Rules Paris New Eden English

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A GAME BY Ludovic Maublanc & Florian Grenier

ART: AgnÈs Ripoche An unthinkable catastrophe has ravaged Europe.

The main infrastructure of Paris has been destroyed.
In a few weeks, the city is covered in strange,
lush vegetation. The survivors of the apocalypse
must reunite, and roll up their sleeves to rebuild
civilization in this new Eden.

1 1 gameboard depicting the devastated city of Paris.
2 20 dice representing the survivors to gather.
3 16 Event tiles (4 per season).
4 32 Mission cards.
5 75 Building cards
(15 for each of the 5 categories of 1
survivor). 1
6 2 9 Additional Survivor tokens
(4 tinkerers,
4 brawlers,
4 healers, 4 sages,
4 farmers, and 9 slackers).
7 1 2 Equipment tokens
(4 bullets, 4 books, 5
4 capsules).
8 30 Can tokens. 4 9 10
9 1 Binoculars token. 6
10 1 Bat token.
11 1 Heroine token. 13
12 4
 markers (cubes) to keep track of the population
of each refuge.
13 4 markers (discs) to keep score.
14 4 player boards with covers for 2- and
3-player games..

GOAL OF THE GAME setup sample for
You have one year to build your refuge. During each season, you will gather
A 3-player Game.
new survivors from post-apocalyptic Paris to build your refuge, overcome
events, and feed your population. At the end of winter, the player who has
accumulated the most victory points wins the game.

SETUP 3 10
• Place the gameboard in the middle of the table 1 . 5
• For each of the 5 locations on the gameboard, take the indicated number of 6
dice (it depends on the number of players), roll them, and place them on it 2 .
In a 2- or 3-player game, return the remaining dice to the box. 18
3 dice for a 2-player game;
6 dice for 3 – 4 players.
• Shuffle the Mission cards face down and deal 3 to each player 3 . Then
place the deck of Mission cards on its space near the Bridge location on
2 the gameboard 4 . 14
• Place the Can tokens on their space near the Restaurant location 5 .
• Place the Bat and Binoculars tokens on their spaces near the City Center
location 6 and the Heroine token on its space near the Tower location 14 .

• Shuffle the Equipment tokens face down and draw 3. Place them face 18
up on the 3 spaces in the City Center 7 . Then, make 3 stacks of 3 face-
down Equipment tokens each for the other 3 rounds of the game, and 13
place them on the corresponding area of the gameboard 8 .
• Spread out the following 5 Survivor tokens beside the gameboard 9 :
1 brawler, 1 farmer, 1 sage, 1 tinkerer, 1 healer.

• Shuffle the rest of the Survivor tokens and draw 6 of them. Place these A
die-face-side (white side) up on the 6 spaces of the Train Station 10 .
Then, make 3 stacks of 6 die-face-side-up Survivor tokens for the other
3 rounds of the game, and place them on the corresponding area of the
gameboard 11 .

• Shuffle the 4 Spring (number-1) Event tiles, draw 3, and place one face
up on each corresponding space near the Tower location 12 . Return the
final tile to the box. Place the other seasons’ Event tiles face down beside
the gameboard 13 .
• Take the deck of Tinkerer Building cards A ; Remove the 6 “END” cards.
1 Shuffle these two Tinkerer decks separately. Place the “END” cards face
down on the corresponding space of the gameboard. Finally, place the
cards from the other Tinkerer deck face down atop
them 15 .

11 In a 2- or 3-player game, remove the first 3 cards from the

Tinkerer Building deck. Return these cards to the box.

• Shuffle the Sage D , Farmer E , Brawler B , and

Healer C Building decks separately, and place
each on its respective space 16 .

• Lay out the first 3 cards of each Building deck face

up in a column below its deck 17 .
In a 2- or 3-player game, only lay out 2 of each Building deck.

• Each player: Take a player board, cube, and disc of matching color, and
place them in front of you. Place the cube near the gameboard, and place
9 the disc on 0 on the score track 18 .
Note: In a 3- or 4-player game, close the corresponding spaces on your player
board so you don’t cheat yourself.
16 2 players 3 players 4 players
• The youngest player will be the first player in the first round.


Starting with the player to the right of the first player, and going counter-
clockwise, choose one of the 5 Survivor tokens set aside during setup, and
place it die-face-side up on the dedicated space of your player board.
Then, choose 1 Mission card from the 3 you have, and place it face down
in front of you.
Tuck your other two Mission cards face down under the Mission card deck.
The game lasts 4 rounds, called Seasons. BRIDGE
Each Season comprises 4 steps: Draw the first 3 Mission cards and choose one. Then
1. Gather survivors. tuck the other 2 Mission cards face down under the
2. Acquire buildings. deck.
3. Resolve the event and feed your people. Mission cards let you gain new buildings or score
4. Prepare the next season. endgame victory points.

1/ GATHER SURVIVORS New Buildings:

In turn order (starting with the first player and going clockwise), choose a If you meet the conditions, place this card as an additional Build-
die still on one of the 5 locations of the gameboard, and do the following: ing (see page 6), which provides you with additional equipped sur-
1. Take the die. vivors or Can tokens.
2. Perform the location’s action.
Secret Mission:
A) TAKE THE DIE Keep these Mission cards secret; you will reveal them at the end
Add the chosen die to the dedicated hole in your player board without of the game.
changing its face. For each successful mission, you will score the victory points indi-
cated on the card.
Five of the die faces depict one of the 5 survivor types: All of the Secret Mission cards are described on page 8.

Take 1 Can token. Store Can tokens on your player
board until you need them.
Tinkerers / Brawlers / Healers / Sages / Farmers Can tokens will feed your survivors if you
are short of farmers.

The final face is a wild, which can be used as one of the survivors
you have gathered. CITY CENTER
The number of dice you can take during a season is defined by the Choose one of the Equipment tokens still available.
player count (see Setup, page 3).
Equipment tokens: Combined with your
survivors, they let you overcome events (see
page 6). You keep these until the end of the
You must perform the action of the location from which you took
The Bat token: It lets you win ties for acquiring buildings.
your die.
You keep this until the end of the round.
There are 5 locations with different actions:
The Binoculars token: It lets you become the first player for
TOWER the next season, and is worth 2 victory points at the end of the
Choose one of the events still face up, and flip it face game. You keep this until the end of the round.
down. If you are the first player to perform this action,
additionally take the Heroine token. TRAIN STATION
Events let you gain victory points if you have met their Choose one of the available Survivor tokens, and imme-
conditions at the end of the season.. diately add it die-face-side up to the dedicated space on
your player board.
The Heroine token acts as a wild for overcoming Survivor tokens first help you acquire new buildings,
events. then become additional survivors for your refuge.
Example: Lucy goes to the Train Station, and chooses a die showing a healer,
which she adds to her player board, then she chooses a wild Survivor token, which
Starting with the player who has the Binoculars token, and going clock-
she also adds to her player board. wise, announce your strength in the type of building currently being dis-
On your turn, count the dice and Survivor tokens on your player board
that match that building type, and announce the total.
If your strength is at least 1, you can add as many of your wild survivors as
you wish to increase your strength in that type.

Example of claiming Tinkerer buildings:

Marc has the Binoculars token, and Lucy has 1 die showing a tinkerer, and
thus must be the first to announce 3 wild Survivor tokens; she decides to
his strength. Tinkerers, as always, are use 2 of the wild survivors, and also
first. He has 2 dice showing tinkerers, announces a strength of 3.
and 1 tinkerer Survivor token; so, he
announces a strength of 3.

During this step, you will enlarge your refuge by acquiring buildings
according to the dice and Survivor tokens you gathered in Step 1.
There are 5 different types of building:

Tinkerer buildings, Brawler, healer, and Farmer buildings,

which give you sage buildings, which which let you feed the
particular powers overcome events. population of your
(described on page 8) refuge.

You will distribute the Building cards in order, from left to right, starting
with the tinkerer buildings.

For each type of building, do the following:

1. Announce your strength.
2. Claim buildings.
3. Discard used dice and add used Survivor tokens to your refuge.
From the strongest player to the weakest,
IMPORTANT: When you acquire a 3/ RESOLVE THE EVENT
farmer building, you also take as
each player must take a Building card. In many Can tokens as indicated on the
a 4-player game, one player will not get a card.
Building card.
If there is a tie in strength, the player with A) RESOLVE THE EVENT
the Bat token, or the first player clockwise At the end of the round, one Event tile will still be face up on the game-
from them, wins the tie. board.
IMPORTANT: You must have a strength of at This tile indicates the number of equipped survivors you must have in your
least 1 to take a Building card. Thus, it’s pos- refuge in order to overcome it.
sible that not all of the cards will be claimed. Each survivor the event requires must have their own equipment:

Example: Because Lucy has the Bat token, +

she chooses her building first, and adds it to
her refuge. Then Marc adds the remaining +
building to his refuge.
If you have the Heroine token, it counts as an equipped survivor of which-
ever type you wish.

Note: The survivor and their equipment do not need to be on the same card in
your refuge.

If you successfully overcome the event, you gain the victory points indi-
cated on the Event tile.
New Buildings: Example: To overcome the event, Lucy’s refuge must have a combination of
If your refuge has all of the survivors indicated 4 equipped healers and/or sages. She has 3 healers, 2 capsules, 1 sage, and 2 books.
on the left side of one of your Mission cards, at She lacks 1 capsule or 1 sage to overcome the event. Lucy doesn’t score any victory
any moment in the game, you can place it face points.
up in your refuge to gain the items indicated on
the right side of the card.

After having claimed the Building cards, discard the dice of that building
type, as well as any wilds you used, from your player board.
Flip the Survivor tokens you used to their illustrated side, and place them
in your refuge. They now act just like the survivors printed on the cards.
Note: The wild survivors become slackers after you use them.

Example: Lucy discards her Tinkerer

die, and adds the 2 wild Survivor tokens
she used to her refuge, flipped to their
Slacker side.
Example: Max must have 3 equipped brawlers and 3 equipped sages to overcome
the event. His refuge has 4 brawlers, 5 bullets, 2 sages, 2 books, and the Heroine 4/ PREPARE THE NEXT SEASON
token. Max uses the Heroine token as an equipped sage, to make up for the one The game lasts 4 Seasons; if you just finished the 4th Season (winter), skip
he lacks, so he scores 6 victory points. to the End of the Game, without performing the following steps:
Dice: For each of the 5 locations, take the appropriate number of dice,
reroll them, and place them on the board.
Train Station: Add the next 6 Survivor tokens. In a 2-player game, first dis-
card the remaining Survivor tokens, then add the 6 new tokens.
City Center: Return the Binoculars token and the Bat token to their spaces,
then add the next 3 Equipment tokens.
Tower: Discard the Event tiles. Shuffle the 4 Event tiles for the new Season,
draw 3, and place them face up on their spaces. Return the final tile to the
box. Finally, return the Heroine token to its space.
Building cards: Discard any remaining Building cards, then draw 3 new
Building cards of each type to lay out face up below their respective decks.
In a 2- or 3-player game, only lay out 2 of each type.
First player: The player who had the binoculars becomes the first player for
B) FEED YOUR PEOPLE the new season.
Count all of the survivors in your refuge, including those printed on the
cards and Survivor tokens gathered from the Train Station.
Then update your marker on the population track to indicate how many
survivors are living in your refuge.
The zone your marker is in indicates how many farmers you need to feed 7
your population.
For each farmer you lack, you must discard 1 Can token to feed your
­population successfully.
If you succeed in feeding your population, you gain the victory points In addition to the victory points that you have gained during the game,
indicated in your population marker’s zone. reveal your secret missions and see if you have completed them (see Mis-
sion Cards, page 8).
Example: Marc has a population of 24 survivors in his refuge; he needs 6 farmers For each successful mission, add the corresponding victory points. Don’t
to feed his population. Because he only has 4 farmers in his refuge, he spends 2 forget that certain Tinkerer buildings grant victory points.
Can tokens to feed his population and score 6 victory points. Having the binoculars at the end of the game. gives you 2 victory points.
The player with the most points wins. If there is a tie, the tied player with
the most survivors wins.
End End End End
If you have the most survivors of the
+ = 6+ = 6+ = 6+ = 6
When you take your first die, also take a Can. indicated type, score 6 victory points.
End End End End If you’re tied, you get nothing.
End End End

When you take your first die, you can swap 2 dice that +
2+ = 22+ = 22+ = 2
+ + If you have at least 2 pairs of the indicated type,
score 2 victory points.
are in different locations. You can make this swap End End End

before taking your die. End End End

If you have the most equipments of the indicated

When you take your first die, you can take a second die + = 6+ = 6+ = 6 type, score 6 victory points. If you’re tied, you get
End End End nothing.
from a different location. You will not take more dice
End End End
than the other players; instead, you will finish gathering If you have at least 4 equipments of the indicated
survivors one turn before them. 4+ = 44+ = 44+ = 4 type, score 4 victory points.
End End End

When you perform the Bridge action, you can keep an If you have the most tinkerer powers, score 6 victory points.
additional Mission card. += 6 If you’re tied, you get nothing.


When you perform the Bridge action, draw 2 2+ =2 If you have at least 2 tinkerer powers, score 2 victory points.
additional Mission cards. End


If you have the most equipments, score 6 victory points.

When you claim a Building, you can take the first card += 6 If you’re tied, you get nothing.

of the deck, instead of one of the face-up cards on the

table. If you have at least 2 pairs of each type of equipment, score
+ +
2+ =4 4 victory points.

Take 2 Can tokens. If you have at least 2 pairs of each type of survivor, score
+ +
2+=4 4 victory points.


For resolving events and fulfilling missions, this count

10+ =6 If you have 10 slackers or more, score 6 victory points.
as 1 equipment of each type. End


If you have the fewest slackers, score 6 victory points.
Each of your unsuccessful missions earns you 2 victory End


If you have the most survivors, score 6 victory points.

+= 6 If you’re tied, you get nothing.

Each tinkerer in your refuge earns you 1 victory point. End

If you have the binoculars at the end of the game, score an

=2 additional 2 victory points.


Gain 4 victory points at the end of the game.

13+ =6 If you have at least 13 buildings, score 6 victory points.

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