Examining The Influence of COVID 19 Pandemic in Changing Customers' Orientation Towards E-Shopping

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Modern Applied Science; Vol. 14, No.

8; 2020
ISSN 1913-1844 E-ISSN 1913-1852
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

Examining the Influence of COVID 19 Pandemic in Changing

Customers' Orientation towards E-Shopping
Dr. Tareq N. Hashem1
Associate professor, Head of Marketing Department, Isra University, Amman, Jordan
Correspondence: Dr. Tareq N. Hashem, Associate professor, Head of Marketing Department, Isra University,
Amman, Jordan.

Received: June 22, 2020 Accepted: July 10, 2020 Online Published: July 14, 2020
doi:10.5539/mas.v14n8p59 URL: https://doi.org/10.5539/mas.v14n8p59

Current study aimed at examining the change in customer behavior during COVID 19 pandemic towards
e-shopping. Variables taken into perspective included (Frequency, Necessity, Method of Payment, Price, and
Availability of Product/Service). A simple random sample of (500) citizens in Jordan were exposed to an online
questionnaire regarding their consuming behavior before and after the pandemic. Results of study indicated the
COVID19 pandemic managed to change customer behavior towards depending more on online shopping and
e-payment methods during COVID19 pandemic and the circumstances of lockdown and quarantine, in addition
to that, results of pre and post behavior indicated that the influence appeared to be more influenced by gender
and academic qualification as females' behavior appeared to be more influential and those who held a diploma.
Study recommended that companies need to develop effective marketing strategies and enhance their presence in
the e-commerce sector.
However, one question remained unanswered; will society’s behavior change after the pandemic's demise, and
will this behavior turn into an economic mind that measures things in numbers?
Keywords: e-shopping, pandemic, customer behavior, intention, payment-method, online payment
1. Introduction
Each society has its own culture and civilization, and this culture is formed over hundreds of years, and its
personality is formed in comparison to other societies (Pandža Bajs, 2015). According to Kumar et al (2016), the
culture and civilization of society is the set of prevailing values, customs, traditions and beliefs, and civilization
consists of two elements, one of which is abstract or moral, and is represented in the fundamental values of
society, its customs, traditions and beliefs, and the other element is material it is the material product of the
members of society, and the continuous interaction between society and the individual leads to the formation of
the individual's purchasing and consumer preferences in a way that is compatible with the fundamental values of
society, and accordingly the types of products that society is allowed to be purchased and consumed are
determined, and these fundamental values of society enjoy the obligation where no individual can deviate from
them (Jaakkola and Alexander, 2014). For example, there are some societies whose civilization allows them to
eat dog meat and pigs, as some societies allow to eat fish meat alive or to eat frogs, and these behaviors are
unacceptable in other societies, especially Islamic societies because their intrinsic values do not recognize this
and do not allow it. Based on that, Shah et al (2014) noted that the purchase behavior of individuals is bound to
the values and traditions of their societies and do not contradict them, as a result, it can be said that the values of
society, its beliefs, customs and traditions in the general behavior of its members constitute their purchasing
According to Wang (2015), the flow of information regarding a certain change in the environment influences the
consumer behavior in a massive way, on the other hand Voinea and Filip (2011) noted that the frequency and
availability of goods/services can influence the way a customer behaves; when a certain items item is scarce and
not available; customers tend to hoard this item to avoid the trouble of looking for it. Czarniewski (2014) also
suggested that some aspects can change customers' behavior like prices and methods of payment; customers tend
to adopt a new behavior as soon as they find the financial methods are suitable for them.

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From thatt point, currennt study seekss to examine the influence of COVID 119 pandemic aand the quara antine
situation iin changing cuustomers' behhavior to e-shoopping and ussing electronicc approaches to purchase ittems.
Variable uused in curreent study depended on driivers of custoomer behaviorr change inclluding (Freque ency,
Necessity, Method of Paayment, Price, and Availabiliity of Product//Service).

Following model represeented the relatiionship that gaathered the varriables togetheer:

Figure 1. Study Model

From abovve model, folloowing hypotheeses were extraacted:
H1: COVIID 19 had an innfluence over customer behaavior through iincreasing the tendency towaards e-shoppin
H2: Attituudes toward ovver Customer behavior (e-shhopping) after the appearancce of COVID119 are not cha
due to dem
mographics of individuals
From thatt point, currennt study hypoothesize that ddue to the lim mited movemeent among inddividuals that was
restricted during the overall
o lockdoown in Jordaan due to V VOCID19 viruus; customer behavior cha anged
dramaticallly and their interest,
i intenttion and behaavior leaned m more towards the use of e--shopping metthods
through mmultiple websitees and online pplatforms whicch were built oon the bases off online paymeent.
2. Literatu
ure Review
2.1 Custom
mer Behavior
Behavior iis generally deefined as the wway in which lliving organism
ms deal and acct with environnmental condiitions
through ann activity whose purpose is tto modify or cchange these cconditions, so tthat they are aappropriate to them
and their rrequirements inn order to be able
ab to live andd survive (Han et al, 2015).
Before refferring to the definition off consumer beehavior, the concept of 'consumer' musst be defined first,
Kannan ett al (2015) defifined consumerr/ customer as "a person whoo buys or has tthe ability to ppurchase goods and
services offfered for salee, with the aim
m of satisfying personal or fafamily needs annd desires, Juaaneda-Ayensa et al
(2016) notted that a custoomer is dividedd into two types, the first typpe is a person// individual whho purchases goods
that they nneed for their personal
p or fam
mily use, while the other typpe is the indusstrial customerr which include es all

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private and public organizations that search for products and purchase them for use in achieving their goals and
future plans.
It is understood from this definition that every person is considered a consumer/customer, so that the primary
motivation for them is to satisfy their needs and desires according to what is available in the market on one hand,
and according to their financial and cognitive capabilities and purchasing abilities on the other hand (Yu et al,
2.2 Definition of Customer Behavior
As for consumer behavior, scholars presented many definitions that helped to give overall definitions for the
concept, among them Echchakoui (2016) who stated that consumer’s behavior is defined as the behavior that the
consumer highlights in the search for buying or using goods, services and ideas, which he expects will satisfy his
desires or needs according to his available purchasing capabilities, also, Moon et al (2015) saw that customer
behavior is all direct and indirect actions and behaviors that consumers perform in order to obtain a good or
service in a specific place and at a specific time. From another perspective Singh and Singh (2015) defined
customer behavior as the set of mental and muscular activities related to the evaluation and differentiation
process, and obtaining goods, services, ideas, and how to use them.
2.3 Constituents of Customer Behavior
Constituents of customers' behavior is usually influenced and infused by the culture and society that people live
in Jung and Yoo (2017), this managed the culture to have a deep impact on how consumers behave in reference
to purchase behaviors and intentions. Juaneda-Ayensa et al (2016) argued that customer behavior might be
bound to many factors that shapes its final frame, among these factors are the external environmental factors for
the consumer; such factors include the external environmental influences that affect the consumer, which are
civilizational and cultural influences, social influences, situational influences and marketing influences.
Echchakoui (2016) saw that society culture determines the form and philosophy of consumption for its members
through the values and beliefs that forms it. For example, the philosophy of consumption in Western societies
focuses on material well-being and aims to maximize recreational consumption in the world, while consumer
philosophy in Islamic societies reduces the over-exploitation of material enjoyment and requires the individual to
maintain a balance between the material and the spiritual side of their life.
Sweeney et al (2015) argued that Islamic culture, for example, prohibits the consumption of or trade in some
foodstuffs, such as blood, pork, and wines, as the Hindu culture prohibits the slaughter and eating of cows,
Consumers buy products according to the culture of their societies, for reasons including:
- Consumers believe that the purchased good or service will do its best job.
- Buying the commodity for its shape, form and image.
- Buying a commodity for its symbolic meaning, such as the association of some foods with the religious
and national occasions of society.
- The influence of social classes on consumer behavior.
Others scholars saw that constituents of customer behavior is something that can't be defined easily, sometimes
customer behavior is influenced by other factors than society including desires, needs, motives, cognitive skills,
learning abilities, awareness, and many other factors that in overall would help in defining what constitute the
behavior of customers Zhang and Benyoucef (2016); De Mooij (2019); Claiborne and Sirgy (2015); and
Sudbury-Riley and Kohlbacher (2016).
2.4 The Shift towards E-Payment Methods
Mathras et al (2015) emphasized that there is a clear change on the shopping habits of individuals, which became
clear more during the past years with the spread of smart and Internet-based mobile devices in all their features,
which led to the explosion of electronic commerce and the high level of electronic payment by individuals.
Previously, shopping in a store and paying in cash was a common method of commerce that today, shopping
through the Internet and relying on electronic payment cards has become a distinctive feature of this era in a way
that is - and radically - the behavior of consumers around the world.
One of the important drivers that contributed to the spread of the concept of payment through the Internet was
coupled with electronic commerce, which has evolved and has become opportunities for consumers to obtain
their needs without the need to move from one place to another and therefore only content with sitting at home
and requesting services, goods and goods until Threshold of their house through electronic payment and the use
of various bank payment cards (Dakduk et al, 2017).

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This tendency towards relying on electronic payment has become an advantage of development and openness,
and avoiding cash payment, as there is no need for direct dealing with currencies as long as there is an approved
electronic payment method that meets the purpose, and this was in the normal state of countries (Tankovic and
Benazic, 2018). Although the World Health Organization confirmed that the emerging coronavirus is transmitted
through coughing and sneezing spray, it stressed the ability to transmit it across surfaces and paper currencies
which created a huge boost among individuals to deeply embrace e-shopping and e-payments methods as an
approach to get all they need from goods and services with the privilege of not using paper money and expose
themselves to the dangers of getting infected by the virus (Lin et al, 2018).
3. Hypotheses Building
3.1 Frequency
It is evident from the various reports that sales in the markets of consumer goods and products (food
commodities, beverages, refreshments, cosmetics, cleaning materials, etc.) have increased remarkably since the
beginning of the year 2020 to mid-century due to the quarantine conditions that accompanied the pandemic,
which forced many individuals to rush to the markets Because of the complete closures that various countries
have exercised over their sectors (Lim, 2015). Calder et al (2016) stated that in the stage of partial openness,
individuals have always avoided mixing and leaving by purchasing their most necessary supplies and relying on
electronic payment methods without using regular money. So, this explains the changes in customer behavior
during the pandemic to the decrease in the frequency of shopping and attributed to the quarantine and lockdown
that was imposed by the government in the country.
3.2 Necessity
Lantos (2015) confirms that consumer behavior is greatly affected by the environmental conditions surrounding
it, both inside the home, that within the entire country, as the consumer usually tends during exceptional
circumstances to change the consumption pattern towards necessities more than luxuries as a way to regulate
expenses and not reach the stage of inability to Securing basic requirements (Campbell and Frei, 2010).
4. Method of Payment
Data pointed out that the fears and dismay of the Corona pandemic led to changes in consumption patterns, as
the restrictions imposed on citizens in last April 2020 and obliged the conditions of movement and shopping in a
limited geographical area have prompted them to buy their needs from the Internet using electronic payment
methods such as cards Credit, PayPal, and so on, which led to an increase in the sales of many stores that offer
online shopping services during the first five months of 2020 by a very high rate (Jiang and Chen, 2016).This
indicates that the surrounding environmental conditions will affect the behavior of the consumer and push him to
reach his needs and desires through electronic payment and shopping methods as long as the service is present
and available by the banks that are dealing with it, thus developing the hypothesis that supports the fact that
during the pandemic citizens became more dependent on payment methods that doesn't require them to move
from one place to another.
4.1 Price
Zhang et al (2017) Indicates that changes in the internal environment of consumers, whether in terms of prices,
supply and demand, forced many individuals to change consumption patterns that they have been accustomed to
for decades because of the unprecedented price hikes that their markets may witness, especially food, whether
produced locally or imported. Consequently, this change in the market and the rise in prices may cause
individuals to gradually liberate themselves from consumption habits that no longer fit their income and price
increases (Vazifedoost et al, 2013). Also, the significant decline that markets may experience as a result of
higher living standards in addition to fixed wages may force individuals to change their consumption habits and
purchasing patterns (Lu et al, 2010). Öğüt and Onur Taş (2012) added that the changing consumer behavior of
citizens is important, even if there is no rise in prices, because this is in the interest of the consumer in terms of
controlling its expenditures and not wasting supplies and contributing to controlling the market through
moderate demand.
From that point, we can say that changes in Jordanian customer behavior during COVID 19 pandemic was
influenced by the prices which made them to make purchase decisions through e-payment portals and methods.

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4.2 Availability of Product/Service

Steinhart et al (2013) argued that the availability of products and services plays a huge role in changing customer
behavior. Authors argued that the availability of products online or through the website may trigger the purchase
intention in a customer to make online purchase decisions that are supported by online payment methods.
4.3 Methods
Current study adopted quantitative approach in order to realize hypotheses presented before. A questionnaire was
developed and appeared in two main sections; the first took into account demographics of study sample, while
the other section of questionnaire consisted of statements related to variables of study in two main parts
(Pre-COVID 19 and Post-COVID 19) in order to measure the difference of behavior during the two periods of
times. Population of study consisted of all Jordanian consumers during the first half of 2020. A simple random
sample of (580) individuals were exposed to the online version of the questionnaire which was uploaded on
Google forms. After leaving the questionnaire for 7 weeks online, researcher found total of (500) questionnaires
which were properly filled and ready to be exposed to statistical analysis with a response ratio of 86.2%.
Cronbach alpha is used to test the reliability of the scale, it is found that alpha= 0.967 reflects that the
questionnaire is reliable since it is greater than accepted percent 0.60(Sekaran & Bougie, 2016).
5. Analysis and Discussion
5.1 Demographics

Table 1. Sample Characteristics According to Demographics

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Male 263 52.6 52.6 52.6
Female 237 47.4 47.4 100.0
Total 500 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 18-28 58 11.6 11.6 11.6
29-39 109 21.8 21.8 33.4
40-50 158 31.6 31.6 65.0
+51 175 35.0 35.0 100.0
Total 500 100.0 100.0
Frequency of E-Shopping
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Once/month 30 6.0 6.0 6.0
Twice/month 83 16.6 16.6 22.6
3times/month 147 29.4 29.4 52.0
+4 times/month 240 48.0 48.0 100.0
Total 500 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid -500 27 5.4 5.4 5.4
501-750 77 15.4 15.4 20.8
751-1000 181 36.2 36.2 57.0
+1001 215 43.0 43.0 100.0
Total 500 100.0 100.0

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Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid HighSchool 21 4.2 4.2 4.2
Diploma 127 25.4 25.4 29.6
BA 198 39.6 39.6 69.2
Higher 154 30.8 30.8 100.0
Total 500 100.0 100.0
Table 1 above showed mean and standard deviation of sample characteristics according to demographics; it
appeared through analysis that majority of sample responded to the questionnaire was males forming 52.6% of
total sample with frequency 263 individuals which can be attributed to the fact that usually within the Jordanian
culture it is the man who takes care of the household needs and necessities. On the other hand, and looking at the
age of respondents, it appeared that majority of sample 51% were older than 51 years old compared to
individuals within the age range of 18-28 years old forming 11.6% of total sample.
When respondents were asked regarding the frequency of their behavior in depending on e-shopping to get their
needs; results of study showed that 48% was the majority of sample respondents who depended on e-shopping to
get their needs more than 4 times a month, this indicated that the culture of e-shopping and e-payment methods
are known and accepted among the Jordanian culture. This was explained when results indicated that 43% of
respondents had an income of more than $1001 compared to those who had an income of less than $500 forming
6.4% of total sample. As for education, it was seen that majority of sample responded to the questionnaire 39.6%
had an MA degree compared to those who had a diploma forming 4.2% of total sample.
5.2 Questionnaire Analysis

Table 2. Descriptive Statistics of Customer Behavior Pre-COVID19

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Consumer Behavior (E-Shopping)
I usually go shopping twice a month .1 500 1 5 3.96 1.294
I tend to use coupons within stores .2 500 1 5 3.81 1.407
that accepts it
I go shopping every time I find myself .3 500 1 5 3.61 1.582
My shopping behaviors are all .4 500 1 5 4.18 1.260
organized and dated
My shopping frequency changes .5 500 1 5 4.17 1.255
according to my situation
Unless it's food or medicine then it is .6 500 1 5 4.21 1.249
not necessary
Would buy complementary items if on .7 500 1 5 3.69 1.373
I go shopping to have fun and enjoy .8 500 1 5 3.71 1.416
friends' company
I tend to try new items that I don't .9 500 1 5 3.70 1.315
I follow all my expenses on monthly .10 500 1 5 3.76 1.283

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Method of Payment
I only pay in cash .11 500 1 5 4.16 1.025
I am a user-friendly of card payments .12 500 1 5 3.64 1.417
My card supports e-shopping and I .13 500 1 5 3.65 1.419
don't intend to visit my bank to
promote it
I trust online payment methods .14 500 1 5 4.02 1.198
Scam is a big pet peeve for me .15 500 1 5 3.81 1.341
I compare item prices between .16 500 2 5 4.13 1.023
different stores
I don't buy unnecessary items unless .17 500 1 5 4.06 1.068
it's on discount
I chose local products as they're less .18 500 1 5 4.11 1.107
expensive than imported ones
I am willing to pay extra for food and .19 500 1 5 3.85 1.222
I'm not willing to buy items that prices .20 500 1 5 3.94 1.154
changed over time, I look for
Availability of Product/Service
I usually look for an item online .21 500 1 5 3.94 1.108
If the item isn't available in stores and .22 500 1 5 3.74 1.256
don't look for it on websites
If the item appeared to be necessary I .23 500 1 5 3.93 1.467
would look for it online
I don’t buy items online unless its .24 500 1 5 4.22 1.386
cash on delivery
If the items isn't available in the .25 500 1 5 4.21 1.286
Valid N (listwise) 500
Above table 2 presented mean and standard deviation of questionnaire statements as according to respondents'
answers to Consumer Behavior (E-Shopping) Pre-COVID19 ; it was seen through analysis that all respondents had
a positive attitude towards statements of questionnaire considering that all statements scored higher than mean of
scale 3.00 and was seen to be statistically positive.
As in the following table 3, it was also seen that respondents' attitude towards Consumer Behavior (E-Shopping)
Pre-COVID19 appeared to be also positive given that all variables chosen in current study scored higher than mean
of scale 3.00 which is statistically a positive result.
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Frequency_pre-COVID19 500 1.00 5.00 3.9460 1.01746
Necessity_ pre-COVID19 500 1.60 5.00 3.8152 1.04324
Method of Payment_ pre- COVID19 500 1.40 5.00 3.8572 1.10143
Price_ pre- COVID19 500 1.20 5.00 4.0172 1.01022
Availability of product/service_ pre 500 1.00 5.00 4.0072 .94783
Pre-COVID19 500 1.80 5.00 3.9286 .86130
Valid N (listwise) 500

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Table 4. Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Consumer Behavior (E-Shopping)
I usually go shopping twice a month .26 500 1 5 4.59 .942
I tend to use coupons within stores .27 500 1 5 4.58 .898
that accepts it
I go shopping every time I find .28 500 1 5 4.54 .889
myself free
My shopping behaviors are all .29 500 1 5 4.32 1.084
organized and dated
My shopping frequency changes .30 500 1 5 4.56 .910
according to my situation
Unless it's food or medicine then it is .31 500 1 5 3.98 1.144
not necessary
Would buy complementary items if .32 500 1 5 3.97 1.098
on discount
I go shopping to have fun and enjoy .33 500 1 5 3.92 1.138
friends' company
I tend to try new items that I don't .34 500 1 5 4.37 1.019
I follow all my expenses on monthly .35 500 1 5 4.68 .734
Method of Payment
I only pay in cash .36 500 1 5 4.50 .896
I am a user-friendly of card payments .37 500 1 5 4.59 .942
My card supports e-shopping and I .38 500 1 5 4.58 .898
don't intend to visit my bank to
promote it
I trust online payment methods .39 500 1 5 4.54 .889
Scam is a big pet peeve for me .40 500 1 5 4.32 1.084
I compare item prices between .41 500 1 5 4.56 .910
different stores
I don't buy unnecessary items unless .42 500 1 5 3.98 1.144
it's on discount

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I chose local products as they're less .43 500 1 5 3.97 1.098

expensive than imported ones
I am willing to pay extra for food and .44 500 1 5 3.92 1.138
I'm not willing to buy items that .45 500 1 5 4.37 1.019
prices changed over time
Availability of Product/Service
I usually look for an item online .46 500 1 5 4.68 .734
If the item isn't available in stores and .47 500 1 5 4.50 .896
don't look for it on websites
If the item appeared to be necessary I .48 500 1 5 4.59 .942
would look for it online
I don’t buy items online unless its .49 500 1 5 4.58 .898
cash on delivery
If the items isn't available in the .50 500 1 5 4.54 .889
market I look for an alternative
Valid N (listwise) 500
Above table 4 presented mean and standard deviation of questionnaire statements as according to respondents'
answers to Consumer Behavior (E-Shopping) Post-COVID19 ; it was seen through analysis that all respondents
had a positive attitude towards statements of questionnaire considering that all statements scored higher than
mean of scale 3.00 and was seen to be statistically positive. However, in the following table 5, it was also seen
that respondents' attitude towards Consumer Behavior (E-Shopping) Post-COVID19 appeared to be also positive
given that all variables chosen in current study scored higher than mean of scale 3.00 which is statistically a
positive result.
Table 5. Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Frequency_post-COVID19 500 1.00 5.00 4.5172 .83823
Necessity_ post -COVID19 500 2.20 5.00 4.1844 .77744
Method of Payment_ post -COVID19 500 1.00 5.00 4.5052 .85935
Price_ post - COVID19 500 2.00 5.00 4.1600 .80569
Availability of product/service_ post - 500 1.00 5.00 4.5772 .80919
post -COVID19 500 1.80 5.00 4.3888 .72445
Valid N (listwise) 500

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6. Hypotheses Testing
Previously set hypotheses of study were tested, following tables showed results of testing the hypotheses in
accordance with study questions.
H1: COVID 19 had an influence over customer behavior through increasing the tendency towards
Table 6. Paired Samples Statistics
Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Pair 1 Frequency_post 4.5172 500 .83823 .03749
Frequency_pre 3.9460 500 1.01746 .04550
Pair 2 Necessity_post 4.1844 500 .77744 .03477
Necessity_pre 3.8152 500 1.04324 .04666
Pair 3 Payment_post 4.5052 500 .85935 .03843
Payment_pre 3.8572 500 1.10143 .04926
Pair 4 Price_post 4.1600 500 .80569 .03603
Price_pre 4.0172 500 1.01022 .04518
Pair 5 Availability_post 4.5772 500 .80919 .03619
Availability_pre 4.0072 500 .94783 .04239
Pair 6 post 4.3888 500 .72445 .03240
pre 3.9286 500 .86130 .03852
Table 7. Paired Samples Test
Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Std. Std. Error Difference Sig.
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df (2-tailed)
Pair 1 Frequency_post -
.57120 1.13779 .05088 .47123 .67117 11.226 499 .000
Pair 2 Necessity_post -
.36920 .69277 .03098 .30833 .43007 11.917 499 .000
Pair 3 Payment_post -
.64800 1.20124 .05372 .54245 .75355 12.062 499 .000
Pair 4 Price_post -
.14280 .61342 .02743 .08890 .19670 5.205 499 .000
Pair 5 Availability_post -
.57000 .89486 .04002 .49137 .64863 14.243 499 .000
Pair 6 post - pre .46024 .73261 .03276 .39587 .52461 14.047 499 .000
Paired sample t test is used to test above hypothesis, above table shows that the mean for each variable in the
Post-COVID19 scale is greater than the mean for each variable in the Pre-COVID19 scale. Also, t value for each
variable and the total variables is significant at 0.05 levels, that means:
• COVID 19 had a positive influence over customer behavior through increasing the tendency towards
• COVID 19 had an influence over (Frequency) variable used as an indicator for customer behavior
through increasing the tendency towards e-shopping
• COVID 19 had an influence over (Necessity) variable used as an indicator for customer behavior
through increasing the tendency towards e-shopping

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• COVID 19 had an influence over (Method of Payment) variable used as an indicator for customer
behavior through increasing the tendency towards e-shopping
• COVID 19 had an influence over (Price) variable used as an indicator for customer behavior through
increasing the tendency towards e-shopping
• COVID 19 had an influence over (Availability of Product / Service) variable used as an indicator for
customer behavior through increasing the tendency towards e-shopping
H2: Attitudes toward over Customer behavior (e-shopping) after the appearance of COVID19 are
changed due to demographics of individuals
Table 8. Multivariate Testsa
Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.
Intercept Pillai's Trace .635 170.149 5.000 490.000 .000
Wilks' Lambda .365 170.149 5.000 490.000 .000
Hotelling's Trace 1.736 170.149 5.000 490.000 .000
Roy's Largest Root 1.736 170.149 5.000 490.000 .000
Gender Pillai's Trace .208 25.704 5.000 490.000 .000
Wilks' Lambda .792 25.704 5.000 490.000 .000
Hotelling's Trace .262 25.704 5.000 490.000 .000
Roy's Largest Root .262 25.704 5.000 490.000 .000
Age Pillai's Trace .026 2.572b 5.000 490.000 .026
Wilks' Lambda .974 2.572 5.000 490.000 .026
Hotelling's Trace .026 2.572 5.000 490.000 .026
Roy's Largest Root .026 2.572 5.000 490.000 .026
Frequency of Pillai's Trace .032 3.236 5.000 490.000 .007
E-Shopping Wilks' Lambda .968 3.236 5.000 490.000 .007
Hotelling's Trace .033 3.236 5.000 490.000 .007
Roy's Largest Root .033 3.236 5.000 490.000 .007
income Pillai's Trace .003 .301 5.000 490.000 .912
Wilks' Lambda .997 .301 5.000 490.000 .912
Hotelling's Trace .003 .301b 5.000 490.000 .912
Roy's Largest Root .003 .301 5.000 490.000 .912
Education Pillai's Trace .036 3.684 5.000 490.000 .003
Wilks' Lambda .964 3.684 5.000 490.000 .003
Hotelling's Trace .038 3.684 5.000 490.000 .003
Roy's Largest Root .038 3.684 5.000 490.000 .003

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Table 9. Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Type III Sum of
Source Dependent Variable Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model Frequency_post 28.570 5 5.714 8.765 .000
Necessity_post 55.874 5 11.175 22.466 .000
Payment_post 27.725 5 5.545 8.038 .000
Price_post 59.972 5 11.994 22.448 .000
Availability_post 22.148 5 4.430 7.184 .000
post 28.801 5 5.760 12.208 .000
Intercept Frequency_post 386.637 1 386.637 593.086 .000
Necessity_post 175.633 1 175.633 353.090 .000
Payment_post 383.172 1 383.172 555.451 .000
Price_post 182.882 1 182.882 342.278 .000
Availability_post 399.346 1 399.346 647.676 .000
post 295.823 1 295.823 626.966 .000
Gender Frequency_post 3.957 1 3.957 6.070 .014
Necessity_post 48.809 1 48.809 98.126 .000
Payment_post 3.977 1 3.977 5.764 .017
Price_post 49.541 1 49.541 92.719 .000
Availability_post 1.698 1 1.698 2.754 .098
post 14.917 1 14.917 31.615 .000
Age Frequency_post 1.483 1 1.483 2.275 .132
Necessity_post 1.375 1 1.375 2.764 .097
Payment_post 1.713 1 1.713 2.483 .116
Price_post 1.333 1 1.333 2.495 .115
Availability_post .634 1 .634 1.029 .311
post 1.277 1 1.277 2.706 .101
Frequency of Frequency_post 2.123 1 2.123 3.257 .072
E-Shopping Necessity_post .614 1 .614 1.235 .267
Payment_post 1.677 1 1.677 2.431 .120
Price_post .327 1 .327 .611 .435
Availability_post 1.871 1 1.871 3.034 .082
post .306 1 .306 .648 .421
income Frequency_post .107 1 .107 .165 .685
Necessity_post .012 1 .012 .025 .876
Payment_post .022 1 .022 .031 .859
Price_post .000 1 .000 .001 .978
Availability_post .004 1 .004 .006 .938
post .008 1 .008 .017 .897
Education Frequency_post 2.382 1 2.382 3.654 .057
Necessity_post 2.442 1 2.442 4.910 .027
Payment_post 1.878 1 1.878 2.722 .100
Price_post 3.988 1 3.988 7.464 .007

mas.ccsenet.org Modern Applied Science Vol. 14, No. 8; 2020

Availability_post 1.366 1 1.366 2.216 .137

post 2.336 1 2.336 4.951 .027
Error Frequency_post 322.042 494 .652
Necessity_post 245.724 494 .497
Payment_post 340.781 494 .690
Price_post 263.948 494 .534
Availability_post 304.592 494 .617
post 233.086 494 .472
Total Frequency_post 10553.160 500
Necessity_post 9056.200 500
Payment_post 10516.920 500
Price_post 8976.720 500
Availability_post 10802.120 500
post 9892.669 500
Corrected Total Frequency_post 350.612 499
Necessity_post 301.598 499
Payment_post 368.506 499
Price_post 323.920 499
Availability_post 326.740 499
post 261.886 499

a. R Squared = .081 (Adjusted R Squared = .072)

b. R Squared = .185 (Adjusted R Squared = .177)

c. R Squared = .075 (Adjusted R Squared = .066)

d. R Squared = .185 (Adjusted R Squared = .177)

e. R Squared = .068 (Adjusted R Squared = .058)

f. R Squared = .110 (Adjusted R Squared = .101)

MANOVA test is used to test above hypothesis; it is found that Wilks' Lambda value is significant for (Gender,
Age, Frequency of E-Shopping and Qualification) variables (except the income variable) at 0.05 levels. That
means attitudes toward over Customer behavior (e-shopping) after the appearance of COVID19 are changed due
to demographics of individuals (Gender, Age, Frequency of E-Shopping and Qualification).
Also it is found that:
• There are statistical differences in the attitudes toward (Frequency, Necessity, Payment, Price) variables
due to gender and these differences tend to increase toward females more than males as shown in the
following table:

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Table 10. Comparison Attributed to Gender

Gender Frequency_post Necessity_post Payment_post Price_post post
males Mean 4.4053 3.8776 4.3954 3.8456 4.2041
N 263 263 263 263 263
Std. Deviation .85559 .74919 .89219 .78850 .71433
females Mean 4.6414 4.5249 4.6270 4.5089 4.5938
N 237 237 237 237 237
Std. Deviation .80221 .65840 .80588 .67079 .68044
Total Mean 4.5172 4.1844 4.5052 4.1600 4.3888
N 500 500 500 500 500
Std. Deviation .83823 .77744 .85935 .80569 .72445
• There are statistical differences in the attitudes toward (Necessity and Price) variables due to
Qualification and these differences tend to increase toward those who are holding diploma more than
others, as shown in the following table:
Table 11. Comparison Attributed to Education
Education Necessity_post Price_post post
High school Mean 3.6381 3.6857 4.2648
N 21 21 21
Std. Deviation .38791 .33806 .23680
diploma Mean 4.5890 4.5701 4.7480
N 127 127 127
Std. Deviation .72256 .75048 .47493
BA Mean 4.0909 4.0919 4.2608
N 198 198 198
Std. Deviation .80242 .81374 .82320
High Studies Mean 4.0455 3.9740 4.2740
N 154 154 154
Std. Deviation .69640 .75795 .70877
Total Mean 4.1844 4.1600 4.3888
N 500 500 500
Std. Deviation .77744 .80569 .72445
7. Discussion
Examining the above tables; it was seen that both hypotheses of study were accepted and there appeared to be an
influence of COVID19 pandemic on customer behavior towards adopting e-shopping. In examining results of
testing the first hypothesis "H1: COVID 19 had an influence over customer behavior through increasing the
tendency towards e-shopping" the following were asserted:
• COVID 19 had a positive influence over customer behavior along with its adopted variables (Frequency,
Necessity, Method of Payment, Price, and Availability of Product/Service) through increasing the
tendency towards e-shopping
In other words; results of study indicated that online shopping using a website or application has become an
increasingly important base for many consumers in the country, interest in e-shopping for grocery and other
basic needs reached its peak in April, before it receded during May, which was expected given the circumstances
of the lockdown in many country especially Jordan which has chosen the option of total lockdown for all sectors
except healthcare sector which were adopted to accept infected individuals in special medical circumstances.
As for the 2nd hypothesis of study articulated "H2: Attitudes toward Customer behavior (e-shopping) after the
appearance of COVID19 are changed due to demographics of individuals"; results also supported the fact that

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demographics played a role in asserting the change of customer behavior attributed to COVID19 pandemic.
Results indicated that the change of customer behavior during the pandemic was attributed to demographic
variables manly gender in which females appeared to be more influence and those who had a diploma in terms of
educational level as a demographic variable.
Based on what was mentioned above, study questions were answered and the pandemic of COVID19 played a
role in changing customer behavior towards accepting e-shopping and depending on it as a daily life choice. This
can be explained as individuals live in a set of circumstances specially designed for new behaviors that they need
in their emergency position after the Corona pandemic, so when the right time comes and the days return to their
former times, they feels as if they was born again, the isolation may be lengthened or shortened, and it can be
said that building the affected souls is one of the variables, unexpected or surprise is available or remains in the
chain of normal shifts.
Results of study matched what came along with Gössling et al (2020) when they argued that the emerging
corona virus changed the behavior of the consumer and its interests and largely determined commodities,
corrected consumer concepts with its keenness to save and save, as far as possible from random expenses, crisis
management, resorting to financial planning and spending, and many daily habits decreased through delivery
applications and visiting restaurants. The acquisition of all new electronic devices and smart phones, especially
as people suffer mainly from a craze for technology, but the majority have changed their programs and behaviors
at the economic and social level.
Building on this new consumer behavior in the world during the Covid-19 pandemic, the study drew a change in
consumption habits and its contents in the world that might lead to a change in consumer thought. Also, new
consumption patterns may become long-term, that is, to continue in the post-pandemic era. This is consistent
with what consumers in some countries refer to as they intend to adopt long-term behavioral changes to continue
beyond the current situation which appeared to be rhyming with what Roggeveen and Sethuraman (2020)
regarding the change in retailing business during the quarantine and lockdown that results from the spread of the
In addition, the study demonstrated that new consumption patterns may affect the supply and demand network.
For example, when consumers are accustomed to staying at home depending on online shopping, their lifestyles
such as "eating at home" may provide more opportunities for the fresh food and grocery delivery industry. The
vegetable and fruit markets, which used to be a major offline mode, may turn into an online mode, such as
offering online sales and delivery services which came as according with a study by Penela et al (2010).
8. Conclusion and Recommendations
When dangerous indicators begin to appear within societies, they appear dangerous because they threaten the
composition of the secure economic fabric, as well as sudden changes in the consumer composition and
subjecting many behaviors to accountability and review, there is a very high possibility that touches the
realization that many may face questions that they cannot answer, and provides options unaware of its
consequences, leaving it without management and control, in light of the spread of the Corona pandemic that has
befallen the world.
In fact, the immediate economic impact of the pandemic began to become clear, which contributed to setting a
global emergency plan and technology setting goals, disclosing intentions, and activating precautionary and
solidarity measures that will protect economies from potential harm and what the world can do about it, but
rather about the whole matter.
In this regard, due to the convenience that consumption via the Internet provides while staying at home, and with
the generalization and spread of technology and the development of smart phone applications, the digital and
electronic aspect of retail business may be strengthened faster than previous expectations worldwide.
Based on the above; current study raises the following questions:
- Will society’s behavior change after the pandemic's demise, and will this behavior turn into an
economic mind that measures things in numbers?
There is a need not to forget that the Corona pandemic has a major impact on the political, economic and social
path, and this has contributed to educating people, which makes us believe that its mission is only to monitor the
change of our consumer habits.

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Based on above results, current study recommends the following:

- Retailers and service providers need to adopt a new strategy based on two basic pillars: providing new
and distinct value to the consumer and constantly increasing production capacity.
- Companies need to develop effective marketing strategies and enhance their presence in the
e-commerce sector.
- The importance of personalizing the consumer experience to ensure successful results.
- Achieve outstanding value for consumers and enhance its ability to develop a strong e-commerce
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