FPGA Implementation of LSTM Based On Automatic Speech Recognition

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FPGA Implementation of LSTM Based on Automatic Speech

Chen-Lu Li, Yu-Jie Huang, Yu-Jie Cai, Jun Han, Xiao-Yang Zeng
Department of Microelectronics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
State Key Laboratory of ASIC and System, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
* Email: [email protected]

Abstract The b terms denote bias vectors,  means sigmoid

Automatic speech recognition(ASR) remains very function.
popular research area in recent years.Long Short-Term
Memory(LSTM) is always used in speech recognition
and demonstrated state-of-art accuracy. The high
performance LSTM models is becoming increasing
demanding in terms of computational and memory load.
FPGA-based accelerators have attracted attention of
researchers because of its high energy-efficiency and
great flexibility.The main work of this paper is an
efficient FPGA implementation of LSTM to accelerate
the ASR algorithm.The proposed circuit is implemented
Figure 1. LSTM
at Zedboard 100 MHz.The amount of parameters are
reduced more than 7 times because of compression
2. Related Work
Since a large-scale LSTM contains vast parameters
and complex computational logic,there are many
1. Introduction
problems such as computational efficiency,storage
The main aim of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
consumption and power consumption.The acceleration
system is the transcription of human speech into words.It
of LSTM is a hot issue in today’s research.Many efforts
is a very challenging task because human speech signals
have been done to implement LSTM algorithm using
are highly variable due to speaker attributes and
hardware,such as GPU,ASIC and FPGA.FPGA-based
environmental noises.Recurrent neural network(RNN) is
acceleration has achieved very high performance for
always applied in ASR system because of its good
LSTM because of its high energy-efficiency and great
performance on processing timing information.
Traditional RNN could not maintain long-term
Guan et al.[2] proposed an FPGA-based LSTM
memory so the prediction accuracy is not very
accelerator optimized for speech recognition on a Xilinx
satisfactory because of the vanishing of gradient problem.
VC707 FPGA platform.Chang.[3] completed 2 hidden
LSTM is the most popular varient of RNNs in nowadays,
layers LSTM design which has 128 hidden units every
it was first designed in [1] as a memory cell to decide
layers implement in Zynq 7020.Song Han[4] proposed
what to remember, what to forget and what to output. A
an excellent pruning method to compress networks.
typical basic LSTM architecture is showed in Figure
This paper makes following contributions:
1.The operation in LSTM is given by the following set
1) In software,we implement an ASR system based on
of equations.
Connectionist Temporal Classification(CTC) and
it   (Wxi xt  Whi ht 1  bi ) (1)
implement compression methods to save resources;
f t   (Wxf xt  Whf ht 1  b f ) (2) 2) We optimize the LSTM accelerator to meet the
ct  tanh(Wxc xt  Whc ht 1  bc ) (3) need of computation speed performance and resource
ct  f t  ct 1  it  c~t (4) 3) At the architecture level,we set up the whole
ot   (Wxo xt  Who ht 1  bo ) (5) platform(Figure 2),which can fetch input data and send
output data from ARM DDR memory.
ht  ot  tanh( ct ) (6)
Here the big dot operator means element-wise 3. Proposed Architecture
multiplication,the W* terms denote weight matrices.
3.1 System Architecture

978-1-5386-4441-6/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

The overall system architecture are showed in Figure a (672*600) matrix.So our input vector will be stored in
2. In the designed system, input vectors,output vectors the FIFO and be reused 600 times until finish the whole
and weight matrices are stored in the DDR3 memory.The output vector calculating.The build-in counter will
modules on-chip are connected with AXI bus and generate clear signal. Figure 3 shows the circuit structure
AXI-Lite bus that the AXI bus will send the vectors and of matrix-vector multiplier.
parameters to our LSMT PE and the AXI-Lite bus will Every element of input vectors requires one
generate control signals to control the process of data multiplication.In our solution ,we have four MAC units
reading and sending.The LSTM PE is packaged as a in parallel.So we can process 4 sets of data at the same
hardware IP.And we use ARM to initialize the LSTM time.The parallel computing process of data is shown in
PE,measure calculating time and control the data Figure 4.Because of the independence of four gate
communication. modules,the gate modules can be calculated in
parallel,too.This method improves the computational
efficiency of circuit.

Figure 2. Designed System Diagram Figure 4. Data Parallel

B. Non-linear activation Function

3.2 Gate Module There are two non-linear activation functions in
A complete LSTM has 4 gate modules which are input LSTM,which are sigmoid(x) and tanh(x).These two
gate,forget gate,output gate and cell-state gate.The gate functions consume a large amount of hardware resources
modules are responsible for producing internal signal for implementation because of the exponentiation and
vectors for it , f t , ot and c~t .Each module has the same floating-point divisions. Piecewise linear method has
calculate process,but the inputs are different.The been used which can be implement in FPGA easily.
algorithm of the four gates is introduced in 2.1 We store the two non-linear functions approximation
A. Matrix-Vector Multiplier in a single-port ROM ,so we can implement this unit
As we can see,in the LSTM algorithm,input vector easily by a look-up table.
xt and the hidden layer output of previous time step
3.3 Element-wise Module
ht -1 will be multiplied by weight matrices W* (Width * We got four vectors of LSTM by gate
Height).So we need a HDL block to implement modules( it , f t , ot and c~t ). And we should use these
matrix-vector multiplication. four vectors to get cell-state vector and output vector of
hidden layer by element-wise multiplication and
addition.Figure 5 shows the element-wise module

Figure 3. Matrix-Vector Multiplier

This module has two data streams which are input

vector stream and weight matrix stream.The every input
vector element will be multiplied and added to the
elements at each position in the weight matrix to get the
Figure 5. Element-wise Module
output vector.In our design,the length of xt is 672, W* is
Table 1. Recourse Utilization Report
All on chip resource LUT BRAM DSP LUT FF
(53200) (140) (220) (17400) (53200)
LSTM 6785 24 34 16 3591
AXI_intercon 8820 0 0 730 3529
Processing System 112 0 0 0 0
Periphral 448 0 0 67 232
All(%) 30 17 15.44 5 14

3.4 Compression XC7Z020 on 100MHz with hardware and software

As we all known,LSTM algorithm will need large co-design.Table 1 shows the resource utilization of our
amount of parameters.So how to compress LSTM architecture.The time to complete a LSTM PE is 0.0099s
network without no training accuracy loss is a matter that compared to 0.38s in CPU.The amount of parameters is
we concerned.There are two methods to compress our reduced from the original 59.8MBytes to 8.25MBytes
LSTM network,which are UV Decomposition and ( more than 7 times) because of compression method.
Fixed-point data conversion. EER(Energy Efficient Ratio) of one LSTM layer is
After UV decomposition,we can compress matrix used 670Mop/s/W.
in our LSTM PE circuit.As long as we choose the right
number of eigenvalues,we can achieve network 5. Conclusion
compression without affecting accuracy. In our solution, In this paper,our main contributions are:
our network can be compressed 2.1 times by UV 1) Build ASR system to achieve 0.23 WER and 0.08
decomposition method. CER(Character Error Rate) in LibriSpeech clean data set
In traditional neural networks algorithm,the and 0.34 WER and 0.13 CER in CHiME noisy data set;
floating-point data are adopted. But corresponding 2) Map the LSTM algorithm in Zedboard ;
hardware implementation,we need fixed-point operation 3)Proposed an efficient design of matrix-vector
to reduce computation resources and on-chip data space. multiplier and non-linear activation computation of
Figure 6 shows the trend of networks’ WER(Word LSTM and proposed compression method to save more
Error Rate) under different quantization ways and than 7 times design resources.
different number of eigenvalues.We choose 185
eigenvalues and 8-bits fixed-point quantization which Acknowledgments
result more than 7 times compression in our networks The authors would like to thank students and teachers
with little accuracy loss. in State Key Laboratory of ASIC & System, Fudan
University.This work was supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (61574040,
61525401, 61751401).

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Our design is implemented in Zynq-7000 SOC

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