Village - Rules

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‡ Game idea ‡

Life in this village is tough! But at least it offers its residents a lot of room But never forget the most important thing: Time cannot be stopped, and
for development. Some make their career in the council chamber, some in eventually family members pass away. Those that worked hard during
the church, while others journey into the world.... their lifetime may find themselves immortalized in the village chronicle
Each player controls the fate of a family and wants to rise to prominence. and thus increase their families‘ fame.

‡ Components ‡
44 family members 4 black monks 1 sticker sheet 32 markers 6 plague cubes
(11 red, 11 yellow, (8 red, 8 yellow, 8 blue, 8 ivory)
11 blue, 11 ivory)

72 influence cubes
(18 brown, 18 pink, 18 orange, 18 green)
1 starting player marker 1 next starting player marker

2 cloth bags
(1 green, 1 black)

40 goods tiles
(8 scrolls, 8 horses, 8 plows, 8 oxen, 8 wagons)
4 farmyards 1 game board

24 customer tiles 15 coins 20 bags of grain

back front

3 setup cards 1 “mass” overview card

(for 2, 3, 4 players)

‡ Setup ‡
Before the first game, the family members must have their enclosed number stickers 6. Shuffle the customer tiles face down and put them next to the market as a face
applied. Make sure the same number is on both sides of each piece. down pile. Depending on the number of players, turn a certain number of tiles
face up and add them to the market:
There are: 4x 1 3x 2 2x 3 2x 4 in each color.
• in a 4-player-game:
Apply a cross sticker to both sides of each black monk. put a tile on each
The extra stickers are spares. of the 10 spaces

1. Place the game board in the middle of the table. It shows the village with its • in a 3-player-game:
various areas. the space labeled “4”
remains empty
A) grain harvest
D B) family • in a 2-player-game:
C) crafts the spaces labeled “3”
E D) market and “4” remain empty Example for a 3-player-game
E) travel
C F F) council chamber 7. If you play with fewer than 4 players, use family members of an unclaimed color to
H G) church reduce the number of available spaces in the chronicle and the anonymous graves.
H) well
G I) village chronicle • in a 3-player-game:
J J) anonymous graves put an unused family member
on each space and grave
labeled “4”
2. Each player chooses a color. Take the 1
farmyard of your color and place it in life time track • in a 2-player-game:
front of you. Your farmyard is home to put an unused family member
your family members. In addition, you on each space and grave
may store as many influence cubes and family members labeled “3” or “4” Example for a 3-player-game
and influence cubes
goods here as you want.
Each farmyard can only store a maxi- 8. Put the next starting player marker
mum of 5 bags of grain, however. on its designated space of the
The life time track of your family runs council chamber.
around the edge of your farmyard.
bags of grain

9. Place the goods tiles (horses, oxen, wagons, plows, and scrolls) next to the
3. Take the 11 family members and 8 markers of your chosen color. Put your 4 game board as a general supply.
family members with a “1” on your farmyard. This is the first generation of your
family. The remaining family members are future generations. Since these are 10. Place the bags of grain, the influence cubes, and the plague cubes next to
not born yet, set them aside in a general supply for now. the game board as a general supply. Also place the green bag nearby.

11. Put the 4 black monks in the black bag and place it below the church.
4. Put one of your markers on the cloud on the right
side of the bridge on your farmyard. Put another 12. Take the setup card that matches the number of players and place it nearby.
marker on the book (space “0” of the prestige track) in Return the remaining two setup cards to the box. Also place the “mass” overview
the upper left corner of the game board. card near the game board.

13. The oldest player becomes the starting player and receives the starting play-
5. Give each player 1 coin, which he places next to his farmyard. Place the re- er marker.
maining coins in a general supply next to the game board.

‡ Playing the game ‡
The game is played over several rounds, during which you control the fate of ence cubes and trigger certain actions. That means you have to choose wisely,
your family members by placing them wisely in the village. Family members on because the influence type and specific action rarely match...
your farmyard ensure a good harvest, in church they generate prestige points, and
in the council chamber they give you both prestige points and privileges. Those In addition, many of these actions cost time. And just like in real life, the oldest
who opt for traveling may receive prestige, influence, or money, depending on family members eventually pass away. When a family member dies, his career
their destination. Family members in the craft buildings enable the production of choice determines whether he gets a place in the village chronicle or not.
goods. Goods and grain can be exchanged for prestige points at the market.
The game ends when either the village chronicle or the anonymous graves are
The many different areas in the village allow for many different options. Each fully occupied. At that point you once more gain points for the different areas of
area has an associated action space where you can gain different types of influ- the village. The player with the most prestige points wins.

‡ Playing a round ‡
‡ In general ‡ ‡ Seeding the action spaces ‡

At the beginning of each round, seed the action spaces with influence cubes and The setup card shows how many different influence cubes you must take from
plague cubes. the supply and add to the green bag at the beginning of a round. In addition, you
must add all available plague cubes to the bag.
Then, beginning with the starting player, players take turns carrying out actions.
Once the cubes are in the bag, mix them thoroughly. Then distribute a certain
On your turn, take one cube from an action space and perform that space‘s number of randomly drawn cubes onto each action space on the game board. The
action. number of cubes per action space is also shown on the setup card.

When the last cube is taken, the current round is finished. Begin a new round by
once again filling the green bag and seeding the action spaces.

‡ Influence cubes and plague cubes ‡

Influence cubes are required for performing certain actions in the village.
The following types of influence are available:

color: represents: is required for:

orange skill crafts, travel

Example for a 3-player-game
green persuasiveness market, council chamber
By the way: There are usually fewer cubes drawn from the bag than added to it.
brown faith church, travel Thus, there are leftover cubes in the bag each round, which are mixed up with new
ones at the beginning of each round.
pink knowledge crafts, travel
Note: If there are fewer influence cubes of one color available in the supply than
the number you are supposed to add to the bag, then add only the available cubes.
(Since some cubes remain in the bag each round, you will still be able to fully
black The black cubes are not a type of influence. They are seed the action spaces.)
plague cubes that reduce the life span of your family
members. The starting player then takes his turn.

‡ Taking your turn ‡
On your turn, you must take one influence or plague cube from an action space Example:
of your choice. Philipp takes a plague cube from the supply
“grain harvest” action space.
If it is an influence cube, put it on your farmyard. (You may store any number of He immediately returns the plague cube
influence cubes on your farmyard.) to the supply and moves his marker on the
life time track of his farmyard 2
If it is a plague cube, immediately return it to the supply and lose 2 time. spaces forward.
This means you must move your life time track marker 2 spaces forward in He may then perform the “harvest” action.
clockwise direction.
(See “The ‘currency’ time” on the right side)

You may then perform the action of the action space from which you took the
influence or plague cube. You are allowed to only take the cube and not carry out ‡ The “currency” time ‡
the action.
Exception: A market day must be held. Whenever you perform an action that costs time (every hourglass rep-
(See “Market”, page 7) resents one unit of time), you must move your marker on your life time
track forward (clockwise) the appropriate number of spaces. In addi-
tion, you lose 2 time whenever you take a plague cube.

As soon as your marker passes the bridge, one of your oldest family
members passes away.
(See “A family member passes away”, page 10)

‡ The actions ‡
‡ Grain harvest ‡ ‡ Family ‡

If you have one or more family members on your This action represents a new family member be-
farmyard, then they may perform a harvest action. ing born. Immediately take one family member of
Immediately take 2 bags of grain from the sup- your color from the general supply and add it to
ply and place them onto the your farmyard. You must always take the family
appropriate spaces of your member with the lowest available number from the
farmyard. If you do not have supply.
any family members on your
farmyard, then you cannot
perform this action! Example:
4 4
If you also own a horse and a plow, take 3 bags of grain Peter has one family member with the
instead. number “2”, two with the number “3”, 3 3
and two with the number “4” left in the
If you also own an ox and a plow, take 4 bags of grain instead. supply. He must take the “2” family member. 2

(You may never use more than one combination, i.e., several family members,
plows, oxen, or horses are of no additional use during a harvest.) Important: Instead of taking a new family member from the supply, you may
use this action to instead return one of your employed family members (not yet
Your goods are not used up during the harvest. So - for example - when using deceased) from the game board to your farmyard.
an ox and a plow with the harvest, you do not need to discard them. Your family
members remain on your farmyard. Note: Family members added to the game board during one of the following ac-
tions (or added to the black bag by means of the “church” action) must always
Note: Each farmyard has a capacity of 5 bags of grain! You can never own more come directly from your farmyard.
than 5 bags of grain at once.
‡ Crafts ‡

This action allows you to produce one good in one Your family member will remain on the same craft building for the rest of the
of the 5 craft buildings. (Take the corresponding game (unless he dies or returns to the farmyard by means of the “family” action).
goods tile and put it next to your farmyard.) At the As long as he remains on the craft building, you may produce a good again by
mill, you get 2 coins instead. means of the “crafts” action. In doing so, you now only pay as much time as indi-
cated in the production arrow (since your family member is already trained).

There are two ways of producing a good. At each craft building (except the mill), Note: Family members may only produce the good of the craft buildings they are
you may choose: placed onto. (A blacksmith can only produce plows, not scrolls).
There is no limit to how many family members, regardless of colors, may be on
any building.
a) to pay for the produced good with time (Exception: Players may not place family members onto the mill.)
(for this you also need a family member in the craft building)
‡ b) Acquire goods by paying with influence cubes (or bags of grain) ‡
OR Regardless of whether you have a family member on a craft building or not,
you may purchase the good that the building produces by returning the specified
b) to pay for the produced good with influence cubes amount of influence cubes (or bags of grain in the stables) to the supply. You do
(or bags of grain, depending on the good) not need to have a family member on the craft building. (In
the example on the left, Philipp could have also acquired the
wagon by returning 1 orange and 1 pink influence cube to the
‡ a) Acquire good by losing time ‡ supply - without placing a family member and losing time.)
If you want to pay for a good with time, you first need to train a family member
in the appropriate craft building. Place a family member from your farmyard
onto the craft building that you want to use. This costs you a certain amount
of time (the number of hourglass symbols next to the image of the gray family Overview of the costs in the different craft buildings:
member on the building‘s roof). Wainwright:
You may then immediately produce the corresponding good by paying as much
a) Place a family member:
time as indicated by the production arrow on the building‘s roof.
Build a wagon:
b) Acquire wagon with influence:

Example: a) Place a family member:
Philipp wants to build a wagon. He takes a family member from his farmyard and
places him onto the wainwright (which costs him 2 time for training) and pro- Raise a horse OR an ox:
duces the wagon (which costs him another 2 time). He then takes a wagon from b) Acquire a horse OR an ox with grain:
the supply and puts it next to his farmyard.
a) Place a family member:
Make a scroll:
b) Acquire scroll with influence:
a) Place a family member:
Make a plow:
b) Acquire plow with influence:

1 No family members can be placed here. Instead, pay 2 time
and return 2 bags of grain to the supply in exchange for 2

‡ Market ‡

This action triggers a market day in which all play- ing the required goods and bags of grain, the other players must also pay 1
ers can participate. green influence cube and 1 time. Players that do not want to or are unable
This action must be carried out. A market day to sell anything must pass and may not later re-enter the current market day.
must be held. When it is your turn again, you may serve another of the remaining customers.
This time, however, you must also pay 1 green influence cube and 1 time. (Only
If you triggered the action, then you are the first player allowed to serve one your first sale is free.)
available customer. Available customers are all customers directly in front of the
stalls on spaces with blue borders. (The customers on the remaining 5 spaces are The market day continues in clockwise direction until all customers have been
in the waiting line and cannot be served.) served or all players have passed.
The market day then ends. Depending on the number of players, fill up the blue
Each customer wants certain goods and/or bags of grain. To serve the customer, bordered spaces with new customers. This is done by moving the waiting custom-
return the required goods and/or the required amount of grain to the supply, take ers up in order. Then refill the waiting line with new customers from the pile.
the customer tile, and put it face down next to your farmyard. At the end of the (If no customers were served, all customer tiles remain in place.)
game, this customer is worth however many prestige points are printed on it.
Note: Should all customers be served at some point, then the market stalls remain
Then - in clockwise direction – the remaining players take their turns. Each player empty for the rest of the game.
may choose one of the remaining customers. However, in addition to deliver-

Example: Market day in a 3-player-game

Peter triggers the market day by taking the influence It is now Martina‘s turn. She wants to claim the tile Philipp is up next. He has a scroll, but no bag of grain
cube from the “market” action space. that requires 3 bags of grain. But first, she must re- or plow. He must therefore pass.
He returns 1 horse and 1 plow to the supply, takes the turn 1 green influence cube to the supply and pay 1 It is now Peter‘s turn again. Unlike Philipp, he has
corresponding customer tile and puts it face down time. Then she returns her 3 bags of grain to the sup- both a scroll and a bag of grain. To claim the cus-
next to his farmyard. This will give him 6 prestige ply and receives the corresponding customer tile. tomer tile, he must first pay 1 green influence cube
points at the end of the game. and 1 time. He then returns the scroll and the bag of
grain to the supply and receives the tile.

Martina does not own anything else that she might sell and passes. Peter passes as well.
This ends the market day.
Now the customers in the waiting line move up:

1) The 3 spaces in front of the stalls are filled with the 2) The rest of the tiles in the waiting line are moved 3) The empty waiting line spaces are filled with new
first 3 tiles from the waiting line. forward. customers from the pile.

‡ Travel ‡ ‡ Council chamber ‡

This action allows you to send a family member This action allows you to exert influence in the
out into the world. If you do not have any family council chamber.
members on the travel map of the game board, You may use the action in 3 different ways:
then take a family member from your farmyard and
place him on one of the two neighboring cities that a) Take a family member from your farmyard and place him on the 1st stage
can be reached from the village. You must pay the of the council chamber. This costs 1 time and 2 green influence cubes OR 1
cost of the trip, shown on the path. You will cer- time and 1 scroll.
tainly have to pay 2 time and return 1 wagon to the supply. Additionally, depend- You may perform the privilege action of this stage (to become the next starting
ing on which way you go, you will also have to return either 2 brown or 2 pink player).
influence cubes to the supply. Take one of your markers and place it onto the city OR
traveled to. This gets you the reward shown in the circle (3 prestige points). b) Move one of your family members already in the council chamber one stage
forward. This again costs you either 1 scroll OR 2 green influence cubes. Ad-
ditionally, you must pay either 2 or 3 time depending on the stage. You may per-
Example: Philipp wants to supply form the privilege action which is shown below either the current or a previous
send a family member to the stage of your family member.
northern neighboring city. He 1 OR
takes a family member from c) If you already have at least one family member in the council chamber, then
his farmyard and places him you may perform a privilege action without moving a family member. In this
there. This costs him 2 time as case, perform the privilege action shown below either its current or a previous
well as 1 wagon and 2 brown stage for free.
influence cubes, which he re-
turns to the supply. He then Overview of the privileges:
places one of his markers onto 1st stage: Take the next starting player marker from the council chamber. If the
the city and receives the city‘s marker has already been taken by another player, you receive nothing.
reward (3 prestige points on If you take the marker, then you will be the starting player in the next
the prestige track). round. At the beginning of the next round, take the starting player
marker and return the next starting player marker to its designated
space in the council chamber.
If you already have at least one family member on a city on the travel map, you
can choose: 2nd stage: Take 2 influence cubes of your choice from the supply.

Either send another family member from your farmyard to one of the two 3rd stage: Take 1 goods tile of your choice from the supply and put it next to your
neighboring cities farmyard.
move one of your family members that is already on a city to an adjacent city. 4th stage: Pay exactly 1 coin to the supply in exchange for 3 prestige points on
Adjacent cities are all cities directly accessible via a path (without skipping over the prestige track.
another city). You must again pay the cost of the trip and put a marker onto the city
you reached. You then receive the city‘s reward (2 influence cubes of your choice
from the supply, 1 coin, or 3 prestige points).

Note: You can only place a marker and thus receive a city‘s reward once per city. 4th
Should your family member travel to a city where you already have a marker, 3rd
then you may neither place another marker nor receive the reward.
1 st 2nd
There is no limit to the number of family members and different colored markers
allowed on any city.
At the end of the game, you will receive prestige points depending on the total
number of cities that your family visited during the game.
(See “Final scoring”, page 12)
There is no limit to the number of family members allowed on any stage. At the
end of the game, each family member that has reached at least the 2nd stage in
the council chamber is worth prestige points. (See “Final scoring”, page 12)

‡ Church ‡ ‡ Well (substitute action) ‡

You may add one family member from your farm- Instead of taking a cube from an action space,
yard to the black bag. you may instead return 3 same-colored influence
For doing this, you must pay either 1 brown influ- cubes to the supply (but not plague cubes). For
ence cube (returned to the supply) OR 3 time. this, you may carry out any one of the previously
listed actions.
Family members added to the black bag may be drawn and placed onto the church
during a mass. A mass is said at the end of each round as well as at the end of the Note: The well action is only possible as long as there is at least one cube left
game. (See “End of a round”, at the bottom of this page) on any action space.

By the way: This is the only way to perform an action when there is no cube left
on the corresponding action space.

‡ End of a round ‡
When a player takes the last cube from the board (i.e., all action spaces are emp- 3. At the end of the mass, the player who has the most family members in the
ty), he first carries out his action as usual. church immediately gains 2 prestige points on the prestige track. In the case of a
The current round is then finished and a mass is said. tie, the prestige points are awarded to the player whose family member is on the
window the furthest to the left. If there is still a tie, then each of the tied players
‡ Mass ‡ gains 2 prestige points.
Each mass consists of 3 phases:

1. Draw 4 pieces from the black bag Example for a mass:

2. Move family members up in the church hierarchy In a 3-player-game, Peter is the current
starting player when a mass is said. He
3. Award 2 prestige points for the church majority 2 1 3 pays 1 coin and picks his blue “2” family
member from the black bag.
1. Thoroughly shuffle the family members and black monks in the black bag.
Then draw exactly 4 pieces from the bag, either at random or deliberately by Martina doesn‘t want to pay anything.
paying coins. Beginning with the starting player and then continuing in clock- 1
Philipp also pays 1 coin and picks his red
wise direction, each player may pick one or more of their family members from 2 “1” family member from the bag.
the bag by paying 1 coin per family member. (Since there are always 4 black 1
monks in the bag, this is the only way to make sure that your family members are 2 Peter now brings the total number of piec-
drawn.) es up to 4 by randomly drawing 2 more
Once a total of 4 family members have been bought from the bag, no more pieces from the bag. He then places the 3 colored
may be drawn. Should fewer than 4 family members have been bought from the family members on the large rightmost
bag, bring the total count up to 4 pieces by drawing the rest randomly. glass window of the church and returns
Once you have drawn 4 pieces, return all black monks to the bag. the black monk to the bag.
Place any family members drawn on the large rightmost glass window of the
church. Family members that are still in the bag remain there and may be drawn Peter
during the next mass.
Now, beginning with Peter, the players move
2. Once 4 pieces have been drawn from the bag (even if they were only black up their family members. Peter returns 2
monks), each player may move one or even several of his family members up bags of grain to the supply and moves his
in the church hierarchy (move them leftward on the windows). Beginning with blue “1” family member to the next win-
the starting player and then continuing in clockwise direction, each player may dow on the left. He then pays another bag
do this once. To move a family member to the next window on the left, you must 1 of grain and moves his “2” family member
return as many bags of grain to the supply as are shown between the windows. 2 to the next window on the left as well.
2 3
Your family members may even move up more than one window, provided you
pay enough grain to cover all movement. 1 Martina has no grain and therefore can-
not move up her family member.

‡ Beginning a new round ‡
If a player has acquired the next starting player marker during the previous round,
Philipp pays 4 bags of grain and moves then he now takes the starting player marker and returns the next starting player
his red “2” family member to the leftmost marker to its designated space in the council chamber. Otherwise, the starting
window. player remains the same.
The new round starts again by filling the green bag with cubes and seeding the
1 action spaces.

2 ‡ The coins ‡
You get coins at the mill or while traveling.
Now 2 prestige points are awarded. Even There are 3 possible ways to use coins:
though Philipp and Peter have the same 1. To buy prestige points in the council chamber (final stage).
number of family members in the church, 2. To ensure your family members are chosen from the black bag during a mass.
Philipp gains the 2 prestige points since 3. As a JOKER for any one influence cube.
he owns the leftmost family member.
2 If you want to move up in the council chamber
and need to pay 2 green influence cubes, then
you can also pay 1 coin and
1 green influence cube OR 2 coins.
At the end of the game, each family member in the church is worth prestige
points, depending on how far up it has moved. At the end of the game, each coin you did not spend is worth 1 prestige point.
(See “Final scoring”, page 12) (See “Final scoring”, page 12)

‡ A family member passes away ‡

During the game, you must often pay for number must die. He has two “1” family members on the game board and decides
actions with time by moving the marker to choose to let the craftsman he just placed onto the smithy die.
on your life time track forward in clock-
wise direction. Once you move the marker
past the bridge, one of your oldest family For a dying family member, there are always two possibilities:
members passes away. You first get to fin-
ish carrying out your chosen action in full a) There is still a free space in the village chronicle
and must only decide which of your oldest The village chronicle records the stories of the great residents and their deeds.
family members dies at the end of your turn. The village chronicle has a few spaces open for each professional category.
Exception: Anyone who moves his marker past the bridge during a market day Depending on where the family member “worked” at the time of his death, he
must immediately choose which of his family members dies. is added to one of the following empty spaces:

Of your family members, it is always the one with the lowest number that has to Council chamber Crafts Travel Church Farmyard
die. If you have several family members with the lowest number, you can choose
one of them. A dying family member must be visible at the time of his death. This
means that he must be either on the game board or on your farmyard. (Family
members still in the black bag cannot die, nor can ones that have not yet entered

Example: At the end of the game, you receive prestige points depending on how many of
Peter chooses the “crafts” action by taking a plague cube from the correspon- your family members were immortalized in the village chronicle.
ding action space. He loses 2 time in doing so, moving his marker on the life time (See “Final scoring”, page 12)
track past the bridge. Before one of his family members dies, he may still perform
the “crafts” action. He places a “1” family member from his farmyard onto b) There is no proper grave left in the village chronicle
the smithy (which costs him 3 time) and produces a plow (which costs him yet In this case, the family member is put onto one of the anonymous graves next
another 3 time). Now that his action is over, his family member with the lowest to the church. Here he can rest in peace, but is not worth any prestige points.

During his action, Peter has 1
moved the marker on his life time
track past the bridge.
At the end of his action, one of his
blue “1” family members must
pass away. 2
Should he choose the “1” family 1
member in the church, then he
would have to put it into an ano-
nymous grave (because all church
spaces in the village chronicle
are already taken).
Should he instead choose any 1 1 1

other of his “1” family members, 1

then he would get a place in the
village chronicle. 1 1 1 2

Note: Family members that have died should always be laid down so you can Hint 2: If you are putting a family member from your farmyard onto the game
easily tell them apart from the still living, upright family members. board, you should always consider the family member‘s number. “1” family
members are likely to die during the game. If you want to score in the church
Hint 1: It is an effective strategy to add family members to the village chronicle or council chamber at the end of the game, placing family members with higher
quickly. So don‘t be afraid of paying for actions with time. numbers is usually the better choice.

‡ End of the game ‡

The end of the game is triggered when a family member is put onto either:

a) the last empty space in

the village chronicle
1 2 1 1 1 OR 1
b) the last empty anonymous
grave next to the church
1 1 1
1 2 2 1 2
1 1 2 1 1

The player who put his family member onto the last empty space of the village Note: If family members die during the final actions and there are no proper village
chronicle or the last empty anonymous grave does not get another turn. chronicle spaces or graves left, then they are simply removed from the game.

All other players may perform one last action in clockwise player order. As al-
ways, you must either take an influence or plague cube from an action space or Special case: If the end of the game is triggered during a market day, finish the
pay 3 same-colored influence cubes to perform the action. Should the final cube market day completely. Afterward, determine who has triggered the end of the
be taken from the game board (even though there are players left to act), the ac- game by occupying the last chronicle space or grave. If it is the same player who
tion spaces are not reseeded. Instead, the remaining players may perform any also triggered the market day, then he has taken his last turn and everyone else
action without having to return 3 same-colored influence cubes to the supply. has one action left.
If it was triggered by a different player, then all players, in clockwise player or-
Note: In this case, the usual mass at the end of a round is skipped. The final mass der, may carry out one more action. (The final turn of the game is then taken by
is not said until all players have taken their final action. the player who triggered the market day.)

After each player has taken his last action, the last mass is said. Final scoring
then takes place.

‡ Final scoring ‡
Travel Family members in the black bag are Example: Final scoring
Count the number of cities that your family has visited not worth any points.
on the travel map (= number of markers of your color) travel = 6
and gain prestige points accordingly: Village chronicle
1 city = 1 point You gain prestige points depending on how many of your
2 cities = 3 points family members are immortalized in the village chronicle.
3 cities = 6 points 1 or 2 are worth no points. council
4 cities = 10 points 3 family members are worth 4 prestige points. chamber = 2
5 cities = 14 points 4 family members are worth 7 points. 3

6 cities = 18 points 5 or more family members are worth 12 points.

Council chamber Customer tiles church = 6

Each family member on the 4th stage At the end of the game, each player reveals their con- 3

is worth 6 points. cealed customer tiles and receives the prestige points
Each family member on the 3rd stage printed on them.
is worth 4 points. 1 2 1 1 1 village
Each family member on the 2nd stage Coins 1
chronicle = 7
1 2 2 1 1
is worth 2 points. Each coin is worth 1 prestige point.
On the 1st stage, there are no points awarded. 1 1 2 1

Each time you receive prestige points, score them by

Church moving your marker forward on the prestige track.
Each family member on the rightmost window customer tiles = 16
is worth 2 points. Whoever gained the most prestige points wins the
Each family member on the second window game.
is worth 3 points. coins = 2
Each family member on the third window In the case of a tie, the tied player who has served the
is worth 4 points. most customers wins. prestige poins at final scoring = 39
Each family member on the leftmost window If there is still a tie, the tied player with the higher
is worth 6 points. number of “living” family members wins.

‡ FAQ ‡
Question: If I acquire a good by paying influence cubes, do I need Question: Do I have to take a cube when it is my turn? Question: Do I have to perform an action after taking a cube?
to have a family member on the corresponding craft
building? Answer. Yes! However, if you perform the substitute “well” Answer: No! Taking actions is optional. However, a market day is
action by returning 3 same-colored influence cubes held even if you do not want to participate in it.
Answer: No! You only need to have a family member on the to the supply, then you are not allowed to take a cube.
corresponding craft building when you produce a good Question: Do family members have to remain on the location of
by paying time. Question: What happens when I take a plague cube? the game board where I placed them?

Question: When I place a family member from my farmyard onto Answer: The marker on your life time track moves 2 spaces Answer: Essentially yes! However, a family member can change
the game board (or add him to the black bag by means forward. The plague cube is returned to the supply. his profession when he is returned to your farmyard by
of the “church” action), do I have to take the family You may then perform the action of the space from means of the “family” action. Also, family members may
member with the lowest number? which you took the plague cube. die and are then put into either the village chronicle or
an anonymous grave.
Answer: No! The number is only relevant when a family member
is born or dies.

Authors: Inka und Markus Brand • Illustrations and layout: Dennis Lohausen • Box design: Hans-Georg Schneider
Rule book: Alfred Viktor Schulz • Rule book revision: Patrick Korner
Distribution: Copyright: © 2011 eggertspiele GmbH & Co. KG,
Pegasus Spiele GmbH, Friedhofstr. 17 • 21073 Hamburg
Straßheimer Str. 2 • 61169 Friedberg All rights reserved.

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