2010 LK 1 Aufgabe

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Name: _______________________

Abiturprüfung 2010
Englisch, Leistungskurs

1. Summarize George’s account of the “experiment“ (l. 39). Focus on the changes
envisaged, the potential consequences and different reactions to it.
(Comprehension) (16 Punkte)

2. Analyse the communication and relationship between the characters. Pay attention to
language, stylistic devices and stage directions. (Analysis) (24 Punkte)

3. Choose one of the following tasks:

3.1 George finds Nick and his programme of genetic engineering “terrifying“ (l. 1).
Comment on this view against the background of work done in class.
(Evaluation: comment) (20 Punkte)

3.2 Nick realizes that he cannot win the argument about genetic engineering at two
o’clock on a Sunday morning. Everybody is too tired and drunk. So he decides to call
George late on Sunday afternoon to present his case. Write their dialogue.
(Evaluation: re-creation of text) (20 Punkte)

 Ausgangstext: literarischer Text (Dramenauszug)
Fundstelle: Edward Albee, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1965, S. 44 – 47
Wortzahl: 772

Zugelassene Hilfsmittel:

 Ein- und zweisprachiges Wörterbuch

Nur für den Dienstgebrauch!

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Name: _______________________

Edward Albee
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
The characters are: George, 46, professor of history at an American college; his wife Mar-
tha, 52; Nick, 30, professor of biology at the same college; his wife Honey, 26. The scene is
George and Martha’s living-room. Having met the younger couple at an official university
party earlier, Martha has invited them over for a drink. The two couples keep on socializ-
ing, talking and drinking through the night.

MARTHA (to NICK): Georgie-boy, here, says you’re terrifying. Why are you terrifying?
NICK (with a small smile): I didn’t know I was.
HONEY (a little thickly): It’s because of your chromosomes, dear.
NICK: Oh, the chromosome business. ...
5 MARTHA (to NICK): What’s all this about chromosomes?
NICK: Well, chromosomes are ...
MARTHA: I know what chromosomes are, sweetie, I love ’em.
NICK: Oh. ... Well, then.
GEORGE: Martha eats them ... for breakfast ... she sprinkles them on her cereal. (To
10 MARTHA, now) It’s very simple, Martha, this young man is working on a system
whereby chromosomes can be altered ... well not all by himself – he probably has one or
two co-conspirators – the genetic make-up of a sperm cell changed, reordered ... to order,
actually ... for hair and eye colour, stature, potency ... I imagine ... hairiness, features,
health ... and mind. Most important ... Mind. All imbalances will be corrected, sifted out
15 ... propensity for various diseases will be gone, longevity assured. We will have a race of
men ... test-tube-bred ... incubator-born ... superb and sublime.
MARTHA (impressed): Hunh!
HONEY: How exciting!
GEORGE: But! Everyone will tend to be rather the same ... Alike. Everyone ... and I’m
20 sure I’m not wrong here ... will tend to look like this young man here.
MARTHA: That’s not a bad idea.
NICK (impatient): All right, now. ...

Nur für den Dienstgebrauch!

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Name: _______________________

GEORGE: It will, on the surface of it, be all rather pretty ... quite jolly. But of course there
will be a dank side to it, too. A certain amount of regulation will be necessary ... uh ...
25 for the experiment to succeed. A certain number of sperm tubes will have to be cut.
MARTHA: Hunh! …
GEORGE: Millions upon millions of them ... millions of tiny little slicing operations that
will leave just the smallest scar, on the underside of the scrotum (MARTHA laughs.) but
which will assure the sterility of the imperfect ... the ugly, the stupid ... the ... unfit.
30 NICK (grimly): Now look ...!
GEORGE: ... with this, we will have, in time, a race of glorious men.
GEORGE: I suspect we will not have much music, much painting, but we will have a
civilization of men, smooth, blond, and right at the middleweight limit.
35 MARTHA: Awww. ...
GEORGE: ... a race of scientists and mathematicians, each dedicated to and working for the
greater glory of the super-civilization.
MARTHA: Goody.
GEORGE: There will be a certain ... loss of liberty, I imagine, as a result of this experiment
40 ... but diversity will no longer be the goal. Cultures and races will eventually vanish ...
the ants will take over the world.
NICK: Are you finished?
GEORGE (ignoring him): And I, naturally, am rather opposed to all this. History, which is
my field ... history, of which I am one of the most famous bogs ...
45 MARTHA: Ha, ha, HA!
GEORGE: ... will lose its glorious variety and unpredictability. I, and with me the ... the
surprise, the multiplexity, the sea-changing rhythm of ... history, will be eliminated.
There will be order and constancy ... and I am unalterably opposed to it. I will not give
up Berlin!
50 MARTHA: You’ll give up Berlin, sweetheart. You going to defend it with your paunch?
HONEY: I don’t see what Berlin has to do with anything.

Nur für den Dienstgebrauch!

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Name: _______________________

GEORGE: There is a saloon in West Berlin where the bar stools are five feet high. And the
earth ... the floor ... is ... so ... far ... below you. I will not give up things like that. No ... I
won’t. I will fight you, young man ... one hand on my scrotum, to be sure ... but with my
55 free hand I will battle you to the death.
MARTHA (mocking, laughing): Bravo!
NICK (to GEORGE): That’s right. And I am going to be the wave of the future.
MARTHA: You bet you are, baby.
HONEY (quite drunk – to NICK): I don’t see why you want to do all those things, dear.
60 You never told me.
NICK (angry): Oh for God’s sake!
HONEY (shocked): OH!
GEORGE: The most profound indication of a social malignancy ... no sense of humour.
None of the monoliths could take a joke. Read history. I know something about history.
65 NICK (to GEORGE, trying to make light of it all): You ... you don’t know much about
science, do you?
GEORGE: I know something about history. I know when I’m being threatened.
MARTHA (salaciously – to NICK): So, everyone’s going to look like you, eh?
NICK: Oh, sure. I’m going to be a personal screwing machine!
70 MARTHA: Isn’t that nice.


17 Hunh expression of approval – 24 dank wet and cold, here disagreeable – 28 scrotum bag of
skin containing the testicles – 34 middleweight limit reference to Nick’s fitness and the significance
of boxing in this play. George once refused to box with his father-in-law. So Martha put on a pair of
gloves, approached her husband from behind and knocked him out. – 47 multiplexity complexity,
variety – 49 Berlin during the Cold War, West Berlin was a symbol of freedom – 50 paunch fat
stomach – 64 monolith a large block of stone, here powerful person or organization that is
authoritarian and inflexible – 68 salacious here full of sexual overtones

Nur für den Dienstgebrauch!

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