Stepper Motor Reference Design

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Introduction timing. The low-pin count package has enough pins to

drive the stepper motor and RS232 transceiver, with two
Stepper motors are used in a wide variety of additional I/O pins left over for special functions.
applications. They are prevalent in consumer office This reference design demonstrates a high
equipment such as printers, plotters, copiers, and performance stepper motor system using the
scanners. Stepper motors are also used in automotive C8051F300. The reference design provides for both
applications for electronic throttle control, dashboard stand-alone demo operation and UART control. The
indicators, and climate control systems. Stepper motors reference design may also be used as a platform for
are also found in industrial equipment such as robotics, stepper motor code development using the C2D two-
electronic component handlers, testers, dispensers, and wire on-chip debug and Flash programming interface.
other manufacturing equipment. The reference design is complete with schematic, bill of
Stepper motors are often controlled using special materials, printed circuit board artwork, code flowcharts,
function ICs that provide limited control functionality. and source code. The software is also available for
Such ICs often employ a rudimentary step forward and download from the Silicon Laboratories web site.
back interface to the microprocessor that limits system
performance. Other stepper motor systems are PC card Using the Stepper Motor Reference
based and use a host PC to provide high performance Design
In embedded systems it is much better to use a small Quick Start
microcontroller to directly control the stepper motor. A The recommended stepper motor listed in the Bill of
very small microcontroller such as the C8051F300 is Materials is the GBM model number 42BYG205,
capable of providing a high performance motion control available from Jameco Electronics®. Connect the GBM
solution. The microcontroller implements a linear- 42BYG205 stepper motor to the stepper motor
velocity profile, generates the precise timing required, reference design using the color code shown in Table 1.
and outputs the stepping pattern used to drive the
motor. The microcontroller directly drives the power Table 1. GBM 42BYG205 Color Code
MOSFETs and no addition gate drive circuitry is
required. Color Name
The microcontroller also provides serial
red A+
communications for remote control and distributed
systems. This reference design uses a RS232 port yellow Acommon
operating at 57600 bps. This demonstrates the
feasibility of using serial control. It is equally feasible to blue A-
use SMBus, I2C, RS485, or some more advanced
green B+
UART based network protocol. The C8051F300 is
housed in a very small form factor MLP11 package, orange Bcommon
measuring only 3 mm square. The entire stepper motor
drive can easily be integrated onto the back of a small brown B-
stepper motor. A system with multiple motors may use a
single small microcontroller for each motor. Connect the 9 V DC power supply to the 2.1 mm power
The C8051F300 is ideally suited for driving a stepper connection on the stepper motor reference design. Plug
motor. The small form factor lends itself to integrated the power supply into 120 VAC power source. The LED
motor solutions. The on chip UART and SMBus provide labeled “PWR” should illuminate.
serial communication and control. The calibrated
internal oscillator eliminates the cost and pin-count of
using an external crystal, while providing an accurate
time base for high speed UART and precise motor

Rev. 1.0 1/04 Copyright © 2004 by Silicon Laboratories AN155-DS10

Silicon Laboratories Confidential. Information contained herein is covered under non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
Press the function switch labeled “FUNC”. The stepper Type s and the stepper motor will display the current
motor should turn four turns. The green status LED position and acceleration parameter. The text following
labeled “STAT” should illuminate while the motor is the prompt sign is always user input.
turning. Press the function switch again. The motor will >s
rotate four turns the other direction. Position:
It the LED does not illuminate, check the power 0
connection. If the motor does not turn, check the motor Acceleration:
wiring. 80
If using a stepper motor other than the GBM >
42BYG205, follow the color code provided with that
particular stepper motor. Note that there is no standard The stepper motor will turn one complete rotation in 400
color code for stepper motor wiring. It is best to double- steps. Type p4000 and then hit enter. The stepper
check the wiring with a digital multi-meter. A 30 Ω motor will turn 10 rotations and then stop, While moving,
stepper motor should measure 60 Ω from A+ to A- and the terminal will display the message Moving... and
30 Ω from A+ or A- to Acommon. Phase B should the current position of the motor. The display is updated
measure similarly. A high impedance should be periodically while moving. When the move is complete
obtained when measuring from any phase A wire to any the number will stop at the final position and the
phase B wire. terminal will display the message done! and a
command prompt sign >.
Setting up HyperTerminal >p4000
Connect a DB9 serial modem cable to the stepper Moving...
motor reference design RS232 connector. Connect the Position:
other end to a serial port on the back of a Windows PC. 4000
Note which COM port is connected to the Stepper Motor done!
Reference Design. >
Open HyperTerminal from the start menu.
Start>Programs>Accessories>Communication>HyperT Now type a120 and hit enter. The terminal will display
erminal. When prompted for a new connection name, the new acceleration to verify the parameter change.
type in StepperMotor or some other descriptive name. >a120
In the next dialog box, click on the connect using pull- Acceleration:
down menu and select the appropriate COM port (e.g. 120
COM4). Click on OK to exit the new connection dialog >
box. In the next dialog box choose 57600 bits per
second, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow Now type p0 and hit return. The stepper motor will
control. rotate ten turns the other direction at a slower rate.
Now hit return a few times. A prompt sign and a new A smaller number results in a faster acceleration and a
line should be displayed each time the return key is faster top speed. If you set the acceleration factor far
depressed. If prompt is not displayed, double-check the too small the motor will stall at the maximum slewing
connections and the serial port settings. Make sure the speed. If the acceleration parameter marginally too
stepper motor board is plugged in and powered up. To small, the motor will have very low torque in the slewing
assist in debugging, test points are conveniently region.
provided for the TX and RX connections on the stepper The parser will ignore any non-numeric characters
motor reference design. between the command letter and the first number. For
Command Line Operation example p1000, p 1000, position 1000, and pig
1000 will all be interpreted as a position 1000
The command line parser understands three command. The parser does not understand capital
commands. The commands are p for position, a for letters.
acceleration, and s for status. Each command must
The number parsing is terminated by the first non-
start with a lowercase letter. The position and
numeric character. So it doesn’t really matter what you
acceleration commands are followed by a number
type after the number. It could be a carriage return,
space, period, or any non-numeric character.

2 Rev. 1.0
The number parser for the position expects an unsigned The most common type of stepper motor construction
16-bit integer. You can enter any position from 0 to used for industrial motion control is the hybrid
65535. If you enter 65536, it will be interpreted as a permanent magnet motor. The rotor is constructed
zero. The acceleration parser expects an unsigned 8-bit using a cylindrical permanent magnet oriented with the
integer. The range is 0 to 255. If you enter 256 it will be north-south polarity along the rotor axis. Two laminated
interpreted as a zero. The number 257 will be end caps are used with many teeth around the
interpreted as a one. Entering a zero or a very small periphery. The north and south teeth are staggered to
integer may produce unpredictable results. provide many effective poles using a single permanent
magnet. The stator laminates typically have four large
Theory of Operation forks. Each fork has many teeth. The teeth for the two
windings are also staggered to line up with the
Motor Basics appropriate teeth on the rotor. Using this clever
The primary distinguishing feature of stepper motors is arrangement, a 200-pole motor can be constructed
the manner in which they are driven. Stepper motors are using a single permanent magnet and only four stator
moved in discrete steps. This is in contrast to other windings.
types of motors such as d.c. and brushless d.c. motors
which are typically controlled using continuous mode
Drive Types
analog control methodologies. The position of a stepper The two common drive topologies for stepper motors
motor may be expressed using an integer. The stepping are unipolar and bipolar. A unipolar drive uses four
rate in steps per second is typically used to describe the transistors to drive the two phases of the stepper motor.
angular velocity. The motor has two center-tapped windings with six
Because stepper motors are driven in discrete steps, wires emanating from the motor as shown in Figure 1.
they excel at absolute positioning applications. The This type of motor is sometimes rather confusingly
most commonly available stepper motors move in called a four-phase motor. This is not an accurate
precise increments of 1.8° or 0.9° per step. representation as the motor really has only two phases.
A more accurate description would be a two-phase, six-
Stepper motors are controlled directly. The primary
wire stepper motor. A six-wire stepper motor is also
command and control variable is the step position. This
often called a unipolar stepper motor. However, a six-
is in contrast to d.c. motors where the control variable is
wire stepper motor could be used with either a unipolar
the motor voltage and the command variable may be
or bipolar drive.
either position or velocity. A d.c. motor requires a
feedback control system and controls the position
indirectly. A stepper motor system is normally operated
“open loop”. +12V

Stepper Motor Construction A+

Stepper motors may be classified by their motor
construction, drive topology, and stepping pattern.
There are several different types of stepper motor A-
construction. These include variable reluctance, B+
permanent magnet, and hybrid permanent magnet. This B-
reference design is applicable to the permanent magnet
and hybrid two or four phase stepper motors.
Permanent magnet stepper motors are very Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
inexpensive and have a large stepping angle of 7.5° to
18°. Permanent magnet stepper motors are often used
in inexpensive consumer products. Hybrid stepper
motors are a bit more expensive and have stepping
angles of 1.8° or 0.9°. Hybrid stepper motors are
predominant in industrial motion control applications.
Variable reluctance motors typically have three or five
phases and require a different drive topology. Variable Figure 1. Unipolar Stepper Motor Drive
reluctance stepper motors are not addressed in this
reference design.

Rev. 1.0 3
The center tap of the motor winding is connected to the clamp zener D5 form an effective clamp circuit to limit
positive voltage supply. Each coil can be energized in the overshoot voltage. The zener voltage should be
either direction by turning on the appropriate transistor. slightly higher than twice the maximum supply voltage.
The center-tapped winding acts as a transformer. So the
voltage on the unused switch will be twice the supply A bipolar stepper motor drive uses eight transistors to
voltage. drive the two phases as shown in Figure 3. A stepper
A clamped unipolar drive circuit is shown in Figure 2. motor with four wires or six wires may be used with a
When Q1 is turned on, current will flow from the +12V bipolar drive. A four-wire motor can only be used with a
supply, through the A winding, through Q1 to ground. bipolar drive. The four-wire motor might be marginally
When Q1 is turned off, the current will tend to continue less expensive in high volume applications. The bipolar
to flow through the winding inductance. The drain stepper motor drive uses twice as many transistors as
voltage of Q1 will rise above the supply voltage. The the unipolar stepper motor drive. The four lower
center-tapped winding acts as a transformer. Thus, transistors can be usually be driven directly from the
when the voltage on A+ reaches 24 V, the voltage on microcontroller. The upper transistors require a more
the A- terminal will go below ground and be clamped by expensive high-side drive. The bipolar drive transistors
the internal diode of Q2. There is also a considerable only need to withstand the motor supply voltage. The
amount of uncoupled inductance in each winding. This bipolar drive does not require a clamp circuit like the
will cause an additional overshoot voltage when the unipolar drive.
transistor is turned off. The four diodes D1-D4 and the

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5



Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Figure 2. Unipolar Stepper Motor Drive with Zener Clamp

4 Rev. 1.0


Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8

Figure 3. Bipolar Stepper Motor Drive

The performance differences between unipolar and 7.2° for the full pattern. A full step pattern is shown in
bipolar drives are subtle. The unipolar drive only uses Table 3. In the full-step pattern, two transistors are
half of the actual motor windings at any one time. Thus, always on. The first two columns indicate whether the A
the bipolar stepper motor should theoretically have and B phase voltages are positive +, negative -, or high
much better performance for a given motor volume. In impedance z. The next four columns indicate the state
practice, this is not always the case. Often the six-wire of the four transistors for the unipolar stepper motor
stepper motors have a lower phase resistance and shown in Figure . The last column is the state of all four
consequently a higher holding torque for a particular transistors expressed in hexadecimal for use with
motor size. The trade-offs of unipolar versus unipolar microcontrollers.
are summarized in Table 2.
Table 3. Unipolar Full-Step Pattern
Table 2. Bipolar vs. Unipolar Trade-offs
A B Q1 Q3 Q2 Q4 Hex
Bipolar Uni-polar
- - 0 0 1 1 0x03
number of transistors 8 4
- + 0 1 1 0 0x06
number if high-side drivers 4 0
+ + 1 1 0 0 0x0C
number of clamps 0 4
+ - 1 0 0 1 0x09
transistor voltage 1 x Vs 2.5 x Vs

winding usage 100% 50% Note that the transistor order in Table 3 has been
rearranged listing Q3 before Q2 to yield a clear pattern.
motor wires 4 6 The polarity of the A and B windings is only important in
determining if the rotation of the motor is clockwise or
counter clockwise. Swapping the polarity of either
Stepping Patterns
phase will change the direction of the motor. Swapping
The two possible stepping patterns for stepper motors A and B windings will result in no change of rotation.
are full-step and half-step. A full-step pattern has four
states and moves the motor one full step for each state.
A 1.8° stepper motor will move 1.8° for each state and

Rev. 1.0 5
Table 4 is the stepping pattern for a half step stepper Stepping Algorithm
motor. The half step stepping pattern has eight states.
A Linear-Velocity Profile is shown in Figure 4. The
Four of these states only have one transistor on at any
velocity ramps up and down in the shape of a trapezoid.
one time. The half-step pattern allows a positioning
The three distinct phases are named the acceleration
accuracy of 0.9° for a 1.8° stepper motor. Note that the
phase, the constant velocity or slewing phase, and the
holding current and consequently the holding torque will
deceleration phase. The resulting angular step position
be less for the states with only one transistor on at a
curve n is a smooth s-shaped curve. The acceleration is
constant in the acceleration and deceleration phases.
Table 4. Unipolar Half-Step Pattern The acceleration is zero in the slewing phase.

A B Q1 Q3 Q2 Q4 Hex
z - 0 0 0 1 0x01 α
- - 0 0 1 1 0x03
- z 0 0 1 0 0x02 ω

- + 0 1 1 0 0x06
z + 0 1 0 0 0x04 n
A c c e le ra tin g C o n s ta n t-V e lo c ity D e c e le ra tin g
+ + 1 1 0 0 0x0C
Figure 4. Linear Velocity Profile
+ z 1 0 0 0 0x08
+ - 1 0 0 1 0x09
We would like to derive a table or step periods that will
be used to commutate the motor. The step period Tn is
The step pattern for a bipolar stepper motor is similar.
defined as the difference in time between two adjacent
Normally the diagonally opposite transistors in each H-
steps in Equation 1. The step period will be used to
bridge are turned on simultaneously. Thus the stepper
control the microcontroller timer.
pattern can be readily understood by listing the upper
transistors first in the same order as the unipolar drive. Equation 1
Then the lower transistors are listed in the order
corresponding to the same pattern (13246857). The end
result is that the upper and lower nibbles of the Tn = tn + 1 – tn
hexadecimal stepping pattern are identical.

Table 5. Bipolar Full-Step Pattern The angular acceleration is defined in Equation 2 and
A B Q1 Q3 Q2 Q4 Q6 Q8 Q5 Q7 Hex the step position is defined in Equation 3. These
equations are straightforward textbook definitions for
0 - 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0x11
angular velocity and position. Since the stepper motor
- - 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0x33 position moves in discrete steps the step position is an
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0x22 integer denoted by the letter n instead of θ.
- + 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0x66 Equation 2
0 + 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0x44
+ + 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0xCC
+ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0x88 ω = αt n

+ - 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0x99

6 Rev. 1.0
Equation 3 Common Mistakes
As demonstrated in the preceding section, the linear
velocity profile is not as simple as it would first appear.
1 2 The values stored in the linear velocity table must
n = --- αt n closely follow the non-linear equation shown in
Equation 5. Often engineers in a hurry to get hardware
up and running do not use the proper relation for the
stepper motor table. This is a very common mistake that
Solving Equation 3 for time gives the results shown in is very easy to make.
Equation 4. This is the absolute time required to provide The most common mistake is to have the step period
a linear acceleration profile. This would be useful if we decrease linearly with the step number. For example,
were working in absolute time and scheduling each one might have an initial step period of 256 timer ticks
commutation point based on a cumulative count from and decrease the step period by one each time. This
the beginning. However, we would like to use a relative results in a non-linear velocity that is increasing
count for each step period. hyperbolically as the step period approaches zero. Such
Equation 4 a profile will hardly move at first and then the velocity
will increase much too quickly.
The second most common mistake is to have the step
period decrease with the inverse of the step number.
This results in a velocity that is linear with respect to the
tn = ------- step number. But this ignores the fact that the step
period is constantly changing. The velocity should be
plotted against the cumulative time, not the step
number. If the velocity is plotted against the absolute
time, the resulting curve is a second order function. That
The definition of the step period from Equation 1 is used is, the velocity is increasing with the square of time. This
with the results in Equation 4 to provide an equation for profile also starts out too slow and ends up accelerating
the step period listed in Equation 5. The constant too fast.
acceleration term has been factored out and is called T0
as defined in Equation 6. The value of T0 will determine Linear-Velocity vs. Linear-Acceleration
the step period of the initial step with n equal to zero. Many engineers hold a preconceived notion that a forth-
Thus, we can use a single table for the relationship and order linear-acceleration profile will provide much better
let T0 be a variable. This means one table can be used dynamic performance than a linear velocity profile. A
with any stepper motor. linear-acceleration order profile has an acceleration that
Equation 5 is trapezoidal in nature and velocity shaped in an s-
A linear-acceleration profiler provides only marginally
better dynamic performance in some systems. Only a
Tn = tn + 1 – tn = T0 ( n + 1 – n )
few applications can actually benefit from a forth-order
profile. For example, a printer head driven by an elastic
band might benefit from the improved smoothness. The
linear-acceleration profiler will have a smoother
transition between the acceleration and slewing phases.
Equation 6 The maximum step rate is dictated by motor parameters
and will be the same in either case.
The linear velocity profile has several advantages over
the forth-order profile: The linear velocity profile can be
implemented using a single table. The step table is
T0 = --2- fixed. It can use a single multiply function to provide a
variable acceleration. Using the table avoids having to
calculate complex functions like a square root.
Calculating the profile is very simple.

Rev. 1.0 7
In contrast the linear-acceleration profile is much more the total time accelerating for short profiles is much
complex. A single fixed table cannot be used. The initial more that one-forth the total time. This is due to the
conditions of each acceleration phase depend on the effect of the variable step period.
length of all prior phases.
The recommended solution is to always start out using
a properly implemented linear-velocity profiler. This will ω
be the best solution for most applications. Verify that the
velocity is actually linear and evaluate the dynamic
response of the system. If the dynamic response of the
system does not meet the requirements, consider using
a linear-acceleration profile.
Interrupt Based Algorithm
When developing an algorithm to control a stepper
motor using a small microcontroller, it is important to Figure 5. Different Profiles
consider the manner in which the code will be executed.
A simple sequential algorithm could accomplish the The constant-acceleration and deceleration phases are
task. The sequential algorithm might calculate the accomplished by incrementing and decrementing an
current step time and figure out what to do next index for the stepper motor table. Incrementing the table
depending on the acceleration phase. However, such index by one each step will accelerate the motor.
an algorithm would end up writing to the timer and then Decrementing the index each step will decelerate the
waiting until the timer times out. It would spend most of motor. The maximum index and the corresponding
the time just waiting on the timer. minimum period determine the top speed of the motor
for a particular profile.
Fortunately most MCU timers are capable of generating
interrupts. Thus, we can set up the timer to generate an Hardware Design
interrupt after one step period. When the interrupt
occurs, the MCU should commutate the motor and The Stepper motor reference design hardware consists
update the timer with the next step period. of four sections: the C8051F300 microcontroller, the
Now considering that we want to make the stepper power electronics, the voltage regulator, and the serial
motor control interrupt based, we must use a different interface. The full schematic is included in Appendix A.
paradigm. The timer interrupt service routine should be The Bill of Materials is in Appendix B and the printed
small, fast, robust, and only do what must be done on circuit board artwork is in Appendix C.
each commutation period. Anything that can be
calculated once beforehand will be done outside the
interrupt service routine. Values may be stored in global The reference design features the C8051F300
variables to be accessed by the interrupt service microcontroller. This microcontroller is housed in a tiny
routine. 3 mm by 3 mm 11-lead micro lead package (MLP). This
Using this scheme there are two basic pieces of code. package is small enough to be integrated into the
The first is the profiler or the move() function. The smallest motor. The C8051F30x family includes five
second is the timer interrupt service routine. The profiler devices with various options. The ‘F300 and ‘F301
is called from the main loop and is executed in the include a calibrated internal oscillator. The internal
foreground. The profiler calculates the global variables oscillator is calibrated to within ±2% at test. This is
based on the target location and the current position of close enough to use the internal oscillator for the UART
the motor. The function is named move() so that the with baud rates up to 115.2 kbps. The reference design
user code makes sense in plain English. does not utilize 8-bit 500 ksps ADC in the ‘F300. Thus,
the design could use either the ‘F300 or the ‘F301 which
This reference design uses a simple divide-by-four does not include the ADC. The ADC on the F300 might
profiler. This means that the total number of steps is prove useful in some designs for monitoring the dc
divided by four. The motor will accelerate and motor voltage, stepper motor current, or the stepper
decelerate for one forth of the total number of steps. motor temperature.
The remainder of the steps will be at a constant velocity.
Some actual profiles are shown in Figure 5. Note that The unipolar stepper motor drive requires four outputs
to drive the transistors. P0.0 through pin P0.3 are used
to drive the power MOSFETs. The pins have been

8 Rev. 1.0
swapped during the layout phase for optimum routing to plateau voltage may be obtained from the gate charge
the MOSFET gates. The stepping pattern has been curve as shown in Figure 6. Neglecting the VOL of the
changed accordingly. The port output current is MCU, there is about 1.5 V across the gate drive resistor.
sufficient to drive most small power MOSFETs with sub- The 330 Ω resistors provide about 5 mA of gate drive
microsecond switching times. current during turn off. The gate to drain gate charge
The I/O pins of the MCU are by default configured as Qgd of this MOSFET is about 5 nC. This gives a
inputs with a weak pull-up transistor. This has the switching time of about 1 µs. The measured values are
inadvertent effect of turning on all four transistors very close to this value. The measured VOL of the MCU
momentarily when the MCU is first powered up. This is is about 100 mV at this current.
usually not a problem for unipolar stepper motors since

V GS, Gate-Source Votage (V)

the current will be limited by the winding resistance of 5

the motor. Bipolar drive will require either pull-down

resistors or inverting gate drivers to accommodate the
default pull-ups. 3

P0.6 is used to drive an LED indicator that illuminates

while the motor is moving. The C2 data signal is pin Vplateau = 1.5 V
shared with the active-low switch “SW1” on pin 10. The 1
switch is used to initiate a pre-programmed move so
that the board can be used without the serial interface 5 10 15 20 25
when desired. Qg, Gate Charge (nC)
The C2 reset signal is pin shared with a manual reset Figure 6. MOSFET Gate Charge
button on pin 8. Momentarily pressing the reset button
will reset the MCU and turn all of the output transistors It is not advisable to turn off the MOSFETs too fast. Using
off. Note that the MCU will be held in reset for as long as no resistor or too small of a resistor will result in much
the reset button is held down. As a result, all four output faster turn-off. The turn-off time will determine the rate of
transistors will be turned on while the reset button is the change in current or di/dt. The overshoot voltage at
depressed. turn-off depends on the unclamped inductance and the
Power Electronics di/dt. Excessive overshoot voltage could damage the
power MOSFETs. An excessively fast turn-off may also
The power MOSFET selected for the stepper motor hinder the ability of the Zener clamp to effectively protect
reference design is the Fairchild FDS8926A. These are the Power MOSFET. The resistor also protects the MCU
small low on-resistance power MOSFETs in an SO8 from excessive currents and voltage transients.
package. These MOSFETs were chosen for their 30 V
rating, 3 V gate, and SO8 package. A maximum drain to The stepper motor reference design uses a clamp
source rating of 30 V is required to drive the 12 V circuit to protect the power MOSFETS from excessive
stepper motor. The MOSFET chosen should be overshoot voltage. A zener voltage of 27 V was chosen
compatible with a 3 V MCU. The relevant on-resistance to protect the 30 V MOSFETs. This clamp circuit is a
rating of the FDS8926A is 38 mΩ at 2.5 V. These cautionary measure to protect the MOSFETs when used
MOSFETs should easily handle 2-3 A in this application. with different motors and voltage supplies. In many fixed
applications it is possible to just let the MOSFETs
As a practical matter, the large dc wall-mounted avalanche during turn-off. The MOSFETs must be
transformer used with the reference design has a rating capable of handling the peak current and energy stored
of 1 A at 9 V. The open load voltage of this supply is in the unclamped inductance. The current and motor
about 12 V. The output voltage decreases to 9 V at 1 A. inductance will vary greatly from motor to motor. The
This is sufficient to drive a small Nema 17 stepper motor clamp circuit is useful when a single drive board might
with a voltage rating of 12 V or 9.6 V and a resistance of be used with various motors.
30 Ω or greater. A regulated lab supply can be used to
drive larger stepper motors up to 3 A. Voltage Regulator
The 330 Ω resistors were chose to provide turn-off time The voltage regulator is an LM2973-3.3. This is a 3.3 V
of just under 1 µs. During the drain to source rise time, low-dropout regulator in a SOT223 package. The
the gate to source voltage is about 1.5 V. This is called maximum continuous input voltage for this device is 26 V.
the plateau voltage and will depend on the threshold It is important to consider the maximum open circuit
and transconductance of the chosen MOSFET. The voltage of the power supply when selecting a voltage

Rev. 1.0 9
regulator. The total worst-case VDD current draw for the Software Design
board is about 25 mA. This condition occurs when both
LEDS are on and the serial port is running at 115.2 kbps. Port Configuration
This results in a worst-case power dissipation in the
The C8051F300 family of products has a very useful
regulator of about 300 mW with the input voltage at 15 V.
feature call the Digital Crossbar. Using the Digital
The large tab of the SOT223 is connected to a large
Crossbar, the end user can select which of the many
ground plane to improve heatsinking.
peripherals can access the port pins.
Serial Port In the stepper motor reference design P0.0 through
The serial port transceiver is a Sipex SP3223U. This is P0.3 are used to drive the stepper motor. The
a 3.3 V RS232 transceiver. The TX and RX pins of the corresponding bits are set in the XBR0 register causing
transceiver are connected to P0.4 and P0.5 of the the Crossbar to skip these pins. This means that P0.0
C8051F300. Test points are provided for the TX and RX through P0.3 are not available as digital I/O for any of
connections. The extra transceiver channel is used to the internal peripherals. Bits 0 through 3 are also set in
loop RTS back to CTS. This ensures that the terminal the P0MDOUT register. This configures the pins as
will work when hardware handshaking is enabled. push-pull outputs so that they can drive the power
MOSFETs both high and low.
PC Board Layout The stepper motor I/O pins can be controlled by either
The two-layer printed circuit board layout is divided into setting the bits P0.0 to P0.3 one at a time or by writing a
two routing areas with logic circuits on the left and power byte to the P0 register. We would like the pins to change
circuits on the right. The logic circuitry uses a ground state simultaneously, so we will write a byte to the P0
plane top and bottom. The minimum clearance from pad register. Caution must be exercised when writing to the
to pad for the C8051F300 MLP11 footprint is about 8 P0 register as this affects all of the port pins. Any pins
mils. The actual PC board layout uses 10 mil traces and configured as push-pull outputs will be driven high or
a 10 mil ground plane clearance. The design rule low. Pins that are used as inputs may also be used as
checker also uses a 10 mil clearance. Only the pads of open drain outputs. So if we wish these pins to remain
the MLP package have less than 10 mils clearance. inputs, we must set the corresponding bits to 1 when
Most PC board fabrication companies can readily writing to P0.
manufacture boards with 8 mil clearances; including Port pins P0.4 and P0.5 are allocated to the UART by
most quick-turn PCB companies. But this does limit the setting Bit 0 and Bit 1 in the XBR1 register. This puts the
copper weight to 0.5 oz. raw stock with a finished plated UART in control of these pins. Writing to P0 will have no
weight of 1 oz. effect on pins P0.4 and P0.5. Unlike other peripherals
Using a finished copper weight of 1 oz., the high current that are assigned based on priority, the UART pins are
conductors must be very wide. A copper width of always assigned to P0.4 and P0.5 when enabled. When
100 mils (2.5 mm) will give a temperature rise of 10 °C using the UART, the corresponding pin skip bits in XBR0
at 5 A. It is not practical to use conductors this wide with should not be set. Also Bit 4 of P0MDOUT is set to
the small SO8 package, so copper pour regions were configure the TX pin as a push-pull output.
used for the motor current conductors. The part The two remaining pins of P0 are used for a status LED
placement is optimized to provide large copper pour and a control push-button switch. P0.6 was selected for
areas for the ground, 12 V supply, clamp, and motor the LED. The corresponding Bit 6 is set in XBR0 to skip
outputs. This has the benefit of using all available P0.6. Bit 6 in P0MDOUT is also set to configure the port
copper for current conduction and heatsinking. The pin as a push-pull output. This is not absolutely
inductance for the clamp circuit is also minimized by necessary since the LED is only driven when low.
using a large ground plane area on the top and a large P0.7 is used as the push-button switch input. No special
12 V plane on the bottom. action is required to configure this pin as an input.
The PC board uses a single point grounding scheme However, one must be careful not to allocate pins to any
with separate grounds for the digital and power other peripherals. Since P0.0 through P0.6 have
sections. The grounds are connected together using a already been allocated, P0.7 is next on the allocation
ground test point footprint. This is a contrived chain. There is no pin skip bit for P0.7. For example,
mechanism to permit the integrated PC board software enabling the SYSCLK output would force the SYSCLK
to manage the grounds separately and ensure there are on P0.7. So for P0.7 to be reserved as an input, bits 4
no ground loops. A single design rule error may be through 7 of XBR1 must be zero.
generated for the ground test point.

10 Rev. 1.0
User Interface Move Function
The primary user interface is an ASCII terminal with a A flowchart for the move function is shown in Figure D2.
baud rate of 57,600 bps. The main loop of the code The move function first checks to see if the motor is
parses the characters from the terminal and performs already at the target position. If the motor is already at
the appropriate action. The flowchart for the main loop position zero and you enter the command p0, the motor
is shown in Figure D1. will not move and the done message will be displayed.
The main loop first checks to see if the motor is moving. This is necessary to ensure that the algorithm works
The LED bit is used to turn on the LED and is also used properly. The smallest valid move is 1 step in either
as a state variable. The LED is turned on by the move direction. The current position is the value stored in the
function and is turned off by the Timer ISR on global variable Position. The desired position,
completion of the move. While the motor is moving the passed as a parameter to the move() function, is called
main loop will periodically update the position to the targetPosition. The forward flag is set or cleared
terminal display. This is accomplished by overwriting the depending on whether the target is greater than the
previous position. The position is written to the terminal position. Both targetPosition and Position are
followed by a carriage return without the normal line unsigned integers. The smaller is subtracted from the
feed character. This overwrites the previous number. larger to get the variable length.
The position is written to the terminal using the puts() The global variable TableMax defines how many steps
put string function. A string of four space characters are the motor will accelerate and decelerate. While
used to blank trailing characters. This is necessary accelerating the TableIndex will be incremented until
when moving from a large 5-digit number to a small 1- it reaches TableMax. If length is less than 1024, the
digit number. A short delay is used to prevent the value for TableMax is calculated by dividing length
transmitter buffer from overflowing. by four. If length is greater than 1024, TableMax is
Next the main loop checks the doneFlag. The Timer set to 255. This is the maximum allowable value for
ISR sets the doneFlag when the move is complete. If TableIndex.
doneFlag is set, the main loop will call the doneMsg() Taking length, subtracting two times TableMax for
function. The doneMsg() function displays the word the acceleration/deceleration steps, and subtracting one
“done” and readies the terminal for the next command. more for the initial step gives the number of constant
The doneFlag is cleared by doneMsg(). velocity slewing steps. This ensures that the total
Next the main loop enters the command parser. The number of steps is exactly equal to the length.
command parser is implemented using a large switch The move function then schedules the timer to execute
statement. The parser gets one character from the the first step after a short delay. After the initial step, the
terminal and uses a case statement to do different Timer Interrupt service routine Timer_ISR() will
things depending on the character. control the stepper motor timing from then on.
If the character is a carriage return, a newline and Timer ISR
prompt will be transmitted to the terminal. Repeatedly
entering a carriage return will display multiple prompt The timer interrupt service routine moves the motor
characters, each on a new line. according to the prescribed profile. The interrupt service
routine will first commutate the motor. Then the
If the character is a p, the parser will get a 16-bit
PatternIndex is incremented or decremented
number from the terminal using the getuint()
according to the stepper motor direction. The
function, and move to the new position.
PatternIndex is used as a pointer to the step pattern.
If the character is an a, the parser will get an 8-bit It is not to be confused with the TableIndex that points
number from the terminal using the getuchar() to the linear velocity table. The step pattern index for a
function, store the new value, and display the new value unipolar stepper motor is a modulus 8 counter. It counts
to the screen for confirmation. from zero to seven. The step pattern is written to P0. Bit
If the character is an s, the main loop will display the 7 is set to a 1 to ensure that P0.7 remains configured as
current status information - position and acceleration. an input.
The status command does not wait for any additional The timer interrupt service routine determines what to
characters. do next depending on the current state of the motor. The
If the parser does not recognize the character, an invalid four possible states are Accelerating, Decelerating,
character message will be displayed. Slewing, or Done. If the motor state is Done, the timer
ISR will disable further timer interrupts, turn off the LED,

Rev. 1.0 11
and set the doneFlag. The doneFlag is used as a empty, the UART_ISR will set the TX_Idle flag bit and
handshaking mechanism for the main loop to display clear the transmit interrupt flag without writing to SBUF0.
the done message. This will disable the transmitter until restarted. The
If the motor state is not Done, the timer ISR will TX_Idle flag bit is used for handshaking with the
calculate the value for the next interrupt and write to the writec() function. The writec() function checks the
TL0 and TH0 special function registers. Next the status of the TX_Idle flag bit and restarts the
TableIndex or SlewCount is modified according to transmitter if necessary.
the motor State. During Acceleration, the TableIndex
is incremented. During Deceleration the TableIndex is
decremented. If the motor state is Slewing the 1. Takashi Kenjo, “Stepping motors and their Microprocessor
SlewCount will be decremented. Controls”, Oxford University Press, 1984.
UART Functions 2. Ken Berringer, “Linear Velocity Control of Stepper Motors”,
Incremental Motion Systems Symposium, June 1999
The UART functions implement fully buffered I/O using
the C8051 receiver and transmitter. The benefit of using
buffered I/O is that most short messages will be sent or
received in a non-blocking manner. This means that the
CPU does not have to wait for each byte to be
transmitter or received. The user code does not write or
read data directly to the serial port. Instead the user
functions write or read data to the buffers. A UART
interrupt service routine transmits characters from the
write buffer and places received characters into the read
The UART functions are modeled after the ANSI stdio
library functions. Each function has been optimized for
use in a small microcontroller. This is more code
efficient than including the entire stdio library and
rewriting the bottom layer functions.
The put string puts() function is used to display
messages on the terminal. There are two versions of
the get integer & put integer functions, one for 8-bit
unsigned char data and one for 16-bit unsigned int data.
The middle layers of the serial protocol are the put
character putc() and get character getc() functions.
These are the lowest level functions that should be
called by the user code.
The bottom layers of the serial communications protocol
are the write character writec() and read character
readc() functions. These functions write and read
directly to the read and write buffers. These functions
are called from the getc() and putc() functions. The
user code should not use readc() and writec()
functions directly. The readc() and writec()
functions momentarily disable UART interrupts while
accessing the read and write buffers to avoid
contentions. The writec() function also restarts the
transmitter if it is idle.
A single UART Interrupt service routine UART_ISR is
used for both transmit and receive interrupts. The ISR
must check both the transmitter and receiver to
determine which needs servicing. If the write buffer is

12 Rev. 1.0


Rev. 1.0 13


Qty Designator Description Value pkg mfr PN Manufacturer

1 C1 electrolytic capacitor 470 u EEU- Panasonic


2 C2, C11 chip capacitor 1. 0u 1206

10 C3-10, C12, C13 chip capacitor 0.1 u 805

4 R1, R2, R3, R4 chip resistor 330 805

1 R10 chip resistor 10 k 805

3 R5, R6, R9 chip resistor 1k 805

2 R7, R8 chip resistor 470 805

4 D1, D2, D3, D4 Schottkey diode 30 V SMB 10BQ30 International


1 D5 Zener Diode 27 V SMA SMAZ27-13 Diodes Inc

2 D6, D7 LED

1 U1 Microcontroller MLP11 C8051F301 Silicon


1 U2 RS232 Transceiver TSSOP SP3223E Sipex


1 U3 3.3V Regulator SOT223 LM2937 National

2 U4, U5 Power MOSFET SO8 FDS8926A Fairchild

2 SW1, SW2 Switch EVQ-PAD04M Panasonic

1 P1 Power Connector RAPC722 Switchcraft

1 J1 Shrouded Header 2510-6002UB 3M

1 J2 Terminal Block 1729160 Phoenix


1 J3 DB9 Connector 745781 Amp

1 T1 unregulated 9VDC 830AS09100 Tamura

Wall Transformer

14 Rev. 1.0


Figure C1. Silk Layer

Figure C2. Top Layer

Rev. 1.0 15

Figure C3. Bottom Laye

Figure C4. Top Solder Mask

16 Rev. 1.0

Figure C5. Bottom Solder Mask

Rev. 1.0 17



Init Port.
Init Timer.
Init UART.
Init motor
Enable Interrupts.

Y update position.
moving? delay.
display value.

display doneMsg.
doneFlag = 1?
clear doneFlag.

get character from


case '\r' ? display prompt.

get number. move to new
case 'p' ? display position.
(unsigned int) position.

get number. display
case 'a'?
(unsigned char) accelleration.

case 's'? display status info.

invalid character.

Figure D1. Main Loop

18 Rev. 1.0


target =
display done.

target >

set forward flag. clear forward flag.

calculate length. calculate length.


maxTableIndex = maxTableIndex =
length/4. 255.

calculate number of slew steps.

clear table index.
turn on LED.
schedule timer to start after short delay.
enable timer.


Figure D2. Move (Profiler)

Rev. 1.0 19


forward ?

increment StepIndex. decrement StepIndex.

increment position. decrement position.

get StepPattern using index.

write pattern to P0.
evaluate motor state.

done ?

get value from table. clear ET0.

multiply by Tzero. stop T0.
write value to timer. turn-off LED.
set doneFlag.


else decrement
decelerate? TableIndex.

else decrement
slewing? slewCount.

set ET0

Return from

Figure D3. Timer ISR

20 Rev. 1.0


N receiver
interrupt flag

receive buffer

clear receiver flag.

read SBUF sfr. drop character.
put into readBuffer. (dummy read)
Increment readIndex.
Increment ReadCount.

N transmitter
interrupt flag

transmit buffer

clear transmitter flag.

get last char in WriteBuffer. Set TX_Idle flag
write to SBUF sfr.
decrement WriteCount.

Return from

Figure D4. UART ISR

Rev. 1.0 21


// Stepper.c
// Copyright 2003 Silicon Laboroatories Inc.
// Includes
#include <c8051f300.h> // include SFR declarations
// defines and typedefs
#define SYSCLK 24500000 // SYSCLK frequency in Hz
#define BAUDRATE 57600 // Baud rate of UART in bps

#define READ_BUFFER_SIZE 16 // change UART receive buffer size here

#define WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE 16 // change UART receive buffer size here

#define ON 0 // LED is active low

#define OFF 1
#define ACCELERATE 3 // motor states
#define SLEWING 2
#define DECELERATE 1
#define DONE 0
#define INIT_TZERO 80 // Tzero used at start-up and with
// manual mode, change value here for
// different stepper motors

typedef union // union used for writing to TL0 & TH0

unsigned char hi;
unsigned char lo;
} b;
unsigned int w;

// half step stepper motor step pattern
// transistors are in order B-,B+,A-,A+
// 0x01 = 0001
// 0x05 = 0101
// 0x04 = 0100
// 0x06 = 0110
// 0x02 = 0010
// 0x0A = 1010
// 0x08 = 1000
// 0x09 = 1001

const unsigned char code StepPattern[8]=


22 Rev. 1.0
// stepper motor linear velocity profile
// 255 * [sqrt(n+1)-sqrt(n)]
// n = 0 to 255
const unsigned char code StepTable[256]=
0xFF, 0x69, 0x51, 0x44, 0x3C, 0x36, 0x32, 0x2E,
0x2B, 0x29, 0x27, 0x25, 0x24, 0x22, 0x21, 0x20,
0x1F, 0x1E, 0x1D, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1B, 0x1A, 0x1A,
0x19, 0x19, 0x18, 0x18, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x16,
0x16, 0x16, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14,
0x14, 0x13, 0x13, 0x13, 0x13, 0x12, 0x12, 0x12,
0x12, 0x12, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11,
0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10,
0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F,
0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0E,
0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D,
0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D,
0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C,
0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C,
0x0C, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B,
0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B,
0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0A, 0x0A,
0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A,
0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A,
0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A,
0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09,
0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09,
0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09,
0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09,
0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09,
0x09, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x07, 0x07
// Function PROTOTYPES
// main and user interface functions
void SYSCLK_Init (void); // initialize port pins and crossbar
void PORT_Init (void); // initialize system clock and watchdog
void Timer_Init (void); // initialize timer for Motor and UART
void UART_Init (void); // initialize UART
void Motor_Init(void); // initialize Motor variables
void doneMsg(void); // display done message
void error(void); // display error message
void delay (void); // delay used for position updating
void INT0_ISR (void); // external interrupt used for SW2
// stepper motor control functions
void move (unsigned int);
void Timer_ISR (void);
unsigned int MUL8x8(unsigned char, unsigned char);

Rev. 1.0 23
//--Top Level - User Functions ------------------------------------------------

// put a string into transmit buffer, used to display text messages

void puts (char *);

// converts a 16 bit number to a string of ASCII characters

// and stores the characaters into the transmit buffer
void putuint(unsigned int);

// converts an 8 bit number to a string of ASCII characters

// and stores the characaters into the transmit buffer
void putuchar(unsigned char);

// retrieves ASCII characters from the receiver buffer

// and converts a string of digits into an 8-bit number
unsigned char getuchar(void);

// retrieves ASCII characters from the receiver buffer

// and converts a string of digits into an 16bit number
unsigned int getuint(void);

void newline(void); // outputs carriage return & line feed

//----------Middle Level - Primitive User Functions ---------------------------

// retrieves one character from the receive buffer using readc and echoes
// the character to the transmit buffer
char getc (void);

// stores one character into the transmit buffer using writec

void putc (char);

void readClear(void); // clears read buffer

void writeClear(void); // clears write buffer

//----------------Lowest level - Hardware access functions --------------------

char readc (void); // pulls one character directly
// from the receive buffer

void writec (char); // writes one character directly

// to the transmit buffer

// user interface variables
sbit LED = P0 ^ 6; // bit set high to turn LED on
// Stepper Motor Variables
unsigned int Position; // current motor position
unsigned char TableIndex; // index for stepper motor table
unsigned char MaxTableIndex; // maximum index for desired profile
unsigned int SlewCount; // down counter for slewing phase

24 Rev. 1.0
unsigned char Tzero; // initial period, sqrt(2/alpha)
unsigned char PatternIndex; // index for step pattern, modulus 8 counter
bit Forward; // 1 for forward, 0 for reverse
bit doneFlag; // done flag used for Timer ISR handshake
unsigned char motorState; // motor state variable
// UART Global Variables

// UART receiver buffer

char idata readBuffer[READ_BUFFER_SIZE];
// UART transmitter buffer
char idata writeBuffer[WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE];
unsigned char writeIndex; // points to next free write byte
unsigned char readIndex; // points to next free read byte
unsigned char writeCount; // number of bytes in write buffer
unsigned char readCount; // number of bytes in read buffer
bit TX_Idle; // flag set when TX buffer is empty

// MAIN Routine
// The main function initializes everything and then services the user
// interface. The user interface parses characters from the UART and
// executes basic commands. There are three interrupt service routines
// which function in the background - The Timer_ISR which controls the
// stepper motor; The UART_ISR which moves characters to/from the buffers;
// and the INT0_ISR that handles the pushbutton switch commands.
void main (void)
char theChar; // the character to be parsed
unsigned int newP; // new position to move to

SYSCLK_Init (); // Init system clock to 24.5MHz

PORT_Init (); // Init crossbar and GPIO
Timer_Init(); // Init T0 for stepper motor and
// T1 for Baud rate
UART_Init(); // Init UART
Motor_Init(); // Init motor global variables
EA = 1; // enable global interrupts

putc('>'); // display prompt

while(1) // main loop

if(LED==ON) // display position while moving
putuint(Position); // display position
puts(" "); // blank out trailing characters
putc('\r'); // overwrite line by not using linefeed
delay(); // delay sets display update rate
doneMsg(); // if done display message

Rev. 1.0 25
theChar = getc(); // get character to be parsed
switch(theChar) // parse character
case '\r': // if return character
putc('\n'); // linefeed with no carriage return
putc('>'); // display prompt
case 'p': // p for new position
newP = getuint(); // get number as unsigned integer
puts("Moving..."); // display moving status indicator
puts("Position:"); // display position tag
move(newP); // initiate move to new position
case 'a': // a for change acceleration
Tzero = getuchar(); // get number as unsigned character
puts("Acceleration:"); // confirm acceleration changed
putuint(Tzero); // display new acceleration
case 's': // s for display status
puts("Position:"); // display position tag
putuint(Position); // display position value
puts("Acceleration:"); // display acceleration tag
putuint(Tzero); // display acceleration value
putc('>'); // display prompt
error(); // display error message

// SYSCLK_Init
// This routine initializes the system clock to use the internal 24.5MHz
// oscillator as its clock source. Also enables missing clock detector reset.
void SYSCLK_Init (void)
OSCICN = 0x07; // set SYSCLK to OSC frequency
RSTSRC = 0x04; // enable missing clock detector
PCA0MD &= ~0x40; // disable watchdog timer


26 Rev. 1.0
// PORT_Init
// Configure the Crossbar and GPIO ports.
// P0.0 - A+
// P0.1 - A-
// P0.2 - B+
// P0.3 - B-
// P0.4 - Txd
// P0.5 - Rxd
// P0.6 - LED
// P0.7 - C2D/Switch
void PORT_Init (void)
XBR0 = 0x4F; // Crossbar Register 1
XBR1 = 0x03; // Crossbar Register 2
XBR2 = 0x40; // Crossbar Register 3
P0 = 0xC0; // Turn off MOSFETs, Set P0.6 & P0.7
P0MDOUT = 0x5F; // Output configuration for P0
P0MDIN = 0xFF; // Input configuration for P0
IP = 0x02; // T0 high priority, others low
IT01CF = 0x70; // use P0.7 for INT1
IT1 = 1; // edge sensitive interrupt
IE1 = 0; // clear external interrupt
EX1 = 1; // enable external interrupt 1
void Timer_Init (void)
CKCON = 0x12; // T1 uses sysclk, T0 uses /48,
TMOD = 0x21; // T1 mode 2, T0 mode 1
void UART_Init(void)
SCON0 = 0x10; // mode 1, 8-bit UART, disable receiver
TH1 = 0x2C; // set Timer1 reload value for 57600
TR1 = 1; // start Timer1
TX_Idle = 1; // set idle flag
readClear(); // zero out read buffer
writeClear(); // zero out write buffer
ES0 = 1; // enable UART interrupt
void Motor_Init()
Tzero = INIT_TZERO; // initialize acceleration
Position = 0x0000; // zero position
LED = OFF; // turn off LED
doneFlag = 0; // clear done flag

void error (void) // used by main
puts("invalid character"); // display error message

Rev. 1.0 27
void delay (void) // used by main
unsigned char i,j;

for(i=255;i>0;i--) // simple delay for display update

void doneMsg(void) // called from Timer_ISR
putc('\r'); // overwrite final position
putuint(Position); // display int as string
puts("done!"); // indicate move complete
putc('>'); // display prompt

void INT0_ISR (void) interrupt 2 // external interrupt 0 used for switch
if(LED==OFF) // ignore switch if moving
if(Position==0) // if home move to 100
else // if not home move to home

// move
// This function calculates the profile and initializes the stepper
// motor. Function will abort if the target equals the Position or if
// the motor is still moving. Forward is set to 1 if target>Position.
// the length is calculated as the absolute value of Position minus
// target. For short moves less than 1024, MaxTableIndex is length
// divided by 4. For long moves, MaxTableIndex is set to 255.
// slewCount = length - 2 * MaxTableIndex - 1
// The slewcount is calculated by subtracting MaxTableIndex twice and
// decrementing. The TableIndex is initialized to zero.
void move (unsigned int target)
unsigned int length; // used to calculate length of move

if (target != Position) // abort if already there

28 Rev. 1.0
if (target > Position)
Forward = 1; // set forward flag
length = target - Position; // subtract smaller (position)
Forward = 0; // clear forward flag
length = Position - target; // subtract smaller (target)
if (length < 1024) // if short move
MaxTableIndex = length>>2; // divide length by 4
MaxTableIndex = 0xff; // else max is 255
SlewCount = length; // build value in SlewCount
SlewCount -= MaxTableIndex; // subtract MaxTableIndex twice
SlewCount -= MaxTableIndex;
SlewCount--; // Subtract one to account first step
TableIndex = 0; // init table index
motorState = ACCELERATE; // init motor state
TL0 = -100; // move starts in 100 ticks
TH0 = 0xFF; // extend sign
LED = ON; // turn on LED
ET0 = 1; // enable Timer0 interrupts
TR0 = 1; // start Timer0
doneFlag=1; // if done display message

// Timer_ISR()
// This is the timer interrupt service routine for the stepper motor.
// First the PatternIndex and Position are incremented or decremented
// depending on the direction of the motor. Then the new pattern is
// output to the stepper motor. Nested if..else statements are used to
// determine the if the motor is in the acceleration, slewing, or
// deceleration phase. The TableIndex and SlewCount are modified
// accordingly. When the move is complete, further output compares and
// interrupts are disabled.
void Timer_ISR (void) interrupt 1
unsigned char TableValue;
unsigned int offset;
udblbyte time;

if (Forward) // if forward
PatternIndex++; // increment step pattern
PatternIndex &= 0x07; // fix modulus 8 counter
Position++; // increment Position
PatternIndex--; // decrement step pattern

Rev. 1.0 29
PatternIndex &= 0x07; // fix modulus 8 counter
Position--; // increment Position
// output step pattern, set bit 7 because it is an input
P0 = StepPattern[PatternIndex] | 0x80;

// determine motor state based on counter values

if (SlewCount == 0)
if (TableIndex == 0)
motorState = DONE;
motorState = DECELERATE;
if (TableIndex < MaxTableIndex)
motorState = ACCELERATE;
motorState = SLEWING;

if (motorState == DONE)
ET0 = 0; // disable T0 interrupts
TR0 = 0; // stop T0
LED = OFF; // turn off LED
doneFlag = 1; // display done message
// get value from table, multiply by T zero
TableValue = StepTable[TableIndex];
offset = MUL8x8(Tzero, TableValue);
TR0 = 0; // stop Timer0
time.b.lo = TL0; // read lo byte first
time.b.hi = TH0; // read hi byte second
time.w = time.w - offset; // calculate new time
TL0 = time.b.lo; // write lo byte first
TH0 = time.b.hi; // write hi byte second
TR0 = 1; // start Timer0
if (motorState == DECELERATE) // if decelerating
TableIndex--; // decrement table index
else if(motorState == ACCELERATE)// if accelerating
TableIndex++; // increment table index
else if (motorState == SLEWING) // if slewing
SlewCount--; // decrement slewCount
ET0 = 1; // enable Timer0 interrupts

unsigned int MUL8x8(unsigned char a, unsigned char b)
unsigned int ab;
ab = (unsigned int) a * b; // cast a to int to trick compiler
return ab; // return int
void puts(char *string) // puts a string into send buffer
while(*string) // while not null character

30 Rev. 1.0
putc(*string); // put character at pointer in buffer
string++; // increment pointer
unsigned int getuint(void) // get string and convert to int
char theChar;
unsigned int i;

i=0; // build value in i

theChar=getc(); // get next character
while( theChar<'0' || theChar>'9') // while not 0-9
while(theChar>='0' && theChar<='9') // while 0-9
theChar -= '0'; // convert from ASCII
i *= 10; // shift decimal point
i += theChar; // add next digit
return i; // return int value
void putuint(unsigned int i)
char string[7]; // string used to build output
char *sp; // string pointer

sp=string + 6; // build back to front

*sp=0; // insert null character
sp--; // predecrement pointer
*sp=i%10 + 0x30; // take modulus add 30
i/=10; // divide i by 10
} while (i); // while i not zero
// now output front to back
while (*sp) // while not null character
putc(*sp); // put character in buffer
sp++; // increment pointer
unsigned char getuchar () // same as getuint but returns uchar
char theChar;
unsigned char i;
i=0; // build value in i
theChar=getc(); // get next character
while( theChar<'0' || theChar>'9') // while not 0-9
while(theChar>='0' && theChar<='9') // while 0-9
theChar -= '0'; // convert from ASCII
i *= 10; // shift decimal point
i += theChar; // add next digit

Rev. 1.0 31
return i; // return uchar value
void newline(void) // normally cr and lf are used together
putc('\r'); // output carriage return
putc('\n'); // output linefeed
// getc
// Gets a character from the read buffer using readc().
// The getc() function also echos the incoming keystrokes to the display;
char getc(void)
char theChar;
theChar=readc(); // get character using readc
writec(theChar); // echo characters to display
return theChar;
// putc
// This is a totally unnecessary layer of abstraction. It is only used to be
// consistent with the getc function which requires an additional layer of
// abstraction to handle character echo.
void putc(char theChar)
void readClear(void) // clears read buffer
unsigned char i;
i--; // predecrement
readBuffer[i]=0; // zero all data
} while (i != 0);
void writeClear(void) // clears write buffer
unsigned char i;
i--; // predecrement
writeBuffer[i]=0; // zero all data
} while (i != 0);


32 Rev. 1.0
// readc()
// The readc() function is the lowest level function which provides
// direct access to the read buffer. It reads one character from the
// read buffer.
// Note that readc will wait if the read buffer is empty. This is usually
// desired if the program is waiting for user input.
// readc is a driver function and is closely integrated with the ISR.
// UART interrupts are temporarily disabled while the buffer is updated,
// This prevents the ISR from modifying the buffer and counter values
// during processing. That would be bad.

char readc(void)
char theChar; // the character to return
signed char i; // signed value to build location
while (readCount==0); // wait here if buffer empty [blocking]
ES0 = 0; // disable UART interrupts
i = readIndex - readCount; // back up by readcount
if (i < 0) // fix value if out of range
theChar = readBuffer[i]; // get character from read buffer
readCount--; // one less character in the buffer
ES0 = 1; // enable UARt interrupt
return theChar; // return the character
// writec()
// The writec() function is the lowest level function which allows access
// to the write buffer. It writes one character to the write buffer.
// Note that writec will wait if the write buffer is full. This is usually
// desired to prevent the write buffer from overflowing.
// writec is a driver function and is closely integrated with the ISR.
// UART interrupts are temporarily disabled while the buffer is updated to
// prevent the ISR from modifying the buffer and counter values during
// processing. That would be bad.

void writec(char theChar)

// wait here if full [blocking]
while (writeCount >= WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE);
ES0 = 0; // disable UART interrupts
writeBuffer[writeIndex] = theChar; // put character in buffer at writeIndex
writeIndex++; // increment index
if (writeIndex >= WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE)// fix if out of range
writeIndex = 0;
writeCount++; // one more character in buffer
if(TX_Idle) // if transmitter idle flag set
TI0 = 1; // force TX interrupt
TX_Idle = 0; // idle no more
ES0 = 1; // enable UART interrupts

Rev. 1.0 33

void uartISR(void) interrupt 4 // main UART interrupt service routine
char dummy;
signed char i;
// Who done it?
if(RI0 == 1) // Was it the receiver?
RI0 = 0; // yep, clear receiver flag
// if not full
if (readCount != READ_BUFFER_SIZE)
readBuffer[readIndex]= SBUF0; // read char from UART
readIndex++; // increment index
if (readIndex == READ_BUFFER_SIZE)
readIndex = 0; // fix if out of range
readCount++; // one more in the buffer
dummy = SBUF0; // drop characters dummy!
if(TI0 == 1) // Was it the transmitter?
TI0 = 0; // yep, clear transmitter flag
if (writeCount>0) // if not empty
i = writeIndex - writeCount; // calculate where to get it
if (i < 0) // fix if out of range
SBUF0 = writeBuffer[i]; // write character to UART
writeCount--; // one less in the buffer
TX_Idle = 1; // set idle flag when empty

34 Rev. 1.0

Rev. 1.0 35
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36 Rev. 1.0

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