Master of Public Administration Oral Comp Exam

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Master of Public Administration (MPA) Program

Oral Comprehensive Exam -- Question Bank

The questions below are drawn directly from the statements of learning outcomes for each course. The
course number is shown above the questions that relate to that particular course. The student is
responsible for the questions drawn from course which they have completed. Your response in the oral
exam should demonstrate that you are able to address the relevant issue in a reasonable manner. This
is not intended to be an objective exam in that there are specific right or wrong answers. Assessment of
your performance will be based on your ability to form an argument and support it with evidence.
(Questions from Special Topics courses may be added if needed.)

PA 6003 – Public Administration & Public Policy

1. Throughout the history of the field of public administration there has been an on-going debate
regarding the separation of politics and administration. Is it essential to have such a separation?
How does that influence the role of the public administrator?
2. In carrying out any public policy, the public administrator is challenged to satisfy multiple values
(traditionally framed in the three E’s of efficiency, effectiveness, and equity.) In what ways can
the public administrator balance these values?

PA 6013 – Statistics in Public Administration

1. Frequently, policy decisions are made based on statistical data. Part of the analysis of such data
is premised on the significance of the relationship between variables. What steps should an
administrator take to ensure that the variables are actually in a causal relationship? What are
the potential pitfalls in identifying something as being significant?
2. You have been given a report by a consultant. A survey was conducted of the clients of your
program. The results of the survey suggest that prior assumptions about the population and
their needs are very different from those that have been held by the agency for years. What
actions do you recommend be taken as a result of the study?

PA 6023 – Ethics in Public Administration

1. You have discovered that a new policy in your agency is going to have an adverse impact on a
significant part of the client population. However, the leadership of the agency is determined to
go forth with the policy nevertheless. Describe by using two different ethical models how you
should address this issue.
2. The Code of Ethics of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) provides a
comprehensive list of norms for the public administrator. Is it important to be familiar with the
code or is it sufficient to be competent in applying the moral imperative?
PA 6033 – Rural Politics

1. Discuss push and pull factors and how they are used to explain migration and population
change in rural communities. What push and pull factors are most impacting the rural
communities in southwest Arkansas? What, if anything, can be done to reduce the impact of
these factors on our communities and prevent a “brain drain” form occurring in our area?
2. How do factors of gender, race, and ethnicity shape poverty in rural America and Arkansas?
What does poverty look like in Arkansas and the country? How do these difference impact
possible solutions to the problem of persistent rural poverty?

PA 6043 – Legal Issues in Public Administration

1. It is not uncommon for difficult legal matters to be resolved through a quasi-judicial

administrative action. What is the relationship between these actions and the constitutional
legal system?
2. Administrative regulations are a major element in the world of public administration. How are
these regulations developed and guided by the Administrative Procedure Act and its equivalent
in the states?

PA 6053 – Public and Non-profit Budgeting

1. Through the years governments in the United States have developed a variety of budgeting
strategies, e.g., line item, PPBS, and ZBB. How do these strategies influence the administrative
state? Do they generally alter the way that agencies conduct themselves? Why or why not?
2. Accountability is increasingly a focal point in public administration. How are public agencies
subjected to greater accountability than the private and non-profit sectors? Is this emphasis on
budget accountability constructive or more of an unnecessary nuisance?

PA 6063 – Policy Analysis & Program Evaluation

1. If you are assigned the task of analyzing a major policy of your agency, what are the first three
steps you will take? How is it that you will ultimately determine the desirability or effect of the
2. Describe how you would undergo the process of selecting a quantitative or qualitative analytical
model. What would you consider the most important factors in choosing a model of analysis?

PA 6073 – Research Methods

1. Explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative research. Some researchers argue
that quantitative research is more reliable than qualitative research. Discuss the pros and the
cons of the argument and which research tool you will rely on most as a public administrator.
2. Identify some threats t your research in qualitative and quantitative research. How will you
prevent these threats when conducting your own research?
PA 6083 – Organizational Leadership

1. Each organizational theory is premised on some particular understanding of motivation. What

are the main factors in developing motivation for employees? How will you as a manager
promote these factors?
2. What is the role and source of power in organizations? How does the concept of power
influence organizational behavior and leadership?

PA 6093 – Community Development

1. Is community development different from economic development? If so, how are they
different; if not, how does this affect strategies in development?
2. If one accepts the principles associated with sustainability, how will that alter the manner in
which community development is undertaken? Are sustainability strategies substantively
different for rural communities, as opposed to urban? How so?

PA 6103 – Public Administration Theory & Practice (Systems Management)

1. What are the observable shifts in behaviors of public administration when moving from a New
Public Management to a New Public Service model? How might this improve the overall
performance of public agencies?
2. A common theme in the public conversation is “bureaucrat bashing.” What are the sources of
the public antipathy toward public administration? Are there constructive steps that may be
taken by public administrators to reduce the amount of dissatisfaction with government?

PA 6123 – Community Organizing

1. What role does empowerment play in community organizing? How can public administrators
take advantage of empowerment and how will it change the profession?
2. How is consensus building different from democracy in community organizing? Is this counter
to the principles of representative democracy, how so?

PA 6133 – Non-Profit Fundraising

1. What is the role of philanthropy in the public policy process? How does this contribute or
detract from the general welfare?
2. What steps would you take to identify an appropriate funding source for a non-profit
organization? How does this process improve your likelihood of success?

PA 6153 – Public Personnel Administration

1. Under the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA), explain what is and is not a reasonable
accommodation. How does an employer know that he/she is satisfying the guidelines?
2. What steps can you take as a public administrator to ensure that your organization is practicing
fairness and allow each of your employees to reach his or her fullest potential?

PA 6163 – Social Equity, Public Finance, and Organizational Development

1. What is meant by a regressive taxation system and how does it impact social equity? Describe
taxation methods that are regressive, progressive, and neutral.
2. What is meant by merit? In the work place, how do we determine whether one should be
rewarded for merit or not? For example, who deserves merit pay and who does not? What
factors will you consider in making merit pay decisions as a manager?

PA 6173 – Public Administration & Social Justice

1. What is the difference between political and economic social justice? Can the two be
separated? Why or why not?
2. What are some of the sources of injustice in the practice of public administration? What are
some possible corrections that may be made in the practice to reduce the instance of injustice?
Further, what is the proper role of the public administrator in reducing injustice?

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