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School of Technology and Informatics Department of Information Technology

Course Title: Human-Computer Interaction Course Code: ITec4122; ECTS: 5
Chapter Five: HCI in the software process
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The software life cycle
5.3 Usability engineering
5.4 Iterative design and prototyping
5. HCI in the Software process
Software engineering provides a means of understanding the structure of
the design process, and that process can be assessed for its effectiveness in
interactive system design.
Usability engineering promotes the use of explicit criteria to judge the
success of a product in terms of its usability.
Iterative design practices work to incorporate crucial customer feedback
early in the design process to inform critical decisions which affect usability.
Design involves making many decisions among numerous alternatives.
Design rationale provides an explicit means of recording those design decisions
and the context in which the decisions were made.
5.1 Introduction
Within computer science there is already a large sub-discipline that
addresses the management and technical issues of the development of
software systems – called software engineering.
One of the cornerstones of software engineering is the software life
cycle, which describes the activities that take place from the initial concept
formation for a software system up until its eventual phasing out and
5.2 The Software Life Cycle
One of the distinguishing characteristics of any engineering discipline is that
it entails the structured application of scientific techniques to the
development of some product. A fundamental feature of software
engineering, therefore, is that it provides the structure for applying
techniques to develop software systems.
The software life cycle is an attempt to identify the activities that occur
in software development. These activities must then be ordered in time in
any development project and appropriate techniques must be adopted to carry
them through.
In the development of a software product, we consider two main
parties: the customer who requires the use of the product and the designer who
must provide the product.
5.2.1 Activities in the life cycle
The graphical representation is reminiscent of a waterfall, in which each activity
naturally leads into the next. The analogy of the waterfall is not completely
Human-Computer Interaction Lecture notes by: Jerusalem F., 2014 E.C
faithful to the real relationship between these activities, but it provides a good
starting point for discussing the logical flow of activity. We describe the
activities of this waterfall model of the software life cycle next.
Requirements specification
In requirements specification, the designer and customer try to capture a
description of what the eventual system will be expected to provide.
Requirements specification involves eliciting information from the customer
about the work environment, or domain, in which the final product will
Requirements specification begins at the start of product development.
Requirements are usually initially expressed in the native language of the
Architectural design
The first activity is a high-level decomposition of the system into
components that can either be brought in from existing software products or be
developed from scratch independently. An architectural design performs this
decomposition. It is not only concerned with the functional decomposition of the
system, determining which components provide which services.
There are many structured techniques that are used to assist a designer
in deriving an architectural description from information in the requirements
Detailed design
The architectural design provides a decomposition of the system
description that allows for isolated development of separate components
which will later be integrated. For those components that are not already
available for immediate integration, the designer must provide a sufficiently
detailed description so that they maybe implemented in some
programming language.
Coding and unit testing
The detailed design for a component of the system should be in such a
form that itis possible to implement it in some executable programming
language. After coding,the component can be tested to verify that it
performs correctly, according to sometest criteria that were determined in
earlier activities.
Integration and testing
Once enough components have been implemented and individually tested,
they must be integrated as described in the architectural design. Further
testing is done to ensure correct behavior and acceptable use of any shared
After product release, all work on the system is considered under the
category of maintenance, until such time as a new version of the product
Human-Computer Interaction Lecture notes by: Jerusalem F., 2014 E.C
demands a total redesign or the product is phased out entirely. Consequently,
the majority of the lifetime of a product is spent in the maintenance activity.
Maintenance involves the correction of errors in the systems, which are
discovered after release and the revision of the system services to satisfy
requirements that were not realized during previous development.
5.2.2 Validation and Verification
Verification of a design will most often occur within a single life-
cycle activity or between two adjacent activities. (Are we building the product right?)
Validation of a design demonstrates that within the various activities
the customer’s requirements are satisfied. Validation is a much more
subjective exercise than verification, mainly because the disparity between
the language of the requirements and the language of the design forbids any
objective form of proof. (Are we building the right product?)
Validation proofs are much trickier, as they almost always involve a
transformation between languages. Furthermore, the origin of customer
requirements arises in the inherent ambiguity of the real world and not the
mathematical world.
5.2.3 Management and contractual issues
The life cycle described above concentrated on the more technical
features of software development. In a technical discussion, managerial issues
of design, such as time constraints and economic forces, are not as important.
The different activities of the life cycle are logically related to each other.
In management, a much wider perspective must be adopted which takes
into account the marketability of a system, its training needs, the availability
of skilled personnel or possible subcontractors, and other topics outside the
activities for the development of the isolated system.
A signed requirements specification indicates both that the customer
agrees to limit demands of the eventual product to those listed in the
specification and also that the designer agrees to meet all of the requirements
From a technical perspective, it is easy to acknowledge that it is
difficult, if not impossible, to determine all of the requirements before
embarking on any other design activity.
5.2.4 Interactive systems and the software life cycle
The traditional software engineering life cycles arose out of a need in the
1960s and1970s to provide structure to the development of large software
systems. In those days, the majority of large systems produced were concerned
with data-processing applications in business.
These systems were not highly interactive; rather, they were batch-
processing systems. Consequently, issues concerning usability from an end
user’s perspective were not all that important.
5.3 Usability Engineering
Human-Computer Interaction Lecture notes by: Jerusalem F., 2014 E.C
One approach to user-centered design has been the introduction of
explicit usability engineering goals into the design process, as suggested by
Whiteside and colleagues at IBM and Digital Equipment Corporation and by
Nielsen at Bellcore.
Engineering depends on interpretation against a shared background of
meaning, agreed goals and an understanding of how satisfactory completion
will be judged. The emphasis for usability engineering is in knowing exactly
what criteria will be used to judge a product for its usability.
The ultimate test of a product’s usability is based on measurements of users’
experience with it. Therefore, since a user ’s direct experience with an
interactive system is at the physical interface, focus on the actual user interface
is understandable.
The backward recoverability attribute is defined in terms of a measuring
concept, which makes the abstract attribute more concrete by describing it in
terms of the actual product.
The measuring method states how the attribute will be measured, in
this case by the number of explicit user actions required to perform the undo,
regardless of where the user is in the programming sequence.
The worst case value is the lowest acceptable measurement for the task,
providing a clear distinction between what will be acceptable and what will be
unacceptable in the final product.
The planned level is the target for the design and the best case is the level
which is agreed to be the best possible measurement given the current state of
development tools and technology.
5.3.1 Problems with usability engineering
The major feature of usability engineering is the assertion of explicit
usability metrics early on in the design process which can be used to judge a
system once it is delivered.
Set levels with respect to information on:
1. an existing system or previous version
2. competitive systems
3. carrying out the task without use of a computer system
4. an absolute scale
5. your own prototype
6. user’s own earlier performance
7. each component of a system separately
8. a successive split of the difference between best and worst values observed in
user tests
5.4 Iterative design and prototyping
The only way to be sure about some features of the potential design is to
build them and test them out on real users. The design can then be modified to
correct any false assumptions that were revealed in the testing.
Human-Computer Interaction Lecture notes by: Jerusalem F., 2014 E.C
This is the essence of iterative design, a purposeful design process
which tries to overcome the inherent problems of incomplete requirements
specification by cycling through several designs, incrementally improving upon
the final product with each pass.
On the technical side, iterative design is described by the use of prototypes,
artifacts that simulate or animate some but not all features of the intended
system. There are three main approaches to prototyping:
• Throw-away The prototype is built and tested. The design knowledge
gained from this exercise is used to build the final product, but the actual
prototype is discarded.
• Incremental The final product is built as separate components, one at
a time. There is one overall design for the final system, but it is
partitioned into independent and smaller components. The final product
is then released as a series of products, each subsequent release
including one more component.
• Evolutionary Here the prototype is not discarded and serves as the
basis for the next iteration of design. In this case, the actual system is
seen as evolving from a very limited initial version to its final release.
• Time Building prototypes takes time and, if it is a throw-away
prototype, it can be seen as precious time taken away from the real
design task. So the value of prototyping is only appreciated if it is fast,
hence the use of the term rapid prototyping.
• Planning Most project managers do not have the experience
necessary for adequately planning and costing a design process which
involves prototyping.
• Non-functional features Often the most important features of a
system will be non- functional ones, such as safety and reliability, and
these are precisely the kinds of features which are sacrificed in
developing a prototype.
➢ Contracts The design process is often governed by contractual agreements
between customer and designer which are affected by many of these managerial
and technical issues. Prototypes and other implementations cannot form the basis
for a legal contract, and so an iterative design process will still require
documentation which serves as the binding agreement.

Human-Computer Interaction Lecture notes by: Jerusalem F., 2014 E.C

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