EE 230 Laplace Circuits - 1

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Solving circuits directly using Laplace

The Laplace method seems to be useful for solving the differential

equations that arise with circuits that have capacitors and inductors and
sources that vary with time (steps and sinusoids.) The approach has
been to:
1. Analyze the circuit in the time domain using familiar circuit
analysis techniques to arrive at a differential equation for the time-
domain quantity of interest (voltage or current).
2. Perform a Laplace transform on the differential equation to arrive a
frequency-domain form of the quantity of interest.
3. Solve the frequency-domain algebra expression.
4. Transform back to the time-domain.
Might it possible to change the order of the steps? Could we transform
the circuit into the frequency domain and then use circuit techniques to
find the desired voltage or current? Might this is approach be easier
than solving differential equations?
Not surprisingly, the answer to all three questions is “Yes!”
EE 230 Laplace circuits – 1
Frequency domain impedances
In order to transform a circuit directly, we need frequency-domain
descriptions of the all of the components in the circuit. We already know
how to transform the commonly used step and sinusoidal sources. We need
to consider resistors, inductors, and capacitors to see the form of the current-
voltage relationships in the frequency domain. Apply the Laplace transform
to the i-v equations directly.
iR(t) iC(t) iL(t)

+ vR(t) – + vL(t) –
+ vC(t) –
dvC (t) diL (t)
vR (t) = R ⋅ iR (t) iC (t) = C vL (t) = L
dt dt
VR (s) = R ⋅ IR (s) IC (s) = C ⋅ s ⋅ VC (s) VL (s) = L ⋅ s ⋅ IL (s)
=R = = sL
IR(s) IC(s) IL(s)

+ VR(s) – + VL(s) –
EE 230 + VC(t) – Laplace circuits – 2
For the resistor, the frequency domain relationship is exactly the same
as the the time domain. (Ohm’s Law is not time-dependent, so this is
not a surprise.) For the inductor and capacitor, the frequency domain
relations are actually simpler. All three components can be treated with
a simple “Ohm’s-Law-like” current-voltage equation:

V (s) = Z ⋅ I (s)

where Z is known as the “impedance”, with units of ohms (Ω).

ZR = R 1 ZL = sL
ZC =
ZC and ZL depend on frequency, but for a given frequency, they are
constants. They are complex constants (since s is complex), but the
frequency domain relationships are exactly like those of the resistor:
voltage is equal to a constant multiplied by the current. This means that
the circuit in the frequency domain can be solved using all of the
methods that we learned for circuits with sources and resistors at the
very beginning of EE 201.
EE 230 Laplace circuits – 3
All of the familiar techniques learned in 201 apply in the frequency
domain, as well:
• equivalent resistances (now equivalent impedances)
• voltage / current dividers *
• source transformations
• node voltages *
• mesh currents
• superposition
Of course this frequency-domain approach is very similar to the
complex analysis used for AC circuits in EE 201. In fact, AC analysis as
introduced 201 is simply a special case of the Laplace approach. In our
Laplace expressions, if we restrict the complex frequency to just
imaginary values, s = jω, the two approaches become identical.

EE 230 Laplace circuits – 4

Now, with the approach of transforming the circuit into the frequency
domain using impedances, the Laplace procedure becomes:
1. Transform the circuit. Use the Laplace transform version of the
sources and the other components become impedances.
2. Solve the circuit using any (or all) of the standard circuit analysis
techniques to arrive at the desired voltage or current, expressed in
terms of the frequency-domain sources and impedances.
3. Transform back to the time-domain. (If needed.)

The following examples illustrate the method.

EE 230 Laplace circuits – 5

Example 1
Find the Laplace (frequency domain) expression for vC in the RC circuit
below. The input is a step function, vi (t) = Vf ·u(t)
The frequency domain circuit
+ is easily solved using a
vi (t) + C vC (t) voltage divider.
0 –

t=0 ZC
VC (s) = Vi (s)
Convert the circuit to the 1
frequency domain. sC
= 1 Vi (s)
ZR = R sC
+ 1
s + RC ( s )
+ RC
Vi (s)

ZC VC (s) VC (s) = 1

Vf 1 /RC
Vi (s) = ZC = =
sC s (s + RC )
s 1

EE 230 Laplace circuits – 6

Example 2
The same RC circuit, but now with a sinusoidal source, vi = VA cos(ωt).
The R and C impedances still
+ form a voltage divider.
vi (t) C vC (t)

– ZC
VC (s) = Vi (s)
vi (t) = VA ⋅ cos (ωt) ZC + ZR
Convert the circuit to the = Vi (s)
frequency domain. It looks sC
ZR = R 1

( s2 + ω2 )
ZR RC VA ⋅ s
VC (s) = 1
+ s+ RC
Vi (s) + ZC VC (s)
– VA
– RC
(s + RC )
( + ω 2)
s ZC = s 2
Vi (s) = VA ⋅ 2 sC
s + ω2
EE 230 Laplace circuits – 7
Example 3
Find the Laplace (frequency domain) expression for vC in the RLC circuit
below. The input is a step function, vi (t) = Vf ·u(t).
This can still be handled as a
Vf + voltage divider.
vi (t) + C vC (t)
Vi – ZC
L – VC (s) = Vi (s)
t=0 ZR + ZC + ZL
Convert to the frequency domain. = 1
Vi (s)
R+ + sL
ZR = R sC

( 1 + sRC + s 2LC ) ( s )
+ 1 Vf
VC (s) =
Vi (s) + ZC VC (s)

– Vf
Vf ZL 1 LC
Vi (s) = ZC = =
s ZL = sL sC s (s 2 + s RL + LC )

EE 230 Laplace circuits – 8

Example 4
The same RLC circuit as Example 3, but now with a sinusoidal source,
vi = VA cos(ωt).
Yep, it’s still a voltage divider.
+ ZC
vi (t)

C vC (t) VC (s) = Vi (s)
– ZR + Z C + ZL
vi (t) = VA ⋅ cos (ωt) =
Vi (s)
R+ sC
+ sL
Convert. ZR = R

( 1 + sRC + s 2LC ) ( s 2 + ω 2 )
+ VC (s) =
Vi (s) + ZC VC (s)
– VA
– 1 LC
ZL ZC = =
( )( 2+sR +
LC )
sC s 2 + ω2 s
ZL = sL L
Vi (s) = VA ⋅ 2
s + ω2
EE 230 Laplace circuits – 9
Example 5 First, combine ZR2 and ZC to
Let’s try an op-amp with a step-voltage make the parallel equivalent.

( sC ) 1 + sR2C
input. Find the frequency-domain 1 R2
expression for the output, Vo(s). ZR2C = R2∥ =


R2 ZR1 –
Vf Vi (s)
R1 + Vo (s)
0 vi (t) –
vo (t)
t=0 + It is just a simple inverting amp!

( ZR1 )
Convert to the frequency domain. Vo (s) = − Vi (s)

1 R2
ZC = ZC Vf
( 1 + sR2C )( s )
sC R1
= −
ZR2 = R2 ZR2
Vi (s) ZR1 – R1C
Vo (s) =−
s (s + R2C )
Vf + 1
Vi (s) = ZR1 = R1
EE 230 Laplace circuits – 10
Example 6
Same op amp circuit, but now with a sinusoidal input.

R2 Once again, it is just an

R1 inverting amp.
vi (t) –

( ZR1 ) i
vo (t) ZR2C
+ Vo (s) = − V (s)
vi (t) = VA ⋅ cos (ωt)

( 1 + sR2C )( s 2 + ω 2 )
R1 VA ⋅ s
Convert to the frequency domain. = −
Combine ZR2 and ZC as in the
previous example. ZR2C = ⋅s
1 + sR2C R1C
ZR2C =−
(s 2 + ω 2) (s + R2C )

Vi (s) ZR1 –
Vo (s)
ZR1 = R1 +
Vi (s) = VA ⋅ 2
EE 230
s + ω 2
Laplace circuits – 11

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