Linear Algebra by Prof. R. Vittal Rao: Diagonalization
Linear Algebra by Prof. R. Vittal Rao: Diagonalization
Linear Algebra by Prof. R. Vittal Rao: Diagonalization
Vittal Rao
Ax = b (2.1) We remark that the above question has been loosely formulated
and requires more precision, which we shall as see as we analyse
for b ∈ Fn (where F = RorC). further.
We introduce a change of variables,
y = Cx and c = Cb. Remark 2.1 Not all matrices are diagonalizable. Consider the ma-
trix !
where C is an n × n invertible matrix. Then the system (2.1) can be 0 1
A= .
written as 0 0
AC−1 y = C−1 c
We observe that
We denote by ! ! !
P=C −1 0 1 0 1 0 0
A =
= = O2 ,
0 0 0 0 0 0
Then the system (2.1) can be written as
where O2 denotes the 2 × 2 zero matrix.
P−1 APy = c (2.2) Suppose A is diagonalizable i.e., suppose ∃ invertible P such that
Suppose we can find P such that P−1 AP = D, a diagonal matrix, d1 0
then (2.2) becomes, P AP = D =
; a diagonal matrix
0 d2
Dy = c,
2.1 Diagonalization
! 2.1.1 Some examples
d21 0
⇒ (P AP)(P AP) = D =
−1 −1 2
0 d22 !
0 0 1
⇒ (P−1 AP)(P−1 AP) = D2 = Example 2.1 Consider the matrix, A =
! 0 d22 1 0
d21 0 We can think of A as a matrix over R.
⇒ P A P=
−1 2
0 ! d22 Now look at !the matrix,
d21 0 1 1
⇒ O2 = since A2 = O2 P=
0 d22 1 −1
⇒ d1 = d2 = 0 ⇒ D = O2 1 1
Then P = 1
−1 2 2
⇒ P−1 AP = O2 2
− 12
⇒ A = O2 Then P and P−1 are
! also matrices over R and we have
0 1
A contradiction. P−1 AP = , a real diagonal matrix.
1 0
Thus, in this example the real matrix A can be diagonalized over
R (and hence over C since P can be thought of as a matrix over C).
Thus there are matrices which cannot be diagonalized. Hence
the first basic question in the context of diagonalization is the
following: 0 −1
Example 2.2 Consider the matrix, A =
1 0
Suppose ∃P such that
Question 2.2 What is the criterion [C] that A should satisfy in !
d1 0
order that A is diagonalizable? P AP =
0 d2
d21 0
⇒P A P=
−1 2
0 d22
Remark 2.2 Once again we remark that we shall fine tune this !
d21 0
question as we go along since the answer to the question also ⇒ −I = since A2 = −I
depends on where are looking for the P. We shall illustrate this by 0 d22
some examples. ⇒ d21 = d22 = −1
2.2 The Basic Questions
⇒ d1 , d2 are complex
Remark 2.3 Note that if such a P exists it is not unique.
⇒ D is complex For if ∃ such a P then we have
⇒ P cannot be real (since then D = P−1 AP will also be real)
P−1 AP = D
⇒ A cannot be diagonalized
! over R. !
1 i
1 1 − If α , 0 then if Q = αP we get
Now let P = Then P = 21 i 2
i −i 2 2
We can verify that P−1 = Q−1 and P = α−1 Q
i 0 Hence,
P AP =
0 −i D = P−1 AP = αQ−1 Aα−1 Q = Q−1 AQ
Hence, A is diagonalizable over C, whereas it was not diagonaliz- Thus Q is also one such diagonalizing matrix for any α , 0
able over R (even though A is a real matrix). Hence, if we have one P then there are infinite number of such P.
The idea will be to get a P gor which P−1 computation is as easy as
The above examples suggest that we must make it precise about
the type of matrix P we are seeking for diagonalization.
We shall for the moment look for diagonalization over R or C. Remark 2.4 What we mean by compromise on transformation is
We shall denote by F (either R or C) and make it more precise later. the following:
We had introduced the same change of variable transformation
2.2 The Basic Questions y = Cx
c = Cb
Once we are given an n × n matrix A over F, the first question
we ask is the following: for both the known and the unknown. Suppose we seek different
y = Cx
Question 2.3 Does A satisfy the criterion [C] for diagonalization? c = C1 b
We may get an answer YES or NO.
where C and C1 are invertible n × n matrices, then
2.2 The Basic Questions
Does A satisfy criterion [C]?
Compromise on what?
2.4 Exercises
vectors), then
2.4 Exercises
x(j) ⊗ y(j) 0 1 0
j=1 1. Let A = 0 0 1
0 0 0
is an n × n matrix of rank r.
0 0 0
Similarly if we choose above the x(j) as n × 1 and y( j) as m × 1,
(a) Verify that A3 = 0 0 0 = O3 , the 3 × 3 zero matrix.
0 0 0
x(j) ⊗ y(j) (b) Examine whether A can be diagonalized over
j=1 i) F2 , ii) Q, iii) R, iv) C
is an m × n matrix of rank r. 0 2
2. Let A = . Consider A as a matrix over F7 .
1 0
The question that arises is the following: !
3 1
Let P = (as a matrix over F7 )
1 2
Question 2.4 Given any m × n real matrix A can we express it as (a) Find P−1 over F7
s 3 0
X (b) Verify that P−1 AP =
x(j) ⊗ y(j) 0 4
j=1 (and hence A is diagonalizable over F7 ).