and Frank Thomas served as a teacher for ston, or the charity of the donor’s She graduated from Kingston daughters, Paige Keeney and Piper
Keris, Larksville; and Robert and the Teacher Indoctrination Pro- choice. High School, class of 1946, and had Keeney, and also a great-grandchild
Helen Turak, Hunlock Creek; as resided at Harveys Lake for the last that is due to arrive any day.
well as 11 grandchildren, great- 62 years. She is also survived by two sisters,
grandchildren and great-great- Alice was a faithful secretary for Edna Murphy, Lady Lakes, Fla., and
grandchildren. Chapel Lawn Memorial Park, Dal- Lillian Degnan, Greece, N.Y.; and a
las, for 22 ½ years, retiring in 1989. brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Hen-
Funeral will be held at 9:30 a.m.
She also served as past president of ry and Cynthia Love of Vestal, N.Y., as
Wednesday from the S.J. Gront- the Daniel C. Roberts Fire Co. La-
kowski Funeral Home, Plymouth. BRAZINSKI – Robert, family and GIOVAGNOLI – Leo, funeral 9:15 well as many nieces and nephews.
dies Auxiliary, Harveys Lake, and Dobinick, Dallas; as well as many
Interment will be in St. Vincent’s friends may call 5 to 8 p.m. today a.m. today from the Bernard J. Funeral services will be held at 9
was a member of the Outlet Free nieces and nephews.
Cemetery. Calling hours are 6 to 8 at the Bednarski & Thomas Fu- Piontek Funeral Home Inc., 204 Funeral will be held at 11 a.m. a.m. Thursday morning at the Shel-
Methodist Church, Harveys Lake. don Funeral Home, Main Street,
p.m. this evening. Visit neral Home, 27 Park Ave., Wilkes- Main St., Duryea. Mass of Chris- Her husband, Myron J. Williams, Thursday from Curtis L. Swanson
Barre. tian Burial at 10 a.m. in St. Maria Funeral Home Inc., corner of routes Meshoppen, with a Mass of Christian
www.sjgrontkowskifuneralhome- died in 1995. Burial at 10 a.m. from the St. Joa-
CAVANAUGH – Chris, Celebration Goretti’s Church, Laflin. 29 and 118, Pikes Creek, with Pastor
.com to submit condolences. She was also preceded in death chim’s Roman Catholic Church,
of Life Memorial Service 11 a.m. INMAN – Joan, funeral 11 a.m. James Shields of the Outlet Free
by a brother, Dennis Dobinick; and a Meshoppen, with Fr. Joseph Manar-
FRANCIS WILK, 66, of Ber- Saturday at Christ United Presby- Friday from the Sheldon Funeral Methodist Church and Pastor Ro-
sister, Dorothy Flick. chuck of the church officiating. Inter-
wick, died Saturday, May 14, 2011, terian Church, 105 Lee Park Ave., Home, Main Street, Meshoppen. land Preisler of the Grace Commu-
Alice is survived by her children, ment will be in the St. Joachim’s
at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital. Hanover Township. Visitation Family and friends may call at nity Church, Dallas, officiating. In-
Thomas P. Williams and his wife, terment will be in the Chapel Lawn Cemetery. Family and friends may
Born May 24, 1944, in Wilkes- starting 10 a.m. before the ser- the funeral home 6 to 9 p.m.
Denise, Shavertown; Patricia Loo- Memorial Park, Dallas. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 5
Barre, he was a son of the late Fran- vice. Mass at St. Leo’s/ Holy Thursday.
Rosary Church, Ashley on Friday
mis and her husband, Harry, Iron call from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday eve- p.m. Wednesday afternoon, and from
cis and Anna Tillie Erickson Wilk. KACHMAR – Lucille, funeral 9:30
at 8 a.m.
Station, N.C.; Judi Spagnuolo and ning. 8:30 a.m. until the time of service
Francis had been employed by sev- a.m. Thursday from the Hugh P.
CHIPOLIS – Matthew, Mass of her husband, Michael, Harveys The family requests that memo- Thursday morning. A Rosary will be
eral local machine shops. Surviv- Boyle & Son Funeral Home Inc.,
Christian Burial 9:30 a.m. Thurs- Lake; grandson, Nathan Spagnuolo; rial contributions be sent to The recited at 5 p.m. Wednesday after-
ing are his longtime companion, 416 Wyoming Ave., Kingston.
day in Corpus Christi Parish, sisters Dianne Hall, Wilkes-Barre Outlet Free Methodist Church, 531 noon.
Emily Dunham; son, Matthew; Office of Christian Burial with
Church of the Holy Redeemer, Township; Kathy Kazimer, Mount Lehman-Outlet Road, Dallas, PA In lieu of flowers, those wishing
and daughters, April, Tina and Jes- Divine Liturgy at 10 a.m. in St.
Harding. Those attending the Dora, Fla.; sisters-in-law, Ruth Wil- 18612, or the Grace Community may make memorial donations to the
sica. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic
Mass are asked to go directly to liams, Harveys Lake; Joyce Wil- Church, RR 5, Box 117C, Memorial St. Joachim’s Social Concerns, c/o
Church. Friends may call 5 to 8
Celebration of Francis’s Life the church. Friends may call 4 to liams, Evans Falls, Pa.; and Ellen Highway, Dallas, PA 18612. St. Joachim’s Roman Catholic
p.m. today. Panachida at 7 p.m.
will be private. Interment will be 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Peter J. Church, SR 6, Box 4003, Wyalusing,
KOREY – George, prayer service 2
in Maple Hill Cemetery, Hanover Adonizio Funeral Home, 802 p.m. May 28 at the Mercy Cen- PA. 18853.
Township. Arrangements are by Susquehanna Ave., West Pittston. ter Chapel, Misericordia Uni-
McLaughlin’s. Permanent messag- DANKOVITCH – Beatrice, funeral 11 versity campus, Dallas. All are
es and memories can be shared a.m. today from the George A.
with Francis’s family at www.cele- Strish Inc. Funeral Home, 105 N.
welcome to attend.
KRATZ – Karl, funeral noon Shirley Catnes
bratehislife.com Main St., Ashley. Mass of Chris-
tian Burial at 11:30 a.m. in St.
Wednesday at the Betz-Jastrem-
May 16, 2011
Sharon O’Brien
died Monday, May 16, 2011, at Lit- Leo’s/Holy Rosary Church, Ash-
ski Funeral Home Inc., 568
Bennett St., Luzerne. Friends Dugan
tle Flower Manor, Wilkes-Barre.
Funeral arrangements are pend-
DARING – Raymond, memorial
service 11 a.m. Saturday in the
may call 4 to 7 p.m. today.
LEVANDOSKI – Lillian, funeral S hirley L. Catnes, 81, of the Shea-
town section of Newport Town-
May 15, 2011
ing from the Bernard J. Piontek Fu- 9:30 a.m. Thursday from the ship, passed away early Monday
neral Home Inc., 204 Main St., Du- Dallas United Methodist Church, Wroblewski Funeral Home Inc., morning, May 16, 2011.
ryea. A complete obituary notice
will appear in tomorrow’s paper.
Parsonage Street, Dallas. Friends
may call 5 to 8 p.m. Friday at the
1442 Wyoming Avenue, Forty
Fort. Mass of Christian Burial at
Born May 7, 1930, in Wilkes-
Barre, she was a daughter of the late
S haron O’Brien Dugan, 59, of Pitt-
ston, died Sunday, May 15, 2011,
Harold C. Snowdon Funeral Home at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital.
10 a.m. in Holy Name/Saint Thomas H. and Ida P. Johnson Jor-
JOSEPHINE BILEK, 94, for- Inc., 140 N. Main St., Shavertown. Born on June 19, 1951, in Pittston,
merly of Ashley and Swoyersville, Mary’s Church, 283 Shoemaker dan.
The Daring family will also re- St., Swoyersville. Family and she was a daughter of Ruth Virginia
died Sunday, May 15, 2011, in Pine- ceive friends Saturday, at the Shirley graduated from James M. Anderson O’Brien, and the late Wil-
ville, N.C. friends may call 6 to 8 p.m.
church after the memorial ser- Coughlin High School, Wilkes- liam O’Brien.
Funeral arrangements are Wednesday at the funeral home.
vice. Masonic services 7 p.m. Rosary at 6 p.m. Wednesday. Barre, class of 1948. Sharon graduated from St. John
pending from the George A. Strish Friday at the funeral home. After her marriage to James A.
Inc. Funeral Home, 105 N. Main MUNDENAR – Christy, funeral 9 the Evangelist High School, Pittston,
DOVIDAS – Johanna, funeral 10:30 a.m. today from the Peter J. Catnes, on August 19, 1950, she re- class of 1969. She received an associ-
St., Ashley. a.m. today from the John V. Adonizio Funeral Home, 802 sided in Nanticoke, and later in ate’s degree from Luzerne County
ROMAN MARKOSKY, 85, for- Morris Funeral Home, 625 N. Main Susquehanna Ave., West Pitt- Sheatown for many years. Community College, and also attend-
merly of Ashley and Hanover St., Wilkes-Barre. Funeral Mass at ston. Mass of Christian Burial at Mrs. Catnes was last employed as
11 a.m. in Sacred Heart of Jesus ed East Stroudsburg University.
Township, died on Saturday, May 9:30 a.m. in St. Rocco’s Church, a secretary for Respiratory & Con- nieces and nephews.
Roman Catholic Church. Vis- She was preceded in death by a
14, 2011, at the Department of Vet- Pittston. valescent Specialties, Carey Ave- Friends may call from 2 to 4 p.m.
erans Affairs Medical Center, itation and remembrances from 9 and 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Davis- son, Daniel Blake.
SLAPINSKI – the Rev. James, nue, Wilkes-Barre
Plains Township. a.m. until the time of services. Dinelli Funeral Home, In addition to her mother, Sharon
funeral 11 a.m. Wednesday at the She was a member of Newport
Funeral arrangements are DUDKIEWICZ – Mary Lou, funeral 9 Christ United Methodist Church. 170 East Broad Street, Nanticoke. is survived by two brothers, Rick
pending from the George A. Strish a.m. today from the Nat & Gawlas United Methodist Church, Alden A funeral service will be held at 8 O’Brien and his wife, Lynette, Bush-
Friends may call 6 to 8 p.m.
Inc. Funeral Home, 105 N. Main Funeral Home, 89 Park Ave., today at the McCune Funeral Station, a former member of Nanti- p.m. with Paul Leonard, Spiritual kill, Pa., and William O’Brien Jr. and
St., Ashley. Wilkes-Barre. Mass of Christian Home, 80 S. Mountain Blvd., coke Chapter # 174, Order of East- Coordinator with Traditional Hos- his wife, Sandra, East Stroudsburg,
Burial at 9:30 a.m. in St. Leo’s/ ern Star, and earlier in life the Junior Pa.; four grandchildren; as well as
MARGARET ROBERTS, 86, Mountain Top, and 10 a.m. until pice, Scranton, officiating. Private
Holy Rosary Church, 33 Manhat- the time of the service. Women’s Club of Nanticoke. nieces and nephews.
formerly of Swoyersville, and interment will be in Oak Lawn Cem-
tan St., Ashley. SOHA – John, funeral 9:30 a.m. Shirley was preceded in death by
Kingston, died Monday, May 16, etery, Hanover Township. The funeral will be held at the con-
2011, at Kingston Commons,
today from the Wroblewski her husband of 41 years, James A. In lieu of flowers, the family venience of the family.
Funeral Home Inc., 1442 Wyom- Catnes, on August 14, 1992; broth- would appreciate memorial contri- Arrangements are by the Paul F.
where she had been a guest for the
past several years. OBITUARY POLICY ing Ave., Forty Fort. Mass of ers, John, Thomas, Frederick, Rob- butions be made to your favorite Leonard Funeral Home, 575 North
Christian Burial at 10 a.m. in St. ert, and Harry Kern, and Raymond, charity. Main Street, Pittston.
Funeral arrangements will be The Times Leader publish-
Ignatius of Loyola Church, 339 Charles, and Ralph Jordan; and sis-
announced by the H. Merritt es free obituaries, which N. Maple Ave., Kingston.
Hughes Funeral Home Inc., 451 N. have a 27-line limit, and paid ters, Arlene, and Violet.
WELSH – Edward, funeral 11 a.m.
Main St., Wilkes-Barre. obituaries, which can run Wednesday from the Lawrence
She is survived by her daughters, Happy 65th Birthday In Heaven
Lynn Catnes, and Sherry Rushton,
DARL A. SMITH, memorial ser-
vices will be held at 2 p.m. Satur-
with a photograph. A funeral
home representative can call
E. Young Funeral Home, 418 S.
State St., Clarks Summit. Friends and her husband Randall, all of Raphael J. Bonita, M.D.
day in the Oakdale United Metho- the obituary desk at (570) may call 5 to 8 p.m. today at the Sheatown; grandchildren, Jennifer May 17, 1946 ~ August 1, 2005
dist Church, Hunlock Creek. 829-7224, send a fax to (570) funeral home. Rushton, and her fiancé, John Phil- Dad,
Friends and relatives are invited to 829-5537 or e-mail to tlo- WNUK – Josephine, funeral 10 a.m. lips, and Jeffrey Rushton, and his
Friday from the S.J. Grontkowski
Another year has passed and we continue
attend the services with the Rev. [email protected]. If you wife, Kristin; great-grandchildren,
Gall Kitchen officiating. fax or e-mail, please call to Funeral Home, 530 W. Main St., Tyler, and Brady Rushton; sisters, to remember all the precious moments with
Arrangements are by the Clarke confirm. Obituaries must be
Plymouth. Divine Liturgy at Dorothy, and Marian; as well as you. This May, we took Mom to Captiva
Piatt Funeral Home Inc., 6 Sunset 10:30 a.m. in S.S. Peter & Paul
submitted by 9 p.m. Sunday Ukrainian Catholic Church, for her birthday and while the trip was
Lake Road, Hunlock Creek. through Thursday and 7:30 wonderful, it brought to mind all the warm memories made
ROBERT LUTZ, 75, of Moore p.m. Friday and Saturday.
Plymouth. Friends may call 8:30
to 10 a.m. Friday. G en etti’s there together as a family. We were sad you weren’t there with
Town Road, Sweet Valley, died
Monday, May 16, 2011, in Hospice
Obituaries must be sent by a A fterFu nera lLu ncheons us physically to make new memories together, but we know you
funeral home or crematory,
Care VNA, Heritage House, Sta rting a t$7.95 p erp erson
or must name who is hand- were there in spirit. On today and everyday, we celebrate your
ling arrangements, with H otelBerea vem entR a tes life and please know that your kindness, compassion, and love for
Funeral arrangements are
address and phone number.
pending from the Clarke Piatt Fu-
We discourage handwritten family lives on in us and we carry you in our hearts always.
neral Home Inc., 6 Sunset Lake
Road, Hunlock Creek. notices; they incur a $15 Love, Laura, Rich, Dave, Diane, Nuri, Ray, Catherine, Mom and your
More Obituaries, Page 7A, 9A
typing fee.
825.6477 granddaughters Isabelle, Elia, Sonia and Suzan

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ N E W S TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 9A

Judge diverts Conahan cash to pay bank

Nellie Soboski
May 15, 2011

The money is owed by an rights to $100,000 that is owed to charges, leading to the loan de- Maffei had guaranteed. Maffei N ellie Soboski, 91, of Blackman
Street, Wilkes-Barre, passed
away Sunday, May 15, 2011, at the
Barbara Conahan by Trans Med fault. was forced to refinance that loan
ambulance company to the Kindred Hospital Wyoming Valley,
Ambulance Inc., a company that In April, local attorney Carmen after a bank demanded full pay- surrounded by her loving family.
wife of the former judge. was partly owned by Michael Co- Maffei filed a court challenge to ment, the court documents say. This was the day that Mrs. Sobos-
nahan. FNCB’s garnishment, arguing FNCB disputed Maffei’s claim, ki and her late husband, Edward,
would have celebrated their 73 wed-
The Dunmore bank had placed that Trans Med’s payments to however, contending it was first ding anniversary.
By TERRIE MORGAN-BESECKER a garnishment on monthly pay- FNCB should instead be paid to in line to the Trans Med pay- She was born October 4, 1919, in
[email protected] ments of roughly $833 that Trans him based on a separate agree- ments by virtue of a confession of Wilkes-Barre Township, a daughter
A Luzerne County judge has Med had been making to Barbara ment he reached with Barbara judgment it filed against the Co- of the late Stanley and Mae Gutkow-
ruled that money an ambulance Conahan as part of its efforts to Conahan relating to money she nahans for the W-Cat loan. ski.
Nellie attended Wilkes-Barre
company owes former county recover a $4.1 million loan the owed Maffei, according to court Wetzel on Monday sided with Township schools and had been a
Judge Michael Conahan’s wife, Conahans had taken through W- documents. FNCB based on the fact that Maf- lifetime member of St. Joseph’s
Barbara, must be paid to an area Cat Inc., which used the money According to Maffei, Barbara fei had neglected to officially file Church, Wilkes-Barre Township.
bank to help satisfy a more than to finance a townhouse develop- Conahan agreed to transfer her any court documents relating to She had been employed in the lo-
husband, James, Scranton, Pa.; as
cal garment industry and retired af-
$4 million loan the couple has ment in Wright Township. rights to the $100,000 debt owed his agreement with Barbara Co- ter many years of service at Nar-
well as 12 grandchildren, and 24
that is in default. The townhouse project fal- to her by the ambulance compa- nahan. By failing to do so, Maffei done’s Pizza, Wilkes-Barre. great-grandchildren; and sister,
Irene Frankonis, Connecticut.
Judge Lewis Wetzel on Mon- tered after Michael Conahan and ny to Maffei to resolve a separate never perfected their interests in Nellie currently is a member of
Funeral services will be held at
day determined that First Nation- former county Judge Mark Ciava- dispute relating to a $1 million the payment from Trans Med to Our Lady of Hope Parish, Wilkes-
Barre. 9 a.m. Thursday from the Nat &
al Community Bank has first rella were arrested on corruption loan to MCJ Holdings, which Conahan, Wetzel said. Mrs. Soboski enjoyed polka mu- Gawlas Funeral Home, 89 Park Ave-
sic and spending time with her nue, Wilkes-Barre, with a Mass of
great-grandchildren, also her Sun- Christian Burial to follow at 9:30

Spending cuts vital, Marino says

day afternoon rides to Harveys Lake a.m. at Our Lady of Hope Parish, 40
with her friend Jack Jones. Park Avenue, Wilkes-Barre. Inter-
She was preceded in death by her ment will be in St. Mary’s Cemetery,
husband, Edward P. Soboski, in Hanover Township. Friends may
1989; sisters, Anna Christey, Gene- call from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at
vieve Denny, Eleanor Cosgrove, the funeral home.
Catherine Dane, Lillian Schulge The family would like to express
and Marie Naperkowski; and by her their gratitude to Dr. Solomon and
At town hall meeting, brother, Donald Gutkowski. Dr. Olenginski, and the staff at
Nellie is survived by sons, Ed- Kindred Hospital Wyoming Valley
congressman again denounces mund S. Soboski and his wife, Vir- for their kindness in caring for their
health insurance law. ginia, Summerville, S.C., and Jo- mother.
seph Soboski, Wilkes-Barre; daugh- In lieu of flowers, memorial dona-
ters, Rita M. Cobb, Hamilton, Onta- tions may be directed to the charity
rio, and Eileen Murphy and her of the donor’s choice.
Go Lackawanna Correspondent More Obituaries, Page 7A, 8A
LA PLUME -- U.S. Rep. Tom
Marino, R-Lycoming Township,

Vatican suggests bishops

discussed issues with constitu-
ents at a town hall meeting Mon-
day night in Evans Hall at Keys-

report abuse to police

tone College.
Marino talked about spending,
the budget, health care and serv-
ing the constituents.
“We need to cut spending, re- By NICOLE WINFIELD philes from the priesthood, a year
duce the size and scope of govern- Associated Press after the sex abuse scandal ex-
ment and keep taxes low,” Marino VATICAN CITY — The Vati- ploded on a global scale with
said. “The debt that we’re in can told bishops around the thousands of new victims coming
didn’t just happen in the last five world Monday that it is impor- forward in Europe and beyond.
or 10 years. This is 40 years that ROB TOMKAVAGE/FOR THE TIMES LEADER tant to cooperate with police in It is significant in that it marks
we have been spending beyond U.S. Rep. Tom Marino, R-Lycoming Township, told a town hall meeting audience Monday that keeping reporting priests who rape and a universal directive to all the
our means. We have to stop point- taxes low will bring a stronger economy. molest children and asked them world’s bishops to establish
ing the finger and saying it’s your to develop guidelines for prevent- “clear and coordinated proce-
fault. We know what the problem Marino proposed recent legis- cent of the people in this country “If the insurance companies ing sex abuse by next May. dures” with superiors of religious
is; we have to fix the problem.” lation that puts a hiring freeze on want it to be gone. don’t want to go there, then allow But the letter from the Congre- orders to deal with pedophiles
The freshman lawmaker said Washington with some limita- “It takes away an individual’s us to pool with individuals in the gation for the Doctrine of the and care for their victims. It puts
he is concerned with the amount tions. Those limitations are in de- choice,” he said. “You should be same position and give the same Faith made no provision to en- on paper that it is “important” for
of government spending and the fense, law enforcement, Social Se- able to have the same type of rate they would give a corpora- sure the bishops actually follow bishops to cooperate with police
rising debt. Last year the United curity and the post office. health care that I have. You tion or a company,” he said. the guidelines, and victims in investigating abuse allegations
States brought in $2.1 trillion and “We have to downsize the gov- should not be paying any more Marino said he was satisfied groups immediately denounced and that bishops should follow
spent $3.75 trillion, he said. ernment and do more with less,” than elected officials. People with the discussions that took the recommendations as “dan- civil reporting laws where they
“We cannot continue to go Marino said. should not go without health place during the meeting. gerously flawed” because they exist.
down this path,” he said. “If we The legislation aims to prevent care, we have to make sure we “I thought it went well,” Mari- stress the exclusive authority of But the vague, nonbinding
continue with this spending, our a $1.5 trillion tax increase, does have health care that we can af- no said. “We need to communi- bishops to determine the credi- measure failed to impress advo-
debt is going to go out of sight. away with loopholes for the oil ford and that is efficient.” cate more with our constituents. bility of abuse allegations. cates for victims who have long
The plan is to cut the spending, companies and lowers the tax Marino also does not think in- We need to get ideas from them The letter marks the latest ef- blamed bishops bent on protect-
downsize Washington and keep rates for individuals and business- dividuals should be charged more and I need to take those ideas fort by the Vatican to show that it ing the church and its priests for
taxes lower. That would put mon- es to 25 percent. for health insurance. back to Washington.” is serious about rooting out pedo- fueling the scandal.
ey in the hands of working people The congressman voted to re-
in this country which would allow
those people to spend.”
peal the 2010 health care reform
law, and he said close to 70 per- PLANT SALE! - Plants will be sold for $4.95
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PAGE 10A TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 ➛ N E W S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Lawyer: County council has little control over drilling

Zoning is the only power over right ban natural zoned conservation or agricul- Fairmount, Hunlock, Hunting- because the new council must ordinances regulating noise and
gas drilling within ture, he said. ton, Lake, Newport, Ross and honor the Oil and Gas Act and setbacks for drilling in municipal-
drilling, and the county does
their boundaries, The county council would have Union. cannot force municipalities to ities they govern with zoning, but
zoning for few communities. but they may limit to amend the county’s zoning or- Several municipalities that transfer their zoning authority to case law has made it clear that ex-
where it’s permit- dinance to mandate additional re- handle their own zoning have the county, said Malak, who is al- clusionary zoning is prohibited.
ted through zoning, quirements for natural gas drill- amended or are in the process of so solicitor for Dallas Borough “You have to allow natural gas
By JENNIFER LEARN-ANDES he said. ing, such as emergency plans and amending their ordinances to and Jackson Township. drilling somewhere,” Hill said.
[email protected] Zoning ordinanc- bonding to cover roadways, Me- deal with gas drilling, Malak said. Doug Hill, executive director of
Luzerne County Council mem- es may also spell out “reasonable rolli said. The county’s zoning The county’s switch to home the County Commissioners Asso- Jennifer Learn-Andes, a Times
bers will have very limited power provisions” that aren’t addressed hearing board has already been rule government won’t change ciation of Pennsylvania, said Leader staff writer, may be reached
over natural gas drilling, and that in state law, such as requirements incorporating some of these types the county’s power over zoning some counties have implemented at 831-7333.
control is only in certain munici- for fencing around a drill site, of requirements in its zoning deci-
palities, according to the county’s noise restrictions and require- sions, but formal action would


home rule transition committee ments to post bonds to cover guarantee enactment, he said.
solicitor, Jeff Malak. damage to government infras- Proposed county zoning
That power is an issue because tructure, Malak said. amendments for natural gas drill-
some county council candidates Luzerne County currently han- ing are already being studied as
have been making statements dles zoning for only 22 of the part of a bi-county comprehen-
about legislation and other ac- county’s 76 municipalities and sive plan, Merolli said. Public
tions they’ll take regarding natu- has no control over zoning deci- hearings and a council vote would
ral gas if they’re elected. sions in the remaining 54 munici- be required to enact amend-
Malak said natural gas drilling palities, according to county Plan- ments, he said.
is primarily regulated by the ning and Zoning Director Adrian The county oversees zoning in
Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Act, Merolli. Avoca, Courtdale, Dupont, Du-
which means the county and mu- The county’s current zoning or- ryea, Hughestown, Jeddo, Laflin,
nicipalities may only regulate dinance says a special exception Larksville, Luzerne, New Colum-
where it’s done – not how it’s is required for natural gas drilling bus, Pringle, Warrior Run, West
done. in the 22 municipalities, and drill- Wyoming, Yatesville and the fol-
Local governments can’t out- ing would be allowed only in land lowing townships: Conyngham,

have to do more research before candidates remain independent
commenting on the mailing. but teamed up to jointly fund the
McGinley said he does not have mailing because they believe they
a “clear answer” on the matter at could work well together if they
Continued from Page 3A
this time. were elected.
Knick Jr., Tim McGinley, Michael Stuccio said he and the seven “We have to be smart because
McGlynn, Thomas Rovinski, Fred other candidates reviewed the let- none of us has any funds,” Stuccio
Stuccio and Wayne Wolfe. ter, and somebody came up with said. “We’re the little guys.”
Adonizio said he has teamed up the handout. He said he is a politi- Wolfe said he did not get to see
with the seven candidates and cal novice and didn’t notice the the mailing before it was sent, and
knew a mailing had been sent, but missing statement. The mailing he has not yet received a bill for his
he said he was not sure of the spe- was sent to about 300 Democratic portion of the expense.
cifics. committee members last week, he Bednar said she did not see the
McGlynn also verified the for- said. mailing in advance and believes it
mation of a team but said he would Stuccio and Wolfe said the eight was an innocent oversight.

On the Ballot, Page 4 for 4 More Years

the state Senate. They were also Berks County Assistant District
unhappy with Griffin’s “aggres- Attorney Kevin Howard and
sive activities” on behalf of the Fleetwood police officer Russell
police union, the suit says. Walbert.
Continued from Page 3A
The suit also accuses Wilkes- Wilkes-Barre city spokesman
The latest lawsuit alleges Barre police of malicious prose- Drew McLaughlin declined to
Keating and Keiper conspired to cution and of using excessive comment on the suit. Howard
get Fleetwood police to file the force in arresting Griffin. did not return a message seek-
impersonation charges because In addition to Keiper and ing comment.
Haggerty, who is not named as a Keating, the suit names as de-
defendant, was angry Griffin fendants Wilkes-Barre police of- Terrie Morgan-Besecker, a Times
had supported Lisa Baker, who ficers Donald Crane, Richard Leader staff writer, may be reached
defeated Haggerty for a seat in Harding and Robert Simonetti; at 570-829-7179. Authorized and Paid for by Friends of Tom Leighton

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Ellie Robinson minds. We love you,
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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ S E R V I N G T H E P U B L I C T R U S T S I N C E 18 81 TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 11A


Carefully consider
your votes today
UZERNE COUNTY VOTERS face a dizzying number of
decisions in today’s primary.
Forty-nine people, many of them campaign novices with
nominal name recognition, are vying to serve on the new,
11-person county council, a governing group scheduled to replace
the traditional, three-commissioner setup as of January 2012.
Meanwhile,16 attorneys aspire to win one of six available seats on
Luzerne County’s Court of Common Pleas. Plus, ballots bulge with
names of contenders for area school boards and municipal offices.
The Times Leader this spring supplied readers with many news
articles and charts with matter-of-fact information on the men and
women seeking these posts. Use this data to help you make wise
Also, an endorsement panel from The Times Leader met with
candidates in several key races, posing pointed questions and prob-
ing for details – not unlike a job interview. (View the interviews at
In our panel’s opinion, the following men and women are the most
qualified to handle the complex duties ahead and would best serve
their constituents (you). We took the task of narrowing the field
very seriously and used our best judgment in arriving upon our “fi-
As you vote today, we hope you do too.




James Bobeck

Writer urges Senate

Elaine Maddon Curry tions provided by the Pennsylvania State
Bruce J. Simpson SEND US YOUR OPINION Association of Township Supervisors. This
Harry Skene is a nonprofit association that purports to
Stephen A. Urban to approve Bill 574 Letters to the editor must include the
writer’s name, address and daytime
phone number for verification. Letters
advise our elected township supervisors on
matters of local governance. This would be

Recommended was thrilled to learn House Bill 574 was should be no more than 250 words. We all to the good, except PSATS apparently
Edward Brominski adopted recently in the state House of reserve the right to edit and limit writers has been influenced by the gas industry
Michael Giamber Representatives. The proposed legisla- to one published letter every 30 days. corporate interests. The main sponsors for
Tim McGinley tion would apply the same licensure and • E-mail: [email protected]
the PSATS’ conference in Hershey this
• Fax: 570-829-5537
Wayne Wolfe safety standards on abortion clinics that all spring were Chesapeake Energy, Range
• Mail: Mail Bag, The Times Leader, 15
other outpatient surgical centers currently N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 1871 1 Resources, Talisman Energy and the Mar-
Adequate must meet. cellus Shale Coalition. Don’t be deceived
Brian K. Overman Please be sure to contact your state by the industry-created media releases
Jane Walsh-Waitkus senator to urge him or her to vote in favor ber of abortions performed. The report suggesting that your local elected officials
of this legislation. It will help to save the confirms that between 1997 and 2009, that are trying to protect you.
••• lives of women and the unborn. for every million-dollar increase in tax- By the dictates of the revised ordinanc-
Ada Magni payer money, there were approximately es, township supervisors will be required
❏ LUZERNE COUNTY COUNCIL – REPUBLICANS West Wyoming 1,000 more abortions performed. Last year to issue conditional permits for gas drill-
Planned Parenthood received $363 million ing, hydraulic fracturing, gas transmission
Strongly recommended
Harry Haas Student urges limiting of our taxpayer money, and performed
328,000 abortions.
pipelines, compressor stations, metering
stations, gas processing plants and all
associated equipment and operations in
use of bottled water
Eugene Kelleher Another matter that should disturb Sen.
William McIntosh Casey is that Planned Parenthood fought districts zoned as agricultural and manu-
Stephen J. Urban against the Abortion Control Act signed facturing. Conservation districts are ex-

t many schools and stores, bottled into law by his father, the late Gov. Robert empted from these conditional uses; how-
Recommended water is sold to children such as me. P. Casey. It fought it all the way to the U.S. ever, only a small portion of land is zoned
William “Bill” James The fact is, Americans buy more bot- Supreme Court. as such.
Rick Morelli tled water than any other nation. Many It appears Sen. Casey is trying to sit on The Kingston Township ordinance takes
Moderno “Butch” Rossi people think that bottled water is better both sides of the fence. Eventually he will it a step further by allowing conditional
John Ruckno for them. slip off to one side. Perhaps he already has. use for horizontal drilling and hydraulic
People love the convenience of bottled 2012 is just around the corner. fracturing in districts zoned as residential.
Adequate water; but plastic bottles take hundreds of Passage of any of these ordinances will
Helen Gohsler
Michael Cabell years to disintegrate. Only one in six bot- President, Scranton Chapter open the floodgates to the industrializa-
Kathleen Dobash tles makes it to the recycling bin. Pennsylvanians for Human Life tion of your rural and peaceful communi-
Edward Warkevicz If you really need plastic bottles, it’s a ties.
great idea to recycle them.
Slow down and consider
The conditions imposed on the gas
Schools should eliminate plastic bottles industry by these ordinances are simply
••• and use water from the tap instead. Local not stringent enough to protect your in-
governments make sure bottled water is
really safe to drink. Schools can replace
impact of Shale drilling terests and are in fact the same conditions
that the industry already has imposed on

water bottles with reusable bottles or he state Department of Environmental itself.
Strongly recommended
provide water glasses from which to drink. Protection is not protecting us; it is Dallas Township’s current zoning ordi-
John Aciukewicz
We can save so much more energy, not playing catch-up with the Marcellus nance requires a special exception for
Vito DeLuca
to mention the environment! Shale natural gas drillers. industrial activities such as natural gas
Dick Hughes
Meghna Melkote The conservative approach would be to compressors and metering stations. This
Fred Pierantoni
Scranton slow down, get an accurate picture and requires that an application be subjected to
Joseph Sklarosky Jr.
decide how to proceed. The impact on the a review by a Zoning Hearing Board and
Michael Vough

Recommended Writer believes Casey environment, by any measure, will be

I am sure that someday we will find a
could be denied if the Board determined
that the proposed use was incompatible
with the zoning district.
Mike Blazick
Molly Hanlon Mirabito changing pro-life stance much more conservation-minded solution
to this that will not hurt the environment.
As evidenced by the huge turnout at the
Dallas Middle School for recent hearings
Jennifer Rogers

ho would have thought that someone Rylee Gavlick held to discuss the application by Chief
Joseph Saporito Jr. who characterizes himself as a “pro- Gathering to build a compressor station/
life senator” would pay his first alle- metering station (and later a metering
Adequate giance to the organization that is the large-
Don’t allow officials
station) near the Dallas School complex,
Mark Bufalino st provider of abortion in this country, there is considerable public support to
Lesa Gelb Planned Parenthood? restrict these activities. Under the pro-
Jim Haggerty
Jim McMonagle
In advance of the vote in the Senate to
cut off funding to Planned Parenthood,
to sell out to drillers posed ordinances, the township zoning
officer would be required to issue a permit
Paula Radick

Sen. Robert Casey’s office made it known s an avowed and unrepentant mini- under a conditional use. There would be
Tony Ross that he would vote against the bill to de- malist, I continually try to see the no hearing at which residents could ex-
fund Planned Parenthood. Sen. Casey’s forest for the trees. Dallas Township, press their displeasure.
••• explanation is quite simple: Planned Par- Kingston Township and other municipal- Now is the time for you to take a strong
enthood provides contraception to women, ities are proposing revisions to their zon- stand against the destruction of your com-
❏ WILKES-BARRE MAYOR – DEMOCRATS which he claims prevents abortion, and ing ordinances to deal with the ongoing munities. Attend the hearings on these
Tom Leighton therefore it should not be denied our tax- invasion of natural gas drilling corporate ordinances in your municipalities and
payer dollars. interests into our rural communities. Un- demand that your elected officials not sell
••• Let’s look at the facts. Planned Parent- fortunately the approach that they are out your constitutionally guaranteed rights
hood’s report for 2008-09 shows that there considering will have an adverse effect on to clean air and water.
❏ WILKES-BARRE MAYOR – REPUBLICANS is a correlation between increased govern- our way of life. Neil E. Turner
Frank Sorick ment funding and an increase in the num- They have acceded to the recommenda- Harveys Lake



PAGE 12A TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 ➛ N E W S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Lewis will make this year’s telethon his last

P R I M A R Y 2 0 11

VOTING For problems or to report anything

about your polling place or voting
experience, call the county’s elec-
Continued from Page 1A tions office at 825-1715. You may
The comic, long a fundraiser song, ‘You’ll phy Association telethons over tributions last year. also contact The Times Leader
Never Walk the years, association spokes- The live telethon usually lasts said. newsroom at 570-829-7242. Polls
for muscular dystrophy, open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.
Alone,’ ” Lewis man Jim Brown said. 211⁄2 hours. Sometimes Lewis Voters should not encounter
suffers health problems. said of a short- Lewis’ first live Labor Day sings or tells lighthearted jokes. bothersome campaign workers at
ened six-hour weekend telethon in 1966 was He introduces guests and other any of the county’s189 polling plac-
primetime broadcast by a single New York performers like a ringmaster. es, he said. “They’re exclusive on our web-
By KEN RITTER broadcast City television station. It raised Sometimes, he turns serious and He has issued written warnings site first. There’s two times a year I
Associated Press Lewis scheduled for more than $1 million in pledges. shares stories of people afflicted to all candidates that voters are not get to scoop the press,” Piazza said.
LAS VEGAS — After 45 years Sept. 4. The telethon moved from by the disease or who are helped to be mauled with campaign mate- Candidates and voters are wel-
promoting treatment and a cure Lewis, a Las Vegas resident, New York to Las Vegas in 1973 by the association. All the while, rial and pleas for support. Poll come to visit the county Cour-
for children he calls “my kids,” has in recent years battled a de- and had stints in Los Angeles be- he urges donors to contribute workers must remain 10 feet away thouse Rotunda on election night
comedian Jerry Lewis an- bilitating back condition, heart fore returning in 2006 to Las Ve- while a tote board rings up from polling buildings and allow a toviewtheresultsonlargescreens,
nounced Monday he is retiring issues and the crippling lung dis- gas. pledge totals. clear path for voters to enter and he said.
as host of the Labor Day Muscu- ease pulmonary fibrosis. He said Last year’s Jerry Lewis MDA Some telethon moments have exit their building. The county was first in the state
lar Dystrophy Association tele- he’ll continue serving as national Telethon aired from the South made history. Piazza said the warning stems for five years in submitting its elec-
thon that has become synony- Muscular Dystrophy Associ- Coast hotel-casino on the Las Ve- In Las Vegas during the 1976 from past repeated complaints tion night results, losing only once
mous with his name. ation chairman, as he’s done gas Strip and was broadcast by telethon, Lewis was reunited by from voters, and he has purchased to another county, he said. He is de-
Lewis, 85, issued a statement since the early 1950s. more than 170 stations. It raised Frank Sinatra with Dean Martin, chalk to delineate boundary lines if termined to continue his winning
through the association calling it “I’ll never desert MDA and my almost $59 million to fund re- with whom Lewis had an acri- necessary. streak.
“time for an all new Telethon kids,” he said. search to find a cure for muscu- monious split 20 years earlier. “If we have an issue, I will come “The overwhelming majority
era.” Officials with the Tucson, lar dystrophy and ALS, or Lou The famous entertainer best out with the sidewalk chalk this should be reporting by 10 to 10:15
“As a labor of love, I’ve hosted Ariz.-based nonprofit hailed Le- Gehrig’s disease. known for his slapstick humor time,” Piazza said. p.m., and we should have every-
the annual Telethon since 1966 wis as one of the world’s great Locally, WNEP-TV Channel 16 first teamed with Martin in the Anyone who experiences prob- thing wrapped up by 10:30 p.m.,”
and I’ll be making my final ap- humanitarians. broadcasts the telethon with lo- 1940s to play nightclubs and tele- lems at polling places or with vot- Piazza said.
pearance on the show this year More than $1 billion has been cal segments. The ABC affiliate vision shows and to make a se- ing machines is urged to contact Write-in votes for candidates
by performing my signature raised during Muscular Dystro- was able to raise $572,428 in con- ries of comedy films. his office at 825-1715. who do not appear on a ballot will
Roving election workers also be counted on Friday, starting at 9
will be on hand to respond to prob- a.m., he said.

sure of chemical used in the proc- percent of what is pumped into a tions for new wells. lems, he said. The total number of write-in
ess and explicitly require the in- well is water and sand, not chem- Thomas-Blate said a legal re- Live election results will be post- votes in each race will be known to-
dustry to comply with the feder- icals. view by the Sierra Club conclud- ed on the county’s website at night but not the names written in
al Safe Drinking Water Act. And Windle said the industry ed the SRBC does have the au- www.luzernecounty.org. those slots, he said.
Continued from Page 1A
A spokesman for the Marcel- has not been given a special “ex- thority to control quality and call
dam would increase pressure to lus Shale Coalition, an industry emption” to the national Safe a moratorium.

clean up the river. organization, rigorously disput- Drinking Water Act. The act nev- And Windle offered one more and had Alexander drive the 1975
ed the claims of pollution and lax er covered hydraulic fracturing, argument, contending that Ford Granada. Alexander stop-
Another viewpoint regulation, and argued the FRAC he said, and congress specifically American Rivers should be more ped along the highway in Dor-
By contrast, this year’s desig- Act “is fundamentally a Wash- clarified the law to say as much. concerned about the flooding of rance Township to relieve him-
Continued from Page 1A
nation as the most endangered ington Solution in search of a But Jessie Thomas-Blate, the the Mississippi River, which is self when Strong led Strock into
river brought immediate push- problem.” coordinator of the Most Endan- displacing thousands and threat- the court ruled Strong did not re- the woods at gunpoint.
back from a spokesman for the Travis Windle said an inde- gered Rivers list, said the disclo- ening thousands more. ceive a fair trial because Strock was shot twice in the
natural gas industry, which has pendent national organization sure of chemicals varies from Thomas-Blate said American prosecutors failed to reveal they chest, Melnick said.
boomed as new technology had determined Pennsylvania’s company to company and state Rivers drew up and printed the had a deal with co-defendant Alexander ran to the shotgun
made extraction from deep de- natural gas regulation “is a well- to state, and that the FRAC Act report before flooding occurred. James Alexander in exchange for blast and asked Strong why he
posits of shale possible and prof- managed program meriting ac- would make the process uni- The organization added a sec- Alexander’s testimony. shot Strock.
itable. colades.” form. tion to the online report concern- Corcoran said the secret deal “And you know what the de-
In a press release, American “The process is tightly and ag- She also said the industry mis- ing the Mississippi to the annual was learned at a court hearing in fendant told him, he said, ‘I’m
Rivers Senior Vice President for gressively regulated by the state ses the point. report, but natural gas extrac- 1997. tired of leaving witnesses be-
Conservation Andrew Fahlund Department of Environmental “We don’t see any reason why tion remains a serious and poten- Alexander, who pleaded guilty hind,’ ” Melnick told jurors.
is quoted as saying, “natural gas Protection,” Windle said. Anoth- other industries should have to tially long-term threat to the Sus- to third-degree murder, died in Melnick explained Strong and
drilling poses one of the greatest er state review showed fracking comply and the oil and gas indus- quehanna. prison. A transcript of his testi- Alexander abandoned Strock’s
risks our nation’s rivers have “has never impacted ground wa- try should not,” Thomas-Blate “We believe the regulations mony is expected to be read to ju- car at a rest stop near Bingham-
faced in decades. Without strong ter.” said. that are in place aren’t protective rors. ton, N.Y., and hitchhiked their
regulations, public health and Regarding claims that frack- Thomas-Blate also said the enough.” Corcoran, referring to Alexan- way to Potsdam, N.Y., where two
drinking water will be threat- ing was responsible for the ap- small percentage of chemicals der, said jurors will be asked by officers stopped them for solicit-
ened by the toxic, cancer-caus- pearance of methane in well wa- may not be a problem, “but one Casey weighs in prosecutors to convict Strong ing a ride.
ing pollution that results from ter in Dimock Township, Windle of the problems right now in the U.S. Sen. Robert Casey, D- based “on a liar and a perjurer.” When Strong used Strock’s
hydraulic fracturing “ said it was proven “that was not a Susquehanna is that no one is Scranton, agreed. Melnick said Strong, of Nor- identification card, the officers
The press release cites function of hydraulic fracturing.” looking at regulating the cumu- A co-sponsor of the FRAC Act, cross, Ga., was fleeing his home- became suspicious and asked for
“groundwater pollutions in Sus- In fact, the industry has adopt- lative impact.” Casey issued the following state- town when he was a suspect in another ID card. Melnick said
quehanna County,” a blowout at ed stricter regulations to “en- ment: “The Susquehanna River the robbery and kidnapping of Strong then reached into a bag
a well in Bradford County that al- hance the well casing stan- Moratorium issue is a historic and invaluable nat- two clerks at two gasoline service and grabbed a loaded shotgun
lowed “toxic fracking chemicals dards,” Windle said, referring to Susquehanna River Basin ural resource for our entire re- stations in Georgia on Aug. 9, hidden under clothing before a
to flow into the Susquehanna” the material that surrounds Commission Director of Com- gion and it’s critical that we do 1983. Using a map shown on a New York state trooper bellowed
and “chemical spills, explosions drills and other equipment pene- munications Susan Obleski said what is necessary to protect it. projector screen, Melnick out, “Boys, what do you got
and fires” at other wells. trating the ground and passing the push for that organization to The FRAC Act would put in showed jurors the route Strong here?”
American Rivers and its part- through fresh-water aquifers to call a moratorium on fracking place key protections that would and Alexander took while they The shotgun recovered in
ner, the Sierra Club, call for a mo- get to the shale that holds the and to monitor water quality is ensure consistency across the hitchhiked north along Interstate Strong’s bag is believed to be the
ratorium on fracking along the gas. “misguided” because the com- entire Susquehanna River basin 81 where it intersects Interstate weapon used to kill Strock.
river until better protections are mission oversees the quantity of to protect important sources of 70 near the Maryland border. Corcoran said there is no foren-
in place. They want an analysis Fracking chemicals water drawn, not the quality. drinking water, and. through There, Melnick said, Strock sic evidence linking Strong to the
of the impact of fracking by the As to disclosing the chemicals Other agencies and rules han- public disclosure requirements, picked up the pair while he was killing.
Susquehanna River Basin Com- used in fracking, Windle said the dle the latter, and it would be up ensure that the public knows returning to his suburban Phila- “There is no blood on the shirt
mission, removal of legislative list is readily available on the to the state to declare a moratori- what is being injected under- delphia home after visiting his and they say it was a close shot,”
“loopholes” that let the industry DEP website, and the industry um. She noted that when New ground in their communities.” sick mother in West Virginia on Corcoran said.
“bypass” regulations, and pas- has a site – fracfocus.org – that York state called for a moratori- Aug. 18, 1983.
sage of the federal “FRAC Act,” lists chemicals used at each well. um, the commission halted the Mark Guydish, a Times Leader staff During the ride, Strong placed Edward Lewis, a Times Leader staff
which would mandate disclo- Windle also stressed that 99.5 review process on any applica- writer, can be reached at 829-7161 a shotgun on Strock’s shoulder writer, may be reached at 829-7196.


measure. In a combative state- Economic Club of Chicago. and Nevada. During that time, he sy and mocked Trump and his tel-
ment Monday, House Speaker Republicans rule out tax in- reignited the so-called “birther’’ evision show. A stone-faced
John Boehner, R-Ohio, upped creases and any significant cuts controversy by perpetuating fal- Trump heard the barbs from both
the ante. in defense spending. The United sehoods about Obama’s birth Obama and comedian Seth
Continued from Page 1A Continued from Page 1A
“As I have said numerous States continues to fight wars in place, insisting that questions Meyers. A day later, NBC inter-
D-Nev., warning that the govern- times, there will be no debt limit Iraq and Afghanistan paid for ta Gov. Tim Pawlenty. The GOP were unanswered about whether rupted the airing of Trump’s
ment can move money around increase without serious budget with borrowing. is still waiting to hear whether In- the president was born in Hawaii. show with word of an Obama an-
for about 11 weeks, but if a new reforms and significant spend- Democrats insist Social Secu- diana Gov. Mitch Daniels, 2008 He amassed admiration from nouncement — within 45 min-
debt ceiling isn’t agreed to by ing cuts, cuts that are greater rity is off the table, as is an end to vice presidential nominee Sarah many on the far right who have in- utes the president informed the
Aug. 2, the U.S. government than any increase in the debt Medicare, but they are open to Palin or Minnesota Rep. Michele sisted Obama was born overseas nation and the world that al-Qai-
could effectively default on its limit.” Boehner has called previ- changes in Medicare funding. Bachmann will get in the race. and, thus, wasn’t eligible to serve da leader Osama bin Laden had
obligations to its creditors. He ously for $2 trillion in spending If Congress fails to raise the Trump has floated the idea of a as president. been killed.
warned of “catastrophic eco- cuts as part of any deal to raise debt ceiling by Aug. 2, it would presidential candidacy in both Obama finally distributed his Whatever buzz over a Trump
nomic consequences for citi- the debt ceiling. force the Obama administration 1988 and 2000 but claimed he was long-form birth certificate earlier candidacy was left fully faded.
zens” unless Congress raises the Wisconsin Republican U.S. to choose between paying cred- more serious than ever this time, this month, indirectly casting He would have brought to the
debt ceiling. Rep. Paul Ryan, the chairman of itors or paying for military oper- citing the weak economy and the Trump as a carnival barker and race both celebrity and the no-
An increase of about $2 tril- the House Budget Committee, ations, Social Security and sense that the United States was the controversy as a sideshow. holds-barred criticism of Obama
lion is expected, enough to get repeated the linkage in a speech Medicare payments, and other in decline. Some public opinion Trump took credit for the release that many Republicans are hun-
the issue past the 2012 elections Monday in Obama’s adopted commitments. polls showed him leading the even though it robbed his candi- gry for in a GOP nominee. But, as
before Congress would have to hometown. A government default on slow-to-coalesce Republican dacy of its signature issue. it has for months, Trump’s partic-
lift it again. “For every dollar the presi- debts surely would trigger a field. Obama retaliated days later in ipation also could have made the
Republicans who control the dent wants to raise the debt ceil- harsh reaction from investors In the past few months, he de- his monologue at the White GOP nomination fight a less seri-
House vow to link raising the ing, we can show him plenty of and could panic global financial livered speeches to national GOP House Correspondents Associ- ous affair, seeming small by com-
debt ceiling to cuts in govern- ways to cut far more than a dol- markets, jeopardizing the U.S. groups and traveled to early pri- ation dinner, where he poked fun parison to Obama and his presi-
ment spending of at least equal lar of spending,” Ryan told the and global economies. mary states like New Hampshire at the birth certificate controver- dency.

Back in court PHOTOS: SPORTS:

Eleven years after the state Supreme Fatal accident Heat search
Court overturned the first-degree
homicide conviction of James Lincoln on Route 118 for answers
Strong, his retrial began Monday be- under review after blowout
fore a Luzerne County jury.


SPORTS timesleader.com

TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011



Lockout Redeemer takes

boys, girls titles
Crawford stars
for Grenadiers
in place
Appeals court rules by 2-1

way past a
vote in favor of the owners.
Another hearing set June 3.

AP Sports Writer
sticking point
lockout stays, a federal appeals he first sign things were about
court ruled Monday. That means to change for Coughlin came
the league likely won’t get back to off the foot of Jessica Bella.
business until next month and The second indication was a gritty
maybe for much longer. goal by Grace Fazzi. And when Alex-
The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of is Spagnola quickly followed with
Appeals said the lockout can re- another score, the Crusaders were
main intact until a full appeal is convinced.
heard on whether it is legal. That They really could defeat Dallas on
hearing is scheduled June 3 in St. a girls soccer field.
Louis, and it is before the same “We knew we had to get over this
panel that issued this 2-1 deci- game,” Coughlin fullback and defend-
sion. er Ivy Nulton said. “Once we got
The appellate court said it be- over the hump, we were tied for
lieved the NFL has proven it first.”
“likely will suffer some degree of It was more like a mountain than
irreparable harm without a stay.” a hump.
It also cast doubt on the conclu- Because Dallas was the team that
sions of U.S. District Judge Susan crushed Coughlin’s District 2 cham-
Richard Nelson, who ruled April pionship dream in last year’s Class
25 that the lockout should be lift- 2A finals. Dallas was the team that
ed — only to have the 8th Circuit dominated the latter part of the past
panel put her decision on hold decade, winning six District 2 cham-
four days later. pionships, four league titles and one
“The league has made a strong PIAA Class 2A state championship.
showing that it is likely to suc- Coughlin was always seemed close.
ceed on the merits,” the majority Just not close enough.
wrote. So it only seemed fitting that the
The decision came on the same Crusaders would have to beat the
day NFL owners and players re- best to have an opportunity to be-
sumed court-ordered mediation come the best.
behind closed doors for eight So what if Dallas was missing a
hours. It was the fifth major part of its lineup while prepar-
ing to play as the No. 3 seed in
See NFL, Page 7B next week’s district tournament?
Coughlin couldn’t rest before it
destroyed that mental demon.
I.L. BASEBALL BILL TARUTIS/FOR THE TIMES LEADER “Dallas has always been a rival,”
Holy Redeemer’s Julia Warnagaris prepares to throw the discus at the District 2 Class AA Track and Field Championships Coughlin midfielder Fazzi said. “We

at Scranton Memorial Stadium on Monday afternoon. just always wanted to beat them.”

GAR standout wins

By TOM ROBINSON “Very badly,” Fazzi said.

For the Times Leader “Oh, we wanted it bad,” Nulton

Paw Sox
CRANTON – The finalists broke said. “That’s what we prepared for

three individual golds

out of the turn in the 200-meter all season.”
dash. The Crusaders didn’t just say it,
For a moment, the staggers no they displayed it.

rained out
longer disguised the leaders and The Crusaders showed hustle and
those along the homestretch got their first look By TOM ROBINSON last season, to win heart and hammered out a 6-1 victo-
clear look at how the race was shaping up. For the Times Leader by almost three ry Monday over the depleted Moun-
There was a time when all that was visible SCRANTON – GAR’s Darrell feet. taineers at Guthrie Field.
By KEVIN RYDER were three Holy Redeemer runners – Seth Tar- Crawford did just what was neces- Crawford went Coughlin scored the first three
For The Times Leader selli, David Gawlas and Austin Carr in Lanes 4, sary as the prohibitive favorite in 21-4 ½ on the only goals of the game, and the last
PAWTUCKET, R.I. – With a 5 and 6. his two jumping events. long jump that was three. The Crusaders left a lasting
persistent mist falling for most of It was an appropriate vision. That allowed Crawford the energy measured. He impression that they’re on a mission,
the afternoon, and heavier rain After all, where team standings were con- necessary to make sure he left Mon- Crawford broke on his only even with some big names omitted
expected in the area during the cerned, Monday’s District 2 Class 2A Track day night’s District 2 Class 2A Track other attempt. from Dallas’ lineup.
night, Monday night’s Scranton/ and Field Championships were all Holy Re- and Field Championships as the Much of the jumping competition “They have hurt players, we have
Wilkes-Barre game against Paw- deemer. only athlete to win gold medals in was spent with Crawford passing on hurt players,” Nulton said.
tucket was postponed. Tarselli, Gawlas and Carr held their posi- three individual events. his attempts and watching his oppo- At least this time, none of the
The game will be made up on tions for an impressive sweep of the top three Crawford took just two of his six nents to see if he might have to use Crusaders walked away hurting in-
Saturday, July 2 when SWB spots in the 200 meters, ending any remaining available jumps in the long jump his last try in an attempt to regain side.
makes its next scheduled trip to doubt that the Royals were about to claim both and triple jump. the lead. Their long-sought victory over
McCoy Stadium. The start of the team championships. “I did not get my best jumps, but “I was just waiting to see if any- their arch-nemesis secured the Cru-
makeup game will be announced “That’s actually something we’ve talked I wanted to make sure I got my best one was going to beat me,” Craw- saders a tie with Berwick at 11-1-1 at
at a later date, as the regularly about all year long,” Holy Redeemer head in the hurdles,” Crawford said. ford said. the top of the Wyoming Valley Con-
scheduled game is at 6:05pm and coach Sarge McFarlane said of claiming the Crawford was seeded behind Holy Elk Lake’s Mike Bedell, who add- ference Division I, and set up Thurs-
is to be followed by a holiday fire- gold, silver and bronze in the 200. “I don’t know Redeemer’s Zachary Razawich to ed two relay wins, and Holy Re- day’s battle between the two to de-
works show. if it’s been done before, but we knew we had the start the day and again after qualify- deemer’s Seth Tarselli, who had one termine which winds up number
“It’s a good thing getting in potential to accomplish it. ing, but he lowered his time by .27 relay win, each won two individual one.
closer to midnight instead of four “To see them come off the turn the way they seconds in the final to win in 15.14. boys events. But at least Coughlin didn’t finish
or five in the morning, especially did and know they are strong closers … That The 45-9 first attempt in the tri- Hanover Area’s Olivia Jendrezjew- the regular season as number two.
for the players,” said SWB man- ple jump was enough for Crawford, “Right now, we’re tied with the
ager Dave Miley. “The weather See REDEEMER, Page 4B a fourth-place finisher in the state See NOTES, Page 4B best,” Coughlin coach Joe Spagnuolo
conditions were obviously bad. said.
That achievement was solidified as
See YANKEES, Page 7B UP NEXT: District 2 Class 3A Championships, 3 p.m. today, Scranton Memorial Stadium much by a mindset as it was setting
up scoring shots.
Don’t forget, Coughlin opened the
H.S. GIRLS SOCCER 2011 season by losing to Berwick,
but didn’t lose again.

Crusaders’ balanced attack

The only tie came when a 1-1
game with Dallas was stopped a
couple weeks ago by lightning.
So a playoff to determine the divi-

results in impressive win

sion league champion and top seed
in the District 2 tourney won’t dent
the confidence the Crusaders have

6 Lehman High School “Technically, the last couple games

[email protected] for the championship. were like a playoff for us,” Nulton
WILKES-BARRE – Air started leak- COUGHLIN The winner will also be said.
ing out of the showdown last week. seeded first and the los- “You lose, you’re done,” Fazzi said
By the time it arrived Monday, it had
gone completely flat.
er second in the Dis-
trict 2 tournament.
is the way the Crusaders approached
the final weeks of their season.
With nothing to play for, Dallas held Berwick defeated They’re far from done.
out its banged up starters and Coughlin Coughlin 4-1 on April 1, After the way they tossed aside
but Coughlin won the rematch 3-2 in
took advantage for a 6-1 victory that sets their albatross, the smiles for Cough-
up a championship game for the Wyom- overtime on May 3. lin may be just getting started.
PETE G. WILCOX/THE TIMES LEADER ing Valley Conference Division 1-A girls “We got to get ready, work hard and
Dallas goalkeeper Amber Yang reaches for the ball but it still finds the back of soccer title. come out with the same attitude that we Paul Sokoloski is a Times Leader sports
the net for a Coughlin goal in the first half of Monday’s WVC Girls Soccer game Coughlin (11-1-1) and Berwick (11-1-1) columnist. You may reach him at 970-7109 or
in Wilkes-Barre. Coughlin’s Alexis Spagnola (left) was credited for the goal. will play at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at Lake- See SOCCER, Page 6B email him at [email protected].

PAGE 2B TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 ➛ S C O R E B O A R D THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Saturday, May 21
Boston at Tampa Bay, 1:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 22
Vancouver at San Jose, 3 p.m.
Monday, May 23 GOLF
x-Tampa Bay at Boston, 8 p.m.
x-San Jose at Vancouver, 9 p.m. The McGlynn Learning Center golf
Times Leader Correspondent Wednesday, May 25
x-Boston at Tampa Bay, 8 p.m.
tournament at Sand Springs
Ideal Nectarine went a huge first-over journey last week, eventually BOXING REPORT: In the WBC light heavyweight title fight on May 21 in Montreal,
Thursday, May 26 Country Club on Friday. Regis-
Canada, Jean Pascal is -$140 vs. Bernard Hopkins at +$120. Under 9.5 rounds:
grinding out a hard-earned victory of 1:53.2. That win also was a land- -$400. Over 9.5 rounds: +$300. Pascal by KO, TKO or DQ: +$500. Pascal by
x-Vancouver at San Jose, 9 p.m. tration will be at 9 a.m. with a 10
Friday, May 27
mark for the 6-year old Western Ideal mare, as the score gave her x-Tampa Bay at Boston, 8 p.m. a.m. shotgun start. The cost is $85
decision: +$120. Hopkins by KO, TKO or DQ: +$450. Hopkins by decision: +$200.
Saturday, May 28 per person. For more information,
more than $500,000 in lifetime earnings. Fight will end in a draw: +$2200. x-San Jose at Vancouver, 8 p.m. contact the McGlynn Learning
The Ken Rucker trainee has faced top flight mares all year, and per- Center at 570-824-8891.
haps has regained some of that swagger she had earlier during the ENTERTAINMENT REPORT NATIONALS -$130 Pirates
I N T E R N AT I O N A L Mountain Top Kiwanis No. 29 golf
winter. She is a solid value play just off that last triumph alone, and Odds to win ™American Idol∫ ROCKIES -$130 Giants
LEAGUE tournament at Sand Springs
I’m making her my dark horse of the night in this evening’s 10th-race Scott McCreery even REDS -$132 Cubs Country Club on June 3. Regis-
Haley Reinhart 2/1 Marlins -$125 METS At A Glance tration will be from noon to 1 p.m.
featured pace. Good luck! with a 1 p.m. shotgun start. Cost is
Lauren Alaina 4/1 CARDS -$138 Phillies All Times EDT
BEST BET: PJ CLARK (7TH) North Division $85 per person, which includes
VALUE PLAY: IDEAL NECTARINE (10TH) Favorite Odds Underdog DODGERS -$130 Brewers Scranton/Wilkes-Barre
W L Pct. GB lunch and dinner. For more in-
Post Time 6:30 p.m. formation, contact Bruce Spencer
All Races One Mile American League NBA (Yankees) ................................. 21 15 .583 —
Lehigh Valley (Phillies) ........... 21 16 .568 1
⁄2 at 570-814-2367. Tri-State Basset
First-$8,500 Cond.Pace;n/w 1 pm race life RAYS -$152 Yankees Favorite Points Underdog
1 Camp Pendleton T.Buter 2-6-6 Controls from the pole 3-1
Pawtucket (Red Sox) .............. 19 18 .514 21⁄2 Hound Rescue “Fore the Bas-
TIGERS -$140 Blue Jays Western Conference Finals Buffalo (Mets)........................... 17 22 .436 51⁄2 sets” golf tournament on July 17
8 The Pan Flamingo A.Miller 5-3-3 From barn of Erv Miller 4-1
Rochester (Twins) ................... 14 21 .400 61⁄2
5 Bonfire Bliss D.Ingraham 4-2-4 Longtime maiden 5-2 RED SOX -$125 Orioles MAVERICKS 6 Thunder
Syracuse (Nationals)............... 13 22 .371 71⁄2 at Sand Springs Country Club.
4 Betterthanlynx J.Pavia 3-3-8 First-time starter 5-1
3 Eggroll P.Berry 7-2-3 Illinois-bred pacer 6-1 Indians -$122 ROYALS Wednesday South Division Registration will start at 7:30 a.m.
9 Hot Rod Red B.Simpson 2-8-2 Simpson owns and drives 12-1
WHITE SOX -$125 Rangers
Eastern Conference Finals W L Pct. GB with a shotgun start at 9 a.m. The
2 Montoya Hanover J.Taggart 4-4-4 Winless in 31 previous 10-1 Durham (Rays)......................... 22 15 .595 —
6 Prince Rudyard A.McCarthy 7-3-4 Swallowed up 15-1 A’S -$148 Angels
BULLS 2 Heat
Gwinnett (Braves) ................... 20 17 .541 2
cost is $75 per person and in-
7 Add A Little Magic E.Nickle 9-7-9 Out of tricks 20-1 NHL Charlotte (White Sox) ............. 17 19 .472 41⁄2 cludes a continental breakfast,
MARINERS -$180 Twins
Second-$9,000 Clm.Pace;clm.price $15,000 Favorite Odds Underdog Norfolk (Orioles) ...................... 14 23 .378 8 lunch and an Italian buffet dinner
2 Grand Penn Station A.Santeramo 5-3-5 Completes the early double 9-2 National League West Division
3 Giant Cooper A.Napolitano 1-1-4 Debuted a winner 5-2 CANUCKS -$155/+$135 Sharks with awards and prizes to follow.
W L Pct. GB
4 Pams Legacy J.Pavia 2-9-2 Unraced since Aug. 4-1 BRAVES -$182 Astros
Columbus (Indians)................ 26 12 .684 —
For more information, contact
6 JK Abigezunt G.Napolitano 4-1-4 Faltered as the chalk 3-1 Mandy Shema at 570-384-3483.
7 Uncle David C.Stratton 6-6-4 Young Cory steers 12-1 Louisville (Reds) .................... 22 16 .579 4
1 Rattler Quick D.Ingraham 5-7-4 Moves in for a tag 6-1 Toledo (Tigers)....................... 19 20 .487 71⁄2 Tuskes Homes and Sand Springs
5 My Edward A.McCarthy 8-6-6 Slim chances 10-1 Indianapolis (Pirates) ............. 15 24 .385 111⁄2 Country Club Four-Man Scramble
Boston 97, Miami 81
8 DVC Havenly Cam M.Kakaley 6-4-1 Prepping for the fairs 15-1 Oswalt from the 15-day DL. Optioned RHP Vance Monday's Games
Third-$9,000 Cond.Trot;n/w $5,000 last 5 Worley to Lehigh Valley (IL).
Sunday, May 8 Gwinnett 10, Toledo 5 on May 24. The day will begin with
Dallas 122, L.A. Lakers 86, Dallas wins series 4-0
3 Man About Town T.Buter 7-7-4 Down to rock bottom 3-1 ST. LOUIS CARDINALS—Claimed RHP Jess Atlanta 100, Chicago 88
Durham at Syracuse, 1st game, ccd., rain a cookout lunch at 11:30 a.m.,
Todd off waivers from the N.Y. Yankees. Trans- Buffalo 6, Louisville 1
5 Money Man K D.Ingraham 6-6-1 2nd-time lasix user 9-2
ferred RHP Bryan Augenstein from 15-day to 60-day
Monday, May 9 Columbus 5, Indianapolis 2 followed by a shotgun start at
1 Livid Luke J.Pavia 3-7-3 Freehold newcomer 4-1 Miami 98, Boston 90, OT
2 Sabana Hanover M.Romano 7-3-6 SJ’s Caviar mare 7-2 DL. Oklahoma City 133, Memphis 123, 3OT
Durham at Syracuse, 2nd game, ccd., rain 12:30 p.m. The evening will con-
American Association Scranton/Wilkes-Barre at Pawtucket, ppd., rain
9 Shelly Ross M.Kakaley 6-5-2 Much better last season 8-1
Tuesday, May 10 Norfolk at Lehigh Valley, 7:05 p.m. clude with a buffet dinner and
6 Detech Tn.Schadel 6-6-7 Drops, but off form 6-1 Chicago 95, Atlanta 83
7 Enjoy Your Tour A.Miller 8-3-3 Still on the road 10-1 Chestnut. Signed INF Derek Kinzler. Rochester at Charlotte, ppd., rain awards. The entry fee is $75 per
GARY SOUTHSHORE RAILCATS—Traded INF Wednesday, May 11 Tuesday's Games
8 Marion Merlot G.Wasiluk 7-5-9 Finds no takers 20-1
Louis Ott to Winnipeg for cash and a player to be Miami 97, Boston 87, Miami wins series 4-1 Pawtucket at Columbus, 6:35 p.m. person. For more information,
4 Mr China A.Napolitano 9-8-7 Fallen on hard times 15-1 named. Oklahoma City 99, Memphis 72 Lehigh Valley at Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, 6:35 p.m. contact the pro shop at 570-788-
Fourth-$4,600 Clm.Pace;clm.price $5,000 GRAND PRAIRIE AIRHOGS—Signed C Zane Thursday, May 12 Norfolk at Syracuse, 7 p.m.
8 Frank Lloyd H.Parker 6-5-6 Best of weak bunch 4-1 Chavez. Chicago 93, Atlanta 73, Chicago wins series 4-2 Rochester at Gwinnett, 7:05 p.m. 5845, Ext. 1.
7 Konjo N A.McCarthy 5-4-5 11yr old still plugging 3-1 ST. PAUL SAINTS—Signed INF Justin Snyder. Friday, May 13 Louisville at Durham, 7:05 p.m. Wright Township Police Officers
2 Zippy Jax M.Romano 7-5-7 Been getting best of draws 6-1 WINNIPEG GOLDEYES—Signed RHP Barry Fow- Memphis 95, Oklahoma City 83 Buffalo at Indianapolis, 7:05 p.m.
ler. Toledo at Charlotte, 7:15 p.m. Association golf tournament on
1 Seafood Prince A.Santeramo 4-8-6 Rounds out the superfecta 9-2 Sunday, May 15
6 Nothingcanshakeme A.Napolitano 6-8-6 Little since that win 7-2 Can-Am League Oklahoma City 105, Memphis 90, Oklahoma City Wednesday's Games Saturday at Sand Springs Golf
3 JK Diamondnpearls J.Taggart 6-5-5 Mare tries the boys 8-1 NEWARK BEARS—Signed RHP Andy Yawger and wins series 4-3 Lehigh Valley at Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, 10:35 a.m. Club in Drums. Registration will
4 Dragonaire T.Buter 8-7-7 Well back 10-1 RHP Michael Mastogiovanni. CONFERENCE FINALS Rochester at Gwinnett, 10:35 a.m.
5 Four Starz Boat B.Irvine 8-6-6 Another who’s getting walloped 15-1 PITTSFIELD COLONIALS—Released RHP Matt Sunday, May 15
Louisville at Durham, 1:05 p.m. begin at 11 a.m. with a shotgun start
9 Black Jack Davey D.Ingraham 5-2-8 Shuffle the deck 20-1 Salvato. Signed OF Angel Molina, RHP Mike Zen- Buffalo at Indianapolis, 1:05 p.m. at 1 p.m. A captain-and-crew for-
Chicago 103, Miami 82, Chicago leads series 1-0 Pawtucket at Columbus, 6:35 p.m.
ko, OF Rafael Cabreja and INF Danny Bomback.
Fifth-$8,600 Clm.Trot;clm.price $10,000
Tuesday, May 17 Norfolk at Syracuse, 7 p.m. mat will be used, and the tourna-
2 Celebrity Caviar T.Buter 1-1-2 Keeps on winning 3-1 Oklahoma City at Dallas, 9 p.m. Toledo at Charlotte, 7:15 p.m.
4 Mighty Moses L.Stalbaum 4-2-1 On his game 6-1
er Blanchard, LHP Zach Zuercher, LHP Davis Bilar-
Wednesday, May 18 ment will conclude with a buffet
dello and OF Alex S. Fernandez.
3 Instant Photo M.Kakaley 2-7-4 Just missed vs. similar 8-1 Frontier League
Miami at Chicago, 8:30 p.m. dinner, beverages and the award-
6 Investor Springs
5 Emery Ho
Romped against cheaper
2nd start since re-claim
ico, RHP Chad Edwards, RHP LaDale Hayes, OF
Thursday, May 19
Oklahoma City at Dallas, 9 p.m. E A S T E R N ing of prizes. Cost is $90 per
1 Upront Pattys Boy B.Simpson 5-3-8 Much better post position 10-1 David Kahn and C Nathan Thompson. Saturday, May 21 L E A G U E person. For more information,
9 Tilly Bomb A.Miller 3-1-2 Become fan favorite 9-2 FLORENCE FREEDOM—Released RHP Kevin Dallas at Oklahoma City, 9 p.m. contact Scott Rozitski at 570-474-
7 Alpha Entura G.Napolitano 2-3-2 Tough luck trotter 15-1 Asselin, RHP Brandon Barrow, 3B Matt Brown, INF Sunday, May 22
8 Crystal Sizzler A.McCarthy 6-8-2 Smoked 20-1 John Dzombia, LHP Clayton McMillan, 1B Donald Chicago at Miami, 8:30 p.m. At A Glance 9251.
Sixth-$15,000 Cond.Pace;n/w $11,000 last 5 Reese and C Sean Toomey. Monday, May 23 All Times EDT
GATEWAY GRIZZLIES—Released OF Matt Miral- Dallas at Oklahoma City, 9 p.m.
6 Victim Of Love T.Buter 1-1-8 More sharp Pena stock 3-1
di. Eastern Division MEETINGS
1 Billie Bluechip J.Pavia 1-2-4 Has the class edge 5-2 Tuesday, May 24 W L Pct. GB
8 Penny Pincher M.Kakaley 2-1-5 Tioga import 6-1 JOLIET SLAMERS—Released INF Sean Rockey Chicago at Miami, 8:30 p.m.
and RHP Trevor Vermillion. New Britain (Twins) ............... 22 13 .629 —
4 Personal Ad B.Simpson 4-2-4 Use in exotics 9-2
Wednesday, May 25
New Hampshire (Blue Jays) . 22 14 .611 1
Duryea Little League will hold its
3 Cool Jazz G.Napolitano 3-1-6 Improved with lasix 4-1 x-Oklahoma City at Dallas, 9 p.m.
2 Clear Character A.McCarthy 2-9-3 Often a nice price 10-1
Placed RHP Eric Gonzalez and SS Jodam Rivera
Thursday, May 26 Reading (Phillies)................... 22 15 .595 1 monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Sunday
on the suspended list. Released RHP William Buz-
9 Kate’s Joy K.Sizer 5-3-4 Post knocks 12-1 hardt, RHP Austin Coan, OF Adam Heisler and RHP x-Miami at Chicago, 8:30 p.m. Trenton (Yankees) ................. 20 17 .541 3 at the Duryea VFW.
5 Gordyyy’s Pet A.Miller 2-8-2 Back up in class 15-1 Ricky McGraw. Friday, May 27 Binghamton (Mets) ................ 13 21 .382 81⁄2 Wyoming Valley Conference base-
7 Fortune’s Smile L.Stalbaum 5-8-2 Frowns 20-1 NORMAL CORNBELTERS—Released RHP Josh x-Dallas at Oklahoma City, 9 p.m. Portland (Red Sox) ................ 11 23 .324 101⁄2
Seventh-$9,000 Cond.Trot;n/w $5,000 last 5 Hildebrand, OF Daniel Lanier and RHP Adam Os- Saturday, May 28 Western Division ball coaches will meet at 8 p.m. on
7 PJ Clark M.Kakaley 7-5-6 Dominates 3-1 teen. x-Chicago at Miami, 8:30 p.m. W L Pct. GB Thursday at Rodano’s in WiIkes
5 B Winner K A.Miller 8-6-1 Race on for place 6-1 RIVER CITY RASCALS—Released C John Feltn- Sunday, May 29
er, RHP Tyler Gatrell and OF Kyle Mihaylo. x-Oklahoma City at Dallas, 9 p.m.
Altoona (Pirates) ...................... 18 17 .514 — Barre to select the coach’s all star
2 Badboy Paparazzi A B.Simpson 5-6-3 Looking for that late trot 7-2 Akron (Indians)......................... 18 19 .486 1
3 Di Manggio T.Buter 7-3-4 Ships in from Chester 4-1 ROCKFORD RIVERHAWKS—Released OF Greg Monday, May 30 Bowie (Orioles) ........................ 18 19 .486 1
team and also the senior all star
Huff, RHP Greg Stolzenburg, C Kent Wright and
1 Donnegal G.Wasiluk 8-3-7 Winner of over $400k life 9-2
3B/RHP Jordon Yost.
x-Miami at Chicago, 8:30 p.m.
Harrisburg (Nationals)............. 17 18 .486 1 game participants. All coaches are
6 Reputation Tn.Schadel 3-4-2 Sent by team Schadel 8-1
9 Master Buckin Uhl A.McCarthy 4-3-8 Kicked down 15-1 WASHINGTON WILD THINGS—Placed RHP Jus- Richmond (Giants) .................. 17 19 .472 11⁄2 encouraged to attend or send a
tin Edwards on the 14-day injured list. Placed C
8 Jimmy Get Lost
4 M C Felix
Has rough go of it
Florida newcomer
Greyson Schram on the suspended list. Released N H L Erie (Tigers) ............................. 16 19 .457
Saturday's Games
2 representative. For more informa-
RHP Zach Groh, OF Joel Hartman, LHP Blake Hen- Altoona 6, Erie 5 tion, call Mike at 262-8291 or Sean
Eighth-$21,000 Clm.Pace;clm.price $30,000 nington and OF Jeremy Richter.
8 DVC Gifted Indeed G.Napolitano 1-1-2 Can’t be stopped 5-2 North American League
Playoff Glance New Britain 6, Portland 3, 1st game at 991-1773.
New Hampshire 13, Reading 10
5 Bongo T.Buter 2-3-4 Getting better 5-1 RIO GRANDE VALLEY WHITEWINGS—Signed All Times EDT Akron 4, Bowie 2, 10 innings
4 Mambo Italiano B.Simpson 5-5-4 Keeps cashing checks 6-1 OF Welington Dotel, OF Leo Delgado and INF (x-if necessary) Harrisburg at Richmond, ppd., rain REGISTRATIONS/TRYOUTS
2 Gentleman Friend J.Pavia 3-2-5 Loves to rough it 4-1 Brandon Decker. FIRST ROUND Binghamton 3, Trenton 2
3 Bluff Point M.Kakaley 6-2-1 Burke student 3-1 SAN ANGELO COLTS—Signed RHP Chandler New Britain 4, Portland 0, 2nd game
Barnard, RHP David Parker and LHP Jordan Ken- (Best-of-7)
7 K Slater A.McCarthy 4-8-3 Shuffled out last week 12-1
dall. Wednesday, April 13 Sunday's Games Greater Pittston Stoners Youth
6 Totally Empressive P.Berry 2-7-2 Lacks the power 10-1 Trenton 3, Binghamton 2
1 Four Starz Elder M.Romano 3-3-1 Big move up 15-1 FOOTBALL Detroit 4, Phoenix 2
Reading 5, New Hampshire 4
Soccer will hold last-chance fall
Pittsburgh 3, Tampa Bay 0
9 Kid Cruiser A.Miller 5-7-3 Fills out the field 20-1 National Football League Washington 2, N.Y. Rangers 1, OT Portland at New Britain, ppd., rain registrations from 6:30 p.m. to
Ninth-$8,500 Cond.Pace;n/w 1 pm race life MIAMI DOLPHINS—Named Mark Brockelman se- Erie 2, Altoona 1, 13 innings
nior vice president/chief financial and administrative
Vancouver 2, Chicago 0
Akron 5, Bowie 3
7:30 p.m. on Thursday at the
7 Coal Burner A.Miller 8-2-1 One last chance 9-2 Nashville 4, Anaheim 1
5 Fearless Diablo G.Napolitano 3-1-x Well-bred firster 3-1 officer.
Thursday, April 14
Richmond 11, Harrisburg 4 Exeter Scout Home, located near
6 Hot Shot Lawyer T.Buter 2-2-9 Raced good in comeback go 7-2 Canadian Football League Montreal 2, Boston 0 Monday's Games the Exeter Borough Building. The
2 Joachim J.Pavia 3-4-7 Art Major gelding 4-1 CALGARY STAMPEDERS—Signed DL Lindsey Buffalo 1, Philadelphia 0 No games scheduled
4 Solanos Dragon A.McCarthy 5-2-6 Yet to win in 15 starts 5-1 Witten and DL Torrey Davis. San Jose 3, Los Angeles 2, OT Tuesday's Games cost is $48 per player with no
3 Top Notch Hanover A.Napolitano 5-5-3 Note the driver change 8-1 GYMNASTICS Friday, April 15 Reading at Portland, 6 p.m. uniform or $63 per player with
1 Prince Marathon D.Ingraham 5-5-5 Derailed 10-1 International Gymnastics Federation Trenton at Erie, 6:35 p.m.
8 Shiswell’s Delight B.Simpson 8-6-4 Beaten by 40 lengths last 2 12-1 IGF—Suspended Cyprus, Indonesia, Jamaica, Ka-
Tampa Bay 5, Pittsburgh 1
New Britain at Harrisburg, 7 p.m. new uniform. New players must
Washington 2, N.Y. Rangers 0
Tenth-$21,000 Cond.Pace;n/w $22,000 last 5 zakhstan, Macau, Macedonia, Paraguay, Sey- Vancouver 4, Chicago 3 Binghamton at New Hampshire, 7:05 p.m. show their birth certificate. Credit
chelles, Syria, Tajikistan, and Yemen for failing to Altoona at Akron, 7:05 p.m.
8 Ideal Nectarine T.Buter 1-7-7 Darkhorse of the night 5-1 pay money owed to the sport’s ruling body.
Anaheim 5, Nashville 3
Bowie at Richmond, 7:05 p.m. cards are not accepted. Returning
1 Hannah Isabel G.Napolitano 2-1-1 Looms the danger 7-2 Saturday, April 16
HOCKEY Detroit 4, Phoenix 3 players may mail registration
3 Soggy Soggy J.Pavia 3-3-5 May enjoy the rain 4-1
2 Summer Hope M.Kakaley 1-2-5 Scratched lame last week 9-2 National Hockey League Philadelphia 5, Buffalo 4 forms to Stoners Soccer, P.O. Box
CALGARY FLAMES—Promoted Jay Feaster to Montreal 3, Boston 1
6 LR Dancing Dream
4 Cotton Candy
Almost got there at 25-1
No repeat in sight
general manager. Los Angeles 4, San Jose 0 A H L 263, West Pittston, PA., 18643.
5 Sammy’s Magic Girl A.McCarthy 4-1-7 Back from Chester 8-1 SOCCER Sunday, April 17 Forms must be received by May
7 Runaway Tray A.Napolitano 6-5-1 I’d pass on 12-1 United Soccer Leagues
USL—Entered into an agreement to operate the
N.Y. Rangers 3, Washington 2
Nashville 4, Anaheim 3
Playoff Glance 25. Late fees go in effect on June 1.
Eleventh-$13,000 Clm.Hndcp Trot;clm.price $12-15,000 Major Indoor Soccer League. Vancouver 3, Chicago 2 All Times EDT For more information, visit
4 Carpathian Hooray G.Napolitano 5-1-6 Back on track 3-1
2 Chiselled J.Taggart 2-2-6 Another second 4-1
COLLEGE Monday, April 18 (x-if necessary) www.stonersoccer.org.
GEORGE MASON—Named Roland Houston Philadelphia 4, Buffalo 2 FIRST ROUND
9 McKelvie L.Stalbaum 3-2-3 Decent since the claim 9-2 men’s assistant basketball coach. Retained direc- Boston 4, Montreal 2 BEST OF 7
Heights Packers Mini Football and
1 A Real Laser A.Miller 1-1-7 Chases three in a row 7-2 tor of men’s basketball operations Scott Lombardi. Pittsburgh 3, Tampa Bay 2 Cheerleading will hold early regis-
8 April Sunshine M.Kakaley 6-5-3 Missed a turn 15-1 Detroit 4, Phoenix 2 EASTERN CONFERENCE
ILLINOIS—Announced the retirement of athletic di-
7 Kentucky Wildcat A.Napolitano 4-4-5 Lacks that late stamina 8-1 rector Ron Guenther, effective June 30. Tuesday, April 19 Portland 4, Connecticut 2 tration from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on
Thursday, April 14: Portland 3, Connecticut 2
3 Tonigth Aas J.Pavia 5-5-3 A tosser 6-1 NEW JERSEY CITY—Named Amy Mulligan wom- Chicago 7, Vancouver 2
Saturday, April 16: Portland 3, Connecticut 2, OT this Sunday and May 29 at Casey
5 Old Trafford T.Buter 6-2-9 Yet to win in 2011 10-1 en’s basketball coach. San Jose 6, Los Angeles 5, OT
6 Dusty Diamond B.Simpson 9-4-7 Never leaves the rail 20-1 RUTGERS—Announced the resignation of men’s Wednesday, April 20
Sunday, April 17: Connecticut 3, Portland 1 Park. The cost for May only is $45
Tuesday, April 19: Connecticut 3, Portland 1
Twelfth-$15,000 Cond.Pace;n/w $11,000 last 5 lacrosse coach Jim Stagnitta. Washington 4, N.Y. Rangers 3, 2OT Thursday, April 21: Portland 5, Connecticut 4 single child or $60 for two children
WRIGHT STATE—Named Keenan Flynn men’s Pittsburgh 3, Tampa Bay 2, 2OT
2 B N Bad J.Pavia 3-5-5 Pavia barn due to warm up 7-2
soccer goalkeepers coach. Buffalo 1, Philadelphia 0
Saturday, April 23: Portland 6, Connecticut 4 or $70 for a family. Each new
3 Four Trumps A L.Stalbaum 4-4-5 Fast off the wings 3-1 Binghamton 4, Manchester 3
4 Need A Job A.Napolitano 3-3-1 Kavoleff having great meet 4-1 N B A Anaheim 6, Nashville 3
Thursday, April 14: Manchester 2, Binghamton 1
participant will need to provide a
6 Shadows Dream M.Kakaley 1-7-3 Steps up off big score 9-2 Detroit 6, Phoenix 3, Detroit wins series 4-0 copy of birth certificate. The team
Friday, April 15: Binghamton 4, Manchester 3, OT
9 Split Ticket T.Buter 1-1-1 Newcomer from Cal-Expo 6-1 Thursday, April 21 Sunday, April 17: Manchester 5, Binghamton 4, OT
8 Indelible Hanover A.McCarthy 5-4-2 Just can’t get there 8-1 Playoff Glance Boston 5, Montreal 4, OT Tuesday, April 19: Manchester 6, Binghamton 3
is now accepting 6 year olds. Only
7 Johnny Absolut J.Taggart 3-8-7 Better at the Big M 10-1 All Times EDT
Chicago 5, Vancouver 0 Wednesday, April 20: Binghamton 5, Manchester 4, one mandatory fundraiser.
1 Carleon Hanover D.Ingraham 8-1-3 Bounced off that upset win 15-1 San Jose 6, Los Angeles 3 OT
FIRST ROUND Friday, April 22
5 San Antony-O K.Sizer 7-8-6 Better luck in Texas 20-1 Friday, April 22: Binghamton 2, Manchester 1, 2OT
(Best-of-7) Buffalo 4, Philadelphia 3 Saturday, April 23: Binghamton 6, Manchester 5,
Thirteenth-$9,000 Cond.Pace;n/w $5,000 last 5
(x-if necessary) Nashville 4, Anaheim 3, OT OT
1 Native Art A.Miller 4-3-3 Coast to coast 3-1 Saturday, April 23
Saturday, April 16 Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 4, Norfolk 2 Bulletin Board items will not be
4 I Scoot For Cash T.Buter 3-4-6 Follows from the pocket 7-2 Chicago 104, Indiana 99 Tampa Bay 8, Pittsburgh 2
7 Yankee Devil H.Parker 7-8-6 Been facing better 10-1 Friday, April 15: Norfolk 2, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 1
8 Real One And Only G.Napolitano 5-3-7 Georgie back in bike 9-2
Miami 97, Philadelphia 89 Washington 3, N.Y. Rangers 1, Washington wins Saturday, April16: Norfolk 2, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton accepted over the telephone. Items
Atlanta 103, Orlando 93 series 4-1 0
5 Major Suit J.Pavia 8-6-5 Drops from high priced claimers 6-1 Dallas 89, Portland 81 Boston 2, Montreal 1, 2OT Tuesday, April 19: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 2, Norfolk may be faxed to 831-7319, emailed to
3 Mikes Hope L.Stalbaum 6-9-6 Don’t rest your laurels on 4-1 Los Angeles 3, San Jose 1
2 Hanks Kid M.Kakaley 6-6-7 Struggling 8-1
Sunday, April 17 1 [email protected] or dropped
Memphis 101, San Antonio 98 Sunday, April 24 Wednesday, April 20: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 4,
6 M A Roy A.Napolitano 9-7-6 Adams a winless trainer 15-1 New Orleans 109, L.A. Lakers 100 Philadelphia 5, Buffalo 4, OT Norfolk 2 off at the Times Leader or mailed to
9 Sir Beach Dragon D.Ingraham 7-6-7 One more race to go 20-1 Boston 87, New York 85 Nashville 4, Anaheim 2, Nashville wins series 4-2 Friday, April 22: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 2, Norfolk 1
Fourteenth-$9,000 Clm.Pace;clm.price $15,000 Oklahoma City 107, Denver 103 Chicago 4, Vancouver 3, OT Saturday, April 23: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 6, Nor- Times Leader, c/o Sports, 15 N, Main
3 Ifeelthelight L.Stalbaum 2-3-6 Shines brightly 3-1 Monday, April 18 Monday, April 25 folk 3 St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0250.
4 Vondean A.Napolitano 2-7-8 Not the best finale 7-2 Miami 94, Philadelphia 73 Tampa Bay 4, Pittsburgh 2 Charlotte 4, Hershey 2
5 Intrepid Belief B.Simpson 7-3-3 Lightly raced pacer 4-1 Chicago 96, Indiana 90 San Jose 4, Los Angeles 3, OT, San Jose wins se- Thursday, April 14: Charlotte 5, Hershey 4
8 Mohegan Miss M.Romano 5-4-6 One of 2 gals in here 5-1 Tuesday, April 19 ries 4-2 Sunday, April 17: Hershey 4, Charlotte 2
2 The Daily Diary D.Ingraham 8-3-5 The other lady 9-2 Boston 96, New York 93 Tuesday, April 26 Tuesday, April 19: Hershey 3, Charlotte 2
1 Stonebridge Deco J.Antonelli 6-4-3 Does get best of draws 8-1 Orlando 88, Atlanta 82 Montreal 2, Boston 1 Wednesday, April 20: Charlotte 3, Hershey 2 Friday, May 6: Houston 3, Milwaukee 2, OT
6 Patient Major J.Taggart 5-6-2 Lost my patience 10-1 Dallas 101, Portland 89 Philadelphia 5, Buffalo 2, Philadelphia wins series Friday, April 22: Charlotte 5, Hershey 3 Sunday, May 8: Milwaukee 5, Houston 4, OT
7 Real Liberator T.Buter 8-8-6 See you tomorrow 12-1 Wednesday, April 20 4-3 Sunday, April 24: Charlotte 2, Hershey 1, OT Tuesday, May 10: Houston 4, Milwaukee 2
Oklahoma City 106, Denver 89 Vancouver 2, Chicago 1, OT, Vancouver wins se- WESTERN CONFERENCE CONFERENCE FINALS
San Antonio 93, Memphis 87 ries 4-3 Manitoba 4, Lake Erie 3 BEST OF 7
L.A. Lakers 87, New Orleans 78 Wednesday, April 27 Saturday, April 16: Lake Erie 6, Manitoba 4 EASTERN CONFERENCE
Thursday, April 21 Boston 4, Montreal 3, OT, Boston win series 4-3 Sunday, April 17: Manitoba 3, Lake Erie 2, OT
Tampa Bay 1, Pittsburgh 0, Tampa Bay wins series Tuesday, April 19: Lake Erie 2, Manitoba 1 Binghamton 2, Charlotte 0
Chicago 88, Indiana 84
L O C A L West Side Tech at Abington Heights Miami 100, Philadelphia 94 4-3 Thursday, April 21: Lake Erie 6, Manitoba 3 Thursday, May 12: Binghamton 7, Charlotte 4
Friday, May 13: Binghamton 3, Charlotte 0
Pittston Area at Lake-Lehman Portland 97, Dallas 92 CONFERENCE SEMIFINALS Friday, April 22: Manitoba 2, Lake Erie 0
C A L E N D A R Holy Redeemer at Tunkhannock Friday, April 22 (Best-of-7) Sunday, April 24: Manitoba 3, Lake Erie 1 Tuesday, May 17: Charlotte at Binghamton, 7:05
Boston 113, New York 96 Thursday, April 28 Tuesday, April 26: Manitoba 4, Lake Erie 1
Wednesday, May 18: Charlotte at Binghamton, 7:05
Today Atlanta 88, Orlando 84 Vancouver 1, Nashville 0 Hamilton 4, Oklahoma City 2 p.m.
W H A T ’ S O N T V L.A. Lakers 100, New Orleans 86 Friday, April 29 Thursday, April 14: Hamilton 5, Oklahoma City 2
Saturday, April 16: Hamilton 2, Oklahoma City 1
x-Saturday, May 21: Charlotte at Binghamton, 7:05
Saturday, April 23 Tampa Bay 4, Washington 2 p.m.
(5:45 p.m.) Indiana 89, Chicago 84 San Jose 2, Detroit 1, OT Tuesday, April 19: Oklahoma City 2, Hamilton 0 x-Monday, May 23: Binghamton at Charlotte, 7:05
Wyoming Area at West Side Tech CYCLING Wednesday, April 20: Oklahoma City 5, Hamilton 2
Portland 84, Dallas 82 Saturday, April 30 p.m.
Nanticoke at Pittston Area 5 p.m. Memphis 91, San Antonio 88 Friday, April 22: Hamilton 2, Oklahoma City 0 x-Tuesday, May 24: Binghamton at Charlotte, 7:05
VERSUS — Tour of California, stage 3, Auburn to Boston 7, Philadelphia 3 Sunday, April 24: Hamilton 4, Oklahoma City 1
Abington Heights at Holy Redeemer Oklahoma City 97, Denver 94 Nashville 2, Vancouver 1, 2OT p.m.
Lake-Lehman at Tunkhannock Modesto, Calif. Houston 4, Peoria 0
Sunday, April 24 Sunday, May 1 WESTERN CONFERENCE
H.S. GIRLS SOCCER MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Philadelphia 86, Miami 82 Wednesday, April 13: Houston 4, Peoria 1
San Jose 2, Detroit 1 Friday, April 15: Houston 3, Peoria 2, OT Houston 2, Hamilton 0
Wyoming Area at Honesdale, 4:15 p.m. 1:05 p.m. Boston 101, New York 89, Boston wins series 4-0 Tampa Bay 3, Washington 2, OT Friday, May 13: Houston 2, Hamilton 1
Lake-Lehman at Nanticoke, 4:15 p.m. ROOT – Pittsburgh at Washington Atlanta 88, Orlando 85 Monday, April 18: Houston 5, Peoria 3
Monday, May 2 Tuesday, April 19: Houston 2, Peoria 1 Sunday, May 15: Houston 3, Hamilton 2
H.S. Track and Field 6:30 p.m. New Orleans 93, L.A. Lakers 88 Boston 3, Philadelphia 2, OT Tuesday, May 17: Houston at Hamilton, 7:30 p.m.
(3 p.m.) WQMY – N.Y. Yankees at Tampa Bay Monday, April 25 Milwaukee 4, Texas 2 Wednesday, May 18: Houston at Hamilton, 7:30
District 2 Class 3A Track and Field Championships, Tuesday, May 3 Thursday, April 14: Milwaukee 5, Texas 2
7 p.m. Memphis 104, San Antonio 86 Tampa Bay 4, Washington 3 p.m.
Scranton Memorial Stadium SNY – Florida at N.Y. Mets Dallas 93, Portland 82 Saturday, April 16: Texas 3, Milwaukee 1 x-Friday, May 20: Houston at Hamilton, 7:30 p.m.
Vancouver 3, Nashville 2, OT Tuesday, April 19: Texas 3, Milwaukee 2, OT
Wednesday 8 p.m. Denver 104, Oklahoma City 101 x-Sunday, May 22: Hamilton at Houston, 5:05 p.m.
Wednesday, May 4 Wednesday, April 20: Milwaukee 3, Texas 2 x-Tuesday, May 24: Hamilton at Houston, 8:05 p.m.
MLB — Regional coverage, Philadelphia at St. Tuesday, April 26 Boston 5, Philadelphia 1
H.S. BASEBALL Louis or Texas at Chicago White Sox Orlando 101, Atlanta 76 Friday, April 22: Milwaukee 2, Texas 1, OT
Tampa Bay 5, Washington 3, Tampa Bay wins se- Monday, April 25: Milwaukee 3, Texas 2, 2OT
(4:15 p.m.) NBA BASKETBALL Chicago 116, Indiana 89, Chicago wins series 4-1 ries 4-0
Tunkahnnock at Wyoming Valley West L.A. Lakers 106, New Orleans 90 DIVISION FINALS
8:30 p.m. San Jose 4, Detroit 3, OT
Dallas at Berwick Wednesday, April 27 BEST OF 7
Nanticoke at Coughlin
ESPN — Draft Lottery, at Secaucus, N.J.
9 p.m. Miami 97, Philadelphia 91, Miami wins series 4-1
Thursday, May 5
Vancouver 4, Nashville 2
Pittston Area at Crestwood
Holy Redeemer at Hazleton Area ESPN — Playoffs, conference finals, game 1, Okla- San Antonio 110, Memphis 103, OT
Oklahoma City 100, Denver 97, Oklahoma City Friday, May 6
Binghamton 4, Portland 2
Wednesday, April 27: Binghamton 3, Portland 2
Meyers at GAR homa City at Dallas Detroit 4, San Jose 3
NHL HOCKEY wins series 4-1 Thursday, April 28: Binghamton 5, Portland 3
Northwest at MMI Prep Boston 5, Philadelphia 1, Boston wins series 4-0 Saturday, April 30: Portland 3, Binghamton 2 May 18
8 p.m. Thursday, April 28 At The Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Ro-
Hanover Area at Wyoming Seminary Atlanta 84, Orlando 81, Atlanta wins series 4-2 Saturday, May 7 Monday, May 2: Binghamton 6, Portland 1
Lake-Lehman at West Side Tech VERSUS — Playoffs, conference finals, game 2, Nashville 4, Vancouver 3 Tuesday, May 3: Portland 6, Binghamton 2 semont, Ill., Andy Lee vs. Alex Bunema, 10, mid-
Tampa Bay at Boston L.A. Lakers 98, New Orleans 80, L.A. Lakers wins dleweights.
H.S. SOFTBALL series 4-2 Sunday, May 8 Friday, May 6: Binghamton 3, Portland 0
May 21
(4:15 p.m.)
Tunkhannock at Wyoming Valley West
T RA N SAC T I O N S Dallas 103, Portland 96, Dallas wins series 4-2 Detroit 4, San Jose 3
Monday, May 9
Charlotte 4, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 2
Thursday, April 28: Charlotte 3, Wilkes-Barre/ At Chiapas, Mexico, Tomas Rojas vs. Juan Jose
Friday, April 29 Montes, 12, for Rojas’ WBC super flyweight title.
Dallas at Berwick Memphis 99, San Antonio 91, Memphis wins series Vancouver 2, Nashville 1, Vancouver wins series Scranton 2
Nanticoke at Coughlin BASEBALL 4-2 Saturday, April 30: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 3, Char- At Puebla, Mexico, Sammy Gutierrez vs. Juan Pa-
4-2 lacios, 12, for Gutierrez’s interim WBA World mini-
Pittston Area at Crestwood Major League Baseball Tuesday, May 10 lotte 0
Holy Redeemer at Hazleton Area MLB—Named John Allen assistant monitor of the CONFERENCE SEMIFINALS mumweight title.
(Best-of-7) Detroit 3, San Jose 1 Monday, May 2: Charlotte 2, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton
Meyers at GAR Los Angeles Dodgers. Suspended New York Mets 1, OT At The Bell Centre, Montreal (HBO), Jean Pascal
minor league RHP Edgar Ramirez (Binghamton- Sunday, May 1 Thursday, May 12 vs. Bernard Hopkins, 12, for Pascal’s WBC-IBO
Northwest at MMI Prep San Jose 3, Detroit 2, San Jose wins series 4-3 Wednesday, May 4: Charlotte 1, Wilkes-Barre/
Hanover Area at Wyoming Seminary EL) 50 games after testing positive for a perform- Memphis 114, Oklahoma City 101 Scranton 0 light heavyweight title;Chad Dawson vs. Adrian Dia-
Lake-Lehman at West Side Tech ance-enhancing substance. Miami 99, Boston 90 CONFERENCE FINALS conu, 12, light heavyweights.
Friday, May 6: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 1, Charlotte 0
H.S. BOYS VOLLEYBALL American League Monday, May 2 (Best-of-7) Saturday, May 7: Charlotte 4, Wilkes-Barre/Scran- May 27
(5:45 p.m.) CLEVELAND INDIANS—Placed OF Grady Size- Atlanta 103, Chicago 95 Saturday, May 14 ton 3 At Reno Events Center, Reno., Nev. (ESPN2),
Crestwood at North Pocono more on the 15-day DL, retroactive to May 11. Re- Dallas 96, L.A. Lakers 94 Tampa Bay 5, Boston 2, Tampa Bay leads series 1-0 WESTERN CONFERENCE Chris Arreola vs. Kendrick Releford, 10, heavy-
Meyers at Hazleton Area called OF Travis Buck from Columbus (IL). Tuesday, May 3 Sunday, May 15 weights;Tony Thompson vs. Maurice Harris, 12,
Hamilton 4, Manitoba 3 IBF heavyweight eliminator.
Coughlin at Berwick SEATTLE MARINERS—Released OF Milton Bra- Miami 102, Boston 91 Vancouver 3, San Jose 2, Vancouver leads series Thursday, April 28: Hamilton 4, Manitoba 1
Delaware Valley at Dallas dley. Oklahoma City 111, Memphis 102 1-0 Sunday, May 1: Hamilton 4, Manitoba 2 June 4
H.S. GIRLS SOCCER National League Wednesday, May 4 Tuesday, May 17 Tuesday, May 3: Manitoba 5, Hamilton 4 At Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, N.J. (SHO), Carl
Honesdale at Tunkhannock, 4:15 p.m. CINCINNATI REDS—Placed LHP Aroldis Chap- Chicago 86, Atlanta 73 Tampa Bay at Boston, 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 4: Manitoba 2, Hamilton 1, 2OT Froch vs. Glen Johnson, 12, for Froch’s WBC super
man on the 15-day DL. Recalled RHP Jordan Smith Dallas 93, L.A. Lakers 81 Wednesday, May 18 Friday, May 6: Hamilton 5, Manitoba 1 middleweight title;Zsolt Erdei vs. Dawid Kostecki,
Thursday from Louisville (IL). Friday, May 6 San Jose at Vancouver, 9 p.m. Sunday, May 8: Manitoba 1, Hamilton 0 12, light heavyweights.
H.S. BOYS VOLLEYBALL HOUSTON ASTROS—Announced owner Drayton Chicago 99, Atlanta 82 Thursday, May 19 Monday, May 9: Hamilton 2, Manitoba 1, 3OT At Staples Center, Los Angeles (HBO), Sebastian
(5:45 p.m.) McLane agreed to sell the team to a group led by Dallas 98, L.A. Lakers 92 Boston at Tampa Bay, 8 p.m. Zbik vs. Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., 12, for Zbik’s WBC
Houston 4, Milwaukee 3 middleweight title;Miguel Vazquez vs. Marco Anto-
Hanover Area at Wyoming Area Houston businessman Jim Crane. Saturday, May 7 Friday, April 29: Milwaukee 3, Houston 1
PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES—Activated RHP Roy Friday, May 20 nio Barrera, 12, for Vazquez’s IBF lightweight title-
Wyoming Valley West at Nanticoke Memphis 101, Oklahoma City 93, OT Vancouver at San Jose, 9 p.m. Sunday, May 1: Houston 2, Milwaukee 0 .;Vanes Martirosyan vs. Saul Roman, 12, WBC ju-
Tuesday, May 3: Milwaukee 5, Houston 3 nior middleweight eliminator.
Thursday, May 5: Houston 3, Milwaukee 2, OT

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ S P O R T S TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 3B


LaRussa returns, Baker leads

Dallas victory
Cards top Phils DALLAS — Kristan Baker
went 2-for-3 with a home run
and two RBI to help lift Dallas
to a 4-3 victory over Tunk-
hannock on Monday and into
The Associated Press Reds 7, Cubs 4 first place in Division 1 West
ST. LOUIS — Jake West- CINCINNATI — Jonny of Wyoming Valley Confer-
brook allowed a run in seven Gomes hit his first homer in ence softball.
innings and the St. Louis Car- nearly a month, completing a The Mountaineers (10-3)
dinals snapped a three-game seven-run rally that swept the lead Tunkhannock (9-4) by
losing streak in manager Tony Cincinnati Reds to a victory one game with one game to
La Russa’s first game back from over the Chicago Cubs, ending play. Dallas is at Berwick and
illness, capitalizing on Cliff Carlos Zambrano’s long run of Tunkhannock is at Wyoming
Lee’s career-high six walks to road success. Valley West on Wednesday.
beat the Philadelphia Phillies Zambrano (4-2) had won his Baker also pitched a com-
3-1 Monday night. last 10 starts on the road, plete game, striking out six.
Lee (2-4) is winless in six matching the second-longest Mary Kate Osick also went
starts since throwing a three- such streak in Cubs history 2-for-3 at the plate.
hit shutout at Washington on since 1919. He took a one-hitter AP PHOTO Erika Yanora finished 2-
April 14 and departed after 122 into the sixth, then fell apart. Tampa Bay’s B.J. Upton, left, is congratulated on his two-run home run by teammate Matt Joyce as for-3 for the Tigers.
Tunkhannock..................... 001 011 0 — 3
pitches in 6 1-3 innings. Ryan The Reds sent 12 batters to New York catcher Russell Martin looks on during a game Monday in St. Petersburg, Fla. Dallas ................................. 002 020 x — 4
Theriot, Matt Holliday and the plate, matching their big-
WP -- Baker, 7 IP, 4H, 4R, 1ER, 4BB, 6K; LP --
Hampsey, 6 IP, 7H, 4R, 3ER, 4BB, 8K;
Lance Berkman walked twice S TA N D I N G S A L B O X E S HR—DAL, Baker. Top hitters – DAL, Baker
gest inning this season. Left 2-3, 2 RBI; Osick 2-3; TUN, Yanora 2-3
apiece off Lee, helping the fielder Alfonso Soriano mis- All Times EDT Rays 6, Yankees 5
Cardinals rebound after getting Haz. Area 6, Coughlin 2
played Scott Rolen’s fly into a AMERICAN LEAGUE New York Tampa Bay
swept at Cincinnati. East Division ab r h bi ab r h bi
double that tied it at 4. Marcos W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Jeter ss 3 1 0 0 Fuld lf 4 1 1 2 Hazleton Area’s Shannon
Fernando Salas worked the Tampa Bay..................................... 24 17 .585 — — 7-3 W-1 11-12 13-5 Grndrs cf 4 1 1 3 Zobrist 2b 3 0 1 0
Mateo let in a run with a wild New York ....................................... 20 19 .513 3 1 3-7 L-6 13-11 7-8 Teixeir 1b 4 0 0 0 Damon dh 4 1 1 1 Salvaterra went 3-for-4 with a
ninth for his fourth save in four Boston ............................................ 21 20 .512 3 1 7-3 W-4 12-9 9-11 AlRdrg dh 4 0 0 0 Longori 3b 4 1 1 0
pitch that nearly hit Gomes. Toronto........................................... 21 20 .512 3 1 7-3 W-6 9-8 12-12 Cano 2b 4 1 2 0 Joyce rf 3 1 1 1 triple while pitching a com-
chances. Swisher rf 4 1 1 0 BUpton cf 3 1 1 2
The slumping outfielder then Baltimore........................................ 19 21 .475 41⁄2 21⁄2 5-5 L-1 10-11 9-10
AnJons lf 3 0 0 0 Ktchm 1b 3 0 2 0 plete game, striking out six
The Phillies totaled four hits Central Division Gardnr ph 1 0 0 0 Brignc ss 3 0 0 0
hit a two-run shot — his first W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Martin c 4 1 2 0 Jaso c 3 1 1 0 for the win.
and had only three runners in Cleveland....................................... 25 13 .658 — — 5-5 W-2 15-4 10-9 ENunez 3b 3 0 1 2 Hazleton Area ................... 101 210 1 — 6
homer since April 17. Detroit............................................. 22 19 .537 41⁄2 — 8-2 L-1 11-8 11-11
scoring position against West- Kansas City ................................... 20 20 .500 6 11⁄2 4-6 L-3 15-9 5-11
Totals 34 5 7 5 Totals 30 6 9 6 Coughlin............................. 000 002 0 — 2
Homer Bailey (3-0) gave up New York ........................... 020 030 000 — 5 WP -- Salvaterra, 7 IP, 8H, 2R, 2ER, 0BB, 6K;
brook (3-3). Chicago..........................................
Minnesota ......................................
8-15 Tampa Bay......................... 000 105 00x — 6 LP – Luton, 7 IP, 8H, 6R, 3ER, 3BB, 5K;
four runs in six innings. E—E.Nunez (6), Fuld (2). DP—New York 2. LOB— 2B—HAZ, Babula; COU, Answini, Ross.
3B—HAZ, Salvaterra; COU, Hawyard. Top
West Division New York 3, Tampa Bay 3. 2B—Jaso (7). HR—
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away hitters – HAZ, Salvaterra 3-4; COU, Hayward
Nationals 4, Pirates 2 Los Angeles .................................. 22 19 .537 — — 5-5 L-1 9-10 13-9
Granderson (14), Fuld (2), Damon (7), B.Upton (6).
Braves 3, Astros 2 Texas ............................................. 22 19 .537 — — 5-5 W-2 15-9 7-10
CS—Zobrist (1), B.Upton (3).
WASHINGTON — Danny Oakland.......................................... 20 20 .500 11⁄2 11⁄2 5-5 L-1 9-10 11-10 New York

Espinosa broke out of a dread- ATLANTA — Eric Hinske Seattle ............................................ 16 23 .410 5 5 3-7 L-6 8-11 8-12 A.J.Burnett L,4-3..... 52⁄3 8 6 6 1 3 Pittston Area 5,
ful slump with a two-run had three hits, including a NATIONAL LEAGUE Ayala......................... 1⁄3
Logan........................ 1
1 Holy Redeemer 0
East Division
homer in the seventh inning to tie-breaking single in the sev- W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Chamberlain ............
Tampa Bay
1 0 0 0 1 0
Alyssa Talerico pitched a
Philadelphia................................... 25 15 .625 — — 4-6 L-3 13-7 12-8
lead the Washington Nationals enth, and the Atlanta Braves Florida ............................................ 23 16 .590 11⁄2 — 4-6 L-1 12-9 11-7 Price .........................
J.Cruz W,2-0 ...........
1 complete game shutout, scat-
Atlanta ............................................ 24 19 .558 21⁄2 1 6-4 W-3 13-10 11-9
to a victory over the Pittsburgh used a makeshift lineup to beat Washington ................................... 20 21 .488 51⁄2 4 6-4 W-2 11-9 9-12 Jo.Peralta H,6 ......... 2 0 0 0 0 0
tering six hits for the win.
New York ....................................... 19 21 .475 6 41⁄2 7-3 W-1 8-11 11-10 Farnsworth S,8-9 .... 1 0 0 0 0 1
Pirates. the Houston Astros. WP—A.J.Burnett 2.
Marissa Nardone led the
Central Division
Espinosa, who was 8 for 73, Manager Fredi Gonzalez W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away
Red Sox 8, Orioles 7 Patriots at the plate with a
Cincinnati ....................................... 24 17 .585 — — 8-2 W-4 14-9 10-8
drove the first pitch thrown by subbed Hinske in left field and St. Louis ......................................... 23 19 .548 11⁄2 11⁄2 5-5 W-1 11-9 12-10 Baltimore Boston triple.
Milwaukee...................................... 19 21 .475 41⁄2 41⁄2 6-4 W-3 13-6 6-15 ab r h bi ab r h bi
Pirates reliever Jose Ascanio Joe Mather, who had a two-run Pittsburgh ...................................... 18 23 .439 6 6 3-7 L-6 7-11 11-12 BRorts 2b 5 1 1 0 Ellsury cf 5 1 2 0 Pittston Area...................... 110 210 0 — 5
Chicago.......................................... 17 22 .436 6 6 4-6 L-2 9-13 8-9 Markks rf 4 1 1 0 Pedroia 2b 5 1 1 0 Holy Redeemer ................ 000 000 0 — 0
into the left-field bullpen, scor- single in the sixth, in right as Houston ......................................... 15 26 .366 9 9 3-7 L-2 9-13 6-13 D.Lee 1b 2 0 1 1 AdGnzl 1b 5 1 3 3 WP – Alyssa Talerico, 7 IP, 6H, 0R, 0ER, 5BB,
3K; LP – Abby Staskiel, 7 IP, 6H, 5R, 3ER,
ing Mike Morse, who had sin- the Braves were missing third West Division Fox 1b
Guerrr dh
3 0 0 0 Youkils 3b
5 2 3 1 Ortiz dh
4 0 2 2
4 0 0 0 8BB, 4K;
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away
gled off hard-luck Pittsburgh baseman Chipper Jones and San Francisco ............................... 22 17 .564 — — 8-2 W-1 10-5 12-12 Scott lf
Pie lf
1 1 0 0 J.Drew rf
0 0 0 0 Lowrie ss
4 1 2 0
4 2 2 1
3B—PA, Marissa Nardone; HR, Sydney
Colorado ........................................ 20 18 .526 11⁄2 21⁄2 2-8 L-2 9-10 11-8
starter Paul Maholm (1-6). right fielder Jason Heyward Los Angeles .................................. 19 22 .463 4 5 4-6 L-2 10-11 9-11 AdJons cf
Wieters c
4 0 1 1 Crwfrd lf
4 1 1 1 Varitek c
5 1 1 0
5 1 2 2
Arizona........................................... 17 22 .436 5 6 4-6 W-2 10-9 7-13
Espinosa’s 22 RBIs leads all from their starting lineup. San Diego ...................................... 17 23 .425 51⁄2 61⁄2 5-5 W-2 7-14 10-9 MrRynl 3b
Hardy ss
5 1 2 2
3 0 0 1
Lehman 13, MMI Prep 9
rookies, but has seen his aver- Tommy Hanson (5-3) gave AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE Totals 36 710 7 Totals 41 815 8 MMI Prep ........................ 401 040 0 — 9
Baltimore ............................ 201 021 100 — 7 Lake-Lehman ................. 025 420 X — 13
age dip from .281 to .193 in the up three hits and two runs, one Sunday's Games Sunday's Games
Boston ................................ 000 005 102 — 8
Kansas City at Detroit, ppd., rain Cincinnati 9, St. Louis 7 Trailing 5-2 in the third in-
last 20 games. earned, in seven innings. He Seattle at Cleveland, ppd., rain Washington 8, Florida 4 One out when winning run scored.
Baltimore 9, Tampa Bay 3 Atlanta 3, Philadelphia 2 E—Scott (1), Mar.Reynolds (7). LOB—Baltimore ning, Lake-Lehman scored 11
Jerry Hairston also homered struck out 10, one shy of his Toronto 11, Minnesota 3 N.Y. Mets 7, Houston 4 11, Boston 15. 2B—D.Lee (6), Guerrero 2 (9), Ad-
Texas 5, L.A. Angels 4 Milwaukee 9, Pittsburgh 6 .Gonzalez (14), Youkilis 2 (11), Lowrie (9). runs in four innings to record
for the light-hitting Nationals, career high, with only one Chicago White Sox 4, Oakland 3 San Francisco at Chicago, ppd., rain 3B—Lowrie (2). HR—Mar.Reynolds (5). SB—
Boston 7, N.Y. Yankees 5 San Diego 8, Colorado 2 B.Roberts 2 (6), Markakis (3), Mar.Reynolds (1), a come-from-behind victory
who managed just six hits. walk. Arizona 4, L.A. Dodgers 1 Ellsbury (13), Crawford (6). SF—Hardy.
Monday's Games
Tampa Bay 6, N.Y. Yankees 5 Monday's Games IP H R ER BB SO over MMI Prep.
Washington starter John Craig Kimbrel gave up a Baltimore
Toronto 4, Detroit 2 St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 1
Tillman ...................... 5 5 0 0 3 2 Kristen Baker had three
Lannan scattered seven hits in single to Carlos Lee but struck Boston 8, Baltimore 7
Cleveland 19, Kansas City 1
Washington 4, Pittsburgh 2
Cincinnati 7, Chicago Cubs 4 M.Gonzalez ............. 1⁄3 3 4 1 0 0
triples and three RBI for the
Accardo H,1............. 1⁄3 2 1 1 0 0
6 1-3 innings, allowing two out the side in the ninth for his Texas 4, Chicago White Sox 0
L.A. Angels at Oakland, (n)
Atlanta 3, Houston 2
Florida at N.Y. Mets, (n) Rapada H,2 ............. 1⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 Black Knights. Paige Pyskoty
Ji.Johnson H,7 ........ 1 3 1 1 0 2
runs. Reliever Cole Kimball 11th save. Minnesota at Seattle, (n) San Francisco at Colorado, (n)
Uehara H,4 .............. 1 1 0 0 1 1 had three hits and four RBI.
Tuesday's Games San Diego at Arizona, (n)
(1-0) earned his first major Matt Downs had a homer N.Y. Yankees (Nova 3-3) at Tampa Bay (Shields Milwaukee at L.A. Dodgers, (n)
Gregg L,0-1
BS,3-10 .................... 1⁄3 1 2 2 2 0 Tiffany Oplinger scattered
4-1), 6:40 p.m. Tuesday's Games
league win in relief. and RBI double for Houston. Toronto (Litsch 4-2) at Detroit (Porcello 3-2), 7:05 Houston (W.Rodriguez 2-3) at Atlanta (D.Lowe
Matsuzaka................ 41⁄3 5 5 5 7 2 two doubles and a triple.
p.m. 3-3), 1:05 p.m. Atchison ................... 12⁄3 3 1 1 1 2 WP – Tiffany Oplinger, 4 IP, 5H, 4R, 2ER,
Baltimore (Britton 5-2) at Boston (Wakefield 0-1), Pittsburgh (Morton 4-1) at Washington (Zimmer- Aceves W,1-0.......... 3 2 1 1 0 2 5BB, 3K; LP – Dana Chippi, 6 IP, 18H, 12R,
7:10 p.m. mann 2-4), 1:05 p.m. PB—Varitek. 11ER, 0BB, 4K;
Cleveland (C.Carrasco 1-2) at Kansas City (O’Sulli- San Francisco (J.Sanchez 3-2) at Colorado (Jime- 2B—MMI: Devan McCarrie; LL: Oplinger 2,
AMERICAN LEAGUE ROUNDUP van 2-2), 8:10 p.m.
Texas (Harrison 3-4) at Chicago White Sox (Danks
nez 0-3), 3:10 p.m.
Chicago Cubs (Garza 2-4) at Cincinnati (Volquez
Rangers 4, White Sox 0 Vickey Cadwalader. 3B— LL: Kristen Baker 3,
Texas Chicago Oplinger. Top hitters – MMI: Kayla Karchner
0-6), 8:10 p.m. 3-1), 7:10 p.m. 3-for-4; LL: Asley Metz 3-for-4, Paige Pyskoty
ab r h bi ab r h bi

Yankees’ losing streak

L.A. Angels (Chatwood 2-1) at Oakland (G.Gonza- Florida (Nolasco 3-0) at N.Y. Mets (Niese 2-4), 7:10 3-for-4 4 RBI, Baker 4-for-4 3 RBI, Sarah Pretty
lez 4-2), 10:05 p.m. p.m. EnChvz rf 5 2 3 0 Pierre lf 4 0 1 0
Andrus ss 5 1 1 0 AlRmrz ss 4 0 1 0 2 RBI, Lacey Miller
Minnesota (Liriano 2-5) at Seattle (F.Hernandez Philadelphia (Oswalt 3-1) at St. Louis (J.Garcia
4-3), 10:10 p.m. 5-0), 8:15 p.m. Kinsler 2b 4 0 1 2 A.Dunn dh 4 0 0 0
San Diego (Stauffer 0-1) at Arizona (D.Hudson 3-5), MiYong dh 5 1 2 1 Konerk 1b 3 0 0 0
Wednesday's Games ABeltre 3b 4 0 2 1 Quentin rf 4 0 0 0
N.Y. Yankees at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. 9:40 p.m.
DvMrp lf 3 0 1 0 Przyns c 3 0 2 0

hits 6 with loss to Rays

Tampa Bay at Toronto, 7:07 p.m. Milwaukee (Wolf 3-3) at L.A. Dodgers (Kuroda 4-3), Torreal c 5 0 1 0 Rios cf 3 0 0 0
Detroit at Boston, 7:10 p.m. 10:10 p.m. C.Davis 1b 4 0 0 0 Vizquel 3b 3 0 1 0
Cleveland at Chicago White Sox, 8:10 p.m. Wednesday's Games Gentry cf 4 0 1 0 Bckhm 2b 3 0 0 0
Texas at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m. Colorado at Philadelphia, 7:05 p.m.

Cougars open
Totals 39 412 4 Totals 31 0 5 0
Minnesota at Oakland, 10:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs at Florida, 7:10 p.m. Texas.................................. 002 002 000 — 4
L.A. Angels at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, 7:10 p.m.
Washington at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m. Chicago.............................. 000 000 000 — 0
Houston at St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. E—E.Jackson (1). DP—Texas 1. LOB—Texas 12,

against Messiah
Atlanta at Arizona, 9:40 p.m. Chicago 5. 2B—En.Chavez (1), Mi.Young (16), Al-
.Ramirez (5). SB—En.Chavez (1), Mi.Young (4),
The Associated Press to give the Blue Jays a three- Milwaukee at San Diego, 10:05 p.m.
San Francisco at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. Gentry (2).
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — run lead. Texas
Sam Fuld and B.J. Upton both C.Lewis W,4-4.........
9 5 0 0 1 7 Misericordia’s baseball
hit two-run homers to help the Rangers 4, White Sox 0 N L B O X E S Reds 7, E.Jackson L,3-5 ...... 51⁄3 11 4 4 3 6 team opens the NCAA Divi-
T.Pena...................... 12⁄3 1 0 0 0 2
Tampa Bay Rays rally and hand CHICAGO — Colby Lewis Cubs 4 Sale........................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 sion III Championships
Cardinals 3, Ohman...................... 1 0 0 0 1 2
the New York Yankees’ their pitched a five-hitter for his first
ab r h bi
ab r h bi WP—E.Jackson 2. against Messiah Wednesday
sixth consecutive loss with a career shutout and the Texas Phillies 1 Fukdm rf 5 0 0 0 Stubbs cf 4 1 1 0 at 10 a.m. at FirstEnergy Park
Barney 2b 4 0 3 1 Renteri ss 3 1 0 0
6-5 victory Monday night. Rangers beat the Chicago
ab r h bi
St. Louis
ab r h bi SCastro ss 3 0 0 0 Votto 1b 3 1 1 1 Indians 19, Royals 1 in Lakewood, N.J.
Rollins ss 4 0 2 0 Theriot ss 2 0 2 1 ArRmr 3b 3 0 0 0 BPhllps 2b 4 1 1 1
The fourth-seeded Cougars
The New York slide includes White Sox 4-0 on Monday WValdz 3b 3 0 0 0 Jay cf 3 0 1 1 ASorin lf 4 0 1 0 Bruce rf 4 1 2 1 Cleveland Kansas City
Pujols Byrd cf 4 1 2 0 Rolen 3b 4 1 1 1 ab r h bi ab r h bi (28-14) won the Freedom
a three-game sweep by Boston night. Polanc ph-3b 1 0 0 0 3b-1b 4 0 0 0
C.Pena 1b
K.Hill c
4 2 2 2 JGoms lf
4 0 1 0 Corder p
4 1 1 2
0 0 0 0
Brantly cf
ACarer ss
2 4
2 1
Aviles 2b-ss
MeCarr cf
0 0
0 0 Conference title and face the
at Yankee Stadium over the Endy Chavez added three Ibanez lf
Howard 1b
4 0 0 0 Hollidy lf
1 0 0 0 Brkmn 1b
2 1 0 0
1 1 0 0
Zamrn p 3 1 0 0 Hanign c 2 0 0 0 Choo rf 5 2 2 0 Dyson cf 2 0 0 0
fifth-seeded Falcons, the Com-
Mateo p 0 0 0 0 HBaily p 1 0 1 0 CSantn c-1b 3 2 1 0 Gordon lf 4 1 1 0
weekend that miffed team hits and scored three times for Mayrry cf
BFrncs rf
4 1 0 0 Salas p
3 0 1 1 Craig rf
0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
JRussll p 0 0 0 0 Cairo ph 1 0 0 0 Hafner dh 3 2 1 3 Butler dh 4 0 1 1 monwealth Conference cham-
Smrdzj p 0 0 0 0 LeCure p 0 0 0 0 Duncan
co-chairman Hank Steinbren- the Rangers, who have won Orr 2b 3 0 0 0 YMolin c 4 0 2 0 Marml p 0 0 0 0 Bray p 0 0 0 0 ph-dh 2 0 1 2 Francr rf 2 0 0 0 pions, in the Mid-Atlantic
Ruiz c 3 0 0 0 Punto 2b 4 1 2 1 DeWitt ph 1 0 0 0 Heisey ph-lf 1 0 0 0
ner. It’s the first time the Yan- four of their last five games. Cl.Lee p 2 0 1 0 Westrk p 2 0 0 0 Totals 35 4 9 3 Totals 31 7 8 6
OCarer 2b
Everett ph-2b
Maier rf
Hosmer 1b
1 0 0 0
4 0 1 0 Regional.
Stutes p 0 0 0 0 Lohse ph 0 0 0 0
kees have lost this many games Chavez was hitless in nine Gload ph 1 0 1 0 ESnchz p 0 0 0 0 Chicago.............................. 000 022 000 — 4 T.Buck lf
LaPort 1b
Betemt 3b
Treanr c
3 0 1 0
1 0 1 0
The winner of Wednesday’s
JRomr p 0 0 0 0 Descals 3b 0 0 0 0 Cincinnati ........................... 000 007 00x — 7
in a row since a seven-game at-bats since he was promoted Totals 29 1 5 1 Totals 26 3 7 3 E—Rolen (3). DP—Chicago 1, Cincinnati 1. LOB— B.Pena game take on the winner of
Marson c 1 0 0 0 ph-c 2 0 0 0
skid April 20-27, 2007. from Triple-A Round Rock on Philadelphia....................... 010 000 000 — 1 Chicago 7, Cincinnati 6. 2B—A.Soriano (5), Bruce
(6), Rolen (8). HR—C.Pena (4), J.Gomes (7). Hannhn 3b 4 2 1 1 AEscor ss 1 0 0 0 Kean and Catholic on Thurs-
St. Louis ............................. 000 200 10x — 3
Yankees starter A.J Burnett Saturday. DP—Philadelphia 2, St. Louis 2. LOB—Philadel- Chicago
Getz ph-2b
44192019 Totals
2 0 0 0
32 1 5 1
day at 4:30 p.m. The losers of
sailed through five innings and Lewis (4-4) struck out seven
phia 4, St. Louis 8. 2B—Rollins (8). SB—Mayberry
(3). S—Jay, Lohse.
Zambrano L,4-2....... 51⁄3 6 6 6 3 3 Cleveland............ 210 (10)42 000 — 19 both games compete on
Mateo ........................ 2⁄3 1 1 1 2 1
had a four-run advantage be- and walked one in his third IP H R ER BB SO J.Russell .................. 2⁄3 1 0 0 0 0
Kansas City ........ 000 1 00 000 — 1
DP—Kansas City 1. LOB—Cleveland 7, Kansas
Thursday at 10 a.m.
Philadelphia Samardzija............... 1⁄3 0 0 0 0 1
Cl.Lee L,2-4 ............. 61⁄3 6 3 3 6 4 City 5. 2B—A.Cabrera (9), Choo (5), C.Santana (6),
fore imploding in the sixth. career complete game. It was Stutes ....................... 2⁄3 0 0 0 0 0
Marmol .....................
1 0 0 0 1 2 Hafner (6), Duncan (5), LaPorta 2 (10), Butler (12),
Hosmer (3), Treanor (3). 3B—Gordon (3). HR—
After Fuld homered and Matt also the fourth consecutive J.Romero .................
St. Louis
1 1 0 0 0 0 H.Bailey W,3-0 ........ 6 6 4 3 3 4 Brantley (4). SB—A.Cabrera 2 (5), C.Santana (1). Dallas 11, Delaware Valley 10
LeCure H,3 .............. 11⁄3 3 0 0 0 0 S—Hannahan.
Joyce drove in a run with a start of at least 7 1-3 innings for Westbrook W,3-3....
E.Sanchez H,5 ........
Bray H,5 ................... 2⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 IP H R ER BB SO Emily Capitano led Dallas
Cordero S,8-9.......... 1 0 0 0 0 0
single, Upton ended Burnett’s the 6-foot-4 right-hander, who Salas S,4-4 .............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 WP—Mateo.
Tomlin W,5-1 ........... 6 5 1 1 0 1 with four goals and an assist
HBP—by J.Romero (Berkman). Umpires—Home, Sam Holbrook;First, John
night with his two-run drive improved to 3-1 with a 1.67 Umpires—Home, Gerry Davis;First, Wally Bell;Se- Hirschbeck;Second, Laz Diaz;Third, Scott Barry.
Germano ..................
0 and Melissa Tucker and Kel-
cond, Greg Gibson;Third, Todd Tichenor.
that put Tampa Bay up 6-5. ERA during the impressive T—2:37. A—34,884 (43,975).
T—2:51. A—16,981 (42,319). Pestano ....................
Kansas City
1 0 0 0 0 1 sey Maas scored three goals
stretch. Davies L,1-6 ............ 1⁄3 0 2 2 3 0 each as Dallas defeated Dela-
Adcock ..................... 12⁄3 3 1 1 2 1
Blue Jays 4, Tigers 2 Mazzaro ................... 21⁄3 11 14 14 3 2 ware Valley at home in Dis-
DETROIT — Kyle Drabek Red Sox 8, Orioles 7 Nationals 4, Jeffress..................... 12⁄3
Collins....................... 1
0 trict 2 girls playoff action.
pitched seven strong innings as BOSTON — Adrian Gon- Pirates 2 Soria .........................
L.Coleman ...............
Dana Jolley had 15 saves in
the Toronto Blue Jays snapped zalez smacked a two-run dou- Braves 3, Astros 2 Pittsburgh Washington Adcock pitched to 1 batter in the 3rd. goal for Dallas.
ab r h bi ab r h bi HBP—by Pestano (Maier). WP—Mazzaro.
Detroit’s seven-game winning ble off the left-field wall with
Houston Atlanta AMcCt cf 4 1 2 1 Berndn cf 4 0 0 0 Dallas will face Wyoming
ab r h bi ab r h bi
streak with a victory. one out in the ninth inning to Bourn cf 4 0 0 0 Prado 3b 5 0 1 0
Tabata lf
Walker 2b
5 0 2 0 Dsmnd ss
4 0 0 0 Werth rf
2 1 0 0
4 0 2 0 Seminary Wednesday for the
Barmes ss 3 0 0 0 McLoth cf 2 1 1 0 Diaz rf 2 0 0 0 WRams c 3 0 1 1 Blue Jays 4, Tigers 2 district title.
Drabek (2-3) allowed only give the Boston Red Sox a win Pence rf
Ca.Lee lf
4 0 0 0 McCnn c
4 1 2 0 Uggla 2b
4 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
Paul ph-rf 1 0 0 0 AdLRc 1b 4 0 0 0 Toronto Detroit
Pearce 1b 3 0 1 1 Morse lf 3 0 1 0 ab r h bi ab r h bi
one run despite walking six, over the Baltimore Orioles. Towles pr
Wallac 1b
0 0 0 0 Hinske lf
4 0 0 0 OFlhrt p
4 1 3 1
0 0 0 0
Overay ph-1b 1 0 0 0 L.Nix pr-lf 0 1 0 0 YEscor ss 3 0 2 1 AJcksn cf 3 1 1 0 BOYS LACROSSE
BrWod 3b 3 0 0 0 Espinos 2b 3 1 1 2
and gave up three hits and Trailing 7-6 going into the Hall 2b
WLopez p
3 0 0 0 Kimrel p
0 0 0 0 AlGnzlz ss
0 0 0 0
4 1 1 0
Snyder c 3 0 1 0 HrstnJr 3b 3 1 1 1
CPttrsn lf 5 0 1 0 Dirks lf
2 0 1 0
Dallas 9, Lake-Lehman 5
Doumit ph 1 0 1 0 Lannan p 2 0 0 0
struck out two. Frank Francis- inning, the Red Sox put run- Bogsvc ph 1 0 0 0 Fremn 1b 3 0 0 0 Cedeno ss 3 1 2 0 Kimall p 1 0 0 0 Bautist rf 5 1 2 0 ph-lf 1 0 0 0
Morgan Cohen netted five
MDwns 3b 3 1 2 2 Mather rf-lf 4 0 2 2 Mahlm p 2 0 0 0 SBurntt p 0 0 0 0 Encrnc 1b 5 1 2 0 Boesch rf 3 0 0 0
co pitched the ninth for his ners at first and second on Quinter c 3 0 0 0 Hanson p 2 0 1 0 Ascanio p 0 0 0 0 Storen p 0 0 0 0 A.Hill 2b 4 1 2 1 MiCarr 1b 1 0 0 1 goals and an assist as Dallas
Myers p 2 0 0 0 Heywrd rf 1 0 0 0 JRiver dh 3 0 0 1 VMrtnz dh 4 0 0 0
fourth save, but allowed a solo one-out walks to Jacoby Ells- Abad p 0 0 0 0
Beimel p
GJones ph
0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 Arencii c 3 1 1 1 JhPerlt ss 4 1 1 1 toppled Lake-Lehman in the
AngSnc 2b 1 0 0 0 RDavis cf 4 0 2 0 Avila c 2 0 0 0
homer to Jhonny Peralta. bury and Dustin Pedroia. Gon- Totals 32 2 4 2 Totals 31 3 9 3
Totals 33 210 2 Totals 29 4 6 4
JMcDnl 3b 3 0 0 0 Inge 3b 3 0 1 0 District 3 semifinals.
Pittsburgh .......................... 100 000 100 — 2
Tigers starter Max Scherzer zalez, the AL leader with 37 Houston.............................. 000 010 100 — 2
Washington ....................... 100 010 20x — 4
Santiag 2b
Kelly ph
3 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 The Mountaineers’ Brett
Atlanta ................................ 000 002 10x — 3
remained at 6-0 after pitching RBIs, then got the winning hit E—Myers (1), Barmes (1), Prado (3). DP—Houston
DP—Pittsburgh 1, Washington 1. LOB—Pittsburgh
9, Washington 4. 2B—Tabata (8), Cedeno (5),
Totals 35 412 4 Totals 27 2 4 2 Wanek added two goals and
Toronto............................... 000 000 130 — 4
seven innings and allowing a on the first pitch he saw from
3. LOB—Houston 4, Atlanta 10. 2B—M.Downs (5).
HR—M.Downs (3). S—Hanson.
Werth (9). 3B—A.McCutchen (2). HR—Espinosa
Detroit................................. 100 000 001 — 2 an assist. Joey Delamater and
(5), Hairston Jr. (2). SB—Werth (6). CS—Snyder
run in a no-decision. Toronto Kevin Gregg (0-1) IP H R ER BB SO (1). S—Maholm. E—Mi.Cabrera 2 (3). DP—Toronto 1. LOB—Toron-
to 9, Detroit 7. 2B—A.Hill (6). HR—Jh.Peralta (6).
Tanner Baloh each contrib-
won the game with three runs The Orioles had led 6-0 Myers........................ 6 8 2 2 3 6 Pittsburgh
SB—A.Jackson (6). CS—Y.Escobar (1). S— uted one goal. Lake-Lehman
Abad L,1-4 ............... 1⁄3 1 1 1 2 1 Jo.McDonald, Inge. SF—Y.Escobar, J.Rivera,
Maholm L,1-6 .......... 61⁄3 4 3 3 2 7 was led by Brandon Kelly and
off Joaquin Benoit (1-3) in the before the Red Sox scored five W.Lopez................... 12⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Ascanio..................... 2⁄3 1 1 1 0 1 Arencibia, Mi.Cabrera.
Atlanta Beimel ...................... 1 1 0 0 1 1 IP H R ER BB SO David Oliver with two goals
eighth. Jose Bautista and Ed- runs in the sixth. Mark Rey- Hanson W,5-3 .........
O’Flaherty H,8 .........
1 10
0 2
Washington Toronto
Drabek W,3-2.......... 7 3 1 1 6 2 apiece.
Lannan...................... 61⁄3 7 2 2 4 4
win Encarnacion started the nolds’ solo homer gave Balti- Kimbrel S,11-14 ...... 1 1 0 0 0 3 Kimball W,1-0 Rzepczynski H,5 ..... 1 0 0 0 0 0
Dallas will face the Tunk-
WP—Hanson. F.Francisco S,4-5 ... 1 1 1 1 1 0
inning with singles, and Aaron more a two-run lead in the Umpires—Home, Brian O’Nora;First, Alfonso Mar- BS,1-1 ......................
S.Burnett H,4........... 2⁄3
1 1
Detroit hannock-Delaware Valley
quez;Second, Ed Hickox;Third, Ed Rapuano. Scherzer................... 7 8 1 0 1 2
Hill made it 2-1 with a double. seventh. Then Jason Varitek T—2:44. A—17,416 (49,586). Storen S,9-9 ............ 1 2 0
Umpires—Home, Tony Randazzo;First, Dan Belli-
0 0 1 Benoit L,1-3 ............. 1 4 3 3 0 0 winner Wednesday at Wyom-
Perry ......................... 1 0 0 0 0 0
Juan Rivera and J.P. Arenci- singled in a run in the bottom no;Second, Larry Vanover;Third, Brian Gorman. Umpires—Home, Jim Reynolds;First, Mike Esta- ing Seminary’s Klassner Field
T—2:42. A—21,960 (41,506). brook;Second, Mike DiMuro;Third, Tim Welke.
bia followed with sacrifice flies of the inning, making it 7-6. for the district championship.

PAGE 4B TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 ➛ S P O R T S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

meeting the state qualifying

standard, but declined the
berth. Mid Valley’s Teddy
Evans also qualified in the
Continued from Page 1B
GAR freshman Quieterra
ski, Holy Redeemer’s Marissa Gross won in the 100 hurdles
Durako and Lackawanna while Northwest’s Nikki Black
Trail’s Lauren Ellsworth, who repeated her title in the 300
set two meet records, each hurdles.
won two girls events. Black and Kirsten Walsh
Jendrezjewski, a sopho- finished 1-2 from Northwest in
more, won her first two dis- the 300 hurdles.
trict golds by taking the high Julia Wignot and Nicole
jump at 5-0 and the triple Maximovitch of Holy Redeem-
jump with 35-10 ¾. er were 1-2 in the long jump.
“I just tried my best,” said Madison Lavery of Meyers,
Jendrezjewski, who posted in the shot put, and Fallyn
both wins without approach- Boich of Holy Redeemer, in
ing her season-best perform- the discus, also produced wins
ances. for the WVC girls.
Boich added a second-place
STATE QUALIFIERS finish in the javelin.
After a two-year cycle in Other second-place finishers
which only the champion were: Nicole Snyder, Lake-
advanced, District 2 is back to Lehman, 110 hurdles; Raisha
sending its top two from every Piper, Hanover Area, 200; the
event in Class 2A to the state Meyers 400 relay team; the
championships in Shippens- Hanover Area 1600 relay team
burg May 27-28. and the Holy Redeemer 3200
Crawford, Tarselli, Hanover relay team.
Area shot putter Tony Dennis, Amanda Jimcosky of North-
Hanover Area discus thrower west advanced as part of a
Steve Martin and the Holy three-way tie for second in the
Redeemer 400-relay team high jump.
qualified with wins. Marnie Kusakavitch of Holy
Gaining boys state tourna- Redeemer in the 100 and Tori
ment spots with second-place Doyle of Lakeland in the 100
finishes were: Jacob Bevan, hurdles each met the state
Lake-Lehman, high jump and qualifying time.
800; the Holy Redeemer 3200 When Elk Lake scratched
BILL TARUTIS PHOTOS/FOR THE TIMES LEADER relay team; Alex Bedrin, Holy its 3200 relay team from the
Ryan Brown of Meyers lands his long jump in the District 2 Class 2A Track and Field Championships at Scranton Memorial Stadium on Redeemer, javelin; David Gaw- state meet, it opened a spot
Monday afternoon. las, Holy Redeemer, 100 and for Hanover Area’s third-place
200; Lucas Benton, GAR, 400; team.
Paul Ascenzi, Northwest, 300 Durako and Elk Lake’s Ma-
hurdles; A.J. Limongelli, Holy ria Trowbridge scratched from
Redeemer, 3200; and the GAR the 1600, opening room for
1600-relay team. Holy Redeemer’s Rachel So-
Limongelli gained an addi- winski and Cassandra Gill.
tional spot in the 1600 by

first and second in the 100-meter
dash for 18 more points.
They also joined Carr and Jeff
Capaci for a win in the 400-meter
Continued from Page 1B
was impressive.” “We thought maybe our dis-
The Royals, with the boys tance guys could match their
sprinters joining forces with the sprinters,” Elk Lake’s Mike Be-
leaders of two state runner-up dell said after winning the 800
cross country teams, left a lasting and 1600 while contributing to
impression on the meet. the winning 3200 and 1600 re-
Elk Lake, which edged Holy lays, “but they ran phenomenally
Darrell Crawford of GAR, left, clears a hurdle ahead of Dunmore’s Redeemer out of both of the cross in anything under 400 meters.”
Kirsten Walsh of Northwest Area clears a hurdle in the girls 100- Mike Kolcharno in the boys 110-meter hurdles at the District 2 country titles in the fall, stayed A.J. Limongelli (3200), Alex
meter hurdles at the District 2 Class 2A Track and Field Cham- Class 2A Track and Field Championships at Scranton Memorial close for much of the boys meet. Bedrin (javelin) and Zachary Ra-
pionships at Scranton Memorial Stadium on Monday afternoon. Stadium on Monday afternoon. The 24 points gained in the zawich (110 hurdles) added sec-
200 –10 for first, eight for second, ond-place individual finishes
Holy Redeemer’s six for third – provided most of while the 3200 relay team of Tim-
Marnie Kusaka- the final margin. my Lambert, Capaci, Glen Lay-
vitch, left, fin- Holy Redeemer outscored Elk aou and Limongelli also claimed
ishes ahead of Lake, 119-94 1/3, in the boys silver.
Lake-Lehman’s standings. The Holy Redeemer girls used
Shoshana Maho- The girls race was never close dominance in the distance events
ney in the girls with the Lady Royals running and greater balance throughout
100-meter dash at away from Holy Cross, 133-85. the rest to surpass the point total
the District 2 The GAR boys and Hanover the boys managed.
Class 2A Track Area girls were the next-best Marisa Durako led 1-3-4 finish-
and Field Cham- teams from the Wyoming Valley es in the 1600 and 3200.
pionships at
Conference. GAR tied for fourth Rachel Sowinski was third and
Scranton Memo-
out of 19 teams while Hanover Cassandra Gill fourth in the
rial Stadium on
Monday after-
Area was third out of 17 teams. 1600.Mary Frank was third and
noon. Redeemer Holy Redeemer was the only Gill fourth in the 3200.
walked away with team over 100 points on either “It’s so good for our training
the boys and girls side because of its ability to pile that we always train together,”
titles at the meet. points together with strong com- Durako said. “We make each oth-
bined efforts in certain events. er better.
Click photos, “These are great kids to be run- “It’s so good to have team-
Page 4B. ning win,” said Tarselli, who led mates behind and with you.”
the way with three gold medals Durako caught Elk Lake’s Ma-
and a fourth-place finish. “I can ria Trowbridge late in the 1600
hear David and Austin screaming and won the 3200 by almost 40
the whole way. seconds.
“I knew we were going 1-2-3.” Fallyn Boich won the discus
The finish accomplished a goal and finished second in the javelin
the sprinters shared with their while Julia Wignot won the long
coach. jump and finished third in the tri-
“We planned that,” Tarselli ple jump.
said. “It was Austin’s first year of Nicole Maximovitch followed
track and he came through awe- Wignot for a 1-2 finish in the long
some. jump.
“Elk Lake’s a very good team. Frank and Sowinski joined
We were happy we pulled Lauren Bernardi and Shannon
through and won that.” Murray to form the second-place
Tarselli and Gawlas were also 3200 relay team.

DISTRICT 2 CLASS 2A TRACK Javelin ± Thomas DeBlasio (MV) 163-5; Alex (GAR) 50.81; Andrew Nelson (HC) 51.56; Brad Cross (HC) 85, Hanover Area (Han) 71, Elk Lake Sacara Tinsley, Meyers; Jennifer Buckley, Bishop Saraka (Han) 29-11 ½; Gabby Zawicki (HC) 28-11
Bedrin (HR) 163-0; Dan Kempa (BR) 162-9; Joe Moore (EL) 51.91; Josh Cabrera (Han) 52.00; (EL) 68, Lakeland (Lake) 63 1⁄3; Northwest (NW) Hoban, tied for previous mark, 12.34, 1990); ½.
AND FIELD CHAMPIONSHIPS Woolcock (EL) 156-6; Kurt Kimsey (Mon) 153-2; Paul Zanetti (Nant) 52.21; Andrew Urban (LT) 58 1⁄3; Meyers (Mey) 41; Blue Ridge (BR) 31, Nikolette McCloe (HC) 12.59; Marnie Kusakavitch 300 Hurdles ± Nikki Black (NW) 47.73; Kirsten
Boys Paul Lassiter (Riv) 153-0; Kyle McKeel (Riv) 53.28; Mike Kennedy (NW) 53.50. Dunmore (Dun) 29; Montrose (Mon) 28; Lacka- (HR) 12.60; Sarah Larkin (Lake) 12.88; Tess Walsh (NW) 48.04; Hannah Tuffy (Lake) 49.92;
Team Scoring ± Holy Redeemer (HR) 119, Elk 144-5; John Lawson (Mon) 143-6. 300 Hurdles ± Zach Kruger (BR) 41.04; Paul wanna Trail (LT) 27; Riverside (Riv) 27; Lake- Sauer (Mey) 12.95; Kirsten Hollister (EL) 13.27; Maria Micca (HR) 50.13; Cassie Salsman (EL)
Lake (EL) 94 1⁄3; Blue Ridge (BR) 63; Dunmore 110 Hurdles -- Darrell Crawford (GAR) 15.14; Ascenzi (NW) 41.34; Carl Daubert (Han) 41.88; Lehman (L-L) 18; GAR 14; Mid Valley (MV) 6 1⁄3; Vichon Wilborn (Mey) 13.51; Melanie Kusakavitch 50.63; Nicole Davitt (Lake) 50.69; Aliza Furneaux
(Dun) 55; GAR 55; Hanover Area (Han) 45; Holy Zachary Razawich (HR) 15.43; Zach Kruger (BR) James Berger (WW) 42.42; Carm Carachilo Carbondale (Carb) 1; Susquehanna (Sus) 1. (HR) 13.58. (LT ) 51.19; Cindy Good (EL) 51.20.
Cross (HC) 38; Mid Valley (MV) 30; Lakeland 15.39; Steve Munley (Lake) 15.86; Mike Kolchar- (Carb) 42.48; Jordan Sweeney (Dun) 42.55; Javelin ± Emily Hughes (HC) 124-8; Fallyn Boich 1600 ± Marissa Durako (HR) 5:17.95; Maria High Jump ± Olivia Jendrezjewski (Han) 5-0; tie:
(Lake) 29 ½; Western Wayne (WW) 28 1⁄3; no (Dun) 15.91; Jeff Chintalla (GAR) 15.95; Zachary Razawich (HR) 42.59; Brian Zannetti (HR) 112-10; Hannah Dalmas (NW) 112-4; Taylor Trowbridge (EL) 5.18.10; Rachel Sowinski (HR) Delaney Reynolds (MV) 4-10, Amanda Jimcosky
Montrose (Mon) 25 1⁄3; Meyers (Mey) 24 ½; Shayne O’Malley (Carb) 16.83; Albert Milner (HC) (Nant) 42.62. Mazonkey (NW) 103-2; Chelsea Karabin (EL) 5:27.67; Cassandra Gill (HR) 5:29.23; Hannah (NW) 4-10 and Tori Doyle (Lake) 4-10; Alexandra
Riverside (Riv) 21; Northwest (NW) 18; Lake- 20.89. Shot Put ± Tony Dennis (Han) 51-7 ¾; Al Tuzze 102-6; Maggie Ritter (Lake) 102-0; Kyra Wolseiff- Tuffy (Lake) 5:30.42; Keirnan Dougherty (LT) (Lewis) 4-8; Emmie Gibson (Mont) 4-6; tie:
Lehman (L-L) 18; Carbondale (Carb) 12; Nanti- 100 ± Seth Tarselli (HR) 10.99; David Gawlas (Lake) 48-10 ¼; Eric Onyon (BR) 47-3 ½; Joe er (Mey) 100-8; Chelsea Cormier (Han) 99-9. 5:41.94; Abigail Zdancewicz (EL) 5:45.05; Lainey Nichole Lewis (Mont), Arianna Brady (Carb) and
coke (Nant) 11; Susquehanna (Sus) 8; Lackawan- (HR) 11.10; Dan Kempa (BR) 11.32; Robbie Sabia (Dun) 46-0 ½; Travis Toth (WW) 45-6 ½; Pole Vault ± Vanessa Munley (Riv) 11-3 (meet Bedell (EL) 5:51.06. Ashton Boyarsky (Lake) 4-6.
Siclari (WW) 11.34; Corey Talerico (Riv) 11.35; Jesper Bjorkman (Mey) 44-10 ½; Jerry Hubshman record, breaking previous mark of 11-1 ½ by Discus ± Fallyn Boich (HR) 107-7; Emily Hughes Long Jump ± Julia Wignot (HR) 16-10 ½; Nicole
na Trail (LT) 7.
Dave Sweetman (Riv) 11.38; Brandon Miller (MV) (Dun) 44-6 ¼; Nick Rossi (Riv) 42-11 ¾. Munley, 2009); Katie Drake (BR) 10-0; Devan (HC) 104-11; Samantha Early (Han) 100-5; Cayla Maximovitch (HR) 16-10; Olivia Jendrezjewski
High Jump ± Jake Padula (Dun) 6-4; Jacob
11.61; Joey Arnone (Mey) 11.69. 800 ± Mike Bedell (EL) 1:58.69; Jacob Bevan Kerecman (HC) 10-0; Tori Doyle (Lake) 8-6; Kylee Boland (Dun) 100-5; Rachel Luke (Lake) 98-5; (Han) 16-7; Vanessa Munley (Riv) 16-6; Quieterra
Bevan (LL) 6-0; Cole Wheaton (Mon) 5-10; tie
Triple Jump ± Darrell Crawford (GAR) 45-9; Matt (L-L) 2:00.38; Timmy Lambert (HR) 2:00.70; Joe McGrane (Mey) 8-0; Kristen Pickering (HC) 8-0; Taylor Mazonkey (NW) 93-7; Madison Lavery Gross (GAR) 16-5 ¾; Ashton Boyarsky (Lake)
Chris Beauvoir (Mey) 5-6 and Steve Munley
(Mey) 91-5; Holly Holbrook (BR) 90-0.
(Lake) 5-6; Jason Vermeulen (EL) 5-6; Mark Galli (Dun) 43-0 ¼; Steve Munley (Lake) 41-5 ¾; Martonik (HC) 2:03.32; Casey Moran (Mey) Maria Belgiomini (NW) 7-6; Genna Borowski (HC) 16-0 ½; Kira Graziano (HC) 15-10 ½; Devan
400 ± Lauren Ellsworth (LT) 57.53 (meet record,
Anderson (Mey) 5-6; tie Jeremy Schwartztrauber Michael Banas (Lake) 41-5 ¾; Chris Beauvoir 2:03.43; Sean Carney (EL) 2:06.44; Glen Layaou 7-6. Kerecman (HC) 15-7 ¼.
Debbie Moran, Meyers, previous mark, 57.54,
(EL) 5-4, Ethan Jones (Mont) 5-4, and Robbie (Mey) 40-6 ½; James Berger (WW) 40-5 ¼; Joe (HR) 2:08.29; Josh Foust (HR) 2:09.18. 3200 Relay ± Elk Lake (Cassie VanEtten, Emily 3200 ± Marissa Durako (HR) 11:19.53; Maria
1985); Cassie VanEtten (EL) 59.64; Allison Lewis
Siclari (WW) 5-4. Woolcock (EL) 40-5 ¼; Anthony Politz (NW) 40-4 200 ± Seth Tarselli (HR) 22.29; David Gawlas Williams, Elizabeth Trowbridge, Maria Trow- Trowbridge (EL) 11:58.96; Mary Frank (HR)
(Mon) 1:00.81; Corinna Palko (Dun) 1:01.18;
Discus ± Steve Martin (Han) 147-8; Eric Onyon ¾. (HR) 22.69; Austin Carr (HR) 22.94; Robbie bridge) 9:53.03; Holy Redeemer (Lauren Bernar- 12:03.18; Cassandra Gill (HR) 12:07.14; Melissa
Kelsie Hermick (EL) 1:01.49; Amanda Keegan
(BR) 146-11; Al Tuzze (Lake) 136-8; Justin 400 Relay ± Holy Redeemer (Austin Carr, Jeff Siclari (WW) 23.32; Dave Sweetman (Riv) 23.37; di, Shannon Murray, Mary Frank, Rachel Sowin- (Han) 1:01.72; Kyla Hennigan (NW) 1:02.29; Kearns (HC) 12:22.28; Alex Miller (Lake)
Barber (LT) 134-0; Travis Toth (WW) 132-3; Mark Capaci, David Gawlas, Seth Tarselli) 43.48; Blue Kyle Laniewski (MV) 23.38; Corey Talerico (Riv) ski) 9:57.19; Hanover Area 10:20.90; Holy Cross Bridget Flannery (HC) 1:03.48. 12:47.94; Johanna McGovern (Han) 13:02.46;
Bush (EL) 131-7; Kyle Davis (Riv) 129-3; Tony Ridge (Jake James, Sean Stanley, Zach Kruger, 25.04; Andrew Nelson (HC) 25.08. 10:22.44; Lake-Lehman 10:35.42; Meyers 800 ± Allison Hall (BR) 2:19.71; Megan Connors Florence Kwok (Mey) 13:24.95.
Dennis (Han) 128-3. Dan Kempa) 44.34; Meyers 45.32; Mid Valley 3200 ± Luke Jones (EL) 9:46.24; A.J. Limongelli 10:38.04; Lakeland 10:47.85; Northwest (Dun) 2:23.63; Samantha Bennicci (Mon) 2:26.94; 400 Relay ± Holy Cross (Nikolette McCloe, Kira
3200 Relay ± Elk Lake (Will Bennett, Bryan 45.58; Dunmore 45.99; Holy Cross 46.66; (HR) 9:49.02; Mitchel Ford (HR) 9:57.55; Teddy 11:09.92. Lauren Bernardi (HR) 2:27.02; Mallory Kusaka- Graziano, Kaitlyn McDonnell, Ashley Hensel)
Grosvenor, Sean Carney, Mike Bedell) 8:17.07; Northwest 46.96; Montrose 47.98. Evans (MV) 10:13.83; Rico Galassi (HC) Triple Jump ± Olivia Jendrezjewski (Han) 35-10 vitch (HR) 2:27.51; Shannon Murray (HR) 2:29.69; 51.72; Meyers (Troy Lynn Lewis, Vichon Wilborn,
Holy Redeemer (Timmy Lambert, Jeff Capaci, 1600 ± Mike Bedell (EL) 4:22.78; Austin Burling 10:18.31; Brandon Murray (Dun) 10:25.03; Jake ¾; Vanessa Munley (Riv) 35-6; Julia Wignot (HR) Amy Viti (Han) 2:34.50; Mickie Kaminski (Han) Janice Whitaker, Tess Sauer) 51.72; Blue Ridge
Glen Layaou, A.J. Limongelli) 8:24.40; GAR (Dun) 4:28.85; A.J. Limongelli (HR) 4:28.87; Hinkley (BR) 10:27.65; Vinay Murthy (HR) 34-10 ¼; Nicole Maximovitch (HR) 34-3 ¼; Nicole 2:35.37. 52.01; Holy Redeemer 52.30; Lakeland 52.73;
8:37.25; Blue Ridge 8:41.40; Hanover Area Teddy Evans (MV) 4:30.33; Rico Galassi (HC) 10:30.56. Snyder (LL) 33-5 ¾; Sarah Shaffer (NW) 33-1 ¾; 200 ± Nikolette McCloe (HC) 26.05; Raisha Piper Montrose 52.86; Lake-Lehman 53.91; Northwest
8:50.12; Northwest 8:55.15; Dunmore 8:55.26; 4:31.17; Nick Weron (Nant) 4:38.41; Kevin Bohan 1600 Relay ± Elk Lake (Brad Moore, Will Bennett, Amanda Jimcosky (NW) 33-0 ½; Ashton Boyarsky (Han) 26.26; Sarah Larkin (Lake) 26.99; Alex- 54.38.
Holy Cross 8:58.59. (L-L) 4:39.54; Vinay Murthy (HR) 4:46.10. Mike Bedell, Sean Carney) 3:28.89; GAR (Jeremy (Lake) 32-5 ¼. andra Lewis (Mon) 27.12; Tess Sauer (Mey) 1600 Relay ± Elk Lake (Cassie VanEtten, Emily
Long Jump ± Darrell Crawford (GAR) 21-4 ½; Pole Vault ± Jeremy Dibble (Mon) 12-6; Nick Soto, Christopher Santiago) 3:30.65; Hanover 110 Hurdles ± Quieterra Gross 15.30; Nicole 27.59; Kyla Hennigan (NW) 27.91; Kailey Ragard Williams, Kirsten Hollister, Kelsie Hermick)
Jason Vermuelen (EL) 20-7 ¾; Andrew Nelson Vales (Sus) 12-6; Carm Carachilo (Carb) 12-0; Area 3:31.31; Holy Redeemer 3:34.36; Blue Snyder (LL) 15.85; Tori Doyle (Lake) 15.89; (BR) 28.11; Vichon Wilborn (Mey) 28.73. 4:09.29; Hanover Area (Amanda Keegan, Paige
(HC) 20-1 ¾; Mike Kolcharno (Dun) 20-0 ¼; Rob Jeremy Schwartztrauber (EL) 11-6; Ryan Steber Ridge 3:35.35; Holy Cross 3:38.35; Western Devan Kerecman (HC) 16.05; Vanessa Munley Shot Put ± Madison Lavery (Mey) 36-7 ¼; Cayla Antall, Amy Viti, Raisha Piper) 4:12.87; Holy
Heyen (HC) 19-10 ½; Cole Wheaton (Mon) 19-7 (Nant) 11-6; Fares Siam (Han) 11-0; Zachary Wayne 3:39.66; Northwest 3:39.82. (Riv) 16.43; Kirsten Walsh (NW) 16.56; Maria Boland (Dun) 33-3; Jessica Curtis (Han) 31-8; Cross 4:12.89; Holy Redeemer 4:14.22; Blue
½; Richard Dillon (NW) 19-7 ½; Matt Galli (Dun) Edwards (BR) 11-0; David Redmond (Han) 11-0. Girls Micca (HR) 16.73; Melissa Kukowski (Sus) 17.74. Megan Bush (EL) 31-0 ½; Emily Hughes (HC) Ridge 4:18.20; Dunmore 4:23.56; Lackawanna
19-7 ½. 400 ± Sean Carney (EL) 50.39; Lucas Benton Team Scoring ± Holy Redeemer (HR) 133, Holy 100 ± Lauren Ellsworth (LT) 12.22 (meet record, 30-8; Taylor Mazonkey (NW) 30-2 ½; Holly Trail 4:23.74; Lakeland 4:35.07.

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ S P O R T S TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 5B


Firm lobbies for Goodell takes case

new helmet bill directly to the fans
By ARNIE STAPLETON the finger at the
AP Pro Football Writer players.
ENGLEWOOD, Colo. — Com- Goodell has
Major manufacturer urges ball, the sport’s national govern- missioner Roger Goodell is going found a mostly
ing body in this country. straight to the fans to deliver the sympathetic au-
better safety standards Sports concussions among NFL’s message on the league’s la- dience among
regarding youth football. young people have become a big bor impasse. pro football’s
issue in schools across the coun- In a series of conference calls Goodell staunchest sup-
try, and not just in football. with season ticket holders this porters, though
By FREDERIC J. FROMMER About 135,000 children between spring, Goodell has told thou- not all callers are lobbing softball
Associated Press the ages of 5 and 18 are treated in sands of paying customers that questions at him.
emergency rooms each year for
WASHINGTON — A major theownersandplayersneedtone- Moreover, it’s a target audience
sports- or recreation-related con-
football helmet manufacturer gotiate, not litigate their differ- the players’ side can’t reach di-
cussions and other head injuries.
has sharply increased its Wash- ences, that the league has no rectly.
Schools, cities and states are tak-
ington lobbying this year, re- AP PHOTO plans to use replacement players “I think that the commission-
ing steps to reduce these inju-
sponding to a congressional Football helmets used for testing collisions are seen in a rack at and that the NFL is planning for a er’s strategy is a good one,” said
ries, and some are barring stu-
push to come up with new safety a laboratory in the Cleveland Clinic’s Lutheran Hospital. full slate of games in 2011. Pete Webb, a Denver-based public
dent athletes who show signs of
standards for children’s football The players took their case to relations specialist. “It allows him
concussions from competing
helmets. again until cleared by a health tion football helmet reduces the lawyer Kevin G. Curtis, who court after talks on a new labor to speak directly to the fans, and
Riddell, which makes helmets care professional. risk of concussions. worked for more than 20 years agreement fell apart earlier this he can give them a relatively unfil-
for both kids and adults and is But the search for a concus- FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz on the Senate Commerce Com- year. The owners responded by tered message. He’s telling them
the official helmet of the NFL, sion-proof helmet has proven said he agreed that Udall raised mittee — the panel that will take locking out the players. That lock- what he wants them to hear, so
spent $80,000 in the first quarter elusive, and there’s a consensus serious concerns, and that the up the helmet bill. out was lifted by another judge, he’s planting the seeds of the
of this year lobbying on new leg- that concussions can’t be elimi- commission “will determine The National Operating Com-
islation that could lead to federal but an appeals court has put her league’s message in their minds.
nated from football. Last year, what action by this agency may mittee on Standards for Athletic ruling on hold before a hearing in “What’s intriguing here is
regulation of youth football hel- the NFL acknowledged that the be appropriate.” Equipment, known as NOCSAE,
mets. The company, which has St. Louis on June 3. whether it’s going to work. He’s
lack of a perfect helmet was a fac- Riddell has called Udall’s alle- hired Locke Lord Strategies LP, The sides met in Minneapolis walking a fine line. You don’t want
come under criticism from one tor in its decision to impose hef- gations “unfounded and unfair.” according to a lobbying registra-
of the bill’s sponsors for claiming on Monday for another round of to raise false hope, but you want
ty fines and the threat of suspen- One of the bill’s provisions tion filed last month. NOCSAE,
that its product reduces concus- would make it a crime to sell any which includes physicians and court-ordered mediation. the fans to know the season may
sions to cut down on dangerous
sions, had spent almost nothing sporting equipment that makes sporting goods industry offi- Goodell was taking questions not start on time if this is not re-
hits at the professional level.
on lobbying last year. In a statement about its lobby- false or misleading claims about cials, sets voluntary test stan- from Buffalo Bills season ticket solved. The message is: ’If it
At the same time, the group ing, Riddell noted that football safety benefits. dards for football helmets and holders on Monday, his 16th such doesn’t work, don’t blame me.”’
that sets voluntary standards for concussions at all levels have be- Last week, a study by Virginia other sporting goods. But the call since April 15. There are five In a 30-minute call with Denver
helmets, the National Operating come a leading health concern Tech researchers that looked at group’s website notes that manu- more lined up and likely more to Broncos season ticket holders Fri-
Committee on Standards for and touted the effectiveness of the effectiveness of helmets in facturers test their own helmets come after that. day in which just about every
Athletic Equipment, last month its products. reducing concussions gave the and that “NOCSAE does not pos- NFL spokesman Greg Aiello question concerned the league’s
hired a Washington lobbyist for “We believe it is only prudent Riddell Revolution Speed the on- sess a surveillance force to en- said all the commissioner’s con- labor situation, Goodell directed
the first time since the group’s to follow this legislation and to ly five-star rating. (That helmet sure compliance with the stan- ferencecallsaredoneattheinvita- blame for the impasse at DeMaur-
establishment in 1969. The help members (of Congress), is distinct from the Riddell Revo- dards.” tion of the team, and the purpose ice Smith, the head of the NFL
group is funded by license fees and their staffs, better under- lution helmet, which got a four- NOCSAE’s executive director isn’t necessarily to promulgate Players Association, and the
paid by manufacturers. stand the leadership role that star, or “very good”, rating.) But and general counsel, Mike Ol- the league’s side of the labor dis- union’s attorneys.
Sen. Tom Udall, D-N.M., and Riddell has played in designing the study was limited to helmets iver, said his group hasn’t taken a pute. In response to a question from a
Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-N.J., intro- the best head protection we can for high school and up, and it al- position on the bill. “He has been interacting with fan whose family has had season
duced the Children’s Sports Ath- manufacture for athletes who so gave Riddell’s VSR-4 helmet, “NOCSAE has no experience fans in various ways since he be- tickets for a half century and who
letic Equipment Safety Act in play football,” Riddell said. The which was worn by nearly 40 per- in D.C., and my personal experi- came commissioner in 2006. He hopes to take his 11-year-old son
March. The bill would give the company said it is still studying cent of NFL players last year, its ence has been limited and inef-
industry nine months to come values their opinions, wants to to his first Monday night game
the legislation and hasn’t yet tak- second-lowest rating. Riddell fective, but with the scope of the
up with new standards that ad- stopped selling the VSR-4 last legislation, it seemed wise for us hear their concerns and be re- when the Broncos open the sea-
en a position on it.
dress concussion risks and the Udall has assailed helmet year. to get someone involved who sponsive to their questions,” Aiel- son against the Oakland Raiders
specific needs of young players. makers including Riddell for As the helmet issue picked up can make sure we don’t miss any- lo told The Associated Press, on Sept. 12 in Denver, Goodell
Failing that, the Consumer Prod- what he called “misleading safe- steam this year, Riddell hired a thing and who has experience in which reviewed transcripts of the said: “One of the things that frus-
uct Safety Commission would ty claims and deceptive practic- lobbying firm that includes for- dealing with Congress,” Oliver calls and in some cases, listened trates me, as I’m sure frustrates
write mandatory standards. es,” and urged the Federal Trade mer Rep. Kenny Hulshof, R-Mo., said. “We share the same goal — in. every fan, is that (there’s) not
About 3 million children ages Commission to investigate. He and two former Capitol Hill staff- to do everything we can to make What fans want to know is enough negotiating going on.
6-14 play organized youth tackle specifically criticized Riddell for ers to protect the company’s in- sure athletes are as safe as pos- when the labor dispute will end, That’s how this thing is going to
football, according to USA Foot- claiming that its Riddell Revolu- terests. That firm, in turn, hired sible when they take the field.” and the commissioner is pointing get resolved.”


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available. call 570-820-5953 570-793-6294 Leave Message
to the results of the test.” cast from Dover.

PAGE 6B TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 ➛ S P O R T S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Click: District 2 Track

Shmakov, Coughlin defeat North Pocono

JAY MONAHAN Pocono (14-2 WVC). The Cru- kids around him. He lives and Eduin Medina (13 service
For The Times Leader saders captured a 9-8 lead when breathes volleyball.” points, 4 aces, 38 digs) and
WILKES-BARRE – The thorn junior libero Richard Poplawski North Pocono was led by Don Brett Barron (48 assists, 9 ser-
in Coughlin’s boys volleyball made a diving dig across open Verdetto’s 14 kills and three vice points, 1 ace, 7 digs, 1
team’s side for the past decade court that led to a Trojan error. blocks. Ryan Rinaldi produced block) also contributed for
in the Wyoming Valley Confer- “It was a timeout that needed 32 assists and three kills. Tim Hazleton Area.
ence has been North Pocono. to be called. We simply regath- Cummings added five kills and Jason Clader (13 kills, 4
In Monday’s preview of next ered ourselves,” said Lipinski. five blocks. blocks), T.J. Nincer (14, kills, 3
week’s district playoffs, the “There was no change in strate- The game was a rematch of blocks) and Ben Mitchell (10
Crusaders upended the Trojans gy. We had players who were last year’s District 2 3A cham- kills, 3 service points) led the
3-1 for the first time in 10 years. not moving and going after pionship game. North Pocono Warriors.
Coughlin won by scores of balls. defeated Coughlin for the dis-
25-17, 22-25, 25-20, 25-15. “That’s a really good team. trict crown. Berwick 3, Hanover Area 0
They didn’t have the focus that “Our older group is quite Justin Johnson and Matt
Facing an early four-point Lynn Daddio of Shavertown, left, Bryan Mathers of Trucksville,
they always do.” familiar with their older group,”
deficit in the third game, Cough- Cashman had seven kills apiece
Senior outside hitter Marcus said Lipinski. “We walk off the and Kelly Palchanis of Wilkes-Barre.
lin (13-3 WVC) came out of a in a 25-23, 25-10, 25-14 sweep of
Grzezdzinski recorded six kills, court, and everyone is very
timeout on a 14-3 run to shift friendly with each other. We the Hawkeyes.
eight digs and 11 service points
the momentum in the Crusad- for the Crusaders. Brian Suchos- might face these guys next Johnson added three blocks,
ers’ favor and put North Poco- ki tallied 35 assists and seven week.” two digs and nine service
no’s front men in disarray. service points. points, while Cashman finished
“We played very lethargic in Senior middle hitter Justin Hazleton Area 3, Del. Valley 1 with five assists, 12 points, four
the beginning,” said Coughlin Coskey closed the first game Dwaine Gilley turned in one aces.
coach David Lipinski. “We start- with an ace that landed just in of the season’s top perform-
ed to get livid after the timeout front of the foul line. ances, posting 44 kills for Hazle- Dallas 3, Valley West 0
in the third game. The differ- Michael Shmakov spiked ton Area in a win at Delaware Chris Clemson and Matt
ence in the game was that North three crucial kills for Coughlin Valley on Monday in a Wyoming Regan had a total of 17 kills
Pocono took a step back in the in the first game that allowed Valley Conference match. combined en route to a sweep
end.” the Crusaders to build a 9-3 run Gilley also recorded 16 blocks, over the Trojans 25-21, 25-17,
With the match tied at one that led to a 25-21. 15 digs, 10 service points and 25-22.
apiece in the third game, Cough- “Michael is one of the best three aces as the Cougars won Chris Dillon had seven digs
lin took advantage of three con- hitters in the district,” said by scores of 24-26, 27-25, 25-20, and 21 assists, while Matt Regan
secutive net violations by North Lipinski. “He has a nice group of 25-18. also had two blocks.

WYOMING VALLEY CONFERENCE Michelle Williams, left, and Jerry and Darlene Hawkins, all of

Dallas snaps Tigers’ win streak

Division 1-A .......................................... W L T Hanover Township.
y-Berwick................................................ 11 1 1
Continued from Page 1B y-Coughlin .............................................. 11 1 1
y-Dallas................................................... 8 3 2
got to win,” Coughlin senior y-Holy Redeemer .................................. 6 7 0
midfielder Brittany Kulesza Crestwood .............................................. 5 7 1
The Times Leader staff Ryan Carey (2-3, double), P.J.
said. Division 1-B......................................... W L T
DALLAS — Down by a run in Bone (2-3, double, RBI), Ron
y-Delaware Valley ................................ 5 6 2
Defending divisional champ y-Lake-Lehman .................................... 4 6 2 the bottom of the seventh in- Klepadlo (2-4, double, RBI) and
Dallas (8-3-2) had its fate sealed Wyoming Valley West ......................... 3 9 1
ning, Dallas scored twice with Chris Murphy (2-2, triple, RBI)
Nanticoke .............................................. 2 8 2
last Friday afternoon when Ber- Hazleton Area ...................................... 3 10 0 two outs to knock off Tunk- all chipped in at the plate for
wick defeated Holy Redeemer. Division 2-A........................................... W L T hannock 6-5 on Monday, snap- Wyoming Area (7-7).
So the Mountaineers decided to y-Honesdale ........................................... 9 2 0 ping the Tigers’ 11-game win- Kyle Miller had two hits for
y-North Pocono ...................................... 6 4 2
let players heal up later that Pittston Area ........................................... 6 6 1 ning streak in a WVC Division I the Bulldogs (3-10).
night against Crestwood and Wyoming Seminary ............................... 5 7 1
Hanover Area ......................................... 4 8 1
again Monday. Leading scorers Travis DeBona and Brian
Wyoming Area
ab r h bi
ab r h bi
Ashley Dunbar (ankle) and Col- Division 2-B......................................... W L
Tunkhannock ........................................ 9 2
1 Stepniak both singled and ad- RCarey 3b
Grove c
3 3 2 0 Fstmcr 2b-p 3 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 Soblski p-cf 3 0 0 0
leen McDonald (hamstring) Meyers................................................... 9 2 2 vanced on a wild pitch with two Maloney lf 3 2 3 3 Pierce ph 1 0 0 0
Romanelli 2b 0 0 0 0 Lashock 3b 3 1 0 0
and defender Sara Kneal (knee) Wyoming Area...................................... 6 5
GAR ....................................................... 3 9
1 outs. Deep Patel then tied the Walkowk 2b 0 0 0 0 DCalovi c 2 0 0 0
Klus 2b 0 0 0 0 Kuchka 1b 2 1 0 0
didn’t play. MMI Prep............................................... 0 12 0 score at 5-5 on an infield single OBrien 2b 0 0 0 0 Miller ss 3 1 2 0
Chupka dh 4 0 2 0 May lf 3 0 1 0
“We had three of our best y – Clinched District 2 playoff berth before Kevin Muldoon smacked Bone cf 3 1 2 1 JCalovi cf 0 0 0 0
Playoff format: Four 1-A teams, three 1-B teams,
players down,” Dallas coach two 2-A teams and one 2-B team qualify. a 3-0 pitch up the middle to
Drahus ph 1 0 0 0 Harer p
Colarusso 1b 3 0 1 0 Cadman 2b 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

Chris Scharff said. “This game, Monday results

Coughlin 6, Dallas 1 bring home the winning run.
MCarey ph 1 0 0 0 DeNoia dh
Klepadlo p-cf 4 1 2 1 Bower p
1 1 0 1
0 0 0 0
win or lose or even a tie, our Tunkhannock 11, MMI Prep 0
Lake-Lehman 4, Hazleton Area 1 Marc Noyalis went the dis- McDermott lf
Granteed ss
0 0 0 0 Favata rf
2 0 0 0 Curtin ph
2 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 Daryl Boich, left, and his daughter Fallyn Boich, both of Moun-
(district) seeding wasn’t going Meyers 3, Hanover Area 2
tance for the Mountaineers Murphy 3b 2 1 2 1 Laubach pr 0 0 0 0
tain Top.
Harris rf 4 0 0 0
to switch. We should be the (8-5), striking out eight. Noyalis Nowicki p 0 0 0 0
Totals 33 914 6 Totals 24 4 4 2
third seed, and today wasn’t go-
ing to change our seed.
and Paul Narcum both had two
hits while Patel and Muldoon
Wyoming Area ........................ 201 040 2 — 9
Berwick..................................... 020 100 1 — 4
2B – RCarey, Maloney, Bone, Colarusso, Kle-
Coughlin-Dallas soccer
“We have to make sure we’re finished with two RBI apiece. padlo; 3B – Murphy
healthy for the districts because The District 2 playoff format has Mike Healey hit a two-run Wyoming Area
been change. Instead of just the Klepadlo (W, 2-1) .... 4.0 3 2 2 1 0
we have to be healthy to do homer for the Tigers (11-2) Maloney..................... 2.0 0 1 0 2 3
well.” top-two teams in Division 1-A Nowicki...................... 1.0 1 1 1 2 0
getting byes, six teams in all will while Kyle Custer added a dou- Berwick
Even Coughlin senior midfiel- be off in the first round. ble and a triple.
Soboleski (L, 0-2) .... 4.1
Harer.......................... 0.1
der Kristi Gabriele admitted The first round will start either Tunkhannock has already
Fenstermacher ........ 1.1
Bower ........................ 1.0
some of the luster of the rivalry Friday or Saturday with the 10th clinched the WVC Division I
was missing. seed playing at the seventh seed West title but is still battling Lake-Lehman 7, MMI Prep 3
“I guess, but a win is a win,” and the ninth seed playing at the
eighth seed.
with Pittston Area and Valley Bryan Mathers went 3-for-4
Gabriele said. “We came out View of the Lackawanna League with a double and three RBI for
The soccer committee will set the
hard because we knew we need- seeds tonight. If Lake-Lehman is for the top seed in next week’s the Black Knights, who moved
ed a win.” seeded between seventh and District 2 Class 3A tournament. back into a tie for first place in
Likewise, Coughlin had its 10th, its first-round game will be The Tigers had not lost since Division II with Meyers. Both
share of nicks, and standout Oli- Saturday due to the school’s the season-opener at Berwick teams have two games remain-
via Spagnola didn’t play and two prom on Friday. Meyers will be in
on April 4. ing in the regular season, sched-
other starters saw limited time. the same situation if it qualifies
for districts and is seeded be- uled for today and Wednesday.
The Crusaders, though, had Tunkhannock Dallas
Ryan Murphy and Josh Ever-
tween seventh and 10th. ab r h bi ab r h bi
more than enough firepower to KCuster cf
Zaner 2b
3 1 2 0 Narcum c
0 0 0 0 DeBona cf
4 1 2 1
4 1 1 0 ett (double) both had two hits
overwhelm Dallas quickly. Saylor dh 1 1 0 0 Noyalis p 4 2 2 0
for Lehman (11-1). Scott Bean PETE G. WILCOX PHOTOS/THE TIMES LEADER
Cline dh 2 0 0 0 Stepniak 1b 4 1 1 0
By midway through the first Shots: HA 3, LL 21; Saves: HA 16 (Megan Ba-
ranko), LL 2 (Ashley Jackson); Corners: HA 0, LL Papi ss 3 1 0 0 Petorak 2b 3 0 1 1
struck out five in five innings for Coughlin vs. Dallas girls soccer, (L-R) Pete Resilavage, Dan
Healey 3b-p 2 1 1 2 Zawatski pr 0 0 0 0
half, Jessica Bella, Grace Fazzi 4. Condeelis 1b 3 0 0 1 Patel ss 3 0 1 2 the win. Fran Swankoski and Fumanti, and Angelo Gabriele.
WCuster c 3 1 2 0 Muldoon lf 3 0 1 2
and Alexis Spagnola had Cough- Goodwin lf 3 0 1 1 Napkora rf 0 0 0 0 R.J. Kupsho had two hits each
lin ahead 3-0. Alexis Spagnola’s Tunkhannock 11, MMI Prep 0 Knott p 2 0 0 0 Ivoska dh 2 1 0 0
Reeves p 1 0 0 0 Saba 3b 2 0 1 0 for the Preppers (5-8).
goal was her first of the year. Cheyenne Brown scored McClain 3b 0 0 0 0
Lee rf 2 0 0 0
Freshman Vanessa Parsons three goals and Anna Boecker Thomspon rf 0 0 0 0 MMI Prep Lake-Lehman
Totals 25 5 6 4 Totals 29 610 6 ab r h bi ab r h bi
scored for Dallas 41 seconds in- added two as Tunkhannock Tunkhannock........................... 200 120 0 — 5 Forte cf 3 0 1 1 Murphy lf 4 2 2 1
Karchner ss 4 0 2 0 Everett 2b 3 2 2 0
to the second half, but Cough- moved closer to the Division 2-B Dallas........................................ 200 110 2 — 6
2B – KCuster, Goodwin, Petorak; 3B – KCuster; Kollar lf 4 1 1 0 Mathers ss 4 1 3 3
Swankoski c 4 1 2 1 McGovrn 1b 4 1 1 0
lin’s Ivy Nulton quelled the title and a District 2 playoff HR – Healey
Yencha p 3 0 0 0 Davenport p 0 0 0 0
slight momentum swing with a berth. Tunkhannock Yamulla rf
Andes 1b
1 0
0 0
Yursha cf
Bean p
2 0 0 2
0 0 0 0
Knott .......................... 4.0 3 3 3 3 5
pair of goals in the 43rd and 47th Tunkhannock (9-2-1) needs to Reeves ...................... 2.0 3 1 1 0 0 Kupsho 3b
McCoy 2b
2 1
0 0
Paulsks dh
CoBrbcci c
3 0 1 1
2 0 1 0
Healey (L, 5-2) ......... 0.2 4 2 2 0 1
minutes. defeat Honesdale on Wednes- Dallas CuBrbcci 3b 3 1 1 0
Shurites rf 3 0 0 0
Bailey Novak completed the day to gain both. A loss would Noyalis (W, 3-2)....... 7.0 6 5 4 4 8
Totals 29 3 9 3 Totals 28 711 7
MMI Prep ................................. 011 000 1 — 3
scoring off an assist from Crys- give Meyers (9-2-2) both. A tie
Hazleton Area 10, Coughlin 4 Lake-Lehman .......................... 320 101 x — 7
tal Chudoba. would tie the teams for both and 2B – Kollar, Everett, Mathers, CuBarbacci
Dallas ......................................................... 0 1 — 1 force a playoff game. John Medvecky and Evan MMI Prep
Coughlin .................................................... 3 3 — 6
First half: 1. COU, Jessica Bella (Grace Fazzi),
Tunkhannock.......................................... 4 7 — 11 Vigna each had two hits with a Yencha (L, 0-3) ........ 5.0
Andes ........................ 1.0
MMI Prep ................................................ 0 0 — 0
5th min; 2. COU, G.Fazzi (Nora Fazzi), 15th; 3.
COU, Alexis Spagnola (Nour Hasan), 20th; Sec- First half: 1. TUN, Cheyenne Brown (Amelia double and two RBI to lift the Lake-Lehman
Bean (W, 1-0) ........... 5.0 5 2 1 0 5
Ayers), 4th min; 2. TUN, Ayers (Brown), 5th; 3.
ond half: 4. DAL, Vanessa Parsons, 41st; 5. COU,
TUN, Alissa Franko, 11th; 4. TUN, Kaitlyn Hoefert, Cougars to the road win. Davenport ................. 1.0
McGovern ................. 1.0
Ivy Nulton (N.Fazzi), 43rd; 6. COU, Nulton (Kristi
Gabriele), 47th; 7. COU, Bailey Novak (Crystal 13th; Second half: 5. TUN, Anna Boecker (Mo-
nique Kenia), 44th; 6. TUN, Boecker (Marissa
Matt Barletta added two hits
Chorba), time n/a.
Shots: DAL 3, COU 16; Saves: DAL 10 (Am- Madden), 47th; 7. TUN, Brown, 54th; 8. TUN, Ra-
chel Russel, 55th; 9. TUN, Brown (Darian Mosluk),
of his own for Hazleton Area West Side Tech 10, GAR 0
berYang/Gabriella Oliveri), COU 2 (Amanda Sax);
60th; 10. TUN, Mosluk, 65th; 11. TUN, Casey (8-6), while Erik Johnson picked Coughlin vs. Dallas girls soccer, Dallas players (L-R) Ashley
Corners: DAL 0, COU 6.
Madden (Brown), 68th. Nick Eck struck out 13 in a Dunbar, Rory Moran, and Alicia Kaiser.
up the win on the mound. complete-game two-hitter, as
Lehman 4, Hazleton Area 1 Meyers 3, the Titans won in six innings.
Hazleton Area Coughlin
Sarah Bray and Nikki Sutliff Hanover Area 2 Cara ss
ab r h bi
4 0 0 1 Sorokas p
ab r h bi
4 0 0 1 Eck added two hits and an RBI
scored two goals each as Lake- Ariel Weider and Aubree Pa- Carelli ph 1 0 0 0 Parsnik ss 4 0 1 0 at the plate.
Rubasky c 2 1 0 0 Grillini 3b 4 1 1 0
Lehman clinched a District 2 tronick scored late in the second Medvecky 3b 3 0 2 2 Gulius c 4 0 3 1 Justin Romanoski led the
Barletta cf 4 2 2 0 Picketts lf 3 0 0 0
playoff berth. half as Meyers stayed in the Nikonenko lf 4 1 1 0 PAndrws 1b 2 1 1 0 Titans (3-10) with three hits and
Johnson p 0 0 0 0 Cnninghm rf 0 0 0 0
The Black Knights (4-6-2) hunt for the Division 2-B title Zaloga p 0 0 0 0 Heffers p 0 0 0 0 four RBI while falling a home
locked up second place in Divi- and a District 2 playoff spot.
Chirico dh
Thrash dh
1 2 1 0 Concini dh
1 0 1 0 Haupt cf-p
3 1 2 0
1 1 0 0 run short of the cycle. Jordan
sion 1-B with the victory. Maria Leanne McManus also scored
Vigna 1b
Bayzick 2b
2 2 2 2 Sod 2b
4 2 1 1
3 0 1 2
Doleman had three hits with a
Notaro scored for Hazleton Area for the Mohawks, who complet-
Klein rf
Seach ph
3 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 double and two RBI.
(3-10), which was eliminated ed the regular season at 9-2-2. Totals 291010 7 Totals 28 4 9 4
Hazleton Area ....................... 050 041 0 — 10
from playoff contention. They will get the Division 2-B ti- Coughlin................................. 000 300 1 — 4
ab r h bi
West Side Tech
ab r h bi
The final D2 playoff berth in tle and D2 playoff berth if Tunk-
2B – Medvecky, Vigna, PAndrews, Concini 2
Prednis cf
Letteer c
1 0
1 0
Eck p
Kocher 2b
4 1 2 1
4 2 2 1
Division 1-B will come down to hannock (9-2-1) loses to Hones-
Hazleton Area
Johnson (W, 4-1)..... 4.2 6 3 3 3 1
Smith ss 3 0 0 0 Rmanoski cf 4 2 3 4
Klapat 3b 3 0 0 0 CLaBar c 4 1 2 1
either Nanticoke (2-8-2) or dale on Wednesday. A Tunkhan- Zaloga ....................... 2.1 3 1 1 1 3 Ankner p 3 0 0 0 Hoskins lf 3 0 0 0
Coughlin Tyson 2b 3 0 0 0 Katchko ph 1 0 1 1
Wyoming Valley West (3-9-1). nock win eliminates Meyers. A Sorokas (L, 2-4)....... 4.1 5 7 5 5 3 Skrpenak 1b 2 0 0 0 Jugus 3b 3 2 0 0
Haupt ......................... 1.2 4 3 2 3 1 Rodriguez lf 2 0 0 0 Andrscvg ss 3 0 0 1
If Nanticoke defeats Lehman tie results in Tunkhannock and Heffers....................... 1.0 1 0 0 1 0 Placencio rf 2 0 0 0 Doleman 1b 3 1 3 2
OConnell rf 0 0 0 0
today, it gets the spot. If Nanti- Meyers tying for both. Nelson dh 2 1 2 0
coke loses, the berth goes to Val- Meyers ....................................................... 1 2 — 3 Wyoming Area 9, Berwick 4 Totals 24 0 2 0 Totals
DLaBar dh 1 0 0 0
ley West. If Nanticoke ties, then Hanover Area............................................ 2 0 — 2 Coughlin vs. Dallas girls soccer, (L-R) Bev Kulesza, Janine Ga-
First half: 1. HAN, Krista Colorusso (Kim Bagnas), Dylan Maloney went 3-for-3 GAR .......................................... 000 000 — 0
it ties Valley West for the spot. 18th min; 2. MEY, Leanne McManus (Aubree Pa- West Side Tech ...................... 022 213 — 10 briele, Kelsey Gabriele, and Janice Lercara.
tronick), 21st; 3. HAN, Gabby Murphy (pen kick), with a double and three RBI as 2B – Romanoski, Doleman, Nelson; 3B – Kocher,
Hazleton Area........................................... 1 0 — 1 Romanoski
Lake-Lehman............................................ 4 0 — 4
32nd; Second half: 4. MEY, Ariel Weider, 68th; 5.
MEY, Patronick (McManus), 77th. the Warriors closed out the IP H R ER BB SO
First half: 1. HA, Maria Notaro (Ashley Schoener), Shots: MEY 23, HAN 22; Saves: MEY 15 regular season on a 6-1 tear Ankner (L, 1-3) ......... 3.0 7 4 2 0 0
2nd min; 2. LL, Sarah Bray (Jenn O’Brien), 9th; 3.
LL, Nikki Sutliff (Kaylee Hillard), 14th; 4. LL, Bray
(Marissa Moosic), 34th; 5. LL, Nikki Sutliff (pen
(Mackenzie Winder), Han 10 (Ciera Gensel); Cor-
ners: MEY 5, HAN 3. headed into next week’s district Tyson......................... 2.1
West Side Tech
8 6 6 1 1 Purchase photos
kick), 40th. playoffs. Eck (W, 3-4) ............. 6.0 2 0 0 2 13
at www.timesleader.com

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ S P O R T S TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 7B

N B A P L AYO F F S turf. We haven’t been there a

whole lot (6-6) at home this sea-

Rested Mavericks
son], but we are hoping we’ll be
able to win some games at
Continued from Page 1B
One player who played well

ready for Thunder?

We come back two more times, on the road trip was infielder Ke-
so we’ll play the game when we vin Russo, who was slated to be
come back.” the starting second baseman in
The road trip was a success Monday’s lineup. He is on a sev-
for the Yankees, who took two of en-game hitting streak that has
By JAIME ARON the three games played at raised his average 32 points to
AP Sports Writer UP NEXT McCoy this weekend along with .250 on the season. Russo has
DALLAS — Kobe Bryant and WESTERN CONFERENCE splitting a four-game set in Buf- three doubles and has gone 11-
Tim Duncan have been through FINALS GAME 1 falo. The two wins against the for-29 during the hitting streak.
Oklahoma City Thunder
so many playoff series, they Paw Sox helped the Yankees SWB will host Lehigh Valley
at Dallas Mavericks
would be good sources to discuss 9 p.m. today, ESPN avenge three loses in four games at 6:35 tonight at PNC Field in
the prevailing themes in the at home earlier this month. the start of a four-game set. The
Western Conference finals, like SWB will return to PNC Field to- series with the IronPigs will de-
how valuable experience is at this reward was a nine-day wait for ASSOCIATED PRESS night with a 21-15 mark and in termine who sits atop the stand-
stage and whether there’s such Game 1 on Tuesday night. first place in North Division. ings next weekend.
Dallas point guard Jason Kidd (2) and forward Dirk Nowitzki (41)
thing as too much rest between Or maybe that was a puni- are gearing up for another chance at a title. The Mavericks host “It was a long road trip,” It’s expected that David
rounds. shment. Oklahoma Cilty in Game 1 of the Western Conference finals to- Miley said. “Any time you can be Phelps (2-3, 3.05 ERA), will take
Only, Bryant and Duncan “That’s a looong layoff,” Mavs night. .500 or above on a road trip, the hill for the Yankees in the se-
aren’t around. For just the second center Tyson Chandler said Mon-
time since 1998, neither the Lak- that’s what you look for. Hope- ries opener, with the IronPigs
day. “Yesterday, the scrimmage Without the Lakers, and with The contrast in age will be talk- fully we get back to Scranton countering with Nate Bump
ers nor the Spurs will represent got a little chippy, so it was obvi-
the West in the NBA finals. the Eastern Conference finals fea- ed about a lot and for good rea- and play better on our home (2-3, 5.54 ERA).
ous we were ready to play some-
Instead, it’ll either be Dirk No- turing the newly crowned MVP son.
body else.”
witzki, Jason Kidd and the aging- and newly crowned Coach of the The top four scorers on the
Dallas had to keep waiting be-

but-rested Dallas Mavericks, or Year against the glitzy guys from Thunder are 23 or younger. The The 8th Circuit’s decision to
cause the Thunder had its hands
Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook full with the Memphis Grizzlies. South Beach, this series could be Mavs only have two guys who are keep the lockout in place is a
and the rapidly maturing Oklaho- Oklahoma City went the full considered the undercard. 23 or younger and neither has likely signal of how the two
ma City Thunder. seven games and then some, Maybe Mavs owner Mark Cu- played this postseason. sides will fare once the full ap-
The Mavericks are a collection playing three overtimes in one ban will break his recent self-im- • Rest vs. rust? Continued from Page 1B
peal is heard.
of 30-somethings bonded by a game and one extra period in an- posed silence and take shots at Before they were put on hiatus, day of talks in front of U.S. Ma- The majority opinion, from
collective pursuit of their first other. While most clubs would’ve Oklahoma. He’s lived in Texas the Mavs had won a franchise-re-
gistrate Judge Arthur Boylan, Judges Steven Colloton and
championship. They have plenty wanted some down time, the long enough to know the enmity cord six straight postseason
but the first since April 20. Duane Benton, sided with the
of guys who’ve come close to a ti- Thunder might be the exception. between Longhorns and Soon- games. It remains to be seen
Neither side would elaborate NFL. Judge Kermit Bye again
tle, including a few holdovers With their age and exuberance, a ers. It’s worth noting he was one whether they can pick up where
of two owners to vote against the they left off. on the discussions but they dissented in favor of the play-
from the 2006 team that inter- lone day off between series may
SuperSonics moving from Seat- • Revenge planned to return this morning. ers.
rupted the collection of confer- have felt like an eternity.
ence titles piled up by the Spurs tle to Oklahoma City. In February 2009, Chandler “I think there’s still time to “The district court reasoned
“We have a young, energetic,
and Lakers. athletic team that loves to play Then again, the battle of head- was driving to the airport, bound (reach an agreement) and still that this case does not involve
With strong defense and so and wants to play every night,” liners Dirk and Durant could be for Oklahoma City to join the have great competitive football or grow out of a labor dispute
many scoring options they never coach Scott Brooks said. “We’re enough to drive this series. Thunder, when his phone rang. that you all expect,” Commis- because the players no longer
know who’ll share top billing excited about being in the posi- If not, there are plenty of other He was told to head home. Okla- sioner Roger Goodell told Buf- are represented by a union,” the
with Nowitzki, Dallas swept the tion that we are in. We’re not ’just good story lines. homa City said he failed a phys- falo Bills season ticket holders. majority wrote. “We have con-
two-time defending champion happy to be here’ and just ’what- • Age, experience vs. youth, in- ical and rescinded the deal. “But time is running short. It’s siderable doubt about this in-
Lakers in the second round. The ever happens happens.”’ experience He hasn’t forgotten. time to get back to the table terpretation”
and get those issues resolved.” The 8th Circuit has been
NFLPA president Kevin Ma- seen as a more conservative,
S TA N L E Y C U P P L AYO F F S wae told The Associated Press business-friendly venue for the
he was disappointed with the NFL than the federal courts in

Bergeron skates, but status remains up in air

decision. Minnesota. Colloton and Ben-
“The ruling in granting the ton were both appointed by
stay of the injunction means President George W. Bush, a
that the NFL owners can con- Republican; Bye was appointed
tinue to not let football be by President Clinton, a Demo-
By JIMMY GOLEN tendency to uplift your team in power play in over a month and a played,” he said. crat.
AP Sports Writer UP NEXT terms of confidence. ... It changes half. It’s definitely nice being out The appellate court said it Bye dismissed the conclu-
BOSTON — There’s a proce- EASTERN CONFERENCE a lot of things in terms of the way there, and moving the puck would make its decision quick- sions of his fellow judges, just
dure in the NHL for a player com- FINALS GAME 2 the game is going to develop. around and getting my feet wet.” ly, a “circumstance that should as he did on April 29. And he
ing back from a concussion: The Tampa Bay Lightning “So we’re expecting him to be Julien would not say whether minimize harm to the players didn’t buy the NFL’s argument
doctors put it off as long as neces- at Boston Bruins there for the opening faceoff. And
8 p.m. today, Versus
Seguin would go back to being a during the offseason and allow that it would be unable to “un-
sary, and the coaches keep it if he’s not, which I highly doubt ... scratch if Bergeron returns, but the case to be resolved well be- scramble the egg” — a refer-
quiet as long as possible. I think he’s going to be there.” the rookie was hoping for his fore the scheduled beginning of ence to the chaos of handling
So it was with Bruins forward Bergeron, who has had one Bergeron had consecutive 70- teammate’s return anyway. the 2011 season.” player transactions with no
Patrice Bergeron on Monday, more limited workout, skated on point seasons for the Bruins be- “Everyone feels good that he’s Indeed, with training camps CBA in place.
when he returned for his first full his own on Monday with general fore a severe concussion that making great strides, and he just two months away and the “The preliminary injunction
practice since a May 6 concus- manager Peter Chiarelli watch- knocked him out just10 games in- looked pretty good out there to first preseason game set for does not dictate the NFL’s free
sion that kept him out of Game 1 ing, and then took part in non- to 2007-08 and limited him to 64 me. So it’s going to be great to Aug. 8, there is restlessness agency rules, or any other con-
of the Eastern Conference finals. contact power play and penalty- games the following year. He had have him back soon,” Seguin around the league to go with all duct in general, outside of the
Boston coach Claude Julien killing drills with his teammates. just returned to form this season, said. “I want to stay in the lineup the uncertainty. lockout,” he said.
would not comment on Berge- Julien has said it is up to the doc- scoring 22 goals with 35 assists, and contribute, but I’m getting “We’d like to make progress, The majority, however, said
ron’s availability for tonight’s sec- tors when Bergeron returns to and was Boston’s top playoff
ready for anything. I’m staying but it’ll be hard to do. We have that both sides will suffer
ond game against the Tampa Bay play, and it won’t be until he is100 scorer with 12 points before he
prepared and try not to think to wait to see what happens “some degree of irreparable
Lightning. percent. was hurt in the finale of the sec-
about it too much. I want to focus June 3,” Pittsburgh Steelers harm no matter how this court
“We’re going through the pro- “You’ve seen him skate now for ond-round sweep of Philadelphia
on a hit by Claude Giroux. on my game because whenever president Art Rooney II said resolves the motion for a stay
tocol of what he has to go a few days and that’s pretty much
through,” Julien told reporters af- Bergeron was out on Saturday the opportunity arises, I want to earlier on his way into the fed- pending appeal,” and then crit-
it,” the coach said. “We don’t have
ter the off-day practice. “There’s night, when he was replaced by be right there to capitalize on it.” eral courthouse. icized Nelson sharply.
much else to report because
not much more to update you there isn’t much else to report in rookie Tyler Seguin; he scored
guys on except that I think, when regards to him.” his first career playoff goal.
he is ready to go, I think you guys Lightning coach Guy Boucher On Monday, Seguin worked Golf School at BLUE RIDGE TRAIL GOLF CLUB
will know it. It’s just something isn’t buying it. with the power-play unit in prac- Wilkes-Barre G.C.
that you can’t predict how quick-
ly, or how slow it’s going to be.
“We prepared for him playing
for the first game, so we’re pre-
“I think it’s just about being DATE: Starting Monday JUNIOR LEAGUE
June 6, 2011 - July 11
“You see him going through paring for him,” he said, compari- ready, and I think that’s why they
what you saw him going through, ng it to facing the Pittsburgh Pen- threw me out there this morn- TIME: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Starting Thursday June 16th, 2011. Students Must Be Between
today’s skating. But that’s proto- guins in the first round with Sid- ing,” said Seguin, who was the For 4 consecutive Mondays
10-18 Years Old. Students Must Have Their Own Clubs.
col, and right now, we’re not ney Crosby out. “We know how No. 2 overall pick in the draft but COST: $125 per person Tee off between 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM.
ready to make any comments be- important he is to the team. He’s had been scratched in each of the SIGN UP: Contact Wilkes-Barre The league will be playing the Trail Course,
cause he’s just going through a great player. He’s a great indi- Bruins’ first 11 playoff games. “It’s Golf Club Pro Shop and the fee is only $10.00 for 9-holes! Please
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Two views of housing Is Wal-Mart’s campaign working? WMT $56.06 Report card on PCs DELL $16.00
$60 Dell’s fiscal first-quarter earnings will $20
Home Depot’s earnings and the Commerce Wal-Mart’s first-quarter earnings will $52.40
be a reading not just on the com- $15.44 ’10 ’11
Department’s April report on home construction will show whether its ad campaign that pro-
give a sense of whether there’s any movement in motes its low prices is working. The 50 pany, but on the market for PCs. 15
the housing market. But don’t expect any big pleas- discounter started the “Low Prices. Financial analysts are interested in
ant surprises. Home Depot rival Lowe’s on Monday Every Day. On Everything” campaign in ’10 ’11 how much of a profit Dell has been
40 10

reported a drop in earnings for the February-April mid-April to try to win back customers making. They’re concerned because
Operating est.
period. That means it didn’t get a boost from early who stopped believing they could get $0.88 prices for PCs have fallen, a trend Operating est.
spring home the best price at Wal-Mart. It also
EPS $0.95 that is affecting all computer makers. $0.30 $0.43
sales. And the brought back thousands of items it had 1Q ’11 1Q ’12 Most of Dell’s business comes from
selling to companies and large orga- 1Q ’11 1Q ’12
government is discontinued. The report will show
Price-to-earnings ratio: 13 nizations. It has been trying to sell
expected to whether Wal-Mart has been able to stop Price-to-earnings ratio: 12
based on past 12 months’ results
report just a a nearly two-year drop in sales at stores more servers, data storage devices based on past 12 months’ results
small increase in open at least a year. That’s the stan- Dividend: $1.46 Div. Yield: 2.6% and technology consulting services,
home building. dard measure of a retailer’s strength. Source: FactSet which are more profitable than PCs. Source: FactSet


BUSINESS timesleader.com

TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011


—46.16 Strauss-Kahn arrest adds to uncertainty
By PAN PYLAS His experience is lyst at IHS Global Insight. But analysts said his arrest in New
AP Business Writer broadly perceived to The prevailing view in the markets is York on charges he sexually assaulted a
LONDON — The arrest of Interna- have been crucial to that Strauss-Kahn’s arrest isn’t going hotel maid will quicken changes to the
tional Monetary Fund chief Domin- the currency union’s to affect this week’s meeting of Europe- fund’s leadership and affect its position
ique Strauss-Kahn adds more uncer- struggle with the big- an finance ministers. in international finance.
I N B R I E F tainty to Europe’s debt crisis by remov- gest crisis since its Eurozone countries will sign off on His stewardship of the Washington
ing a widely respected expert from inception. His ab- Portugal’s 78 billion ($111 billion) bai- D.C.-based institution has been widely
talks on how to save the 17-nation eu- Strauss-Kahn sence will increase lout and discuss whether to give praised.

Homebuilders pessimistic rozone.

Strauss-Kahn, who was France’s fi-
worries about the
IMF’s longer-term capacity to help Eu-
Greece more help beyond its current
110 billion rescue.
Over the past few years, he has man-
aged to raise the IMF’s clout at a time
U.S. homebuilders are concerned nance minister when the euro was cre- rope. Markets have kept their cool. of global financial turbulence and his
that the struggling housing market ated in 1999, is an authority on Eu- “It’s like losing an experienced ship’s Strauss-Kahn had been widely ex- economic stature gave him a key seat
won’t recover in the near future. rope’s economic issues and comfort- captain, while navigating particularly pected to quit his post later this year in at the table, particularly during discus-
The National Association of Home able with the region’s complex web of difficult, unchartered waters,” said Jan order to launch a bid for the French sions over Europe’s worsening govern-
Builders says its index of industry power politics. Randolph, head of sovereign risk ana- presidency in next year’s election. ment debt situation.
sentiment for May was unchanged at
16. It has been at that level for six of
Sallie Mae
the last seven months. Any reading
below 50 indicates negative sentiment
about the market. The index hasn’t
been above that level since April 2006.

cuts rates on
Last year was the worst in more than
a decade for sales of previously owned
homes and the worst for new-home
sales in nearly a half-century.

Penney’s income increases

J.C. Penney Co.’s first-quarter net
student loans
income rose nearly 7 percent because By CANDICE CHOI
of cost-cutting and strong reception to AP Personal Finance Writer
its exclusive merchandise. The compa- NEW YORK — Sallie Mae is lowering
ny on Monday reported net income of the interest rates it charges on its student
$64 million, or 28 cents per share, for loans. But the price cut likely won’t attract
the three months ended April 30. That a surge of new borrowers.
compares with $60 million, or 25 cents Formally known as SLM Corp., Sallie
per share, in the same period last year. Mae offers education loans with variable
Revenue edged up to $3.94 billion interest rates that tend to be higher than
from $3.93 billion. Penney’s revenue at the rates on federal government student
stores open at least a year rose 3.8 loans.Mostfederalloanscomewithafixed
percent, fueled by its exclusive brands rate of 6.8 percent. The company has a call
such as Liz Claiborne, Worthington center locally in Hanover Township.
and MNG by Mango. The gauge is a As a result, private student loans are
key indicator of a retailer’s health. widely regarded as a last resort in paying
During the first quarter, it added 23 for college, after schol-
Sephora shops inside Penney stores, “The impact arships, grants and fed-
bringing the total to 254. S. JOHN WILKIN / THE TIMES LEADER
is not going eral loans have been ex-

T ruly Scrumptious, a café and bakery, 271 Wyoming Ave., Kingston, held a ribbon-cutting ceremony
Analysts had predicted earnings of hausted.
26 cents on revenue of $3.94 billion, to be felt in A Sallie Mae execu-
on Monday. The business opened in December. Taking part in Monday’s ceremonies were, from left,
according to FactSet. Todd Serafin, Luzerne Bank; Clayton Karambelas, Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce; Anna one fell tive, Charlie Rocha,
Under pressure from shareholders, Cervenak, Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce; state Rep. Phyllis Mundy, D-Kingston; David swoop.” notes that private loans
Penney has cut costs, including closing can nevertheless help
some stores, outlets and call centers. It
Reppert, owner of Truly Scrumptious; Cathy Reppert, owner of Truly Scrumptious; Melissa James, Wil- Greg McBride
bridge the gap after fam-
is also finishing up closing its catalog liams Kinsman Lewis Architecture; Richard Williams, Williams Kinsman Lewis Architecture; and John an analyst with
ilies max out federal stu-
business. Maday, Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce. dent loans limits.
The new cap on Sallie

Ford Freestyle probed Mae’s rate will be 9.875 percent plus LI-

Vegas’ Sahara hotel-casino cashing out

BOR, which is the interest rate that banks
Federal safety officials are investigat- charge each other for loans. The new low-
ing complaints that the Ford Freestyle est available rate will be LIBOR plus 2 per-
crossover vehicle can lunge unexpect- cent, which reflects a half percent rate re-
edly at low speeds or idling. duction.
By OSKAR GARCIA no one last time, picking up souvenirs year wedding anniversary. It’s worth noting that benchmark inter-
The National Highway Traffic Safety Associated Press at a near-empty gift shop, playing $10 Davis, who bought four decks of
Administration says it has received 238 est rates, such as LIBOR, are at historic
LAS VEGAS — The venerable Sah- blackjack and visiting with dealers and cards Monday, said she teared up as lows, meaning the interest rates tied to
complaints involving 2005 through ara hotel-casino on the Las Vegas bartenders one last time before offi- she walked in and remembered the ca-
2007 Freestyles. Eighteen minor crash- them are poised to rise incrementally.
Strip, where Elvis Presley stayed while cials planned to shut the doors at 2 sino’s friendly atmosphere. “The impact is not going to be felt in one
es were reported with one minor in- filming “Viva Las Vegas” and the Beat- p.m. The Sahara is remembered as one of
jury. fell swoop,” said Greg McBride, an analyst
les stayed when they performed in Sin “It’s kind of visiting the past,” said the Rat Pack’s favorite haunts and with Bankrate.com. But he said costs
The agency said the seven-seat fam- City, dealt to its final gamblers and Misty Davis, 35, of Las Vegas, who said where an emphasis of lounge acts set
ily haulers can lunge up to 10 feet when could rise significantly for borrowers over
checked out its last guests Monday af- the Sahara was the first casino she vis- standards for other joints that fol- the next several years.
the driver’s foot is not on the acceler- ter six decades. ited when she was 21, with her hus- lowed. Don Rickles, Johnny Carson
ator or firmly on the brakes. Stepping The exact interest rate Sallie Mae as-
Visitors streamed through the casi- band and mother to celebrate her one- and Louis Prima entertained here. signs loans varies depending on the bor-
on the brakes firmly stops the car.
The probe began May 11 and covers rower’s credit score and the type of repay-
about 170,000 Freestyles. NHTSA will ment option selected.

Hard luck for hard drives if you own an iMac

decide if a safety recall is necessary. Students who choose to pay interest
A Ford spokeswoman said the com- charges on the loan while they’re in school
pany is cooperating with NHTSA as it are given more favorable rates. Sallie Mae
reviews the matter. encouragesthisoptionbecauseitminimiz-
APPLE IS AT it again –
es the impact of compound interest and
this time they’ve taken lowers the cost of the loan over the long
Facebook appeal rejected away their customer’s term.
ability to replace the TECH TALK Students can also opt to make $25
A federal appeals court on Monday
hard disk drives in monthly payments while they’re in school
refused to take a second look at a legal
their popular iMac ever bought that particular brand of to defray interest costs or defer payments
challenge to the settlement of a lawsuit
desktop computer. computer. altogether until after graduation. The de-
over the origins of Facebook.
The restriction of your freedom to And for those Mac owners who turn ferment option comes with the highest in-
Without comment, the 9th U.S. Cir-
expand or remove your hard drives as their noses up at upgrades – what will terest rates.
cuit Court of Appeals rejected further
you see fit is just the latest in a long happen when the hard drive in the iMac Sallie Mae is throwing in another sweet-
appeals from Cameron and Tyler Win-
string of restrictions and lockdowns on dies? ener for borrowers. For loans disbursed be-
klevoss, Harvard-educated twin broth-
Apple’s innards. You can’t fix it then, you can’t call tween July 1 and Oct. 1, loans will come
ers who claim Facebook founder Mark
You can’t replace the batteries on an your computer guy, and you can’t take it The Apple iMac desktop’s hard with free tuition insurance for one year.
Zuckerberg duped them out of the idea
iPod – at least, not without a lot of grief to Best Buy. disk drive is hands-off. The insurance covers up to $5,000 in tui-
for the social networking website.
(trust me, I’ve done it). You can’t up- Looks like you’re driving to the Apple tion, room, board and other fees if a stu-
grade the RAM in their air laptops. And Store. Enjoy. been moving … slowly… in the direction dent is forced to withdraw because of med-
now you can’t swap out a hard drive on I get that Apple probably doesn’t want of standardization. ical reasons.
an iMac. people fooling around inside their ma- Maybe in two or three generations, For many families, however, the perk
While this may not be much of an chines: User experience, warranties, and the iMac will be a solid chunk of plastic may not outweigh the safeguards that
issue for the average Mac owner, as a all that jazz. It’s the same with new cars with the components embedded inside. come with federal student loans.
$3.91 $3.78 $2.85 “tech” guy, it makes me bristle. I like (although that hasn’t stopped me yet). Want to replace the memory? No prob- For example, federal student loans
tinkering with the guts of my computer. But you have to wonder, shouldn’t lem. Get out a chisel. And prepare for a come with guidelines that allow borrow-
If I opened the case and found that the you have the choice to upgrade -- or lengthy procedure. ers to defer payments.
$4.06 hard drive couldn’t be swapped out … break -- your own computer, if you so With private loans, lenders usually de-
well, I’d break out the soldering iron and desire? Nick DeLorenzo is director of Interactive cide whether to grant deferment on a case-
the hammer, and do it the old-fashioned This seems like a step backwards for and New Media for The Times Leader. Write by-case basis. The period of relief is also
way, but that would be the last time I Apple – their desktop computers had him at [email protected]. generally much shorter too.

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ T H E M A R K E T I N R E V I E W TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 9B

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1,320 10 DAYS 2,760 10 DAYS 30.70 19.41 AmWtrWks AWK .88 28.78 -.37 +13.8 80.94 65.31 McDnlds MCD 2.44 81.14 +.40 +5.7
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288.50 177.66 AutoZone AZO ... 283.65 -2.65 +4.1 66.49 49.43 PNC PNC 1.40 61.90 +.10 +1.9
16.75 10.91 BkofAm BAC .04 11.86 -.07 -11.1 28.14 24.00 PPL Corp PPL 1.40 27.75 -.18 +5.4
1,350 2,800 32.50 23.78 BkNYMel BK .52 28.12 +.05 -6.9 17.72 11.98 PennMill PMIC ... 17.40 -.05 +31.5
17.49 6.08 BonTon BONT .20 11.25 -.31 -11.1 16.45 10.03 PenRE PEI .60 15.70 -.15 +8.1
49.31 29.12 CIGNA CI .04 48.58 -.11 +32.5 71.27 60.32 PepsiCo PEP 2.06 70.72 +.16 +8.3
1,300 2,700 38.25 26.84 CVS Care CVS .50 38.35 +.22 +10.3 69.92 42.94 PhilipMor PM 2.56 68.44 +.13 +16.9
68.77 49.47 CocaCola KO 1.88 67.83 -.35 +3.1 67.31 58.92 ProctGam PG 2.10 66.94 +.08 +4.1
27.16 16.30 Comcast CMCSA .45 24.71 -.42 +13.0
1,250 2,600 28.95 21.33 CmtyBkSy CBU .96 24.21 +.02 -12.8 67.52 48.56 Prudentl PRU 1.15 63.21 +.08 +7.7
42.50 22.33 CmtyHlt CYH ... 28.76 -.04 -23.0 16.86 9.85 SLM Cp SLM .40 16.22 +.35 +28.8
37.19 25.61 CoreMark CORE ... 34.77 -.19 -2.3 57.95 32.41 SLM pfB SLMpB 4.63 57.86 +.06 +32.1
1,200 2,500 13.63 4.97 Entercom ETM ... 9.07 -.10 -21.7 30.00 20.00 SoUnCo SUG .60 27.59 -.28 +14.6
21.02 7.71 FairchldS FCS ... 19.15 -.73 +22.7 14.05 7.06 Supvalu SVU .35 10.68 -.20 +10.9
9.84 6.96 FrontierCm FTR .75 8.69 +.03 -10.7 54.94 39.56 TJX TJX .76 54.31 -.26 +22.3
1,150 2,400 18.71 13.09 Genpact G .18 16.88 -.11 +11.1
N D J F M A M N D J F M A M 15.84 8.42 HarteHnk HHS .32 8.52 -.23 -33.3
33.53 24.30 UGI Corp UGI 1.04 32.12 -.09 +1.7
52.67 42.88 Heinz HNZ 1.80 52.46 -.04 +6.1 38.95 25.79 VerizonCm VZ 1.95 36.97 -.29 +3.3
58.20 45.31 Hershey HSY 1.38 57.06 -.28 +21.0 57.90 47.77 WalMart WMT 1.46 56.06 +.34 +3.9

StocksRecap DOW
s s
35.10 27.59
27.45 19.35


DOW Util.
Combined Stocks
Vol. (in mil.) 3,450 2,012 NYSE Comp. 8425.56 8325.51 8336.59 -35.08 -0.42% t s s +4.68% Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD
Pvs. Volume 3,516 1,871 AMEX Index 2356.37 2322.84 2328.48 -21.80 -0.93% t t s +5.44% ABB Ltd 26.21 +.35 +16.7 Chicos 15.12 -.17 +25.7 Gerdau 10.30 -.08 -26.4 McDnlds 81.14 +.40 +5.7 PrUShS&P 20.63 +.24 -13.2 Symantec 19.70 -.36 +17.7
Advanced 987 535 AEP Ind 29.00 -.29 +11.8 Chimera 3.88 +.02 -5.6 GileadSci 40.56 -.64 +11.9 McGrwH 42.26 +.18 +16.1 ProUltQQQ 89.60 -3.23 +10.0 Synovus 2.36 -.04 -10.6
NASDAQ 2828.14 2779.54 2782.31 -46.16 -1.63% t s s +4.88% AES Corp 12.53 +.09 +2.9 ChinaUni 19.50 -.35 +36.8 GlaxoSKln 43.68 -.06 +11.4 Medtrnic 42.25 +.22 +13.9 PrUShQQQ rs50.69+1.72 -12.9 Sysco 32.13 +.35 +9.3
Declined 2052 2089 S&P 500 1343.33 1327.32 1329.47 -8.30 -0.62% t s s +5.71% AFLAC 53.53 -.19 -5.1 ChurchDwt 82.66 -.02 +19.8 GlimchRt 9.60 +.04 +14.3 MelcoCrwn 9.73 -.76 +53.0 ProUltSP 53.62 -.70 +11.6 TCW Strat 5.48 +.05 +5.0
New Highs 105 39 Wilshire 5000 14244.90 14061.54 14079.73 -107.21 -0.76% t s s +5.39% AGL Res 40.80 -.24 +13.8 CIBER 6.19 -.20 +32.3 GoldFLtd 15.39 +.05 -15.1 Merck 37.30 +.22 +3.5 ProUShL20 33.97 -.42 -8.3 TD Ameritr 20.55 -.32 +8.2
New Lows 35 65 AK Steel 14.10 -.13 -13.9 CienaCorp 26.04 -.96 +23.7 Goldcrp g 48.43 +.67 +5.3 Meritage 22.72 +.19 +2.3 ProUSSP50015.58 +.28 -19.7 TE Connect36.58 -.11 +3.3
Russell 2000 838.29 822.91 822.91 -12.76 -1.53% t s s +5.01% AMR 6.69 +.31 -14.1 Cirrus 15.89 -.53 -.6 GoldStr g 2.58 -.03 -43.8 Mesab 31.20 -.65 -18.9 ProUSSlv rs21.46 +1.76 -45.4 TECO 19.00 -.15 +6.7

Targeting commodities
ARCA bio 2.84 +.33 -10.4 Cisco 16.60 -.28 -17.9 GoldmanS 140.60 -.86 -16.4 MetLife 44.13 -.28 -.7 PrUltCrde rs45.58 -2.24 -8.8 THQ 4.19 -.22 -30.9
ASM Intl 42.46 -1.25 +21.3 Citigrp rs 41.19 -.34 -12.9 Goodyear 17.56 -.21 +48.2 MetroPCS 17.93 +.08 +42.0 ProSUltSilv158.70-16.04 +.1 TaiwSemi 13.47 -.12 +7.4
ASML Hld 39.87 +.23 +4.0 Clearwire 4.14 +.14 -19.6 Google 518.42 -11.13 -12.7 MicronT 10.55 +.15 +31.5 ProUShEuro17.69 -.18 -12.9 TalecrisBio 28.17 -.02 +20.9
AT&T Inc 31.06 -.35 +5.7 CliffsNRs 85.95 +1.58 +10.2 Gramrcy 2.18 -.02 -5.6 Microsoft 24.57 -.46 -12.0 ProgrssEn 48.56 +.17 +11.7 TalismE g 20.84 -.25 -6.1
AbtLab 54.00 +.51 +12.7 Clorox 70.77 -.17 +11.8 GtPanSilv g 2.81 -.30 0.0 MdsxWatr 18.31 -.06 -.2 ProgsvCp 21.21 +.06 +6.7 Target 50.34 -.93 -16.3
AberFitc 72.70 -1.56 +26.1 CocaCE 28.63 -.33 +14.4 Greif A 62.97 +.28 +1.7 Molycorp n 57.52 -4.63 +15.3 ProLogis 15.52 -.03 +7.5 TastyBak 3.98 ... -37.3
AcadiaRlt 20.49 -.10 +12.3 Coeur 25.06 -.19 -8.3 GpoTMM 2.05 ... -18.0 Monsanto 63.37 -.42 -9.0 ProUSR2K rs43.15+1.25 -14.1 TeckRes g 46.47 +.11 -24.8
Accenture 56.15 +.41 +15.8 CognizTech 73.75 -2.72 +.6 HCP Inc 36.81 +.01 +.1 MonstrWw 14.99 -1.35 -36.6 ProspctCap 11.38 -.43 +5.4 TelNorL 16.18 +.16 +10.1
ActionSemi 2.26 -.06 +5.1 ColgPal 85.95 -.60 +6.9 HSBC 52.00 -.54 +1.9 Moog A 40.27 -.60 +1.2 ProvFnH 8.02 -.10 +10.8 Teleflex 62.82 +.53 +16.7
ActivsBliz 11.29 -.22 -9.2 Comc spcl 23.33 -.33 +12.7 Hallibrtn 45.43 -.57 +11.3 Moog B 41.00 ... +3.0 Prudentl 63.21 +.08 +7.7 TelefEsp s 23.71 -.14 +3.9
Don’t be quick to take a “buy it The Pimco Commodity Real Jonathan Shelon of Fidelity’s AdamsEx 11.18 -.06 +4.1 CmtyHlt 28.76 -.04 -23.0 HanJS 14.82 +.01 -1.9 MorgStan 23.88 -.25 -12.2 PSEG 33.53 +.08 +5.4 TelMexL 18.46 -.11 +14.4
and forget” attitude about investing Return Strategy, used in some Freedom target-date funds says AdobeSy 34.39 -.94 +11.7 ConAgra 25.47 -.05 +12.8 HarleyD 37.22 -.90 +7.4 Mosaic 67.61 +.26 -11.5 PubStrg 116.93 +.60 +15.3 Tellabs 4.63 -.09 -31.7
AMD 8.67 -.23 +6.0 ConnWtrSv 25.11 -.22 -9.9 HarmonyG 13.26 +.13 +5.7 MotrlaMo n 23.39 -.63 -19.6 PulteGrp 7.61 +.01 +1.2 TempleInld 24.04 -.16 +13.2
with a target-date mutual fund. target-date funds, shows how including alternative investments AdvSemi 5.89 -.07 +2.6 ConocPhil 71.43 ... +4.9 HarrisCorp 48.05 -.83 +6.1 Motricity n 8.28 -.43 -55.4 PPrIT 6.68 -.02 +6.4 TmpDrgn 30.44 +.02 -1.0
The fund may take on more risk “reflects the way money has been Aetna 44.66 +.81 +46.4 ConsolEngy47.72 +.45 -2.1 Harsco 33.26 -.39 +17.4 MurphO 65.71 -.67 -11.9 Qlogic 17.33 -.28 +1.8
volatile commodities can be. Agilent 52.32 -.26 +26.3 ConEd 53.35 -.17 +7.6 HartfdFn 27.65 +.08 +4.4 Mylan 23.81 -.28 +12.7 Qualcom 56.70 -.42 +14.6
TenetHlth 6.32
Tenneco 40.99
-.02 -5.5
-.30 -.4
than you know. managed at pensions, endow- AkamaiT 32.95 -1.00 -30.0 ConsolWtr 9.50 -.11 +3.6 HawaiiEl 26.01 -.02 +14.1 NCR Corp 19.23 -.32 +25.1 QuantaSvc 19.65 -.08 -1.4 Teradyn 15.80 -.38 +12.5
These funds are designed to 80% PCRIX ments and foundations for a long AlcatelLuc 5.92 -.18+100.0 CooperTire 24.31 -.44 +3.1 HltMgmt 11.09 -.01 +16.2 NV Energy 15.68 -.05 +11.6 QstDiag 57.65 +.25 +6.8 Terex 30.04 -1.26 -3.2
Alcoa 16.92 -.18 +9.9 CornPdts 53.73 -.41 +16.8 HeclaM 8.01 -.12 -28.9 NYSE Eur 35.73 -5.16 +19.2 Quidel 14.45 +.04 0.0 Tesoro 23.45 +.02 +26.5
help people save for a specific 60 since it time.” AlignTech 23.02 -.36 +17.8 Corning 20.57 -.16 +6.5 HercOffsh 5.82 +.01 +67.2 Nabors 26.36 -.38 +12.4 RCM 5.53 -.17 +19.4 TevaPhrm 49.51 -.16 -5.0
Allergan 81.85 +1.15 +19.2 CorrectnCp 23.37 -2.62 -6.7 Hertz 15.99 -.40 +10.4 NasdOMX 26.23 -.68 +10.5 RF MicD 5.94 -.31 -19.2 TexInst 34.91 -.27 +7.4
retirement date. They have a mix opened But Lynette DeWitt, a research- AlliBInco 7.74 +.03 -2.4 Covidien 55.84 ... +22.3 Hess 74.59 -1.19 -2.5 NBkGreece 1.36 -.04 -19.0 RPC s 22.90 +.05 +26.4
40 AlliantEgy 40.48 -.26 +10.1
Textron 24.30 -.31 +2.8
of investments, usually stocks and in 2002 er for industry consultant Financial Cree Inc 41.39 -.63 -37.2 HewlettP 39.80 -.61 -5.5 NatFuGas 69.31 -1.36 +5.6 RPM 23.24 +.02 +5.2 ThermoFis 62.31 +.40 +12.6
Allstate 32.52 +.14 +2.0 CrwnCstle 41.55 -.35 -5.2 Hologic 21.20 -.49 +12.6 NatGrid 49.98 -.53 +12.6 RadianGrp 5.00 -.18 -38.0
bonds. They become more con- Research, questions the strategy ThomCrk g 10.29 -.33 -30.1
AlphaNRs 47.93 -.51 -20.2 CrownHold 40.43 -.52 +21.1 HomeDp 36.98 -.03 +5.5 NOilVarco 66.86 -1.16 -.6 RadientPh .28 -.03 -72.8 3M Co 95.46 -.55 +10.6
AlteraCp lf 47.13 -1.17 +32.5 Cummins 110.12 -.17 +.1 HonwllIntl 60.12 -.39 +13.1
servative as the target date – like 0 because it adds risk to funds that Altria 27.49 +.18 +11.7 CybrOpt 9.95 -.04 +16.5 Hospira 54.97 -.52 -1.3
NatSemi 24.46 +.06 +77.8 RadioShk 16.12 -.16 -12.8 THorton g 47.03 -.79 +14.1
NetApp 53.10 -.89 -3.4 Rambus 14.67 -1.16 -28.4 TimeWarn 35.21 -.78 +9.4
2015 or 2035 – approaches. investors use for retirement. Amazon 192.51 -10.05 +6.9 CypSharp 12.45 +.08 -3.6 HostHotls 16.97 ... -5.0 Netflix 237.09 -9.43 +34.9 Raytheon 49.07 -.12 +6.8 TiVo Inc 9.29 -.12 +7.6
-20 Ameren 29.91 +.22 +6.1 Cytokinet 1.43 -.05 -31.6 HudsCity 9.25 -.01 -27.4 NewAmHi 10.32 -.06 +3.6 Rdiff.cm 9.95 -2.55 +88.1
Since the market crash of Funds do reduce their alterna- AMovilL 50.29 -.51 -12.3 DNP Selct 9.78 +.03 +7.0 HumGen 26.19 -1.03 +9.6 NwGold g 9.30 +.03 -4.7 RegionsFn 7.13 +.08 +1.9
TopImage 2.91 +.86+153.0
TorDBk g 84.37 +.09 +15.1
2008, many funds have added -40 tive investments as target dates AMovilA 50.50 -.39 -11.7 DR Horton 11.67 +.23 -2.2 HuntBnk 6.49 -.09 -5.5 NJ Rscs 45.19 +.11 +4.8 ReneSola 8.02 -.23 -8.2 Total SA 57.22 -.23 +7.0
AmAxle 11.12 -.12 -13.5 DTE 52.05 -.49 +14.8 Hydrognc 5.59 +.31 +48.7 NY Times 7.30 -.19 -25.5 Renren n 12.60 -.56 -30.0
what are called alternative invest- -60 approach. Fidelity’s Freedom AmCapLtd 9.81 -.25 +29.8 Danaher s 53.99 +.13 +14.5 Hypercom 9.08 -.87 +8.5 Newcastle 5.26 -.16 -21.5 RepFBcp 2.58 -.12 +5.7
Toyota 82.21 -1.17 +4.6
AEagleOut 14.60 -.09 -.2 Darden 50.18 -.13 +8.1 IAMGld g 19.14 +.38 +7.5 TrCda g 42.73 +.14 +12.3
ments to target-date funds. Man- ’03 ’05 ’07 ’09 ’11 2050 fund is aimed at people who NewellRub 18.31 -.16 +.7 RepubSvc 32.30 -.06 +8.2 Transocn 68.49 +.07 -1.5
AEP 37.72 +.14 +4.8 Darling 17.58 +.35 +32.4 ING 11.97 -.18 +22.3 NewfldExp 69.72 -.35 -3.3 RschMotn 42.86 -.38 -26.3
agers believe that by diversifying hope to retire around mid-century. AmExp 50.07 +.58 +16.7 DeanFds 13.15 -.26 +48.8 INGPrRTr 6.20 +.03 +9.0 Travelers 62.94 +.61 +13.0
NewmtM 52.94 +.16 -13.8 Revlon 16.56 +.26 +68.3 TrimbleN 42.28 -.83 +5.9
AmIntlGrp 31.00 +.58 -35.8 Deere 88.13 +.41 +6.1 iShGold s 14.57 -.02 +4.8 NewsCpA 17.22 -.23 +18.3 ReynAm s 38.70 +.01 +18.6
investments, funds won’t have risk That was clear in the last two Nearly 10 percent of its portfolio is AmerMed 29.85 -.04 +58.3 Dell Inc 16.00 -.37 +18.1 iSAstla 26.20 -.01 +3.0 TrinaSolar 24.79 -.56 +5.8
NewsCpB 18.00 -.10 +9.6 RioTinto 66.96 +.73 -6.6 TriQuint 12.80 -.71 +9.5
concentrated in one type of asset, weeks, when oil fell 12 percent in the Fidelity Series Commodity AmSupr 11.27 -.09 -60.6 DeltaAir 11.00 +.35 -12.7 iShBraz 71.56 -.02 -7.5 Nexen g 22.18 -.22 -3.1 RiteAid 1.17 -.04 +32.5 TycoIntl 50.17 -.61 +21.1
AmWtrWks 28.78 -.37 +13.8 DeltaPtr h .71 -.02 -6.6 iSCan 31.76 -.01 +2.5 NextEraEn 58.07 -.57 +11.7 Riverbed s 36.87 -.55 +4.8
like stocks. and silver dropped 24 percent. But Strategy fund. Fidelity’s 2010 fund, Ameriprise 61.97 -.43 +7.7 DenburyR 20.29 -.25 +6.3 iShGer 26.74 -.05 +11.7 NiSource 20.15 -.21 +14.4 Rowan 37.96 -.08 +8.7
Tyson 18.51 -.02 +7.5
Ametek s 42.88 -.69 +9.2 Dndreon 36.86 -1.17 +5.6 iSh HK 19.01 -.07 +.5 UBS AG 18.30 -.02 +11.1
Most use commodities like oil, most funds add alternative invest- aimed at current retirees or those NobleCorp 39.65 +.06 +10.8 RoyDShllA 69.03 -.60 +3.4 UDR 25.21 +.10 +7.2
Amgen 59.86 -.61 +9.0 DeutschBk 59.01 -.16 +13.4 iShJapn 10.18 -.06 -6.7 NokiaCp 8.61 +.07 -16.6 SpdrDJIA 125.47 -.49 +8.5
gold, corn and soybeans. These ments in small doses — up to 10 soon to retire, has 4 percent in the AmkorT lf 6.74 -.05 -9.0 DevelDiv 14.26 -.09 +1.2 iSh Kor 64.07 -.25 +4.7 Nordstrm 46.23 -1.40 +9.1 SpdrGold 145.37 -.26 +4.8
US Airwy 9.94 +.53 -.7
Anadarko 73.40 -.66 -3.6 DevonE 81.78 -.24 +4.2 iShSing 13.87 -.16 +.1 US Gold 6.67 -.01 -17.3
investments can also be volatile. percent of a portfolio. commodities fund. AnglogldA 44.34 +.73 -9.9 Diageo 83.83 -.15 +12.8 iSTaiwn 15.48 -.12 -.9
NA Pall g 3.67 -.23 -47.1 SP Mid 178.95 -1.64 +8.7 USEC 4.23 -.03 -29.7
NoestUt 35.90 -.03 +12.6 S&P500ETF133.19 -.85 +5.9 UniSrcEn 37.93 -.28 +5.8
Annaly 17.76 +.09 -.9 DicksSptg 40.69 -1.78 +8.5 iSh UK 18.02 -.07 +3.7 NorthropG 64.78 -.08 +10.2 SpdrHome 18.36 -.20 +5.6 UnilevNV 32.25 -.27 +2.7
These are the five target-date funds that have the highest proportion of their portfolios A123 Sys 5.68 -.25 -40.5
Apache 122.27 -1.98 +2.5
Diebold 32.66
Dillards 55.13
iShSilver 32.85 -1.54
iShChina25 43.10 -.10
NwstNG 45.09 -.78 -3.0 SpdrKbwBk 24.67 +.04 -4.8 Unilever 32.04 -.18 +3.8
NovaGld g 10.27 -.07 -28.0 SpdrKbw RB25.61 -.08 -3.2
invested in separate commodities funds, according to Morningstar: Apple Inc 333.30 -7.20 +3.3 DirecTV A 49.26 -.47 +23.4 iShEMkts 46.85 -.07 -1.7 Novartis 61.19 +.30 +3.8 SpdrRetl 53.21 -.89 +10.0
UnionPac 101.00 +.54 +9.0
ApldMatl 14.52 -.28 +3.3 DrSCBr rs 36.65 +1.54 -21.7 iShB20 T 95.61 +.53 +1.6 Unisys 28.19 -.66 +8.9
Novlus 35.98 -1.48 +11.3 SpdrOGEx 56.39 -.63 +6.9
COMMODITY FUND THAT % OF PORTFOLIO IN Arbitron 41.68 -.15 +.4 DirFnBr rs 43.23 +.08 -8.5 iS Eafe 60.50 -.11 +3.9 UtdContl 26.15 +.57 +9.8
NuanceCm 21.80 -.16 +19.9 SpdrMetM 68.28 -.39 -.7
ArcelorMit 33.46 +.03 -12.2 DirLCBr rs 34.74 +.65 -20.8 iShR2K 82.29 -1.22 +5.2 UtdMicro 2.71 -.02 -14.2
Nucor 43.08 +.12 -1.7 SPX Cp 81.69 +.13 +14.3
FUND TARGET DATE FUND INVESTS IN COMMODITY FUND* ArchCoal 28.85 -.26 -17.7 DrxEMBull 36.28 -.26 -12.2 iShREst 60.95 +.14 +8.9 NustarEn 61.22 -.67 -11.9 STEC 14.88 +.08 -15.7
UPS B 73.80 -.34 +1.7
ArmHld 27.94 -.57 +34.7 DrxEBear rs16.53 +.42 -26.7 ITT Corp 56.97 -.33 +9.3 US Bancrp 25.05 +.03 -7.1
NuvFloat 12.69 +.01 +7.5 STMicro 11.57 +.29 +10.8
Fidelity Freedom 2050 (FFFHX) Fidelity Series Commodity Strategy (FCSSX) 9.9% ArubaNet 30.14 -2.10 +44.3 DrxFnBull 27.63 -.08 -.8 ITW 57.41 -.54 +7.5 NvMAd 13.54 -.04 +3.5 Safeway 24.98 -.02 +11.1
US NGs rs 11.12 +.15 -7.2
AssuredG 16.89 +.24 -4.6 DirxSCBull 81.57 -3.80 +12.6 Informat 52.96 -1.18 +20.3 NvPA 13.43 +.06 +.8 US OilFd 38.51 -.93 -1.3
StJoe 24.29 -.09 +11.2
Allianz Global Investors Solutions 2050 (ASNAX) Pimco Commodity Real Return Strategy (PCRIX) 7.1 AstraZen 51.59 -.21 +11.7 DirxEnBull 68.74 -1.62 +17.6 InglesMkts 18.27 -.38 -4.8 Nvidia 17.70 -.56 +14.9 Saks 11.27 -.17 +5.3 USSteel 44.89 +.24 -23.2
Atmel 14.37 -.62 +16.6 Discover 25.07 +.83 +35.3 Intel 23.64 +.23 +12.4 OCZ Tech 7.08 ... +46.9 Salesforce 128.96 -5.95 -2.3 UtdTech 88.88 -.10 +12.9
Pimco RealRetirement 2050 (PFYAX) Pimco Commodity Real Return Strategy (PCRIX) 6.2 ATMOS 33.65 -.40 +7.9 DishNetwk 28.90 +.09 +47.0 IBM 168.86 -1.06 +15.1 OcciPet 101.00 -1.36 +3.0 SanDisk 47.95 +1.46 -3.8 UtdhlthGp 50.17 +.22 +38.9
AutoData 53.58 -.43 +15.8 Disney 40.93 -.59 +9.1 Intl Coal 14.48 +.03 +87.1 OfficeDpt 4.49 -.23 -16.9 SandRdge 10.02 -.02 +36.9 UnumGrp 26.33 +.11 +8.7
Russell LifePoints 2030 Strategy (RRLAX) Russell Commodity Strategies (RCSYX) 6.1 AvalRare n 6.56 -.68 +5.1 DomRescs 47.87 -.12 +12.1 IntlGame 17.87 -.47 +1.0 OfficeMax 8.96 -.17 -49.4 Sanofi 38.14 +.04 +18.3 UrbanOut 32.29 -.33 -9.8
AvanirPhm 3.97 +.11 -2.7 Dover 63.55 -.78 +8.7 IntPap 31.45 +.08 +15.5 OilSvHT 146.12 -1.37 +4.0 SaraLee 19.31 +.05 +10.3 Vale SA 29.40 -.29 -15.0
Goldman Sachs Retire. Strategy 2050 (GRPAX) Goldman Sachs Commodity Strategy (GSCAX ) 5.6 AveryD 41.90 +.10 -1.0 DowChm 37.71 -.66 +10.5 Interpublic 11.17 -.39 +5.2 Oilsands g .36 -.03 -14.3 Satcon h 2.50 -.29 -44.4 Vale SA pf 26.14 -.14 -13.5
Avon 30.26 +.08 +4.1 DryShips 4.09 -.31 -25.5 Intersil 14.32 -.50 -6.2 Omncre 31.00 -.65 +22.1 SaulCntr 41.82 ... -11.7 ValenceT h 1.07 -.04 -36.3
BB&T Cp 26.67 +.04 +1.4 DuPont 52.92 +.01 +6.1 Invesco 24.64 -.37 +2.4 OnSmcnd 11.41 -.23 +15.5 Schlmbrg 82.19 -.52 -1.6 ValeroE 26.23 -.40 +13.5
SOURCE: fund websites * Portfolio percentages are from fund websites’ most recent data available. Mark Jewell • AP BHP BillLt 93.12 +.49 +.2 DukeEngy 19.30 +.08 +8.4 ItauUnibH 21.91 -.28 -8.3 ValpeyFsh 3.35 ... -1.2
OplinkC 17.36 -.61 -6.0 SchoolSp 13.94 -.05 +.1
BJs Whls 51.22 -.78 +6.9 DukeRlty 14.36 -.06 +15.2 IvanhM g 23.77 -.28 +3.7 Oracle 34.18 -1.01 +9.2 Schwab 17.45 -.19 +2.0 ValVis A 6.04 -.41 -1.1
BP PLC 42.46 -.47 -3.9 Dycom 14.72 +.03 -.2 JAlexandr 5.68 -.12 +8.2 VanceInfo 28.31 -3.20 -18.0
Mutual Funds BP Pru 108.91 -1.11 -13.9
BRFBrasil 18.59 -.18 +10.1
Dynegy rs 5.79
ETrade rs 15.84
J&J Snack 51.58 -.37
JA Solar 5.98 -.18
Orthovta 3.83 +1.10
OwensIll 32.52 -.48
Oxigne rsh 4.35 -.89
SeagateT 16.70 -.44 +11.1
SearsHldgs 75.36 -1.67 +2.2
SemiHTr 36.13 -.34 +11.1
VangEmg 47.41
VantageDrl 1.79
-.01 -1.5
-.01 -11.8
Baidu 127.77 -3.51 +32.4 eBay 32.37 -1.20 +16.3 JDS Uniph 20.35 -.81 +40.5 VarianSemi 61.15 -.03 +65.4
YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD PDL Bio 6.39 +.02 +2.6 SempraEn 55.00 -.11 +4.8
BakrHu 68.77 -.50 +20.3 EMC Cp 27.42 -.18 +19.7 JPMorgCh 42.88 -.27 +1.1 VeriFone 44.23 -2.91 +14.7
PECO pfA 71.30 ... +1.9 ServiceCp 11.34 -.26 +37.5
Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn BallardPw 1.72 +.02 +14.7 ENI 48.12 -.23 +10.0 Jabil 21.13 -.45 +5.2 VertxPh 57.27 -.21 +63.5
PG&E Cp 45.59 -.43 -4.7 ShawGrp 39.32 -.09 +14.9
BallyTech 40.41 -.30 -4.2 Eastgrp 45.47 -.08 +7.4 JanusCap 10.83 -.08 -16.5 VestinRMII 1.38 ... -4.8
Alliance Bernstein Dodge & Cox GrowB m 45.16 -.27 +5.5 ShDurIncC m 4.66 ... +2.0 ValPlSvc m 13.97 -.17 +4.1 InfPrtAdm 26.42 ... +4.1 PICO Hld 29.86 -.28 -6.1 SiderurNac 13.80 -.14 -17.2
BcoBrades 18.99 -.16 -6.4 EKodak 3.09 +.09 -42.4 JpnSmCap 8.45 -.10 -5.8 ViacomA 57.90 -.61 +26.3
BalShrB m 14.79 -.06 +6.8 Bal 74.37 -.29 +6.4 Growth A m 47.22 -.28 +5.8 MFS Schwab InfPrtI 10.76 ... +4.1 PMI Grp 1.72 -.01 -47.9 Siemens 131.80 +.44 +6.1
BcoSantSA 11.34 +.04 +6.5 Eaton s 51.54 -.38 +1.5 JetBlue 6.14 +.33 -7.1 ViacomB 49.23 -.69 +24.3
CoreOppA m 12.52 -.11 +8.8 Income 13.51 +.01 +3.2 HY TF A m 9.80 ... +3.7 MAInvA m 20.35 -.11 +5.9 1000Inv d 39.61 -.27 +6.5 PPG 88.62 +.15 +5.4 SifyTech 4.41 -.89 +95.1
InflaPro 13.45 ... +4.1 BcoSBrasil 11.09 -.10 -18.5 EdisonInt 39.55 ... +2.5 JohnJn 66.37 -.25 +7.3 VirgnMda h 31.32 -.49 +15.0
American Beacon IntlStk 37.07 +.10 +3.8 Income A m 2.27 -.01 +6.9 MAInvC m 19.64 -.11 +5.6 S&P500Sel d 20.83 -.12 +6.4 PPL Corp 27.75 -.18 +5.4 SilvWhtn g 33.75 -.35 -13.6
InstIdxI 121.88 -.75 +6.4 BkHawaii 47.68 -.09 +1.0 ElPasoCp 18.44 +.22 +34.0 JohnsnCtl 38.23 -.39 +.1 Visa 79.94 +.03 +13.6
LgCpVlInv 19.54 -.06 +5.5 Stock 115.28 -.65 +7.4 Income C m 2.29 -.01 +6.6 TotRetA m 14.70 -.02 +5.0 BkIrelnd 1.77 -.06 -33.2 Pacholder 10.04 -.01 +18.8 SilvrcpM g 10.13 -.26 -21.0
Scout Elan 8.74 +.28 +52.5 JoyGlbl 88.36 +.88 +1.9 Vivus 7.96 -.01 -15.0
LgCpVlIs 20.58 -.07 +5.5 Dreyfus IncomeAdv 2.26 ... +7.0 ValueA m 24.35 -.07 +7.0 InstPlus 121.88 -.76 +6.4 BkAtl A h .88 -.01 -23.1 EldorGld g 15.05 -.06 -19.0 JnprNtwk 39.12 -.51 +6.0 PacEth h .43 -.02 -41.0 Sina 106.28 -.60 +54.4
Interntl d 33.60 -.03 +3.8 PallCorp 54.80 -.57 +10.5 SiriusXM 2.18 -.06 +33.7 Vodafone 27.18 -.16 +2.8
American Cent Apprecia 40.96 -.13 +7.2 NY TF A m 11.41 +.01 +3.4 ValueI 24.47 -.06 +7.2 InstTStPl 30.32 -.23 +6.7 Bar iPVix rs 24.17 +.54 -35.7 ElectArts 23.11 -.59 +41.1 KB Home 11.16 +.09 -17.3
US Gov A m 6.81 +.01 +2.4 Selected PatriotCoal 21.63 -.65 +11.7 SkywksSol 27.24 -1.10 -4.9 Vornado 95.43 +.65 +14.5
EqIncInv 7.61 -.01 +5.9 EmgLead ... ... +3.6 Manning & Napier AmerShS b 43.31 -.05 +4.5 IntlExpIn d 17.06 -.07 +2.3 BarnesNob 13.81 -.17 -2.4 EmersonEl 53.18 -.35 -7.0 Kaydon 37.19 -.46 -8.7 WalMart 56.06 +.34 +3.9
TechGrA f 33.51 -.72 +3.1 FrankTemp-Mutual BarrickG 45.17 +.16 -15.1 EnbrEPt s 30.47 -.96 -2.3 Kellogg 57.26 -.30 +12.1 Paychex 31.78 -.64 +2.8 SmithfF 20.37 -.18 -1.3
GrowthInv 27.25 -.24 +5.5 WrldOppA 9.25 -.01 +7.4 American D 43.33 -.05 +4.6 IntlGr d 19.98 -.03 +3.3 PeabdyE 58.80 +.35 -8.1 Smucker 75.22 -.22 +14.6 Walgrn 45.12 +.15 +15.8
IncGroA m 25.52 -.16 +6.7 Eaton Vance Beacon Z 13.07 -.06 +6.2 Merger Baxter 59.70 +.47 +17.9 EnCana g 32.46 -.18 +11.5 KeyEngy 15.55 +.18 +19.8 WalterEn 118.97 -.33 -6.9
Discov A m 30.89 -.08 +5.8 Sequoia IntlGrAdm d 63.58 -.10 +3.3 BeazerHm 3.63 -.14 -32.7 EndvSilv g 8.37 -.59 +14.0 Keycorp 8.42 +.15 -4.9 PennVaRs 25.36 -.21 -10.5 SnapOn 59.43 -.39 +5.0
UltraInv 23.99 -.25 +5.9 HiIncOppA m 4.51 ... +5.9 Merger m 16.22 -.03 +2.8 Sequoia 145.26 -.50 +12.4 PennWst g 25.43 -.47 +6.3 Sohu.cm 80.26 -3.10 +26.4 WeathfIntl 19.32 -.85 -15.3
American Funds HiIncOppB m 4.52 ... +5.6 Discov Z 31.29 -.08 +6.0 IntlStkIdxAdm d27.06 -.09 +2.7 BerkHa A 119100 -393 -1.1 EnerNOC 20.42 +3.37 -14.6 Kimco 19.14 +.16 +6.1 WellPoint 80.76 +.51 +42.0
QuestZ 18.70 -.04 +5.7 Metropolitan West T Rowe Price BerkH B 79.48 -.17 -.8 Energen 57.16 -.16 +18.4 KindME 72.09 -.47 +2.6 Penney 37.21 -1.23 +15.2 Sonus 2.81 -.07 +5.2
AMCAPA m 20.07 -.14 +6.6 LrgCpValA m 18.72 -.06 +3.0 IntlStkIdxI d 108.24 -.38 +2.7 PeopUtdF 13.30 +.14 -5.1 SouthnCo 40.26 -.23 +5.3 WellsFargo 27.86 -.07 -10.1
Shares A m 22.01 -.09 +6.6 TotRetBdI 10.55 +.01 +3.5 BlChpGr 40.06 -.43 +5.1 BestBuy 32.13 -.18 -6.3 Energizer 75.02 -1.88 +2.9 Kinross g 14.27 +.03 -24.7
BalA m 18.76 -.05 +5.2 NatlMuniA m 9.01 +.01 +3.3 IntlVal d 32.84 -.10 +2.1 PepcoHold 20.00 -.04 +9.6 SwstAirl 12.14 +.07 -6.5 WendyArby 4.87 -.08 +5.4
Shares Z 22.20 -.08 +6.8 TotRtBd b 10.55 +.01 +3.3 CapApprec 21.53 -.05 +6.0 BigLots 38.02 -.51 +24.8 EngyConv 1.53 -.04 -66.7 KodiakO g 6.06 +.03 -8.2
BondA m 12.37 +.01 +2.7 NatlMuniB m 9.01 +.01 +3.0 PeregrineP 2.22 -.07 -3.5 SwstnEngy 41.23 +.03 +10.2 WernerEnt 24.52 -.45 +8.5
PAMuniA m 8.75 ... +4.1 FrankTemp-Templeton Morgan Stanley Instl DivGrow 24.42 -.08 +7.0 LTGradeAd 9.59 +.04 +4.9 BioRadA 126.34 +2.02 +21.7 EngyTsfr 47.68 -.03 -8.0 Kohls 55.35 +.18 +1.9
CapIncBuA m 52.15 -.04 +5.5 DivrSmCap d 17.48 -.26 +10.5 Petrohawk 24.41 +.08 +33.8 SpectraEn 27.06 -.22 +8.3 WestellT 3.50 -.12 +7.0
Fgn A m 7.57 -.02 +8.5 IntlEqI d 14.38 -.03 +5.7 LTInvGr 9.59 +.04 +4.8 BiogenIdc 96.14 -.47 +43.4 ENSCO 53.56 -.51 +.3 KongZhg 5.48 -2.12 -22.7
CapWldBdA m20.98 +.02 +3.6 FMI EmMktStk d 34.59 -.18 -2.0 PetrbrsA 29.84 +.67 -12.7 SprintNex 5.11 +.01 +20.8 WDigital 36.38 -1.11 +7.3
GlBond A x 13.79 -.09 +3.3 MdCpGrI 41.04 -.61 +9.9 LifeCon 16.90 -.03 +3.7 Bionovo rsh .64 +.04 -42.9 Entergy 68.89 -.10 -2.7 KrispKrm 6.26 -.11 -10.3
CpWldGrIA m 37.49 -.07 +5.4 LgCap 16.86 -.03 +8.0 EqIndex d 35.88 -.22 +6.4 Petrobras 33.62 +.58 -11.2 SP Matls 38.51 -.14 +.3 WstnRefin 15.33 -.40 +44.9
EurPacGrA m 42.84 -.09 +3.6 GlBond C x 13.82 -.08 +3.2 Natixis BioSante 2.46 -.15 +50.0 EntPrPt 40.16 -.66 -3.5 Kroger 24.98 -.05 +11.7 WstnUnion 20.58 -.12 +10.8
FPA EqtyInc 24.90 -.11 +5.5 LifeGro 23.17 -.11 +5.0 PetRes 28.73 -.17 +6.3 SP HlthC 36.14 +.06 +14.7
FnInvA m 38.78 -.18 +6.0 GlBondAdv x 13.75 -.09 +3.4 InvBndY 12.50 +.01 +4.8 Blackstone 16.82 -.58 +18.9 EntropCom 8.51 -.36 -29.6 Kulicke 11.98 -.20 +66.4 Weyerh 22.13 +.22 +16.9
Cres d 28.32 -.09 +5.7 FinSer 14.19 -.05 +0.1 LifeMod 20.45 -.06 +4.5 BlockHR 15.87 +.05 +33.2 EnzoBio 3.92 -.07 -25.8 L-1 Ident 10.32 -.46 -13.4 Pfizer 20.98 +.06 +19.8 SP CnSt 32.12 +.01 +9.6
GrthAmA m 31.79 -.23 +4.4 Growth A m 19.35 -.07 +8.8 StratIncA m 15.53 +.01 +6.9 WhitingPt s 62.28 -.11 +6.3
NewInc m 10.89 ... +1.4 GrowStk 33.53 -.37 +4.3 MidCapGr 20.62 -.25 +8.5 Boeing 77.77 -1.26 +19.2 EricsnTel 15.03 +.15 +30.4 LDK Solar 9.28 -.32 -8.3 PhilipMor 68.44 +.13 +16.9 SP Consum40.02 -.54 +7.0
HiIncA m 11.60 ... +5.6 World A m 15.85 -.08 +6.8 StratIncC m 15.61 +.01 +6.6 WmsCos 29.78 -.48 +20.5
Fairholme Funds HealthSci 36.05 -.23 +19.1 BostonSci 6.85 +.01 -9.5 Exelon 41.86 +.12 +.5 LSI Corp 7.42 -.20 +23.9 PimcoHiI 14.23 -.03 +12.0 SP Engy 73.23 -.56 +7.3
IncAmerA m 17.50 -.01 +6.8 Franklin Templeton Neuberger Berman MidCp 22.08 -.14 +8.7 PimcoMuni 13.06 -.05 +3.6 SPDR Fncl 15.75 -.02 -1.3 Windstrm 13.34 +.04 -4.3
Fairhome d 33.16 -.12 -6.8 HiYield d 6.99 ... +5.8 BrigExp 27.15 +.22 -.3 Expedia 24.95 -.22 -.6 LancastrC 61.34 -.16 +7.2
IntBdAmA m 13.53 +.01 +1.6 FndAllA m 11.24 -.02 +7.5 GenesisIs 49.62 -.34 +8.0 MidCpAdml 100.24 -.66 +8.8 PinWst 45.24 +.03 +9.1 SP Inds 37.54 -.14 +7.7 WiscEn s 31.57 +.02 +7.3
Federated IntlBnd d 10.27 ... +4.2 BrMySq 28.79 -.02 +8.7 ExpScrip s 59.59 -.33 +10.2 LVSands 41.06 -1.54 -10.6
IntlGrInA m 32.78 -.05 +5.5 GE GenesisTr 51.38 -.35 +7.9 MidCpIst 22.14 -.15 +8.8 PitnyBw 24.54 -.04 +1.5 SP Tech 26.08 -.38 +3.5 Worthgtn 21.02 +.62 +14.2
KaufmanR m 5.70 -.07 +3.6 IntlDisc d 45.55 -.17 +3.8 Broadcom 33.36 -1.09 -23.4 ExxonMbl 80.24 -.63 +9.7 LawsnSft 11.07 -.02 +19.7
InvCoAmA m 29.35 -.14 +4.7 S&SProg 42.23 -.34 +5.0 SmCpGrInv 19.21 -.40 +7.4 PlumCrk 40.81 +.01 +9.0 SP Util 33.95 +.04 +8.3 Wynn 140.54 -5.73 +35.3
Fidelity IntlGrInc d 14.14 -.06 +6.2 MidCpSgl 31.63 -.21 +8.7 BrcdeCm 6.13 -.17 +15.9 F5 Netwks105.03 +.39 -19.3 LennarA 17.58 +.06 -6.2
MutualA m 26.90 -.11 +6.9 Northern IntlStk d 14.67 -.02 +3.1 Polycom 54.66 -3.04 +40.2 StanBlkDk 73.63 -.43 +10.1 XL Grp 22.95 -.05 +5.2
AstMgr20 13.07 -.01 +2.7 GMO Morg 19.15 -.23 +6.2 BrkfldOP rt .12 +.09 +20.0 FMC Tch s 41.76 -.51 -6.1 LeucNatl 35.78 -.01 +22.6
NewEconA m 26.82 -.12 +5.9 HYFixInc d 7.55 ... +6.2 IntlStkAd m 14.61 -.03 +3.0 Popular 2.91 -.07 -7.3 Staples 19.92 -.33 -12.5 XcelEngy 25.01 +.06 +6.2
AstMgr50 15.96 -.05 +3.8 EmgMktsVI 14.78 -.10 +1.2 Buckeye 61.21 -.39 -8.4 FNBCp PA 10.55 -.20 +7.4 Level3 1.85 -.04 +88.9
NewPerspA m29.80 -.09 +4.1 MMIntlEq d 10.09 -.03 +1.5 LatinAm d 52.31 -.17 -7.8 MuHYAdml 10.24 +.01 +3.2 Potash s 52.27 +.69 +1.3 StarScient 3.95 -.15+102.6 Xerox 10.17 -.04 -11.7
Bal 19.03 -.08 +4.7 IntItVlIV 23.12 -.10 +5.9 CA Inc 22.92 +.02 -6.2 Fastenal 66.29 -.32 +10.6 LibtyMIntA 17.54 -.39 +11.2
NwWrldA m 55.13 -.12 +1.0 Oakmark MediaTele 55.74 -.73 +7.8 MuInt 13.54 +.01 +3.5 Power-One 8.80 +.05 -13.7 Starbucks 35.16 -.99 +9.4 Xilinx 35.37 -.39 +22.0
BlChGrow 47.99 -.65 +5.8 QuIII 21.54 -.11 +7.7 CB REllis 26.13 +.19 +27.6 FifthThird 12.47 -.02 -15.1 LillyEli 39.15 +.20 +11.7
SmCpWldA m39.85 -.36 +2.5 EqIncI 29.19 -.07 +5.2 PwshDB 28.66 -.38 +4.0 StateStr 45.79 +.24 -1.2 Yahoo 15.81 -.74 -4.9
Canada d 58.87 -.27 +1.2 QuVI 21.55 -.10 +7.7 MidCapVa 25.33 -.04 +6.8 MuIntAdml 13.54 +.01 +3.5 CBS B 25.49 -.45 +33.8 Finisar 23.82 -1.24 -19.8 LimelghtN 5.70 -.39 -1.9
TaxEBdAmA m12.01 ... +3.2 Intl I d 20.31 -.13 +4.6 PS Agri 32.04 -.10 -1.0 StlDynam 17.02 -.33 -7.0 Yamana g 11.89 +.09 -7.1
CapApr 26.60 -.18 +5.0 Goldman Sachs MidCpGr 63.29 -.60 +8.1 MuLTAdml 10.86 ... +3.4 CH Engy 53.03 -.78 +8.5 FstHorizon 10.30 +.04 -12.6 Limited 41.51 -.33 +35.1
USGovSecA m14.07 +.03 +1.9 Oakmark I d 44.61 -.29 +8.0 PS USDBull21.62 -.07 -4.8 StillwtrM 17.91 -.25 -16.1 Youku n 44.49 -4.05 +27.1
CapInc d 9.83 -.03 +6.2 GrOppIs 25.95 -.21 +6.6 NewAmGro 34.95 -.28 +5.9 CMS Eng 20.12 -.09 +8.2 FstNiagara 13.66 -.06 -2.3 LincNat 29.67 -.12 +6.7
WAMutInvA m29.11 -.10 +7.6 MuLtdAdml 11.08 ... +1.6 PwSFoodBv19.93 -.15 +9.3 Stryker 63.76 +.48 +18.7 YumBrnds 54.08 -.78 +10.3
Contra 70.08 -.82 +3.6 HiYieldIs d 7.49 ... +5.6 Old Westbury NewAsia d 19.41 -.14 +1.2 CNinsure 17.32 +4.16 +.2 FT HlthCr 30.36 -.05 +18.2 LinearTch 34.28 -.54 -.9
Artio Global GlbSmMdCp 16.48 -.14 +6.5 NewEra 52.21 -.20 +0.1 MuShtAdml 15.90 ... +0.8 CSS Inds 16.46 -.69 -20.1 FirstEngy 44.48 +1.95 +20.2 LizClaib 6.25 -.25 -12.7 PwShs QQQ57.40 -1.01 +5.4 SubPpne 52.51 -.39 -6.4 Zimmer 68.88 -.01 +28.3
IntlEqI 30.30 -.14 +0.5 DiscEq 23.99 -.15 +6.5 MidCapVaA m38.05 -.20 +6.0
MidCpVaIs 38.38 -.19 +6.2 NewHoriz 36.96 -.58 +10.4 PrecMtls d 25.44 -.14 -4.7 CSX 74.42 -.33 +15.2 Flextrn 6.89 -.07 -12.2 LloydBkg 3.45 -.03 -16.1 Powrwav 3.88 -.19 +52.8 Suncor gs 39.56 -.31 +3.3 ZionBcp 23.15 +.03 -4.5
IntlEqIII 12.52 -.06 +0.5 DivGrow 29.81 -.25 +4.9 Oppenheimer
NewIncome 9.60 +.01 +2.5 CVR Engy 18.60 -.67 +22.5 Fluor 69.72 +.72 +5.2 LockhdM 80.34 +.75 +14.9 Praxair 103.03 +.18 +7.9 Sunoco 39.75 -.52 -1.4 ZollMed 57.67 -1.76 +54.9
DivrIntl d 30.95 -.13 +2.7 Harbor CapApA m 45.52 -.36 +4.5 Prmcp d 70.18 -.43 +6.7
Artisan EmgMkt d 26.05 -.23 -1.1 R2015 12.45 -.04 +4.7 Cadence 10.68 -.24 +29.3 FocusMda 32.09 -.12 +46.3 Lowes 24.84 -.92 -1.0 Primedia 7.02 +2.64 +67.1 SunTrst 27.67 +.20 -6.2 Zweig 3.40 ... +1.5
Bond 12.36 +.01 +2.9 CapApB m 40.09 -.31 +4.1 PrmcpAdml d 72.83 -.45 +6.7
Intl d 22.97 -.08 +5.9 EqInc 46.73 -.17 +5.9 R2025 12.64 -.06 +5.0 CalaStrTR 9.68 -.04 +4.5 Fonar 2.36 -.10 +81.5 LyonBas A 38.10 -1.58 +10.8 PrinFncl 30.93 -.09 -5.0 Supvalu 10.68 -.20 +10.9 ZweigTl 3.43 ... -3.7
CapApInst 39.03 -.55 +6.3 DevMktA m 35.53 -.06 -2.6
IntlVal d 28.46 -.09 +5.0 EqInc II 19.27 -.07 +5.9 DevMktY 35.17 -.07 -2.5 R2035 12.86 -.08 +5.2 PrmcpCorI d 14.73 -.08 +7.0 Cameco g 26.64 +.40 -34.0 FootLockr 22.37 -.54 +14.0 MBIA 9.12 -.33 -23.9
MdCpVal 22.50 -.09 +12.1 IntlInstl d 63.66 +.02 +5.1
Rtmt2010 16.03 -.05 +4.5 REITIdx d 20.14 +.05 +10.3 Cameron 48.89 -.76 -3.6 FordM 15.13 +.05 -9.9 MEMC 10.84 -.17 -3.7
36.49 -.44 +8.5
ExpMulNat d 22.71 -.20 +4.1
11.74 -.03 +3.9
11.93 -.07 +4.4
IntlInv m
63.00 +.02 +5.0 GlobA m 65.40 -.23 +8.3
GoldMinA m 43.78 -.15 -12.2
IntlBondA m 6.64 +.01 +2.7
17.24 -.07
18.16 -.10
REITIdxAd d 85.94 +.20 +10.4 CampSp 35.17 -.02 +1.2
CdnNRs gs 40.65 -.06 -8.5
ForestLab 34.45
ForestOil 30.23
MFA Fncl 8.11 -.05
MMT 6.83 +.01
Foreign Exchange & Metals
Asset b 58.80 -.68 +6.4 AdvHLSIA 20.20 -.09 +4.5 Rtmt2040 18.31 -.11 +5.1 STBond 10.61 +.01 +1.4 CapOne 53.48 +1.14 +25.7 FortuneBr 63.93 -.18 +6.1 MGIC 7.97 +.04 -21.8
FF2040 8.34 -.04 +4.5 CapAprA m 35.36 -.21 +2.1 IntlBondY 6.64 +.01 +2.8
Growth b 55.16 -.65 +7.7 Fidelity 34.27 -.32 +6.6 ShTmBond 4.87 ... +1.3 STBondAdm 10.61 +.01 +1.4 CapitlSrce 6.18 -.02 -13.0 FMCG s 47.35 -.92 -21.1 MGM Rsts 14.35 -.37 -3.4 CURRENCY CLOSE PVS. %CH. 6MO. 1YR.
CapAprI 35.39 -.22 +2.2 MainStrA m 33.29 -.21 +2.8
SmCap b 25.94 -.35 +9.1 FltRtHiIn d 9.88 -.01 +1.9 RocMuniA m 15.08 +.02 +1.3 SmCpStk 37.14 -.43 +7.9 STBondSgl 10.61 +.01 +1.4 CapsteadM 13.02 -.03 +3.4 FDelMnt 26.79 -.27 +7.4 Macys 28.06 -.40 +10.9
CpApHLSIA 44.23 -.30 +4.4 SmCpVal d 37.70 -.49 +4.3 CpstnTrb h 1.75 -.06 +82.3 FrontierCm 8.69 +.03 -10.7 Manitowoc 17.83 -.30 +36.0 USD per British Pound 1.6211 +.0037 +.23% 1.5879 1.4560
Bernstein Free2010 14.05 -.04 +3.8 DvGrHLSIA 20.76 -.11 +6.5 RochNtlMu m 6.69 ... +3.7 STCor 10.79 ... +1.6
DiversMui 14.48 +.01 +2.8 Free2020 14.30 -.05 +4.1 StrIncA m 4.39 ... +4.7 SpecGrow 18.64 -.12 +5.3 CardnlHlth 44.94 +.49 +17.3 FrontierOil 26.90 -.25 +49.4 Manulife g 17.64 -.15 +2.7 Canadian Dollar .9732 +.0050 +.51% 1.0216 1.0321
TRBdHLSIA 11.24 +.02 +3.2 SpecInc 12.65 ... +3.9 STGradeAd 10.79 ... +1.7 CarMax 30.63 -.30 -3.9 FuelCell 1.61 ... -30.3 MarathonO 50.29 -.56 +35.8
IntDur 13.97 +.02 +3.3 Free2025 11.97 -.05 +4.3 PIMCO
TxMIntl 15.84 -.05 +0.7 Free2030 14.31 -.07 +4.3 Hussman TaxFHiYld 10.45 +.01 +2.5 STsryAdml 10.74 ... +0.9 Carnival 39.82 -1.20 -13.6 FultonFncl 11.24 -.06 +8.7 MktVGold 54.47 +.26 -11.4 USD per Euro 1.4192 +.0082 +.58% 1.3490 1.2385
StratGrth d 12.42 ... +1.1 AllAssetI 12.56 -.01 +4.8 Value 24.88 -.11 +6.6 Caterpillar 106.09 -.24 +13.3 GT Solar 11.80 +.44 +29.3 MktVRus 36.81 -.13 -2.9
BlackRock GNMA 11.67 +.02 +3.0 SelValu d 20.37 -.01 +8.6 Japanese Yen 80.84 -.00 -.00% 83.28 92.21
AllAuthIn 10.95 ... +4.3 ValueAd b 24.62 -.11 +6.5 CedarF 20.97 -.88 +38.3 GabDvInc 16.59 -.02 +8.0 MktVJrGld 34.70 +.01 -13.0
EqDivA m 18.65 -.05 +6.9 GovtInc 10.55 +.01 +2.0 INVESCO SmCapIdx 37.22 -.50 +7.1
ComRlRStI 9.23 -.04 +2.1 CelSci .68 +.01 -17.4 GabelliET 6.09 -.08 +7.4 MktV Agri 53.05 +.17 -.9 Mexican Peso 11.7311 +.0013 +.01% 12.4700 12.5870
EqDivI 18.69 -.05 +7.0 GrowCo 90.09 -1.27 +8.3 CharterA m 17.35 -.07 +7.3 Templeton
DevLocMktI 10.95 ... +4.0 SmCpIdAdm 37.27 -.50 +7.2 Celanese 50.03 -1.60 +21.5 Gafisa SA 10.64 -.11 -26.8 MarIntA 35.82 -.68 -13.8
GlobAlcA m 20.03 -.05 +3.1 GrowInc 19.32 -.11 +5.8 ComstockA m 16.74 -.12 +6.8 InFEqSeS 21.35 -.05 +6.5
DivIncInst 11.66 ... +4.1 SmCpIdIst 37.26 -.51 +7.2 Cemex 8.26 +.08 -19.8 GameStop 26.48 -.24 +15.7 MarshM 30.10 +.36 +10.1 METALS CLOSE PVS. %CH. 6MO. 1YR.
GlobAlcC m 18.66 -.05 +2.9 HiInc d 9.23 ... +5.6 ConstellB m 21.77 -.25 +4.0 Third Avenue
HiYldIs 9.54 ... +5.3 CenovusE 33.57 -.41 +1.0 Gannett 14.40 -.21 -4.6 MarvellT 14.19 -.41 -23.5
GlobAlcI d 20.14 -.05 +3.3 Indepndnc 25.61 -.26 +5.2 CpGrA m 14.15 -.18 +4.9 Value d 52.18 -.50 +0.8 SmGthIdx 23.88 -.41 +9.0
EqIncomeA m 8.98 -.04 +5.0
InvGrdIns 10.78 ... +4.9 CenterPnt 18.69 -.04 +18.9 Gap 22.95 -.10 +4.1 Masco 13.01 -.21 +2.8 Copper 3.98 3.97 +0.20 +6.95 +36.26
CGM IntBond 10.72 +.01 +2.8 LowDrIs 10.51 ... +2.1 Thornburg SmGthIst 23.94 -.40 +9.0
IntMuniInc d 10.16 ... +2.8 GlobEqA m 11.50 -.03 +7.1 CVtPS 22.84 -.09 +4.5 GenElec 19.76 -.13 +8.0 MassMCp s16.98 -.25 +11.1 Gold 1490.40 1493.40 -0.20 +11.37 +21.40
Focus 31.94 -.26 -8.2 RealRet 11.66 -.01 +4.2 IntlValA m 29.44 -.12 +5.1 SmValIdx 16.84 -.17 +5.2 CntryLink 42.27 -.15 -8.4 GenMills s 39.61 -.11 +11.3 MasseyEn 58.59 -.53 +9.2
IntlDisc d 33.64 -.13 +1.8 GrowIncA m 20.25 -.11 +5.6
Mutual 27.88 -.12 -5.4 RealRtnA m 11.66 -.01 +4.0 IntlValI d 30.09 -.13 +5.2 Star 20.00 -.06 +4.8 Checkpnt 17.76 -.25 -13.6 GenMot n 31.10 +.03 -15.6 Mattel 26.45 -.10 +4.0 Platinum 1760.00 1769.30 -0.53 +6.95 +5.82
InvGrdBd 7.54 +.01 +3.2 PacGrowB m 21.85 -.15 -2.1
Realty 29.11 +.05 +8.9 TaxESecY 10.55 +.01 +3.4 ShtTermIs 9.92 ... +1.1 Tweedy Browne StratgcEq 20.37 -.22 +11.2 Cheesecake30.25 -.66 -1.3 GenOn En 3.61 -.02 -5.2 McClatchy 2.80 -.04 -40.0
LatinAm d 56.36 -.10 -4.5 TotRetA m 11.03 ... +2.8 GlobVal d 25.02 -.02 +5.0
Silver 34.13 35.01 -2.52 +35.28 +81.20
Calamos LevCoSt d 30.36 -.30 +6.8 Ivy TgtRe2010 23.22 -.05 +4.1 ChesEng 29.62 -.16 +14.3 Gentex 30.60 -.38 +3.5 McCorm 50.01 +.32 +7.5
GrowA m 56.13 -.93 +5.2 TotRetAdm b 11.03 ... +2.8 VALIC Co I Chevron 101.65 -.74 +11.4 Genworth 11.21 -.01 -14.7 McDrmInt s 19.98 -.49 -3.4 Palladium 713.50 706.45 +1.00 +10.59 +41.96
LowPriStk d 41.61 -.28 +8.4 AssetStrA m 25.55 -.31 +4.7 TotRetC m 11.03 ... +2.5 TgtRe2015 12.95 -.04 +4.3
Cohen & Steers Magellan 74.18 -.62 +3.6 AssetStrC m 24.76 -.30 +4.3 StockIdx 26.37 -.16 +6.3
Realty 64.61 +.15 +11.0 TotRetIs 11.03 ... +2.9 TgtRe2020 23.09 -.08 +4.5
MidCap d 30.77 -.30 +6.7 JPMorgan Vanguard
Story Stocks
TotRetrnD b 11.03 ... +2.8 TgtRe2030 22.75 -.10 +4.9
Columbia MuniInc d 12.49 ... +3.4 CoreBondA m 11.60 +.02 +2.4 TotlRetnP 11.03 ... +2.9 500Adml 122.73 -.76 +6.4
AcornA m 30.90 -.39 +5.7 NewMktIn d 15.86 +.01 +3.5 CoreBondSelect11.59+.02 +2.4 500Inv 122.71 -.76 +6.4 TgtRe2035 13.76 -.07 +5.1
AcornIntZ 41.96 -.23 +2.5 OTC 59.30 -1.20 +8.0 Parnassus AssetA 25.92 -.13 +6.0
AcornZ 31.94 -.40 +5.8 Overseas d 33.63 -.05 +3.5
HighYldSel d 8.40 ... +5.6
IntmdTFSl 10.99 +.01 +3.2
EqIncInv 27.75 -.15 +5.7 BalIdxAdm 22.33 -.08 +5.0
TgtRe2040 22.61 -.12 +5.2 Technology company troubles and renewed con- package for Greece. The arrest of the head of the
TgtRe2045 14.20 -.07 +5.2
DivrEqInA m 10.63 -.05 +5.6 Puritan 18.71 -.09 +4.8 ShDurBndSel 11.01 ... +0.9 Permanent
Portfolio 47.75 -.08 +4.2
BalIdxIns 22.33 -.08 +5.0
TgtRetInc 11.62 -.01 +3.5
cerns about Europe’s debts dragged stocks lower International Monetary Fund could make solving
StLgCpGrZ 13.78 -.21 +9.3 RealInv d 28.27 +.08 +10.0 USLCpCrPS 21.39 -.19 +3.5 CAITAdml 10.94 +.01 +3.6
ValRestrZ 51.64 -.25 +2.4 Series100Index 9.18 -.06 +5.0
Janus Pioneer CapOp d 35.04 -.34 +5.4 Tgtet2025 13.21 -.05 +4.7 Monday. European finance ministers approved Greece’s problems more difficult. The Dow fell 0.4
ShTmBond 8.52 +.01 +1.3 CapOpAdml d80.95 -.79 +5.4
SmCapStk d 21.15 -.18 +7.9
OverseasJ d 48.53 -.23 -4.2 PioneerA m 42.92 -.16 +5.0
CapVal 11.71 -.07 +6.3
TotBdAdml 10.72 +.01 +2.4 $110 billion in rescue loans to Portugal on Mon- percent. The S&P 500 index fell 0.6 percent. The
1YrFixInI 10.35 ... +0.5 PerkinsMCVJ 24.09 -.08 +6.7 Principal TotBdInst 10.72 +.01 +2.4
2YrGlbFII 10.20 +.01 +0.5 StratInc 11.35 +.01 +4.5
TwentyJ 66.66 -.65 +1.4 L/T2020I 12.28 -.04 +5.3 Convrt d 14.02 -.06 +5.3
TotBdMkInv 10.72 +.01 +2.4
day, but have yet to decide on another rescue Nasdaq fell 1.6 percent.
5YrGlbFII 11.12 +.01 +2.2 StratRRet d 9.85 -.01 +3.3 SAMConGrB m13.76 -.06 +4.9 DevMktIdx d 10.47 -.03 +4.1
John Hancock
EmMkCrEqI 21.94 -.13 -1.0 TotalBd 10.93 +.02 +3.3
LifAg1 b 12.88 -.09 +4.9 Prudential Investmen
DivGr 15.50 -.03 +7.8 TotBdMkSig 10.72 +.01 +2.4 J.C. Penney JCP Lowe’s LOW Ford Motor F
EmMktValI 35.47 -.24 -1.9 USBdIdxInv 11.49 +.02 +2.6 EmMktIAdm d39.52 -.22 -0.9 TotIntl d 16.17 -.06 +2.6
LifBa1 b 13.45 -.05 +4.7 2020FocA m 16.67 -.16 +4.9
IntSmCapI 17.97 -.13 +4.5 Value 73.34 -.46 +6.8
LifGr1 b 13.45 -.08 +4.8 BlendA m 18.20 -.19 +5.8
EnergyAdm d128.57 -.91 +6.3
TotStIAdm 33.53 -.24 +6.7 Close: $37.21 -1.23 or -3.2% Close: $24.84 -0.92 or -3.6% Close: $15.13 0.05 or 0.3%
USCorEq1I 11.73 -.10 +6.8 Fidelity Advisor EnergyInv d 68.47 -.48 +6.3
USCorEq2I 11.67 -.11 +6.6 NewInsA m 20.57 -.24 +3.2
RegBankA m 14.44 -.05 -1.4 EqOppA m 14.75 -.10 +6.3
ExplAdml 73.81 -1.07 +8.8 TotStIIns 33.53 -.25 +6.7 Net income rose nearly 7 percent at The home improvement retailer A Citi analyst upgraded the
SovInvA m 16.54 -.10 +5.6 HiYieldA m 5.65 ... +5.4
USLgCo 10.51 -.06 +6.5 NewInsI 20.78 -.25 +3.3
TaxFBdA m 9.68 ... +3.1 IntlEqtyA m 6.51 ... +5.2
Explr 79.28 -1.15 +8.7 TotStISig 32.36 -.24 +6.6 the department store chain thanks posted earnings that missed expec- automaker’s shares to “Buy” and
ExtdIdAdm 44.30 -.53 +7.3
USLgValI 21.72 -.12 +8.2 StratIncA m 12.68 ... +4.5
Keeley IntlValA m 21.60 -.11 +4.9 ExtdIdIst 44.30 -.53 +7.4
TotStIdx 33.52 -.24 +6.6 to cost-cutting and demand for its tations due to bad weather and poor said the company is able to charge
USMicroI 14.35 -.25 +4.3 ValStratT m 27.49 -.28 +6.2 JenMidCapGrA m29.95-.30 +9.4
USSmValI 26.60 -.40 +4.0 Fidelity Select SmCapVal m 26.29 -.30 +5.3 ExtndIdx 44.26 -.53 +7.3 TxMIn d 12.06 -.03 +4.2 exclusive merchandise. economic conditions. higher prices for its vehicles.
JennGrA m 19.15 -.27 +6.1 FAWeUSIns d96.43 -.29 +2.8 TxMSCInv 28.96 -.39 +6.6
USSmallI 22.65 -.36 +6.1 Gold d 46.31 +.03 -9.4 Lazard NaturResA m 54.77 -.30 -4.0 GNMA 10.92 +.02 +2.9 USValue 10.99 -.05 +8.8
$45 $28 $17
DWS-Scudder Pharm d 13.84 -.05 +14.5 EmgMkEqtI d 21.29 -.06 -2.2 SmallCoA m 21.88 -.28 +7.8
EmgMktEqO m21.66 -.06 -2.4 GNMAAdml 10.92 +.02 +2.9
EnhEMFIS d 10.75 -.01 +0.1 Fidelity Spartan UtilityA m 10.97 -.05 +7.7 GlbEq 18.85 -.10 +5.5
ValIdxIns 22.23 -.08 +7.5 40 16
HlthCareS d 28.22 -.10 +15.9 ExtMktIdI d 40.30 -.48 +6.9 Legg Mason/Western ValueA m 15.69 -.09 +6.5 GrowthEq 11.40 -.13 +5.7 WellsI 22.69 +.01 +5.5 26
LAEqS d 48.21 -.02 -9.3 IntlIdxIn d 36.69 -.05 +4.7 CrPlBdIns 11.01 +.02 +3.6 Putnam GrowthIdx 33.31 -.30 +5.7 WellsIAdm 54.97 +.02 +5.5 35 15
Davis TotMktIdAg d 38.71 -.28 +6.6 MgdMuniA m 15.34 +.01 +3.5 GrowIncA m 14.24 -.07 +5.4 GrthIdAdm 33.32 -.29 +5.7 Welltn 32.57 -.07 +5.4
NYVentA m 35.87 -.04 +4.5 TotMktIdI d 38.71 -.28 +6.5 Longleaf Partners GrowIncB m 13.97 -.08 +5.1 GrthIstId 33.32 -.29 +5.7 30 24 14
NYVentC m 34.59 -.05 +4.2 USEqIndxAg 47.15 -.29 +6.4 LongPart 30.80 -.19 +9.0 IncomeA m 6.95 ... +4.9 HYCor d 5.88 +.01 +5.9
WelltnAdm 56.25 -.12 +5.4 F M A M F M A M F M A M
NYVentY 36.27 -.05 +4.6 USEqIndxI 47.15 -.29 +6.4 Loomis Sayles VoyagerA m 23.99 -.21 +1.2 HYCorAdml d 5.88 +.01 +6.0 WndsIIAdm 49.03 -.21 +7.6 52-week range 52-week range 52-week range
Delaware Invest First Eagle BondI 14.95 +.02 +6.6 Royce HltCrAdml d 59.00 +.09 +15.1 Wndsr 14.31 -.07 +5.9
DiverIncA m 9.36 +.01 +3.3 GlbA m 48.29 -.12 +4.2 BondR b 14.89 +.02 +6.5 LowStkSer m 18.76 -.21 +2.7 HlthCare d 139.81 +.22 +15.1 WndsrAdml 48.29 -.25 +5.9
$19.42 $41.00 $19.35 $27.45 $9.75 $18.97
Dimensional Investme OverseasA m 23.23 -.08 +2.5 Lord Abbett OpportInv d 12.43 -.18 +2.9 ITBondAdm 11.37 +.02 +3.3
IntCorEqI 11.67 -.05 +3.9 FrankTemp-Franklin AffiliatA m 11.97 -.07 +3.6 PAMutInv d 12.46 -.14 +7.0 ITGradeAd 10.02 +.01 +3.7
WndsrII 27.62 -.12 +7.6 Vol.: 15.9m (4.2x avg.) PE: 23.4 Vol.: 31.2m (2.4x avg.) PE: 17.5 Vol.: 51.5m (0.7x avg.) PE: 9.1
IntlSCoI 17.80 -.10 +3.7 CA TF A m 6.78 -.01 +2.7 BondDebA m 8.10 ... +6.0 PremierInv d 22.09 -.21 +8.6 ITIGrade 10.02 +.01 +3.7 Yacktman Mkt. Cap: $8.55 b Yield: 2.1% Mkt. Cap: $32.75 b Yield: 1.8% Mkt. Cap: $56.39 b Yield: ...
IntlValuI 19.01 -.09 +3.7 Fed TF A m 11.62 +.01 +4.2 ShDurIncA m 4.63 ... +2.3 TotRetInv d 13.86 -.11 +5.4 ITrsyAdml 11.50 +.03 +2.5 Yacktman d 18.01 -.08 +8.9

PAGE 10B TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 ➛ W E A T H E R THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

NATIONAL FORECAST: A low pressure system stretched along the Atlantic Coast will bring showers

to the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast today, with thunderstorms possible in some areas. To the west, a
pair of frontal boundaries will spread scattered showers throughout most of the West Coast and
sunny, Intermountain West.
Showers, drizzle, drizzle,

54° breezy showers

67° 73°
57° 57°


Partly Mostly Warm, a Mostly 66/44
sunny, a sunny, a shower sunny, 53/49 My approval rat-
shower shower warm ing may sink to
57/46 73/61
73° 77° 80° 80° an all-time low
57° 55° 55° 60° 61/52
69/46 this week. No
thanks to having
another deep
trough of low
The Poconos 89/65 78/60
Today’s high/ Syracuse Highs: 60-66. Lows: 50-56. Cloudy with pressure in
Tonight’s low showers and thunderstorms. place, which will
59/55 86/64 continue to
56/40 87/72 86/70
sponsor wet
Binghamton The Jersey Shore 57/43 weather into
64/55 Highs: 59-70. Lows: 56-60. Cloudy, show- Thursday. This is
ers likely, thunderstorms possible. City Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Yesterday Today Tomorrow the fifth-wettest
62/54 Anchorage 52/42/.00 56/40/sh 57/41/sh Myrtle Beach 73/61/.00 73/58/sh 74/59/pc spring on record
Scranton 62/54
Atlanta 64/54/.04 65/48/pc 71/52/pc Nashville 57/48/.03 62/47/pc 64/51/c with 13.85 inches
62/55 The Finger Lakes Baltimore 76/58/.00 74/60/t 72/58/sh New Orleans 77/59/.00 76/59/s 79/65/s of rain since
Wilkes-Barre Highs: 51-64. Lows: 49-55. Cloudy with a Boston 50/48/.29 59/51/sh 58/53/sh Norfolk 81/61/.00 78/62/t 76/60/sh
66/56 Buffalo 47/43/.19 51/49/sh 64/54/sh Oklahoma City 71/48/.00 75/54/s 74/62/t
March 1. By the
chance of showers. end of the week
Charlotte 72/54/.00 68/48/sh 70/51/sh Omaha 66/39/.00 68/44/s 69/51/pc
Pottsville New York City Chicago 52/37/.00 57/46/pc 60/51/c Orlando 80/59/.00 81/60/pc 84/63/s it will probably
State College 67/56
69/58 Cleveland 46/44/.33 57/53/c 64/53/sh Phoenix 87/68/.00 84/63/pc 79/57/c rank in the top
Brandywine Valley Dallas 73/53/.00 78/60/s 80/65/pc Pittsburgh 54/48/.01 65/55/sh 66/52/sh three. At least
Reading Denver 69/33/.00 69/46/pc 61/45/sh Portland, Ore. 56/47/.03 64/44/sh 63/45/sh
Harrisburg 66/55 Highs: 65-68. Lows: 54-57. Chance of the pollen count
69/58 showers and thunderstorms, mostly Detroit 52/42/.05 53/49/c 63/53/sh St. Louis 63/43/.00 64/43/s 68/51/pc
Honolulu 85/72/.01 87/72/s 86/72/s Salt Lake City 53/43/.00 57/44/sh 57/42/sh is down this
Philadelphia cloudy.
71/58 Houston 87/64/.00 86/64/s 87/69/pc San Antonio 86/62/.00 84/66/s 85/72/pc week, and lawns
Indianapolis 59/43/.00 56/48/c 62/52/sh San Diego 65/57/.00 63/56/sh 64/56/pc will stay at their
Atlantic City Delmarva/Ocean City Las Vegas 71/51/.00 72/57/pc 70/61/sh San Francisco 60/50/.00 58/48/sh 61/48/sh peak of color.
70/60 Highs: 70-75. Lows: 59-63. Cloudy with Los Angeles 62/51/.00 65/54/sh 66/56/sh Seattle 55/46/.00 60/44/sh 60/47/sh
Miami 89/67/.00 86/70/pc 83/71/s Tampa 77/68/.00 79/60/pc 82/62/s The problem is
showers and thunderstorms likely.
Milwaukee 49/41/.00 56/44/pc 58/49/c Tucson 88/54/.00 82/59/pc 79/55/c having an oppor-
Minneapolis 68/40/.00 66/44/s 69/51/pc Washington, DC 80/61/.19 73/61/t 74/59/sh tunity to mow.
ALMANAC Recorded at Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Int’l Airport That will come
WORLD CITIES later this week
Temperatures Precipitation River Levels, from 12 p.m. yesterday. City Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Yesterday 61/51 Yesterday 0.18” Susquehanna Stage Chg. Fld. Stg Forecasts, graphs when the storm
Average 71/48 Month to date 2.21” Wilkes-Barre 4.74 -0.02 22.0 and data ©2011 Amsterdam 59/52/.00 63/51/pc 67/53/sh Mexico City 86/59/.00 82/57/t 82/59/t slowly starts to
Record High 90 in 1998 Normal month to date 1.87” Towanda 4.61 1.70 21.0 Weather Central, LP Baghdad 89/69/.00 96/77/t 103/78/t Montreal 46/43/.00 62/52/sh 68/56/sh
Beijing 86/46/.00 83/62/c 92/65/pc Moscow 59/41/.00 57/46/sh 60/46/sh
move away.
Record Low 34 in 1973 Year to date 19.16” Lehigh
Cooling Degree Days* Normal year to date 12.38” For more weather Berlin 59/41/.00 62/50/sh 71/50/pc Paris 64/46/.00 70/46/pc 75/50/pc Temperatures
Bethlehem 2.57 0.25 16.0
Yesterday 0 Sun and Moon Delaware information go to: Buenos Aires 64/48/.00 65/46/s 67/47/s Rio de Janeiro 77/68/.00 78/64/s 77/65/s will then start
Month to date 3 Sunrise Sunset Port Jervis 3.81 0.16 18.0 www.timesleader.com Dublin 59/52/.00 61/51/sh 57/45/pc Riyadh 100/82/.00 102/84/s 104/84/s trending upward
Year to date 15 Today 5:44a 8:17p Frankfurt 64/50/.00 64/49/c 73/51/pc Rome 70/50/.00 71/51/pc 74/52/s with increasing
Last year to date 31 Tomorrow 5:43a 8:18p Full Last New First National Weather Service Hong Kong 88/75/.00 84/76/c 82/74/t San Juan 91/76/.00 88/75/t 86/75/t
Jerusalem 84/54/.00 79/58/pc 77/58/pc Tokyo 73/64/.00 67/59/sh 71/58/s amounts of
Normal year to date 19 Moonrise Moonset 607-729-1597 sushine.
*Index of fuel consumption, how far the day’s Today 8:58p 5:32a London 66/52/.00 66/50/pc 67/50/sh Warsaw 59/45/.00 63/50/c 68/51/pc
mean temperature was above 65 degrees.
Tomorrow 10:02p 6:25a May 17 May 24 June 1 June 8 Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sn-snow, sf-snow flurries, i-ice. - Tom Clark

Find the car you want in your own backyard. m

Advertisement Advertisement 279045

NUTRITION QUIZ Alpha-carotene b) 22 percent

c) 39 percent
3. Why does alpha-carotene have
nutritional bragging rights over
5. Which of the following
does not have significant
It may not be as exotic as acai 1. Researchers at the Centers for 2. Alpha-carotene is part of the beta-carotene? levels of alpha-carotene?
berry or as marketable as dark Disease Control and Prevention Carotenoid compound family a) Alpha is more effective at inhib- a) Cornmeal
chocolate and red wine, but we studied medical data on 15,000 distinguished by the red, orange iting certain cancer cells b) Snap beans
have another entrant into the subjects from a nutrition survey and yellow pigments in vegeta- b) Alpha is found in tastier foods c) Whole-wheat bread
“superfood” sweepstakes: alpha- and found that those with the bles and fruit. What does the than beta.
carotene. OK, so it’s technically a highest levels of alpha-carotene body do when it ingests alpha- c) Alpha has a more pleasant taste ANSWERS: 1: a; 2: b; 3: a; 4:
chemical compound, but still ... in their blood were how much carotene? than the bitter beta. false; 5: c.
take our quiz about this potent less likely to die from all causes a) Converts it into Vitamin B12 4. True or false: An orange pig-
cousin of the better-known over 14 years? b) Converts it into Vitamin A mentation on a fruit or vegeta- — From Times Leader wire
beta-carotene. a) 13 percent c) Converts it to glucose in the ble means it likely contains more service
bloodstream alpha- than beta-carotene.


HEALTH timesleader.com

TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011



Stem cell research eyed MITCHELL HECHT
WVIA-TV, Channel 44, will

Expect difficult
present a live “Call the Doctor”
program on stem cell research
at 7 tonight. The special pre-
sentation will include a studio
Stem cell research focuses on
hormonal changes
using undifferentiated cells
therapeutically to treat human
disease and injury. Viewers may
after childbirth
call in during the show at 1-800-
Q: Since having a baby
326-9842 or submit questions girl two months ago,
online at http://www.wvia.org/ I’ve had no interest in
live-show-comments. sex. Additionally, I’ve
noticed that my private
Walk for lung health
area is very irritated,
The Pennsylvania chapter of and I’ve hardly had any
the American Lung Association hair growing under my
will conduct its Fight for Air arms. Is it from hormones?
Walk at 10 a.m. on June 4 at — R.G., Allentown, Pa.
King’s College’s Betzler Field, A: Those physical changes are due to
Wilkes-Barre Township. Previ- hormonal changes, and your complaints
ously known as the Asthma fit with a woman who’s likely to be breast-
Walk, the event raises funds to feeding.
support research, education and Following childbirth, large amounts of
advocacy efforts of the associ- the hormone prolactin are produced. This
ation whose mission is to save stimulates the production of breast milk.
lives by improving lung health In women who are nursing, high levels of
and preventing lung disease. prolactin suppress the levels of two pitui-
Participants will have the tary gland hormones, FSH and LH. This
suppresses levels of three hormones:
choice of a dry walk route or
estrogen, testosterone and dopamine.
water sprinkler route. A health
The lack of estrogen is causing a thinning
fair with free lung function
and dryness of your vaginal tissues, much
testing, an ice cream social and like a woman going through menopause
a prize drawing will follow. may experience. Low levels of testoster-
To register or for more in- one greatly affect libido and the male sex
formation, visit www.lungin- characteristics like hair growth, aggres-
Chef Toby Landon prepares a dish during a recent raw food class at Fig restaurant in Scranton. Raw foods contain
fo.org/wbwalk or contact Don- siveness and muscle strength. Dopamine
vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants and proteins in a form that is easier for our body to digest and have an
na Ray-Reifler at 823-2212 or by alkaline PH, which is optimal for good health says Landon. is one of several brain chemical transmit-
email at [email protected]. ters, and low levels may cause post-par-
tum depression. If you’re nursing fulltime,

Members gain benefit By EILEEN CIPRIANI Times Leader Correspondent you may also notice that you’re not having
The Wilkes-Barre Family menstrual periods.
YMCA has teamed up with November 2010 Consumer Reports study found that more Americans than First of all, realize that this is all tempo-
Whitewater Challengers to offer rary, and all of your hormones will return
ever are trying to eat a healthier diet. Healthy eating trends such as eating to their pre-pregnancy state. Speak with
members whitewater rafting,
mountain biking, ZipLine adven- organic, vegetarianism, veganism and raw foodism are growing in popular- your gynecologist for further advice.
tures, family camping and other Sadly,1in 6 marriages result in divorce
fresh-air activities. All new one-
ity across the country. One of those trends, raw foodism, which originated within one year of having a baby. This has
a lot to do with poor communication and
year memberships will include a on the West Coast, is growing in popularity here in Northeast Pennsylvania. a lack of understanding of the physical
free season pass to the adven-
changes you’re going through.
ture center in Lehigh Gorge “The fundamental principle be-
State Park. The pass allows SOUP RECIPE Q: There was a lawsuit filed in Cali-
hind raw foodism, also sometimes IS EASY, HEALTHY fornia against chocolate manufacturers
participants to visit the center called rawism, is that plant foods in over high lead levels in their candy. What
once a month through October. their most natural state – uncooked happened?
For more information, call and unprocessed – are also the most Broccoli is high in fiber and is an — M.S., Santa Rosa, Ca.
823-2191, ext. 125, or visit wholesome for the body,” says Dr. anti-cancer food. Avocado is rich
www.wbymca.org. Christopher Still, DO. in vitamins, minerals and oil and A: The 2002 lawsuit filed by the Amer-
Still specializes in gastroenterol- helps lower LDL (bad cholesterol) ican Environmental Safety Institute never
CPR/AED class revised ogy and nutrition at Geisinger and heal peptic ulcers or inflam-
mation of the digestive system. proceeded because the California At-
The American Red Cross of Wyoming Valley Medical Center. torney General’s office found the merits of
Raw honey aids stomach and
Wyoming Valley is offering a According to Still, cooking is digestion, is good for allergies and the case to be lacking. Yes, there are trace
revised CPR/AED program for thought to denature the enzymes burns and has anti-cancer proper- amounts of lead (and cadmium) in most
professional rescuers and health naturally present in food. “Raw foo- This bowl of fiber- and nutrient-rich ties. It also has antiseptic, anti- chocolate candies — especially dark
care providers. The 5 ½-hour dists believe that enzymes are the broccoli soup took Chef Landon biotic, antifungal and antibacterial chocolate.
life force of a food, helping us to di- only minutes to make at Fig restau- properties.
training is designed to prevent Ingredients:
It most likely comes from contam-
gest food and absorb nutrients,” rant in Scranton. ination of cocoa during shipping and/or
and respond to breathing and 3 cups water
cardiac emergencies for adults, says Still. 1 cup almonds processing. The conclusion by the FDA is
A raw food diet consists of un- 1 tsp. honey that the amount of lead exposure is quite
children and infants until more
cooked fruits, vegetables, nuts, 2 cups broccoli small and unlikely to pose a health risk --
advance personnel take over.
seeds and sprouted grains. Many 1 avocado even to children. Furthermore, the FDA
Classes are being scheduled 1/2 garlic clove
raw foodists are raw food vegans, just reduced the recommended limits of
now through August. Optional which mean they do not eat animal 1 tbsp. olive oil
training covering the use of 1 tsp. onion, chopped lead exposure by 80 percent from the
products. Some raw foodists do eat 1 tsp. sea salt previous guidelines in place at the time.
emergency oxygen, asthmas raw eggs and cheese made from un- 1/2 tsp. cumin According to the FDA, most domestic and
inhalers, epinephrine auto- pasteurized milk. Food dehydrators 1/8 tsp. black pepper imported candies already meet these
injectors, and blood-borne path- can be used in the preparation of The principle behind raw foodism is Directions: In a food processor, lower lead limits.
ogens is also available. food, but temperatures cannot ex- to eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds blend water, almonds and honey
To schedule individual or until smooth. Add the remaining
and sprouted grains uncooked and Dr. Mitchell Hecht is a physician specializing
group training, call 823-7161 or ingredients and blend until
See RAW, Page 7C unprocessed. creamy. in internal medicine. Send questions to him
visit wyomingvalley.redcross- at: “Ask Dr. H,” P.O. Box 767787, Atlanta, Ga.
.org. 30076. Personal replies are not possible.

Heartburn symptoms heat up in America

By ANITA CREAMER take on urgent fascina- Friends compare age. It’s chronic overindulgence.
McClatchy Newspapers tion. Garlic just symptoms and re- “There was one guy who came
Heartburn is the new normal. doesn’t sit right any medies on Face- in, it turned out that it was Girl
Acid reflux is on the rise in more. Or Mexican book. Sleeping Scout cookie season,” said Dr. Ro-
America, with 25 million people food, maybe — or through the night nald Hsu, a Sutter Roseville Med-
experiencing daily symptoms, ac- onions, or red wine. undisturbed by ical Center gastroenterologist.
cording to the American Gas- Or all of the above. heartburn and diges- “Instantly, we had a diagnosis.”
troenterology Association, up The ubiquity of acid re- tive back-up be- Extra weight around the mid-
from15 million only a decade ago. flux has turned it into a comes a major life dle, it turns out, is one of the ma-
Another 60 million people say touchstone of middle- goal. The night- jor culprits behind chronic gastre-
they have heartburn once a aged American cul- stand with the sophageal reflux disease. More
month. ture, with over-the- reading glass- than 40 percent of the population
That’s a whole lot of tummy counter medica- es and small reaches for antacids more than
trouble. Blame stress and an ag- tions proliferating in vial of Tums has once or twice a week, suffering
ing population — and above all, TV commercials and become a mainstay from heartburn that’s serious
experts say, blame Americans’ a loony variety of reme- of 50-year-olds’ home enough to check out with the doc-
habit of eating too much. dies like magnetic brace- decor. tor.
Turn 40, and suddenly conver- lets offered over the In- Relax, midlife
sations about digestive issues ternet. MCT ILLUSTRATION Americans. It’s not See HEART BURN, Page 4C

PAGE 2C TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 ➛ H E A L T H THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com


by Area Agency on Aging for
Luzerne and Wyoming Counties,
■ RECOVERY INC.: support group
for people with anxiety, panic
attacks and depression, 7-9 p.m.,
ston, call 287-8883; 6:30 p.m.,
Edwardsville Borough Building,
Main Street, Edwardsville, call
John Heinz Institute, 150 Mundy
St., Wilkes-Barre Township. Call
■ ABUSE SUPPORT: a communi- 7:30 a.m., Swallow Street, Pitt- Dorranceton United Methodist Pam at 331-2330; weigh-in 6:30-
TODAY ty support group for victims and ston. Call 822-1158. Church, 549 Wyoming Ave., 6:45 p.m., meeting follows,
survivors of domestic violence in ■ ARTHRITIS AQUATIC PRO-
Kingston. Call 822-6486, 288- Harveys Lake Sewer Authority GRAM: 2:30-3:15 p.m., Greater
the Wilkes-Barre area. 6:30 pm 2197 or 542-7980. meeting room, Route 415, call
■ AL-ANON PARENT SUPPORT Childcare is provided. Call 1-800- ■ WEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT: Take Pittston YMCA, 10 N. Main St.,
GROUP: 7:15 p.m., Nesbitt Med- Off Pounds Sensibly, weigh-in Shirley, 639-0160. Pittston. Call 655-2255.
424-5600. Services are free and
ical Center, 562 Wyoming Ave., confidential. 5:30-5:55 p.m., briefing 6-6:30 ■ SENIORS EXERCISE: group
Kingston (ER entrance). Call p.m., Lehman United Methodist strength/stretch exercise and SATURDAY ■ FREE PREGNANCY TESTING:
603-0541 or (866) 231-2650. Church, call 675-1682 between 9 relaxation classes for adults 55 counseling, education, support
■ AQUATIC EXERCISE AND a.m. and 4 p.m.; 6-6:45 p.m. and older, 10:15 a.m., Thomas P.
AEROBICS: 3:30-4:30 p.m. and ■ AL-ANON: 9 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., and options on crisis pregnancy,
■ ARTHRITIS LAND EXERCISE: weigh-in and 7 p.m. meeting, Saxton Medical Pavilion, 468 Clearbrook, 1003 Wyoming Ave., 6-8 p.m., The Hope Center at
5:30-6:30 p.m., John Heinz West Pittston Borough Building; Northampton St., Edwardsville.
10:30-11:30 a.m., John Heinz Institute, 150 Mundy St., Wilkes- Forty Fort. Call 603-0541 or Back Mountain Harvest Assemb-
Institute, 150 Mundy St., Wilkes- weigh-in 5:30-6 p.m., 6 p.m. Call 552-4550. (866) 231-2650. ly. Call 696-1128 or (866) 219-
Barre Township. Call 826-3738. meeting, Trinity Presbyterian
Barre Township. Call 826-3738. 2446.
Church, 105 Irem Road, Dallas, ■ SPINA BIFIDA SUPPORT
■ BI-POLAR/DEPRESSION SUP- GROUP: 7-9 p.m., Mercy Hospi- based 12-step recovery program, ■ GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS: 8
GRAM: 2:30-3:15 p.m., Greater tal, second floor meeting room,
PORT: for those with bi-polar Pittston YMCA, 10 N. Main St., 11 a.m., Nebo Baptist Church, 75 p.m., Nesbitt Medical Arts Build-
disorder or fighting chronic THURSDAY Scranton. Call Christine Warner Prospect St., Nanticoke. Call Sue ing auditorium, 534 Wyoming
Pittston. Call 655-2255. at 586-0925 to register.
depression, 6:30 p.m., Communi- at 735-8109 or Lisa at 472-4508. Ave., Kingston. Call Help Line,
ty Counseling Services board ■ ADDICTION HELP: Recovery 829-1341.
room, 110 S. Pennsylvania Ave., ■ CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: 4 Through Jesus, 11 a.m., Christ ■ SUICIDE SURVIVORS: for
p.m., Wilkes-Barre General Hos- ■ LUPUS SUPPORT GROUP FOR
Wilkes-Barre. Call 954-9184 Community Church, 100 West family and friends of suicide TEENS: 12:30 p.m., Lupus Foun- ■ GAM-ANON: for family mem-
pital, radiation-oncology depart- Dorrance St., Kingston. Call victims, 7 p.m., Catholic Social dation of PA, 615 Jefferson Ave., bers and friends of compulsive
■ CELEBRATE RECOVERY: 12- ment, 575 N. River St., Wilkes- 283-2202. Services, 33 E. Northampton St., Scranton. Call (888) 995-8787
Barre. Call 552-1300 to register. gamblers, 7:30 p.m., Nesbitt
step bible-based recovery pro- Wilkes-Barre. Call 822-7118, ext. or visit www.lupuspa.org. Medical Arts Building, 534
gram for hurts, habits and hang 307.
■ AL-ANON: 10 a.m., Nebo Baptist Wyoming Ave., Kingston. Call
ups, 6:30 p.m., Cross Creek ■ CO-DEPENDENTS ANONY- Church, 75 S. Prospect St., Nan- ■ NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: 11 Help Line, 829-1341.
Community Church, Carverton MOUS: 6:30-7:30 p.m., Edwards- ticoke; 7 p.m., Brick United Meth- ■ TRADITIONAL YOGA: 5:30- a.m. and 7 p.m., basement of St.
Road, Trucksville. Call Dave at ville Apartment Complex com- odist Church, 935 Foote Ave., 6:45 p.m., Candy’s Place, 190 Stanislaus Church, West Church
Welles St., Forty Fort. Cost is $7; ■ NAMI CONNECTIONS: a con-
706-5104. munity room, 9 Beverly Drive, Duryea; 7:30 p.m., Misericordia and Maple streets, Nanticoke;
age 60 and older $5. Call 714- sumer support group for people
Edwardsville. Call Nancy, 331- University, Mercy Center, 301 6:30 p.m., St. Stephen’s Episco-
8800. living with mental illness, 6-7:30
■ GASTRIC BYPASS SUPPORT: 0235. Lake St., Dallas Township (first pal Church, 35 S. Franklin St., p.m., Suite 6 (second floor),
5-8 p.m. every Tuesday, Dor- building on right). Call 603-0541 Wilkes-Barre. Call (866) 935- Thomas C. Thomas building, 100
ranceton United Methodist ■ EXERCISE CLASS: 10:15-11:30 or (866) 231-2650. ■ WEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT: Take 4762. East Union Street, Wilkes-Barre.
Church, 549 Wyoming Ave., a.m., standing strong chair class, Off Pounds Sensibly, weigh-in
Kingston. Call 864-3289. Candy’s Place, 190 Welles St., ■ ALATEEN: 7:30 p.m., Miser- 5:15-5:45 p.m., meeting follows, ■ OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS:
West Wyoming Municipal Build- ■ NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS:
Forty Fort. Free to cancer pa- icordia University, Mercy Center, 10:30 a.m., First Presbyterian noon, St. Stephen’s Episcopal
■ GENTLE YOGA CLASS FOR tients (doctor’s note required for 301 Lake St., Dallas Township. ing, 464 W. Eighth St., call 333- Church, Warren Street and
4930; weigh-in 5:30-6 p.m., Church, 35 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-
CANCER PATIENTS & OTH- all patients); $5 per class or $30 Call 603-0541. Exeter Avenue, Exeter. Call Mari- Barre; 7 p.m., Mount Zion Baptist
ERS: 5:30-6:45 p.m., Tuesdays per month for all others. Call meeting follows, Shavertown lyn at 655-2532 or visit
United Methodist Church base- Church, 105 Hill St., Wilkes-Barre;
and Thursdays, Candy’s Place, 714-8800. ■ CARDIAC SUPPORT: 7 p.m., www.oa.org. 7 p.m., basement of St. Stanis-
190 Welles St., Forty Fort. Free to ment, 163 N. Pioneer Ave., King-
Mercy Hospital, second floor, ston Township, call Rhonda laus Church, West Church and
cancer patients (doctor’s note ■ GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS: Scranton. Call 587-5755 or leave Maple streets, Nanticoke. Call
required for all patients); $5 per 7:30 p.m., 333 Broad St., Hazle- 696-5065 or Carol 477-5867.
message at 340-4842. SUNDAY (866) 935-4762.
class or $30 per month for all ton. Call Help Line, 829-1341.
others. Call 714-8800. FRIDAY
■ IMMUNIZATION CLINIC: 1-4 FECTS: 6-7:30 p.m., Candy’s ■ AL-ANON: 7 p.m., Christ United
Presbyterian Church, 105 Lee 7-8 p.m., Clearbrook, 1003
■ INFERTILITY SUPPORT p.m., Kirby Health Center, 71 N. Place, 190 Welles St., Forty Fort. ■ AL-ANON: 7 p.m., Nesbitt Med- Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort. Call
GROUP: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre. Free Call 714-8800 for reservations. ical Center, 562 Wyoming Ave., Park Ave., Hanover Township; 7
p.m., Prince of Peace Episcopal Dominick at 819-2320 or visit
Area RESOLVE peer-led support for children ages 6 weeks to 18 Kingston (front entrance, first www.oa.org.
group, 7 p.m., Kistler Learning room on right); 7:30 p.m., Trian- Church, Main Street, Dallas; 7:30
years. Must have a current im- ■ GENTLE YOGA CLASS FOR p.m., Nebo Baptist Church, 75
Center, Geisinger Wyoming munization record and call 208- CANCER PATIENTS & OTH- gle 24 Hour Club, Route 415,
Valley, 1000 East Mountain Blvd., Dallas (next to bowling alley). Prospect St., Nanticoke. Call ■ RECOVERY INC.: support group
4268 for an appointment. ERS: 5:30-6:45 p.m., Candy’s 603-0541 or (866) 231-2650. for people with anxiety, panic
Plains Township. Visit www.re- Place, 190 Welles St., Forty Fort. Call 603-0541 or (866) 231-2650.
solve.org or contact Stacey at attacks and depression, 7-9 p.m.,
■ MEDITATION AND DEEP RE- Free to cancer patients (doctor’s Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,
814-6552 or [email protected]. ■ ARTHRITIS AQUATIC PRO- ■ GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS/
LAXATION CLASSES: for all note required for all patients); $5 GAM-ANON: both meetings, Church Street and Wyoming
physical levels. Learn ancient per class or $30 per month for GRAM: 2:30-3:15 p.m., Greater Avenue, Kingston. Call 822-
■ NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: Pittston YMCA, 10 N. Main St., 5:30 p.m., St. John’s Lutheran
breathing techniques to enhance all others. Call 714-8800. Church, 425 Jefferson Ave., 6486, 288-2197 or 542-7980.
noon, basement of St. Stanislaus all vital systems in the body and Pittston. Call 655-2255.
Church, West Church and Maple Scranton. Call Help Line at 829-
experience a sense of peace and ■ GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: 1341. ■ SARCOIDOSIS SUPPORT: 2
streets, Nanticoke; 6:30 p.m., deep relaxation; 5:30-6:30 p.m., 7-8:30 p.m., First Baptist Church, ■ ARTHRITIS EXERCISE FOR
Blessed Sacrament Church, 211 E. p.m., Lupus Foundation of PA,
Candy’s Place, 190 Welles St., 52 E. 8th St., Wyoming. Facilitat- CHILDREN: 4-4:45 p.m., John 615 Jefferson Ave., Scranton. Call
Main St., Wilkes-Barre; 8-9 p.m., Forty Fort. Cost is $5 per class or Heinz Institute, 150 Mundy St., ■ NAR-ANON: support group for
ed by the Rev. Jeffrey Klansek, families affected by the disease 558-2008.
Good Shepherd Lutheran $30 per month. The first class is non-denominational and ele- Wilkes-Barre Township. Call
Church, 190 S. Main St., Wilkes- 826-3738. of drug addiction; 7 p.m., Clear-
free for everyone. Call 714-8800. ments of spirituality are dis-
Barre; 8 p.m., Nesbitt Medical brook, 1003 Wyoming Ave., Forty ■ SENIORS EXERCISE: group
cussed. Call Klansek at 552-1391 Fort. Call 262-3793.
Arts Building, 534 Wyoming strength/stretch exercise and
■ MEMORY CARE: support group, or 552-4181. ■ ARTHRITIS LAND EXERCISE:
Ave., Kingston. Call (866) 935- relaxation classes for adults 55
4762. 6:30 p.m., Oakwood Terrace 10-11 a.m., John Heinz Institute, and older, 10:15 a.m., Thomas P.
150 Mundy St., Wilkes-Barre ■ NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: 5
Assisted Living Community, 400 ■ HIV CLINIC: for Wilkes-Barre p.m., Good Shepherd Lutheran Saxton Medical Pavilion, 468
Gleason Road, Moosic. Call 451- residents only, 2-4 p.m., Kirby Township. Call 826-3738. Northampton St., Edwardsville.
■ NICOTINE ANONYMOUS: a Church, 190 S. Main St., Wilkes-
3171. Health Center, 71 N. Franklin St., Barre; 8 p.m., Harvest Assembly, Call 552-4550.
fellowship of men and women Wilkes-Barre. Call 208-4268 for
helping each other to live free of ■ EXERCISE CLASS: 10:15-11:30 340 Carverton Road, Trucksville.
■ NAR-ANON: support group for information. a.m., standing strong chair class, Call (866) 935-4762.
nicotine, 6-7 p.m., Salvation ■ STROKE SUPPORT: 6 p.m.,
Army, 17 South Pennsylvania families affected by the disease Candy’s Place, 190 Welles St., Hazleton General Hospital, Gun-
Ave., Wilkes-Barre. Call Joanne of drug addiction; 7 p.m., United ■ IMMUNIZATION CLINIC: 9-11 Forty Fort. Free to cancer pa-
■ SJOGREN’S SYNDROME SUP- derson Rehabilitation Unit, sixth
at 829-2169. Methodist Church, 175 S. Main a.m., Kirby Health Center, 71 N. tients (doctor’s note required for
PORT: 2 p.m., Lupus Foundation floor. Call 501-4632.
Road, Mountain Top. Call 262- Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre. Free all patients); $5 per class or $30
per month for all others. Call of PA, 615 Jefferson Ave., Scran-
3793. for children ages 6 weeks to 18 ton. Call 558-2008.
■ OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS: years. Must have a current im- 714-8800. ■ SUNRISE STRETCH: sponsored
7-8 p.m., Town Hill Methodist munization record and call 208- by Area Agency on Aging for
Church, 417 Town Hill Road, ■ NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: 7 MONDAY Luzerne and Wyoming Counties,
p.m., basement of St. Stanislaus 4268 for an appointment. ■ FOOD ADDICTS ANONYMOUS:
Shickshinny. Call Barbara at 7:30 a.m., Swallow Street, Pitt-
Church, West Church and Maple 8 p.m., St. Vincent de Paul
256-7735 or visit www.oa.org. ston. Call 822-1158.
streets, Nanticoke; 8 p.m., Nes- ■ LUPUS SUPPORT GROUP: Church auditorium, 1201 Provi- ■ ADDICTION HELP: confidential
bitt Medical Arts Building audi- including an Autoimmune Dis- dence Road, Scranton. Call Tony one-on-one discussion about
■ SENIORS EXERCISE: Group ease Support Group with the at 344-7866. drug and alcohol addiction and ■ WEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT: Take
strength/stretch exercise and torium, 534 Wyoming Ave., Off Pounds Sensibly, weigh-in
Kingston. Call (866) 935-4762. objective of Overcoming Obsta- referrals, 7:30 p.m., the Stickney
relaxation classes for adults 55 cles Creatively with Art, 11 a.m., building, 24 S. Prospect St., 5:30-6 p.m., meeting to follow,
and older, 10:15 a.m., Thomas P. Lupus Foundation of PA, 615 Nanticoke. Call 762-4009 for an United Methodist Church Social
■ OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS: 6:30-8 p.m., Good Shepherd
Saxton Medical Pavilion, 468 Jefferson Ave., Scranton. Call appointment. Hall, Buffalo Street, White
beginners’ meeting, 7:30 p.m., Lutheran Church, 190 S. Main St.,
Northampton St., Edwardsville. (888) 995-8787 or visit www.lu- Haven; 6:30-8 p.m., Christ Unit-
Dorranceton United Methodist Wilkes-Barre. 7 p.m., basement
Call 552-4550. puspa.org. ed Methodist Church, 175 S. Main
of St. Stanislaus Church, West ■ ADDICTION HELP: Recovery
Church, 549 Wyoming Ave., St., Mountain Top. Call Barbara,
Church and Maple streets, Nanti- Through Jesus, 7:30 p.m., Christ
■ SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED Kingston. Call Diane, 822-6239 coke. Call (866) 935-4762. 474-9349.
■ NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: Community Church, 100 West
DISEASE CLINIC: for Wilkes- or visit www.oa.org. Dorrance St., Kingston. Call
noon-1 p.m., St. Stephen’s Episco-
Barre residents only, 1-4 p.m., pal Church, 35 S. Franklin St., 283-2202.
Kirby Health Center, 71 N. Fran- ■ PARKINSON’S SUPPORT: for Wilkes-Barre; 8-9:30 p.m., Cen- The health calendar is limited to
strength/stretch exercise and
klin St., Wilkes-Barre. Call 208- those with Parkinson’s Disease tral United Methodist, South nonprofit entities and support
relaxation classes for adults 55 ■ AL-ANON: noon, Wyoming Unit-
4268. and their caregivers, 4 p.m., Franklin and Academy streets, groups. To have your health-oriented
and older, 10:15 a.m., Thomas P. ed Methodist Church, Wyoming
board room, Charles Luger Wilkes-Barre. Call (866) 935- Saxton Medical Pavilion, 468 Avenue, Wyoming; Step meeting event listed here, send information to
■ TRAUMA SUPPORT: day pro- Outpatient Center, Allied Ser- 4762. Northampton St., Edwardsville. and discussion 6-8 p.m., Holy
vices, Moffat Drive, Scranton. For Health, Times Leader, 15 N. Main St.,
gram for female trauma victims, Call 552-4550. Cross Episcopal Church, 373 N.
9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Nanticoke. Call information, call 348-1407. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0250; by fax:
■ OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS: Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Call (866)
Linda O’Boyle at 735-7590. 829-5537; or e-mail health@time-
7-8 p.m., Clearbrook, 1003 ■ WEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT: 231-2650.
■ SENIORS EXERCISE: group sleader.com. New and updated
Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort. Call Weigh-in 5:30-6 p.m., meeting
■ WEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT: Take strength/stretch exercise and Lori at 814-3051 or visit follows, Holy Trinity Lutheran ■ AQUATIC EXERCISE AND information must be received at least
Off Pounds Sensibly, weigh-in relaxation classes for adults 55 www.oa.org. Church, 813 Wyoming Ave., King- AEROBICS: 3:30-4:30 p.m., two weeks in advance.
5:30-6:15 p.m., meeting to follow, and older, 10:15 a.m., Thomas P.
Exaltation of the Holy Cross Saxton Medical Pavilion, 468
Church, Hanover Township. Northampton St., Edwardsville.
Contact Tess at 825-6312. Call 552-4550. CENTRAL PA DIGITAL
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Dr. M eg a n W es n a k

4 Rittenhouse Place Drums, PA 18222 2 8 8 -74 71

W yo m ing
570-401-6013 [email protected] Dr
. Lew E. Lis s es
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6 75 -8 8 8 8
D a lla s
Anything Worth Having is Worth Working For.... Dr
. M eg a n W es n a k

Several years ago, I joined a local gym. I worked out for 1-1 1/2 hours, 5-6 days a 9 6 1-14 0 0
week. When the year was over, I felt more flexible and my cardio improved. I joined Sc ra nto n
Dr . M a rk Pen s a k
to improve those but I had also joined to lose weight and I did! One whole pound, Dr. M eg a n W es n a k
you read it right - One WHOLE POUND in a year.
8 3 6 -3 70 0
Just recently I joined another local gym, CLOUD9 PERSONAL TRAINING, in Tu nk ha nno c k
. M a rk Pen s a k & A s s ocia tes
Drums. I joined for the same reasons, flexibility, cardio and weight loss. It has been about
90 days and I am more flexible, my cardio is better and my confidence and strength are
improving daily. I am still working out about 1-1 1/2 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. 90 days
is about 1/4 of a year. So based on my prior experience, I should have lost a 1/4 of a pound
but I haven’t. I’ve lost 20lbs! You read it right, 20LBS.

Anything worth having is worth working for.....

So stop playing around. Get serious. Stop in and see what Cloud9 has to offer. I know
what a difference it has made for me.

Pat H., Drums, Pa


THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ H E A L T H TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 3C

Colitis could be causing LUZERNE COUNTY: The Wyom- 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; and Fridays, West Side Career and Tech- May 24, 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Jewish

bleeding in shepherd dog ing Valley Chapter of the Amer- Saturdays and Sundays from nology Center, Evans Street, Community Center, 60 S. River
ican Red Cross hosts communi- 7:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Collections Pringle. St., Wilkes-Barre.
ty blood drives throughout the also take place every Monday Thursday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Depart- May 25, noon-6 p.m., Dallas
month. Donors who are 16 years from 9 a.m.-noon at the Hazle- ment of Veterans Affairs Med- American Legion, 730 Memorial
of age or older, weigh at least 110 ton Chapter House, 165 Susque- ical Center, 1111 E. End Blvd., Highway, Dallas.
BRUNO hanna Blvd., Hazleton.
YOUR PET pounds and are in relatively Plains Township. May 26, noon-5:30 p.m., Fortis
spends his For a complete donation schedule, Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., American Institute, 166 Slocum St., Forty
good health may give blood
days patroll- visit nepagivelife.org or call Legion Post 781, 1550 Henry Fort.
every 56 days. To learn how to
(800) GIVE-LIFE, ext. 2150. Area
ing his acre JEFF KAHLER, donate blood or to schedule a Drive, Mountain Top. May 29, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Our Lady of
blood donation sites include:
of property in D.V.M. donation, call (800) GIVE-LIFE. Today, 12-6 p.m., Thomas P. Saxton
Monday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Geisinger Victory Church, 2nd Street and
the Sierra In addition to those listed below, Wyoming Valley Medical Center, Route 415, Harveys Lake.
Medical Pavilion, 468 North-
foothills and food such as meat scraps and blood drives are conducted at 1000 East Mountain Drive, May 31, 12:30-6 p.m., American
ampton St., Edwardsville;
his nights in other high-fat items. the Red Cross regional blood noon-6 p.m., Northeast Sports Plains Township; 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Legion Post 644, 259 Shoemak-
Marcie and Clay’s bed. He is I would be willing to wa- center, 29 New Commerce Blvd., and Fitness, 209 S. Mountain Geisinger South Father Joseph er St., Swoyersville; 12:30-6 p.m.,
Hanover Industrial Park, Mon- Blvd., Mountain Top. Streit Center, 50 Roosevelt Knights of Columbus, 55 S. Main
a 6-year-old, 90-pound Ger- ger that Bruno has taught
days noon-6 p.m.; Tuesdays Wednesday, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Terrace, Wilkes-Barre. St., Pittston.
man shepherd. his caretakers to feed him
Recently, Marcie began other than ideal foods.
noticing blood coming from There are other possible
somewhere on the German
shepherd’s backside and in
causes. Though rare, masses
in the colon can cause blood HEALTH PEOPLE mond, Va.,
and complet-
medical offi-
cer for Wyom-
The Malcolm Baldrige National
Quality Award is an annual
ed his OB/ ing Valley award that recognizes U.S.
his stool. She is worried in the stool. Trauma to the
GYN residency Health Care businesses, health care orga-
because she knows blood rectum or anal area can do Dr. Jose Misas, gynecologic on-
and gynec- System, was nizations, educational institu-
from the rectum can be a so also. Anal gland disease, cologist and medical director of
ologic oncol- selected to tions and nonprofit groups for
sign of colon cancer in hu- usually infection and abscis- Pinnacle Health Women’s Can-
ogy fellowship the volunteer quality and performance excel-
mans. ing, can cause bleeding that cer Center, Harrisburg, has
training at the board of lence. It is managed by the
Fortunately, colon cancer could possibly end up on the opened a practice at Suite 100, Misas Veluswamy
Milton S. examiners for National Institute of Standards
545 N. River St., Wilkes-Barre.
is rare in dogs. Still, Bruno stool. This also can be seen Hershey Medical Center, Her- the Malcolm Baldrige National and Technology, an agency of
He specializes in minimally-
needs to visit his veterin- by simply raising the tail and invasive technology. Misas has
shey. While serving in the U.S. Quality Award for the second the Department of Commerce.
arian. That said, I will run looking just below the anus Navy, he was head of gynec- consecutive year. Veluswamy The award is the only perform-
nearly 30 years of cancer sur-
through a few things that on either side. ologic oncology at the U.S. will provide advice and guidance ance excellence quality award
gery experience. He earned his
might be causing the bleed- Dogs with this problem are Naval Hospital, San Diego. to the Baldrige Panel of Judges presented by the President of
medical degree from the Med-
ing. usually quite uncomfortable. Dr. Ragupathy Veluswamy, chief in selecting award recipients. the United States.
ical College of Virginia, Rich-
If the blood is coming from A tumor of the anal gland or
inside Bruno’s rectum, then of the tissue around the anus
the source is likely the colon can also bleed. I am not be-
or large intestine. The most
common cause for this is
tting any of these are the
cause of Bruno’s problem. If
colitis. The colon is part of one of them were the culprit,
the digestive tract, toward I would have expected Mar- BACK MOUNTAIN FREE MED- for infants through age 11, for- Wilkes-Barre. Primary and pre- and third Wednesday, St. Ste-
the end. It is the place where cie to report blood on the ICAL CLINIC: 6:30 p.m. Fridays, mer Seton Catholic High School, ventive health care for the phen’s Episcopal Church, 35 S.
stool is formed. It does not bed sheets, as the bleeding 65 Davis St., Shavertown. Vol- 37 William St., Pittston. Regis- working uninsured and under- Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre. Ap-
do much digesting but, in- can occur and leak from the unteers, services and supplies trations accepted from 4:30- insured in Luzerne County with pointments are necessary. Call
stead, primarily functions to rectum without defecation. needed. For more information, 5:30 p.m. the first and third incomes less than two times 793-4361. Physicians, nurse
resorb water from the stool. Another possible cause is a Wednesday of each month. For below federal poverty guide- practitioners, pharmacists, RNs,
call 696-1144.
more information, call 654- lines. For appointments, call LPNs and social workers are
When it is “upset,” the stool disease that is prevalent in BMW FREE COMMUNITY 970-2864.
can become looser, some- German shepherds. It is the 9923. needed as well as receptionists
HEALTH CLINIC: 6-8 p.m., WILKES-BARRE FREE CLINIC: and interpreters. To volunteer
times appearing like it has a development of what are second Thursday, New Covenant THE HOPE CENTER: Free basic
4:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and assistance leave a message for
jellylike substance upon it. called perianal fistulas. Christian Fellowship Church, medical care and preventative
5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. on the first Pat at 793-4361.
This is mucous. If it gets These are tracts that lead rear entrance, 780 S. Main St., health care information for the
really upset, it can bleed. from the rectum outside Wilkes-Barre. Free basic care for uninsured or underinsured,
The key is what might be
causing the colitis. The most
around the anus. They are
very uncomfortable and re-
people without health insurance
and the underserved. Call 822-
legal advice and pastoral coun-
seling, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Mondays; Seniors – Do You
common causes are usually
not primary colitis. Instead,
quire very diligent treatment
to overcome. I do not think
9605. free Chiropractic evaluations
and vision care, including free Feel Off
CARE AND CONCERN FREE replacement glasses, for the
the problem lies farther up Bruno has these, primarily HEALTH CLINIC: Registration uninsured or underinsured, 6-8
the digestive tract in the because there was no men- 5-6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, for- Are you in too much pain to walk, or are
p.m. Thursdays; Back Mountain
small intestine. If the small tion of discomfort and, mer Seton Catholic High School, Harvest Assembly, 340 Carv-
you afraid to walk because you have a
history of falling?
intestine is not digesting again, no blood on the 37 William St., Pittston. Basic erton Road, Trucksville. Call
food properly, it can pass sheets. health care and information 696-5523. If you have fallen or have a fear of falling that is preventing
material to the colon in a I believe Bruno has second- provided. Call 954-0645. you from doing things you enjoy, our therapy program
VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: 9 offers a breakthrough Infrared Light Therapy that in
less-than-digested form. This ary colitis. With proper treat- CARE AND CONCERN FREE conjuction with our comprehensive plan of car, has been
a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through
allows the bacteria that live ment and a more disciplined PEDIATRIC HEALTH CLINIC clinically proven on thousands of patients to improve bal-
Friday, 190 N. Pennsylvania Ave., ance and reduce falls. Don’t let falls or a fear of
in the colon to ferment this diet, he should be fine.
falling prevent you from living your life.
material, which then irritates Call us today to see if our
the colon wall, causing col- Jeff Kahler is a veterinarian in Mod- treatment program is right for you!
itis, which can lead to the esto, Calif. Questions can be sub- PERSONAL CARE HOME
blood. The most common mitted to “Your Pet” in care of Life- HEALTH SERVICES, INC.
cause of this type of colitis is Styles, The Modesto Bee, P.O. Box 239 Schuyler Avenue, Kingston • 287-4800
ingestion of inappropriate 5256, Modesto CA 95352.

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PAGE 4C TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 ➛ H E A L T H THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

dinner eaten three hours before pump inhibitors, like Prilosec and

bedtime is a good idea. Also, avoid Prevacid, can block the release of ost Com
sleeping on your back. acid in the stomach and, when tak- The M Dental Our S e and Enjo
le taff
or tab le Part o and Becom
“Anything that increases stom- en regularly, provide long-term re- Comf nce Possib f Our
i e Famil e
Continued from Page 1C
ach pressure increases reflux,” lief.
Exper y
said Hsu. “People who are more Unfortunately, for a small per-
But acid reflux can occur in any obese have more symptoms. Preg- centage of sufferers, chronic acid We W entis t
Home ill Send Yo ight D
age group, even the very young. nant women can have more re- reflux is more than a discomfort
With u The R ake All
Don Gloor, for example, remem- flux.” and an inconvenience — it’s a fac- A Sm Can M erence
ile! iff
bers dealing with chronic heart- Even modest amounts of tor in making esophageal cancer The D
burn as a college student whose weight gain can lead to problems the fastest growing cancer in the
diet included cheeseburgers and with acid reflux. Women with a country.
Dr. Gary Nataupsky
tequila. body mass index of 25 to 27, con- Repeated exposure to stomach Riverside Commons, 575 Pierce St., Suite 201, Kingston
570-331-8100 • www.dr-gmn.com
“I always had a roll of Tums sidered only slightly overweight, acid over many years’ time can
nearby, but I didn’t really think are more than twice as likely to de- cause cellular level changes to the
about it,” said Gloor, now 53, who velop the disease, Boston Univer- esophagus leading to a disorder
works for the state and lives in sity researchers have found. called Barrett’s esophagus —
Carmichael, Calif. “As I mellowed So what to do? First, avoid mint- which, left untreated, can contrib-
out, it occurred less.” flavored antacids. Mint relaxes ute to the development of esoph-
Here’s how acid reflux works. the valve between the stomach ageal cancer.
When the sphincter muscle at the and the esophagus, making the The incidence is still small, with
top of the stomach is weak, acid problem worse. only about 16,600 new cases a
can backwash into the esophagus For many people, losing weight year, but experts consider it a par-
during digestion, leading to a helps ease the stomach pressure ticularly difficult cancer. More
range of reflux-related symptoms and resolve their reflux. Others alarming, the incidence of esoph-
— everything from heartburn and find that avoiding a list of comesti- ageal cancer is rising quickly,
queasiness to coughing, asthma bles that make life worth living — while other cancer rates are de-
and a predisposition for hiccups. chocolate, spicy foods, citrus creasing, said Hsu.
The problem can be especially fruits, alcohol and caffeine — can Particularly at risk are middle-
troublesome at night, with epi- help alleviate acid reflux symp- aged and elderly men with a long
sodes of heartburn interrupting toms. history of acid reflux and, much
sleep. The solution? Don’t go to A range of over-the-counter of the time, problems with obes-
bed with a full stomach: A light medications can help, too. Proton ity.


to with the
Each Sunday, we’ll run a photo
anch, rank,
person’s name, hometown, branch,
e, the war or
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ader.com or
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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ C O M M U N I T Y N E W S TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 5C


Madison E. Dennis
Madison Ethel Dennis, daughter Name: Eduardo Francis Name: not provided ‘RN of the Year’ named at VA medical center
of Bill and Debbie Dennis, Ed- SPCA No: A12921835 SPCA No: A12493801
Caitlyn L. Armstrong wardsville, is celebrating her
ninth birthday today, May 17.
Sex: male
Age: 1 year old
Sex: male
Age: adult
Gail Davis was selected as the ‘RN of the Year’ by the Office of
Nursing Services at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical
Breed/type: terrier mix Breed/type: domestic medium-hair Center. Davis was presented the award during a Nurse’s Day
Caitlyn L. Armstrong, daughter Madison is a granddaughter of
About this dog: not neutered; mix celebration at the facility. Davis, a registered nurse in the Oncol-
of Kirk and Paula Armstrong, Bel Theresa Dennis, Hanover Town-
Air, Md., is celebrating her fifth housebroken; has a veterinarian About this cat: neutered; stray ogy Department, is active in the local and national Oncology
ship and Dolly Coleman, Berwick.
birthday today, May 17. Caitlyn is She is a great-granddaughter of found in Kingston Borough Nurses’ Society and attends recognized seminars and confer-
a granddaughter of Carolyn Mary Jane Morio, Wilkes-Barre; ences. Her nomination was forwarded to the Network Office of
Reino, Luzerne; Robert Pavolo- the late Bill Morio; the late Mr. Nursing Services and was selected to be advanced to Washing-
How to adopt: Call or visit the SPCA p.m. Monday through Friday; from 11 ton, D.C. for the National Secretary’s Award for Nursing Excel-
nis, Wyoming; and Charles and and Mrs. Alfred Perlowski; and of Luzerne County, 524 East Main a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays and Sun-
Shirley Armstrong, Wilton, N.Y. the late Mr. and Mrs. David Sims. St., Plains Township. For more in- days. Visit the SPCA of Luzerne lence. At the presentation, from left, are Dr. Mirza Ali, chief of
She has two brothers, Tyler, 6, Madison has a sister, Karissa, 12. formation call 825-4111. Adoption County online at http://spcaluzerne- staff; Linda Stout, associate director for Nursing & Patient Care
and Jack, 2. hours are 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5 to 7 county.org. Services; Davis; and Janice M. Boss, medical center director.

Anthony C. Irizarry YMCA announces winner

Julia M. Desciak Anthony Carlos Irizarry, son of John Heinz Rehab celebrates National Nurses Week of weight-loss challenge
Julia Marie Desciak, daughter of Manuel and Liza Irizarry, Wilkes- Joy Taylor won the Fit To Be
Staff at John Heinz Rehab celebrated National Nurses Week by conducting a basket raffle, and pro-
Matt and Laura Desciak, Shaver- Barre, is celebrating his second Tried contest at the Wilkes-Barre
birthday today, May 17. Anthony viding blood pressure checks, infection prevention programs, a coloring contest, nutritional snacks, Spa Family YMCA. Taylor lost 112
town, is celebrating her fifth
is a grandson of Martha Cruz Day events, and games for all patients, visitors and staff. Participants, first row, are Teresa Flynn, CRRN; pounds through the three-month
birthday today, May 17. Julia is a
and the late David Cruz, Kristin Morgis, CRRN; Brenda Shaffer, RN; Brenda Klutchko, CAN; and Anne Skamarakus, CRRN. Second competitive fitness challenge,
granddaughter of Robert and
Ann Marie Popovitch and Robert Swoyersville; Susan Hughes, row: Sue Schwartz, CRRN; Maria Berlyn, CRRN; Joan Gooch, CRRN; Anne Coolbaugh, CRRN; Rose Ward, received a $500 Sheetz gas card,
and Linda Desciak, all of Wilkes- Wilkes-Barre; and the late Ken- unit secretary; Sharon Saracino, CRRN; Marion Flannelly, CRRN; Erin Pilch, CRRN; and Sue Letukas, RN. and was feted at a celebration.
Barre. She is a great-grand- neth Hughes, Avoca. He is a
daughter of Marion Popovitch great-grandson of Willard and
Joy Hughes, Avoca, and Carmen
and the late Joseph Popovitch will be served and a special meal PITTSTON: Tobyhanna Army SWEET VALLEY: UGI Electric
and Charles and Helene Loftus, Vazquez Soto, Buffalo, N.Y.
will be served at noon. Depot retirees will meet at 8 a.m. Retirees’ Association will have a
all of Wilkes-Barre. Julia has a
sister, Allison, 2.
A presentation on colon cancer Wednesday at Perkins Restaurant Dutch-treat luncheon at1p.m.
EDWARDSVILLE: The Ed- by a representative from the Cancer & Bakery, state Route 315. Wednesday at Mommy Dooz, Main
wardsville Senior Center, 57 Rus- Institute begins at1p.m. Friday. For All TAD retirees and current Road. A meeting will follow with
sell St., will have an open house more information, call 388-2623. employees are invited. For more Loretta Wilski, president, presiding.
from10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednes- information, contact Bernie Petra- All UGI Electric retirees are invited.
day. A pot roast dinner will be FORTY FORT: AFSCME Chap- sek at 287-9093 or 239-1682 or
served and Edwardsville Mayor ter13 Retirees of Luzerne County [email protected]. TUNKHANNOCK: An AARP
Bernard Dubaskas will give a will meet at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Safe Drivers course with Frank is
presentation on the center’s histo- Luzerne County Park Recreation PITTSTON: The St. Joseph’s planned from1to 5 p.m. Friday at
ry. There will be a 50/50 drawing Building, 2001Wyoming Ave. Senior Social Club will meet at 2 the Wyoming County Senior
as well as bingo. New members Issues concerning COLA, Medi- p.m. Thursday in St. Rocco’s Center,101Dymond Terrace. For
are invited to join. Reservations care, Medicaid, Social Security, school auditorium. New members more information, call 836-2324.
are required by1p.m. today by property tax relief and retirement are invited.
calling 287-3381. The meal is $2 benefits will be addressed. The group invites the public on WILKES-BARRE: An open
Bradyn L. Lynch for seniors older than 60 years old. the following trips: June 24, Hunter- house will take place from 8 a.m.
KINGSTON: The Kingston don Hills Playhouse and the Clinton to 4 p.m. Wednesday at the Char-
Bradyn Lawrence Lynch, son of
Chase V. Krajnak Hillary Lynch, Exeter, is cele-
brating his first birthday today,
EXETER: The Cosmopolitan
Seniors marked its 36th anniversary
Senior Center, 680 Wyoming Ave.,
will have an open house Wednes-
Mall in New Jersey; July 21, annual
picnic at the Checkerboard Inn in
les T. Adams Senior Center, 5 E.
Market St. There will be door
Chase Vincent Krajnak, son of May 17. Bradyn is a grandson of at St. Anthony’s Church during a day. A special meal will be served Dallas; Aug 27, Spirit of Philadel- prizes, raffles and giveaways.
Mark and Leslie Krajnak, Rob- Greg and Cindy Lynch, Exeter. He Mass concelebrated by Monsignor at noon and at1p.m. entertain- phia and Mt. Airy Casino; Oct. At trip to Mount Airy Casino is
binsville, N.J., is celebrating his is a great-grandson of Lawrence Joseph Kelly, director of Catholic ment will be provided by Damian 28-30 Villa Roma in the Catskills. set for June 21. Cost is $25 per
first birthday today, May 17. and Janet Yudiski, Exeter, and Social Services, and the Rev. Joseph the Magician. Call Theresa for information and person with $25 in free slot play and
Chase is a grandson of Laszlo the late Vincent and Gertrude Siblano of St. Anthony’s. Marge Donation is $2 and reservations reservations at 654-2967. a $10 voucher toward lunch. For
and Karen Boka, Milltown, N.J., Lynch, Pittston.
and Vincent and Frances Kraj- Zinkavich was the lector and Johan- are required by today by calling more information, call 825-3484.
nak, Swoyersville. He is a great- na and Vic Malinowski presented 287-1102.
PITTSTON: The Pittston Se-
grandson of Adele Jensen, the offertory gifts. Mary Coleman WILKES-BARRE: The Wilkes-
nior Center, 441N. Main St., will
Orlando, Fla. Chase has a sister, crowned the statue of the Blessed MOUNTAIN TOP: The Marian Barre Area Rainbow Seniors will
Olivia Grace, 4. have an open house Wednesday
Virgin Mary assisted by crown Sutherland Kirby Library is spon- celebrate its 23rd anniversary at 4
featuring a special dinner at noon.
bearer Evelyn Naples. Music was soring a AARP Driver Safety re- p.m. today at Old Country Buffet,
Reservations are due today by
provided by Bill Kull, organist, and a fresher class from12:30 to 4:45 p.m. Wilkes-Barre Township.
calling 655-5561. Cost is $2.
choir comprised of Amy Alpaugh, today. This one-session class is open The next meeting is June 21at
A15-week summer golf league
Mary Ann Barasha, Marie Ches- only to students who have complet- Albright United Methodist
is forming for play at the Four
kiewicz, Marcella Fountain, Evelyn ed a class three years earlier. Church. Servers are Charles and
Seasons Golf Course in Exeter
and Joe Kleback, Terri Mislan. Mountaintop Presbyterian Doris Hughes, Leonard and Angie
with former club champion Clar-
Frances Voveris. Church, 9 Chestnut St., will spon- Hummel, and Jean Langley
ence Briggs. Contact Connie
A buffet dinner was catered by sor an 8-hour AARP Driver Safety
Andrews at the center for details.
Avenue Diner and served by the class from1to 5 p.m. on Saturday WYOMING: The Wyoming-
Evan P. Walsh men of the club. Evelyn Kleback
won the special bingo game and
and Sunday. This course is open to
new and returning participants. PLAINS TWP.: The next meet-
West Wyoming Seniors will meet
at1:30 p.m. today at the St. Mon-
Evan Patrick Walsh, son of Sean Amy Alpaugh won the jackpot. Pennsylvania drivers age 55 ing for the Plains Senior Citizens, ica meeting center with Frank
and Michele Walsh, Exeter, is Mary Ann Barasha, Mary Cole- years and older may be eligible for Project HEAD, is Wednesday in Perfinski presiding. Servers are
celebrating his first birthday man, Marcella Fountain, Johanna a 5 percent auto insurance dis- the cafeteria of SS. Peter and Paul Olga Mizin, Theresa Kennedy and
today, May 17. Evan is a grandson Malinowski, and Bernie Petrasek count for the next three years. School. Hosts are Emily Strinkow- Joann Kawasny. Parking is plenti-
Abigail L. Pero of Steve and Eileen Horensky,
Wilkes-Barre, and John and
each won door prizes. Cost for either course is $14 per ski, Theresa Tempalsky, Jean ful and for the handicapped. There
Abigail Lorraine Pero, daughter Cookie Walsh, Pittston. He is a person, with a $2 discount for Trosky, Ruth Verespy, Florence will be bingo and refreshments
of Jenn Pero, is celebrating her great-grandson of Ann Zoeller FALLS: The Falls Senior Cen- AARP members. To register or for Warabak, and Kathleen Wysocki. served. New members are invited.
10th birthday today, May 17. Abby and Elizabeth Jones, both of ter, Route 92, will have an open more information, contact in- The senior picnic in June will be The annual picnic will be held
is a granddaughter of Janice and Wilkes-Barre. Evan has a brother, house from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. structor Pat Pisaneschi at 868- discussed. New member are in- July19 at the Shoemaker Avenue
Tony Pero, Swoyersville. Aiden, 4. Wednesday. Light refreshments 6732 or [email protected]. vited. pavilion.

Children’s birthdays (ages 1-16) will be published free of charge CERTIFICATE
If your child’s photo and birthday
Photographs and information must name, age and birthday, parents’, We cannot return photos submitted require return because such photos can announcement is on this page, it will
be received two full weeks before your grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ for publication in community news, become damaged, or occasionally lost, automatically be entered into the
child’s birthday. names and their towns of residence, including birthday photos, occasions in the production process. “Happy Birthday Shopping Spree”
To ensure accurate publication, your any siblings and their ages. photos and all publicity photos. Send to: Times Leader Birthdays, 15 drawing for a $50 certificate. One
information must be typed or comput- Don’t forget to include a daytime Please do not submit precious or North Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711- winner will be announced on the first
er-generated. Include your child’s contact phone number. original professional photographs that 0250. of the month on this page.

PAGE 6C TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ H E A L T H TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 7C

Continued from Page 1C

ceed 115 to 118 degrees.

Toby Landon is a local raw
food chef and instructor. She op-
erates Fig restaurant in Alexan-
der’s Spa in Scranton. Landon
committed to eating healthy in
2001, just before her wedding.
She changed her diet to eating
entirely raw food and lost 60
pounds. She says she felt great.
Raw foods have an alkaline
PH, which is optimal for good A dish of walnut pate, a creation by raw food chef Landon. Food
health says Landon. Raw foods dehydrators can be used in the preparation of food, but temper-
are easier on our digestive sys- atures cannot exceed 115 to 118 degrees.
tem and contain vitamins, min-
erals, enzymes, antioxidants FOR MORE INFORMATION
and proteins in a form that is
Want to know more about raw foodism? Visit www.rawteacher.com/
easier for our body to digest. tobylandon.
isn’t always easy, especially in Chef Toby Landon prepares a dish during a recent raw food class at Fig restaurant in Scranton.
Northeast Pennsylvania where Some raw foodists do eat raw eggs and cheese made from unpasteurized milk. Landon stresses
significant animal proteins are foods should be properly cleaned before eating. Landon, “but don’t feel guilty Still agrees, cautioning that the
consumed,” says Still. for having a cookie now and bacteria Listeria can be present
He says focusing on eating cals. diet, and over time, your body herself a “healthy eater.” then.” in uncooked vegetables and un-
more fresh fruits, vegetables, “Transition,” says Landon is will desire these types of foods. “Try to eat healthy, eating Landon advises people eating pasteurized milk and he does
legumes and salads, especially the key to changing your diet. Landon’s diet is not as strict as it more fresh fruit and vegetables raw food to be sure to properly not recommend raw foods for in-
locally grown, is beneficial and “Once your mind is committed once was; she simply considers is the best way to do it,” says clean the food before eating. fants.
will result in increased energy, to making the change, your
weight reduction and possibly body needs to make the
reduced the risk of diseases due change.” Please Join Us For Our
to the increased consumption of
antioxidants and phytochemi-
Landon recommends slowly
adding more greens to your Community Fair
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230 Wyoming Ave., Kingston IT’S FREE ANY SHAKE

Beginning at 6:30pm at the Grand Slam Sports Bar,
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The Seafood Is Fresh

The Servers
Are Just Friendly
There’s a lot happening at
Cooper’s Seafood House.
The lobsters are boiling.
The clams are steaming.
The chicken wings are hot.
The oysters are chilling – they’re so cool.
Plus the 400 brands of beer are cold.
304 Kennedy Blvd.

PAGE 8C TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 ➛ T E L E V I S I O N THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

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thusiasm (TVPG) tine FETCH’S Don’t just watch a movie, experience it!
All Stadium Seating and Dolby Surround Sound
PBS NewsHour (N) Call the Doctor Secrets of the Dead Frontline (CC) Independent Lens (N) Nightly Charlie Kielbassi & Meat Market ALL FEATURES NOW PRESENTED IN DIGITAL FORMAT
L (CC) (N) (TVPG) (TVPG) (CC) (TVG) Business Rose (N)
Paid Prog. MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Tampa Bay Rays. From Tropi- MLB Baseball Philadelphia Phillies at St. Louis Cardi-
**Bridesmaids - R - 135 Min. (1:45),
U cana Field in St. Petersburg, Fla. (N) (Live) nals. From Busch Stadium in St. Louis. FRESH MADE THOR (4:30), 7:15, 10:00
The Office Two and The Office Two and Glee “Funeral” (N)
(CC) Half Men (CC) Half Men (CC) (TV14)
Raising Breaking News First News
Hope (N) In (TV14) Ten 10:30
mond SAUSAGE $2.49 lb. THOR (XD3) (PG-13) **Priest - PG13 - 100 Min. (2:00), (4:10),

Without a Trace “Lost Without a Trace (CC) Without a Trace (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds “Lo-Fi” 180 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming 11:50AM, 2:30PM, 5:10PM, 7:50PM, 10:30PM
Time” (TVPG) (TVPG) (TV14) (TV14) (TV14) (CC) (TV14) 7:30, 9:45
News Evening Entertain- The Insid- NCIS “Pyramid” (N) NCIS: Los Angeles The Good Wife (N) News Letterman 693-3069 • CALL TODAY! AFRICAN CATS (DIGITAL) (G)
***Priest 3D - PG13 - 100 Min. (1:40),
# News ment er (N) (CC) (TV14) “Familia” (N) (TV14) (CC) (TV14) TUES.-SAT., 10am-6pm 11:40AM
How I Met MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Tampa Bay Rays. From Tropi- My 9 News-Blackmon Are You Are You Don’t For- BRIDESMAIDS (DIGITAL) (R) (3:50), 7:00, 9:10

11:40AM, 1:00PM, 2:25PM, 3:50PM,
cana Field in St. Petersburg, Fla. (N) (Live) (CC) Smarter? Smarter? get
5:10PM, 6:35PM, 8:05PM, 9:30PM,
Thor - PG13 - 120 Min. (2:00), (4:35), 7:35,
Family Family Two and Two and One Tree Hill (Season Hellcats “I’m Sick PIX News at Ten Jodi Seinfeld Seinfeld
+ Guy (CC) Guy (CC) Half Men Half Men Finale) (N) (CC) Y’all” (N) (TVPG) Applegate. (N) (TVPG) (TVPG) 10:55PM 10:05
My Wife Two and Two and Family MLB Baseball Philadelphia Phillies at St. Louis Cardinals. From Phillies Phl17 ***Thor 3D - PG13 - 120 Min. (1:30),
1 and Kids Half Men Half Men Guy (CC) Busch Stadium in St. Louis. (N) (Live) (CC) Post News C O N S TR U C TIO N C O . 11:55AM, 12:40PM, 1:25PM, 2:15PM,
2:55PM, 3:40PM, 4:25PM, 5:15PM, 5:55PM, (2:25), (4:00), (5:05), 7:05, 7:55, 9:35
The Chronicles of Riddick (5:30) (PG-13, The Matrix Reloaded (R, ‘03) ››› Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fish- The Matrix Reloaded
AMC 6:40PM, 7:25PM, 8:10PM, 9:00PM, 9:45PM,
‘04) ›› Vin Diesel, Colm Feore. (CC) burne. Freedom fighters revolt against machines. (CC) ››› (CC)
10:25PM, 11:05PM
**Jumping the Broom - PG13 - 120 Min.
Beach- Beach- Chicago Hope “Let- Wuthering Heights (PG, ‘92) ›› Juliette The Ray Lucia Show (TVG) (2:20), (5:00), 7:40, 10:05
AMER combers combers ting Go” (TVPG) Binoche, Ralph Fiennes.
Wild Recon (TVPG) I Shouldn’t Be Alive Planet Earth Extremes Planet’s most inhos- Planet Earth Jungle Planet Earth Ex-
11:45PM, 1:55PM, 4:05PM, 6:15PM, 8:20PM
Something Borrowed - PG13 - 120 Min.
The First 48 “River’s The First 48 (CC)
pitable locations. (TVG)
The First 48 (CC)
animals. (CC) (TVG) tremes (TVG)
The First 48 “Body of The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC)
Up gra d e o n a ll 7:40PM, 10:10PM
(1:50), (4:20), 7:10, 9:40
ARTS •Fast Five DBox Motion Seating - PG13 -
Edge” (TV14)
Mad Money (N)
The Kudlow Report
(TV14) Evidence” (TV14) (TVPG)
Ford: Rebuilding an 60 Minutes on CNBC 60 Minutes on CNBC Mad Money
L ifestyle 11:55AM, 2:35PM, 5:15PM, 7:55PM,
10:35PM 140 Min. (1:55), (4:50), 7:35, 10:20
W ind o w s
Situation Room John King, USA (N) In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 (N) (CC) 7:25PM, 10:00PM
Fast Five - PG13 - 140 Min. (1:30), (1:55),
C a ll PRIEST (3D) (PG-13) (4:20), (4:50), 7:10, 7:35, 9:55, 10:20
Scrubs Scrubs Daily Colbert Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daniel Tosh: Happy Tosh.0 Sports Daily Colbert 1:20PM, 3:40PM, 6:00PM, 8:15PM,
Prom - PG - 110 Min. (2:00), 7:15
COM (TV14) (TV14)
SportsNite ’net IM-
Show Report
Triathlon Israeli
(TV14) (TV14)
Ball Up Streetball
Thoughts (TV14)
DNL Primetime
(TV14) Show
SportsNite (CC)
Show Report
Game 365 ’net IM-
824- 7220 10:40PM
PRIEST (DIGITAL) (PG-13) Water for Elephants - PG13 - 125 Min.
CS PACT Bask. PACT PA012959 12:10PM, 2:25PM, 4:50PM, 7:10PM,
(2:05), (4:40), 7:30, 10:00
Choices EWTN Daily The Holy CTV Special Presen- Focus (TVG) Threshold of Hope Fulton Women of
CTV We Face Gallery Mass Rosary tation (TVG) Sheen Grace PROM (DIGITAL) (PG) Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy
11:35AM, 2:10PM, 4:40PM
Cash Cab Cash Cab Deadliest Catch (CC) Deadliest Catch (CC) Deadliest Catch (N) Swords: Life on the Deadliest Catch (CC)
RIO (3D) (G)
Family - PG13 - 110 Min. (4:25), 9:35
(CC) (CC) (TV14) (TV14) (CC) (TV14) Line (N) (TV14) (TV14)
Suite Life Good Good Good High School Musical (‘06) ›› Zac Efron, Good Good Wizards- Wizards- 11:50AM, 2:15PM, 4:40PM, 7:05PM, Rio - PG - 100 Min. (2:10), (4:20), 7:20,
DSY on Deck Luck Luck Luck Ashley Tisdale. Students conspire against Luck Luck Place Place
Charlie Charlie Charlie two teenage singers. (CC) Charlie Charlie
Holly’s Holly’s E! News (N) Sex and Sex and Sex and Sex and Khloe & Khloe & Chelsea E! News
11:35AM, 1:00PM, 2:10PM, 3:30PM, 4:45PM, Insidious - PG13 - 110 Min. (4:40), 7:25,
E! World World the City the City the City the City Lamar Lamar Lately 6:05PM, 7:20PM, 8:30PM, 9:50PM, 11:00PM
9:55 (No 4:40 show on Sat. May 14)
THOR (3D) (PG-13)
SportsCenter (Live) (CC) NBA Countdown
(Live) (CC)
NBA Lot- NBA Basketball Oklahoma City Thunder at Dallas Maver- Sports-
tery icks. (Subject to Blackout) (Live) (CC) Center
Tues. 8-11 11:35AM, 12:30PM, 2:20PM, 3:10PM, Hoodwinked Too! - PG - 95 Min. (1:40)
SportsNa- Interrup- NFL Live The Next 30 for 30 Baseball Tonight (N) Sports- The Next COMEDY NIGHT 4:55PM, 6:00PM, 7:35PM, 8:45PM, 10:15PM
tion tion (N) (CC) Round (Live) (CC) Center Round
Hosted by Kevin Neary, Comedian 1:30PM, 4:10PM, 6:55PM, 9:40PM MET: Live in HD - Die Walkurie
Still Still America’s Funniest America’s Funniest America’s Funniest America’s Funniest The 700 Club (CC) WATER FOR ELEPHANTS (DIGITAL) (R) Saturday May 14 - 12:00pm
FAM Standing Standing Home Videos (CC) Home Videos (CC) Home Videos (CC) Home Videos (CC) (TVPG) Thurs. 8:00 12:25PM, 1:50PM, 3:15PM, 4:35PM,
Best Dish- Minute
es Meals
Iron Chef America
“Cora vs. Oringer”
Cupcake Wars “Ice
Chopped “Dr. Deckle Chopped Oysters
& Mr. Fried”
Challenge “WWE
cause problems. (N) Wrestling Cakes” ALAMO MISSION 7:30PM, 10:25PM
MET OPERA LIVE: Wagner’s Die Walküre
All Showtimes Include Pre-Feature Content
(Parenthesis Denotes Bargain Matinees)

Special Report With FOX Report With
Bret Baier (N) Shepard Smith
The O’Reilly Factor
(N) (CC)
Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van The O’Reilly Factor
Susteren (CC)
Fri. 9-1 Saturday, 5/14 ONLY 12PM
Avoid the lines: Advance tickets available from Fandango.com
“R” Rating Policy

Little House on the Little House on the Little House on the Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Golden Golden GROUP DU JOUR Wednesday, 5/18 ONLY 6:30PM
Parents and/or Guardians (ages 21 & Older) must accompany
all children under age 17 to an R Rated Feature.
HALL Prairie (CC) (TVPG) Prairie (CC) (TVPG) Prairie (CC) (TVG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) Girls Girls PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: *No passes accepted to these features. **No restricted

Modern Marvels “Dirt” Modern Marvels (CC) Pawn Pawn Larry the Cable Guy How the States Got How the Earth Was Sat. 9-1 ON STRANGER TIDES
discount tickets or passes accepted to these features.

***$2.50 Additional Charge for 3D Attractions.***
HIST (CC) (TVPG) (TVPG) Stars Stars Their Shapes (N) Made (CC) (TVPG) MIDNIGHT SHOWS, THURSDAY NIGHT 5/19 No passes, rain checks, discount tickets accepted to these features

Property Property Hunters House My First My First Property Property House Hunters Property Property 825.4444 • rctheatres.com
H&G Virgins Virgins Int’l Hunters Place (N) Place Virgins Virgins Hunters Int’l Virgins Virgins OAK ST • PITTSTON TWP. NO PASSES
You must be 17 with ID or accompanied by a parent to attend R rated features.
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Children under 6 may not attend R rated features after 6pm
Unsolved Mysteries Pawn Pawn American Pickers American Pickers How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met
LIF (CC) (TVPG) Stars Stars (CC) (TVPG) (CC) (TVPG)
That ’70s Disaster 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant
MTV Show Date (N) “Nicole” (TVPG) “Emily” (TV14) “Danielle” (TVPG) “Cleondra” (TVPG) “Cleondra” (TVPG)

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National Velvet (G, ‘44) ›››› Mickey
Rooney, Elizabeth Taylor. (CC)
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Code- Code- Johnny Scooby- Looney World of King of King of American American Family Family
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Andrew Zimmern Andrew Zimmern Andrew Zimmern Andrew Zimmern Andrew Zimmern Andrew Zimmern
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Winner of the Tuesday May 10th $25 Gas Card.
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Victims Unit Victims Unit Victims Unit Victims Unit Victims Unit Intent (TV14)
Love & Love & Hip Hop “Reunion” Mob Wives (CC) Mob Wives (CC) Mob Wives (CC) Saddle Audrina
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Charmed (CC) Charmed (CC) Braxton Family Val- Braxton Family Val- Sinbad It’s Just Fami- Braxton Family Val-
WE (TVPG) (TVPG) ues (CC) (TV14) ues (N) (TVPG) ly (N) (CC) ues (CC) (TV14)
Dharma & Dharma & America’s Funniest Old Chris- Old Chris- How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine Scrubs Scrubs
WGN-A Greg Greg Home Videos (CC) tine tine (N) (CC) (TV14) (TVPG)
Chef Lou I.N.N. Beaten Tarone Rehabilita- Sweets Leg. Re- Let’s Talk Local News Classified Topic A
WYLN News Path Show tion port
The Fourth Kind (6:15) (PG-13, ‘09) › Milla How to Train Your Dragon (PG, Brides- REAL Sports With Game of Thrones
HBO Jovovich, Will Patton, Elias Koteas. (CC) ‘10) ››› Voices of Jay Baruchel, maids Bryant Gumbel (N) “The Wolf and the
Gerard Butler. (CC) (CC) (TVPG) Lion” (CC) (TVMA)
The Door in the Floor (R, ‘04) ››› Jeff It’s Complicated (R, ‘09) ›› Meryl Streep. A Real Time With Bill Jonah Hex (PG-13,
HBO2 Bridges, Jon Foster. An author and painter divorcee is caught between her ex and an ar- Maher (CC) (TVMA) ‘10) › Josh Brolin,
drives his wife to infidelity. (CC) chitect. (CC) Megan Fox. (CC)
Drumline The Hangover (R, ‘09) ››› The Losers (8:15) (PG-13, ‘10) ›› Jeffrey Catwoman (PG-13, ‘04) › Halle (:45)
MAX (4:30) Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Dean Morgan. Elite commandos hunt the Berry, Benjamin Bratt, Sharon Femme
››› Galifianakis. (CC) man who betrayed them. (CC) Stone. (CC) Fatales BRING THIS COUPON TO
The Weight of Water Cocktail (7:15) (R, ‘88) ›› Tom Cruise, Predators (R, ‘10) ›› Adrien Brody, Topher (10:50) Running Y
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STARZ (5:10) ›› (CC) Cyrus, Greg Kinnear. (CC) Stone. (CC) ‘10) ›› Julia Roberts. (CC)
Marvin’s Night of the Living Dead (6:20) The City of Your Final Destination (PG-13, Holy Rollers (R, ‘10) ›› Jesse The
TMC Room (‘68) ››› Duane Jones, Judith ‘07) ›› Omar Metwally, Anthony Hopkins, Eisenberg. A Jewish youth be- Brothers
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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ D I V E R S I O N S TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 9C

Teenage daughter lacking life skills plays blame game with her mom
Dear Abby: My Dear Abby: I am part of a circle of Dear Good Buddy: It wouldn’t be two years of not being able to see
18-year-old graduat-
ing senior, “Renee,” DEAR ABBY five guy friends. We’re all around 30.
Some of us date regularly, looking for
wrong, but it might be unwise for
one of you to tell Ian what you think
my granddaughters was punishment
enough for them and me.
has told me I have the right girl. One of us, “Ian,” is with of Jenny. He might get the message I have held out the olive branch,
taught her nothing ADVICE “Jenny,” who we’re concerned about. better if you ALL tell him during a but apparently they’re not ready. Can
about living life. there is no safety net to catch her? They are now living together. boys’ night out. It may be difficult to you think of anything else I can do?
Furthermore, she — Doubting Mom in Minnesota Jenny doesn’t abuse Ian or cheat on extricate himself from the relation- — Holes in My Heart in Kansas
informed me that him. We just think he could do better. ship now that they’re living together
her school counselor agrees with her, Dear Doubting Mom: Before you She’s pushy and materialistic, and it’s — providing he even wants to. Dear Holes In Your Heart: Consider
saying I have failed to teach her the second-guess yourself any further, impossible to have a two-way conver- asking another family member or
skills needed to be successful in life. check with Renee’s school counselor sation with her. Dear Abby: I had a falling out with religious adviser to intercede for you.
At first I was angry and denied to make certain he or she was quoted Because we’re all so close to Ian, my oldest son and his wife two years If that fails, then there is nothing else
everything my daughter said. Now I correctly. Does your daughter know we hate to see this relationship prog- ago. They have two daughters whom you can do. Hope and pray that time
am beginning to doubt myself and the how to save money? Balance a check- ress. We worry he’ll be forced to give I love, and I know they love me. will bring reconciliation.
way I have raised her. Have I taught book? Hold a job? Does she know her what she’s aiming for — a ring. I I wrote my son and daughter-in-law
her the necessary skills to live her right from wrong and how to assert know he’s a grown man and can make to beg for forgiveness. I messed up To receive a collection of Abby’s most
out of hurt and anger, and also be- memorable — and most frequently re-
life? Does she lack what it takes to herself? his own decisions. Would it be wrong quested — poems and essays, send a busi-
make it through the good and bad Many of life’s survival skills are for one of us to tell Ian what we think cause of the medications I was taking. ness-sized, self-addressed envelope, plus
parts of life? learned by imitation, the rest from of her? We hate watching what we I asked my son if they really want check or money order for $3.95 ($4.50 in
to take away the only grandma the Canada) to: Dear Abby’s “Keepers,” P.O. Box
How can I know my Renee will be experience. You can’t protect your consider a slow train wreck. 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Postage
able to “fly out of the nest” because daughter from everything. — Good Buddy in South Carolina girls have left. I also wondered if is included.)


ARIES (March 21-April 19). Not SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You will
only do you need someone to love the bustle and fun of the
say they will cooperate, but you day. You’ll also need to get away
need that person to actually to your own quiet space periodi-
do it. Make sure you have a full cally. The solitude is necessary
commitment before you move for you to assimilate what you
forward. learn and rebuild your strength
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You and vision.
are slow to anger, but once you SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
do “go there,” the impression Friends want you to think like
tends to last. You don’t mean to they think, and you may be open
hold a grudge. It just takes you to influence. You have a talent
awhile to process all of the for trying on a mindset to see
emotions. how it agrees with you.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Just CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). As
because you have the gift of gab much as you appreciate a good
doesn’t mean you always feel the challenge, you will not be in the
need to talk. You enjoy quietude mood to deal with mundane
when you’re alone, and you mysteries, e.g., the mystery of
appreciate comfortable silence in the lost keys or jacket.
the company of a loved one. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You
CANCER (June 22-July 22). It’s a tell the truth, but you are also
fine day to quest. You’ll love how judicious about which truth to
a search turns out. If you don’t tell. You have an excellent sense
find what you were looking for, about what someone might like
GOREN BRIDGE you’ll at least find something
else of value that you weren’t
to hear. You speak honestly and
make this person feel terrific
about himself.
WITH OMAR SHARIF & TANNAH HIRSCH LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll make PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Just
a connection with a fellow when you thought you had got-
fire sign — that’s Aries, Leo or ten rid of all your old baggage,
PREVIOUS DAY’S SOLUTION Sagittarius. When you look into you’ll open another cabinet door
this person’s eyes, you see some- and find a whole new pile of old
thing real behind them and feel emotional stuff just waiting to be
an energy that matches yours. hauled off.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Calm TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (May 17).
yourself. Being relaxed is your Your sense of purpose is big-
success secret. The ideas and ger than life. Through the next
solutions flow through you. As 10 weeks, you are all action and
long as you have a positive atti- follow-through. July brings a
tude, you’ll find a way to do it. lovely break from your normal
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Doctors routine. You’ll reflect and make
suggest that dietary variety is a new plan. Your love life sizzles
healthier than eating the same in August. You’ll master an art in
foods every day. Similarly, you’ll November. Cancer and Scorpio
be enriched by a wide array of people adore you. Your lucky
social influences. Change it up. numbers are: 11, 20, 19, 3 and 4.


For more Sudoku go to www.timesleader.com



Dear Abby: PO Box 69440, Los Ange-
les, CA 90069
TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 F U N N I E S TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com















TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 1D

EMAIL: [email protected]

135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 150 Special Notices 409 Autos under 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale
Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices $5000
GIVEN that Letters
GIVEN that Letters CADILLAC `94 Cross Country,
All Wheel Drive
Good Condition.
53,000 miles.
100 Testamentary have Testamentary have $11880
GIVEN the Board of
been granted to
William Buerger and
been issued to
Lawrence M.
Changer, Blue
Directors of the George Patterson, Roskos, Executor of 94,000 miles,
Tooth, XM Radio,
Luzerne County Executors of the the Estate of Stasia automatic, front
110 Lost Transportation ESTATE OF LUELLA M. Roskos a/k/a The English
Leather Interior
wheel drive, 4 & Sunroof
Authority announce MAY BABEY, late of Anastasia M. consider rain on 380 Travel 406 ATVs/Dune door, air condi- $20,000
ALL JUNK CARS the monthly Board
meeting scheduled
for Tuesday, May
Hunlock Creek, PA,
who died on Feb-
ruary 7, 2011. All
Roskos, Deceased,
who died on April
12, 2011 late of
a wedding day
good luck!
Buggies tioning, air bags, 560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
(570) 814-8398
Call after 9:30 a.m.

WANTED!! 24, 2011 has been persons indebted to Forty Fort Borough,
SUZUKI`09 all power, cruise

NEW ENGLAND control, leather www.wyoming Audi `02 A4

cancelled. Any and the Estate and Pennsylvania. All valleymotors.com 1.8 Turbo, AWD,
all business origi-
nally scheduled to
those having claims
against the Estate
persons indebted to
the Estate are
Shopping for a
new apartment?
Hunter green. 214
interior, $3,300.
570-714-9924 Automatic, white
with beige leather
be addressed at are to make pay- required to make
Classified lets miles. Excellent
To place your interior. 84,000
ŠFREE REMOVAL this meeting will be ment or present payment and those
you compare costs -
That Championship condition. 50” Looking for that Miles. Very Good
addressed at the claims without delay having any claims Season/Broadway Moose plow with
special place ad call...829-7130 Condition. $8,900
ŠCA$H PAID monthly Board to William Buerger, or demands are to without hassle 5/21 manual lift included. (570) 696-9809
meeting to be held
June 28, 2011 at
PO Box 302, Sweet
Valley, PA 18656.
present the same
without delay to the or worry! NY Touring/Yacht
Asking $5,900 called home?
2007 PONTIAC G6 (570) 690-4262
ON THE SPOT 4:00 P.M. in the Executor in care of Get moving Intrepid Museum
(570) 299-0560 Classified will address
Your needs.
GTP 1 OWNER Let the Community
with classified!
Conference Room the undersigned. Know!
of the Luzerne NOTICE OF PAULA G. WWII Reenactment Open the door MOONROOF Place your Classified
County Transporta-
tion Authority, 315
1205 Wyoming
ALL 6/4
Dome Train/ Monti-
ATV, 125 CC. Brand
New Tomahawk mid
with classified! $14950 Ad TODAY!
ALL Northampton The Wilkes-Barre Avenue
JUNK cello 6/11 size 125cc 4 wheel- SATURN ‘99 SC1
AUDI `02 A4
Street, Kingston, Finance Authority Forty Fort, PA Pompeii Exhibit 6/11 er. Only $995 takes
Pennsylvania will be meeting on 18704 1-800-432-8069
JUNK 18704. Friday, May 20th, at
11:30 a.m. in City
CAR & Doyouneedmorespace?
it away!. Call
386-334-7448 3.0, V6, AWD
automatic, tiptronic
150 Special Notices Wilkes-Barre
CAR & Stanley Strelish
Executive Director
Council Chambers,
4th Floor of City TRUCKS A yard or garage sale 560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
transmission. Fully
loaded, leather
Hall, 40 E Market ADOPT in classified interior. 92,000
TRUCKS Luzerne County
Transportation Street, Wilkes- We can give your WANTED is the best way
valleymotors.com miles. Good condi-

Authority Barre, PA 18711 to infant love and tion. Asking $9,500.
Highest Prices tocleanoutyourclosets! 570-714-9924
normal security, you can
help make us a You’re in bussiness Excellent condition, 3 door coupe. Only
Call (570) 417-3395

Highest Prices family. Expenses Paid!!! with classified! 200 hours. Priced 122,000 miles. 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/
paid. Please call to sell. $6,500 or Cd player, AC,
Paid!!! Northeast Mus- FREE YANKEES TRIP Public Notices Public Notices
IN CLASSIFIED! tangs All Star
Denise & Howard
1-877-676-1660. TO CINCINNATI
best offer. Call
Keith 570-971-4520
Moonroof, leather
interior, alloy rims,
FREE Looking for the right deal Cheerleaders REMOVAL June 20, 21 and 22 Like New tires. LEGAL NOTICE
on an automobile? DBA Fusion All (Monday, Tuesday,
REMOVAL Turn to classified. Stars a 501 (c) LINEUP Call V&G Wednesday) 409 Autos under Fresh detail and Full
Corporation will
ASUCCESSFULSALE Catch the Yankees $5000 ONLY $2,999
Call V&G It’s a showroom in print! NOT be dissolving. Anytime take on the Reds at For more pics or
Classified’s got INCLASSIFIED!
Anytime the directions!
Ann Osmanski
has chosen to
leave the North- Doyouneedmorespace?
The Great American
Ballpark in Cincin-
nati, Ohio
VOLKSWAGEN `01 information, call
(570) 301-7221 WHEREAS, Act 20 of 2003 has amend-
Legal Notice

east Mustangs
All Star Cheer-
A yard or garage sale
in classified
Trip Includes:
*Round trip bus
Satin Silver Metallic.
ed The Municipal Claims and Tax Lien Law,
53 P.S. P7101, etc., to provide for the reim-
bursement and collection of attorney fees
LOST DOG: White leaders DBA is the best way transportation
Bicha-Poo wearing
GIVEN that Letters
Testamentary have
Fusion All Stars. tocleanoutyourclosets! *Beer, soda & food
1.8L 4 cylinder
turbo. Cold weather
Looking for Work? to municipal authorities incurred in the
enforcement of municipal claims and liens
The organization
purple collar with
tags. Comes to
been granted to
will remain in tact You’re in bussiness on the bus
*Great box level
package & traction Tell Employers with for delinquent accounts for wastewater-
Karen Kulik, with classified! control. 101,700 disposal services and solid waste dispos-
“Molly”. Last seen
around Francis
Executrix, of 445
with the founders,
Sandra Dobrowols-
seats to two games
(Mon & Tues night)
miles. Great condi- a Classified Ad. al and recycling services; and
Lawn Avenue, Sell-
Slocum State Park ersville, PA 18960 in
ki, Aprille Covert
ADOPT: Adoring
Mom, Dad, Big SERVICE -
*Hotel accommoda-
tion. Asking $4,300
(570) 417-7678 570-829-7130 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Dal-
4/30. If found, and Crystal Savage. tions at the Millenni-
the Estate of Loretta Brother would like SERVICE - las Area Municipal Authority desires to
Please call A. Grochowski, um Hotel. Just three
570-639-0909 or
a/k/a Loretta Gro- Line up a place to live to share a lifetime
of hugs & kisses
SERVICE blocks from stadium 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices amend Resolution No. 1 of 2005 adopted
on May 12, 2005, which implemented Act
chowski, late of 1110
in classified! in our loving home and walking dis- 20 of 2003 amending The Municipal
Blue ‘05 Yamaha
Pine Run Road,
Hanover Township,
Luzerne County, PA
with a newborn.
Please Call
Lynda & Dennis PAYING $500
tance from Cincin-
nati Zoo and other
downtown attrac-
HOMEMADE CHICKEN Claims and Tax Lien Law, 53 P.S. P7101 by
the provision for the reimbursement and
collection of attorney fees incurred by Dal-
450 YFZ Quad.
18706, who died on ING BOARD 888-688-1422 MINIMUM tions las Area Municipal Authority in the
$1,000 reward for Price: $350
information leading April 27, 2011. All HEARING Expenses Paid DRIVEN IN enforcement of municipal claims and liens
person indebted to Paul Novakowski is Full size 4 wheel Call 570-287-9701 for delinquent accounts of Dallas Area
to the return. Taken

said Estate are requesting a vari- drive trucks for more info. The Dallas Junior Football & Cheerleading Municipal Authority’s relating to the per-
from garage on
requested to make ance for a side yard Association will sponsor a formance of its municipal services.
Tripp Street
Swoyersville early

Friday morning 5/13.

payment and those
having claims to
set back at 537
Monument Ave. The Loving, financially
for heavy equip- YANKEES VS METS
May 22, 1:05 pm
Homemade Chicken Croquette Dinner
(featuring Shorty’s famous recipe!) on NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY
present the same, applicant is applying stable married cou- ment, backhoes, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF DALLAS
ple promises your dump trucks, Section 212 $126 May 21, 2011 from 4-8pm
Job Seekers are without delay, to the for a 4’ variance to 1-800-432-8069 AREA MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY THAT:
looking here! said Executrix or to construct an addi- baby lifetime of bull dozers at the Idetown Fire Hall (Memorial Hwy 1/2
Where's your ad? the undersigned. tion 6’ from the unconditional love, HAPPY TRAILS mile past Greenbriar on the left). The din- 1. The sum of $150.00 shall be assessed
570-829-7130 and property line. The security, education, TRUCK SALES Looking for Work? ner will feature 3 large croquettes, mashed as an attorney’s fee for the entry of a
hearing is May 26 opportunities & stay 570-760-2035
ask for an employ-
Frank Bognet, Esq. at 7:00 PM in the at home Mom. 542-2277 Tell Employers with potatoes, gravy, mixed vegetables and municipal claim and lien for the enforce-
ment of the collection of delinquent
ment specialist corn bake. Dinner will be $10 and will be
21 North Locust Police Station in the Expenses paid. 6am to 8pm a Classified Ad. accounts for wastewater disposal servic-
Vicki & Phil eat-in or take-out. Email
135 Legals/
Hazleton, PA 18201
Midway Shopping
Center 1-800-891-0336. 570-829-7130 Kelly at [email protected]
es and solid waste disposal and recycling
services, and the same shall be assessed
Public Notices or call 675-6959 for reservations. for each such delinquent account entered
150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices of record, in addition to all penalties, inter-

est, costs, charges and expenses.
LEGAL NOTICE 2. The sum of $200.00 shall be assessed
as an attorney’s fee for the satisfaction of

DEADLINES each municipal claim and lien entered of

record for the enforcement of the collec-
tion of delinquent accounts for waste-
Saturday water disposal services and solid waste
12:30 on Friday disposal and recycling services, and the
same shall be collected as a condition for
Sunday the record satisfaction of each such lien

Area Businesses To Help Make

4:00 pm on entered of record for each such delin-
Friday quent account, in addition to all penalties,
interest, costs, charges, expenses and

Your Event a Huge Success!

attorney’s fees.
4:30 pm on
Friday 3. The sum of $175.00 per hour shall be
assessed and collected for each municipal
Tuesday claim and lien for the collection of all delin-
4:00 pm on quent accounts for wastewater disposal
Monday services and solid waste disposal and

4:00 pm on
PARTIES FAVORS TENT RENTAL MUSIC recycling services, which are collected by
Dallas Area Municipal Authority by the
issuance of a Writ of scire facias sur

Municipal Claim and all legal services

Thursday Bear Creek Visit G&B Tent Rentals related thereto, including, but not limited
to, all necessary legal services regarding
4:00 pm on
the issuance of a Writ of Execution upon
the premises of the customer owing a

4:00 pm on
Private Party CANDIES FROM 40 X 160 WEDDING Weddings, Christmas
Parties & More!
delinquent account(s) and the sale of such
premises by the Sheriff of Luzerne County,
all in accordance with the provisions of
to customize your TENTS TO 20 X 20 BACKYARD
Room Available BARBEQUE TENTS. Sherri L. Trometter
The Municipal Claims and Tax Lien Act, 53
P.S. P101 et seq.
Holidays party favors!
call for deadlines

You may email

570-472-9045 570-823-8272 570-378-2566 [email protected]
4. Notice of the imposition of such attor-
neys’ fees shall be given by Dallas Area
Municipal Authority in all communications
your notices to of whatever nature to those persons or

To Advertise
entities liable for the payment of each
mpeznowski@ delinquent account for wastewater dis-
timesleader.com posal services and solid waste disposal
and recycling services in which there is

Call Tara
or fax to
570-831-7312 Moon Walk Guy A.C.E. DJ SERVICE WEDDING
demanded payment of each such delin-
quent account.
Bounce house, snowcone, 36 years of Weddings,
or mail to
cotton candy & popcorn Birthdays, Teen Parties, DANCE 5. Notice of the adoption of the Resolu-

The Times Leader tion shall be given in two (2) newspapers
15 N. Main Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA
machines, dunk tank & more!
Great for Birthday Parties,
Bar Mitzvahs, etc.
LESSONS! of general circulation for two (2) consecu-
tive weeks.
Visit Our Website...

Corporate Events & Day Cares www.gwelsh.com THIS RESOLUTION is adopted this 12th
For additional ScrantonDanceLessons.com day of May, 2011, and it shall become
information or 570-868-0386 or call effective within thirty (30) days of the date
questions regard-
ing legal notices
www.moonwalkguy.com 570-788-1259 570-343-9050 of the last publication of notice of its adop-
you may call
at 570-970-7371 Secretary
or 570-829-7130 (SEAL)
PAGE 2D TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 415 Autos-Antique 415 Autos-Antique
& Classic & Classic
1009 Penn Ave
Turbo, Navy Blue
with grey leather
AWD, 6 cylinder, Sil-
ver, 52,600 miles,

GLS, automatic.
Only 2,400 miles.
Convertible. Low
mileage. Hard top Auto, one owner,
Local trade
All wheel drive,
46,000 miles, bur-
FORD `66
Mustang Coupe.
`74 450 SE
Scranton 18509 sunroof, heated included. Leather gundy with tan Pearl white, pony
interior, fully seats, Bose sound $19,880 interior. Excellent $11,435
Across from Scranton Prep
loaded automatic. leather, complete interior. Pristine
GOOD CREDIT, BAD system, 6 CD condition, fully dealer service histo- condition. 26K SOLID CAR!
93,000 miles. All changer, satellite loaded. $10,000
CREDIT, NO CREDIT records. Excellent ry, 1 owner, detailed, miles. $17,000 or Interior perfect,
Call Our Auto Credit radio, Onstar, park- Call 619-884-2266 garage kept, estate. best offer. exterior very good.
Hot Line to get condition. 4 new ing assist, remote or 570-696-1271
tires & new $9,100. (570) 817-6768 Runs great! New
Pre-approved for a keyless entry, elec- 570-840-3981
Car Loan! brakes. Asking tires, 68K original
800-825-1609 $8,000 or best
tronic keyless igni-
560 Pierce St. Rare, Exclusive 560 Pierce St. LINCOLN `66 miles.
tion, & more! $5,500 FIRM.
www.acmecarsales.net offer. Call for info $17,600 Kingston, PA Opportunity To Kingston, PA
CXL, Silver/grey
417-2010 Days
779-4325 Nights
56K Original Miles.
Radiant Red. Mint
valleymotors.com Own... www.wyoming
Leather Interior,
Alloys, Moon Roof
CONTINENTAL 570-905-7389
Ask for Lee
condition, new 4 door,
leather, sunroof
BEN’S AUTO SALES CADILLAC `04 paint, automatic, 570-714-9924 570-714-9924 $12,990 Convertible, 460 Say it HERE
07 DODGE CALIBER new battery, tune
cu. engine, 67,000 in the Classifieds!

SXT,blue, 4 cyl auto up, brakes, top. miles, 1 owner 570-829-7130
RT 309 W-B Twp.
07 CHYSLER 300C Needs convertible since `69. Teal
Near Wegman’s
Hemi, AWD, Slate
grey, grey int
570-822-7359 Beige. Fully loaded
Excellent condition.
top motor.
green / white
leather, restorable, MERCEDES-BENZ `88
06 VW JETTA 09 Impala LS $11,995 Runs great. New 4WD, 6 cylinder 100 point Only 16,000 miles! $2,500 570-287-
blue, auto, leather 08Taurus SEL $12,995 rotors, new brakes.
(347) 452-3650
auto. Moonroof. Concours quality Garage kept, 2.4 560 Pierce St. 5775 / 332-1048 420 SEL
Silver, 4dr, auto
09JEEP PATRIOT $12,995
08 DODGE RAM $12,995
Just serviced.
108,000 miles. Ask- DODGE `01 STRATUS Fully powered. New
brakes & tires.
94,000 highway
restoration. Red
with black fend-
liter, manual 5
speed transmission,
Kingston, PA
Silver with red
leather interior.

04 BLAZER 4X4 $7,995 ing $8,000. (570) ers. Never Driven. black, a/c, cd play- valleymotors.com Every option.
709-8492 miles. $11,500 0 miles on er, leather interior. 570-714-9924 Garage kept, show-
3.0, hunter green, 04FREESTAR 60K $6,995 (570) 822-6334
4 door, automatic restoration. Real Nice. Fun Ride. room condition.
tan leather (AWD) Full Notary Service
Power windows, RARE! Asking $16,500 61,000 original $7,000.
03 HYUNDAI ACCENT Tags & Title Transfers $40,000 (570) 301-3433 415 Autos-Antique
White, 4 door, 4cyl. seats & locks . V6,
KELLY AUTO SALES miles, garage kept, (570) 417-9200

BMW `02 330 Asking $2,900. Call & Classic triple black, leather
66,000 miles
(570) 819-3140 or 875 W. Market St. $36,500 PONTIAC ‘69 FIREBIRD 400 interior, carriage
gry, auto, 4cyl,55k
83K miles. Beautiful
Silver birch with
grey leather interior,
(570) 709-5677 Kingston, PA.
roof, factory wire
wheels, loaded,
CRUISER GT, slvr,blk
lthr, auto, sunroof
condition. Newly
re-done interior
3rd row seating,
rear A/C & heat,
4WD automatic with
FORD `07 2002 BMW 745i
The Flagship of
Blue/white top &
white interior. COUPE DEVILLE
excellent condition.
$5,500. Call
Mike 570-237-7660
4 dr, slvr, auto, 4cyl
leather & carpeting.
$13,500. traction control, 5.3l
engine, moonroof,
Premium package,
the Fleet
New - $87,000
Recent document-
ed frame-off
Excellent condition,
$3,000 located in Boat? Car? Truck?
This model only
01 AUDI S8 QUATRO 570-313-3337 restoration. Over Hazleton.
rear DVD player. silver, black leather Midnight Emerald $31,000 invested. Motorcycle? Air- produced in 1967
Burg./tan lthr., 570-454-1945 or
BMW `03 530 I Bose stereo + many interior, 5 speed with beige leather will sell $21,500. plane? Whatever it & 1968. All
Nav., 360 HP, AWD 561-573-4114
01 AUDI A8 L
more options. Imm- manual. 20,000 CARS interior. 61K miles. 570-335-3127 is, sell it with a original 45,000
Mint condition. Classified ad. miles, Color


Beige with tan aculate condition. miles. $18,900
cashmere beige, leather interior. 76,000 adult driven ‘09 Yaris, 26K Loaded. Garage Burgundy, cloth
tan lthr., nav., AWD
(570) 868-3832 570-829-7130
Heated seats, sun- miles. $15,600. Call ‘08 Malibu LT Kept. Navigation clone. 350 & vinyl interior,
silver/blk leather,
sunroof, 56K
roof, 30 MPG high-
way. Garage kept.
(570) 378-2886 &
ask for Joanne FORD `98 TAURUS
Gold. Good condi-
‘06 Civic EX, 62K
4x4’s/ Trucks
Must Sell!
Great convertible,
engine, 290 Horse-
power. 10 bolt posi- MAZDA `88 RX-7
350 rocket
engine, 2nd
Excellent condition rear. PowerGlide owner. Fender
86,000 miles.
Asking $11,500. CHEVROLET `63 tion Runs great.
87,000 miles, R- ‘07 FJ Cruiser
$18,600 black top, 6 speed
manual transmis-
transmission. Power
disc brake kit. Over
1 owner, garage
kept, 65k original
skirts, always
garaged. Trophy
leather, auto, 4cyl.
(570) 788-4007
IMPALA title, Recently
‘06 F-150 XCab, 4x4
`04 F-150 Xcab, 4x2 1993 CADILLAC
sion, carbon fiber
dash, leather interi-
$20,000 invested,
sacrifice at $8,500.
miles, black with
grey leather interior,
winner at shows.
Serious inquiries
BMW `04 325i
S-430 slvr/blck 2 door hardtop. Par- $2,700. Call or, front & rear (Wilkes-Barre) all original & never only, $7,500.
`03 Windstar LX
lthr., 64,000 miles
tial restoration. All
original parts. Ask-
(570) 814-6198 `03 Tacoma ALANTE
2 Door
trunk, fast & agile.
$18,000 or best
Call 732-397-8030 seen snow. $8,900.
Call 570-237-5119
AWD (Burgundy/tan
ing $4,000 or best
FORD ‘02 All vehicles
serviced & Convertible
offer. Call

offer (570) 885-1119 570-262-2478
leather, sunroof) warrantied Exquisite Candy
soft top. 13,000 SUBARU `05 LEGACY CHEVROLET `72
2 dr, auto, silver Low mileage,
original miles. All
73 VW BEETLE CONV. One owner
olympic blu, blck $6,995 Maroon with beige available options,
top, 4 speed including gold Air, new tires & Two door hard top.
4x3 manual, 3 over- interior. All options.
alloy wheels. brakes, 31,000 307 Motor. Needs
SUVS, VANS, drive, 350 engine 78,000 miles. Still

5 Speed. Like New!! Garage Kept. 1 miles, great work. Comes with
TRUCKS, 4 X4’s with aluminum under warranty.
New Tires, tinted owner. Final condition. $11,995. additional 400 small
08 CADILLAC ESCALADE heads. LT-1 exhaust Received 60,000
windows, sun roof, Model Year. 570-836-1673 block & many parts.
Blk/Blk leather, 3rd system. White with mile servicing. New
black leather Gorgeous $3,500. Serious
seat, Navgtn, 4x4 red pearls. Custom tires. KBB Value
garnet red, V6, 4x4
interior. Only
57,000 Miles!!!
flames in flake. New
tires & hubs. 1
560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
$8,500. Asking only
$7,900. A Must See!
$31,000 SUBARU `94 inquires only.
(570) 836-2574
owner. 61,000 origi-
nal miles. $8,500
(570) 457-0553 $29,900
$27,900 IMPREZA L Selling your
For more info, Sudan, Automatic,
(570) 359-3296
4dr, entrtnmt cntr,
7 pass mini van call (570) 762-3714 Ask for Les
LANCE From an Exotic, Air, Stero, Runs &
Looks Excellent.
Place an ad and
find a new owner.
BMW `07 328xi CHEVROLET ‘06 FORD ‘02 MUSTANG MOTORS Private Collection 25 mpg 570-829-7130
Slvr, 3rd seat, 4x4
07 DODGE RAM 1500 565 E. Main St. Call 570-650-0278 $1,275
Black with black (570)299-0772
SLT, Quad cab, slvr,
interior. Heated CORVETTE Plymouth, PA
468 Auto Parts 472 Auto Services
5.7 hemi, auto, 4x4
SLT, silver, auto.,
seats. Back up &
navigation sys- CONVERTIBLE
Red with black top.
6,500 miles. One
04 Nissan X-Terra
Two door hard top. $ WANTED JUNK $
Owner. Excellent 5 door hatchback,
V6, 4x4 tems. New tires & Silver beauty, 1 02 Plymouth 307 Motor. Needs
brakes. Sunroof. Condition. $18,500 Grand Voyager All wheel drive
06 JEEP LIBERTY Owner, Museum work. Comes with
Garage kept. Many 570-760-5833 $3995 $12,874
SPORT white, V6, quality. 4,900 Loaded, automatic, additional 400 small
4x4 extras! 46,000 miles, 6 speed. All 02 Chevy 4x4 AC, heated leather block & many parts. LISPI TOWING
green, auto, V6,
Asking $19,500.
possible options
including Naviga-
FORD ‘05 EXPLORER 01 Pontiac
$5995 seats, 4 door.
$3,500. Serious
inquires only.
We pick up 822-0995
4x4 570-825-8888 or tion, Power top.
SPORT TRAC XLT Grand Am $3895 Call 570-388-6535 (570) 836-2574
05 GMC SIERRA 626-297-0155 New, paid $62,000 00 Ford F-150 4x2
1/2 Ton, 4WD,
X-Cab, blk, auto,
4x4 truck
Call Anytime! Must sell $45,900
570-299-9370 automatic, V6
00 Saturn Sedan 560 Pierce St. CHEVROLET `76 All Junk
BMW `93 325 IC
$15,992 $3195
Kingston, PA
Convertible, CHEVY `06 COLORADO 99 Jeep Grand
Cherokee $5495 4Matic, V6 - Gray,
valleymotors.com Very Good
Cars &
Silver, black leather,
3rd seat, AWD Metallic Green
Exterior & Tan
Extended cab. Auto.
Power steering, a/c.
99 Jeep Cherokee
Red $3895
77K highway miles,
Excellent condition,
570-714-9924 Condition!
Low miles!
Trucks GINO’S
Silver, 4 door, 4x4 Interior, 5 Speed 40k miles. 2 wheel 99 Chrysler dealer serviced. Sun $7500. FIRM Wanted Like New
05 FORD EXPLORER Transmission,
Heated Seats. 2nd
$12,600, negotiable. 560 Pierce St.
Sebring LX, 78K
roof, heated seats.
$15,500. Call
SUZUKI ‘10 SX4 570-905-7389
Ask for Lee Highest
XLT, white 4 door
Owner, 66k Miles. 570-678-5040 Kingston, PA 99 Chevy 570-288-3916
5 door hatchback, Tires
4x4 Prices
Excellent Condition, www.wyoming Only 8,600 miles
04CHEVY SUBURBAN Suburban, 4x4
LS, pewter silver, Garage Kept,
Excellent Gas
CHRYSLER ‘06 valleymotors.com
570-714-9924 95 Plymouth
Paid In $15 & UP!
3rd seat, 4x4
04 FORD F-150 Mileage. Carfax
available. Price 300C HEMI Acclaim $2495
CA$H Like New
Heritage, X-cab,
blk, auto, 4x4 reduced $7,995 Light green, 18,000
miles, loaded,
HONDA `06 CIVIC EX 93 Jeep Wrangler
All Corvette options,
all original, new
FREE Batteries
or trade for SUV or 2 door, 5 speed, air, See Pictures On
other. Beautiful / leather, wood trim, power windows & Our Website
Good Year tires, PICKUP
ER, seafoam
grn/tan lthr., 4x4 Fun Car. $24,000.
locks, sun roof, CD, lancemotors.com Silver with leather
560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
new mufflers, just
tuned. 46,000 miles. 570-574-1275
$20 & UP!
04 NISSAN XTERRA SE 570-388-6669 cruise & alloys. interior. Good condi-
leave message www.wyoming $6,500 or best Carry Out Price
blue, auto, 4x4
Excellent condition,
very well main- DODGE ‘00 STRATUS tion. 34,000 miles.
$15,000 Negotiable valleymotors.com offer 570-262-2845

CHRYSLER `02 570-301-3602

04 GMC ENVOY XUV or 570-239-6969
slvr., 4 dr., V6, 4x4 tained with service 4 dr., 4 cyl., auto (570) 885-5956 570-714-9924 288-8995
3.8 V6, 20 city/29
04 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER records, remaining sunroof, 110K
LS, white, V6, 4x4
highway. 42,000
miles. Last year PT CRUISER Honda warranty. $1,950.
04 JEEP GRAND full size model.
65K, $10,500.
Cars & Full Size
SL 500
Inferno Red, flame 570-706-0921
gold, 4 dr., V6, 4x4
Excellent condition design. Chrome 4 dr., 4 cyl., auto YOUR CAR Trucks. For prices...
Lamoreaux Auto
in & out. Roadster wheels. 47,000 98K, $1,850 Automatic, Air, 396 automatic, 400
03 FORD WINDSTAR cloth roof. Gold with Convertible, with transmission, clean BEST PRICES Parts 477-2562
Cruise, Till, Power
LX, green, 4 door,
entertainment sys.
tan interior. $8,400
(570) 822-8001
miles, one owner.
Looks and runs EX. 34k miles.
excellent condition,
2 dr., 6 cyl., auto
removable hard
top, dark Blue, windows & door
locks, AM/FM
interior, runs good,
71K, garage kept,
CA$H ON THE $POT, Looking for Work?
7 pass. minivan great. New inspec- camel interior,
sunroof, alloys, a/c, 4x4, $1,850 stereo & CD. Runs custom paint, Fire Free Anytime Tell Employers with
02 DODGE RAM 1500 tion. $5,800 Summer Driving
cd, 1 owner, garage & looks excellent! Hawk tires, Krager a Classified Ad.
reg cab, red, auto,
75K, 4x4 4 door. All leather.
Call (570) 472-1854
kept. $13,000. Call CHEVY ‘95 LUMINA Only, Garage Kept.
Very Good $9,000. wheels, well
570-301-3602 570-829-7130
CHRYSLER `05 570-760-0612 4 dr., 6 cyl., auto (570) 654-3135 maintained.
03 CHEVY 1500, V8, 114,000 miles. Great Condition, No $23,900
108K, $1,650 Accidents. Classy (570) 760-5519
X-cab, white, 4x4 shape. $2,600. Call Negotiable
02 DODGE RAM 1500 570-819-3140 or Current Inspection Car. Price
Quad Cab, SLT, 570-709-5677 Sport SI. Red, with
on all vehicles
Reduced! TOYOTA `10 570-693-2742

Red auto 4x4 truck Low mileage, blue, black interior, $13,995 Camry SE. 56,000
2 door, automatic. 570-825-8253 or trade for
02 MERCURY MOUNT- 75,000 miles. 6 miles. Red, alloy
AINEER PREMIUM, Excellent condition SUV or other. 350 V8. Original 468 Auto Parts 468 Auto Parts
LEXUS `98 LS 400
speed, spoiler and wheels, black cloth
white, tan leather, One Owner. $8,000 body kit. Tinted win- 570-388-6669 interior. Will consid- owner. Automatic
3rd seat, 4x4 Leather, CD, (570) 740-7446 dows, transmission. Rare -
Excellent condition, er trade. $14,200
02 MAZDA TRIBUTE Alloy Wheels Reduced $11,900 tuxedo silver / black
CHRYSLER `07 300
garage kept, 1 (570) 793-9157


White, auto, 4x4 $15,580 (570) 714-0384 owner. Must see. vinyl top with black
01 DODGE RAM 1500
regular cab, 4x4,
with cap
55,600 miles, auto-
matic, 4 door, anti- HONDAS!
Low mileage, 90K.
Leather interior. All `97 SL320 TOYOTA `93 MR2
T-top, 5 speed.
naugahyde interior.
Never damaged.
$6,000. Call
power. GPS naviga-
$300 and Up
00 FORD EXPEDITION lock brakes, air con- ‘10 Accord LX. 570-489-6937
ditioning, air bags, tion, moon roof, cd AM/FM/CD, AC,
XLT, gold, 3rd seat 7K miles. Black / tan
all power, AM/FM cloth. $19,900 changer. Loaded. power antenna.
$125 extra if driven,
4x4 $9,000 or best
98 FORD F-150, 560 Pierce St. radio, CD player, ‘09 Accord EX. New tires. No rust.
new new brakes. offer. 570-706-6156
regular cab pick up Kingston, PA V6 14K, Pearl White. Great condition.
green, auto 4x4
‘08 Accord LX
(570) 708-0269 Silver / gray, 4 door pulled or pushed in.
NOBODY Pays More
Flairside, reg cap PREMIUM: 20K, Sil- sedan. 6 cylinder
570-714-9924 1 owner. Low miles. after 6:00PM
truck, 5 spd, 4x4 ver. $17,495 V6, All leather. Ask- Blue, convertible, flathead, fluid drive.
‘08 Civic LX Coupe
Warranty $14,895
ing $5,800. Call
(570) 819-3140
40th Anniversary
Model. 47,000 TOYOTA ‘09 45,000 original
miles. Just like new!
REDUCED $15,000
63,000 highway
miles, silver, runs Low mileage, fully
loaded, $10,999.
‘01 Civic LX
57K. Silver. 5 Speed
(570) 709-5677 miles. Minor
repairs. $7,500 SCION TC Call Jim:
Monday thru Saturday 6 am-9 pm
Sunday 8 am - 68 pm
great, $11,500. Automatic,
or best offer.
negotiable. negotiable. Warranty. $8,450 Call 973-271-1030 moon roof,
570-479-2482 570-283-1691 MAFFEI AUTO
low miles.
MERCURY `95 $17,945
WANTED Harry’s U Pull It
Fully loaded.
46,000 miles,
Triple coated GRAND MARQUIS 1953-1972
VITO’S Pearlized White.
4 door, V8, fully
loaded, moon roof,
Any Condition!
Courteous, Fast AS ALWAYS ****HIGHEST PRICES*****
& condition. new tires & brakes.
Interior & exterior in 560 Pierce St.
Professional Buyer.
Don’t Keep Your Practice a Secret!
$18,900. corvettebuyer.com
GINO’S excellent shape. 2 Kingston, PA
570-814-4926 or
(570) 654-2596 owners. Call
(570) 822-6334 or
(570) 970-9351 570-714-9924 FORD `52 DRIVE IN PRICES
Call Junk
Cars &
A GREAT DEAL... MINI COOPER `08 VOLKSWAGEN `01 GTI COUNTRY SEDAN Call for Details (570) 459-9901

Clubman. Black &
IN CLASSIFIED! White. Sunroof. 30K
Vehicles must be COMPLETE !!
Trucks miles. Leather inte- V8, automatic, Plus Enter to Win $500.00 Cash!!
To Place Your Ad
rior, fully loaded. 6 8 passenger,
Highest WANTED! speed. Excellent 3rd seat, good DRAWING TO BE HELD MAY 31
condition. 40 MPG. condition, 2nd
310 Attorney 310 Attorney 310 Attorney Paid!! ALL $19,950. Or best
offer. Call
owner. $9,500.

Services Services Services FREE PICKUP

JUNK MINI COOPER S `06 Great running
condition. Red with
457 Wanted to Buy
457 Wanted to Buy
457 Wanted to Buy
Divorce, Custody, Attorney 288-8995
Support, PFA
FREE Consultation.
Keith Hunter
Pure silver metallic.
Roof & mirror caps
cloth interior, power
door locks, power

Atty. Josianne windows, power
Estates, DUI
HYUNDAI `04 in black. Tartan red
cloth / panther black moon roof,
We Buy Scrap Metal
5 speed, just
leather interior.
$$$$ ALL KINDS $$$$
570-208-1118 (570) 718-1118
570-255-5503 Black bonnet serviced, 117k.
Free Bankruptcy Blue, 5 speed stripes. Automatic. Asking $5,300
Consultation manual, CD, Air, Steptronic paddles. 570-885-2162
Payment plans. Dual moon roofs,
Carol Baltimore
570-822-1959 BANKRUPTCY
power windows &
locks. 38K.
Cockpit chrono
Low Fees $7,500 negotiable. ience, cold weather ENGINES - TRANSMISSIONS -EXHAUST SYSTEM PARTS
Free Consult Call 570-540-6236
Payment Plan!
MAZDA `04 RX-8
(heated seats) &
Colleen Metroka FREE CONSULTATION Payment Plans premium packages. CONVERTIBLE
570-592-4796 for all legal matters
Attorney Ron Wilson
(570) 970-9977
Wilkes-Barre INFINITI `05 G35
Sports Coupe. Black
Hunter Green,
80,000 miles.
Blue. AM/FM cas-
sette. Air. Automat-
Small quantities to 1,000’s of tons accepted
DIVORCE No Fault 570-822-2345 (570) 223-2536 New brakes & headlights, front ic. Power roof, win- HIGHEST PRICES PAID
with slate leather. dows, locks &
$295 divorce295.com Stroudsburg rotors. New and rear fog lights.
SOCIAL SECURITY Original owner. 69K
Parking distance doors. Boot cover FAST SETTLEMENTS
Atty. Kurlancheek DISABILITY miles. Fully alignment. Two
800-324-9748 W-B new rear tires. control. Harmon- for top. 22k. Excel- CALL DMS SHREDDING, INC
Free Consultation. GET THE WORD OUT equipped with navi-
GET THE WORD OUT Contact Atty. Sherry with a Classified Ad. gation, sunroof, etc. No accidents. Kardon sound sys-
tem. Chrome line
Garage kept.
condition. 570-346-7673
with a Classified Ad.
570-823-9006 570-829-7130
Always maintained
by Infiniti dealer. $8,000 or best interior. Mint condi- Reduced 570-819-3339
offer. For more tion. 17,000 miles. $14,000 Your Scrap Metal is worth $$$
Very nice. $15,750. 570-822-1976
information, call Must Drive!
After 4pm (570) 332-4213 $21,500 Leave Message Call Today!
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 3D

412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 415 Autos-Antique 415 Autos-Antique 421 Boats & 439 Motorcycles 439 Motorcycles 442 RVs & Campers 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/
& Classic & Classic Marinas SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans
12’, electric motor, DAVIDSON 35 ft. Well kept. On
campground on the
LT (premium pack-

400 engine. 2
battery, anchors &
trailer. $700 nego-
Electra Glide, Ultra
Classic, many
250 cc, blue, like
new, under 1,000
miles. Great starter
Susquehanna River
near great fishing.
age), 3.4L, 47,000
miles. All wheel
drive, power moon-
barrel carburetor. tiable. Call chrome acces-
Vehicle. Family bike. $2,800 Seri- Attached 12X22” roof, windows, locks
Yellow with black 570-430-9077 sories, 13k miles,
owned, garage ous inquiries only. carpeted room. & seats. Leather
roof and white wall kept, good shape. Metallic Emerald Brick heater,
Call 570-331-4777 interior, 6 cd chang-
tires. Black interior. Needs some 427 Commercial Green. Garage covered by metal er, rear folding
$4,995. Call kept, like new roof with large
(570) 696-3513
interior work, new Trucks & condition. Includes breezeway. Shed &
seats, keyless entry,
seats, needs onstar, roof rack, REDUCED!!!
carburetor work. Equipment Harley cover. 600CC, many extras includ-
LINEUP Only 58,000 miles. $12,900 Muzzy Exhaust. ed. Call for more
garage kept.
boards, ASKING $9,999
serious inquiries CHEVY ‘08 3500 570-718-6769
Great condition.
Asking $3,100
(570) 237-7076
only! Call
570-343-2296 HD DUMP TRUCK
2WD, automatic.
HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘05 570-301-7221
theadvertisinguy SUNLINE `06 SOLARIS CHEVY `94 GLADIATOR
WINTER! Don’t pay
dealer prices! White

SCREAMING EAGLE Travel Trailer. 29’, with grey interior.

A yard or garage sale Line up a place to live Only 12,000 miles. @gmail.com
mint condition, 1
Custom Van. 67K Looks and runs like
in classified Vehicle in like miles. Interior has
it just came off the
in classified! slide out a/c-heat.

B a d Cre d it
new condition. oak wood trim, car-
is the best way Stove, microwave, peting, storage
lot. Four Door, 4
You’re in bussiness
Used as a show
250 automatic. Gun
metal gray. MP3
fridge, shower
inside & out. Many
areas, TV, rear seat
wheel drive, 84,900
miles, new tires,

N o Cre d it
bike. Never abused. player. $3,000. convertible to dou- tow package, anti
more extras.
with classified!
DUMP TRAILER ‘05 480 miles. Excellent
condition. Asking
Great first motorcy-
cle. 570-696-1156
Reduced. $13,500.
ble bed, curtains.
Seats 7. Power win-
lock brakes, driver
and passenger
Call 570-842-6735

N e e d a Ca r?
Formula 400 10 yards, 4 ton limit, dows & seats. Cus-
Berkshire Green, $20,000 or best airbags, power
very good condi- tom lighting on ceil-
Fully restored near
original. New paint,
Originally purchased
at Bradley-Lawless
tion. Asking $3,900
Also, E-350. Cheap
offer. Call
570-876-4034 TRAVEL TRAILER 33 ft ing. New exhaust
system. New rear
windows, power
mirrors, power
Rear queen master locks, rear window
new interior, new in Scranton. Car For more info, call tires. Recently
bedroom, Walk

Ca ll M a rc u m M otors wiring, custom tint- was last seen in defroster and

973-906-8404 thru bathroom. inspected. Excellent wiper, privacy tint,
ed glass, new motor Abington-Scranton Center kitchen + condition. $4,200 or
air conditioner,
& transmission. area. Finder’s fee
FORD ‘99 E350 ` 06 SOFTTAIL
570 -693-30 76
dinette bed. Front best offer. Call cruise control. CD,
Spare motor & paid if car is found extra large living 570-655-0530
trans. 16” wide and purchased. Call keyless entry and

w w w .m a rc u m m otors .c om
white walls car in
excellent condition
John with any info
(570) 760-3440
room + sofa bed.
Big View windows.
Air, awning, sleeps CHEVY `97 S-10
much more.
Windshield, Bags, 570-332-4999
All Ve hic le s Com e w ith in storage for 2
years. $14,000 or
boom; 92,000miles; Dark gray metallic,
new rr tire & Floorboards,V&H 6, very clean, will
2YR - 24,0 0 0 M ile W a rra n ty best offer. Serious
inquiries ONLY.
421 Boats &
$9999 or best price.
Great condition. Call
570-675-3384 or
brakes, many
extras. $10,900
Pipes, White
walls,Garage Kept.
deliver. Located in
Benton, Pa. $4,900.
6K Miles $5,200
RAM 1500
Call 570-574-1923
W E M AK E IT EAS Y! 570574-7002 (570) 592-4982
(570) 430-0357
412 Autos for Sale
CUSTOM 430 Heavy
100th Anniversary SUZUKI ‘77
451 Trucks/
Too many extras to
list. Low Mileage.

Edition Deuce. Great Condition!

Garage kept. 1 GS 750 2008 TOYOTA 132k black, auto,

owner. 1900 miles. Needs work. 4X4, v6, new oil,
boat with
Brand new 2010
tandem axle, 4
Tons of chrome.
$38,000 invested. A
must see. Asking
or best offer MATRIX new brakes and
new service, runs DODGE `10
wheel electric 570-822-2508 1 Owner 100% very cheap
trailer. Out- brakes, 20’ long $18,000. OBO $13880 pick up truck.
board propul-
sion. Includes:
total, 7 x 16 oak
deck, fold up ramps SUZUKI 97& GSXRWhite,
600 $3,999
Call Mark
Only 17k miles.
Fully loaded.
2 motors
with knees, remov-
HARLEY DAVIDSON Blue 570-704-8685 Excellent condi-

able fenders for smoked wind tion. Factory &
“Lark II series”
oversized loads,
powder coat paint 01’ SPORTSTER screen. Great bike,
runs great. Helmet CHEVY ‘07 extended war-
ranty. $17,995
for rust protection,
2 5/16 hitch
& kevlar
560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA TRAILBLAZER LT (570) 690-2806
coupler, tongue $2995. Call for info www.wyoming On-Star, Leather.
jack, side pockets,
brake away switch,
(570) 881-5011 valleymotors.com
Satellite Radio.
$14,990 DODGE `94 DAKOTA
with cap. 1 owner,
battery, 7 pole
RV plugs, title & TRIUMPH ‘02 SPEED garage kept, very
good condition.
UP TO 36 MONTHS OF FREE GAS more!! Priced for
STARCRAFT ‘80 quick sale. $2,995 Many extras includ-
386-334-7448 7,000 miles. Very ing lift & back seat.
883 cubic
motor, Paco rigid
inch fast. Needs nothing.
Blue, never RENDEZVOUSFully
CX 560 Pierce St.
29 MPG gas.
or best offer
See sales ‘90 Evinrude out- To place your frame, extended & dropped. Excellent
condition. $4,200
AWD, Kingston, PA
(570) 868-0944
raked. Low miles. loaded, 1 owner,
representative board 70hp with tilt ad call...829-7130 $6,000 or best Negotiable. 18,000 miles. 6

for details
& trim— ‘92 EZ
loader trailer. With 439 Motorcycles
offer.(973) 271-1030 (570) 970-0564 cylinder. New
inspection, tires
570-714-9924 DODGE `97 RAM
‘00 Tracker Series
60lbs foot pedal, 2 HARLEY DAVIDSON YAMAHA `04 V-STAR & brakes. Like 1500 LARAMIE MARK 3
downriggers, stor-
ages, gallon tanks,
HARLEY DAVIDSON `01 ‘03 DYNA WIDE GLIDE 1100 Custom. 5800
new, inside & out.
$16,900. Call
Let the Community
Know! 82,000 miles, auto-
matic, chrome step
Road King 19,000 miles, light bar, Place your Classified
2 fish finders and Golden Anniversary. (570) 540-0975 up and mirrors &
miles, new tires, lots cobra exhaust, Ad TODAY!
more. MUST SEE. of extra chrome. Silver/Black. New windshield, many leather interior.
415 Kidder Street Make Best Offer. Like New. $12,900. Tires. Extras. Excel- extras, must sell.
570-829-7130 Good Condition.

Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 lent Condition. Drums Area.
Call 866-320-6368 Call 570-639-1989 $4,900. Call
after 5pm. 19,000 miles $4,500
570.822.8870 or 570-760-1023
[email protected] Silver. Only 83K
570-639-2539 miles. All wheel
www.wyomingvalleyautomart.com 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale drive, 4.0L V6. All DODGE `99 CARAVAN
HARLEY DAVIDSON 750cc. 8,000 miles,
saddlebags, wind-
Power. A/C. Loaded.
Must Sell. $11,995 or
SE. 2 sliding doors.
Very clean. Runs
shield, back rest,
‘10 SPORTSTER 1200 Black & Pearl,
Excellent Condition.
Loaded. Low
miles. Excellent
best offer. Call
great. 107k miles.
$2,500. Call
A MUST SEE! condition. 570-709-5677 or
Custom Paint.
Only driven under
10 miles!! Asking
Must See. Asking
$2,499. Call after 4.
570-674-3901 DODGE `00 RAM 570-819-3140

$8,900 or best
offer. For info,
call 570-864-2543 YAMAHA ‘07 650 V-STAR
Matted black finish.
CHEVROLET `05 4X4, V8 automatic.
New tires & brakes.
SUV, V6, 4x4, auto-
matic, 85,000 miles
or 215-379-1375
Mint condition. New
tires, inspected,
Extended cab,
Fully loaded. Lea-
ther interior. Many
Black Beauty.
Garage kept.
fully serviced & extras. Must see. Must sell.
automatic. Black $8,700
ready to ride. Wind- Excellent condition.
with grey leather (570) 883-2754
(570) 970-9351
A Benson Family Dealership
shield & sissy bar. interior. Heated
Low miles & garage seats. 59,000
kept. $4800. or best 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale
miles. New Michelin

offer. 570-762-5158 tires. $16,500

2001 SPORTSTER YAMAHA ‘1975 80

(570) 477-3297
1,200 CC, Black,
Low Miles, New
Antique. Very good
condition. Must see.
Jimmy 4x4
‘02 Hyundai
Elantra GLS 4Dr
Tires and Brakes, Low milage. Road
Lots of Chrome and title. Asking $1,260
Extras. Well main- Call (570) 825-5810 Black/Grey. 18,000
NEW 2011 GMC SIERRA NEW 2011 GMC SIERRA NEW 2011 GMC SIERRA NEW 2011 GMC SIERRA 2500 tained. 2 Harley
Helmets included.
Leave Message miles. Well
equipped. Includes
1500 EXT CAB 4X4 1500 CREW CAB 4X4 1500 CREW CAB 4X4 DENALI CREW CAB 4X4 Looks & runs great! Loaded!

YAMAHA` 08 R1 4,990* $4,990*

On-Star, tow pack-
$5,700 age, roof rack, $
0% FINANCING 0% FINANCING 0% FINANCING 0% FINANCING (570) 654-8520 running boards,
Perfect condition.
remote starter,
extended warranty. 03 Ford 02 Ford Escape
$16,000 Windstar
3700 miles, new
2006 NIGHTTRAIN rear tire, undertail
kit, cover. Price
(570) 825-7251

#35 of 50 Made negotiable $7,600
$10,000 in acces- 570-852-9072 Loaded w/ 66K Miles

PowerTech Pkg, Z-71 Pkg, SLE Pkg SLE Pkg, PowerTech Pkg, P. Seat Rocky Ridge Conversion Package,Too Many 20”PolishedWheels, Moonroof, Heated &
Cooled Seats, Rear Camera, Roof Marker Lamps
sories including a
custom made seat.
442 RVs & Campers
6,990* $6,490*
OptionsTo List! Choose From 2 Exotic paint set, Low mileage, 15000
Alien Spider Candy miles, automatic,
Sale $
Price 29,681 Sale $
Price 32,454 Priced $
From 43,995 Sale $
Price 47,030 Blue. Excellent con-
dition. All Documen-
tation. 1,400 Asking
all-wheel drive, 4
door, anti-lock
brakes, air condi-
‘99 Buick
Custom 4Dr
‘97 Plymouth
$25,000 or best tioning, air bags,
offer. Call with slideout & sun power locks, power
NEW 2011 GMC NEW 2011 GMC NEW 2011 GMC 570-876-4034 room built on. Set windows, power
ACADIA AWD CANYON 4X4’S TERRAIN AWD up on permanent mirrors, cruise con- 59K Miles 4 Dr, 4 Cyl, A/C


site in Wapwallopen.
Comes with many
extras. $7,000.
trol, AM/FM radio,
cassette player, CD
player, keyless
4,990 * $
AVAILABLE $1,975 $1,013 riding FLH. entry, rear de- *All Prices Plus Tax & Tags.
(570) 829-1419 or

King of the High- froster, rear wind-
(570) 991-2135 shield wiper, tinted
way! Mint origi-
windows. $17,500.
nal unrestored
antique show FLAGSTAFF `08 (570) 954-9333
Call after 9:00 a.m.
2010 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming
winner. Factory

spot lights, wide

white tires, Super Lite Fifth CHEVROLET `10 718-4050
SL, SLT & Denali Packages, Choose From 3 Reg Cab, X-Cab, SLE Packages SLT-2 Package,V6, Chrome Wheels biggest Harley Wheel. LCD/DVD
built. Only flat screen TV, fire- SILVERADO 1500
28,000 original place, heated mat- Extended Cab V71
Priced $
32,609 Priced $
21,725 Sale $
33,847 miles! Never tress, ceiling fan, Package 4x4. Bed- YOMING VALLEY
From From Price needs inspec-
tion, permanent
Hide-a-Bed sofa,
outside speakers &
liner. V-8. Red.
Remote start. AUTO SALES INC.
registration. grill, 2 sliders, 6,300 miles 197 West End Road, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18706
$8,500 aluminum wheels, $26,000
NEW 2011 GMC YUKON NEW 2011 BUICK NEW 2011 BUICK 570-905-9348 water purifier, (570) 639-2539

oven, tinted safety
glass windows, CHEVROLET `97 99 MAZDA MIATA MX5

up to $4,577 AVAILABLE up to $2,249 AVAILABLE

up to $1,850 AVAILABLE
HARLEY DAVIDSON raised panel fridge
& many acces-
sories & options.
with Western plow.
CLASSIC Excellent condition,
4WD, Automatic.
Loaded with PW, A/C, AM/FM, Sharp! Air, AM/FM

Garage kept,
2 tone blue.
570-868-6986 options. Bedliner.
55,000 miles.
5,550 $
17,600 miles.
NEWMAR 36’ $9,200. Call
SLT & Denali Packages, Choose From 9 T06 & T07 Packages, Choose From 5 Comfort & Convenience Package, $8,400 MOUNTAIN AIRE
Choose From 3 Lehman area.
(570) 760-5937
5th wheel, 2 large CHEVY `04 EXPRESS
Priced $
45,799 Priced $
30,995 Priced $
26,795 2500
slides, new
condition, loaded PW, PDL, Air, Tilt, 89K Miles
From From From
Air, AM/FM, Tilt
Wanna make your with accessories.
4,850 5,995
Series. 6.0 Litre V8.
car go fast? Place Ford Dually diesel Heavy Duty version. $ $
an ad in Classified! truck with hitch Excellent cargo van.
All Prices Plus Tax & Tags, Customer Must Qualify for All Rebates. See Salesperson for Details. See dealer for details. Some restrictions apply. Dealer may discontinue program at any time. 570-829-7130. also available. 85K miles. Excellent 02 ACURA RSX
condition. $8,700
570-829-4548 or
HOURS: NINJA 500R. 3300
miles. Orange.
22 ft. 3 rear bunks,

Monday Thru Thursday Garage kept. His & center bathroom, CHEVY `10 SILVERADO PW, PDL, A/C, 75K Miles PW, PDL, Leather Interior, Moonroof

5,850 $6,450
hers helmets. Must
8:00am - 8:00pm sell. $2400
kitchen, sofa bed.
Air, Fully self con-
4 Door Crew Cab $
LTZ. 4 wheel drive.
Friday & Saturday 570-760-3599
tained. Sleeps 6.
New tires, fridge
Excellent condition,
A Benson Family Dealership
8:00am - 5:00pm awning. $4500. $35,500. Call SERVICED, INSPECTED, & WARRANTIED

412 Autos for Sale 215-322-9845 570-655-2689 412 www.WyomingValleyAutos.com
Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale


• HD Trailering Equipment
$29,905 MSRP • 5.3L V8
0% APR $28,999 BONUS PRICE • Snow Plow Pkg

Chevy Runs Deep UP TO 60 MOS

• Cruise Control
• PW • P/Locks
-$2,005 DPA
PAGE 4D TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com


AU1079- Pwr. Heated Leather
Seats, ABS, Parking Sensors,
Keyless Entry Cruise, Traction
Control, Dual Zone Climate Control


Pwr. Heated Leather Seats, 6 Disc
CD, ABS, Keyless Entry, Parking TO CHOOSE FROM
Sensors, Satellite Radio, Heated
Mirrors, Traction Control, Cruise,
Memory Seat, Climate Control


AU1045- Reverse Camera, Running Boards, Navigation System, Parking
Sensors, Video Sys., Touch Screen, 3rd Row Seat, Premium Wheels, Power
Liftgate, Pwr. Leather Heat/ Cool Front Seats, Premium Sound, 6 Disc CD,
ABS,Keyless Entry, Tow Pkg.,
Moonroof, Roof Rack,
Rear A/C, DVD Player, Pwr.
Adjustable Pedals, Cruise


Most with Moonroof, Memory Seat, TO CHOOSE FROM
Navigation System, 6 Disc CD,
Satellite Radio, Keyless Entry with STARTING AT
Keypad, Parking Sensors, Front AC
Seats, Pwr. Liftgate, Premium Wheels


AU1490- Moonroof, Pwr. Heated
Leather Seats, Memory Seat,
Navigation Sys., 6 Disc CD, Satellite
Radio, Running Boards, Pwr.
Adjustable Pedals, Parking Sensors


AU1038- 6 Disc CD, Fog Lights, Rear Defogger, Climate Control, 6 Disc CD, Prem STARTING AT AU1531- CD, ABS, Traction
Traction Cont., Pwr. Leather Heat/Cool Seats, Wheels, Parking Sensors, Pwr. Liftgate,
Moonroof, Cruise, Climate Cont., Prem Wheels, Keyless Entry, Traction Control, Pwr. Control, Heated Seats,
Keyless Entry, Parking Sensors, Satellite Radio Leather Heated Seats, Moonroof, Cruise TOCHOOSEFROM Cruise Control, PL, PM, PW
AU1467- AM/FM Radio, ABS, AU1514- Pwr. Heated Leather Seats, AU1615- Air Conditioning, 20K MILES! AU9511 - Cruise Control,
Keyless Entry, Traction Control, ABS, Cruise, CD, Memory Seat, OnStar, Cruise Control, Keyless Entry, Pwr. Seat, Keyless Entry, Fog
Cruise Control, PL, PM Parking Sensors, Satellite Radio AM/FM/CD, Traction Control Lights, AM/FM/CD, PL, PW
AU1484- Cruise Control, 72
AU1387- 6 Disc CD, ABS, Traction Control, 18K MILES! COUNTRY TOURING VAN
Pwr. Leather Heated Seats, Moonroof,
Keyless Entry, AM/FM/CD, Roof Rack, Tow Pkg., Cruise, 3rd Seat, AU1577- Air, Pwr. Seat, ABS,
Traction Control, Air Running Boards, Pwr. Adjustable Pedals Keyless Entry, CD, 3rd Row Seat
AU1042- CD, Satellite Radio, Prem. Sound, ABS, Fog Lights, Keyless Entry, Traction
AU1644- Air Conditioning,
MOS. AU1398- CD, OnStar, ABS, Fog Lights, Keyless 63
Control, Roof Rack, Pwr. Leather Heated Seats, Moonroof, Cruise, Navigation Sys.,
AU1363- CD, Keyless Entry, ABS,
Cruise Control, Moonroof, Entry, Traction Control, Roof Rack, Rear DVD Player, 3rd Row Seat, OnStar, Climate
Keyless Entry, ABS Wipers, Privacy Glass, Cruise, PDL, PW, PM Control, Prem. Wheels, Touch Screen, Pwr. Liftgate Cruise Control, Pwr. Driver’s Seat
72 72 AU1473- Navigation Sys., ABS, Pwr. Leather 28K MILES!
AU1432- Coupe, Air, ABS, MOS.
AU9705- CD, ABS, Keyless Entry, MOS. Heated Seats, CD, Fog Lights, Keyless Entry, AU1299- CD, ABS, Keyless
Keyless Entry, CD, Pwr. Roof Rack, Climate Control, Moonroof,
Windows, Pwr. Locks Rear Defogger, Cruise, Roof Rack Tow Pkg., Running Boards, 3rd Row Seat Entry, Cruise, PL, PW, PM
AU1435- Air, Keyless
MOS. AM/FM/CD, ABS, Keyless AU1114- CD, ABS, Keyless Entry, Traction Control, Tow Pkg., Roof Rack, Rear AC,
Moonroof, Pwr. Leather Heated/Cooled Seats, Climate
Most with CD, Cruise, ABS, STARTING AT
Entry, ABS, CD, Pwr. TO Entry, Pwr. Door Locks, Pwr. Control, Cruise, Navigation Sys., Pwr. Liftgate, Running Keyless Entry, Running Boards,
Windows, Pwr. Locks
FROM Windows, Cruise Control Boards, 3rd Row Seat, Touch Screen, Parking Sensors TOCHOOSEFROM
Traction Control PM, PL, PW
Most with Cruise, Privacy Glass, Keyless STARTING AT
2008 FORD F-150 XLT 4X4
AU1662- Digital Info, Air 72 AU1545- SYNC, 6 Disc CD, Keyless Entry, Dual AU1434- CD, ABS, Keyless Entry,
MOS. Entry, Traction Control, Side Airbags, Climate Control, Parking Sensors, Traction
Conditioning, Keyless Some with Parking Sensors, 6 Disc Control, Pwr. Leather Heated Seats, Cruise, PDL, PW, PM, Running
Entry, ABS, AM/FM/CD CD, Moonroof, Heated Seats, ABS Moonroof, Satellite Radio, Memory Seat Boards, Sliding Rear Window
AU1317 - Leather Seats,
AU1642- Air, Cruise, Moonroof,
Most with CD, ABS, Keyless
AU1546- Moonroof, Air, Heated Seat,
CD, Keyless Entry, PL, ABS, Roof Rack, 6 Disc CD, MP3, ABS, CD, Security Sys., Keyless Entry, Cruise Control, Tow TO CHOOSE
Cruise, Moonroof, PW, PM Satellite Radio, Exterior Keypad Entry Entry, Rear Defogger Pkg., PL, Pwr. Windows FROM

AU1585- Moonroof, Pwr. Heat/Cool Leather
AU1571- Air, Pwr. Seat, ABS, AU1348- CD, Fog Lights, Cruise, STARTING AT Seats, DVD Player, Navigation Sys., CD,
8600 MILES! AU1584- Air Conditioning,
Moonroof, Keyless Entry with TO Keyless Entry, Pwr. Leather Seats, TO
Reverse Camera, SYNC, Parking Sensors, 3rd Pwr. Heated Seat, Keyless Entry,
Keypad, 6 Disc CD, Rear Spoiler CHOOSE
FROM Roof Rack, 3rd Row Seat, ABS FROM Seat, Running Boards, Rear Heated Seats AM/FM/CD, Moonroof
AU1277 -Fog Lights, Keyless
AU1202- Air, Pwr. Seat, Keyless
Entry w/Keypad, CD, Leather
Navigation Sys., CD, Traction Control, Keyless Entry, Tow Pkg.,
Cruise, Pwr. Leather Heated Seats,Moonroof, Entry, Traction Control,
Pwr. Seat, Cruise, Sliding
Seats, Traction Control, ABS Running Boards, Satellite Radio, 3rd Row
Seat, Parking Sensors, Climate Control Rear Window, ABS, CD MILES!
Tax and tags extra. 1.9% Financing is only available on Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles. “BUY FOR” prices are based on 72 month (*66, 63, 60, 48, and 36 months for selected vehicles) with $2,500
down (cash or trade). Photos of vehicles are for illustration purposes only. Coccia Ford is not responsible for any typographical errors. No Security Deposit Necessary. See dealer for details.

CALL NOW 823-8888


Overlooking Mohegan Sun

577 East Main St., Plains
Just Minutes from Scranton or W-B VISIT US AT WWW.COCCIACARS.COM
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 5D
451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 457 Wanted to Buy 527 Food Services/ 542 Logistics/ 554 Production/ 708 Antiques & 710 Appliances 730 Computer
SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans Auto Hospitality Transportation Operations Collectibles Equipment &
Why Spend Software
New or Used COMPUTER:


Most problems
HP Compaq
DC7700 Dual Core
DODGE `99 Navigation, Blue
Tooth, XM Radio CAR & Red Rooster
Restaurant GET ON THE
Full time 2nd shift
position. Requires a
with your appli-
ances are usually
Tower. 3.4GHZ
CPU. 1.25GB DDR2
4 X 4, extended
Rte. 118 & 29
Sweet Valley
high degree
knowledge of the
simple and inex-
pensive to
Save your hard
Ram. Windows 7.
Delivery. $85.
toolmakers craft 570-905-2895
cab, 117,000
miles, new WANTED LINEUP McLane, a and ability to use all
shop tools and
$ ANTIQUES BUYING $ earned money, Let
us take a look at it iPAD: Barely used.
Old Toys, model kits,
inspection, just
serviced, oil, trans
Cypress Pearl with
ivory leather interi- Highest Prices ASUCCESSFULSALE $28 billion supply
chain services machines. Experi- Bikes, dolls, old gun
30 years in
Still under warranty.
Comes with case,
flushed, new fluid
560 Pierce St. or. Well maintained, INCLASSIFIED! leader, is looking ence in setup and Mining Items, trains the business. and charger.
transfer case &
Kingston, PA garage kept. All Paid In Cash!!! Doyouneedmorespace? for qualified operating CNC,
milling center and/or
& Musical Instruments,
Hess. 474-9544
East Main $650.00.
axels, cooling sys- service records. Class A Drivers to Appliances 570-760-7801
tem flushed. www.wyoming
Brand new tires. FREE A yard or garage sale become part of wire EDM equip-
ment. Programming COLLECTIBLES:
$6,599.00 valleymotors.com All options including in classified our valued team. 1972 Topps Jonny Nanticoke LAPTOPS! HP nx
Call 693-1262 570-714-9924 premium audio REMOVAL is the best way McLane’s is a plus. Job
Unitas-Crisp and
6115= $225/COM-
after 5:00 PM uniformed drivers requires working to PAQ v2311= $250/
package, rear tocleanoutyourclosets!
climate control, Call V&G are well recog- close tolerances MT-Picture Perfect
712 Baby Items DELL d531=$250 all
You’re in bussiness $20.00.
DODGE `99 RAM JEEP `00 WRANGLER adjustable suspen-
sion, towing pack- Anytime with classified!
nized and trusted
and from prints. We
offer an excellent 570-824-1180
windows 7, office10,
78,500 miles, 6 salary and benefit DELL 1150= $175
the U.S. for their born swing $50.
age, rear spoiler, LP’S, 78’S, 45’S
cylinder automat-
ic, hard & soft Lexus bug guard. 288-8995 533 Installation/ knowledge, package. Submit
From 40’S, 50’S, Childcraft crib $75. xpPro,office07, A.V.,
accuracy, and resume to: Childcraft oak 4 cdrw+ dvd+ wifi.+
Good condition. tops. Well main- 42,750 miles. Maintenance/ 60’S & 70’S
professionalism. Michael Holcomb drawer chest $100. more. FREE delivery
Runs great. New tained. Many $28,950 $1 each. 829-2411
tires. Asking $4,000 new parts. Adult (570) 237-1082
Repair Diamond Oak dresser combo & warranty.
Manufacturing Co. NEON SIGN - Elec- changing table 570-862-223
or best offer. driven only. Kelly Do you have PO Box 4174
(570) 239-3950 Blue Book
$10,400, Asking MAZDA ‘08 TRIBUTE DRIVER / MECHANIC what it takes
to help drive
Wyoming, PA 18644
tric, Camel sign, 30
years old, $200.
$100. Newborn-12
month clothing - girl 732 Exercise
CDL Class A or B 570-829-2411 $5. each
FORD `04 FREESTAR $8,800. Utility, 4WD
570-704-8730 $18,655
tri-axle truck driver. our team? 557 Project/ 570-825-0569 Equipment
Also looking for PHONOGRAPH:
Automatic, front heavy truck and CLASS A Program Stolid state 2 piece STROLLER: Expedi- AB CIRCLE PRO
wheel drive, 4 door, Looking for the right deal equipment mechanic Management stereo phonograph tion jogging stroller $75.
anti-lock brakes, air
bags, power locks, on an automobile? 40 hours per week. DRIVERS & eight track stereo $40. Call 829-0217, 570-735-4824
503 Accounting/
Local work. • Earn more tape player with leave a message.
power windows, Turn to classified. Competitive wages speakers. Albums & BICYCLES: Boys 20
money with more
power mirrors, It’s a showroom in print! Finance & benefits available. at-home time tapes available. $50 TODDLER BED: in Pacific DS2, 6
560 Pierce St.
power seats, cruise
control, AM/FM
radio, CD player,
Classified’s got
the directions!
Kingston, PA
www.wyoming BOOKKEEPER
Call 570-333-4385
Leave message.
• “We’re here to
3 people needed to
Lightning McQueen
bed includes bed-
ding (fitted sheet
Speed. $30. Boys
20 in Magna Excitor,
21 speeds. $40
Local bookkeeping McLane team-
rear defroster, rear
company hiring
full time full-charge
FORKLIFT MECHANIC mate, you’ll be
working in a
assist manager.
Duties will include
Washington. 1936-
D, 37-D, 39-D. $70
top sheet pillow-
case and comforter)
no mattress $60.00
Action Lift, Inc., stable, secure recruiting, training &
bookkeeper. 570-905-1777 Master with odome-
new starter, just located in Pittston, marketing. Will train.
Send resume and environment YEARBOOKS: ter and speedome-
inspected, $3,900. PA, is the exclusive Call Mr. Scott
salary requirements • Multi-stop Coughlin H.S. 1926, ter, $30. WEIGHT
570-594-4992. dealership for (570)288-4532 714 Bridal Items
Call after 4:30 p.m. JEEP `00 WRANGLER MONTERO SR 4WD
to acctg2002@
gmail.com Crown and TCM
deliveries prima-
rily located in E.O.E
1928, 1932, 1937,
1940, 1961, 1963,
BENCH, barbell with
60lbs in weights.
78,500 miles, 6 forklifts for NEPA. Pennsylvania and 1942, 1943, 1944, BRIDAL UNITY CAN- $30 570-824-0591
177,102 miles, auto-
cylinder automat- We are seeking a New Jersey 566 Sales/Retail/ DLE, $25
ic, hard & soft matic, four wheel
drive, 4 door, anti- FULL CHARGE full time forklift • Great pay and Business
1949. G.A.R. H.S.
1934, 1935, 1936, , 570-592-2549 EXERCISE


tops. Well main- mechanic to trou- benefits - 1937, 1945, 1946, MACHINE. Cross
tained. Many
new parts. Adult
lock brakes, air con-
ditioning, air bags, BOOKKEEPER bleshoot, repair and
diagnose Crown &
$55,000 to
$60,000 in the
1951, 1955, 1956, 716 Building Bow Legend. Very
good condition.
1957, 1961, 1965,

Seating capacity for

driven only. Kelly
Blue Book
power locks, power
windows, power
A/R, A/P, General
Ledger. Extensive
other makes of lift
trucks. Good written
first year;
medical, dental,
DOOR TO DOOR SALES 1966, 1970, 1980,
1985, 2005, 2006.
Materials Sacrifice $200.
$10,400, Asking mirrors, power knowledge of & verbal communi- vision, life and BATHROOM SINK
7 plus 2 wheel seats, cruise con- Local company is Meyers H.S. 1935,
$8,800. QuickBooks cation skills, as well 401(k) SET: Gerber white
chairs. 140,000 570-704-8730 trol, AM/FM radio, preferred. as customer care
seeking individuals 1936, 1937, 1938,
porcelain bathroom 738 Floor Care
1942, 1943, 1944,
miles. Great condi- cassette player, CD Marquis skills are necessary. Requirements: for door to door
1945, 1946, 1960, sink with mirror and Equipment
tion. Asking $7,000. changer, leather • HS diploma or sales. Must be out-
JEEP `00
Art & Frame A valid driver’s 1974, 1975, 1976, medicine cabinet.
For more details, interior, sun roof, 122 South Main St. GED going, self motivat- Matching set. $80. VACUUM CLEANER
license & the ability 1977. Kingston H.S.
Call 570-589-9181 rear defroster, rear Wilkes-Barre, PA • Two years driving ed & flexible. Please 570-331-8183 BAGS – Electrolux
to safely operate lift 1938, 1939, 1940,
WRANGLER windshield wiper, Email resume to: trucks are required. experience email resume to:
1944, 1948, 1949.
Canister 4 Ply

FORD `97 DIESEL new Passed inspec- marquisartframe@ • Clean driving reliablesales@ CEILING FAN Generic 10ct $10,
Previous forklift Plymouth H.S. 1930,
tion, new battery. epix.net record and great ptd.net white, very good Upright 4 Ply Gener-
mechanical experi- 1931, 1932, 1933,
Cummins engine, $2,500 ence or technical customer service condition $15. ic 10 Ct $10, Upright
(570) 868-1100 1938, 1943, 1944, Anderson window- Non Generic 8 Ct
8-L. 49,049 school graduate will skills 1959, 1960.
miles. 33,000 Call after 2:00 p.m. 506 Administrative/ be considered. We Hanover H.S. 1951,
36”w X 38”H double $10 570-868-6018
Find out more or hung, grills & screen
gross wt. 6,649 Clerical offer an excellent apply to become a 1952, 1953, 1954, included, very good
light wt. $19,500 wage and benefits 744 Furniture &
valued Teammate 1960. West Pittston condition. $75. or
Must see! Dental Office package, as well as by contacting: H.S. Annual 1925, best offer. Interior Accessories
(570) 829-5886 401K Retirement
MITSUBISHI `97 Savings Plan, paid
John Hart,
McLane People 600
1926, 1927, 1928,
1931, 1932, 1959.
Door - 24 X 80
stained. Pre Hung. BAR. Hardwood,

FORD `99 E250

TJ, Black with grey holidays, paid vaca-
interior. 4 cylinder,
5-speed manual 15’ CUBE VAN RECEPTIONIST tion & much more.
Apply by e-mail
Department by
FINANCIAL Luzerne H.S. 1951,
1952, 1956, 1957,
$15. Bi Fold Doors
60” stained. $30.
rock maple, liquor
cabinet w/lock, cop-
Wheelchair Van 4 days/week plus (570) 330-8400, 1959. Berwick H.S. Door Slab - 18” $10. per insert top, 2
78,250 miles. Fully transmission. CD Cab over, 4 cylinder mermar@
1/2 day Saturday. or email: jfhart@ 1952, 1953, 1956, barstools, 4 1/2’
serviced, new bat- player, hardtop, full diesel engine.
Old Forge area. actionliftinc.com, 610 Business 1957, 1958, 1960,
long. Excellent like
tery, tires & rods. doors, sound bar. Rebuilt automatic
Dental office experi- Fax (570)603-2880 Opportunities 1967, 1968, 1969 DOOR. 36”x80” new condition, great
Seats 6 or 3 wheel- 4” Skyjacker transmission. Very or visit facility to fill
ence only need EOE, M/F/D/V ,1970. Lehman H.S. solid wood, 6 panel. for entertaining.
chairs. Braun Millen-
nium lift with
Suspension lift with
steering stabilizer.
good rubber. All
around good apply. Call 562-0816 out an application:
Action Lift, Inc. BEER DISTRIBUTOR 1973, 1974, 1976,
1978, 1980. Nanti-
Exterior or interior.
Natural oak finish,
Must see,
some, smoke free
condition inside License available
remote. Walk up
door. Front & rear
Like new BF
Goodrich 35’s with
Full size spare. Only
& out. Well
DENTAL 1 Memco Drive
Pittston, PA 18640
548 Medical/Health with option to lease
building or sold
coke Area H.S.
1976, 2008. Dallas
right or left with
hardware. $200.
home. $600
A/C. Power locks &
windows. Excellent 85,000 miles.
Ready to work.
H.S. 1966, 1967,
1968. Bishop Hoban
Call 570-735-8730
or 570-332-8094 CHAIR. Large reclin-
er. Dark maroon,
condition. $9,500. H.S. 1972, 1973,
570-237-6375 (570) 301-7221 $6,195 or
best offer
Full Time
Carpenter Dental,
Looking for long
DRIVE-SHAFT 1974, 1975. West
Side Central
DOORS: (2) sliding
closet doors, 24x80
soft leather. Like
new. $200
FORD `99 RANGER JEEP `02 GRAND Call 570-650-3500
Ask for Carmen
1086 Wyoming Ave,
Forty Fort 18704,
Healthcare Services
Group is seeking an
term part time
employee, will train.
Willing to train. Will
sell stock or equip-
Catholic H.S. 1965 -
1974, 1980, 1981.
wood with natural
finish $40. DOOR (1)

4x4 Extended cab,

CHEROKEE LAREDO Attention: HR Dept. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Send letter of ment seperately. Westmoreland H.S. 30x80 natural finish. COFFEE TABLE AND
V6 4.0, automatic.
PW, PL, cruise. NISSAN ‘09 ROGUE Or Fax to 714-5184. interest/resume to: For more info, call 1952, 1953 - 1954 $40. Excellent con-
dition. 675-4383
with glass top
Runs & looks good.
No rust. 89K.
AWD, low miles,
Or Email to
CarpenterDental@ OF ENVIRONMENTAL Nanticoke
Animal Hospital
(570) 823-0245 G.A.R. H.S. 1972,
1973, 1974, 1975,
excellent condition
hotmail.com 226 S. Market St. 1976 Pittston H.S. 720 Cemetery
$5,500. DEALER remote start,
SERVICES Nanticoke, PA 18634 1936, 1951, 1954,
(570) 868-3914 back up sensors
$20,880 TOWNSHIP MANAGER/ The responsibilities No phone calls. 1963 Pittston Hospi-
tal School of Nurs-


would include: CEMETERY corner, excellent
Village at
TREASURER • Managing a staff
of professional Greenbriar JAN-PRO
ing, J.O.Y. of 1957,
1959 West Pittston PLOTS FOR SALE
(4) Four plots, all
condition, gray/light
oak color $75.
Triple black, eco- The Township of housekeepers and Assisted Living COMMERCIAL H.S. 1950, 1954, 570-868-6018
Salem, Luzerne 1955, 1956, 1960 together. Crestlawn
nomical 6 cylinder. laundry personnel CLEANING
4x4 select drive.
CD, remote door
County is seeking
applications for a
• Daily payroll
• Budget
1939, 1940, 1941,
Section of Memorial
Shrine Cemetery in
DAY BED white
wicker Henry Link
560 Pierce St. Township Manager/ 2nd and 3rd shifts Kingston Twp. $600
opener, power win- management Be Your Own 1942, 1943, 1945, with trundle, desk,
Kingston, PA Treasurer. The Apply within: each. Willing to chair, mirror, night
dows & locks, • Recruitment & Boss Work Full or 1948, 1949, 1950,
www.wyoming Township has a 4252 Memorial Hwy 1953, 1954, 1955, split. For info, call stand, 6 draw
cruise, tilt wheel. training of all Part time (570) 388-2773
valleymotors.com population of frontline staff Dallas, PA 18612 Accounts available 1956, 1957, 1959, dresser, removable
108k highway miles.
Garage kept. Super 570-714-9924 approximately Benefits would NOW throughout 1960, 1961, 1962, bookcase, ward-
302 V8 engine.
clean inside and out. 4,200. The ideal include health, den- WE’RE HIRING Wilkes Barre, 1964 Hazle Twp H.S.
CEMETERY PLOTS robe, magazine
3-speed on the
floor transmission.
34X9.50 swamper
No rust. Sale price
$6,895. Scranton. PONTIAC `04 candidate will pos-
sess a bachelor’s
degree in public
tal and life insur-
ance; vacation and
• Home Health
and Hazleton.
1951, 1952
570-825-4721 (3) together.
Maple Lawn
stand $500. or call
for individual prices
tires. Racing seats,
roll cage.
95,000 miles, well
business manage-
401K. For immedi-
ate consideration,
please fax resume
• Certified Nurse
We guarantee
$5,000 to
Do you need more space?
A yard or garage sale
Section of
Dennison Line up a place to live
For more pics or JEEP `02 LIBERTY
Blue/grey, new
maintained. Excell-
ent overall condi-
ment, or closely
related field, or five
to: 1-800-423-9001
or e-mail
Call Bayada Nurses
in annual billing.
Small investment
in classified
is the best way
Section ML. in classified!
information, call years municipal joseph.mcdonald@ We’re ready - $550 each.
rebuilt engine with tion. Keyless entry, to clean out your closets! DESK with bottom
(570) 301-7221 experience. Grant 610-939-0194
advertisinguy warranty, new built in baby seat,
writing experience
hcsccorp.com 551 Other Are you?
You’re in bussiness bookshelf, wood
tires & brakes, dual climate con- For more info with glass shelf and
@gmail.com is a plus. The Town- with classified!
trol. Rear air. Seats Call 570-824-5774 inside light fixture,
4,000 miles.
7. Recent inspec-
ship Manager/Trea- 542 Logistics/ Janproofnepa.com top and bottom
$5,900 or surer shall be the Transportation 710 Appliances
tion & tires. KBB components can be
best offer.
over $6300. Asking
chief administrative


$5,000 firm. Call
(570) 417-9884
officer of the town-
ship & shall have the DRIVERS Looking for individu- Inside Church Hill
Plymouth National
Cemetery in
side by side, excel-
lent. $60. Call
JEEP `06 responsibility for the Well established Used appliances.
distribution compa- als with firestop & Mall, high traffic Wyoming. 6 Plots. 570-709-3146

financial & general Parts for all brands.
area. Established 15
SUZUKI `07 XL-7 management and ny seeks Full-Time fire damper, inspec- 223 George Ave. $450 each. Call
DESK, Queen Anne
Lockers, V-8. Heat-
56,000 miles,
operations of the
Township, as well as
(40 plus hours per
week) drivers. Valid
tion and installation
experience. Experi-
years. RENT
inquiries call
w/china closet on
top, $100. TABLE,
automatic, the implementation Class A CDL, mini- ence helpful but not Gate leg, drop, leaf,
Champagne ed leather. All required. We will 570-582-5208 BREADMAKER:
exterior, all-wheel drive, of the policies and mum 5 years all- Toastmaster, used 1 $30. CHAIRS, 4 to
power. Navigation,
4 door, air condi- plans established by season driving train the right per- match table, $30 all.
leather interior, Satellite, Blue tooth, time. Like new. $35.
power windows 3rd row, More.
tioning, all power, the three Township experience, clean son. All out of town 630 Money To Loan 570-868-6327 ROCKER, pine, $40
CD player, leather Supervisors. Salary driving record, and work. Must have 6 Plots Available DRY SINK, pine,
& locks, 4 wheel 69,000 valid driver’s license
interior, tinted is commensurate no DUIs are a must. “We can erase FREEZER. Standup, May be Separated $100, SETTEE, pine,
drive. $4,850. highway miles. & transportation.
windows, custom with experience. Flatbed experience your bad credit - runs but needs door Rose Lawn Section $75. 570-675-2693
Call for $14,900. Call Serious inquiries
wheels, $13,000 Interested applicants helpful. Drivers are 100% GUARAN- seals, $25. DRYER, $450 each
condition and (570) 855-3657 only.
Call 570-829-8753 must send resume assigned dedicated TEED.” Attorneys will dry but needs 570-654-1596 DINING ROOM SET,
known issues. Send Resumes: c/o
Before 5:00 p.m. weekly runs and European, imported,
JEEP `07
570-362-4080 with cover letter & for the Federal new heater ele-
salary requirements
to: Salem Township
The Times Leader
Box 2545
Trade Commission
say they’ve never
ment. $25
OAKLAWN CEMETERY frosted glass rec-
tangular table with

HONDA `02 CR-V WRANGLER X TOYOTA `06 Board of Supervi-

sors, 38 Bomboy
overnights in sleep-
er. Positions require
15 N. Main St.
Wilkes-Barre, PA
seen a legitimate
credit repair opera-
4 grave sites,
fabulous location.
Purchased 20 years
silver hardware, 6
high back chairs,
EX. Silver. Loaded. 1 4x4, stick shift, soft some moderate to 18711-0250 tion. No one can excellent condition
Lane, Berwick, PA
owner, very clean, top. Red exterior, 18603. On or before heavy lifting, good legally remove ago. $2,450 $450. 855-8966
meticulously main- well maintained,
garage kept. 11,500
June 15th, 2011. communication WYOMING accurate and timely 610-838-7727
tained. 123,000 E.O.E. skills, attention to information from ST. NICHOLAS’
highway miles. miles, one owner. detail, commitment, your credit report. Beautiful Country
AC, CD player, Find Your Ideal CEMETERY, French dining room
$6,995 78000 miles, punctuality. Posi- It’s a process that
cruise control. Employee! Place an General Green- SHAVERTOWN set. Table, four
570-646-3334 or 5 speed, four tions include com- starts with you and
Tow package with house Help Wanted 6 Plots. Can be chairs, large hutch.
570-762-3294 wheel drive, new ad and end the petitive compensa- involves time and a
cargo carrier. Please Apply in Per- divided. Near Off white/blue trim
Matching Fiber- search! tion and benefits conscious effort to
HONDA `10 Excellent condition. son: 642 Shoemak- GENE’S Entrance. $550 $500. Outdoor Beer
glass cap, $16,000 570-829-7130 package. Please pay your debts.
$18,700 er Ave., West RECONDITIONED each. Call Cooler: On wheels.
(570)472-9091 ask for an employ- send resume to: Learn about manag-
Call 570-822-9680 Wyoming, PA 18644 570-675-9991 Taps included.
c/o Times Leader ing credit and debt APPLIANCES
Call after 4:30 p.m. ment specialist
Box 2540 at ftc. gov/credit. A 60 Day Warranty $250.
LINE UP 726 Clothing
‘02 WRANGLER TRACTOR 15 N. Main Street message from The 570-905-5602
527 Food Services/ Wilkes-Barre, PA
Miles Hospitality 18711-0250 A GREAT DEAL... Times Leader and
the FTC.
JACKET: boys gen- FURNITURE: 2 end

$13,980 Saturday tables. $15
uine Italian stone
leather jacket, size Please Call
475 CAT & 10
DRIVERS-CLASS Looking for the right deal
on an automobile?
Shopping Center
14. $25. 868-6018 570-357-8025
HUTCH: Solid Oak.
Kingston, PA 730 Computer Excellent condition
speed transmission.
$12,000 Harveys Lake A CDL Turn to classified.
It’s a showroom in print! (570) 819-1966 Equipment & $200.00. Solid Oak
sideboard, excellent
Special Edition. 560 Pierce St.
Classified’s got Software condition $200.00.
Kingston, PA FREIGHTLINER Looking for a MICROWAVE: GE, all
Maroon, Fully the directions! options, with Solid Oak table, six
loaded. Leather
430 Detroit, Super
company you MERCHANDISE turntable, excellent
DESK. Computer
Desk $50. Call 735-
(6) chairs, Good
seats. TV/DVD, Experience can retire with? condition. $150.00.
navigation, sun roof 570-714-9924 10 transmission. preferred but not
554 Production/ condition. $40. 8730 or 332-8094 570-829-4025
plus many other Asking $15,000. necessary. Looking for 702 Air small college size,
extras. 3rd seat . Apply in person. 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health
Only 1,900 Miles.
Brand New.
JEEP ‘06 ‘88 FRUEHAUF 45’
with sides. All
more home/
family time? PRESS OPERATOR Conditioners good condition $40/
Asking $37,000
(570) 328-0850 COMMANDER aluminum, spread
axle. $6,500. HOTEL We offer
Candidate must
have HS Diploma/
Whirlpool, 6000 REFRIGERATOR
Kenmore, almond,
4WD, Only 38K
BEST WESTERN top pay and GED & a good work
BTU, Energy Effi-
cient. $80. 21.6 cu. ft. with ice Resident Care Manager
Yellow with black
$15,990 2 storage trailers.
Weekly home
history. Equipment
experience and
(570) 868-6018 maker & filtered
water $300. Full Time
time and much knowledge of AIR CONDITIONER: 570-868-6018
leather interior.
Front & rear heated VOLVO `08 XC90
Fully loaded, moon
Hiring the following
Part Time positions:
more hydraulic machines
is a must. Benefits
window, 5,000 BTU
with remote control. REFRIGERATOR.
Seeking RN with personal care
experience, sound clinical practice and
seats. Many chrome include Health, Paid $60. 570-675-0248 Frigidaire, side by
good assessment skills to coordinate
accessories. $28,500
or best offer. Call 560 Pierce St.
roof, leather, heat-
ed seats, electric HOUSEKEEPERS For more
Holidays/Vacation &
401K. Please call Al
side, Black. $125.
DRYER,GE propane, delivery of high quality services
(570) 788-9826 or Kingston, PA locks, excellent Valid drivers license.
please call at 570-822-6880. 708 Antiques & $75,Washer, consistent with the philosophy of
(570) 956-8547 www.wyoming condition. New Collectibles Whirlpool,heavy
Leave Message valleymotors.com tires, new brakes
and rotors. 52,000
BANQUET SERVERS 800-628-7807
and ask for Collect cash, not dust! BASEBALL CARDS.
duty, $50
personal care that complies with state
laws and regulations.
INTERNATIONAL ‘95 miles highway
$26,500/ best offer. DAY TIME BUSPERSONS
Clean out your ‘63, ‘64, ‘71 Topps
$8-$15, Moving REFRIGERATOR:
Must have a current license to practice
Refurbished, rebuilt LEXUS `96 LX 450
Full time 4WD, Pearl
570-417-2010 till 5 COOKS TOW TRUCK basement, garage
must sell. Call for
details. 313-5214
Frigidaire. White.
Large. Freezer up
nursing in Pennsylvania as a Registered
Nurse; Demonstrated management and
engine, transmis- top. Very Clean, fair- supervisory skills.
TRUCKS FOR SALE or attic and call the
white with like new
sion replaced.
Rear-end removed leather ivory interi-
or. Silver trim. Ford, GMC,
Classic gas station
ly new, in good
working condition. Competitive salary and benefits offered
and relubed. Brand
new 10’ dump. PA Garage kept. Excel- International-Prices Weekends & Classified depart- model from 40’-50’s
Westinghouse com-
$250 negotiable.
Call 570-283-6943
Forward resume to:
state inspected.
$12,900/best offer.
lent condition.
84,000 miles, Ask-
ing $10,750
starting at $2,295.
Box Truck, Cab &
Chassis available.
Holidays a must.
Apply in person.
No phone calls.
Needed part time.
ment today at 570-
pressor. Good con-
dition. $295,
offers considered.
Leave Message
STOVE. Almond.
The Meadows Manor
200 Lake Street, Dallas, PA 18612
570-654-3076 or
Call U-haul
Off Route 115
Mountain Top.
570-760-6218 829-7130! Jake 570-829-7859 Gas. Good condi-
tion. $50. 592-2549
PAGE 6D TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
744 Furniture & 752 Landscaping & 758 Miscellaneous 772 Pools & Spas 782 Tickets 796 Wanted to Buy 810 Cats 815 Dogs 906 Homes for Sale
Accessories Gardening Merchandise
LAMPS. stand up
$25 each. ‘89
ground swimming
Above TICKETS: 4 Yankees
& Lehigh Valley Iron
KITTENS: free to
loving homes, litter GERMAN SHEPHERD AVOCA
quality, table 36x60
with 4 heavy duty
e-Cycler Cordless
Electric, Top Rated
Chevy S10 truck
bedliner. $40,
pool 21’ round 4ft
deep. Ladder, liner
Pigs tickets at PNC,
May 19, 2011 @ 6:35.
trained & very love-
able. Ready in 2 PUPPIES, AKC REDUCED!
chairs. Excellent
$165. 878-2849
Cordless, 10 months
old. $299.
SPOILER, for ‘00
Chevy Cavalier. $10,
(1 yr old), frame,
Hayward Pump and
section 109 cash or
paypal $30. each
& weeks. 332-8663. Shepherds By Fanti
25 Yrs. Experience
Call 570-262-1131 CARB, 4 barrel from
running Chevy
filter (new hoses
installed last sum-
570-735-2661 GINO’S Family Raised
Wood, oval, brown
table, good shape.
motor. $50/ TV, GE,
28”, works good,
mer). Skimmer, Vac-
uum, Metal deck Rangers, Sunday, Wanted: Black/Red. Female
May 22, 2011 1:35
$125. 570-970-6651 See our ad under needs remote. $90 and fencing around
Junk 570-825-5597 906 Homes for Sale
Wanna make a
Call An Expert 570-740-1246 pool included. Buyer P.M. Section 310,
Row 5, Seats 13 & MALE SIAMESE NEEDEDof 570-239-5498
speedy sale? Place
1054 Concrete &
responsible for tear
and removal. Great 14 $48. 498-4556 Cars & For purpose
Having trouble
paying your mort-
your ad today 570- Gazelle Exercise breeding with
754 Machinery &
Machine. Used
condition and avail-
able for immediate 784 Tools Trucks female Siamese
behind on your
Falling 314 Packer St.
Newly remodeled 3
twice. Assembled. Cat. If interested,
KITCHEN/DINETTE Equipment $125. Lexmark color
pick up. Asking
price $800 please
Highest please call Yellow $300. Black payments? You bedroom home with
SET. 5 piece rattan, BUFFER Coleman $250. Labs are 8 may get mail from 1st floor master, 1.5
42” round tile top AIR CLEANER. Hon-
printer. New in box.
$20. Magnavox VCR
email Powermate new in Prices 570-655-8820
weeks old. Wormed people who promise baths, detached
[email protected] box. ROUTER, Black to forestall your
table & 4 swivel arm
chairs with uphol-
eywell commercial. with all hook ups & or call & Decker 1.5 hp. Paid!! 815 Dogs
foreclosure for a fee
garage, all new sid-
ing , windows, shin-
Never used, remote. $25. 570-817-2040
stered seats. Excel-
lent condition, deliv-
includes replace-
ment filters, $600
CD player. $30.
$20 each.
570-288-9940 FREE ITALIAN CANE CORSO in advance. Report
them to the Federal
gles, water heater,
kitchen and bath-
ery possible. $125. 774 Restaurant Mastiff Puppies Trade Commission, rooms. A must
negotiable. PRES- Sharp surround SAW, Reciprocating PICKUP
570-868-6327 Registered and the nation’s con- see house!
SURE WASHER, sound speakers. Equipment Makita, new. Model ready to go! Parents
Generac, runs but
needs pump. Pres-
Set of 5. $20. JR 3020 w/carrying 288-8995 on premises. Blue &
sumer protection
agency. Call 1-877-
MLS 11-73
3 piece. Couch and Call Jamie case. Never used. blue fawn. FTC-HELP or click
2 chairs. Covered
sure wand & noz-
zles included. $100
570-822-8957 RESTAURANT
$110. 570-457-7854 LINE UP Vet Checked on ftc.gov. A mes-
Call Tom

and rarely used. 570-617-4880
$100. ROCKER,
negotiable. SNOW-
reduced to $2 each
8x12 walk in STEEL CABINETS
22”d x 19”w x 34”h.
A GREAT DEAL... sage from
Times Leader and

platform, $25 needs work, $100 or 22 for $35. cooler $2300;

2 sliding bearing IN CLASSIFIED! PUPPIES the FTC.
After 5 735-8542 negotiable. STAND, VHS, $5. 8x8x10 walk drawers. 1 door. Chihuahuas, Poms,
LOVE SEAT, wicker, 905-0497 Cash or paypal in freezer $3800;
Pizza oven with
Excellent for work-
Beagles, Shih Tzus, ASHLEY
with cushions. 570-735-2661 bench. Very strong
Bostons, Maltese,
stones $2000; and rigid. $60. each.
White, good condi- RELIGIOUS ITEMS - Rotties, Yorkies,
tion. $60. After 3pm
(570) 655-3197
HAULMARK ‘07 Hand made
Rosaries, $5. Pope
Stainless steel
kitchen hood
2 for $110.
Westies, Labs,
Huskies & more!
333 Beaupland
$3000; Stainless
Like new with
John Paul II Memori-
blia. 570-829-2411
steel pizza oven
hood $4000;
metal cabinet with 1
drawer & 1 door.
570-453-6900 or
OTTOMAN solid 36”x20”x16”. $35.
sand colored cush- electric brakes, bread pan rack 570-735-5916 AD ONLINE
ioned, excellent
shape $200.
new tires and
reinforced tongue.
SEWING FABRICS $100; 2 soup
warmers for $100;
Lots of Them 786 Toys & Games
570/824-7807 or $2700. 2 door sandwich Call 829-7130
570-545-7006 570-239-5457
WALLPAPER prep table $500. Parents on premises
16 Hazleton St
1,000’s of patterns All equipment is BICYCLE. Girls 20” Place your pet ad
like new, $20. Shots Current. located to Rt. 309
AFFORDABLE WALLPAPER & BLIND sold as is. For and provide us your Living room has
$500 - Poms and 81. Off street
MATTRESS SALE 756 Medical WAREHOUSE more info, call Includes training email address
$550 - Shih-Tzus parking in front and awesome woodland
30 Forrest St., 570-847-0873 wheels. TABLE,
We Beat All Equipment Wilkes-Barre, PA Fisher Price 3 in 1, This will create a
570-401-1838 rear. Two-story, 3 views and you will
Competitors Prices!
Mattress Guy HOSPITAL BED: 570-970-6683 RESTAURANT
$25, 570-675-7873 WILKESBARREGOLD seller account
online and login 840 Pet Services
bedroom, modern
kitchen, Pergo
enjoy the steam/
sauna. Lake and
Twin sets: $149
Full sets: $169
Somerset Dough
DISNEY large
Grumpy and Dopey (570)991-7448 information will be
emailed to you from DREAM KATCHR
flooring in living
room and dining
tennis rights avail-
able with Associa-
Queen sets: $189 tion membership.
All New
American Made
$400. 570-947-1451
LIFT CHAIR / reclin-
Long Trail P225/
70R16. $100
Sheeter, Model
CAR-100. Only
stuffed animals. $5.
each. 333-4325 (570)48GOLD8 gadzoo.com
“The World of Pets
is now offering Pony
room, modern bath,
low gas utility bills. (membership
optional). Minutes
570-675-0248 1 available. $1,500 Unleashed” MLS#10-3703 .
570-288-1898 er. Medium size. Call for more info GAME TABLE 10 IN 1 1092 Highway 315 Blvd Day Camp. Booking Price reduced to from the Pocono's
Good condition. Pool, hockey, bas- (Plaza 315) now for June and $62,900. and 2 hours to
PATIO FURNITURE. TOMATO STAKES. 570-498-3616 315N .3 miles after You can then use July dates. For rates
$250. Call 4-5’, $.50 each, ketball, etc. Approx- Call Maribeth Jones Philadelphia or New
Square glass top 570-357-8025 imate 4 X 6 - $45. Motorwold your account to and reservations
TRUCKS, Hess, new RESTAURANT at 696-6565 York. $310,000
table, 6 chairs, 570-868-6018 Mon-Sat enhance your online contact Alice at: Maria Huggler
POWER CHAIR - in box 2000-2008 EQUIPMENT, ad. Post up to 6
cushions. Good 10am - 8pm 570-579-4473/ CLASSIC
Jazzy Select, $20-$50. KNIFE. SOMERSET TURN LITTLE TIKES. Work captioned photos
condition. $125 Closed Sundays 570-379-3459 PROPERTIES
$700 or best offer Hamilton Beach OVER MACHINE - bench with some of your pet
570-288-9940 570-587-7000
ALSO, regular electric. $20. model SPM45, tools, Dollhouse Highest Cash Pay Expand your text to THERAPY DOG
PATIO SET: Green wheelchair, with 570-675-4383 $500; ALSO, Bunn with furniture and Outs Guaranteed include more and Canine good
and White in color- extra weight sup- Pour Over Coffee dolls, Slide. $10 information, include citizen class. Start-
Shopping for a Machine, Model # We Pay At Least
Needs umbrella- port. $100. Call for
STF15, $225
each 570-474-0154
78% of the London
your contact ing 5/21/11. Call 542 Logistics/ 542 Logistics/
Good Shape-Please more details new apartment? information such Mary 570-332-4095
Transportation Transportation
make an offer 570-829-2411 For more info, call Fix Market Price as e-mail, address
Classified lets 788 Stereo/TV/
570-824-1180 SCOOTER: 2002 you compare costs -
for All Gold Jewelry phone number and
or website. WOOF WOOF PAW SPA
Golden Companion without hassle
EQUIPMENT, Visit us at
Hunlock Creek, PA Dedicated Account Drivers
soft material, very
Scooter, Runs good,
needs batteries or worry! AMERICAN EAGLE
AM/FM. Works
Or email us at
spring appoint- Team Driver Positions - Home Weekly
good condition $25. $50. 570-283-0272 Get moving MIXER, 20 quart Great! $25. wilkesbarregold@
Sale. Visit ments. Full service Automotive Industry Gouldsboro, PA
heavier wood rock- mixer, Model gettepapillons.com salon. In home
er very good $10. WHEELCHAIR. with classified! AE-20, with timer
570-829-3473 yahoo.com or call 570-772-0012 grooming - call for
TeamOne a National Logistics Organization is
570-735-3489 Pride, electric. (no TONNEAU COVER. and guard, $1300. rate. Mention this
batteries) $200 Fits Dodge Dakota ALSO, Bev Air 2 65” Projection TV. ad for 10%. currently recruiting for dedicated account
SOFA & LOVESEAT, 570-793-9437 A,R,E, solid top. door refrigerator/ Excellent Condition. 570-592-8968 Team Drivers for their new facility that will
plaid, looks good.
570-779-0718 758 Miscellaneous
Excellent. $175
sandwich prep
table, Model
$250 or best offer
and you can come ALASKAN MALAMUTE We’re on Facebook! begin operation in mid June 2011. These fully
benefited positions are well compensated. The
SOFA, Floral. 81”, 3 AIR PURIFIER
hardware, fits 2005-
SP48-12, $1300.
Call 570-498-3616
and get it!
570-287-7162 PUPPIES 845 Pet Supplies route drivers will be delivering auto parts to
for more details. AKC Registered. dealerships throughout the southern portion of
cushions, no holes, Sharper
2008 Escape, Mer- TV - Sony Trinitron. 800 Family Raised. DOG CRATES 2 Pet-
the US. Qualified candidates should be 23
$100. TABle and 6 cury Mariner, Mazda 27”(D) with remote. mate medium 27Lx
chairs w/leaf. $300 Quadra, tower Tribute $110 or best 776 Sporting Goods Excellent shape. PETS & ANIMALS Call 570-510-6428
20wx19h $25. each years of age and possess a valid CDL A drivers
570-793-9437 model with ozone offer. 570-466-1214 $85. 570-735-5916. FREE: Welsh Terri- 570-654-2396
guard, instructions BACKBOARD, licenses with a minimum of two years OTR
er, 4 year old male,
SWIVEL ROCKER: & quick start CD, TRAIN SET. HO with Basketball, fiber- 810 Cats neutered, house- FISH TANK. 30 gal. verifiable experience. Candidates must possess
Excellent condition, quiet, easy care, box. Diesel, $75. glass with rim and 794 Video Game broken. Also, 8 year with 3 tier wooden an acceptable BI and MVR. Drivers must pos-
mauve $30.00
. Excellent like new
condition. $25.
SAW, Black & Deck-
er circular, $18,
net. $25.
12 weeks & up.
old chocolate lab,
housebroken, obe-
stand. Includes light,
lid, filter, heater and sess doubles and Haz Mat endorsements. Tea-
mOne offer a competitive salary and affordable
570-709-3146 CLOCK, wall, 31 day, PS2 GAMES: Call Of dience titles. Mov- some decorations.
VANITY - Older BASKETBALL Shots, neutered,
Duty 3 Special Edi- $125. 570-762-1015 benefits inclosing choice of medical plans,
1970’s.$30, TOOL ing due to my
makeup vanity with ART WORK: BOX, small, $20 HOOP. Regulation tion $12. Call Of Duty
plate gold mirror. 1 beautiful paintings size. Adjustable with health. REPTILE TANK. 10 dental, vision, 401K, etc. Interested candidates
570-735-1589 World At War Final 824-4172, 9-9 only. 570-596-2326
door and drawer on by a known Pittston portable base. Good Fronts $15. Guitar gallon, wire mesh can call 866-851-9902 to set up an interview.
each side. 48”L x artist. Sullivan Trail VACUUM Bissell condition. $50. Hero $10. Hitman 2 KITTENS: 7 weeks YORKIE PUPPIES: lid, heat lamp, cave
18”D x 21”H. Excel- Coal Company wide cleaning path, 570-262-1559 and pond. $20 TeamOne is an equal opportunity Employer
$10. Dance Dance old free to a good Two puppies. Free
lent shape. $190. breaker, Exeter all attachments, Revolution Extreme home, liter trained & to good home. Con- 570-474-0154 M/F/H/V
570-735-5916 Ave. West Pittston, powerforce, bag- BOWLING BALL: 8lb 2 $12. Tekken Tag
blue marble with friendly with chil- act: tiltonmichael81
18 x 22 Pittston less turbo, 12 amps Tournament (some dren. 518-779-3015. @yahoo.com
YOUTH FURNITURE beige & blue case,
SET: Double bed,
City Hall, Broad St. MZX1MUM $45. One
$30. 570-829-4776
scratches works 551 Other 551 Other 551 Other
circa 1950's. New- portable Pronto 2 in fine) $5. 551 Other 551 Other
two bookshelves, comb Bros. Coal 1 Electrolux with
two side tables and FISHING EQUIP- PLAYSTATION
and Ice, lower charger & stand MENT. 12 fly rods GAMES: Spongebob
dresser. IKEA pine.

Earn Extra Cash

Tompkins St, $20. 570-735-8730 and reels, 12 spin- Squarepants Super-
Email for pics: Pittston, circa or 570-332-8094 sponge $10. Tony
[email protected]
1950's. All paintings
ning rods and reels.
$10-$50 each. Call Hawks Pro Skater RECONDITIONING
18x22 $35. each.
760 Monuments & for details. (some scratches
For Just A Few
570-655-9474 570-693-0212 works fine) $5.
Lots Crash Bandicoot 2
746 Garage Sales/ BACK PACK. Hiking, FISHING POLES: 4 Cortex Strikes Back • Full Time - 8:00AM - 4:30PM
navy canvas, $40,
Estate Sales/ Pic n’ Play, for child. GRAVE LOT brand new fishing (some scratches
• Experience Preferred

Hours A Day.
Near baby land at poles/ 3 brand new works fine) $5.
Flea Markets $40. 570-675-4383
Memorial Shine in
reels $160.
Kitchen (Windows
• Benefits
$400. Call
Vista, XP or MAC)
$15. Excellent Con-
• Valid PA Driver’s License Required

53 gallon. ver. Cleveland Hi- dition unless noted.
Excellent Bore XLS 9.0 draw. Cash or PayPal. Apply in person to Bernie (8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
762 Musical $25 (4) various driv-
condition $195.
ers $10. each.
Take $85 for all.

CANES & WALKING GUITAR. Nearly HELMETS one XL 796 Wanted to Buy
STICKS - Uniquely new. 6 string Elec- red, Surround ATV Merchandise 221 Conyngham Ave., Wilkes-Barre
made from the roots tric acoustic. $90 helmet $50. One
Charlie 333-4604 XXL Camo-Surround 572 Training/ 572 Training/
of Slippery Elm
trees. Over 16 avail- ATV helmet $50.
One large black
BUYING SPORT CARDS Instruction Instruction
able. $4 & 5 each. 766 Office Pay Cash for
Call 570-735-2081. vector sport ATV baseball, football,
Equipment helmet $25. basketball, hockey
(No Collections)
Conducted by the
Women of St.
CLEATS, Armour
size 11, $25. Softball PRINTER, Fax, Copi-
570-735-7742 & non-sports. Sets,
singles & wax.
Stephen’s Episcopal cleats, Nike, size 9 er, Scanner. 4 in 1 PING PONG TABLE: 570-212-0398 CASINO DEALER?
Church. 35 S.
Franklin St.
$20, Truck
$275, Boiler, oil,
cap HP Series 2200.
Excellent condition
$50. 570-675-4383
Regulation size with
net. Folds up in mid-
dle, on wheels. Very
Available routes:
May 18, 10-4pm, $100, Traffic signals,
May 19, 10-4pm
May 20, 10-1pm
$50, 570-760-4830

570-574-8766 BLACK JACK DEALER Laflin/Hudston

DAY. Mini boutique, ITEMS. Large
assortment of sun-
To place your Buying Toy Cars
6 WEEK COURSE STARTS MAY 31ST $920 Monthly Profit + Tips
will run for all 3 or
days. Light lunch flower. $.50 to $10. MANFROTTO
ad Call Toll Free
& Trucks from 225 daily papers / 240 Sunday papers
available. 570-301-8515 MONO-POD.
Model 681B. Excel-
the 1950’s.
DINKY, CORGI, CRAPS DEALER Chamberlain Street, Driftwood Drive, Hilldale Drive,
752 Landscaping & To place your lent condition. $50
or best offer. POOL TABLE:
8 WEEK COURSE STARTS MAY 31ST Jason Drive, Lombardo Drive
Gardening ad call...829-7130 570-788-2388 Coin-Operated/ TONKA. Also Day or Evening Classes for Blackjack

1st Choice
DESK, Brown, $25
INSERT, Fireplace 772 Pools & Spas
Bar Size. Slate top.
Good Condition
buying German
& Japanese
Day Classes Only for Craps Duryea
Call 1-800-377-5222 ext. 7495
Landscaping cast iron, decora-
tive. $100 EXERCISE Pool - Round Above
$450. 570-947-1451 wind-up toys.
Larry - Mt. Top to reserve a seat. $560 Monthly Profit + Tips
See our ad in the
Call an Expert sec-
BIKE $25. All nego-
tiable. 905-0497
Ground. 18’ diagonal 778 Stereos/ 570-474-9202
CALL NOW! AREA CASINOS HAVE 149 daily papers / 141 Sunday papers
tion under Category & 5’ deep. Includes Accessories SILVER & GOLD IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR 50 DEALERS! Adams Street, Blackberry Lane, Cherry Street,
1165 - Lawn Care solar cover, heavy
ITEMS. Air condi-
duty ladder, Hay-
word motor & other
Silver or gold coins,
Columbia Street, Cranberry Terr., Evans Street
tioner, 5000 BTU, mus semi-automatic
Lawn Service accessories. You belt drive, little use. silver flatware sets
See our ad under
Call An Expert
$40. Convection
kero, HTA 23k, $50
TV/DVD combo 20”
remove. $1,400.
& $25. 570-868-6327 & pieces, gold jew-
elry, broken jewelry, Dallas
boullion, antique sil-
1165 Lawn Care $40. 570-868-6655
780 Televisions/ ver & gold chains, $400 Monthly Profit + Tips
CHIPPER, shredder, Accessories earrings, watches,
mulcher, bagger.
Craftsman 5 HP. 3
Visit Jack-O’s at
548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health 92 daily papers / 144 Sunday papers
cutting stages. Very
Electric, $75. POOL, 3 years old. Hay-
ward filter. 1.5 hp 25”Nice cabinet, Merchant Village,
Baldwin Avenue, E. Center Hill Road, Claude Street,
26’ above ground
good condition. $500, WEDDING pump, solar & win- working. FREE Pittston.
There’s No Place Midland Drive, Saginaw Street
$325. 675-4383 GOWN, 1957, $50, ter cover & acces- 570-654-4113 Old Wal-Mart Store
sories $1,000. Booth 162 Like the Jewish Home…
West Pittston
$300, GOLF CLUBS, Heavy Duty walk- 570-328-3428 or
loped grey edging in stairs with rails RCA TV with Stand. 570-855-7197 The Jewish Home of Eastern PA, a leader in
24” straight and 17” Titleist Clone, $30 $30. Call
curved. total 40 +/-
pieces. Grey $1.00.
570-675-3509 $350. 6 x 16 pres-
sure treated deck 570-357-8025 The Video
long-term care, has an immediate need to fill
the following positions:
$760 Monthly Profit + Tips
way glass door for
with rails, stairs,
gate, lattice with
Toshiba. 56 inch Hi
Game Store
28 S. Main W.B. • RN Supervisor 183 daily papers / 186 Sunday papers
Keller’s Lawn Care bath tub. $25 storage door $375
floating pool
Def, DLP Projection Open Mon- Sat, Full Time 11pm-7:30am Exeter Ave., Ann Street, Clear Spring Ct.,
See our ad under 570-331-8183 Model 56MX195.
loungers $25 or
12pm – 6pm
Ledgeview Drive, Susquehanna Ave., York Ave.
Call An Expert
1162 Landscape &
Stand included.
Needs Lamp Bulb
570-822-9929 /
• RN Unit Manager
lacquer with gold
trim. $10. 20 inch
Haier TV. Great con-
AGE $1500 Buyer
must dismantle &
570-443-7527 $$ CASH PAID $$
Full Time Parsons
LAWNMOWER remove. Qualified applicants will possess prior
Craftsman /Honda
motor includes bag,
dition. $18. Costume
jewelry, all kinds
570-331-2197 TV: Sony 27”
Trinitron color $75. VIDEO GAMES & experience in a long term care environment, $965 Monthly Profit + Tips
self propelled, runs $1.00 each. Cos-
tume crystal butter-
POOL Four foot by Mintek DVD Player
proven leadership skills, and attention to
detail. BSN, prior supervisory experience, and
194 daily papers / 222 Sunday papers
12 ft round pool
good $150. after
3pm 655-3197 fly watch brand new $600. or best offer.
$15 570-829-4776
Highest $$ Paid experience working with dementia residents Wyoming Street, Auburn Street, West Chestnut Street,
$5. 570-235-4928 570-824-7582
782 Tickets
Buying all video
helpful. Outstanding benefit package East Elm Street, John Street
LAWN CUT LAMP, Hurricane, POOL: 15’ metal games &
available including fully paid family health
OR TRIMMED? colonial style, hand frame pool, with lad- TICKET, DMB Cara- systems. PS1 & 2, insurance.
painted glass der, filter pump and van at Balder Field,
See the ad for
Cole’s Lawn Care shade, $20 more, 42” high. Atlantic City, NJ.
Xbox, Nintendo,
Atari, Coleco,
If you are a compassionate, professional
RN who can help enhance the lives of our resi-
To find a route near you and start
Call An Expert RUG, 5x7 oriental Used 1 year. $170. June 24th thru June Sega, Mattel,
earning extra cash, call Rosemary at

Section 1165 look. Light green. (570) 655-4915 26th, 2011. Gameboy, dents, please apply by sending your resume to

$20. CHAIRBACK 1-ticket $195 Vectrex etc. the email address below or apply in person at:
Patrick & Deb’s
Lawn Care
COVERS, lace (6)
Collect cash, not dust! (cost) re-entry for
all three days.
DVD’s, VHS & CDs
The Jewish Home of Eastern PA
& Pre 90’s toys,
See our ad under TABLE, WIcker, out- Clean out your Must Sell. 1101 Vine Street, Scranton, PA 18510
The Video
Call An Expert
1162 Landscape &
door, green. $25
basement, garage 570-817-6820
Game Store Telephone: (570) 344-6177 ext. 140
Garden or attic and call the TICKETS Daniel 1150 S. Main Fax: (570) 344-9610
MAKEUP MIRROR: O’Donnell (2) Tues- Scranton Email: [email protected]
Peter’s Lawncare Conair, two sided, Classified depart- day, May 31 at the Mon - Sat,
See our ad under lighted, 4 modes on ment today at 570- Kirby. section 12pm – 6pm The Jewish Home of Eastern PA is an
Call an Expert pedestal. $25. firm. Orchestra, row 0. 570-822-9929 Equal Opportunity Employer.
1165 Lawn Care 570-675-0248 829-7130! $176. 570-474-6549
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 7D
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale


17 Roosevelt Street
92 W. Pettebone St.
45 Main St.

2360 Laurel Run Rd. This Deck House 66 East Grove St., 146 Brown St. Year Round Home! New construction,
Very well main- Wonderful country offers post and 623 Hooven St. Time to purchase NEW PRICE! Spectacular View! 3 bedroom, 2 bath
A Single family 2 Low Taxes!
tained Log home cottage style beam construction Picture perfect 2 your first home! Beautiful outside as tan brick ranch on
story with 3 bed- story home with 3
and serene proper- features elegant and unique proper- Why keep paying bedrooms, bath, inside - This 2 story 1 acre. Features Own this home for
ty awaits you. This decor. Living room ty! Nestled on 2 rooms, 1 1/2 mod- rent, this ½ double offers too many include pella
ern baths, brand walk out basement, less than $400 a
home features 3 & dining room with acres, this 3-4 is a great starter amenities & windows, oak hard- month! Large 3
bedrooms, including hardwoods, Modern bedroom home new kitchen with home! Nice size has been complete- upgrades to wood floors, car-
a very spacious cook's kitchen with features custom center island and rooms, eat-in ly gutted & insulat- mention. Resort peted bedrooms, bedroom home with
22x12 master bed- pleasant breakfast hickory kitchen with stainless steel kitchen, 1st floor ed. New dry wall, tiled kitchen & formal dining room,
living in your back
room. Open floor area, 2 story family garland range, stove, dishwasher laundry, attic pull new wiring, electri- baths, maple off street parking
and microwave. yard with inground
plan allows for room with fireplace, granite topped down for storage, cal service, plumb- kitchen cabinets, and large yard. For
Tiger wood hard- pool & cabana. A
great entertaining. 1st Floor office, 4 island, mahogany some replacement ing, new roof, cen- hanstone counter- more information
Stone fireplace in bedrooms, 2 full floored dining room, wood flooring windows & a must see property! Lots of off street tops, propane fire-
tral air. Hardwood parking, close to and photos, log
keeping with the and 2 half baths. 2 fireplaces, Florida throughout the first fenced in yard. PRICE REDUCED place, walk up attic,
Grotto. Raised onto www.atlas
rustic theme. Full Master bedroom room with hot tub, floor. New carpet- Take a look & floor refinished. $199,900 tray ceiling in living
ing on 2nd floor, all ranch with 2 car realtyinc.com
walk-out basement with walk in closet, deck with DCS grill, make your offer! Detached garage. MLS# 10-1670 room & attached
3 bedrooms have Call Geri garage, 3 Bed- MLS#09-2449
gives the potential whirlpool, double oversized 2 car $24,800 All work inspected 2 car garage.
for more living vanities. Finished garage, car port closets. Walk up MLS#10-3582 570-696-0888 rooms, 1 bath, living $279,900 $64,900
and approved by room, kitchen, large
space. 17x15 deck lower level family and all with in a attic, gas heat, 2 Jill Jones 570-696-3801 MLS# 10-4527 Call Charles
code officials. porch with lake view
overlooks the
woods. $219,000
room. Gas heat,
central a/c.
mile of Rt 309!
car detached
garage. For addi-
570-696-6550 Appliances Included
Asking $135,000.
LEWITH & FREEMAN & bar. $142,500.
Five Mountains
MLS #10-2433 $369,900 Contact Judy Rice tion information and OPEN HOUSE 570-542-2141 570-829-6200
Call Tracy Zarola MLS# 11-164 570-714-9230 photos, email: MLS# 10-2409
Call Cathy
(570) 696-5422
MLS# 11-1221 www.atlas
Call Theresa
Vacendak, CRS, GRI
Directions Left @
Grotto @ Stop sign
make left, then HIGHLAND HILLS
Call Lu-Ann 3 Bennett Street
LINEUP 570-602-9280 REAL ESTATE quick right onto Stylish Bi-Level, 3
Oneonta Hill, 3rd bedrooms, granite,
(570) 822-1133
DRUMS Line up a place to live
House on right.
CALL Dave @
stainless appli-
ances, heated in
INCLASSIFIED! 570-696-1195 in classified! 275 Phillips Street
570-417-6661 ground
$219,900 Call

A yard or garage sale
Looking for Work?
Well kept 2
bedroom ranch with HARVEYS LAKE 570-655-8034
Tell Employers with new kitchen, fenced 3 bedroom, eat in 77 Blackberry Lane
a Classified Ad.
in classified
is the best way
DALLAS 570-829-7130 Large 4 Bedroom GREAT DEAL!
yard, one car
kitchen, fenced in
yard, one car
Cape Cod features
formal dining room,

tocleanoutyourclosets! DURYEA
in a great $79,900 garage. Asking
REDUCED! three bedrooms

neighborhood with MLS #11-638 $105,000. Call with a master bath,
37 Ironmaster Road (570) 639-3151
You’re in bussiness Beautiful Bi-Level
original architectur- Call Tracy Zarola
full bath, attached
two car garage.
with classified! home in very good
al details, hardwood
floors, inground
570-696-0723 HARVEYS LAKE MLS 11-1230

“move-in condition”
surrounded by the
pool and hot tub. LEWITH & FREEMAN $169,900
Call 570-696-2468
natural decorating REDUCE PRICE
of Sleepy Hollow $169,500 Doyouneedmorespace?
678 Lehman Estates features MLS# 10-338 A yard or garage sale
Outlet Rd 2500 sq. ft. Home CROSS VALLEY in classified 1717 River Road
Unusual Opportunity features brick front REALTY is the best way
in Back Mountain. 96 Main St. Compact 2 story
with vinyl siding, 1509 Wyoming Ave.
Ranch Home zoned oversize one car
Updated inside and (570) 763-0090 Freshly painted and tocleanoutyourclosets! home with 3 bed-
out, 3 unit home in rooms, 1st floor
You’re in bussiness Entertaining is a
Residential insulated, immacu-
built in garage, large move in condition. “must” in this bath with laundry,
attached to a Com- late and sitting on
mercial Building rear deck, large Live in one apart-
almost half an acre
with classified! waterfront com- large kitchen. Park- Collect cash, not dust!
37 Chestnut Road ment and the other ing in rear with Clean out your
(formerly print cleared lot, public this 3 bedroom 1.5 pound! Spacious
(Old Farm Estates) sewers, private 2 can pay the mort- room sizes accom- alley access. basement, garage
Custom built solid shop) with separate bath home can be
utilities over 2 well. Modern gage. Modern modate family and $39,900 or attic and call the
brick 4 bedroom, yours. Features
beautiful acres in kitchens and baths. friends in this five MLS 11-99 Classified depart-
3.5 baths Colonial kitchen with appli- include a modern
Lake Twp with plen- Large 2nd floor bedroom, 3500SF Call Colleen
style home with an ances, dining area, apartment has 3
kitchen, central
ment today at 570-
ty of parking. So A/C. laundry room, beauty. Old world 829-7130!
open floor plan on living room, 2 full bedrooms, large
many possibilities. office and free charm includes
1+ acre lot in the baths and 1/2 bath, eat in kitchen, and
Can be purchased standing fireplace. living room with
Poconos. A few of a fantastic sound 1.5 baths and laun- knotty pine walls,
the amenities as residential home. All appliances
system. Lower level dry room. 1st floor NEW LISTING! beamed ceilings
include central A/C. Call for more included. Just move $67,900
has entry door to units have 1 bed- 871 EXETER AVE. and a gas stone
details. Property right in! For more Updated in 2005
2 Master bedrooms the garage and also room and 1 bath. 2 Architecturally fireplace Dining
Type: RC: Residen- details and photos 476 Wyoming St. Needs Fast Sale
each with bath car garage and 4 attractive design room includes two
tial w/Commercial to the side patio. visit: www.atlas Nice 3 bedroom 102 Price Street
room and fireplace, off street parking built to accommo- built-in corner 2 W Sunrise Dr.
Function. Home features gas realtyinc.com single home. Gas (570) 287-7013
ultramodern spaces. For more date a busy corner cupboards and
MLS# 11-42 forced air, also cen- MLS 11-604 heat. COnvenient
kitchen, hardwood info and photos, go location. Great sitting area with
$165,000 tral air ducts are $177,900 location. To settle
floors throughout, to www.atlas building will lend stone fireplace
Call Brenda Suder Call Kim estate. Affordable
cathedral ceiling already to install. realtyinc.com itself to most retail Game room with
332-8924 or 570-466-3338 @ $39,500
and 2 car garage. many features MLS 11-1447 users, used car lot, mahogany flooring,
Michele Hopkins Call Jim for details
MLS #11-653 MLS#11-860 $129,000 mini mart, restau- Five bedrooms,
$469,900 696-9315 Towne & Country
$214,000 Call Terry rant. Call for your including fabulous
Call Kim
Real Estate Co.
Call John Vacendak 570-885-3041 or appointment! views of the lake in
570-735-8932 or
570-466-3338 Angie Pat Silvi 283-9100 the spacious mas-
570-823-4290 570-542-5708
570-885-4896 x21 MLS#11-803 Well maintained
570-735-1810 ter and fifth bed-
Sale price $150,000 room (presently an bi-level continually
Lease price office). Lush gar- cared for by the
$1500/month original owners.
REDUCED dens with perenni- Awesome Kingston
als and annuals. 84’ Upgraded kitchen Cape on a great
of lakefront with with granite counter street! Close to

see www. tops and breakfast schools, library,
two-story boat-
bar. Four bedrooms shopping, etc.
capitol- house! “Low taxes”.
Blueberry Hill. MLS#11-1083 and two baths. Newer gas furnace
for additional
3 bedroom ranch.
Large lot with pool.
Lease To Buy. For
FALLS $850,000.
Call Maribeth Jones
Large veranda over
the garage. Lower
level recreation
and water heater.
Replacement win-
570-696-6565 dows, hardwood

more details, call
(570) 655-8118 REDUCED! 8 Diamond Ave.
Loads of space in
room with fireplace
and wet bar. 27’ x
flooring, recently
remodeled kitchen
10’ 3-season with subway tiled
this modernized tra-
PRICE REDUCED 25 Center St. room…. A great backsplash. Alarm
Affordable single ditional home. 3rd place to entertain. system for your
family 3 bedroom, 1 floor is a large bed- Motivated sellers! protection and
(Newberry Estate)
Estate like 6.35
acre setting in
and 3/4 bath home room with walk-in LINE UP Come and tour this much more. MLS
located in a nice closet. Modern lovely home
3 bedroom, 2 bath
first floor condo
Northwoods. 5,000
sq. ft. in all. Classic
area of Forty Fort. kitchen, family room A GREAT DEAL... in a great
addition, deck over- neighborhood!
offers a spectacular brick home features
Ample size and
freshly painted looking large corner IN CLASSIFIED! MLS#11-1031
Call Pat Busch
(570) 885-4165
golf course view! Summit Pointe lot. Not just a $239,500
rooms, walk up
Central a/c. Fire- Builders attention RR1, Box 297
place. Huge closets. to detail at every MAJESTIC VIEW! attic for storage, starter home but a
home to stay
Mary Ellen Belchick
rear deck, 2 car 696-6566
3 patios. Garage. turn. 2 story family 3 bedroom brick in and grow! For Ridge Ave
Ranch home nes- detached garage to
Pool, tennis, golf. room with accent NEW LISTING more informaton
tled on approxi- name a few!
Many extras. windows & fire
Ask for Bob Kopec
place, modern
maple kitchen with
6 Ivy Lane
Lovely 3 bedroom BUILDING FOR SALE mately an acre of
well groomed river-
MLS 11-947
and photos visit
Rancher with 2 full 921 N. Main St., Jay A. Crossin realtyinc.com
Humford Realty cherry finish, den Investment front land with
baths, granite 570-0770 MLS #11-622
570-822-5126 with Oak built-ins, kitchen counters, property. breathtaking scenic $127,900
views, cascading Ext. 23
impressive oak walk-in closet in Off-street parking. Call Colleen
DALLAS tree lines and the CROSSIN REAL
entry. Elegant Master 4000 sq ft. 570-237-0415
legendary cliffs of ESTATE
master with bedroom.Separate Building has 2 fur-
Falls. Beautiful bird 570-288-0770
whirlpool overlook- shower in Master nished apart- Modern 2 story 121 W. Vaughn St.
and wildlife to daz-
ing wooded lot. bath. Laundry room ments, work shop, home on 1 acre. Well cared for 3
Formal living room, on main level and front showroom, zle the eye and Duplex. Excellent bedroom, 1 bath
4 bedrooms, 5 much more! underground excellent fishing Small ranch home. 2 starter home, home on nice
baths. 4 car garage garage & nice and hunting for your street. Brand new
& 2,500 sq. ft.
barn/shop for car
MLS #10-3285
Jay A. Crossin
back yard. Call
(570) 498-3670
enjoyment. Living
room w/fireplace,
bedroom, full base-
ment, new roof.
Large carport. Very
HANOVER TOWNSHIP retirement home,
or investment
property Public
drywall and trim in
front 2 rooms. Vinyl
enthusiasts or 570-288-0770 to set up an family room, full low utility bills. 1 mile sewer,deep well. 23 Mead St. windows, gas heat
other use. Ext. 23 appointment heated basement, from Route 81. Ask- $109,000 Newly remodeled 2 and newer 200
$650,000 Crossin Real $255,000 riverfront deck, ing $40,000. Call Negotiable story on a corner amp electric serv-
Call Kevin Estate central A/C and Nick 570-702-4077 570-287-5775 lot with fenced in ice. Great location
570-696-1195 or 570-288-0770 much more. A one or 570-332-1048 yard and 2 car with park just a few
upscale Dallas
neighborhood. 570-696-5420


DURYEA of a a kind find.
Must see! HANOVER TOWNSHIP garage. 4 bed-
rooms, 1 bath,
doors away!
MLS 11-1380
Attention to detail
at every turn in this
5000+SF home on A GREAT DEAL...
MLS #10-3751
$182,000 Price Reduction!
HUGHESTOWN 1,660 sq. ft. For
more information
Mark R. Mason
Call Debbie Nice raised ranch in and photos visit 570-331-0982
three floors.
Oversized cherry IN CLASSIFIED! McGuire
quiet neighborhood. www.atlas CROSSIN REAL
Attached 3 car realtyinc.com
kitchen with granite Looking for the right deal Crossin Real garage; plenty of $89,900 570-288-0770
island and upgrad-
on an automobile?
ed appliances. Tray
ceiling, crown and DALLAS
High Point Acres
Turn to classified.
off-street parking,
utility room with 3/4
MLS 10-3684
Call Bill
bath. Walk up stairs 570-362-4158
It’s a showroom in print!
panel moldings, Sellers assist 9K Reduced!
family room with New Listing to eat-in kitchen
vaulted ceiling and Classified’s got toward closing. Bi-Level. 1,750 sq ft.
with balcony, hard-
Three bedroom 3 bedrooms, 2
gas fireplace. First the directions! ranch home, baths, 1 car garage.
wood floors, living 97 Center Street
room, bedrooms Vinyl sided, this 6
floor den/library, 5 completely reno- New carpeting,
bedrooms, 5 baths, vated (tile, hard- and full bath. Bright room home has
paint, etc. Large lot.
finished lower level, wood, granite, Asking $112,500.
3rd floor attic ready cottage cuteness, a Looking for that
1 year new 20x42 to finish. Seller anx- deep lot, paved off
carpet, roof, Deremer Realty
ious to sell. All street parking and
special place
Oasis in-ground
pool, 3-car garage
Stainless appli- 570-477-1149
appliances and a detached 1 car called home?
ances) two 129 S. Dawes Ave.
on a 1+/- acre lot. baths, Dining Coldwell Banker garage. Owner is Classified will address 4 bedroom, 1 bath,
4 bedroom, 2 ½
bath colonial. Fire- room, Living 151 Fort Street Home Protection willing to contribute Your needs. large enclosed
$599,000. Plan included. $1,500 to your clos-
Call Maribeth Jones place in family room. room, Family Recently remodeled 112 Regal Street MLS # 10-2673 ing costs. Priced at
Open the door porch with brick
Bright & Sunny sun- Room, Laundry, 3 bedroom home, 2 2 family. with classified! fireplace. Full con-
696-6565 Garage, office, baths, all new $99,900 $73,900, with 5% crete basement
room. Very large, Renovated bath
Single family home rec room, utility amenities, lots of Call Amy Lowthert down, borrowing with 9ft ceiling. Lots
level, landscaped & kitchen, low at (570)406-7815 $70,205, for 30
lot. 2 car garage. for sale in quiet room, lot is closet space, nice taxes, new of storage, 2 car
neighborhood- 75x150. Over corner lot with off COLDWELL BANKER years @ 5% interest garage on double
Gas Heat. $265,000 boiler, 50 x 150, rate would make
Besecker Realty Beautiful 2400 Sq. 2,500 sq ft of liv- street parking, RUNDLE REAL ESTATE lot in a very desir-
over sized your monthly princi-
570-675-3611 Ft. with 6 bedroom, ing space, fin- garage, new car- able neighborhood.
DALLAS 2 full baths, 2 story ished basement. pet, windows & pal and interest Close to schools
$84,000. Call payment $376.88
New construction
home, fully air con-
ditioned, oil & gas
heat, renovated
Call Jim
door. Gas heat.
Call (570) 852-9142
or 718-360-7283
with taxes and
insurance, monthly
and park and recre-
ation. Walking dis-
tance to downtown
on 1 acre lot. kitchen, full unfin- payment would be Wilkes-Barre. Great
2500 sq. ft.
2 story, 4 or 5
ished basement, 2
enclosed porches, EDWARDSVILLE
Shopping for a
new apartment? HANOVER TWP. approximately
$533. Why rent,
when you can have 250 Susquehan-
family neighbor-
hood. Carpet
bedrooms, 2.5 15 x 20 deck with allowance will be
bath, Great room power awning Classified lets your own home? nock Drive
Call Pat McHale Immaculate Cape
with cathedral cover – generous you compare costs - 570-613-9080 Cod home features
152 Pine Drive
ceiling, fire place, size lot, off street without hassle Large windows 1st floor master
MLS #11-1434
dual zone gas heat parking, first floor Call Tom
Bright & Open floor & central air, washer & dryer. or worry! accent this bright suite with office and
plan - 4 year old Get moving 3/4 bath. 2nd floor
2 car garage, All appliances spacious 2 bed-
two story home set has 2 large bed-
on 2.26 private
REDUCED Now!! included. with classified! room, 2 bath rooms with walk in
NOW $284,900. JUST REDUCED townhouse in a
ares - Fabulous *3 bedroom/1 bath/ closets and adjoin-
Call 570-675-4805 $168,000 122-124 Short St.
modern kitchen 1250 sq ft quiet setting of ing bath. 1st floor

Call 570-421-0587 Very nice double-
with stainless steel 76 Dana St. *Corner double lot/ Hanover Township. laundry and 1/2
or [email protected] block in Great starter home fencing bath, modern
appliances. 4 bed- use “Dupont Home” Edwardsville on a Motivated sellers!
rooms, 2.5 baths. in nice neighbor- *Detached garage + All reasonable kitchen with bam-

in email subject quiet street and out hood. 2 story, 2 2 car paved parking boo floors, living
Detailed moldings & line. of the flood zone. offers considered.
hardwood floors. bedroom, 1 bath. *Hardwood floors/ room with stone
Good income prop- $98,000 fireplace. 2 tier
Walk out basement Dining room, living replacement
erty for an investor MLS# 10-2685

$345,000 room, kitchen.Large windows deck overlooks
or live in one side fenced yard. Car *GasHeat/hot water Call Arlene Warunek above ground pool,
MLS# 11-901
and rent the other port & detached 2 *Full concrete 570-650-4169 ready for summer
Call Geri to help pay the fun! For more infor-
570-696-0888 car garage. basement/walk-out Main Road
mortgage! Make *Not a drive-by Country Living mation and photos,
570-696-3801 $79,900
your appointment please visit
LEWITH & FREEMAN Nice 2 bedroom
ranch in Great today!
Call (570) 954-4074
or (570) 906-7614
Call for appointment
At It’s Best.
Well Maintained www.atlas
A yard or garage sale
Neighborhood! Doyouneedmorespace? MLS #11-438
MLS# 10-4598 farmhouse on 6+ realtyinc.com

in classified
Smith Hourigan MLS #11-657
Large Living Room, Collect cash, not dust! Call Vieve Zaroda acres. Garage,
Job Seekers are sunny eat-in kitchen A yard or garage sale $66,000
Mary Ellen Belchick Clean out your
(570) 474-6307 Group
(570) 696-1195
stream. Easy $299,000
Call Colleen
is the best way
& oversized bath. Ext. 2772 access to Route 11.
looking here! Perfect place to in classified 570-696-6566
basement, garage Affordable at 570-237-0415
Walter Belchick Job Seekers are
Where's your ad? start out or down-
is the best way REDUCED TO

570-829-7130 and
size to.
or attic and call the
Classified depart-
looking here!
Where's your ad?
Call Jim to cleanoutyourclosets!
ask for an employ-
MLS# 10-4624
Five Mountains
You’re in bussiness ment today at 570- Smith Hourigan
570-829-7130 and
ask for an employ-
Towne & Country
Real Estate Co.
Line up a place to live
You’re in bussiness
with classified!
Realty Group 570-735-8932 or
ment specialist 570-542-2141 with classified! 829-7130! 570-474-6307 ment specialist 570-542-5708 in classified!
PAGE 8D TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale


6 Merganser Ct
19 Academy St
In Forest Pointe PRICE REDUCED

Beautiful Bi-Level Diamond in the

177 Third Ave. 7 Hickorywood Dr. with Oak Hardwood New Listing! Peaceful living with 107 Johnson St. rough. 3/4 bed- 20 Nittany Lane
Neat as a pin! 3 Wonderful 4 bed- Floors in Living Cape Cod with 3 easy drive to town. 4 bedroom Ranch rooms, 1 1/4 baths, Convenience! Loca-
bedroom, 2.5 room Ranch with room, Dining room, bedrooms, 1 full and Beautifully main- home with hard- fenced yard. A little tion! Easy Living!
baths, end unit sweeping views of 2 half baths, run tained 3Bedroom wood floors, large 40 Gain St.
Hallways & TLC & you have This home has it all.
townhome with nice the valley. Master porch, 2 car garage Ranch on 1.5 acres, room sizes, gas Be the first occu-
Staircase. a great starter or 3 floors of living
fenced yard. Bright bedroom with walk- plus car port awaits 2 car garage, gas heat and central air, pants of this newly
Upgrades Galore, investment proper- space w/hardwood
Spacious kitchen, in closet and bath, a new owners fireplace, hard- garage and carport. constructed Ranch
central air, gas ty. Don't miss this floors and gas fire-
main level family ultra modern eat-in touch. Situated on woods, large Nice home, corner home on a low traf-
heat, 16x32 one. place in living room.
room, deck w/ kitchen with granite 1.94 acres within deck... Lots to see. lot, large unfinished fic street. All you
in-ground pool $17,500 Open floor plan,
retractable awning. counters and cherry walking distance of Call today for a pri- basement. For could ask for is
surrounded with MLS# 10-3939 lower level family
Gas heat/central cabinets with large school and .02 vate showing. more information already here, 3
Perennial Gardens SUN. MAY 22 Call Patricia room w/laundry and
air, pull down attic island and stainless miles of interstate MLS 10-3480 and photos visit bedrooms, 2 baths,
& Fenced yard with 1:00PM-3:00PM Liberty Realty 3/4 bath. 3 bed-
for storage and 1 steel appliances. 2 81 this is an ideal $138,700 www.atlas hardwood and tile
Hot Tub, shed, Attractive Fine 570-328-1752 rooms w/2 full
car garage. Very car garage, full location ONLY Five Mountains realtyinc.com floors with granite
deck, oversized Line Home baths on upper
affordable town- unfinished base- $59,900!!! Realty MLS 11-1209 Collect cash, not dust! and stainless steel
driveway, 1 car ''Charleston'' floor level. Deck and
home in great cen- ment with Anne Marie Chopick 570-542-2141 $129,900 Clean out your kitchen, gas fire-
garage. 1 year plan. Stacked patio for outdoor
tral location! walk-out to yard. 570-760-6769 Call Charlie place, central air, 2
warranty. $189,900 stone, masonry,
basement, garage living! 2 zone heat,
MLS 11-1282 For more informa- MLS# 10-3677 GEORGE T. BELL Looking for that 570-829-6200 or attic and call the
car garage and
central a/c, inter-
$139,500 tion and photos visit wood burning fire- REAL ESTATE rear patio and full
Call Nancy Palumbo place in family special place Classified depart- basement. For com and stereo
Mark R. Mason www.atlas 570-714-9240 570-288-6654
570-331-0982 realtyinc.com room, brick called home? ment today at 570- more information plus central vac
system, 2 car
accents on front. Classified will address 829-7130!
CROSSIN REAL MLS #10-4060 and photos, log
Upgraded appli- onto www.atlas garage. What more
ESTATE $269,900 Your needs.
570-288-0770 Call Colleen
ances. 2nd floor
laundry. Large
Ranch. Newly
constructed. 2,100
Open the door Looking for the right deal PITTSTON TWP. realtyinc.com
MLS #10-3676
could you want?
MLS #11-782
with classified! on an automobile? $199,900
master bath with
whirlpool tub.
Large yard.
sq ft. 3 bedrooms.
2.5 baths. Jacuzzi
NOXEN Turn to classified.
Call Colleen
Call Colleen
NEW LISTING! tub. Gas Heat, It’s a showroom in print!
$265,000 Central Air. 2 car
MLS# 11-1264 garage. Land- Classified’s got
Call Michael Pinko the directions!
LAFLIN (570) 899-3865
scaping & Drive-
way completed
aprox 5/23
$239,900 PITTSTON Looking to buy a Find Something?
Lose Something?
570-868-5900 120 Parnell St. home?
Classic Ranch in Place an ad here Get it back where it
290 Reynolds St.
Very roomy 2 story
Stunning view of
the Wyoming Valley
Smith Hourigan
NANTICOKE 101 Main Street.
great location. 3
bedroom, 3 baths,
and let the
sellers know! with a Lost/Found ad!
on lovely street in high quality 570-829-7130
architecturally built 570-474-6307 BREAKFAST. Totally throughout. 3 sea-
Kingston. 4 bed- on pristine 1 acre updated spacious 2
rooms, 3 baths,
wood burning fire- 9 Main Street lot…grape vines,
fruit trees, fish
Doyouneedmorespace? story with extra
large living room, 4
son porch over
looking private rear PLAINS
place in living room. 2-3 bedroom, 1 full
pond, raised gar- A yard or garage sale suites, family room
yard. Owners says 1610 Westminster Rd
bath home on large 151 Broad Street sell and lowers
Large eat-in kitchen
as well as formal fenced lot. 1 car dens, contemporary in classified and screen porch
Stately 1900+ price to
dining room. Freshly detached garage, home with Great is the best way conveniently locat-
square foot, two- $219,900. For
room fireplace, ed on Main St.
painted, carpets living room, dining
room, eat in kitchen beamed ceilings, tocleanoutyourclosets! 330 State Street Noxen. $195,000.
story home with 4 more information
and photos please
cleaned and numer- bedrooms, 1.75
ous updates makes and newly added hardwood flooring You’re in bussiness Very spacious ERA BRADY
baths and 2 car, visit our website at
this move-in ready! 14x16 deck. Washer, and much more!
with classified! 3 story home ASSOCIATES
detached garage. www.atlas
dryer & fridge incl- with nice size realtyinc.com
Call for your FEATURES -NEW
uded. New water $325,000. rooms & many kitchen with maple MLS #10-2817
private showing. 433 N. Main St,
MLS #11-364
heater and windows
throughout.Full walk
Call Maribeth Jones
recent updates.
$2,000 seller
assist available.
bath 1st floor, NEW
Call Charlie for
your private
home in advanced
out basement. furnace, FRESH showing. Gorgeous estate
Mary Ellen Belchick Hardwood floors in
every room. Many
738 PARDEESVILLE RD Paint. Hardwood
flooring on 1st floor
VM 101 like property with
log home plus 2
stage of remodel
ready for drywall
570-696-6566 and your choice of
Walter Belchick
570-696-2600 x301
updates, a must
see! $89,000.
MLS# 09-3712
MLS #10-2922
story garage on 1
acres with many
extras to be
installed. Studded
(570) 898-2581
MESHOPPEN (570) 696-5418 A great buy @
outdoor features.
out for vaulted
master suite with 2
811 Pin Oak Dr.
Call Pat for an
MLS# 11-319
tub/shower and 2

Find a
EVERYONE! Call Charles more bedrooms,

KINGSTON 6 bedrooms, plenty

Smith Hourigan
even an upstairs

of bathrooms, laundry planned!
spacious family Group Large foyer &
room with coal 570-696-1195 kitchen, formal Din-

Single family built

insert fireplace, ing Room. Ready

Lovely nearly com-

living room, dining
room kitchen PLUS
in 2005. 2.5 baths,
two story with
attached garage.
LINEUP for new furnace/
water heater. Can
11 Michael Dr. part finished
NANTICOKE lights, outlets

pleted renovated Oil furnace with already placed!
basement, Rec
You'll be impressed
the moment
Victorian farmhouse
sits high on 7.81 room with wet bar, central air. 90 x at Large lot with room
140 corner lot.
you enter this acres featuring 2 car built in garage
Kitchen with cen- timesleader.com for garage/deck/

REDUCTION!!!!! well-maintained
home, conveniently
panoramic pastoral
views, high ceilings,
& additional 3-4 car
garage... PLUS 2nd
lot for a great back
ter cooking island,
dining room, IN CLASSIFIED!
pool. MLS# 10-4611
Call Amy Lowthert
located. This lovely original woodwork, raised ceiling with
yard. This is a at (570)406-7815
Doyouneedmore space? RC R B E
home features gutted, rewired, glass door entry &
eat-in kitchen, 3 insulated and sheet- Fannie Mae OLDWELL ANKER
HomePath Property. hardwood floor. 3 bedroom, 1 bath,
bedrooms, formal rocked, newer roof, UNDLE EAL STATE

A yard or garage sale

Property approved Carpeting thru out semi modern
dining room, vinyl siding, kitchen home. Tiled kitchen with stove
3-season porch, and baths. Lots of for HomePath Gorgeous Original
Let the Community
kitchen and bath. and fridge. Nice
in classified
large deck. The potential with TLC. Renovation Woodwork & Hard-
Mortgage wood floors. 4 bed- Kitchen appli- yard, one car
expansive lower Elk Lake School Dis- ances included. garage.
level family room Financing. ''First- rooms, 2 baths, 1st
is the best way
trict. $175,000 NICELY PRICED Priced to sell.
features large bar. MLS# 11-525 Call Look'' Property, floor laundry area,
543 please see built-in drawers/ $219,900 MLS 11-1298
1 year warranty

to cleanoutyourclosets! Place your Classified

Westmoreland 570-696-2468 $59,900
included. This home www.homepath. cabinets in 2nd floor (570) 233-1993
Ave. com for details. hallway. Dou- Call Lu-Ann
is priced to sell! 570-602-9280 ONLY
D .
Stately 5 bedroom $154,900 blestairs leading GET THE WORD OUT
You’re in bussiness
home in prestigious PRICE REDUCED
$177,000 MLS #11-177 from upstairs into
neighborhood. 570-242-2795 foyer & kitchen. with a Classified Ad.
Yearning to be
restored to its origi-
MLS# 10-4639
Barbara Young
Call 570-466-6940
Walk-up finished
attic with 2 more
with classified! 570-829-7130
nal splendor. Porch, rooms. New furnace
rec room, sun room
and inground pool. COLDWELL BANKER, (‘07), Deck, Drive-
way, Much restora-
Shopping for a
Huge Reduction
$145,000 RUNDLE REAL ESTATE tion & remodeling

Call Jay Crossin 570-474-2340 new apartment? done. $99,900.
Call Nancy Palumbo
Ext. 23 Ext. 55 Classified lets 570-714-9240
Crossin Real you compare costs -
570-288-0770 LARKSVILLE without hassle MOUNTAIN TOP
or worry!
LINEUP Get moving
with classified!

It’s Your
A yard or garage sale MINERS MILLS 850 LAKEVIEW DR
Ranch. 3 bedrooms,
2 bathrooms. Dou-
ble car detached
in classified 111 Falcon Drive Enjoy the beauty in

Brand new since this beautiful 2- garage, approxi-
is the best way 2004, 3 bedrooms, story on approxi- mately .35 acres,
tocleanoutyourclosets! 2 baths, central air, mately one acre in deck. All season
sunroom, hardwood
2 car garage, shed, Laurel Lakes! Hard-
You’re in bussiness 6 car driveway. wood floors, tile floors, oak kitchen,
with classified! Roof, kitchen, fur- and granite kitchen, large private back-

News Source.
nace, a/c unit and 4 bedrooms and 3 yard, pool, potting
KINGSTON master bath all
replaced. Modern
Charming two-story
baths – including a
spacious master
shed. $145,000
Call 570-760-1891
kitchen with granite home with hard- bath with Jacuzzi before 3:00 p.m. to
island, tile floors, wood and pine and separate show- set an appointment
maple cabinets. er. This 10-room
floors, modern
Fireplace in family kitchen and baths, home has a great
room, large closets, formal living room layout, including a REDUCED
modern baths. and dining room, 3 lower level with OPEN HOUSE
Stamped concrete bedrooms, gas recreation room WEDNESDAY
patio. For more heat, separate and an additional MAY 18
information and 330SF of office room for a den or 6PM - 8PM
Spacious 3 photos visit space. Detached office. Call us today
bedroom, 1.5 bath www.atlas garage and carport, to arrange your pri-
home with three realtyinc.com updated windows, vate showing!
season porch, nice MLS #11-1166 roof and furnace. MLS#11-1216
yard & private $279,900 Zoned business $329,500
driveway. Call Tom commercial. Mary Ellen Belchick
$69,499 570-262-7716 MLS#11-1010 696-6566
MLS# 11-965 $129,000 Walter Belchick
Call Barbara at Call Maribeth Jones 696-2600 ext. 301
570-466-6940 570-696-6565 25 West
RUNDLE REAL Move right into this
ESTATE LINE UP very nice 3 bed-
570-474-2340 room 1 bath home.
Ext 55
woodwork and a

KINGSTON TWP. Looking for the right deal 461 Ice Harvest Dr.
Rice Township
BUTLER TWP. beautiful stained
glass window.
Kitchen appliances
on an automobile?
PRICE REDUCED Turn to classified.
and wall to wall car-
peting approxi-
It’s a showroom in print! mately 1 year old.
Home also has a
Classified’s got one car detached
the directions! garage.

109 North St. MLS 11-347
4 bedroom ranch Call John
Gorgeous with large updat- 570-704-6846
customized 4 bed- ed kitchen, open Antonik & Associ-
8 Circle Drive room, 4 bath home floor plan, living ates, Inc.
Only one lucky fami- room with fire- 570-735-7494
on a huge 5.7 acre
ly will be able to place, hardwood
make this home
their own! Beautiful-
lot in the exclusive
ice lakes. Price to
floors in living
room, bedrooms NANTICOKE
sell at $499,000 and kitchen.
ly kept Ranch with

Read it every Friday in The Times Leader.

2 car garage, new MLS# 11-1487 Updated bath.
bath, partially fin- 52 Broadway Street Call Laura 466-9186 Sunroom over-
ished basement, 3 2 story home with for a showing. looks state game
season room, nice lot, vinyl siding, lands. Walk out
replacement win- CROSS VALLEY lower level, easily
almost 1 acre in
Dallas School Dis- dows. Fenced yard. REALTY finished-only
trict. Home Warran- MLS# 11-1140 (570) 763-0090 needs carpet. This
cy included. For $54,900 is a must see!
With 1876 sq. ft of
more information Call Jill Shaver $164,500
Hunter Office: MLS# 11-1349 living space this 4
and photos visit our bedroom, 1.75 bath
(570) 328-0306 Call Michael Pinko
website at
www.atlas ASUCCESSFULSALE (570) 899-3865 2 story is a great

buy. 1st floor
realtyinc.com includes a Front
MLS #11-370
Call Charlie
IN CLASSIFIED! room, Living room,
Dining room, Kit, 3/4
VM 101
Doyouneedmorespace? Smith Hourigan
bath & laundry
room. A tiered rear
A yard or garage sale
Group deck leads into the
570-474-6307 fenced back yard.
Job Seekers are in classified Collect cash, not dust!
Off street parking
for 2+ cars in the

Let the Community

looking here!
Where's your ad?
is the best way
Clean out your
basement, garage
rear off alley. Priced
to sell. $30,900
Anne Marie Chopick
Know! 570-829-7130 and or attic and call the 570-760-6769 IN LUZERN
Place your Classified
ask for an employ- You’re in bussiness Classified depart-
ment today at 570-
570-829-7130 ment specialist with classified! 829-7130! 570-288-6654
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 9D
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 909 Income &
570 Grassy Pond Rd
84 Madison Street


Spacious 2 story RR 2 Box 84B 296 Main Street N FREE MARKET

with old world Nice Country Bi- New Listing! 108 Simpson St. Walk into the Nice duplex. INVESTMENT! ANALYSIS!
charm, hardwood Level on 9.55 acres 2 Story, Large Lot, Cute and well cared warmth of this Renovated 2nd 133-135 Old River Rd For a confidential
floors, wood stair- with 3 bedrooms, Needs Siding, Nice for home. Enclosed charming home that floor. Great invest- Designed and con- evaluation of 62-67 ½Thomas St
case, stained glass 1.5 baths, kitchen, Interior Features! patio on back, off defines the quaint ment or convert structed as a 4-unit your home. This would make an
windows and more. living room, family MLS# 11-1184 street parking for 4 architecture of back to single. apartment building. CALL TODAY! awesome family
Amenities include a room, office & laun- $74,900 cars. Nice big yard, Wilkes-Barre. The 3 bedroom, 1 bath Solid brick and 570 696-2468. compound. No
dry room. Plus Call Jill Shaver privacy in rear. owners maintained on 1st Floor. masonry exterior. shortage of parking
attached oversized Hunter Office: MLS 09-3505 the fine woodwork, 2 bedroom, 1 bath Each apartment on this unique prop-
PENDING $49,900 contains 1300+/-SF erty. One single
SUNDAY MAY 1st 2 car garage with (570) 328-0306 original stained 2nd floor. Detached
12:00PM-2:00PM workshop, rear Call Jay Crossin glass windows,built garage. of living space with home, one duplex
Formal Dining 1071 Meadowcrest deck & 3 sheds. Ext. 23 in book cases, 2 $79,000 6 rooms, 2 bed- and an extra lot all
Room, eat in Drive MLS 11-1094 CROSSIN REAL sets of French MLS# 11-1095 rooms and one included. Homes
kitchen, 1st floor Every corner of this $229,900 ESTATE doors, cozy fire- Call Jeff Cook bath. Full concrete are right on the
laundry, den, 3 bed- ranch home has Five Mountains 570-288-0770 place and old fash- Realty World basement and off- Edwardsville/Larksvi
rooms, 1.5 baths, been beautifully Realty ioned archways. Bank Capital street parking for 6 lle border.
attic & a
1 car
upgraded. Wood
floors, new kitchen
570-542-2141 WILKES-BARRE Has a definite
appeal with the
570-235-1183 cars. MLS#11-1232
$124,900 NEAR HARVEYS LAKE $129,900
garage all on a 100’
x 200’ lot.
with granite and
stainless. Gas fire- SWEET VALLEY many updates.
MLS# 10-2560 WILKES-BARRE Ted Poggi
283-9100 ext.25
Call Betty
(570) 510-1736
place, tiled baths,
neutral decor,
Post Office Road
10 year old 3 bed-
room, 2.5 bath
2 or 3 bedroom
Call Brenda
AVAILABLE. completely finished Suder Office:
Anne Marie Chopick lower level (800 Ranch home with 2 home in Country (570) 696-2468
GEORGE T. BELL additional square car plus garage, full Club Estates. 1.5

REAL ESTATE feet!), just move basement. Open bath with lots of Smith Hourigan
570-288-6654 right in! Lake floor plan, modern storage space. Group
570-760-6769 Lehman schools kitchen, gas fire- For info & pics, INVESTMENT!
RR2 Box 200 570-287-1196

MLS #11-306
place, wall to wall
carpet. Large deck
123 S. Main St.,
89 Simpson St., REDUCED Well maintained, 4
bedroom, 1 1/2
Great downtown
Call Tracy Zarola & shed on 3.7 acres Call 570-472-3032 This well kept 3 baths, eat-in
570-574-6465 Asking $225,000 bedroom, 1.5 bath kitchen, spacious
opportunity for 138-148 Welles St.
Call (570) 466-5921 living room, front &
570-696-0723 investor! Ideal for home offers an
or (570) 417-4741 back porches on
LEWITH & FREEMAN Shopping for a 242 Damon Street
student housing!
First floor tenant is
Looking for that
special place
open living room/
dining room floor 1.58
$123,800. Call
a successful plan. Master bed-
new apartment?
Classified lets
restaurant with a
lease. Plus 4 large,
called home?
Classified will address
room with its own
office area. Plenty
Jeannie Brady
of closets in addi-
CONTRACT you compare costs - 2 bedroom apart- Your needs. tion to the walk-up 570-836-3848
ments on the sec- 116 Amber Lane
For Sale By Owner without hassle ond and third floors.
Open the door attic for storage! Very nice Bi-level
Plains Township
or worry! Off-street parking with classified! Off-street parking, home with 2-3 bed- 909 Income & DRASTIC PRICE
Mill Creek Acres large deck over-
for 3 cars.
4 Lan Creek Rd Get moving MLS#11-829 looking the fenced
rooms, open floor
plan, built in
Commercial REDUCTION!
Be part of the
Close to Mohegan with classified! Newly remodeled $154,900 rear yard. Just garage, driveway, Properties Welles Street
Sun & Geisinger, 4 move right in!
SWOYERSVILLE four bedroom home Ted Poggi 283-9100 on corner lot. Revitalization! 2
Bedrooms, 3 Baths,
ext. 25 $83,900 Lower level family
Fireplace, 2 Car in West Pittston. buildings with
Jill Jones 696-6550 room with pellet
Garage. Excellent New kitchen and offices & ware-
Condition. All Appli- 375 Greenpond Rd. stove. Move in house/garage
baths, new carpet
ances Included. Well kept Ranch in condition home. areas. Zoned M-1.
and flooring, many For more informa- Office space for
Large yard. Midway Manor with
7 rooms, 3 bed- original features tion and photos visit lease. Call agent for
Go To
www.plainsre.com rooms, 2 baths, 2 including hardwood Doyouneedmorespace? www.atlas more details. 138-
for details.
Asking $219,900
car garage, newer
floors, nice yard &
two car garage.
A yard or garage sale 313 N. River Street
Nice 2 bedroom WILKES-BARRE realtyinc.com
142 Approx 9784
sq. ft. & 144-146
in classified single home, A/C, MLS 10-4538
Call 570-817-1228
for showing
MLS #10-4474
171 Oliver St.
MLS# 10-1675 is the best way well maintained.
Near courthouse
Affordable Call Colleen
approx 5,800 sq ft.
Call Tom Newly built 3 Contact Judy Rice
tocleanoutyourclosets! 25 St. Mary’s St.
570-262-7716 Very well main- & colleges. 714-9230
bedroom home. 3,443 sq. ft.
tained 2 story
REALTY You’re in bussiness Affordably Priced
masonry commer- MLS# 11-4293
home. 3 bedrooms @ $44,900.
401 W. Shawnee Ave
Beautifully redone 4 and a bath with gas (570) 763-0090 with classified! Call Jim 20-year cial building with
no-interest warehouse/office
bedroom, 2 bath bi- heat. Front room Job Seekers are
WILKES-BARRE Towne & Country
and 2 apartments
level with garage on was former store looking here! Real Estate Co. mortgage.
front which would with separate elec-
570-735-8932 or Must meet
cozy corner lot near
LINE UP make a nice size
Where's your ad? tric and heat. Per-
Valley West High 570-829-7130 and 570-542-5708 Wyoming Valley
family room/den! fect for contractors
School. New Paint, A GREAT DEAL... ask for an employ- Habitat for
Many possibilities or anyone with stor-
Carpeting, Appli- ment specialist Humanity age needs. For 1017-1019 Centre St.
ances & more. IN CLASSIFIED! MLS 11-1451
$74,000 eligibility more information
$139,900. Call
570-706-5496 Looking for the right deal Mark R. Mason WEST PITTSTON requirements. and photos log onto
on an automobile? 570-331-0982 322 SALEM ST.


Turn to classified. Inquire at
ESTATE 156 Sherman Street Reduced to
1057 Shickshinny It’s a showroom in print! 570-288-0770 HANDYMAN SPE- NEW LISTING!
CIAL. Extra Large MLS #10-3872
Valley Road Classified’s got 104 5TH ST.
the directions! SWOYERSVILLE duplex with 7 bed-
rooms, 2 baths, fire-
Looking for the right deal
on an automobile?
Great location to
invest in with this
Call Charlie

SHICKSHINNY place, screened 35 Hillard St. VM 101

duplex, you can
porch, full basement Great Turn to classified. have a tenant help
17 Main Road and 2 car garage on neighborhood It’s a showroom in print! with your mortgage
Great 1/2 double double lot in Wilkes- surrounds this
located in nice Barre City. $59,500 updated 2 story Classified’s got or just collect the
rents. 2 bedrooms
West Pittston loca- ERA BRADY with original the directions! in each unit. Semi-

tion. 3 bedrooms, ASSOCIATES woodwork. 3 modern kitchens
Cozy 3 bedroom, new carpet. Vertical 570-836-3848 bedroom, 1 bath,
and baths. Both
1.5 bath completely blinds with all appli- 1,500 sq.ft. oak units have access
remodeled Ranch ances. Screened in eat-in kitchen, SUNDAY MAY 15
327 Shoemaker St to the basement for
home. Features porch and yard. For wood floors, storage. First floor Spacious well
Very nice 2-story stained glass
kitchen, dining with large front more information has gas fireplace, maintained double
room, living room, 3 Lovely Country set- and photos visit windows, large ductless A/C units home with 4 bed-
porch, level back room sizes, fenced
Bedrooms, 1.5 ting for the cute Bi- yard and off-street www.atlas and laundry area. rooms on each
baths, cedar closet Level on 5.34 acres. realtyinc.com yard, deck. $89,000 Large garage with
parking. Three bed- side. 1017 side is
plus built in garage. Property features 4 MLS#10-1535 MLS #10-3023 workshop area.
rooms and one full Call Tracy Zarola owner occupied
New windows, new Bedrooms, 1.75 bath (remodeled in $59,000 Take a look and
roof, new vinyl sid- baths, living room, Charlie VM 101 570-574-6465 Centrally located with ductless AC,
2007). Kitchen with bring your offers!
ing, new plumbing & kitchen, family room 570-696-0723 this charming 3 MLS#11-1038 oil or coal heat,
center island and 678 Lehman
electric, new coal
furnace and new
& laundry room.
Plus 2 car attached
laminate floors in
both kitchen and
LEWITH & FREEMAN bedroom, 1 Bath 2
story, with hard-
Jill Jones
Outlet Road
Unusual Opportunity
modern living
rooms, kitchen &
electric heat. Front garage, 30' X 35' 186 Old RIver Road wood floors, eat in
dining room Base- Off street parking 696-6550 in Back Mountain. baths. Fenced in
& rear porches. Has detached garage ment is partially fin- kitchen, fenced Ranch Home back yard with
a well but can use and 14' X 28' shed. and single car yard. Is an ideal
ished, including 387-389 North zoned Residential
public water, public
sewer. $135,000
MLS 11-1335
plumbing and can
be finished for addi-
WEST WYOMING garage with a
shared driveway. Hampton St.
Three Unit. Great
starter home. Good
potential at $24,900
attached to
shed. Great oppor-
tunity to live in 1017
MLS# 11-1087 Five Mountains 10 Maple Ave. This 4 bedroom, & pay your mort-
tional living space. Location. Great Anne Marie Chopick Building (formerly
Five Mountains Realty one bath home in a 570-760-6769 gage with 1019
New hot water convenient location- Income. Tenants Collect cash, not dust! print shop) with
Realty 570-542-2141 heater in 2010 and GEORGE T. BELL separate utilities on rental property
570-542-2141 just needs pay all utilities. Clean out your
updated electric in a little TLC. Good condition. basement, garage over 2 beautiful
2004. A GREAT $95,000 570-288-6654 acres in Lake Twp. MLS# 11-1229
MLS 11-1552
Call (616) 379-1165
or attic and call the
with plenty of Call Stanley
$47,000 Classified depart-
parking. So many
ASUCCESSFULSALE PRICE! Call us Michelle T. Boice ment today at 570- (570) 817-0111

today to arrange
your private show-
WILKES-BARRE 829-7130!
possibility's. Can be
purchased as
Coldwell Banker
Rundle Real Estate
ing! MLS#11-1337 Great neighbor- residential home.
ESTATE 570-474-2340
Doyouneedmorespace? $99,900 hood! 4 bed- 570-288-0770 Call for more

Mary Ellen Belchick rooms (2 up, 2 details. Property
A yard or garage sale
in classified
Walter Belchick
down). Computer
Residential with
696-2600 ext. 301 ment windows. Commercial
is the best way Completely
remodeled 3 bed- Cedar closet. Function
tocleanoutyourclosets! room, 1.75 bath Aluminum siding. Centrally located, $165,000
MLS #11-42
You’re in bussiness brick & aluminum
ranch on over 4
this triplex is fully
39 W. Chestnut St. occupied and has 2
with classified! acres with Pond. porch. Garage. Lots of room in this bedrooms in each

New stainless steel
appliances, 2 car
attached and 1 car
SWOYERSVILLE Extras! $89,900.
MLS 11-1508
Bob Kopec
single with 3 floors
of living space. 3
unit. Nicely main-
tained with one long
bedrooms, 1 bath term tenant on 3rd 12 Reid st.
built-in garage, HUMFORD floor and off street 47 N. Thomas St.
191 Andover St. with hardwood Spacious Bi-level
paved driveway, REALTY parking. An annual Well maintained
Lovely single family floors throughout, home in semi-pri-
open front porch, 570-822-5126 income of $17,520 duplex in a nice
3 bedroom home natural woodwork, vate location with
3 season room, makes it an attrac- area of Kingston.
with lots of space. all windows have private back yard. 3 2nd floor unit is
rear patio, brick
fireplace & property
goes to a stream
438 Tripp St
Finished 3rd floor,
balcony porch off of
been replaced,
laundry/pantry off of
kitchen. 4x10 entry
tive buy. MLS 11-825
Anne Marie Chopick
season room. Gas
fireplace in lower
DALLAS occupied. New
roof, new heating
2nd floor bedroom, level family room. 4 system, brand new
in the back. gas hot air heat, foyer, space for 2 REAL ESTATE bedrooms, garage.
138 Wakefield Road $190,000 570-288-6654 in ground pool
central air and additional bed- For more informtion
Inviting contempo- MLS# 10-4716 570-760-6769 recently installed.
much more. rooms on the 3rd and photos visit
rary with breathtak- Five Mountains Laundry hook-up for
Must see! floor. Roof is new. wwww.atlas
ing sunsets fea-
tures an open floor
MLS 11-59
MLS 11-325
Large Modern Bi
MLS 10-4740
both units in base-
ment. Newer roof
and exterior
plan, ultra kitchen, 570-288-0770 $159,900
Jay A. Crossin Level. Newly recently painted.
hardwoods 570-288-0770 Ext. 23 Call Charlie
throughout, two- remodeled, hard- MLS 11-1199
Ext. 23 CROSSIN REAL 570-829-6200
sided gas FP, spa- wood floors, 2 story Commercial space $144,500
like master bath, 401 Shoemaker St. addition. Deck, for lease. $10/sq. ft. Jay A. Crossin
ESTATE 570-288-0770
very generous MAY 14 & 15 garage, large Physician's office 570-288-0770
room sizes, 5 bed- 1:00PM TO 4:00PM fenced yard. Quiet ready to occupy Ext. 23
rooms, 4 baths, fin- $120,000 neighborhood. Extra approx 7500 sq. ft.
ished walk-out 80’ X 120’ LOT amenities. $190,000 Various suites up to ESTATE
lower level. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath Call 570-814-5948 20,000 sq. ft. also 570-288-0770
$583,000 Large eat in available. State of
MLS #11-952
Call Tracy Zarola 6 Williams St.
kitchen, living room,
family room, 2 car SUNDAY
WILKES-BARRE the art amenities.
Ample parking.
Find Something?
Lose Something?
Get it back where it
570-574-6465 Great value for the detached garage, Contact Judy Rice
570-696-0723 price on quiet newer roof, vinyl 714-9230 belongs
street which is Completely remod-
siding, replacement MLS# 10-4102 with a Lost/Found ad!
LEWITH & FREEMAN closed to all main
roads is a must
windows. Front &
back porches.
eled home
new. REDUCED! 570-829-7130
New kitchen, baths, 455 S. Main St.
Pioneer Avenue
see. Also comes
with home
Gas range, washing
machine, gas dryer,
floors, hardwoods,
tile 231 Poplar St.
Nice 3 bedroom
Charming traditional
home. Four bed- KINGSTON
granite countertops, home in move-in room, very large liv-
New Listing MLS 10-3210 (2) A/C units & condition. ing room, finished Looking to buy a
$157,900 all new stainless
window treatments steel appliances, Hardwood floors in attic, beautiful NEW LISTING! home?
Thomas Bourgeois 570-283-1457 living & dining woodwork, French
516-507-9403 refrigerator, stove, 54 CORLEAR ST. Place an ad here
microwave, dish- room. Upgraded doors & fenced in and let the
CLASSIC Well maintained
washer, free stand- appliances including back yard.
PROPERTIES home on a double sellers know!
ing shower, tub for stainless double MLS # 11-1117 lot, on a lovely resi-
570-842-9988 $75,000 570-829-7130
two, huge deck, oven, refrigerator & dential street. Walk 61 Pittston Ave.
dishwasher. Great George Sailus
26 Wesland Avenue
large yard, excellent
$154,900 (835.00 /
storage space
in full basement
(570) 407-4300
to the River Com-
mon Park. Close to
schools. 1st floor
Stately brick Ranch
in private location.
Large room sizes,
DURYEA 74 Thomas St.
Well kept duplex
4 bedroom cape & walk-up attic. REALTORS
cod with 2 bed- 30years/ 5%) bedroom and ½ fireplace, central located on a nice
570-654-1490 REDUCED PRICE bath. 2nd floor 2 or
rooms and bath on A/C. Includes street. 2 bedrooms
$75,000 3 bedrooms and a extra lot. For more in each unit. All win-
1st floor, and 2 bed- MLS# 10-4456
rooms and ¾ bath full bath. Although information and dows replaced,
Investors Wanted! Barbara Young not currently fin- photos visit screened in porch-
on 2nd floor. 1 car Call 570-466-6940
garage. Stone front. Stone front 2 bed- ished, the base- www.atlas es for both apart-
Gas heat. Large lot.
room, 2 story on
nice lot. Open 1st
can be finished for
MLS #10-3512
ments, 2 car
garage in rear. Can
additional living
Besecker Realty
Immaculate 2 story
floor with nice eat-in
RUNDLE REAL ESTATE space. Call for your
622 Donnelly St.
Double Block in
be converted back
to a single
570-675-3611 kitchen. 2nd floor
home in nice area needs tlc. Gas heat. 570-474-2340 private showing. Call Charlie good condition. family home.
LINEUP with kitchen, living
room, dining room,
Space Heaters.
$32,000. Call Pat
148 Stites Street Ext. 55
73 Richard Street
VM 101
Great investment
property. Come
MLS 11-1544
ASUCCESSFULSALE family room, laundry
& 3/4 bath on 1st
Coldwell Banker BUNGALOW Collect cash, not dust! 3Traditional
Bedroom, 1 Bath
in Very
MaryEllen Belchick
696-6566 or Walter
take a look.
Jay A. Crossin
INCLASSIFIED! floor. 4 Bedrooms,
full bath & walk-in
Gerald L. Busch
Real Estate, Inc.
650 sq. ft. Clean out your Good Condition.
Open Layout. Off
Belchick 696-2600
ext. 301
MLS# 10-2668
Call Karen
Ext. 23
Doyouneedmorespace? closet on 2nd floor. On corner lot with
basement, garage &Street Parking, Yard Coldwell Banker ESTATE

A yard or garage sale

Plus new roof, 2 tier Collect cash, not dust! 2 car garage. Shed. Many Line up a place to live Rundle Real Estate

in classified
deck, 2 car garage,
paved driveway &
Clean out your
basement, garage
2 bedrooms, 1 bath,
walk up attic & full or attic and call the Updates.
Asking $47,900 in classified!
is the best way
above ground pool. heated basement,
Classified depart- Callfor570-762-1537
MLS 11-1526
Five Mountains
or attic and call the
Classified depart-
hardwood floors
with three season
room. Freshly paint-
ment today at 570- Line up a place to live Find A New Friend
You’re in bussiness ment today at 570- In The Times Leader Classified
with classified!
570-542-2141 829-7130!
ed & move in condi-
tion. 570-446-3254 829-7130! in classified! To place an ad call 829-7130
PAGE 10D TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
909 Income & 909 Income & 909 Income & 909 Income & 912 Lots & Acreage 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/
Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished
Properties Properties Properties Properties
Dallas, Pa.


220 Lake St.
2nd floor, newly
renovated, 2 bed- 317 N. Maple Ave.
1 Bedroom apart-
ments for elderly,
Walking Distance to
the Casino!! 2 bed-
5U M F 14 West Sixth St. 46+/- Acres rooms, carpet, nice
NIT ULTI AMILY Housing for the Large Two story, disabled. Rents room, 1 bath, living
2 Buildings. Hanover Twp., elderly & mobility yard, easy parking. based on 30% of room, kitchen, off
2 bedroom, 1.5
4 Car garage. $89,000 impaired; all utilities Small Pets okay. ADJ gross income. street parking.
Prime location with HIGHWAY 315 10+/- Acres Heat/Water includ- bath, Central Heat
included. Federally Handicap Accessi- $600/month +
over 6,000 sf. 2 acres of commer- Hanover Twp., ed. $650/month. & Air,washer/dryer
subsidized program. ble. Equal Housing utilities, security &
3 New furnaces in cial land. 165 front $69,000 Extremely low Credit check & ref- in unit, parking. Opportunity. TTY711 references. Call
last 2 years. feet. Driveway 28+/- Acres income persons erences required. $830 + utilities & or 570-474-5010 Classic Properties
New roof in ‘08. access permit and Fairview Twp., encouraged to Cell (917) 753-8192 1 month security This institution is an Nikki Callahan
Separate utilities. lot drainage in $85,000 apply. Income less 570-262-6947 equal opportunity 718-4959 Ext. 1306
Highly visible office Close to churches, place. WIll build to 61+/- Acres than $11,900. Say it HERE provider &
building w/ample off suit tenant or avail- Former upholestry in the Classifieds!
parks & town. Nuangola 570-675-6936, employer.
street parking. Fully rented - able for land lease. shop. 1st floor in $125,000 570-829-7130
8 am-4 pm, Mon-Fri.
Executive office on gross income For more informa- need of a lot of 40+/- Acres EQUAL HOUSING 2 bedroom apt.
1st level. Potential over $25,000!! tion and photos visit TLC. 2nd floor Newport Twp. OPPORTUNITY Heat, water, stove
for 2 tenants in
lower level.
$169,000 OBO
apartment in good
condition & rented
32 +/- Acres
143 E. Bennett St. KINGSTON WOODBRYN & fridge included.
Near bus stop.
$449,000 MLS 11-17 with no lease. Stor- 1 & 2 Bedroom.
Wilkes-Barre Twp. High end, ultra mod- $500/mo.
MLS #11-995
PITTSTON Price Negotiable age area. Off street See additional Land ern, fireplace, bar & No pets. No smoking or
Call Tracy Zarola Call Charlie parking available. for Sale at 1st floor, 2 bedroom, fully equipped kit- Rents based
2nd floor apart- pets. Security &
570-574-6465 Township Blvd. 570-829-6200 $79,500 www. earth eat in kitchen, chen. BBQ deck, off on income start
ment in beautiful references
570-696-0723 VM 101 Contact Judy Rice conservancy.org enclosed heated street parking, cen- at $405 & $440. required. Call
MLS# 11-572
570-823-3445 porch. Large refin-
ished basement. 1
tral air, powder
room, huge master
home. For lease,
available immedi-
(570) 592-2902

1 Kidder & Walnut
car carport. Gas
heat. Central air.
bedroom. 2nd floor,
washer & dryer,
ately, 2
rooms, 1 bath-
bed- Equal Housing
Call 570-474-5010
$700 + utilities & double sink design- room, all appli- 4 room, 2 bedroom,
SWEET VALLEY security. Will consid- er bathroom . 3rd ances provided, TTY711 fridge, stove, dish-
er reduced rent for floor 2nd bedroom This institution is an washer, cathedral
washer/dryer on
MAKE AN OFFER! WYOMING maintenance work.
Call 570-760-6277
or office & powder
room $775 + utili-
ties. (570) 881-4993
premises, off-
street parking, no
equal opportunity
provider and
ceilings, fireplace,
marble bathroom &
Ideal location European tiled
between Wilkes-
pets. Living room
dining room, and
kitchen. Parking. Heat
included. $650. Call
Ample parking with Wildflower Village basement with 570-650-0278
1st floor, 1 bedroom.
S. Mountain Blvd. room for additional Like NEW!. 3 bed- plenty of storage. Heat, water,
spaces. Perfect for Buildable 1.5 acre
Best location in lot in Wilkes-Barre room, 1.5 bath, liv- $1,000/mo. Call garbage & sewage
Mountaintop. 7,700 medical or profes- ing room, large din-
Township. Utilities 570-709-2481 included. Off street
sq. ft. building with sional offices. Con- REDUCED PRICE! ing/kitchen area,
Available May 15th
available. Lot is parking. All appli- 1 bedroom, 2nd
250’ frontage. tact agent to show. Start your own patio. $695/mo pus
located in a ances included. floor, modern bath,
Currently an Contact Judy Rice business in the utilities. No Pets
residential area. $530 + security. water included. No
automotive 570-714-9230 heart of Sweet 570-696-4393
$39,500 Large 2 bedroom. Call 570-406-5221 pets. $400/month
center. Building is MLS# 10-1110 Valley! Showroom,
285 Wyoming Ave. MLS 11-583 Newly painted.
adaptable fireplace, pole + security. Call
First floor currently Call Judy Rice Stove & fridge
to many uses. building, storage 570-575-2868
used as a shop, 570-714-9230 168 S. MAPLE AVE included.
$595,000 building, paved 2 bedroom, conven-
could be offices, Carriage house Washer/ dryer
Call Dave parking, fenced 2nd floor luxury apartment, com- ient location, $495,
rear, well & septic. etc. Prime location, hookup. $650; heat
570-474-6307 corner lot, full base- apartment on pletely remodeled, includes water & Nice, recently reno-
included. Call
Prime location, high
SMITH HOURIGAN GROUP traffic area. Lot ment. 2nd floor is 3
bedroom apartment
Wyoming Ave. 2
bedroom, 1 bath.
five large rooms
with 2-bedrooms,
570-814-0843 or
sewer, off street
parking.Some pets
vated 1st floor 1
bedroom. Stove &
next door is going Large eat-in 570-696-3090 ok. (570) 332-5215
plus 3 car garage Job Seekers are bath with separate Fridge included.
with the property.
and parking for kitchen, modern tub and shower.
looking here! $500 + electric &
NOW LISTED AT 6 cars. For more appliances, washer/ 1300SF. 1-car
Where's your ad? garbage. Lease,
$115,000 information and dryer included. garage in private Nice 1 bedroom, security, references
MLS# 08-3297 570-829-7130 and Central air, gas 2 bedroom, wall to
photos go to location. Central 2nd floor. Recently Call for appointment
Five Mountains ask for an employ- heat, carport. wall carpet, off-
www.atlas A/C. MLS#11-895 renovated. Stove & and application.
Realty ment specialist Available June 1st. street parking, $495
realtyinc.com $1,000/Month fridge. Off street 570-417-0088
570-542-2141 $695 + utilities. per month+ utilities,
MLS #10-4339 plus utilities parking. $525 + gas
NANTICOKE 107-109 E. Carey St.
Call Charlie
915 Manufactured
Call 570-574-9500 Ted Poggi
283-9100 x25
& electric. Lease &
background check
security, lease.
HUD accepted. Call SHEATOWN
High traffic, high
potential location 331 Holden St
Available June 1
required. For appt
& application, Call
or 570-954-0727
Beautiful 1st floor, 2
1/2 bedroom. Stove
with enough space
for 2 second floor ASHLEY PARK 39 Tripp St. 570-417-0088
and fridge. Large
kitchen, on-site
apartments. Large Laurel Run & San Spacious 2nd floor laundry room. Off
Souci Parks, Like 2 bedroom with din- 353 East Ridge St
front windows for
KINGSTON 1 person apartment. street parking. $600
showroom display. new, several to ing room plus sun- Pringle St. + Cooking Gas &
Basement & sub- LINEUP choose from,
Financing &Warranty,
room and rear
porch. Off Wyoming 2 bedroom, second 2 bedroom, 2nd
1st floor. Heat,
water, sewage & Electric, security,
basement for floor. $595 + utilities lease & background
30 W. Noble St.
Great investment
additional storage ASUCCESSFULSALE facebook.com/ Avenue. Modern
kitchen and bath-
floor, off street
parking, stove & ASHLEY - 2 apts.
garbage included.
All appliances & check. Call
or workspace. MobileOne.Sales Ashley St.
property with a PRICE REDUCED INCLASSIFIED! Call (570)250-2890 room. Includes
stove, fridge, w/d,
No Pets. 2 bedroom, 1st floor
month. Call
$540/ 570-417-0088
for appointment
great profit. VInyl Many possibilities $595 + utilities.
$110,000 Doyouneedmorespace? $520./month 570-301-3170
sided 6 unit building for this building. 40 + storage, garage 2 bedroom, 2nd
with 2 bedrooms
MLS# 10-1919
parking spaces, 5 A yard or garage sale 927 Vacation and off street park- Includes water
Call Stanley (570) 779-1684 floor, $550 + utilities
each. Gas heat.
(570) 817-0111
offices, 3 baths and in classified Locations ing. $550/mo + utili- SHAVERTOWN Handicap equipped.
ties. No pets, no
Newer roof. Off warehouse. Roushey St. Spacious 1st floor, 1 Large 2 bedroom.
street parking. Coldwell Banker $425,000 is the best way smoking. $550/per 2 bedroom, 2nd bedroom apartment. Includes electric lift,
Tentants pay all Rundle Real Estate Maria Huggler tocleanoutyourclosets! month. Call 72 E. W alnut St. floor. $595 + utilities oversized doors,
Hardwood floors.
utilities. 570-474-2340 CLASSIC (570)417-2775 or large sit in shower.
$179,000 PROPERTIES You’re in bussiness 570-954-1746
2nd floor, located in
quiet neighborhood.
Carey St.
Full kitchen. Large
Appliances. Heat,
dining room. No
MLS# 11-1554 570-587-7000 with classified! Kitchen, living 3 bedroom, 1/2 pets. $450. Water, hot water & much

Call Florence room, dining room, double. $795/mo. sewer & trash more. Available
WEST WYOMING 912 Lots & Acreage
Furnished Lakefront
sun room, bath-
room. 2 large and 1
+ utilities. For info,
(570) 814-9700
included. Call
immediately. Refer-
ences requested.
DURYEA Property. June 19- small bedrooms, Call (570) 417-3299
PLAINS 44.59 ACRES July 8 with boat lots of closets, built Sell your own home!
slip. Beautiful
recently remodeled
in linen, built in
hutch, hardwood
Place an ad HERE
570-829-7130 Spacious 2 bed- SUGAR NOTCH
675 Main St
Smith Hourigan room apartment.
15 South River St. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath and carpeted
Group house with large Wall to wall carpet, 3 bedroom, 1 bath,
For Sale By Owner floors, fireplace,
570-474-6307 deck overlooking coin operated laun- 2nd floor, electric
4,536 sq. ft., high Rear 80 Oak Street storage room, yard,
the Lake. Call Lou dry on premises, heat, refrigerator
traffic area, across 3 bedrooms, wash- w/d hookup and
PITTSTON from Rite-Aid, gas
heat. For more info, 379-381 Sixth St.
for details.
(610) 325-9715
er/dryer hookup, 2
garages with pri-
new stove. Heat
and hot water incl.
Garbage & sewer
included. $600/mo.
and stove included.
No pets.
$550/month +
call 570-820-5953 Perfect first home vate parking. Available May 1. 1 + security. Credit
check & references utilities & security
for you with one 930 Wanted to Buy $500/month yr. lease + security
required. Call Call 570-371-2030
side paying most of + utilities $900/month Rutter Ave.
your mortgage.
Industrial Site. Rail Real Estate Call 655-0907 570-406-1411 1 bedroom 1st Monica Lessard
served with all
Would also make a floor, large living
941 Apartments/ utilities. KOZ
Unfurnished nice investment
with all separate
approved. For more
room, neutral
decor. Gas heat,
utilities and nice water included. Off
1011-1015 Oak St W IL K E SW O O D rents. Large fenced
photos visit
Any Situation
CHARMING street parking. No
yard, priced to sell. pets. $420 plus 570-287-1196
Available 2 buildings
realtyinc.com Ext. 3182 1 bedroom, water &
on site. #1011 is a 2 Don’t wait too long. FORTY FORT - security & lease.
$2,395,000 sewer included,
story office building Call today to SECOND FLOOR, 570-793-6294
MLS#10-669 stove, fridge, $400
with approximately schedule a tour. Call Charlie Immaculate 4
1 B edroom Sta rting KINGSTON plus security &
3800 square feet. MLS 11-1453
rooms with appli- A GREAT PLACE!!! reference. Call
#1015 is a single
a t $675.00
Mark R. Mason ances, laundry, SDK GREEN 570-301-8200
story building with
570-331-0982 porch, parking.
approximately 3000
square feet.
• Includes gas heat,
w ater,sew er & trash
Management pro-
vided, 2 YEAR
2 bedroom
apartment in
11 Holiday Drive
4 rooms. Second Wyoming Ave.
MLS# 11-445
Call Pat Guzzy
• C onvenient to allm ajor 570-288-0770
great neighbor-
hood. 2nd floor.
Kingston floor. Heat and
sewer included.
Beautiful 1 bedroom
living room, dining
570-407-2480 highw ays & public To place your New Section in
Highland Hills, PETS/SMOKING/ Includes new
“A Place To
Call Home” Security and refer- room, kitchen,
transportation ad call...829-7130 Charles Place EMPLOYMENT kitchen (with new
stove, dishwash-
Spacious 1, 2 & 3 ences required. washer/dryer
hookup. Stove,
Open! APPLICATION Bedroom Apts $635/month
• Fitness center & pool
• P atio/B alconies
WILKES-BARRE Four 1+ acre lots
available. Call 938 Apartments/
er & microwave)
& bath w/washer
3 Bedroom
Call (570) 457-7854 fridge, no pets, no
smoking. Refer-

819 North dryer hookup. ences. $715/month
570-498-9244 570-288-1422 Gas heat included
• P et friendly* Washington St. Furnished Hardwood +electric & garbage
throughout with FREE Apartments for 570-655-9325
• O nline rentalpaym ents
• Flexible lease term s
19 Ziegler Road
WILKES-BARRE ceramic tile in
kitchen and bath.
24hr on-site Gym
Community Room
Rent. 2nd floor,
washer, dryer hook West Pittston, Pa.
570-586-1111 Charming, Victorian $695/mo + utili- Swimming Pool ups, heat & water GARDEN VILLAGE
Picture sunrise over 2 bedroom 3rd floor APARTMENTS
M ond a y - Frid a y 9 -5 the mountain. ties and security. Maintenance FREE included. No pets.
PITTSTON Sa turd a y 1 0-2 Ready to build, resi-
dential lot. Secluded
apartment. 70% fur-
nished. 34 West AMERICA No Pets, refer-
ences required.
Controlled Access
Call 570-654-2433 221 Fremont St.
Housing for the

822-27 1 1
2020 Sq. Ft,
entrance road from
Route 502. Priced
Ross St. View at
Most utilities includ-
Call Scott
(570) 823-2431
and much more...
Call Today PLAINS
3 BEDROOM, 1.5
elderly & mobility
impaired; all utilities
included. Federally
w w w .liv ea tw ilk esw ood .com to sell! Under- FORTY FORT -
Ext. 137 or stop by
* Restrictions Ap p ly Commercial build- ed with rent. His- for a tour! bath, laundry area, subsidized
ing on corner lot ground telephone toric building is non FIRST FLOOR new carpets/floor- program. Extremely
Now Offering
with parking. Prime and electric service smoking and pet DUPLEX. UNIQUE
KINGSTON Move In Specials ing, quiet area, low income persons

CEDAR location. Lower in place. Make this free. Base rent: $595 + UTILITIES. $625/mo + heat encouraged to
the site of your Cook’s kitchen with Charming 2 bed- 570-288-9019
level street $700. Security & Ref- and electric. apply. Income less
entrance. Close to future home. built-ins, formal din- room, 2nd floor 570-820-8822 than $11,900.

erences required.
MLS#11-486 ing room, front/rear apartment, features
major highways. Call Vince: 570-655-6555,
118 Glendale Road PRICE REDUCED $55,000 570-762-1453 enclosed porches, a fireplace, built-in 8 am-4 pm,
Well established 8 Ron Skrzysowski custom window bookcases, large Let the Community
$147,000 1 bedroom, wall to Monday-Friday.
unit Mobile Home Apartment MLS# 10-3225 696-6551 coverings. TWO living room, dining
wall, off-street
Park (Glen Meadow Call Jeff Cook
941 Apartments/ YEAR SAME RENT, room, eat-in kitchen, Place your Classified OPPORTUNITY
parking, coin
Mobile Home Park) Homes Realty World Unfurnished NO PETS/SMOK- sun room & much
in quiet country like Ask About Our Bank Capital ING/EMPLOYMENT more! $525 + utili-
sewer & garbage 570-829-7130
location, zoned
commercial and Holiday Specials!
ties. Available
June 1. Please call
included. $495/
month + security
located right off
$250 Off 1st Months Rent, 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 3 rooms, wall to wall AMERICA REALTY & lease. HUD 962 Rooms 962 Rooms
Interstate 81. Con- carpeting, appli- 570-288-1422 accepted. Call
venient to shopping & $250 Off Security Unfurnished Unfurnished ances, coin-op laun- KINGSTON
570-687-6216 or
center, movie the-
Deposit With Good Credit.
dry, off street park-
ing, security. No HANOVER E.Light,
WALNUT ST. 570-954-0727
Bear Creek Township
Casino Countryside Inn

ater. Great income

opportunity! Park is pets. $410/month LYNNWOOD SECTION bright, 1st
priced to sell.
1 bedroom starting @ $690
IN THE HEART OF WILKES-BARRE (570) 655-1606 2 bedroom, wash- floor, 2 bedrooms,
Rooms starting at
Owner financing is
available with a Featuring: Immediate Occupancy!!
er/dryer, refrigera-
tor, dishwasher, gas
elevator, carpet-
ed, Security Daily $39.99 + tax
substantial down ‹ Washer & Dryer stove, central a/c, system. Garage.
payment. For more ‹ Central Air MARTIN D. POPKY APARTMENTS Available 6/1/2011 off-street parking. Extra storage & Weekly $169.99 + tax
details and photos
visit www.atlas
‹ Fitness Center
61 E. Northampton St.
Beautiful 1st floor
apartment. 2 bed-
Newly painted.
Front porch. Utilities
cable TV included.
Laundry facilities.
Cozy 1 bedroom, Microwave
realtyinc.com ‹ Swimming Pool rooms, bath, living by tenant. No smok- Heat & hot water
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 room & dining room. 2nd floor. Kitchen,
MLS 11-1530 ‹ Easy Access to Heat, hot water,
ing or pets. furnished. Fine living area. New Refrigerator
$210,000 $575/month neighborhood.
Call Kim
I-81 • Affordable Senior Apartments basic cable, Call (570) 331-3475 Convenient to bus
flooring, private WiFi
570-466-3338 Mon – Fri. 9 –5 • Income Eligibility Required garbage & 1 car entrance, yard HBO
leave message & stores. No access. Off street
• Utilities Included! • Low cable rates; garage space. No
44 Eagle Court
Wilkes-Barre, PA • New appliances; laundry on site;
pets. References.
$700 + one month HANOVER TWP.
pets. References.
Security. Lease.
parking. $440/mo.
Water & trash (570) 823-8027
18706 (Off Route 309) No smokers www.casinocountrysideinn.com
• Activities! security. LEE PARK AVE. please. $840.
included. Security &
[email protected]
570-823-8400 • Curb side Public Transportation 570-675-4128 2 APARTMENTS
Both spacious 1
1 year lease. Call
(570) 760-5573
941 Apartments/
Please call 570-825-8594
TDD/TTY 800-654-5984
Large, partially fur-
bedrooms, quiet
area, off street 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale
nished 1 bedroom, parking. Base-
all utilities included. ment/attic with
NEWPORT TWP. washer/dryer
OFFICENTERS - Pierce St., Kingston
$750 / month. Call
hookup. Cats ok.
Heat & water
$550 + security.
141 Old Newport Rd., Newport Twp. APARTMENTS PRISTINE 2
BEDROOM. APT. CALL 570-239-9840
Affordable, Accessible 1, 2 & 3 The good life... Regions Best Available June 1st
Bedroom Apartments close at hand Address
Taking applications
now. $700/month. + HARVEYS LAKE
2nd floor, 1 bedroom
Income Eligibility* Required. • 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. • 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apts.
security. Includes
kitchen & bath. Very
appliances, sewer
Rents: $455-$656 plus electric • Total Air-Conditioning • Total Air-Conditioning & trash. No smok- private & clean.
• Washer & Dryer • Gas Heat & HW Included ing & no pets!! Off Water, sewer &
(*Maximum Incomes vary according to household size)
Street Parking, garbage included.
• Community Building • Swim Club, Heated Pools Available June 1st.
• High Efficiency Heat/Air Conditioning • Spa & Pools • Hi-Tech Fitness Center References &
Security & refer-
background check
• Newer Appliances • Laundry Rooms • Hi-Tech Fitness Center • Shopping Shuttle
required. Call ences. $450. Call
• Tennis & Basketball Courts • Full -Size Washer & Dryer (570) 855-6020 or
• Community Room • Private Parking • Private Entrances
(585) 298-3858
• Private Entrances leave message
• Rent Includes Water, Sewer & Refuse
For more info or to apply, please call:
Monday - Friday 9-5
Monday - Friday 9-5
Saturday 9-1
Saturday 9-1
Monday - Friday 9-5
Monday - Friday 9-5
Saturday 9-1
DALLAS TWP HARVEY’S LAKE Professional Office Rentals
570-733-2010 680 Wildflower Drive 200 Gateway Drive CONDO FOR LEASE: Recently remodeled
2 bedroom, 2 bath.
Full Service Leases • Custom Design • Renovations • Various Size Suites Available
Plains, PA 18702 Edwardsville, PA 18704
$1,800. 2 bedroom/
1st floor. Laundry Medical, Legal, Commercial • Utilities • Parking • Janitorial
TDD: 800-654-5984 2 Bath. Call Us to
hookup. Off-street Full Time Maintenance Staff Available
Great, Convenient 822-4444 288-6300 discuss our great
parking. Available

Amenity & Mainte-
Location! now. $625. Refer-
www.EastMountainApt.com www.GatewayManorApt.com nance program!
For Rental Information Call:

ences & security.

Apply Today! email:EMA@The ManorGroup.com email:GA@The ManorGroup.com Call 570-674-5278
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 PAGE 11D
941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/
Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished
lst floor. Convenient

You Be The
Mayflower location. 2 bed-
room, living room,
Crossing modern kitchen,
wall to wall carpet.
Apartments Washer/dryer
hookups. Large
fenced yard. Heat,
- Light & bright
hot water, lease,
security & refer- AVAILABLE IN
ences. No Pets.
open floor plans WYOMING
$585/per month,
- All major Call (570)822-4302 1 bedroom, heat &
hot water included.
appliances included

- Pets welcome* 1 & 2 bedrooms
- Close to everything on 2nd floor.
- 24 hour emergency
3 Bedroom
- Short term
leases available BEDROOM UNITS
For lease, available
2nd floor,
2 bedroom
immediately, 1 bath- SHAVERTOWN
Call TODAY For room, refrigerator Cape Cod style
AVAILABILITY!! and stove provided, home 2-3 bed-
washer/dryer rooms,
www.mayflower hookup, Washer garage, corner lot
crossing.com and Dryer in one
unit. Call to leave All OUR UNITS
Certain Restrictions
$500.00/per month, ANCES & SEWER.
Apply* plus utilities, Security & credit
references/ references
security deposit. Call T Randazzo
Call 570-735-4074 Property Manager

for info/appointment

WILKES-BARRE One bedroom 944 Commercial

Send us your own story or photo

executive apart-
1 bedroom ment. Beautiful,
apartment. $375/ fully furnished, TV
month + utilities & included. Conve- ASHLEY
directly from your phone with
1 month security. nientley located.
139 Sambourne $700.
Street. Section 8 570-826-1688
okay. No pets.

The Times Leader’s mobile site


2nd floor, 5 rooms,

or from our new iphone app.

1 Bedroom, 1st floor heat & hot water
apartment. Wash- furnished. Stove, Hazleton St.
er/dryer hookup. fridge, off-street Modern office for
Off street parking. parking, no pets. lease only. Visible
Wall to wall carpet. $450/month + secu- from Rt309 & I-81
No Pets. rity & references. with easy access to
$375/month + Call 570-696-3381 both. Adaptable to
utilities & security.

Click “more.”
many uses. Tenant
(570) 822-7657 WILKES-BARRE SOUTH pays utilities.

Click “Submit a story.”

264 Academy St 1 & 2 bedroom MLS# 11-851
2 bedrooms, newly apartments.
renovated building. Laundry facility. Off
Washer & dryer. street parking avail-

Send us your news

$600/per month able. Starting at
includes heat, hot $440. 570-332-5723
water and parking.
646-712-1286 Do you need more space?
as it happens.
570-328-9896 A yard or garage sale
570-855-4744 in classified Rte. 315
2,000 SF
is the best way
Office / Retail
to clean out your closets! Next to Gymboree
3 BED/1.5 BATHS You’re in bussiness 4,500 SF Office
HEAT, WATER, with classified! Showroom,
SEWER & TRASH Warehouse
INCLUDED, Loading Dock
secure building, 4 Acres touching
washer/ dryer I81 will build to suit.
on-site,wood Call 570-829-1206
floors, yard,
parking. $825.
(570) 899-8034
1st floor. Must See.

Quiet neighborhood,
non smoking. NO FOR RENT
PETS. Clean. Ideal 620 Market St.
447 S. Franklin St. Newly Renovated
for 1 person. Stove,
fridge, mini-blinds Prime Space.
1 bedroom, study,
included. Sewer 1,250 sq. ft.,
off street parking,
paid. $515/month + Near Kingston
laundry. Includes
utilities. Security & Corners. Great
heat and hot water,
references. Call
Hardwood floors location for retail or
(570) 822-6115
and appliances. business office.
Leave Message
Trash removal. Easy Access and
$575/per month,
parking. Call Cliff
Call (570) 821-5599
West River St.
WILKES-BARRE Large 2, 3, & 4
bedroom apart- OFFICE SPACE
ments. Heat & hot 18 Pierce St
water included. Bal- Kingston, PA
cony. Off street Available Immedi-
parking. Washer
dyer hookup. Pets
OK. $855 - $950.
ately, Off street
parking. Security
required. 3 room
ately, 1 bedroom, 1 Call 570-237-0124 Suite $300/month,
bathroom, all appli- includes utilities.
ances provided, Wilkes-Barre
washer/dryer on Wilkes University
premises, no pets, Campus
Studio up to 4 bed-
Central air condi-
tioning, water and room. From $400. LINE UP
sewer paid, Call All utilities included.
(570)234-0167 to
set an appointment IN CLASSIFIED!
Wilkes-Barre Looking for the right deal
single, on an automobile?
Turn to classified.
APARTMENTS exceptional
Nanticoke It’s a showroom in print!
FOR RENT! Š2 bedroom,
large, water
Classified’s got
the directions!
425 South Franklin included
Street. For lease.
Available immedi- ŠLarge 1
ately, washer/dryer bedroom water Wyoming 900 Sf.
on premises, no included Utilities included.
pets. We have stu- Plymouth Approx 21.5’x40’
dio, 1, 2 bedroom Š3 bedroom half $900/month
apts. On site park- double 570-430-4396
ing. Fridge, stove Wilkes-Barre
provided. We have a
24/7 security cam-
Š1 bedroom,
water included OFFICE, RETAIL OR
era presence and all Š2 bedroom,
doors are electroni-
cally locked. $450-
water included
650/per month, Š3 bedroom Starting at
water & sewer paid, exceptional $300.00/month.
One month/security Old Forge First month free.
deposit. Call (570) Š2 bedroom 570-829-0897
793-6377 after exceptional
10:00 a.m. to set an
email shlomo_voola
water included
McDermott &
@yahoo.com. Real Estate
wilkesliving.com Inc. Property
WILKES-BARRE 570-821-1650
(direct line)
Clean, 2 bedroom,
2nd floor duplex. Mon-Fri. 8-7pm
Stove, hookups, Sat. 8-noon
parking, yard. No
pets/no smoking.
$475 + utilities. 328 Kennedy Blvd.
Call 570-868-4444 Modern medical
space, labor &
industry approved,
ADA throughout, 2
doctor offices plus
ALL INCLUSIVE, 4 exam rooms, xray
and reception and
secure building,
Near Wilkes U.
breakrooms. Could
be used for any
on-site, yard,
parking. $125/wk. 2 large separate business purpose.
570-899-8034 rooms in 1 bedroom Will remodel to suit.
apartment in reno- For lease
WILKES-BARRE vated secure build- $2,200/MO.
Also available for
LAFAYETTE GARDENS ! ing. New windows,
new kitchen appli- sale
MLS #11-751
SAVE MONEY THIS YEAR ances, laminate
113 Edison St. floor. $595,000
Quiet neighborhood. $600/month Call Charlie
2 bedroom apart- VM 101

including water
ments available for Call (347) 647-1747

immediate occu-
pancy. Heat & hot
water included. $625 WYOMING
Call Aileen at
Deluxe 1 & 2 bed- 7 PETHICK DRIVE
WILKES-BARRE room. Wall to Wall
carpet. Some utili-
OFF RTE. 315
1200 & 700 SF
ties by tenant. No
LODGE pets. Non-smoking.
Office Available.

Elderly community. 570-760-1513
Formerly The Quiet, safe. Off

Travel Lodge street parking. Call
497 Kidder St., 570-693-2850
Rooms Starting
at: $675. per month
Daily $44.99 + Clean & efficient 1st
floor 1 bedroom. For appointment &

Weekly $189.99 Includes stove, further information
+ tax fridge, sewer & call 570-237-6070
Microwave, garbage. Laundry

Refrigerator, facilities. Private – AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS (ABC)
WiFi, HBO setting. Security &
570-823-8881 references. No
www.Wilkes pets, non smoking. 1750 & 3200 SF
BarreLodge.com $495/month. Call Retail / Office
(570) 466-4176 or Space Available
(570) 388-6468 570-829-1206
PAGE 12D TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
944 Commercial 950 Half Doubles 953 Houses for Rent 956 Miscellaneous 959 Mobile Homes 962 Rooms 971 Vacation & 971 Vacation & 971 Vacation &

Share home with
Resort Properties

Resort Properties Resort Properties
Find the
178 Charles St
Available Now! 4 bedrooms, 3
For sale, older 2
bedroom, 1 bath
couple. Furnished
private room, wash- Boca Raton
Ocean front, on perfect
2 bedroom, 1.5 baths, living room, mobile home with er/dryer, off street Beautiful 5 room the Beach. 1 bed-
bath, Townhouse
style. No Section 8.
dining room, study, AC. Located in
Heather Highlands.
parking & cable TV
$325/mo; $85/wkly
home with Pool.
Fully furnished. On CAMPGROUND room Condo, pool.

large finished base- 5/6-6/23 $1,250/
$550/month + utili- $6,500/best offer. (570) 472-1535 canal lot. $600 Camp sites
ment, 2 fireplaces, , week. 06/24 - 9/9
ties. References & Call (570) 735-0477 weekly. If interest- available!
security required.
3/ season room, Collect cash, not dust! Shaded. Show- $1,550/week The Classified
ed, write to:
Call 570-301-2785
2car garage, shed, Let the Community Clean out your
120 Wagner St. ers, flush toilets, 570-693-3525 section at
fenced in yard with Know! basement, garage timesleader.com
Moosic, PA 18507 water & electric.
nice patio in quiet
Main St.
12,000 sq. ft. build- neighborhood cen-
Townhouse Place your Classified or attic and call the Lake fishing, Doyouneedmorespace?
Brand New! Ad TODAY! Classified depart-
ing in downtown 2 Half Doubles trally located to 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 570-829-7130 ment today at 570-
Looking for the right deal canoeing, biking A yard or garage sale
& golf.
location. Ware- Both located in nice shopping and baths, hardwood 829-7130! on an automobile? 20 minutes from in classified
house with light schools. All Appli-
neighborhoods. Off
ances included.
floors, 1st floor
962 Rooms Turn to classified. Wilkes-Barre. is the best way
street parking. laundry room &
Building with some Large back yards. $1,300 / per month + granite counter 965 Roommate It’s a showroom in print! 570-639-5478
or 570-371-9770
office space. Entire No pets. Security & utilities. Security tops. No Pets. Wanted Classified’s got You’re in bussiness
building for lease or deposit rental appli-
will sub-divide.
all utilities by ten-
cation & references
MLS#11-1214 the directions! Looking to buy a with classified! Call 829-7130
ant. 3 bedrooms, 1 $1,500/month Nice, clean
MLS #10-1074 bath, huge attic. required. Call Call Geri furnished room, Find Something? Place an ad here Collect cash, not dust! to place your ad.
Call Charlie $625/month. Also, (570)-575-2293 570-696-0888 starting at $315. 4 bedroom home in
570-829-6200 or email: Efficiency at $435 nice neighborhood.
Lose Something? and let the Clean out your
Adorable 2 bed- 570-696-3801
Get it back where it sellers know! basement, garage ONLY
D .
VM 101 room. $550/month selenasnyder@ month furnished 3 bathrooms.
yahoo.com belongs or attic and call the
570-766-1881 with all utilities Remodeled 570-829-7130
included. Off upstairs. All utilities Classified depart-
with a Lost/Found ad!
NANTICOKE ment today at 570- timesleader.com
3 bedroom 1/2 dou- 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2
street parking.
included. $400/mo
570-829-7130 829-7130!

bath single. 1st floor

1,500 sq. ft. restau-
ble. Nice neighbor-
hood. Wall/wall car-
pet. Washer/dryer
extras. All
rant space for rent hookup. A/C. Fenced inside and out. Rent
on Hazle & Park Yard. No Pets. to own. Owner
Ave. All equipment $650 + utilities. financing available.
included. Includes Security & refer- 570-817-0601
upstairs apartment. ences. After 5, call Leave message
For more info, call 570-822-8657 with phone number
(570) 822-7414

Shopping for a
Sunny 3 bedroom,
new apartment? 1/2 double, painted, Lexington Village
Classified lets w/w carpet, yard, Nanticoke, PA
washer/dryer hook- Many ranch style
you compare costs - up, basement, homes. 2 bedrooms
without hassle stove, refrigerator. 2 Free Months With
or worry! No Pets. Non A 2 Year Lease
Get moving Smokers. Credit $795 + electric
with classified! check/references.
$525/month + 1 1/2 SQUARE FOOT RE
950 Half Doubles months security
(201) 232-8328 MANAGEMENT

953 Houses for Rent

NANTICOKE 1006 A/C & 1024 Building & 1078 Dry Wall 1132 Handyman 1162 Landscaping/ 1195 Movers 1249 Remodeling &
BACK MOUNTAIN HANOVER SECTION Refrigeration Remodeling Services Garden Repairs
2 bedroom, 2 bath
Small single family Services MIKE SCIBEK DRYWALL BestDarnMovers

2 bedrooms, tile
home in beautiful
rural setting next to home, 2 bedrooms,
all appliances pro- HIGH EFFICIENT
Contracting Group Hanging & finishing,
design ceilings.
The Handier
Man KELLER’S LAWN CARE Moving Helpers
Call for Free Quote.
kitchen and bath, Friedman Farms. Decks, Roofs, Mowing, mulching, We make moving easy.
$1,100 monthly. Call vided, no pets, DUCTLESS AC Free estimates. We fix everything! Spring cleanup,
w/d hookup, off- Siding, Masonry, BDMhelpers.com
570-822-2992 Sewer and Garbage Heat Pumps &
Driveways, Patios, Licensed & Insured. Plumbing, gravel & trimming. 570-852-9243
street parking Paid. $525 plus Central Air
$600/per month, Additions, Garages, 570-331-2355 Electrical & Commercial
plus utilities Call LINEUP security/per month
Call (570)793-3412
Save $$$ On
Your Cooling Bills Kitchens, Baths, etc
(570) 338-2269 MIRRA DRYWALL
Retired Mr. Fix It.
& Residential.
570-332-7016 1204 Painting &
(570) 237-2076
ASUCCESSFULSALE Free Estimates Hanging & Finishing Emergencies Wallpaper
570-817-5944 Shedlarski Construction
Home improvement
Drywall Repair
Textured Ceilings
Licensed & Insured
609-5204 or
Patrick & Deb’s
Landscaping, basic
Airplane Quality at

Recently remodeled
large Victorian half
double. 3 bed-
A yard or garage sale
Ductless / Central
specialist, Licensed,
insured, PA
Free Estimates
(570) 675-3378
328-5010 handy man, house
cleaning & help
Submarine Prices!
From decks and
kitchens to roofs,
registered.Kitchens, moving. We even and baths, etc.
rooms. Walk-out
in classified Air Conditioning 1135 Hauling & pressure washing,

baths, vinyl do inside painting. decks & siding. WE DO
basement. Private Trucking
Free Estimates siding & railings, 1084 Electrical Any salvageable IT ALL!!!!!!!
yard. Porch swing. is the best way Licensed & Insured replacement items can be picked
Washer dryer dential. Over 17
tocleanoutyourclosets! 570-332-0715 windows & doors, DNF ELECTRIC
hookup. $700. Call years experience!
Affordable & INTERIOR AND
570-237-0124 You’re in bussiness additions, garages,
all phases of home Reasonable Rates A1 Always hauling, Free estimates.
Call 570-793-4232
Free estimates.
with classified! Built 2003, 1012 Alterations/ cleaning attics, cellar, Licensed & Insured

KINGSTON renovations. No Job Too Small. Or 570-793-4773 570-820-7832 REMODELING

3 bedroom, Tailoring Licensed & insured. garage, one piece or NEEDS
1.5 bath modern Free estimates. whole Estate, also QUALITY LAWN 570-406-9387
Available June 1st
Half double in nice Large completely
2 story town-
house with base-
Pattern Making,
Grading, Markers 1039 Chimney 570-574-6213 available 10 & 20 yard
& LANDSCAPE A + C LASSICAL Licensed/Insured
neighborhood, living 570-574-7195 Spring Clean Ups, Int./Ext. Experts! YOU’VE TRIED
remodeled 2 bed- ment. Washer/ Freelance service 592-1813or287-8302
room, dining room, room styled town- Dryer, hardwood can make patterns
Service Mulching, Grass
Aluminum, Wood THE REST NOW
3 bedrooms, 1 bath, ECONOLECTRIC Cutting,Fertilization, CALL THE
house. Stove & floors downstairs, from your specs or AAA CLEANING & Deck Staining
washer/dryer hook- All Phases Tree & Shrub BEST!!!
fridge included. granite counter- samples and trans- A-1
up, off street park- Electrical work Maintenance &
Private interior tops throughout, mit patterns and Cleaning attics, Licensed-Insured
ing, no smoking. Rebuild & Repair No Job Installation
attic & basement cellars, garages.
$675/ month + access. Washer/
stainless appli- markers worldwide. Chimneys. All Too Small. Demolitions, Roofing
Experienced, 30 Years 1252 Roofing &
ances, central air, Any Lines - Fast types of Masonry. Residential & Affordable, Reliable Experience
utilities, references dryer hookup. Heat very private patio. Service Liners Installed, Commercial
& Tree Removal. Free Estimates Siding
lease & security. Book Now &
Call 570-498-7039
included. Nice yard.
$750. No pets.
includes Directv, “FRONT STREET Brick & Block, Free Estimates
Free Est. 779-0918 or
542-5821; 814-8299
(570) 592-4847
Receive 10% Off J&F ROOFING
APPAREL SERVICES” Roofs & Gutters. Licensed-Insured
Rainbow 570-283-5714 SPECIALISTS
internet, garbage Licensed & PA032422
and sewer. Landscaping All types of roofing.

For more Insured A.S.A.P Hauling
NO PETS. information contact 570-735-2257
(570) 602-7840 Estate Cleanouts, & Lawn Service Repairs & Installation
Large 1/2 double A.B.C. Professional 25 Years Experience
(570) 840-1960 John Vezzuto at Attics, Cellars, Spring & Fall
with 3 bedrooms, Painting
living room, dining
2 bedroom home.
570-441-4140 GETZIE ELECTRIC Garages, Fire & Cleanups. Trimming,
36 Yrs Experience
Licensed / Insured
All appliances, mulching, complete Free Estimates
room (with red car- $600/month. Looking for that skyhawk36@ Licensed & Insured. Flood Damage. landscape installa- We Specialize In Reliable Service
CHRIS MOLESKY 100 & 200 amp Free Estimates,
pet throughout) NO PETS. Security special place verizon.net
CHIMNEY SPECIALIST service upgrades.
tion. Lic. & Insured. New Construction 570-855-4259
eat-in kitchen with Same Day Call 570-674-2418 Residential
additional pantry
and lease. Call called home? New, repair, rebuild, No job too small! Service! Repaints J.R.V. ROOFING
area. 1 bath. Large
570-762-6792 Classified will address 1015 Appliance liners installed. 570-947-2818 570-822-4582 Spike & Gorilla’s Comm./Industrial 570-824-6381
Your needs. Service Inspections. Con- Lawn Care & Out-
fenced yard. Gas/ All Insurance Roof Repairs & New
hot water base- Open the door crete & metal caps.
GRULA ELECTRIC LLC door Maintenance Claims Roofs. Shingle, Slate,

board heat. All utili- Licensed & Insured We do it all! Apartments
Stauffer Heights with classified! Licensed, Insured, Hot Built Up, Rubber,
ties by tenant. No 570-328-6257 Lawn Care - Summer Interior/Exterior
3 bedroom, 1 bath No job too small. Gutters & Chimney
smokers, no pets.
$650 + security.
single family ranch
home with washer & PITTSTON
James Street
CHIMNEY 570-829-4077
packages available,
trimming &
Spray,Brush, Rolls
Repairs. Year Round.
Call Steven dryer, fridge, range Chimney Cleaning, Cabinet Refinish- ŠFREE EstimatesŠ
(570) 561-5245 & dishwasher. Full Single family home, PRICES removal. Custom ing
Rebuilding, Repair, SLEBODA ELECTRIC
basebment. $750/ freshly painted, Sales, service, dog Kennels. Drywall/Finishing Jim Harden
Stainless Steel Lin- Master electrician
month + security & brand new gas fur- supplies. 570-702-2497 Power Washing 570-288-6709
ing, Parging, Stuc- Licensed & Insured
utilities. Call Bernie nace, 3 bedrooms, Over 30 years Deck Specialist New Roofs &
Park Place co, Caps, Etc. Bucket truck to 40’
1 1/2 baths, off experience
Beautiful, 3 bed-
street parking. No 570-709-7222
Free Estimates 868-4469 1165 Lawn Care Handy Man Repairs, Shingles,
room, 3
garage, hardwood
HUNLOCK CREEK pets, no smoking.
$675 / month + utili- LEN HOSEY
Licensed & Insured
1-888-680-7990 1105 Floor Covering JUNK REMOVAL
1ST Choice
Landscaping Com-
Larry Neer
Rubber, Slate,
Gutters, Chimney
Repairs. Credit
floors, full basement Retreat. 3 bed- ties. Call Betty at Appliance Service
1042 Cleaning & Installation Large or Small Jobs plete Lawn Mainte- Cards accepted.
Back yard. $950 + room home. 2 Century 21 Washer/Dryer FREE ESTIMATES nance, Landscaping, FREE ESTIMATES!
utilities & security. baths. Hardwood Smith Hourigan Range/Dishwasher. Maintainence
Call (570) 762-2878 floors. 1
attached garage. 3
car Group
Whirlpool, Maytag,
Kitchenaid & Roper
CARPET REPAIR & (570) 814-4631 Junk Removal.
Free Estimates. Interior/Exterior
Power Washing
Looking for
KINGSTON car detached ext 3559
or 570-714-6127
287-7973 someone Reliable & INSTALLATION 570-288-0552 Free Estimates

Spacious 3 bed- garage. Pool, hot Dependable to Vinyl & wood. 20 Yrs. Experience Mister “V”
room, 1 1/2 baths. tup & appliances 1024 Building & clean your home? Certified, Insured. Insured Constr uction
large eat-in kitchen,
carpeted, finished
included. $950 +
utilities. Available WEST PITTSTON Remodeling SAME PERSON
570-283-1341 Established 1988.
Fully insured.
(570) 947-2777 Year Round
Roof Specialist
attic, parking, no Immediately. Call
Carriage House
1 or 2 bedroom, ALL OLDER HOMES
(570) 793-0776 MCGINLEY FLOORS LLC
Wood, Laminate &
Free estimates.
(570) 746-2087 or
pets. $675 + utili- den, all appliances, SPECIALIST Residential / Ceramic ALL KINDS OF (570) 721-2746
Int/ Ext. painting, All Types of
Roofs, Siding,
ties, security, lease. Power washing.
leave message
3 Bedrooms.
huge deck, cathe-
dral ceilings, sky
lights, hardwood
Remodel / repair,
Cleaning by Lisa.
Pet Sitting also
[email protected]
Will Mow &
Professional work
at affordable rates.
& Roof Repairs
Free estimates. Low Prices
No smoking. floors, loft room, 2 & Doors
available. Call Today! Estate Cleanouts Trim Your Lawn Free Estimates
No pets. car heated garage, 570-690-4640 or 1129 Gutter TREE/SHRUB For What You 570-288-0733
Half double, 3 bed- $900/month private, must see. Building or 570-696-4792 Repair & Cleaning REMOVAL
REMOVAL Can Afford
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rooms. All remod- POWER WASHING 28 Years
Call (570) 498-0612 Garbage, sewer, off 24 HOUR (570) 991-8474
eled. New kitchen,
street parking 1054 Concrete & SERVICE
Interior & Exterior Experience
bath, carpet, paint. 570-829-5133
Large yard. Off
street parking. $600
KINGSTON included. $750 +
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Masonry PA#067136- Fully
Licensed & Insured.
570-239-0484 PETER’S LAWNCARE
Painting, Masonry
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+ utilities. No pets.
(570) 328-0784 BGD CONCRETE We install custom Reliable service &
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All Phases of reasonable rates!
Call (570) 574-8863 Look for the seamless rain ROOFING
Concrete Work 570-829-5444 570-338-2269
gutters & leaf Special $1.29 s/f
BIA symbol Small Jobs Welcome
LUZERNE protection systems. 570-332-4199
Licensed, insured,
of quality Free Estimates CALL US TODAY ABOUT
2 bedrooms, 5 For information 570-239-9178 OUR 10% OFF WHOLE PORTANOVA’S LAWN fast service
rooms. Porch. Yard.
Off street parking.
on BIA
membership D. Pugh
570-561-2328 REMOVAL CARE Weekly & Bi-
Weekly Lawn Cut-

$475 + utilities. Call

570-824-7354 263 Diana Street
3 bedroom, wall to
call 287-3331 Concrete GUTTERS CLEANED & REPAIRED 823-3788 / 817-0395 ting, Landscaping.
Reasonable rates.
1297 Tree Care
or go to All phases of Window Cleaning. Now accepting new GASHI AND SONS
2 bedroom, water
wall carpet, wash-
er/dryer hookup, off
street parking,
www.bianepa.com masonry &
concrete. Small
Regulars, storms,
etc. Pressure
Charlie’s Hauling
Residential &
customers. Call
570-650-3985 Serra Painting
jobs welcome. washing, decks, Commercial, Book Now For REMOVAL.
& sewer included. newly painted, no DAVE JOHNSON Senior discount, Licensed & Insured. RAINERI’S LAWN
yard. No pets. docks, houses,Free CARE & SHRUBS Spring & Save. All Fully Insured.
$500/month. Sec- Expert Bathroom Free estimates Free estimates.
$575/month + estimates. Insured. Lawns Trimmed & Work Guaranteed 570-693-1875
tion 8 considered. Remodeling, Whole Licensed & Insured Whole estates, yard
security & utilities (570) 288-6794 Edged, Hedges Cut, Satisfaction.
Call 570-899-6104 House Renovations, 288-1701/655-3505 waste, construction 30 Yrs. Experience
46 Zerby Ave Call (570) 822-7657 Interior & Exterior Spring cleanup. Mulch & More
Powerwash & Paint 1336 Window
Sunday 1pm-3pm 1132 Handyman Free Estimates
NANTICOKE Lease with option
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Carpentry. Kitchens
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Licensed &Insured
All types of
570-266-0360 or
570-829-0140 570-825-2779
Vinyl, Wood, Stucco
Free Estimates Professional
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570-819-0681 concrete, Reliable Lawncare You Can’t Lose! Window Cleaning
turn key condition, & GARBAGE
masonry and ALL Senior Discounts. 570-822-3943 & More.
3 bedrooms, 1.5 3 bedrooms, REMOVAL
DAVID A JONES stucco Free Estimates. Gutters, carpet,
baths, large all appliances Licensed/Insured
MAINTENANCE Free estimates.
BUILDING & pressure washing.
closets, with provided. REMODELING Free Estimates We Fix It Clean out attics, Stonework, mulch, 1213 Paving & Residential/com-
hardwoods, carpet lawn work & more.
& tile floors, new
Call 570-822-7039 Additions, garages, 570-451-0701 Electrical,
basements, estates
(570) 357-1786 Excavating mercial. Ins./bond-
sheds, kitchens, gmdmasonry.com We buy junk cars ed. Free est.
55 Loomis St
kitchen and baths,
gas heat, shed, WILKES-BARRE bathrooms, tile
floor, finished
too! 570-472-2392
1189 Miscellaneous EDWARD’S ALL COUNTY 570-283-9840
3 bedroom, wall
to wall carpet,
large yard.
$134,000, seller
Riverside Dr.
Stately brick, 4
basements, decks,
siding, roofing,
VALLEY Painting WClean
3 Generations of
1339 Window
will pay closing bedroom, 2 bath & MASONRY Carpet Repair cellars,
full basement &
costs, $5000 down 2 half bath home.
windows, doors,
Concrete, stucco, attics, yards & experience. Service
attic, stove, custom built oak & Installation
fridge & water
included. No
and monthly
payments are
Hardwood floors,
spacious rooms,
stairs & trim.
Licensed & insured.
pavers, retaining All Types
metal removal.
Call John VITO’S Celebrating 76
years of Pride & SHADES, UNLTD.
Repair & Cleaning
pets. $630
plus security
beautiful patio,
all appliances
No job too small.
570-256-7567 or
wall systems,
dryvit, flagstone,
Of Repairs 570-735-3330
& CALL NOW & Get
The 1st Seal Coat-
of Draperies,
Shades, Blinds &
570-814-1356 REAL ESTATE
included. $1,600/
month + utilities.
PA #0001719
brick work. Out-
door fireplaces &
1162 Landscaping/ GINO’S ing FREE with
signed contract.
Fabric Awnings.
Free Estimates
MLS#10-2290 pizza ovens. Garden
PITTSTON Call Johnnie
Wanted: Licensed and Email: repairs@

3 bedroom, fully
54 Krych St.
Call Margy
Driveways, Side-
walks, Stone Work
Senior Citizen
Need help with a
project or small
Free estimates.
(570) 379-1234
equipped kitchen, All top Masonry. jobs done?
Single: 3 bed- 570-760-0551 Residential & 570-474-6329
living, dining, w/d
hookup. Yard, no
room, 1.5 bath,
Bahram, 855-8405 Evenings & week-
ends. References.
Shrub Trimming &
Cars & Lic.# PA021520 LINEUP
pets. Sewer,
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gas heat, wall to
wall, kitchen with NICHOLS CONSTRUCTION 1057Construction & 570-855-3823 Mulching. Junk
Removal. Free Est.
Trucks Mountain Top
stove & refrigera- All Types Of Work Building
partial heat includ-
tor. Quiet street. New or Remodeling DOPainting,
ed. $665 per
No pets. Not Sec- Collect cash, not dust! Licensed & Insured drywall, (570) 675-3517
Patching, Sealing,
month. First and
last month’s rent.
tion 8 approved.
Clean out your
Free Estimates
GARAGE DOOR plumbing & all types Residential/Comm. Doyouneedmorespace?
Licensed Bonded
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Sales, service, of home repairs, Paid!! Insured A yard or garage sale
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Call 570-332-1216
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