ET501 Written Assignment Briefing 2021
ET501 Written Assignment Briefing 2021
ET501 Written Assignment Briefing 2021
Assignment Rationale:
This assignment asks you to draw on your first-hand experiences of different training approaches and marry
this with wider research in order to analyse the nature of two different trainings – thus enhancing your
understanding of how and why training works. The key parameter of this task is that you focus on two
different principles (i.e. one organising rule from each chosen practitioner’s training), using these to focus
your analysis and so uncover the conception, construction and impact of the training of the two different
practitioners. In order to understand the training you will need to examine both the theoretical frameworks
of the training and practical examples of the training.
For this essay you should draw upon both the practical methodologies of the chosen practitioners, as well as
critical commentaries and theoretical perspectives.
This essay presupposes that consideration has been given to the context of the technique, but you should
avoid direct exposition of historical details and biographical references. This essay should focus on
conceptions of theatre.
Please do not attempt to only replicate/describe the practical or theoretical work carried out in class. This
work must contain your own complex reflections on the chosen practitioners.
In relation to your bibliography and research you need to provide evidence that you have consulted at least
two articles.
[Please do NOT formulate your own question in response to this brief. Your task is to respond to the
question above.]
Variable according to placement – to be announced after placement allocations.
Remember you should save your essay in the following format: second name_first name TP Essay
For example: Smith_Alice TP Essay 2021. doc
ET501: Theatre Practitioners in the 20th Century
Written Assignment Assessment Map
Please pay close attention to this essay question. We will be looking for the following elements in
your response:
Your ability to formulate a clear argument about the inter-relationship between the two
Your ability to focus on the two concepts/techniques, developing a detailed appreciation of
each one;
Your ability to balance the coverage of the two concepts/techniques throughout the essay
as a whole;
Your ability to construct a clear analysis of the practitioners’ theories and/or practice;
Your ability to evaluate the similarities and differences between two concepts/techniques,
with clarity and in detail;
Your ability to select appropriate and pertinent examples and references to support your
Of key importance in this essay is your ability to argue for a connection between specific aspects of
the practice of two practitioners. In order to achieve this within the word limit you will need to
carefully consider the structure of your argument.
Do you have a clear thesis (position) about the level of connection between the two
Have you built this argument clearly and systematically?
Have you avoided digression/distractions?
Have you evidenced your argument with appropriate examples and/or theory?
Have you considered counter-arguments in your process of researching your argument and
adjusted it as necessary?
Have you adopted a suitable structure to compare the two concepts/techniques?
Try to avoid ‘signposting’ where the essay will go as this actually breaks the structure of
your argument, rather than assisting it. You can use this in the planning stage but please
remove it in the later stages.
3. Relevance of Research Material and its Use in the Assignment
This essay will depend on you expanding on the lectures/workshops given during the module. It will
be helpful for you to consider the practical experience of the work, as well as extending your
theoretical research.
You will need to demonstrate that you have a good range of research material from a
variety of sources, including evidence that you have referred to at least two journal articles;
You must then carefully apply these sources to your assignment, selecting appropriate
quotes or arguments that uncover the detail of the techniques/concepts;
Please note that at Level 5 and above Wikipedia and similar sites are NOT appropriate
sources of information and should not be consulted at all.
You MUST correctly reference your sources, whether paraphrased or quoted. Please refer
to the style guidelines for assistance or ask a tutor;
Remember plagiarism is an academic offence that will result in your essay being marked ‘0.’
Of key importance in all essays is the clarity of your use of the English language and the layout of
the essay. At level 5 your arguments should begin to become more complex and nuanced, but your
language should always be clear. You will need to demonstrate this in your writing and
presentation. Please note the following points:
Have you set out the essay and bibliography according to the style guidelines, thus making it
easy for the reader to read?
Are your paragraphs clearly focused and structured around a specific point;
Do your sentences make sense? Are they overly complex? What is their individual function:
do they advance, illustrate or support the argument?
Are you following the grammatical principles of the English language?
Is your spelling accurate: be careful of homonyms and theatre specific terminology;
Please avoid colloquial phrases/expressions;
Be precise;
You can ask a tutor for assistance if you need it, or take advantage of study support.