Design and Development of An Additive Manufactured Component by Topology Optimisation
Design and Development of An Additive Manufactured Component by Topology Optimisation
Design and Development of An Additive Manufactured Component by Topology Optimisation
Procedia CIRP 60 (2017) 205 – 210
This paper investigates a design and development process for Electron Beam Melting (EBM) which incorporates a simulation-driven design
process called topology optimisation. Research consists of a review of EBM design principles and validation of mechanical properties for
Ti-6Al-4V ELI. Findings are applied to a case study whereby a pair of suspension uprights are redesigned and manufactured by EBM with the
objective of mass reduction. Previous studies indicate that optimisation shape controls can potentially minimise the number of supports required
for EBM. Meanwhile, a parametric solid/surface modelling approach can allow for greater control of design intent when designing for larger
assemblies or structures. Application of the proposed strategy resulted in the case study having a 36 % reduction in mass in comparison to a
CNC aluminium design. Whilst the EBM alternative design also yields an 86 % reduction in raw material use, there is a sevenfold increase in
cost for manufacture alone. This work is an example of topology optimisation being a suitable approach when Designing for AM (DfAM). But,
the cost and time constraints associated with EBM limits application of the process to high-performance industries such as motorsport, aerospace,
or tooling solutions.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 27th CIRP Design Conference.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 27th CIRP Design Conference
Keywords: Design for Additive Manufacturing (DFAM); Topology Optimisation; Electron Beam Melting; Powder Bed Manufacturing.
2212-8271 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 27th CIRP Design Conference
206 Dan Walton and Hadi Moztarzadeh / Procedia CIRP 60 (2017) 205 – 210
development is AM’s ability to create almost limitless limit of materials [6]. The choice of post-AM processing is
geometries without the need for tooling. Recent research has entirely driven by the customer’s time and financial
also opened applications for a range of polymers, metals and requirements, and each choice must be carefully evaluated to
ceramics. However, it is of the upmost important to understand understand its effect on the process chain
that AM technologies discussed are not a replacement for
traditional processes due to AM’s comparatively slow 2.2. Design Rules for EBM
manufacturing rate [1].
The British Standards Institution (BSI) and American There are a small number of design rules which are
Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) have classified AM unavoidable for EBM, and are similar across majority of AM
processes into seven groups [4]. The suitability of each technologies.The following rules are necessary in order to
technology is largely dependent upon the designer’s choice of design a successful EBM workpiece:
material, surface finish, component size, cost and intended
production volume. However, the scope of this report is x Do not exceed the size limits of the equipment. The largest
interested EBM, a powder bed fusion process [2]. EBM is the EBM machine, the Arcam Q20plus, has a maximum build
only powder bed fusion process which utilises an electron beam size of 350 mm in diameter and 380 mm in height [2];
to selectively melt regions of material within the powder bed x Overhanging surfaces which create an acute angle to the
(see Figure 1). It is also capable of creating several melt pools powder bed may require supports to prevent molten material
simultaneously and so typically has faster build speeds in from sinking into powder. Typically, angles of greater than
comparison with other powder bed fusion processes [4]. 45° will not need supports but this is material dependent;
Manufactured components are also reported to be free of both x Do not create fully-enclosed voids or hollows as powder
residual stress and martensitic structures due to the powder bed cannot be removed [5];
being at an elevated temperature throughout the process [2]. x Tooling access is required when removing supports [5]
x Provide material overstock to high tolerance faces (e.g.
bearings). The overstock can then be removed by a post-
EBM processes such as CNC machining or EDM [7];
x Be aware of the minimum feature size for a given material
or AM system [7].
Figure 1: Illustration of the EBM process. Design guidelines are not compulsory and will depend on
aspects such as component geometry, intended use, or
2.1. Process Chain production volume. However, consideration of these factors
can lead to designs which are more suitable for production. The
The EBM process begins with a CAD model of the intended following non-exhaustive guidelines are suggested:
part which is then approximated by a triangular mesh format.
This mesh is formatted as a STereoLithography (STL) file, but x Minimise the requirement for supports by considering
is commonly referred as Surface Tessellation Language to component orientation at the start of the design process [8];
avoid confusion with the similarly named AM process. The x Supports are likely to damage the surface of the material
mesh is then digitally sliced into a large number of co-planer which they are removed. So be aware that overhanging
cross sections which represent each build layer. In processing, surfaces or anchoring point will have a poor surface finish;
a cross-section is created by spreading a layer of metallic x Powder removal from internal geometries can be difficult
powder across the build chamber by using a rake. The due to the flow behavior of powder or partially sintered
cross-section is then traced by a focused electron beam(s) material. During design, consider methods to ease powder
which selectively melts regions of material. Once a single layer removal, such as tooling access [5];
is completed, another layer of powder is spread over the x Avoid thin, vertical structures as they are prone to breaking
previous and the next cross section is processed. The process is if knocked by the powder rake [7]. If they cannot be avoided,
repeated until the entire form has been generated [1]. consider re-orientating the component within the build
A number of basic post-AM processes are recommended, or chamber or increasing the footprint area of the feature;
even required, after completion of a build. First, the lightly x Avoid sharp edges or corners. They act as stress raisers and
bound powder which surrounds a consolidated part must be can cause distortion and peeling from the build plate [7];
removed. This is best completed by a powder recovery system x Consolidate assemblies and manufacture in-situ to eliminate
which recycles unprocessed material [5]. Second, the support assembly time and simplify the supply chain [7];
structures which prevent thermal or mechanical distortion x Provide line of sight access to all faces if surface finishing
during processing are removed by hand tools, post-machining, components by processes such as shot peening [7];
or electrical discharge machining. Although components are x Minimise variations in section thickness to prevent warping
usable by this stage, they can be improved by further due to differing thermal gradients around the melt pool [9].
processing. For example, Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) can be x Validate the mechanical properties of a material for a given
utilised to reduce porosity and drastically improve the fatigue AM system and process parameters.
Dan Walton and Hadi Moztarzadeh / Procedia CIRP 60 (2017) 205 – 210 207
Topology optimisation is a simulation-driven, design The design domain describes the maximum volume which
technique which is used to optimise structures to give a can contain part geometry. It is good practice to initially
conceptual design [10]. This report focusses on the use of the maximise this volume to improve the optimisation outcome by
SIMP topology optimisation approach, however there are other starting with the build volume of the AM machine and then
approaches such as BESO which will not be explored here [11]. subtracting the interaction of other components in an assembly.
First, a Finite Element (FE) model is established under set of The initial design space can then be refined to minimise
boundary conditions (Figure 2a). The optimisation is run for a computation time by eliminating low stress areas from
specified objective, and elements are prioritised a pseudo- preliminary optimisations. Regions of the domain must also be
density coefficient which indicates importance (Figure 2b) as a specified as design and non-design space, whereby the non-
function of Young’s elastic modulus such that: design space is fixed material in which to apply boundary
conditions (see Figure 2a).
ܧு ൌ ߩ ܧ Optimisation objectives and constraints are used to define
the purpose of a topology optimisation. A single objective is
In this form, ܧ is the calculated Young’s modulus of an set, and then a number of complimentary constraints can be
optimized element, ߩ is the pseudo-density coefficient, is a assigned. For example, a minimise compliance objective can
penalization factor used to discriminate between void and solid be constrained by a mass value and stress value. There are a
material, and ܧ is the Young’s modulus of the bulk material great number of optimisation objectives, and they depend
[10]. The pseudo-densities are on a continuous scale whereby entirely upon the application of the focus part.
a value of 0 represents a void and 1 represents solid material. Shape controls are used to fine-tune an optimisation towards
Low density elements are filtered out, and the optimal topology a design which follows set design rules. Existing software
for the applied scenario is revealed (Figure 2c). Finally, the FE (such as HyperMesh) can consider aspects such as draw
mesh is interpreted using CAD in order to adapt a component direction, symmetry, or extruded shapes for conventional
for a given manufacturing process (Figure 2d). The result is an processes. Unfortunately, this is not the case for AM and so
organic shaped component which has converged towards a existing shape controls must repurposed. The following shape
state of homogeneity with regards to internal stress. controls are suggested; however, their application will depend
on the situation:
The first approach includes tracing optimised topologies The results are summarised in Table 1. The loading conditions
within any CAD package. This makes use of readily available of the upright were determined using a mixture of physical
skills within the engineering community, such as solid, surface, testing and hand calculations (Figure 3). The suspension
or NURBS modelling. This can be time-consuming process and upright is simulated under a static loading. However, the failure
the result will depend on user CAD proficiency and process criteria is defined as the fatigue limit of EBM Ti-6Al-4V which
knowledge. However, the result is a fully parameterised design is approximately 450 MPa at 106 cycles [6].
which can easily be manipulated to account for AM build
orientation, support architecture, or heat dissipation. This 4.2. Simulation
approach is best suited for applications whereby cycle time,
material cost, or high performance are a priority. The objective of the optimisation is to minimise weighted
The second interpretation approach is to include a compliance. The design was constrained to a maximum mass
post-optimisation stage which uses surface-fitting software or of 0.6 kg and a maximum stress of 450 MPa. The resulting
a further shape optimisation. In unique situations, it may even topology is shown in Figure 4.
be possible to manufacture directly from the optimised mesh
format to eliminate the interpretation stage entirely. Whilst Table 1: Properties of as-built Ti-6Al-4V ELI. (SD = Standard Deviation)
Property Value
time efficient, these approaches are likely to create designs
which require more supports or post-processing which is only Young’s Modulus 106 GPa (SD: 9)
acceptable if the benefits of reduced design time outweigh the Ultimate Tensile Strength 956 MPa (SD: 38)
cost of manufacture. Strain at Break 12.0 % (SD: 1.0)
Fatigue limit at 106 cycles [6] 450 MPa
4. Case Study
Poisson’s Ratio [12] 0.30
4.4. Manufacture