Kaul & Shakdher Practice and Procedure of Parliament by M.N. Kaul &
S.L. Shakdher, (6th Edition, 2009)
LS Lok Sabha
Min. Ministry
ML Muslim League
MP Member of Parliament
NC National Conference
No. Number
Nom. Nominated/Nomination
Not. Notification
NSG National Security Guard
O&M Organisation and Management
OM Office Memorandum
op. cit. Opere Citato (in the work cited)
P. Page(s) in the Debates/Publications
PAC Committee on Public Accounts
PAQ Provisionally Admitted Question
Parl. Deb. Parliamentary Debates
PC Petitions Committee
PD Privileges Digest, Lok Sabha Secretariat
PDG Parliament Duty Group
PDP Peoples Democratic Party
PEPSU Patiala and East Punjab States Union
PIL Public Interest Litigation
PMK Pattali Makkal Katchi
PSLV Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
PSP Praja Socialist Party
PSUs Public Sector Undertakings
Pt. Part
PTI Press Trust of India
PWP Peasants and Workers Party
RP Act Representation of the People Act 1950 or 1951, as the
case may be
R/Rs./Rule Rule or Rules of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of
Business in the Rajya Sabha
Re. Regarding