Annotated-Ed 20327 20lesson 20plan 20template 202023

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Step 1: Create the LP using this template and share with your CMT (in advance of your teaching).

Step 2: Implement
the LP and write a short reflection (see prompts at the bottom of your LP template).

Date: 3/6/2024 Teacher Name & CMT: Jordan Tress, CMT Kara Benson Class: Transition Math

Grade Level: 5 Unit Name/Topic: Lesson Number: 1 Length: 45 Minutes

Stage 1: Desired Results

Note: Only list the desired results that are relevant for THIS lesson plan, not the entire unit.

Academic Content Standard(s):

6.NS.B.3 Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation

Enduring Understandings / Goals (Why): Essential Questions:

Students will understand that . . . Students will keep considering . . . the applications related expressions can
- They can use related expressions to divide multi-digit decimals have across different subjects and the use of efficient practices when
using the standard algorithm for division solving problems.
- Multiplying or dividing by a power of 10 to the dividend and
divisor will not change the quotient of the problem.

Questions to elicit deeper thinking or build upon about the topic…

Why don’t the quotients change when each part of the expression is
multiplied by a power of 10 to get rid of decimals in the divisor?
Resource for Backward Design: How do related expressions connect to what they already know about equivalent fractions?

Student (SMART) Objectives(s):

Outcome(s) students will be able to demonstrate . . . fluent and efficient use of the standard division algorithm with multi-digit decimals and be able to
create related expressions to eliminate decimal divisors by the time the unit assessment takes place.

SMART objectives are:

● Specific: Concrete, detailed, and well defined so that you know where you are going and what to expect when you arrive
● Measureable: Numbers and quantities provide means of measurement and comparison
● Achievable: feasible and easy to put into action
● Realistic: Considers constraints such as resources, personnel, cost, and time frame
● Time-Bound: A time frame helps to set boundaries around the objective

Stage 2: Evidence of Learning (Assessments)

Performance Task(s) tied to: Other Evidence
Students will show their learning by . . . Formative: Students are assessed using bell-ringer activities
- Being able to explain to me what steps they took and why they related to previous classroom lessons and topics. These tell me
took them which areas have the most gaps and can pinpoint specific
- Being able to assist peers and explaining to them what they are
aspects to re-teach to the whole class or specific students as
doing and why
- Correctly calculating standard algorithm division problems with needed. Students are also given pre-assessments to determine
multi-digit decimals in both formative and summative what they already know so proper amounts time can be
assessments. allocated to each concept.

Evaluative Criteria:
Summative (if any beyond the performance task): Students
Students success would look like. . . the ability to use the standard
algorithm of division to correctly solve problems and think critically about
complete an end-of-unit assessment to demonstrate the
why they took the steps they did. knowledge they have gained throughout the unit and to
document growth since pre-assessment.

Stage 3: Learning Plan

General Methods for Instruction:

(Highlight all that apply)
Group Discussion Guided Practice Question/Answer Teacher Modeling Problem-based Simulation Cooperative Learning Lab Learning

Stations Writing to Learn Inquiry Learning Independent Learning Small Group Direct Instruction Workshop Role Play Game


Where will this lesson take place? General Education Classroom Resource Room or Other:

Targeted Support(s) for Diverse Learners Technology Integration (purpose):

Within the power-point presentation I created, I include While students will not be using personal electronic devices,
color-coded visual models of how the problems should be the prepared slides provide clear direction as to what will be
solved using the standard algorithm. This way, students who done in class that day as well as the ability to be easily shared
are audio and visual learners will have equal access to the with students absent that day.
material I cover. This also supports ELL students as well
because the visuals are clear and easy to follow and do not
require reading to be able to understand. Minimal text on
slides/large print as well as high-contrast colors supports any
students with visual disabilities.

Specific Support and Who will provide that

Why? What’s the intention
Needed (Special support?
Education Support (support be provided? and/or accommodations
and modifications):

Intentional Co-Teaching or Grouping Strategies:

❏ 1 Teach 1 Observe (gather specific data)
❏ 1 Teach 1 Assist (float to support/engage)
❏ Parallel Teaching (same material/smaller groupings)
❏ Station Teaching (divide content, repeat to groups)
❏ Alternative Teaching (grouping specialized
❏ Team Teaching (delivering lesson together)

Lesson Agenda with Discipline-Specific Learning Activities

Time: Teacher Will Be (Planned Supports tied to objectives Students Will Be (Learning Tasks connect to Rationale: (Based
& build in checks for understanding) prior knowledge & assets): on Research/theory)

5 min Ensuring students are gathering necessary materials for the day Completing a warm up exercise with students at their Students will be working with
and walking around, listening in on conversations, and table-group based on the standard-algorithm for long division with decimals in
answering student questions. long-division class, so reviewing procedures
for it with whole numbers gives
me the opportunity to quickly
address common errors I see.
This warmup will also give
students the chance to
collaborate with other students
and begin thinking critically
about what will be addressed in
class that day.

10 min Displaying slide with 4 equivalent expressions that are either Talking in their groups about what they notice about By listening to their discussions,
multiplied or divided by the same power of 10. We will then each of the expressions, then when prompted will I can see what misconceptions
have a discussion where I define what they are called then share with the class. there are and what connections
demonstrate how the same type of problem looks in standard I hear and can address them
algorithm formatting. with the whole group before
moving forward. Showing them
the correct format they should
use and pointing out similarities
to things they have done before
will also help make a newer
concept less daunting and allow
them to see it clearer.

10 min I will then display a problem that has the exact same format of Attempting the problem independently, they can ask Since this class has seen
the one I showed before, and give students the opportunity to their group questions as well as myself. long-division before, I want
try and use the standard algorithm to solve it with their groups. them to try and be as
I will help them with the first step to get them started since that independent as possible with it.
will likely be one of the more challenging parts about it then However, I will demonstrate
allow them to solve the rest on their own. After I can see that and scaffold the more difficult
most students are finished I will bring everyone back and explain parts as needed to help them
the solution. connect the problem to what
we have talked about that day.

15 min I am going to have students complete problems 1-3 in their Students will work to solve the problems I want to see collaboration
textbook and I will walk around, answer questions that students independently and can once again consult with their because when students teach
have. If certain questions are repeated multiple times, I will groups and teach each other as needed. one another, they demonstrate
address it with everyone to clarify what was confused with it the their understanding and can
first time. often explain it a different way
that may click better with how
certain students learn.

5 min Bring the class back together and talk about key concepts they Students will be able to ask final questions and clear up This tells them exactly what
should have grasped that day. any confusion as to what they were supposed to have they should have learned that
taken away from the day’s lesson. day and gives me a final chance
to see how they did with the
topics for the day.
Data-Driven Reflection and Decisions
Based on the specific objective(s), Performance Task(s), and Evaluative Criteria set for today’s lesson, what was the result? How well did the class
do collectively on meeting the objective at the level you expected? Were there any patterns, collective misconceptions/gaps? Who needs specific
support/reteach? Now, justify your next step in planning. What will you do next? Why (research-based)? What do you anticipate the result to

After today’s lesson, students overall seemed to grasp the concept relatively well. I do not have any student data from this lesson, but
received valuable feedback from my cooperating teacher. Because of my error in not collecting material, I do not have a general idea of
where gaps are currently, but many of those gaps could have been long-standing as I don’t have all of the information of student history, or
know many of the students very well. If I were to be teaching the next consecutive lessons, I would have collected an exit ticket to see what I
need to reteach and to gauge how much time needs to be spent on it.

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