Additive Manufacturing: Ajit Panesar, Meisam Abdi, Duncan Hickman, Ian Ashcroft
Additive Manufacturing: Ajit Panesar, Meisam Abdi, Duncan Hickman, Ian Ashcroft
Additive Manufacturing: Ajit Panesar, Meisam Abdi, Duncan Hickman, Ian Ashcroft
Additive Manufacturing
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Article history: A number of strategies that enable lattice structures to be derived from Topology Optimisation (TO)
Received 5 April 2017 results suitable for Additive Manufacturing (AM) are presented. The proposed strategies are evaluated for
Received in revised form mechanical performance and assessed for AM specific design related manufacturing considerations. From
26 September 2017
a manufacturing stand-point, support structure requirement decreases with increased extent of latticing,
Accepted 13 November 2017
whereas the design-to-manufacture discrepancies and the processing efforts, both in terms of memory
Available online 14 November 2017
requirements and time, increase. Results from Finite Element (FE) analysis for the two loading scenarios
considered: intended loading, and variability in loading, provide insight into the solution optimality and
Lattice structures robustness of the design strategies. Lattice strategies that capitalised on TO results were found to be
Functional grading considerably (∼40–50%) superior in terms of specific stiffness when compared to the structures where
Topology optimisation this was not the case. The Graded strategy was found to be the most desirable from both the design and
Design for additive manufacturing manufacturing perspective. The presented pros-and-cons for the various proposed design strategies aim
Finite element analysis to provide insight into their suitability in meeting the challenges faced by the AM design community.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
1. Introduction external geometry and internal architecture. Tang et al. [8] provides
an overview of the various fields where cellular material designed
Cellular materials have been utilised for centuries in a wide vari- specifically for AM are being utilised. Cellular structures designed
ety of applications and are common in natural materials such as for fabrication via AM are commonly referred to as lattice struc-
wood, bone, sponge and coral. These can be regarded as a struc- tures due to being inherently non-stochastic. Other terminology in
ture that consists of a network of solid struts or plates which form literature includes lightweight structures and foams, while many
the edges and faces of cells [1]. More recently these materials of these terms can be used interchangeably, lattice structures has
have been specifically designed to fulfil multi-functional material been chosen as the most accurate descriptor of the structures inves-
requirements in weight reduction, energy absorption, heat transfer tigated herein.
and thermal insulation [2–5]. Conventional methods of fabricating AM enables the production of complex geometries that were
metallic cellular materials include liquid state processing such as previously difficult or impossible to manufacture and this has led
direct foaming and spray foaming, solid state processing includ- to the creation of many different design strategies in order to man-
ing powder metallurgy sintering of powders and the use of fibres, ufacture parts that are both high quality, within tolerances and
electro-deposition and vapour deposition [6,7]. Although altering economic to produce [9]. Furthermore, designs can now be realised
parameters of these manufacturing processes allows for some con- that have high specific stiffness and strength whilst reducing (or
trol over pore shape and size, they remain limited to producing eliminating) material wastage, primarily due to AM’s synergy with
randomly organised structures. This is in contrast to the layer- topology optimisation (TO), a structural optimization technique
by-layer manufacturing paradigm of Additive Manufacturing (AM) that iteratively improves the material layout within a given design
which enables the creation of cellular materials with a predefined space, for a given set of loads and boundary conditions [10,11].
However, it is important to consider manufacturing specific fac-
tors when designing for AM, these include: requirement for support
material, limitations in build angle, wall size, hole size and dimen-
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London,
sional accuracy [12,13].
SW7 2AZ, UK.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Panesar).
2214-8604/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
82 A. Panesar et al. / Additive Manufacturing 19 (2018) 81–94
There have been many approaches proposed for creating opti- only one that offers the ability to include graded lattice structures
mised lattice structures. Brackett et al. [14] suggested mapping as part of the optimisation routine, however the current implemen-
volume fractions of the lattice unit cells onto the intermediate tation remains limited to only one type of cell (defined by the edges
densities of an un-penalised SIMP solution, making the greyscale Tetrahedron).
density solution of TO possible to manufacture with AM. This work It can be seen, therefore, that although the design freedoms
utilised the tessellation of the unit cell for the lattice generation, i.e. offered through AM allow for the creation of complex lattice struc-
where a selected unit cell template is tessellated across the design tures, the development of effective strategies to design them is
domain in a regular fashion. Cheng et al. [15] presented a method an ongoing area of research. Lattice structures can be exploited
where the density distribution from TO results were used to obtain in AM for many reasons including: enabling the fabrication of a
the radii values (employed for the creation of strut members) at TO solution with intermediate densities (as found in density based
the vertices of the unit cells to allow the material grading of a tes- methods); reducing part distortions, as their inherent porosity min-
sellated lattice structure. Teufelhart and Reinhart [16] optimised imises residual stresses, and as a result require fewer supports
the strut diameters of an irregular lattice structure by capitalis- (support needs are alleviated with inclusion of self-supporting unit
ing on the flux of force within a solid structure. They showed that cells [32]); and improved design robustness. Therefore embracing
enhancement in performance can be achieved when compared to a lattice structure in design can be useful when considering both the
regular (uniformly tessellated) counterpart, mainly due to a much mechanical performance and manufacturing aspects of AM design.
smoother distribution of stresses owing to the stress conformal This paper aims to demonstrate that a closer interplay between
nature of the lattice. To generate lattice with varying cell sizes, lattice design approaches and TO is the next step in realising opti-
Brackett et al. [17] offered an error diffusion based method which mal lattice designs for AM. Therefore this work focuses on defining
enabled the mapping of irregular unit cell lattice onto a greyscale strategies that allow for the realisation of lattice structures that are
input. This was achieved by generating dithered points from the derived using TO solutions; and benchmarking their performance
greyscale image followed by connecting them, using either Delau- in terms of both the load-bearing capability and the AM specific
nay triangulation or Voronoi tessellation. design related manufacturing considerations. The novelty of this
Generic ground truss structure approaches [18–20] have also work is in utilising the TO-to-lattice mapping, presented by the
been investigated for lattice optimisation, with some focused on authors in [14], to derive differing lattice strategies and indicate
AM [21]. Heuristic methods where unit cells are chosen from a their relative performance. The paper takes the following struc-
predefined library and subsequently subjected to size optimisa- ture: firstly, differing strategies for realising lattice structures are
tion to support different stress states (within a structure) have also defined, the rationale behind them and details of lattice generation,
been developed to create conformal lattices [22]. Alzahrani et al. is presented; secondly, criterion for the mechanical performance
[23] progressed the above-mentioned heuristic method further to evaluation and the metrics employed for assessing the AM specific
utilise the relative density information obtained from TO to auto- design related manufacturing considerations are detailed; thirdly,
matically determine the diameter of each individual strut in the results are presented and the strengths and weaknesses of the dif-
structure. They found the method capable of producing reliable ferent strategies discussed; and lastly, with the aim to better equip
structures under multiple loading conditions and also capable of designers and engineers, insight backed by quantitative investiga-
reducing the computational cost associated with the design of these tion into the suitability of proposed lattice strategies for different
structures. objectives is provided.
Structural optimization techniques relying on weighted objec-
tive functions have also been employed for orthopaedic implant
applications that take into account multiple design objectives for 2. Methodology
lattice structures including stiffness, porosity and surface area
[24]. Many fields of research including biomedical, physics and 2.1. Methodology: realising lattice designs
materials science, have also considered optimisation of the unit
cell itself. This is either done for an individual unit cell, which is This section comprises of three subsections: the first provides
subsequently tessellated throughout the design volume, or every details on the TO procedure that underpins the realisation of lattice
unit cell throughout the design volume is optimised to a unique strategies, the second introduces the various proposed strategies,
geometry. Cadman et al. [25] provides a comprehensive review and lastly the details on generating a lattice structure with func-
of these strategies for optimised material design for a broad tionally grading is provided.
range of multi-functional and multi-disciplinary applications, such
as, phononic/photonic bandgap materials, metamaterials, tailored
fluid permeability and diffusivity, negative Poisson’s ratio, conduc-
tive properties and functionally graded materials. 2.1.1. Obtaining optimal topologies: discrete solid-void structures
Recent advances in software targeted towards computer aided and greyscale density solutions
design and design for AM have provided new ways to design lattice Solid Isotropic Material Penalisation (SIMP) method [10,33] –
structures. Some notable tools in this regard are Rhino (Rhinoceros a density-based approach where the material distribution prob-
3D) [26], 3-Matic (Materialise) [27], Simpleware (Synopsys) [28], lem is parametrised by the material density distribution to obtain
Within (Autodesk) [29] and Optistruct (Altair) [30]. Rhino (McNeel) optimal topologies was chosen for the TO procedure because the
provides a platform for a variety of plugins and add-ons including; a SIMP implementation enables results in two forms, one that allows
version of Symvol (Uformia) [31] that provides an F-Rep based tool for efficient discrete solid-void representation and the other in the
that can create complex lattice structures, and Grasshopper a plugin greyscale density representation.
that provides a graphical scripting platform increasing the simplic- The objective of the SIMP implementation used here is to iden-
ity in creating complex designs. 3-Matic, Simpleware and Within tify the optimal distribution of material density, subjected to target
have features that are designed specifically to aid in the design of volume constraint, to minimise structural compliance (a measure
lattice structures, such as unit cell libraries and the ability to cre- of the inverse of stiffness). The objective function is defined as:
ate structures with a graded density. However current versions of
these software lack the ability to map lattice onto an imported (or 1 T
C= U KU (1)
generated) 3D density map resulting from a TO. Optistruct is the 2
A. Panesar et al. / Additive Manufacturing 19 (2018) 81–94 83
Fig. 1. Results from SIMP for volume fraction constraint of 0.5 when penalty exponent (): a) set to ‘1 and b) set to ‘3’.
1 At the two extremes of this spectrum are the “Solid” (Fig. 2a)
∂C/∂i = −ϕi ϕ−1 uTi k0i ui (4)
2 and “Uniform” (Fig. 2e) strategies which show a topology opti-
mised solid solution and an uniform material lattice that fills the
where ki0 denotes the stiffness matrix and ui represents the dis-
entire design domain, respectively. It is of note that both Graded
placement vector for the ith element. A numerical implementation
and Scaled strategies fall directly under the category of function-
of [34] utilising the optimality criterion method was employed to
ally graded lattice structures and if material grading is not the most
obtain the SIMP solutions on a mesh with equally sized cubic ele-
important aspect then Intersected strategy could be included as
ments. The penalty exponent () was set to 1 to obtain grey-scale
density representations and a value of 3 for was chosen when
It is possible to intuitively assess the design strategies of Fig. 2
a discrete solid-void representation was desired (see Fig. 1). The
for: i) solution optimality –attainment of highest specific stiffness,
discrete solid-void representation is obtained by thresholding the
ii) design effort – ease in realising the final structure, and iii) sup-
density results with an iso-value of 0.5 utilising the iso-surface
port structure requirements. Table 1 uses qualitative descriptors
function in MATLAB [35].
to rank these design strategies from least to most promising can-
didates when considering the above-mentioned three categories.
2.1.2. Introduction to lattice design strategies Optimality of a solution can be estimated by evaluating its extent
As discussed earlier, there are several approaches to realise lat- of deviation from the original TO solution. For example, between
tice solutions. Herein, a unit cell tessellation approach is adopted, Graded and Scaled strategies, the former more closely interprets the
similar to that presented by the authors in [36]. Since this work TO greyscale results by permitting solid and void regions to exist
focuses on studying the strategies for lattice generation, unpenal- whereas this is not permissible in the latter, therefore diminish-
ized SIMP solutions are chosen to be interpreted instead of those ing its optimality. When measuring the design effort, the number
obtained with a unit cell specific penalisation exponent, making the of steps involved and their associated intricacies needs to be con-
material density to lattice mapping cell-type independent. A range sidered. For instance, both Solid and Uniform strategies utilise a
of lattice concepts, generated using either the discrete solid-void single step operation (TO and Tessellation respectively) but the
or the greyscale representations of the TO results are illustrated former outweighs the latter in terms of the effort needed. This is
in Fig. 2. The three principally differing strategies that embrace a due to the (somewhat demanding) underlying optimisation proce-
lattice structure within a topology optimised solution are: dure of the former as compared to the relatively straight-forward
generative design step of the latter. All the other lattice strategies
1) “Intersected Lattice” (Fig. 2b) – obtained from intersecting a dis- build upon the solution of TO and therefore have added steps which
crete solid-void TO solution with a uniform material density increases their design effort. Capturing the geometric complexities
lattice that fills the entire design domain. A uniform material that necessitate support gives a good estimate of support require-
density lattice comprises of unit cells that have a constant vol- ments for a design. Solid solutions from TO can often resemble
84 A. Panesar et al. / Additive Manufacturing 19 (2018) 81–94
Fig. 2. Representative structures with a volume fraction of 0.5: a) Solid (SIMP solution), b) Intersected Lattice (derived by intersection Solid SIMP solution with Uniform
Lattice, where both had a similar volume fraction of ∼0.707 i.e. sqrt(0.5)), c) Graded Lattice, d) Scaled Lattice, and e) Uniform Lattice.
organic shapes and necessitate additional material as support for lay parallel to the x−y plane. Strut based unit cells can be gener-
a successful build. With the inclusion of self-supporting unit cells ated by specifying a strut diameter (or iso-value) for the signed
to generate lattices derived from TO solutions, like the Intersected distance function created over the 1D topology of the unit cell (i.e.
and Graded strategies, the need for support is alleviated. For Scaled connectivity of the vertices).
and Uniform strategies, that fill the entire design domain, one can TPMS can be defined by implicit functions (i.e. f (x, y, z) = t)
expect no (or base-line minimum) need for supports. where the isovalue ‘t’ governs the offset from the level-sets (i.e.
when function value equals zero) [37]. The nomenclature for the
library of TPMS presented in Fig. 4 is as follows: ‘G’ is Schoen’s
2.1.3. Generation of functionally graded lattices Gyroid; ‘P’ is Schwarz’s Primitive; ‘D’ is Schwarz’s Diamond and
Broadly speaking, lattice unit cells can be constructed using a) ‘W’ is Schoen’s iWP. The reader is directed to [38] for further back-
strut based members as shown in Fig. 3 or b) surface based repre- ground information on the TPMS and their governing equations.
sentation, for example, the Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces (TPMS) In practice, surface representations of TPMS with inequality con-
of Figs. 4–6. ditions are used to generate solid structures, for instance, expressed
The nomenclature for the library of strut based unit cells pre- as
sented in Fig. 3 is as follows: BCC is Body Cantered Cubic; BCCz is
BCC with ‘z’ direction reinforcement; FCC is Face Centred Cubic;
FBCC results from the union of FCC and BCC; and names with ‘S’
prefix are self-supporting variants which have no members that f (x, y, z) ≤ t (5)
A. Panesar et al. / Additive Manufacturing 19 (2018) 81–94 85
Fig. 3. Library of truss based unit cells (Vf = 0.2): a) BCC, b) BCCz, c) FCC, d) FBCC, e) S-FCC, f) S-FCCz, g) S-FBCC, and h) S-FBCCz.
Fig. 4. Library of (implicit) surface based unit cells – Network phase (representatives): a) G (Schoen’s Gyroid), b) P (Schwarz’s Primitive), c) D (Schwarz’s Diamond, d) W
(Schoen’s iWP), e) Lidinoid (by Sven Lidin), f) Neovius (by Schoen’s student Neovius), g) Octo (by Schoen), and h) Split P.
Fig. 5. Schwarz’s P surfaces (for value of t = 0.37): a) f (x, y, z) ≤ t, b) f (x, y, z) ≤ −t, and c) −t ≤ f (x, y, z) ≤ t.
Fig. 5a and b present the solid structures derived by utilising the where, i is the function periodicity, expressed as i = 2 × ni/Li
inequality of (5) for the Schwarz’s P surface when t = 0.37 and −0.37 (with i = x, y, z); ni being the number of cell repetitions and Li the
respectively. The governing equation of ‘P’ surface is absolute dimension for the tessellated lattice domain. The family of
f p (x, y, z) = cos(x x) + cos(y y) + cos(z z) (6)
86 A. Panesar et al. / Additive Manufacturing 19 (2018) 81–94
Fig. 6. Library of (implicit) surface based unit cells (Vf = 0.2): a) D-G, b) D-P, c) D-D, d) D-W, e) D-Lidinoid, f) D-Neovius, g) D-Octo, and h) D-Split P.
TPMS of Fig. 4 can be easily extended by defining the solid structure standpoint, one could consider stating the material grading to be
as similar in form to that of Eq. (5) therefore resulting in
f 2 (x, y, z) ≤ t 2 (7)
i.e. f (x, y, z) bounded between [−t, t]. These representations are f (x, y, z) ≤ t (x, y, z) (8)
commonly referred to as “Double” variant of the base TPMS and
therefore have a prefix ‘D’ to their names (see Fig. 6). Fig. 5c presents
the resulting D-P (i.e. double variant of Schwarz’s Primitive) struc-
ture when using the value of t = 0.37. It is of note that the D-P Here, t is an isovalue matrix in the (x, y, z)-space that con-
structure is in effect the subtraction of Fig. 5b from Fig. 5a as this is trols the volume fraction (or Vf ) variation for the lattice structure
what the inequality of (7) dictates. within Cartesian space. The relationship between t and Vf were
Double variants of TPMS, besides having the matrix phase obtained for various unit cells by employing curve-fitting tech-
where −t ≤ f ≤ t have two more solid representations resulting from niques to ensure that the average volume fraction for a unit cell
f < − t and f > t. These non-intersecting manifolds that sandwich the equated to the average volume fraction for the corresponding vol-
matrix phase are often referred to as the network phases. In this umetric region within material density/grading map. Each voxel
work only matrix phase structures are investigated, due to their (volumetric pixel) for evaluation assumed homogenised properties
resemblance to load bearing thin-walled structures. with field values at the element centroid. Fig. 7 shows an example
Material grading of a 3D structure can be achieved by operating of linear grading for BCC and D-P unit cells where Vf varies from 0.1
on a 4D representation in (x, y, z, t)-space. From an implementation at the bottom to 0.5 at the top of the lattice structure.
Fig. 7. Example of a linear material grading for: a) strut based BCC lattice and b) surface based D-P lattice.
A. Panesar et al. / Additive Manufacturing 19 (2018) 81–94 87
Fig. 9. Structures used for FEA: a) Solid (SIMP solution), b) Intersected Lattice of D-P, c) Intersected Lattice of BCC, d) Graded Lattice of D-P, e) Scaled Lattice of D-P, and f)
Uniform Lattice of D-P.
88 A. Panesar et al. / Additive Manufacturing 19 (2018) 81–94
Table 2
% x,y,z components of the considered unit load vectors for the loading scenario II.
x y z x y z x y z
0 99 1 1 98 1 1 99 0
Lower variability (F L )
0 96.9 3.1 1.9 96.2 1.9 3.1 96.9 0
0.9 94.1 5 3 93.9 3 5 94.1 0.9
Higher variability (F H ) 2.1 92.2 5.8 4.2 91.6 4.2 5.8 92.2 2.1
0.5 88.3 11.3 5.6 88.9 5.6 11.3 88.3 0.5
An important consideration when designing parts for metal AM, large STL file specifies a greater number of triangles and as a result
specifically Selective Laser Melting (SLM), is the support structure requires more computer memory to perform computational oper-
requirement. In general, downward sloping faces with an angle ations (such as Boolean operations), and also results in increased
of 45◦ or less require support structures [42], and additional sup- processing efforts needed to generate a sliced file format for 3D
port reinforcement may be needed in regions that experience high printing. To better understand the processing efforts, two measures
residual stress due to the build process in order to prevent part were considered: Measure-1 – the number of triangles needed to
distortion. Although over-supporting a component can reduce the define the geometry, and Measure-2 – the time spent on generating
chance of a build failure, it increases the manufacturing time, the the sliced files of the components (in Magics). Doing so allows for
powder used, and the post-processing efforts for support removal. investigation as to whether there is a direct correlation or depen-
The aim of the support structure investigation in this study is dency between the two measures.
to compare the relative support structure needs for the different In addition to the support requirements and processing efforts,
design strategies. Similar to [43], a fixed build orientation, i.e. y axis design complexity plays a role in the design-to-manufacture dis-
(or the loading direction) is chosen as it provided greater scope for crepancy, i.e. disparity between the intended design and the
comparing the support structure requirement when compared to manufactured part. For AM components, this disparity can be
x and z axes whilst keeping similar build times. It is of note that attributed to two main sources: the deflection of component due to
by identifying the optimal build direction for each design, minimal a high residual stress, and surface roughness effects. Lattice struc-
support needs specific for a design can be obtained precisely. Such tures when compared to solid samples for the same total volume
an investigation is beyond the scope of this work and therefore a are less affected by residual stress due to their inherent porosity
fixed build orientation is employed for the relative comparison. but can be detrimentally influenced by the surface roughness and
To quantify the support requirement for the different designs, balling effects [44] due to the difficulties associated with perform-
Magics support generation module was employed. The surface area ing surface finish operations. A preliminarily investigation showed
of the overall support in a structure was used as a measure for sup- that the weights of the manufactured lattice parts were found to
port requirements. The different designs were added to a scene be noticeably different from the intended designed weights (due
representing a Realizer SLM50 build platform and oriented with to loosely attached powder). A second order polynomial function
the ‘y axis’ normal to the build platform (refer to Fig. 15). The soft- adequately captured the relationship between the error percentage
ware automatically generated support structures using proprietary (the above discussed disparity) and the surface area to volume ratio
algorithms and this allowed for a fair comparison to be made of the for a number of SLM manufactured Titanium lattice cubes samples
support structure requirement for the various design strategies. (densities ranging from 0.1 to 0.6).
The processing efforts required for generating the suitable file
format for a 3D printer (i.e. AM machine) from the design file for- wb − wd A
2 A
ε=| | × 100% = −0.12 + 7.3 − 4.7 (9)
mat can be related to the geometrical complexity of the designed wd V V
samples as well as the size of the file representing the samples.
STeroLithography (STL) is the de-facto file format for manufac- where, is the error%, A is the surface area, V the volume of the
ture in the AM sector. The STL file describes a part’s geometry part, and wb and wd represent the build and designed weight of the
(specifically surface) using triangles, therefore, the size of an STL component, respectively. In this work, Eq. (9) is used to report the
file is directly dependent on the number of triangles used to repre- disparity/error between design and manufacture for the explored
sent the surface and in-turn a good measure of part complexity. A design strategies.
Fig. 10. Total strain energy of the various design strategies for the case of intended loading.
A. Panesar et al. / Additive Manufacturing 19 (2018) 81–94 89
Fig. 11. Total strain energy of the various design strategies for the case of F 1 variability in loading.
Fig. 12. Total strain energy of the various design strategies for the case of F 2 variability in loading.
3. Results and discussion (for reference purposes), middle (grey column) corresponds to the
lower variability case (FL ) and right-most (orange colour) the higher
3.1. Numerical evaluation variability case (FH ). Error bars indicate the highest and lowest val-
ues, to highlight the range in response to each load and do not to
The resulting total SE for the different design strategies applied indicate uncertainty.
to the cantilever beam test case under intended loading are pre- To provide an insight into the above results, consider the sim-
sented in Fig. 10. These results are in agreement with the intuitively plified case of a homogenous cantilever beam of Fig. 8 which has
predicted ranking of Table 1. The Solid solution derived from the a constant cross-section and unvarying moduli value. For such a
penalised SIMP optimisation attained the lowest SE. Conversely, the structure, the SE values under the deformation modes outlined in
Uniform lattice structure possessed the highest SE. Intersected and Table 3 can be computed using simple analytical expressions. It
Graded structures gave the lowest SE values for structures embrac- is evident that the SE stored in the structure due to the bending
ing lattices. The Scaled lattice design gave much lower (58%) SE induced by Fz is much higher than the case of stretching induced
value than the Uniform lattice indicating a more optimal solution via Fx . As all loads in Table 2 have the dominant vector compo-
although the solution was noticeably inferior (∼10%) to the Inter- nent along the ‘–y axis’, therefore, the chief contributor of SE is
sected and Graded structures. This confirms the hypothesis that a the bending induced by the Fy load component. F1 utilised second
solutions’ extent of deviation from the original TO solution directly dominant loading along the ‘−z axis’ and therefore it has a higher SE
relates to optimality for a chosen strategy. It is of note that the stored in the structure indicating inferior performance (see Fig. 11)
performance of an Intersected lattice, in principle, can range any- when compared to the case in which the second dominant loading
where between a Solid and Uniform solution as the structure itself is along the ‘−x axis’ (i.e. F3 ). With F2 having equal components
is derived by intersecting a Solid solution with a Uniform lattice but about the ‘−x and −z axes’, it can be expected that the SE val-
for all practical purposes it is safe to assume that this approach will ues lie in between the previously reported cases and this is what
employ a great deal of TO to attain superior performance. was observed (see Fig. 12). Although, inferences have been made
The total SE values for the different design strategies when sub- using a homogenised beam, similar SE trends can be expected with
jected to the loading of F1 ,F2 andF3 are presented in Figs. 11–13, the case of non-homogenous structures, like the considered lattice
respectively. For each design strategy, three columns are shown: structures. It is worth pointing out that with changes in the relative
left-most (blue colour) is the result from the intended loading case dimensions, i.e. L:B:H ratios, assumption made about the dominant
90 A. Panesar et al. / Additive Manufacturing 19 (2018) 81–94
Fig. 13. Total strain energy of the various design strategies for the case of F 3 variability in loading.
Table 3
Strain energy in the beam under different modes of deformation − a simplified analytical approach.
Load case General statement for the stored SE SE in beam of Fig. 8 (L = 4 B and H = 2B)
L Fx .Fx .dl L Fx .Fx 1
Stretching due to F x U= = FxE.Fx . 2BH =
L M.M.dl
0 Fy .Fy 2L3 FyE.Fy . B16
Bending due to F y = =
0 2EI
FzE.Fz . BH
FzE.Fz . 64B
Bending due to F z = E
. = E
. B
B3 H
Table 4 ues that were thresholded to below the cut-off value of 1.8e-5 (the
Performance resilience for design strategies.
same threshold is used for the illustrations of Fig. 14). The Uniform
FL FH lattice was found to have a standard deviation of 2.47 whereas the
Scaled lattice was found to be only 1.36. A tighter band of SE values
F1 F2 F3 F1 F2 F3
(i.e. lower SD) should, in principle, indicate a more optimal strategy
Solid 0.07 0.04 0.1 0.19 0.01 0.18
as the load bearing capability of a structure is better utilised with
Intersected 0.08 0.04 0.11 0.19 0.01 0.18
Graded 0.06 0.02 0.08 0.16 0 0.14 most regions attaining SE values closer to the average.
Scaled 0.09 0.03 0.11 0.22 0.01 0.18 When considering design approaches, different unit cell geome-
Uniform 0.06 0.06 0.12 0.12 0.06 0.21 tries form an important part of the decision making process. To
highlight this, the Intersected lattice was tested with both D-P unit
cells (Fig. 15a and b) and BCC unit cells (Fig. 15c and d). Visual com-
loading scenario of Table 3 and the area moment of inertias may parison shows that the BCC cells have raised SE at the interface of
change making the current interpretations void. unit cells. This can be considered as a feature of using a strut based
When comparing various design strategies for FL and FH variabil- lattice structure such as BCC as opposed to the surface based D-P
ities, the ratio of the mean SE value associated with the variable structure. As can be seen, the D-P structure has a smoother distribu-
loading case (i.e. middle and right-most columns) and the SE tion of SE. This has potential advantages in preventing failure due to
for intended loading (i.e. left most column) can help estimate stress concentrations. Stress concentrations are also visible where
Performance Resilience (PR). Herein, PR is defined as the abso- unit cells have been cut in void regions, this is less noticeable in the
lute difference between the ratio computed above and unity. The surface based design due to the higher degree of connectivity that
smaller the value the greater the resilience, as the performance of a cut ‘wall’ or surface has in comparison to a cut strut member. The
the structure varied the least when subject to variation in loading. trends seen in the visual interpretation of SE values are supported
Table 4 reports the PR values for the five design strategies investi- by the numerical distribution of SE values. The BCC structure has a
gated. The Graded strategy was observed to be most resilient as it SD of 1.40 while the D-P structure has a SD of 1.06, when using the
attained the lowest PR values (except for FH1 where it was second cut-off value of 1.2e-5 (i.e. the same threshold used for the illus-
lowest). Conversely, the Uniform strategy was found to be least trations of Fig. 15). It is of note that with the Intersected strategy,
resilient (except for FH1 where it attained a low PR value). The other lattices can be generated by intersecting a higher Vf Solid solution
three strategies attained intermediate PR values, with the Scaled with a lower Vf Uniform lattice to result in a structure comprised
strategy being marginally less resilient than the others. of thin members, leading to higher stress concentrations.
In addition to the reported total SE values, review of the distri-
bution of SE values through the use of contour maps reveals more
information about how the different designs respond to loading.
Scaled and Uniform lattices were compared as they both filled the 3.2. Manufacturing evaluation
entire design domain (a common feature) and only differed in the
way the material was distributed within the volume. Fig. 14 shows Table 5 reports the “as measured” as well as “relative measure”
the differences in the SE distribution between the two strategies for (i.e. normalised to unity) values for the three design related manu-
the case of intended loading. The Uniform lattice appears to have a facturing considerations explored, specifically, support structure
greater variation in the distribution of SE and this is confirmed by requirement, processing efforts and design-to-manufacture dis-
the Standard Deviation (SD) values. The SD calculation utilised val- crepancy. Note: for all the data collected, structures underwent
A. Panesar et al. / Additive Manufacturing 19 (2018) 81–94 91
Fig. 14. Contour maps showing strain energy variation for: a) Scaled Lattice (isometric view), b) Scaled Lattice (section view), c) Uniform Lattice (isometric view), and d)
Uniform Lattice (section view).
Fig. 15. Contour maps showing strain energy variation for: a) Intersected Lattice employing D-P unit cell (isometric view), b) Intersected Lattice employing D-P unit cell
(section view), c) Intersected Lattice employing BCC unit cell (isometric view), and d) Intersected Lattice employing BCC unit cell (section view).
92 A. Panesar et al. / Additive Manufacturing 19 (2018) 81–94
Table 5
Design related manufacturing considerations for the design strategies.
the same triangle reduction procedure (in Magics) after employing ments (70–80% of the Solid case) were observed for the Intersected
identical values for the minimum detail size. and Graded strategies, Fig. 16c and d respectively, mainly due to
As discussed earlier, Solid solutions from TO can often resem- the presence of some internal/external overhang surfaces as these
ble organic shapes and have considerable overhang surfaces (as in strategies only fill part of the design domain with lattice.
Fig. 16a and b) necessitating extensive support to enable a success- Fig. 17 presents the relative measures reported in Table 5 in an
ful SLM build. Conversely, lattice designs with self-supporting unit easy to compare (pictorial) format with surface area included for
cells filling the entire design domain, i.e. Scaled and Uniform strate- reference. When moving left-to-right (i.e. Solid to Uniform strat-
gies of Fig. 16e and f, require base-line minimum supports which egy), a general increasing trend is observed for all the design related
amounted to ∼40% of the Solid case. Intermediate support require- manufacturing considerations (except for the support require-
Fig. 16. Support structure requirements for: a) Solid, b) Solid (section view), (c) Intersected Lattice, (d) Graded Lattice, (e) Scaled Lattice, and (f) Uniform Lattice.
A. Panesar et al. / Additive Manufacturing 19 (2018) 81–94 93
Fig. 17. Relative measure reported for the comparison of design related manufacturing considerations.
ments). In general, for the case of lattices comprised of unit cells Another issue, is the self-supporting property of the cells which can
that are not self-supporting, a similar increasing trend for sup- be affected by increasing the cell size if the cell has any overhang
port requirement can be expected since the geometric complexity surfaces greater than the specified limit. Evidently, this is not an
that necessitates support increases with latticing. With the inclu- issue for a BCC cell with 45◦ members, however, for a truss-like cell
sion of self-supporting unit cells, this trend can be reversed, as with horizontal members, e.g. FCC and FBCC, one should take this
shown in this investigation (and the predictive ranking of Table 1), into account.
giving confidence in the hypothesis “capturing the geometric com-
plexities that necessitate support gives a good estimate of support
requirements for a design”.
4. Concluding remarks
It is evident that the greater the extent of latticing, the higher
the surface area of the solution. Intersected and Graded lattices
Topology optimisation (TO) techniques and generative lattice
have nearly two-fold the surface area whereas the Scaled and Uni-
design approaches are increasingly being employed for the design
form lattices have almost three-fold when compared to the Solid
of Additively Manufactured (AM) parts and are the focus of ongoing
solution. It is of note that the number of triangles needed to rep-
research in the AM community. The development of strategies to
resent a Solid solution in comparison to Uniform lattice is greatly
create complex lattice structures utilising optimal solutions from
reduced (1/100th), due to the much simpler surface patches needed
TO has great potential throughout a wide range of research fields.
to define its geometry. Comparing Graded with Intersected lattice,
This investigation explored robustness and effectiveness of pro-
although the former had marginally lower surface area (a result of
posed design strategies, both in terms of mechanical performance
accommodating solid regions), the representation of lower Vf unit
and AM specific design related manufacturing considerations. From
cells meant a higher number of triangles were needed overall. To
the results obtained in this work, the following conclusions can be
put things in perspective the lower Vf in Graded was 0.3 whereas
the Intersected lattice utilised a uniform Vf of 0.715.
Lattice strategies that are informed by TO results (i.e.
There seems to be a direct correlation between the “number
Intersected/Graded/Scaled lattices) are considerably (∼40–50%)
of triangles” (Measure-1 of processing effort) and processing time
superior in terms of specific stiffness to the structures where this is
(Measure-2) when the number of triangles exceed the 110k mark
not the case (i.e. Uniform lattice). The Graded lattice strategy was
(i.e. structure achieves sufficient geometric complexity). However
identified as the most robust strategy from a mechanical perfor-
with triangle numbers, as is the case with Solid solution and Inter-
mance stand-point due to its high resilience to loading variabilities.
sected lattice, a baseline/offset processing effort (time) needed for
For cut members, as is the case with the Intersected and Graded
slicing can be seen (see Fig. 17).
strategies, lattices generated from surface based unit cells were
Owing to the relatively low surface area of the Graded lat-
found to be more efficient at transmitting loads when compared
tice when compared to other lattice designs, a low value for the
to strut based unit cells, essentially because of their higher degree
design-to-manufacture discrepancy is found. It can be inferred that
of connectivity.
the Graded, amongst other lattice strategies, can produce manu-
In principle, a general increasing trend with increased extent of
factured parts that deviate the least from the intended design. It
latticing is observed for all the AM specific design related manufac-
should be noted that design-to-manufacture discrepancy adds to
turing considerations investigated, specifically, support structure
the weight of the part, and potentially effects mechanical prop-
requirement, processing efforts and design-to-manufacture dis-
erties, therefore when utilising lattice structures for optimised
crepancy. However, the trend for support requirements can be
design strategies, particularly for low density, one needs to take
reversed by employing self-supporting unit cells, giving confidence
into account the change in the part weight after manufacturing in
to the proposed hypothesis i.e. “capturing the geometric complex-
order to compensate for the extra weight added to the component
ities that necessitate support gives a good estimate of support
after the build.
requirements for a design”.
In addition to the AM specific design related manufacturing con-
Although, increased surface area as a result of greater extent
siderations explored above, there are several others that need to
of latticing equates to incurring additional processing effort, the
be considered when designing lattice structures for SLM. These
relationship is not very straight-forward due to the complexities
include the minimum wall thickness that the machine can pro-
associated with the surface patch representations and granular-
duce, and the minimum pore size for removing loose powder after
ity needed to adequately capture regions with lower Vf unit cells.
the build. Therefore, for each cell type and cell size, there is a
The Graded strategy, as with the findings for the mechanical per-
minimum and maximum density that is possible to manufacture.
formance, was identified as being the most robust strategy, as it
94 A. Panesar et al. / Additive Manufacturing 19 (2018) 81–94
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