Management of Complications and Sequelae With Temporary Injectable Fillers

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Management of Complications and Sequelae

with Temporary Injectable Fillers
Murad Alam, M.D., M.S.C.I.
Background: Injectable nonpermanent soft-tissue augmentation materials are
Jeffrey S. Dover, M.D. extremely well-tolerated products that can be used safely in virtually all patients
Chicago, Ill.; Chestnut Hill, Mass.; who are candidates for facial augmentation. In this article, the authors review
Hanover, N.H.; and New Haven, the management of the few common and minor undesirable effects that may be
Conn. associated with temporary fillers; in addition, the authors mention the rare
incidence of serious complications.
Methods: The authors conducted a MEDLINE-based (1990 to 2005) review of
complications and side effects of nonpermanent injectable filler materials. This
review was supplemented with evidence presented at recent plastic surgery and
dermatology scientific meetings and unpublished information made available
to the authors.
Results: Nonpermanent injectable soft-tissue augmentation materials are ex-
tremely safe substances that are unlikely to cause more than mild injection
discomfort, transient redness and swelling, and occasional short-term bruising
when used for facial augmentation. Symmetry can usually be maintained with
judicious bilateral use of injectant, and injection-site necrosis is rare and treat-
able. Proper technique minimizes the already very low risk of visible implants,
nodule formation, and hypersensitivity reactions. Other serious effects are ex-
ceedingly rare, and retinal artery thrombosis, previously associated with inject-
able collagen, has not been seen with newer fillers.
Conclusions: Injectable nonpermanent fillers are extremely safe substances.
Attention to injection technique further minimizes the low risk of adverse events,
which are usually minor, spontaneously resolving, and easily treated. (Plast. Re-
constr. Surg. 120 (Suppl.): 98S, 2007.)

repackaged injectable soft-tissue augmenta- Although injectable augmentation materials
tion materials are extremely safe substances.1 are extremely well tolerated, their use runs up
In vivo, they are associated with benign and against the law of rising expectations. That is,
remitting short-term effects. Medium-term ef- patients expect these procedures to be so pain-
fects are infrequent, and given the nonperma-
nent nature of the injectables, long-term effects
are virtually absent. Interestingly, despite the dif- FDA Status and Approved Uses: Restylane
ferences in composition among the various com- (Perlane, Juvéderm/hyaluronic acid deriva-
mon soft-tissue augmentation materials, they are tive), CosmoPlast (CosmoDerm/human colla-
remarkably similar in the type and frequency of gen), Zyderm (Zyplast/bovine collagen),
their undesired effects. Sculptra (poly-L-lactic acid), and Radiesse
(calcium hydroxylapatite) are FDA approved
From the Section of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery, Depart-
ment of Dermatology, Department of Otolaryngology–Head
for soft-tissue augmentation. Radiesse (cal-
and Neck Surgery, and Department of Surgery, Northwestern cium hydroxylapatite) is FDA approved for
University; SkinCare Physicians; Department of Medicine (Der- use in the urinary bladder and larynx/vocal
matology), Dartmouth Medical School; and Section of Derma- cords and as a radiopaque marker but not for
tologic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, Department of Der- facial soft-tissue augmentation. Bioform, Inc.,
matology, Yale University School of Medicine. the manufacturer of Radiesse, has submitted a
Received for publication January 27, 2006; accepted Sep- FDA application for facial soft-tissue augmen-
tember 13, 2006. tation and may receive approval for this indi-
Copyright ©2007 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons cation before publication of this supplement.
DOI: 10.1097/01.prs.0000248859.14788.60

Volume 120, Number 6S • Managing Filler Complications

less, quick, uncomplicated, and unnoticeable available, pinching the skin at the same time as
that they can find even the most minor unantic- piercing it with a needle can be of benefit. Topical
ipated outcomes to be disconcerting and upset- anesthetic preparations, both commercially pre-
ting. For this reason, it is desirable to discuss packaged types (e.g., LMX; Ferndale Laborato-
before treatment some of the most common ries, Inc., Ferndale, Mich.) and custom prepara-
potential sequelae (e.g., bruising and swelling) tions produced by compounding pharmacies, may
that have now been well described in the be of some use in providing relief. If topicals are
literature2– 4 and that can be temporarily socially to be used, they should be applied before injection
embarrassing. In addition, it behooves the injec- for at least 30 to 60 minutes and usually under
tor to take steps to minimize these minor out- occlusion of transparent dressings [e.g., Tegad-
comes. erm (3M, St. Paul, Minn.), Saran Wrap (S. C. John-
son & Son, Racine, Wis.)] or repeatedly rubbed
SHORT-TERM UNDESIRED EFFECTS into the skin every 10 to 15 minutes. In general,
however, injection pain is experienced beneath
Injection-Associated Discomfort the level that can be treated by topical anesthetics.
Short-term effects of injectables include dis- Thus, this modality is usually more effective at
comfort on injection and postinjection skin redness, convincing the patient that the physician is con-
swelling, and bruising. With regard to injection-as- cerned about pain management than at mark-
sociated discomfort, some amount is experienced edly reducing physiologically experienced pain. It
with all fillers. One factor associated with greater should also be noted that topical anesthesia
discomfort is the viscosity and consequent injection should be used sparingly or not at all on mucosal
pressure associated with the injectant. Thicker hy- surfaces, such as the wet part of the lip, as systemic
aluronic acid preparations (e.g., Restylane; Medi- absorption can occur. Nerve blocks, in contrast,
cis, Scottsdale, Ariz.)5 and calcium hydroxylapatite can be extremely helpful. The most commonly
preparations (e.g., Radiesse; BioForm Medical, placed blocks are those of the infraorbital nerve,
San Mateo, Calif.) are among the more viscous for treatment of the nasolabial folds and upper
fillers. On injection, these firmly displace sur-
lips, and the mental nerve, for treatment of the
rounding tissue, thus inducing pain. Another rel-
lower lip and marionette lines. Full blocks can be
evant factor is the caliber of the needle. Calcium
easily placed intraorally, with a 30-gauge needle
hydroxylapatite requires at least a 27-gauge nee-
attached to a 3-cc syringe containing 0.5 to 2.0%
dle, and poly-L-lactic acid requires at least a 25- to
27-gauge needle; in the latter case, the thicker lidocaine with 1:100,000 or 1:200,000 epineph-
needle is necessary not because of a uniformly rine. Alternatively, articaine 1% with 1:100,000
elevated viscosity but rather because of the ten- epinephrine may be injected. With a pH of 7 and
dency of the reconstituted solution to contain an onset of action of 1 to 2 minutes, it is less painful
thick, focal inclusions that tend to clog thinner and faster acting than lidocaine. Usually, 0.5 to
needles. Obviously, thicker needles tend to injure 1 cc to each infraorbital foramen and 0.2 to 0.4 cc
more tissue on injection and thus to elicit greater to each mental area is sufficient. Miniblocks,
injection discomfort. The anatomical site of in- which consist of placement of as little as 0.1 cc of
jection also modifies pain. Perioral injections, in- anesthetic solution into the sulcus superior to the
jections of the lip, and injections of the periocular third incisor bilaterally with an additional injec-
skin, especially lower eyelids, are among the most tion into the mucosa above the frenulum in the
painful because of the increased sensory innerva- midline, can also achieve excellent anesthesia of
tion at these sites. the fibers of the infraorbital nerve. Some physi-
Several mechanisms can be used to diminish cians may prefer to place blocks transcutaneously
injection pain. Immediately before injection, ap- without having patients open their mouths. Al-
plication of ice or a vibratory sensation during though patients will still feel some pain after nerve
injection can decrease discomfort. In the case of blocks, they may tolerate this residual discomfort
vibration, a hand-held vibrating back massager or better if they are instructed that complete anes-
similar device can be used. The efficacy of this thesia with intradermal injection would be coun-
procedure is predicated on the fact that vibratory terproductive. Specifically, they should under-
sensation and sharp pain are transmitted through stand that full infiltration with injected anesthesia
common neural pathways, with transmission of would result in undesired filling of the potential
one type of sensation reducing concurrent expe- spaces and rhytides that are targets for augmen-
rience of the other. If a vibrating device is not tation. Consequently, less filler material would be

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November Supplement 2007

placed, and only an incomplete and shorter last- serial injection technique or by linear tunneling
ing correction would be possible. with threading, minimizing the number of skin
In an off-label use, some augmentation mate- punctures limits the associated trauma. Even when
rials may be mixed with small quantities of lido- poly-L-lactate is injected in multiple small aliquots,
caine prior to injection to reduce injection dis- the needle may be partially withdrawn and redi-
comfort without excessively increasing bolus rected instead of completely removed and rein-
volume. For instance, a 1.3-cc syringe of calcium serted. Of the hyaluronic acid products, Restylane
hydroxylapatite can be attached, via an appropri- appears to induce more swelling than Hylaform
ate connector, to a syringe containing 0.1 to 0.2 cc (Inamed Aesthetics) and Hylaform Plus (Inamed
of 1% or 2% lidocaine with epinephrine; the back- Aesthetics).
and-forth motion of the two syringes produces a Postinjection application of ice packs for 5 to
smooth slurry that is easy to inject and that patients 10 minutes definitely reduces the risk of swelling.
report hurts less upon delivery. Concerned patients may be allowed to use ice
Patients have widely varying pain tolerance for packs at home every few hours on the day of the
injectable augmentation materials. Some fillers, injection but warned to avoid excessive use, which
such as collagen [e.g., CosmoDerm (Inamed Aes- may cause cold injury to their skin. If patients are
thetics, Irvine, Calif), CosmoPlast (Inamed Aesthet- returning to work or social engagements imme-
ics), Zyderm (Inamed Aesthetics), and Zyplast (In- diately after injection, they should be encouraged
amed Aesthetics)], are minimally viscous, come to apply concealing makeup until the redness
prepackaged with anesthetic, and are well tolerated spontaneously remits. Makeup with a greenish tint
by virtually all patients. Nerve blocks are often pre- is most able to camouflage red coloration. It is,
ferred by patients when injecting hyaluronic acid however, the swelling that typically limits social
derivatives, calcium hydroxylapatite, and poly-L- activity on the day of treatment.
lactic acid. A small subset of extremely sensitive
patients paradoxically find nerve blocks more dis-
tressing than filler injections without anesthesia; Bruising
these patients complain of persistent numbness Bruising (i.e., ecchymosis) is an inadvertent
and strange sensations after nerve blocks and, and occasional effect of soft-tissue augmentation.
needless to say, should not receive these in the One cause of bruising is needle-associated perfo-
future. ration of vessels, usually dermal veins, during filler
injection. In addition, crushing or rupture of ves-
sels secondary to the pressure of adjacent firm
Redness and Swelling tissue materials can result in localized or wide-
Redness and swelling (i.e., erythema and spread ecchymoses. If bruising occurs, it may be
edema) tend to result immediately after injection evident immediately after injection but, often, no-
with many fillers. Both are local effects of puncture tably in patients taking platelet disaggregators,
trauma and associated inflammation and the hy- bruising is delayed. Resolution may be gradual,
groscopic properties of the filler being used. Red- over approximately 5 to 10 days. Even when it does
ness will usually persist for a few hours to over- occur, bruising tends to be localized and not mark-
night, but swelling can last longer, up to 1 to 2 edly disfiguring. It is important for patients to
days. When the lip is injected, swelling may be understand that bruising does not interfere with
more noticeable and usually lasts 1 to 3 days and the clinical result.
occasionally longer. Likewise, following multiple Needle perforation of vessels can be avoided
injections with poly-L-lactic acid, especially when by understanding the superficial anatomy of the
used for diffuse facial lipoatrophy, edema or fat face and also studiously refraining from imping-
redistribution manifesting as an elevated contour ing on visible dermal medium-caliber vessels. Side
may persist for several days to 1 week. In general, lighting and cleansing the skin with alcohol pads
the more material that is injected, the greater the can illuminate bluish dermal vessels. Ecchymoses
duration and extent of swelling. caused by firm fillers compressing nearby vessels
As with mild injection-associated discomfort, are more difficult to prevent, especially if large
redness and swelling are best managed by appris- quantities of thicker filler materials are used. One
ing patients in advance of these likely outcomes. technique entails canalization of the superficial fat
In addition, careful injection technique can re- with a 1.25-inch needle; this allows injection of
duce the degree of both redness and associated viscous materials over a wide area without having
edema. Whether the filler is placed by means of a to reperforate the dermis repeatedly, thus minimiz-

Volume 120, Number 6S • Managing Filler Complications

ing the risk of hematoma or bruising. Injection at the completely treated areas. When injecting patients
level of the superficial fat is also inherently less likely who are acutely concerned about looking unnat-
to cause bruising because of the decreased density of urally injected or receiving fillers for the first time,
this layer and its relative dearth of vessels per unit it may be prudent to deliberately undercorrect at
volume compared with the dermis. the first visit.
When bruising does occur, immediate firm Maintenance of symmetry is important regard-
pressure over gauze should be applied to the in- less of how much material is delivered. There are
volved area for a few minutes. Ice packs may also two measurements that are helpful in maintaining
be used. Pressure, and to a lesser extent ice, can right–left symmetry: quantity injected and visible
limit the extent of the bruise. The most common correction. On the one hand, when using the tra-
locations for bruises are the perioral rhytides and ditional 1-cc syringe of injectable, the injector
the lower eyelids, with injections of poly-L-lactate should ensure that approximately equal amounts
or hyaluronic acid derivatives under the eye reli- are delivered into corresponding structures, such
ably inducing bruising; the upper third of the as the lips or nasolabial folds, on each side of the
nasolabial fold; the upper lip; and the lateral edge face. On the other hand, given that most faces are
of the lower lip. Patients should be reassured that slightly asymmetrical to start, visual inspection
the effects are transient and will not impair the should be used to verify that both sides look com-
final correction associated with the filler. At the parably filled. That is, to give the appearance of
same time, they should understand that the bruise equality, exactly equal quantities need not be in-
may darken for a day or so before it slowly resolves jected into right and left sides. Alternating small
over a week to 10 days. aliquot injections on either side may collectively
An adverse effect similar to bruising is frank permit achievement of symmetry.
bleeding. This can result when a vessel of moder-
ate caliber is perforated by an injection needle. Injection-Site Necrosis
Almost without exception, firm pressure for 1 to One uncommon but significant undesired ef-
5 minutes will stop pinpoint bleeding. Cautery and fect that may be causally related to placement of
ligation are exceedingly rarely, if ever, required. filler materials is injection-site necrosis.6 Inadver-
tent injection of the angular artery (nasolabial
fold area) or supratrochlear artery (glabellar area)
Overcorrection and Undercorrection
with viscous fillers induces an ischemic response
Because the goal of fillers is to improve aes- with violaceous bluish gray discoloration, pain,
thetic appearance, precision regarding the site erosion, and ulceration. Resolution without pain
and quantity of injection is imperative to ensure is routine except when a large bolus of material is
the most attractive result. Potential problems in- injected, with ensuing full-thickness necrosis. On
clude overcorrection, undercorrection, and asym- recognition of this side effect, immediate appli-
metry. cation of nitroglycerin paste may reduce the size
With the exception of the least viscous forms and extent of the area affected by ischemia. In-
of collagen (e.g., CosmoDerm, Zyderm), signifi- jections at the glabella with newer injectable fillers
cant overcorrection is not necessary with inject- have not been reported to cause retinal artery
able fillers and should be avoided. Relatively little thrombosis, an embolic phenomenon reported in
of these fillers will dissipate immediately after in- the distant past following use of Zyplast collagen.
jection. All facial anatomical sites are, however,
subject to some immediate swelling on injection,
and this should be taken into account when de-
termining the degree of appropriate correction. Visible Implants
For instance, the lips will swell on needle trauma Implanted material that remains visible near
even in the absence of any delivered material, and the surface of the skin is an aesthetically problem-
postinjection swelling for 2 to 3 days is not un- atic undesired outcome. Typically manifesting as
common. Patients should be reassured that their a blanched or white papule, or as a palpable lump,
“Angelina Jolie” lips are a transient phenomenon visible injectant is invariably a result of injections
on the way to desired lip size within a day or two. that are too superficial or excessive in quantity.7 If
In general, undercorrection is a less serious prob- medium-term fillers such as thicker collagens
lem than overcorrection because patients can al- (e.g., CosmoPlast and Zyplast), hyaluronic acids,
ways be asked to return in 1 to 2 weeks for a poly-L-lactate, and calcium hydroxylapatite are in-
touch-up procedure to replete any missed or in- jected into the high (e.g., papillary) dermis or

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November Supplement 2007

epidermis, they may be sequestered in a layer or excessive injection to a given location, or several
where they are not easily metabolized. Visible weeks later as a result of local inflammatory or
blanched or bluish areas can persist for months, granulomatous foreign body reactions, which
even after the remainder of the implant effect has have been seen in the histopathology of some of
disappeared. these nodules. Nodules have also been noted with
Care must be taken to avoid this problem. use of poly-L-lactate, with rates of nodule forma-
When injections are placed using the serial punc- tion ranging from 6 to 52 percent in a series of five
ture technique, the injector should ensure that at open-label clinical studies from Europe and the
least the mid dermis is reached before the syringe United States.15–18 The majority of nodules, de-
plunger is depressed and that injection ceases as scribed as palpable but nonvisible subcutaneous
the needle is pulled back out. During injection, it micronodules, occurred within the first year, and
is extremely important to watch the skin near the most resolved. Palpable but not visible small sub-
needle tip to ensure the absence of blanching cutaneous nodules occurred in as many as half of
indicative of superficial placement; rapid ascer- patients, with onset at an average of 218 days
tainment and needle repositioning can mitigate (range, 9 to 748 days). Nodule formation from
the problem. Once a blanched area has been cre- poly-L-lactic acid can be reduced by diluting the
ated, firm massage may help to break this up. The material with 5 to 8 ml rather than the lower
patient should be asked to open their mouth, and volume (4 ml) used in these studies. In one study
extremely firm pressure should be applied by the with calcium hydroxylapatite, 56 percent of pa-
physician between the thumb and forefinger to tients had no nodules, 36 percent had minimal
flatten and spread the superficial focus of inject- nodule formation, 8 percent had moderate nod-
ant. At the same time, the patient should be ule formation, and 0 percent had severe nodule
warned that this maneuver may induce a bruise. If formation.19 Submucosal nodules following cal-
hyaluronic acid fillers are placed too high in the cium hydroxylapatite tended to occur at the lips,
papillary dermis, a visible blue papule may become with all except 8 percent remitting within 4 to 6
evident, sometimes immediately, occasionally a few weeks of treatment.
days later; this can be very easily corrected by punc- Treatment of nodules is similar regardless of
turing the site with a 25- or 27-gauge needle and the causative filler material. Nodules are treated
expressing the material. Notably, injections of the by squeezing aggressively, massaging for several
thinnest form of collagen (e.g., CosmoDerm, Zy- days, injecting corticosteroid, and ultimately con-
derm) can be placed high in the dermis without sidering puncture and aspiration. Dermabrasion
problems. Indeed, thin collagens are designed to has been used to reduce nodules, but even if in-
fill fine skin lines, and injection-related yellow- duration is successfully reduced by this technique,
colored blanching is a good sign, confirmatory of textural abnormalities, pigmentary abnormalities,
adequately superficial placement. and scarring may result because the injectant is
often localized in the deep dermis, not the epi-
dermis. In some cases, resolution has been at-
Nodule Formation tained by treatment with allopurinol20 or by sur-
An uncommon but troublesome outcome of gical excision. Either uniformly hard or cystic in
injectable augmentation is nodule formation. His- composition, nodules may express the contained
torically, nodules were believed to be associated filler on aspiration. Thus, when a nodule associ-
with hypersensitivity reactions. For instance, there ated with calcium hydroxylapatite injection is in-
have been other anecdotal reports of post– hyalu- cised, a powdery, pasty, white material is often
ronic acid hypersensitivity and granulomatous re- easily extruded, in a manner similar to the expres-
actions, including abscess-like nodules and for- sion of an imbedded milium. Poor technique,
eign body reactions on the nasolabial folds and such as uneven injection pressure and superficial
lips.8 –13 A retrospective cohort study of 709 pa- injections, is especially likely to lead to lumps on
tients treated with Restylane and Hylaform be- the lips, including the wet and dry vermilion.
tween 1996 and 2000 found that both substances Deeper injection, taking care to avoid vasculature
were associated with sporadic cases of injection- and thus bleeding, can prevent this problem. It
site skin reactions (four with Hylaform and two should be noted that although nodules of the
with Restylane), including indurated nodules inner wet lip are not visible and thus not disfig-
(three with Hylaform and one with Restylane).14 uring in the eyes of others, they can be equally
Nodules appear to emerge either immediately af- troublesome to the affected patients: patients may
ter treatment, likely a result of superficial injection inadvertently bite down on the overlying, protrud-

Volume 120, Number 6S • Managing Filler Complications

ing mucosa or they may obsessively palpate these human collagen is not deemed necessary by the
annoying nodules with their tongues. Intradermal U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the package
or intraoral nodules of the lips can be resistant to inserts for human collagen (CosmoDerm and Cos-
simple corrective treatments such as steroid injec- moPlast) continue to note that use in people with
tions. In general, steroid injections can be useful a known allergy to bovine collagen has not been
for diminishing the inflammatory response and studied.
possibly rupturing a nodule so as to express its The noncollagen fillers are much less likely to
contents and lead to resolution; at the same time, induce immune responses. This derives from the
injudicious placement or inadvertent overtreat- fact that these materials are believed to be highly
ment with injectable corticosteroids can easily re- biocompatible. Specifically, calcium hydroxylapa-
sult in an indented, atrophic scar that may be tite granules are biodegraded in a manner anal-
difficult to correct. Most nodules will eventually ogous to the turnover of bone mineral; hyaluronic
remit with time. The most conservative manage- acid is a complex sugar that occurs naturally in
ment entails gentle at-home massage, reassurance human skin; and poly-L-lactate is a resorbable
of the patient, and close follow-up. If nodules do polymer similar in composition to commonly used
not spontaneously involute over some predeter- polyglactin 910 (Vicryl; Ethicon, Inc., Somerville,
mined time interval (usually, the lifetime of the N.J.) suture. A few cases of local hypersensitivity
filler involved), more aggressive corrective action after injections of hyaluronic acid derivatives have
may be needed. been reported; these may have been caused by
When nodules are composed of hyaluronic residual proteins, given that hyaluronic acid is de-
acid fillers, they can be dissipated by injection of rived either from cocks’ combs of domestic fowl or
hyaluronidase,21,22 which is commercially available from fermentation using streptococci bacteria.
as a solution in injection-ready vials. Because the Data presented at the 11th Conference on Retro-
surrounding skin has a low concentration of hy- viruses and Opportunistic Infections in February
aluronate, the enzyme dissolves the unwanted al- of 2003 indicated that, in a cohort of 94 patients
iquot of injectable material without harming the treated with injectable poly-L-lactate, 1 percent
skin substrate. This technique is particularly help- had an anaphylactic reaction.
ful when hyaluronic acid derivative injections into Overall, cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions
so-called tear-trough depressions result in exces- associated with nonpermanent filler materials are
sive, asymmetric swelling under the eye that would relatively uncommon. Moreover, it is difficult to
otherwise last months. ascertain whether such reactions are attributable
The conservative approach to managing nod- to a true allergic diathesis or local irritation asso-
ules presupposes that there is no associated hy- ciated with the quantity and location of a bolus of
persensitivity response, necessitating further eval- injectant. Whatever the cause, there are a signif-
uation and management. This assumption is now icant number of reports of red indurated bumps
believed to be usually correct. That is, nodule for- over areas treated with Restylane and Perlane
mation is typically a manifestation of superficial or (Medicis) that appear up to 3 months after treat-
excessive injection and, as such, an error in tech- ment. Lasting several months, they clear up spon-
nique rather than an immune response. taneously, but topical application of tacrolimus
ointment (Protopic; Astellas Pharma US, Deer-
field, Ill.) speeds healing, as it does with delayed
Hypersensitivity Responses hypersensitivity after collagen injection. Local re-
Nonetheless, there is some evidence that hy- actions may also respond to topical or intrale-
persensitivity responses can occasionally be elic- sional steroids, or to incision and drainage.
ited by nonpermanent fillers.23 Most significantly,
injectable bovine collagen can cause cutaneous RARE, SERIOUS, AND POSSIBLY
allergy, and patients must be skin-tested twice, 1 UNRELATED UNDESIRED EFFECTS
month apart, to reduce the likelihood of this out- Prepackaged injectable fillers are extremely
come. However, a study in which 428 patients re- safe and widely used. As a consequence, it is dif-
ceived injection of human-derived collagen (e.g., ficult to know whether the few rare effects re-
CosmoDerm) into the forearm and were followed ported are truly related to the fillers or incidental,
for 2 months found no instances of cutaneous unrelated findings in patients who happen to have
hypersensitivity; this has led to relaxation of the received augmentation. In addition, each filler ma-
skin-testing recommendation when human colla- terial has specific recommendations for injection
gen is used.24 Although skin testing before use of technique that can minimize problems with use; for

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November Supplement 2007

example, poly-L-lactate is a thick, heterogenous so- CONCLUSIONS

lution that clogs needles and syringes, which conse- Overall, prepackaged injectable soft-tissue aug-
quently need to be frequently changed to avoid in- mentation materials are extremely safe and well-
advertent placement of excessively large aliquots tolerated materials that provide many options for
into the skin. facial rejuvenation. Undesired effects tend to be
Relatively commonly reported undesired ef- minor and prone to spontaneous resolution within
fects that are difficult to ascribe to fillers them- a few days to 1 week. Rare is the patient who en-
selves include headache, sinusitis, and other re- counters more than mild discomfort, with possible
spiratory symptoms. These may be a sign of transient redness, swelling, and bruising. Lumps
concurrent unrelated mild illness or respiratory and nodules occur infrequently, are usually eas-
infections. In some cases, headache may result ily treated, and are only rarely associated with
from the injection process itself: it has been shown immune responses or cutaneous hypersensitiv-
by others that needling of the forehead in the ity. Discussion of benefits and risks with patients
absence of injection of any material can occasion- before injection, coupled with a thorough un-
ally induce headache. derstanding of the specific techniques required
Itch, acne, and herpes simplex virus reactiva- for use of particular fillers, should enable sur-
tion (e.g., cold sores) have been reported in a few geons to use these materials with few problems.
instances and may be associated with inadvertent
skin irritation during the injection process. How- Jeffrey S. Dover, M.D.
SkinCare Physicians
ever, these effects may also be unrelated and re- 1244 Boylston Street, Suite 302
ported by patients only because they incorrectly Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02467
believe them to be related. Cutaneous bacterial [email protected]
infection and resulting scar may rarely be associ-
ated with extrusion of superficially placed im- DISCLOSURES
plants. Management of implant-related infection
Murad Alam, M.D., M.S.C.I., has no commercial
entails use of topical and oral antibiotics; scarring
associations, including but not limited to, consultancies,
is best managed by prevention.
stock ownership, patent licensing arrangements, and
Rare, serious effects that have been seen in
payments for conducting or publicizing a study described
patients treated with fillers include collagen vas-
in this article. Jeffrey Dover, M.D., has research grants
cular disease and facial nerve palsy. The infre-
with Allergan, Inamed, Light Biosciences, and Medicis.
quency of reports of these makes it impossible to
He also has research grants and/or use of equipment with
speculate regarding their cause or causal connec-
Candela Laser, Cool Touch, DUSA Pharmaceuticals,
tion to filler materials.
Gentle Waves, Laserscope, Lumenis, OpusMed, Inc.,
One rare but serious undesired effect that may
Palomar, Quantel, Syneron, Syris, Thermage, and
be causally related to injection of filler materials is
injection-site necrosis. Observed rarely after gla-
bellar injections with hyaluronic acid derivatives, REFERENCES
this is localized and treatable. This is not associated 1. Alam, M., Dover, J. S., Solish, N., and Arndt, K. A. Safety and
with embolic phenomena resulting in retinal artery persistence of injectable augmentation materials for correc-
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