Seraphine Le: Lesson Plan Template (Direct)
Seraphine Le: Lesson Plan Template (Direct)
Seraphine Le: Lesson Plan Template (Direct)
Central Focus: Describe the important understandings and core This lesson provides the foundation needed to make
concepts that you want students to develop over the course of the sense of the conversions between different types of
learning segment/lesson. What are they going to learn? measures. The students will discuss and learn how
to use their knowledge of customary and metric
units to estimate approximate sizes.
Lesson Objective: Targets must be aligned to the TEKS and with I can...
the assessment(s); targets should be stated as measurable in
student friendly language. What will students be able to do? Use “I
can” statements . You cannot change the verb or content. identify and estimate approximate sizes using
***Reminder - Verb alignment present in standard, objective and customary and metric units of measure.
Sub-Objectives: How will you connect to past learning? What key Connection to past learning (previous TEKS)
vocabulary and/or academic language needs to be reviewed or
introduced? The students have prior knowledge of this TEK
If applicable: What images will you use for key vocabulary? What
from third-grade -TEK 3.7(A).
sentence starters might be helpful?
Possible Answers:
How will you summatively assess student mastery? This is the beginning of a new unit of study. We will end
this lesson with a post-assessment.
NOTE: The summative assessment might not be a part of this
lesson..You might describe your post-assessment here if it is
The post-assessment will consist of ten multiple choice
different from your IP.
questions that require students to compare customary
and metric units with visuals.
How will you formatively assess student mastery? For formative I will formally assess student mastery by giving all
assessment, just generally describe what you will be doing. students an exit ticket at the end of the lesson. The
Specific questions will be included later in the lesson plan. students will write their answers on their desks with a
dry erase marker or on a sticky note and I will walk
around to see the misconceptions I have to address
to the whole group.
What are your plans for adjusting the pacing of the unit for My plans for adjusting the pacing of the unit for
struggling learners? struggling learners will be allowed extra time to
complete the independent assignment and receive
extra help when independent work begins. Struggling
learners will also receive some support with the exit
ticket assignment.
Other Resources: NA
Managing Student Behavior Can’t teach them if you can’t Behavior Expectations for the Lesson:
reach them!
During the I Do the students will be actively listening
❏ When and how will you establish rules for learning
when the teacher is introducing, discussing the content
and behavior during the lesson?
material, and providing instruction for the next steps.
❏ What will it look and sound like if students are
engaged vs. compliant in the lesson? During the We Do students are expected to work with a
❏ How will you allow for movement, transitions or brain partner the teacher assigns them, stay on-topic during
breaks to capitalize on engagement and performance turn-and-talk, and be prepared to answer the prompted
❏ What will you use for an attention signal? question. As a class, we will create an anchor chart
together. Students will participate by raising their
hands to answer questions and signaling with their
hands their agreement or disagreement of an answer
using sentence stems.
Modification(s)- A change
in what is being taught or
what is expected from the ● I will have groups share their responses and
student: discuss any of the scenarios that have
discrepancies. Some may have two options as
Remember, an
accommodation is not long as they can justify their reasoning.
lowering expectations or
teaching below grade level Example: Even though measuring the amount of water
in a pool is not efficient with gallons, it is still how they
ESL Strategies Document identify the amount of water a pool holds.
Modification(s)- (A
change in what is being
taught or what is expected Challenge:
from the student): Answer this on a sticky note and drop it in the flip-flop
Remember, an
accommodation is not
lowering expectations or If Sammy ran 10 yards and Julie ran 35 feet. Who
teaching below grade level ran farther? How did you know?
Differentiation “You Do”: Grouping of students:
ESL Strategies Document What instructional strategies and
planned supports will you employ NA- The students will be working independently during
ESL Strategies Matrix to meet the needs of each student
this portion of the lesson.
in order for each student to
demonstrate learning and move
towards mastery regarding the Differentiation - Enrichment and Remediation:
learning target(s)?
❏ Grouping of students: ● The students will either have a choice of
What opportunities do completing the exit ticket written on the
students have to work board or the challenge, which is to list
independently or various objects that can be measured by all of
together? How are
the units we have discussed during the lesson:
these groups designed
to increase mastery of inches, feet, centimeters, cups, liters, gallons,
objectives? milliliters, yards, miles, meters.
❏ Accommodations and
Modifications: What
accommodations and
modifications do you
have to make for ELL,
SPED, 504, and
struggling students?
How will these
accommodations and
modifications support
mastery of the
Closing - Check for Write your Closure using the Launch Frame:
Understanding (Describe Planning a Discussion Framework:
the activity): How will the “We have been learning how to identify and estimate
lesson end and bridge to Launch Frame approximate sizes of objects using customary and
learning for the future? ❏ Opening statement
What do you want to metric units. What was something that helped you
and question to get identify these different units of measure?”
reiterate to students?
Based on the pacing of the the discussion
lesson and feedback from started (Example,
students, did they master “We have been Eliciting, Orienting Questions:
the objective? Make sure to learning how to add
revisit objectives. fractions in this 1. What is the relationship between the
activity. What was customary units, yards and feet?
an important key in
adding the fractions 2. Which units are customary and which units
that helped you? are metric?
What have we been
learning about
today?”) Conclusion Frame:
Eliciting, Orienting
Questions to ask During the “We have been identifying and estimating approximate
Discussion sizes of objects using customary and metric units in
❏ What eliciting, this activity. Tomorrow, we will explore conversions
probing, and with metric units.”
orienting questions
will you ask during
the discussion?
Conclusion Frame
❏ Closing statement
about what they
learned in the
lesson and what
they will be
working on next.
(Example - “We
have been adding
fractions in this
activity - In our
next activity, we
are going to
continue this
work…. or
Tomorrow, we will
begin subtracting