Unit 5 Cellular Energy Worksheet With Answers

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Unit 4 Cellular Energy Worksheet

1. Study the diagram below. Label the processes using the following terms: Oxidative Respiration, Lactic Acid Fermentation, Glycolysis,
Alcoholic Fermentation, Krebs cycle, & ETC
2. Fill in the blanks with the number of molecules produced from each process.

Lactic acid fermentation

Glycolysis alcoholic fermentation

2 6

oxidative respiration ETC


2 6
6 32

3. Write the number of ATP molecules produced by each process listed below. Then add up these numbers to get the total number of ATP molecules
produced when one glucose molecule is broken down by cellular respiration.
____2__ ATP made in Glycolysis; __2____ ATP made in Krebs cycle; +__~32____ ATP made in the Electron Transport Chain
=_~36_____ ATP total for the breakdown of one glucose molecule during cellular respiration
Answer the questions below.
4. What molecule provides energy in the cell where it is needed? (Use full name!!!)______Adenosine Triphosphate_____________
5. ATP has ___3___ phosphate groups. ADP has _2___ phosphates.
6. The energy in ATP is stored in its _____________phosphate-phosphate bonds_______________________________________.
7. Define autotroph and give an example: _____organism that makes its own energy (ex. Plants)_______________________
8. Define heterotroph and give an example:______organism that gets energy from other sources (ex: humans)_____________
9. Aerobic means it ____requires___________oxygen whereas anaerobic means it ________doesn’t need_________oxygen.

10. Label the Complex:1.____enzyme___

2.___enzyme-substrate complex______________
3.____enzymatic activity/substrate broken down
4.___products released___________________
11. Fill in the chart using your notes and illustrations.
Process Where does it Aerobic or Reactants Products
Occur? anaerobic?
anaerobic Glucose + 2 ATP +2NAD+ 4ATP + 2 NADH + 2 pyruvic
Step 1: Glycolysis
cytosol acid
Step 2: Oxidative Resp: matrix aerobic Pyruvic acid + 8NAD+ 2 ATP + 8 NADH + 2 FADH2 + 6
Krebs Cycle +2FAD+ O2
Step 2:Oxidative Resp: cristae aerobic NADH + FADH2 + O2 6 H2O + ~ 32 ATP
Step 2: Alcoholic Cytosol of anaerobic Pyruvic acid + NADH Alcohol + CO2
Fermentation yeast/bact
Step 2: Lactic Acid Cytosol of anaerobic Pyruvic acid + NADH Lactic Acid
Fermentation muscles/bact
12. Most eukaryotic cells produce about ______36_____  ATP molecules per glucose molecule.

13. What is the process by which glucose is converted into pyruvic acid? _____glycolysis_______________.

14. The enzyme necessary to break down the carbohydrate sucrose is _____sucrase_____________.

15. With every turn of the Krebs Cycle, how many ATP Molecules are made? _ignore_. So, each glucose produces _2__ ATP in Kreb’s cycle.

16. What is the primary waste product of the Krebs Cycle? _CO2__. What happens to this product? __Released/exhaled out_________.

17. When pyruvic acid is converted into carbon dioxide and ethanol (alcohol), the process is called ______alcoholic fermentation_______.

18. The Krebs Cycle is also known as the __Citric__ Acid Cycle.

19. The electron transport chain is driven by two products of the Krebs Cycle - _NADH___  and  ___FADH2_____.
20. Write the balanced chemical equation for cellular respiration. Label “reactants” and “products”.

___6O2 + C6H12O6 ______-->______________6CO2 + 6H2O ___________________________

21. What do the molecules NADH and FADH 2 transfer to the ETC? __electrons______.
22. What is the main purpose of the ETC?__________generate ATP______________________________________________
23. Why is oxygen important to the ETC?__________electronegativity of oxygen helps pull electrons “down the stairs” and release energy to power
ATP synthase; and accepts the electrons at the end of the chain.
24. Write the equation for photosynthesis. Label each side of the equation as “reactants” or “products”.

_____________6CO2 + 6H2O ____________________-->__________6O2 + C6H12O6 ______________________________

25. What is the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration?______photosynthesis creates products that c.R. uses as reactants
26. What organisms use alcoholic fermentation? ______yeasts, bacteria_______________________________________

27. What type of fermentation do human muscle cells go through when exercising rapidly? _____lactic acid fermentation_______________

Match the following terms with their meaning or purpose. Items can be used more than once, some have more than 1 answer.
__H__28. C6H12O6 a. ADP
__R___29. C3H6O3 (1/2 a glucose molecule) b. ATP
__O___30. gas that is the product of photosynthesis and is a reactant in cellular respiration c. Chlorophyll
___E___31. gas that is produced as a waste product of cellular respiration and a reactant in photosynthesis d. Chloroplast
___K__32. organelle where cellular respiration occurs e. CO2
__D___33. organelle where photosynthesis occurs f. Cytosol
__F___34. location in cell where glycolysis and fermentation takes place g. FAD+
__R___35. Glucose is broken down into two molecules called __in the process called glycolysis h. Glucose
__C___36. green pigment in plants that absorbs light energy for plants to use i. H2O
___J___37. Builds up in muscles when no oxygen available j. Lactic acid
__B___38. has three phosphate groups k. Mitochondria
__A___39. has only two phosphate groups (has less energy) l. NAD+
_D & K__40. Contains a double membrane, ribosomes, circular DNA. m. NADP+
_B & N__ 41. Products of the light dependent reactions used in the light independent RXN n. NADPH
___O__ 42. Product of the light-dependent RXN is released & does not participate further in photosynthesis o. O2
___Q__ 43. Molecules that absorbs certain wavelengths of light. p. Photosystem
___S__ 44. Thylakoids are surrounded by gel-like solution called ___ q. Pigments
___C__ 45. Pigment that absorbs blue-violet wavelengths r. Pyruvic acid
___P__ 46. A cluster of pigment molecules are called s. Stroma
___T___ 47. Location in the chloroplast of the light dependent RXN t. Thylakoid
___S__ 48. Location in the chloroplast of the light independent RNX
___M__ 49. Electron carrier(s) used in photosynthesis
__G & L__ 50. Electron carrier(s) used in cellular respiration

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