Joyful Stitching - Transform Fabric With Improvisational Embroidery

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The document discusses improvisational embroidery and transforming fabric using joyful stitching.

The book is about using improvisational embroidery to transform fabric. It discusses using stitches in a joyful, improvisational way to create unique works.

The book discusses techniques like different types of stitches that can be used for improvisational embroidery to transform fabric.


Laura Wasilowski

with Improvisational Embroidery
with Improvisational Embroidery

Laura Wasilowski
Text copyright © 2018 by Laura Wasilowski
Photography and artwork copyright © 2018 by
C&T Publishing, Inc.

Publisher: Amy Marson

Creative Director: Gailen Runge To my grandchildren,
Editor: Lynn Koolish
Technical Editor: Debbie Rodgers who are always happily in my thoughts while I happily stitch
Cover/Book Designer: April Mostek
Production Coordinator: Tim Manibusan
Production Editor: Alice Mace Nakanishi Acknowledgments
Illustrator: Linda Johnson
Thank you to my mother, Penelope, my first embroidery teacher.
Photo Assistant: Mai Yong Vang
Hand Model: Kristi VIsser And to the crew at C&T Publishing, who always make me look good.
Photography by Diane Pedersen of C&T Publishing, Inc.,
unless otherwise noted

Published by C&T Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 1456,

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Wasilowski, Laura, 1952- author.
Title: Joyful stitching : transform fabric with
improvisational embroidery / Laura Wasilowski.
Description: Lafayette, CA : C&T Publishing, Inc., 2018.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017023202 | ISBN 9781617455674
(soft cover)
Subjects: LCSH: Embroidery--Patterns.
Classification: LCC TT771 .W33 2018 | DDC 746.44--dc23
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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Introduction: Free-Form Embroidery 4

Materials and Tools for Stitching 5 PROJECTS

Fabrics: Wool • Felt • Silk
Threads • Embroidery tools • Needles • Other tools 28 32

Transferring Designs for Embroidery 9

Transfer Methods: Wool • Felt • Silk

Embroidery Stitch Directions 13

Lazy Daisy or
Backstitch 13 Detached Chain Stitch 21 A Tasty Bite of Apple A Rare Songbird

37 41

Blanket Stitch 14 Long-and-Short Stitch 22

Bullion Knot 15 Needle Weaving 23

Chain Stitch 16 Pistil Stitch 24

Love at First Stitch Folk Art Garden

45 48
Couching 17 Running Stitch 25

Cross-Stitch 17 Satin Stitch 25

Ermine Stitch 18 Scattered Seed Stitch 26

Hand of Fortune Yellow House Landscape

Fern Stitch 18 Sheaf Stitch 26

Fly Stitch 19 Stem Stitch 27 More Ideas for Free-Form Embroidery 53

Display Options 57
French Knots 20 Straight Stitch 27
Patterns 59

Herringbone Stitch 20 About the Author 63


Hand embroidery may seem like a quiet pastime for quiet people in a notion of the hand-made along with
quiet room. But we all know there is a secret, creative power lurking in the heady thrill of improvisation.
each stitch. Hand stitchery transforms fabric from a flat, plain surface
In this book, I share with you
into a world packed with color and texture and joyful pattern. In short,
the joys of free-form embroidery.
hand embroidery brings fabric to life.
There are six projects that begin
with simple shapes destined for
embellishment with a riot of thread.
You’ll learn about the materials
and tools (page 5) needed to make
these designs and about trans-
ferring designs for embroidery
(page 9). You can review step-by-
step embroidery stitch directions
(page 13) as needed. And there are
more ideas for free-form embroidery
(page 53) to inspire you as well.

Free-form embroidery is not

about being precise or meticulous.
You have permission to be loose,
relaxed, and cozy when stitching.
Change the designs, use different
colors, try new stitch combina-
tions. Free-form embroideries
are made just for the pleasure of
stitching and the enjoyment of
placing colorful thread on fabric.

I hope this book challenges you to

invent new ways to mark fabric with
stitches. I hope you discover the
thrill of liberated stitching. And I
hope you find this intimate art form
a creative way to express yourself.
A Rare Songbird by Laura Wasilowski,
7˝ × 9˝ (project instructions, page 32) So you see, I have high hopes for
you in this joyful adventure.
It is this transformation of fabric by stitch that makes free-form embroi-
And here is the best news: You can
dery my passion. Yes, it is an art form that is compact, portable, uses few
always remove stitches if they aren’t
tools, and is meditative, but it is also a delightful challenge for an artist.
placed where you want them.
Like any art form, you are constantly making decisions about color, line,
pattern, and texture. Free-form embroidery pairs the warm, friendly, Your friend, Laura

4 Joyful Stitching

Cotton and linen fabrics have long been the go-to fibers for hand
embroidery on tea towels, hankies, and that cross-stitch sampler for a
An Easy Way to Make Wool Felt
friend. The projects in this book can be made on those fabrics. But why
not explore some new fibers? Fabrics such as boiled wool, silk, and felt When starting with a woven or knit
make an attractive base for free-form hand embroidery. Selecting an fabric, the process of shrinking it to
unexpected background fabric elevates the work from that practical tea compact the fibers and “felt” them is
towel look to an art form. called fulling. Make sure you use a woven
or knit fabric made of 100% sheep’s wool.
1. Place the fabric in your washing
The best wool fabric for hand embroidery is made of 100% sheep’s wool
machine, fill with very hot water, and
with a woven or knit structure that has been felted. The process of felt-
add mild laundry detergent.
ing condenses the fibers to make a thicker fabric that is easy to grip and
feels substantial in your hands. The 2. Wash the fabric with the agitator on
needle and thread glide effortlessly the fastest setting.
through this bulkier fabric and the 3. Use a cold-water rinse in the machine.
knots are hidden. My favorite ver-
4. Air-dry the fabric or place it in a dryer
sion is boiled wool commonly found
to compact it even more.
in heavy jackets and coats. Nearly
1/4˝ thick, the needle travels through
the fabric layer rather than to the FELT
back of the fabric at every stitch.
Felt is a nonwoven fabric. The most
Do a few test stitches on your wool fabric before committing to a project. suitable for stitching is made with a
If wool is not felted enough, it feels thin and floppy and will be hard to high percentage of wool combined
handle. Beware of wool that is too tightly felted and compressed, making with some synthetic fibers. This flat,
hand stitching difficult. Occasionally wool fabrics are fuzzy, and their nonreflective fabric comes in a wide
short, wispy wool fibers tangle in the thread and interrupt stitching. Try variety of solid colors and is available
pressing this fuzzy wool with a steam iron to flatten the fabric and make at your local craft shop or online.
it easier to stitch.
Felt has a cozy, folk-art look. It does
Find wool at your local fabric store, online sources, and resale shops for not fray when cut and shapes may be
used clothing. Or how about that old winter coat hiding in your closet— stacked to make compositions. It is
time to dismantle it and turn it into a work of art! easy to stitch through several layers
of felt using larger threads.

Materials and Tools for Stitching 5

Some felt fabrics may pill or SILK
frizz with too much handling, Silk provides a lightweight canvas for stitchery and comes in a wide
so treat them gently. Felt that is variety of colors, weaves, and weights. The recommended weight or
very densely compressed may be momme (unit of measurement for
difficult to stitch. Test the felt for silk, abbreviated “mm”) of silk for
your project before stitching. these projects is at least a 12 mm
or 14 mm with satin or jacquard

My preferred silk is a 14 mm

charmeuse that is finely woven
and has a luster or glowing texture, unlike wool or felt which looks matte.
Fusing the silk to wool batting (see Silk Transfer Method, page 11) adds
body to the fabric, making it easier to handle and providing a convenient
hiding spot for knots.

Find silk in the fashion section of your fabric store, online shops, and
through hand-dyers such as me ( Also, check out resale
shops for silk garments that you can recycle into art.

While a variety of embroidery The perle cotton threads used in I have a fondness for variegated
threads are available, for this book this book come in several useful perle cotton threads—the color
we are keeping it simple and using sizes: 3, 5, 8, and 12, with the winks in and out adding interest
my favorite thread for stitching— thickest thread being a #3 and the to hand embroidery. Many of the
perle cotton. It is easy to manage finest thread being a #12. They are variegated threads used in these
and has a high twist making it a available in balls or skeins and in projects are my own hand-dyed
sturdy thread with a slight sheen solid or variegated color schemes. threads that contain close color
that catches the eye. Perle cotton Your local needlework shop, fabric changes. These shifts in color
also elevates off the surface of shop, and online shops such as my or value along the length of the
fabric giving your embroidery own ( carry perle thread create lively stitchery.
dimension and texture. cotton threads. Note that thread
sizes may vary slightly according
to brand.


6 Joyful Stitching
Tips: Using Perle Cotton

• A length of 18˝ or less is good for the threaded needle to let it unwind
stitching. If the thread is too long, it if the thread gets twisted.
tangles and may fray from the fric−
• To end a thread, run the needle
tion of being pulled through fabric.
through a few adjacent stitches
• Use the thread as a single with one on the back of the work and snip
end of the thread knotted. the thread. Or end the thread by
making a few shallow backstitches
• Match your needle size with your
into the back of the embroidery.
thread size. Use the Needle and
(Don’t let the thread appear on the
Thread Sizes chart (page 8).
top of the piece.) Slide the needle
• Twist your needle slightly after and thread through the batting or
every stitch to keep the thread from back layer of the fabric for 3/4˝ and
twisting back on itself. Or dangle snip the thread.

How to Store Thread Skeins

1. Use a metal binder ring about 4. Cut the thread skein in half at 5. To remove a single thread for
2˝ in diameter or a smooth the far loop. stitching, gently pull a strand
bracelet. from the center of the skein where
it wraps around the ring. Pull the
2. Open the skein and place one
thread slowly and it won’t tangle.
end loop into the center of the
metal ring.

3. Put the other thread loop on

the other side of the ring and pull
that loop through the first thread
loop to secure it around the ring.

Embroidery Tools
It takes very few tools to create beautiful hand embroidery. You’ll need
scissors that are short and sharp, a pincushion for needles and straight
pins, and a thimble. A thimble will protect your finger for more stitching
time. A thread conditioner, such as Thread Heaven or Thread Magic
(, is helpful (see Conditioning Threads, page 8). And
don’t forget good lighting and a sturdy needle threader to alleviate

Materials and Tools for Stitching 7

Assemble your tools at your work- tip, opt for a better brand from For more informa-
station or make a portable sewing your supplier. I like needles tion on needle
kit for travel. With my trusty travel- from Colonial Needle Company uses, types, and
ing etui (little traveling sewing kit), ( Needles sizes, see my Sew-
I can stitch on airplanes, while wait- are your primary tool. It is worth ing Needle Pocket
ing for an appointment, or in a car investing in the best. Guide for Hand
(provided someone else is driving). Stitching (from
C&T Publishing).
Tip: Conditioning Threads Needle and
Thread Sizes
Thread condi­tioner is applied to
threads before stitching. It is not Other Tools
Perle cotton
a wax but a coating that helps Embroidery Embroidery hoops are not
thread glide more easily through thread necessary for free-form embroidery.
the fabric. It adds to the longevity … use a #5 or But other items needed to create
For #12 thread …
of the thread and keeps it from #7 needle. your projects include:
tangling and knotting.
For #8 thread …
… use a #3 or
#4 needle.
• Tracing paper
To use thread conditioner, draw
the thread through the conditioner … use a #1 or • Black marker (such as a Sharpie
For #5 thread …
once or twice before threading the #3 needle. Extra Fine Point Permanent
needle. … use a Marker)
For #3 thread …
#1 needle.
• Straight pins
Matching the size of your embroi-
• Pinking shears or rotary cutter
Embroidery or crewel needles
pinking blade for trimming edges
have a long eye, a long tapered dery thread with the correct size
on felt projects
sharp point, and work on all of embroidery needle makes for
types of fabric. The projects in happier stitching. Thread should Also for the silk designs:
the book require embroidery glide easily through the hole made • Parchment paper (baking paper)
needles in sizes 1, 3, 4, 5, and by the needle in fabric. If there or Silicone Release Paper (by
a size 7, which is optional. The is a large gaping hole around the C&T Publishing)
higher the number, the finer thread, then the needle is too large.
the needle. If it is difficult to draw the thread • Lightweight fusible web (such as
through the fabric, then the needle Mistyfuse)
Please note that embroidery
needles are not all created equal.
is too small. • Iron
You may notice that a #3 in one Use the Needle and Thread Sizes • Pencil with eraser
brand may feel slightly thicker chart (above) and test the needle
with the thread before beginning
• Fine-tip .03 or .05 micro pens in
than a #3 in another brand.
various colors
Also, check for needle quality. your project. Note that some perle
If a needle feels rough and has cotton threads may be used in two • Lightbox or window
burrs on the needle shaft or different-size needles.

8 Joyful Stitching

You don’t need a pattern to create

stitched imagery, but it sure comes in
Design Your Own
handy! Even in free-form embroidery a
drawing or pattern helps determine the Would you like to design your own patterns for free-form embroidery? Here
size of the design. It tells you where to are a few tips:
place the elements in the design and • Make a sketch of your design adding all the details you like.
how the shapes relate to each other.
• Make another sketch and simplify the drawing so that it has distinct shapes.
The pattern drawings for the projects These shapes are the boundaries or structure of your design. They tell you
(Patterns, page 59) are very simple, the placement and size of the basic design elements.
cartoonlike shapes that lend them-
selves to free-form stitchery. The • Remove any finicky details on your second sketch. Designs with large open

method of transferring these pattern shapes lend themselves to fun stitch combi­

shapes to fabric (wool, felt, or silk) nations and improvisational stitching.

depends on the fabric you are using. • Use this second sketch and follow the direc-

Think of these simple patterns as a tions for transferring the pattern shapes to

giant playground with fences. You your specific fabric.

can play with your stitches anyway • Refer to your initial sketch when adding fine
you like once you’ve set up a few lines and stitch details to your embroidery.
boundaries. Here’s how to set up
your stitch playground.

Wool Transfer Method

1. Select one of the wool patterns, such as A Tasty Bit 2. Position the tracing paper on the wool and pin it
of Apple (page 59) or A Rare Songbird (page 59), or in place with straight pins. Choose a thread, such as
use your own design. Trace the pattern as is (do not perle cotton #8 or #5, in a color contrasting to the
separate the shapes) onto tracing paper using a black background fabric that won’t be used later to stitch
marker. the outline of the shapes. Follow the black marker
lines and stitch an outline of the design on the wool
using running stitches (page 25).

Transferring Designs for Embroidery 9

3. To remove the paper after the outline of the design is stitched, use the
tip of a pin to score the paper next to the stitches. Gently rip away the
paper. Try not to pull the stitches and distort the design. These running
stitches that define the edges of the design will be removed after outlining
the shapes and filling them in with exuberant embroidery stitches.

Felt Transfer Method

1. Select from one of the felt 3. Arrange all the felt shapes 5. Tack fabric shapes onto the back-
patterns, such as Love at First on the background fabric. This ground fabric using a large cross-
Stitch (pages 59 and 60) or Folk prearranging of shapes assures stitch (page 17) or running stitches
Art Garden (page 61), or use your that you have enough space for (page 25). These stitches anchor
own design. Trace the individual each element before stitching. An the shapes into place for decorative
pattern shapes onto tracing paper example of a design with multiple stitching and will be removed later
using a black marker. shapes is Folk Art Garden. after the fabric shape is sewn into
place. Remove the pins.
2. Pin each pattern shape to the 4. Remove any smaller felt shapes
felt color for that piece. Cut out the or those stacked on larger back-
felt shape following the black line. ground pieces of felt. (Smaller
For multiples of the same shape, pieces and top layers of felt are
use a previously cut felt shape as added later after the larger back-
a template for the next shape. ground shapes are stitched down.)
Pin the larger felt shapes onto the
background fabric.

10 Joyful Stitching
Silk Transfer Method

1. Select one of the silk patterns, 3. Cut lightweight fusible web, 4. Test different colors of .03 or
such as Hand of Fortune (page 61) such as Mistyfuse, the size of .05 micro pens in the 1˝ margin of
or Yellow House Landscape the silk fabric. Place the fusible silk around the outside edges of
(page 62), or use your own design. web onto the wrong side of the the design. Find a color that is not
Lightly trace the dashed outline of silk. Cover the web with a large too intense yet visible. If you are
the pattern onto tracing paper with piece of parchment paper or using a gradated fabric as in the
a pencil. (This dashed line does not Silicone Release Paper. Follow the example, the pen color must show
get transferred to the silk—it is used manufacturer’s instructions and up on all the colors.
to align or position the tracing onto glide the iron across the paper to
the silk.) Trace the interior lines of fuse the web to the silk. Leave the
the design onto the tracing paper parchment paper on the silk.
using a black marker.

2. Cut the silk fabric to measure

1˝ larger than each edge of your
embroidery design. (This measure-
ment is 1˝ outside of each dashed
line on the pattern.) The silk fabric
must measure 1˝ larger on each
edge of the design so the fabric
edges can be folded to the back
when finishing (page 47).

Transferring Designs for Embroidery 11

5. Place the paper tracing on a lightbox or tape it to
a window. Center the silk on the tracing; tape it into
place if necessary. About 1˝ of fabric should extend
beyond the dashed pencil lines of the tracing on each
fabric edge. Trace only the interior pattern shapes
with a .03 or .05 micro pen onto the silk. Keep these
items in mind:

• Keep the parchment paper on the back of the silk to

give it stability when drawing.

• Each line you draw must be covered up by a stitch to

conceal the drawn line.

• Do not draw the dashed pencil line around the design.

• Glide the micro pen lightly across the surface of the
silk. Do not hold it into place for too long or the ink
will wick. Practice drawing on the exterior margins
of the silk to get the pen pressure right.

6. Cut wool batting to measure 1˝ smaller than the 7. Flip the fabric and batting over and place them on
silk on each edge—the size of the original design. a piece of parchment paper that is larger than the silk.
Remove the parchment paper from the silk and Place another piece of parchment paper on top of the
center the batting onto the fused side of the silk. silk. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and glide
the iron across the paper to fuse the silk to the batting.

12 Joyful Stitching

In free-form embroidery, the stitch acts like a pen mark on fabric. Stitches make linear marks, open loops,
hits of concentrate color, or conceal the fabric completely. Used alone, stitches may outline shapes, fill
in shapes, construct repeat patterns, or build texture. When combined, embroidery stitches create lively
motifs, dense texture, or recognizable shapes such as trees, leaves, or flowers.



1. Come up at A. Insert 2. Come up at C about 1/4˝

the needle into the fabric to the right of B. Insert
at B about 1/4˝ to the right the needle vertically at B.
of A. Draw the thread Draw the thread through
through the fabric. the fabric.


The backstitch makes a dashed line on fabric. Vary the length of

3. What was point C now
the stitch to outline shapes or stack rows of the stitch to make a becomes B. Repeat Step 2.
bricklike texture.

Embroidery Stitch Directions 13

Blanket Stitch



1. Come up at A. (Point A 2. Skim the needle under

The blanket stitch creates spiky lines or adds a decorative trim to
fabric shapes.
is on the background the fabric and bring the
fabric if stitching a fabric needle tip up at C about
shape on top.) Insert the 1/4˝ up from A and 1/4˝ to
needle tip about 1/4˝ to the the left of B. (Point C is
right of A and up about on the background fabric
1/4˝ at B. (Point B is on if using 2 fabrics.) Trap
the fabric shape if using the thread coming out
2 fabrics.) of A under the needle
tip. Draw the needle and
thread to the left through
the fabric.

Tip: Turning the Corner with the Blanket Stitch

Stitch up the edge of the shape and place the last blanket stitch at a 45° angle to the
A corner. This stitch goes into the tip of the last blanket stitch inside the shape.


3. What was point C now

becomes A. Repeat.

Before continuing down Bring the needle up just For the first stitch down
the next side, insert the next to where you exited the next edge, insert the
needle tip on the other side the fabric at the corner. needle tip into the same
of the thread at the corner hole where the last 2 corner
of the shape. Draw the stitches went into the shape.
thread through the fabric. Continue the blanket stitch
around the shape.

14 Joyful Stitching
Bullion Knot

1. Come up at A. Insert 2. Wrap the thread

the needle tip about 1/4˝ around the needle about
down from A at point B. 10–12 times. Hold the
Skim the needle under wrappings in place with
the fabric and bring your right index finger
The bullion knot makes a bold and bulky hit of color on fabric. the needle tip up at A. placed under the needle.
This coil of thread rises off the surface and is useful for flowers,
Extend the needle about Do not pull the thread too
bird crests, and decorative texture.
3/4˝–1˝ out of the fabric. tightly on the needle.

3. Grip the fabric with 4. Hold the thread tautly 5. Pull the needle and 6. Insert the needle at B
your left hand and hold with your right hand. thread toward B. Place and draw the thread to
the wraps under your left Remove your left thumb your left thumbnail on the back of the fabric. Tie
thumb. Use your right and tilt the bullion wraps the bottom end of the off the thread to keep the
hand to pull the needle to be near the fabric at wraps near B and tighten bullion knot secure.
and thread all the way point A. them up to B by pulling
through the wraps. the remaining thread
through the wraps.

Embroidery Stitch Directions 15

Chain Stitch



1. Come up at A. Insert 2. Trap the thread com-

the needle tip right next ing out of A under the
to A at B. Bring the needle tip.
needle tip up at C, 1/4˝
up from B.

The chain stitch makes a bold line on fabric. Use it to outline

shapes, draw bulky lines, or make solid shapes by packing rows
of the stitch closely together.

C (new)



3. Draw the needle and 4. Insert the needle tip at 5. Repeat Step 4. To end
thread through the fabric D right next to C inside the chain, insert the
creating an evenly shaped the thread loop. Bring needle on the other side
loop. the needle tip up at a new of the thread loop from
point C, 1/4˝ up from D. C at point E. Draw the
Trap the thread coming thread through the fabric.
out of old point C under
the needle. Draw the
thread through the fabric.

16 Joyful Stitching

In couching, thick threads are secured to fabric with a smaller, easier to handle thread. Couching makes distinct bold lines, shapes, and
heavy-duty texture on fabric.


1. With a thick thread 2. Place the big needle 3. Bring the small needle 4. Continue to couch
(such as a #3), come up at into the fabric to hold it up at C about 1/4˝ from B down the thicker thread.
A. With a lighter-weight out of the way. Bring the and over the thick thread. To end the stitching,
thread (such as an #8 or small needle over the Insert the needle back bring both threads to the
#12), come up at B about thick thread and insert into C. Draw the thread back of the fabric and tie
1/4˝ from A. the needle back into B. through the fabric. them off.
Draw the thread through
the fabric.



1. Come up at A. Insert 2. Bring the thread up at 3. Cross over the

the needle at B about 1/4˝ C about 1/4˝ up from B and AB stitch and insert the
Spaced evenly, the cross-stitch down and 1/4˝ to the right 1/4˝ to the right of A. needle at D about 1/4˝
creates a pattern of X’s across of A. Draw the thread down from A and 1/4˝ to
the fabric. Randomly scatter
cross-stitches to build texture.
through the fabric. the left of B. Draw the
Or join the stitches to make thread through the fabric
bold bands of color.
to make an X.

Embroidery Stitch Directions 17

Ermine Stitch

The ermine stitch is a concentration of straight stitches that crisscross. The volume of thread makes a star shape adding sparkly texture
to fabric.


1. Come up at A. Insert 2. Insert the needle tip at 3. Bring the needle up at 4. Insert the needle at F
the needle tip at B about D about 1/8˝ to the left and E about 1/8˝ above D and directly below C and even
1/4˝ down from A. Bring 1/8˝ up from B. 1/8˝ to the left of A. Draw with D. Draw the thread
the needle up at C about the thread through the through the fabric.
1/8˝ down and 1/8˝ to the fabric.
right of A. Draw the
thread through the fabric.

Fern Stitch



1. Come up at A where 2. Come up at C about

you want the top of the 1/4˝ to the right of B and
stitch line to begin. Insert midway up between the
the needle at B about 1/4˝ AB line. Draw the thread
This adaptation of the fern stitch makes spiny lines and textures.
Stitches are worked from the top down to create plant shapes like
down from A. Draw the through the fabric.
tree branches, vines, or leaves. thread through the fabric.

18 Joyful Stitching
D New

3. Insert the needle tip at D about 4. Trap the CD thread loop under 5. What was point B now becomes
1/4˝ to the left of A and midway up the needle at B. Draw the thread A. Repeat.
between the AB line. Bring the through the fabric.
needle tip up at point B.

Fly Stitch

The fly stitch is an open V-shaped stitch that builds pattern on fabric. Use them to construct tree branches or scatter them to make birds
in flight.



1. Come up at A. Insert 2. Bring the needle tip up 3. Insert the needle at 4. Vary this stitch by
the needle tip at B about about 1/4˝ down and mid- point D, just on the other inserting the needle at a
1/4˝ to the right of A. way between A and B at side of the thread loop point D 1/8˝–1/4˝ beyond
point C. Trap the thread from C. Draw the thread point C to make a Y-
coming out of A under the through the fabric to shaped stitch.
needle tip at C. Draw the make a V-shaped stitch.
thread through the fabric.

Embroidery Stitch Directions 19

French Knots

1. With the thread on top of the

fabric, grasp the thread with your
left thumb and forefinger. Hold the
needle parallel to the fabric. Wind
The French knot sits on the surface of fabric like a bead. It adds a concentrated dot of color, the thread clockwise around the
builds texture, and enhances other stitches. needle 3 times.

2. Hold the wound thread in place 3. Scoot the needle tip just next to 4. Slowly draw the thread through
on the needle with your right index where the thread initially emerged to the back of the fabric. Place your
finger. Pull the thread slightly from the fabric. Insert the needle left thumb on the threads near the
with your left hand to tighten it up. halfway into the fabric. Continue to knot to keep them from tangling.
(Don’t pull the thread too tightly.) hold the thread in your left hand.
Move your right hand to the back
of the fabric and pop the needle
through the fabric.

Herringbone Stitch

1. Come up at A. Insert the needle

The herringbone stitch looks like stretched out X’s joined together to make a wide textural
tip at B about 1/2˝ down and 1/2˝ to
line. Vary the width or length of the stitch to make shapes or combine it with other stitches
to build pattern. the right of A.

20 Joyful Stitching

2. Take a short 1/8˝ stitch up from 3. Insert the needle tip about 1/2˝ to 4. Point E now becomes a new
B to point C. Keep the thread the left and 1/2˝ down from B at D point A. Repeat Steps 1–3.
coming out of A below B. Draw (point D is directly below A). Take
the thread through the fabric. a short, 1/8˝ stitch up from D to E.
Cross the thread over the AB line. Before pulling the needle through
the fabric, pass the thread coming
out of C over the needle. Draw the
thread through the fabric.

Lazy Daisy or Detached Chain Stitch

The lazy daisy or detached chain stitch leaves a small peak of fabric showing inside its loop. A versatile stitch, it creates shapes like flowers
and trees or builds texture with soft edges.



1. Come up at A. Insert 2. Trap the thread 3. Draw the needle 4. Insert the needle at
the needle tip right coming out of A under and thread through the point D just on the other
next to A at B. Bring the needle at C. fabric creating an evenly side of the thread loop
the needle tip up 1/4˝ shaped loop. from C. Draw the thread
up from B at point C. through the fabric.

Embroidery Stitch Directions 21

Long-and-Short Stitch



1. Come up at A. Insert 2. Come up at C just above

the needle into B about and even with A. Insert
1/4˝ from A. Draw the the needle at D about 1/8˝
thread through the fabric to the right of C or half the
to make a long stitch. distance to B. Draw the
The long-and-short stitch is an alternative to the satin stitch and
useful for filling in large areas with its interlocking structure. thread through the fabric
to make a short stitch.


3. Continue making a 4. Begin the next row by 5. Continue along this 6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5.
row of stitches alternat- bringing the needle and row making stitches that Stitch the last row of a
ing between long (1/4˝) thread up at E about 1/4˝ measure 1/4˝ long. Stitch shape with short stitches
and short (1/8˝) stitches. to the right of D (a short only into the short stitches to fill in open notches
End on a point D or short stitch). Insert the needle of the previous row. (Skip along the row.
stitch. at D and draw the thread the long stitches of the
through the fabric. previous row.) Stitches
will interlock, fill in the
notches between stitches,
and create a new row of
long-and-short stitches.

22 Joyful Stitching
Needle Weaving

1. Stitch a row of vertical straight 2. Bring the needle and thread up

stitches about 3/4˝ long and 1/8˝ at A to the right and about 1/8˝ down
Needle weaving makes a bold, woven tex-
ture on fabric. Space stitches apart to create apart from left to right on the from the top of the last warp thread.
a mesh texture across the background fabric. fabric. These are the warp threads.
Or place stitches closely together to conceal
the fabric completely.


3. Use the blunt end of the needle 4. Insert the needle at B to the left 5. Bring the needle and thread up
and weave over and under and and about 1/8˝ down from the top at C about 1/8˝ below point B and
over and under across the warp of the last warp thread. Draw the to the left of the last warp thread.
threads. Draw the needle and thread through the fabric.
thread through the warp threads.
This is the weft thread.


6. Insert the blunt end of the 7. Insert the needle at D about 1/8˝ 8. Repeat Steps 2–7 to weave
needle and weave across. Weave down from A or the previous weft opposite the weft thread above
over and under the opposite warp thread. Draw the thread through and continue weaving to the
threads from the previously woven the fabric. bottom of the warp threads.
weft thread. Use the needle to
tamp down the previous weft
thread. Draw the needle and
thread through the warp threads.

Embroidery Stitch Directions 23

Pistil Stitch

1. With the thread on top of the

fabric, grasp the thread with your
left thumb and forefinger. Hold the
needle parallel to the fabric. Wind
the thread clockwise around the
The pistil stitch is a small ball of color with a tail that adds movement and spark to artwork.
Use it for flowers, the crest on a bird, or grouped together to make texture. needle 3 times.

2. Hold the wound thread in place 3. Insert the needle tip 1/4˝ away 4. Slowly draw the thread through
on the needle with your right index from where the thread initially to the back of the fabric. Place your
finger. Pull the thread slightly emerged from the fabric. Insert left thumb on the threads near the
with your left hand to tighten it up. the needle halfway into the fabric. knot to keep them from tangling.
(Don’t pull the thread too tightly.) Continue to hold the thread in your
left hand. Move your right hand to
the back of the fabric and pop the
needle through the fabric.

24 Joyful Stitching
Running Stitch


1. Come up at A. Go down at B about

1/4˝ from A.

2. Skim the needle tip under the fab-

ric about 1/4˝ and rock the needle up.

The running stitch makes dashed lines on fabric. Use it to outline shapes, draw lines, and
3. Draw the needle and thread
build texture. Stitch rows of the running stitch in curves to create movement. through the fabric. Repeat.

Satin Stitch



The satin stitch is a set of densely packed

straight stitches that conceal the background 1. Come up at A. Insert the needle 2. Come up at C just above A. Draw
fabric. Use it to fill in spaces or create solid
shapes on fabric. at B about 1/2˝ from A. Draw the the thread through the fabric.
thread through the fabric.



3. Insert the needle at D just above 4. Come up at E just above C. Draw 5. Continue to stack the stitches
B. Draw the thread through the the thread through the fabric. closely together. By varying
fabric. the length of the stitches in
small increments, you can make
compact thread shapes.

Embroidery Stitch Directions 25

Scattered Seed Stitch

1. Make straight stitches measur-

ing about 1/4˝ long in any direction.
Keep them in a random pattern.

2. Think of the stitch angles as an

hour hand on a clock giving you
The scattered seed stitch is a quick texture building stitch useful for filling in large areas
of a design. The goal is to not have the stitches form a repeating pattern. 12 different stitch directions.

Sheaf Stitch

The sheaf stitch is a bundle of straight

stitches cinched in the center with another 1. Make 3 parallel vertical stitches 2. Bring the needle tip up at A under
stitch to make an hourglass shape. Use
it to create sheaves of grain, flowers, or measuring about 1/4˝–1/2˝ long and the center of the middle stitch. (Do
decorative motifs. spaced about 1/16˝ apart. not pierce the middle stitch.) Draw
the thread through the fabric.

3. Slip the blunt end of the needle 4. Insert the needle tip under the 5. Another option for this stitch is
under the left vertical stitch. Draw right vertical and center stitches to place the gathering stitch at the
the thread under the stitch. and into the fabric at A. Draw the base of 3 horizontal stitches rather
thread through the fabric to gather than in the middle. This makes a
the stitches together. Tie the thread V-shaped bundle.
off to secure the stitch.

26 Joyful Stitching
Stem Stitch


1. Come up at A. Insert the needle 2. What was point C now becomes

tip at B about 1/4˝ from A. Skim A. Repeat.
the needle under the fabric and
exit about halfway back to A at C.
The stem stitch neatly outlines a shape Keep the thread coming out of A
or draws lines on fabric. Stitch rows of the
stem stitch closely together to fill in areas
below C. Draw the thread through
or to create solid thread shapes. the fabric.

Straight Stitch

1. With the thread on top of the

fabric, insert the needle in any

The straight stitch is a stroke mark of thread made in any direction. Make the stitch long or
2. Draw the needle and thread
short, cross other stitches, or space stitches evenly or at random. through the fabric.

Embroidery Stitch Directions 27

Finished size: 7˝ × 8˝

This delicious free-form embroidery begins by sketching or stitching

the outline of the pattern shapes on wool using the Wool Transfer
Method (page 9). A patchwork of stitches and stitch combinations
randomly fill in the shapes of an apple, stem, and leaf. The repetition
of stitch patterns within an outlined shape makes a stylized design
full of color and texture.

28 Joyful Stitching
The threads selected for this embroidery on wool are all perle cotton #8.
Personalize your design with other color combinations.

Boiled or felted purple wool: 7˝ × 8˝

Perle cotton #8 threads

Light blue: To outline pattern shapes

And in the following colorways (for apple, stem, leaf,

background, and edging):

Pea green Variegated rainbow colors

Variegated red/orange Variegated yellow/gold

Variegated Variegated turquoise/blue

green / gold / yellow

Stitching the Apple

1. Position the tracing of the apple 2. Scatter stacked rows of the 3. Fill in the boxes made with
pattern (page 59) on the wool. Place blanket stitch (page 14) inside the blanket stitches with French knots
the base of the apple shape about apple shape. By placing rows of (page 20).
11/2˝ up from the bottom edge of the blanket stitches right next to each
fabric and the left side of the apple other, the stitches make a set of
shape about 11/4˝ in from the left- boxes or square shapes.
hand side of the fabric. Transfer the
apple, stem, and leaf pattern shapes
to the wool using the Wool Transfer
Method (page 9).

A Tasty Bite of Apple 29

4. Stitch rows and parallel swirls of 5. Stitch patches of needle weaving 6. Fill in the rest of the apple
the stem stitch (page 27) inside the (page 23) inside the apple shape. shape with scattered seed stitches
apple shape. A rainbow variegated thread adds (page 26).
color surprises when weaving.

Apple Stem and Leaf

1. To make the apple stem, stitch vertical rows of 2. Stitch one line of stem stitches down the center of
the stem stitch right next to each other to conceal the leaf from the leaf tip to the apple stem. Add 2 more
the background fabric. rows of stem stitches on each side of this centerline.
Begin the rows at various points along the centerline to
make a tapered shape ending wider at the apple stem.
Stem stitch 5 lines on each side of this centerline at an
angle to make the leaf veins.

30 Joyful Stitching
3. Fill in the leaf shape with tightly packed rows of lazy 4. Carefully snip and remove the running stitch used to
daisy stitches (page 21) that fit between the leaf veins. outline the shapes. Stitch a backstitch (page 13) around
Stitch each lazy daisy stitch next to the previous stitch the exterior of the apple, stem, and leaf shapes.
and angle them out toward the edge of the leaf.

Background and Finishing the Apple

1. Stitch a row of running stitches (page 25) horizontally and about 1/2˝ up from the bottom edge of the fabric.
Leave about 1/2˝ on each outside edge free of stitches for finishing the edges. Add 5 more horizontal rows of
running stitches spaced about 1/2˝ apart up to and around the apple shape.

2. Fill in the space between the 3. Place rows of running stitches 4. Stitch each edge of the piece
rows of running stitches with vertically across the fabric to make with a blanket stitch to make a trim
cross-stitches (page 17) alternat- the wallpaper. Space the rows about finish. For display methods, refer to
ing with French knots to make the 1/4˝ apart leaving about 1/2˝ on each Display Options (page 57).
tablecloth. Leave about 1/2˝ on each outside edge free of stitches for
outside edge free of stitches for finishing the edges.
finishing the edges.

A Tasty Bite of Apple 31

Finished size: 7˝ × 9˝

Begin the songbird design by sketching or stitching the bird

shapes on wool using the Wool Transfer Method (page 9). The
shapes are filled in with stitches that suggest the colorful feathers
and attractive legs of a fanciful bird. More stitchery depicts a
blazing sun, swirling air currents, tufts of grass, and a curious bug.

32 Joyful Stitching
The orange threads for the fanciful bird and his friend provide
high contrast with the blue background fabric.

Boiled or felted blue Perle cotton #8 threads Perle cotton #12 threads
wool: 7˝ × 9˝ Variegated orange/yellow: For tail, wing, legs, beak, bug, Black: For eye
crest, sun, and edging
Perle cotton #5 thread Pea green: For grass
Variegated yellow/gold: For body and back
Brown: To outline pattern Light blue-green: For sky
shapes Variegated green / gold / yellow: For grass and back

Light blue-green: For neck, eye, tail, wing, legs, crest, and sun

Variegated purple / dark blue: For neck, back, toes, and crest

Stitching the Bird’s Body

1. Center the tracing of the bird 2. Stitch around the shapes of 3. Stitch a row of blanket stitches
pattern (page 59) on the wool. Place the bird’s body, beak, wing, and (page 14) in an arc across the neck
the base of the leg shapes about tail using a stem stitch (page 27). to the wing to make the neckband.
2˝ up from the bottom edge of the Stitch the leg shapes with a back- Make a line of backstitches next to
wool and the head of the bird about stitch (page 13). Remove the the top of the blanket stitches and
2˝ in from the left-hand side of the running stitches around the bird another line of backstitches across
wool. Transfer the pattern shapes shape. the bottom of the blanket stitches
to the wool using the Wool Transfer to make boxes. Fill in the boxes
Method (page 9). with French knots (page 20).

A Rare Songbird 33
4. Use the stem stitch and
the black #12 thread to
make a 3/8˝ circle for the
outer eye. (The inside of
the eye is filled in later.)

5. Stitch parallel rows 6. Stitch long-and-short 7. Fill in the divide between

of running stitches stitches (page 22) from the left and right side of the
(page 25) on the bird’s the belly up to the center back with French knots.
head and belly. Follow peak of the back. Then
the arc shape of the lower angle the stitches down
belly as a guide and make the left side of the back.
the stitches short, about Use 2 thread colors and
1/8˝ in length. alternate colors between
the interlocking rows.

Stitching the Bird’s Tail and Wing

1. Stitch 3 rows of fern stitches 2. Stitch 3 rows of lazy daisy 4. Stitch a row of French knots
(page 18) next to each other and stitches (page 21) across the front along the arc of the lazy daisy
down the length of the tail. Stitch edge of the wing. The first row (or stitches on the wing. Stitch rows
stem stitches on both sides of bottom row) follows the arc shape of of the fly stitch (page 19) across
the center row of fern stitches to the wing made by the stem-stitched the wing pointing them toward the
divide the rows. Add French knots outline. The next 2 rows follow that wing tip to make feathers. Fill in
between the spikes of fern stitches. same arc shape. the fly stitches with French knots.

3. Stitch a row of bullion knots

(page 15) perpendicular to the right
edge of the wing from the wing tip
down to the lazy daisy stitches.

34 Joyful Stitching
Stitching the Bird’s Eye, Beak, and Crest

1. Use the black 2. Stitch a French knot 3. Fill in the beak shape 4. Stitch 3 bullion knots
#12 thread and fill in inside the open quarter with rows of stem stitches across the top of the bird’s
the eye circle with short of the eye using a light tightly packed together. head to make the crest.
straight stitches that colored thread to add a Add 4 French knots next
radiate from the center highlight. to the bases of the bullion
of the eye. Leave a small knots. Add French knots
triangle free of stitches in to the tips of the 3 bullion
the top quarter of the eye. knots.

Stitching the Bird’s Legs, the Bug, and Grass

1. Begin stitching the leg at the top. Stitch satin 2. Stitch 3 toes on the 3. Stitch 5 circles measur-
stitches (page 25) across the outline of the leg shape bottom of each leg with ing about 1/2˝ across using
making a block (about 6 stitches) of thread. Leave long satin stitches. Stitch the stem stitch to make
an opening of 1/4˝ of fabric and repeat blocks of satin straight stitches (page 27) the bug. Stack one circle
stitches all the way down the leg. Fill in the spaces across the toes. on top of the other.
between the blocks with cross-stitches (page 17).
Repeat this on the other leg.

A Rare Songbird 35
4. Fill in the circles with a spiral of stem stitches. Work 6. Stitch straight stitches in groups, pointing up or
from the outside edge of each circle into the center. at an angle to make tufts of grass. Use both the #8
and #12 threads to fill in the bottom area of the fabric
5. Stitch 2 bullion knots on the top circle to make the
keeping 1/2˝ free of stitches on each edge for finishing
bug’s antennae. Add a French knot to the top of each
the edges.
bullion knot.

Stitching the Sun, Sky, and Edging

1. Stitch a spiral of blanket stitches 3. Stitch parallel lines of the run- 4. Stitch each edge of the piece
(page 14) with the “teeth” facing ning stitch across the sky to make with a blanket stitch to make a trim
out following the running stitches waves and spirals. Keep 1/2˝ free of finish. For display methods, refer to
to make the sun. Keep 1/2˝ free of stitches on each edge for finishing Display Options (page 57).
stitches on each edge for finishing the edges.
the edges. Remove the running

2. Add a French knot inside each

“tooth” of the blanket stitch. Stitch
a spiral of running stitches between
the blanket stitches.

36 Joyful Stitching
Finished size: 81/4˝ diameter

Create colorful flowerbeds on a heart shaped piece of felt and enjoy

gardening in the comfort of your own home. Lines of couching
delineate garden beds filled with unusual flowers made with a
variety of stitch combinations. This is a great gift for the friend who
loves gardening or as a colorful pillow decoration. Also see Other
Methods of Display (page 58).

Love at First Stitch 37

Only 3 pieces of felt are needed to make this
heart shaped garden full of beautiful flowers.


Felt Perle cotton #8 threads Perle cotton #12 thread

Blue: 9˝ × 9˝ for backing Variegated light green / pink: For blanket stitches around Variegated green/gold:
heart For leaves and stems
Yellow: 8˝ × 8˝ for
background Variegated green/gold: For couching the perle cotton #3
Turquoise: 6˝ × 6˝ for heart
Yellow: For flowers
Perle cotton #3 thread
Orange: For flowers
Variegated gold/yellow:
Variegated yellow / blue / pink: For flowers
For couching and inside
blanket stitch Pink: For herringbone stitches around edge

Aquamarine: For French knots around edge

Stitching the Heart to the Background

1. Transfer and cut out full circles 3. Center and pin the heart onto the 4. Stitch the heart to the circle with
and the heart pattern shapes background circle. Stitch around blanket stitches (page 14). Remove
(pages 59 and 60) for the felt the heart with long running stitches the tacking stitches.
fabrics by tracing full circles from (page 25) to tack it into place.
the half-circle patterns.

2. Trim 1/4˝ from the edge of the back−

ing fabric using a pinking shears or
a pinking blade in a rotary cutter.
Set the backing fabric aside for later.

38 Joyful Stitching
Stitching the Flowerbeds

1. Place 5 wavy rows of the 2. In the top left flowerbed, 3. To make the flowers across the
#3 thread across the heart with make 5 sets of lazy daisy stitches second flowerbed, stitch bundles
couching (page 17) to make the (page 21) stitched in a circle to of sheaf stitches (page 26) using
ground of the flowerbeds. Use a create flowers. Fill in the center 4 horizontal stitches. Stitch a
#8 thread to couch the heavier of the flowers with French knots bullion knot (page 15) to the top
thread. (page 20). Stitch stem stitches of each sheaf stitch bundle. Top
(page 27) from each flower to the each bullion knot with a French
ground to make the stems. Stitch knot. Stitch a straight stitch
lazy daisy stitches on either side (page 27) out from each side of
of the stems to make leaves. the base of the bullion knot.

4. Stitch chain stitches (page 16) from each flower in 5. Stitch stem stitches in a hook shape to make the
Step 3 to the ground to make the stems. Stitch lazy ferns in the third flowerbed. Add short satin stitches
daisy stitches on either side of the stems to make (page 25) on either side of the stem stitches to make
leaves. fern leaves. Stitch French knots between the leaves.

Love at First Stitch 39

6. Make the flowers in the fourth 7. Make the flowers in the fifth 8. Make the flowers in the bottom
flowerbed using the same stitch flowerbed using the same stitch flowerbed using the same stitch
combinations as those in Step 2. combinations as those in Steps 3 combinations as those in Step 2.
Or make up your own stitch com­ and 4. Or make up your own stitch Fill the lower tip with additional
binations to create new flowers. combinations to create new flowers. lazy daisy stitches.

Finishing the Heart on Felt

1. Bring a needle with the #3 thread up at the center 2. Center the background fabric with the heart onto
dip of the heart. Use the blunt end of the needle and the backing fabric and pin into place. Stitch a herring­
run the needle and thread under the blanket stitches bone stitch (page 20) around the edge of the inner
around the edge of the heart. Return the needle and circle to attach it to the backing fabric. Add French
thread to the back of the fabric at the same place knots between the herringbone stitches. For display
where the thread first emerged from the fabric. methods, refer to Display Options (page 57).

40 Joyful Stitching
Finished size: 81/2˝ × 101/2˝

This garden of flowers is quick and easy to make. Made with a few
swatches of felt and stitched with a perle cotton #5 thread, the flowers
have the cozy, folk art feeling of a penny rug. Adapt the design to the
size of a table runner by rearranging the pattern shapes on a larger
background fabric. Also see Other Methods of Display (page 58).

Folk Art Garden 41

The perle cotton #5 threads stitch easily through
the felt and give the design dimension.


Felt Perle cotton #5 thread

Watermelon pink: 1 piece 81/2˝ × 101/2˝ for background Variegated yellow / pink / green

Olive green: Turquoise

• 9˝ × 11˝ for backing Pink
• 7˝ × 11/2˝ for large ground crescents Olive green
Gold felt: 3˝ × 5˝ for flower bases

Light yellow: 2˝ × 6˝ for flower tops

Turquoise: 1˝ × 3˝ for flower dots

Dark green: 1˝ × 6˝ for small ground crescents

Stitching the Ground, Flowers, and Background

1. Trim 1/4˝ off each edge of the 2. Transfer and cut out the 3. Remove all the elements except
background and backing fabrics ground and flower pattern shapes for the 3 flower bases and the
with a pinking shears or a pinking (page 61) from the felt fabrics. 3 large ground crescents. Pin the
blade in the rotary cutter. Set aside Refer to Felt Transfer Method flower bases and crescents to the
the backing fabric for later. (page 10). Arrange the shapes on background fabric. Stitch-tack
the background fabric for spacing. (page 10) them into place.

42 Joyful Stitching
4. Stitch blanket stitches (page 14) around each of the ground crescents 5. Place a flower top above a flower
and each of the flower bases. Remove the tacking stitches. base. Stitch the divots in the flower
top to the background fabric with
straight stitches (page 27). Add
blanket stitches down each side of
the flower top. Repeat this for each
flower top.

6. Place a flower dot on a flower 7. Stitch French knots (page 20) 8. Stitch pistil stitches (page 24)
top. Stitch 8 straight stitches from to the top edge of a flower top and from the divots of a flower top onto
the outside of the dot into the around the interior of the flower the background fabric. Repeat this
center of the dot. Repeat this for base. Repeat this for each flower. for each flower.
each flower.

Folk Art Garden 43

9. Place a small ground crescent 10. Stitch French knots between 11. Stitch a sheaf stitch (page 26)
on a large ground crescent. Stitch the straight stitches on the small at the base of each flower.
5 straight stitches across the small ground crescent and below the
crescent. Start at the bottom center center straight stitch on the cres-
and stitch out to the edge of the cent. Repeat this for each ground
crescent in a fan shape. Repeat this crescent.
for each ground crescent.

12. Stitch 2 lines of chain stitches 13. Stitch lazy daisy stitches 14. Center the background fabric
(page 16) from the base of each (page 21) and pistil stitches at the on the backing fabric and pin into
flower to the top of the center base of the stems to make grass. place. Stitch fly stitches (page 19)
crescent to form the stems. Use around the pinked edge of the
2 different colors of thread on background fabric to attach it to the
each stem. backing fabric. Use an elongated
version of the fly stitch (page 19) to
make a Y-shaped stitch. For display
methods, refer to Display Options
(page 57).

44 Joyful Stitching
Finished size: 61/2˝ × 71/2˝

Personalize this hand shape with stitches that symbolize your past,
your present, and your destiny as a world-renowned embroiderer. In
this version made on silk fabric, we are celebrating a future full of
sunshine, flowers, and joyful journeys in stitching.

Hand of Fortune 45
The #8 threads make bold lines and shapes in this design;
the #12 threads make the finer textures and patterns.

Light peach colored silk: 81/2˝ × 91/2˝ Perle cotton #8 threads Perle cotton #12 threads
Wool batting: 61/2˝ × 71/2˝ In the following colorways (for stem In the following colorways (for cross-
stitches, fern stitches, chain stitches, stitch, ermine stitch, pistil stitch,
Lightweight fusible web (such as
and straight stitches): running stitch, and French knots):
Mistyfuse): 81/2˝ × 91/2˝
Aquamarine Aquamarine
Parchment paper: 9˝ × 11˝
Yellow/gold Yellow/gold
Tracing paper: 9˝ × 11˝
Variegated green / gold / yellow Pea green
Felt: 6˝ × 7˝ for backing
Red Variegated medium to dark blue

Outlining and Filling in the Hand

1. Trace the pattern 2. Stitch the outline of the 3. Stitch the fern stitch 4. Stitch curved bands of
for the hand (page 61) hand with stem stitches (page 18) down each the chain stitch (page 16)
and transfer the pattern (page 27) concealing the finger of the hand and on the fingers and palm
shape to the silk using traced lines. into the palm. Vary the to create arcs and a heart
the Silk Transfer Method length of the fern stitches shape. Stitch straight
(page 11). Fuse the batting and curve them to add stitches (page 27)
to the silk (page 12). movement. perpendicular to the
outside edges of the
chain-stitched shapes.

46 Joyful Stitching
5. Fill in the chain- 7. Stitch patches of ermine 8. Stitch pistil stitches 9. Stitch the remaining
stitched shapes with stitches (page 18) inside (page 24) inside the open areas of the hand
cross-stitches (page 17). the hand shape. Add spikes and on both sides shape with swirls of run-
Add a second set of cross- French knots between of the centerline of the ning stitches (page 25).
stitches on top of the first the ermine stitches. fern stitches.
with a different colored
Detail of Step 9
thread. Stitch this thread
in the opposite direction
of the first cross-stitches.

6. Stitch French knots

(page 20) between each
of the straight stitches
around the chain-stitched

Finishing the Hand

1. Fold a corner of the 2. Fold each edge of the 3. Place the felt for the

10. Fill the fabric sur- fabric to the back of silk fabric to the back and backing on the back of the
rounding the hand the embroidery at a iron into place. Make a embroidery. (Trim it to
shape with scattered 90° angle. Iron just that crisp point at each corner. size if necessary.) Stitch
seed stitches (page 26). corner area into place. the felt to the back of the
Repeat at each corner. embroidery with a run-
ning stitch. For display
methods, refer to Display
Options (page 57).

Hand of Fortune 47
Finished size: 9˝ × 61/2˝

This free-stitched landscape on silk starts with a very simple outline

of the main elements in the design. But soon intense stitchery fills
the design shapes with texture, pattern, and fine details in thread.

48 Joyful Stitching
The background fabric is a 14 mm hand-dyed silk. The variation in coloring in
the treetop and grassy areas depend upon variegated perle cotton #12 threads.

Light yellow to pink Perle cotton #12 threads In the following colorways:
colored silk: 11˝ × 81/2˝
Variegated yellow/gold: Variegated dark red /  Pea green: For shoreline
Wool batting: 9˝ × 61/2˝ For house, left field, boat, brown: For tree trunk, flowers
Lightweight fusible and rope shoreline, path, and boat Light blue: For shoreline
web (such as Mistyfuse): Aquamarine: For door, Variegated green / gold /  flowers, boat, and foreground
11˝ × 81/2˝ windows, roof, chimney, red / turquoise: For treetop plants
Felt: 8˝ × 51/2˝ for backing boat, fences, and birds and shrub flowers Variegated green / yellow / 
Parchment paper: 12˝ × 10˝ Variegated red/gold: For Dark green: For small tree gold / blue: For left field,
roof, doorknob, and path branches and shrubs grass, and foreground plants
Tracing paper: 12˝ × 10˝

Mark the Silk and Stitch the House

1. Trace the pattern for the land- 2. Stitch the outline of the house 3. Add 8 windows to the house.
scape (page 62) and transfer the sides and base with the stem stitch Use straight stitches (page 27) to
pattern shapes to the silk using the (page 27). (Skip the area beneath make the windowpanes in a plus (+)
Silk Transfer Method (page 11). the door.) Stitch the door shape shape. Surround the plus shape
Fuse the batting to the silk with 7 vertical rows of the chain with 4 straight stitches to make the
(page 12). stitch (page 16). Taper the height windowsills.
of the rows to give the door a
shaped top.

Yellow House Landscape 49

4. Stitch inside the house shape 6. Stitch the roof shape with 7. Stitch around the outside edge of
with horizontal rows of the stem horizontal rows of the stem stitch. the roof shape with a chain stitch.
stitch up to the roofline. Stitch straight stitches vertically Stitch 4 rows of the chain stitch
across the roof to make tiles. vertically on the right side of the
5. Stitch a French knot (page 20)
roof to make the chimney.
to the door to make a doorknob.

Stitching the Tree

1. Stitch the tree trunk shape with 2. Stitch lazy daisy stitches 3. Stitch a straight stitch inside each
vertical rows of the stem stitch. (page 21) around the branches lazy daisy stitch opening in Step 2
Add a few straight stitches to make and into the sky with a variegated using the same variegated thread.
branches off the big branches. thread. Place the stitches at random Add straight stitches between the
angles to make a treetop shape. lazy daisy stitches with a dark
thread to make branches.

Stitching the Shoreline and the Fields

1. Stitch along the shoreline with 2. Stitch across the path shape with 3. Stitch 2 rows of lazy daisy
the backstitch (page 13). Stack backstitches or stem stitches, using stitches vertically on each side of
rows of backstitches to make wide 2 different thread colors to make the path above the shoreline. Top
and narrow areas of the shore. bands of color. the lazy daisy stitches with French
knots to make flowers.
50 Joyful Stitching
4. Stitch the left field with rows of 5. Stitch across the grassy areas with a combination of long-and-short
chain stitches. Make waving lines stitches (page 22) and satin stitches (page 25), using a variegated thread.
of the stitch and alternate the rows Use long-and-short stitches in open areas. Fill in small, tight areas with
with different colored threads. satin stitches.

Stitching the Boat and Plants

1. Stitch the top edges of the boat 2. Stitch rows of stem stitches 3. Stitch the top interior of the boat
with a chain stitch. Stitch the boat across the lower interior of the boat with stem stitches. Stitch the exte-
bench with stem stitches. Add to make the floor of the boat. rior of the boat with chain stitches.
2 rows of stem stitches across the Connect the boat to the shore with
bow and stern of the boat as braces. stem stitches to make a rope.

4. Stitch a row of fern stitches 5. Stitch a straight stitch inside

(page 18) across the lower edge of each lazy daisy stitch opening.
the piece to make plants. Add lazy
daisy stitches between the spikes of
the fern stitch.

Yellow House Landscape 51

Adding Details and Finishing the Landscape

1. Stitch French knots along the 2. Add a fence to each side of the 3. Stitch fly stitches (page 19)
horizon line on either side of the horizon. Stitch the fence posts with across the sky to make a flock
house to make shrubs. Add color- the chain stitch. Connect the fence of birds.
ful French knots to the top of the posts with stem stitches.
shrubs to make flowers.

4. Add stem stitches horizontally 5. Fold a corner of the fabric to 6. Fold each edge of the silk fabric
across the water. Wave and curve the back of the embroidery at a to the back of the embroidery and
the stitch lines to make ripples. 90° angle. Iron just that corner iron into place. Make a crisp point
area into place. Repeat this at at each corner.
each corner.

7. Place the felt for the backing onto

the back of the embroidery. (Trim it
to size if necessary.) Stitch the felt
to the back of the embroidery with a
running stitch. For display methods,
refer to Display Options (page 57).

52 Joyful Stitching

Embroidered Landscape #1 by Laura Wasilowski Embroidered Landscape #2 by Laura Wasilowski

Finished size: 9˝ diameter Finished size: 51/2˝ × 51/2˝

Background Fabrics Creating Line

Background fabrics play an important role in your Linear stitches lead the eye around an embroidered
choice of stitches and thread colors for free-form piece and add action and movement. Stitches such as
embroidery. The recycled silk kimono fabric used in the running stitch, stem stitch, backstitch, chain stitch,
this embroidery has a subtle jacquard pattern woven couching, and blanket stitch direct your vision and
into it that adds texture. Overdyed in blue, it provides point you to different areas of the artwork to explore.
a richly colored background for stitching.
In this small landscape, parallel lines of running
In the lower field of this landscape piece, running stitches curve and sweep across the sky. The angled
stitches and French knots are widely spaced to reveal lines of the tree trunk, made with stem stitches, lead
the blue fabric. In the left field, a variegated thread you right into the swirls of color. Thick rows of crops
with colors analogous to the background color seems across the right field are made with couching. Blanket
to recede into the blue background. While the chain stitches roll across the left field in waves. The blanket
stitch, in a cheery yellow thread, comes forward. A stitch has a thread whipped through the top of the
fuchsia thread is whipstitched through a set of run- stitch to give a more defined line. Even the irregular
ning stitches to liven up the field. That same red edges of this piece showcase the importance of line.
color provides high contrast with the background The irregular edge gives this embroidery on wool an
fabric when making the flowers. organic, unplanned look.

Constructed on wool batting cut in a round shape,

the piece is supported with a piece of Timtex (from
C&T Publishing) cut to the same size as the batting.
After stitching, the Timtex is placed behind the
batting. Edges of the silk fabric are wrapped around
the Timtex to finish the edges.

More Ideas for Free-Form Embroidery 53

Embroidered Landscape #4 by Laura Wasilowski Cactus #1 by Laura Wasilowski
Finished size: 9˝ × 8˝ Finished size: 81/2˝ × 61/2˝

Creating Shapes Creating Texture

Think of the needle and thread as your drawing tools The embroidery stitch inherently makes texture. The
for sketching on the surface of fabric. Like a pencil on thread sits above the fabric and invites you to touch
paper, embroidery stitches draw the enclosed shapes or feel the surface. This same stitch you want to touch
needed to create your designs. Shapes are outlined also creates texture on your embroidery piece. Stitches
on the fabric with linear stitches such as the running can indicate the roughness or smoothness of the
stitch, stem stitch, backstitch, chain stitch, couching, shapes you are making.
or blanket stitches. After the shapes are defined, other
Scattered seed stitches evoke the spiky texture of a
stitches fill in the interior with texture and detail.
cactus in this desert landscape. Horizontal waves of
To make the trees in this embroidery on silk, a line stem stitches make the flowing texture of a dazzling
is stitched around the treetop shape with the blanket sky. By repeating the satin stitch at different angles,
stitch facing out. Fern stitches and French knots fill the distant mountains appear as fractured facets
in the treetop suggesting branches and flowers. Each of stone. Straight stitches randomly fill in the mid-
field is made up of its own set of stitch combinations to ground suggesting rough territory. And patches
create boundaries between crops. Distinct leafy shapes of loosely made needle weaving in the foreground
in the foreground are made with fern stitches and lazy replicate the coarse texture of desert dirt.
daisy stitches. The fluffy cloud shapes are made with
blanket stitches looping in arcs across the sky.

54 Joyful Stitching
Red Belly Bird by Laura Wasilowski
Finished size: 61/2˝ diameter
Embroidered Pear by Laura Wasilowski
Finished size: 5˝ × 61/2˝

Variations on a Stitch Creating Stitch Motifs and Pattern

Like the brushstroke of a painter, the embroidery Simple shapes, such as this pear, create a space for
stitch delights the eye and helps define shapes. In this experimenting with stitch motifs and pattern building.
embroidery on wool, one stitch—the lazy daisy—is used All you need to get started is a basic outline to fill with
in three different ways to make the design and help a glorious riot of free-form stitches. Invent new stitch
define what you are seeing. It is used to create sketchy combinations and play.
lines, open loops, and compressed intense color.
Inside the confines of this pear shape, you’ll find a
The bird sits on a nest of lazy daisy stitches that are patchwork of stitches: needle weaving, stem stitches,
loosely made and look like quick sketch marks. The lazy daisy stitches, satin stitches, and blanket stitches
open loops of lazy daisy stitches, lined up in a fan filled in with French knots. In contrast, the tablecloth
shape across the bird’s tail, reveal the fabric beneath is made with an orderly repeat of a stitch motif. By
to create the illusion of tail feathers. Packed together, combining the cross-stitch with the French knot, a
this same stitch produces an intense show of color for pattern emerges to calm down the crazy energy of
feathers on the bird’s wing cap. stitches that make up the pear.

More Ideas for Free-Form Embroidery 55

Garden of Flowers by Laura Wasilowski Pine Trees by Laura Wasilowski
Finished size: 9˝ × 6˝ Finished size: 81/2˝ × 6˝

Inventing Stitch Combinations Sources of Inspirations

Inventing new stitch combinations is part of free-form As with any other art form, free-form embroidery
embroidery. By combining the basic stitches found in designs can range from abstract to representational.
the Embroidery Stitch Directions (page 13) you can Look for everyday objects, exciting geometric
create your own little world full of pattern, texture, patterns, or portraiture to trigger your next design
and shape. idea. This simple landscape was inspired by the piney
islands near Sitka, Alaska, and a hand-dyed silk that
As with the flowers and plants in this garden on silk,
suggested the dramatic evening sky and water of that
it takes a variety of stitch combinations to create
the shapes. Lazy daisy stitches, left open or filled
with a straight stitch, form flower heads enhanced The pine trees are made with closely stitched rows
with French knots. Tiny blooms of French knots and of the stem stitch for the trunks and small lazy daisy
bullion knots attach themselves to stem-stitched stitches for the leaves. The lush grasses for the island
stalks. Combine stem stitches with satin stitches and foliage are straight stitches using a fine, variegated,
ferns curl up next to leafy plants made with lazy daisy perle cotton #12 thread. A light blue perle cotton #8
stitches. Fly stitches, placed tip to tip in a circle and thread and the stem stitch make the rocky banks of
filled with French knots, make starlike flowers. the islands.

56 Joyful Stitching

Now that you’ve enjoyed the

pleasure of making free-form em-
broideries, it’s time to share them.
Display your artwork on the wall,
as a pillow topper, a decoration for
a favorite purse or scarf, a table
runner, or as a small sewing kit
for your next stitching adventure.

Wall Art
Displaying your artwork on the
wall requires a hanging device. • Stitch a simple hanging loop of thread across the back of the embroidery.
Here are a few methods for hang- Measure down about 1˝ from the top of the piece and center the loop
ing your work: across the back.

• Use an acid-free mat and pierce 2 holes in the mat • Drill 2 holes in 1/4˝ Plexiglas at each corner that match
that match each corner of the embroidery. Stitch the embroidery. Drill 4 holes (2 on each side) one-
through the holes into the back of the embroidery third of the way down from the top of the Plexiglas
at each corner. Display the embroidery in a shadow- for a hanging wire. Attach the hanging wire. Center
box frame that is deep enough so the glass does not the piece on the Plexiglas and stitch through the holes
touch the artwork. into the back of the embroidery at each corner.

Display Options 57
Other Methods of Display
You can also display your free-form embroideries in ways other than wall art. Sew
embroidered pieces onto a pillow topper and display it proudly in your home. Rearrange
the pattern shapes used in A Folk Art Garden (page 41) and make a long table runner
for a special occasion. Stitch free-form embroidery to a cloth purse to add pizzazz. Add
a few decorative stitches to a matching wool scarf for embellishment. Or make your own
etui (little traveling sewing kit) from felt and embroider it with our favorite designs.

58 Joyful Stitching

Use a ruler to measure

these inch marks to verify that
printout is correctly sized.

A Rare Songbird

A Tasty Bite of Apple

Love at First Stitch


Enlarge 200%.

Patterns 59

Use a ruler to measure

these inch marks to verify that
printout is correctly sized.

Love at First Stitch


60 Joyful Stitching
Folk Art Garden
1” Dot
Cut 3. Flower Top
Cut 3.
Flower Base
Cut 3.
Ground Crescent Small
Cut 3. Ground Crescent
Cut 3.

Hand of Fortune

Yellow House Landscape

Joyful Stitching

Laura Wasilowski is a textile artist and creator of

Photo by Bonnie McCaffrey

hand-dyed fabrics and threads. Her pictorial art quilts
and free-form embroideries are collected and exhibited

Laura’s narrative quilts are inspired by stories of

family, friends, and home. Her whimsical wall pieces,
created from fused fabrics, are hand-embroidered
or machine quilted. Her free-form embroideries are
inspired by everyday objects, landscapes, and the
urge to do handwork at every opportunity.

She has an undergraduate degree in Costuming from

the College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota;
and a master of arts in Fiber from Northern Illinois
University, DeKalb, Illinois.

Owner of the dye shop Artfabrik, Laura is also a

lecturer, instructor, and pattern designer. She lives
in Elgin, Illinois, with her adoring husband and a
large garden full of mosquitoes.

Follow Laura on: Also by Laura Wasilowski:


Instagram: @laurawasilowski

Facebook: /artfabrik

Pinterest: /laurawasilowski

About the Author 63

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Begin with simple shapes and fill

STITCH PLAYFUL PROJECTS them with improvisational stitchery

Change up the provided designs,

swapping out colors and trying new
stitch combinations, to create your
own unique work

From popular,
best-selling author
and teacher Laura

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