"Family Typology": in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements in Community Organizing Participatory and Action Research

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(Formerly City College of Manila)
Mehan Garden, Manila
College of Nursing

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Community Organizing Participatory and Action


Submitted to:
Mr. Ben O. De Paz
Submitted by:
Nica Rose M. Linsangan

January 14, 2011

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. General Objectives

Specific Objectives

III. Family Nursing Assessment

IV. Cues and Data, First Level Assessment and

Second Level Assessment

V. Problem Identification

VI. Scoring

VII. Problem Prioritization

VIII. Family Health Task

IX. Family Nursing Care Plan

X. Evaluation
I. Introduction

Community is a group of people sharing common geographic

boundaries, common values and interest; its basic unit is the family

which is composed of two or more people who live in the same

household, share common emotional bond and perform certain

interrelated social task.

A community health nurse renders a quality care to the whole

community and the community is compose merely of families which is

the unit of service in the community health nursing. A healthy

community also has healthy families; Family is define as two or more

persons who are joined together by bonds of sharing and emotional

closeness and who identify themselves as being part of the family.

Family is a very important social institution that performs two major

functions: reproduction and socialization. It is generally considered as

the basic unit of care in the community health nursing. Family is the

focus of decision making on health matters. It is the source of the most

solid support and care to its members, particularly to the young, the

elderly and the disabled and chronically ill.

Every family has an identified health task these are (1)

recognizing interruptions of health or development, (2) seeking health

care, (3) managing health and non- health crises, (4) provide nursing

care to the sick, disabled and dependent member of the family, (5)

maintain a home environment conducive to good health and personal

development, (6) maintaining a reciprocal relationship with the

community and health institutions. These health tasks are the basis in

identifying family nursing problems. A family has a nursing problem if

it cannot effectively perform its health tasks.

The community health nurse must assess the conditions of a

particular family with regards to the physical, social, environmental

and emotional condition of each of the family member. It is important

to identify the existing problem in a family base on their health and

environmental condition.

L family is an extended type of family composed of five

individuals. Mrs. R. L being the head of the family has the greatest task

to perform in their family. Early identification of health problem

present in their family is very important and also they must realize the

importance of preventing different kind of diseases by practicing

healthy lifestyle.
General Objectives

 To be able to help a family to solve the actual or potential health

problem by assessing and making appropriate Nursing Care Plan

that would promote better health condition.

Specific Objectives

 To assess the family with regards to the health condition of each

of the family member

 To be able to make a plan of care that can help the family to

solve their problems

 To be able to implement proper nursing care to promote better

health condition
 To be able to make judgments as to the extent of the objectives

III.Family Nursing Assessment

A. Demographic Data (Family structure, characteristics and


Name Age Sex Civil Type of Type of

Status Family Authority

Mrs. R. L 53 Female Widow Extended Matriarchal


N.R. L 18 Female Single


E. M 85 Female Widow

M.M. M 15 Female Single


J.M. M 11 Male Single


L family is an extended family with matriarchal type of authority.

Mrs. R.L became the head of the family when his husband died. She

was living with their only daughter N.R. L, with her mother who is also

a widow and with her niece and nephew. They live together because

her mother is already 85 years old and needs attention and someone

to take good care of her.

B. Socio Economic and Cultural Characteristics

Name Education Occupati Combin Monthly Religiou

al on ed Expenditu s
Attainme Monthly re Affiliatio
nt Income n

Mrs. R. L Vocational: Business 12, 10,000php Roman

(Mother) Electronics woman 000php Catholic

N.R. L 3rd year Student 1,000php Roman

college Catholic

E. M High 3,000php 1,500php Roman

(grandmoth School Catholic

M.M. M 2nd year Student 1,000php Roman

(niece) High From her
School father, an
J.M. M Grade 6 Student 500php Roman
elementar Catholic
y student


Mrs. R.L is a business woman selling fresh chicken with a

monthly income of 10,000-12,000php. She sends her daughter and

her nephew to school as a 3rd year college student and grade 6

elementary students, respectively. Her mother though, already 85

years old has a monthly pension of 3,000php and also helps in their

monthly expenditure. Her niece, M.M.M, a 2nd year high school

student has a monthly allowance of 1,000php from her father

working as an OFW.

Priority Expenditure:

Clothing and Tioletris

The L. family has a monthly income of 15,000php. They

have allotted 5,600php or 37.33% of 15,000php for their monthly

expenditure for food, and 1,500 or 10% for the monthly allowance of

the students and 1,500php or 10% for their bills, another 1,500php or

10% for their health, plus another 1,500 or 10% for their clothing and

toiletries. From that they can save 1,500php or 10% and has extra

money for emergency uses, like buying books, and extra expenditures

for their added needs.

C. Home and Environment

Home Owned

Type of Materials used Mixed (made up of both light and strong


Number of rooms use 2 rooms

for sleeping

Lighting facilities through electricity consumption

Ventilation adequate

Cooking facilities use of gas stove

Water supply through local water system (Maynilad water


Waste disposal they use old plastic containers and the

method of disposal is through garbage


Toilet type pale system

Presence of vectors cockroaches, mosquitoes, rats

and rodents

Ways of controlling they don’t use any method of

vectors eliminating/controlling vectors

D. Health Status of each Family Member

Name Weight Height Body Remarks


Mrs. R. L (Mother) 60 kgs. 5’2” 24.19 Normal


N.R. L 53 kgs. 5’1” 21.4 Normal


E. M (grandmother) 55 kgs. 5’1” 22.9 Normal


M.M. M 56 kgs 5’1 23.2 Normal

J.M. M 40 kgs. 4’3” 24.1 Normal


All the members of the family have a normal weight.

E. Family Health Practices

Present illness None

Past illness hypertension (mother) dengue fever

(Nica Rose)

Medications taken during illness as prescribed by the physician

Use of primitive/preventive visiting health centers and hospitals

health services

Food intake 3-5 times a day

Food storage by the use of refrigerator

Eating habits eating meat is what we prefer

Lifestyle lacks physical activities/ exercise

Health Practices Practiced Not Frequency


• use of ┼ Everyday
• sleeps 6-8 ┼ Everyday

• brushes ┼ 2-3 times a

teeth day

• cut finger/ ┼ As necessary


• clean ears ┼ As necessary

• change ┼ As necessary

• regular ┼

• dental check ┼ As necessary


• medical ┼ As necessary
check up

• recreational/ ┼ As necessary

• Use of ┼ Everyday
bed net etc.)


The L families don’t have the needed sleep hours a day.

They also don’t have regular exercise; they simply stated that
walking is one way of practicing or having exercise for them.

IV. Cues and Data

Cues and Data First Level Second Level
Assessment Assessment

Sleeps less than 6-8 I. Presence of Inability to recognize

hours almost Wellness the presence of the
everyday Condition condition or problem
due to:
Without regular A. Potential for
exercise Enhanced Capability for > inadequate
Healthy Lifestyle knowledge

II. Presence of Inability to make

Health decisions with respect
Threats to taking appropriate
health action due to:
 they have a A. Family History of
history of hereditary  failure to
hypertension condition comprehend the
nature of the
 eating meat B. Unhealthy eating condition
frequently habits/practices-
faulty eating  low salience of
 presence of
habits and the problem
inadequate intake
and mosquitoes  lack of
both in quality
in their home knowledge as to
and quantity
 they lack
C. Presence of course of action
physical activity
vectors such as to them
due to some
cockroaches and
reasons such as
they lack time D. Unhealthful
lifestyle and personal

Family member III. Presence of III. Inability to provide

recently had coughs health Deficit nursing care to the
and colds: sick, disable,
A. Illness state, dependent or
> E. M regardless of vulnerable or at risk
(grandmother) wether it is member of the family
diagnosed or due to:
> J.M. M undiagnosed by
practitioner. A. Lack of
knowledge about
the disease or
health condition.

Adolescents family IV. Presence of stress

Inability to provide a
member as follows: points/ home environment
foreseeable conducive to health
J.M. M – 11 y/o crisis situations
maintenance and
personal development
Death of a family A. Adolescents- due to inadequate
member: threat from peer knowledge of
pressure preventive measure
B. Death of a family
Died: March 2, 2010 member

V.Problem Identification

1. Unsanitary waste disposal

2. Presence of rodents and vectors

3. Inadequate living space

4. Poor family health practices

VI. Scoring

Unsanitary Waste Disposal

Criteria Computat Actual Justification

ion Score

1. Nature of 2/3 x 1 2/3 It is a health threat because it can

promote communicable diseases to
the Problem
each member of the family.

2. 2 /2 x 2 2 Resources and interventions are


3.Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 The occurrence of the parasitism and

other communicable diseases may
be reduce.

4. Salience of 1 /2 x 1 1/2 The family perceived this as a

the problem problem but not needing immediate


Total Score: 4 1/6

Presence of rodents and vectors

Criteria Computati Actu Justification

on al


1. Nature of 2/3 x 1 2/3 The problem stated is a health
threat because it can promote
the Problem
injury and diseases to the family.

2. 2 /2 x 2 2 Interventions may be possible if

it will be started by each
member of the family.

3.Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 With proper sanitation and

environmental concern it will
help to prevent the growth of
rodents and insects.

4. Salience of 1 /2 x 1 1/2 The family perceived this as a

the problem problem but not needing

immediate attention

Total Score: 4 1/6

Inadequate Living Space

Criteria Computatio Actual Justification

n Score
1.Nature 2/3 x 1 2/3 This is a health threatening problem
that does not demand immediate
of the

2. 1 /2 x 2 1 The furniture can be arranged to

allow more space; but increasing the
living space will require financial
expenditures and the family’s
resources are adequate for their
everyday necessity.

3.Preventi 3/3 x 1 1 Increasing the living space will help

the family to have a bigger space
that will allow them to have adequate
movements when performing house
work, doing recreational activities
and working, also it will provide them
a better privacy to each member.

4. Salience 1 /2 x 1 1/2 The family perceived this as a

of the problem but not needing immediate

problem attention

Total Score: 2 2/3

Poor Family Health Practices

Criteria Computati Actu Justification

on al

1. Nature of 2/3 x 1 2/3 This is a health threatening

problem, this family lacks physical
the Problem
activities and regular medical check
up. They are at risk for certain

2. 1 /2 x 2 1 The problem can only be partially

modified; this family lacks physical
activity due to lack of time

3. 2/3 x 1 2/3 This problem can be prevented if

they only manage their timewell.


4. Salience 1 /2 x 1 1/2 The family perceived this as a

problem but not needing immediate


Total Score: 1 5/6

VII Problem Prioritization

The list of health condition or problems ranked according to

priorities is presented:

Unsanitary Waste Disposal 4 1/6

Presence of rodents and vectors 4 1/6

Inadequate Living Space 2 2/3

Poor Family Health Practices 1 5/6

VIII. Family Health Task

The Family will overcome the occurrence of:

• Unsanitary waste disposal – by having proper waste bin at home

• Presence of rodents and vectors will be able to prevent through

cleanliness and proper management of environment.

• Inadequate Living Space - To teach the family on how to

effectively reduce the risk of spreading the communicable


• Poor Family Health Practices – Explore with the family the ways

on how to maintain healthy practice with in their family.

IX. Family Nursing Care Plan
Family Intervention Plan
Health Nursing Goal of Objectives Nursing Method of Resources
Problem Problems care of Care Interventions Nurse- Required
Unsanita -Inability to After After nursing -Broaden the Home Visit - Material

ry waste provide a home nursing interventions knowledge of the Resources:

disposal environment intervention each member family on the effects Visual Aids,

conducive to s, the family of the family: of practicing proper materials and

health will take the sanitary disposal. low-cost

maintenance. necessary supplies
enumerate -Discuss with the
measures needed for
-Inability to the ways on family the courses of
or actions demonstratio
make decisions how to action open to them.
to maintain n
with respect to manage
-Explore with the
taking proper waste
family the ways on
waste - Human
appropriate disposal.
how to manage
disposal. resources:
health actions
b.can explain waste disposal
Time and
due to lack of
the possible properly and how to
effort on the
knowledge as to
effects of maintain it.
part of the
having proper
nurse and
courses of
action open to
disposal and
the family.
- Financial
Family Nursing Intervention Plan
Health Problems Goal of care Objectives of Nursing Method Resources
Problem Care Interventions of Required
Presence - Inability to After the nursing After an hour Perform to the Home - Material

of recognize the intervention, the of nursing family the Visit Resources:

rodents problem of family will be intervention, various yet very Visual Aids,

and having breeding able to: the family will effective materials and

vectors places of rodents - To be able to: strategies in low-cost

and insects due demonstra eliminating these supplies

- Earn a
to: te on how rodents and needed for
 Ignorance to prevent insects through demonstratio
of facts that the promoting a n
ge on
these numbers clean
rodents of rodents environment. - Human
things to
could cause and resources:
be done
different insects in -Provide proper Time and
in order
kinds of their health teaching effort on
for these
disease. house. about the the part of
advantages and the nurse
to be
 Fear of - To know disadvantages of and family
consequenc what having breeding
Family Intervention Plan
Health Nursing Goal of care Objectives Nursing Method Resources
Problem Problems of Care Interventions of Nurse- Required
Inadequat -Inability to After the •Short term -Teach the members Home Visit - Material

e living provide a nursing goal: of the family to Resources:

space and home intervention separate the disease Visual Aids,

absence of environment the family will -To teach the infected member to materials and

furniture. conducive to take family on how prevent further low-cost

health preventive to effectively spread of infection. supplies

inadequat maintenance measures to reduce the needed for

e due to lack of reduce the risk of -Teach the adult demonstratio

environme knowledge spread of spreading the members of the n

nt and communicabl communicabl family to effectively

inadequate e diseases e diseases. reduce the number - Human

family within the of breeding places of resources:

resources family and to •Long term the disease carrying Time and

specifically – reduce the goal: pests. effort on the

financial and breeding part of the

physical places of the -To -To promote a clean nurse and

resources. possible effectively environment and to family

disease reduce the teach the family

carrying number of about the proper - Financial

Family Intervention Plan
Health Nursing Goal of Objectives Nursing Method of Resources
Problem Problems care of Care Interventions Nurse- Required
Poor -Inability to After After nursing -Broaden the Home Visit - Material

family practice nursing interventions knowledge of the Resources:

health healthy intervention each member family on the effects Visual Aids,

practices regimen due s, the family of the family: of having poor family materials and

to lack of will practice health practices. low-cost

knowledge as healthy supplies
enumerate -Discuss with the
to what will be regimen needed for
the healthy family the courses of
its effect on that will demonstratio
regimen that action open to them
their health. help them n
they should
-Explore with the
to have a
-Inability to practice
family the ways on
better and - Human
decide about
b.can how to maintain
achievable resources:
explain the healthy practice with
healthy Time and
possible in their family.
lifestyle. effort on the
action due to
effects of
part of the
failure to
nurse and
comprehend to
the nature,
magnitude of
perform the - Financial
the problem.
X. Evaluation

This family is one example of the majority of the family here in

our country. Living in a poor environmental condition without enough

resources and experiencing lack of knowledge including health

information and other socio-economic related problems is so difficult.

Based on the assessment and interview, the family needs more

information and orientation regarding health issues specifically about

their health and sanitation. Client teaching will be used for the

promotion of health and wellness, educating the family members

would help them in coping with health problems. Through nursing

intervention the family would be able to take necessary measures to

properly manage health threats, health deficit and foreseeable crisis

that include unsanitary waste disposal, presence of rodents and

vectors, inadequate living Space, poor family health practices. Over all,

the most common reason why the health prioritize requirements of the

family are being met is due to knowledge, cooperation and awareness

of each individual of the family.

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