Procedure in Bathing An Infant

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4 major considerations before bathing an infant:

1. Check the temperature of the baby – it should be normal b/w 36.5 C – 37.5 C.
2. Control the environment – close all the windows & doors & turn off the air
conditioning unit in the bathing area to prevent the baby from having common colds.
3. Availability of materials – to save time & energy & avoid inconvenience
4. Readiness of the caregiver
 should know the bathing procedure
 should not be sick
 should remove the jewelries & trim nails to avoid harming the baby
 should wear an apron to avoid from getting soaked

1. Remove the soiled diaper, discard it properly - clean the buttocks, using
cotton ball, soak in water.
2. Check the temperature of the baby - using the anal method in temp. Taking, if
the temp., is within normal range proceed to bathing, it its above render tepid sponge
bath only
3. Undress the baby- use swaddling cloth to cover the body
4. Check the water temperature- using your hand or elbow, the temperature
should be optimal
5. Hold the baby in Football hold position- cover the ears with use of thumb and
middle finger, to avoid water into the ears.
6. Clean the head
 by splashing water on it,
 lather your hand with mild shampoo and apply on the baby’s head in gentle
circular motion from top of the head to the back paying attention
particularly the back of the ears.
 Rinse off
 Pat it dry
7. Bring the baby back to the rubber mat and start cleaning the face
 Use a cotton cloth formed into a mitten dip into the water, do not use soap
on the face because it is sensitive.
 Use the Z, A or 3 technique
8. Clean the eyes - Using your thumb, dip it in water and start cleaning from inner
part near the nose bridge to the outer part gently in one stroke only, then pat it dry
9. Expose upper extrimities
 Splash with water
 Apply mild soap to the body paying attention to the neck, armpit, the
creases and folds of the arm & forearm & the interdigital spaces of the
 Rinse hands immediately to avoid soap getting into the mouth once the
beby start sucking on them.
10. Cover the umbilical cord - using a strerile gauze
11. Expose the lower extrimities-
 Splash with water
 Lather your hand with mild soap, apply it on the groin, the thigh, back of the
knees ang legs and the interdigital spaces of toes
12. Put the baby in a side lying position to clean the back
 Splash with water
 Apply mild soap on the back, from the nape, the middle part of the back
down to the buttocks
 Bring the baby back to original position
13. Clean the genital area
 If baby boy
o Splash w/water
o Get a cotton ball, soak in water
o Start cleaning from tip, down to the shaft then scrotum
 If babygirl
o Get a cotton ball, soak in water
o Do the 7-stroke (1 stroke from the upper part of vagina to the right
side, to the left, to the middle) use many cotton balls as much as you
want until the area is already clean.
14. Final rinse
 Hold the baby in a football hold position
 Cover the ears
 Make sure the upper extremity is lower than the foot to avoid wetting the
umbilical cord
 Splash with water
 Immerse the lower extremity
 Then the back
15. Get a clean towel then pat dry the body
 Now this is the ideal time to do some massage
 Ask your employer if you’re going to use lotion, powder or oil
o Powder – apply away from the baby’s face to avoid some allergic
reaction on it
o Lotion/Oil – direction should be against the pores for better
o Do twist & turn massage – start with both hands, legs, for the
chest (do I love u massage) for stomach (sadden moon)
16. Dress the baby
 Clean the umbilical area
o Get a cotton ball
o Soak in alcohol, betadine solution from inner to outer part
o Then cover, close the diaper & dress
17. Put on the diaper- fold the diaper using butterfly fold technique
18. Clean the mouth, nose & ears
 Mouth
o Get a clean cloth, put into smallest finger in an inverted J-stroke (from
inner to outer), clean also the palate & massage gums
 Nose (external part only)
o Get a cotton bud, one tip of the cotton bud to each side
 Ears (external part only)
o Get a cotton bud, one tip of the cotton bud to each side
19. Remove your apron and feed the baby
 check the temperature of themilk formula before feeding.
 Maintain eye to eye contact to promote bonding and to make sure that the
baby is sucking on the nipple correctly
20. Burp the baby midway and after feeding
 when the baby fall asleep put him in a side lying position inside the crib to
prevent aspiration, suffocation and SIDS

 After bathing the baby you can cleanyour mess and do other chores but
don’t forget to check the baby from time to time.
 Never leave a baby unattended in the bath, even for a few seconds. Infants
can drown in very shallow water.


1. Before you sterilize, you’ll need to clean the used bottles thoroughly. Wash the bottles
with clean soapy water, along with teats, retaining rings & caps.
2. Place the clean bottles, teats, caps & utensils in a large saucepan/sterilizer on the back
burner of the stove.
3. Add enough water to cover all equipment, making sure there are no air bubbles. (2/3 of
feeding water)
4. Bring water to the boil.
5. Wait for 15 mins. Before removing the teats.
6. Put on a low fire for another 15 mins.
7. Turn off the stove & allow water to cool down.


1. Pour the correct amount of water into the bottle.
2. Gently fill the scoop w/ formula – according to the pediatrician’s prescription
3. Holding the edge of the treat with your clean hands, put it on the bottle.
4. Cover the treat with the cap & shake the bottle until the powder is dissolved.
5. It is important to cool the formula so it is not hot to drink. Do this by holding the
bottom half of the bottle under cold running water.
6. Test the temperature of the infant formula on the side of your wrist before giving it to
your baby.


1. Shake it sideways/8 technique/circular
2. Open a little to release the air
3. Then, check the temperature (side of your wrist)
4. Carry the baby into a cradle hold position (tummy -to-tummy)
5. Start feeding the baby
6. Make an eye-to-eye contact with the baby to promote bonding
7. Make sure that the baby is sucking the nipple correctly.


1. Get a clean cloth, put it on your shoulder
2. Position the baby into burping position
3. Make sure the chin is resting on your shoulder
4. The face is away from your neck to prevent suffocation
5. Do downward chopping massage at the back
6. Then continue feeding
7. After feeding, again position the baby into burping position (repeat procedure) wait
until baby burps
8. Assuming the baby is asleep, put the baby into side lying position to prevent
suffocation, aspiration & SIDS.

 After bathing the baby, you can clean your mess & do household chores but don’t
forget the baby from time to time.
 Never leave the baby unattended in the bath, even for a few seconds. Infants can be
drowning in very shallow water.

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